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GARRETT STREET LATERAL o a: Z Z SCALE I'�r- 3 0 ► m ��R ry w 0 3 (f) cn w o tL N V N 0 3 a v cli 0 N o ` -- - -- - -- — - - TG 4 - -- --- --- d16 f% -- — -- - --- - - - - 0 oD- --- - I U ❑ _ _._�- __-_— ___-.__._— _ i_ — - — - uj ui Ln i� m en z - --- — - -- — -- T — — — --- - — __ — — --_— -- -- — I.1 F W „ r.) 1 C H --- --- --- -- ---- ---- ---'---- --- mamma ----- -- - - - -111-P- --- --- •— -- - - --- - -- - - - - - - I lu-Lu LA. m _. _ -- CL z Z I — - -- - ---- - -- -- - - - __ --- — ----- — -- -- — — —_ -- -- -- — - t - -- - -- - - - -- -- - - - -- - -- --- - - - -- -- - - — - --- — -- __- - — - — -- - — - - A R- __ T EA- L. - - - - a� -- - - - — --- -- - - - - - - - - --- --- 4a n I ATF fiERS N 9 1 LDI. G — Mac-am -- --- �-- - — - -- - ---- -- --- ----- _..---- - -- - _ _ — ._ __- — ----- - -- -_ g At E.' 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(p O i I`cl) M m - _ O I : mo o° c � + v o mLo o u I `� • N w, N PROPERTY LINE CURB LINE _ 31DEEP 611 WATER MAIN = /yf W La � W 250. 6 8" Rte CSP S =01. 0050 234.4' 8" RJCSP S - 0U L3 .0050 I s > � z o � 4.61 DEEP 1.511GAS — -- --- - - ----- - - __ - O. � . I > 0c� J S. we CRESME LINE •,• J J H ` �••• R DRIVE < CURB LINE _ 3 Z o j cn �• PROPERTY LINE - m 00 Tf CL i Z m I cv - vst 0 in NOTE : ALL SERVICES ARE 401 CS P M c0 fh N On � Q I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J 10 U. I vl v a - d c cn - --- --- - - =- - -- -p all - -- --- — ------ -- lie airr goal p .. ____— _ .___ _ _ —_.� —_ • cu Y poo- 1 U _ . Z _ D U O m -- __ T 0 N Z - _—_. _ .. --__ —.—. 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A. _�- 2 OF 9 EUGENE DIETZGEN CO. .. .A V• 1 ti<. ` 'an4tlnwvt[tw�lY�wl .... •"�rMll'>MI.I•. •y, 'h� « f L,.• ' ( �,< I 1 ! I I I' � + �`'11 III '1 111 ��1 �'4 I�r I�1 II Int I) ISI 111 I�f �1 I 11� 111 111 111 111 III III 111 �fi Itl 111 T11 11 111 Irl 111 111 111 �Ir • �1 r-- Ii oil _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 sel � . tj I I 1 � 2 4 5 s 7 8 e �o NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED r" --- _ j - DRAWING iS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTI4r-IT IS DILE TO /r E QUALITY OF THE: ORIGINAL + A "DRAWING. -- - OE 6Z 9Z LZ 9? 5Z 1Z EZ t2 la OZ 61 - 9I LI 91 41 �I EI 31 11 of 6 • L 9 's J� III, E z i�•��' "� �e�' ��llluiillllilunll"IIIUIII►IIIoII►III1�11111111111,11iIuINrIt1)cNI�IM{mt�N1IIIrllllln1111�id}fI!I�IIItI11�IlI1ff1111111111111►lltflll IlNilrll►iiif�►ntIf111�lItIlllft�ittn1111I1f111 lnuliuillllllflllllNll)wIN8111111ut1�1lul�l�ltu�ffullul�W111111 ' JUNE 24 2 I , I M i 25 . i M I N U T E Tigard Planning Commission Regular Meeting - May 18, 1971 Fowler Jr. High School Library 12080 S.W. Main St.. , Tigard, Ore. I. CALL TO ORDER: 8:00 P.M. IT. ROLL CALL A. Present: Commiesionere Goalin, Nicoli, Severson, Whittaker, Woodard and Chairman Paterson: Keith Thompson, Public Works Director: Ray Rangila, City Planner B. Absent: CCM-Inissloners Fletcher and Peterson III. APPROVAL OF Mj '4UTES A. The minut:s for the April 20, 1971 meeting were approved- as submitted. IV, SUBDIVISIONS A. Greenbrooke 1. Subdivision Committee Recommendation a. The staff recommended preliminary approval, 2. 01,mmiseion Di scussioy. and Action a. Commissioner Whittaker stated concern over the ssfety of pedeatrians in connection with the vehicular circulation around the pool. t> Howard Adkins stated that he didn't believe that there would be too much traffic with onlv 12 units. c. Commissioner Goelin stated that speed bumps could be installed in order to Blow the traffic around tt.e pool. d. Howard Adkins stated that the circular drive would enable the Fire Departmen, to maneuver its trucks. e . Chairman Paterson asked about the setbacks in relation to the building code . f Keith Thompson, Director of Public Works, stated that the building code regulated the distance between buildings. R Ray Rangila, explained to the Cnmmissic,n that 'he ette plan had been approved in Auguet of 1969. 41 h, It was moved (Gorlin), seconded (Severson), and passed by a unanimous vote of the Commission present that the preliminary plat be approved provided the 5' eideyard and 15' rear yaii setbacks be observed , B. Lake View Estates (Preliminary review of a proposed planned residential development at the northwest corner of S.W. 115th and j,W Gaarde) 1 Wayne Gibbens of Burton Brothers explained that the density of the proposed 28 acre development would be 7 units per net acre (5 per gross acre). The proposed concept plan will consist of mixed housing types located along a greenway system. 2 Commissioner Lewis asked what the total number of dwelling units will be . 3 Mr Gibbens stated that the total number of units will be i40, 4 Ray RanPila explained that the proposed development is in conformance with residential densities designated by the Preliminary Community Plan. 5, Commissioner Lewis stated his concern over the traffic situation at Pacific Highwny� and Gaarde, and existing conditions of S.-W. 115 and S.W, Gaarde Street, V PUBLIC HEARING A. Conditional Use TIGARD EVANGELICAL CHURCH, Applicant request or coni lona; use approval to allow the construction of a church on a 5 acre S-R, Suburban Residential parcel located on the east nide of 0. W. 121st Avenue, pproximately } mile south of S ,W. Scholle Ferry Road. 1 Staff Recommendation a Staff recommended approval with conditions 2 Public Hearing a Pastor Swaren of the Tivard Evangelical Church spoke in favor of the reouest b Public hearing was closed 3 Commission Discussion and Action a. Kelih Thompson stated that before sewers could be available at this time, a pumping station would have to be initalls,d I m 2 - it; MinuteP - 5/10/71 . r UNITEDCOMPANY • Bond No. 6451" • • • MAINTENANCE BOND • • KNOW ALI, MLS: BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, JAMBS N .AITKEN • • Tigard, Oregon • I • as Principal, and UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Washington Corporation, • of Tacoma, Washington, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto • • CITY OF TI6ARD, WASHINGTON COaN'l'Y, OREGON • • as obligee, in the sum of TRP.LVB THOUSAND AND NO/i(xltha - - - - - - - - - • e ( 12,000.00 ) DOLLARS, • for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, the said Principal and • • Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and • • assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. • • WHEREAS, the said Principal has entered into a certain Contract with the • • Obligee, dated •,D•cmb•r 1, 1970 • • for streets, enrb•, sidewalks etc. Cromer Rills (600 !►. on 3Y Crosser) • • • NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, if the • • Principal shall maintain end remedy said work free from defects in materials • • and workmanship for a period of years following completioi., • then this obligation shall ',e void; o,herwise it shall remain in full force • and effect. • • Signed, Sealed and Dated, this loth day of Mareb 19 71 • • JOM• N• PAtku Principal • • By--------- -- • UNITF� PACI.F YNSURANGj COMPANY No •Nrp Attorney Fact e • • • B-1308 Contract - Maintenance Boni New 1-62 • • 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A.vc.ld Verbal Messages Cl'i .' OF TIG PD To /�-. � _ From Subject Date /e C C_a V CCS• ti " eve j�� rll71+ �� ia.i 1 � 1.L1I f. rF.yl t f i F� �� jl� � f�l� ttairj f{Jirh�� fl_ �j ��� ' �' 1 ` � . . �y6M�9 .-�_._�.___ - .-__ i .--. �_�_��-_I__..._...._.__ .__- ._,._.__�-- I ___ - _� ,r, ---- -- -------� ---- ---.. 1 �Ur,C� � __._._-- i .;Iry rl>Ij�jjtNµµl;)if:>4MFMF Y/''�, .. � ...... _ .._. ___.�� __._._.... _ _._ i _ .� -_.....___. _. ..., �. _ ..._r.�-_. _�_��.�..., I � I � - I �Li i i � � 160rrE►,� _i_j'� a �1 1 , 09 ijr I t � 1 j iL i ._ i....._.....-_� ice_1_1 i TF- II -t i� fi j j I "tJ' 9 j it .1.1-144.. .._ Y �•._ -� 1 I I i � I �1 r/ to- ` : 1 27 e� j l tb� N � r .2 ` i ,,, Woo— C •.;.. h 111 ._ ,-t � - �y l ---- 12 3 t h � e 111111��1��1 0 2a y z y.