VIEWMOUNT SUBDIVISION J _No T I' ' RLL SERVILE LfTERR1- S SkIRLL BE L4LRTE4 IN THE FIELD BY THE £IM INE"ER. Keay{S{d� 2. FILL SERV/L£ LRTERRI S SiOLL BE Z-t7lD QN 4,412 FT/FT 1JNlFxS Porq JR/Z£D A L S sue - By ,d/NEER. T N G{ IA VIS 3. THE ENG Di- AU SERVILE LRTERNI5 SHPLL. BE MRRK£D WITH 19 Z.01 PRbTUaING I 1 I I IY) 0l 2q" QqK UNE FDa T RB4 yc TRF 6MUND. - I 111 i I / 253.87 - y- THE ft/M5 LDf" PRDPd.SED MANHOLFS L&CRTfO I.V STREET ��NfILL BE SET F7'T I I I 11 I I ( ✓ \ AWPOSELD STPECT GMRDF BY S191V/7RRY SEINER CAN TANeTDR . ADJ US TING AING S WIL0- 11 -II I I I . B£ REQUIRES RS IV£EDED. • I I 47 28 A3 -' 20 I 5. T W6 WEEP HOLES .;HALL BE PROVIMM TNIrMM/4 THE CURB, FDR s Rz v Lor. - I 1 LOLRPON TG B£ DETERMINED IN FIELD. i 2 ' I ' b ALL SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTE!>/V SHE'LL COMFOR4 TO UNIl'•IIzCj SEWERAGE AGENCY 1 46 L9 /9 SPFC1 F,CAT/ONS AND STANDARDS. 23 I Q 27S_ S. LRT B I /? ALL NECESSARY PERM/ TS Sf/ALL BE nB T•41NL D FPR/OR 7,0 Ce / rRI�CT�DN. i ! � + ------ ---_- - �.5. iAT C I �_/4i — — — 8. N 177pA4 6R PNASF OF WhRK SPALL 844E CONS/D6'R4r0 C4MPZer, I 'y4 �i 31 26 — - I T I T ! ZINT/L. ACC EP rED BY THE Cl rY 0-P 7/6 AI .R D . S.W. YIEw IVTC LDURT �'---' its - 1 T/ SHALL CdvV,=-4 ,44 DCl OF r14CARP 9;rAA10ARDS ALL CONS TRIC O/V �► T C Y ,LATA S_S. LOT 9 g M.P. iJ,A� -S TPS.) . S T. 33 ► 1 , , j ct I Q _1 Al1R��. _ _ ¢ I • S } - - - -� FXCA VA TED MATS RIA t: TD.6 & PI-AeCD , a � I I . 1 , I ' { ,IN .Q BURM AT 'rW ,R AR' ter 41 .0 r,S I I + I � � I - 8D �� 1.�/RE's T"�"D•w ..' -t9 34 7 I I t 37 . tA 1 S.W. Y/IrMoUN LANE16 t a .SM1N ��Ifi Tl-ZLCL I h I -p--------- aEAZA AL LRY. UT RNO INDEX Ta DRAW/NGS �d 3 4 S + I ---- --- - v; - BURA/ r B .N S.IIU WEW M&IN T ' LANK, S.W. i1-IM MVE', am x 5• -------••----•- S-W. VIEWMdVNT CQP.ART X81.7 y D S,h! GR�►RIJE S T. � . Q PRMOSEO S)9Nl TFiRY SEWER `` - -- - EXlSTIN Tf�A'Y SEW R G ! E SRN ST,D. S.W. fA/RHR1�£N ST. MdP,64EO STORM nl4R/h- .. .�, PROPDSEa CURS b. EXISTING r.[1R8 YIEI'VMOIdA�T' � a PILE •cop _ w s-W. G .r►�i AS BUILT JUL �'3T2 Q��\4 �2 _ S:W. V/EWAAtlUNT CIAetRT SrRMI"6RAW 44-Me 1*0 4 - 7 `$ Q / ST6RM DRAIN RELE�ArrON ,3-,t9 � NA. RfYI S/6.'V DA TLS fI�1 Y l� ' `,�., o PFofE` --am6ftwom- "Poo L INA WA/0 N SLIOR Tf S r SCALE I CQL4'MA,/! HOMES , i ,RTI_AND [?KE. t. cntcticN �` GCNERR' LRYDUT RIM 1/YM Tp �Ql AI VA &S DE•S• DH PN. .E 4. MIO►II�Y r fifQ.: u ``" • ORfE: Z-7.11.72 SC I'� 19S•SrMt�l►A, S/! ,` 1. .� l�lr�lclr•I� 1'jIIIt;•II(II1��(II1�1I�III�(1•III�'II(yl�I1I1I1j1III1{Ijf) �iiII1 �I1(t I 1~IIII I11110-11-11 I) 111 III I I�.I..I ,.�...- Is�l 1_ :.c. .l,,_ • `-.,,..r... �. . 1 I - t + ( { I I 1111 1-I I I I { I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl111I1111111 �T � r NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ►- I 3 4 5 16 --- 71 -� le q I C I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICk; IT lS DUE TO THF QUALM OF THE ORIGINAI. DRAWING. CE 62 92 LZ 92 SZ bZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 61 LI q SI bl EI Z II 01 6 [ 9 S b E Z _ I"•"" ,►!I�IIIIIu111111ltun�nlllnn�cnllnlr,�Ilu�II11III11111ullniliul�u1111u�InN�ml}nll{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!11►}1111!fU1I111fIIIIlIl111{IIII}I-1111111{IIIII111till III1111IIIItIIIIlIll1!{IIIIIIIIII11111;��llllllullllllllllllllllllllllllll�ll1111111�1111�1111�1J1{1)IIIIIIIIIIII�IWIIIN i U 1-4y 9 1992 _ 37 38 - T----- H R-S NU TES L AT A T - 9+92 1+ 9' pg 6 Lcl:i l_ NLL SERVILE LNl'F_RRLS SNRU_ BE S I ; Y 2 It 6 V 7 1 ;S r' 1G44 34r 11.3 w) LAT NLf? T E � is. S. - 1 CZ Q I w au ru; W �l iS I /'f _ �� 13 12 11 /4 ----- - -- -- _ - - --- - - - -'---.._.._ _._ __ _.__..... � r : 28 Z-0 t r` vi4. CL c � �/ �� rry vi �. I l�' EnSEMENTvp MH A I r � . z1 I _ I L� S W Q / �++3- LAT R h c:�l ,', r3' � =z1 1 - �I R A_ Z ; �� OtD \ P 6 I 110' �� L�� 14U + 199._.__... _... .. \' ~ Ia o 9 6 LAT !� � 1,��.-•. i 3► � i •R LAT A *,--5.$-.--; _—___-----_-_-- —____—.-_._. __._. r _ 8" S. S L/I-f R - 81, S.S. — -- L>�1 !J' 8" S_5. -- nom I L -T' t S ----- i I - L�9 T8 R 9' S.S. ' S W. NIEWMaE1NT 1_.�UHT - - - 1 /VPH A-/ p e PtB _ _ 4 A-11 I SCALE S.W. 11 1A RVE. /f75 LAT R /6 -"; �1 s l w 7*?S` LRT A / 7a_s ' f v; M -1,1.74 H,6Rl2aNTHL I " - S6 ' - _._ _.-•- .------_.-_._____ .-.--.�_..___._ _._ ___------- ____.__ -_-_ - 32 �1 00 W °��, d a, I VERTICHL • h ! I. h , I ct V1 14 7+4D + + 4 T - _ ' w _ I - -_-- - - - - - -- 7'1 H3 .rll r •+ 1: _....- .- - _ 1�41 _ 4--- �a - - -- - --- _ --- - is RG - - _ 1276 9f9z -9093 LAT A _. - - - MIL H A"Y-: i i PRaPd FD IL RADE - af 77 ref ___.. _ -Z7IT - - I - __ .LSl1T - _ r r _ IN M 71' 710 ry fd IN } : T _— o LR 1�. _ I _ r p1mPD G /D"_ -D. - � ih1H _:. ./4 .;_ -_ fZ.E1. 7 _- FL. E ' /ff �L/ 3S _ -- o — -- _ _ -- - --- - - - --'- — - - - - - --- — - ---- --- -- ----- - • -k c, -I _ -- O --- ' -- _ . - _ - - - ---- - - - -- - -- - - -- -- -- --- - L-EL- /N _ /Z __ ._ - --- - -- E. _rte- LL 0 co(n 2100 _ I o MN - ,. - - f 'PAZ Ap i c) 03 al __ ---- _ - - - a: x _ L7rpf 7 . ' FL.£ &IT 231L "i 23B - - I - _ �, -- --- --- -. r� S=n. SZ7s -- 1FT , - - a-T rPT -- - - - —� - _ NIA A-I - ---- -- -- - - - --- - -- -_ _ I raaL RT B -- -- - - - - - -- --- - — -- - - - - -- --._ - -- - 1' _ I*7S LPT R.. - fl_ /N - "Is. - i _ 220 - -- r --- _- , - -f - - - - - -- - '7-,!;;L --- ; _ - -- --- - lam' DAT[ No i ' t - �_ C?Go•0 _ 4 T = - : . Y : - -- - . _. _ _ _.. _ _:: GIN y\ c . - . - f _ i I F.N •aRVALc /s ORES ON -i ~---- -}-- �' e� �C'US TQM • -- _ - - - - _ , • 116 ��` � SS. LAT 'S A _ J l EWM(�NT - _ - --- --- — DATE: Z+'a�•7$ SCeiL WN SM[FT p/r 4 :'. OF= ] P1 ATE 1, PLAN PROFILE � � KEUFFEL i ESSER CO. A A— t t a ° « I � r _. ti _—�aq�ll�ejr1_...��_.,�. � _•--_- -..r_ ...-- � ,r•+..r•.�,_�..w• � _ r.:;� - �"!'` -- � - -----r -- •° ._. .., -.s.r� ti:.'�Cm6�"-C$C"1•.' ,�:saaI1111Ar�'i.q,=i.=.-. -^ie�+!",.+a�,��,•x+!!et••.�••.�- I1'111�•111111�111111111�11111111�'Ill�lllt (il't�lllltlrllltjllll lilt 1171111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIII�lilllllll11111tllllllllll1111111 • ..,_. �, .11 1 NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED ��—�- I —2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ib 11 12 _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN -_W'�' THIS N0TIGIi;-1T IS DUE To TNF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ---- - — — - DRAWING. OE 62 92 12 92 52 OZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 BI LI 91 SI 4I EI ZI II 01 -6'-.-�-- 9 t 9 o b E Z 1"•a'" J ,t111111111111111111111111u1I11�11111111114111161111111111111111111u1111111I111IhI111111111111111111111111NIIII IIII IIIIII IIif111111ilu14111 lindIIII IIIII I1111111111111111111111 j11lnlluPlllnlulll11�111>�Inl1milulllulluillltlillwfllW1�1�1���111I�11111ulnuli111IJ1ulnll ._$� �N m � � Ftbruary 1, 1977 ;k Robert L. Mandish, Pres. Columbia Custom Homes 7 Mt. Jefferson Terrace S.W. M(,•,ntain Park Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Dear Mr. Mandish: This letter is in resaonse to your inquiry demanding refund o $691.37 deposited in 1972 for improvement of the S.W. Gaarde and Pacific Highway intersection. I have reviewed the file and enclose a copy of an agreement entered into by the City of Tigard and the Oregon State Highway division which is self-explanatory. Also enclosed are City Council minutes of November 10, 16, and 20, 1972. Section two of the agreement refers to a deposit of $3,800 con- tributed by the developers to realign S.W. Gaarde.. The $3,800 consisted of the following deposits. Culver-Gortmaker $1,353.04 Quadrant Corp. 353.04 9 SIJ Development 1,417..16 Columbia Custom Hor-es 691.37 In order to !' &'t the temporary building moratorium, it would appear the above developers agreed the money deposi,ed should be used to realign the intersection., rather than install a traffic signal, and no refund is due. If further information is needed regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincetely, Doris Hertig City Recorder DH/fa Buc l03UI-C s CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTION (P.W-) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY clearly marlcee APPROVED PLANS, plan revisions, rhange orders, specifications, etc. ! I. SANITARY SEWERt (A) Commenced inestallA*.ion. . ..,... . . . . . 5 /1 /72 (B) Completed installation. . . .. .. . /22 /72 1) As-built field noteq filed. .. . . . .. .. gJ a) Col-1, �f nt to engin(-er. . . .. ,... ❑ 1) As-built field notes received. . . ,.... gA L/ 172 a) Filed in project folder......., gg (C) Inspected and Te9ted.. ...... ...... ........... 6 /?. /72 1) Test nomonogrAphs filed. ............. (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. ............... (3 II. STOnM SEWER: (..) Commenced instAlIntion... .... .... I& x,26 /12 (B) Completed installation. . . . .... .. ... . .. 6 7.7 172 1) A,-built field notes filed........... � (C) Inspected. ... .. . . . . . . . . .......... .... 8 '2 /72 (D) Tentatively Accented by City................. p / III. CURB: (A) Commenced instal' •tiein... . ... . .......... 1) Bench W -kA ,,-t.. . ..... .. ... ...... .. l 2) B-nch Mirk locations filed..... ...... l (B) Comri,-trd in-tall-stinn....................... M 7 5172 (C) Ina pec ted.. .(.prebleme.txista. .. .. . ...... ...... . (D) TrntAtiVely Accorted by City............... . ❑ _,_.! / IV, STREET (A) Commenced Grading. ....... ... .. . ....... 2 2 2-� 1) Sub-grade innrected..... .I........... x1 .7 a) Test data filed. . .... . . ...... p b) Tentatively accepted by City. I71 (B) Commenced rocking.... . . . ... ... . ....... . . ... . M 7._11 '3z__ 1) Sub-brse inspected.. .... .......... . . . Q9 a) Test data filed.. .. .. . . .. .. L1 b) TentAtively accepted by City. (j (C) Commenced Paving...... ... ...... .. .. . . . . . 72 1) Paving inspected. ...... . . . .. . .. .. . . . . _4 '11 /76 a) Test data filed.V8 q.72)... . . . tF1 b) Tontntively Accepted by City. p / (D) Street tentatively accepted by City..... . . .. . p V ((A) me t ced grading. .__ 11 Ade iMOP ected..... .. i) ata fil b) Tanta�,y cepted by City. i (B) Comm,-.n-.ed Roc +'9.... ., bane inspected....... .. ..��,�C� A) Tent data filwd. .. .. . ... . . ... _ IJ Tentatively Areerted by City. / h TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MA'r 12, 1975, 763U P.M. FOWLER J^NIOR HIGH 3C�J0ol. LECTURE ROOM AGENDAt 1. CALL TO ORDER r� 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Special Meeting 6 Study;l4ion ApTil 21, 1975, Regular Meeting April 28, 1975, Special Meering May 5, 1975 5. WRITTEN COK4UNICATIONS 6. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING 'To SPEAK. ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS 7. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES 6 INVESTMENTS $135,521.49 8. ACCEPT BID AND AWARD CONIPACT! S. W. iiUNZIKER STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (a) RFcacamendatl(n cf Ci A�IT.inistIator t.,9. RESOLUTION 75- _.. - RESO';UTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPRDVEMENTS CONSTRbCTED WIVIIN VIEWMOUNT SUBDIVISION AND A*T4 3RIZING RELEASE OF THE MATNTEUANCE BOND THEREFORE. --(r►) .Recutmttr,4atiRA sf Ci.tt. A41,1r.isLrator _ ✓10. RESOLUTION 75- - A RESOLUT10N CONCERNING VACATION OF PORTIONS OF THREE UNDEVELOPED 50 FOOT WIDE DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS, IN GRAHAM ACRES SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON. (a) Setting of Public Hearing 8t00 P. M., June 23, 1975 11. VARIANCE REQUEST - SISSETr 6 OREGON BANK Regakxt tc. vary d-iveway standards of Chapter 15, Section 14.04.080 (d) Tiga-.d Mcni.lpal C•d< as they pertain to a pr:pcsed banking facility at the i^,tM1-sActicr_ of ;::senburg Road ano lac!fl!: Highway. 8rUO P. M. Public Hr.*ri.ng (a) St.atamtnt of facto by Planning ".lector (b) Public T9stimory r Cross Fxamination (c) Hearing Closed (d) Cort-ide•:atio-i by Cc .•oil 12. GARBAGE FRANCHISES (a) Public Hearing - tc• icit public commFnt n e.�; e-usrert_ franchise system. 13. PROPOSED AMENDMENT - Tc -nap tr 18.28, General Cnttmer::iei. Z, •e and Chapter 18.32, Nsigl- rh,.cd Csmmercial Zor,e: with ;:app--t to permitted uses, c:-,l :ic^.al u!As, Lot requizementa ane' land=caping. 9too P.M. P.t�ll.- ar«*.g (a) SIS'--I1_ cf fact! t; Planning Director (b) Pebl'c Tor mcny Cross Exam. nation (c) Hearing Closed (d) Consideration ty Cc•r-.cil ORDINANCE 75 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTERS !� 18.28, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, AND 18.32, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, WITH RESPECT TO PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, LOT REQUIREMENTS AND LANDSCAPING REgUIREMF.NTSt PRESCRIBING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. City Administrator synopsized meeting with property owners to determine their interest in light of the increased cost and they unanimously agreed to proceed with the project. However, property owners requested the right-of-way be acquired by deed instead of Easement. City Attorney is preparing new forms and City staff will contact property owners. City plans to start the project around June 1, 1975. Attorney Anderson summarized his memorandum regarding ommissions in bidding specifirations, however he had no objections if Council wished to award the bid based upon the contract a3 he revised it. (b) Motion by Councilman Moore to accept bid of Kearney Brothers in amount of $198,870; subject to the approval of the City Attorney, award the contract; r,iotion seconded by Councilman Barkhurst. Approved by unaniiWits vote of Council. 7. RESOLUTION 75-24 - RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN VIEWMOUNT SUBDIVISION AND AUTHORIZING RELEASE Of THE MAINTENANCE BOND THEREFORE. (a) City Administrator recommended the resolution be passed as submitted. (b) Motion to adopt: Councilman Barkhurst; seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. B. Resolution 75-25 - A RESOLUTION CONCERNING VACATION OF PORTIONS OF' THREE UNDEVELOPED 50 FOOT WIDE DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS, IN GRAHAM ACRES FUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON. (a) Settinv of public hearing June 23, 1975, 8:00 P. M. (b) Motion to adopt: Councilman Moore; seconded by Councilman Barkhurst. Approved by unanimous vote of Coi:ncil. 9 VARIANCE REQUEST - ATSSETT 6 OREGON BANK (a) Request to vary driveway standards of Chapter 150 Section 14.04.080 (d) Tigard Municipal Code as they pertain to a i,roposed tanking facility at the Intersection of Greenburg Road and Pacific Highway. 8100 P. M. Public Hearing. (b) Planning Director repor ed the applicant had requested to have the variance request withdrawn, how ver, if the Council wished, the Planning Director was prepared to proceed th the hearing. CovnciL and staff discussed if City could proceed with Ae hearing on its own motion. Attorney Anderson suggested the City might wadi to continue the hearing to allow the applicant to attend the meeting. (c) Motion by Councilman Cook the public bearing be continued to the regular meeting of June 9 and the applicant be notified; motion seconded by Councilman Barkhurst. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 10. GARBAGE FRANCHIS (a) Publiraring - to elicit public comment on the current franchise system. (b) City Administrator stated that prior to continuing negotiations with the three haulers to extend the franchises and amend the ordinance Council had PAGE 2 - Council Minutes - May 12, 1975 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (P.W.) Procedure Check List 1. FILE INITIATED......... ................................... .G�-- (1) Supplementary sheets attached.. ..... II. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT (1) Pending Planning Commission action...-.,....... p (2) Approved tentatively by Commiseion............. Cl ? A5Z 72 III . SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANST (1) Plan Check commenced= . . ....... ... . ......... . j„LL72 (a) Revisions required.,.,. ....... Cl (b) Stamped, approved for construction..... ® X72 (2) Utility Co. plans received..... ... .. ........... p (3) Improvement cost estimate received....... . ... .. La IV. EXECUTION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS: (l) Contract documents drawn: (a) Compliance Agreement signed............ C1 �_ L12 (b) Performance Bond signed................ (11 yj_ j 72 (2) Permits & Licensee acquired.... ................ M (3) Easements obtained & recorded. ..,. . G1 (4) Deposits made.W.been done f .115th 4olnt�ventur�e � All fees now paid 4X-'3/'l4 V. SUBMISSION OF FINAL PLAT: I1; Review for conformance commenced; ............. dj .2L..L:�._72 (a) Revisions required........... ....... p (b) Approved & sicned by Comm. Chairman..,. m 3' 13P (c) Resubmitted to Commission. ... .......... p es, o. Approved.... . . .. .......... (2) Approved and recorded by County Surveyor....... BP_ (3) Address's assigned...............I..... ........ VT . COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION....• L� 4 72 Note Inspection sheets andconstruction/ Inspection chec,. list (attached) for progress. V!I. FINAL ;NEPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION... .. ... ... .. ........... 13 5/ 9/ 74 (1) Pending correction of deficiencies. ,........... [Ij (2) Not acceptable, construction deficient......... p (3) All construction items acceptable.............. 17 VIII. EXECUTION OF FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENTS: (1) Maintenance Bond signed........................ LM J /7 / 74 (2) As-built drawing received.,.... ............... M (3) Final report to Council issued. ,.. ... ........... 15 7/ a L14 IX. CITY COUNCIL. ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS. ......... Ll .7L$L74 SUBJECT TO COM)ITIONS MAINTENANCE BOND EXPIRE.q 7 75 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. 7f RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVE!1E,H `S CONSTRUCTED WITHIN VIFWMOUNT SUBDIVISION, 1 1111116 loll Sam" WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the City has required the payment of fees. and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which' stil5ulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year...; and �r WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received; ih �e.