GREENSWARD PARK SUBDIVISION r I I • • s K: Fm fin 1E t4 7r P L 14 15 Y jj r, 1 a It I( T r v t 1 pnr nc . STREET , STORM DRAINAGE , SANITARY S W WAT LANS ttitittlD 0 GENERAL NOTES INDEX CL/Ra SECl_70/11 n/. rs. DESCRIPTION SHEET IVSD Note.' Provide 2-3 . dia. ween hole /r7 CL/rf7 mor each /ot. 8 S/�� C 1 . ' ALL STATIONING SHALT BE STREET CENTERLINE STATIONING, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS. Coi�Y/1 �•/�� iG Z / -L1TY -�Z,41V fi�i , 2. LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE THE SPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. (' � &17 `r 1141ZZ 3. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THESE PLANS AN-� TO ��': : APPI .'CABLE REQUIRE,MEi�TS OF THE, CITY 97- k ZT7 � 37(9kN Dt ���� �/�tv OF TIGARD AND fFIE UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON CJUNTY . ZV INZZ 5 �14N 946- W§k 36z� e67 e)- 6 > A % C I75✓y 4. BEIJCH MAkK BRASS CAP #1503-816, 70' SOUTH OF CENTERLIMI: F BQ>ihWA ROAD AND 33 WESTOF CENTER- LINE00 - ' gj LINE OF HALL BOULEVARD. CITY OF PORTLADID DATUM. . ELE1��L3'�dN 177.51. U�'1/ Y WZk ' 5. STANDARD DETAILS SD-1 THROUGH SD-10 INCLUSIVE ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND ARE A PART OF THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 9' 6. STREETLIGHTS TO BE INSTALLED AS PER CITY APPROV&P:G.E. A' i ` ` a 7. MAILBOX CLUSTERS TO. BE INSTALLED AS ER CITY ST 0 (detail attacr.,�d; AT LO,;ATIONS SPECIFIED. EASEMENT TO BE PROVIDED BY DEVELOPE FOR ENCROA�T, IF RE('ESSARY. DESIGN ENGINEER TO SUBMIT PROPOSED LOCATIONS• FOR CITY APPROVAL. (�0 �17 8. CITY STANDARD RESIiENTIAL, DRIVEWAY APRONS REQUIRED (detail attached) . 9. CITY STANDARD BICYCLE AND WHEELCHAIR RAMP REQUIRED AT ALL INTERSECTIONS (detail attached) . I J < .: VSA � v • T Y�"'/COIL STREET SE'C'T/ON N � ,ti. r s. • AS, BUILT AS BUILT NAR SO' R/w BILE Copy 2- 1 1 z Mr-Dor4At_D sT 1 pu.e. s/ w PL/. E. .S o.5' Sow STA 9,0 1 2%(7Y/. 6• f/N►JNfD E'X�y [�® I �f _ �r -cur sLae& Sl TE - 2:/ ¢L R/w 4 ve c?y sT.4�pc&w8 — /g CLASS "C",4sPMA[.T1C CAVO k7Zr CVfe4AY(k 1thiv 0&e y,E,,,y)Q 2" CLASS ~C" ASP/IALT/C CO)vCRE7,6" Du AM 2' _ 34u-O " CRL1sREfP R0Cx.16RAVEL NORTH CRus-4,wD RocA<1G9AVEL VICINITY ISA A P �"z :11 AMER SSOC IATES (1 C . R.. yV Plan ,_ Engln� • r � ng Isumquing 10530 SW ALLEN BLVD. SUITE 223 ® v'`" C'�'' BEAVERTON , OREGON 97005 1 1 OF 15 1 IY�i.IM, .�• 1..Mr .:rw ( .+w► �I m- I, I I 1 I 1 11..1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 � I _. ,. „�� �_,--t----.•--...._......._.,.....__.._._._...__-•--r- .. _. I ( I I 1 � I -IFI �' �� � + I�t11�111� �11� �tlt ` �111�111�11 1111111 IIIIIIII111lI1 IIII�IItllllltll�l111111�11111111111111111111111`T11I(�IIIIIIIIIII1111111'f11111 � � 1 , � ` I 2 3 4 5 d 7 8 9 1 0 11 _ 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROF1LMEv -- �... - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT IVrr-TT IS DUE TO im.Q1w I O _ - --I TY OF THE ORIGINAL RAMING• E da 9Z LZ 9Z SZ O2 es as 12 02 of 91 LI 91 21 UI tl i II--_0—1 i 1 L 9 s 0* 9 e 11 1 ...__ ��N411111111�IIIIIUII�u111►yl�fllllll�itlllll _ Illtllltttllltlt�t�ttttitllt►►r�►NihllMll�l Illr uuhullrutlnN�t N1 J U LY `c1 ,...•.�IMMI�r �, �..�r. —__...»_.—.. ...a.wa�,�p�.,•1 .,.�,<, _'_,fir,.,, . ..fir .. q•Y _..... .._..•r._.....«. _ ._ -1. •« i •r. • CONSTRUCTION NOTES I !8#41� I . PLACEMENT OF STRUCTURAL FILL I . Stripping: All topsoil containing grass roots , vegetation, and unsuitable organic ,\ r materials shall be stripped from areas to be filled. The materials, so stripped, shall • be wasted in berms in the areas shown to the satisfaction of and as directed by the owner. \ t—GIB Fill Material : The fill material shall consist of rock mixtures, fill rock and shall be free of perishable organic material , such as tree stumps and branches . 3. Fill Placement.: a) Prior to placement of the fill material (excluding those areas to rete ve fR• rocv ) an, excessively soft or wet areas exposed during stripping or occurring '*rereafter in VNe fill section shall be removed before the next lift is placed and compacted. tri 1` 1 naa e+ ia1 is tc be placea on slopes steeper than 6 (six ) horizontal to 1 (one) *e eAryst•r.m ii=e sNa1, 5e :,en�ched to firm soil to provide a level surface on :• a:e } .e,:ai . : &� .lders may be placed in the fill section, provided they :� feet 3rya,�, so that the fill material can he placed and A - 'JZ _.:mca'.t�. :a~�� -~e c►:. cars . ;, Ail the fill material shall be placed in ,�- ��e�� acmes roo�se tl•�ckness and shall be compacted to a density \ 3- ' c35t n ne-a :M- :� :r *he s•ardard proctor maximum dry density and shall "Joe a Rcli"_ il"i •:`oote'r- - . - :,es-e, -nen ; three) percent above the optimum moisture I :r:ee :.asi _:,TTOati- ,�. ; ce 3.__ompl�hed with a sheepsfoot roller, e) To minimize 1 -.-i"i%r mate- -n!,: se_-"or . the fill surface should be sloped to drain. At ' 1 :^e :i eac^ s^� =- :ne ; , �s_e -ie f411 section should be sealed with several passes s. S' -cCRS s;caes spa of .-eEGer than 1 , (one apo one-half) horizontal to 1 \� \ ` Sao=►>'��� ��' . � \� � \ \ � \ M.c. i79f,ago 1. \ zt mc.,-r14.0�0 1� 'gee �ev-r :_atior shover on :ne )Ian is conceptual only and any physical � \ \ � 1 I � 6 � ,J � 4 r- _s aro3 or natAral amenity (trees, special , plant, etc. j in these areas shall _ :e*1:e, -herefore if :!►ese featires are encountered, the berm shall either �c •-;. ar ^elocatec as aDorovec by the ow�ne^Arra Clrr' PIAN&1*6 0+(!AIGE. leafing 5 ,ruppir�g: C ea-inq shall be limited to cutting and removinn grass and r 1 I I I 1 \ 1 1 f 3r- V; and disDosing o= :his na:erial cuff-site in a planner and location approved by the owner. ?. vlacemen•- �� � na:erral resu'ting frog the stripping operation shall be placed in feet in width, not exceeding 4 ''our' feet in height, compacted c� � : , •-;,: 'irk, anc rnuc�t gramied *.o r� satisfaction of the owner. The material shall f ;� sc :. .:.ceti as rtt *..t� re=*rict ire existing ane se4 drainace patterns. - I -•�a.v 1 , Sfate Nwt� DrPt PE rAijCs fIt a uir+ta��o� \ A\ fill r J IFA i A f_ _ � 4 1 1 4b•.t�f.. �' I i �,■� S�ia!e NAME � / /.5 UG`%//• EId'L/� t � ` � IMP 1,44 Leo T�i� - - - -- ----- -- _ _ 1 O C47 i i I �o / / �,�, �/ txmr, 1 ,: 1 I ( To Deli- f/�! 1 i Jill efol -- ------ -- ------- 10 ', -- �{ �M Pay' f 6 H 011ta CD �LECURD DR1l'W1"r.S PREPARED r-ROM, FiELD STA-KING DATA AND F16Lb 3UItVWY DRiN KN0 "-%LkILT INFORM14TItjN PRO-1rieD BY e_0AJ KA,(_TCQ • F�i4 GGAB. r; O e x>I. Nw, aerE alAw+nrl r. ` GREENSWARD PARK flF 171 DESItiNEO CHECKED lie Ab 1 I(a 111 I III 1 1111 1 1 1 Jill 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 119 .►+ 1 11 + 11'I' i � ( � ) C � 1 � 1 � I � I � 1 � 1 ( I � 1 � 1 � 111I1 � 2 3 — 4 5 8 T 8 9 10 11 12 I 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN � 1 Pi IS 14011V&r-1T IS DILE TO r' / * .4 #,L.TY OF THE ORIGINAL : 1 RAM ING. �"�'`" OE 6Z 9Z a 9? SZ fZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 of LI 91 S1 IFI EI 21 11 01 • • L 9 r1E�111�111��d11�1111�1111111)t�111�tt1II1�N11�11if�1111�ItIt111t1�111sItMIt�N1t�1111�1111�1111�1}11�1111�11�11111iii1N�Ni+11111l1� I�IUI�1tN1fIM1�ll11�lit111 1111�IIII�IIN�1111�1111�1ullilllll!!!!lJlUllll)1�11 �111) "` JULY �A 1992 �� 3� m � c �� �� � • N CTTY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. 80-.5c;Z �:ESoLUT[ON OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCTT. ACCEPTING THE PUBLTC TM ROVEMENTS CONSTRIM.TED ',411'H1N GREENSWARD PARK SUBDIVISION. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the City further required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, Subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenari-e for a period of one year. . ."; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received; and WHEREAS, the required bond has remained in full force and effect throughout the normally required maintenance period of one year, and WHEREAS, no deficiencies remain to be corrected therein, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Orr.g>n hereby accepts the public improvements construcL,11 within Greensward park Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 39 on Page 17 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records. AND FURTHER, the City Council herewith authorizes release of the afort:aid bund. d PASSED: This _day of „ 1980, by the Counc' 1 of the City of Tigard, Oregon. ATTEST: i May(.r . F4>t - .r Rr:cordv r RESOLUTION No. 80--1 1r ��� lie Dale Construction Company P.O. BOX 23938 12360 S.W. MAIN ST. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PHONE 620-2234 May 27, 1980. City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main St. P.O. sox 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention: R. L. Thompson Re: Greensward Park Subdivision Dear Mr. Thompson: This letter is to notify you that the d fect, ie driveway apron at 8685 S.W. Inez Street has been replaced. It was taken out on May 22, and poured on May 23, 1980. Please initiate the necessary action to provide documentation releasing our company from any further obligation. Yours truly, Dale Construction Co. 1 , Dale C. DeHarpport, President p c � � �� r D IVIAY 198G CITY OF TIGARD NUIMN MIM811 HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN PORTLAND May 2, 1980 DALE CONSTRUCTION CORPAINY P.O. Box 23938 12360 W 'lain Street Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Greensward Park Subdivision 11-er 11r. lellarpport: In reply to your request dor action ")y the City Council to accent said Project, we find such can he done after the defective driveway apron at 86S5 S.' Inez ^treet is replaced. r Please notify to upon cormnencinc, corrective work. Upon completion. I will initiate the necessary action to ppovide documentation rele•asiDP your obligation therefrom. Yours truly, R. L. Thompson Engr. Tech. !ILTtpjr r i 1 � 36 s JG Dale Construction Company P.O. BOX 23938 12360 S.W. MAIN ST. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PHONE 620-2234 April 21, 1980 City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main St. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Subject: Final Acceptance: Greensward Park Subdivision Attention: Bob Thompson Dear Mr. Thompson, All improvements as required by the City of Tigard for the above referenced subdivision, have been completed. We request formal action by the City to accept the subdivision and release our company from any further responsibilities. If you have any questions, please contact me. Yours truly, Dale Construction Company Dale C. DeHarpport, ��.. , President r �UIIOt� MFMQ� 4 HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN PORTLAND r� �. City of Tigaro INSPECTION REQUEST for 4F.,IECTION TIME: _ _ PERMIT NO _ DATE: /O_/G/7P D AT E IS S U E D ' WNFR4 NAMF _ ADDRESS mss'•-� �,, s 4. �,,r .✓r. nNTRACTOR ' *E ST : Air p, Water[1 , Visual ® , La boratory p 'E""1LT: Approved ® Disapproved ❑ Pending p KE:'TChI: De,u �' ..,�/►.;..�� c✓•s><.�.. {,:�� J r6 ►; Ti�A.-c� , NO �i4ltlllS � t I-) I INSPECTU(i -DATE JTE .' Attach supplemorital ten' data here 1 9 I 1 •f CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION (P.W ! PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY clearly mnrkedl APPROVED PLANS, plan revisions, change orders, specifications, etc. : I. SAaITARY SEWERL (A) Commenced instal1l4tIon. . .. (B) Completed installation. . . ... p 1) As-built field notes filed_... ....— ❑ a) Cory -ent to engineer, , . ...,... ❑ 1) As-built field notes received... ... .. ❑ a) Filed in project folder..,. . . . . ❑ (C) Inspected and Tested.. .... ... .... . (3 ! / 1) Test nomonogrsphs filed. ,......... . . . ❑ (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. .......... .. . .. ❑ / II. STORM SEWER: (A) Commenced installation. .. .. ...a........... . .. (B) Completed installation... . .... , .»,. .... .. (3 ! 1) As-built field notes filed........... ❑ (C) Inspected.,..... . . . . , „ .,.... . .... . .. ❑ i ! (D) Tentatively accepted by City.., ,. . . .,........ ❑ ! � III. CURB: (A) Commenced installation.. ® Ge' 17-7 1) Bench Mrrks set...... . . ❑ 7) Bench Mark locations filed..... ...... ❑ (B) Comoleted installation...... ..............., (a 71 (C) Inspected....... . . . .. . ..... .. . ..... p ..a a r.,. (D) Tentatively rccerted by City,................ . ❑ ' IV. STREET (A) Commenced Grading. .. . . . ....,, .... G 1171 7 1) Sub-grade insrected.. .. ...... ....... !x! 77 a) Teat data filed. . ....., ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (B) Commenced rocking. ... . . . . .. ... . .. . . ... I. .. .. . (V 1) Sub-baso inspected. . . . . . ... . ... . I... so r. /jr/ 77 a) Test date filed. . .. ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. (3 V1Commenced Paving , . . . .. . .. .,.,,... . . 0 1) Paving inspected. .l;'R� .��.... .., ,. fa /a'G /22 a) Test data filed. . ....... ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ ' (D) Strept tentatively accepted by City. . . . , . ,,,, ❑ / V. PARKING LOT: (A) Commenced grading... , I ...., ❑ / / 1) Sub-grade inarected. ❑ _/_ / a) Test date filed.. . . _....... . . ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (B) Commenced Rocking. .................. p 1) Sub-baste inspected.,.. ❑ �! / a) Test data filed... ❑ bl Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ C�µNL1 l V� CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON C� 1 RESOLUTION No. 78 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN GREENSWARD PARK SUBDIVISION. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the installation of streets, sidewalks , streetlights , storm sewers , sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the develop- ment of subdivisions ; and WHEREAS, the City required the payment of fees and execution of a Compliance Agreement , which stipulated that : "At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within said subdivision have been completed in ac- cordance with the City's requirements, peitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for .final inspection and upon certifica- tion by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of. the City have been met, the petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond, if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City in the sum of $73 , 765.00 to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after final acceptance of the public improvements of said subdivision by the City; " and further that , "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth; " and WHEREAS, the petitioner has now requested final inspection ; and WHEREAS, said certification has now been received , subject to the hereinafter listed conditions, and WHEREAS, the petitioner has submitted written notice of his desire to continue the existing performance bond in full force and affect throughout said maintenance period in lieu of providing a sep,irate bond for said purpose, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard , Oregon , hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within GREENSWARD PARK subdivision , said subdivision being recorded in Book 39 on Page. 17 in Washington County, Oregon , Plat Records , subject to the following : RESOLUTION NO. 78- l. . Completion of a one inch Class "C" A.C. overlay, within one year, on all streets within the subdivision. 2. Completion of all sidewalks and driveway aprons. 3 . Completion of all landscaping which may have been required by the City. 4. Correction of any defective work or maintenance work which has or may become apparent, throughout the aforsaid maintenance period. 5. Continuation of the existing performance bond in full force and effect throughout the a.forsaid maintenance period. PASSED: This day of 1978. Mayor ATTEST: Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. 78 CITY Or TiGAR:D, V I V RESOLUTION No. 78- d -ZE? 79 - SOLUTION OF T11E TICSRD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING T'E PJBLIC .IMPROTE]SNITS CTD WITAIN �,REEuswaRD PAP--V- S[P3DIVISIQ?�t ' es V,,EPZALS, the City of Tizard Subdivision Ordinance reouir installation of streets, sidewalks, streetlights, storm sewers, sa-�itd;�� sewers, underground utilities and other _public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and W ?EAS, the City required the pay-nent of fees and e:-ecuti.on of a Compliance Agreement, which stipulated that: "A t. such tine as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within said subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City' s reouiremen_ts, petitioner shall _- not, iy—t'6e--_Ca-t3�,of- the -readiness for final inspection- ano - - ----- UDon certification by the Department cf Public Worts that til reouirements of the City have been met, the petitioner will submit to the City a -Qod and sufficient maintenance bond, if not already provided with the performance bond, form epprcved by the City in- the sum of x' ''73 '7Ls,`=to provide i o- co?"rectior. of any defecti t%e work or maintenance b2COL'1117w apparent or arising within one (1) year after final accep .ance of the public improvements of said subdivision by the City ; " and furtner that - "Upon receipt of certification by the Dep=artment of Public Wor''s that all requirements-have -been tie; and a Cane Year ?:aint- enance Bond,_•he City Council a&roes to accept the public i*jprove- :i;ents, subject to the requir'em'ents for correction of deficiencies r'Dd maintenance for a period of one Y eFr as hereinabove set forth; " and the petitioner has now reouested final inspection; ane 1,:.EFZAS, said ce-'tifi.cati on has now: been rece_-,-ed, subject L 'L.he her einaf ter lis .ad condi_tions anG', i i 06%4W h 11 s t ri L.�, ` �~ 1►• IL, I et~ ,�rw►fwtt rN �H ItiGI,' �h s��J �7� �ahe t fer10A w► %%ew 4 lerovils !C tit b.hJ► �► •s� .��'oat � _ __.._- 3= IT kE5CL+`ED that the City Council of' .•'hie City of ,ecce is -Lhe lUblic imn- 'ov- L' -ne s conskruC ted �,- �:,-� ��EE.IJSIL`ARb VpA�►`�. c` 7d_ri�iC" , c,E iC $U i1:1_iY-i cipri b'nqny 1'GCOr:.Pd in 3oGy 3q on Fe—ge 11 in i etshi7E:ton County, C"cgon, �,at Racords, subject toti-le follow: r. : ~ � w� I�k•.oK G� � av�G i.