SUMMERFIELD NO. 14 SUBDIVISION SUMMERFIELD N0. 14 i 4 CON STU GTION 6 PRIVATE sy- !4 LOCATED IN A PORTION OF LOTS 13 & 14 � ,w a� WILLOW BROOK FARM PLAT a < `sem �go? T cog IN 5 E I /4, OF SECTION 10, T - 2S, R - IW, W. M. .m^ ; 900- CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON. BASIS OF BEARINGS : SUMMERFIELD NO. 6 PLAT 7 709 96 , ' SCALE : I" = 50" - q DATE . AUGUST 1980 BK 27q 221 o fo 7015 •zsad, Yom( r C� s FRONT I v R , ' BO.HT 5-69 5251 Al SPROS PEGT\VE 1 E^AT- ANY C L R T F I CAT t : F3UYEPi e WILL +E ASKEC� j I Ih5 B9'52'S]=W {00.00 _ ' O T06ET HOUSE BAG1G pEl:'R i . • -. `' ' C RU*OGLE, FIRST 8LIhG JULY SWORN, CLPCSE AND SAY THAT I HAVE CORRECTLY SURVEYED ANO MARKED WITH 5/8" BY I ^ -o o r a I Gh'Y 'S Re QUEST-.) acUS ALL LOT COR,,ER5 , CURVE POINTS AND BUUNL'ARY LINE CHANGES IN DIRECTION iRE LAND REPRESENTED IN Ti-1 ANNEXEu 707 rr� I Oahe', WAY TO f8ts C>L: L_EFT' IeAi OF SUMNEFFIELD NO. 14 , ANU AT THE IN;TIAL POINT OF SAID SURVEY I SET A 2" DIA. BY 36" LONG GALVANIZED !RON PIPE _ _- *2'I proven sriOWN 6' BELOW THE SUPFACL OF 'HE GROUND: SAID. INITIAL POINT BEING LOCATED NORTH 1 .028.60 FEET AND EAST 1 ,473.72 FEET OF THt MH- i P 5-69'S2' ST.W 5. I 1 :4 CORNER ON T-4 SOUTH LINE OF SLCTION 10 T-25 R-14 W. M. ; THENCE: N-24 2617"-E 112.92 PffT, THENCE: N-12'50100"-W v. 0 06 50.00 FEC'; 1HENCl : N-UJ 07'73"-a 177.83 FEET; THENCE: S-89 52'57"-W 80.41 FEET TO THE EAST LINE AS DESCRIBED IN DEED �i""2' E o 107' 2 100.00' # eW c• I� G80 BOOK 279 PAGE 121 WASHINGTON COUNTY JEED RELORDS. THENCE : N-00 13'27"-W 147.76 FLET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF S. W. NAIVE O N706 o a y 10 FT SST gAL.KS STREt:' C. R. 900; THENCE : 5-63 U6 ' 16"-E 208.49 FEET TO THE WEST LINES. W. 109TH AVENUE C. R. 900; THENCE: S-00'07' 33 - 92.68 FELT TO THL ;rORTH LINE OF S. W. 109TH AVENUE AS CREATED SUPKRFIELD NO.6THENCE: S-89 52'07'-W 5.00 FEET }. ^ H e < TO THE WEST LI':E Of S. W. 109TH AVENUE; THENCE: S-00`07'03"-E 100.57 FEET; THENCE: ALONG THE ARC OF A 322.15 FOOT RADIUS o o `' 7 CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26 21'40", THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS 5-13`18'23"-E 147,28 FEET ( THE ARC UI STANCE OF 148.59 � 'oo - 5 89" 52 57•4 o n n = � FEET BEING TO THE RIGH{ OF THE GIURD) ; THENCE : S-16'29'43"•E 15.26 FEET; THENCE : ALONG THE ARC OF A 10.00 FOOT RADIUS '-- • CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 87 39'35", THE CHORD OF VHICH BEARS S-17`20'04'.-W 13.85 FEET( fHE ARC DISTANCE OF 15.30 Z 100.00' T Gal L- FEET BEING TO THE LEFT OF THE' CHORD) TO THE WEST LINE OF S. W. HIGHLAND.DRIVE ; THENCE : ALW, THE WEST LINE OF S. W. HIGH- in 705 , O o 10 FT�T=ROh1T seT 15AGIC I� LAND DRIVE ON AD ARC WITH A RADIUS OF 2%. 79 FEET HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 46'55150" THE CHORD OF WHICH SEARS S-37'41 ' w L•6,84 _ �� IO FrL?S1OETOARpeTONSR � 57' -W '36.36 FEET ( THE ARC DISJANCL OF 243. 10 FEET BEING TO THE RIGHT OF THE CHORD) ; THENCE: S-U° 14'02"-W 66.70 FEET; ^ OGp ' .OPiV�WAY -r THENCE: ALONG THE ARC OF A 10. FOOT RADIO' CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE Of 86'45'53", THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS 5.57 R' 3. I IN% SldOwlnl 37'06"-W 13.74 FEET ( THE ARC STANCE OF 15. 14 FEET BEIN^, TO THE LEFT OF THE CHORD) TO THE NORTH LINE OF S. W. SUFVY:R- ten N N FIELD DRIVE; THENCE: ALONG THE C OF A 610.00 FOO1 RADIUS CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06`40'33" THE CHURL OF WHICH a _ BEARS N-82`20'25"-W 71 .03 FEET THE ARC DISTANCE OF 71 ,07 FEET BEING TO THE RIGHT OF THE CHINO) ; THENCE : N-14' 14'02"-E 84.81 FEE'; THENCE: ALONG THE OF A 376. 79 FOOT RADIUS CURVE HAVING, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23`25'08" THE CHORD OF WHICH ; y, S,T�10 ;- -" '' 5,337 •Z 35 GEARS N-2,"56`39"-E 152.94 FEE ',( ARC DISTANCE OF 154.01 FEET BEING TO THE LEFT OF THE CHORD) ; THENCE : N-57°53' 35"-W `e•o r 20.00 FELT TO THE INITIAL POINT F BEGINNING. r N6 �10� ro 10 Fr FF2oh-1T 10 Fr "NN N�W'h `• _ SIDE YAR p�S -T'p �J- T73Ef:T- CONTAINING 1 :770 ACRES. '; SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME - fitoRlve-+•vAYs esE Ohl 1 �.i56 ^�, $3 GOMMOI�I A,F-�ROAGH THIS DAY OF s 960 - N 7 AT rc mr"l Ot l PROF-MTY _ ___ w 4 LINEAE S WN. NO Y ➢ IC !N AND FOR OREGON - 7 1,y:V1• ,+ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES •(O�[[g/ _ _ _ yj' S.G6 w� 6 i - 2' �' v .. G s All LOT CURVE DATA mt v4/ •� 10 6 14'��- LOT DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CH. BEARING INITIAL POINT Y A • 69T z.x"MI.P, 698 86 45'53" 10.60 15.14 13. 14 5.5737'06"-W 6'6tLOM1G 698 06' 40'33 610.On 71 .07 71.03 N-82"20'25"-W N•t7�3335'w699 05'39'27" 376.7y 37.21 37.19 N-17" 4'01"-E 699 •TS°TO'�7" 1%.19 79.TO 29 29 5•1101'45"-W 00700 09'0726 376.79 60.00 69." N•t0'L7'Oty-E ' t�. A9• / , Y 700 09.50'45 296.79 51 .00 50.94 5-24 maisr-W 41i e,%, \ rO. 701 06,36' IS" 376.79 36.10 56.75 N•B6r20;12" c 701 09 Du145" 2%.79 51.00 50.94 S-34'39136"-W 0, o �•' 702 09 53'41" 296.79 51 .25 51 . 19 5-4431`48"-W A �er�. °' v L J O er b % - a 703 'GS 11'01" 322. 75 29.77 29.76 5.2]°51 '10"-E B EASEMEWT NOTE 703 87 39'35" 10.00 15.30 13.85 S-17"20'04"-W 703 11 41 ' 13" 296.79 60.54 60.43 5-55'19"15"-W All front and rear lot lines 40 �Qp ,�• r% �� 104 89 12' 15" IO.00 15.60 14.06 S-58"08'53"-E shall have a 5.00 foot 4s 704 07 44'51" 322.75 43.14 43.61 S-17' 20'11"-E easement for Sanitary Sewers. � ,et' N.� w v O ,� 7C5 01"'12'53" 322.75 6. 4 6.84 S-00"43'30"-E O ? Dreina9e, Potable Water Su;, ' . , Q OC d !- Al,705 78 29'56" 10.00 13.71 12.65 S-37'55'02"-W and utilities. I N rTIv i 709 6259'13" 25.00 27.48 26. 12 5-31 '36,'39"-E - t ft SQoO• Q" 10 FT Smr4AGY_ 1=RCNJT �f LOFT ,� �' ��. �3ET 3`l+CK 01aE YARD AT STRE'E'T BOUNDARY CURVE DATA4 ,r 19.e16Q �lVcwAY WILL. 6E ON FIGHT FAE DELTA RADIUSLENGTH CHORD CH. BEARING e? jv')y" s21,i7, J � ON -Y Ab --,HOJN. o7: 0 j. f ® 26 22'40" 322.75 148.59 14r.28 S-13°18'23"-E I HEREBY CERTIFYTHAT THIS ° 80.03. 1 ria TRACING IS AN EXACT COPY o 2 ' N•7s•` " © 87'-39'35" 10.00 15.30 13.85 S-17 20'04"-W OF -T��H..E Pf,.1T, ; `' 696 ^: sa a LEGEND - �a. .. . , 3 O 46 '55'50" 2% 14w • DENOTES POINTS .79 243. 10 236.36 5-37"41 '57 -Y ` WILLIAM L MCMO OLEi L• 7� •� �'° N ZQ O DENOTES Pr '.TS pE' 86'45'53" 10.00 15. 14 13.70 S-57`37'06"-W _.- -� •{10:414 - • +sa ° 5%e' . 3 C 06 '40'.33" 610.00 71 .07 71 .03 N-82 20'25"-W -_ '" `•q W. $V y y. OF 23 '25'08" 376. 79 154.01 152.90 N-15"56'39"•E SUMMERFIELD NO 14 __ .__-__„-._I . 1 Y , SIDE I OF 2 E OF 5 ,may Pf�Y'.El lfos.-f •".,. , - � .. ... T+....�*+wir.....vn - r 9 E(1E�1111(IhIIn(I nlln(ryllpl11111 I1 (i 1111Ilpi�g� 1101, 1111f1111111r... II Yl,ltlrlll�l ll 'llllll Il 1111111 IIIr11II lI1111111111111111I111I III 1111i11lI II111111111f 111 1�1111IIII IrI yrI111t IlIn I 1� - I "...:, �._�"' • NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ILO 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICST-IT 15 VA TO a.QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL - RAWING. Of 82 82 22 92 S2 1,2 f2 22 I2 OZ 61 RI LI 91 SI YI EI 21 1111 01 6 1 2 1 S1����IF ib IE��� 2 1•••••• J- aPlluJunlluduulunNHIIDNIwF�INlhfill. luuhulluNlm,INuNmlmdmllllUlmllHRlunluuhu111wbuNuulNll�uuhulluNltRrI1N1111UIIN1111mMI R INWIuNINDINNIf1111N81Y�WIli UlDlluull1111�11UIR1y1Wh1O - - JULY 71 1992 _ ..-�.......,.. ...._,_ . ....-. ....._._._ ._ , .. ..._w._ _. .. .-. ..__ .._._- _.. ..-_ ». _�.__w_... .... ... -._ ._...........,.._. _ ._ .. ... _ ._r... ._.._.. ._ .., . _... _. .,....,._., ..... ..._... ..-__,._. .. . ..., _ �. . _. _ r � vMr r w.' LIL0 a IJ a ~ r- w � I L^/ `__1A)s r o oV loot E # - C) L cr I G z O ti� .... O M a U �./ N /^�.2�L D9 (s �� u z �r� O S V 6i \• 'd N C,t.'S 7, 111 in 5 .�r✓.sT� �O !iJ, �` I `f " PVC ¢ (, Q Dee 5•..► \•X1'1 Y �,� .�l >_ W :�l r > 02 F m 0r"')&'h/C7" SE,0V6rrc, f JP `�� 'reLC� s r M-r.)4q f 'L,+ ,- Q w 2 LU LL Ld C, -fie Ali- 37-- a'�` ' - i Q /NST 707 �• .2!- JQ d.t �p w.. w a ' )014 Aa 1-2 19,L doa 11v r f 6 a",- �eB`�, G tai I � r w t7 (11 V LiCW 11 I !NZ•' 10t,•c f 111 �I�Ad Ali -� •f'p d11T11 "":..-+• 1,1 �i. pE,J �.�►, jY, ;it1 „,,. I o4 Seg 1��1•.�-. log Pit i \{�' Y`1 I �...f • ` .cam a.o elf NA 7 75 I foe. I V`I � �4�'n � Fnl_�r�� ✓�tL, sem•.'�,w •-4 4V (Nam l_, � •1S,. �� J ,,ff�� JN C&csr. TlzspX4 ",/3' ,r Nn re IPA �i o^✓sw�a9� aulw �a�►) ! ! _ .,'� \ Ir1d ►noQvnls�-'`�'"f'tc „ J I 40')). r` ro Al c4 q 1G'� -'rr'�1�/tomFJr iA7F1-,r,y. I• lALOO �.... in',sr ia+, CJ � } 7zb� sW U IME � F , r. 19f_ ���. .T!i2 !tiC�t}� , V "/,v S r fr�z7w'M-N V fcjA-r jo,/ S r 6 4,rte C7�L N.Sr.�Q.X..f15dLf.���• f?Nw ,/✓�9 c��,P �0..�.��C`. � _"�--�- . ... ........w...��... .i�vfr"'/o 04 o! 4t4q,-, Aw4;,4 rxA.- ✓. ' Se.Vkll, ''D 4A#r Cd,94141#S4'ZEE' IMP/ !I'Grr7Jn• .s N,avrs i z 80 !� �I�irr6e� U5/I». �►IL v 20/.3C53w i i Qm 10 -/fUSI- �LrkV. rp�.O.f GIR��.q. 4lI;E' Tam �O17"!r� • �Ns>>��rl`s Qc�e✓.� Tse awiln,�rts►,y A kwi WL rlvo, c 4rc>rd . .IMI1E=PF 1 C L.1J NO 1.4 1. 0F, 5 I I ... .�., � -..,• ,I I ,� - (�• . ,III l TOY i l l �� �. I ..111q, _. :. -i � I Ik I(I 1 1 1 r l 1 1 1 f 1 1 ( tI I� I �� 1 1 1 1• fill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V I I I III 111 III 111 111 I'll III III III I(.'. _i11 III r • p_ . _ ( I i I II I I NOTE: IV THIS MICROFILMED ��+��----I--•+-�---- 2 3 4 5 _ 12 6 7 8 9 IIO I I —Rift DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICFrr-TT IS DUE TU THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL u DRAWING. ---- - _-- ---- - OE 62 92 L2 92 92 fZ EZ 22 iZ 0? 61 91 LI 91 #I bl CI 21 II 01 _�611�� 9 L 9 S IP E 2 6NII1111111111111111mI11n11111�11111111�111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIul11U1111111ui�I�11111111�111111111�11G11111�1111111111111111111�1111111111111111lIl�lllllllll�lllllttll�Illllllil�lllllllll�IIIIIIIII�IHI�al11 1111�1111111111111111111�1111ilIU INYIIIItiY1111U111WIu11IM11111 JULY 1992 ' ,0!.•. .,�,. -' I �irt�i r ��4 Q��' f" h� ` 1•� 1 r i I it } .t:lr'�' M'�: d��Y�'!• Y�"r ' ,I`f t F -..� �r G."'N..!�t�L�i,�B�h"v i l�t� Y���F J�j�lall ii, -9W. fl �1f" rn r 11 .`I _ 1yi�y'i V a �{ ti � "tl�a�u'�r /ti'•"M � 1 ib �1 ri t�t�+" •, h �i� �41* -�� '.'dt � . 1 ;, �r i'{• 1�' 1:.�� .Nib^ i 4' ,.;�'yy r���" n�l^�a I "tfyF,��•_�. ,q � r n"4` rl y ♦� �•�� a • 1 • I r RESEST FOR ACTION ' CITYOF T16ARD +.�w+,xr+raHrr cwtr�+a LOCATION: 1001 E Nathe S�w - PROBLEM: _ �0 Sots So 1nGN 't_r�'l,-214_ _ov � \O C\ \ O —_— NALVE --w C t" .D By. — Date: S- FORWARD TO: Administrator PollC� Building _ Public Works Library Recorder Planning Other Department Head Response: r v %. ACTION TAKEN: Forwarded to: County P.W. - _._ State Hwy. Dept— By - -- — —T Date _ WHITE: To Orginator CANARY: To Dept, tlNd o � �jt•\ G) N U N — r 1 0 rn 3a 0 (n t \ to O c"t N E-4rlx0 ,^ O O — � 44 . - >1bo to - � +) a rn UAaE� V 1 mCNI 4� o0 Ln 10 J � i V o tn lk � � NNUAL DUST BOWL DERBY DATE: COMMENCING WITH THE NICE WEATHER PLACE: S, W. 109TH STREET - TIGARD INTERSECTION OF S. W. NAEVE STREET QUALIFICATIONS: ANYONE USING 109TH STREET TIGARD POLICE DCpARTMENT WILL BE NOTIFIED TO CONDUCT TIME TRIALS AT VARYING TIMES DURING THE DAY AND NIGHT. (HOPEFULLY, NONE OF OUR NEIGHBORS WILL QUALIFY! ) IN ALL SERIOUSNESS, NOT ONLY IS THE DUST UNBEARABLE (AND THE DUST ABATEMENT PROGRAM WHICH WE HAVE PAID FOR EXCLUSIVELY 1N THE PAST DOES NOT LAST BEYOND TWO WEEKS) , I AM CONCERNED THERE WILL BE A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. I HAVE CONTACTED THE CITY ATO NO AVAIL) REGARDING STOP SIGNS . MAYBE IF OTHER CONCERNED CITIZENS WOULD CALL OR WRITE TO THE CITY, SOMEONE WOULD LOOK INTO THIS POTENTIAL HAZARD. CORDIALLY, JANET LAW CC : CITY OF TIGARD DEPARTMENT OF POLICE (� 7 oef CITYOF TIFARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON March 11, 1983 Tualatin Development Co. , Inc. 15300 S.W. 116th Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 Attn: Joe Leopold Dear Joe: This storm water problem was brought to our attention by the home owner at 1093b S.W. Highland Drive (see drawing). This needs to be taken care of as soon as possible as the water is running under his house. Thank ou, R. L. Thompson Engineering Services Crew Chief enclosure cc: L. G. Nicholson RLT/dc P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 1 00 ZZ 133I•QO 112 , MH C.2 .8 .90fit2 . (0 O � .i+ t` L : 21' _� L7 Q: 701 ") - 9' 1 z 141 �- 322 a if.t 3.8 7 u V MHC Z .b 1 3F CL _ Q ' ,o•a0 - �qq G?9 20' r ��-A MHC 2.ri l ' � � 1 r ' 1 LAIL c cDr7 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 82-J15 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN SUMMERFIELD 14 SUBDIVISION. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, under- ground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the City further required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One-Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. . ."; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received; and WHEREAS, the required performance bond has remained in full force and effect throughout the normally required maintenance period of one year; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Summerfield 14 Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 52 on Page 39 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records. AND FURTHER, the City Council herewith authorizes release of the aforesaid bond. PASSED: This s day of �`�_ ;,,. , 19__, by the Council of the City of Tigard, regon. � o K5�,-r o i- rr-. c; 1 ATTEST: City Recnr er l! RESOLUTION NO. 82- w w w w i i C11YOF TIGAPM WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON August 24, 1982 Tualatin Development Company, Inc. 15300 SW 116th Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 Attn: Mr. Joe Leopold IT,: Summerfield Plat #14 Dear Joe: In response to your request an inspection was conducted of the proposed public improvements in said subdivision for the purpose of determining readiness thereof for City Council final acceptance action. The following listing, as a result of said inspection, summarizes items which remain to be completed and/or corrected prior to such action: 1. Curb repair at the intersection of 109th and Highland Drive. 11herefore, after your action to resolve the aformentioned and after our confirmation (inspection) thereof, we will be able to submit certification of project readiness for final acceptance to the Council . Such certification will initia,e formal Coun(Al action to accept the work and will, subsequently, permit release of the prcject bond. If you have questions, please call me at 639-4171. Yours truly, Bob Landis Engineering Tech. BL/pjr — 12755 S.W ASH P O. BOX 23397 TIGAnD, OREGON 97223 PH 639-4171 (503) 639-3101 zf� TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 15300 S. W. 116th Avenue TIGARD, OREGON 97223 August 18, 1982 Mr.. R. L. Thompson City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Summerfield Plat # 14 Dear Bob: Tualatin Development Co. , Inc. here by requests that the Public Works Department make the necessary inspections and submit for acceptance of this Summerfield Plat to the C. ty Counsel for their approval at the meeting September 12, 1982. Thank ,,ou for your cooperation, if you have any questions please call our o'.fice. Sincerely TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT Gu , INC. Tsep/h Leopold Land Development Supervisor Construction Division JL:pt E �U) � D AUG 191982 CITY OF 'TIGARD (503) 639-3101 TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 15300 S. W. 116th Avenue TIGARD, OREGON 97223 July 13, 1982 Mr, R. L. Thompson City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Iummerfield Plat # 14 Copper Creek Stage # 1 Dear Bob: Tualatin Development Co., Inc. request inspection from the Public Works Department for the l" Asphalt overlay on these projects. Thank you for your cooperation. If' you have any questions please call our office. Sincerely, TUALATIN DEVELOPMNT CO. , MC. eph H'. Leopold Ind Development Supervisor Ccnstruction Division JFL:jp .o sC-k. 5 ' _.� #�2 .o.---�_ ._ __-- �f�.i�, ��` � � � i -� l� �� ���,N , i sE�T�c�l�-{ i ��� i s 'IN� �~�If• ��'� l.�N� i �� i SEWER T.V. INSPECTION REI)ORT Date__ - Section 1I AS-BUILT �^ _ Location Upstream M.11. #________Depth Downstream H.H. 11 _Depth Pipe Site___ 1Q ' Total Length ____N21 ith Flow Against Flow FOOTAGE ASR. REMARKS TAPE MIN.+ 32 S COMMENTS: Inspected B y: Ai POF ABREVIATIONS: J - Joint, S = Service, a Right , I. = L.c rt N U 11 S 'roap, G - Grade, BP Broken Pipe ar.W!_R T.V. 1NSPF't'T'ION Itl:l'Olt'P liate '9 g-�Z �Svct ion AS-BUILT Location- SW Ioq-rN _- 1'pstream M.H. N Depth_ Downstream N.N. N Depth Pipe Size-__ Total Length_— lo Against Flow FOOTAGE: ABR. REMARKS TAPE MIN. �J J � oMMENTs: i Inspected By: sT I.IiGEND OF ABRE:VIATIONS: J = Joint S = Service, R = Right. r rd th ; Ta G = Grade•, DP broken Pipe j:R T.V. INSPECTION REPOI1T Irate Svvt ion # P.S-BUILTLocation Upstream M.H. M Depth I Downstream M.H. # _Dvpth__ Pipe Size_ —Total Length 071—t_hFl`oAgainst Flow FOOTAGE ABR. REMARKS TAPE MIN. uOMMFNTS Inspected fly* r q J;Y 1,1"(;FNI) W ABKFVIATIONS- Joint, S Scrvice, R = kight , ro iuding Tap, Grade, BP flycAvn Pipe SEWER T.V.- INSPFUTION REPORT Bate Sv( t ion S-BUILT Location '0 1-p s t r e am-44-.* Depth Downstream N.H. If' Depth Pipe Size Total Length -7(n- With Flow Against A- F F)w-�� FOOTAGE ABR. REMARKS TAPE MIN. UOMMENTS: Inspected By: foAizw. Qvro Fin-Wrap- 1 ( IN11 Ol ABRFVIAIIONS: J - Joint, S Service, R - Right, Ap9p, T*]?— Vrc) FJA§,,, 'Nr(t G - Grade, BP Broken Pipe SEWER T.V. INSPECTION Mh.'P@m'r I ja t c- sc(-( ion AS-BUILT Location -�-->lvj 0 9'r" 0, lJor T}j Depth Downsttuam 11-11. # _Depth___ Pipe Size Total Length (2-4, With Flow Against 9:�li HE;t 71-0—w FOOTAGE ABR. REMARKS TAPE MfN. COMMENTS: Inspected By T"rk'l D TRIES Vell 1J."GEND OF ABREVIATIONS: J - Joint, S = Service, R = Right. 1, Left , PT = Protruding Tap, G - Grade, BP Biokun Pip(? )ctober 26, 1981 PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CwPANy ',!extern Division 14655 SW yid Scholls Ferry Road Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Ken Snyder Res Summerfield Pto, 14 Subdivision Streetlinhtinp ')ear Ren This is to ack.nowledoe that the City has found the atrpetlight ingtall.ation in maid subdivision to be satisfactory and, further, to ncknowledpe Authorization for P.C.C, to energize the two (2) lights therein, under Schedule 91, Option B. Yours truly, .1. 4y NAnman Supt. ' nor. Division JSH:pjr cel City Accountant i ccs Tualatin nevelorment Co. CITYOF TIF4RD � vww+caor+canrrr,u�ecsor+ II t IV- 14- "Wwvtr MAGI too V\f-e A ,6 �w��w.ww ra�wr nw,orna�wnl wwr►ari . •.�-- �T�E-E�'LI,C,�QTS -----:_.. : .,� -�,. -�:�� � ^�.4 , W E115T. DITCH X68• rvJT.ALf 9?.'oi iS'c..v p. 7/2 AOA W ,O rd ENO Of P•'�°E �` \.�X y w b ' 0 Q� 1 ^TC�Py- %9 X00 L. 2 If toG J \ v T.C.,2z 7.4 REMOVE TEMP.C.U. CONST. MH VL. �3. 225• �6 ,-16+2 t l \� • � 6 �,�"� .(.` 226• qfa 9��. 1�+2 \ -^ CIO" �•�� 60�f Vol k0 `'0U III p o6 2 0' S 1 6"16s D►J -♦ -20 .01 ��a P+�vof ;\ f/ f q I FD ALUMINIUM PIPE 111 y�'��,� 1 0��`�db� L BE 16 GAUGE �, 1 �oaP�P'p.L ti°k"A +ti°, S11' OP - _ .. ..- W O 1 t;O -I �\ee G.Q.G. ,� S,� ErvED ni Sert. 23, 1981 QTY OF TIGARD cit:- of 1, i6ard 'uulic Works 1242o S.W. :.:ain St. T i -ard, Or. 97223 :.i Dear Sir: We had the frontaSe of our property landscaped and planted in lawnseed and main- tained it for 3C years, until April 19131. That is the month it was ruined by holes be-- in.: dui, a trench du-, sod scraped off, ;ravel poured all over and asphalt laved: (There was also four feet of gravel dumied across the fence into our yard at the N.E. couner of the property line). Wehave been unable to continue tc maintain the frontage and we had to shovel rock off our N.E. corner for weeks and we are still picking, pp rocks! Fither Washin6ton Co. Road Dept., City of Tigard, Tualatin Development Inc., or 'ortland GenOral Electric Co. is responsible for all the mess or maybe all of you are. You have created a nuisance. It is �rowin� weeds, tall 1;rass, which will. become rodent i felted, and the rocks keep rolling down in thEN yard. This ruins our mower and we can- r.,t (A the mowr r in ar. wh, rulon-- the frontage to cut any of the grass. * ! We want this fronta,;e restored �jy one of the above a-encies or there will be further d action taken. �incerFl; , eA et,�2e.��'�t )0 /9Z�-/�c• ..1r. k .xs. Charles -'ecL 11000 S.1,1. I;aeve 2t. i_�ard, Or. 972.23 cc:-'ortland 'eneral Elec. Co. Tualatin Development Inc. Washin;;ton Co. Road De,►t. 7- Ate . , .,...._.......�.,wwavKw►WbW.Yeribun..r.n.•.• _ +;yAwN.+iW�l1YiV444W1Yltiii'YWI' •�1 ;i i� Yl \��•�' CYC J rj la o Q- r} CL u u t # CY) N � _ co o a_ e n v c: �v a H Mi 4 '1 d tC ". A. • 1 V-4 r YF (k�1 cr • w"^/ CL . ti PA , i CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 81-_,(O/ RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN SUM4ERFIELD 14 SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, curbs, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of sub- division; and WHEREAS, the City has required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a per .od of one year. . . ; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received, subject to correction of hereinbelow listed deficiencies; and WHEREAS, the subdiviier has indicated a desire to retain the subdivision performance bond in full force and effect throughout the aforesaid maintenance period, in lieu of submitting a separate maintenance bond, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Summerfield 14 Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 52 on Page 39 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records, subject to: 1. Submit one "as built" sanitary sewer mylar. 2. Completed the installation of the one (1) inch Class "C" AC overlay. 3. Satisfactorily complete a TV inspection of the sewer system, correcting any defects which may arise. 4. Completed all sidewalk, driveway aprons and curbs per agreement. 5. Complete all repairs as needed during the maintenance period. .) Continuation of the subdivision performance bond. PASSED: This lel day of. 1981, by the Council of the city of Tigard. Mayor - City of Tigard A'T'TEST: Gi1y Recorder - Cit of '1'lgard RESOLUTION NO. 81-IW C Aupust 21, 1981 c Tualatin Development Company , Inc. 15300 SW 116th Avehue Tigard, `OR 9722.3 Re: SumwerfieLl 14 'D Attm Gary Wong qe$r Mr.. Wongz rn -'response to your request , an inspection win conduct«gid of t},,� proposed public improvements in said subdivision :or the purpose y of determining •readlhes a thereof for City Council tentative acceptance action. fThe following listing, as a result of sail inspF;ction, summarizes • e�a� ick rpisi `l ompl'ated '-and/ow`,eorrectEd' prior to such action: 1 . As_l-�uilt mylar submitter-j tcc t.c ,itv . I Further, though it in recognized that additions and deletion will occur herewith ( thr�ju-hout the one-year Maintennnce :cuarantee period) , the following listing summarizes items noted to date which reM21n to be completed and/or corrmcted prior to City final acceptance: 2. All sidewalks and Irivnwny apron installed. 3. One ( 1) inch Class "C" AC overlay completed . 4 . T.V. ( 30 min. ) tape and written report sub*1ittci . need to be completed before acceptance. Therefore, in reference to condition of the project compliancy, a;7reeTent , we find we will be able to c.ertifv project readines for tentative acceptance, to the Council , when itr!ms number brio ( 1) is complete. �i 2 August 21, 1981 Gary Wonr; Since the appropriate maintenance bond options and, also, since final work completion deadlines were previously addressed in the project compliance agreement, I won't elaborate thereon. '! If you have questions , please call me at 639-4171. Yours truly, d R. L Thompson Engineering Tech. II RLT:pjr 1 �..iil:i+�,`.