�T 1-ar WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has q0W bg.en the aforesaid maintenance 1period; n„d (4kertv1 / all ��.�tlfwncif a ti.*v� r�oW gat" Go,- c&_ ! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Viewmount Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 31 on Page 5 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records, rlommOmdow 1:�Is�l a �.M 40H rv. � �'t r c �v J�• . r�1.- . - ^? �t AND FARTHER, aforesaid Maintenance Bond. PASSED: This day of _, 19_,_, by the Council of the City o: Tigard. Mayor - City of- Tgard ATTEST: City Recorder - City of Tigard fr cT� J er( May 5, 1975 Columbia Custom Homes, Inc. 9 Mt. Jefferson Terrace S.W. .Lake Oswego, Oregon 07034 Attn: Gary A. McMahill Re: Viewmount Subdivision 1 Gentlemen: I This is to Inform you that we have conducted the final inspection �I for the above referenced project and find no discrepancies related r to the public improvement portion therein. Therefore, the Public Works Departmeft is submitting certification to the City Council recommending acceptance of all public improvements constructed by your firm, as per the project's compliance agreement. The project :maintenance bond may be released immediately after Council action (by resolution) to accept the project work. Sincerely, I John S. Hagman II Supt. , EngineerinC, Livision JSh:lw i .v .. ME COUMBIA CUSTOM HOMES INC. MOUNTAIN PARK 9 MT.JEFFERSON TERRACE SW LAKE OSWEGO.OREGON 97034 PHONE 635-3424 '70� and'su4oiesl�rrr�ir!cx" April 16 , 197517 1975 CITY OF TIGARD City of Tigard P . O. Box 23557 Tigard , Oregon Attn : John Hagman Supt. of Engineering Department Gentlemen : HE : Maintenance Bond Viewinour. t Subdivision We are hereby requesting a final inspection of the Viewmount Subdivision ',n release Maintenance Bond # U771828 . Sincerely , COLUMBIA CUSTOM HOMES , INC . C4 Vrl Vk Gary . McMahi l l GAM/dw Z-7S' Le-.M0 04 �c C-Ace L �, rGPa • February 21, 1975 Mr. John Hill Columbia Custom Homes 7 Mt. Jefferson Terrace Laka Oswego, Oregon 97034 Reference: Viewmount Subdivision Dear Mr. Hill: This letter r;anfirm3 our tcLc�pho;ir c.�7vc: ,ation in regard to the rain drains on those houses located nn 1164h Street, Viewmount Subdivision, Tigard, Oregon, which are discharging roof water across property owned by the Assembly of God Church. As I advised by phone, this is in vio- lation of the Plumbing Code which states that roof storm water "shall be conveyed through Such pipe or piping system and discharged into a storm sewer, sewerage system, dry well, or shall be conveyed to and discharged out through an open drain terminal to a drainage ditch, street gutter or natural surface drainage coarso in a manner which will not r_aus© flooding to_ d cent era arty, streets all oyor yalkway9 and meat with the applicable provisions of thaee ru es. �� It was our agreement at the time of the final inspoution that you would contact the Assembly of God Church for the pwrpose of obtaining their permission to discharge this c.;ater across their property end into their privdto drain system. During a recent conversation with Pastor Binkley, he advised that arr3ngements have not been made nor has permission been given to Columbia Custom Homes to discharge rein drains across the Church's premisve. Thorefore, I would suggest you cuntact Pastor Binkley at 639-5336 at your earliest conveiiience in ordar to resolve this matter. This problem must be recolved before the occupancy restriu{ ions can be released. Alsu, the venting system on the furnace at 11230 SW Vieumount is not acceptable. I would appreciate your notifying this dnpartment as soon as this correction has been made. If you have any questions or need additi=:real information, feel free to call me at 639-4171. Sincerely, James Brien Building Inspector I JD;ps ' r i August 23, 1974 Columbia Custom Homes Attn: Mr. Nick Bunick No. 7 Mt. Jefferson. Terrace Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Res Viewmount Subdivision Attached to this letter please find a copy of Resolution No. 74-36, as per your request. Please notify this office as to your scheduling of correction if the listed deficiencies. If further clarifi►ation is needed, feel free to contact this off+.ce at 639-4171. Sincerely, Leonard V. Cook, Jr. Public Works inspector LVC:fj Enclosure TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 8, 1974, 7!30 P M 1 ROLL CALL Present- Chairman Robert C Moore; Councilmen John E /er; Charles L Norton; Fred A Anderson, Legal Counsel; RusAustin, Building Official; Winslow C Brooks, City Plan Bruce P Clark, City Administrator; Doris Hartig, City/Recorder; Nick Hiebert, Director of Public Services 6 Faciliti s; Donald L \ca, Police Lieutenant Z APPROVAL OF M'NUTES, June 21, 249 17, July 1, 1974 (a) Approved s submitted. 3 WRITTEN COMMUNICA IONS (a) Letter from shington County Board of Commissi ners requesting the City to d ignate a repreE-ntative to sery on Streets and Roads Financing,Committee Council indicate desire to have citizen partici"tion and requested City Ad .nistrator to L0ntact George Lewis andkGeorge Penrose 6 request em to serve. Matter will be held over for study session (b) Letter from Multnom County regarding eletion from CRAG budget of the public cortemin ation program ouncilman Norton requested item be discussed at 111�4 t study seas on and Council concurred 4 APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AND I ESTMENTS/ 91 010 97 (a) Motion to approves Counci man rton; seconded by Councilman Cook Approved by unanimous vote o Counci . present. 5. RESOLUTION No 74.33 RESOLUTION F C1 Y COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF TRIPLE MA ORITY A NEXATION AND RECOMMEND FORWARDING TO POLTL NO METROP LITAN AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDA COMMISSION\ S W Barnum Drive - Ash Avenue (a) Motion to adopts C uncilman Cook, 907nded by Councilman Norton Approved Fy unan ous vote of Council p'�esent 6 RESOLUTION No 7�i•34 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWIF.DGING RECEIPT OF TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION ND RECOMMEND FORWARDING TO PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AR LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUN-DARY COMMISSION South of Mc onald between S W 102nd and 95th Avenue Contains 2213 acres (a) Mott/-, to adopt! Coutm ilman Norton; seconded b Councilman Cook A;droved by unanimous vot.P of Council present. 7 RESOLD ON No 74.35 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF / TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION AND RECOMMEND FORWARDING TO PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOVhRNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION - 3 W Corner of SW 11cDonald and Hall Blvd Contains 13 50 acres (a) Motion to adopt! Councilman Cook, seconded by CouncilmanNott Approved by unanimous voted acil resent - 4 ---� R RESOLUTION No 74.36 RESOLUTION OF TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTED WITHIN VIEWMOUNT SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS r 8, (cont.) (a) Motion to adopts Councilman Norton; secondr.d by Councilman Cook Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. RESOLUTION No. 74_37 RESOLUTIOU APPROVING THE CONCEPT OF THE MSD SOL WASTE MANA,EMENT PLAN FOR THE CITY OF TIGARD, (a) City Administrator recommended the resolution beepprovest./and the City Recorder and Chairman of the Council be authorize to execute the resolution (b) Motion to adopt and authorize execution /CODE lution: Councilman ook, seconded by Councilman Norton. App oved by unanimous vote of Council pr 10, AUTHORIZE EXE�(',UTION OF AGREEMENT REGARDING BUILDFORCEMENT - KING CITY (a) City Admin Rtrator stated Attorney And son had reviewed the agreement and found iIto be acceptable. The C ty Administrator recommended approval and recommended execution o the agreement (b) Motion by CounAlman Cook to appr a the agreement and authorize Chairman of the h-uncil and City ecorder to execute the agreerent seconded by Counc ).man Norton Approved by unanimous vole of Council present, 11 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER`' 8 OF TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW TIRE RETREADING AS A PERMITTED USE N M-4, INDUSTRIAL PARK ZONE. (a) Setting of Public Heart. g, ,8,00 P M July 22, 1974 (b) Motion to set public eating, Councilman Norton; seconded by Councilman Cook Approved by unani ous vote of Council present 12 ORDINANCE No. 74_`39 N ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 18 12 120 OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE TO TR�REBY ELIMINATE AMBIGUITY RESULTING FROM THE AMENDMENT B NORDINANCE No 74-34 OF SECTION 14 04 070, TIGARD MUN MI.PAL CODE, FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN E RGENCY. (a) Motion to adopt- Councilman Cook{ second by Councilman Norton Approve by unanimous vote of Council presen 13. ZONE CHANGE PPLICATION - City of Tigard - Katherine S4eet Area Request f change of zone classification from existing )Sounty zoning to comparable City zu ing for property generally located on both sides of S.W- Katherine Street etween S.W- Tigard Street and S,W Tiedeman Street and comprising 16 5 acres (Tax Map 1S1 35C, Tax Lots 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106. 1107 1108, 1109, 1110, 11.11 and Tax Map ISI 20B, Tax Lot3 100, 200, 300, 500, and 00), Existing County coning RU-4, Urban Residential District to City zan ng R-7, Single Family Residential (�f) B-00 P M. Public Hearing Presentation of facts by City Planner Mike Mayernik St. Questioned if this was comparable zoning City Admninistrator stated it was Public Hearing Closed PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - .IULY 8 1974 G TIOARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 8, 1974, 700 P.M. CHARLES F. TIGARD GRADE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION OFFICES AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, June 21, 24, 27, July 1, 1974. 3. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) Washington County regarding Streets and Roa Financing Committee. (b) Multnomah County regarding CRAG communi tiona program. 6. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMENTS: 91.010 97 7. RESOLUTION No. 74-,j RESOLUTION OF Y COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF TRIPLE MAJORITY ANN ATION AND RECOMMEND FORWARDING TO PORTLAND METROPOLIT AREA LOCAL, GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION - S.W. Bar m Drive - Ash Avenue (a) Recommendation of Cit Administrator. S. RESOLUTION Na, 74A OL.UTION OF CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF TRIPLE ti4 AJORITY ANNEXATION AND RECOMMEND FORWARDING TO PORTLAND 1� METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION - South of McDonald between S,.W. 102nd and 95th Avenue. Contains 21.13 e,reas. (a) Recorr dation of City Administrator. 9 RESOLUTI No. 74-1-5 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION AND RECOMMEND FORWARDING TO PORTLAND METROPOLITPA AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION - S„W. Corner of S,W. McDonald and Hall Blvd. Contains 13.50 acres. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 10. RESOL.IITION P- 14-3C RESOLUTION OF TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCCYTING THE tUBLIC ~` IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN VIEWMOUNT SUBDIVISION, d/ SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITION:'. (a) Recommendation e,f Director of Pub?ie. Services A Farl.it.ies jI L1, RESOLUTION Nod 74-1RESOLUTION A, ,P gINr Ili.. CONCEPT OF—TI 1 '6 �'� WASTE MANAGEMENT Fi FOR l'HE >CCONFORCEMENT (wi Recommendation of City AdmintJLraLo-. �12. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT REGARDING RUIIDIN KING CITY (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 13. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 18.52 OF TIGARD CIPAL LADE TO ALLOW TIRE RETREADING AS PERMITTFD USE IN A`i M-4, INDUST PARK ZONE. 4 (a) Setting of Public ring, atOO P.M., July 22, 1974. CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. 74-/1 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CI`1'Y COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN VIEWMOUNT SUBDIVISION, SUB61ECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, si.dewalLs, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the City has required the nayment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, th^ City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period „f one year. . . , and S.7iEREAS, said Certification has now been received subject to correction of hereinbelow listec. deficiencies; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has now been received and is subject to the aforesaid maintenance period, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Viewmount Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 31 on Page 5 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records, subject to: 1. Completion of sidewalks; as specified in said subdivision's 'Subdivision Compliance Agreement'. 2. Repair/replacement of two (2) driveway aprons (Lots 40 6 47)& two (2) sidewalk sections (Lots 26 t 42) . AND FURTHER, subject to the conditions of obligation of the aforesaid Maintenance Bond. PASSED: This day of 19___, by the Council of the City of Tigard. Mayor - City of Tigard ATTEST: city Recorder City of Tigard f / J� j ^ 1 i J !' PIONEER I fifth Avenue 4 /'I�J.J.YJS tw1 uregan 97204 JUN I,17/ Nick Heibert, Director of Public Works City of Tigard P. 0. Lion 23557 12423 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Lp ,t^^ RcGON PIONEER - - - 023734 SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION nn' V 'rIIAVE, • PORTLAND..rIRII,IINa1laA June- _le iI) 74 2411 1250 Uk1 GUN (PIONEER + 9 7 dol s.5 0 pts _- DOL"", f 3,975.5_0Zt _ OREGON PIONEER SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION y �•_, � ty of Tigard** -._-7- 116023731.116 1. L230mooiL'.' - 301, grot.III _ _ _ •_ _ NAirr Err ArrC H,#-,—TLAM1• UNITRO STATER NATIONAL RANK Or ORS:OON = - ER _ - - DETACH AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORD _ _ -- OREGON PIONEER SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIf1N _ E - - _. _ subdivision fees applicable .to Viewmount sub-division.- Cohunbi_a Cuatom Homea charge:_ as withdrawal- from savings account ,lo. 1006360 470.Yr` . S _ PLUS[CASA UR UPPTISIT 0/FLK WITHIN IIIIRTY VAIS I --MAINTENANCE BON Bond No. U771828 r E � T-;� N�TIT PACIFIC T1J JBTJRANCE COMPANY -\V- HOME OFFICE, TACOMA, WASHINGTON C�\�KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,that we Nick Bunick 6 Robert Mandish dba COLUMBIA CUSTOM HOMES as Prinripal, and UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Washington corporation,as S-rety,are held firmly bound unto CITY OF TIGARD, City Hall, Tigard, OR as Obligee, in the full and just sum of THIRTY ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100ths - - - Dollars($ 31,650.00 for the payment of which sum,well and truly to be made,we bind ourselves,our heirs,executors,administra- tors,successors and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS,the said Principal entered into a contract with City of Tigard, Oregon dated April 7, 1972 for improvements as per Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated April 7, 1972 for Viewmont Subdivision WHEREAS, said contract provides that the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee for the period of and year(s) after approval of the final estimate on said job,by the owner, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent during said period,andel WHEREAS,the said contract has been completed,and was approved on —+Nly G -/7 _ NOW,THEREFORE,THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if within / year(s) from the date of approval of the said contract, the work done under the terms of said contract shall disclose pour workmanship in the execution of said work.,and the catrying out of the terms of said contract,or it shall appear that defective materials were furnished thereunder, then this obligation shall remain in full force and virtue,otherwise this instrument shell be void. Signed and sealed this 7th day of May 19 74 Witness COLUMBIA CUSTOM HOMES �-- Principal UNIT' PAC( ICIN�SURA COMPAN B Emma emp ^tturne n Fact eDU 2309 ED.7 71 INDIVivJAL AND PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGEMEN Ali Of. 0refzon -- _-- SS COUNTY OF. Mid unmah J On is 4th day Of—Ma — - — —— — -- 19 �—before me personally appeared I me known and known to me to be the mdividual(s)described in and who eaeculed the foregoing apeement an"_z•knowledged that esecuted the some lot the purposes.consrden4ans and uses thereto set lorth as_, t h1Dr_.------Iree and voluntary act and and de i2L 144 Notary Public remdmg at A ---- -- -- - _ -- --" (commission expires —--- CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF l ss COUNTY OF 1 On this day of_—__ --_ _ 19 before me personally came to me known,who being by me duly sworn,dt�depose and say:that he resides la_ that he is the of the s the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument;that he know tht sal of the said corporation;that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporale sal;that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of the said-corporation,and that he signed his name to the said instrument by like order, -- Notary Public resrdmg at (Commission expires ) ADDITIONAL INDEMNITY The unde,signed does hereuy represent that he has read the foregoing Application and Agreement 0 Indemnify and%."ants that he has a substantial,material and beneficial interest in the performance of the obligation for which the bond or bonds are given and in ohtaming the bond or bunds applied for In cons,deration of the execution by UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY of such bond or bonds,including evey contmustirn,rtntwel or modification the-eol,the undersigned jointly and severally wdh the applicant,join In and are bound by the loregomg Application and Agreement of Indemnity it, ,If respects as if The undersigned had executed the same as applicant (Seal) (Snag x.