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� ' • gyp,.,, Q• � �G.u+ S1 z �4}r 60' o- n nurr0'"� Sf)A N� 16? 26 �x 2Co I �a+87 12 ITI - ?6 L•F ] i \V� + /nbhILI j 27 d 4' rA I t�+41; o5 SW—F"71 M. O+1"1.00 - a -- - I I &A*4 ���� s�n►�^ Sty alter 604 I 17 14TIL.tvt �N,�I�tNT_- - Ww WwEAraEM6NT I.frlf..14� ._L7 - I Al- Gc>NU MTL° ailOC'WPAL 1 _ / " G/�!� i rC �� ,�i• NOTE I"(,1AKA 'G' OVEI1tw0f I-•- 2" ;vii;,5 'at% G REG2'O WITHIN Ot•dE 1YePsI1I. I ll' ;/4'r -c> GF'-U%ket:, R -Cr K- H.T 5 r GENTI.-EWOODS i /– L i 1. F �11111� tI 4A a SS Gl�t CZN>T 'bTD `3fF4--el' PAN44lILi(-*0f_6 1 A . _. flit --=�, T 1 GONG . gl uC',NA LK I u (.hAFyj I G' A G ..-:.r–. +:r Tom•-! A. �:.z — I i�es�T cans I ION 6-W. -11TH HVt irk G�N��aL- No's I AL1" C 0i+;,Tk-LJ1' T THE 4�TA ,\-4GAR05 ANO 4F THE r IT _( OF TIGAPI-O TSE 'Y/A r�R 6Y�1LM N t-� f�E 0E51G1�!�D 3Y THE 'i�rARD 'JVATEI� DITRIGT; f J<i`I F'( (HAT C I 7 I,T rr ft To ,NPTEfZ LINE .r.I�TALL.AT'ION ?. "tlze 6HALI- 15E p GF TWU �" DIAM1=TEMr- WttP r►OL,e-5 Pf'It- LOT 'NITHIN S,� C�F -,1-415 Pr4c('E-I`e-TT I`INE 4, N ?A:,,l-i- 14I-4EUL Gr+A, IR FZ.4(�Mr15 P•T N- F.:OL F-(TIONs 5 VFtIvENA`( Gu�f�GPF-Nr:(,�� 4..f--IAI_L_ Dt 67t�� AS pIREGrEO E'f OW►�ER.`� C.�`�"( R,f��L�ailp►,,,Zs, C'SENGN MAF�K = 'j'I F.�Fz44h i71t;c c. i''( GF r'e PL %.hNc Oft THE vvtcgT W ✓`/ OF ✓V r LJ_ r5L' / G X, rEET '�cuTH 5f THE INTtR�;e(;TIcN OF S. N 50N,TA, F20 rtl ft4• z- 77,%I l Tl -r: .'X.a'K)I.4 AND l:L1<VATIONS OF ALL NG UTILITIES e -)"N Ar -Lc Frce�,r.4 C�LEG'�RG �JNt_,(. THF CON-Tr2AGTo,s. SHo.LL VERIFY ALL UTILITIt ti N rGTP-NTIA(. ,oNF'�IGT A�EA� PFIr-iFc '�� ,�v►VSTj�{JGrION /'--NL') .-01rI F'f IENLI I NIcEf1L ; MMeOIATtt.Y IF ANY CONFL-IGTS g TIAt! LP-41F—IEC 4,f--WEr-Ac,G OF WASHING roN (,0iJNT-r ff-- NOTIFIED PRION TO Gr)Nr.IEC,TION TO "1211 9iANITAf&-( aE'YVE IN'IEILCtr''OF• `1 SaNITAfzY SEwEI� MANHr_�LE�i Lc�.NTF_D OUTSII» OF C>TrzEtt AIEeAS C-;ry ;��NEr��.YTED KITH WA•1EIt -TI6o4 r MANWV LE --r6f ELt'�A'IOI�S ")F Af"21,x I`�tl+T�=.Y ONE F-00" P vE EX I1:�fi'ItNG1 GFAPl , LaNt,F4fv CrHEF-W1%JE NOTeV, 10, ALL- GPA,TGH bAc-7IN? 9b G. 4^A HINGATON GOUNTI' ST,°�NDAGZD GA'G� uf'.�'NS ✓f:TAiL sF�-q OIL OVEF 51ZED G^TGH tb^51N5 DETp. L. *0-1. �— 11. CL >e^;L AND ^2 -EA AND G0r,ARA4,1- PILL MATEP- ^l" 1O gel'io 0E-N4bITY A•-aTM T--Iq . IZ ENDS OF PALL. `5ANl-/A f"1 -Y PbG MARK -ED AOR �-UGA''ION r3Y A 21'x4" 60^9-p PAINTED 12-F-0. !P -s v /3.���d� I.es�ird�sil.�/�'I O { ,4,<, vo c/4 -f r , .s v 1 /� Jive/n��r spa/� �j�vr a / •f� ��► J�w•r• /,., es TV+ j g"d A*,,4 vile T� k C `p r -f q/ d 7KA-e i W « ! r / w h /,� S'1,* �� m ,f 1U Gd e e� !1 o / t S / �l !! Iio/ s �.. ��� . lila f� �jp&: PSAP., p1 ffjv FRoar PIR&pjtgL j �C,NEs of &ISM Z•r 11AJ S recr TO A S' WIa& �A EhtrENT PA IAL &.E L. ALoNrr SP*eD 14MIL5 Folk, Ar?e.I rY P'40-f"rp-S �;� • SUF-I5UI-I1PkN TYPE ISI H. MT 4 C.m �aldsr _ 147. c35 e12".100 ELL, UyE 1ZF L.c +VV PLATE (F1wMUNAP�I,E) I Ih' OUTFALL PIPE. TtE / � I tA M H, # CTPD' L N T -S, CIRC L1LATIOl'i Copy Ili NOTICE TO EXC NVATORS It is your responsibility, as part of this permit, this work PRIOR TO to notify all utility SMARTING THE operators of the extent of JOB. (24 hours if possible.) UTILITIES TELE. NO. WATER -Tigard Water Dist. 63:)-1554 NletZger Nater Dist. 245.3331 GAS - Northwest Natural Gas Co. 2204211 X-212 TELEPHONE - General Telephone Co. 639.1002 Pac. N.W. Deli Tele. Co. 233-3393 ELECTRIC — Portland General Elec. Co. 643.5454 Issued by: City of Tigard ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF l !-IE:;E PLANS PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. ElY____ _ __ _ DATE-- / PLANNING DTJIT. By _ _ DTIC. BUILDING Dc -.r -'T. E9Y_ D•�T�.. - COUNTY 1-17:cLTH Dr?T. DATE'-- CITY ATE. ---._CITY AOM.N'!ST12.1'T'OF2 F)1' __ D^.TE.. TIGAnD WATt.R DIST. GENERAL TELEPHONE U 5 A N. W. NATURAL GAS a/1�"p" P. G. s 44 4 t T. R. Fr.D.. � I . ... r'''r"�"r► '' .�. ... . -, �'� � , , - A ti1 I' III I ('' f Irl�'lll I'I Illtillll j -�fl I iIIII�tIPlll �II1�1) tlf�tIIIIIVIfjIIIII�rIIIIIIIrjI�tIIIfIfIIIIIfIIIfIIIII111loll lr`TIiIr1f11;I�fIlI111111f11j1111) '�I'I� _•__....�_,,-,,.a,.,.,,�,,,.cl..ar�.�..er�,,,,, w r r l �J�1 NOTE: IF THIS) MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN �"�• THIS NOT ICFs. TT IS DUE TO i - TWE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL Oe 62 9 12 9z sz 1P L9 to 'tz la oz 6i " of 11 91 SI til EI EI I I of a o c 9 s f► E ;L I«r►,.' - .,r►''r .► loll 111111111111111 1111I11111u111111flul14,1111Will lllrhflflfq1i1ml11"11114U4llIII fltullutl11#01fill 11114",111"01111111N111Nt111111rl 11111111111114 mIII ulllltllfft1111tt111111111,th 111dluullul1milu'UIu4f1)lllui�1111'�t111�lIuWlllltli1�11111fI1 11M CJUNE 241992 If, p" - - , , f t Ili ' I v` i i I I 1. • � l p" - - , , f t v tdv 01 'T. L IT 5; 'T > eS3 > co + + + LP Lee I G4 e - 1� (144.4 --5) ISO 14(p Ci E :NTL-.E� WOODS COUILT 01Z.1C41 NA, L- + C4 90 LJ NV F?-ICiHT I tv W L H 14 *41 0+ 00 1+ 00f) 17 `1 1 OUT 0 44 0 3 t zT - /Tr lop (,u 4o- \7-1 2 +5 7 (a 7 6TOK 1-/, M H _: _ � . _ ___ _..__.. - . _ .._._.. r .i ____... .,__ _ Telf, OF GUS.. Le 1c;;17 T7 1211 4- tOUT F_ C) �,Tolrq I 6ewev-, T_* 42 The 0% 50 r ............ i. it. 12„IN (N. W.) 6)4 fo�)o ZL 4 *-4 A. 0 14 S,oS GT& F-� t-1 H - I e 1-7 9, 1 N 1+00 IE The tEP&M OtTeNTION 6"Vt 1'79 1V AV E: ti Lj I. cm i GENTLEWOODS 2 OF NA I MI, FAMAL 7 44111V11111111-pilifF, 11 lorl- I rill I "'I'll 11,1111j,111, ANA 01 9 NOTE IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE -c IT IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. Z to *I of 41 91 to I 1p o c I a I I I o S fp E z I Swiss oc 62 92 12 ge a c a) Lp a 11111111111#10 124 JUNE 24 1992 -It r cn �ro Q ro � T Mr1Yww��4JQ!j_ TRANSMITTAL --�Te g 5 G- o S Dau' - ----- _ _ Hen E" n2¢.t Project UjC,.kS _ _.-- -- — Subject Item -_ Coples Date Description s - 131 l►— Remarks .lou requemed O For your approval O Return requested .r your mformalkin U For your revin, Imm / --- I m D NAM ANDA,49QC]mU UVC. ENO NF:F.Rs,8t'MMIS,PLAM .1,LWOKMA"ffRCfR f IFFI(:F%IN OREGON,iVA,4BING"AND CAMRNIA 26,163{'UMBF1TAVM IN)MAND.ORFOON VIM 4102 N�4i124 6661 1 C1'rf(*TIGARD WASHINGTON COUNTY.OREGON February 14, 1986 Gotter-Jaeherling Partnership 12995 SW Pacific 11wy. Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Gentle Woods Subdivision Gentlemen: The Tigard City Council, at their meeting of February 10, 1986, passed Resolution No. 86-1.5 which accepted the public improvements constructed within the above mentioned subdivision and authorized the release of the maintenance bond. Enclosed are copies of both for your files. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Tigard Engineering Division. Sincere y, l c� Loreen R. Wilson City Recorder 1rw/3585A F:nc. c'c Randy Clarno, Engineering Manager I I I I ----_-- 'r i55 5 W ASH P.Q. BOX 2339- T' BARD OREGON 97723 M 1, 639,4171 ---------...----' CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 86-25- RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN GENTLE WOODS SUE30IVISION AND AUTHORIZING RELEASE OF THE MAINTENANCE BOND. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary serwers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the City further required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to tie requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. . . ;" and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has been in effect for the aforesaid maintenance period; and WHEREAS, all deficiencies have now been corrected. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: The Tigard City Council, hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Gentle Woods Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 53 on Page 10 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records . AND FURTHER, the City Council hereby authorizes release of the aforesaid Maintenance Bond, PASSED: This �7�' day of e �2 h"u ,, 1.906. Al iF.S7: ay1� or - City of Tigard I .J /A-aputy City Recorder - laity of Tigard (JH:pm37) RESOLU 1 10N NO. 86-• �`� 'MM C1TY OF 11GARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA 1TEM SUMMARY AGENDA OT' : February 10_ _1986 AGE NDA I' EM #: DATE SUHM11TE:.D: January 28, 1986 PREVIOUS ACTION: Res. 82-103 placed ISSUL/AGENDA T'IT'LE: Resolution the subdv. on its maintenance period accepting Gentle Woods SubdivisionPREPARED BY: John Hagman REQUESTED BY: Comm. Dev, Engr. Services DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: G11-Y ADMINISTRATOR: POLICY ISSUE _..._ INFORMATION SUMMARY 1. . Gentle Woods subdivision is located on the east side o; SW 79th Avenue. approximately halfway betwoon Benita Road and Durham Road. 2. All public improvement work therein is now satisfactorily completed. 3 . Subsequently, staff recommends that the City Council take final acceptance ar.tion,thereinr•egard,arid, also, authorize release of the maintenance bond . ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Sl1Ght.`;1tU Al:TION Pass the rosolution titled: "Rosol.ut.ion of the f iyard City i;r,unc i l A(. copl itiq the Public Improvements Construt.Lvd within Gvrit1v Wood% "Llbdivision ,vnd Authorizing Releaso of t.hp. Maintonarico Hond ." (;)H:pm37) C1.I Y OF TIGARD, ORI (,0N RESOLUTION NO, 86 -_ RESOLUTION OF TVIV TIGARD CIA"Y COUNCIL ACCP IJIIN(.; IfIl PUBLIC IMPROVEMINIS CON".;IRUGTED WITHIN (;LNTI.E WOODS SUBDIVISION AND AUTHORIZING RE1.0,A. OF III[ MAINI'LNANCF. BOND. 1414-'REAS, the City or ri(j,*r-d Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for, the devolopmont. of subdivisions; arid WHEREAS, the City further required thc! payment of faces and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt. of curt if icat ion by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have boon mot and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council. agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to tie requirements for correction of deficienrips arid maintenance for a period of uric, yvar . . . ;" and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been rer-eivpd,- and WHEREAS, an acf-eptAblv MokjriLvnan(.(.- Mond has been in effect For the afOr-109,Aid maintenance period; and WHER'7-AS, all. deficiencies have now been corrected. NOW, THEREFORE, HIr IT RF.s;oOI.VF.0 by tho Tigard City Council that: The Tigard City Council horebyk(,(,PpLs Lho public impruvemeriLs c0ri9tructed wittli.ri GpriLlo Woods Subdivision, said subdivision being rocurdod in flook S1 on Page 18 in WashingLun County, Oregon, Plat Records. AND FURTHER, the City Council hereby au;ticir-1;,ps relvaso of the aforesaid Maintenance Bond. PASSED: This day of 19146. Mayor, - City of Tigard AITEST : Deputy City Rear order City (if Tigard (MI:F)MI 1) R1 SOI-UI ION NO. Ob LJ I10AI1v14111 u _A it It 1 1 NH,hobt01t ` PM ,'UJVjD ❑ ASSOCIATED INDEMNI I v C "ORATION INSUMMECUMPIWIM ❑ AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE IN` URANCE COMPANY V/_ GENERAL. FORM STATUS INQUIRY City of Tigard — F�'bruary_-_5 _ 1986 OWNER,OBLIGEE ON ONIOINATINO Co. Dep3rtment_o_f Public Works Our Bond No. SC 637 29 45 -.--_--_-'ADORE 89 Tigard, OR T _ Reinsured's No. Contractor: Gotter - Jaeherl i ng -- Address: Tigard, OR --- Description of Contract: Install streets, sidewalks, street lighting, storm sanitary (INCLUDE LOCATION ANO OWNER'i CONT/.A17 NUMRI Ni sewers and underground utilities - Gentle Woods Division _- Owner:-. City of Tigard 199 397.00 199,397.00 ---Effective Uate�__ 05-14-81 Contract Prices + Bond(s) s--_.— -- — ---- Without prejudicing your right or affecting our liability under our bond)%) described above, we would appreciate such of the following information as is now available. Very truly yours, All Inquiries to U.S. Government Agencies must be in dupli- cate with return, stamped, addressed envelope enclosed. F R S Depart rent I If CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: rr Approximate date of completion of work for final delivery)_ - CKApproximate acceptance date - Final Contract Price 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate percentage or dollar amount of contract completed or delivered - - ----- 3. Do you know of any unpaid bills for labor or material )Check) No _ ... Yes_ )If yes, please explain in 4. below) d. R•morks: (if any) �s Dare TaI q �� Signature JsU. \` t. A-}+j...•.- .. ` 1 Please Return Original of This Inquiry To Title V`` v ' Address: --Envelope Fnr.losed 1 UUbI Attention: 380008-7.72 REQUEST FOR ACTION CrnroFTI ARD WSM04MON CONTY OffGON LOCATION: PROot By: Date: FORWARD TO: Administrator Police Building Public Works J Library Recorder Panning Other Department Head Response: -----____ ACTION TAKEN. Forwarded to: County P.W. State Hwy. Dept.---------- By: Date WHITE: To Orginator CANARY: To Dept. Head (9/81) JAIL CI FIREMAN'S FUND INSURA COMPANY ❑ THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY ❑ NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION Mr= ❑ ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION QWRANCRNfBS ❑ AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY —City of Tigard �vV 4 June 24 -lq 85 OWNER,OlLIGEE OR ORIGINATING CO Department of Public Works SC 637 29 45 _ — --.— —__---__--__ Our Bond No. _ ADDRESS - Tigard, OR Reinsured's No.._____�___. Contractor:---Gotter - Jaeherl i ng Address: Tigard, OR Description ofContractl Install streets, sidewalks, street lighting, storm sanitary (INCLUDE LOCATION AND OWNER'/CONTRACT NUMBER) sewers and underground utilities - Gentle Woods Division Owner) City of T1 2a rd Centrad Price $ 199,397.00 ._dared)[) It 199,397.00 -Effective Date---- 05-14-81_ 1Nlthow prejudicing your right or affecting our liability under our bond(s) described above, we would appreciate such of the following Information aE It now available. Very truly yours, All Inquiries to U.S. Government Agencies must be in dupli- caN with return, stamped, addressed envelope enclosed. F b S Department 1. IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate date of completion of work for final delivery) Approximate acceptance Final Contract Price 2. 1F CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: '7 Approximate percentage or dollar nmount of contract completed or delivered__-___� 3. Do you know of any unpaid bills for labor or material (Check) NoX—y@1_ -_Ilf yes, please explain in 4. below) I. Remarks (if any),— ��— V�LG` JE%e4V 4 Date. / Signature Please Return Original of This Inquiry To Title_. __- ` N�Jr "-"1 k ` Address:- Envelope Enclosed Attention: 360066-'7.72 v. / ❑ FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY VCO ❑ THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY C� 0 1� 196. ❑ NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION �O'4' J 11 ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION /' ❑ AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE. INSURANCE COMPANY GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY - - - — City of Tigard ---- - �Y� 19 - OWNER.OBLIGEE OR ORIGINATING CO Department of Public Works Our Band No. SC 631 29 45 ADDRESS Tigard, OR Reinsured's No._-.--_ -_.-. Contractor:__ Dotter - Jaeherl i ng Address: - Tigard,-OR- Install Tigard, ORInstall streets, sidewalks, street lighting, storm sanitary Description of Contract: -- (INCLUDE LOCATION AND OWNER E CONTRACT NIIMBF.RI sewers and underground utilities - Gentle Woods Division Owner: -- C i ty_of Tigard - -- Contract Price $ - 199,391..- -- Bond(s) S 00 199,391.00 Effective Date_ 05-14-81 ------ - Without prejudicing your right or affecting our liability under our bond(s) described above, we would uppreeiate Stich of the following information as is now available. Very truly yours, All Inquiries to U.S. Government Agencies must be in dupli- cate with retum, stamped, addressed envelope enclosed. F & S Department I. IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate date of completion of work (or final delivery) -_-� - — Approximate acceptance date -- Final Contract Price b 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate percentage or dollar amount of contract completed or delivered - -- - ----- 3. Do you know of any unpaid bills for labor or material (Check) No___X__Yes--_ (If yes, please explain in I. below) / J 4. Remarks (if any S/C�f L.►t�// _ _�Y'� /I?leo AU // la�f-s et,c7LtT Dat19 e ` {,;' ��✓' S{pnoture_ l�- - -f �� Please Return Original of This Inquiry To 11t1e. - -�.K_r�r���qq L..J6.-vr�- /* 7-p; --! - nddress Envelope Enclosed 100br S Attention: . 360098-7.72 w.r�a:r.+u4.eWeiWWa.:sw.A;i�.uueLwlirt:.w,ir'in.mw�i.ilnivala51W15r i.-,:a:�r� ❑ FIREMAN'S FUND INSLJTI!A� t"RnTAN3r ❑ THE AMERICAN INSURANCL'•-;OMPANY ❑ NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION IOU" ❑ ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION DZURAM COMPANIZIll ❑ AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE C ANY �CEIvEQ GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY / JyeJ� CITr pf j,GA�O City of Tigard 19 S OWNER.OOL1GEE OR ORIGINATING CO Department of Public Works S 637 29 45 Our Bond No. _ ADDRESS Tigard, OR _ Reinsured's Contractor:_ Gotter _Jaeherling Address:.