COTSWALD NO. 2 SUBDIVISION F 81 I0-6M-4521 8-84 MATERIAL 0ft0CiI%4.OA% NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY -- Data ClaEa Acct No W,0 w 5UA - NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY MATERIAL ORDER �j -�(�- - j ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT _ ______ _ _ ___ _ _�I _ CITY / / PLATDRAWING 1 r � ) YVA• 14, 4:�O,— TNO 42 - I c, TITLE W, MI,_ L. I�+ I ijv m, SERVICE DRAWING2.3' ,, ADDRESS NUMBER ^',�� �,•. Q m W f[ lace W Y, Quantity Size — Stork No. Description ` u) - It 'c � .�.: `..�_ lrj-I �7-��� .E> �E 2.3' 37 3b 33 54 33 32 I W 2 I -�_- -� 17 --- _ � _-�_L �_— _,----- W 38 39 60 b1 b2 V o --_ t f '— —'— �� h r) Ti UNDERGROUND PHONE PRESbURE RAYING XANAT t g� �" I f C1 — --- SOUTH ST. 2637 ("� 0116,40 — [�►/(,�(� WATER EiJQ_..1�/5�i 11D0 TEST PRESSURE (NIDE 11 SEWER E,J�j"�F 1.7 1 .:S J MIN. ' IVn LJ /'/ 3 12 - POWER 64,?-5454 X31 2 TEST DURATION ♦ In WELDS X-RAYED °'h / / N b 1 1 PHOYE 6139-1002 c CO SIM D EAD WS 23 DESIGN PRESSURE 612, - �rHEN T IruRD I,VTR. 57 M.A O P PSIG / 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 10 _ --Z30, 0 NORMAL OPER PRESS 30 PSIG -- - --- - 1 2 3 4 3 b 7 8 9INSTRUCTIONS —' REPORT T w N-10' 3. INSTALL MAIN 2'(P) INSTALL MAIN _ ----- S.W. MORNING HILL DR. (FI) _ 2(P) N W ADANDON MAIN 4� / S.W. MORN I NG HILL j o ABANDON MAINH IV U /a 13 I. _ _- -- ---- COT WALD MEADOWS r r!' PPE COATINGS rlr '`3��� TV PF COATINGS'- -- -_ — v -- -- 21 20 19 18 17 16 13 14 JOINTS C JOINTS--FITTINGS ---V — ---- FITTINGS INSTALLED ANODES ---- ---- -- - INSTALL ANODES: Nt] s —_--- — _- ,^ WQhut St.^VyTWM �.r INSTALLED SERVICE _... W t•, INSTALL SERV DATE COMFLETEO - -_ -- � CREW LEAUER - -- -- - ' SCALE ? 1� ' TAX CODE W-` I-A6 W AVAIL NO I�' I11 t7r, i. MAIN _— —.— __--- ------- _— a+ti. WORK I J MEASURED DATE ._ r ORDER .--- _-- -- -- ---._—_ I' URAWq ..IMDATf 7c -fir >` APPROVE DATE . .. SERVICE dy WORK APPROVED DATE ORDlR. DATE AGGRESS S. W. MORNING HILL Uk. W. OF S. W. 1353TH AVE.. __---- ---- -. _ _ COUNTY WASHINCI ON CITY PLATTEC ,w PLATTED _ IL NO DAT[ *ION TOWNSHIP WALLMAP GATE SIGN - _- -- --- - ---- - - SW 33 191W I-4 COTSWAL D 1\10 2 � ._ ...�„�„ Y. .}} t, +elr uh..r. .....:.-.,. _ .. '_ '- ..�S H. •.AyP,{(y �J It(Nis ..,.;�•- ;:nIx - .. , ,. , _ ...-.1, y.:.. ......,... ,� +'�' •� -�.. u..:. .. .,...may. �� .. _ hY `I 1 t11. -• `-' !"f l � 4.. � �...-y-r -..,r' ^, .a - .•..• �,� �` .,. ...:..y OWN '- 1� 111 r�l 111 Itl 111 til FII "11 III i�'I 111 111 IIl Itl�(1 1� 111 Ili 111 til 11 III Ilr III I'�I III III 11) rll til Ilt Ilt rll III rlr rlr 111 ilt (It til III tlr tl► I I � i � l _ � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IID 11 12 �' J NOTE; IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIGE-i;-'IT IS DUE TO jHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. QE 62 92 LZ 9Z SZ tiZ C2 ZZ LIZ 0Z 61 811 11 911 (AI t,I E1 ZII II 01 6 .L' 0 1 9 SI-.J�--0' IE---'I'' 2 IIsw+�' t _ /' �tll�ll lilt u l�11 a lun�u t 11mt�ultltu�I111G111I11N11111�1wbtlt�lt�tln��jaul Inti NII�ISfNllt�lNt�111t{tl!lltHtl II I i�IIN4NII�It1fI1�UNl ItHli m�tMtlml�ItNlttil�NltlUllllluhlll�IY�1{wll)U Il l N I I)II III1111�I111I)W WHi11111UU�11UWleul.U�11UIII1N11�1�111) JUNE 24 1992 �, +�..• ._ -_... ..__ ._.r.-.-.--+- .-..... _.,-++.,..o—. ....IAf1�t+-- . .-.���"”. -- .. ... _ ..�r._.-w+�rr-•�.wnry++...r raw. �I,.....>...- ....-- �_. -_. ._ ,....•.�•.. - :•-_ `n�` !, ;y �r,_ i•1�,. a1 _ _ - ,.. COTSWALD► MEADOWS NO. 2 ■ u STREETAND STORM DRAINAGE IMPR O VEMENTS :ft - IL RL. kl.n o ,L.: is 16 ; I , City of Tigard, Washington County,, Oregon i � 62 COTSWALD �� 3 _ ■ .RO CT- 151 / 5861 i� 4 LLI I - . r' GENERAL: W ,r 1 . All 6t&eet, water , sanitary sewer and storm drai.naye r 14 / \ \ Q improvementb to be constructed in accordance with the Standards of the City of Tigard, the Tigard Water District W _ , � `_ �/ ,,=r' - - - I - \e \ \ and the Unitied Sewerage Agency. Improvements will be (� le , 50 ,f, inspected during construction f.or the purpose of TlgBrd, Oregon - X11 110 9 8 acceptance. 13 I 2 . Contractor to obtain applicable construction permits and T` ' 112 I notify appropriate agencies ! • • a F u i .0 �� g prior to construction of all / 1 \ improvements. • ' M E DO j 3 . Extreme care shall be taken to preserve existing I - ', .�- •• improvements, vegetation and survey monuments. L / 4. Streetlights shall be installed in accordance with Ci-'y of 12 Install 34 1". F. Tigard a - � � � ■ „ M9 pproved Portland General Electric layout,� 12 Concre�e r, R 117 .001 install J-2) L. F. 3 � s 0. 3% Q0 VICINITY MAP - -- ---- \ 1� 2°40 '05" 12" Concr e e -, -' 07.55 ' s - 0.8% 53 152 51 Scale: 1" - 1000' utilit Y t _STREET CONSTR UC:TION: Easement \ / X. 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 :: .';';;.. •:.:;:•••>:. :>:.:•:••:•:.:•:.:•: •:.::.:•:>.: .. . - 3 C- :pP - 1VING -HIL, RIVE 1 . All roadway excavation, sill construction, subgrade D• �, LEGEND: ... �! ; :::::: '': prepartion, aggregate base, surfacing, rime coats and s- s- ; ' yr / "•� a�>:;:::;: . <.'• '�"••;�"::::> •:;: ,Z•• P Existing Sts i to r y Sewerw w- w paving will be done in accordance with the Oregon 1984 Construct Install 3 1.. t . R 83 .00 ' / o :.: mom -- - - - - -- - � Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. Existing Water Line Ditch To 12 " Concrk r. b Utilit ° ''''`{` - I --- x.. / _ ___._ a 52 4 Easement I - ;:.� • ' • < % :a „r/ ------------- --_ --�-- 2 • Roadway area within street right-of-ways to be cleared of a-v - Existing Storm Drain RPale ds s uired L 1 .44s� -r _ L = .:::::>:::'`:: ,::::`:: ' ''`'' - 83 .00 ' - I 12 3 all surface vegetation including trees, stumps, brush, . ' / 1�=q-- - ---- ---------- - --------- - _ - ;. '>' '' : ': - ! 1 roots, weeds, grasses and debris and ................•. Proposed Storm Drain - 52°q . 05 .. grubbed to remove P :': !: _ , I�, � I` { all stumps, roots buried vegetative matter _.� :. :.:„.......:• 7 P g and debris to � -� - 4--- x. W. .. ...... ..... ,........ ........... ....,...... ............ ................ ...... . .... ............. . .. . [_ h . 3� .... Proposed Pavement i Remove Existing ::., .•.•;j. .... ................... � below grade . Waste materials to be : :.•.:•.:.:;.. .;;.:.:.•.•:.•..:.•.•..•.•.•.•:•.•::: ::.:•:::::::•:.::>:•:: :• :.•..:: ''":':; / 1 1 e t, I:n s t a 11 ,,,,,,,,, -inches ,.., In dis osed of on site as directed b En sneer. -- -- .:,:�r----..;:.•.•..•.•.�.�;.�.;�..>.�::•.�.�.•.,•:.•..�.�.•.•.•.�.�:.•..•.•:..• -^-^�^r^++^+ rainDirection D a. .. <G �- ' P 9 e New Manhole ::....... .:.. : .. ....... ........ .. . ............ . ....... ................ ............::.:.. to 1 45 :::.:::::a-•:•: :•:••:•:•:•:•: :•::•:•:•:•::•:•:::•: s L E3 . Roadway �?....... ..........,..•..............,•....:.:•.:, 1. ,•,.. . ...•...,..•.,,......... ... :s,: R a to be rough railed to match existing � •.: ........: ....•. ... . ..........�......�..... ...,....•...... H Y 9 g 1 n topography ►..,t� ..... ......•.•.•.••.•...•.•..•�� .........�:..�:�......:.....................•.•:...:,:•:•�::;>::�•:��•:.:•::.J:w•:;.:.:.r• ' HILL O sed n ••..'.'•'.'.�..'.'."•'• .•.•...�.�.�:•:••••••• • ' ' ' Monument 9 Proposed o (' :•»>:•;: `"^ `"".................:w+ '" ......•• 1Z'� Concret.c er in StCeet _ . •,x:�:���': :<A':�.. •• .... .:.... . '.".....�.............' ....' � prior to installation of underground utilities. oP Centerline t I I 4 . Fine rade and com act roadwa 9 Proposed "No Parking" Signs :">:': <:: ' ' -� = 117 UC ' s = 61.5 , c I g p y„ prior to placement of Barri •ade " Y o = 52"4 ' 05" _ I rock. Proof. roll streets to 95% of maximum density as Prapc�red Combination Stop C - 2 2 U ti t; I - TUC =�2 2 . 8 6 - _ -- -- - - - �- E, 1 0'� - `� ! per the AASHO T-99 test method, scarify and sprinkle 2:21 .68 ' 1/Z d = 22 .53 6 ' Utility -- - ----- -----L--- ---------�--- water on sub rade if necessary to achieveaboveand eg Name ���� ITOC = 2.20 .20 ' `T, I TIBC = 22 .20 Pasement y Y C LL Pr � owed Street Light (as per �. compaction, p y , P1uq En,d Irlstail 3 5 . Second lift of asphalt shall be placed toilowing build-out i'GE Lauout) IRm25.00 ' °r P; j Street21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 I of 75% of the residential lots or as directed by the City D `�---�- arrics 4 = 90°36 '55"i I S.ii of Tigard. Sweep, flush and clean pavement before Krueger Development C mpany► � � applying tack coat and second lift of .asphalt. 3515 S.W. Barbur Blv'�. Y-1. IL = 39.54 ' ! R = 25 .00 � �r �� 6 . A 24-foot, 2-inch Class B asphaltic concrete overlay shall Install 31 'L*' P. ° : 89023 '05" I be placed on 135th Avenue between Scholls Ferry Road and Portland, Oregon 97201 I12 " Cgnc,.e%e I. = 39.00 I the southern boundary of the subdivision. The overlay s 2.G' 'r shall be completed by 30 October 1985. Any exten':lo.: of Phone : (503) 227-7992 �I this deadline must be approved oy the Cite En�1i.neer. The I City Engineer shall also have the authority to delete this condition if the construction of necessary street OR-AK Corporation improvements on S. W. 135th Avenue is assured by a Local 13050 S.4. Forest Meadows Way r--- - - - 3 Improvement District or similar arrangement. Lake Oswe, o, Cregon 97034 - -- - - I Phone: ( 503 ) 635- 4551 I i I r-- -- -- -- -- --- STORM DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION: ENGINEER: pipe with rubber Leonard A. Rydellp P.E. , P.L.S. r��F� ��Ul�fr,,. I 1 . Storm sewers to be C- 1� Class 2 concrete 601 Pinehurst Drive ��`'�� gaskets. Newberg, Oregon 97132 Is I Z- '' � Phone: (503) 538-5700 o''JP 2 2. ' I Z J Z�iges � 7 w 1 REVISE=D I P+,ffrnbe ly S r Sheetl2 o f ,� o Drawn By: c_;%.io W.O. No. � 8510 SIJ -p o� N W Q In I, + J � Q O il * 'i W i I m� n I* N = Q r- al I 5 ( z �I f IQO 0v W o � vv to �`�z' o 240 �j U34)z� � N - i3 t 0W o w LP Z 7 J I p W v V Jrj Ol dl I' U11' OI V U _z h ' 't I N OG r rid � o � G Z Z �rJw � p U1 � � N .� I' �j Z3835 + I ps'tC + tr,F ! Z � W + N 4- -1r 13' WWO 7 m m > LxISTING RIM73oI W _ 134 F T_ S OL GROUND -- _ Z30.3Z < J ZZ9.64 RIM= PrZoPosEO 230 FUTURE roP T - -- --- CURB GRr+bE / 90 _ 230 p �0 EXISTING TOP CUR$ ?30.32 ~' S ------ ------ -_ ._ ---- - -- - - - - - - - - - ---_-. ------ - U OC � V W Q�p JI GROUND - --� �I ---- Zz7.z% I FXIC,TING Z WZ oC LEFT K/W Z�b 34 �.�•� GW-00ND Z 100 V C r" �:y.Z - 127.41 I EXI oTING LEFT R/W� W J1lU W �-=-- < J I - - -. - ZZ7.Zs GROUND i Ol d °lo STA . P. I. - Z+50 , e vur RT: RIC-14'� R/W i ZZBD3 + I CraO' V.C ► � - _ RIM= I ��j` 5� Z ELEV. R1.= 231. 62 zz4•oz Zzl sl �� I.c. oUT LEft ,� ZZZ.7.0 (Zzz Zo � ~ I~ ZZ503 _ 77.0 S RIM= "ra "_ _ Z237Co t - ~ ZZ2 I t_ Itl ) :_• : lZIM= r- STA P. ► - Z30,0 l ZI 54' ?8 S= I,O% �. / ELEV. ? I 130.03 (2IM I {�7��� F epp ZLS 66 Z:Z'� '55 / 1 kISTIN� / ' G 2L001 r 2.L1 Q3 Zt2 q4 USED E Dol INLET RIM= r ZZ3Z3 220 EKISTING ZZOhH Lt3 Z� l E. oUT zL0 6 E T } Gic"ND s� IL3l19 -I'?0 �PLUC. FND 00 220 _ _ - --- - ----- - -- V. C. teI GNT F. " 41 R/w c oN c. I W ! "ZIp, .40 � ,�Cr. C IE' Z19.IZ STA. P�I. = Z+UO l r% S- ' 2�/o ELEV. P 1,= ZZ.'_�.78 y I.E. OUT 5 - » ! _ 0�>1 - �•-}�fr, Z I`1.40 7 Ig zc� I z I a.zo / . I F_ OUT z I B 18 I E IN 11ROPOSED PLU3 I I P, 4() SEWER S.W. OR NI NG HILL DRIVE E nuT:1 \ E IN WEE AV NUE Scale Horiz. t' - 50' Vert: 1- - 5' "4 P3 z's.o3 Stele: H rA 1' - l90- I IN 7-1 C, Vert: 1' - 6' 210 6 00 ' + 00 6 + 00 5 + 00 44 00 3 + 00 2 + 00 1 + 00 0 00 0 + 00 1 + 00 2 0r', 3 00 4 ICI, 11) 5+ On 6 00 210 corsw�a,_I� lura , 2 r�r PRM SEP 17 198s .♦ M - ._ :`• , .d Tf' �' " nM-i!. .,.•...w yaw y.. l�,A- -lifFIFf" NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED r4 �� -.I - ` a 4 -.-- 5 7 8 9 I�O I I 12 - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ---_�� THIS N0T 1Crr•I-'IT IF) DIE 1U RE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL n ` DRAWING. _ OE 62 9Z Lt 9z SZ 12 EZ ZZ 1':; OZ 61 81 L 1 91 9 111 41 E 1 7,1 11 01 d 0 L 9 S� �r�! b 'E-•- - ,� �rlllllll(IIIIIIu1111111uuINll�ltll(111{r�I11u1I1�1111�I11111tuluNlnalmrnrl11;r11t1'II�NH�1111�11111111{�I1�1111111111111111(IIHIil11�1�1111�1111�1IN}INIIIIttII1lII111L11111111111111111Nf>� ti111111�II1111111�111111111111111�W1llllillhllllt111rI11111111g11�1111H _ A •r „ JUNE 24 19 92 - -_may,,,,..... , .. ;¢,.. , ��. _.■. -sc •� �.. ... � -�.+.. . •--.-. _.. � M... Y rn 1...i � r p 0. ro C co me air X)m a0 n.W cA o r� w� < � v,fD 5 7 A OL G) (D ti cn (T N CD aW 3 m 7 V1 7 O. w rY CITYOF TIIFARD November 15, 1989 OREGON Kruger Development Company 1.335 SW 65th Avenue #402 Portland, OR 97225 Re: Cotswald No.2 Subdivision Dear Mr. Kruger: This is to acknowledge that effective November 7, 1989, the public improvement facilities installed within the subdivision improvement project, commonly known as, Cotswald MeadowP No.2 is fully accepted by the City of Tigard, Oregon, for operation and mai.:itenance by the City. Further, this is to acknowledge that the City of Tigard, Oregon, has no further interest in, and authorizes release of the project performance and maintenance assurances; namely. the security held by Somers, Grove & Co. Inc. (Account No. 03-50140-1-8) in the sum of $20,228.00. Should you have any questions regarding the above project acceptance and assurance release, please contact Mr. John Hagman at 639-4171. erely,/ y,l EMurp y Community Dev,:lopment Director jr/cotswald.JSH r-: OR-AK Corporation 13125 SWHoll scall Blvd,P.O.Box 23397,rgard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ------ -- - I - .Pomo r� 1 /1 % KRUEOER DEVELOPMENT CO. 1335 S.W.90TH AVE.0402 PORTLAND,OREGON 97270 297•!!W9 RECEIVhj . NOV 0 3 1989 CoemwN� 3AA (3�)A 00 ) 1 ) � UM "% - G 0 O c�C c1a rkm-mo M� Wwcu -�Yv 0 0 � "Vvn r o nv � alac, AA4 �c6tv) (ay.,A I lj-)\� OPIMN -tk � w �,,� � D .�I ()T) Oki)) bWebRi•yaIJ WAi�.1l3�YiA+I+•o'J65AJnlW4fwi5�:.�YiN4N�rv'll''v4U�� •,. KRUEGE,.t DEVELOPMEriT Co. RECEM-1-0 13/8 S.W.66TH AVE.04pe PORTLAND.OREGON 97225 JUN 3 0 i y8 J 297-3349 �e 2� commnaty Q4. Ob - 4.1;> \Y� ��W-� Q)Q.C)'Z 1n O ovw b 0 rcuA c j r. e. 7" 9 -7/ 3 ?'tee C.�LuA v,%-1 1"AI-Ve AAQ%Al 1 r7 /(r c4e� w w ^M w,. KRUEGER DEVEi OPMENT CO. RECEIV:�D 13355.W 66TH AVE 0402 ,JUN 3 0 iybJ PORTLAND,OREGON 97225 ?q 7 3349 Community Do.w*4-:nt 47* � QO.� oYUri Y �1`M Qcl��n ou c.�.�e � P P 0 � tv�Q r�Ag WC�-UAn 0 U�au,�cv� 7�3 s t GORDON HOBBS LAND 1-)FV11-0PER 1511 SW PARK AVE. #1003 PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 503-222-7489 RECEIVED 'AN 18 19H� Community Development DECEMBER 30, 1988 PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER FOR: OR—AK CORPORATION HOMBUILDERS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION GORDON HOBBS GARY D. HOBBS PHONE ( 503 ) 684-6541 Your I'm nr Type-Isar Nae-.I'Irst Nanx•,Mldrth'Innlal �t•%Arty CINIP wW NOIM! ji'Icpholx Nu.dluxltwn _ 1503 ) 684-6541 Nu.and Stnr•t.Apt.,tittle,110 1111% or k 1) NII Old 1511 SW PARK AVENUE #1003 Address Gty,5tatcatxl7.11'Crrck• PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 Nu.andtn•1'I,ApL,Slut r.t'll 11118Ia k ll Nu (IIICdll',Ili ---- New P.O. BOX 2302 Address ,,,�- ,- ladlr --_ , nt' 1 LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97035 Iah'IM'N nddrl•„III 1•rh•1, 12-30-88 ~ Siqn Here � _ ( ? A,W-W NII III.un c Rltceiv.r Rr une to Mt Orft the aBnve new address n, v'.ur ubtr, boats al home m olha• YOURS TRULY, GORDON HOBBS LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 6 October 1988 City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. John Hagman, Engineering Technician III Re : "Certification of Compliance" Dear Mr. Hagman: Enclosed for your information and use please please find a "Certification of Compliance" for COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 showing the status of the projects to date. Please note that the sidewalk for Lot 76 is the only remaining items to be completed. I have contacted OR-AK Corporation and Krueger Development Company regarding the items to be completed. Should your office need any further information, please give me a call. Thank you. Sincerely yours, � Leonard A. Rydel , P. E. , P.L. S. LAR/j te�,. �o �` avh� h encl : as f tated O.^. -AK Corporation Krueger Development Company �cc t.T�r��ct . PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEVER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS * SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES CERTIFICATE Uh CUMPLIAKE RE: COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 This is to certify (in accordance with T.M.C. 17.08.010(6), T.M.C. 17.0. 12U, and T.M.C. 17.09.160) to the Cicy of Tigard, Uregon, that the following; item(s) have been installed in compliance with the City's street dedication improvement standards and specifications ; and that the following items are complete in accord with the approved plans, special specifications and conditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project,,to wit : '(Project Engineer's Initials) 1. Sanitary Sewer System 2. Storm Sewer System 3. General Utility Systems : Domestic Water 4fe_ Electric Power Gas Telephone _ Cable T.V. Streetlighti.ng 4. Street System: Subgrade Base Surfacing. . .Base Lift _ Final Lift Sidewalks LJ -Y�_ Aprons b Ramps Curb 5. Monumentation System Certitied tills 6— day ut �C�obe� 1988 �� . apt n�� BY: IC 851 ll'ru�ecc Enb�ne� o tco IE !'irm: Leonard A. Rydell , PE, PLS �1/1, 22,%9 601 Pinehurst DH.ve Newberg, Oregon 971 32 __ (u13�y) t PUT IT IN WRITING W11Mts Meuaoes Uve Tions wet Eliminate tmmrs Date---- To--- ate—Td 14- Subject w� @:-ACV CAT FOR. foo �. C • �� ok" -� Lam: # ��b��..lay K.S 1 � l4> p,�c�� �" �,a R.u�-1z. �`�'� ,.�- Rin C S, vJ, Cv�. � ��r A.2�l�l��N,l-I���.bR G1 e�.t�► M�N v�E 1J�TN,t�n rJ z�T / G"7�16� � �`�`Gt �� d r � h��v�.d �� +C 4 �- �6u.��afi a► �N G R S C�'rl F . .. 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. P.O. BOX 23397 CITYOF TI67ARD TIGARD, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 OREGON z TO: FROM* MESSAGE 17 -I- Ale Z2 .n SIGNED Zf,±2 DATE- REPLY ;IijNFD DATE--- PLEASE RETURN ORIGINAL DOPY WITH REPLY KEEP PINK COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. YOUR COPY CITY OF TICARD Sewer T.V. Inspectlor Report (( PCLe qc C(!f1Av%ct C�f%w j M941---c- D, 941-,as Y� v/ I �/J 1 Indicate North Date �1 'ZZ- 7 Location ( Jt" `O�h � �[ I` Upstream M. H . No . �y r/firpe Tape No . 2 � Operator �. S Begins at M.H . No . / /I 6 goes_ to M.H . No , , i S t�v w/Flow__,�___A/Flow Flow at start /sL" Sanitary X Storm —Diam.-S—'1 Length_ Type LQ,,// Weath . Gond . U��'L2CASf Meter Setting�Upstream M.N . Condition OASS_ L: M N Main Stab S, 65A5, �'6B —C D Exit Stab 5. 6 S FOOTAGE REMARKS _ _ TAPE MIN . 22. 6 o ' -Se — :25. 3 Oro cq- A/0 1Z &%o%4 S7, y � C .! Z - ii - gam -- OR-AK CORPORATION OREGON-ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034-1599 503-635-4551 CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR GORDON HOBBS OR-AK CORPORATION I HOMEBUILDERS DEVELOPMENT CORP hATI(_)N i As soon as you know your new address. moll this card to all the people, businesses,and publications who send you mall. For publications,tape an old address label over name and old address sections and complete now address. Your P-1 o,TYPO—Lest N.rM Fun N.^V Mod*l ,on ams No and Sueet Apt'Su-ie PC)Bo. IRA No I Pu,n 60, 13050 SW Forest Meadows W y Nr, O$ c n— _ Sten Q Lake Oswego ORLaPCdd. 