COLONY CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISION I �//iLC.�ri_-rte xI �' !/� / r%`.� IIT/LtT✓ Y A"., r rTeff r DETAh- r tri ',Cw F. J/� <ORM (,U4 D49 .RE!,1,14) EA5t ti1N,VT 4 G' . G?. /_>E'. ,, GE�tERAL TEtEPNElftIE ti ' �` (� ► �_ _r',e/w, ce)L. ').v✓c.e. ^ T. AeAFF;�l �,►,,'r " ROUTINE WORD, ORDER )T�P aoo 000•�o�Nw � r TA �°L.= `, r'3 /, rnAJ 3Nr -- <' —- 5 -- - — y TITLE`/.I' C !•' Cllr ".f C`_Ti1T�5. t _ - �` �,latcE �.. "Lr �� c MN to t..r� 7A X r 1?.r_ - T I MtTE� F I 1 ClT/L/Tt/ /! A/('CA ti 3.7L! �� / JIST7ICT J•�L:/ D ��. F"L�k' ll�L_/r / vE7(CMANOE ✓4.( ) q' `Jn EA!4�MEMT W!. A tF-' 93 29 t� c�A?.i i /GAA[ J t. NARRATIVC AN/' l;IfTI J X-I(�/ / !� I� -"�'+ �' /n TELlr,� tG\/ .1 Ai3L.c FAC /Z./-/� ,7(�E r�f/A S n/� Cf.ALluV✓GQtE,C 7►.�i +a " i nED I AL �A/MENT Vr7' =. E')TA TG L A/v 0 !�'X OAA/`/O A/ ANA_.,17;=L- `T' 3?'Aa✓ED I I _ i/7 - -•L•-��- �±�—_ ;. :` -�''` j ;'-i r,;/�.P:.. � ,7/AA•a7;� �'..;A'G' lA?f?`! .-11 ACCT MATERIAL CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT TOTAL -~ �,,.._ ML�ANUt=�/A/6 1 '•�� TD MH /3 - SC/aL E . /"=2D' :T�Ec7 L//��/%� !.,O wA[./C ( ACT I EST COST 03T C G A/ T,Q,^,C rM A/U T,E - DR./LL TNt?GYJGN /JtV C1Gr O ' LN `- _ c' wTC)//Yr-/gib! r / 5!-+oGG[1+vv _—.--------- -______ - - --- �- I �. Nf Tt. , WALL FC,,Q 2 4 PVL _ �. - - - ----- -- - - 5 W. �c-v,ra i — __s A Nn P,)L_t. wu2Aelit/✓oLvd,3 vtc;w�ry i rr ' C/'?NTk.'A�TUiL NIT- f • C� ni- .1vtA/r - ------------------ -�_._v_ _ 2 TtLGf) Ta no Tu:Mrr2nlcN - - i MAD I PLAC t~ - 4 PVr !:t!_/GTS F'i,euN1 �. PE'!►fr/ci�. 7'ReA!r' 4 /'C'Z /-2Z/&1e Dl D PG.E. ✓ 7&ZO - 'QR.�o-4 MAA/N/j:_-c= �!H el AR-1-FE F�IMI\ NN vV 2 S TA AlAm.D A m-c /7Cv��//aMt�vr iRc.•vif AM 766]- �[)A/rie/�LTf��f' /1!`CJ TES : -- --- --- Ig . 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JHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL rDRAWING. --- _- 1 IN OE 6? 82 /77 92 S2 ►Z EZ 22 IZ 02 61 CI LI 91 SII bl Is1 ZI II t)1 6 Y L- 9 S vto f. z is-law 1111111 if IfInluuluulunlntll{uIIIII�j11W1111ttllt{ UNE 24 1992 ulnulllllluulml�uuluilllutluulltttlttttllt,I�U!►�ttttllnlltpNlit�twlru►lltttlrlttfltrtltlttltlldnultullNN 11�InIInIllnllnuhulluuh.w�wl�ttu�uliLtu�ull�ult1u11uIJtWhu1 t .... Akt2!S!T•+-r•.-.,..«z».trnr�...r,-,r+�+u-;,:-:w.uiwgiSpM;#'.. - W/w K/w w R/w 11:5 0 Ik'Whii-004W M'r vK T 17 5' 5IPF'0AL_V MEA NDE R V-540EYVALK MEANDER ti Y,-T K u-r r: ffr, ., � , 2'CA_A-_fbVA G. 10 GLA515"C"A.C, A Q, L.,0�Z P-) I WITH0A R//W AF-EA (BOTH 5Mti) CL C'(,,LA�VA C,, WITHIN P-/\N/ FASF_MENT-(�TH !5mb) -) VC,GLASS"'C"A,C ir U---)H E L 079� ALL RCAL)b CAAbt)`UA (p" 2 o• �JSHEU RU�.iC%CaKA`'F� Z ONE j.)c*JEC) RCX,-r,/6a RAkVF_L WITHIN '--"E YEAR, OF LA)UN(,IL_ Y___160;,E55 � D SECTION T_F_N7-AT,vE A,(,4,r-TANCF_ 0 ) EASEMENT !�YFI(-�AL 26 5TREET 'bECTIGN too R IVV 'ILE COP -- TYPILAL 34 STREET (5EGTION NTS NT5 Lt4Z f5:,7 c APPROVED FOn CONSTRUCTION "I OF TIGARD -7 c C zt-1 N z 4�o4 PFV-F PIPE Nil ji, gCOV- > Ott A 5EPOIN4i FoV_ lZoop vizAiNc� c AV* !E7,y' , ftvl C/ I L-AN BY F1 oww-%7-;25 DAI C_L) P^TA Y > 7 _cT�y_p) k9 J7 K-2-d DAIA L V 5'00 L 119 57 L= 19 5951' t-h va w,qo /.!5-- K= 41' 19 --- - 6 L 50.2T L=19. 91 Z 1)z a i v,�';o 61.c4o,l 1 �0 �z lift vow (o 10 ZA A V, 0 A. 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N v E_19Z. za X if 4- APF-ot� N7 w 11�44 ativ ul U) + go rD 9E, lam cl L 0 hl cc 0 loc 0 z "9 A cc 110 ML IL j A" 4� 2 N H� ,� / 1 21 *vw nos 5,w t<�o a _4' V-1 OURT CA I I + Z c- C:;� o ", �24 R= 41 +c �eLL&E_L, A 516'aw "=292e,i- 19' s. i 12.!MV �T i —11 16\b i1G ;64, 1 .g'61U�;WALK MEANDEK WITHIN WW (OOTH 5jpe:!�,) '66 16,r 4 o/ 0+O0 71 Pk',��L 26 STPF=ET SECT ION 50 R I'N vv//(T 0+00 1+00 2+00 LM 4400 CIO &fco NTS N TE51 0 1, T60 NEGP HOLF PER LO-r F_r=QUjFZrm_P IN 29. 6i" jrflifiEt: P*IR RAtIfty-­ 174- AT ALL LN-7��X��Tl Wv Acp RE&M olo ALL ST94-_'ET AN c,_:3EjIINE:IZ C40Nl&TP_LGTI0N rA >1 is + so V.G. -JtqtFrEV 1 It X I Lu 0 +1 z 4) t ItZ DRICIAINAtL GRCX 1(040 (A r-i $1 JN C) C4 > C., h4lt;�, 170 A -_ -1 —_ __­ -._­­_'­_ C V. a i 01, b. oil Ll _p)e Ir� _?W& opit-Lo FINISH G ADIR + + + 41 --Z o -Z 0 Z -o' c 4L LADE - Fl N %- 4D Ila LO j 4- _._ Q_ -7_71 OMGINAL_ GFZ0UND li UJI A 0 Ifl t�n ......................................................................... V, + + a. co -'4;4, r i-f.6_r2tfiHj_NlD',0 ttWMEAQ. tp+m 1�)Togm 15TO k m f_�14�z 05 0 <0 QH F_EX__2LQf .5�_ 21 ,E 149. C 3 rc �.1 _ _ - C OU R7__ -_ __._ ____ �__.__._. ___ __ __- _ ___- ___ _____. _ ___ _ . I 'T-op m ot -=,Tofc_m 105 - w 'o; 5W, fM NO CREEK 0 _ - -_. _ __ 0+00 Z+00 kL COLPNI� CREU::' ESTATES 2 OF 13 ......... iwmm cr Ir IF I-IV it IT PIT , I NOrE: IF THIS MICROFILMEU 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLI-AR THAN • THIS NOT --1TIS DUE TT) QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL RAW w;. - ------- 6C 6? 92 1? 9Z 92 V? C? 2? IZ Of M 81 LI 91 ci I V I E1 ZI 1I ol 6 9 J. 9 G E 2 TUNE 2 4 11 -9 24 v tjA I A� L 7� IL. of rn n y N D 0. in ti�m N N I v, til E RTE N &YUGLER 'hurhs .l. ,tl�rnn October 28 , 1987 Kirhur�l .1'. )twlcr /// C mnsr/ iiurr►r !. Fink CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ''08 Alorgan Hnihling 720 S11, 11 i►shinglon .Sr. l'ur►lnncl, Ore,xon TimothyRamis 97205 1727 NW/ Hoyt Portl/411d , Oregon 97209 Re : Tigard v. 'Titan Property Corp. , et al Dear Tim: r- lease find enclosed check Ho. 14471 from the City of Tigard in the amount of $7, 500 made payable to Titan Property Corp. This c:,eck is the return of the cash bond posted by Titan Properties in connection with the Colony Creek Estates Gut,division . Please call if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Richard S. Yugler RSY :r.Ilc Enclosure, CC: FWy C.larno .o CITY OF TINA RD► October 7, 1987 OREGON 25 Years of SeMov 1061-1986 Merten & Yugler 208 Morgan Building 720 SW Washington Street Portland, OR 97205 Attn: Mr. Richard S. Yugler Re: Colony Creek Estates (#l) Subdivision Dear Mr. Yugler: In the matter of the Cash Bond Escrow Agreement(s) between Titan Properties Corporation, the U.S. National Bank of Or+gon Tigard Branch and the City of. Tigard, Oregon, this is sent to serve as official notice to allow Said Bank to release t , Titan Properties Corporation all of the deposit(s) entrusted to said Bank as essu_ance for Colony Creek Estates (/1) subdivision develcpmenr project. V,?ry Truly, fir'! i -z— -- f �- William Monahan Director of Community Develcpment is/1219D cc: file 13125 SW Nail Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,nregon 97223 (503)63,?-4171 - ------ ---- CITY Of TIG' - F EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST "his form is a multi-use form. Where appropriate receipts must be attached. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple documentation to form. VENT>OR NO: DATE: �-2 PAYABLE T0: .�-�; 1 ttL& s t Requested by: M 204 Mnr '}17.0111l-_t. a1• •.�.►'.�rw. ...././...s../..�tiriiVY� t-�,',ai Q.rRQ.IQ/s/w!Q//...a.../QQ/////............. n MISCELLANEO0S (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, mc,mbershirs, etc.) : Date I Descr;pt,io`n' _ _ _ Account No. _ Amount ; � w ► to-Z2,oc�0 ��� ......./../..../../....................Q.......Q...........................•....Q/_. GENERAL MEAL EXPENSE: Date Description Amount Account Numbe< to be charges : Total _ .................. /..!..t.R.tl Q t•. MILEAGE: Date L Description• (Include end/start readings and total miles) Amount kccount Number: —'----- --- -- Tntel_ -- mi '�.._% 1.20 ..........w.../....w./.........w..................../..­ .......w.......... APPROPRIATION BALANCE: AS OF: _ - -' S gnature— APPROVALS ( i( 125.00 or under troy be reimbursed through pet, v cash) : (up to 1500.0O)Section Manager _ Purch. AI,ent } — CITYCSF TIFA RD No. 18389 I - 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. P.O.BOX 23397 Date T1GAR0,OR 97223 Name — Address Lot Block/Map Subdivislo, Address PerVnit M's Bldg.J_ Ptjmb Cash Check 7 — - S7�o . Sewer — Other Other Rec. By Acct. Vo. Description mount 10.432 Buildlny r:Kirmit Feas 10.431-600 Plumbing Permit Fees 101314301 Mechanical ;Permit Fees 10-230.501 State eldv. ,Tax _ I 10433 Plans Check Fee 30.443 _ Sewer Connection 30444 _ Sewer Inspertk.;.: 51449 Stret+t Syst.Dev. Charge`-- ::+k 52.449410 Parke I S-yet fay. Char" 52.4494320 Parks 11 8 st. Derv. ChEe 31-450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Chsrrge —� 10-430 Business Tax 10434 Alarm Permit 10-227- Ball - --- 10-455- Fines-Traffic/Mild/Parking -- 10230 CA TrafficlMled/Vic.Asst. 116W Indigent Defense — 30.122-401 Sewer SArvlce/USA 30.122.402 Sewer Sery ce1Clty—30%----'- U3___ 0% '123 Sewer Sevic_elCity alnt. — —_ 30.125 Unmatched_ 1.124 _ form Dra nage 4 ncro— t PrJnn-Pymt. 40471 Bancroft Int. mt. -_.-TOTAL7'�—QC 1!'2 /r 7~6;3ti isa FILE COPY 1 at r i' No.1U.66009 1230 AN OR3ANCO COMPANY MFMSEF FDIC PURCHASER Ti+.an Properties PORTLAND,OREGON November 3, t9 86 PAY TO OF ***********CIT'Y OF TIGAT�D*�****-***+�*************** s ****'�'k**4.SOU.UU*******� ORDER o� HEpC, Uf'flC:c 00dol's00c:t' —I! RA4H i Cashiers ChE: THO D IONATURE Z S ir• 10 L66009n' is 1 2 3000 L6 5l: 9 20 30 5 2011' ^OREGON No. 10114602 ?42'30 ars. AN Ofv3ANC0 0WPAW MEMPOR F(MC PURCHASER TitELn Properties Corporation _PORTLAND,OREGON__ NOy.5, -19-16 PORDEROF* 'O-City of Tigard** pit ***+► ►* * *+E r ►*�r. �Il * r�r+ rw►,�i+ ..