DURHAM ROAD 85TH TO 92ND STREET I tl Co W o II I� IJ w > I� al la _ I I I= o I — — S. W. DURHAM ROAD — _ 4 7 8 9 /o /i /2 /3 - - - -- 3 - ,— ---- – 5 -- --- 6 H /5 /6 /' /� /9 20 2/ .1224 NEW CURB C.ONSTRUCTION I N �WI } zl SITE PLA W WI N ' > 1 I C a TEMP. BENCH WUR"K SCALE: I" = 10o, a I I H. R. SPIKE IN POWER POLE AT THE S. E. CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF S. W. RAW DURHAM ROAD AND S.W. 92rd AVENUE. ELEVATION - 200.64 L U.S.C. a G.S. DATUM) -- -- - --.. — --- 40' - --- - - - - ------ ------- -- - - 29- S . W. DURHAM ROAD -.------ -- - - STREET IMPROVEMENTS , 7' 1 T -- - 15 - 7 5 EXI5T1 G 2 " Class C A.C.(Future) LANDSCAPE •I CONCRETE - 6' Future Finish Grade 4 � CURB o ,% „ 2 SIDEWALK S. W 85th AVE. to S. W. 92nd AVE. _2_ x, 3 Class B A.C. } _ QkE�` 11/4 $er ft.IC. BIKEPATH - o 211/6 �17 ., .. „ � 3” Min. Overlay VARIES VARIES --- — 4.5' 2" I"-0" z; Filler Material : Class C A,C. B Count Crushed �4 Class C A.C. �� / •• ;;,. Kr :� : I :u (By v) � C us ed Rock - J ..�I..= •r ,� ,. . 1, .,,,, Scarify A.C. Remove a Min. of 4.5' of Exist. (New Construction) i �, , Existirg Pavement Filler Material: Class B A.C. • ��y"� ••• • ,» ��! l �• /� A. C. Under Landscape Area " 2 Class C A.C. `• � � I -0 Crushed Rock • _ w (Overlay Areas) e �! ) B Others �- - - -,- - - ---- 28' - ---- - �12" STORM DRAIN �- ---rte-- Limit of Construction his Contract a• t rrf Y '1 a r, � 1 1 •_ T P T " •°°° ' ' `��"�y" ' � '°" " SHEET INDEX ?Y 1 CAL SECTION rl I 1.. f I I, aa i 5+00 to 16+55 HEE T I T (NOT TO SCALE 7.�Pi + 9 • "'–�( ` osii-ii I I E M 1 .......,w r.. .. U , ; • I COVER SHEET - SITE PLAN, AL_ gA • "�'`�""yr�r- "'"' •' �; i' = VICINITY MAP, SHEET INDEX, RAW r, .• o �` PROCT Mme' ; �•� f ===a TYPICAL SECTIONS , BENCH MARK. ,,., - 4 5 ~- •0r' AREA [ '' i 1 2 STREET IMPROVEMENTS --- -f--- -- ii • .. STA. 5+ 00 to 13 +50 - - - - 29 -- -- Q Ui1il 3 +r / l_ • J - STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS I _- - Sir 0. STA. 8+83.78 to 14 + 23.78 - - - - 10'± --- 2e_' 7 7 ---- 15 - --- 7 , • " J �' 3 STREET IMPROVEMENTS -- - — -- LANDSCAPE �.` =1; I+" 1 2" Class C A.C.(Future) LANDSCAPE AREA ; Y STA. 13+ 50 to 22+84.76 2'/o I % Future Finish Grade I o '•` �� I * I�p r- �0 31 Class B A.C. �AREA 5 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS - -- 4 CONCRETE 6 SIDWL STA. 0+ 00 to 8+83.78 - II 1/4 peA K Z" BIKE PATH 4DETAILS - STANDARD CURB t. 3" Min. Overlay -� --r �'�.■ rtr[.[ fro ' (B Gaunt ' •'• ' � ,• � 2 a// 2��0 i }I I • ,,,.,.r1• •� U. COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY STANDARD y y) Cut Edges \� ' 2 2" I"- 0" t--4 -- '+" — ---- -- —a. i s r - ----- I3 I, II �� . Crushed Rock 4:1 Max. 1 SIDEWALK WITH WHEEL CHAIR RAMP, Existing Pavement Filler Material : Class B A.C. - 2 1"- 0 Leveling Course STANDARD CATCH BASIN, 12° 1 "- 0" Base Course (�., 12 211 '°• CATCH BASIN PAVEMENT TAPER. v (- STORM " �-- 2 Class C A.0 ---- - - VARIES ------� DRAIN ,'Overlay Areas) 5 DETAILS - STANDARD MANHOLE , 4" Class C A.C. I TYPICAL FLAT TOP MANHOLE , B Others (New Construction) .4� Limit of Construction STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME This Contract AND COVER, CLASS 4 BACKFILL . -ED PROF �NGIrq VICINITY MAP 6 PLANTING PLAN �_ a SCALE = I 1600 PICAL , r 16 + 55 to 22 + 84.76 REC;oo� (NOT TO SCALE ) ✓(ir Ia, w� --- _---- — T DESIGNED G. M. APPROVED DeHAAS & ASSOCIATES, INC. TIGAFtD SCHOOL DISTRICT 23j , SHEET — ---- CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS WASHINGTON AND CLACKAMAS COUNTIES TITLE SHEET DRAWN M.M. - -� Suite 445-AGC Center (503) 682-2450 13137 S. W. PACIFIC HWY Y6 r/p/83 9450 S.W Commerce Circle Res 636-6195 DATE NO. R E V 13 10 N S -- BY CHECKED M.D. DATE-____ 1 - Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 TIGARD, OR. 97223 (503) 684 -2211SCALF AS SHOWN DATE MAY 1983 HSE 82- 297. 183 11CYL[N[1` DURHAM ROOD. 05-rrid _9."\1L) T1<-E .-11,0• • f:l cr t • - �I I ill I I I I1 Illlj 111 t �1 1 i III III 11111 II II I llI 111 111 rll III III III III III II, III III III 111 III ill'TI11�1111111111 III s1t it1 III '' _ __. _. IIII I I I I I I NDTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I 2 - `� 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 ! 1 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN + THIS NOTICI IT IS DUE TO yJIIE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAW ING. OZ AZ 9Z LZ 9Z St tiZ CZ Z'Z It 02 61 iR I L 1 91 51 b I E I Z I 11 01 d 0 L S S E Z I " ,�wW' ,rlllulllulllulllullllnlhlll�lnllnl��lllllll�Illf�IIIIII�ub�Irh�w� IIN11�rnl�InfM��}ttIf11I111t1.+14NftIluIIN11�J,1ri�InfilINllnl�l �ulllnulllnln�f�uuI�W111�WWuIuuWllluu�llulluMIN JUNE 24 iv 92-ft I Const 6' of 12" 5/0/1"ed drulr7 R6,rn0ve anv' reconstruct 51dewa/k, OCros5 bike path, Copped Remove and rein5 to// bus She/ter. to main or manhole wl'M s td. /2 i-3 /z X /z" Tee 12" CO"Uyated 574-ee/ pipe Construct 2 fAinp :?f dr/vewoys 4nd bends Qs f e�uire4', / 1 , • -/o a//ow dor fu7`ure overla (ry�icv OH /6 yuaye . �Ty�/CA/� I I � I S to // t o9 42 "x/2 TOe Rama to be /o/o' on pope,, f'or M4 .5 Ecce of pavement I easy f'utw-e re"nova/. a#00 Sta. 14 ,,23, 74 ! / /2,030 NHS 4 Tc. /98.94 (2,8' ,qt of >� 's t-a. 8*/O T C. /95. 01 °` 5ta• 9 Con 5✓, 5 s Ide wa lk �, v, 93. 7B IF 195.44 0� 1E /9/,5/ m (28' Rt of IL 51-a. /2,140) Pave to m4 tch �� �� O 'S fa. /3,128 12 ' X /2" TeP 22" � N ex/5 t park//7?, lot. cp � t\ 2$' 9 t 30. 99 ---- Io• - -- - ss - --� - - - - - - - 29 ' 9 04 12"Y12" Tee o — — --- — -- -- -- O --- --- -- _ - - - - -- --- __ -- - --- � -- mac— G � G \ - - ------- -_..._ - O -\fit----•- - -� — 5100 ---- — — 3 -- — — _ _ 4#00 6+00 7►00 + — B ' /0,000 /0 00 /2 'J0 /3 i 00 S. W. DURHAM ,�� ROAD 9 Oo / t -. - IL'—•-w --�— .—__- :q I^ iry, ,,;rc 1lYR. T,d` r '. n 52 o9'243" Const. Curb breakdown (` �[� 90° (7\ ( $iY4_-- -_� - -� 85.39'20" ' _ R 40and wheeli:halr ram R : 5O' opprok 2 sou th K 4 o' Const. 6 R = 25' �p � Z7 � Remove 90 of curb p Remove 46 of Curb Cons curb breakdown --_-- N ` �Rernove Boo{ curb Remove 6o' of curb BI'ke 4thRemove 70' of curbrn w0175 t, 76 of 5 tandc�rd Const 37 of standard eon t. 35' ofcont. carb Const 3B' of Standard cont. curb Iz \ Const 46 of standard co17c. curb �`- /2/ °04 ',53" CO/7C. Curb a \o S5o dard colic, C urb � R . 4o' / 0 O t 98 73 -- O *6O Remove 30'o f curb Match exist curb Const, 4/ ' of 5 tandard PLAN LL1_57_R/y/7f Of way cont. Curly SCALE= I 501 C095t 64. 30' of /2" 5/of-fed d,,-ain Coast. 70 60 ' of /2" 5lotfed drain v a✓on bock of Op,,-On. Coni7ect Q a/on9 bac K o f apron. Connect 9 to main u51n a 9o' bend and to ma/n using a 90' bend and 7 ' 9 of /2 " Corru ©ted 5tee/ e. o �o 7' of 12* COreu a ted s tee/ p/pe . 9 205__ o "' `'� h h 9 (16 Qaa9e) (see special 5pe sc ) o (Zi °3 —�, N -- o— - --q�--�/6 yuage)(�ee spec/a/ specs.) N N O O a0IN N 00 ap \ N 0 a0 ap n h O r J 200 • °` °� -- - — _-_�0 2 00 `� H 1 -- - - - - - --- -- - - - - �- IS V /95 _ _ x/5t. avement I-- d p -- -- -- — - /95 2 05-- I � o 190 - 200 0>s X39 a — � — ON vi 01\ i N V °` r i o.02 s,6 2 05 !� ,4 - O off. -- - O ,o - o,--- - - vii -,- 2 05 /95 I i o O v 4 C) •, -T-- -r - O t 00-_-- 04 5O __-- N O \ N N O N °� N TOPOf c�irb T a � ON I S.W. 92 nd Ave. 200IZ) 00 _ N g - .:URB DERAIL M --� 2 N ON SCALE=Horiz. I"= 501 Vert. 1% 51 -77 Q /95 _ EXist. ground_ _ F �-- I - /95 � I I � I - O I I 3-- 0 OOC60 190 — 1 _ --_ _ _ I 1E out /92.30 c s P C / 90 Note : A 1/ trench back fill RIM /98.58 ' 14, C/ 2> I I S= O 0639 S/7o/l be class 4. Or/Ile way ---- -- - IfE in /BB•60 I 12" C. o Apron F out 188.40 205 -_ h d- O O - -_-__-. _-_------ _- - _-- -- _-_ _ .�igitn 194- 60 � T o o N Tob of side walk o o m' � Dr/vewa y h i N N m + � V- --- -- - N °o°. � o, o `Q a o Apron Zoo - --- 4 - �1 -- --O O /`�Q,ED PR pFF a I N fF `Iii -- -i- - _ --- I N �o b - _---- ---_ N >1 /95 ------- _ - --- ---- Exist yr✓un d_- 195 .fit r 14. PROFILE - SCALEI Horiz. 1" 50' - Vert. 111= 5r 4,#00 *50 5*00 +50 6+00 t50 7+00 150 8*00 x-50 9foo 10+00 +50 //+00 050 120100 450 /30100 DESIGNED G. M. APPROVED DeHAAS ASSOCIATES, INC. S. W. DURHAM ROAD PLAN a PROFILE SHEET -- - _— 7 CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS STREET - S.W. DURHAM RD. 5+00 to 13+50 DIUWN M. M STREET IMPROVEMENTS 6 •--- - � Suite 445-AGC Center X031 see-2a5o STORM DRAIN - 8 +83.78 to 14•* 23.78 -- ORE GUN R E V 1 S 1 0 N S dY CHECKED MGw�� DATE 6/9/8 9450 S W Commerce Circle Faes. 636-6195 TIGARD , DATE NO, — M. D. Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 SCALE AS SHOWN DATE MAY 1983 DILE 82- 297. 183 K,En[rawi[nc® DIJF'11'fAM ROAD,, f:37;1`1i -9.?1\1f1 57 „y OF f:! - ' .w It111 � Itjfitlfit� 1I1, 111� '.:.+.•►.w k.= y 1. 1 * 1111) IIIIIIII1111r� I1I11111IIt11111J11111t1I1 � =:i-=iiia•..•.,I-..IfiIrI»I.I.+I...I�I -fil 1 �1r�11 ,1 .I.._I.t..f,-.l-.l...t.l «.. ,a.,_ -. _ ��: .- _ ; I wl�''•�t""1�.-. t 1 NOTE: :F THIS MICROFILMED T 2( 3 4 5 6 7 A 91�0 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC&f'TT 1S DL* TO JHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. - -- - –------- OE 6Z 9Z LZ 92 SZ 0 EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 BI LI 91 91 f. C Z1 11 01 -6 9 L 9 S ti E Z 1 " - 1►1fl�fl�luttlunln�ilm�l�ml�tuhtµ��ulu�lllnflftu!unikN�irwla�wiltaiflfff111f1f�11ff4t1tt4tf!flllftlll11I1f114111flrltth�llNllll�li�n4Mtt�ttttltitl�mtJu+I�llttlnH�p�lltutlun111u11n1�lflll)w �ttuluu�wl�llu�)lullui�tW1111) _ . 2�4 1 JUNE 9 92 s �► � w or a cn1 cn HE DE IHAAS & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS&SURVEY ORS til ITF: 415-AGC CENTER WILSONVILLE, OREGON 97070 9450 S.W. COMMERCE CIRCLE (503) 682-2450 May 13, 1983 Frank A. Currie, P.E. Public Works Director City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Frank: Attached for your review is a set of revised plans and speci- fications for S.W. Durham Road Street Improvements. Please let us know if we may clarify or provide additional information. Sincerely, Gar,,- Myzfak GM/slc Attachment cc: 82.297. 18 DE HAAS & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS&SURVEYORS SHITE 445-ACC CENTER WILSONVILLE:. OREGON 97070 9450 S.W. COMMERCE CIRCLE (503) 682-2450 May 9, 1983 Frank A. Currie, P.E. Public Works Director City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Frank: Attached for your review is a set of plans and specifications for S.W. Durham Road Street Im[-� ovements. Please let us know if we may clarify or provide additional information. Sincerely, MARLIN J E HAAS, P.E . MJD/slc Attachment cc: 82.297. 183 w o [1 U 11.1 M N W (\j t2: v) < r- C X C,7 IT U CY - (1) :c C\j Q Li U O X m J >- CIO < m IJ_ d U C1 F- 0 - tll d u ° z ' W �.. > gn V Q a u 0 W � WE.. V49 cnzzaW u � z � o °v W V a r Q � 33z o � � aa a: TIGARD SCHOOL DISTRICT 23j, WASHINGTON a CLACKAMAS COUNTIES, OREGON CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF S. W. DURHAM ROAD STREET IMPR:')VEMENTS S. W. 85th AVE. to S. W. 92nd AVE. TIGARD, OREGON MAY, 1953 82.297. 183 HAASSuite AGC rDG 9450 S.W. Commerce Circle Q Wilsonville,Oregon 97070 ssociates, Inc. (503) 882-2450 Res. 636.6195 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR S. W. DURHAM ROAD (Street Improvements) Tigard, Oregon May, 1983 '2.297. 133 For: TIGARD SCHOOL DISTRICT 23J WASHINGTON AND CLACKAMAS COUNTIES, OREGON �,aED PROfF ����� �NQINEE SpiD, 4 , l `\ 14 N Engineers: DE HAAS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Suite 445-AGC Center 9450 S.W. Commerce Circle Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 (503) 682-2450 Copy CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS S. W. DURHAM ROAD TIGARD, OREGON CONSISTING OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PROPOSAL AGREEMENT PERFORMANCE BOND 1W)iRw'Iiuiv:, f biUUtkS SPECIAL CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS - (FOREWORD) STANDARD SPFCIFICATIONS - GRADING & PAVING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS - STORM DRAINS PLANS AND DETAILS (Bound Separately) TABLE OF CONTENTS i Page ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Advertisement 1 PROPOSAL Proposal 1 AGREEMENT Agreement 1 PERFORMANCE BOND (Pub. ) Bond 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (Pub. ) Explanation to� Riddprc IB-1 Lxamination of the Contr,acL DucuiiienLs and Work Situ IB I Bidder's Qualification IB-1 Bid Guaranty IB-1 Preparation of Bids IB-1 Submission of Bids IB-2 Receipt and Opening of Bids IB-2 Withdrawal of Bids 18-2 Presence of Bidders at Opening IB-2 Bidders Interested in More than One Bid IB-2 Award of Contract IB-3 Rejection of Bids IB-3 Surety Rond IB-3 Execution of the Contract ifs-.S SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Pub. ) General SC-1 Prequalification of Bidders SC-1 Guarantees and Maintenance Bonds SC-1 Construction Schedule SC-1 Easements SC-2 Time of Completion SC-2 GENERAL CONDITIONS Definitions GC-1 Proposal Requirements and Conditions GC-1 Award and Execution, of Contract GC-1 Scope of Work GC-2 Control of Work GC-3 Control of Materials GC-6 Leqal Relations and Responsibility of Public GC-7 Prosecution and Progress GC-10 Measurement and Payment GC-12 Page SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS General Sp.-1 Schedule I - Grading & Paving Sp.-6 Schedule II - Storm Drains Sp.-18 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS (FOREWORD) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS - GRADING & PAVING Site Preparation G&P-1 Base and Leveling Courses G&P-5 Asphaltic Concrete Pavement G&P-6 Standard Concrete Curbs G&P-12 Concrete Curb and Gutter G&P-15 Concrete Sidewalks and Drivewdys Cgf 19 Catch Basins G&N-Zi STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS - STORM DRAINS Trench Excavation & Backfill St.D.-1 Storm Drain Pipe Installation St.D.-8 Manhole Construction St.D.-10 PLANS AND DETAfLS (Bound F,e�rately ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS S. W. DURHAM ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS TIGARD SCHOOL DISTRICT 23J WASHINGTON AND CLACKAMAS COUNTIES, OREGON Sealed proposals for the construction of street improvements for S.W. Durham Road will be received by Janice Hiserote, Business Manager, Tigard School District 23J, Washington and Clackamas Counties, Oregon, 13137 S.W. Pacific Highway, Tigard, Oregon until 4:00 p.m.,, Tuesda , May 24, 1983 . (684-2211) At the time and place mentioned above, in the Board Room of the District Offices, all bids on hand will be opened ana publicly read aloud and then filed for public inspection. Bids may be submitted to the Business Manager at the District Offices working days up to and including the day of the bid opening, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and on the day of the bid opening, from 9:00 a.m. until the time of the bid opening. Bids received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered. Award of Schedules I and II will be made on an All or None basis. The major items of work for each schedule are approximately as follows: SCHEDULE I - GRADING AND PAVING IMPROVEMENTS 126 Cubic Yards Excavation 710 Cubic Yards Crushed Rock 2204 Lineal Feet Curb 1194 Tons Asphaltic Concrete 7460 Square Feet Concrete Sidewalk SCHEDULE II - STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS Lineal Feet 12" Concrete Pipe Each 48" Manholes Contract Documents, including Plans and Specifications, may be examined at the following locations: 1. The Office of the ►.ngineers, DE HAAS b ASSOCIATES, INC. , Suite 445- AGC Center, 9450 S.W. Conxnerce Circle, Wilsonville, Oregon. (682-2450) Advertisement - 1 2. The Administration Office of Tigard School District No. 23j , 13137 S.W. Pacific Highway, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 3. The Nor•:hwest Plan Center, 500 N.E. Multomah, Portland, Oregon. A copy of said documents may be obtained at the office of the Engineer, DE HAAS & ASSOCIATES, INC. , upon deposit of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) for each document. Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) of the deposit will be refunded if the document is returned as a bid or is otherwise returned in good condition within seven (7) days after the date set for receiving bids. All proposals must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond payable to Tigard School District No. 23j, in an amount not less than Ten Percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond for faithful performance of the contract in the full amount or the contract price. Gontrdctors must be qualified in i(-cor(iance with the dpplicdble parts of ORS 279 in order to enter into a Contract with the Owner for public work in Oregon. No Proposal will be received or considered unless the Proposal form contains, or is accompanied by, a statement by the Bidder as a part of his Proposal that the provisions required by ORS 279. 350 pertaining to prevailing wages shall be included in his Contract. The Tigard School District No. 23j reserves the right to waive any informalities , reject all bids or accept the hid of the lowest responsible bidder within thirty !7n1 rlaJrc, from thA d;�tn of tho hirl nneninn, whirhpvar anpPArS to ha in the best interestof the Tigard School District. r Pursuant to ORS 279.035, Tigard School District 23j may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed bidding procedures and requirements and may reject all bids if, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, it is in the public interest to do so. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof and before award of the Contract, unless award is delayed beyond thirty (30) calendar days from bid opening date. JANICE HISEROTE, Business Manager Tigard School District No. 23j Washington and Clackamas Counties Oregon 97223 (684-2211) Published in th,, Daily Journal of Commerce May 12 and 13, 1983 Tigard Times May 12, 1933 Advertisement - 2 PROPOSAL S. W. DURHAM ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS (S.W. 85th Avenue to S.W. 92nd Avenue) TO: Tigard School District 23j Washington and Clackamas Counties, Oregon This proposal is submitted as an offer by the undersigned to enter into contract with the Owner, Tigard School District 23j, Washington and Clackamas Counties, Oregon, to furnish all labor, tools, equipment and materials and perform all work for S.W. Durham Road Street Improvements (S.W. 85th Avenue to S.W. 92nd Avenue), Tigard, Oregon, in strict accordance with the plans, specifications and all contract documents, in consideration of the following amounts on the hereto attached Crhndulp of PrirpS, and agrpes that upon written acceptance of this bid, he will within ten (10) calendar days of rul-tipt of such notice, execute a formal contract agreement with Owner, and that he will provide the following bonds of guarantee: A corporate surety performance bond and corporate surety payment bond in an amount of 1007 of the awarded contract, liability and property damage insurance and other bonds, permits, licenses, etc. , as required in the contract documents. Aw:,rd on both schedules will be made on an All or None basis. 'he undersigned agrees that if awarded the contract, he will commence work within five (5) calendar days after the date of receipt of written notice to procepd. and that he will complete all work within 70 calendar days after such notice to proceed or by Friday, September 2, 1983, whichever occurs tirst. Liquidated damages for this project will be computed at the rate of $200.00 per calendar day. The undersigned declares that the provisions required by ORS 279.350 relating to prevailing wage rates shall be included in this contract. Enclosed is a bid guarantee, consisting of in the amount of $ which is ten percent (10%) of the total bid amount. FIRM NAME OF BIDDER: ^� us3ness Ad ress Dated at: SIGNATURE OF BIDDER: This Day of , 1983 --- ---- - ------— (Official-Title) Proposal itle)Proposal - 1 S. W. DURHAM ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE I GRADING & PAVING IMPROVEMENTS ITEM TOTAL FOR ITEM 1. SITE PREPARATION 1. 1 Clearing && G_r_ubbina, Lump Sum at the lump cijm prira of ^—Dollars Cents Per Lump Sum - 1.2 Common Excavation, 126 Cubic Yards at the unit price of Dollars ($ ) Per Cubic Yard $ 1.3 Embankment, 426 Cubic Yards at the unfit price of ___Dollars _ -`Cents ($ ) Per Cubic Yard $ 2. BASE & LEVELING COURSE 2. 1 1"-0" Crushed Rock, 110 Cubic Yards i at tFe unit price-of Dollars Cents ($ ) Per Cubic Yards $ i Proposal - I ITEM TOTAL FOR ITEM 2.2 Subgrade Stabilization, 20 Cubic Yards at the unit price of Dollars —------- ----__—Cents Per Cubic Yard $ 3. A.C. PAVEMENT, 1197 Tons _. �at the unit price of —Dollars __- _ Cents Per 1on 4. STANDARD CONCRETE CURB, 2204 Lineal Feet at tTie unit price of Cents Per Lineal Foot $ rnMa RAClNC, F FArh at -the -unit price of —_-----------Dollars -- -- -- ... --- Cents ($ ) Per Each $ F. CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, 746,0 Square Feet — et tie unit iirice of Dollars _ Cents Per Square Foot $ 7. CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS, 2542 Square Feet _ at t� unfit_ price of - _------ -- - --— --- _---Do 11 a rs -- _Cents Per Square Foot. $ Proposal - 3 ITEM TOTAL FOR ITEM D. TRAFFIC CONTROL, Lump SUIII at the_F,61p -um price of Dollars Cents $ ) Pnr Lump Sum - —- --- _ 9. A.C. PATCHING, 10 Square Yards at 56—unit price of Dollars Cents (c� ) Per Square Yard - _ 10. 6' A.C. BIKEPATHS, 1529 Lineal Feet at sheunit price of Dol l ars Cents ($ ) Per Lineal Foot [" LAN["' AI '"AI" 111 ir 1 r 1 w �I11�U + 11-1 1], �,ulll�l Julll "a the lump sum price of Dollars Cents Per Lump Sum *Amount of deduction should the Tillard School District assume early maintenance responsibilities *See Special Specificatiuns, Item 16. Proposal - 4 S. W. DURHAM ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE II STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS ITEM TOTAL FOR ITEM 1. TRENCH EXCAVATION & BACKFILL 1. 1 Clearing && Grubbing, Lump Sum et the dump su�.i price of Iinll,�r�, --Cents ($ ) Per Lump Sum $ 1.2 Trench Excavation, Common a) 036 feet deep, 1,507 Lineal Feet at the unfit-price of Dol 1 a rs r , .its Per Lineal Foot b) 6-8 feet deems, 210 Lineal Feet at the­unit price of ---�_______-------------_-__--_ Dollars dents ($ ) Per Lineal Foot $ c) Catch Basin Laterals, 50 Lineal Feet t pri at the unfice o1` Dollars —� ._________Cents ($ ) Per Lineal Foot $ Proposal - 5 ITEM TOTAL FOR IIIM 1.3 Trench Backfill a) Gravel Base & Pipe Zone, 1767 Lineal Feet at the unit price of� Dollars Cents (g ) Per Lineal Foot $, _ b) Class 4 Backfill- 1) 0-6 feet deep, 1,507 Lineal Feet a unite price of Dollars Cents ($^ — ) Per Lineal Foot 2), 6-8 feet deep, 210 Lineal Feet at the unite price of Dollars Cents Per Lineal Foot 3) Catch Basin Laterals, 50 Lineal Feet R' _i e�un1 pr ce oi` Dollars Cents Per Lineal Foot c) Foundation Stabilization, 20 Lineal Feet at the un�p�ce `_ ^Dollars Cents ($�_-- --�---- ) Per Lineal Foot Proposal - 6 ITEM TOTAL FOR ITEM 2. STORM DRAIN PIPE INSTALLATION 2.1 12-inch Concrete Pipe (C-14 Class 2), 1,474 Lineal Feet at the unit price of Dollars Cents ($ ) Per Lineal Foot $ 2.2 12" x 12" Concrete Tees, 9 Each at the unit price of — Dollars Cents Per Each $ 2.3 12-inch CMP, 71 Lineal Feet at t e'unit price of ------Do_____Do 11 a rs Per Lineal Foot 3 2.4 12-inch_ Slotted Drains, 222 Lineal Feet et the unit price of-- Per Lineal Foot $ 3. MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION 3. 1 Standard 48-inch Manhole, 0-6 feet deep, Each at the unit price of Do 11 a rs ------.------Cents ($ ) Per Each $ Proposal - 7 MRKMWIX�WRAAMm��MRKMJR��0 ITEM TOTAL FOR ITEM 3.2 Extra Depth, (Standare 48" Manhole) , 6 Lineal Feet at the unit price of Dollars Cents Per Lineal Foot TOTAL SCHEDULES [ & II Proposal - 8 A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 19_ , by and between --- called the OWNER, and — party of the first part , eTi re na er the -official name , :orm o o g z to ion , an a rens of contractor - if partnership , name of partners --- party of the second part , hereinafter called the CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH, That the Contractor and the Owner , for the considerations hereinafter named, agree as follows : ARTICLE I - Scope of Work The Contractor hereby agrees to furnish all of the materials , equipment and labor necessary , and to perform all of the work shown on the plans and described in the specifications for the project entitled and in accor ince with the requirements and provi iions-o_T-tTe-Contract Documents which are hereby made a part of this agreement . ARTICLE II - Time of Completion T'ihe work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced within ten (10) calendar days after the date of written notice by the Owner to the Contractor to proceed. The work shall be completed within calendar days after the date of such notice and with such e7—xten ions of time as are provided for in the General Conditions . ARTICLE III - Contract Documents The "Advertisement for Bids" , the signed copy of. the "Proposal" made by the Contractor on the day of 19 the "Performance Bond" , the "Instr- uctTons to $i ecTc�rs",-t-he -"Special- Conditions" , the "General Conditi.cns" , the "Special Specifications" , the "Standard Specifications" , and the "Plans" , together with this agreement and any addendum: , form the Contract and are hereby made a part of this ag.-eement by actual attachment or by this reference . ARTICLE IV - Contract Sum The Owner shall pay to the Contractor for the performance of the Contract the amounts determined for the total number of each of the units of work in the attached schedule completed at the unit price stated. The number of units contained in this schedule is approximate only , and the final payment shall be made for the actual number of units that are incorporated in o:- made necessary by the work covered by the Contract . Agreement - Pape I ARTICLE V - Progress Payments On not later than the fifth day of every month the Engineer shall prepare and submit an estimate covering the total quantities under each item of work that have been completed from the start of the job up to and including the last day of the proceeding month, and the value of the work so completed determined in accordance with the Schedule of Prices for such items together with such supporting evidence as may be required by the Owner and/or Contractor. This estimate shall also include an allowance for the cost of such materials and equipment required in the permanent work as has been delivered to the job site and suitably protected but not as yet incorporated in the work. On not later than the 15th day of the month, the Owner shal.'. , .meter deducting previous payments made, pay to the Contractor 95% of '-ne amount of the estimate as approved by the Engineer . The 5 retained percentage may be held by the Owner until the final completion of all the work under the Contract . ARTICLE VI - Acceptance and Final Payment Upon receipt of written notice that the work is ready for fine inspec- tion and acceptance , the Engineer shall within Ten (10) days make such inspection, and when he finds the work acceptable under the Contract fully performed, he will promptly issue a final certificate , over his own signature, stating that the work required by the Contract has been completed and is accepted by him under the terms and conditions thereof, and the entire balance found to be due the Contractor, includ- ing the re.t3ined percentage, shall be paid to the Contractor by the Owner within 30 days after the date of said final certificate. Before final payment is due the Contractor shall submit evidence .satisfactory to the Engineer that all payrolls , material bills , and other indebtedness connected with the work have 'jeen pail , except that in case of disputed indebtedness or liens the Contractor may submit in lieu of evidence of payment , a surety bond satisfactory to the Owner guaranteeing payment of all such disputed amounts when adjudicated in cases where such payment has not already been guaranteed by surety bond. The making and acceptance of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims by the Owner, other than those arising from unsettled liens , or from faulty work appearing within 7.2 months after final pay- ment , or from requirements of the specifications , or from manufactur- ers ' guarantees . It shall also constitute a waiver of all claims by the Contractor, except those previously made and still unsettled. I:f after the work has been substantially completed, full completion thereof is materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, and the Enrineer so certifies , the Owner shall , upon certificate of the Engineer , and without terminating the Contract , make payment of the balance due for that portion of the work fully completed and accepted. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing Baal payment , except that it shall not cnnstitu' e a waiver of claims . Agreement - Page 2 s Final payment of all moneys shall be made within 30 days of the completion and acceptance of the wort; by the Engineer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement , the day and year first written above. WITNESS: 0WNER: BY: Title WITNESS : CONTRACTOR: BY: it e Agreement - Page 3 PERFORMANCE - PAYI,IENT BOND KNOW iA,.T, MEN BY TEESE PRESENTS ; That we a hereinafter called "princiFal" and a corporation duly authorized to act as a surety company in Oregon, as surety, and jointly and severally held and bound unto herein the sum of dollars ($ 1 for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made , we ind ourselves , our heirs , executors , administrators and successors , jointly and severally, firmly by these presents . The condition of this obligation is such that whereas , the principal entered into a certain contract with the obligee , dated the day of , 19 , a copy of which is by this refer- ence made a part hereof as thou-g-7-fully set forth herein for the construction of NOW, THEREFORE, if the principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with the terms, conditions , and provisions of said contract , in all respects , and shall well and truly and fully do and perform all matters and things by him undertaken to be performed under Laid contract , upon the terms set forth therein and within the time prescribed therein or as extended as provided therein, and shall , in all respects , perform said contract according to law, and if he shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such contract and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the obligee from all costs at.0 damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the obligee all outlays and expense which the obligee may incur in making good any default , and shall promptly make payments to all persons , firms , subcontractors , and corporations furnishing material's for or performing labor in the prosecution of the work provided for in such contract, and any authorized extension or modification thereof, including all amounts due for materials , lubricants , oil , gasoline, coal and coke , repair on machinery, equip- ment and tools , consumed or used in connection with the construction of such work, and all insurance Fremium on such work and for all labor, performed in such work whether by subcontractor or otherwise and shall Bond - 1 Pub . make all contributions due to the State Industrial. Accident Fund and the State Unemployment Compensation Fund from the contractor or his subcontractor in connection with the performance of the contract and shall deduct all sums r.equ .red to be retained from the wages of employees of the contractor and shall make said payment to the State Tax Commission as required by ORS 316. 711 , *hen this obligation shall be void ; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. For value received, the surety hereby agrees that no change, extension of time , alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or the work to be performed thereunder , or the specifications accom- panying the same shall in any way effect its obligations hereunder; and the surety expressly waives notice of any such change , extension, alteration or addition. Nonpayment of the bond premium will not invalidate this bond nor shall the obligee be obligated for the payment thereof. This bond is given and received under the authority of ORS Chapter 279 , the provisions of which are hereby incorporated inLo this band and made a part thereof. IN WITNESS I%TiEREOF, The parties hereto have caused this bond to be executed this day of. , 1.9 Principal By (Official Ca c]17y ATTEST: Secretary SURETY : Attorney n Fact - COUNTERSIGNED : Resident Agent The Attorney in Fact to execute this bond in behalf of the insurance company must attach a copy of his Power of Attorney as evidence of his authority. Bond - 2 WMELML I - N Pub. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS IB-01 EXPLANATION TO BIDDERS Any explanation regarding the meaning or interpretation of contract , drawings , specifications , or other contract documents must be requested in writing, with sufficient allowance of time for receipt of reply before the time of bid opening. Any such explanations or interpretations shall be made in the form of addenda to the documents and shall be furnished to all bidders who shall submit all addenda with their bids . Oral explanations and interpretations made prior to the bid opening shall not be binding. IB-02 EXAMINATION OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND WORK SITE Bidders should carefully examine the contract documents and the work site to fully acquaint themselves with all the conditions and matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof . IB-03 BIDDERS' QUALIFICATION Prenualification statements , shall be submitted by each bidder to the Owner in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon at least ten (10) days in advance of the date set for receiving bids . Each bidder shall also submit a statement of bidder' s participa- tion in litigation or suit on all projects within the past ten (10) years , containing date, amount , description by name and court and outcome of such litigation. IB-04 BID GUARANTY Bid security shall be submitted with the Proposal and failure to submit same shall be cause for rejection of the bid. The bidder , at his option, shall furnish cash, a bid bond or a certified check made payable co the Owner .for an amou:it equal to at least ten (10) percent of the total amount of the bid. Security deposited by un- successful bidders will be returned as soon as practicable after the bid opening. I13-05 PREPARATION OF BIDS Bidders must submit their proposals on the proposal form attached hereto. The blank spaces in the proposal must be filled in correctly where indicated for each and every item for which a quantity is given, anO the bidders must state the unit prices , written in ink , both in wordo and in numerals . Any correction to entries made on the proposal forms shall be initialed by the person signing the proposal. In case of discrepancy between the unit prices and amounts , the unit prices will govern. Pub. Alternative bids will not be considered unless specifically called for. Telegraphic bids will not be considered. Modifications to bids already submitted will be allowed if submitted by telegraph prior to the time fixed for opening the bids . Modifications shall be submitted as such , and shall. not reveal the total amount of either the original or revised bids . IB-06 SUBMISSION OF BIDS Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes bearing on, the outside , the name and address of the bidder , the name of the project for which the bid is submitted and the time and date of the bid opening. If bid is forwarded by mail , the sealed envelope containing the bid and marked as directed abgve , must be enclosed in another envelope addressed to IB-07 RECEIPT AND OPENING OF BIDS Bids shall be submitted prior to the time fixed in the advertise- ment for bids . Bids received after the time so designated will be considered late bids and will be returned unopened. No responsibility will be attached to any official of the Owner for the premature opening of, or the failure to open , a bid not properly addressed and identified. IB-08 WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS Bids may be withdrawn at any time prior to opening upon written or telegraphic request of the bidder. Negligence on the part of the bidder in preparing his bid shall not constitute a right to withdraw bid after it has been opened. IB-09 PRESENCE OF BIDDERS AT OPEIII14G At the time and place fixed for opening bids , the contents of all bids will be made public for the information of all bidders , and other interested parties who may be present in person or by representative . IB-10 BIDDERS INTERESTED IN IMORE THAN ONE BID If more than one bid is offered by one party, or by any person or persons representing a party , all such bids shall be rejected, A party who has quoted prices to a bidder is not thereby disqualified from quoting prices to other bidders or from submitting a direct bid on his own behalf. 