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A 13 C D E f .-• V Tlt l T ---------------- ----- 0 /Pt -- /kill, UT/LITY �., I .... N, .4G91, SMT <� I n1HoTlogo N nc. ��a cl U45 rUrF'/VE ��VEf� C G/✓C. C l/!�h 2" A/t, 1 YR. ( yA ,-� / Q !'�n � ��� _ r t 1 � � �-1''A/C' 1"A/C' 1? 1rR. I � `x' ;\:r TZle � J I L/ o� � 'Q"' ,a D () ( AID AOd G .� �' '�N AC +�� \ I `TAG tZ 4i - CA - �� D Iv O W ��; Nbq ----- --- > ` _ a 1 '/•V C� 9" I ` •� /99 "UT/L l T Y FSMT J '( _ T Gy � y `'u 5b1�'' '. c' S/t'_ LAG' � s�, �i z7.28• 2o.iy �l. ' T YfJICAL 5 TkE� T SECT/0/V 1`0Rl3 Di- /'-r,4 l L �- r, �`���f � �; � � � Nie° 2s•�oNry � � �3"' 3,�9r s��� mss'20-1 a� T KNO SC fa L E ) PVt' 3 9, p y�� �1 r /% ih / -% MH .�' zfsi. '� qA ; Te, /8.,/. _54 I �I flU / 1/V T. J'j T IeYA- /!g 190' �r - ?r o `_ '�`� ' 3' a'"� 'I.f'l 3s rc�eSBs ��, c�� I ,Soulb Channel — VW I Ni T Y MAW �,,' „ �o, \ (�Z() '' Pvc /goo >; z•9 yd�f s-2p cl' ---- - 2- /20"- 30 CMS - _ -- ,0 R I /I/ GA. ALUM/NUM -. /. v��' � p8 ` �`s• Q'. .�' —' S w KAIHMNE ST. 11 MH atd Y / r TC - l9/. l8 j j_a — )PPOTECT ' 12 \ TG' _ 192. /9 r��PPf� b �� Q ,�' s I rr _ W - �J �� 3� Tr' _ l 9 3. 2/ - _ /. %�•'d l<-' /"- 3 } > ! 5 ,�� h y� TC - l90 96 �a rG�, �, r TYPIC AL 6kANNZ �.- SLE( TION ; SwK $F, �\ ><� 1� 17 \� 62 TC.. �. �0 �L c'�-- � 1 '� 0 '� 1,\q� INT. C'UkES , ` ' c ' ' a G 1916,TGR IRA/NAGE y `� O I t s > , ELEV. , '� .. }� EA.�EME l ' f 'O(J 7 BUIL k lv/7`it Ird RIE v �P Q – i U 40 10 SN s s Imp- ( f X/S T. L A KLA VEN T' '� / 3qr 0" P /� STANO Ag ' � f I � c' N1qH 1;131 -- � - _— , � + Qt �l { ' ! • n r----- -- - - -{----^r,- _--- -- ,; . -- r ._ -- ---- - • - _- -- _ _-�-_ _—__-t_ _ _�Q fir ..._ ---- � - -_ _- ..Y._- "3 -4 T _ a o — : : -- + ---- -- t r I 9 16 ki Ike :jI NFA NO F� j � 9Q O '�I �� h +,r � ! ,� I j� w 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND WITH T}E I;TTY OF TIrARD (CITY) °,' V. INTE E. EIT F A CONFLIC BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND THE CITY STANDARDS, THE CITY STANDARDS SHALL �, J - �, • r ap �; I ,.� <, PRECEDENCE. .;� r "., + � .� ,� ; `� c � 2• ALL SANITARY SEWER WORK SHALL BE DONE IN CONFORMANCE WITH BOTH THE CITY AND UNIFIED SEWERA,,E AGENCY 4 STANDARDS. - - -- - NO ITL1 OR PHASE OF WORK . HALL BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL ACCEPTED BY THE CITY AND THE ENGINEER. 1V') 4. ALL TRENCH BACKFILL '4VEPIr,L AND METHODS SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITv STANDARDS. / —•0 5. ALL PERMITS AND LICENCES NECESSARY FOR THE PROSECUTION AND THE COMPLETION OF THE PR-1JECT SHALL F.'- SECURED - SECURED AND PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. �� j' ►� v � Q • �, 0 6. PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL PERTINENT COMPANIES OR ACINCIES UNDERGROUND FACILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA SO THAT SAID FACILITIES MAY BE ACCURATELY LOCATED I .E. POW[, * �fi '�` CID SAS, WATEk, TELEPHONE,SANITARY AND STORM SEWERS. 7. THF LOCATION OF EXISTING �1KDERGROUND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLAN IS FOR 'NFORMATION ONLY v' IS NOT I I `� �1 J V •.` \ ��I I FILE 6U R NTEED TO FE ACCURATE. COP Sr•,N1'ri RY SEWER SERVICE LATERALS SHALL BE 6" CONCRETE °IPE. I� C UP6 4 A �uIL , REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: 1.SIGN OWNER : J- G. C H A M B E R L I N �. /"-501 12350 S.W. 124th Ave. SCR . LAKEcE N m 2 TRACED TIGARD , OREGON 97223 JOB NO. r _ _ PHONE 639- 4.414 STREET, STORM a SANITARY -� SHEET L 1 CHECKED r ' _ �s��, r,��T:,,,� , � �� Hams - McMonagle Associates SEWER IMPROVEMENTS REV DESCRIPTION SUB APPR DATE ENGINEERS SURVFY0;,S REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION DAT 8905 S. W. COMMERCIAL J CIAI STREET PLAN 8� PROFILE TIGARD, 7REC-�rJN 97?_23 ��F TERRAC.E #22 I (.:1F' `� I ` _. � ltlit'�ijlli 1j111���lll It�t+l�l'���111 I'Mrllll�li� ll`ji�`'1�r'1 ( (Ill�liflll `VIII) '11111111I11f�rll�lll'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIo11IIlIIII�I�I'If`'I'III'�illlllllllllllll111111111�11111 �� ' � .' � ' ��� I 2 3 4 5 _ 6 7 8 9 110 II 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED _ — DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICfiT-Tf IS DILE TO ` -jFlc QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ' DRAWING. 0C aZ 9Z LZ 9o~ SZ fpZ EZ ZZ I 02 of 91 LI 91 SI t'I C1 71 11 01 6 O L 9 SI--J*--1I► ' E Z ,tq111111111111111�11111UnIU11111111111�J11111Illllta>I11111up1�tul�a�Im�IwIIIN111111111111111)IIII11111111NIIIUI�I'iIlI11f�1Nt4►fIINI 11IIIIIII►lilll�lfft111111t1t11 ► �ullhlullnl�� a111111111111111111ullllll(x11111I/',lllJllull�llu�lllllllllullu�NN 1JULY 1992 �7 ,,, ,w,,...-„_,- __... .. ._ _ ....... ..___ _-_ -.....,_- .... -...rf+ r•- :_Oi.ru:'f:.a._ ...•.. .-,.. .-.> ,-..- _._,...... ,. ...- w -.....mr.:ansu �•, - - .� ._ �,.. •. !,. _. ,,.,...Np.!lP.r3"•� .. .—.,..,'....•.; ,.^1F" "•^S?M14:' n•'��..l. >� ,'�.t1� .,! � ,,�,��.. " •.` >^.�Y, ,M4S7A J,C. �.�. )...Y iSW'di,.,� , : . r A 1 C D E P G I I ke l0' /5' —— ' _10' Q _ � No uESMT. --- - - -__-- - UT/L/TY $" ?vhj - $10�E ESMT 9" ;SMT. - v i .'� CT/�'v F � + N SRA N CHAWIEI - - ---- AI `4 or �fi11� � 4W j J \ �IOR r ;�}-- P►1 VA/qrU�� /e' Ovl Chi N/,qS /I'IfM�`I� p'IL F w[�� O n \'; aDW,� $� r 1 �r ro �✓JODrFy 7�1/AT � �,fp�t� Ap o _ o �\°° oRIv� ov�Fr 61c�Nc c�k ?' A1/tr 1 .i�,IC L I F T ;� : o A o v��' p i 19 I G' U \ �.2l t � 0 3NA�C �r/��C. 2 3 'L/Fr I t 4 1 �l �T r�� ���/ /� ` O `+\ r\ a • _ '� +, e s /BeS� rowtER C� x cA X70 �0-- Ab 0 - 64? , A. C /O UT/[_l T-Y I- p---'`� c` " 3/ -0 ---� ;' — ��, ei ys SMT. T \ o X `d OX. `-\ p• r, 0' Ito�' T YrICAL STREZ_ T UES T/D/V C�YR13 DZ_TA l L __141 N_ Q 2� i' ,� Nom• 2s•zoNw ., s (NO SCALE w i � P✓C 3Iq� I 8 p0• �O y� //� La I�38. 66 CDS N iV0 SCti L E ' y I ,Qs o - — /MN •' 'TS rI 2 q / ,g TC /B6./9 I TC 8 54 — 1 XA --- l •STC•/Al.6i �s �. � �. 'Y3o --- 5'oufi� C'hdnr/el 23 19.0 Z.PlAr is VICINITY MAP �;�' o\' azo Pvc _Ho_o TC /M.H8 2- /,?0'- 30" CMS' 0 Al GA. ALUA1/NUM -- µ• x \ oe \s s w ►tATMERINF. ST. I t� �, I TC -- /91. /b �� ti 3 I PROTE(.IT MH �2a i TC = 192. 19 fo�PQ��a� h ! N a / 51 TE I �1 TC = 19 3. </ 3 } ' [ ZL Q TC 190. 96 T yPICAL CHANNEL �.�.� T/ON �w K Qx� 9 0 \ti ` � Tc - /9/. 3s - oRM uR�l A I� �� r _� I C q IV -____--� 5 � q ST 1V GE TN T. CURB EL E V. � 250' Y � �� E".��SEMENT „ v QJJ L I ��Pe SG(I TN C'HA NNF Sw IM RiE ✓ Y+ 0 e oMtt. wrote Sramr w AM1� S1 a,hl /' ___. _..`� `rte \ ,-7 AH, y011 "rep r. Z A�� STgNO f PIPE CS- 5 -- NJ Am it NJ N 4 NO _ _— - 14 lea AZ— Nil 3- -- gn — - - - --- -- - -- - - - -- .- -._ 3 777 17 6= 77 1. ALL 'WORK SHP.LL BE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND WITH THE CITY OF TIGARD (CITY) "•TANUARD7. --- . _ _ �_ IN THE EVENT OF A. CONI.LICT BF.-TWEEN THESE PLANS AND THE CITY STANDARDS, THE CITY STANDARDS SHALL TAKE �' — PRECEDENCE. ENC -- - -- " -Il SU THE E- ----- 2. ALL SANITARY SEWER WORK SHALL BE DONE IN CONFORMAWCE WITH BOTH T14E CITY AND UNIFIED SEWERAGE AI�ENCY .- 4 — STANDARDS. - LAL -- -- — __ ___ - -- _ 4 — . . ■�Pi -- _tel • NO ITEM OR PHASE OF WORK SHALL BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UN"Il ACCEPTED CY THE CITY AND THE ENGINEER. _ __ __ -- avow 4. ALI.. TRENCH BAC01LL MATERIAL AND METHODS SMALL BE IN CONFORMAN(E WITH THE CITY STANDARDS. ___• _ _ S=- -"t _ Nor—:, -_,t _ Y_ --- - --�1 - A t�1' pllf- �� - DATE-1--- - - - _ -- --- _ �tt�stru — 5. ALL PERMITS AND LICENCES NECESSARY FOR '�tIE PROSECUTION AND THE CtIIMPLETION OF THE PROJECT SHALL Bi _- ___ �_-- ____ _� �-_ __ - . _ _ DATE • _ _/ !4 A _ _ -- -- —_ __.�_ _ - � - rsa� ATE SECURED AND PAID FOR 11Y T'iE CONTRACTOR PPIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTIIUCTION. - - - - Ap 6. PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTT'-Y ML PERTINENT COMPANIES OR AllfKIES '417. _ _ --� C7 m%r _ _ ate_ _ _ 1dY -_ UNDERGROUND FACILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA SO THAT SAID FACILITIES MAY BE ACCURATELY LOCATELI• I .E. POWER, --- � - _. _- - - - - -_ _ ` _ -- B.. 41-14 " _ GAS, WATER, TELEPHOI�IE,SANITARY AND STORM SEWERS, - _._ _ - --_---- _-- ___ __. _ _ __ r%A'rgR 3- 7. TNF LOCATION OF EXIST11% MERGROUND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THE PIAN IS POR INFORMATION ONLY AN",' IS NOT �Ar�_ _Z' - bUARANTEED TO PC ACCURA'T`E• .�;LL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LATERALS SHALL BE 6" CONCRETE PIPE. _ er 1 REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN OWNER :: J. G. C H A M B E R L I N TERRACE o 2Vim. ���ARK�` 12350 S.W. 124th Ave. , 19*4-ASENL TIGARD , OREGON X37223 JOB No. TRACED PHONE 639- 4414 STREET, STORM 8� SANITARY g CHECKED Harris -McMonagle Associates SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SHEET REV, DESCRIPTION SUB- APPR. DATE^ . ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS DAT 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET PLAN 8� PROFILE REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION TIGARD, OREGON 97223 or I_Fal<::E: •rEFfr��,cE: #2 I 0 F r; IIP I I I I I I I I I I ( II)III 1111111 I,1 111 I,11111 IIIIIII II III I,Illlt tIi t11 111 • i 'f I ( ( I I 1 I ! ISI I ( li 1' 'Illlllll� 1111 11� Ilt II 1�1 111 I III i III I I Ilr I'll III t11 111 I ( I I I I I I I I I I 1 , J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 NOTE: I F TH IS M ICROF I LMED -- DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIGGj- I7 IS DUE TO 1.1E QUALITY OF 1.1-f ORIGINAL `DRAWING. OE 62 92 LZ 92 SZ III`? EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 91 LI 91 S1 Irl CI RI II 01 6 9 L 9 S b E Z ,a•'� 1►!III111111111111111111I111111111111111111�1IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIII111111U1111141111Ilm11111:11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 if I11111fIIIIIIIIIII1111i11111111111�11111111111111111111t„� IlnlluIII,U111nIInI111W111II1I11lIlU1UIlI111JlI1111111u1111I�IWh1H JULY - 1992 �� I �'��f� a 4.r°1�rt-0�� .�_ (yi I•,, �,�`.a ?t�:�4r ��:"J � '.:Y� �, r... ��� cn Q C, f3.D. ro iL c 4( v CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 83 - _:Y� RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN LAKE TERRACE II SUBDIVISION AND AUTHORIZING RELEASE OF THE PFRFORMANCE BOND THEREFOR. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, under- ground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and, WHEREAS, the City further required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by :.he Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year . . . ;" and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received; and WHEREAS, all deficiencies have now been corrected, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby 1--pts the public improvements constructed within LAKE TERRACE II Subdivision, Jid subdivision being recorded in Book 46, Page 40 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records. AND FURTHER, the City Council herein authorizes release of the aforsaid Maintenance Bond. PASSED: This day of J, , 19by the Council of the City of Tigard. i Mayor. - City of Tigard ATTES I': City Recorder - it�of i d v RESOLUTION NO. 1EXUUMPUIL CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON 9COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Date: ,S-oma 5 — GP 3 Item No. : Descri tion: �3 P PSo%- Agenda Of: (o a 4C..eP /Pry-oC_c Previous Action: G'o �«.-• _ Action Required: _00 krlC '., all l-llulalf 4 rIr,�eL .......................... encu-v==esa ervcza'zezocaczzr�rzerrc- 1 �f [ ;I IM-MAI+Y r t ri�N x'1 +1�✓'�-%� �/`^� �.Q/./� /!u�! �-'�v` ..may iT'Z.�.al�"�. : ...=bun====am====ammmnmmmmmmm0mmmm.mmmwmmmmVmmm.mmamma=noun aam=====amammamommmMMMW=w� I RECOMMENDATION =re_nsa;am•zz-aszQ:rres=zzzn zzzszzzzza�v.ssv ecc._:-cccvr.cc.ccc¢=cecr__=-;avice•cz¢r.racc== 7 �1 ALTERNATIVES RECEIVED MAY I119,9� CITY OF TIGARD May 6, .1.983 City of Tigard 12755 S. W. Ash Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: This is to notify you that the overlay of Ann Court in the take Terrace II development is complete. We would like to request a final inspection. Sincerely, 'Jbse G. Chamberlain RECEIVED SEP y ,r 19R,) CITY OF TIGARD (ARROW FATING C_CTING.AIR CONDITIONING.SHEET META:350 S.W.TUALATIN RD., TUALATIN,OR. 503)838.8577 97082 TO: C-ITY OF TIGARD DATE : SEPT. 23, "•982 CITY HALL TIGARD, OR 97223 JOB NUMBER. : PROJECT : TRANSMITTED HEREWITH x UNDER SEPARATE COVER NO. OF' COPIES DESCRIPTION COPY OF LETTER FROM O'DONNELL, SU.L1IVAN & R MIS Please Note: For your file and/or disposition. Please return set of drawings approved by your office. Return r_(,pies after making corr -ctions as noted. Drawings approved. Approved as noted, return copies. REMARKS: Very truly yours, Arrow Heating Company BY J. G. Chamberlain, President d'DON'WELL, SULLIVAN & RAMIS MOV MARP P OOUNNN LIL ATTORNEYS AT LAW InI AGM•NOSutl20., •"WAMU J SULLI�A'. CANIII Of1EGON 07017 01H♦ RAMIE 1503)8 WRIGHT dU1LOING Ieo:11 2ce 114v NNE1H M ELLIOTT 1727 N W HO11 Sr MII+ LOPINNI C SHf R1uN POF41LAND ORI.C.UN 97209 4ALEV OFFICE STEPHEN f CREW 1b07+ 222 4402 EOU-1AOLl CIt.10W1M 611 VLN L Pf L11ff1/ -- -SJO CtNII. 61 N E SLu11 240 THOMAS L MASON ►LEAIII 011PL1 lU PO.'ILAND OFFICE SALEM ORIGUN 07301 September 9, 1982 r. I� �.' 1 �1 (t'. 503l 37e 10191 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Joe Chamberlain AF I,, ; I_ (Wrris-McMonagle Associates , Inc. Arrow Heating Co. � - L 8905 S.W. Commercial. 10350 S.W. Tualatin Road Tigard, Oregon 97223 Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Be : Lake Terrace II (Subdivision Performanca Bond No. U07 64 67 - United Pacific Insurance Co. ) Gent enien: — Our firm represents the City of Tigard. We have been advised that certain improvements in the Lake Terrace II Subdivision have not yet been completed to city standarIs , despite several previous demands. The portions remaining unfinished are: Dig out and repair soft spots in street, install 1-inch "AC" overlay and repair curbs. These improvements were either specifically referred to in the original subdivision application or compliance agreement, scheduled for completion under bond during the one-year maintenance agreement or were fund by the City of Tigard to be defective in materials or workmanship during the one-year maintenance period. Please provide a written explanatioii on the enclosed form of the project' s status and a time line for completion of the needed improvements. The City of Tigard is willing to grant a maximum of 60 days from the date of this letter for completion, in view of the substantial delay that has already occurred in violation of the subdivision compliance agreement, one-year maintenance agreement, or both. If we do not receive your written response on or before September 21 , 1982, the City of Tigard is prepared to finish the improve- ments and file appropriate claims against the bond and subject real property to recoup its expenses. A pre-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience in responding . Please give this matter your immediate attention. We suggest you review this letter with legal counsel . $iHcerely yours , kvinnet`h M. Flliott KME: ial Enclosure cc: By surface mail to addressee (s) with enclosure City of Tigard United Pacific Insurance Co. MEMORANDUM TO: frank Currie FROM: Bob Thompson DATE: August 19, 1982 SUBJECT: Lake Terrace II As you requested, we have made another inspection of Lake Terrace II. We still find that the curb needs to be replaced in several places which have been indicated by marking them with red paint. The A.C. driveway apron needs to be replaced with a concrete one. Also, all of the soft spots in the street need to be dug out and repaired before the A.C. overlay is placed. 