� Y I d tJ� t-amu. MA 1 h ` / �� A H N► u , � O SOU 7t/ N o \ ti � \ '•� X10 �. gro 00 to .t`fr• y �) �o ro 4 h f••,; 1 I o i .-• 0 5T ; . '• _ o / eo 00 w r yy / Co4 q 352 NOR TH E c o. P.�2E ins iN� Y C UNOF,QG�ouN,[7 ��/41y ri_ q_GB • � - .!1•....'. . {:a['.4'1„.�}r�1.•�..WF�. .t..t•iii..�il+ll�}u'.1`k t`�Y"9►+d_V79th..•. .�'.,. N a \A � a m S DU 7N00 � W u Flo \,� VN rn 7l w SID _ o to i O 3 � 6 of O i XI',f ` GAa Ego /� 2 '00 �� W NOR T N Jr-�E Cca, Ia�?EL�inias��e y U/VjOF�Gd?ouAfO ISL r_�N J ilCk. 7rNoi�PSoN iii' B1ii � �■ CERTIFICATE S FIREMAN'S ❑ FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY OF INSURANCE FUNSTHE AMERICAN INSURANLE COMPANY TO (.ill OF, rIu ARD ,\ , NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION TLUMD .�� AMERICAN n ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPOPAftQN OREGONINSURANCE COMPANIES ElAMERICAN AUTO BICE It SURANCE 4OMPANY DATE NOVEMBER 14, 68 This is to certify that the Company or Companies checked above have in force as of the date hereof a followin �slI r policies: NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED OR EMPLOYER LOCATION OF PROPERTY, DESCRIP ION FOP A I S,,00SINESS CONDUCTED MUDL" PLUMBING CO. 9 INC. 9045 Sow . fiURNtiAM ROAD T t t:ABJa q Uhr:4UN L KIND OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EXPIRATION LIMITS OF LIABILITY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Statutory EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ^— thousand dolls,:,each person thousand_dollars,each o_ccio sni BODILY INJURY LIABILITY Other Than Automobile' 100 thousand dollen,each peso: L 133 9633 2-25.69 200 thousand dollars,each accident ZOOthousand dollars,aggregate products PROPERTY DAMAGE Liability other than Automobile' 100 thousand dollars,each accident st is 100 thousand dollars,aggregate operations 100 ..tousand dollars,aggregate protective 100 thousand dollars,aggregate products thousand dollars,aggregate contractual AUTOMOBILE: Bodily Injury liability' thousand dollars,each person Thousand dollars,each accident Property Damage liability' thousand dollars,each accident Medical Payments S eac!t person Comprehensive—loss of or Damage to the Actual Cash Value Unless Otherwise Stated Herein Automobile, Except by Collision or Upset : but including Fire, Thels and Windstorm Collision nr Upset — —— Actual Cash Value less — $ deductible OFSCRI Pi ION AND LOCATION OF OPE RATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED ALL UFLMTLONS IN LUNNEC'riUN WITH BUSINESS AS RESPECTS INSUREDS OPERATIONS ON SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, CRESMER h1LLS 6 T" CIZY OF TIGARD ILUARD, tREUON IS ADDLU AS ADDITIONAL NAMED INSURED, LNGLUDINO THl CITY IS OFFICERS. ,11 Comprehensive,so slate 11 not Comprehensive, lot other than Aute",list form such as OJT,ELEV.,etc. In event of any material change in or cancellation of the policy or policies, the Comp jApY will make every effort to notify the addressee but under!akes no responsibility by reason CE of failure to do so. 385090 3.613 A.IherlsN R IN. P SLR 619 3776 ,�,/ FIREMAN'S I FIREMAN 3 FUND INSURANCE COMPANY Bond No._._..__. _____.._--'--- �1 THE AMERICAN INSURANCC COMPANY [ FUND�T NATIONAL BURCTY CORPORATION U 1 v A560CIATCD INDEMNITY CORPORATION 1 ' AMERICAN AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY I% I HANCE C ll M P A N I F.S NOME OFFICE SAA fRANCI%CO CALIFORNIA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, MODERN PLUMBING CO. , INC•, TIGARD, OREGON as Princiaal, and THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey, and authorized to transact the busingss of surety in the State of •ejon as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGON in the just and full sum of FIVE HUADRED AND NO 10 DOLLARS 500.00for which sum, well and truly to be paid, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally;, firmly by these presents. Sealed wish our :seals, and dated this 12th day of November 1968, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, WHEREAS the Board of County have issued a sewer line permit for work in Coamissionerz, Washington County, JWashington County along S.W. Garrett to and across the intersection of S.W. Creamer Drive, Tigard, Oregon. NOW THEREFORE, If the said Principal, herein, shall restore said County road to the condition required by the Buard of County Commissioners as specified in the permit granted to the principal on November 12, 1968 and maintain and restore in a satisfactory c�ndit.lon f,)r a period of o,!c. year, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in fullforce and effect. MODERN Principal THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY surety acy yn L. tehhens A t,rney-ln- aIt Mr. Game said only with the surrounding neighbors, not alone. Mr. Paterson suggested that the hearing be cont3:;ued to the next meeting September 17, 1968, and that in thea meantime Mr. Gass could tie up a few loose ends on his proposal. It was moved (Aitken) seconded (Phillips) and unanimously passed by vote cf th,.) commission tha+ hearing be continued at the next meeting. 4. MISCELLANEOUS A. Mr. Paterson passed out the George Fenn proposal on zoning ordinance revision including a section each on implement- ation, A-2 and a new P.U.D, zone. He asked that the com- mission members read it in the next month for discussion at the next meeting. B. Cresmer Hills Subdivision - Mr. Jim Aitken, 1 Sponsor 1. No staff recommendation was given due to the late date of oubmission 2. Mr. Paterson asked if the street shown on S.W. Cressmer. Drive wotald eventually connect with Ash Street. Mr. Aitken said it would. Mr. Paterson asked if the 20 ' frontage of the bottleneck lots was in accordance with city standards. Mr. Thompson said it was, but that the Staff had not particularly liked theme lots, but had no other suggestion for them. It was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously by vote of the Commission to approve the preliminary plat for Creamer bills Subdivision. 5. ADJOURWENT 10120 P.M. Page 7-August 20, 1568 h11%1.)"res A FLA,UN IMdg E T oN1Ue4 Comrrli3stc�N ...,.acl:rh.�,ai.l�liMwaMauw JwNaa W'n.mbiWawuW.c.:uw..wiww.we%!«+w+qr:dGULWu.J...�i..r..:+..r., aiwYw. S P I: C I I? I C A T I 0 N S 1,'OII SANITARY ST16id: SYST01 C12WIT-M IIILLS CITY or rIG.1no TIG11t11, ORI ON ILA. MOM? & ANSOCIAT!,7; .July 1939 Civil Vnrineers I'iteman Building Ilillsboro, Oregon 843-1232 .o ::T7(MON 1 GENERAL CONIATIONS Tho work to be porfort�aed under those Slrecif ic:ttiorug and Plalls Which :.accompany then, consists of furnishing all labor, imiterial, and equipment necessary for the construction of Sanitary sewer sy&tem, together with such appurtenances as required to complete much installation and Construction no outlined and indicated on the Urawing►s. 1-01 (Ll.ificatioonci of Bids or ►Mach bid(lar oNA.1 be required to furni►,h a statement of his qualifications to perform the work herein dor;cribed. ;such statement shall include a l i►;t of � equilmont available to bidder, the navici3 of any subcontractors or suppliers of matorialn, and a lint of similar von,zq carried to a rsuccer;sful conclusion by him. This statement of experience Fllusll be given due weight in determining responsibility of the various bidu►irn In malting; thm award. Porvu; will lac furninhad for bidder's ►statement in ac::)rdance eAth O.R.S. Chapter 270. 1-02 Definition of Terme "Owner": Jim Aiken, Tifurd lumber Compliny "Enginer.r": P.A. Mohr & Asea,.ciatoo, or their authorived representative, . "Contractor'': the ►oucce►;nft;'. bidtlor whose wkme or names appear on the contract, ane he, or tboy, shall be held responsible for all vnrk nett l thatundinl; it tray Ilavf, ba.ert sublet or assignedto gorse Othev person or firm. ity"t City of 'ri.gard. 1-113 _1'ropnnal Guaranty Nach bid nubtuitted an forms; supplied shn1l be tcra-)r.Ip knIed by a certified check or a bidder's bond in the ,.Mount of fiuo por cent (T41) of the total amount of the bid, at; Cularantae (y: EM)d faith to enter into n contract for the wont coirjltleted. 