1f3 - 2 IB-11 AWARD OF CONTRACT The contract will be awarded as soon as practicable to the lowest responsible bidder, price and other factors considered, provided his bid is reasonable and it is to the interest of the Owner to accept it. The Owner reserves the ri-ht to waive any informality in bids received when such waiver is in the interest of the Owner. IB-12 REJECTION OF BIDS The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids . Bids may be rejected if they show any alteration of form, admissions not called for , conditions or alternate bids , irregularities of any kind, or that they contain a clause in when the bidder reserves the right to accept or reject a contract awarded to him, except as herein provided, or if they are not in conformity with the law. Bids in which the prices are obviously unbalanced may be rejected,. IB--13 SURETY BOND To guarantee the faithful performance of the contract, the success- ful bidder will be required to furnish a surety or performance bond and payment bond in an amount equal to the full amount of the contract . Said bonds shall be the surety bonds of an incorporated surety company licensed to transact business in the State of Oregon, and said bonds shall be in all respects satisfactory and acceptable to the Owner. IB-14 EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT The successful bidder shall within ten (10) days from the date of receiving from the Ownez the contract pr-pared and ready for execution, furnish the Owner the corporate bond specified herein and enter into contract with. the Owner. If the successful bidder fails to comply with any of the requirements herein, the Owner may, at his option, determine that the bidder has abandoned the contract and thereupon the security accompanying this proposal shall be forfeited and the same shall become the property of the Owner. IB - 3 Pub . SPECIAL CONDITiONS 1 . GENERAL. These Special Conditions Pupplement and amplify certain sec-ons o the various General Conditions which follow this section of the contract documents. Should there be a conflict between the Special Conditions and the General Conditions that follow, the requirements of the Special Conditions shall prevail. 2 , PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS . Laws of Oregon require that all prospect ve bidders -on pu 1-fc works construction must qualify therefor to the satisfaction of the owner of such works before the forms or other documents which are essential in the preparation and filing of a proposal may be issued. It, therefore, will be presumed that each bidder will have applied to the owner for �.pproval of his Qualifica- Li.Utls attu will have Leceived such approv,, l 1,efore requesting that said forms or documents be issued to him. Prospective bidders who heretofore may have qualified with the Owner and whose evidence of such qualification is still acceptable may upon request , receive the necessary approval without filing new proof thereof - all subject to the discretion of the Owner. 3. GUARANTEES AILD MAINTENANCE BONDS. Whether or not there appears Fere or eTsew ere herein specific reference to guarantees of all items of material , 'equi.pment and workmanship , they nevertheless shall be so guaranteed against mechanical , structural or other defect for which the contractor is responsible and that may develop or become evident wll.11Lll ii E1CL1UlI Ui illhb (i) yCar filii u;iu ":Cr of the .ICY'' ay the Owner. Such guarantee shall include care of backfilling in ditches or at structures should the fill settle to such extent as to m quire refilling to restore the original grade. This guarantee shall be understood to imply prompt attention to any remedy of such defects as those mentioned above if and as they occur after the contractor shall have had written notice of their existence. If the defect is of such nature as to demand immediate repairs , the Owner shall have the right to make them and the cost thereof shall be borne by the contractor, To support the above guarantees , the contractor' s performance bond shall remain in full force and effect for one year following the acceptance of the Project by the Owner. The bond shall be executed by a surety company authorized to do business within the State of Oregon and it shall be subject to the approval of the attorney for the Owner. 4. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. In accordance with Section GC-08 of the General Con t ons ,the the shall within two (2) days of signing the contract , prepare and submit to the Engineer for approval , a construction schedule which will ensure the completion of the project within the time specified. The schedule shall be in the form of a bar graph. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the contractor falls behind file progress schedule, the contractor shall take such steps as may be SC - 1 Pub. necessary to improve his progress and the Engineer may require hi.0 to increase the number of shifts , and/or overtime operations , days of work, and/or the amount o.-L' construction plant, and to submit for approval such supplementaiy schedule or schedules in chart form as may be deemed necessary to lemonstrate the manner which the agreed rate of progress will be regained all without additional ccst to the Owner . 5. EASEMENTS . The Owner expects to obtain all easements before construction is started. However , should the procurement of any easement be delayed , the contractor sha: l schedule his work so that his operations are confined to areas where easements have been obtained or are not required, until such time as the easement has been secured. Copies of the easements are available at ti-.,e office of the Engineer. The Contractor sb al l rnnf i ne his work within the limit of the easements . The Uontractor shall nut. rei.love any tree , shrubs , plants , lcnces or other structures on the easement without prior approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall remove all excess excavation mater-'al, unused materials , cut brush and trees and other debris from the easement area. The Contractor shall restore all easements to a coridit�.on eaual to or better than existed before the start of the work. All ease- ments must be restored by the Contractor be-'ore final payment will be made. A letter of release from t_he owner of the property -,f each easement will be renuired before the easement will be considered ureic c nt-I;,n .ri4a annrnved ')v the F.neineer . 6 , TIME OF COMPLETION. Tf the time of completion is not specifically state n t'ee proposal, the bidder shall state in his proposal the time in calendar days he w-' 1.1 require to complete the entire project or portions of the prosect called for after execution of the contract and notice to proceed. Failure to co,lpinte the work within the number of calendar days specified, includin?, e-a ension granted, shall_ entitle the Owner to deduct from moneys die the 'Contractor as "Liquidated Damages" , an amount equal to $2nO,OU ' ,)L- tach calendar dray of delay in the con,pletiun of the work. Tn awarding the contr.sct , the Owner may g4.ve such 7alue to an early completion time as deemed appropriate after all other features of the bidt_r' s Proposal have been •-onside,:ed. GENERAL CONDITIONS GC-01 DEFINITIONS In these specifications and the contract , the following words or expressions shall be understood to have the meanings given below: AASHO - American Association of State Highway Officials ACI - American Concrete Institute API - American Petroleum Institute ASA - American Standards Association ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM - American Society for Testing Mater als AWS - American Welding Society AWWA - American Water Works Association IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electroni-.s Engineers NBFU - National Bureau of Fire Underwriters NEC - National Electrical Code NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturer' s Association UBC - Uniform Building Code The Owner, the Contractor and the Engineer are those mentioned as such in the Agreement . They are treated throughout the Contract Documents as if each were of the singular number and masculine gender. Wherever in this Contract the word "Engineer" is used, it shall be understood as referred to the Engineer of the Owner, acting person- ally or through any assistants duly authorized in writing for such act by the Engineer. Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in persor to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered mail to the last busiiess address known to him who gives the notice . The term "Subcontractor" , as employed herein, includes only those having a direct contract with the Contractor and it includes one who furni.she9 material worked to a special design according to the plans and specifications of this work , but does not include one who merely furnishes material not so worked. GC-02 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AltD CONDITIONS The requirements and conditions of the proposal are hereby made a part of this contract . GC-03 AWARD) AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT The Agreement shall be signed in quadruplicate by the Owner and the Contractor. GC - :. The awaru and execution of the contract shall be in accordance with the instructions to bidders. The Contract Documents are complimentary andwhat is called for by one shall be as binding as if called for by all. In case of con- flict between plans and specifications , the specifications shall govern. GC-04 SCOPE OF THE WORK a. Design, Drawin s and Instructions. It is agreed that the Owner wil e responsible for the adequacy and sufficiency of the plans and specifications . The Owner, through the Engineer, or the Engineer as the Owner' s representative , shall furnish plans and specifications which completely represent the requirements of the work as far as practical to be performed under the Contract. All such drawings and instructions shall. be consistent with the Contract Documents and shall be true developments thereof. In the cases of lump sum contracts , plans and specifications which completely represent the work to be done shall be furnished prior to the time of entering into the Contract . The Engineer may , during the life of the Contract , issue additional instructions , by means of drawings or otherwise , necessary to illus- trate changes in the work. b. Lands for Work. The Owt,er shall provide as indicated on the drawings and not later than the da*.e when needed by the Contractor, the lands upon which the work under this contract is to be done , rights of way for access to same, and such other lands which are designated on the drawing for the use of the Contractor. Any delay in the furnishing of these 'Lands by the Owner shall be deemed proper cause for an equitable adjustment in time of completion. The Contractor shall provide at his own expenses and without liability to the Owner, any additional land and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities , or for the storage of materials . C. Site Conditions . Site conditions will be described in accordance with the best information available. d. �t•.antities . (1) General . The quantities stated in the schedule of bid :items are approx mmatee only , due to the nature of the work, and are to be used as a comparison of proposals . The exact quantities will be determined as the work progresses and exactly known at the completion of the contract. (2) Variation in Humber of Units . Should the number of units of completed work in any item nc a ed in the unit price schedule classified as a major item vary 30 % from the number of units stated in said schedule, either. the Owner of the Contractor may request a revision of the unit price for the item so affected. Under such GC - 2 conditions an equitable revision of the price shall be made. A major item under the meaning of this provision is defined as any item equal to or greater than 20% of the total contract. (3) Changes in the Work_. The Owner, without invalidating the Contract , may order additions Soso to or deductions from the work, the Contract sum being adjusted accordingly. Any claim for extension of time caused thereby shall be adjusted at the time of ordering such change . In giving instructions , the Engineer shall have authority to make minor changes in the work not involving extra cost , and not inconsistent with the purpose of the work. The Engineer shall further have authority to issue written change orders up to and including $0.00 cost . Except in an emergency endangering life and property, no extra work or change shall be made unless in pursu- ance of such written order , and no claim for an addition to the UOLiLL'ttcL Suiil Shall 'L)e valid unless ti1C addit".. :;,:,1 ..crl, was so or,dercd The Contractor shall proceed with the work as changed and the value of any such extra work or change shall be determined as provided for in the Agreement. e . Separate Contracts . The Owner reserves the right to let other contracts in connection with this work. The Cont::actor shall afford other contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the executi-r_ Df *heir work , and shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs . r ni T � y=. .1,�� 1a t-}1 L1I_. .atn Engineer, remove at his own expense from the Owner' s vroperty and from all public and priva-e property all temporary sCructures , rubbish and waste materials resulting from his operations. This requirement shall not apply to property used for permanent disposal of rubbish or waste materials in accordance with permission of such disposal granted to the Contractor by the Oivrner thereof. CC-05 CONTROL Or THE WORK a. 'Lnjineer ' s Status. Vie Engineer shall have general supervision and direction oFtne work. Fie has authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to ensure the proper execution of the Contract. He shall also have authority to reject all work and materials which do not conform to the Contract and to decide questions which arise in the execution of the worm . b. Engineer ' s Decisions. The Engineer shall , upon presentation Lo him, maTe prompt decisions- in writing on all claims of the Owner or the Contractor and on all other matters relating to the execution and progress of the work or the interpretations of the Contract Doctunents . All such decisions of the Ergineer shall be final except in 3 w MW cases where time and/or financial considerations are involved, which if no agreement in regard thereto is reached, shall be subject to arbitration. C. Drawings . (1) Copies to he furnished. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents , the Engineer will furnish to the Contractor, free of charge, all copies of drawings and specifications reasonably necessary for the execution of the work. (2) Ownership of Drawing All drawings , specifications and copies thereon furnished by the Engineer shall not be reused on other work, arid, with the exception of the signed Contract, sets are to be returned to him on request , at the completion of the work. All models are the property of the Owner. ti. Survey Lines and Grades . it-le- 1,nk;iilCtUr w.Lii iuLrliJii ,:iii alignment stakes andgra e sta es for the fulfillment of this project , The Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of all. stakes and marks . In all cases , it shall be the Contractor' s sole responsi- bility to lay out the work from off.-set stakes given. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 3 days , but in no case more than 1 days , in advance of the time when the grade and line will be needed. The Contractor .,Till not be allowed extensions of gime or damages b(mause of delays caused by insufficient line and grade, unless the Engineer has been notified three (3) days in advance. Tllc.+ ���ntr•-,ntn,- Thal l rarc,fiil 1.+ nrncn•-•.+n 1-inn� }i maYlra YPfPYPnrn points and stakes and, in case of willful or carel..ss destruction , he shall be charged with the resulting expense an.i shall be responsible for any mistakes that may be caused by their unnecessary loss or disturbance. e . Permits ar.1 Re ulations . Permits and licenses of a temporary nature necessary for t e prosecution of the work shall be secured and paid for by the Contractor. Permits , Licenses and easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities shall be secured and paid for by the Owner, unless otherwise specified. The Contractor shall give all not:".ces and comply with all laws , ordinances , rules and regulations bearing on the conduct of the work as drawn and specified. If the contractor observes that the drawings and specifications are at variance therewith, he shall promptly notify the Engineer in writing, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the Contract for changes in the work. f. Superintendence. The Contractor shall. keep on his work during, its progress , a competent superintendent and any necessary ;y3sistants , all satisfactory to the Engineer . The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence and all directions given to him shall be binding as if given tr the Contractor# Important (;C - 4 directions shall immediately be confirmed in writing to the Contractor. Other directions shall be confirmed on written request in each case . The Contractor shall give sufficient superintendence to the work, using his best skill and attention. If the Contractor , in the course of the work, finds any discrepancy between the plans and the physical. conditions of the locality, or any errors or ommission in plans or in the layout as given by survc:r points and instructions , lie shall immediately inform the Engineer in writing and the Engineer shall promptly verify the same. Any work done after such discovery, until authorized, will be done at the Contractor' s risk. g. Inspection. The Owner shall provide sufficient competent engineering personnel for the supervision of the work. The Engineer and his representatives shall at all times have :iL LCou to the �,v rk. wh,.novo­ It is .,.n pr.cpara,�_on u; prubrc.s� , an',� Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and for. inspections . If the specification. , the Engineer' s instruction, laws , ordinances , or any public authority require any work to be specially tested or approved, the Contractor shall give the Engineer timely notice of its readiness for inspection, and if the inspection is by another authority than. the Engi,rteer, notification of the date fi-xed for such inspection. Inspections by the Engineer shall be promptly made, and where practicable at the source of supply. If any work should be covered tin without approval or consent of the Engineer , it must if required by the Engineer, be uncovered for examination and properly restored at the Contractor ' s expense . Re-inspecti.or r,` any work may be ordered by the Engineer , and, if so ordered, the t,urk must be uncovered by the Contractor, If such work is found to be in accordance with the Contract Documents , the Owner shall pay the cost of re-inspection and replacement. If such work is not in accordance with the Contract Documents , the Contractor shall pay such cost. h. Subcontractors , The Contractor shall , as soon a- possible after the signing of the contract , notify the Engineer in writing of the names of all proposed subcontractors for rhe work, said sub- contractors to be subject to the approval of the Owner. The Contractor agrees that he is as fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of his Subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them, as he is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by him. Nothing contained in the Cont-act Documents shall create any contractual relation between any Subcontractor r.nd the Owner. GC - 5 i. Assignment. The Contractor shall not assign the Contract or sublet it as a whole or in part without the written consen+_ of the Owner, nor shall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to 'Decome due to him hereunder, without the previous written consent of the Owner. Assigning or subletting the contract shall not relieve the Contractor or his surety from any contract obligations. j . Ri hts of Various Interests . Wherever work bein- done by f the Owner' s orces orby other contractors is contiguous tc, work covered by this Contract , the respective rights of the var-Lous interests involved shall be established by the Engineez , to secure the completion of the various portions of the work in general harmony. GC--06 CONTROL OF MATERIALS ,i. Contractor' s Guarantee of Workmanship and Materials . The. Contractor shall e require to remedy or correct any j':ects in the ccs-.:;,1eLed curisLruc:L.i.on L:1aL (!d`+ a llal'L Of i. 15 COiltL"c7�t til lit may appear within (1) year from the date of completion of the project . The Contractor' s acceptance of the final payment shall in no way relieve him of a responsibility of faulty workmanship furnished by him. The Owner shall within a reasonable promptness give notice to the Contractor of defects noted. The Engineer shall decide all questions arising therefrom subject to arbitration. b. Work in Freezin_ Weather . No part of the work shall be carried out cluri g freezing weather that may in any way affect or damage the materials placed, unless special precautions are taken to protect the work from freezing. The Contractor shall furnish such dPEli2l.dl.4o do LU fJL\)v­:c necessary to protect the work. In no case will the use of anti- freeze mixtures or compounds be allowed. Permission to perform work as stated above will in no way relieve the Contractor of responsibili- ty for parts of the work unsuitable for acceptance due to the result of freezing. C . Approved Materials . In order to establish a basis of quality, certain pa�u processes , types of equipment , c r kinds of materials , are specified by designating a particular manufacturer' s name , brand, or number . It is not the intent of these specifications to exclude other processes , equipment or materials that measure up to the standard of those specified. Should the Contractor desire to make a sutstitution, he shall first secure a written approval of the Engineer. Whenever a process , equipment or material is specified by giving the manufacturer' s name , brand or niunber, it is understood that the words "or equal" follow thereafter. d. Selection of Equipment L Owner. If the Owner or his a;,t:nt reserves the sole right to select equipment to be installed, Contractor shall be responsible only for its installation according to the plans and specifications , and shall not be held liable for its operating performance. =C - 6 e . Laboratory Tests . All specific laboratory tests of materials and furnisle artic es to be incorporated in the work shall be taken by the Engineer. The cost of laboratory testing shall not be paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall furnish all sample materials required for these tests and deliver same without charge to the Engineer whenever such samples are required. SC -07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO PUBLIC a. Public Safety and Convenience. The Contractor shall comply with the rules and regu ationsothe State , County and City authori- ties regarding the closing of public streets and highways to the use of public traffic . No road shall be closed by the Contractor to the public , except by express permission of the Engineer. Traffic must be kept open on those roads and streets where no detour is possible . The Contractor shall. at ail times conduct his work so as to assure the least possible obstruction to traffic. All obstruc- tions shall be protected by approved signs , fences , barricades and warning lights where necessary or ordered by the Engineer for the protection of the public. All barricades and obstructions shall be protected a.t night by warning lights which shall be suitably distributed and kept burning from sunset to sunrise . When ever the Contractor' s operations create a hazardous condition to traffic , he shall furnish properly equipped flagmen to give adequate warning to the public of the dangerous condition and to direct the public around the dangerous condition. Signs , 'lags , lights , barricades t and other warning and safety devices shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor and shall meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Highway Construction by the Oregon State Highway Division. Property owners affected by the construction shall be notified by the Contractor at least 24 hours in advance of the time construction begins . During all construction operations , the Contractor shall. provide access by all property owners to their property. No property shall be cut off from vehicular or pedestrian traffic for a period exceeding 8 hours , unless the Contractor has made special arrange- ments with the property owner. The Contractor shall make good any damage, injury or loss to his work and to the property of the Owner resulting from lack of reasonable protective preciuti ms , e-^ept such as may be due to errors in the Contract Documents , or ceused by agents or employees of the Owner. He shall adequately protect adjacent private and public p—perty , as provided by Law and the Contract- DGeuments . In an emergency affecting the safety of life or the work or of adjoining property, the Contractor is , without special instructions or authorization From the Engineer, hereby permitted to act at his discretion to prevent such threatening loss or injury. He shall also so act , without appeal , if so authorized or instructed by the En;ineer . GC - 7 b . Permits , Ce_rti`'icates , L,-iws and Ordinances . The Contractor shall , at his own expense , procure all permits , certiicates and .licenses required of him by law for the execution of his work . He shall comply with all federal , state , county or local laws , ordinances , or rules and regulations relating to the performance of the work . c . Insurance . Contractor shall maintain such public liability and property� amage insurance as will protect the Contractor and Owner from all claims for damage or personal injury , including death , which may arise from operations under the contract or in connection therewith including all operations of subcontractors . Such insurance shall provide coverage including explosion, collapse and underground exposure , for bodily injury , three hundred thousand dollars ($300 , 000) each occurrence, and three hundred thousand dollars ($300 , 000) aggregate , and for property damage , one hundred thousand ($100 , 000) aggregate . Such insurance shall , without prejudice to coverage otherwise existinf, therein, name as additional insureds the Owner, its officers , agents and employees , and shall further provide that the policy shall not de cancelled prior to the completion of the contract without thirty (30) days notice to the Owner. Certificates evidencing such insurance shall be filed with the Owner and shall be subject to the approval. of the Owner as to adequacy of protection . It shall also be the responsibility of the Contractor to see that all subcontractors carry satisfactory insurance protecting the public in the event of injury or damage arising from the acts or omissions of such subcontractors , their agents or employees . d . Notice to Police and Fire Departments . At least 24 hours before blocking any street , the Contractor sTiaTI-notify appropriate Police and Fire officials of the proposed closure. e . sanitation Conditions . The necessary sanitary conveniences , properly sec ed fFom pu i observation , shall be erected and maintained by the Contactor at all times while men are employed on the work , and the use of such sanitary conveniences shall be strictly enforced. These con- veniences and the maintenance thereof shall meet the approval of the State and local health authorities . The location of such conveniences shall be approved by the Engineer . f. . Verbal Agreements . No verba'. agreement- or conversation with. any officer, agent , or employee of the Owner either before or after execution of this Contract , shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations contained in any of the documents comprising said Contract . g. Royalties and PatentF . The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees . He shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and shall save the Owner harmless from loss on ace( unt thereof. h . Responsibility Regarding Existing Utilities . The existence of undergroun utilities and private improverients— along the area of the Work or the Contractor ' s activities as located and indicated on thr GC - 8 drawings or not , are not guaranteed ar.d shall be investiF,ated and verified by the Contractor before starting the work. The Contractor will be held responsible for any damage to public or private utilities or improvements and shall bea-c all costs for their restoration to a condition equal to that before the work commences . i . Other Construction . The Contractor to this contract shall not claim against the Owner for any cause due to other contracts already let or to be let . j . Contractor' s Responsibility for Work. Until final accep- tance of t o contract , the Contractor shail be held responsible for any injury or damage to the work or any part thereof by the action of the elements or from any cause whatsoever , and he shall make good at his own expense all injuries or damages to any portion of the work before its completion or final acceptance. k. Responsibility for Damages. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage to property, injury to persons and loss , expense , inconvenience and delay that may be caused by , or result from the carrying out of the work to be done under this contract , or from any act , omission or neglect of the Contractor, his subcontractors , or employees . (1) Indemnity and Personal Liability. The Contractor and his sureties shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner, all public bodies . the Engineer and all employees of the same from all suits or actions of every name and description brought for or on account of any damage , injury , loss , expense , inconvenience or delay received or sustained by any person, or damage caused to any property, which damage , injur, , loss , expense , inconvenience or delay may have been caused by or may have resulted from the carrying out of the work to be done under: this contract , or from any act , omission , or neglect of the Contractor , or his employees ; provided, however, that the Owner shall promptly call to the attention of the Contractor any claim filed with the Owner for any such injury or damage , and if suit or action is commenced to recover for such damage or claim, the Owner shall , before time for answer expires or before default has been entered , furnish the Contractor or his surety with a copy of the complaint . In case there should be any suits or actions , as much of the money due to the Contractor under and by virtue of the contract as shall be considered necessary by the Engineer. , may be retained by the Owner until such suits or actions have been settled or until the interest of the Owner, or the persons concerned, have been otherwise satisfactorily protected. The Contractor shall , unless otherwise specified, maintain and pay for such insurance , issued in the name of the Owner , as will protect the Owner from contingent liability under this Contract , and the Owner' s right to enforce against the Contractor any provision of this article shall be contingent upon the full. compliance by the Owner with the terms of such insurance policy or policies , a copy of which shall. be deposited with the Owner. GC - 9 WEEM In carrying out any of the provisions hereof in exercising any authority granted to him by the Contractor, there will be no personal liability upon any official acting in behalf or as a representative or agent of the Owner, M. Removal of Equipment. In the case of termination of this contract be—Fore completion for any cause whatever, the Contractor, Lf notified tc do so by the Owner, shall promptly remove any part or a".1 of his equidment or supplies from the property of the Owner, failing; which the Owner shall have the right to remove such equipment and supplies at the expense of the Contractor. n. Use of Completed Portions. The Owner may, at any time during progress of work, -after written notice to the Contractor, take over and place in service any completed portions of the work which are ready for service, although the entire work of the Contract is nc,t fully completed, and notwithstanding the time for completion of the entire work or such portions which may not be expired. In such case , the Oumer shall issue certificates of acceptance for such portions of the work, but such taking possession thereof shall not be deemed an acceptance of any other portions of the work, nDr any incompleted portions , nor of any work not cc,mpleted in accordance with the Contract Documents . If such prior use increases the cost of or delays the work, the Contractor shall be entitled to such extra compensation, or exten- sion of time, or both, as determined by the Engineer. GC-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS a. Materials Ap2liances and Em to ees . Unless otherwise stipulated, t e Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials , labor, water , tools , equipment , light, power, transportation and other facilities necessary for the execution and completion of the work. Unless otherwise specified, all materials incorporated in the permanent work shall be new and both workmanship and materials shall be of good quality. The Contractor shall , if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials . The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees , and shall seek to avoid emp1c.-ying on the work any unfit person or anyone not skilled in the work assigned to him. b. Construction Schedule . Atte- being awarded the contract, the Contractor shall mme iate y prepare and submit to the Engineer for approval, a progress schedule which will ensure the completion of the project within the time specified. Adequate equipment and forces shall be made available by the Contractor to start work immediately upon order of the Engineer and to carry out the schedule to completion of the contract within the time specified. The Contractor shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Engineer , additional schedules which shall show the order in which the Contractor proposed to carry on the work, with dates GC - 10 at which the Contractor will start the .several parts of the work , and estimated dates of completion of the several parts . c. Time of. Completion. Time is of the essence in this contract . Failure to comp ete the work within the time specified in the proposal shall subject the Contractor to liquidated damages as specified in the Special. Conditions . d. Extension of Time. The period of time for completion set forth in tFie Agreement shall be extended an amount equal to time lost due to causes which could not have been foreseen or beyond the control of the Contractor, and which were not the result of his fault , negligence , or deliberate act . Exte-rasion of time for completion shall also be allowed for delays in the progress of the work caused by any act or commission on the part of the Owner or his employees , or by other Contractors employed by the Owner, or delay due to an act of. the Government , or for any delay in the furnishing of plans and necessary information by the Engineer, or for any other cause which in the opinion of the Engineer entitles the Contractor to an extension of time. Strikes and labor disputes shall be cause for an. extension of time. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer within 5 days of any occurrence which in the Contractor' s opinion entitles him to an exten- sion of time for comrietion. Such notice shall be in writing. The Engineer shall acknowledge in writing receipt of any such claim by the Contractor within 5 days of its receipt. e. Suspension of. Work. The Owner may at any time suspend the work, or any part t ereo , may giving 7 days notice to the Contractor in writing. The work shall be resumed by the Contractor within ten (10) days after the dat _ fixed in the written notice from the Owner to the Contractor to do su . '"lie Owner shall reimburse the Contractor for expense incurred by the Contractor in connection with the work ruder. this Contract as a. result of such suspension . f . Owner' s Right to Terminate Work . If the Contractor should be adjudge -aBan rupt , or if Fie s To` make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors , or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency, or if he should persistently or repeatedly refuse or should fail , except in cases for which extensions of time are provided, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials , or if he should fail to make prompt payments to Subcontractors or for material or labor, or persistently disregard laws , or ordinances or the instructions of the Engineer , or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of any of the Contract, then the Owner, upon the written notice of the Engineer that sufficient cause exists to justify Fuch action may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and rifter giving the Contractor seven (7) days ' written Notice, terminate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the premises and of all materials , tools and appliances thereon and finish the work by whatever method he may deem expedient.. In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finished . If the unpaid balance of the contract price shall exceed GC - 11 the expense of finishing the work, including compensation for additional managerial and administrative services , such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expenses shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner, The expense incurred by the Owner herein provided, and the damage incurred through the Contractor ' s default, shall be determined by the Engineer. . Where the Contract has been terminated by the Owner, said termina- tion shall not affect or terminate any of the rights of the Owner as against the Contractor or his surety then existing or which may there- after accrue because of such default. Any retention or payment of monies by the Owner due the Contractor under the terms o.L- the contract- , shall not release the Contractor or his surety from liability for his default. g. Contractor' s �Ri ht to Stop Work or Terminate Contract . If the work should e stor)ped uncle: an order of any court , or other public authority, for a period of thret months , through no act or fault of the Contractor or anyone employ !d by him or if the Engineer should fail to issue any estimate for payment within thirty days after it is due, or if the Owner should fail to pay the Contractor within 30 days of its maturity and presentation any sum certifieJ by the Engineer or awarded by arbitrators , then the Contractor may upon seven. (7) days ' written notice to the Owner and the Engineer, stop work or terminate this Contract . h. Correction of Work. Before Final Payment. The Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises _a7l materials condemned by the Engineer as failing to meet Contract requirements , whether incorporated in the work or not , and the Contractor shall promptly replace and re-execute his own work in accordance with the Contract and without expense to the Owner and shall bear the expense of making good all work of other contractors destroyed or damaged by such rer^^val or replacement . If the Contractor does not remove such condemned work and matetial5 as promptly as possible , after written notice , the Owner may remove them and store the material at the expense of the Contractor. GC-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT a. General . It shall be understood and agreed that payment at the unit and lump sum prices bid under the items enumerated in the Proposal shall_ constitute full and complete compensation for all work required by the plans and specifications . b. Claims for Extra Cost. If the Contractor c'_aims that any instructions bydrawingor oise issued after the date of the Contract involved extra cost under the contract, he s'Iall give the Engineer written notice thereof within 3 days , after r.he receipt of such instructions , and in any event before proceeding to execute the work, except emergency endangering life or property, ar.d the procedure shall then be as provided for- changes in the work. No riucl: claim shall be valid unless so made . GC - 12 i Extra work not included in but authorized after the date of the contract that cannot: be classified as coming ander any of the Contract units may be done at mutually agreed upon unit- prices , or on a lump sum basis , or under the provisions of "Force Acc^pint Work" . C. Fcrce Account Work. If the Engineer orders , in writing , the performance of any —w—or-7 —not covered by the plans or included in the specifications , and for which no item in the Contract is provided, and for which no unit price or lump sum basis can be agreed upon, then such extra work shall be done on a Cost-Plus-Percentage basis of payment as follows : (1) The Contractor shall be reimbursed for all costs incurred in doing the work and shall receive an additional payment of 5% of all such cost to cover his indirect overhead cost , plus 10% of all cost , including indirect overhead, as his fee. (2) The term "Cost" shall cover all payroll charges for men employed and supervision required under the specific order, together with all workmen' s compensation, Social Security, pension ani retirment allowances and social insurance, or other regular pay- roll charges on same ; the cost of all material and supplies required of either temporary or permanent character; rental of all power-driven equipment at agreed upon rates , together with cost of fuel and supply charges on same; and any other costs incurred by the Contractor as a direct result of executing the Order, if approved by the Engineer. (3) The cost of the work done each day shall be submitted to the Engineer in a satisfactory form on the succeeding day , and shall be approved by him or adjusted at once. (4) Monthly payments of all charges for Force Account Work in any one month shall be mane in full on or before the 15th of the succeeding month. Those payments shall include the full amount of fee earned on the cost of the work done. d, Payments Withheld. The Owner may withhold or, on account of subsequently discovered ovidence , nullify the whole or part of any certificate of payment to such e::, ent as may be necessary ~o protect himself from loss on account of: (1) Defective work not remedied. (2) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating public filing of claims by other parties against the Contractor. (3) Failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to subcontractors or for material or labor. (4) Damage to another contractor. When the above grounds are .removed or the Contractor provides a surety Bond satisfactory to the Owner which will protect the Owncr. in CC - 13 Note : st'a. 160-50 to 22065 Leve/ al7d reseed a.*-ea 5 o u th o f bike pat-17 Irlr� C ons true 11 2 ' ram a t drive w4 5 r * �} /' ,s disturber by const; uct�or�. TE;r,I ' 1RARY BENCH MARK to a//ow for future over-/ay. (7ypiao/) ( e5ee S,becio/ spec/ficat�ons) 1 i > iROMP to be laid on diaper for cV a le 5y future removal. I I BRASS DISC IN MONUMENT BOX AT THE v I t l ! /PH.V 2 CENTER OF THE INTERSECTION OF S. W. v +,0OD i S ta. 3 *08, 77 o I p DURHAM ROAD AND HALL BOULEVARD. S ta. 4 +29 r Sta. 7,15 9 !=d e of pas',_.rnent > Sta. 7'54 (25' At of �` Sta• /9'Z5,) 9 /2"x/2. rep, m ELEVATION - 179.27 i2"X /2" tee � ,� � 1 14 *80 /2"x/2" Tee N I (U.S.C. d G. S. DATUM) v iz 3 S7a. 6133. 78 /9125 v 1I i' vi , TC / 92. 3/ /� too '(2 8' ,q t of t 5ta. /6 foo T C. /86.83 /Neaneler 51dewa/k w/25 ' Z2 *05 I J ' io MI I ""28 77C. /9/.2 9 radius curves to avoid T. C. 181.39 + I I Q I E 163.33 1 1 — — ta. 7'/5 1 E. /8779 .5 fa. _5 '86 �� 40" cok t�-ee. 1 ,E 17789 N I I _ -5-fa. 00,00 /,2" X 12'' Tee i /2X/2" Tee 29' 22 N Const a of /2 lotted --- y- _ — Const 5 �1c�'ewa/k 1 6 Rt. of t 5 dra t�! 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Sta. 16t.ss to 20„o0 overlay eX/'5f`bike path R= 55' - 0+54. 63 S tandc�ra curb. w/th � c/ass C A. C. Swim Ce/7ter Const. 6 ' b1�ke pat/t. x W Match exist. curb v, Const. 27. 5/ of /2” 5/ott-ed droit Feather to ina, cil eXiSt alone back of apron. Connect I path to sw/rrr center. I Q Cans t 23.56 ' of /2 slotted drain I L to rna/h usi/7� 90'bE'ho' and �a/nn ,bock of apron. Cor/nect 7 of /� Cor/-u9a ted s tee/ Alpe. \ -PLAN s to, 2.2 do to 22 t-s5 �n (/6 9ua9e)�See speGiar' specs, Remove /8'curb to main us;.n9 90' ,Pend and B ' � I Coast. 6 ' .pike pati,. ( to 3 0 of /2 corru aced steel pipe. SCALE= I =50 ! Nott;: Al/ trench backfi/l PN N N 00 cons t /g ' of (/6 uo e) see s ec�a/ secs 3 N 10 N tl, Standard curb. 9 9 p �' Ri �t of way _____ I Shall be C/a55 4 . Q1 °` on ON N ry N n do �o 0N 9 y �� 0\ h � -- — -- N_to op n �, fi I Fin/sh 9rad. 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III =5O h o' h a r o� �9 a -- I E in /7�•vc �' Exis,� ,8 s.P Vert. 1 = 5 � E out 173- 60 190 - II Top of sidewa/�c - Rim 180.20 i / 7o e- E4 PUFFS �N4711 Im 14, EX/st, round �,�,� twj 180 -- ' 13'50 i4 X00 *5J 15'00 f 50 16 00 -0.50 /7'00 1150 /®+00 ; 50 19'00 -150 20'00 450 21�00 11.50 22'00 -o50 23'00 -- - — - — --_____.-------- --- ---------- -_._.._. APPROVED SWEET — _--m -- `— --- __ ---_ --- DESIGNED G. M. DeHAAS S ASSOCIATES, INC. S. W. DURHAM ROAD PLAN �J a PROFILE CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS — DRAWN M. M. ---�: — STREET IMPROVEMENTS STREET - S.W. DURHAM RD. 13+50 to 22+65.75 Suite day-AGC Center (503) 682-7450 S T ORM DRAIN - O+0 0 to 8 - 83.78 6 DATE No. R E V I S 1 Q N S SY DATE � � � 9450 S W Cc�mrn�Irce Circle Res 636-6195 TIGARD OREGON CHECKED M. D. Wilsonville, Oregon g7o�0 � St:J►LE AS SHOWN DATE MAY 1983 FItE 82. 297. 183 K,C NCACYL[M6O) t)t 1RI[A()1`1 ROAD. 85711 92ND �;1 c wont.nw C��, �, .•. � r - .., .r- - .. . ,. r. ...T , ;r T ,q,." ...«_. _�_•._ �'. t,": :�: ` "- - t,•.r•.nr ..nv_'..wr+,. .. «.. .,. -.-----.......... +rw.w _ - Noo ��l IIl11 I�l�I�IIII��I� ll,plll�l��ll I'I Illll�lll���ll (l�1 fil�lli�lltlll r 11111)711111 ' Ii lll-)11111111111I1i111�111111�1i1111111111 111$Jill11�Ill�tl�lilll�liltlrl�li��1�IIli NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED - - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ 10 11 12 DRAWING 1S LESS CLEAR THAN ---� THIS NOTICG-r-7T I5 DUE TO r K QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL. ' . ,:.-ARAWING, of 6z 9z LZ 9? S2 tit E,� - ZZ It OZ 61 81 LI 91 51 to CI ZI I1 01 6 9 L 9 16 1- E E I ��' 1� II M. 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AT THE STREET CURB TO 0 AT AREA THE SIDEWALK. 2. CONCRETE USED FOR CURB SHALL MEET A 3,000 P.S.I. V f 4'x12" DRAIN_ COMPRESSION STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS . ---• SEE SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS TILE-WEEP •"Y '' + J. �qA FOR !NTERIM STREET u 1 ".. Sud � �E �1-r I a VDRAINAGE CONNECTION. a CONCRETE a ; SIDEWALK ':' 2 STANDARD CURB DETAIL `: � CURVED APRON TRANSITION 6'•{-�---2•-4-V41/�6'� +� �'�I I-314"-•�6''F•� EXPANSION JOINTS- SHALL BE 1/2" SECTION A-A SECTION 8-8 PREMOLDED ASPHALT IMPREGNATED 4d-d' MAX. MATERIAL OR EQUAL AND WILL EXTEND FROM CONCRETE TO BE 3000 P.S.I. - 218 DAYS- 6 SACK MIX I5_-0'• MIN, -_ SUB-GRADE TO FINISH GRADE. DRIVEWAY STANDARD CATCH BASIN ICONCRETE- SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 1 BREAKING STRENGTH OF 3000 P.S.1 — - �1 I 6i6' I GA_ MESH AFTER 28 DAYS, 6 SACK MIX. --- J (U m — - : u T 1 CURB AND GUTTER- SEE STANDARD Xn DETAIL DRAWING. OPTIONAL / — EXPANSION EXPANSION JOINT i EXPANSION JOINT �--�' JOINTS-� CONTRA TION --_-_,-- U/W APRONS- COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIALJOINT A B A 6"CONC. PLUS 6'i6" 10 GA. MESH ' a �r, ------�— CENTER RAMP ENO RAMPS SIDE RAMPS = 'Oon - (CURB LINE WALKS) (PROPERTY LI/+E WALKS) (WmERE CATCH BASIN IS RITHIM RADIUS) %0 U 4U �� /! CURB > CURB fJOINT JOINT EXPANSION J(YN-S — - ( -CATCH _ 1 BASIN ;vim Za —so i �---24"---+--J �. _ t ACE OF CURB 6- -�t�—7'-6" MIN. I ! , r;• 20-0 MAX. 2114MAX. ►--- ! ' i 12"� I I -----+ i A - PLAN I i ! I l i • j ! I --: CUB JOINTS SHALL BE EXPANSION R r `�.1.. 1.. �.. 1..1-.�._1..►..Jl .�•.l�.l,.l..l. •�._1. .1..1. _l_.1_ . JOINT IF POURED AT SAME TIME OR B COLD JOINT IF JOINING EXISTING CURB. A _ SLUPL VARIES .., -,-r,` lf1-• •'• r^� ,� •, —,.. - --- TI /21� � _L �.. 1 7-1/2" TOP Of CURBI 62 3/4 MINUS CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 1;•; 60. A 6" I I-I/ " FALL` pAV[YENT IAB SRpABfyA 10 GA.MESH 2 , _ c�B ,Iw - 1-V2' ABOVE — / 1 ELEVATION BASE SECTION A-A T ,; '�° ' .. __ I ' L RAMP LENGTH ~ , MAX 0•MIN .._—� 'TAPERLINS f, A A,A. SIDEWALK MOPE ,�•� _ __ RTT LIN[ COMMERCIAL_ DRIVEWAY \\� - • • _ -_ ' - SECTION A-A { .., ��RED PRpf • • )',. CONCRETE 5 PAVEMQIT ....�' � „':*� `._. t-- 9/4es MINUS DETR[SSED CVRB—� --COIAPACTED BABE S AND +UTTER OTFINISH GRA0�1 j T TO S LE l STANDARD SIDEWALK CORNER TAPER LINE-)�1...12- ��•,/ WITH WHEELCHAIR RAMP SECTION B-B CATCH BASIN PAVEMENT TAPER --- ._ APPROVED $FLEET D�NO G. M . DeHAAS & ASSOCIATES, INC. S. W. DURHAM ROAD DE T A I �.S CONSULTING ENGINEERS A SURVEYORS �' °""' ' G. M. STREET IMPROVEMENTS 6 Suite 44l�AQC Gnfer (5Q�1) 6t1>2-24b0 or►T>E NO. R E V I a l O N aSY CHO r' IM DATE �/9'�/83 N�lllso l I::owm gmercey 70 Res.e3d-e,9es 'TIG ARD OREGON SCAM NOT To SCALE DATE MAY 198 3 FU 62. 297. hall WE......»y DURHAM POOP. I�'.:ITI..I._.c,,,�ND Sl - * �•^. � s� ... »r,-. "', .y, .`^tree• .— .,:.+'�'�- �., ... �ary.._'_%7A, '... ' Oki III 111I111�111I111fFtll�i�lllllltlllllll'II'll)l�l'fl��p p It 'spli tlIrIlllITil 11 1111�111I(, 1 IrIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111I111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111III1I111I111I1111111I101 ' 1 ' � to A ILO I I 12 NOI 2 3 4 5 6 7TE: IF THIS MICROFILMED Vr - � �, - •. _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE;-TT IS ULIE TO [LIE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL - RAW I NG. OC 6Z BZ It 9'L SZ ►Z EZ - ZZ IZ OZ 61 91 LI 91 SI 41 EI 71 II 01 6 9 L 9 9 1p E a ,,,►�"�°'� 1l1II111111n11111111111111111Hr111111111i�,I11I1111111NIuUI1111iN1161f1�Ht>�IIt1111MtFIu11�r�INlllnrltl�lllll,llnll►111�lulititt+'I�uMII11111Ir1�tn�11rlt1tt�hl�lull�t��it� t111u11u111u111tullllub�1l�11L�liY�u�ll�111111 - JUNE 24 1992 �-�.�' ,,�.... �___.......w,.r.d�iPM•�1.►'1Ww04i.:-.,....r.�.. ••._ ." .Lrt'r'IY� -1 .1 Ik'S't . the amount withheld, payment shall be made for amounts withheld because of theii_ e. Payment of Inspector Overtime Cost. The Contractor shall reimburse to Owner for the overtime cost or Owner Inspectors assigned to inspect the work. The rateof payment shall be the difference between the overtime hourly wage rate and the regular hourly rate paid inspectors . This rate difference shall be applicd to all hours worked by inspectcrs over 8 hours Der day or 40 hours per week and to the hours worked on Sundays and legal holidays as prescribed by the state where the work is performed. f. Deductions for Uncorrected Work.. If the Engineer deems it inexpedient to correct wor t at -FE--, Teen damaged or that was not done in accordance with the Contract, an equitable deduction from the Contract price shall be made therefor. g. Liens. Neither the final payment nor any part �A the retained Percentage sFa—El become due until the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner a complete release of all claims or liens arising out of this Contract , or receipts in full in lieu thereof, and, if required in either case , an affidavit that so far as he has knowledge or informa- tion the release and receipts include all labor and materials for which a lien or claim could be filed; but the Contractor may, if any Sub- contractor refuses to furnish a release or receipt in full , furnish a bond satisfactory to the Engineer, to indemnify the Owner against- any claim or lien (in cases where such payment is not already guaranteed by surety bond) . If any claim or lien remains u.nsatisfit-J after all payments are mads, the Contraltor shall refund to the Owner all monies that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such a lien, including all costs and a reasonable attorn-y's fee. GC - 14 SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS S. W. DURHAM ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS (S. W. 85TH AVENUE TO S. W. 92ND AVENUE) 1. These Special Specifications supplement and amplify certain sections of the various Standard Specifications which follow this section of the Contract Documents. Should there he any conflict between the Special Specifications and the Standard Specifications that follow, the requirements of the Special Specifications shall prevail . Unless otherwise called for in the Plans and Specifications, all work shall be in conformance with Washington County Standards. 2. Permit Requirements. S .W. Durham Road is under the jurisdiction of Washington County. The Owner will secure permission to proceed with the project through plan approval by the County. The Contractor shall not proceed with any construction until such permission is in hand of the Owner, and then shall adhere to all conditions of such approval . 3. Notice to Public Agencies. It may be advantageous for the Contractor to close se port oo ns of the roadways or limit traffic from time to time to expedite construction activities. Such closures or limiting of traffic shall be requested well in advance and will be allowed only after approval by the Enqineer and after provisions have been made to notify the City of Tigard Police Department, Tualatin kural Fire Protection District, the ligard School District and other agencies that may be designated by the Engineer. Contact with these various agencies can be made as follows : , ity of Tijard Police 9020 S.W. Burnham Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Phone: 639-6168 Attn: Lt. Jennings Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District 8455 S.W. Elligso� n Road P.O. Box 127 Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Phone: 682-2601 Attn: Eldon D. Johnson Til School District 1�13*3 S.-GJ.-Ta—rffTc -A{ghway Tigard. Oregon 97223 Phone: 684-2215 Attn: Bill Bieker 4. Other Utilities. The Engineer has shown all known Existing utilities on the plans. Every effort has been made to alert and cooperate with other utilities. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to protect the affected utilities and coordinate with those utilities as necessary. The Contractor should recheck the status of all utilities immediately prior to initiating work in an area. Representative, of other 4 .ilities and their phone numbers are a; follows : Portland General Electric Lee Hall - 643-5454 Northwest Natural Gas Dick Tennant - 266 .4211 General Te,ephone Annette Albert - 643-017.3 Tigard Water District John Miller - 639-2591 City of Tigard (Small SAnitary Sewer R Storer, Drain) Bob Thompson - 639-4171 Unified Sewerage Agency (Large ' anitary Sewers) Jeanne Hedrick, Engr. Tech. - 648-8621 EMERGENCY: 64J-2646 Storer Metro Communications Phone: bJ9-119/ Tri-Met Andy Anderson - 238-4850 5. Protection o` Construction Stakes, References and Survey Mounumentation. a. References. References will be set in order that center line control can be established with reasonable efficiency. Such references will be set outside the construction area and care- fully marked. The contractor will be responsible for taking every precaution to preserve references and property corners and avoid excessive piles of materials near their area which would negate their usefulness. b. Construction Staking. The Engineer will provide all reasonable constructions staking. It is understood that from time to time destruction of a few construction stakes is unavoidable. How- ever, protection of stakes will be the responsibility of the contractor and extensive restaking will be at the contractor's expense. Sp. - 2 c. ExistinggSurvey Monumentation. An exhaustive corner search has been conducted to find and establish a record of the location and nature of all existing monuments. Care shall be taken by the Contractor to preserve as many monuments as possible. If preservation is not possible, the Engineer shall be alerted in order to make certain that a record has been made of the location and nature of the monument so that it can be accurately replaced at a later date. Disturbance of existing survey monumentation without proper referencing, etc. is prohibited by O.R.S. 6. Prev3ilinq Wade Rates. Current prevailing wage rates follow. MUMMELML PREVAILING WAGE RATES for Public Works Contracts in Oregon * THE UNI N 1859 . ,Mary Wendy Roberts Commissioner Bureau of Labor and Industries Effective February 1, 1983 MUL BUREAU OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Mary Roberts, Commissioner February 1, 1:33 This booklet contains the prevailing wage rates for the building and construction trades in the State of Oregon. These rates are effective February 1, 1983, and remain in effect until June 30, 1983, unless amended. These rates have been amended in accordance with ORS 279.348 through OPS 279.363. Prevailing wage rates are the minimum wages that must be paid to all workers employed in the construction, reconstruction, maintenance or repair of any public works. Copies of these rates must be incorporated into all bid specifications when the advertisement for a put)lic works is issued. The advertised rates, if a contract is awarded, remain in effect throughout the duration of the project. If you identify any discrepancies between the rates published and data available to yourself, bring this to the attention of Janet Lien in the Bureau's Research Unit in Salem (373-145n) hiv March 1 , 1983. 1f you have any questions about the manner in wfiich prevailing wage rates are enforced, contact the Wage and Hour Division in Portland (229-5750) . %' ,elee Com ' Maty Wendy Roberts Cceniss ione r Bureau of Lahor and Industries P.S. Please note that effective January 17 our new address in Salm is 555 - 13th Street N.E. ; we anticipate maintaining the same phone number. AqR:vh Fmt ANn SALEM EUGENF 14(10 SW 5th A,nnue 240 Cottage St. SE At Wtllarnette ',trees, 0408 Prntland, Oregun 97201 Salem, Oregon 47110 1 ugene, Oregnn 474111 MEDFC„tD COOS BAY BEND PENM[7()N 1411 North (.rape Street 155 Etrrxl Strews, Room ' 1210 NI Third, Suite A241 70() 4 (migrant, Suite 1211 %ledtunl ()rwgrrn 475111 Crus Hay, Oregrm 47411, Bend, Oregon 97701 Pendleton, Oregon 978111 Oregon PWR - February 1983 GENERAL INFORMATION Page 1 AP?MLVrICES Apprentices may be employed on public works. The apprentice is to receive all fringe benefits and a percentage of the journeyman's wage rate; the appropriate percentage shall be determined by the apprenticeship conmittee. All other workers must receive rates as published. FRINGE BENEFTTS Payments for Health and Welfare, Pensions, Vacations and/or Apprenticeship Training are in addition to the basic hourly rate. DISTRICTS Prevailing wage rates are determined for each of 14 geographical areas in Oregon. Tn *incl the appropriate district, identify the county where the iob site in located, as follows: District 1 - Clatsop, Columbia and District 8 - Jackson and Josephine Tillamook District 9 - Hood River, Shennan and District 2 - Clackamas, Multnomah Wasco and Washington District 1.0 - Crook, Deschutes and District 3 - Marion, Polk and Jefferson Yamhill District 11 - Klamath and Lake District 4 - Benton, Lincoln and District 12 - Gilliam, Grant, Morrow, Linn Umatilla and Wheeler District 5 - Lane District 13 - Baker, Union and uistrict 6 - Dougias Wail(yma District 7 - Coos and Curry District 14 - Harney and Malheur ZONE PAY In certain trades, the basic hourly rate of pay progressively increases based upon the distance between the job site and a designated landmark; this is commonly referred to as zone pay. Zone pay is required for all classifications found under the Laborer, [foisting and Portable Engineer, Teamster, and some Line Constructor Trades. (For specific information about line constructor zone pay pleaGe see page 12.) To determine the hourly wage, find the correct zone based on the number of road miles the job-site is from the closest city listed below and add the amount for that none to the basic hourly rate. Albany Corvallis Madras Port Orford Astoria *Eugene Medford Reedsport Baker Grants Pass McMinnville Roseburg Bend Hood River Newport *Salem Bcookincs Klamath Falls Ontario The Dalles Burns LaGrande Pendleton Tillamaak Coos Bay Lakeview *Portland Zone A - 0 - 10 Miles - Base Rate *Zone A - 0 - 20 Miles - Base Rate Zone B - 10 - 25 Miles - add .65 per hour *Zone B - 20 - 25 Miles - add .65 Zone C - 25 - 35 Miles - add 1.15 per hour per hour Zone D - 35 - 45 %dies - add 1.70 ner hour *Zones C throunh F are the same for Zone E - 45 - 75 Miles - add 2.75 ?ger hour all cities listed Zone F - 75 Mi les or Mor- - -irld 3.55 per hour Oregon PWR - February 1983 Page 2 CU44O VLY ASND QUESTIONS The questions and answers below are intended to serve as a general guide only. If you have specific questions regarding how rates are determined or how the job classes are defined, please contact the Research Unit at 373-1450 in Salem. If you have questions about the enforcement of prevailing wage rates, please contact the Wage and flour Division at 229-5750 in Portland. 1. What are "Prevailing Wage Rates?" A prevailing wag, rate is the minimum wage, including fringe benefits to be paid workers employed on public works contracts. Different rates are established for specific trades and specific geographical areas. 2. Who must be paid "Prevailing Wage Rates?" All employees of a contractor or subcontractor engaged on a public works project r;:_•rc tho ice exc,_ '- OOG ront�a:t p:. ec,:� '�, apt r._ ,_��c at leas• the prL-vailincj wage rate for time worked on the project unless otherwise exempt. Supervisory and office/clerical employees are not required to be paid the PWR. A person who owns and operates his/her own truck or other hauling equipment on construction projects (Owners/Operators)is not required to be paid the PWR. (Note: The term "Owner/Operator" refers only to persons who own and operate their own truck or other hauling equipment. For further information contact the Wage and Hour Division, 1400 S.W. Fifth, Portland, OR. 97201 (Phone: 229-5750) . ) 3. What about contracts where federal funds are used? �4 c2 non .r r, ,,. , r i. ,.. a .t• . i. subject to the provisions of the Davis-Bavis Act, riot Oregon Statutes. Further information may be obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, Portland, Oregon (Phone: 221-3057) . 4. I�don't have a pension fund. IIow do I determine fringe benefits? Workers must receive the total wage and fringe benefits listed in the PWR publi- cation. If a company has not established a fund for a particular fringe beneL-it, the amount of that fringe benefit is to be added to the base wage. The entire amount then becomes the taxable wage. 5. What if the employees are not paid on an hourly basis? All workers must receive at least the prevailing rate of wage and fringe benefits for time worked on the project. If an employee is paid other than on an hourly basis, the equipalent ho,.lrly rate (for both wades and fringe benefits) must still be at least equal to the rates published for time worked on the project. If the calculated rate is less than the prevailing wage rate, the workers must be supplemented an amount equal to the difference. 6. [low much dol pay apprentices? To qualify as an apprentice, the worker must be registered in a state-approved apprenticeship program. The apprentice is to receive all fringe benefits and a percentage of the journe,,rman's wage rate; the appropriate percentage shall be determined by thr� apprenticeship committee. All other workers receive rates os published. ItLV 1222182Rk:S Oregon PWR - February 1983 Page 3 7. [low do I classify wcrkeLs? Essentially all of the trades in the construction industry are represented by job classifications used in the PWR publication. These classification titles should be used according to common practice. Try to fit your workers into t_xistiny3 classifications. If you have questions about haw to classify workers, contact the Research Unit or the Wage and Hour Division. Laborers who do basic work requiring no special skills, training or knowledge are generally classified as Group I Laborers. (dote that: Landscapers are classified as Laborers; Low Voltage Electricians ire classified as Electricians and Ornamental Ironwnrkers are classified as Ironworkers. ' 8. What about Wage Certification Forms? The law requires every contractor and subcontractor to file a certificate of wages ",f .-o a -4,irks ,7Y)nrr,1cr. 'Ihe statement is filed twice, once before the first payment and once before the final payment; it is to be filed with both the contracting agency and the Bureau of Labor and Industries (ORS 279.354) . This form may be obtained from: Wage and Hour Ci.vision, I3ureau of Labor and Indus- tries, 1.400 S.W. Fifth, Portland, Oregon 97201 (Phone: 229-5750) . 9. What can I do about a contractor who is not complying with PN'R law? File a ccxnplaint with the nearest Bureau office or contact the Wage and Hour Division, Bureau of Labor and Industries, 1400 S.W. Fifth, Portland, Oregon 97201. (Phone: 7.29-6655. ) 10. Whoa are nF-w rates determined? How long are they effective? Prevailing wage rates are determined on July 1 of each year by the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries. The Conmissioner may amend the rates at any time. (The rates are usually amended once each year on February 1.) Regardless of when rates are determined or how long they are effective, the rates in effect at the time bid specifications are first advertised are those in effect for the duration of the contract. 11. What happened to contractors who do not comply with 11R Statutes? Contractors and subcontractors who pay less than the prevailing wage rates are .liable to the workers affected for the amount found due plus an equal amount as liquidated damages (ORS 279.356) . Contractors and subcontractors who intentionally refuse to pay the prevailing wage rate to workers employed on public works may be determined to be. ineligible to raceive any public works contract for a period of three years. (ORS 279. 461) 12. What records must I keep? For how low? Contractors and subcontractors are requir,A to keep records necessary for determin- ing if prevailing wage rates were paid. At a minimtun, these records must include: name of emplayee (same name as used for social security record purposes) ; home address including zip code; date of birth if under 19; occupation; hours worked each day; rate of pay; total wages paid each pay period; a payroll register and a copy of the wage certifications. These should be kept for at least two years. Oregon PWR - February 1983 Page 4 FRTN&F BFNFFITS BASIC HFALTI 1 TRADE DISTRICTS) HOURLY AND PENSION VACATICXv APP9.`I'P. RATE WELFARE ASBESTZ6 WOMMS FILL. 21 .52 1 .35 1 .95 - DO I LER MAKMS ATL 19.82 1 .4 0 1 .2 5 1.00 .116 BRICKMA.SONS 9,12,13,14, 11.64 1.25 1 . 70 ---_- L , 1 - - -- -- ---^� URICIQKASONS 5, 6, 7, 8, 16.35 1 .30 1 .30 , - 1_J 10 11 DRYWALL TAPERS ALL 17.17 1.55 1.00 1.00 -.01 2.25+ LIBMICIANS 1, 2, 9 20.30 1 .25 3% Gross -- ,13 `_- 1 .00+ EL.DC'i'RICLANS 3, 4, 5, 10 22.00 1 .25 37 Gross T-1 tyTP T-(- ANS i.00+ ELDCTRIC'IANS 7 19.0''-> 1.25 37 Cross -- •10 ELECTRICIANS 12, 13 21 .75 .950 1.30+ - .1C 31 Gross ELDC'I'ItICIANS ----- -- 14 --- 15.05 1 .r.01 .00+ 3% Cross 1% Gros ELEVATOR CONSTRUCIURS 1-11, 14 19.82 1.34 1.08 then 8`k •04 EL.EVAT')R CONST. HELPERS 1-11, 14 13.87 1. 34 1.08 then 80, . .04` r.r;;vA^nR T)PngATTnNARY HT,PR. 1•-11. 14 4.Al -- 69. 5 yr. ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS 12, 13 1.9.73 1.5C 1.13 then 8% .06 EILE'VATOR CONST. HELPIMS 12, 13 13.81 1.50 1.13 6% 5 yr8 r• ' •06 ELEVATOR PROBATIONARY HLPR. 12, 13 9.86 -- -- -- -- GLAZIERS 1 - 13 16.74 .81 1.25 -- .02 GLA'LIERS 14 15.66 .49 .30 -- -- --------------- 1, 21 3, 4► 17.09 LATIiER1..10 2.25 --- --.10 S, 9, 17., 13 I-ATIIERS 1006, 7, 8, 16.83 1.05 1 .70 - .06 LINOLEUM 6 CARPET LAYFMS ALL 14.02 1 . 10 1.15 0 :r os s . 13 PAINTERS ALL 15.41 1 .60 1.40 N5 .09 PAINTING, PARKING & HIGHWAY IMPROVF24ENT WORKERS ALL 1.7.14 _- PAINTING► PARKING & HIGIMAY IN TROVEMM' HELPERS 1st 6 rmnths 7.56 . 2nd 6 trunths 9.40 " 3rd 6 nunths 10.58 4th 6 m-)nths I 12.26 " UIL Oregon R)R - February 1983 Page 5 FRINGE. SENTEFM L' OIC HEALTH TRADE DISTRICTS) HOURLY AND PENSION VACATION APF;2.TR. RATE WELFARE 4 PLASTERERS 11-- 148 9, 16.23 1.2 i 2.00 -- .06 PLASTERERS 5, 6, 7, 10 16.17 1 . 15 2.00 -- .07 PLUMBERS 1, 2, 9 18.83 1 .55 1 .85 1 .75 .20 STEAMFITI'ERS 1, 2, 9 19.27 1 .55 1 .,^-,5 2.00 .20 PLUMBERS 7 19.54 1 .54 1 .85 -- .16 STEAMFITI'ERS 7 20.36 1 .54 1 .85 -- . 16 PLU.%SERS & STEAMFIT'I'ERS 3, 4 15.50 1.95 1.90 2.25 .12 PLUMBERS & 5'1'Y1i?;r 1.1'1t:6 5, 6, 10 PL 43ERS & STEAMFITTERS 8 18.91 1.2 5 1 .80 1 .20 .05 PLUMBERS & STEhMFITTER.S 11 19.94 1 .25 1 .80 1 .7.5 .05 PLUMBERS & STEAMF-ITTERS 12, 13 19.43 1 .82 2. 15 2.75 .7.6 PLUMBERS & STE.ANPITTERS 14 16.30 1.411 2.40 --- . 1l ROOFERS 1, 2, 9 11 14 14.75 _ .96 .5U u -- .0 i ROOFERS 10 ROOFERS L2, 13 14.56 1 .20 1 .75 -- . 15 it 2 3 17.39 1.23 2.18 1.00 . 13 St�ETI"1LTAL WORKF.�.S 4, 9, 10 _ _ �SHEETM TAL WORKERS 5, 6, 7' 18.80 1.13 1 .28 - . 16 8 11 SHEE=AL WORKERS 12, 13 18.76 1.08 1.70 -- .32 SHEEIT�IL'I'AL WORKERS 14 '7.11 1.08 .96 -- .1.6 T,ElZERS TO MASON TRADES - - (HODCARRIERS) ALL 13.76 1.70 1 .50 1 .00 . 10 TILESETTER, MKOSAIC, 1 - 4, 9, TERRAZZO_ WORKERS 12, 13, 14 _ 17.31 1 .10 1 .5 5 -- _ .4o TILESETTER, MOSAIC, 1 - 4, 9 TERRAZZO WORKERS HELPERS 12, 13, 14 1st 500 hours 8.43 10 -- 2nd 500 hours 10.51 " 3rd 1000 hours 12.58 " After 3000 hours 15.70 " TIL1S0rlER, MOSAIC 5, 6, 7, 15.43 TERRAZZO WORKERS 81 10 11 TIL113I:.717 t, MOGAIC, 5, 6, 7, TERRAZZO WORKERS HELPERS 91 10, 11 lst 1000 hours 10.60 2nd 1000 hours 11 .48 3rd 1000 hours 12.36 After 4000 hours 13.24 " " Oregon PWR - February 1983 Page 6 FRINGE BENEFITS BASIC HEALTH TRADE DISTRICTS) HOURLY AND PENSION VACATION APPR. TR LATE WELFARE CARPENTERS,_ GROUP I ALL 16.19 1 1.10 1 1.47 .65 1 to Includes: Acoustical and Drywall, Automatic :flailing Machine, Form Stripper, Caulkers (Boat Construction), Instrument Men, Manhole Builders, Placing Precast Shaper, Rigger, Burners, Saw Filers, Plastic Materials and Fiberglass, Siding Application-Shingles, Metal Studs. CARPENTERS, GROUP II ALL 16.34 1. 10 1 .47 1 F,S . IO Includes: Floor Layer, and Floor Finisher (The laying of all hardwood floors nailed and mastic set, parquet and wood-type tiles, and block floors, the sanding and finishing of floors, the preparation of old and new floors when the materials men- tioned above are to be installed.) , Welders, Insulators (fiberglass and similar irritating material), Stationary Power Saw, Working with charred material, When a worker wears a facial mask with a remote cartridge, Working swinging, hanging non- ri-id Bosun Chairs, Stipportori from rope or cable on safety belt, Working on Vert- J, j1 Hoist Tower Construction, Pier construction, False work or similar type work over 50' high.