COTSWALD NO. 3 SUBDIVISION w At * c 4 f .rt a�cdarcb t ! + . f y A 6- S-11 0 I o '.M' - t41 * curb MaL'Ihox Loaaetoni zLL r µ SIDEWALK DETAIL D MAILBOX LOCATION DETAIL ALL STREET CORNERS O� r S. W. Ashbury Lane - � Except S.W. Murray Blvd. ) •� w }� r.,' Jr, 01 Uj CL ... • 0� , C Y . t.5 SI,Sr y As h Cone Overla 5'� 2,`:� ! I tp �, . .. w / a Class "a' P y y - r ► ' w .. `' 4�` c s_ 0. oa9 s o oa9ic I Q c t � `� � �� ,�. � � �• y ' �+ ' - � S.W. Fairing Lane. o a. o.� e I � - a � . CoacreEe o ' ''00_a." ��"C� ° Cci`cJ .Sta,ied�d YL de.wa6A COnCrGeG Ccub � »� ,� '�r `'y •� � •� ,r�ql n,.` , ... ` � ^ � ';6" wLr:/s. a WGGP a >'•' 3 '�" "' / a Class_ B AsPkaLl Coizere6e kolas er • , .. 3/� ' O Cru P Cot sltGoL ock Gra veC N R U a O Crus/fced Rock/ r G Oval ;• �. a ,. •� � � 1. '� "b '� '� :i� •,' •� r 5 a • Wit .� +- TYPICAL SECTION - AL1r STREETS _ ( Except S.W. Murray Blvd. ) .15 W. r ♦ > I � w ALamm " �~�, _. n,. - r.• w it m f 1 l R ti�n• 129 ' •, ,iw.. 5„••0 w q,*.J,. �• \ • •ti 4 CONSTRUCTION NOTES I i • I. ALC street, wafer, san;ceae sewer an 1, storm. d.rancreage, 9. ALC Pepe crsdcCcctear as "CCP on. the �Cares s`ta.CL be. I ° 3 Lm�orove mems to be, eonseo-a-eee, n cn, aceorda tee, wLLh, Ghe f'oLLowe.n � r i , h Y r •A ;, 'i r:mss sa ! to • e S da S the- Cct of T� ar c arl.L h�a``ter I 'r • eh L Lcut ret of « i , I �� .9 d,, r<ke Ty .9 I and etre LL�zc/':'ed Serverage• 14enc, . rrce/zls well be crLsPeece,>✓ dccrcrc9 eoreserLceGeorri dor- VoIncls weeA, I 6h e,*- _gaskets . i ! tha uroose o/ acCePtancF z Mi uinerct boxes s�caCL 6e 9%� ",y de 6y 6�B deep 7-ers o ap ' r � '� 2. CorLtrzeCar o Ic obtacn. a PL�ca6Le ConstrueLcory PGrrxc'fs Loy boxes as 1nanu1'aeeurec>! by /yJeCer ,fox 'C uc�o/rteir.e, Co. p ° '' I)I ,o •+ !�� i' _ » .,iw .�,,•.. , ;. artd rcoteTf a�0 ro rG 110 d ` P ate a9en cL es Prc or r`o cOKStrucLLOrr� 112 . �M -�•..� ,..�..."'" """"`^'-"�`t C''�''' '"` N°"'�` � o� OCL circPrcverrcen,ts. II" Tire eorLtractor s/ca1G P,-ovc.de, aizn air nest ,-e ort aceta✓' I 109 �'' 84 e , ,r'`K. •� 6t vcdCo reParC (QLony with - PEm I } T'+ }L a 116 i' �, ♦ 3. Waee -eZtre con.SZrucecon. e-'s eo 6en as Per �oLasrs �ret�ared, topes ) �o t�ce e�'ey /ter o-eyc ew an a_ aPProva.L Prcor to ' 'r by the Tcyard lNcrter Dcs rc'et . cc A, cG�ori ofr ca,zy .6cc4Cdcrzgs eo tAe- Sa_nc'ta�y sJcsCe 1 (�rl5t Ct. 815 4, The eonLracZor es 6 Con.�ace the v,zrcvus utLLc ty 12, Street CiyAt,s sAa-4,1 de cizstaLCec� cn- ezccord rY4t/L 6he,. ♦ I(1S 5'� 117 12g ` N �'� ' CornPanaes < as, ower, tele horse. , water, T 9. cable ) for Cc roved, PG .E. Co. Ca •owr 6 the DeveLo er. ' the Locatlo9i, ofP/'ac�lcecesP6efbre Orr ex cavat�on.. y `�°P y y P ` f 105 '" � w y N • 13. Maclbox c bus t`ers sltaLL 6e cnstaLLeaG in accord wc'eh. ,' z 86 ' "F 5. Czrb accts Ao., drarewa aPProaChes sir,zZe de. Loea•Ge-cCn clAe_ Cot - Postal .S�ervGCe, aPProveaG l_ out 6 the. c. 106 p 11� 124 DeveZo, _r� scde_waL.rs artd water Inaears _5Aa.LL i' e ' by eAe. Deve_LoPenv. y y y ' 1 1 1 0 (0�} + y , y a"' i.� w rl be c n sta�CeaG un ec L sacd layout Aa.s beefs, :/op, -ce, I 87 6. ALC. caecfibasciw shaLL /cave�suinPs. i 119 I2� °?."� �r, r '� � `+ 14. GrzG as-built irtyCar' Slz.aLC be. �rovcdeaG eo tfr.e C'cty ' � ` 7. /2staLL rr;�eeCekQLr rams at aLG crt�er, e cCc on. by the Developer •s Eic9crzcGr Prc or eo C4. ace aeeape - 103 $ .' 1 ,�,, Corcers . aace. of lre Protect 101 88 n r , 1 LE COPY. oo rr. ' �� t?. 7h: Con�raelor siLalL Pravcd.G /'over ercakes ciescdG dcar,zeGer 120 121 122 a ' �,v- ` r i dracrss throcc9h, the cu,,-h- rke. boteorrrn of Sade drams r 1©2 , ,� _VlzaLC be ,oZaced, sex Lmahes 6e Low eAa erne of the, Cacr6 . A , ��• : Zot -5Aaa 6e lacea, ant * » �_. I �• �; .. ��P I yk �,�,.• �!LLK�OX te.( �LY TGGt. �TrOI77-. CCLC`L / - ~ 9, . _JNr" .M .y� p., �wr,. .y» ,. ; aPP y PrOP e-I- Cc rce or as APPROV FOR CONSTRUCTION e R';a ''16 ► d%ree, eca! by t/ze Engaiceer. /Yo me,ea 4nserG`s sfra,GC bG HI "r*t +. •+'.7., .� . used. ISSUED BY DATE i Cf. S.W. H i n d o n St. f _ (CITY OF TIGARD) 90 (`( 97 96 ► 1l `r`•�PNt DEVLP SERV DEPT: BY l�4T DATE 95 94 93 92 91 ? 1+ OPERATIONS DEPT: € BENCHMARK E BY DAT �� W N . It; lar cce: 0 e cular 'Acca . . .. . S.W. Murray Blvd. 'Dl.D1C14 RQ.C� 1 1 a Brass a.• s s t ee- at CITY ENGINEER: BY DATE- �O e err Con err E_ • TIOUV V R� », ': n tfe.e. ou.4-ILe-a-se corner a-6 S. W. 1,3 5 h A v e, . ow S. W. l✓a.C n,u r� ,Mar• - P.G.E. CO.: BY��-"'^t DATE `�..E� .' :.� Elevation . 289. 19 �. , R ., + p ,► (�ElI,.TEL Ci; 13YY/.�llll Lij 9�• a,1r l ,. 3• i • 1 y3� .4 1� ... STORER CAf3l.0 ^0.: BY^ DATE Id 41 1 . ,tr x., ,; - ► GI rY of sr. ✓ 1�9vt�itl -�LW�' O k , "` 'r'. ;»" ;eC�. - ► N.W. NAT GAS CO,: BY_L� DATE l TI4AQD K/iyT, 1v57" tar 1�A7E['�� 1 , _��+,= 17 r r .r �,�� + ! ` wq �" � STRE.f�T Pt..Uti� SN1►�. 6E TRya►�tArt� Foto, � r� # •,., D1.1 'SAIL T%.I�eT FOR A � F'• DfST:�I B� �UAT�rI! � r , A ! 1._ U't Ui! �rrOWLTS ./* t.»N- ' i( plt 'r -, ♦. r �'k. iQ'1,a1M r+ i+ 1•'- A�N` MtJWIJ%t W-QYb *"k L Cb , \ ' �s• CD !tC PRc�f o �77c- P. O, g Y /`1 H/ g 9 + 'pyo,; � � N`�•L�'CJii1s 7lRt'r , A►�..�o C/rTC ► „A r<•,,�yw. , ,, ;i .° 1 4 w # .� �' U IF SEW AGENCY: 8Y__,Z__, DATA h„ { ►C""+ rr, �. ,.r ' « ' • :d °°'M!'1 �. Q . A 1�10A1-tEvbwl 1.. fl:. UtutG.c - �.. W5, C'O, �rur,�e/Ax, RY _bRrt- z LEGEND L R NtE h4RtttthttaT' � \ w 1Mr"'JIL"004T of S,w, MQ%LA'K _ A." jr::�'!v ?fit 1 / J ® Street Light ■ = Mailbox . L�g WA%CH bO MCT DMILtr %T61M W%N*5�' to U E V E l_.0 P E R. Ja►''''e-� mr-"�t • ��� T�� szRI�I*.i SNI��t.. NNetrr 4rf�ClFtc >z�,f;��,rrrtes I '� V11 7. Oil-7 SITE PLAN VICINITY MAP MWV1b&v TI4 kC� Sy Tft 0L%jLI*VTAL , �as v `�' L_ Scale : 1 = 100 r N� �w COT`"rWALD I'J(,) T N FILE COPY. ' ` .I ( - .. ..i• «. r t, s....M .. - �; *..w.nq�i+nv�.rr. r•... .,«w wr,w.,.y �'•.�yyq..... .......__._..-•.-' ...-- ......r•R-- '�- '. i :.: P t r I i f i 1 1 II 1 I 1 ( 1 1 f) (1 I III�1 r l I�I I I 1'1�1 1 I I r l�f t I 1 I ( I I I I i f I �I� f I 1 I f I I I f ►1� f �I� ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I)0 I I 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �"""'�"'"'�- -� - -�-----'-r - .--•--.. - • DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT 1Cfi r-1T 15 DILE TO � �4)ALITY OF THE ORIGINAL _ yr. .• .w5` DRAWING' OE 62 82 12 9Z S2 ft !:e Z2 12 OIZ 61 81 L11 91 �Sl1 *1 E I 21 11 01 6 0 t 9 IS.' --I E Z t'-�-•r"' • {�Illuubfu�fnflluf�inilnn��utltttl�lnllluhlttlult�mtlaHlualmr�uulfut�lu1111n#t{�1Ntlttlllttit�nitli1l11fN111tH11r1►rIt}M.iVUtIllnitlttlfftillPlllillllllttlll11ll1rtllgrlilM�iWInuluullltllttul1111IIllI1HHirIWI111IlIU�IIllIllllllltll111�Ir1r1 JUNE 24 1992 . ". +.0 .'71► I m - a v� \U40 1r CD 7 ' 17 � ° M CD V J 141 ° aI I oy h I� � � in 'I, Z � 14U 139 138 �� m J �0 137 136 135 134 133 �'� ho „` 132 ` Z \�� � �� � � J � 8td5._38 P.C. 0G 131 / N u II �� �� II II _ M + roc = aoe 98 ° U;h�\ a _ `� u� J d C4, ' �'' 3 } O eA --Z--T v C = �0 9 3 7 -- -.___ -- O 14 2 a - ------ ° Q / t 93. .2 S W,L to iv ~ �°���'� - t 57 4'/ As.4.bc<i - 3 +---�__. _3_ -- 12 I I No G �^r� moi' ``° 7 �, a h -- 3 cin v o ° n _ - I f M°a Box . �p 130 moo° T,'jv) " n IQ g rc,• n � n II 118 119,% a 114 11 x 7 r a �` _TOC = EJB 79 ® ,y p S. W. Y/IIcon St. 1 �f c \o II wd �n �, �,, o u ° o� II �j SII o.7 �*� -� � y y,- -...- �.{ �,co r .� tl 12 0 tt- �Y 1 � 94 o IITo . . -_ _ ��►. 0- aoBo! �'`� '' �y � ta?8.07 PC. 7� � � ti � h i.° � \� � �� •un Bio. 43 �� r � ��h I N6 , hh 6t 98./ I �. o � 7 3 i� a c, , a To. = .�;7. ,gq / �C. �� a 6t 9B. 85 PC 0 ` 14j1 p 'n J i m �- - - ------ L----T O C• _ �9 5�. 9 - ' 1 T O.C z 144 T �� '= 6 Mot, sox h .I 14 5 14 6 147 14 g -_.-+ - - _ r.+,- _ 5 + _ _ _ �, -/a "ccP 3 a! � n 149 150 15 I --moor. B -----+ - -- --� -____�___ _,- "- --- -t -_ St- -t -- -_ - _ _ -2 - �- s �o 152 S. W. Wilco --- � \ S 5 h �/ / P f` 'TOC = w?/7.38 M.P. 3 �� II �� � r0 C. -R/6 ��9 � 93. 93 PC. v Ot3a. .3/ PC. I -� 9 + Q 7 I 0-t-3'. 91 P C. `� TO C = 0.26.v/ 7 r 6a. 7a PG. a 0. ro.c = ai6. 77 ` I7 117 6,z,7-0 C.=�3�L 36 vet T O.0 =.735.o'� 154 ,gin 'bi � � 112 � F 105 't � o 06II � � � � �� 104 103 2 in 4- �� �� 95 h ivy CO � u y � , 9 pVo I �9f` - � 0 7 w O0 n O •1 n '� O O `v Ih II I II t 0 - O �• N! O R V C 11 r� {. 17tj 11 n CURVE iJATA � � 0 3o �----- , a t' n n o ^ 35 �S ll No. _Delta Radius Arc L. Chord gQri% Chord L 7 89°ao'3o" 15. 00 a3.39 IN I/6°5Y"' ,R E a/.09 � �; � � v 6 d 9039' 14 7" 15.00 a3. �7 S �a°3�'s7'E a/. /5 ° v rn a '9 90"x5 '00" /5. 00 -.73.67 �1°a6'57".E a1.a9 v W / 90°39 '30" /5.00 a3. 73 S �3°O.5'i8':E a/.3•t • • I° 90°36'375 /5.00 �t3. 7,� S Y3°01'O/ '.E x/.33 h /5,00 �t6.a8rs� '/°a6 '00' x3.05 / 07° // 'x/ " 83.00 /0- 'V1 /a°a/ '/ 7'� /0. 'v1 NORTH/8° // '/9" // 7. 00 .37. 1 I06°S/ '// "E 36.99 Y 83.00 X6.35 S 06°5/ 'O 1?/;C A6.a! /%n /8° /1 "Q1 " // 7. JO 37. �4 Is Ob°5'/ '/0 "E 36. 9y I d 15. -)o A3. 7a IS 7`3°O 9a°-1a'a7" /5.00 dY.d7 'N �8'3-6 E of/. 71 r� 9/°35'/5" 15.00 d3. 9B IS "-o°04'a9':E /.s0 - I7 a 67°/7 '/6 " /5,J0 aa.85 ^�705B'S�'E a0. 70 /00 �1! 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G . . .. .•:.•:::.: .......:•:::.:: .... 41 I� n "1W 130 a � ::::::: ::::::: 230 _ _,3_0 � � _ � � � � .: ............: ........ 23 Mo. 0. 41 - _ MO. _ ! 06 - - `� ' O.0 ::. + II .. ......: ..::. O �-- cr N n % a ° 4 .. ....... M LLJ _ v t\. y /' ''ire: 3 Q �i ° o II ° p d ::::::: I-- LLI Via, N � cj� h h � o .036 ° o ::::::: ::::::: /00 '1/C. O II II Q II V I t` 00 > I r S : :::: ........ ....... :...... F- N + -Ground a5' Rc-qA.t n _ I'.:.. 7 p . o, �, W u ca W / ,��, _ .. `Y n _ _ .......' ........ "1 41 - - -`- 1�� Prop o-%ea- -70R 014 O > � � �� � d t� :::' :: : :: o �� II II o ....•.. �_ __. .._ L_O "1 H n - -_-- __-- __ Curb r 5' \\\ �� g 0 h h W ...:.,.... 0 H o t. W .� �, ,, o �t - n� . .. I. . .. . 22 --- O II -_. OG 1 a a� i 1....,... O y- - _ S 0/37 a � 0 o II ,'� -- - ooh p v " ::....::.: ::.::.::.: : .::.:... .:. ..... ..... Cn �- Qv _----/ _ w '��_� !J •� �``^ \�� J `'� C'1 O / n C� _ .. .. .. .... .... 4� ........1.: ...... .....:..I -��" ' i ' I P O c' u n V ........1 - - W %-_.= -�� 0• p .�l! Gro ccn d a t \ i'' i I _ y r° . :. .. ...... v ............: .......... S _ . . a. y' r � GroccnoG A5 ' ,Le,1'E � \`�f �r ✓' Z �� :. . .... .. . 4-0 0 • a1� 1, �•� .., ... 210 +� 5 j �� °tib 3 - . _ - tj .. . . tj -- _ :.. . _till �► h h ao 11 z xx �hO O n 0. ... `n\' qC d1 v, CL:DZ p �p 0. t� 41 T t*.p ttj f O _. _ m 371 m L h y� 9 w b 9 { ..., i. gip.:: Q I zw- �'1 ... .. I4 _ 3 L � 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 �: J �5 ' ..,.. 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E z II�•'"-""-'"" 41114111111111111111111!toll 1u1111►�Iu11141tII111inIIl►utiu11111p1nt Uilu1lMIIjFHl �t1it11utllt�Ilnnlllllll/Hl1t111iNfil 11H11ItIftltl tn�llltltlt11111111111)IIIIIIIII�In� tI111111111I111111111�Iltlllw iu)ulllllll�lttllll1�11111111NIlAlINI 24 1992_ _ , -,M••-- a..+il..�^". _ "�.. -V.�.eM�'••.�.,11••_n...s.w..__...n_+rr. ..._ ._...� _._.,•.�r-._.-... ..•.. _ ,'�•,!. ..^ 1�+_. ..�...-..-. k�.�i+cnlAM.M, t° a, _ rt �i rn 1 V Cl o-E�N aO aWro cn rm n 7 A w 7 aG7_ cow , O• �c G)J' y.. fD a—cu 3 Z 7 (/1 w o � CL �► sMAMAURM LM OF TIGARD DTENDrM1E RDZR 'r17.ir. form is a multi-use form. Appropriate receipts must be attached. Documentation injxoLtant for all purines. Staple doclmynitation to form. VL•NDOR NO. : _ L=-: t Z- Z- PAYABLE TO: k vti e RM(JL'S1ZD BY: -- -*• z- Z*L!�- * Approved request due Wednesday 10:00 AM to A/P for checks by LYiday. (1•1=ZANMJS LDTLND=RES: _ [l-itn Description, Invoice No., etc. Account No. Amount 7 flu.- 1 loest 7-5 OJ TO rAL i i i t t i 1 earJr? $0.255 I'd ! 'lAIZIATION BALANCE: — AS Or: --- SIGNATURE: (i 1p to $25.00) Section Manager _--- Porch. Agent ('.,",-01-2,500.00) Division Manager ---- (';.',Y)0.01-7,500.00) Dept. Head `,0u.01-15,000.00) City Administrator �- c ,�u�0.01- ?) Lnca1 Contract Review Board i 71 CITY OF TI GARD November 6, 1991 OREGON Mr. Jim McGehee P.O. sox 25571 Portland, OR 9722.5 Re: Cotswal.d No.3 Dear Mr. McGehee: hat effective September 27th, 1991, the This is to acknowlEdg,: twithin public improvement facilities v known installed twald No.35were vfully d improvement project, commonly for operation an accepted by the City of Tigard, Oregon, maintenance by the Cite . uestions regarding the above project should you have any q lease contact Mr. John Hagman at acceptance and assurance release, p 639-4171 - Sincerely, Randall R. wooley City Engineer j t\doC10.m 1 s 13125 SW Nall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Orego-) 97223 (503)639-4171 CITY OF TIGARD DMINDrYJRR RIX Egr 91iii, form is a mil-ti•-use form. Appropriate receipts must be attached. Documentation important for all purposes. Staple documentation to form. VENDOR NO.: DATE: Ci PA RT.F. TO: J 1 w� M c_C����er �j�l�1c\��r- RB:��D BY: Z 5a-I r- �� "1 z L 5 _ * Approved request due �,adnesday 10:00 AM to A/P for checks by Friday. MISCmnn lens ExpamTiTmzns: Date Description, Timice No., et-c. Account No. Amount d o� Ssc tr a�� rt- I�� _ZZ UUO l A\5 oA # r-eC-e wL ��OOIu�,�4� c� �� 1 ►7- I1 - �'� � — l-- Mileage $0.255 APPROPR-TM( t7 Q11L.l1 ICE: — AS Gt': - - -` _ SIGNARM: (Up to $25.00) Section Manager _ _-_-- --_ -- Ruch. Agent ($25.01-2,500.00) Divisicn Manage ($2,500.0 -7,500.00) Dept. [lead ($7,500.01-15,000.00) City Administrator ��T ($15,000.01- ?) Local Contract Review Board �` i OSTINVOICE ANJUNT V 111 JIM MCGEHEE BUILDER N2 7232 CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT - 24-16/1230 PO BOX 25571 n / PORT ND, OR 9722f '� I)v!lvrs PAY DATE CHECK AMOUNT CHECK NO. 1 7 Gertz 0 r", �� ,j,� - o TO JIM Mc GiEHEE ILDER THE ORDER CON9TRUCTI co < OF - - -----— - - /� THE OREGON ■ANKILAK[O[W[60/RANCH 0� — PO BOX 130 LAK[O[W[00, JR 17014 1/ 11100 7 2 3 2111 is 1 2 3000 16 5I: 15 2 1 ?t 1 rh M 1 CI-T1 OF TIGARD OV. VAYMENT pF"f, NC)t CU[11CIt..641 I CHF0 r1MOUN r 1 1550.t]0 NAM'.`. j Ill lslGGE HEE WILDER C,(4Em AMI)l41 t .CIO PO E4Da BLOC NC1;AOUM: Fok''TI-ANT). Qt-, 9%:� ' I AMOIJ14T PATrj PUFPOSE" OF PAi'MENT AMOUNT FAIE) i 1 uF'F CISE a� F 1,r r�F'r I'1� ---._.._..._.. CU VOMF: I'S L,;'SEI.�]o V fl1 - C0 n4H1.D #' TO 1.111.;lIWE COtir-'LP ION r..� REMAININli IMrAC )E'MENTS I I I ThHr"�NV-•,CIU' TOTAL PiflOtJNT FAR, 550. 00 - I z_1 nxr �.as� Me a^ September 6, 1990 � �`s� OREGON y ' Mr. Jim HcGehee P.O. Box 25571 Portland, OR 97225 RE: Cotswald No. 3 Subdivision Dear Mr. McGehee: I'm aware that all of the sidewalk and driveway approach installation work is done but, before releasing the completion assurance ($1,500.00), I've been awaiting completion of the following: 1. Repair of chipped curbing at 11689, 11710, 11801, 11812, 11823, and 11845 S.W. Wilton Avenue. 2. Replacement of the defective portiosi of the driveway approach and c,irb drain at 13869 S.W. Hindon Court. 3. correction of the paved-over curb weepho at 12010 S.W. Westbury Terrace. Jim, it has been my understanding that you were assuring completion of installation of (incomplete) sidewalks and aprons nd, also, that you were going to complete curb repairs= and its my understandi , recently, that Cougar Hills Construction Company intends to correct item 2 above, which is one of the aprons you assured completion af. I hope this explains "what's-going-on" and wh I haven't yet refunded your completion assurance deposit. Sincerely , John S. Ha n Engineering Technician +L 0A (I[FL-\ Wj�_4"Ll _��Y dj/l-jm-c3.JH 4cS C - &-?5� 13125 SW Nall Blvd„P.O,Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - — 'y1POWTA T MESS FOR_.--- DATE ��� `( IIN�_11 _P.M. M- OF PHONE AREA f ODE NUMBER EXTENSION MP07NTA TELEPHONED' PLEASE CALL CAME M SEE YOU ml.L CALL AGAIN WANTS M SEE YOU RUSH RETURNED YOUR CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION MESSAG !�1 ee SIGNED -7 ,,7 SIGNED LITHO IN U.BA. TOPS It FORM 3002P �it�► __ JIM D � � t� --- VE McGEHEE Bll BUILDER JUL 1 1 990 CITY OF 7CA Rp (ni � llyw4te� Afob uf;f1)q1l& 'v C 0�S w4- Xt(khL 3 b vj� A4o�W �4i�> 1 �C�✓-�rC,� � SNS ��Z , �o ►� � ,� ) /� //V 11-000,t(l P.O. Box 25571 Portland,OR 97225 (50-3)292 JIM _ McGEHEE BUILDER i 12 �q,�� �/ 10, CITY pF ,TIC 6 ARD Tola 0 y� yi� a9fifl.), pi iry �)y V � � ✓�Or � + l N���� � n u� :y`� �S v�e�u� sz.4�s�u�rn►.J �F� AV-f, P.U. BOX 2557 t Port h i ld OR 97225 "iO3)292-4k l\ December 6, 1989 `•+say �� 1 c„ z\-s�• �,al �,�� } .ten» J Mr. Jim McGehee PO Box 25571 ��e,,ec�f Z`-.c`e_t -AAA,C� Portland, OR 97225 d G�s 41� s e_Can.�v�� �-�1S.44OWL e� RBs Cotswald No. 3 Subdivi Dear Mr. McGehee: This is sent as a reminder that the following items have yet to be completed: W.�' Installation of all remaining incomplete concrete sidewalks (three segments) . _S" ►how nd the engineer's certification. Tc tion form has 5eenprovided to your engineer. � .. ' Repair of chipped curbs at 11801, 11823 and 11845 SW Wilton Avenue. Three additional chipping problems have recently come to our attention, namely- 11689, 11710 and 11812 SW Wilton Avenue. �ic o, he b cads, he south nd of W 1tG nu a dry: % We appreciate the recent effort you've made to endeavor to accomplish completion as was requested by my letter of July 18, 1989. In return we've authorized further reduction of the assurance posting via the enclosed letter of authorization for a partial release of funds. Final City acceptance of the project and full relet.se of the project assurance will occur when you finish your "Completion Coli.gation" (detail above). Completion assurance optlonu are possiblel if you would like to dieouss this please call John Hagman at 639-4171, ext. 374. Sincerely, / j F- I�fy Z 1 andy Cl rr Development 4 C At" W jr/McGehei. � r s C e- Encloeut'e ev 01/4 13125 SW Hall Blvc fv,r.'rte.,�/[. n� (e,- LIP e,uP // ��r'-t #V 4/1 =KlmliLmImilLMANMeMENJ111111111MEN I INSPECTION NOTICE City of Tigard Building Department P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Phone:6394175 Type of Inspection Date. Requested - ���_� Time_-- .._ A.M. Address � 1Q7 � ��t Z� _ Permit *-.10 (ZO Owner __— Lot # Builder The following Building Cod.! defici ncies are requir d to be rrected: T- OUD►-o Q � � 2'0O � — `^ — - Lid rd . w t s ce� CAIIICZ a VLA- I —V1n r VJ�l ' _ PWA I I , USC l � � I Presented to ff--11 --- -• LJ Approved I Inspector _••.� ❑ Disapproved Date (d-I C-(o i CALL ' i REINVECTIO,J S ❑ NO j • N 67A '1t-t]r i67t Certified Mail Receipt No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mad M.st l (See Reverse)_ Sent to JIM MCGEHEE Street 8 Nn PO BOY 25571 Po.State 6 ZIP Con- PORTLAND OR 97225 Postape , Certified Fee , G U Special Delivery Fee 1 Restnrled Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing — to Whom 6 Date Dahmer! Return Racelpt shming to Whom. Date,a.4majjftftfy, a _ TOT tmnr ., DI G✓ rn a � T June 26, 1991 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON Mr. Jim McGehee P.O. Box 25571 Portland, Oregon 97225 RE: Cotswald No. 3 Subdivision Mr. McGehee: This letter is to give you and update to the above referenced project . As you are aware, on December 27, 1989, you had posted a cash completion assurance of $1, 500.00 with the City of Tigard to assure that the remaining work as detailed in our letters to you (12/6/89 and 9/6/90) would be performed. On June 25, 1991, our inspector visited the site and determined that the following work still remains to be completed: 1 . Repair of chipped curbing at 11689, 11710, 11801 , 11812 , 11823, and 11845 S.W. Wilton Avenue. 2 . Replacement of the curb drain at 13869 S.W. Hindon Court. 3 . Correction of the paved over curb weephole at 12010 S.W. Westbury Terrace. We feel that we have given you more than adequate time to completed this project and have been more than willing to accommodate your needs. We also feel that it is time to finish this work and complete this project. Therefore, we are requiring that you do the following: 1 . Contact the City of Tigard within 10 working days, of the date of this letter, and provide us with a time schedule, which is acceptable to the City, for completion of the above mention items, or. 2 . If you fail to contact the city in the time mentioned above or complete the work as per the accepted time schedule, the City will have the work completed and refund, to you, any remaining funds from your cash deposit . If I can be of further help or you need additional information please { call me at 639-4171 . S.-.ncerely, ristpher R. Davies, P.E. Development Review Engineer cd/1-Jm-c1a.CD 13125 SW Hall Blvd..P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ----- ' 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. P.O. BOX 23397 CITYOFTIIFARD TIGARD, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 OREGON � CTO: ��/K C _1 FROM: �/ �ZL'601_v , �/� . 92/�_.� ��±r ��{�'��,,f"u;�p-ec A_ MESSAGE —L� �{ L•c .� Cd i /�i�_�� �_(a _ 2� o� SIGNED_ DATE .3 L SIG � N E D- - S DATE—,.-. PLEASE RETURN ORIG AL COPY WITH REPLY. KEEP PINK COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. rf ORIC31NAL CITYOF TIIFARD January 2, 1990 OREGON Mr. Je .es R. McGehee PO Box 25571 Portland, OR 97225 Re: Cotswald Meadows No. 3 Subdivision Dear Mr. McGehee: In the matter of the Four Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Two Hundred Ninety dollars ($425,290.00) Letter of Commitment between Benj. Franklin Savings & Lian Association and Mr. James R. McGehee and the City of Tigard, Oregon; this ie to serve as a letter of authorization to allow said Savings & Loan Association tc, release to Mr. Dames R. McGehee all of the remaining balance of the deposit entrusted to said Savings & Loan Association; said amount being Eight-six ThouAand Six Hundred Eight dollars ($86,608.00) . If you have ai,y questions regarding this matter, please contact John Hagman at Tigard City Hall, 639-11.71. Sincerely, By: City Engineer jr/JRMCGEHEE. JSH 13125 SW Hall Blvd„P O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - �n o`rw�cd► �'�r V.,% L Z-S G. M.�s e,14.l 1M c.G CITY OF YIGA RD Dezember 6, 1989 OREGON Mr. Jim McGehee PO Box 25571 Portland, OR 97225 RE: Cotswald No. 3 Subdivision Dear Mr. McGehee: This is sent as a reminder that the following items have yet to be completed: 1. Installation of all remaining incomplete concrete sidewalks (three segments) ^ 2t, 8ybmit3tal. off ttleef �ilar �r�w nd the engineer's certification. blank cert ific tion form has been provided to your engineer. 3. Repair of chipped curbs at 11801, 11823 and 11845 SW Wilton Avenue. Three additional chipping problems have recently come to our attention,. namely- 11689, 11710 and 11812 SW Wilton Avenue. Ir 1 ') J kt t'01 4. Repair of the barricade at the south end of Wilton Avenue in nt.-1w also � � necessary. VO We appreciate the recent effort you've made to endeavor to accomplish completion as was requested by my letter of July 18, 1989. In return we've authorized further reduction of the assurance posting via the enclosed letter of authorization Z:.r & partial release of funds. Final City acceptance of the project and full release of the project assurance will occur when you finish your "Completion Obligation" (detail above) . Completion assurance options are possible; if you would like to discuss this please call John Hagman at 639--4171, ext-. 374. Sincerely, andy C1 rno Development Services Manager jr/McGehee.JSH Enclosure 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.U.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (,503)639-4171 — 4nai�M ".•y<. '..it . ::. ,.e -ei..ri ..'a.:-.-;s..�K ..:'u..aatii ✓...+.isl.fYtV:JW!/..w JIu.1.Lr%sY.rit:x nik.'s'4ihY`avM«.LiM61�JC�Y.YWA.1'a..................... p ..--. ... ....._. R.E.BATCROOFT _ &ASSOCIATES I N C O R P O R A T E D CIVIL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS&PLANNERS 140 N.E.THIRD.AVENUE HILLSBORO,OREGON 07124 503.648-4101 December 5, 1989 Randy S. Clarno Development Services ManagEr City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 9722' Re: Cotswald Meadows No. 3 Lear Mr. Clarno: Encloseu as requested are the as-built mylar construction drawings. Very truly yours, Richard E. Bancroft, REB/sl Enclosure cc: Jim McGehee CITY OF TIGA RD OREGON December 4, 1989 / Mr. James R. McGehee PO Box 25571 Portland, OR 5/225 Re: Cotewald Meadows No. 3 Subdivision (Letter of Commitment Par-fal Release N3) Dear Mr. McGehee: In the matter of the Four Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Two Hundred Ninety dollars ($425,290.00) Letter of Commitment between Benj. Franklin Savings & Loan Association, and the City of. Tigard, Oregon, and Mr. James R. McGehee; this is to serve as official notice to allow said Savings & Loan Association to release to Mr. James R. McGehee a portion of the deposit entrusted to said Savings & Loan Association. The amount hereby authorized to be released is Forty-six Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-five dollars and Twenty Cents ($46,465.20) . The amount to remain entrusted to Benj. Franklin Federal Savings & Loan Association as a cash performance bond to assure the City that all remaining requirements of said subdivision are completed, shall be Eighty-Six Thousand Six Hundred Eight dollars ($86,603.00) . This notice shall not be construed to nullify or alter the terms of the aforesaid Letter of Commitment in any way; it is merely an authorization to release a portion of the entrusted monies. City of Tigard, Oregon By: City Engineer jr/cm-no3.JSH 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - SUMMARY RE: Cotswald Meadows #3 Subdivision; Performance Bond Reduction Request: #3 LETTER OF CREDIT (BOND) REQUIRED HOLDBACK RELEASABLE INCOMPLETE COMPLETE ITED', AMOUNT MAINTENANCE* ITEM +/- ITEM Site Prep/Grading $50,773.00 $10,154.60 $ -0- $ -0- Concrete Curb $20,984.00 $ 4,196.80 $ •-0- $ -0- Street $93,011.00 $ [8,602.20 $ -0- $ --0- Sanitary Sewer $82,549.00 $16,509.80 $ -0- $ -0- Storm Sewer $32,594.00 $ 6,518.80 $ -0- $ -0- Water Line $63,652.00 $1.2,730.40 $ -0- $ -0-- Gas Line $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- U.G. Tel/Elect. $11,756.00 $ 2,351.20 $ -0-- $ -0- Walks/Aprons $36,583.00 $ 7,316.60 $ 1,050.00 $28,216.40 A.C. Overlay $20,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ -0- $16,000.00 Lighting $ 7,452.00 $ 1,490.40 $ -0- $ -0- V,isc. (ae-build $ 5,936.00 $ 1, 187.20 $ 500.00 $ 2,248.80 •.,. . V •ltr•� rAN TOTALSt $425,290.00 $85,058.00 $1,550.00 $46,465.20 Release #1 -- 12/17/89 $274,850.40 Release #2 -- 02/10/89 $ 17,366.40 jr/cm-no3.pg2 w 1vs \ Sep 0 -Vr' J. � tit G• f - r r -Z E'�1�t �'�'�'. �'�� mil" -- -: .TIM McGEHEE B U I L D E R November 3 , 1989 City of Tigard Attention:: Randy Clarno 1. 3125 SW Hill BoulevarO Tigard , Oregon 97223 Lear Randy, This letter is in regards to Cotswald Meadows #3 . Concerning your letter of July 18 , 1989 on completing public improvements, we have finished all item., listed in your letter . I believe we have completed this subdivision in total and therefore request you give me a release on my I,-Iter of Committment with Benjamin Franklin Savings and Loan . Sincerely, James R. McGehee 1�1 k'v JRM/dsa t 292-9344 Y.U. Box 25571 Portland.OR 97.25 (51i3)X9WJDW - JIM MCGEHEE �r z• . �« � �. � BUILDER �e.��F }1ellc� cl+crk �) �/�- �J .�� 741 � 5 c►O'NC , November 3 , 1989 est �e+e`f_��• �� zss.s� �� City of Tigard Attention: Randy Clarno 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigaro:, Oregon 97223 (' Uedr Randy, This letter is in regards to Cotswald Meadows #3. Concerning your letter of July 18 , 1989. on completing public improvements, we have finished ali iterns listed in your letter. I believe we have completed this subdivision in total and therefore request YOU give me a release on my Letter of Committment with Ben3amin Franklin Savings and Loart. Sincerely, Ir James R . McGehee ,1RM/dsa NOV 2�3 t"' "�nr•+munR�p:.