�c� 1..,-7��� ,�11 l�,r CVGrIa� 'I,..�i•���� G��''�� ��` bt•rc_a�5 wl+••l,..l.�. �t�.e swbd,.�i S�oK , r1 I .ZEA cl C-.j v1�1►o►gt. I�K�Sc -j 1v\. , NJ 1 11 ��tec_1�vG wG• ar nn'Iv�.�1tHs,•e wer-� - - w1.�t1+ �3f or rM9� �OGe.ew•! ii"'O�' ��... �►M►tT ��+C Derr-�.,�.�.�,�rz �ooKd� t� �•,.�-` 1 �•e r c_e_ �-��d� e t•� e�c � •�� `�'�•-o�•�1r.a ti�- t l�� r - ' PSED: his _ - j day °` - __`• 1978 ATT�,ST r" i TRAVPORT, INC. 9185 S.W. Oleson Rd . Portland , Oregon 97223 April 21 , 1978 City of Tigard 11.0. Box 23397 Tigard , Oregon 97223 Attention : John Hagman Dear Mr. Hagman, The purpose of this letter is to request the continuation of the existing cash bond escrow agreement for Greensward Park subdivision . It is our understanding that this letter will complete all requirements on our part , for you to request the conditional. acceptance of the project . We understand that we will be responsible for maintenance of streets and other improvements for one year after City Councils ' conditional acceptance . Yours truly, Dale C. DeHarp"port I I i i April 20, 1078 :,W Oleson Road t n, r r ecron 97223 t C . UeRarpport VLIA T-) PAPH SUBDIVISION .,:Lrp1)ort �r �, i th your letter of .request to repair item(s) number "Oltr (4) just prior to T�lacement of the overlay; item havin, been satisfactorily repaired. :� i.► t of the reciuired (""73, 70.1',.00) one year maintenaveye i wu hereof , upon receipt of a letter re-ue:4ting, ' f the existing performance )ond in full force and L i 1, !-u id period .for said purpogo, we will process a 1 ) r( -io l -►tion of acceptanco to they Oity Council . 1 : . %—vf any miiunderstandinr.', , T noticed that in your 1 F t.t r ► •,3k(W the '_pity to accept the " . . stre:et%.► for 1�)t,irtpit ic .tic. tl)i.q time" ; such in impossible. The, terms of the (1F.:,1 t t ---1 i a.ncP f►.i-ree3ment are s►►ch that you Must maintain 1 • i r•r)rovementq (sewers, str«mets , etc. ) for P period of ,► , rc :�r ,I rter Council (conditional.) accertance of the project ; r ,r, t,st',c• ri�"n,ic)n for the requirement of the maintenance bond. irai►,tenance period expires, provided all in complete in . or) t rer.air , the City will asmume full responsibility for + . i• jlr,)vNrients via raespage of a final acceptance resolution . "lin pi+. poie of the pemndinp (conditional) acceptance is to enahln -•rpt •rn reduce the performance bond expense and to Pstahl i sh the rovr er►ce+ment datim of your r`ne year maintenance obligation. rill,ther , to eliminate the need to write another letter , I ' ll i.n- ,'.ic1tP herein that we have noticed a fear more maintenance problems •1,10 ch will need to be corrected , rrior to final accertetnee 1 . L••xpolse the 16" C.I,. pipe, inlet to box manhole #8, in the ditch on fall lloulevard and Kri de the ditch to drain; clean out t,ox manhole 06 and f"(; on Greensward/ Hall Smulevard. bale C. DeF3arpport April 201978 Page 2 :?. Replace ten (10) foot curb section behind box manhole 41 on 86th , at the intersection. 3. Remove downed 18" diameter tree from atop the sanitary sewer manhole, in the awale. 4 . Clean all storm inlets and box manholes. 5. Straiphten two (2) streetlights on 86th . G. Continue efforts to keep the streets clean . c{in , I will. reference the items which-must by completed prior to ' .it,y Council final acceptance of the subdivision, to wit ; 1 . Placement of a one inch Class "C" A.C. overiny a;ithin one year of Council's (conditional) acceptance. 2. romneation of installation o:r the gidewailPs and drive- ILwn.'e aprons. i. Coviple,tion of any lan(iscn,)i.njr which ray hnve } c) n required by the City. r . Correction of any deficionclos which have or may yet n.ri::se throuerholit the rni.rteranee ;period. I hope all. of this h011PS you to undorsta.nd ...here you r+.re with reF-trd to fi.nnl.i: inr the subdivision ; if its more confusing than i-Pl i)ful , rl r� a.se cal ! me and tvP 1 11 try to clear up ,your queationg. You.r. g truly, John S. Ha mat) Jail/Pjr 9urt . I;nt„r. Division r City of Tigard NSPECTION REQUEST for INSPECTION i iNiL'7- : _. ___ PERMIT NO_- CATE ' -// DATE ISSUED :_ ._./__L .._. OWNI;RS NAME : Ti�fWPQa-T� i�G. ADDRESS c ,. r : Air Jr Water❑ r ViSUGI r Lob--•s.,.)ry ;J Y •.iv. nj:�i{C'i�u •. �YB,�i�:rOrad .`.� iKETCN; INSPECTOR DATE rMOTV Attach supplemental test data bereto] 02, t ell" A� cam' z r���-s �Ce.s � eloX p . Osm P1 2 > STS-�Ifc T�(�!4-t� ops (� ' o►•�r� �- uvftn -,�VejS e?j Au- WI-e- -rim al -1� ON k l Nei C 41-hSs 4�4- A. e . 4�0 vFAtXt 9rJ Xk--L Bald 4\4 'N TRAVPORT, INC. 9185 S.W. Oleson Rd. Portland, Oregon 97223 rebruary 6, 1978 City of Tigard P.O. Box 23557 Tigard, Ore(ion 97223 Attention: John Hagman Res Final Acceptance rreensward Park Dear 11r. liayman: Please reconsider our request for final acceptance of the above mentioned .iuJdivislon. Item number 3 of •.your November ? 0, 1977 letter nas been completed. J ?Zeyuiring :items 2 ander at this time is not reasonable. In both canes, we will have to remove and replace blacxtop around the man l.ioles. It seems reasonable to us that these items should be repaired just ,prior to installation of the one inch Llacktop overlay, which we t)lan to cor.iplete next summer. 'rte are keepinn the streets as clean as possiule. :with an active construction program, it is extremely difficult to keep Ue streets clean on a :laxly basis. lie Flan to sweet. and hose the streets periodicall., from this time until the blacktop overlay i3 installed. Again, please reconsider and accept the streets for main- tenance at tuffs time. The City is fully guaranteed that we will complete all items requ+.rera and has our mond to guarantee our performance. lJ Yours truly, Dale C. Deliarp!.ort January 24, 1;78 TRAVPORT, INC. 9185 SW Oleson Road Portland, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. Dale C. DeHarpport: Dear Mr. DeHarpport: Please note the enclosed copies (2) of correspondence. Our letter to you dated November 10, 1977 iterated that four items must be completed Drior- to Council action to accept the work; the remaining Items can follow such action. Therefore, we cannot act on your letter (dated Dpcember 13, 1977) at this time. Yours truly, John S. Hegman JSH/per Supt. Engr. Livision Enclosures (2) _aim Al..-_"M--17)7 i 1 6, ti November 10, 1977 t Dale C. DeHarpport Travport Inc. 9185 S.W. Cleson R.oad Portland, Oregon 97225 f Re: Greensward Park Dear Nr. L'eHarpport: ! In response to ;;our request for a finial. inspection of public improvements in the above referenced project, the followin.; list is a su=. a.tion of deficient and/or incomplete items that must be corrected prior to final acceptance by the City: 1. Streets cleaned 2. Mahhole "C" - top ring hes slip^ed 3. Fen.iole "JE'' - ccnelift holes require ;Mugging 4. i:anhole "D" requires lowering to match street -'ra:Ie. 5, or- inch overlay applied within one year. 6. InLIallation of sidewalks 7. Driveway aprons installed 9. fYlaintena.nce bond submitted to City Items 1. 2. and_4 must bAcomleted beAure our offing can re =pnd tentative acne tance to C ty Ccuncil; items and 7 ca.—n -Beco'.Apletea durin T,77 m7inspriance. period (ie. , after tentative acr_eptance�. Please let us know when items 1, 2, 3 End 4 have bee:. cor- rected. Upon satisfactorg inbpection and ;ubmitsion of your one year maintenance bond we will prepare a resolution reco=ending acceptance of t'i_- project subject to efore- mentioned items 59 6 and 7. Yours tr aly, Ebert Thoiapson City Inspector it.L/ aa TRAVPORT, i.NC 9185 S.W. Oleson Road Portland, Oregon 97223 RECEIVED DEC I G 1977 CITY OF TIGARD December 13, 1977 F City of Tigard 12420 S.14. Main Tigard# Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: Vie request the final acceptance for the subdivision improvements for Greensward Park„ The minor corrections required in your letter of :November 19, 1977 will be cont- : pleted sometime nem summer, prior to our ins a . a lon o i a one innnCIL ac - op over ayment., Please reduce our cash bond escrow agreement in lieu of our providing a maintenance bond. Our estimation is that sidewalks and driveway aprons can be installed for less than $9500.00. Ne estimate street trees per planning commission stipulation can be installed for less than $1000. 00. Yours truly, .,L d Dale C. DeEiarppo t TRAWORT, INC 9185 S.W. Oleson Road Portland, Oregon 97223 RECEIVFD DFP, 16 1977 CRY OF TIGARD December 13, 1977 City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 ",entlemen: We request the filial acceptance for the subdivision improvements for Greensward Park. The minor corrections required in your letter of November 19, 1977 will be com- pleted sometime next summer, prior to our installation of a one inch black-top overlayment. Please reduce our cas,i bond escrow agreement in lieu of our providing a maintenance bond. Our estimation is that sidewalks and driveway aprons can be installed for less than 59500.00. We estimate street trees per nlannina commission stipulation can be installed for less than $1000. 00. Yours truly, e Dal�ec �Ie?laro t November 10, 1977 uAle C. Deiierpport Travport Inc. 9185 S.W. Oleson Road Portland, Oregon 9722' ie: Greensward nark Peer Mr. E�e:iarpport: In response to your request for a final inspection of public improvements in the above referenced project, the followi.nr. list is a summation of deficient and/or incomplete item: that must be cor-fcted prior to final acceptance by the Cityt 1. treets cleaner. 2. Mahhole "C" - top ring hes slipped 3. Manhole 'IF" - conelift 'tieles require plugging 4. t;Anhole "I " requires lowering to match street trade. 5. One inch overlay applied within one year. 6. Installation of sidewalks 7. Driveway aprons installed 8. Maintenance bon6 submitted to City Items 1.9 2, 3 an(! 4 must be completed before our office cen recommend tentative acceptance to City Council; items 5,6 and 7 can be completed during the maintenance period (ie. , after tentative acceptance) . Please let us know when items 1, 2, 3 And 4 have been cor- rected. Upon satisfactory inspection and submitsion of your one year maintenance bona we will prepare a resolution recommen6ing pccept9nce of the prefect subject to efore- mentionet items 59 6 and 7. Yours truly, kobert Thorapson City Inspector ;4L/pr el o r PA-Oli� r.� r /111I Ve- 'vl'ee's- libu,("t OW r7 L ev /4t / /04k 04 cv L�C7 oe- 1r1 '/"rf�rolfrf /C /,QWP 0. 0 Fri eL Pi sAqrr-//V'^ o Act 6 0",1 ot io fk A6 o eop fore mc eA p j 0 41,5 r_$ CL S u M MCL//'O 0% 0.( le le 3 -51--f e 1(_T Wq 3 d-/On P%e d H A/ Copt A 10 11014P.5 V.Pej P/ft #a( e, t e 41,4 'o 4&44 Ilow ". 4 51- -el 4p L AMER OOISSOCIATES II"I'll A Cora, IPlonning Engineering p Surveying October 25, 1977 12263 Department of Environmental Quality 17.34 S.W. Morrison Street Portland, Oregon 97205 Attention: Water Quality Division Sewerage Works Construction Section Gentlemen: Project Name: Greenward Park Project Location: Tigard, Oregon I was the design engineer on the above-referenced project and did obSLrve the construction, and it appeared to comply with the plans and specifications as approved by the Department of Environmental Quality. Full inspection was provided by the City of Tigard. Very truly yours, WAKER ASSOCIATES, INC. V ' cz;( Gary G.I liss, P.E. Project Engineer GGB/sas cc: City of Tigard 10,950 S.W. ALLEN BLVD.. SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - W-9410 'A H E RASSOCIATES ��I'll�� �. C : I n neerin p Surv0 i n f Plan In En i g J y g f J 99 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - 643-9410 F"01: Gary G. Bliss, P .E. Project Engineer TO: John Hagman City of Tigard FILE:12263 DATE:10/25/77 SUBJECT, Greensward GENTLEMEN ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE. PRELIMINARY MAP TENTATIVE MAP FINAL MAP OR PLAT _ _ CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION PLANS _ SPECIFICATIONS CUT SHEETS FOR:! 1 set Record Drawings GRADING PLAN For our files YOURS VERY TRULY MIAKER A S C1ATE$,_I 0RPORAJTED YELLOW TO CLIENT PINK TO JOB FILE GOLDEN TO TRANSMITTAL. FILE October 21, 1.977 Dale C. De garpport TRAVPORT, INC. 9185 S-W. Oleson Road Portland, Oregon 97223 Dear Pr. De Harpport: It hes been called to the City's attention that some of the building contractors in Greensward Park Subdivision have placed incorrect addresses on the lots. Due to the fact it is the developer' s responsibility to assure the correct addresses are assigned to each lot, I have enclosed a map to Assist you in correcting "-id error. The engineering department is presently conducting final inspection of Greenswp!-d Perk so this matter re- quires ,your Rttention as soon as possible. If I cmn be of Any further essistanee please contact me at 639-41.71. Yours truly, John S. liagman Supt. Fngr. Liv. JSH/pr RECEIVED TRAVPORT, INC. 31977 9185 S.W. Oleson Rd ��T hortland, Orecion 97223 CITY OF TIGARD 9/29/77 City of Tigard Dept. of Public .lorns 12420 S.W. Plain Tigard, Ore,ron 97223 Gentlemen: We request a final inspection anc� ?cce•)t`ncu for Greensward Park subdivision. Also energize the struot lights. Our engineer will send you, as built, drawings soo. Very trul • yours, TPAVPORT, INC. Dale C. DeHarpport ..J s � September 14 , 1977 Portland General Electric Company Western Division 14655 S .W. Old Scholls Ferry Road Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Attention : 11r. Ken Snyder Re : Greensward Subdivision Dear Jen: This is _,tnt to acknowledae installation and authorize enercization of ten (10; street lialhts in said subdivision; billing to be as per P.G.E. Co. Schedule 9i, Option "S' . Very truly, John S . Ilac-man Superintendent Lngineerinq Div. JSIi/jh cc: City Fccountant Willamette Electric Co. (Tualatin) City of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST for INSPECTION TIME :-1-7- / z- 77 PERMIT NO. : _ DATE: / / — DATE ISSUED:—./- . OWNERS NAME : 9 j ADDRESS : y��, — I CONTRACTOR . -- ITEST. Ai► O, Water Ci , Virtual Elj� Laboratory [] RESULT: Approved Disapproved O Pending r[3 I SKETCH: I --e 6•3 G ��r1 ,'r G l l /r - r'D f _ _... I I I INSPECTOR DATE IUNOTE tacl supplemental foot data horst] I IWRTHWLRT NATURAL GAS COMPANY TAX CODE MAIN SKETCH L. UNDERGROUND- PHONE PRESSURE RATING&X-RAY wATEJI 1 •_ s� MSKR -p / TROT PRESSURE, � fol1O ►OWER !J TEAT OURATION VAL=TO Y)-RAYED % OESION►RESAUIIE _ PRO MA.OI j NORMAI 01olR.MRN. ►olio A DATE W ENO". .�-602Z+Ip9 130 /�,� r4it10 INSTALL MAIN �`�✓ FEET OF _ FORT Of (^� ASANDON MAIN FEET Of Fray or TYPE COATINGS ►1►E JOINtE / PITTING{ INSTALL QRVICE _FEET OF _ IN�TALL �'. A.VOOES: INSTALLED MAIN �PEI TOF _ FEET Of AAANOONED MAIN _FEET Of_._ FEET Of v 1 Ty►E COATINGS ►ME JOINTS_ FITTINGS- 6' \ INSTALLED SERVICE PEETOF _ '- INSTALLED--_`ANODE! _ Ohl l J, DATE COMLETED-- SIGNED Mill Tl APDIT IONAL INFORMATION OR{KETCMI t EM1lT'—�- 1 I MEASIIRlO DATE_ _ SCALE STAKED._Ir ' DATE SED,SIO 011AM1 DATE If wSLL 4L.... , r' t � � :' _. I'! � KATTED CNSCKlO DATE GATE SIGNED -- PLAT DATE WA1lMA/ v- B0NITA RD , _ MAIN RIORIt ORDER NO. [u /�/1 _ SERVICE m MK ORDER NO. AooRca ��/y /1�f��/3!�I�Ar �1'' -e "TwEMt11/! COUNTY r CITY 1l 7E...ES1AAc.— ►lAt NO. SECTWIIE foSENiNIF RAN" 1 1 r. 1 r ' 1 � ,12 1 a 6.11 3' 1 • x b i7�i� �Pnr Lo/ 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 t r Insto 1 2` V IVs I ulate Q Install T t leo o N 0 r� 0 + m * o n —+- .12"( w ) wwrwwwwwr�rrrwrwwwwrrwrrr�wrrrwr / 1= S . M . GREENSWARD LN . � J Lu �, 1 10 10 co t2 1 34 1 21 20 1 r GRFF SWARD �A -- - ' `� __ 1 = t � 1 14 1 2+5y 33 22 1 32 36 23 1 P to t7 L U+00 0�1 cn •rrrwwwwrwr�rwwrrwr• 31 1 " - S . W . I N E Z S t , 30 rzp 24 25 26 27 28 29 f _ rw S#j1977 207th day - 158 days follow •� TUESDAY 26 JULY Qoo ams T'ap ..�/vO w_ort�., A�1.� c`�L�"sa.�.a�-�' _ �/til ! „7� Gf�I►���_ . cof��� . %.r E. ►.d. ,b ,y - ._J./'���s�'1_.._.�IMn�P-__C_0{F►'1.._.G�r_��L_�•t�.S iRw�!�i_/�+.o,/�, / L u� . �OrI J_ �Drr.S�eh4 �� ��_.l�r✓OY��_._I�?d� �VP�_� i._� !/"/.k/_..�Var/C4��_..aroarl � 61.41* -- -.r `__� nlcvt .t-+�-s�,e.fi�'�o'�C-u�t�i -cam+�,t �I c r r� s�t�r cf �� /�-n• �i�-.-� e,...�. Aa- .00— 'CA -- ----- - - .�:/Y1v-��Y t.,,.�.r ' /3•c.b/�t�.N..r�!!��.�e-r+t c�.i�f'!'-�fAs� �j7ro'�'►'�'.•1..� �/,�/l _ �,r•.� � z-{!'t.Q-�,�' -t't 1.o�-,ti.tQ 71 �-t� �-��.. �-t*t..•-v- �-�� 5em- /(.s09 cJ'e 1)977 2061h doy - 159 duy� 1U011 25 MONDAY w w , p9 �. a r•. � (� tic , JJ -. �ur+,.n.e,- g6aL ._: N9�.hlorl_�1'4--Gtc ke . CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY J 0 B N0. PROJECT TITLE'-___. .0.0_ ci✓i�•rc��_. __ . __— w__._- __..----- DATE 7 _?- 77 �_________ __.. ___-.- . -__--• _ -.. ^ _- �R E )ATF �..,,A. 'ROBLEM!S ►TEM CoM►--- ... .._.__. ._.._. u�a�1 /ylc��-r. ___._.__—/_.�.o�• tV SPFC TOR ��~ i 197.7 701"I clay • 162 days follow FRIDAY E22JULY •�9� Si/A/IN __ �-k` �'-4��l.•rte �_�(� � 9a.jwe-,--,e /1/6 worle 6N s :.r--z6---pH,"it God a ya h ♦. �:�� JVMM�rrif�� I� • /VOwo,-x �,.. �;3v 1��IoM jam. Cl�•,� $ o .d wor�'iti or, Irq� SPwo. �'�,. . �•t�IrQ/ L'-S e�L6+v.+Y�4. Pri�n�. �ea.,.1 , iVled� ��r�n� k t IS //.S/d) 1 ai rll rsc e T i/! D.,• ,,T•�o•r C c,icr CAP wf�.ti wga.l wn I-o!„�.. k Tj.. �o�� 1'i.. a fc� � ///• �X4c 41 we,& Ca v4&-f/w,,- 4 c,sV -9.3-, !,��•�ci...�'' �. �"7La.� ../'-�+io-...—f�� �C2ls.,-�. �1! G7��✓�r �DO%•f/�4 !1J s+7uy-r�w..-��y✓�� /— evol:01 Cal) Ca11rd 4, r. _. Jc.s �'u �. �, _ �,-+, •.fid ln:K -- �''���-7 g�� r�•�.�t�� ....� 1��d�e . G�S,I 11�j. .e•Qe �r��.-�i,�,Y �+ '�or,�_✓ ,r/e,,�-- � �7 '� l�,h'►�, :�er�-y� zX,J _,(� . C4 97Y .rr J U LY21 19' 202nd day- 163 4/4� L THURSDAY c Uatt,14� . bJ . l�;Pti_E"��li_�rtroC..__ S1�lr w.c.2_�_'_.a�;r,-�t�...:. .�c� /.71..,l�'•�,( / X , AW 041 Jop FA 1410N8 ip'TION/OATE S`J CONSTRUCT .ON NOTES y� 1 1. All 12" , 15" , & 18" diameter pipe shall be concrete (extra strength ASTM C14) sewer pipe with open joints, mortar top 2/3 circumference of pipe. �E,C.