__ CKMENT MASONS GROUPT ALL 15.49 1.20 1.62 1 .00 .20 Includes: Cement Mason, hand chipping and patching, nrouting,, and end pointing of all concrete; Screed Setter, including screed pins; Plugging, Filling Shee Bolt Holes; Dry Packing Concrete including Embco; Curb Form and Plank Setter, including ,vetting of linej3, stakes and grades. CE"JF.NT MASONS GROUP II ALL 15.80 1 1 .20 11.62 1 1 .00 1 .20_ Includes: Installation of: a) Magnesium Oxychloride cement composition (Magnesite) b) Aspliait mastic composiLluri and ALI•yiiC �uiul' LudLS L) Epuxj :tiid uLlicl toppings d) Elastomeric waterproof membrane and latex mastic systems incorporating them; Cement Masons Floating and Troweling Machine Operator; Curb and Gutter Machine Operator (Cement only); Clary, Texas Screed and Similar Type of Screed Operator; Grinding Machine Operator; .Jackson Vibratory and Similar type Screed Operator; Cutting„ Scoring and Sawing new concrete; Sand-Blasting; Power Chipping and Bush Hammer; All Imprinting and Stamping of concrete and Injection of Epoxy or similar materials. HOISTINr, AND See PORTABLE ENGINEERS ALL Below 1 1.58 1 .47-- 11.00 . 10 Listed below are base wage rates for 19 groups of workers. The group number is the number contained in parer*heses immediately following the occupational title. The wage rates are for Zone A; for information on Zones B-F see page 1 . Group 1 - 15.00 Group 6 - 15.67 Group 11 - 16.06 Group 16 - 16.91 Group 2 - 15. 18 Group 7 - 15. 74 Croup 12 - 16. 15 Group 17 - 17. 10 Group 3 - 15.33 Group 8 - 15.87 Group 13 - 16.25 Group 18 - 17.34 Group 4 - 15.53 Group 9 - 15.96 Group 14 - 16.48 Group 19 - 17.52 Group 5 - 15.56 Group 10 - 16.04 Group 15 - 16.67 Oregon PWR - February 1983 Page 7 FRINGE BENEFITS BASIC HEALTH TRADE DISTRICTS) HOURLY AND PENSION VACATION APPR. TR RATE WELFARE HOTSTING AND PORTABLE ENGINEERS - Continued ASPHALT - Plant Oiler (1), Plant Firer (3), Pugmill Operator (any type) (3), Truck mounted asphalt spreader, with screed (3); Screed Operator (4) , Extrusion Machine Operator (5) , Asphalt Plant Operator (any type) (assistant to engineer required) (9) , Asphalt Paver Operator (Screed man required) (8) , Roller Operator (any asphalt mix) (7), Diesel-Electric Engineer, Plant (8), Asphalt Burner and Reconditioner Operator (any type) (assistant to engineer if required) (6) . BLADE - Blade Operator, Pulled Type (2) , Blade Operator (12), Blade Operator, Finish (13), Blade Operator, externally controlled by electronic, mechanical hydraulic means (13), Blade Operator, multi-engine (13) , Auto Grader or "Trimmer" Operator (grade checker required)(16). 11 "I'LLDOZERS - Bulldozer Operator (9) , Drill Cat Operator(9) , Side-Bc-::: CatOperator(�,;; Bulldozer Operator, twin engine (TC12 and 'similar type) (10), Cable-Plow Operator (any type) (10), Tandem Bulldozer Operator, Quad-nine and similar type) (16) . CLEARING - Log Skidders (9) , Chippers (assistant to engineer if required)(9) , Incin- erator (assistant to engineer if required) (9) , Stump Splitter (loader mounted or similar type) (9). COMPACTORS - Self-propelled - Compactor Operator, including vibratory (4) , Wagrer :'actor Operator or similar type (without blade) (5), Compactor Operator, with blade (9), Compactor Operator, multi-engine (10) . :.OMPRESSORS - Compressor Operator (any power) under 1250 cu. ft. total capacity (3) , Compressor Operator (any power.) over 1250 cu. ft. total capacity (4) . CONCRETE - Plant Oiler (1), Assistant Conveyor OperAtor (1) , Conveyor Operator (3) , Mixer Box Operator (C.T.B. , Dry Batch, etc.) (3) , Cement Hog Operator (3), Concrete Saw Operator (3), Concrete Curing Machine Operator (riding type) (3), Wire Mat or Brooming Machine Operator (3), Combination Mixer and Compressor Operator, Gunite work (4) , Concrete Batch Plant Quality Control Operator (5), BeItcrete Operator (7) , Pumperete Operator (any type) (7) , Pavement Grinder and/or. Grooving Machine Operator (riding type) (6), Mister Mobile Operator (11) , Cement Pump Operator, Fuller-Kenyon and similar (7), Concrete Pump Operator (7) , Grouting Machine Operator (7) , Screed Operator (4), Concrete Cooling Machine Operator (9), Concrete Mixer Operator, single drum, under five bag capacity (4), Concrete Mixer Operator, single drum, five bag capacity and over. (7), Batch Plant and/or wet mix operator one and two drum (8), Batch Plant and/or wet mix operator, three units or more (12), Cast in place pipe laying machine (6), Piaginniq Internal Full Slab Vibrator Operator (6), Concrete finishing machine operator, Clary, Johnson, Bidwell, Burgess bridge deck or similar type (6), Curb Machine Operator `iechanical Berm, Curb and/or Curb and Gutter (6), Concrete Joint Machine Operator (6), Concrete Planer operator (6), Tower 11obile Operator (7), Power Jumbo Operator setting slip forms, etc. , in tunnels (5), Slip t"orm Pimps, power driven, hydraulic 1{fting device for concrete forms (5) , Concrete Paving, Machine Operator (assistant to engineer requi.red) (6) , Concrete Finishing Machine Operator (6), Concrete Spreader Operator (6) , Concrete Paving Road Mixer (13) Automatic. Concrete Slip Form Paver Operator (assistant to engineer requirvd) (16) , Concrete Canal Line Operator (assistant to enginer:r required) (16), Concrete Breaker (assistant to engineer if required) (11 ), Reinforced Tank Banding Machine (K-17 or similar tYpeq) (assistant to engineer if required)(12). Oregon P14R - February 1983 Pau*2 8 FRINGE BENEFITS BASIC HEALTH TIv'1DE DISTRICTS) HOURLY AND PENSION VACATION APPR. 'rR . RATE WELFARE HOISTING AND PORTABLE ENGINEERS - Continued CRANE - Oiler (1), Truck Crane Oiler-Driver, 25-ton capacity or over (2) Firer, all equipment (2), A-Frame Truck Operator, single drum (2), Togger or Coffin Type Hoist Operator (2) , Helicopter Hoist Operator (4) , Hoist Operator, single drum (5), Elevator Operator (5), A-Frame Truck Operator, Double Drum (7), Boom Truck Operator (7), Chicage Boom and similar types (9) , Lift Slab Machine Operator (9) , Boom type lifting device, 5-ton capacity or less (9) , Cherry picker or similar type crane hoist 5-ton capacity or less (9) , Crane Operator, under 25-ton (assistant to engineer required) (except for rough terrain) (11) , Hoist Operator, two drum (12) , Hoist Operator, three or more drums (12), Derrick Operator, under 100-ton (two operators required when swing control is remote from hoist) (13), Hoist Operator, stiff leg, guy derrick or similar type, 50-ton and over (13) , Cableway Operator, up to 25-ton (13), Cableway Operator, 25-ton and over (16), Crane Operator, over 25-ton and incl.ndine 40-ton (assistant to engineer rPnnirpd) (11) , Crane operator, nvar [,()- ton and including 100-Lon (assistant to engineer required) (lu), Crane Operator, ov�. i 100-ton and including 200-ton (assistant to engineer required) (17), Crane Operator, over 200-ton (assistant to engineer required) (18) , Tower Crane Operator (14) , Whirley Operator, 80--ton and under (assistant to engineer required) (16), Whirley Operator, over 80-ton and including 150-ton (assistant to engineer required) (17) , '-Jhirley Operator, 150-ton and over (assistant to engineer required) (18) , Helicopter Operators, when used in erecting work (19). CRUSHER - Crusher Oiler (1), Crusher Feeder Tender (1), Generator Operator (8) , Diesel-Electric Engineer (8), Grizzley Operator (9), Crusher Plant Operator (assist- ant to engineer and feeder tender required) (9) . DRILLING - Drill Helper (2), Auger Oiler (2), Churn Drill and Earth Boring Machine Ooerator (7), Drill Doctor (9), Boring Machine Operator (assistant to engineer re-- quired) (9). Driller - Percussion, Diamond, Core, Cable, Rotary and similar type (10) FLOATING EQUIPMENT - Deckhand (1) , Boatman (2), Firer (4), Diesel-Electric Engineer (8) Jack Operator, elevating barges, Barge Operator, self-unloading (assistant to engineer required) (10) , Piledriver Operator (not crane type) (deckhand required) (13) , Floating Clamshell, etc. Operator, under 3 cu. yd. (firer or diesel-electric engine- er required) (13), Floating Crane (derrick barge) Operator, less than 30-ton (assist- ant to engineer required) (13), Floating Clamshell, etc, Operator 3 cu. yd. and over (firer or diesel-electric engineer required) (16) , Floating Crane (derrick barge) Operator, 30-ton but less than 80 ton (assistant to engineer required) (16) , Floating Crane (derrick barge) Operator, 80-ton but less than 150-ton (assistant to engineer required) (17), Floating Crane, 150-ton but less than 250-ton (assistant to engineer. ;ind a deckhand required) (18) , floating Crane 250-ton and over (assistant to engineer end a deckhand required) (19). FORK LIFT - Self-propelled Scaffolding operator, construction job site (excluding working platform) (1), Fork Lift or Lumber Stacker Operator, construction job site (2), Ross Carrier Operator, construction job site (3), Lull Hi-Lift Operatrr or similar type (4), Fork Lift, over 5-ton (4), Rock Hound Operator (15). GENERATORS - Generator Operator (8), Diesel-Electric Engineer (8). GUARDRAIL EQUIPMENT - Oiler (1), Auger Oiler (2), Oiler, combination guardrail machines (2), Guardrail Punch Operator (all types) (assistant to engineer required ) (9), Guardrail Punch Oiler (1), Guardrail Auger Operator (all types) (assistant t(, engineer required) (9), Combination Guardrail machines, i.e. punch, auger, etc. (assistant to engineer required)(11). i lel 0 r, .,,on PWR - February 1983 Page 9 FPINCE BENEFITS BASIC }IEA1,TH - TRADE DISTRICTS) HOURLY AND PENSION VACATION APP: . TR RATE WI:LFARI'. I Tl NC AND PORTAB'..E ENGINEERS - Continued IIE:A'TINC PLANT - Te:.rrorary Heating Plant Operator (2) , Surface Heater and Planer Operztor (9). H DRAUL1C HOES - Hydraulic Backhoe Operator, wheel type 3/8 cu. yd. and under with or without front end attachments, 2 1/2 cu. yd. and under (Ford, John Deere, Case, Lype) (1) , tiydraulic Backhoe Operator, Track type 3/8 cu. yd. (Note: Over 3/8 cu. yd. trtkvs shovel classification rate) (9). LOAUF'RS - Bucket Elevator Loader Operator, Barber-Greene and similar types (3), 1.0nders, rubber-tired types, 'l 1/2 cu. yds and under (6) , Elevating Grader operator, tractor towed requiring operator or grader (7), Belt Loaders, Kolman and Ko Cal type: (.8) , Loader Operator, front end and overhead, 2 1/2 cu. yds. and under 4 cu. yds. l 11-1 Tm'tdel Opvralur, Athev aini similar LVI)t., (12) , i11_uvatln,F 1i' ' . Operator, operated by Tractor Operator, Sierra, Euclid or similar types (13), Loaut.'r ' (1perator, 4 cu. yds. but 'less than 6 cu. yds. (15), Loader Operator, 6 cu. yds. but than 8 cu, yds. (16), Loader Operator, 8 cu. yds. , but less than 12 cu. yds. (16) , T.nader Operator, 12 cu. yds. and over (17). 0T1.i:kS - Oiler (1), Guardrail Punch Oiler (1), 'Truck Crane Oiler-Driver, 25-toll nr rr (:'), Auger Oiler (2), Grader Oiler, -required to check grade (2), Service rtilci (greaser) (4), Grade Checker (2). 'i.P.1tRt�'E}2S - Note: Crane rates apply when driving or pulling piling. Hammer rntr;ttr (9) , Piledriver. Operator (not crane types) (assistant to engineer required) I ' lP11Y.'I' (::;Elti'CR NATER) - Tar Pot Firer. (2) , Tar Pot Firer (power agitated) • (2) , ^ ''r:rtlic Pipe Press Operator (3), Hydra Hammer or similar tyres (4), Pavement nperator (4) , Pipe Cleaning Machine Operator (9), Pipe Doping Machine Opera- Pipe Bending Machine Operator (9) , Pipe Wrapping Machine Operator (9), rigs, Machine Operator (assistant to engineer required) .9) , Back Filling Machine !tc,r (assistant t1J engineer required) (13) . Pump Operator, under 4" (1) , Pump OperLter (any power), 4" and over (3) , ,tatic Pump Operator (3) , Pump Operator, more than 5" (any sire) (4), Pat Rammer r rtor (7). '()AU rQUIPMEN'T - Brakeman (1), Oiler (1) , S-itchman (1) , Motorman (3), Ballast r ,ct, '1'-rmper Operator (3), Locomotive Operator, under 40-ton (assistant to engineer Ballast Regulator Operator (7), Ballast Tamper Multi-Purpose Operator i -k Line Operator (7), Tie Spacer Operator (7) , Shuttle Car Opezator (7) , rio Operator, 40-ton and over (assistant to engineer required)(7). ' '111' ! 1'11NTTtOL - Romolo controlled earth-moving equipment (no one operator shall -dict more than two pieces of earth-moving equipment at one time) (19) . "I t'AIRF.R, 11. D. - Parts Worker (Tool Room) (1) , d.D. Repairer Helper (2), Welder'- 11,11)(,r elder',1!, Il)t,r (2), Diesel-Ele,:tric Engineer (Plant or Floating)($) , Bolt Threading Machine t , rter,r (9) . Drill Doctor (lift Grinder) (9) , H.D. Mechanic (9), H.D. Welder (9) , ii nt 7onl Operator (9), Combination H.U. Mechanic-Welder, when dispatched and/, u r(-quired to do both (10) , Welder-Certified, when dispatched and/or required ( 1 (1 "- IIRFD 4CR.\T'LNS - Rubber-tirt,d Scraper Operator, single engine, single (12) , Self-loading, paddle wheel, Auger tvpe under 15 cu. yds. (12), Oregon 1'WR - February 1983 Page 10 _ FRINGE BENEFITS -� BASIC 11EALTH TRADE: DISTRICT(S) HOURLY AND PENSION VACATION APPR. TR RATE WELFARI. IIOISTT!:G AND PORTABLE ENGINEERS - Continued RUBBER-TIRED SCRAPERS - Continued - Rubber-tired Scraper Operator, twin engine (12) Rubber-tired Scraper Operator with push-pull attachments (12) , Rubber-tired Scraper Operator, with tandem scrapers (14) , Rubber-tired Scraper Operator, with tandem scrapers, multi-engine (16), Self-loading, paddle wheel, Auger Type 15 cu. yds. , and overisingle engine (12) , Self-loading, paddle wheel, Auger type, finish and/or 2 or more ...,.its (14). SHOVEL, DRAGLINE, CLAMSHELL, BACK110E SKOOPER, ETC. OPERATOR - Oiler (1) , Grade Oiler (required to check grade) (2) , Grade Checker(2) , F-rer (2) , Diesel-Electric Engineer (8), Stationary Drag Scraper Operator (9), Shovel, Dragline, Clamshell, hoe, etc. operator, under 1 cu. yd. (assistant to engineer required) (11) , Shovel, etc. , 1 cu. yd. and less than 3 cu. yds (assistant to engineer required) (13) , Grade-all Gpeiatur, under 1 cu. vd. (assistant to engineer required) rll ) , Shovel , 4-t- 3 r 3 cu. yds., but less than 5 cu. yds. , (assistant to engineer required) (16) , Crade- all, 1 cu. yd. and over (assistant to engineer required) (13) , Shovel, etc. , 5 cu. yds. and over (assistant to engineer required) (17). SIGNALLER - Bell Boy, phones, etc. Operator (3) , Helicopter Radio Operator (grd) (2) . SURFACING (BASE) MATERIAL - Roller Operator, grading of base rock (not asphalt) (2) , Roller Operator Oiling, C.T.B. (4) , Tamping Machine Operator, mechanical self-pro- pelled (3), Hydrographic Seeder Machine Operator, straw, pulp or seed (3), Rock Spreaders, self-propelled (6) , Pulva-mixer or similar types (5) , Blade Mounted Spreaders, Ulrich and similar types (17.), Chip Spreadin,Q Machine Onerntnr (1,) . Sprzad"6 OputaLur, LunsLrut.Lion job s- .e (5) . SWEEPERS - Broom 'iperator, self-propelled, construction job site: (3' , Sweeper Opera for (Wayne Type) self-propelled, construction job site (5). TRACTOR - Rubber-tired - Tractor Operator, rubber-tired 50 HP. Flywheel and under (5), Tractor Opera' or, rubber-tired, over 50 HP. Flywheel (9), Tractor Operator, with boom attachment (9), Rubber-tired Dozers and Pushers (Michigan, Cat Hough type)(10). TRENCHING MACHINE - Oile•: (1), Grade Oiler (required to check grade) (2) , Trenchinh Machine Operator, maximum digging capacity 3 ft. depth (any assistance in the operation shall he performed by an assistant to engineer.) (5), Trench Machine operr.-- tor, maximum digging capacity over 3 ft. depth (grade oiler required) (9) . Back filling Machine Operator (assistant to engineer required) (13), Wheel Excavator, under 750 cu. yds. per hour (grade oiler required) (16), Canal Trimmer (grade oiler required)(17), Whcel Excavator, over 750 cu. yds. per hour (two operators and at least one grade oiler required) (18) , Band Wagons (in conjunction with wheel excavator On). TUNNEL - Mucking Machine Operator (11 ), Conveyor Operator (any type) (3), Shield Operator (12), Air Filtration Equipment Operator (3). UNDERWATER EQUIPMENT - Underwater Equipment Operator, remote or otherwise, when used in construction work (19). WELDING MACHINES - Welding, Machine Operator (3) . Oregon PWR February 1983 Page 11 F•'RINGE BENEFITS BASK HEALTH TRADE DISTRICTkS) HOURLY AND PENSION VACATION APPR. TR RATE WELFARE 1RONW0RKF.RS ALL 18.04 1.45 Includes: Structural Ironworkers, Ornamental ironworkers, Machinery Movers, Machine Erector, Riggers, Signallers, Welders and Burners, Fence Erectors, Sheerers and Reinforcing Ironworkers. Zone A LABORERS GROUP I ALL 12.84* 1,70 1.50 1.00 .10 Includes: General Laborers, Asphalt Plant Laborers, Asphalt Spreaders, Batch Weigher, Broomers, Brush Burners and Cutters, Car and Truck Loaders, Carpenter Tender, Change-House Attendant or Dry Shack Attendantq Choker Setter, Clean Up Laborers, Concrete Laborers, Culvert Hand Labor, Curing, Concrete, Demolition, Wrecking, and moving Laborers, Driller Helpers, Dumpers, Road Oiling Crew, Dumper (for grading crew), Elevator. Feeders, Fence Builders (including Guard Rail, '4edian Rail, Reference Post, Guide Post, Right-of-Way Marker) , Fine Graders, Flaggers, 1 Trarfic, "orm StrIrper!z (11-It !:!wi",'!nE!, st'lge,�) , Lnr '­­1. nR or Platitirl, Inbnrnrc, I Leverman or Aggregate Spreader (Flaherty and similar types) , Loading Spotters, Material Yard Worker (1ncluding electrical) Powder Worker Ilol er. •7.oiie A LABORERS, GROUP 7I ALL 13. 19* 1 .70 1.50 1 .00 .10 Includes: Applicator (including Pat 'render for same) , applying prntec.tive material by hand or nozzle on utility tines or storage tanks on project, Brush Cutturs (Power Saw), Burners, Choker Splicer Clary Power Spreader and similar types, Clean-Up Nozzle Worker, Green Cutters (concrete, rock, etc.) , Concrete Power Buggy Operator, Crusher Feeder, Demolition and Wrecking Charred Material, Grade Checker, Gunite Nozzle Worker Tender, Gunite or Sand Blasting Pot Tender, Handlers or Mixers of all Materials of an irritating nature (including cement and lime) , Pittsburgh Chipper operator or similar types, Kailroad crack Laborers, jciDpon 5et.lers (including; Steel forms), Rip Rap Placer (hand-placed), Road Pump Tender, Sewer Labor, Signaller, Skip Tender, Power Tool Operators (including but not limited to: dry pack machine, Jack- hammer, chipping guns, paving breakers, vibrators (less than 4" in diameter) , Post Hole Digger; Air, Gas or Electric, Vibrating Screed, Tampers, Ribbon Setter -(lead, Rip Rap Placer (head) ; Hand Placed, Sand Blasting (wet) , Stake Setter, Tunnel- Muckers, Brakemen, Concrete Crew, Bull Gang (underground), Slopers Sprayer, Stake Chaser, Stockpiler, Timber Faller and Bucker (hand Labor), Tool.room Worker (at oh site) Tunnel Bull Cin above ground) We her-Crusher -(aggregate when used) . Zone A E.ABORER5 GR0UP 1 rT ALL 13.49* 1.70 1 .50 1.00 . 10 Includes: Asphalt Ral<ers, Bit Grinder Drill Doctor, Drill Operators; Air Tracks, Cat Drills, Wagon Drills, Rubber-mounted Drills, and other similar types, Concrete Saw Operator, Gunite Nozzle Worker, High Scalers; Strippers and Drillers (covers work in swinging stages, chairs or belts, under extreme conditions unusual to normal drilling, blasting, barring-doum, or sloping and stripping), Laser Beam (pipe layin Applicable when employee assigned to move, set-up, align Laser Beam, Manhole Builder Powder Worker, Pnwer Saw Operators (Bucking and Falling), Pumperete Nozzle Worker, Sand Blasting (dry), Sewer pipe layers, Sewer Timber Setter, Track Liners; Anchor Machines, Ballast Regulators, Multiple Tampers, Power Jacks, Tugger Operator, Tunnel-Chuck Tenders, Nippers. and Timber Setters; Vibrators (4" and larger), plater _ Blaster, l•lelder. Zone A 1,A1't1RF.RS .ROUP IV ALL '13.74 -1 ,7n 1 .50 1 .00 . 10 includes: Laser Beam (tunnel ) - applicable when the employee assigned to move, set up and align Laser Beam, Tunnel Miners, Tunnel Powder ,lorker. *Non: The wane rates are for Zone A; for information on Zones B-F see page 1 . Oregon PWR - February 1983 Paste 12 FRTNGP: B1iF1f,F1TS BASIC HEALTH TRADL DISTRICT(S) HOURLY AND PENSION VACATTON AI'P::. TR ATE WE.LFARE See See See See See LINE CONSTRUCTORS I thru 13 Below Below Below Below Below Group 1: Cable Splicer, 2.00 + Leadman Pole Sprayer 19.30i: .45 3% Gross . 10 ' % Gros Group 2: Line Constructor, Pole Seraye.r, Heavy Line Equipment Operator, 2,00 + Certified Line Constructor Welder 17.<<'rA .45 3% Gross .10 % Gros, 2,00 + Group 3., Tree Tri,.imer 15.74 h 5 17t Gross . 10 Gross t,roup 4: Line Equipment 1 .30 + Operator 15.02:, 3% Gross n 1A Gross Group 5: Head Groundman, Powder Worker, 1.30 + Jackhammer Operator 13. 13* 1 .45 37. Gross Il0 % Gross 1.3C + c, ti Chipper OFQr t ,,- 13.13 1) 1—�-- 1 .'� + GrOL 7: Groundman 12.3it— .45 3'Y, Gross .10 '-% Grote * These groups are eligible for zone pay. To determine the hourly wage, find the correct zone based on the number of miles the job-site is from the closest city listed below and add the amount for that zone to the basic hourly rate shown abuve. Astoria" Burns Klamath Falls Pendlton Roseburg Baker Corvallis Lake View Portland The Dalles Bend Eugene Medford Salem Umatilla Base Zone - 0 - 3 Miles; Hourly rate :shown above Zone A - 3 - 20 Miles; Add 2.00 per hour Zone B - 20 - 35 Miles; Add 2.75 per hour Zone C - 35 - 50 Miles; Add 3.50 per hour "one D - 50 Miles or more; Add 4.75 per hour See .75 + LINE CONSTRUCTORS 14 Below 3% Gro `-% Cross Group 1 : Line Constructor 15,92 .t Group 2: Equipment Mechanic 15.05 " to " " Group 3: Equipment Operator 16.31 " of 11 " Group 4: Groundman 11.40 " I Oregon PWR - February 1983 Page 13 FRINGE BENEFITS BASIC HEALTH TRADE DISTRICT(S) HOURLY AND PENSION VACATION APPR. TR RATE WELFARE. PIILU-MIGHTS, GROUP I ALL 16.44 1. 10 1 .47 .65 includes: Millwrights and (Machine Erectors, .Journevmen Ri !gers :ind Burners. 'IILLWRIGHTS GROUT' ri ALL 6.59 1 . 11 l . 65 10 Includes: Welders and Instrument Men. P1LEDRIVERS GROUP I I ALL 16.29 I . 1Q 1 .47 .65 . lO Inlcudes: Piledrivers, Bridge, Dock, Wharf Builders (for actual time working with creosote and other toxic treated wood material, diesel hammer only, workers shall receive 25 ger hour premium). P I LEDRI:VERS GROUP IT ALL t66 39 1 .10 I .4 7 65 1O includes: Boommen See TEAMSTERS Al,i. Below L . S(1 1 . :16 1 .00 I)S Includes: *lase A-Frame or Hydralift Truck with Load Bearing Surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.74 _';ttcr•. Rcbuildcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.Aq Bus or Man-Haul Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.bI Concrete Buggies (Power Operated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.69 Drivers and Helpers handling sacked -- add 15C per hour Dump Trucks, Side, End and Bottom Dumps, including Semi-trucks and trains or combinations thereof. : 6 cu. yds. and under. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.69 Over6 cu. yds. and Inc. 10 cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. 79 Over 10 cu. yds. and Inc. 20 cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114,99 Over 20 cu. yds: and Inc. 30 cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,09 Over 30 cu. yds. and inc. 40 cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. 19 Over 40 cu. yds. and inc. 50 cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 9 n,.er q ­1. 1.1,;, ,"d int,, An rn, v,1q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.46 Over 60 cu. yds. and inc. 70 cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 15.56 Over70 cu. yds. and inc. 80 cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.66 Over 80 cu. yds. and inc. 90 cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.76 Over90 cu. yds. and inc. 100 cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 15.86 Dumpsters or similar Equipment-all sizes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.89 Flaherty Spreader Driver or Leverman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.84 Lift .Jitneys, Fork Lifts - All Sizes - used in loading, unloading, and transporting material on .job site. . . . . . . 14.69 Loader and/or leverman on Concrete Dry Batch Plant, manually operated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.69 Low Bed Equipment, Flat Bed Semi-Truck and Trailer or Doubles transporting equipment or wet or dry materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,84 Lubrication Man, Fuel Truck Driver, Driver, Tir.eman, Wash Rack, Steam Cleaner or combination. . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . 14.74 Lumber Carrier, Driver-Straddle Carrier - used inloading, unloading and transportation of material on ,job site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.84 OilDistributor Driver of Leverman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.84 Pilot Car. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.69 Slurry Truck Driver or Leverman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 14.79 Solo Flat Bed and Miscellaneous Body Trucks - 0-10 tons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.69 Transit Mix and Wet or Dry Mix Trucks 5 cu. yds. and under. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.69 over 5 cu. yrl . and inc. 7 cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 14.89 ever 7 cu. yds. and inc. 9 cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 over 9 cu. yds. and inc. 11 'cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • 15.09 over 11 cu. yds, and inc. 13 cu. yds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • 15. 19 over 13 cu. yds. and inc. 15 cu. v_ dq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 15.29 'Team Drivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.14 fireman, Fulltime,basi� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.79 *NOTE: ThP wane rates are for Zone A: for information on Zones B-F see page 1 . Oregon PWR - February 1983 Page 14 rRINGE BENPFITS BASIC HEALTH TRADE DISTRICTS) 11OURL�i AND PENSION VACATION APPR. TR RATE WELFARE TEAMSTERS - Continued Truck Helper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.69* Truck Mechanic - Welder - Body Repairer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 Truck Mechanic Helper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.69 Warehouse Worker (warehouse parts, tool men and parts chaser, Checkers and RLCeivers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.69 Water Wagons (Rated Capacity) Up to 1600 gallons. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.69 1600 to 3000 gallons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.79 3000 to 5000 gallons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.84 5000 to 7000 gallons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 7000 to 10,000 gallons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.09 1^,0^0 tr :5.000 gall :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minch Truck - Takes classification of truck on which winch is mounted *NOTE: The wage rates are for Zone A; for information on ?.ones B-F see page 1 . Oregon'PWR — February 1983 Page 15 STATE OF OREGON Name and Address of Contractor or Subcontractor Name and Description of Project: BUREAU OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR WAGE CERTIFICATION Telephone Number: Public Contracting Agency Contract Number- Location of Work (City A County) Date of Bid: INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Do not complete this form if: 3. Submit this completed form once within 15 days of a. The contract for the entire project is less than $2,000. the date the work first began on Vie project and b. The project is covered by the Federal Davis-Bacon Act. once before the agency makes its 'inp; ii,spection 2. From the peak payroll period, list each classification of the project. of workers employed on this contract and complete the 4. A true copy of this form must be filed with the appropriate columns. It is not necessary to list super- Wage and Hour Division, Pre,,311iny -lage Section, visory and office personnel. 309 State Office Building, Portland, Orry;+n 97201, at the same time it is filed with the public contracting agency. ( Trade or Occupation Classification Include Hasic FRINGE BENEFITS — — Group Number 'Where Appropriate Numbered Hourly —______ Employed Rate H & W Pensions Vacation App. or Tr. Other L- rAprentices: Period: —"— REMARKS: PFFIDAVIT Being first duly sworr, I hereby certify that the hourly rate of wages shown on this form was paid each classification of worker employed by me (my principal) upon the public work project specified above. I further certify that no worker employed by me (my principal) upon said public work has been paid less than the prevailing rate of wage or less than the minimum hourly rate of wage specified in the contract for said public work. I have read this statement and certificate an! know the contents thereof and the same is true to my knowledge. --IFTgrature Title — _ i Contractor Subcontractor JI Contractor's Subcontractor's L J Surety Surety Dated — — Print name and title of person completing this form Oregon PWR - February 1983 Pagc 16 +' STATE OF OREGON Name and Address of Contractor or Subcontractor Name end Descrintion of Project: BUREAU OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES JANE & JOHN DOL CONSTRUCTION 0000 N.W. Plane Street Construction of Norma Rae PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR - L•'lemcntary School Any Town, Oregon Q7201 WAGE CERTIFICATI01 - 1234567 Telephone Number: Public Contracting Agency Contract Number: Location of Work (City A County) School District #1 , Portland, Oregon 100-11 _» Portland, Ptultnomah County Date of Bid: February 4, 1983 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Do not complete this form if: 3. Submit this completed form once within 15 days of a. The contract for the entire project is less than $2,000. the date the wurk first began on the project and b. The project is covered by the Federal Davis-Bacon Act. once befog the agency makes its final inspection 2. From the peak payroll period, list each classification of the project. of workers employed on this contract and complete the 4. A true copy of this form must be filed with the appropriate columns. It is not necessary to list super- Wage and Hour Division, Prevailing Wage Section, visory and office personnel. 309 State Office Building, Portland, Oregon 97201, at the same time it is filed with the public contracting agency. i Trade or Occupation Classification include " ic rRINSE BENEFITS T Group Number Where Appropriate Numbered Hourly _ _. Em to ed Rate H & W Pensions Vacation App. or Tr. Other Electrician District #2 3 $22. 55 1 .25 2.75 + -- . 1 3% Gros Carpenter, Group 2 2 -16.34 1. 10 1.47 1 .65 . 10 Asphalt Burner Group 6 1 15.67 1.58 1 .47 1 .00 . 10 Screed Operator-Group 4 1 15.53 1.58 1 ..47 1 .00 . 10 Laborer Group 3 5 13.49 1.70 1.50__ 1 .00 .10 Trucker 6 cu yd. & inc. 10 cu.yd. 2 14.79 - 1.40 1.26 1 1 00 08 Wnter Wagons 3000 to 50OU 1 14.84 1.4U 1 .16 1 .00 .U8 (Apprentices: Period: - - Electrician 1 1 9.02 1.25 2.75 + -- .13 3% Gros REMARKS: __-- -_. 1'FF t OAV I T Being first duly sworn, I hereby certify that the hourly -ate of wages shown on this form was paid each classification of worker employed by me principal) upon the public work proinct specified above. I further certify that no worker employed by me (my principal) upon :.aid public work has peen paid less than the prevailing rale of wage or less than the minimum hourly rate of wage specified in the contract for said public work. I have reed this statement and certificate and know the contents thereof and the same is .V\ \ true to .ny knowledge. - `' , Signa re l' Title _ PRESIDENT Contractor Subcontractor L_ I Contractor's �'"--� Subcontractor's Y Surety ED Surety Gated Print name and title of person completing this form IIFebruary i6, 1983 Jane Due, President t. BUREAU OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Mary Roberts, Commissioner 01AMENDMENT TO THE "PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONJRACTS IN OREGON" The February 1, 1983 prevailing wage rate publication for Roofers in Districts 1 , 2. and 9 is amended as follows: Basic ":,Jit" Hourly and Trade District Rate Welfare Pension Vacation Appr. Tr. Roofer 1, 2, 9 $14.90 .80 $1.70 -- . 10 If you have any questions, please contact: Janet Lien, Prevailing Wage Rate Analyst Bureau of Lahor and Industries 555 - 13th St. NE Salem, OR. 97310 Phone: 3/3-145U Mary Wendy Roberts t Commissioner Bureau of Labor and Industries BOL1021483 "TIAND SALEM ft IGENf 1.91)SW. lith Awmur 411 Willameur Street, 040A 11imland, 1lregrm 97201tialr�go Eugene, tln•gon 974M 555 13th ST. N.E. Mtl)i()Rp c0011 DAY lENt) PENUlE10N 14'N('rt ':ralw• %bent 4r,%Firod Nrrel, Rrwrrn ' 1210 Nt. Third, Suite A2.4 700 St hrngrant, Suite 120 Mwftnrd, Ilrrgun 9'r01 (om Ha, O-r"m t71 Rend, Oirgon 97701 Ilendlrton, trrrgnn 978M Oregon PWR - February 1983 Pnge 17 NOTICE OF AWARD Or PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT 1 . PRIME CONTRACTOR 3. CONTRACT INFORMATION Name A. Contract Name or Number: Address City, State, Zip B. Amuuot of the Award: 2. CONTRACTING AGENCY: Name C. Source of Funds: (i .e. 100% Federal Funds; 5-0%0,7ederal , State; 100% Address local ; 25% Feueral Revenue Share/ 7 City, State, Zip 5% local ; etc. ) eieunune Number Submit this completed notice to the Wage & D. Date Contract Awarded: Hour Division, Prevailing Wage Rate Section Room 306 State Office Building, Portland, Oregon 97201 E. Date Contract Specifications First Advertised for Bid: FORM WH-81 (Rev. 10/82) NOTICE OF AWARD OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT 1 . PRIME CONTRACTOR 3. CONTRACT INFORMATION Name JANE & JOHN DOE CONSTRUCTION A. Contract Name or Number: Address 0000 N.W Plane Street 100-H City, State, Zip Any Town, Oregon 97201 ^ �; B. Amount of the Award: 2. CONTRACTING AGENCY: �� $200,000 Name School District 01C. Source of Funds: (i .e. 100% Federal Address 501 N. Dixon Funds',5O�7ederal , State; 100%' local ; 25% Federal Revenue Share/ City, State, Zip Portland, Oregon 97227 75% local ; etc. ) 100" State Telephone Number 249-2000 Submit this completed notice to the Wage & D. Date Contract Awarded: Hour Division, Prevailing Wage Rate Section Septemher 1, 1982 Room 306 State Office Building, Portland, Oregon 97201 E. Date Contract Specifications First Advertised for Bid: CORM WH-81 (Rev. 10/82) July 1, 1982 I SCHEDULE I - GRADING & PAVING IMPROVEMENTS 1. Excavation Quantities. Excavation yardage has been calculated to include excavation to subgrace to a point one ( I) foot beyond the back of curb and thereafter to the lines indicated by the Typical Street Section Details. The Contractor shall be aware that embankment quantities exceed excavation quantities. The Contractor may wish to preserve and use suitable trench excavation materials to balance the embankment. No extra payment will be made to the Contractor for importing embankment materials. 2. Existing Surfac;nQ. As shown on the plans by the relationship of existing grades with finish grades, design has been such that existing surfacing on the major portion of ,.he project will riot have to be removed. The remaining surfacing area where excavation will be necessary vrill be appropriately marked by the Engineer. Before paving over existing surfacing, an Asphalt Tack Coat shall be applied in accordance with Section 407 of the OSHD Standard Specifications. No special payment will be made for applying the Tack Coat and such work will be considered to be paid for 1;nder some one or more other bid items. 3. Roc;, Excavation. No rock excavation is anticipated on this project. However, ifrois cen ountered, as defined in the Standard Grading and Paving Specifi- cations, payment will be made at the unit price of $25.00 per cubic yard. 1 . Existin; Tr^es. Every effort shall be made *o cave existing trees and other landscaping that are not within the grading section. No trees shall be removed unless specifically approved by the Engineer. 