- Cashiers Check AV w'1417ED SIGNATURE n' LO 1 1460 211' is L 2 3000 16 5i: 920 305200 86 �'-�� ��?/7���-t' 67vrx�. 17 �-G��? G/C�+c�i�� �S�, � /.'�"'e'/",'��.h'l�t•-cam'-- lj��`11��{=- , At- 7 l CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 87•-j A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC; IMPROVEMENT'S KNOWN AS COLONY CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, the City executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement and a Supplemental Completion Agreement: with Titan Properties Corporation to facilitate installation of public improvements to specified standarus and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public. improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond"; and WHEREAS, Department of Community Development staff verifies that all requirements of the City have been met; and NIOW, THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvements known as Colony Creek Estates Subdivision Public Improvements; the plat being recorded in Book 47 or, Page 19, Washington County Plat Records; AND, FURTHER, the City Council hereby authorizes release of the Petitioners guarantee bond . PASSED: This _ _ day of O I\ 1987. Mayor, City Tigard ATTEST: 6(:t &( I I _tU City Recor,.er, City of 'Tigard 0()Pl 11t - JH:bsl564W RESOLUTION NO. 87 Page 1 MW W WXW-K��M-UILMULW-m CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: DATE SUBMIT-TED �2Ott��,_ 1987 ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Resoj—ution '— PREVIOUS ACTION: accepting Colony Creek Estates Subdivision PREPARED BY: John DEPT HEAD OK CITY ADMIN—OK REQUESTED BY: Community DP Dept. POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY I Colony Creek Estates Subdivision is located east of SW Hall Blvd . neer the intersection of Hall Blvd. and McDonald Street. 2. Completion of the subdivision improvements was declared delinquent by the City and subsequently, to resolve such, a supplemental agreement between the de-jeloper and the City evolved. 3 . All public improvements have now been satisfactorily completed, all financial responsibilities have been met and the project h,;t s satisfactorily passed a maintenance qt.arantee period. 4. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council accept the public improvements, for City operation and maintenance responsibility, and authorize release of the guarantee bond(s) . ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED FISCAL IMPACT SUGGESTED ACTION PASS THE RESOLUTION TITLE "A resolution accepting public improvements known as Colony Creek Estates Subdivigion public improvements ." JH:bsl564W CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 87— A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS CQ .ONY CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISION PUBLIC TMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, the City executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement and a Supplemental Completion Agreement with Titan Properties Corporation to facilitate installation of public improvements to specified standards and specifications; ;and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that. "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond" ; and WHEREAS, Department of Community Development staff verifies that all requirements of the City have been met; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: The Tigard City Cokincil hereby accepts the public improvements known as Colony Creek Estates Subdivision Public Improvements; the plat. iieing recorded in Book 47 on Page 19, Washington County Plat Records; AND, FURTHER, the City Council hereby authorizes release of the Petitioners guarantee bond. PASSED: This _ day of _ 1987. Mayor, City of Tigard AT—TEST: City Recorder, City of Tigard JH: bsl564W RESOLUTION NO. 87 Page I : L]L ,I �Ell1 -3, I ' / • �T ate_ .1 ♦♦. , ",roo LL Opyn {rlarfi ee �/ ALL- n 111\r 1.1 S� ■ 1« M.� ! ►.[ ►TIMtTa IAT Lr i r i t rl r uvl{ Dg;l w \ V t II a /y r l K� • �'R V 10 �, v Ile ',Ll i'.'.• `` Iyr IT_ I r • �1 r� / t■ wON IT, 4 � ♦r.r r t ea 7 + J•/� 1 , Op ray+� a!{. .OSHA! v {. IDaw000 IT M , to v_rr IT j ar r ' J � tat•�!w n • yrt r, r cT � ( t tr 1 :''rrv}v}V�C t •i �' 1T AMD r•r '[ ac[ r�^w �'•1 1■lt l,l ` 1 {w I - - II +� e k R�T.r I1WmuL � JJJI ` w . riw I Y •Ml■D■II I DMKI tr M..1 L�1 Y- �1 P _ •I' • wow"w 77 I I j I f ,e er r' •r �d � / � ( � I; I � I I I J ,t < QQ I��II I J I trr Not O r//� �I I � VJ� F&Y�MERTEN UGLER May 12 , 1987 ATTORNM AT LAW Randy S. Clarno Charles J. Merten Engineering Services Manager Richard S. Yugler City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 QfCounsel Tigard , OR 97223 Karen L. Fink Re: Colony Creek Estates 208 Morgan Building Dear Randy: 720 SW Washington St. Portland, Please find enclosed a Resolution to be passed by the Oregon City Council accepting all public improvements. In 97205 conformity with your letter received April .17 , 1987 (503)227-3157 and our following conversation , the City is prepared to accept all public improvements within Colony Creek Estates subdivision. You informed me that all sidewalks and curbs have now been completed , the asphaltic over .ay has been satisfactorily completed , and you are prepared to waive the s:x month maintenance period concerning the asphaltic overlay. Previously the developers paid performance and maintenance bonds. Based upon these facts, the City is obligated to accept the improvements. I also suggest that the cash bond be exonerated , discharged , and released . You should authorize ' United States National. Bank to now release the amounts held in escrow. I have the original cash bond escrow agreements if you need them, and have enclosed a copy fur your files and records. Depending upon the current procedure at the City, it may not be tiecessary for this matter to be acted upon by the Mayor . Since I am not familiar with the present procedure. I 'm sure you can determine whether this matter needs action by the City Council or w5ether there is some authority who can accept the improvements on behalf of the City. Please call if you have any further questions . Vere Uul your l Richard S . Yugler / C J RSY: lel ✓ Enclosures RESOLUTION NO. CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION OF 'THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN A SUBDIVISION PLAT KNOWN AS: COLONY CREEK ESTATES , located in Section 12 , Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Maridian, Washington County, Oregon; WHEREAS , the City of Tigard subdivision ordi�,ance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, streetligh�s, curbs, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivision; and WHEREAS , the City has required payment of fees and the execution of a subdivision compliance agreement and supplemental subdivision compliance agreement which stipulates in pertinent part that: 1 . The *iubdivider make an additional payment of $2 ,500; 2. The subdivider conduct an installation and placement of an asphaltic overlay on all. roads and streets within Colony Creek Estates; 3. The subdivider conduct an installation and placement of all sidewalks and curbs within Colony Creek Estates; 4 . The City receive a cash performance bond of $4 , 500 to secure the completion of said Ridewalks and curbs,- 5 . urbs;5 . The City receive a cash maintenance bond of $3 ,000 to secure the maintenance for six months cif the installed asphalted overlay within Colony Creek Estates; and 6. "Upon satisfactory completion of the installation of the asphaltic overlay . . . , payment of $2 ,580 . . . , and tender of all maintenance, completion and performance bonds as provided herein , Tigard agrees to tentatively accept all public improvements in Colony Creek Estates, subject to completion o` the installation of the sidewalks and curbs as provided herein . Upon completion of a.11 sidewalks and curbs as provided herein , Tigard will finally accept the public improvements; " and WHEREAS , thy, developer has completed all sidewalks and curbs, has p-iid $2, 500, has completed installation of the asphaltic overlay and has tendered all maintenance , completion and performance bonds as promised; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council Of the City of Tigard , Oregon, hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Colony Creek Estates subdivision , said subdivision being recorded in Book 47 , Page 19 in Washington County, Oregon , plat records; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cash performance bond of $4 , 500 and cash maintenance bond of $3 ,000 is hereby exonerated , released and discharged . Pu;,3ed this _— day of _ 1.987 by rhe city Council , City of Tigard , Otc?gon. CITY OF IGARD ; OREG:aN By: WITNESS : Mayar �' l'l�Y RECORDER, CITY OF Z IGARD 1 April 16, 1987 CITYOF T110AD OREGON 25 Veers of SlNNCg \1969-1;x36 Merten & Yugler 208 Morgan Building Portland, OR 97205 Mr. Richard Yugle.r, We have recently performed a tentaive final inspection of the improvements within Colony Creek No. 1 subdivision and find that the sidewalk on Lot 3 is the only missing item. We are prepared to recommend final acceptance of all imprmvcments, foregoing the balance of the maintenance period, upon cy)mpletion of this section of sidewalk. In addition we are alsorF: ego the ded- ication to for ication requirement of the temporary access tract, which is con- sistent with your recent recommendation. en -- - Please prepare £he necessary documentation, updating cur pos i'ton for consideration by Titan Properties. I'd be happy to discuss with you if necessay. Randy S. Ciarno Development Services Manac;er RC/mj 13125,M'Hall B;vd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (W3)639-4'71— --- _._._ 1� ■► t� � 1 I � .i2�lloo" o - Te44olL;t>o -ef5 ,i 7�-oma- Cr ct� yu9 /-er 6ck4.r i et, ''-7" IaVj-v v-e 14f e4-t T;f, — G, L?t l'ols'J .'