COTSWALD SUBDIVISION PLATE I OF 2 �C A LOCATED IN THE S. E. b#*4 OE THE S. W. 1/4 OF SEC. 33 , T I S, R I Wl W. M. C '1- TY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON PROPERTY L [NE CURVE DATA CENTER OF SEC 33 No . Radials Delta Length Chord Bearing; Chord WASHINGTON COUNTY MON. V - 381, P - 40 DEED RECORDS \ ALUMINUM CAP IN CONC 0 17 .00 ' 89° 57 ' 03" 26 .69 ' S 43023 ' 57" E 24 .03 ' 5/8" 1 R w/YELLO%V PLASTIC CAP 2 1.7 ,0() ' 90°02 ' 57" 26 . 72 ' N 46036 ' 03" E 24 .05 ' 5/e" I R " PL.S 636" S. w. COR. v - 381, P - 40 2U 3 17 .0o , 89057 '03" 26 . 69 ' S 43° 23 ' 57"' E 24 . 03 ' FNc� / oPK NAIL 4 17 .00 ' 90002 ' 57" 26 . 72 ' N 46036 ' 03" E 24 .05 ' N 6,, 12 E 2 .40 S8822' 28" E 66000 SET IN C.S. 6111 - ,� ----- �- 5 17 .00 ' 89° 57 ' 03" 26 .69 ' S 43° 23 ' 57" E 24 .03 ' 52.00 52.00 52.00 5200 52.00 52.00 _ 52.00 52.00 _ 53.00 79.00 ib 77.00 35.00 1 F 6 1. 7 .00 90002 ' 57" 26 . 72 ' S 46036 ' 03" W 24 .05 ' ,0 ,0 0 16�, 7 1.7 .00 ' 89057 ' 03" 26 . 69 ' N 43023' 57" W 24 . 03 ' 33 34 8 50 . 00 ' 58001 ' 47" 50. 64 ' N 30° 35 ' 28" E 48. 50 ' ``' 30 `'' 31 W 32 rn -v 5037 v 7309 SO. FT _ 9 1. 25 .00' 17052 ' 46" 39 .01 ' N h'8' 32 ' 45" E 38 . 85 ' - 24 - 25 W 26 W 27 W 28 W 29 _ - _ In n in 'n `" 50.''.3 v c9 a � S 370 II' 45" W ~ (20 ) 10 125 .00 ' 1.4°08 ' 24" 30 . 85 ' N 84° 33 ' 19" E 30 . 77 ' rn to ,n -tn In rn rn SO. FT F T "� c� 5018 v 5018 ''' 5018 -� 5018 5018 _rn ! Ole -I 5018 v 5018 'a SO. FT. o_ m o'V �� 3528' o ," 43023 ' 57" S0. FT rl S0. FT. M S0. FT rn Sp. fT. rn SQ fT rn �i0. f1'. +n S0. FT ''� S0. FT '''� z ti N 88022' 28" W 1.1 17 ,00 89 57 03 26 . f>9 S E 24 .03 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 11..•3 2 12 20 .00 ' 38012 ' 48" 1.3 . 34 ' S 20040 ' 58" W 13 .09 ' 42.45 75�..� i o t �� z z z 6' Nu E -, z z g' PU.E z 6' Pv E. z z 13.34' �--- �, 13 50 .00 ,6 19 ' 52" / 0 . 43 S 16037 ' 26" W 39 . 34 ' ' ,� r �- 52.00'-- --- 52.00 30.73'�' �4 4? 5048 SO FT ° - r "� t -- 52.00'-- - - 52 00' - 52.00 -- -52.00 152.00 - 52 0�J v _ I 14 50 .00 36- 47 ' 36" 32 . 11 S 24 �6 1.8 E 31 . 56 - 0- N Q. 35 0 15 50 . 00 34054 ' 39" 30 . 47 ' S 60°4 7 ' 2 5" E 30 .00' T „ N 0 �3 � � - 174 PU E. co ' 48020 ' 32" � .� 1.6 50 O(� ' 4 ] 9 ' N 77035 ' 00" E 40 . 95 ' T RAC T A „ N2 . N 88° 22 2 8 w 124.00 N 88°22 2!3 W 376.00 - 3 ->�---- - - 1 00 RESERvE STRIP = ---- -__. ____ _ - ----____ -- - - _ __ _-' _ --- ----.-.---- -- - __ ,R , 0 1.7 20 .00 ' 31041 ' 35" 11 . 06 ' �N ° 15 ' 32" E 1.0 92 ' TO CITY OF T IGARO 5Q N 88 22 �8 w '+r ' -� S. W. ASH19URY LANE T o L 8 20.003 ' 060 31. ' 12" 2 . 2 8 ' N 1. 15511 E, 2 . 2 7 ' N N � .. -�------8 5.02'-- _ _ r o t r i � o i 1 t 2 - - 3 10 5001 SQ. FT 19 1_ ?5 .00 11. 1.743 34 . 50 N 858►40E 34 . 44 8201' -- - �`-J T --41.99' -_ - - - 52.00'- 52.x0-- 52.00 -- 52.00 -42.01 0 � o� 20 1.75 ,OC+ 13009 ' 44" 40 . 20 N 73044 ' 56" E 40 . 11 ' �� o O N o ' ' M 21 1 75 ,(10 ' 07° 33 ' 42"' 23 . 10 ' N 63023 ' 1. 3" E 23 . 08 ' 26.69 - 26.72 N N N 2669 3� �,_! 13.34 36 23 -I 0 � rn rn m NON - ACC ESS 2 2 100. 00 ' 08° 5 2 ' 31" 15 . 49 ' N 5 5° 10 ' 06" E 15 .47 ' 9.13 ,N 5181 SO. FT I ,,, W W W j TRIP z 23 100, 00 23046 ' 27 41 . 49 N 38050 ' 37 " E -+` 1 . 20 rn 45 =� 44 - 43 '� 42 - 41 w 40 N 88°22' 28"W 100.00 9 � o +� t o �� r N 88° 22' 26' W 99.00' I _ to M �^ � � _ � oy 24 1.00� 00 l 9 45 30 34 . 48 N 17 04 39 E 34 . 31 5614 _a 5002 -,� 5002 v 5002 -v 5002 _ 5614 cv -�� ' ` ' ' " ' 0402311411 ' ''� -0 37 � 25 1.00 . 00 0� 37 19 9 . 81 N �:. 9 . 31 6 Pu. E g of SO. FT. ''n SQ. FT rn SO. FT. '`' SO. FT rn Sp. FT v SQ. FT Q' `i CI g o O 22 -� N , r` 0 0 ° o rn r` � Na o 5000 SO. FT 0, w Z ' 90002 ' 57" 72 ' N 46° 36 '03" E 24 05 ' 26 L7 . UO 26 . . v z z z ° I O �" "' 27 20 00 ' 89057 ' 03" 31 . 40 ' S 4 30 23 ' 5_7" E 28 . 27 ' O 5000 SO. FT N z z 6 Pu E d W �N 88° 22' 26" w 100.00' -� O r r r a Q 28 20.00 90002 ' 57" 31 . 43 N 46036 '03" E 28 . 30 W 59.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 5900 � '�',, 8 Pu E. p 4 29 17. ' 89057 ' 03" N 88°2l 28 w 99.00 � - _ � 38 � 00 26 69 N 43023 ' 57" W 24 U3 '�' ' o 0 0 -o "o Z M o o� o 30 0. 00 ' 38012 ' 48" 13 . 34 ' N 20040 ' 58" E 13. 09 ' I` 6' Pu.E. N N 4 o 5000 S0 FT o aC11 31 50. 00 ' 39 ° 59 ' 52" 34 .90 ' N 19047 ' 26" E 34 . 20 ' 2 i - M fJ1 i� �1 2 , 2 L) N o_ 46 47 48 49 50 51 i „ 32 `►0. 00 ' 36°,38 '01"' 31 . 9 7 ' N 18° 31. ' 31" W 31 . 43 ' n 5000 S. FT o z ' N w . W W W W 3 88° 22 28"W_ 100.00 i JO ;� 33 SO. On ' 27046 ' 23" 24 . 24 ' N 50043 ' 43" W 24 . 00 ' I _ 4 o I1 5614 M 5002 M 5002' _'�'' 5002 In 5002 5614 r• (n 6 PU.E. _ml � "' ' ` C" ' ' " ' N 88 22 28 w 99.00 I P SQ. FT - S. FT _ Sp. F T SQ. FT M SO. FT. _ SO. FT. _ 39 '� v 34 50. 00 48 38 3 42 . 45 N SII 56 12 W 41 . 19 v 't v v , 2g' 25' 0 °' ►'► 35 50.00 ' 1.3° 19 ' 47" 11 .63 ' S 60004 ' 37" W 11 . 61 ' 2 5' 2 5 rn rn ►� v l 8' PU.E -.I o 0 0 0 o I I °D 535? SO. FT. rw, un 36 20.00 ' 3801.2 ' 48" 13 . 34 ' S 720 31 ' 08" 4J 13 . 09 ' -� 20 26.69' z z ; z z Z 26.72' ( - 26.69 31.43' -� - CENTERLINE CURVE DATA g ,v 5000 SO. FT. o ��----- 42.01' - -52.00' _�5`"__OC1_ ---- 5200 --- 52 00'-- - -41.99' ---� ,4 F - 63O - oo _� r _ _ •' .. o O �J �� C29� 2 0 a, No . Radius DeIta Leng;th� Chord Bearing Chord to N 88° 2 2' 2 8" W 9900 O ;� in 141Z ai N 8A° 22' 28" W 376.00' N �J `° '� N �A 15 .00 ' 58001 ' 4711 75 .96 ' S 30035 ' 28" W 72 . 76 ' W -- -__ 6' P u. t -.� - _ _ ---- - __ - _ _ - - - -�-- z r r M - 19 J - - - - S W. F,�'IR��ND ^ LANE _ N . _ _ __ \ 3 a W B 1.50.00 32001 ' 10" 33 . 83 S 75036 ' 57" W 82 . 74 ' ko 0 5000 SO. FT d �2 _ arT7 �`� , ��r v LEGEND: o N 68° 22' 28"W 99.00' I i- 4199 - - --' 52.00 _ 52.00 _ - 52.00 _ - - -�- 52.00 - 42.0l'- , _ - - G3 00 - o 4, o zN / - h Ln _ I hereby certify that this is � 26.72 N coee Q col N 215.69 N 26.72 31.40 -' N a O W (6 c ( I m "' an exact copy of the plat of 18 O rn m m _ W W N 0 iv "COTSWALD MEADOWS" A Initial Corner SEE NOTE I p W W W - W 5752 S0. FT. o p 5000 SO. FT. �n 57 - 56 -,n 55 -� 54 in 53 in 52 = ai !� 3 _ in a �k 4 ` + 2 rn 5 02 _v 5V02 v 5002 `� 5614 N ro I N 88022' 28" W 100.00' ` "" o Set 5/8" by 30" T . R. w/yellow N 88° 22" 28""W 99.00 0 , ti SO. FT FT. rn SO.T. a S0. FT, o S0. FT o SQ. FT. o S0. FT r~ �- 6 P u.L.°' v plastic cap , stamped ' PLS 636 ' v o _ I 0 2 _o IT 6 PuE. Z z z z z 6 Pu.E - z b 5002 S FT REQ;IS� EREL� 6 5/8" by 30" I . R . w/ 2" Aluminum p 5000 SO. FT. o 59.00' 52.00' 52.00 52_00 52 00' 59.00' ' 11 `1 9.81' '�'I PROF'ESSIO[ A60 Cap stamped ' Barker PLS 636 ' , to 0 53.00' 110.00' d 'S fN 88° 22' 28" w 100.48' LANE) SURVEY0R be set after final paving of stree s . `;, N 88022'28"W 99.00 M 'N N o -� 3.05 a ) "v co co N op 16 8 P U.E o 58 a' 59 °' 60 °' 61 m 62 8 2 co 3 ✓ L• C J�n.�- O Set 5 /8" by 30" 1 . R . w/y411ow plastic o' z N W W W '`' 6958 SO. FT. /' � 6288 S FT. ham, Cap stamped PLS 636 O 5000 S0. FT. o _ A S NON ACCESS O Ft E G O N ,n �n vi 5614 in 5002 �� 5002 -,n 5060 rn , / 6,�o O , lav ro � , N ° ' w 9900' i ti S0. FT. v S. FT. _� S0. FT. S0. FT. -v 9jc , �� ��p2,3 STRIP. - ,+ • Monument Found 88 22 28 rn a m �. ARENCE E. BAFth:E:/ '� "' h s 636 i o rn / Q 13.34' 42 z z a z ,�??�' a\ g' nu E . R'�tJ/Q ��i3?. 0 P .C . Plastic Cap (stamped information) O 15 �r- 26.69 39O g .i o� s rn ' `� (35 ) -- 42.01' - 52. 00' - --- 52.00 -- 2246=30 85 �9 / �� ', N 5019 S0. FT. ,3 10' II - �+� �' ' / s0 4 OD 3 ( ) Bearing & Distance of Record IAL„ I - -- p� N �-', - (, 'Qq .9; 9490 SQ FT. „ , RADIAL 31 W S. W. SWENDON LOOP - _ 21 X29 s,► F �, F -N SCALE : I : 60 P.U .E. Public Utility Easement Sg3 2 - - - � Y �2 Gb g 9< o o 85.36 �� 14 N 88°22 28 W 210.44 -� _ (�r� �- 23.10' �'�, 1i1 INITIAL CUR GATE SEPT 3, 1985 C, P r - 17 \ 18 N �'J �? ' �, SEE NOTE z v E 0' - �' 5628 �. �' 6867 SO. FT. ,� 15 i6 48 73'-- - 51.0d - -- 51.00' -- ` -3450 � `Jp 6 S. FT I CLARENCE E. BARKER - � \ ' �o. a 33.00 60.00 14 0�1�1 �� 42. 7� In 2.36 � ti 6.42 o O s 5159 �- g5 0 , ; 2035 15TH STREETS E NOTES : q ? 9 I m a': N 88 22' 28'" W 93.00' " \\06 � o� o- 7 �� S0 FT 'S� � 20 SPIKE SALEM, OREGON 97302 1 . Initial Corner : Found a 5/8" I .R . & teplaced _ j° ,� 5/8 i; R */PLASTIC o PHONE 588.8800 it with : 2" b 36" galvanized iron pipe set hh 13 PU.EJ .1 W 11 W 10 W 9 W 8 v �� 5306 $°j CAP PLS. 636 p y g P P �� Q 12 In r S0. FT, a'- ro�CP 50 fn 6 inzhes below ground surface . Set a 5 /8 by ''� ck P� 6592 SO. FT. Q v coo 5054 v 5034 -� 5034 -� 5034 -I. 5092 1* W 30" I .R . w/a 2" a l.luminum cap stamped "Barker , � Q' � 9- S0. F T. 'n S 0. F T. rn S 0 F T. rn S 0 F T. M S0. F T `l,� `In 636" inside o_ o_ 0 a o '�rD rn PLS 636 inside of the 2 I . P . and flush with (n z z z z �;. 03 .-op of ss. Ld pipe . 5 5 1 110.00 65.00' 51.00' 5100' 51.00' 61.00' 0 z 2 . Boundary and ,Basis of Rt,ar ing is from survey N 880 22' 28"W 404.00' No . 21 399 5/8" 1 R w/PLASTIC CAP 5/8 I. R w/PLASTIC CAP Ij4 CUFF "Fc.s 636" - _ 1 -_ - FNo 2 BRASS olsc IN 3 Lets abutting 135t1� Avenue shall not have NLS 636 SEC. 33, TIS MON 80x SET 8Y WASHINGTON g SEC 4 T 2 S COUNTY SURVEYOR direct access to this street . T W 0 L.D 1 C)F 1. . r � IBM. . _ JO"R q .v: .. .. •.,. -,....m+■+M� 'h w.. . ••w - _ _,. ,� ,.-w �, a 9'AaM 's• - -r•; +.+...-,^_.... �., c --: ♦ .� ♦, r. •+�,r' � , 'V' ' ;- - :� . -I -,..M".,,,..t-. ..►.... . _.y. .._ ....w.M- .. -. r..� Yirr.. i�.... -�.-..,j.- `. -a.':c...._. __ __.. . ,........ .. ' - I �"' 1 �,' 1 � . 111111 1+11 ` I � I , 111 i11 RII Oji I � ; {� 1 t11 {'� tl �l t�l ( 1 I1 I�'I 111 1 � 1 I � III tl 1 � 1 III LIIih� � 111111 I � lil � l III II11 tIl III 1111111 111 ` 111 lltlrll 1111111 I � II1I1 1 '111111 , '` r 1 i I .► NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 _ 5 6 7 � 9 10 1 I 12 _ • a DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN TH IS NOT Wi I7 1 S DUE TO COTSVV LD ME� ADOWS . TNF QUALITY OF TW_ ORIGINAL DRAW ANG. oF; 62 62 12 92 S2 bZ E2 Z? Ie 02 61 (31 L I 91 sl VI IL 1 2, 1 11, 01 6 8 L 9 S b E -'" �I ot�11,111�lllllllll►11111111111111�1111�111►f1111�1111�1111�1111111t1111�,111111,11111111111{1111111111�11y111f1111111411�111111�11►1�,11111ii{III{{i1111i4i1{�i111��It{�II1111{IiI11111111L11fIfI1111I11{IINI{�lIJ1�`I�I�IIIIIIIIIIII�IIII�IIIIIIIIIIIlll�ill�t11111I11�ULllll!!,1llf�fllllllfl11WI1111 j J Y f�� a. •, ` L I MEADOWS LOCATED IN THE S. E. 114 OF THE S. W. 1/4 OF SEC. 33 , T I S, R I W, W. M. CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON PROPERTY LINE CURVE DATA CENTER OF SEC. 33 No . Radius Delta Length Chord Bearing Chord WASHINGTON COUNTY MON. V - 381, P • 40 DEED RECORDS ALUMINUM CAP SIN CONC. (l 17 .00 ' 89057 ' 03" 26 .69 ' S 430 23 ' 57" E 24 .03 ' 5/8" L R. w/YEL.LOW PLASTIC CAP 2 17 .00 ' 90002 ' 57" 26 . 72 ' N 46036 ' 03" E 24 .05 ' f Np. 5/8" I.A. Is P L. S 636" - S. W. COR. v- 38 t, P- 40 • 3 17 .00 ' 89057 '03" 26 . 69 ' S 43023 ' 57" E 24 . 03 ' N 6012' E 2.40' S 88° 22' 28" E 660.00' P K. NAIL 4 17 . 00 ' 90002 ' 57" 26 . 72 ' N 46036 '03" E 24 .05 ' SET IN C.S. 6111 '1' 5 1.7 . 00 ' 89057 ' 03" 26 . 69 ' S 43023 ' 57" E 24 .03 ' 52.00' 52.00 52 00' 5200' 52.40' 52.00' 52.00' 52.00' 53.00 79.00' 77.00' 35.b0 ' o - _ o p �° 6 x.1 . 00 ' 90002 ' 57" 26 . 72 ' S 46036 ' 03" W 24 .05 ' 46 in W �� 7 17 . 00 ' 89057 ' 03" 26 . 69 ' ' ' 69 N 43 23 57 W 24 U3 o, a, os a, o, 33 34 m 8 50 . 00 ' 58c'01 ' 4 7" 50 . 64 ' N 30035 ' 28" E 48 . 50 ' 24 W 25 W 26 W 2? �., 28 W 29 �'� 30 W 31 `� 32 �o .� 7309 S0. FT _ r o t „ o r tt t _ _ 5037 0 g ti (20 ) 9 125 . UOr 175246 39 . 01 N 6832 45 E 38 . 85 to ;n In ,� M 5023 M m g0 FT �, �o s 3s°os 55 w 1.0 125 .00 14008 ' 24" 30 . 85 N 84033 ' 19" E 30 . 77 ' os 5018 v 5018 '^ 5018 5018 5018 5018 - '.5018 R SO. FT. ° o � 35.28 t , o r �t + _� o _a V. ,� Pole _ h ,! 1.1 17 . 00 89057 ' 03" 26 .69 S 43 23 57 E 24 .03 SO. FT SO. FT. ,,� S0. FT. rn SO. FT in SQ FT. M SO. FT rn S0. FT. S0. FT. Z ti N 880 2228" W ° 0 0_ o o 0 ° ° 11.63 ' 2 1.2 20 . 00 ' 38012 ' 48" 13 .. 34 ' S 20040 ' 58" W 13 .09 ' Z 2 Z Z Z Z Z Z 17, �\\� 42.45 2 75.00 1.3 50 . 00 ' 460 19 ' 52" 40 . 43 ' S 16037 ' 26" W 39 . 34 ' 52.00' 52.00' 52.00' 52.00'--- - - 5200' - 52.00' 52.U0'--- -- 52.00' 30.73'- i 048 SO. FT 14 50 . 00 ' 36047 ' 36" 32 . 11 ' S 24056 ' 18" E 31 . 56 ' 3 o 15 50 .00 ' 34054 ' 39" 30 . 47 ' S 60047 ' 25" E 30 .00 ' _. T 7:ACT "A" _N .� N ® 17.4' PU.E. CID 1 5 (1 r r t 6 _ 0 . 0 _ 48020 ' 32" 42 . 19 N 77035 ' 00" E 40 . 95 N 880 22' 28 w 124.00 _ N88°22 28"w 376.00 _ a6�• �. N88°22' 29" W 17 20 .00 ' 31041 ' 35" 11 . 06 ' N h9 ° 15 ' 32 " E 10 .92 ' to ►.O0 RESERVE STRIP 3 -" 1'0 CITY OF TIGARD M S W ASH8URY LANE' a -'- - �, r t r 85.02 --- 18 20 .0�� 06031 ' 12" 2 . 28 N 88021 ' 55" E 2 . 27 10' 19 175 .00 ' 11017 ' 43" 34 . 50 ' N 85 °58 ' 40" E 34 . 44 ' • O �2 - - _ _ , - O i7f 500) S0. FT r t t 82.0; -' -;-,, --41.99 - 52.00 0 52.00-- 52.00-0 52.00 -o --42.01 ,�" 0 20 175 . 00 13009 ' 44" 40 . 20 N 73044 ' 56" E 40 . 11 26.69 1 2& N 2669 t1dr!13.34' 36 21 175 . 00 ' 07033 ' 42" 23 . 10 ' N 63023 ' 13" E 23 .08 ' °I 2� °1 Of 22 100 . 00 ' 08052 ' 31" 15 . 49 ' N 55010 ' 06" E 15 . 47 ' In 5181S0. FT. W � W W W x9.13 Z 23 100 . 00 ' 23c46 ' '' 7" 41 . 49 ' r ' 11101 45 ;n 44 43 ;n 42 - 41 W 4088022'28"Wo N 38 50 37 E 41 . 20 N 88°22' 28"W 99.00' to � M N 100.00 r 24 100 .00 ' 19045 ' 30" 34 . 48 ' N 17004 ' 39" E 34 . 31 ' rn v_� 5614 -� 5002 -� 5002 Iq 5002 � 5002 �' 5614 N � d 37 � � 25 100 .00 ' 05 ' 37 ' 19" 9 . 81 ' N 04023 ' 14" E 9 . 81 ' 6 Pu. E. SOFT. '� S0. FT. SO. FT. SO. FT. in SO. FT. V S0. FT Of o G �6 1 % . UO ' 90°02 ' 57" 26 . 72 ' N 46° 36 '03" E 24 .05 ' in CZ •� g 0 o_ 0 0 o c ti Ck w 5000 SO. FT. o Z Z Z Z z 6' Pu.E. p I `� �j' n J 2-7 20 . 00 ' 89057 ' 03" 31 . 40 ' S 43023 ' 57" E 28 . 27 ' 5090 sa FT N in , N 88°22 28 W t040d Q 28 '10 . 00 ' 90002 ' 57" 31 . 43 ' N 46036 '03" E 28 . 30 ' 59.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 5200 59.0 Z 29 17 . 00 ' 89 °57 ' 03" 26 . 69 ' N 43° 23 ' 57'" W 24 . 03 ' w 88°22' 28"W 99.00 W 4� � o ' N t7 N o a f 0 38 O Q 30 20 . 00 ' 38012 ' 48" 13 . 34 ' N 20040 ' 58" E 13 . 09 ' a 6 PU.E. `No, co W O o O 5000 SQ. FT. p d �, 31 50 . 00 ' 39059 ' 52" 34.90 ' N 19047 ' 26" E 34 . 20 ' 21 - W) o� �, a+ ca an Z W) 'n N to ° 46 47 48 49 0 50 SI � 4) 32 50 . 00 ' 36038 ' 01" 31 .97 ' N 18031 ' 31" W 31. 43 ' 0 0 W W W W W N 880 22' 28 W 100.00 r� 5000 SO. FT. 0 Z �+ - W -- W 00 ' 2.7 ° 46 ' 23" 24 24 ' N 50° 3 ' 43" W 24 . 00 ' °f 5614 n 500:2 n 5002 'n 5002 'n 5002 5614 ti � � in 3 3 50 . � . � , « ti in In Pn 10• s Pu.E. "' 34 50 . 00 ' 48038 ' 35" 42 . ' 5 ' N 88056 ' 12" W 41 . 19 ' N 880 22. 28 W 99.Od' SO. FT - SO. FT S0. FT SO. FT. SO. FT In SO.FT. - 3� m 25' 2g' fi In 25' 2S' o M 3`5 50 .00 ' 13019 ' 47" 11 .63 ' S 60004 ' 37" W 11. 61 ' �' °D 5352 SO. FT. in ° 36 20 . 00 ' 38012 ' 48" 13 . 34 ' S 72031 ' 08" W 13. 09 ' +a � o 0 0 � -0 20 26.E+9' Z Z Z Z Z 26.72' �• ' 26.69' 31.43'-� j N 5000 50. FT. , �'` -- 42.01'-- -52.OG'-- '- - ' 52.00'-- -41.99' -- -,� `� - 63,00'- - 4 CENTERLINE CTJR�'E DATA 5 h C� 2 $ rn No . Radius Delta Length Chord Bearing Chord N 88°22' 28"Mt 9900' � Q !'� I4 88° 22'28" W 376.00' N _ - _ cO h c, N A 75 .00 ' 58001 ' 47 75 . 96 ' S 30035 ' 28" W 72 . 76 ' In - 19 _ - S. W, F£/RING LANE a � 3 � � "., B 150 .00 ' 32001 ' 10" 83 . 83 ' S 75036 ' 57" W 82 . 74 ' 5000 S0. FT. 0 2 � W M Z N 88°'22' 2H"W 99.00' 0 co -41.99 -' '___ 52.00 _ 5200 _ 52.00 --- - 52.00 _ 4201 - - 63.OQ J Win Mir LEGEND: 26.72' N N N N N r�� N, 26.72' 31 0 ° 'w o O 26.69 Ni .4 ' to awl 013 CY t'7 to W W W W ' N rrti �r A Initial Corner 0 5000 S4 FT. ,� 3 5`T S6 ;n 5S .n 54 S3 52 W °' 5752 S0. F't o SL• : �,��: I T 0 C11--i ".1, ,r V`�' "-- ? - --- o Set 5/8" b 30" I . R. w/vellow °f "' _ •et N ''� I N 88'022! 28"W x00.00' N 88° 22 26 W 99.00F5614 5002 '� 5002 5002 5002 5614 Q; y 'oma ' �` S0. ft 0 SQ FT o SQ. FT. 0 S0. FT. c SOFT. o S0. FT ti I 2 plastic can , stamped ' PLS 636 ' o 17 Z z z Z Z 6 PU.E. Z N ; ,� "n N 1 v 5002 SO. FT. 0 5/3" by 30" I . R. w/2" Aluminum Q 5000 SO. FT. o 59.00 52.00 'S2.00 52.00 52.00 59.00 / + + n ,n W � - d 1 9.81 Cap stamped Barker PLIS 636 , to _ 53•� Ip•� � 88022' 28"W 100.48' be set after final paving of streets . N 881022'28"W 990p o _o b o 3.05 N N N N 6' P. U.E--� in c0 tD co 62 cox m 3 t t t t 16 = 0 58 0 59 �' 60 °' 61 W ho' (�8 ® �V O Set 5/8" by 30 1 . R. w/2" f Aluminum W W W _ 6958 S0. FT. / 628e SQ FT. Cap stamped Barker PLS 636 ' . 5000 S0. FT. aN, 5614 .c•, 5002 r, 5002 ;n 5060 SO. FT. "' S0. FT. "n S0. FT. "' SO. FT. 1q 2 '�O 0o 4 Monument Found N 880 22 28"w 99.00' M _a -'� 5q. s7� 13• i2 2669' z Z Z Z �O� �f s Pu.E. ��'!,��. P.C . Plastic Cap (stamped information) -� Wi o ' IS K 42.01' --- 52.00' 52.00' 2246'--50.8S�- 9 ► �'`'� q1 � "' (35'1 1n V, , I I . �? 9° 4 ; 5019 SO. FT. . t3 . 10 - I `, a- a� o►g � , m ( ) Bearing & Distance of Record 4 S R. &- � Q , .,� '3 �� 4 , 9 490 SO. FT N S 830 ' 31' W _S. ori! SW£NOON LOOP �' Z��t°� �a►q9� N SCALE I"= 60' P .U . E. Public Utility Easement ! N 68°22' 2 8"W 210.44' - �.� , S ,� Q o N 85.3 N 18 in I ® 23.10 0 . / INITIAL COR m i 9 SEE NOTE co O gip`�O "�; 5628 (I� z 6867 S0. FT. /0 /� 16 --- 48.7:5'--. - - 51.06- _ 51.00'- _ --34.50' 6 k SO. FT 1 2.36' r- �- 6 42' s0. 33.00 60.00 14 '� 429 tiIn to ° u' 5159 �- 5 0 NOTES : ti �'S m am , e+; q5 N 88 22 28 W X33.00 20 4 / 1 , P ��06 0 �' °1 V o_ S0. FT o SPIKE 1. Initial Corner : Found a 5/8" I . R . S replaced •' S .U.E. - � . � 5/8 11 ISR. w/PLASTIC N i „ „ g�� 3 _ If W 10 W 9 W 8 v 5306 q CAP PL.S. 636 0 it with a 2 by 36 galvanized iron pipe set d 13 0 12 on * SO. FT. �- ��� `�� , 6 inches below ground surface . Set a 5/8" by 0419 6592 S4 FT. c s 5054 "v 5034 5034 a 5034 -� 5092 0 •�►► W 30" I .R . w/a 2" alluminum cap stamped "Barker SO. FT. o S0. FT. c S0. FT. c S0, FT. o S0. FT '' A ° 22 :in , 1 PLS 636" inside of the 2" I . P . and flush with ' Z Z Z Z � gq i i top of said pipe . 11000' 65.00' 51.00' 5100' s I.W 61.00 5 0 _ - Z 2. Boundary and Basis of Bearing is from survey N 880 22' 28"W 404.00' 5/8" I. R. w L A STIP' CAP No. �S/8" I. R . w/PLASTIC CAP PL. S. 636 "PL.S. 636' \ ,- F•40. 2" BRASS DISC IN MON. BOX SET BY WASHINGTON 3 . Lots abutting 135th Avenue will not have COUNTY SURVEYOR direct access �:o this street . COTWALD ' 2 OF 12 ' f 11Ji ` 1 � I � I, its 1 � Iir�� I � I � I � fll � li�il I � I � I � rlllt � f � l t � 1 � 111 ' � � 1 � 1 � 1 t11 � � 111 � 1 � 111 1 � � {� ' 111 ` lr ►III i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT lCk ' IT IS DISE TO ' " QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL. D RAW I NG. .-� -""too 0C 6Z 9Z 1.t2 92 SZ VZ iZ 4a , a l� 12 0? 61 eI LI 91 sI bII EI ZI 11 o1 6 6 1 9 S ` E Z 1 2 s►!r111iIll iIll itli{ ill i111�[titlitil��in i1114t11�t11i�11111a1#�uH�11rf.��lt�tllb�tf1�1l14I114ia6ifillINlfill'Iiill I IIIlI111111101111 Ill{1{tiitl1""1HitIiAt1 111111" 111u1��Ir�� WINAULI&D"601 'fil{111 • , rn O^ CD ri v-' z �D O a 7 N C ODE (n M� Q� (DCD O CL —U) (n(D 1 1'D r-(D w� C,G)`CD iD d o S N CD a 3 rD � N � C O CL v � o Y CITY OF TIGARD November 15, 1989 OREGON ,,,) Kruger Development Company 1335 SW 66th Avenue #402 Portland, OR 972.25 Re: Cotswald D'o.l Subdivision ,ear Mr. Kruger: This is to acknowledge that effective November 7, 1989, the public improvement facilities installed within the subdivision improvement project, commonly known as, Cotswald Meadows is fully accepted by the City of Tigard, Oregon, for operation and maintenance by the City. Further, this in to acknowledge that the City of Tigard, Oregon, has no further interest in, and authorizes release of the project performance and maintenance assuraaces; namely, they security held by Somers, Grove & Co. Inc. (Account No. 03-50140-1-8) in the sum of $65,982.00. Should you have any questions regardii:g the above project acceptance and assurance release, please contact Mr, John Hagman at 639-4171. Sincerely, Ed Murph Communit Developnent Director jr/cotsno-l.JSH c: OR-AK Corporation 3��`�SW I fall Blvd.,P.O Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon(7223 (503)639-4171 -- �f j y� �--'l�I�r/ i fit. ?'7t. ,�>�"G GG'Gt-�i'�J c';?✓ �- �f IP r GOV' y; w w s KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT CO. 1335 5.W.66TH AVE •002 PORTLAND,OREGON 97225 297-3309 RECEIVA: , NOV 0 .3 1989 C �nmunlh pwe�opnmrtt WjAktE Q 0 0 0 � 0 -V Y�YMV q- A Q n qo . 1 , m � � 1, KRUEGER DEVELOIMENT CO. RECENLU 1335 5.tid 84TH WE •402 \ II J PORTLAND.OREGON 97225 J U I l ti l l I 6 J 297-i49 u� 2� l w u�op� 0 Dov, Baal '_+' r,^.�1.4.J. ' 1` `i - , 4 r: 1•� ,�,'K. �i r' I��4i. t�,� r,�_ 1 7. F� -r/3 f 0 Ile c4ee LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 6 October 1988 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Cregon 97223 Attn: Mr. John Hagman, Engineering Technician III Re : "Certification of Compliance" Dear Mr. Hagman: Enclosed for your information and use please please find a "Certification of Compliance" for COTSWALD MEADOWS showing the status of the projects to date. Please note that the sidewalks for Lots 18 and 49 are the only remaining items to be completed. I am also enclosing a copy of the air test report for the sanitary sewer lines on the project . As I remember , Bob .Thompson was unable to inspect them that day and agreed to accept my inspection on behalf of the City of Tigard. I have contacted OR-AK Corporation and Krueger Development Company regarding the items to be completed. Should your office need any further information, please give me a call . Thank you. to/t_S �1LE M�.Mv .