1-04 Porforixtnce tlond 14thin ton 00) days after notification of the ut:-ird of this contrrtet, a bond in tine full ..ttcunt of the Cott;rnct vltll le Suhtoii.bera to the Contractor for proper exocu+.ion liy hin and his il%-Ay, p-tranteeing cot-Aplete and accept:alrle 1,erformance of ttte contract and M ilont of all d"Ago pertaining to the worts. 1-0',) Public Liability and t'ro urt�.ilal, t;e Tito Contractor will beirquirot to Me Oth the t,nl;inet--r evidence of public liability atnd property qlamup jnipt[,UncE coverage naming the laity Page 1 Ilk SEMMIr I (cr.riti.nufid) ,aryl its officem acs add`-.:t-,ional liarties insured in aryourtta a., :Follow.?: ;°100,000.00 oac:u ni-,r;aon, $200,000.,01 oaci.c occ:tr,�orxce. Property Damage - $10,o00 00 %Ech ocourrance, $1C;,00each accident, and $50,000.00 aggregate. Da the event such izsvrance 1g cancelled, tha ire iriagr :x,ency is r+acrz,eute+d t a ad i.<e the Engineer a:a (early an pon;aible., 1.-06 Publi-. Prar eict ion The Contractor shall &I; all times so conduct his work as to :insure the least. possible obstruction to traffic and shall usa ovary rensm. able means to avoid daimp to prod^±�t;;r, In,Jux;y to persons, and l.oes, enease, inconvr-,nionce, and delay to property owners and others. 1-07 Legal. Relati.nna The Contractor shall at all tir*n observe and vith. all Foderal and State Laws and lcoal ordL-rances, and ro-lilations is any Branner affecting the conduct of the v:or tp ard shall indeuAnIA'y and Eiave harml.ove the Chw-er s a.nd tho City and all tts of'.1-:era and agonts against rr,rry clai.nu or li.abi..lity arising or ba sad on i; 1r ; �.olation of wV s•antt .'Lawn, whether !noh Tri.olat",ion be by Iiia;ol.f or his employees„ The Contractw? shall nceept, the tarty of the t'ox'kr+c.:°^ 0-cnipensagti.on .Act of the State of Orng n. sand eahall earxT on his vork under the provisions of Ghat la-"I. The Contractor shall. pr ovVlily make pa.5r+ent for l.nbor, material, and oupplic..: at sura tis,ioa as they beco-w due, and ho- ahall not permit any lien or. nlai.m %o be fi.lod agnirLst the Cit r or nny of.N.Cor or ager.", thoreof, or the ("vmer. The Cnm.tr.,)tor v.7j1 be ros,)onolble for ave trcnpnss upon adjaocnt property or i.n, ur.j ther-bbo aoasul tng Puna hi.R wporstlons„ He Tail] be ?.able for any claims Prom 11he r!eposj:L of debris of nnr kind upon private urnnnr'.y, Until final nocepi,arza of WR wort:, the Ccxltractor shall be held rosponnible for my awangFa to `he work by the eatien o:f.tije cl.ementn, or f'r•oal aM ci*rso 0a3tooever, and he rshall make good at his otm rxprilso �!11. in.juriea to 1ny portion of the worts befora its f-bial arceptanca. The Contractor oh++ll pay all royalties And ]Io+a;�c;s +'soar. Ile shall defend ,>1i sO.us or claims fct::• i.nfrlmnpmont of may- prctent rights and shall. �qava the 0wrrors and the City, or their agents. hiumll!�as from accrnint thereof. Pap 2 "ECTION 1 (continue(i) A l l damage, anal injury to propert,-, that may be caused by, or that cagy ref;ult fron, the carrying out of ti►e ►sort: to be done underthe Contract, or from any act, onirarion, or nogl%.•ct of the Contractor, 1►is Subcontractors, or his employees, aluall promptly oe nade Brood by the Contractor, either by the repairing, rebuilding, or replacing of the property damaged, or In some other satisfactory manner. In tarso of failure of the Contractor to prow)tly and natisfactori.ly make good t3ucla daimige or injury, the Owners naa;t, without ractice, preceed to reluair, rebuild, or replace u�ucil property a:3 a:k►,y be aloemed ne.eFasury, anal the coat thereof will be Faeductet.a from the money due the Co atractor under thin Contrract. l-OV', Control of Vork All work under thin, Contract shall be dano under the direction of the Enl;iaaeer and will not be cowidorod cotalaleted urAT1. accepteLl by Kiri anal tl►e City. fie shall decide caw (111e3tion that may arint: las to i1nantity anal a,avility of the work, the rato of progresr.-s and inter-pretatic►n of tine. bliecifictatiowu3 and Orauings. The City will inspect tide work cis their intereFat appears, and full cooperation witli City liwpaetorn is mandatory. The Cuntraactt•r, wheuevor 1►e in air-iont frow the work, shall let►Ve a competent foreman in chrargu, and all noticea, orders, or im;tructiorua clelavon-w to nuts foreman Pliall be con.;idercd an bciai ; tlelivered to the Contractor. The Contractor shall furnish the %'ngineer and the City such facilities and asc.istance an he may require in ectablinhinl, linen and _raadon, and the Enl;inoerlo marlu; and sty.►!cats uhall bat carefully pronerved. The 1'ngiiwer shall not ;;rade hubs co aro ofj(sct line for all Reeser linea and shall furnish tl,.o Contractor with the elevations of niiue, the Contraector shall erect grade, hatter boarals or targets, of it Substantial cluiracter wit'i the approval or the Engineer. To perraait chocking ,rales, not lops than four gnide boardF4 shall be in pl;we at uny one time. These grride boards shall be used to place each and cve;,y longth of pipe. 1-01) ';col;e of the 'pork The worlt o be done under tl&e Contract conmists of approximately 1,0213 W.i. ft. of min. Sanitary th(!ver, including manholes, 60rvicP con- nr_etionaa and linen, and Glans 11 backfill, in accordance with ti►e Plana, to bo cowatructed in CRI YTE117 11ILL.r, Tl;;ard, Oretwan. Tho :iii acificatione and Drrawi.nga are intended to he complementary and to agree. Any details Included ie; one but not in the other, elaall be considered at; included in both and count be executed in a manner Faatisfaactory to the Kfi,rit►eer and the City. 'Pile Contractor shall talce nit ; lvantagcc of rrny omissions or discrepancies between the 6pecificationa► and the Drawings. In all differences or dis- a reotaent-; ars to sizes, cx►teria.1, and worlunanslalp, the EnglneorOa interpretation and decision stall lie finial within terms of the Contract. Page 3 ...,..+lii+a'adiAWi14Y4.J1i'f11�WM`AFr4WlRMhkIMAWkNM@iAYMYYpINYIY'r:lriWViMMMMNI.kAiiUW=•"�:�"'�=-..:-wN'wwY�Y�Y�a.wwaawoM.Wwdw'uH..uuurew.w+.wY:x.uriMrairwii�.wwJ.r+.bu'u.kw�i....V�.l.wiM.Yi.�:�=�:vl....w(+www/W.r.+•ww++.. S�,CTION 1 (continued) The Contractor slial.l furnish all materials, tnols, equipment,labor _t id e�?e ything necessary to complete the work deocribed above and all. other ' work ilcidental thereto in a nati.Jfactory manner. The Contractor shall examine the jobsi.te, and his signing of Vie bid q'iall const!.tu.te acceptance AcondiV.on9 as they exist thereon. He VIII 13� he'sd. responsible by the City for ;:he completion of al.l. necessa.y ,o,K i.i-..6ccordauce with the flans and SpecifiearAonc:m. 1-10 )uantit:ies The q„antities set forth in this, :oniract aro approxtmat;e and are ;Mated only for the purpose of comparing the liidsa on a uniform basis., It: .t9 expressly agreed that tho aarnount of wort,, paid for ct tho bid prise;; shall be tho amoa,rtt- of work actually perfornuhi. The 0,!rier reserver,, the right to make any changes in line, grade, location, or plan, that may be 110cessary, or desirable, in the ,iuftfric tt of the &ngineer. aid argr such cshangen shall not constitute a valid claim for dnmages ox!h.oes o:f anticipated profits. No claim for extra wor.it shall be SJlow3d Uni.659 it has been authorized in writing by the F;nglnoer,, 1.-1.1 Timn of Completion '-fork under i.MaCnntracta shall begin within ten dm;e after notice of aware, weather permitting, and ;nhkll bi carried to completion without delay, r7cep,; as may be necessitated by :Averae tara,a ;nr conditions. 1-1.2 Monaurnment Meastirament of the various clas3ra4 oj�ork u,,wer this Crjntr,,ct shall. bo as given below, and the Contract price per unit for each clash of work ahali include the cost of All. waterials, labort transportation, equipment. !List and any arra all. other costs necessary to co rplete then work in accordance :rith the Nlrans and Spec ifle ations.. Me:amuxemeats shall be made by the Engineer rr motlaods getterally reaognizfld 13 good Phjinrertng, p:rAct=ics,. Nxcava'Aon - Earth material to ne moved shill be measured in cubic yard., ill i.t n"a i%ra. estate, ha ore bong moved. 