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FIl..F COPY FA_ECM)5y - h 8 ` '"• \ X' APPROV CONSTRUCTION �nl .r - , d .- ►�. \ `t / \ / ` ■.■■.. I r ISSUED BY DArE �. C" �� ,_.. • a (CITY T ,AFt(�) _ \ T ^ h 20 / ./ r, \ 11 --� --- - __ _ . QArVE '� � � � Irl, Existing 12" sY - � o Butterfly Valve ENGR.OFFICE \ / / _ \ OPERAT.OFFICE B 1 > e \ 10 Q "r-` - \ \ \ ` \� o BLDG OFFICE L'sy — /� 'i,tE .��-r -- � •' i r } U 19 \ �r �' � � 12 ° �' \ 29 Install G J Q L +�_�[/"Ui. Uri f DATL- \ `�1 O`� / s GEN.TCL.GO f n 4 \ --'J tJ � �, �� �, j � �,� \ 12" Live Tap with ��- � G�'�I I DATE. >\ N.W.NAT GAG CEJ � c 12xl2x6 Tee and \ `.. ��� �0 6 Gate Valve P.G@.CO. f.;'. �1-� :. O \ ; > Q \ \ / QO 3 I 2 1 \ /y �� \ \p WILLAM CABLE CO Iry UArr r ;i - a y / v / ` / 28 DIST BY DATc 10 / I ` \ / �.�` I Tj1�t. WAT.D Z 16'��i FIRE DIST'�I DATF� - - - ..ww.►�It Z CO 1 "Jc-�_'D r 6 BY , ATFG- / S r \ , DATE s'Z—f \\ / 27 \ / '� '� UNIF. SEW.AGENCY By .�- J CCc 1 i 8 / --1 ` /� ; 34 / '� LEGEND. — 9 ` ' 1_-' , � � \ s s--- Existing Sanitary Sewer - ` I ' � . �\ / \ 4 \ / / 35 / --------- Proposed Sanitary Sewer l T 25 \ �� \ / w w— Existing Water Line , ' 7 \� \ \ %� / \ 33 ��, 36 / %o -------- Proposed Water Line 12 I \ Existinc� y i 6 5 •� \ \ o \ 5 - J q� --� Proposed Water Meter \ 24 � -� �, -? Easement / -I - �O 8 I - --- / I \ \ \ /\ \ --,�--- Existing Storm Drain Scale: / , 1 Existing Pa•rement egg 32 I T� / ��. 15 ' Utility / — — -- — Existing Curb 1 13 \ ` �� 4, "/ , Existing ��,, Easement /� 1 ' \ / Pedestrian's ! Q ! �\ 22 - 31 ath \ , MH A-1 7.5 /� CAUTION _ Sewer Laterals for Lots A) I \ / � � � 49, 50 and 51 Just Barely I w 14 � \ 21 \ ..�' � � � o.5 11 12 Fit/ y y I \ , / � 3n \ \ F Prop sed 8 ' Lateral Storm Line. I' 6 I \ \ o / \ ,�,� /� Grade as Low as VICINITY MAP 20 \ F ;, Pedes roan 1 13 1 .0% May Be Required. / �. \ �o`k� � ^ / Path _ z Sc81e: 1x2000 - - — - — \ / � � 29 \ , e 15' Utili,:y \� 5 � ` /I \ 19 \ •�" \ < \ and Pedestria \ /� �A C) 15 \ / / `' \ Easement �� �x`>, Install GENERAL: ` 0) / \ / O 22 Bend s�`� `'' J 0) 5 , 18 0 28 _1 J_- 3I _ / / 04 \ 1 - 1 . All street water, sanitary sewer and storm\ \ / � \ 0 � _ � , y s or drainage (� • y improvements to be constructed in accordance with the -- - - - - I /� '' / 27 \ \ �• s ��D�_ __I-«�. `' Standards of the City of Tigard, the Tigard Water District ZIP w \ 17 // \ \ \ �'' I� 14 and the Unified Sewerage Agency. Improvements will be ,�,. �� ` K I inspected during construction for the purpose of ' ® C 4 '♦ �o /� \ LJJ 26 \ \ MH`• I Install 45° Bend acceptance. -- Vil>,, �h B- nay. MSr 'Tn 15i" � ��E;:w -,C, Crr,' RP_ kPPV_&V.4L. . ao I-¢ and 6" Gate Valv \ 16 \ \ A-2 / _ 2, Contractor to obtain applicable construction permits and � Z O s. 5 \ 8 I lol notiy appropriate agencies prior to construction of all "� U F improvements. 9 I � Extreme care shall be taken to W 24 \ 8 Utility i 3� improvements, vegetation and surveyemonuments. n 3 / \ \ / y �o 7 \ Il Easement �� I I 15 z \ 23 \ \ - -- --- — — — - f �� 4. One As-Built mylar of all improvements shall be provided ,_ ` - - ,_. -__ ' I`. to the City of Tigard by the Developer ' s Engineer. 'M H I I I co 6 A-3 14D C/) Z / i J ` = X -.00. 1z LAN 0 10 - - --_ WATER SYSTEM. \ I � w �' / •r ♦� N I I " 1 . Ail work �` •+1I ►: in �ccordar.ce with A.W.M.A. and Tigard 5 / s � 000, + Install 6 \ / s •�Ql�`' �,X" v — — o I I Water: L',istrict standards and will be inspected by the Q AL 21 x i Gate Valve ♦♦�.: Install Hydrant Tigard Water District for the purpose of acceptance. cc �S ./� ♦! Install Assembly and � Contractor to notify 'Tigard Water District prior to � 03 5s sr ♦ �O" i 45° Bend " y I I I construction. UJ !� I \ 4 / � � �� � d♦♦ � � 6 Gate Valve � '� 8 ' Utility 20 / ♦ �' , 14 ' I Easement I 2. All pipe to be tyton joint, Class 52 cement lined ductile � �► 3� ��• �./.. cs � / ( I ICiI iron. A I Q % ♦ / 17 38 3. Fare hydrant ahsembly coni;sts of 6 MJ x 6 Flanged tee, I + � �� 6" Flange by M.J. gate v�.1ve, E " M.J. x M.J. holding J I , 3 / � • � ID♦ R � 36 � 1 / \ '� Install �0 / •/ ♦♦ -}�'lo�-I- spool, and Modern Mueller Centurion fire hydrant, A-442, __ _ / � 19 22h° Bend e � •� ��� ♦ I � 6 " M.J. , 5-1/4 " MVO, 3-port (two 2-1/2" NST hose I I� v ♦s p-�- connections, c-ne 4-1/2" pumper) 1-1/2" pentagon r 5 \ A p 35 5,,, operating nut, open left, color . yellow. 4 3 _ 1 I 2 s 5 i I L3 18 4. Fire hydrants shall be installed upon a pre-formed concrete block with 1-1/2 cubic 30 9 34 I I yards of crushed 1-1/2" 4 18 MH �� / / _ I I i—� __ drain rock. Tar paper will be laid on top of drain rock -- -- 1 • + j to se;arate rock from earth cover. 2 Install 33 ��"15 , 5. Install poured concrete thrustblocks at .least 8 feet ' 3 install Bend / '40 1 I square of bearing surface at each tee and bend location. \ � I ! I \ E Utility MH A-4 I / 19 6. 36" of 3/4 minus ravel cover required foi- all mains in 1 / ' - - H 32 Easement j 4� / ° streets. 36" of earth cover required in easement areas. --L ! 17 � install + I � Install Hydrant I ,/ ,+ 5 Pend -S• -•. --+ �/ �� 7. All sanitary sewer lines 10 ' laterally or 3 ' vertically ,; Assembly and _i , �' -__' ..� / - -- -- - I — — _ _,_ <. of water main shall be encased in concrete 6 " 'chick 10' 3 - - -- — LAUR - -� - 6" Gate Valve , MpN�'--.__ w �_% I \� -- -- - - - - --- J /• i from crossing. Where crossings are necessary, they must --~--+ -I - --- -- r N J O I / �\ be made at approximately 90" with at least 18 " separation 3 W ,, 1 'L' UR�' MH A-6 R - rM 1 MH A_5 •/ „, / �? , below water line. o _.■,. .� - .W.--LAUIRMO T - -- 'DRIVE � � .—�.�. .----- --_�---- -�� ---- ------w ---.—.—. .—.__ — ---.— < W 1 o w C, D I L. U ,� Io' _ , - _ _ �' O 8 . All curbs to be in place prior to installing• water main. a = - _ r - 9 Mains shall be tested at 150 psi fo: one hour. Maximum 03 _ Q o o + o +' o r J m �� Install \ I P r c o) cn BENCHMARK - _ .� I ressure loss is 5 si. Static - o m u-, J -- -- ---- - - -- - - 6_� _ _ _ °° '� ao _ '°`� 45° Bend p P presbure 90 psi. /0 " Iron Rod � � - _� -- r � `� • •a' Remove Blowoff and - 10. Individual pressure-reducing valves will be requited at ` O o O I 13 l� 204.91 Instal]. 6x6x6 � 16 Connect to End of M.J. Te and 8 Utility \ each meter location and will be installed and paid for by U_ Q M O 4 10 � Easement I 15 Utility the Tigard Water District. 11 12 r _ ' Existing Main 6 " Gate Valve I '� � Easement 21 11 . 0 -- � a All main: shall be cleaned and flushed with potable water ' -- co 4✓ r prior to disinfec':ion and bacteriological testing in `� to 31 30 29 28 27 26 2� 24 23 22 \ m '� O accordance with A.W.W.A. standards. Oregon State Health 14 r I Division bacteriological tests are will be taken by theCX I o Y 15 I 1 - r5 \ Tigard Water District and are required prior to placing p T o system into service. I 12. Tigard Water District will install copper services to D D —D --*-- p each lot prior to the paving of streets. Water meters will be installed by the Tigard Water District as .O. No. 8707 requested individually by each lot. Oeslgn rawn l 4 i I - ate 'L6 52 I 51 I 50 � � � 49 �8 47 I 46 45 I 44 ( 43 I 42 41 I 40 39 38 37 36 � 35 � I I I I 1 I I I I � � � � � sheet k• I I I I SEWER SYSTEM. I / l I 1 . Sewer pipe and fittings to be PVC gravity sewer pipe 1 of 6 . _. ._. ._. _ _ / ` I _1---- I 1 _ conforming to ASTM D-3034 , SDR 35 with rubber ring type �" W S -- S- \` s I .�, joints. Joints to conform to ASTM D-3212. REVISIONS "-'" "" ""' "'_ -"'. EVIS ONS _ ` p,...,Ki. .:.._ M Ft'IV W ;1.�/I. L=$ ` �'' \� \ i ''• '� "`-----.... ---__ „ -- _ I ,�. �'• y / 2. Sewer mains to be airtested following trench backfill and o Deacrlptlon / Date By s � _-- - W; I w WOO \ v► compaction. / �--- W �_ S - - w_ - -a .—. - ■. . . . r ■.■i■wr w ~�-� -. I WATER UNt _.6 .� 3 . An air test report and a video report (along with BETA _ Fiq _ or - - � C�N � ~ �\\ � \ �► v � � - ' --. ,-,-w• -,...�_ _ - __ -_-_ .- _ -----�•-- �{�'$ ""' � �,,, / video tapes) shall be submitted to the City, prior to — _-- - '\ connection of any buildings, for City approval . ---�'-" 2 3 4 5 6 �. 1 �� 27 28 2Q 31 --- - r --------- _- _ 1 I 30 j 32 33 i 34 r-T ; . r r, � o MAY �, - � r , ..., -ems:.�. waw�+--^1• +w+,.v .- - - -- -- - -• .__ ..-• ---.. + ��jj Y � L /C) •.�x.,�.:.:C:'d,1�W" . � - - __.' t I t I ( � � ( I I I � I .I�til�ll���fll�'I��II�I�IIrli1�� ► rt�t I �I�III�'I�I�I��jlll�l) (ll�llllltl�rt�llllll�I�Ill�lll�lll�lllllll�ll�llll�lllllll�lllltll�rllllll�lllllll�ltl�ltlllll, I 1t. _. � �' ���� b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS 'IOTI(;Gf-1T IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL CRAW ING. OE 6Z 8Z /.Z 9Z S"Z bZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 81 LI 91 61 �I it1 21 11 01 6 O L 9 S 10 E Z 1'"•"" ,r""'"rr ►!rl(IUIIn111nnII111111111u11111u�uul;luVl�IIlu11r11111r1,b1i11111,II11f�111u�111n11uulutt11111111uIn�l�Itiq�R IIn1111111uI��;uIIItllttl�ultltrltll11tI1t�lllullunlllulln1111t111Ir1I1�WW1111IuWlI�uI►lu�tu��Wbltl JULY 9 1992 J ._.. Owosso \\ � N O I 1{ \ ?..G DRIVE \ ��i�c Udo, i�= _ �.. ¢ o. hn U rb 5 1 r l N .`� i - Sm 0 19 29 12 -14 1-N PAi \ \ 4- . KOAevvtt- U..A34A allZ 10 It 10 Ll 4 \ i I ` \ \ �� J� i 35 oC25 s `� '� _•, �'� t Lam�.-.r V�, �♦' yo Uzijry. 36\ ted. 33 51 Jr t d I� - 8 - - -` \ .� Existing 7 ? ,��. `7 7 -/ /. V:. Scale. / - 50 ! -- -- \ ].5�Uti1ity, Easement � / ' I ' `' , -T ( \ \ / / ~ 32 Bicyc a and �n�S �s t1•e � � r f Rome$ ---- - -- I �--- 23 \ / \ \ Pedest ' an ath r ,j `� Easement •_..._ �' "`'' v I 13 \ ��/ 15 ' Utility/ '/ t•e.� ,vl� ch�e,n 7 LET-7- 7 r.vt w. _ �� �� J ' /d / / Easement ,�, �•ss 2+70 Z Nh.aon, +k � ' / 31 Install 8" \ / Install 143 L. F. droo -- --- --- ) I Asphalt Pedestrian 12� Conc ete p - -•'-- � _i• \ �� I \ . I 14 / \ Path 75' \ ,� // 30 \ 12 / vI 6 \ / v 11 13 C NI T Y MAP �! - --- - - - --- -- --- \ \ 20 / / /y / TOC- / LEGEND: Scale: i•=2000' R = 42.00 \� TOC- 186.99 STORM LINE c / % /' \ Cti 0 159016 '58" 187,49 TOC s- Existing Sanitary Sewer I ! \ 19 \ / �( (�<�� \ 29 \ L = 116 .76 \� 87.39/, NO,.1 9 Y � � C 5 15 \ \ \ / ���� ./ (� � j .e. •►�. /S.LIB� „'� "_w- Existing Wa i e r I,i n e '`�." O 18 / � o \ 28 14 Out• I,V.r'� R 42 . 001 ---- v Existing Storm Drain L \ \ / / 483.99-187-12 � i = 121'16 '52"52 Proposed Q p Storm Drain / / \ \ R - 23 .00' TGC = 189.40 4z 4�.�h° _ L = 68.90 ' QC 17 \ / 27 = '0 ," Existing Curb I \ / \ \ � � = 61028`40" � � 88.56 , N � to�e3 � TOC=187.66 - 1 / �' ' ` L = 26. 82 ' - TCC = 188.72 '' ` -W I I$' I CU 14 Proposed Curb 4 ,y � /a �/ \ 26 \ �� �` \s 188.t?5 � R = 25.00 ' _ Proposed Pavement 16 \ / � !/ / \ R = 25 .00 D 39°05 '36" O \ � = 90013113" >! L_=_ 17,06 ' ---� -� Drainage Direction O 25 \ $ - t. L = 39. 37 ' \ CT= .188 .21 I o Proposed Centerline Monument �\ + `' = 188 . 32 o ! ! , TOC = 198.,44 Proposed Combination Stop Cr Cr Uj \ ` . R = 117 .00 TOC = 189.14 M1i I and C _4 \ \ .� = Street Name Signs /� \ �� y00" / \ \ 7 30°011 '4 Q = 189.28 + n TOC-190.71 � z O 3 F,Q \ � ,� 23 \ L = 61 .29 ' = 189.42 - .a I Install 22 L. F. • Proposed Bike and Wheelchair Ramp ,�` j \ - - - 12" Concrete TOC 189 .56 �, o s = - - ¢ Proposed Street Light S C .0 6 /,.� - _.,....____� .. • �� � ' I Install 5 7 L. F. o Proposed Mail Box � CO) 112 Concrete CU 22 �\ / a tof i LANE _ -`. . +_ w g � 2 ; 8 Utility - + =59 3 13% / ' \ \ \ `,Easement. ,- / Y � , -- -� W _._. ...._._....._. .� ,I 16 GENERAL: ^^i \ \ \ E� !, �a ► j ; ; - Install 33 L. F. `►.. 21 - - TOC = 189 70 ! 12" Concrete i - • >� 1 . All street, water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage r � �1 4 p = 19 0. 41 s 1.0$----- -- p �0 a ` R - 3 00 ' * f S improvements to be constructed in accordance with the � r. / - o " h � = 191 .12 / Standards of the City of Tigard, the Tigard Water District •� -�-- ---�- \ �'` / 0 00 46 p = lg1 . 82 q and the Unified Sewerage Agency. Im Improvements will 5e ~' 3 / 20 4Q��`. L 3 .48 �+pC 192 . 53 9' 9 P Uj 8 Utility inspected during construction for the purpose of E acceptance. \ / / Easement 38 s' 17 3 �[ O \ / ,,� i ?- - 2. Contractor to obtain applicable construction permits and . •j ,1114 / 37 R = 25 .00 notify appropriate agencies prior to construction of all Uj i + 1 / 19 / r _ 89146147" f t l imrovements, ` l cum / /"+ 36 L 39 .17 ' i � _ - R = 11'1 00 .o i • 3 . Extreme care shall be taken to g 6 I a.. _ __ � 8 ' Utility preserve existing 5 J a = 59°59 '1 �.. \ 3 5 - - : � Easement improvements, vegetation and survey monuments. c 4 I _ j :. = 122. 1:0 4 . Streetlights shall be installed in accordance h i I l I 2 / a �� R = 83 . 00 ' 18 g e wit City of . Tigard approved Portland General Electric layout. 3 ' .7 ' r' = 59°59 '14" • 1 ! �8 = 39 LUB ' = ! / t I PT 2 ' R - 25 .00 ' / CUI2II ` �� I - A - 90°00 '00" R 25^00 " 40CUR � S I \ p ' 10 1 L = 39 .27 ' = 9v .,0 0� 33 R = 83.00 ' I t l 1 � � I GLIB I L = 39 . 27 �,\ 4� = 90°13 '13" -Mft ` ' R = 267 . 00 R = 233 . 00 TOC = 205.17 - TOC 205. 17 Install 21 L. F. L = 130. 70 E MH No.2 19 �j CONSrRU,"MO 1�': • = 05°07 ' 35" 0 = 05°07 ' 35" 3x s = 205 331 �+ r 8 ' Utility 12" Concrete ,. `S•W.- � s_� o L = 23. 89 '. I. = 20 , 85 ' �S p = 205. 49- �c + C, = 205.41 Easement s = 3 .41$ x • j - 0 �+ � D 205.65 32 \ _ , 1 . All roadway excavation, fill construction, subgrade _ _ _ LAU _ 'a D = 205 .6 h 6 = 205. 88 - - - - 3 f�/I,10NT`` s` .,� _ r _ - - - prepartion, aggregate base, surfacing, prime coats and _ s ! C-_ �_ o TOC = _ paving will be done in accordance with the APWA 1980 / •� TG'_ 0 _ -� � Standard UR - + St d d 4 S.W /(a -- � Roadway within street i - - , scleared of,w , MH No4 (D ............. , a1lsufaceveget vegetation trees, stumps, brus � r w2O (b rn roots, weeds, grasses and debris and grubbed to remove o � 'J�J ENCHMARK - - -' - -- ---- 1H No.3 all stumps, roots buried ve a*ative matter and debris to c o> --- --- f 5/8 " Iron Ftcd - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - ' - --- -- -- - .- - -- -- -- - - -- - R = 11.7 .00 r 9 - ... � q R = 267 . 00 - - - 1 - = 90°13 '13" a depth of 6-inches below grade. Waste materials to be ° :' vt 13 ' 204.41 1 n = �530�0„ " p _ 05007135 8 ' Utility STORM LIN ' 15 ' Utility Install 11 L. F. = 184 . 23 \ disposed of on site as directed by Engineer. o � 0 10 11 6 , ' S L - 23. 89 ' Easement Easement 12� Concrete Roadwa to be rou stin to ogra h O Q. co 12 � I L = 20, 85 IV0,2 ___.. 3 . y rough graded to match ex:: g p g y - s 6 .4 \ prior to installation of underground utilities. 0 3 m - -- - -_ 30 29 21 4 r' d and c U 3 co 31 28 \ Fine grade compact roadways prior to placement of to v, 27 26 25 24 23 22 rock. Proof roll streets to 958 of maximum density as 14 ! I \ per the AASHO T-99 test method, scarify and sprinkle c`v �I '� m m ' 3r 15 I f 1F \\ water on subgrade if necessary to achieve above O O ^ C compaction. Q. 5. Second lift of as halt shall be C p placed following build-out P ------� a--rt of 75% of the residential lots or as directed by the City 1 I ( Connect to Existingof Tigard. 3wee flush and clean W.O, No. 8707 g' p. � pavement before � 30 " Concrete Pipe I I applying tack coat and second lift of asphalt. Desi7n 52 51 I 50 ' 49 I 48 47 46 45 44 DfAwn I I I 43 42 41 39 38 37 36 Date Z a 1 -� 35 I AP �6 o 1 � 40 ' � Sheet/ILM _� [N\QSTORM DRAINAGE: ____L I 1 . Storm sewers to be C-14, Class 2 concrete pipe. _ 2 f6 _ S •• s _ I I I I I /� 2. All lots shall drain to the public storm drainage system. 0 - S \' - -- - - _ _ I Roof drains shall meet weep holes in curb, D_-S.W:_M RPJING a •. \ �, � REVISIONS .+.�.� f, i No D®scrlptlorl / Date By W 000, 0100" NOW 1 000 _ 9 S -- - _ - ----- FAL - - --- - - w /r/ RIS E mmos ._ 100 , 2 3 4 6 \\\ \` / �/ % ` 7 2 8 ?9 3 0 31 1 1 32 1143 34 A -- VILLAGE @ SUMMERLAKE FAR1 � 2 OF PRINTED I { .._. ... . - '1 t`I I r 111 I I�'1 111�I t l 111-I't l� '►�1��� ( I'Ni 7 1 1 1 1 1 11 I I l ���I 11�� 1 I I 1(I ►I 1 I j 1 1 j I I{ 1 I I 1 1 1 r r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 { 1 1 1 1 1 1(i � 1 I I� � 1 { 1 ! � 1 1 1 1 I I, 1 1 1 f•{ 1{I i ---- _. - . ._ .... ,_ _., ,�,,,.,..,,..,. .,,,,,,,,r,.,,,,.,_ .. NOTE: IF 1HIS MICROFILMCD 2 3 4 5 6 7 A 9 �0 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN � THIS NOTICkr"IT I5 061E TO ` QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. ----- - --- ----- Or 6Z 92 a 9Z SZ ve EZ ZZ 1Z OZ 61 91 LI r)I SI 1vl E1 ZI 11 0'•1 6 0 t 9 IS--J�--'b IE-- 2 11SMA . . _ �►111lNIIIIII�IIIIIIuIIuuInllltlll�lltl`Il111u111tINI111111fuhtNlllt��u�NN11I11111�1111Iull�Hulllitlll1111i�1IH11�M11I0f11�#I1�1 Iu111u111nIfI'TITITTIfI�Illtllnttllul�lllMillfillnllulluuli1111uulnuh1111�WUUVu1Ulll�ulh'ullulUl�lllll) JULY 9 191,42 A r rn L_ rD O �N a WC �CA eOQ-n L GI cD n U) m c p' cn o• �c.. aw 3 T a rn a ?' 8K (-ptember 3, 1991 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON A 'IY) WHOM IT MY CONCERN: This is to acknowledge that effective this date, street, sanitary and storm sewer public improvement facilities installed wil,:.hin the following development projects are hereby accepted by the: City of Tigard, Oregon, for operation and maintenance: 1 . Mallard Lakes Subdivision 2 . 108th Avenue Sanitary Sewer 3 . Morning Hill (Lots # 1 - 53) Subdivision 4 . Morning Hill No. 2 Subdivision 5. Gallo's Vineyard Subdivision 6 . Dover Landing (Phase No. 2) Subdivision 7 . Ari Green Subdivision 8 . Genesis No. 2 Subdivision 9 . North Dakota Street Sanitary Sewer extension 10 . Morning Hill No. 3 Subdivision 11 . Tigard East Sanitary & Storm Sewer Relocation 12 . Exodus Subdivision 13 . Cotswal.d No. 3 Subdivision 3.4 . Swanson' s Glen (Phase No. 1) Subdivision 15 . 108th Ave. /Durham Road Improvement 16 . 113th Ave. /Durham Road Improvement 17 . Albertson's Sanitary & Storm Sewer Extension 18 . Merestone Subdivision 19 . Clydesdale Sanitary Sewer Extension 20 . Tony's Place Subdivision 21 . Barbee Court Subdivision 22 . Winterlake Subdivision 23 . Creeksiue Subdivision Randall R. Wooley, City gineer di/JH:opt-nein.ecP 13125 SW Hall Blvd P.U.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)634-4111 - — ------ - +Y'yEt`i9�}�v�•AI'AAtl��"Y �G1iW4.4i41Ra!LY+uvspxN..wr,vr.www..:...,..........:.,a.....,.. .. .._.._.. ._;.. ._,....._.-.,:. .,...ewsWA.�r..«YwYa,«e+ktxlMv+.rrr :•: - •: LOREGON ARD January 3, 1991 Mr. Go: Son Hobbs OR-AK Corporation P.O. Box 2302 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Re: Village at Summerlake Park Dear Mr. Hobbs : This is to acknowledge that effective Dece4aber 18, 1990, the public improvement facilities installed within thr subdivision improvement Project, commonly known as Village at Sumrierlake Park Subdivision were fully accepted by the City of Tigara, Oregon, for operation and maintenance by the City. Should you have any questions regard-ng the above project acceptance and assurance relt.ase, please c(intact Mr. John Hagman at 639-417.1 . Sincerely, 6L",/Z Randall R. Wooley City Engineer dJ/EN i00c10.HST 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O Box 23397,Tigard, 7regon 97223 (503)639 • 171 --- —_ �HWAAMNMLMLA RECEIVED L. 6: a 4 1990 OR-AK CORROPATION CIMMUNIIYDEVELOPMENT OREGON-ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO. POST OFFICE BOX 2302 LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97035 503-245-4900 FAX 503-246-3293 December 20, '1990 Randall 'Wooly, City Engineer City ,of Tigard PO -I3ox 23397 gard, OR 97223 RE: Village at Summerlake Park Subdivision Dear Randy, Thank you for your letter of December 17th releasing the assurao ce on the above referenced subdivision. We now need a letter stating the City has accepted the subdivision for full r..aintenance and we are relieved of any further responsibilities. Your prompt attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, A4(_<__(' -,('( L._ �je __ Gordon Hobbs 1 President -{ C GH/kg � yL i CITY OF TIGARD OREGON December 18, 1990 I Charles M. Schmidt Excavating, Inc. 116 E. Fifth St. Newberg, OR 97132 RE: Village at Summerlake Park Subdivision (Maintenance Assurance) Dear Mr. Schmidt: In the matter of the fifty-five thousand four hundred sixty-eight dollars an seventy-four cen_s Maintenance Bond (# 804846•-87) between Charles M. Schmidt Excavating. _ Inc. and inter ational L,icLajity Insurance Company_ and the City of Tigard, Oregon; this is to serve as written acknowledge that the City has no further interest in said Maintenance Bond and, therefore, declares that this assurance obligation is void. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Hagman at 639-41-71. aR' ncerely, 1 an a R. Wooley City Engineer di/l-miscAN 13125 SW Full Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4,171 - - — CITY OF TIGARD December 17, 1990 OREGON OR-AK Corporation Post Office Box 2302 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Re: Village at Summerlake Park Subdivision (Assurance) Dear Mr. Hobbs: In the matter of the Thirty-five thousand seven hundred eight-one dollar and twenty-five cents ($35,781. 25) Letter of Commitment between OR-AK Corporation and Washington Federal Savings Bank and the City of Tigard, Oregon, this is to serve as a letter of authorization to allow said bank to release to OR-AK Corporation all of the deposit encrusted to said bank. All work required to be performed under the terms of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement having now been satisfactorily completed. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Hagman at Tigard City Hall, 639-4171. Sincerely, Y' City Engineer dj/t-misc.JH 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ---- TO 1i s� A�1 �r•ee..1•� Z � v,11.9c �u1 s��l�� �*i ) ,., ON �� r►1.lK��OMLKt�.~ Dk�E1 Ct s `4�.,tiles �4-�a.� s.�l s,d e w�1 k, �...e Kati,,, c.s...�,',l e�#..� •� ��Q,'t.�1.G. �t.t� � CO'NT1rwt btr c1l.Ky • GHr� 1K t C�� �t t1.C.. r1tcd�d ►�t�� ; L 1 l Vb .�iCL ,V tv WT-2. V-C.r1I.4-1 ,01r Y� .r J��"' �° _'K-�=t� )btI t v►1 �-Y1Slkt , ..L:y,a...._........ . .:.. .•. .". i°;° ..,' .:,r{WYiEbAW�uw41i1fOlYdF.v/itI%Whutlfwi.YWYAYkiAA7YYM+p+M(�li�r`YYwL`JrCi1�YMfW�1W(YYioe6wlliii{IM!]Fkr'- LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINE-HURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 21 November. 1990 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn : Mr. John Hagman, Engineering Re : "Village at Summer Lake Para;" Dear Mr. Hagman: Enclosed please find a "Certificate of Compliance" dated 14 Nr)vember 1990 for the "VILLFr.E AT SUMMER LAKE PARK". This completes the work of this firm on this project. Should your office need any further information, please yive me a call. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Leonard A. Ryde 1, P. . , P.L. S. LAR/j cc : OR-AK Corporation Pride Services - Sharon PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS 9 SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RE: VTLLA(,E AT SUMMER LAKE PARK This is to certify (in accordance with T.M.C. 17.08.OiU(6) , T.M.C. 17.U9. 12U, and T.M.C. 17.09.160) to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following item(s) have been installed in compliance with the City's street dedication improvement standards and specifications and that the following items are complete in accord with the approved plans, special specifications and conditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project , to wit : (Project Engineer' s Initials) 1. Sanitary Sewer System 2. Storm Sewer System 3. General Utility Systems : Domestic Water Electric Power Gas Telephone u �'— Cable T.V. �.. Street) ighting 4. Street System: Subgrade (lase Surfacing. . . Base Lift Final Lift Sidewalks Aprons 6 Ramps Curb 5. Monumentation System ) Certified this 14tl' day of November , 19 90 . PR 851 By: (Project Engine r) s Rf.GON G 1 � !�O 81 22. `L Firm: Leonard A. RYdell , PE, P;,S 601 Pinehurst Dhive Newberg, Oregon 97132 (01335) � - s-- �o �c 5����L��-. �,ccd�s • pw�� 1, -�^1 � c� s Z�- =nternational p fidelity Insurance Company Newark, Ne • Jersey The Bond Experts P.O. Box 12729 Portland, OR 97212 Dec. 06, 1989 To: CITY OF TIGARD PO BOX 23397 TIGARD, OR 97223 Bond No. : 804846-87 Principal: CHARLES M. SCHMIDT EXCAVATING, INC. Contract No: Description: MAINTENANCE BO^'D--VILLAGE AT SUMMER LAKE PARK Amount: $ 55, 468. 74 International Fidelity Insurance Compa.1y is the Uuc .y on the above bond. We would appreciate your cooperation In providing the . equested information. Please return this form to u: so that we may have cirrent status information on the captioned iob. A postage-paid F-ivelope is provided. Thank you for your assistanc ,. Kattie Locke PLEASE COMPLETE ONE SECTION ONLY I. IF THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED: 1. What was the completion date? Date of acceptance `- 2. What was the final ntr coact price? _ Has the full amount begin paid? - " Was the work satisfa:tory? --- 4. Have all labor and Iaterial bills been II. IF THE CONTRACT HAS N07' SEEN COMPLETED: �jle I. What percentage of work has been completes to date/ 2 Total amount paid tc Contractor to date? 3. What is the amount (,f retainage? - - 4. What is the anticl,)0(:•d date of co_mpletion? 5. Is the Contractor paling labor and material bills? 6. Is the work progessing satisfactorily? — FIRM: [' L,.4/-- P 49. s39 BY: - ,��--� ADDRESS: 1 _� GATE: ---�--�_� PHONE: Ute) '_� - OR-AK CORPORATION OREGON-ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO. POST OFFICE BOX 2302 LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97035 503-684-6541 October 24 , 1989 John Hagman Engineering Technician City of Tigard / t- P.O. Box 3397 � � °�� (e1' Tigard , Oregon 97223 �tCd-f,pj.v Re: Village at Summer Lake Dark Dear John: Consider this letter our request that the above refer-encec) subdivision be accepted for permanent maintenance by the City of Tigard. Yours truly, Gordon Hobbs President �lF1�93 119si �� i" r4m mu nfty Onsl4pme ntt ssr Irx earnatiaaz. l Fidelity Insur Since Campan3e Newark, New Jersey The Bond Experts P.O. Box 12729 Portland, OR 97212 Jun. 15, 1989 To: CITY OF TIGARD PO BOX 23397 TIGARD, OR 97223 Bond No. : 804846-87 Principal: CHARLES M. SCHMIDT EXCAVATING, INC. Contract No: Description: MAINTENANCE BOND-VILLAGE AT SUMMER LAKE PARK Amount: $ 55,468.74 International Fidelity Insurance Company is the Surety on the above bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the requested information. Please return this form to us so that we may have current status information on the captioned job. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you for your assistarce. Kathie Locke PLEASE COMPLETE ONE SECTION ONLY I. IF THE CONTRACT HAS BEHIT COMPLETED: 1. What was the completion date? Date of acceptance _ 2. What was the final contract price? Has the full amount been paid? 3. Was the work satisfactory? 4. Have all labor and matarial bills been paid? II. IF THE CONTRACT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED: 4th 1_/_ ��nolllr_� 1. What percentage of work his been completed to date? 2. Total amount paid to Contractor to date? 3. What is the amount of retainage? _ -- 4. What is the anticipated date of completion? _ 5. Is the Contractor )aying labor and material bills?� 6. Is the work progessing satisfactorily? 1 -lay Ile FIRM: / / ' a2� _ ADDRESS: f��• /S� (�2 3 32 7 _� DATE: �_ �� _ PHONE: (so 3 4/'7 Z --- -------------- / CITY OF TOGA PD OREGON November 28, 1988 j OR-AK Corporation/Schmidt Excavating_ Mr. Gordon Hobbs & Mr. Charles Schmidt 13050 S.W. Forest. Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR 97034 ` RE: Ari-Green No. 2 (Village at SummerlaKe Park) � X Dear Mr. Hobbs & Mr.. Schmidt, I received a status inquiry from International F_ ' Ut-y Insurance Company, your maintenance assurance provider. Upon reinspection of the project, to facilitate responding to International Fidelity, we found that the cracked curb' in the cul--de-sac still needs repair. Otherwise, all of the items which were in need of repair and which were previously described to Ar. Hobbs in our August 19, 1987, y� letter are corrected. Please act to correct his remaining dv-fect. `�C+ Aso, before the City can proceed with acceptance of the project, 1b n �L3t1eY' (including path work) and sidewalk ins61Yit1'on_mu t be—co e I Sincerely, // d I John S. Hagman Engineering Technician JH/jlh e.OvA M 9 CC: The Bond Experts PO Box 12729 Portland, OR 97212 13125 SW Rill Blvd ,P.O.Box 23397,Tigan.,Uregon 9,?