>RA «T �7 2. Constructic,' shall conform to the following standard details. " �3i� /7 /7 B ' 1 1 Constru do Item Greensward Standard Detail A2,6 74 �3 1 Storm an o es SD-4 ` f 1 1 inlets SD-2 ✓ 3 ¢ 1 ` 1 Box Manholes SD-3 1 1 1 Vertical Curbs SD-1 Storm Sewer Bedding & Backfill SD-7 3. Excavate to line and grade indicated on drawings. Zy Ae �7 Cl ---� --� \ �I 1 1 1 4. Place 3/4-0" crushed rock pipe bedding to concave shape fitting curvature Iw�� f;E// /0 � / , 1 of pipe to grade shown on drawings . J I I I I I \ v J4 Te' /9, 4 .P•�P" /41.17 e,,e CizAm TC /9.354 D°, 2,3P7- Our ti I I 1 � 1 1 1 5. Place and join pipe according to manufacturer' s recommendations . lC. /9,fer4 L = /x'63 ® 1 \ I ) I / 1 1 „ I 6. Place 3/4-0 crushed rock backfill in pipe zone in 6 inch lifts and com- 7•ri C T.C. 194. 17), 2�j I ZD I — .6 /. 1 P P �— act with a ro riate equipment and methods to 90 percent optimum density LE -0 1 /O �'assmer�t � I � - 1 1 P P P PP P � Y 7e. /94JO P=�i2 �/ I I t'�. as determined by Oregon State Highway Department procedure for determining TC ;w Q=�7J041,, � `C I � � � 1 1 1 relative density of granular materials . TG' am I 76 I �f / i/ �'Q �C �j<<��/ I 7. Place 1'z"-0" granular backfill above pipe zone in 6 inch lifts and compact © I 2 � with appropriate equipment and methods to 92 percert of optimum density as determined by Oregon State Highway Department procedure for determining kb /9,j,Z0 LJ ./4��%B" I B �9 6 l----- relative density of granrllar materials. Of72,P1,PG: Q /9�?�5 L • 33' I �� i j / ;� 'f - 1 ,�y I i ✓✓I�O / 1 ` � ��,S�,SD.F�� .F� ((� TC X86.70 ,P•28 , ./ � � 1 � S� 1 � � � �/0� /T 1 le Or- s0 q faces of !. Peel.1lk'A'6 J/ � � TC ,��� !-i�.�r �,P of �. .8 � �,P�t, � �• � f�.a� � �,��� �' ®� i � 1 ' c6 a L-4.j 96 O ,P 9a �'.j - -� - ----- - -�- --- - �----- - O f X55 SOLS rC. %9S.03 0 �5 .P� lZ' /9�34 r % / f sof 0�4E6d 1� /2of LN TC /� '7 %rl�� lC �?DGS / /�/ VF.RMIt fiEa w�xd/� 1 ae BOX M.N. � T.G' /9/.Gil Of 45Lz: TC. /97 1 /f4S SOLe TC /9D 4 '57 WALI cat 1)4 4�.�/ !G .�C X80 y `0 `gyp ,M I - � w RECORD 0RAW1NG,S PREPARED FROM FIELD STAKING OATA kNtD � C FIELD SURVEY DATA. XND X-S-61110 1K1F0Pk&#,TJ()Q PROVIDED BY C O N T R 1a.f,T O R . • Ot/7 b �' � � /�o �1� iq�oo �� � � 2 I BOD � /8�OD /✓D •!.�C •!/C • Q /840o V C % v� - � ' C 125/6,3.6,5 ONT 2) Le C a uu J" 4. . I g / v ad9 ® " � o a b 6 �. _ � � Eis�. 6' ox MJ/ Of/8 T. G : /93.63 � ----_ QQ� C /E /90.00 Out _ �o --, ' /90.70 /� i� W _ @0.02, 6 /E /c4B.7o� 4f6,j�f,S�i�F`.SyOi� ---�. -- ............ '�-� - ----� �_ .__. - _.................... 1 Q. cr)tOrM d c/i/7 L/rte �3 i7 '• 6V Jig i(/orfh b BOX ►�H O t 'L 8 1 ��� I E 188 ,79 200 SlraA D,P�I�N LAEJ/ T� • �3� � ' f -2//Z'` l.� /E. /N �In � ExisZ`. Grouted'l f /2 C'� it.-� /E. /?5'.Gt01h /(/a•-f1 w�,� ,--Ea'ist 6�-ound 0.03/7 /95 0.0424 ?"G /83. /5 l80 � f JOB NO. DESIGNED o.� � N DRAW 170 .3� COMP. ..c-20 /rV . . . . , • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHECKED s /E' /90.00 orrr : : : ` G D / 2 : : : : : : : : : : : : . � : : : : . . i: : : : : DATEJT . . . : : L.WALer : /''--50' lZ. ;tel (.�.� . . . / I/ /F�4 EES Na �= o- ....••.................... ...................... . .....•.,...,...••..........,•.•; �...... b !.. ..' / D /Q / : : x . . . . . . . 1 . . : : 1 : -_- .. . GREE N,GWARD PAF,'I•: f]F 15 ` v 9 OF 6 SHEETS r - �lltllll II11�111i��1�1 il�`�111f,11 1�'+�1I11111.[ ;111 fl�l ( CIII�III�I) 111111 III�IIIIIII�II IIIIItItI111111111111111I1111111I�I�I111'1111111{III�rIlI111111111111111�ii111111 ;� ....___. 1 .. 1 . NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED 3 4 5 g 7 e 1 0 1 1 12 I _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTI�'TT IS DUE TO QWItITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAW ING. . � Ot! 62 9Z L f 9Z SZ 1Z EZ ZZ la OZ 61 81 LI 91 o1 bl EI ZI I I 01 � L 9 S 1► F Z 1 r•a.. I I -' ��II�IIIInu�Inllnn�uul�n1�1�1r1111r�11111IIIttlNlml�unh������uh�c►�nluil�la11111tt1111t�IHt�hlt�ll�l�lU111111 II�IMr�t Iwlull�nlllllll�llll�)LIIN�WUU�IIIl��1lU�NU�Uu�,W1�NN •� _ _ JULY 2 1992 lop" k r. ,... _ e ry y r a REV1810N8 N0. DESCRIPTION/DATE MY ' s oe� BQ_B_x-9.7 L\ Pew G'G.B. Z;87 JIW LE 3)_.Sr.4tB Nwp PAP^04 /lEoaire� ? N1�'4ZG�W 4 6 liV I yIll ----i _ r-�-- � I � 1 I I I ! 17 / ot 20E fl' TC If 6�7 17 V, Z 16m , WIP � x/7,3" iC /�,j c� s�fA�'L�• N©�t� � `� j M c C OWN zt �i RF-COP-0 DRAW 114 CS PREPILRED VZCIM, FIELI) STAW-IkjGt DATA, AkJb F!ELD SURVEY DkTA, A`ND /tis- BUILT IN OIt�tM' �O ►�: P�O� 'DSD 8Y C��TR4CTOiz I \\ %n ; M W a Aa9 !/G' \ /,CINNERc r C 141 V C �.. •ti Edi, ' G�ae%Q to d1 ,0i17 41 to oo-w/" INS 7G /80dfo Jae NO. 35 1.17 est /i7 DESIGNED G7/, oz f' DaAWH cOup. CHECKED DATE 00 o�,�i rINZ Z SHEET NQ r* 6 SNEET'S _ ✓, .. ,Mti+ v+.,.a, „ +.v,_.—.____--- '..�............. r,..,, .e .w.�w- .,•.aa,....... k �el�►ww ' mom r. �I �' - I ; i I 1 � 1 .1 1 �1 �� � 11���111II� �II�, III � �Illjllrll) �IIIII) 1111111�1111�11IIIIIIII�IIIIIt1'111IIIII1111111IIIIIIIIIiIIIIlI�i1111�1111IIlI1II�11111��1111111 ... f,•., � �' � r , � NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED tram _ . _ _ (3 7 8 ® i�., I I 12DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN � �' 1 THIS NOT;,CW TT 15 ONE TO I QNAt TY OF THE CAIGINAL --DRAWING. t dZ I �► Ia q Me fie *II �� :� la OZ 61 61 dl Ill III rl 191 !1 11 AI 6 O L y S IP E z I , ""'" .�^°�^;`�"` . ,.`" ` '.".J �nllinllnnlnulnlnlun111j1�rlulu1�,1111111I�I1111u�naallla� ,IN11i1Mu1�NIftltlllli�l�ult... tlinllnn�nll!u11�IlublL1i�11W�U11�lI�.IlIt1uI11��11N a SFr V�� JULY . i ..,. 1977 ?OOih dray . 165 clays follow yb>•'i JULY E9 TUESDAY L/11 112 ��,.d �.�,,.'S�.aw� `� ,d�,�•riu f>^ Lc� r'V+•�f �.,•6 �i�i_.0 t.� •wc..o� •rsto .iaw, 1,i v, �.•, N r�G 404• C.r.14 • e^A. ,1�4 rf l . e,,1^.d�l av J�c<►� 7� Q -�w... .' GtG .5'( (�' ,ter G.•u,.!lc�-y .,c.� ,a � cc. 9C, /.! cGr .�,.-.(1T� . Ps, 6 cv,,cl'•11 .--lC,✓•O 1.•L.I}, Ct/ ,t..ti, r I .SWIdTIt%- i�r-e—►"fit /�!'t'G�t / 6,, r Jif,.►/ 411 • ��..t I l (r✓ •/'��y`�J �...W �/L�rk�,�✓L C•� v'L�t G.!`'T'�►! .�'�'�i+'t-r..� .y!�t% ��r•I v l w��,y/ dr.� �c��� 6 �.v �-f�/Z4`+[c,iC�.A��/ -- i kc�( EllE co t t ..Lr-y sc�Ci, t'�il�ti ,�� . `C .•ate' as, c o t`/{r va LSC i 4 dko A4. C4 1977 193rd dqy - 172 days follow ' -TUESDAY 12 JULY 1-4 FO o eV -t/,.x. ;uJ tcia�.rr.•/ 1 yIStM1� co w4+ z *010-i_ tf�:�v �"(/.•-y..ti..•,e''�,,�+�•�....�'�G•-�./►�'M-.h?.F. . ,.(I+,�i�iC.dG1:� P•Z,,,�.;,ILA 10.4crt�a ew .•tio-t✓.a.l rc 2PI 14 Iv ems. c�',e•,. r !! st rroc).a/it►a �a� f7JQe�0ov ca.eta. 44C �tu .f 44. d-14e P.- l-,rt a a4t -t444,,,,.�;� LG'1`" � wt�.yf•� � Nl�,,w•l? 'TT�'4�' � _-2tt�/ t•�a�,/,� �Ow�,li ��� 7>LI, CEc��--�'n,,(.���� f v i (.�L`� CSR S tr _G Ze�..� ..•. .rc •tip ..4f! / ote e/ `t• q,yo 2 I �� � '7?''-cam �-�° s� G�C/�C,.✓ ..f.:.�.?'�L.-u...-�/.,.� ,G�,,.�-r t-��.r� _ .2: .�� �u rs►. +y> '. /0 o[�*>C�'1�fc ..,2���� t, r� -4- C41-/ is 3;� CITY OF TISARD, ORE , ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY ,10 8 M0. ----._ . PROJECT TITLE' -�r; JATE H E$S 1 .)ATE ►R0®LE M �. iTEM t (-)Mr 1977 :ulPi d �U THURSDAY b/rYi /gS�ia /►n a/�i�tJ//G F".+y/•rt.�v.•d Q��/'ONr.Ij �.sl�,,,,..e�.f C�EJ� lA'�.� C<�rb' W .QTY .q.nwL./ �•• 1 •►P..i,' 9'r,r, </,�[� �[r �' i/liki cu•a, .Ld .. ,r, v 1 ' ..J -�I Y �(,•�` ��t ^-i!i[L[d'f rL�../`[�I�'������r,/rL, �0� �f� �ti f G i..p/Pr r..-/�w•t{ !t I'e•",a•.N Q-/U cf �� .SN�s7•n-11("-el Ct/�y0r..l� f S/pfwwa�� fi'riJ ��� ! �/ f•''�U 17fI/�Lc�Ovd �, L'q-I[ /rrt's4�.-at< t461"'LL'�[ / 1�1,c o l %r (��17•y�c1�. i c v-,�, %_����� �o rrv„ �c[�a� �� 7,�'lJC� ���<-t.1��/aaP6d� E�«•,d..�, /,/,, , L> Cy7 r d cz.-/, 1977 186th day - 179 days follow JULY TUESDAY 9'p o F..• IjG�-s'oti•4�rrr•1�•�`�^'�. ���j -r���.,�:.. Gr►''a,i. 7Cs�,c� cL Ccs-L ���►'�+�.. i 9��v/�c,�+...J� hi...s fo�R:J �d,�� �;. .,�-.,-�,�.�l�'/.c�z6 -�/��.�1 v' B-�t�1a�/•t-�•J .CIA$ f-`b .6�.C.� iri�f.�M..�La 4NM.'.I'� •S lw/I a/L/4. /0;ii a«, .. �ar�-►+u Cp/jn; -5 Ji,M}nr -tet -L�� �av'4�cr•.r, (/ll Cllr 4uv) .�.. .•c,vt a.l y {ir*^/'•�vw, G.��,t'��1'1il.w�'Z CiI'C'U, y �✓ r��..�te•�-r� � •1-�� 'l��/1 �d�'-�-t. � /r/1�4��•T to c /( .S 1a�^+l eve l/,'uoA'r. />"1�'rrs><v�� � f�a�+ i�)f�(�:� Q�O�.•�oZot'�a! �. ��e�, � . 1 + /1'3e 4c4 -i—A"-4 6 p-c�f'p�c`y . cQ , �s•�,ti. . , -er --t luta .P-., ,�'..3U 1 �i•,,'H�.�{C�d /V; �,a"`-f,•�G�F'•,..Q+'�t.rf;...,, �a/f f�"'T J�7� c�'Li!-.v•. �3�/Q1 t , v t Hr" ti R 1 of Q�wd c(�� , CQ ( Ele. •/r.?k,.L, �] �t��p"411, S.`� v� . r-7, C `^4r+�6�l�.f CITY OF TIGA. RD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB N0. ----------_-_-_ _- PROJECT TITLE:__�A al 7m DATE '. P R G R E S,S TO DATE : �.Sp",t,-_^sax -4 S SPECIAL PR0BLEMS' EST % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION:._.—_-__�Pu.t_�.. Ali) A I N S P E C T 0 R jel(;::49X' 1977 179th day • 186 days (allow TUESDAY 2H JUNE /,4')' 75 3'S C=-LGt -ts.' Vet..�� �ir� /�'�'/ •_ / l/d���f Cc's./( (�•y c f�...•c.ar �yL ,�i�e'�"(r1 � .`Su--� G� .TcG��������L tz�(r../-. Cir... �t� ���/��r,,.e'sT� t' G✓�It'-n 5•r'. r-<< .C.t�, Citi�.41' n� �U,'t%D d•n'l !Uui, L(Jc'�uf *�' Dim/(��.ti �• L'�(aG�Y .SpKr,f O`er C' r:� trn !✓C.�/'7: /<<t L ...vc�of ..1 t/i�✓ /�� t�t-ai�,�yLtf �Lr.�..,t� L/r!•�G✓I r-t--.1 y' �. s�t�, mac, �+t+ l t� t'C'- n,l p� 1t ul.ti Jt✓ rtc rt;, �tl, F/,!Z J 00,1►�, `�I ri�'s Gt tom' J�'t C! C r L .i`•�1 L�ZLG(, fIC'c�G�l� ,-sliiy r�t� �( Jail n O '�ci d tuu.�l c� .ts 5 c' /_..4 .i�Y''C !i�/���L. 'I -ew-,� OC�Lt-d`1'7 .� �'t-L 4 Z,•'� (/Gc�;,.c.. �t t 0 r v ••�� .�0_^�_r•�P"�•-t' �r�LC/i 7CCNt c� ,/ �1, vIA f V 1vv ,a C4•+L C' ,'!D%►r 1;t k�d Jv�1 i1 L+h "i C{{�t ,_. �t1 e f rY1 a. f, cL �>!o•t �,-*+.�. li•i,-'S . r ^ eA.-l .7 lti p.?`vs k•,� �`l .c�.� y 1 CcG'C . I/blit uaY - 10/ uuyt MONDAY ) I � S_�' �,.V.11_.GN WT'S_1 Y•� 1 _.,..._.- .1 • �/�•��`i .• r� .���/ h 1 � � yt.�J ` "qty ► 1 i � 3 t. . '%t ,�-�.�. ,S/lL•� ,•,ti.__���k�a._.-�•r' LL�< C�•`/..-'T. �r _ r.c�<�+/ � dry, j Xf 7 / CcJL cv� 1977 1750h dnV • 190 days lullovv FRIDAY L4 JUNE / r n .. DCI (�✓ L/4'• ✓.-1.. rt�r fit.�tll�tf t ft...' �.�.s f.',ca.n•1, ' '.�.-.•.. ��i'..G 1. •• � t i ttY ..�-[� J' C �t.ral./ 7 r'T•L'✓ [.f j_� (�i-i> wino l//• I &• t t • �•�•' f. , /.'N•' •y� r'UJ '1..1 fti .' ' L�..t., Lr�` ..-..� (./../,'' �/ �: j, '•�t�•_.•t,.r.r r.• ay r.; .'�• rt. rr��wa r . ffw•� Gt..•. .w..tt� L� i.�tf y .�/ Y�(. C.t e� '1 � Cv•� "' S..ct _ tl t�L�r-r 1 .,a.rtt (t..•... c�'t t' c`t C •..� C.�, �,.� •%�. �•C'�r t L Z• r r�. . Js..�,• ( .�u L• r, � w • ��� {L %�(s��e, .. fy�,�,.� ! •� �^.�.. r-� �/h••.,� �•.C CSL/'� �,w7 '�T_� Sal A•.� .� c%, �. _�... ,..� � ri i,rj•� .%�7 C,.cfr't•s •,^••. ( t.�.� . ''I � C t�� . ..'. r� .fi('.•� � ,� lst.—•,t..,� _.e.r,r..s l' � c(-t t /1i�C��tr'��•y + ,� =' // ( ,f� �1„�L..� c .,% •tw.�/ (_'l�•r. �( titc•. /r.{ f{t a•�- • _. CC4l ��f/ .�t•� _ :� � rrlL ,� i.y. , �i (� -�Gr•c •�rr' l� /)� �•+�A jT.; t�• /Zt < .' �• Lr�y� ' . r ---------------- F 1 ^a '0! ' 1977 "nth day • 191 days follow JUNE s..1 THURSDAY . r ��% .��6!Al/�7/r f e�''',/D Y,1/�y ,7 �. t v ,e,n.�re•Ys ,� ��W .v.1 _Jw 44 1 G- Ct �u•�• Y /''^7/; i� <<m rri. •Sc: —� y���' ✓/f�' ' C4',,,.c„ Ct.^r�r G'a lit r'�� -zr.:, , IV IP" �i'(.' �,;J..tc rl•y,,,ti4`�t-•�. /U + �c.( �C'-c�_�y�' �/� �=�:�,c_s.�C r v r� I /r►r�. /aC.✓ ..+2, �'� 7 IE ct�f' S 'F l� �R.✓4 .y�. - � C:� i 1 A t h �• .Nn r` N,+."WALL 1977 173rd day • 192 days follow r� 0 WEDNESDAY �` JUNE - ?S 710Or✓1 6,�hwW4�� 6lS�d ,__r1r1�t_�.+-e_t5. S �� G�pf�nSta'.,✓J .4 . (�`Y�Ot' L.✓ �` N,yA 1✓ / � s� JL.'Vvc' ,_. C`�rG da ..,�j< �y �irc Nydr�•,/ dn SW.�.+ri���w.wJ Ln. /O.lnlerCv... o.�c acs i. Lt-'Kv/j . .C�^ �.1.•� �U.'CC. (�r�1 , skMM•,��� Id.}��U ya...le sic, C,4..._.a—'k. 4-..r.L.: M1 _ r I ' JUNE TUESDAY 1977 172nd day - 193 drys Collo.• -•Y �� •�.1•;,,rN_ 0� 7� sem.,,,, r —C/ .L7lL• k!y^ P����._C1'�'._.. S/�r�w l rK�_•,� Vn _6oS� • -__-�_�r�.f��_1_'Q./.�!.r�t.�r'�'t•:#_��•�6__x� i►_-•-i.f1�aK���+ ��.�t�.�r `-- � _AW Is..�.6�. _.Q,rltrww.. c•k f �5 ,Qas,_�. _.. .� � �. SJR fed r� �t �ro?u.d fc �, �f �fal .S'.�t��r .d_� ,•,f.r �•re... ,s y�,;,� j _LOILd__Frt ler t tSn _ sw� ��? /l��l v►. w.w r� f ♦ ` 1 •5v r/ i s ' v-4.c•-- fi'r�.__�__�___.�._ccse__�j �' - � a,+.f __ ...4/�G'� 73 / ,y/ JI.�L.,_z%C L!Lli rLK f/-e__ct�/Q; / .. t2 - 1 /V C "Z G� .(_,_/.C._.V✓%-T_'l-I G T'T�� p 41L v G f_ �'� G �Lr.� _C'�.._/•`lis�_�._IrtOf�c�_.Ga( d-n Ci7Q+E"G•LLL /,h t �c.' •ac ev tiG,..., � ,�' `�-��tt'R`�'-t'"`'�sti...s�, �C.. Z•..,.+•t.tw., - -- _ va iK/l11 /� �f:- r/* t-`�� �•l r pve 1977 171st day . 194 clays lolls:. ` MONDAY JUNG WJ /••'•'t/z»'l. J,$/rI a/�r /�r,rt�. 'l 'r7!'%°�p•rvr/t p-r�rft' . b�'r{�7'r���,�gG•� i1rN rn Cv/ft J (� (�/-(I J r.•T l'' .3 1�'/tir•1 5�,..� an J^j/, i s Frr.•e .7 1t•�. �[1,9!' - ort. WCrko"I I,. ff .c-, r"t/r. 6rrc-< �IU ♦c�Git..J� /4r-./ 4' trvt•,r y,.r/ ..<�►+r G�JL•C/' u.,K O c.IL k� �r•'c./C �'-a�Cl".,.•,,,..:..,•�,, ..s.u�ar` /r r Z.l.s/icl j3,,,k•c,/o. C• /6'Rt 4 •L _�'r7na,oa'•C ��, �/? .�rlrvjrr,r Fief/ .441r/I'/i (rI/j 'J .Y�•��.I'S ,� 't �i�,' �.✓ .y�f-.�L�•/ Ath Cf'1 - fad ev" W//1 /�` $�r ,tr *'� _l Vit;, �l• 5•1� .-e^zs�i Cx1.I �rss c.i'.j 4.+.y � C,t.Gam''f - �'��^- u`� J��J nt 3/.,� f .�,�,, Nrrci s ;{i�`'e„r� d :•� .s. • ,�'�!=o.F rl .5,., .r-1.../�rrYS / �N7 I !�',r't''J,/%i/ry L�r tp:�.)air.l r.-7 �lL�','Y ��i?/.n_ �.P.,. 1v�7.2'e✓ i/'!cr.�.cG..i�y ./tit� I.'� iCC/(Ol�r r .�sG �i _ F� ....,....,,•.y' '� I ,./ '' �4'r .'-` /:.MrA!www'+.''"�"w••�w..•�.,'.�.w_.......—_..•...... _..........�...-. .. .. _ .... Mw �.,�, 7��J '/��^ ��'� :�'IJ.u� '.,l -�-/.t.��'Cir"r_<.r�' '/rd:J /r , Sa�Ct• �rri..f,�, .147 r / ��� /rte �� �t.�1//.//rV1+• ro,•d Lt/� ! -� d rte^ T /�� 1_.. • y�:ir S. ri- Y.C'/lr�/ �ir.'G� ��' �L 1/ r F✓t•4•iG' (7�.v1' f✓1„eN�rlt.•.. �"G'� 4�.. t�i.c(�•�/. =�C.. `n r n i l 1977 J U N t= F R I FLAY F 'L'•+of u,v SucruJ I hmart el c/. ; '. ��.�,�.,f;rlJiu. �/� .� �., w�„ �.,sF�er.� /ply. ell, �4,e `� /4 S n� (*� %_cvs,r41�'iwt�i Or �[:•�l C.a aT ♦14 /L' .tj�jll CTt'/L✓srC C�..rle��! L, ��J �r1��IC.�L.'\ �) ..t;•C"7 {.�•/' stc.rt,/ „� G� �IY, /�. �•t.... x/. /C n? t-24 5`/ l' C'u—i o-vt !•tit s {/s,'� .3� _,e..,' L .•v.. Cli. �'•[•.•� :'�.�� r1G'L 1.•Z`�w iJiC•:.�•.� C�i:� L��'�JJL,e,.a'L( /��.•�.•,�/ LC�C�/i.:�� ��1 ri�'1�n� /1•.'..,L"1. U-:'t•C-t1/ ,•S[✓�.�/+J'/�✓l r�-•Y C •'( lZ�C''` ?.:: (�/ -t-. ,. s`,•t ./. /t'rr i.�a. (•• �.!'t 't"'i'r' s rte•.. /J,.��.[a�. .�� !�C/-:�.� c'�:I�.n.is�.{t✓\ • •�7 �iYl L'I��n L�'G y'.� %Lrr�C. �.�,r� J'Y� I •?etrJ '.1 �s-� {�Ltt. %u'... s• c�.-•�/�,jri. .J�d�-�.i�tt�yt^4•,.�`; LL •�-�i'� '�. M�• �� I�r�1, ✓�I-`'f .•_ i` •.cr��\ t r� f�,l..•n .(i.,: 'Jc',•' r. ,Sw Cr'rl� Z'21� ��< �,•. . t'j' , �.r_Cr /vrJ�e </�k•"►Qt�/5 �li� , �/ s� �b.w•�� �i,�tj.r� /G �� r.�9t�.. L f'. lurn�.l 4e_ -Ili Jack �G.��� �.4✓' fife,/' t�.i/ � .0%;'. rvt.rlfil J Pt'I 1 i, It 5 f C C'�c.,,� /i'<.l,.C�yc'l' � a �(-/�, e 4 / /r t , �..�: �.•• ' _4c.C; V_- L/1z7��/'vl'. )4el (+'t`yRt:_.�c .I.v�� .•,.; f�•,�. 1 �iZ�(ft� �o Por(IandGeneral [JectricCompany CITY V:LStERN DIVISION 1"G4HO 14655 SW OLD SCNOLL,S FERRY ROAD IJ BEAVERTON OREGON 67005 6435454 Geri t 1 emen: Re: �-renrwari Park Subd.-36 Lots Attach?d is our proposal for providing underground electric service to the above mentioned subdivision. Oui preliminary investigations suggeat that this proposal is compatible with existing and/or proposed project and utility construction, lowever, if there are any conflicts with your existing or proposed installation, please contact me at your convenience in order that the plans may, be modified. Very truly yours , ('. R. Palmer Estimator Job No. Copies to: 1 Tigard Water District - 639-1554 8841. S. W. Commercial St. ,Tigard ,0 r 97223 Attn: Robert Santee ] City of Tigard - 639-4171 City Engtieer , 12420 S. W. Main St. Tigard Or 9722.3 1 City of Tualatin - 638-6891 City Engineer, 18880 S. W. 80th Ave Tualatin Or 97062 , Attn: John Block 1 City of Sherwood - 625-7377 90 N.W. Park Ave„ Sherwood Or, 1 city of Newberg - 538-4712 City Engineer 414 E. First S " , Newberg Or 97132 , Attn: Leonard Smith 2 Yamhtil County - 472-9371 Road Dept. ,County Courthouse McMinnville , Or 97123 3 Marion County - 588-5036 Marion County Dept, of Public Works , Salem, Or 97301 , Attn: Claude Fal-lin 2 Clackamas County - 655-8521 Clackamas Co, Engineer Dept„ 940 Warne Milne Rd. ,Ore. City, Or 97045 Attn: Pat I Wilsonville - 638-11565 City of Wilsonville , Rt, 1 , Box 4 , Wilsonvitle ,Or 97070 Attn: Earl Wood 1 StFte N .g hway - 653-3099 Right of Way, P. O. Box 02157 , Ptid. , Or 97202 Attn: Ted Inlos 2 N, W, Natural Gas - 226-4211 123 S.W. Flanders , Portlend, Or 97209 Atte' D. W. Milts n711 C Lot rd T�f S!!v"R1r i°f►�w , E �� al IL jet.. Ae ti. r,,, •tel } ,h. A X-/fin A-/4+3 Nr. /jiur/�yt DN•EiLrr �,, t �' jjNSrALL 3 - 144 S Carew r s i 9N fiti. N Jr. F- -K�tw+ x 14-040l \4#1 i FOS! /od 7- W mb-to t0 MitZ \ X11. w y 1./N8[ "CouNE: !"i"'.�wv+LY 0 _ '' - _ _ •S;'C.%� V C m 'r�Z A. Q Z �� Nj "•PK L'irvY olf _'7t^--� ._ `&K& 4/"/"7C C'w"vT W Z fv- cr c� wtel f / 5E a tu'I'A'IfeJ 3J rhR w vi G > J w Ilk Y ,� t nn. AatN (t p„,iv,Rtrr•,r..a [0 U 9 /Ja j 13.A. f �O fh y It i %nW W U fid •.n N � .. Lc1 �' 1 M` 6*1 Wn 01 CA 36 r_ y 7 ? EtLkN ta y' iV �1 �.. � '� � l.+�lYl'l7'► r� � lL _J,1� III on Ls k /_�L_ , Errsrru. a.-/Ms4�" , dv b Z;Ifr /•/3 � CC* AO�J SM 9T. RAfa2 AGg1t owe ` 1• .•+'�" /N N11 L'LI.E! �O1"1aNN ,v A 40" Is F"i TIa. tO.,y 1.1 r rn�.�, owA1/IAIlSORF �.11GML' � / J � ��p Pin. X-PW#rl M IAAJ r a., ,JIYW Pt'DFL t-MWfA A lrp�' rl 141 1% 1� r '31 lRlb 40 3y. L WL lk AWr#4 5%K#J0P0W L4 V f4 -/o e5 A*ww 44 Ew vi,toomts rfrzer opt AArMe L L. mere tvv Soramm ► Oj—w,L'C rim 11 r Man SAwvp(:& -ho 7AWAv.lw.,rt" ok ovvw.r-AW, F- 6c, 7TOT Iybtor&i Amn- Pm" p/ti-S.P. r, f')"Ps NE OT ►19r .0/m pm !to. Sr ttdor C-jAv.v,r A rb PA. 1, 04 5 Aw F 4or - oqNmof f, 08 tow I )r Is a A"rp, foWomf-e Ai r r I t-7 I F'X,r r-n -f)I,:f av-" f, I ikoS 0,Al 1. #A,L). 4)OW f 04.S - 4MM4 1 f-fea, /I So w,t.o Yf 1. !TOLL lot�m%w ir C4 Jr%O'r Alf-'M 9�Vlg f 0•'4." tA.P Ir Lf 0 1*1 10 ft 1010 �?ay 25, 1977 Mr. Mike `?andbur,6 Washingtoz; County Health -epartment Washington Co,:nty Court House Hillsborop Oregon 97123 Ile: Greensward "snitnry Sewer Lear Mr. .'andburg: This is to Acknowledge that Sanitary `'ewer plann have been approved by U. .A. , li.i".G, and the City Sanitary Newer service will be available to all lots therein at the, lot lire. :fain line construction is now underway. 