'rid pri.ce to in:3.alrje disposal o:" excauatnr9 ma' ria3 . Canished noel,, or Gravel - Materi?l, shall be measurcrJ in cubic yards in u se t,i•ti�! an tZ o�9TFery. Bid price to inlilude trars{iportatton and ?.ncirs�. >r�wer t'}raashal.ca - ural]. t►e+ mejasured i.n feet 7f der,, r ., ofanEa ,:sizca '�MNwiIY}�'R1�L&�wwj�faGlWYfN6'I,YYniM1'fAyd'1{uMYWYvr`+'W+4WYY'M.Mllui utMYlN4WrMiJY1MM:wwVk+M1W+1w:.wiMlMiyNWYMM4ILWM.:MY+w.iw.14+.rWiNWr'xlw'WMY'rwrM:i.rw:....sl4r+.Jr.1ar.Ywrr..wNerrrw .`yi'M yr ICM I (contl.ranrd) ' a"Ci.fied and ebal.l include concrete baaa$ pron"not sections, cone rjurp, and cover and all lo.bor, ezewration, alad otijor vn-,torialr for complcr A installatiou in eccordr,=@ with there fipeoificati.ans., Sewer Pipe - Shall be meas,,sn red in i meal. fent for each ai^o apecifled complete y inatalled and aoc inial to ioxholes or catch baains,, tie aajecified. Grade and W kli. c ut -� The F,ng3 naer shall furnish the grads ford alignment for tie cco"natruc�oo�. 'the Sanitary Sewar &;-Litems Relocations - jr, JiLring the pro r:ras of aonn•tniet;ion, arg srAnor relocations of the nowor i.n the field r-re neacec(wry, t,hnz shall be MrAda onty by direction of the Engineer. 1-13 ?Pa_�me Payments will be code x0na hly upc►n trreaeutat:ion and approves]. by the Rnaiveer of duly sent f i':€,,)o claalmra therefor envaring th.a amo-nut of work accomplished, ton per cont of -the f;.; ovmt being retal nevi until comIl otlon nud acceptance of tho prrc,,lrct. FiWq P67m*nt All tie ;'Jif?i@ after ecceptance of the work and if xagnirod. dolivcry b4, tb a Contrnctor of n written release of all c1bims apd.T3A VIC City and Owner arising unC4r this Ccntract. The rete- ned peredrrtas,go of the :final Contraxct; riz• X9 than 00 retained *fir ra period of thirty (:30) dayr, following the :ti.neJ. acco;rLonca of the erM;j.otac3 _.rc,jQrt. Paaym,int Jor worY dole rVidcr thi..c rva:atzak?t wiLL be mrado at the aani..t prices L atsd ori Srhodulca of Corntr&0c prie*x eisbmitted as CnntrvetmO s bid proponFA I lit 1:,ormita In &:poser are3.g whv.r.r It. 3 a n,ac<aSacr- I to c:.a*c!liCt Count: ftcrrac's tr make toe rntirtra; sc3veT lin aS, it tsil�l be the Maponalbil t3 of tho (�'o atracto,r to v:at s.jn the naVe.?n&ry perm,., i';rUra the Gount;F Ensineor to nota this cut, and „hit wor% in thiie coyiniction ashrll bn donna vacording L,y tie Coisnty Speci- firnti.anrt and regpylantionn met forth in, the t"► rrAt. til t a tit, 0 SECTION 2 EEAVATION AND BAWILL 2-01 Limit of 2=avation - w...._- Trenches shall be excavated only rs far 1n advance of pipe laying S or -,other construction La the treneh as the ragineer prmit. All. trenches shall be braced and drained ae necessary, so that iornen MV work therein safely and efli.eicjn lY r. Sheathing shall be provided for all trenches "'Y (6) feet snd over in depth. 2-02 Trench Width Minimum width shall be twenty-aix (26) itches, waoso a lonsar width is apprmmed by the Enginoor. Maximum olo;?r width wil'. not be limited. 2-03 Grade The botton, of the trench shall be carried to the 'liner and grades Shown on the Plans, or to the grade to which the pipe it, to bo said, with proper allowanaes for pipo thickness .and for arq Pravo:'. cr,ihion or special bedding that maq he :f'ouzad necessary on a000uut of w;xt:7ai.l. corditions encountered. Ary pari. of the treirrh excavated br%1(na the grade shall be fi]-led ;with approved material, such as crushed rook or grevel, thoroughly compacted. 2•-014 1horineShhathinr. and Z t'Ihenevor necessary to prevent caving, aad when t ren-ah depth is in excess of s:tx (6) feet, trench walla nhall bn adeawit,ily sheathed and brinnnd, and the trench width shall. bo incroasad aoeo-rding7,T. Sheathing and bracing shall remain in place :until the Pipo has been pliced, tested for defnets, and repaired, it nec2s9ac�r. 2-05 Howoval. of Nater `rho Contractor shall proviae and maintain nmplo means for provtIr rmmavi.ng and di.spoaing of all 4,ster entering the tranch during contraction, r.'ht,er shall be dlsnooed of In a manner to nvoid damaga) to a6kinapnt property. -06 Bass for Five In Adverse foil "hero tahi; bof,trnn of the trench '_ts in fi.no Net sand, or other unstablo wn'V-er191 not satinfa*t.ox7 for bane for pipe, the trench shall be ercanated !..e a dppt,h of from twelve (12) to ei.ghteep (la) inches bolos the required 'love grade and filled as speciflmid undnr 'c'aragraph 2-03. -07 Packfill Tho eroaysted material be pnshtd back into the trfrsich by mechanics). T!.'here this is done, thtj &eh iWill be pushed onto the :z1•ope Page 6 SECTION 2 (continued):. of the backfill previously placed and allowed to roll doom into the trench. Pushing backfill material into the trench in such manner as to permit free fall of the material into the open trench will not be allowed. Under no circumstances shall sharp, heavy piaaes of material, be allowed to drop directly onto the pipe or the tamped material around the pipe. The filling around the pipe and for one .foot above it shall be of earth, sand, or fine materialefyree from atones or hard lumps. It shall be carefully and thoroughly tamped in layers not oxceading six (6) inches deep so that the fill is fully compacted for the entire width of trench. The remainder of the backfill sboll be water-settled or machin:) tamped :Cor maximum compaction. Those areas designated Class D Backfill on the Plane shall have the sewer pipe completely embedded in crushed rock (3/411-0», or sand and the entire trench above this pipe zone filled with crushed rock. 2-08 Excess Material All excess excavated material shall be distributed in a unifcrmly thin Layer over the ground surface adjacent to the trench where possiblo or removed from the Sita of the work. w. SECTION 3 SEdER 3-01 Materials Sewer pipes and fittings shall be standard concrete sewer pipe with rubber ring type joints of the sine indicated on the Plana for the particular l.ocai ion cod shall be manufactured in accordan.00 with A.S„T.td- SpecificationC 14.-57 "Standard Strength Non-reinforced Concrete Sewer Pipe” for burial dopthn to ciLht (8) foot and "Extra Strop..grth.. Non-reinfr,rc: cl Concrete Sewer .Pipe" for burial depths in excess of eigrat (8) feet.. 3.02 Workmanship Workmanship shall conform to the manufacturer's recommendations* All pipe and fittinge shr,1.1 he cr-roAdly inspected before being; laid, and no borket, cracked or otherwise uafoctive ,pipe or fitt9 Ngo eSar.,ll be uned. K! Joints ohnl'l be t::adc with rubb�ar 3ealn, in accordance. with the recors�{►��crlrauaonr; o:C tllc 111ps: Marnfurecturer then approvodtel° tr(r Engi a . Service connections shrill be located na shown on tho PI ns. All wyns shall be laid so ars to face the lout they are to nerve, and they shall be no installed that tho center line of the wye will bit at not lose than a 30-degree Angle abovo the horl.zt:)ntal. All join.tc in service connections sh"ll be mvde as opeci3':l.ed for other jointo. The (.,nd of onch service pipe and wyey vWRIl bo pluggod t.uallr ,cc othurviso directed by. the Lngineor. 