_23 (503)639-4111 -- ------- - -----� re 4t-,ec,, lo, Xcll9- am ........... wr s � wl INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY I 24 COMMERCE ST., NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102 GENERAL FORM STATUSANQUIRY OCTOBER 4, OriI gond r- , 804846-87 Address: 115_S� 5TH-4"RM. )1181fBIERQ, O8 97132 -- De.cription of Contract __ VJ1&1s8= AT jam-_T_AICSSon (INCLUDE LOCATION AND 1 NtD OWNER pS�CONTRACT NUMRFR. � obligee, .- -_S.ITZ fJP TI�RD-_- IQ JWX 2USIT, T1GAAD,_4w qU33 - - Contract Price =_x..458.7! __ Bond(i) $_ _-.- - --- ._ __ - Effective Date9/1/�-- Without prejudicing your right or affecting our liability under our bond)%) described above, we wSIM ould appreciate such of the following infornlntion as is now available. Very truly yours, Stamped addressed envelope is enclosed for reply CATBIR I. IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate date of completion of work )or final delivery) Approximate acceptance date Final Contract Price ; 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate percentage or dollar amount of contract completed or delivered 3. Do you know of any unpaid bills for lobnr or material )Check) No. -Yes )If yes, plecize explain in 4. below) I. Remarks (i} any) J I .. 1 id.'_ e 14 __� s Y T r1d1't11 ]L�►�~l�'1`, 1 1 `) Dote_ 19 Title saoo FOLLOW UC COPY s AAAS AW AW AW Watamette C A s L E T V CABLE CONSTRUC'T'ION APPLICATION & PERMIT CITY 1. Applicant W'llmmtte Cah1A T_V 2. Address 14200 S.W. Thi non Ct Beaverton, OR 97005 3. Telephone 644-3188 4. Contact Person Craig I�nestone 5. Contractor Johnson's Excavating and Utilities 6. Address 1150 S. 12th Ay., Corne1im OR 97116 7. Telephone (503) 357-3104 8. Contact Person Keith Gordon 9. location (str-et,,subdivi.sion,etc. ) —It' IQt'1Ll iii ALI ��t_ �G{LCA4a/ 7L 'T7r -- -- City Use Only 10. Map Number App. Date: 11. Starting Date Permit Fee 12. _Cort let ion Date �� ��rU Permit # Fbotage 13. Aerial.: Underground: Date Issued: Size of Opening 14. Width: Depth: S i gna ttwe of Apolicant Ddte 14200 Southwest Brigadoon Caurl • Beaverton.Oregon 97005 • (503)644-3188 or J O /r N! N / 4 I£11 •. N 1 in N LL to x .Airt y ? lit (411" \ \ '\ X19 1 ` �1 1 �\k. IL. onl1i ` NI -` ON, YI I �yy(C to W 11Ja �s 1 N c e• I C,V'# ?A N I I 4 1 0.Nn e m M \ \O* q I � -Fn 1 SEI M:t inQ�&ej x cut -1x IL ,►I4W.0 n11 1r a: - co nil 4t 1 1 s� t�N•.F_ Nl Llt. s jJW X4 pox > 7wI N {ti rN4-' .1 x1v1 1,► i } q a1 �k3 M.a°c t;i;hi'�f/--..! (�1 ?' Pell , 1 , I Olt _ I_. Ot. 1 _ T \ eA •r a 1 I • , I Z , V 1 ly MCMORANDUM (',ITY OF TIGARD, OREGON William A. Monahan, Director, Community Development November 18, 1987 FROM: Greg N, Berry, Utilities Engineer-B98 SUBJECT; Complaint Concerning Fill Between Ari Green and Village at Summer-lake Park As you requested, I have contacted Darliss Clay of Happy Homes Real Estate arid investigated her complaint. A telophone conversation memo is attached. Her, complaint seems to be that she feels that the fill has increased run-.off onto Ari Green. Ari Green and Village at Summer-lake Park were originally platted as Ari Green Phase I and Phase II respectively. Phase II was sold to OR--AK Corporation before any improvements were constructed or a design was approved and was renamed Village at Summer-lake Park. The fill is located along the northwest: edge of village at Summerlake Park between S.W. Shore Drive and S,W. Tamera Lane, The original grading plan did not include the fill . As a result, Summerlake Park continued to drain towards Ari Green as it had before develrrment. Because of increased impermeable area, John Hagman required that the roofs in Summerlake Park be connected to a drain to prevent increased run,-off towards Ari Green, A revised grading plan was then submitted allowing the fill. . The purpose of the fill was to eliminate the need for the roof drains by reversing the direction of run--off and directing it, towards S.W. Tamera Lane instead of continuing to permit the run.--off to flow toward Ari Green. .In order to place this fill while providing adequate area for back yards, it was necessary to fill nearly to the property line. However, the toe is generally about 4 feet from the property line . Building code requires a setback of one-half of the fill height from the property line to the toe of the slope. It is uncertain whether this fill meets this requirement. However, Brad Roast and John Hagman determined that whatever infringement there was of the building code was far out-weighed by drainingc benefits. 'Ago During moderate rainfall , it is possible that: the fill would cause an apparent increase in run-off since the run--off from the undeveloped Summerlake Park may percolate into the Coil b.�fore reaching the property line. f.rosion of the bank could create a nuisance, However, the bank has been weeded and most of the bank has well established grass. br•/18960 w Ato September 17, 1987 CITYOF TIGARD OR-AIC Corporation OREGON Mr. Gordon Hobbs 25 Years of Service 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way 1961-1966 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 RE: ARI-GREEN 02. (Village at Summerlake Part Dear Mr. Hobbs: This is to acknowledge that as of 5eptMbL-L16_, _j_9B.1 the -zubdi- ;Ginn._____ improvement project known as _Ari-Gramma_ (Vi I Iafie at-S la-ka_ rk) - conditionally accepted by the City, placing it onto its one year guarantov pt,fIod, subject to the following: [X] Completion of incomplete performance items, namely : _Installation of concrete sidewalks & aprons installation.Qf A.C. Overlay; irG alta inn of -cul:de-sac & pathway ramp; installation of monument.-*/boxes [X] Correction of known defects, namely: all items referred to in_gur _letter to you dated Amt 19, 1987, [X] Continuation of developers maintenance responsibility and correction of an deficiencies which may arise during the guarantee period. To assure the aforesaid, until such time as the project is fully accepted by lhr ('%t operation and maintenance purposes, the City has taken the following action(s) [ ] Authorized release of the original performance assurance. [ ] Authorized continuation of the original performance assuranr-e in full form ,+ru effect. [ ] Authorized a reduct .on of the original performance assurance and is holdinul lhr balance as a assurance. [ X] Accepted ; (reduced) performance assurance. [X] Accepted a 'maintenance assurance. [ ] Other: Should you have any questions regarding any of the above, please contact me ..t h 11) 41 11 Sin eJely, 'I - 7X� John S. Hagman 1312M ffR64P%dT'T1k7'C'k Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- - --- - - •Mc;+. ��. ,:.. n... ... .�.t,.n.nr;:;.an,y tC s�.NWswlt. '+ .., �. �... ,,...w.:,. «u:AwiG►ewe+�adwlil+�liacii�+taearw.adYa�a�r";?�wwwdva�uri+Y�aiwuwwp�Ihu�J„ uwdus'.' ,.a�,,;�s wet ���ahkrr�Cn¢ tCgr�c��H GG .scGd�. �.ypr,� / ✓ ,,,� Z ��a� /9G Ssia` �lGc� hjve c�Garle � �ad.>y i P 160 lei °�/11e�87 8�'OO AM — /�l,�c �,�►/i....�� e�.wt L To/el J1� ay.1. '•� a .• �. ss�wt. �...�.++:�s . Sy'4^�c����� • etw 'y�c ` �S "CAn' e/r, V kI eAlt. el 1 Gr '� C17YOF TIIFARD OREGON Se_�teznt�er 2 �, 1987 25 Vevrs o!iervrce 19G115�8h / OR-AK Corporation 1.03_50 S.W. Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR.__,97034-1. 59.9_ Attn: Mr. Gordon Hobbs RE: Sr Vil lags at StzTtnerlake Parc Subdivision Dear Mr. Hobbs This is to verify, per your request that: 1. Each lot is situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, include curbs and necessary and adequatc- drainage structures, together with means for operati.o_t and maintenan•:e, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. �. Said subdivision, where necessary, will have drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned sewerage disposal system will be available to each lot at the lot line of each lot which meets the requirEments of the Envircment.al Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required, to be constructed, by the City of Tigard, Oregon ark- under construction. 5. A Subdivision Ccmpl iance Agreement .and Performance Bond has been vxectito,i by the subdivider 4nd has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard thereinr(-gard LN- npletion of the improvements; said dorumrntr: ,iry on file i!i tla(� city )f Tiqard Recorder's Office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regardinq docrm.,ntm io n/vc it I- cation required to l.x, ,ulni t fool t(• rhe Stats, Rv,d Fstati� Division by •h ,,i0, divider. nroreIY, l John S. Hai Pnq i neem r i nq Tvchn T i a n 1312` SW Hall Blvd.,PO Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97221 (503)639.4171 - - --- e Construction InspeaYion&Related Testi Carlson Testing, Inc. P.O.Box 23814 Tigard,Oregon 97223 Phone(503)684-3460 September 2, 1987 #CP-3341 Senior Building Inspector City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Village At Summerlake Place Sub-Division Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: As requested, this letter is to certify that compaction testing was performed on structural fill placed in the lots and streets at the above referenced project from June 5 through July 6, 1987. The following Lots had structural fill on them and were tested and meet 95% of AASHTO T-99 compaction requirements: Lot 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 11 , 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 39, 40 and 41 . Final testing was performed at finish grade for the structural fill . Our testing does not and will not cover any topsoils, etc. that may be placed over Lho structural fill on the lots during final completion by the contractor. *rhe Lots that are not listed above do not have any structural fill placed on them, therefore they were not tested. We have enclosed copies of all test reports for This project. If there are any further questions on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, CA SON TE TING, / Douglas'1q. Leach President llo Enc. cc: OR-AK Corporation r ��51c1.k15-ec( �L-2- "'N'A Leonard Rydell ( 1 e�•o .�<•r`cur�.s . ,fit► Ihrllc.y 7 7 1 r ,+r. he ,nr t rf a ,orisilivr l.arrds r,tppIication ir; r , v�, wr ! +ruf appy ounr! I hr- dr a i n,-4411,wAy may not br, f i 1 1 Pd nr ,tr ,art, d ur,l 1 1 th i r t,v I,-w h,4 In,,,r, unpl r., "1 . p�rl it y N 1 1 wi I I bo r,at c ,iI iml wlurrr t.hv conditions of approval rt,l,ating to strtv-t imprr.ruc,nrr,rrts fur 1'fr,th Avenur are completed , iho fll,anning Commission has det,vrminred that the proposal as submitted ur witty minor modifications, is r,onsistcint with the relevant portions of thr Community nrlvelopmonl. 1;ode hanc,d upon the findings noted below: Chapter 10 54 of the cudv is sat t sf ied br-r,auso tha proposal moots All of the roquiroments of Lho R -12 zona h Ct%h apter 18 . 1bt' of the Codo c satisfied borause the proposal pivots tho rrquirements set forth for the submission and approval of d prpliIII inary plat c I:h,apter 18 164 of the Cuda will be satisfied during the approval process for thr final plat The preliminary plat indicates that all City standards can be mrt Lots 76 and 77 roust be modified because Section 18 . 164 .O60(e) of the Code dues not permit double frontage (through) lots . Ill CA!',ION H,+sed upon the findings and conclusions above, the Planning Commission Approyes the preliminary plat fu(� s, 9-85 ')subject to the following „ i � tt�ris� t UNLESS OrHF=RWISf NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET PRIOR TO RFCORDING THF ETNAI PI AT St,von ( 7) sets of plan profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized �;onstruction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Profession civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall br- submitted to the F_ngineering Section for approval 1 5;anitary sewer plan-profile details shall ha provided as part of the publir, improvement plans . 4 Winter lake Drive shall br, improved to d half street minor collr!ctor standard plus in fnrrt. of pavttrmrnl on northt!ast. sidrr of r tinter l i rye Construction of proposed public improvements shall not cummerrce until after the Fnginner-iny Section has issued approved public improvement plans The Section will require posting of a 100% performance Bond, the payrnr,rtt. of a permit fre and a sign Installation/st.rcot.IIghl. fr', Also, thr execut.iorr of a corstruct ion romplt,anrr, arjrnomont. shall occur pr iur to, or c.oncurr r,rrt 1 y wi 1 h t h, 1 "o.an; r of approved public. itnt,rov, cr+t r,t plans 00 I1 l /r r,1 I:, rl t.lr 1 Ir'Ir• M,uurlurfnt,rt l,1rr lli i• arttt olt', 77 W-0 )uh,wi-tion (2) , Ltir- , aril rrr I Ir- art +I 1 •,I.rr,r,l .+nd roadw,ry r iyht., of wely sh.+l I be nit)numr-r i too In•r tlIt' I'it.y ,t„rll ntr.r.opt. . it.rec.t impruvomoIIt b All cnnter-Itn, monumurrts shat) be pLac(ed in a monument box confornminr.l t„ 1'1ty st,rndards, and the top of all monument boxes shall h- •ret + di-sign finish grade of said street or roadway c lho fol Iowtrnt -ntor I lriv Monuments shall be set: (i) All ,.mit,or-linit r.o•_nterline intersections. Intersections cre,rtr-d with "collector" or other existing streets, shall bo set when the renterline alignment of said "col for tor•" or other street has been established by ur for thrr I:I ty; (2) CenLer of all c.ul-de sacs, (3) Curve points. Paint of intersection (P 1. ) when their position fa115 inside the limits of the pavement otheruise beginning and ending points (9.C. and E.C. ); (4) All sanitary and storm locations shall be. placed in Positions that do not interfere with centerline monumentation 7 the "basis of boirings" for the Plat or Survey shall be C.S. 019,9-17, which is a part of the Tigard Field Survey Network. A City of Tigard app►r,ved non-remonstrance agreement for street 4I"s� s and storm drainage improvements on 135th Avenue, shall be i6.-f submitted to the Engineering Section for review and subsequent City Council approval before the final plat is recorded, �� r sc16) red° 9. the 10 foot wi& right-of way along the eastern property line shall be vacated prior to recording the final plat for Phase ?1., the applicant. shill vacaff, thi, area in accordance with City procedures 1U Ownership of tho westorn 20 flet of lax Lot 4200 shall be obtained prior to recording fhn final plat I1 Lots 76 and 77 shall br, modified to hove frontage on only one street 17 . the area northeast of Winter Lake Drive (all of tax Lot 500) shall be included in Phaso f of this development and shown on the plat. The dedication doc.umrnt for this 3 .4 area for park purposes shall be reviewed and Approvod by tho Laity prior to recording. Tho park shall ho dedicatod bl-fon, i rsuanco of building permit.% . ll the applicant yh.+l I hio rr•5p,rrr5lbly for Lho gradinq and 'joltding of the p,rrk 1 hn m,-t hwl ,regi t i m i rry of Lhe i mpruvelnont. Sha 1 ) ter +rpprnvtrd by Ihoi C, ty ethic Io i -,ulrrq huiidirg permi1,1 i r�.t ,H!t 11 L� Itr , Ur 17 ,,,' , •, r ;,;r , 'a 14 Aftr„vilrw drill ,tppr-(iv.A by the Planning Dirr!r-lar ,Ind r;ity I ng i rwvi 1 hr• f i r,I pl,+t strial I bo rocor•dod with Wesh i ngton County N,itm of Ilr, ,,i)„�IVI 'tlfIn Iota shad havt! dir'lef-k ir �,1,•,•, Irl 13rtl.h Avrnuo r - 1b Lot and ltr--� 1 y h access r u D,+wry I;� t I_r,t b and /15hashally avacr s onto 0 IDr1vlrWintee�l.�+ko�n h v 7ll halve c Imon dr-i !ways ontoll&�ore Orin ' It us, .n maintit C agre rents shay) be _rated and �1 ,11%mrjrl /,r,, carded oI, ,i ty sta and furors o^ albec r' "( 1 ayreoment.-, sh,+I1 a rel .r'd thoapplicab petrcel deeds . S 'd agreert sha be eY F ng i nr.l± i ng Div' s i un JOI T IJSE A MAINTF�NANCE At;RFEMi: T FURMS ARF" ENCIO`J_J) 18 Sensitive I_anda Permit approval shall be obtained prior to any grading `work within the sFlouldgrboaYor F,e d toctheigy'ad�Igof afor final Lots plats .,per.ial 64 through 10 19 A paved pedestrain path within a 15-foot wide access -strip shall be provided botween the northern portion of the loop street and ion and design of this Shore Drive or Winter lake DriveThe lrca the Planning Director access shall be reviewed and apprr,vec! by p0 This approval is valid if Phase ] is recorded within one veer of ate. Phase II must be recorded within two the final decision d years of the final decision date tt is further ordered that the applic t be notifired of th" entry of this o►•dor 1)ASSC0; This day of __ 1985, by the Planning Cornmissionof the Pity of Tigard . A Donald Moen, President Bard Planning Commission (K,,,l pm/1571P) C." g �-Z ` M cap e� i I Construction lnrr+cction M Rclsrcd T.sts tarbon Tesg 'uri , Inc. - P.O.Box 231114 Tigard,Oregon 97223 CP-3341 Phone(503)6843460 REPORT OF IN-PLACE SOIL DENSITY TESTS Permit. No. CI *nt_ grbMidt x yA inn ___ July 16 1981 Project Vi 1 I ig . a . S rriuner Lake Sol Description 3/4"-0 rock horn Cohb Rock Tested by: R. Dodson Mox. Dry Density 121 .3 lbs./cu. It. Optimum Moisture 10.3 ` % Method of Test Nuclear 3411-B MS11TO 1-99 - -- ----_�-- o•rt or r!!t t�tv. urr • u6 N'F�AcIF of N51Tr rtt� 40. T E S T L O C A T I O N onrwr (L11111,/CU rT a inish 1-15 1 Laurmont lot. 21, 7' left of center line :rade 5.5 130. 1 123,8 100+ 1-15 ? Laurmont lot 25, 6' right. of center line 1. 1 125.0 116.6 %.2 1-15 3 Laurmont lot 22, 1' left of center line 5.9 132_. 1 125.5 100+ 7-15 4 Laurmont. lot 18, 8' right. of center line 5.6 12.8.5 12.1 . 7 100.0 1-15 5 Laurmont lot 16, 10' left of center line 8.3 136,5 12.6. : 100+ aurmon , rn cu - e-sac, - 1-15 F, lot. 14 right. of center line 27' 3.4 120.0 116. 1 95.7 _aur V) r_56c577P-s a IF 7-15 7 lot. 11 , left of center line 18' 6.2 128. 1 120.6 99.4 1-15 8 Tamera Ln, lot 37 right of cenLP7 line 10' 1.4 130. 7 12.1 . 7 100,2 ri so t area -�- 7-15 9 intersection of Tamera Ln & Laurmont. 9. 7 131.5 125.4 100+ 7-15 ' ) I Tamera 1_n, lot 135 left. of center line 11 ' 7.0 130.5 121 .9 100.5 7-15 11 Tamera Ln, lof. #33 right of center line T 6.8 121).8 111.8 97. 1 7-15 12 Tamera Ln. lot #1 left, of center line 1' 6. 7 126.? 1113.3 97.5 Remor4s CC: CARL SON TESTING INC '- Carlson Testing, Inc, Cvnstruct.lon fnsl+etYiun&Related Testr, P.O.Box 23814 Tigard,Oregon 97223 LOO NO �P-3 341 Phone(503)884-3460 REPORT OF IN-PLACE SOI! DENSITY TESTS July 7, 1987 Client -- S_'ttnldt. f' -at ing Project _ Vi Mage (a Sulmerlake Sol Descr prion , Brrnfi Silty Clay Mo• Dry Density 99.9 Lbs./cu. It. Optimum Moisture_. 18.5 % Method of Test NUClear 3411-B o.tt o, tt1, ' ttt! ro S ES T L OC A T 1 O N tlty u1. F1111.0 Iw-���Cf OENsITr I1. r0, Olt/U11C Il•t.rC U. /t,l l 1 �, 1 Ceu..t rOw 7-h 1 Lc�t 1 .alis rade 17.2 116.2 99.1 99.2 7-f' _ l.,ot. 2 19.6 117.6 98.3 98.4 7.:`6 ?_ `Wt .3 18.4 115.2 97.2 97.3 7—o- 'a Lot 4 16.5 113.6 97.5 97.6 1-6 ) Lot 5 15.2 1.14.9 99.8 99.9 ty— rriQa� Leonard R_ydeU — - ---- —------- CARSON TESTING INC �. M Con+trucryon lna�-ri+,n&Retired 7cfu Carlson Testing, Inc. PO.Box 23814 719prd,Oregon 97223 /M IMO CP-3341 Phone(503)684-3460 REPORT OF IN-PLACE SOIL DENSITY TESTS July 7, 1987 Client Sclinidt Excavating, Project Village @ Sinnerlake -- _ -- __--- Soil Dcscrlj�on Brown Silty Clay - ----- n _ Maa• Dry Density 99.9lbs./cu. h 0pjlmum Moisture l Nuclear 3411-B --•--- 9G Me�hod of Test o.,t o. its, - +t1J ro T E 5 T L OA ratio O T ION t�tv. urr IN-PLACE OE NfITv I,, r0. Oaf fV�l Il�f./C V. IT.1 t 7-6 ) Lot 39 Gr vat 12.7 114.'1 101.8 100.04 7-6 _ ' Lot 40 -__-� --- -_- _-- 15.8 120.0 1.03.6 100.0+ 7-6 3 Lot 41 _ 12.4 116.4 103.6 100.0+ 7-6 4 Lot 26 ---- ,_ 17.8 129.1109.6 100.0+ 7-6 5 Lot 25 - _ 16.7 121,4 104.1 1.00.0+ 7-6 6 Lot 24 14.2 118.2 103.5 100.0+ 74, 7 Lot 13 '+ 22.3 .1-8.3 96.7 96.8 7-6 8 Lot 12 16.9 113.7 97.2 97.3 7-6 9 Lot 11 20. 120.5 100.1 100.2 7-6 10 Lot 1 - -1.5' 14. - 117.2 102.3 100.0+ 7-6 11 Lot 2 - -1•5' 12. 111 .3 98.7 98.8 7-6 12 Lot 3 -1•�' 13. 118.2 1.04.1 100.0+ 7-6 13 Lot 4 -1.5' 1,6.2 119,9 103.2 100.0+ 7•-6 14 Lot 5 -1.5' 16.8 121.7 104.1. 100.0+ Remarks CC; City or T�garjd Leonid Ryde13 ---------------- ------- CAR LSON TESTING INC Construction Inspection R Relatrd Tests Carlson Testing, Inc. P.O.Bos 23814 Tlgprd,Oregon 97223 CP-A341 Phone(503)681-3460 Poo 840. REPORT OF IN-PLACE SOIL DENSITY TESTS Permit. No, Client Schmidt Excavating -June l9, 1987 Pro f,, Vi 1 IagP at Summer lake So-I Description _ Brown $ Gray Si Ity Clay tested by; Li O'Connor Max. Or Oensu 99.9 Ibs./cu. ft Opt mum Mu�stuteV 18.`-' 4e Method of TeslNuc I ear 341 i-H AXS14lo >'� -- -- __---- I UtO ON,•I ACE Of NslrT o.rr arss+ T E S T L O C A T 1 O N s`" o�srwt LLG/./turr.1 1 t...••r ,e. wILI 6-26 1 Lot 39 1 ' 21 .9 115.7 94.9 95 0 6-26 2 1.01. 40 1 ' 19.6 118.0 98.6 98. 7 6-26 3 Lot 41 1 ' 19.R 118.0 98.4 98.5 RemorGt Cc; City of Tigard CARLSON TESTING INS ('unctr-uction/ntperticrn R Kclatcd Tcas Carlson Testing, Inc. P.O.Box 23614 Tigard.Oregon 97223 C1'-3391 Phone(503)684-3460 REPORT OF IN-PLACE SOIL DENSITY TESTS June: 23, IIJ87 Client Schmidt Excavating Project Village @ Sumerlake Sol Description Brown Silty Clay Mon. Dry Density 99.9 lbs./cu. It. Optimum Moisture 1.13.5 % Method of Test Nuclear 3411-13 O-rtOI telt tltY. lVT rltl0 IN-PLACE DENSITY ctrl wO. TEST l O C A T 1 0 N rr. Mo. onrultt Iuf./Cu. rT.I t t WL tc�u��cr or 6 -22 1 Center of Lot 38 1 -41 119.4 114.4 95.8 95.L4 6-22 2. Center of Lot 39 1 -51 t26 112.4 95.2 95.3 6-22 3 Laurmont Drive Sta. 6 + 20 Sub 112.9 96.2 96.3 6-22 4 Laurmont Drive Sta. 5 + 20 Sub 112.1 97_.9 93.0 6-22 5 Laurmont Drive Sta. 10 + 60 Sub 110.6 90.5 90.6 6-22 6 Lot Line of 2 & 3 50' Behind Curb Line -4' 16.,; 118.5 101.7 100.0+ 6-22 7 Lot Line nf 4 & 5 -3'-A 20.6 118.4 98.2 98.3 Remarks CARL30N I"WING INC I f; 1 O-CA 4A P C-c� a4e c �CYIWL P� 1'G B L b �d Ld-S:�D 9/1 /9-7 ` � o `T"D,� cc �e.`t�ems' �tAo 'Aeti- � C—fftuctlnn Inspr"inn&Related Vats Carlson Testing, Inc. i PO Bos 23814 1 Tigetd.Oregon 97223 Phone(503)684.3460 August 20, 19131 #CP--3341 Senior Building Inspector City of Tigard P.O. Box 2.3397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Village At SurTmerlake Place Suit-Division Tigard, Oregon Cie nL 1 Pmen: As requested, this letter is to certify that compaction testing was performed on structural fill placed in the Lots at the above referenced project. from June c,, 1981 through July 6, 1967. The 1`111lowing Lots were tested and meet. 952 of AASHTO T--99 compaction requirements: Lot 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 11 , 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 39, 40, K 41 . Final cprfiea was performed at finish grade for the structural fill . Our testing does r.ot and will not cover any topsoils, et.c. that may be placed over the structural fill on the lots during final' completion by the contractor. If there are any further questions on this mat.tor, please do not hesrlate to contact our office. Very truly yours, /� 1 CANON TESTt� P, INC.t Douglas X. Leach President 110 cc: OR-AK Corporation t eonard RydeI I International Fidelity Insuran,,e Company SURETY BONDS - HOME OFFICE: 24 COMMERCE STREET t NEWARK,NEW JERSEY 07102 TEL. 201-624-7200 MAINTENANCE BOND Bond 1`o..8048.0.-0.7...... KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we ................CHARLES...R....S.CHMIDx'...E?SCAV.&TIXQ.,...0Q.................................................................................., as Principal, and INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INS CO authorized to do business in the State of ...0R.FQVN............................... as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto ..CITY...QF...TZGARD.......................... ............ ................................................................... as Obligee, in the full and just sum of .F1FT.Y-FI VE...THAUSANA..F.OAR..HUNDRED...S.I.XT.Y-E1U1...AND...741.ZOQ...--.-- -.-.. Dollars ($ 55,468.74 ) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT: WHEREAS,the Frincipal,on or about 1987.......... , entered into a contract with the Obligee for...STREETr...WATER.r SANITARY SEWER, STORM DRAINAGE AND UNDERGROUND UTILITY .. .................................. . IMPROVEMENTS TO "THE: VILLAGE AT SUMMER LAKE PARK" and WHEREAS, the Obligee requires the Principal to furnish a maintenance bond for a period of ....QNF................ year() from and after the completion date of said contract to guarantee the correction ati.a repair of any defective materials and/or defec- tive workmanship used in or on said contract. NOW THEREFORE, if the Principal shall, for a period of ... ............I.... year(s) from and after the completion date of said contract, correct and repair any such defective materials and/or defective workmanship, then the above obligation is void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and Sealed this .......l.S.x...... day of ........SEP.xEMIiER............................. ................. 19.0.7............. CHRRI,E3.•M..__SCHMIDT._,EXCAVATING t iNC. u�) 1 C .A Y.I. IC`(J �. . /` ' INTERNATIO FIDELITY IN RANCE COMPANY y tic K1t28 E T. NIEDER, Attorn" in-Pact 0360-o5 w w w t , r Rz,7 POWER OF ATTORNEY xnteifi4bnal Fidelity Insurance Cbm n f s ,A "y "� M oFncz;�COMMEfw sIME > 1 �• NEWARK,NEWJERSE,X•07102 ,:; ",1 J 5 '87 ,.. 1t � :�` �, KNOW ALL MEN.$Y.1HESir'1�RC?St?NIS Chit:tntew4littonal Irrdellty Insurance Comlrstly�� !t4 tatltt/t.'irgan{�fed'and.axLtind under the laws of the State of New Dorsey;llAd having its principal office in the City of Newark,New Jersey,dgeg hbfeby:onstitute and appoint KRIs'TINE T. NIEDER, D. KEVIN REINMILLER, .PATRICIA T. KITCHEN PORTLAND, OREGbN its true and lawful altorneyis,in-fact to execute,seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety,any ars all bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature hereof, wluch are or may he allowed, required or permitted by law,statute,rule,regulation, contract or otherwise,and the execution of such Insirument(s)in pursuance of these present,,,shall be as binding upon the said International Fidelity Insurance Company,as fully and amply,to al!ir,tents and purposes,as if the s nee had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office flus Power of Attorney is execute.'.,and may I.e certified to and may he rrri,ked,pu,;unrr r„and hs witbooty of Article 2,-Section 3,of it,r Py i ewsadopted by the hoard of Directorsof Internvtional Fidelity Insuran,_e Com,any at a mrrling called and hel.1 on the 23rd day of December,1969. 1 hr Pieswlent or any Vice President,Executive Vice Nesldent,Secretary or Asst+rant Serr,ta;y,shall Idav, p •to and authority ,I) to appoint Attorneys-in-fact, and to authurizr them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and tinderiakings,contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in th, nature thereof and, (�) 7n Tom talijitime,09Ysut Attotneyn act and revoke the authority given. Furtliu,this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by f.tcainiile pursuant \ eso!ution of the Hosed of Directc:rs of aid Company adopted at t meeting duly c4flf andheldon the,4tb day of February, 1975 of which the following is a flue exatrpi: •, ylr ,.;. >V�.'pf '. i►fahr'wE1ilF gift oh'aftltars P (ltiR.alai of the Codipany may Ile'�irtetd tci ser�luc`power of atldrrlay t>t 1n Kl lcita relating fiieretu by't e,1t►d any ttttb ,ppoteer of lttorhey or certificate bearing such facsimfle ttiantittty�li or facsimile seal chill be vsUdzd binding upon the Com pony'an�so tueh poweftirrlecuted and certified by fscsirnUe signatures and facsimile seal shall he valid and binding ulporl the Cempat,y in the future with respect to any bond or Undertaking to which it ix attached rN Ir-M-Fhtom WUIEREOF, Inte,national Fidelity i. iurance Company has causal this instrument to be signed and itscorpmate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer,this 1st. �`QEl11Y /N�.G �a S ;.41tuf May A.D. 1981 41. Se f xecutive VICe Prdtdanf On this Ist, day 6f#lay A98211before me Caine the individual who executed the pirceding instrument,to me personally known, and being by tie duly Morn,atild•t}iat'tte bathe therein doncrihed and authorized officer of the Inteinational Fidelity Insurance Company: that the &Q Mixed to sold instrument b the Corporate Seal of said Company,that the told Corporate Seal and bin signature were duly affixed by dxdet of the Board of Directon of said Con+pany. ••.44+ - IN Tl.;tIMONY wnERfOF,I hevr hereunto set wry hand and affixed my Official Seal, �Tqb :'Q at the City of Newark. Nese leriry the tiny and yew fent shove writtan, Notary Publi_ A My Commission F ;.ir.x April 14. 