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400 HOLLYTREE _ Subdivisions (S 3-71) SW 115th Avenue (1) DEQ s� hedij,-cd for Work Sussion, Oci:I,-.,ber .3, 1977. W, b Departmert rec ri:J tmer t - City AdmATAs trat V'.,r. ej),- r r,A ads P! 3 :ed with APWA and League of 0?5ego:1 Cities f 11.. '.v T:!.t Gres-.rway Ded at ior, MutAc- b), Cojn�,ilman Micke.I.Aon, sFronded by t,; I. + 1i aticn of land for a greenwaY in the H,,I?v T:ee i -j aut'noxize exect.i.A-t by the Mav,.)r and Cit, . 3nilnous vote of 1 NI; J-'t «M CTTY ADMINISTRATOR M -sezc,. J, d by Ccur-,:i Cr:--k is anp. j t Bui I I L-il t'-c, poslt.iOn IJ j7:tP(jr' Adt,-1.11'S f-, -tor AI-I lei t�, EV. -Ec-S'ON at 10,.10 P.M. ; xe(.,)n,,- A llr.der pr'.vAslogs 4,f (1111, tt) I%.,atI,.,rs and tntrrs-iew scl ro'Vj+%? prj%eSS and seLected rersl.rit-s as p, I to ch. -k. with appLi(,anLS if still Itntv!cs' A -, n -i b t a I r, bi, , grid i n f o rrT!a t I on. Dats to be r,,*'-'-W�d i Oct(A-4. .JA tive sessi,-n and make final dElcLtlt,,-n of apps i. t-ouncil. also discussed Interview prccess, setting tip s, i-edult i , interviews t ing &PPIA.Cants. 13. L,Iirr tov5o P M, ty Rtc -)rdet na Y'. PAGE 6 C01, N- 1, M11 TES SEPTEMBER 2f•, 1,+' rr. cl�'cllcd��O�1 o-G 1rdc� P� �IA i In o�lc( �V�e ..JJ bve ��N4�or`OCS �.��J�►�l�5 10 0 Tit i�e—vl � 4% e GREENWAY DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That �.' "C �� QVADi2A�? CDL(�f4.l�eT(G� �►n ©re,u��� hereinafter cal.!.ed gran- or (s) , for the sum of 1, 00 constituting the actual consideration for this deed, do hereby give, grant and dedicate to the Public ( 1�- -. - -g _. pt for Greenway purpo3es the following described real premises in Washington County, Oregon: Inri * �rec� aJ� (*.^d im 5et iem 3 3 Tow.^s�sp tSO&A RnN'e 1Wss� �1�17Wf. � Nlerldl�K W DSNNw�N �IMH�7 ' C/htA11� b�IN� TRAeT "A" e� 1A0LLYTR .E � � elw�y reao.1eI •wbe��vs�aK rG rccVr4L IN $s,d Ceb►Y�F7r . To have and to Hold the above described and dedicated rights unto the Public "4n-)..-tQ-4he- Gl bT of TLjSsf --E'e*o-4 k* -ivapp"4&b,14R pert+ for the u s P 9 and purposes hereinabove stated, The grantor (s) hereby covenants that he (they) are the owner (s) in fee simple and have a good and legal right to grant his (thoir) rights above described, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor (s) has (have) hereunto set his (their) hand (s) and seal (a) this day of 19_ i rte_ (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) _ (SEAL) ._..� (SEAL) (,SEAL) , STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of ) On khis day of 19 _, before me appeared and both to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said Is the President, and ht the said Is the Secretary of 7J/E 6t1ADRAkjT Co g"QR TIC W the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that thy+ said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aff'xed my official deal the day and year last above written. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires S TE OF OREGON ) as. County ) On this day of , 19__, before me appeared and beth to me personally k , who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said s the President. and he, the said is the S etsry of the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the torpor seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behal q\said :orpotation by authority of its Board of Directors, and and acknowledged said instrument to b>v4.efree art and drnd of said Corporation. 11� IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hex nt( set my hand and ailixed by effici.al seal t day and ar last above written. Notary Public for Oregon Corporate Acknowledgement My Commission Expires STATS OF OREGON ) � ) so. C.,unty o� ) On this i \ _ day of , 19 , personally .appeared the above named and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to he their volun£ary at-c and dcrd. Be f ore'W*s otary Public for Oregotr \ My Commission Expires: "1 Approved as to form this __ day of By t -- City Attorney - City of Tigard Approved as to legal description this _ day of + 19 By t_` Approved this _ _ day of _+ 19 CITY OF TIGARP OREGON PLANNING COMMISSION Byt Choi-man Accepted by the City Council this day of __+ 19 Sy t City Recorder i SUBDIVISION ria CONTENTS S SEE ALSO LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE Assessor' s Map _Maps/Preliminary Plat Not.i f i( at.ion _ _Loyal Dp_sr-r•iptiun/Deed Surrounding Property Notice _Letter of Auth,jrization _Affidavit of Mailing _V Copies of Correspondence with Applicant Agency/'NPO Notice ___ _Public Input Affidavit of PuLlicatio --Agency/NPO Comments _Articles/Notices from TT _ _Staff Report(s)-Date(s)_/ 21 7 1 Ia"1941 V Application/Narrative Minutes of Me(!tings AP—Final Action Notice _ ^_Planning Commission-Date _City Council--Oate Resolution No. � Daty Ordinance No. Date Correspondence After Approval ;UMMARY Approves! ✓ Denied No. of Lao No. of Phases L Special Setbacks Plat Recording Name / V 1 e� Book/Page No. 6 Date �3 A2 -24_�2 Additional Phases Recorded (bate) (Elook/Pa.le No. ) (Gate) (Uouk/Paye No ) Kt /bjsk06l6P) or alternative office :pace shall be utilized. 2. The outside etorage area shell be located behind the building and fe!�oed, plans to be approved by the City staff. If the existing lumber sorter and stacker is no longer in use it shall be dismantled and removed. Otherwise, it shall be maintained in good condition. 3. A dense strip of trees shall be planted along the westerly property line. In addition, the front 10 feet of the subject property shall be landscaped and maintained. 4. A detailed parkin; and landscaping plan showing the location, varieties and size,i of trees and plant materials, and striped parking spaces, shall be approved by the City staff. 5. Paving, striping and landscaping shall be implemented by May 1, 1972. 6. That the outside storage area be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. V. OTHER 1TEES A . Subdivision Variance WU',33EY 6- HAI;, Applicant A request for subdivision variance approval to allow rui-de-sac street widths of 26 feet with no sidewalks; sidewalks on one side of the 34-foot wide street; cul-de-sac turn-around right-of-way of 4:) feet; and a street surfacing centerline radius of 65 feet. The "Hollytree" subdivisio!i is located on the west side of S. V. 115th, north of S. W. Gaarde Street . 1 . Staff Recnmrendatinn a. The staff recommended approval with conditions. 2. Commission Discussion and Action a. It was moved (Lewis) seconded (Severson) and passed by a unanimous vote of the Commissior present to approve the request subject to the staff conditions: 1 . Cul-de-sac street widths of 2.3 feet. 2Cul-de-sac right-of-way ra.diva of 45 feet and street surfacing centerline radius of 80 feet on the 34 foot street. 3. The design and location of sidewalks shall be cnordine.ted with the utility companies and the City. The developer shall design Pg. 4 - PC Minutes - 12-21-71 and n1ace clustered mailboxes and street: lights in coordination with street tree planting. 4. four-foot sidewalks on both sides of all streets. When sidewalks must meander due to location n ' 1)tilities, landscaping; afford- ing positive weed control must be provided by developer between back of curb and sidew, '. b. It wao moved (Lewis) , seconded (Fletcher) and passed by a unanimous vote of the Commission present to recommend to the City staff that a standard 6" curb be required on the streets. B. Ray Rangila stated that the next regular study session will be on the 4t' of January with the City Council ,. VI ,. ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 P.M. i Pg. 5 - PC Minutes - 12-21-71 Tigard Planning Commission Staff Report December 21, 1971 Agenda Item VA Siibdivision Variance For "Hollytree" Subdivision, located on the wast side of S.W. 115th Ave. , north of S.W. Gaarde Street. Applicant Wilsey & Ham, Inc. Applic,unt ' s Reouest Subdivision variance approval for the following: 1 . Road surfacing; widths of 26 feet on cul-de-sacs 2. Sidewalks on one side of 34 foot-wide street 3. No sidewalk on 26-foot wide streets a. Cul-de-sac right-of-way radius of 45 feet 5. Street ourfacinC center line radius of 65 feat. Apr] ir..ant I Justification "''ir,,:: _, i'eatures are necessary to insure good placement of homes in relation to the topography and to preserve as many trees it the existing holly ?rove as possible. This wi11 completrent the andi ,turbed .92 acre wo^kied open space at the ',vest end of the subdivision. We respectfully request approval of the proposed deoign." Staff FindinFn and Recommendation T )e ,,taff .finds that the ,tandard 34 foot street for cul-de--sacu is unnece.a.sary, -,.ar ' eful and detracts from th( -R.9idential anpearance of most subdivisions. However, it i:, the staff Op opinion that a rr.inimum street width of 2Fi feet is desir!iblA in order to provide errou:•;h since for famorkr;enc,y venicle access. Also, it it the staff' s opinion ti,at �idewalks are not always nece=ssary within cul-de-sacs for ;)ede,.trian traffic. The staff further finds th;it local etreets within urban sub,iivisiono should ne provided with sidewalks on bath SidE-Ho with --,ltern} tive pedes=tr1an circulation ciystems possible throut,,h planned development zoning. The staff feel:; that :;_Hewalks can be lof:ated next to the curbn and looped around :street light and mailbox clusters if designed in coordination with utility companies. The staff finds that the radius variances for the cul-de-sacs ani the 34 foot street are features which will not impede vehicular circulation or safety. The staff recommends approval or the following variances and conditions: 1. Cul-de-sac street widths of 28 feet. 2. Cul-de-sac right-of-way radius of 45 feet and street surfacina centerline radius of 80 feet on the 34 foot street. 3. The design and location of side%:a,lks shall be coordinated with the utility companies and the Uity . The developer shall design and place clustered mail- boxes and street lights in coordination with street tree planting. 4 . Four-foot sidewalks on both sides of all streets. When sidewalks must m_earider due to location of utilities, land.;caping aflording positive weed control must be provided by developer between back of curb and sidewalk. pg. 2 - Staff Report - Wilsey & Ilam, Inc . - le-21-71 RECEIVED NOV 23 1971 ENGINEERING • PLANNING • SURVEYING 11 0 B NORTH STATE STREET, SUITE 102--LAKI:OSWEGO. OREGON 87034 TELEPHONE 16051 636.6166 EARL P. W 1+S92.I957S7) LEE E. HAM WILLIAM 8. WRIGHT AUGUST W. COMPTON DONALD W. OUTOFF NORMAN 8. HANSEN RONALD T. CALHOUN HAROLD K. SCHONE JACK H, OOVET HAROLD H. HEIDRICK DANIEL W. KLAR DENTS W. LE VASSEUR SAMUEL M. NASH FREDERICK J. PAUSCH ROY W. FOWLER, JR. ROBERT B. WRIGHT KENNETH L. WUEST CHARLES W. LOUGHRIDGE CLYDE C. CABRINHA r� 1 BANJO YANG R. DALE LAND November 22, 1971 LLOYD C- COFFELT DAVID F. EVA No FELIX M. WARBURG W JAMES FAIRMAN Planning Commission City of Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon 97223 Al ;.ention: Mr. Ray Rangila, Planning Director Re: Hollytree Subdivision. Request for variances from Subdivision Code. File Number 4-1226-4401-20 Gentlemen: Enclosed for your review are copies of a sketch of Hollytree sub- division showing several design featur•as of Hollytree which represent variances from the subdivision code. These features include the following: 1. Road surfaclug widths of 26 feet as shown on sketch. 