�al�umer�• 292-9344 P.O. Box 25571 Portland.OR 97225 • (503)"WpA? i �► July 18, 1589 Mr. Jim McGehee CITYOF T117ARDD P.O. Box 25571 OREGON Portland, OR 97225 Re: Cotewald No. 3 Subdivis _on This letter is sent to ren;ind you that the October 27, 1989 deadline for completion of all public I.mprovement work in rapidly approaching. The following tasks still remairl to be completed: Correction of street so't spots and pavement prelevel.ing, primarily along S.W. Westbury Terrace. v-2-� Installation of the final lift of asphaltic concrete pavement on all roadways in the subdivision. 3. Installation of all remaining incomplete concrete sidewalk segments. 4. Installation of street centerline monumentation. -`1'-4 -3--/Payment of $303.84 to thq City for the cost of energy and maintenance for six additional streetlights. 6. Submittal of the as-.buil•. mylar drawing and the engineer's certification. L T Repair of the plugged/br.-)ken storm drain line Located just South of 12010 S.W. Westbury Terrace. 8. Repair of chipped curbs at 11801, 11823 and 11845 S.W. Wilton Avenue and, also, at Lot 124 on West;-ury Terrace. Frankly, I have become quice concerned about your ability to complete thin project on schedule. Our re(.ords illustrate verbal and letter contact with you regarding vari.)us completion items but nothing seens to be getting finished. Subsequently, u►.leas action 1:0 complete the remaiiing work become much more obvious within 10 days, we vUl initiate receipt of contractor proposals (to assure completion by the desciine) and will charge ill expenses, including our management, administrative end field costs, against your letter of commitment posting. Please contact me to discus a completion schedule without delay, to resolve this before it becomes more L �rious and more expenn ve. Sincg;ely, Randy S. arno SC , Development Sery+,..es Manager C: Benj. Franklin FSI.A, 1Joht. W. Sears C: R.E. Bancroft & Aesociatei,, % Dick Bancroft C: Ken Fox, City Attorney 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigai.l,Oregon 97223 (503)63q 4171 a�ee�► CITY OF TIGARD f*'iF-CEIPT OF PAYMENT REC NO: 00105216 CHECK AMOUNT 303. 84 JIM 11C GEHEE PLDR CASH AMOUNT . 00 po BOX 25571 PAYMENT DATE Oc-�-05-89 PORTLAND, OR 9*7225 81-OCK. NO/ADDRt PUFFOIE-IF OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID PUF,POSi-='. OF PAYMEN]" AMOUNT PAID --------------------------- ------------ ------- ----------- C -.T LIGHTING FEEE, 303- 84 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID 303.. 64 OAraNVOIC It — -- JIM MCGEHEE BUILDER Amoumr CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT N2 7027 PO BOX 25571 PORTLAND. OR 97225 24.16/1230 PAY A DArK TO THE ORDER OF 03 JIM MC(a IfE41 -6 CoNsrR ER THE WANK/1-Aks ogwgqSa BRANCH UNT- 1*0 SOX ISO/LAKIF oewtoo,an 11800702711" 1: 123000 16SI: 15 2 1/3 7 1gill �MIlLJjLAmILMLmqM ;7- 7Z" Ae 6 dpLc� �Wjt -74Z 41�2 ZL e ell* July 18, 1989 Mr. Jim McGehee CITY OF TIVA RD P.O. Box 25571 OREGONPortland, OR 97225 Re: Cotswald No. 3 Subdivision This letter is sent to remind you that the October 27, 1989 deadline for completion of all public improvement work is rapidly approaching. The following tasks still remain to be completed: 1. Correction of street soft spots and pavement preleveling, primarily along S.W. Westbury Terrace. 2. Instailation of the final lift of asphaltic concrete pavement on all roadways in the subdivision. 3. Installation of all remaining incomplete concrete sidewalk segments. 4. Installation of street centerline monumentation. 5. Payment of $303.84 to the City for the cost of energy and maintenance for six additional streetlights. 6. Submittal of the as-built mylar drawing and the engineer's certification.. 7. Repair of the plugged/broken storm drain line located just south of 12010 S.W. Westbury Terrace. 8. Repair of chipped curbs at 11801, 11823, and 1.1045 S.W. Wilton Avenue arid, also, at Lot 124 on Westbury Terrace. Frankly, I have become quite concerned about your ability to complete this project on schedule. our records illustrate verbal and letter contact with you regarding various completion items but nothing seems to be getting finished. Subsequently, unless action to complete the remaining work become much more obvious within 10 days, we will initiate receipt of contractor proposals (to assure completion by the deadline) and will charge all expenses, including our management, administrative and field costs, against your letter of commitment posting. Please contact me to discuss a completion schedule without delay, to resolve this before it becomes more serious and more expensive. Since,,ely, Randy S. C arno, Development Services Manager C: Benj. Franklin FSLA, %John W. Sears C: R.E. Bancroft & Associates, % Dick Bancroft C: Ren Fox, City Attorney 13125 SW 1,4all Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-41?1 ------ — CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE NO. 89-L) AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN ACCE,S EASEMENT WITHIN COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 3, A RECORDED SUBDIJISION PLAT, IN TAE CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, (OREGON. WHEREAS, the Tigard City Council initiated this vacation requr-1; pursuant to Section 15.08.040 of the Tigard Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, this particular easement was granted for public pedestrian access purposes and is currently unimproved; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, who originally rer-uired the easement with the approval of the subdivision plat has now �7ecommended removal of the easement: at the request of adjacent property owners; and WHEREAS, the vacation is also recommended by the Department of Community Devel,pment; and WHEREAS, all affected service providers including utility companies and emergency services have reviewed the vacation proposal and have no objections; and WHEREAS, is accordance with ORS 271.100, the TMC 15.08.110, the Council fixed a time and place for the public hearing and the Recorder published notice arid posted notice in the area to be vaca`ed; and WHEREAS, notice has been mailed to all property owners abi,tting said vacation area and all owners in the affected area, as described by ORS 271.080; and WHEREAS, thv Council having held a haaring on May 8, 1.989, finds the public interest will not be prejudiced by the vacation as provided by ORS 271.120 and TMC Section 15.08.130; and, WHEREAS, the Council finds that it is in the public interest to approve the request to vacate that certain public pedestrian access easement within Cotswald Meadows No. 3, because the public interest will not be prejudiced; and WHEREAS, the Council finde that the following condition is necessary to vacate said land: J . The vacation shall not be effective until the effective date of this ordinance, and a cerlitied copy of this ordinance has been recorded w+.th tht� Washington County Clerk, Assessor, and Surveyor.. THF CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: li Se.•L:on 1: The Tigard City Council hereby orders the v, cation of that certain public pedestrian access easement within Cotawald Meadows No. 3, and shown on the sLtached Exhibit "A", . and by this reference made part hereof. Section 2: Tree Tigard City Council further orders that the vacation be subject to the following condit-ionn: ORDINANCE NO. 89-_/-3- h 9- /� 1 A 1. The vacation shall not be effective until the effective date of this ordinance, and a certified copy of thin ordinance has been recorded with the Washington County Clerk, Assessor, and Surveyor. Section 3: In no situation shall this ordinance re effective until the 31st day after its enactment by the Cit: Council and approval by the Mayor. This ordinance shall be effective 30 days after its passage by the Council, approval by the Mayor, and posting by the City Recorder. PASSED: By V it/N I\jT to(,)U S - vote of all Council members present after being read by number and title only, this day day of 1989. L ,C- Catherine Wheatley, Deputy Recor'her APPR D• hi _ day of ?a , 1989. e ald R. Edwards, Mayor Approved as to form: Cit"y" Attorney Date ' br/Cotswald.rsc a ORDINANCE NO. 89-_ ~3 Page 2 EXHIUI7 "A" A fifteen foot wide strip of land located in the northwest- quarter of Section 4 Township 2 South Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, City of ligard, Washington County, Oregon being described as follows: 899 inning at the southwest: corner of Lot 108, Cotswald Meadows No. 3, a recorded plat, Washington County Plat Records; thence North 010 34' 57" East, on the west line of said Lot 108, 8.95 feet; thence North 580 31 ' 17" East, 106. 76 feet to the right-of---way line of S.W. Crist- Ct. ; thence, on said right--of-way line, southeasterly, on a nontangent, 50 foot radius curve concave to the northeast (the chord bears South 310 28' 43" East, 15.00 feet), 15.06 feet; thence South 580 31 ' 1.7" West, 116.53 fcet to the wast line of Lot 107, said Cotswald Meadows No. 3; thence North 010 34' 57" East, on said west line, 6.95 feet to the point of beginning. ef/9329D REGISTERED PROR'E$SIONAL I.nNo SURVEYOR OREGO *Oftkpv I&MW IF FEIQION i I ME TO ACCOMPANY DESCF" OTION WITHIN THE NE 1,14 NW 1/4 SECTION 4 T2S R1W N- 6700 8800 8900 8600 CREST CT 2700 a PROPOSED VACATION Ltrf l�8 2400 cc 15' PEDESTRIAN PATH '' ui Y •✓ 2500 f 2600 Z - �� (07 O - H J HIN�oN- CT WESTBURY 8:50 6. PUBI.IC HEA III NG PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEg'I'�NT VACATION HEARING - COTSWALD MEAD_QWS NO. 3_SUBDIVISION Proposed vacation of a public pedestrian access easement within Cot.swald Meadows No. 3, a recorded plat in the City of Tigard, Washing Lon County, Oregon. The request was initiated by City Council on March 21 , 1989 at the request of adjacent property owners. o Public H^acing Opened o Declarations Or Challenges o Summation By Community Development Staff o Public Testimony: Pr•oporienLs, Opponents, Cross Examination o Reconmendation 13y Comu,urniLy Development Staff o Council QuesLions Or Comments o Public: Hearing; Closed o Consideration By Couricil: Ordinance No. 89- 9:11 7. PUBLIC 1{SARIN( - PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION - PORTION OF SW 66TH AVENUE IN WEST PORTLAND HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION Proposed vacation of a portion of S.W. 66th Avenue within West Portland Heights, a recorded plat in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. The request was initiated by City Council on March 27, 1989, at the reques'_ of Jim and Cora Corliss. o Public Hearing Opened o Declarations Or Challenges o Summation By Community Development Staff o Public Testimony: Proponents, Opponents, Cross Examination o Recommendation By Community Development Staff o Coun^il Questions Or Comments o Publif. Heari•ig Closed o Conside^ation By Council: Ordinance No. 89- ` 9:20 8• PACTRUST - SINGLE-OWNER LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DI$1RICT - RESOLUTION OF INTENT - Resolution No. 89- 9:35 9. NON-AGENDA ITEMS: From Council and Staff 9:40 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The 'Tigard City Council will go into Executive Session under the provisions of ORS 192.660 (1) (a) , (d) , (e) , 6 (h) to discuss Police Chief selection, labor relations, real property tr•ansartions, and current and pending litigation issues. 10:00 Il ADJOURNMENT rw/9690D COTINCH, A(:1741)A MAY 8, 1989 PACE 2 ..� MMUEL i CITYOF 4 ,W, April 14, 1989 OREGON Subject: Proposed Vacation of A Pedestrian Access Easement With Cotswald Meadows No. 3 Dear. Property Owner: The Tigard City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, May 8, 1989 at 7:30 P.M. at the Tigard Civic enter Town Hall Room, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon to consider the proposed vgcation of the above pedestrian easement. (See enclosed location map). Any interested person may appear and be heard for or against the proposed vacation of said lands. Any written objection or remonstrance shall 'ie filed with the City Recorder by May 8, 1989 by 1 :30 P.M. at Tigard City Hail at the address ltsted above. The vacation requested was initiated on March 27, 1939 by the Tigard Ciry Council at the request of adjoining property owners. The legal description of the panel to be vacated is also attached for your information. If you need further information, please_ contact my office. Sincerely, Randy S. Clarno Development Services Manager br/96031) Enol . 13125 SW Hall Blvd ,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Otegon 97223 (503)639-4171 EXHIBIT meq" 4 A fifteen foot wide strip of land located in the northwest quarter of Se 4 Township 2 South Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, ction Washington County, Oregon being described as follows: City of Tigard, Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot JOB, Cotswald Meadows No. recorded plat, Washington County Plat Records; thence North O1° ' on the west line of said Lot- 108, 8.95 feet; thence Noy 0 341 5711 East, 106.76 feet to the right-of--way line of S.W. th 58 Crist Ct. ; thence, 17 East, right—of—way line, southeasterly, ce, on said concave to the northeast (the chord bears Southa31028'nontngnt, 43" foot radius curve 15.06 feet; thence South 580 31 ' 17" West, 116.53 Feet totheawest 1lin00 ofeLot 107, said Cotswald Meadows No. 3; thence line, 8.95 feet to the point of beginning North 010 34' 57" East, on said west ef/9329D NAL 7LAND ISr6ro SPROF . URVEYO R �..' �t11 i ~ MI) ,1r1N�?GiON � It M/TN/N TN[ 01/• N• 1/0 SECTIO" A Tau Itsw 1"=100' r I Q 8700 6600 6900 6000 2700 CRI ST CT - i OSE0 VACATION LOr(082400 cc • M OESTRIAN PATH 1S e�`.• ''Y cc i.r^i•/ W 2500 (- 2600 Z Ln-t ..1 1114D _--�- O/v CT WESTBURY IQNO�J►NDIJM N`.�-�� � CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TOs Knit-.h f.tdon, 1'lrl:ulln(l 111v1n11u1 11A'I'P,1 AIr1 1 I 11, Poll') Crory Al (111111, 1':114 1 1 11194,1 111.1 III v l 111,111 li 14ItC)MI Nnlnly 4'1;11 n,1, 11„Vul,llnll„111 I1111611r.C'I•l lu„1114.191 I,u 4'rmun,nll n Ino I'r,11r„144111 Vnr'n1 1111114 0111 M�n1'4111 % /, I'll1'1, 1114, 4'lly 1•r,unrll 11111In1 ,..1 Vn„nl Irn1 1uru•gp411114.111 1414- 1 ) ,4 it 1't.1,111 41C tI.W. hhl 11 AVun11c•, 1911, ^ 1 7) 1,••�1^111 1"11 '41'1'a�"11 nu•+1911,111 orll 11119 14.1 uolal rl SK) qual nl 1 194'114,:1 Innl ut) WI I Ir , 1111114.1�1 1 r1 1 In. Inl a1 , 111114 It1'4Ua11a1 Mdw414lwn N44. 1 ( ,1111,111 I,4u „1 1,11.011.,111 14•,11111111) by 111,4 Ill t4nnlfl.j eMrrulatll wn/l 111 I t1 l nn 1 I y n 1 1119 t 41r1un1 nit 14,11 41SINSia91U11. 1111wavul-, nl 1 11a 1 a41uan1 ..1 n1 ••n 1,1 ,11,111 1 y 4,wnn1 10, recently amended its original decision by ul 11111„nl 1194.1 1114, 1nljulla,wtanl x111 1411. Cam after easement. Because the eao mPn+”does sex 1st and must beevacated of it bis Vto`be plat was recorded, th eliminated. please review each prornsal and return comments by April 24, 1989. br/Vac.r.nc -ter,. CITY OF TIGG.4 R[a OREGON December 21, 1988 Mr. Jim McGehee PO Box 25571 Portland, OR 97225 ' Re: Cotswald No. 3 Subdivision Dear Mr. McGehee, In regard to your maintenance responsibilities for the above said project, immediate attention is needed for the following items: 1. Replace asphalt over the trench in front of 11.985 Westbury Terrace and repair the p(-thole just north of the trench. 2. Repair plugged or broken storm drain line on Westbury Terrace approximately 18" from the curb, just south of 12010 Westbury Terrace (see attachad map for locition). 3. Repair broken or chipped curb at 11801, 11823, and 11845 Wilton Rve. , and also, lot .124 an Westbury Terrace. (Note: item 3 does not need immediate attention, but should be done before the A.C. overlay) . These items are additional to those lister in the conditiional acceptance letter of May 21, 1.987. If you have any questions, please call me at 639-4171. Sincerely, Michael Mills 6"e" -T/->u- /i'/� Construction Inspector JlhQi'(/ enclosure r t V C q (� 'J'e 4kaaL - 1&# J e © - L40 � c 14 li r 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O. Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- ----------� � p n 8' P S W..,.'MO..RNING. 141L . • r"Jp PpL/L C'on.strac 1.o EXLSC C4tehbaSL C = Baa ae Q + '►x/.55 PG . _ I Be9ia. Co�esEiucrca N / T.O.0 = a��, d/ ,EXt5t`a /ri CCF AICIRe6wltet- //r �ty GCt l c�on� 1 N � p 17 B T.O.C. - / t 6. 6+ P R C vvG T 1�' r0 C =00 3 B7lea W n e � � I � k� I.I a VVV��� 'is• W (►� y w w o rh Zvi U1 O ,� --– --- ---— -3 f 5d Catci4basc.r - — tD M.M wdsk .Std ' //<r So _ t 7oP a ?7. Sid W14 S. h r 17 17OD 00 CC) co i o 0 i� LI LI �. K) f S 'L r r = dOL PPS' 6-O 0 -+/svf N OS srr �vsvq?io�'°� vs f f NJ LQ I o N O IU 'v:otv tv I� kn O I tQh N �I O 0 _9S CL- = o p:L N Olr 98 �3 LA FCCa)= O:1 v v iC'Er s iJ'O.L " 08 gr�rf / LI N i sop /o rrr a �'ot � o�?as►.�svo� v�678 — �sro 9d�5S'is x O �i� �v'? p J- b g o s a0 ONINNOVI A's - N November 23, 1988 Mr, Dick Bancroft R. E. Bancroft & Associates 140 NE Third Avenue Hillsboro, OR 97124 RE: Cotswal.d Meadows No. 3 Dear Mr, Bancroft: Randy Wooley has asked me to respond to your November 14, 1988 letter- concerning the completion of improvements within Cot:swald Meadows No. 3. It appears that the developer, Jim McGehee, has misinformed you concerning the status of the subdivision improvements, The City has never granted an extension for the completion of the improvements nor waived any monumentation requirements, Mr. McGehee has until July, 1989 to complete all improvements according to our construction agreement:. After discussing this matter with John Hagman and Mike Mills, who oversee the construction inspection and monitor the project, it appears Mr. McGehee is having difficulty completing the project. We have attempted to work with him over the summer and fall to see the project completed, We appreciate your concerns and are aware of the services that you arcs providing, however, it dues appear that the delay has been caused by the developer. Should the City take stronger measures at this time with the developer, I'm riot sure it would result in the immediate} completion of thv project, especially given the time of year. 1 would suggest we both continue to work with Mr. McGehee to expe(lit.e the completion of this project. tf you have Any further concerns or questions, please give me a call . 07,i ncerely, Randy S. Clarno Development Services Manager, 8171D cc : Jim McGehee Charles Pearson i ruullnp requeel pad 7884 Pleas ty N E D To ..,��LE A;I lvE 11 11 1 min! FgAftRRQ D'ASE �S,4r.0 a+4c ME i --- ------------------ -----..._------- -___..-----_-._ .' /5 ' / �sence+tt --+s+ it ` " /h/5 - /, "SCP -` ------ a' d v 1. :I - I F-I S = O O'i 90 �� 01 10 � . ,, 10 I 14 = "J.2 7 r, tl J' V V O QC,r) I I+! PC"9 ,pica' � ro f. �� , t \ . d C (I v n � cr I ry yQ `t h v h 6 , �,1,jv I C1 h o ,� a0 nl � � 1 � 'V d 0 . � h ry ( D �, d . h v n 84 ' 11 85 86 87`� h o ` 1 o to `' I u n ° 88 Fs9 11 it 90 �� Z N Q III 21 7' ,, u - 11 b y I I10 41� v v /, 63 1:�, ,o r A m 41 �l i . i' - t - __-- ----- ----_ . _- ---- --L- ?y j o o f o o We s e b�.y Se * MR J 1, 2 1 91 h r .�B. 3 o Mores, 117-Y y,"". U.. - `- - _� K- - - I - --- ._ - 1 n 4 --f- ------ - _T_ 3 �'. ` '' --- +-- 4 l `- ------f- �, s- /`'! x S.W. Westbury St. fz._�a '- i��t-- - ---f- ------ ------.- '. - - ---- -- - -- -- t o- o 73 A C =.x'3/.67 - TOC m �- /6 EXcst. •,6orrrc, /V,2--ioCe, / '� To.C• _ �3/. 7B I /S' R6. O- /,/. 8� 10 ` S - 3 .09 P Ji -! /\ 0 1 W / �" 4 9 W, /,C = -2/8. .4 ,Ip - •storms ManfcoLe. 7 O C =-?-3A 33 V I I , 7'o C 03� q. 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NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED „�,�, 2 3 ... .4 5 6 7 /8 9 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR "MAN THIS NOTICi;'IT IS DUE TO DRAWING.QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL 0E 62 92 LZ 9Z S2 t►Z EZ ZZ (Z OZ 61 81 LI 91 SI i►I EI ZI 11 01 6 9 L fi__._.__S ^y i�1111n111n1111111uIIIIrIIIN)1�111r1111�111111Ju1111rh1111urr�lfNLlu�uttiMulHir1M111111f�1tt1H111t1u111�1111111u1IIr�t111Utlint�llalnnlllnlFMtluliltlu�illUunll1t111tnItN1�111u1111u1111,11nu�unhllltJfll�6WU�uWtl�ulltull��lttrl _ J 24 1992 U � R.F.B.ANCROFT & ASSOC =- i N C O R P O R A T E D ( IVIL ENGINEERS, R LAND SURVEYORS&PLANNERS 140 N E THIRD AVENUE HILLSBORO,OREGON 07124 November 14 , 1988 503 A48 4101 Randall R. Wooley Ike City Engineer $1 City of Tigard �ZON P.O. Box 23397 0P Tigard, Oregon 97223 16, Re: Cotswald Meadows No. 3 Dear Mr. Woo?.ey: Condition 6b of the City approval for this project requires center- line monuments in monument boxes. As engineer and surveyor for the project , I duly noted this requirement on the construction plans and the subdivision pi-?t . Two years ago, in 1986 , after completion of the first lift of asphalt, I carefully placed P.K. straddle points in the asphalt to control the placement of these monuments . As of this writing, neither the monument boxes nor the final asphalt .lift have been installed. The developer, Jim McGehee , has indicated to me that the City has granted extensions for completion of the work and may waive the monument box requirement. Please be aware that as a Professional Land Surveyor, I have certain legal responsibilities in this matter and am becoming concerned that my interests are being forgr)tten. Several months ago, I notified Mr. McGehee that if my control points were lost, my fee for the work would increase substantially. The passage of time makes this loss ever more likely. First , I ask that you be aware of my requirements to perform the work and also be aware that I expect to be appropriately compensated. Depending on the scenario, I have quoted Mr. McGehee fees ranging from $500 to $3 ,000 . Second, I ask that you review your procedures. If I had exrecced this lengthy delay, I would have insisted upon early installation of the moni,ment boxes. Very truly yours , Richard E. Bancroft cc: Jim McGehee Chai. les Pearson, County Surveyor ---Oftlownt ��> 1�� , M�C,ge.�.c�' owes �► � 303, 4 �-•r s�+e.�, 4..�5 � , 'ISG ^o NouJ 11c����.o� ♦73�o5r4 io/►n�s�r►4> �(` (�[>>0I'l•�� i z4 L p`c s�y�W�l 1 3.> �.►� .Mws} �l� � 35� 38I ��� � twcs•+�n�.1c}cd eeriCw�s�..�t 41 C.� c,c�,�.1� ��`cut ext�t , w�a�H•4 . 7�.sura.�cc dotl�ws ��.+r•�\.,, �3 �D54, zO > �.�v.dad 7 NA t�h.�f-M1.�tic.t i�1�+ti0� � � �S �OSG?� (O�s�M-�g'�,.tr�r"> r • � tw�p r-ovt�s.K.�C wvr� wou.\d bt dnKt � s�e.e.� 7 Z «h �eco+Mvhty� Zece �v�q ��rt.� w% ` ew o� "t»�" , -Jisc4Asse- -zdl o0he �,.4ave w jjW Y wi; Cr�`•,�'�'" �..d-S `` VIC. C1.Oes �✓` n''C�1C7Y c� �.,t:x71-K V�S tr�►n.� S�� VIA,��; N . ��. �v�couwt,P�t�4t !s�dswa.�`,c.b . 34mn &S,w I(;%,(.+ DIU 5$,+(e b3,IZ ISI-17 (p•Cb Post.u'"routing request pad?m (.S,4J ROUTING-` EAU6T Pl�eye- a 3S,S9HANDLEEl �,► ` 51 'x,QO APO VECA % s bb,21 and-''`I ft-FORWARD .. C:IM 1�G1G�iL� 4- (s�7.SZ (,O,dp ❑ RETURN ❑. KEEP OR DISCARD 1190100 p REVIEW WITH�ME C Mw 1 31b•� 145,44 n _. 1� !•� � From LO,UD ♦ b[�,o0 x 5 wt Ott z -7$Oit:.75 Cl' v��k•. 0 v. y `c E i v i Qv 1 SMO(IV IA G I Z M N O O 3 _ N d N N N (\j W V) SE fsEo/ON ,� 066- GO 9 ZI o fi �s ns os 6r" vS oQ ns � s as elm z - o - - - r 1 bs oo6S T 006y to h vn Lf o ,� :U a .. n � h h b F h �p � � �r, 0 O � ' � � n � a ^t a y Mp h O �O O r-�� O tpp h O Cl IT rl Q —Nf n a --en ( � rn 1- l 0� M rn o Q Ul 0 Cf I in CIO 0 3 ° Cb 'b y w + �'r s x `1 oc bs o0 6S `� ov Fs In ov bs N N h -0 1 p P71, E-6 Re POS 3•„ S£, Po ON Q) N ?Aa N01-11 rn T h IqCI V h! Lj m Vw O r O a n n O a h o Ln htD h o r 4A ' 1;) o m O �1 0 IQ It f p � rn 7 O V- oIn 1 O i 9 'T.) in (D r' 0 t 'n 2i >„sr oses -74 6 6 f4 E a "1 ,� 0 0 O.F ov'sz£ - H/( y ) 7 c 9E010 At laN ��s npesO = C7 loin J in v r� =� x 3 a ` JN Cv I ) qu i M tl `J u M� m � v ;anAj y o It . 3 J Z 66- W o 3 o 1) h h � �► O N J tl a a c i O c7I Cl mo O F- LLj'Q Z Z Qr ��� � VMS100 5 oo oor� N ow arts%ru a) C9 vti .r O 3 a 6 t os �S n v os 9 9 C 9 6 E rti (D vii .. S "oo/ 0(26-9 00.6s 00 6-9 96 ,99 S9 os 70'06 00 sa 06Z � o � o Gi "Ih o o MO CV a no n fn fm cm '" ° ��� ' kD a : h — 0 00 b n �h ^ �, 6 0 v`rcSo fd�s 0/Oof�0Y�6006-9 9 r Y K~+ �WIIV__I cp '�`�,�an s�hpFa��S�,`_r�'� 9�+o xrr►? B�u_��g`s,w.c , r° �rf�o.o(i s1\�,:•t+�o,, �`• fi- r 4 -�NxNn0 41 006s 9g6X O `nN M � 74,4 /14 9 oa 00 An 13 o p nn r7N Ir b CO x o `F /0 N r 0 Q — M a n � 99 06? oo sz oo sa ti o0 0�� 7 rr ir,lom 3 (—n mh --• HIHON-- W - b. u O 0 O - Z J C, N pQy 4Q WZV O 0 C] ora r\j0 �1 y w w ° Q7 C;,;r va = p u } .. J m i co3 0 '1 �"` H h1 .c o 0 `C ►l>/Z C/c6f> A,M, ecce vec/ C.2,// Ile spicel lies 4aV,*#, Afc /Allck q� itiq /v��..� cc�..�p9.►,y TG coo �n t p✓G r�aJ J J � i e War/ we e hecAr-l" , -pM40441.0/ clYe Y e Lig`/ f�1� ;7e-co,�p�S�J TAs� �N� 1�s� GVZHY� � do�rd form s��►►,o�e P. _[- .1sid �d r�✓.dam '77��-,�`' /rJ 1"'OT N'1 ?�C1'N � SJ�iN�/� fOrls�l 7'C ,�iIN' �r.�T-� �A✓.fcd �J,.+-7 Lt>C 0".2,Y Ol ,copy-- S440-- ,I7 �CLA-, PT Y7F ,vl q �oYIO , get R.�-�6���►a�e �r` \ ane erc�►�s��.ad ` .,w,.�a�t b .. J 1 �-��sc u s s r•.� �-�.s w / Q.C . �,��-� �-�co�vH�d e d �-�.�-� wP-_ do hot gxch-:���P r -JS� "v e-4 Pe,.- '%%NAC!_ AV . AO16A SeCV%A, "VU �c� wecc ss-A• wavk CITY OF TIGARD OREGON July 22, 1988 Mr. .Jim McGehee PO Box 25571 Portland, OR 97225 RE: Cotswald Meadows No. 3 Dear Mr. McGehee: This is sent to remind you that we have yet to receive an as-built mylar for the public improvements installed in your subdivision. Please have your engineer prepare and submit it. Also, after reviewing the project file, 1 find it is necessary that you remit 4303.84 to the City to offset the cost of energy and maintenance for six additional streetlights installed within Cotswald No. 3; your initial submittal of payment having been based on your engineer's preliminary estimate of t'ie number of units expected to be Installed. Lastly, please provide me with a copy of an anticipated schedule of completion for the remaining improvement work. - Sincerely, ��e� John S. Hagman Engineering Technician C J ht/6089D ,,)ex t4 Mflv 13125 SV'/Hall Blvd,P.O.Box 23397,flgard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — -- - — �E•• CO TSu�,gt1� �`,,3 pow / '`�•3ZoMt .35 ) x Z4�"Ts _ 2� 03-f.7Z cY f�r ® 0 LJlt2ENr c.Y.4.e 4 a (2qr :� Z 3.3 SG /)cabc,> 7o )eewl-r dy` /'lez'''.