LANG HILL SUBDIVISION 1970 -900 LANG HILL Subdivision 1970 SUBDIVISION FIIF CONTENIS S R 11!� SEE ALSO _ LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE Assessor' s Map _ __Maps/Preliminary Plat Not ifi(-.at.ior) Le(jal 1)vscription/Deed _Surrounding Property Notice __,__ Letter of Authorization Affidavit of Mailing - v Copies of Correspondence with Applicant ____Agency/NPO Notice —.Public Input Affidavit of Publication Agency/NPO Comments Articles/Notices from TT Staff Report(s)-Dates) Application/Narrative Minutes of Meetings Final Action Notice Planning Commission-Date City Council-Gate Resolution No, Date Ordinance No. Date Correspondence After Approval SUMMARY Approved Denied ✓ rc�l��. No. of Lots No. of Phases _ Special Setbacks Plat Recording Name Book/Page No. & Date Additional Phases Recorded (Date) (Book/Pagr. No. ) (Date) (Book/Pa(3e No ) K1./bjs(C616P) UNIFIE _PSEWERAGE AGENCY OF r WASHINGTON COUNTY Q�y 326 N. E. Lincoln St. � " HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 -v BOARD OF DIRECTO (503) 648-8621 DANIEL O. POTTER WILLIAM MASTERS, Chairman General Manager JOHN C. ANICKER LYELL GARDNER Jl�� ELDON HOUT � BURTCN C. WILSON 1R. December 1, 1970 (• C_ `J f2l, 40 '9,p0 City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: Re: Lang Hill Subdivision Reference is made to your letter dated November 27, 1970, and directed to Virginia R. Renwick of Everett, Renwick & Althans, Attorneys at Law. You state in this letter that should annexation to the city of Tigard fail, a contract may be drawn to provide sewer service via the city's system and that it is your understanding the Unified Sewerage Agency wishes to initiate sai.1 contract. Additionally you indicate another possible solution might be a contract with the developer in which he would be required to comply with the City Subdivision Ordinance and other ordinances prior to actual annexation. After giving this matter considerable thought, it is our opinion that it would be advantageous to the C,gency and the City to continence immediately to establish guidelines toward the eventual finalization of the afore- mentioned contract in view of the possible failure of all other means to provide service. We herewith sol?.cit your interest in this matter and would appreciate ,your earliest possibl,'� response. Yours very truly, DANIEL 0. POTTER, General Manager Gary F.y Krahmer, Chief of A�n. & Services GF'K:vr a November 27, 1970 Virginia R. Renwick r`verett, Renwick P nithRns Village Square, Suite 118 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Ms. Renwick: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 20, 1970, and received November 23, 19709 regarding the Lang Hill Subdivision. The City of Tigard received a letter from the Unified Sewerage Agency September 30, 1970, requesting approval of the pinns for the Ling Hill Subdivision. On October 14, 1970, Mr. Meigs of the Agency was informed verbally, that the city could not approve the permit until either the property hsd been annexed or until a contract had been signed with the Unified Sewerage Agency. Said verbal conversation wee confirmed by letter dated October 16, 1970, with a copy being sent to Mr. Adkins. The city received another letter from the Unified Sewerage Agency on October 30, 1970 requesting approval to connect t!ie Leng Hill ^ubdivision. This request was taken before the City Council and their conclusion was that no connection to the City's system shall. be Rllowed until the subject property has been annexed to the City of Tigard. In the event that the P^rtland Area Local Government Boundary Review Commission disapproves annexation of the subject property a contract may be drawn to provide service via the City's system. A latter regarding this decision wos sent to the Unified Sewerage Agency November 17, 1970. Also, a copy of this letter was given to Mr. Adkins when he cane into the city offices November 18, 1970. Mr. Adkins' letter of November 12 and your letter of November 20, were brought to the Attention of the City Council November 23, 1970, which was the first regular meeting After receipt of said letters. In view of the fact that Mr. Adkins does not desire to annex and since the city has not received a reply of our letter of November 17, 1970 to the Unified Sewerage Agency, no action was taken by the City Council. Rather it is the ntaff's understanding that the conditions outlined by Mr. Telfer's letter of November 17, 1970, nry the conditions necessary for Sewer Service. Virginia R. Renwick November 27, 19-10 Page 2 If Mr. Adkins desires to annex his pror--ty, without condition, for sewer service, it will be necessary fos Lim to submit a petition on the form provided with .nap and legal description of the property. This petition may be submitted through the City or directly to the Local Boundeny Commission. If