YOLO PHASE NO. 2 SUBDIVISION 2'-9 1/4" ANGLE M / M �1 10 3/4" 10 1/2" 10 3/4" 311 3" x 21/2" x 3/8" Qt w I -two T♦W ✓{0M 4-too _ �I1'-101/4" LONG -_ _ _ 2 RE° D TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS �- 1 3 4 ACING _ N � , -r- GENERAL 1 �- - '� FB., 3/4"• 3/16"x I-8(/2'; 2 REO'D v to 1�5 _• _ - I R IJRY RETAINIIdG WALL m FLAT BAR 5/6" x 2 f/2" x 2'_6 3/4" 12 REO'D � ~ -Y -- ----- - "- - ' _._�_�_ --3 Work on this pr )ject shall be completed in accordance with 1. This work shall consist of placing rock in cement mortar beds _! = 5/6"x �3" BOLTS ti m oA d the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, APWA, in such shapes and at such locations as shown on the plans - 4 REoo '� " 10 �y Oregon Chapter and the following Special Provisions . or directed b the Engineer and as specified in these Y g p • s.peci- __ ---- i ` 1---s f i c a t i o n s. _ _ + - � d ld- + ,� GRADING AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS - � __- - _ N W �s 2 . Rock for rock masonry shall be clean , hard, durable and free ---'' -- N ��� 0 -' �9 � 170 1 . Areas to be filled shall be stripped of all organic matter, from seams or other imperfections . The rock shall have a FLAT BAR, I/2 x 2I/2 x 2-81/2, 2 REO'D --- „ y �- o ° FLAT BAR, 5/8" x2 V2" x I'-@I/2; 2 REO'D 3/4" � s � 4- 4- CT M � T'- ? 0p� soft spongy earth, or other unsuitable materials , prior to loss in the Los Angeles Rattler Test (after 500 revolutions) CTw PIVD placement and compaction of fill ma..erial . of not more than 50 percent. _ xLU lu 2 . Fill material shall be placed in horizontal , uniform layers, All ::eathered rock shall be rejected. If placed in the face FRAME AND GRATE ��' O �yo � ...: > ,� not to exceed 8 inches in depth prior to compacting; and of the wall rocks le ---- � _ B 116p� --- --- �% I�5r ss than 2 1./2 cubic feet in volume al SEE PLANS FOR G �s '/PIU all fills shall be compacted to 95 percent relative density, shall not be less than. 0 . 5-foot thick, nor less than twice CURB ELEVATION (c.E.) -1 as determined by Method A of AASHO Designation T-99 . as wide as they are thick , nor less than 1 1/2 times as long _ as they are wide. Rocks placed in the heart of the wall 31-41/4" A 2" 255 �� ��' El. 114,Gi�+30. 4Q 3. Excess materials and/or unsuitable materials shall be shall not be less than 3/4 cubic foot in volume, with the 6" 2'-4 I/4" g" g" I a I o 1O �"� � � _ �, _1g ���� 'fie, L= disposed of as indicated on the Plans, or as directed by exception that smaller rocks may be used for pinning and ROAD GRADE -° Io FRAME a GRATE - 3 the Owner. . _ � ��0 m � o __- ___.��J� _.__-__ -- _ I�O for filling the interstices in the heart of the wall. . ��w •` � + '�• PIC (AR )ON 4 . In areas to be paved, the subgrade shall be graded to the Headers in wall sections 1 1/2 feet thick or less shall ex- '6 x- ° o a ° > lLl line and grade shown on the Plans or as establishes? in the tend entirely through the wall and in wall sections greater ° F - > -I I E1. 11ol.11 field by construction staking. The subgrade shall then be - than 1 1/2 feet and less than 3 feet in thickness , they shall �\ a °CONCRETE U� Lc thoroughly compactei by means of mechanical compaction. Ma- be not less than 1 1/2 feet long. The minimum length cif. LsuBGRaoE DRAIN TILE d M , G. 4 ° terial in the upper one foot of the subgrade shall be com- headers in wall sections greater than 3 feet in thickness �4 �° a _ ' p pacted to 95 percent relative density, n PROFI L E ALONG EASTERLY E%E OF 131 KE PATH Rl W y, as determined by shall be 2 feet, and their maximum length shall not be greater O ` • y � a SEE PLANS FOR Method A of AASHO Designation T-99 . than 2/3 the wall thickness. No rocks greater than rine cubic 4� -INVERT ELEV. (IEJ Q 111_ �` H0R• • ' 11 i '15' VERT. 5 . Base course material spar]. be crushed rock of the size yard in volume shall be incorporated in any wall . Roc ` shown on the plans and conforming to the Standard Specifi- 3. Mortar for bedding and pointing shall conform to masonry BACK ILL ° - n •� __ ° . _ _....- ° , cations . mortar. as provided in Section 37 - "Cement Mortar and Grout " ° `D of the "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construc- ° EA51 WEST 6 . Base course material shall be spread on the prepared sub- tion" APWA Oregon Chapter. 3/4" MINUS GRAVEL '3"� - R/�/ grade and thoroughly compacted to the line and p g p '• d° b`ti� R�W g Y P grade shown ".o OR CRUSHED ROCK '0 _ 10 BIKE PATH RIGHT-Of- WAY on the Plans. Crushed rock base material shall be compacted Unle:s otherwise permitted by the Engineer, mortar shall • . p� I G -- -__. -- - - to 95 percent relative density. be mixed in a mixing machine. If hand mixing of the rnortar -a-�`--- 6 1,-8 -17/9" 6 - w 7 . Asphalt concrete pavement shall be Class "C, " conforming to is permitted by the Engineer, the fine aggregate, cement -•nd 6 A LINO the Standard Specifications. Asphalt concrete shall be lime shall be mixed dry in a tight box until the mixt-are as- SECTIONA-A SECTION B-8 _- spread such that the final compacted thickness is a minimum sumes a uniform color, after which water shall b,:. added as r IO 8.0 1'0 .; of three ( 3) inches. The initial lift shall be two (2) the mixing continues. inches with the final one (1) inch being placed within one B ?�c I year sifter City acceptance of project. 4 . Rocks shall be thoroughly wetted before placing, and shall CATCHBASIN UT 8 . Portland cement concrete for curbs shall have a minimus:, be la 3 in full mortar- beds, in courses approximately hori- 0.02' / FT compressive stre=ngth of 3000 psi , 28 days after placement, zonta both in longitudinal and transverse di;-Potions . Vocks \ J �,, ,� """� ""-w--... .�. _ using a minimum 6-sack mix. will ,lot be considered to be properly bedded until mortar I'-4" CLEANOUT FRAME AND COVER "--------' _ - - - - exudes from the underside of the bedded rocks . Selected CON5TK11CT A.0 PAVEMENT STORM DRAIN rocks roughly squared and pitched to line shall be placed Il f r'"°'""'°" 3" CLA56 C A5PHALT GONG, at all wall anal es and a-- all wall ends . Flit and stratified Q IJL . 6 M01n10 /YNT"MTE _ 2' SQ. CONC. BLOCK o V - ��- 1 - 211 3/4".-0 AGC:REGATE 15ASE 1 . Trench excavation for storm drains shall be considered un- rocks shall be . 3id in an approximate horizontal position and WITH 4, V2"x s" 6 (ON COMPACTEa SUeiGRADE) classified. The contractor shall excavate all materials not on edge. Except as provided above, at least 1;'S of the, FOWLER C�UIiC-WAY �[/" 1 on Poll ' ANCHOR BOLTS. PROJECT "'"""'°" area of the face of the wall shall consist of rock headers WATER TIGHT PIPE PLUG SEWER 1aQ OR '' '^'°°'4P°'I =�� UrlI7T regardless of the formation encountered and shall be re- BOLT 3' ABOVE SLAB ' """°°`° " '^'°� OR sponsible for making his own estimate of the kind and extent FORAFInIZAVED EQUAL " D"` �"""" KT*� extending for a distance of twice their thickness into the ADD FUTURE GRADE O 0000 OF 4 I' °�'" °P Tv�l ��l ��CT10� , 2� � r �p �� 1 of materials that may be encountered. MT R ..°„a." T[[»`�' .D TYPICAL Ly e PATH backing. Rocks ,hall break vert ;cal joints or, the Far.posed ADJUSTMENTS. I• 70 000w Paw [• uo , 4. - PIPE o.D.+t ..»a, 10*10 [� '� .ow face of the .all at least 0. 5-foot. Horizontal joints may 6" PIPE -� - KPLW NO 5Ca 1 Q be broken to fit the shape of the individual roc; and may L e„I,ky; ;�• ; 2 . trench backfill above the pipe zone within the proposed or he slightly inclined where necessary. Horizontal and verti- i % WW Oft ov- K� existing roadways shall be 1 -0 crushed rock. Trench back- EASr WEST fill not in roadways shall be clean excavated native material. ;:al joints in the face of the wall shall not be less than �. t 1,A inch and not more than 2 inches in thickness. hacking ' 450 BEND ELEVATION R/W rocks shall be laid so as to break jointz and shall not be 10' 61KE_PATH 3. Storm drains shall be reinforced concrete pipe Class II /,/ 4 OR 6 INCH BUILDING SEWER - less than 3/4 cubic foot in volume nor less than 90 pounds; WYE BUILDING SEWER R16HT-OF- WAY conforming to ASTM C 76 or non-reinforced extra strength in weight. Spaces between the backing rocks shall b flushed e 6" PIPE Pg IPE, IF REQ` concrete pipe conforming to ASTM C 14 or corrugated steel with mortar and then packed with spalls . No voids in any pipe, 16 gage conforming to AASHO M 36 as shown on the part of the wall will be permitted. The rear face of the PAY•LIGHT TO EXIhTI N( G,RP.. plans . AT '311 SLC�yE I �� I wall shall present an approximate plane surface . W811 con- - struction shall not be commenced until the wall foundation opt �o o PLUG,` OR ADAPTOR ��,� ��.� 4 . Coupling bands for corrugated metal pipe shall be "Angle- has been approved by the Engineer. TO BUILDING SEWER /! EXI6TING Lug as specified in the standard specifications. PIPE, IF REQ' D - CROUNp 5 . During the placem_,11t of the storm drain within Walnut Street, 5. Within 24 hours after construction, the joints on all ex- the Contractor shall provide for the maintenance of traffic posed faces shall be raked clear of loose mortar and poir ted � and provide for the safety of property and with the mortar specified so that Y p p Y persons . At no P joints are recessed ap '� 't�,� time shall Walnut Street be closed to through traffic. proximately 1/4 inch. The texture of receGsed pointing CLEANOUT PLACE 2 --� \ !� 24 LF 12"CONS - _ shall match the texture of the rock used and in no case APRON AT 3'+ c�' .; PIPE COD 6.2r, _ "Emeryency Services" shall be notified prior to any dis- INLET TO j ruptions. shall pointing be given a smooth finish. The wall shall be S PIPE Skept wet while the pointing is being done . SG CREEK TI~ ' 6. Concrete for catch basins shall be ready-mixed, conforming to ASTM C 94 , Alternate 2 . Maximum aggregate 1? inch 6 . Weep holes shall be constructed as shown on the plans. Weep 10 PIPE O.D. strength 2500 psi at 28 days. Slump 2 to 4 inches. hole pipe shall be 4-inch concrete or vitrified clay pips CULVERT UNDER DIKE PATH @ STA. 1 + 65 ' at the contractor' s option. Concrete pipe shall be at 7. Beddingfor storm drain installation shall be Class B as least standard strength quality and conform to the BUILDING SEWER require- � 1211 MIN - specified in Section 61-3 . 0362 "Class B Bedding" of the -- - ments of ASTM C--14 . Vitrified clay pipe shall be of extra BACKFILL NO SGa�¢ standard specifications . strength quality and conform to the requirements of ASTM � -- - -f- SHALL E COM- y � � C-200. P06E OF 400' / CLA55 C �.SPHALT q /'7 A � I u► CLA,56CI=. MATCH 1 . All materials and workmanship for sanitary sewers shall con- 7 . Masonry shall not be laid when the temperature is below 480 F. CR06HED RGY-K T THICKNE55 OF EX16T. form to Rules and Regulations Governing the Construct'.on of EX15.. A.C. REMOVE LCl' ENED Mainline Side Building, and Multiple Unit Sanitary Sewers Any work which is damaged shall be removed and replaced. SURFACE PAVEMENT OK 4" MIN. r'' ASPHALT Within the Juri.sdiction, of the Unified Sewerage Agency of EX15T. EM5E •. ., o �,Oppo �jp D �'� Washington County, Oregon, Resolution and Order No. 71-9 and Masonry shall be protected from the sun and kept moist for ct 0 - o O� s3•C� �gQ 0-12 • at least 3 days after pointing. _ I � 2 . The sewer pipe shall_ be Class 2 concrete pipe conforming to NOTE : CUT5 IN A.C. PAVE- a � \ ''��` ��`'' ''��" '='' • '�- • VERTICAL CUT ASTM C 14 ' L ALIERPJATIVE REINFORCED CONCRETE RETAINING WALL MENT SHALL BE MADE tn'11H i with rubber Basketed joints . _ MIN• 11 1• (SEE NOTE) BEDDING -- ---- ----�---- SPADE TYPE PAVEMENT BKEAKER, to I -- TKENCH WII?V r� !� 5PAPE TIPPED DROVHAMMER 3 . The building sewers shall be plugged with rubber In lieu of the rock masonry retaining wall , the contractor ' COMPACTED � •'•• 3/4" -D CO��PACTED CRUSFIED g P g- Basketed �?I?F_ OPD MIN CUTTING WHEEL, CONCRETE SAW, plugs and braced as shown on the plans. The end cf the may conLtr.uct a reinforced concrete retaining wail. The wall UNDISTURBED OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD TRENCH ROCK. MATCH EXISTING 6A6E 2 BACKFILL OR (o" MIN. sewer shall be marked with a 2 x 4 utility grade or better, shall be constructed in accordance with the dimensions shown F1',RTN (NT POINTED PUNCHING W17ht installed from the end of the pipe on the plan and the applicable portions of Section 504 "Struc- A POINTED JACK PERMITTED. HAMMER WILL finished round. p P- to 6 inches above tural Concrete" and Section 505 "Reinforcement" of. t',e Standard PIPE P�EDDI I\1G DETAIL NOT 13E PERMITTED g Specifications for Highway Construction, Oregon Stat:. Highway TYPICAL PATCH FOR WALNUT AVE . 4 . `11 ie sewer shall be installed in a pipe zone of 3/4 inch Division. NO �)czhz - rn.inus crushed rock extending 6 inches above and below the NO Scala Ripe . Backfill above the pipe zone shall conform to back- The concreFc shall be Class 2500-1 1/2 and bar reinforcement fill requirements for storm drain construction. shall be Grade 40. VERO f,, DATE - I YC)LO ESTATES TIGARD, OREGON �- -__ _. SHEET ��c,INf�r� oy� • NOY �7 '� LAYNE UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS x+33 .Wr'g h t DESHIGNER 130$ SW Bertha Blvd. N R CASWtLL OF oN engineering Portland, Oregon 97219 - .g - REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR $ 11 503/246-4293 DRAFTSMAN DEVELOPMENT er T3 �9 Oregon -- Washington .\� consulting engineers JMVV 6120 S.W. Lombard Avenue - DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS � -_ -�f� �- � -- t3eiverton, Oregon 97005 - - -- - Q - DRAWING NUMBER REVIEWER (503)641- JOHNSON 1G720SO ALLEN ' t�,hal�,_ f V�f`Gf 1 1/ TQ' Telephone 503 / fi44 3179 (503)611-717 BEAVFRTON,oN 9�Oo5 /V-,ir_+ nf1 NO. REVISION DATE BY 264-3 Y',,-)JO PHASE NU. ;i,1CASCADE ARCNI7[CTU NAL AND ENOIN[PwINO{�:PIS IY■CO. 4. 1 _-F 3 I � �..r .... _�... - -- .. .... � i -• •' F .. r- ..r' ~' �'` ,.I I r i ! I I ! t ri I4.1 11111'r ill r [1111 1 1111 r11 11 IIs 11 111 111 Ilr n r I rlr 111 111 r11 111 111 111 !11 !1! X11 11! i1r 111 111 !11 III �1 !11 !rI t I I I� I I I I V I I I 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 � At NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED Z 3 4 5 8 7 @ 9 IO 11 IZ _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN I t T THIS NOTICF1rIT IS DUE TO �' MQNAtITY OF TW ORIGINAL 1 AE ea 9Z ZZ 9? sz ►t E2 zz 12 oZ 61 of L1 NI 11I too t1 21 !1 01 6 1 1 9 S IP E 2 1mum ,�'''�' =►rlluullulllfuhullnnl!►ul�latllfl�luluullrsdmflNNIlNl�nainuuhullllll�iltl�/�IIr11N11111}IIINI�H uulunl1u11nulnullWul�N1wUUJU1l�111111111►1111111MM JULY 1019 92 rn O 1 v C n. 1W M MFALM- CON 33 CD nn m PJM O co G) -) R1 C.7 M CD W 0 < p 6!�. CD CD p fD N < (n Ch N CD a.°� 3 CD N 7 W Cl. 9 CITXOF TI1F�IRD OREGON August 18, 1989 Cobra Development Co. 1072.0 SW Allen Blvd. Baaverton, OR 97005 Re: Yol.,) Subdivision (phase #2) Dear Mr. Sharey: This is to acknowledge that effective May 31, 1989, the public improvement facilities installed within the subdivision, improvement project, commonly known as Yolo Estates No. 2, were fully accepted by the City of Tigard, Oregon, for operation and maintenance by the City. Further, this is to confirm that the City of Tigard, Oregon, authorized release of the project performance-maintenance assurances. Should you have any questions regarding the above project acceptance and assurance release, please contact Mr. John Hagman at 539-4171. JSinSin erel Ed Murph community Development Director jr/cobra.ed 1 3125 Sw Hall Blvd .P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — ----- CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOW AS YOLO ESTATES (PHASE 11) SUBDIVISION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, WHEREAS, the City executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated June 9, 1987 with Cobra Development Inc. , an Oregon Corporation, to facilitate installr4tion of public street, storm and sanitary sewer and streetlighting facilities to City standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements have be,in completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for, final Inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have bpen met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Potitionor's guarantee bond"; and WHEREAS, Department of Community Development. staff verifies that all requirements of the City have been met; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1 : The Tigard City Council h(-reby accepts the publ-Lc street, sanitary and storm sewer, and streetlight imprnvemonts known as Yolo Estates (Phase J) subdivision public improvements, Section 2: The ligard City Council hereby authorizes release of the Petitioners guarantee bond, PASSUD: Thi s ......... day of 1989. ATTEST: Mayor laity of Tigard L Deputy Recorder City of Tigard r WjrtC C RF SOL UTION W. 89 ` ! `o\ - Page 2 __.._ �,\ .�,.u,y,„,. m, r n l�f♦...t..,r^:TT'rc� .� m"l'IT^, ,,n;m.nnf1 n.� rwl^X"'7"^MPTTrc+rtn.. � �, 1 4 � r - - - - - . . _ ' e Y � r� �'w�541 t CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON. COU.M . L AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY F: AGENDA ODATE SUHMII'TED: Air i l 24 1989 ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Resolution PREVIOUS ACTION: Placed on maintenance Yolo Estates (Phase 11,1--- guarantee period on_ FFeebruar• 7 1988 subdivision public improvements PREPARED BY: John Hagman_ -b. DEPT HEAD OK CITY ADMIN OK REQUESTED BY: Community D41 Dept.__ POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 . Yolo Estates (Phase II) subdivision is located at tht. oast end of SW Pathfinder, Way as illustrated on the attached map. 2. All public improvements have now ' -,)on satisfactorily completed and have withstood the required one year maintenance guarantee period. 3. .1.he Engineering Division certifies that the improvement is now acceptable and that all requirements have been mot. 4. Therefore, it is recommended that (in accordance with the tor-ms of the project agreement) the City Council accept the public improvements, namely .... street, sanitary and storm seslor system and streetlighting for City operation and maintenance responsibility and, further-, that 010 Council authorize release of the assurance bond, ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None; the (City Developer-) project agreement specified City acceptance upon, satisfactor-y completion of all City requirements. FISCAL IMPACT 1. City assumption of responsibility for operation and maintenance of the public improvements specified above. SUGGESTED ACTION Pass the Resolution -titled: "A RESOLUTION ACCI.PlING, PURI.TC TMPROV[M1.N1S, KNOWN AS YOLO ESTATES (PHASE II) SUBDIVISION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENI-S. " cp/9667D RESOLUTION NO. 89.--.-- Page 1 EXHIBIT MAP ' FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH O '`t g� WOODARD PARK SCHOOL CZYO N uj Oq< 2 W U yl _ a 5� �oyNsc SW WALNUT ST V SW JOH SON P ABY N00,E-5 �t r h SAO ti y SW ERROL ST. cl W� 4�N0 z P SW 0 / wq�� 111TH PL 00, 5 G7 Yolo Estates , ( Ph ase 11) SW WATKINS PL TIGARD % ELEMENTARY \ SCHOOL SW 107TH W _�_— GRANT C . C ORGE \ S^ 3 DERRY DELL CT., -/ C"- Z. y Y C \ QP 3 v4 SW PARK J ST. ul N O SW COOK LANE h3 1 r �m r- N -- y ;T —SW FAIRHAVEN ST. - h - y 1 1 -1 400' i T � \ T. CIT1(UF T16-AIW EXPEODITURE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST :i I This form is a multi-use form. Where .appropriate receipts must be attached. Documentation is /important for tl all purposes. Staple documentation to form. VEt'DOR NO: (` 1 �J`. DATE: ZD PAYABLE T0: Q r- ?�C?JE'�C� WK'Lt� , 1 L1L Requested by: L� ZU .— F, v �ve-A r, OUB. --C-=-._--------a---.----- I MISCELLANEOUS (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, memberships, etc.) : Date Description Account. No. Amount 4:/Z C, cac=caa-ca.-==cmcaa=a_.c-�^_�_-l'�1- ====o=aacsacaacaaccar_aaaaccaccacc=aaaacccaca GENERAL MEAL EXPENSE: -Date Description _ \ Amount Account Number to be charged: V Total e.^_c=c=.eea=cacmcaaanar=ccacaccaa-a-.aa-a-ac=--ao=o-c-ccacaacc aaaasaenas=a=c=caaaa MILEAGE: Date Description: (Include end/start readings and total miles) �� Amount FAII Account Number: Totalmiles X$.21_ eccca=aae=er_caacacts^:sa- ==-=cxaacceaaaacac= aa=car_ac==-vecceeeaaa=aaec_-cma.a APPROPRIATION BALANCE: _ AS OF: — Signature APPROVALS (if 525.00 or under rr c reimbursed through pettyl sfi 5500.00)Section —�- . Agent-0(up to (5500.01-$5,000.00)Dept. Head/Purch. Agent �?'- - NAM b - 4 - 19 ' 9 C6. �� \sem wteL � -aA LA-: - t% sal Olw-c,-K.'lb, CL�Cl��. LS �.�ZC."� /e_L�r • 1 x i J6, tt a.,7 7 411 ll-e� /--` G 1'e4,L. U � o CITY OF TIGA RLQ March 3, 1989 OREGON Cobra Development, Inc. / 10720 SW Allen Blvd. �-— Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Margo Johnson Ret Yolo Estates Y2 Enclosed, in reply to your request, please find a check for $9,193.00. The balance of set-aside funds is being held pending: 1. Correction of defective sidewalk work at 10660 SW Pathfinder Way Placement of the A.C. overlay on SW Pathfinder Way \� 1/3. Blending of the A.C. path to the concrete ramp at the cul-de-sac at the east end of Pathfinder Way Upon finishing this work, the project will be completed, and subsequently, all remaining withheld funds ($3,499.00) will be released. Sincerely, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician jlh enclosure 1312,)SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23347,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — SUKMARY RE: YOLO (Phase I1) Subdivision; Performance Bond Reduction Request: 4 LETTER OF CREDIT (BOND) REQUIRED HOLDBACK RELEASABLE INCOMPLETE COMPLETE ITEM AMOUNT MAINTENANCE* ITEM +/- ITEM Site Prep/Grading $ 6,019 $ $ $ 1,204 Concrete Curb $ 3,000 S $ $ 600 Street $ 9,990 $ $ $ 1,998 Sanitary Sewer $ 7,230 $ $ $ 1,446 Storm Sewer $ 7,924 $ $ $ 1,585 Water. Line $ 8,000 $ $ $ 1,600 Gas Line $ n/a $ $ $ -- U.G. Tel/Elect. $ 600 $ $ $ 120 Walks/Aprons $ 4,131 $ 826 $ $ -- A.C. Overl, i $ 2,353 $ $ 2,353 $ -- Lighting $ 3,200 $ $ $ 640 Misc. $ 1,600 $ 320 $ $ -- TOTALS: $54,047 $ 1, 146 $ 2,353 $ 9, 193 - --- - __ 3 -3- �9 * Required withholding for maintenance guarantee assurance &� +/- Required withholding for installation assurance j1h/dac.4 OVL- 2 3 3zc (�� S- Aq� CI ■ ~ /■ TIGARD EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST I This form is a multi-use form. Where appropriate receipts must be attach(:.:. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple documentation to form. VENDOR NO: DATE: ? - L.7 PAYABLE T0: C.r,4i't-al t�e�rc ny►►r°�tt -4,' Requested by: avaeaaaaaamaaanamaaaaaaacanca=a=nc==cs=a_c=((ocean(=aaccccaancaaacm==ccoc=as:=-= MISCELLANEOUS (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, memberships, etc.) : Date Description Account No. Amount L7 <✓-' ��n - cr �r i� - 7_ZCC%C.' CL �saaaaaaacammaexecaancc===o=ovoccc000nceeeacncoc-,ccaa nnacne=�aeacece000000=scan GENERAL MEAL EXPENSE: Date Description Amount 1e 1 4t~4� � • Accou ' ` Total aeac=aeaaaaaae 1 1 .^c-aca=ncmaaaacn-=senanaa.- vn MILEAGE: Date Descrip d total miles) Amount Account Number: Total+_ miles x$.21 mmaammm.■msavmmmammammaaaaovaccacsc=c-a=cv==:=--_acaanac=caaamaaaccaL==�-zan=an=-== APPROPRIATION BALANCE: _ _AS OF: _ Sipnaturr. APPROVALS (if $25.00 or under may he cr1ml,,,rswd tht,ntt;h petty cash) : (up to $500.00)Section Manager Purch• Agent: (=500.01-$5,000.00)Dept. Head/Porch. Agent I .T- �''��1�"�:; ,r? / ,,• `,; „� �. f/ t is• ` I�`o� ,,•{-. �/,• r yi'v C'cL ,i !?!14e' Era 15199 COBRA D o sw LAOPMENT Beaverton, Oregon 97005 too, (503) 641-7477 C" �j 01 7i'C�GuI� rn ct,,,c� tov�- � � I C.10 ZA " \�{�C)•• 7 y ? 7 3 I I I V` V L s z w 0 O (t) ado w ;t, 9 > �JQ W N C CJ PO or cc ro 1./.J m O U I -89 July 8, 1988 c �c� � �+••�• �off` Margo Johnson (� ac�� leAe� Cobra Development, Inc. ° � \�&• io -�,e 10720 SW Allen Blvd. 1 Beavn_rton, OR 97005 ( C RE: Yolo (phase no. 7Z Subdivision Dear-Mrs, 3vfttieon This is to acknowledge that as of February 1.7, 1986 the subdivision improvement project known as Yol-o (phase no. 2) has been conditionally accepted by the City, placing it onto its one year guarantee period, subject to the following: [X] Completion of incomplete perfore!ance items, namely: placement of the asphaltic conrete overlay on SW Pathfinder Way. [X] Correction of known defects, namely: correct driveway apron lip elevation (next to the pathway apron) and blend the A.C. path to the Fathway apron " [X] Continuation of developers maintenance responsibility and correction of any d^ficieneies which may arise during the guarantee period. To assure the aforesaid, until such time as the project is fully accepted by the CitT for operation and maintcnince purposes, the City has taken the foilo::ing action(s) : [ ] Authorized release of the original performance assurance. [ j Authorized continuation of the original performance assurance in full forcr and effect. [X] Authorized a redaction of the original- performance assurance and is holding the balance as a performance and maintenance assurance. [ ] Accepted a (reduced) performance assurance. [ ] Accepted a maintenance assurance. I ] Other: Should you have any q,,esti.ons regarding any of the above, please contact me +I 639-4171. Sinc,relV , John h. HagmAfi Engineering Tech. JH:ke 1581.5b 13125 SW Holl Blvd.,RO.Box 23397,Igard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — CITYOF TIGARD EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST This form is a multi-use form. Wher. appropriate receipts must be attached. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple documentation to form. VENDOR NO: n DATE:`_ ] — PAYABLE T0: Cv r-� 1 CL Requested by: •'SCC.0 Q6amllia"nrmm"m66wGt CC6CCC C'3CIGCCC C�C�GC=C SfCCCi2OCG:.Olrmma mm— Iran oma o.....arra MISCELU NEOUS (Narking, books, subscriptions, dues, memberships, etc.) : Date DescrinLion _ \\ Account No. Amount V, 4y 34' \1\ _ vac\ U ���:.:.�.t-3�nr '[•-`f� .—.�.. ow.(�� R # o -z zc>Uc> c=aurora.rs��a�mmmmrmmrmoaorravccammmmama.ommammonmammamraoor"mmoomrmmrmwmmomom GENERAL MEAL EXPENSE: Date Dnecriptiou Amount Account Number to be charged: �— Total �eeexeeswwrruir�naawwwarrnanrwaaarnawaaasarrawwnaaaarawwrnrrraaarwwrraarrrawrrrwa MILEAGE: Date 1 Description- (Include end/start rending:; aid total miles) Amount Account Number: Total miles x$.21 ommmmmamormmmmoammirmwmommmommomummmroam.."mor no""mammon nommmrr, APPROPRIATION BALANCE. AS OF: Signature APPROVALS (if $25.00 of under may be reimbursed through petty cash) (uv Lo 1500.00)Sert •nn Manav,,r Purch. A ent SUMMARY RE: _(�� U Subdivision; Performance Dond Redm tion Request: i—. _. CVT-( (BONO) REQUIRED HOLDBACK F.EH ASABIJ ITEM AMOUNT MAINTENANCE* INCOMPLETE ITEM COMM, 1 11 11 FM Site Prep/Grading $ c, C! I � Zn4 Conc. Curb $ -s Ooc) $ t,00 $ i Street $ 9 ,990 $ 19`t6 $ — $ San Sewer $ IZ10 $ )4 4tc $ — Storm Se ver $ -7 19 24 $ 1 )5 n5 $ -- $ -- Water Line $ �CKX) $ 116C)o $ — $ Gas Line $ N , A, , $ — $ $ U.G. Tel/Elect . $ L.00 $ 17-V $ $ Walks/Aprons $ 4 131 $ Ze, $ A.C. Overlay $ 2 , 353 I $ — $ z,3 a3 $ Lighting $ 3 Z00 $ (,4{) $ — $ Mi sc.(?ATl4> $ $TOTALS -7$ S4 104q $ 1�.,33`i $ Z 35 T=e•o1.,�r 'AIIk C\a . .� '1.•♦ use .� c�.+,P`e_�tv,n ���,.�..�.c r *Required wit.holding for one year guarantee period asurancA (JSH:br/1943P) 'r e,lFtW ir.-c L'7y3t- �'K lht' A�2•� r' CITY Of TI v.ARD EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST I di; This form is a multi-use form. Where appropriate receipts must be attached. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple documentation to form. VENDOR N0: DATE: 1 ` T� PAYABLE T0: C',ol�r� ve-1 wVe+1 � , Requested by: _ Or. 9-1005 /wm�t¢G¢Ow/Rm=mmm//mm////e¢///¢C... .=.mCCr/////////rr///////////m//i/QR/C¢//mama MISCELLANEOUS (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, memberships, etc.) : Pate Descri tion Account No. Amount mac¢-�¢ac.^_s csac¢/v//avcc�ac=o¢rcacv¢¢ccr./ac//////avv//v//////ter///ccc/ra��aacrmw GENERAL MEAL EXPENSE: -Date Description Amount Account Number to be charged: Total — _ MILEAGE: Date Description: (Include end/start readings and total miles) Amount Account Number: Tctal miles x$.21 raa¢a/=am///nwv/wcv/avv/v//avwccac.cmav/av/av/v/vwv//w/v/mav/warwna¢c¢¢s�rwm�c� APPROF'RIATION BALANCE: AS OF: _ Signature_ —_________ APPROVALS (if $25.00 or under may be reimbursed through petty cash) : (up to $500.00)Section Manager _ Purch. Agent (:500.01-=5.nn0.nn)nent. Hpad/Purrh. Avert d SUMMARY RE: _ `���� � n?��� Sulxiivision; Performance Bend Reduction Request N_ - . k T' (BOND) REQUIRED HOLDBACK RELEASABL4. ITEM AMOUNT MAINTENANCE► INCOMPLETE ITEM COMPLETE ITEM Site Prep/Grading $ /,,)O1c1 $ ��Z� - $ - R ♦ - - Conc. Curb $ 131 0C)0 $ L C'G $ — $ Z 14V0 Street $ 990 $ / 99f" $ — $ -7j 9`jZ San. Sewer $ ,23o $ / �44�- $ — $ 53"784- Storm Sewer $ -7,9z4 $ /,5"" ;`� $ _- $ 6,3331 Water Line $ 8 ,000 $ /0 (,Uo $ — $ (G)40V Gas Line $ M.N . $ $ r $ U.G. Tel/Elect $ (000 $ / 2c', $ $ Walks/Aprons $ d ,13 k $ -- $ 4 , $ A.C. Overlay $ 2 ,35 3 $ — $ 2 )--s $ Lighting $ 3,200 $ $ $ -2 C) TOTALS $ A, 4- $ 3R r��r %Required witholoing for one year guarantee period asuranc.p. (JSH:b-/1943P) .......... �—a tavdoutw;r. -4rS�:iliikilliti�:u'ilWbuSMnOiwViGl{ib1l0YFYu4ot�IdW9Y�i�{ Ii w . . �� .. 4z30l r . o. C1 BLVD. pate 13125 S-- HAL1. ' 1,.0.90X 23397 TI(3AROOR 07223 1 Name i Add ess �; 1 r �= Subd►vlsl°nlAddress Chech, Lot at Sp Cesh � Plumb Rec.By ; Permit N's Bldg. other other Aunt i Sewer oescrlptlon AC°t'NO. Sulldln Permit Fees 2 Plumbin Permit Fees 10,431 M ha nical Permit Fees 1o•431-60igtota Bid .Tax I 10-230-501 plans Check Fee 10,E tion 30.443 Se wer Con esc ` Sewer Ins ion oev.CChar hats 1 51448 streets st. 1 Paths i S St.oev. � 52.'449010 parhe its St.oev.Cher Char a li244a8� oraina a Syst.pov 31.4 Storm , 1Q�30 BusinessPIS 10,34 Ball 10.227 Fines•TtatticlMisdlParkin0 . 10-455• CPTA TtalllclMladlVlc. Asst• �I 10.230- Indigent oelenae I 1 Sewer Service,USA 121 rvic wer SeslClty 122 30 nt. ev ce tY 'Mar �� �• � tc O I nrna e torm to no'g TOTAL U CUBToMFa m� WMRKMRILM r~- LIE pub; "No C-k-") ,\\ % Z,/L 4AAA-*) Atm c� �/k 0 a �71'�r�G NT t-0 U, C :7-p Cv\ TOY��Jl� V,P YGk 1rc p z i353 x q C,u.-� 3,000 -��•z,� Y° �2�� m ���► L 7,924 ✓ x �Jyvt Jrt� -)Izw -3 ✓ • u,G . � Goo �] l't� �� C� ti-, re lti se 1 CITY OF TIFA RD) OREGON January 4, 1988 Mr.. Richard Johnson Cobra Development Inc. 10720 S.W. Allen Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005 RE: Phase II, Yolo Dear Mr. Johnson: There is a twenty-four inch storm water culvert installed on Lot #15. The inlet end of the pipe is projecting from a fill and has no headwall. Con- sequently, if headwater should becane deep enough to create a significant flow through the culvert, a wide area may be flooded; particularly since it appears that there is only about one foot of elevation difference between the existing ground !surrounding the house on said Lot) and the culvert top. The aforesaid culvert is not shown cn our public improvement drawing and, we find no record of any submittal having been made, for review and approval by the City, for its installation. We need to verify that it has been properly designed and installed. Please investigate this matter and act to furnish evidence thereof. Should such not exist, please have your project engineer act to provide such to this office. Sincerely, �I John S. Hagman Engineering Technician JHjmj 13125 SW Nall Blvd_F.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — :6+<wNl?7tHata:�r�WYitknid'�j,6oFYlYi�'k1Wi11i,'if y�.j, 1A �.L1PMY'.nw'kYaa.Y4vJIN41 ii. : ••'��s,.4a:4:}�.,. a December 30, l 87 CITYOF TIGARD OREGON Mr. Richard Johnson Cobra Development Inc. 10720 S.W. Allen Beaverton, OR 1.7005 Re: YO10 Estates (Phase Ii) Dear Mr. Johnson: In reply to your request for release of additional performance monies, for site grading and sidewalk installation, we will be able to do so when the following is accomplished: 1) Stabilize the embankment placed along the aoutheast boundary G of your subdivision, namely: at the rear of lots #9-12, settle- ment at the toe of slope, erosion on the face and at the top p• , 2) Complete placement of backfill along the back edge of the side- 1� a fp walk, on the north side of the roadway, in accordance with construction plan Section A-A Detail (copy enclosed) . Remove the forms now protruding above the surface of the side- walk at the wheelchair ramp in the cul-de-sac. When the aforsaid work is finished, please contact our inspector mr. Mike Mills at 639-4171 for inspection. Upon receipt of Mike's con- firmation that the work is satisfacorily completed, I will process release of pertinant set-aside monies. Sincerely, John S. Hagamn Engineering Technician JH/mj 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O Box 2339 7,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 AA � l oc' 1 O d ul I!) I - F � Ll 7 W e t ki � r � s 7 u 0 vn) t Ll cc MJ I V L U I N p 1 CGS tot 7Ag I v z LU t!1 1+(9T7 a ' I ► �a .� - v V -r i 4 r4 - - s� ,- ►- r L. N _ o LL a i ` rr J _ � � G r MMELAILAIRALMIN k S Cl\ r P-2, C.%ANr -a �NC 20> \\ c ov.C.If Ne4.�,-2\\4, gr �pwOVA �^eC c? e- A06-ACAq lCj\� 't�Ct. o� �Sr TvG h4Lc.C.%QC_l It o s�G op;, 40S t bi �iY �"�- c-'�r,1, X10 ,� �� 41 o 0 dr/X f G{�l j •P P/�� Gf .'y-- ■ w In a u, �pLO 0 u r H u - Z C t�0 �qJ - _ z Q -� N Ili coOj aZl�y� ► o 09 6 11 l� of+ ?A9 I w y H, - 0rot01 9n9 �= z ' w i 11 4 .I � ,t+ t � N 0 ')A _ I `4 V ■■ vi td ET\ ( , I �n 6, � C I CITY OF TI6A RD December 8, 1987 OREGON Mr. Richard Johnson Cobra Development, Inc. 10720 S.W. Allen Beaverton, OR 97005 RE: Yolo Estates (Phase TI) Dear Kr. Johnson, In response to your reques-c for this project to be placed on 1 year maintenance, I asked the City's publi% works crew to inspect, using a T.V. camera, the sanitary sewer ,,.Alnline with particular interest in the service lateral connectionj. The results of said inspection conducted December 7, 1987, showed in- filtration at the connection for service to lot 11. The distance from the existing manhole at the entrance, to the tee is 196 ft. This in- I filtration must be stoppe9, prior to going on maintenunre. Also, the service latera. to lot. 10 showed flow bL` no infiltration at the mainline connection, there may be a leak in tie lateral, or possibly someone using water in the house. I can arrange for ycu to view the T.V. tape if so desired. Please correct this situation and call 639-9171. i.f you have any qu: ions. Sincerely, ell/1;/(Kt �� Michael C. Mills Construction Inspector cc- Burton Engineering i 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Bo-(23397,flgard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - 4�e. 74 I r �T 'y/� ��`"~�� �'Cf/✓�'- ,�� �'t-v c' dst ('tom C'_. ��--�!