'rs:►y v�-/_ «'"'�1 .t d a....5-.!' �-'f� .»-,w .. G•ae"� w.� �" �.•�..-^L.�..�Me. ..., foor Y'�-�! r. ,,;o' r ,�,",/• f• ,,*. �• ;.t , «'1< f :Gk's .r• i ' r ..,. . Or ., �s..✓t r fi G� f l.,r'f w • ,/�-*fit CITYOF TICFAM WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON .Tune 7, 1982 Mr Joe Chamberlin 10350 SW Tualatin Road Tualatin, OR 97062 RE: Lake Terrace II Dear Joe: Enclosed is the list of items ' ,it you requested. Please process as soon as possible so we can fins-ize this project. Yours truly, R.L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief RLT:pjr Enclosure -- - 12755 S.W. ASH P.O BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 ARROW HFATING CO HEATING•AIR CONDITIONING•SHEET METAL t x(503)8303 0 8-g57ALAT;N RD., TUALATI970O8 RECEIVED May 27, 1982 }r� - 1 1987 CITY OF YIGARD City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 SUBJECT: LAKE TERRACE II Attention John S. Bagman Dear Mr. Hagman: In response to your letter of May 5th, please forward to me a list of requirements on the above project as soon as posBible. Sincerely- i . G. Chamberlain, President Jac/pw Fr1NNii and JERRY DANIELS BUS 639-bees R El. e3a.co77 cmroF z r -_ i 74b S W M41N In bF 30" *A" Y"M ON W4191�__.. This Agreement, made between LARRY LUDWIG and JUDY LUDWIG, husband and wife (Ludwi.ya) and the CITY OF TIGARD (The City) W I T H L S S E T 4s The Ludwigs are the owners of Lot 25, LAKE TERRACE: NO. 2, in the City of Tigard, County of Washington, Oregon. The City has a sewer easement. over the westerly portion of the property upon which the Ludwiqu linve constructed a retaining wall. NOW, THLREFOR)v, the parties agree as follows: 1. 111io City will grant Lho Ludwigs uio riyiat to keep the retaining wall in its present location upon the kiewor easemient.. 1. The Ludwiys shall pay for the coat of repair of any damage done by the retaining wall to the sewer �^ underneath the retaining wall. 3. If the retaining wall is .rer,►oved by the City for the repair, maintenance, construction or reeonstrurtion of the sewer ling, all costs of doi„g so shall be lasiu', by tha :�ic3t►•iga. 4. This Agreement bhall run with the land, and all of the Ludwig's obligations herein shall become the ohligaticna of Bair successors in interest in the property. IN WIT14LSS WHEREOF, the parties nave executed this Agreousint DATBU this day of February, 1561. _ .__..._ - LARRY LUDWIG WIG JUDY LUUWIG CITY OF T1GARU Ryl STATE OF OREGON ) as. County of Washington ) February, 1981. Personally appeared the above named LARRY LUDWIG and JUDY LUDWIG and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be tit.eir voluntary act ana deed. Ueforet Met Notary FUS11c Foor�Oreyc My Couaniss3ion s.xpires s S'TATL OF OREGON t � :30 Wizity of Washingtor. } February �� Personally api')eared _ who, being duly sworn, did sax that�Fi�e� to the of rile City of Tigard, a municipal oorpora ion, i—nd-fit it giris Ayreameut was signed on behalf of. the City of Tigard by the authority of its city council, and acknowledge) that the Agreement is its voluntary act and deed. Before Mot No sryRaBl c~. o dyoit My Commission Expiress r'. /�- 13 - � i ee Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. I NGINI URS-SURVFYORS 4905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD, OREGON 97223 Telephone 11031 619 3453 October 9, 1980 Mr. Frank A. Currie, P.E. Director of Public Works t 1 p Cit 1240S. W2oT9Main St. Gt,�� of Tigard ``1JpE �\GP� Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Lake Terrace II Dear Frank: Enclosed is a letter report from Rittenhouse-Zenlan & Associates and the results of their tests of the asphaltic concrete, base rock and subgrade in S. W. Ann Court. Based on these tests and other first hand information we have concerning the street construction, we are prepared to certify the materials and workmanship of the paving, base rock and subgrade subsequent to the following: The two areas in which the paver:ient has failed be over-excavated to a firm base and backfilled with compacted crushed rock ( 1 1/2"-0 rack to within 4 inches of the pavement surface 3/4"-0 rock to within 2 inches of the pavement surface) and patched with 2 inches of A/C to match the existing pavement. These two areas have been marked on the pavement with yellow paint. They are at approximately 1+20 and }60 along thq left curb line (Lots 19 & 20) . Please let us know if you concur with us and we will notify the owner to proceed with the repairs and prepare the street for the one-inch overlay. P Si gterely, J. R. Harris i JRH:dS Harris-McMonagle Asso-iates, Inc. cc: Joe Chamberlain RITTENHOUSE-ZEMAN & ASSOC. LGEOLOGY& SOILS ENGINEERING H050 ti Vl ( IRR US DRIVE • 97005 • P.O. BOX 1127 • IiI AVERION, ORIGON 97075 • (501) 644-9141 11817 N.F. 8th STR111 • BELI.EVUE, WASHINGTON 98(X)5 • (206) 746-8020 September 16 , 1980 WO-2339 Harris-McMonagle Assoc. 8905 S.W. Commercial St. Tigard , Oregon 97223 Att.n - Bill. McMonagle Subject: Lake Terrace II Gentlemen : As rcr your request, we obtained three core samples in Lake Terrace II on S.W. Anti Court. Enclosed at the end of this report are the results of our testing of asphalt concrete , base rock , and subgrade. These test results reflect percent of compaction in the immediate vicinity of the test locations and should not be construed as representing the entire street, either in depth or run. Thus , the tests are for information use only and should not be considered as a certification or approval by this entity. As for the obvious bad areas within the street, we re- commend these areas be over-excavated to firm compacted grade and backfilled with a clean compacted crushed aggre- gate (1 1/2 minus) and patched accordingly . If you have any questions or desire further information , please contact the undersigned. PR Respect, ull submitted, 6176 1= Frank Shenefi , Tec icia "4" 17 `.� Jho �� �[s� a y R henhouse , P.E. `• t. RrttEPresilent FS/dl Enclosure o � Core # (2+20) 1 (3+40) 2 152 from Curb 3 Asphalt Compaction - 91. 2% 89 . 2% 92 . 9% % of Oil 6 . 7 6 . 9 6 . 4 Compaction of Aggregate 96 .0% 90 .0% 90 .0% % of Moisture 12 . 2 14 . 5 13 .0 Subgrade Compaction 98. 0% 92. 1% Encountered large rocks (stablization) 8 of Moisture 22 . 7 2 3. 5 _ Proctor' s - Aggregate - 125 lbs/ft. 3 @8% Subgrade - 105 lbs/ft. @17% Core # (depths of Materials) 1 2 3 A.C. (type C) 1 7/8" 2 1/2" 2 1/4" 3/4" - off 31' 2 lf 1 1/2" - 5 5/8" 4" 4" 70-11 � s R..TENNOUSE - '1'EMAN & ASS(--. Boring-_, >f.l - Work Order Nn. 2339 Sample- #1 Project rake Terrace I I Date_ 9/16/80 Tested By Bill Moisture Content Soil Classification Wet + Tare 1 1/2" minus aggregate D + Tare Wt. of Water _ rare DWefight[�kFs ture Total Wet Wt. Sample 984 1/4//# Jo split % Moisture 51 . 8 (Spec 40-60) Dry Wt. Sample 984 SIEVE ANA LYSIS Screen Wt. Retained % Retained °� Passing _ Speca. 3" -- _ 211 - lift - - _ 0 -- 0 ---- 10-0%- 3/411 0-0$-3 4" — 107.5 10 . 4 89.6 55- 75 1/210 3/811 1 /4" 404 .0 41 . 1 - 48.0 35- 50 - - --_ _10 _ _230 .0 --._23 . 4 ----- -- _ 25 . 1--- -- — - -- 20 _— 40 120 .0 -- - 12.2 60 100 200 59.5 6 .0 6 .9 0- 8 Pan 68.0 6 .9 `--- Wash `� --- - TOTAL 984 100% - � < <� UNITED PAC;. IC/ INSURANCE COMPANIES PROTECTION r THE MEAN1.`JG OF RELIANCE City of Tigard SEP CITY Of TIGAh:) P.O. Box 23557 9 1980 Tigard, OR 97213 ARROA ;EATING Cu\LTANY RE: SUBDIVISION BOND NO. U 07 64 67 - 1,ake Terrace No. 2 Under date of November 9, 1978 this Company became Surety on the above. captioned Subdivision Bond. In order to bring our file up-to-date, we would appreciate your noting at the bottom of this letter the present status of the work. A stomped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience in replying. Very truly yours, UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY oo-,o nFr•.q•MF1 T W. McQuear.y G [SATE. H,,- the work been completed and uccepted?_ -_.,t.�'__S+____._—_—_ If completed and accepted the date upon which our bond was exonerated: Resolution No. IF NOT COMPLETED, is It progressing Percentage completed to dote: _ Probable Oote of completlo,,: h]_(QI .)04 (51 . i A ..f) or 1 T 1 1 i,F1 SOU 2151 ED.377 I August 18, 1980 14r. Joe Chamberlin 10350 S'•1 Tualatin load Sherwoo l, OR 07104 Re: Take Terrace II clear 'r. Chanberlin: This is to acknowledge that on August 12, 1980 we received a copy of a field density test lab report (copy enclosed) from you, prepared by n 'representative' of northwest Testi.nn Laboratories dated July 25, 1980. Tho lab report anpears to confirm insufficient co,apaction of the street cross- section and/or nubgrade in the cul-de-sac near the curb line. Test data alon7 the entry road!.ray was not 9oolcen to and, subsequently, in vie,.,- rf the previous 'preliminary' density test which was secured by the City and whi.cl► added to our original concern for structural integrity of the road, we are left havin'z to assume that portions of it may also be deficient. Relative to the July 25, 1980 lab renort, I find no indication that a Registered Professional Civil rnjineer supervised the testing (to include, at a minimum, suhnradr., subbase and asphalt, material, thickness and density) avd interpreted and eval+iated the results. To be most specific, authoritative certification of sufficiency is what we asked for in our letter to you dated March 14, 1980. Therein, as an option, in the event that your nnp,ineer Mr. llarris) could not or would not be available to act in your behalf, we offered to provide the neces- sary supervisory engineering service. I know you are anxious to resolve this problem and are frustrated in endeavoring to do so; however, we find ourselves in a situation whereby we simply eannot reco-amend that the City Council accept a facility for public tax dollar operation and maintenance responsibility unless we are reasonably sure of the sufficiency of the facilities materials and materials installation. Therefore, again, to facilitate resolution of the groblem we have to request that you have your enrtineer or any Registered Professional Civil Engineer provide a mkaterials and worl:manship certification. r Yours truly, Frank A Currie, P.R. Director of Public Works CACspjr :nclosure N0Kf14WY%T TESTING LABORATORIES 41 15 N. MISSISSIPPI AVENL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION P. O. BOX 1 7 1 .1 6 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING MATERIALS INSPECTION PORTLAND, OREGON 9 7 2 1 7 WKLOING CERTIFICATION LII EMICAL ANALYSIS SOiL TESTING PNY iIC AL TESTIN(: ASSAYING July 25, 1980 E C F �� n Joe Chamberlin `' L D� Arrow Heating Co. 10350 S.W. Tualatin Road ��1(; 1.980 Tualatin, Oregon 97062 ARROW HEATING G(D. t\n, , ..IW TUALATIN) Gentlemen: Subject: Field density tests taken by our representative on 7-22-80 on the Lake Terrace II project in Tigard, Oregon. Re ort: Percent Unit Percent Field Dry Wgt. Compaction Location Depth Moisture #/cu. ft. of AASHO T-99 Center CUL-DE-SAC: Rt. Side 2 ' out of Curb Line At Grade 19. 1 96.0 93. 4 Back Center CUL-DE-SAC: Center of Street 2 ' out of Curb Line At Grade 13. 5 90.8 88.3 Proctor Curve Data (AASHO, T-99) Optimum Moisture 20.5,$ Maximum Density ( lbs./cu. ft.dry) 102. 8 Respectfully, �iC T 0 NORTHWEST TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. Report Numbers 221662 "arcl, 14, 19''Q ''r. Joe Chat.iberl i.n 111,150 '*•' Tualatin Road 'hert000�l, 0!, 9614') :'c: Lake Terrace TT !)cnr +7r. Chamberlin: ;1e are in receipt of the maintenance band for the project. Also, we have re- ceiver] a'materials certification' letter frog Mr. Jai,tes 11arris, Project Oesit-n Hnnineer. ;u rover, since ''r. "arris iitl not tlierea:itb provide the (also) required 'wor' - manshih cert:ificatinn' , we are unable to recotirend acceptance of the public i, rivr- mentr3 (to the Council) until such tine as are receive a 'core test report' con- firming satisfactory densities along the newly constructed roadway; narticulariy in the cul-de-sac since preliminary tests, previously obtained by the City therein, indicated insufficient compaction. Subsequently, please have ,✓our en;ineer furnish tie necessary test infor-nation or., if you preser, we will make arrangements in your bmhnlf after receipt of ac' r.�•;1Nd .ricnt of your financial responsibility for lab servicer. `;i.ncerely yours, John S. lla^,man Supt. Engr. Division J311spjp CITYOF TIGARD A MMWIRXICN(l})1J1Y OIFI.aI �C% f w AMN1 lo Wf tiff/ JnW.on@DM"Ilj rN w w w CITYOFTIGARD ie �]�]fi'.W M^IN 0�1 N1�111VJ IN-AY,�iM{f.]iN irlll r�. nw]� CIIYOFTWARD %%&4*4WCR1 CUNrr OlNfAf i ,14 L __-I MO S W MAN •O*OR PIM T Mq 0WOON 97111 February 29, 1930 1iA7''.R1S 1MC'7)tA!'L7 ASSOCIA'MS, rNC. C905 S.d Connercial Street Tigard, OP. 97223 re: Inke Terrace #2 Attn: Jim Parris Dear Jimt This is weitten to amend an implication which appeared in your letter dated February 12, 1980 to Mr. n. L. Thompson, City Public Uorks Inspector, and, also, to clarify the circumatnnce of the need for an affirmative certification of materials and workmanship there inregard said project. First, the project Compliance Agreement (dated ;'ovember 27, 1978) stated that the City will make "... periodic and final inshectiona which, in the City's interest, are desirable to assure co �pliance... and Secondly, as near as we have been able to determine, construction began sometime during the summer of 1978, although preliminary plat approval didn't occur until September 27, 1978, and public improvement construction plans weren't ready fv?