(, x) f f�tJ p; 16.-46 J -X 9 rrt2 f�Z �`' - �� --------------- -17 IVA S- 7 MERTEN &YUGLER Al 10RN1A% Mar ,:h 27 , 1987 ZN ATI AW Mr . Rat.dy Clarno The Cite of Tigard 13125 S. L'. Hall Blvd . Hwhard S. YuKler P.O. Box :'3397 Tigard , OR 97223 QJ'Counsel RE: Colony :'reek Estates Karen L. Fink Deat Randy: 208 Morgan Bi ilding 720 SW Wi7shinkton Sr. This will confirm our call of March 24 , 1987 . Portland, Oregon As I explained , ail of my file copies of the Colony 9720 Creek Etates Platt , including the copies, supplied (503)227 i137 to me by ti-ie City at.d prior counsel , Ken Elliott, were incomplete. The xerc. x copies provided were cut off at the bottom of the surveyor ' s certificatk- , dedication , and approvals section of the platt. This platt restriction with respect- to tract "A" has provided an unusual twist. The solution to the problem depends upon the desired result of the City of Tigard . The City ' s original intention at settlement with Lutz and Der-Fart was to take over the maintenance and eventual closure of tract "A° from Lutz and Der-Hart . The City wanted to keep the temporary roadway open and then close it at the City ' s convenience in the tuture . The settler.-^t agreement has accomplished this result because the obligation to close the temporary access way has been assumed by the City from Lutz - Der-Ha. . The dedication in this instance was surplusage in light of Lte' Platt restriction , but at the time of the dedication from Lutz - Der-Hart to the City, i '- appeared that the dedication would also transfer a property interest from the developers to '.he City, and the City would vacate this interest when it closed the accessway. If the City really wants to eventually close the roadway, then , in light of the platt restriction, it does not need to do anything f.r,rther . The City should simply close the roadway at its convenience at which time the use and maintenance of tract "A" will become the sole responsibility of all tract owners. It would be useless to obtain a dedication from all property own-rs if the City intends to cloee the rcad way. This would be essentially a useless procedure of ob - ininq a dedication from all lot owners and then vacating the street which would revert the ownership interest back to all lot owners. ML Mr . Randy Clarno March 27 , 1987 Page 2 If the City wishes to maintain the roadway as a public street and assume all liabilities associated with ownership of a public street, then it would be necessary to obtain a dedication from every lot owner in the Colony Creek Estates subdivision including all subsequently platted areas . The Platt restriction gives each .lot owner an undivided interest in tract "A" This interest is essentially a covenant or "servitude" that runs with land ownership for eacl- and e,►ery lot. I believe that this interest can be severed from lot ownership if all lot owners join in a dedication of tract "A" to the City. In order to do so , it will be necessary to obtain a dedication or deed from each lot owner of their interest in tract "A" to the City. i realize that this procedure is not convenient , but it would be necessary to transfer ownership to the City. An alternative, of course, is the use of eminent domain to acquire the tract . I should point out one additional twist to this situation . At the time that Lutz - Der-Hart dedicc.ted tract "A" to the City, it owned almost one-half of the lots, which were all undeveloped . This dedication was never recorded by the County. Had we been aware of this problem to begin with, I believe a dedication or deed from the remaininc, lot owners who previously owned lots would have been sufficient . However , the individuals who have purchased lots since the dedication from Lutz - Der-Hart to the City have riot beer; given any notice of any change in this covenant. Therefore, it is probably necessary to obtain the signature of all new lot owners if the City wishes to have the property dedicated . I hope this answers your questions . Please call if I can be of any further assistance in this matter . Very truly/yours, l Richard S. Yugl-r RSY/lk EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST This form is a multi-use form. Where appropriate receipts must be attached. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple documentation to form. VENDOR NO: VATE: January 22, 1987 PAYABLE TO: Merten & Y n1or Requested by: 404 Auditori_tmm Big i lcji na _ _ 20 S.W. Third Avenno Portland, OR 97204 ..Won rrr r r r r MISCELLANEOUS (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, memberships, etc. ) : Date Descri tion _ Account No. Amount _ l/15/8 Legal fees for_ acting Cit 10-4200-60100 resolution of. Colony Creek oublir improvement roj act. rrrrrrwrrrrrrrrrrwwrwrrrrrrwrrrwrrrrrrrrrwrrrrr.rrasrrrrwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr GENERAL MEAL EXPENSE: Date _ Description _ Amount M Account Number to be charged: _ Total wrsrwrrrwrrrrwrwrirwwwrwrrwrwrwwwwrww�+wrrrrrrnwwrrrrwrwwwrrwrrwwrwrwrrrwrrrrrwrr MILEAGE: Date Description: (Include end start readings and tot&: miles) Amount Account !lumber: Total Elle• x ■ wrsoma aOwens new wrwwrrrwweeeewe rawwwwawrrrwawr. APPROPRIATIf1N RALANCE: AS 0►t Signature _ /.PPROYALS (it 125.00 or under may be reimbursed through petty caehlf (up to 1500.00)Section Manager Purch. Agent ( tjOn.nl-j5,nnfl f�dllllrnr Ilnnrl�t, ,. 1, Arr•nr _ NIERTEN YUGLER ATTORNEYS AT LAW January N , 1987 Charles ). Merten Richard S. Yugler All- Dear C' n _ . of Cminsel Karat L, Fittk I apologize for this form letter , but iis the most efficient way to inform you that, as a result of the 404 Audihrriuttt Buifiing dissolution of Redden , McGaughey, Yugler & Jack, I am 920 SW ThirdAremo, forming a new partnership and moving my office . Prrrthind, On-gort I may have already informed you that I , am intering into 97204 a partnership with Charles J . Merten beginning January 1. , (503) 227-3157 1987 . Our offices will be located at the former business office of Merten & Fink, 404 Auditorium Building , 920 S.W. 3rd Avenue , Portland , Oregon 97204 , telephone number 227-31.57 . I anticipate that more formal announcements will be forthcoming in the next few months; particularly after new offices are constructed in the Morgan Building sometime in February. Please be assured that this change will have nothing but a positive effect on all legal mattGrr:s that I fm currently handling on your behalf. }inclosed with this letter , you may find an updated billing through Jansary 3, 1987 . Your payment for t',jis hill. ing should be directed to me individually at my new office: address. After January 3 , 1987 , you will receive billings under the firm name of ;Merten and Yugler . For accounting purposes , you should anticipate receiving billings both from me for services prior to January 1 , 1987 , and from Merten and Yugler for services performed after January 3 , 1.987 . Please call if you nave any questions. t look forward to working with you in new surroundings. very truly you?.-r. , Richard S . Yugl.er R5Y%1k Enclosure At t nev C-,k t r;i.. r t 1.ci Y•1('! r.:. R,F.t n d i.,r i..t I .......... ........... t "r e i rpt c,i- a c, V E.' F2 I Cl qR r) =,nc! ,ICI C REL EN McGAUGHEY YUGLER & .,ACK ATTORNEYS AT LAVs' 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET • PORTLAND, OREGON 97200 (503) 242-0909 Michael Redden C"Ann Callahan Rohert ) M(G2ughcy• Stephany Watson Richard S. Yugler David J. Jack 'Oregon 6 Washington Ban t0rcgon h Kansas Bus December 8 , 1986 Mr. Thomas S . Hillier c, o Ragen, Roberts, et al Attorneys at Law 2300 First Interstate Tower Portland, OR 97201. Mr. Mark M. Le Coq c/o Schwabe, Williamson, et al Attorneys at Law 1600-1800 Pacwest Center 1.211 S .W. Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204-3795 RE: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co. , et al Wastington County Case No: 85-1601 C Gentlemen: If the enclosed Stipulated Order of Dism�csal Teets with your approval and is found by you to be in accordance with the settlement and Supplemental Su)✓divisio•i Compliance Agreement, then please execute the enclosed Stipulation and return it to me for filing with the Court. Very truly yours, Richard S . Yugler RSY/lk Enclosure cc: Mr . Randy Clarno MIFs MWAMR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON CITY OF TIGARD, Oregon, ) -1 a municipal corporation, ) 5 Plaintiff, ) j Case No. 65-1601 C 0 V. ) LUTZ DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, ) STIPULATED NOTICE and DER HART ASSOCIATES, INC. , ) OF DISMISSAL 6 a Joint Venture; and Fidelit7 ) and Deposit Company of Maryland, ) tJ a Maryland Corporation, ) 10 Defendant. ) 11 -------- — 1 12 The undersigned parties, pursuant to ORCP 54A( 1) , 13 l,ereby stipulate to dismissal of the above captioned action with 14 prejudice and without costs, disbursements, or attorneys fees to 15 any party. 