COPPER CREEK NO. 1 SUBDIVISION - --- ----- --- — �ENE/3A L NOTE--�`s --------- -- _-- -- - —_CURB _ DATA Y----- - / /Q// NorkTnan,ship Aod Ma>erlol s Shall de /r4 Accordance With The ,Standard 5pee1f/cal`/ons D{ Tie ? �„ fie" _.r_7' /7' •5 �o" 2= •S ale Of Ora on Cha ler A.PN�9 ArA' Ihe' Cif of 7/ r� ® 4 �e ob'00" R/33' © Dearinq N17150'607 � Bearing 599'00'09W © 8earinq 199,f0'00— t q P y q4' - O ago•oo'vo' R��9' , . 1'4/.78 rt/.07' r '� .. - - ---•L .-_.— S X7.0?94 r` A 1 . Pipe ro be Installed In Arca To Ase fhVed Stb,ll ,6e ,HYWilleol A,5 ` 5'howr7 on ,Octad Shcet. , z0 4carin9 NB9 50'DD'C Q bear/nq S/1'30'00"l1/ ©Q lB"Oo'00" ,P/G7' �. L 1990' L /•s 0/' L 5?4G r.?6.45' L 45 55" r 19 \ .5,5ideA01k L /'C/dss C" ,4apha/fic Corrcrr�°fa �DEvy�� 3 CnnTO�rrS Shown Are EX/�3f/r1r� 4,*1,tom S G• •�� �`•�'r Ci 4 7.5°00'00 R 133' 4 (?0"00'00' Bearin NAo'/0'00'Nl 447'7r'i0' RPd' Evnre�•�.�t \ �l'N/ass=b•C"ASPha/fie Concrete ForF���y L /74 1D' T/0?05' L 4-1 98' r 28' / rod 5' L 4?81, rm.85 Crushed Rockl Gravel 4 City Sf�rnc�drd A8le�e/e�1Vh�'c%hair /C'amps /Pegvired ,11 Ali Irllerseef ions. F/ace Ramps To Avoid '-- 8" �" O" Crushed /t'oc,��Crc'✓e/ Confliel �1llfh Storm Inlets. n searing 516010'00' /s &arinq N7?'&d0"W 474'b'P4" ,e-28 Q 6earinq 070'50'001✓ L x0.14' 40 19' r?/l7' L 5/7' P c 5. Two (?) IUce holes In 'orb Per Zol lfequired' /fain 0rCins all Meet Wee holes In Curbs As Provided or s e 9a°vo'ov R 26' � ,� la•co'o0 � ��6sr z a 74.10'?4" k /37 ° T yPICAL ,ST, ,i f T CROSS SITTON ,� h o © ® e zf OW" 0e3' -- — - - OQroinline raei/ides Most ,Be Provided ,89 The O&VeloperlDeve/opens Engirxc°r TThe Salljfact/on 6f The Cly. Z 49.98' rfe' 7 ja9ae' 7' sge9' 1'/77.(o4' 7-10,1.79' !•/oB(w' TG8.69, Q /3earioq ,S74'.50W'N 5 4/B•OD'GU' R _?/?S7' 6earinq- N001/0'00'W yv 8,4arinq 900°/0'00'E rb. City Standard `csidenfial Orivewuy Aprons Regvircd. L 4966" l 9958 Z 242.9/' 7. All Sanda}ry Sen/r Norir�crnshl. And Materials Sha// & /r� Accordance fYWi lsi The Std,/dards fpol � U LI 7.5'00'00" R //7' / 8earinq 77?'/0'00'E � e�90°d?'?4" P/67' C� a/Bo'�D00' �/a� SpeCi ficafions Of The C�/6ifica \5eiVrd e A erne And rhe 01'/ Of T/ and- L /5315 789.78' [ j,�/94: L 9999' r46/?' ! X23.58' T -- Z19' 9 t� y 9 ® Bear30D'10'00',1- Q 4-9-f47?'- e-317' ®bearing• ,VJP0?'54"W a beconq N00'10'00"W /7, 5,- d. Sani!dry vewP.,' pipe _9x7// 5C Precast Concrele A. S. T• M C-/4. 0,b.53 2 A-// t Spigot A1,Cub,6&,, G4siels. Z. 1419'.9/' L 4(o.49 7.23.29L 1.37.106, 7 93.58' A1. 74'10'?4" e.137' @j d°24'1?- Zm' .r, A 15°JZ'34" �P/3d' �r 2.90-52-so-'e133, /7' -- �= �'" �'�" 4. Sforir� Sgwcr Pipe 5; 1/ �8e Corr-v9dled ,4/vmin�r►� , �el%al, /6 67 L•/7736 T10356 Z 4/51' T.20. 7q' 1 36.65' 716.55, / /1/P7' rsG.75, -^_ � 5- _� ►114-'�' 10' �1/afer �S S fcm Plon Tv �C Provided ,e T and hfafer Disfric /mens o Fro �' r O e 74°10'24' R 2B' ©wring•N7?°l0'0D"N ® bearinq N/0°10'00"{✓ 0 Bearirxg N310234'IV -I 4/ U 9 1< / n m San do r; Sewer $67// L ,5ek 15' r 2//7' i' 194.01 L 451.99' 1 197 0.0710 s' o.oroo r �i' 6c Greater Than -T r--- O BFo,rin� 100'E e•40100'00" k. ze' @J-75,V00- ,e 1&7 °2s'44" e1(P7 Q - SSJdervolk , L ro 6. S' Z 43.98' r ?8' L ?19.(00' r lee 14' L 39.29' r49.73, /l All Sanitary Cewer Ser vice Laterals ,Shall Extend One (l) Length lnto Each Lot Past The Front s' 6radald UY.%fj �� i" C/ass C"'Asphaltic Concrete �Dier/a�i�'� Lot L1nc Util/f 45asemc/tl Area. C'C S. f,Minimvm Srwer Scrip Lateral Sire. Eose�l►�is�` ° 'C/vss 'B-C"Asphalfie 0oncrefe I s' ��%� vr•�'`r \ 2" 3/4'=0" ^rushed At"ock ✓CI hx\� Eris find CiovWd S.�ohdoid A/virinv01 /2. Sf ree f ll'h f s To ,Be /ns lolled k�j ,developer In Accordance J'V1'fh Ci/y Approved 2,._p.' C'r'ushed APock�c,^rave/ - -------- /-5' �E/e v'. Deno f cs M/nimvm Fin/;Sh Floor f/evalion For Sani har Sower Ser✓/ee T Lofs 2� �— fi/VEf?'woo l� LQ/Yc Cf;OSS StCT/0N y Station O td 0 To /t67.96 (`.R. 7/-1/7-- 1.4. T 8.M. Ele v. /38. /6 Top Of Nor l,h eOl1 DAA Fre H dran f @ End Of S.W. 131'verw000/ Lane South Side Of Slree If/w AQO� .to �/ � A�ehor Bo/�f ,Sed ��y/iyht NOTE 2" inifia/ /iff plus /" /iff ovcrIbV wilh;'n Ofie Star of lore II'mincyrf) acceptance • v>imoy faremeot—` 1 by he of Tigard. grade Swale To Arale-A-11ZZ 4WMIL i H MN and If/,;o Rap r San. 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A- Common Open Spacer Ilbr.r � Chase Pf7ns Doled Janvoryl /979. -oroo sr/ r✓ooacresfA�<<• 4 5 7 8 1 _ _ f s) - 1 ---- - - --- ---- -- ----�t — _ 9 1D re/3 cf -- ' -- r.c. 1s�.io /ef 14 �.t,b�,n� B„,'SDn t5,!neer - -"'` ` -- -- -- — 1 ro/1/ el LOlCh BOJA/!S O -- — - - -- --- ............ \ \ 10 \ \ \ s o- rz h Tv Eris ting Storm M// 5' SE 51V A )OVA 0 W NEf� SDE VL OFM Tocylafin 0cve/o rneol Co. Inc. 6W. 1167'h Avenue Tigard, Oregon 97223 ��- I 503) Co,39 3rD! ;:. E NC l NEER SUR VE Mq ` ~ iMac ec7y f Spos/to , /r, U //0 LF. 17th Sf. Vancouver) �Na. ?8(oG3 ' (�0 3) 28 4- 6 7210 REVISIONS REVISIONS M sk--ied Und0f T e "�/�I ,(� 7/ /d/ r ���__ ��-�_.,���A�._lee�f�� d.�i��__�e✓�_-__��18z _ _- __ __ _._--__._._—___ ._—__ --------- --'" '�;�.� qt� ---- �,1/�f a c �i a (� � (j•�(,�a Ds,e _. ._.. ___--_—. I M P R O V E M N T PLA N S � , D � _t-- r Job Number 4wd- Sfarm )ell/q// Qetoi_/, lhon�_ GPi�`fo//le S//O�� OTM --- - / , / � sc.'rle /'= 5U r+�J / 5" ✓. — � 100 4•�', 6 _ C0PPER CREEK . 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WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewer , underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the City further required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One-Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council ag-ees to accept the public improvements, subject to the require- ments for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. . ."; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received; and WHEREAS, the required perf6rmance bond has remained in full force and effect th,-cughout the nor(riaily required maintenance period of one year; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Ti9a1u, Oregon, hereby accepts the public improvemehts constructed within Copper Creek Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 52 on Page 43 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records. AND FURTHr.R, the City Council herewith authorizes release of the aforesaid bond. PASSED: This /� day of Ad Pts, � 19_E,L, by the Council of the City of Tigard; Oregon. .E ST l 4Z - Mayor ATTEST: ecor er I I()N No. h,' „� C1'11' OF TIGARi), OREGON RLS011r1'LON NO. 82-p(2 RES01,1710N OF '11[L•: '['tG\pE) CM' COUNCIL ACCEPTING 'I'ElE PUBLIC 1M1'R0VLZf-NTS a vS'1RUCro WMIIN COPPER CREEK (I'MSE 1) SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN Sf LCIF113D CONDITIONS MIE-REAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, curbs, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public Facilities for the development of subdivision; and MIE:REAS, the City has required the payment of fees and the execution of a Canpliance Agrvemv t which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certit.icati.on by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year.. . . ; and WEIERE:AS, said Certification has now been received, subject to correction of hereinbelow listed deficiencies; and WIIERE;AS, the subdivider has indicated a desire to retain the subdivision Performance bond in full force and effect throughout the aforesaid maintenance period, in lieu of submitting, a separate maintenance bond, NOW, IIIEREPURL, BE I1' Rf:SOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Copper Creek (Phase I) Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 52 on Page 43 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records, subject to: 1) Completion of installation of all sidewalks and driveway aprons. 2) Placement of the (1) one inch, Class "C", A.C. overlay. 3) Continuation of maintenance responsibility and correction of deficiencies, which may arise during the guarantee period. 4) ContlnUatlon of the subdivision performance bond. PASSED: This _1L-:'!'day of _gf.hp 00 1982, by the Council of the City of 'Tigard �`` E<yN'C or - City o igarrATTEST: : C,4t )ct-Etec rr. er =(i�/y of Tigard v I Vay 11, 1981 PORTLAND GENEP,AT, F.LPCTRTC CONTANY Western Division 14655 'SW Old Scholl, Ferry Road Benver.ton, OR 97005 Attn: Ken Snyder ?e: Copper Creek Subdivision (Phase T Streetliahting Dear Ken: This is to ackno�rl.edp,.e that the cit.- has found the streetlight installation in acid subdivision to be satisfactory and, furl,te-, to acknowlecine authorisation for. P.rZ.l?., to esnernise the two (2) lights therein, ander Schedule 91, Option 1941f. Yours truly, JoS. H a!"an Supt. F.na. »ivision JSii sy�jr rr..: City .Accountant cc: kottac r lectri c Tiic. cct Tualatin Develovment (:nripeny m�—AJLI��- 1m-%AKPN%JK,'"0 (503) 639-3101 TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 15300 S. W. 116th Avenue TIGARD. ORFGON 97223 L � -K U U n April 22, 1981 nr IN APR 2 2 1981 Mr. John Hagman CITY OF TIGARD Engineering Department City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Again Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Copper Creek Subdivision - Maintenance Bond Dear Mr.. Hagman: Tualatin Development Co., Inca will retain Subdivision Performance Bond No. 80826332 in the amount of $53,591.00 to provide for correction of any defectis,? wurk or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one year after final acceptance of the public improvements by the City of Tigard. Please feel free to call me if there are any questions. Sincerely yours, 'IUAL VAIN DEVELORMM CO. , INC. 1 Gary M. Wcx1g Manager - Purchasing & Estimating CZ1/lb cc: Barbara Harrison• Joe Leopold �1 �D �e . E �: INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION RECEIVED ANR 21 1981 CITY OF TIGARD Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 1760 Portland, OR 97207 Attnetion: Water Quality Division - Source Control Section Sewerage Works Construction Unit Gentlemen: Project Name Copper Creek 1 Project Locationi'igard, Oregon��,i I was the design engineer on the above-referenced project and I or my authorized representative did observe the construction and it appears to comply with the plans and specifications as apporved by the Department of Environmental Quality. Supplemental inspections were made by: The City of Tigard Very truly yours, resign Eng nee 's Signature - Date Gary G. Bliss, P.E. cc:* N. April 1.4, 1931 Tualatin Development Company 15300 S1' 116th Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 Attn: Joe Leopold Res Cooper Creek Subdivision Dear .10e: In response to yotir request, an inspection was conducted of the proposed public improveTnente in said subdivision for the purpose of determininp readiness thereof. for City Council tentative acceptance action. The following listing, as a result of said inspection, summarizes items which remain to be completed anti/or corrected prior to nuclh action: 1. Driveway apron at private access way needs to be completed. 2. As-built drawing needs tobbe submitted to the City of Tigard. 3. 13aintenance bond needs to be submitter) to the City of Tigard. Further, though it is recoanired that adiAtions and deletion will occur herewith (throughout the one-year maintenance guarantee period) , the folloaiing listing summarizes items noted to date !*ich remain to be completed arid/or corrected prior to City final acceptance: 4. All sidewalks and driveway aprons need to be installed. 5. The one (1) inch Class "C" A.C. overlay nedds to be installed. Therefore, in reference to condition(@) number never ( ') and elrtltt "n) of the project Compliance Agreement, we find we will be able to certify project readiness for tentative acceptance, to the Council, when itemn number one (1) throupli three (3) above are complete. Since the appropriate maintenance bond options and, .11so, since finnl work completion deadlines were previously addressed in the project compliance agreement, I won't elnbor.atr thereon. If you have questions, please call me at 619-4171. Yours truly, It. L. Thompson Public Works Tnrpector ttLT:P.1fi (503) 639-3101 TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. � .v 15300 S. W. 116th Avenue TIGARD. OREGON 97223 014- April /CApril 8, 1981 Mr. R.L. Thompson City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Copper Creek I Dear Bob: Per our conversation about Copper Creek , I am requesting the City to make necessary Inspection of the project and please send me a written punch list. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO , INC. J Jvel Leopold Land Development Supervisor Construction Division JL:jp FROM R _ E , ------------ .ns . ... T Electric ectric Inc. R 1632, 3.W. Parker Rd. in +' R T Lahti Oswego, Ore. 9-10344 15 owd, (Imimp 223 o Telephone: 635-2824 Att T SUBJECTr• _ Coplar Creek Zt. Lighting DATE � /27 Al MESSAGE <;+. liCht{nr fo;' . th-q B-u.bj-e�_ ob bias been mimleted. .jpon ypur, s�ccerptance. please send a copy of your acceptance and t enervize to our. o�'flce. SIGNED N TO ��► REPLY r,- SIGNED DAI� 11! C�H�,�I. 4S 174 SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 VMTH CARIION INTAC. PART 3 WILL RE RETURNED WITH REPLY. AGREEMENT Findings. The Planning Director of the City of Tigard has made the following findings: 1 . That in order for Larry Grayson , the developer of. Kneeland Fstates , to commence construction on his project , pursuant to conditional use CU23-80 , the appeal filed by Tualatin Development Co. , Inc. , as a result of the Planning i Commission hearing held on January 6, 1981. , must first be disposed of. 2. Among other issues raised in its appeal , Tualatin Development Co. , Inc. objected to the increase of t ^af..fic within TDC' s Copper Creek development (ZC 1-80 arid S 3-'10) inasmuch as TDC' s access to Durham Road is temporary only and is due to expire on September 20, 1982 . 