- approval until Hovembe r 16, 1978. Subsequently, the City wouldn't normally have, and in this particular instance couldn't_ hnve, "... performed detailed inspection of: the inprovements during cc,nstruction..." and, having foreseen this dilemma, staff., after consultation with the City Attorney, issued the 'approved' construction nlnn with the stipulation that the project design engineer provide written certification of the adequacy of materials and workmanship therein, to the City, prior to City acceptance of any workmanship and/or improvements. Yours truly, I ,John S. HA man Supt. Eng. Division JSIk pip a' HFATING C PD Is R CONDITIONING•SHEET METALUALATIN ROAD,SHERWOOD,ORE. r77 97140 r C/TY Cq Rp T 0 : THE CITY OF TIGARD DATE : 218/80 12420 SW MAIN TIGARD, OTGP]GON 97223 J 0 B NUMBER : PROJECT : Transmitted herewith x Under separate cover No. of Copies 2 Description ENCLOSED PLEA.9F FIND MAINTENANCE POND IN THE AMOUNT OF $109773.00 FOR MAINTENANCE ITEM COVERED IN LAKE TERRACF II gTMIVI S I ON. Please Note : x_ For your file and/or disposition Please return set of drawings approved by your office Return copies after mdking corrections as noted Drawings approved Approved as noted , return copies Remarks : Very truly yours , ARROW HEATING COMPANY w MAINTENANCE BOND Bond No. U 08 31 95 UNITFFID PACIFIC INSURANCE C0MPANY HOME OFFICE, TACOMA, WASHINGTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we ARROW HEATING COMPANY as Principal, and UNITED PACIFIC INSUR, .,;E COMPANY, a Washington corporation, as Surety, are held firmly bound unto THE CITY OF TIGARD as Obligee, in the full and just sum of TEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE AND NO/100 4-,Wr1t Dollars ($ 10,773.00 1, for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administra- tors, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. • WHEREAS, the said Principal entered into a contract with The Ci ty of Ti gard dated February 15, 1980 for maintenance on items covered in Lake Terrace Two Subdivision WHEREAS,OWid epftract provides that the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee for the period of year(s) after approval of the final estimate on said job, by the owner, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent during said period, and WHEREAS, the said contract has been completed, and was approved on February 15, 1980 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if within 1 year(s) from the date of approval of the said contract, the work done under the terms of said contract shall disclose poor workmanship in the execution of said work, and the carrying out of the terms of said contract, or it shall appear that defective materials were furnished thereunder, then this obligation shall remain in full force and virtue, otherwise this instrument shall be void. Signed and sealed this 15TH day of FEBRUARY 1980 Vvitness: ARROW HEATJNG COMPANY Principal UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY T RA A. BROWN Attornev-in•Fact BDU-2306 ED 7.71 in w Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. I IRS-SURVEYORS 4905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD, OREGON 97223 telephone I503)639 W3 February 12, 1980 Mr. R. L. Thompson Public Works Inspector City of Tigard P. 0. dox 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Lake Terrace No. 2 Dear Bob: This is in response to Item one ( 1 ) in your letter to Joe Chamberlain dated February 8, 1980. As you know, we were the design engineer for the project and made periodic inspections of the project during construction. The City performed the detailed inspection of the improvements during construction and should be in a better position to determine the quality of workmanship and materials than our firm. However, from the inspections we did make and the information collected in the preparation of the 'asbuilts" it is our opinion that the pro- ject was constructed as designed and the materials meet the City of Tigard standards. i /er ly y rs, J. R larris Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. JRH:ds cc: Joe Chamberlain February 'ft. Joe Chamberlin 1035U SW Tualatin .toad ^1-,e-wood, "i 140 .c: La1ce Terrace II ,'ear "r. C!iae;berlin: In response to your request, a reinspection of the proposed public improvements in said subdivision wan conducted for the purpose of determining readiness for City Council tentative acceptance (to place the work onto the one year maintenance br.)nd period). 'I.'lle followin; listinf, is a result of said ieinopection .and su*rc-iarizes that .rhich re-lains to be completed prior to such action: 1. V'ritten certification that all worla_:anshi.p nn(l -)aterials are in accord with the best practices and are of hihh !�rade,needh tc be submitted to the City by the project en+.Jneer. 2. A maintenance bond, in the amouu`. of $10,773.00,needs to be sub- mitted to the City by yourself or by your surety. Therefore, when items one (1) and two O) have been receivel we will. recowTrnd ;project tentative acceptance to the Concncil. Further, though it is recognized that additions and deletions may occur herewith during the one year maintenance guarantee perio-!, the fol.lozin listing smmiiarizeb items noted to date which need to be corrected prior to City final acceptance (ie. , during the maintenance period): 3. The driveway aprons will need to be installed. 4. The broken curbs will need to he replaced (in the ctrl-de-sacs). Yours trrily, R. L. Thompson 1;1.I' pip Priblic Works 1nrpectr)r rlull Z- ' s ' 80 1� town , �.� �t S� �, '?fes.. Np�.i►7 Kms. . �• 60 le 4,0 11 W1 Z%Iv%t f0A yr►K o C VrG �� EL UNITED PACIFIC INSL TAPLNCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE,TACOMA,WASHINGTON POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY,a corpwation duly organind under the laws of the State of Washington,dace hereby make,constitute and appoint TAMARA A. RROWN of PORTLAND, OREGON------ -tam true and lawful Attorney-in-Fact,to make,execute,seal and deliver for and on its behalf,and es Its act and deed ANY AND ALL BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS OF SURETYSHIP---- fin:.,.,bind the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY thereby as fully and to the Arne extent as it such bonds and undertakingsand other writings obligatory in the nature thereof wwe signed by an Executive Officer of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY and sealed and attested by one rather of such officers,and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorneys)-in-Fact nay do in pursuance hereof. This Power of Attorney is granted under and by authority of Article V II of the By-Laws of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY which Iseatme effective September 7, 1978,which provisions are now in full fora and efface,reading as follows. ARTICLE VII – EXECUTION Off'BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS 1. The Board of Directors,the President,the Chairman of the Ifoard,any Senior Via President,any Via President or Assistant Via President of othat officer designated by the Board of Directors shell have power and authority to(a)appoint Attorneys-in-Fact and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, bonds and undertakings, rowgniza, , contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and(b) io remove any such Attorney-in-Fact at any time and revoke ills power and authority given to him. 2. Attorneys in-Fact shall have power and authority,subiact to the terms and limitations of the power of attorney issued to them,to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company,bonds and undertakings,recognizances,contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, rhe corporate seal is not necessary for the validity of any bonds and undertakings,recognizanees,contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory ,n the nature thereof. 3. Attorneys-in-Fact shell have power and authority to executr affidavits required to be attached to bonds,reeognizances,contracts of Indem- nity or >ther conditional or obligatory undertakings end they shell also have pose and authority to certify the financial statement of the Company and Io copse, )f the By Laws of the Company or any srt.cle or section thereof. this power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting held on the 61h day of June, 1979,at which a quorum was present,and said Resolution has not been emended or repealed. "Resolved,that the signatures of such directors and officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile,and any such power of attorney or artifiornto beefing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shell he valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shell be valid and binding upon the Company in the'uture with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached." IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the UN D PFIC INSURANCE OMPANY hes amused hew prowls to be signed by Its Vice President,and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed,this StACIsen day of 11;1m ry 19 `1 UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Asst. Via President STATE OF W,Lshington $ ' LOUN I Y OF Pierce On this 21st day of jarllial'y 19 30 persrnally appeared D. Keith Johnson to me known to be th@301rasident of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, and acknowledged that he executed and attested the fore- going instrument and affixed the feel of said corporation thereto,and that Article VII, Section 1, 2, and 3 of the By-Laws of said Company, end the Resolution,set forth therein,are still in hall force r My Commission Expires. - - �inat � F Notary P InJune 12, end for State o Washington ton hiding at ` a'—i',mit l Charles J. Falskow Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foreGoing is a!nus and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by said UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY,which is still in full force and @Hatt. IN WI rNE SS'WHtREOF,I hove hereunto set my hand and affixed 0- vl of old Company this I' (H day of FEBRUARY is "Fill 1431 (-it e/79 ��� AasietarhtSeCfedfy— — I July 31, 1979 Joe Chamberlin 10350 SW Tualatin Road Sherwood, Oregon 97140 Attn: Joe Chamberlin Rei Lake Terrace #2 Subdivision Dear Mr. Chamberlin: In response to your request, an inspection was conducted of the proposed public improvements in said subdivision for the purpose of determining readiness thereof for City Council tentative acceptance action. The following listing, as a result of said inspection, Surmnarizes items which remain to be completed and/or corrected prior to such action: 1. Street needs to be cleaned. 2. Written certification from the project engineers that all workrianship and materials used are in accord with the hest practices and are of high grade. 3. Pre—existing storm drain outfall from S.W. 124th Avenue need to be cleared. 4. On site storm culvert pipe outfall need to be cleaned out. 5. As—built mylar needs to be provided to the City. I G. Sanitary sewer service stubs need to be installed for each lot. Further., though it is recognized that additions and deletion will occur herewith (throughout the one—year maintenance s,,uarantee period), the following listing; summarizes items noted to date which remain to be completed and/or corrected prior to City final acceptance: 7. Driveway apron need to be installed. 8. Broker: curbs need to be repaired in cul—de—sac. 9. t1aintenance bond needs to he provided to the City. o■ Page 2 Jul 31 1979 .Joe Chamberlin Y � Therefore, in reference to conditions number seven (7) and eight (8) of the project compliance Agreement, we find we will be able to certify project readiness for tentative acceptance, to the Council, when items number. one (1) through six (6) above are complete. Since the appropriate maintenance bond options and, also, since final work completion deadlines were previously addressed in the project compliance agreement, I won't elaborate thereon. If ycu have questions, please call me at 639•-4171. Yours truly, R. 1. Thompson Engineering Tech II RLT/pjp cci 11arris--14clionarle Associates NUAKIL AR W H "0 FATING Co HEATING.AIR CONDITIONING.SHEET METAL 10360 S.W. TUAL.�TIN ROAD,SMERWOOD,ORE. (603)635-0677 97140 July 13, 1979 City of Tigard P. 0, Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: I request a final inspection on Lake Terrace lI subdivision. Very !1,y.0'Ur:,,,-,. J. G. Chamberlain ARROW HEATING COMPANY JGC:td r RECEIVED J U L 16 1979 ON OF MAN r May 9, 1979 Portland General Electric Co. Western Division 14655 SW Old rcholls Ferry Rd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: ,'r. Ken Snyder Re: Lake Terrace No. 2 (Subdivision) Dear Yen: This is to acknowledge that the City of " ' ;ard has .found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactory and, further. , to authorize P.G.1:. Company to energize the three (3) units therin, billing via schedule No. 91, Option "B". Yours truly, ,John S. flagman Supt. Kngr. Division cc: City Accountant .TEJ/rs 4 z7 I riCw ('ity of Tigard INSPECTION PIQUES T for INSPECTION TIME: _ PFRK41T NO DATE * L_L, DATE ISSUED OWNERS NAME '. � ADDRESS' CONTRACTOR .* -_ •./ l�ll �' Tj��.. - TEST : Air ❑ Water [] Visual �, Laboratory p RESULT : Approved DisapGro-ed p fending C] SKETCH.* 3 r1 i „NOTE. At!ach supplemental test dui ,, „ ret] G t � �r- ■ I , d �- I I I-1 1Y of ig�rt1 INSPECTION REQUEST ' for JSrECTION TIME: PERMIT NO DATE: 41 /-7i-74 DATE ISSUED '_,.L1...- WNFRS NAME : ,),,.e C�n.n ♦r/a.,: �_ V _ �_._ I A D D R E S S: _fir _?^-r•-•-p 4_. L- ONTRACTOR 5T . Air ❑ , Wnter [] , Visual 0 , Laboratory [3 I IESULT: Approved )N Disapproved ❑ Pending p KETCH: i I I I I I ' L INSPECTOR DATE DTE Attach supplemental test data hereto f. RECE=IVE[) i CITY OF TIGARD DEDICATION DEED `- G1C, -? l6 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That the City of Tigard does hereby dedicate to the use of the public as a public way forever , the following described real property in Washington County, Oregon : A portion of Tract "C" Brookway, a subdivision of record in Washington County, Oregon , being more particularly described as follows . (See Exhibit "A") IN WETNESS WHEREOF, the grantor above named has caused this instrument to be duly signed this / day of 1979. By authority of the Council. : MAYOR —(SEAL) Attest : %.u� � `. _(SEAL) CITY RECORDER STATE OF OREGON ) Ss County of. Washington) BE IT REMEMBERED that on this Z3 day of M CLt-4. , 19'19 , before me , the undersigned, a notary public in and for said County and State , personally appeared the within named _ �/„ �/f lJcs �i r Z� r known to me to be—the identical individuals described _in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that same was executed freely an.d yol.untarily. cf n NOTARY PUBLIC FOR ORPGON My Commission Expires : 2-/Q-�3 i NSPECTION REQUEST for 4SPECTION TIME - -4r l PERMIT NO. : _ DATE: DATE ISSUED :_1-Z- W N ERS NAME . ADDRESS 4�r k. ONTRACTOR ST : Air ❑, Water[] , ViS.,.0al 11 , L aboratory [] ESULT.' Approved U , Disapproved ❑ , Pending U KETCH; INSPECTOR DATE )TE Attoch supplemental test dot, hereto ,:mac ROOTING SLIP PLANNING D i DATE: TO: S C E R RECTLY SURV HANGES IN L INT OF SAID LOCATEU S(" N-01'34' 40"- �� lROM: AVING A CENT .45 ' BEING T OIUS CURVE H - CE OF 15. 71 ' -' THENCE: ALO,'; CENTRAL ANC ACTION REQ(1ESTEn: 0 THE RIGHT AV MG A CENT . 11 ' BEING T E : S-21"36 ' SAID LOT 11 250. 72.' Tj .572 ACRES 4, r cp r w e.arw�.v� — vo 1 v, a 3 g e.G N-53 2S 11 6 ----- .36. 1 t g2.5a� I 5 1.C4 ESM NOTE. Please initial when completed 22 \ \ r I w 1 21 1 e� 'Iy� C4! • 11 1 o.E"� p�. r � IJ'V" 0� — \ R 62.2q 30 ti �s 6\� �r� �.G 242.00 N X38'Z 5 20°W _ i l�V� NN\ \ Q r x cor a S R N •/ 09 1.R.F. ./�'/� I4t a7.58' \ \ / l 17.7 2' \ c; � w • a W A, WA o 9 20WA�� i o r 00 ro t>, N-8828'20'=W I NT. PT. , s \ LAKE TERRACE �gI \ ti i yo�?+��h •.�A 2' I. P. F. M N EMOVED IN CONS / . R,10' L° 15.71' ty1 H a 1 INITIAL POttil �E12"x3G"G. I. P. V G" DEEP 8 - 721. 711 �+ 0 E 7 3 7. 6 0 �I� 1 OF N. W. COR. pr 's SEC. 3 T-2S R• I o wp W. M. y Rryy J 4 y� ^ v \ �& LEGEND • DENOTES POIrJTS FOUND O DENOTES POINTS SET 5/8" x A0" IRON ROD A 8 O O E F G I I I I E'S'/MT- U T/L/T Y .,«.�•�1" i J . , ,�'ToR M 1. 9" 3�MT CI ° �,, ..� �� �� 9RA NAr�NNF! _ R -- - `` .,I ,✓ p TN C� IJt<, `� " b, A-1 rq, / DR/��E OYER C'UNC' C'l�Rf3 �"A/ 1 kr YR. ° � ,- T,� C�a �/ �� -� p` 3 A/G' 1•A/C' 2'�" rR. _ ti '4:,� ' I '� �, ��� .y T s3 ,ob 1 9 c4 ,,� o v ►� -'� 0 �e�2o2p T,o''\�'� /' 7' C`►�\cam \� AUC _— - -- Fir— - ♦ s �8 f-0 W - y' /%a= O_ ,,, _O - \ g„ rc ,8: , !o�Ur/�/7-r ,E-s�r= \\ .O H T YF�IC'AL STF�E� T SZ-CT/OlV -_..,�•. ' ,fr�f3� DETAIL \N= �a92s _ poo; �: . h N � zs'�oNw — - �3K� s&8•zs-vo"E- A/O 5'CA L E � c� R e 0.00 O 'sem kle© !13co.