3-03 Hanholes Scope: The Contrsator ahall furnish all. Xrbor, materials, and equipment requirecTlo- the conotruction of manholes nt the lonation,71, and in r.ceordnnce with tho dr-tnils, shown va. the Plans. t'atorirala: St-'MdPXd precast rmxnho.l.ets n1v?.11 be used.. They shall he made of mati> U coRorndnag to Spoci:'ication3 for 42-inch standr-J strength reinforced concrete pipe, with a rAntrxim wall thickness of four and one-half (43x) inchan. Wort;.inanu;A2: The concrete twine Aba.11 be so conatracted as to poem-1. the botton caocti.on the precast manhole to have uniform betaxing throughout tlae Pill. circumference of tho maMole wall- Sufficient mortn,• ahall be deposited oil the base to provide a water--tight noal botwoan the base rind the wr:.11.. They concrete used In the base, and the comr.,2t mortar unad in the manhol.a joints, shall have compressive otrongth of not legis than 20?0 pai at 28 days„ The n inhole invert shall conform to datailf+ tahown on the Plane. Care eshr-ll be taken to construct the invert 3o an to provide a smooth flow through clutracterist-tc. No nhearp edges or rough secti.onz that will tend to obstruct the flow of water will be permitted. Where a full section of pipe is laid through a nn-.nhole, tbo top shall be broken out to, or holow, the spring line of the pipe and the exposed edge complotely covered with rn)rtnr. The manholo ring ahall be so nttnehed to the torr of the manhole as posi.tivoly to prevent Feng infiltration of water. The rings for rill manholes shall be set so that the top of the coyer will be flush with the surface of the pave- ment when the street is improved and pared. Page 8 y 3ECTION 3 (continued) 3.04 Concrete Composition: Concrete shall be compoL4ed of cement., Sine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water, co proportioned and mixed res to Produce a plastic, suitbale to the specific conditions of placement. 3.04-01 Materials Portland Cemsnt: Type 1. conforming to A.: Z'eNl. G ;.50-49 specifications, del.iveA�toihe J`o�i_'n sacks bearing the brr-Wl name if on--the-job mixing is done. A6g-egjte: Shall consist of uiwoa.ted, du ab.lo natural aaAdr. , gravels or crushed rock. Coarse aggrogato: Shall be uniformly V:-aded from one-fourth inch (1)411) to oneand ones`- if inches (Ug") ma:im,m size to provide the irdni.mum of voids. Water: Shall be clean enough to drink, and free from acids, alkalies, elate, or orga• .c compaunds. 3-04-M titA!!S_ Proportion: The concrete nhall yield not lean than 255 pounds per square inch comprenc+Fve strength An twenty-ei.Sht (2$) days. Mixer: A batch typo nd.xer with a capacity of one-fourth yard or mare anc? equippn -wTi:h a write~ nseaicauring device may be une l„ Plaither the speed nor the volume capacity of the mixnr shall exceed that recomnanded by tho manufacturv)r. The concrete nhall. be mined until :here in a uniform distribution of the vaterirale and the mans is uniform in color and homo,eneous. Minimnam mixing gime after all ingrtidiontn are in the mixer shall ba one ird.nuto. Whnnover available, a. trnasit type mix may be used, when the control of the mixing iu auch tht�t the strength e.bove r peei.fied craJ.z be 6,Uaranteed and certified to. Certi.ficr:te on each truck batch to be ovail.rable to the rngi.nVer on donsrind. Tec trs: If and when rer-ired by the Engl.nnsr. , thr! Contrr+ctor shAll furnish rn<atnrin�e fbr standard comprns.,ii.on test cylinders, in pnirs. one to be tested at seven days and the other at tvanty-eight (28) days. CnnsistOnO .: C.�ncrete is to be of a conni.stancy selti.ch will place well under tic: va_AousMcondtioru3. Slump testa may be made by theagineer from time to time whenever there In reasonable doubt that the untf'ormity of the mix is being mai.ntr_1ned.. In any event the plump shall not exceed four (4) inchon. PIncing: All concruto shzaal' '-ae deposited in the fnrmr. with!,.n ten minutes after 1p,,vMnj the mincer or mt:ei.ng truck. TrLinsit mixed concrate nhall be placed krithir one hour after leaving the a-'int. Ho concrete that has partially hiAr6'r#Wd Page SECTION 3 (continued) or been contaminated by foreign vaaterial shall be deposited on the wort:., Der shall ro--tempered concrete be used. Care shall be taken to prevent mf%regati.on of materials in the pouring operation. Any concrete brought to the ,job or placed and not complying with the Specifications, or through faulty workmanship, is not sc.tisfactory and neceptable to the Engineer, shall be removed and replaced at the erpenso of the Contractor. Cleanu : All excess materials, form lumber, or any other foreign matter caused y the Contraetnr in connection with the work ;hall be removed and disposed of to the satisfactior of the Engineer. +}Q} g and In 11tration Test On completion of a section of wider between manholtn, the Engineer may require that the Inds be bulkheaded and the pipe subjected to a hydrostatic pressure produced by a head of water at a depth of rix (6) feet above the bottom invert of the rawer under test at its higher end. This head of water shall be maintn%.ned for a period of one (1) hour, dancing, which time full absorption of he pipe body has taken place. The actual, tont of leakage shall. be conducted for a period of six (6) Mural during which the measured lose shall not exceed t4a rata of 0.4 gallons per hour, ,ger diameter inch, and per 1.00 feet of pipe. Let.kage and infiltration An f, greater amount than that above listed will be cF+ue for rejection of sewer. in undertaW ng the work: on this project, the Contrnetor agrees that leakaf a allowance, av above indicated, in fe.ir and praoticabl.e of attainment, and that he guarantees to ;secure this result. Tostn of_Werkmanahiii Thn Engineer, without consulting the Contractor cnd ttlt;hasxt his t,revi.nlis kna,dl.edge, ahall select then section of ,pl.pe to be tosted raid the Cont rc c for obv,11 thereupon mnke such test. In genernl, the sections chosan for tho test cull.1 not be bnekfillod until aft-.jr the test in made. If Y-11wencheo are within the nertion, the Contractor will ba permitted to roinfor.ce the material holding the stoppers- in TUce, and thus -rovent the possibility of b10Wouts at such br,mches• It, under toll-., the section .fniln to antinfy tha l.nakage r, siirements. an det`lned in Paragraph 3-06, the nect:ion aliall leo drained. and it shall be subject to ouch measure of repair as the Engineer shall specify. On completion of such repairs, the s,-ma section of the cower may be again subjected to the same tent. This proccins of test and repair shall be continued until the tested section meets the doeignAted requiremontn. Page 10 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON * vGy��v S,r• DEVELOPMENT PROTECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET T. PROJECT No.s 11. PROJECT NAME: C7PZ,' 1jk )/(LLS 111. DRAWING (TITLE) , dated: 7 /'//a� IV PLAT (TITLE) : L ? f, /', ''!s dateds,L V. SITE LOCATION: VI . PRINCIPALS: /[/, (1) DEVELOPER: JQm(S *641 6'1 Address Tc.a--� , ?hone No.� (7) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY s 41/71'11/ %i�c 6; f hSa cr n c u Address Phone No. Bond No. j�,s/S/57,0N Exp. DAte 11 Z . (3) ENGINEER: /�r� /VIO f/r, �1• `'C� !6�7��f Address Phone No. (4) INSPECTOR: Address Phone No. (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Addre*s Phone No. (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY: Address Phone No. Bond No. Exp. D»te! _ (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS: " In:+ert: Street, Sewer or Street Light. SECTION A—A MAivriOL.E FRAME a COVEF scar 14-N O L E D� D R1 iDI'=-AP P(�(tiVE'D iv.. �� ' DATE TITLE iy.•.s or 4 ,1 �44 *l/ 4y *� CRESMER HILLS DEVEL ,.-MENT PLANS DETAILS AND APPURTENANCE h. a. moh• £, ASSOCIATE: c I V1L E r t !f I L a G 9cate SWAN By C[`M,NO� -------. - - - --- - 065269 JULY 11, sse 4 RESUSDIVISKN' OF A PORTION OF LOT 12 ORC,'-I.AF,D TRACTS Iti THE S.W. I/^ OF SECTION 2 T2S RIW W.M. WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGON! IN THE CITY OF TIGAR D Scale I" - 1001 June 1968 r�lE'�Gr5EU �iR�Er .CicHT � . Rtkc-itkY 57L15lcjL- r. fl r_< 9,0 .j'e,RTL A,V,1 V'ENERAL_ Ei FC,rR)5 PR EPAkC=0 b Y Ore PIAL L /[)—2,f 9 fp E v 2000 00 I d 53 q1 o o_ Z 0°� zo 2 N. n ro o N N\ ,A 010 E eo �► .k 1 cv I N 9 04° o� moom,oG' 1 Q A I 40 W Z p�\ 0 15 1;1`� o s.o j0op 6698 ��CD a \ro C, 00'� G 3 ► W IM s.6 e 0� 90• � �10 Initial Point (I N c 0 ^ I ` e`p z \A cr c� CIO 14 Z �Q.r b 2 QD 0 0 0R 1 om v o 12 3 ' S.F. Corner of , Geciye P'C' a d-Ton D. L. r. Alb. 3B CU�'VE DATe4 1A sov rN Baa.ori ,\ 0 A Vt IL 7S �� •, MM w � -. .i, M � � lj •',.t..ti W r N � •. � ^— � !1 fir' e4 ( .