- (Seal) N. (Beall �(Seeq -- --- — S1A,E TIF_____5� — — ss COUNTY OF-- 'ice """' q J Tht lore oto�additional indemnity apeemenl signed bet are e a Notary Publ c this dor°t — g 4;4 — fCommisslar expires IMPORTANT: EACH SIGNATURE MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED, AND IF INDEMNITOR IS A CORPORATION,A CERTIFIED RESOLUTIONCOPY OF F MUST ACCOMPANY TH SPPL CATrAGREEMENT ION. ADDRESS FOR EACH MUST BE SHOWN 1 i I " TJNITED PAC. 'IC INSTJRANCE 1 �MPANY APPLICATION FOR CONTRACTOR'S BOND Complete fully and attach copies of contract and bond forms Branch i Agent Premium Bond No. Cundari-Lemma & Co., Portland, Oregon A37•ao _ Full name and busrress address of applicant Nick Bunick & Robert Mandish, dba: Columbia Custom Homes Name and address of ubilges City of Tigard, City Hall, Tigard, Oregon _ Description and Location of project Viewsnont Subdivision; maintenance bond for sewers, curbs, sidewalks, etc. Bondi— Performance Labor and materialaintenance Term Yrs. Bond forms used $31, 650 1 BDU 2308; 7/71 Contract price Bid Date Contract Date Completion time Penafty.d any Date work commences Other bids Name of bidder Amaunl Bid Full name and business address of architect or engjneer ) 2nd _ $ 3rd _ - -- — ---- r 4th -------- - $— ! Engineer's or architect's estimate Total amount of work on hand including this project 1 S AGREEMENT Upoo the express condition this instrument be executed L,,JID PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY(hereinafter called Company)has executed or Irocured the eaeculion of,or may execute or procure the encution of the bond or bonds herein described,and in consideration thereof,we,the undersigned,agree IL bind ourselves,our heirs,executors, administrators,successor;and assigns,jointly and severally, as follows FIRST To pay to the Company in advance upon the execution of such band at bonds the initial premium computed in accordance with rhe rates currently:harged by the Company at the time such bond or bonds are executed,also to pay all renewals or additional premiums computed at such rates until proof is furnished sahsfac tory to the Company of its discharge train all liability under such bond or bands Should the initial premium be computed on a rate per$1.000 contract price and should the final conlract price as shown by the certificate of the obligee,architect or engineer,be more or less than the price upon which such premium chark.was based the undersigned will pay to the Company on additional premium,or be entitled to receive from the Company a return premium,as the case may be.computed at a like rate upon the difference in the contract price as finally determined SECOND:If the applicant Is awarded the contract the applicant shall not be obligated to secure any bond or bonds required by the contract from the Company, not shall the Company be obligated to sign or prr.ure such bond or bonds. 1 HIRD.To indemnity,and keep indemnified,and hold ant'_ave harmless the Company against all demands,claims,loss,costs,damages,expenses and attorneys' fees whatever,and any and all liability Therefor,suslamed or incurred by the Company by reasr of executing or procuring the execution of any said bond or bonds,or any other bonds which may be atrerdy or hereafter executed for or at the request of the undi ogned.or renewal of continuation therenf at sustained or mcwed by reason of making any investigation on account rnereol,prosecuting of defending any action br..,ht in connection therewith,obtaining a release therefrom,recovering I or attempting to recover any salvage in connection therewith at enfnrung by litigation or otherwise any of the agreements herein contained Payment of any such amounts to the Company shall be rude by the undersigned as soon as the Company shall be liable therefor,whether at not it shall have paid out any portion thereof FOEIRTH To furnish money to the Contractor or to the Company as needed for the prompt payment of labor,materials,and any other costs or expenses in conned tion with the performance of the contract when and as requested to do so by the Company. FIFTH To assign,transfer and convey,and each of the undersigned does by these presents assign transfer and ronvey to the Company,as of the date of execulion at said bond or bonds,es collateral security for the full pednrmance of the covenants and agreements herein contained and the payment of any other indebtedness or liability of the undersigned to the Company,whether heretofore of hereafter incurred,the following (a)All right,title and nterest of the undersigned in and to all machinery,equipment,plant,tools and materials which are,on the date of❑ecutmn of any such bond or bands,or may thereafter be,about or upon the site of the work to be performed under the contract referred to in and guaranteed by such bond,or else where for the purpose thereof,including as well materials purchased lot or chargeable to said contract which may be in process of construction or in storage else where or in transportation to said site. (b)All•gbls of the undersigned in,;r growing in any manner out of,said contract or any extensions,modifications,changes or alterations thereof or additions thereto. (e)All rights,actions.cau,es of action,claims and demands whatsoever which the undersigned or any of them may have or acquae in any subcontract in connec lion with said contract,and against any subcontractor at any person,firm or corporation fwnishmg or agreeing to furnish or supply labor,materiels,supplies,ma chin iry,tools or other equipment in connection with or on account of said conlract,and against any surety or sureties of any such matenalmen,sutKontractor,Is borer of other person,firm or corporation, (d)All right,title and interest of the undersigned in and to any and all percentages retuned by the oblgee ander said contraci,and any and ell Wimales, payments,edeas,final payments and other sums that,at the lime of abandonment,forfeiture at breach of said contract or such bond or bond;or of the terms of this agreement or at the time of any advance,payment or guaranly by the Company for the purpose of avoiding such ibandnnment,forfeiture or breach,may be due at may thereafter become due under said contract to or on behalf of the undersigned,together with any and all sums due or whoth may thereafter become due under or on all other contracts banded or unhanded,in which any or all of the undersigned have an interest BDU 7009 ED 7 71 s +st 9 May 22, 197 4 I Columba Custom Homes Attn: Mr. . Nick Bunick No. 7 Mt. Jefferson Terrace S.W. Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Re: Viewmount Subdivision Lamar Nick: Enclosed ?Mas,- find one copy of my lr�tt,,r to glen Ling outlining provisions pertinent to said subdivision. Specified therein, bia item number eight (9) , ars the f-es applicable to the dev,-lonW,nt of your project. Your att-ntion `o this mattir would b^ arnreci.at=gid. Very tr ly, Nick Hi-n�.,rt Director of Fublic w0.7k.9 NH: f F.n_l.osur� i i i s s May 21, 1974 Ore7on Pioneer Saaings 6 Loan Assn. Attne Charles Dibert, Vice President 500 S.N. 6th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 Ree Viewmount Subdivision ' Dear Mr. Dibert: As per the terms and provisions¢of an agreement titled "Assignment for Security Purposes", whereby Giant Financial Corporation deposited the sum of Sixty--one thousand three hundred dollars ($61,300.00) with Oregon Pioneer Savings d Loan Association for the purpose of securing the performance of a certain Compliance Agreemnt and to provide for release or withdrawal of funds only in accordance with certain provisions therein, the City of Tigard, Oregon, herbby affirms that the City's interest is and claim upon said funds is released. Very truly, Bruce P. Clark City Administrator (Authorized Representative) PBI:f j cc: Rx. dick Bunick Avoid Messages id Verbal A-1 i CITY OF TIGARD From: J Subjects U1 1- �i� Date: r-x '/�r-I✓Cw� � oP1F-oHs off 4 -7 -S em Lod: 2.G, ., 4Z I, Y"C ✓I�:Nvrlc ..r O II 0--cp21r s nO rU E...- ,[J�/) A C',.-tea v e- A �// s ► ., '1�.sC.) � nrv�. it On04a i'bmAr 40 0- fo 6e. swrt A1L6,tP'yI/J,4e 116 •k 1 may 7, 1974 Mr. Mick Bunick Columbia custom Rome* no. 7 Mt. iefferson Terrace S.W. Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Dear Mick: This letter is to advise you that your Viewmount Subdivision has been given a final inspection.. We find that you have met all the conditions as per your subdivision agreement and noa need a one year maintenance bond in the amount of $31,650.00. If you have any Questions, please feel free to call. i Very truly yours, r:•r Nick Hiebert Director of Public works NH:f j cc: United Pacific Insurance Co. i i CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. _ PROJECT TITLE: DATE: - __ --- PROGRESS TO DATE : SPECIAL PROBLEMS: _ EST. °/ PRO ECITEMCOMPLETION:'-- _ --T INSPECTOR_&e4wl CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. A I - - "-- PROJECT TITLE:-- 7 DATE: PROGRESS TO DATE : v SPECIAL PROBLEMS: 441 J EST PR0JECT/ +*tW COMPLETION:—)-e-o7c) INSPECTOR- CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION, P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. PROJECT TITLE: DATE: -�� PROGRESS TO DATE : I _ GtJURK m �'��Ya. r_�-ori, SPECIAL PROBLEMS: EST %, PROJECT/40ft COMPLETION: �I� �� INSPECTOR 1 PACIRPo STEL WAREHOUSE CA. P. 0. BOX 10223 • 2865 N.W. ST. HELENS ROAD • ORTLAND,OREGON 97210 Ix r� AUTOMATIC SAWING FI AME CUTTING r'SHEAR '904scae , . . Gull 5031.2.2.2-38ff � C <3 � 2 9 A4 , Mr. �1cl c.�� 7-// ��.5 /.A / to rcr+n��lrrd / a�.r 7`71 7/"� I�G G'� .-P' C. -5-,e�c:14 6 '/.S/©h G�ep 40/11 c 1— 40-I= C r�T f Cir V i�r�t✓,w.--, t/ 3.-/b�/l✓/.s'it a� � .s.��a� �rc- /rc-� ...z'�lons�ea� �7G � - h J 1!' i!. ?1.IILwor c � Ca41vfG/��� I�HriY or/ � ,� iC'H i S/ IAC �,�Iir c r.-✓ ��3 �rf.aL�Q. _k._:.:.�:�:r �1R1�QMj/OH e� Ary/�C�! I I , 1 I I _ I - - t .. ._ I , t t OULMUMI OLtoter 15, 1973 Columbia Custom Homes 7 Mt. Jefferson Terrace Luke nowegu, iregun [dear airst Tt has carne to the attention of the Planning Qepartmant that access provided to lots 15A and 16A, adjoining the Jiewmount Subdivision, does not r;omply with City standards. This access presently appears to consist of 14 feat of pavement width. The City requirement fol access to serve titres to five dwelling units is 30 feat of right-of-way Pnd 24 feet of pavement. This is found in the Tigaro Municipal Code under z3ection 18.64. 020. While the Bihor Land PsrtiFioning which was approved for lots 15A vnd 16A did permit a 25 foot right-of-way the reruirod paving width was not altered. Therefore$ the City o" Tlgcrd is requesting that access to the subject late bq improved to the 24 foot otandard. Tf you have any questiuns µ?Meuse contact this office at f :3Q-4171. �)incersly, Jick Bolen Associate Plannar llGlfe October 3, 1973 Mr. Nick Bunick CoIjmbla Custom Homes 7 Mt. Jefferson Terrace S.W. Lake 06wego, Oregon 97034 Dear Nicks Regarding Mr. Torpen's driveway at 11145 S.W. Viewwoun•. Courts we would like to see this problem resolved at the earliest possible dace. 'Therefore, though the difficulty therewith does not occur within the public right-of-way, we will allow modification of the sidewalk to facilitate a solution. Livery effort must be made though to keep said modification to a minimum and t4 provide adequate transitions to prevent eweation of a pedestrian 'tripping hazard'. Sincerely, Nick Hiebert Director of Public Services 6 Facilities y CCs Mr. lorpen i lrl-111110,00:"A11,10-co TO: --- t�Z-6- //�J�"'I l� D q� TIME: 01 f01-3 -RM—DATE:_—L_! —7 FROM:. _1 I ZSiS_ _SIIGw11,Q� '�e PHONE NO: ❑TELEPHONEDIv AM4 6 AS IN ❑PLEASE CALL OWILL CALL AGAIN (A RETURNED YOUR CALL ❑_ _ MESSAGE: L A ;t iL SALES& SUPPLY CO. 17040 S.W.Pilkington Road P.O.Eox 1444 Lake Oswego,Oregon 97034 Crimu3Phone: 635-3431 R V 1pqust 31, 1973 Mr. pet« Perrino Portland► General Electric 12259 B.K. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Pistol This letter is to authorize Portland General Electric Company to energize the iemainirq lights in viewmount Subdivision as per our agreement. I would oleo like to ssk,what the status is of thr. Mroodard Park Lighting? x would like to have this information an soon as possible. Sincerely, Nick Hiebort Director of Puhlic Services & Facilities SH: f j i ill q _ 1'T Lnced Paving. . . . .. .l l ..... .,...�. ... sl Te4t . . . .. .... ... .. ❑ ativel.V �rren• t . . ❑ ' (D g lot tentatively accepted by City,,.... i VI. SIGN: (A) Street nime signs i.natnlled. .. . . . . .. .. . . ... . . A/ ' 70 (B) Traffic. signsinstaLlPd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. � 8 � /72 VII. SIDEWALK. (A) Commenced installation.. . . .. ......... .... ® 7' 7/72 not (n) Completed installation. .. , ., ,. ❑ �� complete (C) Inspected. ., . . . . . . . ..... .. .. . .... . ... yet (D) Tentatively ac--toil by City.. . .. , .. . ........ . ❑ VIII. STREETLIGTiTING: (A) Comm-nced installation..... .... .... 11.. .. . .... ® ' (R) Comnlrted installation. . . r (C) ingpncted. . . .. . . . . . . . . . ............... . . . [ �3 (D) Tentatively acrprted by City.. ... ... I..... . . I . ❑ 1) Authorination letter to Energise filed g 8/ 3p/ 73 1X. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced instaLLation. .. .... . .. ... . . . . . . ,. . ' (n) Completed instrllAtinn.. . p i (C) Inspected. .. , . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . I .. . . . . . . . . ,,.. ,., . d ' (D) Tentatively acrertPd by City. . . . .. . . p X. GENERAL AREA DRAINAGE, (A) Building rain drains in,pected...... . .. .... .. . ❑ _',�_ (A) Culvertn inspected. ! / (C) Drain+rge ditches inspected. . . . ,........ . .... . . p / (D) Tentatively accprtpd by City. ........... . . ... . ❑ NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE, REVIEW FILE TO INSURE COMPLETION OF CHECK LTST AND FILING OF: l) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Apprnved Specification Variancps 3) Change GrdersiExtra Work Orders 4) Ali CnrrPmpnndencq-/Memn� 5) Daily Inspection Sheets I RECEIVED AUG 16 19/.) MEMORA UM �1.�+� ^I �/ nC p n Date 8 �l ��i ,9 ,WrIT _elf_ RGARD - ---- %04wca ft. 5 gvs .,�-�-�i of �c!c��_�ub k= Opc L.�rS., 'L�t �-�l_4�R� �C_-tea --4-�—�5_��� S Vy LA-i- ' i July 24, 1973 Mr. Mick Bunick 4110 S.M. Jerald Court Portland, Oregon Ppet Vieww"t Subdivision Dear Mick i ction of the viewmont Subdivision, Upon my recent inspe I find the following item which voquire your attentionaprior to final acceptance by the City of Tigard. They arefollows * 1.) Driveway aprons on Lots 40 & 47 need replacesisnt. 2.) Sidewalk sections on Lots 25 b4� hroughoutlentiret• 3.) Several chips i cracks in' rurs a subdivision need repair. Sntire Street sect&pm on Viewmont Ct. is bleak- _ ing up. Street lights renin to be installed. 0'^ `1 A on-i inch asphalt overlay required on all streets d within subdivision. 7.) Submission of a one year maintenance bond upon com- pletion of all public improvements . At such time as all public ..mprovements , except sidewalks and i street trees within the subdivision, have been cOmPioner stsd accordance with the city's requirements, pe the City of the readiness for final inspection, as per subdivision compliance agreement, item 7. If you have Any questions regarding the above items, p1e06a feel free to call . Sincerely, Leonard V. Cook, Lr. Public Works Inspector LVC i f j CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. PROJECT TITLE: j tL• UN_T"� PROGRESS TO DATE : _�l_F-1-�'_�►-_-Div .c — �Ecurr��T. ,mss-�:------- SPECIAL PROBLEM$; — EST. % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION:_ IN SPECTOR/'G'�_`_17b CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, RW DEPT. JOB Na PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT -__- - '-� PROJECT TITLE;__ -- -- -�- � /1� D ATE' ---- PROGRESS: -- -� .L�_.�1��'l! (•3_ - irl,h�4� f ? 'S - - -_ NOTES; WEATHER; I N S P E C TO R CITY OF TI GARDE ORE. ENGINEERING DIVIS!ON, PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB N0. PROJECT TITLE : �c�T/yJ ��!! - _4 PROGRESS ' NOTES : l►" '� !i�/�-' � ��L. O / - - —-- WEATHER _! r INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, URE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT JOB NO-- PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT TI DATF: PROGRESS: 7-4- - 0 T E S. Ak '4EATHER: CITY OF TICARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, -' W 0EP" PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT J C-)13 NC. PRO,JE(_T DATE: PR0GR'-;.SS 1L)l 4 jZ-jAl�U 114 NOTr--S :. WEATHER INSr.'-' 0 R ib —__ 714 c/1P. . t 0/1 ;> A January 3, 1973 Oregon State health Division M- Community �anit,.tiun 1400 S.W. Fifth Ave. Partland, Oregon 97201 Gentlemen: 1 The following subdivisions in the City of Tigard all, in the City eleaverton rave received Our approval. 11ie are: . 1'.urnh,lm Part; Greenway h"iru Park Gree "2 �liiew.nui�,t (:reenwuy Greenway 04 hartwood I vla-i_s Townhouses Nyland !.ills a Tim Irliie L;a6divisiuns dre on cOArnpunity water ane: col,.L.unity sewer ajid r our Deha.ttment lits received assurances from the water arid sanitary cistri.cts. we are approving the plats ds submitta�. I£ you have a„r yuestioris regarding the above, I lei sv feel free to contact ti,ls Dep„,rtment . Very truly yours, WASHINGTON COUNTY DEPART; ENT OF PUBLIC NLALTH ,.Airy A. kemr,, Director, Health Services liichael F. Sanaberg, R.S. , Supervisor L•nvironmental Ileulth acid Sanitation rS:al. cc- Xity of Tigard City of beavertori N 89" 52' E s2 Stoo, o' 120.o - a - •0 C �oo,o' �. o •o c�1 p ►sa h � . X32.5' o �o � o w V o W 12�i.0' - --124-.0• _ 1n r , —0 T� - y 1 3 N G4.GS' — 5 ego 51' 35" Vf 318.55' e _ - g " N o cr ti o O UI r zs �i _ Io7.Ro• -- - 74• Got-UR1 JI,� Ul�i ai�� hrfl��r�� PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY YAMHILL DIVISION RO First SIreet 1 C/ NAV 13 �IYtrylberg, Oregon 97132 �91> November 10, 1972 RD Mr. Nick Hieber.t Director of Public Works City of Tigard P.O. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Nick: The ten street lights on S. W. 112 Avenue south of Garirde Avenue were connected this week. In addition I anticipate that eleven more Jight_s toWthe�north of,_Gaarde on-974. 115 Avenue, S. W. Fairvie-► Lane a_nd~3. W. 116 Place will be connected early this next week. That will take care of the lighting for the present time in that section a xc for the recaainder of Viewmont subdivigiun. I had a call from the developer the other day saying that he was in the process of purchasing the poles and luminaires and when received will finish that job. I will try to let you know by letter whenever new lights are conn,•cted in various subdivisions within the city. Very ulyyours, E5cE vczvu%n�^ _ Pete Perrine Tigard District Manager v Yr •. 17, M2 Mr, Mick Hunick 4110 B.M. Jerald Cte Portland, Oregon M e Vievamrnt StobdIvIsIon Dear Ulicki t e ,V oMt aWb aivielon A A ind the toll.c+aing ite1M wR h n�ie +..ie�ii isdrt►+ prior tr3 finsl aecs•pt&.nc* ira the Cit they are as follows. 1 . S*varal driveway aprons need rarlh—emwnt, or rr_retr, Stroat lights remain to to instAl ; '. ' A one inch asphalt overl,%s= eeuuir"d on ,111 rtree,jts wLthin aul•n1 .+r l.�rn. At sur:h time as all 1'ubl is improvements, excer t s idcawa lle s an-4 street trees within the subdivision, have boon cor-TvIeted in accordance with the City's rov-uiremienf a, petits f5ner shall notify the : icy of the rsaditNw! for final inrsg:ection, se per Subdivision Corgl.ianre .rvyrr►emsnt Item 7. if yoi.. hev^ cruest tons regarding the above 1 t" n« E lOa:'c call . I Sincerely, ]lick Hiebort. Director o; Pul t f r Works LO r - NQ7ES l- RLL St,414E L_PTERHLS SNNLL BE ` 6" LaNL_ PIPE. _---�f ANN..•••___- o �� V 71 011 21 33 e ,� 32 3 / 3�'? 28 a ' I � 22 Q I L: 31 ,� s �► 21 1 4 QqI I (. 31 y 9 b L_ 1ti _ t r 5 21 23 _ ,I it S_W. //y ah AMIE. � 14 � �v d I r� 2z9' LAT R 5.5. Lig C d S.C. I ww 501 37 \1 14 S Z a 7 r _ ---_ - N I45 \ 16 \ s V } LAT 8 LJ o --- --- � - - = z4 s lQ n, a !� a I 26 i 27 w - o atm I 4•= 2� �J a � c'•/ r °.°.! - �� �- 77 1- I- � h T i i — � /b / ? I lB l 9 v �; LP \ 38 3-3 32 � � � 1 „ � N hf�s'E�esEMEivT �i NDRIZLINTl9L l Sd -� VERT14A -------- I " - /D . tea a 46 —1 +86 Z+�dB 3�P� Q *fid I ��a 2+aa 34',06 �L1J f Boa 2.1� 3'*Bn 4fOL! 5-�oa 6+aU > r - _ 1 T I -- 96 _ _ _ _ - ._._ _ - - - --- -- - -- - - -- - - -- - --- - _ _ - - 290 - - - - t i _ 146 -- - - 280 - 28a _ RdP LD Rq L -- - _ - - - - - - - - _ -_—•_ _.____- - _ _ G,R11G�, _ - - - - - _ - ---- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --- - 27� - _ - _ - � - ' � a r r ���ns a /o - - --- — -- - - _ -- ---- --- -- - - - - -- _ ___ . . - - -- - _ E 0 266 � - - - :_ FSI �I1G . GBa _ - - --- - a _ + � fL- l]UT - - -- - _ — - MON- -- - — MN R_3 - LR o 25d Z� +DD { LRT - -_ ��s �._ MN_ fFl 37.+T -- --- -- -- — a _.. w _ /Z -- -._ .. -- - -_ _ - 250 - - ---- --- - _---- .-. - —' _ 0 W -- - -_ -- - - . fmN D /4 L. E . IN Z 1. t� - : Ez. z9 . __ .. - - -- - --- —' - 6 .15 LRT 1 5 g[ 2� fz 0 o i '___.__. _ _ _ _ _ _-. -- i 1 _ _ .._ _ f FL.E dLJT _j� - _. _... _ _ LI - - - __ .�� - - - -- ----- - - ----- 1 ' —r - CL -.-- 24� f G 69.5 4 � h]R -Z_ - _-• __..._ _____ ---_. LAT B � — _ .. _ - - --- -- ---- - .. -. . .. _ _._.__ - _.. __ - •--- — - _. _ _..__.. . __. -. _ -- --- -- ---- -- _ 0 0 - - Z z - - - - - - __ - -- ..b. L.7Z - - _ �. Y 230 •8 � s _ I _ 1 I J- _ - --- -- _ - _ - - -- - _ N - PR fl' _.__ t _ \�,�`�" �VNt;fF � cORVALLi8- OR�e➢ON 61 \ CGyLAJ M81 q CUPrf11�! MAIb1RS r t Y 3 OF 13 -L Lf ONVIEWMONT - ;. --- "". : - _ - V. 1� !�'RA�Pat� DA1'I:: Z- 7 �. PLATE 1, PLAN-PROFILE KEUFFEL R ESSER CO. �' " t/ r n. « , _ a . ... y�j ,ih�. .. - .MyMNyly�l� yruvrn,.. .M#r4'•. - - - - - - - - --- - __---- _ - --- - - .�•- IMLfi0Arl�tUule�. �.� ..�d„ Lr ..,...... --- .� _.._._.. .i., ,.� � .._,.«'e---- ---- - --_'-C—.— TOT {��tI11111IfI111�'i'��II�I II ((III�IIt�illllll�ll III�IIIIIII�11rIIII�IIIIIII�II111111111I1111111I11111I1I1i11111�TIII�I1I1111111Jill 111�I�iF1111 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IU 11 12 NOTE: 1 F THIS M ICROF I LI'rD :...r.r.r.- - DRAWING 'S LESS %CLEAR THAN THIS NOT II:E v-1T IS DIE TO { 1W QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL 1 y DRAWING, QE 6z 92 a 9T. C.Z *2 EZ 22 IZ 02 61 91 1.1 -91 - of /►III EI 21 11 01 9 9 [ 9 IS-.��.--� •''. E (? �,�'''� , �►111111111111111111111111111111111d1111111�1III�IInIn1111111111111LIN11111�1m�111111111Illlllll�llullullunln�ll►I11111111►It11111i�lHu�u f1u11�n111t111htillnit,ulflmlluulu�ihuhili'l1�IIIUIIIIIIIttulu1111�1`,+►w11l�LIi111uw�I�ulltul1f.11�J�bu) . ej Tj T-j y 9 1 992 s r BE6/A/ Pko./ECT 34V, //.S'TN A VF_ . MA TCN &.riS,'/NG PAVFMENT f'F'aG'/O 10W A.C. C::'�- '� 3,14. 1/S771 AVE. NOTE : SEE c:�,v7l�Ar_'T UDC(IM NTS l f --- -- - ------ - ----- - �T� --- --------- - --- _--- -- _ --- -- •---•-`---- - FDR C.4 TCNBN 5/1J !�E TA 1 L. BE6/1V CURD f?EGl•V CUi�N ST.4,0�25 STA. c9Es _ E41 j A --- TD.C, 289.84 reI.C. 2 90,7 7 _ AL1.--- , I F.G. 27,9.81: q 20' i 1 i -~ R•34 RIr;H r I I ' puke o _ � r r4, 270. Q i— �,.�' 6. 2 7D,4 7 - ti >1I . �•E�:�.a J 14' ao ;- Y L = 54.S9 - I T= 34.4/ a ' 3 ? RC. STA. OAZ3 I v 1 MAG t)VA K Y FACE GF r'11k 8 W _ T_v QINSTALL CATCH f?fl:a 1 N i "_ � L CCA Tl- 0 A T /7 ' OR lq' z ` 99 _ STA. 2t97� - r� rR�nn CE,tiTEK�1�uE. z bl NISTALL CATCN,BA.2 1/V -` o W 3 2fPP f,K, - .o.C.- P-4�44 - is.9 it -- ---- Lu 2: I �Q[1A• - 6Lob AHD. -RisNTC.:Kr D/AO / S7A. Ly41 - ��r3 I E 9 2G C .3r.4.3r.43.,-17201,73.,-17201, ~ TD.C. aL9159 aca .7G -- YSTA. J+�S •'"` _._._I-._._ ---- _-_- _ _ __._..._.__.-__ _. _ .__.__ ._.... __ _-.....__...__._._._..,.._._..__.. _. _.____ ._...-y______._._.-_-_ ___----_---------_._ . ____._.. __...._-- _ _ _ 8 , . .........._.....,..r. 4.. I - 770.67. m 3�TA. 8 MATCH E,YI;l-/N6 i-VMT. S.;q. 1147# AVE: -. —� �- e•. _.— _. __. __._ _ __ r�ROVID 6' Ti�rAN$/T/G`1� z z C, 270. 37 PR.oPosED 9•� s.s. � N O° 33'no"E ---- - — - � FROM MDu��/ A �!O EXIST/A/G STAW)ARD C IR6 r 2 IGN7 "LlRB MN .¢- -- � --�---- ---- - ....._,.___ ._.--- ---_--------- __--- _._.-•_- -,?" i R T� R = 3¢ STA g+�bJ I I r /NSTi4U. G9TCf/B,4.S/N i INSTALL CATCk&OSIN b., /PIS4 BA' - A114O �T CGN,� JTA, .6t24, i $TA. 6+y4 REMUVE Ex157/N:; A.C. PVA/T. I b" - _____.. �_ 3143 AND , � i1 u.C. 2L9,�; ' I ?.GQ7 T.D•C L 5,.�03 _) T.I.C. 270.,.._.._ 69 � � � ....__-._1�..._... __��.. .SCALE" T = 33,63 -- -- 5T4. G+c'B� _,! :3Tsl. �_. INSTALL CATtNBp.;IA:. � � S_T.�7. I t.�•,' �.' . � ` •� ' Vck,T ICAC I " _ 10' .9�A . 0 ,9j. 43 i�; -- c. 269,8i rd.C.' 2497/. 3,* , HORIZONTAL : / " = g0' -� sr , 4'�S+'� sT�i 'o�• M 0, E.1 N TA 8� ' _CUR B o� T,t?• Pd$noi�z T.t7•C•-.�Gd. 9�i I • F.e, STA. /��Uc. 24A.9r. R-/6 � R=,lB - T. ' �1=8'9'Zf'3' !�= 9t?°38'05'• • Ot00 1 2 , ,� 5 E=28.07 7 4=2A.47 8 9 /OtOQ -10h '1,c: _ 1 _. ._ ..._ r 1 _ - �oa o >✓ s •v I LEF 11 - - - _ - - - - — - I - -- - _— _ f _---- --. . .._ _._ - - , •-- - _ - is - _ _---_ - _ . -- - _----_ ------_ _ __. ___-- _ - - - -.-_ - �s •FX JQOUN�p Y.C. __5=4 A409 Pigar lop74- _ _ �. —_ - t _ PRO .s E'D- /O 04 - - ¢ - - - - F.L. 1 T DG O - ._ ; G � � STA•" �.M _ } _ 7177 MAU 44 N U Y1 _ �d _ EXl$ 1NtT iT'Jl1A -- - -- - $dl�• - _ - -{ - - - - - - J-- -n M w - _ a i _. ._ - 'cI -- S - DE - _ _ - - :� �• QP ,t Tom; - .. 0- Q �;� - - - --- -- - ----_ ._ _ 1 � — I ILN sedgy— rT - - _- - - D.D - ► - fit, - - - - --- - —_ -- T_ - - A Y _ Q y 1 tZ 0 go 0 O O oI - } Z y� _ ►1 t` —� V - - I 1iL j CU cm fur - - _ -- _ a } - - i - - - - - y I .. I .� � {I - --- -- - -��°�--- _ .... RMDR'4/N RECOCAT/ON 3 _..-.._ _ .._... __. __ ._ two,• NO RE ON � (?A TE - - - - -, -- - � _ `W_ _ - - - I R• ,� ,�- -- - - _ _ - - - �. ING ASSOCIATES � l CORVAL(_1S-OREGON COLUMBIA CUSTOM NDA�ES PORT[.ANf� 1 { - __ �t�� iLE, /6l,T . a - -->s -- - - - -_ _ _ - - - _. _ ! _ 1 5. W. V�LUlh'10�'NT LANE_ _ A � , S.W. 1/4 Tial AVE. n, c, a r r � �. � ►� n ^ t� r�� r, h ._ . Q�. d '~ —SII I � I` ' --- -- --- i _ DES �D R N. FC P RO J E C T N 0. 47 _ _ DATE 2-?-4-72 TSC4LF_ AS .5Hoto SHEET 4 OF 3 h�I r)hJ-1 _ 4 OF 17 1�! -IATF 1, PLAN-PROFILE I rdG, 01IFFIL R ESSER CO. l..► .._ « ... __ , ` •!Irl It1I1+1II�IIIIIIIItJIIIItIll111��11�Ipijlllll11�111111111t11`11I1' Ilillll1�111�11��Il��II r III1111111I11111111111I1111111111111111[IliIIIIIIIIIIIIllll1111,TllIfIIIIIII111II111rl1lllillll ' 1 . 1 - 1 2 3 41 5 6 7 118 9 10 11 Iz NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIQk- "TT IS DUE TO � QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING, 0c 62 92 LZ 9? r2 tiZ EZ ZZ 12 OZ 61 61 LI S`1 SI 1P EI ZI II 01 6 9 L 9 S b E Z Irriw , ,rlII111111111I111111111Ilif1 11In11111141111uiIIII11fIi111111pluUllutllul�t1111111INloll 11111luillifII11111111111111Ili Iloll h11ti11111111�ItIII111�I11llfNllllll�llll�lll!)IIII�IIII�IIII�Ii11f1A t1I11111I111II111�1111�L'Ii�IWtlin�1111�III1�1111WJII1111�IIl1�IIIlII111I11H . - JULY 9 � 1992 August 31, 1972 ''irk buniek 1110 S.W. Jornlri Ct . Fn rtl ind, Oragon Rel Subdi,-!sion Compliance Agreeaant- VLewmount year Mx- �;unick i I am enclosing for your records, an executed copy of the above arrae-u-rit 0r; .irrroN.•gd by the Tic.ard City Council . If I tnav be of 'urther asst +tanr.4% tr) you on t;,jg ma�.t.er, J laaae fnel :-qd to .:nntn'�t • ' 'X,ris 'lay ti'J City u1corc:at SYi �►'1C 1 nB 11X!? CV : 01r,"r`7n FJnnner w 1 Y OF T!GARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. r)EPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY J 0 L-' N o. PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS TO DATE ,)PECIAL PROBLEMS EST. % PROJECT ITEM COMPLETION INSPECTOR AWN r- 1 ' NORTHWEST TESTING LABORArlt ORI u',S 41 15 N. MISSISSIPPI AVE N IJ E �I POR'r LAND. OREGON 97217 rn.•rnucnura Ins..Lnue NON.p[f TRUCTIV[iIfTINO Y.II N•Lt.INF/LCTION wILDINO CI NTIIIC ATION C NtwIC AL..IIALY)1! (� f01L 1[f TINO fNr.IG AL TLlTIN/ August 7, 1772 AIf ATII.p 1 City of Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon Attention: Mr. Hicbert Gentlemen: Subject: Tests performed on six (6)usphalt'c conctelc core samples taken by our representative on Aunust 4, 1972. Report: Item: Asphaltic C„nercte Pavement Comprcliarl Tcr.ts: Unit Core Weight Percent Numbcr Loc.ntion p.c.F_ Compaction 1 115th 36' from C.C. Holly 133.5 93.4 Tree Road 2 115th and Holly Trce 133.3 93.3 3 Holly Tree Rond 2', 8” 136.3 95.4 it from lort side 4 Holly Tree Road 9', 3" from 135.9 95.8 right side 5 Veiwmont Road 90' frorn 134.7 94.3 C.L. 115111 right side 6 VieV:17,ont Road 90' from 135.7 95.0 C.L. 115th loft side Muximurrl U61t Weight Marshal Mcthad (75 Blows) ........................1. 142.8 • C Df Tigard Page 2 Fj Gradation Analysis: Sieve Cores 1 and 2 Cores 3 and 4 Cores 5 and 6 Size % Ret. % Pass. % Ret. % Pass. % Ret. 0 °io Pass: 3/4„ 0 "� �� 100.0 c o ' 0 r r 100.0 0 ;¢_ioo 100.0 0 - 71 9= 100.0 8.9- 91 .1 0 100.0 I/4" 17.9~ 5�' 69 82.1 54 ?L' 21.9- = 69.2. 23.3' 6.7 10 49.4- .a 33 32.7 41.6 27.6 46.5_ 4•'x 30.2. N 40 21.6 11.1 4 17.2 10.4 18.9 ', " 11.3 3-7 5.9- 4.5 7.0 4.3 0 200 6.3 4.8 4.3 N 200 4.8 4.5 Bitumen Content ........ 5.6 .................... 5.4 .............. ..... 5.3 Respectfully submitted, NORTHWEST TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. Paul Irlsh Cort. No. 123218 Ii i I CaP� Foo V/EzvMp�a;T F/Le RECEIVED AUG 31972 CITY OF TIGAQO August 1, 1972 City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Atte Mr. NAck Heibert, Acting Fngr. Sire This is to offirially inform y + that Culver Construction Co and or S k J Development Co did not obtain the written release of linhility from Grace 7. Houghton, owner of the property on SW Gaarde anal the access mad between 4W Gaardoand SW Hull Mt, as required by the City of Tif,,iM prior to filing of an apnli.cstion for permit to construct a by-pass entry road from SW Pacific to Cantertury Square. This requirement was one cf the rondi.tions, re are informed, neceeuary before you will issue an occupany c,ermit to the above companies. Crntaet hee been Sado with the State Highway Dept, iAr. Harry Woodward, Xngineer, In the Sylvan office to determine what informiati,n they had in file before issuance of Permit / 15056 was issued tn Culver C rntr ction Co. They stated that, they, had a written release from the two small props:-ties to the South e our property but only the typewritten rvime on Mrs. Houghton release. We were: informed that furt;hpr investigation would be made on the permit through their legal counsel to determine with fraud was involved. Very, truly vourn, C. Tigard/ representing Grace Houghton. ri (Y) 5T;?EET tJAME 5lcVjS �OSTZOP 31QAJS AA� ! c S.W. 115 Avg . / J,W. VlLi4JMONT 1.AIPJB' �so StuP ai.�r, s,w. V1[wMkohir t„&4& Ste. 11+4 AVI . S.W, VIEWMc7AlT cOV/T� s.r.tl, 1141' AVE, a r Al on Q Y t' y, CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. JOB No. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT : _ _ _ PROJECT TITLE DATE. ?z - - PRUGRESS r4 l nr.1 �? wF- 1WV T;nr s < Nri n - NOTES �_y <�? :� ��c�zi �-� r� c� �_�1�rcr V'.F p L-7 - NSPECTORc:_ CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT U-)PECTION REPORT JOB No PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS - - ------- ---- - --- NOTES : ---- ---- — —_—_--- -- - ---- - NSPECTOR — d • CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. �gy ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. _ PROJECT TITLE DATE 2---11- 2z- PROGRESS NOTES I N S P E C T 0 F -- CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGiNEERING DIVISION , FEW DEPT PROJECT N PECTION REPORT JOB No PROJECT TITLE DATE _ PROGRESS NOTES N S P E C T 0 R CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. suwwr ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. ._ _ PROJECT TITLE �:• Y..��.�%' DATE PROGRESS 'S NOTES ------ - ---- -- Y� INSPECTOR '70 all CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT ,SOB No. — PROJECT TITLE - DATE - PROGRESS : r✓4rvir_ -- —_�--- -- — ---- --- -- - - NOTE S ----, ;NSPECTOR w• c- VN 061� /, i p e �� ►�l a e-et I- I 8u Ghras D-!. 4"� i-. F; ' o d� M 4p"� " fff S s I 1 7 *9 - e-io Lr I.y �� ., � r fG-f 1. '� `� P *p 7 �ls •+�- I I i I I 1j S�s�, ,�1w ., �,•�. 11 ♦On + Q OG c'.•a� / 8,a pope /LG 1.�. C-6 P M ZGf�43 pk i t i .� 2, ST M•,� hole•., ( ,., �s-n °� � � � :_ d I � h � xIPAv _ F ' i 3 z1„oCc --f- 14- dv, y.c. d bU0 r t h• jay 7'.f"� �M. y V fi i s�c��a. t.i rew►A✓�� •� a� �ors.�9s�t«i� V4.O y �OTA� SLt.V"ma,f, I I s i I j +aC► '�• A%"a% '-A I r . MIJAMI /, Ips ►, ►�1 a se. Col fir, M w • ��/p ♦3G ` I S act- dr s S sa at I t ' I �l) G r' St•-� L...�'S 9 4 L.S'c..6� (, �� I L f 4 4 � i f � S�, �4. til.��a I ! .... .f0a °= ¢4.00 •.r. f �w1� fr�ti Pipe «+ z.`, 3. - -- i K� ho" 4 4 5 `, 33 I (p,vl�0. i �. C'ow• w,o.. E�►s,a�V. ,�LL3 t�.yd , SOHO Z= ' ( I �1T7 , l` ' i 4. Cur` r6u44'tr r t1 ..TFlr b� Ct �.4.h ba�� h d •.�. � 1 40 °p r I i o : f � / 23�5539�i tR�ro. tem /sr.rpdw� s1 !fir u•.�.�v `' tYor►+�9ocvl'dw ell I BG.oCs i ToTAI 23 � ��•4.g4 IL *rat_ II 5-4' aIii, q 3'7, ` 1 Las Q�eQ �yw�.nls �1 ot Cl 3If .r I I '/I'FY OF T!GAR ), ORE . i7U2•k.G/45r ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE � 1--ZZ P R OGR E S S 6 C NOTE=S - - - -- - -- INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No PROJECT TITLE V�frr/n�pf �. DATE PROGRESS : � ,�_ 1 /!✓�z_ .f� _.cam=1'/ _.a��t y , _- _ NOTES : --------- -- -- - -- --- -- - ---- — - INSPECTOR' �-- s CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. -- --- — — PROJECT TITLE DATE --- P R O G R E S S r�w.�ti. r+y G __.1�'LL G-_ - ..- c+ +�. '�C�� wyR,✓ f/%�L NOTES INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . oLoE22.� ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No - PROJECT TITLE y/F nil, DATE —_-- PROGRESS r-.►C �•v6Er.��.vl/ W)TE S i — NSPECTOR �� i MRALPMEN-Mgm- Y OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOE? No. PROJECT TITLE DATE vv 'Po J IZ E'L2- " (2 7—:7-� r oc SPECIAL PROBLEMS EST. PROJECT ITEM COMPLETION INSPECTOR 9�a_yea CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. S�, tiy ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE .111k.�Lr�r - DATE _---- PROGRESS : _ 2-Wil i1/ A �_ V✓o�L�_l,uL�_kQ4r Z^ _ y 1 's7y� - . NOTES � pn,r �'tGKItiG e� ..1 ��.';Ss LN c L 3Eovl� L!122 '- k.— ,Y.v= �v , INSPECTOR CITY Or TIGARD , ORE . ✓iv �y ENGlNEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT 1 PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS NOTES INSPECTOR -.L�" "_ __.__ CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. s�wwy Ham; ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No, _- PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS : _(:,, i2-E C1?E. c _n.�_o� s�_3�.. __ c��ZiL,7 __ ►a�T� f �.;v z' NOTES INSPECTOR <� -c ~ ------ CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE 0EWIWOu a -_.. DATE `7-i,F- - --- P R 0 G R E E S -'4)0n1 E NOTES INSPECTOR �� Y OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY ,JOB PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS TO DATE -------------------------- L) A- ---------- SPECIAL PROBLEMS 0- loz -- ----------------------- .......... ------------- EST. PROJECT ITEM COMPLETION ------------ ----------------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -------------- ------------ INSPECTOR G Q CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. _ PROJECT TITLE DATE _ -/--,-;- :z _ PROGRESS -- NOTES INSPECTOR _�` , �-• _.�. CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . �ww� ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT ' PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No PROJECT TITLE vii u•:v��`_ DATE _ (<, PROGRESS NOTES ;NSPECTOR -- CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. OWLEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE 2 PROGRESS NOTES INSPECTOR c- 65-- 75 CITY OF T iGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS NOTES ;NSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE ti����wT DATE ? _ PROGRESS 6 '-�� _ku1�G� > ------ NOTES j (- y Lrit akr4'' ti F�7 ,iy lFi!ry�� C',u '. �i Jr� �yoR�T' 7. INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT 1 ITLE DATE PROGRESS : LI-b i'- NOTES : NSPECTOR j �� �- Y OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS TO DATE SPECIAL PROBLEMS T s � 7`NpL -ttr , 1 GonrJ _ _ f2. L1 f.'