� � �/VO SCALES � M _ E�. S6 C TC MH q� 2"ZPF 4 '? - 1 r 3 ?c s J - - 5'a�l`fi Channel VICINITY MAPI'dwe /foo �_aoy TC' /Q8. S/8 c'- i20"- 3U'" C'MP �- /� ct� ' T� ! Fs, ' �� � � � �' 3 /y GA. ALU/f7rNUM -..__- - •\ s �� 's�8 ��s L'. S w KATHERINE ST. d / - �' TC 191. 18 _ —_ -` •Ci ___ --j.� - ,� )PROTECT' �N �2� / r2 T C' - 192. 19 a+ ��'= 3 N Z \ J TC - 190. 96 - _ ,w� q o , c %mow- E 1 /. 2S TYPICAL C9ANNfL SEC TION ��L �, - ,I ���G � � ; �� TCS 19/ 35 � _ - i ;�- 3. L q - l9 5 TURM ORA/NAGE Z5 0 � ; 4 ✓ I,v I;� ��' 'L Q� INT. CUF�B EL E V. ��Q EA.SEE�v r l < L SGJ 7'1-1 C/-1A/V/VFL North Chdr/r/e/ I } a F° v �R S w ` y F X/S 7 L A A' VENT STq NO ..t NY Lp y - - — -- - - --- - ---. - - -- — - -- — _ —, - - -- - -- _- _ IM OF - -- — --- 7 -- -- - — - — — --- 46 r - - - — --_. -- — -- -- - --- -- -- J --- --._ _ '._— -- __-- - F fpil - — _ - AF TIO P_Y. I. ALL K HALT. E PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND WITH THE CITY OF TIGARD (CITY) TANDARDS. - - - --_ ----- --- -- --- ---- -- -- - -- __ _ - __ _ _ _ _ _ IN THE EVENT OF A C4N•FLICT BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND THE CITY STANDARDS, THE CITY STANDARDS SHALL I qKE. _ =4] ._ --- -- ---- - --- -- -- - - PRECEDENCC. •� — -_ - _ _ _ _ ACF-1 kA p - _ - ---- - T APP VALE OF T E5E FLAN .%• _ _ 2 ALL SANITARY SEWf� WORK SI�AiL 3E DONE IN CQNFORPCE WITH BOTH THE CITY AND UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY --- - - __ _— -- _ ___ _ _-• _ suet Tnr©rr o� a -_ I _-_-. STANDARDS. — L_ - — - - -- - - - --- -s — -- IIA 4 - _ _ - - _ _ err G Q.PT [I .- --- - _ nr --- _._ s. NO TTEt�t OR PHASE OF WORK SHALL BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE I►NTIL ACCEPTED BY THE CITY AND THE ENGINEER. CO-UN Y _ -- -_ OWL _ 4. ALL TRENCH BACKi ILL 'iA;ERIAL AND MFTHODS SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY STANDARDS. - - - -- --- - ------ -tCITY- - _- -- - - -aG - _ _ - __ - ---•_. DA 5. ALL HERMITS AND LICENCES NECESSARY FOR TPE PROSECUTION AND THE COMPLETION (?F. THL PROJECT SHALL BE _._ -_ - - +- -- - - � AL-Telt PMot r _ - - SECURED AND PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. 6. PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL, PERTINENT iOMPANfES OR AGENCIES '�J1 7�1 _ -_ _ _ - - - - - -UN -I.E.FACILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA SO THAT SAID FACILITIES MAS BE ACCURATELY LOCATE[! I.E. PMR, -- -- - -- - - - - - -- UATMIE -- - -- -- - r�AS, WATER, TELEPHONE.SANITARY AND STORM. SEWERS. DATIE--- - l. THF LOCATION OF EXISTI.N(a A0ERGROUND FACILITIES SPOWN nN THE PLAIN I5 I-OR '140RMATTON ONLY .4N^ IS NOT - - -- -- -- - -- — -- -- -- - -- r :y. - - `_ __ _.:- --_-- CAT --- --- - -- -- GU RANTEED TO BE ACCO!`<Afi E . _ _ -___ _.__._ -•--- -- --_ _ _._ ----- - --- _ ___ _ -- --- -- -__ _ 8. ;,LL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LATERALS SHALL BE 6" CONCRETE PIPE. REFERENCEINFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN OWNER : J. G. C H A M B E R l_ I N .i� �-1ARk 12350 S.W 124thLAKE TERRACE,:,�� Ave. �` o..: 2 vEkr• l' s TRACED TIGARD , �JREGON 9.7223 JOB NO. a— =" L.' l3/V/N.�' PHONE 639- 4414 STRy"°ET, STORM 8 SANITARY s / CHECKED Harris -McMonagle A4ssociates SEW ��. R IMPROVEMENTS SHEET _ ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE "9 PEFE." TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION DAT 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET PLAN Sk PROFILE TEF'I �r E: TIGARD, OREGON 97223 OF "' C)F" 5 I 11 111 1 1 ~� I I J I 1 1"► 1 1 1 1 11 i I I i i T ((I I (i I'I wl I L I I I I ► I I I I r I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (Ir' � ' 1 ( f( I II I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 WIN I I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I �' 111111111111�111111111111111�T111fI111111111I1111111p1111111 _ _ ' �. 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 I$ 1 NOTE: IF 1HIS MICRCFILMEU ' DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICG; TT IS DUE To Tf QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL URAWING, 01- 62 82 LZ 92 SZ fp EZ zz I 02 61 91 LI 91 51 bl EI z II 01 6 O L 9 Is i E 2 ,►11111111111111111loll 11o11111111111111111411116111111111'11111111111111111111Jul 1111111111111111H111>♦IIIII11111111111111111111N11111a1111141 llalllnl�I111111t11I1111IIIlIIIIIL11111II111IIIN�Hd �ll�lulllllluullullllnllllllNdll]ll�ull�llulllllllLillllllllulllWIIIN JULY 1 19 92 f , D � LI t SEP 20 1976 �A ole CITY OF TIGARD s P `? 19�Q MA"rERIAL � CITY OF TI I . . ptl P A j ��c� rCARD +30 F V_ K l),V ACH 5400 - ,J . TEE I L' A(-,oH N BEND '—A FA N� J I-P r PLUG FH. A " 5F,. ,MBLv1 Ca � � 1 � i .. , .. 1 .. � � • 'Y- - .era'.' 10 U Td L 171CONSTRUCT ICON _ NO'S'ES r C Mi.. �'J;i, N'� 1N 11AL.i BC,N:�U'); �; 1 , Notify Tigard Water District prior to commencing constr zf-ion • 1 r I 2 . All work shalt be in accordance with A . W . W . A . standards . Vz i � ,• � r ;` , 3 . All workwill be inspected and approved by Tigard �a t�_,r Distri c t .BE :AN P3� T» �. �M. ' �" � � . Fire hydrant an � N +� M,01. GY c�; �, Y t assembly cons! sts of 6 MJ x 6 Fla tee , n " Flg gate ,71 f_ t- W/. valve , 6" Flg x Flg spool , and Fac i fir States fire h- drpnt ' .. .. �. � ;_...._•� �"^ ��.' t i MVO , 3- port ( 2 - 2�" NST hose connections , 4 " ' !_$C1 _F /r pump c) 6 " F 1 4connections , 14" Pent �r rut , open left color . red , traffic mod ;r 5 . poured concrete th.rustblocks at least 6 square feet of bearing sur ' face at each tee , bend , and blow-off location . PEQ0iREQ ```' AL 1�, }IND, TALL Z" � 6 . 36 of 3/4 minus gravel cover for all mains . �.� � ,� � .� . • � B,. T�k �,� -� All s a.n i tam sewer 1 i ne s 10 ' :}M y laterally or 3 ' vertically of water s main shall be encased in concrete 6" thick 10 ' from crossincx . .� . E Where crossings are necessary they must be made at approximately R07AL' 6' 90 with a 1 separation bestow water .1ine . .. .._ 8 . Mins shall be tested at 150 psi for 1 hour . Static pressure 80 psi . 9 . O. S .B.H. bacteriological tests required . l fl 10 . Tigard Water District will install all capper services prior or to blacktopping of streets . Meters will be installed by the district W 1511"1 i1pon individual request for same . ll . Upon completion of installation , contractor will adviseTWD of total �l construction costs to which will: be added 10% for district trict water loss , overhead , administration , ' sampling , etc . , and 8 % for engineering , inclucisng permits , 'gas-built " drawings , intersection ivaps , etc . �_ .� ., �. f,-w2+"':. F y,`',, i 4 ��t:3 {, Y�,f � N}`S � r �, � J-•t r� ' �"`�, r';,.�,�� 1 _ � �' I�¢ � s*' w�J,: t�t 6i`1k alkyl `r � S• ". I ���. rr e•u�� e -(' � -_._ ..,r��.WN..�.l'e�1� �ir_nMi'.�.�►�.+4�F.��'war+,Srr.."�'" ,• ~• 1 K ` �7� ' 'i1 M1 , r . 1 r. G' AXI,`; EX)bl'IN6 LAKE T1 1900 If�t 7 S 3' �RIE_ 6 t. ,,•.{� PRO TIGARD WATER DISTRICT 8841 S W COMMERCIAL STREET • TIGARD, OREGON 97223 TELEPHONE (503) 639 1554 y ClirrON 1r4%,. 7 WATER PROJECT L A K ka Robert E Santee, P, Administrator TE�'F:'�C�E' #2 .� t rl .. . ... . � S :; � caI a 14 it � •,�( ..� � �_ y tr* ..� ',.:y� s• ,q. - A. Wt ua '' , ��•, Irm ,., I I I i _:..I 1 1 i r , .i:. i •I Y--�-�-_._. . M VI ; r� �il � i1111fiI1 � 1 � 1� 1 111_ �t[t `�Lr Ti11r� � dill I 1 � r ir i 1 � � � � 111 1 � 1 111 � � � 111 � � 1 I I J I j l l l l l l l l l l l l , (VOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED ���----- I , 2 3 4 _ 5 � � B 9 i o I � 12 1 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICE i-' IT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAW NG. v IR L Z 9 Z S2 t,2 IE ?Z I Z 07 61 f31 L I 91 SI t, I E 1 21 11 01 6 8 L 9 S b IE Z I a+Ma gra sill Ill III IIII III111III IIIII 11111111111111411111111111111111111111111111111111111141111111 II Ill 111111111011111111Ill 111111111Ill ►II#�III111111�41�1II�111111�1i1111f11r1111111r��li�I�Il1�lItI�Il�11�11�1��� 1�}��11�IIIII111111111111111�111 1 ��tlCnuiltt��,�u.�l�ul�l�! wlitau����, • - TTTT - V-- Ori Q - z •N N r 28 11 358.63 N 83 ' E i2'4 Est NOTE: please initial when completed C) 3 -.- 2 ! 1`� 011 2 2 .10 ^� 1 _ r ;91 c o� 1 � &.� N-8B 25,20,-W =� V+ s� ir, �� / 1'o• 1 cr / \ Z tis feo. to ar 2 5N-�6.49'S5-E %-84' 10'SANeSWR. ESMT. 0 X01. N•43 22'00=E AL POINT ��� a• L o G. I. P. , m "' \\ 1 °°� 120' STORM DRAINP GE a, ! 8.00, th \\� o�� EASEV.ENT 0 I �So _ o I \ I\ 1 CUR. Zs R• 1 W 2 \\ h MH N. Ito l0 �oo�'� TRACT ..A ,. �: 8� , !`�� \� MH �1 \ `�\�` - SANS SWR. LAKE TERRACE \ s 54 2G'?6"E 30.14 5.53.4047E 5 A •• LOT I I OUNQ '* Mh G fA�.A5 t LAKE TERRACE. CA � r` 7 C ,�:--._:_ ,..., . .�.•' CLNTL RL I NL. CLIPVL DAl A CODE DLA. A RADIUS LLNGTH ':HORS, .;H. OLARING 40°56 ' 16" 100.00 71 .45 69.94 N-71 06 ' 32"-L BOUNDARY LINE CURVE DATA O CODE DLLTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CH. BEARING G^ A 40°56' 16" 85.00 71 .45 69.94 S-71`'06 '32"-W L� 8 90000'00" 10.00 15. 71 14. 14 S-05°38'24"-W C 90000'00" 10.00 15. 71 14. 14 S-84"21 '36"-E D 19°31 '01" 115.00 39. 17 38.98 N-60023'54"-E i LOT CURVE DATA LOT DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CH. BEARING 19 21025' 16" 115.00 43.00 42.75 N-80052'02"-L 21 29°00'06" 50.00 25.31 25.04 N-64"40'08"-E 21 41024' 34" 30.00 21 .68 21 .21 N-70°52 '23"-E 22 72`21 '59" 50.00 63. 15 59.04 N-64°38'49"-W 23 84033'22" 50.00 73. 79 67.27 N-13048'51 "-E 24 28035'35" 50.00 24.95 24.69 N-70"23'20"-E 25 74052' 05" 50.00 65. 34 60.79 N-51"52'50"-W 25 67058'32" 30.00 35.59 33.54 N-54`26'04"-W (1D ra l ( , E �p C~�6�.av t�tJ�c� ct p� a-s, "o)Vr 1 v�#I I w� �r,�^� 9�-� 7�►r'�' •� M-tC.�-D�, (�`t C 1'�.t a.G�..�;: 0 3 004, SIDE I OF 2 � •- `�T Tl►� I ht�C-0046% C�1 4j, 1 • +�•t�.'� N I P R P 0 S E P 7-fj>qCT C� BRoax w4 y LAK T BRACE No. 2 � I k ow ;0, * INITIAL POINT A' ;x ,I LAKE TERRACE 1 I LTi`FE r PEble4 r%OAI LA h-E 7-F- H 6 ArE N N 21w>73 2•(w) S.W. KATHERN I N E STt %C N n 017110 o V 6' I 0 - 0 N n n 891(w) I N N M � 01 1 119 ) (73) (74) 02115, •12120 -- -- ------ t" 6-113-72 148 17 ( ) 3 *12150 *12135 6' N Yw) _ - (7Z) cw) (w) 7yt INF.-. 2168 *12163 VTILITV ASE. ADJ- EN?2 1 1/�/ 22 *12170 I oar UT 20 t / 19LAKE TER #2 21 Ob *121 75 l 1•cw) 2198 1 *12260 23 (78) t ` 0 176 / •12aes r • *1 z3ss i (76 41 3 -(w) S.W. BR OK s _ --- --- ------- *t?.425 All i ' N v FRIO? NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY TAX CODE: MAIN SKETCH w � w a ` CCk � O U ¢ I o I UNDERGROUND - PHONE PRESSURE RATING& X RAY WATER - �'-----�--� SFWER - TEST PRESSURE PSIO PUWFR - TEST DURATION "HtTNF i 1 WELDS TO RE X RAYED_ tit DESIGN PRESSURE __PSIG U M.A O P PSIG S 4 U W �- a�r J NORMAL OPER PRESS. T DATE 2 u=i 2 ENO" 6-113-1"62 N INSTALL MAIN FEETOf _ 0-EE1 OF O F ARANOONMAIN _ FEFTOF _ _ FFETOF_._ u Q TYPE COATINGS PIPE JOINTS FITTINGS h 6-1 1 15-6'-'62 —+ z INSTALL SERVICE FEkTOF INSTALL ANODES 4686'-'38 + INSTALLF U MAIN _ - - _-FEET OF _FEET OF ARANDONFD MAIN -- ----- - -- --- FEET OF _ "; FEET OF V TYPE COATINGS PiPt _ JOINTZ FITTINGS_._ i INITALLEDSERVICE_. _._FEETOF " INSTALLED ANODES DATE COMPLETED _,SIGNED (WAIT[ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON SKETCH) .`� MEASURED____ _. DATF KALE STAKED --- DATE_ NO NO.L_tL_ _ f \ ORAWIi DATE - PLATTED \ CHIC tC- DATE DATE SIGNED PLAT il�d: GATE_. } WALLMAP d MAIN WORK GOOF R NO .1'' SERVICE WORK GROIN NO. ADDRESSIE TWfFNcOUNtr !.'fi CITY PLAT NO SFCTIn" TOWNSHIP KANGe � GEARIN, LANDIS & AEBI REC I WED LAWYERS 1516 GEORGIA-PACIFIC BUILDING DEC 2 7 i9�8 PORTLAND. OREGON 97804 TELEPHONE IFi031 224 C,i12 JOHN OO DI GEARIN CITY OF TIGA,RD DAVID C.LANAN919 FRED M.AEBI JOE D.BAILEY JEFFREY M.BATCHELOR r' FRANK MOSCATO JOHN C.MERCER December 2 1978p JAMES M.CALLAHAN Mr. John Hagman Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Lake Terrace 2 Dear John: I was recently asked by both you and the Planning Department to review the city' s records on this subdivision. As you knew, during the course of the city' s work in connection with this subdivision, a number of questions have arisen. It has been a frustrating experience for both us and the developer, I know. The most recent question is whether the street construction is adequate under the city' s standards and the relevant specific documents relating to this subdivision. The problem arises because rolled curbs have not been our standard construction. They were specifically approved for this subdivision, however. As poured, the rolled curbs will not leave enough height on the inside face of the curb to accommodate our standard street. Instead, if the street is to match the curb, the paving will have to be poured over. 2 inches less rock base than our standard. That is, whereas we ordinarily require an 8 inch rock base, the streets in this subdivision would have 6 inches of rock base. We talked about whether leaving off the last 2 inches of rock would have any practical signifigance in the conditions existing in this subdivision, and you were satisfied, and received the assurances of the developer' s engineers , that it would not. As I understand it, we are receiving a written confirmation of the developer' s engineers that the street is adequate when judged by engineering standards apart from our own. Under these Mr. John Hagman December 22 , 1978 Page 2 circumstances , and because of the difficult and complicated history of this subdivision, and because of the specific timing problems which led to the curbs ' installation at 12-inc:1 heights rather than the 14-inch he_4.ghts that would have been required to accommodate the e:•:tra 2 inches of gravel we are talking about, it is my opinion that it is proper for. the Public Works Department to approve the street as constructed, with only 6 inches of rock base . Very truly yours , oe D. Bailey JDB:pb 11 18 1978 CITY OF TIGARD Pordand General Liectric Company INWEnN 011 J I'M 14655 SW OLD SC1101 15 I rwly ttoAo 9EAVER,ON on1 ,n 1,910M. 643 5454 Gentlemen: Re; Lake Terrace Attached is our hroposnl for providing undergrourd olectric service to III- above mentioned subdivision. Our preliminary lnvesLigntions supi,esl. Ll. it this propORA1 1a compatible with existing and/or proposed project '11111 utility construction, however, if there are any conflicts with y ur or proposed In-,tnllnLiott, please contact mn at your convenience In ordl t1l", the plans may be modified. Very Truly yo 1rs, J.L. Thompron Job Ido, 53414 Estimator 17,nple, to: 1 'Tigard Water District - 639-1554 8°'11 S.W. Commercial St. , Tigati, "I . 7'7.3 Alin: 1!o11er.t Santee 1 City of Tigard - 639-4171 r;l ty 1,11gf Hear 12420 S.W. Haiti ; ' . , I I rrtr11, O►•. `)7223 1 City of Tunlatin - 638-6891 City rrr,flicer 18880 S.W. 80Lh ALe. ., Iiullatin, Or, ()706, Attn: John !Hock 1 1 City of Sherwood - 625-1377 90 N,W. Park Ave. Sherwood, Or, 1 City of Newberg - 538-4712 City Engineer 414 E. Fir!It St. Ne ir11i Or. 91132 Attn: I•connrd "'null 2 Ynmhi ll County - 472-9371 Itond Dept, , County Courtllnuse MrIlinnviI1r, Or. 97128 3 Marton County - 588-5036 M•7rion Cout.Ly Dept. of IlobLic 1� rl. , Salcm, Or. 97301 Attn: Clnuck I .11111 2. CLacknmas County - 655-8521 Ct.nckninna Coty. Engineer Rept. 1().' ol11nthy Rd. Orer1n Ci Ly, or. 97045 A' Ln 1 Wilsonville - 63S-8565 City or. W!lsonvillc RL. 1 Sox , VI 1.11V11le, 01-. 