+.ts�S.r:.Mokli:Ftyer•:ydtir.��<{'M ► �����.'!�i: +�R�4�M11 ' r`.�; :�'1:�+M�:.�+':ikwr;'t• r .. ;v ; (503) 639-3101 Tt A L ATIN DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 15300 S. W. 116th Avenue TIGARD, OREGON 97223 August 1.9, 1981 Mr. John S. Hagman City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main Street Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Maintenance Bond for Summerfield No. 14 Dear Mr. Hagman. Tualatin Development Co. , Inc. will apply the Sub- division Performance Bond No. 80826338 for $56,137.00 as the maintenance bond during the maintenance period. A copy of the Subdivision Performance Bond is attached. Please feel free to call me if there are any questions. Sincerely, Gary M. Wong Manager-Purchasing and Estimating Dept. GMW/mr Cnc1. 1 (503) 639-3101 Ti1ALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 15300 S. W. 116th Avenue TIGARD, OREGON 97223 E. 0 April 21, 1981 r U d APR ? 11981 Mr. R. L. Thompson CITY OF TIGARD City of Tigard P. 0. Bux 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Summerfield Plat # 6 Dear Bob: Tualatin Development Company requests that the Public Works Department make the necessary inspections and submit for acceptance of this Summerfield Plat to the Counsel for their approval at the meeting 4-27-81. Tualatin Development Company acknowledges that the 1" Asphalt overlay is not complete at this time. Tualatin Development Company will complete the over- lay on Plat # 6 at the time we overlay Plat # 14. Sincerely TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO. , TN ' T e �opold Development Supervisor Construction Division JL:pt r C /1 r/CY .nr , a• •••�• FbMand General rlechic C ToaM f 3 0 1981 CC!N_= city of!� I/G480 Date Gentlemen: Ge: — 1%: immF_rfield." #14 — Attached is our propo.;al for providing underground electric service to the above noted subdivision. our preliminary investigations suggest that this proposal is compatible with existing and/or proposed project and utility construction; however, f there are any conflicts with your existing or proposed installation, please contact me at your convenience in order that the plans may be modified. Very truly yours, bnh Nowrn +n ----- ------ latimator Job No. ��. .4 Copies to: 1 Tigard Water District - 639-1554 8841 S.W. ComRobert Santee m , Tigard, OR 1 City of Tigard - 639-4171 City Engineer, 12420 S.W. Main Street, — -- Tigard, OR 97723 City of Tualatin - 638-6521 City Engineer, 18880 S.W. Martinazzi Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062 Attn: Mike Mrhillip 1 City of Sherwood - 625-5522 90 N.W. Park Avenue, Sherwood, OR 97140 2 City of Newberg - 538-9421 City Engineer, 414 V. First St. , Newberg, OR 97132 Attn: Bob Sanders 2 Yamhill Cotmty - 472-9371 Road Department, County Courthouse, McMinnville, OR 97128 Marlon County - 588-5036 Marion County Department of Public Works, Salem, OR 97301 Attn: George Grove 2 Clackamas County - 655-8521 Clackamas County Engineer Dept, 902 Abernathy Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045 Attn: Pat 2 btilsonville - 682-1011 Larry Blanchard, P.O. Box 220, Wilsonville OR 97070 Right of Way, Box 02157, Portland, OR 97202 State Highway - 653-3099 Attn: 'fed Inlos 2 Northwest natural Gas - 226-4211 123 N.V. Flanders St . , Portland, OR 97209 Attn: D. W. Mills 2 City of Dundee - 538-1072 Box 201, Dundee, OR 97115 Western Division-1�o,)5 SW Old Scholls Ferry Road—Beaverton, Oreg .47007-643.545•: I' I p m 0n C A f � 7 f7 q F, n N N ;75 D b N O m v * t �T m I' III Iw �II I I I I I I I I I� Y N o Yn 4 O O n 00 n p Ir. O in O O O rn • p N 1n t:. N O LO Gm N O g �o O _ O m � A Abp 0 n n f f w7 Rf N N A n M 0 O O 0 J N 0 O r7 O II ITTTT I� I I II III 8 b Y Y O 8 O O O 0 O n G n ItN �j O F- I I' i11111 I I111 II IIII I I I I I ( ' I II h11 1jr O O p p 0 0 0 0 O 0 m m A o n f M NI 0 If1 G 0 p r 0 to • M N - 0 0 U O O O 0 G W 2 r cr x 0 a a = cr . 0 c� m tD .I. O OY Z Z C 0 0 0 0 0 0 in 0 0 t 0 pl Y 11-- < Q Ir r— Q cr o W I I W SSS ° m F F4- OD e N to �' o W W ~ a D 7 W Z I I I U 0 u o I �, V i w ui y a Ln CO W W o J 2 Z W O 6 d C O W D W U ~a CL U 7 L W Q W Q _ N (L ULk H hh F J W U 0 2 \ , I N a Z ZO � J I U I `• W � N e� 1-• 4 W O H O O, 10 19 C P' f N d �D N O m O f -� N N e c I I ! i i,! 1 , IIl I! I I i I'I,I Iii O 1 !� i� !T '. ! T -T— m e II i V' I ( V) Oo O r "� I rmn n O p n NO,Q W O A O^G n b O O Q O N N O N _ O m N O O U J N 0 O �7Tj��(�f1T1T j O g d o '. •.. O O O b0 O �n A N O Y O O O N O �fi f n O N Z n G n c F _ _ O r- ,!, I I I II� !II, I11 !ITTM C, I! , SII !I I II in O O p p O O O a O O p r' n n • n N W V q O O, m I- �O h f Nf N - O o C, O O O O a G z rs. a: < U a O Y 0 O s z 0 z F-- p O OO p p O O O O O In fn QJo $ 0 ro w h a on N q Y iW— ; hlllltlll�ll!Illllllllllilll'lllllllllll; Illlf (�IWll111WiL` W'lilililil!I!�Il!lilil!lil!I I! I il! I I I Ll I n. J f__ Q 7 W I' U IxOD., o Q o m I 2 o O c Q u O m W \ W z f+k I O O ni ! U V- U Q V N W a o z W w �� w wa \ a. W ` — s F R t q W W O 0 Qof w W E J w a c) i' LL ►- `�` a �_ a z z 2cn Z. 1.t p N in H C y M M M h N N N d b N O m p r J III j�o ?T I7T I 7 m Nmi ,7, U 1 1r O n Occ 00 n O '^ nr,u,cb h Ou O 0 -w N O M o O J N v O O Y IgOn l I 6CpO r I t II,aIHill I II 11E I{ � LL O O n It n N x0 n O M N M Q 7 1- �III Jm O O OO O D1 ID N p n It $- uj t� n p M p 0 rl f M N "" O O O p O O O O F 2 O a a 0 o O Y 7 � Q z h- C O O O U O O O O p O Cr c J p V 0 0 0 0 v in � _ c {— go �IIIIIIIIIIIII1�111�1.........11lllll I�illllllllllllllllililllillif� ' III Il�tlllll ll�llflfllll�ltll III II I I I I l i l 1 1 1 1 l�� Q � J 1" Q V ,rt O W w'^ I v/ Q. N V m CD C p Q Q C ` O i IM }O C� W U :� N z W z I o w U w W rj O N W a ►- I o W R C w 4J U w a a N O zI n ¢ U � w LL F W U O AD � F 7 Q N Z 2 2 7 I O ~ O_ w W U I r N 1- Q N W H ESTIMATE SHEET FUNCTION NO. 1�JEoI__ JOB NC). _ .1-3 t•"��_-- SECTION NOC.2/.-IU S-40-203 FUNCTION NO. FOR --------_.�-----. COPY l� EST. LABOR (IN MANHOURS) eG p ! -/v1�E�JL°' s�" y �S�J i9d��rl.vd D2INSTALLING E'�'���__ —f1IJ.SL_ tL � �__TD.__« _�i�0 r.I REMOVAL CONNECTION GATE TRANSF. STOREROOM NO. REQUESTED BY �yE 0,ZC/CS� 1DISTRICT rl/7/y'%D TOTAL - --. IOC FUNCTION Cl ACCOUNT STORES CODE NO. ACTUAL MATERIAL f0 BE INSTALLED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED COST QUANTITY QUANTITY -95?7,�5� --- �oSrxFrs'QcvF Po ie vv,r _ V 70 lir. L ioo co,v�_ c-f-, ' leg --..--- __ -0oy--0 7?9 G S - - _-- --. 1.7c No r- Terre 't�S40 CA/. 11 Z 46 S4 GTgO-TI !11 NOTES �����/y I Job COEt MATFRIAI /_77 l47Sr ra A:2Crl o0001" /'y'fj 4e iys'j STORES EXP __ _.-O ov ABOR TRACING NO.G 11 4 CIRCUIT /� G /r� . -- TOTAL CHECK II +S REOUIRED. / PERMIT APPLIED FOR Y TONE FOR RECORDS INITIAL CUSTOMER SHUT L 7WN /L/ NOTIFIED PPI TO TRANS DEPT. OVERHEAD PORTABLE SVP. /1 NOTIFIED TELCO 10 TRANS ICE � INSVAANCEEASEMENT REOUIi ?;I—eA/p/A/r PPL TO TRANS A REMOVE ts STAKE HOLES — TELCO TO TRANS A REMOVE —_ DIST ENOR, lEss sA1VA0E —' TRIM TREES ON 1H 10s POLES TOPPED Potts of 'vE0IN I BIDING JOB ESTIMATED BYn p DATE �' / WORK.STARTED BY bA1E A►/ROVED Ir .;• /.� °i ---- -- - — 1 ��. .. WORK C M►LETto of *At# ')C-1 AGREEMENT Summerfield Phase 14 Public improvements I , Aldie Howard, Planning Director for the City of Tigard, d,n hereby agree that the improvements to the Public Right of Way shall only extend to those areas where S W Naeve Road and S W. 92nd lie directly adjacent to the Summerfield Phase 14 Development. Improvements required at S. W Naeve Road adjacent to the proposed Summerfield Terrace Condiminiums and to the Peck' s Property will be completed at the time of said condominiu. development. Aldie Howard, Planning Director Date City of Tigard ci w EXIST. DITCH 6 �► 9 it 68 g q o s.+VT.�uI �z o�iS'Y•.q P. ¢ 7 1 Z 5 0 MPV?. � �� ,PESs'�t� E_xs�l• d/>tAiE � r ,- ro ,vo o.0 Ar Lu �1 — I 3 Z nL a o REMOVE TEMP, C.p, pik U J� 9 psi \ C o n k T. MH �c*Z '\ 4MION COPY ACES MUST NE END4SED I 1 N 0 APPROVAL OF THESE ,+ r U 'L u u 1� 0 A �. �O 05' bqUY / .-` �p ©Y . DATED. 3'�C.• 1h •7' \ fo 6 DATE t,�\ 9'q 0\�U 0 EN S . G o 0ti0Ob DATE- w rcr2o`�oI r '��ac�' L w °� d� �C' � 1 '� a'•� - z 4TED ALUMINIUM PIPE ►� 5�'�;�� °��:` b��`• LL BE IG GAUGE 4 —+--- • — -- --. --- ` - 15T G RX IE �`Z.- CIN OF TWAV& 17j M 9HWCMN CONT.ORMON I �l�ow•� �wl�� -- --- 12M$w Mew PO @M rJ n nOMO.OWOON mf3 M e%,I11_—.— k Hams-McMonagle L-Iocliates, Inc. o ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS ( RS90nCITZZ I 8905 S.W.COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD,OREGON 97223 ---- — DATE JO• NO. Telephone(503)639.3133 ATTENTION TO 1 RE GENTLEMEN: - - WE ARE SENDING YOU E9`Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ ShoF drawings O Prints Cy"Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter O Change order ❑ _ _^ COPIES DATE NO. �j DESCRIPTION e THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ITIor approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit---copies for approval f? For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution Q As requested O Returned for corrections O Return_ corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE__. 19 O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO-- SIGNED:',- 11.nrinun�• •rr nM �• nMM. MlnAly nM11r u• • nn�• • ,.----� ! OSP/r,/�tJ/aG • SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMI;:,<' THIS AGREEMENT dated the 2nd _ day of _December �, 1980 between the CITY OF TICARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and ---- TUALATIN DEVELOPMENI' COMPANY, _ rporation �� INC.INC., a Delaware Co .._ hereinafter termed "Pe_titinr.er'. W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has appltd to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as SUMMERFIELD NO. 14 located in Sortiotr 10_ Town hi ,� D 2 South Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and W11EREA39 t're City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider to lnatall streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development and requires the payment of fees; and WHEREkS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works constrcCtion by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary arwers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREA3, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in peti.tio%c is development are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said 3ubdi•:ision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will =e installed a3 required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED A5 FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose tb complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all suhdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance an,t the standard specification adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise a:)-,.,roved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto, (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirem=nCs and the provisions hereo:, Potitior.er tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the mount of $ 56117.00 _ a copy whereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. I (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse 1:3 proceed with the wort: in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time 1±.