- Sincerely yours, c3'Ryd / '7 6� l..o� I F� onard A. e1 , WP. E. , P. L.S. '149 `1 LAR/j >�e. encl : as stated OR--AK Corporation Krueger Development Company 7 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES CERTIFICATE OF CUMPLIANCE RE: COTSWALD MEADOWS —_ This is to certify (in accordance with T.M.C. 17.08.010(6) , T.M.C. 17.09. 120, and T.M.C. 17.09. 160) to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following items) have been installed in compliance with the City's street dedication improvement standards and specifications ; and that the folluwing items are complete in accord with the approved plans, special specifications and -onditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project, to wit : -(Project Engineer's Initials) y 1. Sanitary Sewer System 2. Storm Sewer System 3. General Utility Systems : Domestic Water Electric Power Gas — Telephone Cable T.V. Streetlighting 4. Street System: Subgrade Base Surfacing. . .base Lift Final Lift Sidewalks peN- oN t1Qri1_49 Aprons b Ramps Curb _ -- 5. Monumentation System — Cert it led this _ day ut ©LAO 6c--, ` 198 I �o PRaFF by - 7e– k -- 01,ru jec t itginerr 85� T o�eaoN Firm: Leonard A. Rydelli PEI PLS ` 1 'J 601 Pinehurst Df,ive 22, @�v�v Newberg Oregon 97132 _ lUl "i 3s) • �to s S kt�q�r,� W� 'Fu P o.e = 'L,dt+.��� 100.x.C► Li IZBX S = 640 >a� � ,c Goo /, So /?S'� AP97 r. _ • Nee...i 1�p ^'L1�C `�bt W1�isNf� 4��'it� � 41A�1��IK� N�C� ►�nW �v� NeeN O 't•'Ow►�o� b� 1 nw OR-ASC CORPORATION OREGON-ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO. 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY l-AKE OSWEGO. OREGON 97034-1599 503-635-4551 CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR GORDON HOBBS OR-AK CORPORATION HOMEBUILDERS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION As soon as you know your new address, mall this card to all the people, businesses,and publications who send you mall. For publications,tape an old address label over name and old address sections and complete new address. Your P•'nt Oltmo—Lest Neme F,e'Nome Modle Impel Norm No sr d 9lreet Apt Mule Po 90• R q No qurel f4^• NO Nn s 13050 SW Forest Meadows Way Q C,Ir� 51e1e IIP Code Lake Owego OR 7094: No end S11"I Apt r;uplrP O 90• R q NO Rural 6O• NO NO 1511 SW Park Ave X11003 = Crl• Bteu IIP Code Portland OR 72Q1: _ Spnelun Sion (� Del@ r eddrHl,n a"KI Ac rounl Np I,1 enyl Here /74,61 /,� I-/-/k-e, PS Form 3576,Apr 1996 RECEIVER 90ure 10 Word IN above new addroe boos It home or ollrte ��� tie�e���✓ev, �a Fuss �C. '�` 3 l�'_Z�88 OV ;.:,Nc* AOR. 'b No:rt C-,'C> 3 .� ���� ( .T`1�-ACk. �AMA4�� '� t�.y�Vt/��Ral►:�C:�. Bt.cr�.A,4E'� • C A R!J�.�1-1-a 1.1�., -- � I , • Co�st.�_:A�_e\Ib �if-Arm4 aF \ Tu_ M-� s \ 11��IL�rizhr�oa *A-1 j N-Z 1 (,,.> Cy.c.+k_t..ea`:T" fr()k � ASS:�,� �r���,a�_ �zK�-t.'t L�rET�,, LEONARD --- A. RYDELL, P_.E_., P._L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON )7132 18 February 1988 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn : Mr. John Hagman, Engineering Technician III Re : "Certification of Compliance" Dear Mr. Hagman: Enclosed for your information and use please please find a "Certification of Compliance " for CARNAHAN' S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD, COTSWALD MEADOWS and COTSWt,LD MEADOWS NO. 2 showing the status of the projects to date. Please note that the sidewalks and centerline monumentation have not been completed on all three projects and some sanitary discrepancies remain on COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 . 1 have contacted OR-AK Corporation and Krueger Development Company regarding the items to be completed. Should your office need any further information, please give me a call . Thank you. Sincerely yours, Leonard A. Rydell, P. E. , P. L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated OR-AK Corporation Krueger Development Company PI ANNED DEVFI0PMENTS • RESIDFNTIAI SUR01VISIONS �f�; r � .nr�+� . +l � :t i►,;Fk ��r�t, src�Rati r)�tnli`�i�r.�t. , .�t M�, SOLAR-CONSERVATION Hl)MFS ChRT1FICATE ON COMPLIANCE RE: COT SWALD MEADOWS This is to certify (in accordance with T.M.C. 17.08.010(6), T.M.C. 17.09. 120, and T.M.C. 17.09. 160) to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following items) have been installed in compliance with the City's street dedication improvement standards and specifications ; and that the following items are complete in accord with the approved plans, special specifications and conditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project, to wit : (Project Engineer's Initials) I . Sanitary Sewer System 4 ) 2. Storm Sewer System ' 3. General Utility Systems : j Domestic Water Electric Power Gas Telephone Cable 1'.V. Streetlighting 4. Street System: t Subgrade Base Surfacing. . .Base Lift Final Lift Sidewalks Aprons b Ramps f Curb S. Monumentation System h.:11 Certified this �T•' _ day of FRO IC-) �pI pt By: 851 (Pruject Engineer 0 EGO4 Firm: Leonard A. Rydell, PE, PLS_ 22.E � 601 Pinehurst Dt-ive ^qQ p �y0 Newberg, Oregon 97132 e �Ye88 (01338) CITYOF TIGNIM WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Krueger Development Co. 3515 SW Barbur Blvd. Y-1 Portland, OR 97201 Re ; Winter Lace II i Dear Mr. Krueger: Enclosed , please find the Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond ( forms) for said project. After signature thereof by the principal(s) and notary and, in the case of the bond form, by the surety, please return both documents for final processing. After City execution and acknowledgment, a copy will be transmitted to you, for your file, by the City Recorder. Subsequently, thereafter, the approved public improvement construction plans can be issued upon receipt of a check, in favor of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in the sum of $ 15,691.56 being the said agreement (therein stated) deposit/fee(s) . Yours truly, — — -'J V4 ohn S. Hagman Engingeering Technician JSH:pir — 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH 639-4171 — SUBDIVISTON PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we ;rueaer Development C.,mpany and (M-AK Corporation as Principal, and — _ _ a corporation duly authorized to conduct a general surety business in the State cf Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $ 329,, _, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which we, as Princ ,pal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and as3igns firmly by these present. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are plattin-_ a subdiyi_si,wi kulown as Whiter Ljkr Ll located in the City of Tigard, Or,rgon, and have entered into a _Subdiyisi�.L__ Compliance Agreement with respect to timely development and improvement thereof, a ropy uF said Agreement is attached hereto, and by reference made a part hereof; and NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply ::,*h all terms of the Agreement and shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said Agreement and under all ordinances, regulations and conditions of the Obligee applicable to said development and improvement, and shall promptly make payments to all persons supplying labor or material for any cf the work provided by said agreement, and shall rot permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecutioned against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otheiwise to remain in full force and effect. Ir the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recc-er under the terms of this bond, in additi.c.1 to all other rights and remedies hereunder, the City, in the event it shall prevail shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this bond to be executed this day of 19 Krueger Development_c -� lilt-,1!: Corporati(m Principal t'ruic i pal By: (seal) (sear. By: _ seal _ (seal) (A true c.,py of the Power of Attorney _ must be attached to the original of Surety this bond . ) Attorney-in.-Fact�W� (0927P) TIGARDWATER DISTRICT 694, .. W. COMMCRC1AI. GT. r1OARD, ORCOON 97223 /HON[ (so,) 679-1834 From: To: Subject: Water Availability The Tigard Water District can provide the minimum State of Oregon water service requirements: It is the policy of the Tigard Water District to serve water to any property within the district boundary; property owners pay the pipe, construction, and meter costs . The district buys most of its water from the City of Lake Oswego (Clackamas River) and its availability to supply is subject to a mutual agreement. Water is available for each lot at the lot line of COTSWAT,D mpAnnwg PHASE I i _ TICARD, OREGON at the time of sale or lease of each lot in quantity and quality for domestic use as determined by the Health Division of the Department of Human Resources. Owner-.applicant OR-AK CORPORATION/K2'UEGER DEVELOPMENT CO Description COTSWALD MEADOWS - PHASE I r Robert E. Santee, Administrator/Engineer TIGARD WATER DISTRICT I rI l V: V•V {� ,\ s W 1 1 'T%4E P.�C T AL1� j N `T.O►�'� A c CE�'z r).3 'T 14Q. °itOp u•� S V'�6b�v S,. ►. U'F A*-Q Z/) 51b�ev.�►tl.-�-S L�. �.�� Q� ► 31 4012-. SL' �� �v�e�:`. �^•�.1��3k�x`�� 1�•c��.� ram � F'o�. at) wOAcA 4�P.� a",Vu TIM �Y N 'Fo'k 't'1►1� � via g ac-, , �. t-�-c���s��c., c�c- 'tom�5 �t �r. 4 »' 'Jo a)tti'g• Ipit� hl� orb 1X !�'Q C�SIITL CITY OF TIGARD, OR. DEVEI_OMENT SERVICES DEPT. �t�f4%y&jQWDEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT NO. : II. PROJECT NAME: Cor-b LOM-D mulawws = III. DRAWING (TITLE) :_______.__--__�_ —dated: TV. PLAT (TITLE) : _ _ dated _-- V. SITE LOCATION: VI. PRINCIPALS: J (1) DEVELOPER:_ Kt1At - �ve ►�, 7i '3515 S,W,d.3rbwr Phone No. Z7' mviz- Address 041 (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY . Address Phune No._ Bond No, Exp. Date_ (3) ENGINEER: _ � ►�, � ��. -.__� - - tot1 RH,R�wr%b; ` r Address_ , Ih � Phone No. (4) INSPECTOR: — __ ______ Addrt: ;s Phone No. _ (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR:. Address Phone No. i (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY:-- Address-­­----­­------ GENCY:_ Address—____—_i____.----__.__ Phone No, --- Bond o. _ _Bond No. Exp. Daae_- (7) UB--CONTRACTORS: . 1)7 1 tiS dmj CITYOF TIFARD October 7, 1987 OREGON 25 Years of Service 1961-1986 Krueger Development Co. & OR -AK Corp. 3515 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Y-1 Portland, OR 97201 RR: Cotswald Meadows (#1) Dear Mr. Krueger: This is sent to respond to your request for a status report relative to Cit}L acceptance of the aforesaid subdivisions public imprr-,rements. Two sections of sidewalk still remain to be .installed, namely: Lot #18 and Lct #49. Also, the engineers certification (blank copy enclosed) needs to be submitted to this office. When the aforsaid items are canpleted, we will be able to process documentation for project acceptance. Sincerely, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician JH/mj 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O,Cox 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 1503)639-41/1 ----- - - - ------ . �/�/ /' �, i� a� v tr �c-� d � .amu v� ��e -�. ►r .'k�s�'1�,. ? Av1 e \e e-s �fl � �,> �C.4-E. 'z 11 �� �����P_.�:; �.,k.. c��r-� hG p 2�v � c�[�►n�, 7 1 l / I I .� � 1►e � v�c�Er1r 5 rr i f 116 E. FIFTH STREET NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-9168 July 16, 1986 Leonard Rydell , P. E. 601 Pinehurst Dr. Newberg, Oregon 97132 Rei Cotswald I Subdivision Leonard This is in reference to the letter recived from ,you stating that the manhole # R-1 at Cotswald I Sub- division, needed to be lowered and had leaks caused by our firm. We made a field evaluation, and adjusted the manhole in question down 3 feet to meet the surro:anding topographical area. In regards to the said leak in manhole ,'/ E-1 , the contractor that gid the improvement1; for Cotswald II realigned the stub, and in doing so left it with inFiltration. Therefore, Ye feel. that we are not responsible for repairing it. ::sincerely, CU�'�%1 h)l� Charles Ai. Schmidt Schmidt Excavating, Inc. < 0 CP.1S/cl. ccs Krueger Development / 1' Gordon Ilobbs ; City of Tigard , l;ol 'Thompson .AL JIIIIIIUK�� February 1.3, 1986 Or--Ak Corporation Attn: Gordon Hobbs 13050 SW Forest: Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR 97034 RE: Cotswald Meadow I IDear Mr Hobbs: This is to inform you that there is a -jr-oblem in Cotswal.l Meadow I Several sections of concrk-te has frozen and some sections of sidewalk and apron are oroken. 1 have talked to the builders but have gotten no results as yet . Don Morissette has 4, West Dale Construction has 1 and Fish Construction has 1 • All of these were inspected but when the cold weather came they were not protected. Also, they have been drove over by equipment As developer, you are responsible for sidewalks and aprons to be installed to City Standards, before we will recommend acceptan( r) of your project to the City Council. This is a list of defected sidewalks and aprons as o► now. 1 . 117611 SW Swendon Loop Cracked driveway apron 2. 11.764 SW Swendon Loop frozen Sidvwalk, aprori 3 . 11168 SW cwendon Loop Broken sidewalk-chip out of apron 4 . 11774 SW Swendon Loop Frozen-apron 6 sidewalk also broken sidewalk 5. 11798 SW Swendon Lnop Curbs need concrete cleaned off 6. 13620 SW Ashbury Cracked sidewalk and apron Please take care of this as soon as possible so it will not. hold us up lot- 011. Sirlcerel.y, P.I.. fhnmpson Publ i r Wnr k s Trlspr( tr)r -- CAf-I .E. RI r bs 1)1 f cc f Ie QOOS 96bf \ Z06£ 00 Jr. m OOSB OIY9 v g 8 O 8 v rn O N O M O_ W / ^ OW O M G1D ► Ov 1 O 4 U �h O 1 r o p J. O n Q j 2 _. Q - tin n •r. N -N N .� c N 0 - N N N to 'CO M N 4i t/1 F-W ,N �,0J N N w O N N t0 N N m 2 to 2,n N _ N 8 , V'! 'N 1D 0 N v N to N 11 O N 0 N wl 000 OD a OD WO 01 m co m m N I N CD M m Z , k. PQM m I Ob 2b7- 3„5£ bf of N ! N ni) :nv�i IN I \�e� 5171\ P N �a Z2 021 3„St ,bt of N b 1 in O tj Of d017 VOav3mS S, 0 •C d9. 61 s' S L .N l- P bLL O O G �� O J` yD N N O L. • r1 �' X17 Q Q ^ M O tn0,n U1 1 cn C71 1n W p -.t. 111; y�, A a N H p d' l a A� 3„St bto1N OZ 96 3,lGf,OfulN 02963„St,b£o1N ! v N 7 N •-� g� 0 p J n y1 O� O G N4 I SZ SZ 0 N• -� N in H In s n 1n 0 o m �; a J f 3„St,bf o1 N OZ 96 3'„ ;b£of o OZ 96 3„Sf,b£ 01 N T ,02 91i 3.,;f b£o N Q / r a, ANLL V \\� M pNr Q rr In `f 8 O N / 7 �/ uai 8� vi � i S C.DNZ �001 LS 86 3- N N 0296 3 Yf,b£ o N' 0296 3 S£ b£o N --- .. 0296 y1 rf c v p o c M O 1i N t11 V U N i� O N V r �► in p 0 In LD 8 N � Q ^ � r(A0� ✓ m7 ;s V - — - - 3„St,bfolN OZ96 3„ bfdN ? 796 35S bf �• 0296 3 S£ btoly 0 C v o QO 7 in � y p N L I i u O in 00 � ti St bf of N 02 96 3 t of N i OZ 96 3,Sf bf „ -Q2 96 3 Sf t i ` 31Ls , . 3 . in nC3 .n N dC C7 ti obzb? a cc e£ N , l w N ¢ 0 6 n 'r 8 N N N 1 a 1 ~I • O N NI u ♦. . l 7 `• 1� N ^fir tww� r cr 1L � I '� �. �� i 1 , til . �' , , I y• '� V l 11 1 r T ? m ? R1 I m f o r T T m r nl 1D .06 r,nr, - -,. - 505 1505 4(14 tib, 0529 ` !bb' TO '; �aOlp �ow.eso� z o -e-7 VaSe- • C o�z�w��� ME�.`no�s �" i e 141,4-.S'x S - -71-7.15 1)_o 7S, 3 Zo • R��Q MA�� .v�ucE l�s�u� = s;96z,40 1. kA C- W� ��`\ b 1. �.b` 'L' �.t �•.�.T ��S p t-e `ac.�� o+ti � 1�-S '}C'r'w�L\ 1Ms�vL�CM�wtic_G �i2.t-�oC► �• T T j T 44 ( t f y f y r ? - y I r r •t. r' r r' i "' j�yY '+ �r�1R ., r,• �`�1.�` � IN s• ti Lol LU C \ NIV �, r G w co PC#o PL on OREGON ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENI CO 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY LAKE OSWEGO. OREGON 97034 503-635-4551 MAY RUSSELL A. KRUEGER 1335 S.W. 66TH #402 PORTLAND, OREGON 97225 HE: WINTERLAKE SUBDIVISION DEAR RUSS, ENCLOSED IS A LETTER FROM LEONARD RYDELL ESTIMATING THE AMOUNT NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE SECOND LIFT OF COTSWALD MEADOWS AS WELL AS WINTERLAKE. I HAVE REQUESTED A FIRM BID FROM DICK EAGLE, PRESIDENT OE.._ • EAGLE-ELSNER PAVING COMPANY FOR COSTWALD MEADOWS, COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 AND WINTERLAKE. IT IS OUR JOINT RESPONSIBILITY TO COMPLETE THE PAVING ON WINTERLAKE. YOUR SHARE IS FOR 50% OF S.W. SHORE DRIVE WHICH IS 31% OF THE COST TO COMPLETE WINTERLAKE. OUR SHARE IS 69`,; OF THE COST TO COMPLETE WINTERLAKE. WE HAVE AGREED TO HAVE ALL THREE SUBDIVISIONS PAVED WITli THE FINAL LIFT DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE 1987, IF YOU AGREE WITH THIS PLEASE SIGN THIS LETTER RETURN IT TO ME AND I WILL SEND IT ON TO RA14DY CLARNO, CITY OF TIGARD. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME AT 635-4551 . YOURS TRULY, 'REED TO ON MAYis-, 1987 }�,N�l�Q C�. 1 v�1��� OAA rORDON HOBBS, PRESIDENT RUSSELL A. KRUEGER, PRE S. KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT CO. FNCLOSURFS: AS STATED CC: RANi)Y (.'I,APNO, CITY OF TIGARD C,arsu.s�c� �.-� w w w iw w w LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 601 'INEHURST DrIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 5 May -987 (503) 538-5700 04 1 0 Eagle Elsner, Inc. P. 0. Box 23294 Tiqard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. Richard Eagle, President Res City of Tigard - Paving Overlays Dear Mr. Eagle: F,iclosed, as ,you requested, please find one copy of the street .:onstruction plans and Bid Item Schedules for the following projects for which I was Project Engineer : 1 . Winter Lake 2 . Cotswold Meadows 3. Cotswald Meadows No. 2 The first lift of asphalt on Winter Lake was 590. 22 tons, the f-irst lift of asphalt on Costwald Meadows was 1051.88 tons and the first lift of asphalt on Cotswald Meadows No. 2 was 361 tons. Should you need any additional information or have questions regarding the enclosed information, please feel free to give me 11 Nall direct. Thar:k you. .iii rely yours, I 1.eonord A. dell, P. .. , P. L. LAR/j encl : as stated cc : OR-AK Corporation - PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER. SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTE,AS LANG S' 'VEYS 9 SOLAR-CONSERVATION H( ES LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 27 May 1986 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 ,503) 538-5700 Krueger Development Company 3515 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Y-1 Portland Oregon 972011 Attn : Mr. Russell Krueger, President. Re: COTSWALD MEADOWS - City of Tigard Dear Mr. Krueger : As per your telephone request on Thursday, 22 May 1986 , the cost of the second lift of paving for COTSWALD MEADOWS and WINTER LAKE are as follows: COTSWALD MEADOWS $ 20,535.00 WINTER LAKE � Shore Drive $ 3,250.00 Balance of Project $ 7 , 200.00 Total - Winter Lake $ 10,450.00 Please note that these costs estimates are based on the contract prices and quantities contained the the Contract Documents and Agreements with Charles M. Schmidt Excavating, Inc. for both projects. The wotk is covered by contract, and should you not elect to have them do the work , the written c: jreement needs to be modified. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact this firm. Thank you. Since ely yours L onard Rydel , P. E. , P.L. S. LAR/j cc : OR-AK Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS a RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LANE 1RVEYS * SOLAR-CONSERVATION MES w w w r LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS STREET, WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STORM DRAINAGE AND ELECTRICAL POWER IMPROVEMENTS For a 62 Lot Subdivision Located in The City of Tigard Washington County, Oregon j 0 MAY 1985 Opvk f4l �;��[:� v UIIC(.Ur� ,J D E V_E L 0 P E R S Krueger De!►elopment Company OR-AK Corporation 3515 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Y-1 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way Portland, Oregon 97201 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Phone : (503 ) 227-7392 Phone : (503) 615-4551 PLANNFD DEVELUPMENTS RESIDE1`4IIAI SUDUIVI',II WA1fI: SANITARY SEWER AND STnRM f PAINA61 11 "All LAND ' rkVEYS . S0I.AR-CONSEkvAII0N V AEL, n� w 1[IIITEIt Imo! I I ID ITBr Qrg�nrt� _ Cent'd Page 2 of 3 �. 1.LY IIlLaaL�L,y Unit price Total 19. Rock Backfill 3750 cu.yd. S, 0 $.25, Sea.ee Sub Total - Sanitary Sewer STORM 0HAINA_ .E T p OL► MENTS 20. 12' Storm Drain 958 ;feet $ 9 3� � g 99 jtZ 3,6 21 . Manholes 2 each $ Y53. 22. Rock Backfill 140 cu.yd. $_,d.Pe $ Total - Drainage Improvements STREFT IMPROV .MFNTC 23. Excavation 8200 cu.yd. Lump Sum Ste,! GODoo 24. 16• Curbs 4199 feet 25. Catch Basins 9 each 26. Rock 3820 cu.yd. S_S�Qo $ j 2co 27. Class 'B/'C' Asphalt 1110 tonsS �!.Se $ Jj/ 28. Class *C* Overlay 555 t,-ns $ $ 46 r1s.,so0 r , 20, Street Barricade 1 each $ ec.ob s-4-0' .-4�0_ Total - Street Constructionp4!9.,Za aND£RCROLIND UTIL•TTTEn 30. Conduit 1560 feet 31 . Trenching 3235 feet s-6 or 32. Rock Backfill 130 cu.y(1. S1,P0 1/, er 33. Transformer Pads 6 each $ ,3yp_,00 Total - Underground Utilities $_ 2,r L c7q Cott 12 o OREG')N •ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO. 