�- ele ell o�c � GC Z� �� L'.�c�tJ7Ghrt�r •, tt �cl`�'r _.......,., .,i„.n�,..v,.:.,x.uw..,.:.e,a,.,au.,.r..s..,..:,..,,.a :._ ..Wd ...i_.;:.,,n:.,e.+......,wu.«r.ewryu.+iwrr«Yi►uurw.wrwearecw�'M rYtieFYfYWI"JiYn4Krlbk'+'. : ,M M`r DEVELOPMENT p\Gss� �;�,a COBRA I've e �Je� 10720 S.W. Allen Beaverton, Oregon 97005 (503) 641-7477 ww '� � beak �, k, � r;9uti�, // UA WO-4 CM OUA Y61C) ICS/ CAA - AA11i c r a.O "'1 JC— KW-f- G �t�� , �-► :� GJ -77A L7,,J- V U01. ,�(��cuk 6 October 5, 1987 OREGON 25 Years of SerWc7e 1961.1986 Cobra Development '^ompany 10720 SW Allen Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Mr. Richard Johnson Re: Yolo Estates (Phase Z) Dear Mr. Johnson: This is sent to "update" my letter of August 7, 1987. The following items need to be completed eud/or corrected prior to City placement of the project onto its one-year guarantee period: (1 / 1. Complete (proper) installation of the sign post at the entre.ace to the bikepath. ✓l. Install the mailbox cluster. With submittal to the City of written authorization from the postal department such may be relocated to the West side of the roadway. - 3. Complete grading of all lots, etc; of particular concern is the embankment of the rear of Lots X19-14 (maximum acceptable slope is 2:1). This must be done very soon and must be stabilized prior to the wet season. Also we have noticed that the mouumentation is flush with the first lift of paveaent s..a# therefore, will necessarily have to be adjusted upward at the time of placement of the final lift of pavemeu4. I hope this helps to clarify the present status of your project. As soon as items nuaber one through three above are complete, pleasle contact Mr. Mike .ills, of ►"_- office, for inspection. We will then be able to process documentation conditionally accepting the project and reducing the bond. Very Trulv, John S. HagmRn $ngineering Technician is/1185D cc: Pile 13125 SW Hall Blvd„P.Q.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-1171 - ------------- M sw ol Z 10114 'lid �C � i��o�c�.�,�►-tic 1° /y i .c /cr ��r f!cf/ moo, /-?Ox- X1'L 1.4. IOCIL 1 �— '. . . SF_e. VVIR'. -2JAce THOMAS H. BURTON ENGINEERING & SURVEYING 302 TIGARD PLAZA - PORTLAND,OREGON 972-2' September 12, 1987 City or Tigard Re: Yolo Estates City Hal ! Construction Tigard, Oregon 97223 Completion Herewith certification of compliance ori the above mentioned project. i have made final inspection of the project and it is now complete as indicated on the attached form. Previous compaction test was made on the one lift of asphaltic conrrlte in the street with below minimum required ;ompaction results obtained. Close examination of these tests revealed improper methods were used causing some effect in the base rock below the asphalt giving erroneous results. Additional tests were made from actual cores taken from toe asphalt as constructed with satisfactory results obtairau. ;' ese results are enclosed. S1..n•c e r e l y, �13homas ��. urt n, n. F. '\ L CERTIFICATION OF CORPLIANCE ( RE: o/o � f4.fC's This is to certify (in accordance with N.C. 17.09.160 and K.C. 17.09.120) to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following item(s) have been installed in compliance with the City's subdivision improvement standards and specifications; and that the following items are complete in accord with the approved plans, special specifications and conditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project, to wit: (Project Engineer's Initials) 1. Sanitary Sewer System .< f 2. Storm Sewerage System, T 3. General Utility Systems: Domestic Water • Electrical Power Gas Telephone Cable T.V. Streetlighting 4. Street System: Subgrade Base Surfacing. . .Base Lift:_, rit[�l isik: iJ�7 �- Sidewalks L y Fk Uf..i �•-�e `t ye b'' ( � - � T Aprons A Ramps Al-Kc i C �" �` �. 4-1 � "s� —T Curb 5. Nonumentation System 6. Pathway System o,j<-, y✓ .Z_ Certified this �_Z� day of ' �t,� I99__7 _. BY: (Project Engineer) i FIRM: �v✓.1,`� �� ze (OO70S) �r t Construcdon Inspection&Re/ateJ Tcsts Carlson Testing, Inc. P.O.Box 23814 August 31 , 1987 Tigard,Oregon 97223 #CP-3460 Phone(503)684-3460 Cobra Development Co. 10120 S.W. Allen Blvd. Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Re: Yolo Estates Park Creek Class "B" Asphaltic Concrete Gentlemen: As requested, three core samples were drilled in the asphaltic concrete at the above referenced project by our representative on August 28, 1981. The cores were tested for actual laboratory compaction. Following tire the test. -esults: Core Asphalt Specific Unit % No. Location Thickness Gravity_ Weight Compaction 1 160' from Existing AC 1 7/8" 2.320 144.9 pcf 94.2% 2 Right Side of 2 1/4" 2.371 141.9 pcf 96.2% Culdesac 3 90' from Existing AC 1 3/4" 2.3:30 145.3 pcf 94,5% iSfM D2041 Rice Value used to figure compaction a 153.8 p.c. f. . if there are any further questions on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact, our office, Very truly yours, C/rRt_SONTING, CS Douglas leach Presi Sj: l to cc: City of Tigard Burton Engineering VCM (25 F TI1FAISD► August 20, 1987 GON rs of Service 61-1986 Burton EnginEpring 302 Tigard Plaza Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Yolo Estates (Park Creek) Dear Tom: The results of the in-place asphaltic concrete density tests indicate areas less than se_isfactory. APWA standard 211.3.05 B specifies compaction shall be 90%. What iF your recommendation to achieve this standard? Also, be advised that further testing, may be required for the second lift. Sir.^erely, '4/ Michael Mills Construction Inspection cs/0640D :3/ 13125 13125 SW Nall Blvd.P.0 Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- i 1 nn.trv.h on Imp-tit it K Rebri(I It-%tN Carlson `Testing, Inc. PO 6o■23814 Tigard,Oregon 97223 Ph0ne(503)684.3460 CP-3460 AOS I~o. REPORT LF IN—PLACE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE DENSITY TESTS C hem, Cobra Development Co. _ --�- -- P,o ec, _ Yolo Estates Park Creek Descr-pt'on Class "B" Asphaltic Concrete from Lonestdr- Rice Density 153.8 — Marshall Value _ _ Method of Test , Nuclear 3411-B o•r[ r-r T E S T LQC A T I O N Litt No. In Place Density co..••c•.o. YES) ra t3-10 1 Pathfinder, 30' from Existing Paver ent Lt. of 139.2 90.5 s;--10 2 Pathfinder, 90' from Existing Pavement Rt. of Ctr. }. 135.6 88.2 8-10 3 Pathfinder, 160' from Existing Pavement Lt. of Ctr. i 1 135.2 88.0 8-10 4 Pathfinder, Right Side of Culdesac 1 136.1 83.5 8-11 5 Pathfinder, Left Side of Culdesac 1 138.7 90.2 - - I ReKotVs Notes This is the first lift of asphalt and it is only 1�" thick. - -- B-urrfonn�gi leer-Mg - - ':ARLSON 'ESTiNG 'NC CITY OF Ti17A RD August 7, 1987 OREGON 25 Years of Service 1961-1986 Cobra Development, Inc. 10720 SW Allen Beaverton, OR 97005 ATTN: Mr. Richard Johnson RF.: Yolo II Dear Mr. Johnson: An inspection of the proposed public improvements in said subdivision was conducted for the purpose of determining its readiness for City tentative acceptance action (i.e. , for placement of the work onto its one-year guarantee period). The following listing, as a result of said inspection, summarizes items which remain to be completed and/or corrected prior to such action: 1. Complete installation of the bike path; in particular, its tie to the wheelchair ramp at the Cul-de-sac, shoulder (finish) grading along the length of the pathway and proper installation of the sign/post. in 2. Patch the street pavement at the lip of the wheelchair ramp -o€. the Cul-de-sac. This must be dotip right away' 3. Install the mailbox cluster. With submittal to the City of written authorization from the postal depnrtmer,t such may be relocated to the west side of the roadway. 4. Complete grading of all lots, etc; of particular concern is the embankment of the rear of Lots 119-14 (maximum acceptable slope is 2:1) . This _must be done very soon and must be stabilized prior to the wet season. 5. Copies of density test results for all. fill areas, including the street area, must be submitted to the City for review; your engineer needs to oversee this and provide said data. h. Your engineer needs to provide "project certification's to the City as stipulnted in the project compliance agreement. i Further, ::hough it is recognized that minor defects will occur throughout the one-year maintenance guarantee period, the following listing generally summart-,es major items noted which will need to be completed and/or corrected prior �o Cii:v final acceptance of the project (i.e. , within one ; ear after City tentative acceptance) . 13115 SW Hall Blvd,P.0 Box 2.1327,regard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ---- --- --- -____.. ---__ Letter to Johnson Page 2 August 7, 1987 1. Installation of the balance of the projects sidewalks. 8. Installation of the final lift of A.C. Pavement (overlay). Since the appropriate maintenance bond options and, also, since final work completion deadlines were previ.ousiy addressed in the project compliance agreement, I won' t elaborate thereon. If you have questions, please call me at 639-4171. Sincerely, / ohn S. Hagman Engineering Technician III ce/0408D I OCATION OF PROPERTY IMPRC MEMBER# 1 66=1_JOB# 17143 — 10580 al Pathf_ ar_W y� THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT: Tiaazrl–AJ�r1 --- _--- Ii+10.--- Date 1-28-87 Service 7•-2747 f�., HAS BEGUN TO PROVIDE: [1 ] Owner ❑ Lender ❑ Contract ❑ Lessee _BUUMI'I MATERIALS _._.- T 0: City of Tignird 0 0 4 q 11 C; ORDERED BY: 13125 SW Haul CCBRA Tigard, OR 97223 for improvement upon the property described as follows, of which you are the owner or reputed owner, contract buyer, lessee or lender. �X] Owner ❑ Lender ❑ Contract ❑ Lessee 'Dract A Yc)lo, Lots 9 ttuv 15, T0: Ix)uyy_I.as R. PailoclY010 Estates: 2113 'Franklin Astrxia, OR 97103 TAX LOT __— SECTION TOWNSHIPRANGE of theW.M [_A Owner E] Lender r] Contract ❑ lessee as DESCRIBED 10 Cbbtra Imo]< rxltlt- Co., COUNTY: Wagtup-t_m STATE of OREGON 10720 191r1 AI.)-r?rt ItfvCJ., LENDER RECORDING INFORMATION: NOTICE OF THE RIGHT TO LIEN Delivered to you by certified 04 BMDA EWARNI:NG: Read this notice. Protect your mail from PORI LAND, OREGON, aying any contractor or supplier ice for the same service. nn a-5-87 NOTICE TO OWNER OR REPUTED OWNER, CONTRACT BUYER, LESSEE OR LENDER OF DELIVERY OF MATERIALS OR SERVICES THIS ISNOT ALIEN, however a lien may be claimed for provided. This notice is in no way a reflection upon the all materials, labor and services furnished after a date that is integrity or credit standing of yourself or your contractor. Fight days not including Saturdays,Sundays and other holidays THIS ISNOT A LIEN. It is a notice sent to you for your as defined in ORS 187.010 before this notice was mailed to protection in compliance with the construction lien laws you. of the State of Oregon. Even if you ur your mortgage lender have made fuli pay No further notice to you of this or any subsequent delivery mens to the contractor, who ordered these materials or is necessary. services, your above described property may still he subject If you have any questions concerning this notice, please feel to a lien, unless the supplier piuviding this notice is in fart free to contact us for any information which you may require. pard, This is part of the customary routine of transacting Fusiness in the construction industry, and is to inform you that if the (IMPORTANT INFORP4ATlONON REVERSESIDEI person or firm, who supplied material, labor or services, for some reason or another do not receive payment, they would then have the right to placea lien on your property for services By BUILDING MATERIAL DEALERS ASSOCIATION, Agent Cow,ohi 1981 by BMDA 577 E. Burnside St., Portland,Oregon 97214 . (503) 232-2631 xvavv.ivvayri� C75 cy Z Z m _ N U <'J �UJJ 70 z 1 r _ z O Q Q Lh W w LAJ � W ry Q ¢ T r.3 1rJ a (n x t� COX ,w 947 Z CL 0 w / a a) ICS z � z j CL m Ino 1" �R w � CIT"Of TIGA RD EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST This form is a multi-use form. Where appropriate receipts must tie attached. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple documentation to form. 11 � VENDOR NO: - _ DATE: Jui1.^ ?, y9)6~J PAYABLE T0: ca ra 1\I-� e•�1�;ATG , Requested by: 7v r n . Ot 017005 wwwwwwrwrrwwwrwrwrrrwrwrwwwrrww wwrwwr wwww rrrwrr.Nor m wrrrrr.011101w0. rrwr.wrwwrwr. MISCELLANEOUS (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, memberships, etc. ) : Date Descri tion I Account No. Amount e- wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrwwrrwwrrrrwwrwrwwwwwwwwrwwwwrswwwwwwwwowwwuwwwrrwrwrwwrww. � 1 GENERAL MEAL EXPENSE: Late Descri tion Amount ,y + � I Account (lumber to be charged: Total r �1�M�wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrwwrwwrwrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrwwwwww�wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrr ki,LeAGE: Gate Descri tion: (Ir:lude end/start readings and total miles) Amount Ceount Number: Total "Iles x20 NMr•w�wwwwwrrwwwwwwrrrrwwrwwwwrwwrwwwrrwrwwrrwwrrwwwwwwwrrrwwwwrwwwwrwwrwwe mow• i lR+OPRIATlo BALANCE: �--—ter �.AS OF: signature AMPROVALS (it $25.00 or under may be reimbursed through petty cash) : IUP to 1500.00)Section Manager _ P.,rch Aprnr "o-01-85,000.00)Dept . Head/Purch Agent __ WAI-NLST 5REET NOTE : Contractor shall clear debris - - - -- -J � z and undergrowth 5 ' each side of the PROP05EP : ` FONNERr existing tek f:lowline from Walnut \ � RCF. � � RIP RAF APF?ON ST Street to the new culvert at Pathfinder o , 2orMIN Way . Debris shall be removed from the � ALL (.ON FbR - _ #A TO EX 15 51�Y,�L� _1r T project ito and disposed of at an-t' �F �-�a T --.. . _ -- -- == a Pp roved isposa1 site . _ - - —= _ _ _-- — - _ NY �' fzp - - -=- - /� ` . •C Lt-CF NATLURAt. / _ `,� EX 1�1 45 C.M.P_ �' EX, CCNSTP\int I- RI P CHAP OUTLET J �. 10 -rAL L. F I P- P-P ,f-g Lao 1o� _-�== � REAL 4 G N f . OF GREEK .� - 40 C�N', I.c . IN ( 1X3.2 5) -� \\ I.e. o U? ( I 52.3 0) PROTECTI 4 RIP RAS s - --- � - :� PER T1(I'ICAL 5�T 10�! � r SHALL DF- CLQ a0 FEK �► _ NF RAP OUTLET ..' ��' r CATG H BAS 1 N I I.E. tit .50 STAL L 24 L.F. OSHP 51P SFrc_.. �T1C N 714• � ` \ _ �� � z P90TF-CT�C�N (� t, ° Q I.E. 1(0 .Go \� YC. 5.154 12'' �cONG. F� - / aL-0, air Z tCo F �--- / ,� Rip RAP OUTLET PRQ1EGYlON @ b.Z�p�c� SEE pETAI1.,-�' � ,�- '• / .• � �\ 45 L.F. 12��CONC. FIPL= � _ 1' 3HEE NO, 2 %"- - - c�.out 154.2 \ I.� . oU't to .30 T.G. 111 . � �. (� 110l �. ° I \ } o° 'k' Ilk- 1 r / z _ , '� - ___ �- - - - _ �J MjTALL -T5 L.F. OF 3(0" CMP oo; ,CON6rKV(.1 f55 Lam-- / �� '� UAyL-16HT / -. i' - =- -- _ G 70E OF I .E 1(�t ='��, �=--_, --_ , %� 1 ad x.2-/3 x Ill ' COFRRUGATION5 �8 R GLA55 �. -- �% "���, - _� `__.� ,/ r"`M ExlS?. 15`' I(v GAUGE . M11ER PIPE TO 60NFo)" _ -';-- _ y�� '{ 10 1rMFANKMENT SLGP� tl i \ , r•:•:"'r:•:4''l,. 7,? :Ci•: .;ry::yr .;.• 6 //�V y`y�.�,{ .l YL14HT 10 r :. ^J 6 _ 5 4 INE clrtEEK 1 u 1 1 1 •l.r LL •1. I I OF .t ( C 1 3 M I FL L _ I TOE r r � L t t .t R .i 5 ?::y' \ 1 _- ►— — 1 I •t r. t t r _ IA 5E � I L CONC. 1 8 N 2 PE / — + — L( `w• — 1 i T — O T Y 1 t; 5 , E T o n,E � I I C� 3 0 1�N5 14L.L R ►P—RAP - 163.co H10vE _ _ � � _ _ _ _ Y,,,�;. t ro anti �aALVAG, Cr• - - _ _ ` - -- - - - - \ � - TOE __ - i NS-raL.L c .o. .- - - - :;,; ;::. . __ � - - -- CATc:� P�A51 N i 1:X 151. 24 L.F _ ;:.:.. _ _ �•,1 PI>� I tJ L,�.T - - _ - _ - %'- , _ - -- - - _ _ - - __ - 1-70` dl4 T C. t(o�_CT j \ / ROCl D u - FILL _ _ - _ _ _ = - -�-- - -_- - _ ` :- -` 'f' .- _ _ -•_ - , ;,k.::. _ _ _- _ - - - -' I.E. I N 105-58 / 6 Q � / / � ! .� tib. -- _ ►i' +.. — / .� —� � l � y--r.•. ` '�� �- '• J� --' ^_ /��/y(y� / \ _ I _ ,�, l.E' OUT 1(r,4-150 \ 5 - ' / _ - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - _ -- - - _ _ - - - �_� __ _ �.�_ _ ___ __` 1Q T.C. i io8. 81 - 2PS l..F 11" Cont. p1 t 't, 1 C:44 14 1 f 10, . _. ..;�.,�.: .•� .....; .� ... ....» a;4 f 109.at doll HASE NO OF 3 i i 1 .- - _ - - �� - _ - =-_-- - - _ ---= _ _ \ Y6 110. 12 lipAM ' � • • I , • �Nry .. r^ ... 'f i. 4. ... .«w~�.: _'••. T-..r7, ..- YO.• drl'4►i_. .rw.. r_ y*r - � II�111 1� 1� 111� (1 fti lltlll 1111111 I i� l•� 1 � 1 I � r 111 1'� I I � 1 111 111 111 III Ilt 111 111+ 111 �II 111 111 III 1 � 1 1 ,.._ - _ -_. -.�_ . . • ' -_ NOTE : I F THIS MICROFILMED 5 -- 6 — 7 8 9 1 _. i I i ` ' DRAWINr IS LESS CLEAR THAN —'—" THIS NOT I�"TT is Dw- TO ► '� . '" -QWt*ITY OF THE ORIGINAL - w DRAWING -._ _ r �iZ 8Z LZ 9Z SZ *a �Z ZZ �� �z s1 91 LI 91 SI *1 EI ZI II of +� 9 L 9 S b � E z 1 ��" "•'"MW �••`�.. �Y•:^RMiO'rwM....�.... ..ir.wiiii.n�a.-...�::'C.,i1M{,.a.._..,..,... 1'tf � 11 ,,�,• '- r�� 11�I111�1111�INl�I': Jii4q i tiNtttl �itll� 1 ., ... tLl I 1Iu11111Ntl'rr1111flittl�tt111lllrillllli Itf,Ittltlttlilllttl1111 JULY 10 y��T�] -� 1 0- -0104 Ilk ' ;.a. - ,•,. ,.ud. -,..l. a . .i .r.w•p: N+t..f', ... . - ,,.,.,' .gin.; r ., .. -. ,i.mP,' ��I'RC4,M -.