it is to be acted upon at tho next earliest available meeting January 13, 1971, It amist be submitted to them on or before T)ecember 1C, 1970. If the annexation -F,iJOs and e contract is necessar7, it is the City's understanding that the Agency wishes to i.nitiete It. Another possible solution which has not been discussed. with the City Council, would he n contract for sewer service in which 'Mr. Adkins would agree to annexation, compliance with the city subdivision ordinance f:nd other ordin incpE,. This possibly would be advantageous by the fact that a contract might be acquired more quickly than annexation. It should be noted that the developer has proceeded with extension of the sewer system without a permit in the proposed aubdlvision, rind that a permit is necessary for the Unified Sewerage Agency before connection. ^ail permit being subject to the conditions and specification of the Unified Sewerage Agency. In closing, it should be pointed out that Mr. Adkins has another proposed subdivision, Curl Acres, which is in the same situation as the proposed rang Hill Subdivision. I would suggest that the problem concerning both subdivinicne be cleared up at the same time. Sincerely, Reith C. Thompson Director of Public works cc: USA cc: City Attorney LAW UFI-1t:FS 503 / 639-862 9 EVERETT, RENWIC:K & ALTH,4US 503 / 28 1-99 1 1 GLADVS M. EVERETT VIRGINIA R. RENWICK 4"/' . � HELEN F. ALTHALIS I /' - 'WL�r. November 20, 1970 FSE'(�t:.IV EL) City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon NOV Dear Sirs : CITY OF tll;ARD Re : Stan Adkins Builder, Inc. LANG HILL SUBDIVISION Mr. Adkins has asked this office to represent him regarding the above named subdivision. He has handed us a copy of a letter which he wrote to vju on November 12, 1970, offering to make this property available to the City of Tigard for annexation. Due to matters which have come to his attention since that date; the fact that the City of Tigard has unnecessarily exerted efforts to block his subdivision plane; and that the City has not approved and taken up his offer, he hereby revokes such offer. Mr. Adkins informs us that he has paid the City of Tigard large sums of money (approximately $15,000) for improvement work done by the City in bringing the server lines out to his Lang Hill subdivision and for strects and sidewalks; that the charges and payments made were based upon the entire subdivision property. We understand that the improvement work and payment therefor by Mr. Adkins were in reliance on oral agreements between the City of Tigard and Mr. Adkins such as outlined in his letter of November 1.2. We further understand that you have had all the engineering plans in your possession for over two months, and yet you have done nothing about this matter. This delay is costly to Mr. Adkins. In the circumstances, Mr. Adkins believes that he is entitled to the 3ervir_es contemplated by the oral agreements and that the City of Tigard is estopped to deny this. We would agree with this. In view of the above, and in view of the fact that these properties would otherwise be entitled to be served by the sewer district , Mr. Adkins desires to enter into a contract , immediately, with the City of Tigard for sewer service to all of the Lang Hill subdivision property. We understand that the charges therefor would be the same as for property within the limits of the City of Tigard. We , there`-re , request that you provide this service to the Lang Hill subdivision properties and that you provide the neces- sary inspections. Otherwise, Mr. Adkins will charge the City of Tigard for any additional costs (including inspection costs) incur- red as a result. of the delays. City of Tigard -2- November 20, 1.970 We will expect compliance with the above request by Novem- ber. 27th, 1970. Sincerely, EVERETT, RENWICK & ALTPAUS tee- .J . by Virginia R. Renwick Noverber 17, 1970 unified sewerage Agency of Washington County 326 N. 9. Lincoln Street. Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Attention: llaniel O. �� • ,_:eneral Mnages zerntlemen: We are in receipt, of your, Iter .tober 28, 1970, regarding t:.ho Lang Hill Su � vis This matter has lAen \ dismissed l-oy the Tigard City Council and elusions reached: 1. The city's aer syst:em, located on 5.W. Canterburycapacity too handle antici- pated effl ing in the proposed sub- division. 2, c-vnetruction or the csystmt, within the proposed subdivision must be made in accordance with plans previously received and approved by the Unified Sewerage Agency and City of Tigard. 3. 