• s �' ��. Nl ' i r.J� 'Z u'`kt` ,r o EST. % PROJECT / ITEM COMPLETION : INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE _— DATE _----_ PROGRESS NOTES - INSPECTOR _ w CITY OF Ti GARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT 1NISPECTION REPORT JOB No ----- --- PROJECT i ITLE ^/ Mai,��'i DATE e-,a—Z - PROGRESS ---- NOTES ;NSPECTORJ� — _- i,. b 4t QqA1"ACe 10 dC. G f lei q3O 5 ya 2 3 2�o- i2 /WY S 5 �' /o S- . 160 G1as ¢ o-G /27 li sG Z S-O 8 yo 7., 7 736. Qo s&rL11GC 104ro/s 94S 9� 6s zd. so C..) S7AN40 ARO G- to t DTA L Se- I41 * 1 026,38c,Ole SToR N D R A/N I b� /0 Pipe G lUss 3 2 7Z lo� 8 G.B. �otr�a�s /77 6 °D /oZ. 2,ov j 33 (� o� /98•ao I i2 sT o f1AN�1v�L►s '� 3S-O,ov 14 00 , Oo i I I 3 $� 3G lO.o4 3o4s 2 .3 i'u r u11�1 `,� \ O 1r 4 S. oo o T Q P. 7G►`C.A,j,' 3 so S ,o 0 A W4 CAS s 24. tr3.-.A • t`oT AL M 2G•1 3 .3 , Oz. N'O 1 zi Siq , i %mL'vmAM PIRLAKPIRLML Y OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY J013 No. PRCJECT TITL,- DAT E PROGRESS TO DATE lA%k) UT6 e_,,-0 Pv 07 SPECIAL PROBLEMS -l"'Z, EST, % PROJECT ITEM COMPLETION INSPECTOR � CITY OF TIGARD ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB Mo. - - - ---- - - PROJECT TITLE DATE -- - PhOG ESS ' -�>>; _ - f:�:� f� -;-L' L7-- �;,,, ., _5._�� -�Ax --- NOTES INSPECTOR 3J"_7v CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. - - — - PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS 'r' ,) ��� ' ire _L'`L�L..c�,F =�' o' NOTE S INSPECTOR ULM 5c7°- 7D' CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION RF PORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE �au � DATE __----------- PROGRESS : NOTES INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE i DATE - - PROGRESS � .�r, � k�v� �r.�yr, � __��_ f,77,rrer iA'l_"wc U4?ww NOTES : -- -- ---- --- ------ ____ i iNSPECTOP. CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. �H,W ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. ---- -- _ PROJECT TITLE DATE --_--.__ ___ _ _ -_- PROGRESS : _1�'�J7i_' � ��'T ?"ncy✓�3TFIZ__ ivf -r- - NOTES INSPECTOR _ CITY OF' TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT PROJECT !NSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE -. ---- __--. PROGRESS NOTES : y,L,., c TaCZ Foy �►;riG 7- _;� �� r,`, v;. k 2A, /�% �� .~`�� .7t? �� 1��.d' -- J FGA 1 `19<. .✓�/LC. ~�� _��c�� ;�1�i.__ INSPECTOR ___- �mqmLjlqm Y OF TIGARD , ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JCC No. PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS TO DATE 011-1-447'�,Z- 1,41,-VL pr-cpj SPECIAL PROBLEMS .-16 -j -6V 14 FL 'e,-kh EST. % PROJECT ITEM COMPLETION INSPECTOR 65 CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE 6 PROGRESS Aa NOTES INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PRO IECT TITLE ------- DATE PROGRESS : NOTES : INSPECTOR Z- CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W, DEPT. JOB No. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT TITLE DATE �&. .e:-- :2- PROGRESS mlee ltz ,�-7.K"' ..�v�✓, ,.v�. / _._..�.�----�'�I-r' ''7 y ---f---_--�1i^ t�_�•y���� �ly©2 K� wy G c7 r. NOTES INSPECTOR _ r, CITY OF TIGARD , URE . ENGINEERING DWSION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS : �_-°'J- _ T, sr . , tAlorzKti 6 y ,v �� NOTES : - INSPECTOR 't L' R 4 U s r A v R R c I- O •1 • I'1 N •+ 4 r � �U • . .9 I Z R ti �a sit ' � ' x a qali "to� � i Y 14 ar B w A � • � ° � 14 , o 9 a 13 A a. gg ��jj a t,i.+I•i ai U prry r r� U r s Nd R Q R R p r ~ y Z Nli a ,o y b lip # sibcall 1. a Alilia t 5. gig V � ,• 1 ,. i q� 11 � C1 R � — . � o A • '• 44, 4 = A# AAS 77 r I 1 � f 4 .w PeQ: III a v q . °r d M N a a d d R a tl oM G �U 1 111111111111111111111111111 1/1111111 ISI I��1 I I 11.11 11 1 1 I�Ii1.L .11,��1 Aj Ila fail gn w tj ~ 41 '98 .9 v9 rl �4 �.q !7 i I d .�• I ' H r r g a R 9 R R x .� V M I 1� IMIMLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll1III11I1111I111'II111I�IIy1.LI:Lh�.:.�.lea.L./,.�.�,I.i,l.li�.♦I�.l.L1��,i.IAILI 1 I e, At Ali N Ij d Qy 8 I9' fit. • $ � �' MMM««gll ��� I ��� Jul jai 71 •� i I J.u• .(. ��. �(41YY i�.l MttNa""'1"'! � moi! �� � I u " � r� r f I •a rF7 CJ U N .9 s y qa : 90 0 s a s e �v I 2 � t ��jJ1���j��I��I1�1�I111IIJ.L1�d.LId�L1.1.l.LLL+L�1.1�1�1.1.�.l.l.Ll.�al./.l. Il. l � ► °���'� a ,,�� . �� ' — - � � all! 0 iz -j �b a Irl °all t' ' Y OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT, PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY : JOE No. PROJECT TITLE df'w��f u,,,T- �_.____. DATE _ PROGRESS TO DATE : w;S N /J _ . 4 T 55 Nn ry 5 SPECIAL PROBLEMS EST. % PROJECT / ITEM COMPLETION : INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD ORE. So Ail ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. - - — — PROJECT TITLE _._ DATE PROGRESS Zi -Jit'LE> i�,JT F7W 'nl _ NOTLS '00 INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE. ovE����,r ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS NOTES : INSPECTOR ~�� CITY OF TIGARD ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P.W. DEPT. ��N-``—n,,�; PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE -Y1Evuiyatuxi7"—` DATE n -- 2 - PROGRESS n%'.2 WoL,,' nr1 F kvi-' Qfc'� ,�I►V(� _ LTA TEL aT vv r E w' !✓%f - A nJ1J M-� T' I 17-!5-77- ,n i p 6 NOTES -- Favab`�°� ►vu INSPECTOR :J p CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . C1G.l w,Ly ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS NOTES INSPECTOR ---------- CITY -------CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. 11 Ad ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE F-kvwjni,,i7 DATE S--,C;n--7Z PROGRESS NOTES I �7 � ------ ------- INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . 7. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. --- PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS <ZoRtyl sy'v%iLk- )1 4 A;tL'V All. 6: L NOTE 6 INSPECTOR 11 11 f __._ - -__.. � - / • , ) i 1 / bow y. // / ti �� 1*/ r, / \ �°• z°' % . 6/0 i, �,% q- 1�- �- . Vx /0 J , � / 4j �\� \5 J� I G / a �' Pad, 0 �� p0 ,�� p k. P' v g�� ; 'I,/;; �1/ -4 , , OG .�0 c-,' AJ�JAHL E .,.__.._._-._ _... -._.,..-..__.._....-. .____.-�-,_---_ 28' - 34' -- - - - - . - -_ ...____.._.__ __._...__ ..-- -- / / Uy ,ice ij / pts 1 s- -- ... -- 5' -.-- �4 - /7, ,' /7' -_._ ._ -7 ­ I ,. -a- , I \ �t �2,' p,l� �. ��' 4 ��A JOF qL ...._ .. __- _ ....._....- ._. ..__.�. .. .__ --•----_-_ -_ J/4" ABOVE GUTTER - ---- •______-_--_--- -_ 3 a r D N", >•„�`�io .�s. - r- ��C' • \ low5----------K g: p,Q9 '��f _ I s=0,03 �r/f ------_ SIDEWALK _ \ �► 1` �q' ,o .� \',� tr <6- � � e,. ., �r , ------- ---- 17, ��� T J - i --_--_- 1 � ._-------" _ (p I I/ ), / .1- , '10 I -, v '/ � .9 . I �\ j k / y, \ "- �9 / -ca '�' ,rK� /' ASPN• CDNC, PAVEMENT "C" MIX / / �� �V :. \\ (, O S'X c• '� j // 'c� `•r2�r 9� 2" ASPN, CONC. PAVEMr.,V T B " Mix 1 / / � , ' �' -s �. /oy a� C �- - 0 8, L/M/TS Oi EXCAV.QT/UN FDR P�IYMENT : j �,' ��- �. tiV �h� .r.� / ,"/eL\,A�a cavy ee d..9s,/_• - �' \l X - • C'0 I � EXG4VATF FOR SI D6 WALK A,AID / : / ��` �__ Zr, OF 3/4" -0 " CR/,Q0, ROS/C 5 D � �ti� 1 \ 1, I0e h p `4,y "(, ''. / / r'�� s� �� RAIIeSLJF'F TD D.�YYL/ANT ---- ¢ OF / i/?„ _ O " ROCK � / . / '' D \ ,\ F •* r�r R�'j / \ G-1-1 L SEE SHEET' 4 �'ok CC/RB D4 TAI L I / " .. n(b)/�9� 1�` �� ..'k ", C, .V/,x , 4 I ! p G hp`, j \ G V / ,gyp' `+s' ; \ `\ P�. �_r �5 ���� '� y�'.. _ v� �db r� _ -- I p`, � I T YOI CA L 1?8' - "34' SEG"T/4N P�a,� l-,"',-'. -,p AoV c? z ' \ �\ e�, e5+ _71 1. 2'`*�ocv � Ok tis° 5�' '1, - I��Z p 11. 0 1 h� Q �� ;� 7 / ,tip • . SCAL E _ �; f Vic, (P,%% �e5° q' '.`�ti - ��/ �• \ - _ \11 fIDRIZ'ONTAL . / " = ,5D ' ��' v ��� `�,�\p 'x %- ;, y�4`v \� \ STA. 6t06 STORM DQA1N ' • �� ' I 16+610 .. . __. _ --_--- --. . _ -- ---- . . _- _ . . ___- - _. _. ..�_ - — - _-- ----- _ _ �_� _T ]� > _IG •_ I . .. .- _ - - —T' 3 •C i _ . _._--• _- - _ . _ . _ _•.. _ . . .- - -_ _ . r . �- — _ _ _ » _ -- - - _ __ _- _ -_ - _. - - - - - - - ..._ . - -- - _..-- - - _ ---- - -- -- - - - - - - ^ - - - - _ .. - - _ __ _ __ _ - -- ,-- _ _ -- - _ .. - a _ --- . _ . -- - .. .- - - _ ._ - - __ , .. -_ - - --- - . • .--. -- - ._ _ _. . __. �_ .- 1 - -. - . ... -. - - _ _ _.._.__. --* f � - _._ - - _- - . 4_ -_ - _-.- _.. - - - _ _ - --- - - _ - - r_r _ -. - - - -- _ __.__.--__­- -__ -_ __ !%� - .-._­ .. � - .. . . . . . ,. . - . . , .--- - . __­-. - - . . . . . , .4 - ----�_ - ---_ .-­L-....__ -­ - �­- - _. - - --.---..- -.... . I ...-.-I__ --�, _-__ -_ __ __ - ___ ___� __ - __ - ____ __- - -. -- ­__1 . 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NO TES RLL SERVICE LNTERRL S SHRLL SE LaGRTED /lY THE FIELD SY THE ENG /NEER. uBa�isl�N 2. RLL ;ERVILE LNT£RR4S SHALL BE LA/Q ON 40.02 FT/FT L/NLESS A 1 S U rH DP/ZEL) ' `' ARES QV ENGINF_£R. ���GINIp 3. THE' END OF RL.L S£RV1L RT RA9 'HT7![_ 1 1 � I I ✓ E L E L S S BE MARKED VYI TN A Z x y Pf?dTUD/NG I I 1 I M / y„ oT ONE FDII T RM YE THF GRDUND. � I � II II 253.87 II II I y. THE RIMS df PMAdSEL MHNHOLES LOCRTED IN STREET SHRLL BE SET PT I I I II I ( ARdPnS£D STkEFT 6RPDE- BY SRA117PRY SEWER CdNTRRLTQ,q . PDJUST/NG RINGS WILL I I 1 BE REQUIRED /9S NEEDED, i I HT 2 ( 21 A 20 ` 5. TWd W£FP HOLES SHRLL BE PRMMAO, TN&06#9 TME CURB, FJA FRLN LOT, LdCR714N T4 BE DETERMINED IN FILO. 2 kS Q 30 27 I 3� S. LRT B 1 I / --------___ S.S. LRT L 2 y i ' 4 vi 3/ 26 _ /7 S.W. r/cwM010lV C6LIPT -------' 43 32 STD_ LR 7 'q 5.5. L JOT 'Q 1/2 33 STD' — - — /a I/ hIS 4 I (y 3'+ I i Q hUA 114 Q , E YC,•9 VA TEC, W11 TE P I A L TG 8 r F'l-ACED 1 YD � 35 a 1 I v� IN ,4 C-3 L!RM A 7' 7-1-46r�t k 0,r ./ .D TS AL1 I t / — 26 SS S Dj'R EC T e5-D qw + ` r , �.. _ ... -. :.. _.._......, .._,...,._......_...r L..._...._,,:.+—..._..w,...-........ .....,.. .,,. _ _. •.:.,..,... ..-:'rnr„a,!"',•.'a6'fi qMwt,�;,i�.;ia�'•h . I 38 37 �.CAL S.N'_ Vlc'WMOUN LANE INDEX T-D JR19 PVLN SHEET NUMSER T/ TL / Q 2 3 . ly A01 e^1 uENERRL LFiYOUT RND INLIEX TQ DRRWINGS v; - '� T,p /^¢w 'I �✓A+/, 2 S.S. LP T 'S A ,E I �i F.iUkM= / 3 S. S. Lf7T'S BLD BM d 2 BQLT _ 4 S T.GAARD S.W. V/EWMDUNT LANE . S.W. //'itl, RvE. M, 7q �►� S VS -- - S-W. VIEWMdUNT Ca1JRT - 3! E' 3"E LE p NO N E G,4 F3 L.,t= yV,L L_ 8E A-los rL Y 4; J'✓/TH T14 F PD{-EFt, > `-W�LPtE TELCO �s VO 7- _k>Int-r- WiTN POWXR Q rHF�__F 07"LIWE K//LL R8,N7 rlV -7WE 5; VE � TE.e-Lo ZA$LE� � �C r�!'C''-:.'�$T•41,.. � Q FNS Apjo9.oV 1P �r I T14 GO����.�C�NS• , s'.S. PRDPME 6 SANI TAR Y _SEWER I / 1 s. s. _ flak=-7'�t.� �tl� .��c�GT C. - - --�►- - - - EXISTING SRIVITPRY SEWER tez• 3 d 2-) _P ?Z PR6A6SF_1) 5T6RM ORRIN s.w. FpIRHArEN ST. � / " - sw-3/r/ twc IL - - - - - - E X r.STING C U R8 �. NQr�-t�w EST N a-xvR,ra►i,.. �.'�• cv. �,��� �t�1�•'� 1A/A-'�'r4�• '�7 fid G RIO Q NB R£Y/5bN DR TE PILIN 1 T Y lel RP ,.•� ;,, O pl�J;fi'' L lNG RAID 9SS66IR TFS t �" �' '` ,��•� CORMLIS — DR£60N R,Od , Y, tr ML/M®1/i CUSTQM HOMES , ;4flTLRN0 DRE. VIEW MLI U N T ` GEN&Pj LA)'dUT RND INDEX 70 ,DRAWINGS DES: DPN; P.E.G. PROJEL T /Vil. u 7 41 OF 17, DR TE*: 2-2'I-72 5094£: RS SHMA SHETT I GF S .. �1 ► � 1 � I i •• n I -• - .-, -,.r++. ««:r.w..... .,,........ ......:....,...x_,. - • I I I I � I I � I I ( � �I ( I' �1 1 II'li (III 1 'tIl 1111111 111111 III III III rel ISI III III III III III III III III 111 III III ill SII III III III III III 111 � „, ' - - ' - : ,: , , 11' l I iI1IIi � 11IIIII � � iI � i � I � + NOTE: IF THIS MJCROFIL14ED ;,�W,_ I ,,,_„:� 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN I THIS NOTIarr-TT IS DUE M �-► _pf QIJAtITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. -QE 6? 92 a bZ SZ 1/t EZ ZZ 12 OZ EI 61 LI 91 SI f1 EI ZI 11 01 • It L —. .9-- S r ` E t Isw... 1241K �I+Ilnllunllnllulllllllll111hNIlu1J�111INNlludllit�ltNbf11hg1�1at11IIN1IIN1I1111�1(1�IHtlfllllif!IINN�ffI1�N11�Mlpli nulun1111f�1Nt1111t1ttt�t11�u1t11N111 r JULY 9 1 9 92 Alf saw v ............ IN ilpix for � , Y OF TIGARD. ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P.W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB No. P R()J E C T TITLE DATE , ZZ- PROGRESS TO DATE 'p, h104jf--s A rvp ti N,,...t -'4 SPECIAL PROBLEMS EST. % PROJECT ITEM COMPLETION : INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ss� ovEacusr ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE a - <'a - rL PROGRESS : __ '?A*r Fi, 'RA:,�< cot-o— 1-wr NOTES INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . F ?so ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT S�Nvy, PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. — PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS ;r u 07 Zl f . i u —L►�1�L !S2�_�'._- � - --- - F,,u _ �Irb' 'elZ S — NOTES ------- --- - – ------ INSPECTOR �• r/�� ir! ��c_. CiniT �j�,r �;6� ori L. 76 8-icy 2 7.5 yo 404-ro /38.s s. 6a 775f La o/) C6." GAJs ¢ O - 6 /00 G. To Ir CO.0D �) 6 - 8 30 & 73o Z Lao. 6* 8 -/0 4766 780 s 3 50,q o /G 19.�t 8. �o 1 3 g 8.`o I. SerU/c a Lorm✓3 G G ass ¢ 929.s' 1v.90 G y 13. SS .3, f�anfio%s a.} SranCiGr'i �� G f g 4vo ,n� 3Zoo , oc� p� GKt�a �CPt Y1 2�.• 7 ZS. 647. S0 TOTA L s���J�l� � i � 22,9,9,4 s -sGil c 04/e- NO II I(.-"o/d K S 4 h W d%A � 5'62 c.y 6h �e Gow���rre. _ LA49 8 � p . 9() = 4048 . 20 r�t�n10 �a.�►t_ 27) 027, 6r Le.s� lot?- R.e.Tn-.inch Z- 702- 77 �P�oreva�s l ff �Q �wtrT dui � S LS•1t � v �A.MK•a .c. 5 � • t'"'/ �.,G <if�0• •_ !.. fit �(•I�T+ � ti A o CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . s�-�4 ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. J08 No. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT .___ PROJECT TITLE ..__._.....__.______ DATE --7z PROGRESS LaWc. F3g"�v�FnJ �►'71�_ - ---� �1z`L- LAT 1Ju '' QL K Nod A w Th F� a Lcr NOTES !c c�_5 7'3a rzT �, ��r b', gErw !a i�r-� ,�-L rK rvD r�-� L) INSPECTOR _�____�__ CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . �5 v5 ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT v PRO-!ECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE ts[r;dhi DATE __- PROGRESSI� ".�r� .vT��' kv; ;r�/ ,d��w€� _Lr - - ----- kwii AnL SLS; rzs — NOTES : - --------- __._ INSPECTOR Y OF TIGARD, ()RE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE - I; - PROGRESS JO DATE oQCv-' cliki 1177" Z) .A7,*v L�' .7� T4 ZE— T zlkl�k--5 SPECIAL PROBLEMS 126](V EST % PROJECT ITEM COMPLETION : INSPECTOR 2� CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ov�RCASr' ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE _✓ w;�o�—i-- _—_ DATE - 4 PROGRESS NOTES INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . AAY ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No _ PROJECT TITLE DATE :2 PROGRESS hQNE NOTES : _.' ` . f; c ✓�' ' -- INSPECTOR LUMNIL CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . b ENGINEERING DIVISION PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT AN " - JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE --- ' _ PROGRESS NOTES - — INSPECTOR �- - --- I CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT k'A iN PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT (w'ULAsi JOB No PROJECT TITLE DATE - PROGRESS NOTES : -- - -------- ---- INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. JOB No. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT _ PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS it izLsia& ArTk,,v,,„, /y1Ary NSF. /�_��y%fp �ot.�=�% /a-4 r )> 75 NOTES —__- — INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPTG�.ST PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No - - -- PROJECT TITLE DATE » PROGRES§,; -z ': L1, l2ir ►v f wr Z, �a�� 5i miz7YD �T NOTES INSPECTOR Y OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB No. PROJ!Cy IT E J_ DATE PR�O G R�f�. -C '7 L2 A4 .'C �4 Wq Tt ,IS� _T"D�ATE Zl'iT 7 Ae 7) )-/A$ ,--A H � SPECIAL ,PRQPLEMS -Ay.,7 4 �-L-rVV� lIvAA 7-6 44 L EST. % PROJECT ITEM COMPLETION INSPECTOR - CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLEG�r DATE II . • _�.7rari uEL iNT ; /� 3 �, ., T rr7' PROGRESS �— — _,��L�---�'- --`�o_�, s� 'ou �uRr_ - u i: 1 ,„N1- ?o �7a P . /✓,cr,e r 7 A ��?T�q ,' z7 Nri r -n rrU L To �,>a6r 2" .rO CSO YQ M'�' 414r�' -- _'%3 _-._L% ✓A. i-,;.0^'7rt..11_._�T_.1.�' .T:�.t`% 1✓`� - - Flz 7�--�=� -�'{�/'1-��,, � NOTES . --A �n rv';,r�1 V1AP�NoLr y ir4� � rT. � '���K 1h'A ' a"�r.'4�1�2 BSL—�L�.Y, r L. tv INSPECTOR _,t. CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . �� ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT SQ Y PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No PROJECT TITLE DATE ''ROGRESS 17ia'�r-pL carJ LNT f� z3trwt�N__,��+a �,���J /rr� N -4 NOTES ;�_��- /�� �f� J -- __.�_...�... �.�_:..r�4'1�..Z�_.�h,j,, ..II✓/R�'t�,,_l M%L- � '-•.C(✓'.�. Z' 1 '___-_- rA INSPECTOR -t a� CITY OF TIG-ARD, ORE . ►z�r ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. 0L PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE yjE�. v�ou ,i DATE eg'-E - 2 z - PROGRESS ?._ `rr,.�z-' STA_ n. fOQ__ V) f1- L L " ���c^�� TO �7� r:t L3.___ NOTES -O)zzw la,.v 'v` l --- - RJSS 4,,L r i INSPECTOR n e• sJO -ts✓ CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGiNEERiNG DIVISION , PW DEPT -'v-E PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT ; JOB No. ----. PROJECT TITLE �. •4 rye, _��__._ DATE PROGRESS ; .'F _ _, �_ 7 /,� TL> �1T pm' Uc w� NOTES _ ,�f' / .A ,cam r- �LKjC l� 1�. //� LA.'/��. �"✓L l (vim vs VY� � e=/f'/ �r 7/,-,:- 1'ti/IT�L. I,r � 1� -- -! 1.� iu�l'F{ 7tiA s+'S 1" 1 t j:0i r 3'l/ v -- INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. SVNA/Yc ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. - __— PROJECT TITLE _Y�l:n/,v,ovhT DATE PROGRESS F; �� r, .•,. -,n rY1,caM� NcC;r _. A-Z - � " flw�� & NOTES -- ------ ___-----INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. _ PROJECT TITLE i' ,': DATE PROGRESS : ___.zt= -'G 121 n;4, s NOTES : 114SPECTOR w �rY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P.W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY .JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE _ �2 PROGRESS TO DATE : �TE?.!zT�Iz.A_�D.. !.iN�!