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 503.635.4551 APRIL, 3, 1987 ROBERT L. THOMPSON PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR TIGARD CITY HALL P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 RE: COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 1 SIDEWALK DEAR BOB, WE HAVE CJNTRACTk;G bvITI1 A CEMENT CONTRACTOR TO COMPLETE THE SIDEWALK' AT 13620 S.W. AS1413URY LANE, TIGARD. THE WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND WL; WILL, SEND AN INVOICE TO WESTDALE CONSTRUCTION AS IT WAS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY TO COMPLETE THE SIDEWALKS CINDER THE TERMS OF' OUR AGRELMENT WITH THEM. SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE. YOURS TRULY, GORDON HOBBS, PRESIDENT CC: WESTDALE CONSTRUCTION • 116 E. FIFTH STREET NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-9168 July 16, 1986 Leonard Rydell, P. E- 601 Pinehurst Dr. Newberg, Oregon 97132 Re, Cotswald I Subdivision Leoi,ardi This is in reference to the letter recived from ,you stating that the manhole ;u E-1 at Cotswald I Sub- division, needed to be lowered and had leaks caused by our firm. We made a f; eld evaluation, and adjusted the manhole in question down 3 feet to meet the surrounding; topographical area. In regards to the said leak in manhole ;/ E-1 , the contractor that did the improvements for Cotswald II realigned the stub, and in doing so left it with in['iltration. Therefore, we feel that we are not respor,sible for repairing it. Sincerely, Charles M. Schmidt Schmidt Excavating, Inc. cros/cl rc;i Krueger Devel opr ?nt Gordon Hobbs City of Tigard, Bob 'Thompson February 1.3, 1.986 Or-Ak Cor-porati.on Attn: Gordon Hobbs 13050 SW Forest. Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR 97034 RF: Cot.swald Meadow I Dear Mr. Hobbs: 1 hi s is to inform you ti-lat there is a problem :i n Cotswal.d Meadow I:. . Several. sections of concrete has frozen and some sections of sidewalk arid apron are broken. I have talked to the builders but have gotten n-i results as yet, Oon Morissette has 4, West Dale Construction has I. and Fish Const.ructi.on has 1 . All of these ware inspected but. when the cold weather came they were riot protected. Also, they have been drove over by equipment. As developer, you arra. responsible for sidewalks and aprons to be i.ristal.led to City Standards, before we will recommend acceptance of your project to the City Council . 1hi.s i.s a l.i.st, of defected sidewalks and aprons as of now: 1 . 1.1760 SW Swendon Loop Cracked driveway apron 2, 1.1.764 SW Sweridon L(,op Frozen--Sidewalk, apron 3 . 11.768 ',W Swendon Loop Broken sidewalk -chip out of apron 4. 1.1774 SW Swendon loop Frozem.apron & si.dcawaIk also broken si.d(?walk 5, 11.798 SW Swendon I.00p Curbs need concrete cl.c. rned off 6. 13620 SW Ashbury Cracked sidewalk and ar ,n Please take care of this as soon as possible so i.t wi.11. not. hold c.is up la1.er on. /Si ru:erely, R.L_. Thompson Public Works Inspector RI.-T:b{1.21 cc File January 21, 1986 Portland General Electric Co. Western Division Attn: Glen Butler 14655 SW Old Scholls Ferry Fd. B-,averton, OR 91005 RE: Cotswald Meadows I Subdivision Streetlighting Dear Mr. Butler: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the st.rePtlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactory and, further, to acknowledge authorization for P.G.E. to energize the twelve (17.) lights therein, under Schedule 91, Option B. Sincerely, R. L. Thompson Public Works Inspector RLT:bs/70 cc file Cit.v Accountant R. J. Rouse Electric Inc. 16320 SW Parlar Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 CITYOF T167AIM WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGON December 23, 1985 Russ Kruger c/o Kruger Development Co b OR-AK Corp. 3515 SW Barbur Blvd. Y-1 Portland, OR 97201 RE: Cotswald Meadows Enclosed is a copy of the recorded Non-Remonstrance Agreement for Street Improvements for the above menti3ned project. i If you have any questions, please contact the Tigard Community Development Department at 639-4171. 1 Sincerely, I Loreen R. Wilson Recorder lrw/3558A Enc. t -- 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD.OREGON 97223 PH- 639-4171 ----�--- .-. :QUEST FOR ACTION �� RD LOCATION: AAA 1111-ci tr:2wtLia J PROBLEM: _ E• �� S�[.C� SIC1n1s _ 11/1 ST ���� • _ I i --Y By: Date: FORWARD TO: Administrator _—_ Police - Building Public Works Library ___ Recorder —....__ Planning —_ Other Department Head Response: --_—_ — ACTION TAKEN: —_ - --- By: _ Date ---- --- WHITE: To Orgirator CANARY: To Dept. Head 7/6/81 COTSWALD MEAD( LOi.;ATED IN THE S. E. 1/4 OF THE S•W. 1/4 OF SEC CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OF 5bi ,• 4U Ul EU RLCURDS ' N D N w/1E llOw r'I GSfIC COP I I P l s 636" S W COP V 381,P 40 bbe, l0 E bbuuu 5200' •0 3200' 5200• 5200 5200 5200 5200' 5200 5300 1900 11�p 5500 IT d, a W I °th/ S4 A W/ V 28 W 29 " SO W 31 W 3: n 'f 4035 O't •309 50 FT ,P n n n ^ nl 5023 ,�„ '� 5o FT +,'o 36°0655 w .2C a 50,6 o 5013 Sae sole 5018 5018 5018 I o�/p° lS IB SO FT ^ 50 FT r s0 FT n SO FT n S4 FT n SO Fi n SO Ft n So F? �i SO F1 = ° z �� - a F ,1 5 5500 Z Y.OU ' 3051343 1 4 "ee 21 ' w r1 .y ,45 ( 1500 t- 52 C10 $2 00 - 5200 00 _ �; S ��� 4048 SU F 1 _ ,1R°22 eS w 124W 4 1+88°22 28 w 34600 N �\ P , S. w ASHBU/9Y LANE „ ;'''R "�• !1 N 5205200' �. _ 11"YN 920i 7669' 4199 5200-1� 0 5200 520 .-I. - 0 4201 - ?3 I e�l ~334 -.- Sh v 5181 SO FT a i6 9 3 45 W 44 WJ'. W •11 u 41 W Ott i3 ♦BR i 28 W X0000 �•'+ t 'Y BP°22 :8 w 9900 n r' :; ,• q ! 5614 y 5002 r $002 .,_ , ',uu. S 50 F T ^ SO FT ;U r i .0 F' 7• e n - v O e I 4 y 5000 50 g 4rNri.;1; r 1 r2Z ? RB°;. 79 w O 5900 5200 c' 4, O "R°22 :R w 9900 r I 1 `° Q ( n G 1` I SP Q _ _. .... { fi b Pl1E N ry 0I Nry � Y I ° to I aF 4 !R Jo 0 2 r SUCK S'r " t A W W. " 1141'.?T;9 w .000u J .48802229 w 9900 •� 5614• ,+ 5002 n 5002 „„� S002 Sow „' 5614 t, SO FT of SO FT h( 50 FT SO FT ^I SO 11 ♦ ° S1 oI pflft1 /I�I� F,69 6 owf 110 52 OU 1r, 0'28 w 9900_ O- -- „ 4 ♦ I ,,, v BB"ta' .'8 w 176 bJ 4 sono so F t �' S. W. FE/JI/HG L AHE r •1 R r ��. ^I3 vSoo 22 26w 9900' j Z 4 4199 5200' 5200 I 5200' 5200 1201 1e O T.6 5?' ry N W ry Q 2669 r v 7+ W $000 50 FT F� W 3 ST ^ 56 , 45 �I 54 ^ 53 IrS? h a r ° .4149.22 20 w 9900' ='614 ^I 5002 a 02 :505o02 n 500? A 5614 RR" 2-1 SO Ft ° '•C FT c0 it so rt ° SO FT o SO r1 _ ly 3 yi y� y� K 5000 So fi I W h 5900 5200 l Szoo S?00 oc 5904 48°7728 w 9900 :, YI SSoo .� 6000 • 'w: ,4 It, ,NJ PvE ♦ 111 .°, u ,o 5000 SJ rt .N W .� " R95P w 0% 5614 ^I 5002 , ',002 1 u6u " •' s0 ft SO FT - •.r� F1 SO 11 - 9 '•1 2B w 9900 .r ,'r yt ( i 1S 669 y r "7- 52 h •� J. n ti� i, 5?Otl.�` 5200' J2246 308g •, p145019 s0 FT r1� " Fl ) -_ ► h' �/ o° i ° 45,1111 WVEHOON LC/OP N 1cr N, d���r�y'� 949 m 8536 �� '4l '+88'22 78 w 144 23,1 ' 15 - 40?0 ,° •`lD 5828 �• 1` ` '� v iBet SO Ft / 6) 1 4953' S10G 5100' ;--3150 t 6 so iT 11 ,a1 X04" 12 n 2 56 r' n in 642 ,Np �' r 3300 6r,00 i t � 51591 �f' 11 W it W 9 W P r `qr ►r S = 7 „ rti n 5306 \ ✓ 9 o m n nj n1 :.�' _' SO FT Q V(.fl14 •h<16 �' 5497 sC FT ' m 5054 Y 5034 l NI 5034 OI 'u34 ^ 5092 1,Soft c I SO f 1 ^I 40 F 1 n SO 11 ° ° i0 1 T O o .h 54 UC 6500 I 5100 5 00 11 UU 6100 e .. .. T %11 w' .• ;'N w 4-.1 !F /)V 0� 'VIDUAL - CENERAL PARTNERSHIP IJCONSEST COVENANT (NONREMONSTRANCE AGREEMENT, Street Improvements I•a:1f�ll ,,.e undersigned ,wners (including purchasers) of the real property describe4 DeAaw do hereby record their consent to the formation of A IoCal improvement !lstrict b} the City of Tigard for the p, rposes of improving SW 135th Avenue, from SW Scholls Fry. Rd. to SW Walnut Street. The undersigned expressly -a,ve all present and future rights to oppose or remonstrate against rhe formation of a local tmprevement district for the improvement of said 135th Avenue I reserving only the right to contest the Inclusion of ,,a rttruisr cost Items in the improvement district proceeding and any rig,! •`e;, may have under the laws of the State of Oregon to contest the proposer, .scessment formula, rea, pruvert% that is the iub)ect of this consent covenant 1� describer- . •iJ�S: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT ••A' IS WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor(s) has (have), hereunto set hi their` hand(s) and seal(s) this day of i —�_ (SEAL) ,\1'V�t �1( , t1�1C(a0i 1)I11_)(SEAL) (SEAL) 1( 1 q_ I .0 L�, _(SEAL) I'ATE OF OKECON ) 1 SL. unt) of Washington 1 7 BE 1T REMEMBERED, that on this "7 day of d.tA 19 Y} -cture me, the undersigned Notary Public In and `or the State of Oregon, snnally appeared the vlthfe-named .4 iss[ Cl_ 1 . /rAki, E' I - � (ere' known t, me to be the-identical indlviduat(s) described to nn4 executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he (she) (they e:uted t::P same freely and voluntarily. 1, TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 'cave hereunto set my hand and seal this / da, Notary Public for Oregon :O1'ARLAL SEAL M� Commission Expires: •„ to form this _ day of t- , 19 _ L I_t yLAtcor r.y -(City of Tigard , ;raved as to legal description this Z�r!I day of 19 r� . Byl�/cC [iR') City of Tigard ro CITY CCU IICIL, CITY OF TICAAD, ORECON LenL7`., City *Corder - CIty of Tigard EXHINII "A" A portion of Cotswald Meadows, a subdivision plat in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 1 South, Range 1 Wast, W.M. , City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon and recorded in (look 59 pages 2.0 and 2.1, said County plat records. Said portion being more particularly described as follows : lots 1 through 62 of said Costwal.d Meadows. (1956P) i OTSWAI__D MFADOWS1I LOCATED IN THE S.E 1/4 OF THL SW 1/4 OF `.,L(, 33, TIS, R I W,W M CITY OF TIGARD, WASHING ON COUNTY, OREGON ,... ••.11.rl rw)f � l�•'1•.Y1 11 N�1•N�1•~ r`wrr rp 11 1 lY I ~ I N•H Ii I N•b IIb Ytl YM NN YN YW YM Nb tIM r••R ' Ir11Y NM, t t ► _ 1 L t t [ V 'NL L j 11 I I. n 1. H n n r . • Y I IN N n '� ,�' I•wri Z wii �� Ill...t'• Ni Nli L Nn • Y 1 ' Nrl � M 1 .•. Nn • M ` Nn� •. I i 1H . ;• •Ir 11A • � � Ihl t � Ih1 /hl• .IN I, r19� YM^• -NM NM NllM-' -Ie s/ •�YM'- -Yrf • NII,1'® < 0 . YMI Nrr C• I �,1•ht �w n11.#Ir•w a•Www.INi _ •IKIe•BMW -file. -w LI ASN"or LAor T •'-N✓�'!Y�•O r� l-/\�N M'(^ -YM Y•I-t -Ylr- YM'R -V IY• \OOH O® p tNi1N 11 wu N a R I •I .. n n .� r I .r-�.L.IwM b 1� I •�rCK••••rt � = '. yy r r/ 'rl-. ti I wrl � •i'trr � IN°rN, � •3 ,IIOO1r1 : wit • 7 X t t Nb Nrl Y t •®N11 1'•1 �.. �r•n Ii•a9b L NO YM • Y•r• YN , uN NN - Ihf 6 o E �'� f•oe N.. S R +•NNr. Y � •� •, •• •• L r Y { ;�• ,•r IIK• w. 1•r l9a w ' . o _.N•Nlr.Nw , -^' .r. ,r•I1 : ,1901 y .hf H 11yt Ir et f1Y N. L ~ t NN I • . NII 11 NN 0.1 I t t Ir11 N r1 p �`--No- L •r•11'K•IIN I�� � � • � '.l � L ,Il.rf •N•11 N'• Ma 1 A S. fr~ LU.K t 1 !r •l••N.. x _� •N- -Yr rM -rM- -r•lr Nw'- � i 9 °O- i ti i..r.•r r.11u/1r1 1.1. 1. •RIII N'•N90. � .'- K j NII' � �_ � � NN�' It{ Nn M• t• M•••.1 rM1.1 1...1.1•I A • � I \. I � I ' "[1RT1Y1 1r�lfM7p�J ,�•I •t II K•rW ' ! IY1 • b0: . Ir • N91, •11r1 fw � L •M111i•wM^ j'a'ck •rv, t � Nr1 • Nrt � N/1 1 N11 Nn !(hl 1 'r _ I•NNn •lalrlrm ro•Nn Nm • .-NUff WIN-• _ •M I ►nW[�fgILAL NK •r • •.r of K• tNM LAM)FIIIVL7011 + r•rpt * � I Y N r rtrY tM rt �� � .� 11•l Nrr ( � � p 199e N n t r1s � NN � NN �^ Q e1 •N ICtN I o r t o�I. M•.If1► r•Ir li.n9• r.. Nr1 - N t �ri� - nMr(� 1 I••• ;I : I�� 1 hl I'r•1 eL� I! ! 'n~-•lM• -Y•f YM�HM-N If . �•� ./�.•' ; �Ni 1)1 f`J •( •1 w• •.N N If p1A•y• D1• ^I f►1KMOM lOO• O 0 l/ 1• r I�'N • t 1 0 ` •nviW w.• -...---�- �� :ne / .Iw as f f♦ N n Y. 1 wrl Iw N rr / (� -rr1- --t111 11f•- h f{ . N: 1 CLARENCE E BARKER ldm IN 1 'L H• ti 0. N•r HN M'• Rff W.11111tt II Irl t •j li I.n O Ir' Mrl�__ wlY owm1.Ir>oo � S •'�9h1 • . 1 t 1 N•1� �M tllf w141111111e� j1{ � N N ..�N111- __ � tp tl•r+l(• •M1111••MT r^1 INrh 111w r.1 W1.I.A..1i.1 tryM1 Mrl,w 11t H 11f ill t•n11 1..•1��+•• STATE OF OREGON County of Washington 38 I,Dr ,aid W MaF Dilector'it Assessment and Taxation and E;-Otficio Recoldar of Con- ve�yances for said co'joty, do hereby cortity that the within instrums'it of writing was received and recorded in book of rnrords of said county, Donald W Masan, Director of Assessment and Taxation, Ex- Officio County Clerk �J 19 5 OCT 25 P11 4: 09 � � rr COTSWALD MEADOWS a LOCATED IN THE S. E. 1 /4 OF THE S. W. 1 /4 OF SEC. 33 , T I So R I W W. M. CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON SURVEYOR' S CEYTIFI CATE : APPROVALS I , Clarence E . Barker , being first duly sworn, depose and say that I have DEDICATION : surv%yed and marked with proper monuments the land herecin shown as "COTSWALD WASHINGTON COTNTY : MEADOWS" , which is described as follows : STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF WASHINGTON S . S . Approved this day of 1985 Beginning at the Initial Corner of this subdivision which is a 2-inch by 36- WASHINGTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT inch galvanized iron pipe set 6 inches below the surface of the ground at a Dint which bears North Ol 34+ 35 East 330 . North 88 28 West Know all people b these By P ' ' 20 feet and N ° �? ' � p _ p y presents that I , Russell A. Krueger , 35 . 00 feet from the quarter corner on the South line of Section 33 , Town- being the owner of the land represented on the annexed map , and ship 1 South , Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian �_n Washington County , more particularly described in the accompanying "Surveyor ' s Oregon; thence North 88° 22 ' 28" West 93 . 00 feet ; thence South 59°36 ' 22" West Approved this day of _ 1985 Certificate , have caused the same to be surveyed and platted 150 . 89 feet ; thence North 88°22 ' 28" West 404 . 00 feet; thence Norah 01034 ' into lots asshown on the plat of "COTSWALD MEADOWS" . and do WASHINGTON COUNTY SURVEYOR 35" East 730 .00 feet_ to the Southw-est corner of that tract of land, described hereby dedicate all streets and easements as shown hereon, to in Book 381, page 40 , Deed Records for Washington Count Oregon ; thence By g y � g � the public use forever. South 88022 ' 28" East along the South line of said Tract , 660 . 00 feet to a point on the East lire of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Tract ' A' is hereby conveyed to the City of Tigard . said Section 33 ; thence South 01° 34 ' 35" West along said line , 650. 00 feet ; Approved this _ day of 1985 thence North 88°22 ' 28" West 35 . 00 feet to the point of beginning and con- DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT ANTD TAXATION (COUNTY ASSESSOR) taining 10 . 708 acres of land , more or less . Washington County, Oregon Russell A. Krueger By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Approved this day of 1985 WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF COM2,1ISSIONERS STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF WASHINGTON S . S . This certifies that on this div of - eared Russell A. Krueger , to me personally known '. , Registered Land Surveyor No. 636 1985 , before me appeared duly sworn , did say that he is the identical person named in the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same this Attest _ freely_ and voluntarily . — day of 1985, DTRECTOR OF ASSESSMENTS & TAXATION , ex officio Subscribed and sworn to before me (COUNTY CLERK) Washington County , Oregon this day of , 1985 . By Notary Public for the State of Oregon My Commission expires APPROVALS : CITY OF TIGARD Approved this day of , 1985 STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF WASHINGTON S . S . PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR By I , Director of Assessments & Taxation, ex officio (County Clerk) , do hereby certify that the original g al plat was received for record Approved this day of 1985 at I this o _ day of 1985 , PLANNING DIRECTOR , clock _ .M. and in Book � of Records of Town Plats of said County . By By f� (.7,WAI..-.Z} OF* 12 od - M r ' n � � ... •v .�•-.. t .. -.. _ 1'h."IikM'Iis1 ;A� ""ter e tea. 7jr I I I �11 I I 1 1I I 1 I .,IIIi I IJill t� I � I I � I � � " , NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED 0 1 r DRAWIN(; IS LESS CLEAR THAN u a , THIS NOTICEI—IT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL _-.'�'U RAW I IV(i. Q� 6 Z 8 Z 1 Z 9 Z S Z b'Z E •' Z ZZ IZ 0Z fit 91 L1 91 SI bI EI Z1 11 01 6 9 L 9 S b E Z 1 I I. I ' j tltlliil�flf�11 WIIIuI111111111111u1111111�I�11Uttlll�� lllU�ll�U� �1H ve� <<!111lI�IIII11111111Illlllllf�lllitlll III�III�iIiI�1111�1111�tt�t11111�11ti1�i111111i�t11+ltlit#i�1111�•±It�ll�i�N11�111111f1l�1111�1111I 11lllIllflllf�l'� � I �j . . ..... ter. - �. . � : 10 T_ 9 A -1 a G 9 ., -4 J 'v V Go N O) OD O t7 p O ! dO O 0 p O O O p Cl" OORDINATE SHEE T - 501t- (,, y. WINTER LAKE µ� Scale: 1 Washington• .�.9678�' � ��� � County, Orqgon ( 7J .. 4 /CSI 9 - 4 � s4 -- _._4 4� z CC� -u 730. 00 i 4i -'moi �/�, C) . 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L ( - i 333 �'-� - I 17 q' EItSEwErn +) (t c c E8 Q=Z5, `1. C1 ( 35 C3_�k 3'S7 �'',�� I t ats 49b 1. '3 -� -a q.� 33t 3Q3,' y t00 g .>.4 534 J - � p o4 -L o 41 j10 , 376 �1 R= 2S' y oRK �03 +47 � , Z / i 1 49 rl� Z ' S.`a°-- n�46� - ---- . , , - - --- - - --_ - - ---- _ -_ f9lb� 3 4 y� SO° --- %- SC° s¢.a� sg c �r -00' 10 n r� - - _---- --- �02►� o-�q C �7.;D 85.00 sr-OC 3 9.OZ -- 1J71- 19 l6C '3 Z.40 - _ - - - -- ---- L. 1.. _ - --- - .. ----- -- - - 9 33.,a Y 'i9 zz764 � �� � ,� ,� �"h L.`� ZI°),D z17 4'� zls �d3 I4, . 1z cert �a8 - - - - Iv y� 21M ZZ7.z9 ti 2 - - 25 5 2�` O• ( 317: E� -.n ti 2 Z ti 2 ,• 2 M q�l !E 5tE ? i9 36 O 1 M L 25.1 s o4 O E `L�9 Ao rJ p r- 4. 298 0 5 C -- Z13.4 - �{ I Z . 7 ---+-- _ G ein./ _- 3 .,O o, 0 ' 0 P.4 x43 i DTZ i I7 -= /,\/C)° ©3 ' 4/ " W / r v'tU Q c_ 4q` 1 wt 2vv Com �-t N i , �k _ 1 iE 5 c,� z 4 �_ _ 7� c^ (-"3 4, w - G sn.o0 z, o - 4(c.J •. ., 7_ Z 39/4 �• . � I (� j'�,C c N �c a P� _ ..3 Q'� -� 2-t-4 Z.3 9 N4 o P'REP'ARED BY. N 2F�FQ P, kA Leonard A . Rydell , P, L, 4 , 60.1 Pinehutat Drive � ; �° � No-c- � ���g = o. �• �,-�,, t�� � � p 1 .r Newberg , Oregon 97132 -4 v Phone : ( 503 ) 538-5700 ► Q' o 0 O C O © p 1 O W . O . No . 8505 Ma,�ta 4 OF 1. ."' � '� .++�" '� �� _"'"""" '�M,1���� �Nei�►ew , .a.•nwr.* A+ :.�•- - ,A. .""'°'ee'. � ,....,�,r �N �t� . ....._ - --- - - -_ •"..' awry,. a .� tjIr l � III �I � 111fI� I� IIL���IF }ll ��i�il + ili-11 111 ' I_j 1111r !�-x111 II 'I'C11 � I � �II � 1 ijlll � I � I� 1 � 1 I � I � r� � 1i1 � 1 � 1 � � I � 1 � 1 ISI 1 � 1 III ISI 111 III III I � 1 1 � ! >i� l ill 1 ; 1 1 � 1 � �r 1� tI ill _ NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED I , Z i 3 - - - - 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 �....I....�..�. . DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICk;7T I S DUE 'TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ..• - DRAW I NG. OE 6Z 8Z LZ 9Z SZ. bZ CZ ZZ IZ 0Z 61 81 Li 91 S1 b 1 E I 21 11 01 6 e L 9 S b e z' I ""nom ! I ii � ff � � 1 t111111�1illlllllillllllllllllll 11 1 II� 1 IIII �II�1 ,,.4- �r!111111�1111�1111�111111�{111�1111111�111�1,IIII�IIillllll�ii111111�1���t�iitt,�t�t�tNll�l11111111i1�1'lllllllltll#IIII11 III111�1111111#14111#�Illlitll111illlittl 1ltiiiltl#liil�llll�ltli,�lill�lll{�Ilil�llll��L�i�!>�� 111.Wt111 11 �1111�1�.0.. I !_ ll� r WASHINGTON COUNTY �(< ADMINISTRATION BUILDING — 150 N. FIRST AVENUE QCT HI LLSBORO, OREGON 97124 1 '"W J _/ DEPT OF LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATIOI Engineering/Survey Division nl 2nd Floor 777"��� (503)648-8761 September 26, 1985 Bill Monahan Planning Director City of Tigard P.O . Box 23397 Tigara, Oregon 97223 RE: LAND DEVELOPMENT ACTIONS - 135TH AVENUE, 121ST STREET & GAARDE STREET The purpose of this letter is to summarize the County's position on the proposed land developments along the subject roadways. Since our September 16 h meeting, several meetings and discussions have taken place and the County' s understanding of what has to occur for these developments to proceed is as follows : i 1 ) 135th Avenue - The County has processed phase two of the Winterlake ea vcicpment. Prior to the processing of future phases, an align- ment for the Murray Boulev extension must be determine;; . The Cty has decided that a waiver would be required 121st reet in Tteu 'the half-street requirement for the Rimkeit development. The County as put together conditions for the Rimkeit development to obtain a access permit, the specific requirements gall for (as noted in my p evious letter) : A) Dedicate ad tionalright-of-way to provide 35 feet from centerline of W 121st Avenue frontage (Reference CDC 501-5.1 .B.2.e. B) Sign a waiver %noto remonstrate against the formation oil a Local Improvemeni: istrict to improve SW 121st Avenue between SW Walnut Str t and Gaarde Street to an Sr-4 standard. C) Assure construction of a s\ewalk along all SW 12.1st Avenue frontage (CDC 502-6) . D) As:ure adequate roadway drainage, ditches need to be craned. (CDC 501-5.1 .c. ) . \ E) Access to SW 121st Avenue will have to be shared, based on the spacing standard (CDC 501-5.3.B.3. ) . art r�ur;l " �r� rrinrrill rrn� l, rr � s 3) Gaarde and 121st Street - The Sonata Park Subdivision needs to comp yw-- itK the foTT-owing: A) The 350 curve radii as shown on the current plan is acceptable. The County would like to note that further developments will be required to design to a 35 MPH speed limit. B The access spacing for the four lots in question will be consolidated to a single access point for Lots 31 , 32, . 