5. Traffic Control . The timing of this project has been specifically planned for construction during the summer period when school is not in session. Durham Road is a heavily traveled road. The Contractor shall pay particular attention to the General Condition requirements under Item GC-07. In addition, the Contractor shall confine his construction activities to as small an area as reasonable so as not to disrupt or inconvenience any larger area than necessary. Where in the opinion of the Engineer the Contractor has not provided suitable signs, barracades, warning lights, flagmen or other suitable traffic control measures or services, or where the Contractor has not obtained suitable appruvals or given proper notice as may be required in these documents or by the Engineer, the Engineer may stop that portion of the project and require the Contractor to immediately take steps to bring his work within compliance. Payment for all traffic control or work incidental to traffic control will be included in the lump sum price stated in the Proposal . SP. - 4 6. 1"-0" Crushed Rock. Contrary to Item 2-B of the Standard Grading & Paving specifications, G se Course Material and Leveling Course Material may both be 1"-0" conforming to Section 703.07 of the OSHD Standard Specifications. 7. Wheelchair �Ramps. Wheelchair ramps shall be constructed at locations shown on f— ep antes or as designated by the Engineer. No special payment will be made for construction of wheelchair ramps, the square foota§e being measured as a part of "Concrete Sidewalks". 8. 6' A.C. Bikepaths. Excavation, Embankment, Crushed Rock and A.C. Pavement quantitie vis n of ed in the construction of A.C. bikepaths shall be included under such Proposal items. Payment for all other incidental or excessive- cost work related to construction of bikepaths will be paid at the unit price per lineal feet stated in the Proposal for "6' A.C. Bikepaths" . Sterilent equal to 4 pounds per 100 yd.z of Monobar Chloride or Polybar Chloride shall be applied per manufacturer's recommendations in areas where bikepath is constructed over new earth. 9. Surface Drainage at Catch Basins. The final 2" A.C. lift will be placed in the future. The Contractor shall ramp the A.C. paving at catch basins accordingly. The Contractor shall also zonstruct an interim drain connected to the catch basin constructior, drain to remove entrapped surface water. Design of such drains shall be vs approved by the Engineer. Payment will be included as part of the payment for the Proposal Item "Catch Basins" . i 10. Driveway Ramps. The final 2" A.C. lift will be placed in the future. The Contractor shall construct a 2 ft. A.C. ramp at each driveway to allow for smooth interim transition. The ramp shall be laid on a paper separator to allow for easy tuture removal . payment for driveway ianiNS Shai1 be ine luded under the Proposal Item "A.C. Pavement". 11. A.C. Patching. Pavement strength for a large portion of the project incor- porates the strength of the existing base rock and pavement surfacing. A few isolated areas of the existing base and surfacing will require patching before new A.C. pavement is applied. Areas requiring patching will be marked by the Engineer. The patch will consist of a minimum of 14" of 3/4"-0" crushed rock and 3" of A.C. Pavement or an equivalent combination approved by the Engineer. Payment for Crushed Rock and Asphaltic Concrete will be at the unit prices already established in tFe Proposal for these items. Payment for the Item A.C. PATCHING will be at the unit price per square yard stated in the Proposal and shall be considered payment for all other incidental work, including but not limited to cutting the pavement, excavation and traffic control . 12. A.C. Drives. Where existing A.C. driveways are reconstructed to match new grades, surfacing shall be 4" Class C A.C. placed in two (2) lifts. Other backfill shall be with 1"-0" crushed rock. Payment will be included under the Proposal Items for "A.C. Pavement" , "Base and Leveling Course", "Excavation" and "Embankment". 13. Clearing and Grubbing. The clearing and grubbingitem in the Proposal shall addit�onal yincl u-2e payment for removal of approximately 550 lineal feet Sp. - 5 w of standard concrete curb, cutting and removal of sidewalk at approximate stations 8+40, 131-25 and 14+75, abandoning and filling existing catch basins at approximate stations 15+00 and 16+25, removal of A.C. under landscaped areas, scarification of existing A.C. Pavement, where required, removing and reinstalling bus shelter and other such incidental items as may be necessary to properly complete the project. 14. Preconstruction Conference. Within five days after the effective date of the Agreement, but before the Contractor starts work at the site, at the direction of the Engineer, a conference will be held at the site for review and acceptance of schedules, to establish procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittals and for processing Monthly Estimates, and to establish a working understanding amoung the parties as to the 1,4ork. 15. Base and Leveling Courses. Contrary to the STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS (G&P - 6) , r.casurcmcnt and payment for base, levpling rnursa and subgrade stabilization materials shall be based on the unit price per cubic yard stated in the Bidder's Proposal and measurement shall be by conversion of weight tickets supplied to the inspector on the job. A conversion factor will be established by the Engineer by measuring a truck and weighing empty and full . The Engineer shall have the option of making additional measurements and establishing revised conversion factors as may be deemed necessary to account for varying sources or conditions. The Contractor shall provide whatever labor is necessary to strike the trucks level at the Engineers direction. The determination of tare weights and the weight of loaded vehicles will be to the rparpSt tan ( in) pnunris . Tare weiahts will be determined by weighing empty vehicles at intervals of such frequency as the Engineer deems necessary to insure accuracy of pay load weights. I Sp. - 6 i6. LANDSCAPING_ 1-A GENERAL 1-A-1 Work Included Fine finishing grading, topsoil placement, soil preparation, planting of trees, shrubs and groundcovers and maintenance as specified. 1-A-2 Related Work in Other Sections Grading and paving. 1-A-3 Use of Herbicides Annliration :,f herbicides fur weei1 control , as may be roquired, made only by approved applicator licensed under Oregon Herbicide Law. 1-A-4 Plant Material Provide list to engineer of sources and dates of estimated delivery of all plant material , as specified, 21 clays after signing contract. Arrange for joint inspection of all tree stock bid, by conLractor and engineer, at source of,supply, within 45 days following signing of contract. 1-A-5 Substitution of Plant Ma'.erial Only as dppl uved by �Ily 1114 :1 1-A-6 Warranty andReplacement Warrant all plant material after final acceptance for duration of one (1 ) full year, herein referred to as Growing Poriod. Replace plant iiaterial size and condition, as originally specified, not surviving or in poor condition, except only loss or damage due to freezing, vandalism or acts of neglect on the part -)f others prior to acceptance of substantial completion of planting contract. Meet requirements of Growing Period. For alternate consideration by the District, the Contractor shall provide, under Proposal Item 11, Schedule I , the amount of deduction he would allow shoulT the Tigard School Dl�rt ict assume early maintenance responsibilities. Assumption of early maintenance responsibilities would r,iean that the Tigard School District would accept responsibility for watering, weed removal and maintenance 30 days after the Contractors landscaping work has been accepted and certified complete by the Engineer. Sp. - 7 1-A-7 Utilities Determine and/or confirm location of underground utilities and perform work in a manner which will avoid possible damage. Maintain any and all reference markers until removal is mutually agreed upon by all parties r:onL. rned. 1-B PRODUCTS 1-B-1 Fertilizer Approved brands meeting requirements of applicable State fertilizer laws. Uniform in composition, dry and free flowing. Deliver to the site in original , uncpened containers, each bearing manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. u Translilanter: Comnurcia1 `1ix A - inorc,-,r;i 4 o Transplanter: Commercial Mix B - incrganic 10-6-4 o Superphosphate 0-18-0 o Ammonium Nitrate 33.5-0-J o Dolomite Lime o Nitroform 38-0-0 o Iron Sulphate, 21 percent iron o Commercial Mix B - inorganic 16-16-8--5 o Plantirfg Tablets: Agriform 10- and 21-gram tablet, 20-10-5, as manufactured by Agriform International Chemicals, Inc. . NC�gark, California 1-3-2 Topsoil Clean, fertile, friable,- natural loam obtained from a local well- drained source free :if debris, roots, Stones, weed seeds or roots ani: grasses. Submit sample for approval , indicate source of supply. 1 -B-3 Textural Soil Amendments Manur^E , ground or shredded, particle size 1/4 inch maximum, well rotted, unleache,: -table cattle manure, reasonably free from weed seed and refuse, con,­ining no chernicols or materials harmful to plant life and not gess than 4 months nor more than 2 years old. Sawdust or shav- ings shall not exceed 50 percent content of manure. Submit sample with laboratory analysi ,- anoroval indicating source of supply if other than cnrrm. rcially proces 1-B-4 Mulch 1P free from no> seed and all foreign material harmful to plant life. Fir or ri A, bark, medium grind, 0- to 3/4-inch size - ,W)mit sample for approval . Sp - 8 1-B-5 Water i Suitable for irrigation, tree from ingredients harmful to plant life. 1-R-I; Tree Guying and Stak i nca Materials Wood Tree Stakes: 2- by 2-inch, S4S, Douglas Fir, 10-foot lengths, free of knot holes or grain defects, treated with two liberal coats of Olympic stain No. 907 finish preservative or approved equal. Tree Ties: "Gro--Strait" tree ties, as supplied by Alfred Teufel Nursery, Portland, Oregon. New two-ply, 1/2-inch improved garden hose or approved equal . Guy Wire and Stakes: T,iolve gunge steel wire, g,l ,anized, use double ` _c cd 2 ? '4- . r�► r% �urP-trPetPd stake. _1 dingy _,I vii re , CU; :0 ✓ I . . c Three stakes per tree. Tree Wrap: Provide and install as shown on tree planting detail - refer t . drawings. Meet other detailed requirements, as shown on plan and details. 1-R-7_ Trees, Shrubs and Ground Covers General : Genus, species and variety, quantity, size and conditions, as indicated on the drawings. Plant material shall be healthy nursery stock, Well brdnchQd, iU11 iOlidlleu wiles I1. 10.af, „ ce from injury, insects, all weeds and weed roots. Meet requirements of American Standard for Nursery Stock, 191' edition, ANSI 250.1. No cold storage plants. Ball and burlapped (B&B) stock ;hall have a natural ball sufficient to insure survival and healthy growth. Potted and container stock well rooted, vigorous enough to insure urvival and healthy growth. Container plants shall have grown therein a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 2 years, with roots filling the containers, but not showing evidence of being or havin.l been root bound nor damaged or affected by heat, drought or freezing conditions. Nomenclature: Genus, species and variety, as indicated on plant material listing , Plan-. names conform to those given in Standardized Plant Names, 1912 edition - names of varieties accepters in nursery trade. Quantities, `:sizes and Variet.cs: Exact quantities of named species and varieties of plant materials shall be governed by that shown on the planting plan. In the event of a discrepancy between material list- ings or iaheling on the plans, the indicated plant spacing or graphic location shall govLrn the number of items installed. Storage: �,ntY:ctor shall schedule and conduct planting operations to minimize storage of plant materials on the project site. The location and conditions of storage shall be reviewed for approval by the engineer prior to delivery of materials. 1-C EXECUTION 1-C-1 General Remove from all planting areas stones, mortar, concrete, asphalt, rubbish, debris and any materials harmful to plant life. 1-C-2 Weed Eradication and Control Remove or spray, as required, to eradicate noxious weed growth and roots (Johnson grass, r.rabgrass , morning glory, poison oak, rushgrass, C.naJiun th; ,tle, etc ) . Rototilling of existing turf grasses and annual weeds remaining after site grading is permissible. 1-C-3 Grass Areas Spread 2" layer of textural soil amendment; till to a depth of 6" . Apply seed at the rate of 5 lbs. per 1 ,000 SF. Cover seed with 1/3" layer of rotted sawdust. 1-C-4 Soil Preparation for Existin On-Site Topsoil Grass Areas Include the Following proportions of materials evenly mixed into exist;ng topsoil excavated for each plant per each cubic yjird: e 1/? cubic yard textural soil amen.:ment o 1/2 pound nitroform o 1/3 pound iron sulfate o 2/3 pound super phosphate o 4 pounds Commercial Mix A fertilizer 1-C-5 To :;oil Placement - Plantinq Bed Areas Prior to placement of topsoil in planting areas, scarify existing subgrade soils to a minim�­m depth of 2 inches; remove any impervious materials encountered from this operation. Place topsoil in 4-inch maximum lifts in all planting areas, compacted to achieve finished grades, as shown on drawings; a minimum depth of 4 inches is required. win 1-C-6 Soil Preparation for Imported Topsoil - Trees, Shrubs and Ground Covers Seven days or more prior to planting time, thoroughly mix and pul- verize the following proportions of materials to a minimum depth of 6 inches while in a moist condition, measurements compacted lightly, broadcast the following before tilling: o 2-inch textural soil amendment o 40 pounds Commercial Mix B fertilizer per 1 ,000 square feet o 30 pounds nitroform per 1,000 square feet o 10 pounds potassium nitrate per 1,000 square feet o 20 pounds super phosphate per 1 ,000 square feet o 20 pounds dolomite lime per 1,000 square feet o 10 pounds iron sulfate per 1,000 square feet 1-C-7 ._ Inspection of Plant Material and LaLout Immediately prior to installing plant material of any kind, contractor shall request inspection of that material by the engineer. All plants not conforming to the shall be immediately rejected and replaced with conforming stock at phis time without additional cost. Contractor shall verify layout and spacing of plantings at time of inspection. Minor adjustments of location shall be permitted by the engineer, as may be appropriate E)rior to planting. 1-C_8 Plantinq Trees, Shrubs and Ground lovers Plant upright and face to give best appearance or relationship to plants and structures. A. All planting holes shall be excavated twice the size of the tree, shrub or ground cover root ball or root system, unless indicated otherwise. Dispose of any "subsoil " removed from excavations. Do not mix with planting soil for backfill soil mixture. E. Place lightly co;ipacted layer of backfill mixture under root system of each shrub and root system of each tree, as detailed. C. Loosen and remove twine binding and burlap from around top of each ball . Pull no burlap from under balls. Stake or guy trees immediately after this work. D. Cut off cleanly, all brokon or frayed roots. E. Place and compact backfill soil mixture carefully to avoid injury to roots; fill all voids. Sp. 11 F. Refer to plans and details on drawings for varying requirements for street tree and container plant installations. G. When planting hole is threw-fourths filled, place planting tablets in quantities herein specified evenly spaced around each plant. H. When hole is nearly filled, completely soak and allow water to soak away. Fill holes to finish grade and prepare for other work indicated. 1-C-9 Plantin_g__Tablets Agriform 10- and 21-gram tablets, 20-10-5, as manufactured by Agri- form International Chemicals, Inc. , Newark, California. 1-C-10 Plantinc�Tablet Quantities Provide for all trees and shrubs at time of planting as follows: (a) All gallon can shrubs up to 15-inc-.h size - two tablets per plant ( 10 gram) . (b) All shrubs 15- to 36-inch size - four tablets per plant ( 10 gram). (c) All shrubs 36 inches and larger - three tablets per plant (21 gram). (d) All evergreen trees - lour tablet; per .ree ( e-_i yrain) . (e) Deciduous trees (21 grain) : Up to 1•4/2-inch caliper - three tablets per tree 1-1/2- to 2-inch caliper - fcur tablets per tree 2- to 2-1/2 -inch caliper - six tablets per tree 3- to 4-inch caliper - eight tablets per tree 1-C-11 Planting Bed parades Grades and slopes in accordance with rough finish grades plus increase resulting from addition of bark mulch in all planting bed areas. Grade to inches below bordering paving, curbs, walls, etc. , before application of mulch. 1-C-1 ' t'-O c.hi nq of Pl anti_q Beds Mulch shrub planting beds with ; inch layer of specified bark within 2 days after planing. Cover entire planting bed, apply evenly. Sp. - 1� 1_D GROWING PERIOD MAINTENANCE 1-n-i Period of Execution Begin growing period maintenance on date following the day of written acceptance of substantial completion of the landscape contract work. Continue maintenance until October 31 , 1983 in accordance with this specification. 1-D-2 Qualifications of Maintenance Personnel Contractor shall employ competent and knowledgable workmen, experi- enced in the use and application of any and all chemical substances when used in conjunction with the maintenance requirements. Applications of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides shall be performed only by an approved applicator licensed under the provisione. of Oregon laws aoverninq applicator certification. 1-0-3 Submittal Submit two copies of the following in accompaniment with Contractor's written request for inspection for substantial completion of landscape work: (a) -rhr,rn month schedule indicating corresponding dates and work tasks to be performed by Contractor's maintunance personnel , directly relating to the requirements of this specification. Said schedule shall establish the performance of work and dollar value of required materials, cquinrrcrt c—A 1 nhnr hi rl iinnn fn,- mach mnnth of the mai ntonancP period. (b) Listing of names of any subc. ntractors to be used by the Con- tractor for performing any maintenance operations. 1 _0-4 Guarantee and R!_Tlacement Contractor shall : replace all plant material in dead, poor or weak condition within 30 days of the initial observation a:,d when requested in writing by the Engineer, at no additional cost; replace any plants that are damaged or killed by maintenance work, at no addi- tional cost to owner, within 30 days of initial observation of unacceptable condition; and replace any unacceptable plant material , beyond growing period maintenance period, if rejected at time of final inspection of the maintenance work, at no additional cost to owner, including plant; exhibiting affects from improper use of maintenance chemicals. 1-n-I-, Contract Limitations During the growing period mlintenance periad, the Contractor shall not be held responsible for losses nor repair or replacement of damaged work or plant material resulting from theft, vandalism, vehicular-related incidents or the acts of others over whom he has no reasonable control . Losses or damage of plant materials due to extreme wind or freezing weather conditions shall also be exempt from contractor's responsibility. 1-D-6 Preturnover Maintenance Instruction Beginning 10 days prior to end of maintenance period, contraccor shall arrange for review and instruction periods with the owner. 1-D-7 Maintenance Loi. Contractor- shall prepare and maintain a monthly log of his ma;ntenance operations to be submitted at the end of each month with hi7 request for payment. The log information shall include, but not be limited to, the following: o Days men un iuli o Weather and temperatures on days worked o Tasks performed, specific areas o Comments on plant material conditions, specific areas o Observations of vandalism or damage locations o Observations of insects or pests affecting plant materials o Dates of applications of fertilizers . sprays or other chemicals Contrac�or shall maintain one copy of the Planting Plans for marking of plant material replacements i-dade during the growing period maintenance period. Dates of replacements shall also be recorded for each item replaced. Submit, clearly marked "Project Record Copy," duplicate print to owner at completion of ,,c inLencm(_u period. jilu:iiit ttlo copi^s of type''tritt9n miinInnanr , inctri r- tions, summarizing in detail the knowledge from specific practices proven effective throughout the initial maintenance period. Recommend procedures for continuing maintenance by others. Review instructions with owner's maintenance personnel to the satisfaction of both parties. I-D-8 Replacement Materials. All material, and v;orkmanship requirements of other sections of this specification shall govern material replacements, add 'tions or corrections of equal kind made during the maintenance period. 1-D-9 Water Water for irrigating and maintenance operations shall be furnished by the school district without charge to the contractor. (loses or other equipment requireA for conveyance shall be the contractor's responsibility. 1-D-10 Fertilizer Meet general requirements of 1-B-1 , guaranteed analysis, as set forth in this specification. Sp. - 14 I-D-11 Insecticides, Fungicides and Herbicides Approved labeled products and brands meeting the requirements of applicable state laws governing the use and methods of application. Submit two copies of technical product literature and proposed schedule of application for review by the engineer for approval prior to use or application of said chemicals. 1-D-12 Execution A. Perform all work in accordance with this specification. B. Sidewalks and all other paved areas shall be kept reasonably clean when maintenance operations are in progress. Contractor shall conduct his operations in a manner that equipment, material; or other incidentals utilized during performance of his work do not impede Or' c 'eate a 1i;.7ard to public use, health, safety nr wn'ifare adliacent to areas of his work. C. Upon completion of regular maintenance work in any given project area, at any given time, remove all debris, equipment and surplus materials from the area and sweep or wash all pavement surfaces affeci:ed by work, leaving them dust and/or mud free. D. Dispose of all refuse genera . d from maintenance operations and litter cleanup. 1-D-13 Cleanup and Removal of Debris Contractor shall remove all types of foreign matter and items of discard from all planting and walk areas. Pick up of litter ,hall occur at least every alternating week during the maintenance period so that no more tha;, 14 days pass between cleanup intervals. 1-D-14 Weedinq of Plantinq Beds Jeeds shall be removed from planting beds as often as is necessary to maintain a presentable appearance and to avoid establishment of new infestations of unwanted weed development. The use of chemical herbic '.des shall not be permitted without written request and approval as set forth in paragraph (11, of ; his sp,--ification. Sp. - 15 q A 1-U-15 `Plant-;ng Bed Mulch Maintain in a neat and orderly condition. Reapply additional material , matching that used for original application, when cover depth is affected by normal ;year or maintenance operations. Keep soil and mulch separated when transplanting work is required or when bark may become mixed with soils, as a result of weeding operations. 1-0-16 Fertilization Apply fertilizer materials to shrubs, trees and ground cover plantings in accordance with the following guidelines for each plant type and/or conaitions. General broadcasting of fertilizer over plant- ing bed areas shall not be allowed. A. Ground Covers: September 15 to September 30 - Agriform 1J-gram planting tab- lets, 20-10-5 analysis, placed 2 inches below surface of soil at outer perimeter of root system: o 2•-1/4-inch pot size - one tablet per plant. o 4-inch pot size - two tables per plant. o 1-gallon size - three tablets per plant, evenly snaccd. B. Shrubs: September 15 to September 30 - Agriform 10-gram planting tab- lets, 'LU-IU-5 analysis, placed J inches beluw sui i surfa(-e at outer perimeter of plant root system: o 15- to 18-inch size - three tablets per plant. o 18- to 24-inch size - four tablets per plant. o 24- to 30-inch size - five ta'Aets per plant. o 30- to 36-in:h size - six tablets per plant. C. Trees: September 15 to September 30 - /%yriform 21-9ram planting tab lets, 20-10-5 analysis, placed 6 inches below soil surface at outer perimeter of plant root system: o 1-3/4- to 2-inch caliper size - four tablets per tree. o 2- to 2-1/2-inch caliper size - five tablets per tree. o 2-1/2- to 3-inch caliper size - six tablets per tree. o 3- to 3-1/2-inch caliper size - seven tablets per tree. o 3-1/2- to 4-inch caliper size - eight tablets per tree. o 4- to 5-inch caliper size - ten tablets per tree. `,p. - 16 1-D-17 Tree Alignment, Staking, Guyinq and Wrapping A. Maintain in sound condition. Adjust staking, guying and tying, as necessary, to maintain tree in vertical alignment. Check all ties periodically to insure against injury to the cambium layer. Tie, repair or replace all tree trunk wrappings, as necessary, to maintain tree wrap in good condition. B. Do necessary work to maintain or correct alignment of trees not staked or guyed by landscape contract viork. 1-D-18 Replacement of Plant Material Keep all plant materials in vir-orous growing condition. Remove and immediately replace any plant not showing evidence of establishment or healthy gr-wth, in part or in whole, in accordance with this specification. 1-D-19 Plan: Mzterial Alignment and Settling Do work necessary to maintain proper planting depth and alignment of all shrubs and groundcover plants during maintenance period. 1-D-20 Mowing Grass Do no mowing of grass. Instruct school district for appropriate time to mow new crass areas. Coordinate with school district mowing schedule for mowing of nf-w crass areas. i-E Measurement and Payment Payment for landscaping will be made on a lump sum basis set forth in the Bidder's Proposal and shall include the cost of all work specified herein and shown on the Plans. Sp. - 17 MmxmmmLmILMNEE"llllllililill'IlIlIllIlIlIllililm!!LMLMEAALM�ilililll,,illllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SCHEDULE II - STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS 1. Excavation and Backfill Quantities . Where storm drain lines occur within street )other areas to be excavated, trench excavation and backfill depths have b, ,-n calculated to existing ground or subgr;,de, whichever is less. In all other areas, depths have been calculated from existing ground. 2. Rock Excavation. No rock excavation is anticipated on this project. How- ever, if rock is encountered, as defined in the standard Storm Drain Specif-i- cations, payment will be made at the unit price of $50.00 per cubic yard. 3. Gravel Base for Pipe. Contrary to Item 2-C-1 a) of the Standard Storm Speci- fications, Gravel Base for Pipe shall be placed in the trench to a minimum depth of six (6) inches below the outside of the pipe, except the base need uuly he four (4) inches for catch basic, later; , is . 4. Use of Lasers. Contrary to Item 2-C-3 b) of the Standard Storm Drain Speci- fications, asers may be used in lieu of batterboards for determining line and grade, if procedures are reviewed and approved by the Engineer. 5. 12" CMP and 12" Slotted Drains. Slotted drains shall be 16 gage ARMCO SLOTTED DRAIN or EQUAL. Grate height shall be 6 inches. CMP shall be 16 gage with 1/2" x 2-2/3" corrugations. All pipe shall meet AASTO M-36 standards.' 6. 12" x 12" Concrete Tees. The Bran:h of tees shall be bell and spigot to iccc vc the C ape. The ronnertinn chall hp grouted to effect a positive closure. Sp. - 18 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS (FOREWORD) FOREWORD. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary or required to complete the work in all respects as shown or' the Plans, as hereinafter specified, or both. Each major item is divided, where applicable, into sections consisting of A. Scope; B. Materials ; C. Workmanship; and D. Measurement and Payment. This method is employed to facilitate the work of the Contractor in preparing his Proposal and in following the Specifications during construction. All references prefixed by the form ASTM refer to Standard Specifications or methods of the American Society of Testing Materials of the Serial Designation indicated by number following the prefix, and, unless otherwise stated, refer to the latest adopted revision of said specifications or methods . All references to AASHO Designations refer to Standard Specifications or, methods of the American Association of State Highway Officials , unless otherwise stated, refer to the latest adopted revision of said specifications or method. Stakinj Out the Work_. The Engineer will set the grade stakes for the construction of the improvements, wherever necessary. Location of drainage facilities will be es ,ablished by means of offset stakes set at a minimum interval of 25 feet. Stakes for sewers and wager will indicate cut to flow line . Stakes for curbs will indicate cut to top of curb and offsets shall be to the front face of the curb. In all cases it shall be the Contractor's sole responsibility to lay out the work from the offset stakes given and to transfer elevations from the cut stakes. The Engineer will not be responsible for any elevation given other than those indicated herein. The Contractor shall use a minimum of fcur (4) grade stakes at all times to minimize any survey or layout errors . The Contractor shall make every effort to notify the Engineer at least three (3) days, but in no case more than seven (7) days , in advance of the time when grade and line will be needed. In general , the Engineer will be able to supply line and grade within a few hours. However, the Contractor will not be allowed extensions of time or darpages because of delays caused by insufficient line or grade, unless the Engineer has been notified three (3) days in advance. (Note: The use of lasers may be allowed only at the discretion of the Engineer. ) Progress_ of Construction. It is the intention of these Contract Documents that the progress of work shall proceed in a systematic manner so that the minimum inconvenience will result to the public in the course of construction. It. is , therefore, necessary that the Contractor confine his operations to as small a length of work area per crew as is feasible. Cleanup of all construction debris, excess excavation, excEss materials, and complete restoration of all fences , mailboxes , ditches, culverts, signposts , and similar items shall be completed irmiiediately following the completion of the project or of any portion of the project. SP 1 �■r All excavated materials shall be removed from grassed arid planted areas, and these surfaces shall be left in a condition equivalent to their original condition and free from all rocks, gravel , boulders, or other foreign materials. It is the intent of the Contract Documents that the Contractor shall provide all labor and equipment necessary to grade and maintain in a reasonable condition all streets and roadways, on which construction has been accomplished until final acceptance of the entire project by the Owner. Interfering Structures & Utilities. The Contractor shall exercise all possible caution to prevent damage' to existing structures and utilities whether above ground or underground. An attempt has been made to show these structures and utilities on the Plans . While the information has been compiled from the best available sources , its completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed, and it is presented simply as a guide to Possible difficulties. The Contractor shall notify all utility offices concerned at least 48 hours in advance of construction operations in which a utility's facilities may be involved. This shall include but not be limited to water, telephone, electric, gas and television services. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, to locate and expose all existing structures and utilities in advance of the excavation. Any structures or utilities damaged by the work shall be repaired or replaced in a condition equal to or better than the conditions prior to the damage. Such repair or replacement sha► 1 be accomplished at the Contractor's expense without additional compensation from the Owner. The Contractor shall notify the Owner of any damaged underground structure or utility, and repairs or replacements shall be made before backfilling takes place. If interfering power poles, telephone poles, guy wires , or anchors are encountered, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least seven (7) days in advance of construction to permit arrangements with the utility company for protection or, relocation of the structure. If the Contractor encounters existing structures which will prevent the construction of any portion of the project and which are not properly shown on the plans, he shall notify the Engineer, before continuing with the construction in order that the Engineer may make such field revisions as necessary to avoid conflict with the existing structures. The cost of waiting or "down" time during such field revisions shall be borne by the Contractor without additional cost to the Owner. If the Contractor small fail to so notify the Engineer when an existing structure is encountered, but shall proceed with the construction despite this interference, he shall do so at his own risk. In particular, when the location of the new construction, as shown on the Plans, prohibits the restoration of existing structures to their original conditions, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer so that a field relocation may be made to avoid the conflict. 5P ? WN Field_Relocation. During the progress of constriction, it is expected that minor relocations of the line may be necessary. Such relocations shall be made only by direction of the Engineer. UntoreEeen obstructions encountered as a result of such relocations will not be subject for claims for additional compensation by the Contractor to any greater extent than would have been the case had the obstruction been encountered along the original location. Contractor's Respnsibili_tY for Utility Properties and Service. At points where the Contractor's operations are adjacent or cross the properties of railway, telegraph, telephone, power, oil and water companies or are adjacent to other property (damage to which might result in considerable expense, loss and inconvenience) , no work shall be started until all arrangements necessary for protection thereof have been made. The Contractor shall be solely and directly responsible to the owners and operators of such properties for any damages , injury, expense, loss , inconvenience, delay, suits, actions, or claims of any character brought because of any injuries or damage which may res,:lt from the carrying out of the work to be done under the Contract. In the event of interruption to domestic water or to other utility services as a result of accidental breakage, as a result of being exposed or unsupported, the Contractor shall promptly notify the proper authority. He shall cooperate with the said authority in restoration of service as promptly as possible and shall bear all costs of repair. In no case shall interruption of any water or utility service be allowed to exist outside working hours unless prior approval is received. Neither the Owner, nor its Officers or aaents shall be responsible to the Contractor for damages as a result of the location of the underground utilities being other than that shown on the Plens c- for the existence of underground utilities low shown on the Plans . In the event the Contractor encounters water service lines that interfere with trenching, he may, by obtaining prior approval of the Engineer-, cut the service, dig through and restore the Lervice with similar and equal materials at the Contractor's expens, . The Contractor shbll replace, at: his own expense, any and all other existing utilities or structur-s removed or damaged during construction, unless otherwise provided for in these contract documents or ordered by the Engineer. Public Safety and Convenience. ?he Contractor shall comply with all rules ani reguTetions City anis State autho -ities regarding the closing of public streets or highways to use of public traftic . No road shall be closed by the Contractor to the public, except by the express p,:rmission of the r Engineer. Traffic must be kept open on those roads end streets where no detour is possible. The Contractor ,hall , at all times , conduct his work. SP - 3 ALTERNATE JOINT e V 4 Ar e STANDARQ MR ., RUNGS 12 QC. STANDARD MANHOLE 6 - — — - FRAME B COVER*7 7 - r ^ FINISH GRADE '. SET FRAME IN GROUT GROOVED MVERT TO . MORTAR - ( � `4" CONCRETE EXTENSION RING � .'