3. That substantial financial damage will be done to both Larry Grayson and to Tualatin Development Co . , Inc. if: (a) Grayson' s project is delayed , and (b) if access to the Copper Creek project is terminated before all residences in both projects have been readied for occupancy. The measure of damages is unestimat.ed at this time because of the anticipated increase of traffic flow in both projects. 4. There is a public need to commence construction of the residences as soon as practicaule in both Kneeland Estates and the Copper Creek development. . The Planning Commission has approved all that. is necessary to be approved before construction of these structures can be commenced. t r'; - - TI) C ; 5 . It is in the public interest to maintain - - during the course of the construction of each project - - the integrity and the distinctions between Kneeland Estates, on one hand, and the Copper Creek development, on the other. Not to maintain those distinctions in the character of each respective project could very well lead to a diminution of market value of the property in either project . 6. because of the increased traffic flow, it will. become necessary to develop a Local Improvement District which will initiate traffic studies from SW Serena Way at Pick' s Landing and Kerwood Estates east to the intersection of Hall Blvd . and Durham Road. This traffic ,analysis will be an important part of the formation of a Local Improvement District . 7. When both projects have been completed , there will be a total of ,living units available, plus an additional five units in Lot 116 of the Copper Creek develop- meet plan [ approved by the City of Tigard , 9/20/80] within the next three years. This may materially affect vehicular traffic on Durham Road and on all access roads feeding Durham. Based upon these findings , the Planning Staff concludes: 1 . In order to maintain the integrity of the character of the two respective developments, Kneeland Estates and Copper Creek , the temporary access to Durham Road, which is presently centered -2- -AL r1 C 110 feet West of the Northeast corner of Copper Creek Development shall remain available as a temporary access until changed throu.-h the L. I.D. process. 2. It will be important to form a Local Improvement District, an integral part of which will be a thorou,;h traffic analysis to develop traffic date from SW Serena Way at Pick's Landing and Kerwood Estates cast to the intersection of Hall Boulevard and Durham Road. A primary issue of this traffic analysis would he to resolve whether or not the temporary access at Cooper Creek, which is described above, should or should not be made a permanent access. 3. The present temporary access will exist for a period of time of at least two years from the date approved of construction plans for public improvements in Cooper Creek 4. To insure Council intent until traffic studies are performed and findings made and acted upon, the temporary ac..cesy described in Finding No. 1 shall he posted as "temporary", and Tualatin Development Company shall provide notice of the status of the access within its i� 'T V C documents of conveyance. The Planning Staff recommends the adoption of the staff' s findings ,nd conclusions by the City Council at its next hearing on March 3 , 1981 with the appropriate passage by way of ordinance. LD I E HOWARD, I? g annin Director City of Tigard We, the undersigned have read the conditions above an agr e to them. Date: T—UA IT,A N DEVELOP NT CO. , INC. T— ZE"AND E,S ATE S Date: c Date: MAYnR iOR I'r'HE CITY COUNCIL Of � - I'iGARD - 4_ i % (503) 63G-3101 TUALATIN DI✓`'ELOPMENT CO., INC. 15300 S. W. 116th Avcnue TIGARD, OREGON 97223 February 27, 1981 Mr . Aldie Howard Planning Director City of Tigard 1242.0 SW Main i Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re : Tualatin Development Cr. 's Appeal Dear Mr. Howard: This is to acknowledge that my compaiy will withdraw its appeal upon the enactment of an ordinance adopting the enclosed findings and conclusions at its meeting on March 2 , 1981 . 1 merely want it understood that we do not plan to drop the appeal , unless the Council adopts the findings and conclusions on matters that you arranged between Mr. Voytilla , of my company, and Mr. Grayson and return of our $250.00 appeal fee. When I ho vc been advised that the Council has passed the operative ordinance or resolution adopting these findings and conslusions, I will instruct Mr. Voytilla to immediately withdraw the appeal . On behalf of Tualatin Development Co. , I wish to thank you for your courteous attenti(-n to this and for your concern for all parties involved. Very truly yours , T UA.LAT 1 N DEVELOPMENT -IfO. , INC. Robert C. Luy n President pd cc : Larry Grayson �I F6107 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY TAX CODE- MAIN SKETCH L ___ - 3 2$__ I J W J W A OOOy 0 �j W i {J i0 R M r U C `✓ r 8' 17 -�E F T UNDERGROUND -PHONE PRESSURE RATING& X-RAY WATER - SEWER �j 17 rESTraEssGat PSIa POWER �/� 31 TEST DURATION A o OI I Iy1 /'HONE � WELDS TO HE XRAYED_� �b DES:GN PRESSURE_ Cn0 MIO Tc�arc� 1N��QiY M A OP 5 PRIG It N0"MAL0jlfl.,PR0rt5 MIO i 3 [ DATE ENOR I INSTgLl MAIN FEET OF__, 1 U ABANDON MAIN FEET OF FEET OF I� PlLL�x �A1�0 a IYPf IOAT IN's' / , JOINTS FITTINGS 1 1 / INSTALL MfIVM I _ ._ FF ET OF INSTALL ' ANODES r � �• L..I^^Y1 �l'�,.7G I•JN �L� IA TAIItOMAIN _ .__FEET OF FEET OF L`J 1 i�lJt� A ARANDONFOMAIN.____.... .. i FEET Of _._.._.__"; FEET Of-` h N`7aF-• r)N ALL.. Q TYPE COATINGS PIPE JOINTS_...__.-,.� FITTINGS- w, r A LOT LI NIF:: . INSTALLS D SFRVICE_._ FEET 7f INSTALLED _ANODES �1 1 DATE COMPLETED__ .,_ [IONE0 "MIT It ADDITiciNAl INrOPMATION ON SAttCH) MF A"URFD______._. DATE SCALE M STARED - DATE SEO kV NO IL. 19 C Le Y � iceAWN_ — DATE,�I PLATTED 1, D 4D� DATE SIGNED D1K GATEMAR 2 1981IF PLAT APPROVED— DATE „ CiTY OF TIGA RD — -— WALLMA► MAIN WORK ORDER NO {�L;1 I l 3 SERVICE WORK ORDER NO. ADDRESS "]J_�1/1 � �,'_j - BETWEEN�1Y SERE l' _-wL7�Z L COUNTV -- ----- -- CITY PLA T NO. SFr TION TOWNSHIP RANGE FOR GAS ON THIS ST A- 46- 19 SEE ADJACENT PLAT S.W. DURHAM RD. I � ( ' 40' _ aG 132 133 134135 136�- 2 131 p)NIb0;80�1 `32 (w)'80 1 1-m-so ASO S.W. SERENA WAY o+oo O BOND -V 5'O 016100 09860 6 _ ce0> ('80) - - --- -- -_O a U T 129 70'-------*a 119 119 fn FRC 84' z —816125 O 016120 I 09830 V r�-`7 18 --I — 128 (90) U1 (80) ('80) 120 117 RI 127 S16i45 cr 016140 09810 6 1 j 192' 2 / / u 121 116 - BONDI ` ---22- Ul 336 --•----- ��� � � b 20q��o 126 ��b5 / �r SW. COOK CT. V 122 1 10 •� \ SiS 40 b' 0� 09770 I I q� `L 114 Q i 09730 ('80) 590' 18 125 12-4 --- --� 123 113 n� nn Ini.- 1(17 IIn ....��n '- z uJ - r z .2 IY) U) I-- I- - --- -! -- - Q N m I to 1 cr r .Q w F- N Q © n (r , h rnl I I I I Z 0 o � o M ry JI `1 n� b. C - z w z I V- o C) �� a w c» 3rr V M r I foI y,pU INSPECTION NC. . - -.__-- - DATE: DkTE ISSUFV'--,__L_ OWNERS NAME . .T.._. ADDRESS : .Com.. , CONTRACTOR '---------- -- - - TF- ST. Air 0, Water [] , Vlsual Qp', Laboratory U RESULT: Approved V Disapproved [:J , rl-nding I R SKETCH:a'. I INSPECTOR DATE CNOTE : Attach supplemental test data heret] I J 8004750r MUTUAL CANCELLATION AND TERMINATION OF EASEMENTS SOUTH OF S.W. DURHAM ROAD (CR #429) 1 . PARTIES: The parties t this Mutual Cancellation and Termination of Easements South of S.W. Durham Rd. (CR #429) are: (a) TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO. , INC. , A Delaware Corporation , record title holder of that parcel described in fee No. 8003719. Hereinafter collectively designated as ''Fir • t Party". AND (b) GRIMSON COMPANY INC. , an Oregon Corporation , record title holder of Lot 136, in the recorded plat of Pick 's Landing 2 , as recorded in Book 46, Page 1 , City of Tigard , Washingtrn County , Oregon , hereinafter termed "Crimson Company , Inc." (c) PICK'S LANDING 2 HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION , recorded title holder of tract "G" of said recorded plat of Pick 's Landing 2 , hereinafter termed "Association". FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits to be derived by the First Parties , Grimson Company , Inc. and the "Association". Hereunder by reason of the cancellation and termination of the easement riglits hereinafter described : 1 . First Parties do hereby remise, release and quitclaim to Grimson Compare , Inc. and the "Association", heirs and assigns , all right , title and interest of Knauss and Lewis to that certain existing 25 foot easement , over , along , across , and within that I.ortion of said Tract "G" and said Lot 136 and beiny more particuiarly described as follows : The East 25 feet of Tract "G", and the East 25 feet of Lot 136 of the duly recorded plat of Pick 's Landing 2 , recorded in Plat Book 46, Page 1 , City of Tigard , Washington County , Oregon. IFF M L' lb b � '.115 D .'AN 7 1981 CITY OF TIGARD Aftex• ecordig, return to: �� s a tle Ins.Co. '11 g j] ej�on—n'§7'23 _ 30- /QSO 2 . Grimson Company, Inc, and the ''Association'' does hereby remise, release and quitclaim to First Parties , heirs and assigns, all right , title and interest of Grimson Company , Inc. and the "Association" in and to that certain right of way easement and easement for road and utility purposes over, along and across and within that portion of that parcel described in Fee #130-002721 and being more particularly described as follows : That portion of said Knauss Tract lying east of, along and within 25 feet of the West line of that tract described in Fee #80-002721 extend- ing ,outh from the southerly right of way line of S.W. Durh- � Rd. (CR #429` to tl _+ northerly right of way line of S.W. Serena Way as described in Fee 1179-011372 , recorded March 26 , 1979, in said Washington County , Oregon. Each of the undersigned parties affixed his or her sign• ture hereto on the date appearing opposite such signature: TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO. , INC. , A Delaware Cgrperation _ - Date . Robert C. Luton ,('11'resident Date: ka bara L. Harrison , Secret-iry )uhscribed and sworn before me this Day of ..X -� - . 1980. B y • _ 1. � . �- [L��-.•.�J [ � Notary Public Signature Commission Expires : P � a w iRIMSON COMPANY, INC. An Oregon Corporation � Da t e. Paul Gri stad, President Date: —�CJ Negl K. Grimstad Subscribed and sworn before me this 2 / _ day of 1980. By: 062G � Notary Public Signature �y Commission Expires: PICK'S LANDING 2 HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION Date . ��. — ��- ��f✓ Subscribed and sworn before me this , day of 19$0. Notary Public Signature Commission Expires: ELI �f�So 7p' c S `.a 135 44/ 79 ' CS0'14,135 c650. 74'CS '/&,,047/ 440 00'49k',5S7, /?� 26> SNC Cor /o :14 COr /189°76'30"E-- /V&?D16 '30 E, ?C,50 74' N89° 26673' 44/ 80' ��� E'9 '8k w) (44/ '9 CS �,B.0.;7 N&9°76 '3u"E) l /440 0 '3/.557, /' 16716'CS o-4 7) 1 / / E IL:'' 441 73' ,441 7V CS '/6 nal 441 80' ' A" See S 1 /3' r 0 0 e9°26:30" F 90°3,3,3o" �� �90° 09o Plot CCSi6,047 , � � ^ r CS `641-4) ( ' 1 9C'O/b0C'S'19624 I \ '89°?S i5"CS'iB047) _ R=/2S 00' O O ( (89°?4'.50'cS`/0 4i036 / ((( 3 d0.�4' '� � v O Nd9°/L•" ,�o EI O •3.b"!R �t � �. f C= 79 06 C8=N/6111.5'6 06`4✓ 9 n O 4j O ,6"!R -77 he/c7 L Q ti ' O 0 he/d Z R= 12,5 00' d = 360,-52'11" l L = 80 44' C- 79 06' CB N/6°/6'C)6 h- ti S%8%R r v_s 0 0;' ti1�C Cn1:: 95o/ 1 40 00,E - - 39 77 Y O - r�'10 o0'),' 09 98" - - t LD \- S8 IF 05 O � O O p 0 16 cP� �,i t I ` r I I I b i d f ,TATE OF OREGON Cou Ity of Washington SS i, Roqer Thomssen, Director of Records snit flecttorfs and Ex Officio Recorder of Con vetnnees for said county, do hereby certify that the within tnstrum-int of writing was received Intl recorded to book of records of said county O ROOFR THOMSSEht, Director of Records 6 Etechons Uj v �r CITY OF' TIGARD) OREGON SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (P.W.) Procedure Check List I. FILE INITIATED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . iJ • �..._2t�` (1) Supplementary sheets attached . . . . • • • • . • • • • • • . II. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT: (1) Pending Planning Ccmmi.ssi.on action. . . . . . . (2) Approved tentatively by Commission. . . . . . . . . . $ . III. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS: (1) Plan Check commenced. . . • • •, • • • • • • • • (a) Revisions required . ":`' "r." ' • *C (b) Stamped, approved for construction (2) Utility Co. plans received. . . . . . . • • 13 (3) Improvement cost estimate received. . . . . . . . . . . . . .� IV. EXECUTION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS: (1) Contr.u,t dociim,!nts drawn: (a) Compliance Agreement signed . . . . •� -� ` (b) Performance Bone. signed .. . . . • • • - -- (2) Permits & Licenses :Acquired . . . . . • • • • • • • • • (3) Easements obtained 6 recorded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (4) Deposits made . . . . . . . • ❑ V. SUBMISSION OF FINAL PLAT: ❑ (1) Review for conforan�ncc commenced . . . . . . ❑ (a) Revisions required . . . . • • • • • • • • • • ❑ (b) Approved & signed by Comm. Chairman . . . . . . . (c) Resubmitted to Coomlission D Res. No. Approved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) Approved and recorded by County Surveyor. . . . . , . . . . . ❑ 9_____Q___r_ (3) Address's assigned. . . . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . . . Q VI. COMIENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. . . . • • . • . • • . • • • • • • • . •'❑ _. Note: Inspection sheets and construction/ Inspection check list (attached) for progress. VII. FINAL INSPECTION OF' CONSTRUCTION . . . • . . • • • • • • • • (1) Pending correction of deficiencies. . . . • • • • • • • • • . Q (2) Not acceptable, construction deficient. . • • • • • • • • • ❑ (3) All construction items acceptable . . . . • • • • • • . VIII . EXECUTION OF FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENTS: - —_ (1) Maintenence Bond signed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ❑ (2) As--built drawing received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Final report to Council issued. . . • . . • • • . • • • • • • ❑ IX. CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT IMPROVF1,ff7NTS . . • • • • • • • • • ❑ __ �. MAINTENANCE BOND EXPIRES: e VIII. STREETLIGHTING: (A) Commenced installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (B) Completed installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (C) Inspected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > . . . . . . Q (D) Tentatively accepted by City . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 1) Authorization letter to Energize filed IX. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 (B) Completed installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �" 11 (C) Inspected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (D) Tentatively arce.pted by City. . . . . . . . Q X. GENERAL AREA DRAINAGE: (A) Building rain drains inspected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 (B) Culverts inspected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > . . . . . Cl (C) Drainage ditches inspected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . . . . . . . . > . . . . . . 0 NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE, REXIEW FILE TO INSURE COMPLETION OF CHECK LIST AND FILING OF: 1) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All Correspondence/Memos 5) Daily Inspection Sheets 9. VWXXIN 3� CITY OF TIGARD—12420 S.W.MAIN--TIGARD,OREGON 97223 _ RECEIPT p'/ / DATE; ! — -_ Q_AMOUNT:S Q�L , �p �— —DOLLARS NAME: CAS ' ADDRESS: �S31� !I� _ CHEC �27_i M.O.: OF 1'''. FOR: ACQT. I PERMITS SURCHARGE AMOUNT — --- — :1, SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 $_ BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 -.-v MECHANICAL PERMIT 05-332 ILI BUILDING PERMIT 05-333 SEWER CONNECTION 40-363 _ SEWER INSPECTION 40-365 SYSTEM DEV.CHARGE 25-366 _ r PARK DEV.CHARGE #1 30-367 _ PARK DEV.CHARGE #2 30-368 Z ING AD USTMENTS 05-362 as_��s.a _ s� TOTALS RECEIVED BY PERMIT NUMBERS S IGNED: �. Number Amount Number Amounf Number Amount $_- --- S— --- S_ �� ----- S 7243 .wr sJ:.bl f i CITY OF TIGARD DEVELOPMENT DEPOSIT FEE n COMPUTATION SHEET PROJECT NAME C T E.R K PROJECT NO. (I) PROJECT FEE (Cit/ ord. 68-49, Sec, 10, Par."A'T so o)Total estimated Improvement cost .. ... 1.---rL- b) Less can. sewer est. const cost......... .. S -)144 Adjusted improvement cost. ......... ... ... �(_—(subtotal) 4 (subtotal l (2) SEWER FEE (U.S.A. res. 70-12,Sec.9, Par.� B ): o)Sewer plan check fee 8 Inspoction fee , 1) ?� 10.00 x 4 Carl (no.a. 2) 100.00 min. 1:7 b) Permit fee Q connection charge paid. • . . .•C] ' c) Sevier district contract surcharge paid .......••• ••• ••• (district name rtC t ) I !3) STREET LIGHTING FEE : 9 a) P.O.E. lighting schedule no. b) Mthly rate option. ...... no. �) L IO Io i Lhli 1J i'.W*1 i�L Vbtb� t typeoflight I lumens - 333 X e O,- (mthly rate) (nb•of lights) ISO,- type of pole �pep`Ret a .:cc'b CJbt E i 0.3L X Z__-� = _�]z (mthly late) (no.of poles ) 1yr. = 12mth's (subtotal) —' 2yr.=24mth'e -7•3zq _ X _ k subtc_ - ( tul) (no.of mlhs)+ V^ (4) SIGN FEE (Item4-Instei lotion) (per sign) (no of-sign) STOP ,____..� X ---- RESTRICT. OCCUPANCY -- -- X — -- - t'- STREET SIGN ` �'--- 'S COM d.STOP/9T.NAfAE NO PARKING h _- —x — � _ x milE� y�Pl� X - 'mtecl. typal i' 7Z Z RECEIPT N0. r)ATE PAID __AL>—<J�- - check �;L GRAND TOTAL ♦� cash d money order 0 IA Insert:sewer,strest,ur, s::�d' 'tion ,L Y i,�, t.•t:. 1j�5 . br J s `�l. _ k'!'•`t �fr"-.� Y X11 i 4mv. 14 AST 7� 4^gti� j► � a, a - It t `tt� 1.. a G' ,y.i ..a, 5 ri •� r r. aj t x i . • O�/G/�tr'h L SUBDIVISION COMIFLIA�;CE AGREEIr: THIS ACREE'4ENT dated the _ 2 4 t._h� day of jioVP.Mkar , 19_SZ_ between the CITY Oi' TICARD. a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and _Tualatin Development Company, Inc. a Deleware Corporation hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, Petiticner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as COPPER CREEK _ located in .vection 14, Township 2 South, Range 1 West Willamatte Meridian, 4ashington . County, Oregon; and W1~EREAS, t-ie City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storin sewers, sanitary seweLs, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development and requites the pay:nen.t of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works coritruct.io n by '.PWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage speci.ficaticns for the sanitary ,ewc s prepared by professional enaincers f.nr subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in petir.io%er ` ; develcFr:ent are incomplete, bul- petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progre3s.ve occcpanry and u3e of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the pilblic interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said tLd`_ inion by legally enforceable assnrances that the pablic improvements : ill installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, IHEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreer.ir,.ts to be kept and performed by rhe Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED A, FOL,.OWS: ( 1) Fetitioner shall proceed with the 4evelopment. with the intent and purpose tb complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bourd to comply with all subdivision star_dards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and ti-e standard specification adopted by the city of Tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as ma, be Lequired to conform ther.et.o. (_) To ...,...ire cucik ! i..r.ce with iuh- -1. �; '., L,:quiccmants and the pr.c, . Petittor:er tenders herewith to the City a sur =_ty bond in form approved by the City, w.i.th liahility in the amount of $ 531591.00 _ a copy whereof is hereto attached and by this referenc.E rade a part '.iereof ( -) In the event that Petitioner shall fall, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an ordf L 1.r and progressive mi-aner to assure completion within the time. !!-nits, upon ten ( 10 days' notice by the City to VL4.LLoner and Petitioner's suret'es, and, =uch default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the Clty may at its' option proceed to have the work completed and charge the cost,, thereof against Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties and in the event san- be not paid, to bring an actio-i on the said bond to recover aTOLnt thereof. In the eve^t such action be brought, Petiticner and Petitioner's jceties proTise and agree to pay, in addition to the anuunts accruing and allowable, such SUM as the curt shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, bot'i in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the ^.ity --ay, at its' option, grin; p_o:eedings tc enf'crce asa_nst the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties s^ecific perfo-lance of the cc.ntract and co:^plia7ze with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorrny's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (1�; Patjion,=r, ccncurr=r_t with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City an a-ouit e,,t1 -at,ad to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighti. faz li lies .:i thin 91=002=of the suh.livision, according to Portland General Electric Scl,--iul: 091, Option B, together with a further sum equal tc the estimated c.:st of pro vain-� energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) Fara from the date of initial erer3izin.g of said light.a. Said : mount being $ 177.12 (5) The City agrees to x2ke and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City's ir_Lerzst iry d( si rable tc assure compliance herewith in con_.sideration whereof the FW.tio-er ha- paid prescrib--d inspection fees. (6) The Cit; agree3 to install street identification and traffic signs within. the said subdivision, In consideration of pay-.ent in the amount of $ 72.75 ( At suc�., time as all public i^rrcvements except sidewalks and street trees within the uhdi-:inion have been ccr.-pleted in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall nctify the City of the readiness for f4-nal inspection and upon certificar_icn by the Department of Puhlic Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will sub:n1t to '-.he City a good and sufficient maintenance bond, if not alrsac'y provided with the perforr..ance bond, form approved by the City in the sum of $ 10,718.20 to provide for correcticr of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after final acceptance of the public improvements by the City, (8) Upon receipt of certification by the Depart^ent of Public Works that all requirements have been ret and a One Year Maintenarce Pond, the City Cou"cil agrees to accept the public tmprovene:ts, subject tc the require^-ent= for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a pe-led :f one year as hereinabove set forth, (9) That in ac4li.ticr. ,to or surple,7ercary of the requirements of the City's c et a..d Ll:� O' -u .., l' I- - - , '.nal.f i_G to Lhe require.nents, schedLlir.g and lir,,itatioes. (a) Nore Of the Lets of petitioner's subdivision as described may be occuple� fcr residential purposes urtil an occupancy pernit is issued under authority of the Cit; and no cccupancy permit shall. be issued prior to the acceptance of the subditiisior, erd to the ti-.e that the sidewalk paral?el_ap the street for each developed lot propered to be ct:cupled, is ins-al?ed as a part of the develop^.ent; provided that all sidewalks a_ regsire9 by the plans and su`.division ccde shall be installed thrc.L ht said not later than 3 years fro-- the date of this Sutdivisicn 1r-provement Contract. * Project Fee $ 550.64 Sewer Fee $ 140.00 -2- (b) All landscaping tries on that portion of each lot between the public dewalks aid the cur`; (parking area) as required, shall be planted and in place prior N final ins,neetior_ and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. 'Provided that final inspaction and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any alendar cr!onth fr n Cctobar to April of any year, such plar_tirgs may be deferred until the next following growing seascr., in any event, all landscaping trees in all areas shall be planted and .:n place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of thio subdivision improvement contrace. (c) Within o-e (1) year of acceptance of the public k..provements the petitioner sgre-s to p-ace a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads wi`;.in thz dave'_op,-ent. (d) Compl'_ance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivi.;_;-i jsvelcp:^Ent by the Council and the Planning Corr-iission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, ar_esard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specifie-' 'y the zar-e use classification and, also, on the approv,d plat(s) and plan(;). (1C) The parties hereto hereby adopt th._ form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and petitioner agrees to cause to have said bQ.-,d executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at oc pricr to the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City. (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part cf tha oblibation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the City zhall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part cf the Petitioner with re-pect to ary requitement thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized under- signed c`fjcers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be execate.d, and the City a.ctirg pursuant to resolution of. its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly meld cn the day of i9 _, has caused this agreement to be executed by its' Mayor ar.d Recorder. TUALAT; EVELOPMENT COMPANY,INC. By: By: THE CTTY 0'' TTC'ARD, ORECON By: Mayor By: _ Recorder -.3- AN MM fRMLARMPEAKI fes. ss. day of _—_ 19_ _+ before me appeared - AND — -- -— - Wally kncn whi , being duly sworn, did say that he, the said -- _ is the Payor, and she, the said q, Jer of the t`117 OF f��;4RD, a mMinir i i,:�l i,. r +t i �n ;end the said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal corporation. tvlfNF.5S ltii.FtEOF, I 1. +•� hereunto Get my hand and affixed my official. nl , i ;Ie day and year in this my certificate first written. k r:,Mary p.ibl is—for Oregon sion Expires: - i STATE OF OREGON ) ss. CORPORA'T'E C,,unty of 'Washington On 1 his 24th i av of November 19 80_, ter ore me appeared Robert C. Luton and Larbara L. Harrison both to the personally kna�wn, who beim; ctrl y '-WOrn , did !,av that he, the said Robert C.-Luton - i -_� is the Pvt,- ident, and he, the said Barbara L.-Harrison - is the Secret'.%r1 --- - — of TU&IQ-tiaDevelo�p=t Co.. Inc- _the wi i n i named Corporation, and that the seal affixr••d to said instrument is };e c c ; �;r rat seal of �­:lid Corporation , ,ano, 1-oat the ;;aid i n5 .1'i'- !int was sign( ii and sc-2.. 1r-d it behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors , and Barbara L. Harrison acknowledged said instrument to be flee art and do -d 0 said Corporation. i I14 TESTIMONY V HE`''MF, I have here'1�310 set My hand and affixed my official seal t15 a .6 ii. and year last above written . 