-f CIWOF TIVAR® July 21, 1987 OREGON 25 Veors of Service 1961-1986/ --___-- Portland General Electric Co. Western Division 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Rd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Jim Ryan RE: Cotswald III Subdivision Streetlighting Dear Jim: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactorily and, further, to acknowledge authorization for P.G.E. to energize the twenty- four (24) lights therein, under Schedule 91, Option B. Sincerely, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician cc: file cc: City Accountant cc: James McGehee P.O. Box 25571 Portland, OR 97225 cc: Frahler Electric Co. 11860 S.W. Greenburg Rd. Tigard, OR 97223 13125 SW Hall Blvd,P 0 Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639 4171 - -- -- --— - - -- - ---- - May 21, 1987 Mr. Jim McGehee CITYOF TIGARD PO Box 25571 Portland, OR 97225 OREGON RE: CotRwald No. 3 Subdivision 25 Years of Service 1961-1986 Dear Mr. McGehee: This is to acknowledge that as of Feb. 3rd, 1987 the subdivision improvement project known as Cotswald N3 has been conditionally accepted by the City, placing it onto it,; one year gu-irantee period., subject to the following: [X] Completion of incomplete performance items, namely: sidewalks_ and driveway aprons; street overlay; street barricades; pathway, 1 [X] Correction of known defects, namely: street soft areas, primarily SW Westbury Street. [X] Continuation of developers maintenance responsibility and correction of any deficiencies which may arise during the guarantee period. To assure the aforesaid, until such time as the project is fully accepted by the City for operation and maintenance purposes, the City has taken the following action(s) : [ ] Authorized release of the original performance assurance. ( ) Authorized continuation of the original performance assurance in full fcr_e and effect. [X] Authorized a reduction of the original performance assurance and is holding the balance as a performance/maintenance assurance. ( ) Accepted a (reduced) performance assurance. ( ] Accepted a maintenance assurance ( 1 Other: Should you have any questions regarding anv of the above, please contact me at 6.39-4171. Sincerely 1 John S. Hag-Wn FnginPering Tech. 1H:cn/3076P 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,PO Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639 4171 -- 4'7 Q P CITY16% February 10, 1987 OREGON 25 Years of SenAce 1961-1986 Mr. James R. McGehee PO Box 25571 Portland, OR 97225 RF.: Cotswald Meadows No. 3 Subdivision (Letter of Commitment Partial Release) M L Dear Mr. McGehee: In the matter of the Four Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Dollars ($425,290.00) Letter of Commitment, between Beni. Frankltn Savings & Loan Association, and the City of Tigard, Oregon an-1 Mr. J;imea R. McGehee; this is to serve as official notice to allow said Savings & Loan Association to release to Mr. James R. McGehee a portion of the deposit entrusted to said Savings & Loan Association. The amount hereby authorized to be released is Seventeen Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-six Dollars and Forty Cents ($17,366.40) . The amount to remain entrusted to Benj. Franklin Federal Savings & Loan Association as a cash performance bond to assure the City that all the remaining requirements of said Subdivision are completed, shall be One Hundred Thirty-three Thousand Seventy-three Dollars and Twenty Cents (1133,073.20) . This notice shall not be construed to nullify or niter the terms of the aforesaid Letter of Commitment in any way; it is merely an authorization to release a portion of the entrusted monies. City of Tigard, Oregon By, lF ` D'ife�tor o Community Development .I14:cn/0633W 131125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O,Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - ---- . 'NMIMItlYMttli'd6Ntlltl6�lY1Y�1� .... ... ' '4 ia4h11,y SUMMARY RF.: Cotswald Meadows #3 Subdivision; Performance Bond Reduction Request 112. LETTER OF CREDIT (BOND) REQUIRED HOLDBACK RELEASABLE ITEM AMOUNT MAINTENANCE* INCOMPLE'rE 1'ri?M COMPLFTF. l rl"M Site Prep/Grading $50,773.00 $10,154.60 -- Cone. Curb $20,984.00 $ 4,196.80 -- Street $93,011..00 $18,602.20 -- San. Sewer $82,549.00 $16,509.80 -- Storm Sewer $32,594.00 $ 6,518.80 -- Water Line $63,652.00 $12,730.40 -- Gas Line $ - $ -- U.G. Tel/Elect. $11,756.00 $ 2,351.20 $ -- $ 9,404.80 Walks/Aprons $36,583.00 $ -- $36,583.00 $ -- A.C. Overlay $20,000.00 $ -- $20,000.00 $ -- Lighting $ 7,452.00 $ 1,490.40 $ -- Misc. $ 5,936.00 $ 500.00 $ .3,436.00 $ 2,000.00 TOTALS 3425,290.00 $73,054.20 $60,019.00 $l1, 1t+h.•►►t *Required withholding for one year guarantee period assurance ($85,(158) .iH:cn/0633W JIM BUILDER LDER ?S7 Tv Wr,,(*dW PF�- 601V� �Wvd �G Goril 16-10�t/� ONS \Ial 1W14r1W411fNG6 �3ervD, rb4i1//6 �0 14 P.O.Box 25571 Por[Iand.OR 9722.5 (503)292-0117 7 J �,M M tCtee- \ 11 1 #29r_1-oli7 -�. STC Ae. c`tst�e.s lti�t��Z.�vl� �C e�►s�ttio` Ipov�.c�, lair WIZt�.+ot,�Q.►tiGt �CrloC C� �j1�c� M tC,� C 1.t. Nt G�'a•���.� V1�g In.��.�eJ �q•a�H> Su.'Al tum wIr����q Tit-QE�O�.E -731G5410 19 .00 ,�0 ',,w►r�r rnn��•t}t.� , -� 5Z , Z � Soo co ZI. � Z,45 ��► . MR . MC4E>rlt'� Q a b�.�t�14 %VA Two � 8o1J�S • stsu�-iKctL ` , o t � '�Cr�prw�,�M,c.e �sSurZ�ncc� *A ISO 39. D $E�.l , F� K<J W Amok CITY OF TINA RD December 17 , 1986 OREGON 25 Years of Service 1961-1986 Mr. James R. McGehee P.O. Box 25571 Portland, OR 97225 RE: Cotswald Meadows No. 3 Subdivision (Letter of Commitment Partial Release) Dear Mr. McGehee: In the matter- of the Four Hundred Twenty ve thousand Two Hundred Ninty dollars ($425, 290 . 00) Lette of Commitment , between Benj . Franklin Federal Savings & can Association, and the City of Tigard, Oregon and Mr. James A. McGehee; this is to serve as official notice to llow said Savings & Loan Assoc- iation to release to Mr. James - McGehee a portion of the deposit entrusted to said Savin s & Loan Association. The amount hereby authorized to be released is `P+rxr+d �d SeveliTpl-Pour Thousand AHundred dollars and fourty cents ($ rtf�6iN'lMsl9) . The amc.unt to remaih entrusted to 3enj . Franklin Federal Savings & Loan Association 'as a cash performance bond to assure the City that all the remaining requirem�ns of said Subdivision are completed, shall be ' One ljundEed�� Thousand f+* �hu"rvd tk i-ne dollars and • # ► cents ( ) This notice shall not be construed to nullify or alter the terms of the aforesaid Letter of Commitment in any way; it is merely an authorization to release a portion of the entrusted monies . City of Tigard, Oregon By. .� � y ❑irectnr of Omnnity t2uelqmEnt .13125 SW Hall 9wd.P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 SUMMARY RE: Cotswald Meadows #3 Subdivision; Performance Bond Reduction Request LETTER OF CREDIT (BOND) REQUIRED HOLDBACK RELEASABLE 1TEM AMOUNT MAINTENANCE* INCOMPLETE ITEM COMPLETE ITEM Site Prep/Grading $50, 773.00 $10,134.60 $ '.440,618.40 Conc. Curb $20,984.00 $ 4,196.80 $ $16,787.20 Street $93,011.00 $18,602.20 $ $74,408.80 San. Sewer $82,549.00 $1.6,509.80 $ $66,039.20 Storm Sewer $32,594.00 $ 6,518.80 $ -$26,075.20 Water Line $63,652.00 $12,730.40 $ 0 eP,92.1 .60 Gas Line $ $ _ $ $ U.G. Tel/Elect. $11.,756.00 $ 23 I�ZO 84 $ Walks/Aprons $36, $3. $ $36,583.00 $ _- A.C. Overlay 20, 00.0 $ $20,000.00 $ -- i Lighting $ 7,452.00 $ 490 q.pW240 $ 5,q 40O Misc. $ 5,J36.00 r r90 0 TO'T'ALS $425, 0. MW $643,27,99 .�iilii :giipW 1 -13� � ,4c` *Required w oldin for one year guarantee period asurance� Sip g%) , _--_T - JIM t%VGEHEE �] BU LDF R January 20,1987 Bob Thompson City If Tigard Tigard, Oregon Dear Bob: As per our conversation this A.M., I am Requesting that my subdivision Cotswald Meadows #3 be placed on one year main- maintenance. I will be furnishing a letter of credit—from tips the oregon bank for my maintenance bond. Please call me with G�"'� the soonest date the above metf)rioned subdivision will be M15 e,5 placed or the one year maintenance. ae,�) Thank you for your help. / Si cerely, James R. McGehee P.O. Box 23571 • Portland.OR 97225 • (303)292.0117 00 �s.w a/c� '�J/ _ J 40 P�cJ E it v� I C,aa-.F wP Loo.-IJ a k3c a STrCE�' / r3 43, i' StIFFAC� r-LA�cv�►Jss .�w».a::�r��:�'�b t,'�� 1 '' �JAR_KICJ1C��i �" 1.�7•r Lir S %JN&EtCk1AlK AHF�� - T Rt 6 T L-1 G KT!N G '✓ �NpsCArf Jc r��1�-2AL ORAi�JAC6 I V"'Jnt_ CSE t10 �,W NAIN'T (3 f�r1Sl=�ff,IJ7� T.o,IiFC CITYOF TIIFARD OREGON December 19, 1986 25 Years -�f SeMce 1951-1486 Mr. James R. McGehee P. 0. Dox 25571 Portland, OR 97225 Subject: Recorded Document - Subdivision Compliance Agreement (Cotswald Meadows No. 3 Dear Mr. McGehee: Enclosed, for your files, is a copy of the above-referenced Subdivision Compliance Agreement. (/{86054904) If you have aoy questions, please do noL hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Loreen R. Wilson City Recorder cw Enclosure cc: Randy Clarno, Engineering Dept. v- 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)o39 4171 — December 17 , 1986 CITYOF TIIFARD OREGON 25 Years o/Service 19b1-198b Mr. James R. McGehee P.O. Box 25571 Portland, OR 97225 RE: Cotswald Meadows No. 3 Subdivision (Letter of Commitment Partial Release) .ji i Dear Mr. McGehee: In the matter of the Four Hundred Twenty five thousand Two Hundred Ni.nty dollars ($425, 290 . 00) Letter of Commitment, between Benj . Franklin Federal Savings & Loan Association, and the City of Tigard, Oregon and Mr. James R. McGehee; this is to serve as official notice to allow said Savings & Loan Assoc- iation to release to Mr. James R. McGehee a portion of the deposit entrusted to said Savings & Loan Association. The amount hereby authorized tc be released is Two Hundred Seventy Four Thousand Eight Hundred fifty dollars and fourty cents ($274 , 850 . 40) . The amount to remain entrusted to Benj . Franklin Federal Savings a & Loai, Association as a cash performance bond to assure the City that all the remaining requiruments of said Subdivision are completed, shall be One Hundred Fifty Thousand four huncl.red thirty nine dollars and sixty cents ($150, 439 . 60) . This notice shall not be construed to nullify or alter the terms of the aforesaid Letter of Cummitment in any way; it is merely an authorization to release a portion of the entrusted monies. City of Tigard, Oregon r-� Mxmtx cif (hunmity �lqrff,t 13125 SW Nall RO,Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)539-4171 SUMMARY RE: Cotswald Meadows #3 Subdivision; Performance Bond Reduction Request #1. LETTER Or CREDIT (BOND) REQUIRED HOLDBACK RELEASABLE ITEM AMOUNT MAINTENANCE* INCOMPLETE ITEM COMPLETE ITEM Site Prep/Grading $50,773.00 $10,154.60 $ $40,618.40 Conc. Curb $20,984.00 $ 4,1.96.80 $ $16,787.20 Street $93,011.00 $18,602.20 $ $74,408.80 San. Sewer $82,549.00 $16,509.80 $ $66,039.20 Storm Sewer $32,594.00 $ 6,518.80 $ $26,075.20 Water Line $63,652.00 $12,730.40 $ $50,921.60 Gas Line $ $ $ $ U.G. Tel/Elect. $11,756.00 $ $11,756.00 $ Walks/Aprons $36,583.00 $ $36,583.00 $ A.C. Overlay $20,000.00 $ $20,000.00 $ Lighting $ 7,452..00 $ $ 7,452.00 $ Misc. $ 5,936.00 $ $ 5,936.00 $ TOTALS $425,290.00 $68,712.60 $81,727.00 $274,850.40 *Regaired wi.tholding for one year guarantee period asurance.. /Z �/7/cNG bac, i7 Q 55-7 L RE; � ������� � 7 SutKjivisio n (Lottor of Commitment Partial Relea �s,eA) 1 Ooar 1"lr, Mc • eY ee. 1 �� In the matter of the +: dollars ($�5�Z90•bo ) Letter of Commitment, hetween FT2AlM 5sv� (,.e2x_—�►��t�s��oh and the City or Tigard, Oregon and Mr JR M�e(�t�nC�_; this is to serve as official notice to allow said rjZVIH .._k_.21j&-A%&Pf-1! tom to release to _ �,�3�y t!- V.�e.e. a Portion of—the deposit entrusted to said � \ Aso .,.{�.._10" , The amount hereb �aitthoriTed to be rel 1ased i Ld -CyLN �TQs1r ]111ok4t7..i� E,�1.�a„►.,a.taG,��-a da11���s ��d FeN.i c���s Z�4„ s 5c�.4o� • .• ,.� The amount to remain entrusted to 2��( �N �t sloc! s a cash performance bond to assure the it that all re aining re uirements of ' said Subdivision are completed, shall. be !N e.�"CdVWX--S s2�� Comer-__- A"- eA T1,%..L.•jNt.+t dell'. ohd S'xA� ac.-�%(*iSO�439.Zo phis notice shall not be construed to nullify or alter the terms of tho aforesaid Letter of Commitment in any way; it is merely a.- authorization to release a portion of the entrusted monies . City Of .Tigard, Orec,on Sy •.w+`.. D11�G�� O� l•OvWwNrt`y �.rt��Ml.rl� 646 � J 1 t C ,, .I�py ' rr'. 1i. :f.i��. i6��,, •''� 'm, � `i,�'-lr�r'{C.`r 1 :r,r SUMMARY RE: C0 1� �Ae.7AoWS 3 Subdivision; Performance Bond R Request !1_J LETTER OF CREDIT (BOND) REQUIRED HOLDRACK RF L►A,ARI F ITEM AMOUNT MAINTENANCE* INCOMPLETE ITf_M Cc MPLFTE YI EM Site Prep/Grading $ 5017"73.00 $ 10�IS�4,(i0 $v $ 40�e18,40 Conc. Curb $ 201C114•00 $ 4119(„110 1 — $ I(.1 117. Z0 Street $ Cy3�011 .00 $ 161�eDZ.20 4' $ -7{�4oK.b0 San. Sewer $ SZ)s49 -00 $ 11.1509.40 1 $ 4.41D'S9.20 Storm Sewer $ 3z 1,594.00 $ (1,51$,80 7-1.�675.ZD Water- Liner 1131(i52. 00 $ 1Z,"130.40 $ -- $ ja�,Rv.(.0 • Gas Line $ $ $ $ U.G. Tel/Elect. $ 11$75(0 •0O $ $ 11I-7V.,00 $ Walks/Aprons $ 3L,5B3.DO $ $ 30.1543.00 $ A.C. Overlay $ ZO1'000. 60 $ $ 7-01000. 00 $ Lighting $ 714sz . 00 $ � 11 -7$45Z . 00 $ Misc. $ 5"193[..00 $ $ 5/93(1.00 S TOTALS s r�„Z5sZ40.00$ Gf�1 I7-.(io $ SI,7Z7,OD $ 7-'7 41 T50.40 MRtaquirrd witholdiny for one year yuarantoo period asurance. (JSH:br/1943P) ��11. • 7 •r �Ku.?',ic '4" S .4' �' t- J ' L, 1 MWS+. t( � r i w ''11""1 . 1 + _ !yc, '^_.(• t , + . ��r7•fi} ��Jt a� .a�4 r t' ` 7c+ r, �! .�°� ''� �'c x .'�:�! j i �.� � ^�.i�T��'�' r�r�.w M=FKWKMR dic i 0 � 3 w as BION INSPECTION LOG Tape Start Report q _ • i -Tom, Inc. Tape Stop_ Tape 6799 SW 72nd Avenue portla6, Oregon 97223 Cleaning Report (503) Client �, �� f Opera Y Date/-1=`L� Time — 4 Location Pipe T e �1 Joint Type Depth Line Size �— P YP f 1Depth___ Manhole Condition's Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation — —_ ull Direction WIER READING INFILTRATION - d A F TOTAL B F low Direction — �N C G _ D H — —� — -- J Ref Feet Remarks Inf . No. No.Photo Ref Feet Remarks Inf . No.Photo No. 1 21 -- - 2 - 22 J 23 — Z - - `- 25 7 27 _ — --- ----- 28 y -- 29 _ T _ 30--- 31 32 j -� 33 PF 31 _ -- 35 36 1 37 — ---- I - 38 -- -�- j _ 39 40 Summary of Line Conditions: Codes - Pipe Condition� ���.�✓� BP - Broken Pipe IM-Int filtration Klr! Grade C - Crack 0 - Obstruction Alignment CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint Joi.1ts DP - Dip in Line OS-- Off Set GC - Grade Change R - Roots H - Shear RC- Service Conn. I - Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint o� Lineal Peet Pipe Size AN Poloroids_ Reset 1t f,ION INSPECTION LOG Tape Start. Report I AI-TOM, Inc. Tape Stop Tape --� 16799 SW 72nd Avenue ��L— i Portland, Oregon 97223 (503) 620-6959 Cleaning Report C1 ient-a Operato Dated,; fG_ ✓ Time Location - Line Size _ Pipe Type ��//� Joint Type Depth Manhole Condition's Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation ull Uirection WIER READING INFILTRATION - A _ _ E TOTAI, B F C C G D H Ref Feet Remarks Inf . Photo Ref Feet Remarks Photo No. No. No. Inf . No. 17 n 2 04 22 _ 23 _ 4- 25 - b 26 27 �- 28 _ 30 �- — 315 ell, --- c _ 32 — -- 13 33 _ 34 35 36 ^-_- 1 37 38 T _ _ 39 Summary cif Line Conditions: Codas - Pipe Condition BP - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mark Grade C - Crark 0 - Obstruction Alignmen CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint J01.4ta DP - Dip in Line OS- Off Set GC - Grade Change R - Roots H - Shear SC'- Service Conn. I - Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint Lineal Feet_ �, _ Pipe Site _ r Poloroids Reset 1pN INSpECTIOii LOG Tape Start jr '71 Report*t p ,Tom, Inc. Tape Stop �.Z Tape 0 9 SW 72nd Avenue _ Portland, Oregon 97223 �s03� 620-6959 Cleating Report 0 client - Opera �iJ�Y1fS Date Time �`' �-7 ' '''`✓� Location Line Size _ CE _ Pipe Typef1j� Joint Type Depth Manhole Condition's - -� Date Cleaned Result of Cleaningrtj Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation Cu11Direct on WIER READING INFILTRATION --' A F. TOTAL B F — low Direction® C G D H Fief Feet Remarks Inf , Photo Ref Feet Remarks V Photo ,No. _ ?� No. No. Inf . No. 21 7 22 - - � 1 23' _ - L-- 24 - - 5 — 25 - — 26 71127 28 29 1 _ 30 1 31 T2 1 __ 1133 15 --— 34 36 17 37 39 1 40 3 Summa-y of Line Conditi s: Codes - Pipe Condition PP - Broken 9, IM-Infiltration Mark Grade C - Crack 0 - Obstruction A!ip►vn.• _ CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint Joi.,ts _ DP - Dip in Line OS- Off Set GC - Gtade Chante R - Roots H Shear Sf'- Service Conn. I - Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint lotLl.ca: Feet= � Pipe Sine � Poloroids Reset -- /tSIUN 1NSpECT1ON LOG Tape Start je) Report 0 �_ U-TOM, Inc. Tape Stop ,3y Tape / /199 SW 72nd Avenue Z— / Portland, Oregon 57223 Cleaning Report 1 (503) 620-6959 -- I C11ent Operator) '_ Date Time _ Location Line Size Pips' Type J�— Joint Type`-____-_-- Depth _ Manhole Condition' s ---- ---- Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning - Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation ull Direction WIER READING INFILTRATION A E TOTAL (n low Direction C G D H _ Photo Ref � ~ Photo Ref Feet Remarks Inf . Feet Remarks No. No. Ne. _ Inf . No. 1 21 ---- ----- -1i C�1� ------ 2 2 2 — ' 23 — 24 5 -- 25 -- ---------- 27 — - 28 _ 29 30 --- - _- -- 31 _ 32 - - - 34 - 1 —�- 35 - 36 --- 38 39 — ---- — �. 40 Summary of Line Condi ns: Codes - Pipe Condition -__ BP Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mark Grade C - Crack 0 - Obstruction lignment LP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Jot" A Jinm _ DP - Dip in Line OS- Off set GC - Grade Change P - Roots --- H - Shear SC- Service Conn. Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint pipe Size Poloroida Reset Lineal feet,_ P _ PIS10N INSPECTION LOG Tape Start 222-- Report 0 Y -TOM, Inc. (�'- 73il Tape 0 199 SW 72nd Avenue Tape Stop p crtland, Oregon 97223 /,--, oZ dt7"zyyt- 16sJ (503) 620-6959 Cleaning Report 0 Client �j'i �L Operator!��yy�`�C— Date,4;2 ! Time -- Location Line Size Pipe Type � — Joint Type — Ma n h c l e Condition's /� ------ ---- --- — Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning ----��-Eye------ i Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation ull Direction �~ WIER READING INFILTRATION y Jr A F _— TOTAL B F low Direction C G -------- i D H —_ Ref No. Fee[ _ Remarks Inf .— — Photo Ref Feet Remarks_ v Photo No. No.— Inf . No. 1 21 25 -- _— ---- 26 27 1}1rr�.J 2 q ------- �_ _ Ill U33-2- - - --- --- F4 _- 34 35 37 3h f - ------ --- 36 _ 39 40 Summary of Line Condi ions: Codes - Pipe Condition_ BP - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltratlon Mark Grade— — _ C - Crack 0 - Obstruction Aligivuent CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joini Jot.,ts DP - Dip in Lire OS- Off Set GC - Grrde Change R - Root• Sheat SC'- Service Conn. - _ I - Infiltration ?J- Typical Joint Lineal Feet Pipe Sire Poloroids Reset /ISION INSPECTION LOG Tape Start 1�!� Report TOM, Inc 799 SW 72nd Avenue Tape Stop — Tape 0 portlard, Oregon 97223 (503) o20-6959 Cleaning Report I / Client,- Operator — Date/,F Time i I Location - Line Size -- � Pipe Type /f/ Joint Type Depth Manhole Condition' s Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation ull Direction WIER READING ~^ INFILTRATION _7 A - --- ----- r T 0TAL B F �.�filc�w Direction C --- G Ref Photo Ref �— ---- P'luic�l No, Feet Remarks Inf . Feet Remarks -- No. No. Inf . No. 22 - - odor �`. 2 -- - — 24 5 - 267 27 _ 28 29 30 31 32 _ 3 3 —_ — 3 4 _ -- 35 35 37 39 - ___-_ __ ___ G Summary of Line Conditi ns: Codes - Pipe Condition — BP - Broken Pine IM-Infiltration Mirk Grade - C - Crack 0 -- Obstruction Alignment CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint Joi.,ta DP - Dip in Line OS- Off Set GC - grade Cha. ge R - Ruote H - Shear S('- Service Conn. I - Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint lineal Feet ZPipe Size �� Poloroide_—__ Re set ,,,.asst,,• IISION INSPECTION 1.OG Tape Start �_ Report i C17- --- ToM, Inc. 99 SW 72nd Avenue Tape Stop � - Tape i ,,,rtland, Oregon 97223 j503) 620-6959 Cleaning Report Clien[ f perator,Sa�AyDate/ Time Location Line Size V Pipe Type ,t9�i _ Joint Type - Depth Manhole Condition's Date Cleaned -_ Result of Cleaning Flow Depth - Ground Water Elevation ull. Direction WIER READING INFILTRATION_-- �� � A - F. =_ - TOTAL B F low Direction `---7j C L R e��— -- � Photo R c f— --- ---- ---=P h. �.) No Feet Remarks Inf . Feet Remarks No. No. Inf .--No. 1 _ L1 22 — � ---- - 23 - -- 26 -- 25 2 5 --- --- -- _-- 27 - - ---- --- - --- - 28 - - ----- ----- 3 9 l 31 -- -- 33 TV V5T-V - _ 330 -- -- -- 17 1 - --- -- - _- 37 — -�- --- T 38 - - - 39 --- _— _ 1140 1 Summary of Line Conditions: Codes - Pipe Condition C -`-` BP - Brokcn Pipe IM-InIiItratin M.iT Grade C - Crack 0 - Obst rur t 1 tit, Allgnmint _ CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint Jn!..;a. DP - Dip in Linc OS- Off Set GC - Grade Change R - Roots H - Shear SC- Service Conn. I - Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint lineal Fee,-- Pipe Size ' j Poloroids Reset v ISION 1NSPECTION LOG 6Lbb-6£9� )SL.6PilP26f£N H MS 926£6 7.L-TOM, Inc. 6799 SW 72nd Avenue Tape Stop_ Tape / l Portland. Oregon 97223 (503) 620-6959 Cleaning Report 0 C,i e n Operator ` DatW Time _— Location1%�t line Size' � Pipe Type/-.7 Joint Type Depth— - - Manhole Condition's Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Water Llevation ull Direct on WIER READING INFILTRATION E TOTAL- , B F low Direction [ 7 C G D --- H Ref Feet Remarks Inf, Photo Ref Feet Remarks Photo No. No. No. Inf . No. 1 - _ 21 2 22 23 2 4 _ -� ,' 26 27 26 - 29 30 C_ L 31 32 I r 33 34 �Y 3!' 36 PF - 31 - FF 38 17F 1139 — 1140 99666966 &.+Jf1 ,f)b9bjAipv C editions: Codes - Pi1001 n _ 9P - Broken Pipe 1M-Inf iltrat ton t'nrk Gr _ C - Crack 0 - Obstruction -^ CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint DP - Dip in Line OS- Off Set GC - Grade Change R - Ponta H - Shear SC- Seretce Conn. I - Infiltration TJ- Typical Jnint Lineal Feet � � Pipe Size _ _____ Poloroids_ Reset �`� �t�ltnom>c�1 Oounty, Oregon To ILO fy I I ` - Time �vll Date __l E O U T W 1LE Yd'�� w � M of Phone_. ASE CALL TELEPHONED RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH pd- 57( A -FaTfE(►T Cr!{El.KL14' p�oar~c �?ISw c� t1'I vATE �.. SAfJ. SELde2 , Ah< Sr. sc-L#Jee- cuRIT L WATT-� � 7��5�� /I><r..,5 !�a//tee �,.•. � PO U)is IC r✓�^�►J l ft S4+�r h Q i- 5 )u i.n L w c . Tt-L . Cr4BL6 TV. ) ✓ GA5 .- f3as� 13Afb IMSTALL, A Cy 1� LIFT i A Z►t O �_t fT S u i l e s r /7 a,. s�cR�aee ►�+N�cwr�s �� �-�,..�, . 5 1 c►,is �°SA RR�CAVE S 51 pE us A�.xs � A PRaJS ►,a N��.e.�+a+a �A+�t Ps K AILgsY� (' Lc1STEKS S TRiE T u CrfTl N G t.A►JpSCAP�ti1G G�n1C-2AL �QAI�+IAGb ' G�e'6Rxt- $RF6T'� ` (P1I1AL CL6AJQLJP MA1NT. 13OND /PLAT TsJlu 4A71W - 4eL-&IWAY EAssi-f&&rr zmouBS (JTHFK Jim MCGEHEE 3 r ii i BU11.DER (503)192.0117 PO.Box 25571 Portland,OR 97125 Ce yp IOY A'r'Um� 4r t,C,4 r1c ,(n rr 1 -f-b IMP) Gt2 / • / vl,/ C161V /G IfG � ���� ; /�/s 1t;N I N, PEC T O R'S - Lip; REPORT BANCROFT &ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ERGINEERS LARD iURVEVORS- PLANNERS THIRD AVE. -11L ISORO, OREGON 97123 DATE `_. X•5- PROJECT NAMEC'o�.,Q/ /�� 1�,a o C0NTRACTOR. _� PROJECT NO. DEVELOPER ,��,,,_ BEG MILEAGE END MILEAGE WEATHER >�f moTEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL A EOU!PMER'T FOREMAN _—_ OPERATORS LABORS BACKHOE GRADER _ _ BULLDOZER ROLLER _ JLO PADDLEWHEEL PAVER :MPTRUCKS TYPE OF INSPECTION _ STREET--TUSGRADE - CURDS - SASE RO:R TOPPING ROCK ASPHALT (APPROVED/REJECTED) By _ Agency STORM SEWER _ __ SANITARY SEWER ----I—WATER LINES (APPROVED/REJECTED) By— Agency - COMMENTS ---- C INSFECTOR -� ENGINEER , ! NS. ).EOTOR'S -GAIL'. REPORT BANCROFT Bi ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVETORS- PLANNERS 140 N. THIRD AVE. MILLSBORO, OREGON e712D DATE PROJECT NA_ME '_c�r1,,�,//i?E�,�/��•i n. " CO_NTRACTOk PROJECT NO. DEVELOPER BEG MILEAGE END MILEAGE WEATHER TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL 9 EQUIPMENT FOREMAN OPERATORS LABORS BACKHOE — GRADER BULLDOZER _ ROLLER LOADER PADDLEWH IMUMPTRUCKS TYPE OF !NSPECI'ION STREET SUBGRADECURDS BASE ROCK TOPPING ROCK ASPHALT (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency STORM SEWER _ SANITARY SEWER ----T WATER LINES other (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency COMMENTS c INSPECTOR �r , ��_.�4t.� ENGINEER /0<'` , R.E.BANCROFT & AMCCIATES I N C O R P 0 R A T E D CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS A PLANNERS 140 N E THIRD AVENUE HILLSBORO.OREGON 97124 503/64F 4131 December 6, 1986 Chuck Schmidt Charles M. Schmid Excavating 116 N. 5th Street Newberg, Oregon 97132 RE: COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 3 Dear Chuck: The soft subgradc at Station 5 + 00 S.W. Hindon St. dL>e to underground water is going to need corrective action. Attached is Washington County Standard Detail D-116. At the top of the page a "Typical Drain" is shown. Please install such a drain along the left (uphill) curb from the East catchbasin at Station 3 + 50 to approximately the middle of lot 92, a distance of about 230 feet. Very truly yours, R. E. BANCROFT & ASSOCIATES, INC. Richard E. Bancroft, P.E. , P.L.S. REB/jb Principal copy to: Bob Thompson Jim McGehee NOTES: I., PROvIDE DIRECT DRAINAGE SONTACT BETWEEN BASE ROCK,SUB BASE ROCK S SUBGRADE DRAIN. 21 LOCATE SUBGRADE DRAIN ON UPHILL SIDE OF ROAD OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER 3.; SHOW PROPOSED LOCATION nN PLANS •J USE ASTM D•2729 PERFORATED PVC A.0 . •.o , . BASE ROCK-� - • .- . 3/4'MINUS BAfEROCK,TYP • SUB BASE ROCK • •• 1 •• • a• of �yTER_FRI _ MIN.BETwEEN_DRAIN fi PIPE S FABRIC COMPACTED NATIVE MATERIAE ��•�F�.ATED 1Q• I vrA'SNCD 1 !/s•DRAIN ROCK GR DRAINAGE PIPE AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER TYPICAL SUBGRADE DRAIN SPR I NG CATCHMENT DETAIL. Ap�y,� nPE WITH END AP- LO-Pf TO DRAIN FILTER FABRIC j / • o•� / 6•PEREORATED DRAIN PIPE,ASTV D-2729 PV C MASHED IV2"-!/4'DRAIN ROCK OR / �/• AS APPROVED P ENGINEFR TO A�IN�SYSTEM --� CAP— / / /�� • • / SOLID PIPE, ExCAVOTE TD FULLY VILOI SPRING AREA A DT EIe-INE R P L A N A.C. • C • • s•4 A.r�— •.� SUB-BASE ROCK A' - •� � •s o• a.• •� FILTER FABRIC _A 7'� I IN •` )•'• SLOPE �1BGRADE TO PIPE TOP �- SLI URAIN PIPE,ASTM O-ET29PVC SUBGRADE ; - ----COMPACTED,CLEAN,CRUSHED ROCK EXCAVATION OF SPRING AT DIRECTION OF ENGINEER SECTION A-A WASHINGTON COUNTY SUBGRADE AND SPRING DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CATCHMENT DRAIN DATE CIVIL ENGINEER DRAWN APWA NO. WAWI COUNTY NO. ... ' -- Ada b" NONE D- 116 - 83 - MjEcl Y,4Mr ?EST DATE ?FST CONpuCTto Br- FROM iA d) Lfr4cm(l) ii:0011ds1 C=0.0003082d1 TIME1 F i r _' — L J d ' r•• z $ N Z mG o Cr Jvcn �. +jh y o° o�m u � a vZ i. to ij � 'tj� r. ho0 (Y) m f O O � ��11 clf 7 '9 i 86. 0 0 P4 u9 EK oG O J I tT- a s --- ---��, .o�� . � �° �Q,� ,, /E _ -; �9.39 O .Easernen-tl J I �, o h I LIJ 8485 8586 89 •I q, s, o, , 87, 88 90 r, o' io I , 7N [] to O E t 00 xcstc `� � � 91 o >` oo Exp t_ 4� 0 , 6" r Ma.2fLOLG ExcstLa Muia�aLe. _ S. W. Westhury St. =� 5 c o.>•, f � t �b � As�.bcc,y � ' Rt. � Ira / e99. 71d /ti9orn i.cg Nc e L t/1 = X 43. 53 Opt Adl'us e. Tc o to GrQa�G . .• -- — --.. -- �-- / E _ �oJ. 7j /n. Top - v'?dO. .2� Exist. �\ --- --- _ — I O Top = �to9. �� Exist. 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S \ to \9 ( 0, r Oo h/c o.L Ct. sewer) I13 ", n � 4. .' s �r. / t i � � n 154 i °' � °` �, i � n . � � �� I .39. 95 YYc G nl �1 0 � cV n 5 " .C.zF. 7,- 35 S4 .4"c iccto.v 112 105 104 103 I U2 0t61 95 _ aay. .�e oat h O -qo. L8n / , oyrj I 7-op/E a= �737L. dS O �' \ � d 'O K '� cv cv in 1,n N o (O t 00 C',St t\ 5 ' fit, � t X6.03 WcLton. III /'� _ I :Ij / . lal h o O d S ' Rt. O t OSS 96 Crest I l h - / r 7 6 i �7' - 6 •, <?/O. 0.; out 5`' 6 / t 50 „ I I I Iw � h ° � /� _ /o. as /,, crest lr -6 co t' 114 Lq o o °` Top 6. 35 3106 101 73 '-6 'J —_ 63 C' 1+1 W 110 '-b "•'� 66. 76 MaAtltole /Yo. 7 r o `\ 6 .6 6� �' \o �� /� -_ . /5 Out I '�''� 35 h' b \ `� el S I Top ND b o` a 100 109 98 �, \ 1 C, 1 107 99z IV Q Z 76 PC uy act. / t 6 9 Ma.:f ole fYo. 6 C` /.E = a/0. 95/ Oat W /E = Q/1, /v /" - 'c liJ Top aao. 8/ C` _ - I W NORTH— Q z Q - U) p I M %%sib _O c G Z J SSP d6Z y0 �WQ0 O >I V CO1'SWaLD NO "n2 OF 1.9 �.z I p now _1110 + r I . ~ f ~1 1 x'11 I I 11111 11 1 11 I11 11Y t�l 1' 1' 1 11'I� �1' I I l I(1)1 1 X1111 1!11111 11-11011 11111 l)I 1 11111 t 1111111 I 1(11111,..<. ! 1F I ! 1 I 11 I 1 I I 11111111'111Jill(11(IrI1Ill 1I1II(1I11t(111t111(1 _ I 2 _ 3 6 8 9 IIO I I NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 4 5 7 12,.._,. - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT IC&r-IT IS DUH TO �- IM QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL - -- -'"DRAWING. OE aZ 9Z LZ 9Z SZ bZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ G,' 131 LI 91 al t►I E1 ZI 11 01 9 O L -9 --- S 6 Z 1�+'" ` ,,,,� �'1II111111111Iu111nI1I11u111�t�n1111n�11111111�111111N1�1u111ntlllalnrl>�uu111tu1�►III+1Hf�11�ItN�lbiltl�l+It1t�111t�N11111i1�11N�l;�liMllill�iltl�tllf�lf111f111t111lIIIIi�111111F11iU11MI11111111Illllllllll11111)1111�1111�11UW11�1lU�ILI,Iu1W111NH JUNE 24 19 92 !, 1 ..... .......................................•»•..•............•....•.....................»