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i v PRO EMENTS SUBDI IS ON IM V INDEX TITLE SHT. NO. a TITLE SHEET STREET & STORM %-.)1_WER, PLAN 11 u & PROFILE _ SANITARY SEWER, PLAN & PROFILE 2 OF WATERWORKS PLAN 3 OF I 7; ; 72 75 74 75 76 1r 78 79 ao sl 82 SITE GRADING PLAN 4 OF I I Z-00C — > 64 63 62 61 60 59 1 C34a L/';),-_)/;P I I 1 = 70 F,9 68 67 66 65 � C7_1 Go 10 —TI r) � icy �1�,.� �.. L..L_�✓°C-_-� � � OWNER: I I � 1 ,L-- �- - -� -- -� •- - �- - -� — --�--�� ,�� �� s � `' WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION C . 10185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANE S l W IJMMERFIELD TIGARD, OREGON 97223 �I 01 u, S.w.DURNAMRO 1 Q PICKS I I I,` ` - — L — I .... ;' ;• '; I I ! I I I I /Oct' 41S_ //�r�.�/ � Q z G\ �pYAL � LANDING ( I — -� I- - - - � - - - - � I - -- - - L i — I- - -I- - i I--- — - - 1 1*17-P- IM7 I�9EL _ MOBILE 0 /,C/ST/4L'!-� V VILLA 51 I TD QCT,' DOVER LA ING RlvEawooDLN I I I -- - - -- -� - - - -I -- --�- �� i / ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS HARRIS ASSOCIATES, Q��• r-' I I ----- I_ I I ,. ,� IINC. 12555 HALL, BOULEVARD 1FIGARD, OREGON 97223-6278 '� I ✓ I , APPROVE ONSTRUCT,ON ISSUED BY DA rE ICITY 0 RDl ENGR.OFFICE BY DATES 1 1 , ` � ✓ ✓ r�, OPERAT.OFFiCE BY DATE V I C I N I T Y MAP N.T. 5. I I I 1 _ 1 r. BLDG.OFFICE gTE r 1 , \ GEN.TEL CO RY DATE / — -- ------- ---- I I _ N.W.NAT GAS CO. DATE 4"' I I F W4P.G.E CO. BY DATE tJlaJjt r G) 5 WILLAM.CABLE CO. BY _ DATE . • r 7 N IGl WAT DIST. BY DAT (� } FIRE DIST. BY - [)ATE N .+< ? -' VJ . I—Y&_- BY DA,E , UNIF. SEW.AQENr,V BY —!-- _ DATE DOVER LANDING NO.2 - � � ,I�III�'Illlllflllllllll�Il'IfIIIFIII�I111I11111111111(t111���.Yl�}(IIt (t 't�lll�llrll) 1111111 II11111IIIIIfIllllll1111111111111111111Illlllll.IllllllllllllllllTIIII11111IIIIIrIIIIlllllltlllll - � . ; _ --_ . ?' '• . + ...... -� ,, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10l1I_ 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �-- - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICfs;'TT 1S DUE TO JHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ^ _DRAW ING, pg 8Z 9Z LZ 9? SZ bZ cz ZZ IZ 02 Et 91 11 91 51 ir1 EI ZI II 01 d 9 L 9 4 ti E �' lo,ll►,� �t1IUIlII111II111II1111111111111h1111111�11n1,1u111HI111111r11h�1�IIIl11f��I1MIIh1�11rn11uI1Ht((�If111ttu�tt�Ihn111itIII111Ifllilultit tINIIL11111nitnthttrittaltr+tltmlul�hlf�haf�d911 flulllllllluultutltfu�)111 11111111�IIIl�WI�Il1l�t1 W1111H _ 24 1992.1 JU1� E '•7,�,�-. ,. Yy. �.- - .....,..-.. . _ .,�,.,__.�, yam.— _..,.-...u.unlvl.. o - , .——. �, ,karRkr' y . .. .y f;. y. ...... t "`,k`�i TM�'"'31�y1.: t'. 'C�',;aa lC.v �., .{t.�''�i.,'�,`:n.,1.vrv,.,K,I�'� ',.'tOrre at ",,.. . .. .,?ilt!:..,. , r... r — , .... ,.., _sa• .,. .�. ,. .... �p� �. "nt`' -.. � I,, ,m• r. •._: RM .; n+, A B C E F 2 5' . I - - - Aw-&-610. 1 1 U4 - cL - ---4PN ddf- *4 1406 N DRAINS SNA MEET WEEP HOLES-IN CIJRBS AS f'!!,)%/I,)ED 26 3 CL "a"A.C. 5' 51W 2'6" E.X 15 T D F-(A I N do I-5T LIFT rw5 CotirRAc_ r 5LOn PER C_0 U R 5 E -S"OdAM V%d So" 27 IN I YEAR 6' 570 WW & rROUTEL) R I P R A P INTAKE AREA 4 11 Thick C6NC E OF A/C S-I,,* 010 wku '14 " 1p!J[3L )(- DPAINAbE SIDE WALK 2"OF* AW (-) LEVEL COUR-SE7 FA5F_ MiZNT 5 TV. 16'6 C UR 15 0"OF /I/z* BASE ROCK 7" -rN)Ru 01w TYPICAL 5TREET 5 EC T /0 Nzo 10 tXlsr NO SCAi_L ) aol .4 CURB CON5T. AREA DRAIN, TYPE 11 ,01 71 1 1 3 &A 5 H- C 0. D- 10,5; - I E 14 q7,o_. 41 1- 1 . i -t- I .1K 1 77 7�� -7 E3 o , 6 - 72 73 7 r. 82 FebA4 gj�..VF 15 -5 T,IVI E*5 11 T. 2 6 - 00 L 43.95 (L IL I lqc j 4 TC 11#6.96 1 -7 L+ -75 B.M.0 /p IV 5 jVU, -T 2 T.C 1'#7. 17 1 y . 5 20 PT EL 154.64 Al 1%,41H q r S zr, 3� T.( 147- ' 7 _j TL 603G re 5 T r4 5,rA 0 1 0 0 ( F'u R L)L .2 TC /49 13 r E. '44 5 (&O.IFFA) STS, rt3'01 0 W, '\'Ik� - _., 6 6 9.C 4 04 44, 95 srok m IVI H 2t , 4 57RLLT 5TA 2+63\ TC. 146 96 T.C. 152- 77 15, .4- 0 + 00 1 1 - I N - 89 52' 07"-E 273 . 8q' lt,ccp 5 ZT-2 7"C P 3 5- 3�- I I e 1 . 96' TC- 146 . 56 1 N L_I T 1. NO T E S re STM. ti_�, COI,.IST bE /43-46 f�, _B-A;k�l C T-n 1 . ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DONE 3- 33.2 2 PPC IF MCCE-55AILY) IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF TIGARD STDS . *velL svh- 4*73.3'1 2 . ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE CONCRETE CLASS #3 . £t 3'1 m 2 T.C. 1116 9.50 -Ir C, 7 2.- 5 1. 24 P C. :�t aINLE 3 I)Q 1 1 - ALL INLETS SHALL HAVE SUMPS . > Tc. 14 Iq , Tc. 11ty. 02- 1.1- 14 5.-7 0 4 . TWO WEEP HOiES THROUGH THE CURB SHALL BE PROVIDED PER LOT . 1, G4 G 3 S . THE DEVELOPER SHALL INSTALL STREET LIGHTS PER CITY APPVD P .G . E . PLAN . :j_ X N R 2.0 .0 0' C,F: P, L 44 - 02' 6 . THE DEVELOPER SI�ALL INSTALL MAIL EC',"" CLUSTERS PER CITY & POSTAL DEPT . STDS - 154Z C1 ill - LA G 0% *401363 4 - 1 1- /- T.C. 14 6 - 24 7 . 7HE DEVELOPERS ENGINEER SHALL FURNISH THE CITY ONE _CET OF AS BUILT MYLAR-S . 1- 2 - TC. j46-59 69 (S 7 LA OL. 3 - T.C. 110 6 .83 L E �S L N 'O 70 C-) bo 'vVHEEL CHAIR RAMP (f) I/ C Li R 13 2- 1 11 LOM30. STOP/5TRF-L I- SIGN 17 817\ -2 T. b . M. ILEV, AS No-rE: iD �T.B.M•''A' TOP OPER. NUT ON F. kl- EFL 148 . 90 Sp lii..-i pxx I 6 _4 oloc -4 ovjr, -OW Awl -- _ - - -_- - - _ - A __ - - - _ _ - __ - - _ - - - _ -- - - 7 Jr S141111 /06 zo 10owde T --I 4-- 3- 2G, R N 20 td _474 0 u CL _v1( J� J'A/C L I)L IF T/ or C4 C L 4K Z) I tr, - I - - 1-1 F L I - -A LAY --m V 9) J11- OF CL� C' A/C OVER 3 3 AIC L I L IF T -Lr �3 V) rN IL J L!I Y/" F C)C K YI LA A-:---------____ &. JY;v R VK f1+ 2' OF 3ASE RJB t- _3 C�r1l R c cz,� :4 G j?, -*-- -Y R/ L j 5 . W . I 08TH A V E 6.+7 2.6 5 TO 18 R, I M iHPR0VF_ r,1E: NT IN 7 L A_ T_ 4 + wil V I Ad I + -- ----- t40 L 3 5' ------ ft A I -rljroh- Lf 1xIyI _7 F 30 T _3+00 7#00 REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: D E 5 1 G N SCALE VERTICAL DATUM CITY OF 71G ,4RE) J. R . H. WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. SO 80 A 112 I f 14 1 47- urs I fl. L L) L) PLAT OF [)OVE: H, L A N 0 1 N r4 0 . 2- TRACED 10185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANE JOB NO. N . H TIGARDt OREGON 97223 DOVER LANDING NO � � Owr,;or4 F7 CHECKED SHEET REV. DESCRIPTION V) L. . Harris - McMonagle Associates I $us. PR. ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS STREET 81 STORM SEWER REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION DATE 12555 S.W. HALL BOULEVARD 4 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PLAN 81 PROFILE OF 4 i,ANDTNG NO. 2 2 F hill qIrfI1jI6�1Ijy%j1-jI 11-11151-1 1.111 11T,I'll I� III 'Till v W NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICr&,-IT 15 DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. OE ez L2 9z raz fre Ez u la cla 61 61 't 1 91 4;1 t, EI z I II of 9 1 9 S E 2 (I UNE `) 4 19 9 2 _Cvv0A M. ti�, U_ ... AM rn CL O� w� � � � Q 7 N c CO <Ln �3 iD a o PL w(D U) c0 cO w N CD 0 EL c�D fD � U) L)U µ ID N September 3 , 1991 CITY OF TIG�R�tD OREGON q10 WIICM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to acknowledge that effective this date, street, sanitary and storm sewer public improvement facilities installed within the following development projects are hereby accepted by the City of Tigard, Oregon, for operation and maintenance: 1 . Mallard Lakes Subdivision 2 . 108th Avenue Sanitary Sewer 3 . Morning Hill (Lots # 1 - 53) Subdivision 4 . Morning Hill No. 2 Subdivision 5 . Ga.11o's Vineyard Subdivision 6 . Dover Landing (Phase No. 2) Subdivision 7 . Ari Green Subdivision I 8 . Genesis No. 2 Subdivision 9 . North Dakota Street Sanitary Sewe , extension 10 . Morning Hill No. 3 Subdivision 11 . Tigard East Sanitary & Storm Sewer Relocation 12 . Exodus Subdivision 13 . Cotswal.d No. 3 Subdivision 14 . Swanson's Glen (Phase No. 1) bubdivision 1-5 . 108th Ave. /Durham Road Improvement 16 . 113th Ave. /Durham Road Improvement. 17 . Albertson' s Sanitary & Storm Sewer Extension 18 . Merestone Subdivision 19 . Clydesdale Sanitary Sewer Extension 20 . Tony's Place Subdivision 21 . Barbee Court Subdivision 22 . Winter.lake Subdivision 2.3 . C.reekside Subdivision Randall R. Wooley, City gineer dj/'M op[-main.ecp 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Bo c 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — — -- —-- S- 7- i 7-0 �� J C17Y OF ThIGARD May 7, 1991 OREGON Waverly Construction Co. , Inc. 31835 SW Country View Lane Wilsonville., OR 97070 Re: Dover Landing Phase 2 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Waymire: In the matter of the One hundred twenty-one thousand, eight hundred and forty-eight dollars ($123.,848.00) Personal Surety Performance Bond between Waverly Construction Co. , Inc. , Kenneth L. Waymire and Roberta A. Waymire, and the City of Tigard, Oregon; this is to serve as written acknowledgement that the City has no further interest in said assurance. All required work is satisfactorily complete. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Hagman at 639-4171. Sincerely, Randall R. Wooley `✓ City Engineer br/Dover.D10 13125 SW Hai;71vd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - — CITY OF TIGARD May 7, 1991 OREGON Waverly Construction Co. , Inc. 31835 SW Country View Lane Wilsonville, OR 97070 Re: Dover Landing Phase 2 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Waymire: In the matter of the One hundred twenty-one thousand, eight hundred and forty-eight dollars ($121,848.00) Personal Surety Performance Bond between Waverly Construction Co. , Inc. , Kenneth L. Waymire and Roberta A. Waymire, and the City of Tigard, Oregon; this is to serve as written acknowledgement that the City has no further interest in said assurance. All required work is satisfactorily complete. If you have an, questions regarding this matter, please conta,7t John Hagmai, at 639-4171. Sincerely, ��-,'/''/P,' /"_C' - Y( Randall R. Wooley City Engineer br/Dover.D10 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - -- — WMWKMRKW DATE M"e 5-3-91 PRIORITYWAVERLY CONSTRUCT!^N CO. I flL-E NO— - - — []URGENT! SOON AS POSSIBLE p 31835 S.W. Country View ,ne M WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 - ❑ NO REPLY NEEDED AT T I JDover Landing No . 2 TI John flagman � 6 1 1 MA 0 Engineerio..g Technician ARp City of Tigard O� P 0 Box 23397 G,�Y M We have heard nothing about our request for final acceptance of this subdivissyon. E Can you advise us what the status is? 5 A G / �,�,1� P�n Ie �'ssgt —1 n� �l hat ✓ SIGNED: Roberta Waymire -- � DATE or NEaLv_ _ REPLY To I' I Y SIGNED. SENDER: MAIL RECIPIENT WHITE AND PINK SHEETS November 9, 1990 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON Waverly Construction Co. 8735 SW Curry Drive B Wilsonville, OR 97070 RE: Dover Landing No. 2 Dear Mr. Waymire: We have again field checked this project for correction of defects iterated to you in our correspondence :)f March, 1988. Items remaining to be corrected remain the same, most specifically: j ,1. The northeast corner of 108th Avem,a and Kent Street has a broken wheelchair ramp and the sidewalk extending north of the ramp is settled beyond acceptable linits. We believe this defect is due to a lack of, or ineffective plai:--ement of and compaction of, backfill under and behind the walk as was noted in our January 1988, letter, Whon this prcblem is corrected, we will close the project. Sincerely, John S. Hagman \ r r Engineering Technician aj,'1t-wc-a12.JH t oc_ ss�.s�z� a1�1� re.snlvP 1312!` 3W Hall Blvd.,P.0,Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4471 ------ 7V - M ,I�r M 9 z4bc) J � LZ-IA CI I c� O. Z C_la'✓H{r:�P�.��n 5 a J /p - /- o .7o�� r 4,IAe G ---4 fie, s. e w llt �o r 7�4. ,: w6i.;k, ,.+&s��..