'I1.t�1. tin Develop�nt o., Inc, i No ary Pu i /for Oregon t t ( � My CommissicYn Expires SUBDIVISION PER,„OMIMNCE BOND •��, Bond No. 80826332 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we _ Tualatin Development Com )any, a Deleware Corporation, as Principal, ntid Federal Insurance Com an a corporation dilly authorized to conduct a general surety bus ness— in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $ 53 591 .00 lawful money of -the United States of America, for the paymen of which we., as Principal, and as Surety, jointly and severally - bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these presents TIM CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are platting • COPPER CREEK , subdiv;:i,�n located in the Citjy of T gar , Oregon, and entering Into a subdivision compliance agreement with the Obligee herein, and upon acceptance of said plat and compliance agreement, the Principals shall make all improvements required by the City of Tigard, Ordinances and Subdivision Compliance agreement documents as descrijed in said compliance agreement all of which are, by reference, made a part hereof, NOW, THEhEFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and, truly observe and comply with the terms of the agreement and shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said agreement and shall promptly make pay- ments to all persons supplying labor or material for any of the work provided by said agreement, and shall riot permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecutioned against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. In the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terma of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies here-- urder the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such stuns as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees. . r IN WITMPSS WHEREOF, the pnrtie,; hereto have caused this . bond to be ere u ted this low dal of. 1 9 acs . By: � _ (Seal) TUA1..A'tIN I)EVEL�PMENT CO •. INC. name o�co oT a ori) , By: (seal) �J/ By: iA'-nomBy:, 22 f - ._ 1 ecre ta.ry (Corporation rit;knowledgement of Ft=4;.ra1 Insurance Company corporate principal and a true Sure y � copy of the Power of Attorney ( I must be attached to the original of this bond. ) y i1 (,iz_ ttorneysln-Fac wh°c:h ;,:e, as Pr iricipal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these presents TIM CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGAliON IS SUCH, that the Principals are platting ' COPPER CREEK subdivision located in the City of Tigard, Oregon, and entering , into a subdivision compliance agreement with the Obligee herein, and upon acceptance of said plat and compliance agreement, the Principals shall make all improvements required by the City of Tigard, Ordinances and Subdivision Compliance agreement documents as described in said compliance agreement all of which are, by reference, made a part hereof, . NOW, THEkEFORE, if the Principal herein shall' faithfully and truly obset�ye and comply with the terms of the agreement and d shall well and trwiy perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said agreement and shall promptly make pay- ments to all persons supplying labor or material for any of the work provided by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuti,.,ned against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effects In the event of suit cr action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover ender the term3 of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies here- under the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover st_tch stuns as tht� Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this . bond to be execW.ed this 10 h day of u =.� , 19 80 BY _ (seal) TUALATIN DEV OPMENT CCS:- INC. name of U vra on,,/ BY�__- - .�, ,� �/ �, / (seal) rPre-,.�ident By: 77- ecce tary (Corporation rir;knowledgement of Federal insurance Company __� corporate principal and a true 51Ire Y - cCOPY of -t h e P-m-e r f �•;� '- must be attached to the original of this bond. ) they-In-F'ac t L117; Form No, 1971 - 1 A i �.• I W��.IY -•,.M�fI •i . -------------- -rtF c tr•�} r.i)N ) tun ) I; r . 24th ' ( '� ,:�r,-her �� 80, fr r'`- �I Puh ` r c r t C. Luton d Barb,ir-a L. ti,jrri ,on } ( ir; ' r. ti . f � . , t ' r_' ,, iij R(�hert C . Luton I i v( 1( r , Micha(: I Cht, e (j H. `Jtu;h Rl;irt •r I I I 1 rl� r r? r. r �3 � • � t t i t � ` .�r ( t t: , :� 1 ., I�i ( � i ,. r r ♦ .- v • ; .I'1 is � rr , . ,• -. ,. �. ! .. �" "t' 4 •° w jos Oil .+',4'¢ " t •i4l r+,;t ; � ,� �.r ;� s.. � r. • � �)! � r r ,sir .,;ti� r. ,Om", �.' ,�, ,:,; '•. . iii .. .. " •.r 44 7 1. f � �` •, � 4 � '� �x lr rr( •`{ a ,• �r�� �.n� .;,lk' ra` „'A... '�' �•i r ! �k. ( h!•4�E.1..t } 2. yt� it r ,f ..:'� (W#�E,,y+, r ,.1 tR e v f•,fit,,,'�� �'A... � r+'�Y•-?; ,_ ,,.r '+a':, , v.� .w "� r:' �•tl y. .�'A:4: .F :•W ��'. •ti's t .t:(+['�rr.�r �it� � 5! `.. Berl f ed Copy of POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all Men by these Presents, That-the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, 100 William Street, New York New York,a New Jersev Corporation,has constituted and appointed,and does hereby constitute and appoint Nancy L. Kummer, Raymond B. White James R. Daly Of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania------------------------------------------------------- each its true and lawful Attorney-in-Fact to execute under such designation in Its name and to affix Its corporate seal to and deliver for and on its behalf as surety thereon or otherwise,bonds of any of the followil,g classes, to-wit: I. Bonds and Undo:2akings(ctiiar*Ian, 4,AY 46it, ruaiia .d Prvi.veuirlg;it wly Cowl, or filed with any Siierui or Magistrate, for the oomg or not doing of anything specmed in such bond or Undertaking, in which ;he penalty of the bond or undertaking does not exceed the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars($250,000.00). 2. Surety Bonds to the United States of America of any agency thereof, including those required or permittr d under the laws or regulations relating to Customs or Interna' Revenue;License And Permit Bonds or other indemnity bonds under the laws, ordinances or regulations of Any Stale, City, Town, Village, Board or other body or organization, public or private; bonds to Transportation Companies, lost Instrument uonds, Lase bonds, tunrkmen's Compensation bonds, Miscellaneous Surety bonds and bonds on behalf of Notaries Public, Sheriffs, Deputy Shsrlffs and similar public offi- cials J Bonds on behalf of contractors in connection with bide,proposals or contracts. In Witness Whereof, the said FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPA14Y has,pursuant to its By-LAWS,caused these presents to be signed by its Assistant Vice-President and Assistant Secretary and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 1st day of Jam,ary 19 79 FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY By aS�RANCE f : Lit— George McClellan Assistant Vice-Pres)denf JE O'Connor STATE,O NEW JERSEY Assistant secretary County of Essex On this 1st day of January 1979 before me personally came Richard D.O'Connor, to me known and `y me known to be Assistant Secretary of the FEDTAAL INSURANCE COMPANY, the Corporation described in and which executed the foregoing Power of Attorney any the said Richard D.O'Connor being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is As- sistant Secretary of the FEDERAL INSUPANCE COMPANY and knows the corporate seal thereof; that the seal affixed to the foregoing Power o: Attorney is such Lorporate seal anc vias thereto off-xed by authority of the By Laws of said Com- pany and that he signed said Power of A"jrrey as Assistant E Lary of sad Company by like authority,that t e is acquainted with George McClellan and knows him to be Assistant Vice-President of said Company,and that the signature 0 said George McClellan subscribed to said Power of Attorney is in the 99miiine handwriting of said George McClellan and was thereto subscribed by authority of said By-Laws and in deponent's presence. ..�.. AcAnotit ledged and Sworn to before me on the date above wrirten. tAOTARYZ li* j Notary Public PUBIA PATRICIII RYAN jERft t'1(rARY PUBLIC Of WIN )ERSI:Y My Commission Crpit#$ December 11, :9 8 ' form 21110 238(Ed.2 79)(Gene,0 f, .; „4i. IL 11778 f rom t :. SUBDIVISION COMPLIA,;CE AGREFML.., THIS AGREEMENT dated the day of _ 19_ c y between the CITY OF TICARD, a municipality o Oregon, hereinafter cermed the "City", and _ her matter termed Pe ti io­.or W I T N E S S E T H WP.EREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as _ 1 located k,,� �� 1• ` dA— _ Willamette ridian, Washington Coty, Oregon; and WhERFAS, tyre City cf Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, undernrour.d utilities and other public facilities for the development and requires the paymer.t of fees; and WHEREAS, the, City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works cor.;traction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in petiLioner `, d, velor_mEnt are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit rogress.ve occupancy acd use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the pobiic interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public `.mprovements will installed a., required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth NOW, THEREFOR'_ in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenant9 and agreemer,ti to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED Aj FOLLOWS: (1 ) Petitioner shall proceed with tha development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public Improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from tVe date of this agreement, and Petitioner is h-rehy bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwi..se approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs a•: may be required to conform thtreto. (2 ) To assure curfip! iance wi;.h the City',- requirr'mcnts and the Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety- bond in form approved by lht City, with liability in the amount. of $ 5 'L - q,q � a copy whereof is hereto attached ,and by this reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time ! ,.-its, upon ten ( 10 days' notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, arch sUch default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the C1ty mey at its' option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties and in the event sane be not paid, to bring an actior on the said bond to recover bc.&kA the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Pet.'tioner's sureties proTise and agree to pay, in addition to the ainuunts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as at`orney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its' option, bring proceedings to enforce against th,_ Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties specific performance of the contract and co- pliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the Citv of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sL:s as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the CiLv's AztorP_ey's fees and co"-;p both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (4) Pettioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount e.,tirated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lightir;. facill`ies within Q� the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule 191, Option B, to,sether with a further sun equal to the estimated cost of prov'.din5 ?lettrtcal energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period Of two (2) tieara from the date c.f initial energizing of said lights. Said amount being $ 1-7'7, 1'„1— (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City's interest are desirable to fissure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitiorer ha; paid prescribed inspection fees. * (6) The City agree3 to install street identification and traffic signs within th., said subdivision., In cons i.derat1or. of payment in the amount of $ '],Z;75 (7) At such time as all public 'improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the Subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City 's requirements, Petitioner shall actIfy the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond, If not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City in the sum of $ (D�'� 1f3,L= to provide for correction. of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after final acceptance of the public improvements by the City, (8) Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requireTents for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period cf one year as hereinabove set forth, (9) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's Subdivis'.n- Ordin�--.cc a[,d HIE ; h^_reo[, P- ti ti(—.er. ;-'"Lada itsalf to co1fc.- to the following requirc,:,.ants, scheduli.c.a and iienitat;ors; (a) None of the Lots of petitioner's subdivision as described may be occupied fcr residential FurFose3 uP.til ar occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision ar.d to the ti-ne that the sidewalk paralleling Lhe street for each developed lot proposed to � e occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks a3 required by the plans acd subdivision codec .hall be installed thrrught said subd.% i..icc not "Later thin 3 years from the, date of this Subdivision Inprovement Contract, (o4 * Project Fee $ 550.— Sewer jS0."— Sewer F'ee $ 1408`=° -2- (b) All '_a. -dscapiT:g tree_, or, than portion of each lot between the public sidewalks a:d the cur`. (carki.ng area) as requ_red, shall be planted and in place prior to final inspection and issuance OF occupanr_y permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provide--d that final inspeztio1 ar.d applicant fur occupancy permit occurs within any calendar re:);ith from october to April of any year, ouch plantings may be deferred until the nexL following gr(-,w!