-_ Ti ga rd,-OR ---_--— -- — Description of Contract: _---- Install streets, sidewalks, street lighting, storm sanitary - _ __— IINCLUOE LOCATION AND OWNERS CONTRACT NUM114011I sewers and underground utilities-- Gentle Woods Division Owner: -_ C i ty of T i ga rd -- --- - ----_ -- — -� Contract Price $ 199,397.00 — - -__Bond(s) $ 199,397.00 ,^—Effective Date - 05-14-91_ Withovt prejudicing your right or affecting our liability under our bond(s) described above, we would appreciate such of the following information as is n,w available. Very truly yours, All Inquiries to U.S. Government Agencies must bn in dupli- cate with retum, stamped, addre%sed envelope enclosed. F b S Department 1. IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate date of completion of work (or final delivery)__ Approximate ecreptance date .---._- --__- -----------__-- Final Contract Price ; 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate percentage or dollar amount of contract completed or delivered___.N� 3. Do you know of any unpa;d bills f7r labor or material (Check) No �Yes (If yes, please explain in 4. below) 4. Remarks: (if any) f:-//"S 47t-A e!/Ii Date_ ,.. .__ - _ 19Signature_. Please R►turn Original of This Inquiry ToTitle LC �� v Address: Envelope Enclosed _ Artontion:- ---- --- —- --- S OMOS-7.72 ,11 t1 F September 24 1984 p C4W ILFARD WASHIMCTON COUNTY,OREGON Mr. John Jaehrling Sam Gotter Realty 12995 SW Pacific Hwy. Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: Final Council Acceptance of Public Improvements within Gentle Woods Subdivision. Dear Mr. Jaehrling: On September 21, 1984, Bob Thompson (Engineering Tech. 11-Inspector) and myself inspected the Improvements within Gentle Woods Subdivision. Your stated concerns regarding the mailbox clusters are somewhat valid, however, I can't help but feel that better communication between the developer and contractors would have elimited the problem. We will accept both mailbox clusters without bubbles, however, there are certain other corrections that need to be made before we can ask the Council for their Final Acceptance of the Improvements. These items are as follows: 1. Hole in sidewalk near mailbox cluster located off property line between 7855 and 7815 S.W. Gentle Woods Drive, needs to be repaired. 2. Sidewalks on S.W. 79th Avenue need to be backfilled. Without this they could crack and break-off at the edge. 3. Driveway apron and sidewalk needs to be completed in front of Lot 6. If you can complete these items and have Bob inspect thea by October 1, 1.984; 1 can schedule the acceptance for the October 8, 1984, Council Meeting, otherwise it will be a later meeting date. Please contact me if you have any questlons. Sincerely, el Randy S. Clarno Engineering Section Manager (RSC:cs/0632P) cc: Prank A. Currie, P.E. City Engineer 12755 S.W.ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 C] FIREMAN'S FUND INSURAN' COMPANY S ❑ THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY ❑ NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION FIR MAH'S FWM ❑ ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION INWRANCE COMPANIES ❑ AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY - ._City of Tigard -. ? o 19_ox 11 �- OWNt N -Bill.[E OR ONI„ NA i ING CO Department of Public Our Bond No.Works 5C 631 29 45 ADDRcss Tigard, 0 Reinsured's No, Contractor:--_ Gotter - Jaeherling _ Address: Tigard, OR Description of Contract: -. Install streets, sidewalks, street lighting, storm sanitary_ _ UNCL.UDC LOCATION AND OWN[R'i CONTRACT NUMe[RI sewers and underground utilities - Gentle Woods Division Owner. Ci ty O Ti ga rd Contract Price E_ � Bond(s)199 397.00 199,397.00 _ -Effective Date 05-14-81 � -. _ _ - Without prejudicing your right or affecting our liability under our bond(s) described above, we would appreciate such of the following information as is now available Very truly yours, All Inquiries to U.S. Government Agencies must be in dupli- cate with return, stamped, addressed envelope enclosed. F & 5 Departm.nt 1. IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate date of completion of work (or final delivery) Approximate acceptance date - Final Contract Price $ 2, IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Apptuximate percentage at dollar amount of contract completed or delivered J. Do you know of any unpaid bills for labor or material (Check) No _-_rlti (If yes, please explain in 4. below) 4. Remarks: (if any)_ Date / - L __._._- 19 F,4._ Signature Please Return Original of This Inquiry To Title Ensinemr-i &_ft_WQn,.Aanager a Address Envelope Enclosed 0U5F 5 -- - -- -- - Attention: a 380098-7.72 C11YOF TIFAM December 19, 1983 WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Sam Gotter 12995 S.W. Pacific Hwy Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Gentle Woods Subdivision Dear Mr. Gotter: Again, I must remind you that your project has not been completed. We must insist that you make some kind of arrangements to have all work completed or get an extension from the City Council and complete all work this spring. Please let us knew what your intentions are. Thank you, R. L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief cc: Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. RLT/dc 12755 SW ASH PO. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 — MEMO `ro U.5 p L.Ly A V Efzy -C-!,O ' LANDI5 fZE: GEN-r2.& L,)OODS SP.►.t�TAfZSr SEW 6r` 5M5rElH T.�, �?EF�CKT U�11Z�aJ� A.-I 6nl - SITE PR.6ZW-CT PPE - ACCFPTA/JCE MEETi" -MIS 040ffpJIIAJG .1 —r—HE C0tJT4,4CMC (QCAfNIE SIP/WUL,) IAJP6RN6D ME ?3/qT THE 7Vl5CJ<PAAICI&S AJO-MD III/ THE S'r'STFM 8Y VovR CR&44 tAjoVjp 13C T KEAJ C A2E of AS SoOnl AS Po551giE, PL J<A 5 E JJ oT►FN M E I F Ya U WISH 1-0 Rr- TV pit 127' (5 F `, F S Y,S j AF`TIR Cl..&Ar✓IAf6 AMID RH>A/2S oqn✓E blp&.oj COMP�E'T�� $EFo/FE ICIti(AL A CCEPTAk10E . At.SC), uSDULD APPPX-CIATE A2>Ccp�ertE/t/DAr vN —rHc -rYP& of 11gPf11RS `�oc1 FEES ARE AJC-U-,SARS1 "Td COglr--CT" 'fNtr db,#Jvj-no j RT M.N. 7 CITYOF TIMM WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON I July 28, 1983 Sam Gotter 12995 SW Pacific Hwy Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Gentlewoods Subdivision Dear Mr. Gotter: Enclosed is a copy of our TV Inspection report of the sanitary sewer lines in the above referenced project. The items which are underlined will need to be repaired before we can recommend acceptance of the sanitary sewer work to the City Council . If you or your contractor wish to view the video tapes of this project, please contact this office for an appointment. Our phone number is 639-3171. Also, below is a list of items that need to be finished so we can make a final acceptance of the public improvements in your project: 1. Bubbles need to be installed around mail box cluster, 2. Sidewalks and driveway aprons to be completed, 3. Placement of the 1 inch AC overlay, and 4. Any other maintenance corrections that are needed. Thank you, 6IX R. L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief enclosure RLT/dc 12755 S.W.ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD. OREGON 97223 PH.639-4171 a-- CITY OF TiGARD Sewer T.V. :.nspection Report Location Indicate North Date 7-�� _Upstream M.H.No. ��;� �- Tape No. %O Inspection begins at M.H. No., & goes ehw/flow against flow to M.H. No. Sanitary k _Storm � Flow Pipe size 4� Pipe lengthf Type of pipet•[,� at start Meter setting_Z9—weather condition/_I"., Main Stab . p A —B—C--D--Exit Stab S, q (P . Footage REMARKS ,.-� �7 , n Tape Min. & CITY OF TIGARD Sewer T.V. Inspection Report0 Location_ &22 �rc`iL!z-zc' j1�•�•�/��; Indicate North _Upstream M.H.No. _Tape No. -7 Inspection begins at M.H. No. & goesIf w/flow__ against flow to M.H. No.-L-10Sanitary-_,�,, _Storm _ Flow Pipe size _Pipe length 3. Type of pipe -� �; at start_ Meter setting; ` ��Weather condition(,1�0L7I)gOperator Main Stab A_ A C D Exit Stab [ei9 V Footage REMARKS Tape Min. CI'rY o�, rIGARD Sewer T.V. Inspection Report t.;71 Z &A Location Location - ).1� 7j .{'r l>i�.t�2���1�;J�✓ Indicccate North Date ,zf.— 7 Upstream M.H.No.__�j4Z Tape No. Inspection begins at M.H. No. /. ,:,f1'I & goes _w/flow Y, against flow to M.H. No.�,Il anitary-k--Storm Flow Pipe Pipe sizePipe length�f _Type of pipe(;—,at,e" at start ` Meter set ting��—Weather conditlonCj/yh /operator Main Stab Z I q_7 A la B C D Exit Stab /y,S'b_ Footage REMARKS Tape Min. L ;r T L c- / Z '��✓ - // y_r !Y1 SIA! CITY OF TIGARD Sewer T.V. Inspection Report Location /�r.� �j/1y Com, r _s1.�,�1'r� ` 1' Indicate North Date 7—,7Z, -Q3 Upstream M.H.No. Tape No. 1 � Inspection begins at M.H. No.�_—// & gocsL=,¢r;l w/flow against flow to M.H. No.�,�_Sanitary_�(, _Storm Flow Pipe size Pipe length Type of pipe at start Meter setting; Weather condition�z,& Operator Main Stab %2 7 A B C—, D Exit Stab ��'��� Footage REMARKS _ Tape Min._ .moi gr.itJ CITY OF TIGARD --)Z Sewer T.V. Inspection Report 0— ,-61IIndicate North Location Tape No. Date -�-s Upstream ection,begins.:,at M.H•. No:,(�;1,2 & goes r- �r w/flow Insp_. storm ____------ to Sanitary. X--- Flow against flow._ n-1 r}rt L at start TYPe of PiPe� e sire pipe length_____--. �iP --�'--"' pperator t Weather condition�dl- Meter setting_-- :__ B C D —� � E xit Stab 17 7Q µ,ajn,3tab .2-.�t�t—A- ------ Tripe Min. REMARKS Footage', r W O 7 Y V C 1, Ir 72nd M n M + CA J AVENUE v7 7;7 K M J -- I W J CD �. �j s w i 7 d t h q z 3r O IJ -j ------- $ w _7L- —cir 4, LLJ � Y 11 v w ei,t .. ---_ W I w 3G N s e r AE 4 r ` CITY OF TIGARD Sewer T.V. Inspection Report Q A Location Indicate North Dated 1 -2j Upstream M.H.No. S,, IZ IP -/ Tape No.� _ Inspection begins at M.H. No.,/�. & goesf �Lw/flow, against flow_�to M.H. No.,(zl,-114Sanitary--4—Storm _ Flow Pipe size, _Pipe length 5 Type of pipe-at start-f Meter setting Ts' Weather conditionOpe ,ator_-222�. Main StabA. Q•_qZB Ly5 C —D Exit Stabs Footage __ REMARKS Tape Min. EmPtALMIKA c / MR y CITY OF TIGARD Sewer T.V. Inspection Report jXvr f" MAr111� Location 7 7/ C- ,t7T7_i 4 ,/ — IndicNe North Date Upstream M.H.No. t,e, , , -•,� Tape No. -14-1 Inspection begins at M.H. No. �, & goes �;�'k/flow X against flow _to M.H. No. F3Sanitary k. Storm Flow Pipe size _Pipe length,y_: Type of pipe,i,3 � at start Meter setting42weather condition Operator /�-J) _ Main StabAjjjtr� _A B C D Exit Stab Footage REMARKS Tape Min. 00 -i' r d/1 J a L ci,rY OF 'rIGARD /Sewer T.V. Inspection Report V "Ye - // << <'rf,-7tfG e uv �c►T Location ;S Z�� �¢_y�—�f"J-,r /,,I;�.��_ /I–�-- Indicate North Date �� zr Upstream M.H.No. `;<.Z.Z-3 Tape No. ` Inspection begins at M.H. No.�C=y & goes4 _ _w/flow f against flow. to M.H. No.f,Ze _ Sanitary_ ' Storm _ Flow Pipe size 4' ' Pipe length.- r Type of piped&:!�L at starter - Meter setting; 7 Weather condition C�,4vOperator Main Stab A_ A C _D _Exit Stab_ Pootage REMARKS Tape Min. AS: 421V — 1 lei ' M141+V CITY OF TICARD Sewer T.V. Inspection Report -•... fie - 14ec e/r,? 111,,791 c' e Location__,,o5� Indicate North Date_j-.7r-,-.9 Upstream M.H.No. 46/Z /-? i-j Tape No. Inspection begins at M.H. No.,,,Zd 4 & goes(),-,zCr ;j w/flow X against now to M.H. No. ,,j-Ar, ^Sanitary_y _Storm Flow Pipe size_�_Pipe length_3,_J_� Type of pipers at start--]E±— Meter setting; 7-9 ' Weather condition , , Operator__/zl1_ Main Stab /1. Q,: A B C D Exit Stabs 3F, 23. _ Footage REMARKS Tape Min. C7 .3 n K _ - �,i ��i- I A CITY 0�, TIGA RD Sewer T.V. Inspection Report A4414 rre-- f4cc L-1-14-c7 ,, e e -* Location CY Gi1)7Gl: (t1� tl Qt' T-" �rL�.(JT�.1; lS���e �)l'.,� Indicate North Date 7 -z5 - q ;3 Upstream M.H.No. . _ Tape No. -:::?— Inspection ::?—Inspection begins at M.H. No. l,y� & goesg-):.,j,:�,�w/flow y against flow to M.H. No.j2_d- Sanitary X Storm Flow Pape size Pipe length r` Type of pipe f -j?en at start_ 7a- Meter setting; 79 • Weather condition j!JZt_iAX Operator Main Stab ♦ . X11 A &.Lj B C D Exit Stab AL. t4 J Footage REMARKS Tape Min. G j / 1 S4 T5=A4 r4 •r i • Car Jam - - i CITY OF TIGARD S�e�wer T.V. Inspection Report ,P-7e - /4 cc e,.-,.f2., c- . Location 6'd fer -m a r► 7- E"ds t at Indicate North Date_,;7,Z Upstream M.H.No.���;��G�- &, Tape No. � Inspection begins at M.H. No.41-I'=> & goesw/flow against flowX _to M.H. No. j,, Sanitary Y Storm_ Flow tartMPipe size Q Pipe lengthy ' Type of pipet. at start- Meter eter set t'Lng--7--3?LWeather condition,/2,,,, Operator Main Stab A_&IQB C D Exit Stab S. to Footage REMARKS Tape Min C_ P _ — G' ---' CITY of TICARD Sewer T.V. Inspection Report f-a„G e Location CW5 e ev% t- t U -ems J 7 oa,)s Ute-, Indicate North Date J. � Q Upstream M.H.No. ifZ6 -7 Tape No. _ Inspection begins at M.H. No. 1�71!Z & goesoin. , "_w/flow-'.X_ against flow to M.H. No.4,ZCL-. LSanitary Storm Flow Pipe size51' _Pipe length r, _Type of pipeG� at start-,Lc_� Meter settinE;�, Weather conditionAll Operator_ Main Stab_ . W A EM B-cD Exit Stab S, qq Footage REMARKS Tape Min. wRAIJ nEQUEST FOR ACTION SMroFn�Rc / �SItlNGTp'.,mI.+IY.oacar LOCATION: o-- PROBLEM: �F /I_Sy`r /�•' '1 .S,C.u �t 4 r� _ N By: - '-' Date: 7 — / r1- v✓3 FORWARD TO: Administrator Police Building Public Works Library _-_ Recorder Planning Other - -- Department Head Response: ACTION TAKEN: Forwarded to: County P.W. State Hwy. Dept. Rl, By: /i ---- --- Date WHITE: To Orginator CANARY: To Dept. Head 71� AS CURS W ATrrC- o4i� Po erJ Le it o CA BL& GA5 z STSG, EGT f3 psi tXCA�. oK Aar• IAlST�14(_, bLt A.Qy 1 a,T' L FT o,� P "2-"p ut FT n/F F 0 SidRFA't r'LA�Wn�t A�/fE $l GNS Sf 4(A ME 5 IG,I/ M 5'c(6�nJ uJOG4x D � �ARRIC.A06S .► ovfa SLj/ � M/� LlRA 2nJ�lr� isi � OHEEc.eMASit RAMPS vk KAILI?&Y( O_WST69S Ok ST"6T'U=wrlwG DA< 1.AMW$(IA1II1G 6&0 go s ertC- a a5 (;EW RAL - DIMAJAC6 4K Cs60C-ML 5AF6TY OK �II�AL C�E^/duP I�I�� F�15�MblJr" Z-m�llE� E'K 2ECf-Fr',• f:),r oAJ PJ6csN, r o�7', s. �,Ja MAJ '194 L`_!{et,�t _i�T (,��rJ?'LE- w�40S.. .. ?,-0-4. 3 77— AS-50 Poodit mk OK CA QL& GAS Z sr � f3F�s� CkCAJ. oK t3At� �wlSrnc.c., a� P.+� . 'L*►p UiFT n/fEp6J? 5�.(RFACL t�,A�CK1�t IV/A S l G►ss $F, JnME s i«l M s'c( n1 Wooas r 15ARRIC.ADeS 6r� S 1 vs w Acs ,, A PRJs2ovfr- s/kJ A2OJAlr'� M/� ends',-F(Zs w A4EE�)trn, Iie7-5 WttLE-LtHA+R RAMft H AIL$ax, Q•LjJs?EKS ok, ST"OTUCKrING DA< I-A"D'$ZAFIQCP Al arjob0 s eKc- a<F45 GENCgft. DRA1NACC, 4K _........ . fel Sz=Mb�l7" 2��1lEC C� (Jji�lelQ 2£FCF+• J'6sf�04, CAJ 11>4foA) t JJ 1', S. /rND OA) 'I'llf March 3, 1983 C'TYI(N UFARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Ginny Troute 7412 S.W. Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy Suite 111 Portland, OR 97225 RE: Gentle Woods Subdivision Dear Sirs: This is to verify, per your request that: 1. Each lot is situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, including curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for opera- tion and maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, has drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned disposal system is available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required, to be constructed by the City of Tigard, Oregon have been constructed. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond (and Maintenance Bond) has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard City Council thereinregard completion of the improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder' s Office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/ verification required to be submitted to the State Real Estate Division by each subdivider. Yours truly, Robert L . Thompson Engineering Services Crew Chief RLT/dc 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 C= CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 82-_I" RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITti COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN GENTLE WOODS SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, curbs, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of sub- divisions; and WHEREAS, the City has required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One-Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requ ;rements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. . . ; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received, subject to correction of hereinbelow listed deficiencies; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has now been received and is subject to the aforesaid maintenance period, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts t;,, public imrrovements constructed within Gentle Woods Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 53 on Page 18 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records, subject to: 1 ) Correction of any deficiencies which may arise during the maintenance period. 2) Placement of all sidealks and driveway aprons. 