��� 57'4 /�?� -.Ta Sj!?�'�75 _— ____. SPECIAL PROBLEMS : .. 4.4C_ 1 ry EST. % PROJECT / ITEM COMPLETION INSPECTOR %`� i CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. „xNNY JOB No. PROJEC ; INSPECT SON REPORT _ _ PROJECT TITLE �t. QvT- DATE __ . `' ' %` PROGRESS :_E_30 AM ?„71 JG _jL5-V,� o�v L QT•' =AGKi. '� ,v 4 _T z fz L': % ,,,1..I sl-L <T.G 14.0 o LAT•A NOTES _ L ,n�� ��p • <�or=�' � ibrt �Nc� rid_ �,4N , ',r `�Ft' ,�iU INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT S �c 43uwNy PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE ��►.e4.,? DATE 4 -24 PROGRESS : 2n-�T"4' , a. NOTES : INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P.W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT ; J08 No. _ — -- PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS ' 447 "A' _ n7n��^ I_` RAC KJ" 2L,�_- -,r�.,_�/t _�tsG1l:h�0 nraA 4C. x7 t. /�r✓Z� F n►✓T LQf)1)r�_ NOTES __ - tLu,r»r °. •i Ti�i, tea, -;Ti � T INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT. y PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NL _ PROJECT TITLE DATE F,�� «. PROGRESS �%E1.-!�C' 4 s"��r- ',F," �7�' u"-oG - — NLc NCS► ..,nacl Grp ,7 M NOTES : u _ST�cG vvcrzK,�„ .,pd f1-Z O h a'.tl i� ✓V p k�K / G N C - INSPECTOR ..AL IL11a. .r•+rte rnrn«4, ASSIGNMENT FOR SECURITY PJRPOSES WHEREAS, the undersigned r;IANT FINANCTA.L C09POhA— TSN, an Oregon corporatiur• , togrethar with VCK BL11rCK n-1 R,­ -"T L. MANDT.SH, dba COLUMBIA CUSTOM HOMES, hereinafter col',—tiv"l.y terr ' "Petiti.oners" , have heretofore, undo r Imte of Apr!1 ', 1972 •' with the City nr Tigard a 1,-n Comr l fiance Agreement n respect to the development of vIEWMOUN'", a subt.+'� Y 'ngton County, ^rcron; and WPEgEAS, by the : rm:• �reel that the �'r_titi ners 'Ah f the City a cash bond or ocher sP^ to assure ­oc ocr *an hV l e. ent, an,i to fcrt.'rer pcurr, '­ with resp, ct to the nbl i c— t rrerr by under- taken t i, -it WHEREAS. aTANT YINANCIAL CORPORATIO"rI to have drrnn- itet n. Ac,;tec. for t, a nurnosA of sPcurinc ,;. - ,i naid 'o'npi!,tr-,-o Arrer- ment smi to provide f,utds wherewith to ro•• , as r I +. on znrto fal7 due, the ,,.ontr rf -vin^prinrt, st.r: , +nnitar'' n, +errs, street •ini other public lmnrovr*,,nts within the platted subd'vl^ln• of "IFWMOUNT; and WHF,RrP '. tt is the r•►rposn of t Fetitionsarn fsnrt the rity hereh'; t, • •r' r,)r the cont^cel of s !d funds and them 11 rhurr.rment thereor for t�- pole purporrr hNreln art I'(rth! for t're uses an-i r.urposei herein set forth, ' r'1T F1''A'1r'Tr' rnrMORATION and the other petitionFrs her,,:::aholp. named, au here!)y tr•►nr.fer, uIsnir•n and rest over to the City of Titin•1 it nocurity tnterpst in and tc, snld slam of nuw on denorit witri Oreron ^ioneer :.'nvinr+a ►, ',oan P.,. and tl.e 1d fir i-. shall be 1mrrPstt, ] herehy by it fi rpt , nrior r1 aht Lind lien of tr:e "'ty of '"Ir rd ti-: ^eoutre the ,ai t r .-sir to ';P d' ►r::,.,i noly for Visa i l .7, user ind purposes of said .Subdivision Compliance Agreem••nt and as r:erein otherwise set forth, and that said funds ma. -,)t be ri•leased, disburser!, withdrawn or in any wise in any other mart — divested for any other purpo •e whatsoever, until the requ rement •f said Subdivision Cnmnlionce Agreement and the re, . re:-,-'-s here-* have been fulfilled. In nursuanee o• the foregoing, the further agree as follows: 1. 1'ha' -i copy of Chir, Ass I vnnp-l+ ^ ,^ir+,ly delivered i to and served upon , iron Pioneer Eavings & . u,ri At°ec,:lation, who shall aeki -)h '- service r „r. anti who shall " rp, be.:ome com- mitted to hold ter + funds on devasit . ...oLhe terms and provisions borPof, and :come bound to permit the release or -it, draaal of a: , aid funds onlv t ,point sip,- natureR of thn """ « -4 FINANIIAt. (7,OPP')RATION. and the authorizeu r by the slvnRturer 0!* tie Mays:' and Recorder, who Rre row :-i authorized. 2, That " �.ri to aor.rove for withdrawal an.: iiatursement, °rvm %ime to time, such nortions of sant funds as to which tl» pity shall he setnfled a bona fide ohlirati,,n tins been inrurredi by Petitiunerr for imorovem„nt, , including enginee-,ihcr storm and sanitary sewers and .treet and other public improvements within the :'I"t•IMOMT subdivinton, including but n t limiter to claims for material and l ,- ..r exper ied "-)r such purpe7,e; contr1htt'-1— State Tndirltr4al. Accident Fut•d; ..tRte 'nemployment Compensation Fund, and r,al,ment to nersone, co-nartnerst,ir,i, e:�sonlations r^ cor•norationa entitled to monies mentioned in ret- 1on 2!1 -. 12. and Or-Ron Hevised .",tatutes, as well as to meet the rertulrementn cf Sectiones 316.162 to 116.?1 r)reP.on Revised Statutes. 2 - Ansi.gnment �l N 3. Upon full completion of all work and payment of all accounts and liabilities incurred in connection therewith. and the City being satisfied that all statutory obligations have been met, and the Petitioners shall have executed and delivered to the City the Maintenance "ond described in the said Suriivision Compliance Agreement, the City will thereupon release to ;IANT I -4—TAT, COR- ?ORATION, all interest in and claim urnn the said cash deposit held by Oregon Pioneer Savings 6 Loan Association. 4. Ir, however, Petitioners ,tin ' ra+ ' ' i llv romnl.y with all rpnuirement - of said Subdivision Compliance Agreement and said S.W. 1. ' .'greet APr•PmPnt enl A'. ) ^ ^~ -nta hereof, or shall in any part;,:.. tr perform t,.e work In n df.fective manner, upon 10 days' no' 'e^b ►•v the " p6t*1 I- • and such defau'.t or fut- ure continuing tnerv•,i:•'.v-r, .• :ty is hereby an" Lo have satd wort, nerforme' AR,ree- :went and the said n. .1',th Stre-f Ar— tato conformity with the !.erms therPr,' and with trig City's ord!^ ^^ send regulations, and the City shall be, ane' !t In t1 ?-V L•,orized to charge the same against the cash deposit : and nothing herein contained shall to con- strued to constitute acceptance by the C1ty or any responsihility for mainten»nce of the improvements nor shall the City by reason thereof hecome obligated to any person or pripert•y owner for any loss or dam- ape arising by reason of the manner in which said tmnrovements were constructed. r. rurther, the City be, and it is hereby, authorized in ndd.itton to the foregoing, in the event of such lefault on the part of Petitioners, to charge against said funds all costs incurred by the City including attorney's fees in exacting eomnliance therewith nr herewith. II 3 - i,ss1rnment V * ' IN WITNESS WM?REOF, the City under authority of resolution 0f its City Council has caused this agreement to he executed by its Mayor and City Recorder, and Petitioners have hereunto affixed their individual and corporate signatures respectively, on the day 01" May, 1972. CITY Or TIGARD NT^!' P-4' "PT L. MANDISH dba ,:JLUMB1A CUSTOM HOMES -Mayor I C4«1 ee { -Record• r Ao er I GIANT FINANCIAL, CORi 4e : Ry'—• 4, ►sem l Pre- -&e i /�/ IIIITTTT Rciretar: OreF•on Pioneer Savings 6 Loan Association hereby acknowledves receipt of an executed copy of the foregoinr a.^sig,nment and hereby agrees to permit the release or withdrawal of the finds from Bald account of GIANT FINANCIAL CORPORATION, identified as Account No. only in accordance with the foremoina, Oregon Pioneer Savings Loan Association AY Title: I 4 - Asni�7,nment ,Lv ti " OREGON PIONEER SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION / HOMF OFFICF: 4M S. W. 4th, PORTLAND 4, OKSGON April 13, 1972 Tigard City Council Tigard Planning Commission c/o Mr. Steve Telfer City Administrator 12420 S. W. Main St. Tigard, Oregon i Gentlemen: Thic letter is your confirmation that a savings account has been ectahlished at Oregon 11oneer .3a,vings and j Loan Association under the name of Giant Flnan^,Ial Corporation in the amount of $61,300.00. A hcll has been pla^ed on this account rentrl1� ting withdrawals to those autrjoriz-af by tt � �• : 11gard, Oregon for the payment of Hnr. -rn• rL.kwt�,rm and sanitary Hewers, and street improvements to the Viewmont sub- division being developed by Giant Financial Corp., a subsidiary of Oregon Pioneer Savings and Loan Assoc. and Messrs. Nick Bunick and Robert Mandish, doing business ac Co-unbia Custotn Homes. No funds can be withdrawn from the account for any ot:ier purpose until all the improvements outlined ~ above have been fully completed, all bills paid, a.nd oc the City of Tigard has accepted the improvements. a Tne account is being established in the amount of $51,300.00, which I understand is the estimate of the LU C:'.ty of Tigard covering sewers and streets within z tt.e subdivision. 0 a Very t"uly yours, z ward V. Cook w Vice President U WVC:lr T � r (]�It..-�'f* •.��n i+inu��t'r�ie-x1[117 i ��.�-^ ��'�.�'i �„� �' R Y OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY -1013 No. PROJECT TITLE DATE -�9- PRO RISS TO DATE ZY T:-1 L 2 L;-if�/ - 2 SPECIAL PRUBLEMS EST. % PROJECT ITEM COMPLETION INSPECTOR - �� CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. GO 3�wtiy ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT JOB No. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT __ PROJECT TITLE DATE 4r�2-; PROGRESS : 70 NOTES INSPECTORCITY OF OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT i►j PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE Wiiwrnol- DATE PROGRESS . -KUSS �Tic.�. ,�nov�,�� �►v ----_�__ _ _____-_._: __-- NOTES : _ w� ivaT AT rvo2x ,qc. p,qY__�_ INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. a5o iso PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE _ t_ PROGRESS NOTES Yd �tvE7 ._� ----- -- - INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT `' u"'Nf JOB No. -- - - - PROJECT TITLE i;Lwnnov _ DN T E -. -7 -.f PROGRESS NOTES : 147 2.av At, u Ej, 6LL QulP/,Av-uT !NSPECTOR _ -- ��w• v April 24, 1912 1 Columbia Custom glomes 4110 S. W. Jerald Ct. Pcrtland, Oregon 97221 Gentlemen: The final plat and subdivision Compliance agreement for your proposed Viewmont subdivision have been I�xOcuted and are ready for recording with Wnshington County. You have mf�t all of the requirements of the City of Tigard ani are hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of the subdivision. S: nc erely, Stephen M. Telfer City Administrator SMT: lm CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. 4� `516 PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. --- sF PROJECT TITLE ✓�W N»�►x -_ DATE i PF'OGRESS NOTES No"T WD9-<iwCp L-�IeouwU — INSPECTOR Ly CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE 1,Zr-1 i✓ h�.a� DATE -2 - PROGRESS - PROGRESS - _---- 711 r NOTES : ti',�' �= _ rn l_ "� ,; u 'L' w --- --_ _ INSPECTOR Y OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P.W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB No. PROJECT TITLE . vm DATE PROGRESS TO DATE F.-.f 0 2& T nJ W]gr) 7o E p 1"J SPECIAL PROBLEMS : 1L'a�wa "rn w EST. % PROJECT / ITEM (,OMPI E:*TION : l INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. 5vr✓ PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. ---- —.._ ----- - PROJECT TITLE — DAT E — PROGRESS l �' i ��uvy� HCl r itZt� i.4 r an Ik)� NOTES �v,ri w��r/f arm✓t f ��r nr x 1i ;�. 1 �ti 3v B �_/�L. -- us,;,� r, �-k�LLEni r ;a�3 xar,aG art? A �•.:�•�� �ti���h.'_wT, �.�rB�_. vT Cr.i -- — -- — INSPECTOR b CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT cww PROJECT INSPECTIC N REPORT JOR No. _ PROJECT TITLE aMj–,-!Zry � DATE -- PROGRESS . _ _ ¢ 1- �sB��y_4 cNc hra(.t .s�ZAOE L. — K. , �-'�' - �X]Z '_"iTl[�.L SAUL�IYV is "nFC �' _ fQ(z. NOTES : _ - ... � ` ,� s;,,,n �[ d�7/LU tiE :S ,x.i•%�:i.yf: �;�;r ,1T.4 ,E7'csH�•-L, _ —1_— _ _. _ INSPECTOR �. CITY OF 'TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. JOB No. ;'ROJECT INSPECTION REPORT _ PROJECT TITLE ,c _ DATE ..7 PROGRESS : nw T NOTES J'•so�,vr� 0 oic INSPECTOR .. f CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. -- PROJECT T, I E __-- DATE PROGRESS : =7 WatZK �►v �. NOTES : _ 1jk%op'•/D INSPECTOR Y OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P.W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB No. PROJECT TITLE ..LSE! c7y.yl DATE __ i - ----- PROGRESS TO DATC : hft /✓OT 8�r-nr' G�ry -�-t,,� 'o 1 SPECIAL PROBLEMS EST. % PROJECT / ITEM COMPLETION INSPECTOR 411 I II•���+Ul'• } 'gN Ilh,�ly � �1 'f)! i 1u i 41 , ui r a i': `i ��pp1 r CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P.W. DEPT. kw�� PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE -_ -- _ PROGRESS NOTES _ INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD I ORE_ . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT Z,rey, JOB No. PROJECT TITLE ....... -- _ DATE PROGRESS NOTES _..._.INSPECTOR .- CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. as ssp ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE _-- PROGRESS : __lis NOTES __ — —-- INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECT,ON REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE PROGRESS : 'fd - woQ✓-��'�A ---- -_________.__�__�_______� ____. _—_.._�__-_--__ NOTES • -- T—._` ' ,' ' �� ` _ _______---_�____ -- — _---- INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. 48-se PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT ife JOB No. - (" F'1mw-y su� PROJECT TITLE �. .: ; DATE PROGRESS :- &2 NOTES • __ r�I1C�un� 7 c� v���_----_ _ _--- INSPECTOR -� CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. _.� ``'°�Q PROJECT TITLE ?ATE i'lU 'fir PROGRESS NOTES : To INSPECTOR Z,u.•L "--�- Y OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P.W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB No. PROJECT TITLEz DATE '_----_-_-- PROGRESS TO DATE : P—rq—c)P ale SPECIAL PROBLEMS EST. % PROJECT / ITEM COMPLETION INSPECTOR - CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT . JOB No. PROJECT TITLEyawmaje.T RX epiw 54,w 1 DATE -r" PROGRESS NOTES INSPECTOR ��- _ CITY OF Y'I GARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT Ppj4- PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE ---— -- --- PROGRESS : NcT giLijoj(�NOTES : __----- —— _._— -- INSPECTOR _._._.- CITY OF TIGARD, ORE G� OVAY ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DE,--)T JOB Na. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT _ PROJECT TITLE ,Ew,,r DATE -{ PRO,gRESS kiGrfT of t�v�Y L �x�rLS �!:r►vG _ �rABl.,i;1,�U ,SNA , �0*: NOTES INSPECTOR «pc- CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . ENGINEERING DIViSION , P W DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE v� wou tiT — DATEPROGRESS : NOTES NSPECTOR ��`y O F DEPARTMENT OF MA R 1 11972 ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITI( GI I Y OF TIGARD TOM McCAII TERMINAL SALES BLDG. • 12:34 S.W. MORRISON ST. • PORTLAND, OREGON 97205 GOVERNOR March 13, 1972 L. R. DAY Director ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION R. A. McPHILLIPS Unified Sewerage A,ency Chairmen,McMinnville of Washington County EDWARD C. HARMS,JR. 326 N. E. Lincoln Street Sp.•ngfielc! Millsboro, Oregon 97123 STORRS S WATERMAN g = S - USA (Tigard) Portland GEORGE A, McMATH Attention: Mr. Merrill A. Meigs Portland ARNOLD M COGAN Gentlemen: Portland We have reviewed plans for proposed construction of a sanitary sewer system for Viewmount Subdivision in the Tigard system. This project is herewith approved subject to ratification by the Environmental Quality Commission and the attached standard provisions. Two sets of plans subm:.tted aze being returned bearing our stamp of provisional approval. Very truly yours Ilarold L. Sawyer, Director Water Quality Division LPil:ch Enc. cc: Ling & Associates cc: Washington County Health Dept. cc: Metro District Office 14 1972 (J. TELEPHONE. (507)979.5696 1. Construction of the proposed sewers shall be in strict conformance to said approved plans and specifications. No changes or deviations shall be made without the prior written approval of the Department of Environmental Quality. 2. The installation of said sewers shall coiiply fully with the regu- lations of the State Board of Health and Environmental Quality Commission regarding the relative location or 6eparation of water and sewer lines, which include the requirements for 18 inches of vertical clearance at water and sewer crossings with the water line located sbove the sewer and 10 feet of horizontal separation for parallel runs unless cast iron pipe with watertight joints is used in each .instance. 3. The cons::ruction of said sewers shall be under the supervision of and shall be thoroughly inspected by the design engineer or his authorized repLesentative who at the completion of the project shall certify in writing to the Department that such construction was inspected by him and found to comply with the above requirements. 4. Construction of the house or building sewers which are to be con- nected to said sewers shall be of the same quality and meet the same requirements with regard to materials, watertightness and location and :�Ilioll conform to the state and local plumbing codes and restrictions. 5. No roof, si.rface, foundation, footing, or other ground water drain lines shall be connected to said sewer system. r CITY OF TIGARD P. o. box 23667 1 " 12420 S. W. Main j Ti9wd, OreW 97223 i March 13, 1972 S , Glenn Linc; y Linu and Associates Engineering �! .811 C N.W. Grant Ave. Corvallis , Urecon 97330 Re : Viewmount Subdivision Dear Glenn : Enclosed are the approved plans for the Viewmount Subdivision, Flease note • ,lat the plans are approved, subject to the following prov,F. ions . 1 . That the sanitary sewers are constructed in accordance w 1 t r, L110 Unified Seweraqe Agency spec i i ica tions and provisions . Thit the contractor be prequalified to do work for the Unified Seweratle Xienct, � . That backfill in the street area be compacted granular material . 3. That side sewers to lots be b" and at least 3 ' below public wF ter line 4 . That i11 fees and licenses are paid before work commences. That performance bond and proof of insurance are on file with the City. That two drain holes be placed to the curb rcr house �.