� I �, !0 f T /' ptr V 57 golop 1 h � a NORTH I A- - MANHOLE , FRAM Cost ,r, pla,,e uase with formed SECTION A—A `hannel RECAST MANHOLE D p DIPAPPF?rn�ieD C t lYi� i G.a R D DY -'l .,.... rye / DATE 'ITLE_ �y!E / s, /fie... Cf` ,Z�, ,,� ,•l .-/'v.1 i%+,-. ,�7.../„�,��..,�. 9 /�7"�..�..,-4'- !, r,� / 1 1-rs 1 CRESMER F DEVELOPMENT DE TAILS AND AP rnOhr A As '(v-fA : 1Vti. 1: ro Nt E r'ETFr+Srnq BUILDING r, ~ Scn n`yA5 SHOWN By cu h I CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTION (P.W ) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY clearly marked APPROVED PLANS, plan revisions, change orders, spncificati.onq, etc. : I. SANITARY SEWER: (A) Commenced instal' ,'-ien. . ❑ (B) Comrleted installation. . . .. .. . ❑ 1) Ar-buil ► field notes filed. ,.. . . -.. . ❑ a) Co•,, ^int to engineer. . . . . . ... ❑ 1) Aq-built field notes received. . . . ... . ❑ a) Filed in project folder. . . . . , . . p (C) Inppected .ind Tented. . , , ❑ 11 Test nomonographs filed. . . . . ........ . ❑ (D) Tuntatively accepted by City. . .. ❑ II. STORM SEWER: (A) Commenced :nstall-�tion.. . . . . . . . ❑ (B) CnmplotPd inptallation. . . . . . . . . . ❑ r r 1) Aa-built field notes filed.. ....... . . ❑ (C) Inspected. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ❑ ' (D) Tentatively Accented by City. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . ❑ _ r III. CURB: (A) Commenrod instal' ,tine. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . ❑ ' 1) Bench M--ks qet.. . ... .. . . . . . . . . ....... ❑ ?) Bench Mark location+ filed. . . . . .... .. ❑ (11) Comm eted installation, . . . . . ❑ r (C) Inspected. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .... . .... . ❑ (D) Tentatively ircented by City. ... ...... ...... . ❑ IV. STREETt (A) Commenced Grading. . . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . ❑ 1) Sub-grade in,rected.. ❑ / a) 'feat data filed. . .... . . ..... . ❑ h) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ �� r (3) Commenced rocking. .. . . . ... ❑ r 1) Sub-bARP inspected.. ._. . . .. . . . . .. .... ❑ l / ;a) Test data f.iled.. .. . . . . . .. . . ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. (] (C) Commenced Pavinq . . . . .. . . . ❑ 1) Paving inspected. . . . . . ❑ a) Teat data filed. . ... . . ... . . . . 0 b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (D) Street tentatively accepted by City. .... . , . .. ❑ V. PARKING LOT: (A) Commenced aradina. . . . ❑ / / 11 Sub-grrr'e inspected. . . .. .. . . . ... . . . . ❑ / r A) Test: data filed.. . . ... . .. . . .. ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ ' r iB) CommPnced Rocking.. . . . .. .. ..... ... ... ... .. p r 1) Sub-base inspected..... . ... .. .... ... ❑ A) Test data filed.. . ... .. . .. ... ❑ 10 Tentatively Arrepted by City. ❑ r __ (C) Commenced Paving. . ... . . .......... ............. ❑ / 1) Paving inspected... .... .. .. . ........... ❑ a) Test date filed. , ......... ..... ❑ b) Tentatively Arrpptpd by City.. . . ❑ / (D) Parking lot tentatively accepted by City...... ❑ �! / VI. SIGN: (A) Street name signs in9tnlled. .. ... ... .. ...... . . ❑ / (B) Traffic Qigns installed. .... . . ... ..... .. .... .. ❑ _ V11. SIDEWALK: (A) Commenced installation.. .. . . ... .... . . .. ... .... C7 (B) Completed installation. .. .. .... . . . . . . . . . ... .. . C1 . / (C) Inspected. .. ... . .. . ❑ (D) Tentatively acrr, ;...l+ by City.. ... . ... .... ..... ❑ / VIII. S-rREETLIGHTING: (A) Commenced installation... .. . .. . .. .. ... .. .. ... ❑ ' (R) Comrl.rtpd in4tallation.... .. .. .. ❑ ' (C) Insppctpd. . ... ... ❑ / (D) Tentnti.vply accepted by City.. .. . .. . . ... .. . . . ❑ / 1) All Chori-fl�atio•: letter to Energisp filed 1.X. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced ingtmllation. .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 13 . !' (B) Completed Install.Atinn. . . . ... . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. ❑ ' / (C) Inspected. .. . . . . ... . . . . .. ... . ... .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . (D) Tentatively Acrnptpd by City. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. ❑ !� Y. GENERPL AREA DRAINAGE: (A) Building rain drains inspected.. . . . .. .... .. .. . ❑ �R) Culverts in4Nected. . ..... .. . . . .. ....... . .. . . .. ❑ (C) Drainmve di_chp, inspected.. . . .. .. . ...... .. ... ❑ / (D) Tentatively Tccepted by City. . .. . . . . . .. . .. .... ❑ NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION ( F EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE, REVIEW FILE TO INSURE COMPLETION OF CHECK LIST AND FILING OF: l) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All Corrpapon.lenceiMemoa 5) Daily In4R-dction Sheets Y� t Zi V u \� w to u a g o o 4 3 O w ttu lk Ob ;t W k o y v oW > l U a a •J 10,-Y-/1Y /V Fir �/\ Q J 06 UL i Ar U r I J k �y r } i ■ f .�A . -� wJ'lMJZ•r.r�rrrR.ar.. �f,•9t � ...__..-._..._._...-��.�..._,,._ .. ...., ._... .._ _'..�".`. '-•».,� .....•. ,..,....w..,... .•r.,,. .r.Hr+.'•�•'t" r.•.� ..�^w- ...+........ t�-w«.wr...«w....r...r..+., rM+�-�•-._•-• I ~► •M V J iCIA . 1 PQpop . __- � -•-' �,a `�o o.. � � fro P 1 Job TIGARD ' FAYTITLE Ca�TE __ � '`� � R Ln__.---__--_____ TITLE --- _ _ __ w ` ,/' �,I •� oe 00 00 too 00,00 0000• 000, Vol)00000 •••• A 1 P3 61 ' `• \ ••• V •/ \ \ INA \ I ` 0 • r 0 , 5 0000#0 0 of .Iw••.` oAr �'� • , f 000 • .�� r 000p 0,,A \ sAe •000 e-� 00 0000 '.til � , ' �►'•� ,� � Y \ ,/"/-' � ' , `' �/'/''� oma' ..--• o ' _ � � • ,fes � ` r :r 13 e - nd . L'. , .s P 74 L I TIE5 r � civ 5 r71i .5l.�8�'1!/I-570N OF CRA675MFR �ar�L M •' 1 A&*XAATJO �• CIVIL FN r, IIgEV- H IL. 1, IS P, 0 • Cyft9 147123 t I v 1( i l J • / /'//�A' ��y/ Com' 6+�� 1 V J/ .. _ - _. .._►.�..�_-....._.�...�,1.r._._�..__`��r _.,...•..-w..,Yw«r�r.. .,�r,�.••ha«`�►...,wh..+N+.r•............w.w-«.,f•....».w.M..•w-...•V.r.......uu....•....._.w.r...,.......ww•+1-....wy.r►....�.-.... ..w.....rr« .......•w+�-........+e..,...._..�...- ._.y.,__...... .....f......�..�....-..�._�......�«...�. .....r-..�..�.w..... ........��..�.... ...�..........«.�. r._....... _ --_ ..._r,►. _.+��.+ .�s.w�.. .w�...w+•.��••a,.w...rs w.r..w,«....`.,..�_ ........�1�►t^wrMwrM�+.�r- .+..-wr...•�•w..r..w+r•..� .M+...�..y. �—._. ,r' •� t r•' fl F7 r r I 11 I r I 1 I i rln ., . t I 1 � � Il � il � II � � Ij1 "� rl ( � Il1 � � 11 � l � � iIl � � sll � � l � � ili Ill � ill ili � ill 111 � 1 � NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED I 2 a 7 g 9 I _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT I(;i IT IS DUE TO 1 4e,-J000w� THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ��- DRAWING. OE 6Z 8Z a 92 SZ V2 EZ 22 IZ 07, 61 91 LI 91 sl bl EI ?, 1 11 I 6 9 L 9 S ,,,r �r11�1111�t111�IIIt�ttlt�tti�Illlt�ltlt�It11�1111IIIIIIIIii�llll�tlltl���t�ii�i�ti�ittatt�lill�tllllllli�illl�Itllll111111 1111ItIItII�l1i1�1111�1111111111tll�lilt�1111i1tll+llll�rlillilll.11llllllllllill�lil _ IIIIIIII�IIII�IIiI�iII1�I111�J11I��!} q�I,�U1�j1111�U1�I�tllltwi 11111 ...�T -..nw,-a .: r-.v.- a •.: n. ... T. ... ..,......_...,�..._p_-- a,,. ..... A r ......._.u...__► a.r.1._«_r_.v4.. . y,.,....-.....�,a...�.__ �-.w•..,•.r•..�n.r.i►w.nw•...rIMM.a•w.r'./.w_._`.,yn�wrMvgv..•.wrw�.N,.Y_+r_._.. �l�..w.Y.PIMaY.r.•+•M�—wl��+,r r��+wr'+..w+_w....�.-.... •.'M�.MIaMr.....Mrrw._ _.r,w. gaw r� H f� \ 'pVq j Li 00 00 • \'�. 1000 / if 1, .• � • / i 040! Ivo \ 0.0 1000 •• ' ••00 \ 4000000 00 \ \� `\ }►jt / •00 r1, •• tA 000 000 1 \ r• • A t ` / ••1•op ••• \ , C \ \\\ 0*000 loe 0000 .� •,+ 00 'I 110 001 •�•� � r �� ,. +,.:,.fig• �. _ ,a+u�� . - -_._.__... 1\� � .X \ •• ` 00 ' 00 A oeoo . ••• 000 A 000* VIVi •• r •• 00 e � •i L'w1TJL1T1E5 -4 ie7 4//51 ON • • • / r i 1 � r a T /..S G.'.9 I r -mohr & A.Q,3C<*-L1TJ;,S r • r r a f 1� 1 �. 1.Fg30Rc) 97123 s I r 141 E Iar I..� I l._I._� ...�.._._....�.......... �._._,....._._ ..4 •• ' • .. ' I-::.irk n K� w'•.Y'...+'F1yY. w":n rlaMa+a' � � �. w ,.. ,�.": • Y � _ _ ._ .. .._... __.... OR. _ .'. 't 3r,F 1•.1'4''' Sri f il�:,.n S ,'., ..� .Vy-:.,,p,� ._r .S- .. • .. __ n .. .,•� w. w �.: a " r, .. • i^Yel�.