3) Placement of the one-inch Class "C" A.C. overlay. AND FURTHER, subject to the conditions of obligation of the aforesaid Maintenance Bond. PASSED: This -,j_ day of _S� n���✓ �, 198A, by the Council of the City of Tigard. � o ayor - ,ity o _T gar ATTEST: C—ity- Recorder - City igar(T_ r r CITY CW TIFA M WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON September 8, 1982 Sam Gotter 12995 S.W. Pacific Highway Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Mr. Dotter: RE: Gentle Woods Subdivision This is to verify, per your request, that: I . Each lot is situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, including curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for operation and maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, has drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned disposal system is available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the ,time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required, to be constructed, by the City of Tigard, Oregon, have been constructed. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond (and Maintenance Bond) has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard City Council therein- regard completion of the improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's Office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/veri- fication required to be submitted to the State Real Estate Division by each subdivider. Yours truly, Robert L.L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief Public Works Department 12755 S.W ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH 839-4171 CITY OF TIVA RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON March 31, 1982 Portland General Electric Company Western Division 14555 SW Old Scholls Ferry Road Beaverton, Oregon 97005 ATTN: Mr. Truax RE: Gentlewoods Subdivision Dear Sir: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactory and further, to authorize PCE Company to energize the seven (7) units thereir -ia Schedule No. 91, Option "B". Yours truly, Robert Thompson Engineering Services Crew Chief cmv cc: City Accountant --- - 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. 30X 23397 TIGARD. ORE=GON 97223 PH:639-4171 NOTICE OF WAIVER OF LIEN (Oregon Public Works) TO: City of Tirard Public Works Dept. 12421 SW Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, having a rir*,ht to a lien on the bond posted by the Sam Gotter Company thru Dave Evans Assosiates in Washington County, Oregon, to wit: property damages done by the .,proul Excavating Company, Inc. , of Tigard, Oreron, and descrit,inc to waive and relinquish any right to lien thereon to the extent payment has been received for said property damaa-es. NOW, THEREFORE, for consideration in the amount of 4400.00, the undersigned do hereby waive any lien upon the above described real estate and every portion thereof, for damaqes done for which above payment has been received. Dated this day of '-<t-z ' Name of property owners Hardinn . Carlson Anita L. Carlson Address 15245 SW 74th Ave. Tigard, Oregon 97223 nn fAN ? '' J:8991 CITY OF TIGARD I CITY OF TIGARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON January 6, 1982 Sam Gotter Realtors 12995 SW Pacific Highway P.O. Box 23023 Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: Gentle Woods Subdivision Dear Sirs: This is to inform you of the result of the inspection conducted by this office in response to your request. Field and file inspection confirms completion of all requiruiients necessary to transfer "Gentle Woods" from performance to maintenance period status. Therefore, staff is processing a recommendation to the City Council that the public improvements performed thus far may now be accepted for the one-year maintenance period. Further, the following listing s►um►arizes items which remain to be completed and/or corrected prior to city FINAL acceptance and release of the mainte- nance bond. 1. Final street overlay. 2. Sidewalk and driveway apron completion. 3. Completion of all other obligations in accordance with the terms of the project compliance agreement. If you have any questions, please call me at 639-4171, ext. 26 or 27. Sincerely, Robert R. Landis Engr'g. Tech./Public Works Dept, cmv 12755 S.W ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 i r 11 W I Q �crtv of ncaan Il NOTICE OF CLAIM ��oec (Oregon Public Works) TO: City of Tigard JAN 4 1882 Public Works Dept. 12420 S.W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, Harding and Anita Carlson, have a claim for the property damages done by the Sproul Excavating Company, Inc. . A bond for the work at the Southwest Subdivision, called Gentle Wood, was posted by the Sam Gotter Company thru Dave Evans Associates . The bond was posted with the City of Tigard for ':he work at the above mentioned location. The sum of the claim is Four Hundred dollars ($400.00) against the posted bond for the mentioned subdivision. r Name of Claimants c .rr• -- 4arding C so►� Anita Carlson Address 15245 S.IJ. 74th Tigard, Oregon 97223 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this %, / day of , 19 NO TJBL-fC F ri My Commission expires .C�j'N�� 3�'� .. .. .• ., .. . ..rX.+nlhwaw:w4MnnfJUFeCr-.."••..•_w+adlFl9fPyrNWU.. sa mo� er • Residential • Acreage Investment REALTORS 12995 S.W. PACIFIC HIGHWAY . P.O. BOX 23023• TIGARD, OREGON 97223 • (1-503) 639-1111 December 18, 1981 Public Works Dept. City of Tigard 1.2420 S.W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Sirs: Would you please inspect and accept the subdivision "Gentle Woods" to begin our year of. maintenance. Best regards, Gott Jaehrling i J j Sam Gotter Partner PR t� 0 CF D 4, iJd4: SG:co OF TiGARn FRAHLER ELEC' 'C CO. LL I U E Oo 11860 S.W. Greenburg Road Tigard, Oregon 97223 DATE Jog NO 639-4627 12- ATTENTION )� RL TO .RC1 C71''t-f�"lZ l��A_1.�3u�rt.5_..__ _-- NTt-_r__.L4 CXJ25 SEZL_ SIW, aac►r-fc�lw _ _ _ `1 _z�►� - �L�A-rzo� n2 A A2 9 L' 9 It il 16 ' GENTLEMEN: -- --------- __.�-B F&t-7 WE ARE SENDING YOU >(Attached I 1 Under separate cove! via ._. _ _ tJ,'l olMgpi�gr�s: 1 i Shop drawings I I Prints L1 Plans Ll Samples Specifications t{{�[)) I I Copy of letter O Change order –_._-.— COPIES wDATE NO. DESCRIPI-ION Ir? - CWCM cA_L_ N c 1HF.SE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I I For approval f 1 Approved as submitted Resubmit ___copies for approval For your use I I Approved as noted I . Submit -_ --__copies for distribution I.l As requested I_I Returned for corrections I 1 Return corrected prints I I For review and comment I 1 FOR BIDS DOE 19 O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS-1 L7A�1,� yt' e,,htjj�_ _J�! .4.Q[�j1.T�L�_Q)PL L✓_1LZ. .I _I� � TI GA" _ � ----- _ _ --------- --- - - --- COPY TO _ __.- SIGNED:. /1!1101A oa-- �14Lt-=7` woFt"�SlM uinlry I.14 44N, 1/•ncloLu... •r• nW a noted, kindly notify u. at eu.. Department of Commerce BUILDING CODES DIVISION wcTon ATrvEH Electrical Safety Section oa�wa. 2300 SW 6th AVENUE, PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 J ELECTRI AL CONTRACTOR OR OWNER: DATE: / err SPD, i c , �►��nwc ��Lctr�rr� �� �e�vr�4�Joco )ot rn PERMIT N V /✓ ��/ __ D I��Fr i ; 191 CITY OF TIGARD THE ABOVE ELECTRICAL WIRING INSTALLA'T'ION HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND IT APPEARS TO CONFORM WITH THE MINIMUM ELECTRICAL SAFETY STANDARDS OF THE STATE OF OREGON. I INSPECTOR: 9104-� 47 FIELD OFFICE: h040;r4oToV t) 00f, I I ku i ,-- DLL. ,Ljcr) z 4d 51 L1t�0 1 0. ZBo.op L•F • V +&s r s ►U S co >r 1, •• � , � / ` d �, wQ zm ir W ILiso ? O k ' \ \ +60 N. 00 voJ M \ / ILI u � a� L -c ti' CouptT _ LF +I�� .�0 D' � p " 72 00 L. F ox m I ' i I tt d;K W NJ co CANTLEWOODs Q i z I T •�lr�r ` _. Uf� b '.a� '�' ;:�„'�;.• -� ,:d �• - I til � �I t1 I (FIII►fillY�����r+Jillt� �(t��11 1�tT(t t ' tIti tII �I I X11 t FIs �I� ilil�l+liltl�Illtl�ll��l�l�lll�l�l�l�lil�li�ilil�l�li,ltl�lpl�lil�(��il�lil�l�l►il(��� ' ”' l� Ml'ta�!�1�!. : �._ _ _ ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II _ 12 , NOTE; IF THIS MICROFILMED i DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICi-t IT IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ^ DRAWING. O� 62 62 J. o _. 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MAIN SKETCH 23 9 8 W W J � J �I o E C �l I 0 o D 0 3 ¢ K ¢ ¢ O 3'J I _ O C� w \� UNDERGROUND -PHONE PRESSURE RATING& XRAY WATER - j� SEWER 639- 4171 TEST PRESSURE /L PSIG POWER 6 43 -.54'a4x .91„3 TEST DURATION._ _ PHONE 6,3q- loo? WELDS TO BE XRAYFO_-______j:2__% DESIGN PRESSURE y O _PSIG -.. L M A.O.P -- _..y'05//11� PSIG C NURMAL OPER PRESS _.. 1.[ `PSIG Z ¢ R GATE u� ENOR. INSTALL MAIN 97,9 ' ___FEETOF -. _. FEET OF 2 O ABANDON MAIN _ - _FEET Of _ _ - _. FEET OF_ r TYPE COATINGS PIPE _� E`/C �_ JOINTS2-"' FITTINGS_-(,�� 2 INSTAL.SF RVRA _____FEET OF ' INSTALL ANODES n� INSTALLED MAINFEET Of ". FEET OF ABANDONED MAIN FEET Of ...-.__ FEET OF Q TYPE&ATING6 PIPE JOINTS_. FIttINGSNov 1 I, 198 n INSTALLED SERVICE_ _ FEET OF " INSTALLED_ ANODES DATE COMPLETED-_,. SIGNED CITYOFTIGA RD IWIEITF ADDItIONAL INFORMAT10NONSKETCHI CKSW LkA k - DATE SCALE�A/' StAkED_,_-__.�_ DATE SE D.NO . QlL B ,!� /rJ � 1 1 (!') ` DRAWN Lim � i 1141 DATE_�/•6 .,q1 PLATTED_ A-4 IU DATE SIONED � 1 1 CHECKEI" �' DATE A-46-21 APPROVED E // is �_ PLAT 45-21 ` WALLMAP _4 1 1� MAIN WORK ORDER NO. _ 6 .1113 SERVICE WOR'.OROFA NO (1 A0041 SS Tt.i r_/Ar KE TY.EEN d, W,Z9rH ,4vE _ . Lam/'G�ENTLEI�✓L:� >��5 c;_ COUNTY 4!1 iNG TD/V CITYLR .� PLA tNO SECTION TOFEMSNIP RANDS 4ff_2/ 46 2/_ Q/�✓_'4� 5O -� I7 4 1• A. NT�J (aF,ftfLr- WOO" Vt -IVr' � `\ G�NrI. l.1DOp� GOUT ;U O nU ) 1 TI f/w 4" M O u r f�glnt?WP•L!� ti �W 79TH,v/r_ Z Lr)(5r0 c-'AENTLE WOOVC9 unit tAm TI..444V, OPFZON f -4n PL fIH"IlyfR0N IVy)�S',1111 no �.•...�_ ._ li�irlU tVnn! wti n]]CK InI(] Portland General Electric Co. Western Division 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Road Beaverton, Oregon Attn: Mr. Gary Luras RE: GENTLE WOODS - Tigard Gentlemen: Enclosed are two (2) copies of revised sidewalk location in the GENTLE WOODS subdivision in Tigard, Oregon, for your in- fornation. Would you please acknnwl, ticye this revieion by signing ane (1) 501 _ 54 _D- nl IT 1 i 1 4r y I I NTh. 4aNTi'E WOOV9 nlg-IdI� Gym-Lp, t.,JOOp`, GOUT T 11/14 Q 51 1 4 u'�por'�N �• hlvrwA.L r- nGAAD WATER DISTAIC': NTy 0041 S.k' r- �W 79T H Pa/r,. �Ib�l�JP�LK ��LOGf'�T�IOf� C��Tf�IL DA,C Nsl GENTLE hWOOD�) _ NTri .��D, npFLOH SCpSCARTIt �� 1V LO'{T LP•J�"t MR-tJHL,/ P/�0.T HLR•iH 1► . Dtb16n p-/F'-14 Ii'1'15 bW PlLlflL NILHI.JPY Yw"D, paau'� Uq'ID f 'n�3 lw•g3lOCiAt(S LIS TIGARD WATER DISTRICT$041 8. W. COMMENCIAI STN�[TTIGARD, ONtooH 9722! � -�.��"• AOPNE00 CONNSCtION N[QU[fT[D I.. David Evans and Associates, Inc. 200 S. W. Market Street suite 110 I � I hi dC1.lA6[t� ` t"vnWALI, N 7'ry. G�t4TI.0 woor"f2 t7�-IVB � rtrl 1,. 00(2 GDUR-T IL �n� told �1 b� CID w (o' � 4 �'cpol.►1+ f! t 'titvaw!>t,w my �W. 79TH1-Vr, npx 1'161 GENTLE WOOG'�) C"" xhy T)UN-D, OPFI.OH L�� no lCAII VU tt'•J^LHR�JNG,^ P^FLTHr-W"I/ 1sf-L/F:"►� 12'1'15 S w. ►.�"Irl� Ni[�NL,i^Y C D(SI0n TIC."D,OIFCL.OH DRAwn rpm GrIlEPPILTEt_Er"NUnE cnrnrr n[, Or THFF tt^ ;rin-,l :r, in,. General telephone Company of the Nortbwtst,Ind. ` P. 0. Box 23416 Tigatd, Orgon 97223 DaW Evve and Aeeoa., I►tc. 200.S.W. Mcrket St. Suite. 170 ir=— Ccm C C Portland General ElaMc Company Date 9-p9-81 Gentlemen: Re: "Gent](-,Woods" Subdivision At.ached is our proposal for providing underground electric service to the above noted subdivision. our preliminary investigations suggest that this proposal is compatible with existing and/or proposed project and utility construction; however, if there are any conflicts with your existing or proposed installation, please contact me at your convenience in order that the plans may be modified. Very truly yours, R. PIewman _ Estimator Job No. 59408 Copies to: 1 Tigard Water District - 639-1554 8841 S.W. Commercial Street, Tigard, OR 97223 I.ttn: Robert Santee 1 City of Tigard - 639-4171 City Engineer, 12420 S.W. Main Street, Tigard, OR 97223 City of Tualatin - 638-6521 City Engineer, 18880 S.W. Martinazzi Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062 Attn: Mike Mchillip 1 City of Sherwood - 625-5522 90 N.W. Park Avenue, Sherwood, OR 97140 2 City of Newberg - 538-9421 City Engineer, 414 E. First St. , Newberg, OR 97132 Attn: Bob Sanders 2 Yamhill County - 472-9371. Road Department, County Courthouse, McMinnville, OR 97128 3 Marion County - 588-5036 Marion County Department of Public Works, Salem, OR 97301 Attn: George Grove 2 Clackamas County - 655-8521 Clackamas County Engineer Dept, 902 Abernathy Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045 Attn: Pat 2 Wilsonville - 682-1011 Larry Blanchard, P.O. Box 220, Wilsonville OR 97070 2 State Highway - 653-3099 Right of Way, Box 02157, Portland, OR 97202 Attn: Ted I.nlos 2 Northwest '7atural Gas •- 226•-4211 123 N.W. Flanders St . , Portland, OR 97209 Attn: D. W. (tills 2 City of Dundee - 538-392.2 Box 201, Dundee, OR 97115 Western Division-14655 SW Old Scholls Ferry Road-Beaverton, Oregon 97007--643-5454 SHEET FUNCTION NO. J JOB NO. ✓��D _ SECTION NO._-�"_/'"" 3 FUNCTION NO. FOR. COPY C4- l� ,� � . _ EST. LABOR (IN MANNOURS) INSTALLING E -7,5?� L/ 437Sz. I Alrr_ l(7 -"-E A� 2-3 REMOVAL — —CONNECTION -------- DATE _ TRANSF. _ STOREROOM NO. — REQUESTED b f:/� ('/.� DISTRICT C TOTAL_ C. FUNCTION CL ACCOUNT STORES CODE No. ACTUA —�MATERIAI TO 6E INSTALLED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED COST QUANTITY QUANTITY - L e� /� C J L L r - -- B NOTE —�� j � �,__ y TJOR COST rcf/Zr � �' MATERIAL_ .. ----- __ LABOR -- 1RACING NO.C/ 7 CIRCUIT �� �.! ; L— i TOTAL —• i CHECK ITEMS REQUIRED PERMIT AP IED FOR — O K.FOR RECORDS INITIAL DATE CUSTOMER SHUT DOWN NOTIFIED P►L TO TRANS. LINE DEPT. OvlRHEAD PORTABLE SUE. NOTIFIED TELCO TO TRANS. OFFICE INSU_RANCF _ EASEMENT REOUIRED -JAI/,01/4PPL TO TRANS.6 REMOVE POLES ITOTAL —� STAKE HOLES % ---_ TELCO TO TRANS.I REMOVE DIST.ENGR. LESS SALVAGE TRIM TREES OPl-(HIS JOB ►OLIS TOPPED POLES REMOVED TILLING JOE ❑ JOB COST ..., i J06 NO. �' -' ESTIMATED 6YDATE ESTIMATE OF MATERIAL TO BE REMOVED ANO/0/ TRANSFERRED ACTUAL T ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION SALVAGE ORIGINAL OI.ANTITY OUANil17 VALUE COST I CIRCUIT NO OR NAME N fa/.➢ e8 1x,soo 17 .� _ , .__ z� •� �A'�SrV INS Y� r I � .Eo c �1� I 1 ' I (Fps, �" "",� �M► r-, ....� ,' 1 �6rtn► a v r Mh►Al, ver IY Rtrr��•Ys .u.rw AOvr '47i.9, r I � r•1_.1�. Utp . SO 1 o Poo _ -• r m! O To U /t o r 0 y z � O X Q v r _ w r ,aa jL W4er rwG,orC ,�n,d , s zee rLP, cc ,8orrbm iNd�C�TrLJ S,aE �i✓p pr l WtD 4or Cevowvc-v S.tc r-.4,4, WaC , 10c�en 1.vp1C*t C.r G,o.ua/ 7V a0l"•r)a.V 4/61./x- _J y w � ►- a o Gay, tv iA Cl /i3tAoV Pert. C� A*r i 2 e,v --� ,r._"ru 14 4 c Pik" V/1, d rid d z u �t 1 � �- ...J z ,C.v i r IAJ u, UJ J46' r-, ov r"i Jr.,n c I A7 do V1 k Q � cr w u� Cb irivoo Aro N � Il n».o •.� V*;L r r*dvc GIP'iVrjL& MSC 0.9 414 Ot Cay ox rJL ; �_ N - - —-- - - �Lt/„ir.� c��,►,�}r ./ � .�S:s.1�.v p Gv R a v�T.,gyp August 18, 1901 Mavi.,! "vars F Associates 200 ST' Street Suite 110 Purtlamis Cz. 971"03. Ir.e 'entlr000ds Subdivision Atth: 's C.,milt! ;)r.ar .'i.r-. In reply to your Intter Aii-tipt 14", 19P1 tl,c city you wn f-11C sand bnclitfill which tmp usf-d in the sewer trencher, in t -,c tbrvc r,-[crcmc(t, Subdivies i'u-1. Also, I a-..i miclorAn., nn arprm-ed copy of the stor"i scr.yar revision. .n 71'I't T) r Enclosure_ O O DAVID EVAn3 FlnD ASSOCIATES , Inc. OO 200 SW MARKET STREET SUITE 110 PORTLnnD,OREGon 97201 • 503/223-6663 RECEIVED August 17 , 1981 File No. SGR005 Mr. John Hagman C�flt OF MAU Superintendent, Engineering Devision City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Hagman ; Enclosed are three (3) copies of revisions to the storm sewer along S.W. 79th Street for the Gentle Woods Subdivision. Also, by this letter, we request approval of the sand material that has been used prior to 8-14-81 for backfill in the sanitary and storm sewer trenches. Apparently, through some incredible lack of communication, the Contractor was under the assumption that the City had approved this material and since we are somewhat used to seeing it used as backfill assumed also that approval. had been obtained. The Contractor has been using 3/4"-0 in the pipe zone for bedding and has been carefully compacting the sand material. We feel that this is a perfectly satisfactory material, particularly in wet, unstable soils as we have there. John, if you have any questions or need +-^_zting of this material to help you in your decision, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Very truly yours , DAVID 9VANS N A SOC. INC. Da H. G uld -- Ass ciate cc: Mr. Connie Sproul o C=:) TRf��1Sf�'11TT(; L DATE"' -- Ro FILE �O�_ DRVID EVF)n3 nno ASSOCIATES.in( ',P.,-" rrA I LFlnb.0R 47201 5C&225-Wb5 TONr. 3o6 1�& -_-- PROJECT_ Lw �.J1�.8.dQ---------- - P ---- - - - - - - P SUBJECT w��J► . - ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION rzf b!ftc4 (ftu 4o — 5 N r r to I y Ti 4ktt , _coo- / ' —u v 1__-_- M_---�--�`.I14.__�MLS�+ _Vl�•�i�>r�>t 1��/�[J AS YOU REOUESTED REMARKS ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION - -- - -- FOR YOUR APPROVAL - - L� FOR YOUR REVIEW _ - U RETURN REQUESTED FROM 1 T E CC TRt;ns iTTAL DAT flo DAVID EVA(15 A..ASSOCIATES . .i.• Y PC*ltFnD.OF 07i:,' :.Ci:/223(X.GS TO S' b W�AAAIAA PROJECT__ --i �_ yI • ._�� �--- -- SUBJECT - i ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ❑ AS YOU REOUESTED REMARKS I FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW ❑ RETURN REQUESTED II\\ FROM V� a ® � .S T 02 DATE - 3 - 1111_,�1,_�__- T R m n `"'m ) 1 T A L FILE.