-. .r,.._ �nil1:..4r#43yFt,'f.,�V�sy�lNflhA "� i,rt �Pa N�v s„n�z- � � J���.� `� , �f,i��If Scy'1n�.e .�.� r�1,:_ z c�c. ` ✓/��/`��� 1 �cru t.uF�-C: GY�t'-Cl�.i,n.[1 `��X�vC'.ti- lY cti7c���.�c� ���c'� � `J C.-lT✓�1�L.S6�T1.(9"y�- � J � r�� �. �� 1 JL Mr . John Hagman WAVERk. I CONSTRUCTION CO. City of Tigard P O Box 23397 KENNETH L. WAYMIRE kipf,T," � Tigard OR 97223 �a )0ww" *x ,4 UG WILSONVILLE, OR. 97070 - -- LTI/ - (503) 694-5505 -- C`t Dover Ifir" 0.V Landing No . 2 RD date,, 8-21-90 We have never received appropriate correspondence from the City accepting Dover Landing No. 2 . plewle reply togunned Roberta Waymire da t e- signed. 7713 i�cil"'= 4W454I04Pegp � �'r� BERETURNED SEND }WITH RETS I D Y ���C.�'S CE�S�ett✓-Yt t WAV iWe CONSTR 1', CaN CO. `John S. Hagman, KENNETH L.'WAYMIRE'f''� Engineering Technician 8735 S.W. Curry Drive No. B City of Tigard VEONVILLE, OR. 97070 Tigard OR 97223 W503)694-5505 ?gam , subject: Ashford OakS,/ CITY GF date. two- e. roan4oeWfices o tractrten p�a�pdw9rnun ,• ,0.'. ac t. e r ecb nto i o ear e ri snd''send an P P ,� �Pe r.. Y CAwpow urren&Kficiencrm �e have never received acceptance (final) of Dover Landing No. 2. pie-•.ise reply t�.., sign, ,,.a Roberta Waymire ; "• �'�,acv , r .;':,. . , �•� ���) Y data: 7 r 4W440 SEND PARTS 1 AMO POLY PAK(50 SETS)4P440 PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH 10 1'1 #WX-* SP#PdiP1V*MCP*Patented 401 / 7 AAAAW AW AW Wfildn"e C A B L E T V CABLE CONSl'RUCTION APPLICATION b PERMIT ✓— CITY 1_ Applicant Wil_lamtt,. CAMP T V- 2._. Address 14200 S W. Brim Ct- Beaverton, OR 97005 3_ Telephone 644-3188 4. Contact Person Craig_Ey--ston,� 5. Contractor Johnson's Excavating and Utilities _ 6. Addra-ss 1150 S 12th AV.. conlelius, OR 97116 7.+T1ele hone (5031 357-3104 8. Contact Person ith Qgrdon _ 9. Location (street,subdivi.s"�ion,etc. 1 ._ ,�2a/, , z2�s(. 1� r k— � - City Use Only 10. MEp N rnbex L5,53 _ App. Date: 11. Starting Date S sly y Permit Fee 12. Completion Date G�� '���,� Permit a: Fbctage _ _._-- 13. Aerial: Underground: Cate Issued: Sizes of Opening -- - 14. Width: Depth: s I' Si a ure of Kpplicant 14200 Southwest Bnpadnon Court • Beaverton.Orepon 97005 • (503)644-3188 � � a _ � 1 IN t I M1� � M S IN M11 N I 091 1 1 I = v al L ❑ W 1 1 I * I L1 ^ ( 1 R I 1 C I m ! 1 _ g �l Q 4 x K+1 b M Sal - OLI-- olz ,r - � I mol °D9K --f 0ft4 lICZ ■ x �, ~ _ MI a3noa SI1� GC �S Portland General Electric CornWny rF'-- Z April 12, 1988 Mr. Kenneth L. Waymire Waverly Construction Company 8735 S.W. Curry Drive, B Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 Dear Ken: Please disregard Invoice No. 423153, dated February 2, 1988, for the amount of $712.60 which PGE had originally sent to the City of Tigard and which the City of Tigard had forwarded to you. The invoice was prepared and mailed in error. Neither Waverly Construc- tion Company nor the City of. Tigard should have been bi �led. I apologize for the error and any pr,)blems this h�.s caused. Please -all me at 643-5454, Extension 225 if you have ?uy questions. Sincer'5ly, Jim Ryan Service b Design Consultant JK:ksh3A26 cc: John Hagman, City of Tigard Western Division-14655 SW Old SO, ills Ferry Road—Beaverton, Oregon 97007-643-5454 March 29, 1988 Waverly Construction Company, Inc. CITY OF TI17A RD 8735 SW Curry Drive, No. B Wilsonville, OR 97070 OREGON RE: Dover Landing No. 2 Dear Mr. Waymire: This is to acknowledge that as of March 23, 1988, the subidivision_ improvement project known as Dover Landing No. 2 has been conditionally accepted by the City, placing it onto Its one year guarantee period, subject to the following: [X] Completion of incomplete performance items, namelyt Installation of sidewalks, and drive aprons; in:itallation of the asphaltic concrete overlay. [X] Correction of known defects, namely: Replace the defective sidewalk at the N.E. corner of 108th Avenue and Kent Street; ` y4 the streetlight i,nstallatlon_ billing with P.G.R. Company. 4/ ; [X] Continuation of developers maintenance responsibility and correction of any deficiencies which may arise during the guarantee period. To assure the aforesaid, unties such time as the project IF fully accepted by the City operation and maintenance purposes, the City has taken the following action(s) : [ ] Authorized release of the or'ginal performance assurance. (X] Authorized continuation of the original performance assurance in full force and effect. ( ] Authorized a reduction of the original performance assurance and is holding the balance as a assurance. [ ] Accepted a (reduced) performance assurance. [ ] Accepted a maintenance assurance. [ ] Other: Should you have any questions regarding any of the above, please contact me at 639-4171. Sincerely, /I J--/, J k--�, I , John S. Hagmn Engineering Tech. JFi:ke/39321) 13125 SW Hall Blvd ,PO Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 47223 (503)639-41 11 arrOF WARD OREGON March 21, 1988 Waverly Consruction Company, .Inc. �(1 10185 SW Riverwood Lane Tigard, OR 97223 Attention: Mr. Kenneth Waymire , RE: Dover Landing Dear Mr. Waymire: Enclosed, please find a bill (Account No. 423153) from Portland General Electric Company for installation of streetlights for your project. Said bill was misdirected to this office. Installation costs are your responsibility. Monthly energy and maintenance costs for said lights will be paid by the City from the two year "deposit" which you set aside with the City. But, initial Installation expenses are not the City's responsir W ty. They are tTie developers. Please send to me a copy of your remittance to Portland General Electric Company for record. Sincer.e.ly, / '.John S. Hagman Engineering Technician III ke/3818D cc: Portland General Electric Company 13125 SW Hall Blvd ,P.O Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — -- - - - ----- - ..�::ilo:INY9P�iu4,Y01)1k6w�/IWxN1'�Q76'141PY10Y{@d1��Nn' N'Ai04,tr4'M11Wi®iYl11nU'�Ndf4�illkY:fiAYY�bdWkw''iddldi�ACli ,. �.�.•. �. .-.,. .: oma, ry L- ,. . .. ._. , ........ ................:. .........._,..,: ._. ......:,:y.....-....,..,,... ..�...a»+.........a..wu:.rriarriwtii.w,�.iur+a.n'..�:=��:_�:._...�`:aSt.nw.:,,.. +i } tliMt w 1't Michael Mills _ WAVERL f CONSTRUCTION CO. Construction Superintendant KENNETH L. WAYMIRE City of Tigard 8735 S.W. Curry Dr. #8 F. 0. Box 23397 WILSONVILLE, OR. 97070 (503) 694-5505 Uover Landing No . 2 - - 3-12-88 Will youre-inspect the above project and determine if items n0. 1-3 of your letter of Jan. 8th (attached) are completed satisfactorily? If so, we wauld .like to request, tentative acceptance. -- _ Roberta Wi vmire __ w C8 9 .4W440 r v P `. . •• .. tsrbvdll�!! SEND C"RTS 1 AND 3 POLY PAK 150 SET-SI AD440 PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WI-H REPLY w w w MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT FC PIEAW PAY l! ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE 423153 2-10-88 712 ,§0 COMPLETION DATE. SERVICE CHARGE n TEMPORARY SERVICE r City of Tigard M SERVICE TRENCH John Hagman PO Box 23397 UNDERGROUND CHARGE Tigard, OR 97223 ES)OTHER L J SW 108th S of Durham Rd MAKE. CHECKS SERVICE ADDRESS: PAYABLE TO KEEP THIS PORTION Install 1 street light on pole, energize 8. PGE CO FOR YOUR RECORD PIFA,F RETURN THIS STUB IF PAYMENT IS BY MAIL PLEASE BRING ENTIRE BILL IF PAYING IN PERSON. WAVE RL.Y CONSTRUCTION CO. t#13 8735 S. W. CURRY DR. W I L_':iONV I LLE:, OR 97070 January 27, 198(3 M:i.c.hael. Mills ConstrLACtion Inspector City o+ Tigard P. O. Box 2M.397 1'i.pard, OR 97223 RE% YGUr letter, of 1-..8...-88, Dover Landing No. 2 Dear Mr. Mills.- Or i. l1s:Or, YOUr item No. i to repair the barricade at th,,4 East end of 1<:ent. St. , we Had it installed in good order- before the, adjacent. SUbdi vi der• , l i tan Proper-ties, toot:: it down in order tea pet their eqUi pment into their site. When we asked them to --ost.ore i.t , they advised Us they had received permission from you to take it down for their Use. If this is so, are we -then expected to re--install it (,aer :iaps several times) +or them"'' Also, will you let me t::now who I-ia! the .final acceptance wcarl: on Pond 2 and .3, and what the prei:,ent: stats-ts of this is,. We w 11. want cOPJ.es of the final order.. Ver truly yoUrs,, Ft berta Waymire RW/s 61, /01Z 11441004y oe- 1(ro 7,Lrv-).-� riA. t"t - rz cirfOF TIGARD January 8, 1988 OREGON Waverly Construction Co. 8735 S.W. Curry Dr. #R Wilsonville, OR 97070 Attn: Mr. Kenneth Way-ire RE: Dover Landing No. 2 Dear Mr. Waymire: In response to your request, an inspection was conducted of the proposed public improvements in said subdivision for the purpose of determining readiness thereof for City tentative acceptance action. The following listing, as, a result if said inspection, summarizes items which remain to be comp?.eted and/or corrected prior to such action: i. Repair the barricade at the east end of Kent St. 2. Place and compact backfill under and behind the sidewalk at lot 71 fronting 108th Ave. 3. Construct paveinentt ramp to match existing driveway to new concrete apron at Lot 71. Further, though it is recognized that additions and deletion will (x.,(-ur herewith (throughout the one-year maintenance guarantee period) , the following listing s,,mmarizes items noted to date which remain to be ccm- pleted and/oi corrected prior to City final acceptance: 4. Installation of all sidewalks and driveway aprons; 5. Complete aspialt overlay. Therefore, in reference to condition(s) number 7 and 8 of the project Compliance Agreement, we find we will be able to certify project readiness for tentative acceptance, when items number (1) through (j) , above are complete. Since the appropriate maintenance bond options and, also, since final work completion deadlines were previously address,:cd in the project compliance agreement, I won't elaborate they --on. If you have any questions, please call me at 639-4171. 1312b SW Hall Blvd.,P.O Box 23397,flgc-,rd,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - , .•p`°..,'.w cA�aW.� f.ri4 f::',�irukN'wu+m4d:Mdi�I�tiW4v. Letter to Waverly Construction, January 8, 1988, Page 2 Sincerely, 44/icha Mills Construction Inspector MM/mj I,li ke Hills WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. Construction Superintendant KENNETH l.. WAYMIRE City of Tigard 8735 S.W. Curry Dr. #13 P. 0. Box 2339' VVILSONVILLE, OR. 97070 T&aj2a, Qj Q7 3 _ (503) 694-5505 Dover Landing No. 2 and Bond Park No. 4 1<'-;' -til We would like to have a deficiency list on both the above subdivisions, please. We would like to apply for approval so the one year maintenance period can begin. We will be leaving the present bond in force Pr that period. Roberta Waymire 0334 4W440 SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 POLY PAK (50 SETS)AP440 PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY � s TT CITYOF TIMP RD OREGON December 11, 1987 Portland General Electric Co. Western Division 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Rd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Mr. Jim 11y an RE: Dover Landing No. 2 Suodivision Streetlightinq Dear Mr. Ryan; This is to confirm that. the City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactory and, further, to acknowledge auth- orization for P.G.E. to energize the eight (8) lights therein, u.7der Schedule 91, Option "B". Sincerely, �JJ;,h•, S. Hagman Engineering Technician cc: file cc: City Accountant cc: R.J. Rouse Electric; Inc. 1.6320 S,W. Parker Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 cc: Mr. Ken Waymire 8735 S.W. Curry Dr., Suite B Wilsonville, OR 97070 13125 SW Hall Bh d.,P.O:Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ------ u1 MiK�. fin- s�,�"r�...