2. Sidewalks cn one side of 34 foot wide street. 3. No sidewalk on 26-foot wide streets. 4. Turn-around right-of-way radius of 45 feet. 5. Street sur'acing centerline radius of 65 feet. These features are necessary to insure good placement of homes In relation to the topography and to presexTe as many trees in the existing OTHFR PEOIONAL OFFICER BAN MATEO SOUTH PASADENA SAN OIEGO CALL. FIFNTON. VyASI ; HONOLULU, HAWAII; TUCSON. ARIE ; HOT SFRINie ARK Planning Commission Tigard, Oregon November 22, 1971 page 2 holly grove as possible. This will complement the undisturbed 0.92 acre wooded open space at the west end of the subdivision. We respectfully request approval of the proposed. design. Please call if you need additional information. Very trul; yours, WILSEY & IUM, IINNC..� ,/� /', 1%1 % QAC. ' !�i/A�L�-'i. Teary ,. Waldele P. E. cc; Mr. John Stewart, Quadrant Corporation '1.1W/nrt i AGENDA Tigard Planning Commission Regular Meeting - October 19, 1971 Member Section - 7: 30 P.M. Public Hearing - 8:00 P.M. Fowler Jr. High School Library 12080 S.W. Main St. , Tigard, Ore . I . CALL TO ORDER II . ROLL CALL III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular meeting September 21, 1971 IV. SUBDIVISIONS A. "Hol.lytree" (West side of S.W. 115th Ave. , north of Gaarde St. ) 1 . Staff Recommendation 2. Commission Discussion and Action V. STREET DEDICATIONS A. S.W. Sandburg Street (East side of S.W. 72nd Ave. , south of Cherry St. ) VI. PUBLIC HEARING A. Variance PAUL HIRAN100MB00N, Applicant A request .for a rear yard variance of 17 feet on an M-4, Industrial Park parcel located on the north side of S.W. Hunziker Street, approx- imately 700 feet northwest of S.W. 72nd Avenue (Map 2S1 1AC, tax lot 1800) 1 . Staff Recommendation 2. Public Hearing 3. Commission Discussion and Action B. Conditional Use FOREMOST MOBILE HOA'lES INC. , Applicant request for conditional use approval to allow a mobile home sales facility and a temporary sales office on a C-3, Geaeral Commercial parc91 located on the south side of S.W. Pacific Hwy. , approximately 350 feet southwest of S.W. Hall Blvd . (Map 2Si 2AA, tax lots 600 & 700) 1. Staff Recommendation 2. Public Hearing 3. Commission Discussion and Action VIT . OTHER ITEMS VIII . ADJOURNMENT 11g . 2 - PC Agenda - 10/13/71 I twl 9w L 70e, rr --- �� cirr of rielwo �C M3 A2 l 'V R 7 1 a NUNMER RD 1 R7 A2 VARIANCE ( area of conoldoraflon for 17' Rear Yord Parlance scale 1"--200' October 8. 1971 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard at Fowler Jr. High School Library, 12080 S,,W. Main St . , Tigard, Oregon on October 19. 1971 at 8:00 P„M, with respect to the following! An application by Paul Hiransomboon for a rear yard variance of 17 feet on an M-4. Industrial Park parcel located on the north side of S, W. Hunziker St. approximately 700 feet northwest of S.W. 72nd Ave„ (Map 231 11"LJ, tax lot 1800) . A1.1 persons having an interest in the matter are invited to :attend and be heard . J. Allan Paterson CHAIRI'-IAN 1 � \ C3 z r � r C3 �Z s / KNOLL DR COWOI ROMAL USE area of consideration \� for Mobile Home Sales Q Temporary So%a Office sco/e 11-200' October 8, 1971 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard at Fowler Jr„ High School Library, 12080 S.W. Mai-, St. , Tigard , Oregon on October 19, 1971 at 13:00 P, M. with respect to the following: An application by Foremost Mobile Homes, Inco for a mobile home sales facility and a tem- porary sales office on a C-3, General Commercial parcel located on the south side of S.W. Pacific Hwya, approximately 350 feet southwest of S. W. Hall Blvd„ (Map 2Sl 2AA, tax lot 600 & 700) All persons having an interest in the matter are invited to attend and be heard . J ., Allan Paterson CHAIRMAN M I N U T E S Tigard Planning Commission Regular Meeting - October 19, 1971 Fowler Jr. High School Library 12080 S.W. Main St. , Tigard, Ore. 