�Ll _- U VID cvnns Aro ASSOCIFITES Irc _0 07i G1 ba5'72SG6f 3 PROJECT_�f k- A.L-.-_w -- ( A&dlr L_ _- lLZ ---- SUBJECT G�11r/4 ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION I7 AS YOU REQUESTED REMARKS FOR YOUR INFORMATION FOR YOUR APPROVAL -_- ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW -- -- - - -- ---------- -- -- ❑ RETURN REQUESTED _ --- -- - ---- --. - . -------- - FROM -.- 0 (F== TR (;nsm ITT(; L DATE_a• ii •s1 FILE.� � _ DAVID EVAr)5 Arx7 n550CIATES inc r •.� — "'i--'• vAl L'InD.W 97201 SGS/22S4C(i: TO PROJECTV"� _ l ess S.w . ( w -.._ ._. SUBJECT ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ❑ AS YOU REOUESTED REMARKS _ FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL -_ ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW ❑ RETURN REQUESTED FROM v_ gC=D T noDATE--- _. TR �nsm IT 1 A L FILE-- --- - -- - -- DAVID Evnn3 Aro nmociFITES �M r "Ir�11 51 P0QlLF 0,OR 97201 505/225uw,3' PROJECT rk -- -- SUBJECT ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION C7 AS YOU REOUESTED REMARKS - ® FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW -_ ❑ RETURN REQUESTED FROM - _... �. ( 0 - DATE : C=n RmnsmITTAL FILE-��'-= t7��----- - DAVID Evnn5 Am nssoaMATEs � — rY�:t+l^!F"eV POWLAnOOR 0720) 501/2236[,(,• TU_1'Ir JU1�([ PROJECT- _ LA- 1 -O 1� 3 SUBJECT : ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ❑ AS YOU REQUESTED REMARKS FOR YOUR INFORMATION _ ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW _ - ❑ RETURN REQUESTED FROM_ �� \ L k I- U yym o f'• i. a 2 p O • GI O O U r .a h z t9) ON El El }):> w f r A Cd 4.3 ,< d U U) 60 zo w a b Cf) w rJJ1 � z CYS J> 'z^ :E 1, N Z V < tll '•'J '- Z -- 0 0 4.3 w z � b w Cd o r bo 0e' [� EA - - -- w ri k W O n �_ y3 111 4-3 C7 V O 2 z O }a� 4- 0 `IJ zM 4-3 a v)N 4 U to v� U z O •,4 p' h0 C, U) 3UJ U �- .0 0b w x p Q •r4 50 -H to La oo c7 H , r co cn H U �. i U O O CL N � tiY • f 1�� rr _- - _ - ►- O "- ---� w V) cn a C7 w - - - - —— ¢ ura ter - Nyp• Y ,v.:.f .►, MI.y I�i I57 fil � f 1 . ' r D •..,�as O w i GG w W 1!A � u~-N O W d NN Lo i0 r; 7 y 'I W SO O �s ra Q N a IE+ _ O 7 co _ f G LO 1 O� re j c7 w Z H v v Ln w o 1 v w a w yw., u w 7 U i y A OG t (+a U .0..0 i r,rju4w rr-. lA.r•. .'1.•\•...in• .n...v.t.t+,rwr r r..clia.. + nr d+WH rv.r.h'Kd;r. r. rr .w�s...r v.arl.an.•.44du:AlilWlliWYv.Wtl%W�iIli114y�W.1%�YY(1iiIEtAVYFILN�UIYtlASitlFIDflAWwck.a,..:1-,. a'y- •1 SPROUL EXCAVATING COMPANY. INC. 1%W S.W. 79TH ST. •TIGARD,OREGON 97223 • (503)620.5646 ,a N JULY 20, 1981 w Be it known that. Sproul Excavating moo. , i,ic. el!,�IUUcueLl o.: Harding G. Carlson's property in the course of installing a sewer line for the Gentle Woods subdivision. Sproul Excavating Co. assumes resporia.ibility to regrade and shape excavated and spoils area and reconstruct burm to original height along Fanno Creek. Sproul Excavating Co. agrees to pay $400.00 for damage Lo property. 'lam �G�(-cc.,••='��\` � CONI(AT) A. "I'RO -Sproul ExcavatinC, Cu. , "Lrnc. i C7 HAHiil r'r, i, r10b;30N --� 17,j C. d; r , .. r+.�. y e r+. t'��'�w ^-- � ,'•L��`�`�l'�.+�..; ' ,,� q,Ar r r.,.- � a ,, � Lib •� l N7}3 a�.�d rj'I "� � Jis. � 1�,�r, . w,,,r ,few`' t' "z : � i .t,• \ ' - t s - 1� 11,E},a�. tywr •y�r7hd� �,;.''� r `4 i ,#,t, ' �.�: 4'"` A+,s.� J•? �tiy? �K th,7., * �I+ H+iT �a r� h � • 'ti i t 5,�• ��•r ' + ta•e��,r.'rx •.,�. �' s � <f: tj� r� �uk'd' ' -' 6 1- r Y. 4 �1 ; .,. .! '1.,:'}' •.�. Y � trPai .�'1 iz�� •.fit, " � �'♦.. .i'�,. 7 ' A� +�' J -rb �, ,.T��+�9L7lEnn �.. r�1'q..''t•. :y�y 'i• i y S•.vtr �1 ( '•tLf ... ' d`''A-K ,J'+i. w�'i�" { �.- ,s+°t l•n7�. ti73H +"Pa�. '"IN!'et.�1" y a ♦•"•e r raM q. w �. � a• s,M. * t . ,rd rr y. d w �if9'f Y . • '•+, .5-e.y, w,er. �A��rrY�+♦� ,lw!yy.�n-c..wr er. , 1�.1�1k ,K :,?� , , '. . Ir! ,n rM. Y y»+ ( wv-•�J t r�rs<�•, \ '�'.e'• � �.y'' +�.�y, V; }� .�a i t r if{&i ti +.t } 'r-- r ' ,{!C; l'1a♦, orf.--�"^�' L�..L-'��� ��� n��f�7#�, ' ,, •' " CiTYOFTIGRD j ;`�� ;,t� ter'+»� �,. ', .` I rr ` •- � C'+ I r• a UA M ,. yy yNy., .r. .` ;`.. +r:d' t�fI f. �3,r,�;t� ..•;;.�;t`« ���.Yq.t G'�-• \ ✓\e`1. L% r,�-k' i 6 l; el d . ' �1 •4 �-�._._ FMLN P n!Ur}]tn fl(r�.L UMH'KY+l7tA..oN r10♦••i •lid.l�e �1 ,� ;i {` '' #.v. •1 �.. 1 `+t. .+�y �� 7 t � � ,,7V>�:'� Pa��r�a,� �.t��� �} �,>�.< ���Lf t ,BZW' S� ✓{' .it `r i 'b�: "• � ,y�r-.`<� ?d '�'L'R`fr�' ! � A iyke 4♦°yl !yf+- '4'. �'l^`��ZtV.�'}�y lY Ir n fj' Tka +�E� � � ' ,t � . .,!t?'.'�,� Y �{'.fi4'�! ,r• dw'�-( r* f,'� 1 ,a jtY*•'d '.„ � r , f N. 7- I ,r i� gC:D 20 TRR�1SfY11TTf� L DATEL�"� _I� I _ FILE — DAVID Evnns pm ASSOCIATES.inc. . ••�•°4' �JRILRnr)oR 0720 Spy/22Sn ,ti i TO_- -�1Q.rl►v C-►cr'� ------ ---._.. PROJECT_-� rNL _ WOD1�S ---���'�---off--2-gip�C?_----------- ---- - -- ---- - - -- --------- - SUBJECT ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ig— ❑ AS YOU REQUESTED REMARKS ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION -FOR YOUR APPROVAL FOR YOUR REVIEW ❑ RETURN REQUESTED PARTNER (S) ACKNO1Y1,1',T)(;'.',.N'I' STATE OF OREGON ) COUNTY OF _Washington ) On this —_.-.5tb . __—day of May - ----, 19.x, before me personal ly came SAMUEL A. GOTTERR,JN,_ _ to me known , and stated that he is a partner in the firm of Gotter - Jaehrling. a partnership , and acknowledged that he executed the foregoing, instrwnent as the free act and deed of said firm. 1N TESTIMONY WHEREO , I NAVE hereunto set my hand and af- fixed my official sc+al and day and year Inst til�c�� r� written . Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires 6d. 063 PARTNER (S) ACKNOWLEDGIA. !N'r :NATE OF OREGON ) ss. COUNTY OF Washington On this �_15th________ ___day of _ May _ , 19 81 , before mr, personally name John k. Jaehrling _ to me known , and stated that he is a partner in the firm of GottPr -._Jaehr1ing. _ a partnership , and acknowledged that he executed the foregoing instrument as the free act and deed of said firm. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I HAVE hereunto set my hand and af- fixed my official seal knd day an ye, r last above writ to . Notary Piiblic for Oregon My Commission expires i ATTORNEY kREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY.a Corporation duly organirrd and existing under the laws of the Stale of California,and having its principal office in the City and County of San Francisco.in said State.has made,constituted and ippoinicd and does by these presents make.constitute and appoint ------SARA E. COPPOCK----- PORTLAND, OR its true and lawful Alot ney(s)-in-Fact. with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name,place and stead.al execute.%cal,acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds. undertakings. recognisances or other written obligations in the nature thereof ——————— — -- and to hind the Corporation thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds were signed by the President. scaled with the cotporate seal tit the Corporation and duly attested by its Secretary.hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Atlorney(s)•in-Fact may do in the premises This power of attorney is granted pursuant to Article VIII.Section 10 and 11 of By-laws of FIREMAN'S FUND INSCIRANC'F.COMPANY now in full rune and effect Article VIII Appranrmenr and Aurhnrat of Rrudenr Acsivanr Sr.rrwn.t wed Allarnrc in Fat I and Arrnit I tit i rra I real Rib rtt and Muir Apprurrmr r. %rt oan Ut App,nnrnrrnr rhe r'hattman of the Board of Drectat. the Rrwtent ant N r.r Ror.dent or any tother portion amhowed h)the Nowd of t)ae.b•..the t'haaman of the Hand of pueowls.the Resident of any Vote-Premdenl.may Isom Irmo to time.aprrtnni Resident A..rafanl Seuriarrc.and Mloiti"%in Fact ut reprrcent and avt t.rr and an behalf of the(otr. .hon and %gem%to accept legal procec%and make appearance%for and on hehalr of the('.rrpnatrun Se.non ti Iuehom, the Authow%of.u.h Re,idrni Accictam Secielarrrc Avotnrt.in Fair and Agent,shall he a,prrccrihed in the tnotument r.tdcn.mg Then aprtrnntmrnl end.int.u.i• apr000rmrnl and all ourhoro)granted Ihereh)may he revoked at any oats h.the Hood of Moroi c or M am person empttwried tit make ach apptnntment 'Chis power tit attorney is signed and sealed under and by the aothuril of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of FIRLM 1N'S FUND INSURANCE COM1IPA, at a meeting duly called and held on the 15th day of July. 1966. and %did Resolution has not been amended or repealed RESOLVIA). that the signature tit any Vice-President. Assistant Secretary.and Resident Assistant Secretary of this Corporation. and tht .cal of this Corporation may he affixed or printed on any power of attorney.on any rewxatiol►of Any power of attorney, or on any certificate relating ,hereto by facsimile,and any power of attorney.any revocation of any power of attorney, or certificate hearing such facsimile signature tis facsimile .cal shall he valid and binding upon the Corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to he signed by it% Vice-President. 5th December 78 and its corporate seal to he hereunto affixed this day of I 11141-MAN'S FUND INSURANC'EC'OMPANY "64:.ta. W , 44"It Petr. __- . •,—c--r pts„ r,,, STATED CALIFORNIA, ('IT%' ANn COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 5th December 78 William W. Lauber On this.. din of 14 before me persunall}game_ w me known. who. being by me duly %worn. did depose and sac that he is Vice-President tit FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCI COMPAN't the Corporation described in and which executed the above instrument.that he knows the seal of said Corporation.that the seal affixed to the said mstr.,•ncnl I%%itch. ,rporate seal.that It was so affixed boo, order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation and that he signed his name Iherc•lo h� like „-det IN N I I',I SS WHEREOF.I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal.the day and year herein first above wrillen A III I I I I I II IIIIIIU1111INIMI/II II II I I I III I II I III I INI I I e OFFICIAL SLAT. , D _ SUSIE K. GILBERT "`—� � ✓ NOTARY "LK - CALIFORNIA - ufY a (OUNrY OF sit( "CISCO µr commotion Isomer Nit.. u. 1990 CERTIFICATE 111111//1111/111 N 111 NMI I NMMIII N/III YIi1M/NMI I STA 11 OF CALIFORN1�. s1. CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO I the under%igned. Assistant Secretaryy of FIREMAN S FUND INSURANCE COMPANI. it CALIFORNIA t oilimatnnt. IA) HERFHI t I k 111 1 that the foregoin�t and attached POWER OF AT'FORNFY remain% in full force and hav % not been revoked and furthermore that lirUilc Vlll Section% 111 and fl of the Bylaws of the Corporation. and the Resolution of the Hoard of Directors set forth to the Power of Atioroc,, .1 no" In force Signed and scaled at the City and County of San Francisco Dated the 14TH das of_- _ MAY—_-___ 1,181 U T.r.. --_ —._—%csisiam Srtrruut 360711 IHOI Fir—-3 78 SUBDIVISION PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No, SCR U2 29 45 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we Gotter-Jaehrling, a partnership, w as Principal, an FIREMAN'S FUND IN C CO Y a corporation duly aia or 2e o con uc a general surety us ness in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $ 19LI -5117.— lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment o which we, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these present. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are platting GENTLE WOODS subdivision located in the CTTy—o-rgar , Oregon, and enEer nng into a subdivision compliance agreement with the Obligee herein, and upon acceptance of said plat and compliance agreement, the Principals shall make all improvements required by the City of Tigard, Ordinances and Subdivision Compliance agreement documents as described in said compliance agreement all of which are by reference, made a part hereof, NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with the terms of the agreement and shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said agreement and shall promptly make payments to all persons supplying labor or material for any of the work pro- vided by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecutioned against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, In the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies here- under the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this bond to be executed this _14TH day of MAY 1981_. BY: (seal) Gotter-Jaehrling (n e of BY: _ (seal), 13),4 — rt BY: _ seal By: I'arftier (A true copy of the Power of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY Attorney must be attached to the original of this bond, ) l� J1^i1P_yy !1- ac Sara E. Coppock Form No, 1971 - 1 SUBDIVISION PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. SCR_U2_29 45 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE. PRESENTS, that we boder-Jaehrlinr;, a partnership, ---- ----M---�-- A s�ncipaT,ana FIREMAN'S FUND INS NCE COMPANY a corporation duly authorized o conduct a-generar sure yy Tusiness in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of '. Ili -iI. - lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment o - which we, as Principal. and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these present, THE CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are platting GENTLE woons _ subdivision located in the C�� gar , aregon, annc enTering into a subdivision compliance agreement with the Obligee herein, and upon acceptance of said plat and compliance agreement, the Principals shall make all improvements required by the City of Tigard, Ordinances and Subdivision Compliance agreement documents as described in said compliance agreement all of which are by reference, made a part hereof, NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with the terms of the agreement and shall well and truly perform all mutters and things undertaken to be performed under said agreement and shall promptly make payments to All persons supplying labor or material for any of the work pro- vided by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecutioned against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect,. In the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies here- under the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this bond to be executed this 14TH_ day of MAY ----_-, 19R►_ B,y: --_(seal) Gotter-Jaehrling — ------�_ . (n.-Me t n r i //. By: (seal) By.— Arta By: _ _Jseal By: _rtv / qPartnrr (A true copy of the. Power of FIREMAN'S_ FUND INSURANCE COMPANY Attorney must be attached to the original. of this bond. ) r ornay-Tn�ac Sara E. Coppock F rm N() 1971 1 'B�' '. - F�txraTai i .T, r. Yi,:- t^F '�y!•5:. ., 'J#.A' «., J4 iyj�`!! T #f,i Y�, r '€ r i 4a ;rN�i 4a-0J �q�lt ,A r �•,r r MrY + � 1pP"�i ♦�p;�^��� i�, 1'��: �, Wit✓ � 4.•.. � r �' �% .i,�r � r+�i. s}':�t' 4 i w .v CITY OF TIGARD—12420 S.W.MAIN—TIGARD,01 1197223 RECEIPT DATE. s- MOUN : S 333 rte, _ RS NAME: r.:ASH: e a ADDRESS; Q 65aCH ♦ OF FOR: ACCT. # PERMITS SURCNARGS AMOUNT " SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 $ BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 t PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 S MECHANICAL PERMIT 05-332 BUILDING PERMIT 05-333 SEWER CONNECTION 40-363 wf SEWER INSPECTION 40-365 SYSTEM DEV. CHARGE 25-366 s PARK DEV. CHARGE #1 30-367 4 PARK DEV. CHARGE #2 30-368 ZQNING oD)US TMENTS 05-362 — tt jiTOTALS S d3 RECEIVED BY! 0 PERMIT NUMBS ASSIGNED: Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount 4 -- - - S - - S _ — - S _- S RECtIPT +► 8 5 14 i CITY OF TIGARD DEVELOPMENT DEPOSIT FEE CO,•:)I`'U"i Ai I ON 1131.11 E T PROJECT NAME — r, 1 l O `A_.i__----- PROJECT =— �r n (I) PROJECT FEE (City ord. 68-48, Sac. 10, Par. Af ):9q 39 ,moo u)Total estimated Improvement cost b) Less ran. sewer est const cost � q 7 Adjusted improvement cost .. .. _.� U ubtofa1 �I-7j c) .015 X )-� sublotol (?_) SEWER FEE ( U S A res. 70-12, Sec.9, Par. X13"): a)Sewe r plan check fee 8Ins pection fee , uo I) ?� to 00 x 23D . I'orJ (no, of lots) b) Permit fee a connection charge Grid [� c) Sevier district contract surcharge paid (Aiatriel (3) STREET LIGHTING rEE ' a) P.G.E lighting schedule no b) Mthly rote option no.____;7._ type of!Ight�l r_u_m_e_n_•.�_.� L? (mthly rote) (no.of llghte) et type of pole o0p?��o,e" 2.5z ........... rare) (no of liyhls) lyr. = 12 mth's 14- (subtotal) --Tl- 2yr = 24mth's ?�---sx *4 _ _a �(lubt;.lul) (no.of mthe) (4) SIGN FEE Brom r nstalla►ion) ((per 110n) Ino of sign) STOP .--- X RESTRICT. OCCUPANCY ----X STREET SIGN _ X r " COM3 STOP/ST NAME = �5X -Z ' I•S r NO PARKING _____X ._ X mlinlgyps) a � �. 85 X Z t 'mleel type) . 