97070 Attn: FArl Wood 2 State High,:ny - 653-3099 [ttcht of. (day 11.0. Box 02J57 I'Ll �. , 97202 At Te,l Infos 2 N.W. Natural Cas - 226-4211 123 N.W. Flanders CorLlnvid, Or . At•tnt D.W. Mills 2 City of Dundee P.O. Box 201 Dundee, 01 . 97115 nr_' GQAz /S'A cl e rA 6 er 7 �, C�o e�ar'►.. ' a'fD. 4.s. ... . ........enc :fj bt tt, , ;.. . i c and IN lESrIM(', r WHERFOF, I ha, - her''.i.nto sot rw hand and . Ked rry nffteial Teal t''e iav aid STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of On this` d--a`yy-- 1 of r., , 19 _'_, before me appeared _ �,rtr /Y fJr �cn _ and both to me personally known who, being duly sworn, did say that he, the said f7 �T is the Mayor, and she, the said Is the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation and the said --tz = -�LOJ' and �L)c' u : o- �1� aknowledged the said inst'rument to be the free act and deed of said municipal corp ration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this the day and year in this my certificate firs w i/CT(- l�No a ry Publ c For Oregon MY Commission Expires_ .4, _��� SUBDTVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENL THIS kCREEMENT dated the �_L�' r day of _ L� - , 19�_ betwe.>_r the CITY OF TTGARD, a municipality o Oregon,, hereinafter termed the "City", and rr w Heat _,_ar. Orercn Corporation, _ hereinafter termed "Petitioner". .i I T N E S S E T H T&.'FREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval fur filing in Washington Count;, a subdivision plat known as LAKE TFR.US.E 110,2. locar.ed �pc.t1071 3. Tcimz,ftin 2 �out . Ral'lge 1 Nest, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and Wl-.REAS, t'ne City of Tigard Subdi.vision Ordinance requires the subdivider to instcll streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development and requires the payment of fees; and WHERE1 ,i, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Werke, constrcction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WkiER?_k3, the public 3mprovementa required to be constructed or placed in petitioner':; development are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to prntect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots :.n said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installe- as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreeme,its to he kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete a'? public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with 1 tabs 1i �.y 3-t the arlount of $_�j�F3Qi_Q0 a copy vil—reof is hereto �tttacheil and by this reference made a part hereof. (3) Itt the event that Petitioner tihall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in art orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the tima It-lits, upon ten (13 days' notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the CLty may at its' option proceed to have tha work completed and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties ard in the event sane be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover ti the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties proTise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such su-r. as the c'?urt shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, toth in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its' option, proceedings to enforce agait.st the Petitioner and/or Petitioner`s sureties siecific verfo-mance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be ertitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the CiLy's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. . (+) Pettioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect_ to the street lighting facilities within $ 0 the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule 091, Option B, together with a further sum equal to the estimaCed cost of providing elestrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a pariod of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount being $ 248.40 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City's ir_Ler.est are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitic- er has paid prescribed inspection fees. * (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ 107.10 (i) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street tre�as within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certificar2on by the Depar=ent of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond, if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City in the sum of $ 1Q•7 73.00 to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after final acceptance of the public improvements by the City. (8) Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public impro,rements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as herein.abov:� set forth. (9) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations: (a) !yore of the Lo'-s of petitlonp -'s .gUbdLvi.,ion as descrth?d may he occupied fer residential purposes ur_til an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk pe.rallel'_ng the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed thrcught said subdi% tsion not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Lr.,provement Contract, * Project Fee $ 761.65 Sewer Fee $ 1C0.00 'Z' Ail landscaping tree: on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks a-.-.d the cur% (parb-Atn& area) as requ_red, shall be planted and in place prior to final inszectior ar,a isa;A-ice 02' occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final ;as,.ection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any cale,;dar n:anth frim Ocr:.)ye; to April of a:-.y year, such plartings may be deferred until the next fo?lQw-:, sea cr., in any event, all la-:ds:aping trees in all areas shall b2 gl�r.t �d a:c oface w`_thi:: the eiti_e subdivision within three (3) years from the date of th!a s_:5d':lsio:a improvement contract. (C) Within o-e (1) year of acceptance of the public i::provements the petiticnpr igrcas ro place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads ki"_t::._ the C 'tie'_op^eZt. (d) Comrljance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivl ;t :-i .:svel-grant by the Council and the Planning CoTmission of the City of Tigard, Oregsr., '_n_ebEYd to var+ances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specifiPa ty the znr_e vse classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s) , (10) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and petitioner agrees to cause to have said b;gid executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreempn_ al or prior to the tills this agreement is executed on behalf of the City. (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included Ai a part of the obl.ig"atior. secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the Clt r-hall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part of the Petita.•rler with rezpect to ar.y requirement thereof. IN T'N1a95 WHEREOF, Petitions-i.- acting by and through its duly authorized under- sl,gn'd c'.'. .:4ry j:,.suan". to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreemE7 ': to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council adopted a,-. a r:eeting thereof duly and regularly held on the ,;2 7 I'-` day of &a,,,Le,-k"" , 19?8 _, has caused this agree-nent to be executed by its' Mayor acd RaL,rder. ARROW HEATING CCIPAITY By re s. ) By: _ sec. ) THE CITY OF TICkRD, OREGON Bv: Recorder -3- l CXTY OF Vr OARD, OREGON `s SUBDIVISION DF.VET,OPMRNT PRrUh(V (P.W,) Procedure Check List I. FILE JN1.'1'!A'rtn... ... .. ..... ........ ....... ........... w (1) SupplonMntary sheets attached....., .••••.•• �= i I, SUBMISSION OF F'Rf,LIMINARY PLAT: (1) Pending Planning Commission action... ........ ❑ (2) Approved tentatively by ........... • -?��-1�� III. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS: (1) Plan Chock comm^ncodr ... v �� � (a) Revimions required.—.1 .... .. .. . .... ❑ (b) Stamp(.d, approved for construction... ,{,a (2) Utility Co. plana recei.ved.... , ❑ (3) Tmprovemenf. cost estimate received............ . IV. EXECUTION OF PROJECT r)OC1114ENTS: (1) Contract documents drawns (a) Compliance Agreement stgned. ........... (b) Performance Bond signed................ 'p (2) Permits 6 Licenses acquired.....,....•.•..••••• ❑ (3) Easements obtained 6 _recorded.... .. •...... ... ❑ (4) Deposits made....♦a*V46........ . .....#6.070 60. 19 V. SUBMISSION OF FINAL PIAT: (1) Rnvirw for conformance corm ,3needr .............. ❑ �..1 (a) Revisions required..... , . ...... ❑ (b) Approved & signed by Comm. Chairm,7n.... ❑ (c) Re_�ubiid.ttc•d to coCUllii;sJon. .. ,...,.. ••• ❑ rRc:r:,No, Approved.... . 1 I (2) Appiuved and recorded by County Surveyor....... (3) Address's assigned............................. I] V1. COMff hICEMT NT OF (:014STRUCTION..,. ...... . ..... ....... .... p Notefnspnetion sheets and construction/ lnspoction check list (attached) for progress. VII . FINAL 1115PECTLON OF CONSTRUCTION......... ............ .... r3 (1) pending correction of deficiencies........... . Q (2) Not acceptable, construction deficient......... lJ (3) All construction items acceptable.............. ❑ vill. E.XE(:UTION OF F114AL PROJECT UOCt1MEN'rS: / (1) M+intenance Band signed........................ (2) As-built drawing received..............I....... (3) Final report to Council inuued. ........ ..... .•• ❑ IX. CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT I.MPROVEMCN-TS. ......... ❑ 1 ...� i FtAIN`rENANCE BOND F.XF'TpB^: CITY OfTIGARD- 124.30 S.W.MAIN---TIGARD,OREG0497223 RECEIPT DATE. i��-_7 AM UN boa 0 'Ju -3 LARS- NAME: _�+' 4,S,.h;n._�_ qq�� 1`(� s � CASH; _ ADDRESS:— _ C J J u_:.a`.c__ ._(�c� l;HECKI M.O.: M - I Of FOR: ACCT. / PERMITS SURCHARGE AMOUNT_ SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 BUSINESS LICENSE 05-.331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 MECHAN(':AL PERMIT 05-332 �_- BUILDING PERMIT 05-333 SEWER CONNECTION 40-36;i ^-._.___.________ _ -� C`•� lJ L i I U'/ L r` SEWER INSPECTION 40-365 SYSTEM DEV CHARGE 25-W, PARK DEV.CHARGE 01 30-367 -_ _- ___-- GITY OF TIC) 17"'D PARK DEV CHARGE 02 30-•368 ZCNING ADJUSTMFNT3 05-362 r cr.. y6 – —_ -- I 0_0'u L) 1UTALS RECEIVED BY _ �_ __. __ — __ - OWN pr7 PERMIT NUMEERS ASSIOMIO: NumbK Amounf Numbs Amount Numbw _Amount + I I S r�F RECEIPT 0 1415 _..._._- .�. ._ 3O;Cg-iR ST. November 1§, 1978 Harris-McMonagle Assoc. 8905 S.W. commercial st. Tigard, Oregon 97223 -.t: PIr. J. Fia rri: ..eke Terrace # 2 i.enr Jim: In response to your letter regarding the street cross- section shown on the construction plans= I ao not dispute the structural design aspect thereof. The reason I could not approve it isLa submitted iz thAt a specific cross-section therefor war ares >ntEc: and approvP(s on the prel.iminAry plat. ',ubsequently, any deviation therefrom requires that a var- ionce be obtsined through the City' ., Flannink I;epartment. j Ver7l truly, Jc,h•l Hogman Supt• F"'n�;r• Liv. cc/file cc/ Joe Chamberlain Ys 1: vs ' re-0 c 1- I CITY OF TIGARD ���y • DEVELOPMENT DEPOSIT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET PROJECT NAME �_Ak �A2-- PROJECT NO. (I) PROJECT FEE (City ord. 68•-48, Soc. 10, Par.�A��)St`=.95 u)Total estimated improvement coat .. ... b) Less Gan. sewer est. const Adjusted improvement cost.......... ubtotoi) 7tr l,`S c) .018 X �S (subtotal (2) SEWER FEE (U.S.A. res. 70-12,Sec.9, Par."B"): a)Sewer plan check fee ek Inspoction fee , •. Imo.Oro w Cori i (no. at tato) 2) 0100.00min. >(• •• • - •• •• b) Permit fee a connection charge paid. . . . .. ..... ... .. .. c) Sewer district c!!W ro irge paid` .........• ••• •••E3 (dlefrict none _- --) (3) STREET LIGHTING FEE a) P.G.E. lighting schedule no— b) Mthly rate option. ...... no. r.—�- -- (1067. type of!Ight 1-men• 3 17 x —3 411. 6( M' ,,at (mthly rate) (no.of tights) type of pole o.M of s ------- (mthly rule) (no of lights) 10 6 3 5 lyr. = 12mth's (subtotal) k — 2yr. 24m a 10 3S 7+ 248.' _ (suhltivi) (no.of.mht) (4) SIGN FEE (item{Inbtatlaflon) (per Sign) (no of sign) STOP X RES fRICT, OCCUPANCY •- —x STREET SIGN =—X -- COMB.STOP/9T.NAME -?-+!6�-x �__ ° :1-�4•�s NO PARKING ;1 ._ X I - i x _ mlea. ype ^�x �tnleel. type) — �—+-- — RECEIPT NO 1- I C MATE PAID .1.U1%i--- ch a c It GRAND TOTAL S� c» �r.•_>� .W. •► cash 0 money order C3 -' ;�Insert'sewer,slreet,ur 0000, 600*- v L 11ARR S-MCMONAM,F, ASSOC;IATH-S EN441 NF.eww_hvtcantuxn 8005 H.W.COM MfURCIAL RTREET TIO A RD.OREI[JON 87229 TZLRP110KE (503) 030H-3469 November 13, 1978 Mr. John Hagman City of Tigard Dept. of Public Works Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Lake Terrace #2 Dear ,John: In response to your concern about the street section as shown on the construction plans for Lake Terrace #2 the following data is submitted to confine the section as prepared. 1 . The daily average trips per day on this road will be approximately 25 trips per day. 2.. The heavy intermittent traffic will occur during the housing con- struction period. 3. the street will be overlayed with 1" A.C. after one ( 1 ) year of use. 4. Enclosed herewith is the recommended pavement thickness for various traffic classifications as per Seelye Design Manual as marked in red. 5. As you will note the base material thickness is 5" with 2" of A. C. to support 9,000 lb. per wheel loading. Our structural section is G" of rock base and 3" of A.C. which converts to 10,500 lb. per wheel . �\ Sincerf ly,yours, J: R. Harris 4 ' Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. J RH :ds cc: Joe Chamberlain Lu u 1 , �fi Y OF TIGARD In-07 RECOMMENCED ROADS - FLEXIBLE THICKNESSES TABLE A RECOMMENDED THICKNESSES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS Subgrade Classification Fine-Grained Fine-Groined Soils, Gravelly or Sandy mils, Plastic Slight to Non-plastic Soils, Well Drained Wheel Load, Ib. 6000 90M 1 12,000 6000 9000 12,000 6000 9000 12,000 T►nffic Bituminous Classification Surface, B S B S B S B S B S B S B S B S 8 5 Inches Light 2 4 - 5 - 4 4 4 - 4 - 4 Medium 3 4 4 4 4 4 7 4 4 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 4 - Heavy 3 5 14 5 5 5 9 5 - 6 -- 7 - 5 - 5 - 5 - Very heavy 4 6 L4 6 4 ^6 8 6 6 - 7 - 6 - 6 - 6 - TABLE B RECOMMENDED THICKNESSES FOR PARKING LOTS Bituminous Pavement, Thickness, Inches Subg►ade Passenger Cars - --_ Heavy Trucks - Classification — _ar _� — _ Bituminous Base Subbase Bituminous Base Subbase Surface Courset Course Surface Courset Course Gravelly or sandy 1 to 3 4 — 3_--_ -- _-� 5 _ soils, well drained - - Fine-grained soils, slight to non- 2 to 3 4 -- 3 5 5 plastic Fine-grained soils, 2 to 3 4 4 3 5 11 plastic S base course (inches) S - subbase course (inches) Bituminous surface (inches) includes wearing and binder courses. *Stabilization of subgrade recommended. ? Rase Course shall consist of material classified as "Excellent Base", see page 10-02. I 4r`i s �c�..Y rally ^K'"`+�`�•rti►c� fu.saut 'ts a.►s. is f ,comma Zo h iar,T L.4,.. C�cx h►�.. So _-Tt i LAI.�G�f.3,J. �y i'ZtiLt.'3�G d, /19 1 _ I t Pit- �T zz LL) cr VI C) w Lt UJ p IA.Z ry L) N, L-Li ct rx LU Lij r) IA. u ce j z to Ll 0 T ti WW z W /` kt cr_ w uj At %--M NEX Z.ALSAr-k kC; Vir-1-04'r LASr r*6A'llA'_VA%Wr m OD 1- -1c) l"vember 9, 1978 Re: Subdivision Performance Bond United Pacific U07 64 67 Lake Terrace No. 2 Dear Mr. Chamberlain: As requested, enclosed is above captioned performance bond completed on behalf of the surety company and a Power rf Attorney attached, as required.