'Yours truly, F?. L. Thompson Engineering; 1Avi„i nn PIT/pr III III I I r!1 n 0 0 0 N) 3c, 0 0 0 -Q N c 0 4 O 0 0 0 c 0 00 0 w. 0 'n 0 0 Jill Ill III __ O 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 ON 2 0 0 C O 0 0 W, O In 0 qT o C4 39 W j o 00 K) 0 z cr) k LO w Z C4 L) �.-z 0ww w cn w 113 0 CIL 0 t; U) 0 (n cr w uj z W wa fC W LLJ c CL V -j w u 0 0 < z (n z uj PRCCEDURE FOR CONCUCTIF"i ACL"EPTrLL10E Tr^.ST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 1.. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs. Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground wat:ei, i.usert a pipe proh'? by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material aijacent tc the center ')f the pipe, and determine th•-! pressure in the probe when ai , passes slowl, through it. This is the back pressure due to ground watei submergence over the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test shuuld be increases by this amount. 4. Ad,1 air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the. nt:ernal air prejsure is raised to 4.0 prig. 5. ',necl, exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with a sc :p .solution. If any failures are .)bserved, bleed off air and make necessary )repairs, 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute _, fir air temperature to staLV Izs, adding only the amount of air regvirad to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, dis,,onnuct air suppiy. 8, When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwat:h. Uetermine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air preesure to reach 2.5 psig. ' ;&j time interval should then be compared with the time required in second3 as computed on reverse side of sheet. 9. Li3t sizi and length of all portions of pipe un,'er test in tebl-- i.o one sh.n,m on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use sec'.?s r' aa.d L,, r_-al F. C, and enter these values in the table on reverse side or s:►ce.t. 11. Add all values of K and all values of C ic; i:'pe ti,idter L=eat. 1.2. If the total of all C vilues is lees tha,i c t.e, enter the -ot.a,l c, ;l K •ralues into the space for "Tim(: Required .r. Sr.c► i i.i " 13. If the total of all C values is greatet th,►n ane, divide th,� ti%e, 1: values, by the total of all C values, to get t.q. Tc make. this :'?.� l� .'h the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read t4, I, I I T7t n: 4 0 I T O a S n �a �� r, v O O lq p p U a �a �i n� v TR'T c vQ G p O O O p V C N O Y h to N 2 O V O J I C L Jfr U O OI m N b b 10 M N cu 0 CL O CL iL a ac O ri O Y O r Z r • F' O J O C7 O O 9 n u u r� p O O Q tP I q O "I 1 N In O f' YW�Illl�illl�IIII�IIIIIIIII�IIIIiI111�IIIIIIIII�tldild�hhllhlr�rl I�I�IrLllllll��il�ul�11�11111III Ilr I I I I I r I i I I i r I r J Q O W �- Wcr I OTD Zn0 Il t � \ W � I a � r- o 0 f W O N .y � CCl v \, O w F 1 O \^ �if V) W 0 v~i N o z a. Mw W — O Z e _ y w W a. �f a W W w a O 0. ~ V C) to �► Q W U O O Z 0 2_ a Z Z Z O W O ►- J H p O V � J , W - I N � 1- PRCCEDURE FOR CONUICTIA!0 A.XFPT.'.:'CE T;:ST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, Brace obch plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground water, r.►►:c:rt a pipe proh� by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material aijact:nt tc the center )f the pipe, and determine th:� pressure in the probe when air passes slowl, through it. This is the back pressure due to ground water submergence oval the enc; of the probe. .,.11 gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Adel air slowly to the portion (,f the pipe installation under test until the :i.►iternal air pre:sure is raise l to 4.0 psig. 5. ',heel, exposed pipe and plugs fcr abnormal leakage bar coating with a so::►p Solution. If any failures are j�served, hleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 p:;ig is obtained, allow at least two minuet.-; fLr air temperature to stal.ilize, aiding only the awount of nit rcyuirad to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air suppiy. 8. When pressure decreases to i.5 psig, start stopwatcl►. Determine t_he time in seconds that is required for the internal air preFsure t.o reach 1.5 psig. `d:.i:, time interval should then be compared with the time requ!red in secon(la as computed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List siz � arid length of all portions of pi.pn u-v'cr *est in tr_.',i. � to one shanm on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute v, and C. Use see:;.ss c ani L, - 1 1' and enter these values in the tatle on re verse side or ll. Acid all values of K and all values of : rc; -):'4,e u►�d`r ,-est. 11. If the total of all C v clues iz. less tha►► cn�a, enter the :offal c. , l K values into the space for "Ti►T�r--: Required ir. ;rx(,nd.3, " 13. If the total of all C values is greatet than one, divide the to ." values, by the total of all C values, to g!t tq. Tc mak(.. this the nomograph, use scale: C and K, and read t4, 11111111 11 i IIH 1111111111 ' mss- - o O O " it[ W 1I} a Y v 7I IY 1 o O O O O N p O C `. � T O d r0 a V. J a cci Q o d ao c6i c N n � :L CL o " O z u in O O O N 1!1 O f" (�41�IIII;IIIIlIIlltit III III IIIl C7 � r- a ' V NCID r� y co C 1 M \ S N Q c> G, + -� rn m O m O .a p U W W C O N D F- \ p j kJ z J UU • ♦ W V W } \ O O N W O 1 ` z N It W u6.3 - Z f' -1' J q W _ p a W W 0 OO � v O W W Q N !_- J J W U H ~ 2 "� h _� �[7 Q Z 2 z (� O to � � x PRCCEDURE FOR CONiXCITING ACCEPT,".:10E T"ST 1, Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs . Brace eicit plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground wage , 1.u=ect tz pipe prop" by Loring or jetting, intc the backfill material aijact-:nt tc the center 'if the pipe, and determine th^ pressure in the probe when H1, Basses slowl, through it. This is the back pressure due to ground water. submergence ovai the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test shuul.d be increase] by this amount. 4. Add air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the -j.ut:ernal air prejsure is raised to 4.0 prig. 5. '•necl; exposed pipe and Plugs fcr abnormal leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures are >bserved, bleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. AfLer an internal pressure of 4.0 prig is obtained, allow at least two minute , fir air temperature to stabilize, adding or,ly the amount of ait rcqulrad to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8, When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwatch. Uetermine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2..5 prig. time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as c,ompu :ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List sizi and length of all portions of pipe un0er test in te',% , to one sh•n,m on reverse side of. sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use G aal L, rsa] V. and enter these values in the table on re-:rerse side of sliect. 11. Add all values of. K and all values of " is , ?-.'pe ui!der test. 12. If the total of all C vdues is less the c t.e, enter the Intal c. ;I K values into the space for "Tit-(r Required ir. 13. If. the total of all C values is greater than ine, divide th i t-),.,, values, by the total of all C values, to Vt tq. Tc make this the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read ty, 1t- n 0 in l O O V jcrr ►� �• Y O '.'f O �D O O O fir. O C` \ /a G mrrr8l"rrrir�'-r I M Y O O C 0 V O O h • � N p O O O n O u v J 7 fn N 0 ijT�T'iTr'Tji 0 o o C, c : o a m F� a O o O .j d G O t!. fZ 0 CL a cc CL CD -4 m O °o .�. a O ; • Z F- ° O J 'i CJ -� b YOi O 0 0 N N (, W `e O cy. F- i ,Q^ J � V p Q 4— cr O W y 3 1— y r, —` Z►` J r 1 V Ck: � �o v I •n W w00 o o M a rl 41 m u 4 to W U O iN 2 O ► 0 Q 7 ti Z N� O Orc U n �P w v U.) ►- r� o V 'n w O Ln N o z a rr w w - n s w CL w o w W W W Q V) In cr z O Q Q z i z w rn ❑ N h I PRCCEDURE FOR COWUCTING ACCEPVNCE TEST 1, (lean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test. plugs , Brace tach plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground watei, insect a pipe profv� by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material aija.•#-nt to the center )f the pipe, and determine th. pressure in the probe when ai, passes slowl, through it. This is the bark pressure due to ground water: submetgEnce osvat the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increasel by this amount. 4. Add air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the ,.nt:ernal air rejsure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. "•necl, exposed pipe an,l Plugs for abnormal lt,akage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures are :observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute•.: fLr air temperature to at:abilize., adding only the amount of it rcyuired to maintain pressure. 7. After t:hE two minute period, disconnect air. supply. 8, When pres;;ure decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in soconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2-5 1-,f ;. T.J s time interval shoui.d then be compared with the time required in second.a as compu :ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List sizi and length of all portions of pipe uneer test in t,',? Co one sh-3wn on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use me-,las f, aril L, rest F and enter these values in the table on reverse side- of slie.et. 11 . Add all values of K and all values of C ic, -.'pe under test. 1.2. If the total of all C values is less than c:t.e,, enter the •tOtAl c. :1 K Valuee into the apace for "Titnr Required i.r, Srxr A,i, " 13. If the total. of all C values is greatet than ine, divide the tj,.. ,3 i. K values, by the total of all C values, to gat t•1. Tc make. this it i th the nomograph, use scaler C and K, and read to, . s• MI e.. n�' eW I I 0 O n�C, pO1L Om in I 'flit IIIIIIIII 111g1l1 } C' O11 u ITTFF uO O f N �Ov0r66OO o q l No a O d c =LaQao YrkZC�v4rN�.�. 66 10 CL � � 0 O Y n Z C 8 O o O O O « _ O O 0 W p. ar n t O N N O Q (" J �Illlllll�llllllll��llllllj�jj�fJlllllt Illllllll�ltlddrhhhhl ir � a w � O W H W r a S o OD r• : OD J 2 o ^ p 0 � n rd 0 V w ?. W O o �- 7� N W O N W O Cr1 Z H I— Y O M _ W W ` n, �C O W W V W a a y W U Z v �l�• 1- I a Z Z W O ~ N i H .� O , O LJ 1- ' v W U) v I r� i— wn w w w PRCCEDUPE FOR CONLUCTING ACCEPTA:ICE T;?ST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water.. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground warei, i.usvrt a pipe proh- by t.oring or jetting, into the backfill material aijact.:nt tc the center ')f I the pipe, and determine tht� pressure in the probe when Hi, passes slowl, through it. This is the back pressure due to ground wr,tei submergence over the end of t:he probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increas-A by this amount. 4. Adel air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the oit:ernbl air prejsure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. ".heel, exposed pipe an9 Plugs for abnormal leaicage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures are ibserved, bleed off air and poke necessary t:epairs, 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minut-., f;.t• air temperature to stabilize, adding only the amount of a.ir rc.iuir•-:!d to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwatcli. Determine the time in soconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 hsJ4. time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as corapu :ed on reverse side of sheet. Q. List size and length ot: all portions of pipe_ uI'er test in tri%, ;' -,- to one shatm on ieverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use scales r_ and L, :.z. 1 1' and enter these values in the table on reverse side or sheet. 11 . Add all values of K and all values of C ic; i:'pe under t88t. 1.2. If the total of all C v+lues is less than ci.s, enter the c.. 1 K valuer- into the space for "TimRequired ir. Src.c,r.d,i, " 13. If the total of all C v.,l.ues is greater th-in one, divide th, to'.., values, by the total of all C values, to git t.q. Tc make this i ,n the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read ty. e 1 A op m m0 7b Qo 7G sr n v O O A m O O • M r- r7 M7 > r m N N _ O C 41A r I11 I 1� x. I. pp pp pppC U c r V Ov; Q 4 U uO. UvC' •. `,J C N 7 N I ? rrTrrrrTTIM O O CI C c J C. O T 10 b of dM ~ O Wo d ~ •i o d d O o N sO;IOoO2Ot Y Oz O Il O Ov h OW N .•1 Q V111111ll111Wlliljl111' � x F- a w x CIA La � W I N 4 F000,v) to aItC4,3,�.. � m~ O \ \ o v w v w z w z i C s W 0 U I 9 �` " w J N 4r Z o a w j H (J _J to w W rn W W U O O i r : Q z z o w o ►✓ w t z � I O � PRCOEDURE FOR CONGUCTJNG l.CCEPT.ULICE T,-,ST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug, fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs , Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground writer, iucc:rt a pipe Prol+- by t.oring or vetting, into the backfill materia: aijacent to the. center 'if, the pipe, and detenaine the pressure in th, probe when al , passes slowl, t.hr,�ugh it. This is the bark pressure due to ground wate►. submergence Ow4�t the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the teat shuuld be increased by this amount. 4. Adel air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the eternal air prejsure is raised to 4.0 prig. 5. ".heel: exposed pipe anJ plugs fcr abnormal leakage by coating with a soap .:,olution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make tecnssary ►repairs, G. After an internal pressure of. 4.0 psig is obtainea, allow at least two minutf_ f.;r air temperature to staf.ilize, adding only the amount of nir required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. 14hen pres.;ure decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwatch. I+etermine the time in .,oconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psig. T;:is time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconda as computed on reversr. side of sheet. 9. List 5iz, and l.engt.h of all portions of Pipn u-•,•' - :est in trto one shoos on teverse side of sheet, 10. P.y use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use ^c :'.ss 6 ani L, r.-: l 1•. , :d enter these values in the table or reverse std-= of sae((.t. lt. Acid all values o: K acd all values of " ic; � 'pe uuder Last. 1.2. If the total of all C values is less than, ct:r, enter the total Ci 41 K value: into t'ne space for. "T'ir c Required ir. Sece A.t< " 13. If the total of all C values is greater than one, divide th, to'_;, .:': K values, by the totel of all C values, to grit tq. To make. this ' ;,,., the nomograph, use scaler C and K, and read tc,, III 11PITUT11111 Jill 111111111 1111114111 t17"" 0 0 V) )m0 on Trt 0 0 0 M. �k 0 1) N 0 W) a 0 O 0 D a 0Ocli 2 ti (9 c 0 1b o x IL 0 00 0 Z 00 a 0 0 0 In 0 nW 01 01 Ic N CY cr cr W 3: W cn crJ O C\j la- rco VN Z NN '44C) m W Q 0 vi W Z C) N Q C) W 0 0 V) U) 0 -f-1 (r W WCL LLJ 0 Q CIL. 0 W W It cr 2 tip U 0 7 W 44 W PROCEDURE FOR CON171MING ACCEPTANCE TEST 1, Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs., Brace i,acil plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground wat:ei, Lu�e•ct v pipe prof,? by Loring or jetting, i.nte the backfill material aijacent tc. the center 'if the pipe, and determine the pressure in the probe when ni, passes slowl, through it. This is the bark pressure due to ground wnt'e1 submergEnce ovei the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increase] by this amount. 4. Ad,l air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the internal air prejsure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. ',heel: exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with a sovp solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make necessary I:epairs, 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute., f;,r air temperature to stabilize, adding only the amount of air rcquired to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pres„tre decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psig. `;Ja time interval should then be compared with the tithe required in seconds as compu;:ed on reversE side of sheet. 9. List siz, and l.engt.h of all portions of pipe under test in t.-'- 1.0 one shown on Leverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use ncr.:..s 6 ani L, enter these values in the table on reverse side- of s',iecL. 11., Add all values of K and all values of C fe-, uuder test. 12. If the total of all C values is less then c t:r-_, enter the 'Intal. c A K valu•: into the space for "'firer-. Required ir. Sectaud.i, " 13. If the total of all C values is greater than one, divide th , ti K values, by the total of all C values, to gat tq. To mak(. tbi4 i the nomograph, use scales C and K, and rend tq, JILMIRJKAIRLMLMNM V A on Y 0 b.I If ")Cr p to N N — MM 4 1� I ! I it I I IT Q a u �1 9 n loll Y 8 r O MN O + O In Q M`- Q 'I. of O O t V J O Ot W h O b f to M rG'. � O Q O O O O O O O. 1. CL o d a c� CL 0 K ` 3E a '' 0 Q " d O O O c = 0 O O O u v O O Q O O o W e0 r d N 0 n !— `. �Ill�llll�llll�llll�lllllllll�lllllllll�lllllllll IA'It I,_II I II-L-Ll I I i I I I Q aL J /w `N cr 0 W 3 cr O V V OD V N 1 -� r • � oD .2 Jt o . o V 1 s N rya r - p 173 U U W w V o H Q o ~ L] Z W 2 Z UQo CCS ° o o j N o W CL (r in yN� W O 1 z N C, W W C - O g ] W �7 O ~ cr 1 W W Q N L h C� J U 1.- t.- Z 2 ` 4 N 41 Z Z W o ` t J i c^ KMKKMUKAWXM—U�� M, I PROCEDURE FOR CONEXCITIN.0 ACCEPTMICE TEST 1, Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rul:bcr ball through the pipe with water. Z. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground water, MlFort a pipe Proh'2 by Loring or jetting, irate the backfill material ajjarent tc the center -if the pipe, and determine th^ pressure in the probe whWu +ii,. sasses slowl, through it. This is the ba(•.k pressure due to ground water submergence ovei the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Add air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the internal air prejsure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. neck exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with a so':p solution. If any fail.ures are observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an internal ptessur.e of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minuo. f;r air temperature to st.al,ilize, aiding only the amount of ail rcquirad to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in srconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 1..5 psig. ' -i-, time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as computed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List siz and length of -.11 portions of pipe unrler test in t,,''. to one shawn on teverse side of. sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use err::?s r' asl L, rs�_-' I- and enter these values in the table on reverse side of s:,ec.t. 11. Add .,11 values of. K and all values of : ic,- ;)-. pe snider test. 1.2... If the total of all C vilues is less than► ci;.a, cztpr the -zotal c- :1 K values into the space for "'Firm_ Required ir. Srcond.i, " 9 13. If the total of all C val.ur is greaten than one, divirle th i to'_,.. K values, by the total of al' C values, to gat t1. Tc mak(. t1ii!1 7 ,. the nomograph, use scales and K, and read ty, R � A K E SISOCIATIS ►►►►u►► r, Lp� f Planning1 � En � neerin Psurveging`1� � 9 9 J 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD,, SUITE 223 ; BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - 643-9410 FROM: L. Brian Weigart, P.L.S. Survey Director TO Mr. Dale DeHarpport Dale Construction Co. `ILE 12262 9185 S.W. Oleson Rd. DATE 5/20/77 Tigard, OR 97223 SuB1ECT Reserve Strip Deed GENTLEMEN ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE PRELIMINARY MAP TENTATIVE MAP FINAL MAP OR PLAT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION PLANS SPECIFICATIONS CUT SHEETS FOR GRADING PLAN _ Enclosed is the Reserve Strip Dinos reet�l q) for Greensward Park to be signed by,you and sent on to the City of Tigard attention John -Hagman) . They are sendinq the water and sewer letter to Washington Co. at this time. If CL -- =iQ is e.-&a r+�. i' �.. i� 1 �._<�v r Sol YOURS VERY TRUIY WAKER ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED o s By _ YELLOW TO CLIENT PINK TO JOB FILE GOLDEN TO TRANSMITTAL FILE OkIGIN" r -- SUBDIVISION COMPIIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGRFFMENI' dated the r-? day of , 19 77_ between ,he CITY OF TICARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and _Tra:*port inc . , Pn Oregon Ccrt)c)rpticn hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington !'c-unty, a subdivision plat known as Crepnsti•;ard Fisk located _ in tiie N.F. quarter of recti.= II, Tov.,nFhi-,) ? `'euth, ..,nr.ce 1 ',.est, _ Williamstte Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider to 'rstall streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground a'ilitles and other public facilities for 0e development and requires the payment of fres; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the anitary scwars prepared by professional enginee L• for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the pub is improvements required to be constructed or placed in petitioner's dev-lopment are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoir:g premises and the covenants and -3eree-mems to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ( 1) P�-titioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complet- all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the da*-e of this agreement, and Petitioner is herety `. ound to comply with all subdivision staidards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance ind the �.Landard specifications adopted tr the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise approved ,by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Fetiticrier tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, wit', liability in the amount of5 147, 5'AO.UO a copy whereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereolr. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or r-fuse tj proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time Ii-T%Its, upcn teen (10) days' notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, Aid :such defaslt and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the workccmpleted and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner and Petitlor.er's .sureties and in the event same :,e not paid, to bring an action on the U11 - 46 •ald 'gond to r.cc:vEr the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner n.ld Pe.titioner's sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs Incurred ty the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City at its option, bring, proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's - reties =p;:cJ fic performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision =tandards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (4) Pctitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City ;in amount eitimat.ed to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within -fiW=YYovEUCthe subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option B, together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost c•f providing Electrical energy to energize the: street lighting facilities for a period cf two (2) yE.a-s from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount _eing $ 7211. 20 (5) Thi City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections and in the City's Judgment are necessary to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspection fees in the amount of ,-2,049.2f?. (6) The City agrees to install. street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ 193,00 (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements. Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have peen met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond, ! f not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City in the sum of $__73, 76 5.00 to provide for correction of any defective work or main- tenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after final acceptance of the public improv--tn:=.nts by the Cite. (8) liprn receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept thH pvbllc improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and rsintenanc.e for a period of one year as hereinabove set fovtlt. (9) That in addition to or !3upplerientary of the requitements of the City's 5,:hdivision Ordinanc.c and the pro%isioris hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to thq following requirements, scheduling and limitations: a. None of the Lots of petitioner's subdivision as above described may be occupied for resid-nH al purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no ocr.:pancy permit shall b2 issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision 4nd to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot pro- posed to tie occupied, is installed as a part of the devElopment; provided that all aidFwalks aq rcquired by the plans and subdivision code shall bE installed throughout said s;.bdivision nit later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. *Project Fee X1 ,593.28 Sewer Fee 350.00 -2- b. All landscaping trees on that portion of tach lot between the public sidewalks end the curb (parking area) as required, shall b� planted and in place prior to final !n!ipection and issuance of occupancy permit for tach such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspect,on and applicant for occi-,.ancy- prrmit occurs within any LalFndar month form October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping trees in all areas -hall b% planted and in place within the entire s.ibdivision within three (3) years From the date of this .subdivision improvement contract. C. Witr,in one (1) vear of acceptance of the public improvemi�rats the petitioner igtcP s to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads wit: in the development. d. Compliance with all terms and provisions specified th,�retofor said subdivision J:vtl%,pn;e:i,t by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, _--.Tgard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the e0r.E use classification and, also, on the approved plat (s) and plan (s). (10) Th, partic-s hereto hereby adopt the form of ptrfurmance, bond, copy whereof is -.rcto att.ch:.d and by reference made a part. hrrc_of, and petitioner agrees to cause Lo have :eid bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreemcnt at or prior to the timE this ,3grf-;err,<_.nt is e,xecut-:d on behalf of the City, 00 The specific requirements of Paragrap;a 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part :f the Petitioner with respect to any requirement thereof,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized ,rndersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its B,,ard of Directors has caused this agreem,-.nt to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council adupted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the day If , 19 has caustd this agreement to hc- executed by .its a:.y or and RE.cordF rr. V. OR; I?"dC. re r- sec THE CITY OF TICARD, OREGON By! Mayor By, Recorder J' 1f.�O�HINA�il1��l. -,TATE OF OREGON ) ^ County of On this day of 19.---p before me appeared �a(e C. and _►s.a��i_�_1va �Q both to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said C, ,t an�cf_ is the President, and he, the said - �_j�[a v4�( is the Secretary of —_ —rckyTr 4 .�., �, the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and ane _ acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day � r Iwove written. Notary -M is for Oregot My COTIImission expires STATE OF OREGON ) � ss. County of On t}'is day =f • --.___..__...__..__._..._..�_ �+ l`'_ �+ b�f^re me appeared and both to me pr•rsc^,ally knrwn who, being duly swc=r:, did say that he, the said iF the Mayes*, and Ehc, the said is the Reccrd(r of tre CITY OF TIGARD, a rvnicipal corperetjcn and t',e said And aknc,u-)edged the said instrument to be the `rc•e act and deed of said ri-inicipal corp,-ration. IN WITNESS W}iF.REOF, I have }ctevnto sc t my hand and r,Ifixed my official 3(-Al, this the day end year in this my certificate fist writ.tcn. Nntary PLb'_ic fcr Oregon— Mr Cc: -'_sem' Exri-cst ORIGINAL CASH BOND E.�ROW AGREEMENT 1'1S AGREEMENT, mad. this day of _ _ _ , _:_7_, between tt.t- u rt OF TI::ARD, hereinafter t zrtr:ed the "CITY", and TRAVPORT_INC.. ,,.L A_N _ OREGM CORPOR11mION , hrrtinafter termed tie: "FRINCIPALj', dnd htreinaftr.r termed t-he "BANK" fA ' .: : +tion . W I T N E S S E T H r 7.EAS, tt:e Principal has heretofore executed a Subdivision Compliance Agrc-t: ., witl, rt-.spt,,t tc, _hP. development, construction end improvement of a rt;+i d•. , ia: subd:t Ision wit rein O t: City l.a, ,;s GFEF.NSS 'r.ARD - RK , —+ a ecl,; of said arreurArit :ogatli. r with a partic.clar legal dEscription of said lands being attaO..A hereto and by reference made a part hereof: and WHEREAS, the Principal has prrposed to the City that there by entrusted to the Bank the sum of $__L47,530.00____ as a cash performance bond to &FELT ,he City that all i =:gairc-mints of said Subdivision Compliance Agreement 0-all 1•e prcpkrly and tIML-4 petivrRed and 'u assure that the costs thereof shall be titrit.1- paid and all requir,.!:n� 7rs tl-:erF,of Te.t; and WHEREAS, the Bank has agried to takF title to and hold in a tTf1Gt capacity the ssm of $ 147, 530.00_ And hereby acknowledges custody thereof to 11e tmld p..rsuant to thF ti:rms send provisions of slid Subdi-.ision &,mpliance AgrE.Emtnt a, h-:r,_o attached, and it i� de,sl-ed titre!y to set forth and defint. the conditions applicaLlt. tq said cash bond. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Pr :rci- el shall faithfully observe and timf-ly comply wit►: all r=quir(.ments of said Subdl vi�-t-�n Compliance Agreement and all ordinances and r-;;-jlatione applicable: to said subdivision, and if the Principal shall well and iruly l.rrform all matters and things undertaken therthy and hereby to be performed end et...: ' I rc--nptly mak-t pdynt--nt to all persona ;,t.pplying labor ur mat,rlal for any of the: work, and if the Principal shall not permit any litn or claim to t fl.. -d ct prnsecuted against the City an account of any lat.ur or matirial furnisliFd, tri If the• Principal shall promptly pay all cer.trihutions or amounts due the State lnd.:�trial Accidont Fund and the State Unemploym,nt Catrp.hnsation Fund, and shall - . .7 . 1 t a,, 1.cd make payr .!nt to the parson, co-par.tnFrship, a!:sociation or corporation r.t 1 t d t' to of the monies tre-ntlonhd in Uipters 279.320 and 279.510 O.R.S. and shtell ;ro^-,+ jy, comely with all withholding and payment re•quirEments of Chapters 3164111 L, :�t6.212 O.R.S. with reFpect to the collt%ction of taxes at source, thin ,,pun full coi.plFtion of all work and the furnishing of evidence satisfactory to tht City thyt. 11 r+ quirements hereof havc ht:en fulfilled, and if the Principal shall t.xtcut!� ar.d dvliver to the-. City tha Maintenance Bond described in said Subdivision C,r11 ' an:e Agr-:cn-�nt, thtn they Bank shell thereupon relF.ase to the Principal the raj d c-c0i ►, nd dt posits ROViDF.D, hOwe,Vhr, that thy, Aligations hereof m all not apply to any money 1 :an•. d r edvanct,d to the Principal or to any subcontractor or other person in the t. . rft.rr�ince of any such work whether specifically provided for by contract or otherwis< IF, 'roweit.rt the Principal scall fail to littrilly comply with all requirements t.f :. aid Subdivixivn Compliance Agreement tmd all the r,-quiruments htreof, or shall in at:y l ,- ticuldr perform the work in a deftetive mannt.r, upon 10 days notice by the Ct 'y to tht Principal and such defdult or failure continuing thereafter , the City is hereby authorized to have said work performed or the requirements of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement brought into conformity with the terms thereof and with the City's ordinances and regulations, and the City shall be, and it is hereby, to charge the same against the entrusted cash deposit and the Bank agrees toapayorized therffrorr all amounts certified by the City to be chargeable thereto. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute acceptance by the City of any respons- ibility for maintenance of the improvements nor shall the City by reason thereof becom_ obligated to any person or property owner for any loss or damage arising by reason of the manner in which said improvements were constructed. F-.rther, the City be, and it is hereby, authorized in addition to the forte in th-. :rent of such default on the part of the Principal to charge against saidoing, funds all costs incurred by the City including attorney's fees in exacting compliance therewith or herewith, and the Bank agrees to disburse said funds for said purposes upon certification thereof by the City. Upon fulfillment of the foregoing in accordance with the tk.rms and provisions hereof, the City agrees to furnish a certificate of release of said deposit or such portions thereof as shall remain after fulfillment of the requirements hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City under authority of resolution of its City Council has c-used this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and City Recorder, and the Principal and the Bank have affixed their corporate signatures on the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY: CITY 017—TIGARD, OREGON By: Mayor By: _ Recorder PRINCIPAL: TRA1'� RT rr(" By- (Atta.".d Corporate -� Acknowledgement, here. ) BysQ-(,1%,°�t1��-- ('V%, re By: By: BANK (ASSOCIATION)- By: ASSOCIATION):By By: Page 2 - Cash Bond Escrow Agreement A 41r t N. of Cin this C.f rf'E- hP-:c and both to ere Pers�,nally I., "It W" being d'-IN' !'%,�urn, did sail, tr.at be, the 'd and he, the said the Sec TeLary of the vj-J thin named Cc:;)r,-,Etion, and t.,at the seal affixed to said instru;:,E-nL is the corporate scal f ,rpc,,-&tion, and that the said irstrurient was signed and SL&Ied in behalf ofoSaidsaid CorCcporation by Puthority of its Board of Directors, and and ——--------- acknowiEd.:-ed said instrument tc be the frce act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WPEREOF, I havE hereunto set _mYd a n d —AfjPixed my official sea, the day r&nl yea 4<Esabj,e written. I, 4 ji .r3. -i No ary C) Oregon It' Cul;uri�' cion expires__ STATE OF OREGON Ler County ofEs. MjUjtnomah Or. this 14th day of --A-P-E' 1911 and before: me aPPcal-ed '0 t h -AA-..-Mc I UTY RE. to me PErsDnally knoum, whc being duly sworn, did say t)..St he . Is tl - C' ' genPresIdent, and hc, YRE T jl:ft D. H-ACINT Sr V-1ci -Aes� t the said --5-MLNI�S AND"-- i s the of - BENJ.-FRANKLIN FEDERAL OM—M!DS UU-19N ��(al affixed to said Instrument the within ra:red Ccirp.-,jation, and is the corporate seal Of said Corporationo and that the said Instrument was signed and srAled in behalf Of Its Board of Directorst and of Said Corporation by authority -MC INTYRE ' .__I�N and acknowledged said instrument to be said Corpvratlor.. the free act and do ed c,f IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I ha%.L- set I. hand and affixed by c),-ficial sc,al the day an .' t � Icst abuveub ic l written. 0 Notary P Corporate Ac know]edgL--, ,Pn t or Olegon M%I)t Corrnission Expires MyComrr-issionExvirpsFet 15, 1geo .c 'd REVISIONS NO. OESCR I PTIONI DATE BY r7A 41�&WM!A,/�Z_JM/10 CQ CONSTRUCTION NOTESAr 40 �BB 1 . All 8" diameter sewer pipe shall be concrete (extra strength/ASTM C14) sewer pipe with � {�►r d"""Y i>' : T ,sly rubber gasket joints . A& Q f���/ �� �1 I _ 2. All service laterals shall be 6" diameter concrete pipe with a minimum of 2`ro slope. AlS AV&h.14 Dt.f 40 ,Cc ZBLE x'`43 `j`5 1 1 3. An "S" shall be permanently marked an the vertical concrete curb at each sanitary sewer 4f9 A lateral . � / D- 7 3S 4. All sanitary sewer laterals that are not placed under curb shall be marked with a 2"x4"x5' \ �� N long board, buried 31,' and painted red. — — \ 5. Waterlines are designed by Tigard Water District. The proposed location of waterlines and waterline appurtenances should be verified with the Tigard Water District. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to coordinate his operations with Tigard Water District LY to avoid interferences , and •insure timely construction of all improvements . Ij I i 33 � A 6. Construction ;hall conform to the following standard details : I Z/p3 �o I � �, _Construction Item Greensward Standard Detail • �n� i - __ __ `� Sa in tart' Sewer Manholes - SD-6 San tary Sewer Bedding & Backfi 11 SD-8 I�� Z�� /,a' 7. Contractors shall notify the City of Tigard 48 hours prior to sewer construct ion,,riRrLar- )9kga),- L ' J 130 17/� I ��5�, / � 06 Aq `�'� 8. All sanitary sewer construction shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Unified �\ 1 3b� J I Sewerage Agency of Washin ton Count Resolution & Order No. 71-9. US 4 h''.�s ANG /E 16' ' �9vCG p = 10 2 -- — -- 9 g Y 9 Y ��I I T/ /J72 J72 LN - toJD�L� s ACL SAh,fAI'�/SLwsr �,q��/O�S .3hAG. Exrf'Va "'Aer /'/2 /✓ / I i / /Q Yts/bN ENsia`�.Q Sh,7,CZ Of D=S- � 1Sk 1,7 1 1 Af /l /7 I I - ! O �, L�=(off \ J/ ��ry \ �. I \\ I 13 4) % 3& 7 tt�_�4 Ir 00 r4LM 1 . cA 180 P e ` � v✓ ?0 90 D \�` /90 C keCORO DRAW)NGS PREP^R&D FROA& F/91-0 STAK/NG DATok AA1,0 F/ELU SURve w DATA, p.ND A.S- P3LL)Lr /NF0RA4r10N PROS!/DEO a r C0ti1 TR*'C_rCK W A/lw 21 /90 /5U /80 iE /e5. / 8 .rte Z.;-7e c �s2 • /80 /5� /5b Cv`'fo�n7 d��ih /W_/OJ l 8 zw !i/le ' 1 /�M . 7 OJaE C C /93.9a i 1 fSh zL ?*e215 (V4 ze of S"C3 Q'�:5*4)AV ori Il 17a lea Mv 18 h l�17eel . , ,4,'P 'A-•l'' 0*5.5 / JOB N0. ,Q Q(i'*1fa7 IE 165.126 IN F(, 1 I'73,• 93 �l // DESIGNED Gl/ IE 163. 18 our ss cF e"CP � / 177 Z7 -IfAf -- --- -_- — �(a 0.1815 \� / /A9 /,70 I E _ 177µ6 DRAWN -- — ` AV COMP. / CHECKED _TE DATE 6a?loop /9 SHEET N0. 15, 20 /E 92 cam* riF�rr r•a=::,wWr�n PAF'l ' RYM EL. 158.94' OF G" SHEETS • ... • .. Mi....^n'..r.•AAR!Rff'••1Mvhl.vf:A1�YW!....�IMIIIIMw.Y..y.1u.W..sMIM..'F.j J. _' 1I �—�. .—,..—..._....—_....� rI�I1I�r�I •r -—� ��'I��III'i III�III���'1'. T��`►rll�i"��II �MIIIIIIh[ IIIA� CII I �III�II ��IIIIIII�IIr� iIII+III�lII�lllllllllllllll�lllll�lll�III�II1�1 TSI'l��lil�lll�1�l�II1�1�1�1I111� � 1 �, - •�� � .. 1 NOTE: 1h THIS MICROFILMED `""-" ( ` Z 3 _�,4- _ - 8 7 e 0f� DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN • THIS NI1T IS DUE TU D& #JAUTY OF THE ORIGINAL -. o RAWING. - ----- ---- - - - — 4c da Jtx 98 sz tit tz Is 0z sI of ti 01 of I C a i1 01 9 t �9 sL-��-•'r rte' I�Il�lll�llll�tlll�IIII�IIII�NII�It1lllllillllu11I11�IIIIIIIp�IfN�11N�1/1rAf NN�Itt��tl!i�Nl IIUIIIII�IIII�IIII�II�I�IIWIII�WUDU��U�Illltl ��� . .. ... _ JULY 2 1992 M • 'M P1 1 REVISION$ N0. DESCRIPTION/DATE 1� fir City if 7' T L Ai• God 9.9y w 1 1 i S _ V -7 s 10 ol ..43 z CZZA-V - - --;_--�- , 1 � ZN 1 � I X38 3� Z' � �0 ° 32s � 1 �v= (o4 I D= (o y D= 7 ' c�= 5 1 ' M • \� M Z.— i In la/. j ww Sao - to c _ • ® c CZaAl 0U7*---5� c W ILo 4K L > E c p�'= 19x1.142 2� 9 '��,`_� RLICOR.0 ORAH//&1&5 PREA (- PkREp rROA /EL0 SrAwiAtr• DATA �aap / ,e,J SuRVEY /14- IOU90I� UA-T.- ANO AS - Bu1LT- IAJFORA&AT/CJN PROV TOED 13v COA'rKA C--TUft, l7 oaf 1 7 7 4(o • 1 � D JOB NO. DESIGNED DRAWN /IO COMP. J// i CHECKED gaZ3 •• w DATE Ej, SHEET NQ BRE:EN-nWAR.D 6 n OF 6 SHEETS i f `*. y 1 1 III 'I hal I�tttljl��lj ��lt+ �1�1`I�IIIIfI1�1 VIIif 1117 Illt�,l tItI1111111Ir) Illllli IIIIIII IIIIIII 111111 IIIIIII IIIIIII 111111 IIIIIII 111111 It1I1{I ' _ _ * Y� - - NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED T-•-� ----'��� --� ?....-t-�-- 3 4 5 8� 8 0 I 1 I I Z - - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN rr--�'•' THIS NOT Ilii-IT IS DIM TO .QUAl2TY OF THE. ORIGINAL RAW �. - vo OE dZ or LZ 9Z SZ til EZ It 1? OZ 61 91 if 91 51 /►I CI ZI 11 01 • L 9 S tr E z Ion " .�'�r dU�II�1111�1111�1111�I1N�u)I�IIII�IIfr�Jll�llll�Itif�lUl�uu111it�11N�tt��11�111t�11i1�Nf1�If�N111itlilllel�1111�Hi6� I�IN1� �IIU�IIII�IIII�IIII�UIII)11�11�1III11�UIIWlI�IkU�IIuIIi1/11111I11t! JULY 2 1992 1241( CITY O F TIBARDt -)F '. Ei-SINEERING DIVISION PW. D'.:PT. PROJECT IIN8PECTI0N REPORT JOB N0. r' PROJECT TITLE - --_-- DATE 4 2 c, .. -7 - PROGRESS NOTES- --t� WEATHER: ---.�. ---- - INSPECTOR �uA111R ' SS®CiATIES "I'll" AII II I i n ���LtLLI� � 9 �� Engineering JSurvejq�in�g LLJI� J 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 i 503 - 643-9410 FROM L. Brian Weinart, PLS Survey Director TO Mr. Dick Bolen City Planner City of Tigard FILE 12262 DATE 4/25/77 SUBJECT Greensward Park GENTLEMEN. ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE: PRELIMINARY MAP TENTATIVE MAP FINAL MAP OR PLAT _ CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION PLAN i SPECIFICATIONS -- - CUT SHEETS FOR: GRADING PLAN Enclosed please find one hard board, one molar copy and 5 blueline prints - __�f the plat of Gregn�y�ard for Your-appr9val and signatures. Should You have ___ any questions, please contact us. _ w � �- I r YOURS VFFy TRUIY WAKER ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED r �I YELLOW TO CLIENT PINK TO JOB FILE OOLOlN TO T11ANlMITtAI. fll.! A 1��R �' �►��C I A T�s iiiiiiii (I C � �� � rlMplanning1En ineerin pSumegin�" -1 _ Engineering9 .. 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD_ SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 — 643-9410 �UROM: nary G. Bliss, P.E. Project Engineer TO: Leonard Cook City of Tigard FILE: 12263 DATE: 4/22/77 SUBJECT: Greensward GENTLEMEN: ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE PRELIMINARY MAP TENTATIVE MAP — FINAL MAP OR PLAT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE .?Sets reVISedCONSTRUCTION PLANS SPECIFICATIONS CUT SHEETS FOR: _—_ GRADING PLAN Two__�;om fete sets -of_revised plans reflecting City comments._.__Please note ___. hh at san" ar sewer MH A- was_ relocated due to cover over pike based on field — ---- -- - _ L:1T�L-OF. TIGARD 10LIPS VFPY Taiij� WAKER ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED By -- -�_ YELLOW TO CLIENT PINK TO JOb FILE GOLDEN TO TRANSMITTAL FILE OMER SAO C 1 T "I'll" f 1 C Planning f En ineer i n Isurveging g -1 9 9 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE= 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - 643-9410 r FROM: -� 6-1 TO: I C 1'[`Y l I C- la E O FILE C-Yv(a�c DATE: 41 lei 1-11 17r- P1 SUBJECT (I PJTLEMEN: ENCI-)SED HEREWITH ARE _._ PRELIMINARY MAP _ TENTATIVE MAP FINAL MAP OR PLAT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE L. 2f1 J CONSTRUCTION PLANS SPECIFICATIONS CUT SHEETS FOR _ --- _ GRADING PLAN r I o YOURS VERY TRULY WAKER AS C;ATES, ' RAT D YELLOW TO CLIENT PINK TO JOB FILE GOLDEN TO TRANSMIT :ITY OF TI GARD, R ENGINEERING DIVISION RW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT l JOB N0, PROJECT TITLE _ /2f�e—lL t41#aP l�A-/zOe- DAT E -DATE '-/' .k 'Z-7 / PROGRESS-1.�- Z122A)SFelJ ZIL-45rn"e12 t ✓0.5, X, 6 OF -�-7-Wg�y�-) �,� "� Srfi. M�� Sly, _ tQWp _ A.Z, r NOTES — --- - -- --- -- -- WEATHER: INSPECTOR — a.. CITY OF TIG ARD, ORE, ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO � PROJECT TITLE DATE.,-4/' -/"/- 77- - PROGRESS'. ATE 'y-/9- 77PROGRESS: ' 1�iPF[/Nf_ e.;TRAc7-MR 1 IWA7- u,'/ T/`/ ",f- 7Z) F7Z) DISe,11 SS .S F-<J_��d s T Ei UG 7?4 ��'�/L L L/rYl�/YJE��E �/✓•�.u���NSTAI�,�Gn�o�_�rNe �� A- n'!r A/�/�v�j-- r NOTES;_ AJ V/Se-/ hli- ,r,—- �G,�-. ''_ —� /S S OG _/Ak�aGS'Oc• I�C�J1l f f NfE,� .SED 111M Tc- f?f T 4-141,t To 5:1 WEAl•HER 'ZL—r —11 ' fA//Z I NSPECT JR r � COMPUTAHON SHEET - ?OJEi T NAME _ � `�1� =—�► 'Ic PROJECT NO.--- (1) O.— -(1) PROJI=CT FEE (City ord. 68-48, SOC 10, Par. A ): a)Total estimated Irrprovernent cost . , ... 5 .ejl b) Less nan. sewer est const cost. ... .... Adjusted improvement cost ......... ... ... .11 y- subtotal) subtotal (2) SEWER FEE (U.S.A. res. 70-12,Sec.9, Por.' B"): o)Sewer pion check fee t3Ins pcction fes , Cnr3 2) 100.00 min. f-1 . b) Permit fee d connection churge pnid . . . . .. 0 c) Serer district contract surcharge paid (dt�hic} nam• (3) STREET LIGHTING VEE a) P.G.E. lighting schedule no -13--- b) Mthly rate option no ._ ItYpeat llght lumens - `- 40 9 (mthly rate) (no.of Ilghle) iypeofpole a neo'to _ (rnth y rate) (no of lights) lyr. = 12mth's (subtotal) -== + 2yr.aA-�.,_--24mth'e J Z27. ao ' �(Iobtciui) ( 4) SIGN FEE ({tem;-n•taiiation) (per sign) (no of sign) STOP - --- x --- . RES(RICT. OCCUPANCY $. ._. .--_X `?-------- STRELT SIGN X COMB STOP/ST NAME NO PARKING X --- _.. _ • TIso1� X . - 'misel type) RECEIPT NO ��- OATE PAID 7 a dE check ;RAND TOTAL :ri .rn cash C-3 mcney order 0 Inserl' sewer,street, .r ^,''''d lion i CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (P.w.) Procedure Check List 1 . FILE INITIATED.... ... .. .............. ................. .j'� (1) Supplementary sheets attached........,......... `Q — II . SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY PLATS (1) Pending Planning Co:rmission action............. ❑ (2) Approved tentatively by Commission............. . 1�L 1 1 1 , 'JIBMISSION OF PRELLM)TNARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS. (1) Plan Check rommencedt.......................... . (a) Revisions required............ ...... .[3 (b) Stamped, approved for construction..... ly' (2) Utility Co. plans received........ .. ........... g ( 3) Improvement cost estimate received............. IV. EXFCUTION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS: (l) Contract documents drawni (a) Compliance Agreement signed.,.......... p �1 (b) Performance Bond signed.....c:: :...... (2) Permits & Licenses acquired..... .... ........... ❑ (3) Easements obtained & rocorded.................. ❑ (4) Deposits made..................I............... l V. SUBMISSION OF FINAL PLAT: (1) Review for conformance commenceds .............. ❑ 1_L (a) Revis±.ons required.....,... ............ ❑ (b) Approved & signed by Comm. Chairmen.... ❑ (c) Resubmitted to Commission.............. Ren.No. Apprcved., , l (2) Approved and recorded by County Surveyor ❑ B P_ (3) Address's assigned............................. .G VI . CVMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION............................. E3 Note Inspection sheets and construction/ Inspection check list (attached) for progress, V1I . FINAL INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION............ ............. (1) Pending correction of deficiencies............. ❑ (2) Not acceptable, construction deficient......... ❑ (3) All construction items acceptable.............. ❑ VIII . FXFCUTION OF FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENTSi (1) Maintenance Bond signed........................ ❑ L 12) As-built draving received......... 'B (3) Final report to Council issued................. ❑ lv . .'I'MI ruLNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS...,.,,... ❑ .L L MAINTENANCE BOND EXPIRES: ti (C) Commenced Paving. . . .. . .. . . . .... .............. ❑ / ! 1) Paving inApected.. . . . . ................ a) Test data filed,. .. .,,,,_....... p b) Tentatively arrnnted by Ci.ty.... ❑ / / (D) Parking lot tentatively accepted by City....,,, p �! ! VI. SIGN: (A) Street name signs installed. .. ............I.. . p / / (B) Traffic signs installed.......... ............. VII. SIDEWALK: (A) Commenced installation.. ,, ,,, 13 (B) Completed installation. .......... ............ p (C) Inspected. _ _ _ . . p . . . . . . . . ...... (D) Tentatively acr--t-d by City.................. p VIII. STREETLIGHTING; (A) Comm--!ncerl installation..............I..... ..... p (B) Completed installation.... .... ......... . . .. . .. p (C) InspPcted. . . . . ..... . .............. .. p (D) Tentatively Accepted by City.. .. ... ....... . . ❑ 1) Authorisation letter to Energise filed IX. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced instAl1Ation. ..... . . .......... ...... (B) Completed installation............ ............ ! / (C) Inspected........0......0......... I... . ,I...... (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. . ..... .. .. ... . . p _!F_ X. GENERAL AREA DRAINAGE: (A) 3ui_lding rain drains inspected....... ........ p / (B) Culver'.e inspected-. . . . . . ................ p ! ! (C) Drainage ditched inspected................... . p _! (D) Tentatively Accepted by City. ................. p / NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE. REVIEW FILE TO INSURE COMPLETION OF CHECK LIST AND FILING OF: 1) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All CorrPrpondence/Memos 5) Daily Inspection Sheets �y:�� oua..�uUww�uwWf ,�sw:um:.rdaurrrJku•�z:.+wWwIv�waate�n.�WIW'AYFwdv4'fyp�yn..r... w b w O rL !. F- in o-- © �'� a o n a r, a n ci n o o Z 'aa w Lu � ►4 I Z m ► I k O � J w [L m U U G t., m m O m FCL - -J J 0 L1 F- FIL y w Iix .� Q O 0 n rc z N u w L U u a z d h c f, Ice ci C7 .7 i U Q b o•- W s U L o nt ; ��,r csA 41 Vl Q0 Q L N x n Q Lo � •N � 0 rtj-, ° K U � m U w J 2 Ll A co 1, �� ._1 I i r Lij 1 I N 1 LU ' LL W LoI • .� I I I . L .7 U en I y 1 i • I � o f � II OE rL v d �ei /.'A'Y•"'.CAM.1�.♦•R_w.-,•--..11nM\ .r•. .. .+NMw.. . M M.r_ �...— .. ..r1•ww+:_w..w.rY-N..IA_•wrv. SSOCIATES "I'll nCe PIAnninPy ng � rvey�ngEn9 isI � March 18, 1177 417977 12263 Ory of Iiy1;8 0 Mr. John Hagman City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: Greensward Park Dear John: Per your request I have determined that the estimated cost of the installation of the water mains is $18,000 and the electroliers is $5,500. Very truly yours, W ER ASSOCIATES INC. ary G. Jliss, PE Project ngineer GGB/sas 10550 S,W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 i BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - 643-9410 TIGARD WATER DISTRICT ---- 6641 W. COMMERCIAL ST. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PHONE (503) 639-1554 rl _� n (, F 7 0 rp March 4, 1977 U I „I'` 1 J ' 19i Gary G. Bliss, P. E. Cr Waker Associates, Inc. TIG4 RD 10550 S. W. .Allen Blvd. Suite 223 Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Re : Greensward Park Dear Gary: Enclosed are the plans for the water system for the subject development. The total cost of the project, including engineering and overhead, is estimated as follows : a. 1600 ' of 6"D. I . pipe @ $10/£t. . . . . . . . $16 , 000 b. 2 fire hydrant assemblies @ $1, 000 ea. 2 , 000 $18 , 000 The actual work can be done by either an approved contractor or the Tigard Water District, on a time and material basis. Please advise if additional information is desired. Sincerely yours , TIGARD WATER DISTRICT Robert E. Santee Administrator UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING— 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 (503) 648.8621 Joel Wesselman BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MAK General Manager RAY MILLER,Chairman y Room 302 BILL BLOOM VIRGINIA DAGG RMILLER ICHARD M. DURISLER CITY �� TIGARD March 3 , 1977 City of Tigard P. 0. box 23557 12420 S . W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: SUBJECT : GREENSWARD PARK Enclosed for your file are two sets of the construction plans on the above-referenced project which have been approved by this Agency and the Department of Environ- mental Quality. Very truly yours , V Engineering Division Unified Sewerage Agency yr Enclosures 72-4B AHER SI ATE$ "I'll" R : l� ,l I •• �Pla I; ing 1� Engineering �Su r veyin g y 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - 643-9410 FROM: Gary G. Bliss, P.E. P,•cject Engineer TO Mr, John Hagman, Superintendent Engineering Division City of Tigard FILE: 12263 DATE: 2/14/77 SUBJECT Greensward Park GF NTL EMF N FNCIOSEP HEREWITH ARE: PRELIMINARY MAP TENTATIVE MAP FINAL MAP OR PLAT X CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION PLANS _ SPECIFICATIONS CUT SHEETS FOR: _ GRADIN'= PLAN Per your .request, enclosed are 2 copies of the preliminary cost estimate for -__ the publi.z improvements for subject development YOURS VERY TRULY - WAKER A SOCI , INCORPO TE YEL LOW TO CLIENT PINK TO JOB FILE GOLDEN TO TRANSMITTAL FILE GREE;IS'UARD PARK _ PRELIMINARY` _ COST ESTIMATE PROJECT SIZE_ 9.6 Acres JOB NO. 12263 LOTS/ACRE 35 PREPARED _ CHECKED GGB SHEET__. OF_3 SHEETS DATE 2/11/77 DATE 2/11/77 *ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION (ON-TRACT) SUBTOTAL COST PER UNIT Streets !0� 68,GJO Storm Drainage 21,13 _ Sanitary Sewer 34,245 Water Other Contingency ( x ) TOTAL ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION (ON-TRACT) EEJGi;dEERED CONSTUCA T„UCT (OFF--TRACT) I S-r Drainage Sanitary Sewer Water Other Contingency ( x ) TOTAL ENGIN►_ERED CONSTRUCTION (OFF-TRACT) INCIDENTAL COSTS Planning, Surveying and Engineering _ Underground Telephone/Power Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees Water Connection Fees County, District Inspection & Plat Recording Fees Soils Fngineering/Construction Inspection Construction Management Fees TOTAL INCIDENTAL COSTS TOTAL COST ESTIMATF !_ * Estimate Based on _ _ Competitive Bid Unit Prices' y __ GREENSWARD PARK -PREUM WRY- COST ESTIMATE ESHEET 2 OF'ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION ( ON -TRACT) -3 3 SIIEF.TS STREETS UNIT PRICE QUANTITY EXTENSION Clearing and Grubbing 2,003 x Lim,, Sum =� 2,000 Grading, Including Stripping x Lum -�- _ _ in=r) Asphaltic Concrete owE r 2.90/sy _ _ x 6,260 s� = 18,154 1(6 W*hX;){�( Barricade 250/ea x 2 each = � 500 Vertical Concrete Curb 2.50/1f x 3,070 if Concrete Curb and Gutter (Type `) x 2"-0 Rock Base (Soft SpoL.$) 5.00/cy x 500 cy = 2,500 Sidewalks , 4" thick — x 13,590"--" level course0.60/sry x 6,260 sy = 3,756 2"-0 rock base_ _ 1..50/sy x _F'767s7_ - --7 8' a.c. bike path _ 2.90/sy x 7UG sy- _ � I,16u - Subtotal. STORM DRAINAGE L682_600 2" concrete Pipe 15.00 1f x 160 1f _ = 2,400 _ iS'' concrete Pirie 12.00/ if _ x 659 If = 7,80,9 . 15" concrete Pipe 9.00/1 f x 120 If - _ -71- SII 12" concrete P"._pe 6.5(1/1 f x 290 If = 1,885 Std. Manholes 600/each x I each 600 Manholes w/Inlet Top 500/each x 5 each - 2,500 Inlets _250/each x 2 each -- r 500 Yard Drains x Headwall w/Riprap outlet 50 x _Lump Sum 50 Connection to Existing - Storm Drainage x _ Pavement Restoration x _ Select Bedding and 3/4"-0 - �l�XX )d)(X�# gRXkI4� 6.00/tcy x 430 tcy 2,580 Ditches 500 x Lump Sum - .