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 8:00 P.M. II . ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Fletcher, Goslin, Nicoli , Severson, Whittaker and Chairman Paterson: Keith Thompson, City Engineer: Ray Rang.ila, City Planner Absent : Commissioner Lewis: Fred Anderson, City Attorney III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. The minutes for the regular meeting of September 21, 1971 were approved as submitted. TV, SUBDIVIONS A. "Hollytree" (West side of S.W. 115th Ave. , north of Gaarde St. ) 1. Staff Recommendation i .. The staff recommended that preliminary approval be granted with conditions. 2. Commission Discussion and Action a. Chairman Paterson suggested that a bond be secured for street improvements on 115th Ave. b. It was moved (Fletcher. ) , seconded (Nicoli) and passed by a 5 to 1 vote (Commissioner Whittaker voting no) to grant preliminary approval with the following conditions : 1. That 5 feet be dedicated to the City along the frontage of S.W. 115th Ave. for street improvements. 2. That both cul-de-sacs be provided with street names. That $11,000.00 (440 feet of frontage along 1151h mull tplied by $25.00) be deposited, or a bond be secured, with the City for the applicant ' s share of the improvement of S.W. 115th Ave. Any monies not spent for the :street project shall. be returned to the applicant. 4. That a 5 foot-wide combination bike and walkway be constructed to City standards into "Tract All from Fairview Lane. 5, That $2. 50 per square yard be depDsited with the City for the future continuation of the greenway path system within the greenway. ( to be determined by the Public Works Dept. ) 6. Th,lt engineering plans and specifications shall be approved prior to acceptance of the Final Plat. 7. That variance applications for the 26 foot- wide streets and any building setbELck variations be submitted prior to acceptance of the Firnal Plat. V. STREET DEDICATIONS A. S,W. Sandburg Street (East side of S.W. 72nd Ave . , south of Cherry Street) 1, Keith Thompson, City Engineer, recommended approval of the street dedication. 2� It was moved (Ni.coli ) , seconded (Severson) and passed by unanimous vote of the Commission present to approve the street dedication,. VI . PUBLIC HEARING A. Var-lance PAA111. HlRANSOP BOONL Applicant A 'Fe"luestTor a rear yard variance of 17 feet on an M-4, Industrial Park parcel located on the north side of S.W. Hunziker Street. approximately 700 feet north- east of S.W. 72nd Avenue (Map 2S1 IAC, tax lot 1800) 1. Staff Recommendation a. The staff recommended approval with conditions. 2. Public Hearing a. No one spoke in opposition. b. Mr. Paul Hiransomboon and Ron Klemp, applicants, testified in favor of the request. c . Commissioner Fletcher asked if they intended to landscape d. Mr. H!.raneomboon stated that they had started landscaping, Pg. 2 - PC Minutes - 10/19/71 f e. Commissioner Fletcher expressed concern over the trees being cut that were behind the building. f. Mr. Hiransomboon stated that the two trees in question were too close to the building and were a hazard. g. Commissioner Whittaker asked if there were any alteriatives in case the variance wasn' t approved. h. Mr. Klemp stated that the slope of the land would prevent them from .adding an addition. to the east , i. Public hearing was closed. 