16 17 _ _ _ - ------- Thomas S .Hi 11 er, OSB #80264 Mark M. LeCoq, OSB #82312 18 Attorney for Butz Development Co. Attorney for Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland 19 21 22 _ by__ - Richard_S . Yugler, OSB #80416 Attorney for Der-Hart Accociates 23 Atturney for the City of Tigard 24 21; 26 hige -1-STIPULATED NOTICE OF DISMISSAL REDDEN W(iAU(i Y YUGLER A JACK OPY A1'7t IRNB)s AT O I'1'N 94' HO)'1' • i't)R71AND.h.t)RP.GON 971(19 ISIIi62A2 tWIW MEMORANP-JM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DATE: November 26, 1986 TO: Ed Walden, Building Official FROM: Randy Clarno, Engincerinq Services Manage V/ RE: McDonald Acres Subdivision Today I received the required public improvement completion assurance from Rainier Bank for McDonald Acres subdivision. Please be advised that_ Building Permits may now be released. cc: City Attorneys Office, Attn: Ken Elliott Public Improvement Project File RC/mj •.mi�wm!kf4lva 'r:". w :v..,n ... ..,._..:.�. .n.i.:.wava..v,-.. suuueuP4i.. v.....A..W"Awkx . RI, ,DEN McGA.UGHEY YUGLER JACK Ai'I-r-jRNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOYI' STREET ♦ PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 (503) 242-0909 M .hacl Redden CecAnn Callahant Robert J. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Pichard S. Yugler David J. Jack 'Oregon h Washington Han t0regon h Kansas ifos November 25, 1986 Mr. Randy Clarno c/o the City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Colony Creek Estates Dear Randy: I am awaiting receipt of comfirmation from you thr.t the cash performance and maintenance bonds have been deposited with a financial institution in an escrow account. Once I receive the verification, I am obligated to dismiss the pcnlling case in Washington County Circuit Court. Would you kindly give me a call or drop me a note to verify whether the checks are now in an escrow account. Very truly yours, Richard S. Yugler RSY/lk t CITY dF TIFA RD No. 18389 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. P.O. BOX 23397 Late 11� TIGARD,OR 97223 //�a,►i ��k�TiF_5 r�LlPP_ _ Name CAddress f Lot Block/Map Subdivision/Address I P'3rh1it N's Bldg. Plumb Cash Check3� ( Sewer Other Other Rec. By Acct, No. Doscription mount 10.432_ Building Permit Fees 10-431-600 Plumbing Permit Fees 10.431-601 Mechanical Permit Fees j 10.230.501 State Bldg. Tax _ 10-433 Plans Check Fee 30.443_ Sewer_Connection 30-444 Sower Inspection _ {{ 51-448 Street Syst. Dev. Charge 52.449-610 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge 52.449.620 Parks II Syst. Dev. Charge 31.450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge 10-430 Business Tax _Y— !I 10-434 Alarm Permit 10-227 _ Bail 10-455- Fines - Traffic/Misdl Parking 10.230- CPTA Traffic/Misd/Vic. Asst. _ 10.456 Indigent Defense 30.122.401 Sewer Seriice/USA 30.122.402 Sewer Service/City 0%_ I 30.123 Sewer Sevice/City Malnt. _ ^� 30.125 Unmatched — 21.124 Storm Drainage � 6-475 Bancroft Prin. Pymt. 40.471 Mancroft Intvmt. 2rl , Gse� AcT/ TOTAL f FILE COPY I ._ MR WX W A '� -A ARM RL"LEEN MCGAUGfIEY 'YUGLER -. JACK ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET ♦PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 I (503) 242.019 Mi(had Redden CeeAnn Callahant Robert J M(Gaughey* Stcphany Watson Rir hard S. YuRlrr David ( Jack ,November 6, 1986 ��rr,m & V4ashmRum flats foregim& Kansas!'.us Mr. Randy Clarno c/o the Citl' of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Colony Creek Estates Dear Randy: I am pleased to enclose Cashier's Check No. 10114602 in the sum of $3 , 000 and Cashier's Check 1,o. 10166009 in the sum of $4, 500 which represents the cash maintenance bond for the asphalitic overlay and the performance bond for the sidewalks and curbs, respectively. I am also enclosing a signed gash Bond Escrow Agreement for the maintenance bond concerning section one Di_° the Supplemental Subdivision Compliance Agreement ane? a second performance bond concerning se•.,tion two of the Supplemental Subdivision Compiiance Agreement. The City should sign the Cash Bond Escrow Agreeme^ts and insert the name cf any financial institution :jr bank which agrees to act as escrow purFsuant to the escrow agreements and Supplement Subdivision Compliance Agreement. The bonds provide that escrow fees will be borne equally be'-.ween the parties. Once I receive notification from you that the escrow agreements are in place with a financial institution, then I will file a notice of dismissal of the: case in accordance with the Supplement Subdivision Com'?l*jance Agreement. I look forward to getting together with }'ou within the next wer:k or two. I suggeet lunch on Tuesday, November 18 at about 12 noon. Please give me a call if this is a convenient date for YOU. I have enjoyed working with you on this case and believe that the City had achieved far more in this settlement than it would ha-.,re had the matter been tried in Court. Congratulations to you. Very tZu�y yours, Ricttard,,,S. Yugler PSYilk Enclosure d MEMORANDUM CITY Or TIGARD, OREGON DATE: November 6, 1986 TO: Ed Walden, Building Official PROM: Pandy Clarno, Engineering Services Manager' RE: Building Permits with Colony Creek No. 1 Subdivision As you know, the Engineering Division has been working with Titan Properties, Lotz Development Co. and the City Attorney to have the balance of public improvements installed within Colony Crook No. 1. Subdivision . Today we received the balance of assurances required to discontinue certain legal action. You are iiow authorized to issue building permits within Colony Creek No. l Subdivision. RED _N McGAUGHEY YUGLER & CK ATTORNEYS AT LAV(' 1727 N HOYT STREET • PORTLAND, OREGON 972Cri Muhacl Redd-n (503) 242.0909 Rohm J. McGaughey" CccAnn Callahant Richard S Yugler HAND DELIVERED Stephany 'Watson David J Jack •cOrcr-r a V ashingion Bars November 4 , 1986 ;UrcRnn 6 Kansas Han Mr. Timothy Ramis Attorney at Law 1727 N.W. Hoyt St. Po--"--land, OR 97209 RE: Colony Creek Estates Dear Tim: Since drafting my letter of November 3, 1986, which is enclosed, there have been several developments. First, I am informed that the asphaltic overlay has been installed, completed, and accepted by the City. Second, I have received the sum of $4 , 500, by cashier's check made payable to the City of tigard as a cash "performance bond" relating to the sidewalks and curbs. In order to complete the settlement at the present time, the city requires: 1 . A maintenance bond in the sum of $3 , 000. This ma; be provided by a qualified surety or may be posted as a sec,.,nd cash band in accordance with my letter of November 3 , 1986 by providing a second cashier's check for $3 , 000. 2 A signed cash bond for the $4 , 500 received and, if the $3 , 000 is posted as a cash bond, then for the $3 , 000. If all of these matters can be accomplished by the end of I will authorize the City to ltoday, permits. ift its hold on issuing building Very truly yours, Richard S . Yugler RSY/1k Enclosure / cc: Mr. Randy Clarno �/ Mr. Thomas Hillier O'DONNELL, RAMIs, ELLIOTT & CREW MARI, P ODONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW CANSY OFFICE TIMOTHY V RAMIS IBI N GRANT, SUITE 202 KENNETH M ELIJOTT BALLOW & WRIGHT BUILDING CANBY.OREGON 97013 STEPHEN F CREW 1727 NW HOYT STREET 15031266-1149 CHARLES E CORRIGAN• PORTLAND OREGON 97209 .JOSEPH M SULLIVAN 15031222-4402 ADMINISTNATIVE ASSISTANT KENNETH H FOX -- MARGARET HAND SUSAN I BOYD SHARON L WII.LIAMS JEFF BACHRACH PILASC REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE KATHERINE A FLYNN MARK D WHITLOW OF COUNSEL • ALSO ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN STATE OF WASHINGTON November q, 1966 HAND DELIVERED Mr. Rick Yugler Attorney at Law 1727 N.W. Hoyt Street Portland, OR 97209 PF: Titan/City of Tigard: Notice of Commencement. and Complet'.on of Asphaltic Overlay Dear Mr. Yugler: This letter will serve to provide you with the notice that is required under Section l (e) of tr:e Supplemental Subdivision Compliance Agreement between the City of Tigard, Titan Properties Corporation, et al . Work on the overlay was commenced and completed on November 3 , 1986 . As required by the Agreement, I am sending a copy of this letter to the addressees indicated in Section 11 of the Agreement. Very, truly yours, 11 Timothy V. Ramis TVR:mch cc: Titan Properties Corporation City of Tigard Lutz Development Co. s CITY OF TIGARD MEMORANDUM TO: Randy Clarno FROM: Bob Thompson SUhJECT: Colony Creek I Subdivision DATE: November 4, 1986 The A.C. overlay has been placed on the above referenced subdivision to city standards. It is now ready for city acceptance. MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DATE: November 4 , 1986 TO: Randy Clarno, Engineering Services Manager FROM: Bob Thompson, Public Works Inspector RE: Colony Creek I Subdivision The A.C. overlay was placed on Colony Creek I Subdivision on November 3 , 1986 by Oregon Aiphalt Paving. All Streets have been overlayed. The Building permits can now be issued. The only items left to be completed are the sidewalks . BT/mj Elf ii h � I 1 A �I REDt.EN MCGAUGHEY YUGLER & ,._.CK A7TORNF.YS AT l AW 1727 N W. HOYT STREET♦ PORTLAND, OREGON 07209 (503) 242-0909 Michael Redden (eeAnn Callahant Robert J. McGaughey* 5tephany W'itson Richard S. Yugler David J. Jack '()t,gon& Washington pan ti vgm& Kar,,s Nan November 3, 1986 Mr. Randy Clarno c/o the City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hal]. B'vd. `Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Colony Creek Estates Dear Mr. Cla2:no: Please find enclosed a copy of my most recent corr.espondenc with Tim Ramis. Tim is getting very agitated about having the City withhold building permits on Colony Creek Estates. I have taken a hardline position with him as set forth in the enclosed letter. AlthoughTim is extremely upset about the City's withholding of building permits, I believe that this is the best leverage the City has to assure resolution of the many problems with this development. Please hold the line on this .issie and do not negotiate with Steve Bleak or Morgan Bleak on these provisions. I am ;also enclosing with this letter the original street dedication signed by Derhart Associates Inc. and Lutz Associates Inc. for tract A of the development.. I am also enclosing a ropy of a corporate resolution for Lutz Development Co. authorizing its signature to the Subdivision Compliance AgrE,ement. I am awaiting a similar corporate resolution from Titan Properties. I suggest that you maintain a calendar which would demonstrate the days on which Titan could have and should have commenced installation of the asphaltic overlay. I am very serious about adding Titan as a party to the rase unless it begins to tow the line. I anticipate adding them asp a party to tY.e case Miles~ they comply with the Subdivision Compliance Agreement within ten days. Please call if you have any further questions. Very truly yo s, Richard S. Yugle]6 RSY/lk l \J Enclosure i REL -EN McGALIGHEY YUGLER & kCK ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1717 N W. HOYT STREET *PORTIAND, OREGON 97201) (503) 242-0909 Michael Redden CeeAnn Callahant Robert ). McGaughey* " nnny Watson Richard S. Yuglcc Da,id J. Jack *Capon h Washington Ban tUrepon d Kansas Ban NAND DELIVERED November 3, 1986 Mr. Timothy Ramis Attorney at Law 1727 N.W. Hoyt Portland, OR Q7209 RE: Colony Craek Estates,; Dear Tim: Your eluant, Titan Properties Corporation, is presently in breach of: the Supplemental Subdivision Compliance Agreement concerning Colony Creek Estates. ''irst, the Agreement specifically provides, ecncurrent with execution of the Agreement, Titan v;ould provide a $15, 000 cash performance or other surety boni in order to secure the performance and completion of Titan's obligations to install the asphaltic overlay. [see pages 2-3 ; paragraph 1 (g) (i) ] Second, Titan agreed to provide, concurrent 4ith it, execution of the agreement , a maintenance bond in the sum of $3 , 000 to provide for the correction of any defective work or maintenance or repair becoming apparent or arising within six months after final acceptance of the asphaltic overlay by Tigard. [page 3 ; paragrap7 1 (g) ( i.i) ] Third, Titan has failed to provide a surety bond ir, the sum of $4 , 500 to secure: the perf.nrmance and completion o" Titan ' s obligations to inr. call si6ewalks and curbs. [pag(! 4 ; paragraph 2 Ml Fourth „ at the present tine, Titan has failed to timely install the asphaltic overlay which should have commenced no later *:,an November 1 ; 1986 , and must be completed ro later than FovEember 6, 1986 . To my knowledge, there is no written agreement that weather has prevented paving work. On the contrary, I undcrstanu C(DPY t �I Mr. Timothy Ramis November 3 , 1986 Page 2 from the City that there has been several excellent days in October for installing the asphaltic overlay. Furthermore, there has been excellent weather. since October 31, 1986 for commencing the work. In accordance witri paragraph 1 (d) of the Supplemental Subdivision Compliance Agreement,. Tigard is presently entitled to liquidated damages i.n the sum of $500 per day in addition to any other remedy for Titan 's failure to install the asphaltic overlay. In our conver;tion this day, you strongly requested that the City immediately issue bu.,ldinq permits, and I understand from Mr. Clarno that Stephen Bleak and Morgan Bleak have been demanding thatbuilding permits be issued immediately. The Supplemental Si.ibdivision Compliance Agreemant is quite specific on this point. Paragraph 6 of the Agreement provides that upon Titan ' s furnishing of all performance, completion and maintenance bonds, Tigard shall not withhold issuance of building permits on the ground that Titan has failed to comply with the Subdivision Compliance Agreement. Obviously at the present time Titan has indeed failed to comply with the Subdivision Compliance Agreement by its failure to provide the bonds and by not commencing the installation of the asphaltic overlay in a timely fashion. Without waiving any of the prov.-.sions in the Supplemental Subdiv4sion Compliance Agreement , I sLggest that Titan immediately tender all bonds that it has agreed to provide and that it immediately commence installation of the aphaltic overlay. I have enclosed with this letter two cash bond escrow agreement:. Titan should immediately execute these escrow agreements. It may select any financial inotitution of its choosing, including any bank or. even Transamerica Title Insurp.r.ce to act as escrow, and should tender immediately with the escrow agreement the sum of $4 , 500 as a cash performance bond for the sidewalks and curbs and $15, 000 for a performance bond for the installation of the asphaltic overlay. If I assume that Titan w? 11 complete installation of the asphaltic overlay by November r), 1986. then I would consider waiver of the requirement that Titan provide a $15, 000 performance bond for installation of the asphalti,y overlay and would consider waiver of the liquidated damage provision. Please keep in mind that we are not agreeing to waive these provisions at the present time, but only would consider such a waiver if the ■e Mr. Timothy Ramis November Z , 1986 Page 3 overlay is installed by November 6, 1986, and, further, that the City immediately receive the promised maintenance bond for the asphaltic ovarlay and the performance bond for the sidewalks and curbs. In our conversation you mentioned that Titan is unable to obtain a maintenance bond concerning the asphaltic overlay until after completion of the installation of the asphaltic overlay. Please keep in mind that Titan has agreed to furnish the ma.Lntenanc:e bond concurrent with execution of the Subdivision Com�+liance Agreement. If Titan orginally agreed to do this knowing it could not do so, then it may have committed a serious fraud. However, please bear i_n mind that the City would like to see this mattar resolved without further complication. I would therefore recommend. that the City accept an additional $3 , 000 as a cash maintenance bond in order to satisfy the - rovision of paragraph 1 (g) (ii) . Accordingly, I am enclosing a third cash bond escrow agreement. The above discussion and suggestions are not intended to act as a waiver of any of the provisions in the Subdivision Compliance Agreement, but are offered as a suggestion to aid the resolution of this problem. Should Titan immediately install the asphaltic overlay and tender the performance and maintenance bonds as set f^r*; above, then I would considei authorizing the city to begin issuing building permits. Unless Titan complies with its obligations under the .supplemental Subdivision Compliance Agreement, building permits will not be issue] and Titan will be added as a named defendant: in the pending Circuit Court action. Very truly yours, Richard S. Yugler R.'Y;lk Erclosures (escrow forms) cc: Mr. Thomas Hillier Mr. Randy c:larno O'DONNELL, RAMIs, ELLIOTT & CREW MARK P 0DONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW CANDY OFFICE I IMO1 HY V RAMIS IBI N GRANT SUITE 202 KENNE.THM ELLIOTT HALLOW & WRIGHT BUILDING CANBY.OREGON 97013 STEPHEN F CREW 1727 N W HOYT STNCEt 15031266"1149 CHARLES E CORRIGAN• PORTLAND.OREGON 97209 JO!iEPH IA SULLIVAN 15031222"4402 AIWWSTRAITIvt AWS"T KENNETH H FOX —_ MARGARET C HAND SUSAN I BOYD N.L.IL RT►L.In rronnAND UT ncr SHARON L V,'LLIAMS JEFF BACHRACH KATHERINE A FLYNN MARK D WHITLOW Or COUN$rL • .1b0 ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN 51Art OF WASHINGTON November 3, 1986 HAND DELIVERED Mr. Rick Yugler Attorney at Law 1727 N.W. Hoyt Street Portland, OR 97209 Re: Titan Properties/City of Tigard Dear Ricks Enclosed please find a cash bond for sidewalk improvements which I am submitting to you on behalf of Titan Properties. Please deposit it to the escrow which you are establishing for this purpose with instructions authorizing pro rata release of funds as the sidewalk is completed for each of the lots which are subject to the Agreement. Vi+r truly yours, A Timothy V. Ramis TVRsmch Enclosure cc: 'Titan Properties co OREGON No 10166009 1230230 BANK AN ORBANCO COIAPANY MEMBER FDIC PURCHASERT1 tun Properties _,__"__`___PORTLAND,OREAON November 3. _ !d 86 PAY TO THE #*******,p*CITY OF TIGARD************************ ORDER OF_._v --` —•BRisN�11•. Cashiers check '� --- -- tH0 0 ZONA URE nor � a w N 17684 CITtf OF TI��I ; 13125 S.W. HALL. BLVU. P.O. BOX 23397 Date.