�,,"+"+h:.r. ,-,'}jr1'G',�`4;pdi,urw:.. a '• — •r,. - r .I'M f A � J � SUMMARY RE: Subdivision; Performance Bond Reduction Request # C-)►jt- 'o0n-lsi-r (BOND) REQUIRED HOLDBACK RELFASABLF ITEM AMOUNT MAINTENANCEN INCOMPLETE ITEM COMPLETE TTEM Site Prep/Grading $ $ C)oo $ --s ,-z Is Conc Curb $ foo $ $ -Z )4 CC) 02 Street $ 9 )91C $ 1 3 3Z $ 3,33i $ San. Sewer $ -7 $ 144 $ $ Storm Sewer $ -7)9zA- $ 5e,5 $ $ (o,it 3`j Water Line $ $ $ 4- �4(10 Gas Line. $ $ $ $ U.G. Tel/Elect. $ (,0() 17-0 $ — $ A130 Walks/Aprons $ 41131 — $ 4)111 $ A.C. Overlay $ z 3!5-3 $ -Z ,353 $ Lighting $ 7-0c) 6040 $ — $ -ZI54,0 Misc. Vvt"t) 14- $-7 (-PA�I ' TOTALS $ 54 ,04-7 $ 61341 I Z ,:54 Z- $ IS )164- 4Fequired witholding for one year guer&ntpe period asuranco. (JSH: br/1943P) X lz:wvt i CITY OF TI1FARD No. 23073 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. ✓� r� P.O. BOX 23397 Date L.—..t-...Gi.L� TIGARD,OR 972:'3 Name ' Address Lot Block/Map Subdivision/Address Permit Va Bldg. Plumb Cash Check Sewer Other Other Roc. By Acct. No. Description Amount 10.132 Building Permit Fees 10.431800 Plumbing Parmit Fees 10.4314301 M96hanical Permit Fees 10.230.501 State Bldg. Tax 10433 Plans Check Fee 30.443 Sewer Connection 30444 Sewer Inspection 51.448 Street S st. Dev. Charge 52449410 Parka I S st. Dev. Charge 52.449820 Parka II 8 et. Dev. Charge 31.450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge 1 Business Tax 10.434 Alarm Permit 10.227 Ban 10.455• Fines. Traffic1Miad/Parking 10-230• CPTA TrafflclMlsd/Vic. Asst. 10.4 Indigent Defense W-122461— Sewer Service/USA —W-1ff4ff Sewer Service/City 306 Sower evice/City Maint. nmatc 31-124 Storm Drainage . : - mt. , 1 r TOTAL s' I �' v CUSTOMER CITY OF TIFA RD July 29, 1987 OREGON 7.5 Years of Service 1961 10^S Portland General Electric Co. Western Division 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Rd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Jim Ryan RE: Yolo Estates No. 2 Subdivision Streetlighting Dear Jim: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactorily and, further, to acknowledge author- ization for P.G.E. to energize the two (2) lights therein, under Schedule 91, Option B. Sincerely, i Michael Mills Engineering 'technician cc: file cc: City accountant cc: R.J. Rouse Electric Inc. 16320 S.W. Parker Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 MM/mj 125 SW Noli Blvd.,PO Box 23397,Tigard,OreWn 97223 (503)639 4171 — —– COBRA DEVELOPMENT 1072.0 S.W. Allen Beaverton, Oregon 97005 (503) 641-7477 7-29-87 Pity of Tigard : Att. John Hagmen, This is to inform you that the public improvements done by Cobra Dev. Tnc. are completed except for the one inch overlay and the sidewalks. Please start our maintenance period as of now and return our bond, minus the cost of the unc-omrlPted improvements and the 10% maintenance fee. Our Pond 854,047.00 Overlay -2,353.00 Sidewalk -7,000.00 f Total -TM,6 Need 1�s��• .� 2.0% Fee -9,738. 80 ► ��,-� �w�.. Due us ft�e.:yr. Thank You, Cobrs Develo;tnent Inc. t A�o t'II COBRA DEVELOPMEgr 10720 S.W. Allen Beaverton, Oregon 97005 (503) 641-7477 7-?9-87 � City of Tigard : Att. John Hagman, This is to inform ,you that the nublic improvements done by Cobra. Dev. Inc. are completed except for the one inch overlay anc, the sidewalks. Please star';, our mai.ntenan.t-e period as of now and return our bond, minus the cosi; of the unromnleted imprcvements and the 20% maintenan(-e fee. Our Pond 4654,047. 00 Overlay -2,353. 00 Sidewalk -3,000.00 Total 4:Ug- 20% Fee -9,738. 80 Due us $38,955. 20 Thank You, cobra Level niVnent Ir r. - -z c) 1e� se r 1 , V�A , \ I C �v� 7/ /2�L,,� g / �,/ ��/}� f ��c'lP.�.s /'!/ ,-•moi�-r/'�' �r r r , �-e r r 7 70, i, c'.v`I �'��'/ �,� 6'� �� .'r" /" ��-•lYjp ,�{/h.G?� /yll T c'" � fj c C y 1010 .7` fif 11 f �ji�cl�. E✓r7d�rt`:IMCr+ S/C'vC .� 1� }� �r �+r � e.�s nGREL•'rII:NT FOR PERPETUAL EASf:MEN'f Ydyt! 1 oI c ' For Mobd&L Vehicle Driveway on Adjoiningcels Residential Use of THIS PERPETUAL EASEMENT, made and entered into this July 29 1 19 97 between Douglas Pollock hereinafter called the first party, and _ hereinafter called the second party, 14ITNESSETH WHEREAS, the first party is the owner in fee simple of the following described real property in' the City of Tigard, County of Washington, State of Oregon, to wit: LOT 9 YOLO ESTATES, City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. and the second party is the owner in fee simple of the following described real property in the said City, county and State, to wire LOT 10 YOLO ESTATES, City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. and said two parcels of real estate adjoin each other; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to grant to each other an easement ane right to use the described motor vehicle driveway now or to be construc'ed along and upon a portion of both of the parcels in conjunction with any lawful use. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of each party's granting to the other an easement hereinafter described, and other valuable consideration each to the other in hand paid, the receipr, of which is hereby acknowledged: FIRST: First party conveys to second parte a perpetual easement for motor vehicle driveway purposes for use in conjunction with any lawful use along and —` upon that portion of first party's prcperty described as follows: to wlt: Commencing of rlhe Inll.Inl Point nl na,u IULO I:':11'ATtB: :.1lenre South 47 0017 Iuen1 along the tont Boesch,, I.Ine of anld YOLO rS'.ATtS a dthe neo Of 2)1.21 foot; thbncC North 4259 r,) I;sat 110.25 foot to ane true polo[ of beginning or tho following 10 foot vide osnemant: thence North 42'59'4)' Nool: 10.II foot: thence South 55 )) 27 ueet 89.06 fest: thence along a concave curve •o the Southeast a distance North of 10.07 feet(chord boors South 40' 12'10' Es-0 the S Southeast Shen North 55])'27 Bast 09.55 foot to the true point of beginning. Sr"COND: Second party conveys to the flrnt tarty a perpetual easement for motor vehicle purposes for use in conjunc:l )n with any lawful use along and -_'Ion that portion of se;ond oartv's oronr-rt: dmf.nrlhod no fnllnwm, rn wtr- Commencing et the Intisl ,in, or oold YOLO ESTATES, than[ South 47'00' 17'' Nest siorg the East Boundary Llne or sold YOLO ESTATES I distance rf 231.21 feet, thence North 42'584)' Wast 108.1.1 foot to the crus point of Loglnning of Lhe fotlnving 10 foot vldo easement: Lhbnca North 42'59'4) Nest 10.11 feet: thanr,n South SS')) ?7' Nest 8q.S5 feet, [hooch along n Surv� cencawe to 1.110 SOU Lhsaat 10.07 foot Ichord bears South 20'41 54 Enst 10us fort); thence north 55`))' 27' rut 92.06 foot to the true point of beginning. THIRD: It is mutually agreed that each•parLy may use in cOlOmua with the otlie r party, the whole of said motor vehicle driveway, including dist 110rLIon thereof situated on the property of the other party for ingress and egress of rotor vehcile, pedestrians end uses incidental to any lawful use of the property. _.. 111+��.'''��,i.• .` r •'r. .�l r,': 'fiI;A, INDIVIDUAL—GENERAL PARTNERSHIP Page 2 of 2 FOURTH: This agreement should bind and inure to the benefit uf, as the circumstances may require, not only the immediate parties hereto, but also to their respective heirs, executors, administrators and successors in interest as well. FIFTH. The maintenance shall. be a shared responsibility of the parties and each of the parties shall share the cost of maintaining the easement. The obligation to share maintenance coats shall begin when the driveway is completed. SIXTH: (Optional) Each of the parties shall maintain liability insurance which, at a minimum, meet the standard in the industry for the particular types of uses for which the properties are used. The insurance policies shall name the owner of the adjoining parcel as an additional insured in connection with the use of the easement. SEVENTH: In construing the foregoing agreement, the plural shall_ mean and include the singular whenever the context so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have subscribed this instrument in duplicate on this, the day and year first written hereinabove. STATE OF OREGON, County of )as. 19 Personally appeared the above named /.A PC,//oc,E and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be _ voluntary act and deed. TE'TIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal this a day of Ulf No airy ub is �O 'Pgon —' (NOTARIAL SEAL) My Commission Expires: L4-2-7'CIO Approved ay to legal description this day of 19 By: Title: _ Approved this day of l 19� I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT By: Title: t 14 . 19 „Q�i y a•p-N� �, U � � Ntu t� QQi�Oe t Q O M. Et,.65oZt' Q1 rJ p V) 50 191" U �t 00'0/ 1� 14 9 t �CjozfJ' N O t roz o 02 � Nr►1 N N ' �►� �„' n- fr1 f� ,r r. _— +. 4-f 6 fe aft o � Q, ci t J s9 � a doh ti r 0 1. 00 dno sZ t` Q _ 1 —- -..�G 5(Q i 6560/ 2 I ��-j 3� AI„Eb,6lie7O N \ uj 111 11 7 � � ,rte. •r r• � .� Page 1 of 2 lgDIVIDUAL •• GENERAL PARTNERSHIP BIKEWAY AND PEDESTRIAN WAY EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Douglas Pollock grantor, for the consideration of 1-07ZS1�_cT_oll.ars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is acknowledged does herebv give, grant, and convey unto the City of Tigard, a municipal corporation of Washington County, State of Oregon, and unto its assigns, forever; an easement over, across and under the following described lands and ren'. property, to-wit: The Most Westerly 12.00 feet of LOT 9 YOLO ESTATES City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. for a bicycle way and pedestrian way, which may be used by pedestrians and non-motnrized mechanical means of transportation, such as bicycles And for no other purposes, and for said purposes to place, construct, operate, replace, maintain, inspect, reconstruct And install necessary improvements, and the right to enter upon such premises for said purposes. The Grantee shall have the right at any time to enter upon the above described real property for the purposes hereinabove mentioned, and in connection therewith ma} remove env trees, shrubs or brush necessary or convenient to AccompllsL said purposes. The Grantors, their heirs, successors, assigns or representatives shall not construct or maintain env building or other structurea upon the above described real property. The Grantors do hereby riserve the right to utilize the said Area for all private lawful purposes which do not unreasonably interfere with or Are not inconsistent with the uses thereof by the grantee and the public for the purposes herein stated. It is expressly understood that this easement does not convey any right, title or interest except those expressly stated in this easement, nor otherwise prevent Grantors from the full use and dominion hereover; provided, however, that such use shall not interfere with the uses and purposes of the intent of the easement. In consideration of the premises, Grantee agrees that if said Grantee, i t a successors or assigns should CAUSP said easement to be vacated, the rights of the Grantee In the Above-described easement will be forfeited And shall immediately revert to the Grantors, their successors And Assigns in the case of such event. 10-Z Douglas 19ollock .11VIDUAL-GF.NERA1. PARTNF,F i,Sr Ip/i� Page 2 of 2 IN W.TNESS WHEREOF, the grantor(s) has (have) hereunto set his (her) (their) hand(s) and seal(a) this _297'k day of 19�_. _ (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) STATE. OF OREGr)ti ) as. COUNTY OF 41AGfiiMi�1Q) _ .72 , 19zz_ Prrnnnally appeared the above named 4k5 wh, executed this instrument and each of them acknowledged to me that this instrument wav rxer.uted voluntarily and freely. i i L of y Public fo Or gon My Commission expires: ?- -961 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto net my hand and seal this day of 19 Notary Public for Oregon (NOTARIAL SEAL) My Commission Expires: Ap�.roved as to legal description this day of , 19 Ey: Title: Approved this day of , 19 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT By: Title: (RC:hs/02049) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RE: Yolo (Phase II) This is to certify in accordance with L,e Revised Street Elevation Plan (and the Subdivision Compliance Agreement) plan dated June 25th, 1987, to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following items(s) have been installed in compliance with the City's improvement standards and speci- fications; and that the following items are complete in accord with the approved plans, special specifications and conditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project, to wit: (Project Engineer's Signature) 1. Street Earthwork 2. Street Section Certified this day of _ 1987. By: -- - -- - (Inspecting Engineer) Firm: dl 204 EARTHWORK 204.1.00 Description 204.1.01 GENERAL 204.1.02 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION 204.1.03 CLASSIFIED EXCAVATION 204.1.03A Rock Excavation 204.1.038 Common Excavation 204.1.04 BORROW EXCAVATION 204.2.00 Material 204.2.01 BORROW AND EMBANKMENT MATEWALS 204.3.00 Construction 204.3.01 PRESERVATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS 204.3.02 EXCAVATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS 204.3.03 DISPOSITION OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS 204.3.04 OVER-EXCAVATION 204.3.05 USE OF EXPLOSIVES 204.3.06 PREPARATION OF EMBANKMENT FOUNDATIONS 204.3.07 EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION 204..08 COMPACTION AND DENSITY REOUIREM ENTS 204.3.09 SLIDE REMOVAL AND nEPAIR 204.3.10 FINISHING ROADBED AND SLOPES 204.4.00 Measurement and Payment 204.4.01 UNCLASSIFIED AND CLASSIFIED EXCAVATION 204.4.02 EMBANKM E'NIT 2G4A.03 FINISH ROADBED AND SLOPES 204.4.04 PAYMENT I I 51 tt! a xrt y 204 EARTHWORK 204.1.00 Description 2G4.1.01 GENERAL This section covers the work necessary for excavating and grading the roadway, side streets, sidewalk and planting areas,alleys,cuts,embankments,slopes,roadway ditches,side streeio,driveway and alley approaches ano all other earth-moving w,xk required in the construction of the project including disposal of all surplus material. When specifically included and provided for as incidental work for particular items or parts of work covered and inclined under other sections, such excavation and grading will not be included in this section. 204.1.02 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION Unclass fieo excavati')n is defined as all excavation regardless of the type,nature,or condition of the materials encountered The contractor shall assume full responsibility to estimate the kind and extent of the various materials!o be encountered in order to accomplish the work 204.1.03 CLASSIFIED EXCAVATION 204.1.03A riork Excavation Rock excavation is defined as the rernova.of all material which by actual demonstration cannot be reasonably excavated with a DB dozer wdh ripper or equivalent grading equipment and which is,in fact.systematically drilled and blasted or broken by power operated hand tools. The engineer may waive the demonstration if the material encountered is well defined rock.The term 'Rock Excavation" shall bef understood to indicate a method of removal and not a geological formation. If material which wool:.' be classified as rock by the above definition is mechanically removed with grading equipment of a lager size than specified,it shall be understood that any,-,Jded costs for the removal of material by this method shall be included in the unit price for common excavation 204.1.036 Common Excavation Common excavation is defined as removal of all material not classified as rock excavation. 204.1.04 BORROW EXCAVATION Borrow material is defined as material obtained from borrow sources lying outside of, separated from and independent of. planned roadbed excavation or other required excavation occurring within the project limits. 204.2.00 Material 204.2.01 BORROW AND EMBANKMENT MATERIALS i he contractor shall provide embankment and borrow materials of approved earth,sand,gravel,rock or combination thereof, free of pest,humus, muck,vegetative matter,organic matter or other materials detrimental to the construction of firm,dense and sound embankment. '.he contractor shall use all approved maid, als originating from the required excavations as far as practi.able in the .nation of embankments and subgrade, and for beddinry, backfilling and other work as shown or directed 204.3.00 Construction 204.3.01 PRESERVATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS The contractor shall conduct operations in such a manner that existing highway facilities, utilities,railroad tracks and other non highway fa,;llities which are to rnmain in place will not be damaged as specified in Control of Work In the general requirements The contractor shall furnish and install sheet piling, cribbing, bulkheads, shores or whatever means may be necessary to support material carrying existing facilities or to support the facilities themselves,and maintain such supports until no longer needed The contractor sha:r protect temporary pavements, facilities, utilities and installations until they are no longer required When temporary supports and other protective means are no longer required,the contractor shall remove and dispose of them as ,Irected 204.3.02 EXCAVATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS Earthwork Includes excavating, hauling and depositing existing pavements, walks, driveways, surfacings, slabs, curbs, gutters and similar cement concrete structures of bituminous mate'lals and of all rock or gravel road surfacing materials when such materials are within the Ihnits of the excavation. 