70I No end Suet Apt Sure P0 Bo R R No t Aunt Bd. M No No L�',511SWPark Ave #1003=o state t ztvcon. R 72beta new suldnill m effect Account No tit enrl SlpnHere � PS Form 35711,Apt l9A6 AECEwFA Be gun to record the goal#new eddies,Poo,of home o,office P_LLASE TAKE THIS TO THE CASHIER FOR A REC.LI:PTr N/SMF.. ^� llez_ DATE:�_�j —) f,' _T y DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-22000Refundable Performance (fond Deposit 1u-43500 Public Sewor Plan Check/Inspection Fee 10 43600 Public Storm Plan Check/Inspection Fee � 10-43600 Street Dedication/Public Improvemeit Fee $ 16-43600 Street Opening Permit $ 10-43600 Street and Traffic Marking _ $ 21--44200 Street Light Fee $ ;7 �� 10-43100 Sign Permits �W 10-•43800 Land Use Application Fees 10-22000 Refundable portion of Appeal Fees $ 10-41)100 Document Sales: EngrgY Planning Bldg, 10-45200 V Park Reservations _ 10--43000 (business Tax TOTAL $ -273 &Y KRUEGER DEVELOPMEW CO. 8 51 1335 SW 06TH AVE. NO.402 207-3841 PORTLAND, OREGON 07226 r q#092 PAY TO THF , L% (01f)ER OF �Cw G ,� � _ ,���� �-._—_DOLLARS jBANK 11 MINLO PApK AgANCM 1tt0!N!OLI@AN 6T.OppTLANrI,ON 97090 UNITED GTATP M NATIONAL BANIt''bbr ORicja` 1180008 5 &V -1: 12 3000 2 201: 0 9 2 O L 3 760��' �1 M­ CITYOFTIIFARD No. 30877 13125 SAN. HALL BLVD P.O. BOX 23397 Dat TIGARD,OR 07223 Name Address jAddresLot Block/Map �ubd'vision Permit N's Bldg. P umb Cash Check Sewer Other Other Acct. No. Description Amount 10 432 Building Permit Fees 10.431-600 Plumbing Permit Fees 10-431-601 Mechanical Permit Fees 10-230-501 State Bldg. Tax 10-433 Plans Check Fee 30-443 Sewer Connection 30-444 Sewer Inspection 51.448 ----Street Syst. Dev. Charge 52-449-610 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge 52-449-620 . alks 11 Syst. Dev. Charge 31-450 Storm Drainage Syst Dev. Charge 10-430 Tax' 10-434 Alarm Permit 10-227 Bail 10-455 Fines . Traffic/Misd/Parking - 10-230- CPTA Traffic/Misd/Vic, A.-st. 10-456 Indigent Defense 30122.-401 - Sewer Service/USA 30-122-402 - Sewer SeryiEe/CIty 30% 30-123 §e­w6F_S_ev1ce/City MaJF 30.125 Unmatched 31.124 Storm Drainage - -� 40.47Fi__ Bancroft-Prin. Pymt. 40.471 Bancroft-IntPymt- ACCOUNTING COPY •wig' � ,� CITY'OF TWA RD OREGON March 23, 1988 � Krueger Development Co & OR-AK Corp 3515 SW Barbur Blvd Y-1 Portland, OR 97201 RE: Cotswald Meadows N2 Dear Mr. Krueger: As you know, six (6) streetlights were installed in Cotswald Meadows No. 2 rather than four (4) as originally estimated. Subsequently, it Is necessary that you remit a check to the City for $223.68 to provide for operation and maintenance of the additional lighiing for two years. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Sincerely, - A&LO I �"L— ---- rer-e-I V r d JoT�n S. Hagman Engineering Technician III he/3881.D cc: File i I 13125 SW Hall Blvd •P O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ------ -------- - — ----- C C4cfy 3 z Z f'S I,> OSJZ Ao�.1 �l� ►J �QLAkE `� .' p/�.'T1� CChT'T�I�k� bAMAG,t� '� �`.��VV��QAI►�:✓+Cal. ��t�C.kA!iL� 5 ,� MD�Jv1�1C1:i c►��c N • CARV' NN4NNs — 1.� �Rc��E?J s,`s�u:�p�.,K G'-��.AC�1E�i 1'- I 1\Z5 ��,.w, 1�:5•t�' • LCI#O- , # 1 — .> s LAJ kk.Y��z, L,r , S • Co'r a�,, 4 �,� �Mvw�+�l�rr•�.�o�.t i rd Lc��.� � ,� �E,��,�,, .. ��t,F . wiz �•c�:,, � �....�� A��'�� .1 Ll•. .�. ��,��csti _ -c=ry. LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 18 February 1988 (503) 538-5700 Vic Russell Construction, Inc. 15188 Fall River Drive Bend, Oregon 97707 Attn: Mr. Vic Russell, Secretary Re : COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 - City of Tigard Dear Mr Russell : The subdivision improvements for COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon have not yet been accepted by the City of Tigard due to discrepancies in the sanitary sewer system. Enlcosed please find copies of the City of Tigard inspection reports listing the discrepancies. !' I inspected the Manholes on Line A and the existing manhole at station 0+00, Manhole A-1 and Manhole A-2 leak profusely. ✓\ c� Please correct the discrepancies withing 30 days and notify this firm and the City of Tigard when they are complete. Should you have any questions regarding this project , please feel free to give me a call. Thank you, ZSinc ely yours, Leonard A. Rydel 1, P. E. , P.L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc : City of Tigard OR-AK Corporation Krueger Development Co. I'LANNEU DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTir L SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORf.1 DRAINAGE SYSTEiv, . LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CON:iEKVAIION HOMES r' LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer . - ----• _ ._�,...�.___� 9 vLand Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 18 February 1988 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. John Hagman, Engineering Technici n III Re : "Certification of Compliance" Dear Mr. Hagman: Enclosed for your information and use please please find a "Certification of Compliance " for CARNAHAN' S .ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD, COTSWALD MEADOWS and COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 showing the status of the projects to date. Please note that the sidewalks and centerline monumentation have not been completed on all three projects and some sanitary discrepancies remain on COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 . I have contacted OR-AK Corporation and Krueger Development Ccmpany regarding the items to be completed. Should your office need any further information, please give me a call . Thank you. Sincerely yours, ) Leonard A. Rydell, P. E. , P. L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated OR-AK Corporation Krueger Development Company PLANNED DEVELOPMENIS " RF510F14TIAI.SUBDIVISIONS WATER SANIII.Rv ,EWFR Arjr ' !r1ue,l P� ZAINAGF SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS S01Ak-CONSERVAHON HOMES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RE: COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. This is to certify (in accordance with T.M.C. 17.08.010(6), T.M.C. 17.09. 120, and T.M.C. 17.09. 160) to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following item(s) have been installed in compliance with the City's street dedicati-)n improvement standards and specifications ; and that the following items r,re complete in accord with the approved plans, special specifications _-J conditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project , to w; t : (Project Engineer's Initials ) 1. Sanitary Sewer System 2. Storm Sewer System 3. General Utility Systems : Domestic Water. j Electric Power Gas _ Telephone — Cable T.V. Streetlighting 4. Street System: Subgrade Base _ Surfacing. . .Base Lift Final Lift Sidewalks _ Arrons b Ramps Curb S. Monumentation System pp Certified this 'L.-06k day ut 198b . PROfFs, (. r4o by y. -- 851$ � ( l'ro j-�C L Engine r) ®rlcr"ON Firm: Leonard A. Ryde11 , PE, PLS ( �, `'► ��,� 601 Pinehurst Drive Newberg, Oregon 97132 (01335) .o CITY OF TIIFARD October 6, 1987 OREGON 25 Veors of Service 1961-1986 / Krueger Development Co. & OR-AD Corp. 3515 SW Barbur Blvd Y-1 Portland, OR 97201 RE: Cotswalk Meadows #2 Dear Mr. Krueger: This is sent to respond to your request for a status report relative to City acceptanc_g of the aforesaid subdivisions public improvements. Two sidewalks stili remain to be installed, namely; Lot Ill and #14, and also, the corner-ramp (and corner-pad) needs to be installed at the southwest corner of Morning Hill Drive/Westbury Terrace. Further, please note the enclosed copies of the TV report for the sanitary sewer system; deficiencies exist that must be corrected. Lastly, in accordance with item Ill of the project compliance agreement, certification of public improvements installation conformance must be submitted to this office by your engineer. I've enclosed a copy of the certification form to assist you therewith. Sincerely, Z'' S. Hagman Engineering Technician 'iI es/1211D cc/file Enclosures (2) +!�'�" / ,^ z //I t 7 1312.)SW Nall Blvd,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639 4111 -------- ------ ----- 13 c`7 � d In A A \ \ Go 4 a 1 ' c� { �z s¢ m ro e Y2 '01 104 N � OD E- E 3nN3Ab 1S3M 43 r. �► � dis va.:ra v CO .� �roo � I . r--'P- 4c_ c1 J 1- G�C,rI r I—fC- z T Zve -21t-e2Q =2sKccL L" ale- Ale c-Utom' 2 /s t/!7 1`' Uc./tSt 2*1c/,ly eIC,,1,4 �•,c���.,Jo/ c).- 4 vc , /� 1 ®)DY C LTY OF TIGARD Sewer T.V. Inspection ReportvQ c9vTG Bre J 9 / -/ I dicatc ��ort;� D a^e Wit"�/�.�� Location - �L� ��-tsL l�� �/ �..� Upstream M.H . No . Tape No . Operator 1 Begins at M.H . No . goes— to M.H . No ._ �� 0�0 /I W/Flow ,) ' A/Flow_- Flow at start l Sanitary_ Storm _Diam.�? —Length —Type hl�: Weath . Cond�.�� Meter Setting9,,�'_Upstream M .H . Condition �� Main Stab E_ B C^ D- EXiL Stab FOOTAGE REMARKS TAPE MIN - lam - _ �- - Z� __ ,^ CITY OF TIGARD --"'�,� Scorer T.V . Inspection Report 9 G Indicate North D a t c Location Upstream M.H . No . /-:& / _Tape No . Operator. Begins at M.H . No . Z (A� b goes_ to M .H . No .__ W/Flow A/Flow Flow at start_4z,/, tary Storm Diam._ _Length� TypeWeath . Gond . Meter Setting_-Upstream M .H . Condition / Main Stab^4.,L&AZ__4'jB _C D Exit Stab^�-z FOOTAGEREMARKJS//' TAPE MIN . 4' I � 7 4r CITY OF TIGARn Sewer T.V. Inspection Report Indicate North Date —� _ Location _f/ jr 742 ) J) — Upstream M.H . No . /ti Tape No . Operator Begins at M.N . No . & goes to M.H . No . A W/Flow_ _A/Flow Flow at start�Sanitary__,�e_ Storm Diam. g_Len th Type-P ` /�) ] Weath Cond .��_ \1� Metter Setting s/_ ; Upstream M.H . Condition-^// � dLd Main Stab A B—C D --Exit Stab/3 FOOTAGE REMARKS TAPE MIN . — �?_r -7.;;1 d21P,_,p '1 Y fZ 2V ,r rr .J n i cn :�-,4 (lo tt#otation OREGON ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY LAK_ OSWEGO. OREGON 97034 503.635-4551 MAY 10, 1 ,o17 RUSSELL A. KRUEGER 1335 S.W. 66TH #402 PORTLAND, OREGON 97225 RE: WINTERLAKE SUBDIVISION DEAR RUSS, ENCLOSED IS A LETTER FROM LEONARD RYDELL ESTIMATING THE AMOUNT NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE SECOND LIFT OF COTSWALD MEADOWS AS WELL AS WINTERLAKE. I H:_JE REQUESTED A FIRM BID FROM DICK EAGLE, PRESIDENT OE— • EAOLE,ELSNER PAVING COMPANY FOR COST14ALD MEADOWS, COTSWALD MEADOW, NO. 2 AND WINTERLAKE. IT IS OUR JOINT RESPONSIBILITY TO COMPLETE THE PAVING ON WINTERLAKE. YOUR SHARE IS FOR 50% OF S.W. SHORE DRIVE WHICH IS 31% OF THE COST TO COMPLETE WINTERLAKE, OUR SHARE IS 69,, OF THE COST TO COMPLETE WIiVTERLAKF.. WE HAVE AGREED TO ►{AVE ALL, THREE SU13DIVISIONS PAVED WITH THE FINAL LIFT DURING i'HE MONTH OF JUNE 1987, IF YOU AGREE WITH THIS PLEASE SIGN THIS LETTER RETURN IT To M1. AND I WILL SEND IT ON TO RA14DY CLARNO, CITY OF TIGARD. IF YOU 13AVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME AT 635-4551 . YOURS TRULY, AGREED TO ON MAYIS , 19H7 G7FDON 1i013BS, PRESIDENT RUSSELL A. KRUEGER, PRES. KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT CO. ENCLOSURESi AS STATED CC: RANDY CLARNO, CITE CSF TIGARD Ar LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 601 PINENURST DRIVE, NEWURG, OREGON 97132 5 May 1987 (503) 538-5700 Eagle Elsner, Inc. P. 0. Box 23294 - ►' Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. Richard Eagle, President Re : City of Tigard saving Overlays Dear Mr. Eagle: Enclosed, as you requested, please find one copy of the street construction plans and Bid Item Schedules for the following projects for which I was Project Engineer : 1. Winter Lake 2. Cotswald Meadows 3. Cotswald Meadows No. 2 The first .lift of asphalt on Winter Lake was 590 . 22 toils, the drat lift of asphalt on Costwald Meadows was 1051.88 tions and the first lift of asphalt on Cotswald McAdows No. 2 was 361 tons. Should you need any additional information or have questions regarding the enclosed information, please feel free to give me a call direct. Thank you. Sin rely your. s, Leonard A. del 1, P. . , P. L. LAR/j enc.l : as stated cc : OR-AR Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 27 May 1986 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 Krueger Development Company !� 3515 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Y-1 1 Portland, Oregon 97201I Attn : Mr. Russell Krueger, President Re: COTSWALD MEADOWS - City of Tigard Dear Mr. Krueger : An per your telephone request on Thursday, 22 May 1986 , the cost of the eecond lift of paving for COTSWALD MEADOWS and WINTER LAKE are as follows: COTSWALD MEADOWS $ 20,535 .00 WINTER LAKE § Shore Drive $ 3,250.00 Balance of Project $ 7 , 200.01 Total - Winter Lake $ 10,450.00 Please note that these costs estimates are based on the contract prices and quantities contained the the Contract documents and Agreements with Charles M. Schmidt Excavating, Inc. for both projects. The work is covered by contract, and should you not elect to have them do the work , the written agreement needs to be modified. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact this firm. Thank you. Since ely yours i L onard Rydel , P. E. , P.L. S. LAR/1 cc: OR-AK Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS a RESIDENTIAL SUHDIVISIUN', WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM; LAND SURVEYS . SOLAR-CONSERVA110N HOMES _ LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS -WtNT-ER-- tAKE- I[---- � r I-) (-� q L. 0 01 C4 4 0 S STREET, WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STORM DRAINAGE AND ELECTRICAL POWER IMPROVEMENTS For a 62 Lot Subdivision Located in The City of T- gard Washington County, Oregon 20 MAY 10%185 tAAj P.,_E V E L O P E R S Krueger Development Company OR-AK Corporation 3515 S.W. Barhur Blvd. Y-1 13050 S.W. c-orest Meadows Way Portland, Oregon 97201 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Phone : (503 ) 227-7992 Phone : (503) 635-4551 PLANNED VFV:LOPMCNIS • RESIDENIIAL SUBUIVI'S10141, ViA!rP SANITARY ',EWFR AND STORM (DRAINAGE SYSIFMS i.ANU SURVEYS • SLAAR-CONSEkVAHON HOMES ltimrRe Ate 1r2 Brn td Page 2 of 3 x9a it= Quantity Unit price Ttt81 19. Rock Backfill 3750 cu.yd. $6,, 1 $'12 C "16.A, Sub Total - Sanitary Sewer $ 7S DZ/..eo STORM DRAINAGE—IMPROVEMENT 20. 120 Storm Drain 958 feet $ 21. Manholes 2 each $ ~ 22. Rock Backfill 140 cu.yd. Total - Drainage Improvements $_l1 dD9,3O STREET IMPROV -MENTS 23 . Excava%'ion 8200 cu.yd. Lump Sum 24 . 16' Curbs 4199 feet $ 25. Catch Basins 9 each $ .�?S " $ -13 26. Rock 3820 cu.yd. S 9. 90 $ 37 &p,00 27. Class 'B/C' Asphalt 1110 tons S.�l,se $��9�s•��, 20. Class 'C' Overlay 555 tonsS 37,.ems, $Ae Fur eon 2Q . Street BarAcade 1 each $ oo.a+o $_ a Total - Street Construction $���o UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 30. Conduit 1560 feet 31 . Trenching 3235 feet 32. Rock Backfill 130 cu.yd. $-L.ZAQ $ 33. Transformer Pads 6 each S 31e .00 S1 D•oc Total - Underground Utilities S. ffo• 7s' L9 5� Co T/2 o PC a o n I.'Pf 1.: �N ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMI 14 1 �. 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY LAKE OSWE_GO. OREGON 97034 503-635-4551 ,JANUARI' 2h, 1')b7 VICKI L. RU;SELL VIC RUSSELL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 15118 FALL DRIVE HE;ND, OREGON 97707 PEAR VICKI, AS PER MY CALL TO YOU TODAY MR. 13013 THOMPSON, INSPECTOR FOR 'HIM CITY OF TIc_;ARD, NOTIFIED ME TODAY THAT TWO SEWER MANHOLES THAT YOUR FIRM INSTALLED IN COTSWALD MEADOWS NO, 2 ARI; LEAKING WATFji. YO1IR PROMPT AT'r1:11TION TO THEIR REPAIR WILL BE APPRECIATED. THE PHONE. NUMil,'R FOR MR. THOMPSON IS 639--4171 . THANK YOU. YOURS TRULY, (,()RDON fiOBBS, PRESIDENT CC: MR. 11011. THOMPSON Coz�ozation OREGON ALASKA LAND ULVELOF'MLN1 CO 13050 SW FOREST MLADOWS WAY LAKE OSWEGO. OREGCN 97034 503.635-4551 4 1 octoi:er 14, 198h S rwr r PUSSU'll A Kruecler 1335 P,.lti, 66th 1; -1112 Portland, Oregon 117225 Dear Russell, Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter from Vic Russell Construction, Inr. 1,;(! should pay the final amount due to Vic Russell Construction, Inc. now that the leak in the sewer manhole has oeen fixed. The amount duce is $2,44.45. Copies will he lnailod to the uarties lihtod below. 1f you have any question's Call RIF' at (135-4551 . Yuurs truly, i I 't)rtic:n Hobbs, Preri1ent Lrorlard Pydell Chuck `;chrddt Vic Pussell City of Ti(garrI, Bob 'Thompson I.rnclusurr— 3s statenr!! i MEN An 1 VIC RUSSELL CONSTRUCTION, INC September 21 , 1986 Mr. Gordon Hobbs OK-AK Corp. 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Dear Mr. Hobbs : This is to notify you that the manhole at Cuswalt has been repaired per your July 21 , letter to meet all specifications . As we extei.ded the courtsey of financing this project for 10 months i was rather surprised that a simple phone call was not made to us in regard to this repair and would have been appreciated much more than finding out by having to track your original letter down . 1 am enclosing the final outstanding balance „wind; and would appreciate thin, cleared up. Sincerely , 40J � I Vicki L. Fussell VLRop cc : Leonard Rydell Charles Schmidt J 15118 Fall River Drive, Bend, Oreqnn. 91701. (5031 593-8310 1 CIT1s1lOF TI�APtD OREGON 25 Years of Senke \ 1961-1986 September 10 , 1986 Mr. . Russell Krueger Krueger Development Company 1335 S . W. 66th #402 Portland , OR 97221 Subject : Permanent Sanitary Sewer Eaeement Cotswald Meadows No. 2 Dear Mi�aer: Enclosed is a crpy of the above-mentioned document that the Tigard City Council recently accepted. If you have any questions , please contact the City of Tigard Engineering Department . Sincerely, Loreen R. Wilson City Recorder cc: Engineering Dept . Record3 Dept . LW:cw/4143A 13125 SP/Hall Blvd,F.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ' 1 CITYOF TIIFARD OREGON 25 Years o/SeMce 1961-1986 August 7, 1986 Krueger Development Co. & Or-Ak Corporation 13050 SW Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswega, OR 97034 Re: Cotswald No. 2 Subdivision Gentlemen: The Tigard City Council approved conditionally accepting the public improvements within the above named subdivision subject to conditions set forth in the enclosed resolution (#86-87) and authorized release of the original performance bond. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the City of Tigard Engineering Division. Sincerely, Loreen R. Wilson Acting City Recorder lrw/4002A Enc. CC: 'Mandy Clarno, Engineering Manager. 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: July 28, 1986 AGENDA ITEM N: DATE SUBMITTED: July 17, 1986 PREVIOUS ACTION: ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Resolution Conditionally Accepting Improvements PREPARED BY: _ John Hagman _ Within Cotswald No. 2 PEQUESTED BY: Community Development & Subdivision Developer DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 . "Cotswald No. 2" subdivision is located west of SW 135th Avenue near SW Brittany Drive. 2 . Construction of the public improvements therein has progressed satisfactorily and, now, the developer has -equested that the Council place the work on its one year guarantee period. 3 . The developer proposes to utilize the at'ached "Agreement With Depositor, And Trustee On Savings Accounts Or Deposits" to assure maintenance of the work and installation of incomplete items and, requests release of the ca-h deposited as the original performance assurance . 4. A copy of the original performance bond is attached hereto (said bond to be released) and a copy of the replacement band is attached hareto (said bond is to be held as the new assurance bond), for Council' s information. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED SUGGESTED ACTION PASS THE RESOLUTION TITLED: A resolution conditionally accepting public improvements known as Cotswald No. 2 subdivision public improvements and authorizing release of the original performance bond. JI1 s b/d j 50 e CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO, 86— A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS COSTWALD NO. 2 SUBDIVISION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING RELEASE OF THE ORIGINAL PERFORMANCE BOND. WHEREAS, the City executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated September 23, 1986, with Krueger Development Co. & OR--AK Corp. to facilitate installation of public improvements to specified standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for conditional acceptance inspection and, then upon notification by the Department of Community Development that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient guarantee bond, if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, to provide for correction of any incomplete work or any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after conditional acceptance of the public improvements by the City"; and "Upon receipt of certification from the Department of Community Development that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Guarantee Bond, the City Council agrees to conditionally accept the public improvement subject to the requirement of completion of all work and correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year"; and "Petitioner agrees to to correct any defective work and to perform any maintenance, upon notification by the City, arising during the guarantee period"; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received, subject to correction of hereinbelow listed deficiencies; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Guarantee Bond has also been received; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvements known as C,otswald No 2 Subdivision public improvements, subject to: 1 ? Maintenance of the guarantee bond in full force and effect; said bend being submitted to replace the original performance bond . 2) Correction of any defective work and continued maintenance for a period of one year. RESOLUIION NO. 86- _ Page 1 3) Completion of installation of all concrete sidewalks and driveway aprons. 4) Installation of the asphaltic concrete overlay . AND, authorizes release of the original performance bond. PASSED: This day of 1986. Mayor, City of Tigard ATTEST: Deputy City Recorder-City of Tigard (JN: sb/dj58) I RF.50LU1ION NO. 86 Page 2 -__._ ACitttrirt.i u1Td A1ID TRUSTEE (,ti SAVINGS ACCOUIfTS r.R LEP1jS175 4. 1• sAreec.eat is tut the purpose of V,lfllling the rtquirementa of Costwald II .umpllenct Agree;Lent dated 4-2 1-86 between the City of Tigard ...d Russell t,. Rruec,r r and la entered into by the ..t pas Itar Mar:;e. ry F. Criss and Somers, Grove t, Co. , IncTrustee. ,he undersigned ,leposltor and trustee do hereby assign the right to the .1ty of Tigard to determine at its discretion the payment of all funds or ,tcuritlea held by Somers, Grove 6 Co., Inc. trustee in the amuuot of in We Account No. ..apusit No. _ or Time Deposit No. S 0211-I-2 ur tie 1n In accordance with and for the purpose u[ Hunding treat impruvem. n[s described in the abuve stated Agreement. Compliance It 1s u d erstnod and agreed that the Trustee -ill hold such funds or securities in the amount of authorization or direction for arom (1he i _ until an and 'hat the City of Tigard has the right to withdraw f7rfofcipalitFu dsy of TwithdCity ut Tigard signature out)., in the event of Non-Performance. All fund deposits shall be renewable at maturity and at rates and terms in effect at the time of renewal, and all interest shall be paid to or accrued as directed by the Depositor notwithstanding anything contained herein to the on rary. chat the account 1N to remain open until such time as all Public improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Tigard. -igned and dated at Tigard , Oregon. Ince 25th day of June19 86 Signature of Depositor "7 r� Addreta _ � Ddb 97t�o Signature ut City of Tigard Add re as ACCEPTANCE The underNlgned hereby accepts the funds or ±curitIes depubItad to the .,mount of S (1) thla `St 'ereby acknowledges receipt of —11 day of n 19 86 , and P t e *ffidffltx>�Zvdtu®sc Account No. y0211-1-2 Ir the Certificate for Deposit No. nre is u Passbook Issued for this account. ft�u�therragreediiethatcertisthasaidtheaccount -111 be held for the use- and purposre above stated until authorization for lspusltiun Is granted by thr City of Tigard. Auth"Azad Slgna,urez4L _ r 1444P) V (1) A single stock certificate, in the name of Margery Grist, for 2500 shares of May Department Stores, worth $202,500.00, is on deposit with Somers, Grove 6 Co., Inc. (Acct 11 50140-1-8) covering three performance bonds with the city of 'Tigard in the amounts of .120,221.00, $18,697.50, and $65,982.00. It is understood that this agreement will replace one signed April 21, 1986, for cash deposited in the amount of $20,228.00 to be released. COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPR0 VEMENTS -~- 1 , - - -- — – .'. :.. : n .h' ,!AIR 6 Vit,U iw City of Tigard, Washington County, Ore o -:-- ►— �- �' :�_ � -. �_ loll y g IM C Ro WALDCCTS . 151 6158 59 60 ;f \U\\\\\\U1L1UU\� U r �)•i �-.- I— l 1 I 1 q GENERAL: r I r 7' r 5 r { t:t 1 , r r ti 1 sewer r All ate sanitary a an _ 1 s w r sa i d E street,, storm m r Y or drainage .7' ., �'t Tti _ t 1 _ � constructed . r e n b c st u t i a improvements o e o cc ov _m is t n o (� e n accordance w the with t \ p t 1 4 il r Q - L ;•:•:�� Standards � of Tigard, the h _ G t ��� of tt• City Tigard 3 .:: W t _t Yar a er D tr C n CImprovements - _. and he Unified Sewerage A e � __ � t Jlfie .. !! - � will be SCa /eR = 5 �"`; ```'`r+*'' � -1 ._ -�-- -=�- ---�— Z T \ \ inspected during construction for the purpose of �.►e.��....� C� O 11 �� 8 t �'I acc� ptar,ce. TI QP Oro OA /13 {i 2. Contractor to obtain applicable construction permits and 112 1 \` notify appropriate agencies prior to const ruction of all 1 \ iyI3improvements.ME DOWS 1 . Extreme care shall be taken tc preserve existing j � '• j \ � improvements, vegetation and survey monuments. I r'rr"•` I - 12 I� 11- MORNINP4 (,J1tit '8S•�pV►1`� NtiV�`•�•�'• 1� ��. W - `1h�`\ C'rorvL�c•� 4A• `y 1HE�/�I', ■ ■ u .. ■ ■ ■ r-j - ---t� _ L-I .. . . . r » t� L j ► � - '` r� _ J \ 10 >> ( 53 52 WATER SYSTEM: 1 LINE G`� 5� V�CINIT.y fll�AP Scale: 1 = 1000 I - U. I �,� i . All work shall be in accordance with A.W.W,. A. and `I'iaara ity ? 1 � Eas went ,- .n water District standards and will be inspected by the JXX '' '' Tigard Water District for the purpose of acceptance. i► yl 1 19 o - 2 . Fire hydrant 8 n t .� ,n ;:; ':;,.:: : rant assEmbl consists of MJ x 6 Flanged tee LEGEND' Y Y 9 , :-f.Y.Y:•:• :: n 3 4 „ 5 6 8 - • r t-7�� �+ ;;;,;� 6 Flange b M.J. ate valve 6 M.J. x holding s 'i Existing � s o , a i 1 a d o� u tSa �' :�:��.• n M ern M 11 C Centurion o rISanitary B' .. Mueller a ori fire to i hydrant, A-44r I rE d a 2Sew h rSewer r + r F p r ::; 6 ti.it / - " ••r SrY -r ilii'Ww b M S 1 4 M 3 o f 2-- - .J. VO r two 1 2 c� ( N .0 hose / S I � / MVO, I 6 :�:�• 3-p ort 1 1 L.' � � � -iiii�iU:l ► tilii>:wi'r '`�r�++ �.� f F.as ment Easement 1 i� I - I ��� - connections, one 4-1/2" pumper) , 1-1/2" pentagon Proposed Sanitary Sewer I LINE A 1 i / ' Install -� --- operating nut, open left, color : yellow. Proposed Sewer Lateral J-� _ Instal I " �• 3 ---� �� 8 g. rV 1 2 3 . All pipe and fittings to De T.J. Class 52 cement linedExisting Water Line — - ---- i Be s , ductile iron. JJ 22 ::::' ' MH A—T �, - ,� — - - — :••.:• .:. 4 . _.�._.�._ r sc Water Line - 3 :•:•: :.::::•:: :.. N ti N N N N r� :;:': ;}i'i:' ''' n s . 11 2 x 12 8 to t x i Poore concrete thrustblocks at least Es feet square of Proposed W t L ' --- ----�- -- --- - �` � F' Tee (Dr Tap) bearingsurfaceat each tee, bend and blow--off location. --- --- - - 6 - - - -- - - 3 T a Insall e' p ,. .--- -- -- - t �• ::I: :::I y P I 5. 36 " of 3/4 minus gravel cover required for all mains. Proposed Water Meter ::. 8" Stubout ""- - --- ---- --- ---- --- - HIL rc -�-- --- -- �----- ---- ----•- c F :: L 6. �, ' o Existing Storm Drain All sanitary sewer lines 10 ' laterally or vertically E t '.ng St Dz u o u,_ �'-'�_ r- t N - u ':~ : of water main shall be encased in concrete 6 " thick 10 ' �'` M - ''' I I from crossing. Where crossin s are necessary, the must Existing Pavement Install Blowoff with I t - - --- - - -"i M ---- a- _ �, r� -- - - l >.- g• g Yr Y n '� p , I >'� I `ie made at. approximately 90' with at least 18" separation -- - Existing Curb 8 T.J x IPT Pug + Install (Do t'- t Cut Pipe) , 2" Hydrant '� below water line P t LINE B y 6 ' Utility f : tld , ::::.: ;� ----- - -_ l -- - L_---_ .__ 7 . Fire hydrants shall be installed upon a 1 I' prey-formtd Brass Valve and' 2" Plug Assembly Easement_ concrete block with 1-1/2 cubic yards of crushed 1-1/2 " Galvanized Iron Pipe End � �, I >3 d i � to Concrete Meter Box 21 20 ,��� rain rock. Tar paper will be _aid on top of drain rock • nstilll �- 10 17 16 15 14 to separate rock from earth cover. DEVELOPERS. Behind Curb. Install 8 R. F. . W , 8 •' All curbs to be in place prior to installing water main. Krueger Development Company 8x8x6 $ 9 . Mains shall be tested at 150 psi for one hour. Maximum 3515 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Y-1 j Z Tee 5 " I f� I''" / '� pressure loss is 5 psi. Static pressure = 90 psi. { , Portland, Oregon 97201 LL! lui �,�,� �.- 10 . Individual pressure-reducing valves will bE, required at each meter location and will be installed all ] paid for by phone: ( 503) 227-7992 'Q the Tigard Water District. Oregon State Health Division bacteriological tests are required prior to placing system into service. { ' I 12 • Tigard Water District will install copp; r services to OR-AK Corporation a�:ch lot t. ior t o the paving of strc-} 13050 S.W. F'oreet Mead.�ws Way . F p `� r,.a ke Gsweuo, Oregon 97034 Phone: (503) 035-4551 SEWER SYSTEM f ENGINEER: ..;:;:.3..:...:.,I 1 . Sewer pipe and fittings to be PVC gravity sewer pipe conforming to ASTM D-3034, SDR 35 with rubber ring type t joints. Joints to conform to ASTM D-3212 . Leonard A. Rydell, P. E. , P.L.S. 601 Pinehurst Drive 2. Sewer mains to be airtested following tpench backfill and compaction. Newberg, Oregon 971.,2 / 7l 3 . An air test report and a video report (along with reel to _ �'O p° ( g 1 Phone. (503) 538 5700 7 ' reel 30 minute video tapes) shall be submitted to the i `',.;;, ' City, prior to connection of any buildings, for City rf/ approval. kgs Drawn By: T� W.O. No. 8510 Sh !met / of 4 7I �. .ILE COPY A�"IAf�OVE, CONSTRUCTICi?y ISSUED BY DATE (CIT GARDI I :` 0 � �- + 8i + +I q. 24 - _ o In i - - - {j- _ - — }-fit-- - DE','LP SEPV I?EPT: t3Y__ D,4TE. --t- .._..-- --- - - J 240 OPERATIONS DE DT BY _-..DATE ro p I i , v + - Q rJ CITY ENGINEER- f _ PATE — < �; Z , N U P.G.E. CO.: By�_ DATEJ( /�> VIM = Z�C�` O d FIN15N CnKOLtfI INC,D RIM 'rr ! 1NISN i -� rl p __l -TEI Co BY CATS O PAVEMENT PAVE MEtVT- r p 1. — - — -, s7 230 STC51E r< (', ,T nAiE__ _ — L XIST I K G � L' ZZ7 Z9 I _- G � 1 4 EICISTING NW N,^, C1', L'' 1: 1TE .1 F' M GROilND - ROCk� _ Z - L�CKFILL 1`�4."%X DIS' 13414;v_DAT` ZL1.54 PAVEMENT. I RIM = �K RIM ZZO.O"► -f r R�� I E ZZ( S4 `. _ -� I E �' 1' IJNIF SEW AG; N�'/ BY r '� DATE g / 220 #,C ZZp /o 1rT tat I zzta�• 'Fee r - - -- �� ---- - -- - - gJ + 220 ROCK ROCK, Q.IG Z 7 0 ?1 BAC1<1rILL 13ACKF ILL. - 7 '- PLUG t, r F LINE A. I �d END LINE C v 6 , f' 1C � , � tN P Scale: Horiz: 1' - 5d' FIE COPY 9" I E. OUT- .• g ` O. � u t q,- 0 4`/0 _ Ll 03 Sc le: Horiz. 1' - S0• "� Vert: 1' - 5' ZI- -tom I.E . IN Z4 , l 1 w I.B. DO t- Vert: 1" - 5' Z13.9C�. Z14 `u t14 63 Zl 63 I 3 210 1 0 00 Ojo 2 + 00 3 00 4 + 00 5 00 4 00 1 + 0 (� 0 00 00 �::ca r��w�t_D IUC1 210 PRI NTED AUG 2 Ii I�, I �^- 11111�'I IIIIIIII I Ir1j sj.;jI111'j (IIIltllll111 11111 lI I tI111111Pj1i 111111 Ill'Ill{I 111f11II�i111111111111I111111111IIlIIIIIIII IIIJill IIIlII1IIIrIl�llllllllll111lIIlIIIl11 2 3 _ 4 5 6 7 !9 9_ 10 II 12 , NOTE: If THIS MICROFILMED �'�""�"'•- DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN --�` THIS NOTWCif-1T IS DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL .--'DRAWING. _.._... ---- OE 62 92 Lt 9Z SZ 1rZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 91 4L! 91 SI tri EI ZI II 01 6 9 L 4 St tr E s w��, ��lllunllulllul'nnLulllulluulul�,llnllu1I11111uulllult'1�111II�Iml�ullnlllnllu111uu111n�11111n111111111n11r�N1n111nililFl�uHin+I{Ilnlf/1t{nitlttu�nlLllntltullntlll1HH1111f11�Il�nnluullulll111I1111I1tlJIHHMWIIIi�lllt�llllUlhtlllt1111111I11t1 JUKE 24 1992 -a.yx,y..y,..,. - �. .—_rte._.._ ._ ....�n�r,—. _�_�•.n... —,�■�r.. .. _. ..'+�r1aY w... ....... ..._._.... i.-._ .J..•_ }� .w,.. �. 1� s COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 STREET AND STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS / ;n'i,l kiR i:' f.;h D 'J-- -- - - --- - - 'I Tigard, - E: TS - T City of Washin ton County, Ore o n 16 • - , 1 ��•�" I I V y COTSWALDi _ • -� ® ,R0 - CT 15 \ 5 8_ -59 6 0 61 ♦ / 4 W -- - - � � GENE_RAL. ./� I � _ 5 S�� / \ >Uj 1 . All. street, water , sanitary sewer and storm drainage /r . --SW E 1 D ESN - 0 / - - 0 \ Q improvements to be constructed in accordance with the 14 _ _ - - _ _ _ � ' \ Standarde of the City of Tigard, the Tigard Water District _ 6 \ \ and the Unified Sewerage Agency. Improvements will be Scale. I = �oY / , //- -- - - - 7 \ \ inspected during construction for the Purpose cf TlgarC�, Oregon 13 I11 10 9 161 acceptance. 1 ' \ 2 . Contractor to obtain applicable construction permits and 12 I I 1 I -- notifyappropriate ppropriate agencies prior to construction of all / / 1 \ improvements. ' . .� _. • ' M � DO 3 . • Extreme care shall be taken to preserve existing ;;' �_^ • i 1 I improvements, vegetation, and survey monuments. / 4. Streetlights shall be installed in accordance with City of I'- i I 11 12 `s Install 34 ' F. . ; . - / ' Tigard ap oved Portland General Electric layout. � � �I i 12 Concrete MORNING 117.00 ' Install 32 1,. I 7 s = 0. b`h $. 110 �o ....►�alt� \�L �r. a°c.�►-�c � V ICINIT Y MA P 2040 0 5 12" Co n c r e c 5 3 15 2 f.,L ...,�� b�'P.,�. .�.Ste.••J.w e'a' �pyo.��k , 1000, - (it, o7.55 ' s 0.8 I t I 51 'S '4� "��'r'`' S C e/A: 1' - Utility -- _ ' ''' Easement, _ - STREET CONSTRUCTION: P LEGEND: - _ G - _ 1 1 _ Ali - 2 - I.oadw a excavation, d - e vat • subgrade 3 4 ion fill construe u e 5 t ' S Y non 6 VE Y 7 � R1 9 8 L C-� HI RPM NG G � L- . QR / ' '! :::::: �::::::: ;; ' prepartion, aggregate base, surfacing, pri a coats and s- �- Exist ' =+ i \ W W w Existing air. itary Sewer \ / -_ _ _ paving will be done in accordance with the Oregon 1980 Construct Install 3 L. F. , 83 0 ' : • � � ::": o -- - - - -• ---- --- Standard c ' � C. ���-�.s. --W---W- Existing Water Line 6 Utilit R ' 0 / ...,...,,x,. ♦r Specifications for Highway Constructions LJ Ditch To I2 " Concr to o = 5 ° „ :•;?' `' .. •;:: > I- - 1 ;:::;;;�.: --- - --- 2. Roadway a right-of-ways_ Easement I 2 4yY ; ,: y res within street right of ways to be cleared of ExistingStorm Swale a s s - 1 .44% :•:•:•:':•:•: : :;::•:::r'• T 1- - l i :;:;;:::::::; = 83 00 ' 2 all surface vegetation including trees, stumps, brush, Drain 1� Required 1-- - __ __ -� - -_' - ._ _ _ -_ - --- _ �_ __�__. _ - -- -- _-- - :,'; - 520 „+ roots, weeds, grasses and debris and rubbed to remove Proposed Storm Drain E 1 I r o1a g + �«:.v . ... .... _ = o e / 4 _ � :05 ,N '� I� all stumps, roots, buried vegetative matter and debris t 3 d Pavement o e Existing a e i in .... .. . ... .. .. .. . ........ .............. .. _ rials to be .� .. . . ..........•..•.• .•.•.....:...•.•......•• grade.e. Wast materials a in h g e below d � I P o a . .•.•.•..•....•.:•.�.•.•.,.•. 13 [nlet, Install I Drainage Director) ......... . . . •:.:.•.•.•::••��• / � I disposed of on site as directed b� y 3 r Engineer. er � _a 1 45 L FManhole3. Roadw :..... . irk............... :•.•.•:•.•:':.•.•..•.•.•.•.•..?e- be rough graded to match existing topography •.•.:......... ........•...... I HILL aY 9 9. . ......... ng Proposed I .•.• ......:.•::•:•: :•:•:• : �:......... ... .............. ?��::::..:.•....... Centerline Monument ... .....:•.•............•.•.:•.:.1.•.44•.:J.44WI.!.4Y.;.y. ....... ' is i -, .............................. . ... 1.Z'i c_on�.rete I prior to installaticn of underground utilities. Fine grade and compact roadways e 9 _Street _ x .;: ::: :::: R - 7 = 5 , , 9 Proposed No Parkin •.�«::::::::.:. .. : -_._ -_.._ -.. _ _ 11 0 0 ' S•�. � � s" r i o r t o i a c e m e I,t o f " g" Signs n s Barrr0C de�, s > : :' o = 5?-°4 105" D I I I rock: Proof roll streets to 95% of maximum density as `:'"�`•. TUC � [2 8 f _ � - -- -- - _ - Y Q Proposed Combination Stop = 220 . 66 ' 1;2 O = 22 . 8 Utilit [. = 107 , 5 :� I per the AASHO T-99 test method, scarify and sprinkle and ed Cot Name Signs U2 D = 221 . _ Y -- -- �1._- ITOC = 220 .20 ' � � TUC = 22. • <.0 Easement water on subyrade if necessary to achieve above zom pact ion. Dtz.� F�•1, SItK Install 5 . Second lift of asphalt shall be placed following build-out ICUA C, Pipe,P ug Eno street2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 3 of i'S� of the residential lots or as directed by the City DEVELOPERS: R = 25.00 ' arricaz P I of A'igard. Sweep, flush and clean pavement before e = 90°36 ' 55 "l � appl.y_ng tack coat and second lift f asphalt. Krueger Development Company p r 3515 S.W. barbur Blvd. Y-1 ' I1� = 39.54 ' � R = 25oU0 ' � �� 6. 11 24•-foot, 2-inch Class B asphaltic concrete overlay shall In talll 31IL'• F• e = 89123 '05" be placed on 135th Avenue between Scholls Ferry Road and Portland, Oregon 97201 I 12_ " Cgncre e L = 39.00 the southern boundary of the subdivision. The overlay s = 2 .0% i shall be completed by 30 October 1985. Any ext^.rasion of Phone : ( 503) 227-7992 lthis deadline must be approved by the City Engineer, The City Engineer shall also have the authori*.1' to delete this conditior if the construction of necessary street OR-AK Corporation improvemcr s on S. W. 135th Avenue is a,:sured by a Local 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way I i Improvement District or similar arrangej,ent. Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Phone : (503 ) 635- 4551 I � Q I asrrou� totz►.3t x RAMP s46 Lo STORM 11/l DRAINAGE �' N R T N• . cc � rO 5T UC IO . ENGINEER: Leonard A. Rydell, P. E. , P.L.S. '`�` .�f P 1 . Storm sewers to be 1;-14 , c:l��s:_> �'. cc�r:.:cote pipe with rubber � ,5� ' � � I- - - - --- - gaskets. 601 Pinehurst Drive �� � e��`� Newberg, Oregon 97132 L4H L I I � •� Phone. (503) 538-5700 • I �0fr I I I r Drawn By: :-/�.• W.0. No. 8510 Sheet, o f 4 LAI _O v q V 5 G m U) �- - u W 0.� pC A c+ Z - � v Z U + N I J W O "� ,I t IU J �I Cd 11 0 - ~ Q u1 N tU Z'l TI + � t � W' 1 t Z-1 rl oc ac + N - + d + o w �- 0 _ r" 2 4 n u N 1- I- In Q u0i ^z240 a v 3 Z N _--- - t W _--�_ � � , -- --- -------- O Q - - --- -- --- - - -- V Z �' Ul 1_ 10 r 11; o N + OC oc oC � �� NI OL �' 0. Qcl W i0 �� o N j + „ Z. 238.35 I�Ih � o Q Z Z �N 0 .n �} N r 0�� o + + w W z' � D N � } s wwc-, cJ �+9�9 * �9 `�3 tj m O vl o - 7 CO } tX15TING Kim 73o'°JO I W /�` -Z34 C_ I. s Z Ol GROUNL _ 130.3 3 J �1 R1C-,I+T 2/W / (� dq Q -' ---► ZZ9.6�- RIM= PRopo� .p • �/ N " �\ ZZB.I FUTURE TOP - - - 8 ' -- -- i � �� � � � �, _ _ __- -� - -- -•- - - -_--. .._ �Z�.-_- __-� _� - _ _ _ -._ CURB GR�aOg �� V 0 lll 230.90 _ 5 �! V 0 W LY,1 Ib G TOP CU It j '" Z30 3z_ 7GUS }I -- _ - c� Q� J1 C, U N __ -- L z 7 z E X I Sl-I N G Z LUZ OC LEFT R�W -� �� 1i� i'4 Z1'�� s Z77 41 I I EXIS-f IIJG GROUND W J1IU W _ _ 100 V.C. Z7.ZS Z~ c,nouND LEFT R/W RIGHT R/W � J � /-�'�'" E ouT Rr I �,o' �. c r c--- (e0 �' I ELEV. P1.= Z31. 