^tits, upon ten (10 days' notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and !uch default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the Clty may at its' option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to reeve- 0 e amount thereof. In the evert such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner's /sureties pro7.ise and agree to pay, in -rAdition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasor:able as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court sad Appellate Court, if any, or the pity ;may, at its' option, bring proceedings to eufcr:.e against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties specific perfo-:nance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the Ctty of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the trial Court and Appellate Court, If any. (4) Pettioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City an a_Tount e.itira:,!d to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lightiab fazill%tes within St>•$LIMMR161E7Lthe !ubdLvislon, according to Portland General Electric 3cli.dule 891, Option B, together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost Of providing eleatcical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period Of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount being $. 198.00 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City's interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith,in consideration whereof the Petitioner hag paid prescribed inapection fees. * (6) The Citta agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ 140.50 (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the CiLy of the readiness for final inspection and .rpon certificac_o1 by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to .he City a good and sufficient maintenance bond, if not aireeay providrd with the performance bond, form approved by the City in the sum of $ 11.227.40 to provide for correction of any defective work or mair,tenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after final acceptance of the public improvements by the City. (8) Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the r.equir.erents for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. %9) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of. the City's Subdlvisio-. 0rdtr.11ce and the provisio*s hcreef, Pettticrer �'rd3 itself to co nfcrrr. to the following requirements, schedulirg and limitatiors: (a) None of the Lots of petitioner's subdivision as described may be occupied fcr residential purFoses until at.. occupancy permit is issued under authority of the Cit, ar.9 no occupancy, permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivi3ion and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot propcied to be occupied, is installed as a part of the develop-tent; provided that all sidewalk< as required by the plars erd s_C;dtvision code_ shall be installed thrcught said subdiv.a'cr not later thgn 3 years fro— the date of this Subdivisien I^.provement Contract. * Project Fee $ 682.73 Sower Fee $ 100.00 -1- (5) All landscapirg tree: on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks a:d the cur`: (parking area) as required, shalt be planted and in place prior to final inspec.tior and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final insijection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within an' calendar rt,oatt! fron October to A1_i.i of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next fe'_luwin3 grnwing seascr„ Ln any event, all landscaping trees in all areas shall be p:^rted and _n place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the data cf thin subdivision lmp.-ovement contract. (c) Within one (1) ye Yr of acceptance of the public inprovements the petitioner ogre>z to p'_ace a or.e (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads wit.-A- the love'-op,-ent. (d) Compliance with all terms and pruvision3 specified theretofor said subdivi?`_:-i is.velap,ent by the Council and the Plan,!i.ng Com.tission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, i^_e;srd to variances allowed free! the Subdivision ordinance, conditions ,specifies' by t`ie tare ase classification, and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s). ! (10) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and petitioner agrees to cause to have said b,:nO. executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this Agreement at or prior to the tine thiE agreement is executed on behalf of the City. (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the City ;hall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part of the Petitioner with respect to ary requirement. thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized under- signed c.`ficers pursuant_ to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreemert to be exect.ted, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held an the day of 19 , Mayor and Re:order. has caused this agreement to be executed by its' TUALATIN EV t NT CO , Bys —� Bys -yL6Ad�� THE CITY Or TICARD, OREGOPl By: Mayor Bys Recorder —' -3- . ) ss, •CORPORATE AC} v07rLF-00VrNT of Washington ) - —— chis 2nd day of December I980, before me appeared Robert C. tutrni and Barbara L. Harrison both to me personally known, Moo be' iL7 3uiy sworn, did say that he, the said Robert C. Luton - is the I resident, and he, the said Barbara L. Harrison _is the Secretary i of Tualatin Deve.opment Co., Inc. --__the within the sealaffixed to said instrument is the c,�*- 9orate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and Robert C. Luton and Barbara L. Harriaon acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official. seal the day and ye r last above written. atin Devt Co., Inc. o ary Pub1 c1z .1 Ica for Oregon Commiss nn Expires' STATS Of 0RSCQ11 coulity;of ---- -- - —) On this _ _day of `—_ —� 19_, before me appeared —_ and , both to ne p,.1-nnally known wbm, being riuly sworn, did say that he, the seidM is the Mayor, and she, the - _� is the Recorder of the CITY CF TIGARD, a municipal cnrpcoration and the said - - --- ---_�--- And - --------.---_�_ ._ .nrlt-,i,.lydaed the said i^sc:, .-It to be the free act acid de,-d of said municipal corp:r ±t i. ;, .',r, I have hereunto sat my hand and affixed my official seal, this day and y4a: in this -iy certificate first written. Notary Public for Oregon My Co:smi::v{un Expires: +- r 1 I SUBDIVISION PERFORIWICE BOND Bond No, 80826338 _ SNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. a Delaware Corporation na Pr nc pa , an a era nsurance Com any n corporation duly aut prize to con uct a general surety business In the State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of 856 137.00 lawful money of the United States of America, for the paymen o which we, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these present, THE CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are platting SUPMERFIELD No. 14 subdivision located in the CTTy-_o_f_TT_g_ar_cT, Oregon, and entering into a subdivision compliance agreement with the Obligee herein, and upon acceptance of said plat and compliance agreement, the Principals shall make all improvements required by the City of Tigard, Ordinances and Subdivision Compliance agreement documents as described in said compliance agreement all of which are, by reference, made a part hereof, NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with the terms of the agreement end shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said agreement and. shall promptly make pay- ments to all persons supplying labor or material for any of the work provided by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecutioned against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. In the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligee hertz,*ser to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies here- tinder the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this bond to be executed this _ Lst day of , 19.8 • By; (seal) TUALA'r1N ELOPt . ' CO. INC. name o L By: (seal By; ��L1 tL-C kl� seal _ resident e c reTa ry (Corporation acknowledgement of Federal Insurance Company .v corporate principal and a true u�, copy of the Power of Attorney must be attached to the original i of this bond.) *! tt �1-- Attci Form No. 1971 - 1 A A I C D i E � d jaRD01Ur_ E•R.dS101.� PR.OT�CYICr•� t. �,. ;; "; W ,,, 3 I A ''D�cE\ INu�"'T' • C�rtR ;.y�'w -a w 0 1 w w (.J EXIST. DITCH, i0 g•��� N^� UI I ul I2+ 22.27 moo N 1 Z I I I d a r -I • T�'.lT•AlC .9 c' oFiS�C•ALIg 1 ��17• \'0 ,- c� I I 01 I I ul S. L�: /t/�9E V� �••�2.900 a i I I BE-�!tJ Z M P V T.� k'CxVAJP-� �,us.'-Girt AIX �� .tLIr + OSI �- _--_ V N/J' . eig /� n7 T �� cL b ryI I w FUTU!�E CURBLINE 23I 63 � a r I rD g,vG Off P/i'� gTVs ---- _ O , C _ —� - 4 I - I 3 µ S �— --I-I -- _— 1-nr-- ---- _ __ -APCF- �G 1' N V I I -t- - -1--- -- I -i---- _ _ }- _ - __ q to N-g EXIST. U I rc FI �; _ _ --- 13 � T .e, � J�Q� ``°D I __ I _.,_,� ._ - - --+»}---- --- _ `TEL. PO 14 IN _-_ ...__. .._ . . oW 0 0 o W \ Q • T33 w a o u HR T C = 4t � a a 8 E 1 N C U Ei �' ``� 1' r 3 or w W w k wkL1K. \ � 227• %rj 2Q �� < a w 3' , ' REMOVE TEMP. C.O. 3. no a 3 Ldp'` `� �5`A• 0` ' \ \o CONST. MH Q� �' S F`RDvID �E�� ' �t 0 �,Z u c, fi 1 y�'�� , s, \ �. a las n U taENERAL r, 7CNr, GQiJti'Y • + f 40.h�E ,1r,pCK 4 C� 1. 2 ✓- � \ ALL WORK SHALL BL DONE IN CONFOkMANL.c WITH THESE PLANS AND WITH TME CITY OF TIGARD STAN .Qo '64RU`c' '''r'7�ye' ��' %` 'z� '� ��' \� C \ � DARDS. IN THE EVENT Of A CUNF-LICr Bt 'WEEN THESE PLANS AND THE CITY STANDARDS, THE Ll TY , �wcri C`"N uT\ui { '«. ��.2 '10 jA �G�• r f`` \ p - i STANDARDS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE • 2. NO ITEM OR PHASE OF WORK SHALL BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL ACCEPTED BY THF. CITY AND THE 25' �' FILE �!OI�Y I ���= ENGINEER. — --s• ORS 'o as t 3. ALL TRENCH BACKFILL MATtRIAL AND METHODS SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF TIGARl1 r� CEJ MUST 13E ENS i" � ,� \ lip STANDARDS. _.IkQ s w, iuA�'v,C 17 o,e/6 .r'.,.,/or- e' ALL SPA - y NS a �• N r--- 6 ro e APPROVAL OF TN,�SE PL COR / I T i)tdl'�.ETIUT OF THE WORK + 't 0 C� V/9h'/ES r �„ CLASS „C„ A/C PVMT �'� - - ' \ PRIOR TO _ •-13,_x ua�+ h%°.moo \ �e ��as 4. SHALLPERMITS SEC REDLICENSES PAIUNFORSRYRTHEOCONTKA� REPRIORNTANDUMMI N( ttic, CUhS RUCs ION. 1�. S cC�+is c .� r PvaT. -I DATE_ - r } 2 i �' / IST. LIFT MINTCN, I � nr + - L TIS MA1111<Oltl����. ' \ , ,v ��4W J, 6,.�u�8 I iltlbTi DATG� 1D RE1.ocAtltla a� 6 ” ',d� 5. THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUN, UTILITIES SNOWN ON THE PLAN., IS f OP INFORMATION ONLY I” IN YR. - 1 - - PUBLIC w+nRKs °E�'T' '� �p AND IS NOT GUAkP' TEED TO BE ACCURA` _ ' EXPOSURE _ - - rr13 + tY vt•�o�Eit - <, pq $ �d��, � T. R Jr K.ANNING DEPT. D,c,T fS. BEFORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR !fKL NOTIFY ALL PERTINENT OMPANIES Uk � - -f ( GY _ �/r ` `)0• R TH IC K BUILDING D .PT. �- 'r _ o \�AGENCIES WITH UNDERGROUNP FACILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA SO THAT SAID FACILITIES MAY BE - - -� •- 00 - �<' �•� T - , . IJV,4 '� '�, �/y -0 CRUSNEb ROCK Iq"I �„ THRU \ COUNTY HEF.LTH nGT'1. C3'Y /' - DATW_- -•.--- �' , 2p lA ev 34C ACCUkA, LLe' WCATEU ., �i,1'RIC, GAS, TELEPHONE, WATER, STORM AND SANITARY SEWER. o L. .J RIVE'NAYS -- i QST I CITY ADP•llnl_TRi:''Oi [1Y— �/�! Q� Z - 110 4-INCH RAIN DRAIN HOLES 2-PER LOT SFtA►L BE INSTALLED IN CUkEy� OPPOSITE PROPERTY CORNERS. 8 I /2' -C"CRUSHED ROCK �` � '1� \ DATGJ=-��- J- G�'a(p 9. WHEEL CHAIR kAMPS SHALL BE iNSTHL.LLD IN CURB AT ALL STREET INTfRSECTII9NS-. TIGARD wa,ER DI`'T' -- _� o. =JQ/�.'�' - .'3Q% ,� p Qir! 3rA,WA4tjD Dlw�APAk WS A!E'gL**CD , � _ r � COY._ �-. - � /Q� "00 U 1� p/�,�,J/� A r, O MATE R I A L N �) 5: r / GENERAL TELEPHO.�'i � GnTE� ` �• q �c o Q �'�,• ,9,E T�/�[ sT 1 r��.r��Eiv, H A L F STREET IMPROVEMENT P R 0 V E Irl E N T BY --- —t�fi�-,� c 20 15 BY $ �,- + Nor TG Cy1E O U B A BY -- D,, .. \ a1 1 PIPE . I , > NOT T 0 5 C A L. E �_.