<<� (P. \1 ��/�� µtP l�µ�"" Maw/"/ /Rud t�t+u�/� �c. La.<r��,. c W er Ic� �/�,hr�r� ' O�tw� /Z//-//`�7 �S` �u i�r���t: GE rti GJoc/v,y� � A�-,►� 1'1 tee. h�-� ,,�v�►�. i i Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS-SURVEXUP,c 12555 S.W.IULL BLVD. TIGARD,OREGON 97223-62S7 11 lephone 150:1)6:39-:1 V)3 December 7, 1987 Mr . John Hagman Engineering Department City of Tigard 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd . Tigard , Oregon 97223 Re: Dover Landing No . 2 Dear John : Enclosed is the certificate of compliance and "As Built" mylar drawings for Dover Landing No . 2 . If you have any questions , please give me a call . S' cerely, J . R . Harris CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE R E: ��y a�2�Q/1t✓/�-�9 Ale?_ This is to certity (in accordance with T.M.C. 17.08.010(6) , T.M.C. 17.U4. 120, and T.M.C. 17.09.160) to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following item(s) have been installed in compliance ... th the City's street dedication improvement standards and specifications; and that the following items are complete in accord with the approved plans, spe::ial specifications and conditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project, to wit: (Project Engineer's Initials) I . Sanitary Sewer System 2. Storm Sewer System 3. General Utility Syste,is : Domestic Water Electric Power -� Gas Telephone Cable T.V. Streetlighting 4. Street System: Subgrade Base Surfacing.. .Base Lift Final Lift - Sidewalks `--- - —'- Aprons 6 Ramps -- --- --------_ Curb Monumentation System Certified this _Z_.PH day of 198? . li`. . 10 ( / -- - -- -- je Pr(� Iert Engineer) (0133S) lleoel 7ZOeZ� ,�ClrD�✓ /)"" �.� �?� !'DIA/�-� �f.-��-uli'� 7�/y� /�•'°�� /2;30 'too" /Z//z/7/9-7S C�ICQ 94 "ssos� IH W, , *vf4cANtd i01 we rt cej �ov- io le a e.;-s • C/�t�/N Ct!'S • f 941 l�S Poet-11"routing renuSet Pad 7661 ROUTING - REQUEST Please -7 / ©READ To •. D �v ❑ HANDLE i / 41, ❑ APPROVE >' and ❑ FORWARD ❑ RETURN ❑ KEEP OR DISCARD ❑ REVIEW WITH ME Date �Z r 7 From DATE 11/2/87 ❑ URGENT R. J. ROUSE ELECTRIC T. ❑ SOON AS POSSIBLE 16320 S W. Parker Rd. FILE N0. 2L (] NO REPLY NEEDED LAKE OSWEGO. OREGON 5"IeW y11- AUENTION Bob Thompson Phone 635-2824 sugjFcr Dover. Landing #2 Add St. ro City of Tigard light. P. C. Box 23397 Tigard, Cregon 97223 MESSAGE The additional St. light has been installed on S.W. 108th Ave. Please send a copy of your acceptance to our office and not,_ PGE to energize. SIGNED REPLY DATE OF REPLY we.s s �� J� I Ike_ SIGNED ` �.�� 1 ,Tommi/� 0.41-,?)e siyy�•. GMS- y T CITYOF TIFARD OREGON September 15, 1987 25 Years of Service 1961-1986 Waverly Construction Co. 8735 SW Curry Drive #B Wilsonville, OR 97070 A'1'I'FMION: Mr. Kenneth Waymire Dear Mr. Waymire: We've acted on a request from R. J. Rouse Electric Co. to insr,*ct the streetlight installation in Dover Landing No. 2 Subdivision, to facilitate energization. The lighting system along S.W. Kelt Street, thigh not following the plan layout, is sufficient but, (bwo) streetlights have yet to be installed on SW 108th Avenue. Please initiate action to finish Domer Nc. 2's lighting installation. We can then authorize PGE Co. to energize the subdivisions units. I've enclosed a map to illustrate the situation. Very truly, John S. Hagman Lngineering Technician cc: file i � 13125 1�'Hall Blvd.,F.O.Box 23397,l igard,Jregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ----------] aD IL CIO W I ,13 L \ co Lin co lmwki - - T � - « �,, ,� IL. 4 vi r r DATE 9/18/87 I 1 URGENT R. J. ROUSE ELECTRIC , JC. I I SOON AS POSSIBLE 16320 SW Parker RdFILE NO. 1 I 1 NO R£P,Y NEEDED LAKE OSWEGO. OREGON 97034 �. ArrENTID,v 406moopmPson TO (503) 635.2824 ����� 'c' SUBJECT Dover Landing.: #2 St. Lihtina Gi t,y of Tigard 1I. C. Box_ 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 MESSAGE - Wit. lightjn�T for the subject job has been completed. Upon your acceptance, please send a copy of your acceptance to our office and notify PGE to energize. SIGNED REPLY DATE Of REPLY e ,F/;a P C. op N 2 `` s � i .fie'. ���e� ��'� oK.✓ r /y I DATE 7 f l URGENT R. J. ROUSE ELECTRIC INIC. i I SOON AS POSSIBLE 16310 Svc P-ker Rd FILE NO. 1 [I NO REPL Y NEEDED LME OSWEGO, t, '.GON 9iu34 _ ATTENRON c-- ro (503)635-2824 SUBJECT mover Landing; #2 3t. Lighting City of Tigard P.C. Box 23397 Tt ^ard, Oreton 97223 MESSAGE A. 11 --ht3 n7 for the subject jai) hsaa been completed. Upon your acceptance, plea-. e send a cop; of your acceptance to our office and notify J, ,'E to energizes i i SIGNED REPLY DATE OF REPLY �j ,Gj ►t V, I SIGNED RFrin,.- P.O.Box 90"$ .,TECH, enc Nampa,Idal, 552 T.V. ' ,spection and Repair Report 20&486752 .JOB NO. CLIENT DATE PIPE CLEANED BYW2ATHER INSP):CTOR LOCATION OF LINE \ �—"�—'----- SECTION LENGTH 2 / & DIRECTION MEASURED Top MANHOLE. NO. PIPE SIZE Look 4N �.y I JUINt J F.NGTN PIP YPE^ JOIf1T TYPE MANHOLE NO, n M.N �' /9 S w 1 L!r D Tueclion IGMT of ravel BOTTOM Fo t age JOINT JOINT SFALED REMARKS Footage SEALED REMARKS - lk- J-i L I �r 7 Lel 1 -- J4 PS LINE CONDITION LEGEND RI MAf4 Cleanlinets S Broken P,pe Lint LI - Leek Infiltration Grade Lf Leak Extiltretion Mannol�?s I Picture No.- rr Protruding Tar) U Unpassabl.L�E -- _„_--_ TECHNICIAN GE.I;I`ECH, Nc. ;'am�;h1N '62 T.V. ' spection and Repair Report 208-465-752, JOB NO. CLIENT r ;(/ �� DATE PIPE CLEANED BY WEATHER INSPECTOR LOCATION OF LINE SECTION LENGTH DIRECTION MEASURED Tne Cm ng MANHOLF_ NO. PIPE SIZE I r JOINT LENGTH PIPFJYPE JOICIT TYPE MANHOLE NO. Lcron taMr l En r torr Fool&r JOINT JOINT -ACED REMARK FootaQa SEALED REMARKS ILL L L C� I-INf ( nNDITION LE(-,FNE) RFMAHKS Cleanliness a Broken Prpe L.tne I Ll Leak Infiltration (irmJr -� LE Leak F_-filtration Manhule� P Picture No. PT - PrntruAfnq Tap R ROOIS _ y1tClINIC1AN GELTECH, enc. amp ,;9 ?r 162 208-465-7521T•V• i'eCtlon and Repair Report IOB AVO. CLIENT �- ')f� DATE PIPE CLEANED BY WEATHER INSPECTOR LOCATION OF LINE SECTION LENGTH Z j DIRECTION MEASURED Trip IPPTYPE �OLENO. o,n rsnNrrfJLf NO PIPE SIZE JOINTI.ENGTH II&NT TYPE le"TLtt ot Bottom Font JOINT JOINT �" SEALED REMARKS Footage SEALED REMARKS / , b --I Q �{ <. Z I INF CONDI T I,IN LEGEND III MAF1h Cleanlineu a BI oil P,pe Line Lf Leek Infiltration (sate LE - Leek E■filtratron Manholes P Picture No.. PT Protruding Tap R R,.ots _. S Srmice Lateral U Unp*Mble --- --•- -- -- • — TWINXIAN i I vJ I I 1 � j IIS I I LL I 1 I I I I j i � 1 a � I � I rI I I r � 1 � � 1 � � I q t Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. CNGINEERS-SURVEYORS 12555'iW.HALL BLVD. TIGARD,OREGON 97223-6287 31plephone(15(13) July 23, 1987 -F1 KEN LO at �k% 1K��s��> Mr . John Hagman C Engineering Depar,ment City of Tigard 1 1 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd . . tt7.011•�y Tigard , Oregon 97223 .JJ Re: Dover Landing Dear John: As we discussed , enclose,+ is the sketch showing the pr,.poseJ fog li.r.e in S. W. 1.081.h Avenue . If you have any questions , please give me a call . Sin�erely yours 'J . R . Hargis r A B C D E F G I I I I � 1 i r. _ I— � I I 71 I 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 90 81 0 ' * l�0 Lt-I, 20 25 MN,q S t MH A -5- 1 150. 6 � SZ 1 . NOTES : = 1 + O GGNNC! T I.E. l43 ?D IN `XIaT. J1 Iu1.00 IN STREET5T� w•'520 �i+ 1� tL . .: ? r ( 15 4(7 E 1 1 . 29 �. 1�+ 5 . 19 G U T I,E I�� I.�o IN 5' L�-e I �g L - i 1 i ! L l 1 L 27" L ? 5TREE r 5TA . —� 5TREET5TA 195.N1 /.IrllT. s + 20 +71 ` 4 + 46 EXIST MHA - S ' • 95 1 . ALL SANITARY SEWER WORK SHALL BE DONE PER CITY OF TIGARD/ U . S . A . STDS . 0+ D0 = + � 0 + 73 1 + F L 2+ !b 7+ � � _ z�. L=23 -- -- __ _._ _ ___ _ 5 L T 2 . SERVICES SHALL BE 6" CONC. OR 4" P . V .C . & SHALL EXTEND A MIN . OF 6 FEET INTO 8� 9��-�-�N-� M l � I L. _ ?9 L =2 9" L - Z�' L 2, , - THE LOT . TOP i L46 - y i (3E'TA I,F. 13 9. Eo �u1 ! _ , t3. SwR 2 3 / 80 g Sw1� rt3 DIA. _ 9-T-�U-B 3 . THE CITY SHALL 1?E f�ROVIDED THE AIR TEST REPORT & VIDEO 1,E. 139. 80 IN "�'-- 120'�5 N- 99'52 �07= F- REPORT OF THE SANI1`ARY SEWER SYSTEM FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO ANY HOUSE f - I 300.00 B SWI<. - N _ �q' ZZ �_ CONNECTION , .. ... EXIST. 8" __ . N-89°52'0 E I S. W KEN T DRIVL -_ -3 ���.b 5.0a 5-# 56 6 +)6 G -45 3, 31 L` 3ti L'-;7 ' L` 27 L : 3 � L . � � L ' i 0 71 1 , 23 1+ 77 2*31 + 77 t_ .3n ..1� L = 3�' L = 37' L ;7 �' G05 64 6 3 � 2 E I 60 59 1 � la { 70 69 68 67 iI — � I If IRA r I � i I } ' ti ,L, , •til {•.. . I I I 3— - -- - — --- — — - — — — — __ _ -- - f14 N, 160 - ---- -- - -- -- - - LA% in pi Sa In LA - -- - - - - - t - -- - - _ - - -- -- /5 0 -- --- - - ----- _- -- - - - ---- - -- - _ -- _� - - - ---- -=-_ -_- -__ La - — —` — - - 4 --- --- -- -- - _ — O UO It00 2-400 ..3+ Biu �*C�0 5+00 6*00 r00 __-- REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN _ SCALE VEPTI ( AL E/ATL) M - CIT' ! OF- TIGARp - - R . H . WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. I 50Hor•.�2 HORIZONTAL L)ATUhi PLAT uF OOVL- h' LANs>IN,., N,1 4 �%••7 1 5VERT /. ; ' TRACED 10185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANEDOVER LANDINGO . SOB No. �..-- N H. TIGARD, OREGON 972 3 s PER CITY _ J R H 5.1187 ry � ; Harris -McMonagle Associates SANITARY SEWER SHEET 2 r�ak CHECKED • REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APP R. DATE ,� I Jy ENGINEERS SURVEYORS REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION �.5 I� �P j DATE 12555 S.W. HALL BOULEVARD -- 44 -10 - y 7 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 -6267 PLAN & PROFILE OF 4 - . - � '!1'Ilttllllll�lI111111111111'EIIIIIII���ill�lilllllll'IIIIIIII.11��(1�1 11 .1�111rII1I1111111I11 111111111111•lr'Ililll�llll�lll�lllllllllll�lllllll�llll�llllll.lilllflllllllllllllllll''1111111 211 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 11 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICli; It IS DILE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. ,.►� OE 6Z 92 LZ 9Z SZ VZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 91 LI 91 SI tpl EI ZI II 01 6 9 1. 9 S b E 2' Imiiw 6111111111111111111111un nulnn IIu1m III�111111111I1u1 uulull n111nn IIIIIu�Hlllult lu�lllt�lll ,1111 ItIII1111�1U111tI111111111U111111 ItNMtHlttltl�NNlttt�IItII1111�t111I11N�f1WlW�U u1tII111111111111111111W>I1111111�IIIl�llll�tlJllllllll�II11�IW�1111 JUNE 24 1992.�'i�'—.... _._.., -,•. ,., ,„ ..�.,-., ,;..:, .,, _.. w.. t.,.,r' ,'•..rem, A B C E !� G I 1 1 t � I ' - WATERVORKS NOTES: 1 . TIGARD WATER DISTRICT SHALL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION . ALL CURBS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED BEFORE WATER LINE IS INSTALLED. Lt -4 71 1 1 72 7 74 75 76 77 78 79 SG 81 82 2. ALL MATERIAL ANI: WORKMANSHIP SHALL COMPLY WITH A.W.W.A. TANDARDS. NE v ExtSTING rl 3 . ALL WORK WILI. BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT . - SERVICE II i 4 . PIPE SHALL BE TYTON JOINT , CEMENT LINED DUCTILE IRON , CLASS #F2 . W L CONNECT + _ 5 . FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY CONSISTS OF ; Ce<rLu A . MODERN MUELLER CENTURION FIRE HYDRANT , A-442 , 6" t,J , 5- MVO , �. 5 I —Nt -- -���-- -L'T _- --'`�_I,- --- =A dxzla 3-PORT (TWO 2-w" NET HOSE CONNECTIONS . ONE 4-3" NST PUMPER) , eW 1-3" PENT . OPR . NUT , OPEN LEFT , YELLOW COLOR . Z 2 - E . 12" . F!" OR 6" MJ X 6" FLC, . TEE . 