3 aligned with an access for Lot 15 on the opposite side o Gaarde Street. C) Sigh distance restrictions from the access points will be handle through sight distance easements across the affected parcels, or deed restrictions reflecting one-way operation of the t cts. D) Drainage an miscellaneous desi n concerns be addressed as per the SeptOTber 25th meeting Minutes attached) . It is my hopes that this letter will help to expedite processing of the pending land development applications. If you have any comments or questions. please c::ll . /JerryCParmenter Engineering/Surveying Manager JP:TT:hs Enclosures c: Chris Bowles, Beaverton City Engineer Bob Jean, Tigard City Administrator Bruce Darner Tom lushner Page 2 September 26, 1985 Sub,j : Land Development_. Actions - 135th Aventw, 11"1-,t `;trvvt & Gaarde Street WASHINGTON COUNTY Inter—Department Correspondence Date September 25, 1985 F" File horn Tom ,Tushner, Road Engineer �✓ suhtecl GAARDE SAF EET • SONATA PARK SUBDIVISION This memo is in flow up to a September 25 meeting at the Washington County offices regarding e Sonata Park Subdivision. Attendees : Ian T nsend, Kampe Associates, Inc. James lak , Century 21 Ron Aase, Washington County Tom Tushne Washington County The purpose of the meeting wa to clarify the remaining steps necessary for the Sonata Park n Sion tr) roceed. The following conclusions were drawn and courses of action arrived a �: 1 ) Drainage Calculations - Iak Townsend will be reviewing the drainage calculations on Gaarde Stre , East of 121st. Street based on Washington County standards. 2) Ditch Profiles - ?f Ian determi s a pipe is not needed when doing his drainage calcula _ions as noted ab`Qve, a ditch profile showing the effects of a ditch on both the roadway and adjacent properties will be required. �\ 3) Bicycle/Pedestrian Ramps - lom Tushne will check with the City of Tigard on the mid-block bicycle/pedestr an ra,nps. Ltd 1. 16) 1 4) Road Profiles - Ian will supply additionalrofile information for the West end of Gaarde Street to assure that this design does not preclude the 35 MPH design on Gaarde Street to the West. 5) Driveway Design & Location - Approval was givers to the driveway design for Lots 31 , 32 & 33 and for Lot 14 (Sketch Attached) . The driveway for Lot 14 was approved on the western ed a to accommodate building design. 6) 121st Street Profile - Ian will supply additional oro ile information on 121st Street in order to provide a smooth trans"tio It new and existing pavements. 7) 121st & Gaarde Street - Ian Townsend will include a detail \'on what will be constructed at the S.W. corner of 121st Street and Gaarde Street due to the lack of R.U.W. The County will receive a copy of the signing and striping plans for Gaarde Street. UIL i 8) Sight Distance - Sight distance restrictions will be handled either through sight distance easements or (in the case of the \\ west drive cn the south side) a deed restriction for the one-way \Attendees perr,tion. The presented to the City of Tigard by the develorer to receive thei . TT:h c: er Bill Monahan Page 2 September 25, 1985 Subj : Gaarde Streot - Sorata Park Subdivision I •�"°a7' ..� � �� ,.� � cIR � ,��-,yew py - lift �K ca 01, 1 ' _ 1 a. 1. . J/) N W ` Or s......R s .RL.� "i I e/ lkso � r oil m ' ,J ISI �r✓ /. �`'/ ,/ ;�:' �•� •� �� _� V' rte.C ---� --.�--_ em 'tom ����•i j.�Ito October 2, 1985 CirfCW T11FARD WASH16 GMN COUNTY,OREGON Eugene Rimkeit 13615 SW 121st Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Gene: On September. 25,' 1985, the City received a letter from Jerry Parmenter, Engineering/Surveytvg Manager with Washington County, outlining certain conditions which they would apply to your development. According to the circulation list you should have received a copy of this letter. If not, I have enclosed one for your review. On page two of this letter Jerry has outlined 4 items which need to occur prior to obtaining the necessary permits. Relative to iteata 1 6 2 1 have enclosed the complete documents ready for your signature and signatures of other parties that may now have interest in your property. With respect to item 3, on October 14, 1985 the Council will consider Engineering's request to release all but $3600 of your cash bond and refund a portion of your permit fee. This is scheduled as a consent item and no problems are anticipated. The City will respond to items 3B and 3C. With respect to item 4, please provide us and the county with a map showing the proposed driveway access(a)i Please return the dedication and non—remonstrance documents before October 9, 1985 so we can schedule them for the October 14, 1985 Council meeting and respond to the County. Sincerely, Randy S. Clarno Engineering Services Manager (RSC:pm/1948P) cc: Jerry Parmenter, Engineering/Surveying Manager, Wdehington County John Hagman Keith Liden 12755 S.W. ASF' PO BOX 23387 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:839-4171 �u.ltxzomalz l7ouatp, Oregoxz To Date `� —I1sZ.__Time WHIL YOU WERE dUlf„ Phone___—. -- - - --- TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH Maeege ad.g1� ey; 1 Lj — _ —. 1 � 410 I I. y rf n'1 ar; ol .f e .�Itu�i � ,YIEj�k.ldY��1r y. 1. !'n f 4 � 1 f I w 4 ' t ,r ,• .1 'y1•i i1' �`. ,�•���F�r\�� ���J� l �C\�.� �_ �7`J 1..�� � �-�C1. �I�J E `I'r�++ ��+4�r �.�G�Y1./a1•�C� �Z�:.11=, v.aN','`N 41��, $F �1JE �"f' �� u1. t"�• Y 1 1:i* f: Y✓v��..►' F �G�` L�+ �. � � Tu 'Fri F 4 1ti•4� yh . "� 'j• r f`.t, � , �• ,...� w•. '�. `� •�. '�,, ?6 •„y, .. 1 �' a .�ti . ;;�' w- � '1 W�� r _ , t F' i ,,*fir Q '► 'C�rr. +fiT 14 1#•�M r �• �• I, `�1 I JYI1 � 1 �' � ,� � �' �l �f. r I �. w - pie14A1 A L ACRP.EMINT WITH DEPOSITOR AND TKUSTEE ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OR DEPOSITS This agreement it. for the purpose of t,ilfilling the requirements of subdivis.i,,QD, Compliance Agreement dated Jane 1.', 19815 between the City of Tigard and OR-AK Corp b Krueger Dew. e'aad In entered Into by the Depositor Margery F. Krug,,er and Somers. Grove & Co., Inc. Trustee. The undersigned depositor and trustee do hereby assign the right to the City of Tigard to determine at its discretion the payment of all funds or securltiea held by Somers Grove & (lo. , Inc. as tru•Itee In he _amount of 65,982.00in Savings Account No. J3-507-70-7-77— Deposit - Depusit No. _ or Time Deposit No. __ in the _ _ In accordance with and for the Purpose of Sonding improvements lesrribed in the above stated _�;ubdlv,stuii _—Compliance Apteoment. tt is understood and agreed that the Somers, Grove & Co., hic. will hold e.uc.h funds cr securities in the amount o 65,9E+1,o0 until an authorlsatlon or direction for payment to received from the City of Tigard and that the City of Tigard ties the right to withdraw Prinicipal Funds with City ,�t Tigard signature only, in the event of Non-Performance. All fund deposits shall be renewable at maturity and at rates and terms in effect at the :lme of renewal, and all interest shall be paid to or accrued as directed by the Depositor notwithstanding anything contained herein to the co.itrary. That the accuunt is to remain open until such time as all Public_ Improvements are completed and accepted by the City of T,gord. Signed and dated at LAI Oregon. Thta r day of S�pT , 19 Signature of Depusltor Address 14655 N.W. Hunter Dr. Beaverton OR 97006 Signature of City of Tigard Address ACCEPTANCR, The undersigned by accepts the funds or securities deposited in the amount of 4 t5,982.0 Is 61 It day of 5r'pt"oili'' 19 85 P and hereby acknowledges receipt of t e �'10r#tt86Qlp gd5tt enunt oo.03-511 40-I-H nr the r.ortiftcate for Deposit No. or certifies that there is ou Passbook Isaued for this accoun[.__1t is turther agreed that said account will be held for the uses and purposes above stated until authorisation for dlsnoattiun in granted by the City of Tigard. * Securities, with a value in excess of the required cash value of the compliance agreement have been directed by the Depositor to be delivered from the transfer agent to the Trustee, per the attached lette . Authorlsed Signature Snme s CnEvr & (1444P) September h, 1985 William W. Rosenfeld . Vice President Dean hitter Reynolds Inc. 10300 S.W. Greenberg Rd . Suite 190 P.O. Sox 6000 Portland OR 97228 Dear Mr. Rosenfeld: Please deliver directly to Somers , Grove 6 Co. , Inc. , 9800 S.W. Beaverton Hillsdale Highway, Suite 202, he-averton OR 970U5 2500 Shares Common May Department Store tpresently in transfer) for the, "perf,irmance guarantee" account of Krueger Development Company. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Marger F. Krueger 14FK/jl PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPAN Cost Agreement For Residential Line Extensions In Advance of Service to Ultimate Users Applicant (-7-71 ► Date ( , Project Name '1 , :a r•T` .A./11 At _c-. kA! Job No-- f? - Project Location � q. F Ir _itl"t OH UG �- Div Billing Address C, I?�.. - �� For Office Use Only ['pel r J Line Extension Cost I 1 . The Applicant must advance the line extension cost or provide a third-party credit guarantee before construction of the line extension. 2• The line extension cost does/`floes![ include trenching costs. (circle one) 3• A part of the line extension cost is refundahle based on the connection of permanent loads to the line extension. a. Line extension cost $ ,. (,,--/ ] G - b. Applicant responsibility $ C"_�' c. Total amount subject to refund $ .;)C !I 7. �`- d. Estimated total number of permanent customers -? e. Refund amount (c/d] $ .'L., /Customer Third-party credit guarantee (if ;rolfcable) f. Authorized rate of return g. Carrying costs (c x fl $ 5 , --z- h. Amount of Guarantee [c + g] $ 4• The amount of the refund due to the will be calculated not more often than annually upon request. If within the first year after completion of the line extension 752 of the total expected load has been connected, the total amount subject to refund shall be refunded to the Applicant. If less than 75% of the total expected load has been connected, refunds shall be made annually and shall be determined by multiplying the amount of permanent load connected during the year times the per unit refund on Line 3 (e) above. Total refunds will not exceed the total amount subject to refund. Any portion of the advance remaining after 10 years shall be retained by PGE. 5. Where a third-party credit guarantee is accepted by PGE, no money will be required from the Guarantor if at least 75% of the permanent load has been connected within one year after the line extension has been installed. If less than 752 has been connected, the Guarantor shall immediately pay the amount of the guarantee less refunds calculated in accordance with Section 4 above. Subsequent refunds will be made as if the Applicant had made a cash advance. 6. The Applicant has no ownership rights in the line extension materials or easements. 7• The terms of this Agreement are subject to change if advance payment or third-party credit guarantee is not received within 60 days of the date of this Agreement, if the line extension is not completed within six months of the date of this Agreement, or if there are any changes in construction design. R. PGE is not obligated to begin construction before advance payment or guarantee is received. � t� II Applicant a Signature Telephone -' — re_ S� tter j TI t - -- — t PCE Representative Telephone i>•tribut i In: White, C1"; file; allaI ;, H111inw I -1i,v; Mink, .toh COPY; goldenrod, Customer. MOKALMIR Lb LIN; C .tf f f L- `►n �� f{ / 7f I ti Y/, .- ................ A4 �o 2. y i I•D �--- r 11tt ''oo l l"O Np-�:c��.�j_�� „�ia►�G� ��::.� ;i.s�T1�1l�'-c:.•�1 ��- 1 tL 176.00 ZI _31.0., - E 46 p o' " 11544�i�� lac / /I�.,r� ''J� �w{` ��Q� �•J'"'/ t� r 66"41- 164• +J•C/ to Al J i f •zz 2�5' 50. 16 d Ayo AJo-(ueu 6 to jOtop s L� KK/4— I -�v C— f1•�'� p. 11 l66 6. / Mho I�p -�►�11�-Ji�u � Y�Obi . Q:c7P �. ei ti o- 76 LMmLMLmlKKmmkm Q X p A " • • T1Ti�R1¢'Ji71, ;1 T* f u N O r��I���I 7�1��yIl�u����'�}}t��II u ' I TmI ' 1 I O 1 u N .1 v +� • r� V o w r r 9 r • n .. — d u u u o a7 u F- s x a tl �S / � x r „ I ri W1ll1111 W111111 IIII�IIII�IIII�Il 11 lllll�ll 1111,11 I,��1.1.,_„I,I,lil.11�,1,1,1, Lllllll Ilrll 1.1 l�i I 1 I � I�i I�1 i l�l�l�� o ! . ; 1�i ■ '1 p .t7� 71 A 4 day{ �Cp y� 1 1'1 � g � � UI Do J v. I. L {Q • ti ,� • a � � y�y � u li �''� w A • � i y .. o ;J QIFL 19 ,Y I � CB9kyrdy urL .Q !1 u�a.� °� rq� �/�.. < I:�;trr SW APPENDIX -01 ,97� 1 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 7 August 1985 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 Clarence Barker Land Surveying 4145 Silverton Road N. E. Salem, Oregon 97303 Re : COTSWALD MEADOWS - Tigard Dear Clarence, Enclosed please find copies of the plans and aerial photo marked up showing the 15.00 foot drainage easement required for the drainage outfall from COTSWALD MEADOWS (WINTER LAKE II ) through the Krueger property in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. Please prepare a legal description for the drainage easement. A drainage easement legal description is also required for COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 (WINTER LAKE III ) . That easement will run west to the swale and down to Scholls Ferry Road. Please prepare an easment for that drainage also. When the final easement documents are drafted, they should contain a provision that the easement location can be revised when the storm drainage lines are extended. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call. Thank you. Sinc ely yours; 60 Leonard A. Rydel , P. E. , P.L.S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc: OR-AK Corporation Krueger Development Company City of Tigard ►PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUHUIVISIONIj V-1ATER, SANITARY SEINER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS a SOLAR-CON14RVANON HOMES WASHINGTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING — 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97124 F.� DEPT,OF LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION Engmeernnp/Survey Division 2nd Floor (503)648.8761 July 23, 1985 Leonard A. Rydell 601 Pinehurst. Drive Newberg, Oregon 97132 Attention: Leonard A. Rydell , P.E. RE : WINTER LAKE II and III - CITY OF TIGARD I received your letter arid the enclosed plans which show the profile of 135th Avenue, July 22nd. It appears that there is enough information for me to review the plans as they affect 135th (a Washington County road at this tirre) . What I wish to Doint out is that as I mentioned in my previous letter, there are several items yet to be cleared up legally and administratively before an access oermit can be issued on this project. As far as I am concerned, nothing has changed towards issuing an access permit . This will be addressed by someone in a policy establishing position and not myself. Therefore, there still should be no work done along our road until this issue is cleared up. If I can be of ny further help, please contact me at 648-8830. Ron Aase Project Review RA:hs c: Earl Reed Randy Clarno, City of Tigard an equal opporrunrtr employer CITY OF TIGA RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON .July 19, 1985 Krueger Development Co. & OR-AK Cori). c/o 3515 SW Barbur Blvd. , Y-1 Portland, OR 97201 Re: Winter Lake 11 Dear Russ: Enclosed is a copy of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement for the above referenced subdivision which was recently approved by the Tigard City Council. If you have any questions regarding this ;,rojecL, please contact the Tigard Engineering Division. Sincerely, lLoreea Wilson Deputy City Recorder 1w/3023A --- 12755 S W ASH PO BOX 23391 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH 6,19-4171 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 18 July 1985 (503) 538-5700 Washington County Dept. of Land Use and Transportation 150 North First Street Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Attn: Mr. Ron Aase Re: WINTER LAKE II and III - City of Tigard Dear Mr. Aase: Enclosed as you requested on the telephone are two sets of a profile of S. W. 135th Avenue along the proposed 52 and 21 lot subdivisions WINTER LAKE II and III located in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. This plan should complete the r.egUirement, of your lctt-ar :#&Lt;J 18 June 1985 so that an access permit for WINTER LAKE II can be issued. Please nate that the improvement plans for WINTER LAKE III are almost complete and will be submitted to your office shortly. Should you have any recommended changes, questions or need any further information regarding the project, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. Sindrely yours, Leonard A. Ryd 11, P.E. , P.I,.S. LAR/j encl : as stated CCI OR--AK Corporation City of Tigard Russell Krueger PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATEP, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 18 July 1985 Charles M. Schmidt Excavating, Inc. 116 East 5th Street Newberg, Oregon 97132 Attns Mr. Charles M. Schmidt, President Re: WINTER LAKE II - City of Tigard Change Order No. 1 Dear Mr. Schmidt: As discussed at the project on Monday, 8 July 19085 , two changes have been made to the storm drainage improvement to the 62 lot subdivision WINTER LAKE II to the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. The changes as -arked on your plans and approved by Bob Thompson of the city of Tigard are as follows: 1. Add 50 feet of 12-inch corm drain along S. W. 135th Avenue north of the intersection of Middle Street as staked. 2. Revise the grade of the 12-inch storm drain between lots 36 and 37 from 1.08 to 0.48. Payment for Item No. 1 shall be made under Bid Item No. 20. No additional payment or credit will be made for Item No. 2. Enclosed are four copies of this change order . Should the terms as stated be acceptable and an agreed, please sign all four copies and return them to this office for signature by the Owners. Upon signature by all parties, this Change Order No . 1 is hereby made a part of the Contract Documents and Plans for the STREET, WATER, SANITARY ;;EWER, STORM DRAINAGE AND ELECTRICAL POWER IMPROVEMENTS for WI14TER LAKE II , City of Tigard , Washington County, Oregon as covered by the Agreement dated 4 June 1985. PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS a RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS a SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES wwkm�AL Charles M. Schmidt 18 July 1985 Page 2 of 2 Should you have any questions regarding this Change Order No. 1, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Leonard A. Ryde11, P.E. , P.L.S. LAR/j cc: OR-AK Corporation Krueger Development Company City of Tigard Terms accepted and agreed to this _ day or July 1985. Party of the FIRST PART Party of the SECOND PART By By _ Gordon Hobbs, President Charles M. Schmidt, President OR-AR Corporation Charles M. Schmidt Excavating By Russell A. Krueger, President Krueger Development Company i July 15, 1985 CirfOF TIFAM WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Krueger Development Company 3515 SW Barbur Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97201 RE: WINT'ERLAKE II Dear Russ: This is to verify, per your request that: 1. Each lot will be situated on a asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, include curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for operation and maintenance, which mets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, will have drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned disposal system will be available to each lot at the time of sale. The disposal sustem will meet the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required, to be constructed, by the City of Tigard, Oregon are under construction. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard Council there;nregard completion of the improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tiga:.j Recorder's Office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/verification required to be submitted to the State Real Estate Division by each subdivider. Sincerely, Randy S. Clarno, P.L.S. Engi,,ee :ing Section Manager (RSC:cz/0220S) 12755 S.W ASH P.O BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH:839-4171 —� E JUS u 1'9SS LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 29 June 1985 Washington County Dept. of Land Use and Transportation 150 North First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Attn: Mr. Ron Aase Re: WINTER LAKE Il - City of Tigard Dear Mr. Aase: This letter is in response to your letter of 18 June 1985 regarding the access permit to S. W. 135th Avenue for WINTER LAKE II in the City of Tigard, Oregon. The informaticn that you requested normally would have been provided, except that the City of Tigard specifically requested that no improvements other than a temporary overlay be done along S. W. 135th Avenue. It is my understanding that a local improvement district will. be formed to improve the street. City of Tigard approvals included a "non remonstrance " provision to the local improvement district. Therefore, I attempted to design the intersection to allow it to be readily adapted to future improvements. This includes: 1 . Ending curb radii at the beginning of the curb radius along Middle Street. The design curb radius is 25 feet and assumes a improvement width of 44 feet for S. W. 135th Avenue. 2. Installing a grade break in Middle Street at 0+46.96 which will allow S. W. 135th Avenue to be lowered if required when improved in the future. 