-____.,r � -� ��'•.,2U O,'� O� `••, STORM DRAIN . IPE . CONCRLTE HAL'. 13k MORT OINT OR RUBBER JOINT CONCRLI CULVERT ill) \ URAL GA DA-ra ��'3- L� C, / 20 4 CONFORMING TO ASTM C- 14 CLASS 2, METAL S+. .LL Eil ALUMINUM CONFORMING TO AASHTU M 190 , 49107 ��' «/7" e11ZW` /f/�A S.W. /Of�i9YE. !i/ESTS/DE 6fy9 TO 7tSS '�� ����0 M-197, M-211 and M-119, THE GUAGE IS SHOWN ,-►N THE PLANS. /yCiPTit�pi>Z'yvFs ►✓.t//yE✓E s-'"•0,!/LY SW, N,fEVE Sr -504/ril S��E /2&2Z Toll"oeit) P. G. E' - DATE - — L+_�`�,� C � bti•o� o 2. PIPE BEDDING SHALL GE CLASS W FOR .ONCRETE PIPE, METAL PIPE SHALL HAVE CLASS "B" IN T. R. F. D• END ST. o . ° 1bA C?'� "�'� IN E4SE14 rc=2oµ•a I �� '-ti ° RIGHT-OF-WAYS AND CLASS / 2_ �w►atwf w�rl1RIAI. M yes o� y r 1 e' 7 3. TRENCH BACKI=7LL SHALL. HE COMPACTED STREET RIGHT-OF-wArS, --6� Sr1All 8L �� iM�� �,� �� USED IN EASEMENTS. NOTE 1 `D e.5 Ax�I {P�''�ry 6 4. PIPE ZONE MATERiAI. SHALL BE SELECT -Q• C, �. CORRUGATED ALUMINIUM PIPE ill� ,�y(�!�y'C•���/ �'' � 3I.+ ALL j ( C. A. P.) SHALL BE IG GAUGE r--rt u -- - - -- —- -- - Ll — - - -- _ AL — -- -- -- _ - - - r -1,-2-0- 3 •2.0 --- 3- — -- - - --- - --- - - -- - - — At I 3 - - -. --- -- --- --t- —_ - - -- _ --- - _ - _-. - -- -- - --- -- 24 J 21+0 116- Z3 5 - ____ - - _- - -_- - ---- ._ -� - m0­00- 235 , Q — L�7 20 IN _ u • .•It A- '— — - Ell 2-1 4 230 77-71 220 _ - - --- --- - - _— -- - - _ _ ujw III AIL- O +pO ItQO 2100 3 . 00 ++ 00 5 * 00 6 *GO 70 BtOp 9 +00 IU*GO IIt00 I7 +L�O -- 13 * G0 14+0.4 REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN T U A L A T I N D E V E�.O P E All E N T CO. ALE HGhIZONTp� LATUM SUMMERFIELD NU.ra PLAT w.LM � " SUMMERFIELD 14 = SUVERT• VEP,TICAL GATVM CITY OF TIG/►PO U s C 8, r, J . 15300 S. W. 116TH AVE . INC.� NCS. ! 4 vEftT• NOTE ; PL ' N S'• PROFILE. OF 5.W. NA EVE 5f. FRCM c t 0u TO 12 + Z2. 2 J I S .`SHOWN TRACED JOB NO. a- FUR INFORI+AATION ONLY. �te"It N . H TIGARD, OREGON . 97223 STREET IMPROV JOB AND 4HN R H Harris - McMonagle Associates SHEET REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS STORM DRAIN REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION DATE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET PLAN AND PROFILE ' 'JUrlH 1,11EL.D NO JA, I I I TIGARD, OREGON 9722;1 OF I . ♦ t » ��"-- ,;..,.: •_,_ .. ,."' "�.....- mid =WAN ;' " IY"A"xi:+tlr,�Ak'a MJ•WMS'X`!4"4�+1'll� Iflir`IIIIII�I�'IIIIIIIIII�fII�EII�tiltlllrlililll�llllll�lllll�lt�l II 111111111111,1111117771111IIIIIIIIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIII11111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI1Ir11I1111111I111111111111111 ! O M NOTE: I F TH IS M ICROF I LMED I 2 3 4 --5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN --- `' TIIIS NOTIC;E;�-IT IS DUE TO THF. QUALITY OF TFF ORIGINAL DRAWING. _ ---•__ _. ... - -- --- ---- OC 6? 92 1z 9z Sz rz Ez zZ IV 02 61 61 it 91 Ill fs1 I u l z l 11 01 6 9 L 9 9 r� b C z ,11111IIIIlI111111111INIlIIIIIIlIlI111111111,IIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIInIIn,I�,iIIIIIIlI1111I11lIIIIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII ILII)IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIHIIWIIIilIIt11IIIIlIltlllllll)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�LW��JnIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIuIIfllu�n�nlllllu�luwllllful111fllfffllwlnll JULY 7 1992 T8107 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY TAX CODE: .�.�.. MAIN SKETCH �2�• 74 > V I t W > . 4 O m O G m Wow IS 17 L,i 1" ERGROUND - PHONE PRESSURE RATING dl X-RAY WATER77 _60t. _ � r I 3• —�„�. r-- SEWER TEST PRESSURE t �� PSIG 9 SUMM_R; I cLD # 13 POKIER TEST DURATION M � ri . 707 Z•►65 PHONE r WELDS TO BE X-RAYED- % BOND 65' 682 688 n 689 In yy) � 69 692 693 +^ T) r _ ZS 1 ' # 1 SS 1 0` 0 �. �t `a +� 1 DESIGN PRESSURE PSIG _O d` J J O � 3' (79) _. .' a>t � ^ O a �: ` I– r_ ; MA.OP. _– "'� ____PSIG W 683 - 1 '�, N l2 J Jy 3 % `' o V 2 NORMAL OPER. PRESS. _PSIG ,n 207' (79)865 690 CA v' p o z° DATE `" 7�� J .� r. * 1553 OS' 705 3 (79) 687 84' �-� N o 3 m o 3 ENGR. LA ` � r� o.J 2-.0079 N f Q Sq' '91684 __ '' #1 5550 68 .'� .O � ��� r INSTALL MAIN _ FEET OF FEET OF _ V R�oK (79) �o$ w J �` o 0 e 685 �cll '�' �/� N. �w) O� g � u ABANDON MAIN_ _ _ FEET OF ". _ __ FEET OF •. O ' f 7A* .o � ¢`5�j q 4� , 13 p� , cr TYPE COATINGS. PIPE JOINTS _FITTINGS 'I V! (W) .a 0� NO 694 Z 695 . INSTALL SERVICE FEET OF INSTALL _EI ANODES: 0400 � q' LAO 696 2 �-J 697 (I O D E, I INSTALLED MAIN FEE'r OF FEET OF•_„_" :mJ p �(Q 698 ABANDONED MAIN FEET OF FEET OF �1 r- O \ p\\��� r jaT,i p 699 TYPE ';OATINGS: PIPE _ JOINTS FITTINGS \. � yF � „p INSTALLED SERVICE -----FEET OF ______ INSTALLED ANODES: \� �•fl vDATE COMPLETED r SIGNED AA p CITY OF TI ARD (WRITE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON SKETCH) CREW LEADER ti `0/09 MEASURED �... DATE� } SCALE 6� 0 `- ` STAKED DATE SEO. NO. �J + + 6 �� � Q 'N ` WNZ DATE � PLATTED 698 ,n 4 �`– *� Qlt K� ry DATE I <._U 1_ DATE SIGNED ��r' APPROVED PLAT 6 DATE ooYIZ'V WALLMAP 0 f�60990 Dn. \�• MAIN WORK ORDER SERVICE WORK ORDER NO. 01 ADDRESS 15705 4 1 /,2'(w)'75 (76) 01 �D 4 i . BETWEEN 42' _ S.W. ° S U M M F R F I � CITY L D DR. COUNTY T1 C2 k9 D ._ PLAT NO. SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE 4 I-;• ,,,.iic..,.,,,�,,:«:.... ,.,:,, .ew ti7f .. , , iC - ,.._..,._.. _,,. ._,. ........_._...._ .... .-.__..._..-_............r... ..: .- .... _.,,.,, .. -. y�l*s•..-ti:.n, -,.rte-.:.•, :-;"�i,• •r• _ -....r..., .. ,.- r• r - I rTclII 1 1t 1. l I I I I I I III IIi flf fll flf 111 � I + f ► �� + til � _. .. NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED 5 7 ® 9 10 I 12 ' DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ,. THIS NOTICE s-17' IS DILE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ROWING. -- -- -- _ -'� OE 6z eZ LZ 9 L SZ f1Z EZ ZZ IZ dZ 61 91 L I 91 S I til E I Z I l i 01 6 6 L 9 S E .. r�l�IiIIIIrIIIIrrIIIiIIIII��rI�+I���Irrlr�r l� f> � Itrt l� I�� rn+ 11 - tt1t11111111+IIIl+rllll �� +lIIIIIIirIIIIIIIIJ+ttlrr�lt�rttlltltlttfi i {Illllirlflfaifll+! lirralllll�rllr�tllllll l . , + 11� w111uIfWkqhff,JULY ' - 19921- MIT- I .. J{q 'Poll...r..d .. .. —_... L v�d • -P rf- •...,- „ ..x...14' -' '•; - <I ;4•_... .. 8-:: 'P9 •. :+r +��• da3*'y,F+;iy R.i,�l.- .,p,'. .. �. - e;;., .: .,,., .. . n ,"i A E OF 07 F:GON ) as. CORPORATE ACINOWL-DC YNT of Washington ) )n this 24th day of _ November 1980 , before me appeared Robert C. Luton _ and Barbara L. Harrison both to me personally known, who be!ng ',i:1y sworn, did say that he, the said Robert C. Luton r is the -resident, and he, the said Barbara L. Harrison is the Secretary of Tualatin Development Co., Inc. the within ;; Lrrr C'c °� 7- --� that the seal affixed to said ins-:rument is the cor- h )rate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in bobalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, ird _ Michael Chase and H. Vaughn Blaxter III acFnrxJlr'du� ti said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. I Ii IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my I hand and affixed my official seal the day and li year last above written. otary �4bicor Oregon My Commission Expires S'.nTE OF OREGON ) as. CORPORATE ACiC1OWUDGM.ENT "aunty of_ On this _ day of ,, 19_, before me appeared and both to me personally known, who bring duly suo)r•n, did Gay that he, the said i is the Pry -ident, and he, the said is the Secretar; of the within na^,Pd Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument Is t',! coro-•rate sFal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in t•-•half of said Corporation by authority of ita Board of Directors, ar•1 acknowledged said instrument to be the frae act and deed rf sa !d (:.)r;)­ration. IN TESTI"ONY WHEREOF, I hn%,e hereunr.r set hand and affixed my official seal the day , id year last above written. Notary PuGlic for Oregon ----- ----- My Commission Expires r J (erI&ed copy ul POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all Men by these Presents, That-the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, 100 William Street, New Y..,6 New Yo,k ew Jersey C ration•h s nsti ap ed,and en r y co ut I t Nancy L. Kummer, 09aymon� `�. idi��,p0 ���y `�' p1`��t�'Bbrgh,____ Pennsylvania-------------------------mss------------------- each its irua and lawful Attorney-In-Fact to execute under such designation In its name and to affix Its corporatn seal to and deliver for and on Its behalf as surety thereon or otherwise,bonds of any of the following classes,to-wit. I Bonds and Undertakings(other than Fiduciary Bonds)filed In ally Bull,matter or proceeding In any Court,or filed with any Sheriff or Magiet're e,for the doing or not dole p of anything specified In such Bond or Undenaking In which the penalty of the bond or undertaking does not exceed the sum of FwL Hundred FlNy Thousand Dollars(5250,000.00). 2 Surety Bands to the United Slates of America or any agency thereLf,Including those requirad or permitted under the laws or regulations relating to Customs or Internal Revenue;License And Permit Bonds or other Indemnity bonds under the taws, ordinances or regulations of any State,City,'town,Village,Board or other body or organization,public or Uivale.bunds to Transportation Companies,Lost Instrument bonds, Lease bonds.Workman's Compensation bonds, aoellanaous Surety bonds and bonds on behalf of Notation Public,Sheriffs,Deputy Sheriffs and similar public offl- uals 3 Sonds on behalf of contractors In connection with bids,proposals or contracts. In Witness Whereof, the said FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY has,pursuant to Its By-Laws,caused these presents li,be signed by its Assistant Vice-President and Assistant Secretary and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 1st day of January to 79 FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY By u 1 C Ori O= George McClellan Assistant Vice-Pren(danf a•• c A'YfNrji, Richard D O'Connor Assistant.Serrerary STATE OF NEW JERSEY ss C only of Esser On thus tet day of Janusry tg 79,before me personally come Richard D O'Connor,to me known and by me known to be Assistant Secretary of the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY,the Corporation described in and which executed the foregoing Power of Attorney and the mid Richard D O'Connor being by me duly sworn,did depose and say that he is As- s,stent Secretary of the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY end knows the corporate mal thereof,that the mal Mixed to this foregang Power of Attorney is such corporate seat and was thereto affixed by authority of the By-laws of sold Com- Perry and that he signed said Power of Attorney as Assistant 3ecrntary of said Company by like Authority,that he is ocausinted with George McClellan and knows him to be Assistant Vice-President of said Company,and that the slGnature of said George McClellan subsce bad to mid Power of Attorney Is in the genuine handwriting of mid George McClellan and was thereto subscnbod by authority of said Sy-Laws and In deponent's presence AcknowiodgedendSwc•ntobefore me on the date above written. P Al•'• NOTARY r , .t# p U g 1 r, IsC - ------- Notary Public . �`.4, yf,'{�; FAtRICr" RYAN J E�,� NOtARY 7UDI.IC OF NEW JERSEY My Commission Expires Dezember 11. 19 83 rum 21 in 2Ta ied 2 rallaonerall ..,.... i mWAL 1 fr SHORT HILLS.NJ. as. County of Essex 1,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary of the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY,do hereby certify that the following is a true excerpt from the By-Laws of the said Company as adopted by its Board of Directors cn March 11, 1953 and amended May 27. 