8.6, A55EMBLY C. 6" FLG X MJ GATE VALVE . V 8. T.J. CAP TAP D. 6" MJ X MJ HOLDING SPOOL . � I F H. 4v � I1 ASSEM , BLY L0tl vA�LVC2 5'I ;(2 ! TO BE CO/vST 6µ 63 62 6 I F,L r9 SET ,N cON _ 6 . FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED UPCN A PRE-FORMED CONCRETE BLOCK WITH I r IN PHASE I 6.5 METE. N & )X Br-HIND S/W 2- 1-1 CUBIC YARDS OF 1-? �, G" CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK. COVER DRAIN ROCK WITH TAR 70 9 8 7 66 END WI BE L L PAPER PRIOR TO BACKFILL.- ! j I, 1 Q — 2 I 7 . CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS WITH AT LEAST 8 SO . FT . OF BEARING AREA SHALL BE N _ POURED AT EACH BEND, TEE AND BLOW-OFF LOCATION . E . ALL MAINE SHALL HAVE 36" OF 3/4" MINUS ROCK COVER - EXCEPT THROUGH O + i i P. EASEMENT AREAS . 1 J f r 9 . ALL SANITARY SEWER LINES 10 FEET LATERALLY OR 3 FEET VERTICALLY OF WATER LINES SHALL BE ENCASED IN CONCRETE 6 INCHES THICK WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE I � � I t • I CROSSING . NECESSARY CROSSINGS SHALL 6E NADE AT APPROXIMATELY 90" , WITH AT LEAST 1S INCHES OF SEPARATION . I I 10 . MAINS SHALL BE TESTED AT 1.50 PSI rOR ONE HOUR WITH A MAXIMUM LOSS OF 5 PSI . STATIC PRESSURE - 110 PSI . A PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE WILL BE pl REQUIRED AT EACH METER LOCATION . THIS WILL BE INSTALLED BY THE TIGARD �U L E GENA WATER DISTRICT AND INCLUDED IN THE COST OF THE METER . x F ; RE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 11 . O .S . B.H. BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTS ARE REQUIRED . SAMPLES WILL BE TAKEN BY `u 3- THE DISTRICT . 2" E L�)YV OFF A$5irH6L Y i2. TIGARD WATER DISTRICT WILL INSTALL ALL COPPER SERVICES PRIOR TO STREET - TEE 3 PAVING. METERS WILL BE INSTALLED BY THE DISTRICT UPON REQUEST . GATE OR BUTTERFLY VALVE 13. SIDEWALKS, WHEN INSTALLED, WILL SE 5 FEET WIDE & ADJmCENT TO THE CURB. a 1 ' DUUaLL- SER Nt,:oE '' K" COPPER e-- 3/y., 5/NGLE SERVICE= "K ,. COPPER ® MAIL BJX LJCAT10N STR E i L /CHT — SA --- E)0S r/NG 5AN t T AR r SEWER GOVT. m 41 �, , r SMUT4- 4 REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES DESIGN SCALE �,� WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. S, _ 5— r~D h TRACED 1018 S.W. RIVERWOOQ LANE DOVER LANDING N2 JOB NO. �� N �! TIGARD, OREGON 97223 5 REV, DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE ,aCA�o , / CHECKED Lr 1_ Harris - McMonagle Associates WATERWORKS SHEET f v / ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS REFER TO T',,,,C1255 ING FOR LATEST REVISION Er' -' ��/ DATE 5 S.W. Hi 'Lt BOULEVARD �— 4 - I G 7 TIGAku, OREGON 97223 PLAN OF 14 DOVER LANDINr NO. I I � I - _ i' Ip'`lr!I rII I r I�� ��r ��t► r�rl'tl1 �i 1I1 i�' SII 11t�r��Cr�r ( �Cij!�Ilr�lllll�IIII �il �Il��IjI�r11�1I���Ir�rlr�rll�III�IIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIJillIIIIlI'111�IIIlII11111111111rI111111I,I , NOTE: IF THIS M ICROF I LME D I "'�---- I �-� -- 2 `3 4 _ 5 6 7 9 9 _t10 _I I 12 f - - - - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN �• THIS NOT ICG z--IT 15 UUF TO A THIF QUALTTY OF THE ORIGINAL 16 --DRAWING. -----— --� OE 6z 92 Lz 9? S2 vz Ez zz Iz 0? 61 ©1 iI 91 SI bl EI 21 II 01 -8 9 L 9 S b E z rj, """" . . . _! �+trl�nllnlllllllllllllllllll►)Iblllllll�►111ut111ir1hllllu►iI�mIIII�I�IrrIalllrrillNlrlr111�rrulltrrltut111�11nrr1111111m1111t11ttt�r�turlunlltnlmth�ttlttn�tr>rdrrrtlturltr�Nlr�nlurrl1111111u1mr11rrrbu�;�u�uuliw�w!luultlulull�uulurt ' . _ w ' JUNE 24 1 92MT1w11"pw_p41M WP M!11 1 Ill., . y i 1 n zo w I've / � C�✓fir <i�.� //� /N571�L-C [�M•3 le JL 71 � � G✓:�?/.��^' moi.': i ~J I 1 I v �1 APPROVED FOR CO ST . uCTION __� CITY OF TIGAARD \ � � ���1�(J/�'�'_ :�.�' �✓� X19 Di.(/�, �- - - _ _._ :- /O� Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 12555 SLAP.HALL BIND. TIGARD,OREGON 9722:1-6287 11�lephune(.503)639.3153 July 23 . 1987 Mr . John Hagman Engineering Department City of Tigard 13125 S .W . Hall Blvd . Tigard , Oregon 9722-3 Re: Dover Landing Dear John : As we discussed , enclosed is the sketch showing the prc,posed fog line in S.W . 108th Avernlle . Ir' you have any questions , please give me a call . SinLerely yours J . R. Harris i /iYS7'i9LG �"OG � 2�uJ�livc W � mel APPROVED FOR CONST UCTIO � CITY OF TIG�ARID 7/Z.3�C9 7 i • t rt a w a t t s � = s . .1 u M O • J M r SO al "All e � I it'll � a jr 1jjj �u u I I I I 1 1111, 1 i r Z gym' ppa V ♦ • • q o • o = w • a • i r . v . • .. w e o 0 o e o � " d O r. t ( �V Y • � w 1•t�IMItIfU��e IIIVIIItll�lllll(1[1 I:I�I,L1,.l I,,,LW;I�l.1,lJ,Ll1.I,�ylil,l JILL 1,ly 1.L I„li 1 I I I1 i l I I , 1 1 1Sol - 9 A ! ' I I Ila is sills list 1 1 NJ Q � � � y ++ ` I I � r g • u Er�efl � D� �a� �� J I I � ✓ •�•�� � ori �j�:��� S c �.�d w �� I u s I r ,. 0 � A D � 0 0 D fl fl is a � � • R o Z J F d s0 t` K V r w 31 e fc I p '� g , e I I I r �i • All NORTHwES-f NATURAL GAS COMPANY �-�--• 1 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STIZ. SECTIDN w E C. ' .� 5' 5.5��I g 1 • � I I 17 `p' W 's IrNTX RriRUl1NT1 PNf1NF VUF$110"t RATING A t{AAV DAIF �a....iE. iC ST IMIC ssus* / i J Lr 1m ' TEST DURATION a WELDSA 7!-FIAYFO _^ 26 /wONF IESK.NhNfSSUNE P91G Nr NrMAI ',Pt 11 ME S', MID 25 - nlstAtl --- -� 24 MITI MAIN MAIN w A{,Ar.I• NMAN ABANDON MAIN r • » _ —A- W �� lY TYT$ 1 rF�E COATINGS COATINGS ') Q 1 ', PIPE S T. 101NTS _ _. FITTINGS _ - - r INSTALLED ANODES -- - TY! NGS N Q 4%tAI IV)SEIIVICIF _ ------- NSTAI l ANI?Pf`. I L .4S1AU 9Elly BATE COM{'LETED rntw IEADEp r .4 At F 10 TAA C,iDI 9' AVAR NO MAIN r y,1T)PK MF 44tINEb DATE RC)I UAIII WORK w vfFlvlcE K74" �AQ{IDVEU �� DAR -�.—.• -, bND[N ll Q11 Al/C111E!'.S IIF IWIT FN IW rj, I. t11m NO I JW i1t11 i 1 Hv� a COLIN T16 1 I I Its f L111 al D T ru o — Q M 1R NU DAM SIOM rr NVQ/51N{` I MMLlA1A� tuff - 1 -47-1A I I X16 w 11W-V-30 Z 01c, IN _ 0 IT ly -lair" OD 0' co 96+ cn -LV-7d"-- I 60' R I -Z P-V I V7cd/ C ')7�, T, Inol* CD ir) 40 1 opo 0040 (n 99co 1 A.Ofpo I a d teco I HO acco I* OD FOIZCO I 6,69010 OD Ld (La.) C090 1 0 9190 10 cy r7r,11�,�111-0 WW _BC9010 lf)cz90 10 09901s 80 Izolol* 11P90 1 C) 10 'e fa 9D 81 H-M :1000 xvi 69.(M).Z 'JAV F-Il 80 1 -m-s ado JI, 1-0870 We .gr 1 w w w Construction In,rpnrtirrn&Related Tuts Carlson Testing, Inc. P.O.Boa 23814 'ngord,Oregon 97223 POO "a� CP-3050 Phone(503)694-3460 REPORT Of IN-PLACE SOIL DENSITY TESTS lune 26, 1987 Client_ Waverly Construction Co Prosect 'Dover Landing II _ Sol Desrrrpi,vn-�: rown5ilty Sand Max. Dry Density 98.0 lbs./cu. It, Optimum Moisture_ 19.0 9. Method of Test Nuclear 3411-B O.Tt Or Tt1T Iirl0 IN-/LACE O!NSIT♦ Tcu ro T E 5 T LOCATION 'Lf` No' o erupt Ius.rCu r I % WL' --- c�...... Sub 6-25 1 Sta. 0 + 45 on Kent St. , 3' N. of Centerline Grade 20.5 117.3 97.3 99.3 6-25 2 Sta. 1 + 25, South Side of Kent St. " 16.0 123.8 106.8 100.0+ 6-25 3 Sta. 1 + 00, 6' N. of Centerline on Kent St. 24.2. 123.8 99.7 100.0+ 6-25 ., Sta. 3 + 50, Native Cut North Side of Kent St 23.2 107. 9 87.6 89.4 6-25 5 Sta. 5 + 50, Native Cut on Kent St. , S. Side 19.6 124.6 104.1 100.0+ 6-25 6 Lot 55 Gran(- 16.5 118.6 1.01.8 1110.0+ 6-25 7 Lot 56 _ _ 16.8 142.9 122.4 100.0+ 6-7.5 8 Lot 74 18.8 123. 1 103.6 100.0+ 6-25 9 Lot 72 _ 24.1 120.7 97.2 99.2 6-25 10 Lot 76 _ - 23.5 120.9 97.9 99.9 6- 15 1.1 -Lot 70 -- -_ -� 1.9.1 112.8 94.7 96.2 s'.mrTlw+ --r_c_L- Harris--"anagle_Assoc. Scl�nidt Excavating ------ -_.._. .-._. --- - CAR190N If. TING Wr (25�Yeors F TINA RD May 26, 1987 EGON of SeMce Waverly Construction Co. , Inc. 961-1986 10185 S.W. Riverwood Lane Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Dover Landing No. 2 Subdivision Dear Mr. Waymire: This is to verify, per your request that: 1. Each lot will be situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, include curbs and nec- essary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for operation and maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2, Said subdivision, where necessary, will have drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of T.,gard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned disposal system will be available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Envi.rcmental Quality CXmm- ission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required, to be constructed, by the city of Tigard, Oregon are, under construction. 5. A SubdiviSion CciTliance Agreement and Performance Bond has been executed by the subdivider and har been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard City Council thereinregard completion of the improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/ verification required to be submitted to the State Real Estate Division by each subdivider. Sincerel r� John S. Hagman Engineering 'Technician JH/mi 13125 SVS/hall Blvd„F.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- — SUBDIVISION COMPI I.ANCf AGRE.EMENI THIS AGREEMENT dated the _ 2(�.JA day of 1987_ between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of C;tate r) regon, hereinafter termed the "CI 1'Y", and _ - Waverly Construction Co., Inc. hereinafter termed "Petitioner" - W I T' N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filinq in Washington County, a subdivision plat. known as Dower Landing. (phase _in sV-Otiolt 15. Tama ship 2 South• Range_1_..Wes_t.,_.____. _. Willamette Meridian, Washington t"oun.ty Oregon, and WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Standard Spec if is .,t iuri, fnr Pc.ibl is Wu► A•. Construction by Oregon Chapter APWA, for strovt, •,t(irm drAin, Jructuro Aiui related work, and Unified Sewr,r•age ngr•ru.y Standard-, ,r,ri 5prr ifirati„n. f -1 sanitary sewer construction, prepared by pr ofv.,, i(1r,,41 prig_ invc,r% for subdivision public improvement development.; acrd WHEREAS, the public improvements to be construcLed to 're t.itiuner ' s development are incomplete, and Petitioner has nonetheless requested Lhe laity to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, arid (;he parties desire hereby to protect the public_ interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceKble assurances that public improvements will be installed as requircrd ,4nd completed within the time hereinafter set forth NOW, THEREFORF, in consideration of the for eq,,i iiy premisNs .,&rid Lhv covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and it % sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS (1) Pe t.i.tioner shall proceed with di-velopmerit with the int.ernt ,trni purpose to complete all public improvemcant.s except sidewalks and streat trovs of said subdivision not later than twit (2) years from thc- date cif this agreement, and Petitioner agrees to comply wit.h all subdivision standard~ .44 set forth in the City's Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specificartcon> of the City of Tigard, to comply with all terms and provisions specified thereinregard this improvement by the Concil and Planning Commission of ►h,, City of Tigard, Oregon, or as may be specified by the Community Development Department and to use only such material and to follow such de,, igns as "WY lir required by or approved by said Department. Net 1 t iimor whal l Prov i,1e certification of Installation conformance and one as hu It my lar , bath •;t.,mped by a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to I'ity inspe, t tort of petitioners improvement work fur City conditional Arid final .4rcrpt,41,, r consideration. (2) To assure compliance with the Ci t:y' renu-iit ,Arid t hu pr ov c .1011 , heroof,, Petitioner tenders herowi th Lo the t:i t.y a surf,I y by tho City, with liability in the amount of $ 121,848.00 A copy t I„ , is hereto aLLar.hed Arid by this roferenre made a pAr i hcarvor Pet I I"I:, I corlt.ractor shall by 1 i tensed, bondcld And i riaur ed s�2��ts 7 t 1 ✓ 4 f (3) In the evht that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceud with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion NiLhin the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing �! thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the w,.rk competed And charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s Sureties wnd in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover tho amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner' s Sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amount-t accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasunable as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings Lu enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s Surotios spoctfI( performance of '.he contract and compliance with the vubdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner tho City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudgo reasonabl , ,A•: and for the City' s attorney ' s fees and costs, both in tho trial Cour-t ,Arid Appellate Court, if any (4) Oetitloner Loncurrent with the execution hor'eof , shall dopo , it with the City an amount, estimated to equal pole and luminar matnternanco fogs , f'or street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91 , Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities fur a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights Said amount being $_._7_61,_76_e__�..