3 . Installing the north/south storm drains 15.0 feet on the west side of the street centerline to allow for future extension. This also matches the existing ditch. The proposed outlet invert to the north is three feet deep from PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS a RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS a SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES ! ! Mr. Ron Aase 29 June 1985 Page 2 of 2 finish centerline, but should you require a maximum ditch depth of two feet, it can be extended to the north. Approximately 20 additional feet would be required. The City of Tigard has approved the plans as enclosed and construction is in progress. Should you have any additional questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact this firm. Thank you. Sinc rely yours, Leonard A. Rydell, P. E. , P.L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc: OR-AR Corporation City of Tigard WASHINGT,nN COUNT i ADMINISTRATION BUILDING — 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97124 DEPT.OF LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION Engineering/Survey Division 2nd Floor 15031 648.8761 June 18, 19850 Leonard A. Rydell 601 Pinehurst Drive Newberg, Oregon 97132 Attention: Leonard A. Rydell , P.E. I received the plans for Winter Lake II Subdivision from Ken Kruger to review for work within the County right-of-way of S.W. 135th Avenue. There are several items yet to be cleared up legally and administratively before an access permit can be issued on this project. When those items are cleared up, approved plans will be required; therefore, I am suggesting the correc- tions to the plans continue at this point, hoping that by the time the plans are corrected, the other items will be cleared up. Concerning the access from 135th to Center Street, the following items are required: 1) A profile of 135th at least across the frontage of the subdivision including centerline, existing ditch and any proposed improvements to the ditch; also where the inlets are in the ditch. 2) Our maximum depth of ditch is 2 feet or what is existing. I mentioned this as it appears you are keeping the ditch part of the way. If it is more than the 2 feet deep, it will have to be piped! 3) I require two (2) sets of plans for the initial review and will then require five (5) sets for approval . Of the five sets , I will send one to you, and one to the City of Tigard, and the County will retain three. If I can be of further help,' please contact me at 648-8830. '(Z ,, Ron Aase Project Review RA:lh an equal opporrunin, employer CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA VF: 6/24/85 AGENDA ITEM N: DATE SUBMITTED: 6/12/85 PREVIOUS ACTION: None ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Winterlakc II Subdivision Compliance Agreement 6 PREPARED BY: Development Services Dept Performance Bond, authorize Mayor 6 Recorder to execute in City's REQUESTED BY: John Hagman _ behalf. DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: _ POLICY ISSUE -----v_�— -. INF'JRMATION SUMMARY 1 . The proposed "Winterlake II" subdivision is located on the west side of SW 135th Avenue, southerly of SW Scholls Ferry Road. The preliminary plat has been approved by the City. 2. The attached Subdivision Compliance Agreement has been submitted by the developers, as i- required by , the City, to assure completion of installation of all public facilities within the proposed subdivision. The developers desire to construct all required public improvements prior to recording of the plat (subsequently, it is not mandatory that they post performance bond) . 3. C.3nstruction plans are ready to be issued and all required public improvement fen's have been paid. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED 911WESTED ACTION Authorize the Mayor and City Recorder to execute the Subdivision Compliance Agreement for Winterlake II in behalf of the Ci'y. (JH.pm/1485P) SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT uated the I-V , _ day of .A i A 1Q 19 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "CITY", and Itey,lutrme11L Colu),.iiy and U!:-;1". Corur�r�.�t jun hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as 'di_iter I1 in Section 33, io -inshih I South , K(jn!; 1 .Jestp Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chc-)ter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development: and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set for;.h. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoin& premises and the covenants art agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said. Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to fallow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance, via a reg:atered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration. (2) Tc s ours, compliance with the City's requirements, and tha provisions hereof, Pet it lonelf��ender� ` Athe City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $ 329,912.00 - 4 R �Rsda _itet�l0� Cy f o r re c c•. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail., neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure comi)letion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed and 1 - w charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as th,e court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City' s attorney' s fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any (4) Petitioner, concurrent the with execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equr.l re ,cal and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost. of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years fro.n the date of initial energizing of said lights . Said amount being $ 12.71).0:1-- (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections fees .* (6) The City agrees to install striet identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of 1225.00 (7) At sura time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of instwllation conformance" to the City to notify the City of the readiness for acceptance consideration inspection and upon notification by the Department of Public Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, in the sum of 65,982.00 $ - to provide for correction of any defecti— work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public iiiprovements by the City. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the public improvement subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (8) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to confirm to the following rhquirement9 , scheduling and limitatirms . *Project Fee s 10,157.56 S^wer Fee ___ A_ 38.92 7 K (a) Nono of thc� lots of Petitioner' s subdivision as described m,ay be occupied for residential purposes until an oc(upancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to a occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) is required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event , all landscaping and trees in all areas shall be planted and in place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract (c) After tentative City acceptance of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "N" overlay on all roads within the development; placement scheduling to be approve by the City . (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ' ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s) . (e) Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becomir apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department. of Public Works that. all -•equirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, thereinregard, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond , (10) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreemen' at or prior to the time 'his agreement is executed on behalf of the City . (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the afor,-said performance bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event: of default on the part of the Petitioner with respect; to any requ:-ement thereof 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitione, acting by and through its duly authorised undt!rsigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the Ci Ly acting pursuant to resolutioq., of its council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly hold on the . c�.- , day of `—, 19 has caused this agreement to be executed by Qs Mayor and Recorder. OR-AK CORPORATION KRII, 'ER DEVELOP'•tE;J'r CO. BY THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON C '' Maor /III �l l B y. _ 3�V17_ Recorder (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Return signed copy to: -.Rv' _—____-- �t aso 0 yC S�Mea.c�s, 1_��e Os_�ev1c, or, 91034- (0070S) 4 STA'rE 'GF OREGON ) � ss. ':,;-..ORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMi;N'T On this; ���+� ci 1- 565e- of 19��, bef or(� me appeared Mop&- - 1 UUO-w # to me pF�rsona11y kne ��n , who t, ��Rr duly sworn, did say that he, the :aid « �, � A_ is the Pr es i d en t , and--;, 4i he--sad d — -- - --cif, 1(2U-qe1kuC.V-���� �1� �� the tip, i t h i n name Col , ; t i cin , and that the .; a l ;t t'f ixed to said instrument is the cor- porate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors , and 'PW-sS e-o A • Kr-.e ----- -- ---- __—_- -- -- _.. acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporatior . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto flet my hand and affixed my official seal the day and y ar as ove written. otary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires­. _ _ - STATE OF OREGO,, _ ) ss. CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGM1 .NT County of.Wp.5L, 4, On this /'2 day of 'L �_ ]91-!,-; before me appeared �4 _ sired _- 4+e4-h to me person,i1ly known , who hFing duly sworn , did say that he, the said _ yvr�ot ,z l,✓ b� is thF _P r o�- i dent , and h e, ttrr-sa-i-er -- r. ...-- - - ----°f _ �Z -_fir L C"-i` �.�1"f:• '`-� --- - _. _._the a i.t h i n named Corporation, and that the sea] affixed to said instrument is the cut-po ate seal of said Corporation , and that the said instrument was signed and scaled if) behalf of said Coi ,)oration by authority of its Rnard of Directors , and C�caNdo,\ I4Q �S_ acknowledged said instrument to be the free acct and d-ed t said COnc()ration . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto stet mS h'+nd n at,t ixpd my of ricial steal the day Hnd t r 1 s �,vf' ger i t.F'n . C otary Nb1 i e for Oregon My Cummis:cion ExOre:i ,r E' 0TYOF TIORRp No. 12755 S.W. ASH 54 69 P-0-BOX 23397 j TIGARD, OA 97223 / r Date Cr^ '�v - �- Warne — , C-o Address - ---- Lot ap B - - ----- Block/MSubdivision/Ad er s� Permit N's -__ —�`�'--- ` Bldg _ Plumb 1 Sewor— Cash Check {r Other -_- _ f Acct. No, ---__ _ Other Rec.g By 10.432 �escrlpNon ---'----- 10.431 bOp Building Permit Fees Plumbin Amount 10.431-601 _9 Permit Fees Mechanical Pe,r-rnIt s-:----- ate __-_ 10-230-501 State Bldg. Tax 10.433 10.435 - Check k Fee ---- 30 443 _ Other Licenses R Pe mlig 30.444 Sewer Connection_-- 24.448 _ Sewer Ins ection ee f 25.449.6Strt 10 -D�v_Charae Parks I S st. Dev. Char e 25-449-620 Parks 11 Syst. Dev.Cha r--�---------_ 31. 50 Storm Drainage S sf Dev ----__.._,� - 10.430 Bu-usl�egs Tax -�- _Charge`- 10.434 �- Per im j_-- --- __ '-------- 10.227 Alarm 10Ball_ --- ~- `- _--�_— -455• Fines_ 1p-?3U Traffic/Misd/Parking 10.458 PTA Traffic/Misd/Vic. Asst.— , --�_ Indigent Defense 30 446.401 Sewer Se�ry cel /USA30-4464. -.._- wer Service/Cites--- ' 31.447 ----�_ Storm Drainage 40.475 BancrOff Prin Pvmt ` 40-471 "'-- -_ Bancroft Inl. p m--—t 10451 - Other Cha�L"`---- � � es for Services --- -_ TTA '//p DEPT. �WJJLMMLA PLEASE TAKE THIS TO THE CASHIER FOR A RECEIPT NAME �'J.dviQ�' I.JC�C�J�i:l� Yl^CiL�� c..�' , DATF : ACCT. N DESCRIPTION _ _ AMOUNT — 10-220 Refundable Performance Bond Deposit $ 10-435_ Siqn Permits HOP TU $ _ 10-436 Public Sewer Plan Check/Inspection Fee _ $ 3 O J •�Z 10-436 Public Storm Plan Check/Inspection Fee $ 10-436 Street Dedication/Public Improvement Fee 10-436 Street Opening Permit 10-440 Subdivision Applications : S MLP 10-441 Zoning Applications : ZC CPA ZOA PD Misc SCE CU SLP_ V 21-442 Street Light Fee : �Z7O • O 10-451 Document Sales: Engrg. Planning Bldg. s __ 10-451 Street and Traffic Signs $ 12 Z 5 , 10-451 Land Use Actions/Fees: SDR $ _ TOTAL s__ S�4icl 5 (1045P) ----&-LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 3 June 1985 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. John Hagman, Public Works Departmert Re : WINTER LAKE II - Tigard Dear Mr. Hagman: As per your telephone request, I have estimated the cost of the overlay for S. W. 135th Avenue from Sch-)lls Ferry Road to the south boundary of WINTER LAKE II as shown ',y the enclosed map in green. The cost estimate is based on the following assumptions: .l . 24 foot wide overlay - as required by City of Tigard 2. No rocking or grading of shoulders. 3 . Average of 1-1/2" thick overlay to fill in low spots (1" minimum) . 4 . Asphalt and tack coat cost of $34.00 per ton (Oregon Asphalt estimate) , 670 tons requirel. 5. Pavement cleaning costs of $500 (Oregon Asphalt estimate) . The estiwated cost for the above improvements is $ 23 .280. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact this firm. ThanK you. Sin(Arely yours, 1� Leonard A. Rydel , P. E. , P.L,. S. LAR/j encl : as stated CC: OR-AK Corporation nrucger Development Company PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS s RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWEl AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES � t I 3 --�-- -----� '00Wo ` 1 low , 600 400 30111 - 111 too � loo 300 w k i1 100 p0� I aOp loo ��. � �_ ♦f u pm e 1 ' 1 Ifi i t 111.�� A,.h I1moot it e s i JI Ar -- fi 1 U II — — 1:1. too is1 - ••1��' n e ----t--_ ------ inrf tr " ° N to \ 1e et 5/ 9J I M Y l y i / V/ b� ���`� MM �,`l;;�,1\a1► s / K... - n,tt7 nt t ♦t .. 'r t v w r ♦� � M 19�1�1 OR�1 1 M� rr S rll ec ru � a �.p red lr t• fo 1-3— 1• i I n ~ � , M �" L UO— del b t••I - F.. •�µ ffI u - -- BID ITEM SCHEDULE WINTER LAKE II 20 May 1985 The unit prices hereinafter written are submitted with the clear understanding that the actual measured quantities may vary some what from the estimate and that payment will be based on the unit price of each item. JU, Item Quantity Unit Price Total WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMPNTS 1. 12" Water Main 917 feet $ 145,C)D $ 14 G-1 Z.00 2. 0" Water Main 1415 feet $ 10.7 $ IS.ZI1 .zg 3. 12' B. F. Valves 5 each $ Foe). G'O $ 4,000.00 4. 8' B. F. Valves 4 each $���.0� $ 1.,O)ZU-00 5. Hydrant Assembly 3 each $ ZIOO.00 $ G,300.00 6. Blowoff Assembly 1 each $ ZS,C C) $ 4Z5.00 7. 16" Connection 1 each $ X500.00 $-G,a00.00 8. 12xl2xl2 Tee 2 each $_ I ?OG.00 $ 2,400.00 9. 12x8 Cross 1 eac- $ 70.00 $ 10-10.00 I"10.00 10. 12x8 Reduner 2 each $ 510.00 $_� 1,020.00 11. 11/22/45 8" Bends 3 each $ 400.00 $ 1200.00 12. 90° 0" Bend 2 each $ 460.0(-) $. `) T_O.Cc 13, Rock Backfill 780 cu.yd. $ 6 Sub Total - Water System SANITARY SEWER .IMPROVEMENT,y 14. 8" Sewer Main 2474 feet $_ 9,7,5 $ zi_s0 15. 4" Sewer Laterals 1920 feet S 6. 70 $ 1Z.QG4.0G 16. Sewer Manholes 10 each $ 950.00 $ M00 17. Drop Manhole 1 each $_IzbO.pp $ 1.ZC30.Or) 18. 135th Cut/Patch 1 each Lump Sum $ Z6DO. 00 WINTER LAKE TI BID ITEM SCHEDULE - Cont'd Page 2 of 3 Na., Ttem Ouantity Unit Price Total 19. Rock Backfill 3750 cu.yd. $x-85 $_Z Sub Total - Sanitary Sewer $ 7,5 2 13 0 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 20. 12" Storm Drain 958 feet $ 9.35 $ £3,1357. 30 21. Manholes 2 each $ 6,50•d0 $ 10 00-00 22. Rock Backfill 14G cu.yd. $ $ 5g•00 Total - Drainage Improvements $ I 16.30 STREET IHE VE.MENTS 1 23. Excavation 8200 cu.yd. Lump Sum $Z4,60c•00 24. 16" Curbs 4199 feet $ 3 $0 $ 154 _51✓•Z0 25. Catch Basins 9 each $ ?5.00 $_ 3}315.00 26. Rock 3820 cu.yd. $__ $ 401 683.00 27. Class "B* Asphalt 1110 tons $_ 3z. OG $ 35, 5 ZO.00 28. Class Overlay 555 tons $ 39.DD $ tn'nsGO-0 29. Street Barricade 1 each $ 1-i00. OQ $ x•00 Total - Street Construction $ L40 '7 14•ZO UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 30. Conduit 1560 feet $ (.50 $ Z �340_00 31. Trenching 3235 feet $ ( OJr $ 32. Rock Backfill 130 cu.yd. $_ $ 8` 0. 50 33. Transformer Pads 6 each $ U6, 00 $ I ZO.DO Total Underground Utilities $ NTNTFR LAK . IT BID ITEM SCHEDULE - Cont°d Page 3 Of 3 p1R� = SUMMARY Water System Sewer System $ -75-, D73-00 Drainage System $ 1 li �o fo . '30 Street Construction $ 140, '7 l4 , Z Underground Utilities $ G, gA-7. ZS TOTAL $ Z.11)6,Z 3 Z. 00 -6 4GU ' QCT J C+1 Z.-5 �' 3 7-9 of CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET Project Title: Ll�IIJTER LAK-.E _ Impr ype: `JU�L1V151GIJ Computed By: Date: 5�n 1 . PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164. 150) : A. Improvement cost estimate, less sanitary sewer . . .;_ 53 Ci-59 C1, (Adjusted Cost) B. 0.04 x ;_ 7-S.3 "1 ZI , CLQ _ (Adjusted Cost) -�-� 2. SANITARY SEWER MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION FEE (Ord. No. 05-02) : A. Conte( t surcharge applicablerQ yes, C Lcrcn l,.�e�c��or no. (agreement na.ne) 8. Sewer Improvement cost estimate ; 75 473,01'0 (sewer est. ) C. 0.04 x ; 75 7;y �,cc = S .3..,)3 F'.91 _ (sewer estimate) (fee) [or] ;100 00 min. , whichever is greater ; 30 58.9 z 3. STREETLIGHT FEE (T M.0 18. 164. 130 (x) 6 3 .08 .010) : A. P.G.E. Schedule No. `11 Option No. E _—_; Type of Lamp 1I,C'. Lumens/WE !s,bCt' Lu; Type of Pole c-TI Height El ;� .S . `1 ?._ x I? _ _ ; _ 4-7. _/mo. (monthly rate) (no, of lights) 48 x 1 Z ; 5,7�, /mo. ;monthly rate) (no, of poles) ; A 1, Ito _ + 5.7k,_ x 24 months = . .; _ 1 ZIC.o8 (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4. TRAFFIC-PEDESTRIAN SIGN rEE (T .M.C. 18. 164 .030(u) : A. Stop: _ _ @ ;__.. fJ(o. _ _ ;_ IbL u (number) (each (subtotal) B. at. Name: G @ ; ► !7, D. No. Parking: - -4-- @ S-..r_75. _ ; E -- - @ ; F -- Signs) Total . . 5. GRAND 101 Al (F F; f)UF 1 . . . . . .; (09I., Rorrpipt. No (.heck Cash 0920P � •� � v r rIV %_1 S. W , 135th AVENUE „ _ City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon Scale. 1 50 _-- W 1 I ' RT I I NOT ES: -- _ - -�•': �� w Lj 9 / ` 5 2 i I 51 40 1 1 . This plan was prepared at tho roquest of the Washington 16 e ` 6 � � ; P P P g % 16U _ { County Department of Land Use and Tr-.tnsportation to show e / ` ♦ x 1 l JL- tr►e existing ce ntecline and ditch yrades and proposed�� ` ` improvements along S. W. 135th Strebet in the vicinity of10 .� _. _ .r. _. .,..� . I _. _ _ ._ _ .� _ ..�. WINTER LAKE II AND WINTER LAKE III su divisions. 5 _ _ ___-___. ____ AT . ��_--___-__— -__—_ 2 . Existing yrades and improvements based on As-Built 15 L, � 'a �� _ — _ : I _ � — 33 plans of MORNING HILL and BRZZ`TANY SQUARE subdivisions and-----------------.---4C .-4 � ����...1 ---.---- ------------------ i---.---, � field ties. Proposed improvements based on the pr-)posed` ` iconstruction plans for the WINTER LAKE II AND WINTER LAKE11 `. I VIII subdivisions. ITI erd Oregon% W I N E R L KD .y� . . I � e I; i A - r --- '�14 3 2 1 � ; I 39 38 37 36 1 j 35 34 ... . -L� -77 t • 1; 13 i I 12oil ° V1 ITY MAP — ._ .. .-...+- _ s _ _ ice•.• •... .a... • .''' ' '_ •.r ." _ - - _ — . •.r c....( q• •........... M - .. ' _ - w .. - .- •i _r _ .. - -- -- - - TiT�TT.':�•T� •:•�..'�.T.�.�: "i Tt s-r.TT /. WM YT'mT�TT -__ -+.�.Tl�.^.. �:�.�.. ..171'.•. YYYrW/MYI'f r � ;: � G>`:Si' '' : wv.'.'.'.':.'.'.'.':.'.':.. :'4 •:.:> :ate:. 1� 4. w >;:•:>. 1YT•• .Y.•:.:• ':Y:':'•• i'�Yi••••••• nY••M1•'.'•1^;'ff1Y1'1'YIY::'�:' -TTiT.—� yl. yyyy yj, .M. :' ' .•M•.•..K )j •Y•rY.•� ' �•� �.•... -'W • EN N R_ ... ............ G l EE Leonard R del P L S --- ----- — ------ -- - X.:". ,......:.X..... - — ---- - --- _ -_ ..-- - --- - -- - - -- --- -- r A. 1, P.E. , T 601 Pinehurst Drive X. :, • DEVELOPERS: Newberg, Oregon 97132 LEGEND: � , ^l r� _ B 1 T A N Y M I Y �.,1 --- s f, Krueger Development Company 03 Phone: (503) 53a-5700 — ixi�tiny Sanitary Sewer 9 P P Y •---� Pro osed Sanitary Sewer 3515 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Y-1 1 5 3 P Portlrind., Oregon 97201 :`<: :`:.. .: .... 2 9 11 w— rr ExisLil�y Water ine Phone: (503 ) 227-7992 ^- 32 31 30 1 ;. Proposed Water Line : •::: _ �C�tiC l`- !: 34X. R 0 --D- Existing Storm Drain I OR-AK Corporation � A E � L - - --.-- — — j 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way Existing Pavement w 7034 I Lake Oswego, Oregon 9 - _ __- - � Curb S � I 8 X tl E 13 ..... Phone: (503 ) 635-4551 35 ::.; :.:•:::.•.'.:•:••,. ...:' 52 � _ ._. � ose :.::..... .:.....:........ ...... Prop d Curb Drawn By � � Grp W.O. No. 8 505 1 , i I � j I W Z Q u i i I ' O N DI Q 240 240 o O A Z + - U) z _ Z In O N� 01 ;7 �. z�4.8' rt PAVEMENT I W V �- r \ S.W 135* av VE Ip F + 3 + + I J W 14) z 33.7 �f' N �n '� ! �' ' M� 0 1- 6' Q WINTEs2 LAKE vIINTEft LAKE M I� z 2 3 0 �I W NI -- --- -- _, ---- ------ - - -- —T_ -. -- - - - - ---- - —- - - -- - -- - 230 LEFT 1 PDIDE { W -a�Q --�------ _ -U) tATCt! 9 SOTTC>h1 _ _ O X91 O c0 , n/ ZZle.3Z + + oc CO 2 0 EDGEI- S: z VE ouT V T W z zz•S 1 ry Z9 LZ3 RIM- - s 7 O I.C. IN T 220 ZZo.S _ as Zzo\ .� '� --- -- ----- -- - -- -- -- -- — ----- -__- 220 -- - — — -- ------ -- -- - - ---- _. o _ _ _ .- \ Z W IrVT_ LLI •� i o IIs �.F. _ N 2E't.a4 0 BIZ. CoNc. 5- c 4�0' _''�. � I EXISTING � •' I -I-E auT RIM PArvEMENT oe •I Z I L_'go �►3 s.1r�1. 135T—" />�ENOE o C I.E 00T z ,v 715'. G 5 I � I.E. OUT --- - - - - --------- r 10 Z1o.la� � , � - - — -- 210 I_I- FT V T<� r S.W. 135th AVENUE �� � '�� SIM Scale: Horiz: 1' - 60' Vert: 1' - 5' T L -_ _ Z03.ZG, OvTLE_I LL;CA-rlOt­) ' � I uN��R�AIN I 200 _ — __ _. -- _T_--- - - - - --- - - - -- ---- ----- - ___ 200 �4S �.F= _ i I.E. IN / PVC _ Z00 I?- IE. ourl I e Zoo s z- j I IN I I I I i I I I iqn 9 oo 10 + 00 111- 00 12 00 13 -- 00 14 00 15 00 16 00 17 00 18 00 19 - 00 20 00 21 00 2 ?_ 00 190 PRINTED - w _ _ . ...,..