........................... -�..-� ..---" - -.�.--."r--�. - -� »----. ---Ww-�_�._. r�-�,� .--. .�_. �_ «_,.-.-.�_-s -. - -� -r.... • 1 .. .... .. .__. -_-... _.�. -- -. -�. ._._--_.-_.- - r .:.. i ....... ... .. ... .. ........... r• ; ..,.... .. .. .. .. .. .., , . ... .. ... .. .. ... ....... ... ....... .. ... ... .I. .. .... i •�• ..... ....... .. • I ........i..... ;.'. i. { .. .. .. ....,.. ......, .. ... .. ,,,. i' s I . 1 , r i. i I. i .. ... .i ..... I' �' 'i • i• I' j .. . . ....... .. 4' i r. ...... ...... .... .. 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Af Ilil wi PRoJEv N/IMF 7E s r o4—,Lr L'1 yL 7EsT tOMpucTED 8r- FROM To DIACJ) LE rH i1 K: olldsl c:o,0003aa=d1 TIME --PASS -.2 3 C� 2 I 0 ►, u go i r- - �o I NS,'ECT0R'S LIM , REPORT BANCROFT 8rASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS- PLANNERS IAO N. THIRD AVE. MILLSBORO, OREeON 97123 DATE /2 1 � PROJECT NAj CONTRACTOR oo PROJECT NO. DEV_ELO_PER BEG. MILEAGE _ END MILEAGE WEATHER ��c�t�� ` EMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL 8 EQUIPMENT FOREMAN _ OPERATORS LABORS BACKHOE GRADER BULLDOZER ROLLER LOADER PADDLEWHEEL PAVER UMPTRUCKS TYPE OF INSP;:CTION STREET SUBGRADE CURBS SASE ROCKTOP►IN6 ROCK AS►MALT (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency: STORM SEWER BANITARV SEWER�r WATER LINES other (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency -- COMMENTS I NSPECTOR��SayL, 0 - ENGINEER �� i I NS -'EC TOR S REPOR T BANCROFT Sr ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS- PLANNERS 140 N. THIRD AVE. HILLSBORO, ORE60N e7173 DATE PROJECT NAMECi �,.r , /rJ _ CONTRACTOR,4,, _ PROJECT N0. _ DEVELOPER BEG. MILEAGE END MILEAGE WEATHER o — TEMPERATURE ' CONTRAC'i 7R'S PERSONNEL a EQUIPMENT FOREMAN_ _ OPERATOF3 LABORS BACKHOE GRADER BULLDOZER ROLLER LOADER PADDLEWHEEL PAVER BULLDOZER TYPE OF INSPECTION STREET —7_SUBiRADf CURBS BASE ROCK TOPPING. ROCK ASPHALT (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER ---- -WATER LINES other (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency COMMENTS ENGINEER INSPECT R _ z November 18 1900 CITY OF TIFA RD OREGON 25 Yeors of Ser ice 19611986 RE ; Cotswald #3 Subdivision Dear"To Whom It May Concern" Thiv is to verify, per your request that: I Each lot. is situated on a concrete or asphalt surfato r•(iad wh+ih hall right--of- way and improvements, include curbs and nvty-;-ary and adey•late drainage structures, together with mean!. for oporat itrn ,Ind maintenance, which meets the standards of ihP City of I +gar•d , of ol,rn 2 Said subdivision, where necessary, will have dr•ainayr? strut torr•; and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by t ho City of I ii7,+r•d , Oregon, 3 A municipality owned disposal system wi 1 I be av,4r lably to v,it h lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale nr- lease of r,4i h lilt which meets the requirements of the Fnvironmt•,+ta1 Quality with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision A The improvements required, to be construetod, by thr c;cty of I rklard Oregon are under construction. S. A Subdivision Compliance Agr-Pement and 1)vfIor,11arIty I+k it ,Anel Maintenance f3ond has been execut rid by tho subd cv idor and ha.; hoon accepted and acknowledged by the City of 1 +gard C+tv c•,+ur„ iI thereinregard completion of the improvements; said documorrt •+ Art, ($r, file in the City of Tigard Recorder' s Office I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, rok1.4r,t+rnl documentation/verification required to bo submitted to lh,, ti'r,+1 Division by Tach subdivider . Yours truly, J(ihn flagman Fngin(-(,rirrq list hiric i �n (RI 1 mj/12) 13125 SAN Nall Blvd.,RO•Box 23397,Tlgard,C-Alton 97223 (503)639-4171 ----------- Cory 503)639-4171 ------ --- CoPY 'ea . .�!.(/ G(;�/fes �� ----a � lt.), GUi/�►'� /�VC��i:�C. I Y I i c �I� J I i i � I I� I \ I -IJ /�iriCyrn n 3 , J I .w I N S ►'EC T O R'S -DA -i REPORT BANCROFT &ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS- PLANNERS 140 N. THIRD AVE HILLSBORO, OREGON /7123 _ DATE //7--/,7-,5 PROJECT CONTRACTORhM� PROJECT N0. - !i6E—�—E—L6­PE—R '7-/,'.�', Y BEG, MILEAGE - END MILEAGE WEATHER /_`� C'�r TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL E( EQUIPMENT FCREMAN _ OPERATORS LABORS BACKHOE GRADER ULLDOZER ROLLER LOADER DADDLEWHEEL PAVER _F.UMPTRUCK9 _ TYPE OF INSPECTION STREET SUSGRADE CURBS -� SASE ROCK TOPPING ROCK ASPHALT (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency: STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATER LINES -- — other /REJECTED) By Agency COMMENTS INSPECTOR ENGINEER �" a 1 NS r'EC T_OR'S -L , REPORT BANCROFT &ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS -P-ND 6URVEYORS- PLANNERS 110 N. THIRD AVE. HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 DATE P_ROJECTNAME(f-,,z,_slf,, , ,�G,3 CONTRACTOR _5'_ PROJECT NO. DEVELOPER BEG MILEAGE END MILEAGE WEATHER `' TEMPERATURE C r-�C�. �; l-L'�'� c CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL 8 EQUIPMENT FOREMAN OPERATORS _ L..BORS BACKHOE GRADER +-- BULLDOZER ROLLER �— LOADER FADDLEWHEEL PAJER ^^_ ATMPTP LICKS _ TYPE OF INSPECTION STREET Ls UBGRADE f.URB5 Alf ROCK TOPPING ROCK ASPHALT (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATER LINES _ other (APPROVED / REJECTED) By Agency COMMENTS Zz I N S P E C T 0 R !'� --/��t ENGINEER — "� 1 NS--r'EC TOR'S _-DAX--, REPORT BANCROFT &ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL FNGINFERS LAND SURVEYORS- PLANNERS I40 N. THIRD AVE. NILLSSORO, OREGON 97125 DATE PROJECT NAMES ,�,.Q/_ �1y CONTRACTOR PROJECT N0. --� -�---��rc- - DEVELOPER BEG MILEAGE _ END MILEAGE__ WEATHER r_ C, �,� TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL 8 EQUIPMENT FOREMAN OPERATORS ILABORS BACKHOE GRADER BULLDOZER ROLLER PADDLE —--]EF-WHEEL PAVER — LOADER _ �IJMPTRUCKS TYPE OF INSPECTION STREET SUSGRADE _ CURDSSASE ROCK TOPPING ROCK ASPHALT (APPROVED/REJECTED) By . Agency STORM iEWER SANITARY SEWER _ WATER LINES _ off»r (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency- COMMENTS INSPECTOW ter ENGINEER I N S ,'EC; TO R'S --DA-tL- oREPORT BANCROFT &ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS— PLANNERS 140 N. THIRD AVE. HILLSEDRO, ORE CON 97128 _ DATE PROJECT NAM — �n r-4--r l CONTRACTOR PROJECT NO. — DEVELOPER_ BEG MILEAGE END MILEAGE WEATHER �';�,� ��/ � P� TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL B EQUIPMENT FCREMAN _OPERATORS LABORS BACKHOE GRADER OULLD07ER _ ROLLER LOADER PADDLEWHEEL PAVER VUMPTRUCKS _ T-PE OF INSPECTION STREET SU•SRADECURBS Bost ROCKTOPPING ROCK ASPHALT (APPROVED/REJECTED) By . Agency STORM SEWER --� SANITARY SEWER WATER LINES _ other_ (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Aq•ncy COMMENTS INSPECTOR�,� 2 ' SUBDIVISIONDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT 8605490 } THIS AGREEMENT dated the --1 =-`-y day of O c,/ �906e 19_86 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of State of Oregon, hereinafter termedh the "CITY", and James R. McGehee, an il!ividua.l hereinafter termed "Petitioner" . W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval For filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as CMMj,p MEApOW, NQ_ 3 in Section 4, T.2 S., R.I.W. and in Section 33, T. 1 S_, R.I. _ Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction by Oregon Chapter APWA, for street, storm drain, structure and related work, and Unified Sewerage Agency Standards and Specifications, for sanitary sewer construction, prepared by professional engineers, for subdivision public improvement development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements to be constructed in Petitioner' s development are incomplete, and Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospe:rive purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, T-HEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision riot later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner agrees to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specifications of the City of Tigard, to comply with all terms and provisions specified thereinregard this improvement by the Cor.r_il and Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, or as may be specified by the Community Development Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required by or approved by said Department. Petitioner- shall provide certification of installation conformance and one as--built. mylar, both stamped by a registered civil engineer, to the City prior, to City inspection of petitioners improvement. work for City conditional and final acceptance consideration. (2.) To assure compliance with the City' s requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $ 42i,_088.00 a copy thercc�f is hereto attached aril by this reference made a part hereof. Petitioner ' s contractor shall be licensed, hwided and insured . (3) In t:he event that Petitioner shall fail„ neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner- and Petitioner' s sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed and charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s Sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner's Sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in tFe Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s Sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City' s attorney' s fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (4) Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, shall deposit. with the City an amount estimated to equal pole and luminar maintenance fees, for street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street, lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights . Said amount being $ 2,034.72 _ (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay prescribed inspections fees .x (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ 1,426.00 (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City ' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for conditional acceptance inspection and, then, upon notification by the Department of Community Development that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient guarantee bond if not. already provided with the performance bond, form appraved by the City to provide for correction of any incomplete work or any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after conditional acceptance of the public improvements by the City. (9) Upon receipt of certification from the Department of Community Development that all requirements have been met., and a One Year Guarantee flond, the City Council agrees to conditionally accept. the public improvement, subject to the requirement of completion of all work and :orr-octiori (if' deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year, (9) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of 014, City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner bindw itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations ►(Project Fee sem_, 101.56__ Sewer Fee s�3.3t)L 7 (a) None of the lots of Petiti.oner' s subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under l authority of the City and no occupancy -ermit shall be issued prior to conditional acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than three (3) years from the date of this Subdivision Compliance Agreement. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area), if required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and application for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all required landscaping and trees in all areas shall be planted and in plane within the entre subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract. (c) After conditional City acceptance of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to place an asphaltic concrete overlay on all roads within the development; placement scheduling to be approved by the City. (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on 1 the approved plat(s) and plan(s) . l (e) Petitioner agrees to correct any defective work and to perform any maintenance, upon notification by the City, arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (10) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond. (11 ) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement; is executed on behalf of the City . Petitioner further agrees to maintain said bond in full force and effect until otherwise authorized by the City in writing. (17) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purpuses be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in thr event of default on the part. of the Petitioner with respect to any requirement thereof. 1 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner ung -lay-anc#-t�+ruyh-it9 -duly-�utt�orizrd- �ned--ef4cers--pursuant-to -reseluti4wv_._-o-t-- }ts-Beard-of--Directers> has // \ caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to re:sali,�fio" 1 of its Council,, passed at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the f3 day of n-TC�' I 19 86 has caused this agreement to be executed by its AVTHOOZIZLl�1 (zt"PR SFNTAI�IVC J R. McGeh THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON By D/,ac7t� cam c �/irY �cvt-u»^�ta.'r s+ep7 (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) STATE OF OREGON ) County of Washington ) The foregoing instrument was acknow d afore me tUf 27th day ',of October, 1.986 by James R. Mc e j , . Myotom ii ssioncexopTres:te4°16266gon-- Return signed copy to: ,James R. McGehee P.O. Box 25571 Portland, OR 97225 (iw;os> 4 LETTER OF COMMITMENT ( (Performance Bond) rhe Benj. Franklin Federal Savings We have received from and Loan Association ( lending institution) a loan commitment in the amount of $_550,000.00 to finance the improvements of a subdivision located in the City of Tigard, said subdivision being commonly known as COtswald Meadows #3This loan commitment is specifically for con- struction purposes for: (or) $ 25,290.00 of the aforsaid total commitment has been allocated for construction purposes for : (strike preceeding; inapplicable part) 1) public streets, including driveways , aprons, sidewalks, lighting and curbs 2) sanitary and storm sewers 3) domestic water 4) under- ground telephone and power 4) gas 5) landscaping. All such improvements are to be completed in conformity with City approved construction plans and the sub- division compliance agreement thereinregard. We have agreed that disbursements of the $ 425,29O,ill be made in accord with tht, 14,11owing schedule upon completion of each, or all , item(s) ; but not including tilt, hold-back described below. ITEM AMOUNT Site P.-eparation/Gradinp, $50,773.QO Concrete Curb 20.984.0 Street (base rock, leveling rock, base A.C. ) 93,011,OQ Sanitary Sewer & appurtances 82,549.00 -- Storm Sewer & appurtances 32,594.00 Water Line & appurtances _ 63,652.00 Gas Line & appurtances included with g1eCtri a Underground Telephone & Electrical 11,756.00 Concrete Sidewalk & Driveway Aprons 36,583.00 _ Asphalt (street overlay) 20,000.00 Street Light ing 7 ,452.00_ . Miscellaneous (pathways , landscaping, �^ mailbox clusters, etc. ) 51936.00 We have --ntered into a "Subdivision Compliance Agreement" whereby we have agreed to install all improvements in accordance with the requirements of the City of Tigard and we are hereby authorizing you to hold the above-stated funds to pay them to uc only whe,i the following has been adhered to: That the City of Tigard has provided certification acknowledging completion of any or all work pursuant to the above itemised schedule of improvements . I'ursoant to the above schedule, 20% of the commitment funds ( i .c . , $ 85,058 ) will he held back through the normal one year guarantee period or until final City Acceptance of the project takes place or until the Citv is provided with .r separate maintenance bond, effective for said tine year period from tilt, date of Council tentative acceptance of the work, to assure continued freedom tram dolects, and maintenance, during, th,,- guarantee period . t 5 Pave 2 Letter of Commitment i Concurrent with the final release of these funds, establishment proceedings will be instituted. It is understood and approved by all parties of concern to this lel.ter of colmnitment that the City of Tigard shall have first claim and priority to the sum of $425,290 , less disLursements approved by the City of Tigard, in the event of any defort "-Tur failure(s) to correct such in the construction of the required improvementw. It is further understood and agreed that the aforsaid priority of claim is paramou• t to all parties including the lending institution making the loam mil ti.--t the lending institution has covenanted and agreed that the sum of $ 425,290 _ less disbursements approved by the City of Tigard shall be held available to satisfy any aformentiored claim by the City notwithstanding default on loan l+v borrowing party or termination of loan by lending institution. DATE: 10-24-86 Si cerely yo a Approved and Accepted: THE BENj. FRANKLIN FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION _ (Lending Institutions 8Y: (Attach notary inform.rtiuu and (Title) signature(N) authoritvl STATE OF OREGON County of WAshington /' The foregoing instrument w c 0 edged bef e e t a 27th day of October 1986 by James M 0 r ✓ r C / Notary Public for Sta T of Oregon My Commission expires: 4-16-90 N; STATE OF OREGON SS County of Washington I,Donald W.Mason,Director of Assessma It and Taxation and Ex-Officio Recorder of Con- veyances for said county,do hereby certify that the within Instrument of writing was received and recorded In book of records of said county Donald W Mason, Director of Assessment and Taxation, Ex- ONiclo County Clerk 1986 NOW 24 PM 4: 09 ! NS r- EC T OR'S - - REPORT BANCROFT &ASSOCIATES, IN--C. — CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS- PLANNERS 14U N. THIRD AV- HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 _ DATE O PROJECT NAME���.f�,,,� %� ,�- ,� off; CONTRACTOR �- ,,,,,�' - �C' PROJECT NO. DEVELOPER ,�� L*�- BEG MILEAGE END MILEAGE WEATHER s/� ���o �r,•o TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'Q PlifieONNEL B EQUIPMENT FOREMAN OPERATORS LABORS BACK140E _ GRADER BULLDOZER ROLLER LOADER PADDLEWHEEL PAVER �IJMPTRUCK$ _ TYPE OF INSPECTION F"REET SU9CRADE _— CURBS BASE *OCR TOPPING ROCK ASPHALT (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency' STORM SEWER j SANITARY SEWE� WATER LINES otMr (APPROVED/ REJECTED) By Agency. COMMENTS L 7 ow-' 5 �-_7 G¢s T f I N S P E C T 0 R ENGINEER 6 �' �t I NS,SEC TOR'S DAILI REPORT BANCROFT BrASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS- PLANNERS 140 N. THIRD AVE. MILLSBORO, OREGON 57123 DATE PROJECT NAME �/�`, ,,� CONTRACTOR_S •..,' ,,�, ,•� PROJECT NO. _- _ DEVELOPER BEG MILEAGE _ END MILEAGE WEATHER �' �T �' !Y�'cG' TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL 8 EQUIPMENT FOREMAN OPERATORS LABORS BACKHOE GRADER BULLDOZER ROLLER LOADER PADDLEWHEEL PAVER AOUMPTRUCKS ~ _ TYPE OF INSPECTION STREET SUDGRADE CURDS SASE ROCK TOPPING ROCK ASPHALY (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATER LINES_ oltw (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency COMMENTS INSPECTOR/'� ', , � '��.� ENGINEER,-f"'�� j3u ! N,r ?EC TO R'S ' REPORT BANCROFT Bt ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEER6 LAND $URVEYORB- PLANNERS 140 N. THIRD AVE. HILLSBORO• OREVON 97123 DATE /D- 6 - -- PROJECT NAMECr-/-, 4--• CONTRACTOR 5��•,, C, /.z� PROJECT NO. DEVELOPER / BEG. MILEAGE _ END MILEAGE _ WEATHER q 2 he !,/rte TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL & EQUIPMENT FOREMAN OPERATORS _ LABORS BACKHOE GRADER BULLDOZER ROLLER _ LOADER PADDLEWHEEL i PAVER JACLIMPTRUCKS TYPE OF INSPECTION S MEET SUe6RADE CURBS SASE ROCK TOPPING ROCIf ASPHALT (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER — T!ATER LINES otMr (APPROVED/REJECTED) ByAgency' COMMENTS _ _.T__- � L✓�' ` L"Y� 7ZY1 fes.-�—."" u� N/ `� C1 it INSPECTOR �_- t�,-. _ ENGINEER/� _ � � � ! N S r- EC TO R'S DAtb REPORT BANCROFT &ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYCRS- PLANNERS 140 N. THIRD AVE. HILLSBORO. OREGON 97123 DATE PROJECT _,Al ; CONTRACTOR PROJECT_ NO. _ Y DEVELOPER BEG. MILEAGE _ END MILEAGE WEATHER 7 TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL 81 EQUIPMENT FOREMAN OPERATORS _ LABORS BACKHOE I GRADER BULlDOtER ROLLER LOADER PADDLEWHEEL PAVER I 10UMPTRUCKS TYPE OF INSPECTION STREET SU9GRADf CURES BASE ROCK TOPPING ROCK ASPHALT (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATER LINES other (APPROVED/REJECTED) By Agency- COMMENTS eit, 5:j7 L. `'tom i'�'�r- `DC7 �1,.•EJr- /S ��. `r''/,L`i VT-C_ �r�r�' INSPECTOR ENGINEER w 1NSr- ECTOR'S --DAla REPORT BANCROFT Or ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS- PLANNERS 140 N. THIRD AVE. 10ILLSe0RO, OREGON 11128 _ DATE PROJECT NAMEI,,r�,�� /� ,.s ; CONTRACTOR .5, PROJECT N0. _ DEVELOPER ���� BEG. MILEAGE END MILEAGE _ WEATHER '' TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL 81 EQUIPMEOT FOREMAN _ _ OPERATORS _ LABORS BACKHOE _ GRADER BULLDOZER ROLLER LOADER PADDLEWHEEL PAVER V �pUMPTRUCKS STREET SJeGRADE TYPE OF INSPECTION CURBS TOPPING ROC,"- - ASPHALT �— [(APPROVED/REJEC TE O) _ By Agency- ST ORM SEWER _ SANITARY SEWER T WATER LINES _ other (APPROVED/REJECIEO) By Agency COMMENTS 01 Ko A �7 INSPEC"fOR l ENGINEERAeO � '— re �. R.E.BANCROFT & AMOCLATES I N C O R P O R A T E D CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS&PLANNERS 140 N E THIRD AVENUF HILLSBORO,OREGON 97124 5031648 4101 September 22, 1986 Bob Thompson Engineering Dept. City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 3 Dear Bob: Enclosed are 4 prints of Plan Sheet No. 1 to which the mailbox locations have been added. Very truly yours, R. E. BANCROFT & ASSOCIATES, INC. Richard E. Bancroft, P.E. , P.L.S. Principal REB/jb copy to: Jim Mclehee (OR�EGON F TIGrA RD September 2, 1986 rs of Sendce Mr. Jaynes R. McGehee 61-1986 P.O. Box 2.5571 Protland, OR 97225 Re: Cotswald Meadows No. 3 Dear Mr. McGehee, Enclosed, please find the Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond ( forms) for said project. After signature thereof by the principal(s) and notary and, in the case of the bond form, by the surety, please return both documents for final pr-,cessin,. After City execution and acknowledgme•it , copy will be transmitted to you, for yuur file, by the City Recorder. Subsequently, thereafter, the approved public improvement construction plain can be issued upon receipt of a check, in favor of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in the sum of $ 20,464.2.4 being the said agreement (therein stated) deposit/fee(s). Y o u/r g tr�ul y, John S. Hagman JS}I:p j r 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,PO.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — --- —I CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMF�;4T SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FSE COMPUTATION SHIFT Project Title: _—L `Z` �'f1C kY), �S Impry e: Computed By: Date: e-i -Z`egs' 1 . PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T.M.C. 18, 164. 150) : A. Improvement cost estimate, r'G' less sanitary sewer. . . .$ 3-47 o 5.37, (Adjusted Cost) 8. 0.04 x $— '342 $_3c)m (A—djusfed Cost) 2. SANITARY SEWER MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND INSPECIION FEE (Ord. No. 85-02) : A. Contract surcharge applicable . . . yes, no (agreement name) � cY 8 Sewer Improvement cost estimate $ `_�`"`_? �4 (sewer est . ) c C. 0.04 x $^ _ l7Zl s-17 -. _ $ -330/. 9 _...—_ (sewer estimate) (fee) [or) $100.00 min. , whichever is greater . . . . . . . . .$ -513Ci�.`�(Q I . STREETLIGHT FEE (T.M.0 18 164, 130 (x) 6 3 .08.010) : A. P.G.E. Schedule No. Option No. Type of '.amp J _ Lumens/Watts 70 Type of Pole Height B. $--At• 3Z _ x /f`' _ $_._ I �, 7(U _/mo (monthly rate) (no. of lights) - (monthly rate) (no of poles) $ 71. ?& _ + •7102_ x 24 months (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4 . TRAFFIC-PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEE (T .M.C. 18. 164 .030(u) A. Stop: I @ $` /CK - _ $ (number) (each) (subtotal) B. S t . Name:— @ $ - --- _ $ -- C. -C. Combo: @ $ /9S. no - $ D. No. Parking: @ rt-17 VeC.- (Misc. ) F. S ign(s) Total. . . . . . .: � GRAND TOTAL (FEE'S buE..) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 � Receipt No. Date Paid: 4- :heck Cash _ 0920P AEU lS� EST", 3 s-raa.M 3Z 614 41 Skhl , 1%7.1549 7 5� �rJIkTF Ls 2. J, bi� Pl�v�ER I I ,�SV Revised Aug. 26, 1986 To reflect Bids received COST ESTIMAT[ COTBMALD MEADOWS 140. 3 1. Clearing Lump Bus 16,500 i. 2. Excavation 11,170 c.y. It $ 2.90 32,393 �l 3. Habanlwnt 800 c.y, x $ 2.35 1,880 P'i 4. Daae Rock 3,990 c.y. x $ 10.40 • 41,496 S. Topping Rock 980 c.y. x $ 11.75 ' 11,515 W) 6. ]" Asphalt 2,023 ton x $ 29.53 59,798 ,--j.L,_.Concrele Curb 5,522 c.y. x $ 3.80 20,984 fit! 11. Cuncrett. Patli • L� B� 1,636 L 9. 12" Storm Drain 1,797 bat x 11.75 21,115 10. 1S" Storm Drain 99 feet x 9 L5.75 1.,559 ll. "D-9" Catchbaain 11 each x $ 430.00 • 4,730 M 12. "D-1" Catchbaain 3 each x $ 530.00 1,590 ,11 . Storm Manhola each x $ 900.00 3,600 14. 4" Sanitary Sewer 2,347 feet x $ 9.30 • 21.,827 1S. 8" Sanitary Sower 2,996 feet x $ 15.35 • 45,989 16. Sanitary Tees 38 each x $ 38.50 • 2,233 _jZA___Santtary Manhole 10 each x $1250.00 ' 12,500 18. Connect to Exist. W.L. I.trp Bow • 650 19. 12" TJD1 Pipe, Class 52 231 feet x $ 20.60 • 4,759 20. 8" TJD1 Pipe, Class 52 1,675 feet x $ 14.75 • 24,706 21. 6" TJD1 Pipe. Close 52 724 feet x $ 13.05 • 9,448 22. 4" TJDI Pipe, Class 52 381 feet x $ 12.15 • 4,629 23. 12" M.1 butterfly Valve 1 each x $ 760.00 • 760 24, 12" MJ x 8" K1 Tae 1 each x $ 375.00 • 375 25. 12" TJ Plug w/2" IPT 1 each x $ L65.00 • 165 26. 8" KI Butterfly Valve 8 each x $ 600.00 4,800 27. 8" MJ Cross 1 each x $ 375.00 375 2b. 8" K) x 6" K1 Tse 2 each x $ 245.00 • 490 3 29. 8" KJ x 4" w 'rem L each x $ 215.00 21.5 30. 8" P.E. x 6" Reducer 1 each x $ 150.00 • 150 31. 8" KI Send 5 each x $ 1.85.00 • 925 32. 8" TJ Plug w/2" 1PT 2 each x $ 150.00 • 300 33. 6" MJ Gate Valva 2 each x $ 160.00 • 720 34. 6" MJ 900 Bend l each x $ 165.00 • 165 35. 6" P.E. x 4" K7 Reducer 1 each x $ 125.00 • 125 36. 4" MJ Gate Valva l each x $ 320.00 • 320 '11. 4" MJ Send L each x $ 135.00 135 3S. 4" K) Plug w/2" IPT 2 each x $ 95.00 190 39. Fire Hydrant Assembly 5 each x $1720.00 • 8,600 _.. _AUL Tasting 6 Chlorination Lump Bum • 650 41. street Barricade 3 each x $ 600.00 • 1,800 42. Street lights 18 each x $ 414.00 • 7,452 41. Power TranchinE 4,358 feet x $ 1.05 • 4,576 !'1 44. Paver Vaults 6 Crossings lamp 8uo 7,180 i 45. Monument Sox 20 each x $ 125.00 • 2,500 4h. 4" Concrete2,318 a.y. x $ 11.21 • 25,985 41. 6" Concrete ' Ln�" "�' 750 e.y. x $ 14.13 10,598 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $425,088 .1 C +plNt� f, 6ANCR0 s a aa��� lel Page No. 1 of 2 Pages CHARLES M. SCHMIDT EXCAVATING, WC. 116 E. 5th, NEWBERG, 01:197132 538.9168 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE DATE STREET Mr, GeHee Tnvestment Company- 2-0117 Auaust 25. 1986 JOB NAME P. 0. Box 25571 Cotswald Meadows Noe 3 CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE JOB LOl'ATIUN Portland, Oregon 97225 So We Ashbury & S. We Morning Hill Dr. ARCHITECT DATE Or PLANS JUB PHONE Mancroft & Associates June 1986 Tigard, Oregon __ I We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: A) Street Construction $184565.85 B) Site Drainage 31694.00 C) Sanitary Sewer 82587.20 D) Water System 63652.20 E) Utilities & Misc. 16055.90 Total $378555.15 1. Unit prieces on page 2 to prevail. 2. Extra Work that is done other than which is covered by unit prices will be done at a negotiated price. 