____. (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections whir•h in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance '-erewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay prescribed inspections foes M (6) The City agrees to install street identtf'ication and traffic sign• within said subdivision, in consideration of payment in tho amount „t f 113.00 (7) At such time as all public Improvements except sidewalks and strvet trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with tho tatty ' . requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of instil lwtltin conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for conditional acceptance inspection and . then, upon notification by the Department k)I' Community Development that the requirements of the City have been mot • thr Petitioner wil : submit to the City a good and sufficient guarantee bond if nit already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City t • provide for correction of any incomplete work ur any defective work maintenance becoming apparent or, arising within one ( 1 ) yoar after 11W i 'I,AI acceptance of the public improvements by the City (8) Upon receipt of certification from the Department of Conenuntty Development that all requirements havo been met, and a One Year GtInrantet Bond, the City agrees to conditionally accept the public improvement -kubjuk ► to the requirement of completion of ail work and correction of def itiofl 6, and maintonance for a period of one yoar as hereinwb(,vv not forth (9) that cn addition to or supplementary of the requirements of tflr C:ity' s Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Put ittonor b►rxt+ itself to conform to the fol lowinq roquirements, scheduIInq and limitations *Project Fee $_ L]j2.Jg____ Sewer Fee 1.14,118 (a) None of the lots of Petitioner' s subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to conditional acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be instilled throughout said subdivision not later than three (3) years from the date of this Subdivision Compliance Agreement. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area), if required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and application for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of ,-Any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing 50,r'+on In any event, all required landscaping and trees in all areas -,hall be pltrrit.vd and in place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from th,. date of this subdivision improvement contract (c) After conditional City acceptance? of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to place an asphaltic concrete overlay on all rt,,Ads within the development; placement scheduling to be approved by the City. (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plans) (e) Petitioner agrees to correct any dr�fect.ivv work and to porform any maintenance, upon notification by the City, arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth (10) At such time as all public improvements have bean (.ompletc'd in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of l.he City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintendriL:v responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond . (11) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of por•formance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior t ) the time► this agreement is executed on behalf of the City Petitioner further agrees to maintain said bond in full force and effect until otherwise authorized by the City in writing. (17) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall fur all purposes be included as a part of the obl igat.inn gr,c ur ed by the d1fur u,,4ici performance bund and tho City Sha l l be ent.i t l Pd t(, r ucuur sty thereto i o t h,, evorrt. of default ,n the part of the Petitioner with r wspec t to my roqu i r-emvni thereof i 3 IN WITNESS WNOEOF, the parties have executed this agreement pur•sunnt to authority vested in each of them. CITY OF TIGARD PETITIONER Wa Construction Com,--Inc. --� ..����-�=� ems��� >✓_l�.�c L,;,-��-- ,l Director of Community Development STATE OF OREGON, County of LL/�S�'/iii'4 T�7ti' )ss. /r/A y /' , 19 8 7 Personally appeared /YC/y/y�"Ti+r/ G, 4V41W1rPE and -%ha, being duly sworn, Return Signed Copy to: each for himself and not one for the other, did say that the former is the president a -h-Yhe Waverly Construction Co., Lnc. searwtary of c/o Mr. Kenneth L. Waymire a corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seat 10185 S.W. Riverwood Lane _ . _ _ of said corporation and that said instrument was signed end sealed in be Tigard, OR 97223 hall of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and each of them acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. Belo'.e n - -----— -— -- /�/ (OFFICIAL A1. 'fY/ p/ SEAL) otary Public for Oregon A4p commission expires: 4 - MW r s PERSONAL SURETY PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Waverly Consti-uction Co. . Inc,, -m Oregon Corporation as Principal, and Kenneth L. W tvmire anr] Roberta A. Waymire as Sureties, are held and firmly bound to the CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, as Obligee, in the sum of $ 121.,848.00 , for the payment of which, well and truly to be made.. Lhe said Principal and Sureties bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the Principnl entered into a certain contract , hereto attached and by thi6 reference made a part hereof, with the Obliger- , CITY OF TIGARD, dated the �t, da% of A'. 1, '9g7 known as the Subdivision _ Compl ianc v Agreement for Lover Landing (phase #2) NOW, THEREFORE, if the P:'ncipal shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, terms, conditions and agreed-nts of said contract durinf; the original term of said contract„ and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the Obligee, with or without notice of to the sureties, and shall also well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, terns, conditions and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications, notice to the Sureties being hereby expressedly waived, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. In the event suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies hereunder the City, in the event it shall prevail , sh 11 be entitled to recover such sum as the Court mai adjudge reasonable ns and for attorney's fees. vlaBY 'erly Const niction Co. , Inc. �(ennep a Ro arta Waymire Principal Sureties STATE OF OREGON ) as. County of Washington ) JiUAI"h L. Wavmirt n gnhArt7 a inlaymire _ being first duly sworn, on oath depose and say; each for himself and not for the others : (I ) That I am ;t resident of the State of Oregon an a freeholder therein; (2) That my ne•t wottl. over and above all just debts, liabilities and exclusive of property exempt from execution is a sum equal to or in excess of the liability expressed it, the foregoinp bond. r J 61L) Kenneth L. Waymir /g A. Wa ni rc Suhscr+,bed and swore to hvfurs me this if-04' day of � ly _• ry ub i c for Oregon My Commisni1,,, f•xpirely : (JH:pm/096UP) C..ITYOFTIORD No. 22631 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. P.Q. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OR 9722: Date Name I I Address i Lot Block/Map Subdivision/Address Permit M's Bldg. Plumb Cash _ Check Sewer Other Other Rec. By Acct, No. Description Amount j 10-432Building Permit Fees 10-431-600 Plumbing Permit Fees 10-431.601 Mechanical Permit Fees 10-;30.501 State Bldg. Tax - 10.433 Plans Check Fee 30-443 Sewer Connection - 30.444 Sewer Inspection 51.448 Street Syst. Dev. Charge r 52.449-610 Parks I Syst. Dev.-Ch rge 52.449-620 Parks 11 Syst. Dev. Charge - --" 31-450 Storm Drainage Syst, Dev. Charge 1f)-430_ Business Tax — 10-434 Alarm Permlt 10.227 Ball 10.855- Fines- T;affIc1Mlsd/Park1ng 10-230- CPTA Traffic/Misd/Vlc. Asst. -- 10-456 Indigent Defense - 30.122.401 -ewer Servlce/USA - - - 30-122.•402 )ewer ServicelCity �°�, - 1 3 �,,ewe'`� r$ev{t elClty Maint. -125 nmatched -- 1 1 4 Storm Drainage - -4 ancrait Prin. Pymt. ./ LAr �� CUSTOMER 'LEASE TAKE THIS TO THE CASHIER FOR A RFr.EIPT NAME: ��e<<!i ��:,.n Y- DATE -r-- T' c�r „n��,CCN*Z , ACCT. DESCRIPTION _.��__�. AMOUNT _ 10--22000 Refundable Performance Bond Deposit $ 1U--43500 _ Sign Permits HOP _ TU _ $ --- �—� 10-43600-_)_.- Public Sewer Plan Check/Ins ection Fee _ $ 10--4360000Public Storm Plan Check/Inspection-Fee- 10-43600 _ ee_ $ -- 10--43600 _ /Public Improvement Fee $_ �� �y• `� 10-43600 Street Opening Permit _ $ -- 1U-43601 Street and Traffic Marking —_ ___ -21-4 0 Street Light Fee - $ -74., ' 10-43700 Subdivision Applications: $ S MLP - 10-43800 Zoning Applications: 7C CPA ZOA PD Mi?c SCE Cu SLP V $ 10-44000 Other Planning Fees: SDR Non refundable portion of Appeal Fees $ --- 10-22000 Refundable portion of Appeal Fees $ - 10-45100 Document Sales: Engrg Planning Bldg. $ 10-43000 Business Tax - $ TOTAL $._ 754' - a 4►.��"�'a I�III May 2p� 1967 SHE ()Ab:A OR 44 14197 . I I 1�f�it7ln c•xty IF Coshier's Ch i, 3 � 1, , SFR p(,NrCSE Dover ��� ar'`l PerPUrm�Cn'R�� ��•o iw ,7�, ooII� NIIIiIIIIIIIIIIII�� CITY OF TI1FARD May 14, 1987 OREGON 25 Years of Service Waverly Construction Co. Inc. 1961-1986 10185 E.W. Riverwood Ln. Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Dover Landing (phase 2) near Mr. Waymire: Enclosed, please find the Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond ( forms) for said project . After signature thererf by the principal (~) and notary and, in the case of the bond form, by the surety, please return both documents for final processing. After City execution and acknowledgment , a copy will be transmitted tc; you, for your file, by the City Recorder . Subsequently, thereafter, the approved public improvement construction plans can be issued upon receipt c . a check, in favor of the City of 'Tigard, Oregon, in the sum of $ 5,754.68 ; being the said agreement ( therein stated) deposit/fee(s) . Yours truly, John So Hagman Engineering Technician .ISH:pjr PLA,►\ Iv�a►���� pE►.�U�,!.��,, pr=vES Rt:`rUR1J �F 14CaFtr'1T 1� 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ��/�) �. � � - � 7 ,�,,��,..r M�..,.. r�.,.