1998 I It 1 II li n I It i�; I, the undersigned officer of Intcrnaii,.nal I id l !, Itionam t Company do hetehy certify slid that I have cornpacrd tie foregoing copy )f thr Ibwet of A!tonney and offidavii, and the col y lit th^ Section of the Hy-lawn of said Company as set fo;th in said Po-ver of Attorney, wlth the ORIGINAI S ON FILE IN FNP. )IIJML• of Ili I int t.111n COMP011', a••! that the sante or,: correct tranxdnpli thereof, and of the whole of tilt said griglpalKjrJty Es Y a said Power of Attorney hoc n„t hern revo.e+l and is now in full force and effect. .,IN f rAii (AY w1eiRL'01",I have hereunto tet my hand this 16T day of s rPTFM130y IP 87 INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY 24 COMMERCE ST., NEWARK,NEW JERSEY 07102 STATEMENT OF ASSETS. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS AT DECEMBER 31, 1986 ASSETS Bonds(Amortized value . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . S23,894,659 Common Stocks (Market value) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 752,742 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . 143,34.. Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68,570 Cash& Bank Deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,554,462 Sh.)rt Term Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 1,576,511 Unpaid Premiums&Assumed Balances . . . . .. .. ... ... .. . . . 788,843 Reinsurance Recoverable on Loss Payments. . . . . .... . .. . . . . 389,604 Electroruc Data Processing Equipment . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . 102,091 Interest& Dividends Due and Accrued. . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . 539,041 Funds field in Escrow Accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 4,1 50,960 Collateral Funds Held Under Contract . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . (4 150,960) Contract Balances Due and Unpaid . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 321,337 Equity in Pools and Associations TOTAL ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S31,2.21,574 LIABILITIES,SURPLUS &OTHER FUNDS Losses(Reported losses net as to reinsurance ceded and incurred but not reported losses) . . . . . . . . . • . . • • • • • • • • • • • S 10,061,592 Loss Adjustments Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,515,557 Contingent Commissions&Other Similar Charges . . . . . • 71,348 Other Expenses (Excluding taxes, licenses and fees) . . . . 60,679 Taxes, Licenses&Fees(Excluding Federal Income Tax) . . . . . . 509,568 Federal&Foreign Income Taxes(Excluding Deferred Taxes) . . 333,000 Unearned Premiums . . . . . . . . • 1!,179,648 Funds Held by Company Under Reinsurance Treaties . . . . . . . . 50,000 Accounts Withheld by Company for Account of Others . . . . . . 55,442 Llabdiry for Unauthorized Reinsurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,617 TOTAL LIABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . X4,865,451 Common Capital Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. 1,330,000 Preferred Capital Stock . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600,000 Gross Paid-in&Contributed Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544,600 Unassigned Funds(Surplus) _ 3,881,523 Surplus as Regards Policyholders S6,356,123 TOTAL LIABILITIES.SURPLUS&OTHER FUNDS 531,221.574 1, PHILIP KONViTZ. President of I itemahoral Fidelity Insurance Company,certify that the foregoing is a fair statement of Assets. Liabilities, Surplas and Other Funds of this Company at the close of business, December 31. 1986, asreflected by its hooks and records and as reported in its statement on We with the Insurance Department of the State nc New Jersey. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the seal of the Company the February '_h. 1087. Ty INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY SM M g4 • *+ President LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97137 26 August 1987 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. 'Mike Mills Re : The Village at Summer Lake Park. Dear Mr. 'Mills: Enclosed, as per your request, please find the revised xerox mylars of the As-Built Construstion Plans for "Village at Summer Lake Park", a 41 lot subdivision located .in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. These "As-Built " plans have been revised to show the actual elevat.icns of Manholes A-1 throuah A-3 . Submission of these mylars completes the work of this firm on the project with the excepticn of setting the centerline monuments follewina paving of the second lift of asphalt. Should you have eny additional questions regarding_,, the project, please feel free to give me a call . Thank you. Sincerely yours, �i I.eonarr3 A. Ryde 1, P. E. , P. L.S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc : OR-AK Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES OREGON ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY LAKE OSWEGO. OREGON 97034 503-635.4551 AUGUST 261, 1987 TIGARD CITY H.&LL P.O, BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 ATTN: JOHN S. HAGMAN, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN RE: VILLAGE AT SUMMERLAKE PARK SUDDIVISION (ARI—GREEN 2) DEAR MR. HAGMAN, WE AGREE TO CONSTRUCT THE WHEELCHAIR RAMP AT THE CUL—DE—SAC WHEN WE POUR THE FIRST SIDEWALKS IN THE SUBDIVISION. WE ALSO AGREE TO SEED THE SLOPES IN THE SUBDIVISION No LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 15, 1987. IF YOU HAVE ANY (QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME AT 635-4551 . YOURS TRULY, GORDON fiOf3RS, PRESIDENT SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT ADDENDUM RE: VILLAGE AT SUMMERLAKE PARK SUBDIVISION (ARIrGREEN II ) IT IS AGREED THE DAY OF AUGUST 1987, THAT CHARLES M. SCHMIDT EXCAVATING, INC. AGREES TO BECOME A PARTY TO THE SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TIGARD AND OR-;AK CORPORATION DATED AND EXECUTED ON JUNE 5, 1987. CHARLES M. SCHMIDT EXCAVATING, INC. AGREES TO PROVIDE THE GUARANTEE BONb*REQUIRED IN PARAGRAPH (7) AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES EXPRESSED IN PARAGRAPH (9)—(E) Oi` THE COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT DATED JUNE 5, 1987. THIS GUARANTEE WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: SANITARY SEWER S'rSTEM STORM SEWERAGE SYSTEM STREET SYSTEM TO INCLUDE SUBGRADE BASE SURFACING (BASE LIFT ONLY) CURBS PATHWAY SYSTEM (NOT INCLUDING WHEELCHAIR RAMP) CHARLES M. SCHMIDT EXCAVATING, INC. FURTHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR THE VILLAGE AT SUMMERLAKE PARK SUBDIVISION AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF TIGARD ON JUNE 5, 1987 AND TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE FINAL ORDER OF THIS SUBDIVISION AS IT APPLIES TO THE APPROVED PLANS OR PARAGRAPH (9)7(E) OF THE SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT REFERRED TO ABOVE. OR-AK CORPORATION CHARLES M. SCHMIDT EXCAVATING, INC. .,:�7 _ / - I - I �1," 11&—— — A,L.\�11� -15- Ix GORDON HOBLAS, PRESIDENT CHARLES M. SCHMIDT, PRESIDENT CITY OF TIGARD ALIGUST219--�-, 1997 * NOTE: "GUARANTEE BOND" means "MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND" r CITY OF TIFA RDS N o. 25003 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. ? r P.O. BOX 23397 Date 7 TIOARD,OR 97223 r _ � Name 1 � I Address Lot Block/Map SubdivisionlAddress Permit M's Bldg. Plumb Cash Check Sewer Other Other Rec. By / . iption Acct. No. DescrAmount 10.432 -Building Permit Fees j 10.431.600 Plumbing EPermit Fees 10.431.601 Mechanical Permit Fees 10.230.501 State Bldg, Tax 10.433 Plans Check Fee – 30-443 Sewer Connection 30.444 Sewer Inspection 51.446 Stroet S st. Dev. Charge 52.449.610 Parks I Sy t. Day. Charge 52.449-620 Parks II Syst. Dev. Charge 31.450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge 10.430 Business Tax —71 10.434 Alarm Permit 10.227 Ball 10.455- Flnes. TrafficlMisdlParking 10.230- CPTA TrafficlMisdlVic. Asst,— ..--. _. 10.456 Indigent Defense ' 30.122.401 Sewer Service/USA 30.122402 Sewer ServicelCity 30% 0.123 Sewer SevicelCity aint. 30.125 Unmatched _^ 31.124 form Drainage — q .q ancroft Prin. Pymt. 40-471 Bancroft Int. Pymt. • i ]G TOTAL CUSTOMER ---_._-_ NAME: DAT - �c , _Z9 'Ic R --ACCT—.:E _ DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ~_ — I 10--22000 Refundable Performance Bond Deposit —_ $ 10-435Q0 Sian Permits HOP TU $ 10-43600--_ Public Sewer Plan Check/Inspection Fee $ 10-43600 Public Storm Plan Check/Inspection Fee — $ 10043600 Street Dedication/Public Improvement Fee $ 10-43600 Street Opening Permit 10--43601 Street and-Traffic M_ar•kin2 $ 21-442 0 _ Street L_i ht Fee $ Z Z d- 10-43700 Subdivision Applications: S MIP — 10--43800 Zoning Applications : ZC CPA ZOA PD Misc SCE CU SLP V $ 10`44000 Other Planning Fees : SDR Non refundable portion of Appeal Fees $ 10-2.2000 — Refundable Portion of Appeal Fees 10 45100 Document Sales: - - — - E-��--- -- Planning_...._ Bldg_ -- $ 10-43000 Business lax 5� TOTAI $ ZZ(97"0 OR-AK CORPORATION UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK 461 7 OREGON-ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF OREGON 13050 S.W. FOREST MEADOWS WAY TIGARD OFFICE LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 TIGARD, OR (503) 63E-4551 21 22.1230.36 PAY TO THE ORDER OF `PwQ hundred Twenty-2tx arraE1f8e* _DOLLARS MEMO II'J0 4 6 1 7n• C- 1: & 230002201: 036 00114 5 7 5u• `� � o -- - --- ---- - - O - m ? M 3 ° o^ W rF d z O G ll 1� Q I + °� � hI - Lu u ,� M OoN n h) h N 4 h � N Q z Wm L Id 0 ( Z3 5io N 5 UW t z N O \ M + dal Q1 �7 V p U N �' G ,R AIDE - °C > 9 ' N v V O N � I'i \ 1 W v 9 'g I Z r � r^ ^ K�O 43 Z '� Z " 210 _ ..- ' �' 0 - u --- - 2 7 ---- --- z z 4 �I n 210 - --- - - - - --- 200 T R/W C) _ 1 N I± Ih` r 3 3 +_ � 1� - SACK --- L > + W r I VI U1 61 + �I Q ^v $Aim d a RIM- _ QQ v W 4 3 O + �� t� pNG 5 L E 00 T $ 3 104 3)_/ - 0� 3 0 F lll e��° zos eI l 'zrV,zH zoo Iz O 7 JU1 J1 7 Jl ,� 6� v1 ? + v s. _ Z C W ` N N r n til MI , I 30 19 .99 Z06 Z6 + + r -� O f� m N % I.E. IN g\ RIM= � a J 6� W _ _. N L9� 1�5.►3 ••-'�4 Z9 1 Z03H°1�� \ 204 09 3 --- v � _ + + M 1 E. 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NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED Z- ---- -- `3-- - - 4 5 8 7 13 8 10 11 I Z' DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTI�'TT IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. -- __- - -- -- - - -- - --- ---- OE az BZ LZ 0,7 4Z bz EZ ZZ la Oz 81 61 L.1 91 61 fl EI z 11 01 • • L 9 16 E Z SMA so " �►1111111�IIIIItII1�N1111111�IN11NI1�11tt�1111i�1f1111tN�i11111111�IfH�llit�lt11�11�111{�IIII�IIII�I�INIIIIII�II�IINN�Mi'� NilIM1�!lII�III�IIt1`11111111�11'II�I��IN��II�IIu11NnINNIIntl1111�dtl�Il�uulilu�Utt�lllllullul�lUfIHN a JULY 9 1992 EASE11-/ENl' AREAS ' TRAVELEO �!GHTS OF ;YA), STD. M H FRAME tl COVER ------ -- `- — - 'TRENCH WIDTH d Z N STANDARD MH. FINISH GRAD[ cRour— MAXI MUM NERMISSIBLEr w 0 FRAME 6 COVER -� --- 4' EXTENSION RING --- --� _ NATIVE - o FINISH GRADE 1 AT MATERIALS �� 1~2'- 0'1 CRUSHED ROCK, CLEAN, °m ow SET FRAME r- STEPS �'• 6 ABOVE TOP OF PIPE - -� z IN MORTAR GROUT„ �- I "MAX. Z DENSE , HARD AND COMPACTED. Q � ,A ECCENTRIC MH. TOP - ° • ! -0"MAX, 1 G z'-1' ------ � PIPE SIZE TRENCH WIDTH a � r N + I 1 l 6 11 21 011 Z V i YJ 'A o, 4 CONCRETE EXTENSION / ! t. • ..:' 2?„ -- _ 0 RING INSTALL AS REQUIRED - � � - 6 " 2' O " W TO BRIN'J MH. COVER a \ (t RAM-NEK JOINT MATERIAE - W FRAME T ) DESIGN GRADE. '�� --- " ' \ OR EQUAL------- 6Z u (max. ' rings ) • STEP' --� 10 .1 21 2" 3�4 .1 - I/4 " O ECL."NTRIG i• ( - I� � - _ _ $ r • 1 — __- MH Tr 1 _ .�_ _ o 12" 21 611 1 /, SELECT GRANULAR MATERAL �� c it MIN. - ► ` I ------ -- _ 48 --- _-_-_— -.____ IN PIPs ZONE - 95% COMPACTION RAM - NEK JOINT I, , !� 14 " 2' 811 ,` MATERIAL OR EQUAL I - I Ij' GALV. HANDRAIL - 48 IS 2 10 2'-31, _ --- M 6 STD- 48" MH RISER .! 1611 31 0,1 ° • s�`_' " ��!, , r-- : MAX �1 12"i--- -- ,1 PIPET s °mac ° �; c 1TYP I ZONE 00 y q MAKE SURFACE SMOOTH . � � 6•�' � � STEPS __ _ - / - ♦ t H FORM GROOVED INVERT w 2U" — 31 5" W , m3T10 48" ' TO DIRECTIO`I OF FLOW _ 0, aMH. RISER -COMPACTED GRANULAR i 3'-6" - 21° 3' 611 ' , . I D/2 -- - - BACKFILL NOTE > • '' - ' 2' MAX c o0 0 0�'°0 UNDISTURBED EARTHI INLETS OUTLETS AS REQUIRED, o ,' 21_011 2411 31 10'1 _ 411 MIN. or D/4 ° 0 0 O °O 2 WHEN SEWER ENTERS ABOVE -RAM-NEK JOINT MATERIAL 271, 41 2" - �— INV.TOI /V.�� c, o o� BOTTOM OF MH FORM A •• � �. .. ,• ...._ ..••' If ft SLO FILLET OF GROUT OR CONC. �_ ' �' ` OR EQUAL I ft. SLOPE 41 . „- p p•0 !F AS INDICATED. '- I / o -- ��� `•',� _. . D�j�\ - MAKE SURFACE SMOOTH 8 I \' � �+ B" MIN . 3011 41 6" \, .. r FORM GROOVED INVERT a . • • , a o A' � ' o o ', p� TO DIRECTION OF FLOW 33'1 4' 10'1 o r e o wao e • I + d _ d 3611 51 011 Opo • • r o00o ro• p p � i o ,I ( 1 '' - •o o on o o p • d 12 LAYER COMPACTED -- — �b ' 0 • 0 6'-0"o MIN o O O 0 D O d O GRAVEL (3/4"- 1/4") I\� �\ / - to- 4211 81 81, Ito a D - I 48" 6' 0" 8"MIN a- o - 12" LAYER COMPACTED STANDARD TRFI'11,11, Q -d' o - 8' fdlN.° o GRAVEL ( 12 -0) O 0 /o 00 c a v Godo o ho STANDARD MANHOLE ° o o � oo�oo ° IG/2 , d a 1-1 NOTE ' rL Cc � OTE ( 0 1 1 i r w I. CONCRETE SEWER PIPE TO BE CUT AS NECESSARY �, r.,.. AND FORM SMOOTH JUNCTION CHANNEL. I'- 611 LQ 0 2 4 CONCRETE EXTENS'ON RING INSTALL AS MODERN MUELLER CENTURION � O REQUIRED TO BRING MANHOLE COVER 6 FRAME OR 1'- 0 " BEHIND BACK r�/^'� DESIGN GRADE. ( MAXIMUM 3 RINGS) FIRE HYDRANT, A- 442, 6"MJ, OF WALK C•/) 5 1/4"MVO, 3 PORT, 1 1/211 PENT OPR. NUT, OPEN cc (D rz LEFT, COLOR: YELLOW LV STANDARD OFFSET MANHOLE �' Q O � Z -Z _ � Q � _ �-- CIO VALVE BOX NOTCH LID FOR m Z SIDEWALK j EXTENSION 1�■ LIFTING HOOK . 3110R LESS � i 7 111 A.C. Z - �• cu 2'-8 „ 6 FLGxMJ = N % GATE VALVE �' � Q �� O � 16 BARS 2' O.C. / - MJ HYDRANT OUTLET n WROUGHT PON OR WELDED 1111 w J FRAME AND GRATE-SEE DETAIL �I " > I -- -- - — i --- -- B 11 �• 1§.BARS•12 x _ I I 1 i I l l 2 s4 edge N rn / / • yam MAIN W/M J x F L G 0 t�' :: � Plat bars � COVER R 0 C KW/TAR PAPER .•• ► � i/- III -_-.: --- °'',:;� ti N /f_ TEE ( SEE PLAN) 1 1 10 1 I I r� I - Ai_ 111 _ __ _ __ ____O __ _ I A 1 A' CEFORE BACKFILL` ? LHOILDI GJ X J SPOOL _1 o TH RUST BLOCK 1 , I 71_ 8 SQ. FT. MIN. • \��`� 1 , � � � �j / � - 2-9-7/8„ -j " � CONCRETE`PIER /_3 //� BEARING 2'-8-1/2 ...I 1 1/2 - 3/4 I !� GlTTER LINE I I I� DRAIN ROCK \.---BLOCK l3 SQ. FT, MAX. PIM 21 SQ• _ ! BASE ) ,. SIZE 18" — C � C (2)-z_I� 2_I/2"x 3/8"1 = FIRE H YDRA N�_ ` DETAIL 3 NNt —1— yy �) S Q PLAN VIEW I _ o � COVER 9 FRAME TO BE MACHINED i TO A TRUE BEARING ALL AROUND. � C 1 3/4" o � I 0 ------- 21-311 ^------- ---- S/9 is 3"BOLT ` ro � o � 1� 2 ea. and MAIN 0 cX Vj 2'— f" --moi SECTION C-C 101, RODDING S v 3 3 0 3 70 cn co _ OR 10 BEHIND BACK of 2 GALV. STRADDLE BLOCK Q�2 0 Y4 ItY c) O �' SIDEWALK •—.s' PLUG 2 }--- 2'- 4-7/B • r--, �- ------ --- --- I I NORMAL PVMT I CONCRETE Q)) 0 J 0 . SLOPE 1 1 1 _ GROUND- METER BOX STRADDLE BLOCK DETAIL ♦ SSIDE WALK Q CL l 4 x1211 DRAIN ' ► • 111 - 111=1 11= .+:' ' �► i' e ° :a - [_--- --- -. - --- 1'- IO' _._ __. _._-. __ In - • TILE-WAP ," n :; - i - DRAIN " I x =111= III- t► n-- 111-111 `�It= !I' o. Wa • - �,, ti;,i St1E3-GftAC ' „ t m - - :: esign O N 111 = 1II,,1il ro ,, r♦IYYn F I CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK 84 ZS Apr I 1961 -'^ 2 --- SEE STRADDLE BLOCK DE- TAIL FOR OPTIONAL Sheet " s .'''' �.. ', 'vo 8"MIN. 2" BRASS( AMERICAN MADE, METHOD. 2 - 0 -- -�+ ^ " AWWA APPROVED) GATE 2'- 7" - — . . . n � VALVE ' ' 6 �611�?'-4-IM'1i 5, I 11 1 2 SHORT - NIPPLE 8 4 of 6 SECTION A-A SECT ON B-8 900 ELL 1"• °, 90• ELL VI ON 11 �i o 'i': No Description / Date By CONCat"TE Tr` BE 3000 PS I. •• 20 DAYS- 5 SACK MIX 2 GALV. PIPE ' T. J. PLUG OR M.J. PLUG/CAP W/2"IP7 STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME & COVER STANDARD CATCH BASIN STANDARD BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY — O VILLAGE 5 1°iMLRLiu.z, PAA, 4 OF 9 _ NTS MAY � 0 1981 rt1�M"!q"``I+1 ..- w►=..._!+•...,....... .....".w..... 1 -. ,.r--..-, _._.. ..,.�,i1.V . j1' I III 1 1 ill III 111 �II it) �� I�1 (�'1 1�1 I'� 161t, III III 1) III 111 III f�I III 111 11) ISI III I(I III III III III 111 III ill �II III III 1)1 III III Ifl _ _ . .. ..' • I � ` I I I S r � �'�' t r l i �j < < , NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMIFJ "'•�-- 2 3 4 ■ ---- rJ 7 8 e 10 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR PIAN THIS NOT IC6•r-2T IS DIE TO � �`•M�'W J}f gIJA1nITY OF THE ORIGINAL -! aDRAW ING. 0E 62 62 LZ 9Z 52 fZ EZ ZZ la 0:! 61 61 LI 91 of 1►I EI S1 II 01 1 1 L 9 S b E Z Imo'•" . � - _"". ...•",,._'"--. ','_ . Ntllitlll1111�IIIII1111I111111yI�111I111�J11�1t{IIMIIUQuu�rfli11uF1�rH�allni�n111unhlulllilltutlnlll►tNl4lni�gll Ilulull{Iur�lit11Nt1 uullnllllululllnublll,l�W�uuluulWt�ulllullu�lne► - Al- JUL 1992 fd1 ((m c= 9:30 �H II 10�I'►1 P1 1 N 11 t tL6a OM 4Nl�A[tltfFC IN1�11���w4 tPtn W/Ga,cicrr H, �rxH//sxd �.�e-ar wP sal �or�•w- we a &,00 r•c-c-e"tn res `PIIS 1'1111q _ T A i I � a MIDI t ZIP#4 i August 21 , 1987 Gordon Hobbs 13050 S. W. forest Meadows Way La::e Oswego , OR 97034-1599 The U. S . Postal Service is prepared to install Neighborhood Delivery and Collection Box Units for the Village at Summer Lake Park on October 1 , 1997 . If you have any questions , please give me a call . Y Sincerely yours , Mike Krygier Manager Address Programs Support Portland , OR 97208-9321 t:wlr.^kwCdJ:d:e„Ii : LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 21 August 19II7 (503) 538-5700 City of ,Tigard 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. William Monahan, Dir. of Community Dev. Re : "Village at Summer Lake Park" Dear Mr. ,Monahan: This letter is to notify you that the cost of providing the street centerline monuments oet in monument boxes in the locations designated by the final plat of "Village at Summer Lake Park" will be $125 .00 per monument and box. PK nails are presently set at the designated locations. ,The monumeW-s and monument boxes will be placed following paving of the second lift of asphalt by chipping out the asphalt, placing the monument box and grouting around the monumnent box with sand mix concrete. Should you have any questions or need any further information regarding the project, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. Sin rely yours, 8518 � +� Leonard A. Rydel.l , P. E. , P.L . S. zG qTt i. v rd LAR/j encl : as stated cc : OR-AK Corporation tt��g07 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES C:onr&vcdon 7nspectinn& Rclar-d 7cors Carlson "Testing, Inc. P.O.Sor 23614 Tigard,Oregon 97223 Phone(90.7)694.3460 August 20, 1987 ,rCP-3341 Senior Building Inspector City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Village At Summerlake Place Sub-Division Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: As requested, this letter is to certify that omnaction testing was performed on structural fill placed in the Lots at the, above referenced project. from June 5, 1987 through July 6, 1981. The following Lots were tested and meet 952: of AASNTO T-99 compaction requirements: lot 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 11 , 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 39, 40, & 41 . Final testing was performed at finish grade for the structural fill . Our tc-sting does riot and will not cover any topsoils, et.c , that, may be placed over the structural fill on the lona during final completion by the contractor. If there are any further questions on this mat..oi , please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very t:'u 1 y yours, CA�"ON TEST NG, INC. Douglas Leach President llo cc: OR-AK Corporation leonard Rydell LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 20 august 1987 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn : Dor. Bob Thompson Re : The Village at Summer Lake Park Dear Mr. Thompson : Enclosed, as per the request of Gordon Hobbs, please find three copies of the revised Grading Plan for "Village at Summer Lake Park " , a 41 lot subdivision located in the City of Tigard , Washington County, Oregon. This "as built" plan has been revised from the one previously subm,ltted on 30 July 1987 by revising the location of the dotted line which indicated the "Toe of Bank " constructer by the "Summer Lake" improvements. The previously submitted plan crowed that the "Toe of Bank" extended into the ARI GREEN lots. No encroachment of the toe of the bank exists, and the error is due to a misinterpretation of the field notes. This was evident when I made a fielJ inspection of the area after my last grading plan submission. The original lot corners of ARI GREEN are still visibile and clearly indicate that no fill was placea over the lot line into the ARI GREEN subdivision. The field crew taking the topocraphy shots in that area did not indicate that their shots were "original ground " instead of "Toe of Bank" and this created the confusion in this matter. I hope that this satisfactorily resolves your con rns, and should you have any additional questions regarding the grading on the project, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. Sinc rely yours, Leonard A. Rydel?, P. E. , P.L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc: OR-AK Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES CITY OF TIOA RD August 19, 1987 . OREGON 25 Yeats of Semce 1961-1986 OR-AK Corporation At Mr. Gordon Hobbs 100 SW Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR 97034-1599 RE: Village at Summerlake Park (Ari Green II) Tear Mr. Hobbs: A field inspection was conducted of the proposed public improvements in said subdivision for the purpose of determining its physical readiness for City 'conditional acceptance" action. Also, for the same purpose, we have reviewed the project file for "loose ends." The following listing, as a result of said inspection, details the items which remain to be completed and/or corrected prior to City conditional acceptsnce action: t,� ,�:` Correct as-built mylar drawing to reflect grade change, from existing M.H. 0+00 to M.H. A-3, Install street centerline monumentation, utilizing monument boxes. LDom.. ✓ 3. Construct concrete wheelchair ramp at cul-de-sac; tie ramp to A.C. hl�, pathway. 4. Install mailbox clusters, coordinating installation locations with U.S. Postal. Department (Mr. Mike Krygier #294-2380) . 61V ki G J S. Submit payment to the City for inntallatinn nf- two aritittlnnal streetlights (2 yr. energy and maintenance fees, namely - $226. 56) . tf6. Install steps on storm manholes No. 1 , 3 b 4. 7. Remove "blobs" of asphaltic concrete left on streets, throughout. a revised grading, plan for review and approval . The plan muRt VVi nddreQa drainage, soils stabilization, slope easements ( if nereRmirv) and completion of work scheriuling pricer to the wet sennnn onnvt . 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,PO.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (,')03)6394171 Mr. Gordon Hobbs Page 2 August 19, 1987 Further, though it is recognized that additions and deletions will occur herewith throughout the one-year maintenance guarantee period, the following listing summarizes items noted to date which will need to be completed and/or corrected prior to City 'final acceptance." 1. Repair the cracked curb in the cul-de-sac. 2. Repair or replace the displaced curb at Lot #29. 3. Straighten the stop and street name sign post at the corner of Laurmont and Short Drive. 4. Clean the downstream channel of M.H. A-Z (San. Sew.); Bet Haid manholep rim to finished grade. 5. Repair the catchbasin lateral. (near the basin) on the north side of 1} � Tamera Lane which runs to Storm Drain Manhole No. 1 at the intersection of Tamera Lane and Laurmont Drive. 6. Install the asphaltic concrete overlay and the balance of the projects sidewalks. Since final work completion deadlines were previously addressed 'n the proje-t compliance agreement and since we have already discussed vartous bond options, via telephone and in correspondence, I won' t elaborate thereon. If you have questions, please call me at 639-4171.. Yours truly, �1 .John S. Hagman Engineering Technician cn/06131) cc/file CITY OF TINA RD August 19, 1987 � OREGON 25 Years of Service 1961-1986 OR-AK Corporation ``- Attn: Mr. Gordon Hobbs 10150 SW Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR 97034-1599 RE: Certification of Compliance - Village at Summerlake Park Subdivision Dear Mr. Hobbs: This is sent to acknowledge receipt of the Engineers Certification and to clarify some of the comments noted t�iereon, namely ". . . to be installed by builder" and ". . . to be set after 2nd lift." The City required of you, as developer, the installation of sidewalks And pathway, pathway ramps, driveway aprons and wheelchair ramps. Responsibility therefore is not "the builders." Secondly, if you choose to install street centerline monumentation at a Later time ( i.e. not prior to going onto the one-year guarantee period) then you Will have to assure performance of installation by posting a bond with the City covering such work, prior to our proceeding with "conditional Acceptance." Yours truly, �- IL 'd John S. Hagman Engineering Technictan cn/0613D er/file 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,PO,Bax 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 . iirl4Wiu ,id':,y -In .. - __. .. .$ism I R I kuWiedYtzMN-0lMiMfW61L1i �%�MIl1�W(F5W141�Vi'NW1 Vh xb.A':' .-M_v <Mh � Uu y e (-!oz otafion OREGON ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO ' 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY LAKE OSWEGO. OREGON 97034 503.635-4551 AUGUST 17, 111ti'1 W-0 (-�� I TIGARD CITY HALI, P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 ATTN t MR. WILLIAM A. 'VIUNAHAN, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REt VILLAGE AT SUMMERLAKE PARK SUDDIVI.S'IOr4 DEAR MR, MONAHAN: ALL PUBLIC IMPi1()VLMENTS TO THE ABOVE' REf"ERENCED S013DIVISION HAVE I'HEN COMPLETED EXCEPT THOSE ITFJIS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE PREPARED AND SIGNED I3Y LEONARD A. RYDELL, PROJECT ENGINLEh. " WE HAVE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF TIGARD A LL;T'I'I:R (11 CoMMIlrw.N'C 1110 i1,11AR ANTE t •f11 IN;,TALLATIUN OI' SIDL:WALKS, APRONS Atli) RAMP: INSTALLATIU.: OF THE, ASPHALT STREET OVERLAY. s MONUIdENTATION OF STREET CENTER LINES AFTER 2ND LIFT CONSIDEIR THIS LETTF,R CHARLES 116 SCHMIDT EX('AVA'I'INCI, INC. , (.a 0 A(3REEME,TNT TO I3I:r OME A PARTY TO THE SUDDIVISIUN COMPLIAPJCI-' AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE, CITY OF TIGARD AND OR—AK' CORPORATIW) I)AT6 #JUNF. 5, 1987. SC1{MI11T r.XCAVATINr1, INC. AGRI'FS TO i'I�t�V tl)1; THF: PND OND RF011IRED IN PARAGRAPH (7) AND AGREFS To CORRECT ANY DL:FECTIVF' t;OkK AS REQUIRED IN PARA(;kA1'H ('.i) C 1. ) IN THE' COMPLIANCE A(IREEMENT DATI) JUNE 5, 1987, THIS OUARAJJTLE WILL INCLUDE TiFN: I'OLLOWING ITE'Nss SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM STORM SEWLRAGE SYSTEM STREil-'T iY:i`I'1.:11 TO INCLUD1: 1 SUBGRADE IIASL ,URFACINC, (I+ASr LIFT ONLY) � �"� PAT1114AY SYSTEM (NOT INCLUDING WHEELCHAIR RAMP) IF THIS IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY 01' TIGARD PLEASE ADVISE US IN WHITING. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME AT 635-4551 . AGREED TO ON AUGUST , 1987 CHARLES M. SCHMIDT YOURS 'muLY, EXCAVATING,, INC. (10RDON 11013Ei*S, PNESIDENT CHARLES M, SC1[MII)'P, PRESIDENT ATTACID11:NT i AS STATED . CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I RB: VILLAGE AT SUMMERLAKE PARK This is to certify (in accordance with M.C. 17.09.160 and N.C. 17.09.120) to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following item(s) have been installed in compliance with the City's subdivision improvement standards and specifications; and that the following items are complete in accord with the approved plans, special specifications and conditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project, to wit: (Project Engineer's Initi&As) 1. Sanitary Sewer System 2. Storm Sewerage System 3. General Utility Systems: Domestic Water Electrical Power ` Gas - Under construction a, of this date Telephone Cable T.V.- Crossings installed, No wire Streetlighting 4. Street System: Subgrade Base ; Surfacing �- . . .Base Lift: Final Lift: Sidewalks To be Instal 1 d hY 1111-der Aprons & Ramps - To be installed by Builder Curb k _. 5 . Monumentation System - Street Centerlines to be ,et after, 2n i Lift 6. Pathway system - Needs Wheelchair ramp, to be installed by builder Certified this 1y day ofV `—L— 198_ —subject to conditions as noted above . \ o PROS - A �(M/ _ (Project Engineer) + cpr aur+ G h FIRM: Leonar,H A. RydP 0Z v� 601 Pinehurst Drive _ (00705) Newberg, Oregon 97132 CITYOF T � August 12, 1987 OREGON 25 Veors of Seroce 1961-1986 OR-AK Corporation Attn: Mr. Gordon Hobbs 10350 SW Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR 97034-1599 RE: Village at Summerlake Park (Ari Green II) Dear Mr. Hobbs: This is sent to inform you that your recent letter dated July 31st, 1987 cannot be accepted as a "Certificate of Installation Conformance" by the City. Item 11 of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement states ". . .Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance and one as-built mylar, both stamped by a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City conditional and final acceptance consideration." The certification must be so acknowledged. I have enclosed one of our standard certification forms for your engineer's use (we have received a properly acknowledged as-built mylar from him already). Knowing that you are endeavoring to initiate the one-year guarantee period, we have commenced inspection of the project for the purpose of determining if the improvements vre ready for City conditional. acceptance action; we will inform you of the result, in writing, upon completion of inspection. As previously discussed, if you desire to have your contrar.tor prgvide the required performance ani maintenance assurance instruments, it is necessary that he become a party to the original Subdivision Compliance Agreement. - You will have to provide some sort of Addendum thereto, for City review--You approval, prior to our acceptance of said assurance documentsand pr r to City conditional acceptance of the project work. Very truly yours John S. Hagman Engineering Technician cn/0463D cc/file Encl. 1,41;" :W 1Ag11 R1vd, PO Iiox 23397,1igord,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- ---- -- --- ----- CITY OF 11 ARD August 11, 1987 OREGON 25 Veors o/Se,vlce 1961-1986 Portland General Electric Co. Western Division 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Rd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Mr. Jim Ryan RE: Village at Sunmerlake Park Subdivision Streetlighting Dear Mr. Ryan: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactorily and, further, to acknowledge author- ization for P.G.E. to energize theive- lights therein, under Schedule #91, Option "B". / L Sincerely, J John S. Hagman Engineering Technician cc: OR-AK Corporation 10350 S.W. Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR 97034-1599 cc: F.J. Rouse Electric Inc. 16320 S.W. Parker Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 cc: City Accountant. 13125 SW Nall Blvd,PO Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (501)639-4171 (861 ' tY g 2 I5 a •11710 I4 ` 34 (84) 3 SQ(J 6RE U. / X13 70 1 6% 5 I * �r �� 33 11720 7' C85) 4 10 11 2 ua v Pr 011730 • Q*` l� 32 r w, (P> � (85) V ,`v • 47 5 • Jir ` a4 / ����► 31 • 9r• / i 011740 ��a C84) 8 t� -A (P) 6 / �p O fR C,o� (jt` �► i-1/ 29 2 28 44 45 z/ 4.3 26 75 42 N 24 41 LP 23 \I1� r�� L-N. 22 40 r�l 21/ � 70 20 39 to. `\--19 �' Pr`�� 74 2 3 72, 76 75 ' PD _ I8 71 77 NO 17 37 68 b9 70 o y +r�w�i�in�w���� / 2'(P)87 1 I -I 4•(P) f\ LAURMONT w -- T a T ---16 FUSF- iv 15 SU ER!_ KE PAR t00 67 66 46 65 63 _ 62 61 _ 60 59 5g 0 49 8 47- r16' � 45 44 r 43 42 ' , 40 9 38 N I G ILL O °^ N N - -- I !r) 37 �36 o n Y r)9 V �.. O • - n CY 9DV co MUSf b3 ; -- �, ig 3 • (WI ° 2'(W)'79 g- FAL`.'QN FTSE _ �� ►. < --_ F-8110 RLM Bi 45.8851 / f � ° $ NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 36 48 49 c 3 W 0 C / m Q W d [. a U C ; u 1 rte/Jilium 1 1 3- 17 _ I UNDERGROUND PHONE PRESSURE RATING 6 XRAY s' WATER 639-1354 TEST PRESSURE 1 00 Ps1 ►o -— SEWER 639-4171 TEST DURAnoN IHR 45M I N POWER 643-5454 X313 WELDS A X-RAYED 0 % W PHONE 639-1002 DESIGN PRESSURE 61: PM OTHER 644-3188 M.A.O.P 57 PSK. SZ �! NORMAL OPER PRESS 30 PSIO `1 MSTRUCTIONS REPORT INSTALL MAIN 53 C(?E 7 T 1 1/4 INSTAI I MAIN 54VA F- O k ABANDON MAIN ABANDON MAIN r 1 5e) --� Q--- TYPE coAnNos TYPE coAnNas PE 23016 PIPE \ ,NHNTS JOINTS- uL— �TINOS. –_-- _--- vi III P.NOS ^^II INSTALLED ANODES. -------- _ IN STALL ANODES:'V O INSTALLED SERVICE _ I.ISTA11 SERV !tt DATE COMPLETED CREW LEADER 57 — .CALE 1 in a l G0 ft TAx cooE W-51-85 I AVAIL NO 7_.1.3--87 35 MAIN MI°A,SUwow RED _- GATE ORDER 4-1113 AWN RM DATE 07/24/$7 1 .CKED DATE SERVICE _ DATE ,/-- WORK )RDER APPROVED - JATE Z _.�i �iR' Aro>PEss SW LAURMONT DR R TAMERA LN JOE 1456 BETWEEN SW SHORE DR COUNTY CITY TIGARD � w 1 - - PLAITED PLATTED PI AT NO. DATE SIGN TOWNSHIP WALLMA^ DATE SIGN R 1 W-2 16 SE33 T 18 Ci-29 N �2/4/ VRL[.y A121 (�pezw-y C7g C09t#opcatl-'0)2 OREGON•ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO. 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 503-635.4551 JULY 31 , llm7 O /� TIGARD CITY HALL P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 A.TTN: MR. WILLIAM A. MONAHAN, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RE: VILLAGE AT SUMMERLAKE PARK SUBDIVISION DEAR MR. MONAHAN: CONSIDER THIS OUR "CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION CONFORMANCE" NOTICE TO THE CITY OF TIGARD. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE OF AF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED IN CONFORMANe£ WITH THE APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. WE WILL POST TWO BONDS. ONE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE SIDEWALKS AND THE OTHER FOR A ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE ASSURANCE.-*-` VA, WE ARE REQUESTING THAT THE CITY CONDITIONALLY ACCEPT THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FORr �}l�' ;MAINTENANCE, d.l.»1,�� ENCLOSED YOU WILL FIND 10 COPIES OF THE PROPOSED PLAT OF THE "VILLAGE AT SUMMERLAKE PARK" , PLEASE MAKE ANY CORRECTIONS AND CALL ME SO THAT WE CAN MAKE ANY CHANGES TO THE ORIGINAL PLAT. be. � p»J IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME AT 635-4551 . YOURS TRULY, GOPDON HOHBS, PRESIDENT ENCLOSURES: AS STATED � r1 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR 0UMMFr ,FriLAX PA rlX STREET, WATER, SA14TTARY SEWEIt, STORM DRAINAGE AND UNDERGROUND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS' For a 41 Lot Subdivision Located in the City cf Tigard, Washington County, Oregon 28 April 1987 Prepared for Olt-AK Corporation 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 `p Phone: (503) 635-4551 '`V`�'��� nf���, Cellular : (503) 778-0548 C' w1%k e',� � 851a y QkEoori y r) PLANNED 11VELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAI. SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS . SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES .Ah espy AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into thislr sz� day of May 1987 , by and between OR-AK CORPORATION, Party of the FIRST PART, herinaf ter called Owner , and CHARLES M. SCHMIDT EXCAVATING CO. , INC. , Party of the SECOND PART, herinafter called Contractor. WITNESSETH: That the Contractor, in consideration of the payments to be made and promised to be performed by the Owner herein specified, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all labor and materials for, and to construct and finish in full compliance with the Plans and Technical Specifications in a most substantial and workmanlike manner to the satiafactior, of the Engineer for the Owner, the work more specifically described in the Contract Documents and Plans for the STREET, WATER, SANITARY SEWER , STORM DRAINAGE AND UNDERGROUND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS to "The Village at Summer Lake Park" (ARI-GREEN NO. 2) in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon, hereto attached. The work to be done and the class of materials to be furnished shall be in accordance with the Proposal made by the Contractor on the 4th day of May 1987 , all in f till. compl iance with the Contract Documents and Plans referred to herein. Copies of the Proposal under which the work is to be undertaken , as well as the Plans, Special Conditions and Technical Specifications are hereby made a part of this Contract and are mutually cooperative therewith. Anything shown or called for in one section of the Plans and Specifications and omitted in another is as binding as if called for and included in both. Any work not herein specified which may fairly be implied as included in this improvement shall be done by the Contractor without additional compensation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed in triplicate. Party of the FIRST PART Party of the SECOND PART By —t�. By Gordon Hobbs, Pres!dent Charles M. Schmidt, President OR-AK Corporation Charles M. Schmidt Exravatiny PROPOSAL OR-AK Corporation 13050 S. W. Porest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Attn: Mr. Gordon Hobbs, President Re: ARI-GREEN NO. 2 - City of Tigard, Oregon Dear Mr. Hobbs: The undersigned bidder declares that the only persons or parties interested in this Proposal are those named herein, that this Proposal is in all respects fair and without fraud and that it is made without collusion with any representative of the Owner. The bidder further declares that (a) he has examined the Plans, Technical Ppecifications and other propor,ed Contract Documents, (b) he has determined the extent, character and location of the proposed work, the nature and type of excavation to be done, the location and condition of existing streets and roadways giving access to the site of the wgrk, and the topography of the site of the work, and (c) he has personally inspected the site of the work and has satisfied himself as to the conditions of the work involved, including the fact that the description of the work and mater'.als as included herein is brief and is intended only to identify the said quantities with detailed requirements of the Contract Documents. The bidder does hereby propose to furnish all material-' tools, equipment and appliances, and to perform all labor and work necessary to construct and complete the STREET, WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STORM DRAINAGE A14D UNDERGROUND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS to ARI-GREEN NO. 2 located in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon, and all specified work appurtenant thereto, in accordance with the Plans, Technical Specifications and Change Order Documents prepared by Leonard A. 1?ydell, P. E. , P.L. S. , for the sums set forth in the attached Bid Item Schedule. Name of Bidder __;;cinidt Address of Bider 116 E. ';th .;trPpt—"W'"r --arpann o71 -1Z— Date _5- �7 PrP X31 den t" Signature' of Authorized Agent. SPECIAL CONDITIONS - GENERAL 1 . All work to be performed to the City of Tigard, Tigard Water District; Unified Sewerage Agency and APWA 1980 Standards and will be inspected by these agencies, the Owner, the Owner' s Engineer and Carlson Testing during construction for the purpose of acceptance. 2. Contractor to provide protective liability insurance to the Owner and Engineer. Insurance requirements as per Section 31-3 .04 of the APWA Standard Specifications for Public Works Construcc .on which includes the following limits: Bodily Injury $100,000 each person $300,000 each occurence Property Damage $50 ,000 each accident 3. All permit fees to be obtained and paid for by Owner except for normal contractor ' s business licenses. 4. Payment for all work done to be made monthly by darner unless arrangements are made otherwise between Owner and Contractor. Contractor shall submit in writing to Engineer an estimate of all work performed the proceeding month not -later than the 25th of each month. Engineer to review estimate and forward to Owner riot later than the 1st of each month. All estimates shall include truck tickets for rock and asphalt delivered to the project. Payment for rock shall be made on a cubic yard basis, truck measurement. Each rock ticket shall be marked with "WATER", "SEWER", "STRLET", "STORM" or "POWER" depending upon use of the rock. The bid item for "Rock Backfill " shall include pipe bedding and trench backfill. 5 . Coptractor to protect and not disturb all survey monuments. Monuments disturbed through the negligence of contracto —shall be replaced at Contractor' s expense. 6. ContraL;ter shall maintain accurate AS-BUILT records and shs.11 submit them to Engineer after completion of work. Sanitary sewer information shall include location of tees measured from center of manholes, length of lateral and depth of laterals at end of later,.l. Water information shall include descriptions and locations of all fittings. Measurements shall be from center of nearest valve. 7. OR-AK Corporation hereinafter called Owner, reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals and to waive any formality or technicality in any Proposal in the interest of the Owner. THE VILLAGE AT SUMMERLAKE rARK (ARI-GREEN NO, 2) - SPECIAL CQNDITIQNS - CcDt-'d Page 2 of 3 GENERAL - Cont' d 8. The Contractor will provide a 100% Performance Bond and a 208 One Year Maintenance Bond to the City of Tigard. The Performance Bond will be released following conditional ` ,1 acceptance of the improvements by the City of Tigard. Owner will pay the Contractor for the coat of the Performance and Maintenance Bonds. 9. Should the Contractor complete Bid Items No. 1 through No. 22 and No. 24 by midnight, 1 July 19871 the Owner will pay the Contractor a $1.0,000 bonus in excess of the contract amount. The bonus amount will be reduced by $1 ,000.00 for every day after 1 July in which the above described items are not completed. All bonus amounts due the contractor will be paid by the Owner on 15 September 1987 . STREET CONSTRUCTI N 1 . Project contains untested fill that was placed during the fall of 1986. Contractor to provide a backhoe to excavate test holes so that Carlso^' s Testing car determine existing compaction. Should the compaction not be acceptable, excavation shall be removed and replaced as directed by engineer. Materials f^und not suitable for disposal on site to be removed from p-oject. Payment shall be time and material. 2. All excavated materials placed on future buildable areas to be compacted and tested by Carlson ' s Testing. Contractor to contact Carlson' s to schedule sufficient testing to ensure satisfactory certification of the work. Testing fees to be paid by Owner. 3. 21cck and Having prices to include construction of bicycle and pedestrian path. 4 . Bid Item for Excavation shall include the removal and disposal of trees, buildings and other debris within the project or easements appurtenant to the project. It shall also include fine grading and compaction of the subgrade, curb backfill and grading and shaping of the lots for drainage and appeatance following completion of the work. 5. Contractor shall be aware that second one inch lift of Class "C" asphalt. will be Enlaced following buildout of the lots which is anticlated in spring 1988, and is the responsibility of the Owner. �- elil I-S7 V 1,\yqe. CN,*A �w eGti 1 �I av c d s.�,A%V,r� P �h� MmMAAMOULM C, 40 9111197 -�-�-btu- l L�G�/'b /� �/ G��'- f�% L Z-e 2--,9 701 !Y a-A A-t A"Aky t-c t� elt 0" .e 7z' ol el 4,,,, .4,1 '0000,01 f—c J /�, S- 7y'7--C- e Z/O A r * lz� �� Ale-` f _.,-s-- � ) F,� M Gr rM g/ ej r WRRALMMAN mcmo pPlllatli'Atl �c , ere Ate GEL f'ECH, !�c. 'N°r;tp'm-ld9a0h?- J52 T.V. •pection and Repair Report 208185.7521 JOB NO. CLIENT DATE _ t ' PIPE CLEANED BY WEATHER INSPECTOR ' - r LOCATION OF LINE �; � L a SECTION LENGTH f; DIRECTION MEASURED T°� C nq MANHOLE NO. PIPE SIZE i JOINT LENGTH PIf3 TYPE JOINT TYPE MANHOLE NO. L[► on IOMT l BOTTOM Footage `)JOINT REMARKSLIFE) Foo*.a SEALED REMARKS r, . LINE CONDITION LFGFND RF MAItr Cleanliness 6 -- 8foken Pipe t-Inv Ll Leak Infiltration Grade Lf Leak E■flltratlon Manholes. I Picture No. -� IT Prntwdinp Tap R Roots S yen. - I atrial —__----- --- --- u u•IIwr,5.1bI� ------� tlCN ISI •.N - -- ME GEuECH, INC. Nampa iJaah 352 T.V. spection and Repair Report 208.465.7521 JOB NO. CLIENT �//L L/I DATE ./ �(f/✓!�'N tt L/� KEG �: ._ PIPE CLEANED BY WEATHER INSPECTOR LOCATION OF LINE O A-) S l rJ LA I 1 r2 L-1 'r J)k_ _ Tns SECTION LENG-1 ` ' DIRECTION MEASURED Looking MANHOLE NO PIPE SIZE I I JOIE. ,_tNGTH PIPE TYPE JOINT TYPE MANEWOLNO. In l L(r Diretllon leml � , 3 'I Travel sorrow Fn stage JOINT REMARKS Foota,p SJOINT REMARKS SEALED Z- 7 7 �j I -- 1 INE CONDITION LEGENO RFMARKS (leant ness B Broken Por Line LI - Lea► Inhltra,ion Grade LE Leal [.filtration Manholes, P Picture No. Pr Pretrud.nq Tap R Roots S Sen a Lateral lJ n1iASSfbI. Tt l'I1N1!1A .y^ i GEL.TECH, iNC. nia"Wa ie90 Ida, ►652 T.V up-action and Repair Report SOB-465.7521 JOB NO. CLI_PIT ( jL L /J (,E DATE 1 SGf M /� 4 fi 13'%f /c f .. PIPE CLEANED BY WEATHERINSPECTOR C, , LOCATION OF L'NE C> AJ L'S, 1, . L!]t, k AM a Aiii- SECTION LENGTH 0c) DIRECTION MEASURED Tno Looking (MANHOLE NO PIPE SIZE , JOINT,I.ENGTH PIP YPE JOINT TYPEJPMAANHO�LE NO, n LfIr Direction I Nt / tyI Travel JOINT I rilxle SFALFC REMARKS Footage JOINT REMARKS SEALED I INE C(,NDITION LEGEND REMARKS eanluiet' a Broken Prrr Line LI - Leak Infiltration c rale \ LE - Leak EvIlltration l _ _ r Manr,olen - P - Picture No.- PT Prntr„ding Tan R Roots S - jervira lateral V - Unoak.Lhle -- - �___— GELTECH, inc. 'N;,°;, ;dah 852 T.V. spection and Repair Report 208-485.7521 JOB NO -- ICLIr-N-r 1/ ` ,4C E � DATE PIPE CLEANFD BY W:AT•HER INSPECTOR 1 n ' LOCATION OF LINE ' SECTION LENGTH DIRECTION MEASURED Too .—/ Looking NIA/N�NQLF NO PIPE SOtt JOINT�ENGTH PIP VPE JOINT TYPE MANHOLE NO, n �� lf1 - LitQ11(Kf1Un 1 GMT Travel out TOr t JOINT REMARKS Footage! JOINT REMARKS `PALED SEALED LA f/ SI CZ - C-Ao I cC _ S -- _' I -NE C(INDITIONa MAHkS LEGEND laeaninnt5 ,• --_ 0 Broken Pier• L1 - Leak Inliltriflon Mte — LE Leak E■hilratlon "••� hn�e, P - PlLture No. or Protruding Tac, S 5"rv,. Ian•,ai iIP t t �sELT'ECH, enc. ;ami;d9a0t- 652 T.V. )spection and Repair Report , IB•466 7521 JOB NO. CLIENT DATE PIPE CLEANED BY WEATHER INSPECTOR LOCATION OF LINE L,l _ 1-k1 t, 12►-y -1nA)T SECTION LENGTH 9DIRECTION MEASURED Tn► Look ing MANHOLE NO PIPE SIZE r JOINT LENGTH PIP 7VPE J NT T'IPE MANHOLE NO. n p ' // LEI Dvechon rGHt � of Travel BOTTOM Frnvage JOINT REMARKS JOINT REMARKSC oaSEALED 6k'L- I S� S LINE CONDITION LF(-,FN[) fitMAW:S Cleanliney, B Broken Pare Line LI Leek Inhltretlon G'ak LF Leak E■hurahon Manholes P Picture N(. Pf Prntrudinq Tap R Roots � r•ry .• l dtr�,r� —� U GELTECH, avc. r;;t;w'-,c9w01'- 652 T.V. ' -4spection and Repair Report 208165.7521 .JOB NO. CLIENT G�� L/4 6E DATE PIPE CLEANED BY110 WEATHER INSPECTOR rrl iZ_ LOCATION OF LINE CIA ��.r�4d6,12sa L-4 SECTION LENGTH `j / DIRECTION MEASURED T0p Look i/1() MANHOLE NO. PIPE SIZE ri JOINTLENGTH PItPE TYPE J INT T=J3 n LIEF Direction i Gm TI U Trev.I BOTTOM F""lw SE INFO REMARKS Footage SJOINTEALrREMARKS 1 1 l� LINE CONDITION l ,F NU fi!M/11IK Cleanliness a J Broken Pili -- Line LI - Leek Infiltration I;raile LF - Leak E.IiltreU,m Manhole% v P - Picture No. PT Protruding Tan R R,wh 5 Se-mi:?Lateral M -----+� - u Unaaable It[►�� 4N-W'lAN �.nELTECH9 wc. m I& M2 T.V 'ispection and Repair Report 2W-465.752 i JOB NO. CLIENT DATE Av PIPE CLEANED BY !! YWEATHER —XLINSPECTOR ' � — LOCATION OF LINE 17 SECTION LENGTH DIRECTION MEASURED T"' k ing MANHOLE NO. PIPE SIZELoun _ t, JOINT,LENGTH PIP TYPE JOINT TYPE [MAN HOLE in r LIP U�rKlron iGNT of Travel BOT Tor. F Iaw JOINT JOINT SEALED ` y REMARKS Footage SEALED REMARKS LINE CONDITION LEGFN[J Itt ntni+r Cleanliness S - 8rgk en Pipes line L/ - Leak Infiltration Grado LE Leak E.hltral,,,n Manholes \ I - Picture No. /T - PrnUuding Tar) R - Ruots _ S -- Svnr• I ataral - Ullnpt55aGla .., .�_�. �.___ � � s LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 4 August 1961 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard 12420 S. W. main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 P.ttn: Mr. Bob Thompson, Public Works Inspector Re : ,,The Village at Summer Lake Park" Dear Mr. Thompson: Encloseil for your information and permanent records please find Xerox AS-BUILT mylars of Sheets 1 through 6 of the Street , Water , Sanitary Sewer, Storm Drainage and Grading Improvement Flans for the subdivision improvements constructed during the summer of 1987 for "The Village at Summer Lake Park" , a 41 lot residential subdivision located in the City of Tigard , Washington County, Oregon. F,' a, tt tt�}at these plans have been updated with S�-,_��1SFI? CprEll information supplied by the contractor , Charles M. Schmidt Excavating, Inc. To the best of my information , knowledge and belief , the subdivision improvements as shown on the AS-BUILT drawings have been constructed, completed and tested as far as practicable in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Tigard Water Department , the Unified Sewerage Agency and the City of Tigard. Should your office need any further information, please contact this firm. Your assistance and that of your staff 's on this project has been greatly appreciated. 7 Thank you. Sinc ply yours , G, L,eunar. A. RyedeL P. L. LAR/j wit r encl: as stated OR-AK Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS a RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS 'l1 G {•-1 WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS a SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES M� f plait boundary description [� 2. lot ,and tract square footage calculation check C�1 3 . Centerline monumcantation [V� 4. Bearings, distances and curve data Comments: BY: J DATE: t.ny:neering Related / 5. Location, width and purpose of easements, conveyance. (Specific and general public utility easements) 6 . Reserve strips 1 . Open Space areas, public improvements 8 . Curve, corner, and cul-de--sac radii [&too" 9 Dedication/Vacation 10. Street location, width and alignment 11 . Public mprovement guarantee OK $ Z. [ 1 I1 . Conditions of Approval. l� 13 . Sewer availability letter prepared 14 . Non--access areas marked on attached plat (D/W, car.) [� // l/. / / t si.r.drs�►�a c Comments: '%Z� t0�5 ,M7 •4"cleo-S�1.'C �Fi� � II✓��! �N� �t K.s/ ,� 7.•rstr//i c/ ak. N+t tri. 0 / r„ 54 �rac%.n1� �s �*"oc'►«rrI elms ,V. t C7sr71 / " l aAr,rc•rrr/ or-'/' ey/mar 1oe tL IV"e 'a ir+Ccr.+t��tft i.+r�iY,�l'asrl�t (Zi7j /NG HECCSS�rJ Pyr .� c>/ �u ,//ry �r,�f j .rev hiss �n acer�f•�•�r �•r:�a>/ewt� j1�s .fui( a-� �rG.i �cr✓� r ✓ 6r�N �.,c%.r• ' BY : dc`t bee, r 44 14 _, 1987 0350 S W� �yf �cxvs�•t/sy RF: -Subdivision Dear /Yfr ,�bs This is to verify, per your request that: I. Each lot is situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, include curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for operation and maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, will have drainage structures and fill designed to prevent floodinq as approved, by the City of Tigarfl, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned sewerage disposal system will be available to rash lot atthe lot line of each lot which meets the requirements of the Enviramental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required, to be constructed, by the City of Tigard, Oregon are under construction. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by thr City of Tigard thereinregard completion of the improvements; said documents ,-Irr on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's Office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/verifi- cation required to be sulmitted to the State Real Estate Division by vach su1- divider. Sincerely, ( John S. Hagman Engineering Technician LEONARD A. RYDEIL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 30 July 1987 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard 1: 1"5 S. W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. Bob Thompson Re : The Village at Summer Lake Park Dear Mr. Thompson: Enclosed, as per your telephone request, please find two copies of th- revised Grading Plan for "The Village at Summer Lake Park" , a 41 lot subdivision located in the City of Tigard , Washington County, Oregon. This plan has been modified by adding "as- built " spot elevations from field ties tak: n on 27 and 28 July 1987. As you can see, by reviewing the plan, much of the confusion regarding the fills results from the accuracy of the orginal ground contours which indicated that little to no fill would have been required. However, they indicated a steep bank on the ARI GREEN lots. The steep banks are now on the SUMMER LAKE lots. During construction, I requested that the contractor , Charles M. Schmidt Excavating, contour the bank along ARI GREEN to conform with the slope standards and setbacks set forth in Chapter 70 of the uniform building code. All lots drain to the street as required by your construction plan approval. Should you have any additional questions regarding the grading on the project, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. Sinc rely yours, �� l Leonard A. Rydel l. . P. E. , P.L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc: OR-AK Corporation Charles M. Schmidt Excavating, Inc. PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITAnY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS 9 SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES � O PATE 7/27/87 iiURGENr R. J. ROUSE ELECTRIC 1NC. () SOON AS POSSIBLE 16320 SW Parker Rd. FILE NO. 0 I] NO REPLY NEEDED LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 ;� �.;;_ � �-I ATTtNT/ON Bob Thompson /o (503) 635.2824 suQ✓Ecr Village at Summer Lake l=ark City of Ti�yird __._..._.__........ �!'�..«F T GA ] St. Lighting P. 01. Box 2 3�97 Tigard, Oregon 97223 MESSAGE at. lightin,7 for the subject job has been completed. Upon your acceptance, pleas: send a copyof your acceptance to our- office office and notify PGE to energize. SIGNED REPLY° DATE OF REPLY l SIGNED tw LETTER OF COMMITMENT (Performance Bond) We have received from Washington Federal Savings Bank ( lending inertitutionl a 'loan commitment in the amount of. $_ 7$1 25 , to finance the improvc-moots of a subdivision located .in thc City o? Tigard, said subdivision being commonly known a.