62 zz4.Uz _ ---/ + ZZI51 23 ZZZ,zO _! _ / I �.C. Oar LEPi ZZr•20, zZ5.D3 j � STA Y. 1 4+5p ' I 7-Zo 3 I 91M �..__/ : �'�, •.•.,." RIM= - - ' l,F_ <'� 1 E IN ) 1 ,,, ztl s4 ZCI?8 Y S= 1.0% _� E-l_Ev. P.1 Z3o.03 R rM= +, ZL2.8G ,, F'R zt3 66 ZZ3. / >' EE X0 5T ING ��„ '_ - 5 2Zo 07 LLI. 8 L�, DOT �s� C. ouT Ir11_�T R1Ms ZZ3 t8 220 i EktsTING zzoeB tz� z� I C oUT ZZ0.96 OoT Z1z a4 S _h,,��� ZI'-10 �PLU4 END //�� /� 4 alpro JNb -- - __ - - -- _ - -- - c 1F >• tZ3 1�j 001 G 2 0 V. C. --- ----- te1 CoF1T � I p 4 -1 L Z19.IZ STA. P'I. - Z+00 �, �oNc. 'Z a 4 °, ELEV. R I.= 2tb.7� I2 °e � - I.E. OUT ✓`I -t / i� o I.E. C>UT Z 17.4 zl8.i� j Z I%.-to E 00T- I Z 1 E3.18 I.� IN PROPoaED ,-PLUG � Z19 4, SEWEl,C _ S.W. ORNIN HILLS DRIVE j _ I E HT1 I.E. IN WEE AVENUE i Scala Horiz: 1' - 50' 'Vert: 1" - 5' zI a sa Z15.03 i 1 E. IN i Scale: H r11: 1' 50' zl3 o Vert: 1' - 5' 210 8 - 00 + 00 6 + 00 5 00 4 �J0 3 00 2 + 00 1 + 00 000 0 00 + 00 + nr� 3 0 + I' '1 + n i i_i I la�,,I i r1 0 5 G 6 + 00 210 RIMI Z IIIIIIIII am NMI hl II III III III IJI IIc� ��� 11 '�`JI III II1 rel tjly'i�11 111 ( r1 �i i I I I I ( I J I ( I I 1 ,� I I I I IIlIVNIh I ( Ii'1 III I1 II� III 1I III 1II 111 C�1 I(( II1 II) 1I1 II1 II1 I(I III II1 III 111 III iI1 SII II1 II' I(I I(I 111 III ""'""'�'�""`""" 1 i l NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED° '- 2 3 4 5 6 7 d 9 10 II 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN -----'` THIS NOTICEti'• ZT IS DUE TO �•+ `� JHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL - - -- -- �' A " ' DRAWING, OE 6Z 9Z 1Z 9Z SZ 12 EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 81 LI 91 51 bl EI e II 01 d 9 1 9 S b E Z I"""" ��11�1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111�1111�1111111III1111111NINIIIIINIHIH11111N�II111�hII1��UIn111111111IIIllullllllllllllililtlllr'�11�1111111i►IIItIttt111nu111t111►ullluh111111111N1UUlIIIIIIIlII1111111uI111111IIwIH1U11111wWIu��tlt;�I�luilu1�1�1111N � _ JUNE 24 1992, M. w, AGREEKF.NT WITH PUSITOR AND TRUSTEE ON SAVINGS ,COUNTS OR DbPOSITS This agreement Is for the purpose of f-,lfilling Che requirements of Compliance Agreemert dated _ 4=� and �betveen the City o`. Tigard and Depositor -- ` in entered into by sell KrueKer the and Somers, Grove b Co. Inc-T , I -- Trustee. 7'-! undersigned depositor and trustee do hereby assign the right to the City of Tigard to determine at its dla�retlon the payment of all funds or securities held by Sor-er,, Grove 6 Co. , Inc. as trustee in the amount of Deposit No, --=--=. In Account No, O3-50111-1-2 or the _ or Time Deposit No. In accordance with and for the p p in improveme— n- tF described in the above elated ur O6 nding Agreement. ---__ Compliance It is understood and agreed that the will hold such funds or securities in Cheamount of authorization or direction for Payment is received from that [he Cit until an Y of Tigard has the right to withdraw Prinicie City of Tigard and of Tigard signature Drily, in the event of Non-Performance. pal Funds with City All fund deposits shall be renewable at maturity and at rates anti effect at the time of renewal, and all interest shall be directed b; the Depositor aotwlthetandln trued in paid to or accrued as cinerary. g anything contained herein to the That rhe a,count is to remain rpen until Improvements are completed and accepted by the Cit such time as all Public y of Tigard. S197ed and dated at lylac.d this 21 Oregon. _ __ 19_�-, Signature of De ' poalto r` ti• 1 Address Forel urd "regon 971()1 -'- Signature of City of Tigan Address ACCEPTANCE --`— The undersigned hereh amount of SZO Z'-}-28 oo this eCc2PeC the funds or securities deposited 1n the Y acknaw a gas recalDt o t o _.._,__A til no the Certificate fcr Deposit No, Account old;� and "° Paacbook Issued for this account, 0 -SOZI�1 -1-•• . -111 be held It le °r certifies that there_@ for t',ie user end urthtr agreed that !a d(spoaition is granted b Purposes above geld account Y the CS[y of Ti stated until authorization Bard. 'or Authorized Signature (1444P1 `,-� CITY OF TIGARG, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 86—_FZ A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS COSTWALD NO. 2 SUBDIVISION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING RELEASE OF 'THE ORIGINAL PERFORMANCE BOND. WHEREAS, the City executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated September 23, 1986 with Krueger Development Co. & OR—AK Corp. to facilitate installation of public improvements to specified standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in' accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation confcr•mancp" to the City to notify the City of readiness for conditional acceptance inspection and, then upon notification by the Department -.)f Community Development that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient guarantee bond, if not: alrr:dly provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, to provide for correction of any incomplete work or any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after conditional acceptance of the public improvements by the City"; and "Upon receipt of certification from the Department of Community Developmhnt that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Guarantee Bond, the City Council agrees to conditionally accept the public improvement subject to the requirement of completion of all work and correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year"; and "neti.tioner agrees to to correct any defective work and to perform any maintenance, upon notification by the City, arising during the guarantee period"; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received, subject to correction of hprpinbalow listed deficiencies; and WIIREAS, an acceptable Guarantee Bond has also been received; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: -lhp Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvements known as Cutswal.d No. 2 Subdivision public improvements, subject to: t ) Maintenance of the guarantee bond in full force and effect; said bond being submitted to replace the original performance bond. 2) Correction of any defective work and continued maintenance for a period of one year. RFSOI_UT.T.ON NO 86--VrJ 17 Fuge 1 3) Completion of installation of all concrete sidewalks and driveway aprons. 4) Installation of the asphaltic concrete overlay. AND, authorizes release of the original performance bond. PASSED: This day of 1986. City of Tigard ATTEST: Deputy City Recorder-City of Tigard (JH:sb/dj58) RESOLUTION NO. 86--__t]� Page 2 C� -R - hh Co To2afL'on ly OREGON•ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY LAKE OSWEGO. OREGON 97034 503.635-4551 July 21 , 1986 Russell A Krueger 1335 S.W. 66th # 402 Portland, Oregon 97225 Dear Russell, En-losed you will find a copy of a letter from Schmidt Excavation. We should NOT pay the final amount clue to Vic Russell Construction until the leak in the manhole is repaired and inspected by the City of Tigard. The manhole did not leak when Schmidt Excavation finished the work on C:otswald Meadows 1 but the manhole leaked when Vic Russell Construction completed the wcrk on Cotswald Meadows II. It would appear that the responsibility to fix the leak is that of Vic Russell. You need do no more about this at this time. I will follow through. Copies will be mailed to the parties listed below. If you have any questions call me at 035-4551 . Yours truly, •� �i L e L e- it k !- Gordon Hobbs, President cc: Le,mard Rydell Chuck Schmidt Vic Russell City of 'Tigard, Hob Thompson Enclosures as stated: • 11F E. FIFTH STREET NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (50°; 538-9168 July 16, 1986 Leonard Rydell, P. E. 601 Pinehurst Dr. Newber4, Oregon 97132 Re, Cotswa3d I Subdivision Leonardi This is in reference to the let+or recived from you atatinr that; the manhole # B-1 at Cotowald I Sub- division, needed to be lowered and had leaks caused by our firm. We made a field evaluation, and adjusted the manhole In question down 3 feet to meet the surrounding topographical area. In regards to the said leak in manhole # E-1 , the contractor that did the improvements for (1otswald II realigned th stub, and in doing so left it with infiltration. Therefore, ve feel that we are not rerponsible for repairing; it. Sincerely, Charles M. Schmidt Schmidt Excavating, Inc. CP.1S/cl eco Krueger Development Cordon llobbs i.- City of Tigard# Bob Thompson OA/M^494 u AGREEMENT WIT 4 POSITOR AND TRUSTEE ON SAVINGS- .'COUNTS OR DEPOSITS ni. a;;reement is fur the purpose of t"Ifilling the requirements of Costwald II Cumpliance Agreement dated 4-21-86 end Russell A. Krueger and is between the City of Tigard Ue oaltor entered Into by the D _ Marzery F. Crist and Somers, Grove & Co., Inc Trustee. The undersigned depositor and trustee do h-reby assign the right to the pity of Tigard to determine at its discretion the payment of all funds yr securities held by Somers Grove 6 Co., I;ic. .As trustee in the emuuut of Uepasit No. in mEENNOtgm Account No. 50211-1-2 or or Time Deposit No. in he in accordance with and for the purpose building .treet impruvements described in the above stated Agreement. CuWpliance It is understood and agreed that the Trustue Will hold such funds or securities in the amount of authorization or directlo., for a fl1` until an and that the City of Tigard has the right to withdraw fPrinicipalrom the ir Funds y of Twith dCity of Tigard signature only, in the event of Non-Performanc-. All fund deposits shall be renewable at maturity and at rates and terms in effect at the time of renewal, and all interest shall be paid to or accrued as directed by the Depositor notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary. That the account is to remain open until such time as all Public 1m,,rovements are completed and accepted by the City of Tigard. signed and dated at Tigard — , Oregon. Phis 25th By of June19 86 Signature of Depositor t Addreca Signature of City of Tigard Address ACCEPTANCE The undersigned hereby accepts the funds or securities deposited in the amount of (1) this ___2, day of �� hereby acknuwladges receipt of t s gs**svkx 19 86 , and ''r the Certificate for Deposit No. Account o. l1_ no Passbook Issued for this account.rt Is fut�heted ragreithatsaldthat there account .ill be field for the uses and purposes above stated until authorization for !Ispusltiun is granted by the City of Tigard. Authurized Signature t ' 1444P) (1) .k jingle stock certificate, in the name of Margery Crist, for 2500 shares Of May Department Stores, worth $202,500.00, is on deposit with Somers, Grove 6 Co., Inc. (Acet k 50140-1-8) covering three performance bonds with the city of Tigard in the amounts of $20,228.00, $18,697.50, and $65,982.00. It is understood that this agreement will replace one signed April 21, 19860 for cash deposited in the amount of $20,228.00 to be released. � I i � } J f F I I I v i w cr II Q cr- m .� j 1p _ I I F w C O \ M •r 'A I �I -J O ) N ,V- ' w �� O tr 'j z Q rr v1 W A-N 3 rr Lj h - _Q W 1. U 0 N 1, W cr � - � A _ LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 11 Juste 1986 City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. Bob Thompson, Public Works Inspector Re : COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 - City of Tigard Dear Mr. Thompson: Victor Russell, Secretary, of Vic Russell Construction called me today regarding the air testing of the sanitary sewer for COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 in the City of Tigard. The inspection is scheduled for 10 : 00 am on Tuesday, 17 June 1986. All remaining items to be completed will be inspected at that time. Should you be able to attend the testing , it will be appreciated. Thank you. Since ly yours, LAIC, Le and A. Rydell, P. E. , P.1-. S. LAR/j encl : as stated OR-AK Corporation Arueger Developement Company Vic Russell Construction PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS * RESIDENTIAL. SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES May 29, 1986 CITYOF TI67ARD OREGON 25 Years of SeMce 1961-1986 Portland General. Electric Company Western Division 14655 SW Old Scholls Ferry Road Beaverton, Oregon 97005 ATTENTION: Glen Butler RE: Cotswald Meadows II - Subdivision Streetlighting Dear Mr. Butler: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactory and, further, t:, acknowledge authorization for P.G.E. to energize the six (6) lights therein, under Schedule 91 , Option B. Sincerely, R. L. Thompson Engineering Technician cc: File City Accountant R. J. Rouse Electric, Inc. 13125 SW Nall Blvd,PO Box 2.3397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — — ------- RecelveU MA Y <? p 1986 CITY OF 116;4K0 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 27 May 1986 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 Krueger Development Company (503) 538-5700 3515 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Y-1 Portland, Oregon 97201 Attn: Mr. Russell Krueger, President Re: COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 - City of Tigard Dear Mr. Krueger : The City of Tigard requires that the sanitary sewer mains in COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 located in the City of Tigard , Washington County, Oregon, be T.V. ' d prior to issuance of sewer hookups. As with previous projects, this has been the responsibility of the developer. Therefore, please arrange for the work to be done as soon as follows. You may want to have the same firm do the work that did it previously. The firm name is: Cal-Tom Inc. 16799 S. W. 72nd Avenue "ortland, Oregon 97224 Phone : (503 ) 620-6959 Please also be aware that neither the City of Tigard or this firm has records of the sanitary sewer air test results. They were not witness by this firm. Also, the As-Builts from the contractor have not been received. Both items as well as the previously identified discrepancies need to he completed until final retainage of #3 ,000.00 is paid. Should you have any questions regarding these items, please feel free to contact this firm. Thank you. Sinc rely yours i Leonard A. Rydell, P. E. , P.L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc : Vic Russell Construction Company OR-AK Corporation City of Tigard PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS . RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION, MATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAiNAGE SYSTEn,`, LAND S1JkVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATIOi-4 HOMES CITY OF TIGA M OREGON 25 Years of SeMce May 27, 1986 19611986 Mr. Russ Krueger 3515 SW &,i•-bur Blvd. , Suite Y-1 Portland, OR 97201 Dear Rues: Enclosed is a copy of the recorded consent covenant for street improvements for Cotswald Meadows No. 2. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the City's Engineering Manager, Mr. Randy Clarno. Sincerely, Loreen R. Wilson City Recorder lrw/3585A Enc. �.�6C! Randy Clarno 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,PO Bax 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171— - ----- t FCORPORATION 860 1 5 4 16 CONSENT COVENANT (NONREMONSTRANCE AGREEMENT) Screet Improvements 'rhe undersigned owners (including purchasers) of the real property described below do hereby record their consent to the formation of a local improvement district by the City of Tigard for the purpose of improving the public streets upon which the described property abuts. The undersigned expressly waive all present and future rights to oppose or remonstrate against the formation of a local improvement district for the improvement of the abutting street or streets, reserving only the right to contest the inclusion of particular cost items in the improvement district proceeding and any right they may :.ave under the laws of the State of Oregon to contest the proposed assessment formula. The real property that is the subject of this consent covenant is described as follows: SFE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this agreement to be executed by its duly authorized, undersigned officers acting pursuant t, resolution of its Board of Directors. J / Q Name f Cbrporation Corporate Seal By — evidrn� STATE OF OREGON ) By: � -�->.---] fig. Secretary County of Washington ) 1 Personally appeared ,.�.���•IA !C rur,•,� and _ who, each being first—duly sworn, did say that the former is the president and that the latter is the secretary of �(I LA - ADD -Uell,Ar r a corporation, and at teal alffixed to thq,,.fe *oing f strument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that Kai'd• liiat6kpr-?nt was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by tuth�"�tb pf its board of directors; and each of them acknowledged said �•t(dttru�ent to be its voluntary act and deed. ,.• / otary Public for Oregon (k)TARIAL SEAL) M`, Commission Expires: I� Approved as to form this day of �, 19 Y. CYt Attorney - City of T� igard Approved as to legal description this f day_ �bf1 r '19.& By: 1 .. .. _ — C y i-mt y Tigard sw—n Approved thle. day of 191 . 1 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON C BY� IGQr� h _�,� � r� G` City ecorder - City of — Tigard r, r I —3 EXHIOI'1 "A" yr , i,,j .�t a point on the South line of Section 33, which bears North ea"; rrt" west 15 00 feet from the quarter corner on the South line of said r ,�,n 13, in rownship 1 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian in wa,hington County, Oregon' thence North 88025'03" West along the South line of —id ',nr,tion 3", a distance of 545.01 feet; thence North 02014'7.7" East 83.32 foot , thence North 80047'35" West 50.01 feet; thence Northwesterly along the ar, of a 17 00 foot radius curve to the lest (the chord of which bears North 43004'01" West 24.17 feet) a distance of 26.89 feet; thence North 00022'28" West 13.97 feat; thence North 01034'35" East 150,50 foot to the Southwest corner of "COTSWALD MEADOWS", as said subdivision is platted and recorded in H,,,,k 59, page 20, Washington County, Oregon Plat Records; thence South 88012'28" East along the South line of said subdivision, 404.00 feet; thence North, 59036'21" East continuing along said Southerly line, 150.09 feet; thence South 00^12'28" East continuing along said South line, 128.00 feet to a point „ri the Fast line of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said ScLtion 11, thence South 01034'35" West along said line, 330.20 feet to the quartor corner on the South line of said Section 33; thence North 88025'04" We,t 15 00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 3.983 acres of land, morn ,r less Mpml,ll 1 'R` 1 —7 -s$jj��spg4 S •fe n, !rOr LM/Ig71 )Ar yl ifl r , ... . w l9TPo1 - '�'T'— ntor A —$-- _ oot,r,co-,r,rrw — Ic b i� Go 1. trfi — gg 1 C nuc i u rtrr C II tp : R 8 8 l^t tt o,tf 4 troy � i� eti � rrtt for nn n rt lr,.., „e Cv • ;n s (c /� i G z LLJ O LL f7 N A .Iv/ti Itrr •f O Q z 8 U1 z eft n A 0141 l r1!r„w r 74 z � - -- �� Q4 W c, x z s /^� t � 0 z F" O — U F U O gN yD W 9 N x^ 1 OU aet, f M.ir �'' a 5�I•. STATE OF OREGON 1 t 98 County of Washington I Donald W Mason.Oeector of AssesAmrud and Taxation and Ex Officio Recorder of Con veyences for sold county,do hereby certify that the within instrument of writing was received Ard recorded In book of records of said county Donald W. Meson, Director of Aasesenterp and taxation. Ex OHlclo County Clerk 1916 APR 15 AM 10:01 q MAY 2 ,1 1966 DATE May 20, 1986 o UROENr R. J. ROU`1 ELECTRIC INC. ❑SOON AS POSS/SLE 16320 SW Parker Rd. CITY OF TIGRRD f11E NO. 2129 [1 NO REPLY NEEDED LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 L:rrf_NWIV Bob i',lompson , rO (503) 635.2824 sua✓Ecr Cotswald Meadows J1 ",ity of 'Tigard St. Lighting 12420 3. 