* Our invoice for the bond's premium will folic,-.,. If you have any questions regarding the enclosure, please let us know. Thank you. i Sincerely, ae siti Ca in er, Bond Department f *Arrow Heating Company Please file bond with City of Tigard. 10360 S. W. Tualatin Rd. ROLLINS BURDICK HUNTER OF OREGON, INC. 10 Sherwood, OR 97140 200 NIARKFIT BUILDING PORI LAND,ORF.97201 Phone:(i01)124.9700 At tn: Joe Chamberlain Formerly,Cole Clerk&Cunningham,Inc. I_ ISI SUBDIVISION PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No, U07 64 67 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we AFP.CW Ur. mT.. TJ , q'����j HP.�?A IN _ as inc pal, ani UNIfEOAI�IC-ITrSU N. COM Nli'� � a corporation duly aut'fioi���ec�to con�{uc�a general surety us .ness in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon a municipality of. the St,te of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obl.ipee, in the sum of $ 53, 63.00 lawful. money of the tlritted States of America, for the payment of''�� which we, as Principal, and as Surety, Jointly and severally bind oursel.vem, our successors and assigns firu,ly by these present. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS 130ND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are pl.att.ing LAKE: TENPACE N0. 2 subdivision located i.ti the Cly oT__TTj c1,OFCj'6n,and en er ng into a subdivia.ton compliance agreement with the Obligee herein, and upon acceptance of, said plat and compliance agreement, the Principal.a shrill, mako all improvements required by the City of Tigard, 0rc1Jrwiuea nz0 Sub<itvision Compl.i.ance agreement documents as described in amid compliance agreement all of which are by reference, made. a part hereof, NOW, T>TFPM..-'ORE, if the t'rinc.ipal herein shall faithfully and truly Obser-ve aril .imply wtth tho terms of the agreement anC shall well. arid truly perform al.l mutters and things undertai-!n -o be perforvted under said agreement and shall promptly make payments to all pF r4ons sUpplyi.ng labor or, material. for arty of the work pro- vided by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or cl.nim is be filed or- pronecutionod ngaitist the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise, to remain itt fu.l.l force and effect. In the event of st.tit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies here- under the City, in the event it shrill prevail., shall bre entitled to recover guctii sums AS the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees, IN WITNESS W11FREOF, tVe parties hereto have caused this bond to be executed this ,.9th day of November , 1978 -APRO'AE N(, C'O"4PANY By; By: .l 'G; !tel r( res. By. By:------. s By: (A true copy of the Power r L UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Attorney must be attached o ure y the original of this bond ) / nt—orff n- ac-7--f—ar 57 G i nter Form No, 1971 - 1 Waslnia ton 20th October _ 78_ i ne Fr --t. _J .J. G. Chamberl ain .._. _. .. �...�._..._. _ .. . ....._..�.r.r..__.,..rrr•_r_rrr,... ~.i C :'.1' ;I ..1 individual 1 l :h..,1, i1taCJ-aT.•: Arrow Heating Comaany ., rka wi=htm i: ..._-,en;_ is :pirate 3t!a1 of �..t .. .� �: . ;: i i ._r._ r� . _is: i a:.l aeal•:d i.:: behalf c! said p._ ..� .. by' ,1,. .. 7 1:, E _ -i _ D:r%,.;•_ .9. a"d ' ''i _._.._._._ . +•.k-,--W 1e.d;ed laid i,._ :r•.memt to be tt e f rae -i--t and . feed : f sari IN' rESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have herEt.r,to set my hand ar.d affixed my official sea! the day and v . ...t 'r�•:.. f. . . EKp; 10-22-81 vftl�!�iIATE AL•DZ'tEN l' ptrsc-Ally known, who bei:.i du 1. =,a .. . did sav -.a Presi a A i e -aid ..«.......��_... _ is the Secretary C f the wi t4 in ArAd u•. -a :i'-•., a .i 3r. Ilk; --A.. af; _r. 1 + aa. .. ._ .' 1s p--rve Baal of iaiu (: 3ai.i Ndi 5:d'::'d ^. 3_ j i• :31E 9f 5.913 by a. - said instrlr.enr t.) be rhe free in and -Ct. MV i c4''.•! ! t . K i v c ff: la1 _:: +.. r.hA div and J— W 1 , .,, ESTABLISHED 1890 NORTHWEST TESTING LA60RATORIEy+� COP Inspecting Engineers - - Chemists Phone. 503'288-7086 4115 N, Mississippi Avenue INVOICE TO Mailing Address: P. O. Box 17126 1 City of U1gard Portland, Orenon 97217 DATE (.:1.tobor, 1578 city i`IUII REF. NO. Tigard, ure-9722:3 1058 Mr. Leonard Cook FED. I D. No. 93-0588052 D ' N 04.829.0308 �� TERMS- NL1 IN1'991LI, OF I1�'+, Lake Terrace II, T;gard,Cre• .HARG51. JN P.,, ')wt ACC13UNIS 1I/01, PE11 MONTH it ANNII AL PRIICENTAC! RATE op 11,% PLFA9E PAY FRIM TMIB INvoirt I tZ,.,F o�. Date `_service 193756 10-10-78 Field density tests I 2.5 hours at $22.50 per hour, nuclear $Y,.25 40 miles at it .20 per mile 8.00 Proctor Curve AASHO T-99 100.00 'I TOTAL $164.25 i 41 IS N. MISSISSIPPI AVENUE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION P. O. 13 O x 1 7 1 2 6 NON•UESTRUCTIVE TESTING MATERIALS INSPECTION PORTLAND. OREGON 9 7 2 1 7 WELDING CERTIFICATION CIIEA'IC4L ANALYSIS t:OIL TESTING PHY31CAL TESTING PFS ON E: 50 3 - 2 0 B - 708 6 ASSAYING FILE COPY October 10, 1978 City Of Tigard - City Hall Tigard, Ore.97223 u Attention: Mr. Luonard Cook Gentlemen: CITY OF TIGARD Subject: Field density tests taken by our repres !ntative on September 28, 1978 on the Lake Terrace II Project, Tigard,Ore. Report: Percent Uri II Percent Field Dry Wgt. Compaction Location Depth Moisture "'/cu.ft. of AASHO T-99 Cul-De-Sac at Mid Point Sta -2 151 .41 Subgrade �t i' 21 .3 105.3 102.4 Cul-De-Sac Sha. 1 F 33.66 Subgrade 1 1' 31 .8 89.0 86.6 Center of Cul-De-Sac Subgrade 1 1' 30.5 93.5 90.9 Cul-De-Sac, Sta. 1 4 33.6,6, 151 W Subgrade I i' 38.2 83.3 81 .0 It''IS Proctor Curve Data (AASHO T-99) Optim,im Moisture 20.3 , % Mnximum Density )s.%cl-f. dry) 102.8 _ f ,LI J ") Respectfully, o�y NORTHWEST TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. Paul Irish 's Report Number 193756 4 Avoid Verbal Messages CITY OF TIGARU To: From: Subject. : _ Date:— ___—!0 rte? 'C�la� c, 1 1,t JAI 4w� I CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTIOI' (P.W,) PROCEDURE. CHECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY c arly marked DROVED PLANS, Olin rr� is;ions, rhange ordera, specifications, err•. : 1 . SANITARY SEWER; r^) Commenced ingtallatimn. . .................111. (B) Completed instal-latia.... ..... .. .... . ....... ® y/1e/7f? 1) An-built field notes filed.... .. ..... ❑ a) ctln- hent to engineer. . .. . . .... ❑ / ') Aq-built field notes received... •, . . . ❑ a) Filed in project folder...,, . , . . ❑ (C) Inrpocted and Tepted....... ,. ❑ / 1) Tegt nomonographs filed. ... ....... ,... ❑ (D) TPntatively accepted by City.. .... .. .... ..... ❑ II . STORM SEWER: (A) Commenced installation... . ... ... . ❑ (B) Cnmpleted installation... . . . .. , . . . 11. 1 .... 1. ❑ 1) Aq-built field notes filed.,......... . ❑ (C) Inspected. , .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 11.41,,., ❑ _ `- (D) Tentatively Accented by City. . . .., . .,.. ' Ili. CURB: (A) Commenced instAllr+tinn. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . ❑ ' 1) Bench 14,rks sot. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ 7) B-nch Mark locations filed. .. . . .. . . . ❑ (P) Comnieted in�tallr♦tion. . .... . . .......... 1111 . . ❑ ' (C) Inspected.. . ... ... .. .... . ❑ ire (D) TPntAtivply accented by City, . . . ...... ...... , ❑ 1\ . STREET: (A) Commenced CrAding... . ..... . .. pD 1) Sub-grAclo inmrected.. ... . . . . .. ....... ® 1 l2rl7e e) Test data filed. . .... . . . .. .. . ❑ h) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ ' (R) Commonced rockinq....... ❑ 1) Sub-base inspected.. ... . ......... , ... ❑ / a) Test data filed.. ... .. ,. .. . . ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ / (C) c'ommenrod Pavinq.... . ................. .1111 . . ❑ H Paving inspected... ... ❑ / a) Test date filed. . . . . .. ....... ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (D) Street. tentati-rely Fccepted by city. .... . . ... ❑ / V PARKING LOT: (A; Commenced grading... . ..... .... . ❑ / �- 11 Sub-arAda in•r(bcted. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. ❑ / A) Test data filed.. , . ,..... . . . . ❑ b) Tentatively •iccepted by City, p (B) Co,impnced Rocking..... .. .. ..... ......... . .. p 1) Sub-base inspected—.. ... .. ........ ❑ A) Test date filed. .. ... . .. ..... ❑ h) Tentatively Arrested by City. ❑ i t y of Tigard NSPECTION RECJUEST e� ,�„ ,�� �r ,_t�17.1�13�1 • �= for •Si,v Gan __' `_ - -_.. _ �umDer Cable S l •Part el Prc.M uP/pplwer yArz— Y P/ 37 NISPECTION Ti ME : _._,3 :dCJ _ PERMIT NO. : DATEDATE ISSUED'._ .' / - � S7rI��t J�=�'►�aS�, . !�W N E R S N A M E :_ �Ol. C- 4�roJ3llt-•�.�4'i�l A D D R F S S ' ,/ 0RI?I!fZ , !/BDA/. CONTRACTOR ' Ajrjo R-p �. CJ TEST', Air C], Water [3 , Visual Laboratory ❑ RESULT: Approved A: , M-;approved ❑ , Pending SKETCH: - c- ��oge A- ANg 1�^ I tS�L e$A�jcle G y I t'� e Guaranteed r-� � ��� C'f,�s41 one hour delivery! 1 ►� re e, c r' �.e iP,e� 0 is 0 ,e� e Le” � ji, INSPECTOR i DATE [UTE . AtI'oeh fuppfImentdl test data hetet IL 0 Q ` U) N OC w cc r, Lu LLJ LLJ !�- Z vi o t Lc) x T o) � � � o Q Ob " Qz ri0) Q V W Z 00 ui Q �• 0: w F Q F- w J ui CL (f) � . Li- LU cr- z o (]f o ` Q W a � WU U � Er1100 a .,eJ � c.� { a • ...... ti IIN 96 S 2/03 f ✓\ .•M " 2381 1 4020 '!� :, � � 14•`x` r- �. •', •^�_ �"'�k:: 77 r iia o ,� _ •� CA ►_ s TR E ET 5E r T rory - IAIJ._. FRONT ANJ 4L'R: LanBIAS StfRt,t. HAYS A� rt EASi'tEi1I Fr1, DRAINAOE•ANU UNLITH3 �.4k ,F 3. CITY Of TIGARD/USA SMITARY ZEWE14 I5, AVAiIJIBLE., TQ,'a ' j a. uOMESTIG WATr".it`WItL LE SUPPLIEDBY T'4E TI"AR!) 1l11 3' y OV T GARDo, OX A40 .GS DAA*. l + y STAFF REPORT' - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARVE-NT September 27, 1978 Tigard City Hall 12420 S.W. Main St. - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Subdivision S 7-78 (Lake Terrace II) Request: To create a seven(7) lot ( 7 unit) subdivision on 2 . 41 acre parcel in an R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone. Location: S .W. 124th Street, (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3BB, Tax Lot 100) . I . Findings of Fact: A. Chronological events relating to the subdivision application : 1. March 13, 1978 - The City Council approved the dedication of an easement for the extention of a proposed public street through a dedicated greenway to give access to the proposed Lake Terrace II Subdivision. 2 . June 26, 1978 - The City Council adopted the ordinance for a zone map amendment from R-15 to R-7. 3. June 14, 1978 - The applicant subnitted the application for the proposed subdivision to the Planning Department. 4 . July 6, 1978 - The Acting Planning Director, Mr. Aldie Howard, gave verbal approval to Mr. . William McMonagle, P.E. , that the application was approved. No written final order was prepared or issued to the applicant. August 14 , 1978 - Ordinance 17. 16 . 100 states that within sixty days of the submission of the preliminary plat the Planning Director or his agent will review the plan and reports of the agencies listed in Section 17 . 16 .090 and may give tentative approval of the preliminary plat as submitted or it may be modified; or if disapproved shall express the Planning Director's disapproval and reasons therefore . The sixty (60) day time limit expired on this date. B. The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval in accordance with Section 17. 16 . 100 of the Tigard Municipal Code to subdivide a 2 .41 acre parcel into seven (7) lots surroiinding a cul-de-sac. The lots are to be approximately 8,000 square feet . The site is designated as Urban Low Density Residential in the proposed NPO #7 Plan ! Most of this site is underlain by Wapato Sillty C�laZ Loam (U.S. Soil Conservation Service classification) which ch is very poorly drained, has a seasonal water table at the STAFF REPORT - I'1NAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMNT September 27, 1978 Page 2 surface or within one foot of the surface, may have ponding in low lying areas , and is subject to flooding . The -•oil has severe low strength and a fluid seismic response, which could result in the partial if not total loss of bearing strength in the event of a major earthquake. The SCS characteristics indicate that this soil has severe limitations for support of dwellings and shallow excavations. The remainder of the parcel is underlain by Woodburn Silt Loam with a slope of 12% or greater . This soil type has moderately severe law strength posing moderate to severe limitations for shallow excavations and moderate limitations for support of dwellings without. basements . There is an earthen dam impounding a sizable lake (Lake Chamberlain) immedat(-Ty upstream of the site. This structure has no spillway to handle storm overflows and there is no apparent charinel or drainage for water below the dam. A major storm could conceivably cause the waters of the lake to rise sufficiently to cause an overflow and breaching of the dam, with resulting threats to the property and lives of residents below on the subject parcel . There is a legal question as to who would be liable for. ' damages in the event of such a (�ccurance - the City, the developer or the owner of the dam. The proposed subdivision does not conform to tho Compre- hensive Plan , particularly Policies #1, 2 , 3, and 5 of the Environmental Design and Open Space Plan . Staff is now in the process of implementing this portion of the plan , and more stringent restrictions on development in hazardous areas such as this parcel are being developed. At the barest minimum, sites in sensitive areas will require a derailed development report prior to approval (see Policy #6 of the Environmental Design and Open Space Plan) . Section 17. 16 . 1.00 of the Tigard M unicipa '. Code states that : "No tentative plan for a proposed subdivis:.on and no tentative plan for a major partition stall be approved unless: a . Streets and toads are laid out so as to conform to the plats of subdivision or maps of major partitions already approved for adjoining property as to width, general direction, and in all other respects unless the City determines .it to be in the public interest to modify the street or road pattern . STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT September 27, 1978 Page 2 surface or within one foot of the surface, may have ponding in low lying areas, and is subject to flooding . The soil has severe low strength and a fluid seismic response, which could result in the partial if not total loss of bearing strength in the event of a major earthquake. The SCS characteristics indicate that this soil has severe limitations for support of dwellings and shallow excavations. The remainder of the parcel is underlain by Woodburn Silt Loam with a slope of 12% or greater. This soil type has moderately severe low strength posing moderate to severe limitations for shallow excavations and moderate limitations for support of dwellings without basements . There is an earthen dam impounding a sizable lake (Lake Chamberlain) immeiately upstream of the site. This structure has no spillway. to handle storm overflows and there is no apparent channel or drainage for water_ below the dam. A major storm could conceivably cause the waters of the lake to rise sufficiently to cause an overflow and breaching of the dam, with resulting threats to the property and lives of residents Below on the subject parcel. There / is a legal question as to who wotild be liable for damages in the event of such a cccurance - the City, the developer or the owner of the dam. The proposed subdivision does not conform to the Compre- hensive Plan , particularly Policies #1, 2 , 3, and 5 of the Environmental Design and Open Space Plan . Staff is now in the process of implementing this portion of the plan, and mote stringent restrirti.o►,s on development in hazardous areas such as this parcel are being developed. At the barest minimum, sites in sensitive areas will. require a detailed development report prior to approval (see Policy #6 of the Environmental Design and Open Space Plan) . Section 17. 