` 1�1 ' ..I�� f� -'}fir k�r. p Jf.'.dr' 4 -�'u :e '.' ..n�' : � �� I I � lil 1f111 ' I � I� 111 " its"'' il 111111 ( 1 �1I 1 jlllrl1l 1ly� � 11111,4FW 1 111 , 111 ' 111 � r� � 1 � 1 � 111 {111 , 11 111 , 111 II1 � 111 I � I , IIIIIIII111 i11 � 1�111111 + 111 III � 1 { I { I� II111 ""� . `� r � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hQ I I 12 _ NOTE : I F THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICk "IT I.5 DUE TO �•- 'f jHF QUALITY 0` 1HE ORIGINAL ..• 'rDRAWING. Be 12 92 SZ fp E2 2 12 02 61 91 1. 1 91 SI bl f. 1 21 11 01 6 9 1 9 S ty._ ---- 1E F - 1 ►11�1111����I�I����I�II��I�����i��lill���1��1111�IIII�IIII�IIII�Ii��l�ls������1�,���sl���ll�l�i1i1�1111�11�1�1111e1111�11���1111�1111I�III�HIilllllllii1�11111111Ili ItilillIe1dimlilll�lll�lllilll11��1�ll�lll� ��.11111llll�ll,l�ll�1�1111 :� t -TTTT%Tu 9A -A Q Q 9 1 I B Notch L.d for "x 2 x1/4'4 Angle Iron,- Standard Grate 16"x 32" p/ // f�/ \ /i�� ��� g / \ p I \p\ \\ \\ Llftin Hook I 1 0 0 1 til I _-- - -3/8"x 2" iron Bars, 2"o.c -- - - •--- i.__ -•- ----_-t._... ---- •--A A— III --- �I A 'I A - - . I _•- _ ._ ,r _� _ . _. _ gyp- _A ��\ -- - -- / J o T. Cover and Frame to I PLAN OF TOP be machined to a true � bearing all around. B /VOTE' 2 NOL,= LID PLAN OF TOP � PLAN Motar • i I , 3300 Ib, compressive 4— 00�0:�0• ! Joints tr, tie grouted _ strength concrete Qli� o „ •oA'b00. i inside and outside. L 2' .1 Dia. Inside to be smooth -3 ---1 :o --- -- ----2, - ---- ---I °.. 06'.0- ;o OD F- - I Dia. 2 I ��oo°oO _ __ 3 3/4" Dia -'-- - — p �- O .•O G • I I I �I I O°.°pa•. O. OO O°. ° O 4 �°••QC�O' 1 �I ,_e _•.p 11 OQ'O. .0 00.0. .O�p:en.•. -1_ - _. X 0 0 4 ConC. The wee drain o•o 0 Inv. at Subgrade Elev I I;n- . . . o A°o' All joints o/ precast I r` ' manholes tc ba watertight 01 _ o° °q. •�•o° 1 " ------ - -^ � Q e0or'' .° o. ISL-• --� --""i " „'7• 14,1 0 -61 2 I/2 Dia. — I— --- e'er:O:O' t °a0• 0'e0• Q eon,e• ' 2-7 Dia. -'-- �•°o.G, O.M°:o.• •'p• 'o'q:?:G; 'oo p. '°o,' •.0 •°eOoa `°Q.^. •o!�'!:�•b _ a...00�• o e'�.��°.o:�oa�..��,ao.°°' •�a�'G�o•° .' ��• �•Q 'A'o'.•,� °o�:r�:a:o•• .��oa a o :. SECTION A—A lD p�o o •o�' °.�w,°.¢. O.e.o, o Go,. O O�a q. 0..,000 �p o00. •'trp' O. O,'li.�'o/ �-J __ ��•,•O.O��OoO.Q'O�'0'•,O O. �QO.' O•:.¢'O' J..O• O O f�. O.�O�• OO j.o• - •' °• e o/�e0. po �dR .00 O O O 4 CJ ° .Q:. oo:..00.•o .••• •p.:o'.O',6c. eOp�b Q e. V °Qao.O.o p •O. p•p�¢ .O'.� •O.O(•o�'•°•O•o �• •U'0' p.p..•...a o.. ��tj `O •Q•e' C�'e..•p °: ••e.oG � ' I _ MANHOLE FRAME & 1OVER SECTION A-A SECTION B—B • _ --- - --'�--- Cast in place hose STANDARD CATCH BASIN formed channel. SECTION A—A PRECAST MANHOLE SCALE 1/2" = 1' D f D 1 ,,may APPROVED FOR CONSTRLICTiON C.TY OF TI;ARD A Driveway Approoct Property v a? Dtiveway EKY TI i L.E._-_._`. ' ... Line ; � lop of Curb �• ----________ DATE.`._— —A oach -�-_-�� -7-�-^ Q- • -- -- �.��� f� - _ - [[ _ _ o c"•' h �, •' � „ i ofp Curb. �F�ER�� CONTRACTORS A VALIDITY OF THIS PEPMIT �+ p -- - - — I � �� CTORS CONSTRUCTION AS REgUIRED BY .� �• of 6 Driveway Approach IS CONTINGENT ON APPROVAL 11 . 4.-. ...3,-0etd Wanped - __._ .�r - ... 0'-0" - _ - TORS MUST HAVE City BUSi�ltSS Li���;.,, URS 419,155. A� � Ali, h��ESSM,c l CfTY . ����►ti l ' L .,�E 9 SECTION A A r ,, 11 A TO PE�� i�iof�iltiu Se �rL�e DRIVEWAY APPROACH & CURB LETDOWN SCALE 1/2" = 1' `> L i 11 --- - - -- 1 17'-0 17' _0° �' Expos,ne 211 — rMix __.. - PROPERTY LINE ..�,,•x;. d Lyy. -------- >. Slope 00290Oft. A.C. Pavement Class 9 (modified ) I 16 - --PROPERTY CR�SMER HILLS �a CXRaVOT10n Limit ed .. e ; .^ o c. o r • o r .�. v gyp, U4 ? DEVELOPMENT PLANS \ *� o�� e� dao . 0. .r O I d p C°� •O� e i�rir, ee� en Oa^ /5 eke \ — . „r, i . n. ,y/iA', ./moi /. • o �.a r o tWr Sidewt�/k No>r: SioL -7/ks to be built Burin const. of borne. i •' -��-� 'l7n•. `� - s•c°"` 9 n DETAILS AND APPURTENANCES _ 911 -_ 5ubgrdde 6" Rock Base (2" -G") I 2" Leveling Course ( 3/4"-0" ) ' h a. ina�r fix' ASSOCIAM' Compacted Depth - - 50' Right-of_Way ------------ -- _ -- -------'-----'----------------.__---__-� CIVIL z M A I I'1 N � A l3 ,r d�3 _ TY"ICAL STREET SECTION NOTE + Finish 9rode at of street PETERSON BUILDING HILLSBORO OREGON SCALE 10 31 will be some elevation as top of curb. ��r C;F?',_rMEP H I I....L..5 � Scale. AS SHOWN By:C 0 H ,d.0.T �` �. Job No 063266 JULY 11, 1969 � 440 , W PI NMI I- ' 1 111 11Irr1 f I1�`ii fq] ll I'MTlliIIl MIT rill ! 1111t1II�II II�IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIll11111111111IIIrllTllllllll111111I111111111t11111 "' �� J '' i NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ) •*" '" , 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 If DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICrt -"TT 15 DUE TO i - '� QUALITY OF THE ORIGINALwtl DRAWING, OE 6Z 92 LZ 92 92 1PZ E2 22 12 02 61 BI LI 91 11 i►1 EI 21 11 01 '6 9 L 9 S b E Z IOSOL; �+ ,. ,ntI1nII11JIlunlnulnnlullllnllul�wlllttlllltlutl�lulbrNlualnoapultutl►ulluttlttu.,NIIIIIIIIIIr11111111I11I111111HIIINI��(INIINIIItttltt1tl11t1111lIItII�HlllllRltlNtfNlIlllnl1n111u1�I1u11lullll!IIWW�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI�LIII►IIIIIUIItWl11H , JUNE 24 19 92 UPS, m ew. ' ►WM1Ct iM A' �'• - 691111Co IN 0 • • CN0c2 le 1 e,90 h IU X 10 ouK .v, 14EM AObK' CkfO?2 ?CC11QN 10 X 10 Nt M AOHK' I :NOVLD K>Ef1EkEF 4 E?.c'EH L'0', IOo�C vve ►vriv -UVKDYHD t�Efitt� $ t:;' '.Ea GO ir•ot t,•w lrvuc »•w 24 01A cl 1 1 .. 1 --_•_ '^•_ —_ d .____-_r. _ ._,_yam___ _+_-r..-__-'_+_._ __�..w---r__ _.�.._ _._.-r____-- � _._-'--" .- .a _. � ... �_ 1 - •�I• 1 r �/ I L .__ __� _._ _._ __.. _._ _- __ ___, ___.r-_-.w__.-.rte -_.___...-___ _..,_ __. ._n�..T__..-_ +__.ya-----� --'- _. �_.__._._. 1 i I r _ - I - i AIll PROFILE$. W. i I 4 r q t I 1 ( $. VII. CRESNIER DRIV I I I V 0 SCALE HORIZ4NTAt-I"=501 V E RT IGA L I�"=� r' J 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 &O'er2�6' 41 'Az i Qto dv I Orc ra 9.i2 rt es/.92 / .OSPNALY I ON V tk I� z Jr 7' :� II IVO TE rn.-7 'rvc tion preceeds povinv bi, Oram mass to b� ���sfa/led ;n �u�bs j"4�FANGEBC/Frli C R E S M E R HILLS 1 zOt I ' S be budfd✓rimy en_r�str��ction of PLAN STREET DEVELOPMENT PLAN S. W. CRE33MER DRIVE S.W. CRESMER DRIVE h. a. .-71r,h r- c'* ASSOCIATY% C T V I I NE '. �61NfF9V`r ,, w 2223 PFTERSON BUILDING , HILl.9F10RQ , OREGON �R L;FlE.�31`1�F% HILLS SCALE AS NOTED By M Nd1, , IT2 AFRI A. OB NO OF5, 6H JULY 11, 14 (M.an t p • .w �. • _. t- 1 , .�"� �,� ._.4'. ' r,. M',.C,'aa"y"^eiil�Y�r.rlk"wwai�L"'S'+ 'liwrrwe _ -_.._.r.- «_.---- -- ....._-.. -. _ _ _ I�1�►i� -f._... 'a _- � lrll lr Ilr IrlIIl,if li'l 'Flt ail f'itl1l (' II III 11l� p1-1tlITIII 111111 IItItIrII _ f w , f ( �` IIlrI1IlI��1lrltlt�r11�111�111Ir11I111Irirlllll�lrlrll�T111fIrlrlr�rlllr11i1tr11,)rlrlr .�..,r,,,,,r,,,r,� w r _ I, Z - 3 4 5 8 7 9 9 10 11 12 1 NOTE: JF THIS M ICROF I L1AED 6""o—h— - - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR TITAN THIS NOTICST-IT IS DUE TO ,,,,J QUALITY OF THE ORIG INAI '"'DRAWING. - -- AE 11 F' EIZ a 9Z SZ UZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 81 L 1 91 S 1 b I E 1 21 11 01 a 9 c 9 S ♦< E Z 1 maw /r'. ��1111IIIIIIIrlll;fllUllulllr�lll�Ilrlrrll�Illllu11ll11f1111111rI11u1tllluul��alalullhr�llnnlunhll}Itn111utIn�111rnIu111uNlultlrntiltl ulllm�Ilirtltlitln111tn1luttlnnlNuluulltil�qhll��rl�ltauu11u11uuluu11w1HN1U�u11Uw11u111lltlllulutllll�lhtl► ;•, 24 1992 ,,.,r.,,r.,..,. .�. _. ._...�._,,._... ------- ---�TM-'•..-.9a...—.�.dr1�"". - -- - — r..a.�--.dr.�-- - j ._r ,�- . .,i. ... _ �,�w....i�'FdAa�:��. -{• 6161114LCID IN n i r ►nNuo IM In o r NEM AUkSK' CIS022 2EC110N 10 .X 10 NEM AOtiK' CiSOZ@ 2EC110N 10 X 10 ,00* bye 6V6Eb 1000 bVe 6V6Eb Lur^: c IVNU4liD Y1rYn KEnEtEr R 122EH Cc lrroe 21VNQtlk4D "rMa KEnEEEf 9 E22Ekf CO' , I V 4-1 Ul , o s - I }��t � ., , �-24—----- L-.; %w r-%Olf II pill Oil M 1 _ � ` - . Imo, �• - _ . . ,_ , I • 4 _l " V ~r -� t I i_t I t V Z ate - J r PRO tLE SANITARY SEWER 1--4 S.