— �' v' ATIGAR, , OF 97 p3 i�1" (gy Name i. � Ada ess Lc c B1ocklMap :�Subdlvislon/Address I-ermit ft's Bldg. Plumb Cash Chec Sewer Ocher Other Rec. By Acct. No. Description Amount --- 10.432 Building Permi+. Fees _ _ -- 10.431.600 Plumbing Permit Fees 10.431.601 Mechanical Permit Fees 10.230.501 State Bld 10.433 Plans Check Fee 30.443Sewer Conne,,tion __ 30-444 Sewer Inspection _ 51.448 Street Syst. )ev. Charge _ 52.449.610 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge _.____ 52.449.620 Parks II Syst.Rev. Charge _ _ 31-450 _ Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge 10-430 Business Tax 10.434 Alarm Permit 10.227 Sall 10455 Fines • TrafficlMisdlPa_rking 10.230 CPTA TrafficlMisdl�iC Asst. 10.456 Indigent Defense 30.122 401 Sewer Service/USA 30.122.402 Sewar Service/City 30% 30 123 Sewer SevicelCity M_ah t���_ 30.125 Unmatched 31-124 Storm ralnage 40.4 �ancro t Prin. �ymt _ 40-471 Ibancro t Int. yrnt.J _ TOTAL RE. DEN McGAUGHEY' YUGLER JACK ATTORNEYS Al LAW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET ♦ PORTLAND, OREGON 9720'! (503) 242-0909 Michael kedden CccAnn Callahant Robert J. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yuglcr David.1. Jack. '(hegon Q Washington Bus ?Oregon a Kansw Ban HAND DELIVEPED October 21, 1986 Mr. Timothy Ramis Attorney at Law 1727 N.W. Hoyt Portland, OR 97209 RE: Colony Creek: Estates Dear Tim: This will acknowledge receipt of the executed Supplemental Subdivision Compliance Agreement which has been signed by you and your client as well as Mr. Hillier and his client. This will also acknowledge receipt of a check for the sum of $2 , 500 from Lutz Development Company. In order to complete the settlement of this m- `ter, the ^_.Ll.y of Tigard requires the following additional materials: 1 . an executed corporate resolution authorizing the designated representative of both Lutz and Titan to execute the Supplement-al Subdivision Compliance Agreement.; 2 . a bond in the sum of x4 , 500 to secure the performance and completion of Titan' s obligations to install sidewalks and curbs ; 3 . a cash band or other surety bond in the sum of $15, 000 to secure the performance and completion of t'itan ' s obligations to install the asphaltic overlay; and, 4 . a maintenance bond in the sum $3 , 000 to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance concerning tho aspnal.tic overlay , � U Mr. Timothy Ramis October 21, 1986 Page 2 Upon receipt of thQ above ,ponds and authorizations, the City of Tigard should begin issuing building and occupancy permits in a(7cor_dancn with paragrap}. 6 of the Supplemental Subdivision Compliance Agreement. Upon completion of the asphaltic overlay, in addition, then 'i.he City will dismiss the pending lawsuits in accordance paragraph 5. Please remember that the asphaltic overlay must bz:- installed no later than November 1., 1986. Please furnish the above bonds and documents immediately. Very truly yours, Richard S. Yugler RSY/]_k cc: Mr Thomas Hillier t.r. R3 'idy C .,ir.,,o x CABLE VAJLT A� NL PAD "",T EIET LIGHT . 0461 A L L *2- - 1 kV AL , PRIAAAkY CABLE TYPk-_` AL STREET DFTAIL - 5c) ' R/ vv FA,-`,, N0 Lk , DR . -"mum "Mm. INSTALL SERVICES AS INDICZATED , R/vv, c 3 L0 NY CQ , C-r. Wo I NSTALL, ft.'OTkEET Li6H-r WiRE 10 " , DX cj ro T K415 r. P, ► x INSTALL SERvICe v �VIRE AS INDiCATeD IN TOP HALF ANC) COMAA,-) UTILITY NEL'TkAL SJZ.E A.5 , MA el W IT- � NDICATED IM LOWEP, HAtj= -amo. 50 K Lo V I I'll I I 11 ,C *I" I i��_ 11`� -­ TALL SE6� Vj(, E c: V"e- E f` 1 _1E AS 11wQDICATED IN Fl. I-L P ?4A L F= Ao40 I N 2 o"r rc R HALP' Nrz J'r R<AL SIZE -ro ee *4 ct). rApr_V -7C N P, _rb0 Tb Iic .1er-r IN ,-.yTALL_ Wii-ZE .514e: AS fMD), CATF M J 1J. A ctc,4 dE 4 -D i tJ TOP 4ALJ= APJC) LOWER, 0 U w 1-4 A L F A tDNE - LINE 4. CwVbs> op IS $Z004 DIReC7LV FRCIM T�<AN.S1=owjveR. . 0 'A K10TES COL0WY Cp, . .701 -1. OF RG,E , TR EN,- H k/w N% E t\ f1J b fE W A L K Z) FANNO CR . 01R. f-,01 32. ' P/AJEO .�? i'OEANJUEkING ALL LOTS -ro EA'!:,F, 4AF-N_'r O�Q F;�,>J- L-Cf7 4) P. -rRE�sj c_*4 ► K)G TO PkOVIDIEE ol ANU X, _ j " GS * 4'/,. ALL ELEC7-RiC TE L ` 0 C_rC_ L S.S tAll e Lj vq P E 62o as 3c) I-ow c C10e 9' �5^DKVA-AO * ffo vc rovv a 0 -r_Osvi'77 V7— /0 CV DK ;57 , 7 X !JZ:�c�c� Kvjk 4_ 77, _r1t,46 - - J . K o j<vv C -rA'- 2- 3 7 9 14 14 ' a 01 v F_x t 111141) to 5% 4� ,c� � ,� i, vv��. ., # r 1. _ _ � W 1 11 4 I'll 4 .0o. PuTURE 4 4 .•..... -swam- I..www Fawn_ Adofto LIN 1"r To wm w o u s e 5 wow 6L dWA�V�. aftow*V w-.o do"mm • -5 9%V. D ia -mm-M fko;oe -f oTlLory EA:�E. Mp W -T- af-tr. &ikl .5'ard- � �' Ul� 5 10 e!,%s MF.,,J"r COLONY ( � AGC ES 5 CREEK (1 0 u IRT mevir J_ dam A L Od Vo Ak. e z-r z U Q P L tE zo Z 7 241 V F J T A T -rA C t4 E L4 (8 Le L) FEE c E D L L V 6-- e."xi I- PO-L btt�vc�. ) 13 40 :577 Wine /A,/ _TrA"0 60 k,VA to Aso Al 0 PORTLAND —- GF- NER-AL ELECTRIC COMPA N Y 10 x ;2 WESTERN DIVISION (000 K04H PH.643-5454 14655 S.W. LD SCHOLLS FERRY RD BEAVERTON 97005 2o, vv H TarA L_ DR R N - a - __ — - - [15—ATE- TITLEC,__ 3 .__ 19 JOB 'T ION -7 TRACI 6 L 4-5 B LONY Ci�ZEEKGti _19W " V IFUNC CHIK . DAT' 71RCUIT JNo- Y I 1,J G 1, o aki - /,, _�> �C T ION c E 05 Z/ SC A C21 11 REVDAT�E BY. 10 DUPLEKE5 APPROVAL SHEET OF ESTATES -1 rt. :3 OF tf clI 1 I I � .�till Ippil ffu Ill 111f I 1k ___ - _..__ - I rill � IIT I R�I �71i � I _ , 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 ICI 11 i NOTE IF THIS MICROFILMFD DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN 'MIS NOT I%-, ].T IS DUE TO THF QUALM OF' THF 0R1(;jNALis DRAWING. OE 62 OZ 12 92 S? V? C? 22 IZ 02 61 81 LI 91 si t, I E1 21 11 01 -6 9 t 9 S �-c 2 1 rr A 46r� v I alhodl 11114whill 9A _T T T AT ra f=ASErV f'N I �` W 50' Rf W K'�W i F,' r tr.- �irrc.rrrrneN� w i5 � I F.�aEME��I�t krrtIry _..._�--y► 5, f I 11SkMriNl' I L� - CASfmii-Nr le--- -� 14' Of -- 1 C -- ---- ._, 2,59' 2�i"/, 2g�♦� _- ��� '�� c Y �(� _.__. _- r s .. � L.I.LASS rL"/q.(T _ __ ._... _ __ _ ____. �1 �,- - I s C ��f] r. 51DE'JVALV KAEAJiDE1 - I 5 SIDEWALK MEANDERC U L� E I�UT EU , I c.Lr1S�a G AC WITHIN 2/W AkEA (1801 F1 SIOES) *J�7T'E; 1 I"C.LA51S G A.G* WITHIN RIWN EAaEMENT( 1�1 SIDF.�) L . • Q a , c;uRb 2'c.L_A��"G'A,G. LL R��A 2' 5"G"A•O, ' D w G"3 -O',.RLI5HEU arcIC4�A vFL- 2�GI ASF��C:'A G ^ vs , <u• V-O'CRU5HEU ROLXIC-,IZZAVF_•L 2' 3/4-OC,KuSHE0 R0(-, L GRs•-.VEI_ ONE INCH OVE_�LAI FZEW'G 2" -'5/4"-C)`GEED ROC-X G- RAV/ L "d ♦ �I • �- 5 O"c.KUlc*4EL7 RL�CJC%RAVEL WITNI'� r�t�lE YEAR OF CA0QC V 2"-•O• UZUSHED R�xK/GLV �'�� 3 �� z FEB 0 2 1979 -TEMPORARY �,GC-l=55 f�'rC� C�TI�N � E n� AT 2�6,Hr T �-ruc Acc.��TA.xE, cF T> u �- �li r R1..,DEN McGAUGHEY YUGLER JACK AT-FORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.V. How STREET ♦ PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 (503) 242-0909 Mir hael Redder CeeAnn Callahant Robert J. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Rid barn' S Yugler David J. )ack hrKnn& WashinRnm Hat+ trJrcRun& Kansas bars October 21, 1986 Mr. Randy Ciarno c/o the City of Tigaiu 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Coicny Creek Estates Dear Mr. Clarno: Please find enclosed the original Supplemental Subdivision Compliance Agreement signed by Titan Properties, Lutz Development. Co. , and their attorneys. I am also furnishing the original dedication concerning tract A and the ori.gina.i. check # 9181 .dedication the sum of $2, 500 Front Lutz Snyder. Enclosed also is a copy of my recent correspondence to Tim Ramis. As you can determine from this letter, there are additional documents that his client needs to supply. Specifically, the City of Tigard should withhold issuance of any buildi.nca )ermits until sucP t" rte as all cf the above documents have beer received. I will furnish to you these documents as soon as Tim Ramis bids provided them to me. Please call if you have any questions, Very truly yours, 4 Richard S. Yugle I-SY/lk EncJosure tl 7 'z e ejle 4- e� lc4- )P'Fell.s 7Zr, lo"27 - 11 7Z e-7-1 1'7L- CASH BOND ESCROW AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this 20th day of October, 1986, between the CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, hereinafter termed the "City" , and Titan Properties Corporation, hereinafter termed the "Principal", and U.S. National Thank of Orego hereinafter termed the "Bank" V I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, the Principal has heretofore executed a Supplemental Subdivision Compliance Agreement, with respect to the development and improvement of Section 12 , Township 2, South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, known as Colony Creek Estates, a copy of said agreement being attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Principal has proposed to the City that there be entrusted to the Bank the sum of $3 , 000 as a maintenance bond to assure the City that the costs of any correc`�ion of any defective wor : or maintenance or repair, relating solely to the requirements of section 1 of the attached Supplemental Subdivision Compliance Agreement, becoming apparent or arising within six (6 ) months after final acceptance by the City of the asphalt-Lc overlay installed by Titan in Colony Creek 1states; and WHEREAS, the Bank has agreed to take title to and hold in a trust capacity the yam of $.3 ,000 and horeby acknowledges cus,ody thereof, to be held pursuant to the terms and provisions of said Compliance Agreement and this Cab i Bond Agrq.ment and It is desired hereby to set forth and more fully define conditions applicable to said cash bond. NOW, THEREFORE, if. the Principal shall faithfully observe and timely comply with the development and improvement requirements of the City relating to section 1 of said Compliance Agreement, and all statutes, ordinances, regulations, and conditions applicable to the improvement described in section 1 of the Compliance Agreement, and if the Principal shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken thereby and hereby to be performed and shall promptly make payment to all persons supplying labor or material for prosecution of the work, .and if the Prim ipal shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the City on account of any labor or material furnished, and if the Principal shall promptly pay all contributions or amounts due the State Industrial Accident Fund and the State Unemployment ICASH BOND ESCROW AGREEMENT - Paae 1 of 3 Compensation fund, and shall promptly as due make payment to the person , co-partnership, associate or corporation entitled thereto of the monies mentioned in Chapter 279. 