1 he contractor shall re hove and dispose of sewers,pipes,conduits, logs,timbers,concrete and other structures, materials objects and matter encountirred In the excavations,is-,:epting only Items for which removal Is otherwise spscifically provide(4,as a cart of the earthwork The volumes of such items from within the excav!-tro,, areas shown will be included In the excavat.-)n vuanfllles The contractor shall remove the remaining ends of abandoned pipes or portions of other Items partially removed under this work which would be left exposed on side slopes or of subgrade to a minimum of one (tj foot of the finished slope of below subgrade The contractor shall plug or seal the ends of abandoned pipes in embankment areas as approved 204.3.n3 DISPOSITION OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS. Excavate_ material in excess of that needed o complete the work shall be disposed of at no expense to t'ie owner The contractor shall replace any shortage of t,eterial caused by premature disposal at no expense to the owner 204.3.04 OVER-EXCAVATION T he con!ra for shall remove unapF roved subgrade material to such depths as directed Excavation below subgrade shal'be of ird same clar. .ication as that above subgrade provided It is removed In the same operation as the excavation above subgrade r N nen the roadway excavr n has been con,Dleted and it is requited to move equipment back In to excavata unsuitable material n where additional excavation depth requires special equipment because of the presence of shallow utiAties or other unforeseen rondlt:,ns,the work shall be performed as directed and payment for ext ovation below grade will be made on the basis of extra%.ork as provided In the general requlrements �8 The contractor shall excavate below grade and backfill as required to restore the surface as directed at no expense to the owner, when required by negligence in work operation! Overbreak Is defined as that portion of any material which is excavated,displaced or loosened outside and beyond the slopes, lines or grades as staked or reestablished,with the exception of slides as defined hereinafter,regardless of whethor the overbreak is due to blasting, to the Inherent character of any formation encountered, or to any other cause. Removal and disposal of all overbreak will be by the contractor at no expense to the owner. 204.3.05 USE OF EXPLOSIVES The use and security of explosives shall conform to the applicable provisions of 'Legal Relations and Responsibilities'in the general requirements. The use of explosives shall be avoided as far as practicable, and to no case shall tunnel blasting methods be used Such blasting as must be done shell be controlled in a manner which will avoid possible shattering or loosening of materials back of the slope lines to which the excavations are to be made. Where excavations in hard, Solid rock are to be made to depths of 10 feet or more, the blasting thereof shall be done Lv th9 presplitting or preshearing method unless other methods are approved by the engineer The presplitting shall be by line drllivig relief holes of 21/: to 4 inch diameter at uniform intervals of 2'h feet along the top line and along the specified slope line to subgrade depth, but not to exceed a vertical depth of 30 feet in any insta ice. Explosive charges of predetermined amount and at predetermined spacings shall be attache_' to a section of primacord placed in each line hole to the full depth thereof and the hole filled or stemmed with fine stone chips or gravel. A primacord trunk line shall br.attached to a series of the line hole primacords and detonated with an electric blASting cap.Detonation may be prior to or fo0owing other blasting of the rock but in no case shall other drilling and blasting occur closer than 10 feet from the line drilling nor shell it disturb material at or beyond specified neat side slope and subgrade lines The contractor shall provide a state certified powderman t0 supervise the drilling and blasting operations. No saaarate or additional measurement or payment will be allowed lot any extra op-at,oi s involved in the performance of controlled basting as herein specified, it being understood that the extra costs thereof are covered and included in the pay quantitites of excavation measured in original position(position prior to excavation)and the applicable contract unit price set forth in the bid schedule 204.3.06 PREPARATION OF EMBANKMENT FOUNDATIONS Prior to the constructing of embankments,the contractor shall excavate unstable material or unsuitable foundation material and dispose of it as directed.The contractor shall limit excavation to the lines,grades and cross sections shown or approved.The contractor shall backfill basements, trenches and holes which occur within the embankment limits with approved material which may include small pieces of broken concrete and masonry. The contractor shall break concrete floors of basements as approved prior to backfill.The contractor shall break up and roughen the ground surface before embankment material is placed•as approved. The contractor shall compact the natural ground underlying embankments to the depth of the grubbing or a minimum of 12 inches, to the density specified for the embankmant material to be placed. 204.3.07 EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION 'roe contractor shall plcce embankments and fills of all kinds in approximately horizontal layers of a maxlmim of 8 Inches in thicki,ess and compact each layer separately and thoroughly to the density specified In the imme&ate vicinity of curbs,walks,driveways,inlets,manholes and similar structures,In holes and where embankment and fill materials cannot be reached by the normal compacting equipment, the contractor shall compact In specified density by approved methods Where embankments are constructed predominantly of ror;k fragments, the contractor shall place material in layers of the thickness as directed,but not greater than 3 feet.Placing of individual rock fragments having dimensions greater than 3 feet will be permitted provided that they have no dimensions greater than 6 feet,that clearances between adjacent fragments provide adequate space for the placing and compacting of material in horizontal lavers as specified,and that no part corner within 4 feet of subgrade The contractor shah distribute and manipulate rock so that the interstices between the larger pieces are filled with smaller pieces, forming a dense and compact mass. The contractor shall exercise precaution to Insure that embankment construction and fill does not move, endanger or overstress any structure The contractor shall place ands compact embankments at the end of brdges prior to the time that work begins on the bridge Embankments shall not be constructed when the embankment material,the foundation,or the embankment on which It would be placed Is frozen 204.3.06 COMPACTION AND DENSITY REQUIREMENTS The density of compacted materials in placo.will be determined by AASHTO T191.T205 or T238 and the maximum density by AASHTO T99 or T180. The cortractor shall compact all embankments, fills and backfills within 3 feet of established subgrade elevation to a minimum density in place of 95 percent of maximum density R-low trid 3 foot limit, compaction shall be a minimum density in place of 90 percent of maximum density Roadbed cuts and foundations for structures to a depth of 1 foot below established subgrade or fc,indalion elevation shall be 3 inch maximum material and shall be compacted to a minimum density In place of 95 percent of max mum density The contractor shall backfill holes resulting from grubbing,removal work,basements and trenches which lie outside the limits of required excavation or embankment construction with appraved roadbed excavation material The contractor shall smooth and shape to bland with the surrounding area. Embankment or backfill materials shall not be placed in final position until moisture In excess of optimum nolslure has been removed 204.3.09 SLIDE REMOVAL AND REPAIR Side slopes shall be made as staked or reestablished In case a slope finished to thn lines as staked of reestablished slides back of the established slope Into the roadway prism or out of an embankment before final acceptance of the work,the contractor shall remove slide rnaharlal from the roadway, or replace in the embankment and refinish slope as directed The resloping will bn paid for as extra work i �9 The contractor shall obtain materials to replace embankment slides from an approved source The contractor shall repair slopes undercut at the base or destroyed In any manner due to negligence during the work by reslopind perai;el to the damaged slope or as approved at no expense to the owner. 204.3.10 FINISHING ROADBED AND SLOPES After the main excavation in rock or rocky cuts Is completed,'.he contractor shall test slopes of the cuts thoroughly with bars, or by other approved means,and remove all loose,detached,broken or otherwise unstable rock.The contractor shall remove jutting points and bring the entire cut slope area to a safe, trim and neat condition as approved. The contractor shall dispose of the materials removed under Ihis provision In the same manner as other excavated material. As a part of the earthwork, the contractor shall perform special grading on areas which are shown as planting areas. The contractor shall finish planting areas to smooth flowing lines and to the grades and cross sections established or approved.Rock, boulders, vegetative matter and debris determined objectionable to Intended development shall be removed from the areas as directed. The contractor shall blend the tops of cutbanks with the adjacent terrain by rounding of the top of cutbanks as shown.When rock extends to the top of cuts making rounding Impractical, it will not be required. The contractor shall trim all roadbeds,ditches and other excavations and embankments reasonably close to the established liras, grades and cross sections. The contractor shall leave all surface features in a neat and well finished condition prior to the time the project is completed and accepted. Immediately prior to completion of the earthwork,the contractor shall clean the entire right of way area of debris and foreign matter of all kinds and dispose of as directed. 204.4.00 Measurement and Payment 204.4.01 UNCLASSIFIED AND CLASSIFIED EXCAVATION Quantllites for unclassified and classhied excavation work will be measured on a cubic yard h_.sis in original position prior to excavailon. Pay quantities shall be computed to the neat lines of the cross sections as staked When shown in the proposal, this work will be measurod and paid on a lump sum basis 204.4.02 EMBANKMENT Quantities of embankment in place or stone embankment will be measured on a cubic yard basis by cross section measurement of the material in the approved embankmert position of the work within the neat lines above the ground or base elevations exialting at the time embankment ccnstruction begins.No measurement or payment will be made for quantities required due to subsidence and settlement of the ground or foundation,for settlement of materials within the embankments or for shrinkag5, settlemAnt washout,slippage or loss regardless of cause,subject however to the provisions of'Responsibility of the Contractor'in the generei requnaments. When shown in the proposal this work will be measured and paid on a lump sum basis 204.4.03 FINISH ROADBED AND SLOPES Measurement will be made hoilzontally by the station to the nearest + ;y the foot to the nearest 0 1 foot, along the centerline of the main roadway roadbec,, excluding the length of bridges or openings for bridge3 204.4.04 PAYMENT Payment will be made for the following Items when listed as pay items Pay Item Unit of Measure 1. UnclaL,,Itied excavation c y or 1 5 2 Classified excavation a. rock sycavation c.y. or Is b common excavation c.y. or I.s 3. Borrow excavation c y. or Is 4 Embankment in place c.y.or I.s. 5 Finish roadbed and slopes sta. or 11 60 205 WATERING 205.1.00 Description ' 205.2.00 Materials 205.2.01 WATER 205.2.02 BINDERS AND ADDITIVES 205.3.00 Construction 205.4.00 Measurement and Payment 205.4.01 MEASUREMENT 205.4.01A Water by Volume 205.4.0' B Water by Weight 205.4.01C Binders and Add-tives 205.4.02 PAYMENT 205.4.02A Water on Indicental Basis 205.4.028 Water v y Volume 205.4.02C Water by Weight 205.4.02D Binders and Additives 61 205 WATERING 205.1.00 Description This section covers the work necessary to furnish an.f apply water or combinations of water and compatible binders or additives for roadway excava'ions,embankments, subgrades, roadbeds,backfills,subbases, bases and surfacings and water for the alleviation or prevention of dust nuisance within the project limits as directed. Excluded from this section is watering used In connection with Portland cement concrete construction,wetting foundations preparatory to placing concrete thereon,curing concrete and watering which is specified as incidental to particular Items or parts of the work in other sections. 205.2.00 Materials 205.2.01 WATER Water used In the work shall be free of silts and other matter deleterious to the quality of the material to which it is applied or with whirh it Is mixed. The contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for obtaining water and pay all costs involved in its procurement. The contractor shall maintain an adequate supply of water at all times. 205.2.02 BINDEIS AND ADDITIVES When shown,specified or directed,the contractor shall use a mixture of water and an approved compatible binder or additive material. 205.3.00 Construction Waterlog work shall at all i,m:- he under the direction and control of the engineer The contractor shall,,ater by mear,_of tank trucks equipped with spray bars,by hose and nozzli or by other approved equal means which insure; uniform and controtlO application. The use of splash boards will not be permitted without prior appiuval The contract(.,sha',perform watering at '-,)or of the day and on any day of the week necessary for proper performance or protection of the wo-k r,id for adeq- ate alleviation of dust nuisance.The contractor shall sprinkle directly on the road only at night or in the early morntrry hours when loss by evaporation is at a minimum unless otherwise directed. ' ten compatible binder material or additive is combined with water In the work,the contractor shall mix it in conformance with the manufacturer's directions or as directed. The contractor shall avoid wastage of water or watering which is detrimental to other Items of work 205.4.00 Measurement and Payment 205.4.01 MEASUREMENT 205.4.01A Water by Volume Quantities of water determined by volume will be measu•ed in units of i,000 gallons(M-gals.)to the nearest 0.1 unit,exclusive of binders and add:tives mixed therewith Measurement wl be made In tanks or tank trucks of predetermined and approved capacities or by reliable approved meters provided by the coni,actor Measurement and payment will be made only for quantities as are approved for use in the work 205.4.018 Water by Walght ')uar,'Ities of water determined by weight will be measured in tons to the nearest 0 1 ton.Measurement will be the actual Ions used based on weight tickets from state certified scales presented for approval on the day the water is delivered. No measurement or payment will be allowed on tickets not so delivered and approved. 205.4.01C Binders and Additives Quantities of compatible binders or additives combined with water for watering purposes will be determined soparateiv Irum the water and will be measured as specified and shown In the proposal. 205.4.02 PAYMENT 205.4.02A Water on Incidental Basis When neither specified not shown In the proposal for separate payment,all water will be considered Incidental to the other items of work and no separate payment will be made 205.4.0213 Water by Volume Payment for water will be made on a 1.000 gallon IM-gat)basis. 205.4.02C Water by Weight Payment for water will be made on a Ion basis 205.4.02D Binders and Additives Payment for compatible binders or additives combined with water for watering purposes will be paid for at the applicable contract unit price as set forth in the proposal Payment shall constitute full compensation for the binder material or additive, for the combining of It with the water and for all extra costs Involved In the use of the binder material or additive in the watering work 62 206 SUBGRADE 206.1.00 Description 206.1.01 UNTREATED SUBGRADE 206.1.02 TREATED SUBGRADE 206.2.00 Materials 206.2.01 SOIL STABILIZING MATERIALS 206.2.02 WATER 206.3.00 Construction 206.3.01 PREPARATION 206.3.02 UNTREATED SUBGRADE 206.3.03 TREATED SUBGRADE 206.3.03A General 206.3.03B Addition of Stabilizing Material 206.3.03C Mixing 206.3.04 COMPACTION 206.3.05 TOLERANCES 206.3.06 CURING TREATED SUBGRADE 206.4.00 Measurement and Payment 206.4.01 MEASUREMENT 206.4.01A Incidental Work 206.4.01 13 Work Paid in Other Sections 206.4.01C Untreated Subgrade 206.4.01D Soil Stabilizing Materials 206.4.01E Treated Subgrade 206.4.02 PAYMENT 206.4.02A Soil Stabilizing Materials 206.4.028 Treated Subgrade 63 206 SUBGRADE 206.1.00 Description This section covers the work necessary for the preparation of the subgrade.Subgrade is defined as the area of new or existing roads, streets, alleys, driveways, sidewalks, or other public places upon which additional materials are to be placed as a part of work covered in other sections or by future work. Where applicable, subgrade is considered to extend over the full width of the specified base course. Subgrade is classified as untreated or treated 206.1.01 UNTREATED SUBGRADE The uppermost rnaterial placed in embankments or unmoved from cuts in the normal grading of the roadbed and which is brought to true lira,'-d gra]e,shaped and compacted as necessary to provide a foundation for the pavement structure constitutes untreated subgrade 206.1.02 TREATED SUBGRADE Subgrade which is improved by the addition of stabilizers and prepared as in untreated subgrade constitutes treated subgrade. 