-•, DIRECTIQ OF FLOW INSTALL AS REOUIRED TO BRING MANHOLE COVER 8 FRAME TO * NOTE : SANITARY SEWER ONLY ` ► / DESIGN GRADE -MAXIMUM 3 RINGS- I 12" MAX. \ / ECCENTRIC MANHOLE TOP `� I NOTE: ALL JOINTS TO 8E - -- s RAM•NEK JUINT MATERIAL Oil EQUAL PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE SECTIONS STANDARD MANHOLE FINISH FRAME a COVER GROUT �---�� GRADE ?L--_---- _ 4" <70NCRETE OCTt<NSION RING —48" 4' INSTALL AS REQUIRED TO BRING ' �•-- MANHOLE COVER S FRAME TO �T +;�'�� �. DESIGN GRADE -MAX. 3 RINGS EiF MAX_ OR 12" MAX. 12"MAX �� STD. FLAT TOP SLAB 40 ° RAM-NEK JOINT MATERIAL OR 4" 77 E2 EQUAL-ALT GROUT < 3M. 490 MANHOLE RISERS 2 00 4"MIN. l'f • r • 1 - ' + ••.\'; `. 611 " •• 7f m"MAX-4 � 6 ft. SLOPE 611 COMPACTED GRAVEL :.o ;_::7i• URED CONCRETE BASE BASE13 .77- • ' 5 SACK MIX, 2500 PS.I. AT 28 DAYS 1, 6 CONCRETE FORM GROVED INVERT AND MAKE SURFACE SMOOTH TO DIRECT FLOW 61. COMPACTED GRAVEL Awft POURED CONCRETE BASE -B SAC MIX, 2300 P S.I. AT 20 DAYS STANDARD MANHOLE TYPICAL FLATTOP MANHOLE MIN WIDTH MOM. DIA. ♦ 118' THIS AREA COVERED UNDER A.C.PAVEMENT 2 EA. 11/2" IFTS Of REPLACEMENT _ A.C. ( CLASS' ) FINISH ITEM r GRADE O O t 3 r•: � �e v � �,• � o a' M GRAVEL BASEdr ♦. • 4"-0" PIT v �- - • � W NUN GRAVEL . _ ° • • . IL STANDARD LID CRUSHED RU1( •.• • • • i a OR GRAVEL, �' • ' ° • ' ' > 0 JETTED OR MAX. WIDTH IN PIPE < ►` r+--- 24.3/4' MECH. COMPACTED �- ZONE ILS a NON.DIA ♦16.. 2' 27. 0 a25"0 25" PI PE ZONE a , o. o , o• N Q f �0' FLOW LINE oft 4 NO f LI -24.1/2" ---� •. lop P. 14' w4"—0" G R AVE L OA S E 3c?-3/a" CLASS 4 BACKFILL CROSS-SECTION OF RING AND COVER STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME a COVER G•M APPROVED DOHAAS A ASSLICIATES, INC. S. W. DURHAM ROAD DE T A I LS SNP" Dal Vm G. M. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 5 S4s1ts 446-A0C Center (90) ONS'-24x30 STREET IMPROVEMENTS � DATE NO. R IV I S 10 N f 9Y OIATE-- 9�e 994M S.W. . Wilsonville, Circle Rea 03"196 o..00n 9707A TIGARD j OREGON x NOT TO SCALE oAn MAY 1993 !K! $2., 297. ISS KOE N..A.r.A DLJr1v)m Floor). r.05'TI..i- 1'?ND ST Y H "'•^-••'T'•�MM+•• Y+t•.•w•:1�.:+1 .a\�+�..- ._. .-.•w•r+�lM�.►•.w..c. y,IM• .w..+......_ — ... ..-.r..,�M,d,... .• .. ��V...,. ,`yn.p . ...._. ;red.._•. .. .....•. w � I j �' I I .I I ,.,I . ... .� i i Y��_ -` . I tt.) I I,. 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Pa.T HT, V I N 6,A 14 C,. 1z \ pr,.-74, 1 ate_ a1P5, as= 3 5 S.W. r]j ) H,461, 1`1 �R. r//, % i j 77 7- AZUL P-A. H 1 I-IO C-)Dr-- I R I— s !✓x 15T'I I�IG OAC - 2 T,.[ - M I Na I� _ _ �. SLHw�DL.�•F� i�Z Ga.. • F���- . G� T. Ul � 1;a F--)Y T F-6K UTILITY F=La.N� GRAplis ' FF I Iti p�� �� �L 1-0 AN r--;, Pf;QO F I LAS MIT OF I T UR �I`IGI G1 NGN TIS OIC PLAGI< KW&i5C--K host • __ __....__.____..-_ _- _____-._.__. __ ___-- -- --.- � _,� �12 6tA U G t, GTA�..v. mo" -TA U"r ual�lT I T,46-.I-*-I I G.&.L: 5 Z�__- G41�I I I� 2 PL4\7i\I ita 1 L:;) Y � '�� I� r�*r MAIM•_ __. _I!� eA- NSA �=H�I� T__ _ _... 3 CoZ L�'� P�.RK N,ULC.H - TYF'IGhL l`ITi�11�tam 51''6•G�- Co"0,�., KL.6",-% S ciNa EFD 1'K 130 H u I L C-w&,L, (�OrITA-I N e fi�, FAG E- Z D G f'{G MI NOF ' wl N�� wl, vl �� � P IwfNKi (MYI�rLSA 2" F116T SP�G� I�."aG, > M. i �- •Mix MF GiTFD e MI E IL'Ns �� "'r .•' EL.`1.Il�HEi�1 -6IDE'S OF HOLE 41 . Fj� Dib T�'.EE� , Pf'_.IVE -STALE'S OU'T51 DE OF F-00f PSL NGINE dJ�( /4KA E� 1 the ante of Taxan per•«+ bn�d d o �trcnuecrs h 1 0/. 2326%w ppcwqkoopiace - /"��L 205 X 23 22 fN+one 1b 66 --- --- _ -- _ — -- - __ DESIGNED J. H. APPROVED DONAAS & ASSOCIATES, INC. S. W. DURHAM ROAD FL/S\N T � � SHEET ---- - � CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8� SURVEYORS DRAWN J. H. - -- STREET IMPROVEMENTS Suite 445-AC-AC Center (503) 682-2450 5/6 9450 SM Commerce Circle TIGARD t OREGON GATE NO. R E V 1 i 1 O N R A dY DATE— '� 9 83 Res. 636-6195 • - CHECKED -- -- Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 SCALE C3 SHOWN DATE MAY 1983 —][FILE 82. 297. 183 K,CC NCNCULCNC(& r:1l.If�:Firll�l r�'cit.CJ. 85T•H---92NE) '3T 6 , QF * � - ,,.�pr..•.wr �.•-. ._. _ .a'r..• .r�.•.�.n.+. _. - "..��•yy�,,� � - _ .....•-.r.r.+�..W�.,..._. _ w....�+�.-- •r..,ww� � - - � • ,, ����'.• I � I ',�,r.,1,.1.1.111"1.1.,1�.f.111.�►•J�1.1�III1 ,,���,�,,'�:,.,- � _�. •-:•'-'"`'- „'ar..:''.e.,_" . . ��f�^_!"�,..'ew"_ .�ei��� ._ _.._. - '7 , ..,,,, 0» ��5;:!;µ�wN,,,,,I, 4"', 011 1 (I}���III�IIr�11�,1,,,11 , IIII11tI111Ir�►IIII�I;I�tIlI111�111111fItIlItIIItItIt,�Itltlllt )IIIrltftllll,tltitltllf��tlttl r � 1 ? 3 4 5 Q . 7 8 9 I�0 I I 12 ' NOTE: 1F THIS MICROFILMED I —- --- - - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN —_ THIS NOTICkl--YT IS CLUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ._- -._ _ _ _v. OE 6? 9Z a 9i SZ fZ ea 422 Is 6#' •11 BI LI t)I SI 4'1 EI 21 II 01 6 0 L B S r E 2 1sins" • ,�,. ' �+1If11111u11ftullnnfunitttl�tHl�ltl�lllllllt�11H11HtI1t1/IHH�I NN�NIf1i11F�M�I1fIit111ti�il�llHillttilfliilNidiflNf11�1lHIItItIItt1I'M1V�ititllitlttltilllH�IHIIIl1l�t�lt�I�lil�tutluultlnl1n11uuiiwWlllu111u�wlllluLulllntl�llUlnl, -JUNJLA:tj a 1992 w—Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii �._ �.�.-_.. -•-'yrs• ,,yr.--•—_____ - AL. .... .��•_ -, . .., •�. ._. . • ___. _ as to assure the least possible obstruction to traffic_ and normal commercial pursuits. All obstructions within traveled roadways shall be protected by approved signs , barricades and lights where necessary or ordered by the Criyineer for the safety of the traveling pablic. The convenience of the general public and residents along the project, and the protection of •.,rsons and property is of prime importar( e and shall be provided for by the Contractor in an adequate and satisfactory manner. The Contractor shall use every reasonable precaution to safeguard the Dersons and property of the traveling public. Failure of she Engineer to notify the Contractor to maintain barricades, barriers, lights , fla, es , danger signals, or watchmen shall not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility. All barricades and obstructions shall be protected at night by signal lights which shall be suitably distributed across the roadway and kept birning from sunset to sunrise. Barricades shall conform to the Standard Specification for Highway Construction of the C, egon State Highway Department. Whenever the Contractor's operations create a hazardous condition, he shall furnish flagmen and guards as necessary or as ordered by the Engineer to give adequate warning to the public or any dangerous conditions to be encountered. He shall furnish, erect and maintain approved fences, harricades , lights , signs, and any other devices that may be necessary to prevent accidents and to avoid damage and injury to the public. Flagmen and guards , while on duty and assigned to give warning to the public , shall be equipped with approved red wearing apparel and a red flag which shall be kept clean and in good repair. Signs, flags, lights, and other warning and safety devices shall meet the requirements of the current safety manual of the Oregon State Highway Division. The Contractor will be required to confine constru( _►on operations within the dedicated rights of way for public thoroughfares unless he has made special arrangements with the affer*ed property owners in advance. The Contra,LC-, will be required to prutoct stored materials, cultivated trees and crops , and other items located adjacent to the construction. Property owners affected by the construction shall be notified by the Contractor at least 48 ho-irs in advance of the time construction F,egins. During all construction operations, the Contractor shall construct and maintain such facilities as may be required to provide access by ,all property owners to their property. No person shall be cut off from access to his residence or place of business for a period exceeding eight (8) hours, unless the Crntractor has made special arrangements with the affected persons. SP - 4 MIR �OmIAL_=_WLAL STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS - GRADING & PAVING 1 . SITE PREPARATION, 1-A Scope. This item covers the work necessary for the comple- tion of all daring and excav^tion, including but not limited to clearing and grubbing , excavation, filling , backfilling and all other work necessary to prepare the subgrade for curb , rock and paving construction., including the disposal of excess excavated material , grading of adjacent areas and adjustment of the various appurtenances existing it the street. 1-B Materials. 1-B-1 Excavation. Excavation shall be classified as either common or rock excavation as defined below. a Common Excavation. Common excavation is defined as the removal of all mater a wMEis not classified as rock excavation. b Rock Excavation. Rock excavation is defined as the removal of all mate ads wTiicT, by actual demonstration, cannot in the Engineer' s opinion , be reasonably prepared for excavation by using a P-8 Cat with ripper , or similar approved equipment and which is in fact , systematically drilled and blasted. The Engineer reserves the right to waive the demonstration of the material. encountered as well defined rock. The term "rock excavation" shall. be understood to indicate a method of removal and not a geological material. No payment will be made under "rock excavation" for any method of roc's removal other than systematic drilling and blasting. If the Contractor elects to mechanically remove material classified as "rock excavation" by the above definition with other equipment , including excavating equipment of a larger size than specified above , it shall be understood that payment for the removal of the material by this method shall be at the unit price for common excavation. 1-B-2 Embankment , a) Excavated Material . Suitable excavated materials shall be used for fill in connection with the grading as required. b) Imported Material . Imported embankment material shall consist of sand, grave. , sow-or combinations theraof, free from debris or other objectionable material . At least 60 percent shall be retained on, at least 10 percent shall pass the No. 200 sieve . n&P - 1 1-C Workmanship . 1-C-1 Clearing and Grubbing.. Clearing and grubbing shall consist of-TTe—r'emovalof trees , stumps , debris , plant materials and structures as required. Existing catchbasins , culverts or similar structures which are to be al;andoned shall be either removed or filled with gravel or sand backfi,.i material . In any case, such items to be removed or abandoned ,nall be removed to a depth of not less than one foot below the limit lines of excavation. All top soil shall be removed from areas to be excavated, all stumps shall be completely removed by grubbing, blasting or other suitable means . All roots end other embedded wood shall be removed to a depth of not less than one foot below the limit lines of excavation. Holes resulting from any grubbing operations shall be filled with suitable material and thoroughly compacted. 1-C-2 Excavation and Embankment . a) Excavation. Excavation shall be carried to the lines and grades sewn on t'F_cplans and established by the Engineer. Special. care shall be taken to not excavate below subgrade. Where the street has been excavated below subgrade due to faulty workmanship , it shall be brought to grade with base course material or other suit- able material approved by the Engineer. The cost of such work and materials shall be borne by tLe Contractor. The Contractor shall grade the subgrade to within a tolerance of 1/10 of a foot of that grade called for in the Plans. b Disposal of Excess Excavation. All excavated material in excess of construction— requirements shall be din used of by the Contractor; there will be no pay item for "truck haul ' . Unless specified locations are designa ed in the Special Specifications or on the Plans , this material shall become the property of the Contractor. c) Placement of Embankment . Embankment shall be placed in six (6) inch layers , after compaction Each layer shall be separately compacted by means of approved equipment , the type subject to the approval. of the Engineer. The Contractor shall grade the subgrade to within a tolerance of 1/10 of a foot of that grade called for in the Plans or as determined by the Engineer . d) Pock Excavations. Before proceeding with rock excavations , the Contractor shall have completed the common excavation to such depths that only rock excavation remains . At this time the subgrade shall be made available to the Engineer and measurements will be taken to determine the amounts of rock excavation remaining. e) Blasting. Blasting for excavation will be permitted only after securing, approval of the Engineer and only when proper G&P - 2 precautions are taken for the protection of persons and property. Any damages caused by the blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own expense. The Contractor' s methods of procedure and blasting shall conform to State Laws , County Laws and Municipal Ordinances . 1-C-3 Adjustment of Valve Boxes Manholes and Appurtenances . The height o7---a=valve boxes , manholes and similar appurtenances within the area to be paved shall be adjusted to conform to the new grades and cross sections shown on the Plans and Standard Detail Sheets . The Contractor shall remove the earth around the box or manhole with- out disturbing a greater area than necessary and raise or lower the box or manhole ring, as the case may require , until the top surface is at the correct elevation . The hole shall be backfilled with excavated material in 6-inch layers and each layer shall be thoroughly compacted with a pneumatic tamper before the next is placed until the backfill is up to the subgrade elevation. Where two lifts of paving are required, the appurtenances shall be left low until the base lift of paving has been laid. The base course of paving shall then be neatly cut and the appurtenance adiusted to the exact elevation of the finish paving. The base course of paving and any other materials distrubed by the final adjustment shall be replaced and thoroughly compacted before application of the final lift . 1-C-4 Preparation of Sub rade. The term subgrade as used herein, shall e onsidered as the street area tLat is to receive the base course material . The subgrade shall be brought to the required elevation and shaped, with suitable equipment to the lines , grades and cross sections shown on the Plans or established by the Engineer. After the subgrade has been graded as hereinbefore specified, it shall be thoroughly compacted by means of equipment which will achieve the desired density specified. The material in the upper one foot of the subgrade shall have a density of not less than 90 percent of "maximum density" when tested according to AASHO Standard Method T-180 Method A. In the event soft or spongy locations become evident when compaction of the subgrade is being accomplished, the following procedure shall be used. The area shall be aerated. The area shall be loosened and turned over for a depth of at least eight (8) inches . The loosened material shall then be worked to a finely divided condi- tion so that all clumps or clods four (4) inches in diameter are removed. The moisture content shall be brought to optimum by the addition and blending of dry material . The mater.i:1 shall then be compacted to the specified density. If the above procedure for aeration does not produce satisfactory results , the objectionable material shall be removed from the area and the holes filled with subgrade stabilization material as specified. Payment for extra excavation shall be paid for at the unit price for common excavation as stated in the Proposal. . G&P - 3 Subgrade material shall contain an optimum amount of moisture during compaction to stabilize and bind materials to produce the resulting density specified. If sufficient moisture is not present , additional water shall be added by sprinkling as authorized and directed by the Engineer, 1-D Measurement and Pa.Ment. 1.-D-1 (Tearing and Grubbin Payment for clearing end grubbing wi�Te n.aadee on �p sum asis set forth in the Bidder' s Proposal and shall include the cost of all work specified herein and shown on the Flans . 1-D-2 Excavation. a Common Excavation. Payment for common excavation will be made at the unit price per cubic yard set forth in the Bidder' s Proposal and shall include the cost of all work specified herein and shown on the Plans . The quantity of material to be measured for payment as common excavation will be the number of cubic yards of common excavation excavated between the required sLbgrade elevation or slopes and the existing surface . Measurement will be computed by cross sectional. method from data taken in the field by the Engineer . Volume of excavation for payment shall be calculated to the nearest cubic yard. b_)Rock Excavation. Payment for rc A excavation will be based on the unit price per cubic yz�td s( t �crt_h in the Bidder ' s Proposal .. Measurement shall be based on ezoe,s ta.!c Ai ,ns taken by the Engineer after all common excavation has been Y : :►oved and only rock excavation , as determined by the Engineer , roma ns . Cross sectional measurements shall be taken to the nearest 0. 1 foot at all breaks of elevation. Volume of rock for payment shall bE calculated to the nearest cubic yard. 1-D-3 Embankment . Payment for embankmEnt will be made at the unit price per cubic yard set forth in the Bidder ' s Proposal and shall include the cost of all work specified herein and shown on the Plans. The quantity of material to be measured for vayment as Embankment will be the number of cubic yards of embankment placed. between the existing surface and the required subgr%de elevation or slopes . Cross sectional measurements shall be taken to the nearest 0. 1 foot at all breaks of elevation. Volume of embankment for pay- ment shall be calculated to the nearest cubic yard of in-place compacted embankment. 1-D-4 Adjustment of Manholes and Cleanouts. Payment for adjustment and reconstruction ot exist ng manholes and Cleanouts will be made on the unit price per each set forth in the Bidder' s Proposal. G&P - 4 Payment for adjustment of miscellaneous appurtenances not specifically listed as bid items will be considered to be paid for under some one or more other bid items and no extra payment -will be made therefore. No payment will be mz,�e for adjusting new ma, holes or cleanouts constructed under thio contract . 1-D-5 Aerat7.on of Subgrade. Payment for aeration of soft or spongy locations shall e on a unit price per hour as set forth in the Bidder' s Proposal . Payment shall include all equipment , labor and materials required to perform the work as specified. 1-D-6 Miscellaneous Items. Miscellaneous items of work such as curb removal , sidewalk removal , pavement removal , etc. shall be paid for at the unit or lump sum price set forth in the Bidder ' s Proposal except in such cases where these items are not specifically listed as bid items , they will be considered to be paid for under some one or more bid items and no extra payment will be made therefore . 2 . BASE AND LEVELING COURSES . 2-A Sco e. This item shall include furnishing all materials , labor and equipment for the construction of the Base and Leveling Course , complete as shown on the Plans and specified under this item. 2-B Materials. 2-B-1 Base Course Material . Material for the base course shall be crushed rock or crushed gravel as the Contractor may elect, and shall be 1�;-i.nch minus and shall conform to Section 703 . 07 of the OSHD Standard Specifications. 2-B-2 Leveling Course Material. Material for the leveling course sha e crushed rock or crushed gavel as the Contractor may elect and shall be 3/4-inch minus and shall conform to Section 703. 07 of the OSHD Standard Specifications ,. 2.-B-3 Subgrade Stabilization Material . Material for subgrade stabilization shall be pit-run gravel , crushed rock or sand with maximum size aggregate of 4 inches. 2-C Workmanship . 2-C-1 Placing Base Course. The crushed rock for base course is specified under--rt-em T-79-T, and shall be spread on the prepared subgrade to such a depth that when thoroughly compacted, it will conform to the grades and dimensions shown on the Plans with proper allowance for the leveling course hereinafter specified. The base course shall be built up in layers , none of which shall exceed six (6) inches in compacted thickness . Crushed rock shall be spread in an even course of uniform thickness from vehicles equipped with spreading devices . Segregation G&P - 5 of material shall be avoided and the material as spread shall be free from p,,^kets of large or fine material . In general , the spreading shall begin at the end of the work furthest from the point of loading materials . The dumping of base course materials in piles upon the subgrade will not be permitted. After the base course has been spread and brought to line and cross section , it shall be compacted with approved equipment to achieve 95 percent: density of the maximum density when tested in accordance with. ASSHO Standard Method T-180 Method A, as determined by the Engineer. . Sufficient water shall be added as needed to facilitate the movement of key material into the voids . The surface of the base course shall parallel. the cross section and grade established for the top of base course within 0 . 06 foot. 2-C-2 Placin4 Leveling Course . The crushed rock for the leveling courses specs ie sunder Item 2-B-2 and shall be spread on the completed base course to such a depth that when thoroughly compac- ted, it will conform to the grades and dimensions shown on the Plans with proper allowance for the finished pavement . The leveling course shall be bladed and rolled to a true surface and cross section . The finished surface of the leveling course shall not vary more than 0 . 04 foot above or below the specified cross section or grade at any point . The compaction and watering of the leveling course shall be performed as hereinbefore specified for the base course . 2-D Measurement and Payment . Payment for base , leveling course and suTgra e sta i _tzation material on streets shall be based on the unit price per cubic yard stated in the Bidder ' s Proposal for the actual number of cubic yards satisfactorily incorporated in the street cross section as shown on the typical section or as designated by the Engineer . Measurement shall be the number of cubic yards as calculated by the Engineer and multiplied by 1. 35to allow for compaction and miscellaneous loss . 3 . ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT . 3-A Scope . This item includes furnishing all materials , labor and equ-ipment necessary for laying the asphaltic concrete pavement on the streets , including all work incidental thereto , complete as shown on the Plans and specified herein . Specific details of materials and workmanship requirements not included below shall be in accord- ance with the requirements set forth under Part 400 of the OSHD Standard Specifications . 3-B Materials . C&P - 6 3-B-1 Asphaltic Concrete. a) Composition. The asphaltic concrete shall be composed of asphaltic cement , mineral filler , sand and gravel or crushed rock mixed together in the proportions hereinafter specified. Two separate types of asphaltic concrete will be used. Class "C" mix will be used on overlays of existing pavement where two (2) inches of compacted thickness is required, and it will also be used on new st.eet construction for the wearing surface . Class "B" mix will be used for new street construction base course. b Asphaltic Cement . The asphaltic cement to be used shall be paving asphalt con oorm g with the AASIiO Standard Specifica- tions for asphaltic cement . The aged residue grade shall be AR-4000. c Proportions of Materials . The materials of which the asphaltic concrete is composed s—Tia T7e of such size and gradings that when proportioned and mixed together from two (2) or more stockpiles (3/4 -k"and k -0")they will produce a uniform mixture which, when tested by means of laboratory screens, will conform to the requirements as are stated in the following paragraphs . TABLE NO. 1 Class "B" Asphaltic Concrete Size of square screen which all aggregate must pass I Inc Percentage of aggregate , 3/4-inch to ,-inch 28-46 Percentage of aggregate, k-inch to 10 mesh 17-35 Percentage of aggregate , 10 mesh to 40 mesh 11-20 Percentage of aggregate, 40 mesh to 200 mesh 5-17 Percentage of aggregate , passing 200 mesh 3-7 Percentage of asphaltic cement 4. 5-6 . 5 TABLE NO. 2 Class "C" Asphaltic Concrete Size of square screen which all ag�regate must pass 3/4-inch Percentage of aggregate 2-inch to -inch 19-33 Percentage of aggregate k-inch to X110 24-36 Percentage of aggregate 10 mesh to #40 16-26 Percentage of aggregate 40 mesh to #200 5-19 Percentage of aggregate passing //200 3-7 Percentage of asphaltic cement 5-7 The percentages stated in the table are percentages of the weight of complete asphaltic concrete mixture including the weight of the asphalt . The exact proportions of the several constituents to be used in the productions of the bituminous mixture shall, within the limits above specified, be fixed by the Engineer, and the proportions so established shall be changed only upon his order . G&P - 7 3-C Workmanship . 3-C-1 Mixing Plant. Asphaltic concrete shall be pro- portioned ani m xi a in a p ant of modern design with facilities coordinated and operated so as to produce a mixture within the job mix formula. The plant shall be equipped with suitable storage bins for aggregates , weighing devices , heating and mixing equipment . Plant facilities shall be open to the Engineer at all times during the paving operation for checking, verifying weights , proportions , and character of materials and checking temperatures being maintained in the prepara- tion of the mixture . 3-C-2 Preparation of Mixture. The size of batch shall be as determined by t e Engineer based on the manufacturer' s capacity rating or the net cubic contents of the mixer below the center of the mixter shafts , The combined mineral aggregate shall be thoroughly mixed dry, after which the proper amount of bituminous cement shall be distributed over the aggregate and the whole thoroughly mixed for such period of time as is necessary to produce a homogeneous mixture of unchanging appearance in which all particles of the mineral aggregate are uniformly coated with bituminous cement. For batching plants , the mixing time , after introduction of bituminous cement shall be not less than 30 seconds and as --ch longer as is necessary to obtain the specified results . For continu- ous mix plants , the mixing time in saconds shall be as determined by dividing the pugmill dead capacity, in pounds , by the pugmill output , in pounds per second, and shall be regulated by fixing a minimum gauge in the mixing unit or by other satisfactory mixing unit adjust- ments . The ingredients of the mixture shall be heated, combined and mixed in such a manner as to produce a mixture of such temperature that when deposited on the road, it will be within the temperature range set forth hereinafter ., 3-C-3 Tem erature Limits . The temperature to which the aggregates End bitumi.nous cement are to be heated and at which the asphaltic concrete is to be deposited on the road shall be in accord- ance with the following: Degrees Fahrenheit to which aggregates 0 are to be heated before mixing 250 to 3250 Degrees Fahrenheit to which bituminous ccient is to be heated before mixing . 2500 to 3000 Degrees Fahrenheit at which asphaltic 0 0 concrete is to be deposited on the road. 250 to 300 G&P - 8 3-C-4 Hauling, Spreading and Finishing. The mixture shall be transportedfrom the mixing pto t e poen, -)f use in dump trucks having tight , clean smooth metal beds , which have been sp.-ayed with a minimum amount of thin fuel oil , paraffin oil and lime solution to prevent the mixture from adhering to the beds . No loads shall be sent out so late in the day as to prevent completion of the spreading and compacting during daylight , unI.ess artificial light satisfactory to the Engineer is provided. When length of haul is excessive , trucks shall be covered with suitable canvas or burlap covers to prevent loss of heat. Contact surfaces of curbs , gutters , catchbasins , manholes , cleanouts , edges and surfaces of existing pavements and other_ structures within the pavement area shall be treated with a thin uniform coating of aspahlt cement of the type designated by the Engineer and applied as directed by the Engineer . The mixture shall be laid on the leveling course herein- before specified. The leveling course shall be shaped and rolled as necessary to repair any areas distrubed by the trucking. The placing of the mixture will be permitted only during dry weather and when the abmient temperature is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit . The mixture shall be delivered to and spread by an asphaltic concrete paver of standard self-propelled type which meets with the approval of the Engineer, and shall. be thereby struck-off and finished to specified grade and cross-section. The mixture shall be laid in strips of such width as to hold to a practical minimum the number of longitudinal joints requixed. Unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer , the laying of each strip shall commence at the point farthest away from the mixing plant and shall progress toward the plant so that no hauling will be done over freshly placed pavement . The length of strips and the time of placing adjoining strips shall be- such that the edge of any strip along a longitudinal joint shall have the adjoining strip constructed against it within 24 hours. No asphaltic concrete material shall_ be placed against the edge of a strip course or layer of similar material that has been rolled and has cooled unless and until said edge has Leen prepared in the same manner as hereinafter set forth for transverse joints . On areas of irregular shape , limited area, or where unavoid- able obstacles make the use of specified spreading and finishing equip- ment impracticable , in the ,judgment of the Engineer , the mixture may be spread and finished by hand methods which shall be performed in a skillful_ manner, without segregation of materials , and to specified grade , cross-section and smoothness. G&P - 9 Care shall be taken at all times to prevenr_ segregation in the mixture as evidenced by areas of fine and course materials , and anv portions where such segregation occurs shall be corrected with fresh mixture either spread and worke.. into the surface or by complete removal and replacement of segregated mixture as directed by the Engineer. 3-C-5 Com actingr . After the spreading , striking-off and finishing has been performed and while the mixture is still hot , the course of asphaltic concrete shall be compacted thoroughly and uni- formly by rolling. The rolling shall be done with three-wheeled or tandem roller weighing not less than six tons and at least one of which shall weigh not less than ten tons . In general , one roller shall be provided for each 75 tons of mixture placed per hour or each 600 square yards of mixture placed per hour when the depth of course is such that 75 tons of mixture is spread over an area exceeding 600 square yards. On projects involving 1 ,000 tons or less of asphaltic concrete , only one roller (minimum weight of 10 tons) will be required. Each roller shall be operated by a competent , experienced roller operator and, while the work is underway, shall be kept as nearly as practicable in continuous operation. Rolling shall begin at the sides and progress gradually to the center, except that on super-elevated curves rolling shall progress from the lower to the upper edge parallel with the centerline of the r3ad, and in each uniformly overlapping each proceding track by r--It less than 1/3 the width of the roller until the entire surface Lias been completely rolled. If a three-wheeled roller is used, the ent?.re surface shall be covered and compacted with the rear or compression wheels. The rolling and compacting of the asphaltic concrete shall compress the mixture to a density of not less than 92 percent of the density obtained on the core or cut sample of the field compacted asphaltic concrete by means of the OSHD Standard laboratory procedure for the compacting of asphaltic concrete. Generally, where an adjoining Ftrip of asphaltic: concrete is to be placed against a strip which is still hot , that six-inch width of the strip of asphaltic concrete which is nearest the joint with a successive strip shall not be ro.Lied until the adjoining strip has been placed against it , at which time the rolling of the successive strip shall overlap the six-inch width of the preceding strip of asphaltic concrete . During the rolling operations , hand raking and spotting shall be performed at edges and joints of the mixture to provide neat lines at edges and smooth, uniform surfaces at joints . Along forms , curbs . headers , and walls , around manholes and catchbasins and a' other places not accessible to the roller, the mixture shall be thoroughly compacted with hot hand tampers, smoothi.ng irons or mechanical tampers . On depressed areas , a trench roller may be employed, or corrpres::ion strips may be used under the roller to transmit compression to the depressed area. G&Y - 10 � t The surface of the asphaltic concrete after compaction shall be smooth and true to the established cross-section and grade . Any mixture that becomes loose or broken, mixed with dirt , or is in any way defective shall be removed and replaced with fresh not mixture , which shall be immediately compacted to conform with the f surrounding area. Any areas showing an excess of bituminous cement due to improper rolling procedure shall be removed and replaced. 3-C-•6 Transverse Joints. Placing of a course or strip of asphaltic concrete shall e as nearly continuous as practicable and the roller shall pass over an unprotected end of freshly laid mixture only when the laying of the course or strip is to be discon- tinued long enough to permit the mixture to become chilled. In all such cases , when the work is resumed, the material previously laid and permitted to become chilled Shall be cut back or removed along the end so as to produce a slightly beveled edge for the full thick- ness of the course and the old cut away material shall be removed from the work. The new mixture shall be placed or raked against the fresh cut , thoroughly tamped, and rolled to provide a smooth joint exactly meeting the line , grade and cross-section of adjoining asphaltic concrete after thorough compaction. When the end of a course or strip of asphaltic concrete is to be temporarily subjected to traffic , the end shall be left on a bevel of approximately 1 : 1 to provide a fresh edge against which subsequently placed asphaltic concrete is to abut. 3-C-7 Surface Smoothness. The surface of the top or wearing surface course , when finished, shall be of uniform texture, smooth, true to crown and grade and free from defects of all kinds . The smoothness shall be such that when tested with a 10-foot straightedge placed on the surface with its centerline parallel to the centerline of the street , the maximum deviations of the surface from the edge of the straightedge will no where exceed 0. 01 of a foot . 3-C-8 Control of Traffic. No traffic shall come in contact with any course or lift of the pavement until the course or lift has cooled and set sufficiently to prevent marking. Those edges which are to be along longitudinal joints shall be protected from traffic to the extent that no breaking down of the edge shall occur. 