4. Main Tigard, 0.1 97223 MESSAGE A. iiFhting for trje subject job has been completed. Upon your, acceptance, please send a copy of your acceptance to our office and noV.fy PGE to energize. SIGNED W "��/ REPLY DA rE OF REPLY SIGNED 86023362 CORPORATION PERMANENT SANITARY SE'JF.R EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT f r—'=P r 1 nvalnrTpnt Crm,p , Jregun Corporation hereinafter called the Grantors, in consideration for the sum of 10 dollars (_ -n- ) from the City of Tigard, hereinafter called Grantee, grant and convey unto the City of Tigard a perpetual easement for constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions on the following described parcel of land, situated in the City of Tigard, Washington County, State of Oregon: Sec Attachment "A". IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD that this easement does not convey any right. title or interest except those expressly stated in this easement, nor otherwise prevent Grantors from the full use and dominion thereover; provided, however, that such use shall not interfere with the uses and purposes of the Intent of the easement. 1.N CONSIDERATION of the premises, Grantee agrees that if said Grantee, its successors or assigns should cause said easement to be vacated, the rights of the Grantee in the above-described easement will be forfeited and shall immediately revert to the Grantors, their successors and assigns in the rase of such event. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described and granted premises unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNEJS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this easement to be executrd 'cy its duly authorized, undersigned officers acting pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors. Krueger Development Company Name of Corporation Corporate Seal President STATE OF C,RrGON ) By: _ at;. Secretary County of Washii.gton ) Personally appeared Hissel A. Frtieger and who, each being firs, duly sworn, did say that the former is the presi,'ent and that the latter is the secretary of Krue eF, r Development C(—Inv _ a corporation, end that the seal affixed to the foregoing Instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authoriLtU_gj__ACs_board.__of__directors; and each of them acknowledged salt nstrument to be Its voluntar) act and deed. NCT R.' : ... - u'FGON, - -- Notary Public for Oregon My(100?n702AL SEAL) _0919 My Commission Expires: J Approved as to form this -n By: 1 Attorney - City of Tigard Approved as to legal description this l- day of P , 19��-. By: QL 7",-- J" -- City of Tigard Su Approved this 1 day of TY COU"IL,�LTY OP TIC D, OREGON B b C y Recorder - a ty of 1lgard 1 -3 CLARENCE E. BARKER 2035-25THSTREETS.E. • SALEM,OREGON97302 April 17, 1986 COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 A Sanitary Sewer Easement described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly corner of Lot 14, COTSWALD MEADOWS, as said subdivision is platted and recorded in Book of Town Plats for Washington County, Oregon and being situated in Section 33, Township 1 South, Ranee 1 West of the Willamette Meridian in said County and State; thence South 01°34'35" West 125.50 feet; thence North 88°25'25" WesL 15.00 feet; thence North 01°34'35" East 130.45 feet; thence North 46° 39'55" East 27..25 feet to a point on the west line of said Lot 14; thence South 01°34'35" West along said went Line, 20.00 feet to the Voint of beginning. Z LAND SURVEYORS MEBTRO'OLITI:N-RURAL-PAR111nNN S•STRUCTURAL LAYOUTS PHONE(503)5641-MM CITY 0... TIGARD, WASHING 14 / I / 13 ' 12 II S 88022'28.1 E (110.00) (6500) (5100) 5 \0' 52 40 52 40 52 40' 14 10 SCALE 1-*50 DATE 'AAR 24,1986N 6'PUBLIC '0 O (� UTILITY '� "001 -O EASEMENT— 8 q n W W W o 0 53 64 `,J 65 -Fn rnNW 66 -N 1 ' ' 5262 SO FT r� 5266 SO FT 5266 S0.FT 't" 5266 SOFT }. 5 In OA Q 0, Q 9_ I U'0 _15 WIDE SANI)ARY52.31 0--- --52.4 5240' --52.40SEWER EASEMENTo S88°222B"E TRACTE - 56.44' 100 RESERVE STRIP TO \ v+ 13.97 n CITY OF TIGARD N•g 52.11 --. - __- 7000 - --. CURVE DATA--11:71-�/ -ac.1x- —26.52' 0.900 36'55" .,O 01 R:1700 N 88'47'.15"W �'v\ o \�ry L' 2689• .-6'PUE L C: N 43004'01'W � \� O \ O 2417' RADIAL Co 83 w 82 w S87°15 33'E w 6893 SO FT. n 7004 SO FT N ' � 1/2"1 P IC 5 42901 0 z z 1/16 COR SEC 33, T 1 5 e 7701 rood SEC 4, T 2 S o12'S STATE OF OREGON SS County of Washington I.E( ENb: Length Chord Bearing Chord 1,Vonald W Meson,Director of Assessment 31.43' S 46°36'03" W 28.30 and Taxation snd Ex-ONiclo Recorder of Con- veyances on- awlsninstrument mnt said nty,do of wrttingaby waseecevhat ed In)LIn1 Carnot the and recorded in book of records of said Aunty Donald W. Mason, olrectr,r of LIl.Su I A 5Q`'.A' til" N 411, .),1 Aaaeeament and Taxation. Ex. OBlclo County Clerk 1986 JUN-3 PM 4' 14 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 22 April 1986 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97137. (503) 538-5700 Vic Russell Construction, Inc. P. 0. Box 817 LaPine, Oregon 97739 Attn: Mr. Vic Russell, Secretary Re: COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 - Tigard Dear Mr. Russell : This letter is to remind you that several items remain to be completed on the Street, Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Drainage and Utility Improvements to COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 , a 21 lot single family subdivision located in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon as follows: 1. As-Built drawirgs need to be submitted as per the Special Conditions. 2. Infiltration into the sewer mains us per my letter of 24 March 1986 needs to be corrected. 3. Sidewalk grade needs to be constructed. The above items need to be completed prior to final payment, acceptance of the improvements and start of the one year warranty period. Please complete them without delay and notify this firm when items 2 and 3 are complete so that a r-einspection can be scheduled. Should you have any questions regarding the items to be completed, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Leonard A. Rydell, P. E. , P.L.S. LAR/j cc: City of Tigard Krueger Development Company OR-AK Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS e RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY 'EWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEY'l • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES FINAL PLAT REVIEW CHECKLIST Attach copy of submitted Plat Plat Name: �C�J��`,�-� � �(,l'S � . 7Z-- "CIRCULATE IN ORDER SHOWN" , PLANNING DIVISION Review items considered 1. Phase boundaries [,�f 2. Lot and/or tract size and confiouration 1,1 3. Lot and/or block numbers 1-1 ,J A. Access restrictions A)<'� 'C�j� r A�r'ss ro P35T [, 5. Conditions of Approval (VLAJ0i0G RGc_ATeEX) t)#—) 1-1 6. Private streets (location, width, etc. . . ,) L� 7. Preliminary Plat approval date - 1 year period OK [�J 8. Special Deed restrictions 9. Taxes, special assessments paid [ ?] 10. Open Space (Deed or Dedication) 11 . Non--Remonstrance Agreements ['�] 12 SPECIAL SETBACKS ARE 5r Comments . kzz--vy OF� BY : _ DATE: LL _�_�� ENGINEERING DIVISION Review items considered { Survey Related I. Plat boundary description 2. Lot and traci square footage calculation check 3. Centerline monumentation 4. oearings, distances and curve data Gimments: BY: DATE: - "^ Engineering Related r� 5. Location, width and purpose of easements, conveyance (Specific and general public utility easements) 6. Reserve strips 7. Open Space areas, public iirorovements (-f,.-1./ oar./�_. 1 u;,/l.•, r,3 8. Curve, corner, ane cul--de-sac radii 1, 3 9 Street Names 10. Dedication/Vacation � r 11 Street location, width and alignment 12 Public Improvement guarantee 0K "T11—L.. THIS ;cam 11 Conditions of Approval C 14 Sewer availability letter prepared 15. ',ton-access aroa-v marked on attached pl at (D/W, cor. ) [! ] Comments: n t`a%.4L L sig-•�� I y...i. nn r E 2 1 vr"1� �x.� 7 bfNf��� ♦ �1 N� I Y �P.1,. r l+.in�� � '•>q!; 1 .1.•1� ' h // � A' IV 1 ��r.•�Ali? h1>14 IGa.I[`MS 1.A..fP cru? > . BUILDING DIVISION Comments: BY: DATE: Returned to Developer for correction BY: DATE: Corrections reviewed and approved BY: DATE: Forwarded for City Signatures BY: DATE: Addressed - BY: _ DATE. _ (Forwarded to drafting) Released to deveiopPs for cocording BY: DATE (RSC:bs/2367P) April 21, 1986 To whom it may concern C'WOFTIMARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON RE: Cotswald Meadows No.2 Subdivision Dear Gentlemen: This is to verify that: 1 . Each lot is situated an a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, include curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for operation and - maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oreyon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, has drairiage structures and fit: designed to pr-vent flooding as apprtjved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3 . A municipality owned disposal system is available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4 . The improvemornLs required, to be constructed, by the City of Tigard, Oregon are under construction. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond (and Maintenance Bond) has been o,.ecut(!d by Lhe subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged )y tho City of ligard City Council thereinregard completion of the improvements, said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder' s Office. I hope this IotLer clarifies Oic' 11wttor IOr- you, regarding docu.:,eritat.iun/ver ificatiori required to be submi t.tod Ln Lho State Real [state Division by each subdivider YniiDr , truly, lrit�ri �. Il,�gfh,�n 1 nyim'-ot iiiy Toch III (RI i hs2t�1)]I�) - 12755 S W ASH P.O BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH 639.4171 ------ JUMMKML� e c ? f A CITY "JF TIGARD, ORLGON COUNI'Ll. AGLNDA ITEM SUMMARY AGLNUA 01- AGi-..NDA 11-EM #: DAIL SUBM111ED: PREVIOUS ACTION: Nona ............ ISSUL/AGE60A 1`11L.L: Cotswold No. 2 Subdivision Performance Bond- acesServices Dept. PREPARED BY: Deya iop. and authorize Mayor�&. Recorder to REQUESTED BY: John f,jaqman execute in City' s behalf. DEPAP"I'MENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINis,rRAT-OR: INFORMATION SUMMARY 1. "Cotswald No. 2" subdivision is located west of 135th Avenue, near Brittany Drive. 1-he preliminary plat has been approved by the City but has riot been recorded sin(.(a the developer originally intended to complote all work prior- to doing so. 2. The attached Per-turmance Bond has now been submitted by the developer, as- is required by the City to assure completion of installation of all public. facilities within the proposed subdivision, to facilitate recording of the plat (prior to such installation completion) .3 CorisLruGti.ori plans have already been issued and all required public improvement Foes havo been paid. 4 . Work j.!% progr-c-4sing satj5faCtof`_jrly arid, subsequently, La enable ref-ording of Lhe plat, staff rocommerids that the Council accept Lhe Bund and authuriee the RvLurder and Mayor Lo acknowledge same. ALJLRNAl IVES GONSIDEM.0 SUGGA'SlED ACTION (Iij f'11)r i 11 014 Mayor --Arid (,i.I,y R si c o r d"r Lo acknowludyt! 0w Pvrf urmaw v florid for Cotswald No 2 in behalf of Ole City, AGREEMENT WIT1' POSI1'OR AND TRUSTEE ON SAVINGS„ ,COUtrrS OR DEPOSITS i This agreement is for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of Compliance Agreement dated 4-71-8� _between the City of Tigard and and is entered Depositor Russell into Krueger and Somers, Grove G Co., lnc.by the Trustee. The undersigned depositor and trustee do hereby assign the right to the City of Tigard to determine at its discretion the payment of all securities held by Somers, Grove d Co., funds or Inc. as trustee in the amount of _ Deposit No. n Account No. (13-50211-1-2 or or Tim Deposit No. the in accordance with and for the p in improvements described in the above stated Pur ose of Bonding Agreement. Compliance It is understood and agreed that the will hold such fundi or securities in [he amount of auchorizatiun or direction for payment is received from the City of Tig—d that the City of Tigard has the right to withdrawPrinicipal Funds with City of Tigard signature only, In the event of Non-Performance. All fund deposits shall be renewable at maturity and at rates and terms in effect at the time of renewal, and all interest shall be paid to or accrued as directed by the Depositor notwithstanding anything contrary. contained herein to the That the account is to remain open until such time as all Public Improvements are completed and accepted by t',e City of Tigard. Signed and dated at Ti¢ard _—, Oregon. This --_11 ar dA �_ y o f 19—AF , Signature of Deposito C Address Porrt.md Oregon 97201 Si na a of City of Tigard Address_�� a� 9 7 ✓`4a f . ACCEPTANCE 9 3 The undersigned hereby accepts the funds or securities deposited in the amount of $20 ')28 UO this 21st day of hereby ecknow edges receipt o t e A r11 no the Certificate for Deposit No. Account o,0I 19--��-' 8,d no here in Passbook Issued for X5021__ 1-1-y; this account:It is fur[herragreed ithat tsaidhat teccount will be held for the use@ and purposes above stated until authorization for disposition 1s granted by the City of Tigard. 1444p) Signature Authorized S � ure 1 FINAL PLAT REVIEW CHECKLIST Attach copy of submitted Plat Plat Name: � 1�� �M� 1W s "e "CIRCULATE IN ORDER SHOWN" �✓ � V-1� e~0K4rN PLANNINGDIVISION Review items considered 1. . Phase boundaries [��] 2. Lot and/or tract size and configuration [✓j 3 . Lot and/or block numbers [✓J 4 . Access restrictions A14o 'plpltT toTs 12-, 1 1 c/ 5. Conditions if Approval 6. Private streets (location, width, etc. . . , ) [vf 7. Preliminary Plat approval date -- 1 year period OK [� 8 . Special Deed restrictions [r/j 9. Tattes, special assessments paid [7] 10 Open Space (Deed or Dedication) [,/] 11 . Non-Remonstrance Agreements V-Z%4. (to",D 12 SPECIAL SETBACKS ARE --� -- -- CnmmcnL s BY. DATE: ENGINEERING DIVISION Review items considered Survey Related 1 . Plat boundary description [L�j 2. Lot and tract square footage calculation check [f] 3, Centerline monumentation [�/] 4. Bearings, distances and curve data M Comments : 1> DATE: Engineering Related 5. Location, width and purpose of easements, conveyance. [ v� (Specifi.c and jener•al public utility easements) 6 Reserve strips [✓]� 7. Open Space areas, public improvements 8. Curve, corner , and cul-de sd( radii [ ✓]� 9 . Street Names [ ►.r 10. Dedication/Vacation [ � 11 . Street location, width and alignment [ yr 12 . Public Improvemont guarantee OK { 13 . Conditions of Approval [ 14 . Sewer availability letter prepared lr) Nun -access aroas marked on attached plat (D/W, r_or Conimprit -, •STEM '� 12 (��Oo�t> • • Dt�tl�lr hof r`a� �►osr�e.� � re.rGor►+�s�.at L�Nl ���� �►! ����•� OIL pV-orosal *• C-O,.A 0A Ot �1►�Dr VJOIAL 3�jt-Kip ►s ("666%ltl . , . SAM "I'A s4i*.Jr.•1 �.� oven 1 I c.vr� o� �aK��yr� Sawtr �v.�tsC�ati-b.�� � T-TENa�w1r t4 T `1 �+ KOY I `.�� V1��0 1v�A\rt4�1IM `rG.�r`• \H �C1,w�.N�`� e• NO F,Ay�M�C.\r \ W\'C��� �,�,Gar�„��NG.a. ` L\���- v.o 1�`�wrs•��-e- drG �►s �! ���Mtd A Iwo v\n VY\� f�G� NC�L� 4 �oOv� p or .� LAO t 1 BUILDING DIVISION Comments: " y q DAVE: — L� Returned to Developer for correction BY: DATE: Corrections reviewed and appro%ed BY: DATE Forwarded for City Signatures BY: DATE: Addressed - BY: DATE: (Forwarded to drafting) Released tj developer for recording BY: v DATE_: i u ',r hs/23G1P) LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., PI.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHIIRST DRIVE, NEWBEkG, OREGON 97132 21 November 1985 (503) 538-5700 Vic Russell Construction, Inc. P. 0. Box 817 LaPine, Oregon 97739 Attn: Mr. Vic Russell, Secretary Re : COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 :ity of Tigard Dear Mr. Russell : As discussed you last night, I conducted a finish rock check of COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. The following discrep-Ancies were noted: 1. Entrance not prepared for paving - rock depth of 9.25 inches measured along S. W. 135th street, 13-inches required. Are not graded, shaped or rolled. Pumping was noted on the south side of the entrance. 2. Catch basin forms not removed and rock not graded and compacted around catch basins. 3. Curb exposure along several driveways measured at 2.5 inches, 4-inches required. 4. Roller marks (indicating inadequate compaction) noted over much of the project. While most of the rock was frozen making compaction check impossible to conduct, soft spots were noted at driveway for Lot 3 and in west intersection. 5. Exposure around manholes measured to be less than three inches. No compaction efforts noted„ 6. Grades we're checked with a string from curb to curb and areas over 0.05 from design grades were marked with orange paint and need to be corrected prior to paving. With the exception of the areas marked ant the above discrepancies, much of the project was satisfactory for grade. As per the 1984 Oregon State Highway Specifications, the rock need to be dry and the temperature 45° F or above prior t3 paving for the first 2-inch lift. PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES a Mr. Vic Russell 21 November 1985 Page 2 of 2 Bob Thompson of the City of Tigard left a message with my office yesterday that the rock preparation was not acceptable to the City of Tigard. You also need to contact him regarding the extra inspection fees for inspection services obtained the weekend of the sanitary sewer installation. Please notify this firm when the finish rock is ready for a reinspection. Approval by this firm and the City of Tigard is required before paving. Should you have any quebtions regarding this project, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. Since ely yours, Leonard A. Rydel , P.E. , P.L.S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc: City of Tigard BILLING STATEMENT DATE OF BILLING: 10/3/85 TERMS: PAYMENT DUE NO LATER THAN 10/31/85 CITYOF TIFARD ............... ====.t.== a=-v-= WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON LABOR: ---8 Hours x $ 27.28 - $ 218.24 Hours x $ $ Hours x $ Hours x $ _ _ $ TOTAL LABOR $ 218.24 MATERIALS 6 SUPPLIES: $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES $ N/A OTHER: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 218.24 RETURN THIS PORTION OF STATEMENT WITH YOUR PAYMENT MAIL PAYMENT TO: City of Tigard POB 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Billing Description AMOUNT DUE $ 218.24 For: Ovcitime for Inepect. Sat. Spt. 21 1981985 at Cotswald Meadow #2 Ac I . # 10-00000-4 7 9 Vic Russell Const. — �-`- _PG Box 817 La Pine, OR 91139 -- — 12755 SW aSH PCS ROX 23397 TIGARD, ORSGON 97223 PH 839-4171 �� 1 VIC RUSSELL `,,ONSTRUCTION INC. Vic Russell H.+* P O.Bo.B 17 LoPine.Oregon 97739 I I Nr, I O I I MIN N ut H I II uM'. POYMI NI IMP NfI I AAI u IWIN I nlu0l; 11(mir ti r S b How s Mn I I k i Al 6 °.UPPI TUS: S S S, S S TOM MA11 RIALS ANO SUPPLIES I I In N (_Include Overheads _ MI n1 OM)IINI 01A S ,I, I I I,Iy Il, il 1 1 rrulNl 0111 b � Y• 0 40 f r Tlaln 4 r,Ai a r. 11"o c 0 Cv �,f1 M NOMI ANl1 !111111;I 10 III fill /a� O(� �d V • V/c 'R.% �t � 1� �.�.f. '? / ,Q• t A.