320 and 279. 510 ORE, and shall ;promptly comply with all withholding and payment requirements of Chapters 316. 162 to 316 . 212 ORS --lith r.esp,�ct to the collection of taxes at source, then, upon furnishing written evidence from the City to the Bank that all City requirementE relating to section 1 of the Compl-'-.ance Agreement have been fulf-'.11ed, then the Bank shall. thereupon release to the ?rincipal the said Cash Bond deposit; PROVIDED, however, that the obligations hereof shall noc apply to any money loaned or advanced to the Principal or to any sub- cont`ractor or other person in the performance of any such work whether specifically provided for by contract -)r otherwise. I):, however, the Principal shall fail to li`erally co.nply Hith all of the aformentioned requirements , or shall ! n any p�:.rticuLar perform the work in a defec-:ive manner, upon 10 day, notice by the City to the Principal and such default or failure continuing thereafter, the City is hereby authorized to have said obligations performed or brought into conformity, and the City shall be, and it is hereby authorized to charge the same against the eitrusted cash deposit and the Bank ag:-eyes to pay therefrom all amounts certified by the City to be chargeable thereto. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute acceptance by the City of any responsibility for development or construction by the Principal nor shall the City by reason thereof becom,_) ot,ligated to any person or property owner for any lose or damage arising by reason of the manner in which said improvements were developed or constructed or maintained. Further, the City be, and it is hereby, author'.,-,ed in addition to the foregoing, in the event: of such default on the part of the Principal , to charge against said funds all costs incurred by the City including attorney ' s fees in enacting compliance therewith or herewith, and the Bank agrees '.:o disburse said funds for said purposes upon certification thereof by the City. Upon fulfillment of the foregoing in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof , the Ci',:y agrees to furnish a certificate cr rt-lease of said deposit :.r such portions thereof as shall remain .:iter fulfillment of the requirements hereof. The City also agrees to the release. of said deposit upon submisF!ion to the City by the Principal of a maintenance bond from a qualified corporate surety in the amount of $3 ,000. CASH BOND ESCROW AGREEMEN'P - PAGE 2 of 3 A Any and all escrow fees will be borne equally between the City and the Principal . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the city has caused this agreement to be ex ,uted by an authorized staff representative and City Recorder and the Principal and the Bank have affixed their corporate signatures on the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY: CITY OF TIGARD OREGON by_ Recorder PPI14CIPAL: TIT N PROPERTIES CORPORA'TIOII by by / ---_ (Attach Personal , Partnership, or by Corporate - �- Acknowledgment here) by I ��;,Qi�_(11�►`'dam .__ _ by---- by— CASK{ BOND ESCROW AGREEMENT - Page 3 of 3 SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT This agreement dated this day of 1986 between the City of Tigard, a municipal corporation organized and existing in the State of Oregon (herein "Tigard" ) , Lutz Development Co. , an Oregon Corporation (hereir, "Lutz" ) and Tita-i Properties Corporation, an Ozegon Corporation (herein "Titan" ) . Whereas Tigard and Lutz, in addition to Der-Hart ' Associates, In_. (herein "Der-Hart" ) entered into a Subdivision Co,.ipliance Agreement on Ma.c ^h 13, 1979 with Tigard concerning a subdivision plat kno-n as : COLONY CREEK ESTATES, located in Section 12, Township 2 south, Range 1 west, wiiiurnette Merldiar;, Washington County, Oregon (herein "Colony Creek Estates" ) ; and Whereas Tigard has commenced in action in the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon for the County of Washington entitled: Cit.), of Tigard, Oregon, a municipal corporation , Plaintiff vs . Lutz Development Co. and Der-hart Associates, Inc . , a Joint Venture ; and FiJelit.y and Deposit Company of Maryland, a Maryland Corporation, Case Number 85-1601 C, which requests specific performance and damages for breach of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement and seeks recourse on a surety bond issued in favor of Lutz and Der. -Hart; and Whereas on March 15, 19bl Titan purchased from Lutz and Der-Hart certain real property and lots located in Colony Creek Estates, to-wit ; Lot numbers 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, E, 11 , 12, 13, ly , 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, and 24; and Titan has assumed the obligations of Lutz and Der-Hart pursuant to a land sales contract to perform the Subdivision Compliance Agreement ; and Whereas Lutz has commenced an action against Titan, Der- Hart, and others in the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon for the County of Washington, Case No. 8E-0564 C, for specific performance of its land vale contrsct with Tita;. and Lut_ . NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein, the undersigned parties agree as follows : I . Asphaltic Overlay : Titan shall install and plane an asphaltic overlay on all roads and streets within the Colony Creek Estates development, including S .W. Co' ony Creek Court and S.W. Fanno Creek Drive, as shown or: Attachment A to this agreement , which is incorporated herein. (it ) Time: Titan shall commence installment of the asphaltic ovo--- lay no later than Novemb(-r 1 , 19FU arid shall complete I -SUPPLEMENTAL SLIE31)IV1SION COMPLIANCE: AGREEMENT installation of the asphaltic overlay within 5 days of commencing installation of the asphaltic overlay unless the parties mutually agree in writing that the weather has prevented paving work . (b) Costs: All costs, expenses, charges, and fees, including, but not limited to, all materials, labor, engineering, survey, and transportation costs, and workers ' compensation and liability insurance, shall be paid by Titan, and Tigard shall not be respinn ible for any such costs, expenses, charges, or fees incurred or resulting from the installation of the asphaltic overlay. (c) Specifications : The asphaltic overlay shall consist of a minimum of rine inch (1 " ) to one and one-half inch ( 1-1/2" ) class "C" asphaltic concrete which shall be installed and graded in accordance with public_ improvement standards and specifications for public works construction as adopted by Tigard. (d ) Ligjidated Damages : The undersigned parties agree that timely performance of the obligations in this section is a material term and of the essence to this agreement ; that there is great difficulty to prove a specific amount of loss associated with delay in the performance of these obligations; that substantial inconvenience to the public will result from delay in the performance of these obligations ; that it would be in- convenient and not feasible to obtain en adequate remedy for such delay; and that the parties have mutuati; considered the amount of harm to Tigard and the public resulting fron any such delay which the parties have reasonably anticipated to be in the sum of five hundred dollars ( $500 . 00 ) per day . Therefore, in addition to any other remedy for damages for breach of this agreement, Titan agiees to pay Tigard the sum of fiver hundred dollars ( $500. 