�_.... �, w, .. . •• y �'" �1''1�111�1�1iI1111�111�III�111���1��I1� ''I�ll�i,,��1� I1�T (�r�ll I I�III�I�TIiI �IIIII) IIIIIIIIIIIIf��II�IIIIIItI1I111�IIlIIIlIII1�I�I�II1I111I111�111`tlllrllllll'111I111I111I1t1'lll _.. 2 3 _ 4 5 8 7 8 8 1110 II 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT I(KT IT IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL RAWING. AE 6z 8z LZ 9? 92 oz EZ ZZ �= OZ 61 91 LI 911 sl to E1I 21 11 01 6 • L 9 i �4! , • EI--- L. 2 I1.'--N-111" •1lI�1111�IIII�IIIIInn�nuhlll�nu�111�111�1111�I111�I111�lulb�f��m�Intw�+II�1�NN�111i�M1�llhi`II1�11�1�1111�II11�1111�tNi4tM1�1�111�I111�1t1�t1111N11�titI1f11l�IlN�ItlfblltHlM� IIlI1�III1I1111�1111�I1i1�I1UW811111IIIU�IIUWIhuU�IIU�II�IIAW�HM - 24 1992 J �J1�T � , F•81 IMM-4521-8.84 10Al l HIAI VNUt-1<NOMW I NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY _ Dau Class Acd No w 7 or SLID r Slz AL ORDER _ rly-� T _ � NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANYMATENI _ _11 -__ v — — PLAT DRAWING o' 2•(w)'84 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY �JiJ �E V — �YAO N47D1/ �O N0. L TITLE '' �� NY D BRITT ' S.W. eAR. SERVICE �- DRAWING a ADDRESS I NUMBER -- -- -- -- - --- ------ (D 1 ,: o a l O I i Quantity Size Stock No. Description ; Q u g a l U 0 clu 77-1^16 W eel 0 _� - - /i // ---- — -- --- 3-1-73 - �� _ 24 25 26 27 �2A 29 30 31 32 33 34 , _ I W/ TE,4 L A E I I 23' 136 1 17 D, ih O • H�Ate[�/_/�/_. -`--./: /� ���f/,a .. 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W. t33Tr-i c1v — X., . - - V 2'(W)'79 : Ul1NTY WASHIN,r4TGN r•IrY N-101 _PLATTED PLATT60 -- - -- O _^ PLAT NO DATE SI('.N TOWNSHIP WA►EMAP GATE aION S.W. MORNING HILL DR. a _ - — - o SW .S,a 1S1W I--4 •T ,r� T� -. FilWd By iigned h - 9065 N S I .t+-.-...i;0.s r'•+-,- ,.a? a .. ,,,y.rw..,rrx• '7lMIM! ._ -.,,,,N,,. .! Nr..r• - ww.dWe=.,.i^ .. ._.. _. - _ - _ � � T -e.��•_�".��, ...� _ - ---•--- .. ..... - ._ ._. _ __ .,Jf '� e. _..._. � i ' I, I I . '�• �,�~ "�..,,., i-i i 1.a �, I L� I � I .. ' , * I •• ( " .' t 1 1111 II 1 iti�iii '11,r`il I I1+ Itt1111 1 1 I 1 1 I"1� 1 I 111�1If f)1 111 11 111 111 111 r�llllt Ilf 111 111 111 iii iii i;l iii iii ill ilii T11 111 111 ala 111 111 tt1 111 '� , + z 3 4 5 6 7 8 _ 9 10 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWIWs IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE;'IT IS DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL _ 124m ."""DRAWING. OE 62 92 t 9Z SIZ v EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 BI LI 91 51 bl tri ZI 11 01 6 9 L 9 S E Z 1"Law, . _ . __ _ IetllunluulunluuLwl�it«II1u11a1�uu�ltnln1t111uLialu�iL�uln���uu1n111nnlnn�tttlnnitttllt1�11nn11u11nt111tn�ttu�t�1111im1�11nitttt♦mtltttt��ttdttll�Imltnt�ttitiWl�l+ilnnllnllnulall��ulllw� uuluu�Wtltttl�tlulntl�IWltitt . .fir. 24 1992 JUNE , •.,�nr,.�s�$."WNW—�..r - Xw. .> . .. -.. �► - - -- W- .r.+>_. _ __ "1�' .7a.. � .._. ...........y.wwc.CLA.to.. 'n ._ .. __-.- .. . _ _ _ r .-- �. i•-+. �C P1���,.,,,, 6� �w���1•�e` Sec��aKs k r. ' �"t-GG't N2.v�l,w �F'O 1D1 P►vw S — W�1JTEk'1..��E ,� S �30 O G v�p\ 4 1 V*A 1-o V C"Ole.k H.O w U ti P Ar �-e,.d 1 t -J ST, r Q r r uwfo Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avonue Hillsboro. Oregon 97123 503 648-8621 May 24, 1985 City of Tigard PO Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen : SUBJECT: WINTER LAKE II The construction plans on the above-referenced project have been approved by the Unified Sewerage-. Agency . If you have Pny questions, please do not he8itate to cull . Sincerely , 'ferry Chamber] in Design Engineer ' TC: 'Jb Enc. '1?- 41111 LEONARD A. RYDELL,_P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor May 1985 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 City of Tigard (503) 538-5700 12420 S. W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. Frank Currie, Director of Public Works Re : WI"]TER LAKE II - Construction Plans Dear Mr. Currie: Enclosed for your review and approval please find five sets of the construction plans for the "Street, Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Improvements " to the proposed 62 lot subdivision WINTER LAKE II in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. Enclose:? also is a copy of the coordinate sheet showing lot dimensions and a copy of a Bid Item Schedule with the estimated construction cost . The project has been monumented. These plans have been submitted to Portland General Electric, General Telephone, the Tigard Water District, Northwest Natural Gas, and Storer Cable Communications for their use . The contractor for the subdivision improvements is anticipated to be Charles M. Schmidt Excavating out of Newberg, Oregon. No drainage calculations were done for the project as there are no contributary areas. As y u can note from the preliminary plat of WINTER LAKE III which has been submitted for approval, drainage runs either Northwest into the gulley west of the project, or into the Morning Hill Subdivision from North of the project . 12-inch storm drains have been specified for the drainage improvements as I understand that is the minimum size required. Should you have any recommended changes, please feel free to mark up one set of the plans and return them to this firm, and should you have any questions or need further information regarding the project, please give me a call. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Leonard A. Ryde 1, P. E. , P.L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc: OR-AK Corporation Kruger Development Company PLANNED DEVEIOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS ,MATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION, HOMES q T - r lee. CITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL, ORDER - BY PLANNING COMMISSION I. Concerning Case Number(s) : S 3-85 2. Name of Owner: Russell A. Krueger 3. Name of Applicant :_ Krueger Development Co./OR-AK Corp. Address 13050 SW Forest Meadows Way City LO State OR Zip 97034 4. Location of Property: Address SW 135th Street between SW Morning Hill Dr. 6 SW Winter Lake Dr. Tigard , Oregon Tax Mar) .,nd Lot No(s). ISI 33C portion TL 1000 5. Nature of Application: To divide a 10.7 acre parcel into 63 lots ranging from 5,000 to 6,000 sq. ft. on property zoned R-25 (Residential, 25 units/acre) 6. Action: __ Approval as requested XX Approval with conditions Denial 7. Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: XX The applicant 6 owners XX Owners of record within the required distance XX The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization XX Affected governmental agencies 8. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL BE FINAL ON May 17, 1985 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. The adopted findings of fact, decision, and statement of condition can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hail, 12755 SW Ash, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Appeal: t.ny party to 'he decision may appeal this decision in accordance with 18.j2.M(A) and Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appeal may uc filed within 10 days after notice is given and sent. The deadline for filing of an appeal is 3:30 P.M. May 17 , 1985 10. Questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tij,ard Planning Department, 639-4171. (0257P) C11Y OF EGARD FINAL Ori""I-9 NO. 85- 08P(2, A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS, WHICH APPROVES A PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT (S 3-85) REQUESTED BY KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT CO. The Tigard Planning Commission reviewed the above application at a public hearing on April 16, 1985. The Commission based its decision on the facts, findings, and conclusion noted below: A. FACTS 1 , General Information CASE: Sudi.vision (S 3-85) REQUEST: To divide a 10. 7 acre , rcel into 63 lots ranging from 5,000 to 6,000 square feet. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DE.SIGNAIION: Medium High Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION. R-25 (Residential , 25 units/acre) APPLICANT: Krueger Development Co. / OR-AK Corp. OWNER: Russell A. Krueger 13050 SW Forest Meadows Way 3515 SW Barbur Blvd . Y--1 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Portland, OR 97201 LOCATION: West side of 135th Ave. between S.W. Morning Hill Dr . and S.W. Winter Lake Drive (WCTM 1S1 33C, TL 1000) 2. Back.,round The property was annexed to the City on June 12, 1983 and in August, 1983, a Medium High Density Plan designation and R-20 zone alas applied to the property . In order to comply with the Metropolitan Housing Rule, the City changed the R-20 zcne to R-25. On February, 1.984, the City approved the relication of a C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) zone to be within the subject property. On Aoril 1, 1985, the Commission recommended approval to City Council of a F^oposal to shift the C-11 zone from 135th Avenue to Scholls Ferry Road (CPA 4-85/7C 4--85) . This reque3t fill be considered by the Council on April 22, 1985. Since residential uses are not. permitted in Lhe C---N zone, this request must be approved before the subdivision may be platted. 3 . Vicinity Information Except for several scattered homesites, the area between 135th Avenue and Scholls Ferry Road is undeveloped, The land west. of 135th Avenue that abuts the proposed subdivision site is also zoned R--25. A mixture of developed and vacant land (including Brittany Squre, Winter Lake, and Morning Hill), with a variety of residential zone designations lie to the east of 135th Avenu,a. FINAL ORDER N0, 85-- O?ff - 1,S 3-85) - PAGE 1 4. Site Information The subject property is presently undeveloped . The applicant is proposing a 63 lot subdivision with two streets intersecting with 135th Avenue. One street is intended to exte;,J to the west when the remainder of the property is developed. 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the following comments: a. Sanitary sewage connection surcharges for Wedgewood-American Guarantee and L-eron heights Interceptor, Inc. b. The street design should he modified -,j that only one street intersects with 135th Avenue. C . A local improvement district non-remonstrance agreement is necessary for street and storm drainage improvements along 135th Avenue. d. In lieu of constructing half-street improvements along the 135th Avenue frontage, the applicant should provide a 24 foot wide asphalt overlay from the southern boundary of the subdivision to Sr_holls Ferry Road. If the subdivision is platted this summer, this improvement should commence no later than October 1, 1985. e. Lots abutting 135th Aveiiue will not have direct access to this street. f. Off-site drain;,- 3p easements should be provided as necessary . g. Parking should be prohibited at ttie subdivision entrance. The Building Inspection office has no objection to the proposal. . Washington County indicates that 135th Avenue is a County Road and an access permit will be required. No other written comments have been received . 9. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2, and 10, Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies 2. 1 . 1, 7. 1 . 2, id 8 . 1 3; and Community Development Code Chapters 18 .56, 18. 160, and 18. 164 . The Planning Commission concludes that the proposal is consistent with the applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines based upon thF following findings a. Goal N1 is met because the City has adopted a Citizens Involvement program including review of all development applications by the Neighborhood Planning Organization (NPO) . In addition, all public notice requirements were met. FINAL ORDER NO. 85- 0f1 - (S 3-85) - PAGE 2 b. Goal a2 is met: bocause the City applied all applicable Statewide Planning 3oals, city Comprehensive Plan Policies and Development Code requirements to the application. C . Goal #10 is satisfied because the proposal will provide for housing as contemplated by the City Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission has determined that the proposal as submitted, or with minor modifications, is consistent with the relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan based upon the findings noted below: a. Plan Policy 2. 1 . 1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning Organization and surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant's proposal. b. Plan Policy 7. 1 .2 is satisfied because adequate water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities are available to the development. The applicant also indicates that these facilities will be provided within the subdivision as required by City standards . C. Plan Policy 8. 1 .3 will be satisfied when the conditions of approval relating to street improvements for 1.35th Avenue are completed. The Planning Commission has determined that the proposal is consistent with the relevant portions of the Community Development Code based upon the findings noted below: a. Chapter 18.56 of the Code is satisfied because the proposal meets all of the requirements of the R-25 zone. b. Chapter 18 . 160 of the Code is satisfied because the proposal meets the requirements set forth for the submission and approval of a preliminary plat . C . Chapter 18. 164 of the Code will be satisfied during the approval process for the final plat. The preliminary plat indicates that all. City standards can be met. C. DECISION Based upon the findings and conclusions above, the Planning Commission approves the preliminary plat for S 3-85 subject to the following conditions . 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEn, ALI- CONDITIONS SHALT- BE MET PRIOR TO RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT. 2. Seven (7) sets of plan-prefile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Section for approval . FINAI- ORDER NO. 85- 12&fe--- (S 3-85) PAGE 3 3 , Sanitary sewer plan-profile details shall be provided as part of the public improvement plans, 4 . Construction of proposed public improvements shall not: commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans. The Section will. require posting of a 100% Performance Bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of a construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement plans . 5. A one (1' ) foot reserve strip granted to the "City of Tigard" shall be provided at the terminus of roadways abutting adjacent ownerships . 6. Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the Public along the SW 135th Avenue frontage to increase the right--of--way to 35 feet from centerline. The description for said dedication shall. be tied to the existing right--of--way centerline as established by Washington County . The dedication document shall be on City Forms and approved by the Engineering Section. Dedication shall be documented on the final plat. 7. Street Centerline Monumentation a. In accordance with ORS 92.060 subsection (2), the centerlines of all street and roadway rights-of-way shall be monumented before the City shall accept a street. improvement . b. All center-line mor:,aments shall be placed in a monument box confirming to City standards, and the top of all monument boxes shall be set at design finish grade of said street or roadway. C . The following centerline monuments shall be set: 1) All centerline-centerline intersections . Intersections created with, "collector" or other existing streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street. has been established by or for the City: 2) Conter of all cul-de-sacs; 3N Curve points. Point of intersection (P. I, ) when their position falls inside the limits of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (B.C. and E.C. ) . 4) All. sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with centerline monumentation. FINAL. ORDER NO, 85- (S 3-85) - PAGE 4 8. The "basis of bearings" for the Plat or Survey shall. he C.S. #19,947, which is a part of the Tigard Field Survey Network. 9. An access permit shall be obtained from Washingtor: County for the street entrance to 135th Avenue. 10. A City of Tigard approved non-remonstrance agreement for street and storm drainage improvements on 135th Avonue, shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and subsequent City Council approval before the final plat is recorded. 11 . A 24-foot wide, 2 inch Class B asphaltic concrete overlay shall be placed on 135th Avenue between Scholls Ferry Road and the southern boundary of the subdivision. The overlay shall be completed by October 30, 1985. Any extension of this deadline must be approved by the City engineer, The City Engineer shall. also have the authority to delete this condition if the construction of necessary street improvements on 1.35th Avenue is assured by an L. I.D. or similar arrangement . 12 . The street design shall be modified so that one street access is provided onto 135th Avenue, ThQ street location shall be approved by the City Engineer, 1.3 . After review and approval by the Planning Director ani: Public Works Director, and after the construction agret_ment and performance bonds are accepted by the City, or assu•-ance of an impending L.I,D. is secured by ordinance creating said L.I.D. , the Final Plat shall be recorded with Washington County . 14. None of the subdivision lots shall have dire,:t access to 135th Avenue. 15. No parking shall be permitted at this 135th Avf!nue entrance to the subdivision. 16. This approval is valid if exerciped within one year of the final decision date. It is further ordered that. the applicant be. notified of the entry of this order. PASSED. This 6th day of _May 1985, by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard. Ronnie L. Owens, Vice President Tigard Planning Commission (KSL:bs/1279P) FINAL ORDER NO. 85- - (S 3-85) - PAGE 5 street entrant to 135th Avenue. Y 10. A City of Tigard approved non-remonstrance a9t eement for street and storm drainage improvements on 135th Avenue, shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and subsequent k; City Council approval before the final plat is r�acorded. 11 . A 24-foot wide, 2 inch Class B asphaltic concrete overlay shall be placed on 135th Avenue between Scholl$ Ferry Road and the southern boundary of the subdivision. The overlay shall be completed by n October 30, 1985. Any extension of this deadlirn? must be approved by the City engineer. The City Engineer shall also have the authority to delete this condition if the construction of z. necessary street improvements on 135th Avenue is assured by an L.I.D. or similar arrangement. t ' 1 be modified so that one street access is JEgAIL>%, 7y15� • enue. The street location shall be approved p�Ly, ICc.r -oval by the Planning Director and Public •�eeTs« �- "sem✓. A'- after the construction agreement and S e�N/�'�� accepted by the City, or assurance of an /tL-sowc�, �l cured by ordinance creating said L.I.D. , the t N'�vgnvc� 7C� _S'&4;, i3.b '4I/�, corded with Washington County . n ` 4vr N� Lon lots shall have direct access to 135th IJ"r' �sow IVt ,f, '!f rmitted at this 135th Avenue entrance to the /�erjo ) i if exercised within one ye,sr of the final It is further ordered that the applicant be notified of th,? entry of this order. PASSED: This day of May 1985, by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard. Bonnie 1.. nwen,, Vice President Tigard Planninq Commission (KSL:bs/1279P) FINAL ORDER NO. 85- - (S 3_..85) - PAGE 5 .7 t .. N' r )n � y SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the __ _ day of lg ; between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "CITY", and Kru��+;e r_ Ucv,� L��t,ment �uaitriny and U4-1 : Corporation hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as '.linter Lake 11 in :ioct io,n 3 ), nt•�nt;lii�, I '; 111 , !:riu I .J >>;1 Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements. required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of tiga-d, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance, via a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration. (2) To assure��((compliunce Kith the Cit,y's regi.0 rements, and the provisions hereof, Petitione'F tCndec Athe City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $ IN jl,).UU yp� ."� 1703 zy thAs Ff"n made a part hsre 4-- ,vv- vn (3) In the e,,ent that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default. and failure to proceed continuing thereafter-, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed and 1 R charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City' s attorney' s fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any . (4) Petitioner, concurrent the with execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", together, with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights . Said amount being 1210.0 ; (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest ar-e desirable to assure coopliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed in,.ppmtions fees .