Subdivsion Circa 1964
tate Insurance 526 N.W. Canyon Road ; Beaverton, Oregon 97005
escrow:; Phone 646-8181
PHONE 2223651
City of Tigard Order No. 312927
City Hall April 23, 1968
Tigard, Oregon
Attn: John Dicker--nn
Dear Sir*
At your request we submit the following legal descriptions:
lSl--34A 100 in Chester L. Robinson, et al:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of the 43.18 acre tract of
land conveyed to Chester L. Robinson by deed as recorded on
Page 44 of Volume 304, of Washington County, Oregon need Records,
which point of beginning is on ;;he East and West centerline of
Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian,
25.0 feet Gast of an iron at the center of said section and
running thence North on the East line of said 43. 18 acres tract
(which East line is parallel to and 25.0 feet Easterly from the
North and South centerline of said Section 34) 1805.3 feet to
the Northeast corner of said tract which is a point on the center,
line of the Scholls Ferry Road and bears South 846.4 feet and
Ncrth 7201.5' East 26.2 feet from an iron at the one-quarter
corner on the North line of said. Section 34; thence North 72015'
East on the center of said Scholls Ferry Road 262.5 feet to a
point; thence South parallel to and 275 feet Easterly from
(when measured at right angles to) the North and South centerline
of said section a distance of 1885.: feet tc a point on the East
and West centerline of said section; thence Wast 250.0 feet to
the place of beginning.
1S1-34A 300 in Chester L. Robinson, et al:
The Westerly 250 feet, the East line thereof being parallel with
and 250 feet distant from, when measured at right angios to, the
West line of the following describer) trace of land:
Beginning at an iron on the line between the land of Agnes Walker
and Viola F. Smith, said point being North 89°45' West 990 feet
and north 1023.8 feet from the quarter section corner on the East
side of Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Washington
County, Oregont thence North 1075.7 feet to an iron on said line;
thence North 79002' West 548.2 feet to an iron; thence South
75001' West 218.6 feet to an iron on the line between Agnes
Walker and Raleigh S. Robinscn; thence Srath on said line 1121.8
feet to an iron; thence South 89'50' Eas': 749.5 feet to the
point of beginning.
ALSO: Beginning at the Southeast corner of that tract con-eyed
to Chester L. Robinson, et al. by deed recorded in Book 340,
City of Tigard----2 Ord- -- No. 312927
Page 1.16, Rend Records; thence North along the East line
thereof, 1885„3 feet to the center of Scholls Ferry Road;
thence Northeasterly in said center of said roFd to the most
Northerly corner of said tract as described in Boe!c 104, Page
517, Deed Records; thence South on the East line of said Harry
L. Robinson tract, 2226.5 feet to the Southeast corner thereof;
thence West on the South line of said Harry L. Robinson tract
to the point of beginning; EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following
described tract of land: Beginning at a point in the center of
Scholls Ferry Road South 0019' WesL 846.4 feet and North 72030'
East 288.E feet from the quarter section cornar on the North
line of Section 34, Township l South, Range 1 West, Willamette
Meridian, Washington Coucty, Oregon, and which beginning point
is the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land conveyed
to Chester L. Robinson and otters by deed recorded on Page 116
of Book 1140, Washington County, Oregon, Deed Records, and running
thence North 72030' East 162.0 feet to a point from which an
iron rod bears South 0019' West 31.5 feet] running thence South
0019' West 365 feet to an iron rod; thence manning North 89°41'
West 154.23 feet to an iron rod on the East line of the above
noted Robinson property; running thence North 0019' East 283.9
feet to an iron rod; thence continuing North 0019' East 31.5
feet to the place of beginning.
1S1 ".A Part of 600 in Chester Robinson, et al:
Beginning at an iron on the line between the land of Agnes
Walker and Viola F. Smith, said point being North 89045' West
990 feet and North 1023.8 feet from the quarter sectior corner
on the East side of Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 West=
thence North 1075.7 feet t.-• an iron on said line; thence North
79°02' West 548.2 feet to a., iron; thence South 75 '01' West 218.6
feet to an iron on the line between Agnes 'talker and Raleigh S.
Robinson; thence South on said line 1121.b feet to an iron; thence
South R9050' East 749.5 feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPTING
THEREFROM all that part lvin3 Westerly of a line drawn parallel
with ^nd 250 feet Easterly from the West line of said parol,
all. in Washington County, Oregon.
A'JSO: Following described real property in Section 34, Township
�) 1 South, Range 1 West, Washington County, Oregon, describes as
follows: Beginning at the quarter corner on the East side of
eaid Section 34; thence North 89045' West 990 feet to a point;
tht=nce North 40 chains more or less to a point in the North line
of said Section 34; thence Easterly aloti:? raid North line to a
point 10 chains We;3t of the Section corner between Sections 26,
270 34 and 35; thence South 20 chains; the. -ie East 1C chins to
a point i.n the East: line of Section 34, w'. ich is 20 chains South
of Northeast corner of said Section 34; ::hence South along the
East line 9f Secti.;r, 34, 2.0 chains to the point of beginning;
City of Tigard----3 Orden No. 312927
EXCEPT the portion taken for roads= ALSO EXCEPTING that portion
described in deed to Metzger sanitary District, a municipal
corporation, recorded August 6, 1.054, in Book 519, Page 110,
Records of Washington County.
Yours truly,
Washington County Branch
James A. Parker
JP: le