3. Commission Discussion and Action a. Commissioner Whittaker asked if the first condition could be changed to read Planning Commission, instead of Planning Department . b. Ray Rangila explained that the zoning ordinance has requirements for landscaping in the M-4 zone. c. Commissioner Goslin asked if the zoning ordinance had a time period in which the landscaping had to be done. d. Mr. Hiransomboon explained that a company had been contracted to do the landscaping. e. Commissioner Whittaker asked what the Highway Department ' s intention is in the area. f. Ray Rangila explained that the City had received a letter from the State Highway Department which stated they were taking a closer look at the intersection of Hwy. 217 and 72nd Ave , g. Mr. Ron Klemp explained that the State Highway Department has already reserved the land needed for an on and off ramp in that area. h. Commissioner Whittaker expressed concern about setting a prec-dent in allowing a building so close to the high%ray. i . Commissioner Nicoli stated that he felt that screening? along tKP hi ,hway would be impossible . J. It was moved (Fletcher, seconded (�everson) and passed by a 5 to 1 vote (Commissioner Gosl.in voting no) to approve the request with the following conditions: 1. . That a detailed landscaping and tree planting plan be submitted to the Planning Commission prior to issuance of building permits. 2. That the State Highway Engineer review and approve the plans. Pg. 3 - PC Minutes - 10/19/71 B. Conditional Use FOREMOST 110 31I..'a, h0;'':r'S iNC , Applicant A request for conditional use approval to allow a mobile home rales facility and a temporary sales office on a C--3, General Commercial parcel located on the south side of S.W. Pacific Hwy. , approximately 350 feet southwest of S.W. Hall Blvd . (Map 2(,)1. 2AA, tax lots 600 & 700) 1. Staff Recommendation a. The staff recommended approval with conditions 2, Public Hearing a. Mrs. Laura Johnson testified in opposition to the request. She expressed concern over the image the proposed use might give Main Street. bo Mr„ Dennis Meyer, Vice President of Mobile Homes Holding, testified in favor of the request C . Mr,. Pat Mahony explained the way the site would be developed. do Mr. Meyer explained that the mobile home sales facility would be an interim use. eo Public hearing was closed. 3, Commission Discussion and Action ao Commissioner Nicoli stated that he was opposed to approving the r^quest because he had visited another of the applicant' s lots (Division St. ) and found it to have poor landscaping, too many units, and only 3 skirted units. b, Mr„ Mahony stated that land use controls in the area of their Division Street lot were weak, co Mr. Meyer stated that they would comply with all the conditions the staff recommended, but they couldn' t regulate the week days the units might be delivered do Mr. Mahony said that 65 per cent of the units would go directly from the manufacturer to the purchaser, s Commissioner Whittaker expressed concern over the number of units that would be taken into and )f f of the lot per month. f� Mr. Meyer stated that an average of 3 or 4 units would be taken in and off the lot rer month. g, Commissioner Goslin stated that he felt the site elan should be submitted to the Pla.lni.ng Commission instead of the Planning Depar-;mento h.. Commissioner Nicoli stated he felt this Lype of business should locate further out of Tigard „ Pg. 4 - 11C Minutes 10/19/71 i. Commissioner Severson expressed concern over a possible traffic conflict if the request were approved. J . Cnmmissioner Whittaker asked if a penalty clause could be included in the conditions. k. Comm?