206.2.00 Materials 206.2.01 SOIL STABILIZING MATERIALS Soil stabilizing materials shall conform to the following requirements Material Type Hydrated Lime Grade AASHTO M 216, Type 1 Grade A Granular Quicklime(CaO) AASHTO T 27 and T 219 for grading and hydroxide con 100 Percent passing 1i inch sieve, tent, with min 85 percent max 15 percent calcium hydroxide passing 100 sieve Calcium Chloride AASHTO M 144, sample and testing in accordance with AASHTO T 143 Soldium Chloride AASHTO M13 Portland Cement AASHTO M85 Conform to Portland Cement in section Storage of materials shall conform to the requirements of subsection 106 7 00 213 206.2.02 WATER Shall conform to the requirements of section 205 206.3.00 Construction 206.3.01 PREPARATION In advance of setting line and grade,the cc itractor shall clear and dispose of brush,weeps,vegetation,grass and debris from the subgrade. The contractor shall drain all depressions or ruts which contain water The contractor shall blade and shape ,ub rade to remove irregularities and secure a uniform surface Prior to starting subgrade work, including backfill, all underground work contemplated in the area of the subgrade shall be completed This requirement includes work on the contract, work to be performed by the owner or by others 206.2.02 UNTREATED SUBGRADE The contractor shall excavate arid shape subgrade to line,grade and cross section and compact to not less than 95 percent of maximum density as determin9d by AASHTO T 99 Testing methods for density requirements shall be determined by AASHTO T 191 T205orT2A8 The contractor shall remove a'I soft or otherwise unsuitable material as directed and replace with approved material from the excavalion Tau contractor shall compact to a line one foot beyond the edge of paving, curb or form Subgrade areas which cannot be compacted to specified density, but in the Judgment of the engineer otherwise meet th requirements herein, may be removed and aerated or stabilized with an approved Boll stabilizing material, all at no additional expense to the owner 206.3.03 TREATED SUBGRADE 206.3.03A General The contractor shall blade, disc, harrow or otherwise scarify and thoroughly break up Surfaces of areas to be treated or aerated to the full depth and width as shown The contractor shall dry and reduce the•:eme, ,ed soil clods to the moisture content and size specified The contractor shall shape and size the subgrade material blanket to the size that can pass through the mixing machine The contractor shall apply stabilizing materials only when the temperature is above freezing, or when wind and other weather conditions are not detrimental to the work or to the public The contractor shall take all precautions necessary to praven, inJury to persons, livestock or property Any material which Is spilled or deposited at places other than on aleRs designated to be IrAaled shall be immediately picked up, burled or made harmless at the expense of the contractor 206 3.038 Addition of Stabilizing Material The contractor shall apply stablCzer at a uniform rate as specified, using equipment and methods that will uisuro the uniformity of stabilizer distribution The contractor shall immediately discontinue use of any equipment thol, method which rrrsull rp excessive loss or displacement of t'ie stabilizer The use of blade graders to distribute lime will not be permitted No eeulpmenr except that used for watering and for applying and mixing the stabilizer shall be permitted to pass over spread stabilizer un,ll after It 64 is mixed into the soil. If necessary, water shall be added during mixing operations to provide an optimum mo'slure content. The contractor shall apply calcium chloride,sodium chloride or Portland cement to the scarified subgrade In the same manner as for lime, at a uniform rate as specified. 206.3.03C Mixing The contractor shall spread soil stabilizing material on a treated subgrade with approved equipment which uniformly distributes the required amount of material for the full width of the prepared subgrade. The contractor shall continue mixing or remixing oporations until the mixture is uniform and free of streaks or pockets,and all material other than stones will pass a one inch sieve. The mixture shall not have a variation in excess of one percent above or below the,content specified or approved 206.3.04 COMPACTION Immediately after mixing of a treated subgrade, the contractor shall spread the mixture to specified line, grade and cross section and compact the entire depth of the mixture to not less than 95 percent of maximum density as determined by AASHTO r 99. Testing methods for density requirements shall be determined by AASHTO T 191, T 205 and T 238. The contractor shall compact and finish the surface within 12 hours after compaction begins.If not compacted and finished after 12 hours, the contractor shall loosen the mixture and add stabilizing material and water as directed, remix the freshened materials, relay and compact all at no additional expense to the owner During compaction, the contractor shall maintain the surface of the mixture at proper grade and cross section and lightly water if necessary to retain optimum moisture content The cc itractor shall accomplish final finishing by rolling accompanied by light watering and reshaping as required. 206.3"i TOLERANCES Th- ntractor shall rework areas found to be deficient in thickness by more than 0.04 foot, except that fresh stabilizing material s .all be added in an amount equal to one half of the original amount,as above specified The contractor shall accomplish all reworking at no expense to the owner The finished surface of treated and untreated subgrade shall (.of vary more than 004 foot from established grade and cross section at any point.The finished surface,when tested with a 10 foot straightedge shall not vary from the testing edge by more than 004 foot any any point 206.3.06 CURING TREATED SUBORADE The contractor shall limit traffic over treated subgrade to wheel loads which do not cause any damage to the subgrade and which do not visibly deflect, ravel or wear the surface. The contractor shall keep the finished surface moist and protected from rutting,spalling,displacement and disfiguration for a period of 7 days or until a subsequent course of planned construction which will prevent drying of the mixture by evaporation or absorption is placed thereon. 206.4.00 Measurement and Payment 206.4.01 MEASUREMENT 206.4.01A Incidental Work No measurement will be made for work involved irr clearing the subgrade of vegetation and other debris,draining water from the subgrade, smoothing the subgrade in preparation for staking, blading, shaping, and compacting the subgrade including roadbed materials to a depth of one foot below the subgrade, to final line, grade and cross section. All we.ik involved in these processes will be considered incidental to the other items of work 206.4.018 Work Paid In Other Sections Excess materia.s which cannot be disposed of by drifting into low spots during blading and shaping operations will be measured and paid for as proviued in section 204 Additional materials required for completing the subgrade will be measured and pard for at the unit puce for the type of material furnished as previded in section 204 Excavation of soft, spongy or yielding spots, when directed, will be measured and paid for as provided in section 704 Sultaole backfill material,when furnist ed and placed as directed, will be measured aid paid at the unit price for the type of material Involved as provided in section 204 Water used In the work will be .neasured and pard for as provided in ser. ion 205 206.4.011; Untreated Subgrade 1 No measurement and payment will be made for preparation of untreated subgrade unless otherwise specified 206.4.01D 3oll Stabilizing Materials Quantifies for sol! stabilizing materials will be measured by the Ion. dry v,elght, to the nearest 001 ton. for the materials Incorporatedd,in the work at the rate and in the quantity specified or directed Measurement and payment of stabilizing materials will not include any which are lost, displaced, used in reworking, used in restoration work or used contrary to direction Packaged materials will be accepted at the net weight shown by the manufacturer, subjec to periodic verification and approval The contractor shall provide a certificate with each shipment together with a certified copy of the weight of each delivery 206.4.01E Treated Subgrads Quantities for treated subgrade will be measured by the square yard to the nearest square y1rd of the finished surface of the treatment wlthir the neat lines shown or established 206.4.02 PAYMENT' 2pr 4.02A Solt Stabilizing Materials Payn .nt for soil staolhzing materials will be made on a ton basis for the type or types specified and used in the work 206.4.028 Treated Subgrads Payment for tre&ted subgrade will be made on a bquare yard basis for the type of types specified and used in the work 65 R. J. ROUSE ELECTRIC INS;. DArE 7/22,/87 I I URGENT 16320 SW Parker Rd. I 1 SOON AS POSSIBLE LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 Fli-E N0. 2705 L]NO REPLY NEEDED ArrENr/&k, Sob Thompson ro (503) 635.2824 sue✓Ecr Yolo Estates #2 St. Lights City of Tigard P. O. Box 23:97 Tigard, Oregon 97223 MESSAGE _. at. lighting for the subject job has been completed. Upon ,your acceptance, please send a copy of your acceptance to our office and notify PGE to enerwize. REPLY SIGNED DA rE Of REPL V SIGNED LOCATION OF PROPERTY IMPR D: MEMBER # 638 JOB# 15047 on SIN Pat.hfirnLer Way „�� � � `yA THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT: Tigard —new F Slfsp�2h A5SIXIATED SAND i GRAVEL 00_,._ INC., Date 6/29/87 Service_ 6/18/87 _ HAS BEGUN TO PROVIDE: Owner ❑ Lender ❑ Contract ❑ Lessee CC[�C S�iR PMbg TO: MY of Tigard ,P 0 'j, #f , � 0 R D E R E D9� ER SEWPITTINGS 6 CASTING .13125 SH ll%U 3 G l a 6 R G MW. MOoR1:: EGr..AVAMW. - -- - TigEird, OR 977. :3 for improvement upon the property described as follows, of which you are the owner or reputed owner, contract buyer, lessee or leder. owner ❑ Lender ❑ Contract Lessee act A X010, Lots 9 thru 15, yolu Estates T0: rv)uglm R. Pollock 218 lratr*l.in Astoria, OR 97103 TAX LOT ___-- SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE of the W.M. ❑ Owner ❑ Lender a Contract Lessee as DESCRIBED TO: CcAxa DP:VP_lgpM * Co., COUNTY: WashJngton STATE of OREGON 10720 SW Al.ltpn Blvrl., LENDER RECORDING INFORMArION: Boav+wxton, OR 97005 NOTICE OF THE RIGHT TO LIEN Delivered to you by certified BMDA EWARNING: Read this notice. Protect your Trail from PORTLAND, OREGON, aying any contractor or supplierine for the same aeivice. an dluta '40, 1987 rb NOTICE TO OWNER OR REPUTED OWNER, CONTRACT BUYER, LESSEE OR LENDER OF DELIVERY OF MATERIALS OR SERVICES THIS IS NOT A_ LIEN_, however alien may be claimed for provided. This notice is in no way a reflection upon the all materials, labor and services furnished after a date that is integrity or credit standing of yourself of your contractor. eight days not including Saturdays,Sundays and other holidays THIS IS NOT A LIEN. It is a notice sent to you for your as defined in ORS 187.010 before this notice was mailed to protection in compliance with the construction lien laws YOU. of the State of Oregon. Even it you or your mortgage lander have made full pay No further nt lire to you of this or any subsequent delivery ment to the contractor, who ordereu these materials or is necessary. services, your above described property may still he subject If you have any question, ,ncerning this notice, please feel to a lien, unless the Supplier providing this notice is in fart free to contact us for any infor7aticn which you may require. paid This is part of the customary routine of transacting business rn in the construction industry, and is to inform you that if the 1r„n ORTANT INFOR�YIATION ON REVERSE SIDE) person or firm, who supplied material, labor or services, for some reason or another do not receive payment, they would then have the right to pls.-ea lien on your property for services By BUILDING MATERIAL DEALERS ASSOCIATION, Agent Copyright 1981 by BMDA 527 E. Burnside St., Portland,Oregon 97214 • (503) 2322631 i aQo 'O r 41 y N (v -4- ' MI N Q--- J V. m o N C4 0 ¢ m ZHC O , /N I .. cnoHx L1J I +- u o U;A >-' 01 cD FzH Q 4�n� b6�ro ')AG Ll U a a J U10 (y0� woA (� ;(`]"ice Ems+ U m O Q, w 0 m w ular I� •t I I � � c� cn r- � , O W G NY- U41 ,X IA (a O � ovc !nv (f) 4Jt4 �44J .1 +., .., 1 ! III ! l I ► I 8C C C+ U f-1 •.•1 b O 11O AV) U a) CP 4-1-v b 1 \ '. I I I 1 J 1 < N C 41v a) O �1 W to v •r-, >r z ro aXiv4ji'3 tiroc' � I •�� , �` uj , X41 ' -dj ;,rAs cin I F I Y oq 1 � 4-1 \ 111 J;��; o •�I-�-------- -, \_ lu y ,� O I � � e` w Ij uj al Ljj 0q '6L + C lit If r4 ox CO �I ,LLO r ►� �. qlq lC► A ��� M.czff s o ; � � q SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMEN1 THIS AGREEMENT dated the T� day of JUNE lg 87 _ between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of State of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "CITY", and Cobra Development, Inc., an Oregon Cor;oratinn, hereinafter termed "Petitioner" . W I ' N E S S C T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as _ YOLp_FZMTFZ_ Cphas.e-1L-,,___.._. in Section 3, Township 2 South. Ran= 7 WPB Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction by Oregon Chapter APWA, for street, s orm drain, structure and related work, and Unified Sewerage Agency Standards and Spec ifir_ations, for sanitary sewer construction, prepared by professional engineers, for subdivision public improvement development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements to be constructed in Petitioner' s development are incomplete, and Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by Lhe Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvemer s except sidewalks and stroet trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner agrees to comply with all subdivision standares as set forth in the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specifications of the City of Tigard, to comply with all terms and provisions specified thereinregard this improvement by the Concil and Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, or as may be specified by the Community Develo,:ment Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required by or approved by said Departmp ,t . Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance and o— ai--built mylar, both stamped by a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitiuners improvement work for City conditional and final acceptance consideration ' . (2) To assure compliance with, the City' s requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of s $�p97_OQ_.___ a copy thereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part. hereof. Petitioner ' s contractor shall be licensed, bonded and insured . 1 r I i i (3) In the everiL that Petitioner shall fail, nej,ect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and , Petitioner' s sureties, and such default and failure to proceed contin;iing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed and charge the costs hereof agains' Petitioner and Petitioner' s Sureties and in t the event same he not paid, to bring ar action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner' s Sureties promise and -,gree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable` as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce aainst the Petitioner and/nr Petitioner' s Sureties specifie performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards arid ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in sucF, event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City' s attorney ' s fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any . (4) Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, shall deposit wiih the City an amount estimated to equal pote and lurninar maintenance fees, for street lighting facilitiug within the subdivision, according to Portland General f.lottric Schedule hal , Option "P ', together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street � lighting facilities for e. period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of ?aid lights , bs4H amount being $ 221.28 (5) The Ciry agrees to snake and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay prescribe-d inspections fees .