^ 1;;.A ON� 4 7 3 r 1t f00- s , �® CITY OF TIIFARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON September 25, 1985 Mr. Russ Kruger Krueger Development Co. 6 OR--AK Corp. 3515 SW Barbur Blvd. Y-1 Portland, Oregon 97201 Re: Cotswald Meadows No. 2 Subdivision Dear Russ: The Tigard City Council , at its regular meeting of 9/23/85, approved the Subdivision Compliance Agreement for the above mentioned Subdivision. A copy of this agreement is enclosed for your files. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the City's Engineering Division. Sincerely, Lureen R. Wilson Deputy City Recorder 1 rw/3114A C y Clarnu. E:,Pgineering Div. 12755 S W ASH P.O BOX 23397 TIGARD. OREGON 97223 PH 839-4171 _ � q► CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: September 23, 1985 AGENDA ITEM DATE SUBMITTED: September 16, 1985 PREVIOUS ACTION: None ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Cotswald Meadows No. 2 Subdivision Compliance PREPARED BY: Community Development Bond, Authorise Mayor 6 Recorder to Execute in City' s Beahlf REQUESTED BY: John Hagman DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: C1:1Y ADMINISTRATOR: POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY I . The proposed Cotswald Meadows Nn. 2 subdivision is located on the west side of SW 135th Avenue, southerly SW Scholl.s Ferry Rd. The preliminary plat has been approved by the City. 2 . The ai;tached Subdivision Compliance Agreement has been submitted by the develcpers, as is required by the City, to assure completion of installation of all public facilities within the proposed subdivision. She developers desire to construct all required public improvements _prior to recording of the plat (subs(--quently, it is not mandatory that they post a performance bond) . 3 . Construction plans are ready to be issued and all required public improvement fees have been paid. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED SUGGESTED ACTION Authorize the Mayor and Ci.°:y Rer,irder to execute the Subdivision Compliance Agreement for Cotswald Meadows A'o. 2. (JH:br/1863p) ew vi4_1-/C.40%4010.— SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the day of `< eai0e,- 19 85 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Ore on, hereinafter termed the "CITY", and _ Krueger Development co. and OR-AK QgrpQraLioG hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdA vision plat known as Cotswald Meadows No. 2, in _Section 33, Township 1 South, Range I West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and th,-� Unified sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's develupmr:nt are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, isi consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the dat-- of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivisinn Ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the city of tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Publ;.r_ Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance, via a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration. (2) To assure compliance 1fith the City' s requirements and the provisions hereof , Petitioner will tender rFquesk o the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of ,prior to rerurdin}; d the stibdlvision Mat. (3) In the event. that Petitioner shall fail , neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ton (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureti.s , and such default and failure to proceed continuing therea_'ter, the City may at its option proceP-i to have the work competed and 1 charge the costs nereof against Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to reccvs- the amount thereof. In the event ouch action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's Fees aid costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if anv, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City' s attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (4) Petitioner, concurrent the with execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electric-1 erergy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount being f 441,IfL (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City's interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections fees.* (6) The City agreeq to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in 'the amount of ®, $ 443.00 (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petit'nner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of the readiness for acceptance consideration inspection and upon notification by the Department of Public Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, in the sum of :. 20,228.00 to provide for correction of any dc+fective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the public improvement subject to the requirements for correctior, of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (8) That in addition tc, or supplementary of the requirements of the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and '.he provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations: *Project Fee 3, 153.56_ Sewer Fee �� 891 .95 2 - (a) None of' the lots (,f Petitioner' s subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the sssbdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to a occupied, is installed as a part of the development; pr3vided that all sidewalks a4 required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) is required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping and trees in all areas shall be planted and in Place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract. (c) After tentative City acceptance of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to place an asphaltic concrete Class "B" overlay on all roads within the development; placement scheduling to be approve by the City . (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on othe approved Plat(s) and plan(s) . • (e) Petitioner agrees to provide work and/or maintenance becoming a parentoro� ctdurinf the defective arising q guarantrye period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, P!titioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, thereinregard, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond. (10) rho parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executes; and filed with the City cc:ncurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bund and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default. on the part of the Petitioner with respect to any requirement t.horeof • 3 ear a � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has • caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to motion of i s Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the day of aeD7 , �,pr , 19S5 has caused this agreement to be executed by iitsi—Mayor and Recorder. Krulmi=4— OR-AK CORPORATION By: By / By: By: THE CI)TY(OF TIGARD, OREGON By: -JC 8y Recorder (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Return signed copy to: Krueger Development co. & OR-AK Corp. Z 3515 SW Barbur Blvd. Y-1 Portland, OR 97201 (0070S) 4 _ LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 17 September 1985 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 Vic Russell Construction, Inc. P. 0. Box 817 LaPine, Oregon 97739 Attn: Mr. Vic Russell, President Re : COTSWALD MEADOWS NO� 2 - Tigard Dear Mr. Russell : Enclosed please find two sets of the revised "Street , Storm Drainage, Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Plans (Sheets 1 and 2 of 4) for COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 , a proposed 21 lot subdivision in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. These plans have been revised to show the following changes: 1 . Changing slope of Line "C" of the sanitary sewer to 1 .80% to allow the pipe to enter the manhole at the top of the shelf.. 2. Adding a sewer tee at 0+50 on the first run of Line "A". 3. Adding street light and mail box cluster locations. These revised plans are to be used for construction of the project, and the previous sets are to be destroyed. No additional payment for the above changes is authorized. Should you have any questions regarding this project, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. Sin ely yours, Leonard A. Rydell, P. E. , P.L.S. LAR/j cc: OR-AK Corporation City of Tigard PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES PLEASE TAKE THIS TO THE CASHIER FOR A RECFIPj • NAME: V DATE: C-\ RE'. CrtswA�e ACCT. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-220 Refundable Performance Bond Deposit $----- 10-435 Simon Permits HOP TU - 10-436 6ybliTjewer Plan Check/Inspection Fiii-) 10-436 Public Storm Plan Check/Inspection Fee 10-436 Street DedicationCublic Improvement _Fee 10-436 Street_Opening Permit 10-440 Subdivision Applications: S MLP 10-441 Zoning Applications : zC CPA ZOA PO Misc SCE CU SLP V $ 21-442 SttLdit Light �e- r ft) 10-451 Document Sales- Engrg. Planning Bldg, 10-451 Lt Eeet and TrafficY Signe i— $x_43 , 00 10-451 Land Use Actions/Fees : SDR TOrA1- 4.,93 S,-�-7- (1045P) 5 rA NOA RD DE rA IL 5 COTSWALD MEADOWS NOR 2 Washington Courity, Oregon STANDARD MH. FRAME a COVER EASEMENT AREAS I TRAV� LED RIGHTS OF WAY FINISH GRADE I SET FRAME STEPS ---- -_ _— — �� IN MORTAR —G R 0 U T \•� /--' ----�--i11 MAX. TRENCH WIDTH - - ---� I - 12"MAX. MAXIMUM PER IMISSIBLE \ �I AT NATIVE _ -- 4"COIICRETE EXTENSION MAT ER -- �_ 2" 0" CRUSHED ROOK, CLEAN, - RING INSTALL AS REOUIREO - \ �� � � -t '� 6 " ABOVE TOP OF TO BRING MH. COVER PIPE I { DENSE , HARD AND COMPACTED. FRAME TO DESIGN GRADE. • - -t2�' s ,/ �I I ����� �- 4 J \ / PIPE SIZE TRENCH WIDTH - 6 � (malt. 3 rings ) \ \ L STANDARD MANHOLE " , . ECCENTRIC r - I ♦ I 1 \ FRAME 8 COVER --- / I x 6 112 0' 11 M H TOP • - I t - -- - SET FRAME AN. I 1 r „ • Ic 'AIIN - -- - -- • RAM - NEK JOINT - �- - l.. !-- - - - -'�- - 8 ? 0 FINISH GRADE ^=�` - IN MOTAR j • MATERIAL OR EQUAL _ I 1 --- - - - - -_ I I ~ I I - - - - - - 10 ” 2, 2" " ► ' , �"� I I/ GROUT- --- - 4" CONCRETC EX1 FNSIr'', _ � �I I I � -- - 3/4 - I/4 to �/ MAKE St,'RFACE OF I — 48 - I I - j / RING \ \. GROUT Fi' ;.ET SMOOTH 12N 2' g" I SELECT GRANULAR MATERAL �- e - , _ 8 FO R M GROOVED IN- A10 VERT TO DIRECTION -------- -- I,V PIPE ZONE - 95% COMPACTION 14 2e OF' FLOW _ �1_ 11 — ---t/--- •, -"i2 MAX I - _ , --RAM-NEK JOINT _ -i-� - - MATERIAL OR 6 -- '' -STEPS • a; 46" i s 15 " 2' 10" --�., QST D 48 aMH. RISER-4". COMPACTED GRANULAR ST'D 48"O h� EQUAL _-r16„ 3,40„ a } ° BACKFILL NOTE = MR RISERS e > • ,� 0 e o 0 I INLETS OUTLETS AS REO G o0 p °ooG UNCISTUREIED 12"MAX. _i6 3 4 PIPE REQUIRED, �': �� :. ZONE 2 MAX c 2 WHEN SEWER ENTERS ABOVE 20" 3' 6" '- INV.T01 'V. EARTH ° r o p 0� BOTTOM OF MH FORM A ¢ NOTE ' v D V �ys-� FILLET OF GROUT OR CONC 'E ~. Oft SLOPE s 21 3' 6 Of .. • D/2 a ,,. p p+G F AS INDICATED. - I. 4 CONCRETE EXTENSION RING �\ p.. Jr. ri �� MAKE SURFACE SMOOTH 9 - �- _ .a!' "i' INSTALL AS REQUIRED TO BRING �• ' ..� ECRM GROOVED INVERT :.•e.• MANHOLE COVER 8 FRAME TO 4 MIN. c D/4 e TO DIRECTION OF FLOW - " -L— — - N • ✓ I of DESIGN GRADE.(MAX. 3 RING). „ .. A 1r an o �� _ 'f' - 4 2 12" LAYER COMPACTED 27 . •�e o + � � -�- uo ° ° "• a o 01 ape u u 0 GRAVEL( 3/4 - 1/4 . INLETS/OUTLETS AS REO.000 o0 0 0 12„ LAYER COMPACTED o 30 4' 6 0 6 o s 0 0 DD ” 0 0 GRAVEL (3/4"•- 1/4") 6' 6'-0" MIN. 0" MIN. 33 4' 10" 36" 5' 0° STANDARD MANHOLE STANDARD SHALLOW M4NHOLE42" — 5' 6" _ STANDARD TRENCH 48 6' 0.. NOTCH LID FOR LIFTIN 3 HOOK WROUGHT IRON OR WELDED 2" O.C. FRAME AND GRATE-SEE �1�' r—r B DE TAI L— I I ' If BARS I/2';c -I _ I N N S-2.1/2"— - 2 �s4 edge in /.� _ \ 19 SPACES -2"(,.C, 3'-2" - -11 flat bars n, ! 5i \ i A A 2 BAR-1/2"x2"x3'-2•V2" fire hydrant assembly aronsi.sts of 12" , fl" or 6" MJ x 6" Flg tee, 6" Flg x MJ gate valve, 6" MJ x MJ holding 2'-9-7/8" spool , and Modern Mueller Centurion fire I f -- -- Io -- - o I 11 � C GUTT'_'R LINE �2�-8-V2s1' -ll p hydrant , A-442 , 11 ; ' t 111 SECTION C--C I U I 0 C, 7MAX' R,?t -- 6" MJ, 5�j" MVO, 3-port (2 - 2�" NST hose connections , SIZE 18 _-_, 'o ---0 ' -- -- ' I C C 1 - 0,," NST pumper) , 1�" Pent Opr Nut, open left , color : U i UU_U[1 yellow. k-_ 3'-3314 Co B (2)-2.1/2'x2-1/2"x3/8"4 Muellers Modern Centurion'10 Fire Hydrant I�--- -3 - " PLAN ��I -1- 150 p,s.i. (1034 kPa) working pros- American Water Works Association � 1:N '_ ���i -- sure - 300 p.s.i. (2068 kPa) test Standard C-502. A variety of choices T pressure. Compression type main can be made regarding several firs C+ I •alve closes with the pressure. hydrant features - see page D1-6 for I ydrant fully complies with additional information. II , ; p 1((2) - 2•V2��x Z 1/2"x 3'B"x 3'-3• o ,� M 3r4, C 6 6 - r ►� 3/4' iv �, Modern Centurion Fire Hydrants r 11 (2)- V2'1 , the ewin 1_,;/2 x 2' x 3/29 5/8'x 3 � � '�'b�• :`.�:1Nae ne�rn b' � .�`►umper ne:�a A ir+M"'Pxj .GWeo "IMMIWO0.4 �T �'1 r Num � .• ..r.., Ger enleWe• y NurMer:, - evMeeN .'penlnO ( 2 Od Ong Three way I 2 2'h',3' a 3'h-,4', 5%, A-442 See page CODER 8 FRAME TO BE MACHINED SECTION (' - _ 4'Ir•,s• 0,•2 TO !, TRUE BEARING ALL aAouNO. FRAME AND GRATE DETAIL _CD *Nominal sizes. Other sizes can be specified - sea page 01-6. its 2'-3N — 1 3'-4-4/2' 'Nominal size. 2,- 1" - _�7j2 _ I , NORMAL Bury lengths available 3 �. PVMT SLOP£ v 2'- O /q ' . --. 0 ' i 717 1b.2-0,2-6,3-0,3.6,4-0,48,S0,5.8,6-0,6.6,74,7$,&0,8.6,9-0,9$, 10-0 m o oD 0.76,0.91 .1.07,.1 22, .J� 7, 1.52. 1.68, 1.t1J, 1.99,2.13, 2,29,2.44, 2,59,2.74,2.90,3.OS \ 1 V2 t_ I(I� I IN • TILE-WEEP 4 x12' DRAIN I �' ► .. ---� 300 1 _ - - - - - - - - - i1 . , BOTTOM OF I i -ID11= orI SUB-GRADE IIgII u o' DI fCH I �� It (16 m -.-- -- — I'-10" ' 4.D.a. VARIABLE i - ,`� /��� - _ . ' >Lj 'n d'9 --r�L s h : _ FIRE HY DR A NT DETAIL. .$ �,I�S --F-- 'c�T _.A u 6 �*-_I 5� 11" _ - - S-10 3 4 6 2'-4 _1/47/1"_ --__ -» — — 2 -o2" SECTION A-A ..... _ 1 SECTION 8•0 _. .• -- 2'- �" ---.----- SECTION A-A ELEVATION � CONCRETE Tr BE 300o PS I 20 DAYS,_ 6 SACK MIX DEVELOPERS: ENGINEER: CVQ��'o PR Krueger Development Company Leonard A. Ryde 1 1, P. 1�. , P. L. S. 4'3515 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Y-1 601 Pinehurst Drive; Portland, Ore(jon 97201 Newberg, '):egg n 97132 /� STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME & COVER STANDARD DITCH INLET STANDARD CATCH BASIN p Phone : (x,03 , -57on t�Rk�ON h _ Phone : ( 503 ) 22 , 7 y92 �„ if.. OR-AK Corpoiatioir 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 C;CITSWALD NO 21 Phone : ( 503 ) 635-4`i51 —- OF' brawn R ' : ;.• ,4° Sheet 3 of 4 or W. I •,.,.: PON..r.�.,,..,,. I NU ' 1985 �- I I) III III 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'1 III t I I I T l r ! I l l l l l l l t l l ._..._ i • i f } 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 � •I 1 + 1 1 1 1 11 T I ( 1 � I I I C i I �-_I. ..� I I 1 I I ( I I I I I I I ( I I 1 1 I I ..„� - ,. .-- - - �. •-.' .'r.�._. ..t _ I I I I I i 1 I I I I I I ,I 1 1 1 1 ► I I ` NOTE: IFTHISMICROFILMED S"�"- __ I 2 - 3--- -- - 4 5 6 7 8 A I0 t I 12 - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ... -�` THIS NOTICir• -17 15 DUE TO l 1 ��• ,Af QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL +r .oq ING. - -.- - "`-.AO-DRAWAt eev 82 J. !if SZ III,LV EL �z IZ o W 01 LI 91 SI *1 CI 111 II 01 -6 O L 9 4 E 2 1e1O•'" �ettlUnlnul ntllulit ultallr,tttlulr)�Iinlunllntlltulnahtrtlltalt<n�aulu�tll!111tII1�u11ltntlttltlH+111111lfill 114111 hitt41 t111ttntillt tttt 111�1�mt�111111HI� ��IUllnulunlllnlull��lll lid�I1 IJ111 I1H JUNE 24 x. 992 �. •+.-r.wrwwn +.-w.r-ww._ _ _ �--_ .T"•,..�,...-".' .. .,,,�� ,rte 7r � .e. -•w..da..wt�Y.. M, : 1 11111 A W I-0- I _ •, ,. �- "' '; ,¢�, .r, .:9♦�'Gk?,t`��':2t.J°ilavJn'�1+A'"'�'17tlr�Y' _ _ .. .,..... NDA S rA COTSWALD MEADOWS NO . 2 Washington County, Oregon J I CION:E>- <..I �I Of- I I I ATRANSVERSC EXr'ANSION JOINT 6cuRS 3/4 OAO`I TO BE NR0VIDED A ; :,< •T EACH POINT F ": ' ' \ 5 0 SIDEWALK AN[AONE TANGENCY OF THE CURB f51 AT v,''1ER , ` :i t >_ :. :>.:4,4 .i;;.t; �< _ I� &DLOCATIONS AS REQUfRED TO LIMIT THE I ( Mott ra. V D U \ � ,. GRADETO MATCH IFLAGMAN1SPACING 1'0 A MAXIMUM OF 20 FT _ c I _L TO F3E '`. : SIDEWALK SLOPE. 2 6 UTILITY STRIP U MIEAD2 MATERIA PRE- MOLDED NC)N - � l ,04vj`. r. ;;:;>'`7� ` o -'-EXTRUDED MATERIAL WITH A MINIMUM L _ �_ - r'. r .r, I LL TH ' CKNESS OF 1/2 " d ;r � 1 ^ I r �' ,r .' W 1 FLAGMAN I MEN ~ r 0 _Z/ J TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION T a .� io SID L a•�?on a ( — `_'- ,� I O JOIN •_ ; ;�:y+ SIDEWALK 3 OPF. Im WORKING 1 ,;•::::ti.;;.;•. cli RAMP S L O P r 0. U Of 7 a l 1 NOT i THAN I 0 F T p � ''_ o •d � '`:�•:� :�::':•:�:•' 'i� __ _ I SPACING TO BE o ' ; : .`' ': MORE T A C .:,•::.,. p,: CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGiII lt` � A 2 DEPTH OF THE JOINT SHALL BE AT 4 `'1, Q '.� •4' d' - - ` '' '%`'' ' 13 C. 3000 P.5.1, Af1'f R 20 DAYS d p ':•:a?'.:•:. LEAST ONE FOURTH OF THE CROSS - .o <::' �~ <t BARRICADES I Ya SECTIONAL AREA a 4 0 �: n . tr, ' .q ::'�`:,�; �— -- ---- OOQ G 4 �� (oplionol /1 moving) W � 5 -0 ;°� 1 3a ( 1 I O O O'_6' 21611 51—011 1 Y�� i 1 _'r•;� . CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH I L 8,-0„ 1 I TO BE 3000 P S I . AFTER 28 DAYS . --� 112"MAX Q.. _�.•, ��,�� !"��/ /� �- W I MEN 0 I ORCHES a `.a-' .,w• '�.: ,<' Iii I/ fir` ate,�T' m I l (Illunr/no a oil %c:•s'�+-'' "/:'1�:� / Q WORKING BEET -d ` - :o 6. �+'` :y�,:,� �� �� I I - 0 1 ! signs night.ba ricodee c� �- CC I r- > I FL AGM<I N 0 1 NQTL 6GRADE r0 MATCH ' '' . r 0/4 -J CRUSHED ROCK LEVELING SIDEWALK SLOPE. •' 0'-4" COURSE AS SOIL CONDITIONS REQUIRE 0 I 1�� N STANDARD CURB 1 • Install twc weal; hole.,; �' '" � per lot. IL N 1 FLAGMAN I vv u O 1 1 AHEAD U_ tet•,) 2 . FocY drains shall meet weep holes in curb. BICYCLE & WHEELCHAIR RAMI' 0 ; i 0 0 Oft LAN{ 1 ONE LAAfi I I .GAD V 1 ,CAD ARE I r ANIAD I I a I -I.� ROAD 1 GOAD COMlT•"CTION I�INJCTIOM I I ANIAO 1 AM[AO f1 u • I I I � I P/L P/L I .a UYI LI TY STRIP GRADE TO MATCH 2!_ 6" SIDEWALK SLOPE DAY NIGHT - -- - -- -- ----- -- 50' R/ W --- ---- - -- -- ---- - - EDGE O F SIDEWALK I -- ---...-------------- 2 5 -- - -- - 2 5 '' '�r .:. ::-i1r;•:•�. ::"}?,^.f,`. r 'y ',} � +.:• ••rr.' fi, tip:Y!� .�ri —- — ---- •tir. . :� . .::.': ,::: :: : :: :....N ;�Y� UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL 81-O" A 1 : ' 1 rr' .;,} ,r•Gr:•:r y�r ••,} •.•♦ �,Syti• :•.�F,•j I - --- j ~.:, Oy Y.fy 3.•.•.•..•',., v. v... ,'.,ri•rl'rSrS 7 -5' 1 {. rl' r',:v.{%?tivti :"':rt' :•>::• N,.•ij Qom, lV• 'J� r r.1 ' �• (,/.••:•A\• .� ,t'(,ISS \� I I � I �/ •r: ,Y i rt• l }•i.yr..ryr'r.lw'`:•iJi •7.' ' E CROWN S 0 0294 _ / r: 5. ,.., ..,ti r�'a:•,.y,.•S. '- ti JL% r• -� SIDEWALK SLOPE- 0.0208. 4 .0 611 ' ��3'-0'� 5'-0i. 3=011-�I RAMP SLOPE - 0.091 7, T R/W CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH TO /W ' IM BE 3000 PSI AFTER. 28 DAYS CLASS � ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (OVERLAY) L ' 32' -0" 2`t CLASS B ASPHALTIC CONCRE i E 1 --- - - - ---- ------ ---- 5'-0 2 3/4" - 0" CRUSHED ROCK / GRAVEL •, NOTE 8' 2 - 0 CRUSHED ROCK / GRAVEL 1/2' MAX �v '�.{_' ::=moi / ��i ------- — 15-r�' - - -. - -- -1 - ----- -- 16'- 0" --- --- - - GRADES SHALL NOT EXCEED 12% ON --- ,;, t:r.''" !',a •i LOCAL. STREET STREET _ • e ,-' A..o. .a. o , + CURVES SHALL NOT HAVE LESS THAN .'• ' 3/4'�0" RUSHED ROCK LEVELING IV AM AV AE W liv AF O 10" .•. IOOFT CENTERLINE RADII ON LOCAL STREET o . O'_ COURSE AS SOIL CONDITION REQUIRE - I 1 -- INTERSECTION ANGLES SHALL NOT EXCEED - _ 11 600, UNLESS THERE IS SPECIAL INTERSECTION —I- — DESIGN I I 6-d I I l i I I .. � I s`-o" - ONE INCH OVERLAY REQUIRED WITHIN ONE YEAR BICYCLE AND WHEELCHAIR RAMP I I -- 14'-0 --- 14 -0 -- ---- 04 I I I I i 1) 5/8"XIO"Galvanize Sq. Head Machine Bolts LOCAL STREET SECTION -- 50' With Washers. 