3-C-9 Patching. Omissions or damage to the wearing surface shall be imme-Jiate y corrected by hand patching. Defects such as raveling, low centers , lack of uniformity, or other imperfections caused by faulty workmanship shall be corrected as directed by the Engineer. All costs incurred in coating omissions and in patching shall be borne by the Contractor, and no additional compensation will be made for such work. GO - 11 3-C-10 Clean U . After the pavement has been completed, the Contractor shall collect and remove from the site all debris resulting from his operations . Graded areas along the streets or driveways that have been disturbed by the paving operation sMll be regraded to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 3-D Measurement anu Payment. 3-D.-1 Asphaltic Concrete Pavement. For the construction of asphaltic concrete pavement , payment will be made at the prices bid per ton (2 , 000 lbs . ) for asphaltic concrete used in the work , based upon the unit price as set forth in the Bidder' s Proposal . The quantity to be paid for at the price for asphaltic concrete shall be the number of tons of that class of asphaltic concrete mixture actually incorporated in the pavement , in accord- ance with the plans and specifications and the orders of the Engineer . Payment shall be made on a per ton basis at the unit price bid on the proposal . Pay tonage will be determined by net weight of each load on platform scales furnished by the Contractor . Before use of the scales is commenced, the Contractor shall have the scales checked, adjusted and sealed by an officially oual.ified representative of the State Sealer of Weights and Measures . Payment as above indicated shall be understood to comprise full and complete payment for the asphaltic concrete pavement in place including the furnishing and hauling of all materials , tools , equipment , and supplies , the performing of all work and the bearing of all incidental expense. 4. STANDARD CONCRETE CURBS . 4-A Sco�e. Included is the work and materials necessary for the construction of standard concrete curbs , including but not limited to furnishing materials ; forming , mixing, placing and curing all concrete ; finishing concrete as specified, backfill behind the curbs ; and cleanup . 4-B Materials . 4-B-1 Gravel Base . Gravel base shall be crushed rock or crushed gravel as the Contractor may elect, and shall be 3/4-inch minus . 4-B-2 Concrete. Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength e ps days after placement , using minimum 6-sack mix. An air-entraining admixture shall be used. It shall be added to the mixer at the time of mixing in such a manner as to ensure G&P - 12 uniform distribution of the admixture throughout the batch. Entrained air (% of volume) range shall be 3 percent to 5 percent. The maximum water added per sack or cement shall be 6 gallons and the slump range shall be between 3 and 5 inches. Concrete obtained from other than standard ready-mix plants , shall be subject to approval of the Engineer for mix design , materials , batching and mixing. 4-B-3 Forms . Pre-fabricated steel forms may be used. cT Lumber usenin o-rms shall be of 2-inch material dressed to a uniform thickness of good sound material free from loose knots or other defects . Lumber once in forms shall be tho,-oughly cleaned before being used again. Reuse of forms and form lumber will be permitted only when their conditions are approved by the Engineer. 4-B-4 Concrete Curing Compound. Curing compound shall be Hunt ' s rocess , or equal , as approved by the Engineer. 4-B-5 Roof Drains. Roof drains shall be forr.ed by using four- (4) inch diameter plastic pipe. 4-C Workmanship . 4-C-1 Excavation. Excavation shall include all excava- tion for the cur an suc trimming as may be necessary in the area between the curb and the property line, as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Excavation for curbs shall be done in conjunction, with the excavation of the street. Any portion of the curb subgrade excavated below grade shall be corrected with compacted gravel backfill . Where directed by the Engineer , suitable material as approved by the Engineer may be used for. backfill. Such material must be compacted in lifts with mechanically operated tampers . Tamping shall be such that no settlement will occur. 4-C-2 Foundation Stabilization. Where soft , spongy or other unstable material is found in t e subgr.ade, the Engineer shall require that excavation be carried to firm, solid foundation material which , in his opinion, is deemed satisfactory . The sub- grade shall then be backfilled to the required grade with gravel base as specified in 4-B-1. hereof_ . 4-C-3 Backfill Behind Curbs . Backfill behind the curbs shall not be started until seven days after the concrete has been placed. Backfill shall conform to the lines shown on the Plans . Care shall be taken to preserve the curb alignment while backfilling. In no case shall base rock be placed and compacted in the street before the curbs are properly backfilled. 4-C-4 Forms . a) General . Forms shall conform to the shape, lines, grades and dimensio'ns of the concrete as hereinafter provided for or as called for on the Plans . G&P - 13 The inside of forms shall be coated with a light , noon-staining, mineral oil. Forms shall be held firm and rigid to permit thoroug'L, tamping of the concrete : b) Curb Forms for Standard Curbs . Curb forms shall be sixteen (16) inchos high, vertical on the Sack , six (6) inches wide at the ton and have a slope on the front making a bottom width of nine (9) inches . The back of the curb at the top shall be finished with not greater than one.-half- (1) inch radius tool . The front edge at the top shall be finished with a one (1) inch radius tool . Horizontal and vertical alignment of forms shall be such that the finished surface shall not vary more than 0. 02 feet ('r,-inch) from the established grade and line. Scored plywood may be used to effect short radius bends required for curb returns . 4--C-5 Contraction Joints . Joints shall consist of a two- (2) inch deep knife contraction cut along the entire face and top of curb. Joints shall be made in the curb at the ends of all returns and at not more that 20-foot intervals . Contraction joints shall be cut at time of finishing , and properly finished on both the face and top of curb . 4-C-6 Placing Concrete . Before depositing of concrete will be permute , the work crew and all equipment and tools must he on the job site , Before depositing concrete , all debris shall be removed from the space to be occupied by the concrete . The base shall he thoroughly wetted , but no pools of water will be permitted . Concrete shall be deposited in its proper place without delay in a continuous �-,-peration. An interval of more than 45 minutes between any two consecutive hatch s or loads , or a placing rate of less than eight cubic yards of concrete per hour , shall constitute cause for a contraction joint at the location and of the Cope directed by the Engineer in the concrete already placed. In extremely hot weatr.:r , concrete in place shall be protected until final finishing can be completed. With a hot dry breeze , windbrakes may be erected, or fog nozzles may be used. Curing operation should begin as soot; as concrete has set enough to avoid surface damage. 4-C-7 Finish. After removal of the forms from exposed faces , holes left s a . be patched and finished. The patching rixture shall consist of one part cement and two parts mortar sand. [n general , it is not anticipated that patching will be required. Plywood or metal forms shall be used to produce a uniformly smooth surface on the exposed face. The use of form ties buried in the curb wall must have the prior approval of the Engineer , and then only to suit a special forming problem, or as part of the integral design of a prefabricated and manufactured standard curb form, G&P - 14 Grinding exposed faces with carborundum stones shall not be allowed. Substandard finishing and the presence of rock pockets shall be sufficient cause for rejection by the Engineer. Brooming shall be required on all exposed curb and gutter surfaces . 4-C-8 Removal of Forms . The form on the front of the curb or wall shall e removed in not less than one Dour nor more than six hours after_ the concrete has been placed. Ir no event shall the front form be removed if the concrete has not reached its initial set. 4-C-9 Curing of Concrete. Protection against loss of moisture shall e accomp is e y . eeping the surface continuously wet for seven (7) days or by application of an approved curing compound applied immediately after completion of the finishing. 4-C-10 Roof Drains. Provisions for roof grains through the curb shall e madeacing four- (4) inch diameter plastic pipe in the curb. At least two drains shall be provided per lot unless otherwise indicated by the Engineer. The flow line of the pipe shall be � inch above the gutter flow line. Each drain hole shall be finished after removal of forms . 4-D Measurement and Payment. 4-D-1 Standard Curb. Measurement of standard cu-b shall be along tF`ecur 1ne 73717TEF straight and curved portions . Pay- ment for all work specifirl under this item shall be the unit price stated by the Contractor his Proposal for eE.ch lineal foot of concrete curb in place. No decrease in pa;•ment shill be made and no extra payment shail be allowed for curb at drives or radii or for curb formed around structures such as poles, valves or man- holes in the curb line. The unit price shall be considered as pay- ment for :urnishing and setting of .forms , placing and cur;.ng the concrete , torm removal , earth top soil backfill , roof drains , and clean-up, complete as specified herein. Payment for excavation and gravel backfill will be made as provided for in other applicable sections of these Specifications . 5 . CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 5-A Scope . 5-A-1 General. Included is the work necessary for the excavation , concrete and cement work including but not limited to, the following : Earth top soil , backfill behind the curbs ; furnishing, forming, mixing, placing and curing all concrete; finishing con- crete as specified; and clean-up. G&P - 15 5-B Materials . 5-B-1 Gravel Base. Gravel base shall. be crushed rock or crushed gravel as the Contractor may elect, and shall be 3/4-inch minus . 5-B-2 Concrete. Concrete shall have a minimum compres- sive strength of 3 , 000 psi , 28 days after placement using minimum 6-sack mix. An air entraining admixture shall be used. It shall be added to the mixer at the time o' mixing in such a manner as to ensure uniform distribution of the admixture throughout the batch. Entrained air (% of volume) range shall be 3 percent to 5 percent. The maximum water added per sack of cement shall be six (6) gallons and the slump range shall be between 3 and 5 inches . Concrete obtained from other than standard ready-mix plants , shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer for mix design , materials , batching and mixing. 5-B-3 Forms . Prefabricated steel forms may be used. Lumber used in form-s-shall be of 2-inch material dressed to a uni- form thickness of good sound material free from loose knots or other defects . Lumber once in forms shall be thoroughly cleaned before being used again. Reuse of forms and form lumber will be permitted only when their conditions are approved by the Engineer. 5-B-4 Concrete Curing Compound. Curing compound shall be Hunt ' s Process , or equal , as approved by the Fnginee-. 5-B-5 Roof Drains . Roof drains shall be formed by using four- (4) inch diameter plastic pipe. 5-C Workmanship. 5-C-1 Excavation. Excavation shall be unclassified and shall include all excavation for curb and gutter and such trimming as may be necessary in tLe area between the curb and the property line, as shown on the Plans or as dire,,,ted by the Engineer. Excavation for curbs and gutter shall be done in conjunction with the excavation of the street . Any portion of the curb and gutter subgrade excavated below grade shall be corrected with gravel backfill. Where directed by the Engineer, suitable material as approved by the Engineer may be used for backfill. Suuh material must be compacted in lifts with mechanically operated tampers . Tamping shall be such that no settlement will occur. 5--C-2 Foundation Stabilization. Where soft , spongy or other unsta . e material is found n t e subgrade, the Engineer shall require that excavation be carried to firm, solid foundation material which, in his opinion, is deemed satisfactory. The subgrade shall then he backfilled to the required grade with gravel base as specified G&P - 16 in 5-B-1 hereof, This item shall include the excavation necessary to provide space for the foundation stabilization material, 5-C-3 Forms . a General. Forms shall conform to the shape, lines , grades and dimensions of the concrete as hereinafter provided for or as called for on the Plans . The inside of forms shall be coated with a light , non-staining mineral oil. Forms shall be held "irm and rigid to permit thorough tamping of the concrete .. b) Curb and Gutter Forms . The back curb form shall be 12 inches high, t -e ace orms or t e curb and for the gutter shall be 6 inches high, the face forms shall slope one (1) inch from top to bottom. The finished curb will conform to the Standard Curb and Gutter Detail Sheet: as shown on the Plans . horizontal and vertical alignment of forms shall be such that the finished surface shall not vary more than ; inch from the established grade. Scored plywood may be used to effect the short radius bends required for curb and gutter returns. c _ Catch Basins. Catch basins shall conform to the standard detall for Catch Basins used with Curb and Gutter herein. 5-C-4 Contraction Joints . Contraction joints shall consist of a two- nc eep MITe cut along the fare of curb and top of curb and gutter. Joints shall be made in curb and gutter at the ends cf all returns and at not more than 20-foot intervals. Joints shall also be made three (3) feet on each side of the center- line of catch basins . Contraction joints shall be cut at time of finishing , and properly finished on both the face of curb and top of curb and gutter. 5-C-5 Placing Concrete. Before depositing of concrete will be permitted, tee work crew and all equipment and tools must be on the job site, Before depositing concrete, all debris shall be removed from the space to be occupied by the concrete. The base shall be thoroughly wetted , but no pools of water will be. permitted. Concrete shall be deposi.ted in its proper place without delay in continuous operation. A, interval of more than 45 minutes between any two consecutive batches or loads , or a placing rate of less than eight cubic yards of concrete per. hour shall constitute cause for a contraction joint at the location and of the type directed by the Engineer in the concrete already placed. G&P - 17 In extremely ho- weather , concrete in place shall be protected until. final finishing can be completed. With a hot dry breeze , windbrakes may be erected, or fog nozzles may be used. Curing operation should being as soon as concrete has set enough to avoid surface damage. 5-C-6 Finish. a) Curb and Gutter and Catch Basins. After removal of the forms fromexposed faces , holes left s a e patched and finished. The patching mixture shall. consist of one part cement and two parts mortar sand. In general , it is not anticipated that patching will be required. Plywood or metal forms shall be used to produce a unifc;rmly smooth surface on the exposed face. The use of form ties buri -d in the curb and gutter or wall must have the prior approval of the Engineer , and then only to suit a special forming problem, or as part of the integral design of a prefabricated and manufactured standard curb and gutter form. Grinding exposed faces with carborundum stones shall not be allowed. Substandard finishing and the presence of rock pockets shall be sufficient cause for rejection by the Engineer . Brooming shall be required on all exposed curb and gutter surfaces . 5-C-7 Removal of Forms . The form on the front of the curb or wall shal be removed in not less than one hour nor more than six hours after the concrete has bee-,.1 placed. In no event shall the form be removed if the concrete has not reached its initial set. 5-C-8 Curing of Concrete . Protection against loss of moisture shall a accomplished y Teeping the surface continuously wet for seven days , or by application of an approved curing compound applied immediately after completion of the finishing. 5-C-9 Rocf Drains. Provisions for roof drains through the curb shall be ma dewy placing four- (4) inch diameter plastic pipe in the curb. At least two drains shall be provided per lot unless otherwise indicated by the Engineer. The flow line of the pipe shall be -� inch above the gutter flow line. Each drain hole shall be finished after removal of forms . 5-D Measurement and Pa lent. 5-D-•1 Concrete Cur}) and Gutter . Measurement of concrete curb and gutter shall be—a along cu,bb-Tine on both straight and curved portions . Payment for all work specified under this item shall be the unit price named by the Contractor in his Proposal for each lineal foot of concrete curb and gutter in place . No decrease G&P - 18 in payment shall be made and no extra payment shall be allowed for curb and gutter at drives or radii , or for curb and gutter formed around structures such as poles , valves or manholes in the curb and gutter line. The unit price shall be considered as *payment , for furnishing and setting of forms , placing and curing the concrete , form removal , earth top soil backfill , and clean-up , complete as specified herein. Payment for excavation and gravel backfill will be made as provided for in other applicable sections of these specifications . 6. CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS . 6-ASimco ee. Included is the work and materials necessary for the constructi.o' n of concrete sidewalks and driveways , and other related work inc .uding, but not limited to : Excavation; removal of existing sidewalks and driveways ; disposal of removed materials; preparation of the site ; gravel base; furnishing , forming , mixing, placing and curing all concrete ; placing contraction joints ; finishing concrete as specified; and clean-up as specified herein and shown on the Plans. 6-B Materials . 6-B-1 Gravel Base. Gravel base shall be crushed rock or crushed gravel as the Contractor may elect , and shall be either 1k-- inch minus or 3/4-inch minus , conforming to Section 703. 07 of the OSHD Standard Specifications. 6-B-2 Concrete. Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of psi. , 28 days after placement , using minimum 6-sack mix. An air entraining admixture shall be used. It shall be added to the mixer at the time of mixing in such a manner as to ensure uniform distrubution of the admixtutc, throughout the batch. Entrained air (% of volume) range shall be 3 percent to 5 percent . The maximum water added per sack of cement shall be 6 gallons and the slump range shall be between 3 and 5 inches . Concrete obtained from other than standard ready-mix plants, shall be subject to approval of the Engineer for mix design , materials , batching and mixing. 6-B-3 Forms . Prefabricated steel forms may be used. Lumber use —jn orms shall be. 2-inch material dressed to a uniform thickness , of good sound material free from loose knots or other defert:3. Lumber once used iii forms shall be thoroughly cleaned before being used again. Rewe of forms and form lumber will be permitted only when their condition is approved by the Engineer. 6-B-4 Premoulded Joint Filler. Premoulded joint filler. shall be aMu73_ous 'type oT__7TricFi_mTnimum thickness , conforming to AASHO M33-48 and ASTM D 994 . 6-B-5 Concrete Curing Com ound. Curing compound shall be Hunt ' s Process , or equal,+ as approve y the Engineer. GC.P - 19 6-B-6 Pit-Run Backfill, Material for pit-run backfill. shall be pit-run gravel with a maximum size aggrega".e of 4 inches evenly graded from course to fine. 6-B-7 Asphaltic Concrete. Asphaltic concrete shall be Class "C" mix meeting USED s of naaT6 specifications. 6-B-8 Concrete Pipe. Concrete pipe shall be tongue and groove and shall meet the requirements of ASTM C-14. 6-B-9 Top Soil Backfill. Top soil for backfill shall be a sandy—loam ree from any gravel or clods or other objection- able material . 6-C Workmanship. 6-C-1 Excavation. Excavation shall be unclassifieJ and shall include al excavation for sidewalks and driveways aru such trimmings as may be necessary in the area of the sidewalk or drive- way, as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Any portion of the subgrade excavated below grade shall be corrected with gravel base, pit-run backfill or sand as the Contractor may elect . Where directed by the Engineer, suitable material as approved by the Fngineer may be used for backfill . Regardless of the type Of backfill , material must- be compacted in lifts with mechanically operated tampers . Tamping shall be such that no settlement will occur. 6-C-2 Concrete Cuts . All cutting of concrete necessary for sidewalks an driveway removal will be done by the Contractor prior to removal. 6-C-3 Foundation Stabilization. Where soft , spongy or other unstaZ e material is found in t e subgrade , the Engineer shall require that excavation be carried to firm, solid foundation materials which in his opinion , is deemed satisfactory. The subgrade shall then be backfilled to the required grade as specified in Item C-1 herein above. This item shall include the excavation necessary to provide space for the foundation stabilization material . 6-C-4 Forms - General . Forms shall conform to the shape , lines , grades and dimensions of the concrete as hereinafter provided for or as called for on the Plans . The inside of form8 shall be coated with a light: , non- staining mineral oil.. Forms shall be held firm and rigid to permit thorough tamping of the concrete . G&P - 20 MIM 6-C-5 Sidewalks. a Forms. Forms for sidewalks will be standard finished 2 x 4' s approximately 3-5/8 inch width) , or approved steel forms . h Gravel Base for Sidewalks , Gravel base for side- walks will be 3/4-inch minus ccrusFied gravel 2 inches minimum depth. 6-C-6 Driveways, a Forms . Forms for driveways will be standard 2 x 6 ' s (approximately 542 inches thick) , or approved steel forms .. b) Gravel Base for Driveways . Gravel base for driveways will be 3/4--inch minus crushed rock, 2 inches minimum depth. c) Where sidewalks cross through driveway secticns , the thickness of the sidewalk shall be as specified above for driveways . 6-C-7 Finish. All walks and driveways shall be "broom" finished , broomed ,;.t right angles to the length. The edges of all walks shall be finished smoothly with a 3-inch wide edging, tool free of broom marks. 6-C-8 Joints . a) Contraction Joints. Contraction joints shall be cut in all walks, spaced not to exceed 20 foot intervals nor less than 10 foot intervals . Joint depth shall be 1k inch in .sidewalk sections and 1z inch in driveway sections . All utility poles , meter bases , fire hydrant , etc. , in sidewalk areas shall have joint material , to full depth, placed around them before placing concrete. b) Pattern . Sidewalk areas shall be divided into panels by scoring incri diep in a regular pattern. 6-C-9 Cu�rinpand Protection. An approved curing compound shall be app-TTeTto all expose surfaces immediately after finishing. Curing compound shall be applied in sufficient quantity to obscure the natural color of the concrete. Before beginning the placement of any siJawalk, the Contractor shall have on the job site sufficient protective paper to cover the pour of an entire day, in the event of rain or other unsuitable weather. 6-C-10 Clean-up and Gradin Following completion of the concrete wor a construction debris and materials shall be removed from the job site . G&P - 21 Excavated areas adjoining sidewalks shall be backfilled with top soil „ Existing slopes Shall be followed in grading , as directed by the Engineer, whether in cut or fii1, Elsewhere , in cut , a 1 to 1 slope shall be foliowed and in fill a lz to 1 slope shall he followed. On fill sections a minimum shoulder width of 18-inches shall be provided. 6-D Measurement and Paymen t 6-D-1 Concrete Sidewalk Removal . Payment for sidewalk removal wi e on a square foot basis as set forth in the Bidder' s Proposal . Measurement will be the actual number of square feet removed. 6-D-2 Concrete Drivewa Removal . Payment for driveway removal will e on a square toot basis as set forth in the Bidder' s Proposal. Measurement wil'. be the actual number of square fejt removed. 6-D-3 Concrete Sidewalk Construction. Payment for side- walk construction will e on a square foot basis as set forth in the Bidder ' s Proposal and shall include site p •eparation , 2 inches of gravel base , furnishing , forming, mixing, placing and curing all concrete, placing contraction joints , finishing concrete as specified, backfill with top soil , placement or replacement of any roof drains as required, clean up as specified herein and shown on the Plans and any other work not specifically set aside as special bid item. Measurement will be the actual number of square feet con- structed as specified for each thickness of sidewalk. 6-D-4 Concrete Driveway Construction. Payment for driveway construction wir=e on a square foot basis as set forth in the Bidder' s Proposal and shall include site preparation, 2. inches of gravel base , furnishing, forming, mixing, placing and curing all concrete , placing contraction joints , finishing concrete as specified, clean-up as specifies herein and shown on the Plans and any other related work not specifically set asise as a special bid item. Measurement will be the actual number of squar -� feet con•• structed as specified. 6-D-5 Asphaltic Concrete Driveway Replacement . Payment for asphaltic concrete driveway rep acement will e on a square yard basis as set forth in the Bidder' s Proposal and shall include all. work nc,.esspry for the full and complete cutti.ng , matching and paving of intersected asphalt driveways . 6-D-6 Gravel Backfill. (Not including the 2 inches of ravel base Payment or grave bacc id l will be on a cubic yarn basis (trurk measure) as set forth in the Bidder ' s Proposal . G&P - 22 6-D-7 Foundation Stabilization. Payment for foundation stabilization will e on a cubic yard is (truck measure) as set forth in the Bidder' s Pr.)posal . 7 , CATCH BASINS . 7-A Scope. This item includes furni!--hing all materials , labor and equipment necessary for constructing catch basins complete at locations shown on the plans and as called for under these specifications . 7-B Materials . 7-B-1 Concrete . Concrete shall be as specified under Item 4-B-2 of the specifications . 7-B-2 Construction Drains . Construction drains shall be 4-inch concrete tile . 7-B-3 Grate and Frame. Steel grade ana frame shall be as shown on t e 'Pans . 7-C Workmanship . 7-C-1 Excavation. Excavation for c tch basins shall be to neat finish lines . When straight curb is bei,-.g used , excavation shall follow construction of the curbs and be either before or after the first lift of base rock. When menol.ithic curb and gutter is being used, a six-foot section of curb and gutter shall be Toured monothically with the catch basin. In general , 3/4-inch minus crushed rock properly comparted shall be used for backfilling the catch basins . Where approved by the Engineer, suitable excavated material. may be used for backfill . 7-C-2 Forms . Forms may be either prefabricated steel or smooth plywood—"ff�-care is taken to excavate to neat lines , out- side forms will not be necessary. Forms shall be thoroughly cleaned before being used again. It is of prime importance that forming of the top of the catch '.)asin be exact so that the grate and frame are centered as shown on the Plans . 7-C-3 Placing Concrete. Before aepositing of concrete is permitted , the wore crew andalll equipment and tools must be on the job site . Before depositing concrete all debris shall be removed from the space to be filled by concrete . No construction joints will be allowed in catch basins. 7-C-4 Finish. Finish shall be as specified under Item 4-C-7 of these specifications. The edges of the top of the catch basins shall be finished with not greater than one-half (' ) inch radius tool . G&P - 23 7-C-5 Construction Drains. Construction drains shall he placed as shown on the Plans or as designated by the Engineer. 7-D Measurement and Payment . Payment for catch basins shall be based on the unit price per each as set forth in the Bidder ' s Proposal . (;&P - 2!; STANDARD SPE..CIF ICATIONS - STOPD" DRAINS 1 . TRENCH EXCAVATION AIID BACKFILL. 1-A Scope . This item covers the work necessary for the trench excavation and—backfill , complete , including but not limited to clearing of right of way ; protection of private property during construction ; disposal of cleared materials ; excavation of the trench for the pipe and appurtenances ; foundation stabilization; backfilling at the pipe zone ; trench backfilling (of the type specified by the Enpineer) above the pipe zone ; removal , replacement and rehabilitation of all fences , drainage ditches , water-ways , culverts , concrete curbs and sidewalks , or other features moved or damaged during construction ; removal of all obstructions ; removal of existing pavement ; locating and protecting existing utilities ; repair of damage to utilities; the maintenance of access to public thoroughfares and to private property; the maintenance of adequate barricades , lights and warning signs for the protection of the public on public highways , County roads , streets and private drives ; shoring , cribbing, bracing, sheeting, and dewatering as may be required; hauling and disposal of waste e-r.cavation , including temporary haul- ing and disposal of soil which cannot be accommodated within the designated right of way; repair of public and private property damaged during construction; final cleanup of the construction area; and all miscellaneous items of work required to complete the construction specified hereunder . 1-B Materials . 1-13•-1 Trench Excavation. Trench excavation shall be classi- fied as eitNe r common excavation or rock excavation as defined below: a) Common Excavation. Common excavation is defined as the removal of all material which is not classified as rock excavation. b) Rock Excavation. Rock excavation is defined as the removal of a materials which , by actual demonstration, cannot , in the Engineer' s opinion, be reasonably excavated with a 3/4 yard Bacyrus-Erie 22-B Backhoe equipped with a 19-foot boom, general duty dipper and rock prints , or similar approved equipment and which is , in fact , systema+_ically drilled and blasted. The Engineer reserves the right to waive the demonstration of the material encountered as well-defined rock. The term "rock excavation" shall be understood to indicate a method of removal and not a geological material . No payment will be made under "Rock Excavation" for any method of rock removal other than systematic drilling and blasting . St D. - 1. If the Contractor elects to mechanically remove material classified as "Rock Excavation" by the above definition with other equipment , including excavating equipment of a larger size than specified above , it shall be understood that payment for the removal of the material by this method shall be at the unit price for Common Excavation. 1-B-2 Trench Backfill. a Foundation Stabilization. Gravel for trench foundation stabilization shall- be clean pit-run gravel , crushed rock or gravel , having reasonably even gradation from coarse to fine. The maximum size shall be four (4) inches , b) Granular Material for Pipe Base and Pi e Zone. Granular materia oar pipe base and pipe zone shall e -inc minus pea gravel or crushed gravel , having reasonably even gradation from coarse to fine. c) Gravel for Trench Backfill . Gravel fur trench backfill shall be clean pit-run graved cr'usred rock, or gravel having a reasonably even gradation from coarse to fine. The maximum size shall be four (4) inches . d) Bituminous Cements. Bituminous cement for use in tacking the edges of asphaltic concrete pavement shall be RC-1 asphaltic road materials conforming to the applicable specifi- cations of the Asphalt Institute , or shall be an asphalt emulsion. e As hhal�tic Concrete. Asphaltic concrete shall be hot plant mix, C ass "C" material al conforming to the requirements of Part 400, entitled, "Asphaltic Concrete Pavement" of the Standard Specifications of the Oregon State Highway Commission. f Gravel Surface. Material shall be 3/4-minus crushed gravel or rock, reasonably evenly graded from coarse to fine. 1-C Workmanship . 1-C-1 Clearing the Right of wWa Where clearing of the right of way ,is necessary, it shall be completed prior to the start of the trenching. Trees and brush shall be cut as near to the surface of the ground as practicable and piled for disposal . The Contractor shall observe all Federal and State laws relating to fire permits and local regulations relating to burning such materials . Under no conditions shall excavated materials be permitted to cover brush or trees prior to clearing and burning. Existing trees or tree limbs whether on. public or private property, are not to be removed without permission from the Engineer,. S t- ., D. -- 2 tu MIL 1-C-2 Obstructions . This item refers to obstructions which may be removed and do not require replacement. Obstructions to the construction of the trench such as but not limited to stumps , abandoned piling, abandoned concrete structures , logs , rubbish and debris of all types shall be removed by the Contractor at his own expense without additional compensation from the Owner. The Engineer will , if requested by the Contractor. , make changes in alignment to avoid major obstructions if such alignment changes can be made without adversely affecting the intended functioning of the facility. The Contractor shall pay all additional costs to the Owner resulting from such alignment changes. 1-C-3 Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Replacement. All bituminousar—,c concrete pavements , regardless of t e t 1ckness , shall be cut prior to excavation of trenches with a concrete saw. Width of the pavement cut shall be at least six (6) inches greater than the required width of the trench at ground surface on each side . Pavement removed during excavation shall be piled separately from the earth spoil and removed from the site and shall not be used in backfilling the trench. After the pipe trench has beer backfilled and thoroughly compacted, it shall be brought to a smooth, even grade approximately 11 inches below the top of the existing bituminous surface. An 8-inch layer of clean 3/4-inch minus crushed gravel shall then be placed and compacted over the gravel backfill , then the edges of the existing asphaltic concrete pavement shall be gi-en a hot shot coat of the material specified under item 1-B-2d of these specifications . Sufficient time shall be allowed for the bituminous cement to cure , and no operation that will stir up dust shall be permitted until surface has dried, Plant-mixed bituminous surfacing not less than 3 inches in depth shall then be applied and compacted over the trench. Aspahltic concrete shall be mixed, processed, and laid in compliance with Part 400 of the Standard Specifications for Highway Construction of the Oregon State Highway Commission. The finished surface of the new pavement shall conform to the grade , crown , and slope of the existing pavement . 1-C-4 Blasting. Blasting for excavation will be permitted only after securing approval of the Engineer and only when proper precautions are taken for the protection of persons anal property. Any damages caused by the blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own expense . The Contractor' s methods of procedure and blasting shall conform to State Laws , County Laws and Municipal Ordinances . 