-5 0 2"-0 backfill _ 6.00/tcy x 215 tcyr - 1,290 x Subt-otal 21,185 — GREENSWARD PARK PRELIMIINARY COST ESTIMATE SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION ( ON --V.CT) SANITARY SEWER UNIT PRICE QUANTIFY EXTENSION IC 6" concrete Pipe 6.50/1f x 1,046 _6,799 8`" concrete Pipe 8.00/If x 1,612 - 12,896 Pipe x _ _Pipe x Std. Manholes 650/each x 4 each = 2,600 Cleanouts 300/each x 1 each = 300 Tees/wyes 301eacf x 35 ea,-,h = 1,050 Select Bedding arra�dx�8cacioc3c�1 3/4"-0 6.25/ x 600 tcy = 3,750__ Material aackfi 11 2"-0 x 1,075 tcv 6,450 Connection to Existing S.S. Manhole 400 x Lump Sum _ 400 Pavement Restoration V� x x x x Subtotal •p34,245 WATER City of Tigard P i p e x — Pipe x — _ Pipe x L Pipe x Services x Gate Valve x = Gate Val,re x Gate Valve x - Fire Hydrant Assembly x — Tapping Tee w/ Cate Valve x = Blowcffs x - Select Backfill Material x Pavement Restoration x = x — x A K 1$ OCIATES "I'll" Iq'm It �1 J Planning � Engineering Surveying 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - 643-9410 FROM: Gary G. Bliss, P.E. Project Engineer TO: Mr. John Hagman City of Tigard FILE: 1263 12420 S.W. Main St. DATE: 2/10/77 Tigard, OR 97223 SUBJECT: Greensward Park GENTLEMEN: ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE PRELIMINARY MAP TENTATIVE MAP FINAL MAP OR PLAT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE X CONSTRUCTION PLANS SPECIFICATIONS CUT SHEETS FOR -_ GRADING PLAN Enclosed for your review are 9 copies of the construction klans for Greensward_ _ and 2 copies of the standard drawings for the project. Also enclosed are two _ copies of the h-vdrology and hydraulic calculations for the_project. _ _. — ------- CITY Or TIGARTJ---- ------ YOURS VERY TRUIY WAKER 45 QRAT D By YELLOW TO CLIENT PINK TO JOB FILE GOLOEN TO TRANSMITTAL FILE w O n� Q,' d G• Q-' d 0- f !n - ai Ls- ri .. w HCIO N C N W w w c0 00 00 = cv O D = ' f4 Lr- >. t4 L7 plJ� ra w N . InfJ 23 r rr u u` — 3- H ^ ^� r LP H (� G a � � N NJ N � n U ", z U N H L/1 aJ" tA� W M (� f~ _ ,J 0 �r1 � O ,naH � p _ rj N � H Lr- rj n1 - H p7 nl !�u ,r 00r r i1 � 1� Irk i'1 .1 fvl V s' L \ LL 3 , 3 V, , �-� Loll A v 3 C3 1 r rj + 63 ' L i I's a 1 ri • `' w a c� ra r L, .1 (! ��•� �; �.����.�� � •� 1. 1' `L !'� �' ,� 1. � • V�I�;,�� �: C. - September 13, 1976 Travport, Inc . 9185 S .W. Oleson Road Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Sir: Please be advised that the Tigard Planning Commission at their regular meeting of September 7, 1976, approved your request to create a 35 lot residential subdivision on 81V Bonita Goad. chis approval is s4bject to satisfying the foblowing conditions: 1 . A reserve atrip restr..eting access to lot 1 only be onto SW Greensward Lar.e and access to lots 33, 34, and 35 only onto SW 861:h Avenue be shoran on the final plat. 2. 10' along the entire length of the original parcels be dedicated for the futu -e widening of SW Uull Blvd. 3. A class 11 blkepath/pedectrian way to state standards be constructed alstig the entire 13ngth of this parcel . 4 . The existing 201 easement and along the north edge of lots 1 - 7 be vacated upon the development of the tax lots 1660 and 1900 to the west. 5. Location of street lights and fire, hydrants be approved by Director of Public Works prior to final plat approval . 6. A Tri-Met approved bus shelter be constructed along SW Hall Blvd. 7. 6treet names to be approved by Lirector of Public Works. 8. Storm sewer and drainage system to be approved by Director of Public Works. 9. 5' utility easements along all }:roperty linos. 10. Sidewalk to be located adjacent to the curb. 11 . Street treos, the type of which to be determined by staff and appli:ant, be planted 35 '-40' on ,enter with the trunk center a eniuineum of 1* ' from the inside of the sidewalk. 1$. A revised preliminary plan showing Greensward Street continuing to the western edge of the site be sub- mitted. Sincerely, Richard Daniels Asuouiate Planner l..ai. Sf cc : Director of Public Works Note: The following acknowledgment must be received by the City of Tigard within fourteen (14) days of your receipt of this letter. Failure to return this acknowledgment may result in action by the City of Tigard . I hereby acknowledge this letter documenting the action of the Tigard Planning Commission. I have received and read this letter and I agree to the decision here documented add to abide by any terms and/or conditions attached. ;I]ature .. ��,iii, •, .1, 40 Ix I c W � a / 2.p J rY �. v) X o cv O I m Llux,— o I � � � J J C) a of 1� itw 0 W YI f t � M u Q o � a U) C3, o t / VLM lzW W now a w a �MNLMLM fi�f7� m l W m Or J > tY a d r y Z WC -' i LO V > Z cr W 0 00 W 71 � d rr v) U t �r a o U C � c O =� D cn = 10 Y U J � I Ir W J _ r C? t` t U � luuj .. W I U ui V) 7 .� U W ► .s 4 Aj3 4 4 uj t LL `t x O H ID Z Y C\j En W W r N H 4D ti 4 W W U O d W co J m s` G p i Q w ; a v W � � W Q m r2oCi x < 0 w Z. It �_ Z w L) a o 0 0 , w a — t ' wN x a -+ I ! n • A z p _ N .•�- z ' 'In � Ia Cr OD LU M O� �' O -►- N ( m z a I o U X a Iw a 4 a i , o �' wovi a N 4-1 d w z Q ? Q c . I Z J w w o acN a ' { N = I o b U vn cn a N 4 -. {l O ax4 • _ crU Q a �7 � 2 W — p cC to N U Q1 0. XZ v w • -y N TRAINSVERSF_ EXPANSION JOIN-rS • rr n rz ! 0 t3E PROVIDCD AT EACH FOIIJT OF TANGEIJCY OF THE CU-tB a AT 01 Iif-R LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED TO Llt„IT THE SPACING TO A 11AXI;;UcM OF 2.0 FT a �� 2 MA'I.E'RIAL TO ESE PRC- I OLMED ICON - [:XTf'UDED MATERIAL VMTH A l,Slilff;'_'IA i� Tfil ' KNE:,S OF I/2” . a . n Q TRANS\ FRSE CONTRACTION JOINT � r] I SPACING TO BE NOT MICRE T 11AN 10 FT Z G F_ 2 DEPTH OF THE JOINT SHALL BE AT �; U I-' LEAST ONE FOURTH OF THE CROSS Cf) S( CTIOftAL ARCA �0 t- GoNCiZE'l E CREAKING STRENGTH 0 = � I l'n AF3000 P. S 1 AFTErZ 2[3 DAYS . N ry • G r- L. � 1ipY,+i G �1 3/4"r L D G F- 1)6 :, qy N LSA W UJI 4 It O17 . 9" - � —`•-, ILLI �4 �" .,��R7:;r jr%4. I _�...... � i .. __ '�;*�.��T:. ;x''•32' _� • �� lap —q; ' a I a•�-r+C T,lBUl 1 ' .�b'N.aL iu/' I'• �'i �. LFir* A►r•o• y./,a+Zr � u rl DA.1,44A rtc�y l �" SCALE Planning En inr:wrinr ='tSurr in � , a wRCUGH�' IRGtiJ cR. wE�p�p �> � AM� I I .• I I I r V„Q / tk , I i .4 a �� •I —tel ;.,`' •' . ?ay.+Do.iZY M.1 '•I � D- l • a C . L-_ _Tia,cz� drC 1•� .rrb wA1� IPA. Rr; 1seAtrili Plannlnq Pnalna9 / ��. rine t .S rr in 44 jot N.. ,. Iral4 c�.a I � I : C �.�w- .ter Awf2 _ -TT �--- - /�• , � � X11 - U5E S ANDA;tD P I?.AMs A^0 COVER `, GA�3 T .¢o►.1"'Fid I G \ � __ � �:/ f 7PISL 1. -A N ScT �fLA.ME "O P1r Pial>-' ;�,R-4 a y ie�wroa e7r VT (W0461.4 IN '?�Zi esT) c v � �'�NC t�TG►+�SIpN r�Ju[-4 --r r �j/�L' Vi,e, wpOuC�rT N_ V IRON (tu►.rbS �\ ' � '�' I; 2�, 7J�OIL t}I RIIJCsS ^PC 3TM � r I T i � toRLL 11 Ar�R , Au 04-0 LD :I -, 61 7 �� ALL► i'' A �T iti�.IV r•+OL-S �r�GT l O hI'7 A I'+�� �"�ri!/'� '1'Y� G:OM�"LY W I T'*'� y -r* M. L�rA^IrJAFLt7 G4•770-✓dT c-L.a `J° Cz2^IG'Zr---rM T-,JfL -A� sq.. — aRaRer DR•N �IAFL. - ►"1 �""'+r� N'',�N o . .-_� 5 T'o'y M� C K'D;C-A t'C '_��:��_.� [—� — — --_ O RSO!J A►�•D'W�{ DATE I FIIA`I 111s ► "„ Ar"" i SCALE Plannin . M.r g :��,, Cnoina,rin� Sury»ying {, - naR►,,..Gy1C9..# COVERS SHALL HAVE T"E WORC SEWER- IN RAISED LETTERS h'HEN USEC IN CONNE:T17N WITH SANITARY SEWER /NS TA L L A i/ONS, OR 'DRAIN" WI'I£N IN CONNECTION WITH STORM 5EwER IrvSTA..LAT/ON, r--8 WEBS -� '/a" THICK I" CORE - 9 NOLCS opm (oj p np (d} flopop D �' UolJo'ac= Jr , NON-Bk/D PATTERN TUCAST /NTEGAAL O,NMP OF COVER FRAME PL Ar✓ :n - •Ms1C04/NE t tRIND SEAT _ 25 ' ----- — TOP 26 e_. 5CCr1QN —4 — CAST IRON NON-LOCKING COVER I-�- 24 MINIMUM w£IGHT I50 L85, - XACHIiiE G--- - !y«Af 5EC 7_10M 8 -8 CAST IRON rPANE MINIMUM WEIGHT ?IO LAS �. GLE�E�Sw'..9�,Q QR'NJA!2 CI D:GF K- ..M ti '!�•w +fry! j'�yv, c N , ifi ; ;r,5 Iia � �o �,� ;;a)�" 7 sCA►r Nt5 Plonning ; E,. inoarino Fsurvq�inq cam,.7 0 L UJ w cv � > z I � o o � . C3 C-) 2 r: w C :3 M-J I = rN [rtr O >� n hoD o r X t- w T O 1 r v } I 1 I W a -•---- ul tN- 7 n til 7 - / t` J � •� � i I F- w w O --N C)coG � - _� rL U- uj 0 ` r a CO Ir _ O = w > U-O � < a t7 ' C � I J Ci0 d-_� O w W r v1 Wu. w U >LL � I N o / am 1._ -) UU Ul (il ..l U z w X tT z r-x d O < OU U \ < S '; u Ute; cr zW>, � W �_J O` } LJ - r- n XVf0N v -' O 1 _ 1 4 0\ll Jd c L o _ wQ 'W XJ - nO % W �. w Y C) ► W rQ X O U I N t? 5_ � W�off _ vecoO�Jn000ri`\_ 0 j . 0 m Kt U- e CIO 'Irl• ID FF- -11 c, ♦ _�_ ,^ 4 ` _, a, ••_-. __`• , tea. b f/C. 1 f r T..7 i� rl a 1 _._-__ �, 1 'VI lal M ! a O "v N Q R Q�- s rli.t 2r I W a "Q I Ux vlu. W7_ -W -- --- �/ �16Gi;4V^ t us - PAvr-7 AJZEAS - COMPACT' ts UN PAvr.:J Aa C`A5+ ' T �GKF1L_L- TO �16 '/� 6TFwP PROGT02 TO Exi�TINCo �otl. J5N4;.r1TY �2 roie. -rv1PE 1n i h11 i hIN P�P� Zo�1E a LI• 2=GAS "d' A/``GwA! '_`-- __---•� � �� i I+✓vK TVi 712 ro c � , o o �' �I�• it �'.II 1 is :1 ; ojdZ � Cald' bfn S' ►11 --- \ V WL IOU IL 1 O a N vi s a 1 o \ / (90A h4 iTAfX'f IrvEWER. - I d I ��DU11�a 1�G� DR'N+ %lq� w 1�F . FC�OZM_ tiYJ F.� CK'D l c>• . .---•r-- _� fir;tp J. �, rr ma�yy,,pp�� FF ��yy • '� �a!'�1'1+ p �i ai►VK �i Iib ;w : DATE ; } PlanninEnoin4prin� Surv.qino nor No r �wrww�n mom 5.f7 t� pA.,�.� ,�sz moo.S - :~onnr��cT �r..c���... uN r�av as Aaa�►s-��ro'cT AGK�+�L , -� 95 ''• e�`Ar.p 70 pR.Oc-rOri "O IXPfII.iU Cool L. VOWN41'YY t r 'ri9r+cG►�+ w�OTtr IV �O iii" -r of fog I D. INItH11`{ PI9� SONE lu :'-G�►�� •�' ASG --`-`_�� �;� i � v ' ,I/ c �. :.,• Li rill. • / . - �,' / � II�h i� I �jtllil,'�II 'i!,I o- ;i 1• —' ' rp• to t 34- '14•' G z a,µcJ L A� O o :, �' Q ec 1 j dAr-<FII-t_ P45OVG 5FIE1146 ..• C D �0 '1 LttuE IIl PI?� Z01.! , = �:C' ' � L, • GD i �" Y ` lit v - , e(� e 0 N co ' �vt rVc! �►ti►re�Z ls�,l_ -o _ _-- _.!L' lIJ I i I 1ZlS�z�1]�s�L^S� _1 c� C DR N 5s..� y� P 3AcK4F .1... DE�AII. FOR SANAtTAQY S�.t(�W'►�7 CK'D f 1� "26 O Arr'D'wJNV � b ��h" �,�•P'3���["A �"''�"�i.t4�����.. r'f ._� -'' - DATEIq Plonninq {'/Fy CnoinearIno r"Surto innFF';355yyy}��1 Ilot No. c-iI a So• 8 d s,w. 14ALL St 40. Z 3 06. AvG zoo 2,oC 2,ao 1�.ts i-7,19' 12.90 3.00 L2.90 3.00 3xv 3.00 3.o0 J.oO 3.00 14.20 40 +9.95' .._..._ "7 2.05` ,7Z.zr CITY OF TIGARD# OREGON DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT No. : �,• I I. PROJECT NAME: SII. DRAWING (TITLE) : dated- Iv. ated:IV. PLAT (TITLE) : o______da ted:___/ V. SITE LOCATION: � �t-U� ._ N���C��h_�I �.c�._.• VI. PRINCIPALSt (1) DEVELOPER: Address Phone No. Gnu -�23 • (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY:�_���_,._________._ _. __ ____�_..• Address Phone No.__. Pond t1o. -- ..._ -.__�.► Exp. (3) ENGINEER: __ - � �= 1, -`�-- �-- -- �e--� 1�;� �'�.. _. • Address_.. Phone No.___.-_-_• (4) INSPECTOR:%��tAr�__. C_'Gy�( r,.w ..» ----__..___• Address �' o a d , Phone (5) PRIMA CONTRACTOR: Addre� s Phone (5) CONTRACTORS SURE'T'Y AGENCY:___„_ Address __...._._._ __._._• Phone Bond No. _ Exp. Date--/- / �. (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS : _� M_ ______ _.—.._—.-_ _____� __,• dor �ho-� o � 5 5 e. � � ho�a f oo I� Ere- n wAr � ar K ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED PRIOR TO APPROVA OF -SE PLANS T C 41,14 917 l PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. DY PLANNING DEPT. i ;~ U 1917 DUILDING DEPT. BY COUNTY +1 EAL-I H D:?T. DY. _ Y DATZ• --- CITY OF TIGARD - - CITY ADMIN13fRATOZ UY ...--� DAY_...-- TIGARD WATFI; DI'3T. E3Y 0GENERAL TELEPHONC OY"- _____ - ---- DAT=1J F� ?A 1E 14 7r F 15 U S A 4 bfQ I BY J -k--- D!',TC 1-lZu.A-Z'Z4-77 N. W. NATURAL. GAS FJY_ _. ---__-. DAT P. G. E. BY—_ ' DATE.-.-=a"414M T. R, F. D.AtEE14SWV)kp,, n PA pt� I( * do1'LtlO6kij 5����►s� •� ���e GG TI.�s�-�► CI�� I�,!l , , FILE CORY Inc .Tr vp .,. rt :. ST T5 STO M D AINAGE SANITA Y SEWER & WAT LAN "aC"� of "TwED GENERAL NOTES IND CL/RB SECT/ON � ,t ,� w" „" INDEX /1/orE proVrde 2-3" /V. 7-.S. wcom"aft DESCRIPTION SHEET No 41e. tip holes m curb Por each Lot 6�/ //8 �ft 1. ALL STATIONING SHALL BE STREET CENTERLINE STATIONING, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS. �;JiSh9►',Y��,.�6fecyrb COIVIAPO(5117 Z17117-IYIZ 149L4/11 2 _ 2. LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE THE RESPOPISIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. cgTpc5 ' ) r V . & � & 111IZZ �j Q 3. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TQ THESE PLANS AND TO THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY 9TkZTT & L570klV URAN 4;A ZNYW140 "�Ue ��O� ��eo OF TIGARD AND THE UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 2�' 7f�— RD(/E �..' •0 -.0 s0// 514N. �j W§14? �,. BENCH MARK BRASS CAP 1503-816 70' SOUTH F T F R A A W F 9Z &C" :37" & INZZ 5 O CENTERLINE U BONITA ROAD AND 33 EST 0 CENTER- ; I?-/o lPock LINE OF HALL BOULEVARD. CITY OF PORTLAND DATUM. ELEVATION 177.51. '1 • o , C> SA N SZw�,Q 5. STANDARD DETAILS SD-1 THROUGH SD-10 INCLUSIVE ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SPECIFICATIOJS AND ARE A PART Cc THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 9" 3?RELTL14HTS TO dE IWUYALI.ED AS PER I:ITY mbmeovED Poe LAYovT . �. MA11r110x CWSTERb rO III- lWtiTALI,.ED AS PER CITY 6TAWOARD lo� �Ll�i) AT LocAYloNs s�talalED C$"l- TO WFE ;I?Lbb BY bLV"Oftlt Fd1t GucROC14MeW7 217 1� t�tC.�SSARY . Dttyi4N CW4MtiCR T'o SV19 1 ^I-ptATWQ6 ;41t 411T��Y �S avAL, D c Y STAotok1t� RES1D¢NTIIkV D/I.v AMte$04 REQUIREVr�Focl+c • 8. IT fTAr•�OARD Q1cYet.E wNERleµAAt RAMP ItMVIRED, Q ALIS INTERSECTIONS I t Ci sol►e�l' . 1C41- S TREE7- SECT101V N Al. T. s. TIGARD — ASST B/Kiz--PA Ty\ PZ ESTRAIN WAY t4T /o�At�pL. 8' d5 X/19- G AC)A0WAY I P.ZZ-4. S w /7 5 SSW Pte•E. RI p 41 /J I S eI �J sopeswr l- O.5' F— eoN►TA FlD i S/ TE ' _ I 2%(TYR� LOPE � -IL L SLOPE CUT S2•� .E.xrauo�U curtB 2•'l ON ROAdW,4y 5,�/LUR, �j y4 yt�CuR6 I'I CL.45S "C"A50MALT/C COVCACTE OVERLAY(woago-, 0%4AtA Ry 2" CLASS "C" A5PNA1-T/C CO/vCRETE' J r \\\-2" - 3�4"-O " CRLIEHEO ROCK.1GRAVEL ' NORTH �--G"- Z"--G" CRUSHED ROCK�GQAVEL N I T Y MAP PRAHERs�, SSOCIATES II fl C Plan n i n f g �� Engineering Surveying 10550 SW ALLEN BLVD. SUITE 223 BEAVERTON , OREGON 97005 FES 9 7977 Cara.=ENSWARI) F'FIF • own low OWN - 1 II II I I11�11-r1111y1 1111111,. 1111►11111 NOTE; IF THIS MICROFILMED _-- 2 3 4 5 8 7 j I1I �0' III1I ' 112 t .. ^+.lM�'+.•^., d•4•W►n-�•r• _. .Y.^ -- •.••• DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICWIT 1S ONE TO )E.QW1TY OF THE ORIGINAL ^"bRAWING. --- y/ OE aZ oZ LZ gZ Sp fZ fZ ZZ IZ' OZ at 11 LI 91 SI bl EI Z1I 11 01 a fA L 9 IS--�, 1p Z 1 ': ►t1��1111u11�wlilnl�l�id►�I�:mIIIII11utt�tt91►nl�nah�l�nwlrnlilnil�++ttl+ltf�11�1+1ttt�t111IIt!1,1u IIIY>ltIN11111�}11fi11gtIMlIM ' �mllnn�lulhlll�lllll)lllll�l�W�1111�1�1tUIlIl1�II11N . 1992 .2JULY ..... ��"�"r�'1sr��CO` rts�,e:,�,.exq;«I},w�+,+s+1 •r..'� 'T ""�°y�,�'x!y.}�•m•,, •-+�,�`'' '! � ' ty 1 CONSTRUCTION NOTES �p POf'f I . PLACEMENT OF STRUCTURAL FILL � --- t 6649 � 1 .' Strip�in-s; All topsoil containing grass roots , vegetation, and unsuitable organic materials shall be stripped from areas to be filled. The materials, so stripped, shall e wasted in berms in the areas shown to the satisfaction of and as directed by the owner. C i1.� 5CO - . Fill Material : The fill mater•Ial shall consist of rock mixtures, fill rock and shall 9y�,G be ree of perishable organic material , such as tree stumps and branches . a 3. Fill Placement: a) Prior to placement of the fill material (excluding these areas to receive fill rock) any excessively soft or wet areas exposed during stripping or occurring . thereafter in the fill section shall be removed before the next lift is placed and conrpacted. b) Where fill material is to be placed on slopes steeper than 6 (six) horizontal to 1 (one) vertical , the existing slope shall be benched to firm soil to provide a level surface on which to place fill material . c) boulders may be i1acei in the fill section, provided thej r are spaced at least 10 (ten) feet apart, so that the fill material can be placed and j 0 suitably compacted between the boulders. d) All the fill material shall be pl.rced in layers not to exceed 9 (nine) inches loose thic'•:ness and shall be c�,nrpacted to a density of at least 90 (ninety) percent of the standard proct�;r maximum dr density and shall have a moisture ccontent not greater than ' (tioee) percent above the optimum moisture � content. Basic cu ipactrin should be ac, ompl '�hed with a sheepsfoot culler. e) To minimize infiltration of water into fill section, the fill Sd rface sho ,ld he sloped to drain. At the end of each shift the surface of tie fill section shoull be sEfiled with several passes of a rubber- tired -roller. 4. Slo-Pes: Cut slol,••s sr ill !�e no steeper tnan !' p 2 (one and one-half) horizontal to 1 (one) vertical . 1 � � I I . PLACEMENT OF BERM 'SATE__I ALS �\ �\ \ \ III 1 1 1 . Location The herr log +tine shown )n the clan is conceptual onl v and any phy;, rcal � � \ J\ II i � 6�\ � �\ 4 � 2 ` � • improvements andioi natu, + l amenity trees, special , plant, etc. ) in these areas shall 1 I I 1 take precedence. Ther. fore it these features aree countered, the berm shall either be terminated ir rel �cateri is aper rued by the owner � ��(Pla�� »•� 2. Clearin-c_ b Gr,,:)bin(1: Clearinc; shall be limited to cutting end removing grass and brus'i and dispnsing cif this mate-ial off-site in a manner and location approved jy the owner. e Q� •� • 3. Placement: All mater i,jl r•esuI *.inq from the stripping operation shall be placed in _ rows maxinum 1, (twelve) feet in width, not exceeding 4 (four) feet in height, compacted by track rolling, and rough graded to the satisfaction of the owner. The material shall I ' CAf �,,��D�\` be so placed as not to restrict the existing and proposed drainage patterns . I I —T 34ed nv e \ LfS 1 � � �o� i9 w w I � I I ! ' ! � I � ,1 � • L \ 1 TINT\ PERMerCs� tr' Fop4011 40 r \I` STATEAre 0 W 94 LXJ IV ZaZ 1,91 LN 1 p e J4 1 .