2 Bolt, Per. Rail ?or Post. i-� 4" 2)4"X G" Post- Treated And Painted White — _ X -----•--- -__—___� 3) 2"X 0" Cross Rolls—Rads To Be ?ointed Black With White --- _ _ •Retlector,zed Stripe. EXP 1/2"PRE-M DIED EXPANSION JOIIJT-* I JOINT FI LER STREET BARRICADE 8 . VARIABLE EXISTING 5, APRON, SLOPE SID A '� 3 B'-0° VARIABLE .A 41 R W R W i dN ,t j 5' 2'-6' � 3 LD OI_61I A101 BLEND A/C TO MATCH — EXIST. PVMT a C/L ---- --- __ _, _. - --- �• T•cxroAuttc FACE OF CUPS EXIST I PVMT �` �� / A I I NOTE : CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MIN. BREAKING STRENGTH OF 3000 i�. CLAfS B,# AC 2�I PSI AFTER 28 DAYS. 3" 3/4"- 0" CRUSHED ROCK APRON SLOPE : 0.0729 ---- -- - --- 12" 2„_011 - - --- - TOP OF CURB EL. CRUSHEf� ROCK _ 44: d r%•:!� i h'i%:,D.•! ., _.'� DEVELOPERS: ENGINEER: o . i . .• --':fir-. .-- -�aa a a : Q�' SECTION A-A —g" STANDARD CURB AND SIDEWALK REG. -' - F.rueyer Development Company Leonard A. Rydel1 , P. E. , P.L. S. II I 1 = 2 DIMENSIONS (ft.) v 3515 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Y-1 601 Pinehurst Drive X 10 I2 14 I— 1 Portland, Urnyan 97201 Newbery, Ore Gn 97132 `-`� � '''- ►� * � � COLLECTOR HALF -- STREETIMPROVEMENTT L—Z6 �—� 9 1 Phone : ( 503 ) 227-7992 Phone • ( 503 ) 538-570, RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY 0R-AK Car. polation 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way rtigrT `� EOTESWALD N�_-:I Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 z',4.y da ' - Phone : (503 ) 635-9551 Sheet 4? o 4 RINTED 1 1�8 t I t� 1 1 1 � I 1 I 1 1 I I� 1�1 �IY ��1 1 I�i 1..1 11. �.,i"•�"� I I t• 11"�'s!!'j`.'v,�,!`"'. w �.,�'."^'. .>_ ;- a--r.-- ' ' `• . . . •. �111�11��111�11111I 1111t1��1111t11I1111111I1111111I1111111�11111I1I1111I11I1111111IIll 11 11I1111111I1111111I1111111 1 �,,,_..,,,, I 2 3 4 a 8 7 8 9 10 I I 12 I NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED � - - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN \ THIS NOT ICA- IT IS DUE fO -- QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL r +qA..'�'DRAW I NG. - ' OC 6? 9t Lr- 92 - %1 ve EZ ILP _1Z02 _6f._.._Q1--`I --o1 �r Irl 11 fI 11 01 d 10 L -9 ----IS-- �►--'ti f',•-- 1•' C fI>.•...>~ ,. ' 0111111111Iif IIIll UIIIUU111111111Ill 11{�IIIIIU11It111�tItllltubttt�ttM11Nt111u1t111�1IIIIIIIINf�1111�11111111111111111111tit t�tN���yttf�ltlIIIIIIIIIH 11111111111�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW�MWIIII�IIht!lltltl1�111111111W�1�1111 _ n JUNE 244 1 9 V" t&W _11111, 0 a•r•.AMAMir... .. �- - . ..., '•• .•+.rr -- w •— ++•- -....., �,vll�•w. ._-_ as.r.r Aan•.A�. r.ry ..... ,.- t- Al ' + w >n >1pH ", :,, ..ry.. ._...ta•ry :. ...,. . ..r.,.,. { \'wL..P 1 - ' Inr, n,....w+ •.......,, -.. ', ., .. r .., rl.l { ..a..:^-0 1.W:1,: .. ....'. i. . I. i ,,Tn:;. ., ". ... 1 .... ..,. '.. - .. ; . t5`C, .,, �•74}f'r• ..-. .M•. .. .. � > i••N•'•• .rte I. - -I• :, CITYOF TIGARD No. 7425 12755 S.W.ASH P.O-BOX 23397 Date���-3 � r' TIGARD.OR 97223 t� .l tJ ILI Name Address t.Ot Block/Map Subdivision/Address 1 �'� •. �nw r 1 ��.�� -z'z Permit #'s Bldg. Plumb "ash Check Sewer Other Other` Rec. B Acct. No. Description f Amount 10.432 Building Permit Fees _ 10.431.800 Plumbing Permit Fees 1G-431.801 Mechanical Permit Fees 10-230501 State Bldg.Tax `- 10.433 Plans Check Fee 30.443 Sewer Connection 30444 Sewer Inspection 51.44P Street Syst. Dev. Charge 5Z-449-810 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge 52.449.820 Parks II Syst. De-,. Charge 31.450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge 10.430 Business lax 10434 Alarm Permit _ 10.227 Bell 10.455- Fines Trarllc/MIad/Parking — — 10.230 CPTA Trafllc/MisdlVic. Asst. 10.458 Indigent Delenas 30.122-401 Sewer Service/USA 30.1?2.402 Sewer Service/City 30% 123 Sewer Sevice/City Maint. 3 -12 -- unmatched . _ 124 Storm Drainage 40-47 Bancroft Prin. Pymt. rtVyl►rt. • . � DEPT. CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET Project Title: �QT�a�A.l,.� My_k'tu� Imprv. Ty e: Computed By: Date: 1. PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164. 150) : A. Improvement cost estimate, less sanitary sewer. . . .$ -78 844 .5 C (Adjusted Cost) (Adjusted Cost) 2. SANITARY SEWER MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION FEE (Ord. No. 85-02) : A. Contract surcharge applicable . . . . . Ce�"'. � 5, 0 (agreement name) 8. Sewer Improvement cost estimate $ Z.Z 29�,'iS (sewer est. ) C. 0.04 x $__2.2�29K._).Cl) _ $ 11�C1� .°1S (sewer estimate) (fee) [or] $100.00 min. , whichever is greate- . . . . . . . . I$ '%C�1'q Ste. _ 3 . STREETLIGHT FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164. 130 (x) 6 3 .08.010) : A. P•G.E. Schedule No. �^, Option No. Type of Lump `}��',`�. _ LumensfWert" Type of Pole 1;6=C�-4-yb Height �! 8 . $ .3c� x _ 4 $�_ —/mo. (monthly rate) (no. of -- ) $ 412-1 _ $__J1,(A /Mo. (monthly rate) (no. of j $—,'j tC + \, �Jl� _ x 24 months (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4. TRAFFIC-PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164 .030(u) : A. Stop: @ $__ _ -_ $ ) (number) (each) (subtotal) B. St. Name: @ $ _ $ C. Combo: _� @ $. I°t 5 = $ 1�5 C D. No. Parking: 2• @ $ 15 C- = $ ISD e cc (Misc. ) F. Sign(s) Total. . . . . . . e5. GRAND TOTAL (FEE'S DUE) — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$__� ?iL.7 .9..�' Receipt No. : lA Z 5 Date laid: Check Cash 09 i_9p Sr �C'Fi 1y LEONARD A. RYDEII., P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil E�g4 Land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, O EGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 4 September 1985 City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. John Hagman Re : COTSW ALD MEADOWS NO. 2 - Tigard Dear Mr. Hagman: As per your request, the sidewalk and street light costs for the 21 lot subdivision COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 has been estimated. The estimated costs are as follows: Street Lights 4 each @ $550.00 $ 2,200.00 Sidewalks 6,350 sq. ft. @ $ 1.25 $ 7,937.50 Total $10,137.50 Should you need any further information regarding the project, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Leonard A. Rvdell., P. E. , P.L. S. LAR/j cc: OR-AK Corporation, PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES wfo Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 87123 503 848-8821 August 14, 1985 City of Tigard PO Box 23397 Tigard OR 97223 Gentlemen : SUBJECT: COTSWALD MEADOWS #2 The construction plane on the above-referenced project have been approved by the Unified Sewerage Agency. it you have any questions , please do not hesitate to cal]. . Sincerely , / 1 Terry Chamberlin Uesign Engineer TC:jb Enc. ?2--41311 sewer pipe E GI NEER: r� b M ber ring type Leonard A. Rydell, P. E. , P.L.S. ch backfill and 601 Pinehurst Drive ibib Newberg, Ortgon 97132 ng with reel to Phone : (503) 538-5700 tted to the f / , for City ,� - - _ • Drawn ay: < .,. W.O. No. 8.510 Sheet 1 a f 4 APPF+OVE � UNIFIL 'ENiJERA AGE Y NY � --- - --- _ 240 U.S.A. - D.E.Q. COPY APPROVED -OR CONS i iii. ;10'4 ISSUED BY DATE_ (CITY. 11 r. DEVLP SERV DEPT: SY __._..._,._.I)ATE—_ �. 2 3 0 OPERATIONS nFFT: CITY ENGINEER: PY_- �'•', i:�,_.__ PGF CO f3Y DATE_ TEL CO ny —DATF - - – --- STORE CAB1 F C0 F' DA 1-7 220 NW Nl�f GAS CQ,: AY_..,,,,,,, _DATE_.__ _ DIST 9Y_DATE UNIF SEW MEW', ®Y .r)ATE�._ 210 ,11 PRINTED AUG „ 1985 LEONARD A. RYDEII, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 9 August 1985 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 47132 (503) 538-5700 Tigard Water District 8841 S. W. Commercial Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Actn: ME . Ruber i. E. Santee, P. E. Re : COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 - City of Tigard Dear Mr. Santee: Thank you for your prompt response and your compliments on the the preparation of the water system plans. Enclosed please find the six sets of the revised construction plans as you requested with the changes made as per your letter of 7 August 1.985. The 8" B.F.V. ( Item "C" of your letter) has been added. i did not specify it eriginaily ac the practice in many jurresdictions is to have one valve less than the number of branches of the nearest fitting, i. e. a tee would have two valves, a cross w oul.: have three. This allows the system to be totally isolat-ed. Should you have any additional questions or comments, please let me know. Again , thank you for you prompt assistance and your compliments! Sincerely yours, Lenard A. Ry ell, . E. , P.L.S. L A23/j encl : as stated cc: OR-AK Corporation City of Tigard PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS « RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWEk AND 'STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS « SOLAR-,::C+N:>ERVAT1ON HOMES i lk ( __. .. .t LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 2 August 1985 (503) 538-5700 City of Tiqard 12420 S. W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. Frank Currie, Director of Public Works Re : COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 - City of Tigard Dear Mr. Currie: Enclosed for your review and approval please find five sets of the construction plans for the "Street, Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Improvements " to the proposad 21 lot subdivision COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 (preliminary plat approval under the name of WINTER LAKE III) in the City of Tigard , Washington County, Oregon. Enclosed also is a copy of the coordinate sheet showing lot dimensions and a copy of a Bid Item Schedule with the estimated construction cost. These plans have been submitted to Portland General Electric, General Telephone, the Tigard Water District, Northwest Natural Gas, and Storer Cable Communications for their design of their systems. Should you have any recommended changes, questions or need any further information regarding the project, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Leonard A. Rydel , P. E. , P.L.S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc: OR-AK Corporation Krueger Development Company PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES �C �`' S 5d � � ��' dao — � �;��� ��� ��G,� �3 � �c) COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 BID ITEM SCHEDULE The unit prices hereinafter written are submitted with the clear understanding that the actual measured quantities may vary some what from the estimate and that payment will be based or the unit price of each item. N., Item Ouantit_v unit Price ZQtal WATER SYSTEM i PROV .MEN-T,,,yS 1. 8" Water Main 700 feet $ 1�•']$�� $ ZZ5,QO 2. 6" Water Main 35 feet $ t0.00 s-350,00 3. 8" B. F. Valves 2 each $ 00. $ 17-00.00 4. 6" Gate Valves 1 each s-30. 00 $ 3 0.0 5. Hydrant Assembly 1 each $A37-5-00 $ 13ZS.co 6. Blowoff Assembly 1 each $4Z5.00 S4ZZ.Op 7. 16" Connection 1 each $ 1300.00 $_!300.00 8. 8x8x6 Tee 1 each $_ 3 k0 .00 $ 310. 00 9. 11/22/45 8" Bends 4 each $ (SA.Q"O $ 61 0 13. Rock Backfill 260 cu.yd. $--6-90 s- 79 .00 Sub Total - Water System $ (� ? Q'G� SANITARY SEWEEL ENT.S 11. 8" Sewer Main 733 feet $ 9.75 $ 75 12. 4" Sewer Laterals 680 feet $ O_ $ 4 .00 13. Sewer Manholes 4 each $ 7S O $ 3500-00 14. Rock Backfill , 1000 cu.yd. $ 6. So $-6300.00 Sub Total -- ,Sanitary Sewer $ STORM DRAINAGE 7MPROVEM .NTS 15. 12" Storm Drain 280 feet $_x.35 $_,�(j18.0o_ 16. Manhil.es 2 each $550 .00 $ 1100.00 17. Rock Backfill 60 cu.yd. $ 6.130 $s. 14.00 Total - Drainage Improvements $ 4:7-4Z.AD PRINTED AUG 19��� COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 BID ITEM SCHEDULE - Cont', Page 2 of 2 1I4., Ttpm Quantity Unit Price Tgtal STREET IMPROVEMENTS 18. Excavation 2650 cu.yd. Lump Sum $ apoo.go 19. 16" Curbs 1270 feet $ 3.S0_ $ 4826,= 20. Catch Basins 4 each $ 3,75.00 $ 1500.04 21. Rock 1180 t:u.yd. $_ S.4b 0 $ 1l 6t?.oo 22. Class 'B* Asphalt 360 tons S 3l, 50 $(1340.00 23. Class ~i",Overlay 180 tons $ 37. 0 O $ (6690-00 24. Street Barricade 2 each $-fi00. 00 $ 17.00•.QQ Total - Street Construction $ _ UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 25. Conduit 400 feet 5+, � $_�iQ0.00 26. Trenching 1260 feet $__ .0 $ 1323. 00 27. Rock Backfill 40 cu.yd. $ 6•�0 $ Z76, QD 28. Transformer Pads 2 each s.320. 00 $ 640,Q Total - Underground Utilities $ ZU5. 00 PROJECT SUMMARY Water System $ Z. F.00 Sewer System 8,775 Drainage System q Street Construction Underground Utilities $ 460%- TOTAL $ 'S L1Gl�T�w1C-1 Z,Z.00 . DCS s►o�WKLV- q3-7 so zcn►�� to 1 14 o.Z s PRINTED AUG " tU9 CITY OF TIGARD �csT� P�T1tsw S Washington County, Oregon y NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER - BY PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Concerning Case Number(s): S 8-35 2. Name of Owner: Russell Krueger 3. Name of Applicant: Krueger Development Co./OR-AK Corp. Address 13050 Sw Forest MEadows Way City LO State11V Zip 97034 4. Location of Property: Address SW 135th St. across the street from Morning- Hill Drive Tax Map and Lot No(s)._ 2S1 43 TL 101 151 33C lot 1000 portion 5. Nature of Application: Request to divide a 2.9 acre portion of fax lot 1000 into 21 lots averaging 6,015 sq. ft . . 6. Action: _ Approval as requested XX Approval with conditions Denial 7. _Notice_: Notice was published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall. and mailed tu: ` X The applicant h owners XX Owners of record within the required distance The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization �X`: Affected governmental agencies 8. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL BE FINAL ON J111y 1 , 19')' UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. The adopted findings of fact, decision, and statement of condition can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 12755 SW Arch, P.O. Box 7.3397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Areal : Any party to the decision may appeal this decision in accordance with 18.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 10 days after notice is given and sent. The deadline fo- filing of an appeal is July 1 , 1935 5:00 11.'1. 10. (3uestions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department , 639-4171. (025711) CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO, 85-/L&PC A FINAL_ ORDER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS WHICH APPROVES A SUBDIVISION (S 8-85) REQUESTED BY RUSSELL KRUEGF:R. The Tigard Planning Commission reviewed the above application at a public hearing on June 4, 1.985. The Commission based its decision on the facts, findings, and conclusions noted below: A. FACTS 1 General Information CASE: Subdivision (S 8-85) REQUESI : To divide a 2.9 acre portion of Tax Lot 1000 into 21 lots averaging 6,015 square feet . COMPREHENSIVE PIAN DESIGNATION: Medium Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-25 (Residential, 25 units/acre) APPLICANT: Krueger Development Co./ OWNER: Russell, A. Krueger OR-AK Corp. 3515 SW Barbur Blvd.Y-1 13050 SW Forest Meadows Way Portland, OR 97201. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 LOCATION West side of 135th Ave. between S.W. Morning Hill Dr- and S.W. Winter Lake Drive (WCTM 1S1 33C, TL 1000) 2 . Background The property was annexed to the City on June 12, 1983 and in August, 1983, a Medium High Density Plan designation and R-20 zone was applied to the property . In order to comply with the Metropolitan Housing Rule, the City changed the R-20 zone to R-25. On May 6, 1.985, the Planning Commission approved Winter Lake I1 (S 3-85), a 63-lot development immediately north of the current proposal . 3 Vicini.tv Information Except for several scattered homesites, the area between 135th Avenue and Scholls Ferry Road is undeveloped. The land west of 135th Avenue that abuts the proposed subdivision site is also zoned R- 25. A mixture of developed and vacant land (including Brittany Square, Winter Lake, and Morning Hill) , with a variety of residential zone designations lie to the east of 135th Avenue. F 1 NAI ORDER NO, 85--1(9 PC - PAGE 1 4. Site Information The subject property is presently undeveloped . The applicant is proposing a 21-lot subdivision with ,ane street intersecting with 135th Avenue across from Morning Hill. Drive. This street is intended to extend to the west when the remainder of the property is developed, 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the following comments : a. Sanitary sewer connection surcharges for Wedgewood-American Guarantee and Leron Heights Interceptor, Inc. b. A local improvement district nun--remonstrance agreement, is necessary for street and storm drainage improvements along 135th Avenue. C. In lieu of constructing half-street improvements along the 135th Avenue frontage, the applicant should provide a 24--foot wide asphalt. overlay from the southern boundary of the subdivision to Scholls Ferry Road. If the subdivision is platted this summer, this improvement should commence no later than October 1, 1.985. d. Lots abutting 135th Avenue will not have direct access to this street.. e. Off-site drainage easements should be provided as necessary . f. Parking should be prohibited at the subdivision entrance. The Building Inspection office has no objection to the proposal . The City of Beaverton has no objection to the proposal because it does not significantly limit options for the Murray extension. It is also suggested that comments should be obtained from Washington County. Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportation has no objection to the proposal. The Department: notes that approval of the future development to the south sould be delayed until an alignment for Murray Blvd. is determined. Wasnington County Fire District No. 1 states that a temporary turn around be provided and that fire hydrants must be within 500 feet of all residences 8. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2, and 10; Tigard Comprehensive Plan Policies 2. 1 . 1, 7. 1 . 2, 8. 1 . 1 and 8. 1. .3; and Community Development Code Chapters 18 .56, 18 . 160, and 18. 164 . The Planning Commission concludes that the proposal is consistent: with the applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines based upon the following findings : F 1NA1 ORDFR NO. 85-�6PC - PAGE 2 a, Goal #1 is met because the City has adopted a Citizens Involvement program including review of all development applications by t.hc_ Neighborhood Planning Organization (NPO) . In addition, all public notice requirements are met. b. Goal. H2 is met because the City applied all applicable Statewide Planning Goals, City Comprehensive Plan Policies and Development Code requirements to the application. C. Goal N10 is satisfied because the proposal will provide for housing as contemplated :,y the City Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission has dotcrmined that the proposal as submitted, or with minor modifications, is consistent with the relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan based upon the findings noted below: a. Policy 2. 1 . 1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning Organization and surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant' s proposal. b. Policy 7. 1 .7 is satisfied because adequate water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities are available to the development. The applicant also indicates that these facilities will be provided within the subdivision as required by City standards . C . Policy 8. 1. . 