* (6) The City agrees .:o install street identification and traffic signs within said subdivision, in consideratiz)n of p6yment in the amount of (7) Ot such time as all public improvrmerts except sidewalks &:-id street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certi'e'icate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for conditional acceptance inspection and, Coen, upon iotification by the Department of Comnunity Development that the requirements or the City have been met, the P. i . toner will submit to the City a good and sufficient guarantee bond if not a,r't-Ay provided with 4-'ie performance bend, form approved by the City to pro0.de for correction of any incomplrce work or ary defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1 ) vear after conditional acceptance of the public improvements by the City (8) Upon receipt of certification from the Department of Community Development that all requirements have been net, and a One Year Guarontvi, Bond, the City agrees to conditionally accer:t the public Improvement subject to the requirement of completion of all work and correction of defic.iencio ; Ant; maintenance for a period of one year as hereiiabove set forth. ( 9) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of they City s Subdivision Ordinance and the privis,ons hereof, Petitioner binds itselr to conform -o the following requit ments, scheduling and limitations *Project Fat $ 1,872.68 Sewer 1'ee $ 289.20- WIAWAUNUIN (a) None of the _,Ls of Petitior is subdivisito, as described may be occupied for residential purposes until ars occupancy permit. is issuid under authority of the City arid no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to conditional acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the strut for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as d part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and ',uWivision cc:ale shall, be installed throughout said subdivision not later than three (3) years from the date of this Subdivision Compliance Agreement . (b) All lands ng trees on that, portior: of each lot b,,tween the Public sidewalks a.nd the curb (parking area), if required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occuparc; permit for each such lot in the subdivisioo. Provided khat final. inspection and application For occupancy permic occur3 within any calendar month from October to April of any year , ­,ch plantio gs may be defe •red -rnt.i l the next following growing season. In ;Any event, all required Landscaping and trees in all areas shall be planted and in place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date or this subdivi7.ion improvement contract. (c) After conditional City acr_eptance of the public improve-io nts, the Petitioner agrees to pla-, an asphalt.4c concrete overlay on all roads within the development; placement scheduling to be approved uy the City . (d) Compl.iar%e with all terms and provisions specified theretofo► said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the, subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zorre use classification and, also, on the approved O at(s) and plan(s) . (e) FiW i i ioner agrees to correct any defective work and to per fern, any maintenance, upon notification by the City, arising during the guarantee Period as hereinabove set forth. (10) At such time as all public, improvements have been comK,lecnd ir, acccr arce with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of reaciiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department (if Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maititenarnce responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond. (11) The partiis hereto hereby adopt the form of performance 'oond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petit.inner agrees to cause io have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior t(, the time this agreement is executed on henalf of the City . Petitioner further agrees to maintain -aid bond in full for-(@ and effect u•itil otherwise authorized by the City in writing (12) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by ths- aforesaid performance bond and the City sh, 11 be entitled to ecourse the►•etr in the, event. of default nn the part of the Petitioner with rc spect. to arnv requiromc,nt thereof 1 i IN WITNESR WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers purs.Aant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, end the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the 13_ diy of _ October 1 1986 1 has caused this agreement to be executed by the Director of the Community Development Department, PETIT Developnent, Inc. THF C TY OF �T(,ARD, ORE ;ON Director of Community -- .'—lopment Dept STATE. OF OREGON, as, County ofC '��i��..' �On this %� day of before me appeared ` I,'%!�( .) Ad both Yo me ersonally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said is the Presi:fent, and he, the said / is the Secretary of` �r.�t"L/ A`(lV:�� ��)�'��! the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corpora- tion, and that the said instrument was .sib ried and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of,Directors, and r td acknowledge said instrument to he the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hr.e hereunto set my hand and affixed my fict 1. W the�day and year last above written. 1 ' Notary Public for Oregon. My Commission expires Return Signed copy to. _Cobra Deyeloixte,-_Tnc-.___._ 1.0720 S.W. Allen Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Mr. Larry Sharey (00708) 4 �r Ate.At a..�Lti,..i,CL.�IYtJ.•., .JC7t.mMAsir....h[�YL�irT.L2.i.0(u.CJYt7..�Z .R.....3s[ COBRA DEVELOPMENT INC. =� ,, 1405 10720 S.W. ALLEN BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 ^ 19699/1250 PAY TO THE 1 —_ � ORI>[ROF 1 J i _� 112vcnn µlo d .. ��._ n 1) i i �. 5 S.P. BROOKLYN'­­""' U FEDERAL CREDIT UNION P.O.BOA.."s•PORTLAND,OR 97202•(507)2014N2 MVMtt THW W11&VIMMttN MMI•tUtYLIL—010 Mf MO1� "_ --- -- ® 1: L 250063901: 769 20606 25 LSn' 5 .u.ais..e.,:s..�x:.r..t7r.i�.w u.r.l`�iilMr ri rzsr ixws�irrr to�r t.:ri.v�.....s.��a.til =,Nw rs..w=ANN rt ari.:s aiAA�•74C1�m'AR7rL-� �.Lrl'aC�]��1��'�'Ll>•FI):t, 1404 COBRA DEVELOPMENT INC. ,v_ 1072.0 S.W. ALLEN BEAVERTON. OREGON 97005 16.699 1450 PAY'O TH[ C/4 ` �\ I $ J Q OR':ER Of - — 111 �1�� _` 11 0 l A R 5 fO S.P.BROOKLYN `" �� FEDERAL CREDIT UNION P.0 60A 02065•PORTLAND,OR 97202•(5071 271!662 MrMlt TM,"D e"NSIVM M MM11Lt.MA 0146 -- .I: L250063901: ?Gg2060625LSll- L4 l�a.�•fSf���7w�>�.YR�����XTl�Et��y��1Q�.li�M>•1St L+l��'LR , -: '. . :'CY�M�'tl9JVpl.di.'+Y: Jq.'•, - ..,':Iw-' �Qll�li�+I!lNV1M�IT -.. CITY"OF TIGARD N o. 2 3 0 7 3 ' 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. P.O. BOX 23397 Dates TIGARD,OR 97223 Name Address Lot Block/Map Subdivision/Address i Permit Va Bldg. Plumb Cash Check Sewer Other Other Rec. By Acct. No. Description Amount 10.432 Buildir,a Permit Fees 10.4314500 Plumbing Permit Fees 10.431.801 Me6hanical Permit Fees 10.230.501 State Bldg. Tax _ 10.433 Plans Check Fee 30.443 Sewer Connection — 30-444 Sewer Inspection 51.448 Street Syst. Dev. Charge 52.449.810 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge 52.449-820 Parks II Syst. Dev. Charge 31.450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge 10-430 Business Tax 10.434 Alarm Permit 10-227 Ball ` 10.455- Fines - Traffic/Mild/Parking 10.230• CPTA Traffic/Misd/Vic. Asst_ 10-458 Indigent G-fense 30-122.401 Sewer Servlcel'JSA 122.402 Sewer S,)rvice/City 30% 1 ewer Sevice/Cl_ty Malnt. 30-125 Unmatched _ 31-124 Corm rainage mt. s 'k`'Q1IAWCE TOTAL { V U �+ CUSTOMER PLEASE TAKE THIS TO THE CASHIER FOR A RECEIPT NAME: �$RA ��vEl O�'!��-r INC, DATE: —9 — 6-7 _ seu� _ ACCT, N DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-22000 J Refundable Performance Borid Depo :t $ 10-43500 Sign Permits HOP TU (,'—__-O-43600 P,ablic Sewer Plan Check/Inspection Fee zC39, ZO 10-43600 Public Sto-'m Plan Check/Inspection Fee 10-43600 _ /Public Improvement Fee 10-43600 Street Opening Permit $� — 10•-43601 Street and Traffic _Marking $ �__�.\ -- ~21-44200 Strept Light Fee $ Z Z/, Z 6 10-43700 Subdivision Applications: S MLP — $ 10-43800 Zoning Applications: ZC CPA ZOA PD Mi:c _._ SCE CU _ SLF_ _ V $ 10-44000 Other Planning Fees: SDR Non refundable portion of Appeal Feis $ 10_22000 Refundable portion of Appeal Fees $ 10-45100 Document Sales: EMrg, Planning _ Bldg. $� 10-43000 _ Business Tax 5"4) 04 4wo c1,«�s SLB TOTAI $ Z .3 �(o 1045P/0023N 7--0 to C_-._ -56 )4 .3 0. �6 TC M. /�L.E ►�E /=/E_L� C�►/�'.�fC .� AI.��SE- /�1E /F � YELLolA-) DN aNAI) seE /0 Akl P" /.vac vratlW 731;0r- rte' 61-omp /.v O-ED ) sEwt-& EwS7- X/e:F-"D rVIS AgrA B'y' y -,IS 7 Ar 7-x le-I 4-Vel, 7� !!) • � !' ,J(i �� n�/�J f"J'" f-L�� / � �G'( r�I Y+ ��.!'sr" C ,r o �u June 8, 1987 CITY OF WARD Cobra Development, Inc. OREGON 10720 S.W. Allen Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005 25 Yeors of Service Attn: Mr. Larry Sharey 1461-1986 Re : Yolo Estates Subdivision (phase II) Dear Mr. Share-y: Enclosed , please find the Compliance Agreement and Perfernance M)MI for said project . After signature thereof by the principal(s) and 1w( .11 \ and, in the case of the bond form, by the surety, please return both documents for final processing. After City execution and acknowledgmcnt , copy will be transmitted to you, for your file, by the City Recorder . Subscquently, thereafter, the approved public improvement construction pl.w� can be issued upon receipt of a check, in favor of the City of Tigard, ttrvgon, in the sum of $ 2,383.16 being the said agreement (therein deposit/fee(s). Yours truly, yJohn S. Hag n Engineering Technician r 13125 SW Holl Blvd..P O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 r � I� CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT v PUBLIC /IMPROVEMENT FEE COMPUTATION SHEF1 Project Title: /U�u�SJ��cS Limos L7Imprv . Tp e: ��hr_!✓, Computed By : _ Date. &115/ 1 . PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T.M.C. 18, 164. 150) : A. Improvement cost estimate, less sanitary sewer. . . •$ qw S1 7 �- r� (Adjusted Cost) B 0.04 x $ - S<'i 7Z. G (Adjusted Cost) 2 . SANITAR ' SEWER MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND INSPFCITON FIF (Ord. No. 85-02) : A. Contract surcharge applicable yes . no (agreement name) _ iso 8 Sewer Improvement cost estimate $ •7 Z .,C� (sewer est. ) r. 0.04 x $ '7, Z :5C) 1 _ $ 287.Z0_ (sewer estimate) (fee) [or] $100.00 min. , whichever is greater . . . . . . . . .$ '2,6`�, ZO 3 . STREETLIGHT FEE (T,M.C. 18 . 164. 130 (x) 6 3 .08 .010) : A. P.G.E. Schedule No. `f� Option No. Type of Lamp to p.`1 4,1�/W,I-t s _ 70 ; Type of Pole < ,,,_ L Height. _. B. $ 4 , Z 7 x Z_ = $ S' 44- /Mo. (monthly rate) (no. of lights) $____ 3'1 — x -z- = $ . 7e 9( /mo. (monthly rate) (no. of poles) $ 'r,44- _ . 7z 91 x 24 months - $ zz/.zB (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4. TRAFFIC--PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEE (T .M.C. 18 . 164 .030(u) : A Stop: --------- @ $� - $--- -- --- (number) (each) (subtotal ) B. St . Name: @ S - _ $ - C. Combo: @ $ - $ D. No. Park inq: $_..�____-__-- F @ $ _ $ (Mi sc . ) -- - F $ Sign(s) Total — I 5 GRAND TOTAL (FEE'S DUE ) $ X38-S Receipt No Date Paid (:heck cash 0920P Sun404,4R �'r /6-V 779 Z4 los4)o4 7 Tt>r,;9L A"CL x � .� , •J TIGARD WATER DISTRICT _8841 S W COMMERCIAL ST TIGARD.OREGON 97223-6290 PHONE (503) 639-1554 5 0017 f'&10 E'IMTFf "'le 0 -J ���Se. �cv�e.c.a � Low,w+tti.! ke.�eo►n �}-k� I.?i\`� g0 1.1q �4 ►M O1jeC 'Zl G�l % �f-p 1CGT oov�kl uc- �v ��- �, 1 wl� w-ev's lir Po s���1C 1 i 60 2 � 4�� Z2 �c �A ? CU131L FT O• OF SELFlTED �46D16" 06 &N CLEAN GRAVEL — 4 WEEP HOLES CONI -�� BEHIND t OC. N CURB 0. WEEP HOLE ►�Y 170 - CIRCULAT N COPY 1(011 OC - APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION I"- 50' HOR TI ISSUED BY, DAA 1" 5' VERT CRY _TIGARD) __ ALTERNP 1 R. G. RE 2 r_G -h ��� ut- DEVLP SERV DEPT: BY _DATE- ��w �U OPERATKM DEPT: B DA -� By DATF i -�� EXlST uROUN p a 0 s NeP. .00. By _DATE.__.11... . BY DATE 0ACKFILL _ %4'i Ft. SELECTCD I CON( ,�/�,�� CLEAN VT - ,-7 _ *" ST R :co By UATE1 I2" ��.�., GROUND r DV N.W.NAT r DA 4" W9V EeP HOLES Li N� �_. !o' ± O.L. J�TAI 000,DIST Br � ►ROCK MA50NRY RE6w1 ^tLBY oATE— c COPY OR`GON - - - — SHEET OF 1) CKomyc omncr� WerL p c��p�la�n _ q=iz-s� �w Z Ackled NpKap Outlet Fzote-tr ei 1 8-14-19 „VdIW 1 RevK-ed Row Erm on F� 1 J tioh 4-5- .),AvV — — DRAWING NUMBER Mitered 'pfd'C M P Cuker1 264- 3 ` N0. REVISION DATE BY 1340 S.W Bertha Blvd R.A. Wright Engineering, Inc■_ Port land,Oregon 97219 503 246-4293 consulting engineers File: 982 September 19, 1986 Mr . Richard P. Johnson Cobra Development , Tnc. 10720 S.W. Aller. Blvd . Beaverton, OR 97005 Re: Yolo Estates Cost Estimate Dear Richard: At your request we have prepared the attached estimate of construction costs for Yolo Estates subdivision . This estimate is solely intended for the use of the City o-Z Tigard in establishing the maqnitude of the project for permit fee purposes and should not be used for any other purpose . The estimated construction costs are as follows : Street Construction -4 / 525 ,050 Storm Drainage Construction 7 , 924 Sanitary Sewer Construction 7 , 230 Total �,, 1 $41 ► 2-04 If you require any additional information or services , please call . Sincerely , Robert A. Wright RAW: jg Enc . 411 . 48 h-r GO/HrF/I'iN t � I R.A."Wright Engineering, inc. 1340 S.W.Bertha Blvd. consulting engineers Portland Oregon 97219 503/246-4293 File: 982 June 4 , 1987 D Mr. Larry Sharey E Cobra Development, Inc. D 10720 S.W. Allen bivd. 1987 Beaverton, OR 97005 ��Ty' OF TIS Re. Yolo Estates Cost Estimate A RD Dear Mr. Sharey: At your request we have prepared the attached estimate of construction costs for Yolo Estates subdivision. This estimate is solely intended for the use of the City of Tigard in establishing the magnitude of the project for permit fee purposes and should not be used for any other purpose. The estimated construction costs are as follows: Bike Path $1 ,600 Trenching �( �,, 600 Total 82 , 200 cerely, Robert A. Wrigh-r" i RAW: lw 411 . 48 I A.A.Wri ht En ineering� Inc. Thomee/Wrigh t, Inc.- nc.- -- Portland, - - --- .-_- Oregon Sen Ale, Washington h.A.W:TG1tT EII'AiMIEEF,!N INC. PAGE 1 FR3JECT COST ESTIMATE 70L,� E:,TiiTES , TIGLRD JUNE 3 1987 FILE:YOLOCE4 BIKE FnTH CONSTRUCTION COSTS CjrY OF TIGA QUANTITIES RD Area of Aspt,alt Pavement 1280 sq.ft. G--pth of Base Gravel 0. 00 inches Depth of L :velinq Gravel 2 . 00 inches Depth of tAsphalt Favemcent 3 . 00 inches Average Depth of Excavation 1. 00 feet Area to be Cleared 0 . 04 acres C1�arinq Difficulty Factor, ( 1 to 10) 3 . 00 Len-xt.h of Standard Curb 0 feet Lenucl-i of Curb and Gutter 0 feet L?ngth of Sidewalk 0 feet Width of Sidewalk 0 . 00 feet Numb?r of street Lights 0 each A11'3wance for contingencies 10% of construction U14IT COSTS Base Gravel , in place 8. 00 9 per ton Levelinq Gravel , in place 10. 00 $ per ton Asphalt Pavement , in place 40 . 00 $ per. ton Subgrade Grading & Compaction 0. 70 $ per sq. yd. Excavation 5 . 00 $ per cu. yd. ClearinikFactor 5 ) 5000 $ per a,_re Standard Concrete Curb 5. 00 $ per lin. ft . ,-oncrete Curb & Gutter 6. 00 $ per lin. ft . Concrete Sidewalk 1 . 35 $ per sq. ft . Street Liahts 1600 $ per fixture CONUTRUCTION COSTS 12learina 9120 Excavation $237 ;urbs so Base & Levelinj Gravel $149 Asphalt Pavement $946 Sidewalks SO Street Lights $0 Con3truction Contingency $145 Bike Path Construction Total $1 ,60u I R)rtland General Electric Conwny '1119 14 ls14 Gc-, C Date Gentlemen: Re: Yolo .L;Statc..:_ . J"_; Svr, t-o 7 lot. SUOC1. Attached is our proposal for providing underground electric service to the above noted .subdivision. Our preliminary investigal:ions suggest that this proposal is compatible with existing and/or proposed project and utility construction; however, if there are any conflicts with your existing or proposed installation, please contact me 1. your convenience in order that the plans may be modified. Very truly yours, Jiiii t•.yari Estimator `"-- -----__. Job No. Copies to: 1 Tigard Water District - 639-1554 8841 S.W. Commercial Street, Tigard, OR 97223 Attn: Robert Santee 1 City of Tigard - 639-4171 City Engineer, 12420 S.W. Main Street, Tigard, (ill 97223 City of Tualatin - 638-6521 City Engineer, 18880 S.W. Martinazzi, Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062 Attn: Mike Mchillip 1 City of Sherwood - 625-5522 90 N.W. Park Avenue, Sherwood, OR 97140 2 City of Newberg - 538- 9421 City Engineer, 414 E. First St. , Newberg, OR 97132 Attn: Bob Sanders 2 Yar•.►ill County - 472-9371 Road Department, County Courthouse, McMinnville, OR 97128 3 Marion County - 583-5036 Marion Cour.ty Department of Public Works, Salem, OR 97301 Attn: George Grove 2 Clackamas Countv - 655-8521 Clackamas County Engineer Dept, 902 Abernathy Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045 Attn: Pat 2 Wilsonville - 682-1011 Larry Blanchard, P.O. Box 220, Wilsonville OR 97070 2 State Highway - 653-3099 Right of Way, Box 02157, Portland, OR 97202 Attn: Ted Inlos 2 Northwest r'atural Gas - 226-4211 123 N.W. Flanders St . , Portlai.d, OR 97209 Attn: D. W. Mills 2 City of Dundee - 538-3922 Box 201, Dundee, OR 97115 Western Division--14655 SW Old Scholls Ferry Road—Beaverton, Oregon 97007--643-5454 PGE - JL ESTIMATE SHEET PAGE : 1 ;TAMS". : f0L.Ct ESTATES MAF NO : C21 -03A F5 -&DRE.,"•.S : EW 107 AV AND PATHFINDER WAY ENTITY : 1 81 TIGARD LDG ACCT : A74301 JOY DEXC : C2-- INSTALL UG SERVICE TO 7 LOT SUI,D JOY CAT : B4550 START DATE : 5 -5•-•87 DI.S `RICT WD JOB TYPE : 4568 REFER; NO : JSR05185 BILLING JOB TYPE. : N/A BLKT NO : 52861 = R/l; : 322 REQ BY : JIM RYAN COST CLE : 31 JOY COMPONENT LIST - --- - - - --- - - _.