—n& season, in any eient, all landscaping trees in all areas shall be pl^t•.ted and n place w thin the. entire subdivision within. three (3) years from the date cf this subdi,.i.,io-► improvement c.or1ract. . ) Within o^e (1) year of acceptance of the public improvements the petitioner 3grE-s to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads wit;.in the d2velopc.ent. (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivl. ._,,-t isvelcp:-Ent by the Cour-cil and the Planning Corncnission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, ir_egard to -varisr_cas allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specifi.ea ?:y the :are %se cias,ifi_ation and, also, On the approved plat(s) and plan(;). (1G; The part.iEs hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and petitioner agrees to cause to have sari bu.:d executed and filed with the City concurrently with Che execution of this agreemea. at or Frier to the tit-F2 this agree-7ent is executed on behalf of. the City. (11) Tne =specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be ii.cluded as a part of tFe obligation secured Ly the aforesaid e_rformance bond and the City zhall be entitled to recourse thereto in the everit of default on the part of the PeLitioner with respect to ary requirement thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petl.tioi.er ac_ir-g by and through its duly authorized under- signed c"frena pursuant: Lo res,31ution Of its Board of Directors has caused this agreemert to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council adopt-ed at a meeting thereof duly and regulari) held on the day of 19 _, has caused this agreement to be executed `•y its' Mayor AT.d Rec:ordPr. By: By: THE CTTY OF T?GARU, OREGON By: Mayor By: _ Recorder -3- SUBDIVISTON PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. RNOW,ALL MEN BY THESE PRES NTS, that we aka 1i - . r. Principe J as r nc pe an a corporation duly authorize o con uc a genera aur-eey us.iness In the State of Oregon, as Surety, are ,jointly and severally held bound unto the City- of Tigard, Oregon a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $ lawful money of the United States of America, for the payme 7 of— which we, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these present. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND D OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are platting C , k _ subdivision 'located in the C o gard, bregon, and entering into a subdivIsion compliance agreement; with the Obligee herein, and upon acceptance of said plat and compliance agreement, the Principals shall make all improvements required by the City of Tigard, Ordinances and Subdivision Compliance agreement documents as described In said compliance agreement all of which are, by re.'.'erence, made a part hereof, NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with the terms of the agreement and shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said agreement and shall promptly make pay- merits to all persons supplying labor or material for any of the work provided by said agreement. and shall not permit an;; lien or claim to be filed or prosecutioned agair,3t the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, other-wise to remain in full force and effect. In the event of' suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies here- under the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have caused this bond to be executed this _-_— day of . 19— By: (seal) ( A_ me oi11 ��olt. name of corpora on By, _ ac-,11) By: ----(seal) FresiTen�— By: _._ __._ - ecreT`ary (Coi•porstion acknowledgement of corporate principal and a trueuereny' copy of the Power of Attorney must be attached to the original of this bond.. ) AF''orney- Form No No.. 1971 - 1 A I CARDCITY �� .� rM COUNTY. MEMO s 4 —00 Rt . Two v�,Pot UlmtFt �1ro�ost --11420 S W.MAIN P O BOY,73M TIOA10.OREGON 777]] PN 09 4171— ---� 124MSW W.MAIN �.O!Oa 73377 T16AR0.ORf(iON 71773 011 p70J17I -----_--� - '*i' 1'S.•n ..��. 1 j Sr-.I CIRCULATION COPLY, ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED PRIOR TO APPROVAL 01= �Nc-SE PLANS PUBLIC u—f tillK. G�Y / PLA�W � ':7 ®U" ' r Coto;;. cIt r �•a , AitifFo TIGt re.J t. jS' U 8 A L'0/40 N,Y/. NATURAL G/:3pr.T r I - NOTCH LID FOR SIFTING HOOK . — 3 C. L I 12"MAX. -- -�- I,�~ _ __ _ -+I -_, -- 27 -------- I - {_ 411 2 1&2 STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME 8 COVER -----7 I �`- / > 1• f6"_ __ -- ___ .__._ 2411_ I SET FRAME 0 _ . 1 `\ i v .-.�__ •1---- / -- - • �- --- --- IR` r• FINISH GRADE ---.�. I N M O TA R t IG O O 1 1 0 .N OF I1' f. O 1 GROUT---- 4 C CONCRETE EXTE�.a,ON t J SURFAC ��� - I I I MAKE E. (! ty , 1 r\J + 1 - 'N • 'N RING GROUT FILLET SMOOTH ' O ___ / SFORM GROOVED IN- ,1�I -- - 10 - --0 1 RECTION - 1 10 '�,' 'i ' I VERT TO DI OF FLOW I a \ �� - -� 1 - - , JI : .�� .•.. .'•:�• ' �i I t '/ RAM-NEK JOINT I Iqe -----48"- -- __- tir MATERIAL: OR N A, EQUAL- '►�/ \ ST'D 46'0 MH RISERS ` \ 00 I o _> _ = I . 12"MAX, 44 NOTE01 ': I"/ft SLOPE:: o. 1• \� 1 - I, 4' CONCRETE EXTENSION RING _� - �. INSTALL AS REQUIRED TO BRING ;1• I • MANHOLE COVER a FRAME TO 1/2 ` � COVER 9 FRAME TO BE MACHINED -J DESIGN GRADE (MAX. 3 RING), TO A 1RUE BEARING ALL AROUND 12 1_AYER COMPACTED STA NDA R D � R.C.12A S T c^.� TCH BASIN ° u 0a ° .,e �° ° v o ' • GRAVEL( 3/4"- 1/4" ) ?• INLETS/OUTLETS A° REQ. I - v 0 --- ---------" - ---- ----- ---- \ \ 1T I _ •� Orarvinq No. 70 - A - 4OZ STANDARD ILIA NME OL FRAME e CO Vf 3 6'0 MIN. , ,Ora wing No. 73 A - 300 5TANDAfi0 %514ALL0W 110ANH01. E _ 6" Drawing No. 705 - A - 303 STANDARD MH. FRAME a COVER FINISH GRADE STEPS ARCA.5 t T,9A6 'LED RIGHTS OF WAY T 48" PRECAST MH SECTION i ---. I --- SET FRAME STEPS ASTM C-478 T R ENCH WIDTH IN MORTAR--7 - GROUT ��•- 17 ' MAX. MSX ( MUM PERMISSIBLE AT NATIVE /I 1 \` ` �' 611 ABGVE _ TOP OF PIPE MATERIALS- ��► 2"-011 CRUSHED ROCK, CLEAN -- - 4"CONCRETE EXTENSION JY, ` , RING INSTALL AS REQUIRED - � .' � � DENSE , HARD AND COMPACTED. TO BRING M►i. COVER 81 \ F J ^� - -- _ PIPE SIZE TRENCH WIDTH I FRAME TO DESIGN GRADE. / / :� 6 (moat. 3 rings ) L (ECCENTRIC • _ �{ I 1 I'-0" �' I' - 5 6 1 2 011 MH- TOP • 12 'MIN. ► I - - - .� I / e " --- 21 0 " -RAM - NEK JOINT ' e MATERIAL OR EQUAL 10 " 2/ 2" v 48 1 ' �• 122 6 1 SELECT GRANULAR MATERAL r--r- • _ ,4 IN PIPE ZONE - 95% COMPACTION 01 A 12"MAX \ _ .1 --- 21 8 STEPS i,� esoo .r . o .� '. , � °- —� 15 2 10 •. - ' •'.'�•. ::D: '- e: "; 11 . ". • O. • _ ----.—— 1. I �G•e ODO00 OO pp I eoDQ D D• i a, ` • o �o�O • ` o n , ° �. 0 , /e -STD 48 o° ISO o c eJi r o . v a 60 o e e, i 31 01. 16 <MH RISER -COMPACTED GRANULAR12" LAYER COMPACTED GRAVEL(( ( " 2 -- — - ° oc -- BACKFILL NOTE -D ) �,. 3, 4„ UNDISTURBED I I. INLETS - OUTLETS AS REQUIRED, -- _. ':I PIPE 2 MAX .y14C o o poo 00� EARTH 2. NHEN SEWER ENTERS ABOVE 20 3' 6" i — ZONE ° INV.TO i V J) o D o VOTTOM OF MH FORM A - T -_ • ' - �, o FILLET OF GROUT OR CONC. i1 " � Of III SLOPE a ' p 00 it� A i INDICATED. 21 3 6 11 I , D/2 h �..,� - - _1- - � s• 1/ a "o cp/ MAKE SURFACE SMOOTH IS - 1 _JL - — - II il— ' 1 •: '�. • , e o r FORM GROOVED INVERT -- - _ ) "_ -T- -- -I -= -- - 24' • i A. `e • ♦ . p� 0 0/ TO DIRECTION OF FLOW I ll 11 II 1 - - 3 - 10--_ 4" MIN or 0/427 11 4 _ }r ° ' ? YII .. _ ' g 3- 1oto°e • oe' l 0 4 6 0 12LAYR:° C ° COMPACTED 1 " o p O � D Dp 0 p T- 5 REINF BAR s —QMIN GRAVEL (3/4 I/q ) 12" CTRS. 33" 4 10- - - ---- II ll O i 36" 5' 0 42" 2 - -..`-- -- TR F � II 11 II I1 II " 5' 6" S TA IVDA RD • / • {_ NCH MA NHOL E 48 5 TA ND A RD " -- - i ( ,I 61 0'• Ord w i g /Vla. 73-A -011 Orarvl'nq No 73'-A - ,30/ _ _A1 J (! NOTE- REINFORCING SHALT 9F. AS AT 12" CENTERS OR 2 MATS OF 21." GA MESH AT 4" CEN!tRS, PRE"CAST "ANHOLE BASE D�winq ti(o. 'fi - A 305 ' t( 6'ISlUN;; FfLVlStUN;i -' ... - esigneo (Inner 7try / Date i _ DETAIL SHEET Job Numl•r', _ uPefVIS' Of ' a .5 aQc to Scale tion COPPER CREEK STAGE 2 RICHARD SrAt/ iol,>�r� a tNdINEEpg BURVEVURS PLANNERS Drawn0y_ _ y- -- Slrt, f ftegislere0 Civil Engin N0,1 „, 6" 11 O E '17 T N S T. V A N C O LI V E Fi W A CHI E.EI . 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TO BE PROVIDED AT EACH PAINT OF ' JOIN'S Fl LER - TANGENCY OF THE CURB A AT OTHER 8, LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED TO LIMIT THE - 48" MAX SID A '- • , .� g\��• " •�' SPACING TO A MAXIMUM OF 20 FT.. •{ .- �' 12" t2" APRON SLOPE r 1+`" 2 MATERIAL, TO BE PRE- MOLDED NON - c� 2 EXTRUDE0 MATERIAL WITH A MINIMUM -i-- 2"s 6 ` 6 THICKNESS OF 1/2' . T t+3 -�4 3 � TRANSVERSE: CONTRA CTION JOINT . a". 4'. �;' I. SPACING; TO BE NOT MORE THAN 10 FT a 4" A w , 2. DEPTH 01' THE JOINT SHALL BE AT LEAST CLAVE FOURTH OF THE CROSS - -i� -tee note number CURB FACE OF CURB SECTIONAL AREA , , A • STREET +' c FACE OF CURB CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH . � ,+ ,�, ,� 4 ! / i. A - _-_- - --- 2r� I. TO BE 3000 P.S. I. AFTER 28 DAYS. " ` � • '^ ---- -- -" - - APRON SLOPE = 0,0729 � �_--` •----..._. T-C- - - — — — - TOP OF CURB EL. - •a o0 o e. 4• j SECTION A-A 6 6 NOTES: = DIMENSIONS (ft.) 3/4'�r X 10 12 I4TI6 18 20 L POST SHALL BESET IN CO':CRETE t 26"DEEP,• j EDGE 2 LUMBER IS TO BE STANDARD OR BETTER GRADE. NOTE: CONCRETE SHALT. HAVE A MIN. / UTILIZE CEDAR OR PRESSURE TREATED.MATERIALS BREAKING STRENCi'i N OF 3000 ` 3. HEIGHT SHOWN IS U.S.POSTAL SERVICE SPEC, PSI AFTER 28 DAYS. Ir-- 4, FACE OF BOX TO BE FLUSH WITH d ' �'.' a .9ACA_OF CURB. 5. MAX. OF 4 MAILBOXES EVENLY SPACED IN , ;p Q•� ' p • EACH CLUSTER, RES/DENT/A L OR/1/ '6'Z/,4 Y TYPICAL MA/L BOX CL 05 TER 4 ° a. Drawing No. 75 -A - Z4 4 a o • 46 4 _ 9 O 4 d 4 . a • •. 0404 Q �. .Q : 4 - Old d a a' 0004p4 D a► . o4 a• - 0-6 CURB `R. ! { L"AT f LOT IR ` 6r_OB SIDEWALK _ i I I TA lV DAAD CUIT6 i 3 � GRADE TO MATCH SIDEWALK SLOPE. 2' UTILITY UTILITY STRIP Ort�'W//� No. 7/ -,4 - ?O ! --- 9 / t 10'-� RADIUS CONCRETE SIDEWALK d' �_ i • �' ..���.�•-� —/ 6-6"RADIUS \r RRC. -6'"RADIL-S ,rte^ t r 5•-0,. or_ .. 2:61, 5,-On . - 8"-0 ,r L I 1 • I�T ~� 1/2"MAX �� �Q `. /i_=� /` (� MA'.LBOX �ICLUSTER 2 0,. 2,_6„ STREET .'_.-S.' .,:4��;..`•. �, �\N rr 32 -0 6"CURT _ GRADE TO MATCH �' 3/4'=0" CRUSHED ROCK LEVELING o SIDEWALK SLOPE. o O'-6" (EQUAL SPACING 9 0'- I" COURSE AS SOIL CONDITIONS REQUIRE M r _____ I o-lo" SIDEWALK SLOPE 0. 7208 I• � moi. --•—� f. CLUSTER SPACED ALONG ROADWAY PREFERABLE B I C PI E e W HE EL C HA/R �,��NA __ ,.. _. _ T I: RAMP SLOPE 0. 0 917 ( I I I g:0' WIT►+ 4 BOxS TO A CL I �� 1 1 US7ERrALTERNATELY CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH TO �9AMP I I I 14�-0„ r— I I , " 1 V-Q„ PLACED oN EACm SIDE of THE STREET. BE 3000 P.S.I. AFTER 28 DAYS ' I >nrawing No ?4 ,4 - 2,3,5 . 0 s/a"XIO"Golvanize sq. Head Machine Baits TYPICAL MAIL BOX CL US TEf 3 Z OCA rfON With Washers. 2 Bolts Pa►. Rall Per ibetr • 0=4" browing A10. 75 - A - 24 3 210"x e" Post-Treated Ancf Polntad White 3)2•X e• Cross Ralls-Roil• TO Be Rented Black With Whits rtetleotonted strip.. NOTE BEGIN SLOPE Al CURB ; RISE 1/4"" PER FOOT TOWAPI) PROPERTY LINE EXPANSION ,JOINT MAX SPACING — 40' OR AT ALL CHAN•vES IN SECTION CONC BREAKING STRENGTH TO BE 8' 3000 P S. I AFTER 28 DA)'S — _ 36 3 Tfi�"ET 5ARR /C A .DE 11 Aropert r�Line -� _ I -- / -- OrOWin9 No. 71-A - 040 -F slope = 0.020133 Utility Strip _ • '/ / \ --}-- Top Irb Elev. Concrete Sidewnll• �r - /'•„ . ,- - � w.__• 4 3/4 -0 Crushed Rock Leveling Course As Soils Conditions Require \, Fake of curb - 5 TANOA RO CONCRETE 51,01-WA L/C prawin lo. 7/ - A -ZOO r�i:vlstoNs esr n d c"r irh -- __ e ate - up rvi pl� D E T A I �. _ •� 8 N E Jot) nr r RICH p S t� ENOIN6ER7B SUgV[VOF19 irl4NiVERB T C � � � CREEK STAGE flegislerod Civil Fn er No 82Bc 110 E 17TH S T. Drawn By_ • j C�O�F�L:F' GF'EEk: Md I - - ,. VA N C O U V E R z W A Checked ey dtS. t'�9.5 . S.heef r a r_tF- i.r::• ,• , ,, t,# . T I G A R O f� A / r �' I I I I I I I I'l�'I •I�f I1111" *� 4''� t ��•., ". ..�,.,,.,._..._ , . w:�swua�^�v�se�.,«wa........,.....rwr a�MaIIwII1�MNlrB .'.. 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Allen Blvd., Suite 100/Beaverton, Oregon 97005/(503) 643.9410 FROM: Joe Walsh Planning Director TO: Aldie Howard City of Tigard FILE 44815 '.AAE, October 17, 1980 wrLECT Copper Creek I 6ENTLEMEN ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE PRELIMINARY MAP . TENTATIVE MAP FINAL.MAP OR PLAT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION PLANS SPECIFICATIONS -- ----- CUT SHEETS FOR: - -- - ---- .T-- — GRADING PLAN Aldie, I am sending you 2 copies of the final plat of Copper Creek I along with the mylars 8 hard bOA-d. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to call . Thank You. �v\ , Y YOURS VERY TRULY WAKEN ASSOCIATES,INCORPORATED VY c,('( -_ WHITE 10 CLIENT YELLOW TO JOS FILE Joe Walsh... PINK TO TRANSMITTAL FILE V m ON AN' — -- --— A AWL I � CRYOF 1WARD SFT RD 1 ' I v\ --- —-- I74ms w*AIN PO QOM"W tlOM10,OMIOON 0771 _— Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 503 648-8621 September 15 , 1980 City of Tigard P .O. Box 23997 OF IIGAKD Tigard, Oregon 91223 Gentlemen: SUBJECT: COOPER CREEK The construction plans on the above-referenced project have been approved by the f'Tlified Sewerage Agency and the Department of Environ.iental Quality. If you have any questions , please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours , /6/zz/"1X1'e'_ Terry Chamberlin Engineering Tech. III /cb Enclosure 72-4BR `z. Ln � a 1 CpIDN �i-Q✓eco S G✓ Bo,���a �Pd V S/fe APPR0vEOF subject to provisions in letter of 'same p date. Rd TMffI f�to of Oregon t1C�'PRF.NVIRU�ENTAL ALITY �* e y SEP 3198u `v ,sir nrnen17 au;I ✓ /" EVJEi�AL' HCL--�� _ UNIFIED � � lr AUG 2 1 19i l - --- OF CIVIL 4INEERING 'WA WA K E R PLANNI#vG-SURVEYING Associates inc. 11080 S.W. Allen Blvd., Suite 100/Beaverton, Oregon 97005/(503) 643.9410 FROM: Gary Bliss TO: John Hagman Supt. Engineer City Tigard FILL 12420 S. W. Main DATE Tigard, Oregon 97223 SUBJECT Copper Creek Subdivison GENTLEMEN. ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE PRELIMINARY MAP _____ _ TENTATIVE MAP 5 Rev. Copies FINAL MAP OR PLAT _ 2 Each — CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION PLANS __ _ _ SPECIFICATIONS CUT SHEETS FOR,-- GRADING OR—_GRADING PLAN Per your letter of September 2, 1980 we have revised tho construction drawings and submit 5 copies with cost estimates. YOURS VERY TRUI 1 WAK R ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED -:.