3. All permits and fees required by governing agents to be provided by owner. 4. Price does not include performance bond. An 1J!oper annum finance charge will he aliened against any delinquent sums owed.If an attorney it retained by Schmidt Excavating,Inc,to collect sums owed under this agreement, regardless of whether suit or action is instituted, the acceptor hereon shall be liable for reotonoble attorney fees. VP PrOPOSt hereby to furnish material and labor — complete In accordance With above specifications, for the sum ,of Three hundred seventy eight thousand five hundred fifty dollars (� �785�5.1 y__ � Payment to be made as follows five & 15100 Progression payments to be made in full monthor woPk-dbmple-ted without retainage_,__the 10th quoted. ch__ work quoted. on job site, balance upon completion of All material is p,atantesd to be e1 specified All work to be completed in a workmanldie manner according to standard practices Any allotelion or deviation from above specrfi(s Authorized, h ', ' \.` l President one involving extra colts will h.erecutod only upon written orders and will become an Signature YYV .aha charge over and above the estimate All tgreemeMts contingent upon strikes,accidenll m delays beyond our control Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary Insurance Note This proposal may be Our workerl are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance withdrawn by us If not accepted within----days. ACtp�iTtltirP p� I'i1�tUBtt1 —The above prices, specifications and rondilions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted You air. authorized Signature to do the work as specified Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance Signature ` Paid 2 10 COST FC ESTIMATE n OTSWALDD MEADOWS N0. 3 Revised 'July 11, 1966 ; 1. Clearing 6 Grubbing :;Y���;�t } �'4, 7a;�.';: j1iJ(:;'►;'4i 2. Excavation Lump Sum ('r;r 11,170 c. `UbSQQ�p,. 3. Embankment y' _ $..2'90 •_32 4. Base Stock 800 coy. x $_2._3S 393+ 00_ 5. Topping Rock 3.990 c.y. x10a0!-00 6. 3" Asphalt 980 c.y. x $_II.'S_ -.4/496 .6o- 7. Concrete Curb 2,025 ton z $_�9. S3_. -- II S)5.Oo __ � 8. 12" Storm Drain 5.522 c.y, z $__.. 3. 80-_ 59.798.ZS' 9. 15" Storm Drain 1,797 feet x $_ ;/, j•,• --•.2o983. 60_ 10, "D-9" Catchbasin 99 feet x $_IS• ly I'/. 75- 11. S11. "D-1" Catchboain 11 each x /SS 9. 2 f $_43c?.00 4230._00 � 12. Storm Manhole 3 each z ___ 1590 .00 13.4'+6"• Sanitary Sewer (Ovc) 3 each x $ 2,347 feet z ��•� 14. 8" Sanitary Sewer (Pvc) . $•__ 9'3 0 - _2 /6L7. /v 15. SanitaryTee 2.996 feet x $_/S._3S s 16. Sanitary Manhole 59 each x 45.988,,60 ,__ 17. Connect to F.xis t. N.L. 10 each x $ 12 50. QQ_ 2 2 7/.So- 18. 12" TJDI Pipe, Class 52 LW'P Sum _•-1 A 50a.00 19. 8" TJDI Pipe, Class 52 231 feat IL $_2p.Co _•.__ bs0.do _ 6" TJDI Pipe, Class 52 1,675 feet x $ I 4.7S- 20. 21. 4" TJDI Pipe, Class 52 724 feet z $ 13,dS` _ __.. y 706,Zs $ 1 �•/s- _ 9'/N8. 2o 22• 12" !LI Butterfly Valve 381 feet x1 each x $ - • • -�•L 19 23. 12" MJ x 8" MJ Tee _ 760.00_ .- _-70.00_ 24. 12" TJ Plug w/2" IpT 1 each z $ 37S.0o_ 1 each $_/fo5.Co -_375. coo !L1 _ 25. 8" Butterfly Valva 8 each z z - _ .00 26. 8" MJ Cross $ 00''04' _' $-37S_ ..oc on_-. 4 Bdo. 27• 8" x 6" 1 each x MJ Tee 2 each x _ 37S.ac 28. 8" MJ x 4" MJ Tee $ 4 5.OT�" 4 90.o0 29. 8!' P.E. x 6" 1 each z $ _-2 I S.oo !U Reducer i each x $- 3U. 8" MJ Bend • 5 each x $ /E3S.00� /Se).00-_ 31. 8" TJ Plug w/2" IPT 2 each x92S•oo- 32. 6" 2 each x $-MJ Gate Valva $_.3 6 l ,o•pO. 0 o __ _ .3oc,.� 33. 6" M.I 90 Bend 1 each x $ .72 o,art 34. 6" P.E. x 4" MJ Rmducer 1 each -x $ 121(O5.S.Oou `Y/GS 0c) .. u 35. 4" MJ Gate Valve /2 •'" 36. 4" MJ Bend 1 each : 320. 00 37. 4" MJ Plug w/2" IpT 1 each : 13 S,Oo� '� ` 38. Fire Hydrant Assembly2 each : $_ 9S.00 ':;',..-../Jl,�•00 90. o0 39. Testing 6 Chlorination 5 each x $ /720• gQi �" 8600..00, 40. Street Barricade Imp Sum "` T, .650.00_ 3 each x $-�o0Q�00_. 42 ._ l BOO.O0 - . Power Trenching 4,358 feet = -� 43. Power Vaults 6 Crossings 44. Monument BoxLump Sum i' 467.5•. 90 .. 20 each x �_f�Z�•oo ��' i :--•_7/eo�0a 2-500 ."p P/11q 13eTµ►tE8 Io TS 10-I '� - -- ITO,ti'L. ;;'�8 As�NA4T � 2 a o IU8 _ �.,, t�. � tS�S./l,S' 0 7.8 cowcWt TOTAL(1�3C .0o ESt'iMAIED CASToil 're) ,,,t!e-c 4 A c pont a ^-jEE-i V��:,R��►Stc� acs# �s�,,, r NIS so t, G►�� 31 `NORM 40% (C Z I 3Z 594 cll4, L 14 51 V�Ihim 54,9 0 G3,LSZ 12� Izs Pov�1ER It 374 Mo►.1, Z,Zoo 'z ,Soo �' +`4 , SZo, ea 4,LS%08% COST ESTIMATECOTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 3 Revised )�p 6 Aug. 20, 1986 C1 1. Clearing Lump Sum ' $ 10,000 l� 2. Excavation 11,170 c.y, x $ 4.12 46,020 3. Embankment 800 C.Y. x $ 1.00 800 4. Base Rock 3,990 c.y. x $ 10.52 41,975 5. Topping Rock 980 c.y. x $ 14.10 13,818 y 6. 3" Asphalt 2,025 ton x $ 38.60 78,165 1-Concrete Curb 5,522 c.y. x $ 3.35 ' 18,499 8. Asphalt Path Lump Sum 1 ,350 9. 12" Storm Drain 1,797 feet x $ 15.54 4,925 10. 15" Storm Drain 99 feet x $ 22.38 = 2,216 I1. "D-9" Catchbasin 11 ench x $ 378.00 4,158 M 12. "D-1" Catchbasin 3 aach x $ 450.00 1,350 � 13.. Storm Manhole 4 each x $1243.00 4,912 14. 4" Sanitary Sewer 2,347 feet x $ 11.30 26,521 15. 8" Sanitary Sewer 2,996 feet x $ 18.08 ' 54,827 4 16. Sanitary Tees 58 _ach x $ 33.90 1,966 17, Sanitary Manhole 10 each x $1130.00 11,300 1.8. Connect to Exist. W.L. Lump Sum 452 19. 12" TJDI Pipe, Class 52 231 feet x $ 22.82 ` 5,271 20. 8" TJDI Pipe, Class 52 1,675 feet x $ 13.27 22,227 21. 6" TJDI Pipe, Class 52 724 feet x $ 12.38 8,963 22. 4" TJD1 Pipe, Class 52 381 feet x $ 11.37 + 4,332 23. 12" MJ Butterfly Vlave 1 each x $ 520.73 ' 521 24. 12" MJ x 8" MJ Tee 1 each x $ 312.44 312 25. 12" TJ Plug %/2" IPT 1 each x $ 475.00 475 26. 8" MJ Butterfly Val.ve 8 each x $ 302.81 2,422 27. 8" MJ Cross 1 each x $ 181.69 182 28. 8" MJ x 6" MJ Tee 2 each x $ 181.69 363 29. 8" MJ x 4" MJ Tee 1 each x $ 181.69 182 30. 8" P.E. x b" Reducer 1 each x $ 125.00 + 125 31. 8" MJ Bend 5 each x $ 121.12 606 32. 8" TJ Plug w/2" IPT 2 each x $ 473.00 950 33. 6" MJ Gate Valve 2 each x $ 282.50 565 34. 6" MJ 900 Bend 1 each x $ 113.00 113 35. 6" P.E. x 4" MJ Reducer 1 each x $ 125.00 ;''.5 36. 4" MJ Gate Valve 1 each x $ 259.45 + 2.59 37. 4" MJ Bend 1 each x $ 103.78 104 38. 4" MJ Plug w/2" IPT 2 each x $ 475.:10 ■ 950 39. Fire Hydrant Assembly 5 each x $1017.00 5,085 40- resting 6 Chlorination Lump Sum 396 41. Street Barricade 3 each x $ 395.00 1,186 42. Street Lights 18 each x $ 684.72 12,325 tl 43. Power Trenching 4,358 feet x $ 1.23 5,360 44. Power Vaults & Crossings Lump Sum 5,964 45. Monument Kox 20 each x $ 113.00 2,260 46. 4" Concrete 2.318 s.y. x $ 11.21 25,985 47. 6" Concrete S%%*A4K� 750 s.y, x $ 14.13 10,598 TOTAL ESTIMATED COOT $464,520 ♦01NR♦ c e148 9 O�MeN qtr 12 E BANCa _ l l �a SOA 006-116 LO i • ti . r. I►�1cCst�-�� i�� t S Bm - - - --� BUIL. DER 11, 19 1,986 CITY OF .T'O Air D August 18 , 1986 John Hagman City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Dear John: Enclosed please find a copy of my bid and contract from Chuck Schmidt Excavating to develop improvements in Cotswald Meadows #3. I would certainly expect and hope you will use the bid from Schmidt and not a figure from an engineering estimate. Using the bid which represents my actual cost will result in a savings of fees and that is only fair. I would like to get all the paperwork from you this week so I can start construction. I will be calling you this week to pick up the paperwork. Thank yo, in advance for your help. S ncerely,/� CJames R. McGehee JRM/mjj Rrclosure PC) Box 25571 Portland.OR 97225 • (903)292-0117 Proposal ® Page No. 1 of 2 Pages CHARLES M. SCHMIDT EXCA VA TING, M 116 E. 5th, NEWBERG, OR 97132 538.9168 "(`' PROPOSALiUBM11-TED TO PHONE — Jim McGeHee Investment Company 292-0117 J STREET _ July 18 e 1986 JOB NAME - P. O. r,ox 25571 _ __ Cotswald i:'eadows No. CITY. STATE ANO ZIP CODE 10a LOCATION - Portland, OR 97225 S.We Asbury bane & S.W. Ia(oriniKHill DR, ARCHITELT OATS Of PLANS lO9,>HONE Fancr. oft & Associates June 1986 Ti and _OR We hereby submit specifications and esti.,;!'!s for R — A) Street Construction $181565. 85 B) Site Drainage( arai'em) 29,184.00 C) Sanitary Sewer 82587. ?0 D) Water System 63652. 20 E) Utilities & n?isc. 49-4 T o tal It 37(� 1 . Unit prices on J:age 2 to prevail . 2. Extra work that io done ether than which is covered by unit prices will be done at a negotiated price. 3. All permits and fees requireu by gu er•ning agents to be provided by owner. 4. Price does not include performan boid. 1 r" a' An -�l�sr annum finance.horge will be assessed again 0 y delinquent suint owed.If on Harney is retained by Schmidt Eecavatinp,Inc.,to colleet rums owed under this agreement repardlen of whether suit or aft on is instituted,the acceptor herein shall be liable for reasonable oHorney feel. 1511! PrOPOSP hereby t furnish materlal*d I or -- complete In accordance with above specifications, for the sym of: `Three hundred eighty nine thousa six hundred thirt fi � � ` Payment to be made at follows: 1101ars($ - 1 15 100 Progression payments to be made in full without&retainaaea the _lOth_of each month for work completed and material on b t€�balan nn_ cnmplE_tinc�nf._-- All matsnal is guaranteed to be fe specified All work to be completed m a workmanlike C,r ark •qli, ted manner eeeord.ng to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifics Authorized Q lions Involving/atra costs will be executed only upon writtsn orders, and wtl1 become .n Signatureden t ..�. extra there•r::r and above the estimate All agreements contingent upon strikes,acc.denls or delays beyond our control.owner to carry fire, tornado and other necesvry insurance Note This proposal may be Out workers an rutty cove ed by work.Mn`s Compensation Imurance withdrawn by us If not accepted within___ p days. Aurptttnrr o f raptifittl — The above prices, spec firal,ons �Y �I and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accopled You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified Payment will be made as outlined above w Dale of Acceptance _ Signature _ s. PA6td 2 COST ESTIMATE n COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 3 Revised July 11, 1986 4/ 1. Clearing 6 Grubbing L,o4 2. Excavation Lump Sum _/6s00_•oo_ 11 170 c. 3. Embankment ' y' z $ 2.90 .32393. 07 . L,4. Base Rock 800 c.y. z $ 2.35 _ 1 960. 04 3,990 c.y. x $ 10. 40_ 4/ 496 .o6 -5. TopF:;,g Stock 980 C.Y. z $ 1 ;. 75 r% 6• 3" Asphalt _ 11S15. 00 Z. 5522 feet z $ 3, 80_ Cgncrete Curb 2,025 ton z $ :i , 00 597)W.25 8. 1211 Storm Drain 2o983. 6o y 9. 1511 Storm Drain 11797 feet x $ ll• ISs/l l�/• 75 A., 1410. "D•9" Catchbasin 99 feet : $ /S, 7,s 3 each : $ /5.59. 2 s 11. "D-l" Catchbasin 9 each x $ 4-30.0o 3876 . 0a h n,� S3o.oa im Manhole 1 each : 1 .5 90 . 0 0 X13.4"*Ir Sanitar Sewer (PVC) S /050. a /oSo. 00 y 2"347 feet z $ q, 0 2/gL7. /U -�14. 8" Sanitary Sewer (Pvc) 21996 feet z $ /5, S' 5. Sanitary Tees 59 each : $ 3g, 0 4s 488.6o ."" Sanitary Manhole 10 each z 2271. 5-6 17. Connect to Exist. W•L, $ l 2 so 0o 12 500.00 18. 12" TJDI Pipe, Class 52 mp Su 231 feeQ : $ 20 4 IvSo.�p 19. 8" TJDI Pipe, Claes 52 1,67 feet z $ 14.7 4 75A.60 20. 6" TJDI Pipe, Class 52 72 feet',Iz $ 3,0 2 ;766.2S 21. 4" TJDI Pipe, Class 52 / 9-1118. 20 22. 12" MJ Butterfly Valve 381 each z $ 12• /S 23. 12" MJ x 8" MJ Tee 1l:eac x 760•oo 24. 12" TJ Plug w/2" ?PT $ 7S.o© 375. 6o 1 :eac z $ / (05.00 25. 8" MJ Butterfly ! 'ejfs►osr"v W AGREEMENT/MODE OF DELIVERY FAG'S' SHEET � EXHIBIT' 420X NAME OF PROJECT `' !,�i M c.a LL 1- DR# DPM# REQUESTING OFFICE_ r '. U ::�7 .1 3 / ZIP CODE ; 7 LOCATION OF PROJECT , _. _ ROUTE# NEW CONSTRUCTION: Attach Map With Addresses (Both Requests Require CONVERSION: Attach Exhibit 440X PS Form 4330) 1) Was thls lead followed up? YES ❑ NO (reason) ❑ By Whom Title Office _ 2) Who was contacted? Name Title Firm Datels) 3i Type of contact Telephone ❑ Letter ❑ Personal Visit ❑ 4) Proposed Occupancy Date: 6) Type of Project Deliveries Type & Quantity Equipment Needed ❑ Office Bldg. (.__ Floors) ❑ Shopping Mall _ ❑ Shopping Ceoter �_— ❑ Apt,/Condo (__ Floors) ❑ Townhouses ❑ Single Family Homes ❑ Trailer Park ❑ Other (Specify) _- 6) Sales Effort: Products Discussed Delivery Wall Other Center NDCBU Mailroom Boxes (Specify) Presentations Made Method Chosen Who will instal equipment? Who will issue the keys? Tj Comments This Notici will serve es an Agreement/Letter of Consent to the U.S.Postal Service for the placement of Centralized Delivery Equipment at the location stated in Comments. „ S G USPS REPRESENTATIVE: PROPEFT Y DEVELOPER/MANAGER,OWNER NAME: - '. < }, . NAME: ._._ ----- — TITLE: _ __ _-._. _-- --- TITLE: SIGNATURE:_--- ,-----_-__ _- -- SIGNATURE:_._----_. TELEPHONE # _ TELEPHONE White = Original (USPS) Canary = 2nd Copy (CUSTOMER) I Z11-eel e-ce '5 srx-e /c vY!e"lw O ��frl�I � �, :•,,max c� G�7� �sL r�c�� +��-z__ �!�-7l W crf AS 3 �� � •. LJ/ U�'G'�/Cs7�j!/t-,. C�f�li2-i� �/�-�-- C ���./e�f C� /V9. `J� l2��=+� dl�'tr• .� ��lf! �idx� !�-�� w�'Y� G�y.�yy++ �QzC«ii►-N� ,`I, X4't. +� --_._ MEMO N D U M City of Deo*wvn TO: Jim Hendryx / v� `+� FROM: Don Fari raffic Manager Senior Planner Dick Drinkwater, Pro' t Engineer SUBJECT: SW Murray Extension DATE: July 29, 1986 L, 1n review of the SW Murray Extension plans south and east o'-' new Scholls Ferry Road, the alignmerA, appears to be adequate. :n urder to determine the ultimate roadway section and right-of-way requirement, a traffic study w411 be needed. Since Murray Blvd. is a "B" arterial classification in our current General Plan, it Mould take an amendment to the Plan to approve anything different. 0729-DF-M:lo:30 I f � FRAHLER ELECTRIC CO. PROPOSAL & AGREEMENT 11860 S.W. GREEI,iBURG RD, July 28, 1.986 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 .�• I>,itt -- — Phone 639-4627 �''•� 4 +: the her eh,, prtI;ifm Ir, furnish laI,(it ,Intl rndierwIN to rumplelt ' ✓ the work outlined hervin O 1 he charged on d I 111 ,Intl MMI rldI bavls XX Fur d firm hid ul S7,452.00 ( J im McGehee I,,,I it( d rot wn,t P.O. Box 25571 -th", N, I L Portland, Oregon 97225 F Paymvnl due within 70 days of invate date.Into rest will be chartied at the 1 rale of 1l, per tent Iminimum $1.00 thartlel per month, from date of IOB COTSWALD III invoit on past due amounts.If invoice must be tur-rd liver lot collection, ADDRFSS 135th & Scholls Ferry Rood the (ttoomer will pas rra%onable colledion rats and anornry feet, In L Tigard, Oregon addition to amounts owing. J WF HFRM PROPOSE TO PFRIORM THF FOLLOWIN(, Furnish and install 18 - 16 foot mounting height bronze fiberglass direct buried polf- with top mounted 70 watt H.k'.S. Americ,ir, Revolution fixtures, each with photo cell control. Pole locations to br staked by others. We will excavate and backfill holes for street lights, based on trenches being open at the street light locations. We will wire street light:; down to h.-nd holes for Mer connection by P.G.E. t the underground wiri.nq system to be installed by PGE. PGE charges, if any, are not included in our bid. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this proposal. We look forward to working with you. Any variations from plan,or alterations requiring ekita labor or material will be performed only upon written order and billed in addition to the sum covered by this contract. CDNiR4(toot CI 4,114Ntt ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAI we suarantre all matrnal used to this ronnart to be as sprnhrd above and the entue toll to he done m a the above sprctht anom,Terms and ronttac are sarnfaciury "rat won►manlike mannw All Cabot and matrnah reatept latnpsl air Ituaranteed tot one year .nil Ili ivvel hetebs aulhonte the perlotmance lot this work we romph with all workman's compemanon and public Itandtty laws Dale Simned iDale 7-28—P6 Signed �' . -- t,iRned Michael W. Frahler MWF:m- WHITI - Stgn and Retu- Original fu( ,nnattr„ (4NAR1 -- t usti-mer, Cops PINk —(untrariors Coov a Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 100 M. RI►m1 Avenue NO Mbore July 25, 1986 CITY OF TIGARD PO BOX 23397 TIGARD OR 97223 60HJEM: COTSWALD f,EADOWS NO. 3 The Construction plans on the above-referenced project have been approved by the Unified Bea gage Agency. if You bave soy gwmtions, please dei not hesitate to call . Sincerely , / LAKz t Terry Chanberlin D©siga Rngloeer TC:ab Roc. .-1-1 (/UA c�rLtrrte for .5ha.LL �pruvr de. 2yL az r test report a�td dco rapore (a(gny wc.eh, t( eo ree.L 30 /J•tan . /na.x. ' ) Co elze, e,.ey dor -eve.ew" and apProraC Prcor to f' e c 0 n. o so a.rc.L� bate.e4ee n9S eo the sa--Z4 ea..ry s_ysee/At'. J et L49/cts s/cQLI De. cnseaLLed en- accord wYith, dAe. �o�prorecG PGE. Co. Layoue � by (fie. Developer. box cLuseers 5Aa. L 6e, insect LLeLe iie. 2ccor,;e- W4%. C �.ey - rosea-z Ser✓Zce, aPProvea: Layouts by eAd. Loper Scde,waLfrs anal wafer nteeers sha.LC `tat zsLaLCeaL unCcL Said 6;?you.t ta.s been, eW,-ove.,2-1 . i rzs-bu c Lt rnyCar sliaze, 6e Pro vcdeaG eo eA6 CiCy `h,e. Deveeopee 's 4^9Cn.eer Prior- eo C4ey accept - of the Prof 'ae . i U.S.A. - D.E.Q. COPY, APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION - ISSUED BY._ _DATE____.—, j ? (CITY OF TIGARD) DEVLP SERV DEPT BY ,DATE—.— OPERATIONS DEPT BY_ DATE.._— LLJ CITY ENGINEER HY___._ .DATE w I P.G.E Co. HY `T.TEL CO BVDATE_____.. cr- STORERCABI.F CD 9Y_ _ UA1Fw NAT GAS CO. BY --DATE_ C l 0I51. BY____ DATE UNIF SEW AGENCY BY —DAT � DEVELOPER KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT CO. 1-515 S.W. Barbur Blvd . Y- 1 Portland , Oregon 97201 VIT 33.47 '7I 1 �s 10, t� sil - y Ic- les F ( i�,//sem•-�� , �.-, ��iz.� ��J� `�,�� RE 'C•,,,Ls«)-.4/c/ 04,/C' c-pct "C� Dear Attached please find AHC_ copy(s) of a public improvement plan. Said plan needs to be circulated through the below noted agencies for review acknowledgement and, subsequently, returned to this office. Very truly, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician (JSH: sb45) PGE Company /-/Nrthwest. Natural Gas Co 14655 SW Old Schools Ferry Rd 220 WW Sv( u nd Avenue Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 97709 SEE: Jim Johnston, 643-5454 SEE: Ron Polui , 776 4211 /_N_ General Telephone Co. Tigard Water District 12460 SW Main Street 8841 SW t.ommercial Street Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 91773 SEE: Donna Donaldson, 620-0373 SEE : Bob SaninP, 639 -1554 Metzger Water District / / Tualatin Rural fire Protection Dist 6501 SW Taylors Ferry Road 8455 SW Elligson Road Portland, OR 97219 P .O. Box 127 SEL : Jesse Lowman, 245-3331 Tualatin, OR 47067 SEE. Gone Rlrfhell , 682 7601 i Fire District No. 1 / Storer Cable 20665 SW Blanton 14200 SW Brigadoon Court Aloha, OR 97062 Beaverton, OR 97005 SEE: Bert Parker, 649•-8577 SEE: K. J. Street, 644-3188 C Tigard Post Office LA State Highway Division 715 NW Hoyt 2131 SW Scholls Ferry Road P.O. Box 3047 Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 97208- 97608 SEE: Lee Gunderson, 229 5002 SFf Mike Krygier, 294-2j80 (JSH: sb45) GVS, fes, t'cwc'7�CLiS l� C/rX, en#C7 �lsn 2 Nere�t�i tills ��,4�sF' 4-1 �I .7LL�/i 1q S 64--)/1IC �! /�J�'f�� 6F ��' ✓C'/ i rir�..rrrrr. _-....--_._._.-_ --_._._ - - _ 11 �cIN r� `�� J ry \\ , � Map ISI - 33C , �; o � q� �; t� aB t o7ei � ,. i © z I " zI .. a / %ilk\ - - 14i 1 i � 0 � C� �� m \ ; a��' Q2 t \\"b tri i 4) .\ ��� Cry �? o/4 k/ S� �y \" $ 13, Tax Lot 101 m �`' � ,�.�°°� �9 �x ' Map 2S ! - 4B i . U x�a � . wI � \ �. �, 4-'41 � m o . \, M I Tax Lot 100 COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 3 - Map 2Si - 4AB Tax Lot 100 � � X Map 2SI - 4B t I � rn `� I 11- a) U Tax Lot 102 1 � � Z '-,- _= Map 2SI - 4B I I I Y I cc { bq 3 i 1 _ ^e 3 . . 6 I , � a� _ Cn I� ° cn Tax Lot 101 '� -� ---- - - -' -'-- - -� - iz Map 2SI - 4B 0 = 3�°�5's9" --�- CIRCULATION COPY 11 - ER _ 900. 00 I L .5*/ 4. 69 � ' � ms`s C1 �? I 613 LN 7a °oa 'o3 '"W � w / S Tax Lot 4500 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUED BY. a � Map 2SI - 4 A 8 (CITY OF T!GARD)DATE q � 1r) / -- - -= � � 11 i' h il � 1 I DEVLP SERV DEPT: BY_ DATE REFERENCE : County Survey No. 21 ,399 h / - . "I h1 '-. OPERATIONS DEPT: E Y DATE a 1�. ,-' -Excsecn road- r to be va-c2ted ? DESIGN SPEED = 35 M. P H. ,� X I CITY ENGINEER: E:Y DP.TL I L = 90°39'30 " , ��? I t.R = 500. O 0 -55 ---v.- P.G.E.CO.: 9Y` l�cn'X' DATE1 :4 -E:h L = 79/. /it BENCHMARK LG = 7//. 16 I EtJ. N �3° O S '/B "W I -> _STEL CO.: ATE3_ 1 -� Tic:,., VJXr. bt�i C;Y ��64'00Z vic .�-) - e i - B,'ctss �csk set :n.- Ca�craCe c2�" c tAe. J'O u t%Lea._S t• COrn.er ate' .S'. /y. - STORER CABLE CO.. BY-_j DATE�-�Y 0 Tax Lot 4600 `" _ I o /35 t� Ave. acrd ,S' W. lN�,:'.,,, �' _ Map 2SI - 4Ag ' Iz F-- .. ;'SATE$-/2- O i I I --` N.W. NAT G/,5 CO.: B Y__� z '- Elevation : 289. 19 ws, Cc, aw"RIW4 %I,---. 1;/;,E _ ;,, r I I- --V- �0,F, DIST:l BY ''0 ep 1 I �_/G_DA-c$•__ > CD .-1, y't kit. 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PCaxs lcaCG be_ ; a ' C»zerovenzerns to be, cvn tru.ctec'i cn. aecardareee. weth. the �'oe(.oWe-/t9 I . r r !*�+�.►,, ,..-..» ,ar•r� �. ...�r�...a,,,r.r... :rw* ! ` 9 9 aeer I o the Stcuzda.rcts of tke Cct of Ta a:rc�, L`/te T a.rct W 1 Di street and tke. CCnc,�'c'ec� .Sewers e A erre /ri rove - Cvze.re�� c C /� CCu.ss 3 Be CC ¢' Spc of z rsstats we LL be. an s�iectecG durcrt9 eor sL�rc ctcorLP�or ✓oCieis W Le/t rubbt�- 9aske Ls .7 g ! 0 a ' �• `` �: .";��� the, Purpose or' aceepta,%ce,. ^ gr "`" 10. More-uircent boxes s/taCG 6e 9�i� ,s�cde try 6sB"deems Teles - o - r-} ° #� _ 1•, .�• 'xx _..,," 2. eon-traeCar to obta-, cz/oPCceable• eon.szru-eC�orc� Pe."Ine s .Loy boxes cls ilZ�tc��'cLeLc<red by lVe-eer fox a C ' • '` �# an-d WeLIS( a,0ProPrca e, ayenec.es pec or tU CorzsG`ruetc'orri m 110 111 • I ' "'�""" "'""'""`"'°�'► o f' aLC tier ry ve nLen Cs. ( ;. The Cvrttrae for s%ca1C /pro yr de. an cur fest rePorC a�td , 112 f P ya' : �►! �� '' '"� " a vcdeo report (atony wc:th. Beta r.apesJ eo the, (f,- I "'*^► w. 109 Ilg`• „` i 3. Wa.terlcrt6 coAzstruet`�ore. cs L`v be as Per PLares PreparecL >�or rav�ew cz/cGY aP/oro✓aL Prcvr ea eoreiceetc ory oP a�uJ, r ° ,, �'' 1l• ! b Lice Tc and lNaCer Dcstrc'et. bccc dcrt y 9 G 9 60 tie S2ic4r-aa-y sewer. ^ Tial Ct. ...- ' � :•;:��:• C >$� ; • • �'' . ; .,, _t 4. The ConZ,-,ec: or es �o conZace zlAe. varcous utc,Lce 12. Street 11-jAes sAa-CC oe c'nsCaCCed int accord wCeiL dAer t ' .s. ,', a }� � ' 'H , Co areces as ower teCe horze wafer T V. cable, ) A'or- Cr't rorect PG.E. Co. Cat oec-e 6 elLe DeveCo er. �► 108 5 105 II7 I2$ 4. .� .: *� $ t� Locatlow ofpA'a p y' y �P y _y P •" eCLc ties before o � ex cavat`�'on.. ! •° ` ,';'� �,�`i ;+ �► 13. Ma/C6ox clusters s, a-, 6e, cresCaC/-ece- crr, accord we-eA, z 86 ' ,�'4` +.r t`5 5. Cccrb ec.ets Aor draveway a/opeoaches sha1C be- Coea•t;edr the 61-'6 - Posta-C Ser✓l-ee, aAp,-ove•c� Layout by eAe, 124 . w ," ° by the De-ve-, ems. DeveCoP7e ScdewaCks and water ureters sfzaCC nat 1 �. 106 ® IIB .a ' •• d layout .fas bee�z, aloPro✓eco . g 104 he c:n,sta.CCeaL t<n.t`.c'C sac ,.• ;' :, • ,' r';^ J� '" i'{�' a�' .?�'.,,, i 6. ALG ca„ chba.scrts shaCC /ave 6 -sumps. ®7 14. OAe, as-b” Ct onyta-r sAaCC 6ethe Cc ty I 119 123 , , , ",' , 7. /2se,2Z1 wfteeCvhaCr rarn/os a' aLC crtterseetcorr. by the Developer "s .Erz9rneer Prcor to Ccey accept - IQ3 3 % �. • Careers. a^n-ce, of Eh e- Project . 101 _ , 100tly 88 ' ' t ' . ' � ,� 14 8. The eonz!raetor shall Provca'e Aoccr creches cnscde dcarxeter ! �� .:• �'� d•raCrzs t!r✓oce9A, tice curb. The bot torsi of scteh dracits � 120 121 122 . shaCL be PZaceY- scx c'rzehes �Se6ow eAe- Eop of the. Curb• -A 4•v /szirtirrtcun. of ewo 4o --ts P p 102 P er Cot shale 6e Laced ae, I 99' �*, �� . i apProx�nzaLeCy PCve feet {'torn. eaesi roPcrty Ccne or as a s96r , dcreeCeu_ by the /vrtycieeer. /Yo wteL�a L oicserts S,kaGC be dy R , •.�,f ,+, 1 ,(«a. : �'�FlY, , used. _} , z indaa7 Ct. S.W. Hind n St. . ' .. 1► ;, r • 8 90 " 9 6 97 4 93 1 , roa ar BENCHMARKotar cce:tcceesl ! W S.W. Murray Blvd. '. �• , Brct t l IJ ss dish set cam. Con cr c at the .So ea s " , •; ' %• A "` r "•Y �` i` "� /3 5 c A v e, a.rzd S. W. k ar 4 n,,g.' Se ! + t , � A', Elevation : 289. 19 fop CR W f "'F � yap ' �`re',y N, fh !t ,, y`Y 'Wf r'•'- �� �w�Q� <' � , \� � �y n ` I �,I,'•;• MG�Ii� 7� �r , tt^I ;a. ,,,w y ,Nk � '�11 i" . r Y !n: �Ff.�M.�,h� n 'r f <. '..('!.� -. ♦. t t� µ,, la ' ' .�.'. 'tlr i ��T :. t•`k��U 4� 'ra li gat F , ,, 'A.: .a Xdf�5SdN' ,. ^•.. _ 1 '" dy'�' � ' y i h dy ,1 N ,.�' Y •.. . Y' T'+C. 1}`'r. : ., .. ,� l a 'y H1�t�7� �'�r� µ1r ie ,.f �+ r1�. r ' fi,r '• LL, 1 c: 'r / /y F� z LEGEND ® = Street Light ` v, Fy:w } { d. ! r �Y, ; , . Mailbox AL. DEVELOPER • = Water Meters JAMES MCGEHEE �� W SITE PLAN & VICINITY MAP �� P, 0. Box 25571 S.10 Scale : 1 = 100 4475 S.W. Scholl$ Ferry Rd. , a°W§ Suite 254 "oma` Portand , Oregon 97225 ► zLM COTSwai_D NO 3co S o �� 292 - 0117 N.,� > zrn I �g�r ! • « ' YF l .� ,... .W�l !dIft Mimi I oil 11111,11 `.. :�•••• �••' '�'°,i+^�„`q :..: - + w• lI'IIt> II111��Iillllli�IlP 11;�IIfti'f~llljl►111111I- l�lfil1l lilt (PI'i(IIIrIlii1111111111 II1�1IIi I IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIJIIIIItIiIJill III�t11PIliPIP111P iItl�jllPtllllll�lllP;P�P�IIPII �r. . ;� :. _. .` ' ` NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 d 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC6-r-IT IS DUE TO .11* QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAW I NG. - --- -- - -- -- 011E 62 9Z /_Z 9? G2 bZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 of LI 91 21 fpI EI 21 11 of • e L 9 '5--��.-I1P ° EI--- Z I'."••-�*' .. ,..-''” ,�,�•- �+IIUUIIIIIIi111111111iI1lIIP1HiPPP11111�III1u11111nI111tiIPIPIPPiPiuutPltP�IIIIIIIi1N1{111i�►u}Ifffitttfltl!IiN11111111PNfIIN IgPliitRt}r11'IfI11Mf�Nl�ttu11t1f�ff�Nl�lunlulPllullfulllttfhwll�Iull�UulWl�ul�tu1111Wlpblfl JUNE ` 4 19 9 2 3i' - :... .. _ ..._ . ._._. '•'•"•`•-.. .'•�"•' •vA��•,;..r -}►r-•-•.r.�'rr ��...p.�•�r .-w. ...w it9" ^M_F.' 7► �...__...ai.....r'�Mr a .. - �^�' 17. ".1; 1;711", . _ .... - *• _ a y LrS:..:,I�•c�.�j/ � /1St)[!/J7��J /-////s/crC l'r: 5f 7/7_5 l RE: .S, c< �, /)�iiri�� 13�✓e� ��c��sc�.��e�/�c..���i+c�+s /l�i^. .3'/ Dear A),* �JN�rC�7` Attached please find evlc-_ copy(s) of a public improvement plan. Said plan needs to be circulated through the below noted agencies for review acknowledge-hent and, subsequently, returned to this office. Very truly, . ohn S . Hagman Engineering Technician (JSH: sb45) PGE Company /'7 Northwest Natural Gas Co. 14655 SW Old Schools Ferry Rd. ,20 N.W Second Avenue Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 97709 SEE . Jim Johnston, 643-5454 SEE: Ron Pe'lui 776- 4211 /i General Teleph,)ne Ce. L Tigard Water District 12460 SW Main Street 8841 SW Commercial Street Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97773 Donna Donaldson, 620-0373 SEE: Bob Santre, 639-1554 Metzger Water District / / Tualatin Rural f"ire Protection Dist 6501 SW Taylors Ferry Road 8455 SW Elligson Road Portland, OR 97219 P.O. Box 127 S-EL: Jesse Lowman, 245-3331 Tualatin, OR 97062 SEE- Gene Birchall, 682-7601 Fire Uist.rict No 1 / Storer Cable 20665 SW Blanton 14200 SW Brigadoon Court Aloha, OR 97062 Beaverton. OR 97005 SEE: Bert Parker, 649-8577 SEE: K. J. Street, 644-3188 Tigard Post Office /-ii State Highway Division 715 NW Hoyt 2131 SW Scholls Ferry Road P.O. Box 3047 Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR )7208- 97608 SEE: Lee Gunderson, 229 5002 SEF: Mike Krygier, 294--2380 w (JSH: sb45) �cJS, NC', C�C6'E'TNt 6�SE �iC-c.sBc��� L•'E'. L•rr fli9c.�_ R.E.BANCROF'T &AMOCIATES I N C O R P O R A T E D CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS d PLANNERS 140 N E THIRD AVENUE HILLSBORO,OREGON 97124 503/6484101 July 8, 1986 John S. Hagman Engineering Technician .