%V-Ljl;jgpa - ulvrt � k This loan commitment is specifically lug con- struction purposes for: (or) $ 35 fgl _ 5 of the aforsaid total commitment has been allocated for construction purposes for : (strike proecediov,, inapplicable part ) 1) public streets, including driveway;, , .1prons, sidow.111,,. . ,J\��K,�tt�nl�a'� �3cxx�ca�xic4c�coc�x�auicx�ax>sa>9txsax�mc�xxx3c9cxxiitx»�mci�axxac�ma�mzx�ckx�a�a�aiaxot UMOdCXNXIDpdim)OX>/ OJCA MCDcxXkkX'Q=XkXkXXb=kXX)9=Xx A I 1 such improvement .t t to be completed in conformity with CiI.y approved construction plans and tht• stilt division compliance agreement thcreinregard . We have agreed that disbursements of the $ e 81 ,25�1I bcr road( in accord with Iht following schedule upon completion of each , or a l 1 , i tem(s) ; but not i ne I utl i n•.. III, hold-back described below. ITEM A 1'IOII NT Site Preparation/Grading Concrete Curb Street (base rock, leveling rock, base A.C. ) Sanitary Sewer & appurtances Storm Cewer & appurtances Water Line & appurtances Gas Line & appurtances Underground Telephone & Electrical Concrete Sidewalk & Driveway Aprons Asphalt (street overlay) -- Street Light ink; Miscellaneous (pathways, landscaping, mailbox clusters, etc.) 1T125r.Qp_.—.ceni.erline monument t :;� We have entered into a "Subdivision Compliance Agreement " whereby we h.ivc• agreed to install all improvements in accordance with tit(- requirements of the City of Tigard and we are hereby authorizing, you to hold the ,ibove••statt"I Iuntl:: to pay them to us only when the following has been adhered to: That the City of Tigard has provided Curt ification acknowledging completion of any or all work pursuant t-3 the above itemized schedule of improvements. Pursuant to the above sc•hedulc, 202 of the commitment funds ( i.e. , wi 11 be held back thrt,ugh the normal talc year guarantee period or unt i I�I itial�M City Acccplanco of (lit project ( ,ekes plan( or tint i I the City is pro'. itictl with a sel.araic Itlnitllenance bond, cl feet ivc for Said idle YVAI 11111 itul front HII dat . of Courci I telltatiVe aCCVpt.aI1Ce of the work, til aN9ur( coni ((hied I t eedom flow defects, and maintenance-, during the guarktttlee period. 1 Page 2 Letter of Commitment Concurrent with the final release of these funds, establishment proceedings will be instituted. It is understood and approved by all parties of concern Lo this letter of commitment. that the City of Tigard shall have first claim and priority to the sum of 5.35.17$.1..25 less disbursements approved by the City of T.gard, in the event ut ally defects)/or failure(s) to correct such in LhV construrLion of Lhc required improvcmcnts . it is further understood and agreed that the aforsaid priority of claim is paramount to all parties including the lending institution making the loan ,tnd Lhat the lending institution lids covenanted and agreed that the sum ul $-35,781 .25 less disbursements approved by the CiLy of Tigard shall be held available tr satisfy any aformentioned claim by the City notwithstanding default till 10iltt by borrowing party or termination of loan by lending institution. DATE: :Z- 2-07- 97 Sincerely yours, Appruved and Accepted: Washington Federal. Savings Bank Wa�ll�n to (Lending Institution) n Federal bmk Dave Dresser BY Assistant VICe President (Tal 1 e) Loan Origination Manager > trAw thre Atflstab-dam i 1 314 East Main Street P.0 Box 9 FORM No 24—ACI:NOWIEDGMENT—COR►ORATION. Hillsboro, OR 97123-0009(503( 601-4131 IBM, 4220217 (Oregon Watts) STATE OF OREGON, , L ss. C' G County of LJ ASS%r I T� On this day of ti 7 1 9 6 7 hefore me appeared a dL SS ea. I and Awfr tome ersc nail y known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said .,4 SS t s l 4" i V f r-a Pope s► �� � is Ar-0111W se+rpshl.oc of W 4 s M r y�..1 h t !en•►t s �,�f s Qty r L the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal id said Corpora- tion, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and 0,4 -L D fL G S 3 Ar2 r044111- acknowledge said instrument to he the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, f have hereunto set my hand and allked my oft' I I sea/ the day and year last above written. Notary Pe t c for Oregon. My Commission expires . �, C�of�.Ao►J LETTER COMM 111?T �B$S (For orl 1 lc • Bond ) We have received from Washington Feder 1 Savi Rs llending institulioul a loan commitment in the amount of $ t o f inrince the improvement s of a subdivision located in till, city o Tigard , :a ' vuhdivisiun being, rcmunonl\. known as ill;,,, atat !;jjmmPr1;;ke Par{ 1'h i - I oa nitlarn t i s spec i f ical ly f ot- rult- struc•tiun purposes for: (or) $34_6 _ of the aforsaid Itit aI rmmMitment has been allocated for constru i 1 purposes for : (strike prl,c•ee(lint,. inapplicable part) 1 ) public streets, incl ding driveways , aprons, sidt,w,tlk• , I fghl i t)g and rurbs �kxx3=icbc,•XV7xa4)rlcxxtOM)OLXMMxx kxxi¢xtnD=iw.xxacxC=xxkkxxxxi4m A@6x170XkXWJQ*A XX)O�c—� XAXXM=X)eXkXXkMXkMXXp6=X All s uc I I i r.l p r o v e nly n 1 Ill to be completed in c•unformi y with City approved run!,t ruel ion plans rincl III, I division rompliance agreement thereinregard . W( have agreed that disbursements of the $34511 hI nuad in ,acrurcl will, 11 following schedule upon completion of each , or all , i1L,mts> ; hill nil iIt.ltill i11 hold-back described below. ITEM AMOUNT Site Preparation/Grading _ Concrete CurbMI._ S .1 , s „�• Street (base rock, leveling rock, )ase A.C. ) Sanitary Sewer & appurtances — ��er ' Storm Sewer & appurtances Water Line & appurtances Gas Line & appurtances Underground Telephone & Electrical Concrete Sidewalk & Driveway Aprons �$lsal �'1`_ _ S N• V"y,�M Asphalt (street overlay) Street Lighting Miscellaneous (pathways, landscaping, - ---— mailbox clusters, etc. ) We havo entered into a "Subdivision Compliance Agre(,mcnl " whvrl,by we ll.ly agreed to install al l improvements in accordance with t I,. I• Ili rrmmiit City of Tigard and we are hereby authorizing you to ho;-1 till Ihuve-stAl I 1 111 l: t.. pay them to us only when the following has been aclheled to: That the City o1 'Tigard has provided I rl i t iraal ion acknowledging completion of any or alI wurl: pursuant to the above itemized sc Itedu 1 e of i mpl ovI Pursuant to the above schedule , 20% of the rommitmcnt uncts i .. wi I1 he held hack through the normal .,it,, verb I,tlnr.utt ee period 11 'tilt i I I inal"- City Ac•ceptonre of the protect takes pkicl ur unl i I 1Il. r'it i 1111 vided %4-1 11, a Nep:lr;lit 11ainienance bond, elIerttvc Iii silltl idle .." I' I'- 1 'd IYill, II,l 1.11 , of Couttril tentative acceptance of the work, to assul , mI inued trretlon, Iletn detects, and maintenance, during the guarantee period . I � Z i,c-t ter of Commitment Concurrent wilt) tlit- final re lens, ui these funds, establishment procovdingv will b)- instituteO . It is understood and approved by all parties of concern Lo this let Let- of runuuittnent that the City of Tigard shall have first. claim and priority Lo the sun) ))' $-34,b56.25 Ives disbursements approved by the City of 'Tigard, in the event of any dv1vvt (s)/or failurr(s) to correct such in the construc-Lion of the required in)proven)ents. it is further understood and agreed that the aforsaid priority of claim is paramount to all parties including the lending institution making the loan ,nut that the Lending institution has covenaneed and agreed that the sum of $ 2 5b.25 less disbursements approved by Lite City of 'Tigard shall be held available to satisfy any aformentioned claim by the City notwithstanding default on lo:)rt I)\ borrowing party or termination of loan by lending institution. DATE: -]^ 2"7— 8 7 Sincerely yours, Approved and Accepted: Washington Federal. S, vings Bank Mending Institution) Washington Federal 9avin10 Bank S Dave Dresser BY t C _ `_'� Assistant vice President (Title) twars►7s,.} t lr c e Loan origination Manager 314 East Main Street I P.O. Box 9 FORM Ne 74—ACKNOWII00MINT---COR►ORAT)ON Hillsboro, OR 97123-0009 -- (503) 8484131 1800) 422 0217 IOregon Watts) STATE OF OREGON, s4. G County of(✓ASI-+ ^f ^J On this CA day of J ti /`� l v Q hefore me appeared v le 2 ` S$ R/Z• r end Awk tome personally known, who heing duly sworn, did say that hr, thr ,aid 14 SS I S T 9 n, ) t—)f C )t pees is 0 k^.#k* of W 4 S t!'a4L ,S�► ►ws s Qq�,►e-- the within named Corporation, and Char rho seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corpur;) tion, and flint the said instrument tvaN iglwd and .reeled in hehall of said Corporation by authority of its Board Of Directors, and Lime S'S A1'_ awl acknowledge said instrument to he the free net and deed of said Corporation, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and alft%ed my olli fel sea/ the day and year last above written. Notary Puhlic for Orre,,ri My Commission expire. 8 -L 2- � 7 Salem Blue * .ISI P4vjL,i_I, TION CENTFR ate Mtief6hffficl4tion �- I certify that this plat was prepared , using a silver halide, permanent photo copy process , in accordance with industry standards for archival permanency. VComiz q(liA hotographer *SALEM PRINTING ANO HI I IFPRINT IN( 415 FERRY STREET.:F SAI FM.ORI GON 97u 1' �a Coll r h t� N W � M N M W O r= O Y' eul S 11 ���� ,y,...�w,�..,•�-- --.... 0+6 CURB a z N TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINTS O ��.¢ • �; c%• .::: ,i+ SIDEWALK EDGE ti ...> ��r.,t�: .,,,,�;�,:.•;s••y:.; 6,_0. t I TO BE PROVIDED AT EACH POINT OF ✓,�(�'.p, sr ,,�+ TANGENCY OF THE CURB a AT OTHER :K, : � a ``'• f �; `? :` -'-- -_ Uj U a v � _�:;:, •' A . Walkway Easement = W LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED TO LIMIT THE :� DO. TCN _ .tr RADE" M � '' `' LOPE. 2 6" UTILITY STRIP Z ' h 4. :; SIDEWALK S 7.51 d SPACING TO A MAXIMUM OF 20 FT Q•o � <::� � _T_ 2 MATERIAL TO BE PRE- MOLDED NON - l •" r -� `' EXTRUDED MATERIAL WITH A MINIMUM :a 4 6" • V THICKNESS OF 1/2�� 4 _ • • SIDEWALK SLOPE 0.0208 �- .• •,. a a Q v,:•rz:; RAMP SLOPE 0. 0917 TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION JOINT •''•' A.'. A p • •'•�:�nti��•'� `' _ CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH TO SPACING TO BE NOT MORE THAN 10 FT �4 4 . ' a �: <i: �- BE 3000 P.S,I. AFTER 28 DAYS p 4 4 .4 l` �r Z 1 2. DEPTH Or: THE JOINT SHALL BE AT dpIl c� e �' LEAST ONE FOURTH OF THE CROSS - 4 G — 5'-0 ' o :h::r `. 2>� Cross Sloe - SECTIONAL AREA / J o CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH , I s-o ---�s•j •�•.-.'.o-•.:o� ��/�r 1r11 �, �•� 3 Class "B" --' 6 Rock I 70 BE 3000 P. S t AFTER 28 DAYS . l/2' MAXIri/ Asphalt IIase NOTE: 9 -� �� .�,'.•,�- .� 1 . Install two weep holes GRADE TO MATCH �' ':- -3/4"-0" CRUSHED ROCK LEVELING per lot. SIDEWALK SLOPE. ' a' 0 -4" COURSE AS SOIL CONDITIONS REQUIRE 2. Roof drains shall melt � N weep holes in curb. STANDAPD CURB PEDESTRIAN PATH EPICYCLE & WHEELCHAIR RAMP J •`"'' c - CC � w L Front of Mail Box to >N - 25' - 75 -_� --- Match Back of Curb -- - - - P/L P/L d I7 +� - 17 5' 3J GRADE TO MATCH 6" 2'^8" UTILITY STRIP SIDEWALK SLOPE J Im U 6" CROWN FINISHED EXPOSURE EDGE Of SIDEWALK ;:i�: ~ 4 4 " O \ - 0 094 t<•,• :'''` ` i Y �� 3 Diameter L4" 8'-0' t y Metal Post / `�^{ 1/8"xl2"x18" Metal Basl R/W R/W U `- I CLASS „C„ ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (OVERLAY) I 'A Jig \�•• �—��"1—�---_ i 17 2" CLASS /C ASPHALTIC CONCRETE Ji1t • d' -_ - SIDEWALK SLOPE- 0.0208. L ' n , ' �' vi •i 1/2" Bo' is for Support, 2 3/4 - 0" CRUSHED RC•..K / GRAVEL 0• 6'� 3'-0" 5'-0" 3�•0"- RAMP SLOPE - 0.091_x,' o° e �.° a s / `�i��f� Double Nutted, 4 Req d 8 2 - 0" CRUSHED ROCK / GRAVEL r' / m COTE . - CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH TO �'` �� /�� Mail Boxes to be Installed GRADES SHALL NOT EXCEED V2% ON /� LOCAL STREET; BE 3000 PSI AFTER 28 DAYS % / �� v� /��r " 2" � " by U. S. Postal Service in CURVES SHALL NOT HAVE LESS THAN L \������ 4 x et x d Accordance with Postal 0 IOOFT CENTERLINE RADII ON LOCAL STREET , Concrete Pad Regulations �+ INTERSECTION ANGLES SHALL NOT EXCEED r '-0 --� J ° UNLESS THERE IS SPECIAL INTERSECTION 60 1/2' MAX DESIGN. ONE ITCH OVERLAY REQUIRED WITHIN ONE YEAR . STREET �_ _ „4P: �:qall ;� o;.���.:� MAIL BOX CLUSTER �. U •��' �.' 3/4"- 0" CRU;NED ROCK LE\rEUNG o• 0'-4' COURSE AS "OIL CONDIT,UN REQUIRE C^ LOCAL STREET SECTION. — 50. BICYCLE AND Will CHAIR RAMP • 3 yv o � X — T I L m c I I EXP 1/2"PRE- ULDED EXPANSION o JOINT JOINT FI LER o m to 3 3 8• - < m m 0 I '30' MIN. BETWEEN CURB I I 5 APRON SLOPE SID�IiA !r`'' �_ ' Vim'• 0 CUTS ON SAME PROPERTY I I JOINT ACCESS N O O to Q) aj (AGREEMENT) � �_ _ � �,w•• :L � o � c R/W ` Ihr` 3' I's '3 ,ase!f �!��j' f�'S O _j CURB � � � � � A CURB .0. No. RJW — — — - - 1 J - - FACE OF CURB Drawn 1�'S'• I � A INOTE: CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MIN. Date ze A�''I BREAKING STRENGTH OF 3000 • 5' MIN BETWEEN ADJACENT I 30' MIN BETWEEN Sheet PSI AFTER 28 DAYS. PROPERTY LINE ACCESS INTERSECTING STREET 2�� R/W 8 PROPERTY APRON SLOPE = 0.0729 - - _ ` ACCESS ��' OF CURB EL. ALL CURB CUTS TO FaE MEAS'1RED °�► " ' FROM TOP OF CURB TO TOP nF CURB. 0' s� . SECTION A-A 6REVISIONS 1": 2' DIMENSIONS (ft.) _ No Description / Date By X 1 0 i 2 14 16 I P� 20 1 Mpu• OMI pr,•r'►1 540-61 DRIVEWAY CURB — CUT LOCATION RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY. - VI? I AGE @ SUMMERLAKE PARD: PRINTED MAY %0 IV —•�r.r" - . • _..e.r.....Mlli •..v +w.•,_�gpw7.�.,.,11 .,,,,.,.,�Ilt.•...w,p,v.,...-sN...t�A••,���!-}.1R•INMC•-;y±.+ -" -»„a0r..•.. .•C-- mom -- .. ..w.,,,•t _ _ _• _ _ ( , • " - 1^ 1 111 I�I•'ill 11ii'Ilt Irl ►II I! 1 ifi~iTj) r ill 'Irl ( I '�Ilt 111 1) 111 I 1 I 1 I I 1 r� I 11r rll 11{ ill III III Ilt III 111 Ilt III 11! II III III Illlirl t�� I11 � �+ . �,�� �j I�C � � I � I I � 1 I 1 � ( I I � I � I � � � I � •� I I I t I 1 2 3 4 5 8 T f! 9 10 11 NOTE: IF THIS M ICROF I LME D - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT I(�'IT IS DUE TO QUAtITY OF THE ORIGINAL - ""' -� RAwING' OE 6t 9Z Lt 9Z SZ fZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 91 L1 91 SI 1►1 EI ZI 11 01 • L 9 S �'° Z I�w�r _ I I i f ' '� ��IIIUIIIIIIIIUIIIlu11u11111111111t11t1 111�HIIIIt1lIIIt�11111uN�urtlnre�tlllIN11H11�11i1N181�ii1111111�INII111i1t111�NH�IM ail Ilgl�lllllr IlUllllllUII�11111111) N �,.•- _ JULY 9 1992 lol • h Pop 14-4 8 P r W10 r �� / \ / • • ter/ � \� f : .-. � � r, 29 o ! - Q 0 o ca P / - 00o" 9 .wwaw.s RiA 000 31 2 2 OC 2 a 6 ..� - / 01 27 U _ 11 26 0 T 4 \ 3 190 , t 25 \ 33 � 12 � 5 � Z '7 e / w o ` I 24 \ f.1 f 182 ---�—� ,h �' 9 � �s8 / / I ' ' �� �' y. Ln Scale. 1" 50' _ - \ .o 23 \ N\ a ....001 71 13 7 f f I WW 0 \ LnJK 22 1001 1 \ _ / 02 � 3 - u . 12 r 12 utl,lty J r. - — ( 000 / Easement 14 / \ 21 15' Utility � ;o Easement 13 2 \ 0 h4� / \ A,1 TOC: \ 1 5 a 19 �y 9 %/ Lob 9g 3e• 2'�; 20 SetbacR Line15 10 i 18 \ • TOC= BO • V f ./''� X411, 190 \ / `10749 i19� •A , IJ r, - ".0;00,*'_ 14 �• ,y \ \ 0 r - . Ir 194 VICINITY MAP o c I 27 s Scale: 2000' a i 17 / �� \ O, I I in M W o \ \ \ -- _TUG 14 � 8�J 7�; 1 GUS N / 26 / �\ TDc4. 198 zi l I C r, Q/ cnau+ O H O FVI F-11 \ � 4� c I Iep 11 t • 1 a4 y3c 2eCU ry W U) _j,6 25 3yn a/ y 8 9 3 3 1 Q2 0 � G� N I 'o r4l) 6 CROWN •-1 4 r 5 P 20' setback Une . - ---4 ►�, c' "I 15 N I \ 4 !— Ty 'E\ r x a U \\ y l 198 -- (�d h�v �� >, lea�w I / j 1y \ 3 ,�Q \' �� �o�� /�► N / 1-- 35' `5 1 Q!4-' .°• I 8 !• 1 9 6 198 . r < ? 1.4 �} C /\ �j� `93'�b TOG- TOCN,-- * :7 Ob' R/W R/W U 19L.86192 19 «_1857 MH , I N I I" CLASS "C" ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (OVERLAY) I to fl G C \ / G """•�-'-�.--- ' � ' 2" CLASS CONCRETE I O O 41 2Oo \ �- Q� �O 0�J•� SOD .��--.—..wr■�.— ■ ' ,. - ' . I 2" ]/• 0 CRUSHED ROCK/GRAVEL O 1 / �'• ,/'� 'o / �' \+ — I L A NE --� - - ��. � to • co 'I O• � ww —wwrr w w—wry— w NOTE: � >+� � 2 �• , - '• -,Y� - J,., ly 16 R" 2" 0" CRUSHED RfCK/GRAVEL 1 I ,i' �o- 11 1 ,t / Toc= Toc- Toc=199,10 r- • GR0.DE5 SHALL NOT EXCEED 12% ON 61 -4 ' \ \ (� a /•-'\ IQL= ,g33o 192.86 -roc- 181•t I Q LOCAL ST3EE1; a � `. / 5 0 / 1 9�•� ' 194 p 9 5o Sg' Ta' TOS_ CURVES SHALL NOT HAVE LESS THAN p, \ I ' 21/ '' `/ ���� • / 3y 2� 192 ■ 1474 198 IOOFT CENTERLINE RAMI ON LOCAL STREET y,y 4. n -- 1aGK �J //Z� ■ '-�� to INTERSECTION ANGLES SHALL NOT EXCEED (� 4J � gni 9�. - ■ D. UNLESS THERE IS SPECIAL INTERSECTION Q C rr CA 4ZQf �\ ���/ �� 00 ' �� I I I C DESIGN. CT O �6� -i/• / I �- m ■ J ONE INCH OVERLAY REOUIREO WITHIN ONE YEAR /�� �, y� O t_ 3 .� P�/"'��°'� ~' �0 o Y - 20o TYPICAL STREET SECTION = - / O O I . I mon, Lo z" 3 � ' -goo �9 'J�^(0 �O Gj36 Ct A / b� � /(DL4nA�i GJ� ` 00 CMI ; : �- N 1f70 'fl U V / / • ' 9 •,. . I LEGEND. TOC- N N / A5 ,# �1 5 75 7 �197.o fA U] s ` \ I I �� zD� /' y w \ _ O I \' 1 1 0` a^ ./'/ /ter �s 4'� , c;�'�G \ o `355 �3`t° � -- 54' � $p � I � � — s— s — Exist'_ng Sanitary Sewer o 0 - - I 2 1 iOG'- �' 2 f. .p roc= ------ p+ �" \3 � �� c� , 34 Proposed Sanitary Sewer \ 18 rn / D� MH-�--j h ` 6�` '�970L1'�'� � Loo' — w — w-- Existing Water Line -_ r7 ill ' •°o / - `� 83 0 39 _�...—w--• Proposed Water Line N r y \ 2\ 1 _ - _ N / ,nC,,4 q� tk \ — _ I cc 202 _ a n-- Existing Storm Drain v \ H ' I 6 ............. Proposed Storm Drain � t 1 ti m �,° 3_ _ '32 \ \ 41 •o -ror_= ZOO. _ o 19 17 I 1 r�;.- 5tl`fz P, I •/ / °0 �. Existing Pavement v; —T -i Drainage Direction �• ._ .� I+ r �c �, t \ c ,` —20' Setback Line / % ' S / /Zo, ~ .o ` � - --...-----� 33' 1. zos.fl� lroc- 9 ��1 I � S4 5 �/� tr a .w .._ — Existing Curb ~ ~ -� _ �"+MH Tn� ' G tz fOC�Z03.64 i L_ rpm= • �• y Proposed Curb J LwAI ` � �7.EI . l07• Loi —. ...:5.8iI� - I \ - _ ` —-�• - =�H roc=I�.a 7 M I� I — — -- -- __ -- - LAUR ONT.ftdowoo — - - - - - � - - -- - '' ....._.---.—._ _....... �,. / x s n our 3 0 �- - ----gyp E i ting Cot o •-► ... � - .r.■.rrr.r..-.urrrrr.rr.rrrrrrM-r-... - _ +•• �� �� AcG–Li —;4__ w� ' T�r7 w� w�-wL� w•riwww.-.. wwww .� a` � w aN r.a�wwwwww..ww w,.ir ww �� �..�_ 10 \\20 Proposed Contour _ ��-- -- zoa sa - Toc 1�» �- "�.� � � ��; 204 � c �n (�� _ __�_ 103 3 03 99 zor. of T X.270f. LI Too:_ZOS.39 TDC=Zo3.01 -roc ■ ZOb 97 TOC=19D 7-L 'Toc:i99 30 .-1°� G� tn 7�' 58 I 58' s4' a {d;' /r / / O 14, 4J al I \ i1 ' J5 ` ` 20' Setback Line _ / �_ I M 0 10 11 1\2 I N M p - o o C) 0 ^ O Q. ►i 41 O - 31�y _ 30 � 29 28 27 26 I 25 24 ._ - 23 - 22 '0 U U) M Ln 15' Drainage O 14 `� _ -=- 15 i --- - --- ` \ I Easement- - =_. ,.- -'' �• '� \ �, " Ln v .. mom 70' 70' -- 54 .54' 76 5 E�' 55' 154' �5 4' � °�E) 1 1 3' � ��6 � O r, .a _G — = a N 80.)o 48 -rsem. it NOTES: C9 ,1. Contours from Grading Plan prepared by Bancroft and W.O. No. 870Y ,52 51 50 1 49 48 47 ( 4 ` I 45 I 44 N I a3 �i 42 41 I 40 39 38 3. 36 I i 35 Associates dated 27 July 1985 with adjustments based on Design ' I I I I I I ground elevations at lot corners. Drown I � I° 31 I � I I( � Date zo I�^� 198 O ( -� ( I O I I I 2. All .lots to have positive drainage to weep holes in curbs. 1 �1� L X10 0 �1 Sheet --J 6 of 6 0000 D _ -- Is> woos REVISIONS ili -- — — — --- --- --- `�• // .,.., .� w.,,'�~2--� .�- No Description / Date By "ookoft .�, ftftw 'At / - _ �"C Np.MP LOT NO 5'-1 3-8 1 R �'• � � �- ,,, ��" — A�'WON �.-�-_.._ _ ...�...-- Rf SE r �.. � i it r .•r VV r•rw- .woo rnr -w"- _ _.. - _._._.. ._.. ._. ooe 4 3 4 5 27 1 2830 29 I 1 31 3.' I 33 1 34 -. _- I PRINTED MAY 2 01W, ...ser^••.– ,�,.�....�,,.,,,,...-,�.,..,.-r,.r.w�'i�" "'�'1Rg'�ar+^i.rw..r_•+r-.•w«n "'F��"""?�.,"r.w•„• a.�;"� .`�.p„"'1` '°' ._ ..... ----- ."-._. _.__- - - -... .......r•».,.. rww+l,w+w...,.«, ,.„,+.:w.n•� _. - -_ .«.,.�..«.:. ••+.�+b- ) ...,.,�,. �P�It' IlII'i�i iII�111 1111111 s11�1r1f Iil�i�! III�I� IIIA flit 1 VIII Ilial III�II 1111111 III�I'� I (II�1l111�111 111111 IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII{1�1�1'{(111��111 (II��III►I��II1 '� I _ �` 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 9 10 11 12 4` Nn•i E: IF THIS MICROFILMED fURAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT IC&4-TT IS 01,1E TO r _Qt,ALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ' DRAWINr,, QE 6? aZ L7. 9Z SZ t+Z EZ ZZ I Z OZ 61 91 L I 91 61 t•I E I 21 11 01 0 L 9 9 '-- ,�.-1I EL- Z I►1111III�IIIII1111�IIIIII u111,1,I,111�111�111�1111lt11+IlI,IIlull,tNll,ull,,,�11IIhl�,Ilii111NI�I(11tiNIIItII11lII11t1�1141l1111�, 1111hHlhutflil 111,�tllllllli11111lIIIIIIWIWIIIII�llullifhl,ulnulll,UII�IInN 0 I �S �s I-C q 71"+ • r PLANS CHECK �N / b �ssuc�l +�`� AGN STREETS CREW CHIEF e.vjocv� D ��pssi • COMMENTS : F toe-Icy L(k°. r- � rliAi/bwos 9rwfmd ipf�.r oaf s;a1a c:ud< cnc� Q►<Q 10 SIGNATURE :_ DATE : 6 /Z WASTEWATER CREW CHIEF `0`+`� �� ►��NS ICOMMENTS : 9owSe Id�►P�`S �H1v raA1J I�rJE �.`p„1� I.,k' 5 kAo VF f+Wkolr s ^�u I14 1+ 5a /0',4.5p444 ow or � y ,Leaf Pork. 5n 10 w� wE O&e" beck �. c, s" 6'of, K.Q 016v,f �Pp4K 'p ASpti„If "C5, SIGNATURE : LAI DATE : 4� PARKS CREW CHIEF CUMMFNTS : SIGNATURE : �� DATE : / OPERATIONS MANAGER COMMENTS : o 46 vo MAX Aa� PH TUBE ! D / DATE :l% /Z7 r. I .ice� ()� Iv E N 1-D Ari F-""" AS moo �- ll,e �'A(4 of P4rA� do4l"JAet /rit. h //s� ,� I t;,e A, _PQ4k 44,,4 �S�SOO-co 044-Iz !s rte.,-�'• � ,) sA,c,� .� r' /0. '00 pw rate goo,►-� �,�. �.bs �40•�►� I u J M v r r11j1MpW1jFTr7 y pz J q i 4J IJ • r • • w w • • " • w • r 0 O O o • F y y 6 �v �y Nil i t ,; -- , 1d--r- a �� � ; zaa ' j � S • AP 3 � 9 ji •, ..QFC ; � J � i I � �� � � s ] i Vile Iwr .0 1 I J u ..f ITIM � v 1 at �IIIFPjI U111 qq 4 G w 6d"116, 11111 li IIII IjjjI 1 1,J.I,I.LI 1j,I.L1.I,1,1,1.111,l.l.lyjllil,l,lj. ,Iy I,I J Hyl i Nil � > > > Q Y �' � A •�• �a o � 1 i I I � �i e1 rll I LL �I 1 4 1 n v E !� ti q • • qq o o • o O • • �- • w r "� F E 4 O 1 � w I 1 lll�(ylIII11j:1/11�11�11i/,LI�i,IJ�,i,1,�1,1„��I,l l,l.Iil.lJ�lil,liL�i�,lilililili 1 9 v � .13 Aliill S CL 11Simi dst8 # # � it]Z, 13 • t R i 1: i a ! !! 2 s . • • 1 u v Es' • be a 1 O 1 A 0 Q Q Q R t a 9 R a c J s • • O O • O O • • � ♦ w • o• `6 OG� y V I ail € T60 • BI �a3 , v ` �aA Lu t 7� � 7�� s � I �7 • pa 119 03 I 121 Cl) YY e U�d w y L d- I I J u N O s i Q , a i 1 t p • It v s R V � � � • . � A . w w 0 0 O O • • F occ 6 I u�� i � r i Y � all � fi i I e Q � �► 3�� { - Ilu, a 1 15 LLji � ev.:•1 w � L i Ii A A w f ff� L' _ � w • • IT • V h NO O 0 � ! D � � 0 0 4 a 0 e � v • R of qy p R V A � � � .•. � r{ � w w � • O O O O • C L �u �r w INSe �a5 Le i v I 66 v 9 ,ito - . �� �y� ti i � c � 1 � Mid , ,►. ,, E �. � rVA i i, s I t3 a ps", at ItI.J.Za ._.11 i - MEMEL s t = s s u J N v 0 0 0 0 i i 1 R s • R a a 9 . r �• . w � 11 a r O O �u o �! �ertleu{�ubuI,�;�Jdw{iu�fiuiIII]Ili,:, ti Is all P v I it nilJAI AP Him i 41- Ail a, •1.f i a LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 2 July 1987 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. Mike Mills, Project Inspector Re : THE VILLAGE AT SUMMER LAKE PARK Dear Mr. Mills: Enclosed for your information, please find a copy of all of the inspection reports prepared by this firm to date on the project. Included are copies of the subgrade grade checks. As you can tell , most of the subgrade was overexcavated an average of 0.06 to 0.10. Several wet and soft areas were noted and the contractor was instructed to overexcavate these areas and backfill with rock. Copies of some of the test reports f rom Carlson Testing are also included. Should you have any questions concerning this project, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. Sin rely yours, Le hard A. Rydell, .E. , P.L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc: OR-AY Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS Go SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES RK MEAMKM��mw '"" UAIE IOY NO. 5707 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. PNOIECT 60111NEMUIISTDRIVE,NEWBERG,ORMN 97193 The Village at "ummerlake Park (309) 596.5700 LOCATION S . W. 135th Avenue, Tigard CONTRACTOR OWNER To Ichmidt Excavat . OR-AK FILE WEA rMIR Temp. I IT Ret L(:L� AM ' *a t PM PNT ENI Ai ITE THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: ` c �/ f I 11` ' ��Ot�F v ini e-c — (. coPlra To--S`s`�^�2 SIGNr-f7 w — OAIE 10a NO �g8 8707 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. PROJECT The Village at Summerlake Park 601 PINEHURST DRIVE,NEWBERG,OREGON 97134 LOCATION (soa) 536•5700 LS, W. 135th Avenue , Tigard ' CONTRACTOR OMNER To Schmidt Excavac. OR-AK FIL.£` WEATNLR TEMP. Oat AM S -at PR1.5ENT AT SITE IL a THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: Q-( z: Ifo ,� - �! 19.ax Aa C o 'IJ2 E _ co 4 -0 .«' - p� _ � �-crap's .-�•r-..o-t-�. S _ �--�� -_a►.5►.... . .� .t.....,._.. .... 04 4.40 R M -. . . -. _... .. . .. _ L r COpirB TO --- -- �IGNI _ DATE JOY NO. PzJ5 ;:Q l9 8707 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. 601 ►INEMURSTDRIVE,NEWBERG,OREGON 97132 The Village at Summerlake Park (509) 538.5700 LOCATION S. W. 135th Avenue, Tigard CONTRACTOR OWNE1/ io FILE - Schmidt Excavat. OP.-AK WZETwE TN`LN TEMP, Got AM r — ant PM THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: MIN ADD —. SI(-,NF D d i I I OATE 10o NO. 8707 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. PAOIr.CT 601 ►INEMURSTDRIVE,NEWBERG,OREGON 97137 The Village at Sumtnerlake Park (903) 536.5700 LOCATION W. 135th Avenue, Tigard fON TRAl:T011 OWNEM TO FILE - Schmidt Excavat. OR-AK WI:ATMkR ((-- TCMP. 63 °9t 8240 AM ! Eo n °at 2-00 PM �•—~� P,<ESENT AT SITE rw'icke_ �� ►�: E THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED. � I _ Itd e_55_ .E1�T� Qz u1.A�-J !^0..6+ __ l_•_7-�" �.—� �� �i dT t� -- t E' /'e e5 _ c` i.� c.r�'i O -ttc�c=K' S��l !SL - --_ .1��.�mss ._�►_���- .-----G��.-� �s� � __ �,,..��- J����. , 6 On _s5 uy I cnF.g5 TO IDD � I a A � OATE JOY NO. 'Z .a 199 8707 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. PROJECT 601 rINEHUR3YDRIVE,NEWBERG,OREGON 97132 The Village at Oummsrlake Park (503) 538.5700 LOCATION S . W. 135th Avenue, Tigard f ONTRACTOR OWNER To Schmidt Excavat. OR-AK —TILE - -V-.-. (ATNER TEMP. oat 9--4ar-aM C&A oat PM - PNFP NT SESIJ.L_i011l_ S` of . THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: / t S ar 4124 -t( shy-C4 o'L I .1. i ----- -- --- .. � •__.1Q_� _ . ��� rye..c�►.�y _armor 1 - =•ti._Q, ,�.d-F_ 60 4 c.t� A4j r-'T"Ct.,i�jl•{� (�,a.'T E. �' a-C_.' '�1 o-r1.- _r- �C4>-p- - y -s - f COPIES ToV D - - <dnmro DATE jam P40 „))/_ii--'►►iittlQ==JJ„11••-AA++��UU^^"- . � 8 7 0 7 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. PNOJfr.T 601 14NENURSi DRIVI,t4EWYERG,OREGON 97199 The Village at Summerlake Park ($091 S96-S700 IOCAT-ON S . W. 1.35th Avenue, Tigard ' r0„TRACTOR OWNER � chrnidt l:xcavat . OR-AK rrT.F. WfAT TEMP. 60 Oat W-TSAM Oat PM PHI st T AT THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: 44 - t c. 4�.s_ -- - - S o Gu- a-r e 39 . gmaX 4 0 "All .nr1r, To OAT E JOY NO. 13 It9e 8707 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. rNOJECT 601 MNEMURSTDRIVE,NEWBERG,OREGON 97132 The Village at Summerlake Park (509) 596.5700 LOCATION '3. W. 135th Avenue , Tigard • CyNTRACTOM OWN[N TO _FILE Schmidt Eacavat. OR-AK WCAT N l- T[Mr. -7 C—y COt I Oat PM PRE Sf,E.T AT 11T11 p F'-CS THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: < Wc, r_nPlrs TO_ —_ ��15 �• d!, v �_.�__ Slc rir r) _ 4 RUATE JOa NO. 198Z X 70 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. T401 ►CNEHURST DRIVE,NEWBERG,OREGON 97134(503) 538-5700 ON rONTRACTOR OWNER m �L S_�/fh '1 OIQ- K WEATHER TEMP, a at AM a Q cat PM PRESENT A ITE THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: 49ref t?L( eSi Z(9 aj(+4. ( ' _ e 4 rg -CEJ 6v - - - - - --- ( { - - �- i-L _ 47Ly4L'L- d--le . -- _lam. roPIES TO l_Yc YKILAS RPM wdnj ALA oo — -- -- r,IrNFn %'SL�� "—' DATE JOU NO. 8707 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.I.S. PROJECT 641 ►INEMURST DRIVE,NEWRERG,OREOON 97132 The Village at Summerlake Park (503) 536-5700 LOCATION S. W. 135th Avenue , Tigard rONTRACTOR OWNER To _ Schmidt Excavat. OR--AK FTLF --- WEATHER TEMP. 0 a AM ,Oil`�- p&4rj� /at 3"Is" PM PNI`s f AT SITE THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: — � e� �- - r Hairs r0 �� .�._ _.__ �_ � �D �(, J� J�, 4 GATE LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.I.S. PROJECT x`98 8707 601 FINENURSTDRIVE,NEW&UG,OR3GON 97132 The Village at Summerlake Park (309) 538-5700 LOCATION S. W. 135th Avenue , Tigard r.ONiaACf011 OWNER TO FILE Schmidt Excavat. OR-AK " WEAI TEMP. at AM N, EN 70 ?R TZ -at f-'15-PM PNESENT AT T[ ewe re X66 s THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: /re I 'LZ/l S e- A:-e "g A S l tis TIl e4g:/" d -S 1=Al-�. .