-vwn preferable opposite hot lines . � . That easements on plans be provided for and recorded. 7 . That the engineer provide a c.epia of the as-built information upon completion. It is requested that th, e-,gineer %e_el• )n fi lf. flip DRQ approval and certification of proper cony t;,ucti:)n. i • .r i F 8. The fees applicable to this subdivision are as follows : Sanitary Sewers 47 Lots 10.CO $470 .00 Street Lighting 9 Y 2 .25 mon. 2yr . 486.00' Street Signs 100.00 Sublivisa.on Improvements 919.50 y1, 975.50 9. The Ci:y will provide inspection service and as-built informaton to the projer-t engineer. 10 . The Crmpliance Agreement for 115th Street will be separat and mast be signed by both Columbia Custom Hames and Quadrant Corp. sincerely, ick Hi,rberrt iiector of Public works Nil 'ds Cc : columbla Homes 4110 S.W. Jerald (7t. Pi-)rt.land, Oreqnn 'Jr.i 1 iF' j Sewerage Auency lecl S 7 3 ) F-74- E Y S.S L97 'S A ,E S. s. LRr'lr S,C,D --- S.W. V/EY► ,RUNT LRNE , S.W. //Y fh E. S.W. V/EWMdUNT COURT APPROVE MAR G fail UNIFIED SEINERA, ' , AGENCY CHIEF Or, JT'.lid (30-NSTRUCTION SOPy A P P k o V C D on MAR t31972! auhje(t to provisions in Fetter of aaR; d.1t,, State of Oregon .F ON L t Q (iFPf NT OF FNVI QUALITY byt NA REVI 5lON QA Te L. IN PAID RSSvf_If7 T£S C PRVPJ t_15 —DREGQN CQLLIMBIR �('115T6M HOMES , P,6RTL)iND GRE V 1 CW M6b N r Gf NFI?HL L fl Y!1 U T RNO I NO£X 74 DRAW/NG S OE-5: DRN: PC.G. PAN ft T ND. : 7 DRTE: 2-?Y- 72 SCfiLE RS SHOWN SHEET I QF S i CITY OF TIGARD# OREGON SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT , GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I, PROJECT No.t — JI, PROJECT NAhffit � � SUBDIVISION _ Viewmount, General. Layout and Ill. DRAWIN3 (TITLE) t IndeX to Dravtnvs dated s 2 /21 12 — Viewmount dated: 3 2J 7`?--_��_• IV. PLAT (TITLE) t _ ----- Easterly of S,W, lljth between Gaarde & Fairhaven St.'s. V. SITE LOCATION: — — VI. PRINCIPALSt Columbia Custom Home:; (Robert Mandish & Nick Bunich (1) DEVELOPERt 1+110 S.W. Jerald Ct. 620-12x6 Address Portland UR PhonNo.. .. Pioneer")) Giant Financial Corp. ( Ward Cook1 (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: _ _..-- Address__._--___— ----.._.---- Phone No.— Bond No. — rxp. Date - -, ---- Ling & Associates (Glen Ling) (3) ENGINEER: _ _ -._ _—__ ------- --- C N.W. Grant Ave. Address__—Corvallis, OR 97330 Phone No.—_.___ ___._• M--.-_ ---- Frank & Ernie Campbell•...�.___ _..__..__._ (4) INSPECTOR t�- Address City of Tigard _—�—_, Phone ti t Consrucon (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Russ - --•.-------��• Address_•_ Phone .__-- (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCYt�—_. _.._._.—___ _�._.- --- -•--- Address Phone Bond No. Exp. Data (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS:_Lee Blume Excavating; Wickershram--Paving __. •--- Gary Noonswander -- Extruded Curbs OREGON PIONEER SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION HOME OFFICE: 400 S.W. ath, PORTLAND,OREGON 97204 MF-.rch 10j 1)72 a F Tigard City Council Tigard Planning Commission c/u Mr. Steve Telfer GlDy Administrator .1.2420 S . W. Maln Tigard, jregQn gentlemen: It is the purpose of this letter to confirm t(; y()u tna+, a savings account is being estab- lished at regon Pioneer Savings and Loan Association) the funds in which will be 1,eld f, r tlit- i--ole and exclusive purporH o1' paying 1'( r the Pnt irieering,, storm and sanitary eewersp and Ltret:t improvements to the 11-,:wr.ont „ubdivis3cn being developed by Giant Financial A). :ubf,idircry of oregun Pioneer Savings and Nick Bunick and Robert Maridishs using Uus—.utt, a.. Gulumbia Custum Homey . No funds will be withdrawn from the account ft:,r any uther purpose until all the improverr.er►ty ,.,utl ined above have bten fully completed.0 all �. tht! bl.i is paid) and the City of Tigard has a -aucej ted the Improvements . a The account is bF'ing established in the amount a (,f $7_;,414.i"J4. which I understand is the estimate r tl.e. _-:I.ty c l' Ti and covering sewers and streets Z wi.Vlin the slibliv�slon in the amount of G anti to S . W. 115th in the amo.unt d r:f $12.4114 .64. C9 F- r. Uj V I H c N I Allf 1 ATE.S I. RLL SERVILE LRrCRI44S SHRLL SE LpLRTED IN THE FIELD 8Y THE ENG UVEER. e SB � ayISION 2. RLL SERVICE F I-PTERRLS SHALL BE LRID DN a.,02 FT/FT LINLESS RUTHoA,1zr,O p�Res BY ENGINEER. ,, INIA 3ft 6E10w Pubi,c WA7L- r c IJYE VI�G 1 I I 3. TH£ END DF Ra SERVILE L.RTElm S SHRILL BE MARKED WI TN R Z A y PRd7-UD/N6 UNE FDLIT ABOY£ THE GRDUIVD. ('.,4I1orJzr.a vUJr aVec:iea 7) PP6 f PPR -MA , , , , , 2047 1I I y, 7-14f- RIMS DF' PRMSED MRNHOLES L6ePT'ED IN STREET SHRLL SE SET FST P&PDSED STREET GRRDE SY SRNIT,9RY SEWER CaNTRRLTDR . AQJUST/NG RINGS WILL BE RtDUIRED RS NEEDED. �"on I i 47 28 ?.l ?D TWd W££P HALES 914R44 B£ PROVOEQ I , TNRQLIIH THE CURB, FDR ERZN La T. L&RT/QN Ta B/- DETERMINED IN HELI). Perfer(Abl? AT nra/'.cr?y 410)44 t H6 29 r. I W J j I / ' �� S'drAl / �.�''�"'� �t7 r , •�...+r.a/ T` air• i 23 S_ 5. 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LAr D I w� .39 36 1 •- m 37 SC AL E I S.N VIEWM60n LANE - — l NDE X 76 LD19WINj�.1i SHE-ET NUMBER 7-1 TLE A Z t / Q 2 3 N S -� � I G£NERRL LHYDUT HNU INDEX Ta L)RRWINGS J � �-iEiUkM t_. .. .-. `i� �°� ?�'' + 3 S. S. LA T'S B,C,d M a 2 86L T 4 S.VV- VIEWMQUNT LRNE" , S.W. 11`1 th RIVE. 281. 74 �- -- S.W. VIEWMdUT NCSL/RT S. W_ GAAR�E S'T. ' ~J �'�.�-' ,5 �' lee— „�� ALL SPACES MTJST BE ENDORSED PRIOR TO L C E• ND_ �z, — ice. ', �e” ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT ._,�- �.�- /'vim'• � � _ ri c ' ILANDEPT. . F86FME6 SRNI TAR Y SF_ WER � r y—Y— --- Da - - - a-S. S ISL l L 0• �� � z-- ST.r. o. EXI S TING SAN/TAR Y S£WER --� �' w. FA/RHH N i U ' t'd RKS DEPT By�j `� at g 7 2_ '---0!'-- P14DPDSED .5 TDRM ORRIN �=_�� S. rE s r. BUILDING DEPT. �' � _ I -c�--'`' � Date. PROPDSED CURB - - '• - " EXISTING CURB _ \ FIRE T PRURAL - Date VIEWMIOUNT ''� : FIRE DEPT. BY /'Z APPROVED FOR CONS`iRUCTION CITY OF TIGARD C rb k�krll I -- s.W. caA�IrDf �'r " + BY _ ---T I TLE __-- -- DATE_- F11. Nd- R£VI S1aN DR, TE VICIN I TY n RYP i LING ANQ RS 5609 T!'S CDRYPI LIS -- DfREGLI N Sc AL E I " = RAA - Y COLL/M81fi CLI5T61" HOME=S , ,J:D9TLnN,0 DRE. ,. VIEWMDUNT GENERAL LAYOUT AND I INDEX TQ DRAW/NGS 7 OF 13 DES: DRN. P.E. G. PRQJE[T NO. 41 7 DRTE: 2-2'1- 72 SCRLE: AS SNQWN SHEET / GF S INS I •r ..M ....lrr.wlY!:..'rr•y+.yM...Nww. ,R..... . ,y..r.A.M ^ y. 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Eh .l�. _ --•-__-- ..___ _. _ ..__ -__--- -. DE'S. : DRN.. PROJECT ND. ViEWMONT - _ DATE: 2-2y-71 SCALE: AS SNGWN SHEET a Of 5 % PLATE�r KEUFFEAN- 146 1rf " r. -. « ""T'r "�. c' .• 'c'.:r-•.w- ._.._ _ f^_ r , .mow.,., _ ,. _ . ��w+-•..�� 1111111111111110111111— dN _ _ _n 1 . . :: Q • `- (' 11r 111 I 11111111 III ♦j fl! ('r 1 1 1�1 IXII1 '1,Ii 111 lIll011 11 1�1 11� Ali C�� III 111 111 111 111 III 111 �I� X11 IIS 1II ill 111 11 111 11� 111 II► III SII � ' -A * ! i ( 1 1 I P I t l i l I I I I I I I ( I ( I I I j l l l l l l l ( l l i l �. , I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 10 1 1 12 11 NOTE:: I F THIS M ICR(iF I LVED I �"" '""'^� ��+ �� -------..._ - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR T11AN I - THIS NOT Ir"-'-IT 13 DUf. 70 --. � QIMtfTY OF THF. ORIGINAL_ A.' gE - ---- __----- -- -- __ - -- - -- — - ' �-�-,- ,�✓ � '"6RAWING. 0f 8Z 9Z LZ 9Z SZ �? CZ ZZ IZ OZ d1 91 L I 91 S,' ►1 ICI fl I I 01 S 9 L 9 s ► ' c Z 101u" ,,/"- r $ 41111unIIu1Ill nluuluUIN11111u1114111millw1uj1111l1H16g illit6111ui1l1N1111111111,d111111mIll,III-111Nu11111111111114-11- 11uhn11nuliul1nu 61mul►11111 1 . �. _ .. - 1. 01 I .Ls,&. , n JULY 9 19, 92 � '' - .-.. -- - .. �. 7►► �"•"--.. - _..fir,,,.:.-,.��..: -.... .. . _ _, _. .. _ u 1 .,.4. -,- Ti -�tr:i City yol.• have any questions regarding ti-iis :cuo ::.t .-ai;- is n-t hesitate, t( ca11 me . Very truly yc.)ur: , waj O�L Ward V. Cook Vise PresiderA 1. WIN— 1. I March 8, 1972 i Glenn Ling Lima and Associates Engineering 2811C N.W. Grant Ave. Corval]Js, Oregon 97330 Res Viewmount Subdivision Dear Glenn: As per our telep'ione conversation this date, please note some of the changes I feel necessary on the 4iewm,.,unt Subdivision. 1. Asphalt should be class "C" mix. ?. Catch basins ahoitld be non-sump 'type. 3. Recommend additional one inch overlay be placed within D1 year from date of agreement. This would allow for any irregularities or deficiencies found in pavement due to subgrade failure or breakdown by heavy equip- ment. 4. Require 15 foot easements as per unified Sewerage Agency specifications. 5. Necessary to have improvement cost of subdiv;sion to draw up compliance agreenent. 6. Necessary to have plat and legal description of sub- division. If you have any gvostions or need additional information, please give me a call. sincerely, Nick Hiebert Director of Public Oforks (Acting) NH/ds _-W, - f liar � Public Utilities Report The lots in tba subdivislon mould be served by the Uni•fld Sewerage Agency (City of Tlgbrd) sad the Tigard Water District. staff Recoamendaticn_ It rscosaended that prelisimry approval be `ranted with tbo fo).lwing conditions: 1. Tbst 5 feat be ddioatied to the City along the frontage of S.W. 115th Avenue for street Y i improvwmenti�. 2. Thst IA feet be dadjeated to the City along 06 frontage of b M• Uaarde Street for street improvamaate j That $25 per frontage foot slang 8•M• 115tb Avenue Ue deposited with the City fon tba appli.oant's abare of the improvement of 8.M. 115tii Avwww Any monies not spent for•tbs street project sball be returned to the applicant 4. Tbat no lots sball have air'ect scows from E,.w, aaarde street. 5 That engin eerlag play end epeciflcatlons sba.LL be approved prior to aoeep.ance of the Final Plat' pg, 2 _ Staff heport - Vieweount - 2••ij-72 77 3 D. Oomcuaity Plan Azovadment Knoll Drive_ Corporation, Applicant A requeet for an amendment to the adopted Tigard Community Plan to allow Special Assessment of open Space l,ehd for an R-7, .tagLe Family Residential parcel of lAnd located on the south aide of S.W. Knoll. Drive appro.rinntely 160 feet east of S.W- L;all Blvd. (Tkx Map 2£1 IDC, tax lot 1100) 1. Staff Re \xagondation. a. The staft recommreoded approval. 2. Public Hearing a. Mr. Ivan Jadk testifies in favor of the request. b. Public heari64 was closed. �. Commission Discusston and Action a. Commissioner Whittaker asked wbo would maintain the lot. b. The City Planner stated that the granting authority would have the power to ►tate conditions. c. The City PlAru>er ev"]ained that, if the property were ever developed that the back taxes would have to be paid tu1d that there would tie.,& penalty tar. d. Chatrmw-. Pnt.:raor. stated hat the Plan s1x)ws the subject props-my to be industrial valopment. He asked b.)w granting tht i request wcuLd the PLsn. e. The City HAn!1er stated that subject property would be shown as it neighborhood Wk., f. Commissioner Whittaker asked whi would keep the future members of the ox.-Vormt,ton from ng the property to become over grown. p,. Mr. Jack stated that the pride of the tubers would prevent it. h. Comiesi.oner Nicoli stated that the City d or:inances to prevent lots from becoming over grown. `,, 1. Chairman Paterson stated that another solutillku would be for the property to he dedicated to the City. '. ,l. It was moved (Wbittaker), seoonded (Fletcher) a4d passed by s 11M",imous vote of the Comminsion present to spprovt the request. V. OTHER ITEM A. Subdivision (9 1-72) Columbia Custom Home, Applicant A re;jest for prelimins.ry plat approval for "Viev+munt" Subdivision, located at the northeast corner. of S.W. 115th Avenue and ;;.W. Gearde Street (Tax Map 281 3DC, tax lot 900) Pg. 4 - PC Minutes - February 15, 1972 4' 1. Staff Recommendation a. The sWf "commended appmve►1 with conditions. 2. CommI.esion DisuUnsion and Actiou a. Mr. Gary W-M&hL11 trstifi.er in favor of the request. b. Commieeioner WhitW;ar asked hov this development would effect Caarde. c. Chairman Paterson stated that the appl.irant would still have to apply for a variance to the building moratorium in the Caarde area. d. (bai.rman Paterson asked abnut the site of the lots at this ead of the c:Ll-de-sac. e. Chairman Paterson asked about the sire of the cul-de-sec. f. Mr. king explained tho advantages of a mruntable curb. g. ebairman Paterson asked if tbay intended to form a local impro•rement dletrict. b. Mr. Ling stated tbskt, they did. J. It was moved (Nicola). seconded (Severson) and passed by a unanimous vote of the Comi,ssion present to approve the preliminary plot with the following :onditior.s; I. That 5 feet be dedJ.cated to the City along the frontage of B.W. 115th Avenue for street improvements. 2. Tbe,t to feet be dedicated to the City along the frontage of B.W. t'.earde Street for street .improvements. 3. Tbwt 425 per frertage foot along S.W. 115th Avenue be deposited with the City for' the appl.acant'e share Of the Improvements of S.W. 115th Avenue or. a 1-neal Improvement District be formed. Any monies not spent for the street prvaect shall be returned bo the applicant. 4. That no lots el'».I1 have direct access from S.W. Caarde St. 5. That engineering plans and specifications shall be approvud prior to aoceptan,^.e of the Final Plat. •.4"t NNme Cbange A request to cbangs the rtame of S.W. Seoffins Court to S.W. Ash St. 1. Staff Recommendation a. The gig= Igoomended approval. 2. Commission Disauittsion and Action a. It was moved (Whit+akar), seoonded (Ikarkburst) and passed by a unanimous vote of tkii-eomissiun present to approve the request. VI. ALJOURNW.Nf: A. ):.Y,) F.M. ° Pg. 5 - PC Minutes - February 15, 1972 1. 21/►rd PLnaing Qosesission staff Report February 15, 1971 Item S 1.72 Subdivision !fame Vievmount ` s oy neor Columbia Custom House Lnginee Ling and Associates curve or Nick A. Yin`er Applloant's Request Preliminary approval of IS subdirisioo Plat which proposes to divide 11.13 acres into 47 single family residential lots. Lu Cation and '!Ani[ The subject property is loosted on this northeast corner of 1 S.M. (lss,rde Street and S.M. 114th Avenus, sod is tuned 9--7, Single ?'doily Residential. Conformance with the Coe+. ZY Plan The adopted Plan designates the subject property for Urban Lour Density Hesidential development, having an average density of 4 dwelling units or 12 persons per gross residentia- acre. The density of the proposed subdivision would be 4.2 dwelling units or approuieatel ' 13 persons per gross residentiAl acre. S.M. 115th Avenue is presently a substandard roadway not meting the City's development standards. lk H'-- 253.97 I k7 28 21 ♦ 20 22 - - I i y6 � 29 I _ _ . i - --_-- _- --- --- - -- - 23 t S. S. L kS Q 30 27IU- L_. - _--- ------ /S S.5. L AT C 2 I I yy 31 rirw 7",iT l_'4UPT I LS �• ;I j I LAT A_- Q I Y2 ►- I 10 l l Q 12 13 1 H 15 I Q I ' I �%IttI' .t J I y[, N 35 j' - ---- - - - Ore Prlmnrsd wla>?shZeoe�,U '-�J , _ ----`-�) 9 - - - a Fr IQ s.s. c Ar fl CD a r-e STmet 1..I6H-r Lot-at ien1S - I r-p PIry seAA Pnlr_ I..ocstIelvc II SCALE t_ac,ertle e a 3P 3 7 11 S W. viriti.Ntli'lil AJDTk-- i J vi � w. J'PIlFD F (�1T. 9 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. 75- RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVFrT,-NTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN VIEWMOUNT SUBDIVISION AND AUTHORIZING RELEASE. OF' THE MAINTENANCE BOND THEREFORE. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the City has required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year...;"and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has been in effect for the aforesaid maintFnance period; and WHEREAS, all deficiencies have now been corrected, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Viewmount Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 31 on Page 5 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records. AND FURTHER, the City Council herein authorizes release of the aforesaid Maintenance Bond. PASSED: This day of , 19_, by the Council of the City oT-Tigard. Mayor • C y of Tigard ATTEST: Recorder - CIty of T1gs--r-F---- RF90LUTION ivy 75- Avoid Verba]. Messages A-1 CITY OF TIGARD To: From: Subject: ls�le-WL44=1 5� Date: - o►- rGi-c-r-eHL T'� V1���, ¢ 4 S � e � r AJ Cow' 4Z I ® 'T 1 v r Y OF TIGARD , ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P.W. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOeNo. PROJECT TITLE . DATE ­-____­­._ PROGRESS TO DATE SPECIAL PROBLEMS EST. % PROJECT ITEM COMPLETION - --------- INSPECTOR OF hff4o5 • N4 /TT Lr �: - RLL SERVILE LRTERHL S 5N19L.L BE A" ef6NL- PI FF. Q 33 i e e 32 3 / I 36 29 '\ 3 - - I 22 _5f s `_.0 \ , z 9 �� - S.w ll4 ti) AVE. LAT D S? S.S.I LHT 4- 2 #77�L_f!r T LG '�- �' In 2 37 --- r N 26 316 7. LPT 8 R " ;. S I V \ ZL 27 z C V Q I Q 26 r34 -------- W /6 I / + /18 i / 9 J J �P / \ 38 33 Qz2 W \ � ` S 17LE 1 — 32 v� A \ -in'FksFMflll T ' I �i HDRIZJN TRL l " SD VERTICAL I " = /D ' Z i s 3*66 'D Boa l +tja 2 4.613 3,1-66 * LPT - --- - Z _ . _ 290 � - - -•-- -- -- ----- - - -._ .- - - - - ----• -- - ----- - _ _ 0 D --... ._ - - - - -- - -- _ - -- - - - - _ EXIT T ,G :.- .G U . WAO ED SRA - - L w _T ` r 2713 - _.__ I _ ____-- -,_ _.__ _ _ - _ - - - - • 270 --- ----- -- __ + MO S Q I -- --- - _ - - _ I - _ _. _ _ __..._ D , STD. - - -- - -- - . ..... __ __.__.-- ------ - -- - ---- -- ----• ----- ---- r S t t7T Q - - - - -- -- - MR 260 1 240 - _ . _ G 1. -- - -- - _ _ - ; _ - - ----- .._ _ — - �.:F - --- ----. FRCP Fff �. GhRD� - --- _r-:- - -- - -- -- - --- -- - - ---_ __ -- - - - - - - - -- ---- - --- - MH R-3 - Z ,� ___ _ -- _ - - - _ -- --- - _. _7AIT �3Ri - I2-t- 111 CL _IN S6.�l ------,iRRar _Z.U. Z'P_.a ----- - _ FL.FL.' L)U T ZSd. -- ---- +-- --- f G. ;269 S3 � _ _ __. -- -- R-- '._ ----------- -- 37 LRT MH R-2 - _: - FL.EL T - - - - _ ----- --- -- - ------ - - - - - --- - 236 -. -_- -_ - - - - - - - - - -:- --` - _- = :,:_ __ ---- - — --- - --- -_ _-_- -- - - - B' � -x_ .aaq .ZZ - _-- - -- 230 — _ :.