16 . 100 of the Tigard Municipal Code states that : "No tentative plan for a proposed subdivision and no tentative plan for a major partition shall be approved unless: a . Streets and roads are laid out so as t:o conform to the plats of subdivision or reaps of major partitions already approved for adjoining property as to width, general direction, and in all other respects unless the City determines it to be in t..e public interest to modify the street or road pattern . i STAFF REPORT - F1NAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT September 27, 1978 Page 3 b. Streets and roads held for private use are clearly indicated on the tentative plan , and all reservations or restrictions relating to such private roads and streets are set forth thereon . C. The tentative plan complies with the Comprehensive Plan and applicable zoning regulations of the City in effect . d. No tentative plat of a subdivision or map of a major partition shall be approved unless thetle will exist adequate sewage disposal system to support the proposed use of the land described in the proposed pl_at . " II . StaF.f Observations and Findings : 1 . The site is generally level . It .is surrounded by the City Greenway to the north, Lake Terrace I Subdivision to the south and a vacant field now in hay production to the east. 2 . Immediately to the south is an earthen filled dam that retains the lake w. th an approximate volume of 4 million gallons of water. The drainage for the lake is guided through a pipe at the present time. The applicant has stated that he will construct an appropriate spillway to handle any excess water flow. 'There is a set- of two (2) culverts provided along the border of the proposed subdivision which are intended to channel the water that will flow from the proposed spillway to the north and into the creek in the City' s Greenway Park . 3. The site is adequately _served by sewer and water. III . Conclusionary Findings : 1 . The proposed preliminary plat is defacto or automatically approved because the Planning Director did not deny the S application within the sixty (60) days specified in Lhe P N� v7(,Ct. ordinance. µis r���,c 'y', NE ►.b� 2 . Construction has already beg-.An on the site. The applicants i �, �N were relying upon the verbal approval that they were given LIP` ej- "A-,�,, �G �� ro, by the Acting Planning Director on July 6 , 1.978. 3. The applicant has laved in fill in six (6 ) inch layers, and has compacted the fill. ( 4 . The applicant has sta'_ed that he will construct_ an adequate spillway. STAFF REPORT - :JAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT September 27, 1978 Page 4 5 . The applicant has rebuilt the earth dam to a greater width . IV. Final Action; The preliminary plat for Lake Terrace II is hereby approved. oe FTli L. WEAVER Planning Director 5 Avoid Verbal t1essages CITY OF TIGARD To: From ` 1 Subject:__ Date: SIvntt i- tcit CL A% � C 7� °� �• ,ow e �p ,At pr'05 4.�l q • r � 7L� � a' � `' \� From e u u j e r �., _ .T7't"a .4, _ Date: Row e- 4'VMl. �� Gp ti� t.0 !- C16� N it l z�l ty �r��Post w-o do 116 � f Avoid Verbal Aessages CITY OF TIGARD From : CN w w Wt F3 e�• o /M e. f Lo ZS Z 4` C o+-.- lz I at*. 16*-) I� v� i e S �,��� � r� le 9 -ZZ-78 �> > rLot&a. Avoid Vernal "4essa(jes II CITY OF T16ARU f r L _ e-+M from i��jecf: "" 'ty of Tigard INSPECTION REOUEST for I� 6 INSPECTION TI A.tE : PERMIT DATE : DATE ISSUED'_.-z'--1__.. 0WNEPS NAME . _!;�,I l X41__ - ADDRESS : �y.- A�1:2Rj0 2 CONTRACTOR ' - -V_HPt-�A; f _ ITEST , Air ❑, Waterh, Visual 0 , Laboratory 0 RESULT. Approved ❑ , Disapproved ❑ , Pending SKETCH: — S -V �R PF `m W-j V S-r spy�i c -i dZ c.m�s-t-R-�c r,rnJ PI-100L) INSPECTOR bATE [NOTE : Attach supplemental teat data hereto E ' G A ® C `� I I I I I l0' /J, of z y U --_ ---- - - - _ __ - tl I7-Y 8~ �' 25�AjN�E NNFL ��,, SMT. 9' 3SMT : NORTN SNA n ` � -a� s e� 1�3 "> r 1 OR/I/E %VER CONC. Cl/!r'B 2"A 1 G' 1 '`' yf�. ':,' A '" ' O � c, *C I V x° '(3,,A��� 1•ASC' ��atf YR. ti MtnA4 . ,e6FOER , � AI _ / T 3 ,C --- - /O'UT/L/7 Y t O I 9q_ O �. - --9 D, Oy``� y ` -- ��/2._DO' V z�. iG 2g y ,00-K-0-01 I�0 y�" N ESB° �S'20"'�'i/ --- - L--- - - — — �3� N;o S c�8•�5'20"� T YPI CA L .STREZ T 5'E(_'T/0/V COR8 DZ_TA l L -: ��. \ _ N R/ 38 rNU U //2.A /�3a. 66 Cl (A/0 &CA Z.E) (NO scA 1-,E� . �' r , , pyel 300 / 9' O ''f' �1 a-, Z-. I/VT. �. . - -- - J ANN zfs�. 4 TC /8•1.sy 2"ZP' F ?1;3 \ y Bs�a 23 3/ - m `� �2.•'?� \ PYC /000ao- VICINITY MAS `b o \ r ---- 5'oufh Channel `_ \ �� Sh rC /4161. 18 4- �Zw'- 30' rAlp -- �- ----- 1 a /y GA. AL UAl1NUM \_• e\� 2.,5 _ i �-� S w KATHERINE ST. <3 Cl) r� = 19/. /f� PRO CT M IZ \ Q TC 192, 19 Fo4P h �, i- -- -- - - - > SITE �l J Tl. - 19 '. �� ►� �a �� �'f --- - - _ I� Z \ 7 C = 19e). 96 - �- / �0/ ly2 �'' \� 1 •�1 4.01 05 7-C 191- 25 Tc_Y 9/ 35 - T �/ l9 S G4M DR,a it•AGE TYPICAL CNANNiL .�,L , TION o�,�r� \ • -` ' I k t ��'�\q IIVT. (URfi ELEV b� EA5E6XNr �� Q SOU 7-,y CkA A'IV/L Norwm Ll th Channe/ t L��>I m r �( �0 � Isw � �1.J �G' �"/ '-i'_ fi` /' p= z ,5:- 10 *H T. 2- -- /'J \\ y0- \� EX/S T. L.4 KE F \ ... v''�C P S7'�1 Nr7 3 viPE `� ---- -- --- ---- -- - - _ - - - . - - ----- - - -` --- - --- -- --- - - __ -.._. - -fie----- - --- - - zo NA t - ----- ------ - - 3 WA 3- -- -- -- _. - -- - - -- -- _ - _ — - — __ - — - - -T —_ _ �� - VIVO I LIU 17 77 7 of Iry 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THESE PLANS A WITH THE CITY OF T ry) rTANDAF'OS. - -- — � - -_ i — -- -- -- - - _ -_ - , CES USS' E ORS Q` - - IOARD (CITY IN THE EVENT OF A CONFLICT BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND THE !'ITY STANDARDS, THE CITY STANDARDS SH�,LI ��'r — - ---- - -- - - -- -- PRECEDENCE. _ - _ �- __ _. - - - - -- ---- ---- - - -- - - - ---- - - -- - - - - ____ laLC b.- ISr.. sire 2. ALL SANITARY SEWER WORK SHALL BE DONE IN CONFORMANCE WITH BOTH THE CITY AND UNIFIED SEWERA(2E AGENCY --- - - - - --- - --- -- -- - - - - — STANDARDS. r. - -- --- - - -- - - -- - - - _ - _ 4TE - 4 -- --- -- - __.. .. ._. - -- - -_ -DEPT - -•�Y- =- .. -•9,RTfi �y. NO ITEM OR PHASE Of WORK SHALw BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL ACCEPTED BY THE CITY AND THE ENGINEER. - - - �• - -- - — - ��' - •• - - --- - - — - - - -._ _._ _ _ ... 4. ALL TRENCH BACKFILL MATERIAL AND METHODS SMALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WT7H THE CITY STANDARDS. �T` —- -- - DATE — - - - — _- — — — — - ARp ATEI: DfxT- - - --- - � 1 ( - - . — --- ----- — - ----- - - -- -_ - - -�� - --- - E►vERq _.fELE HQf�E._ _ _...aY _ ----- ---._._ OAT- _ 5. AL1. PERMITS AND LICENCES NECESSARY FOR THE PROSECUTION AND THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE S EGi'k F') ND PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO COMMENCING CO1III$TRUCT I ON. aorE - ----- - 5. PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCT'IQN, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL PERTINENT COMPANIES OR AGENCIES 'ill_}a -- - - - --- -- - - - -- - -- UNDERGROUND FACILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA SO THAT SAID fACILI"I'IES MAY BE ACCURATELY LOCATED:I.E. POWER, - - - � -__ -__�-.._RaTT sAS , WATER, TELF.PMONE,SANIIARY AND STORM SEWERS. -- -- - ___ -- - - WT_ LIATK_ 7. THF LOCATION OF EXIS7TIltG ODE:RCROLIND FACII TTIE:S IVOWN ON THE 04AN IS FOR IN'O};MATION ONLY AND IS NOT -- --- — --� -� - _ - _ ` - - - - GUARANTEED TO BE ACCURATE. -- - 8. ALL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LATERALS 'lHAIl BE 6" CONCRETE PIPE. - - - REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: ��. �DESIGN SAN 'S OWNER : J. G. C H A M B E R l_ I N , z. /;'=so' TERRACE No. 2!2350 S.W. 24th Ave. LAKE TRACED TIGARD , OREGON 9722 :1 10B NO. ' 6' B!V!N15' PHONE 639- 4414 STREET, STORM 81 SANITARY 5 r CHECKED Harris -McMonagle Associates SEWER IMPROVEMENT'S SHEET REV, DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE 4/1'•, ' ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS DAT 8405 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET PLAN 8 PROFILE rERR.Ac1E #. REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION � � ,� TIGARD, OREGON 47223 • OF nF• I I I I I .N . + Aim '.'11,1 + . .•. _,. w �_ K<._� - _ _ yy..rrr.n..w.w"en11K^r1w.�e..i_w... - .� - - - i ' • i r �rlfr lil'IIFr'11111,1�'I' Fjt '111 151ii11111'Illll�l(r1111� r rll II Ill,�llflljlllllll) II111IIIIIIIr11I1111111Ililllll�llllllllllllllll1�11.�� 1 �iIII�Itlll�lll�lllll'IIIII,I'II'Il�l► ' ` ' ` I 2 3 4 5 6 7 _ 8 9 IID I I — -_12, e - NOTE; IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICFi-IT 15 DUE TO ' THF. QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. OE 62 92 LZ 9? SZ VE EZ ZZ IZ OZ dl r SI LI 91 91 bl EI 7,1 II 01 0 d 1 9 S fr E 11111H1IlnnIHLlluuIIIII l�Iulul ItfkHIllt;�111u��HuIWHI��WImrIHIIInIIIHIIInuluulnulnnIII IIIIIII IIIII IruluHluni111tifill IrillIIIII trlltullullmtlrru�trlllnlllll t91n�lHullullnulnuluu�uri tu�ut�►ru�u!I�ulntlllur��whu� JULY 1 9 92 COST ESTIMATE 1:\HKIS - Nl('MONA(a,E ASSOCIATES _ ElflilNptl[1-YtltV lYOw/ T I TLL : � � NM16 N.W. (t(iMMICHCIAI. f1THEH.'I' TIOAHD. OHIGION 07.211 r1LAUING: CALC. BY : �-� _ UATE:�`- �'- i PROJECT, i'l,� • ~ T UNIT UNIT lil.�1 ULSCRIPTION MEASURE. COST TOTAL Z r a,.Cr.✓.��:� c-,..r s.:G' / c- Y, 7.00 w-Ac . /yo T /8,610 3 ,V20, 00 Lf. r- ' ` Air 3a'�G 20 MULMRALIIIIIIII • UNIrrEID PA ''IFIC I1NT8URANCI 00111PANY HOME OFFICE, TACOMA, WASHINGTON POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALl_ MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Washington,does hereby make,constitute and appoint CAROL LINTER of PORTLAND, OREGON------------------------ its true and lawful Attorney-in-fact,to make execute,seal and deliver for and on its behalf,and as its act and deed ANY AND ALL BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS OF SURETYSF:P--------------- ■nd to bind the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY and sealed and attested by ons other of such officers,and hereby ratifies and confirms all thet its said Attorney(O-on fact may do in pursuance hereof, This Power of Artorney is granted under and by authority of Section 37A of the By Laws of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY which provisions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows: SECTION 37A - ATTORNEYS IN-FACT SECTION 1. The Board of C-rectors, the President,or any Vice-President or Assistant Vice President shall have power and authority to (a) appoint Attorrevs-in•fact and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company,brands and undertakings,rerognizances,contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in tire nature thereof,and(b) to remove any such Attorney-in-fact at any time and revoke the power and authority given to him. SECTION 2, Attorneys in-fact shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the power of attorney issued to them,to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company,bonds and undertakings,recognizances,contracts of indemnity or, ,their writings obligatory in the nature thereof, The corporate seal is not necessary for the validity of any bonds and undertakings,recognizences,contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting held on the 76th day of October, 1971,at which a quorum was presant,and said Resolution has not been amended or repealed "Resolved,that the signatures ur such directors and officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power to executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached." IN WI TNESS WHEREOF,thu UNI TED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice-President,and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed,this 28th day of_. December 19 77 II':tTrU PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY uat. 4 STATE OF 'A'ashington Vi resident COUNTY OFss Pierce On this 28th day of__I)ecemt) r 19?l personally appeared J. COTTER — __ r,, r• known to ba the VicePrasirlent of the UNITED PACIFIC IN5UHAii10E COMPANY, anti acknowledged that he executed and attested the foregoing instrument and affixed the seal of said corporation thereto,and that Section 37A,Section 1 and 2 of the By-Laws of said Company and the Resolution,set forth therein,are still in full force. My Commission Expires: 0"_.-- t �..r... JanuarL �, o71 _Washin�t, n '— 19 ' `, r'''' Notary Public in and for Cratef �.. RHidingar l8Q'1P1_i._---- I, D. Keith Jc,hn.gon Assistant Secretary of Ills UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a truss and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by said UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY,which H still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHE REOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company this- 9th rfiry or November ,Z8 BDIJ 1431 EU 2 12 �.uas� r sistant Secretary u COST ESTIMATF 11,,i HRis - MuMoNAoix A.sso(;IATES mlf(31l.■uR -YtlsVuYOY T I TLL: e006 c+.W. 170MMMRCIAL STWMWr TI(i A R Q. ORBX30N 07448 HLAUING: CALC. BY: DATE: PROJECT: UNIT UNIT 1TL�1 DESCRIPTION MEASURE COST TOTAL .. .tT G )T�rA�*-Z A,1141-1-2,x zoo,oo 2 oo• 0 0 •-- C l-i T 7 •v 7 �r r i s a-, .�j-1'jr'/ � ��f� /�iE'J.C►U /yo, ov l; C +�I`r rrfY /O b,DU :7Ja, J.J n a > 7B � L 0 ^ � 7S m � Av(-i'.1 Verbal Aessivjo y 1 CITY uF T16ARU W1_ e- X Ont l: : kV� �?�1`1i �e c C°... Date : cT - 17 7 1 V\ 'S h r°c_ t c9 UA, o T S cW� e—t-- r c9-�t 16 � /-t'k CA-1 C--t t b 16� V11 S + u IV- 0 V\P c L� rV-iC' \E'� . �C�1 C3. �1 w1 G�-1/��/lC� SP-t�l� 1✓l�1-4-V L 1 VA t ktZAA S nl.T P r�,�! P�� '�7h+�`_ Z t ��*v►c3. .STP_ tAe .J,e',+- e�tt2 e.�1- ', NP_ cktsc•.Ltc. k- ,ko yvL e/i►' lA-)tk- v . (fj-at- a V- kA(!. 14" w t kto,A-V dc);to S 7. �g C e i Avoid Verbal Oessages CITY OF TIGARD To:— r.. do _ From : ;uta jecr: - -_ '�10t ► Da to: P G,. ,, HARRIS - McNIONAGLIE A! )CIATES LE T7 N VF UQUMVUTRQL 8905 S.W. Commercial Street TIGARD, OREGON 97223 _ DATE '/7 JOE NO. (503) 639.345 -- - -- - - -- AT rENTI N MG GENTLEMEN: - -- ---�'{I -QF ZIGARD WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached Under separate cover via ----------the following iterns• Shop drawings ❑ Prints Plans ❑ Samples fJ Specifications Copy of letter ❑ Change order cnP1Es DATE NO. DESCRIPTION �• ' ___ 17 .I[C res"el e' e '-e- THESE -rTHESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: rf For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit-_ copies for approval LJ For your use ❑ Approved as noted CJ Submit copies for distribution -- 0 As requested U Returned for corrections CJ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment G ❑ FOR BIDS DUE _19_ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS / SIGNEp It enclosures ere not as noted. kindly notify us at once. ,...:I• ,..Imo.' ,...,.w... «. i,.,,.,n w.. ...,__..,yen _._...._...:-.;s;�l'...e;.