�-c-y er 6rg&,) rS Gv _ Lvt44H zq-Z 4J �_-- S I Cl l-I r n DATE JOY NO. 68707 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. PROJECT -- NEWYERG,ORWON 97132 The Village at Sumnlerlake Park 601 ►INEMURST DRIVE, .. , (509) 530-5700 LOCATION S. W. 135th Avenue , Tigard rONIPAC TOP OWNLA TO J FILE chmidt 1-'xcavat. OR-AK WEATNEP TEMP. GO pat 6:W AM it °at l PM PNTs nr Ar slif THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED, Li LA 39 r-- (LJ- - _ ° � - 5 �o /oa - 2 . ._ `�► } ... C.a.�-,soy, _w�-s ��«q off- a--l'k c"kz . igiC. centc,r 4e wee e,- x--x, az L L -Le Ar;--:6 -. -4 roarR DD - - " COPIFS TO r r� __ SIr,NFr) V UAIE JO• NO. Ky 0 8707 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.I.S. PROJECT 601 PIN EMUIISTDRIVE.NEWBERG,ORMN 97194 The Village at Summerlake Park (509) 578.5700 LOCATION W. 135th Avenue, Tigard TO CONT RAC IOR OWNER FILE - Schmidt Excavat . OR-AK TEMP. -Z 00� IAM f Dot PM PMF%ENT AT SITE THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: jq�. .4 IS) ' .50 qA4. 'tom_ -, A'c ,Q t ee rnt e --- (� Nail r?( H r;r1PIF5 Td t, 1 / (QQ�` ZS �r 02. 1 -- _ SIGNro _-- /{ - -- UAT! JOY NO. x987 8707 Z9 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.I.S. PROJECT 601 ►INEMURST DRIVE,NEWBERG,OREGON 97131 The Village at Summerlake Park (503) 538•S700 LOCATION S. W. 135th Avenue, Tigard • CONTRACTOR OWNER To FT _ �chrrz.idt Excavat . OR-AK FILE pCA N!N TEMP. O at AM 6P,-at 130PM Plll SJTI TE THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: al C - b— 4rr weej�' oY -00 Orlt� CEO L'ps-L oC _ -- ---__._ _.-- - --- -- j Rer T:�P�rS Tc - L:unrtrvction/nr/Nrtilrn R Ralatcal Tub C�rlson 'Testing, Inc. P.O.Box 23614 Tigard,Oregon 97223 Phone(503)664.3/60 t00 No— - REPORT OF IN-PLACE SOIL DENSITY TESTS CItont PfOlect SO-1 Description Max. Dry Density lbs./cu. It. Optimum Moisture % Method of Test o+rf u. its t�Ir uir ►.I10 fN,PL ACC DE Nr1Tt rru wo T E S T l OC A T 1 ON rr. wo. orrrwl ILrl.icu rr.i t w i130 -T (l�mar♦t4 CARSON TESTING INC w Construction Inspection!4 Related lists Carlson Testings Inc. P.O.Box 23814 Tigard,Oregon 97223 CP-3341 Phone(503)684-3460 REPORT OF IN-PLACE SOIL DENSITY Tri i S June 23, 1987 Client ScY"dt Excavating P,,,IeC,__Village @ Su uerlake Sol Description Brown Silty Clay Max. Dry Density 99.9 I6s./cu. It. Optimum Moisture 18.5 Nuclear 3411-B P �. Method of Test 0•If O. list T t 5 T L O C A T I O N lIIV. �,rr r,►�0 iH"vL.ACE DENSITY 11.) x0. OH/U11r Il.f.�cu, r► 1 rr. M0. IR I 0111— [1,OM Z2L ter of Lot 38 -4' 19.4 114.4 95.8 95.9 ter of Lot 39 -5' 18.0 112.4 95,2 95,3 rmont Drive Sta. 6 + 20 Sub 17,3 112.9 96.2 96.3 nnont Drive Sta. 5 + 20 Sub "1.0,6 112.1 92.9 93.0 TK,nt Drive Sta. 10 + 60 Sub 22.7_ 110.6 90.5 90.6 Line of 2 6 3 50' Behind Curb Line -4' 16.6 118.5 101 .7 100.0# h_J2 7 Lot Line of 4 b 5 -3' 20,6 118.4 98.2 98,3 CARLSON TFSTING INC L0 La L.J L-/ IJ L-I L_/' -j L-1 I I. Ld INKIMEPYA 1 1 1 1 1 • i�_ 1 1 :: ::�■g::g:�:::�C�:C:� _� _�' a���1 �0 NONE.■. .. ........ . ■ .. . ■■.■ ■■.■r.'�C' 0101 ■ :'.� ■,.CCC'C:"ii'.■=':■:'■■■ 0101 C: we CCC::■=:�:::: �.:C :URI we noncom ■ ■ :.■ r"'C �C ■ :■ �. ■ ■ ■: 1 Noun 01:=:I:::::01:= ■01$:1I=II:C■:::=:: :1 01: CC�: a :: . . ...■.:..g:MOORE one .■=. . r�i.��C ...CCC �C.CiCgaa r ._■ :�i::::::C::�:.::'.: C . C� :: ■ 0101='C 0101' "� :1::: ■1111■■ ■ ■■ ■:■■ �..�■ C.NEC ■ ��: ■. ■ ■■ ,. $:::::01:1:11s:1m:': 01 $ .:g - ::g g=: 0101::'.g■ ■.■ ■:■ I� 10111 ■ -� .■■.ss.gg:eeg:.=$PA $ 18111UNIONs�. I ■■■soon R■■ ■.► ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■r r■■■■ �■ ■■ ■ .. . 01:01 .�g01 : . g = gs�"g=� $'s1 ■. =$ � sass:..$ s. .s�. .g■ $'� $ 1 's :. s 0101:. '■0111■ ■....... ...., ■■.■ ■ ■ . ■ ■.. C. ..... ... . ■ ■■.■:::C:rs :::1':■:: ': '"0101 ' . ■■ ■.�. . ■_.::: r■. ■. .■ ■■■.$.■ 1011 : 'I'M .. ■■ MINN ■ 1111. $ ■�C ■::. i■■■ ■■■�i■ ■ ■C :. ■■ �.. .1■ .■ . '$0101:$: .No■C.g..: ■■•:•01:C01 ' ■ �:: '":1" 01 ::01 3010 ' ■■■■.■..■ ■ ■1111 . ■" .■ ■■■.■ ■ ■�■■1101:: �$'s::'es . ■a.$gg .::.:� $g$ ==1$$1g■. 1111. 1111. ■.. .. .. .. is ..■ . ■■ ■ 1100 a 0 No 0 Mass MEN on so a ll0" 01.■ 0111 . ■1111 . . ■1000mml Ro . .g.■.:.:: . r=■CC Cg■ ...0 ■ ■C= $ C•= C ... . =....r ■ ■ ■ :■ ":Cg=fig!'=='��'��!'�'�'�.I:l�:LS ::_'!.'�� ■■ ■g."gg ■ rii■..■e l �' 1111. . 1111. .. .. 1111. J an. r Construction Inspection�Rc/ateJ Tuts Carl.;�on Testing, Inc. P.O.Box 23814 T11gord,Oregon 97223 CP-3341 Phone(503)681-3160 too No REPORT OF IN-PLACE SOIL DENSITY TESTS Permit No. Client Srhmidt. FYrayaf inn, _ i1 Wit,q 19A� Project _Village at_Stamner Lake Sol Description Brown & Gray Silty Clay _ Tested by: R. Dodson Mar, Dry Density_ 99.9 lbs./cu. ft. 09tirnum Moistu►e Method of Test Nuclear 3411-B AASIITO - —_ — onrf or tiltTEST l_ OC A T 1 O H lift, urs rf[o lr+'PLACE 0"""TV R rru 140aifrwf i[sf.lcu rr.1 \ Mqfly [�u ri[rOr 6-5 1 Lot a60 I o 4 1 1/2 122.4 124.3 111 .6 100+ 6-5 2 Lot Iv61 IST �; � l '- '- 18 24.3 123. 1 99. 1 99.2 6-5 3 Lot tM70 18" 30.3 121 .5 93.3 93.4 6-5 4 Lot #71 -4(v, -.18" 29. 1 117.4 90.9 91 .0 6-5 S II_ot #48 .({4 _ -18" 44.5 101.2 74.2 74.3 6-5 6 Lot #74 ,{,4 C:_ -2' 24.3 125.9 101 .2 100+ Ei S 7 lot #75 �i 4 TJ - t - -2' 24.3 112.3 90.3 90.4 N► Works CC: fest No. 5 was taken in an unstable area. - rVAIR.wr r:,k,H,�lifNn _ CARLSON BESTING INC PROPOSAL, f�.I. R.�rrsf' ElectrL Inc. W. Parleer Rd. Lure Osi.uego, Ore, .97034 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Telephone: 635.2824 -Gordon iil�bbs Ri Vi l Jago at Summer T-aktLi Park St. Lightin,a — June 4,__19 Uear Sir: The undersigned proposes to furnish all materials and perform all labor neces"Y to complete the following: L1S111�i� )_Q-t—t le�L with-hand hole. I.14LZw. 120 volt. Early_American luminaires._with photo electric control. — NOTEi Per—city- of Tigard & PGE s ecificati_ons. ^L~ ApproX!mately (7)-2_01e3 installed this s project. balance to be used -- _Qn-fut-vr_e ro 'ec t. All of the above work to be completed in a onbclhdw`rk,tunlike meaner for the ststn of ` U_,no zL --.,— DO —) Dollars Payments to be mode seek-as i n -aiXPdAs the work progresses u, the value of CUritraCt amoUn L—00%.) per cent of all work completed. The entire amount of contract to be paid withtit<__-30 days after completion. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra coat of material or labor will onlyy be executed Upon written orders for same, and will become an extra charge over the rias mentioned in this contract. All agreements must he made in writing. The Contractor agrees to carry Workmen's Compensation and public Liabdiry Insurance, also topay ell Sales Taxes, Uld Age Benefit and Unemployment Compensation Taxee upon the material and labor furnished under this contrAct, as required by the United States Government and the State in which 4-is work is performed. [th^ acceptance, pl.ev se Respectfully submitted, sign and return one copy, �Contracto- ACCEPTANCE You are hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the work mentioned in the above p'oposal, (ot which -he undersigned agrees to pay the amount mentioned in said proposal, and according to the terms thereof. It is further agreed that if the charges made, shall remain unpaid for a period of 30 days beyond the fn period above ,hecked. that any balance so remaining unpaid shall bear interest at the highest legal rate permitted by Isw, n the event that any suit or action is instituted to collect any amount due ander my account, whether principal or interest or both, I agree to pay in addition to the costs provided by law, a reasonable sum as attorneys fees. ()ere `1 '� e- CONTRACTOR 8 eAOP108AL AND ACr:907AN^_I. IoQY NO 511 �ntlA P1111q tl T 1 l a WAR T A LI Ad6IIA#4 June 4 , 1987 `Nl D � Gordon Hobbs Or-Ak Corporation 13050 Forest M?adows way OF Lake Oswego, OR 97034-1599 C�T ! Enclosed are copies of Lha deliv(.:ry agreement for Vill %ge at Summer. Park . Please review and sign the del very agreement . Retain the canary copy. t have included a return envelope. if you have any questions, please give me a call . Sincerely young , Mike Krygier Manager Address Programs Supuort. MSC Portlartd OR 97i08-9321 ( 503) 294-23.'9 �Pf[1�t1fi4 AGREEMENT/MODE jF DELIVERY FACT SHEET EXHIBIT 420X s NAME OF PPOJECT ✓ II A G !: AT SN.►+r►+:6t PAQh DRfIDPMN—. REOUESTING OFFICE 1-1 `� A a b . S TQ i a,,j 21' CODE LOCATION 011" PROJECT I` �^ M o nT D R �' .S w ROUTEN SAo�� D� NEW CONSTRUCTION: Attach Map With Addresses (Both Requests Require CONVERSION: Attach Exhibit 440?( PS Form 4330) t) Villas this lead followed up? YES I?,--- NO (reason) O By Whom _______________._�_ Title Office 2) Who was contacted? Name Title Firm Date(s) 0, Lo(21Q 3) Type of contact: Telephone 0 Letter 0 Personal Visit 0 - 4) Proposed Occupancy Data: 5) Type of Project Deliveries Type & Quantity Equip.-ent Needed 0 Office Bldg. (--- Flours) — --- -- -- ----_— --- - ---- [' Shopping Mall 1-7 Shopping Center U Apt./Condo (--- Flonrs) - - -- —._._..-- (j Townhol.,ses Single Fr.1nily Hnmes I Trailer r'an. _ 7 Other tSpecify) e) Soles E,'fort: Products Discussed Del eery Wall Other Center NDCBU Mailropm Boxes (Specify) Presentations Made Method Chocen Who will Install equipment? Who well issue the keys? - 7) Comments: CA n, S o j t ins o yj e 2/ b e �✓' .a /a S I hiR Notice will serve as an Agreement/Letter ol,Consent to the U.S Postal Service for the placement of Centralized Delivery F r:wpment at the location stnied in Comments TSPS REPRESENTATIVE: PROPERTY-DEVELOPER/MANAGFR/OWNER I AME: , M f (Z -- -- NAME: Gc�c-'d o ,J TITLE- "e i ".C__ SIGNATURE:-_ �4�--a-' SIGNATURE: ,_4 TELEPHONE 4 -?1',l TELEPHONE Atilte = Original (USE'S) Canary = 2nd L;upy (CUSTOMER) FIL, SU[1D1 VTSI0N COMPS I ANCI AGRC[`MEN[ �� I HIS AGR[:EMI•_NT dated i:hp `-- -- day of .__ _-J.�.w __. . . _- 19 87 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of State of Oregon, hereinafter- termed the "CITY, and OR—AK Co2=rafjQ11.__—. _ hereinafter termed "Petitioner." W I T N E S E T H: WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filin, in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as _AriGrePrt_..�JS?�_�..____._._____ _ in Section_ 33, T MShi,p_ willamet.te Meridian, Washingtnn County , Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted the f;taiidard Sppcific:at.ions for Puhlik Wkirw •, Construction by Oregon Chapter APWA, for street, storm drain, strut t tir c, ,411(1 related work, and Unified Sewerage agency Standards and Specifications, I r sanitary sewer construction, prepared by profes9ionaI enginoora, Iir subdivision public improvement development; arid WHEREAS, the public improvements to be constructed in Pet itiuner' : development are incomplete, and the parties desire hpr•eby to prutet t. thi? public interest generally and prospective purchasers of' lots in ,.aid subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth NOW, THEREiORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and hN covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and itr surpties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1 ) Petitioner shall proceed with development , with the intent ,and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street tree.. of said subdivision not later than two (7) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner agrees to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specifice+tion!t of the City of Tigard, to comply with all terms and provisions specified thereinregard this improvement. by the Council and Planning Commission of the City if Tigard, Uregon, or as may be specified by the Community Development Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be . Pquired by or approved by said Department. Petitioner shall provido certification of installation conformance and one as built mylar, both stamped by a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspect i-,111 of pptitioners improvement work for r:ity conditional and final mi: rPptran, 4, consider tion. (7) If 'Lhe Petitioner desires to procepd to record the development plat prior to completion of installation of all required public improvements. Petitioner agrees to tender to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City in the amount of $ 27343�7Q (or in an amount equal to the value of all incomplete public improvement. work plus the unp yen" gurarantPC amount; THE PLAT SPAI I NOT BE RECORDED UNI II All P0111 IC IMPROVE MI NI5 API COMPLETE OR ARE ASSURED 2998P 'roale (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglecL or refuse to Proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive mariner to assure cumpletion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner Arid Petitioner' s sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work com,ot.ed and charge the costs hereof again^t Petitioner and Petitioner's Sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover tht, amount thereof. In tho event such action be brought, Petitionor• and Petitioner's Sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the Mmount,t accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge r•oasunAblo es attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring procoodingx ttt enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s Sur•etivt4 "pvtifst per•forman-o of t:ho. contract and compliance with the subdivision s1aruiards ,And ordinances of the City of T igard, and in such event , in like m,,nnrr , t ho c s 1 y shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court sh,+ll adjudgti .+-, and for the City' s attorney' s fees arid costs, bath in the 1 r sa l COW I 411,1 Appellate Court, if any . (A) Petitioner, concurrent with the rxecution hvroof, shall dopa • tI wiIIt the City an amount estimated to equal pole and luminar maintenant:r too,;, for street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Port 1,41111 General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", tcgether with a further .mill equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize tho street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights . Said amount being $_1,132.80 _______ (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final insPOLtiuns which in the City's interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay prescribed inspections fors N (6) The City agrees to install street identification and Iroffst �,sttn•. within said subdivision, in consideration of payment. in tho 4motint tit $ 202.16 (7) At such time as all public improvements except. sidewalks rind stroel trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City ' -A requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of install,+titm conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for c•unditionAl acceptance inspection and, then, upon notification by the Deportment tit Community Development that the requirements of the City have been met , thsi Petitioner will submit, to the City a good and sufficient guarantttt, bunts st rntt already pro+sided with the performance bond, form approved by thta sits t p•-r,lide for correction of any incomplete work or any defective wu► It t+► maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year Aftctr coedit i,tn,4l acceptance of the public improvements by the City . (6) Upon receipt of certification from the Department of Community Development that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Gkint-a ,trt, Bond, the City agrees to conditionally accept the public improvement subject to the requirement of completion of all work and correction of drfitirntir-, and maintenance for a period of one year as hor•ein,abuve set forth (9) That in addition to or supplementary of the r•equirumontx of tht City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Pet.itinner btnti- itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations *Project Fee : 90674-L. Sewer rep _ 7 (a) Nona of the lets of Potitioner ' s subdivision as described may ho occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City arid no occupancy permit shill bo issued prior to conditional acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that. the sidpw;Alk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all A dewalks as required by the plar ; and subdivision code shall be installed throughout s.*id subdivision not latc_r than three (3) years from the date of this Subdivision Compliance Agreemertc. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot be.t.wvvri thr public sidewalks and the curb (parking area), if required, shall be planted in place prior to final. inspection and issuance of occupancy permit, for each ,�►�� h lot in the subdivision. Provided Lhat final inspcection arid application F,,r occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April 0l ,+i,y year, such plantings miry be deferred until the next Fullowing growinq sty,+ ,00 In any event, al.l required landscaping and t.rvvs in all areas shall be pl,+ittrtt and in place within the r,,nl.ire subdivision within three (3) yoar•s frnn 0- date of this subdivision improvement conLrMct (c) AFUtr conditional City acceptance of thte public, impr•ovilmont s , the Peti.tionor agrees to place an asphaltic concrete overlay on all ru,'Ads within the development; placement scheduling to be approved by the city . (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretttfor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission 40- tho City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s) (e) Petitioner agrees to correct, any dufe( tive week and U, por term any maintenance, upon notification by the City, arising during the t�u,�r•+tit rt period as hereinabove set Furth. (10) At such, time as all public improvr,iments have bet-rn cumplett'd ►tt accordance with the City ' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the Cily ttf readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the nepartn►t'nt of Community Development that: all requirements of the City hav a b.,en mt±t, I ht, Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and mainten.,imt, responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond (11 ) The parties hereto hereby adopt they form of pe►•formancp bond, tkipv whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a parti hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with thv 0 i I v concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or pr for tit the time this; agreement is executed on behalf of the City . Petitioner further awt,r , ttt maintain said bond in full forr_e and effect until otherwise author irvd by tht, City in writing. (12) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall file ,+1 ? purposes be inc luded as a part of tht, obl igatt ion sot ur ttd by I hit ,J— It ,,. t.+ performance bond and the City shall bit ent i t lc-d to r t-cctur it, t her ul I I— ovent of default on the part of Lhe Petitioner with r•espec:t Lo any rngtitrruuttl thereof. 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF , Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of D:recturs has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly hold on tole _ 13 day of October _ 1986 1 has caused this agreement to be executed by the Director of the Community Development Department. Pf F1 11(0 R . OR-AK Corporation By B y THE CITY OF J'T(j(1{4i), N41 GA FORM NO. 13 --• ACKNOWLKOGMrNT 1I.,1\NL1!l�W I l'll 'll STATE OF OREGON, County of //•'G'l r/�� 9� �'��/ day of ..�!/i9< Jai '. 8E IT REMEMBERED. That yen this a rre•d the %%ethin before me, the underti4ne•d. a Notary Puhii�•+in Ianfor ,�i��`untyand State', prrvunaily appnamedi ,,,((w �J known to me to be the identical individual descrihed in and who e'vcrute d the "'ithrr rnrr:unu•r�t :+ne1 acknowledged to me that �Lo executed the same freely and rerlunt:rriJc. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I bare he re unto set my hared .110 :etri%e•el my official seal the y and ve Le4�1+i+ot r a tateI. P Notary Pr w f"rr,dort. MY Commission expires y 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way Lake Oho, OR 97034 _ Atte: Mr. Bordon Hobbs (00709) i 4 KA-A'bL ')KL I HIS 10 I HL CAS HILR FUR A RL0--1 P I NAME: V/�:,r111Jc:,�L1� F�Z�LkAL ��A� ►;c, ��►'r UATE '_-____�r, R e. /fir; Gare r•.� �(-1a• ti�� ACCT, DESCRIPTION — �.•__ . AMOUNT _ 10--22000 Refundable Performance Bond Deposit -__-._- 10-43500 Sign Permits HOP TU $ 10_43600 Public Sewer Plan Check/Inspection Fee _ $ _ .-/V 10-43600 Public Storm Plan Check/Inspection Fee _ $ 10-43600 wpublic Im frovemeni _Fee $_ /4, 10-43600 Street Opening Permit $ 10-•43601 _ Street and Traffic Marking $___ 21-44200` Street Light Fee $ 10-43700 Subdivision Applications: S MI-P 10--43800 Zoning Applications: 7C CPA ZOA PD Misc SCE CU SLP V $ 10--44000 Other Planning Fees : SDR Non refundable portion of Appeal Fees 10•-22000 T Refundable portion of Appeal Fees 10--45100 Document Sales: Engrg. Planning Bldg. _ $ 10-43000 Business Tax $ TOTAI. 7— 7C - Washin ron Federals - avin9s Bank I,�ML (,,,I(:L �N" ' F*S HILLSBopo ORFOON : C . r %0 71. 'WEL VETHOUSAND "OUR ,yGNL'FEI' -WEN7V V "•- 1I800 1 F F:bfRA1 HUMS-()AN HANk r,jI� I' II' Raw EA11LC ,! AI a, CITY OF TIOA RD No. 22991 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. P.O. BOX 23397 Date JL ,y � , TIGARD,OR 97223 Name Address — Lot Block/Map Subdivision/Address Permit M's Bldg. Plumb Cash Check Sewer Other Other Rec. By Acct. No. Description Amount 10.432 Building Permit Fees 10-431-600 Plumbing Permit Fees 10.431.601 Mechanical Permit Fees 10.230.501 State Bldg. Tax 10-433 Plans Check Fee 30-443 Sewer Connection _ j 30.444 Sewer Inspecticn ik 51448 Street S at. Dev. �. I arge f 52-448-610 Parks I Syst. Dei-. Charge 52.-44"20 Parks II S st. Dev. Charge i 31.450_ Storm Dralim a Syst. Dev. Charge 10-430 Business TAx 10-434 Alarm Permit 10.227 Ball 10-455- Fines - Traffic/Mlad/Parking 10.230• CPTP Traffic/Misd/Vic. Asst. _ 10.456 Indigent [Defense 30-122.401 Sewer Service/USA 111 30.122.402 Sewer Service/City 300 -123 ewer Sevice/CltyWal I. -1 nmetched 1-1 24 Storm _ralnage — TOTAL r- t , b, CUSTOM M e e..,;oue.�ke.�p�.....r.,w,:x.,n..�..wu�rW:�+oaw�.urw..�w...n.�ne+!muw„r�yww wwaau,.."L+- ••trwni.<taw:�l:+.r:w�OrYw+k/+arrdWYOiV�u�'wdit'A`sdY.dusW'Wriphwri�.winay,.�.,�.�..�•�._.:.._yy;. r r N r SB'J /�rr� GrPCa7 �-�a Z I�/C'�?•/t�.�• ) �Y, •a/. Azle, i ., ., ...a ...e...a.......,.,».... ...,.+m:�i,...�s,ur.w".:w,»..d;o..ws,uuw»+w.ro..w+....a ••sXarir`..�.=.�.aL`�1'"�s`..,�".:idlllulnenaWirW«e ,:..a CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FEE COMPUTATION SHEF1 Project Title: Airl6et--t-x/ Z Imprv. e: _�Fi�1✓'• Computed By : _ _ Date: -61-1--c6:7 1 , PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164 . 150) : A. Improvement cost estimate, less sanitary sew-jr. . . .$_ 221 A53, 35 (Adjusted C.wyc ) B. 0.04 x $— 'ZZ �r�S3�3 _ _ — - — . . . . . . . $--- $.),If3_7A, 1 5 (Adjusted Cost) 2. SANITARY SEWER MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND 1NSPLCIT0N FFF (Orsi. No. 85 U1) A. Contract surcharge applicable yes, no. (agreement name) — B. Sewer Improvement cost estimate $ 55,490,35 (sewer est, ) C. 0.04 x $ 55490. 35 = $ (sewer estimate) fee) (or] $100.00 min. , whichever is greater . . . . . . $ Z Z1 ,(�L._ 3 . STREETLIGHT FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164, 130 (x) & 3 .08.010) : A. P.G.E. Schedule No. 9 1 _, Option No. $ —; Type of Lamp /Watts -7 ; Type of Pole 13, HeightZS...�„ $ 4, ZZx ID = $ 20 —/mo. C (monthly rate_) (no. of lights)$ 15C x I = $-..-- 5100 -/Mo. au (monthly rate) (no. of poles) $ ¢ , L0 _ + S, oD x 24 months = . .$ _/3Z_.ec (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4 . TRAFFIC—PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEE (T .M.C. 18 . 164 .030(u) : A. Stop: @ $—.—^ = $ — — (number) (each) (subtotal) 0. S t. Name:-- C. ame:__C. Combo: _ @ D. No. Parking:_ —_ @ $_— (Misc . ) f — @ $ Sigm(sa) Total . . . . . . .$1---- -ZOZ.I� GRAND TOTAL (FEF'S DUE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$� -_/_2� '}'ZS. 70 Receipt No. : Uate Paid: Chack _ Cash 09701) sn CITYOF TIFARD June 1, 1987 OREGON 25 Years of Service 1961-1986 OR-AK Corp. 13050 S.W. sorest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Attn: Mr. Gordon Hobbs Re: Ari Green No. 2 Subdivisi._n Dear Mr. Hobbs: Enclosed, please find the Compliance Agreement for said project. After signature thereof and notarization, please return t1r document. for final processing. After City execution and acknowledgement, a copy will be transmitted to you, for your file, by the City Recorder. Subsequently, thereafter, the approved public improvement construction plans can be issued upon receipt of a check, in favor of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in the sum of $12,428.70; being the paid agreement (therein stated) deposit/ fee(s) . As you requested on May 29th, 1987, I have not included a performance bond form herewith, since it is your desire to construct all public improvements prior to recording of the final plat. Item number two of the enclosed agree- ment speeks to this more specifically. Sincerely, 1 v p / john S. Hagman Engineering Technician JH/m1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,RO,Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ------ zvz, Cir©r cfcs,Pe s pt- P/ 41 e-►��11 r. �i111�-H s�-P�'l� o Lk LAJ% Z_ e�--Je-o� � N c4 es I t-e sLA.c. UNIFIED SEWERAGE Date File AGENCY — 150 N. FIRST AVENUE Project d '�" � HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 (503) 648- 6621 Subject To _ ' — Item Copies Date Description L�1 as you requested Remarks ❑ for your information --- - --- - -- --- -- ❑ for your approval ----- -- _.. --- — ❑ for your review ---___------ ❑ return requested _ -- _ -- --- .-_ --------_. From .(�-2� 81-419 r loaf ��i•. Nuys�.li Inuo�lo � •��' • 1 w`+f•Mw• 9 'i� �. •rIL is JQ ����T..r.,y6,.� �1l._l►.••..�..•�ter' '.•` • logo - .1111• ■Inll r �u1 r rp's i/r •r—w/alr 1►� �'"'•^ f�,ri:,!• 4�.�•r=F loci�;`��.r,r =%r'` ■� soon dli� r �; _ Ari■' A ■� � r r■iii �� i� J� � . AL • Wei m .J M III ILI DiV swoop P 4. 4L 2919 X y10 _ IJ /, /✓�• 3 I 2 \ 2 \ / ,/ O Qy Q of w""Pi ( ' tom' 2t 9 �► i $ l \ -II 9 000 OF z AdiN. 27 U 26 -7Era 9 4- 4 8 34 4�\ �t 66 33 1z 5 �- - I \ 24 182 Scale.w 1�r 50 -- \ \ 001• 01 23 i 99 Z 149.5 S 7 1 �' D \ 0 .! / \ -- 1961 /� \189-1 TOP OF s l' 2 - 1"IV L��'1] \ 22 / 31 / ._ aaN,c 19 fi / _ + 12 �45H .� is LJtltlty ` 1 1sJ1 186 I i /1/� Easement 188.-1 7 2114 30 It36.¢ 1ti0 � ,his' Utility 6 ,�'` _�---- _ I \ Easement 2 \ ! - - _ 19 //r ti~ I ` /�� �(�\> 2 9 \ o�3� � 13 0.4 A� °JE 6 ob g��®. ti"• / 20' Setback Line ' j1 v 15 1 � \ 18 / r IlliiiJ / 28 \ ' 10 � T E I ( �./ / / 193.1 191.E / O le r.49 Ilei t' 1 I X39 v w �•".__.'.__.... ,- r►,/ \ 190 0 185.5 / 0 �� I s - f 9b." t 1 .moi �:e I I VICINITY MAP � 17 / 9 ' / 1 �27 \ gh►JK t�3.'_ �� s ( `• ,... t I 6 1 I I 194 a 0 3 C � \ \ �-10-10' �,,/ / I o. v � 1 14 0 scale: 1 2000 � o /// \ - 193.1 l�l.5 $g' 16'1 95 Tw' 1 I r , O.0000 4 V O 26 789.4• l +189.(0 193 9 m C4 w 191.7 0 CSP X j I - •.4 F,-4 O O \ \ % i � + 53 / OF �\ MHC I .'`' j 100 1905 _ s o' R/w -- ' ` 16 \� 2 5 53 196.5 T TO Q I O �� I°55.4. - V 9 e, ?ee� I: Tom 1 2s --��- xs oo 195. 4 f dANK I V ro W n � \ i 10#00" / x+ \ (� l+ - S' 3' 3 \ i N C N } - 11.3 I �I 4 1It 0jA8 u v I �v. I 7 �O' �etb�CtC i-x.:19 ►�1 - I 111 / 15 19� °� \ I _ 6" CROWN � +, 1 7 _ - ---- - - --I I to) 1.3' 3 �► / �� 196-- (0� 19� e.� � �1 $ 1>s4� T� ./ � � yY' ----�---• _ •., cn v+ � I 196 IC. -- I _ G .� O • 3� a3gb TOG= TOG = I Op' `) :�. 0 R/W C R/W rD ^ a O� lI'D 19L.8s:1 Z19 ---�.- Toc=189.7 ' " SS T / BOG r ■-r ■ ■w. .w.r...w■ . . MHP i 11' +� - 1•jZ I I I C�A� "C" ASPHALTIC COH RE.L (OVERLAY) 2 � e /� Zoo 4- TOF / A A® - + LANE _.-_- - ' r �/ I '�2� o ` . x 0 t 20 0 �j•� Ip0 ■w■ • �/ 1q5 2" CLASS•B/C'ASPMALTIC CONCRETE IU C JJ • k. \ �5 194 j OF \9•P/�� �' \ _ I _ : I '� r 2" 3/4"-0" CRUSHED ROCK/GRAVEL as y 2" - 0' Gil SHED ROCK/GRAVEL I / \ 5AtAY,_ �- �/ I 16 NOTE: Q" �� ?vl0 Cn \\ �• � '� TO TGC- � TOG=1139.10 P T� • GRADES SHALL NOT EXCEEO 12% ON /� I O 1,510 /•� 00. C 9330 19Z.8� c= lel.l ' P I i .