� City <1f Tigard "l l P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 3 Dear John: t C' Enclosed is the executed non-remonstrance form. Very truly yours, R. E. BANCROFT & ASSOCIATES, INC. Richard E. Bancrofi _, P.E. , P.L.S. Principal REB/.jb a a M ,TON C, r - 1 ~. WASHINGTON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 DISS 20665 S.W. Blanton St. • Aloha, Oregon 97007 • 503/649-8577 July 7 , 4986 Mr . R . E . Bancroft R .E . Bancroft and Associates 140 N . E . Third Avenue Hillsboro , OR 91124 Dear Mr . Bancroft , RE : Cotswald Meadow No . 3 The plans for the above-noted subdivision were received on Jlily 1 , 1986 and have been examined with reference to fire safety regulations . The plans , as submitted , are approved and will meet the require- ments of Washington County Fire District No . 1 with the follow- ing comments : 1 . A fire hydrant must be placed within 500 feet cf any residen- tial dwelling constructed in this subdivision . This 500 feet :rust be in a route of travel for an emergency vehicle . 2 . The roads constructed in this subdivision may not exceed 15 percent grade . If I can be of any further service to you concerning this or any other subdivision , please feel free to contact me at this office . Sincerely , WAFeM ON COUNT RE DISTRICT NO . 1 Bek r F ar; al I:w cc : Washington County Bldg . Dept . ( 2 ) STOP FIRES -- SAVES LIVES 0 CITY OF TIGAIRD Wasnington County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER - BY PLANNING COMKISSION 1. Concerning Case Number(s) : S 11-86 2. Name of Owner: Margery Krueger, 3. Name of Applicant: Krueger Development Co. Address 3515 SW Barbur Blvd Y-1 City Portland State OR Zin 97201 4. Location of Property: Address Southeast of Scholls Ferry Road, immediately ,,Test of Cotswal.d Meadows Sub. Tax Map and Lot No(s) . ;Sl 33CD lot 200 2SI 4B lot 101 5. Nature of Application: Request to divide 14 acres into 70 lots ranging between 5,000 and 7,000 sq. fr . in size. 6. Action: Approval as requested XX Approval with conditions Denial 7. Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: XX The applicant 6 owners XX Owners of record within the required distance XX The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization XX Affected governmental agencies 8. Final Decision: THE DECIS1ot SHALL BE FINAL ON July 7, 1986 —UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. The adopted findings of fact, decision, and statement of condition can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall , 1312 :;W Hull , P.O. Box 23391 , Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Appeal: Any party to the decision may appeal this decision in accordance with 18.32..290(A) and Section 18.32.310 which provides that. a written appeal may be filed within 10 days after notice is given and sent. The deadline for filing of an appeal is 4:30 PM July 7, 1986 10. Questions: if you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, 639-4171. (0251P) NAM KA 11111111im� CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO. ak]gq PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS WHICH APPROVES AN APPLICATION FOR A SUBDIVISION (S 11-86) REQUESTED BY MARG�RY ARUEGER. The Tigard Planning Commission reviewed the above application at a public hearing on Ju;ie 3, 1986, The Commission based its decision upon the facts, findings, and conclusions noted below: A. FACTS 1 . General Information CASE: Subdivision S : 1-86 REQUEST: To divide 14 acres into 70 lots ranging between 5,000 and 7,000 square feet in size. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Medium Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-25 (Residential, 25 units/acre) APPLICANT: Krueger Development Co. OWNER: Margery Krueger 3515 SW Barbur Blvd. Rt. 1 Box 792 Portland, OR 97201 Beaverton, OR 97007 LOCATION: Southeast of Scholls Ferry Road and immediately west of Cotswald Meadows subdivision (WCTM 1S1 33CD, tax lot 200 and 2S1 4B, tax lot 101) . 2. Background This is the third phase of Cotswald Meadows subdivision. Phases 1 and 2 are immediately east of the subject property and are presently being developed. 3. Vicinity Information The property is totally surrounded by property that is zoned R--25 (Residential 25 units/acre) . Single family residential development is east in the first two phases of Cotswald subdivision and a 100 unit apartment complex is proposed immediately to the southeast. The proposed Murray Blvd. extension will border the project on the south and a future commercial development will occur to the southwest on a five acre area zoned C-N (Commercial Neighborhood) . Several parcels occupied by single family residences lie between the subject; property and Scholls Ferry Road . FINAL ORDER N0. SG a0 PC -- PAGE 1 4. Site Information and Property Description The property i; undeveloped and is covered primarily with trees and brush, Some clearing of the property has occurred without City knowledge. Thr, applicant was notified and agreed to cease cutting without a per%iit. All future clearing of any trees over six inches in diameter will require a tree cutting permit. The applicant proposes extending Ashbury Lane and Morning fill Drive to the west and create one north-south street which will intersect with Murray Blvd. Additional information regarding a possible arrangement for future phases has been provided by the applicant. 5. A enc and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the following comments; a. A sanitary sewer and storm drainage plan must be provided . b. 'The applicant should provide a design for Murray Blvd. from Scholls Ferry Road to 135th Avenue. A non-remonstrance agreement should be filed in lieu of providing the half street improvements at this time. C. A 15 foot wide public utility easement should be provided across lot 84 to allow storm and sanitary sewer facilities to connect from the parcel to the east . d , Crist Court should riot provide vehicular access to the commercial parcel to the west. Only pedestrian and bicycle access should be allowed, P. Further written recommendations will be available at the hearing. The Division needs additional time to review the proposal particularly in relationship to future phases . The Building Inspection Division notes that lots that do not direct storm water to the street should have specific facilities provided. Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportation states that right-of-way dedication of 35 feet from centerline should be obtained along the, Murray Blvd. frontage and that half street improvements to County standards, including sidewalk, should be provided . Tigard Water District and PGE have no objections to the proposal . Washington County Fire District M 1 indicates that fire hydrants must. be provided within 500 ft. of all building sites . Beaverton School 1) strict states that the anticipated school age children can be accommodated, though temporary classrooms will be needed at McKay Elementary. No other comments have been received, f I NAt ORDER NO. �62U pC ..-. PAGE 2 B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies 2. 1 , 1, 3 ,4.2, 6.6. 1, 7. 1 .2, 7.2. 1, 7.3. 1, 7.4.4, 8, 1.. 1, and 8. 1 .3 and Community Development Code Chapters 18.50, 18. 160, and 18. 164. Since the Comprehensive Plan has been acknowledged, the Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines no longer need to be addressed. The Planning Commission concludes that the proposal with modifications is consistent with the relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan based upon the findings noted below: a. Policy 2. 1 . 1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning Organization and surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comp-!nt on the applicant' s proposal. b. Policy 3 .4.2 calls for the protection of vegetation along natural drainage courses. The drainageway only carries water seasonally but the trees on the site should be protected to the maximum extent possible. The trees and vegetation on the site should only be cleared after receiving staff approval . C. Policy 6.6. 1 required buffering between different land uses . When R-25 development occurs adjacent to C-N property, a 10 foot wide landscaped buffer with screening is required. Although it is not practical to provide this landscaping at the subdivision stage, sufficient space must be provided so that future homeowners can provide this buffering. Lots 108 and 109 should possibly be widened because a 10 foot side yard setback will. be required from the western property line. d. Policy 7. 2 . 1 will be satisfied when additional engineering work is completed for accommodating storm drainage above and within the ' development. The Washington County Dull Mountain Community Plan yse which applied to the property prior to annexation, identified a 1 ` drainage_ swale running south to Summer Creek which lies tmme .tato q weso e of Ie subdivision. ' is regar a __ as a natural feature t t ,rmust be const erect'~ during the fir' develo0raent of. _ - property but it is not classified as a 10� I�J��r1 significant wetland or w' ldli ',abit�at aria r�guirir�q^s ecial JI4�, 1% �G.p11 pro ect or I. c a r fr1�y ,0I , e. Policy 7. 1 .2, 7, 3 . 1 , and 7.4.4 are satisfied because adequate �5 �I water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities are available to the development. The applicant also indicates that these facilities will be provided within the subdivision as required by City standards . f. Policy 8 . 1 . 1. calls for a safe and efficient street system that meets current and projected needs . The plat appropriately allows for the extension of Murray Blvd. as a collector street, g. Policy 8. 1 .3 will be satisfied when the conditions of approval relating to street improvements are completed. F INAI_ ORO[ R NO. lu �V PC PAG[ 3 s The Planning Commission has determined that the proposal with modifications, is consistent with the relevant portions of the Community Development code based upon the findings noted below: a. Chapter 18.50 of the Code is satisfied because the proposal meets all the requirements of the R-25 zone. b. Chapter 18. 160 of the Code is satisfied because the proposal meets the requirements set forth for the submission and approval of a preliminary plat. C. Chapter 18. 164 of the Code will. be satisfied during the approval process for the final plat. C. DECISION Based upon the findings and conclusions above, the Planning Commission approves S 11-86 subject to the following conditions: 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, AL_l_ CONDITIONS SHALL_ BE MET PRIOR TO RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT. 2. Seven (7) sats of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost: estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for approval . A cursory review of one set of clans is recommended prior to submission of the seven -.ets and cost estimate. 3 . Sanitary sewer and storm dr�ain_a�e plan profiles, details and calculations shall be pr=ovided as part of the public improvement plan, Provisions for storm drainage from Cotswald I and II to this development shall be made by the developer. 4 . The applicant shall demonstrate that additional run-off created by this development will not negatively impact downstream properties. 5. The applicant shall provide preliminary engineering data prepar=ed by a Registered Professional Engineer-, sufficient onough to determine the horizontal alignment of S W. Murray Blvd. from Scholls Ferry Rd. to S.W. 135th Avenue. Such data shall include necessary geometric computations and profile information. Applicant shall alsoprovide written_verification that said final allc�nment is acceptablerta_1he_ Com_of ._Raamy rton. Sufficient right-of-way shall be dedicated to allow for an ultimate right--of--way width of 70 feet. 6. Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans. The Section will require posting of a 100% Performance Bond, the payment of a permit: fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of a street opening permit or construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement plans. FINAL ORDER NO. &G.20 FC -- PAGF 4 7. A one (1) foot wide access control strip shall be granted to the "City of Tigard" at the terminus of Ashbury Lane, Morning Hill Drive, Crist Court and immediately north of the Murray Blvd. right-of-way , 6. Street Centerline Monumentation a. In accordance with ORS 92.060 subsection (2), the centerlines of all street and roadway right--of-ways shall be monumented before the City shall accept a street improvement. b. All centerline monuments shall be placed in a monument box conforming to City standards . C. The following centerline monuments shall be set: 1. All centerline-centerline intersections. Intersections created with "collector" or other existing streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street has been established by or for the City; 2. Center of all cul-de-sacs; 3 . Curve points. Point of intersection (P.I. ) when their position falls inside the limits of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (3,C. and E.C. ); 4 . All sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with the centerline monumentation. 9. Applicant shall execute a non-remonstrance agreement for future street improvements to S.W. Murray Blvd, and S.W. 135th Avenue. Said agreement shall be acceptod by the City (and on City forms) and recorded with Washington Counl:y (to be performed by the City) prior to the plat being recorded. 10. A 15 foot wide public utility easement running east-west shall be. required in the vicinity of Loi-. 94 to accommodate the necessary sanitary and storm sewer facilities serving the parcel to the east. The final location shall be approved by the City Engineer. 11 . A tree cutting permit shall be obtained from the Planning Staff prior to removal of any trees over 6 inches in diameter. Lot lines shall be located prior, to a field inspection by the Planning staff to mark the trees over 6 inches in diameter that may be removed . 12. Crist Court shall be reduced length so that it does not. abut the commercial property to the west. A 10 foot wide walkway easement shall be provided between the cul-de-sac and the property to the west . 13 The minimum setback for any sideyards abutting the commercial area to the west shall be 10 feet (Community Development Code 10. 100. 130) . f INAI ORDER No PC - PAGF 5 14. After review and approval by the Planning Director and City Engineer, the final plat shall be recorded with Washington County. 15. This approval is valid for one year from date of final order. It is further ordered that the applicant be notified of the entry of this order. Ter PASSED: This c-day of June, 1986, by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard. Bonnie Owens, Vice President Tigard Planning Commission (2575P/dj) F1NAL. ORDER IUO, 80f-)PC PC - PAGE 6 t ZZ 60e477CKI �'i9�vv Y As,�Eb /YJE" Tv j::,PeC✓rvE y'C!J /* C�fl2tt.n���.-�s• Zciz /3v U G-- ' TC ,o iL U cmc 4Ge wi, L 6.4t yes" ylccK 1 �c,•�• `co Q`�E'c �4n- `�J `�4e `;,�o%k. , G?'�s�� r-�rsPey ✓�. %oil's /Troy r��+ G w w w w R.E.BANCROFT & ASSA TES I N C O R P O R A T E D CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS&PLANNERS 140 N E THIRD AVENUE HILLSBORO,OREGON 97124 503/6484101 June 11, 1986 John S. HagmAn Engineering Technician City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 3 Dear John: Enclosed for your review are 7 sets of the proposed improvement plan including the preliminary plan for S.W. Murray Blvd. ] expect that the cost estimate, non-remonstrance agreement, and plat will be completed within a week. Very truly yours, R. E. BANCROFT & ASSOCIATES, INC. " _ Richard E. Bancroft, P.E. , P.L.S. Principal REB/jb copy to: Russ Krueger 1 s 102-1141 ,6 el& 71 i Wle OP l�7Z Vs �.r.+�OLv' .dl o 7 o T G� �f .�� Chu�1�� �./�,��»•+'�.��._�1.�...�'��'��--.. ... r rte. �` ���¢'/i�, ._......._..__-.........._....,._ .... .._ . ..._. _. _. ..._.. _.. I 4 J�e Ac- /Aft / �I � D e �v tI Ne- P 'I Nr♦ so" 14 `Ob BAN�R� I MEMORANDUM CITY OF 'TIGARD, OREGON TO: Planning Commission // June 3, 19E3G FROM: Keith Liden, Senior Planner SUBJECT : Conditions of Approval for Cotswald Meadows No. 3 (S 11--Q6) After reviewing the staff report for the above application, the Engineering Divisiun suggested that several changes be made to the conditions. In order to avoid confusion between the report and this memo, I have listed all of the recommended conditions below: Based upon the findings and conclusions above, the Planning Staff recommends approval of S 11-86 subject to the following conditions: 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET PRIOR TO RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT. 2 . Seven (7) sets of plan-.profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Division fur approval . A cursory review of one set of plans is recommended prior to submission of the seven sets and cost estimate. 3 Sanitary sewer and storm drainage plan profiles, details and calculations shall be provided as part of the public improvement plan. 4 . The applicant shall demonstratN that additional run--off created by this development will not negatively impact downstream prnpertio.s . The applicant shall provide preliminary engineering data prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer, sufficient enough to d9termine the horizontal alignment of S.W. Murray Blvd . from Scholls Ferry Rd . to S.W. 135th Avenue. Such data shall include necessary geometric computations and profile information, Applicant shall also provide written verificatitn that said final alignment is acceptable to the City of Beaverton. Sufficient right-of-way shall be dedicated to allow for an ultimate right--of--way width of 70 feet. 6 Cnnstructi.on of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans . V.1 Section will require posting of a 100% Performance Bond, the payment of a permit fee and a gign installation/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of a street opening permit or construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement plans . s 7. A one (1) foot wide access control strip shall be granted to the ' City of Tigard" at the terminus of Ashbury I-ane, Morning Hill Drive, Crist Court and immediately north of the Murray Blvd. right--of-way. 8 . Street Centerline Monumentation a. In accordance with ORS 92 .060 subsection (2), the centerlines of all street and roadway right-of--ways shall be monumented before the City shall accept a street improvement. b. All centerline monuments shall be placed i.n a monument box conforming '.o City standards . C. The following centerline monuments shall be set: 1 . All centerline-centerline intersections. Intersections created with "collector" or other existing streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street has been established by or for the City; 2 Center of all cul-de-sacs; 3 . Curve points . Point of intersection (V.I. ) when their position falls inside the limits of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (B.C. and E.C. ) ; 4 . All sanitary and storm locations shall. be placed in position!: that do not interfere with the centerline monumentation. 9 . Applicant shall execute a non- remonstrance agreement for future strFot improvements to S.W. Murray Blvd. and S.W. 135th Avenue. Said agreement shall be accepted by the City (and on City forms) and recorded with I Washington County (to be performed by the City) prier to the plat being 1 recorded . 10. A 15 foot wide public utility easement shall be required across Lot 04 to accomodate the necessary sanitary and storm sewer facilities serving the parcel to the east 11 A tree cutting permit shall be obtained from the Planning Staff prior to removal of any Lrees over 6 inches in diameter. 12 After review and approval by the Planning Director and City Engineer, the final plat shall be recorded with Washington County . 13 . This approval is valid for one year from date of final order• (KL ;br•/2599P) cc : Fngir,,,ring Division Y--,,' -57W TL/S ------------ 17z,4:r/ ?ZJ 4-(L /!t- r May 7, 1986 RE. COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 3 Proposed is a 75 lot subdivision adjacent tc and an extension of Plats 1 and 2 of COTSWALD MEADOWS. The development encompasses 14.04 acres from Tax Lot 200, Map 151-33CD and from Tax Lot 101, Map 251-413. All improvements are to be Publicly owned and will. be constructed to the Standards of the City of Tigard. 'III'-,----, No major grading will be required as the site plan has been designed to follow the natural_contours. _ r ..... • "^"." . We believe that the proposal complies with all applicable requirements. KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY wMMUL CITY OF TIGARD, OR. DEVELOMENT SERVICES DEPT. J�T�\I r DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT NO. : (1 II. PROJECT NAME: III. DRAWING (TITLE) : IV. PLAT (TITLE) : _ dated• V SITE LOCATION: VI. PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER:_ /�N1E`} Address T� t���� t fir127-5 Phone No. Z9z.—OW1 (2) DEVELOPET,S SURETY AGENCY: Address______, Phone No Bond No. ---- -- EKp. Date (3) ENGINEER:_ R�0.��fS?�� _�'�`�O_ � � c 1c a Jnr Address y , `1"1►z3 Phone No 4R-41o1 (4) INSPECTOR: Address - Phone No (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Address _ - _ - _ Phone No (6) CONTRACTORS SURE Tv AGENCY: Addre9s Phone No Bond No Exp Data i i (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS 07165 dmj CI1Y OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (ENGINEERING) PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN REVIEW CHECK LIST REVIEW CHECKLIST - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK fF PROJLCT NAME: _CLsL _.3, ._ PRO TFCC TYPE` �y,�d;,,,s Q �„� APPROVED I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. ) Vicinity Map & Stamped (Plan--Profile) Drawing Detail Sheets . _ B. ) Plan/Drawing/Sheet Titles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. ) Date/Revision Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- --C`j— D. ) Oriented North Arrow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- — - � E. ) 0ertical& Horizontal Scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. ) Name—Address of Engineer/Surveyor/Developer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. ) Elevation Datum (Related to an Established B.M. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- H. ) Existing Boundary Lines & Survey Monument/Markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . I, ) Existing Topography & Land Features (J J. ) Location, Width & Purpose of all existing easements . . . . . . . . . . . �[] K. ) Reserve Strips, Flood plain & Public Open Areas Specified. . . . . _ [] 1_. ) Stamped ''Preliminary"/Construction "Phases" Specified. . . . . . . . . ff . STREET PLAN: A. ) Street Location/Alignment/Easement/Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. ) Intersection I_ovation/Aliynment . . . . . . . . . . . . . _CJ C. ) Driveway Access Location/Alignment/Easement . . . . . . • . • • D. ) Feasibility of Future Fxtens.on/Conformance to Master Plan_ . E. ) Street/Avenue Name Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . F. ) 11ail-Box Location _CJ G. ) Bench Mark Location H. ) Construction Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _[] 1 . ) R/W Width. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. ) Curb to Curb Width. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 . ) Utility Utility Strip Width . . . . . . . [� 4 . ) Sidewalk Width. . . C�- ", ) Street Curve Radii 6 . 1 Curb Return Radii . . . . . . . . 7. ) Curb Cut Location [1 9 . ) Cul-de-sac Radii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _C] 9 ) Street Surface Drainage Pattern J[] 11T STREET PROFILE: A. ) Street Centerline Grade/Slope/Elevations . . _ [] B . ) Intersection Grade Ccotinuity . . . . C. ) Fxisting Ground Cifi#M/Elave►tt�i . D ) Top of Curb Grade/Slope/Elevation. . . . . . . . . . F . ) Street Cross- section Detail & Specification - 1 , Curb Cross--section Detail & Specific tion. G. ) Sidewalk Cross section Detail & Spucificatior H ) Driveway Apron Cross -section Detail & Specift—tian PLAN RF%IIEW CHECK 1_IST - PAGE 1 N A. Not Applicable ■11 � IV . SANITARY SEWER PLAN: A.) Location of Tie to Pre-existing System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • . • [`} B. ) Main Location/Alignment. . . . . . . . w[.} C. ) Feasibility of Future Extension/Conf-Q, a ' -�L-a-t4a•ste�n • • . _---.---[`} ' 0. ) Lateral Location/Tie/Alignment. . . . . . . . . . . - E. ) Necessary Easement Provisions Noted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • , • • • • • F. ) Construction Standards, 1 . ) Main Size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M 2. ) Manhole & C.O. location/Spacing/Size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . ) Hse. Service Location/Alignment/Size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V SANITARY SEWER PROFILE: A. ) Sewer Line Grade/Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. ) Existing Ground Cut/Fill/Elevation _[rY C. ) F4.nished Surface Cover Above Sewer [� D. ) M.H. Invert & Rim Elevations . . E. ) M.H. Type/Cross-section Detail & Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] F. ) Pine/Pipe Joint tipecificztion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -[] G. ) Bedding Cross--Sec-ion D,-tail & Specification. . __-_[] H. ) Spec-al. Stream Crossing Detail & Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..!_ A_[1 I. ) Special Encasement Detail & Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _._ _ I VI STORM SEWER PLAN: A. ) Location of Tie to Pre-existing System/Drainage Ditch . . . . . . B. ) Storm Line Location/Tie/Alignment ____.__--- -[� C. ) Feasibility of Future LKtension/Conformance to Master Plan. [] 0. ) Necessary Easement Provi •+ ions Noted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E . ) Construction Standards, 1 . ) Line Size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. ) Manhole Location/spere4xKg/S re/Type. 3 . 1 Catch Basin Location/Spacing. _ [� VII STORM SEWER PROFILE: A. ) line Grade/Slope. . . B. ) Fi-iished Surface Cover Above Sewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. ) Manhole & Catch Basin Invert & Rim Elevations . . . . . , . . . D. ) Pipe/Pipe Joint Specification. _ _.[] E. ) Catch Basin Type/Cross Section Detail & Specification. . . . . . . - [] F. ) Bedding Crass-Section Detail & Specification. . G ) Special Outfall Detail & Specification. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII . AREA DRACNAGE: A. ) Flood Plain Data, 1 ) High Water Elevation 2. ) Mean Water Table Elevation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . ) Creeks Located/Flow Volume & Direction [] 4 . ) Springs Located. . . . _[] 5 ) Wells Located/Capacity . . . 11 B. ) Culvert Location/Alignment/Easement _- [1 1. ) Invert Elevations/Slope [ ` 2. ) Type/Size/Flow Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll C. ) Drainage Ditch Location/Flow Capacity/Erosion Protection. . ll 0, ) Hse. We<,p Hole I_oc Al inn/Size • . . . . PI AN REVIEW CHECK I IST - PA(;; 7 IX. PEDESTRIAN & TRAFFIC CONTROL. DEVISES: A.) Pedestrian Control, 1.) Crosswalk Location/Type/Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] 2. ) Island Location/Detail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] 3. ) Signal & Sign Location/Number/Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] 4.) Signal & Sign Detail & Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _[] B.) Traffic Control, 1. ) PVMT. Marking Location/Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] 2. ) Sign & Signal Detail & Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _[] 3. ) Sign & Signal Detail & Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] X. STREET LIGHTING: A.) Pole Detail & Specification. . . _ (] B. ) Fixture & Lamp Detail & Specification _ [] C. ) Number of Units/P.G.E. Schedule.-Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ �[] D. ) Location/Spacing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XL. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES: A. ) Gas, 1 .) Main Line Location/Size/Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] 2. ) Hse. Service Location/Size/Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _[] 3. ) Valve Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ (7 4. ) Meter Location. . . . . . B. ) Water, 1. ) Main Line Location/Size/Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] 2. ) Hse. Service Location/Size/Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] 3 . ) Value Location. . . . . . [7 4. ) Meter Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _[J 5. ) Fire Hydrant Location/Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] C. ) Phone, 1. ) Cable (Conduit) Location/Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _[] 2. ) M.H. Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _(J 3 . ) Pole Location/I.D. Number _ [] D. ) Cable T.V. , 1. ) Cable (Condait) Location/Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] 2. ) Pedestal Location. . . _ (J 3. ) Pole Location/I.D. Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] E, ) Electric Power, 1. ) Cable (Conduit) Location/Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] 2. ) Vault/M.H. Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. ) Pole Location/I.D. Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] XII , PARKING LOTS: A.) General Location (Onsite, Offsite) . . . . . . . . . . . [] B. ) Access Alignment. . . . . . . C. ) Construction Standards, 1. ) Width/Length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . C] 2. ) Vehicle Movement Pattern/Marking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _[] 3. ) Drainage (] 4. ) Cross Section Detail & Specification 5. ) Parking Stall Layout 6. ) lighting/Landscaping. . . � .[] PLAJ RFVIF..W CHECK LIST - PAGF 3 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS; REVIEWED BY: DATE (JH:bs/0866P) PLAN REVIEW CHECK LIST PAGE 4 t tA V' � v,'*r x,51' �'�• ��, C Y QoF� 4r DR 9 -17 S JIM McGEHEE BUILDER (503)292.0117 PO.Box 25571 PortlAnd.OR 97225 � � s I I i zss-7 7z zs # Z9z - 0!/ '7 L t rc -Ise. Tax Lot 1300 Map ISI - 33C 076 + n 7 8/ �NnjV nh t � � S a �- �`y " ss T IV r �u %J, s�e Tax Lot 101 Map 2S1- 419 REFERENCE : County Survey No. 21,399 DESIGN SPEED = 35 M.P. H. HE NCHMARK ,z Ss dcsh ,.ref.- cit rOn.cpeee cte -rot a ease Coiner ne P. &, Elevation 289.!p 0 z t 3 ' nh as V, I' 1pr J. j d " 3 .9 ? 53098s f ; Z ` 25 Lot 83 t , COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 127 5 37 FJ S f ? Section 33 Section 84 LEGEND 126 5640 6 f r a 5518 s r rif114, t- c IMP rc n.. rn_ i )1 Wide 0 Sao 1I' 85 slln t'Iry and storm cap «• " sewer easeme 540o s r 750 f�et Each D = S/e"x 3(- 125 5 saoo s t g il side of I o t line r.rn,or. .r o o i r6 Y3 ice cn y , ,n ana .�,r . Via• ! .. rr 86 v W I 5400 s f a Basis of Bear 124 i^' 0 5 00o s r� I�- ' 9 d LT , � g 123 .� 5480 s f PLAT R E t W r• o t 5400 s t f ,� c�-• a , 1. An. 8 vo Fo.. s6'7 ?.1't 3 n.CC toe L.. N „ p E 2. At, 8 o o 8f N 1 I ., d 3. 2 1 122 i W ' r\ { A r w,. Co Lr A0AI W I N C M 90 ' , 5 •^ 6 910 s f u- n �,,, Pyla 47 pac 791, f �', 91 5863 s f 5 00 foot wide 0 1 a ,anitary seer Pa' S 4 risement ' l x. feet eoch side t.. of lot line :r!hi,�u ar Access J T 25 66-ilk 'YQ 6 J, 1 66 114 71!4 6708 08 '1 f $ f 5200 f 7:5 3v el 7 90 7 See 0.2.2 115 5414 s I Section 33 110 111 112 Section 47 4 1 f L .18 5" 49 f 109 116 754 S f 5236 /as/ S T C T CI 117 foot wide. 108 n1* 'AFr 5400 s f 6477 C sewer ent 750 each side 105 ".3 5541 -, f m e 0 3.3 4 118 5400 1 A W 106 fool Wide 10.7 5712 % f -j 104 8757 It 01 1)394 1 - y sewer z .-I(lestri(Inhf 0 easement 119 #5 33 _j t. 5400 s f eel ea(,;h side 4? 'ij line B/ 19 .T67°45 33 . o vt 53 so 103 0 9,1 00 5394 101 Q) 60500 too foot wide 7060 s sewer 5%Ai- 120 102 n 50 4 7 o0ch side r o5655 f I lime 7 A Or 0 C)N CT AIL 96 97 94 1�A NTT . je,e .4 36 6o q BANCRO e'4 , q F I ZNc A! eh r ucress _ iTo reee_- IS MURRAY BLVD A Ole,* �C� r ho � o5 2 � /. -- - ..-._-_-_� . ..{-._. / o�b� I B � Map ISI - 33C z w �N Z aB t 0 7. 9/ --- - -' / 4� � w c -> j ' f_ + _ _ J� i�'c \ �a' � \yam `�h ,, fig° s Tax Lot 101 . U j G 0oa, �9, Map 2S1 - 4B p o` `L \ 4 _I a, x MM \, to I Tax Lot 100 °� Map 2S1 - 4AB �- 0 a COTSWALD MEADOWS N �\ 0 3 3 Q Tax Lot 100 (n X \ _ ir � Map 2S1 4B t �, rn \ a Tax Lot 102 1 G '- 0 G � O Map 2S1 - 48 I 0 5C q � ` \ ` 31 I / I . . fib. 3 Ma 2SI 101 L = 3a ti'S S9 Nee° a5' 03 "W - - _ - -t--. _ -� ` 3 ER = '700. 0o \� S _ L = 5/4. 6 9 v � ♦ 3S` I L.c = O ' 7/ � , 0 ` �. ! Map 2S1 4AB N �a °oa 'o3 '"W 1) t / 4 11 N n h - i REFERENCE : County Survey No. 21 ,399 h �� � o ", 10 � - _--.Exis&, road r �� Eo be. va,ca�ed ? � DESIGN SPEED = 35 M. P H. A � ' = 9C'I°3 9'3 0 " '3� CR = 500. 00 • �5 L = 79/. /� L.G. = 7//. /6 I - BENCHMARK N �3° os ''e "`" w ! z 0 G Cass dcsk set ca cozcrG,ee. aZ- Tax Lot 4500 > o eAe_ LCoueAea.st c�7rizei-' at .S'. AY. _ 1 Map 2S1 - 4A8 c z /35 `�L A ve . and_ ,,S', W Wa.L.�t 'S't. I- 1 I 1 0 lY 1 1 I Elevation : 289. 19 z 1 I I I .3 t �6. ss B. c. 1 _. ............ , , I .. ......... ..................................................................................................................................... ................................,.............................,.................................................,........................ .. ... 1111.. .. 1111.. . . . .. ... ..... . ....... . ..... ....I. .. . .. . ....... I...... ....... ....... ..1111. ! 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EI 21 II 01 -6 9 L _9 S 1p• Ic a I"""' 1+111111lllI Illunbnlllla10"11n111114111611Itgiuielnulinflio mJim#IWW#I Nliti[y�t"4mtht!tlllloillllN�1�NN !}1I 111111iIRfl11R11►119gf1111�11116 1n111N1!n111111111liiilu 111{I I"Ijhtu111119WIN11 _ ,r % _ J �JT .r+,n.,..... ` - .', ._._ .11_11-..a..._.. ti.._._.._.......1111,- .__...�,y K. _ ........___'•�.e..._.___ ..._ �.-.. ... � ..,M._.._.,,, �... _. .. ., � r .4..._ _._. C s awe C A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION IN THE S. W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33 , TIS , RIW , W. M . , AND THE N . W. I/4 OF SECTION 4 , T2S , RI `;N, W. M. , IN THE CITY OF TIGARD , WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON R . E . BANCROFT 81 ASSOCIATES , INC -- SURVEYORS 140 N . E . 3rd Ave . , Hillsboro , Oregon 97124 Scale : I " = 60" June , 1986 154 1 30 1J l `s e 1 j �� ' a� � 129 n 0 o x`9 '5 �' COTSWALD MEADOW s 8e as Re ,E &1a Aa S NO. 2 IN' ? �� �. _ /D S9 - �3 95 .56 , Tract ��8rr 1.00' x 50.00' a�, r ._ Reserve Strip 9 CWo ,0 o . S.W. MORNING HILL DR. 7C9 IQ)I /Y 8R `. a "�v 25 �0 �y - //o. ,:z o -25 y7 o" IF43 -- 3 o 39 9. 04/0 V 7 j� _SU 0 n 113 `� �' ' 114 y Fd.SO7°a�'39;� 6d� x FcC . ..� O� °ab �.;' '4 REGISTERED 5200 s f 6 708 s t. � \9 ('1. /5 '' � ` °' '� PROFESSIONAL ° 1 �' o n 128 2s 25 LAND SURVEYOR S 8 8 a a 8 E O l;! 0 �► 5 3 0 9 s. f �-�+' ao o Lot 83 7 - 39 �1 N 8.5 ° aT ' /6 4 mom sB oo _5' N7 ' ,r.s _� 3 ' ,E s. 6,0,x, _ � t COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 Gj 67 78 6S bD 3 ap nl 0 ' Q 1 T �' 88°.�:� ' �& ",� v� 4 �., .� o X n �'� ° OREGON i COgoo Q 5E 't tia„i u H Section 33 '� `� 115 "� C 127 o RICHARD E. BAPJCROFT �r 110 w 11 I 112 ' 544 s f n �, 5378 s f. �' o } `S 88 ° a-s '03 "E 1124 Section 4 �_ \ ) - 574 s f u 738 s f 5739 s f 1 -ao .?s �' /c74.0,� s t s x' 87 ° mss ' ,� Section 33 Z f� s o 88 3 3 .SBS ° u� '�3 ''� I B o on �30 of Section 4 O 109 � a � 9a. s� _ �, 9 84 LEGEND _� o 6754 s f. 3 s , '� I I6 s `T `T 5640 s.f. �F 3 a y 12 8 n q d . ^ y 3"z�' 9 3 i 5236 s,f cl 0 5518 s f � `� Q m_ S b 9 '..� 8 ' • _ , 17 58 .9 n � s87O�S '..3.3 ".E O. /o ee°.aa ae ',E 9 .:2 r D ''r o 7 5�.. c�t,Orcn.te -Y, P. L . S. 6 3 b e_xcePt cts iz.ote.oL. r87 ° 5r5 '33 ",E Z �, o _3 , _!o os 6 7 X. 8o bi 90 0O5 33 ,F _ 6....'-15.00 foot wide 0 = Set �B "x 30 / R bea.rc a. G �Low L _2i L ,fit 9° °o o� s o n i t a r o.-s &'c, 15.00 foot wide, GRl ST CT � �7 85 y and storm „� � y �� 0 a?o c rc rc e_d, R ,8A/N F?O F r P. L . storm sewer 108 .'q o �9 5400 s f o sewer easement easement 7. 50 � 6477 s f �,` S� N 8 'S �'�� Saol7 y ° 125 ' h 7. 50 feet each s" C � � 9 0 s.f o. 5400 s.f v I9 Side of lot II ne �B x 30 R. ��/NGe�L yeLLaw �Lastcc Gado 1 feet each side 1�11o� :? 0 `� S'87►0 X5 ,33 ,,,E Gix�rcn.,ded R. BANCROFr foi_s. //.74 ro 6e of lot 11 ne ,I s , h h h 105 � ' B7 �5 .33 " �' 9a on .tet cn. ntorc . box a� cn.ters�c�cow , ra.aCc ccs o � � � 00 Sf3 ,�, � �. _ � 5541 s f � .Sb' 7° �S ",.?.3 " �'c�rst �cft off' 9c v d a.,n P. /. P o c v_4 s 4a C L o we_'t9 "1 ° t :� 90. o o 0 86 a� a.sPh-a.L t . ( .S87 mss_ _33 " ON 0 1 18 n o U) �r., ° 5400 s.f. o O° I ry, 540 Q 124 + �' Basis of Bearingper C. S. No. 21 399 15.00 foot wide ,4 r� 106 f.., o s.f. 0 5400 s. f. � p ' w sanitary sewer 87,557 s.f, � �� 5712 s.f � �� �j 104 � � � r � I'D r i�S ' 3.3 " and pedestrian `r \ 5394 s.f .S'87 °�5 �3 ,•� ,s'c47 °,sc O 90 nn O 5 3 3 tV pathway easement 7 rr h � ,. Z 90 0o m O ,� 90 , ,--) 0 Ir E o 7. 50 feet each side h - 8 �� ' � s 67 ° �'S '_y3 ''�_ J 119 ^ I U) 87 of lot line rn 8 -1113 t 5400 s f n o 23 W � - c,, 5400 s f O �o �a 81 19 930D o 5400 5 , r o PLAT RESTRICTIONS O N8'/° 53, � So 4 � 3 m � a o o ` 103 ° .S d ° �S 3,3 ';E ° `fl o s r9 7 �S ' j` '� S'87 - �S 33 k w 3 ' ,E- o� I. An. 8.oo �'oo t wcde. ccf4Lc Gctsein enc t slta.LL txcs f a1on� 101 000 5394 s f - 90. 00 ° 90 00 3 an vo c y F� C�50 s f °' `� n c o a.GC Got &,fres a.bu.tt�n9 PubLce streets. 15.00 foot wide - 100 w o a C6 r �0 0O . cn �r 60 do 60 00 0 ° 88 ° N 2. Ati 800 Foot wcde. rZope. ea ein.e,zt s/1ea.LC exc'st storm sewer s�o 7060 s.f � � sB7°�s'33 '',� , � `' S400 s f ° N easement 7.50 O6 93 00 �, �1 ; , O Q a6 ttcn� syv /l'1u.rrcty QCrd . a C 0" 9 Lot.S ?O to 98 . feet each side \'Q� �,? . �6 of lot line �� r 30 �- '� 102 ° ? 541 6 h 00 121 14, �. 122 0 r 3. Lots 90 eo 98 are. rohc.64eed. reg 4Cu.Ga,r cteeess r_5 �. ti 'o j SJR "� 5656 s.f 1. 6 s f 5450 s f } 5302 s f "1 .5 f+ W 0 *L �S'/'Y Murray 9 97 4- t r. 90 0, 99 6257 s f � . 14 89 �6 43 �, , � 577 0 � ° 5 � os „F DRi 3 ` CTN S. W. HINDON ST, �i5 ` `� (5 w � N88 , i6 N 88 ° a s ' 03 „� - Bo 3� Gj w O. v 6 � 7 98 P' , ' F� ; `� c T 6956 s f Cr ,' I b` S� 60 00 �o a6 90 e 5 INDEX 96 INITIAL POINT : �Sce a7 ,x 36 -- ° `� I\ 97 r. 5581 s f `Y 95 a ^ _vim. o Page I - Plat of Iota 84 to 128 bearC� an a.Lu�u ft",Pm � � �� � 6 5 8 G s f �� � � '�� 5999 s f T> h � 94 h � 93 � q 92 6 ' 26 s f � ° 5400 s.f. ° ��, �_ Page '2 - Plat of lots 129 to 154 Caro crrt�r4rcted. " R BANCROFT y � 0�� � / ' ' ori h r�,� o 579 s f �l rx 9I �s Z" PLS 124 6 bcCow 9rouec.d. - X.� Cr 125 0 o o. 'U 6863 s t \ �- - 15.00 foot wide and CUI'Ve Data Ju'-Yrace, at a. ,00c w/c�ck� �"--- 7 25 () (.) c o N �_� ,�, w o a �,� �� sanitary sewer Page 3 - Surveyors rti ' brar� ._routlL -/y/. /,-/ fee o -f� -•.� y yo s Ce flcates Ve h �cU 10r t) easement s n :�o x� easement 7. 50 d1'est //tee. se �'ee. `� �' ccess � v vo �o OQ ? y3 6, feet each side Approvals and Dedication N O Ve h i C U a r � O f tot line Cor/Leo- OF Jde t- oti 33� 1 _ 2 S W. MURRAY BLVD . Access fd. y� .- / �, ri_S, RJ w W M. wheee. h 1500 Foun_a✓ G brass c>✓4s�4 o r Q0 foot L)IIIIIIII - - _ /0 .5 . 00 N0. SB 3 / '.2 44 Ori feet each Side of sewer easement N c414 -�S , 0,3 „ .j.'",' ., - -� _ - -- --- -- _- _.._ _. M 0 of lot line Tract 11 11 1 , ( _ . I o act A I-00' x 637, 29 Reserve Strip Page I Of 3 COT5WA1_..) 1'4f) :3 1cry OF 19 LA,�} ::;: . u:r, 1 .. T^• ..:. J i '.'"' }'6YC .lit ... .- ....... „ .. .r " +"' '+-'"'6n .......,..r,.w-_..,.., .. �' �� u41MlM!'1fiG r•w.AMu./a.-a. ._ r - y '"' 'l��11 + 1 111 1 1 111 ISI Ij 11111 111 111 1111r� r Ill � l � l ! I1 ' r� l 1111111 1111111 Illlllt 1111111 �11 � 11 111I1� 1 lltl ► 1f' 1� lltll �� 1 1 : H ... I � I � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICTz 'IT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL w,_ DRAWING. OE 62 HZ LZ 9Z SZ V EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 BI LI 91 SI � I f l ZI 11 011 6 8 L 9 I5 tr E1 <<!11lIlt�lltlltlll�llllll111�ltttlttlllttt1�1111�1l111911tltlllllttt��tttllttl�1i11� �111llllltlllllllt1111�.�tlll�lllt+11!I�Ilil�lfillltil�!!!1�lltill! liN�llll�llti�tlt1�I111�Ittl Nlullil�lill�ltllt114+�1��11�1111�1111�1111�1111�1111IIW1H@t1111�!l11�11111L1!!-�Utt1U�11111 , 1 I He-4d- for Lc.icG ---55 0 lq 6 A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION IN THE S. W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33 TIS , RIW W. M . h y ',o �� L4 - `- 15.00 foot wide storm ' ' ' 143 ,`,`.� sewer easement AND THE N . W. 1 /4 OF SECTION 4 , T2S , RIW, W. M . , 5852 e.f, 142 4 ; U ° vCV) 141 6092 s.f. a 1 5859 s.f I a0 IN THE CITY OF TI GA R D , WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON � � R . E . BANCROFT & ASSOCIATES , INC . - SURVEYORS ,h 3 j3 1 o -� 0 0 % s B°Q� 140 N . E . 3rd Ave . , Hillsboro , Oregon 97124 ~ �� S. W. ASHOURY o LANE Scale . 1 - 60 June , 1986 + 8.5. ;?46 / a 87 (D - Ir, Tract "C" / q ie N 1 .00' x 50.001 A 7-� 98 4 Reserve StripIt 5631s f 25 25 0 140 �, • 5466 s.f. h 9000 S 880.?5 ' .?5 ",E ` 90. o c x 145 •5533 s.f. 41 CURVE DATA 17) 139 a` 5 310 91 ri Delta Radius Arc L . Chord Bearin Chord L. Lot Delta Radius Arc L . Chord Bearing Chord L. LEGEND s �e°mss ' ---__ __-----t--- -._ ° - „ _ _ __._ o --- 90. 00 OIR °'18 ,15 ' 50000 24, yV7 .S'87 00 .57 ,E a ,/. A17 105 0'1 57 �a / 75 00 15- 16 /Y69°08 YS �E- /515 9000 ° 00 03 9,90 00 /,,98• s/ �S'8a a5 0/ ,E /88. /7 105 90 37 oa / 7. oo a6 69 S43 0V o / .E aAI / 7 • = rd � 8 �. R wL4A,, ye, Lc.-,3ry vZa.se a 0470 - 145 c, /8 ° 57 'Al� 390 o0 /�29. 07 S 76 °S6 / / ,E /a8. 48 106 65°a8 ` /a " 50 o0 58. 0/ /Y 77°j-738 E. 581 , ,S6 :1E 5530 s. f. 0 138o� 5310 s.f.I0,?/ °So '53 " ao0. 00 76. a6 /V 80 °�a '05'E 75. 80 107 370 / 9 ' 33 " 5-O o 3a 57 .S _5-0006 ' x9 E 3�t o O = Set �8 " x 30 "' / R. Ue�t.� c.z�ry a. yeGL°vr��oLasG`� � h 5 18, 11 '/ 7 " / 00 . 00 3i. 7� J' 06 °,S-_1 '/ Q ";E 31 . 61 108 �a° /.2 ' o / 50 Oo 36. 83 S /0O.R -? ' S<a ',E 36 00 � in���rcted "R . BANCROFT P,L.S. 112411 °� 5 ' �5 ';E o• 6 90 0, S 88°.2 S '�S /8° // '/ 7 " 10o . 0o j/ 7y IS 06°5/ '/a .E 3 / 6/ 109 37° / 9 ' 33 50. oo 3- 57 /V ?9 °a3 'US ,E 3..0o 6 -1.18 .3J / R w,-, 6A, cY�e�� 0W �L-S. a.s cc c, caro 9o. 00 /8° 'S5 " 100. 0o 3/. 76 ;� 06 °s/ '3/ 'E 3/. 63 1 10 38 ° /3 ' V5 " So oo 33.36 /)/ 67°,79 '-S1�Y `E 3� 7-5 � o -L e t 11R. BAN-CROFT 112411. To be 147 I h (n 0 8 /8°// ' 55 " /00 . 00 3/. 76 .S' 06 °5/ '3 / 'E 3/. 6.R III o'l°�-8 '�6 " aa5 00 /B. 90 /V.95°-It3 '`/O ',E /8 90 Stt 4z ryzon, box cit c�z�ersee�ion�, radreus� N, 5530 s.f. 11 1 0 137 p � 5310 s.f, o, 9 Q?,3 0� �5 � /' 6 5. 0 O 6 6. , 5 .S 76 50 /5 ,E 6 6. O O I ;/� -V1 3/ / 7 0 0 /3- a 6 S 7y / SS ,E /a. 93 Q..s.Piza.L t• h o 6 E. 5 S 76 °5"0 i/5 it 66- 00 41° _119 . „ _SO O o 3650 S 7a° z8 ,8',F 3-5 6 9 y` 8 8 o s ... E O a3oO ,a6 /65. 00 , ° ° ° ' Basis of Bearing per C. S. No. 21399 90o , \ Q o/ /o " /6 /a5 o0 353 R S05S19 ,E 35, �o 00 �35°331/y� 5 /50. 0o ) 93. 0 9 ao E 9/. 60 112 , 90 00 36 °/3 '17 " ' / 50. 00 9 f�3 '/Y / 9° 4/ '/3 `E 93. x6 1 12 /05 °3-1 '36 " / 7 oo 3 / 33 /Y 38 °-5-0 %4 `E X708 4j nib Q � 14 8 � t`- � �• �� o � AL1 °56 " 6 '" 3-.s0. 00 7-- 96 �38,2°a s1 '// 'E 7x. 83 03°a� �8 " �2aS00 /3 38 /Y89 °s5 a3 ,E /338 o 5530 s.f. cn o 4� � 136 0 _3 l l 2 . f .55'/6 " 35o. oo 7�.8a J8a °a3 '30 ,E 7a, 69 1 1 3 90 037 '0.2 1700 a6 89 S iz_3° 0A1 '0/ '.E � � i7 h � � 5310 s. . 05°ao ''�6 " 375. 00 3.41 99 is d-50 ,41,0 5 '.� 3'`/. 98 1 14 97°36 '/� " / 7 00 a8. 96 N5/ °0 '36 d5 58 S'6�° �S '.�S ".E O Lot J _. 114 / 174 °5/ ' 07 / 10 00 36. x9 S 7.20�3 '3 ;k ".E .36. /9 , • 9,o. 0 J 1�q 5'"q 0 � O C) 84 /6 3 3,q /a 5. 00 36- 09 S 0 70 4// ' / / ,E 35. 97 114 /i / 7 ' �6 / 90. 00 3 7 6 S 70 0 S6 S7 'E 37 ,,-,10 h X ° ° ° ' 0 ., _ °a � � `� 149 _j� $ +r1 4 I;�S o �, � 84 /8 / / S5 75. 00 a3. 8a S 06 S/ 3/ ,E �. . 7a 1 1 5 15 a8 00 72 .70, ;?.55 . 00 o. S5 09 33 a0 8 5530 s.f. ^7 01, 5310 s.f. o n Q 85 O/ °,39 ' x / „ / 5.00 3, 61 N0/ °a,1 '�6 ',E 3. 61 116 /8 ° " / 7 /a 5. 00 •39 68 06 ° 5/ ' / l ",E 39. 5% � 89 3S°�S1 '09 " SO. 00 3/. /8 S // °35 'S� , .30. 68 1 1 6 I Oa° 43 '/ 7 " 75. o ° 3. 56 S / °_35 ' 1d ",.E. 3. A.'6 ° � „ cn n1 v ° ° ° ° R�GISTER .D ° ,S'88 5 ,E o s 88 .�s ".?s .E" C/7 89 3 / �a a5 / 7. 00 9 �'/ J 1,3 '03,6 x16 .� Y. x9 120 90 39 �Yo / 700 a6 90 x 1/-3 0 PROFESSIONAL 0 90. 00 0 90. 00 o ' o „ o '.3 ' - LAND St„IRVEYOR 150 � � t' ° 134 90 Yo �7S 50. 00 3S. 59 /Vab 3 9 •93 .E 3'�. 8� 122 87'0.;Z o0 / 7 DO a6 5, /ti'�6°Sri 3 �%� �` a3. 90 U '/5 " 53.5. 00 6. 1.6 S 87 °00 :5 7 `.E x6. 18 126 08° 59 'x51" /a5 00 / 9. 6/ I s / / °a7 '�Y6 ';6 /9. 59 0 1 9I Oa °"70 ? � 5530 s.f. �' 1 01- 53100 s.f. 91 .410° V/ ' a / " 50. 00 3551 /Y67°a3 ' S ',C 3-1. 77 126 180 / / ' 55 " 750o A3.8a s 06 ')5/ '3 / ",E �?3. 7a h h I� 92 3 / 0 �a 'a9 " / 7. 00 9. / S 7.203� '00 E 9. .29 127 09 °'/x '3 / " /a5 0o a0. 01? S Oa °a / '-19 "AE Q0. 07 OREGON � (1QQ° 7c " � ° " it ° '_5- �' ` ° � ° , ,, �VV u�( .� '�S ".G 92 35 3-R so So 00 3 /. o� S 751 �8 s9 .E 30. �3 128 // y� o / 90 . 00 39. 06 �S &-Q a9 O6 � 38. 99 RICHARD E. BANCROFT � 90. 00 9o. O° 94 90 °39 '3.11" ao 00 3/. 65 S ,13 °O5 '/3 ',E- a8. IV5 128 90 ° 36 '5.x " / 7 00 ,76 89 S I3°0A� 'oo ';,E ?Al 17 1124W. 0 133 �� I ^� 151 0 94 89 °a0 '33 / 700 a?6 5/ /YA16 0S1,1'38 .E a3. 90 129 a30C� � 'ab " � 1 ,Y-0 00 56 . 38 S 76° SO 'E 56. 00 0 � 5530 s f. h 5310 s.f o IISI O 95 06 °sF/5 " 415. o0 -,5-0. 6 / S8� °35 'a7 ",E 50, 58 129 0a °39 ' 3 " / 90. 0 8. a3 S 66 ° 3 7 'i/6 � 8. 83 Z � � � 95 88° / 9 34 " 17. oo a6. S 41/ °S5 '�� '.E x3. 69 130 /�°55 '-5"6 " / 90 00 X/9. 512 75°as .,13 .,E IV 38 I i „ s be °�� as ,ECR 1 95 89 °x0 '37 " � ?o 00 3Al1. 19 1YV6 °5# ''V' ,E -?8- /� 130 93°,5-6 '0.5 / 700 127. 87 S 35055 '_3 9 ,E ��85 (� \ �e 90. 00 X533 00 96 03004 '3 / "` 865. 00 V& 13 .5860Sa '�7 'G .4/ 6. 130 a60 �5 'a9 " /.?5 00 53- 38 /YaAI°-�5 '08 ,E .57d5 96 36 °36 's% " S0. oo 31 . 915 ,Y730-6- 'S6 `,E 3/ . IV/ 130 05°SS ' ao " 175 oo /8 dy /Y"3�° �8 ' �3 `.E- /8. �3 ,�� 152 � 13?_ 5329 s f v, 5467 s.f. 0 ! ro 96 47°37 iz8" 1700 1�. /3 /Y 79 o 126 �3 ,E 13. 73 131 / 70 // 5'/ 1.75 o0 Sa 53 /V � °3 1,3 36 ,E 5x. .33 � h 5-X © P 7 96 0� °° a � /o , j1/,5 oo / 70,,/ S 77 5S .?d E / 7. 0� 132 13 °03 O3 / 75 � 0 39. 86 N08 06 '04 � 39. 78 a "ter, ° � � Y � 'D 3 '� � 0 5 97 07 i6 / / 865 oo /09. 75 S 81 �a ab /09. 68 140 90 O� 56 / 7. 00 126. . a / �6 .O� a ,k C � 97 A`'/ 0a8 '4e7" 5-0 00 36 ;?,o S & 7001 '08 ',e 3-5. 41 142 07°55 '03 3,95. 00 s 8-/ °.2'/ 'S8 ';E dl4l87 10 153 ` �`� 532415 f r o O'S/°o1 ,3.11" 3x5. 00 a� 8,1 S 78 °ab ' 3 9 ,, A. rN �`� 5534 5-.t. ,-5' )603 98 01039 "�/ 8b�. 00 x5, 00 .577 / � o X5. 00 , 43 i ° " ' S128° Y.2 '5--a ';t_= 30. 18 143 O(o°34 '�q9 " 3 75. 00 `/3. 03 S 7`/° Y3 'O7 ';E x.3. 0/ 7 !v ',v;6. n� � aV 3 116. 3� 98 35 07 55 SO o0 30. 6 � 99 00;z ' / 7 " 50 0o .36 . 68 /V09 °5.Z '16 ".E 35, 81 144 / / °55 ' 16 3x.5, 00 6 -7 (o,.1 .S8aa ,3 `' 3 ' 0 7. 5 '.E -60 O 9,,?.6S � �R � � e '�s` 100 37 ° 00 'x / " So o0 3.Z 30 AY 1719 9 ° 3 ' ';E .31. 74 144 o / °a 3 7 ,1 '0(9 75 00 9. /8 IT 7007 '57 ';E 9. /8 0 ° l� 15.00 foot wide sanitary 101 66 °s-9 `3� " 50. 00 58. V6 S 78 ° 36 ' 09 .E 55, / 9 144 79 °a4 '_jb " 17. 00 X3. 56 538 ° 07 '-13';E /. 712 154 0 130 (� 1 ° / 700 ° / " - 6° " �5 0 9. v� / 9 ° / ' ; 3 " 77. 71 0 5535 s.f ,� �� h� 6245 s f �� 1 o sewer easement 102 912 O a 7. 3� /1i 8 /6 / a 7 1 5 2 3 /3 , 7 / . 0 7 /�' ,E O ° O6 ` 0 " 365. 4 5/. 6 . .S8 / ° 7 '59 "SEI /. 56 152 Oa °37 SB " / 7500 tn 8. 04 N36 °a?9 'O3 ';E 8. O'l �� �s y. ° o,� 129 1 0 102 8 0 3 / ° ° „ _ I ° a '3 ,7 -- _ � 63. 75- 102 •os a•^ � �.s� ao 6394 S f � � o CC�TSW L D 55 a / ab / 7. 00 � � �3 S �9 S� o/ t /5. 79 153 i5 36 129 / 75. 00 �7e7 /Y� 7 a / ,39 E �7. 5� n p (� 1 �? MEADOWS ° , 11 11 U Q �� 7,5 102 a ° S3 '06 50. 00 19 97 .S 3 3 "3 99 'A,,'(_1 „� ,E / 91 84 154 /a .�° '0 6 / 7 5. 0 o .3 7. 76 /Y / 3 .�-aa / „,E 37 70 Tract B � 19 � o � � e 3 I N 0. 2 05 /80 // ' n / so ov /5. 87 1435 °38oa ;' 15. 80 154 SY °126 '/ / 700 X5. 05 /Y �9 °ate ' 5'"� � �� 85 1 .001 x 50.00 °, �N swe °�� '.ze ",� �+ 16�•� �- 5-6 I 105 (o0 ° 07' 18 " / 7. 00 1 7. d 1, /Y 56 °.36 /o .E 17 03 Reserve Strip IG /o4 59 3 95+ ' _----�,.� 3a /99s o o S. W. MORNING HILL DR. ' a - u, „ 11V 88 O.?.;z '�8 "'IN �e ,� � 0qb �6 + N 5-6 .;0- 3S ,n -7 q '?7 L0 / /O L /3. 97 o / S&8 1IV 7 '35 '.E 25 25 h x6 N y ° (I FaL 1 1 3 1 1 4 3906 '33 99 r5- 1� 506 OQ6 i�"z Fci.o O7°.25:3? ';E 1 O. iA F . ..."" ^•',,;__uH1`++d8!X}.Y4, .•+n . ,..•.pw1 .. . .... +'intlR'MI ,w,.� '.'...yMlyu.y..r,._ .. ... ....- wo:.-�.,,.. -:. ._. , U. Ic T„ 777 , �. -i. rn • _ 3awM, .. J,� � ,­ .•. -w. .i _. ' . .,f`. { ...,.(. .. 7,,, :.wr.. _u���1�IMlR-I� _'^ __r�'wwn'wr"- h � .. .. j• 00111 IlIt 11r111 It+ 111 ► 11 111 11111 � il � i � l r 1 � r� 1 i � 1I111 1111111 1111111 1111111 111I1�11 1111111 � Illi �� �� il� � l . ` . rT •"iRrWRt.�I.'lV � � � � I � � NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED 3 -- - - 5 6 7 ® 9 110 I 1 !� • . __ ._. . .... _ �-_-I-i-- ---�=--�-=-�= ��--- -- DRAWING I5 LESS CLEAR THAN I TH TS NOT IMS;`"1T 15 DUE TO RQUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL_ LNG -~--- -- - �,..- Or 6? 9;! a 97 q? E z 0 91 L 1~ 91 SI b I E 1 7 1 11 01 6 6 L 9 S b► E � 1 �1■..•1 � �,� <<�II11111111) IIIIILILI Ilil�llll 1111111► 111i�1111�1i�111111 IIIi�1111 IIII�tllt 1111111 �i�lllilt 1�11111111�IIf1,111i�1111 ti1I�N1��11111 I1�rI1u1 11ff�tt11�i111�1�t11111t�II11�1111�I1I��1���W1 ��1�111111111 111111111 111111-U �j,I�1��UUILlEl3lI�I�I�I�V. �I�N . _ TTT y - QA _ 1 02 J A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION IN THE S. W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33 , TIS , RIW, W. M. , AND THE N. W. 1/4 OF SECTION 4 , T2S , RIW, W. M. , IN THE CITY OF TIGARD , 'WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON R . E . BANCROFT & ASSOCIATES , INC . — SURVEYORS 140 N . E . 3rd Ave . , Hillsboro , Oregon 97124 June , 1986 SURVEYOR ' S CERTIFICATE. APPROVALS DEDICATION /, RICHARD E. BANCROFT , a fi�eycstereaG �'ro {'ess�oacG � a.nc �S'ctr✓eyor c.n. f�P�rovec� s fc.4,s dc�, .��' / 986 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS : t/te Sf_czte of Greyon, , do fzereby eertc �y that d�.:rc •z� LTu✓Ler , /986 , / Cc ty Or Tc�a.raL PZan,•a.c^.y OcreGtOr. Tka.t , KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT CO. , an Cre oz, Corpora_e 00%, , are t.�e, ace«ra�`e Ly eyed , .scc6c�c v�ded azd �La.ttec� c.nto Cots and streets ti tZe, owz.Gr a de:ve✓Looar o� the. CczncZs sfzowz. o�L tfie, apexed, c1�.e LQ .za_s sfzown. on. tfr.e a.icnexect, rna� ot^ " COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 3 ey _ ____.__ - a.ca; ,oart� eccLa.�-C desCr��ed, ��c. ��e. ae�o�z�oa.�cy�z� "('ccrreyors Containcz 13. 48 Acres , more ar Less , the bou.hdary o/' wlEcch, -s Ce.rC`c1'c�eate , ana4 tzt we. 1La.ve Ca.cc.se-a, e,3ce. .game, to 6e, ,curve eco, d e,�;c•` beUC" Q5 ?'oLCaws . . f� roved �/ct,s� da. 010 , / 986 subdG ��deat a La.ee eco on.eo Lo es aAze, sZre_e-�s as sAo*rn� oic a..c*c� s Ti' arcaL f-'u.bCoc 4000-As Dc'reeeor% rrr�.; c�Q; to b� 6ee_ �u.ted, If MEADOWS NO. 3 " a,,_& eh,-,e we. 8e`9cznc yq a-t the, n. tca.0 /ooLn_t , a. a x 36 yaZk,a.nc zeta' 4.ron. fz e., do hF,reb decu.ea.te9 a.LG roads ctoc.a! streets sed Porth, on; sa.Ldd- r c, v e rt, .3`c.xe_^ckes beL ow tli.e, resent surfa.e e, o � t h e, ro u.,Lc c,k e✓ By to yfh e !'cam bL c;e. �'o r . Pu.b Lc:e ccs e, �o r e vet r. LS'o urt h.w e s t er L y co rrc e:r o o t 96 0 �h c s sc�b�t:� v�s o.zi, w/i�cic, o ,•L t bears So(d.tfi ,Oe e t^ ea: `Yes t //.2 e. Se e e t /'ro rn, fh.e. So u.�;iz, ccct rt er A� � � ro Yfez(, 6h.e.s act off' ? /986 Tra.ets �A " ��B '� arty "C " are, `te.reb Core re e to eh-e- Cc r off' T� a.raG coi-n.e?- oy' Lfe_ctco o, .33, Towl sh. p / LSoL.LMI , Ra e. / Wesel off' i`Ae, l'Vc'�Lczncette. Wa'shcac �o�c, r'ou.n.ty �1eaC� DePa.�t`/�iez� . Aor tfse. Com,6-ol o/' aeee.S.s. y y y 9 MGrG d`an, ctn.d. tc�•cn;G� fh e.,ce e, /Yo rth, O/ °.31�S• 7 "' ,Ea.s t- ..' 70. 13 il�e e e 6o a, . poc n_t oz" C Ae. J'ou.tA, L�.�e- oye Saz_d, Xe-c-e_ e"ono" .33; eAeicce, North. ,East ?Als-,l Feet; 6Ae,,Lce, /Yor-th, 8.5° .;2 ?' '/6 " ,East /o/. -R-i2 1eae ; KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT CO. Jou_elL." 88 °a .2 ' .QA " ,East 75. 3 ? ?Peet; eAercce /Yortic.. 01137 "3.R "' ,East 90. 00 14 roved Z`h.�s -�T off' 17"�'� yceet then etc. /Yortfr. ?0. 36- Feet /Forth, 010_37'3-.1 " WasA4.Attom Lou/cty Su.rr eyor. ,East i•4o. 00 feet; 6Ae.cce North, 33 ° a3 'a3 " Za-se- 90 . 5-9 fejt , tftenc� RUSSELL A. KRUEGER , President /Yor. lA,, 0/ 0,3� 13S ".Ea..st -5-05, 74 1'reet ; th.e.zee, NortA, O/ `',38 'S.,� " ,East -5-0. 00 9 f'e ee ; 6ALe-mete,, arc o/' cz curve_ to ehe rcyf�L, Zh-e- Loamy cAiord, of'"rv.� efi 6eQ.rs v�'oc,�.tfi. 8S °,;zo ' •reS '` ,E-a-se -34 98 Feet 3q 99 A13p ro v�ec& 61L�s d.az 0f� / 986 e e_n-ac, Noreh, O 03.1 ',35 " �a.st 97.' 36 ,Peet; eh_e_,mce, �'oa-Po 8� 35 '_Sa " Lacreetor o� Assess/�2est.fya�t,� T�2xa.tc'orc,. 19-5. ,713 Y'ee_ t eo a, yo c ,me ori 6Ae :West LG•.-ee. o ,,'- COTSWALD MEADOWS , ( Wa.slcc;,oey i�oft. Cou n-ey Ass essoe ) a. p L n.t o-t' r e.e o rd. n, j'Ya.sh.c 'rg t o.*. Co u ia,t y , O r e 9 OM ; t A e_A e e . West a_Cortg .r mc-o4, West Cine a...-L& eh- ,- West Lc z e: ote COTSWALD Bc1 MEADOWS N0. 2 , a. /oLa.t o� record, cry. sa_c-cd Ca" ,LYI-6, 87., - Oo Y'e.e-e eo a.. pot,ict on, ecAe_ LS'ou.tic. Lc•`ce, o /' SW Morz �z h1c•LL ve ; eh.en.e � so �tA, A roved, t��,s — aGa off' / 986 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 88 '-�B ,. ,East aLaAV scu'ct: tfozeh, LGze l3. 97 �Oaeee to a poo:•zt of curea_ - wa.slcc"zytow tcc.re, J tA�e�ce� a c'oiz , Count_y Boara! o� y /7. oo 10oot L'o�rtrtcSscoicers State of Oregon ) 6AA e_ Lorry C.horrt off' �rfr.�cfr. bc,ctrs v'ou,tlz 5�.� ° O•i� ' OD " .czsc.` a�. /7 >/eet� �6:y89 BJ. g SS deet ; 25h.en.ce. .Soue`h, 88 ° 7 '3.5 " .East -50. 0 / Xece eo a.. ,oOL" .t- o..t tAe, Yrest County of Washington ) Lc;rce o/' /�ot 83 oz' sa.�d �Lat of COTSWALD MEADOWS N0. 2 ; t_h.erc,Ce Joz4elz, By O,A ° /'l '-� 7 ," Wese a-Zo 4) sa.�,I_ !Fest Lc .r.e 83. 3,R /'ret eo a- oc*n.t' on, eAze. .Souek,, p THIS IS TO CERTIFY 6Aa.t on, eA6,s aCay off' Cc z� oY' said. LS'ccz-`�^_ & 3 ; eAcALee. Joa_e , 88 oa5103" Z--C2s t a_Lony ehe, 49y be/'ore: me, a, Nottry Pu_bLc.e gin, ate• for .ra_cd GoulZty avz� .S'ta.te , Jo�tl:, /'ze off' sc: �c�! LS'ec�,cnn, ,33 /00. O/ Feet eo 6h-e, /Yort-At Pres t Corner persorc.a.LLy apPeare d, RUSSELL A. KRUEGER , wfz.o e,s Ah-orvni to Sze, to o., tfLa.t eGrtaz,�c, el-c ('t- o/' eanas; coi-reyeze, eo Fi-a.iz,.k ,E. a,.z-c� �Ta.z,o s Bc, be, z`.�e. cc en-ei Cal a.rt, . wh.o exee.c,c.tece, eke- a7 �o.:•e - Aszsnarz, 6y a a'eec�L �•ec.orded, �rZ Booms /ago, PyC, 33� of tAie /�YQslz.�' �o�z, oc: c.�estrccrrcen,t airrt, .fie. ciekn.owLe� e�aG. to Sze. Ae execu.tea�f, tfiG Co cc�ty , Orey o� Deed p`i'e e o rd s ; th ewe e .So c�tfz, Oa 0 ,14 a 7 We-s t �f 9U. U o ��t- 8 �Q� /'r e_e. t cz�c c� vo C u z t a.r c: C , c2�c d,9v✓lza , b e c �c rs i` du.L �S'w rn, 6o 6Ae �'oc _,,4,kWa5e eon~.zer ole 'SO_4, C �Iszmurr. �rQct ; tftcne `S'o�.�t'iz. 4�° a3 /a " `y dcd .S'a � G c's Pres de.yt a� the a.bovet- �rrea/, KRUEGER West 3.s o /Peet ., tf en ee. azorty tfLe a.�-c o/' a- .So . 