--- - - ---.._. TYPE+ 'NUNIER=-y~LET QTY ACT QTY DE SCRIFT.IOf4 EST MHS SK 0322410 1 ------- -----_ - SPLICE, DF15KV QA1_ OR CU -�_ _ SK 0605050 260 __- CABLE, UG i2 Al_ URD 15KV STRD. PA 057001 1 _- PAD MT TRANS UNIT--6 POSITION 5.0 SK 060581 � 60 ----__- CABLE, UG 1 /0 AL URD, STRANDED SK 0605@20 1400 ------- CABLE, UG 4/0 AL URD, STRANDED SK 0607230 500 ------- WIRE, CU V4 SOLID BSD SK 0635136 200 ------- WIRE . 2-COND , 00-AWG CU, 7-ST SK 0.340975 Z) ------- FOOTING , PRECAST CONCRETE 1 1 ' SK 0322132 7 ------- CABLE STUB COVER 4' TF 11350 1 ------- 1F, 120/240, PAD-MOUNT , 50KVA LABOR ryI!D'.TIONSI__�:_-____._._ I_AI{OR SUMMARY MHS . ADJUSTMENTS : 1B MHS COMPONENT' : 5n TRAVEL : 1 MHS ADD I T IONT : 19. 0 REMOVAL : mHS TOTAL : 24 .0 r,f 11T -CUSTOMER TO TRENCH. �Coar4r MYN ���, CIRCUIT NAME : LINE 1336 13 KV LOCATES - : � 1rcrC ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED : PGE. . YES STAKING WIN TELCO . . . 629-9025 TREE TRIMING . . . NO CATV . . . . 644-308 EASEMENTS . . . . . . PREL.IMINARY GAS . . . . . 220-2415 PERMITS . . . . . . . . NO WATER . . . NO O. K . FOR RECORDS INITIAL • DATE SEWER . . . NO LINE':. DEFT OTHER . . . OFFICE 41;,�_ �z ril. 13 ------------- EST BY : JIM RYAN - DATE : 1 1 -1 4-86 STARTED BY : DATE /rF'F'R BY : J� ti `�� DATE : N� i y f�b COMF'LID.BY : DATE : APPR BY : DATE J J 8-40-707 ESTIMATE SHEET Entity I Hc-3–z-Z stomer Responsibility Sheet .iection No./Grid L Z 1_3 A Ledger '91U1I Job Cat. 00000 _ Blanket Job No. 5c) ���— Copy — V,11 Ln EST.LABOR(IN MANHOURS) INSTALLING REFERENCE BLANKET NO 5, F-t I REMOVAL CONNECTION DATE REQUESTED BY Mir 1?"Atl TRANScER S70REROOM NO DISTRICT NOF-STF 2Aj TOTAL FERC_ CE STORES ACTUAL MATERIAL TO BE INSTALLED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED �CJLACCOUNT CODE NO. I QUANTITY QUANTITY COST Trench —��LJ S Primary Trench _ H. I(D D Front Footage(Subdivision Only) _ CJS'' Secondary Trench 11 z20 CJC'' Pad Vault Excavation L KE, X ZA I Vault Excavation _ Hand Digging 3/4" Minus Crushed Rock cu. d. Sand cu yd. — Black Top sq ft. Sodding/Restoration C J�'r Stubs _ Plowingft C JS I Ped Vault In Ilation ---1I CJ S'T Pad Vault Unit _ Ho_ad _CtJ S'� Road Crossing ►t. S Crc;s�nc _ Road Bore _N_ in. tt. in. _ R in Ct i 3/4" Minus Crushed Rock cu — c Z in PVC-DB Duct Ft 31 , 31 CLJ ST L in ?VC-013 Duct Ft, 31 C V S-r Z in PVC-JB Duct Ft. f;_i Bla0 Top sq.ft St Opening Permit Street Trench U ht r J�T Base Excavation Z Hand Digging _ _ Sodding/restoration C v Sf Stubs NOTES--- Telco Yes No ❑ Per _ JOB COST CAN Yes ❑ No ❑ Per MATERIAL PGE to Install Telco Yes ❑ No ❑ STORES EXP. C1PGE to Provide as Noted Above and Bill Customer � LABOR _ Customer to provide Trench per Underground Agreement Dated TOTAL OVERhEAD _ CONTINGENCY TOTAL CHECK ITEMS REQUIRED STAKE HOLES O.K.FOR RECORDS INITIAL DATE LESS SALVAG_- EASnMENT REQUIRED TRIM TP�ES ON THIS JOB LINE DEPT 4 PERMIT APPLIFO FOR BILLING JOB❑ OFFICE _JOB COST ESTIMATED FY ='ItV, Z2 A.rl DATE QoQl� WORK STARTED BY DATE APPROVED 3Y DATE WORK COMPLETED by DATE APPROVED 13Y DATE DATE F'GE -- JEST IMAT E 0"1]EET PAGE : 1 NAME: Y 0 L 0 ESTATES !'1AF' N0 : C21 -03A F5 :",DPRESS : EW 107 AV AND F'.'-iT4-IFINDEF: Wi`IY ENTITY : 12.1 TIGARD LDG ACCT : A 74301 JOIE DESC : C2-INSTAL.L. UG EEF;VICE TO 7 LOT SURD JOT; CAT : F:+•1`5 S'T,(,F''r DATE : f -5 -F37 DISTRICT : WD J01: 'fYF'F : 4L568 REFER. Nrl : JSRO01 8:> BILLING JOT? TYPE : N/A F,LKT NO : 52061 R/C : 32', REQ BY : JIM RYAN :OST ELS_ :_i1 ____._...--•-----------_____ - - JOB CO�1F! JONENT LIE- TY PE IS'TYPE NUIMBER CS"T QTY (QCT QTY DLITCRIPTr0NES"r MHS ._ SK 0322410 1 SPL.TCE, DF! 15KV ti2AL OR CU SF; 060:>850 x'60 _._._._._._._ CABLE, UG IW2 Al_ URD 15KV STU. PA 1 9`_ "r 19 0 1 1 PAD MT- TRANS: Ui`�IT 0 F'OSII'IGN 5.0 SK 060581 0 60 __._._.._._._. CABLE , U!_, 1 /0 Al- URD , S*1P(�,N D E D SK 0605820 i400 --------, -ABLE , UG 4./0 AI_ URD, STRANDED SK 060 "230 500 W 1 RE, CU :4 SOLID BSD SK 0635138 200 -____-- WIRE, 2-COND , A10-AWG CU, 7-ST SK 0340975 FOOTING , F'F'F..CAS,r CONCRETE 1 1 ' SK 0322132 7 CABLE S'TUr COVEN 4' TF 1 1 350 f 1 F', 120/'240, PPD-MOUNT , 50KVA LAPOR ADDITIONS : LABOR SUMMARY MHS : ADJUSTMENTS : 18 MHS COMPONENTS : 5- (.1 TRAVEL : 1 MH.S ADD I T'I ONS : 1 i'.0 REMOVAL : MHS TOTAL : 24.0 T�n 'A USIOMER TO TRENCH. 't(?re r T�I�. CIRCUIT NAME: LINE 13362 13 KV LOCATES : ADD IIIONAl_ ITEMS REQUIRED - - • �: ,-i PGL . . . . . YES STAKING . . . . . . . . WIN TEi_.CO . . . 629-9025 TREE- TRIMING . . . NO CATV . . . . 644-3188 EASEMENTS . . . . . . PREL.IMINARY GAS . . . . 22''0-2415 PERMITS . . . . . . . . NO WATER . . . NO O. K . FOR RLCORDS INITIAL : DATE SEWER . . . NO L I lqE DEPT OTHER . . . OFFICE - EST PY : JIM RYAN DA1L : 11 -14-86 STARTED BY : DATE : AF'F'R P P,A'rE . HI 141%0 COMPLT'D.BY : DATE : APPR BY : I1� DATE. 114f 8-40.202 ESTIMATE SHEET Entity I �_ RC Z Z tomer Responsibility Sheet _�ectior No./Grid "17-1_3 P /_F Ledger DS1011 _Job Cat. _ 00000 B;anket Job No. Copy — yoLD F � — -r`^,—r5 EST LABOR(IN MANHOURS) �7ri INSTALLING `REFERENCE BLANKET NO !S? REMOVAL CONNECTION DATE REQUESTED BY SIS ?_'i4 TRANSFER STOREROOM NO DISTRICT VIFSTE/? TOTAL FERCEST144ATED ESTIMATED CE STORES ACTUAL MATERIAL TO BE INSTALLED QUANTITY COST CL ACCOUNT CODE N0. QUANTITY Trench ( u primary Trench Front Footage(Subdivision Only) S't' Secondary Trench ft._ GZo C J ST Pad Vault Excavation S'Y. X Vault Excavation —} —Hand Digging 3/4"Minus Crushed Rock !_cu yd. TI S;+nd cu.yd. _--Black TU sq tt Sodding/Restofation _ C JS'r stubs __ 7 Plow�i tt. _ Pad Vault Installat on_ �_— }— CJ ST Pad Vault Unit Road CL S 1' Road Crossing tt Z Crossing Road Bore tt. in, tt. in. — ft in CuST 3i4" Minus Crushed Rock cu.yd I �! 31 / 1't �_ in PVC-DB Duct Ft r 31 C V c,T Z •n PVC-DB Duct Ft ~ _ 31 C V ' ~ Z in PVC-DB Duct Ft `r Black Top sq ft ----�— St Opening Permit I Siff et Trench tt_ LJ Base Excpvalion _ Z Hand Digging = Sodding/Reslorativn +sLj NOTES- Telco Yeses No ❑ .Per _ JOB COST CATV Yes ❑ No ❑ Per _ _ MATERIAL PGE to Install Telco Yes CJ No ❑ 1 STORES EXP U PGE to Provide as Noted Above and Bill Customer _�V LABOR Customer to Provide Trench per Underground Agreement L_ Dated _ �TQTAL OVERHEAD CONTINGENCY TOTAL CHECK ITEMS REOUIRED STAKE HOLES ______70.K.FOR RECORDS I INITIAL DATE LESS SALVAGE EASEMENT REQUIRED TRIM TREES ON THIS JOB LINE DEPT PERMIT APPLIED FOR BILLING JOB❑ � OFFICE JOB COST ESTIMATED BY =,I"1r, 2'(L.rl DATE 1.; ':' '-t, S!r WDRK.STARTED BY _ DATE APPROVED BY DATE WORK COMPLETED BY DATE__ _ 0 iAPPROVED BY DATF DATE ILMILML lef7 '60ol< cleA FG-T ZAL P; -T PIZ$ . ........... lo LUM"lk AILli- E.S-r IV� AAT LUr ml*qsj�-� tAWTVAi.. F,)I.L GIRL/_E MVL&01:1 -TM fftltJUT k'W'O litpot— 16 %%#Am to vftx.,r p%ab rIg ,TRE NCH n (,► W4 d g I .A z Cb crasr,.i,.rf ! � ►�,. z P n Q a ---- �31� z q - W I U z� a Cr cc Wo / 1u q b k 5T►M orTX>5, S O% E L U-TQ'.I C NEAT A t- FQPO.►? LnT- om Pc.�+1 7 �1 r Z. SIX5- T 1..4/ 14T VAtEs X10 F►�t �I.GS To 5E L1S"fALA EJp tV 1t.qLA-A I[.2. .g 1 f SG 1.41--74'77) too t1r1� w�,�, r��.�v t � •.. 1� Y1►tt� �r �b s�sv�,�.t o� G heti �1�rd.�vf� !►� ��LAIt�"� . �oOH+��zh D� pro�oSG� work. . 1 COBRA DEVELOPMENT 10720 S.W. Allen Beaverton, Oregon 97005 (503) 641-7477 Oct. 20, 1906 To whom it may concern, Cobra Dev. Inc. p7-ans to nut in street and '�omrlete subdivision at Yolo Estates Lots 9 thru 15 in Tigard City limites. Rich-rd F. Johnson fres. yo 10 s-f-*.-4rs plic-se 8 c An-- and 170 ,w�e dry:t-i czq� f- .l SerrQr,+ I'?07/ Id o hed I A�/-7 1 .� 0c�J6- A40L-+,') S CC4 1207L - i0&11-7 R.n.iv�.IGNT ENGINEEr:.I INC . PROJECT ST ESTIMATE YOLO ESTATES , TIGr.RD SEFTEIIBER 18, 1986 FILE: VOLOCEI STREET CONSTRUCTION COSTS QUANTITIES Area of Asphalt pavement 11000 sq. ft . Depth of Base Gravel - 00 inches Depth of Leveling Gravel 2 . 00 inches Depth of Asphalt Pavement 3 . 00 inches Average Depth of Excavation 2 . 00 feet Area to be Cleared 0 . 50 acres Clearing Difficulty Factor , ( 1 to 10 ) 3 . 00 Lenath of Standard Curb 600 feet Lenath of Curb and Gutter 0 feet Lencrth of Sidewalk 612 f-=-et Width of Sidewalk 5 . 00 feat Kimber of Street Lights 1 each ..ilowar.ce for contingencies 0% of construction UNIT COSTS Base Gravel , in place 8 . 00 $ per ton Leveling Gravel , in plal-e 8 . 50 $ per ton Asphalt Pavement , in place 35. 00 $ per ton Subgrade Grading & Compaction MG $ poet sq. yd. Excavation 5. 00 $ per cu. yd. Clearing( Factor 5 ) 5000 $ per acre Standard Concrete Curb 5 . 00 $ per lin. ft . Concrete Curb & Gutter 6 . 00 $ per lin. ft . Concrete Sidewalk 1 . 35 3 per sq. ft . Street Lights 1600 $ per fixture CONSTRUCTION COSTS C:. ,arinq $1 ,500 Excavation $4 .5.19 Curbs $3 ,000 Ease & Leveiina Gravel -$4 , 171 szl Asphalt Pavement $7 , 130 Sidewalk9 $4 , 131 h Street Liqhts ( 2 x;.-;500 52oC> Construction Contingency $0 Street Construction Total _SZE,050 • 2„e,4•S{��� 4al . • �4/7l � SZisJ Jt'Y!Ns i• � irw,e ,.•c�s ��C4 z P-y.WRIGHT ENGIN=.il INC • FAGS PROJECT COST ESTIt-ATE YGLO ESTATES , TIGARD SEPTEMBER 18 , 1986 FILE:YOLOCE2 STORM DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION COSTS TRENCH EXCAVATTON & BACKFILL APWA Class A, (native material ) 0 to 6 feet deep 0 lin. ft . @ $5 . 00 $0 6 to 8 feet deep 0 lin. ft . @ $6 . 00 $0 8 to 10 feet deep 0 lin. ft . @ $7 . 50 $0 AFWA :lass B, (granular material ) 0 to 6 feet deep 45 lin. ft . @ $10 . 00 $450 6 to 6 feet deep 85 lin. ft . @ $12 . 70 $1 , 079 8 to 10 feet deep 0 lin. ft . @ $16 . 30 so Rock Excavation 0 cu. yd . @ $90 . 00 $k Foundation :.stabilization Material 0 cu. yd. @ $13. 00 $1) SURFACE RESTORAT< G!: Asphalt Pavement Replacement 0 lin. ft . @ $8 . 50 Curb Crossing 0 each @ $30 . 00 $0 Sidewalk Crossing 0 each @ $50 . 00 $0 Landscape Restoration 0 lin. ft . @ $5 . 00 $0 INLETS AND CATCH BASINS Standard Catch Basins 1 each @ $400 $400 Oversize Catch Basins 0 each @ $450 $1) Ditch Inlets 1 each @ $400 $400 MANHOLES Standard Manhole , 0 to 6 ft . deep 0 each @ $11200 Additional Manhole Depth 0 lin. ft . @ $90 . 00 a� Connection to Existing Manhole 0 each @ $400 gni DRAINAGE PIPE 8-inch PVA.: or Concrete 0 lin . ft . @ g7 . 00 $0 10-inch PVC or Concrete n lin . ft . @ $9. 00 so 12-inch PVC or Concrete 45 lin . ft . @ $11 . 00 $495 15- inch PVC or Concrete 0 lin. ft . @ $15. 00 $0 48-inch CMF 85 lin. ft . @ $60. 00 $5 , 100 100 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 0% of $7 ,924 , , Storm Drainage Construction TOTAL F..A.�vTtIGH'r EN6iNEEPIN(-, , INC . PACE t RGJECT C�)ST ESTIMATE YOLO E:;TATE:, , TIGARD SEPTEMBER 18, 2986 FILE:YGLOCE3 SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION COSTS TRENCH EXCAVATION & BACKFILL APWA Class A, (native material ) 0 to 6 feet weep 0 ll.n. ft . @ $5 . 00 $0 6 to 8 feet deep 0 lin. ft . @ $6 . 00 $0 8 to 10 feet deep 0 lin. ft . @ $7 . 50 $0 10 to 12 feet deep 0 lin. ft . @ $9 . 50 $0 12 to 14 feet deep 0 11n. ft . @ $12 . 00 $0 AFWA Class B, (aranular material ) 0 to 6 feet deep 0 lin. ft . @ $10 . 00 $0 o tc, 8 feet deep 0 lin. ft. @ $11. 70 $0 8 to 10 feet deep 0 lin. ft . @ $16. -+0 $0 10 to 12 feet deep 0 lin. ft . @ $20 . 50 $0 12 to 14 feet deep 0 lin. ft. . @ $24 . 50 $0 Rock Excavation 0 cu. yd. @ $90 . 00 $0 Foundation Stabilization Material 0 cu.yd. @ $13 . 00 $o SURFACE RESTORATION Asphalt Pavement Replacement 0 lin. ft . @ $8 . 50 $0 Curb Crossing 0 each @ $30 . 00 $0 Sidewalk Crossing u each @ $50 . 00 $0 Landscape Restoration 0 liil. ft . @ $5 . 00 $0 MANHOLES Standard Manhole , 0 to 6 ft . deep 0 each @ $11200 $0 Additional Manhole Depth 0 lin. ft . @ $90 . 00 $0 Connection to Existing Manhole 0 each @ $400 0 SEWER FIFE 8-inch PIC or Concrete 0 lin. ft . @ $7 . 00 $0 10-inch PVC or Concrete 0 lin. ft . @ $9 . 00 $0 12-inch PVC or Concrete 0 lin. ft. @ $11 . 00 $0 8 by 6 tees each @ $50 . 00 $350 BUILDING SEKEPS Trench Excay. & Bkf1 . , Class A 0 lin. ft . @ $6. 00 ;0 Trench Excay. & Bkfl . , Class B 430 lin . ft . @ $10 . 00 $4 . 100 6--inch Bldu. Sewer Pipe 430 lin . ft . @ 56 . 00 . : . 5,10 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 0% of $7 , 230 Sanitary Sewer Construction TOTAL ML �mlllkjLm� Ld8 w 2�4Nr ��� Z+16-4Z93 /'17e, saa-e- c-, e- ��' c;✓ �7 c-c m-p)c d aa,cl wa�k cmL1\ . o, S" c�rz'e�' �,� �. Co " �-� Co1,n���nf5 mach -j uJ0 LA.. a�•.� I-�e. �r'�I►,,; ��� �kin �n s�►-�:�,; '�cl Uc.r—s' ► o� , (•�R��� �i oti1 � 3 '°I"� Z�g� � t-)&— work dam l Sec•. ac�Cl reSs�r�g 5a.r;;•�ar mower- ` CO RA DEVELOPMENT RICHARD P JOHNSON 10770 S W.ALLEN 15031 811-7177 BEAVERTON.OR 97005 1 GO �i,Y�3 4�L /707'L C�2r� j►Ow/7 p�7C'� MOM(merns cur— �64- 2' S C n��cv-�-s a►�u� o 4p-—��a,�- a.�c ti.,o+ EA y E 77) X— Lase &.5 T!a i d f uQ:n ..y D II J-). rT-um hes he-,e arc no c(eis ot-#J�1 c uuviu r i. ' 4(p Ito"n C OF 5ELFGTED CLEAN GZAVL � _ 41, WEEP HOLES BEHIN �-0GONG. ' CURB WEEP HOLE rCOO VD 101, a c IQ" Z" Z' - APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 'FILE "ISMED BY .DATE_ - )O'HDR. fA (cm-OF TIGARD) g rERT• _ALTEKNATI P,. G. R TAININ6 WALL DEv1eP ERVXPT BY_ DATE - OFMTIONS DEPT BY- --')ATE .- CITY lNe BY J, 10-- ! i ��IyT By__ DATE uROUN p N.G E.CO O 1 \ 5' _ TEL COn 8Y__-__ DATE_-...._-.— OACKFI LL �4'�/FT, �. DATE— SELELTED - —r STORER CABLE Co (t91 CLEAN -�� ` '-'� GRAVIEi_ � 4- 12" DATA 7 GRDUNU N W NAS G S -- 4" VY EE?NOI.E4 ' LINE ,01 + 0(. �3, _ nisi 3y MeDATE`/ ?2r ' RocK MA60NRY RETA1 Yr�I WA�;�N�LL -- --- I1U �GAL�: JN -- _—__.___ _-----_- -- --`._. SHEET OF d6Y Z Ark3&j K!-Kw 0-;tI& Rufactai1 8-14.19 I Revised K1rraP Erosion F .tiot a -x' 9—_ -- ------__ DRAWING NUMBER Mitered 30'6 hl P CUL\A6rfi 264- 3 N0. - REVISION nn rI 7-r 4::,4C)0o='y L 4e U'� d r (r O 'L u u, W rn rn a "00 U\ l 4 Lr) � NUJrn r U\ cO (D ^ a ^ Ul u 0n 1N Cn7 �OrMO av? vaou, N �oaoo LnNNNd 00a rn ^ O N T, O d Drn W) 11 On r �lC� i11C; O V M rn �O N d.•_ Q` .O M N a `L ,C� rr. O` ('J r.r` c7 r- u\ O� Old M ^ � ' Md � oO O MONONNU, U' + ' U, U\ ONU\ ON ~ W M oFx o ;: -- vo � :;-n; o ao o 'vo� rnr 'v � Tr"- vIv� rnc -*t- = QMH Nd ry ^ Ofvdd O ^ U, U� ^ Na NOPe) u•NNNv d d N D — m0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0� 40 O o 0 00,E M1°o)0 0 0 0� Va O OMO �pc U, U� �Dr ^ rIj 0U111% v� �o ^ � � � �� MCD -- CA (+ NZLI) Ln v V7 V) N N N N Z Z Z Z Z V7 Vf U7 .. 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U S o: W R .-j ►O► Q W ( O ? w Z ., F W SIL tlt0V Lli J ^ � (1 tJh H � WH � y1- � u Z Naz �. r O •• \ V, tl Net Z OC ^ -D0 Na © Z w O .p Vi ] : - N - ►- H 20 M — Q C� N 4J � V"1 ►-. (" In W — UJ Z 3 N ZMv4ii- ►- O' O � OLL Z R `2 0 rK F � a v .J O w w20rca (n . _' cU. irk (1 n apSza, k, (� w f Ul d 4. Z ., 0 - H Via F - C - 1 4. Q d - Z Oct ► F J U; W `� . v V, (Y ♦ � m ... ►m J * ,n J Q y y rl W vJ t w p ►' k, Ur U W > S r W O O x h' h• al a ^ WL W "JW W XO. •Lnppaa. J U� r• W WZ_ Nwh• ZHu Z $ - I Wr Z o ..-g 3OZ -gym ~ d OZ LL Li- z W -jUa � NN I Z r t > z z =n a •[ w LL. U r - L� Z ¢ a a a Q F a < W > _ - 3ar. 5 � 3a1- •> w T (x -d Z) 3LIJ (� W � `n Q p-T W Z _ ~ Z CD O ,� O U W r Z 1 Q a t J J n � w J Q -iW z U 0- J -aao 0, a 2 - 230 - J .� (n W U- Z 2 _ U J Z ,, , 2 O Jwr 7OZLD � tT1 - z - i p '- v NQS NSrLnLUDJ j w W � .rlu-, ZF- �L) cr z 2 �OJm z ¢ w WO ~ 310- GCYu O U1 WC' '= � LOL TUU[. JJ § � � O� tn ¢Z Lydd1- O - O r .. .! 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O <L 0 V Q a ae zw — coma 2 .ov W 0 0 r > z `Z m m c9 1 TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINTS z > a �' a I TO BE PROVIDED AT EACH POINT OF " a m TANGENCY OF THE CURB 13 AT OTHER LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED TO LIMIT THE SPACING TO A MAXIMUM OF LO FT U 2 MATERIAL TO BE PRE- MOLDED NON- EXTRUDED MATERIAL WITH A MINIMUM ~ Q THiCKNESS OF 1/2: . a Q c, o TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION JOINT z I SPACING TO BE NOT MORE THAN 10 FT ; Q 2 DEPTH OF THE J0114T SHALL BE AT F-- LEAST ONE FOURTH OF THE CROSS - Cn SECTIONAL AREA = 0 r CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH a tl h I TO BE 3000 P S I AFTER 28 DAYS A �> > z a n c) 416 3/4"r EDGE F4, a . a -t° o ,• • 4 q D ID p 0 n. p ' 4 0 ' e 440 4 4 . 4 :4 ' . 4 4 o s• d . •Q. a4C) �. •� a . o 4 p4od 4 p A . '4 •.A �_ 9 ►- N w ►� N wvi � G ° Q > r I 3c� a � m wZ0 z o — .e M H o i e I I (J n o a Q dr 0 0 U a LLJ I I w ZI, U -o ►- U _J M z cr a M/H ( I o cr � c U - i Cl o Z (� M 8 uw U a w I I U w _Z (rU I �- 0 G Z U) W w ? 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TRENCH BACKFILL BBTAILS Uf Unified Set"co"Agency 1 ' U L..1 i 1 (4-1 L1 L 1 1 ► r t / I � I 41.1tmx" ah C-/oussty, C#r.c+R n. Date-. .1 2---___._ T r„r -- RILE YOU. /WE E U� M . of._...__ (!Z)6 Phone- TELEPHONED ---J PLEASE CALL RETURNED YCUR CALL WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE OU RUSH .rte• Message ✓0 w e—, _k&-c- 0 d-9 71M — &-f-0d»971M ey ' r