1 is not directly related to this proposal, however it is important to note that the approval of further development requests in this area will. probably be delayed until an alignment for Murray Blvd , is determined. d . Policy 8. 1 .3 will be satisfied when the conditions of approval relating to street improvements for 135th Avenue are completed, Washington County has jurisdiction over 135th Avenue. A permit will be required from t:he County as well as the City . Because of the present condition of 135th Avenue, a minimum of a temporary improvement will be necessary up to the Schol.ls Ferry Toad intersection. The Planning Commission has determined that the proposal is consistent with the relevant portions of the Community Development Code based upon the findings noted below: a. Chapter 18.56 of the Code is satisfied because the proposal meets all of the requirements of the R-25 zone . b. Chapter 10 . 160 of the Code is satisfied because the proposal meets the requirements set forth for the submission and approval of the preliminary plat . c. Chapter 18 . 164 of the Code will. be satisfied during the approval process for, the final plat. The preliminary plat indicates that all City standards can be met . 1 iNAI ORDER NO. 85--/& PC -- PAGF 3 s C. DECISION Rased upon the findings and conclusions above, the Planning Commission approves S 8-85 subject to the following conditions: 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL_ BE MET PRIOR TO RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT. 2 . Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by e,, Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Section for approval . T . Sanitary sewer plan-profile details shall be provided as part of the public improvement plans. 4 . Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans. The Section will. require posting of a 1.00% Performance Bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of a construction compliance agreement shall occur prior, to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement plans. 5. A one (1 ' ) foot reserve strip granted to the "City of Tigard" shall be provided at the terminus of roadways abutting adjacent ownerships. 6 Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the Public along the S.W. 135th Avenue frontage to increase the right--of--way to 35 feet from centerline. The description for said dedication shall be tiers to the existing right-of-way centerline as established by Washington County , The dedication document shall be on Cit, Forms and approved by the Engineering Section. Dediration shall be documented on the final plat. 1 Street Centerline Monumentation a. In accordance with ORS 92.060 subsection (2), the c=enterlines of all street and roadway rights-of-way shall be monumented before the City shall accept a street improvement h All centerline monu:nents shall be placed in a monument box conforming to City standards, and the top of all monument boxes shall be set at design finish grade of said street or roadway. C . The following centerline monuments shall he set: (1) All centerline-centerline intersections . Intersections creatc-d with "collector" or other existing streets, shall be set wher the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street h?q been established by or for the City; I I Nell ORDI R NO. 85--&_PC - PAGE 4 street entrap- to 135th 1-111U,2 � w approved non-remonstrance agreement for street- ­10. A City of Tigard on 135th Avenue, shall be and storm drainage improvements submitted to the Engineering Division for review and subsequent City Council approval before the final plat is recorded. t;i • 2 inch Class a asphaltic concrete overlay shall � 1Th1 . 24-Foot wide, Road dnd th '�. placed on' 135th Avenue between Scholls .ferry boundary of . the subdivisiof thieoverlay deadline must October 30, 1985, Any extensionEngineer shall also Kilda " by the City engineer. Tito City authority to delete this condition if the construction of necessary street improvements on 135th Avenue is assured by an L.I.O. or similar arrangement. . ' I be modified so that one street access is enue. The street location shall be approved (1 i BcJE� =� TLG Director and Public G'� —e� r y eve -oval by the Planning Gr-�iCi.gG-r- y ' ,dK reement and Bc/f` after the construction ag �, �5jCA)Ai[1i accepted by the City, or assurance of an ,yc_.sem � �Ll+1� �� cured by ordinance creating said L.I.D. , the 3,tcJ, !JS� .1 ^orded with Washington County . r� duly _bttl# on lots shall have direct access to 135th „ �1; . sK�� �, rmitted at this 135th Avenue entrance to the 9��­ I Co'"" ono year of the final CAL, ! if exercised within y 4� (2) Center of all cul-de-sacs; (3) Curve points. Point of intersection (P. I. ) when their position falls inside the limits of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (B.C. and EX. ); (4) All sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with centerline monumentation. 8 . The "basis of bearings" for the Plat or Survey shall be C.S. #19,947, which is a part of the Tigard Field Survey Network. 9. An access permit shall be obtained from Washington County for the street entrance to 135th Avc^nue. 10, A City of Tigard approved nun--remonstrance agreement for street and storm drainage improvements on 135th Avenue, shalt be submitted to the Engineering Section for review and subsequent Ci.ty Council approval before the final plat is recorded. 11 . A 24-foot wide, 2-inch Class 8 asphaltic concrete overlay shall be placed on 1.35th Avenue between Scholls Ferry Road and the southern boundary of the subdivision. The overlay shall be completed by October 30, 1985. Any extension of this deadline must be approved by the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall also have the authority to delete this condition if the construction of necessary street improvements on 135th Avenue is assured by an G L.I .D. or similar arrangement. 12. The street design shall be modified so that one street: access is provided onto 135th Avenue. The street location shall be approved ,��� by the City Engineer. 13 , After review and approval by the Planning Director and City Engineer, and after the construction agreement and performance bonds are accepted by the City, or assurance of an impending L.I.D is secured by ordinance creating said L.I.D. , the Final Plat shall be recorded with Washington County . 14 . None of the subdivision lots shall have direct access to 135th Avenue. 15. No parking shall be permitfc•d at. this 135th Avenue entrance to the subdivision, 16 This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final decision date. It is further ordered that the applicant, be notified of the ont.ry of this or-der. PASSED: This day of �..,� 1985, by the Planning Commission of the CiLy of Tigard. R A. Donald Moen, President Tigard, Planning Commission (KSI. :pm/1416P) FINAL ORDER NO. 85-,UgPC - PAGE 5 RFFItI! TAS Q Tutu Flur ton stator! Cho Frr u j or.t. wou I not. r a i :so t ho f load way <,jtherwiso they couldn' t do the project . u Frank Currie, City Vngineor , stated that. in Lho past this would havo bean denied because of the hands off policy in the flood plain. Now with mitigation allowed in Industrial areas it could improve the flood way . Lengthy discussion followed. PUEII IC HEARING CLOSE0 u Consensus of the Commissioner was to favor the proposal . Commissioner Moen had some concerns. +� Commissioner Butler moved and Commissioner Leverett seconded to approved S 7-85 adding into condition number 11 that policy 3 .2.3 would have to be satisfied. Motion carried by majority of Commissioner present, Commissioner Moen voting no. 5.7 SUBDIVISION S 8-85 KRUEGER DEVELOPMENT CO./OR—AK CORP. NPO N 7 Faquest to divide a 2.9 acre portion of Tax Lot 1000 into 21 Ints- averaging 6,015 square feet, Located, West side of 135th Ave. between SW Morning Hill Or, and SW Winter Lake Drive (WCTM ISI 33C, lot 1000) . Associate Planner Liden made staff' s recommendation for approval with 16 conditions. APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION o Russell Krueger, 3515 SW Barbur Blvd. Y-1, Portland, OR, supported the staff report and was available for questions. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o No one appeared to speak PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Commissioner Campbell was concerned with doing any more approvals until Murray Blvd. extension had been resolved. Staff stated that this portion of the development would not effect the extension. * Commissioner Vanderwood moved and Commissioner Campbell seconded to approve S 8--85 based on staff' s findings and conclusions Motion -arried unanimously by Commissioner' s present. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES June A, 1965 Page 7 • CITY OF TIGARD, OR. DEVEI_OMENT SERVICES DEPT. fV%UVXS,104_ DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHVET I. PROJECT NO. : Ii. PROJECT NAME: C-0-m4m_tt II1. DRAWING (TITLE) : dated: IV. PLAT V SITE LOCATION: i' VI PRINCIPALS: ` (1) DEVELOPER: Y-AWTA R 9*-'J VtV'N= 13050 SAAS. IFb*LILT %%jUW ti q ' "TAddress 1..�14� t� 1p Phone No.`3S ' 4SSI (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY. Address Phone No Bond No. Exp. Date (3) ENGINEFR: Lr,04 ft R`fbuIr V RMf�►1 Addre s s , Min Phone No. SIB-5700 (4) INSPECTOR: Address Phone No (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Address Phone No. R, (F) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY: Address Phone No. Bond No. Exp. Date • (7) SUB-CONTRACIOR5 0216S __---- sr. C weir w ATt-C PouJerc CABL-6 TV G A3 Sr�CF4 t3Aso WITALL. ACV laT LIFi Aa'- . ZKo L. (F7 e'aKFItQ-r. KACVjK$as 5 t c►Sy to ALQ61( Ct_tIsTEKs for d` , ,, VII 4' S GEt,4-QAL U�Air.JAG6 ���IL I � 5 G60f.tAt- 5#Nr6TY MMNT• Cir�ND ✓ x rnA,s` ry)(roc SUBDIVISION PERFORMANCE BCNU Bond No. __ — KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we Krueger Development Co. and _ OR-AK Corporation _ as Principal, and _ _ a corporation duly authorized to conduct a general surety business i.i the State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafteir called the Obligee, in the sum of S_ 101, 140.25 , lawful money of the Ur,i.t..0 :.states of America, for the payment of which we, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly �y these ~resent T11F CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are Patine and constructing subdivision known as COTSWALD_MEADOWS NO_ located in the City of Tigard, Oregon, and have enter-Pd into a Subdivision Compliance Agreement with respect ti, timely development and improvement thereof, a copy of said Agreement is attached hereto, and by reference made a part hereof; and NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully .tnd truly observe and comply with all terms of the Agreement and shall well and truly perform all matte-9 and things undertaken to be perfo. med under said Agreement and under all ordinances, regulations and conditions of the Obligee applicable to said development and improvement, and shall promptly make payments to all persons supplying labor or material for any of the work provided by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecut.ioned against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. In the event of suit or ac cion be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or, to reco,/er under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies hereunder, the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees. ` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this bund to be executed this . _ day of _ ^_ , 19— Krueger Development Co, - OR-AK Cor oration Principal Principal By: - ------- sear By:__. By (goal) __ Cseall (A true copy of the Pcwer of Attorney must be attached to the original. of Surety this bond ) - Attorney-in-Fact (097.7P) .�.�.—M0 M 0M— 'nN3 Ad D e p, •�,:�>••:, W ZXi- N —� O I - • c I(` H 4 O '4. r+1 N•c N Q � aa � ti l 4 I iCO o to � 01 � I - 1 OD VI t 9Y N I C4 n N / iVA \ G ry A •O v �+ ;, cly1 N k � uj ° o � N LID In 6 ^ � V \\\ 0 � N f► t ' ' 41 CID LI 4c 1 �C 1 ' Ll ,�1 1 ' rl CIOs�zY� p u t m .�, c coul Irn so tmil , It O Lo i 62 1 I �4 s f 1 w 1 J j � +sit O £ N 1 � \ t > ' I N ^+ a , sr� I .. i4 4 f b 8 ez „ wa+ N cs I I 47'O N � --- ��f!y cc 41 x ro ao ..... .✓ �� I -�-Y N W : • `. X 'I :u 1T5 S .I 1S3M - W ro u i TIE N�oT' 2EL�hsE WoR.K 1S � t.ETIM OR U '�,. ►r, 160N11 1S 5�+ , Sdk,O .EA►A&Y, COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 , 71 WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPR 0 VEMENTS �- : ; - - -- - --- - � : City.. . of Tigard, Washington County, Ore gon 16 , 62 ,- 3 •'/ T COTSWALD --- a 61 58 4 �% •a Uv�ty 8 GENERAL: E RA 1 r 5 , r 1 All street, water, sanitary Sewer andd storm m dr a ina e _ 1 t improvements nts to be constructeded in a r cc rdanc e with the t 14 L'• :'illy Stonde. : is of the City 0f Tigard, the Tigardard Waterter District Y/ •:'......:,: :.:fir.;:': and the Unified Sewerage Agency. Improvements will be r >e r �` .,;,�,: ';: '�"I"- 1-- -- -� ----, ---- �!S� ' inspected during construction for the purpose of TI 6�� Oregon Scare. ,� s T 8 \ _ - 50 / 11 10 9 acceptance. 9 ' L- /13 + t I \ ;;::; .: _ _ 2. Contractor to obtain applicable construction permits and 1 i notify appropriate agencies prior to construction of all 12 — improvements. ! I MEADOV \ 3 . Extreme care shall be taken to preserve existingS _. `� impr avements, vegetation and survey monwnents. � l�'L,. •��] " " I �r r m6RNINP WATER SYSTEM. VICINITY MAP 53 52 lo' 10 INE Ct- 51 Scale: l' 11000' � LCA' \ - _- -- - ,-- '� i � ;::::;: ;..>;.•:. :.� ---�--- --_��_. .- 1 . All work shall be in accordance with A.W,W. A. and 'Tigard 1 �Uti ity t .� ::: ;: > . :..::.:::* :,,�:.:••••:•.... -•• �+,,,:.-�■•..•••,"•...,*• Water ;district standards and will be inspected by the Easement , , ' Tigard Water District for the purpose of acre ptance. � I 1 J r, 9 WN �� .. .::.• ..:• : •• 2 Fire hydrant assembly cons1 ..h r� a f 8 M J x 6 N Flanged lan 9 e d tee,e LEGEND: D� • u 6 " Flange by M.J. qate valve G1M.J. x M.J. holding2 � � 5 6 8 oast. \ I spool , and Modern yeller Centurion fire hydrant, A-442, : Existing Sanitary Sewe,a' 1 1 1 „ L F 1 '�'i� .'�''�iii�'rr.ii• - 1 .r� V • 6 M 5- 4 t 'w 2-1 J 1 3 (two 2 MV r . N �: ��� � / ( / ST hos e 6 tilit v Po � �:::�: :;:ice' ' t ewe d Sanitary Sewer ��:.- P s E 5a 1 Y ::�:��' � awarw,.+ w:%.. �::rr��� r • r O y � Fas ment 6 Utilit• �� I ✓ __ _ connections, one 4-1/2" pumper) , 1-1/2" pentagon Install Easement 1 / \ ----- --- o eratin nut, open left, color ; yellow. Proposed Sewer Lateral LINE A N i Install P 9 P Y - - - - B_ B. F.V, I ._ - -- - - -- Y _ - - _ i ��Insta11 8" B. V - 2 3 3 . All pipe and fittings to be T. J. Class 52 cement lined .-__w.--w-- Existing Water Line ° w 4 �i ; 22'. Bends + I ductile iron. _ tl? t' _ a, `" ' I ' ----�- Pro 'wed hater Line MH A-1 - - U) N N - N `� LINE r+ . -3 h / �/\ i 4 . Poured concrete thrustblocks at least 8 feet square of l?o " IL - 47n ,, c:onnect to Exisiti.n� I bearin surface at each tee, bend and blow-off location. r, Z. 5' N _, ,� = N N -=---- = -- - -•_--- �L 13 0 16x12 / g ,., Proposed Hater Meter Instoll '� -- - - -- -- - --- — 1 is Cross w 12 e•' o.l. � �•-yam� Ip� t "'' I �'I''` Plain Erld x8 M L 5• 3b " of 3/4 minus gravel cover required for all mains. � g' D1 = .J. 6 ' ' o —D -� Existing Storm Drain p� All sanitary sewer lines 10 laterally or 3 vertically 9 t 8" Stubout --- � -~'- ""--' --- ---- ---""-"'--'-" t` -' � � / . ,.. •.;,: :::::� Reducer of water main shall be encased in concrete 6 " thick 10 ' ° ~ J �' r A I from crossing. Where crossings are necessary, they must Existing Pavement Inst 11 be made at approximately 900 with at least 18" sepaLation — — — Existing Curb + _ Install below water line ::• :: T LINE B ., Bends :'>.. --- — - - - - --1 - - --- - i -- — Hydrant 6 ' Utility 7. Eire hydrants shall be installed upon a pre-formed Plug ,o Assembly Easement concrete block with 1-1/2 cubic yards of crushed 1-1/2" Tar paper will be laid on to of drain rock 17EVELOPERS. " " End �_, ''��'���3 drain rock. P P P .. • Install 8 B. F.V. with e T.J x 2 IPT 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 to separate rock from earth cover. IWi Install 8 . All curbs to be in place prior to installing wate- main. Plug (Do Not Cut Pipe) , 2" Brass Valve Krueger Development Company 8x8x8 9 . Mains shall be tested at 150 psi for one hour. M�. ::mum and 2" Galvanized Iron Pipe to Concrete 3515 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Y-1 I Tee pressure loss is 5 psi. Static ressure = 90 si . WMeteBox Behind Curb. I r 10 . Individual pressure-reducing valves will be required atLIJ Portland, Oregon 97201 each meter location and will be installed and paid for by Q the Tigard Water District. Phone: (503) 227-7992 11 . Oregon State Health Division bacteriological tests are required prior to Flaring system into service. OR-AK Corporatior, I12. Tigard Water. District will install copper services to 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way , ieach lot prior to the paving of streets. Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 I Phone: (503) 635-4551 SEWER SYSTEM ENGINEER: r 1 . Sewer pipe and ,Fittings to t:A PVC gravity sewer pipe conforming to ASTM D-30: 4 DR 35 i. _h rubber ring type �� ,• .61NE ` Leonard A. Rydell, P.E. , P.L.S. O �a joints. Joint�3 to conf:or- I o STM -3212. 601 Pinehurst Drive 2. Sewer mains tc i,1 ..iirtest::el] :;'o. . ,.)wi i 1 trench tackfill and compaction. Newberg, Oregon 97132 j � � �►�(��,� .a; 3 . An air test rept L L and et video ;_eport (along with reel to Phone: (503) 538-5700 '• reel 30 minute video tapes) shall be submitted to the City, prior to connection of any 5uildings, for City approval" U 1. 8510 Sheet 1 o f 4 Drawn B ; l r► � W.O. No. i i I 8 1^I s1 o �n + 8 240 ----- - - - + 240 of0 � UM - _ Q Q Q �. RIM = I I d I -- Z50.90 EXISTING Ui l�! S FINISH �� 0. FINISH GK0UND RIM= 2 r� W PMEMff NT /� 3 O / PAVEMENT - - z z s-1 V - - -- -- _ ----- - -------- - - - - -- -_ 2 3 0 LXtSTING I Ul ZZ.Z9 _ _ I E110 STING �_ I C�RoUND ZZI 54 PA%JEMI►4T I RIM RO V 1.E ZZI S4 A. P.�C- ZZO.o� -pC�F��' z7_'S,BI LE. OUT �.F cob ZZZ 44- 220 - 220 - - - --- - -- -- - - - - - ---- - -- _Z _ -- --- - - --- ----_� - ----- — _ --- -- - - _ __---- --- - - 220 \\� ROCK ROCK s�-.J•� -- BACK. FILA $ACKFILL I.E . IN F pPLUG Z19 3�e LINE A '� 5� Jac s ENo LINE C 1 F F'v� - 6" I g I�% U L FvC IN Sc Is: Horiz: V - 50' s- Scale: Hor1z: 1' - z.l n3 II.E I.E. aUr 1 E ou 1 ( Vert: 1' - 5' j Z13.7fo i E . 1hrl�E l zl44(- rl' II.E E rWT IOUT L15 03 Z16,� Vert: 1' - 5' 7-13.76 Z14 (.o r14 63 Zl4 0'5 210 0+ 00 1 + 00 2 00 3 + 00 4 + 00 500 0 00 1 + 00 0 00 210 mum COTSWAL_D NO PMNS AUG 9 1985 - 7 wlr� 1110loll 1,0 ,110 r - " ` 11.' �I11� 1I11I11111�111 1111 11+ (+�1IIII'I,' {1 h 111 ( �II1Ilfllj I111i1� 1111111I1�1IfI1I1111111{111I111�11111111111i1111111111111111111 �111r111111111I11111111'1111111 46 r I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ! """ ��`-�' :"-""'° -'��--`-�-• - f DRAWING 15 LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIGfii IT Pti DUE TO * QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ----- ------------ ---- DRAWING. Ot 6? 9Z LZ 9Z SZ 1Z EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 81 LI 91 SI 1►I EI ZI II 01 d 9 L 9 S 1 E Z Jainism - U1IIll III 1u111uIIIifI II111n)I11111111141111UIll 1till 1Ill 111IIIIIIIIINI11111NIIIN111"1Ill 1116dotitIIIII IIIIh1nIIIIIi1III IIIIInnird9lNllmIIIIthotllIII1)11u111161Ito lift Ill I11{111dY111S&II111111Ill IIII I I I I III lllt�iNLllll�lul�llllU{)11111N1!{WI`1ni _ JUNE 24 1992