-__ _. -. -- -- _ -__-- _ _ _ ._ __- _ 77 -F —_ -- - - -- - No. REVISION DATE __- _-- - LNG TES _ CONVALLlS REB 0 ON _ T R A MBA CUS aM HSM TL 0 DRE. _ _ ��' • 5 �e CQ L t1 1 ES , i�0 N lEW MdUN T ; c iao , LR is B, ,J # - - - ---- ---- -• --- ----- -- ------- __ -- _-- ---•--- --- ---- - .__.. __ _..__ --- - - - - - - --- �`�►R J1•�t�6 DES.. P.E.4. ORN. P.E.G. PROJECT'NO.• 47 V VIEWMONT - -- - - -- -- ca OF 1' BATE: Z'-2�Y-72 SCALE: AS SNOWAI SN E'•T fi« r, II -i-E ?LATE KEUFPLAN-PROFILE ESSER O. eta_._._... �:L ':. s. --.. ::.«-.�::. .... �,:::. � a 1► �r y m v _-77. 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D^PS 1 1 I � I • i - EC{IJA. � �j L rC © 7 r S rnL = 54.S9 I L - )n T= 34.41 STA. 2 AZ 3,$2 n s TQ.C. 2�'D•33 V rtisraLL CA7-�.'r+��i::/lv � �„- L�Z'A rt,vKAT FACE I MAC CURB Rg STA . 2+973 ^ rROn� CE..tiTER& F_ . E4 UA: _ 2>`P•_ fjk, g T O c. 2G9 ,G �fs96t g INSTALL Cr9TCHBAS/N O/06 g SQA. d;o—ti vT ►�” -•a�. >.-- TD.C. ?7D.3j �I E.C. STA ��-/7g� � TO.C. c�l9.5q I � -• •C• 2G 9. -STA O t9S !� •�, y�.._ __-__ _. _ ._... __ ____ _... _._.._.. . __.__ _..__,._-._.. .-_..___.__ _._ . _.1. _ -- ---- - - A•6f25 --- _ :S.kl /l4 7N AVS MA%CN EX/;;lIN6 _- — a. _-__ _ __... _ . a„ _. _ r6,47 2 70.37 •t,-- ---_._- --------- � ,,.� 3�•o o ••E ---- _-- _ ----__ _ - o PROVIDE Tik�1,t/$/T/G, 5' 'I i I er �, _. FROM Ma�/N Tr9 t"s'L E• Cl/,�;'E3 . •� ' X .� �GN M,H S T C^L/h'B _ � ____ _..-- .--. . - - _ _,---_ .�._ _._ __ S - — EXIST/A/C • STi1 N DA K'D 1, r_ R = 34 STA, 9#--90 �- /N•STALI !i9TC/I/¢IS/N \ - --�— - -' - - BD TN S/C�E. l� I INSTAL �ATCHPAS�N --� __ . ._.._._._—_ 'S. 4 - S9`,� � 0 /SSD 8K - F'/d�1T i,!i? � I ! _ / S-'` _ RE Mc ! EXI /IV, A c t C' � STA. i!ZG L = S3.03 - -_. \ STA. 6+9♦ �� `- _ ,TD,C. 2491 B3 SCALE T = 33.L 3 � 1 T,&C. 2?O.G 9 1 /,'VSTALL vA?+^ll, ?A�IAI STA. / f2� S �,<pg s'.. STA• V r TICAL = A ` ro cC 269.9/ r.0- l l� ,ST C'f7�.. i3 _._...... Pd 9. 9P L. 2G97/ , 3/4” f�ORr'ZDNT�;I_ � I = 50 ' �.o.c. zG9. i:�- sr . 04-14 if � �sjA 0�3s� E.C. STA. !AUG o3 raic. z�B.s� 2 ra.c, ZGti, 9� M U LIN TA BL Z CUR B NO SCALE - t •e=a�°2r 5 +sa A _ go°38',95•• 3 ,� 5• L= 28,v 7 � c = -*A.4 7 T2 n,�o T /e.20 B -9 l0 tDa ----- _lOa Yom_• :•�r ----- ---- �_ - - - - _. - - -_ ._._. . _. • ---- _. _-- - - --_ _ --- -- ----• —__^ _. ._...__ �— -. _—...—. a ...__...__. .-. — ._-. 296 Wf%j; _ :_FX 15 NG RO -- ---- _ _ _ — _ _ — 270 _ -. - - - - - - - _-- _- _ S-• -- --- - _ _ Sr _ _ - Ab _ _ Tjl--- _. _ _ _ -- ----� - --__._. - .cam _ - _ ____._ ..- ___._ .. _ _ - ---- - •_ _._- _- - --- --- — -- --- _— _ _ _ - - --- q- – _ _JE 3 — ml 276 --- —-- - -- - -- - - _ _ -- --- — --- - - - ----- -- --_ --- ---- — - -- - —- _ -- --- — -- -- - -- - - 1 cu cu _ 11 9 all -fif, — _ w REVISION � DA TE ; LING ASSOCIATES -- _ - -- - ----- ------- -_ -_- - -- - ___ - ..---- -- ------ _�. --- -- --- - -------- -- C4LUMB/A LAND ORE' - - ----- --- ---- --- _.- - ---- - - F'L'IRT , -- - - - -- -- - - - -_ _ - - _ _- _ - __ "� V I EGv, nJ -- - _. - -- S. W. �/�w MQUr�T LANE , S.W. l 14 7;V A VE. _ - ` DES: IE DRN: PROJECT NO: 47 DATE: 2-24 U SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 4 OF 5 EWhI0N7 _- -- I'�'� 1 I PLATE 1, PLAN-PROFILE KEUFFEL b ESSER CO -- + '— « ,,.r ` Ip ��+l�l li►il►�II;{�I�r�I►;►II I II (' 1�I1 I�11 {Il IIIII�IIIII) {III�II 1111111IIII�f) II (�IIf{Illlfll�llllll►{IIIIIIIIIIIIIII{0111111 Illlrl►I�II'II�I11��►II(il���ll. �....... . i ' i1 2 3 4 8 6 7 9 A 10 11 12 • NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED T � � �T- ���.�. DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN •THIS NOT ICG;--IT IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ------- - r DRAWING. 9Z LZ 9Z 5Z iZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 91 LI 91 �1' bl c1 ZI II CI • 9 L 5 r E Z I N111w ' ,/� ��IIUI11�1111�IIIIIIIII�uul1►)1'►1►►lul�jll�lll{IIM�►►►►1u11lt�tNlnubn�glll►N►Ilnllull{u(I�IIIIII�ulll�lln114 Illllllu{IIIINIIf{In1�Ml� - u►IIIu11n►111111{IIIIh11d1a�l�IWi♦Uulllll�llu{II111111N11i111111 ' �� Twul1999 My Q 5 ti 1 �/ OK/ I NSC e,k' / r �, VA k 4• low- irk ��Q` L �@ �' �� r',� R �� • p / .`,p - _ /� .---x' -�- _. __ __ ... . __._ .. . . __ _._ - - --•.._..__ _ __..-__ . . _... .- ..-.__.. . f/,�" AdOvE C;UTTER 'L a• �� h VIFT - S-0.03 �r SIDS f.JAL_K r� v �' s i, re ��'` __- _ _ _ - ¢,r Lam 'r k '� er, 0 . ' �` �,., �,. rtO � �• 'L,S>, � ,/ 4 �,. S), G� �' � -----"__.�-- _ ,, .t,,�� C o n c. 1�4 U�r,r,��r ,�� M ( � ------_, ,'i 'e 2 A PN. CONC. PA EM E N 7' 7_14.4-, e : r �x :�eo ,f, x q. .`s. o ` x �.'� c• > s L/M/rS OF -EA AVAT/UAV FOR FAYAM, -'. ,. c EXIAVA TF FO/E' 3ID6 4vAL K AND 2 O c 3/4 -O CRU::/•-I0!U ROCK o•'� r O " ROCK F BAIL.S 4 O GF TD DA r L/gc N r FDk CUR& rE rAIL / n c 4J �•� �C ,�� qAP.' 5 lr�r a � A6 ! 0-- 0 ID \ / / ~`'� ` ` fit' �� ✓'`vs - \ \ •�..� � or�s'A ��'� _--_.._.�_-�-ND SCAB E �(� •'4 tip' pP spy G'O � ��P2 �•��P \�• ' '� c � ,�,,. •":tA..y,.po.-. r� 1 e fs x ti ti o /A//, � STA. O h46 STORM DRAIN 6 605 3+oG 2+ 0 J ADO O+DD -- ELM_1 250 - - — ---- ---- - _ ---- ------- _ - a — - v - f1 NJ _ 2 76 - -- - --- - _- -- _ � _ MN -R7 . HT St E 7 S S T F.L L"1N - 13.0 - . - _ -- -- -- _-_- • - -- - - _212. - - - - --- --. ___ __-._ __._ _-- ---- ----__ __ ... .-._ ._--__ __ _-- ._...__ _ _ -.-. --- --- � - - - - - -- --__. __- - _ - 1 21 4 -- - - - -- --- - - _ - _ _- - -- _.. - - - __ _._ .___ - - - - - -- --- - - - _- - ---- - - -- --- _ - - - -- --- - - .t. A� — KE Mc Tc__a2_LAK TRST 116 __ R S R4 v - - -- - ---- -- _ - - - - -- - - - ---- --- - - -- __ _ -- _-- ---- - - -- - - - - --- --- - - - - _ - ru Tv - - -- - -- - --- Com- - - -- — _ 4 LA A )jk7 --_ _ _ _-_ -- ___ _ -_ of _ - - - -- --- -- ----- - -` - - --- - ---- - --- _.._. -__ ----- - - - -- --- ---- --- — - --- - - -- -- -- --- --•- �- M LU T_'_ - - 40 ---F — ---- _.. ___-____ _ _ --__ --. ___-_ ._. -_ -_. _-_-•_-_ __ -.-_ .-__ _..--- --- _--�` -- - -" .- _ _ - REVISION DAT E ;� __ - _ wert PR LING 61 ASSOCIATES _ � - s CORVALLIS ORS'GOM <'OLU B .4 AlD ORE --_— ---- -- ----- —_ —__-- -._.__ _.._.__. ..-_ __.- - ___ ---- --- ----- ---- -_--_.. --�- ---- — � -- -- ----- _-. - - _ Pox 111 ---- -- ----- - __ --- -- -==_ - - _ -- -- --- ---- --- -- __ __ __ - _-- - -- - __-- --- - --- -- ---- -- --- _ -- - -- - __ - - - - - -_.� --- _-- - .� a VIEW 41)UN r T S: DRN: f� P;?OJECT N0: 47 -- DE V I E:WMONT •-�... - --- - - - DATE: 2-24-7.2 SCALE: ,4S S/4OWN SHEET 5 OF 5 11 Cly" - WE PLATE 1, PLAN-PROFILE -,r i1�1 KEUFFFa 6 ESSER CO. _ .. .....,,.�.«. • .. , 4• • •rr .» • - _'_ ,-. .. - ., w . ""_� ! f T _ _ t _k ' •` _ @.«_n,.1+-_�•Y_-.••.•�- •_. loft ...__.__. _._ • ,vl _ _. _. • -- L a._i .. ...Iib f I il�ltf�l�lt;(1111111+11�1Ht�l`lll�rii 1111111111 I irfl�ItI ��( .f((1�t111111�1t1tlll 11111111 IIIflrllllll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111�i11) 11It11111111111t11111111►1 t , ` 2 3 4 5 6 7 JJ8 9 1�0 1 1 12 + NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILN.'cU �"" - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN f THIS NOT IQk- -1T IS DISE TO - QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL r 0E 82 9z Lz 9z SZ ►z Ez zz I� OR of HI LI 91 it *IIt EI 91 11 01 f 1 L 9 S b 1E.-- z I' M ��t1lUIII1111Itu111litlIIII 11111lltl1Ittl4fl11i11111tt1111U1�n�luHll�u it�H111N11H101ttllllilll)Il - MilMI* IIIIIIH�N11tlf1f IIH1111111111111111U1111W 111W11111U�JIubl1 IM JULY 9 r 1992 CENTER SEC. 3 O _ N, VIEWMOUNT A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHEAST 1 /4 OF' SECTION 3 , INWASHINGTON 20 "Rad /V 89� S�f " S E I 749. 2TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH , RANGE I WEST W. M. COUNTY, 7 . �,. 124.0- /24.00 25 2S /04..50 4 199, 7'7 /20. 00 SURVEYED FEBRUARY, 1972IN 0 �� ;, :; 2s> 6 = 3s•4tZJ- . 'j�~ la, . � �Q 2i.L- SZ S4 •�IV89.54 'SS"E O SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE • e:9a•.�s�ps o a = :z� ,� 5tNZ o /2•l.no d=.!3•!8'09„ 100.100 1, Nick A . Yinger, Registered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Oregon , hereby depose and say that during Fsbru ar 1972 I accurate! I = /S402 N�''�u E izd,ao °� t a = oz'o*•' Q `� N ,^ h o �v89 2 7 w ° Y Y t= ^ h 7-V �o-�/ o ^ Z = 26. ss surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots and blocks the lands represented an the attached map of " VIEWMOUNT" the bounder of which V I `^ h L.- - /,SD,� y h �1/B9's4'SS"E N o:Y 62'os's�1. N Av89'.s4 ss e �' N = Gp•se, t7" is described as follows � o 124,00' h "� .. _ ;s � = ��,�9 ,r,, s* o I O A 8 96.3 9 R �---- A6 419 O a Beginiiing at she Quarter Section Corner common to Sections 3 and 10 in Township 2 South , Range I West , Willamette Meridian , r\ ^ o N 24.00 NB9-54'SS"E 25 2C a o V ^ M� 0 Washington County, Oregon ; thence N 0°33'00" E , along the centerline of County Road No. 358 ( S. W. 115th Ave.) 872. 46 feet ' V • M �Y 8! • •I ' dS " E ( W O p Ala 9 31 S5'E thence N 89° 54' 55 " E along the South Line of Virginia Acres and Virginia Acres Plat No. 2 , Subdivisions of Record in said count q & ,va9•.s�:ss-E Ys /P-4"too It a o N 1//, 43 V KB9`54'SS'E °� p 273.00 feet ; thence S 0033 '00" W -long the Westerly right-of -way of S. W. 114th Ave. extended Southerly 75. 00 feet ; thence a° i° o° o , . h /32.50 M /77S l O ,:_; ,V �J 0 /32.00 W v N 89°54'55" E 50.00 feet to the Easterly right - of - way of said S. W. 114 th Ave. extended • thence S 0° 33'00" W along d b 1 g 5 a1 d Easterly I I , V • � h Ll( . 1� � � O � � p NB.9•S4 '15 5"E" right -of-way extended 55.89 feet ; thence along the arc of 10 .00 foot radius curve to the left (chord bears S44°46'02 "E 14.22 ids• s 6s E ' N of ^ u o a.. � o ° I-. /l4', od i /24,00 C Q k 'i k O „ w J w1 ///, 32 feet a disiunce of 15.82 feet ; thence N 89054'55 " E 96.39 feet ; thence N 0033 '00"E 141. 00 feet to a point on the said South Line of 122.39 a °� o o o ° �� i� �+ o X22,// o° J h h •� Virginia Acres , thence N 89054'55"E along said South Line 319. 77 feet; thence SO 38'54" W 463. 31 feet ; thence S 89 56 23 W, along p h o o J h V `� `� 0 N 8 9•S4'SS"E 3/�,SD eh�, V V89•s4 ss E the North Line of that tract conveyed by deed recorded in Book 3.95, Page 301 Washington County Deed Records , 320. 33 feet to an Iron w NJ•Jf� q-ss-e- Pipe ; thence S 0025109" W, along the West Line of said tract, 4 09. 70 feet to o point on the centerline of said Count Road W �z4too • i -�zs,-as- W- - M S w V/F_ !�/�11DC1/VT N �.�.�� --� -N-s;E /iz}� County No. 358 Op i� a � 4 Q 95./q 4 GS.OG G3:oD GS.oO 45:00 Q S.W. Gaarde St. ) ; thence S 89058' 13" W, along said centerline, 429. 02 feet to the point of beginning, containing 11.562 acres. ��o ^ o W W I further depose and say that the attached map is a true and correct representation of the lots and blocks as staked on the ground with ° "^ Nds6s� ' o° ss�E- `h ''r °:'h : " '� a o ° 17\ : o `� h h 5/8 x 30" steel rods at all lot corners , points of curvature , and boundary line changes of direction except cis noted and that as the /r�.00 �l�,00 �' M ` oc �o o �, �, ^ , •:..;.. �, ' I p° 'a Initial Point of this subdivision I set a 2 " x 36 " galvanized iron pipe 6 below the surface of the ground at a point which is N003300 E N� I►. o 0 30.00 feet and N 890 58 ' 13" E 25.00 fejt from the Quarter Section Corner common to Sections 3 ° � ;� -3 �oso3 and 10 in Township 2 South , � • , o ,vo•zs,o9,Ev �soo osoo osoo Lsoo oo.s8 �v e, s�' ss•"E 4 Range I West , Willamette Meridian , this point being the Southwest Corner of Lot I of rhe herein described subdivision . ( �Z400 iz�,oa 3 ; A/ 89' SG '23"E 320.38 v ( i0 NB!•S♦'SS"E � �./r/ion PPt Z 03 I✓esT �^ O Subscribed and sworn to before me � � . REGIS�"EREU •� NB9 ,S_i' this da of 00 Y 11972 PROFESSIONAL '� ' h N«, -� LAND SURVEYOR a i24,ao o ,24,00 o a41 Nei s►'ss E v "7 I hereby certify that this tracing n M oo 33 Notary Public for Oregon is a true copy of the original plot. V N4190X'f s"E 3 a a ,�G �C r�e� 89•s4'ss'•E O D /Z4.40 A = 89 2/SS ' v �1 My Commission Expires y� O k E G O ry JULY 12, 9068 `�( NICK A. Y AGER h �.o ^ 25 25 ioS.49 8 15 7 = 9.89 O O I Z4,a0 / /-F./! 44 e N N 890 S�/ ' S5"E 298.00 V&9•54'SS'E V + ' Note : 7hel a is a S fool L•�i/.fy eoss�tsaat o%.n9 both .t,;/cs o�o/�' N S. AZ V/E.4✓MDU/V T Z_ 4/1/EE _ `n i 05 �¢ a i�l�iiQr /of /iiycs o�sd Q /D foo, /07. 9S 7400 74:00 40,2S 3495 ufi/ f'y eos'eirr��f o%ny a// -r�crior DEDICATION : -/00 �, �, � 43 a bound4ry /s;,c s e,r�aP t os no�ar�. M V 'h ^ i j �Dr r/r4irfvge o f Su�fOC•C WO�Cr. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Giant Fin6ncial Corporation, an Oregon corporation , and Leonard S. Gavin and Margaret M. `� Davis and Nick Bunick and Robert L. Mandish are the owners of the lands represented on the attached ,ma and P p particularly described in the surveyor's certificate above, and have caused said lands to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots , blocks and streets as 11VIrIAL POINT ,a, 9S 74,,,o 74f.00 74.00 74L.00 Fu/ Iron P.cr shown on the attached map and to be dedicated " VIEWMOUNT ", and we do hereby dedicate all streets and easements as shown thereon to O � 0 3p2 the public for public use forever. N IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands and corporate seal this day of 1972 . Fd, i2 " /,-oma o•,�� � /V89 'ss' /I E 429. 02 S. 41 64.4Rl9E .�T. Co. Ra% No. 358 /o 9to.,e Giant Financial Corporation wai Y.Cwvt - X -..*ML .& Ward V. Cook President - --- /A7 eonard S. av s Nick Bunick ,APPROVALS : i • ' Approved this. day of , 1972 Approved this day of , 1972 Charles Dilbert, Vice President Mar aret M. Davis Robert L. Mandish Washington County Planning Commission Board of County t'ommissioners Washington County by ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : Approved this PP ______day of 11972 STATE OF OREGON ) Cheif, Engineering COUNTY OF WASHINGTON S' S ' , g Bering Division, Department of Public Works (Survey Section) THIS CERTIFIES that on this day of 1 9 72 befor�a me a no Washington County � , y public for Oregon, personally appeared Word V. Cook , President and Charles Dilbert , Vice President of Giant Financial Corporation, the corporation named in the foregoing g 9 instrufnent, that said ir, strumfrnt was signed and sealed on behalf of sold corporation by athority of its '!bard of Directors , and the by Y _ acknowledged their signatures to said 'instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Also before me personally appeared Leonard S. Davis and Margaret M. Davis and Nick Bunick and Robert L. Mandish known to me to be the persons named in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged to me that they executed the some freely and voluntarily. Approved this______dayof 1972 Attest : s Director of Revenue and Taxation Director of Records and Elections ° - ( County Assessor) Washington County (County Clerk ) Washington County Notar Public for Oregon My Commission Expires �1Qyor, Ci,� off'Ti Q'r� Rlrs, Tl�a)wal �r��r�y Corea. 12 OF 1 : Tb Aa mum ft, + h , •. i •f �IIn•i ,w �� � da. +-' ^ mac.,... °'� ...,.fid_.,,. -� --.....�.,- ,Qs' - ._.�� .-..�__. _�.._ =• . � '".... 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S' DfD/C-4T110N N89`S2'E 724." - - 2 I �� FOR . D UM+61A 6-'L/ "TOM W-44f- =' POk7ZAND C/RE-GUN 1 ► ENGINEER \\�4 30 SURVEYOR : NICK A. Y/N,;ER/00 CoRr1,4�.�/s, �k' GON 1 l V r i _J 9 1 �, •i � f ! , ►' � � � �,^, � � V 2L r�tt n I � ` 34 IA , R Q 3 ; ( '� /za.s ► `� /tt I l5'R /6' 4 lYOTES : c _ - - vuoOato e"s_s:._ W r' 89 S2'E �( I ' ° `•'S'G►1-f//E!�//�aCiUN7= COLI R EXISTING IAND!-ISC. ,A6R/Cl./4 TURAL L4.t3 Gf•�3 *.L3 1� �3' X. PRC/fOSEO Ze,'/E: R7 SINGLE FA,N/L.Y EXCEPT LDT / W�ICN S.yA11 BE Dt/PLEX . /lI ' 4 L L 4 T T✓ a r" 7GOD Sl. FT M/ V/OG1. � „ 70 WIP6f 40J, ,C6AI CARS LINE .¢. ALL S/DEWAL : L Ito H �R A ND !.D ;r 33 TG 41-4 VE' /D ` 6AS CNk5W T- h ;` 42 3� 1 vt, r�.N F.L. EC. Z07EY9 Si41V/7'.WRY SEWE1tALL o . 7^<,E-R LOT9 Tv //,4✓E' .s ' Z-1 271-4 1T1k / 1 �, 1 1 .� ai EgSE/N�llT ON A[-L. 1NTEA?10R LDT . L1,'VE ►. 3 ti - • ) v v S 89'S/'35"W 3/B.4S SA K I TA R Y _a E.s✓t".+� 4e f►'TE'kt1 G S TO B E B j'1-Ars D .+D J' G� O �� ± CEN rER�1NE OF .?7f'EET.- F_ R.PA:.g ZZI r r ►, .7. .D SiO�''/1I L7,P.9/1V Tr �E' �LA!'E.U AT /,2 J�.t'OM' CE"�I/7'E."�E<. l�F Df ,�'T��T, DI"GAs � • �,40fv�u�u •'C.I. wi+rE�c I 2? S,l•% 1I47H ,4V�': /'GB+�" E�.YTEi1/n,E"Il Nt>R'►"HERL Y TC CON�EC7" 1 _ ;' X I S 7-/,.v6 S T.PE E T /AV Yl R6./N1 A AC 4'�� A-S !'F_R .?c- ElJ 37 , a 4 ► IAI f�DU�f G G 3, F;-OSE 3,7 L WA,3yl.V TDAJ c r?rJN 7"y' j04'-FD &6-1^6 R D S . I ' * 9V a. S.W. illEAlwawT %A.�.'F AA/D S. k/ 1147W AI/E. re*, E� S©' R/6ta/ T- D�-WAY lel/TH 1241 i?•F n.+ ,, Q -h/ 34' OF P•4V�.�,J"t;Yi a► jr3 i f 13/� L —� %Q S.Gd ��/EWMD4�NT C�il.'.PT 70 EaE .5"O' RIGH7--e9 .✓AY v1 7- 2G ' DF �?4ciEMEN7' J ' V DE SAS'' TD Rs6 4D 'R,4D>US R/�yt n_F w.or 1AV1TN 34 ' P,9DlJS I�.�YEM�`iv7 /1 5L / `� ( � //. COaT4l/RS ARE 2 fDOT /NT.ERVALS D�/ASSUMED 1?IiT[�JI/, ;. a jl1 % /i°r.dt J2, CURES 70 BE AlD11NTA�yGt TYPE - 8EE 1�E T'A1G FELaw'. aWA°.?%-TTSLA E _ ( I 13, ND ACCESS 74 6,W, 6.4ARDE ST. FJPGM LD7 / - S. 7 744, cy� h �: 't• I t' � Q� �i 1• � �.f I 1 7q 74 ¢03. 90 - - ------- + .560TH i/4 CER. 1 a�. `,„R e _ H s-t •V � SII T h r--- MOI._/N TA FAL E CURB �S ! S.W- FA/RNAVFNQ f -7T. NO SCA!E y �' GROPA9f L� 1 ---I � PICINI TY WF _-3c F /",goo, M r �•� SUBDIVISION � i � 0 I �°> cli I �Q 5 6L Alk DD.NAL DLs d S. I 6AARpE sr f 4'I EW110NI 13 OF I • w. � 1 1' 1 I I I I I I i t 1 1 1 ► 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1��1- awl 1 fill 1 1�1��` 1 _'..1 1�,', .'.... a I _��1 11 1 ��1 I ` I f �( ( I I 1 I ( � I I ( Illl�lllllli�lllltlt'tll'111,111,t11�111It111tltlllt�111�111�/ItI111�I1tI111�►11�1111rt► L : ' I NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT IClir;-TT I5 DUE TO UALITY OF THL ORIGINAL _.. --- —_-��. —-- - .._DRAW ING. QE 62 9Z It Of SLp OZ E2 22 la 02 61 AI LI OI 4' irI FI ZI 11 01 O • 1 9 S t► Ic ► !IINIIIIIII�ttItI11NIIlltlllll�llltliifItilttl'IINIIIIt111U11Rl1�111111nf�11�11111IItt�Ull�fl�fN1�I111�I1�1�111/1N11�tIN�1111 ► 1�1111�11►Iltll 1�IIIIIIIII�IIi1�11i1�1111�1Wlb�IlWijL1�1111W11�►I�NU�Il1}i1111�11H JULY 9 1992