1971 and that this By-Law is in full force and effect. "ARTICLE XVIII. Section 2. All bonds, undertakings,contracts and other instruments other than as above for and on behalf of the Company which it is authorized by law or its charter to execute,may anti shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company either by the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman or the President or a Vice-President.jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary,under their respective designa- tions,except that any one or more officers or attorneys-in-fact designated in any resolution of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee,or in any power of attorney executed as provided for in Section 3 below,may execute arty such bond•undertaking or other obligation as provided in such resolution or power Of attorney. Section 3. All powers of attorney for and on behalf of the Company may and shall be executed In the name and on behalf of the Company,either by the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman or the President or a Vice-President or an Assistant Vice-President,jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary,under their respective designations' And I further certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the POWER OF ATTORNEY with the original thereof and the same is a correct and true copy of the whole of said original Power of Attorney and that said Power of Attorney has not been revoked And I further certify that said FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY is duly licensed to transact fidelity and surely business in each of the Stales of the United States of America. District of Columbia. Puerto Rico.and each of the Provinces of Canada with the exception of Prince Edward Island. and is also duly licensed to become sole sure�ta bonds,undertakings,etc., permitted or required by law rven under my hand and the I of said Company at Short Hills. N J.,this---- ___ day of Assistant 5ecrei'44" , l% 1i CITY OF TIGARD DEVELOPMENT DEPOSIT FEE COMPUTATION SHFET ; PROJECT NAME _. f��►^kv --•PPOJECT NO. (1) PROJECT FEE (City ord. 58-43, SOC. 10, Par. A ): (i)Total estimated lnpr:yement coat . . ... b) Less can. server est. consi cost. .... . S 4�-•�- L` ,3 > ; Adjusted improvement cost . ... .... . ... ... —(subtotol)/ , $Z� R��(rr_ c) .015 X �._.- (subtotol) (2) SEWER FEE (U.S.A. res. 70-12,Sec.9, Pa r. 91,1: I o)Sewer plan check fee a InspCctien fee , -""• � t 1) �h 10.00 x Cort (no. of Ints)' J ' � 2) � 100.00 min. . . . .. .. . . . . i b) Permit fee () connection charge paid (] I surcharge paid .......... ... ...C3 1 c) Sever district contract �) � I (district (•�),STAELT LIGHTING FEE a) P.G.E. lighting schedala no 6.. L) t:thly rate option. ...... no �10`7e IU��Nt�r►.' 4L;�Rl� L�rtuaE�� typeal!ilht lumana X (mthly rote) (no.of Iighte) L type of PLO 10 1riatik ov (rlhly r0 (no of poles) lyf. a 12 mth's (sublc^ol) -- .�----' 4 CIii=24mth's ?til. „� S 109,' _ 451. (eubtatul) (na.of rnlh!) (4) SIGN FEE (urn—`•• __ _ ♦ ..�►� (item'•instoilation) (pet sign) (no of sign) STOP i' --_— r --- RES t RICT, OCCUPANCY �;__ X SYREET SIGN —� —' 25 CO!.13.STOP/ST tIAIAE X NO PARKING .__ X - - - - --- - — �miegl. x _ --_ - , _ . .__.. misel type) RECFIPT NU OAfE PAID rhnCk GRAND TOTAL ;....t• -���.u�s Cash rncney order C] Inaerl' sewer,straet,ur st:' d' 'li:+n 1 CITY OF TIGARD—12420 S.W.MAIN--TIGARD,OREGON 97223 RECEIPT DATE: 1/��.:=_1 U AMOUNT: $✓� ✓. 3 _ a --DOLLARS 4 NAME: CASH: ADDRESS:_ — CHECK: -�_ ►.A _ M•0.: -- D OF FOR: ACCT. • PERMITS SURCHARGE AMOUNT SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 MECHANICAL PERMIT 05-332 -- BUILDING PERMIT 05-333 _— SEWER CONNECTION 40-363 _ SEWER INSPECTION 40-365 SYSTEM DEV.CHARGE 25-366 PARK DEV. CHARGE #1 30-367 PARK DEV. CHARGE #2 30-368 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS 05-362 Ops- .36"L- RECEIVED 6 L-- TOTALS RECHVED BY _ PERMIT NUM SlR 3S10NlD: _ �-- �----_-`— - Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Off - - --- ------ -- -- — -- - --- t R!cllrT • 7338 ,1 .. o � r 0 z t W Z F Z O O O = D u c o < cn u F a n i V JIr _. U _ lz �NQ W�0 � Z hw Q 7 =t4if = z � lz a., 0 W OYrt n iQ o rc �u n v_o F� W Nl y O (J V Z � ` O U W r d b� CT'• z J y F O � t � IJ UW Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 503 648-8621 /'Vb C�Ty of 1.9190 11GOp October 31, 1980 City of Tigard P.O. Box 23997 Tigard, OR 97223 Gentlemen: SUBJECT: SUMMERFIELD NO. 14 The construction plans on the above-referenced project have been approved by the Unified Sewerage Agency and the Department of Environmental Quality. If you have any questions , please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours , lee Terry Chamberlin Engineering Tech. III /cb Enclosure 72-4BR uc J uj rXIST. DITCH-- �68' PVT0Lfj AYXANI%� 1 � 12 13 TEL 1 �' 9 \ I c. \o ��'. �e REMOVE TEMP' C.U. , CONS� �-M H IT q6 O ©`h t POLE 1.Or O ur ►Ai uou 10' 11c 6 � �SCusS w� I�EIJ SUS `�;�'coq oEND ST. oll ��e sa t'C-20 +•01 Olt ALUMINIUM PIPE � Fi o h• a L BE IG GAUGE �o���` V, titi°4ti° ci - - 1 iAA �, t!3T G RA. E . _ -- --- - - -_ - --TXLTROTI 04 ---- T P-U4228. 78 N 235 - - — -t cA M ----- ---- - -- � Stow al Ongom - EFART>AIENT OF EN RpNKWAL I e R o v EQa,�/� 7-17�n pr 7tt TTT'flttef u SJm! — - - — dat% N .i 1e nl Oregon DEPART 1 ENWROWITAl C MITI 12. +00 13 + 00 14 #UG ALE SUMMERFIELD N 14 5` cJ HOR�ER� JOB NO -- STREET IMPROVEMENT AND 5 SHEET STORM DRAIN PLAN AND PROFILE OF z Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 503 648-8621 October 14, 1980 Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality P .O . Box 1760 Portland, Oregon 97207 Gentlemen : SUBJECT: SIRIPT-RFZELU NO. 14 Enclosed please find twc copies of the plans for the sanitary sewers to be installed in the above-referenced project . Please review and return all copies to the Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County, 150 North First Avenue , Hillsboro , Oregon. We would appreciate your approval on these plans as soon as possible . Very truly yours , Ile Engineering Tech. jb Enclosures CC : Engineer . i „f Tigard PLANT Durham BASIN East 72-16 ..,u.mss,wn+Iyy�wuiwupwJ,W.awwwcwtiWwwM' w�•bi., .: „vacnwVa.ww,uwww-.wiww•*. H-WASSOC., INC. 10/9/80 PROJECT: Summerfield #14 .ITLE: Cost Estimate UNIT UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION KASURE COST TOTAL STREETS: I . Clearing 6 grubbing lump sum 700.00 2. 6" 11/2"(-) base rock 9 308'-e..�r.. .75 � �-tl�AO 3. T'' 3/4"(-) leveling course 6A.�,y9,75 �j�;gp„ �VIC ` 4. 3" Type "C" asphaltic concrete 225 ton 32.00 7,200.00 5. Standard curbs 537 l.f. 4.00 2,148.00 6. Excavation to subgrade 1000 C.Y. 3.00 . 0 TOTAL. STREETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , STORM DRAINAGE: X 6�9 1 . 10" C.A.P. 16 gauge 54 l .f. 11 .50 621 .00 2. 15" C.A.P. 16 gauge 32 l .f. 16.00 512.00 3. 30" C.A.P. 16 gauge 119 l .f. 24.00 2,85600 4. Manholes standard 2 ea. 900.00 1 .800.00 5. Inlets S 450.00 _.Sw.t0 x.50 .'" 6. Rock backfill 120 c.y, 7.00 84Q.00 TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . SANITARY SEWER: 1. 8" C.S.P. in place 251 l .f. 9.75 2,447.25 2. 6" C.S.P. in place i0i1 l .f. 9.00 900.00 3. 8" x 6" tees :! ea. 40.00 120.00 4. Standard 48" dia. manhole ? ea. 1100.00 2,200.00 5. Cleanout it- ea. 400.00 _480706 & ` 6. Fowler taps 3 as. 200.00 600.00 7. Pipe zone rock 351 l .f. 1.90 666.90 8. Rock backfill 330 c.y. 7.00 2,310.00 9. Trench compaction-native material 139 l .f. 2.00 278.00 10. Remove i replace asphalt 20 s.y. 15.00 300.00 TOTAL SANITARY SEWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. GCD• r 121 32"1.i0 Ali Cfff f NN/ WA*041VON COIJIM O"GON kq C)o low I.mw P o WN mm twm.c'*" 4?�'I it 5,�- q) Z. CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (P.W.) Procedure Check List I. FILE INITIATED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • (1) Supplementary sheets attached . . . . . . . . II. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT: (1) Pending Planning Commission action. . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (2) Approved tei,tativel.y by Commission. . . . . . . . . . III. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLAINS: (1) Plan Check commenced, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'A (a) Revisions required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 (b) Stamped, approved for construction. . , . . ❑ (2) Utility Co. plans received. . . . . . . . . . . 4 (3) Improvement cost ,stivate received. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV. EXECUTION OF PROJECT DOCUME=S: 11, ,x • (1) Contract documents drawn: •4 (a) Compliance Agreement signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ •Y (b) Performance Bond signed . . . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . CI - (2) Permits & Licenses acquired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (3) Easements obtained & recorded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (4) Deposits made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Li V. SUBMISSION OF FINAL PLAT: (1) Review for conformance commenced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ _ (a) Revisions required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ca (b) Approved & signed by Comm. Chairman . . . . . . . . . ❑ (c) Resubmitted to Commission ❑ Res. No. Approved • . _ (2) Approved and recorded by County Surveyor. . . . . . . . . . . ❑ N_ (3) Address's assigned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1 VI. COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Q Note: Inspection sheets and construction/ Inspection check list (attached) for progress. VII. FINAL. INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ _ (1) Pending correction of deficiencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 (2) Not acceptable, construction deficient. . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (3) All construction items acceptable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ VIII. EXECUTION OF FINAL. PROJECT DOCUMENTS: (1) Maintenence Bond signed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . o ❑ �� (2) As-built drawing received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (3) Fina]. report to Council issued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n IX. CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ MAINTENANCE BOND EXPTRES: STAFF R .r,JRT FINAL ACTION � TIGARD PLAPINtiNG DIRECTOR 12420 SW Main Street, Tigard / C August. 7, 1980 DOCKET: SUMM✓RFIELD PHASE XIV, SUBDIVISION, S 2-80 NPO #6 APPLICANT: TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OWNER: SAME: 15300 SW 116th Tigard, Oregon 97223 SITE LOCATION: Intersection of. 109th and Naeve St. , and intersection of 109th and Highland drive, and intarser.tion of Highland Drive and Summerfield Drive (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S`. 1ODD, Tax Lot 100) 14EQUEST: Approval of Subdivision for twelve (12) single family dwelling units as Project B of Summerfield Phase XIV. PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 22, 1980, the Planning Commission approved Phase XIV which consisted of three (3) Projects. Project A -= 1.38 Cundomi.num Units, Project B - 11 single family units, and Project C -- future !sousing site (Reference : ZCPD 10-80) . FINDINGS OF FACT: Reference Staff Report ZCPD 10-80 of April 22, 1980. CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: Reference Staff Report ZCPD 10-80 of April 22, 1980 STAFF RECOMMENDATION:. Staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: I . That the applicant contact the owners of Tax Lot 1200, Tax Map 2S1 10D (Mr. and Mrs. Peck) and obtain the necessary dedication of right-of-way for the improvement of Naeve Road. All improvements to Naeve Road s'iall be approved by the Public Works Director prior to the issuance of Bui..ding Permits, and all associated street improvement costs shall be borne by the applicant - Tualatin Development Company. 