�� f� ��c.�� �.� CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON / DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET u ` Project Title: �_ .v >e Imprv. ,Type: `_-;���d�vtisio%A omputed By: - } Date: I. PROJECT PERMI'i FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164. 150): A. Improvement cost estimate, less sanitary sewer. . . .$ 9 ;'; : . t' (Adjusted Cost) B 0.04 x $ Z r�9iv. /i _ $ :' a. 11. 4-- �j;Adjus et d Cost) - - 2. SANITARY SEWED MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION FIE (Ord. No. 85 -02) A. Contract surcharge applicable yes, no. . (agreement name) B. Sewer Improvement cost estimate $ 2 q,4,S1 .9 D (sewer est. ) C. 0.04 x 1' _ $ 4 07 - (sewer estimate)- (fee) [or) $100.00 min. , whichever is greater . . . . . . . .$_ 3 STREETLIGHT FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164 . 130 (x) 6 3 .08.010) : A. P.G.E. Schedule No. _71 , Option No. Type of Lamp I�,F;g Lwft s/Watts Type of Pole Hpight B. $_ 4.7-7- x '7 _ _ _ $ ?_-9. S 4 /Mo. (monthly rate) (no, of lights) (monthly rate) (no. of polys) $ �, i � ' x 24 months = $ (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4. TRAFFIC-PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEE (T M.C. 18 164.030(u). A. Stop: @ (number) (each) (subtotal) - B. St Name:C. Combo: 0. No. Parking!___` @ F . -- - - - . @ $ ----- :------__ - Sign(') Total 9. GP.AND T01At (rt.rs DUE) Recpipt No Date Paid: Check Cash 0920P MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, ORDGON DATE: ! �7 TO: aroma/ FROM: N_ _ , Engineering Office RE: Public Improvc3nent Construction Plaa Review F:equest ISO t/L/z s L.•9NdMJ6 47- Please review the attached plan, camient thereon, acknowledge review in the spac provided and return it as rapidly as possible, (preferably by Thank you, t. UNIFIED SEWERAGE File AGENCY 150 N. FIRST AVENUE Project —D.(2-v-ex--Undinq No- 2 HILLSOM, OREGON 97123 (503) 648-0621 Subject To City of.Tigard P.O.—Box—2-33-97., .. Item Copies Date Description Two sets approved plans for above project. Ll as you requvited Remark:, El for your information Ll for your approval El for your review L-1 return requested Frorr. Terry Chamberlin 81-419 _.s OWNER: IIAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. )185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANE IGARD, OREGON 97223 'INFERS-SURVEYORS iARRIS-McMONAGL.E ASSOCIATES, INC. 12555 HALL BOULEVARD FIGARD, OREGON 97223-6278 ^' APPROVED FOIT CONSTRjJCTION ISSUED BY DATE frlTY Or TICAItOI --"— — APPROVED EUGA.OFFICE Pv DATE OPERAT OFFICE 9Y (TATE _ Ufdll='[ SEWAGE BLDG.OFFICEBY DATE. GEN TEL CO By DAtE 4 N W NAT GAS CO rIY DATE PGE CO C" DATE bVILLAM CABLE r"7 CY DATE WA T r'I^T We DATE tit. 1.1"T Dy nATr rTY DATE f)f Tr DOVER LANDING NO.2 ., ,;q,4 xx•4 (tif:'•l;kttlrxy%F�isds':�d�.t a.2�.iiieH4hN`trMWi'I�Ih •> Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 12555 S.W.HALL.BLVD. TIGARD,OREGON 9722:3-6257 71 lephune 1503111.39-3.15:1 April 21 , 1987 Mr . John Hagman Engineering Department ity of Tigard 1_,125 S . W . Hall Blvd . Tigard , Oregon 9722? Re: Dover Landing No . 2 Dear John : Enclosed is the cost estimate f,--,r the subdivision im pro vement, in Dov•i- Landing No . 2 . If you have any questions , please give me a call . Si erely yours J . R . Harris Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 125 5 S.W.ILILLL BLVD. TIGAIU),OREGON 97223-8287 Rlephone OHM 639-:3453 PROJECT : DOVER. LANDING NO. 2 4/21/87 SUBJECT : COST ESTIMATE - SUMMARY PRIMARY COPTSTRUCTION -------------------- Streets 40 , e63 . 80 Storm drainage 16 , 720 . 50 Sanitary sewer 28 , 851 . 9(-) Waterworks 12 , 284 . 00 ------------ Sub-Total - Primary Const . . . 98 , 32O . -_0 1EC ONDAR.Y CONSTRUCTION Sidewalks (6 , 8ts T . f . @ 1 . 20 ) 8 , 262 . 00 Pavement overlay (234 ton @ 34 . 00 ) 7 , 956 . 00 S•trept lights (7 @ 700 . 00 ) 4 ,900 . 00 Urir,erground electric 2 , 41 i9 , 2n ------------ Sub-Total - Secondary Const . . 21' , 527 . 80 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST . . . . . . . . 121 , 848 . 00 H-WASSOC., INC. rKOJECT : DOVER LANDING NO. 2 Page 2 SUBJECT : COST ESTIMATE 4/21/87 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS MEAS. UNIT COST TOTAL COST ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STREE'rS 1 . Clearing, grubbing & demo . 1 lump sum 5 , 877 . 50 5, 877 . 50 Excavation, fill , grading 2, 240 c .y . 3 . 00 6 , 720 . 00 3 . Curb 1 , 377 l . f . 3 . 90 5 , 370 . 30 �• . Rock & paving , interior sts 11 , 576 s . y . 8 . 50 23 , tll�b . 00 Street barricade 1 each 600 . 00 600 . 00 ------------- TC'TAL STREETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 , 463 . 80 E'rORM DRAINAGE 1 . Pipe , 27--inch concrete 254 l . f . 27 . 75 7 , 048 . 50 1 . Pipe , 27-inch torr . alum . 110 l . f . 19. 75 2 , 172. 50 2 . Pipe, 12-inch 54 l . f . 11 . 75 634 . 50 3 . Manholes 2 each 950 . 00 1 , 900 . 00 4 . Inlets , standard 2 l . f. 4;0 . 00 860 . 00 C. Intake area construction 1 each 1 , 250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 8 . Rock backfill 300 c .y . 7 . 75 2, 325 . 00 9 . Ditch inlet 1 each 530 . 00 530 . 00 ------------ TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . 16 , 720 . 50 . ... ... .. - :+ate!dra.;id,;!VkWaw86itybW'i�Y�N�a0i�1{kS�Yi[ww�ho. H-WASSOC., INC. PROJECT : DOVER LANDING NO. 2 Page 3 SUBJECT: COST ESTIMATE 4/21/87 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS MEAS. . UNIT COST TOTAL COST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SANITARY SEWER 1 . Pipe, 8-inch h39 1 . f , 9 . 50 6 , 071 , 50 2 . Pipe , service laterals 775 l . f . 6 . 50 5 , 037 . 50 3 . Manholes 3 each 1 , 050 . 00 3 , 150 . 00 6 . Tees 24 each 40 . 00 960 . 00 7 . Pipe zone rock 1 , 414 l . f . 1 . 35 1 , 908 . 90 8 . Rock backfill 1 . 400 C . V . 7 . 75 10 ,850 . 00 9 . Stabilization rock 100 c . y. 8 . 75 875 . 00 ------------- TOTAL SANITARY SEWER, . . . . . . . . . . 28 , 8E1 . 90 WATERWORKS 1 . Pipe, 8-inch D . I . C'1 . #52 664 l . f . 12 . 25 8 , 13+ . 00 2 . Valves , 8" butterfly 1 each 465 . 00 465 . 00 7 . Blow-off assembly 1 each 435 . 00 435 . 00 8 . Fire hydrant assembly 1 each 1 , 545 . 00 1 , 545 . 00 9 . Rock backfill 220 c . y . 7 . 75 1 , 705 . 00 TOTAL WATERWORF S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 , 284 . 00 ti �► . 2._ y0 S DONNA COLLIS Research Assistant 8�� 1 ! I 7 ��'�12T77'1'1.1: FA RD 1 J } 10720 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway , (503)5 643-p65r1 Beaverton,Oregon 97605 1fVlC9 10-77-0 v eo-" 1 Q 1r 9 7 005- 11V 05R1: �Do.J�r Ir��dN�1Jo Z fie �r' r 1 r M . Attached please find 000—* copy(s) of a public improvt m( nl ;))an �ltt F,1,�t1 needs to be circulated through the below noted a(yonr ices (or, r%IV Irw acknowledgement and, subsequently, returned to this office Vary truly, Jahn : Hagman I- nyinecring Technician 0O38W/0002W iX/ PGE Company / ( Northwest N.�t.ur,il t;.js (,,oT 14655 SW ^lc+ Schools Ferry Rd ` 220 N.W. Second Itvenuv Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 4170t1 SEE: Jim Johnston, 643--5454 I SEE. Ron Po1v1 /26 4,"11 General Telephone Co. / ( Tigard Water District 12460 SW Main Street 8841 SW Comm,.r 1a1 St m t Tigard, OR 97223 SCE Donna Donaldson, 620 f)i73 cigard, OR of?J3 _ Ed Wilmott SEE Rob Santitt, h14 1Y14 Metzger Water District / / Washington County Fir4+ hist NI 6501 SW Taylors Ferry Road Portland, OQ 97219 7--0665 SW Blanton SEE . Jesse Lowman, 245-3331 �1rIla e417(1/ -- SEI: Genn u 111 r � he 1 l , 644 0511 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,N.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639 4171 --- -- - Tualatin Fire Protection District Willamette Cable 20665 SW Hlant9:1 14200 SW 8rigadoon Court Aloha, OR 97007 Beaverton, OR 97005 SEE: Gene Birchell , 649-8577 SEE: K. J. Street, 644 1100 Tigard Post Office / _/ State Highway Division 715 NW Hoyt 2131 SW Sc.holls Ferry Road P.O. Box 3047 Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 91200 97608 SEF: Lee Gundersur, 779 '+itt�•' SEF: Mika Kry,3ic+r , 294 2380 0030W/0002W • i • Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 12555 SW.HALL BLVD. TIGARD,OREGON 97223-6287 'Il lephune(503)639.3,1513 April 10 , 1987 Mr . Pandy Clarno Engineering Oepartment City of Tigard 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd . Tigard , Oregon G7223 PC: Dover Landing, No . 2 Plat Dear Pandy : Enclosed for your review are the criginal mylars and copy mylars together with a print of the Dover Landing No . plat . Please give me a call if you have any questions . Sincerely yours J . R . Harris MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DATE: FROM: JoNN_._-_�A "A Engineerirg Office RE: Public Improvement Co►.structi.on Plan Review Rc_-,quest MSV- LXWb,% , 4t Z Please review the attached plan, comment thereon, acknow:edge revicu in the space provided and return it as rapidly as possible; (preferahly by � /67 _� . Thank you, t. . l¢-- ---- - -- 1 . Chapter 10 `162 rovers the City's roquiro" Mr adjustments. The proposed ability to adjust sill after the pla` is recorded can meet City requirements but the procedure for adjusting property lines should follow the process described below: The Community Development Code provides a two—step review of lot line adjustments. A preliminary application is first evaluated and a decision is made. If the preliminary application is approved, a final application is submitted containi-ig the final lot line adjustment map and rugal descriptions. Following City approval, the map and legal descriptions are recorded with Washington County. Conflicts may result in relation to the location of utility services and driveway locations. The final lot line adjustment map and legal descriptions shall be required for each adjustment that occurs under provisions of the preliminary approval. The map and descriptions should include information regarding the precis* location of existing utilities and driveways. A certification from an engineer should be provided which indicates that the adjustment will not adversely affect existing utilities or that the facil.i:ies will be relocated to the satisfaction of those utility company(s) involved. An costs associated with change in utility location will be borne by the developer. The PD overlay zone does not have a minimum lot width requirement, but the 50± foot wid-, 1_ts -Are relatively narrow for single family detached residences. The 4—foot side yard requirement shall remai;r in effect as well as the 5—foot driveway setback requirement contained in T.M.C. Section 15.04.080(b) . Variances or waivers of these requirements shall be viewed with disfavor. m Chapter 18. 164 of the Code will be satisfied during the approval process for the final plat. The City Council therefore, orders the above referenced application be approved subject to the following conditions: 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, NLL CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET PRIOR TO RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT. 2. Standard full and half—street improvements including sidewalks, curbs, streetlights, drivet-jay aprons, Storm drainage and utilities V shall be installed along the SW 108th Avenue frontage, Said improvements along SW 108th Avenue shall be built to not less than City minor collector street standards and conform to alignment of r.he existing centorlire. FIESULUTION NO. 86— /-� Page 4 0nmu��_= 3 . Seven (7) sets Ui' plan-profile public improvemaWP coqt and one (1) itemized construction costestimate, smprdr�, Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Section for approval . 