- ��, I / W I I Lm p LIN - / '� � � 1 M1 W ;r b� �' 1 I I I �/ / � I � � � 4K / ZIA. LE A - - - _- / f. See A-A R E V IS IONS #Y DATE - u X L v 0 t i I 106 No.: /,'��, SHEET e GREENSWARD PARK DATE �n � 8 OF i DRAWN 1 197 DESIGNED CHECKED: APPROVED: Of 6 SHTS. Vor000"Mm 01 me.1041 —WWI I' I i 1 Illi l i r 1 ( r i i JIM17411 1�� r1� ` FI�,I�IIT�iI �III�11 111,IIIIIIIIIIrIIIIi111IlIIIrII�1111111Illllllil11111II�1111111 lII�r11I11111111r11�111'lllllll _ ' i a _ NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I. 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 A I�0 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN "--'�► THIS NOTIC61—TT IS DUE TO QWfTY OF THE ORIGINAL r DRAWING. 0C lit 6Z a 92 SZ IZ EZ ZZ 12 0? 61 Of L I 91 Sit f l El Z I 11 01 • -9 [ 9 S 1r- F 8 Iia" �. -� �►w�ui�Irm�willrHl�lur,lnlwq�wllu11�1nrlwrrlual�ar�ra�lne�lwllai�rrrrirrrr�lr�ttw�ilulw!1�lwrlu • 111tr►�sgllMtt�tttthttl�tNht �uldml�Iwllwu�wwbWLYl�u�uuluu�Wl�u>�llulq��M11 �. JULY 19 9 ' T' >..__ �--.__.._..�._fir__.__._.,,,.__,— _ • _ . ... �t�3MYliNMMtIw .._.,... REVISIONS S66 IN NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE BY CONSTRUCTION NOTES j 1 . All 12" , 15" , & 18" diameter pipe shall be concrete (extra strength ASTM C14) sewer pipe with open joints, mortar top 2/3 circumference of pipe. 2. Construction shall conform to the following standard details . /7 /7 8 1 Construction Item Greensward Standard Detail Malihol es SD-4 Inlets SD-2 Box Manholes SD-3 \ 1 1 Vertical Curbs SD-1 \ 1 Storm Sewer Bedding & Back ,ill SD-7 \ - 3. Excavate to line and grade indicated on drawings. 4. Place 3/4-0" crushed rock pipe bedding to concave shape fittingcurvature /��4.G8.I9V Lf ® TC.' /9,3¢�t ,p.�' � ! I � � � I �� � � �� \ 1 of pipe to grade shown on drawings . /lilio'�'' •J l - � - rC 5. Place and join pipe according to manufacturer' s recommendations . � r", /9,364 !_ = /,5.85 t ` �`► 1 1 I �� I �Q I I / 6. Place 3/4-0" crushed roti, backfill in pipe zona in 6 inch lifts and com- Q r� /9.�/T ( � � I f---- - E .6.�1 1 �1 . \� /O"�'esrment ! I _ - 1 1� 1^ pact with appropriate equ1prnent and methods to 90 percent optimum density • as determined by Oregon State Highway Department procedure for determining ® l /74. 2 D 27,j�4//O \\ I I I / 1 �1 relative density of granular materials. C� Q rC. /�// L•PGYJ.d2 " .� i l jZ� 7. Place 1',"-0" granular backfill above pipe zone in 6 inch lifts and compact I I with a.,propriate equipment and methods to 92. percent of optimum density \ ---� I as Bete. mined by Oregon State Highway Department procedure for determining • 8 11 6 ___ -'� a _ �•,� relative density of granular materials. 0��72.PC .P�: � TG. /9296 ,L • � 3S� � 0. _— � � a �h L."ef I/s14 deo �1l/�: _ 1 tea' Z /J _ l ' r /84/8 /484' l I Lly /7 I 1 r� ,P z8 iY1o' OZ `' Oi3.5.�5 � •g � 2 .,Pef/t45 2� e� t�7� '3 � D Art;" eD,P,4 N s y C D �=43.98 .P 2� = 9D A ti s�? ✓ f _ �J ---. -_ 1 /; , 4f 65'SO« TC. /95 03 D- S .P� TC. /9P ('• W/. �/. , ' �= �■ /4�Erc /s�,�7 ��o� r.�' �P.D6 xOQ �✓ / / �/ 1 /clams '�' �c�` s 23o X M H. //�•�f 74' /9/. of�s� rc /9?-W IA4C :so« re /9af4 �fs�7d « rc ie67� .57 1 ...ZZ 17r 10V JI? ........... . _. . . . . . ................ ..•...,.... . . . 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' E : � �► . � . . . i : : : : : : � : : : : : : : : : E : : : : " ' : I : : : � CHECKED �7G Z_ 171?. 70 OUT DATE c! �eOI-/77 &i zvl/7 Z//7e . . . . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : SHEET NO c3 . . SH : I : E . . . . . . . . . i I : : : : . . . . : I ; : ; . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . s . . . . . . . , , S E IuSWAF'D FAf+:k:. O / . : : i : : : : : : : : : ! Bg Mom OF SHEETS WX ` Awl I II11 1�1 111 Il 11 11 'I�1 1 1 I I 1 - �. _. I I I , 1' I I ( I frit I (Ill�llt,l) �Ilt�l) (lt�llllllr�ll IIIIi11tI11t�tIl�tlllllll1111111�1111111�111'll�0' lll It I1111111I1111t�1�1i1'111. ' ' 1 3 4 5 e 7 8 0 I IIp NOTE: IF THIS M ICROF I LMED I --------y DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN j THIS NOT IC6f r T IS DISE To y QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ,. ., " DRAWING. -- �''�' OE da 9Z LZ 9a SZ tit �t tt la 4Z St of t1 •l - til til EI al 11 01 _a 9 L 9 S t► EL•• Z 1�•"" toll�t1111U11�111111111�Intlg11111I111NtItINl111 N�tttl�lt!I�tal 1�1 �Illllllll�llllllll1�1111� I!W!lIJlU�11L1�111M __ . JULY 2 1992 REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE BY -- �k --- I �/- --.\ Ing 160 1 Com\ u 'ot/- 6%�,�`h 1 ���, .s�ieee' it b.3 -a k \- �\+ - - -- -- --' _- %� ___ ----7 \ 1 4�� CL Z � 1 „ \ ` � �- �\ l X 11 � � Q � I I 6 �5 .4f j z e e 1 ,\ �' a��e� Oc � 1 .�-�.P�einncE? exist �: f'� �� �y ���,�r��,��'a I � 1 1 ( \ 1 G � ��k 2,�E�d Ca�c. curb a'b yr '��s �< < '� o� I \ \ p a a _ r" 16M 2 beyond I.�/ets �e.® P ,to p,0- ?_I vj I I I I �'� \ \ � n v 1 1 �° 'To I �, \ � v, .Toe � s �' 0O t��d. Street L� -�` VT Da'rriceyde ^ � �- i \,Z�, _ Sf7'�SP Inlr // 1 i 11_ \ / \ ` � \ /I/eq-�2�W\- * 4�lpv _ ✓f \ -� kN4� - lj� � I - _ 1 t le - ,l\ d6rfA . It ot� --� I 1 1 -_ 4d jp . i 44 I \ i \ 6' D. L/ . . .4 I . 4 �I 0 el r_1_/v "--,\ /_,��\ I I,. C(A r- c - , � t4 rl�o 1/5, ,jam.G�',PE. 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I . ; D 2 . . . . . . . . . . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 : : : . . . : : : : : : : : : ' : i i is 1111 . • i , SHEETS „w,, a,,;..:. .... , IV . . e . _ r 1 1 I I 1 I . 1 I I"I, I I( Ill I It I 110 fly II t1t II Ilt 110 III I III III 111 Ilt t1t �1t olt oft ilt ole 010 110 i11 �1t olt tto t1t 010 olt ttI , .. _ �v. i I ( I I I I I I J t l l l l l l l l . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 10 II 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMFO ( - DRAMING IS LESS CLEAR THAN 4' THIS NOTI,jr'IT IS DUE 7V I' '� _,E-QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL bRAMING. OE dZ 0Z tZ tit SZ ft t>Y._ L►t 1= OZ 41 BI i 91 .1 til fl fi II 01 • 1 s ti• C 8 I""" r ��u�tntinn�otnlnn�unb�it��tolnt�l�tnlanihtttltt I�t!!IiH1 utlnn1lttll11,41, --wild IUI�H11 � JULY 2 ' ��.... , .�- ._ I _ _ - . ­­­--­­.,­_l___ . A , i REVISIONS N0. fIESCRIPTiONIDATE BY t • CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1 . All 8" diameter sewer pipe sha•11 be concrete (extra strength/ASTM 114) sewer pipe with rubber gasket joints. . 1 JW7 /7 /7 ` \ 2. All service laterals shall be 6" diameter concrete pipe with a minimum of 2`,; slope. 2�LE �43 `j'S 1 1 3.. An "S" shall be permanently marked o•n the vertical concrete curb at each sanitary sewer lateral . \\ _ 4. All sanitary sewer laterals that are not placed under curb shall be marked with a 2"x4"x5' long board, buried 312' and painted red. I ink 5. Waterlines a--e designed by Tigard Water District. The proposed location of waterlines and waterline appurtenances should be verified with the Tigard Water District. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to coordinate his operations with Tigard- Water District c� 67 LV ` It - to avoid interferences, and insure timely construction of all improvements. 6. Construction shall conform to the following standard details : ZD I INc _ 1 11\ Construction Item Greensward Standard Detail Sanitary Sewer Manholes SD-6 Sanitary Sewer Bending & Backfill SD-8 t I Y IV % ��� ��/6jj FAC L 7. Contractors shall notify the City of Tigard 48 hours prior to sewer construction Air 46 �' 8. Al Sanitary sewer- construction shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Unified / I /9 '� _ __— Sewerage,AVncy of Washington Count Resolution & Order No. 71-9. 144.4. It"S 4 MI i4AvC / 172 It ova ALS otFltl� >tIPtQ - I 1>416i456% RK.,INCer &LI'd "&-4rltls 4PsI i�a�sJa OtQ. Gs�irss;ice» bra. , wy s \ Alf zi 1,7 l l I i� /157 tN41 _ In 00, :'54 W LM 4 6c 14 NCcs�yS7r � ��o, I Itis ITS �tl 'Oor 1800 c� • O Z 90 W w C -- _ /90 � c Fi/�ish 3ttJ.TD�,r S1.d � " uca 401;n E/ /91C � /90 �, Sforin aidii� /JY� /tea.. ...: .... -Af,5.�Dh Zile C IV o_ �� /8f5 h ZZ le .4 /84 /�O .. _. ...._ _...._ � /90 O c /93.95 — Q, /E /Gff.� ��� ' h .� �/, F6 /E Xv 117,74VZ17lii"e.4 6p ' ZI-V I 4f oD9.70(F`CSp JOB NO. lZe2 cj ♦♦ �� e,19.3.47cSW '�� DESIGNED /E/T.?.v j/7 DRAWN •X-/T7'f0 66V O COMP. CHECKED DATEAV 4PrU 11W 1A SHEET NO. ..................... cC z/e v /%I Cal E':F_N9WAF'I) FIII 1 1 n F' I OF SHEM kIMIWwII� a _T12 ` Y r x �'II�I�IIi (II+��+11�11�.111t111����+1 r�i��+ill+, �1�� �+� � �1�I�Ili�1I 1+1+III +I+�+1111+I�1r�11+1111�II+I+I+�11111t1i�,111,1I I,III,IlI,11�11 111��I1'Illlltl'Ii11t,1I1,1�1II � � ._ - � I r ` IJG7E: IF THIS MICROFILMED ' 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 A 1�0 I I I p DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT IM-`IT IS DISE TO .DE QLW1TY OF THE ORIGINAL bRAWING. - -- - - - - -- - - - -- -- ---- - -- OE dz ez to 9Z Sz ►tt fe at la 01z 61 91 LI 91 SSI til 1 El 1---2 '-1 ___` 11 011 -6 0 t 9 s ► E � I'MAIN �HlUnlluulli,Ilunlnullyfllllt�ltif ,u�lluli11f�111gIM1�NN�1111� nIu1111a1N11fIF1�Ntt�tt+111H1� IIIINI�FITII?IITTItNtIlgl leaf llNMmh I A oil uIIIIUII11111 ul11uI1Wt W1u11�U1�l�ltuluullu btn ` t• JULY 2 r 199 ,21 REVISIONS N0. DE8CRIPTIDNIDATE By r ' A I �\ 1 �.--�-r • I � —.�. I to IF Man 74YT ,to� �� I I I r6�� 7Z Q Le i IF seat: .• Na/ b848 eA 17. � W .............. ...... .............. ....:........................ ... ................... .... ... ._ .... ..... . . . . . . . . . . : : : . . _ . ................ ................................. ................................. �f20. 7 r i O + /E�51�t� _ . . . . . l . . . . . . . MW : . : : : : : : . . . . CL �\ ......................................:................................................................................ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /t,SU : : 7 s� , �r- ...... _ - Allel 40 s� .� No. ,S Eq �} 87.. JOB NO. • DESIGNED ....... DRAWN � COMP. %r CHECKED GG'� DATE �e / . : ET Na { . . .I. SHE . ` i ! { . OF SHEETS Au -M Bob- 1 1 ( 1 1 r �� ( 1 ( 11111'�'IIr 11�`►1.1 ���1� I��II+1111 1111 ft�I �11ItIIrj1) 1111111 111111 1111t)[1111�11i�rll�Ill)111�IIII111I111I11,11111I111I111`1111��I�111I111I11t1111t1111111 7 d A L.�I0 I I 12 ! NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED •t-+ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN �+ THIS NOTIC IT IS DUE TO QWITY OF THE ORIGINAL _— A,'-DRAWING. of 6a ez a ea sa fZ Ea Za la 02 61 QI EI el $1 *I Ei al II 01 S e L 9 s 1p f r Imilo y-�- .I ,.L... .+' d11 IIIIIfIIIInIIIUIIuf,IIIN�'f1i1111�IIIIkHI�itifl111eINp{Nillffi111 i11N111N1f�Flfl�tt�IlullullN��lnt Ilulf r�1}1ImFI F 1u111u1111u11n111I11hVA lltiltlt�llllul1�111t1 JULY 21992 , I EXE.3 T, w G /^ r." C.1. 1 6110 ,. V IVAP 4� S I .l1A or 1 CONSTRUCTION NOTES : � I f r 1 . Notify Tigard Water District prior to commencingti j ! construction . 2 . All work shall be i T1 accordance with A . W . W . A . I , standards . t r,pNNfc' r, ro 3 . All work shall be ilisPucted and approved by T . W . I) . ! O. Y. 10v 4ixE 0 b " a �, 4 . Fire hydrant assembly consists of. 0 " MJ x 6 " Fly tee , f t gate _._..._..........._ ._�.. . ..,.. ... . .. - .__... ... ant 5 v Pte' f 6 ' Flg va e F1q and Pacific States fire TZ� r 1 -� 1 unl 0 r , r+- ( 1 _ 2� ' NST h o con- nections , v n- i ' .��' . A✓.�' Wl� J L NEnet io s , �i P P ? 6 ' t 1 .. F19 connections 14 Pent Opr Nut , open left , color : red , traffic model . i '' . �'• SAN. 3ArWeR ,,, : ) 5 . Poured concrete tr�rusthlocks at: least 6 square feet ._._,....._.._._.. . . .... surface�, � of bearing �t all bend , and blow-off 1ocaticins . PROP 0-3 r4V •/ A/sT,, t. L b" ,. ; 6 . 36 of 3/4 minus gravel cover for all mains . iN•S 7•,4 L [ b rel VV/C. � /A'S 7AL4 7. W4,Vp1v. )V -S r. 7 . A11 sanitary sewer lines 10 ' laterally or 3 ' ► IN jTA « y,, - ..._, vertically of water main shall be, encased in W/ .6 .� - ` concrete 6llthick 101 from crossing . Where ' I crossings are ne8e%,sary the�;r must be mads at l2 # ~,•� approximately 94 witr; at least. 18 " separation f ` below water lire . I 0 8 • Mains shall be testA at 150 psi . i t 24 �� � ' 9 . O . S . B . H • bacteriolc)gical tests required. . 10 copper TWD shall install ,�11 AP ' services prior IG' �r' � 1� to blacktopping of streets . Meters will be installed b�7 the district upon individual qq I request for same . 11 • Individual pressure-reducing valves may "N. _ _ . . ._.. ._.._ .-.._... ,.__...w_. i �-• ._ req ts meta r (on the customer b-� uired at eac i ,, t, t�� side ) . Static Pressure :• 5 psi . PROPOSED � � �,4.1 . I _. - � ) Pr�_Sur� • 85 to 9 _ ps INN. A i 1. Z" a.n. IN [>?Nrr, fr ytrrL � ,��,� � 2 . Upon completion of _nstal ,I.ation , co*:t.ractor r will advise T . �ti . D , �� tct:► t construction . (Q C h 1 N. .S I D DFWALK) �7 costs to which ' l.q 33 i.cel �! i. ac�(11 10 for d i s- �-- trict inspections , '* ter ?ass , overhead , 1 �, `'` ,,,• �y i administration , s atl►,�-�,; rtq , etc . , and $ % f o r Engineering , includ; ns'; permits , " as--built " drawings , updating master map , intersection maps , et ._ , / f�. j 13 . Materiel List : M i t + I . D '' . 6 Pipe (Class 52 ) . w . . . 11600 ' ' 6 " .7 - .. M 32 11 Gate �'a1ve . . Y Y . . . . . . . . . . 6 MJ Tee 3 6 MJ Bend 3 / ; i,... ......... . ...,--- -._...........r._.-...._._ _.._. __ ....., 7 C. - - Aug • • • w • • • - - - I l ' " eeve Lon Patterns • 1 STA 4L C. 1°! VD, 6Solid Sl t t 1 'i I ( 9 Fire Hydrant Assembly . o jW ki I • . I `� 1.«-�- ,I , /A(5rALL G" G.V. 3� .r 1, ,\ G S V f 1 1 r.E -. .: ' `�.±..".'!." -- p•' r . P. SAN, S7 �'W ;, ..w..,,` ` 'J ,�' i .. •'+,i / N No ' I .,VS 7A[ t f. ITi.V, PRO A.7RSEl> N . 7 � TIGARD WATER DISTRICT � � h- ` 8841 S W. COMMERCIAL STREET • T ;GARD, OREGON 97223 1 ` I ` N ° 301Y17"A RD• TELEPHONE 15031 639 1554 24 25 2G 2`1 2b 2 _.. .__ I � 1 WATER PROJECT Www .« /V VIA �? S. HA L. L_ 3d Rohe►t E. 5antse, P.E. Administrator Scale oil w ....,...., soft •o( .,,,.I ., rye, _x ._ ". 1 ' ' _ _ r'. , , ^• w.t,,,_..,r...... ---• r " + I Yyr- • c. ' �i'� 1 1111 i 1111 'I� t 111(1 ``lyl �� I �'I 1 � 1 I�� Ij (1 ► III Ili II f11 ► 11 111 � � � 11 ( I'�Y III ! � � 1 I I i 1 � � � � � � � � � � � � � I ► I Y 1 � � � � � � i1 � � � � � 111 ....,,•......._, _. _ ,_..,_, , - , A. ._ ._ • '._. . _ - '�'�' - . .� • ' 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 t i . • ,. NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 1 2, DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICG-r-IT IS DISE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL . Ile All DRAWING OE 6Z 92 tZ 9? SZ bZ EZ ZZ Iz OZ 61 @1 1. 1 91 % 1 f I E I Z I 11 01 6 ® 1 9 S b E ,• t411III 1111I111111111II itIIInto ilt111it4)116111111#1111111tulttiti11141it416if1111111111111141w""I"11lit!III'tt1�411t 1�IYt4��1lMil# �111111l1111111�1111�11111 4W A 1 _ I ALL SPACES MU:� f1S T BE ENUOED PRIOR TO APPROVAL Of- THESE PLANS PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. BY _ DATE_.._._----...-- PLANNIrJG 0.ZPT. QYr- DATE--- - — BUILDING DGPT. Q`' _._._ DATE-_— ,� COUNTY HEZ'1LTH 0s'r27. DY.______._ .. DAT£.__._ __ -•-_—` CITY ADMIN!43TR^,10R 1:33Y__ ._._ AT •P DIyT. l9Y__. ..____..... DATCT. _ --- T I G A R D W C r----'-'--- i i 1 G 1977 GENERAL TL'CEPHONE By DATC - 1 I CITY OF. TIGARD 1 e A �Y` � � Q�,T�:��.1�=.� N. W. NATURAL GAS DY.___ _ _ DA -- I P. G. E. T. R. F. U• tlr._ - --- DATE-- U.S.A. ATE_-._.__U.S.A. - D.E.Q. COP'S � p + MAR 1197; WASHINGTON ACOUNTY WAT LANS INDEX DESCRIPTION SHEET No �PoS/T�" Z117/L/T�' oL4/V 2 —07- SlrORIV i� `2 11V �D &/7 //1/&/z C5 'ZTT & c570k1V D, 4W GWZTNsw1I,0 4 &Czy e67z6( ,,0v1NZZ- 5 (0010� APPR0 E0 Subject to provi,ion< f ,,r date. State of eve) DEPART E r;W�tEp L UA � ` o y10iCA1- 5 T - T SECT/CN Ft S 1 D A/. T. 5. Water Quality Division DOM of Environm*ntaj QWI(ty 25' 25 ' 8' g� 2MINES ILL scope Ui sLCPE 2 / 2 / •/ W C 1'xAr / R�W -'; 5 / CL45S ",C\ ' '�A.�'NALT/C CaVCX-r7,- OVERLAY 2" Cl-AS5 I'C" ASPNALT/C CONCRETE 2" - 3/*"•-O " C9U5#EO R0CIC1GeAVEL C'eusogso Roc"vGRAVEL �p PA0�Fssi /1.rPROVIZS -RFf� D A'3 NOTED FE 1 7 i9i7 uNiFl AG cY uvjj`o!i BY U. S. A. Ii1NGTON COU1\111 10550 SW ALLEN BLVD. SUITE 223 BEAVERTON , OREGON 97005 FEB 8 1977 GREENSWARD F'AF'k, 1.4 OF .... _. • ...+. IIt1: r - �' I�I11! I�IIIII IlIJIl1 (ot t1iftlifil�1 1 1 1tI ) 1iI1 I 1II 11 tli ..) 1tI I (I1 11 1tt I (t1 1i II( II I I t 1 I I 1 I 1I1 1 1 1 1 11r t 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 11 f 111 1 ,�,,.t � � ) I �r ( Ifl Ii� l I i I ( I tIl I � I I � III � IIIIII ( ll ) I ( I � It ' IIII � � ) + NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I 3 4 5 d 7 8 Q I O I I 12 _ ' DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN .. THIS NOT ICrrt"IT IS DUE Tt; Df QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL 1 OE 6z 8z a qZ sz trz Ez zz la 0 61 BI LI •l 61 41 EI z II 01 • L _ 9 S � E z Iswim" i+ll�111111111�ttIII1111�1i11111N�11111111a�1I11�11Ii�1111�1111�it1111t11111u�11tt�1111111iN1111t11�1U�1111�i111I1N1I111124 IIIIi111tafflTfifllfiffNgll It�111lIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIWIN�IILII�1lIWl'�lllllllllllltll�lllll! i �, - ' JULY 2 19 9 2 ., , � :,i, :y r•. ,,,,,, ,� ST z, r ..,.y.... �111ty+1► ,1,. p .J�� ebb �. �I i .i I i I I f`�G1N� 4, ud48 r� goo �O � C p c-. E , 1A . G. PRIMARY ------ ._. c>T�' .1rI NT ItIl TM R6,F t � 0 ��0 it I 1 CL sem! �WOM 1.41Wof !~ vim_ +�4` ifA xD � \� I \ ^� I � '``/ ��` •� , � / _.. .. X11 \ r. /G• /•• I , .s 44 li LM 6r1al411 \ V 2�00 W To be P 1 � 1 i�! M A J d REVISIONS 9Y DATE N v z _ G t JOS No.: S H E E T r DATE /977w DRAWN ,1 3 DESIGNED J 1. OF' t 5 CHECKED: APPROVED OF p SHTS. ♦ , 40 .. �� f �' rlllllll Illllllfl�lll�►ItI1IIIIIIt�lllll�l[II111� 111fir, I( I111�11 111(1111111(P1�IIIIIIIIIIii�lll�lllllllllll�fllll�i�rt+ �>� �111(IIIIIII�II�I1111111 ' r NOTE; IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 I DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NI-IT IS DUE TO JA 9UAtITY OF THE ORIGINAL M -'DRAWING. - -- - ---- - _ -- dc a2 92 a 9? 4Z ►Z ca ZZ IZ 0a 61 HI LI 91 SI 41 c1 21 II 01 -6 9 L 9 S Ir c z 1SINAI" ,,r�w rrll�uulllll�uul�ul�uuln)I���I��III�III�IHI�itHI1111�uu1u11��Ipl�tt�I11N11�N1111H1111�11Il�nlllll}I�glllllllllll�N1�1i111,J1 �111un�ltfl�fM�111II1iriDttl`ilf�llf�11111''MIInllulluu�Iu111111�1n111L1� 11�#lulltll�11U�11u,1ufJllghnl � _.. „ JUL-Y 2 1992 h iWIW-.. �, _—mow. .�...�w......w�. .�w�� +-�. tin•.a.,"T��"' q�.