7 RECEIPT NO r)ATE PAID r,heck333 '`4 GRAND TOTAL cash 0 money c,rder C3 T InSerl sewer,streat,ur, st:',d ti^n CITYOF TIVARD April 30, 1981 WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON w Gotter—Jaehrling 12995 SW Pacific Highway Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Gentle Woods Subdivision Dear Mr. Cotter: Enclosed, please find the Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond (forms) for said project. After signature thereof by the principal(s) and notary and, in the case of the bond form, by the surety, please return both documents for final processing. After City execution and acknowledgment, a copy will be transmitted to you, for your file, by the City Recorder. Subsequently, thereafter, the approved public improvement construction plans can be issued upon receipt of a check, in favor of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in the sum of $ 3,335.64 ; being the said agreement (therein stated) deposit/fee(s). Yours truly, John S. Hagman Supt. Engr. Division JSH:pjr Enclosures 2 2420 S.W. MAIN P.O. BOX 23397 TIG .RD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCt AGRFENIFNT THIS AGREEMENT dated the day of , 19 81 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and GOTTER - JAEtiRLING, a partnership, hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WFEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington. County, a subdivision plat known as GENTLE WOODS _. located in section 12 Township 2 South Rani--e 1 West. -Willamette Meridian, Washington• County, Oregon; and . WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, -storm sewers, sanitary sewers, undeyground utilities and other public facilities for the development and requires the payment of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for PublLc Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in petitioner.'; development are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assuvances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, 'THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be keot and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $ 199,397.00 a copy whereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time lirnIts, upon ten (10 days' notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default anal failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its' option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover. PP_ i amount thereof. In the evont such action be brought, petitioner and petitioner's ,,,,,ties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, ,uch sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall he entitled to recover such sum as the court zhall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (4) Partitioner, concurrent- with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount being $ 675.36 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City's interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the petitioner has paid prescribed inspection fees.* (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic Ins within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ 25 .81 (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond if not already provided with the performance bond form approved by the City, in the sum of $_ 39.879.40 to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the public improvements subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (8) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's Sub— division Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations: (a) None of the lots of petitioner's subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that a ff sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. *Project Fee $ 2,179.47 Sewer Fee $ 210.00 r —2— Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 503 648-8621 April 7 , 1981 City of Tigard P.O. Box 23997 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen : SUBJECT: GENTLE WOODS The construction plans on the above-referenced project have been approved by the Unified Sewerage Agency and the Department of Environmental Quality. If you have any questions , please do not hesitate to call . Sincerely , Ter y Chamberlin Design Engineer J Enclo,-;ure 72-4BR i >� IL v s v tL >d APPROV E D subject to provisi�111' of same dale. S'efe ni Oie{+cn dD DEPAI•IMILN Ur LriV,R0,,itWTAL QUALITY T IA 1 P� wee APPROVED AS NOTED Un,' ��-F_fJSEWE GE�,GC' ; Y Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 503 648-8621 _JECEr�JED `,arch 30, 1981 C1ZY UE jIGAKU Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 1760 Portland , Oregon 97207 Gentlemen : SUBJECT: GF,NTLF 140,01)S Enclosed please find two copies of the plans for the sanitary sewers to be installed in the above-referenced project . Please review and return all copies to the Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County , 150 North First Avenue , Hillsboro , Oregon . We would appreciate your approval on these plans as soon as possible. Sincerely , Terr, Chamberlin Design Engineer jb Enclosures cc : Engineer (City of Ti gar(:)',/ PLANT burl►a.% BASIN East 72-.L6 a 0 gC=D TRr�nsmiTTr� L DATE FILE G24 DFUID EVF)n3 Am ASSOCIATES.inc. •',W rrf*?W 17. PORTLAMOR 07201 5'W223,bW TO PROJECT p A 4, OF-1 - SUBJECT '('�h�� t 1��10 hlJ..CAW�') _- �71,- Q1C 23557 - ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION _ r J - Ic � ❑ AS YOU REQUESTED REMARKS- E] EMARKS❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION - -- -- - - - - - --- ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL -- ---- - -- ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW - C] RETURN REQUESTED - -- -- FROM ���)2- Y oop" CN�INL-HZ'S GSTInn x-18-81 9,910 G �I.Oo = f 9,910.00 STv�r Li .Y X75 p.oo �. = 15, 2.60.00 79,084.90 `z7'SI SIT J s 54-1 099.00 W� 17, 0 45.0 `� L 'Y G nun+c �.•r p+..,. L i.�t r1 El.�i.[' — �- l�t�Ut..k.c�t�vw�•� � '- 7yp oes 1 GENTLE WOODS �tc�ira 's P,,�-,nMp6c SCHEDULE A - STREETS 1 . Clearing, grubbing & stripping of roadway & offsite disposal of debris Lump Sum $Aojo0.OQ 2 . Grading & subgrade prep. of roadway Lump Sum $ 3. Base rock, 2"-0" , crushed rock, 8" comp. depth 4394 SY $ $ 4�1?.50 4 . Base rock, 3!4"-0" crushed rock, 2" comp. depth 4394 SY $ Q $ Q 5 . A.C. Pavement, Class "C" , 2" comp. depth 4394 SY $�, Q _ $ 6 . A.G. Pavement, Class "C" , 1" comp. depth 4394 SY $ 3,®O $�?j ����Q� 7 . Standard Conc. curb 1982 LF $t� (�v_ $ _jg_,.�� 8 . Standard street barricade 1 EA $ 0.00 $ TOTAL SCHEDULE A $ ?9084.90 SCHEDULE B - STORM SEWERS 1 . Storm sewer pipe , incl. excay. , concrete pipe, gran. bedding & granular backfill a) 10" 71 LF - b) 12" 670 LF $ _ $ � c) 72" 12 LF $ �— $_�t �O•pO 2. Storm sewer pipe , incl. excay. , concrete pipe, gran. bedding & native backfill , 72" 74 LF $JOL.Lp 3. Catch Basin a) Standard 3 EA $_,!6_ _Ca b) Oversize 1 EA $ 4 . Manhole a) Standard 3 EA $$�Q:� b) Special storm detention 2 EA $1 .00 TOTAL SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE C - SANITARY SEWERS 1 . Sanitary sewer pipe, incl: excay. , cuiiurete pipe, granular bedding & granular backfill a) 6-' 489 LF $_a 00 $_ Q b) 8" 741 LF $ 17 QD_ $s5C)7, 00 2 . Sanitary sewer pipe, incl. excay. , concrete pipe, granular bedding & native backfill n a) 6" 1.02 LF $J�•Q(� ._ $'�30 b) 8" 1087 LF $_(�.Q� _ $ 1�71A,ion 3. Ductile iron pipe , Class 52, incl. excay. , granular bedding & native backfill , 8" 72 LF 4 . Manholes w/standard frame & cover a) Standard 9 EA $ JZ00.Qo $ b) With outside drop 2 EA $_1QQ�$ QC1�D 5. Concrete tees, 8" x 6" , 20 EA $ 00 $�(Q�QQ 6 . Plugs , 6" 25 EA $_05. 0() $__—.�C12�—Q� 7. Connection to existing 72" sewer Lump Sum $ B. Foundation Stabilikation, in place 50 CY $ �Q �� $' ��(� TOTAL SCHEDULE C $ 4 0c9•Qp r, •; �:I�NE�•AL. NOTES I ALL CON1�T(tUGTION SHALL_ CONFOltlf T'% THE 4A NC4*IL','1 AIvD SfT-C,IFIGATi0t�4S OF TSE GIT1' OF T14At�-D WATER 5'rSTEM M LL IgE DE5IC4NE0 'I-+E TICjAR0 NATelt- ✓i'7rw'IGT j NcTI F- I HA T 11 3r/.►t�LT' P1�I/}Z- TO VJPPTER- I-INE ;NSTPLLATION, iHE12E 0>14A LL 13E F• MiNIML�M OF Tvvf� DiAI-IFTEIc- WEEP rll/LGS Ptlt- LOT WITHiry G� OF THE f°I�Of'E TY LINE. 1 0 4, IN5ITALL kT AI-L INEICU,t`GTIfiN'� o I~ S. OIRIVI. WAI GUI OPENi NCI t) SHALL 5t` 60NSTF•LCT E0 A6 GI KEC.TEU by OWNE;K+ _ .- .. (o. 13ENCH MARK : 2PP56 ' �,iT-( OF r0fLTLAN0 �.°I�i7) ON THE Wac;)T OqW OF t W HALL 13L.VO , 7G 1=E&7' 0 J. � 1 to RUTH �'1F THE IrtiTt`_K �TI�,ti CSF �,• 14 P��N TA RG tL>:V. : I`17.r�l . 4 V - (� I \ 1 rME IlXi'!"1�'ty ANS EL E VGrrION� f�F A Ll. E X raT I N G u T!t iTiEyGOWN AIzE FROMa EGOR•D 01`4L-r. M EkCL GONTF+AGTOrc. gNaLL ALL LJT: LITItra Iry re- TFNTiAL 60NFLI(,T AFEAS P1.1010- To C4)NSTI¢u6-TI0N A-NO NGTiFY ENGINEt;!Q- IF AN-r 6r9NFI-6T5 06GU1111 , Ili R•2a �X :/ / 6. THE UNIFic-c 44WEFA4,E OF 6HA4-L eP— NOTIFit.V PRlofa- TU `.._ i � L•4 � `'`' a �' � i I GONNEGTiUN TO -1211 °:ArvITAf�`( -�EdJE�• �1l�EF•GEr"OF- i!1 � #0 4- 1 �I 4.1141 f"AFl-Y I:Ew ele- MAN HUL.ES i.fs' *TeO OUT-rotVe OF ciTR-et"• AREA`S SPALL, e)e CoN6712- 6T&o NI TH p i \ � I n TEr: -TIC•tt-;T MANI-K>LE C�VEFZ� _�►-IA•L L �-i��E Tl�� �LC'JATIONS OF AP�OXIMATLL-r ONE rr p7 3 Ci_+87_ 12" '71= _ of '+ mry ��Uj� / / \ P E:�C4e Er! I �TINC.t GRAVE. � UNI,F.ffi /�rHeF-VV E NOTeC) y. ►2"gFi. I.E.- IE101bS z _ �.�Io yc. I % q7 - d I ' 10 At Ll GATGH �AcvINS S,IAi-L tie NASHINGTON GOJN7'r c0TANDARD GA''�iH Q7/�� Nb pETAIL *0- 1 ,1 ENT E j \ \ / OR OVER-��IZI=D GAYGN P>P�`SINS DET/�IL. O - I . IS ry QVC � II. GL.LAR• AND STRIP FI" AND GOMPAGT GILL TO gb'yo DENSITY ASTM -T-qq . a 'Z9 1r' I'1. !�Np5 OF ^L-Lu� e)HALL ?ff. VA9•14-E0 =OR• L-OCo 'ION I3Y .A. 2")14° 60AR-p � Z 5 STEM M-- � },. S+4S _ .__ OO N 4 - - - - G , 242.E L 1 ,�' . 2 — PA NTP-0 �EI�. 0 Q" Of IZ _ - -. \ - -. - I -sem tU 6\ _ \ Z � \ \ - ll.- ,s LLJ 3 Z %L a.J `-40. IL I Q SL j ( R- 117,0 fl. b.'r3 GU17$ I N - \ _ / -+ I h•� `4 u INT E W P5 45' VIP 'N� 5, 0 \� / �.in -� �' �c91 ^! • ` >A Q C6 17 6 � 11 •11 P /Li Fz� a I 16Y7 I( J 0 ^2° oS.Q T/G R ° Y. V &W7 r•c 1 Ls f _ NOTICE 10 EXCAVATORS In r oo" It is your responsibility, as part of this permit, to notify IN utility u, K = I�3• / ` h2.1(v *�•�� 4 operators of the extont of this work PRIOR TO S i AI�TING 71,E Q Q ll JOB. (24 hours it Possible.) / \ S NO. 1 h7iUTIES r �\ _ Tigard Watecckjr Dist. IG \ \ \ 1 WATER , ,,,,.V,c.tcr Dist. 4 ; 3.��1 h1orth r 2 _!211 X•212 � I - Northwest Natural Cas Co. �• -� TELEPHONE-General Teicphonc Co. 6::'3 10102 t 23?r33,93 Fac. N,V'!. esll Te!c. Co. ELECTRIC -Portland General Elec. Co. 643-5454 •• - .•-� —'• �' •• Issued by: of Tigard • o � City _- _._,_.,�.__ � _. _ .• coN� �,T� 5TP•e� P�F�Ica AI L SPP CES MUST RE ENDORSED 0 TH~ "� PLANS I 0114 / ,�.1- 1.411► ti��.�, - --- - -- PRIOR TO APPROVAL �� - � 9('N R/y`� - rvo �W 'Um1.IG WORKS GAT'c___ ----•__.__ PL.ANNIM0 DTT. DI tI�� GOvEIP 1,-4 H 717� _ _2ZI F ME DF,T7~. I wr p;s}x,£?_'"L h,t a,�frtv.zixkW,L•. S fl a" ,t�?►i•. '.�Lgq",Yy r�Pr,}pt.l.�F+` x r�1 `. , !, ' a. rII n _ ` ( _T r• _ E._y .• ;w_T : h ._. I-47.8I5 :,ro lFlIioPprN,IiilR0YALH ISlAT , YA 9MEr4 ~T;7\D7 A.- M. RW! 1Gr GQDDYYYYrTrl�Ph0 . tr 4 (01 46"G,MU SA _ pDM,.A.7.ITH�C_.� . —J q7A ELL GAJrI ~ N. W, NATURAL . 'I —777 ffI iI ' ». It _- -. -+ J )kPEI& A:c to __---� 1 GrJ�iGr 510CW�1.K �. a, e. — DAi e MATG H e x l r NOTE I"GLA�4 I Gr GLV leLA `II GLD(fj ,L P G eY ` i.r't„ ,�',' t#' ,fit , �Y r ih,� • Re:Q'D WITHIN ONE -�E� 2N �4"-O (AL1�WeO 90r-K- �2° GLA.= � 'la,' A•G � r I - n '��'1 ,� :'� .�„r;, c. rh * ' D 2”-Ci GI�Lx�h'+Eb ►�►� I- __ 3 "_ II 7 ti�i• ,+ ;� . � ! x ,L T � , �, a . a 2 /4 G- Gt'�.K �"" C LOW i f- .:'Mt Rf ''+�7 �� d•.A �IA� I..t !}ST.h 'W� .. I ___. iM1/ r-vvlr � 12 G M. r av �F ., t } °,Mie ti.r• ye , M L14A •r �` �e'` 'r �'J le ION 2 �1 I�IGP�I.. T SET ��iS••/I 8 2 .r GRU�+•IEt� Kock• 12 G,M.p � of � ,. ., N.T TYt�!JP,L rr �EGTION ee- • f••nacsJ�e w J:4D� N Tpyy lC#.'Mr,t t� a` ��',,W.••y�*,,1 ,.trti�,r!' ,a. M w'�' r , A.• r ti�i 7,1+iB'1,T''� r : �sr, �� Y lwL � V r G�N TLE N/�,J I?5 GotJ�T' .. • 'so"OUTFA . rl re"#,K, A PLATE(FEYvADLE�) • F y .. � " ��. � •N',, �' � '7ey � 1 Vit,. G � rr .,w 1 �4•: e,t., Y `Y;���}+a,k�jb }�.y �h. r '7.). '"t ,tiw � . _— I �: i" 'l �J ccw E: STREET ll } 1" �•'vm } . s Kenneth L. Snyder IF �� ' �� t2 rEE e r.{ 6v ,�. .4.: �t','I•y,'�r �. , 4..9�q •c .YS :. } r'.w-•• r 1', ,� .. '� 1 11 1� C.: • _ 1 _ N ,-r }'•'{, ,, rte, ' Yrs w.l�+ 'd' p'' « .�,. r �iNfING CONSULTANT y { :'� •3'1�•pA Y,� d`�1 1r' A .�, f''n't k•-+t ' � I WESTERN DIVISION � f j•UI¢ � F a x I Portland General Electric -r �m •Ip '.� � �r �41y, �,,, ;,,;'' • " �. ,�.� � �`t�-,�, .i • ,1,. �:. , I; 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Rd "4xt�,'� >>° r Beaverton, Oregon 97005 H, # T 503/643-5454 - ,. ?!M :. GENTL_EWCIODB15 OF �� .:. 4 r� T•5, T Ll�l�T . Ipill mop _ t .._ " �♦ ''' tll I+II11 1111111"III �� �i��j1~ II I'w 'I I'1 1'hjfl �I 117r, '� 111 11 l I� t11 III 111 I'�r ISI 111 III 111 Ill III III Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill llyPll III 111 1�1 Int Ill 111 - `y v. Y.-_ - ' - __ _ 'ap�,'; ,,..+r�, a :: �, ;{W�r+ ''. ( � i rr �. NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ` 1 = 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN { THIS NOTIC6r-IT 15 DUE TO THIE QWITY OF THE ORIGINAL - _ -e- _---- --_ _- -- ---------- . :...r '� IFtAWING. 1 of _ •.le 9? LZ 9Z SZ IP? ^2 Lt 0 12 Of" 91 Ll 91 11 Irl EI 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 S 1 c z I - N!II1111I111111111IUIlIInI�IIIIIHlt1111�IIIIUIIIIIIlIII11I11111ntllh�I�tt/l>�IIItIIIHIlI1111�MI11I11!tIN1111111I1111�tIIi11 llNltlttptf11M1i11tt1ltitlllHfIIIH tI11I1111I1111I1111IIIIlI)Wul■u1uW11jUU�l�IlUI11��H11 - JUNE 1992 ..�` J !Ka +SCI A' Oxy .,..,.'.' ,,'Ct`" • ;j;,', ;rctv5:,;; P'.'s", >r'�"'.�"'""Irr"Mq•�q �`,.. ..''v 4 or 41q "�'.:.,�'��� "�.,, •. c. .• ._ — ... „_. �► P�� PLAT �. ®�' � � 1 � 4 3 � ANDA POILINION OF L01' $0 00 OUILHAM ACIL66 ) 01TUAT90 IN lrW OUTLAW � � 9gY14 0F 69(oarlON 104 ,I T OZ tI IL 1 WI 1A/. Mo GllTY OF TIC'AIL0 WASHINGTON GOUNT`Y OILLOON amp COA10It 10 0 100 ' b.1'IZ AtoIL1v 40 ( dr160lb5 ) M^ILCHI 6 A 1 VAV I b 6VANco ANt7 AhhOG. I 200 h.W. MAIIKOT GjUITO 110 C§) pOPLTLANO, 014- GOH 91201 I I N el• 1)(0' oo" t: (so 14.2y (M) (i14.'!O(IL) �/ 40' 10.00 (04.00 10 9.a0 (01k 00 60.00 142.20 1'01.00 �U�'V BYO�'g G!��T I OATS ,/ 20.120 10.00 3 ► ; �� A P P�0 vA L eN o � /�' o 94 6 4- o �0 0' �'� 1, Izonald �. Lambert, S p-ogii�rud l9rofGo4ional Lend , Surveyor, First be,lng duly wor n, Ae pohG140 10,61111O• r .. . ... .... 0 � snd edy have vorrectIq vurjege-J and marked witproper monuMrttO the land ndprrcnte d APPP-ovn TH14 VAY oto I 9 on titG annexed ma of GCNTL� WOOt7� _ ,j z ;� `�� z / I �c ' P and of the Initial roint I xt a 2'' x �(o" 10n9 &dlvaniud GItY OF 1'l&Ah'd PLANNING CORAMIhgION 31.96 , .� ^� .�, Nb9'�j(� DOG ,') ,�, Zr. n pipe,, (0 InGhGh bGlOw the eurFace Of t� ground and bad Lnibal point bei IOca{'rd ro b9' he,►' b.b2 •"� 00" W f. fo.99 but and North 1646.29 laGat' of the houth quarto' corner olr h io hobo (oh.00 (09 O0 i ry K h` ti�i.10 -�•. '^ (� 4? p-en G I Weasfi t n l2, TownghiP ` g Of the Willam&4 Meridien in the, Gounfiy of Waehin ton Mate of Or n n 69. *W000 ae 240.00 H �� �� �� I N('•421'iy°a thence from raid Initial point I ran N 0. 24' tp(o" !:, l9h•00 Feet ; thence co a9' C%P,00" W ICi,0 Fut• 6H^10-MAN 6684 .+ l y1.�ih ` then(.& N 0" 24' V(o,, � IoJ1.00 feet; then h b9° g(o'00" W II x7.00 P c W. �EN'rLE `iN00D� ' BIW` N /oo, �� q'^' X19.., 1. Q G t fio tho ca�tcrl right of w8 y 9 y I I J r % \1�a�J,=1�j d lino of 0.W. 19th Avenue • thtnr.G N 00 24' �v" � 1w,.91 fg,&t ; thGnc.G N b9. 0 ,00"� , 1014.29 Mkt , 4q.39 10.00 10.00 14ZV •� r I to tht, wttitGrl ri ht of wag line of ro.1N. 16th Avenue (unim roved ' r X11.20/ a? 00 Z h5,31 h ¢ � y 9 y 19 _ (Unimproved) , thcnu hCG 12 00 w , 032.Bio AFFPLOvt17 THth t7AY of_ 3 3 3 I G4 � 3 u+fk a 1.21 Ao. Net ; thcnGG � 09 yb 00 W, 4b(o. '10 Fant to tha point of 17 Innis _ . 99 �)ir 9 W"HIN&TOH GDUNTY SUP�VfYDtz- (oGE►2 p p 1006 O D 10054 p o (089'5# a � o -- FD %"I PL 1000 z Z Z I � 11bXOet! � v 009+✓ I 5.90 . $ f �► GONTOUIL azv. 't3.00 d I f ♦ •� E 0 �^( '10.00 00.00 70.G 0 91.1'! . ... ECXsL� 01� L • !15.00 - r - ` F 0017 PLAIN �ROPlfS1O1�AC 110.00 92.17 O o `� ?"off; - o 3,, 59. - r OubvcrilaGd and sworn to bG!`orG 0 b'•9hloo"w . o o N b9' �' s oo" G ck �; °� lr° a �, i s , LARD S U R V E Y O I 1 a o FD tiro'Lr: -� �d s s 1(roHf -�. '� 9 �5'cy me thih - ddy of f 4 N £�Nti,DF. >,/+"Lp - �, 11,33d� s �� �.00 - 's �►� (0904 t �p�0� 5a Zy f ; -�,LLCd 19 _ A!'fp-0V�t7 'fNlS niAY OF 19 $�• WASHINGTON GO N U TY t76rI►IeTMl:NT 01% pUbLIG NL�ALfN OREGON � 'l/b 1 P. _ s �0 �✓�"I fa J �/3 �(itJ ,`I.k i `� ?S, ?s i��i .....�/.0 rl b�© { N r JULY 140 1907 / 00� t i- �I Iwhlw7t 2 1.P. u +� 9ti120 ��' par, ' �fl �j O RONALD L LAMNIRT �•. 002 y o o4°a o.04� zqo' N d A u �+ s r ,�1"� �� • 0 4 NOT Y PUftlO IN ANO 1000- 00~N �{ `fio' �� �eA "'� .'�S '6 . , `�'!k� ° b9•y(r'Oo"W O _� gyp,N• .f �' ` k`1 . p �ay•9 My Ot?01111gi�lOt1 �Xpir :_ .� . �'-�Y �► 15.00 L�a�H� �1e9•�rv'oo�.c to-Ar �•, �►� 14' 0.AF roa4g� I_N `� 7 r 14.94(Mi 116).00(A) ; yq.o o 3� �� 1 d s o AP�w-wv�n TNI�._______t7AY Op 19 V0^FLt2 OF &OUNTY GOMMIhhIONa" 66(0(0� N • o o y s M� s (F)NbV•yti'°i2'� '� � DGNOTr� wn MONUMGNt�� 92.V6 WAODNINGTON COUNTY, Ola-TON Alb NOT" Z .r � 1 1 '11.21 �''. G� N�� ��� 1 \ • " , A " N N q�89 o <> i �•!'� \ N 10.00 c v 4ET �i x 30 IFO�I FODh 1r�1�+ I.p. J o 40.00..x..._ �� ,r t oIrl �� �� f� AT ALL LOT 6iOFNG , 1 X922 644 V .