-W, GARRETT S -'REST LATERAL 4- FILE { hi_ �_�I PRE , %�N�T�ARY CllF- vvv-rA r HORIZONT L-I"=50' I J. �- i�_ ( - _� a S.W. R1 LATER L VERTICAL — I"= 5' Q { C ' 1. HiORIZ NTAL-1" 50' 1 1 •- r 0 I 2 3 4 5 f ��eo, g 0/ � 0� 1 `/Skl Cl our / G Mop d3<c 46 'eI .. l ° N s �s011 10 • 5 � z� ' •'S I 1 , so- far ::_sF .rXro.or�sG S 4 Or00 /{63.50 J 1�d6S0 250 r!✓C f d"Xf' SL-G3. 7cso 49"10417w �.;Y jw..sw W.C *t*v*oze -e C'AN` Mjro _ 1Q� - � t EXIST/N6 MmN/d0[E fX.J�ivG ClE.4.v our � � ►� ryN rrZ i h �--- � OI�J VE T Q�sy � PYMovE 6 rzem EX/Sr. 0 �V MN TGP 103.26 .� � .' � Tvr �l.D.,00 � � ' TDP E'c''J G� - t /E/90•t t . - _.-- /"coN, J,IN. SEIYE'R ro 8d9 DD /cc?2t /E?C/dT /d 22Z.Sd I t. \, n EX/S//NG-/sf'- s�-P✓CS'P s[ e7.-'1740 - so'-A'RJCSf+ J SsrO.OTIo 2Sp, o' 8"�. css ,St= 0.0040 O�pD el Q S�� /ot/7�ddfTO — _ I - -?17 W. GA/PRETT STti=c ET 'S W• C.PESM6p ��P/�'� t AT6•FA[ 4 PLAN , SANITARY SEWER h N S.W. GARRETT STREET LATERAL SCALE 1"=5U' U 4 �; ' CRESMER HILLS PLAN SANITARY SEWER DEVELOPMENT PLAN N:�7F C/a---v f back•fii/ w,l� be used ��I cvI1 SANITARY SEWER rrz�nC/1C.5 wifbi i the irnprnVemal�t ��. S.W. CRESMER DRIVE LATERAL �f tn� ;rrc'�►ts S. W. CRESMER DRIVE LATERAL S. W. GARRETT STREET LATERAL • ' -- . SCALE I"= so' PRO�c h. Cl. xno S- as�cuTEs � Ih � f�r(J CIVIL E w a I x I I a I PCTERSON BUILDING HI6LSBORU , ORLOONi- SCALE' AS NOTED By M PA,,N G.T. 3CRESMER. HILLS - IPI A. ,.- 7 (1F c� 079 NU 065268 JULY It,1968 4 T.dk(i1 +gVrrinn+��•+rllaw--R'LilY ,iiM+ I . ♦ , 1 'w,. ('IIIII�Ifi1I1111111111� llf1� rf�lll+lll' rllll�I171I1�1 {(Iltfllr�ll 111111 IIII111Illllr)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItI(Illtllillrllllll�rllll'Itl�l�lllllfltlllslt�lltll 1 ; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 w i NGTE: IF THIS M ICROF; MED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC6;'TT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL "DRAWING, OE 6Z 92 LZ 9Z SZ fZ EZ Z2 It O2 of 91 LI 91 21 Irl EI 21 11 01 6 • L 9 S E Z 1"•"" / �►111�IIllulllullllullnululll�111111t1I11IIIIIII�IINlll111twlnalnulttt►IunI111rfI111111111111u1111111111Illllltln11u111u1Iiu111n111�ii1111111111»If1111n1111n111ut1n111u111111111111111�111i11u11111111111111111wlHWnl�lullilu�111111111u1u1111Wh1N , JUNE 24 19 92 I I If 1 --__ L--- - --- E Manhole /�/ I I `\\ Notch Lid for �r I Notch in lid for I �, \�_ - = ------ --- — B I/I; r° a Lifting Hook, Lifting Hook. , \� _� - + 1 - - - - — _ IC Pipe C --- - 1+ _ .. O I C I �TL \� � ► I'll � I p O I �%� _ _ i i _ - - D Top of Cone - \�`\ O , / 01/ � i , l \� \ ,�• ii/ ♦�� � I I ! iii - PLAN OF TOP Cover and Frame to " \��_-- Cover and Frame to ,, -- be machined to a true \�-- —� be machined to a true— �`��` r bearing all around. -- bearing all around. Note. Use 2 hole - I Mortar ,G1-rl,0/O/601 /io! I ~� PLAN PLAN OF TOP Joints to be grouted inside and outside. Inside to be j smooth El---- - - 2' -3"Dia. -- - f1 -- - - __ 2'- 3" Dia.Co - -- _I - ' I � _ - -- - -- 2'- I Dia. -- - _. _ - -- - - 2'-.3/4" Dia 1-�-- ---— --- lag i All taint t precast manholes 2'-3/4' Dia. to be watertight. - --'-- _ I ti -- - ----'I�10"Dia. 1 , - --------�I Dia. _1 1 N _ M �1 i I"Dia ---- ---- N �� � � I I..r•--- - -------- I'-II' Dia. - __-- ^' �At 2-1/2 Dia _- -___ — --�I - +.� �- -- - - -- - _---Cost in place base with - - --------2 -7"Dia _W--- 2'-I/2, Dia. - - form©d channels. h---- -- — 2'-7' Dia. — - -- — - -- ° : . . o� _ 1 SECTION C—C SECTION D- D -_ -- - 'RECAST MANHOLE MANHOLE FRAME a COVER SCA'.E 1/2" : i' SCALE: 1-1/2" = C >? ( WITHOUT PERFORATED LID ) SALE 1-1/2 1' e I •a I • 2-1/r� Iaed I 41 D 6„ i m I I i I ' —Conc. or A.C. Tee - SECTION A-- A Backfill 95% --I/g Bend n Compaction - ;1 lk Class 4 Concrete �� e Class 4 Concrete /JI� _ or crushed rock %.A Undisturbed � '. % or crushed rock I' support Earth _ ---Z%' support DEEP TRENCH SHALLOW TRENCH I I • s II II WYE OR TEE CONNECTION DETAILS v�--- - -�+ -- I i 2'-u" Sq 41___ Atlas Foundry monument case and See Specifications Tamp all backfill to here, >> -- --- - I cover Pattern No. 2890 for maximum ggo f 1 1 /° Compaction, L / Finish Grade v Omit lettering on cover allowable trench Roush Jolnt—•lo. P width. ____,..JI_ X �• µ 6" Conrete or A.C. pipe J / o D -- �- _�_ /t 1� ` l �� \ '� Glean-out bid includes 1, Class 6 Concrete allmaterial and labor / _ C R E S M E R HILLS ---------- bey and and above he/e lJndlsturbed Ground DEVELOPMENT PLANS '^ �- f •' _ � �; .e Shupebottom of 900 • Wye to have 6" branch trench by hand. MANHOLES AND MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS Hand dig bell holes. Water tight f�lug-seal � r • PR OA, OF SUTTUM ___— 1 _-e--;a--- _� C_ 7. �11OhTEpg ©f�+ejr� Concrete Slab" STANDARD BEDDING TRENCH PETERSON BUILDING HILLSBORO, OREGCI DROP MANHOLE CLEAN OUT DETAIL - � L% Scale AS SHOWN` By•C U.H.,N.ti.T. r;k 11EF' H I L_.I_.5 Job No. 083286 JULY 11,196 4 , - 8 n . • 1 M k+m ..ewF .1 rlf--••..��. .- - ..�.._ ..�,>_.y, -�•..__..- - ...,T.... r - o. I .—+..�.�w.-...... .. "^'F "ra:. .;'" tt- ? `_•°M"•' ,hMl 11 111I 1,� � 4: ' S a r II'11r 11111,1 Illlltl 1111t11111t �I� II�1�1IIII 11 � II- I f I II!1 rlt 11 111 I Ill 1Ir 11r III 111 III til I�I III I�I 111 I 1 1111111 111 I 1 11� 111 111 1 1111 111 11111 , ��� I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 ;� 1� • NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED — I 2 3 4 5 8 7 s 9 I�0 III 12 , t DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN I • THIS NOTICfi>;"IT IS DUE TO _jK QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL I J,r /' DRAW ING. OE gz 8Z LZ p2 SZ fiZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 91 LI 91 SI bt Cl ZI 11 01 6 0 L 9 S r E Z 1011x21 r�Illunlunlun11u1111n111111,t111111�1n11llnllnfll11111111h11111n111m�Mulllf1111ffI1nfNlulflfflmllnl►IIIIIIIIII�INIINN�t1111i1�!llflulflnnitH11nu111uI1uLlnulnululllu�dN�1�u111uluullu1111f1IIIIlIIWlNH11111�Ull�llllllllll1111IItIJIIU�WIIIH s •. JU N E 24 1. 992 ,. _. � •1�i r �tr'A,i 71,.1,rF5r I �.�i r• , JR;i '' �� - D D fflizz z OWNER_ A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF LOT /2 FREWING:5 ORCHARD TRACTS F. E CRESMER , el ux. , 9980 S. w. GARRE rr SrREE'r IN lHE S. fel! I/4 SECTION 2 , �..' 2 5 , R. I W., Int! M. , IN THE CI T Y OF i IGARD, rIGARD , OREGON WA '' 'DING TON COUNTY. OREGON DEVELOPER SCAL E.- / /00 MARCH, 1968 JIM A I/SEN , T/CARD LUMBER CO. /2585 SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY r/GARD, OREGON PHONE a 639 --3636 SANT TAR Y FACIL I TES CITY OF T/GA RD WATER SOURCE -9iftA TrGARO wA -711'r4 d e � MISCELLANEOUS v� PROPOSED USE SINGLE FAMI L Y RESIDENCE PRESENT ZONING R - 7 �� ,,, / i ••• ` w I MINIMUM LOT SIZE • 7, 825 SO. F T. • • ' • 0 00 tl 5630 P .• t CSN rF�P Sc�. a � !� COp/wER -- ----- - -- - --- - y �� — --- - p / Lh }� 1 r 0 Q1 0 d c � \ Z i .a `� ";- \ � � � �,�• `AES 9 i z E5 0 ' �0 I o I6 6 / 2 go 2y o .. • . �• a N 1 , a . E P Sol XAFL CORNER • , I t 5 i 414 , 2?21 op /0 a. moor ASSOCIATES ye'�'�•r..'� ,�, �� CIVIL JEN CINE: R S 4�f�T �► '�` �' W CINI T Y 0 LOCA r10N IAP � SCA LE / - 4 00 ' 0 6 5 I ;. ,,;y� --.. aaM'I+, - ... -••�Mwu�.�.•ue +a-ter....+.: ._ .......«s...,'„"' YYr"tF'+w.•"'_._ .," M+w `.^•' K�' S1A s: w Mkt v► t. ` ... �..t � - .ro. v .,: ;xt` .14�f, '�°••'•••� _ �.pn. - }:. •G"'.{�,'JI � .. � �' ,�• �-• � �I 1 ` I ! t < < I I I I I J I I I ! I I 1 IIIt � �IIl � � • , I fly � t �( � II �IIr� tOr 1� I ! III , IIIIIIIII'� I � I � IIII � IIIrII Illlt � l IIII � II IIIIItI IIII111 1111111 Al 11111111 1111 111I 1j1lIil ',►�°, . •y i� ' _ - NOTE : IF 1 H IS MICROFILMED I 4 5 s 7 S 9 10 11 12 DRAIKiirG IS LESS CLEAR THAN �' � - • THIS NOTICir;"TT 1S DUE TO TW QWLITY OF THE ORIGINAL a DRAWING • OE 62 92 LZ 92 52 aZ CZ zZ iZ OZ 61 81 L 1 91 1 b I E I ?, I I 1 01 6 9 L 9 S b F 1 ""a"" I I •,- I �►!I YIIIIIIII�II11�11tII���111t����111�111�111�111t�i1�t�tllt�Itulitl��tlta�3#��/IIIit11IN11IS11f�ll�,�tiift�lttflTl!IiN11Ii1tIIlNl�lil�,1ti111 IN�Illlllt»�rlrrtrh�tti�rt�tll�Illt��;�r�tltr� IIINIIIIIIIIilII111I1111�) � •'tl.i�:.�.�I�_"-�-� �llU�lll1�1111�11�1111 tt11tll T T T T T"al A , tom. .:,�,�. .�. .. . •