* (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of 122,.0() (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of the readiness for acceptance consideration inspection and upon notification by the Department of Public Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner wili submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, in the sum of $ u5,982.00 _ to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent, or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the public improvement subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of gyne year as hereinabove set forth. (B) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations *Project Fee s 10, 157.50 Sewer Fee :` 3 038.92_ - (a) Nona of the lots of Petitioner' s subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until a . occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to a occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the Public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) is required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next- following growing season. In any event, all landscaping and trees in all areas shall be planted and in Place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract (c) After tentative City acceptance of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "W" overlay on all roads within the development; placement scheduling to be approve by the City . (d) Complian.e with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Orer,on, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s) . (e) Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising (luring the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of ► ,ablic Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, thereinregard, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond (10) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City . (11 ) the specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all Purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in thr event of defau l t nn t he part of the Petitioner with respect to any requ ireml-rd thereof. 3 i IN WIINESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Hoard of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council, adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the _ day of , 19_., has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. OR-AK CORPORATION F'WIL;E t I)EVELOP'imn co. !� pBy I{y; By : .._ I Hf C I I Y OF 1 IGARD, ()RF(;ON By ---- --- — -- Mayor By : Recorder (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Returri signed copy to: S650 yovcsk �Ate2da.::s (. l,-t L'' e OsA.A.3CCkEr, C17o34- (007Os) 4 ( OR11r11?t1'fE AC�Ki`lUl'r! 1wf'Or1' me app(';1red _. Cj 1`1 . `���aQI��K ► i 11 uli� purs(,Ila 1 l y knr lin , who 1, I (!111 .urlrn , did ,ay that he, ' lie said � r 1 is the q O r) !,;Iid 111:: 1 cmilli—V i !i 1116 -1 ,'lid il;l i I !I :I ir! 111':i m, ' t.t:s ht);., I'd 1 vits,Q,�,_ II(I d(•(�d' () f ! r! Ild ;1 I I . .. .'d my rlt' f• i (' in] ,r'.11 t hr U ,r;l,ll , I r��l•l�� Ill 1i!�1 11cm' _ ) 1 1)RPORATi' w I I( rrl 1 !I I / 7 - ii,11 (li J''1 '�-�� .. "�S. r ( ;1JC ;)rrllr 1','u 4 C rl!,, � ;,-lui -�------ -- ._ _.---- - - -___ . lt,��t-}1 1 (1 rn( ,�1 �.� ',.' ', i i ' ,..n , Hh11 t'r• + ,�.: 1 h t I I r ti I d j f7sL �i�.� 1 ,✓ , (�4r) i ! r1! II Ir! (�ri111 I i Ilil r �llf I Ililt. 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(-___ Flours) -- Cl Shopping Mall CJ Shopping Center - 0 Apt./Condo (_- Floors) - ❑ Townhouses -- ❑ Single Family Homes ❑ Trailer Park - -' Othur (Specify) 6) Sales Effort: Products Discussed Delivery Wall Other Ger.'er NDCBU Mailroom Boxes (Specify) Presentations Made - - _.--_ -_ -_ ---------- - Method Chosen -.- -- _--_---_-_._-- -----__.-- Who will install equipment? Who will issue the keys? 7) Comments: _ 11trs hnr►mn -16_17, 31.31 ,76_ 7,1-22,. 11-t 7-6-d-5. This Notice will serve as an Agreement/Letter r Consent to the U.S. Postal Service for the placement of Centralized Delivery I rluiprnent at the location stated in Comments. USPS REPRESENTATIVE: PROPERTY DEVELOPER/MANAGER/JWI;ER NAME: _-,-12" -.1444 ----- NAME: _ flor'llo"lubbs - TITLE: - TITLE: SIGNATURE:- - _ SIGNATURE:. --*"'- - TELEPHONE M__ ;., -.�,).Z;'__ ._e_- TELEPHONE k__-_ 635-4551 White (MISC) Canary (DELIVERY OFFICE) Pink (AISO) Goldenrod (CUSTOMER) W ON Q W O Z ba ec •oohs 667 �..� ; ; � o U _ 0 N Z O� m n N O O m v O m m Ll 8 zo N n Q a N ^ Y J, N 8 on O VI r on '„ m in C7 ss. bbl — re m z = Z r6'�.9p CL 0 0 Ob ZbZ QQ O 3 All 99 3,•Sf bf of N r 1 U Jl < r Y1N N7 g �N C W CD a I ' 09 96 3„Sf,bt of N I OL 96 3„SC,btul � I O 0 F O N m� SL SL pU. W LL u n ^ o e o S O W N In N 2 I } 09 96 3„Sf bt aI N OZ 96 3„St,bf of N 0 mr. 8 O N r N 11f 'D N O LL r Q m^ m 09 96 3 Si bt of N� .N w , 0296 t't o N W 00 0 IO ,0596 3 St,bCelN I J 0Z96 379C,bfclN r v _ 00 m U. 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N 'T E i0A 11 In n 90 AO V ~ 5 gF01p�” ` OZ 96 3.S� ,4f of 61 02963„G£,b£ofN Q,0296 3,,;t,bfo'N - Q . (��� 8 N 1- O O Q) If7 N t0 ;i In 8LL N Im lo aLL 1 _ m 2 �En im'9 M LS 96 3„G£_bt of N N Q ---_ _ S2 G2 F tiC bf�� Nv .07963„S£.bt of ,0296 3 Gf b£ofN T 'O r m •O 2 O r O Y4 ml O QNQ V O O QN V N r b 2 2YN7 8 0 Ut vi i G 86 _ a 0296 3 4t d N I,OF, 296 3„St Of of N 02'96+3„SC,bC of N g O 3 8 N� N � O 1I11 N ,D 8 LL N a, LL .m n` O �I N - �' � � �� � iG86 3 G[,btol v 02=” f DIN 1 O2 9e 3„Sf bC of N ,0298 3„Gt.bC 81 r' y w I a A � d LL O+I m d LL w i� `•` ' f 1 Id N N N Y' v, ID 1 � ' dO07 NOON_7415 M 5 1 `� 3 GC Of o'N - Ob lb7 7 I.S bS of N S ¢ r A 258 JSflr,'`f 1GOG 8 w a 8 0 ;� . � 1.7 t 3 n ► � a -� t i � s m v v ^ ml o m o m c v A N N b 1n m \ r Y 7 t r 909 OGOGOG fSOS SIgor. r S9 - -- - —- 000SL 3 GC btoIN WINTER ' LAKE n BEET AND STORM DRAINAGE IMP City of Tigard, Washington County, Or Construct Ditch as Required to Existing Swale Install Street / Barricade ^� Install 32 L. F. 12" Concrete — S=5.2li4� I _ I ' 24 19 20 21 ''.2 23 cuRb � G, 'TIL �Y TOC= 214.17 EAs�t�EN rt= Z6.0o _ Z11 � 25 - - -- -- -- -- - �= 30) 57'03' D— Z12.o4Z L= 37 L3 - ZI - — r ` --- f4�E14T---- I e I 26 tcG 00 4 Oc'> '210.11_ — TOC 1--r -L-p-9 i Wei 5 O � YL �'� Z Iv)D5 �/Z p= z II 38 19.Q6oe rc- z11J8 TOC- z1o70 cuR6 46 4 5 27 zr,00I ' 2= Z6 00 90'02'51, Am 8`D*s-i o3' R= 2 5 00 Li 39 Z9 !_= j9 Z5 �' 9woZ'37 L= 3%.29 w 47 44 I 6 00 I �8 Ir ro UTILIT"f EASEMC h1T TO 4+ .o Q 48 LIJ 43 29 11 `T I a: I r?G. UTILIT`( r-rA r I I EAbEME1141- ROVEMENTS c%-*%gon L i5 D�K\NAbU- `GENERAL: 1 . All street, water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage improvements to be constructed in accordance with the Standards of the City of Tigard, the Tigard Water District and the Unified Sewerage Agency. Improvements will be inspected during construction for the purpose of acceptance. 2. Contractor to obtain applicable construction permits and notify appropriate agencies prior to construction of all improvements. 3 . Extreme care shall be taken to preserve existing improvements, vegetation and survey monuments. 4 . Streetlights shall be installed in accordance with City of Tigard approved Portland General Electric layout. STREET CONSTRUCTION: 1 . All roadway e.icavation, fill construction, subgrade prepartion, aggregate base, surfacing, prime coats and paving will be done in accordance with the Oregon 1984 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. 2. Roadway area within street right-of-ways to be cleared of all surface vegetation including trees, stumps, brush, roots, weeds, grasses and debris and grubbed to remove all stumps, roots, buried vegetative matter and debris to a depth of 6-inches below grade. Waste materials to be disposed of on site as directed by Engineer. 3 . Roadway to be rough graded to match existing topography prior to installation of underground utilities. 4 . Fine grade anti compact roadways prior to placement of rock. Proof roll streets to 958 of maximum density as per the AASHO T-99 test method, scarify and sprinkle with . _ a .. .... ....4,...-..A.. : c ....nn rr .rr ♦n a/'} i DVA Al F rnttn • 4 (� . 41 � �.�•� 4 moi' � r�7 '1 �. r a i u r » , r� •!y 0'i'r ...'• � 1, ,7 Aco r• '40;Citi '+� 7� •�;,,; • ..ice..._.-. _..- - .+r_- --•w�+F�- t �� 1'� • ..�, �q' r i� y i IMP 4 44 } �t MAW w . r r• r i I x •�, r R� a • . r • 1• • • i f Y r •QRS • '� : i�� � f r V. 7J •,•�'.r y �S ry( • .���fir. � s �' �'•J � ,�. '� .n441"'••`� � • * J1 r �, 2 5 X LAKE 11 -------------- w WINTER Y SEWERIMPROVEMENTSWATER AND SANITAR City on of Tigard, Washiligton County, Ora g Y 9 Scale. 1 = 50 - � �. w r, w r •'• Install 12" �'.J, x2 " IPT Plug (Do not cut ripe) _ ----- for B.O. w/2" Brass Velve + MO and 2" Galv. Iron Pipe to ' ,.+ Concrete Meter Box Behind Install 8" /• • '� � " �' f s �_ MH E-1 Curb MH A—4 , Stubout We.t — c l — - Install 8" - •� \ LINE E 3p 24 - r Tiaord, Dragon . GENE Stubout South •� \ 1 203 .1• , \� 'o 1 . All street, water , sanitary sewer and storm drainage 3C) L) s 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 a improvements to be constructed in accordance with thstrict t •• ' « i``` I - -_ - Standards Of the City or Tigard, the Tigard Water Di �%; •"' \ 1 and the Unified Sewerage Agency. Improvements will be 5 L Y g' Instal 12x12x12 1 e+� inspected during construction for the purpose of VICINITY Z5' - I stall 1 "2x . x.12 25 MAP 13 s�F \ �� Tee w/ 2x8 Reduc !r h �� T e w%12x8"edu_�_e, =SO ' I acceptance. South - N -_ _ -�,; } I loll �. Contractor to obtain applicable construction permits and Scale: 1��= 1000 15 ' Utility ___� -- __ J - - , - 1 " . F•V notify appropriate agencies prior to construction of all Easement 6•�� o. J � i � _-ff_ _ ___ 1 � ------- -- improvements. �• MH C- �o * M 0 "� Install MH 1 n, N - ti N � M _3 3 . Extreme care shall be taken to preserve existing o .� r.. .�. .� •..1 _ _-_ - .. " improvements, vegetation and Survey monuments. Inc;taI1 8 ic' B" +� Ib' i2" v I i+-e 26 --.-r-r-- -----rr---r- --------r- - --i -.---- .r rrr �{r-rr rr--rrr-I�r _ o - ♦ 3o L 90 Bend -�- , --- } 1 -,'* -- ---- ----- -i In, t 1 12 +11B 1 E+` f — — IF— — — - - — 1 B. i _ ----- ,o + LFI �/ Install 8" B.Q.V. and �N Hydrant Assembly j I I I + t fi 1 I Install } 41 46 45 ` 1 13O 27 } Z; 58 5712" B. F. " I i _1 r1 WATER SYSTEM: I LLJ 11 Iss .F � t 1 . All work shall be in accordance with A.W.W.A. and Tigard 1 ____ _ ___ _ __._-_ 1 ____ _--- -___-_ ..__- - "I --- - Water District Standards and will be inspected by the Tigard Water District for the purpose of acceptance. - t 'S, 1 � �+� 0 2. Fire hydrant assembly consists of 8 MJ x 6 Flanged tee, p' � F r 59 56 L IZs L F 47 44 s 1� �o 28 6 " Flange by M.J. gate valve, 6 " M.J. X M.J. spool 10 ` 1 a F 1 holding spool ( if necessary) , and Modern Mueller LEGEND: 3s'gIiF 'W 5 ' Utility I ' - I - _ ___ -_ Centurion fire hydrant, A-442, 6" MJ, 5-1/4" MVO, 3-part ( two 2-1/2" NST hose connections, one 4-1/2" pumper) , — S --3 - Existing Sanitary Sewer 1 �J Easement 1 , 2 5 ' utility 1 1 y 1-1/2" pentagon operating nut, open left, color : yellow. I --1 I Easement I I 3 . All pipe and fittings to be T.J. Class 52 cement lined •- -- Proposed Sanitary Sewer '+ of 6+ 29 ductile iron. �2 60 55 Z+ L. . 48 43 Proposed Sewer Lateral 1 _' I3 ; ` 4 . Poured concrete thrustblocks at least 8 feet square of bearing surface at each tee, bend and blow-off location. —W—w Existing Water Line I_. _f_ ___ �__ I W I -- - - - -- - - 5. 36 " of 3/4 minus gravel cover required for all mains. ---------- Proposeu Water Line 10 1 e 1 Z 6 . All sanitary sewer lines 10 ' laterally or 3 ' vertically 1 I I N1 L z s 1 J of water main shall be encased in concrete 6" thick 10' -� Proposed Water Meter 1 + , + + 5+ 4 30 from crossing. Where crossings are necessary, they must U•S•A. - DEQ. COPY( 0 --0- Existing Storm Drain +1c 'zs 61 54 5 FI�Z ( 49 42 s 1 30 L be made at approximately 90° with at least 18" separation 8 ss 1 Existing Pavement 1 i 1 ` 1 below water line. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION i 7. Fire hydrants shall be installed upon a pre-formed — — -. - Existing Curb M —3 1 D-1 Y 1 5 ' Utility concrete block with 1-1/2 cubic yards of crushed 1-1/2 ISSUED BY DATE__ Easement drain rock . Tar paper will be laid on top of drain rorJ, i (CITY OFTIGARD) -- - 4s I Ft I 5 5+2 to separate rock from earth cover. - k 53 Q 50 41 3 lo' 62 ; I lo' 3qt 31 8 . All curbs to be in place prior to installing water main. 7 ` ` I 1 9 . Mains shall be tested at 150 psi for one hour at 110 psi DEVLP SERV DEPT: BV DATE _ �___ _ _ - with a maximum loss of 5 psi. 4 + - f 1 �o ^--� - 1 z 10. Individual pressure-reducing valves will be required at ` 1 I F-- i each meter location and will be installed and paid for by OPERATIONS DEPT: BY DATE o CC 1 W I 51 I I (r a �_In _�5 the Tigard Water District. 8 ; \ 52 1 �, 40 1 F +- 32 11 . Oregon State Health Division bacteriological tests are � \ Install � + 1 Z + + I Z required prior to placing system into service. CITY ENGINEER: BY DATE Install 22-1/ 12 " B. F.V 1 W / 1 12. Tigard Water District will install copper services to Bends ` _ -- — 1-�-� Pacts lot prior to paving of streets. P.G.E.CO.: BY DATE X11 J CC aa I ` N J _ 6o H B— "3rr3 1 'INE 8 * N o �5' I MH A-'2 , 5 �o �. .�.-� �s•rsss:.�.�.- .�..�. .�. .--... i 33 TELCO.: BY DATE �� " D i In 11 -Il'r- . Lf•--- _._ a" D.1 10 4toL.F. J --- 77- '77-777777 ^ --- _+ �--- -- -r,----- --.�-------- .4s SEWER SYSTEM: �` d , STORER CABLE CO.: BY DATE II stall , _ +_ 3+e-I Install 4� : "' _- _ - ! 3 B. F -_ %_ — m - -. a�� F. ��� 1 . Sewer pipe and fittings to be PVC gravity sewer pipe y r '� _/ conforming to ASTM D-3034, SDR 35 with rubber ring type 1 / Install 8 B.F.V. and \ N.W. NAT GAS CO.: BY DATE Bend 5 Ut lity �a I stall 12pt8 1 + ",I joints. Joints t4 conform to ASTM D-3212. Hy,,rant Assembly t 4 rasem ant Cross I_ I stall +� II 2. Sewer mains to be airtested following trench backfill and 1 90' Fiend ,s� 3+50 ' compaction. IP I I'f.-0✓F 17. 4 Utility _—_ DIST: BY.—DATE- 3 Y. DATE3 2 1 1_ Easetri n 1N 39 38 37 36 I 35 34 a UNIF SEW AGENCY: BY DATE E V E LOP E R S: 1 1 8.4 1 I � � iZ4' Install 1 3515gS.W. BarbureBlvd.Company 12" B.V. F. Portland, Oregon 97201 I - ----- - --- _--- --- -- -__ - --------- ------ ----- . ---- - Phone: (5 0 3) 227-7992 --- _ _. - —a r_ wr..w.«-r.. _ W - - - D.I. OR-AK Corporation w W W- W W 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way too WW W Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 - -- # '/ -- --- - - --- -_ ----- - Cut in 16 x 12 Cross �- -�- (Plug Fast) , 2-16 33 Phone : ( 503) 635-4551 «1 ' v► 53 B. F.V. ( in line) I i 1 w/16 " S. S. t > t I 20 May 1985 •—► APPROVED C: ' . .. . _. . ,.. ,. ��� RITTAN a n SQLJA0E UNIFIED 5E�'UER AYNP 1 �5-2 2-34 S^ ENGINEER: I I 1 . 32 31 30__ _ 29 I i �,___ _ _ -_ -_-- �_ _ 2 8 Leonard A. Rydell , P. E. . P.L. S. W 601 Pinehurst Drive 2 I*I I 52 ___.____ -_ -- Newberg, Oregon 97132 3 5 �C jI 1 .J---- I "' R ___.___..- _ _ __ ..____-� Phone* ( 5 03) 538-5700 - 38 3 S l HILL � f 4 ' MORNIN 36 � 3 51 , l FD •���. �� Ya, I I z 41 Sheet 1 of 6 Drawn By : �-���°tr �e*- W.O. No. 8505 PRINTED MAY 21 195 ,..., ........:..o..... ... - -;s.a.+wr1�MAA "�r„a-rrriw.».*.N.......•---^. _ ...._...q,.. .._.—... ..,.�•,r,.,.,,. `� :` X11 �'I�t�llt,li I�'II���I,II� Ftllltlll+ 77— T1,1114-1, fill IIio�IIItIlr�II IIt1�I) IIIi11�`I�r�n II �01 It1123 4 5 6 7 8 9 Itl 1 t� NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED •"'�"' "-� "��_" --� DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICfa-r'll IS DILE TO Pf QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL —. ._ �"""bRAWING. OE 6Z 62 LZ 92 SZ rZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 6t 81 LI 91 SI 1+1 £I Z 11 01 6 9 1 9 S to £ 2 (rwar+ �1111IIII11III111II1111(IUIIc�11luIIlIIIr�111111'1II11NI1111I1111Igll�lllll�r�1IINNINII�IIIIIi1t�NNlIt1l�lUtINN)II7111N1�11i�ut1f1�IutIIIlIliltt+tMl�hlllttt}�It111111�11H�1n1llnnnilI11II11II1111111111u1tlllliu,�iiulltttltttllwl�It11111tlIlll�lllt�1111 JUNE 24 1992 WINTER LAKE II SANITARY SEWER PROFILES City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon bl M11 M I 230 in N r I ZZ1 5-1 kA1- + Z M EXISTING N GROUND L r m N I0 m - m 220 __— N 4w,EMENT ^ 220 e// ZZD.5& - --- - --- N Z ----- -- - - - — NI I.EF OUT— x o E`)� IST►NC9 RIM= RIM= KI M= FINISH G7-('3 ZZ h Z15. + ZI3.Z7— Qe4Vt✓MEh1T� RIM= KIM = zo9.7o ��, 210 - 210 RUCI< ROCK ROCK, SACK,FILL_ KOCK SACK-FILL 13ACKFBK_ 1LL Il.4 RC --- _....-._ __ , .-- _-_--___I _ .- ��� L• 1 RIM= IIS L.F $" PVC S=0.4"'- z 0-5-Z(0 oZo3.ZG FZDCK 15ACK-F-ILL ) - - I.E 8" IN I.E. IN I.E . OUT zoo 00 - I.E. IN 37 .F l.E. DUTY Z(?3.3Z Z03 So zZ 03 4 20017,5 V F I.E . IN Z03 I Z - I'E OUT-- - -- - ---- - 200 I.E. OUT) Z Ol - — - Yc ---_____- _-___--- __- _. _ _ _Q07- O S.E. OOT zc)o- -L � I \I E IN 1 it t 1�1 -7o LINE B - LINE A Scale: Horiz: l' - 50- Ve t: 1' 5' � Scala: Harlsk 1' - 50' art: 1' 5' j I 100 0 00 1 0 (1 2400 34-00 4 +00 54,00 64,00 7+00 8+00 94,00 0400 14,00 2 00 3 00 44,00 190 I � I I U) r 00 240 _— _— _-_--- _-- 240 . J W 0 m DEVELOPERS: 0 Krueger Developmebt Company • � � R1M = 3515 S.W. 13arbur Blvd. Y-i p ZZ7- D+-\ Portland, Oregon 97201 E?(IST IN KIM= zzf) 1'7 � W Phone : (503) 227-7992 2 30 230 I .J------_'-_ —r- p __- ------ ------_-N RIM= FINtsN--- -_ ---- __----- N EXt;�TING - ZMI4 -~ + GfZOUN>7 ZZ7. 14 PA-4EM�'NT QR-AK COrjJOrdtiOtl 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way -- _.-- Rocs -}�S^C-K 1 i-L.L- - - -- G I Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 I � = Phone: ( 503 ) 635-4551 EXISTING + - � �' GROUND RIM" zzI o5 RIM- Pav cMEFNT ---- - - 220 _ -- —_-- --- -- --- _ - ---— ----. — -- — - 220 4 o T L1� 38 I E. IN ROCK FtWSH zzo o I PAVEMENT ROCK eACKFIL_L _----_____-� _ -_ - -_ --�__ BACK1 11_L R°G'� �'�"�I�-�— 1 ENGINEER: Leonard A. Rydell , P. E. , P.L. S. 601 Pinehurst Drive Newbery, Ore on 97132 RIM = tV - � I E ' L t3 Pic 5: I C�L���� Pv S= C7 oiE AUT ) IE IN � 9 lo 4z 13P•G L4Z L_. >P" >avC 5= O.4' 38oIN ZgG_____---- IE OUTS l IE. IN Z' S ^� zt4.1<<. Phone: (503 ) 53$-'5700 I E our / �_ z13ob z.13Z0 ` IE. OUT , IE fN ZIP 00 � ^10 210 LIE OUT Z12 03 ZII 83 z1z o3 - -- -- --_ --- -- - _ - _--- ---- �� �= LINE D LIN E E P�G Scale: oriz: 1' - 50' Vert: 1' 5 Scale: Horiz: 1' - 50 Vert: 1' - 5' LINE C �� �h '^ �, $" 16 �- Sc le: Horiz: 1' - 50' Vert: 1 • 5U��R{1 �, +` 2. ' T_ /►4�B6 E f Shee 2 o 6 Zc312I Z��3Z I I I 200 04-00 1 0 2 00 3 0 4 +00 5 00 6 00 7 00 0 00 1+00 2 00 0+00 1+00 2 00 Drawn '� y �_.�•.!� ' 0 May 1985 W.U. No 8505 240 I,.I, it PRINTED MAY ',) I I" '_'n.^.- - "'.-"".".�!�" .ver.' -..... ..w,�,,:...y....... ,. r •�r�eu �T"=•:.:.;.., .. .�...,.-._ .-.:.... �:n..r. wAr.sy�W7'+�y::r^.wa+rsr..r:w.. .. ,wna ., YiMMa!'"":.ny.r......w.ilt'.°at „ '. - .- A�=..yr.r•,�i:... -.'' .... ' ` w lr11' Ii1111 1111111111111Fill*Ifly I1+1[li'llIII 11#11101 11(tIl ( fI111I� 11IT �IIIII) 111111 1111111011101 1111/II,tI11111ItIllllt�Ittlltl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 si 10 11 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED — DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR TIIAN t THIS NOT ICFrr-1T IS DUE TO JW QUALITY OF THE ORICINAI_ DRAW INC. of 6Z 92 t2 92 SZ UZ EZ ZZ IZ 02 61 81 L 1 91 91 b I E 1 21 11 01 6 9 1 9 9 t. E Z 't•"•""' _ �NI�IIIIIn11�un�ml�uulun�1a11111�111111lllllllfl1111�up1►ut�mtlttu�wulllN�tllllllll�f{t�IS111h11IIlII�1111�I1t1111NI11ibllltf�t�NHII1)IllttlliHiI11114111IIt111�I111I111{IIIHII{{l� H�111111u1InUIlIH{VIII) l�U1l�Itl�tlltllll111I111IW�IIHH JUNIE-11 24 1992 v •. .,. o{ ^T4"^.RASi.I' Sr'u� WINTER LAKE II STREET ANDSTORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon Scale: 1" = 50" =� 1 E Ct • Construct Ditch ____��__.., _ A. , as Required to t �►•' - --- � Existing Swale - 1 M a Install 32 L. F. I / 12" Cor,'rete r+ az5 ,z =5 . 28$ 2 4 GENERAL: - �s �E I 1 . All street, water , sanitary sewer and storm drainage / Tigard , Oragon - 15 ' utility 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 , I improvements to be constructed in accordance with the Easement -�' \ cc,�K B ---- --- � . _ I I Standards of the City of Tigard, the Tigard Water District 2= z8 co cuRg "^ and the Unified Sewerage Agency. Improvements will be \ Tac= D= 3801Z' 4 ' az6.�z 5' uTIL.ITY TOC zlo ,9 inspecte'ti during construction for the purpose of 13 EA�E �N 2= z6.00 25 acceptance. VICINITY Ni�P roc= -Tac= I/z D= z I l,.l z z7.a 8-d•57'03' p CURE \ � TO zz(0 58 L= 3923 TpG=ZIZ 04 a 2. on-ra _ -- - - or o obtain applicable construction erm is and R= a z va �� -- --- --_- -- ---- - -- - E jI Scale. 1"a 1000 ct t ip i �_ notify appropriate agencies prior to construction of all Z2' 39' ! .....� •y. - - ..a .r . r - - ss• ... .. --- --- --- improvements. 3 t 4j,1F - , Extreme care shall he taken to preserve existing TOP � K, improvements, vegetation and survey monuments. �. _.�.� ....._�. r �o Ind 12 \ -TCC= ZZ( 7� _ _roc_= Zz 4 =roc= zla li_ __ _ T c- O - zlz CURE TOC= + / '/z L�� zZ.7 14 '/z �= zzo81 �o i %z�= zl�,os 1/za= *Z11 s8 - 1 --- - Z8 227.48 1 TO C_ Z Z 7 SI TOc= Z19.-p8 --+Toc= ZI,) 5fl -- --- 2 = ZB oo I � Toc_= 210.7,0 -� - A- s�z, -+ o CURF3 58 57 c uR>5 I �uRs le �� STREET CONSTRUCTION _ 46 45 'z�.ioo L�� 8��7' 03' K- 26.00 1 + IZ= zei 00 CURB 27 A=9o•oz,s ' ►n p= s�'S� 'o3" R= zs.00 i � • 11 L= 15� ZS i_ - 3929 L= 39 Z5 G= 90'02'57 L- 3�Z9 1 . All roadway excavation, fill construction, subgrade prepartion, aggregate base, surfacing, prime coats and W I paving will be done in accordance with the Oregon 1984 I' W Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. 