4 . Sanitary and storm sewer plan-profile details shall be provided as part of the public improvement plans , `). Construction of proposed public improvements shall nv, commence until af+-er the Engineering Division has issued approved public improvement plans . The Division will requi!-c posting of a 100% Performance Bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of a street opening permit or construction co-;!liance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement plans. 6 . Prior to approval of the public improvement plans, the applicant shall submit data sufficient for the City Engineer to determine that the subdi-ision complies with the requirement: of the Comprehensive Plan Transportation Map. Unless the Transportation Map is modified by the Ci;;y Council, the data submitted must inclode evidence that S.W. Kent Drive can be connected to River-wood Lane with an alicinment that meets the City standards for minor collector s"rcets. Unless the Transportation Map is modified by the City Council, S.W. Kent Drive shall bE designed and platted to minor collector street standards . V 7. A one (1' ) foot reserve strip granted to the City of Tigard shall be provided at the terminus of S.W. Kent Drive and, also at the terminus of S.W. River Lane. Special permission need be granted to T.L. N7OO and #800 by the City to allow crossing of the reserve strip. 8. Additional right-of--way shall be dedicated to the Public along the S -+ 108th Avenue frontage to increase the right-of-way to 30 feet f► om centerline. The description for said dedication shall be tied to the existing right-of-way centerline as established by Washington County. The dedication document shall be on City forms, and approved by the Engineering Section, or shall be detailed on the plat. 9. S.W. 108th Avenue shall remain open to traffic at all times during construction. 10. Street Centerline Monumentation A in accordance with ORS 92.060 subsection (2.), the centerlines of all streets and roadway rights--of-way shall b- monumented before the City shall accept a street improvement. 11 , All centerline monuments shall be placed in a monument box conforming to City standards, and the top of all monument boxes shall be set at design finish grade of said street or roadway. RESOLUTION NO. 06-- Page 5 C T-^ followir ;enterline monuments shall ba �� M'; +.�+r ase. 1) All centerline-centerline intersections. Into sobtrtohi" created with "collector" or other existing streets, shall be sot when the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street has been established by or for the City; (2) Center of all cul--de-sacs; (3) Curve points. Point of intersection (P.I. ) when their position falls inside the limits of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (D.C. and E.C. ) . (4) All sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with centerline monumen. Ation. 11 . A Sensitive lands Permit will be required for any landform alteration, including the development of single family homes, on slcpes greater than 25%. 12. Construction of the proposed sanitary sewerage improvement shall not commence until posting of a 100% performance bond, payment of public ;1 improvement plan check and inspection fees and execution of (and City acceptance of) a construction compliance agreement occurs. i 13. Construction of improvements below the 140 foot elevation contour west of 108th Avenue or within the 100 year flood plain shall occur only for the purposes of bik 'oath and other public improvement requirements ` only durino the period between April 30th and October 1st or at other + times approved in advance and in writing by the C:ty Engineer, 14. A site grading plan shall be submitted with the impruvemant plans. The site grading plan shall include provisions for erosion control including temporary erosion control during construction. No construction shall occur until the site grading plan has been approved by the City Engineer. 15. The applicant shall construct interim street improvements on S.W. 108th Avenue from S.W. Durham Road to the point where full street improvements are required by Condition 2 above. Lnterim street improvements, shall include a minimum 7.2 foot pavement width. Also, foot gravel shoulder3 and drainage ditches shall be constructed unless otherwise specifically approved by the City Engineer and Washington County in coniunction with Phase I improvement3, but not later than +� October 1, 1987. i6. The applicant shall obtain from Washington County a letter of service-- ability and approval of public improvement plans for S.W. 108th Avenue. 17. At the intersection of S.W. 108th Avenue and S.W. Durham Road, the interim street improvements shall include improvements adequate to !� provide a minimum intersecLion sight distance of Vii feet. The ��\lt intersection sight distance shall be based on an eyp height Oi 3 .5 feet and an object height of 4 .25 feet above the road, and shall be measured from the center of 108th Avenue at a point 10 feet south of 1 the edge of the Durham Road pavement . RESOLUTION NO, 86- Page 6 18 , Storm drainage from streets and other public i ove ments be conveyed in closed conduits and discharged points of within tahallht flood plain area. All storm drainage conduits shall be located in public rights-of-way or in easements dedicated to the public. 19. Any on-site or off-site sanitary and storm sewer easement, which may be necessary for provision of service, shall be on City forms and approved by the Engineering Division; c-1-site easements should be denoted on the subdivision plat. 20. The existing (access-egress) easement across the north end of Tax Lots 0100-#400 shall be vacated; the cost thereof to be borne by the applicant. 21 . The lands which are within the 100 year flood plain shall b- dedicated to tho public for greenway purposes. T►ie floor+ plain boundary shall be surveyed and clearly marked. Said markers shall be maintained throughout the course of development. 22. The existing dwellings which are to remain must be connected to sanitary sewerage facilities as soon as the facilities become availab_e, 2.3 . An asphalt surfaced pedestrian/bicycle path with a width of 10 feet shall be constructed along the Tualatin River within the boundaries of the greenway. The path shall include one public pedestrian path connection to S.W. River Drive at via a public right-of-way or public easement in the vicinity of SW 108th. The easement width anr! alignment shall be approved by the City Engineer. V . After review and approval by the Planning Director and City Engineer, the Final Plat shall be recorded with Washington County. 25. ALL CONDITIONS BELOW SHALL BE MET PRIOR TO RECORDING ANY LOT LINE Q iv rMENT WITH WASHINGTON COUNTY. A. The final lot line adjustment application(s) shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director PRIOR TO RECORDING. The Lot Line Adjustment documents shall be recorded by the City and a copy shall be forwarded to the applicant. In addition to the requirements of Section19. 162.080 of the Code (copy enclosed), the applicant shall provide information illustrating the locating: of all utility fa-ilities in the vicinity of the property line(s) to be adjusted. B. A registered engineer shall certify that each "incl lot line adjustment will not have an adverse impact upon the utility services within the subdivision and the service available to individual lots . C. Any relocation of utilities shall be approved by tho appropriate utility company . All cost incurred shall be borne by the developer or lot owner. RESOLUTION No, 06-=-5- Page 6-=Page 7 X11 if D. Variance or waiver requests to the 4 foo.. �ildlt requirement of the driveway setback standard in Trig must be compelaing and substantial evidence must an provided. E. one or more final lot line adjustment applications may be filed for all lots in the development as provided by the above condition. This approval shall expire within one year of the final decision date noted below. 26. Four foot side yard setbacks are allowed , but all other setback standards of the underlying zones shall remain in affect. 27. Dover Co.,t cul-de-sac shall be shortened to the City Engineer's specifications. 28. This approval is valid if exercised within one year of 'he final decision date noted below. The Council further orders that the City Recorder send a copy of the final order as a notice of decision in the mattter. PASSED: This f �' day of 1986. ,16 '- City of Tigard I ATTEST: .11 xyity Recorder - City of Tigarc KSL:bs128 RESOLUTION No. Page 0 S 1....4--R� : AOVFsL ►-Au1a1n1,4 '� L.Io t. lk , I. 71 LU I 70 69 68 ^ 67 66 65 L - -. - -�. _ - - a •� L — - L - -J- T - L - -I-- -- I I PERSONAL SURETY PERFORMANCE. BUND r KNOW ALI, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Wavc.!rly Construction Co. . Inc. .,- an Oregon Corporation as Principal , and Kenneth L. Waymire anti Roberta A. Waymire as Sureties, are held and firmly bound to the CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, as Obligee, in the sum of $ 1211,898.00 , for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, the laic. Principal And Sureties bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors: , and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the Pr IncIpaI entered into a certain contract , hereto attached and by this reference made tl part hereof, with the Obligee, CITY OF TIGARD, dated the of 19 87 known as the Subdivision_ Comp lirl,•,rc Agreenent for Dover Landing (tAia e !f7) --- NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well and truly perform and tulttll all the undertakings, terms, conditions and agreements of said contra, t (tu, In.; the original term of said contract , and any extensions thereof that ma\ he granted by the Obligee , with or without notice of to the sureties , and shall also well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, terms , conditions and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications , notice to the Sureties being hereby expressedly waived, then this obligation to be void; otherdise to remain in full force and virtue. In the event suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to tell other rights and remedies hereunder the City, in the event it shall prevail , shall be entitled to recover such sum as the Court may adjudge reas„nahle .,s, and for attorney's fees. Waverly Construction Co. , Inc. Yenneth B Roberta Waymire By: 15y: _ -- - By: By:� _ - Principal Sureties TATE OF OREGON ) ) 9s. County of Washington ) KenieL_bja,ymf •-t; & Rcliert,i n_Way(B.i_i _ being first duly sworn, oilt,ath depose and say; each for himself and not for the others : (1 ) That 1 :en ., resident of the State of Oregon an it freeholder therein; (2) That my -A w•,l, tt over and above all just debts, liabilities and exclusive of prc.i, rt .N c �rmtt from execution is a sum equal to or in excess of the liability expre•sset, u„ the foregoing bond . Kenneth L. Waymire r Roberta A. W,tytni t e Subscribed and sworn tee before me this _ day of Notary Pe,t,l 1, t ,,r Ore K(,t, My Commis!0 -11 lxplte•: : (.iH:pm/09601') SUBDIVISION COMPI I AWN AGREF.MF NI IHIS AGREEMENT dated the !W day of _ 1987_ between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of State of Or•ogon, h(,reina►fter termed the and Waverly Construction Co., Inc. hereinafter termed "Petitioner" . WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for ,approval