2. Attentior is drawn to Findings of Fact in Staff Report ZCPD 10-80, dated April 22, 1980 - Number 4 - "Project B will add eleven (11) units." Applicant has proposed twelve (12) units. Under. the Planned Development Distr+ ^* Section 18.56.160 of the Tigard Municipal Code, the Planning Director is not authorized to increase densities. Therefore, the applicant has only two choices - a letter shall be addressed to the Planning Commission clearly stating the reasons for the additional lot, or the plat shall be re-drawn showing eleven (11) lots. NOTE: Letter to Planning Ccm.^ussioa aprro:.c.d August 5, 1980. (See Exhibit "A") U t( STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.3 ZCPD 10-80 TIGAcRD PL.A.\^IING COt-L'4I13SION April 22, 1980 Page 3 II. CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: I. The proposed uses are compatible with the Previously approved Planned Develop- ment for Surnerfield. 2. Sewer service is a concern. The Unified Sewerage Agency has written a letter to the Public Works Director. (See letter attached) One of the di.fficulties is that if this present system fails, it effects an increasing number of people. The gravity line should be const-.ructed now, 3. Naeve Road will serve this development phase and is now substandard (unpaved) . A right-of-way dedication is necessary. 4. 109th Avenue south to Summerfield Drive is substandard. A right-of-way dedication is necessary. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends 2.pproval of this Phase XIV review with the fol.lowiny conditions: 1. Naeve Road be improved to lor_al street standards along the entire northern property line including frontage on Tax Lot 1200, Tax Map 2S1 10D. Full ct� street improvements are to be made. Necessary right-of-way dedications are - .+� to be made to the City. VAT 2. 109th Avenue be improved to .local street standards from Summerfield Drive to the intersection with Naeve Road. This intersection to be improved as specified by the Public Works Director. Necessary right-of-way dedications to be made to the City. 3- The gravity sewer line at Durham Roaci and 10Bth Avenue is to be rrmpleted and fully operational prior to issuance of Building Permits. This development shall not be served through the Pump Station now in operation on Durham Road. 4. Project A and', Project B shall be subject to Site Design Review. 5. Project C at a .later date shall he brought before the Planning Coruaission for review prior to the issuance of Building Permits. Project shall be subject to Site Design Review. 6. All tax lots are to tie combined. Building Department will not issi,z? Permi.t.q for a building over two separate tax lots. SUBDIVISIVN APPLICATION Check off List : Application : Date , sigi. I by owner . _LE# S _ -$0 Fee: Paid in full FEE REC 'D�_ /n Narrative: Submitted with all questions RECEIPT # answered DATE REC'D���: 7 copies of site plan: With all required RECD BY information _ _ —_ County Tax Map School Impact Statement Letter ,496&ZO. PLEASE PRINT I Ze PLAT NAME ,r '�l / � G/ fC4 ��'�� (Street) (City State ( Zip) - TAX MAP #�S//� 7 / _ TAX LOT(S)—z-&&. 7� APP',I CANT'S NAME �- ' �z 1r� .G� �- •.� D��G�� •-ADDRESS �oS•�y-1/G street) (C1tY) `�'?? Z- 3 PHONE (Bus . )��3�/�_(Res . ) (State) (Zip) OWNER' S NAMEr S,�L•lf ADDRESS Phone (Bus . ) (Street) (State) (Zip) .(Res . ) OWNER RECOGNITION OF APPLICANT Sig.jature of ( s) -- PLEASE CI -NEER PLANNER SURVE R (Name) Q S ft2_ ter✓ �f �ySS� ADDRESSG'S S, PHONE (Bus. ) (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) ^ — -------- Tifr 4�t0 0l� ;►7 Z 2- (r 3 / 2_3 z LAND PROGRAM NUMBER OF LOTS(S) / 7 NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES_ I APPROXIMATE AREA OF EACH POSSIBLE BUILDING LOTS IN SQUARE FOOTAGE i i DATE OF DEVELOPMENT COMPLETIONZONING DESIGNATION NPO PLAN NO.-_- y'LIST UTILITY DISTRICT PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN FIRE DISTRICT��.fl. f��•��L�S SCHOOL D_STRICT_ WATER DISTRICT SEWER DISTRICT-4-", - �— MINUTES TIG RD PLUTIMIG C01•21ISSI011 August 5, 1980 Page 7 OTT-1.7 BUSI'M-53: *** Howard announced the Bishop/G.I. Joels development on Main Street would core before the commission fLr final approval next week, Aug,�.ast 12. The commissioners did not feel it appropriate, in view of the lack of attendance for various reasons of commission members at the three traffic study sessions at the USA offices, and in view of one new member on the commission, '.o take final action at the meeting next week. It was the consensus the ;,usust 12 meeting should in effect be a study session where the appli.c.atls responses to the commission's expressed concerns would be considered and evaluated. *'* Howard called attention to the redraft of the Planned Develop- ment Districe ordinance, which he recommended the members study and then act on at some future date. He explained why it was drafted in very simple, very straightforward language. *** Howard presented a letter from W. L. McMonagle asking for 12 l.ota in Su!^_merfield #14 instead of 1.1 as originally planned. He Iexplained certain access problems which nned to be addressed, but expressed confidence there can be worked out to the satisfaction of all concerned. Speaker MOVED, and Funk seconded, approval of twelve instead c f oleven lots in Summerfield #14, with_ d_ etaiis to be worked out by Ataff. The motion carried unanimously. •*• Howard called attention to his memo of July 30 concerning the remand by the city council to the planning commission of the Copper Creek dc7T1 opment. There will be an informal. study secs-on on this at the AuLrust 12 meeting. The president ADJOUMTED the meeting at 10:15. e# f STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.3 TIGArRD PLAzr4ING C0:41-IISSION April 22, 1980 - 7:30 p.m. Fowler JuZior High - DOUBLE MATH ROOM 10365 SW WaLnut Street, Tigard DOCKET: ZONE CHANGE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, ZCPD 10-80 NPO #6 (SUMMERFIILD/TDC PHASE XIV) APPLICANT: Raymond J. Bartel OWNER: TUALATIN DEV. CO. 2515 SE Harrison St. 15300 SW 116t Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Tigard, Oregon 97223 APPLICATION DATE: March 28, 1980 SITE LOCATION: Summerfield Drive at 109th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2Sl TODD, Tax Lot 100 and 2S1 10D, Tax Lots 1100 and 2000) REQUEST: For a Planning Commission review of Phase fourteen (14) in Summerfield: Project A - 138 condominium units :'-rject B •- 11 Single Family Project C - -rtutur(. housj.u)g site PREVIOUS ACTION: Zone Change, ZC 5-•72., Retirement Subdivision, S 6•-72, Phase I Subdivision, S 5--73, Phase II Site Design Review, SUR 9-73, Re(.:. Center Site Design Review, SUR 10-73, Phase I Site Design Review, SDR 1173, Gatehouse Site Design Review, SDR 12-73, Golf Course Subdivision, S 1--74, Phase v Site Design Review, SDR 5-74, Apartments (1) Site Design Review, SDR 24--79, Retirement Site Design Review, SLR 26--79, Commercial TI-OWOrary Use, TU 12--79, Retirement Temporary Use, TU 13-79, ('.atehouse I. FINDINGS OF FACT: ] . Ordinance 73-5 was passed by the City of Tigard on February 12, 1.973. The ordinance approved Zone Change, 7.0 5-72 2. Exhibit "B" of Ordinance 73-5, lt•em tF8 states "With development of this =9n. itude, road improverroznts will be required to serve the additional resident Population and those who will use the public recreational facilites: STAFF REPORT • AGENDA 5.3 ' 2CPD 10-80 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION April 22, 1980 -2 Pag2 y- 3. Exhibit "C" of Ordinance 73--5, Item #1 states:"Prior to the issuance of any Building Permit within the development, a site plan of the entire development setting forth the site development standards shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval. This plan shall include, but not be limited tn, landscaping, setbacks, building heights, signs, streets, proposed improvements, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, parking, service, and storage areas." Item #3 state=_: "Bach phase of the development shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. At the time of approval of each phase, the densities and uses shall be approved. Item #8 states: "Approval of any lots to be subdivided shall be through the Subdivision Ordinance procedures. Item 415 states: "There shall he dedication of twenty-five (251) feet from centerline (thirty-two (32' ) feet improvement) on SW Naeve Street with half street impr,)ve:aent where applicable. Item #17 states: "Internal street improiements will be designated at the time of the platting of th-- subdivision. Item 418 states : "There shall be no occupancy without public water and sewer, Item #19 states: "A copy of the deed restrictions and covenants shalt be attached to the approved plan to help insure conformity with planned densities. 4. Applicant states in his narrative that 1,250 units were approved. To date, 1,034 units have been built. Project A will adi 138 units, Project B will add 11 units. This means that Project C, to be deveioped in the future, may be allowed to construct not more than 67 units. (Page 1 - Applicant's narrative) 5. Item I`3 of Ordinance 73-5 clearly states that the Planning Commission shah .review each phase of this development. Contrary to the applicant's narrative, this clause allows the Planning Commission to consider both density and land use. (2..ym 3 -- 4,plicant's narrative) 6. Substantial changes in the immediate area have taken place since 1973 relative to development and, therefore, traffic patterns. No traffic analysis has been included with the application, however. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.3 ZCPD 10-80 TIGARD Pr_A`NING COL'•+'2ISSION April 22, 1980 Page 3 A II. CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: r 1. The proposed uses are compatible with the previously approved Planned Develop- ment for Summerfield. 2. Sewer service is a concern. The Unified Sewerage Agency has written a letter to the Public Works Director. (See letter attached) One of the difficulties is that if this present system fails, it effects an increasing number of people. The gravity line should he constructed now. 3. Naeve Road will serve this development phase and is now substandard (unpaved) . A right-of-way dedication is necessary. 4. 109th Avenue south to Summerfield Drive is substandard. A right-of-way dedication is necessary. TIT. STAFF RECOM 1—ENDATION c Staff recommends approval of this Phase XIV review with the .following conditions- 1. Naeve Road be improved to local street standards along the entire northern pznperty line including frontage on 'rax Lot 1200, Tax Map 2S1 10D. Full street improvements are to he made. Necessary right-of-way dedications are to be made to the City. 2. 109th Avenue be improved to local street standards from Summerfield Drive to the intersection with Nneve Road. This intersection to be imprrived as specified by the Public Works Director.. Necessary right-of-way dedications to be made to the City. 3. The gravity sewer line at Durham Rnad and 108th Avenue is to be completed and fully operational jprt9r_Lo issuance of Building Permits. This development shall not be served through the Pump Station now in operation on Durham Road. 4. Project A and Project A shall be subject to Site Design Review. 5. Project C at a later date shall be brought before the Planning Cor.^.mission for review prior to the issuance of Building Permits. Project shall be subject to Site Design Review. 6. All tax .lots are to be combined. Building Department will riot issue Permits for a building over two separate tax lots. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5,3 2CPD 10-80 TIGARD Pr-ANNING Cot-aissION April 22, 1980 Paye 4 7. leo Occupancy Permits shall be issued until all conditions placed upon this development by the City of Tigard have been satisfied and inspections verifying this have been carried out by the appropriate department. e. No minor land partitions shall be made in reference to this project unless forr._31 application is made to the City of Tigard Planning Depart- ment and the minor land partition is approved and recorded. 9. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless forxal applicat_i.on is made to the appropriate City department and cha_nyes are approved by that department. Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings. 10. Grading plans and construction plans on all public right-of-gays shall be subcLit'ted and approved by the Public 'Rorkz Director prior to comr.encement of work. 11. All existing or proposed utilities .-ihall he placed underground. street lighting installations shall be approved by the Public works Director. 12. No Building ?er-mut shall be issued until the expiration of the twenty day appeal period from the date of approval. 13. That street improvements be constructed to the approval of the Publle ,Jorks Dircctor prior t:o the rezording of the final plat or issuance of a Building perm t. Prepared b ,� ' Planning Director AHvnc CITY OF TIGARD, O;EGOF DEVELOi-'MENT PROJECT GE,,-R.AL INFURIATION SHEET I. FROJECT No. : �� 1 II. i'POJECT NAME: _M -- '�� Ut�t i2 .� �- __.!_L`0i_lL III. DRAWING (TITLE) _______dated :__ _�._�__._._.________• IV., PLAT (TITT E) dated: V. SITE LOCATIt.`A: VI. PRINCIPALS: 11 l (1) DEVELOPER: Tualatin ualatin Development Co. 15300 S. W. 116th Avenue TIGARD, OREGON 97222, -One (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: Acldre.�s _ .._. ._ _ . - _ .._ . - - _-_- Phone No.— .�___._ -• Bend No..._._..._ _ -1-� Exp. Da te_ ( 3) ENGINEER: ..,_�.yY'r\ .' !�t`!,.4?!'��e�l ._L'�SSOC___.,_.._ ._. r._-._ .. .__• Address _ -- - _ _ � Phone No. b39- IZ ZZ. (4) INSPECTOR:__._ --------_..�_.. ___�.. __-_ __.__. � ...__.__...._.__ .___• Address_ __.. � Phone (S) PRIME CONTP.ACTOR: Address__._._---..___..�_._ Phone No. ._.._ __ ._ _._,• (6) CO2i'I'RACTORS SUPEYY AGE14CY:__ ._._, Addr2sls ___.__.w_....__...__._.. ._ ._._._._► Phone No - -• Bond No. � Exp. Date_ -!_.__• ( 7) SUB-CONTR.ACTOPS _ --- -- -�____�--___-..___ _____.-- -- _ - -- _..__. ._,__.• iHC'alYMwr:rar:4rir',wu„u,MYlw+•.i....t. ......,.,. ,....`... �..,rww .r.W .• wMw✓M.K,W'IWAIYiM.N4YMpYyhlA'±}A SYE."gI M: r.�Yi�'�wr.�ti 'C`�r ...,. r. .. VIII. STREETLIGHTING: (A) Commenced installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q -- (B) Completed installation. ,. . (C) Inspected > ❑ ------�..__. (D) Tentatively accepted by City . . . . . . . . > > . . . . Q 1) Authorization letter to Energize filed T.X. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ E) Completed installation , (C) Inspected . . . . . D Tentatively accepted by City. . El❑ ---- X. GENERAL AREA DRAINAGE: (A) Building rain drains inspected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (B) Culverts inspected , 0 --- (C) Drainage ditches inspected. . El (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ll NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE, REVIEW FILL TO INSUR.17 COMPLETION OF CHECK LIST AND FILING OF: 1) Approved Plan Revisioos 2) Approved Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All Correspondence/Memos 5) Daily Inspection Sheets I CITY OC TIGARD OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTION (P.W .) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: =L=- ONLY clearly mark4d PROy$D PLANS, plan recisions, change order-, specifications, etc. ; I. SANITARY SEWER: (A) Commenced instal'a1-i-n. . . .. .. ..... . . . . . .. . ... �� / (B) Completed install tion. . . .. .. . .... . . p 1) As-built field notes filed. . . . . , . .. . . ❑ a) Cr y ^nnt to engineer, - : . . . . . , . ❑ / '') As-built fin1d notev received. . . . . . . . ❑ a) Filed in pro)nct folder.. . . , . . . ❑ (C) Inspected .ind Te-ted. . ❑ 1) Tn.9t nomonographs fila+d� .. . .... ,,.., ❑ (D) Tentatively accepted by City., . . . . ..... , .. ❑ / / II. STORM SEWER: (A) Commenced lnstallition... . . . . .. . . ❑ ' (B) Completed in9t-i11at,ien, . . . ❑ i 1) A9-built field notes filed,- - . — ❑ (C) Inspected. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. 0 (D) Tentatively accantPd by City_ _ ___ . . ._ (.7 III. CURB: (A) Commenced install+tinn. .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . ❑ 1) Branch M,rk4 Qat.. . ..... . . . . . .... . . . . , Cl -- 2) Bench Mark loc9tions filed. , ❑ (B) ComoiPtrd in,tallition...... . ,, ❑ (C) inspected.. . . . .. .. . . . . . ..... 11 (D) Tontaticaly Icco—ted by City. .... . .......... . ❑ 4' ' IV . STREET: (A) Commenced Grading. . . . . . ..... ....... . ..... . .. (3 � 1) Sub-gratia in9nected. — .. ...... . ...... 11 a) Te9t data filed, , ,,,, , , , ,,,, , 0 b) Tentatively accepted by City, [3 / (9) Commenced rocking... . .. . . ❑ i 1) Sub-base inspected,. . . . . . .... (:, a) Test data filed. . .. . .. .. . . . . . p b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (C) Commenced Paving p 1) P,ving inapncted. . ... . . . . ....'....,,, ❑ a) Test data filed, . ,. ,. .. ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (D) Street tentatively acrapted by City. .... . . . .. ❑ i i V PARKING LOT: (A) Commenced gradincr... . . . . . . . .. ......r.. , ❑ / / 1) Sub-gr;-,4q inerect"d. ❑ n) Test data filed.. . + ❑ b) Tentrtively accepted by City. ❑ / (a) C"Mmanced Rocking.. .,, .. , . E3 l) Sub-baQA inspected... ...... ......... C, i n) TeQt data filed. . ......... ... ❑ h) TFntativply arrerted by City. ❑ (C) Commenced Paving.. ............................ p / 1) Paving inspected.. p / / a) 'fest data filed............ ..... 13b) Tentatively rrreptedby City.... (D) Parking lot tentatively accepted by City...... p VI. SIGNt (A) Street name sign4 installed..... ...... ........ (B) Traffic signs installed.. ... . . ... ..... ........ 13 _„_1_ VII. SIDEWALK: (A) Commenced installation.. .. .... .. . .... . ....... p (B) Completed installation. ........... .. .... ...... . p (C) Inspected. .... . .. ....... ❑ (D) Tentatively acrrr•tod by City...... ....... ..... p VIII. STREETLIGHTINGs (A) Commenced installation ... ..... . .... . ........... p (B) Completed installation.... ...... I........ ... .. p (C) Inspected. . ... ..... . . ..... . . ....... ......... .. O (D) Tentatively accepted by City.... ........... . (3 1) Authoripation Letter to Energise filed IX. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced instmllation. ..... . ... .. ...... ... ... p / (B) Completed installation.- .. .... ..... .... ........ p (C) Inspected........... .. ....... ..... .... ......... d (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. . . ...... .. ..... 13 X. GENERAL AREA DRAINAGE: (A) Building rain drains inspected.. ..... ......... (B) Culverts inspected. . .... . . . . ... . .............. p (C) Drainage ditches inspected... . ............... E3 / (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . .. .... .......... (3 NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE. REVIEW FILE TO INSURE. COMPLETION OF CHECK LIST AND FILING OFs 1) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All Correspondence/Memos S) Deily Inspection Sheets A p n G I \ II 114, PLUG END OF LINE E r7 ` ;i > � S. W. - NAEVE _. ST.` C. Ra900 :PROD CT ,H 0 \ \ o� 16+54 3 SITE. r�,_!'".�i , ,N �. \ 2 -� M H c 2 r o JoSb Ar i - VICINITY MAP \ \ TEMP. 8"C.0.\ �1 , SCALE : 1' = 800 \ / <q GE N E RAL N O T E S: SANI TARY SEWER 14 + 56 7 0 1 . ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND CITY OF TIGARU STANDARDS. IN THE EVENT Ui A CONFLICT BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND THE CITY STANDARDS, THE CITY STANDARDS SHALL TAKE PRECLUENCL . \ �� 2. ALL SANITARY SEWER WORK SHALL BE DONE 1N CONFORMANCE WITH CITY OF TIGARD STANDARDS. � � � IL, 3. NO ITEM OR PHASE Of WORK SHALL BL LUNSIUERL1 ;.UMPLkTL UNTIL AC(.LPTLD BY 'DIE' !'IT.Y AND fHL EN(,INLER. 4. All TRENtN BACKFILL MATERIAL AND METHODS SHALL BE 19 CONFdRMIAgCE WITH THE CITY STANDARDS. �, i• 0 � � � 13* 31•g0 y' 4� �. MH C .2.S AL. I'E RMITS ANU L I CE NStS NEc,ESSARr FOR THE PROSECUTION AND Tiff COl�PLETlON OF THE f*110dECT iNALI iE SECURED AND ►Atp `�, ,ti�A F�)R BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION 0 `� `? • `2 MAOR To COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL PE R I I NF N COMPAN 1 ES AND AGENCIES WITH UNDERGROUND 12 + 70.80 F.ACIL; TIES IN THE PROJECT AREA SO THAT SAID FACILITIES MAY BE ACCURATELY LOCATED: l .E. P�NER , GAS, TELEPFIONE , MH-c.2.�' WATER. -SANITARY AND STORM SEWERS AND RAILROADS. ,\ ,Q r }HE LI)CAT ION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND SAI 1 : I T I l S SHOWN ON 'H} 41' ANS 1°, F(Ik ,I I►ItMAT ; 1 tti N+ , aN,l ! S NO[ GIIAkANT4 t of ALL.URA►'i 6 ALL MAIN LINE SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE S INCH CONCRETE PIPE AND SERVICE LATERALS SHALL SE f-I NCH CONCRETE PIPE r2' ., .. � ?0 2 ` _ 22s `/ 323 �°• 9. A 2 x 4 WILL BE PLACED FROM T;1F END OF THE LATERAL TO 4 FEET OR MORE ABOVE EXISTING GROUND. THE TOP 6" WILL BE PAINTED RED OR ORANGE. THE NUMBER OF PIPE LAID AND THE VERTICAL. DISTANCE FROM THE I .E. OF THE PIPE TO THE TOP OF O THE 2" x 4" SHALL BE MARKED ON THE 2" x 4" AND THE CONTRACTOR'S ASBUIIT FIELD COPY. 2 II*8o / A�0�1� CQ LTJ IO. NATIVE BACKFILL WILL BE USE[- ALL LINES N01 - N PUBL I(. kIGHI -OF-WAY 7Q '�_ _ z 32-2 CR4i5N� ROEIL L_3�7 11. INES IN PUBLIC RiG'1-OF -WAYS SHALL BE "r"° (�UM1A( 'EtI, O MH C. 2.6 12, r1rc am= MI�TERIIN�. �hW:�. 161E ��F-O C,<R . Q J C J J Q �.!/ U) 11*33 -- 230 7j 0Q Lz15' 3 - - _ - �- - --- _ D -8. 3 3 _ _ __ -- _ _ _.. __ — — - _ - -- _ — _ r a St _ 5 _ 20— Y 1 , - — _ _ _ MHC 2 _ 00 _ _ s _ _ — _ _ _ __ - --- N - i 1 •• M _ 0.5 4440411& _. 200'7 i _ J - . _._ __-_ -.._.. _ _ __.__.._ _ __ _— --- — _._ _-__ __ _ tr F' M Lb — _ � - - — L. T N Su sou D v 74 F' Ir Det — - ► r 14+00 15 .00 16+00 17+OU 10+00 16+00 17.00 - - -- -- _ REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN HORIZONTAL DATUM SUMMERFIELD NCI.6 PI-AT TUALAT! N DEVELOPEMENT CO. INC. SCAII: W L.MC/J.R.H SU M I�,/l E RF I ENO. 5t� HORZ. VE� HTICAL DATUM � CITY OF TIGAF'tD , U S C; � U S . 15300 S. W. I I F TH AVE, �� I '� I' = 5' rCRT. TRACED JOB NO. a- N. H. TIGARD, OREGON . 97223 CHECKED SAN ITARY SSHEET DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE ') R H• Harris - M�Mona le Associat s 2 RFV. ENGIFJEFRS- SURVEYORS REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION DATE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STRI ET PLAN AND PROFILE 10. 2 . 80. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 rSUMMERr. T EL D NO 14 I OF Z 5 OF r I 'IP�r.�l .. ..w• .r..tt .a.p�*•-fir.• . �wriz�rr �� • � I l i l � } I 1 1 � 1 I 1 i � h i• 1 .� 1 'flit } 1'fi~I� 1 �t+ob�llrl .. .. - '- - ...:w..,......,..;.,.'! ���:.�ax...:.., .•,. •. „.,. .. ,... , . ,-�,�....„q. •,�,...,....... ��..,,� , I I ( I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I II1-11I IIIII I1111fIII1IIIIIIIIiII • n` �, �I I I fi 1 I III I I 1 I I ( I I I I I MA "VAN 111 1 111 111 ,1r>!��1 111 III 111 1�1 11: ' ( I I I I ( I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 ( III 1 1 1 ! NOTE' IF THIS MICROFILMED I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 110 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN --�` THIS NOTICE; I7 IS DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. OE 62 92 12 92 S2 OZ E2 22 12 02 61 81 11 91 G1 b I E 1 21 11 01 6 0 1 9 5 `b E: 2 1"•"" ��11111111111111111111111nI1Iu111111111111�11111111111111111111111111II111lu1LIFllu11111111111111111111}}111111if111111111111111. 1'�11111111111111111111111111111III II111111111111111111I}}Iilullluu�iu1��1111� uI11111111I11110111111111 1 AiII111�1J111!{1II111w�1lUYI�iI11H DULY 7 1992'..