146 connection to the City's system shall bu allowed until t-he subject property has been annexed to the City of Tigard. in the event the Portland Area 1,p c al Government Boundary Review commission dis- approves annexation of the si-II)Ject property, a contract muv be drawn to provide service via the City's sew4r system. It should be noted that the dcrPloper has proceeded with construction of the sewer laterals in the proposed subdi- vision prior to completion of the final platting process. It: is emir understanding that the unified Sewerage Agency Unified Sewerage ,A,gency -- page 2 - November 1.7, 1970 has no obligation to inspect construction c:ompled:ed to cake and it would be our wish that the developer be required to complete a television inspection toof his lines in addition to the normal air testing pr ior ion to the City's system. 8inceral Ph en M. 'rifer y Administrator �Arr UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY 326 N. E. Lincoln St. HiLLSBORO, OREGON 97123 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (503) 648 8621 DANIEL 0. POTTER WILLIAM MASTERS, Chairman �w General Manager JOHN C. ANICKER LYELL GARDNER ELDON BURTON CU WILSON JR. G9 , October 28, 1.970 v 9'p0 City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention: Mr. Stephen Telfer, City Manager Gentlemen: Re: Lank; hill Subdivision The Unified Sewerage Agency requests your approval to connect the above referred subdivision to the city's sanitary sewer system locs'ed on S. W. Canterbury Lane. This subdivision contains 33 lots zoned for single family dwellings. The plans and specifications for the construction of sanitary sewers in this subdivision have been approved by the Unified Sewerage Agency, Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality and have been submitted -to your Department of Public Works for their approval. This request is made in accordance with Section 6, Subparagraph 1 of -the agreement between the city of Tigard and the Unified Sewerage Agency, dated September 9, 1970- Your immediate attention on this matter will be greatly appreciated. �rs very t , D iei 0. Potter, General Manager DOP:MM:vr October 21, 1970 Mr. Merrill A. Meigs niief of New Construction C _ Unified Sewerage Aganay 326 a. i;. Lincoln Street Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Dear Mr'. Me ig_. . nelou-id are two cot-ios of e s alai spec.ific.at.i.orts of the Chamberlin sewer exte The City and State approved the plans fix- he ver, no Permit ')as 1),4en taken out for the stru on. As per the City' greenkant it l� U. S.A. , it is narcrby requested that a oval be van for the construction of said sarwer Ii ailicer*ly, Keith C. Thmpson Di:ftetor of Dublic Morks 10`T/iH t��ncl. October 21, 1970 Mr. Murrill A. Meigs (Va,ief of 1;ew construction Unified Sowerage Agency 326 Y. L. Liacoln Street: ----� 1ii11s)xjro, Oregon 9-11.23 lear Mir. Meigs: Sanitary newer service wil a ava le to the proposed sulxii.visioa of Curl acres a . -�F c. lection of the Chamborlin sanitary serer ext (a copy of tiaa plans for said sewer AdtteAp,,�,(on ng forwarded under separate eo\mr) . As ver the City' s reri*rsnt th U. S.A. , annexation or at contract will rl. Lm neve ary before authorization may be give to_ eyxteM sant ry sewer mervice to the proposed J--Ae}-es 3►4jje!iy16ion. Sincerely, xeith C. 'Thompson Dirovctor of Public Warks NCT/ip I October 16, 1970 unified Sewerage Agency 326 N. E. T,4ncoln Street Millsboro, :egon 97123 Attention: Merrill. chief < of no ction Tlear Mr. ;Heigs: \ \ / This letter is to confirm TAN rsation with you C>.tok»ar 14, 1970, concerni y r service for the Lang Hill Subdivision. The City of Tigar cannot a eve the permit for sanitary sewer service to Lang H Subdivision until either __j k\ the property has ann to the Cit,► or until a con- , has roadie tlt fied Sewerage Agency and the City of and for sa"r service outside the City of Tigard. Sincerely, Xeith C. Thompson Director of Public Works XrT/jp eel Stan Adkins 13011) 9.W. Pacific HwY. w .. L .' Er0 JUL CITY OF TIGARD .July 27, 1970 ►i, A. l"hr $ Associates, Inc. 205 L. Main Street Paterson But Iding 'IM lsboro, Oregon 97123 RE: 47-Canterbury Crest. Proposed Subdivision 1S1 Section 10A TL q�^ ; Gentlemen: The Washington County Department of Public ►;ealth hes receiver, the pro- liminaay plat for Uie wove notes! subdivision. It is our unoerstariding that the subaivisian wi.11 utilize cOr"Pul"city water and sewer. It will be necessary for tui% U611artmert to receivt correspondence from the Tigard Nater District, City of Tigard and the lhsifiet: . Sew rag' Agency stating the arproximsto date of availability 'snd assurancAa that Vie res1wative ooaunity services can be provi.da..1. If you have any Further questions regaraing the above, plemse+ ao not ilesite.te to Contest this office. Very truly yours, WASHIMG"MN C:Ot,NW DEPARTMENT DP PUB U L r 1ALT Harry A. Lamp, Director, Fieslth tbervice,r i,.�•t L. Nn%wn, R.S. , Stirerviser vir;�ume��ta: olealth Sent till lu;, c. Wssningtcn County Plnarnitsg s,a►Iextwont Unified Sviverstve Agenry .Cite ,£ 'rigaro Ti; Mater District ;'tan A,)kinx Buil-lvrs, lac