�^•� WHITE TO CLIENT YELLOW TO JOB FILE' ry B 1 1 s P. E. PINK TO TRANSMITTAL.FILE r September 2, 1980 Waker & Associates, Inc. 11080 SIJ Allen Boulevard Suite 100 Beaverton, (i" 911-o()5 Res Copper Creek Subdivision Attn: Joe Walsh Dear Mr. Walsh: Returned herewith please find one set of the proposed public improvement construction plans for the aforaaid development project. fiverei►ision, in accord with t•.ho review notes thereon, please re3ubntit ') 3cti� 'vr correction confirmation" and suhsequent City issuance. Also, please include ,herewith one (1) itemized 'public improvement con- struction cost estimate to facilitate our propagation of the required project document.3tion forms (Compliance Agreement, Performance Bond, Public Improvement- fee schedule); said forms will need to be executed by the d prior to final "approved" plan issunnce. eveloper Yours truly, John S. Hagman Supt. Engineer Division JSN:pjr enclosures STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 2, 1980 - 7:30 p.m. Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room 10865 SW Walnut Street, Tigard DOCKET: ZONE CHANGE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, ZCPD 1-80 (Copper Creek) NPO #6 APPLICANT: TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO. , INC. OWNER: SAME 15300 SW 116th Avenue Tigard, Oregon 97223 REQUEST: For a Zone Map Amendment from Washington County RS-1 to City of Tigard R-5PD "Single Family Residential Planned Development District" for Stage I Copper Creek - General Plan Review. AND For a Zone Map Amendment from Washington County RS-1 to City of Tigard R-7PD for Stage II Copper Creek. LOCATION: South of Durham Road, east of Serena Way at Pick's Landing Subdivision (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 14B, Tax Lot 100) . PREVIOUS ACTION: Original application was made on January 3, 1980. The Planning Commission tabled the original application on March 18, 1980 to allow Staff and the Applicant to work out major difficulties. Applicant requested that Stage I be reviewed by the Planning Commission in a letter dated March 27, 1980. On April 15, 1980, the Planning Commission agreed to review Stage I - twenty-three (23) lot subdivision off Pick's Landing, Serena Way. On May 20, 1980, the Planning Commission approved the Preliminary Plan for Stage I with modifications to Staff Recommendations (Reference Minutes of May 20, 1980 Planning Commission Meeting) . The Planning Commission approved Stage I and Stage II at a meeting on July 8, 1980. The City Council remanded the Zone Change Ordinance back to the Planning Commission on July 28, 1980 with a directive to reduce the number of lots to approximate R-7 zoning, eliminate the "private drives", and address the "public streets" issue. The applicant has reduced the number of units proposed in Stage II from 130 to 115. Stage I remains the same with fourteen (14) R-5 lots, and one area along Durham - Lot 116 on the latest plan - remains undeveloped. The Council did not express any concern relative to Stage I. However, the Ordinance was for Stage I and Stage IT, therefore, neither Stage was approved. In this case, Stage I will be exactly as stated previously in the Staff P.eport dated July 8, 1980. Stage II will be changed to reflect a new submission. A STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 /ZCPD 1-80 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 2, 1980 Page 2 STAGE II (R-7PD) COPPER CREEK STAFF NAP.PATIVE Density calculations are as follows: Total Site Area 39.38 acres Less Stage I 2.70 acres Less Lot 116 2.50 acres Less sensitive lands 11.50 acres 22.68 acres Less public improvements of 22% 4.98 acres STAGE II DUIIDABLE LAND 17.7 acres 17. 7 x 43,560 square feet/7500 square feet = 103 Units, Stage II Lot 145 (later) = _15 2.5 x 43,560 square feet/5000 square feet 118 STAGE I 14 132 TOTAL UNITS The applicant is proposing to develop 115 lots with an average lot size of 6,679 square feet. Lot 116 will be developed at a later date and could support approximately 15 lots. 115 Stage II, 14 Stage I, 15 Lot 116 = 144 Total Units This proposal is for twelve (12) lots over Staff's computations at 7,500 square feet per lot for Staqe IT. Lot 116 — Ad be developed later under an R-5 Zone designation. The quesLiou is: Shuuld I-h,._ full 7,500 square LeeL uiiilimum under k-,7 be followed? I. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. This portion of Copper Creek is designated on the Comprehensive Plan as R-7 and R-20. There is approximately 1.5 acres of floodplain included on the Tualatin kiver. Applicant does not propose to develop .in the R-20 area (5.47 acres) designated as open space. 2. The NPO 06 Plan denotes an area of upen space between the floodplain and the 132 foot elevation. Applicant does not propose to develop in this area. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4/ZCPU 1-�,0 TIGARD PLANNING CORMISSION September 2, 1980 Page 3 3. Approximately five (5) acres of this property is drainageway. 4. Applicant has requested that lot 116 not be developed at this time (2.5 acres) . 5. Density calculations would allow approximately 1.03 units to be built on buildable portions of site. Underlying Zone is R-7 with 7,500 square feet per lot as a minimum. The majority of the lots presented in this proposal are below the minimum allowed by Code. Under the Planned Development designation, an increase in density could be allowed. The Planning Commission has considered this increase in the past, if the developer dedicated land for public use. Applicant has agreed to dedicate 1.5 acres of floodplain. 6. All public rights-of-way are shown as fifty (50' ) feet dedicated with full-street improvements. II. CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: 1. Applicant is proposing a density above the R-7 Zone allowance. The Planning Commission must decic'r whether or not to allow this density under a Planned Development designation. 2. The drainageway clearing and improvement should be carefully reviewed with Applicant to ensure that the area is protected and maintained. 3. Deed restrictions need to be added to ensure non-remonstrance against the improvements to Durham Road in the future. 4. All open space and floodplain areas should be dedicated to the City to continue the park area along the Tualatin River. 5. Future development of Lot 116 should be subject to Planning Commission approval.. Access to this parcel should not be to Durham Road. 6. A bus shelter and pull-off lane should be provided along Durham Road to make use of public transportation to serve the future needs of prospective residents. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends a ,prrjval of the Preliminary Plan for Stage II with the following conditions: 1. Planning Commission to dictate specific density for Stage II. 2. Lot 116 to be presented before the Planning Commission at a later date. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4/ZCPD 1-80 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 2, 1980 Page 4 3. Temporary access to Durham Road shall be granted for a period not to exceed two (2) years from the date of approval of this Lone Change. An application for extension of this time may be made only if access through Kneeland Estates, a new Subdivision to the east, is not available. Provide plans for restoration of temporary access, the cost of which is to be included in the public improvements' bond. 4. Specific plans shall be submitted to the Public Works Director for all work proposed in the drainageway. Plans shall be approved by the Public Works Director prior to commencement of any work on the site 5. Deed restrictions shall be made a part of the Declaration of Conditions and Restrictions clearly stating that each property owner shall agree not to remonstrate against the future improvem^nts to Durham Road. This statement snail be included on each deed, and if it is not, Tualatin Development Company, Inc. , the Applicant, hereby agrees to sign a Non-Remonstrance Agreement for the improvement. of Durham Road for the entire parcel being considered as Stage I and Stage II Copper Creek. The Declaration of Conditions and Restrictions, Purpose of Assessments, shall include language to provide for drainage and erosion control. 6. All. lands south of River Wood Lane except platted lots, south to the Tualatin Rive r, shall be dedicated to the City of Tigard for open space/ park purposes. A metes and bounds legal description for this land shall be made a part of this dedication. Dedication shall. be made prior to the issuance of Building Permits for any unit constructed in Stage II. 7. A bus shelter and turn-out lane shall be designed for Durham Road abutting this property. Plans shall be approved by the Public Works Director and Tri.-Met prior to the issuance of Building Permits. Bonding shall be provided. R. Applicant shall apply For permission t-o opprate model houses in conjunction with this development. All signs within this development shall be approved by the Planning Department prior to installation. 9. No Occupancy Permits shall be issued until all conditions placed upon this development by the City of Tigard have been satisfied and inspections verifying this have been carried out by the appropriate department. 10. No minor land partitions shall be made in reference to this project unless formal application is made to the City of Tigard Planning Department and the minor land partition is approved and recorded. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4/ZCPD 1-80 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 2, 1980 Page 5 11. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless formal application is made to the appropriate Citj department and changes are approved by that department. Application for ciianges will be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings. 12. Grading plans and construction plans on all work shall be submitted and approved by the Public Works Director prior to commencement of work. Street improvements be constructed to the approval of the Public Works Director prior to the recording of the final plat or issuance of Building Permits. 13. Public water service and sanitary service shall be installed to this site prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 14. All existing or proposed utilities shall be placed underground. Street lighting installations shall be approved by the Public Works Director. 15. No Building Permits shall be issued until the expiration of the twenty (20) day appeal period from the date of approval. 1.6. That a bike path shall be constructed connecting Pick's Landing with Cook Park. A award P1 ling Director w w w w w w w w 040F -:�k'r� o I hWN P Box rim •�Q(1N v7777 M•.�J171 RECcIVFD uwf S L(' 3 1980 Unifier! Sewerage Agency of Washington County CITY OF TlrAw, 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 503 648-0621 AU-;ust 28, 1980 Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 1760 Portland, Oregon 97207 Gentlemen : SUBJECT: COOPFh t,'�ttI;i'. ((:;ity of Tic-ard) Enclosed please find two copies of the plans for the sanitary sewers to be installed in the above-referenced project . Please review and return all copies to the Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County, 150 North First Avenue , Hillsboro , Oregon. We would appreciate your approval on these plans as soon as possible . Very truly yours , Engineering Tech. jb Enclosures CC : Engineer(City of T1 ,-;rrd) PLANT Durham BASIN Eaat 7Z- 1.6 sur 1 yso 4.5?18 TI G A R D WATER DISTRICT _ _RB41 S. W. COMMERCIAL ST. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PHONE (503) 639-1554 August 14, 1980 Gary Bliss, P. E. Waker Associates, Inc. 11080 S. W. Allen Blvd. Suite 100 Re: Water plans for Beaverton, Oregon 97005 COPPER CREEK Dear Gary: Enclosed are the water plans for the subject develop- ment consisting of 14 single family dwellings. The new main installation is rather simple except for several "cut-ins" to the existing water system. This will cause some disruption to other customers on the line. Therefore, we will require that Tigard Water District personnel perform the work on a "time and material" basis. The owner will save money in the process because the water district can do the actual work at a lower cost, must be present anyway to inspect the work, and to install copper services. Cost of the improvements fo: the water system is estimated as follows: 210' of 4" D. I . pipe @ $12/ft. . . . . $2 , 500 1 fire hydrant + 30 ' of 6" pipe. . . 1, 800 Relocate 1 fire hydrant. . . . . . . . . . . 300 Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 $5 , 400 The above figures include the 18% overhead and engi- neering charged by the water district. In addition, there is a rebate due to the owner of PICK' S LANDING NO. 2 for the 8" main installation along S. W. Serena Way: 315 feet x $12/ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 , 780 Please advise if additional information .is desired. s C i-r1p.1rely yours Administrator COPPER CREEK PROBABLE COST ES] IMATE PROJf_Ci SIZE - 14 Lot, JOB HO. 44818 101 S/ACRE _ PREPAREDL(;B CHECKED SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS DATE August 7, 1980 DATE --7-8'J Revision September 16, 1980 .. �1 NGINFFRED CONSTRUCTION WN-1RACT) SUBTOTAL COST PER UNIT Streets _$25,519 Storm Drainage Sanitary Sewer _ 16,882„ Water By Tigard Water District (See attached) —_ 5,400_ _ - OLher Conti r gency ( x TOTAL. ENGINEERFI) CONSTRUCTION (ON-TRACT) __ S — ---- -- +INGINFFRED CONSTRLCfION OFF-TRACT Streets term Drainage _____ -__`_-- ------- -- -' Sanitary Sctirer ---_---- Ila ter 0Lher --- --- -- ------ _ Contingency ( X — - - -- - --- ------ ----- TOTAL INGINFERED CONSTRUCTION (OFF-TRACT) IN(A H1 NTAI_ COSTS Pl,rnning, Surveying and Eng'neering 11ridergraund Telephnne/Power , Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees Connection Fees ('ounty, District Inspection A Plat Recording Fees Soils Engineering/Construction Inspection ron%truction ranagement Fees -.