_ssioner Goslin stated that condition number 1 could be charged to read as follows : The conditional use shall be in effect for a period of 2 ,years, subject to revocation by the Planning Commission if any violation of the conditions is not remedied after a period of 2 weeks. 1 ., It was moved (Gorlin) and seconded (Pletcher) to approve the request. The request was denied by a 3 to 3 vote ( Commissioners Fletcher, Goslin and Whittaker vctiw, yes; Commissioners Nicoli, Severson and Chairman Paterson voting no) . VII . OTHER ITEMS VIII . ADJOURNM'-1''NT o 10,,00 P�M. Pg. 5 - PC Minutes - 10/19/il Tigard Planning Commission Staff Report October 199 1971 Agenda Item - IV-A Subdivision Name flo L ytree S >onaor Quadrant Corporation Engineer Wilsey & Ham, Inc. Applicant' s Request Preliminary approval of a subdivision plat which proposes to divide 7. 5 acres into 24 single family residential lots, including .92 of an acre to be dedicated to the City as part of the community' s greenway system. Location and Zoning The subject property is located on the west side of S.W. 115t-h Avenue approximately 500 feet north of S.W. Gaarde Street, and is zoned R-79 Single Family Residential. Conformance with the Community Plan The adol)ted Plan designates the subject property for Urban Low Density Residential development, having an average density of 4 dwelling units or 15 persons per gross residential acre. The density of the proposed subdivision would be 3.2 dwelling; units or 10 persons per gross residential acre. Public Utilities Report The lots in the subdivision would be served by the Unified Sewerage Agency (City of Tigard) and the Tigard Water District. r l f Staff Recommendation It is recommended that preliminary approval be granted with the following; conditions: 1. That 5 feet be dedicated to the City along the frontage of S.W. 115th Ave. for street improvements. 2. That both cul-de-sacs be provided with .itreet names. 3. That $11,000.00 (440 feet of frontage along; 115t` multiplied by &25.00) be deposited with the City for the appli- cant' s share of the improvement of S.W. 115th Ave. Any monies not spent for the street project shall.. be returned to the applicant. 4. That a 5 foot-wide combination bike and walkway be constructe9 to City standards into "Tract All from Fairview Lane. 5. That $2.50 per square yard be deposited with the City for the future continuation of the greenway path system within the greenway. (to be determined by the Public Works Dept. ) 6. That engineering plans and specifications shall be approved prior to acceptance of the Final Plat. 7. That variance applications for the 26 foot- wide streets and any building; setback variations be submitted prior to acceptance of the Final Plat. Pg. 2 - Staff Report - Hollytree - 10/19/71 r fill$ a. • ENGINEERING • PLANNING • SURVEYING A NORTH STATE STREET, SUITE 102-LAKE OSWEGO. OREGON 87034 TELEPHONE 15031 638.8158 EARL P. WILSEY (1092.19071 LEE E HAM WILLIAM B. WRIO:iT AUGUST W. COMPTON DONALD B. GUTOFF NORMAN B HAN 5EN RONALD T. CALHOUN HAROLD K. SCHONE JACK H, DO EY HAROLD H. HEIDRICK DANIEL W. KLAR DEN 19 W. LE VAS SEUR SAMUEL M. NASH FREDERICK J PAUSCH ROY W. FOW L.ER. JR. ROBERT B. WRIGHT KENNETH L WUEST CHARLES W. LOUGIIRIDOE JOSEPH H. LIP5COMB October 4,1971 CLYDE C. CABRINMA 6ANJ1 YANO R DALE BELAND LLOYD C. COFFELT DAVID F'. EVANS FELIX M. WARBURG Mr. Ray Rangila Planning Director City of Tigard. 