1-C-5 Trench Width. Minimum width of unsheeted trenches I in which pipeis to be laid shall be eighteen (18) inches greater than the inside diameter of the pipe, except by permission of. the Engineer. The maximum width of the trench shall be limited to 1 . 5 st . D - 3 times the nominal pipe diameter plus eighteen (18) inches. In all cases , trench width shall, be confined to dedicated right- of way for public thoroughfares or within areas for which construction easements have been obtained, uni.ess snecial crrangements have been made with the affected property ou' ,ers 1-C-6 Grade. The bottom on the trench shall be carried to the lines ancTra�es shown on the Plans or as estal ' ished by the Engineer, with proper allowance for pipe thickness and for gravel bedding, Any part of the trench excavated below grade shall be corrected with material of the type specified in 1-B-2a, for Che full width of the trench and thoroughly compacted layers noC to exceed six (6) inches , to the established grade. Unless otherwise specified, service laterals shall be laid at u slope of '3; inch per four_. 1-C-7 Shoring, Sheetin and Bracing of Trenches . When- ever necessary to prevent caving during excavation in gravel , sandy soil , or other unstable material , the trench shall be adequately sheeted and braced. Where sheeting, and bracing are used, trench widths shall be increased accordingly. Trench sheeting shall remain in place until the pipe has been placed and backfilled within the pipe zone. All sheeting, shoring and bracing of trenches shall conform to the requirements of the State Industrial Accident Commission, 1-C-8 Location of the Excavated Materials. During trench ex-avat-ion,the Contractor shall ocate the excavated material so it will not completely obstruct a traveled roadway or street ; and, unless otherwise approved by the Fzgineer, all streets and roadways shall be kept open to at least one-way traffic. 1-C-9 Removal of Water,. The Contractor shall provide and maintain ampTe means and devices with which to promptly remove and dispose of all water including flow from existing storm drain lines , entering the trench excavation during the time the trench is being prepared for the pipe laying , during the laying of the pipe , and until the backfill in the pipe zone has been completed. The CoitraL, - fall dispose of the water in a suitable map.ner without damag , to adjacent property. 1-C-10 Foundation Stabilization. When, i.r the opinion of the Engineer, the mater .t. in tI e otttomoof the trench is unsuitable for supporting the pipe, ~he Contractor shall excavate from one to twn feel relow the flow litre as directed by the Engineer , and backfill to the required grade with gravel of the cyp , specified in. 1-B-2a. 1-C-11 Trench Backfill at Pipe Lone. The pipe zone shall b? considered to extend from Ma gravease to a point six (6) inches St .D. - 4 v above the outsid.� of the pipe and for t:Le full width of the trench, for all classes of backfill . In areas of rock or other area designated by the Engineer, the entire pipe zone shall be backfilled with materials specified in 1 -B-2b. In all other areas , the pipe zone shall be backfilled with such material only up to the springline., 1-C-12 Trench Backfill above Pipe Zone. The following types of back—shall e U's-e-7—on the project in th(, areas shown on the Plans . The class of backfill used for Service Laterals will in general be t e same as that use or—FFTe� ine to which t ey are connects d. a) Class 1 Backfill. The trench above the pipe zone shall be backfi e ­wH7 the excavated material in six (6) inch layers and each laver thoroughly tamped by means of hand or mechanically operated tampers . The fill shall be broughtto the required surface grade, and tamping shall be such that no settlement will occur. b Class 2 Backfill. The trench above the pipe zone shall be backfilledwith F excavated material in layers not thicker than the usable length of the jet pike and then water jetted with a hose and nozzle, The nozzle shall be inserted at such spacing as necessary to completely saturate the backfill . Fill shall be compacted so that no settlement occurs under normal loading . c Class 3 Backfill. Following backfill in the pipe zone the excavated material. back into the trench by mechanical means. Where this method of backfill is allowed, the earth shall he pu,hed first onto the slope of the backfill previously placed and allowed to roll down into the trench. The Contractor will not be allowed to push the backfill material into the trench in such a way as to permit free fall of the material into the open trench. A windrow of excavated material shall be placed over the trench to allow for settlement . The Contractor shall make his own estimate of the amount of settlement that will occur and will stock pile enough material to compensate for settlement . After the back- fill has been completed, the entire working area including the trench shall be graded. d� Class 4 Backfill. The trench above the pipe zone shall be backfilled with our- (4TLnch minus "Gravel for Trench Backfill" as specified under 1-B-2c. This material shall be placed in the manner speci`ied for Class 3 Backfill , above . No windr-)w required. After the trench has been backfilled , the entire trEnch shall be water s:2ttled so that no settlement shall occur . e) Class 5 Backfill Following the backfill it '.he pipe zone , the remainder of the tr.e ch shall be backfilled as specified for Class 2 Backfill up to within eight (8) inches of the top of L:Ie trench, The remaining eight (8) inches of the trench shall then be St .n. - 5 filled with 3/4-inch minus crushed rock and compacted over the trench surface with at least six (6) passes with the wheels of a grader or otr,r similar equipment. f� Class 6 Backfill . Following the backfill in the pile zone , the trench from the pipe zone to a point two feet below the surfacing shall. be backfilled as specified for Class 2 Backfill. The remaining- two feet below the surfacing shall be backfilled as specified for Class 4 Backfill . The backfilling and water settling ;halt be accomplished in a manner that no future settlement shall occur. 1-C-13 Excess Excavated Material . All excess excavated materials shall e hauled and clisposedof by the Constractor. The Contractor shall bear all costs and retain any profit incidental to such disposal . 1-C-14 Pock Excavation. Before proceeding with rock excavation , t e Contractor s a Leave completed the common excavation to ouch depths that only rock excavation remains . At this time the trench shall be made available to the Engineer .and measurements will be taken to determine the amounts of rock excavation remaining . 1-D Measurement and Payment . Payment for the work specified under this item will e Trade at the unit prices stated in the Contractor' s Proposal. and shall be included under the following items . Computation of quantities will be as indicated for each item and will be based upon measurements made by the Engineer. 1-D-1 Clearing and Grubbin . The work required under this, item will be based on the lump sum price stated in the Contractor' s Proposal . The lump sum price shall inclu,-ie all clearing and grubbing necessary to prepare the trench site . If storm drains are being constructed in conjunction with a project which includes grading and paving, no separate payment for clearing and grubbing will be made for storm drains , as all payment will. be considered to be included in the clearing and grubbing item included as a part of the grading and paving portion of the project . 1-D-2 Trench Excavation. a) Common Excavation. The work required under this item will be paid for on a lin— eal Toot basis for the depth of trench from the original ground surface to the flow line of the pipe or to the point where rock excavation begins. This shall be considered to include any extra excavation required to provide space for gravel base to be furnished. Payment per lineal foot will be at the price amount set forth in the Contractor' b Proposal . The depth figures indicated in the Proposal are inclusive ro the nearest 0. 1 foot; trench depth measured as 8. 0 feet will. be paid for at the price for excavation F to 10 feet- deep . The length of trench will be measured St.D. - 6 horizontally from center to center of manholes or to the end of pipe, whichever is applicable. The depth of trench will be measured at intervals of 25 feet along the center line of the trench and the depth at each measuring point will be the depth used in computing measure- ments. Excavation for service laterals will be paid for on a lineal foot basis , without regard to depth. b) Rock Excavation. Payment for rock excavation will be based on the unit price per cuFic yard stated in the Contractor' s Proposal . Measurement shall be based on profile elevations taken by the Engineer in the trench after all common excavation has been removed and only rackexcavation, as determined by the Engineer, remains . Profile measurements shall be taken to the nearest 0. 1 foot at all breaks of elevation. Volume of rock for payment shall be calculated to the nearest 0. 1 cubic yard and shall include also that volume of rock removed to provide spaL.e for gravel for pipe base. Widths for caiculations st.al.l be 1 . 5 times the nominal pipe diameter plus eighteen (18) inches . 1-D-3 Trench Backfill. a) Gravel Base and Pipe Zone. Payment for the cork required under tTi-zs cem will be on a lineal foot basis and shall be full payment for the four (4) or six (6) inch gravel base, and gravel in the pipe zone to a point six (6) inches above the pipe or to the spring line as specified. b' Class 1 2 3, 41 5 and 6 Backfill . The work required under thl-s tem wi e pi (T-tor on a linen foot basis for the depth of trench from the original ground surface to the flow line of the pipe as uetailed in 1-D-2a. Backfill for service laterals will be paid for ,-in a lineal foot basis , without regard to depth. c) Foundation Stabilization. Payment for this item will be based on the unit price per linea foot as set forth in the Contractor ' s Proposal Payment for this item shall be considered full payment for all materials , labor, equipment , and incidentals necessary tc furnish material at trench site and placing it in the trench and for the extra depth of trench below flow line grade to provide for a stable base for the pipe .. This item is to provide for unstable base encountered in the progress of the work and shall be used only under the dir.ectior of the Engineer. AM Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Replacement. Payment for this item s a include payment for all work necessary to remove and replace the pavement and gravel base . Payment will be based on the unit price named in the Contractor' s Proposal . Measurement of pavement will be on the lineal foot basis , and will be made parallel to the center line of the pipe. Payment will be made on the basis of the length replaced regardless of and without consideration for the width replaced. St . D. - 7 2. STORM DRAIN PIPE INSTALLATION. 2-A Scope . This item shall include the work necessary for the insta�'I-atio` n of storm drain pipe and fittings of the size and classes indicated, including but not limited to furnishing materials; laying and jointing the pipe and connections to .-xisting drainage structures . 2-B Materials . 2-B-1 Concrete Pipe. a) Non-reinforced Pipe. Non-reinforced pipe shall meet the requirements of7ST C-1L� and shall be furnished with either tongue and groove type joints or bell and spigot . All non-reinforced pipe shall be extra strength. b) Reinforced Pipe. Reinforced pipe shall meet the requirements of. ASTM C-7 and shall be furnished with tongue and groove type joints . Reinforced pipe shall. be Class 3 except where other classes are specified or shown on the Plans. All pipe 21 inches and over shall be reinforced. c) Rubber Gasket. Pipe shall be furnished with a rubber gasket type joint only wwTien specifically noted in the Special Specifications o,- on the Plans. 2-C Vorkmanship . 2.-C-1 Preparation of Trench. a) Gravel Pipe Base. ,ravel base for pipe shall be placed in the trench to a minimum depth of four (4) inches below the outside of the pipe. The top of the gravel base ,hall be placed at flow line grade . The base shall be placed and leveled to approximate flow line grade in advance of the pipe laying . b_� _Bell Holes . At the location of each joint , bell holes of ample dimension s=a1 be dug in the bottom of the trench and at the sides where necessary to permit the joint to be properly fitted; to permit easy inspection of the entire joint ; and to provide uniform bearing for the barrel of the pipe for its entire length. Q Removal of Water. The Contractor shall at all times provide and--maintain ample means and devices to remove and dispose of all water entering the trench excavation during the proce.S of laying the pipe . 2-C-2 Preparation of Storm Drain Pipe. All pipe and fit- tings shall be c refully inspected eror—e beUng laid and no cracked, broken , or defective pipe or fittings shall be used in the work. The ends of the pipe shall be cleaned with a brush, washed, and thoroughly scrubbed where necessary to remove dirt of other foreign material . St.D. - 8 2-C-3 Laying and Jointing Pipe and Fittings . a) Pipe Laying. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign materials mom entering the pipe while it is being placed in the trench. During laying operations , no debris , tools , clothing or other materials shall be placed in the pipe. The top half of the joints shall be mortared. b Line and Grade. Maximum deviation from true line or grade as estaSlisheO by the Engineer shall not exceed �. inch for line and 4 inch for grade. In order to control pipe laying to a straight line vertically and horizontally, the use of batterboards and a taut string will be required. A minimum of 4 batterboards shall be in place ar all times when pipe is laid. The string line shall be directly over the center of the line to which pipe is to be laid and shall be an even number of feet above the flow line of the pipe , The pipe shall be laid true to the lines and grades established, with the bell end upstream. 2-C-4 Connection to Existing Drainage Structures . aa))�P_i�es . When it is required to connect to an existing pipe , the existing pipe will be broken above the spring line whenever possible. The hole shall be large enough to accommodate the new pi,7e in its full outside diameter. The joint shall be fully grouted around the outside. The mortar for the grout shall conform to 3-B-3 herein. The new pipe shall not extend further than the inside of the manhole . 2-D Measurement and Payment . 2-D-1 Storm Drain. Payment for the storm drain Vipe shall be based upon the un t price as set forth in the Contractor s Proposal for the various sizes and types of pipe required and installed as shown on the Plans cr as directea by the Engineer. Payment for pipe will be on a lineal foot basis on the actual number of feet installed, measured to the nearest foot , computed on the basis of actual hori- zontal measurement from centerline of manhole cover to ce-terline of manhole cover or to the end of the pipe installed, should no manhole be constructed at the end of the pipe. For catch basin laterals , measurement shall be from the centerline of manhole cover to centerline of main storm drain to the center of the catch basin or other inlet structure. 2-D-2 Connection to Existing Drainage Structures . Payment for connection to existing drainage structures shall be based on the unit price per each as s,.t forth in tine Bidder ' s Proposal . If no item is included in the Proposal form, such work shall be considered to be paid for under some one or more other bid items . St. D. - 9 3. MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION. 3-A Scope. This item includes the work necessary for the con- struction:of the precast manholes , including but not limited to the additional excavation and backfill required and removal of existing manholes , concrete and forms ; furnishing and placing of the concrete precast sections, cones , pipe and fittings ; cast iron frames and covers ; and all appurtenances. The Contractor may, at his option, use p -)ured-in-place type manholes , provided all details of construction are approved by the Engineer. 3-B Materials. -B-1 Concrete. Concrete used in the construction of the manhole base and of er structures specified shall be so proportioned and mixed as to meet a 2. ,500 psi compression test after ?.8 days . There shall be a minimum of five sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete. Water shall be provided by the Contractor. 3-B-2 Precast Manhole Sections . Precast concrete sections for manhol—e-797—sTi—all be minimum of 42 inches in diameter, reinforced concrete pipe , Class 2 , conforming to ASTM C-478, with the added requirement that the reinforcement shall be circular and not elliptical . Cones shall be concentric or eccentric with the wall thickness and reinforcement similar to that of manhole pipe sections . The tops and the bottoms of the cones shall be parallel . 3-13-3 Mortar. The jci_nts of the precast manholes shall by made with cement mortar consisting of one part cement to two par's sand. Materials for mortar shall consist of well-graded sand which will pass a 1/8-inch screen; admixtures may be used not exceeding the following percentages of volume of cement : Hydrated Lime 5 percent Fireclay, diatomaceous earth, or other inert materials 10 percent The consistency of the joint mortar shall be such that- it will. adhere readily to the pipe . No mortar shall be used where its ingredients have been mixed for a period greater than 30 minutes . 3-B-1; Manhole Extensions . The concrete rings used in extensions shall Be'_T`our- _T47n— nchcs in thickness and of standard construction. The rings shall be approved by the Engineer before being installed. In general , manhole extensions will be used on. all manholes in roads or streets or other locations where a subsequent change in existing grade is likely. At least one shall be used, but not more than three. St.n. - 10 s .a+ 3-B-6 Manhole Frames and Lovers. All manhole frames and covers shall e of a size and shape etal ed on the Plans or approved equal . The castings shall be tough , c?.ose-grained gray iron, free from blow-holes, shrinkage , and cold shits. They shall conform to ASTM A 48 and shall be sound, smooth, clian and free from blisters and all defects . All castings shall be pl.aned and ground where Necessary to ensure perfectly flat and tree surface:: . Covers shall be true and shall seat within the i-ng at all points . In areas not plann,-4 for streets or traveled ways , the contractor may use a suburban type manhole frame and cover. 3-C Wot?�manshin . 3-C-i Concrete Base. The concrete base for the precast manhole shall e constructs so the first section of the precast man- hole has a. uniform bearing throughout the full circumference of Che manhole wall.. Sufficient mortar shall be deposit on the con!'.rece base to provide a watertight seal between the base and t<-,e manhole wall . 3--C-2 Placingprecast Manhole Sections , The joints for the precast concrete manhole shall e made of cement mortar consisting of one part cement and two parts sand. The walls shall be constructed true to line and grade as established by the Engineer ,. Mortar shall be placed on the groove of the lower se( , ion of the pipe prior to placing the next section of pipe. The entire joint shall be completely filled with mortar and trowelled to smooth surface . 3-C-3 Manhole Inverts . The inverts of the manholes shall be constructed in con ormance with the details shown on the Plans. The manhole inverts shall provide a smooth flow-through characteristic. No sharp edges or rough sections which will tend to obstruct the flow of sewage will be permitted. Where a full section of sewer pipe it laid through the manhole , the top shall be broken out as indicated on the Plans , and the exposed edges of the pipe shall be completely covered with mortar. All cement mortar used in the construction of the inverts shall be trowelled smooth. 3-C-4 Manhole Rings and Covers . The manhole rings shall be set so tTe 'tops oft the covers are-just flush with the surface of t!ie adjoining pavement or g;•ound =,irface unless otherwise shown on the Plans or directed by the Engineer. When constructed in con- junction with new street paving, adjustment should be as specified elsewhere in the "Grading and Paving" portion of the Standard Specificatior.j . 3-C-5 Manhole Extensions . The extensions shall be built as shown on the special eta s for manholes on the Plans to the height directed by the Engineer . Extensions shall be added on man- holes in existing streets and driveways or where otherwise directed by the Engineer. The actual height of extensions shall be as St .D., - 11 determined by the Engineer. The rings shall be laid straight and true ; the mortar shall be of the same materials as that used in the manhole construction. Material used shall be of the highest quality and equal to similar materials specified in other sections . 3-D Measurement and Payment. 3-D-1 Standard Manholes. Payment for standard manholes will include payment for all wor necessary to construct the manholes of the type directed by the Engineer. Payment for manholes will be based on the price stated in the Contra.:tor' s Proposal for standard manholes 6 feet deep , plus the unit price per foot stated in the Contractor 's Proposal for standard manhole depths over 6 feet, inclu,4ing extensions if required. No deduction will be made from the manhole price for depths less than 6 feet . Manhole depth will be measured from the top of the manhole ring and cover to manhole irivert at the center of the manhole. The depth will be to the nearest foot , as measured by the Engineer . Payment under this item will also include payment for the extra excavation required over and above that required for normal sewer trench , and for removal of existing man- holes. No extra payment will be made for adjusting new martholes constructed under this contract. St.D. - 12 1 rp W I O m2lj I*I I I� wI 10 CONSTRUCTION I� W SITE PLAN �z > I SCALE-1'•100' a rL R/W -- -_ --- 40' -- 1 1 _ _�_._ _ IS' 7 S'� CURB N0 2'Claee C A.C(FuNrsl"`„,,,,III��I LANDSCAPE CONCRETE CURB Futuro Finish Wodo ,• SI cWALK S' Clots B A.0 A EA V4 al BIKEPATN 3'Min O`srbr Filer Material Cass C A C. 'ARIES• —+� VARIES — 4.S'—.I 2' 1''0' IBr CowtT) 1 Cruslra Roe72A.0 AC Foisting PewneoM FiINr W neral,Clots 0 A.C. Scarify AC. Remove o IIA of 4 S'of Ew4tlion) A.C.Under LoL,dscopri ArsoN . I'-0'Crushed Rack ��1l1 (Overlay Areal) ��Olhere 28' 12'STORM DRAIN —(Imll of Construction This Contract I I N D E '[YPICgL SECTION 5+00 to 16+55 ITEM (NOT TO SCALE) EET— SITE PLAN. R/W MAP, SHIRT INCEN, SECTIONS,BENCH MMM. —� PROVEMENTS to 13+00 ------ --- 29' - ------ AIN IMPROVEMENTS .72 to 14+93.72 PROVEMENTS — 7' ' LANDSCAPE 0 to 22H24.11 ) Future qtr Grade 9" lose C AC(Future) LANDSCAPE AREA AIN IMPROV[MENTS 1 =�+ 3' Close B AC �R A CONECWR TE 88 0 le 5+23.70 SID 2. BIKEPATN STANLARD CURS, 3'Min Overlay . anty) Cul Edge 2' 1'-0' e 1 IAL ORIVEw4T, STANDARD (By C — (3' . —+� "'trO7" Crushed Rote 4-1 Mo. WITH WHEEL CHAIR RAMP, Er,ehng Pavement Filler Motor a1,Close B A.C. I 2' 1'-O'Leroling Ceuru CATCH BASIN, 12' 1'-O'Best Course r1. 2' 12'STORM 2'Close C A C ASIN PAVEMENT (APER. —_-- VARIES --_� DRAIN IOvertor bee STANDARD MANHOLE, 4' Case C A,C PLAT TOP MANHOLE, -,By Others Limit of Comtructlon (Nora Construction) MANHOLE FRAME This Contract IN. CLASS d SACKPILL, `,etsrt�rl + ava"cc 4 PLAN TYPICAL—=1M 16+55 to 22+84.76 (NO'.' TO SCAT E) it PLAN REDUCED 10 ONE-HAIT ORIGINAL SCALE ATE$,INC. TIGARD SCHOOL DISTRICT 231, 1d^ A SURVEYORS WASHIN,TON AND CLArKA61AS FOUNTIL S TITLE SHEET 'z (seal ea too 13137 S W PACIFIC HWY /6 Ike a~o to llvARD.OR 97223 (".,03)684-2211 KJ4t AS !MOWN wn MAY 1903 rat 62 297 ISS � I - _ _ -- S. W. DURHAM ROAD 1 HEW CU o IZI I ;al TEMP, BENCH MARK I 0R SPINE IN POWER POLE AT THE 9 E, CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF S.W. DURHAM ROAD AND S.W. 92nd AVENUE ELEVATION- 200.84 (US.C,BGS DATUM) DURHAM ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS S. W 85 t►h AVE. to S. W. 92nd AVE. SHEET . ` � � l ... �t' / i /�1�1� -����_� �f. - – �� y- ��� � ✓r `` 1 COVER !' ■CSS � I? `�` � ___111LLL_llll I � y VICINITY PROJECT rrPlcAl r 1 r inn`, -v.. AREA `y/ s t STREET P STA 5+0 3TO^^II YY y � STA 8+83 f , S STREET I / I STA. I!+" 1 STORM/ DI\_� STA. 0+I 16 R • 0ETAIL9 COMMERC SIDEWALK STANDAR( CATCH R S DETAIL9- 1 TYPICAL 9TANDARI AND COV VICINITYMAP a PLANTING SCALE 1'•1600' APPOOM D*HAAS A ASSOC: CONSULTING 04GINEERS SWO"t GC -T ��-- (;W w v ) ry OAI0101:01) M D. att dff/�, ow W C A .� a AATII mm v v I f I o N .� Wft—ft O-ope @roro and ♦rcon�troct sidsw./R. opd rein)to// DYe she/far •3 t4. /a,54 /t i I,4' red CcvlJlraLf t' rO,np If dr,rtw+yf 100 4//ow liv futuis over/oy. /ryo,Co/) sis //,o9 i2•r/t'res Ramp 1'0 be /aid m popsy {qi Edye of poviprenr I easy futurs ♦ernovo/. 7e 11,00 y ,µ1« 4 sro. I•Io) rC. /fsol ^ sr4 9,977s !Q /f/•s/ * �.te'Rt of d sand /2+40) u 13020 12••12• ren u N / f•�a» 29'-- - - Sro. stoat mvirm,red � o • • 42.09,2A \4""Ra,novl f of Curb Cnn>ff. e' R•2!' \C Const 7e'of Jfo,/do©01ke peth Rsnrovs +o'of curb ti Reprove es' of curb cont. curb Const !B' of Jrondord aanc turd of standard A• 'OI'Dl' ca-7c Calb R•*o' o R ,� 'A 4k sc�v 0' c oe /2' s/otfed drain Const 7000' of /2' sloftdd drain of oj,ron. Gowned• O/ono f DOC* oop�0n. Conned nq v Yo• prnd and fn a,n ulin9 • 9n•Awnd Ond 7' w 'apotea eyed/ ppd. 01 '1' fn.��u ores see/ p,pe f f,ee spec/4/ specs.) l/e ywye)(se� spoc,e/ specs.) � �fl/N h yrode T-F � U 2X h OC -- —� --- - Ism II-- ---i--I- - F --- g tY— w h/9T 2nr— � h ON-.hi • a I w �• caput _ -- 1 -- — - -- 00 200---- 2 00_-- de cY''."T' 6 Or00—'—O,fO "/100 ww h µ I •1 U " 1 S.W. 92nd Ave. LUR9 DETAIL ♦ v SCALE' r Vert1•• Vsrt 5'1'•y' to--- L ,�•c a R.. —_-_ /f0 No td: All trench Ovck fi/t C•�I. CG p �— s'-O-o,f�9-- _5000// Dd C/a!! 4. , I [ In /dJto ,j•c ! out 1R1JI0 --- -- ,ha /N JO Ap✓a? os�o►ncyr — 1� o w��7I 8 0 , ♦ n $ wa•q�� _ I h h w 0 I PLAN REDUCED TO •100 ,%0 10000 •?0 11,00 '50 12,co '40 /9,00 I),gra ONE-HALF ORIQlN11l. iCAI.F. IATES,INC. S. W. DURHAM ROAD PLAN ® PROFILE aQswT-fcAs STREET IMPROVEMENTS 11TREET- SW OURHAMRD 5+00 to 13+70 onalonsw ITORM DRAIN- 8+83.70 to 11+23711 Main TIGARD, OREGON KMI AS lH09rN MA MAY 11107 fV of LfT 163 sw Carsf. i'of/2's1defed driirD ceto" bike Aafh, CoR/'0Cf Remove Poo /DDet/f Ot APA740/e with Remove /2• Corrufofed See*/pipe and bends as re aired, I o// /A f va ( ical hN�3 Ia,&a Sts. /T•23l Conor. .3'fid /k ew� rG /90.74 h (2o'Rf of Here re n1 rG/r 1911544 —erid f. pork/i 9 /or, w S S 2 ' IM. 1«. S. W. '�MAY ~ ROAD caret cwb #reekdowwo-f_ .i►aVe? '— mr1" S%We 'o o•_ and 00,10/CAO/r romp 3-51' approA• 2'see/0 R•IO' Catsf cw# A-eakdown ( 1% Rernore so'of carp Remove eo' of cur0 C7d 40'09 stand !!' a iE � �1 3roMndetd cont. Curb standardcart. curl N a 0.30 n.to v 0.60 Rem ore !o'of tura'+ MetcA eX/at Cur# I Cons r. 4/' of �9 randerd Right of we cont. curb cepsf aI go #OCA' � re n+o/n r• 20s ♦ 7'of /1' co? N—$— —g—�—�- -�—g— y�—(/e y�eoel V '4 zoo tj u /ss - _— — X/Jr /Ioren►ent_ o rc a M h u tOs nO N I � ^ w w w w r • a � /99 _ — [xllt yrvu - -- /� -- I E l u f /?.a Raw /fe'.e ' p'nt wb i 2a! h g h 8 T� e/ .l:dewo/kis h x �• " /fe ' PROFILE Van. � e,as .50 9•oo an 6.00 .+O 1•oe I No 8.0e .!re Drsaqn am D*FlAA3 A ASSOC w.M II Y —�--- CONSMTM EMi%*-EM Nb b4 C..W M>t 101 a I V I I 10 M 1 N 0wxw N QOr1f1—��� ''� Wo I M rwwwwwy cwy1 wMe..r1.ayo no» dord: its. /e.ao to 1t•61 fere/ and reseed oreo south of olke porn disturbed bf C0173tr4lc71-10,o. TEMPORARY BENCH MARK (gee spec o/ Jpecif/cpt,ons) BRAS! DISC N MONUMENT BOX AT THE I I CENTER Of TNI INTERSECTION Of S.w. 17,73 edfe of Oorenlent 5 r. 0.21 r I DURHAM ROAD AID HALL BOULEVARD. /2'r/t'ret ELEVATION- 179.27 �! q I (U.l.C.r,0,3. DATUM) /eA eD Meender lydlwo/k M/23' t2•0I ° rodraf evrref to oraIf d lC,-)9 ` eJ s! 4O'ook tree. E .� j/frs o.00 -z_ COwf+J' down/k (Z3.JA'Rr, o/ L !:- �t•�7J.7t) URNAM u w ROAD Lia' _ as j�- — -0116- =- Remcee 90'or Cvib I---Ca75t CurO breokdown 9to. 20.00 to 11•/0 n•ef'tl'u Crrd whee/Charr ramp e fe•o0 Oyer,'a , exiJf, b,ka poe,4 6:*Y' o,.:�e! Cogtt CurO breakOown. o Roth w,6t 1` C/o ts 'C'A C. 0154 exr=r: cur0 Poorter to ,rnotcf erisle ` pot/l to JWin► Center. I t �� = III I .PLAN .9 fa. 20 r,0 to 12•-TS I � SCALE'1"-DD' ('Mst 4'Orke Aoth. I m I 3 I rs, All Iren.h bac t f,/! r1,9'lt cop woo--z_ .i I,h I�I I She be Goss .0. i 0 1 rin,fn rode 1910 N 14 0 V Tod er cure 4, n u M b • t. a o � 'K In _„h N Q v 2 o 11 0 ----7rpo-- "IfO .l.pOi-e B S.W. 051h Avs. 2-c 11 el,r i � _-.J�.___.�e���'r'c, �� Z•7_-_ o'rrr- _. ..____/7? DURB DETAIL SCALE-Horla.I"-W If n /79 0 l ei'a —Oe Wr1 1"-S' +0 0/ sro>•wo/k I! (vt 173 f0 Y/ ,Torr /solC M ° PLAN REDUCED TO rt,v .sn to.vc .�n z,rco .zo tt oo .3a tr•oo ONE-HALF ORIGINAL"SCALE IATRia INC. 5 W. DURHAM ROAD 3 a sIxr4yC%ts PLAN d PROFILE low]so STREET !MPROVEMENTS 3TREET - SW DURHAM On 1;+50 IQ 2246579 6 ... wuM STORM GRAIN- 040 J, it o�n TIGARD; OREGON .��„ A�w ►ar��" .;„ et t♦71sa 0 M MIF � Cal1 f/L'Lf 2' reT� It dei nt wry! to oliow far Iurur• ever/Iy, (r),,Pi ol) RoarO to ee laid on paper for .j 71 ( t toJy f.furo removal. I I � A6r•+2 U t I SYa. 3 00I.71 o Sto 70.1! Sre 706t (25'Rr of L Sea ria 12.1/2.Me AN v 9 I /1+so 5ra. a ess.7a /f /.c�o0 II d ( rL./Y2.9/ (20'R,t Of A fro. /6000 7: fe/60 a/ r.c./f/2f to A# 70/5 IE-18"y 5to,5060 � '— '— — l2'■/S rte /2■/2'eta ewpit a'of li' l/OtTI1 Ire/.1 9 �-�^ oeress b/Rs p►A. eoneeetto mein or mt)r1+t.N w/#14 ri' tarraq/rrad $feet,p/et +•« -"- own S. w. and DLY I as rt aired IJ/ I0 yw�s•(T�eco/f Ihs►.�5 -10-curlo Re/rrors 2s'curb �GOvrJt. /s'of otanda-e cwQ h MnroNe YJ'cur0 Cast t0' of const 2a' of ftonJa d carp srandard tarp Src /t 050 r qConst 27 S/ of/z'51otted drain I swim Center CeRlt I'♦/. 0/o79 bocit of apron. Connect \Const 2l.SI,Of / 'S/oftea drain u to main slnf+ 90.Oend and o/on Lwcit of atrao. Carnett 7'of 12' torrL�ated 5feel pipe, )10 (is 9uo,e)(6te special epeGf.) 16.101//0'curb to main aJ/n, 'o'Alnd and 6' Con1f/e'of of /2' Corrugdfld weal p/pe. w * t n 0ronnord cars (/a 9,1afdrs" 000c"i, epacs.) O M 10s. � N h e :i N h w � � � M •' w N w w w o ` N ► e•I 00, - —— __ rj• ` alp _ I/c•r�,tr,e� �•o ones/ ••hewer too 00 -it 1 _182 so _�- _ 1�__Ls/ (C•r/ C11 out 10230 181 of L --- apron PROFILE • ar /eA ifs— ,� h • o� � �_ o -+,_,3CAlE,M2rttr•5d Z� h wM a r • t,♦ Ifo Ex/ t 9ra'n I /!•fie n1•.. '•d i'rM •10 //•OJ +_O /7.00 0!O /!•Ctl •S0 - D"WH r M � CnN3UL7"0 EMC W EU" t- e•w.«annC C.OMW Mit /;,S! 94W 1 w t:on�wer e«a• N0. f Y I l O M N 060M M D wtt w g,0"NOM OR" I t'-r- rsw•iac rRTalxltr Pq1/ a RCIOto FRAME Aro WIAM-ttt e LIE TAAL '4 MRl v!: •S� A +QUrTEA.-INK , Lr fart 1__ t_f•vIP--- YA:1 PIPE tut r• --y-------- PIAN VIEW -L Lat- fTANOARD Cllge 1 SECTIC4 C•6 LAND SCAPE ARE A r� f i • y GRAIN ![f SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS m r; TLC-WEEP •-���,,•jjj • FOR INTERIM S•RffT !ft l GRAIN•T CrIW.PFTjr LA-1;E di f IDE+ALAI l J �JIf -1I t1II+-Y-•Id s ?+ ED APRON TRANSTION I Cw_�jc.I .LyIPRMTl4ff_ A-*ALL K vt SECTION A•A pqt he PKNOLDt. ASPKkT hVIRIaNATED IYTIRw OR GAIAL.AND.ALL 011140 FROM CL7"Tt TO BE SCOO Pt I-29 DA71-t LACI Nl - -� SU•ytACE 10 7PASN GRAS STANDARD CATCH BASIN COHERE TC-SIMM t1A1.[ • rW1.Ai1 OnFAMF IG STR77tLT11 OF UM Pll AMA 28 DAYS.! SAG NIX CURB AND GUTTER-SEE STANDAIID OETA•. LPAYwa. -APROrOPTIONAL _` uPANloII MN' Ir Q/ffQIDtI JOINT u•T� � lvw NS• cvAtNew "M RCXnTaAA I' A u.nfL nus AI• I'W YI L. I A 1 Jowl \EXPIwsxm jown �.�. - LATCH `— SAUN �--!` — • INII 'FACE Of am t:cL.IL JOIRt •MAIL •f 11PANtIRA A.'.•I I ( �.I 1•.IJ.LI. .I.�.I.L.17 io..f 1•I Iou.t• Af t.. TIW At, LOLf "mut IF 40—.6 11.1"sg cul. _SLuOl VARIES^ • I ?.VY I r Tap r NI•.w 9. •vt'I.ON r I-vY FALL-1 J. &A III o.ECT1ON A-A T .,i v 1"",t T— ,. y. � •A i Fh TAPER L. DRIVEWAY LK —_^ SECTION A-A I FINISH ORAO[�I 1'4r400 TAPER L Q._ •� '� LPL 1 4.I 4'►1 w• w SwTICN 8-8 CATCH BASIN PAVEMENT TAPER PLi!N REDUCED TO ONE-HALF ORIGINAL SCALE A TES,INC. S. W DURHAM ROAD DETAILS .a / IfOfi f 9`'F"�m STREET IMPROVEMENTS %6 LfJM•0 "•'`�'~ TIGARD, OREGON ------•-.—�..-. tuu NOT TO SCALE oAn r A t 1982 PL $1111 e f F l f t Vf RADIU$ 1'RADw[ • fUTU -BY GRADE _ 0RIV9WAY CHIT CONST t' INTERN DRIVEWAY RAAIP FOR USE UNTIL FUTURE t• OV[Rl A'/ It CONSTRUCTED (.AID ON PAPER) .., t4• —_– MOTS" MONOLfTHIC CURE AND APRON I CONTRACTIDIRECTION A JOINTS tNALL R PLACETURK, AT ALL MAXIMS 01 CURE VARIES IN HEIGHT FROM 4 1/I' DIRECTION AID POIN of CURVATUR[,AND ATA MAIIIMUM AT THE STREET CURE TO 0'AT MALINS 0/ tOIER. THE SIDEWALK. t.CONCR(n USED FOR CJRt $HALL MEET G 5.000 FS.I, COMPAESSION STAENG-M AT 28 DAYS. / STANDARD CURB DETAIL catxv dd tlAt. '''t —_ I lc,IRNs1oA1 Nw•.� ...Y ~•: +,wu.� r.rw u�r.:u.r.w�..�r+r IAC ~- CUH E yi.t I JOINT Awltdd ----- A� PLAN i Ar iP� ELEVATION An .fes,A... • _ """" COMMERCI< .�w.Ze `ter-u•..« T A- STANDARD SIDEWALK CORNER WITH WHEELCHAIR RAMP O*HAAS A ASSOCI G M OOIASL/LTWQ 044*Ef7S +` tuft w*AL c... w AO t t o 1 t 1 o M t tt wrt� &AFt—-- f/1 AMr t w C.s...M cA� .____ ._�. w�.A>r aw.•non / ; 9ADylm wV[Ili Tp I ` outwTION OF PLOW rAnnDLlt • cava a�euT 09999E Y 01CMAW-0 To BAN" YANHOLA wo" • rMA1y TO Delon aftaw-YAM. 6 Rom L'•'.� DO 1 E'MAIL M PLAT TOP SLAM NAY-NEN JOINT YATTNML O• [QUAL—ALL •11aTT m 44, Firms i W L �! r.iisnalor[ u'wxa `' '•��'•.' r coNUTETt ►DIA:CD DCJ"T[ US[—•au AIS,2sw /a4 AT L NAY• YPICAL FLATTOP MANHOLE o � o STANDARD LID 1� 24 T r e+- I .--'1 i T! _LL CROSS-SECTION OF RINQ AND COV" STANDARD PIAN REDUCED TO IHOLE FRAME H COVER ONE-HALF ORIGINAL SCALE ILTES,INC. S. W. DURHAM ROAD DETAILS rj kstxrfEycm STREET IMPROVEMENTS "_'"481~ TIGARD, OREGON SLAIA NOT TO SCALE eAri WAY 1965 Au 6E Ear UI F1 MW NAVIINAII JOINT PRAN or tI.10M0 Y!N►[Lt 1.1..0 . COAX —�rwlw i/11pE YMTM --.• CONCMM VMNa10N WAS INSTALL M TIEOU:tD TO MWO ILNI10.t COVER • /nn►0 TO • I EurTUY KHLTI OILY DES" GMDI•NIJII MI-A S ftNU- 12'141 ICCENTIIIC NN11141 TOP ' ALL JOINTS TO WE ft"—No AM1 IYTMIL OR MO& t PRECASTnCINFO1Ct0 Cr. 1b NCRM Y.NLt KCPoNs nuo.11c ►n.rE /IN•IN--•�, QRAOl y_ or h r -- ,�---• --�--------'.� ' �.• /' Cp.�CTLD rl..V4 � La•Icrtn �.sE "" 0 Pa Yu• two oil .T M D•.IS Po-M U040 wafff ..0 MW 11roa Sw-TM M it �� o111tn TSA. rf STANDARD MANHOLE T YIN1r10TN Do " DusIt TNIs Ants coV[nto UNDER AC P.TVIYINT r r♦I N• I►1'!a n[►L.GIYIIIT ILL ICLAu" I fINISN ITEM IR.VIL PAA �. . r-�Mi �•• a MM s;JVtL ••�• � CRUSK to Dn En•%t L, JETTED on a IN PIPt- T •. MIC" COMPACT CON[•LI•IIONA ON*m', w-d � rt ,• , 5 l We-Il GXAVEL BASE CLASS 4 BACKFILL kIA� am 00POK&TM ENCilWJM I !/f/b "M E IN D'•".sm aro" w� IQ E r Y l E l O M E N O� MA Nlrrw«pyI1Y Efero Q N M �I 1 v�.� • I� 21"nc. I-" O k TA I L_M-,&J7 _ RLR LMLrrr PLANS aKpoh 011449;P P7WFlL-Ul& —GIfiGH TW OR IAN^Kup"m Hoop s _ I �all 0%4"-* 040 z'e��rrer % Lit 1 Wt MRIs MuLcm •Trrr aL m"W" aft" j �1�► I v-4;em,, w-4ftc#ti � rr _I. �1 •I � Coa•wQ�a"�xOPE-5 ys�':#'HOLE •' Truni,C'E'wz ?y/ucEs aJT51De OF MOM EAU- �oHrw A . TIzr-G PLANTING- Dt�TAL. F'L4N REDUCED TO ONE-HALF OMONAL SCALE IATES,INC. S W DURHAM ROAD qun��c�ns .... Loel wSTRE! T IMPROVEMENTS """' TIGARD, OREGON uuuj Al lrgwM a.n rAr M-7- 82 !9I Iq w 6LMNGpLGR Ifa (.IOL, b O _T tfnLLA FRUTk..G� iD 1 a' -40'4C4 l,7 l ( ' 1 MH• TYPAL 1 Ir P � sl�wsLMca -- tsi�.ra f- r �• b." PL'CH*M Rca r- --.= �� i/ \ 7•K.A,LC�J,. HIIIODDGC.IR1 1 i+(.1�WrDyT �b SI'.j WHOM .ri. i phT. r...►.. KA" Te L.IM IT orDF*,wp 2'f"ac'. d15TUR�alticl► L -t) :teNl I Ifr �- - - - me- _ Rks ...._.�I1 �,.�_(�A•L.rtolDLs�_ '.• _t�'tW'!�'�Ir� lYir•�1.-_ m�� M1►1cNr�• ATFL /► HIIl�Fr+l R I - __ ' Nom..Glnh��.a' di. A,7 4.4. 1ffi'IrZ.. P1Tf+J N W�� � ►R�r 'bL16PIT1LJJ►. rRUT� � _- --r 2,IPrI(%BUSH GrI LeF•DIL GA,L, C4NTAINOM .RGk. 2�4a M1�4OlC—�WIHot I IyL" mmR kiHKLs M'TRTLM, 2� F-or ,�Gti 12�C?G. `�µ01•yt LL '� �fiMfl�S 1 � a 1181 + •..•.rw"�i wr � aN. ""ar _ DoHAAS A I.asoC CONSULT NO Hrc)Ncb%" OM1N/ J.N. / — b wLwoc 0.M. Mf1 10. �w 1�r O N� M p� MII wwrww•o.•f�r a roro