�/AT I 0 N rH "0 12 00 E 4990 V. .4"1,She 100"9 zIL 65.02 12(0.00 104.00 S.00 45.00 - - �1.ro- - -- �. ..,a.00 KNOW ALL MSN �Y TNF.ro� ph���NTh they f>o{fi'er- Jaerhrlin a a t 119.b3(M) 130.0001)- ` ' 'OAN.`j'WF s"e: g , p r ne,rghip, do htrcb make, 0LT 2INITINIM" MIT g ��' 9(0' 00"W 404.20 f ., FD. /2'I.P. 4�-fa'll'eheA Ond dGGlal'6• the annGAGd map of '641%N'fLf, WOOd1J ' ar, d60c ribod In TIG Ac4,om an In F0• i ��I �� I ,� 0.12 e y GbrtiFiGdtG 8 true ms and plat thercoF, all 100 b0ing of 1116 dirne,nhionti shown on bald d�.Lv I1blillw•4 I' F oltwvl. yTwIP o.oee OurvG or`" p P I 7F�oT 'A' 40, map and the yt'rect'e and avtnucti being of the, widthti thereon oet forth, end `1tlid !softer-Jaehrling l - do 011;60 dedicate fio the uaG o1` the Public an FUW*G Ways forever all Otrceth, avenu", and 60wrouF ELEv. I�i3.pp G4�GtV1GC1�'h hhown (Or MOftd) on OM reap. Tract 'A' iy harGb Jedjc jf'G�d tp h r F'tmo FLAlu y the tarty aF Tlgaral. d, � I 061mue) A. &oftr, Jr. ohs w. J rling 1� �I .• •• • 1620.22 - !4 ___��-_ i -- -- - -- 630.99 I gee. 1011 2(00)1.21 PD. VP-AA_Wq (1AF O.W. PUP-HAM WOA17 ([i0. Ft?. LA0. 23) V4c0I1L. PV. IV2 1.P./ ACIANOWLaSOCK MitNor IN MON. bOX Prolepe GAI W/ W"H. COUNTY FGF. p•f4. COTATF, OP OFzP,GON �I►/►�blb D� l��AP'IHde' COUNTY OF WAhHINOTON �� IT PIMIMPP�1-610 that on t-hiv c+�__da of F'�LAT or- 'r,uRNAM Aev .h' y - _ 19crL_ before, me a . OF t?UFHAM P-OAtl N 111. 5(.'00"b Notary publio in and for paid Ofdt0 and County, rewoonally appeared cg8muel A. Gotfier, Jr. and John K. Jaehrling to me rereonallg known , atter loving duly roworn And eay that they are the idcnf'ical perhony above eoigncd and that they oamuel A. &char, Jr. and John K. Jaehrling do hereby aoknowIeJgG wid instrument to be, a fre.G act and deed . Ap1°110\460 THIcl VAY 0r 19 t71te�GTOP- OF A ol!G OoMGNT ANO 1A)(AfION 90' u av IE nATA WA01,11WON COUNTY, Oft6poN _ NOTA FUVLIG IN ANO FO;L O N rlofi tic. R A - L Gh•- -Gh. CJGering Lot No. P_ I L Gh. . ftAring My m ieion FApi 0.2b 3 - - m Y ?0.00 31.5b 2 b.40 N 44 49 42 W 19 00.00 (09''11'4(0" 07.21 04.19 N PP01,9'23"1: A' 120.00 19' 2012111 42.41 42.21 N b0.20'41"W 10 50.00 41,'V'26" 42.3! 41.06 N""20130'W 5 12 y.OYJ 23'29'24" ATTGyT THIS nAY OF .2 y 91 W.e9 N 56�h2'S1"W 11 _-- rj0.00 4l°2 g'35" 41.019 40.22 N IY 31'32" 19 6 125.00 -9'12'04"_ 2001 20.015 N42'32'01•W Ib 00.00 94'01415" 41.24 4Ji.y0 N99.11' 13"t:: _•_ •1 125.00 11001,0009 Z4.2fo 24.22 N'!'1.22'3r'W 19 225.00 90 q1'3a" X19.11 M-07 N 0"1•Ib'0wW r VY _ I t711a't:GTOIa- 0►� 115.00 12'41'00" 36_14,14 1'00" 6_14 36.6(0 N00•o9'�o"w 19 20.00 bb'41'4�i" _, N-00.00 _21.99 N6'0�'oe"� M-4GO"e AN0 �I.I�G'TIONg ,�� Wov7HiN TON GO U N TY , O I�-L�&O N (> 10 119.00 Ib' 19' Il" 95.96_ _�i9.12 N30'20'Z 1"W 19 20.00 49'159'41" 11.45 16.90 I I ( 19. 0 Id'O(� 19 09.30 501 N12 01 iso W 19 15000 14'O1''�4" 12.63 11110 �1SV•�14'0(1'W l 12 110.00 9"1(0'26 10.00 10.00 N 1'24114"VH 20 _ 19.00 69"!5'00" x2.19 16.(05 Nha•26°0o"W �l Gc9 Ian e_s OTATf, Or, Or t,&OM -- - - "- COUNTY 010 WAOHINOPTON g.y 13 120.00 25'3b'�i0" 55.919 55.49 _ N 12'?�1'25"W 20 225.00 1'31'01„ 9.96 0.96 N 21.34'33"W 1, I�vgar Thvmaeen , t7irGct'or of F-evoorcl� and 0leotiona, do 14 90.00 00.10' II" 43.16 42.40 Ntyl• v'w P, 205 20.00 69.3!'24" 31.25 26.11 N45'10115" P, horGby ver+lry that the originallat wao Kd,e*yed pox p rroord 14 20.00 49'x19'41 " 11417 4.90 N25030' Ione Q 100.00 63•Ig100" - _110.39 104.b1 on the, day of 19 st o' 14 _ 20.00 90'00'00" 9 +j0 1.42 26.2E N64• 'o0"1r11 © 20000 12'41'00" 44,21 04.16 N�j�+1'09'30"W olx1� ,M. and recorded on Paye _in tl'�Ivokof p-GGordh of Town a plat of va14 G1vun+y. 14 120010 14'00!'ID" 90.66 30.56�N o12'2b'25'W r ® 100.00 �jq•42'00" 101!13 101.61 N 19'+)9'00"W by (:.11 6 , 11101.2gho 1011 y v 1 I 1 � 1 II ilill � t �1 I � HI 111 I'[t< 1Ill- loll I t I l 1 r I 1 I I I •- I ! I I I • I I I I I t 1 I I I I I I � � III I I 1 I 1 ► 1 r -- NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED I --= `� 4 `� 6 7 g 1 4 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN _ THIS NOTICE.--IT IS DILE TO J]HE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. OE 6Z 8c' L2 9Z S2 to 1E C? 22 12 4Z 61 81 L I 91 S I b I E I Z I I I 01 6 8 1 9 S to E Z I "°�'•° I►�I1ttt�tl1111����Itlllltllltt�lltltl�lll�ttt�11t11t111111t11ttt,�����11tl11ttI1�1111I11�Ilt~IltllllllIt�ItItIIItIIIt�lltttt�ltttlltjl�llil�lllllt! IlNitl11111111'rn111I1��1�1�1r���I�t�lI1tIII1���1�ffJ��li±lto��,�11111111��������tltl1111�»lll�u�n�illai,L����u��I�ul�lultl�.�l�wltt�, , TTTXTV 9A . 1 Q, Q 9 SCHEDULE D - WATER I . Ductile iron pipe, Class 52 , incl . excavation & bkfill a) 8" 725 LF $ Q > $- Sb on b) 4" 160 LF $ 11. 00 _ $_00120.00 t . Fire Hydrant Assembly, incl. tee, gate valve, pipe, hydrant , etc. 2 EA $ Q•QQ $ 3. Valves a) 8" 4 EA $ 35 Q.00 $ J,4D0.0Q t') 4" 1 EA $ 280.M $ 7-6o.(00 4 . Tees a) 8" x 8" 1 EA $__��J,Q,Qp $—_ 2�.C)0 b) 8" x 4" 1 EA $ 200.00 $_ 900.00 5 . Blowoffs a> Bit x 2" 1 EA $_L'50.0D $_-- Zr::)0.00 b} 4" x 2" 1 EA $_x_00 $___7,Z5.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE D $ 1.0¢5,00 1 Y' GENTLE WOODS C Bid Summary SCHEDULE A - STREETS $J �-� SCHEDULE B - STORM SEWER $ SCHEDULE C - SANIT.ARY SEWER $� ���. SCHEDULE D - WATER LINE $ TOTAL BID $ 17(o, ZO � r o �oC10 DAVID EvAn3 Fina A330CIATE3, Inc. 200 SW MRKET STREET • SUITE 110 - PORTI-nnD,ORKon 97201 • 503/223.6663 0317CEIVEE) 7 �3 y1 'R 16 1981 C T March 13, 1981 WY OF TIGAROSGR005 Frank Currie, Director of Public Works City of Tigard P.O. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Gentle Woo��� Dear Frank: Enclosed please find copies of the revised 100-year flood plain map in the area of the above referenced project. They are copied from Sheet 105 from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District. William Akre of the Corps provided me with the information. As shown on the map and discussed with you by telephone on February 20 , the 100-year flood plain elevation is 133 rather than the 135 elevation taken from Washington County' s flood plain maps and indicated on the approved preliminary plat. Due to this revision, Condition 2 of the Tigard Planning Commission' s approval should be revised accordingly. As authorized by you during our telephone conversation, the Gentle Woods construction drawings, final plat and greenway dedication reflect the 100-year flood plain elevation of 133. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, pl-ase don' t hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, DAVE EVANS AND ASSOCIATES , INC. Ro ert C. uz Associate RCC:cc enclosures rk 40 WP r� •+r` •i1w..•'�',•+!'�n�;�•�4 't�•+ 1 f I /�"�i. 2'�r' ��. .R4 '►'� dt',���y.•�,F� r•, :Ny'. -.yr /"w.'_..L. �t , - � I '..r', 1 � �,J. ���ry_ SMI• ••i,' y� r s to :: � kr � �, - ti - .� `.r � }�..�.'.-ter. � '�YOy,.�r•'� ��y -p"'���'f••l1 J�...•s•. �(.. ,�-•��.c'!.Y•�',"I •• � A•..i _ I �,` Jr I •+ "�S�;'��!ef'�.�,` .. •1�1�i.1'_�C^• _ 'I�7R�M:. . _Y�I,'�. j: : •'���.,• �; "�Y i :+�7� ,jr W✓y►_ �hsc t �M•. 4 i;* � ��N~ Cr ' ..F:.t `-���:r"3��,a�� �`••`:`r 1—4} t �Y. t �'• y,y.�.f�::t� 'ry� Ik:•' 4 f C. •'�i'J'i.!' .. :'S Jf' f a•.:t.{�{,�^' • • '� NT •r r �►�M�yr •,♦• r.f '_•: a', 'SG,Y,.� • .'tr�r `#- v��•.•`:� .�L j �C►' t--•7�s•t�, •.t.a +�, •. �+y•. ! ��•"./•-' �„_.I�,�` • �•�,;t'-•,r�r�Ai:+ •:•rr►.� � y1'�`t'•a.; �/ �, t /.r .,' Il •• •` i r�Jr }} r • 4.1 t►�r; '�.- •s !3 =.S• • _� !'M�ti' ir.i s -0 �v`°� 1` +• '�..iW�� "-[�.J ''r •�t Ct •.".d �».� `'� �`'+�' ^�I i�"J { r.'1°�(i �'.` +r.�►•� �- •'S' Ca Y :� i�1 T't ,,z � r'� •T��F • �' '�,d� n 4 j.� ,�• Qa►!. =••�.; '� . s•Y,�r� _ �'i.�-�� I Nor r .r;, r .• •�• r �' :� `// �!•�ff,••:a•:;_. �w�•'�'� � a ��M �`,' /tom` ':_ rR �. �i<' S!:j � •�r�ry•�� ty ����. :,� 1- - a �'�.T*.rlc t�rt:��. �:�:r� •� *N ♦ ,tea � {..�,e>�'.. � r•,�•J'r tl i^f y 4�si:''ie" ,.- C...,, Ka .7 ,•,•t: ...,• r' ��J � !!� �t� ,!►,• ' c T� !?/ "i3'•�`1~` •`ir�'�� t ++1.��"� ,♦ IL iL4. -�� N '-r.�.7••,t'.« J...t �..e.� ','• .�.�+R .�' .S••� �t.' _ �!-y`••�v ±�,}. 4�.���tf p; ��'� .• • -. 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W v r_ to 2 z W r z 50 S 1 100 YEA FREQUENCY 10 1 0 0 20 40 60 BO 100 120 7 DURATION (MINUTES) I i EAST WASHINGTON COUNTY INTENSITY DURATION CURVES 4.0 3.s 3.0 I o I V I.6 1 } _r A z 1.0 = 1 YEAR FRED I;NCY 0.5 0.0 1 0 20 40 60 90 100 120 140 160 IBD t. IV-58 OURAI,ION (MINUTES) ., Nate: See Appendix for East Multnomah County. a :ALL M INSITY MASU FOR EAST 1 �HINGIUI OOLaZny (�) TA31E OF r4M, FF IId SECOND 'P PER AC`s CJCJRATIfJ[�I(Min) INTIZVSITY (Fir) 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 a 0-5 3.40 0.68 1.G2 1.36 1.70 2.04 6 3.08 0.62 0.92 1.23 1.54 1.85 8 2.77 0.55 0.83 1.11 1.39 1.66 10 2.55 0.51 0.77 1.02 1.28 1.53 2.34 0.47 0.70 0.94 1.17 1.40 14 2.20 0.44 0.66 0.88 1.10 1.32 16 2.05 0.41 0.62 0.82 1.03 1.23 18 1.90 0.38 0.570.76 0.95 1.14 , L 20 1.78 0.36 0.53 0.71 0.89 1.07 22 1.68 0.34 0.50 0.67 0.84 1.01 24 1.60 0.32 0. 18 0.64 0.80 0.96 26 1.52 0.30 0.46 0.61 0.76 0.91 28 1.45 0.29 0.43 0.58 0.73 � 0.87 30 1.40 0.28 0.42 0.56 35 1.25 0.70 0.84 0.29 0.37 0.50 0.63 0.75 40 1.15 0.23 0.35 0.46 0.58 0.69 45 1.08 0.22 0.32 0.43 0.54 ('.55 50 1.00 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 60 0.90 0.18 0.27 0.36 0.45 C.54 70 0.82 0.16.'" 0.25 0.33 0.41� 0.49 80 0.77 0.13 0.23 0.31 0.39 0.46 0.71 90 0.14 0.21 0.28 0.36 0.4; 100 0.67 0.13 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.40 120 0.60 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.30 O.J6 NOTE: ' alues in able are brained by ultiplying ntensity imes runo f coefficie t. y FIGURE I Page 8 Page 8 omitted HIFT.1 600 TO (MIN.) 400 EXAMPLE. —RIO l 300 Height 100 Feet 160 700 Length 3.000 Feet 100 150 Time of Concentration 14 Minutes 90 too LIFT.) 90 \ 10.0m \`•` 60 o' \\X`pL f 40 x' 6,0110 \ i \\ 30 o w [ \\\ 7S z 30 70 w 7•. \ 16 1.600 p Oz is f0 h S 1,000 4 to Note Use nomograph Tc for natural basins with i o well defined channels, for overland flow on bare 0 - = earth, and far, moved gross roadside channels 6 u For Overland flow, grassed wrl Dees, multiply 600 i 6 Tc by 2 4 For overland flow. concrete or asphalt S 3 4 surface, multiply Tc by 04 70O 3 For connate channels, multiply Tc by 0.7 3 700 7 7 160 too 1 t 8-"o•slid,be V I X-ip-cb C wi Frprneer�a Von 10 NQ 6.June 1ga0 Q 367 Fig. 8-13 — TIME OF CONCENTRATION OF SMALL DRAINAGE BASINS TABLE 8-6 Formulae for Concentration Time on Paved Streets 0% to 2% T = 2L + 2 2% to 4% T = 1.51- + 2 4% to 6% T = L + 2 L is in Stations T is in Minutes I Note: Tc shall not be less than 5 minutes. 8-40 0 � .n K� h 1 i i i i yl'm ce"/ JC. CITYOF TIGAM WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON February 26, 1981 Gotter — Jaehrling Partnership 12995 SW Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Zone Change Planned Development, ZCPD 30-80 (Gentle Woods I and 11 Located at 15180 SW 79th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12C, Tax Lots 1200 and 1300) Dear Sir: Enclosed is a copy of Ordinance No. 81-09 which was approved by the Tigard City Council at their regular meeting of February 23, 1981. Your request was approved with the following conditions as set forth in the enclosed ordinance. 1. Specific plans shall be submitted to the Public Works Director for all sewer line construction work in the floodplain. Plans shall be approved by the Public Works Director prior to commencement of any work on the site. 2. All lands below the 135 foot (100 year floodplain) level. shall. be dedicated to the City of Tigard for open space purposes. A metes and bounds legal description and map shall accompany a dedication of the floodplain area and shall be prepared by a registered engineer or land surveyor. 3. Applicant shall. apply for permission to operate model hones in conjunc— tion with this development. All signs within this development shall be approved by the Planning Department prior to installation. 4. A storm drainage plan shall. bE subu►itted and approved by the Public Works Director prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 5. No Occupancy Permits shall be issued until all conditions placed upon this development by the City of Tigard have been satisfied and inspections verifying this have been carried out by the appropriate department. 6. Full half street improvements shall be made to SW 79th Avenue to collector standards. The amount of dedication. made for the improvement of SW 79th shall be thirty (30') feet .from centerline. 7. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless formal application is made to the appropriate City department and changes are approved by that c.epartment. Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings. ---- 12420 S.W. MAIN P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 --- Cotter - Jaehriing Partnership ZCPD 30-80 February 26, 1981 Pale. 2 8. Grading and construction plans for all work in public rights-of-way and all other public improvements shall be prepared by a registered profes- sional engineer in accordance with City standards, and shall be submitted to the Public Works Department -for review. All public improvements will require a Compliance Agreement and must be either (1) fully and satisfactorily constructed prior to the recording of any public dedication, final plat, or issuance of Building Permits, or. (2) bonded to the City for 100% of the estimated cost thereof prior to the recording of any public dedication, final plat, or issuance of Building Permits. 9. All proposed utilities shall be placed underground. Street lighting installations shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 10. A metes and bounds legal description and map shall accompany a dedication of public rights-of-way, and shall be prepared by a registered engineer or land surveyor. 11. All street and parking areas shall be concrete or asphalt. All sidewalks shall be concrete. 12. No Building Permits shall be issued until the expiration of the twenty (20) day appeal period from the date of approval. 13. No minor land partitions shall be made in reference to this project unless formal application is made to the. City of Tigard Planning Depart- ment and the minor land partition is approved and recorded. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, v G'yc<7 �x Doris Hartig City Recorder D11:lm (/ Enc. NO1'E: The following acknowledgement must be received by the city of Tigard within fourteen ( 14) days of your receipt of this letter. Failure to return this acknowledgement may result in action by the City of Tigard. I hereby acknowledge this letter documenting the action of the Tigard City �r r CITYOF T167ARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON February 26, 1981 Gotter — Jaehrling Partnership 12995 S14 Pacific Highway ' Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Zone Change Planned Development, ZCPD 30-•80 (Gentle Woods I and II Located at 15180 SW 79th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12C, Tax Lots 1200 and 1300) Dear Sir: Enclosed is a copy of Ordinance No. 81.-09 which was approved by the Tigard City Council at their regular meeting of February 23, 1981. Your request was approved with the following conditions as set forth in the enclosed ordinance. 1. Specific plans shall be submitted to the Public Works Director for all sewer line construction work in the floodplain. Plans shall be approved by the Public Works Director prior to commencement of any work on the site. 2. All lands below the 135 foot (100 year floodplain) level shall be dedicated to the City of Tigard for open space purposes. A metes and bounds legal descript+.on and map shall accompany a dedication of the floodplain area and shall be prepared by a registered engineer or land surveyor. 3. Applicant shall apply for permission to operate model houses in conjunc- tion with this development. All si.gr►s within this development shall he approved by the Planning Department prior to installation. 4. A storm drainage plan shall be submitted and approved by the Public Works Director prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 5. No Occupancy Permits shall be issued until all conditions placed upon chis development by the City of Tigard have been satisfied and inspections verifying this have been carried out by the appropriate department. 6. Full half street improvements shall be made to SW 79th Avenue to collector standards. The amount of dedication made for the improvement of SW 79th I shall be thirty (30') feet from centerline. 7. No changes will be made to approved plans of specifications unless formal application is made to the appropriate City department and changes are approved coy that department. Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings. -- 12420 S.W. MAIN P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 Cotter - Jaehrling Partnership ZCPD 30-80 February 26, 1981 Page 2 8. Grading and construction plans for all work in public rights-of-way and all other public improvements shall be prepared by a registered profes- sional engineer in accordance with City standards, and shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review. All public improvements will require a Compliance AgreemenC and must be either (1) fully and satisfactorily constructed prior to the recording of ' any public dedication, final plat, or issuance of Building Permits, or (2) bonded to the City for 1007 of the estimated cost thereof prior to the recording of any public dedication, final plat, or issuance of Building Permits. 