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 He: Holly Hills - Hollytree File Number 4-1226-4401-20 Dear Ray: Enclosed are seven (7) copies each of the revised Preliminary Plat and the design detail for Hollytree. As you can see the Holly Hills name: has been used. and so the name change was required. The reduced setback request will allow better placement of houses and the lots affected. The reduced. street widths on the cul-de-sac should clearly define Fair- view Lane as the continuing street. Further restrictioas at the cul- de-sac, entries do not seem consistant with good design standards. If you have any questions please give me a call. If this Preliminary Plat can be revi-_wed at the October 5 meeting we would be very apprecia- tive. Very truly yours, WIL;3 4 & HAM, INC. Lvans P. E. Associate Enclosure: cc: Mr. John Otewart, Quadrant Corporation llFE/nr t OTHER REGIONAL 001PIC95-SAN MATRO AND SOUTH PA•ADtNA, CALIMORNIAI RtNTON, WA•HINOTONI TUCSON, ARItONAI MOT SPRINGS. ARKANSAS, HONOLULU. HAWAII ENGINEERING • PLANNING SURVEYING 8 NORTH STATE STREET, SUITE 102 LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 TELEPHONE 3031 63Fi-8188 EARLP. WILSEY 11892.19571 LEE _ HAM WILLIAM A. WRIGHT AUGUST W. COMPTON DONALG B. CUTOFF NORMAN S. HANBEN RONALD T. CALHOUN HAROLD K. SCHONE JACK H. DOY EY HAROLD H. HEIDRICK DANIEL W. KLAR DENIL W. LE VASBEUR SAMUEL M. NASH FREDERICK J. PAUSCH ROY W. FOWLER, JR. ROBERT S. WRIGHT KENNETHL. WUEST CHARLES W. LOU GHRIDGE JOSEPH H. 1.IPSCOMS CLYDE C. CASRINHA SANJI YANO r� R. DALE SELANO Jeptember 22, 1..) 1 DAOVID F. E ANS COFFELT FELIX M. WARBURG Mr. Ray Rangila City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon y'[223 Re: Holly Hills Subdivision File Number 4-1226-440i-20 Dear Ray: On Monday, September 20, 19'(1, we delivered to your office seven (7) copies of the preliminary plat for the subject subdivision. Tie filing fee is being forwarded directly by 4Juadrant Corporation. If' you have any questions or need additional copies please give me a call. Very truly yours, WILSEY & HAM, INC. David 1'. Evans P. E. Associate i I)FE1►irt cc: Mr. John Stewart, (4uadrant Co,-puration. OTHER REGIONAL OFFICES-SAN MATED AND SOUTH PASADENA. CALIFORNIA. RENTON. WASHINGTON, TUCSON. ARIZONA, HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS, HONOLULU. HAWAII Y.,i Fa�in C- s —ter}-��]�,a�-►�-�� I_ t l� toTj?-4 6 t /4 P6 � WIL EY HAM -- ---- _ �'O oN CITY OF TIGARD Cj:p211971 Tigard, as. Main Tigarrd, Oreregon SUBDIVISION APPLICACION Phone---639-2636 Plat Natneylf! Street Location S. W. 115th Avenue (600' No. of S.W. Gaarde Street Map Number 25-1-3C _Tax Lut(s) 1100 Sponsor The 9uadrant Corporation Phuuc: Bus... 297-3721_,_ 1750 S. W. Skyline Blvd. Suite #20 Res. Owner Same _ -- Phone: Bus._ _.-_ Res. _- Engineer _j�j]�geyt & Ham_ Phone: Bus. 636-8158 or Surveyor—.8_NartYl.�4tat® Rtreet. Lake-oeweao Res._.--- - LAND PROGRAM Submitted Staff Proposal Nurnbcr ul Lots,.._- Typical Lot Area_ 7,500 S8' Typical Let Width&Depth 75 X 100 --•— Ltneal Feet of Street 950 ,$of futal Land in Streets 15% ---- Maximum Grade of Street 0.5% Acreage__.__ 7,5 AQri/STREETS and and UTILITIES Street ( ) Minilnurn (X ) county Maint. ( X) Curbs (X ) Sidewalks water ( ) city (X ) District T_ igard WAD. ( ) Wells Sewage( ) Septic (X ) District _ , A. Wn.CO.( ) Private Sewc[s ( ) P¢ckage Plaut Remarks Oa92,AQ. Open_space to be doe deA�c?amity- "jg-g-r--ta3etheT-. with easements for public access. Foilage will be retained. STRUCTURES Dwelling: style Rambler 5 Tri-level size 1.100 t0 1,750 SF no. of levels Maximum Zbasements Partial _- ( ) goes: house_-__` 20.000,00 Av. lot 4,500,00 Application: Rived ece -- Date Lone Receipt Number^-��____ APPROVALS PRELIMINARY FINAL Plat Cheek Py Date Surveyor Water Sewage tuµirreer —— Rond — _ FPlan. t;ormn, PillnB of Final Plat I — - revised: 12/64- I