-la .r-1 I � O LOCAL STREET; '� 2'j G,' F/ ' _C) S + 5 \`�� / .1 •/•�I A / �(J' SU' SS' T TDC' i OG= /��idt 1- + , CURVES SHALL NOT HAVE LESS THAN V ro �� a J 10<-1 ZUU \ Y �P IM7 ' I Igza 19� IOOFT. CENTERLINE RADII ON LOCAL STREET. G4 En •,.,1 s / 'I,I�y . �-�d8 5c 0y / �'/�•��ti\ = _\ I / / -___/ � �k I �'• O- j0 ° \�9 � . J , \� I � a i INTERSC.7*Z-I. AN'"CC SMALL NOTEXCCED 45 s 194. SO° UNLESS THERE IS 9PFCIAL INTERSECTION L O z O 10�0' N DESIGN. •-1 wl RS / I ONE INCH OVERLAY REQUIRED WITHIN ONE YEAR. 3 / 010`"' J .' O 1958 �., 1`36Z cn O E ~ 195.Y AJ / / , Z03 -(P °' / \ c, _ I°�4 , o Y I , /4 0 1 199 2 0 'T YPI CA L STREE T SECTION .. Q'Opiop n • 3 r �o / �' ) 37 -38 .. ' I ;a 19� .s I TO C� l,U a �" o 49 /. OF ►� C z X3.8 • /� /� 3 6 + I ; �� I I o -� EiA�11� V \ (p 196'1- + hA A j Ic�c4 A� h ` \ o f Orc� I 0 1 P N _ loo _ [ t980 _ '' O o 19� ^� tc9 , : �,0001 • ,LD \0- of _ NI �'eP,� I To�� LEGEND: 'f / / A, �C. + SANK 196 9 5 19(0.4 75 '�`E'; 9T.c 19$.j 197.8 - I 1998 Gl G1 6 Ga I I / / 10 2 / /ZOF5 �@/ t°'/• 113t3v :_ • z. 1 Pla': I N cn I f lk �/os 35 I°�8� 1ga'r• . �50 '�; �,� - [ Existing Sanitary 5 \ I ' ! TOC , Zoo 1- \ �oG°tea%•.rK' ` �0 50 \ 0- Z�o.z �.�i3�O 54'x• P _ Uri Q I - �-- s - 9 y Sewer 0 0 4 OF I L i' b / �OG rL\ I�� r�.� \ O �y/ TGC= 1 V IIS - ■w-rs-■... c. �l` -� $4 3 gNK 1gg4 19'11 �/ o 34 -� ,,�;`-�-' I 1 s4 I Proposed Sanitary Sewer ! ` a -r Dr 159. Zoa.4 3 '. '. + zao.Z { zca Z -1 e 1-11 18 ro Toles OF T MH �o '� zoo.e zclo.�, �po.o �1 .3 �� f 4 loo' zoo.l -- V4 - w-- Existing Water Line \' B/\N K a,► n / p + 1.8 p r + . Zol. 1 a. . � I i ---- M -- I / `°� 33 z�" zol.ca o c, _ / 39 E I. i I I ( -------• Proposed water Line n \ , I 2 -.-. - y z o 5.'I zo93 roe-r v 4 Q U) 1 1-0 l ` 1 _ 2 0 2 _ [ s zoo. / ,� Dc \ z GC)0 I + - - P qi �- D-•-- P Existing 1 199 xs 0 203.3 6 - OF M T -- Storm Drain �+ ................. �llll� I I `o in `� ' zo�t� \ � Ftj (� , ( 19 zoi.l Proposed Storm Drain O 0 \ I I 17 2015 N �� I / 1' �I �.. '32 + •� a + 41 // ;. �o�-�z�o.ls Existing Pavement �� c� „�c�� f _ z oz 3 zoz.s \S S_k <. 1 I + a- / _S'.IN,-- _ -c _ �01 � I $ �� 20' Setback Line / �/ 7 / Z r -� ---s Drainage Direction `epreSe� Vinik 1, zos n e / / 1 .LAS .� ` - - - ---- -g3 -- 1 IToc- `1 \�1 + zc�4 3 1 i 1 S4' s' / / /� at0 \° Z703 . - ._ - Existing Curb �• �- oz 9 RMON/ 3 II I Toc /• �••000• /�� - Y ��tC�1010 c� vv\ e v\Atj ?r uRT '� " Z;D r I // Proposed Curb / +� Tnc `'f M H Toc= G i i TOC+103.$4 -- s TOS: . • p \`. zn 3 4 06.81 t�=1 - Tm=1993 9 G NIH ;• ' -r • --.w■w■_�■w■w■ ■�.ww P- w■•_■ • 19 .41 17°546 + - ?A*U,.R ONT -__ -__� - - �-1 - -- ----- - - _ �� _-- ._.,�•��p� �• / -- _ E isting Contour r' /� ' -- u� o T--- I �............ .....■.. ..�P...... o..■..■j....■■ ■■uu a� /• 3 I� - I _ tRl'IE __ -��w---- 1�-�•�_ I------ ---•- ---- ---�-- __ .____ �'O _ �. po \ _ -i zaa sa �_ Tic = -���'b- __-� - •+r - // ^ O Z04.I I Proposed Contour _ •• .� To -P» TC } Z 4 O zo33 03 A9 - zo6 oe roc=ZoG z1 roc>Zo53b �1?' s ---4- 204 As--Built Top of Bank y u, / ------- -f TOG Z03 OI TCX_ , zoo 97 TOC=19'7Z TOC=199 30 .�1°�. '� �- �■�■ t �: -55' '� �iG\' S 4' S4 7 0' '; 58 I 58' s V 4 I4' ` C Ln As-Built Toe of Bankc 0� -V I 20' Setback Line + As-Built Ground Elevation FILE 10 11 �2\ ( I N Z / `,, - s - ' " zos.q� z ,,. COPi ` b c 0 21 APP w _-- - -=-� 31'. o t $ o \ _ ° -a ----� 7 N -� ROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION � w M o� 30 29 - - \Zo4.�, 7r�z3 zo3.� 3 W _ - .... . _., 28 zo71 27x,26 25 2 23 '� 22 Tn� o 04.S �`\ CITY OF TIGAaD u° � L' © ° 0 15' Uralnae z03.l s�.NK n= 6� �,�..\ ,� - \ �' �Jl 14 ?to i Easement_ -a .. -+ _ iJ 210.0 Z0�.4 - Z�J r SRhK I .J Q ■ y7�;.9 w � ... eft 4 w H.Ps Z Q{o. �� -- 1 O L I'L ----1- -- 1--- - -� 7 b - . O . 5 h 5 4' 7 U 5 8' 5 8' .�- �- �. .�.� - r-- -�"-- w.. - N O �o c - 4 5 •-•1- >3 -■� \ w w 3 2 8Y _ ,�.. -- ` o - Z121 212_.1 D ZI 2.12. _ tll. 7-10. _- , z . I o4� �o� 3 043 oz , X34- �7-45z �6 DAT@ N 13 d 48 IG W T 50 1 I zo8.z 1zo0.z I`zo8.� z r z NOTES • - TOP \ I OF N �_MP OF �O i N I 1 . Contours from Grading Plain prepared by Bancroft and W.O. No. 8707 I 51 50 I I 49 48 47 46 45 I 1 Associates dated 27 July 1985 with adjustments based on Deelgn 52 44 43 I 42 41 I 40 39 38 37 .36 I 35 ground elevations at lot corners. Drown II - I 2. All lots to have positive drainage to weep holes in curbs, ate =� r,/�,►y_ �91g� it I Sheet D _ .._.__.._- S.CY - ` �" _ `-.\` + \ � ' - ..' ' +� +` I I ,� .►• ""� �� RJ I/ ice.I"j7�r�s7l'11.../3l�'I�D/ .S�31V Z'.a 0117 '�GCii �'1 Of 6 p ------•- _ / 011_ .-" 9 �..... ; •• „� - --- I - ___ -- , .•• v � r• C / � � REv1310NSaw! 05 f 187w MM h•- -- .• , / / No Descrlptlon / Date try 3 ._ - ---- - - - - -•- w •FALCON __-RME / �/• - _.___ �". ..� *won - . i �� t;Crgx/p,rt COM / O1� c�IMU�NK/NCM>�S i ►n.r nor Ho 5-13-M R g ✓',. '•' -' • �.. ...00 : .■`_ ..n+ rm'rr rr�� r'W+�' NN / st't /r� Z a'�,-SuiL.TS 7-30-'9 S#0?07c t N y I4 -- _- I I��I IM//•1 7►�YG j I//� IV 3 4 5 - ` 1 L t i- I 6 �� \`L ' 7 2� 29 30 � � 3 ') � '3 34 I l 5>t M1M1 �1K QQ.i YNt SR$.•�t p� �>�t►61� --�- - I I I A1 'ITLLAGE @ SUMMERLAKE PAP'' ' p1hrep V It ad is p 7 OF 9 PRINTED AUG 1- M7 Fri [ r I I �` I I t ) I [` i�i�ll ��it�lli�lllli[I[fll�l� l III �11 (III�111�1�1'tll�ll III�IIIIIIIItlrllll�lllllll�lllllll[IIII111�111�1111111I111�III iI1I�Illilt'IIII1111111�1�1[I11 �' t ?r ' I IME: I F THIS MICROFILMED _ 2 3 4 5 6 7 E1 9 1�0 11 12 • �'•"P""�-�- DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THANTHIS NO- s IS DUE �. r�, r. AW OC QILIAOF ORIGINAL w OE 8III,9Z Lz 9Z SZ ttiZ EZ It Ia UZ f3f el LI M III t.l EI zl II 01 d 9 L 9 S E Z 1°M1"P . . .- _ . 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Z.o t 14 kt'o /! i �f c 15' Utility -19 6 / \ 20 \ r,,� r - ..S �\ Easement 16, ,+ - ---t---- -�• I ,� y _`''i / "`� J .2 9 �-_- yfo� � 19 ��'� \ �.� a 19 0 4- - To - 3 3 _ R`4.5 �' � \ k1 gg ©• Z 20' Setback Line N 5 (Pal , 000, or, J� 10 �- -• -- - ToC= BO T• N N 2S � 193.4- � O • 12l I,$G ••. � 88�- I 1��39 �� � I '� � - �� 190 TOE � IB9 �• / 6 - 196.9 C o ♦ r _VICINITY MAP / 17 2 7 \ BA►.�K 1°J3 3 � � � I • 1 .6• i f t � I 19 Q C � -roc� I v`n. r I Scale: 1' = 2000' � a .� / 1 0. ! / \ rldjl-�j f�� 1 14 / /' CJ L I�JI.S l B,.°J�e I 2 I 0 V 4J a) 4 1 ` \ 0, r.- / 26 - TOC:=. / t ! \ 191 / p TOP . . 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CENTERLINE RA011 ON LOCAL STREET. `J b a' rA / {'16, k7 ` TC:'f5 t�� g4. / / 12� / I _ - ♦ V l INTERSI oTI�N A.NOLES SHALL NOT EXCEED �" • 1 9 '` i, $' • �r� Ipr3• 194 60°, UNLESS THERE IS SPECIAL INTERSECTION N p 111L N •I 1T 3 CA •A �k �� ti / ;'�_ � `' I � ' U �uC' /'/ / '(O �A �I I I C I DESIGN. '- 20 '� ��� r / S �• �j{`/ •.'.. "" _.._ C : ONE INCH OVERLAY REQUIRED WITHIN ONE YEAR.J4i _ ks I� G W C7 • 195 r J o N- / 0001 '03 �` '�4 ' o . I I /7 77 t99 2 0 o T YPl CA L STREE T SECTION .�„ ` ` -1962 Z02.�� ,�� ^k �• �/ g195.E 41 : I / r 1 •, o "- \ '�+ '� Co t°° �• •0' \ I 37 -� _ ,,I� r 195.$ t TOS. �/J � a� M Q q\ Z r-,3 9 •�/ / 3 {' I /�I o g/.NtL V .•. O o �, �" /�\ !p' 190.4 F �� A " %/ . 7 /(oL4 A1, Gi�„ `\ o TO c2 t ' + N I o I 9� 0' 4 /' / A5 �(� SANK t.6.9 t96� 197.8 'r LEGEND. v 6 ; / / _ -- I \ 1 Z06 U Lo2�• I TOC= + 1 \ ,, `'fo2 J / + (980 / 5 75' I� , t ..e ,� 9�.0 198 3 i 1998 V_- ' �� ,� � � /"� ���' � �� 0��` a 35 +�aa I9gT � 4 � _ so:-� ao I .J o 5 4 ' TTOFC A@ Zo477, ,o�01i./j ��/ tio�� /Zp 9 0- zoo-2 r.�� 54'` U) 4 I - s-- s -- Existing Sanitary Sewer "� CL 44 O O 3 BANK' ►° ZAS 34 ----- Proposed n P 18 199.4 - 191 zos.o �� o (7 ,�� N. 1'9._ -1- --- --`� 10cW + zoo.7 zc�h P opos d Sa itary Sewer e 04 \ -ro P OF a M N . 7 5 1 Zoo 4 1 g� I KC .� th ,. 0 gal 8 �"� 40.0 �1 . .3 loo' zoo,t - w - w- Existing Water Line BhN K., �... O � / �- O.'t' � Zoo.B _ Z�JO.� � / ! -. � I _��.-__ I zo1. 9 / l � _a. m III ,�� 33 zol.3 0 I I - •-�•- Proposed Water Line n N \01.E a ,� o ( To p •" 2 r �_� - N 1 Z05.7- Z05'> Tor Q ` / - l 199.5 ! t /1114c +Zo3.3 5 zr� 6 + - P -• N � r - -- v Existing Storm Drain -O� •� �� 0. + Z0n 3 B NK H ' 0 I 0ol- Zo1.I 17 ti I �� N ° 32 z4� M 19 Izol.l Proposed Storm Drain _ ' oc roo.15 �........ O A / Existing Pavriment �•► ` _ � 1 I of 5 _I} - -� � (�17\ z o p _ + - I -- - � � y�' ,� �, � � Zol.S - 9 rITToc- + 20' Setback line .r / /� '-'� ----� Drainage Direction SC I 6 oJ► + Z04 I 1 / �0 2p• zh3.-3 [TV- - - I s4' �' / 9 -- -- - -- Existing Curb z oz. ! ~` � �► �� �__ . • n3• ZO TDcM Lo6�01 I ti G ii--� TUr. 8 - ! 1 - `J \ �T 0 'J( J w■ .. - r --- w-w.� .r.-..r- . .. 03 4 -. M11 •' TOG �37 41 1994(r /:� ��i �O \ Proposed Curb y - - .�.LA UR Existing Contour U] o . . (•�........,+........ ..........-. ..1...-- ' 3 r ------� lV -- - ...... .� 2Q zoa.t - Proposed Contour o �, I -- TOC = �. -_�.e• i . .r r- r' �' (�� Zd4 54 ---�` �- w.' C 199 TOGa I / i Z04-o / 'L7 F5) �LI\VI f I - -- ----��--- 3- �389 / Lo608 rt�G=Zob �l - Toc=l053b _ .ZOO C/7 Tbc=191i,7Z_ �p� TDc>Z0301 TGIc TGC iy93J .-1'A� y/ of s4' 4 14' 204 -- - -- As Top of Bank E [ Ln As-Built Toe c,f Bankc � 0 `z -- - -- - -��. _ e� + As-Built Ground Elevation 4 � W `n 5 4J W 10 11 �2\ � I � 16 20' - ' N - �, \ � 1 - 20' Se•cback Line zo q� � � N o � J - \ Or�E3 1 +p'7 4 Q `\ l,� ` r� n t \. 4 CW J1�• 29 \ Z04•(o v 1 --0 7��z 3� �O Z03.�j g L1 i 30 .. 28 + \ � 1 U_ w . 0, M _ . 2o7.I + 22 +z04$ 4 . v o 14 -J-- � _ - -__ `� 27 �� 1 15' !Drainage � - 23 y zo3.t BtiNK F ZC)5.6 b U cn ctn i 15 �-�� 24,� ToE I Easement --� - _. „ ..t /. ,! 0)16, o 0 r� .i e 21C�.� 2O 4 Z�90 10F cNK \ \ I 'r r. ,.+ �. cu 54 54' 10 SH'. S�' �..5r�.. .w ��-S r. �.� ��� 3 O 0 ,-1 o - 7Iz t Q Zlz . 2I2• -zll.l ZIO Z Zo4A 206.3 043 �7�Z I \ �Zf2 J 6 2 w p . �-z-�� NOTES: - - I NO Od 48 lin IN - 7150. 11 �oez tzo•`.z `zo8.c� -z -7 I I I ! o� I �% I N I TOP ��F ?Oc4 SA IA n SANK N O Contours from Grading Plan prepared by Bancroft and W.0. No. . $707 52 I �1 50 I 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 Associates dated 27 July 1985 with adjustments based on Desl n 1 1 I 40 3q; I 38 I 37 136 I .35 ground elevations at lot corners. j Drq n i o 3S 1 Date zo I ((1/�j� (,�\(�O(\O� I�r� I �nOo I I I 2. All lots to have positive drainage to weep holes in curbs. I uuvv�� uv UV I L� I UPJ - . I Sheet mom _ flow 6 of 6 41 REVISIONS r 1 '�.. ` r.• ""' look.,,,� •+ w - - Fq L CO _ �,. •� i No _Descriptlon / Date y / ' -' '_"' R I�J� �- -- - '' 1 NAME L.OT N O S /3 01 R / +r'. I LVII • . r.. -.. + .w -. waw -"" � Z A'J' BlJ 1 L't.S 7-30 ` 4 I I VI I 3 4 5 I I � 6 � �` ' f 7 1 P'q 29 34 i 31 ,j 34 . PRINTED Or, P 1 MY - - - - 1 I I I I i I I I � I � I � i � I 111�111IIIt�rlilllt�l{tlf{III{II1{I�I{III{11111 IIIIIt111{III{I ;,.,,,,-f I ,- 2_,� 3 4 5 6 7 Ajj 910 11 12 - NOTE: I F f�i IS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT I A--r`IT IS DUE TO � THIE-QUALtTi' OF THE ORIGINAL ,.rp. .•�''DRAW ING. QE 6Z 92 LZ 9? SZ �Z EZ as Ia OZ 61 81 L1 91 21 i►I EI Z II 018 i 9 S 10 E Z �, 1�tfltnllunlwlluu�uul�y�I+urinf�fnII11111fNflluala�thrHlluainl ulni111n11u11111(1,nu111111ttIlift M 111111111�i1f lint11111111nIInll�unhWW9l uuluu�!�1Ltl�hulllUYW�t11) ,. JULY 9 1992 i,.a.,wiuGBfl';'L"i.aSn�-"u4iu�wilYY6u'W4vis, • rir.a::. 0.Wa4.w-..•.r�••`w•WYaW'JJC :wiau 14iu3iu.Lu!'.n:u+...u.ryu�:..0 May 28, 1987 clWOF TWARD OREGON 25 Y!ors of Sen4ce Old- UK Corporation 1961-1986 10:50 S.W. Forest Meadows Way L.-ke Oswego, OR 97034-1599 Attn: Mr. Gordon Habbs +i (Ari.-Gr,,en #2) Village at Suffinerlake Park Mr. Hobbs: „ (—" i)1—+'- - 1 irld one ___ copy(s) (if a public 1111p, 11v1�1111-111 11i'u, •,, i.. tU ba r i r cu lated through the below noted aijonr ies tot r 1 , ti( knowledyl-ment and, subsequently, returned to this office Very truly, VJohn S Hagman Engineering Technirian 'u t 11W/OQr17W PGE Cu Many /=/ Northwest Natur.Al Gas Co 14655 SW Old Schools Ferry Rd , 220 N.W Socorlcl Avrnuc, Biravertun, OR 97(105 Portland, OR 9720) SFE ; Jim Johnston, 643••-5454 SEE : Ron Polvi , 716 4211 Generdl Telephone Co, /X/ Tigard Water District 12460 SW Main Street 8841 SW Cumnlc,r 1 1,41 `;t r•c,pt Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, Ok )7; 11 SEE Donna Donaldson, 620-0373 SEE gob 5antvo n1V 1554 Fd Wilmott -" Metzger Water District �X/ Washington County ► 1rc, plit #1 6501 SW Taylors Ferry Road 20665 SW Blanton Portland, Cth 977.19 Aloha, OR 97007 "EL: Jesse 1-owman, 245-333! SEE Gene Rirc-hpi1 , 649 957 ' 11125 SIN Hall Blvd..F O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - - Tualatin Fire Protection District Willmmette (:able f' 20665 SW Blanton 14200 SW Hrigadoon Court Aloha, OR 97007 Beaverton, OR 97005 SEE; Gene Birchell, 649-8577 SEE: K. J Street, 644-3188 X/ Tigard Post Office / / State Highway Division 715 NW Hoyt 2131 SW Schulls Ferry Road P.O. Box 3047 Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 97208--97608 SCF Lee Gunderson, 779-5002 SEF: Mike Krygier, 294- 2380 - - 0038W/0002W LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 20 May 1987 City of Tigard 13125 S. W. ball Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. John Hagman Re : "The Village at Summerlake Park" Dear Mr. Hagman: Enclosed, for your final review and approval, please find seven sets of the construction plans for the "Street, Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Improvements" to the proposed 41 lot subdivision "The Village at Summerlake Park" in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. I am also returning your red line copy to assist you in your review. I did not add a "concrete driveway detail" requesteu on Sheet 5 of 6 as there is already a "Residential Driveway" detail at the bottom center of the sheet. Please note that these plans have been revised to reflect your comments and the suggestions of the Tigard %ater District. A grading plan has also been prepared (Sheet 6 of 6) . I look forward to working with you on another project and appreciate your assistance to date. Thank you. Sinc rely yours, Leonard A. Rydel , P.E. , P.L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated CC.* OR-AK Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSIEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES tA by 14 19 87 CITY OF TIIFARD OREGON 25 Years of SeMce 1961-1986 • ( (A 1J e w ev-o, Dr °I-7 (-5 Z Dear Attached please find Oy%e— set(s) of public improvement construction plans; said plan(s) having been provided to the City for preliminary review. Our comments are noted thereon. Please make all necessary revision(s) and , then, submit SP—OCA set(s) to this office to commence the "formal" circulation and final review process. Also, attached hereto, please find a handout which 1-1:rther describes the aforesaid circulation and review process. Very truly, Jr) at)VA 41 -71 cc : file 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 972 - -- g g 23 (503)639 4171 — MAY , 07 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 5 May 1987 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. . William A. Monahan, Dir. of Ccmmunity Development Re : ARI GREEN NO. 2 - City of Tigard Dear Mr. Monahan: Enclosed please find three copies of an "Engineer ' s Estimate " for the construction of the "Street, Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Drainage and Utility Improvements" to the proposed 41 lot subdivision ARI GREEN NO. 2 to the City of Tigard, Washington County, O.recion. As shown by the enclosed Bid Item Schedule, the total estimate cc5L for the project is $277 ,343 .70. This estimate is based on bid prices dated 4 May 1987 submitted by Charles M. Schmidt Excavating, Inc. of Newberg, Oregon and the plans submitted to your office but since revised to meet the requirements of the Tigard Water District (one 6 " gate valve and one 6" bend added) . / Added to the bid prices are sidewalks and street lights. r-' Should you have any questions regarding this estimate, please feel free to give Yee a call. Thank ;you. Sin rely yours, A Leonard A. Rydell, P. E. , P.L. S. I LAR/j 1"24evj-ols encl : as stated cc : OR-AK Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS s RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES Wit- w 0�� ARI-GREEN NO. 2 - City of Tigard BID ITEM SCHEDULE The unit prices hereinafter written are submitted with the clear understanding that the actual measured quantities may Bary some what from the estimate and that payment will be based on the unit price of each item. I11_ I t e Quantity Unit Price Total WATER SYSTEM M IMPROVEMENTS 1 . 6" Water Main 1880 feet $ SS $ 1 ,51A 00 2. 6" Gate Valves 5 each $ .go 3 . 6x6 Tees 2 each $ 17U• 00 $ 540.n0 4. 6" Bends 7 each $�(45•UQ $ I OI',00 5. Hydrant Assembly 2 each $_I c7GQ $_ 1'yI !MOO 6. 12x6 Tee w/6" G.V. 1 each s-17 .00 $ 1 ,`Z�C�.��r' 7 . Pavement Cut/Patch 40 sq. ft. $_ ZZ -SO $ 8. Rock Backfill 665 cu.yd. $__] 65 $ ` r l._ Sub Total - Water System $ ,4s�.zc_�- SANITARv SEWER IMPROVEMENT'S 9. 8" Sewer Main 1513 feet $_ `�j 4� $ S5 10. 4" Sewer Laterals 1550 feet $_ 7 IS $-1 P�Z.`_,O 11. Sewer Manholes 8 each $ 1375.00 $ iI�onn.h(� 12. Rock Backfill 2600 cu.yd. $_ 7. 3.5 $ Sub Tota]. - Sanitary Sewer STOi M D AIIAGE IMI!ROVEMENTS 13 . 36" Concrete Storm 767 feet $ 4_ 5.75 $ "15,b:Dr).Z5 14 . 30" Concrete Storm 121 feet $_3(3_35_ $ 15. 1.2" Concrete Drain 187 feet $--LQ_2 5 $ 7 oID.ZS 16. Manholes 4 each $50.00 $ 6jgDo. oD 17. Rock Backfill 6 ,G cu.yd. $_ j �S $ 4 c'�-17.50 Total - Drainage Improvements � t gi GREEN NO 2 BID ITEM SCHEDULE - C'.)nt' d Page 2 of 2 JtL2,L T t e Qyan itv Unit Price Tc.tal STREET IM2ROVEMENTS 18. Excavation Time/Mat. Not to Exceed $ Z3,5OO.OU X19. Street Rock 2760 cu.yd. $ 10.50 $ Z ' 3 �n 20. 16" Curb 3065 feet $ 4 - 10 $ 17_, 5Gh•�D 21. Catch Basins 6 each $_ 50. O $ 2" Class "B/C" Asph. 790 tons $. 0.JS $ 14�45n• O 23. 1" Class "C" Overlay 400 tons $ v8 .75 $ 1 � 5 nn 00 24. Concrete Sidewalks 15325 sq. ft. $,L 6 $_I Total - .Street Construction $ 17 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 25. Conduit 800 feet $ 2 .75 $ ' Z0C)-t)O 26. Trenching 2320 feet $_1 27. Rock Backfill 70 cu.yd. $ `7 65 $ 28. Transformer Pads 4 each $,3A0100 $ nr) 29. Street Lights 10 each $ r,50.00 $ v5, 51)0-00 Tota? - Underground Utilities $ 01.50 p, IT,-C7' SUMMARY Water System $ 31, 45.ZS �Ip Sewer System $ Li 5 r) `25 �� t.�OTi Drainage System $ t--0101V->•I=I`� v h , C. a^ .� Street Construction $ I ._ � A rL, 3. �5 U�% OWN ARI-GREEN NO. 2 - City of Tigard BID ITEM SCHEDULE The unit prices hereinafter written are submitted with the clear understanding that the actual measured quantities may vary some what from the estimate and that payment will be based on the unit price of each item. IQ, Item Oea_nti*v Unit Pric Total WATER SYSTEM rMPROV MFr, QTS 1 . 6" Water Main 1880 feet $ $ ICS.,51$ 0(' 2. 6" Gate Valves 5 earth $ %05.0(1 $__4`1'15. 01) 3. 6x6 Tees 2 each $ 170.00 $ )40 nO 4. 6" Bends 7 each $ r), $__1 016.00 5. Hydrant Assembly 2 each $ I 0 $ J�_',`i n•OO 6. 12x6 Tee w/6" G.V. 1 each $_ ZS0.00 $ I Z 5(7).0 7. Pavement Cut/Patch 40 sq. ft. $ s� $ 8. Rock Backfill 665 cu.yd. $ �r) /.,_ Sub Total - Water System $�_' ZAMARY SEWER IMPROV •M -yam 9. 8" Sewer Main 1513 feet $ r}. 4= $ 14 ZC)-1 S5 10. 4" Sewer Laterals 1550 feet $ 7 IS $ Il �r)P�Y._:O 11 . Sewer. Manholes 8 each $_L375.0 0 $ 11 nnr).r r1 1:. Rock Backfill 2600 cu.yd. 7. 35 s_j. , Sub Total - Sanitary Sewer STORM DRAINAGE 1MERnXTEMENT 13 . 36" Concrete Storm 767 feet $ 45. $ � 14 . 30" Concrete Storm 121 feet $ 38.35 $ q (,40.'_2 15. 12" Concrete Drain 187 feet $ IO.-7S $� pIp.ZS 16. Manholes 4 each $350.00 $���R11n. Ofd 17. Rock Backfill 650 cu.yd. $ 1 S $ 44y-1Z.r0 $ Total - Drainage Improvements ART GREEN N0, 2 RTD TTEM SCHEDULE.=Cont' d Page 2 of 2 f1Q. ate Quantity Unit Price Total STREET IMPROVEMENTS 18. Excavation Time/Mat. Not to Exceed $Z3,"�-00.00 19. Street Rock 2760 cu.yd. $ 10.50 $ Zr) t3�3�, ,'�n 20. 16" Curb 3065 feet $ 4 . 10 $ 17�5��•%n 21. Catch Basins 6 each $ 4s0. UO $ 7- 22. 22. 2" Class "B/C" Asph. 790 tons $ XC) $ 2-A�45n• �D 23. 1" Class "C" Overlay 400 tons $ 38 .75 $_ 15--1 S( Y).r)o 24. Concrete Sidewalks 15325 sq. ft. $ rn ISZ`� Total - Street Construction $ I - h f3%�•LS UNDERGRQUND UTILITIES 25. Conduit 800 feet $ 2- 75 $ 'Z 7no,On 26. Trenching 2320 feet $ $ Z,4�<�,f�� 27. Rock Backfill 70 cu.yd. $ 28. Transformer Pads 4 each $.,,�4C �QQ. $ I ��n•i>� 29. Street Lights 10 each $ -S)15 Total - Underground Utilities $ I -4 O�I•`gin �OJECT SUN�M_ARY Water System $ Sewer System $ �� 4CI) n Drainage System ly • `'uN1w Street Construction Underground Utilities $ 1 -7_ ,C) n TOTAL $ Z•7`7 ai�.-7h w LEONARD A. RYDEII, P.E., P.I.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 30 April 1987 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 Unified Sewerage Agency 150 North First Street Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Attn: Mr. Terry Chamberlin, P. E. Re : ARI GREEN NO. 2 - City of Tigard Dear Mr. Chamberlin: Enclosed for your review and approval please find two sets of the "Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Plans" for the proposed 41 lot single family residen_ial subdivision ARI GREEN NO. 2 located in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. These plans have also been submitted to the City of Tigard and the Tigard Water District for Their review and approval. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to give me a call or contact the developer, OR-AK Corportation (Gordon Hobbs, President, Phone : 635-4551) . Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Leonard A. Rydel 1, P. E. , P.:.. S. LAR/J encl : as stated cc: OR-AK Corporation City of Tigard Tigard Water District PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 28 April 1987 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. William A. Monahan, Dir. of Community Development Re : ARI GREEN NO. 2 - City of Tigard Dear Mr. Monahan: Today, Gordon Hobbs, of OR-AK Corporation, delivered three sets of the construction plans for the "Street, Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Improvements" to the proposed 41 lot subdivision ARI GREEN NO. 2 to the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon for your review and approval. These plans are also being submitted to Portland General Electric, General Telephone , the Tigard Water District , Northwest Natural Gas, and Storer Cablc Communications for their use. Enclosed also is one set of drainage calculations for the project . In that it is my understanding that the City of Tigard is considering adopting the Washington County Standards, eo I based my calculations on their Ordinance No. 31.8 as adopted 22 July 1986 . You may want to compare my cal: ulations with those done dated 22 July 1985 by R. E . Bancroft , P . E . for ARI GREEN. Differences between my calculations and his are as follows: 1 . I estimated a drainage area of 87 acres versus his 76 acres. The difference appears to be that I included a larger area on the west side of S. W. 135th Street. 2. I estimated a time of concentration of 25.7 minutes versus 22 .5 minutes. This is based on 10 minutes until runoff starts to occur, 12.4 minutes of flow to MORNING HILL (from the nomograph by P. Z. Kirpi.ch) and 3 .3 minutes of flow time in the MORNING HILL drainage system (detention facilities ignored) . The 36-Inch pipe that was installed for ARI GREEN to w:i.ich we will connect is adequate to contain the calculated flows. PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES I Mr. William A. Monahan 28 April 1987 Page 2 of 2 However, the C-76 , Class III appears to be over designed as long as 2.5 feet of cover can be maintained. Should you have any recommended changes, questions or need any further information regarding the project, please feel free to mark up one set of the plans and return them to this office or give me a call. Thank you. Sin `ely yours, Leonard A. Ryde 1, P. E. , P.L.S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc: OR-AK Corporation r co v A (XJ �I W W M o M rQ Irk 6� U �D N r► N N a0 d 0 ►n 6� N Kl H UO r C4 r 40 •o v c U�co rJ N1 m 4 V r: N NJ w v, ap p O 4 p 0 m U m 6J u) cn o di3 Lo N rn 00 rn I °c' IV aJ w a f~ f~ U 4-4 w c a, v � U •� u v •v v 1 v a, ,, 4J P W W w w w H a aa) w c (U u u a + i+ G4 j l) c. ro :J U) a, Rn 4-J ro O o a, 4) C/ u +J O c, a a H c4 a a 3 a 3 C U O r u to 44-4 ca ro v A 4-4 f�. Ci. O H H H H w U �0 U J � 3 J r-7 _ 44 I U L4 A G4 C� 4 G4 v c~ O vl •� Z — f~ al N H V) a! r1 U •1 :j4 c U ro N .- al r� fx O C] v U u N no ro f~ 6, �-+ •� v +) 4 0) q aoo t4 � W � ro w rro 3 -3 c4 c ro a �4 -H f ,C H v 0 r_ r 0.1 o G v •,4 4-J O O fn C r♦ 3 O �- w �I cro H c i vii I A S•tl cn C9 it .. H Ileo Hyl I • fI IL �� � 2pp / � I p V - / •r�`' s � • _ �- �N F I ` � aaiT�—r,-i yam• •' �_ tl II • • • • II . . .. �' ° a di Bch N " - �,_. �, _• � '-y/ ;�- .• . l o:-N Ir I �y l - I •.••. • • •' X11'••/.•.ter: • . Vi," Ill I/ i O \ 5�-• II� '• '� • •- ��,.� �• •• •• ' �I ///•. � 1 d � O I 1 � I'I/�I .�` •y..- • • • .y y' ' �• J S nth •• ••�:• !'\_. 00 .I � � l' ,1 � ///./� .-tet •' / \�� ` �, fC`� �Jo `, •� • �(�l f1�� • • •�� 1 {{� • ' • • ' / /� /���•1 •�f �N IA FIGURE III ) TIME OF CONCENTRATION NOTE: USE NOMOGRAPH Tc FOR NATURAL BASINS WITH WELL DEFINED CHANNELS. H H(FT.) 4240` LC-U TM cF W 500 606" +4k6H Pt-Nx- T (MIN.) J 400 Z L.0 L O w f� I W C 200 �. _ _ 150 W 200 O00 ISO 190 Go 100 L( FT.) Q • 10,000 Z 60 H J O 50 W 40 O 50 5,000 Q 30 CL 40 W 0 t�x0m?ls 0 F-- cr Z 20 F.. —~— --_. 0 20 Q 2,000_\ W — 15 1,500 �- w zoY PSL_ Tr _ F— 0 JIG � h 10 10. 0 W IU coF � - QOL) FT4az1,000 SZ e 'To f W 0 2. 4 F-111.J, - F Ww` -r I M E TV J w X N.CQ1JIQ6, µlLl 500 5 5 LL 4 0 3 3.� 300 MIfJ• _ PIPE Pl-G�J I1,) _Wkc a-um)b AkLC. 3 200 ~ 2 ZS• 7 M11J -it-TAL- Q 150 2 W = 100 1 – 1 KI RPI CH, P.2.,"TIME OF COWENTRATION OF SMALL AGRICULTURAL WATERSHEDS", CIVIL ENGINEERING, 29, 60, 1959. - 45 - _ TABLE IX RAINFALL INTENSITIES FOR EAST WASHINGTON COUNTY (for Ranges 1 & 2 West) Rainfall Intensity (inches/hr) TIME OF STORM EVENT - YR/(PROBABILITY) CONCENTRATION (MIN) 2 5 10 25 50 100 (50X) (20x) (10x) (4x) (2X) 0%) 0 1.90 2.50 3.00 3.40 4.00 4.50 5 1.90 2.50 3.00 3.40 4.00 4.50 10 1.30 1.70 2.20 2.50 3.00 3.50 15 1.10 1.40 1.80 2.10 2.50 2.90 20 0.90 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.40 30 0.75 0.95 1.20 1.40 1.65 1.90 40 0.60 0.75 1.00 .1.15 1.30 1.60 50 0.55 0.70 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.35 70 0.45 0.55 0.70 0.82 0.95 1.10 100 0.40 0.45 0.55 0.67 0.75 0.90 180 or 0.35 0 40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.85 more - 42 TIM ITUMS 4.1 (Utile[ D PLANNING COMMTtiSI(1N March 4 , 1986 N.E t•10 February 28, 1986 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Keith Liden, Senior Planner RE: Joint Driveway Requirement S 9-85 (Ari Crei•n) On July 17, 1985, the Commission approve Ari Green Subdivision subject to 20 conditions. A copy of the final order and preliminary plat is .attached. Following the recommendation that appeared on the staff report, the Commission adopted a final order which required joint driveway access on Shore Drive. The applicant approached the staff to remove this requirement (Nos. 16 and 17) and after researching the file, it is unclear as to why these conditions were presented as part of the staff report. The Engineering Division did not ask for this requirement and the Division also has no objection to the deletion of conditions 16 6, 17 . The Planninn staff also has no objection :o this proposal. "i t Commissioner Vanderwood WOO Coisisissioner Fyre felt the purpose o1 d► by 1�1 . space. He isp lishwd with this felt all that was accoIK1 increase density . i r. of propos with th the calculations but felt Commissioner Moen wasthe PO was designed for this typo +� Commissioner Vanderwood 6,dV 4 86 e based on the find that the density Peterson seconded to ng deny PD 1-66, S 4-66, SL 2-96, and the proposal doesn't meet thef riCo �assioner calculation is to highMotion carried by majority o Planned Development. present. Commissioner Moen voting no. CITY OF TIGARD 5.9 ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Z18 1-66 Development Code to Request to revise violation of the C.24.030 of irvil Infraction Ordinance. modify the penalty for v r Planner Liden reviewed the ofrecat°oCitynCouncil,d asked that the Sento a recommendationapproval Commission forward PUBLIC TESTIMONY o No One appeared to speak. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSES ► o Consensus of the Commission was to support staff' s recommendation. re nded to forward ed and Commissioner y seco . carr * Commissioner Vanderwood moved Council for ZOA 1-66Motion recommendation of approval to Cit unanimously by Commissioner present. 6, OTHER BUSINESS the 5' side yard i request for vacation of Consensus of the 6 'l Senior Planner Liden guev erdLake No. 3 Subdiv .sion. � easements in Amort rt the vacAt3w4R, CorIM(ri s s ion was to eupPa ____" "� of Subdivision S 9-69 (Ari Planner Liden reviewed thfor joint access and coulri find no reason to / 63 Senior e history Green) and the requirement the requirement was placed on the proposal maintain the requirement or why to begin with Moen seconded d and Commissioner 16 and 17 . ti te veon Commission Leverettmojoint access in conditions portions dealing with Commissioner Newman and Owen abstained. carried by majority vote_ Diane M Jelderks�Ser_retary i AT-MST: Xf -- A, Donald Moen, President 1 d55 - PAGE. 10 PLANNING 1' COMMISSION MINUTES - MARCH 4, 1986 /!/f�• /��Tv .�AVL `L.Z< d" 1�.��'�'��� ✓ �Ti 1 I NOTE TO THE FILE j� A � y FROM:_/ J® ; RE: zL FILE: GATE: s.. .r r r ♦ 1 A• � 7 i lfcl�. r AL Ajh' ! r I' , r i i i .L.i iii►IIYi �� �_�...LL.. � I. r' Y vpd C.7rEr z / . / d� /elf r y i f l �7�- Vy LA S't" �II �= r tic �p•t �` I -Z2 s l.% STANDARD CURB -1 25' 5' 6 CROWN " 0 0294 4'. R/W CLASS ASPHALTI,; CON F?= TE (OVF RL.M) , 2" CLASS 0/C" ASPHALTIC CON(',RE1'E 2" )/4' - O'' CRUSHED GRaV EL R' 2. p" CRUSHED ROCK / GRnvEL 12% ON ESS THAN N LOCAL STREET ALL NOT EXCEED -CIAL INTERSECTION IRE() WITHIN ONE YEAR AL S TREE T SECTION 50' G FO�fNO ` _ '1 - - A �� I N fir•`.+. Gab or � •.x 6+ So d1 Cp �S P q 1 F (51 .D Fd��X61 `� �•�� ���• Oki �o�F \ d 4 �' hyo„ J uorle.lodio- NV- ap u ul � � o � :lod2 a N .D o i W 3 a O O Ll VJ n c -(n, O -i .a -1 O 0 1J .•1 ro 4 ro -, is c cn CL E ro ra E o 3 ra 4J -, 0 4 a W a) •-4 a1 >, ro u a y ~r � 0 -j •'� V Q! 04 4 b . 4 •a --1 .0 -4 U) a1 .-, CJ' 0 u r r a a E • , , a) Qt a, a) E (n CL C -V -C O V ♦J (n u Ul 7 ro ro c u c u (Tj ., u L u Q' -4 ro a) 0 -4 4 4 4 rtl -, 4 4J 4J -V .J > a, IJ -0 3 a 0 O 4 fn U) r'J 4 iJ U 3 ►+ al W 7 Ul 4 --1 u a) O .-4 rJ M 1 C Oa! 1 .G 4-� c O U) 3 4 U) � U C u a y Ul iJ G II u O a) -4 u C O ( Ul 4 u U) U) ., 'a -4 -1 ul.0 4 4 Ul >'+ 7 N aJ --( E 03 4 C o a v ro -4 aJ a -4 v a ro a, n. a • ,, LJ 4 --J 4 b A G >, U aJ -, u O O -4 . L7 -+ O -4 D Ia.u > M ul O J TJ -1 C C U) (A 3 U4 Ul aJ -1 O u C 4 U) u � a O 3 L4 U a) aJ u -4 Q C 4 v 0 a1 U) U) (n -4 . ., 4 4J . Cr 3 •.t Ja u J 4 4 W 4 al G 7 0 U) Q) 7 --, u ro u 3t D r O N c ro G o 0, > -4 -A .4 -0 4 U' r. n 3 O V u-) H o 1 7 u -4 u u -4 -4 W 4 4 ro a) --, > M Ul --1 . v ro (n (nu roy vro 4 uwL7 �-• -4 'U '.J' ; 4 a-4 > 17 'CJ .0 -O U) 0 0 0 L 9 4/ C O aJ c U G u U G rtl U a 0 0 w v N 1 ti - U) •1 O .� C) ro Q'-, ro ro (U U) 4 -4 a, ra ja U) u W 1 O ro Ul 0 4 Ln u C -1 .0 u 4) (U C -4 a1 L1 , 0 r > U U) am 004 U) 4 -. D VI u ri ..4 F•-� O C O O V 3 u u 4 ♦J a) c O U C : . .-, C > M N ro n,O 0 10 .0 --4 ra v4 ro ro 3 a� 0� ulow v Q) C 4 a) U u >, Q'M C 1J p u u 4-) -, a) u .! jJ y 4 ra 4J --1 C -C -1 4..1u (U ^, C 1 O 4 C U --1 O ro C:. a) 04 1 Ul V o . 01 U . V L >,-1 -, A u .4 ro 0 a) a) (n 4 .-1 � • 4 C U) 4 O A a) 4J . O 4 U 4 7 u (13 N C a) b 3 x . -4 a) 7 •-1 n U < 0 JJ •-1 4J 0 '0 '0 E+ u 01 .ter -04 /Cj I w Z L O W 4J cn Ul N 4 a •r1 (n > U) u a) •-4 w (4 D p > U O N U) a L -4 N b 4) --1 w a w •r1 L. -, -1 > O. 0J 4) Uu -, Cua [a a) A 4ri ., � 'Li44-1 o a 0 • G a' Q•-4 W 4 0 (a ra •-4 -1 u Ul O ro D C O C u 4 e J V7 >, -4 C el 0 7J O.-1 3 z cn 3 u 4 :.. �., ,.) C r^ m u -4 M 4 (a .4 4 aJ .-4 0 N •.1 N (1) 0 a) 4 U) -4 v' 0 • �J 4 b E u) 4J 0 -4 -4 .-4 4 'p LJ al A aJ aJ u p. C � v rn 0 C C N O a ►+ oroai car ? i; `' w u roc ro -, v n. c .10 a, . Ul C a) 4 a 3 4 M 4 'U a) Q' -4 u b 0 0 v u (� . u u n7 aJ U p 7 O -( E •-1 Rl '0 .4 'p E '0 -, � N t. U) U 4 > U) a R1 3 U Ul U) > H E 4 4 (n 4 w 4 a) 4 0 u 4 ra -( .0 3 E E 0 c ra •-4 J: O O -4 ea JJ b r. -1 0 al w G v C1. ro >,L. O --1 --4 •.4 L 'D V a -1 •-4 U > Q' (n U, U -4 (r = C -, n 7 w .n .D 'd 4 C b .G 4 U '-4 ., >, -4 -, p, x LL ►, a) u CL ro A H (n H aro, s a 0 0 a) 0 c .. n, v) U v] u ¢ U m cn o �• mo7D w P.l a o : nom Ln C, Cn r~orn ti b 5 M 1. -3 n 3[ 0F �� art ► �1 � S rr ,� o0 n � SrTg � rTl �rD •aC r n u: ry ti � , r P, Di d O O M ,rO O U7 I• ^ <D rD r O' C N �- `< r O O O ID n =r :J j n d C: fn (D 'DD n N r O 5 r ti N. DI r, h r 'r {y f.. O K x � � (Dopr � CmrD ;n 'voo � ' r'' �Cn E IC O (D r~ Ca pa Mr ►�.En to a- < (D rt rr d IT r ' ,j OC gyp, En O M ►-. j ,.. fD a n M Cpm LJr� u r a rr rD = rD r n In �- N ° ~ O i X_ n 'b C rD rr r r G n r* n < I.- ~ a Q n ~ ~ rnr > c n �� m rn � 7aa i In n ►-•%n n �< fD 0 ~ r r En ti O 5 C O r a `- Ec �• En 'per � namcn Q. .. O ,� �' r'p H• rD (_� N O '� l-, O O N c r. c ►- rD rn Pn - " �, ti v O M k C1 s' r- N O 3 E C, M rt O �'. � c r - n �� p rt v' d O ~ rD rp r p ► •\\ M • N fn rD _ r V r p rt p a ^ Cv _ ■ t T x rD , O _D O C n ti rD rt7 y On Q wr ^ T cn CL r j o m a. C ,� �. T O 1 C n En 5 - � rrt ° ~ Yna ? m nrt mma d � d r n `< D I `O r* E rD r (n C Q V ►- ►� =r �D d O rD C c. O r d r uo w n En �- rD CD Z N �D r r n W p' N rD 1 In � r T ARI - GREEN NO. 2 WA TER A ND SANITARY SEWER IM, ROVEMENTS Cl of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon 9' i uobaao 'Aano,) uol5ulyseM pie5l_L jo Ap SIN "PV -31AoHdpV/ &3M3S AHVIINVS C7NV H31" E 'ON N33HJ - I LIV J� a N ro al fA 4A Q� v V 2 2 Q/ C •.1 V) f 1�. 7 ro rn u q r, u c E-4 a G v c a ro .-i 4 U u 4 ., E C 'O >. C b C TI 3 'O 4 O v '"' , O C N O �. roL _,aw , i va a., ro0U44 o a C N C O N u L c U I E U C tiV' I J U n. '7 ?.F C u 4 c 4 E .. u x �, 3 ��, rd u C . .:: Cn W .. � vv� > � uc E c u y x zy a, C O G x 4 e e U rJ •.M.Msiw ..�� G En H w ►+ U > O SS�" .0 .� a U ., N N .-4 G u a) E u1 O v C tL J) N e ►7 i —4 y O ro ro � .-� �, o u � ai � � � J 4 G w U 4 1.r > 1: _ • O O n. .. �i 3 •t 4 .. ul w ., - al •rl � Q . .. •Q . J `� >1w y " n v .' a ro 9 %L N � ' 3t — 4 v 0 m u rr4) o y ao ro c ly ro � � n >, u _, cr .. U cn vcu � > uu u u cc u 1~•! w W a Q u u O o m 0 ,, yorn4 n. c 11 , > °' Q. _ u27w ., o u fa O >- b V) Q. .1 rtf 4 E� CU ...� r, tV a) a) 1 (n U u a) r_ c ro 1] O � C'q u >. ro :3 t O .� tJ .� C -4 4 O 17 �x O I C . 1 , v u n ro a .-, v '° `' '' 4 .D cn CP u u u 0) a) ul rd y - u) (n O u �n h 4 G) O 3 uoi � c o ., r ., c y • c: cn 3 -4 4 O n. O \ u cn U O w w 7 0 u u7 v N -9 �- A4 u >,C u 3c0 �� u n .�C O '' T7 4 u .r►� (� c 4 v O O c .0 1 of C C . 4 c v 4 we ro vin c roa a) 4) wnau on. a, uy s -C � Nroou `� 4GJC orn 4 a J � a � a, uc " roE ' 3uU y. vtr �v . c 't7 a' ro u a v v C-� �� L A u 73 a >. c . ,j ., >, Aj > (a .L:: U u ro >1 > Ei > O v ro 4 ., c ro . h u N c y U) O 'U " a) 10. ►. w O (1) O ) ; w. 4 y 41 ►� . . 4) A �. 4 C Ll. a) J.) H W 4 4 a 40 ou aJ C O r ro ' p a' [,. C •. a1 V -tav (nu cu n. u ., u n, s me (� cy 44 r1 1 3 E4 U U ems, ., c:. 41 , w 4 W rr^^ m V I ,.+ �i •., � , C O W ►. JJ ., .� 4 0 w .� .. oo lT +) I SI NI SDI N� "` or t _ U ; w 7 s L h ' •• � g, Rlnn � d i , I zoo gi f - \ I - r,Z Im l� . Rlrr Rim- 1I 199 16 rim- St IM-SZ TL .. t o dc 994 �E COTPp.K 195 13 t94 rr3 t1Jr. 3b C'rx�Le-r ' ° LFCON C _.. _ STA ELE V PI mik 4 *-100 5 +00 6 p0 7 +00 cr C► call 1 •I� ,� F1 I, • 3 Irl u1 •1 2 6 h 2U0 r J �' I i n VI tl,I 7 7 i p 4 r J oLU 14 N, 210 013 11 200 9GIK aR(W `7 • i 7 I f mtX V c�u T .P� �• I � ' RIM �•�\ ' 8-*��.,� Iql_ 53 16904, � R�n�l- 190 �199 14 14 � nur IB9 1Z ' �e7�1 -188x4 IVC 1 . I I 197 7t 7Ob V C. —_._` .5��\S `3 I E OUT I -�. 7Z I t37.17 _�_ N1C�NT DRIVE �°- _ N'X17. ''-50• Vert. �� �it<h1�111• 84 O0 9 0 10+00 ' KIM- �80. '�4 1 +or.) STORM I LINE NO.2 1 50 Vert. ,cele: Horiz .� 2 , Irj �. {� LL I KIM- totI nn nn ?� I 'i FINIaN I �JIJ Y z Q t KNISH IBfi, 040 k FILL Z 4 ui e.,aN --- oo r J Il 180 W c -- " � IBL ►9 .._ 5Oc= I r C) . 241-100 cr STORM LINE N4._:,_ • rlt 1'-50' Ver° Ho 7 ice►r, c c ►M wr PM�. -i cc +1 s- o � r 11C9 (c0euoyd ►� LO PCOZ6 uobojo 'obemsp 641RI ^ - y•_ o ARM sMopsery Isejvj M S OSOEI °0 Q uv1ar�avdJfib' o� HO A TW U) a N N Ir JO j �U8J1° 9Jd 7 d c N p a p l/J m '^ Z 4 1 u w O > >� O aJ O u rd c v > a w4 ro 14 v ro o L.' tol 0 W 0 ro o v -4 v T.] Q ro u u :3A ro UJ CN a ►. a s Uk A a) a a.J w b u) O C C L, S rnro U 0 r .0 O Q O 'O ro O E G ►�� a C A va 3 7 U 'D N aj c u N a s p. > 1 I m v uMU) 0 a ¢ E ^O a Cn S E 0 a .. as ., cu ., ED ro .� aJ Aj j • -� a u a i Q a ro a ., 0, V G a c LG (nJOuF_ 0wQ) " Q, o CL 41 ro u c in .4 0 .. > w E to 4J ^ U i m ? (U m G a u4-4 I a O v 13w a O E W U U cn O. O U'. . •.� 3: wLic > 3 C .. wr0ro roro o Q r� s u u O u ro -4 >, U :J ►. O UV 4 tn w(" v I cn U) u J-) .0 0 a n c n, .4 ro w C U u ro ru .+ ep u O O ►. c r- .4 Etr cnLn y V 7 (a rn .4 u a V a W >.,rn • , U) 10 -, u o .) ro O V N � W W o c ro \I) -4 a U aJ u u L7 V ro a ul T r7 U U J w cr U a C v 'O 3 -4 v O U) F_ L A . \ til u ro -, .-4 ro O a u a ., U C C G u c LA Qr U) W u a N C u aJ U ^ c) a ., 0 M0U) cAro CPc Uv IIr a, • ., v A O ro a- w ro a w ro J Y I a -j c u w (n a G Acr ?1 CPC ru -4 r� U) a a J Q. 4.j rn Qr.-i aJ a > 4) 0U cLro (n .c ., oro -, c, v Ln (n 10 o / CPrN -, a) Ol O V N O ' O F-+ r0 ro a O x CP 4, 3 v o ,, ro v �. ►, a u ° . . W I o v .., o c rn o acn _Y -. u) O v ro N A rn ro '-4 x .0 r, u cr Us v • (1 a s O w C Oto 7 aJ u U rt) u U v U w 0 O a 0 Q .n C w cra N D -, 3 'U w 3 E G O ro P. C ••a .r O u rn (Iro u u >' N _+ A a >,u u a O u v rn o ►. rnro ro � Burn ro rn c u Unorn�-C, fn LL -4 c v Aj a a, 'o o v x v CL r� E• -, u .a a > ro m r, 0 -113 fn ro •+ C u ►. U 2 u U, O .0 c � Ain a° �i � -A -4 xaW 3 ° l) a � " :3CC roIC14 0, ( o o ��J . ry rn .r ' 1-- c W N M rtl yK r0n a ►-• aCnrII , N M y � X a0O 0o; r, -� z I � b rt c� [ a m r, ►, b �. � �,� ° 0 ,0 � I I I I n � m 0 oaotn C',rt < c I< a rt o n- a a m as :3romn r I I v a :310 t1 to M . nrt rt rT n ort- O cn to m to O rr c rT rt, to III - b0 .-1 H. m U' m rr rt a N (D o o n a �, o rt 'bLo rr rt `° m m f Lo O ~ ro ~ ro a n rt ry rt t Q• c °' 7 � rD rt n En b ",v d b 'v m 'v t, M --� w to �,l< o a r, ., " x •, x x n' a a e a C rt �J u) o to ,g .D F, o o (n C En O b 'O to am �? v c ro rt nN o o o rt o n rt a 0 r ti N to m a O m ~ > H c n Cn rD ro � m ro 5 rD 5 5 - a too ►.. �. o ..- r* Cl a m a a m rr 'a tTa to ro � n t7 b n n to to E to m m o r, ►- n m o m a c a s a s C r• m rn�< a n t rt ti 1 o o rY N O r n z :3 rOi rD r, rt �' to rt :3 rr n a r✓ n a otn mror, N rtn O < n r, r yO 0 5 m o cT o �. ri to '" :, m (J)G < wart `n c� En r " m N � t� c t n r* to cEn rt � to � ar0D —� ►< m to rt 0 (Drt E a ^ rt Fc VE rr O JE M rrrt l� r o rt �- d rt U:) o D 1'. �-, m ... =r m o rt a p rCT rt m b ,.t� J ARI - GREEN NO. STREET AND SDRAINAGr- IMPROVFMENTS w " City of Tigam. Wa,Shinntnn r,ni int i, SIN3kV3A-Ob(dkvl30b'N/ 1�'�JC7 N&OIS (7NV 13381S N33b,9 - l d v ---+- L L r / u44 ✓/, v roro u � u q , 4J O u a C) �� w @ G r' . 4 3 (w.l 4 O CT 4-J J� 'n 4 3 ro N Q,'"4J 0 C 3 7 ^r E vc rn u +' N v >+ 7 01 O E U a) C O u) u U N 4 � 4 E 4 0 4 -4 c c .--4 'o �, c u f L U C/1 a) C O O , O u y L7 U v1 O 4 b L c (T3 a) O cn O H 4 4 u > O U u v >. 4C C -.-1 TJ u Qr v4J4 .7 c] Col u O u Q) C u C (n O v E u u () J C r ro E ro ro C �-+ a C U u 4 E E a' +J 4 C ro 4-1 O v v cw Q Z W •.� 0 U 4 4 > ,,,•� _1 l� ro ro u u c > c E u v O '0 >,w o a4 cn 3 cn cr) u u a Q U uv 'nvrocc -Q CLI in N to " O u O O C Oo u w a) Y (n n O u) L1 C 4 , Cl, L� N O CT 4 4, u ro C C o - S C: m 4i W L Q4K " CL c0 0 4 w O eaN O >. 4 u) ro v u . (13C+] a s 0 a s u) U u U C 41 c b A � ro v �1 Uru "+ u 4 r roa .-, v O v v u ., rn -, a rm u 0 .r, ro c a ° > cv 3 � " � � oa `n rn U) p ', ,.) aJ O aJ u; N O 4 41 .4 u 1,1 4 ., c: c; a) - 0, c roc n. W 4) U) 'a U o CL Q) U v rna > ro j () � ro >I > H > 4'U U) O p u I I I 4 [� a) LL 4 W CJ v O Q) 4 LQf 6, I '-'f aro N u .. 4 a1 ro C' I � - , euccu C: , 0. 4 u 0, 4cr f` a LL a C U w � v• _ > O U u �1 ✓ cn �T E i CT X u E U U (1 U tT u L U) CU U w U ` 1 l)1 Qw 1 a o o E . a U a7 m 04 o • G 1 J w C > 3r c 4 w ro ro rt! ro O 31 O/ c W L tJ ✓ U >, U 7 ►+ O U 1 C u U 1 W rl In ro (1) i]i] u 0 C3. No O. 4 .--I c w U u Cn u1 ro ra w do u O 7 'D R1 � �� O w c -C G ••c a CU 'D � Q+ iA t!1 a%.-i 10 .0 P as A-) � C� ra O u � 11 U 'LJ to Cc ro Aci ✓ Z .� w w -1 a• (V w U . o .G a ri Q o c ro -/ 'D > m a) c 'D ✓ u N .I C O 1 Ym � � to U O � � O .ivU uU w a) 111) ro �• U U w v L: 'u 'D 3 -4 G! O N @ ,L 4 -, GJ ro C G' D 9 tti ti 41 -i C G! O 'O 17 w w 1J U to ,a .c N ro G c c ✓ c w v to .. 4-1 v to c u u D .1 0 (v 0 w o (n 0 .0 m U) U w v C r-i c I 'A ✓ .i .r cu ,0 O L -W w ra Q; w ro Lj U ✓ ►� ✓ ro v u c u to N 41 C .i 0. V) V- .p ^ i v ri o 0 M Gro -+ m to . v u O1 u Ch 0,•.i u v v .� M .-1 a > v O U r. 4j ro to Z , 7 ro Q .-1 a, v to to r, (U Q ,.o ro v ro ro u e.i i-) v ►.j u u In O r, u .-4 _c > u rn w •. 'v C/) i 17% Ol O c w .-t o Ei ro ,0 y to u O to v \11 x Cn v -+ 3 v O •-+ C ,a 'v w w w 3 .0 to > Z v Ni] U > w I O v u c 0 G 01m -se v m 0 O O a ro w �o O v, (a vi x o .c u Q w u v u a� ►, >, ..-i C]. v v U w c O Vl a u y, ,a w �e U C C pa, / 'd G .-, V) w U Q) to w O G -i GJ O Q ul C w u � N m �J 3 O -i ro rt1 v a O u p wQ .i k44 -0 '0 •.+ 3 L7 w 3 % O (e a. G .-, ., Q w Cr � 4) LP L) w w .G 41 v to >, G1 >,u u tL O y fa C to E > v O w tr ro ro :3 . am u to ro tr .c U 'o up tr•.•i u 41 O a) ►i u ra C 'D 3 0 O m CL O 3 w • +-+ w ro C u1 >, E 4l w w v bCL -1 C 'O u tU 01. "�') U W -W W 0. O r- H ^i � w -0 u " w tr s Lu -•1 v > ro ro ri Q .-i v to ro -+ c u w u E u a Q X E u H LLJ w ro u O -4 O .-i •-i O u .i O w ro O v w wC1. 41 7 EJ to H � d. CL to a- (Uw rU b 'D tZ C). a. ►. CL 3 U rnO O ed V) w LL) Ld LL Lj vj i; ✓ci aLO (D m W rn ---- ---+ O 2 r ^ r-1 v) 1 rn {®4 •• .-4 O m I -i tI � �••• ! (7N .-i \ It II If q-) I I % 47s\ to f J rr1 , '1•. I ., •. \ c o n r- Lo '^ -i V) O .r f� t4 o C; �\ .� d I frill CID 0% -. \ , _ I v C CN �+ •.� O W 7 O v C ..•1 Om v uE+ aQr 4-1 v CQ 4 Ino >. -H 4 4 41 O '••r a.t a1 m ro C 14 11 G aJ 4 a la la c .+ r, roe 41 o ro o Aj 4 C ro L4 U L4 U QJ •rl ,'L W •.1 • O O 4 cu'D 4 u 4 ro ro! u O 0 r0 C c A 04 3 to cn U U a la u u ate, "' 4.10 o ro y tp U ••4 'j,-4 u to Ul o+ m 'f1 rn 'O v v v 41 4 H ,eC �+ a c c c v c a a cn v v cn rrl 4 u -, .4 .4 N -4 In to IVN cn � w 0 � a u w a M `" So r- , to o rn4 ac L . 1 -4 -H 4 o ., o o ro o o ro o o >1 w U ro m x 4 x 4 4 W 4 4 I1I U Jc w aw/ n, a, A A. a J v C 4v•-+ a 0 .4 - arclaU ca (1) N A.1 u i - O C 'O + A r0 ro 4.1 N Ql •r1 4 I i 39 4 o a 1' In W W O 41 o N O r1 'D 4 " u C c v 4 0. 0 Ql Q• N O a u- O 04 Ql o I I Q 4.l ;o to u u to >. > En0 'Oyara 4w0 4 C M QJ -w .- 4 uj n Z -, u c c 0 0 E arov cn u .-+ eu c+ j 4 -+ fnro •.+ to Uc .� LU U-i U•1 rn cnQ' 1 d a v l \ V `�•'' Q 2 N J 00 O O N � .1 N 4 h1 Ln 4 N ri 4 ` J \ O •r r-1 O `ID Ln aN CO m (7) � u Io u � Lo u '� In •� y, W CO :Xi f .J�a � f/'• II 11 11 CJ � O � O O a 4 ' � C a a u II II o N . tn . J u C r, j u e n 1�w 11 Il C C'J U cu ti•"I O G it G t f+ !T, 1 E 'A �I 3 R7JJ G • yf+ (Q �..�lr.u•..•...�. •rru..ru.•�.rllrlp• r..... r 1 r- 0 O N y t7 tot II �' C GC C14 4r,. r-1 r1 t!1 i 'O VZ N t'''1d CO ry 'D , i4 ,f1O0 • .1 ..-1 L - . . . • ,T O � .-1 CV 7 .O Q/ 1.4 C. _ Ot0N mmm aT z10) rn tT rn o d aJ of 41 Q w CE) CD a0 OD I.1 . r 1-4 .-1 t • o >1 41 a, CD CD rD (n Q —4 II II It If 11 N m • U 'O In .T ` 00 CIDCO - - - II II d it ryY lfl .� tlr n - - - LO o - '^ Q _ - r• CN _ • � •iiiiii-iilwiYi •i••---�-.---•--Y-Y-iiiii• ... iii _ r o <t _ �y^•, �1► � a u a �a M N N M 00 ON M Ch LO r-1 ri rel 1�. r o . w . O p •� ,� a M 11 N cn r-i (, 11 11 II f l i! N � � ~� ►r ` it U dA ! ^ .JI"wP � AG d a ♦ T � a a �, S �� 1 r-I O � ���-_ e it U 00 Aj CIO ul . II In w _ CIO N N v -- 00 •r N U -4 _ 1"1 O f•1 -1 G d � � � i C 10 V rpt i 11 CL 11 11 II 4.1 , N "4 vJ s u 1 j• I x tL �4 4J • y O 4) .-4 G • Cl: 1J N u E • u W Uri r 41 k -- -• -»----- ----� .v Cr_ O ' ` ♦ J N 00 Ln CO CO u u � Cp - � J Oc7r 1n 1n J1 Ln C17 W 1 oaN o000 M o • rV r4 1n001 �- 1 C,.� O O� tf, ♦ w, � � I Lr) In � .-/r•1 t �O Ica a - y I U ul -I tit f 7\ � am CL go y+.. ` �V � .... ............i•.,f...... . _ U dP _ -- -- *{ M �� Sr • O6 I1S1 \� 'A C O � G) N J r � C •, 1 .i O n a perr • ' , 41 Qrq �l� r 1w CMD �+ a rn Gi 4� C O 10 rV I a C� L 1-4 1) Qi01 C11 V1 D, � �a) -4* if) ■ COmmw o4 I I I oma U 'D to • ago maom - - - n u �\ .1 CO Cl. W 1-4 C •v n Cc •� .-� .i 0 1-4M LO 11 ,.� U W U II 11 IIo •q O < \ CI u u ".4. U U N rn E..r.x� a+ Q j E• a 40 4-J 41 ro ro o cv m o CD I '-' d a r,,\ u n 11 •�. CNi N In .04 AJ Su1� N N \ v q w d 41� � \ �, \ t \ nJ \ N / \ v � � cn a ro c c o cn a v rna o ro +' Cn 41 f11 41 .y y E" 4. L U N C C C C V �v y ..� � � ^ 11 u ro ro La y .-� to O CT ►,, �G ro C :J yJ y y y C C ro 11 b 41 Q J .c ,C v O ; N o L v a C U J ro ro ro ro -+ 3 0 -4 ru V NU � u b y J ,� y v ,� al • . v ate, c a a 4-) � � v .C: o .ro � > �, p "+ •rl y cn 1Jw u 3 y 4+ --4 ', O x y '^I ' y J-' /� x .. y K �' C C y 0, (' b C L4 w ca w w w '� " v a v n u o 04 w w u > ro c uiJ ro >. > v -d CO 'n o 'D +' a, y w p H > c LLJ cc -' C4 v vai a ►4 � y -+ � c du &-Ii p 4-1 `� In 4/ U1 uid 0 fu a W C! 3 L7 M 0 � I I 1 I w � `� U2 � � 4 toad W � `Oro a ca w () Zarov I 'D ~ ro ' O y o 4 N G/ Q/ dP z • 4Juo � d a, .4 ro . d' Ca, O� > LO 4J 0 �� ro S 4J Q1 �� v - - H (Ury rco Li LI) fl `( — R 41 �. 0� . `\ u[� h 4 � v U N I I f C 4-1 CL) r} d W W I IZ GLo3 � a4j 4j 0 ` j p U � N � ° � wu O o �-� :3 4) a, M L u c4 y W a U U) W "i p' •Ui 2+ 31 ro 3 U 4 .p �� u 7 U i.i U y U .y 7 u v ti N ,, o O L y 17 'L7 +� 'p ul UCO '= � ro4 Q►r N -441 -a ro o' j oroNo ; o � Ln rou 41to U) oo.14 rou 'O W E U V �' a �; ,a. O�\ 3 u V U O C p CL '1 c� �p 4 m ro C � aroi CD ^ >.i, -, N v 14 4, ro 'I U y OUB v a � 3u4J 11W � '>, O � 'HE4 4► 4 4 4O E p+T O li p 0 4 rp ►. 1 4 b " D to v ro 4 u ro A Q [n c9 p • C Q. `' • C N a+ a Q! @ .0 Q, I N u OC 3 41 u �+ Ql 4uQ L � ZU � G o ro � rocYi Uc cnw iac3M .� � L^ ' pry 04.1 Oyu � L �ro 0 -4 4 ar � O a O Y H p n w O O y N H � �' N N � ►a Q U Q p �+ -+ a.i p 3 41 u 4 •� O pL4 4) I N u 0 4 v v -�r N G p+ v 4) U u ./ C y a 444 �+ .,.4 �'•-yi ,D NroOu `d 't7 u1 O Ort y fu Ae L) Op' er Ed�p >, •1Cb O ON 4Ob rp .i � � O tL 44 .r .i Q 3 u v B a+ ro ..0 p' 4 Uro GL w ro 4 n i► LA �' •1 o a 3 Co 3 U 4 N 4 .4 yroj C b ro 4 a [ y .� 5.� O 4 V M �� 4 N ro ai rp b ' •-1 4 �p D v A ivi `Oi y ,' N r LI 4j ao vwo � cro � `' � a, v � 4.4 4j uroi " oo3 A � W v � � .� occ3 .� 3 �-� � ro .,� -10 4 q yu .. vi �, ro -. � .., rop p 3 H U U W r Cl,r O O. .,4� O� ti N 5 r y 3 O E O U C rn ,rij �� E' E W N a N U O Ngo [+. U�p � ►,� u g7pwnp ,-i ro � OroC ~ oU � � y pro,U i � Rl `� 0, ►r !1 v 'i ry a o ro •1 oc V) \ N # VI A QV1pLL i .1Vt i JE 4LOLO � � z L �O ao w i -4 LO / rom u u N a in LO - .Q • �M in ro � Ito 1m 4 Q! \ \ \ AD l- `+J ?, M: Q 1 IA') 4 f- � � � j VA„ � Yom_ ��'t��•• w W��� 1 `a.tGl w 1 r _ i NI O'4 A i It I I tJ I 1 N 21 4i n LU I �n ,n Q' b- + o r�1 r� p M Ci �`—��- ►r� '� It c� �- — -- i� AL 1c) N u � ►.n In 1 � Gln��i lj � �� �,14 itI4j, 41 off ' I _-.t o I.M ,r r�O1 ) vl'=} + 'L d- � p Y l 2. J Y LEGEND: Located in a Portion of Lots 5 , 6 , and 8, ASH VALLEY •1 Southwest Quarter of the Southeast TRACT ,� Quarter,er, Se ctioti 3 3 0� • Denotes monument., round Township 1 South , Range 1 West of ,-� .. h� 9 ttl Willamette Meridian � 2 � o � io { ) Bearing/Distance stance of Record as peer Plat of " I GREEN a Mecs. City of Tigard, Washington COUt7tOregon y , ?o I iso 5!6 4159;97"W 0 5/8 " x 30 " Iron Rebar Set with 3 August /98t> ,�., ,, Plastic Yellow Cap Marked `�L � Ort ens?, .9� 22.02 { "RYDELL PLS 1437 " �� vv n, 7 O?%i I , i 0 00 + ^• 5/ 8 " Iron Rod with lel " Aluminum This plat is based on County Survey No. 2� , � ' t <, nd the � '� tip' ° N899P56'42E p� a t c.� f � �0 ,0� �0 a 5 � 57. 16 ' Cap Marked "RYDELL PLS 1437 " " � I GREEN " , both of which should be refer ,i t when doing work 2 6 v ' to be Set. After Final Paving in this area . Basis of Bearings is the rccord hearingof Scuut. t� ` .3 ; �`' oO Sf-r I I�? w 57,6 ' AL UMI,NUM w �_ _J , I Of Streets . 89 * 48 ' 16 " East as shown by County Surve}' No . 21 , 367 and the cAP v- ,� l 15 ' ✓rlL /rr � `1 plat of ARI GREEN and is the bearin betwc- en 7 �' o FA EM NT 4 Radial to Curve " 9 E the Initial Point � � 75 /�/ sOFT. / �/Nc�tU�E , I of. Morning Hill No . 1 " and the 5/8- inch iron rod found at the � �'� �� // /� q WATER AND , R i A'F Not Radial to Curve Southeast corner of " Village at Summer Lake Park " . �a n /2 :� �'` ORA WACE � '^ 6 `O. �` � `/:� ' U TIL /T r o, 804)�) 50. f T Distance of kecord , Not , b BIC CLE A11�lJ w p ^{ 7'4 Me S'.:re� � �, A e,,� f'EVESTR/AN � � V _ CORNER NOTES . E 6 EASEMENT- f�aTH !h I /NC/-.UDE5 -- - ' A •h,� EASE Mf A�'T � I \' =� aQy EiZ `20 SF. WSA ERRY 1 t :: Chord Bearinc, Chord Length j Found 2 " iron i e 1 . 5 ' de �5 _ - - �^ + �� -- `� ��� ,.� /r3 0 U MORNING H P F , ep , Initial Point of �� � � �' ate.- 96 g h0 8008 so Fr ILL. Q 35 " S870 14 ' 28 " E 24 , 60 ' 24 . 60 ' a 8 �a /S 2 o��i v Found 5/ F} " iron rebar with Yellow Plastic Ca �2 \ l /a L I-/M e�°il�l� "t_- o 7 ' 35 " S870 14 ' 2 �� " E 2 (1 , 12 ' 20 , 13 ' © " P � / 'ALUM/NUM N v q'08-- 0 ' 00 N45 ° 11 ' 44 " E 24 . 04 ' 26 . 701 08"t- Marked R. Bancroft PLS 1124 \ �`", 9445 so. FT � CAP 16 � � N7� ? ' 00 " N100 00 ' 44 " 1- 42 6 '� 1 ° " F�; � 42 . 83 3� Found 5/ 8 iron rebar with yellow plastic ca `,1 ' 1 `* � I h /. NB9°58"3/';E ''1-- ( R 1 6� ►, 43 " N2 �3 ° 441 3f� " .J 3 (3 . 74 ° 3Q . 9 � ' marked " L . S . 1841 " P L rU ' o �, ( h ' A 000 ,� , set by County Survey No , 0 5 ' 34 " N47 ° 55 ' 44 " L 44 , 58 44 . 8 2 , 124 . Removed and set a 5/ 8 " x 30 " iron rebar � 0�� �" ., ��S"'` ( 0 57 " N590 11 ' 3011 4 . 32 ' 4 . 32 ' with 1 - 1 / 2 " aluminum ca marked \ 5�' 58904r� /6 E � P% �'¢ ' 4 2 " N670 04 1 1 r� " E 29 . 99 1 3 0 . 0 6 ' P d "RYDELL PLS 14 3 7 " L �\ ___��__ _.._------ A, I Q 5-585 so FT flush with the ground inside a 2 " x 36 " galvanized C _.�`'II I B9 os ' ( / ► ' 0 `' N820 04 ' 4 2 ' L 35 . 30 35 . 421 iron pipe set 6- inches below the surface9 izer3 3 0 �C w 3 9 yG, I ° � � 1 N45 ° 05 ' 08 " E 24 , 09 ' 26 . 77 ' 53 l _�;�, � ,�, 8s a 'o �� - - �� ` N8905B' 31 "t - /0000 ' 4 _ Q FT O \ //� tiI00 C9 / 64 ' 14 N30 45 ' ? 6 "F; 17 . 38 ' 18 . 24 ' � gclstr � to �� o - - _- VIL L A GE Ar 'M A*fER L AKE PA RK r ► yo off'3 E �; i. a 9 1d 24 3 o Q ' 21 " N41 ° 47 ' 32 "r,' 33 ., 71 ' 34 39 ' RROIFESSt © NAL ' a o ,%`- .,`;°- o ' 38 " N090 40 ' 27 " E 52 . 61 , 55 . 441 LAND SURVEYOR \ \ 0 5 ��} 00 7 �`N_ � 8973 so FT �� -� o ' �' o 00 R' v r1i /T r --- CN, o � I /5 a ' S9 " N69 ° 36 ' 46 `" 47 . 22 ' 49 . 17 ' \ N 7 r� S .-� T � \ .)to �6 U_ - _ � � EASEMENT Iti p0 5404 SU. f T ' .35 " S620 20 ' - 7 " F-,' 33 . 99 ' 34 . 60 ' / ' 18 " S270 59 ' 31 " 25 . 001 , 1, of _ I_ 2E»� ( i " E 25 . ?7 � �' 4 �-� �, .. - - _.._. _ c � I(7; 63 I N89� 58 '3/ "E - /00.08' j I 59 S12 ° 46 ' 38 "i'; 44 . 2 ° ' 45 £�9 ' oaE � o �+ t`' � �0 � �� � � � _ ---- --_ _---- /� �.__ --- \ �' Sf19`' 4B'16't 3 ( Z c�AL _09 -� ' 58 " S210 16 ' 38 "w -, � stPT. �o � 9 > > > 10 6 -� 9 . 96 ' LIONAItO A. RYDIL1 N 7000 SJ. FT 5�' Y h 38 " S020 43 ' S0 "h' 1 . 63 ' 1 . 64 ° 1437 3 ��,�, r:?6 BJ ' S . o, 4. 3 n S1 0 ° 4 ' " -- A \ -.- _ B9 46 '/6"E n, 1 4�' 4 6 . 5 4 = S32 ° 46 . 81 �� C-1 54.3 _ ;So 42' -- LQNE - -;- - - 5 " ° 02 4 � * ' 46 . 04 ' 46 . 311 � ��? foo X46 ` .: , f (a� � ° � � /6 (7.) ti + ' G I I 7005 So F T ' .35 S53 05 46 w� 45 , 29 ' 45 . 54 ' �' � %-� - � K. v' �� _i SB904R. '16"E 55 " S730 25 ' 31 "H' 42 . 94 ' 43 . 16 ' �g� 1) 7ooa So. Fr �\ �T. �. $ / ,, N � , �{ ' _50.51_ 5F 07 ' ;� I I i ' 4 5 " S 8 6 ° 4 5 ° 21 "'�, � , , � A � �� j 49 _ _.._ 15 , 00 15 . 01 a 1 o s,- 35 " X187 ° 14 ' 28 "W 24 , 60 ' 24 . 601 - 11 a5 } a �� .r ?6. 64; \ I Nd9° `)r' .31 f - /(7007 ' b 35 N870 14 ' 28 "w 20 . 12 ' 20 . 13 ' �h 67, �5 �, 4 �' �� 0- E p rel `a �' ? ,� _. UO " N44 481 16 "K 24 . 04 ' 26 , 70 ' �� 9�� �z p .,�U 7/73 Sp. FT: \ Dr �E� Q o, �� A- ` 14 h'30 ° 111 21 " F74 . 99 ' 78 . 5 ?, ' 51 22 " L 35 . 46 35 . 00 ' C, ,, - ", ` ` x_5630.37 0 1.�. FT OI 7 38 1k /T t ° O 4 4'-5 St? F T. I ~ � J b i � 59 N8E 51 45 E 3 . 49 ' 3 , 491 ��` ��. ,� ,1 ,5 ! ., C !C r n l► '' � Ci % 6G , r , / 3� v �" ° O 7005 So F T 47 " S44 ° 54 ' 52 " L 24 . 00 ' 26 . 64 ' h 6458 sc FT N . -- I - o ': :, i q!5.9 SU F-j 8.3/ dD Up ` 13 " S450 05 ' 08 "�l 106 . 271 118 . 10 ' 5 00 �` 5;ti q"4,Q,15'E t , NR9`' S�`+ y�/ .E - (>U O7 o I f 1 �,�ti5ov��A 7� . ` 0 � `�, 'AZ - \ ' '",Q 5�tc' s`7 Fr O °� - 75 36 � �Q 44.00' ? m� N89o58 3/ '£ - So.?6' o, Q) O Chord 2 Chord L `,,.-- c� =�` N U 4,4 ��='E ti ',' I ° ° ► Bear inc Length l2 34 "� �h. r4n�� � o o /8 a s .62-56 F 'p �7 �0 r., -' o l 35 " o ° w SGS T � S ' R 6�'� ' � � 4 I 5404 SC. F T r I Sf?7 14 28 h: 22 . 36 ' 22 . 37 ' h / � �� �Z3 t ��.3c� �� f? S87 4 2 8 Q C w 2i .� r `' WS t, 3 ' " 2 2 ' 8_9° /0 7 M � F' 2 � 36 ' , 37 � i � 4. 4 " N30 ° 1 ' 21 "' L 9 � 9b ' 104 . 70 ' -- _ sBq° 4P I6'£ i 5 �• \ N 33 1925' 5 -=-^-' _ �� on �, __ - ---`-- -_ , o 4 a " h'7 5 ° 11 ' 21 " E 51 . 791 52 . 381 -._' --- . � h�. 'n a 540o s.. � - - '.`. �.. ! � h � 40 h 39 F' UTILITY l"� l' ! �' t! 0�"o �O 971, 5c, FT o ! 0 5736 so FT �" � � I 13 ` S45 ° OS ' 08 'W 141 . 69 ' 157 . 46 ' 1�� � :� 8064 SO FT � 1 1 C �h ti EA SEMENT (� \ p �- NSC O I �_. ; o { 32 = I / a I .� 0 4 / 4/ /9 o I c. r u r ��F } h 6468 SD. FT I , 6627 SO '"T �i ' 07 IL /Tr ° �0 / / 70.,:19 �' f T 26. 70 1 26 70' Q ` �L 11 - _- -, -�---- - -- ..__ I__ + i 2S � � ' t /'vc�(%4'I!'4ti, „E. ,;�L.A!E`�.T � X" - 0 /y Bs 4 L 4 __._ ....... ►� _ - �__-- 5.5 `6 t U�J�' a�' ►'v l 4 �+ 589 48'16 "E / c r 4c5''/6 ' � / L - 22..37 0 E EA S�_Mf/L T _._ 1 S B _ qo 1 - . S. W. ---- - L A U / jv _ _sd9... _. _ . ... - - / sN°°4B/6'E T- // /9 ' 9J. 9? - - - O ' qR DRIVE �' 0-:2, p2F, `5N A2C1 2'000 200C' 2 0 20 T3 , ?q 1- - - - -__ ------ __ .---- - 1-- __�. ( �� 60' 34 5 - -- _. ._ .__ _ /U, 5UB Sly f T � 4 nn 58.0 _ :`'� 4.1- 8' j- 8 UT. t T Y i n (-, f the ' h < 3O 0 29 0 2 � a e a o �` Z o 0 8 , 0 27 c 26 <I 25.- 24 0 23 ° 229.2/s i t E073 SO. FT o 70// SO. FT. °0 5409 SO FT.� 5409 so FT ° 7c)// 542. f l: C � � I° IaI c �• o � o n Q` -' U O O p 2 �� O SNS y S(� FT iC1l 5t4c !� �t, T Sac �U Sp FTS` 54l' SO FT 7'586 so. FT h 2 2 I? ; I u - _ I `^ S . 1437 �; EASEMENT INI TIAL11 - - ' 75 .(/NC� v0�'sl STORN t�% ;�5 " 7() 00' 54 Co .54 no' 7t� n�� ' � � f.,clNAsf 1 � PO/NT : 581 t i ti h'�'ls ' S� (7U 5,�(,�, 9,gOfj ' 43 f5U DU'7 S000'� r S000'� £5aoo.7 r.50&0'� c soot' r 50 of?'>"o �.-�r-- a� ' " l .52.04 7 £52.001 ! [52.110'.1 £5? OD'7 f60.D 4�' - 3�) Off/, ' 7 / NB9 4R !6 --- 750. ICS _ O .r of - - 00'.1 L 2(.'00'T lr `1 rr 0 Sh .eeto f 2 VILLAGE d SUMMERLAKE FARE � • ,1�. � 9 OF 9AMU- � nf to.il Pti:p J •r p i-""''M- - �M ''+Mor -�� �--• _ �„�' .'1!'v"` 'v- �`��G :�. -'x""f•.-��".. _. ..�'„� .r. ,. _.�..�_._.... , _ wxaluweusw7 __�...._.. _ .._. - . n4eprtper . - .,, I III ! ItI t� � Ili j1 ljl r ' t � i�'t 1 t t 1�1 t rl i 1 111 IST 1 � It1 It Itt tit Int rl I 1 ill 11111,11 Itt Ill Ill Ili I � � Il ! Jill 1I ! tt1 ftp its 111� � i ) I � I j i � l 1 1 Ill i . 3 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 .M. � .. . NOTE : 1 F THIS M ICROF I LI4EO :I. - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE-, -17- IS Old TO ' ' -- y, tTTY OF THE ORIGINAL ---- _--- -- ----- --___ --------._ ___--� ._.'-'1M� ! ��W I N'' 61 81 1 1 1 . 1 t, I C I Z I I I I L 9 S 0 C z o� sz ez Lz 9z Sz �z fz Zz 1a oz 9 o s a ,, .� - ,�±tllIIIIIIII 111111111 Ii�IIIIII !!!11111 IIIIlu11�11ttI,III ltNl�dl! ��u�rn� t�illts�I tt`tt�ttM�ttu�lttt�1ti11tl ttttlMlt Iltt�tr< �i1 11N1lIttl 11111t11r�It111ftit�f1t�111tI1Nll�tli�#� It�IIuIIIII lltllutt�tttll)1U� fl1�W�1►�U1lUl�ltll�lt���t►1 �lttt ., a -M• lour - . Oil i I ; II , N , I � s��� � •.� � � � Irl' 1.t J I QL t lw� LL. t �- Jr VIV 0, -1 t � �''1� 1�1 i�i r•1 x.11 c'�f �p��•�Q __ I J M