9. All proposed utilities shall be placed underground. Street lighting installations shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 10. A metes and bounds legal description and map shall accompany a dedication of public rights-of-way, and shall. be prepared by a registered engineer ar, land surveyor. 11. All street and parking areas shall be concrete or asphalt. All sidewalks shall be concrete. 12. No Building Permits shall be issued until the expiration of the twenty (20) day appeal period from the date of. approval. 13. No minor land partitions shall be made in reference to this project unless formal application is made to the City of Tigard Planning Depart- ment and the minor land partition is approved and recorded. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Doris llartig City Recorder l)N:Lm Enc. NOTE: The following acknowledgement must be received by the city of Tigard within fourteen ( 14) days of your receipt of this letter. Failure to return this acknowledgement may result in action by tiie City of Tigard. 1 hereby acknowledge this letter documenting the action of the Tigard City Page3 _ -.. . . ....._._.._...._._...,.._.._._. / Council. I have received and read this letter and I agree to the decision n here document e and to abide by any terms and/or conditions attached. Prop qty Clyrfj6r Signatur / atfe i Applicant Signature Date r -- - FEE RE C' D. p�- .1igcard Planning Commission 639-4171 RECEIPT 12420 S .W. Main St . , Tigard, Oregon 97223 DATE RECD. �/��p • BY-- ^PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE GQwoad S ' Action Requested PLANNED DEVELOPMENT -� Applicant ' s Name Gotter - Jaehrling Partnership _ Phone 639-1111 Applicant' s Address 12995 SW Pacific Highway, Tigard, Oregon 97223 (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) Owner ' s Name SAM GOTTER Phone 639-1111 Owner' s Address Same as applicant Street --- C.i.ty) ( ate_ ZZlp - pp; i -ant is : Owner- __ _. Contract Purchased -_ Developer _ Agent Other civr,er Recognition of Application: signature oormer (s) Person responsible for application Robert C. Cruzes DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES, Jr.( 200 S .W. Market Street, Suite 110 , Portland, Oregon 97201 (Street) --�— (City) (State) (zips �- Registered Engineer ' s Name Robert C. Cruz _ Phone 223-6663 Registered Engineer ' s Offic< DAVID -T,ANS & ASSOCIATE�;3INC. Phone 223-6663 P.egist.ered Engineer ' s Address 200 S.W. Market St. #110 , Portland, OR 97201 j (Street) (C.i "y) (StaLv) PROPERTY INVOLVED: Tax Map # 2S1 12C Tax LoL (s) 1200, 1300 Address S.W. 79th Avenue —_ T_-- Ar.e\a - -- 5. 64 (acres) Existing Buildings ( Y and type ) None Current Zoning City of Tigard Current Use _ Raw_ Land 'w A N aresta`►.r ------__ RAL M lwtar Since one aspect of develo must be completed, and t�srnent impact relates to schools, the followin effected application. Phis sheet submitted to the Plannin g lnformat-jort call 639-4171 if there are any with the y questions. . 1• THE FOLLOWING IS TO BE COMPLETP,D BY THE DEVELJJpER Name of person or firm developing the property SAM GOTTER REALTORS Person to cont act SAM *GOTTER ----------------------- Phone number 639-1111 Mailing address 12995 SW Pacific Iii. hwa, -- -�__ 9 Y, Tigard; OR 97223 . Legal description of property bein number and tax lot (s) number g Proposed for development (mals _ZS1r 1lC, T L _1200 1300 1400 - In order to -expedite responses from the school. district involved inidcate a genera] vicinity description of. the , Please development, Property being PMposed for On S.W. 79th Avenue and S.W. 76th 'Avenue S•W. Bonita Road and S.W. nurha-M Road. , between ' rscl.es v r u r • OCT 2, 0 1980 TIGARD SCHOOL DIST 23) Does the proposed development require a: (please check l P ap xo r' Plan AmenclmAnt P ate box) I I Zone Change Subdivision and Annexation to City Of Tigard Variance Conditional Use Permit i k - Total number of dwelling units being Proposed 22 i E -13- t: I I I if ti CITY 4F TINA PD February 10, 1981 WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Gotter-Jaehrling Partnership 12995 SW Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 REFERENCE: ZONE CHANGE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, ZCPD 30-80 (Gentle Woods I and Z Located at 15180 SW 79th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12C, Tax Lots 1200 and 1300) Dear Sir: The Tigard Planning Commission on February 3, 1981 has voted to recommend to the City Council that your request for a Zone Map Amendment and Planned Development from Washington County RU-4 to City of Tigard R-7PD "Single Family Residential Planned Development" Zone be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Specific plans shall be submitted to the Public Works Director for all sewer line construction work in the floodplain. Plans shall be approved by the Public Works Director prior to commencement of any work an the site. 2. All lands below the 135 foot (100 year floodplain) level shall be dedicated to the City of Tigard for open space purposes. A metes and bounds legal description and map shall accompany a dedication of the floodplain area and shall be prepared by a registered engineer or land surveyor. 3. Applicant shall apply for permission to operate model houses in conjunction with this development. All signs within this development shall be approved by the Planning Department prior to installation. 4. A storm drainage plan shall be submitted and approved by the Public Works Director prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 5. No Occupancy Permits shall be issued until all conditions placed upon this development by the City of Tigard have been satisfied and inspections verifying this have been carried out by the appropriate department. 6. Full half street improvements shall be made to SW 79th Avenue to collector standards. The amount of dedication made for the improvement of SW 79th shall be thirty (301) feet from centerline. 12420 S.W. MAIN P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 page 2 7. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless formal application is made to the appropriate City department and changes are approved by that department. Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings. 8. Grading and construction plans for all work in public rights-of-way ani all other public improvements shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer in accordance with City standards, and shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review. All public improvements will require a Compliance Agreement and must be (design) approved by the Public Works Department, and must be either (1) fully and satisfactorily constructed prior to the recording of any public dedication, final plat, or issuance of Building Permits or (2) bonded to the City for 100% of the estimated cost thereof prior to the recording of any public dedication, final plat, or issuance of Building Permits. 9. A11 proposed utilities shall be placed underground. Street lighting installations shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 10. A metes and bounds legal description and map shall accompany a dedication of public rights-of-way, and shall be prepared by a registered engineer or land surveyorer. 11. All street and parking areas shall be concrete or asphalt. All sidewalks shall be concrete. 12. No Building Permits shall be issued until the expiration of the twenty (20) day appeal period from the date of approval. 13. No minor land partitions shall be made in reference to this project unless formal application is made to the City of Tigard Planning Department and the minor land partition is approved and recorded. This recommendation has been written in ordinance form and will be considered by the City Council at its February 23, 1981 meeting, Fowler Junior High School, Lecture Room, 10865 SW Walnut Street, 7:30 p.m. At that time, the City Council has the following options: approve, modify, deny, remand back to the Planning Commission or determine to hold a hearing on the record established at the Planning Commission. You All be provided written notice of the Council's action. Since rel , �=(q w D rector NOTE: Sign below to acknowledge conditions set forth in this Staff Report and in-turn to the City of Tigard Planning Department. Failure to acknowledge will result in no further action on this project with regards to issuance of Building Permits or engineering approval. page 3 (applicant signature) date (applicant signature) date (property owner signature) date MINUTES TIGARD PLA,11ING CC:•.13111ISSIO*I February 3, 1981 Page 3 requirements had not been met in this request. Moen then repeated his motion for denial of CU 14.80 and V 15-80, based on failure to meet the qualifications for a variance specified in the code, and failure to have adequate access for the density requested. Heimer seconded the motion for denial for the reasons specified. The motion ,passed unanimously. 5.2 ZONE CHANGE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, ZCPD 30-80 (GENTLE WOODS PLA.NNI ED DEVELOPMENT SINGLE FA74IL'Y UNITS) NPO #5 A request by Gotter-Jaehrling Partnership for a Preliminary and General Plan Review of Gentle Woods Planned Development e:.ngle family unity on 23 lots located at 15180 SW 79th ' (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 12C, Tax Lots 1200 and 1300). Howard read the STAFF REPORT and RECOr*IETDATIONS, correcting s of Fact Nos. 7 and 10 to read Findings ,'.� lots, instead of 22 as printed. The APPLICANT'S PRES E;TATIO:T was made by Bob Zruz of David Evans and Associates, 200 S'.7 Market St. , Portland. He expressed satisfaction with the staff report and agreement with the conditions, and asked for approval by the commission. I IThere was no PUBLIC TESTTMONv: I COF24ISPGI0N DISCUSSh*! AND ACTION: No commissioner had problems with the request. Moen called attention to Condition No. 2 referring to dedication "for open space/park purposes," and suggested that in the I absence of any intention or funding to make this into a park, the word "park" shoul; be stricken from the Recoumenda.tion. Howard agreed, statin the 6 point was well taken. i Moen MOVED approv aal.,of ZCPD 30-80 at the Preliminary Plan and General Plan Review levels for both Phane I and Phase II, based upon 1 staff findings and recommendations. The motion was seconded by Helmer and carried unanimously. The president announced agenda item 5.3 had been withdravm. He then called for the hearing of Ttem `i.11 , a variance request which had been tabled on Novemi,er 2.5 in order to give time for staff and the applicant U3F;X'gerns (including use of flood plain) expressed by commissioners. 5.4 VARIANCE, V 14-30 (SILCO CONSTRUCTION SETBACK VARIANCE) NPO #2 A re-hearing of Variance, V 14-80, Silco Construction's request for a Variance in the setback requirements iu az M-4 "Industrial Park" Zone to permit construction of a build- ing located at 9350 SP! Tigard Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 PAB, Tax Lot 1901). _ STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.2 TIGARO PLANNING COMMISSION February 3, 1981 - 7:30 p.m. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH - LECTURE ROOM 10865 SW Walnut Street, Tigard NO SUBMISSION OF ADDITIONAL MATERIAL BY APPLICANT SHALL BE MADE AT THE PUBLIC HEAPING UNLESS THE APPLICANT IS REQUESTi`TO DO SO. SHOULD THIS OCCUR, UNREQUESTED, THE ITEM WILL BE TABLED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING HEARING. DOCKET: ZONE CHANGE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, ZCPD 30-80 (Gentle Woods) NPO #5• APPLICANT: Gotter-Jaehrling Partnership OWNER: Marvin L. Smith 12995 SW Pacific Highway 3341 NE 57th Avenue #6 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Vancouver, Washington 98661 REQUEST: ror a Preliminary Plan and General Plan Review for Phases I and II on a 7.30 acre site. SITE LOCATION: 15180 SW 79th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 12C, Tax Lot 1200 and 1300) PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 6, 1981, the Tigard Planning Commission approved ZCPD 30-80 from Washington County P.0-4 to City of Tigard R-7PD "Single Family Residential Planned Development" Zone. At the same meeting, the Planning Commission approved Sensitive Lands Permit, M 9-80 to constrict a sewer line through the floodplain. On April 10, 1980, the Boundary Commission approved the Smith Annexation involving Tax Lots 1200 and 1300. The City of Tigard Ordinance No. 80-41 approving the annexation passed on May 19, 1980. FINDINGS OF FACT: l.. A portion of Phase II (Tax Lot 1400) has not been annexed to the City. The City Council passed a Resolution on January 12, 1981 to send the annexation proposal to the Boundary Commission. The annexation should appear before the Boundary Commission in March. 2. The site has been zoned R-7PD in conformance with the City of Tigard Comprehensive Plan. 3. The site has one existing house on Lot 15 of Phase I. The site slopes from southwest to northeast. 4. The surrounding land uses consist of a few single family homes on large lots to the west and north, to the south and east. is vacant parcels and open space. 5. Access to the site is provided off SW 79th Avenue which is a forty (401 ) foot right-of-way with paving only. The City of Tigard Street Plan designates SW 79th Avenue as a minor collector, requiring a sixty (601 ) _foot right-of-way. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.2/ZCPD 30-80 (GENTLEWOODS) TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 3, 1981 Page 2 6. Sewer will be available to the site with the construction of the new line connecting the Fanno Creek Interceptor to the east. Water is available from 79th Avenue. 7. 11W site plan indicates that 7.3 acres will be divided into twenty- tMor `P L ) lots. The average lot size proposed is 7,600 square feet. 'rh 3) r 8. a applicant proposed to dedicate 64,800 square feet of property which lies in the floodplain to the City for open space. 9. The Planned Development Designation provides deviation of lot sizes, setback requirements, etc. to allow development of a site which contains sensitive land conditions. The deviation in this case is the minimum lot size. 10. Density calculations are as follows : Total site area (Phase I and II) 7.3 acres less sensitive lands 1.5 acres 5.8 acres less public improvements of 25% 1.45 acres PHASES I AND II BUILDABLE LAND 4.35 acres 4.35 x 43,560 square feet/7500 square. feet = �units total �-6 The applicant is asking for twenty-two (2_4) units. 11. All public rights-of-way are shown as fifty (50') feet dedicated with full street improvements. 12. Applicable policies from the NPO #5 Plan are as follows: Policy 1: The maximum overall density of development will be four dwelling units or 12 persons per gross acre. This amounts to a standard of 7500 square feet of land per dwelling unit allowing for streets and other open space. Policy 2: Residential subdivision will be developed with paved streets, curbs and gutters, street lights, and walkways, according to City or County standards all utilities will be placed underground. Policy 3; Development will coincide with the provision of public streets, water and sewerage facilities. These facilities shall be (a) capable of adequately serving all intervening properties as well as the proposed development and (b) designed to meet City or County standards. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.2/ZCPD 30-80 (GENTLEWOODS) TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 3, 1981 Page 3 Policy 4: Planned Unit Developments will be encouraged on tracts large enough to accomodate ten or more dwellings. Planned Unit Developments will permit a degree of flexibility in design that will enable a higher quality of development in- accordance with zoning standards. , 13. A storm drainage plan was not indicated on the preliminary plat. CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: 1. Sewer and water are available to the site. 2. If the Tigard Plan is approved and SW 79th Avenue is designated an arterial collector, the applicant will have to dedicate ten (10') feet for the improvement of SW 79th instead of five (5') feet as shown. 3. The density proposed is within the maximum allowed in the R-7 Zone. 4. The sensitive lands permit has been approved to allow for the construction of a sewer line in the floodplain. The property which lies in the floodplain will be dedicated to the City for open space. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary and General. Plan for Phases I and II of Gentle Woods Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. Specific plans shall be submitted to the Public Works Director for all sewer line construction work in the floodplain. Plans shall be approved by the Public Works Director prior to commencement of any work on the site. 2. All lands below tha 135 foot (100 year floodplain) level shall. be dedicated to the City of Tigard for open space purposes. A metes and bounds legal description and map shall accompany a dedication of the floodplain area and shall be prepared by a registered engineer or land surveyor. 3. Applicant shall apply for permission to operate model houses in conjunction with this development. All signs within this development shall be approved by the Planning Department prior to installation. 4. A storm drainage plan shall be submitted and approved by the Public_ Works Director prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 5. No Occupancy Permits shall be issued until all conditions placed upon this development by the City of Tigard have been satisfied and inspections verifying this have been carried out by the appropriate department. H 1, STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.2/ZCPD 30-80 (GENTLEWOODS) TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 3, 1981 Page 4 6. Full half street improvements shall be made to SW 79th Avenue to collector standards. The amount of dedication made for the improvement of SW 79th shall be thirty (301) feet from centerline. 7. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless formal application is made to the appropriate City department and charges are approved by that department. Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings. 8. Grading and construction plans for all work in public rights--of-way and all other public improvements shall be prepared by a reg+stered professional engineer in accordance with City standards, and shall be. submitted to the Public Works Department for Review. All pub!; - improvements will require a Compliance Agreement and must be (design) approved by the Public Works Department, and must be, either (1) fully and satisfactorily constructed prior to the recording of any public dedication, final plat, or issuance of Building Permits; or (2) bonded to the City for 100% of the estimated cost thereof prior to the recording of any public dedication, final plat, or issuance of Building Permits. 9. All proposed utilities shall be placed underground. Street lighting installations shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 10. A metes and bounds legal description and map shall accompany a dedication of public rights-of-way, and shall be prepared by a registered engineer_' or land surveyore r. 11. All street and parking areas shall be concrete or asphalt. All sidewalks shall be concrete. 12. No Building Permit: shall be issued until the expiration of the twenty (20) day appeal period from the date of approval. 13. No minor land partitions shall be made in .reference to this project unless formal application is made to the City of Tigard P1 ning Department d the minor land, partition is approved d re rded. Pre 8"b"y E i z abet �eon p Special Assistant to the Planning Director an i. c?Fictor EAN/Allvmc lo rvi a L.oy�Yni S • �ro CITYOF TIIFARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON January 14, 1981 rCC �'1 �Q' �`z 4 -29 -- 151 GOTTER - JAEHRLING PARTNERSHIP -� 12995 SW Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 REFERENCE: ZONE CHANGE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, ZCPD 30-80/M 9-80 NPO #5 (Gentle Woods) Dear Sir: Please be advised that the Tigard Planning Commission at their regular meeting of January 6, 1981 approved your request for a Zone Map Amendment. February 3, 1981 has been set for the next Planning Commission Regular Meeting at which your project will be heard at the Preliminary and General I Plan Review level. This approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant must appear before the Planning Commission for a Preliminary and General Plan Review. 2. Street plans for the Gentle Woods Subdivision must be approved by the Public Works Director prior to the General. Plan Review by the Planning Commission. 3. Plans for the sewer line to be constructed in the floodplain must be approved by the Public Works Director prior to the issuance of any permits. A ►notes and bounds legal description shall be submitted for all floodplain lands dedicated to the City for open space. Please call us if we can be of any further assistance at 639-4171. 4Sin rel , A die Ho r Planning Di rector NOTE: Sign below to acknowledge conditions set forth and return to the City of Tigard Planning Department. Failure to acknowledge will result in no furtd action on this proect. / ICNA 12420 S.W. P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 H: 639-4171 --- 1 CITYOF TIMM WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON January 14, 1981 GUTTER - JAEHRILING PARTNERSHIP 12995 SW Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 REFERENCE: ZONE CHANGE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, ZCPD 30-80/M 9-80 NPO H5 (Gentle Woods) Dear Sir: Please be advised that the Tigard Planning Commission at their regular meeting of January 6, 1981 approved your request for a Zone Map Amendment. February 3, 1981 has been set for the next Planning Commission Regular Meeting at which your project will be heard at the Preliminary and General Plan Review level. This approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant must appear before the Planning Commission for a Preliminary and General Plan Review. 2. Street plans for the Gentle Woods Subdivision must be approved by the Public Works Director prior to the General Plan Review by the Planning Commi.s s ion. 3. Plans for the sewer line to be constructed in the floodplain must be approved by the Public Works Director prior to the issuance of any permits. A metes and bounds legal description shall be submitted for all floodplain lands dedicated to the City for open space. Please call us if we can be of any further assistance at 639-4171. ) Sin - rel A r ' Planning Director NOTE: Sign below to acknowledge conditions set forth and return to the City of Tigard Planning L�-partment. Failure to acknowledge will result in no fur ruction on this pr5�fect. / SI(u A DA,TE Z . 12420 S.W P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 CITY Ur' TIGAIW, Llr{l,UUA DEVELOPMXNT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I . PROJECT No. : 1I . PROJECT NAME: _6%zw1 i. Woogt�t) ITT . DRAWING (TITLE) : IV„ PLAT (TITLE) : V. SITE LOCATION: VI. PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER: IZ�15 b,w,!'�►�c1f�C NwY. Address'r Q � �, Phone NoAp3'-%%%% (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: Address _ ... ----. �_- Phone P .nd too Exp. Date_ ( 3) ENGINEER:, C 'bllvui CNONti 0o �,�, *&-t L M SR'. S� A d cl r e s sdr)toI' , (4) INSPECTOR: Address _- _ Fhune ��o. ( 5) PRIPAE CONTE-ACTOR: Address_.._- -- _ --- Phone No.___.._...- - (6) CCN'IRAr--'RS SUPETY AGENCY Address --- -- __. ---- -- Phone `.o. Aond No..------- -------_ ..._�__ �• Exp. (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS : 1 � G�� �a ��� � � � —� 5'�3 ���� � ���, � � - � �� . � -��-� - ` . a� ���� y �� ,f�� IR J Q r x ___ _ 4'i4"E 24914(Mi200.Oo(K) ry0.24' No NO•2ZOG.bI o _ N10." M)M/1.0004 - r o o a V o w 29 f 1017 v S aIz ca FZ I 4' 0 0'' -+ o N �►� Q' � � � o $'' -4 ZI m•Y ,'� SI O ^tP iP t - _� O - - ;O -1 p O m '% o H0.04'00•W V r ° H0•04'Oo'W 1 3 w No•24'i(;•E MI 00 o a o O ? s N p ; NOATM �' H Of 24'"'S 1!5.00 WOO 49 00 o i a o O R $ o O o 164&21 02 00 9')00 M ry0.04'00"W i ^' H0•04'0011W 41 s IIO.b1 p sC S s{ 0. t 0 o �� NO'04'00"W. HO-04-00 i'41 3q \ _ 27'ti 1 100.11 b' 110+>r1 Q C lick t el T/` *� �0 4o.a1� ' N s Q \4'�1 ° a 'r o v~ !y H _ �—� ° ' / n/,� hr...�` No•o4'oo"w \s,`se ,-'�� s ' TO 0� 7 s o � � �� s vo f0 W 4 4V m .y)'�+��► !4�d �Q'.E �� 0 1,� 00 11�.4j1 v ! s )ss 94 00 S > >i+• G c V. NO.04'o0"W C A p �� � RS �t _ CJr 44 � �y�,�''� c y � '�•yt IS 4R 13 tj 0199 44Oy0\� /yds. y9 y4 i it 10) �OM�,'A MM s y ? �MA10.V.4N o O+ p 1 �•OOlI•—01� KVp 4,r 1 31, 46 a.W. UTM AV6. (UNI MPAOV9a) ..' jER65ION ARFA i e: ao ---- ---—--- - p- O --- g (Q�no,ddWlN�) 'Inr H.L04 'MO40 LL ri ° o 047-44 M.0n.Ll 00 47-1 N 0 ti, g� I. � \1 N,;'�0'�I•YL�IZ•43�-1 .49 �Z x ei • � �$ I v n �'!�r f N I r � �Q s�0 r- f-• S J N �l F is J T,/ qr IL ��l J °~o o$ /os• o o y � by b0 a 04'1)1 n IL tL \p J N 3.11'h!"W� U / 44 10) 41 lip Z r O i O �.. J{ • F O ii - o +�If o i J M.,OO,YO.ON �la:�6i. , r ��k I eh �a - 1` $0 w F i o d 0066 r c\S� " A� 'I\^� Y.4041 00 o 3 o N O f 4'ss`Y! 1Y0 Leo- C. e0- b 0 - J 0 00 = _ iL-to -X2.7.~� Ff ~M.001O.041 N •0l/� . i ti�ir r • N t 41 iik 4t Go r Z 64 0111 66 1*,, 9tN• +- ,•� .� d M.00,Y0.04 TA 64 0)I I p 11001 1,4 f t o U z i M.00,YO.OH r M.00,Y0.0 N 0i5Z ^ - � O000L9 od6LYQ1 c m u I O o d o o 0044, 00 019 00'661 3.74 it.O H N1dUN s g r N v 00141 7.74,4L.0N ; H 640111 ` � 11001 ; IDO UR Uloo ��� z = M.00.f0.oN W M.p0,i0.0N c C �. r J p ° a —: L O ISS` Oz IL lk t� qdtl ° ��r_ IR• a s O z _ �C � I� � rte. c ZI•: \� - i - (f)00141(W)66AW (71)(W)00441 0 14 O11. V.-7i -n.04 t)00'O1�1L tN)y6hAL 1.9i,YL.0N - -- - o__- - ---(EE6 ;r •oma-o�) ---;;/fir NjbL --�M�y ----- IL IL ILI z z o f "['2oCSSCl- Et4r&L si;' CURS W ATrrC Po(A)Le2 G A� ,SrKE T r3 A-S& C xc A v. SAsd, WewrALL. Si.IRFA'� !-tA�CWr.�t St-c►,fs � �. BAr.�z�c�o�s S 1 D6 W Acacs -'� A PR�1S '' WHE.EtGHA�IC �A�1PS M AILIA ( P_WSTERS L..A►,ID�CAn�1G G�nit~xRAL_ .__ORg1�11AC6 �esNctil4 . ShF4T_`I� 4 JAY !i� r t CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (P.W.) Procedure Check List I. FILE INITIATED . . . . . . . _ (1) Supplementary sheets attached . . II. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT: (1) Pending Planning Commission action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . U (2) Approved tentatively by Commission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . III. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS: (1) Plan Check commenced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Yid (a) Revisions required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (b) Stamped, approved for construction . . . . . . . .1W (2) Utility Co. plans received. . . . . . , . . . . . . . 13 (3) Improvement cost estimate received. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ IV. EXECUTION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS: (1) Contract documents drams: (a) Compliance Agreement signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� (b) Performance Bond signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , (2) Permits & Licenses acquired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (3) Easements obtained & recorded . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ❑ (4) Deposits made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)W10 V. SUB14ISSION OF FINAL PLAT: (1) Review for conformance commenced . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (a) Revisions required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 kb) Approved & signed by Comm. Chairman . . . . . . . . . . fa (c) Resubmitted to Commission O Res, No. Approved . . . . . . . . . . . r _ (2) Approved and recorded by County Surveyor. . . . . . . . . . . (3) Address's assigned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d VI. COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..❑ Note: Inspection sheets and construction/ Inspection check list (attached) for progress. VII. FINAL INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . ❑ _ _ (1) Pending correction of deficiencies. . Cl _ (2) Not acceptable, construction deficient . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (3) All construction items acceptable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q VIII. EXECUTION OF FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENTS: (1) Maintenence Bond signed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (2) As-built drawing received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [I (3) Final report to Council issued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q IX. CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . CJ MAINTENANCE BOND EXPIRES: VIII. STREETLIGHTING: (A) Commenced installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I� (B) Completed installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • 0 (C) Inspected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • D - (D) Tentatively accepted by City . . . . . . . . . • Ll 1) Authorization letter to Energize fi'l.ed I IX. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • (B) Completed installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 (C) Inspected . . . . . a a (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . . . . . . . _ . . • • • • Q i X. GENERAL. AREA DRAINAGE: (A) Building rain drains inspected. . . . . • . • . . . • • • • 0 (B) Culverts inspected . . . . . . . . • . . • . • . • • • • • 0 (C) Drainage ditches inspected. . . • • • . • • . • . • • • • • 0 (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . G1 _ NOTE: PRIOR TO C014PLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE, REVIEW FIT.F. 'CO INSURE COMPLETION OF CHECK LIST AND FILING OF: 1) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All Correspondence/Memos S) Daily Inspection Sheets i I i LAW CrFYOF, TWARD 0 VASHINMON CCUNtY ORF"I . ' U 0/0 2:) 00 12M S MAIN P o 9ox nM 1,A00 ONFOON97273 PH CITYOFTWARD ��1�\,y„ C�� W�9N1NG1ry.1 fI71MfY.OREGON 4 25 r,2o Zs !�3 p c 7 --_..-.-.I IM 1 W AMM R 0 by 1"" TrAft OWK*4 R M IM CITY OF TIGARD,, OREGON CONSTRUCTION/YNSPECTION (P,W. ) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY clearly mark id APPROVED PLANS, plan revisions, change ordero, specifications, etc. ! I. SANITARY SEWER: (A) Commenced instal',#*i-n. . . . . .. . . . .. . . ..... ... ❑ (B) Completed install.ati.on... ...• , O 1) As-built field notesfi.led. ...... .. . . a) C(-;;• ^Ant to engineer. , . .... .. p 1) As-built field notes received. .. ,.... ❑ a) Filed in project folder.. ., .. ., (2 (C) InFpectod -ind Te4ted.. . . . . . . 11. - -- .-. p 1) Test nomonographs filed. . . . . . ........ ❑ (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . II. STORM SEWER.- (A) EWER:(A) Commenced installvtion.. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . (B) Completed installat.ion, . . , . . . . . . p 1) A4-built field notes filed.,, ,...., . , (C) InsFPcted. . .. .... (D) 'Tentatively accented by City, , , , , . , . , ,,,., 13 III. CURB: (A) Commenced ❑ i VBench W rk9 rmt... ... .. .. ........ 1. p 2) Bench Kirk locations filed..,. . ....,. p (B) Comeioted in,7tallitinn...... 13 (C) Inspected.. . . . p (D) Tentatively 1cco—ted by City. ... ...... ..... . . 13 IV. STRELTt (A) Commenced Grading. . .... . .. ❑ i 1) Sub-graea insrected. . .. ... . . ... . ... ❑ ! / a) Test data filed. . ..... .... [3b) Tentatively acceptedby City. ❑ //_- (B) Cominr.nced rocking. . . . ,. . ... .I . . . . ..... . .... . p 1) Sub-base inspected.. ... . ... ... . . .. .. E] a) Test data filed.. ,. . . . p b) Tentrtively accepted by City, p (C) Commenced Paving . . . . .. , (3 1) P•7ving in,pected. .. ,. . . ❑ a) Teqt data filed, . O b) Tentatively accepted by City. C1 (D) Street tentatively accepted by City. . ..... . .. O ! / V. PARKING LOTS (A) Commenced gradirg.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ..,.. , / / 1) Sub-gradR inQpected. . . . . .. .. . ..... ... O %�M a) Teat data filed.. ... .. . . p b) Tentatively accepted by City. C) i!� (B) Commenced Rocking.. . (3 1) Sub-baFo inspected.... ❑ / A) Te-.Rt d-ita filed. . . .. .. O b) Tentatiunly arcertpd by City. C3 s (C) Commenced Pavina.. ......................:..... 1) Paving inspected.. p / / a) Test data filed... •........... p b) Tentatively arreptedby City.... p / / (D) Parking lot tentatively accepted by City...... p 1!_ Vi. SIGN: (A) Street name sign" installed. .. .. .. ...........: ❑ (B) Traffic signm installed.. .. . . ... ....... ...... p VII. SIDEWALK: (A) Commenced installation.. .. ........... p ! / (B) Completed installation. ..., ,. ❑ (C) Inspected. .... . . . ❑ (D) Tentatively acrr�rtad by City..... . ... ......... p / VIII. STREETLIGHTING, (A) Comm-inced installation .............I.......... p / (B) Completed installation... ................ ... .. p ! (C) Inspected. .... ..... , . .... ................ .. p (D) Tentatively accepted by•Citv... .. ..... . ❑ 1) Authori-pation letter to•Energies filed IX. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced installation. ............ ..... ... ... p ! (B) Completed installation... ............. ........ p (C) Inspected...,... . . d ! ! (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. . . .. .. ,... .. X. GENERAL AREA DRAINAGE: (A) Building rain drains inspected.. . . . .. ......... p !L_ (B) Culverts inspected. . .. .. 0 (C) Drainage ditches inspected.................... p / (D) Tentatively accopted by City. ....... .......... p NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE, REVIEW FILE TO INSURE COMPLETION OF CHECK LIST AND FILING OF: 1) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Order 4) All Correspondence/Memos 5) Daily inspection Sheets