-_.- IOTAI. INCIDENTAL COSTS JOiAi COST FST111ATE f ,,t imate flased on Cumpeti tive Bid Uni L Prices A COPPER CREEK PROBABLECOST ESTI.. JF. SHEET 2 OF 3 SINUS ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION ( ON --TRAC1) STREETS UNIT PRICE QUANTITY EXTENSION Clearing and Grubbing _ _ x L.S x $S,boo.ou Grading, Including Stripping x __L.s. -_ - x . Spp�QO 3"_Asphaltic Concrete over 8" Rock Base 8.00/S.Y. X 976 s.Y. X 7.1►0a.00 Vertical Concrete Curb 3,75/L•F. x _ 474 L. F. x j7a�_ sn . Concrete Curb and Gutter (Type ) X X 2"-0 Rock Ba_s_e_7 Soft Spots) 12.00/TCY x r1o�o TCY _� x 1 , 200• Sidewalks•4" thick 1 .20/S.F. X , F. X Sidewalks 6" thick (Driveway) r Z',�O 1 .45/S.F. X .4 X 80 s.F. _1F A. C. Coni. overT" Rockbase (Pru 't. Drive) 5.50/S.F. X 380 S.Y. X ._:2,aga_on 611 A. C. berm � 2�0/L.F. _13� 1_ F _}-37_-50 concrete valley gutter ea 600/ea. gp�bt�tfR x 600.00 Driv��eway ramp P. C.C. 350/ea -lea 350.00 sf69,'It DVMAGE '-- —' ea SUD.>Eaj-----.-----_ a 1 '000-P.0 -- -- _Pipe Including Bedding xsubtotal x $25,-51!1.00 Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill X _ x 12"Cont Pipp. Including Bedding 15u F x _200 L.F. x _$3.000,o0 ___Pi pe Including Bedding i? Backfill x x ------Pipe Including Bedding X X ! `_— Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill X x Pipe Including Bedding X X V _ Pipe Including Beddirg & Backfill _ x ^ x - St--andard Manholes moo/ea -- X 1 EA X _ ann nn Manholes with Inlet Top _ x X _ Inlets 450/EA X __L FA X 45o•DO ~ Yard Drains X X Headwall with Riprap - X '---` —1 x Connection to Existing Storm Drainage x _ 'x Pavement Restoration X - x Ditches - --� X•-- - -- x Rock rip rip rap outlet 300/Ea X 1 Ea x _ 30... Inlet � private drive 300/ —. x 1 Ea x _,100,.00 Subtotal ' $4,950.00 COOPER CREEK PROBABLE COST ESTIMATE SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION ( ON -TRACT SANITARY SEWER UNIT PRICE QUANTITY EXTENSION Pipe Including Bedding 16.00/L.F. x _75_ L_F. __ x 1 , 20:x.00 Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill 17.50/L.F. x 265 L.F__, X 4.637;50 _ Pi pe Including B e d d i ng _ x - __ __ x -Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill 18.00/L.F._ x 3-90-1 ._F. _, X _-7.._Q20_nn Pipe Including Bedding x _ - _ X _^ Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill x x Pipe Including Bedding _ _ x x _ _Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill x _ _ x sf andard Manholes _ 50 /EA x _2EA_ X _ 1 ,900.00 Cleannutsx x _ Tees/Vi _yes X67-EA-_-- - x _.9EA ---- x _ -x+50.00 Connection to Existing -8 Sanitary Sevier _A0/EA -_ x IES _ _- X .__ 4So.oo Pavement Restoration x x _ Construct Manhole over exist 8'' S.S. 00 EO A X IEA _ X Remove existing V lateral _ - _ X _L,5, A X i5o.00 .Restore A.C. _ 1 .40 S.F. X _—U-5-5,F X —_ 525.00^ Subtotal - i 6, WATER By Tigard Water District Pipe Including Bedding - -_ - x -- -- - X --- -- Pipe Including Beddirig & Backfill _ , x - _ ^ x _ Pipe Including Bedding - -_- — x -- - - -- X --- Pipe Including Badding & Backfill - ---- x _ -- xPipe Including Bedd i ng x X T Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill x x Pipe Including Redding _ — - -- x -- --- _ -" x ---` - Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill —__.. - x _ _ __.X Services x x Gate Valve --- x -- - -- X - - ----- Gate Valve x X Gate Valve -- x - -- X 1 ire Hydrant Assembly x X. Tapping Tee with Gate Valve -- X - x BTowoffs x x Pavement Restoration xx _ X � X - _ - x x Subtotal = COPPER CREEK PROBABLE COST ESTIMATE PROJECT SIZE 14 Lots JOB N0. 44818 LOTS/ACRE_ PREPAREDIOB CHECKED PP;, S11FET 1 OF3 SHEETS DATE August 7, 1980 DATE e-•7-8P Revision September 16, 1980 •. *ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION ON-TRACT SUBTOTAL COST PER UNIT Streets $25,519 Storni Drainage — 4, 950 Sanitary Sewer 16,882 plater By Tigard Water District (See attached) 5,400 Other - Contingency ( x ) �^ TOTAL ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION (ON-TRACT) _ $52.751 *E_NGINEERED CONSTRUCTION (OFF-TRACT) _ Streets Storm Drainage Sanitary Sewer plater Other Contingency ( x TOTAL ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION (OFF-TRACT) INCIDLNTAL COSTS Planning, Surveying and Engineering Underground Telephone/Power Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees Water Connection reeF County, District Inspection & Plat Recording Fees Soils Engineering/Construction Inspection Construction Managem -nt Fees TOTAL INCID111TAL COSTS TOTAL COST ESTIMATE " I-Stimate Based on __ _ C6mpeti tive Bid Unit Prices COPPER CREEK PROBABLE COST FS11..,%fF SHEET 2 OF 3 SIILE-ETS ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION ( ON -TRACT) r STREETS UNIT PRICE QUANTITY EXTENSION Cl eay i ng and Grubbing x L.S X $51000.00 Grading, Including Stripping x L.S_ _ x 2 3" Asphaltic Concrete over y '� �4'- 8" Rock Base 8.00/S.Y. _ X _W6L S.Y. X x,808.00 Vertical Concrete Curb 3_]5[-LF. X 474 L.F. X 1 777 5n Concrete Curb and Gutter (Type _ _) y X X 2"-0 Pock Base Soft Spots) 1.2.00/TCY _ X . 100 TCj X 1 , 200'_ Sidewalks'4" thick 1 .20/S.F. X 1800 S. F. X _2}160.00 Sidewalks 6" thick (Driveway) 1 ,45/S,F' X .480 SE__ X :� AgA.00 �'�1C: C. onc. over �'-Rockbase (Pru 't. Drive) 5.50/5_.F. p X _3$Q c..Y. _. Xpgp•00 " A. C. berm ^� 2.50/L.F. X � X 337. 50 _ Concrete valley gutter 600/ea. ge Lv _ . ' - 600.00 . Driveway ramp P.C.C. 350/ea -lea 350.00 s>t At 6MAGE 1000/ea 1 ea. 1 ,000.00 - _Pipe Including Bedding XsubtotalX $25,-51a.00 Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill X X ff'ConcPipe Including Bedding x 200 L.F. X $3.000.0,0 ___ Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill X �— X T Pipe Incluaing Bedding X —�� X Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill - X __ X _ Pipe Including Bedding • X X _ Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill _ _ X X Standard Manholes 900/ea X 1 EA X _ goo (10_ N-inholes with Inlet Top — x ! X . Inlets _45o/EA !_ X 1 FA X ---!!3 O.DO Yard Drains x _ X Head,.-/all with Riprap _ X X Connection to Existing Storm Drainage X X Pavement RestorationX X Ditches �. -------- �- X --------- • Rock rip rap outlet _ _ 300/Ea _ , x 1 EA — X ._^_300.00 Inlet - private drive _ _ -3,D0�E.z __ X -I..EaX _._.___10-Q.D.O____ X X - — -- ----- --- — Sub total " = $4,950-00 • COOPER CREEK -- __PROBABLE COST ES1I14A1-E SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION_( ON -TRACT) SANITARY SEWER UNIT PRICE QUANTITY EXTENSION 6T� Pipe Including Bedding 16.00/L.F. x 75 L.F. x 1, 200..00 _ Pipe Including Redding & Backfill ^17. 50/L.F. x 265 L.F x 4,637. 50 Pipe Including Badding --- - --- X x -8 S Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill18,00/L,F. x �0 Lam", x Pipe Including Bedding X --7�43D'4Q-- `_Pipe Including B-dding & Backfill x — x __ Pipe Including Bedding -- --- x - -�- X ~- _Pipe Including Bedding R Backfill -Y - x _---- - -- X " ----_ Standard Manholes 950 /EA X 2EA - x 11900.00 Cleanouts x - --- X _-_- Tees/Wyes -507EA _ - X 9EA --- x - --�_50.00 Connection to Existing 8- Sanitary Sewer 450/EA _ x _ _ __ x _ 45o.00 Pavement Restoration _ x _ _ x Construct Manhole over exist 8" S.S. 1000/EA x —IEA_Re _ X a•-00 move existing f," lateral - X - 5 — - _— — — —C,5�_------ x - 1 0.00 Restore A.C. ---- - _ 1 .40/S_E_w X _37�_S.F�---• X --- --525.00 Subtotal = _16,8&,-L.,50 WAfFR By Tigard Water District _Pipe Including Bedding _ X _ X Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill x x - _ Pipe Including Beddirig -- - x ---_-- - X Pipe Including Beddiny & Backfill - -- x ------ x - --- )ipe Including Bedding - -- - x - - - - X - - - -- - Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill -- - -- x --- �-� X . ---Pipe Including Bedd i ng —_ X X Pipe Including Bedding & Backfill x x Services x x Gate Valve x x Gate Valve - - X x - Gate Valve _ - - x - X - f ire Hydrant Assembly x --- x ------ - - Tapping Tee with Gate Valve xx --R T_6w_OTFS x x - - --- Pavement restoration x _ x -- --- _ x X - - - - --- — x ---- X `subtotal CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT PR0.7ECT GENERAL INFOR1,ATION SHEET I. PROJECT No. II. PROJECT 21AKE: __--_ ___ �__ _—_____-- ______--_---• III. DRAWING (TITLE) : __ __ __._. ___ _ _.______dated :_! �M_.__ __�• IV. PLAT (TITLE) : _ dated:_-- -� V. SITE LOCATION: _ �.,___._..._._ �_� __._____. __.________.____• vI. PRINCIPALS: ,r�M A1lwf (1) DEVELOPER: 4��1'� 't ��� �� ,�C� CCS � Address ��A7,.c. Loc � , Phone No. (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY Address. Prone No._ _„ __• Bend No. � Exp. Date.._ //_ _• I Ib`b s,+-�= , Allo•� ����� IL'L Address.---..- G��l�. .r�.G'__g1' '_ F17one llo,_ ?� �C'. (4) INSPECTORS_______--- ___.__. .�_. .___._..._._ _- _.__.__., Phune No. _____.___ __• (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Address___.._-. - _.. ___._. _ _ .__-._0 (6) CONI AACTORS SUFETY AGFl7CY :__ .__.__ Address . Phcnp No.. Bond No.._._.._.._-- --.-._r---__-_.___-_._, Exp. Dale_ -/ /—_­­, (7) 5UB-CONTRACTc7RS : - - -- _ _- - -_----____ ___..__.._.____ ..._.w._ .__ __ ..,• CITY OF TIGARD. OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTION (P .W.) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOT1111J;Za_e2 rL� clearly merkQcl APPROVED PLANS. plan revisions, changP ordor-, specifications, etc. : I. SANITARY SM- ER: (A) Commrnced instal'�ri�n. . . ., ,..,. . . , . (B) Comr-lnted imatallAtinn. . . .... . 1.) As-buil! field notes filed. ,... . • .. . . ❑ a) Cr,,-,,- • ,nt to engineer. : .. ., , . . . ❑ / ' 1) As-built field notes received... ... . . rj / a) Ftled in project folder.. . , ,, . . ❑ (C) Inspected and Tested,. . .. , , ,• ... ..... ❑ 1) Test nomonogr*phs f1.lnd ❑ (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. . . . . ........ .. p II. STORM SEWER: (A) Commenced install,stion.. . , . ❑ r r (B) Completed installar.ion. . . ❑ ' 1) A9-built field notes filed..,,...... . ❑ (C) InspPrted. . ,. . . , . . . . , . , ,. O ' (D) Tentatively Accented by Citv... .. .. . ......... ❑ !' III. CURB: (A) Commenced ❑ -M 1) Bench K rk9 set. . ..... .. .......... . . ❑ ?) Bench Kirk locations filed. .. .. .. .., . p (D) ComoiPtrd in-t3il3tion,. ... . . .. . ... ,..,.. . . ❑ — (C) Inspected.. . . . . ❑ (D) TentaticpLy ace—ted by City, ... . . ......... . , p ' Iv. STREET: (A) Commenced 3rading. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. p r r 1) Sub-grrc+A inafocted. . ... ... ❑ e) T?st data filyd, . .,._ _ .... O b) TPntative'.y accepted by City. p i r (B) Commenced rocking. . . . .. . .. .... . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . 0 r r 1) Sub-bA�'o inspected.. ........... . . .. .. p / r a) Test data filed. . .. . . p b) Tentatively Accepted by City . p (C) Commenced Pavinry . . . . .. . . . .... . . ...., ,. ., . , p 1) Paging inspected. , p a) Te'+t data filed. . .. ,...., .. . v b) Tont.ntively accepted by City, p (D) Strer+t tentatively accepted by City......,... p / V PA'�KING LOT: (A) Commoncod gradin. . . . ❑ r / 1) Sub-orada in•rected. . .. ... . .... ..... ❑ ' n) Te9t data filed.. . , ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. n ' 'R) CommFneed Rocking.. .,... , , r i 1) Sub-bare inspected... .... .. . ... ... . [2 i r A) Temt dita filed. . ... . .... . .. p h) Tentat) 'Ply Arrerted by City. 0 _ r (C) Commenced Pavi.no. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. , . . , .. .. . . . . . . ❑ / I.) Pavinq inspectpd. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... . . ❑ al Test data filed. . . . . . .. . ... . .. . . . ❑ b) Tentatively a.-rpr)tnd by City. . . . ❑ (D) Parking lot tentatively accepted by City.,., .. ❑ VI. SIGN: (A) Street name signs invtalled. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . ❑ ' (B) Traffic 5ign+a inQtallpd.. . . I.. ..... ........ [3 VII. SIDEWALK. (A) Commenced installation.. .. .. .................. O (B) Completed installation. .... ,. ...., O / (C) Inspected. .. . . . . .. . . ...... .. .. . .... . .... O (D) Tentatively acr^rtad by City.. .... ....... ,.... p VIII. STREETLIGHTINGs (A) Commenced installation... ..... . .... . ...... ..... (3 (R) Completed installation...........I.... . .I .. . .. p (C) Inspncte4. .... ..I. . • • ......... O (D) Tentatively acceptedbyCity.. ..... .... . . C) 1) Authorl+ation letter to Energise filed 1X. LAHDSCAPEs (A) Commenced installation. .... .. ........... ... ... E3 (B) Completed installation... ......... .......... .. C3 (C) inspected............ ..0............. .......... d / (D) Tentatively acceptodby City............ ..... p Y. GENERAL AREA DkAINAGEs (A) Building rain drains inspected.. . .. . ......... p (B) Culverts inspected. , . . . .. . ... . ❑ (C) Drainrge ditche4 inspected... . . .. ❑ (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . v NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE, REVIEW FILE TO INSURE COMPLETION O: CHECK LIST AND FILING OF: l) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All Corrempondence/Memo 5) Daily Inspection Sheets as►a r� (�F \ \1 o o Tog 3 (9T , v e�ITW A, �S 90/ /ilh S/ S. Z- Sa/em, are90"? 67Lo,-2erd/ No les /) A/;' a--2d .> s', - /.,7 accordance vv///? fhe , stars lard soec;ficc+t,o•;s v .`hr �fa,�� a/' 0,ryon A -)WA � and fhe e ll jl of 2i pie /o 6ev;o 0 ou, fY/IfI 3) C00:10a' 's s,`Oey,? ere r � �fCif Sfandr�rd ;c ./�' ,/. ;`� -c, y b e / . Se` dry /r;DS rega ra, r9f a// /-(vp"ws ,'c dl-0,0( con> '/c,`srY;ffl s.'`olin 1/7/Pls . ` I S; 7;-Vo A T�leJ / ll /�0/- / J./ / eC� lolomelq 0. ' fdc/%fiPs lr,us t �e o. :�. �.�� cf` /�f.�00 SW %/6'� Qy e. 171y drd, �rPyor� ,pro✓eC s. :y B0,171> <y -0175 .-eqt//.