__x•_:_�j.�.r..�rw....+•.or....��.uc.n..r..+.nr.wi,aatiJ�b(�}M"w+.... _ '� L,..�1�'. �,W�,'"Y'�,,,r,'r'y� �� � � �.:� f�7f•>�` t�/S.� gra--�' •� ^d CD• '� (���;: �'f1 t°"e�', •^ r: C%'� ✓cam-� ",050' 4r eve lit- A 1 40 IV t�C�' ,.� '. G'. Cr�. � -�•'�.r .�..�� �i•�. � r�^~r'�Cr�tN'� L.-l�dC'r�' ..� .. ..�� �:: 'S- . r r ! �^�r..w.• ,.� /-t ,1Z. - �.� , .'�� S t.. . �,�..`��dl►fs' i''n d�C�' i M Jos �'♦ .+T / �".��.`:�R•'"yfi' ��•�,'.'' ".r �r�r��.f�✓,"'tY„ri� f :' G' ''y i�'L �'"��• ,/w. l fix,,,••� r;,�'��✓.' �r'_ ,. /�' Y' .'.qR' '� ...�C .... ..fie �'"� '�-.+"'�.. r.S• rs.-L. �y�J,-�':3 .,�,� ::"'� �� �:��.� /:.�" �'^ /!.�'I'•{i`,•�'..-'yam �,.-,:r' :r w�' ,h:"G✓ <�.� Alf �r x.e.- i �,,. '�i��,:�u..�'• i . awn .� l , c,♦.. ..,•. ,. .� , "'�;:�K,•rs-''syr '���?' .u,.�.� �::�•;.��;re • f r�1r T"Q� ✓� J� ' �!"Aa tz de aJ � dT✓.� ,, �..q�,�,,Ja,� 4/' ( g. •'� ♦ Ir_ ro -}y' . . .• '� �" 1,'' � i •, �`irG 1 r� •� (A.wC ! �"'! //• �� •� .' a� ....y.,r ,•p �•tr i .. �'. '../l.d.' �' � :►+:•' moi. •'"t �,r"�:. � r. ter" ' �'�r.' ,�a. ,�. C' �'+c;' �'�G' �G,. `�.�! w4'���/'f'"�iG'Li�:�►� �.,fie!''y' .. �'� ,r, r � 'y'�..,: .h ems/ ,::h" -� ry. ,�.^ �, 4/„ ) /+�•✓�,�� :�•� .�+ •' r.4ra►.i•,''r✓� J s it A r' r• /' ,� � j„l,,.� 1G 7w, � ice" .� .. :?' ,. �... ^• �•�+ ..".� .. � Jam' .� � .... wor 1-10 10 erg ,, •�%,i.�• ,. � , .I � Cry I `� G+ i�+' ✓' r i G'-•K1 •— •,} � .: fir' G' �.� , v,..• ', �., c /�" ; 7 ] % /, I`'• •Y�+ ' ,� ,•.raw f. .a'..: , ..�� r f 1 I., r . p•y,. dam'. ,''",� /or1�M !�`' ..�! i+i j,. � �I'���'�•,..'� .�• ��..} ✓�... ..r.r- _. -...rlr�wr�.......rr..w..a...~.wr.r_,w.�.r..,.•,•.r�w.r....M+...� w w...... s LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR EXCEPTION FROM LOT 10 LAKE TERRACE The followirg described tract of land being a portion of Lot 10 Lake Terrace, a duly recorded subdivision the Northwest 1/4 Section 3, T-2S, R- IW, W. M. City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 10 also being the initial point of Lake Terrace, thence: S-88"25 '20"-E: 42.00' ; thence: along the arc of a 85.00 ft. radius curve having a central angle of 29°36 '42", the chord of which bears 5-76°46 ' 19"-W 43.44' (an arc distance of 43.93' ) to the West line of said Lot 10; thence: N-01 34'40"• E il . '.J' to the Point of Beginning. "ontaininy lhl sq. feet. w .w MRALMR M oo N-r A-bug- �- s 1a jq �d d•Q•Q• lIL o' c• • .: " I I �`' " Q O Q rn W V) < w �ctic U 3: z Www 3 V- O Z F- Q _ z Q =< 33 3'* V to to W Q Z U- o rt - - --- - -�- - - O au r Q 0�7 �? W . 4 3 S 88'40'27 E ALO,/6' /� z W rJ N H w L- co ¢ ;r I a ►- oZW aw 'nI� c tH I W a Q u w ��_ V 4 I M I x a = 0 J a_ � W cu z w 1%3 OUZu F- � y�J z LLJ Q I cr Q J n w IL A., 0`.i J p I ry I z W Z V I I H a0 a� Q (r Q W0V z u Q 1— N = w H$ a = u N Q u -j .� O CD U' D Q 4� _ Nt Q cr Q Z Z W a I nJ I I,— p W N W 3 13 Q ZZ 2 V r I ` lyl `n N .J 3: _Z ? mo a nJ I 4J JU-J W } W } 1+ W 1 2 I a 41 Q = Q Z U.11 cr Z W z a z a vWi I • I W d W W } z - 0 0 U a (1 • `� � i o � aw uzaz u Q �J o *_ cr u W ~ Q z WW a 7 W p Z �h D N O I m Cf) 't r = v a N a 2 I O w � ? ci0uj~ iacn w z U h J 3 QpzLu U- � W w W o a Cr o , z LL m v u z aLLJ a r 5 8323 7 Q Q Cr ,y�y�� W W J Y D Z S O Q cn v) Q Z S � � r �d O 19 ` e >' i� ' SSA aS2dE /90.00 a e' ' 0 N't�. N _ /9a o0 • to cn V11 LF C\j L-Li z HKIA a �, ^d� I Sp TSO F— I 14300' h� 42 -,-�� ,� \\ 2 • ' �1 LLJ es'2 s 20 ?S 2S t, t fu TRACT o IN I N P. 6 97f c;roI!s inlb ^� Z O I w ISI • C r ' ' •� fn u Qj O o I • • w ti 111 O v h ' •J := S LLJIC w ' I � '�� o � v 0 �V r •...�..� J I /87 S6 I I V h v o 0�\•► n�j Qb Q 11 t h C 5IRS 1S ,cE .j 1 w � 1 wo1'er serrlce l \ i ii.3 Sri 5.W. 40N.!•2f'03-w 3� 75..00\•i M 40' NO/'34'40"E SO-00`- 3 96 f7 -" 7Y./ --0 ♦►LA : 41 IN oopp 0. Or N -a (: 00 W 1p L o Z + G .r a. •,6•�.,� N N04•,u•s�'v� �/ei�oZ� N1t.30.� �90,oo'- - ^'e S,oo x Pis}/E 9c 46 a le p P iJ*'_•J �i- 0I f- O w+ ON /y 0 c� �. N N �- 1000 N2C•j7/�'w kD50� � , a 7en/ ab ,31_ No is oSf NO/-14 0 1�� 6y r!' Bf o0' NOTE . ALL REAR AND SIDE LOT LINES TO \ o HAVE A 5FT. EASEMENT FOR THE N At o INAGE, -SUo S /PURPOSE OF OF STORM DRA _ f ° SANITARY SEWERS AND UTILITIES. Az sw � T J JlJ. ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE I , ARTHUR N. 7'19OLSK1 , FIRST BEING DULY SWORN,DEPOSE AND SAY THAT I HAVE CORRECT WITH 5/8 X 30" IRON RODS ALL LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS,CURVE POINTS AND BOUNDARY L THE LAND REPRESENTED IN THE ANNEXED MAP OF LAKE TERRACE, THAT AS THE INITIAL SET A GALVANIZED IRON PIPE 21NCHES IN DI AME T EH AND 36"L.ONG, SET 61NCHES BELOW T AT A POINT WHICH IS S 88° 40 27 E 660 16' , S I° 3F� 25" W 449'43, S 83° 23' 26" W 101 FROM THE N W CORNER OF SECTION 3, T- 2S, R - I W, W M ; THENCE FROM SAID INITIAL PO 19000; THENCE S 10 34' 40"W 136,00 FT.;THENCE S660 32' 31"E 250.72 FT.; THENCE N T, rurr r -+,0 ar' yc n r'r . 'ruc •irc c 0o Z� ' �S' °u AA7d-A r Tr", 6 P(11NT 0N T I-II JA -r — - - -2—(w) 3 1 2'(w) zc S.W. KATHERN I f E STS, , N N ;r-,,� •1211p n " 6 � 'e9•cw) a �; I to (73) (74) &t?It5 *!2120 3-'72 ('ri) 3 x12130 .4 1213' b' N 130't'r�) (7 4) 63 *12165 Sc._ADJaCE P� rl &12170 11r U i 1l 1TY 2C 21 22 TES x2 i7 Joe sunswofowmm+wwr>0� s v _ *12260 23 (78) GA c, 10 kn 24 - -- - - - ;i 176 I LL) ,� 1 &t2z�s > � .123.'.3 j 9 012 S.W. 8R CK S _ � — ----- ---- —_ 12 42 J f `-1 J 1 ,. 1 J ! 2-�7 i -4-- ".v, 1`yi ♦) l L �2 c e M 0 w_ l NIA- r V7 `- �j �i�_ '0y C_OOY-kk �C�� • S �� 2 ,p . 1 �� � �� _..� 1 S�' ...r--- �.._.._�. �� :� Z4.2 �' +✓'"3 ir.�__ �._. . � � , � ' ,� l �, i I � "'"". lA Zb ,4t y I 'lAn"gip�pNP"IMA,,`i!awyx�itini�MYrilR�aii+�AI�IN[itl�IliiEiNitis:, - gig, o � o W W W o z -4 VZ K N oww o W J (!)'aq. c' aLL z Z � CL � - O ` C W + .x o az � 'att � �I V) a + 4-z Y � � r✓! � N I O 3 _N y'„ 'j Q • v p o o - v . z o �-- ►-- 0z z 0 ate. o z � zwp cr o o N M # a �a.. z DEDICATION DEED \ e Exhibit "A" �✓ J�Y J Beginning at the initial point of Lake Terrace , a subdivision of record in Washington County, Oregon; said .initial point being on the East line of said Brookway; thence: S-01034' 40"-W 11. 10 ft. ; thence : along the arc of an 85 .00 ft. radius curve having a control angle of 11°19 ' 34" , the long chord of which bears S-56°18' 11"-W 16. 78 ft. (the arc distance of 16. 80 ft. ) , being to the right of chord; thence : S-50°38' 24"-W 46. 75 ft. ; thence : along the arc of a 10. 00 ft. radius curve having a central angle of 90100 ' 00" , the long chord of which bears S-05038' 24"--W 14. 14 ft. (the arc distance of. 15. 71 ft. ) , being to the right of the chord intersecting the Fast line of SW 124th Avenue; thence : along last said East. line N-39021136"-W 50. 00 ft. ; thence : along the arc, of a 10. 00 ft. radius curve }laving a central angle of 90°00 ' 0011 , the long chord of which bears S-84121.' 36"-E 14 . 14 ft. (the arc distance of 15. 71 ft. ) being to the right of the chord; thence : N-50038' 24"--E 46. 75 ft. ; thence : along the arc of a 115. 00 ft. radius curve having a central agne 1. of 19°31.' 01." , the long chord of which bears N-60023' 54"-E 38 . 98 ft, (the arc distance of 39 . 17 ft. ) being to the left of the chord; thence : S-01034' 40"-W 22. 06 ft. to the Point of Beginning, STATF OF OREGON P6-r,4 Comity of Wathingter SS I, Roger Thornssen, Director of Records CITY OF TIGARLI and Elections and Ex Officio Recorder of Con- P.o. Box 23397 veyances for said county, de hereby certify that 12421T S.W. Main, Tigard, Ofegon 972 $ the within instrument of writing was received and recorded in book of records of said county ROGER THOKISSEN, Director of Records& Elections �2 S tl� 4' c. L 1 - AO e0--�___ e'---6 B0 ti1E. ';ATHERI NE ` -REET J \ - .e7 80.13 00 60.32 144 21 S Be° 40'2773'E L ,� S BB 40'27"E W 700 2600 20 50 `0 5100 5000 N 4900 co 0 50 8 e 49 $ -)7T 26 a 51 0 - 2 I iJJ ,100 1-0 e0 79.77 - -0 2500 5200 Nee°401'77"W I39.77 a s fi O O O T 52 25 a 6400 `J ; - 100 loo N: 3 _ '� .•I r• - O 2400 o a 5300 TRACT C' a -VO ry W N O 2 W 24 m 53 W N tjr 29 00 ° mr__ _ llj •N S eB— 4� 0 21 �1i0 0 2 300 > 5 400 0 2e.,w s ea, _ Q • s 650 1 pe :----� �zs r.90 30 � 23 0 �' 9 54 s'93' x T w OI.34 100 I S 99°� 727E 100 Ino 2200 '� " s m `��ti In R.4/Ac.' 31 m 22 p + 4 e3°43'39"E ,o ISO 121.9e \ 51 El .200 2100 2101 `�' r; "►s� � IN 5 9 25 20 E eo \ sN \� INITIAL F e 21 tiA c 3� m e t 8201 a `n 1 15.5 q'aC • --'19 J 0 3' 144 32 E P i� J 10 7 t - , ,. - L30 ` 8200 c 1 � 19 N ; 234*74 200 8100 �h•P 2000 as "/ a2 4 99 25 21 E . 20 . ° ~~ -- ' ;Iqe w p (4 8000, 8300 1800 lo'es o NI 8 N ee°25 20 w-v •C ` a / 1 �- 10 d 6 190 _ 8 g / 1700 4 19 r� z 11 Fv es =_ 20 = vel N 18025 20 wr 76.70 t.114" 8 J01 7f° <9 ss•, �\ le7se TRACT "A° 1600 w ,� S:W BR00K,CT. 7900 H O1 m 2 697 A.'. a g P L J, N 16 ie.70 v* Nee°2s'zd'wl_ ? 7 p�,�' cnK 4 9r' p Jn i° o S o t ° 1300 W o o .2o n � 7 173 eR �i`Y ^I W (/ 1500 �� '- r J r J 1 1400 .T - 13 a„ l 7800 W 1 rte' T i f? r 13 W / b , 14 ° 96.70 z T 6 �bi IR 15 /vll163 oa 4 8700 1200 p : 40 5�� �� �, = 40'S4It , O� st.. ' = 1(0-7 . 2.01 R- = 14Z. 201 - 19Z.Zo , L = 119 . 4 L = ( 01 . foo c 1� 1Igo S&' 2-6"W V'i 16'S� Zi' Yv 18 SILL ZO 1 y S�V%ne 7S R�. z I(o7 . ZO + Z S.DO e v T2. 40� s 0.&,78/3/70 S(.- 0. 01(0 28974 0 .000077S7 O. �1449901 33 � I�IZ.20 x 0.'11449901 s= ( 13`7 ,'3"L6► - Zt?, �;��. ,� � s C2(192. 2o�] Cs .•. yZ(40`sto ,ro'� 5 2-8 8 3-94,40 O.34940987Z) s wr w o `} 9 + a: �- 'a W �➢ ('- 9 ate► ��.. z »- 3 0 -sr ►n N ►n o ►— . z U O a O W z V t> O o p O ' ' CL cn rJ �nij) Q Z i • � w"Z5,1 a Is � a cc 15 Co 0 W X11 ° m D L ' --'► .g o a F Z W s v cr H cn CO 0 `. v G�VOL v C. - 5- 5 G 1 b'' �i'-�✓ cv c °N �= q �50 G � L rl qq.nn,�ti�a1��Y :�4 o• � r u`tr';„q,.r�=.•Y C.:":� t• �l�o • 'mow le OJ.r:C 7•�'��"' y� '^ `'� s�may,�,�V j _ 914,. \4t�� �✓ r. ,'. � �� s •` �^. TS S All— ° N� ,r r.,nt,�e c s.ertrll. ��,r , r er,r.!►r ;R ~ &nSi z2%. �' N ,.. 4 / /`...f ^r r .' e i v - 7•,U h br,lO N�•� � I `L`•� ,h1011 =' r r t r l } J_' �i4#11i#••5} O hh'Lh! •• �±j a. ",% NYS I� ' I x �Vd{' YT- / i N / �� ..���� \ ♦ �•N 7n r O 1 NSI r1M 0.1�'� a ft O �./1 1011,11{,10'q C 1 I 0 0 to srsS i Y. 1 .. � IU • ` 1 O 11 of !• 7 r`_� !. ' , I.L I I'. 1 1 ct: V u- 1 Mir ti 7 eJ,hr to h J 1 1 f VI Nf2 O xW J Q Odd�`��\� ��4'rrr�, V) Q J ft W •p� o�+�`', �.+✓.' _ d p 91 'n W Wm -j CD W ►— r/i U ui0 .-J tt a a- LL - '�ti I RESPONSE FORM Name of Subdivision: �7`�r Le_ Jr t7-r-«f Statement of Reasons for Delay in Completing Public Improvements: i Timeline for Completion (on or before November. 10, 1982) of Public Improvements: C' te' ev ,, rq cis/ rAi e-k, c4e-lyf l 77/x-�,. CITY OF TIGARD• OREGON * DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT No. : I I. PROJECT NAME: L ��G��C W Y ;;,c �p ,111. DRAWING DRAWING (TITLE) s _ dated : IV. PLAT (TITLE) : V. SITE LOCATION: \7I. PRINCIPALSs MY , dos. C1��4 . ber•`��r+. (1) DEVELOPERS Add res s - I OI"`SP � I` �� --•_.___.__..__!.._' sw 16A 10 ,'A • , Phone No. - ��•�7 ,Ore. , (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: Address .- Phon,? No. And 2Jo• _ Exp, nate ( 3) ENGINEER! Add ress...__ . � Phone No. (03cl- 1 Z. (4) I t1SPECTOR Address..._____, Phone No. (S) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Add rocs__...._-_._._. r^ho-)e No. (6) CC:i i RACTOR4 SUPETY AOENC'Y Adc?less; Bond 2Jo..—_. �___• Exp. Date / / ( 7) tiUB-CONT'RAC"i'oRS : SUBDIVISION PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE'E�N�TS, that we as Principal an a corporation duly au�Forlaed�o�con3uc� a general sureiy�usiness in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $_3,3-j24,3. lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment dT which we, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these present. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are platting L&Yrrk RAeC QQ.Z subdivision located in the City ofTigard, 5regon, and entering Into a subdivision compliance agreement with the Obligee herein, and upon acceptance of said plat and compliance agreement, the Principals shell make all improvements required by the City of Tigard, Ordinr,nces and Subdivision Compliance agreemc-n documents as described in said compliance agreement all of whik.'u are by reference, m,de a part hereof, NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with the terms of the agreement and shall well. and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said agreement and shall promptly make payments to all persons supplying labor or materiel for any of the work pro- vided by said agreement, and shall -)ot permit any lien or claim to be filed or proser_utioned against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, In the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies here- under the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have cauned this bond to be executed this — day of -WaARRow PCATW(J COHPAQ14- By By:� By:_ 0=L By (A true copy of the Power of _ —_�__,_••___�____•,.� Attorney must be att :hed to Surety the original of th+ bond„ ) Form No, 1971 1 1 (C) Commenced Paving.. .... .. ..... . p / 1) Paving in"pected...... ❑ / a) Test data filed. , p b) Tentatively rrrepted by City.... ❑ (D) Parking lot tentatively accepted by City...... ❑ VI. SIGN: (A) Street name signs installed....... .. .. ....... . (B) Traffic signs installed.. ........ I .... ........ ❑ r __L_ VII. SIDEWALK: (A) Commenced installation—.................I. . ❑ (B) Completed installation. .......... .. ❑ (C) Inspected. .... . . .. . I. . .. I....... .. .. ..... .. .. ❑ (D) Tentatively acrprtPd by City.................. ❑ VIII. STREETLIGHTINGs (A) Commenced installation................... ..... ❑ / (B) Comrleted installation.. ...... .......... . .. . . . [3 / (C) Inspected. .... ... ❑ / (D) Tentatively accepted by City—. 1— .... ... . . (3 / 1) Aurhori-pation letter to Energise filed IX. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced inatsllation. .... ....... .. .... .... Q / (B) Completed installation... ....... .. .......... .. p (C) Inspected..... . . d (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. .. .... ... ....... p _ X. GENERAL AREA DRAINAGE, (A) Building rain drains inspected.. .. . I. ......... p / (B) Culverts inspected. . .. . .. . 0 (C) Drainage ditches inspected... . .. .. . ........... (3 (D) Tentatively rccepted by City. . . .... . ...... .... p NOTES PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE, REVIEW FILE TO INSURE COMPLETION Of CHECK LIST AND FILING OFs 1) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Variance" 3) Change Orders/Extra Work orders 4) All Correspondence/Memos 5) Daily Inspection Sheets Jo's AD 5,9 40 oil i I '`1 M� L � 1 Ui Iy 1 t ,k.. >, pj 01 �61 OA t X6\ Ij zo i ,-1C ,G�� � � ,� � �•��'°�� '•f �'�, o'er �/ o,� c . Or — ' t If I t14 rc all w \ Ilb / Nv �j `�'\� Q fie' -!���.►►1� \ %� �`�\�''i 40 I ' � 1 1 1;1 rl11'1 1_.l �l l ill 1 1 1 1 Ll 1 1 1 l l 1 1 I