1 59 cc 56 47 44 1 s 28 2. Roadway area within street right-of -ways to be cleared of • 10 Q 5 UTILIT'C I all surface vegetation including trees, stumps, brush, LEGEND• E�,�Er^EN; Q roots, weeds, grasses and debris and grubbed to remove all 0 I 4fi a -- -- ----- stumps, roots, buried vegetative matter and debris t0 a ` -e-s- Existing Sanitary Sewer 4 + o - () depth of 6-inches below grade. Waste materials o be -w-w-- Existing Water Line - 60 I 55 , I 4 W I I 29 � disposed of on site as directed by Engineer. g i 8 43 3 . Roadway to be rough graded to match existing topography Existing Storm Drain g s UTILIT'( � I � ` �j' UTkLIT`( I prior, co installation of underground utilities. "ON T_ EASEMENT 4 . FinF ................ �• - I grade and compact roadways prior to placement of Proposed Storm Drain - -- ------ rock. Proof roll streets to 958 of maximum density as per Proposed "���ement _i the AASHO T'-99 test method, scarify and sprinkle with 5' uTILIT`( I I I water on sub rade if necessary to achieve ab - - - Existing C EP.SEMENTI 3 61 J + 54 I 49 42 -j p 9 Y ave g urb 30 compaction. Proposed Curly I I I `� O° I - 5 . Second lift of asphalt shall be placed following build-out S I LL of 758 of the residential lots or as directed by the City ---> - Drainage Direction _ ----4-- - -- -- - -__-__ ___ _________ of Tigard. Sweep, flush and clean pavement before LL, - I applying tack coat and second lift of asphalt. Zx� 53 50 -� 41 I 31 � 62 yam,. r t �-C U 2 B --- CURB - GuR6 CU E \ 2= 75.00 2= 25.00' (�= Z500, K- Z8.00 L1- 8�•5l ' 03" !�_ nc) OZ'57" �Nz St�057'D3' e o) L- .,5") Z.5 OC = ZIZ S$ p= L= 3� z g 5 2 ZI+z car N7 51 4 0 °° I t 3 2 L=/067 \ I TOC= ZZl 54 -� TOC= ZZI.5+ TOC= ZIZ.45 Toc.= ZzZ-35 Z QQ � I A= ZZO ro7 I ZZ l /L /Z = ZI'3 'S3 \Zlz (-4- \ 3 5 / i_OC= zf 5 83 TC7L_L14 Zo TOC = Top Z 2.78 till 0 Q " � zI;3.3� ,� _ �. Z447-40, 33 \'\ M �- ��.. roc = `I� zs STORM DRAINAGE NAGE CONSTRUCTION: ----- --------... __�__ .. 4 i c� -r. �R. \ -_-- --= - � f __-. z►I•mss y � =22315- - -hc= Tac = - L . Storm sewers to be C-14, Class 2 concrete pipe with rubber '/z p = ZZZ.04 • 1�, 84 - Z14.r., roc Z13.t3G= R= Zoo cu 5 ZI4.s5�� \ A= ,rte • gaskets. T'o = Zzo 9z+ --t--T-oc = z z 9z + Toc; �` L-= I z 1 9L 4 C u r B R $°° �= 3B°IZ_'413" 213 V I 3� R= Z .00 I rx� CuR �= la c-7 • 3 2 A= O °z511 I `'� ; 17 .4 ' Utility I-= 9 ZQ d= 9�'O Easement 39L_= 3 39 37 36 I I 36 34 Install 32 L. F. ; n 8.4' DEVELOPERS: 12" CorlcrP a De pen Ditch as :I 1Z..4' In tall 114 L F. + -1 =118 Re uired to at�h � ' ---- 12 Concrete Krueger Development Company 3 515 .__ Pi 'le Grades � ♦ - ° S= .08 S.W. Barbur Blvd Y-1 �ururzt Culla -�- I 1r1 1 / I * 'Rip ap -_ - Portland, Oregon 97201 .. .. ..�. ..tars. - - - ------- -- ------ ---- -S- - - - - - - --= ---- ---- - . - -- - -- - - Phone : ( 0 ) 227-7992 zZ' � `�__y_4�7 .� ------> ---> _ • 5 3 • • Z1b.35 I E. C"T zio-zl w� , v. ► w w ----- w -W - - - - -..�- _---- ---- ----- , :.-�. - - - - Corporation OR-AK -- •� -. _ _ _ ._- -___ _ -- _ - 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows way w vv w ---+OIC- -iir-��- w �: Install 3 5 t,. � -- - -- ------ --------- Q / " Install 65 L. F. n o Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 ----- ----- ---- - _ __----- . _ -- --_� � ; W /' ,- --- - - - ---- - - --_ ------ 12 Concrete - -- -... _ - 12" Concrete -. ( 53 S=10. 08 S-1 .08 -- -3 3 \ W ���-------- Phone : (503) 635-4551 + I o I ICr ii � RITT'AN d I SQUA E 3 I = I ! I 1. ENGINEER: ---- 1hW �+---- 28 Leonard A. Rydell, P.E. , P.L.S. I- � 32 31 30 2 - -_ Y �-- - �. 601 Pinehurst Drive ��, �2 -- _ Newberg, Oregon 97132 z l 3 5 I Q 5-_ _ g g -WINTER --- --- I 4 I �' �� - - - - Phone: (503 ) 538-5700 MORNIN °� �- � � � HILL -- - �. I �' �37 _3 a_-- 3 9 _ , --. .. --- - i cr + +��"�. I � I ' -- -- -- I w �. 87 1 z I / �` OR Ec ON i I I I Drawn BY , .� 20 May 1985 W.O. No. 8505 h eet 3 _ of 6 w I I' r t!t . ' fill I ~ 1 1 I I .1 11 I I fill t I I 11 I ( I I I I t I I 1 I I I I 1 ----• + ---• •�-r - �-• " -' = i i I I I I I I I I I Illtlllrlr�flllill til ►It I�I III ►I! IIS III II�I►I► SII ►�i II11 Illlt�l II! tl►ltll ►ILII NOTE IF THIS MICROFILMED ►.�...�r... ( 2 4 - 5 6 7 8 9 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICFrr-IT IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL j - DRAWING. - - - ---_ - - OE 62 8� a 9? SE ►t EZ 2a 13 02 E' 61 LI 91 SI i�l EI 21 II Of 9 9 1 9 S'i r• E z Imra•w �I111111111IIIIIIIinnlln�ln)►I►►I►Ill►l�uI1111111nNlllt111►ulualualnsis�INIIIIidNNlllll+fll�tlltlttitltlL►t13MluIIIl11111tINI"ld ulhtllfilNlfllilttttltlttlttlllllllltu11n11I1t 1�11111i�lllulllulllullnllllluhlll ull�l►u11J1lIILuI111111uI�Wlltn JUNE 24 19 � WINTER LADE II STREET AND STORM DRAINAGE PROFILES City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon I W ,� Q of �-9 q[ - to m oil OL WOCL 0 OG 0 F- I W :DN OL I- 7 u[ of Id � � ,� Fav � � puW�W,, � o Z � + 230 � w w t~ I 01 W �, W + �, � u � � Q I 11 ,I c) w DC W 0 W 3 W In W m CO + 0 q W ul II II - �0W it II230 N � u o J J JI + 0 o N 01 Z = O F- Qol a�j of - nl cJ o + d z .9 r` r a0 v a 0 > 3 0l o� + + II 111 ►- + v �►�►� m + + Ul + r- W N s�l + + + > N N W N .I + + W tt tt h 7 w W oC °z 3+t v 2+ I I` � m I W C Q N ii r (ll �I II �' ol�t RIM- / !_EFT e1w I� I� V CI vl ii Z ZZ0.5o Lr 54 EX/ST/NG I L 2 0 \ - W 3 w 0 a a0 s��< U U ZZn.z1 Z '-)Z Zza-,z I zzr 33 / �,Iclallr R' W RIM= CL to 4) + MI + ID W� TOP PVT / o / ZZ( 05 Zz1 33 � N N SOC! Ifll 11 ZZI. z8 -? 'o = 1. l S -0. �o -- --- -� ZZI.Z4/ 2z154 ZZI, - - / z%I,). ,z19 98 z1� 7Z ~ 9 R1M= 22 Z I g 4 (�J _ �.___ �l �--- EXi.ST/NG � SAS K F l LL �n� /° ZI 9.$3 - �s� �- X/6//T P� h I v�4 4, 0 (� S- I \� d et 12„ ocN� �_ i E. 4- t Imo.as + + W 1e-1 �- F zl�.o4 � I - I I T58 L.F. I Z'CdJC RIM EX/ST/N6 Zlb 80 z17.-11 I E 57 I Zk"I 48 I I IE. TGE _ E. oUT zz� � Z 13.2 Z I.E. Z17.35 Z 1 I ` 216 In") I.E. IN � \ A� 14.61 � 5 _ -ZEFT rFr"'N 21'7,00 I00, V.C. I I Z 14.Z.C� l - T"'� E C� 2 RIM= S t-A �.1 .=Z_+C10 LE OUT --SEwE { Z t .3z L - z10.4 z 14. 53 10 \ IIZ(Z.45J _ S= -U. ro% - RIM=___ - ELC-V. PI. = -ZZI.74 ZI-Z.3$ Z1 44 --- -- - ----- - Z01),7D i Z10.7o -- 210.19 I� I 7Z� zIZ.©3 S T \ --- - -- N-- R T H STREET _ S- ; I L LI R O CK I • Z -70 - _ _ --- - goat*: HOriz: 1 -6 Vert: 1•-s �� 10 I -- - - C TER ST R E E S Scale: Horiz: 1'-60' Vert: 1'-5' I E. OuT �\ r2.� Sack F E . OUT I See •: Moriz: 1'-50' C�$.Z0 mac 113L.F Iii Zo'7,Zf � f � Vert: 1 -5 I I 1. I N °•/ 7 o c I.E oU r 5= 1 \ \ - I I zoo �0 1.l✓ . r 11�our 7- 5.53 r Zos 4 7 ( PRO F'O 6 d PfLG P � -1•-- o s E D Z 3 Z I.t= our ) 1 E IN I.0--/OUT Zo .IZ Zo3 3Z 203.8 200 0 00 1 00 . 2 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 6 00 7 00 0 00 1+00 2400 3400 4 0 pp 200 c� r`I obi J i1 Drawls By : ;;e, Wireµ- 20 M8 1985 W.O. No. 8505 W �- J 61 Q�I j m �N� V _j 11 W r �I as 6> of F to � In J JIB W U Z -I ? r o N I � NII m N � W� + w w W �' DEVELOPERS: of �j � u�i 3W �' I Krueger Development Q OC EX/5T/NG W ►- o �„ 9 pment Compa,iy 7 �J W W LEFT 'elW N WjW 6 3 + _ z3 v NI u„ + W o W 3515 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Y-1 U 7 c1 W RIM= � � Wim Q .I � � In Portland, Oregon 97201 230 __ ,jI of - - (L -- � �� m �� t � _ _ Kim _ _ - S �- d 3 11 Phone: (503) 227 7992 + iF - _ �- _-._ -- / N,-Z Z7 I¢I --t F�L'CF/LE 6Qf1D& 7 + I- k + � S= e _ - - = TOP o� carP,t3 W � , � '� _ W OR-AX Corporation l� - �� \. Z z 9 3z z-=� z I �. `�=' s /o - I` r S W � L� W �IQ 230 ZZ& 73 II 7_z8.8r� rZZ7.51 6) 3 W W .Z.z7o + pl W ,i m m 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Wa z7� �5 zz7 �o zz� 10 - ��-` E.Y/.sT/N� v) o �' Lake Oswe ov Oregon 97034 y 0 9 9 Z Z 5 Col I I II II GZ(c Z� �` ;` �, /CGffT R/!✓ I �pI V U 56 m Phone : ( 503) 635-4551 5 4- I _ -I E-OU-T _ ---- _ I I Z t."7� � \ ` � II I IE OUT- ZL3 ao w _R _-- _- �Z'L�L KIM= of 22 �J Zzl 33 / �L ��ZZ0. sa I 1 E 1N'� j -12(4,4 �, zlo3� 81 : cl g la . C - ---- S. - --------- _... ---------- --- -� f - -- - -- --- ----- ------ - -- ---- --- - 220 f, P 1 - G+rw ZI97Z �� 61 6) + ELEV. P I = z30.0 I I EL.EV PI - Z_Zc_ 41 21811 i ENGINEER: I.E 00T Leonard A. Ryde11, P.E. P. L. S. -- C- TE I I \TEE ' �=k '� 601 Pinehurst Zrive Newbery, Oregon 97132 Tz0 Po s�U C sF we 1z �`' -- R,►n= Phon*: (503) 538--5700 210 z 13 ��zlz.os - + I.E IN l 1 E �uT� 5\ i 7-10.44 - - ZIZ.o3 zll•d3 \�.( ZIz.o4 ----- t - ----- ----- -- --- - - - ----- - - 210 EAST STREETS ! SOUTH STRE T W TREET �U s _ - ZIb.44 - ---- ���GI"t,# \ I� a�l� ftala: Horiz: 1'-50' Vert: 1' S' cele: Horiz: 1'-5�' Vert: Scale: Hcriz: 1'-50' Vert: 1'-5' \F 4 OREGON 1 �IE. OOT ^`' -j I F. IN ?'C�Ci.Coo <�, Ott 22 Ya �v zo\ i I 200 000 , 1 0 2 00 3 00 4 +00 5_2 0 6 00 7 00 8400 9100 10 00 Sheej4 of 6 200 LUT • l 1.1 OF 1 ;.w I�1' IN MAY ` 11965 FA IMI t 1LI1�111��`11�1 (111 O 'till) '111 11, 1 l) II��`1111t�11fIIllllllllllilllllll!11 111111,{i111�1+I1111111I111�1111'11I111 i , ' NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN 1 THIS NOTICE---11 IS OWE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL A « DRAW I NG. -- --_- OE 62 92 L? 9Z SZ V? EC ZZ 12 OZ 61 91 LI 91 SI b1 EI ZI II 01 d 8 L 9 S ti ' E Z Ise"A.■ ��lllunlull unlun ulllnn Inllul Illlun Ilalnn uuhlll mlin�l uluill►nllUn t�tllllllllllln IIIIIint ull►N1111t1f1c�11111i111 Ittlttltlllllliltt{Ititlllll{IIIIIIINIIIt1HlllnlllU� :II111111{1l1111WI�1WlW�IIIl�lltttl{tIUII111itW11111 JUNE 2 '4 1992 S rA NDARLI DE rA IL 5 WINTER LAKE JT Washington County, Oregon STANDAKD MH. FRAME a COVER--- EASEMENT AREAS TRAVELED RIGHTS OFyVAY -FINISH GRADE TRENCH WIDTH SET FRAME STEPS „ IN MORTAR- --GROUT /- _ I� MAX. �- -r- _-_j — — ` i --\�--�� 12"MAX. MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE AT NATIVE 4"CONCRETE EXTENSION -/- - I tri\ \ I --i 6 " ABOVE TOP OF PIPE MATERIALS °"i 2"-0" CRUSHED ROCK, CLEA11, \ I _DENSE , HARD AND COMPACTED. RING INSTALL AS REOUIRF� \ IC. ) I ',r�� 1 ' -}2 2' TO BRING MH. COVER • I \ PIPE SIZE TRENCH WIDTH FRAME TO ESIGN GRADE. �- \ /� (Max. 3 rings ) C STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME 8 COVER , 6 '— 2' O~ ECCENTRIC �� - - / L-T1 SET FRAME: r 8 2 C • isMIN. " ► RAM -NEK JOINT - ' FINISH GRADE — iN MOTAR 1- 1- t -L - -t- - �' ,' MATERIAL OR EQUAL I I -- - - - - - - -- C ~ I I - - - - - 10 " 2' 2" 'J r , 1 I/ GROUT--- --- 4" CONCRETC EX1 ENSir', I I _ _ 3/4 "- 1/4 " _ / MAKE St !.ET OF 1 SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL RING ` \ I ( 12 2' 6" I • 48 ` _ GROUT Fig ;.ET SMOOTFI I A 10 \ \ Q FORM GROOVED IN- -- -- IN PIPE ZONE - 95% COMPACTION I / VERT TO DIRECTION i4" 2' 8" �.- I, OF FLOW -12 MAX l --RAM-NEK JOINT I 1 /-� „ -STEPS • �1 tea. -48" i` MATERIAL OR \ IS 2 10 • 6., J • -J6T'D 48" " I r. a EQUAL ' " iAfH. RISER COMPACTED GRANULAR J ST'O 4d' :h '� 18r 3 0 e - `' �- BACKFILL NOTE = MR RISERS _ „ 16 3 4 PIPE > • ; p a 0 0 12 MAX. O 2' MAX o C o0 o "vo0 p UNEARTHRBED I. INLETS OUTLETS AS REQUIRED, • A. of V _ " ZONE 20 3 6 ' p WHEN SEWER ENTERS ABOVE x � .; - .: INV.TO I rV. c 0 Oo 0 o BOTTOM OF MH FORM A NOTE ' -- �v�' o V o F FILLET OF GROUT OR CONC. ~; 1'%ft SLC. F-� !►. „ 21 3 6 I D/2 .A Of I. SLOPE • ;, p p o AS INDICATED. !� 1 . • h 1. 4 CONCRETE EXTENSION RING ' � s',_ ,y, �..• .. _" - _. -• ` 00/\y -MAKE SURFACE SMOOTH '�• • ' .~ o. o a FORM GROOVED INVERT '� ' INSTALL AS REQUIRED TO BRING A `� ,; . 0 0 DIRECTION F ' ' • _ 24„ a' 10„ • ' ,, ; p/ T 0 FLOW :e - MANHOLE COVER 8 FRAME TO ' 4"MIN. of D/4 M _r • �� �' - _ �, •_ ;• DESIGN GRADE.CM!rX. 3 RING). • r " o - •�. � 27" 4' 2" 91 - 12" LAYER COMPACTED . :• o GRAVEL( 3/4 - 1/4 ) 30 4 6 ,o. ,o•u• .o •� ' � ' o • • • . , �' �� 2. INLETS/OUTLETS AS REQ. ' � 0 0 • • a o 0 1 a°• o• p o • -P,- �+ '0 • 12" LAYER COMPACTED o a p ✓ � u e 0 �o• ° .o°��o 0 o p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRAVEL (3/4"- I/4") .� „ 6'-0" MIN. 6 0 MIN. 1 33 4 10 36 5' 0" STANDARD MANHOLE STANDARD SHALLOW MANHOLE 42" 5' 6" STA 4e" „ �..,• NDA RD TRENCH s o NOTCH LID FOR LIFTING HOOK . 2'-8' 16 BARS - 2' O.C. WROUGHT IRON OR WELDED FRAME AND GRATE-SEE B DETAIL If,BARS-1/2'x I I I N-N o - _1 S-2,X11 ;- - - 2 sa edge I I I N \ - •1 flot NIN19 SPACES -2 O.C. 3'-2" Q ,I � r � AU I 2" BAR-I/2"x2"x3'-2-V2" - ��/ LL Fire hydrant assembly consists of 12" , 8" or 6" MJ I 0 — ��/ x 6" Flg tree, 6" Flg x MJ gate valve, 6" MJ x MJ holding 11 �+ GUTTER LINE � " spool , and Modern Mueller Centurion fire hydrant, A-442, I f� 10 O I ' - I SECTION C--C — Ir----2'-e-I/2 -- III 1 II ; N MAX. PIPE 6" MJ, 54" MVO, 3-port (2 - 2h" NST hose connections, 111 1 V ) , Ci i7 III - i SSIZE 18" 10 e , '/ 1 iv iv C 1 - 4Y' NST pumper) , lls" Pent Opr Nut, open left, color : -- -1/I - yellow. _ /// a 3'-3314" - m 8 (2)-2-V2'x2-I/2"x3/8"� lT MuellerO Modern Centurion' Fire Hydrant I / „ 3 -� " � 150 p.s.i. (1034 kPa) working pres- American Water Works Association PLAN VIEW sure - 300 p.s.i. (2068 kPa) test Standard C-502. A variety of choices �\ 1 _ - i• T pressure. Compression iype main can be made regarding I g g several fare +Ive closes with the pressure. hydrant features - see page DI-6 for 2•(/2"x 2•I/2"x 318"x 3'-3 I ydrant fully complies with additional information. + L ., -'� Modern Centurion Fire Hydrants Bf a (2)-?.0"x 2.1/2"x 3 CI"x 2'-3" ';:;w� ':rl•�,11•••Mlital . IgtxN. frJaa�111s I 5/8"x 3"BOLT ` :;�1",f •,',.�..:S •.�._� lilxee �•► 4 -r. ,4 Ihimeer ',f rna•M• •• Ilwne•r.. t�111 ,.'1�•eNl� Ill�lll�w COVER 5 FRAME TO BE MACHINED (__- Co. Ond Three way 2 I 2'r.•,3• t 3'h',4", Sv.• A•442 See pe1H TO A TRUE BEARING ALL AROUND. SECTION C-C 4'1.•,s' DI-2 FRAME AND CRATE DETAIL ' *Nominal sizes. other sizes can be specified - "a page D1.6. aD "Nominal size. 2 - 1 7�?11 NORMAL PVMT SLO r- ' Bury lengths available — pE 2'- 0; " - e i fl-In 1.6,,4-6,5.0.54,".64.7.0,76,&0,84,9-0,94, 10-0 ~� .' m T0.46,0 81,0.76,Q91;.1.07,,122, .3),7, 1.52, 1.88, 1.8J, 1.9B, 2.13,2.29,2.41,2.59,2.74,2.90,3.05 III - 4 x12" DRAIN I::. V2' IN • TILE-WEEK II ► A. p 300 _ -' - - - - - - - - - I0QI DRAIN AT 11..0 W • c- -- BOTTOM OF 1- >AI SUB-GRADE 11 o ►. r DITCH I ��� �� � • 1 L ; .. _Q — -- f I'- Ip.. 1 d o a:' VARIABLE 1�� i�� j } ►� 2 �-- lf� FIRE HYDPA NT ETA L • I S-10 3/4" +, 1'•I I-3/4 +I b I� 2'-10" SECTION A-A 2 - 0 — _ SECTION 0- 8 SECTION 8-0 2'_ ," ��____.__��_ SECTION A-A ELEVATION coNc9ET>_ m BE 3000 Ps I. - zo DAYS,- s saa< MIX DEVELOPERS: ENGINEER: Krueger Development Company 4+G1Nit g P P Y Leclnat:d A. Rydel 1 , P. E, , P. L. S, 3515 S.1!. Barbur Blvd., Y-1 601 Pinehurst Drive 5.518 Portland, Oregon 97201 Newberg, 9 egon 97132 STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME & COVER STANDARD DITCH INLET STANDARD CATCH BASIN -v OREGON Phone : (503 ) 227-7'�9� Phone : (503 � 53 8-5700 � ()R-AK Corporation �iy, 1.3050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way Rp A ZDA ,SS Lake OswegO, urQgon 97034 COTWALD Phone : (503 ) 635-4551 Drawn HY : �-j• i,<G y'� "l0 Ma, 1985 W. O. MO. � X15 Sheet 5 of 6 sr...•.n-,�....... �wM +r+.r�mn.�.1..,.•�}..+>«_ •9� .n1M'�'�!I•! r6p"n ��_ .w -. ...+w .r* -„+In.,,�aiw+. ,, 4 Nb _ •,r.. ..--.._, . .. - ...-.....- -.. �•- PR NTED A�' ItII�'1111Jill!11111111111F1111►111vi1i111111{IIIIII:[IIIh'111�ICI�(' I rI�I �I III 1 I�t III tlf I tIl fl) Ilr (II I(I III III I I �I111I1 IVI11 i II(III III I III r'1 111j1-., .,-.,,,_ ij _. . F... __ , NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �'"i'+.�'- I •,�-� ��--R� `� 4 - 5 8 7 8 9 10 I I 12 _ 1 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ---'�" THIS NOTICIry "IT IS DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL A, ;•w•, --'bRAWING. OE 62 92 1 !Z 92 VE E2 22 (`Z 62 sf..._ 911 ` L1 91 SI *I `' EI ZI II 01•., d 0 [ 9 S r E Z Isoraso 1#1111111111141111 loll IIt1111111111111111t11f lIIIIIIIIII�IlII�1�IIN�htI111�I111f►IIIIIIIKA{11f11��IIIIIIIIIIiI1161I111111111I111(�IIIII(111�I1{III11U tIfIIIIIIIIIt11IIIIIIIIIlll1�1 1�����1�)(111I(111II11� '1111 JUNE 24 1992 ' ._ ._.. .. _ _ .. - moi•.- �- t rA NDA RD DE rA IL 3 WINTER L ff I �o°..,w W , I ashington County, Oregon I , Inc 0'-6" I MWADROAD I TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINTS 3/4" 611 �(�� cuRe 1Old LAW TO BE PROVIDED AT EACH POINT O F � h ii� •''I:'I'R�i::i:.IiI,t't. ;::{Yf;:',�':<';;,a<y`;���f!{. r;;:;7.1',,' . '•;`��':•'•�;•,•:•::;;�,i'r:•�•lf�''}a�r-�: l5-0 SIDEWALK z-I I �A II Atl Ao a+Rc OALA TANGENCY OF THE CURB 9 AT OTHER o I I I :iii:.'•ial% iii •.. ;►{i::,; {, ,i LOCATIONS AS REQUIREDE "i'`' ; ""`� I "' I I ."uo TO LIMIT THE � •p h� \ I,:.s ijll°•,SiL.::.;,`iii:ic •• .... . • .-, tUA SPACING TO A MAXIMUM _� I e �k+'�. ' '� I i T � •4 � �:; `:r:•,!:•a..:• ��-�`• GRADE TO MATCH - � ' SIDEWALK SLOP 2' 6" G I FLAGMAN OF 20 F �' a, :' > E. •1 UTILITY STRIP I AHEAD 2 MATERIAL TO BE PRE ' MOLDED NON - yc.t_ in O o EXTRUDED MATERIAL WITH A MINIMUM _ _ �• .r..�::, '' '•'' - -o o � I TH : CKNESS OF 1/2" . ` a'- �` r O P. . . .' 4 '' '`�fir:' J ( FLAGMAN MEN O O FOA-o--q-- 4 Y' .i1DEWALK SLOPE 0.A 2 011 N m WORKING » Q N 1 TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION JOINT � :``: 'err'%»* — 4 .,I ING TO 8 `���'> ' ' '' } RAMP SLOPE (). t) S117 SPAC E �;pT MORE THAN 10 FT °' . : ``; ::' � _ --. p ;; yCONCRETE AREAKINd STRtNIi'�li �l�2. DEPTH OF THE JOINT SHALL BE AT a oa •Q q ^�' BC_ 3000 PS.I. ArTfR 28 DAYS I Y� LEAST ONE FOURTH OF THE CROSS - a° n �, !. : r G p n I �C Q BARRICADES , SECTIONAL AREA 0 C o v � . Q ? �, -- g'- 0" �W I (optional If nrorirp) I 4 a a �' r rr r r� IQ r .0--51-011-7I I ! CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH / 1I I 1 W - I/2"��Ax Q' �ia'gi�� '� /rte �/' m I I MEN ,�o I I �m�,o/ioro oIJ I TO BE 3000 P. S I. AFTER 28 DAYS . �,, _o" '"/ u E .T yr .,t, ,'r d_ a :A ' .: . : \� -o Q I WORKING I I !/I�ni , oOrriC6ses 9 e �'. a.. .�: - '` FLAGMAN I O � I o1 night. ) �`_ _Z GRADE TO MATCH -3/4'�0" CRUSHED ROCK LEVELING II- 0 �I Z O I ` SIDEWALK SLOPE. "o ' 0'-4" COURSE AS SOIL CONDITIONS REQUIRE 1 0 ��. STANDARD C URB , N PLADMM EFT I I AHEAD LANE BICYCLE & WHEELCHAIR RAMP � I O ; a �I � g I _ I ...ur. a Lim 1 I »r ROAD Ati/M 1► AIKAY I 1 LL I I ` I • 1 I /\ I ROAD "� oaRrrRs�" I I 010189 U"00R I ruAe A AD I P/L P/L — GRADE TO MATCH Z - 6�� UTILITY STRIP SIDEWALK SLOPE DAY NIGHT --- --- 50' R/ W f------- ----- --- EDGE OF SIDE ri/4LK { - --- " f; �f�. ... .. ..::� 1 ♦yrr:.: UNIFORM TRAFFICCONTROL �T ti4•. :{:}:{•: !:ir: C O• ! R L r u A k� r'4:y4�•'r v ti•: r: •� ,> �Y y:1'•: .r.KV fir. �:.♦L 3 17 • ► --- — 17 -�---- - --- 5' 3- I ;•; �.,.y,,�;`n 4r r.v r,r ♦. 6" CROWN SIDEWALK SLOPE- 0.0208. 4 ' 0'-6rr (� 3'-0" 5'-0�� f-3-0"-�I RAMP SLOPE - 0.091 • f ? I ' I CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH TO R/W R/W I " CLASS "C" ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (OVERLAY) BE 3000 PSI AFTER 28 DAYSF� IL 32 ' -0" 2" CLASS"B/C" ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 5'-Orr I --- --- - - - -- ----- -- ---� 2" 3/4"- 0" CRUSHED ROCK/ GRAVEL NOTE 8" 2" - 0" CRUSHED ROCK / GRAVEL I/2"MAx ,•; ,� - - _ _.____�� — - GRADES SHALL NOT EXCEED �2% ON �'• ��}�:�' `' e.. •i LOCAL STREET,' STREET :w:v :'.' r .•:,+ ..:• `\ CURVES SHALL NOT HAVE LESS THAN e. ' 3/4' 0" CRUSHED ROCK LEVELING -10" IOOFT CENTERLINE RADII ON LOCAL STREET. ' '� COURSE AS SOIL CONDITION REQUIRE 1, - INTERSECTION ANGLES SHALL NOT EXCEED ;• ;•►'', 600, UNLESS THERE IS SPECIAL INTERSECTION DESIGN BICYCLE AND H ' " I�'-°" ' ' - I " ' WHEELCHAIR CHA IR RA MP -�� - ONE INCH OVERLAY REQUIRED WITHIN ONE YEAR . � I I� 4 0 -T, I olts LOCAL STREET SECTION 50" II With 5/0" Washers. 2eBoltsePer. Rail Perad Machine Post. 0=4" 2),I"X G" Pott- Treated And Painted White jam- -- — X 3) 2"X 0" Cross Rail$-Rolls To @e ?afnted Black With White %Retlectori:ed Stripe. rEXP• 1/2"PRE- UL.DED EXPANSIONQ /� pINT JOINT FI LER �TREET BARRICADE VA{.'ABLE EXISTING APRONi ELOPE 51D A �A.:. 5 • 8'-0" F----- VARIABLE -- or R,FIN 5 2.6 W � 3 � t, • 1 .r.•}��gG ��� r7 A i BLEND A/C TO MATCH IEX19T. PVMT. a C/L - FACE OF CURB rotmouns -- EXIST pVM.T ---------- �` / A I11 NOTE: CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MIN. I. BREAKING STRENGTH OF 3000 - 3" CLArS " B/C"Ar'' PSI AFTER 2A DAYS. 3" 3/4"--0" CRUSHED ROCK APRON SLOPE = 0.0729 2,1 ---- --I2" 2"-0" T--C- _ _ _ _ _` _���-0P OF CURB EL. CRUSHED ROCK .. '• �•�� • �' • `f'� •� - � • J DEVELOPERS: ENGINEER: �°' ° 4.a SECTION A-A 6" Krue et: Development Company L .o STANDARD CURB AND SIDEWALK REO. I„- 2, y pm Leonard A. Ry del 1, P. E. , P.I'o S. t� _ DIMENSIONS (ft.) 3515 w. Barbur Blvd. Y-1 601 P' h C, DIMENSIONS __[ S. I ne urst Drive � X�IO 12T14TI6 18L2� Portland, Oreyon 97201 Newberg, Oregon 97132 g.,18 COLLECTOR HALF — STREET IMPROVEMENT - RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY Phone : (503) 227 799.. Phone : ( 503 ) 538-5700 URfti(1N1ti y OR-AK Corporation �� "'O,, �I �'' low11* 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 raC)TWALU 1 DF Phone : Dt awn E;635-4-551 � 20 May 1985 W. U. No. 8505 Sheet 6 of 6 • I .. ., I + . i ice, .! PRINTED MAY Z 1 1?AS •� i ~_. _ M. tII 11111 III(111)P1111 11�`►11 1 ('liillilll'It I II I h,t II ,III fIItI1 Jill 1){,111111T,1 ll ,IlflllI,t11 �0'NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 — a '4 5 8 7 8 9 I I — 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICi�"TT IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL " 1 bRAWING. _ _ ----__. .__. _---- -- --- .— --- ------- --- --- __._ _ ___ Atr 62 62 a g2 s2 trt C2 _-ZZ 12 of 61 At LI 9i 91 dl EI z1 11 01 d 9 1 9 S tr E 2 l SINLAN y 4 ,►Illlllllllll 111111111 111111111 Iltllll) IIIlllllll1111lt11 IIIIIIfN IlNlalnt ulltlt 111111111 f11111111111tI1Nl IHtIIIII�Iffl�titllHtI1t111NI tlltlttf11111t111tlltlll)Itlllllllllln 111111111111 I1IIIIIIIII11111111� LI1�IlUlwl�111J�11lIIIIIIUWIIIH '4 % ._ w_ JIL- JUNE 24 1992 i .. t ii... :..n. ,.r. . ... ,.i .. ..-..i •.. .x , . . �. -,.�. .... I�• 1 !. ,N.