-e d a Site Sha// 4`e //7 C .45 -�U/!_J" ��N1�'t/✓T' c � � ./ 7 , �� .JCL' s•h�� i�•..,C.�✓�,.� �.•i�;iii. i:'.r� H f ,T/-/ G� %� , `I 1.Sa•�,. �t, sC.; r ,..., ,a„' .��; G':a5s � "• be'/ � So:'yo,� ri'/i�'I rlJ�`�.J�r 9ds.�PfS ' Pim r�prc�e�� �C/o� .�'7�.3tlrc.r�erl�s nx�✓� u�C.a - S hi � I �Dunc��'rn �d ' � ,.�� /, s, 1 rrl y �i rec�i'a�. �e~�•�Jt✓i�''i�3 Gt/er� �v'�i/ � /�� � � � �1 � � r �`� 9) Yid;�'.' S;'S,�C'�7I �. d� ,'v .�f'' �'"c•�i:'O'�O' ,Jj . r _ard s o','�C'.r J, sfr/C� / - [ .� ,'- p soca/ 117nOira e&ye�s ?c►r bolh �r.'Zn��/ /ocd on b J cL h Q�,'17erI5/o/� . , o m vi!i �ic,e/ /ev®1:o,� V5 no ! door 3,� O/ /e;791h 117,"0 each C'ase/nPr71 area 0 7 - /%� SfrE't�i//C�`7fS 'j0 bP �i7S,�c'iC''O' ,Jy d''!•'f.n,(h°/” %7 �''CCO,''G�o".�JC:" �s'�f�f �f/' - ;- = l e�,oro;•Po� �vE eo dd`•ou/- RD SPGS\� /?e # M80 N!'S Ll os _ • �� 4 (.OF'F'EF' CREEP" NO t • 5 Or I�► Mi 1 1" 1 1 11 f ��1tit�I' 1� t�1 11! 111 111�ttl 1 I 1 1 1 1 I t I I •I. I ...�� r. .I_r.I._..".I_ .�,v_..-.._.-.. -_ ! ____�_._ .._._. ,r....1 .. _ It Itt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 111 1 1 1 1 ( t 1!t tti 11► 1!1 1 1 111 i, ,.�.,rb.-. !2 - NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE:'-17 IS DILE TO ! 111E QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL L 'W'u.'-aveDRAWING, of 82 ez cz 9z sz *z sz tz Iz oz 61 to !I ti s1 bI c zt II of -e 6 c 9 s Ia 1E--. 2 tSOLD" 1111{1loll 111111111$1111111hn1{1111hu�llllit111{11111$1$1`11whu1{uul ultnt�11tl�Ult{1111+1111{III!{It$1{111111111{11ttINt1{IIIt� 1►NIIt11{tlN�it11{1111�11tt�lllt)IIII�IIIt�iiil�INdwt ►n{11111,$11{1111{ittt�t11111W11Ull�illlilltl�illl�)tt111111�IW{1111 ' J U N E 24 1992 -1 . . ---- - --- - 1„11.1. - - - . REVISION: - G.U/'-ale',S�C S 17/. 'COO G/.. k0..-�5Ct�PT10N19A;1 j�, •ao ,Pef C/ l�?9. 43 ® TC ?OiO 6/' 'AP-- 2if' l_:_� _..-. . -------- ------ -- Q ------ -- - Mid A TC 200 S3' A: 07006 06" ..N------- .?'-- ------ ___- �'._-___-- ._ ---- - I I /r46 0,rs' 7C?00. SO L - ?0.0/' 170 'V• M200 3d . . 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I .. :,*X- ,« I I 1 I I i ,I I I t � , NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED . - l-- 2 _ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 _ 12 _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN .� 11 , THIS NOTIQk,r-IT IS DUE TO TME QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. - - ---- ----------.--- ^ OE 6z 8Z LZ 9Z SZ t►z Ez Zz 1z oz 61 91 L! 91 SI t,l EI 21 II of --41--'x.. 0 i 9 s �r 0 'E•.- z 1s'a& " .. .y, - t,lII,1111111111111111111111111II11111111114111111u111u1�I1rllillillililltllIHl1hifilrI11111n1uI11uulrlulltulnf111n111nIIIiia.N1l11I1iitlairllllltt1�1ntlullhrulnl�Inrrinuhlnliild 1"1111II1III1111I1IItlulnulluih l ruj111uthiii 1JilliuinL'ii"lun �- I WP` - ---�-moppmw-- ....",Illlklllllllfjlllllilf,t,�, - -7;:--,N.I.W--,Wvloolvor-.� ,­--..- - - JUNE 24 1992 ,IV- -M-��- I a - -_ . .- _. �. 1111.. ......._............. .. . .----___ .... r.-- _ - ' .,.... _...... ..------• - ---- i --- """_"" """""'' NO DESCRIPTION/DATE •Y - ... . — 1 ;1..1.80 . RE IG?r�NTIAL df�IV WAY T"IC,4L SlY 1,7001C C77 �nNLY)• ;TAN12AR P GONG. 51PE WA L K ,�/ /' / _ DEn �'xF.�rJSrC-r•J 5.. .�E : I JdlZ /,/ . - N T 5 I , E-Xf' JOINT �ht _ .__ _� CA^A^t�TE s►G•�E1nr.�l.f�__. �" _._.__ - ---- - I tom- T.P£ti 1.�/� •D- `' a to rp 9' �- .r- 9' �q EACN � 1 / •� --- M/N7I MSN6 3 029 ,. 4_ SAF CO�O�f G' �`Y Jar'/dna i3 vy' 12, 4" 037 j A 1 8 Q ° ° - -- 41 042 0 0.42 __-._.......__._._� - • • • • • • • • , j �7i1�- t, C ' r'_., G6.II V17 �� Q4L. C���t.�E TF I JG JJO0 ze ~tip /y , , ,,�s . ',u r N ,P ,.�a.�E /S /.4- O,? G PE�ITER ,- - --T JO dF PLACED � E E G ` ,�) 5A4 C,' 3ETiYEEN AI'4Z C S TO �E 2/" ON SLOQE /�IE'�I,SUrPE.*1ENT -u �-----SECT 1 C>N .�-A4 '/4 Fes: F(VT 7aWW'" ter-r'r't~k'TY L.7v�. NOTE CQNC�E=T� SN,'1LL r+AV� A '.'��_ �+�i'H+"„5tG'!V JGh';- MAX. - BREAK INC-_ 57'kF7 STH CF 3,, L '' F' A'r. L C•w�":CIES '' PSI AF T�Fr' ?IF PAY".11 ;r ll-1-41 1114 , •rC' ft 5-'G c' F,5i AF-rr-R 2fr. TYPICAL STREE7� SECT ION ,�eM47Z_ Aeli � 46RAIN D417AIZ � 5 STANDARD PREGCAST CATCH BA�1N "' �S ,T � 5y a s,aE 1 1 d -- Y- 1, /vCET OPEN/NG "F/N.15 Nr"D CURB " C Fc'OWN _EXPOS�JRE - _4 Q PQ Ns o.o�� _ _ ��•• .� ?7*` EE ~ • 10 6.. -• . ' i PrC t ?. 00 e �r• C fir, r: C4•. ;._ / - _ J r T- --- CONS".F',: c ,'iY�'E'c',; = /B 6.7 i.tiL�/E`T r.�JrtGG� �j• -. � ` �'��,��✓ . .y \ s,. i�C <J_'�� f� �.� �\ /�� /' — • • , • p • • d AE 74, CQ/G� 4-4 01. r _ � '• - . � J'.4G QEF�� ✓ES r' �.v� ,c• 'a- c Ar.r C�'TAT-..r 0 z O ,0 ac W �E ' ,- • , /" F�1 STEN METAC CO�ESP \ � - Q� uj uj STAND RP URS ►�,' ,� /E U Z �' ' \ 202 00 — o Z Z m ` z o `� (`` z � o I /r4' fACE CSF Pi•�E V 14 ,i a ":A ►- "� W t LL C-0 I_Z) TWO �bEEI' I1C,Lt, .N CvEc�, VU2 �LVT RFQUVZt � �.�. �\ _ 2a 200 _ I •' ; �- : �U L��t].\r� -�.C� T�.P.'IC_W. V3EFp �'at�l.ES. ' � � � \- � �� cr 00 �� �s LZ z - c , P v w LL 1 0 Q 3 o 6..AC J i t vi • " !' I p i _ tin _ /•� o r , �C.� �_ W.�_-.. -- I I ' r ; ' - ' ATO I , V+ � , ��" • ' ✓ 1, f3E:: Nc�TE,� RL-6,Ulf-i ' : '1'';i 7;4 5,r A-7" ', 4 AtAX.(.".''_:'.' OF 7TF; //I-0PIV AC MV/N(,' ANp BE,PM TO /5" P/PE /NL E7 TU PECE/✓E S70.PM fs-:4I'E�P OF 2. F= ?. Ma17EF:�•It✓ -1:� �E: � :'-;��.�.',' ,Ji.%'�'i.-' 'V,�'`,,- t��!?hUC�F=I-? r!'0✓E.P TO BE GAL�'Ait/I�EQ METAL C',UEC,t'E _. tiaA_,T I-; :,` ti� ;- �i a !.' �r.? :n'cK_ �� 'r ��2 •. PLATE TO SUF�Pn�,7 ?oc� o s / LOr4DS D.�SIG«E U DRAWN comp. G SF�SCInrC TC h�= NX ... MC k'E= THH"H F-T• CHECKED DATE ,' SHEET No CU'J''t.'ETEc:�F•: 'J6 t Tc BE p� j•� SHEETS ,,qf TG7,.5tgE3 C:(.)F'f'E.F' CREEK. NO I ' 7 OF 1 � nriifl�, '4S � �- •+ — .r.-.. 1 .. .. .ice ....-_ -. J60VAR �. I'�Ip IIIII I II1111ifII11711111111011I�II1111111111ljif 1p 1111111 11lII�I�f,ll��111111 1111111II111fl�111111t1`1t111t1�ltllltl'11111t1 IllllllllllllJilllIIjfjII11111111111111111111111 if •� 1 I t0 i 1 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ! "' �' I - — — — — '�► lip DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN • THIS NOT1%-,--I1 IS DUE TO yr QUALITY OF 1HE ORIGINA'_ .. , RAWING. OE 62 92 LZ 92 SZ rz E? ZZ Iz Oz 61 BI LI 91 SI bl EI ZI II 01 6 9 L 9 5 b E 2 1"•"' ` ----I I I.•..r t 1 ,1t1�1u11nnlun11u11nulnl�lnulln�UlIIUIIInNIlu11u11t11III n11111.1`1111m111UlIINI�IIt111111�Nllli►11111nI111tI11N1111t�tlrttlNglutlp1111111119?11!IIu111111ttlt 1111uu111111m111t1�Y11�1u111n1�Ilultnt�ItftlllltlN�111t11ltllitUlll�llllulnlll111l�II�IIIIH JUN "" 24 J PA 1992 40 - w,,. Q;tooti r n FILE COPY ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED r ,.. PRIOR TO APPROVAL. O THESE_ PLANS lA a r " PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. By_. _ t ATE AA--1-- PLANNING DEPT. IlY �-" )ATE _ �f-1`-160 \ 1 13u11 WING Dc=.PT _ DA TZ COUNTY HEALTH D:'-PT. I. now \� CITY ADMIN!S-i 12:11'0,7 /_�_-- ,`..- \ TIGARD WATER Dl:;i. L'1' DATE_JQ--14 V yi �� I GENERAL. TELEPHUh BY. ___..��__ � DAT=.__%0t_,/_rCIV USA �C GQ UY _ .. 3 — DATE 'iQ �al'll C 'S N. W. NATURAL GAS BY__ DAT! ,GOP P lee , • P. G. E. ©Y__ DAT._.___ T, R. IL 'f. BY_--,- DATE—,Q� Z1_A0 0 0 p v a 0 (:D 0 Elm J prepared 4 7mac. 141j?ler • Vol /j>h Sf SZ- Salem, 01-eyon gel-2era/ No les r pili "101-; werlshio a17c' rnafer�a/s Shdll be //1 ocCordanCe wifh fhe sfande�d oei�`icyaoo /he S,"ae of 0eyoCAJ `ei- 4.AA/. A and fhe of � eveloperd 2) pioe fo be c onsfrZ1cfe d 117 area fo be ,caved shay/ be backf//ed � with se/ecf Mafer/a/ d 3) c.0n7'00rs shown are P-4'511/2_9 �) C/-'`{� s`andard bicyc%��-vhee%hair �a�nos -egYirPd of a11 ir»`ersec frogs. 01ace -67,12�os fo avoid c0/7f/1c15 miff' sforrn A//e/s 67. • 5� T o (2) wee � ,oer /of r9lluirddains ' 7ele O /7/-L-e/' vee � � u , , rai /iz a� G �c///fees ldl j mus/ be ,o/-ovided by fhe dPVc-/noel-/deve%,oers Q� er79rneer fo Me sa,�isfacfion of fie c/f`� 1B00 �N� ��l�fh QVe.° Ti9o�/'O; 0/'c°90/� V� ,o�ojPUf S. !�! 801711& A/ 6) C�fy sfandard rPs/dPn/ d_ive`Yay 5 001 5 reg l I eL v Sife 7) A// and 177-7AL a/s she// be //7 'o ecco.--dar2ce wit�I fhe sfar�dards and Boer/1/c(51ti0n57 of fhe 1117i>`ied Sewe/`-Y9L ,4yency and fhe C/fy of Tigard. �; d 6) Salwfery sewer ,oioe sha.'i be ,orPcds/ (.-or�cr'e% A Til CAV c/ass e? be// � so/yo/ wif/,h rubber gaskets F h 9) Aldler ss/ern /a17 17'0b� rovidc�d b Ti and lydfer' District o h 6 Q//TIe/7,5/017 From sa�ifdry sP`YE'l- shall/ be '57/,L r rha17 /L 000 /0) 4// /afera/s shall e rfe17d onP �/� ' /e179/h info each /of yoas f fide fror/f !of /ir7etj ufi/,qty 1 �aSeinenf area etin �? 5 f1-ec//iyfs fo bP rust&//Pd deme%oer- r17 eceol'da17ce with 6'1f1 . a�o�rvvPo' A6Z- Co 161 �cir�ify /�lao N rs. SEN 17 f \ a C,F- 1 3 I PON IrT Y ! � �iilll•�1 I 111`I1 1�1 Ij� I+1 I�1 1�1 1•(1 I� .«•.-- _ ,. r � I I I 1 � ( � ( ( ' 1�� I Ijl�f 1 �1�111 Ilr I�1 III 11 III III Illlr�� 1�1 III II! III 111 III ISI III III III III I�1 111 SII ISI I,1 III Irl 111 III-._ _t . r . 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ,-,....- Z 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN - THIS NOT IQET-IT IS CUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL e DRAW:N[;. QE 6Z BZ LZ 9t SE fZ EZ 2Z I? 0z 61 61 LI 91 SI t►I EI ZI 11 01 6 9 L 9 S E Z 1"•�'" -'' �111111nII11111u11u1111lullljl,IU{II II�IIII�IIN�111, uulull nullm 111u1111u1h1n ll�Ilnulnu�nll 11111111 IIN.NI{�Iftll�ulllull 11n�1m11III,IIiI�IIIt�1111�1111�i1N�Nrflrw I wlnn u11�n11�II111{wllllitEnllllul.�llu�llllu�11111u1�li�llnn �,w � �j 24 1992 REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE BY Cu/de-sec S. W Cook e'�! I �T Q.". 9.0 44 i8o A-/ // //?9 d.? OO TC 200.6/ ,P = 2¢o - - -;- - - �/lid /o. TC Z00 S5 LQ = ¢7 Q6 06' -_____ 2'---_.__ _ - 2 ® ,r BOO SD L = 20. 0/' - " /�a6 oss' © TC z00.3d ___________ ,a A REVISION$ NO. DESCRI"IONIDATE BY REGVENTIAL P RIVIE-WAYW. oon� cr. �o/vZy� S^ALE I ----- �i2 PREMOULMP EXPAN51ON STANDARD CONC. 5112E WA L K JOINT FI L L EF' SCAL_F_ : I 5 N T 5. w �"1C�-WALK- -*- hkOuND Guc. bQ. ?A�. _ �jTT,PE.NCN .D.. " .079 D / W/OTy /N5/DE 'A CGS Y& G'ONC. __-__._—__-_ ---------------_� _ --__ '4g„ P/AE D/A. EAC!✓ _ LI I /�I/N ----� ,� FALL- OF CUB M/N t, 3 ' O P9 I •', ''�1i f S.�Y Cook Cf �-c� 3 O.Z9 •D i !y Serena h/dy 14 , •� 0'29/G 4 0.37 FACE OF CURB r" a:a' f' 0.37 i 0.42 C?02083 — - ,� .•. : ',y �:'�; TOP OF C11R6 EI,FV. T,PENCN W/OTN f /B" 2/" 4' 0.¢2 _ TC L!-----_ OP OF OURS ELEV / i 2 2� 4' 0.42 _ 5C1 •.d, d• d d "-O"ORl1GHED KUCK LEVEL fly GLIIRSE ^ A5 SOIL CoNO(TIONS REQUIRE- /) ALL CONC.PETE TO BE 3300 LB ° SECTION A A 6 Z) w/JLLS TO BE PLACED w,�E�PE G�P�JDE /S15 op G,(EATE�P 1 2 ' NOTE ; BEGIN SLOPE AT CURB ; 3?) $PLACE BETWEEN /'✓.4L[5 TO BE 21, ON SC of 1vz*.45U,er1veNT NOTE ' RI�E ��4 �R FGVT TDW/�RD ' CONCRETE SNALL HAVE A MIN, P;VPEFZ7Y UNE. EXPAN51r�'�l JOIM--MAX. 5PACN•!G- F3RF-�1K ING STRENGTH OF 3,Off' �) ,�(' �OR AT�1 LL CNAN6t�5 IN ' �'SI AFTER 2$ DAYS SECTION CONCRETE- ERC4KING 57REN5TH TC Ft-: X00 F-151 AFTE 28 PAY5 ! V TYPICAL STREET SECTION rs Aoeli 4TE Ae1i1Z_ mo — 25 pm S' UTILITY STANDAR® PRECAST CATCH BASIN INA175. - o4i7*411 ESMT.T30TN �( SI�ET, NOT TCS SCALE bvie"o"k SM���•VT ItSSl41a lw1A,1.IiTfL11.�A�?C.� D!'�a14.'�10A��` ` �-•— - _8 ------ /7' I _ i78' Th 6MS /J0, t-4 s' E Xl�OSLJRE „ CROWN �; ---� 5=0.0294 --� -- I � 2� S/DE /NLET OPEN/NG c \ _ O Z _ A4YEMENT \ -----27 rd A.c.(6h%F. Lkrr ADb�z►o�sA� �.�GT 7" REQ�1R6� hts R�W _� cr 6„ NOTE: 5 2 �q -O CRUSHED ROCK/GRAVEL 3" 3-. � e. • • d d .•a:.' GRADES SHALL NOT EXCEED 12 ON 8�t Z"- O" CRUSHED ROCK G',�AVEL r - L 22' P/�C P✓C -- - - � h— J /.E 202.00 3 4� a • d o v d B 6.4 4/NLET - - CONCkETE /N!/E.PT . LOCAL 5714E .T a e v o 4 ° METAL 1VZC0XfR CURVES SNALL NOT NAVE L[-SS TNAN 1(X7• CENTERLINE RADII CN LCCAL STREET. �,E.r� 4_A INTI-R5ECTTI0N ANGLES SHALL NCT EXCEED GC•UNLESS THERE 15 SPECIAL INTERSECTION DESIGN. . ONE INCH OVERLAY REQUIRED WITHIN ONE YE4R OF C DUNCIL TENTATIVE ACCf.PTANCE . i.1.�a+S NLS ,C � � • C'AC BE.PM STANDARD CURS 1,-4576-N METAL COYE,P -� f A « W O spa L F : _ ; TO ,OlAe USZ" 6AU'gN/2EQ V' W / W > . f- \� 1 202.00 _ I o Z 0 WrD \��"_ I _z - JA \ o o Ae N'iDE X 3"f//GH OPEN/NG '1, Zo NoTE po 5 ', I /N FACE Of ,v/PE W >U) TWO WEEP LADLES 1N CY' PSR LOT REQUIRED VcOVILRA N LIV. Q P.�N �-o MAS Cl-� W EES No LES. �F a. 000 - 202 0010 Q006 �yr f^ sir O o vl ,P•� O• v pvG 6 � �— z A -A CURB L/NE 3 0 4 o e d a , . �f 3' MSN/MUM w W 1d 0 �L. O O oc 0 d o 4 0 a 06"AC BERM Q z U) CD TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINTS _ I. TO BE PROV IDED AT F11CH POINT" OF TANGENCY OF THE CURB & AT C'rHE� LOCATIONS As B4C,E' OF q/w AP.pON OF REQUR5--C TO LIMIT THE SPACING TO A MAXIMUM OF 20 FT /)FORIV AC PAV/NG AND BEPM�Lro /5" 2. MATERIAL -M Or= P(�EMOIJLVED NON-EXTRUDED A1106 /NLET TO .PELF/VE 670" A14 TE�P MATERIAL WITH A ti1rNIMUM THICKNt=ss OF %12% Z) COVE.P TO BE GALVAN/2E0 METAL Cf►/EC�f"E,P PL4TF TO SUPPORT 200 P. S. /. LOA05• JOB NO. -17�NSVERSE CONTRACTION JCINT I, SPACING TO SE NOT MORE THAN IO FT. DESIGNED �i 6,ff 2. PEPTH OF THE LJC M- SHALL BE AT- LEAST DRAWN 4,L_0 ONE FCtJRTH OF THE CF095;-57LCTIaN4L ARaa, COMP. 10-6,51Z-96' CGNCRE'TE f3R•EAKING STRENGTr-f CHECKED 66,5 I.TO BE 1900U PSI AFTER 2B G4YG. ' DATE AU / D SHEET Na COPPER CR1~Fr. 1,10 1 -- „ OF 3 SHEETS ., IT - !r',r l,',li It,IIt,I,II �I�+pll�� ill I`�•III'III.j (Iltl t� fIl1 (I .�f1I��IIrIII IIIIIII IIIII��I��IIriI1I�I�IIIIlI1�lI11II1�,I,I,I,�,Iil,li�ilil,Ili,I,�IIII�I�liI1�,I,I,I,i,t,l,t,�,l, % , �� 1 �. NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED y �' '+++• 12 4 5 6 7 8 8 11 ?• "I - , DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICS-r-1T IS DUE TO I}' . JW QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ­"DRAWING. OE 62 92 LZ 9? 92 1Z EZ ZZ IIZ OZ 61 BI LI 9`1 91 t.I E1I ZI I I 01 6 O L 9 `S.-J -- E1--- Zi I r,,,�` ! Nlllunlnuluul„I,II,1,I,11,I,11,I,nt�Illl��ll�l►nli,,,luubu,l„W�Nf1f1,,,111�H1111�I1n111�h1►1�Iur�unllmlluilnfrMhiiulli�l�Iltt�nH�iMtTTtllHtd�itldnit�ntt�ittll�I�InIlu111uullul�llnllLl1�111utIWu1)11ltLtullllu�ttll�lalutl / r, its � •f JUNF 24 1992