00 /'c,ot rackus etcrve, to eh-e, Attest 6fi&*s day of , / 986 DEVELOPMENT CO. , azd tfza.t 6h-e, A'ore o� crLst`ru.nerLt was Sc.9n.ec� Cef , eAe. c.oizy. Cf,.dr off' w`ice� be_a.-•s /Yurek, 67'00 '-57 "' PYe.st � �. �? A'eee� Dtre_eeor of Assess�e4_e a,,eaC 7-a_xatc orr1 on. heh-aZic off' ,S'a c� Cor�oratco� by Ac� �or��y o/' ct s 8ocird. ox c_214. +7 Feet ; 2`Ae-Az-ee /)b r e-A, B8 X75 03 4Yest x/aAl-. 3/ /'ee,t , eke.A-e.e aGorzy fix - 4�'fc'ec'o Comity CLerfr Dc:reetors, IN WITNESS WHEREOF / have, fiere.ur�to set ix �zaita'.. a � t l&e, arc o ' u. 900 . 00 /'o o t -ad,_ccs cccrve eo ehc, rc' It e , fite. Co•c.9 CAzorc� o f' af'f'c�x e-c6 st arn� , tete dzcaa� y e.ar Last a6o vet wrc tt.e�z, . wht-cly bears /Yoe6A, 6,R ' .25 / 0 / West 188 . 17 Xcee, /88. 51 Feet ; tize.r..Ge lYorth 8y 130-35101 "Case ,3's. 0 0 1 e e e too eAe p o c..*r t off' b e`y c:zr�c z.9 . Dep cc.e y Arca! ehatt 6Ae, ctn:izexed rn.ayo c,s a true. 2.nd. Correet reorese,.r t:� eGa� o /' t/r e o t s a-Ad, street,S as ,S t Q k e ct, uP o n. eft e. y ro z m ce, . .S'u.b 9 e rc becx✓ a.ncr✓ swore. b e Fore, �z.e, z.`fic s dc�y o �' , 1986 . JUDITH A. BANCROFT PUBLIC Uel C o Econ My iommiWon Expires .�..�. REGISTERED PRoFEssloNAL ^� LAND SURVEYOR UD17 H A UANGROFT . .,�.�.. NOTARY PIIR, iC ORIGON OREGON My commission Expires SE '1 o1NE_N (.477 RICHARD E. BANCROFT 1124 Page 3 of 3 I.)..L. IBJ I I....D P%I IGIF 19 AL PAW,. . , • ., r rac.:: ,. ,- �fr- '@Bi H+ ;1yEc::,; r5 ,c '.r. • *`d',�#• _ r I _ ..- .: .... a G�'^�stl;ilnJt..y;:Mfu4w, .,�':.~ �t`J�'T,:aq^iOFAR .+aa ..,..-_ .. _......,. �. . .,.e....._• w.M��� M + 1 I '� r 1 ► 1 t r t 1 1 r I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1TI { I I 1 � IIIIIIII r�r 111 IIo +SII 1'Ir Ilr 111 ' 111 IIII111 111 111 X11 111111 111 111 111 1'11 111 •� � ;� , r 10 If tJOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT Il;i;• 1 T I S DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL li ,.•-,,,. r .. Ez'DRAWING. d E 6 2 82 l 2 9 2 S2 b? �...... __ _ _ $� IZ OZ •1 91 LI 91 SI I►I CI �i 11 01 6 ® L 9 S b E - ' � ��111lIII�illllbliiillli�lililllll�liililil 11111I111111�{I11111111�t111141«�IIi1l�irr,11H{Ilfr���r4 � ,,,, "'�''� } �, 1' I���IRl�IIIIlil11111111�11�11 IruI11111rrrrlrrrrlrllil�u�t� �1tu��uu�l�ll�,t�,�1��►� TT w t. ` ��� R E 3AP/CROFT hPTR'TF�, INC A, CIVIL ENGINEEpas LARD SUR YORS - PLANNERS E. 3rd Ave,, Hlllsb ro, Oregon 97124 648-410 AMD0 l DO�� ^ A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION IN THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TIS,RIW,W.M., Z711 R[GI T[F'ED 111 A �`St0 PROD PROF s1oNAL AND THE N.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 4, T2S,RIW,W.M., LAND WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON op ooN �il!` 1VN SCALE: I•• 100' MAY 12,1986 RICHARn 1 nANGRM ` ' BANG O 2 Joe N /ytie6 1 OWNER-DEVELOPER EL GEND KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT CO _ ,wry ?s 3515 S.W. BARSUR BLVD. Y-I ? PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 Storm Drain PhONE: 227-7992 SUMMARY � COTSWALD MEADOWS Colawold Meadows 62 Lots/10.71 Acres TAX LOT 800, MAP ISI 33C Colawold Meadow% No. 2 21 Lots/ 3.98 Acres / RYNOLD E. 9 EVELYN MAE KARLS TAX LOT 301, MAP ISI 33C Cotswold Meadows (F 3 71 Lotsate/13.28 Acres LEONARD W 9 MILDRED M DAVIS — - Gottwald Meadows (Future) 78 Late/13.89 Acres / fl rAcres — • / a 194 --- •�' 193 19K. 191 190 log �� el► � � PO� 1 er b/a o if a' b I ° r ^ ?/ % 196 195 1 / -177 S! ,�°1 r! _^.) ---' --- - W. LANFIE EET N mom CO i97 182 t�PI . 1b i '9 188 TAX LOT 100, MAP ISI-33GD p• / N1\ , S a�� `r Ji sf �. \� 531,� ti 19 �\ 60 U) e0 �i D,L. 6 ETTA A. DONIVAN 1 0 lea u' y sE 199 I 200 0, 201 i p � _ � 1 j 1I,, � !'✓• '`/• ` i I � I 184 \ h/ 185 -7A 1 6969,,! D3L1 sF r I I 1 t' 1 79 vIT�I T� '1 \ Jyl ,/' ,I 202 , I 177 y P \\ ? h 57 ° :r m ,Bea ,! n 2 a" 1 '� 1'• 8 ° T a r r 1 m 2 i °P �1_��' -�6 - R " -�19P_ -15 res• o - «j t .5 O 65 WSH9URY ER.-,s. 9 1 o raC _ COU�T 4g 1° _ 207 6 25 1 �' + 210 P I� 'V 208 °' p _5608 r! ---}1 as 2° �� m N9, I Iq3W loo! 1 I 41 I-- y ° J✓Li J r I ar I 211 (n 7 q I T o, _sv0e ,r y 46 I p + TAX LOT 1301, MAP ISI 33C 215 I -9g•_--- h 139 — h GERALD A. 9 DENISE J. HAWKS ' 2 2 i - qo I se/0 s! - �'•' r °1 o$ 212 i ,O To U) V �I 146 ' T „ 138 a O 59/0 1r - -� — ,S W: CORATON STM ET yam` to ^° 1 F Q ..T__ W a 137 W +2 12 1 p yf-�' Cr " ss/01F " 07.10 0 S.W. FEIRING LANE / 216O'er J --- ---- ---- ss3B 170 °i 171 I / 72 Z - O14 t 136 J .5310 r! / 7Aic"LOT 1302, MAP l6l-33r' 17• -.- __ 1 \\ ti 3 J CLIFFORD 0. STRANSURG ° -- T - -B ___�0 - - ' ---- I V -90 49 L IN 135 T 3 1 ° l / SSab F N I io 66 1wI 167 ' 56 °, 165 ' 218 ` �I ° SeNa r 0/ nag sr 90 1 90 - / --- -- 150 I 134 164 a6 / / 0 219 °' -- - a26 IF 40P n W. ULFORD -T 1 90 151 j o � / ° 13 T 163 ar ! ( " 53,0 S h LSM SWENDON LOOP 22Q 1 160 ; A v 152 t 1 132 ` b a 79 sf wI 161 162 I sal �. / •4 1 °I I , ' Jr/9 J \ 3tiAa� � ,�h 9f _ 9° I ,0 i_ 6° btl _1_11 � 153 z '� 1 g 1 ' - ~ Ilk. TAX LOT 1300, MAP ISI-33 I k" MARLIN H. B MARILYN \IOPF 222 s✓00 ,F I 157 1 IS I 155 a 130 1 15 wt 154 7139 s ; ay ,! ° 9✓°°s f e o-.l. -.! ° ,� s f � 129 IP 223 25 Q 639s r! Silly , ,6':---� -- -- --- VV _ - N0. 2 ., T ' 25�41�q- -ISO'(�/�y�//NSIG] /"•— --° RNING HILL DRIVE �. _� _ ORNIS G- HI L DR VE ' i \1 t( 2 e 3, N - - - ' j} W 228 P' 229 c° 3C 113 I 114 �' ae ! — — / 22♦ ' 25 I 26 2 51,7 s r aao F Paas n '7 6706 sr 128 2 ±100 s! 1 27 I 53°9 /01' 3a sB s F I ,tea, , I .I r \1 a e 8 T I 0 0 1 by 115 c I •4, / I / 109 11 III 112 To 590.21! of s6Ya x " r R o / ° 1�1 alb _ 0 3ab ss6 .rr . :ape 04 I: COURT 85 to utJl'r 1 CommERCI , 5° 9 6 P 117 125 ! ° '� tov0o s! �. 1 Sao ° (/V r�f�►� �� \ � SIT � / Io5 ,, j I r ° ofi S 9 s! q0 S�� � IIB 124 i w " i i 08 10 ! 104 �P✓00 s f 5✓00 .S r' ' i. ; \ ( -•,., 4 539✓ 1 W W - 87 — � � a ° 119 123 r 3 'n+ 101 103 _ +aiirl' . .. � Q 00r.1 Be 7 In Q w 12 121 O a 3} 5971; _Ir a a , VJ O 7+a Jr 99 � S V 1P /A, a w e H� sa 9 \4 O \ , ' S0' ON h as .a 4 ., �f J x N COU 5r z , nl N tw�tN - STREET 170 98 � 97 9 fit; �, J{/ G I 1 - RA' LVD. tR. C.;fl (faWtll_I� I''IL.1 TAX LOT 101, MAP 2S1-48 LII I MARGERY F. KRUEGERVIP— r F IIJ Ili III sell' `1 1 1 I 1 1 I t I" ll 11 I ' 1 t I I r 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I ! I I 11 I 11 I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 Jill �� 1 I�1 I) � � �j 1 � i�� �•�1• � { � [ � I � t '� r 'rT►� �fl 1 , � �� � � 1 � � � � � � � � � 1 � { � , � , � 1 ( I 1 NDTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICST`IT IS DUE TO o �,,.•" QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL RAW ING. -------- - -- - - -------- -- - - ✓�'" 0¢ 62 se le 9z 9t rt ft -�Li Z It 0t ii- 91 11 91 SI iI EI z 11 01 6 0 L 9 9 11, f 2 1ftem t�1111111�1111�1111�1111�11►I�IIIIIIt101114111k111II1Rn111�1111{14N�tIq�Ntt1�W 11N11�N11NHINly}pitllttt1�t11f�,fIT�11Ill IM611111111�t�I1Wl1i1111l"I 11 11111111111110111111111+1 1111111ill ill 1�II11�1111�)WW��IIII�1111�1�1(U�1111�II11111{I�IIN _ a JUNE 24 19 92., - ._ „���j� .1 .� •.. ;. .: � w. .i ,1R"-,...r°r _ 1j�gi5\SSAIG."rliMl.7rW:•.'-�':,.-..^�Y.Vrr.Y...:'YnM�17i\..Y...,Ir i:,�,.. c� ' x, a Z 240 L CCP Boa o LL 230 z / ° �a D°t' CCP n � 0 .. C' RccV` azo o 220 r J o �I V y, Oi 06 . ko C vfnKn� �9 O u s = 0 . �a Mo 00 ho nn Iy, � 11IIIII l) 210 o o .gw14h Nj V v V Z 2000 k Le 10 II 12 13 14 15 o U c O 7 Z w CL*) ................................ ;......... ...................;...................;... ................. . ......... ... . S. W. HIND0N .:: CT. :... ..... ..... .... ......... .......... . ........ . . �F.xis�cay r s ....: .................. . . .... ..... ...230 :: w_ ............. c O Cx ....... Rock Ba_ckfill. ° .........: ............: ..........to 5 ::.:::: M� :......... . ..... .... ..........0 z 220 '< a LY h 3 o :::::: ::::::: ::: :.: .: :::.: :...... ....... O _.. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... \ 11 ....... ....... ....... a o v 4) :.::.. .....:. �'. ...•... ............. ............. i q h O .............:................:.............................. O ............. ...... _ ............. ............. .............. yt... ...... d In O ...:... ....... ....... ................... ....:.. ..... . 1 :..:... ............ ..: ............ .:..: ....... ....... Cr .......:.............. :...........:.i:... _. . ........ ..................... ..........I........I..... .......... LLJ 4 w :........ :....... ... II ., ...... ....,. ..,.... ....... ......... ... .., ....... .......,� LLQ :;: `D Il II >�� .....:..... :::': :'::':'.':: ........... ..........: ........... o� ���. ..!:..... : :::.: >° ., ....,.. ....... ....... —� ;... ........ .... ..... .... �. .......�.. �... .......... .......... .. .......... . :....�..... j':........: •:.::.::.: .�,...... _. _ ... .... .. ....... ....... ....... (Y .� . ..... : ....::: . .. :... ...... _ • Z . 5: 111:: C c 90c f� � o — ............220 .ck - HWN :'.:::.'I 00,00 Maot�ZG na e°ckf (/O t V7.ab W(,ttoro sewer? . . s`�t y�r �'b.o.j W�tto/r... /r p r� wf O r 04. 96 Cr�sC , f 80.69 M Z m .?10. 9 O C _ /F_ s a/o.oa 0,4t o eo Of o lop a aa�. /o /3� SP o .............. ......... .: eo o :war)o _ - .8 ,"sp _ s = 0.0040 /,60 6 9 � - ....... I ..... . ::::... ur II _ ;.......... ........ . ..... . ............. :............ i Z CN 210 c--- :;........ ..... I .. .......... r,,,, z CL-j ... .. ....... ..�.....{i{... ... .... ........ ..... Q` ....... ....... Z AJ COTSWALD NO " �u r �T a 1 5 OF 19 ... .. ..... W �• Y -� ..w ii. L .. .J7��.y, s.-sd;,lAL t ♦ -. . .� .. `1 �... ..{. ..�N.... .. -'�' ; .- �. - _ �" " IVN 1kVR11ANIpM - � -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' I I 1 1 1 1 � I �1 1 1 I I: 1 1 1 �• I �- _ ` _ . _ .. . � � ( I � I I � 1 � 1 - 1 � �I i ( ( � ( I 0 I- I I I � �ft( I (t 11�11t1r1 �t11�11 (111111I111�n 1) IIIfItIt�rlt�tll�111111111t1I11111111111�It1IIt�II��111�IIIl1lIt11111'1111111 � NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 4 `-- - 5 8 7 8 g 1� t2 1 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR TIIAN THIS NUTICGt"IT IS DUF TO i .� QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL w + DRAWING. of 8z 92 Lz 9z sz fZ EZ Z11z IL Oz dt BI LI 91 s1 Isl CI ZI II 01 6,- 0 c 9 s--��_-rI EI z Imo'" 1e11ImIII IIIll 11111IIIIlIIIIIHI11111111114111611111411111utIIkNIn111MufIg1IIlI'0I111�I#AtWoft6&#ol1I1111IiiImt�11Uvittt titlll1t1111n411rtl1ntllllfhm111t1�11thlnlMilM11i1�' nlnnlunlnnl111111n111w�4�Wuu>♦Ilullttllllul)tllltul�l�N19 _ top JUNE 24 1992 _.. � .. +.+-_....._�•.w�`- .:����� , ...•.- .�w.. -..ani,....-..w ......— y. .-._. .., .... ___ - .. �.':L't:�+�': ..: 1, J...r,.�:hr.u.4nl c ...��4... :!'.::rLe .... ... R E 13ANCROFT B ASSOCIATES,INC C'/IL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS 140 N.E. 3rd Ave., Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 646-4101 " ��'�//,��'�/7 OYSU IRD AMP DIMS A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION IN THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33,TIS,RIW,W m, PROFE5510NAL AND THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 4,T2S,RIW,W.M., LANG BVNYEYOR WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON F��_,� ^��rraw7,! 1 SCALE: 1'• 100 MAY 12,1986 Jos No 2W?IER=DEVELOPER LgGEND KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT '0 So.,Iary So.., 3515 SW BARBUR BLVD r-1 PORTLAND, OREGON 9720 I Storm Dro,rl lJ PHONE 227-7992 SUMMARY / COTSWALD MEADOWS Cotswald Meodows 62 Lo11 r 10 71 Acres / TAX LOT 800, MAP ISI-33C Cotswold Meodo.•s No. 2 21 Ld", 3.98 A<es RYNOLD E. a EVELYN MAE XARLS TAX LOT 301, MAP ISI-33C Cotswold Meadows No. 3 71 L016/1 Acres Cots.ald Meadows (Future) 76 Lots/13 69 Acres _ /' Lf ONARO W 6 MILDRED M DAVIS 2 TOTAL 230 Lois r 41 86 Acres ( r j is 190 rbm y '�ar-1-.JLe ' , ,•� Jew 193 192 , 1 , amore 1; 191 190 169 1 aao rI �i a,ao rr MI , , I He 196 ^I I 1`:3 P__e?---'-- t• 1 au,, ��' ,r' \ reef rr ',1 cess!r/ �, � �� '-'_---1---5a-'-J_•_ a�---L__-'_". �, �, r� ■ N.,_g•W. CLANFIELD STREET 4L 197 197 �, 1L'^�t_e • N -;i-v, 7/ F '37, Ov 7F sues,r +jl T--_-s'__ •. * - •N --- W lel Ie1 A�Pi v' r1� �1 �y' 1 P • • it jVd.1 a !+ stoat/ t s'\ aaJ„r ' TAX LOT 100, MAP ISI-3o�D 19e ,.�\{O 1n 1 I 1 D.L. 6 ETTA A. DONIVAN gifts -- /' .� rl s! �P` 1I 1 190 1 �1{0•• A1' } / lel too 199 rte- 1:00 201 M a + too 199 y JB__ _ ler!a/ yl beef,/ , JJaI a/ Al I N 179 I �, les ' lee 106 dlri,r �! I t'ar r/ 1 •els , rr r 104 ^i 11 v11$ { --of s _ 206 \\ev)A,f SOS ea, 1 ` 14 \ ;a--'- r tot `\ Y ?1 \51� .y I rJar a/ t I Id ,11 6!!/if T s) 143 j J f, 142 141 / . _ - to T 91 I 1 to r r 206 • \�L-d!-�_ Jeer , . , 6 �� ro! w' - Y e•-''„ea,r WS �B�UR«oY COU, Tlow n .1II • o > • i3 •- - W ASHBUR_YrI _ LANE--T-S3 2(' 4 210 o .6e,r 17{ -�S 144 25 28206 209 H 5131 1. 140 1 I I I aW, - 3j-ir--T -t:�'-TL.._`=---J 111 ,9 al I V) ;� 175 114 • 1 139 TAX LOT 1301, MAP 1S1 33C ,rso,r a -- -,L----- 1 ! I IP --• sr GERALD A. 8 DENISE J. HAWKS ° 'le a� 613 ; , 1 rete ar i seas,r 1;S 2I2 114 I ---_ 0 ar ____.f�___l____'i___A•11 Ipj a/ ,r - !n 3 e --0. CORSTON STREET _.__ _ _ 1 ' I M •bb1r 173 Q ._____y ry 47 '! if „ U7 _Lu $ 216 1 to to r >i wTM �T'� 3 ' !.a,F lac a S.W. FEIRINC LANE 1 C - ,JJe I69 pi 170 i 171 g! 178 v I -- 1 II _-L?__. _i ; aJls,r ti Jr44,r ti Jror,r ee.a r/ `\h 49 1 136 - 1 TAX LOT 1302, MAP ISI-33C - a 217 1Q - �_._�."_-JI-- CLIFFORD U. STRANBURG $I I i f- -_ 7 ► -�_ 1 rJ J N _..�__ 9 1 135 ? 9< a 1{e lel ' 166 a 186 'r . 1 h sJro If WI 21e �I (� �' carr I 1 N#,F Bras.r s 1 re Jraa s! , 1 -- ____!✓_____, I 11 1 ri si_r FF i IB I 134 0 I ! L--`-`-.-`--t--:-`---.- 164 ssa 1314I _ _219 . ` -'t'� \ seta ,! ►- e _.•e0,{ I 9. �_-- Y' r_-- - t as S.W. BULFORD COURT - 161 3 --- _. 220 „i � jri. , `. ,,�. usa .r �v �� S.W._SWENDON LOOP_ i i _ 0, i 189 I I ' - - _'___- 180 1, • 2 132 / barJ,r �; 161 1. lee r4 ' >•-. / 221 + 1 1 1 + I ; r1 I I ', y es ,� -i y4 _!a_..�;--��___�-_�1.0)!___ •53 o h 131 \ I ; eJ - TAX LOT 1300, MAP ISI 33C MARLIN H. 8 MARILYN D. HOPFER "a 222 77 1 168 - - -- -[TT ' a130 I + ,R ,1lr rr °j Set 7-r/ •' Jrob,r .I J.00,1. - 154 m ^ I I i I 29 223 T� i I 1 ; ?. 25 25 P 1, T ; 6JM.r J!24__Via_ C lJ I- ,1- i"" " S ALO MEAS.'' NO ?_ T 25 28 '\. �' r ... roe N r )� r I -•s--r-- - �'--� '-'- 1 tet' ; .ild _-._ _ ♦ - f - •,� 1 I -_-. _ Na4 DRIVE S W. MORNING HILL DRIVE a -Ss N 220 ' 229 RI 230 3 114 r I `" P 224 1; 228 1 226 • 227 sar),r i 1aa4,r ; Jaaa J" «)od,! 126 \1 28 25 w' I,i I s3or rF •f I roar a! i Jaaarr ra,I,r , Ja, ,! J , r o 127 109 10 11 112 J3e4 if ,, wiss 1)71 ,f I .�._ 6 a 1 84 A J•D 116 126 1 '• 1 N ♦ H„ rn ° W •- i^r oo •9H N IST COUR z 65 ° a. COMMERCIAL e° �'9 I \P 117 125 SITE SITE 106 v i - $ 116 124 107 U / 1 IDS 104 w J7rr 1r rlr+ rF ; _ r or o 119 123 j o ` ter 103 n . Jvo4 !r J.00 ,r ° •• ,.4-n r 101 -- � ro res s 100 _ ' • l o to f., «tar .ase if •• J , Be " \. I ,.�,,,r - ------- 102 I H 120 el 122 at ,r . ere,r ao ° 99 k " - \\ 'Y • ba,^ ,r N'Np0 3�P r� 1TR 69 511. f - - 90 \"•� �` saes m rJer If •vr ,r 1 94 93 92 91 /� ---•-... 125 ,� / - •N ti. n a W URRAY BLVD - \ I �.- � 3. 4¢�'Gy-jos -���\ � I 91, Pd0 � I agQ/ - -- W I. I.tM,ire,w,. . , l so e1o..{ lift not z ) soe.e 'D C > , too -___ g o C _ LA S W `y A ------- eM -;r.,yky�J,yr•J,w. _J.w.r. v�i'1 ''s rwtwr,l.x ,. •r L IN COTSWAILD 1,41-1 4• e .-!4' '4NM4a!y�'eJC vs' yrr,�M�12111 «..,.alfa•.,.. Yet/IlN!119/�,1,F6'�1�6 .9'1�11` S -,w. .•u..._.- ...w.i_ .. s ♦ .., r -. - , r. �y r•'S_ '-M- r .e .. -, 1rA w 1 wilt. MIIIYf�� .. ..« . 1 I�1 I 111111 111 it 11 1� T lil I� 1�1 ( 111 Ij1 111 11 111 111 Ill t� 1�1 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 ill 111 Ill fel 111 11. 111 111 '••� �.. .l � � ----. WTE: IF THIS MICR041LMED "`u=��--� •- tool -•1 3 4 5 +.a h a 9 10 (1 (2 1, . URAw1% IS LESS CLEAR THAN � 1 THIS NOTI�-TT IS DUE TO - -441111 ,1; QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL t w RAW 1 W1. -- - ---- - Of. 62 97 Lt •e S2 Z E7` ZIZ--IZ 67 dl _91- 11�31 t1 11 • L 9 SI •b' F,.•-- Z 1'.".•-"" e.��r dlduf'1H11111HIH111111111H1111Hb11{�111u,UInnhHd11It1u11�Hf11f,feHi111,1,111HlIHulu�lUl�lnf♦n111nn�luJn11h111111uhn1hlullwlH�UUu�uu4L11��luhwh111YYllun _ JUNE 24 19 92 R.E BANCROFT 13 ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS 140 N.E. 30 Ave., Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 646-4101 �V��,II�U LID UVUI�U UDI:J�� A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION IN THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTIO►`' 33, TIS,RIW,W.M., 11[ OIeT[F[D `+�PR� HAL AND THE N.W 1/4 OF SECTION 4,T2S, RIW,W.M., LAND YURV WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON tRI.HAPA SCALE: I"• IOU MAv 12,1966 6N E dANGRGF f f, BAN Joe No.: o/vv86 OWNER-DEVELOPER EL-GEND KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT CO. Sanitary Sewer 3515 S.W. BARBUR BLVD. Y-I Storm Drain 2J/ PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 PHONE: 227-7992 'IUMMARY a COTSWALD MEADOWS / Cotswold Meadows 62 Lots/10.71 Acres / TAX LOT 800, MAP I81-33C Call .It Meadows No. 2 21 Lots/ 3.96 Aeres / Cotswold Meadows No. 3 71 Lots/13.20 Aeros RYNOLD E. A EVELYN MAE KARL6 TAX LOT 301, MAP I5I-33C Cotswold Meadows (Future) 76 Lots!13.89 Acres LEONARD W. 6 MILDRED M. DAMS TOTAL 230 Lob/41.86 Acres / 25 25 / 6tl i° 194 / ' I 3„-�_ ;r % , I$ /w 193 c� 192 p1 181 o 190 169 FI O 6/ao r/ � I .p Q, 196 1 1951 t . ' , 1 aOV i0 tiE 1 �� •�-__-_..__L__.. ____1___�®___1___6tl___L__�4__-_ in a S.W. CLANFIE LID STREET In rt/ c aye-- �, d°/ 197 �/ I .a* -- - -_ _ ♦N 44 1a W t let 182 17�' e' i>P 1Be y/ 9Fe/// w` - ♦ M i* sv6.7 it m'-i s3o!J! �h,' i I � ssoo tr TAX LOT 100, MAP ISI-33CD li-198 �.� 50� , U)j I / Il 1 D,L. 9 ETTA A. DONIVAN BO yip y ~// sv7] Jr ��� 'p."IN I I---___1Q-----�-----------I I h---AO-_--- / W I 1 I �� � 0. T .tW I ' -10----' es- y -I 3i \1Ny i N , too i 193 6C�• ! 107 \ �A 'r. i hl ' $ SYao tr I� 5300 it/ .9J�tL- 199 I 200 201 1 . O ' Ip 7-- • .6 r I'' « ' J* - 6ltl9 s! 596i J! 4`I I 1 / ti 00 I 178 ' 194 , *13 -� -1- I ti /O,r - _____L1_a _ 1 y I Slfa ar W� 6931 J! se/9 a! \ � 166 'J-O -T T '' I 6935 of da 40 ``oT 204 h, 1 ! h; I 1 6J--- 1`'5 1 79 205 `\ 5v7a it 1 203 / L 1`9 5170.1 o� 202 , U 176 , 177 i 73a/ it \t , 6330 J! � 143 � I ,n�, I S1`lO s F � 535.1 s.f a 142 ry 1 25 i6 T P 1 1 fol.7 a.f ' 141 / r .-..._.`a 1_at _...�b '�/ ! _\� - y I 1 as seS1`�0F_ 206 1 - a- a -1 # ���__..1. a/O- ss3o /03 N !+ � -•� rs W ASHBURY N 1 '• I N ce.�so%"�.-v3r- - , COURT I•••• Jo es S.W. ASHBURY LANE 9 +• 1 '�"'7----- N•»o, + - - - --- -- ----- 68 207 n \� 1 25 25 -- 210 > h 1oe.x a r �u/�,� yl a'v 5353 0.! Ir ee+t!t.t $ 144 \� 1 25 / } ID , �20e , 209 I I ss!/r! \ / I i fs ' I W o 1 I 140 / J4/0f tR I S000 it I ____ ____ W I-__ S sv6 d it I r--'S L e/_- 211 ; I H 1 175 I II o Hr T iy - ,$ OI 1 ,N to I 5708 of r1` I y 1» 5006 sr 145 j I 1 TAX LOT 1301, MAP ISI-33C I -----l�-----� a H j- fO 55765/ v h 5-110 if M -. GERALD A. 9 DENISE J. HAWKS ° s2oasf 21 214 e� 213 , I h � , _ a 6.1 of l 1 R O 'h ! 90 5766 tf I `s 165 ar Ai$ 212 �`i I O '" 174 I I CJ) s6 s/ a r 1 j T1TP 53fa Jf 146 1 6� I >• T s5.76 rf v I w 138 - - S.W. CORS T0N STREET - --------- a 1`a I , Iv irJ 1 -T j+1- - 173 F a N ! 147 W lea ■ / `1 60.73 tr 55.73 s! 0 1 W a 137 w tl� 17 a\ 1T � 3° 1 h h Z S.W. FEIRING LANE +25' 125 1 ; L. v3 / �+r=` $1y 31/;0! aA0 �� - 216 I , 1 l I 5535 a r. 169 170 172 BIZ p r1 I I v ! IC P, 171 P1 ,� 1 146 i 'o Z' _ h -- -9p- 5355 J! SV40 a! 1 Sr05'JF 11 61`6.7 a.r ' 55.76 t.F 4 I ..J V 136 � W I I- ss/o s! TAX LOT 1302, MAP 1S1-33C ' 3 3 v 217 ! I i'--sQ--7---60-�' 7e L ° , �0 J H CLIFFORD 0. STRANBURd svoo,! \\\111"' � 1`0__-i- 1 3 * 1 149 I vi 4Q 3 1 16 13 C s T I I 165 �� aS]b.cF v ! h ssrorf N U) 0 218 c� is 168 0 167 0, 555.1 0.R r VI i 1 sa7s if 64.79 t.A `I I oly --- S*O6 s F 150 I I 134 I I 1\\�P i 'a.�'.' �� �'� 164 1 JS06 J! I h 53/0 if h U 1 I -4--�-3--_J_�`b_ 214 01 I--46 »- v , fo I W n S.W. BULFORD-COURT 1 '151 1 '' a 133 a 163 G seas J.f. v I sato if h S.W. SWENDON LOOP v 220 nI 1 _,--- `�!�^\ C~ -5-5so it _ L�._ 1`o ' LL 1 159 ' 160 ' 1` ` Aw 152 132 T - -- - - _ �•° dalaif °; calsa.f. �� 161 182 � sti1`6 rr u a 53.79 Jr m ' A 9 •� 221 n� Sort, 1 S60a a F a roe s! i 1 _ 1 l ,F1 1 wp #m 6c i 90 1ZIT 1, 153 131 i0 , 60 51".3+1 aF dda f/ r! TAX LOT 1:300, MAP ISI-33C ` '° � 0 222 MARLIN H. 9 MARILYN D. HOPFER sroo Jf. i o 1a8 ' \157 1 156 ' 155 0 130 SB6f sF/6•) SMO6 a! °' Sr00 s! 154 10 I/ 47 --- -� 1/31` ar `I i 5555 J f 129 I I i 25 25 a` 631`s tf a° $ 223 r I I I �_-�°- - \� / CUTS \5359 JF r , , ,All.T2 go 10* , ALD MEA OWS N0. 2 6 :10----- ' � � .bs n ei 67si, .10 - S.W. MORNING HILL DRIVE N S W` MORNING HILL DRIVE '�1 i \1 26 �0 �P 6 J7 N j 1`.IF �` s9 a 3a ` 228 a1 229 p1` 230 113 h 1 114 i i �a:;sr 5.7.7650 -aaoJr s.7oo t! ^ jP v 6168 rf . 126 25 25 f I`I v R 224 $i 225 , o� '226 � 227 I ' 1 s3of Jr 7 j • S.7a/ so s.f ;'` SAa/ tr `` I I 1 • \ a I vo ' 1 ' f 1 1 I I 1 io • a 1 Ila m I I 109 110 111 0 112 1 8 a s3a.7 if stir/ s f I 11 iaOr s! ? 5^7!sf a 56.3✓sF N (h K '4 • 1 { 8 /00 ' r 5535 s! h ,,A 84 116 126 I �8 4 5631` s r ' h I d Ja69 r! SrBb Jf, 1 h�. F 90 r \ I - N 0 - -, W aoo •$-1M-''Iri�AIST COURT v 8a a� N O 7 s j !IT u 125 1 { H M 5000 r( COMMERCIAL 1 ` II /�' , />'� 106 \fN 1 1 a 5000 sr sl .3044 rr v i I SITE �, ` ?� 106 $ 3sw s t fo fo j o I i F$ B6 /a fe f $ Ile 124 1 N Brno J! 107 1 1 o j W 104 j sroo J r svoo \ � 106 m 3760 s f 4 N I I� 31s1`Jf 6 W I 3 67 m 1 p1v1 I W 1 Vf$ o 'T Z a o 119 c 123 `voo t.r I \ 6 e5 103 I N JrOo if V svoo ,r I V N y 101 0 4 as f,F s! " I al Z IOD m 6.756 a F I 0 6v ba F I 0. W 6asv N 3 V $466 sr J I I = \\ as •� 102 120 121 122 hi ' 00? 1y 5v1, Jr a 5056 Jr $ s3oa rr " 1 v \ o S •u swa Jr '^ Q 41 1 1 e9 99J! ; h/NO 1 a >� I y \1 /j, I 17'6 x716 J r r OJ x ► I 50'w ON 40 i a LL ` T n S.W. HINOON STREET \\ 98 fb as ; sr I N 90 6556 s( or .ef \ b 4 0 6' 95 h 97 ' 94 J� rsB/ a! 51`►1` .1`r h 1 ^ 93 82 91 �6 a I N svoo if � 311`/ J f $ 6863 r r as 25` 2E 4f• rod 70 f J/9 -- S.W. MuRRAY BLVD. �v. AO F;0 2 I I,Cr TAX LOT 101, MAP ?SI 4H COTSWALE) NO ,� ��, MARGERV F KRUEGt H 1... r ... I �• s rr ...,"��,r r. ,.+:^ �.rir�Ev,-+a�r •-. �� 1+,� ., ''r'l?.�I n" .cr .vol, I u �, ,. « ,,wr .. .,•. ._ .�.. ....,.�._._....► .+6r;.,_.,._. .,�.._.....-. Ip.•. .fb"-•- ,,tixs••;` , . �-• l,el�.»�• ro n--•ss..-o •-.,.w.. e. .. '""' .•.� _ � s'!! �yM1..-.- '6rsM1)��. -- -. - -• - "*�;•__.tr'*'k5}e"F._ - - ..._.. _.-_ - - ! i1111�i Il111 111 �I'jl '1�ij1 ir�i hill[!' I �I I 'i(III �If�l) 1141) Iil�lllllll�l�f III�iIIlrll�rlt IIr�IIIIIIIIIII 1111111 1111111 Ili�flllil�llli illl�fili,)illil 1� ,� r I I 1 I I I I I f 1 � ( ! I I 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I 2 3 5 8 7 8 9 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC4T`TT IS DUE TO JK QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL o L; DRAWING. QE 6? 6'1` 1Z 9Z S2 >r2 EZ ZZ 12 02 Of 91 it 91 1II IFI £1 ZI 11 rI d L 9 S r ' E Z r df11111111111111111111Ili 1114111111u1111�111�11u11fN1111�1uu�ttH11�M 11���1�►ifitflfln{IN4�1111111 ufh101{t11�11mnfil�tNltlfft�flf�Ni�1111 11�y11Y1�lnlluiltIII luhfnhw 'w�uulu utlw�l�+uliu�WlNn _ n JUNE 24 1992 r 0 DHEBuys ,3 0 TAX LOT 100, A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION IN THE SW. I/4 OF SECTION 33, TIE, RIW,W.M., I / MAP ISI -33CD , AND THE N.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 4, T2S, RIW, W.M./ �—` 0.L. 6 ETTA A. DONIVAN WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON I SCALE: I . 100 MAY 7 1986 6 s I REVISED MAY , 1986 j 6s I � PROPOSED USE OWNER- DEVELO113 'PER ^ 143/ i KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT CO. -F*5.? Jt /142 a 141 m AREA - 13.28 ACRES i NO. LOTS 71 3515 S.W. BARBUR BLVD. Y-1 m DENSITY - 5.35 LOTS/ACRE PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 bo9a a R .res' xor PHONE: 227-7992 ' a/0 --+-- LEGEND 79 _ _ 1.. ENGINEER - SURVEYOR I ER,-'SO'�--Y3 —t 3L;'— — •-� \ a S.W. ASHBURY .•... ------- Sanitary Sewer R.E BANCROFT & ASSOC., INC. ' f""" •^...... ..., R; is�� + eANE 14( N.E. THIRD I ' •� n - - ---- •'•" '••"' Storm Drain 1 HIL-SAORO, OREGON 97124 / PHONE: 648-410114 26 28 s? � ---_�'` 140 p � ' 90 s"1466 s f 90 _ — •`�QEO PROff'p,, R[GIeTEF EO / C�S�+clHr` i PROFESSIONAL 145 I, ele6 'r LAND SURVEYOR / I/ ssa6 s! ° a4"o 39 c s f oereo" 6 q O R E G O 14 f 6ANC�O� RICHARD E G '.;.•+ 1 1 /// : a 556 s f �o % p 138 " Q o qD - --- lieAo l qo Q 14T r`"► r ,. l ssa6 s! o / a 137 a _._ -w----� C I - I �� l / " ss/o sf " -aao i p S.W. FEIRUVG LANE y m. 1. 1 ri rrt x/11 rdl� v �/� S 148 / +Q, 136 00, - / ! -J " S3�Or! h 0 i W ' 1 { ' (n cr I 1 , / 1 / 90 3 J 3 0. W M / Ij 3 , / - Q 1 149 N 135 M � _ O�I •° ssa6 s � �' " s3/o s t � C/� N I -�I O 90 9a - =- - `` +l�lr .�••�I+' f»_I I- 150 j J O 0 -9 cu W ssa6 r l o I Vi a Iia / JI ..u.+.. I ''a.-•- 133 �-� ssaG a F \ r sd�o s! h S.W. SWENDON LOOP 9a r q� VICINITY MAP ;o — Scale: I" = 40001 0 132 n; /52 0 ^ 11 / 0 w h 1 153 1 131 I I r S 5.!'h s F'------ - 1 Sia v s F 6« NOTES ht /130 I I. Ut.C4C .oeaeeons ¢re shown. oni / 0 / 1�4 0 6R+5 s f , / S53S s F a I to cL�uStiatG faas.O.c.ey Actu.aL - � 129 fc.caC Locatcon.? may be do ff'e.e me' ! / � 25 25 1 P 11395 2. waterlcnt a,. F e F.y�,a„t y 1 / bµ \ COT SWAL D MEA POW S N0. 2 GO Cat.Onr a.a 110 be acBe b / Jp Wale. and F..e O.sc.•ets. !� . /1/ N ........... MI y -� \ �p 3• ACC oPaposea fac.c..e..es awe to ea. pu6Cce( owneeC. Sheets a+e to be / _ ,h �� "•�'`6•. — C'e S an-da.d 9r feet rrcde ` 1 - N . - between, ti� —� o• �R.- +av S•W. MORNING HILL DRIVE 4. proposed grades we to fcccow \ / / / 1 AIn I a. ��. 3e /bs' - — — - -- /c5tcn9 2 2• 'P J ry 113 \ 114 �9 36 - T \ `ti P 7oB s f ,,, 1 2 e 35 25 / ! �3J9lI• K 1 I / , A � I vo I I \ \ ti ey 6� 6~ 115 12� ! i \ l ° 1 109 T. 110 III 112 ( To \V T )p/ F S°73 s/ 1^Iloc 7 ° - ? 00 1 1l va 13 n t 84 Il y .Q .26 -?a s� 'P ^� 116 126 + no 5,;39 sf sf .5*8 s/ � z: 90 j3-.47 n CRIST COURT / 85 I ✓ «tiCIL 7 76 i \17 ° 125 �*06 rf COMMERCIAL P ° \ I � � � / 105/- \� .t••..,.....j _ :, ,�; o s«o� sf ° S I �, o SITE ' l06 ° }. ! / / .p 5 S r 3 s r 7 1 9.. � 90 ✓ ? b s-s3 s �� 86 118 ° 1 2 4 No ° : W s va o -, 107/ / I a / 104 �,'«; � �• s«c•c 5 F s 1 3 „o 108 m 5>eo s F % 759 s F / w S39•I S.f•-•�� f' "1 90 93 ' to 87 q Z 119 �a 123 _ s»oo s f ° i Q l 5«00 r c as 103 � stivv �f � • n•�. 90 v' Q 101 h p N 1 �00 m ° s39.. ! Y OZ �+o Yo 1..• 9, ° 8111 0 2H 1 J 3 - i 3 120\ 121 s+�ea r!• /'& / , z 102 t 122 qa 0 a 99 N-/ P In �� /' H� DO \ sq , 9 I \� \� f�. 171 7�6 f ° O W x 4C 601 R 1 99 6 3' 7D s 1 — 3ti~�"�'90 r, 6836 Jf \ J b s // � 5 / 96 / 95 I 10 J ry 0 97 i ssB s l a s999 s r �` 93 92 91 '.. a5� 1 oSCiO t/ / h " 6/.q. J! P \ 0 01 M /v , o 60 i a S.W. MURRAY ��- — `�`'-- BLVD.�� ,i 70 ice. ab0 TAX LOT 101 , MAP 251 -4B MARGERY F. KRUEGER C©T'SWAL..D NO 18 OF 19 - r. - ., .�..,..-.� _ ,. _......�, -"`•-.-..wu ._ .,r,,'' sa"•'. .., ..�-.....�y�,;,•- ..�. �" .'��.N�4•�►�•- . 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I 1 oy In Cj o / Morning Hill Dr. Cli 0' 69 . 07 sa I > Q 5.01 Acres ( Net ) } s � /i 17 , 6 ,hh / � I h � � A JS �-3' 9 37.,9, p �a4,3/ b`h 0.40 Acres (Net) R = 9oo.()o 0 0.29 Acres (Net) i �v� R Sov.00 53. 30 Acres ( Net ) I h " /V 89°58F. 3-/0 35 REFERENCE : COUNTY SURVEY NO. 21 , 399 r►i0/rf'n IL REGISTERED v` �tJ, PROFESSIONA I N�'t Q'y LAND SURVEYOR SITE MAP 1 OREGON = For: Rus hrue9er r t2 RICHABD E. BAN F' F, BANCRQ 124 O Jece,:on, 33, T/J', RIPY, ciz.G Sect�orz �, Td y, R/Ni, wQslc���to� cau�cy , 0,�9o,L R. F. BANCROFT R ASSOCIATtS , INC. Scale : 1" = 200' April 10, 190P CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS -- PLANNERS 140 N. E. 3rd �v�. , Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 CCIT Swfal.A) 1\10 7., 648 - 4101 19 (IF 1. jr, rA}V.. .ai6f �4n,,;..• .,'+'�inM�•li 'y�JNM '�iiw'war+;'�? �r�Yrlgly�t. .r., .... yissWtMi•Y. n 5 r �+... 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