for filtntl in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as Dover Landing (phase- 2) ,_ _in_segtign.L__ ►�P 2 SouRnae_�._.Wi: Willamette Meridian, Washington County orequn, grid WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Standard Spt?r Ji( it i-u, f-ir Ilubl i( Wi)rA., Construction by Oregon Chapter APWA, for street., )I(irrn ir,rir , ,tru( turn ,aiui rcelatod work, and Unified Sewerage Agrtnr.y Standar-d•, oid ,;tu„ it ir.,at i,lns t,.r sanitary sewer construction, prepared by F,rofI- , , in1 ,4) 1-rill inevr for subdivision public improvement development., -Arid WHEREAS, the. public improvements to be cunstruc.ted in Petitioner ' s development are incomplete, and Petitioner has nonethrloss requestod the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally And prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforcet+ble assurances that public improvements will be installed As roquirrtd Arid completed within the time hereinafter scat. forth NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of l.he foreq-,uu3 premIstis 4rid thu covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the, I'etitionor ,And it sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS F0t.Lows (1) Petitioner shall proceed with devc,lopment, with the intent ,viii purpose to complete all public improvemrent:s exr.tept sidewalks .,►nd street trcvs of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from chi• d,ite tit' this agreement, and Petitioner agrees to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in the City's Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specifications of the City of Tigard, to comply witn all terms and provisions specified there i nregard this improvement by the Conc i 1 and P larrn t rIg Comm i SS inn (if (h4, City of Tigard, Oregon, or as may be specified by t.h(, Community llr.veltrpment Department and to use only ruck material and to follow such designs as n►ay t..• required by or approved by said Department Pill I t i4.iirr -;heal l pt-ov till, certification of instal lation conformance and rine as hi, 11 mvlAt beth vt,4nq,%, i by a registered civil engineer, t.ri the t:ity priiir to City inspel t iorl (it petitioners improvement work for City condit.ior,aI And fIrial Attvpt,ul, r• consideration. (2) To assure compliance with the City' s r•(+quirvim-lit . •vruf the- ;it ovt9It'll . hor t!of, Pef:i t ionor tenders herewith to the City a surol v I„ ,,,i it t'ot m 41wo-0 by the City, with liability in the amount of $ 121,848.00 .+ ( ilpv Iticli, is horoto attached and by this r►bforrrnr:e made a p,v I hct► eol Pt►t 11 tonot crtnt.r ac for shall be 1 i t.en!vvd, hondrd ++ui i nnured (3) In the ei,)Vnt that Petitioner shall fail, rt+ `glect or refuse to procood with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner- and Petitioner' s sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed And charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s Sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner' s Sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court r+nd Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s Sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with tho subdivision standards ,+nci ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event , in 1 i ke manner t he Ci t y shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall idjudgo reasonablo ,4!, and for the City ' s attorney ' s fees and costs, both in the trial Court +rrri Appellate Court, if any . (4) Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, shall dopo,, Ir with the City an amount cstimat.ed to equal pole and luminar maintenanco fov-; for street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according tO POrtlaini General Electric Schedule 1191, Option "B", together with a further sum oqual to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities fur a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights Said amount being $_ 7x,26 _ (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final rnspoctronK which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, to consideration whereof the Petitioner shall Fray prescribed inspections foes N (6) The City agrees to install street identification and tr•aff tk •• rilii• within said subdivision, in consideration of payment to the amourit of 113...00 (7) At such time as all public improvements except s►dowalk5 and Ort,cl trees within the subdivision have been completed in rAccordanc-e with the Clty ' requirements, Petitior.Qr shall submit a "certificate of Instal Intimi conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness fur conditior,til acceptance inspection and, then, upon notificatiirn by the Department of• Community Development that the requirements of the City have boon mot , thu Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient guarantee borxi if riot already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City to provide for correction of any incomplete work or, any defective vnrrk or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within ore (1) year after r t,rn,trt 1,,rr•41 acceptance (if' the public improvements by the City (9) Upon receipt of certifiaition from the Department of Cormiunrly Development thatr all requirements have been met, and a One Year GuHrantvr Bond, the City agrees to conditionally ac ept the public improvement tubtr1, t to the requirement of completion of all work and correction of deft It— i, and maintenanco for a period of one year as hereinabi,ve sot forth (9) chat in addition to or supplementary of thIV requirt+rmunI City' s ;-lbdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof Pet itionor l,t1w1. itself to conform to the following togij1rements, itheduIing and limitatrkill + *Project Fee $_.3,719.84. - Sewer F tea $ 1,15.4.08 A B CG G L Xl$ -, . DRAINAGE C L IA, 71 i I 72 - ` 74 75 777 79 I'f 9.7 150•% /5; /. 4 151.9 1�-2-3 -, 148.3 /4-9.7 -74. 15 z.-77 -IR t --c-t0w 142,8 15 0. 3 150-8 )51. 3 151. 8 15,� 3 1.50 147.4 147.9 148 4 148.1 149.3 1 64 63 62 f G1 60 59 69 6 67 2 /0, r 5, 4 t N 3— L C G I- N 3 am. DRAINAGE DIRECTION 1'+-9. 3 FIN15H GRADE GRADING NOTES 1. ALL LOTS IN -STRUCTURAL FILL ARE.A5 SHALL BE STRIPED OF VEGETATION AND TOP SOIL . 7HE STRIPIN05 5HALL BE STOCKPILED AND USE[) TO E:STABL15H FIN15HED LOT GRADE . 2. ALL F !LL APLA5 5H/ILL BE LOMPACTED 71) 95y, RELATIVE DENSITY AND >AIILL BE TF- TED. 3 , ALL L07 AREA _-) SH/iLL BE (-,I< ALEC, TO A SmooTH UNIFORM ,bLJP\ FA C E- THAT WILL DRAIN . 7—,- .5 4 - 4 GM. V�AL PEMW SUBJECT TO RMSION REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: s DESIGN 1CA1,E VERTICAL. DATUM - CIT 'Y OF TIGARL WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. ll(-)PIZCJNTAL 9A-1- 1-) M PLAT OF DOVER LAND(N6 No . 2 7f`f���'\. TRACED '0185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANE DOVER LANDING N ® �O.. 2 H . TIGARD9 OREGON 97223 5 AlOGM CHECKED Harris -McMonagle Associates SITE GRADING PLAN SHEETLr APPR. DATE W L . M(, -TEV. DESCRIPTION ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISIONDATE 12555 S.W. HALL BOULEVARD TIGARD, OREGON 97223 OF 11Jill 5 OF �l�rl r�11 I I, I'T 1111 11 4 11-tlifil'i 1111111 1 f � i ,ip I I - .I ! , -I 6 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICEI-IT IS DUE TO .jW. QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL - DRAWING. Qf 6? 8Z LZ 9Z %Z 1P? CZ U 12 OZ 61 91 Ll 91 yl tp I CI 21 11 01 6 9 1 9 S Sl EZ 1$"Low 14 124 . JUNE 24 1 92 --.Wvw. (a) No--ie of the lots of Petitioner' s subdivision as described may bo o cupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to conditional accep*once of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed ^s a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks ac, required by the plans and subdivision c.odte shall be installed throughout y.,►id subdivision not letter than three (3) years from the date of this Subdivision Compliance Agreement. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area), if required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and application for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of Any year, such plantings may be deferrpd until the next Following growing sc!Ason In any event, all required landscaping and trees in all areas shall be pl+ant.vd and in place withLn the entire subdivision within Lhrep (3) years from tho date of this subdivision improvement contract. (c) After c)nditional City acceptance of Lhv publ i► improvonwrit the Petitioner agrees to place an asphaltic concrete overlay on all rki,lds within the development; placement scheduling to be approved by the City (d) Compliance with all terms arid provisions specified ther-etofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in re:ard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s) (e) Petitioner agrees to correct any defect.iur work and to pvt•form any maintenance, upon notification by the City, ari4ing during the guarantoo period as hereinabove set forth. (10) At such time as all pu'ali.c. improvements have bean completed it, accordance with the City' s requiresients, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection anj upon certification by the Department (It Community Development that all requirements of the City have been mkt, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintena►i„• responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond (11) The parties hereto hereby adopt. the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to havr said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time, this agreement is e►.ecuted on behalf of the City Petitioner further agrees to maintain said bond in full force and effect until otherwise authorized by thc: City in writing. (17) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall fur ,+11 purposes be included as a part of the obligation spcur•ed by the &for u+-,4%d pr rformance bond and the City shall he ent.i,tlpd to rv( our sv thereto ir► the i-vi-0 of default on the part. of the Petitioner wi Lh r oipec t to any rkqu it omont ihm eof l IN WITNESS WHEVEOF, the parties have executed this ,49rclemeni pursuant to authority vasted in each of them. CITY OF "i IGARD PETITIONER: Waverl Cor�struc i inc. bL __._ BY Director of Community Development ` (Attach Notary Acknowled9emont horeto) Return Signed Copy to: Waverly Construction Co., Inc. C/o Mr. Kenneth L. Waymire 10185 S.--W. Riverwood Lane Tigard, OR 97223 (JH:dmj/02145) 4 W_-J--- - Z 5 _ 7 S ' 9 3 L �/ 2 tk`�`rH U o � � H t, ��� �► Q Lu Nu. r� ti d �8 N v 1 i MLAIRLARAIRLALME _....,,,;,�w.>..�-:.��..,.,.....:�..�.�»auw.,.uJ�cva..�w�iwrs�de�iettw�Wasap.wMW�eYhIM�DrdiM7aNiMw�?iW ;., ..,: . 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CONCRETE SHALL. ATTAIN A MINIMUM F'1 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 P.S I. IN 28 DAYS. 2. FOR FRAME DETAIL, SEE DWG. NO D-107. 3. FOR GRATE DETAIL , SEE DWG. NO. D-108. \ 00 'a r 1 _ D1TC H — 1 /10 27' 24' MAX. MAX. I MAX-bi 1 ( MAX I> !w Qw V 2'-0" lr-- 2'-33j' -- 3'-0' -- S.��'� FRONT ELEVATION WASHINGTON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE ARE^ DRAIN, TYPE II AND TRANSPORTATION DATE CIVIL ENGINEER DRAWN APWA MO. WAIN, COUK" NQ r&ZZ � � ata e5 a cMODI D- 105 71 4 t � � r dY CY O S CU p c Q _ CD O ►= r -� aP w z qt o 2 y� m O w � z r f' Q p U W N ~ Cl) _ p cr LU p U �-- O W d z * r LLJ w J Wry Q ms 's LL 0. z 41 W II ' � -CO a ocr O d O N � w cn >- U O Q d ► d t n f � z A `a W J O f Q, N (' n- t— N = F- +� O 7 ; U R d A w W d z w ? 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