00 ) as liquidated damages, and not ens a penalty, for each day of delay from the promised commencement or completion, or both, relating to the installation of the asphaltic overlay. (e ) Notice: Titan shall provide Tigard with written notice of the dates of commencement and of completion of the installation of the asphaltic overlay. Titan shall provide reasonable notice to property owners in Colony Creel: Estates of the dates and time of the installation of the asphaltic overlay in a manner to minimize the inconvenience of access during the installation . ( f ) oval : Upon receipt of the notice of commencement and completion set forth in 1 (e ) , Titan shall determine whether the installation of the asphaltic overlay has been accomplished to its satisfaction and shall provide notice to 'Titan of its approval or of bny deficiencies or required corrections . (g ) Bond: To insure compliance with the provisions of this agreement relating to installation of the asphaltic o-Erlay, Titan 2 -SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGRLEMENI tenders herewith to Tigard, concurrent with its eKecution of this agreement, the following: ( i ) a good and sufficient performance bond, cash bond, or other security determined by Tigard to be adequate in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ( $15, 000. 00) , the terms of which are expressly incorporated herein, to secure the performance and completion of Titan ' s obligations to install the asphaltic overlay in accordance with the terms of this agreement; (ii ) a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the sum of three thousand dollars ( $3, 000 ) , the terms of with are expressly inco,:porated herein, to provide for the correction of any defective work or maintenance or repair becoming apparent or arising within six (6 ) months after final acceptance by Tigard . 2 . Sidewalks anu Curbs: Titan shall install and place all sidewalks and curbs parallelling the street for the following lots, to wit: Lots 3, 1.3, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, and 24 of Colony Creek Estates . (a ) Time: Titan shall complete installation of all sidewalks and curbs identified above within a period of time no later than one ( 1 ) year of the effective of this agreement . (b) Sequence : Titan shall not be required to install sidewalks and curbs in any particular sequence, except that the installation of sidewalks and curbs for the first or ir..itial lot shall coincide and occur at the same time as the installation of the sidewalks and curbs for all lots in Colony Creek EFtates that have been developed and lick sidewalks or curbs , including, but not limited to lot number three ( 3 ) . (c ) Costs : All costs, expenses , charges, or fees, including, but not limited to, all materials, labor, engineering, survey, and transportation costs, or workers ' compensation or liability insurance, shall be paid by Titan and Tigard shall not. be responsible for any such costs, expenses, charges, --ir fees incurred or resulting from installal - on of the sidewalks and curbs pursuant to this agreement . (d ) Specifications : The sidewalks and lots shall be riade of o,.ly sued—materials and small. follow such designs in acccruance with the public improvement standards and specification. for pullic works construction, as adopted by Tigard . te ) Liquidated Damages : The undersigned parties agree that timely installation of sidewalks and curbs in this section is a material term and of the essence to this agreement ; that there is great difficulty to prove a specific amount of loss associated with the failure to install sidewalks curbs within the one ( 1 ) year period provided in section 2 (a ) ; that substantial 3 -SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE: AGREEMENT w inconvenience to the public will result from delay in the performance of these obligations ; 'that it would be .inconvenient and not feasibloe to obtain an adaquate remedy for any delay; and that the parties have mutually considered the amount of harm to Tigard and to tike pi.-iblic resulting from any such delay, which is reasonably anticipated to be in the sum of $100. 00 per day. Therefore, in addition to any other remedy for damages for breach of this agreement, 'Man agrees to pay Tigard the sum of $100. 00 as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, for each day of delay after one (1 ) year from the promised completion of the installation of sidewalks and curbs . ( f ) Bond: To insure compliance with the provisions of this agreement relating to sidt walks and curbs, 'Titan tenders herewith to Tigard, concurrent with its execution of this agreement, a good and sufficient surety bend ir. the sur, of $4, 500. 00, the terms of which are expressly incorporated herein, to secure the performance and completion of Titan ' s obligations to install sidewalks and curbs . 3 . Temporary Access Wim: Lutz shall pay, to Tigard upon execuE—I---7 oT--tfiis agreement the sum of $1, 500. 0 and upon payment of said sum, Titan and Lutz shall be forever discharged of their obligation pursuant to the subdivision, compliance agreement to remove the temporary roadway access which is identified on Attachment A as Tract "A" which exists between S.W. Colony Creek Court and S .W. 'call Blvd. 4 . Dedication : Lutz and Titan, concurrent with their execution of this agreement shall dedicate to Tigard , as set forth in Attachment B, the terms of which are expressly incorporated herein, the temporary roadway access identified above. Upon acceptance of such dedication, Tigard shall assume the obligation to remove the temporary roadway access, at its own cost and expense, and shall retain all rights, control and discretion concerning, the time, place, manner and circumstances , for removing the temporary roadway access . 5. Settlement of Lawsuits : Upon payment by Lutz cf the sura of "2, 5Cc.UFa6 provided herein, upon Titan ' s furnishing the performance, completion, and maintenance bonds as provided herein, and upon completion of 'Titan ' s obligations to install an asphaltic overlay as provided herein, Tigard shall dismiss Case No. B5-1601 C as against all defendants not in default , with prejudice only to Lutz and without prejudice and reserving all rights as to Lutz ' s successors , agents , sureties , or assignees and without costs , disbursements, or attorneys fees to any party: provided that defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland s*ipulates to the terms of said dismissal . U- Bu—I �l�din� and Occupancy Permits : Upon payment by Lutz. of the sur, 6T r-4-- 7N'-.T-O-, upuii Titan s furnishing all of the performance, 4 -SUPPLEMENTAL. SU13LIlVISION COMPLIANCE: AGRIA.MLNT completion and maintenance bonds, and upon eedication of the temporary accessway, as all provided herein, Tigard shall not withhold issuance of a building permit for Lot 3, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, and 24 on the grounds that Titan, Lutz, or Der-Hart has failed to comply with the subdivision compliance agreement. ; provided that all other requirements for issuance of a building permit have been met. . In the event that Titan fails or refuses to install sidewalks or curbs for any lot for which a building permit has been issued in Colony Creek Estates, then Tigard may withhold building permits for every remaining lot it Colony Creek Estates. Tigard may further withhold occupancy permits for any or all lots in the event that sidewalks or curbs have not been installed for such lot for which an occupancy permit is sought, provided that all other rea_uirements for issuance for an occupancy permit have been met . 7. Acceptance of Improvements : Upon satisfactory completion of the installation of the asphaltic overlay by Titan, payment of $2, 5041 by Lutz, and tender of all maintenance, completion and performance bonds as promised 'herein, Tigard agrees to tentatively accept all public improvements in Colo.,y Creek Estates, subject to completion, of the installation of the sidewalks and curbs as provided herein. Upon completion of all sidwalks and curbs as provided herein, Tigard will finally accept the public improvements . S. Independant Contractor: It is understvod and agreed between the parties 'twat Titan, and any of its agents , servants , or subcontractors, is and are independant contrators and not an agent , servant, or employee of Tigard . Titan shall be responsible for controlling the manner of performance of its obligations to install the asp'ialtic overlay and sidewalks and curbs and for the payment of al.l wages , and withholding of all State and Federal taxes , unemployment insurance and workers ' compensation, or other taxes associated with installation of the asphaltic overlay, sidewalks and curbs . 9. Inte ration Clause: This agreement shall not waive, relinquish, eliminate or replace any rights, remedies or ol,liaations previously existing under the sub•3ivision compliance ayreemen.t ; this agreement is supplemental to said agreement and shall not estop any party from .enforcing the terms of either the subaivision compliance agreement or this supplemental agreement or both . 10. Attorneys ' Fees : In the event that any action is brought for enforcement or breach of the terms of this agreement, Titan , Lutz and its sureties, promise eknd agree to pay, in addition tc the amounts allowable under this supplemental agreement as damages for breach and damages for liquidated damages, such sun as the Court shall adjudge as reasonable attorneys ' fvfFF� ani costs, both in the trial court and appellate court, it any • 5 -SUPPLE.ME:NIAL SUBDlV1S10N COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT 11 . Notices : Any notice required to be made or given under the terms of this agreement shall be delivered to the following address by certified or registered mail : City of Ti and c o Rand}, Clarno 1'f Sw hall Blvd . Tigard, OR M.3 Lutz Development, Co. Titan Properties Cor _ 12 . Effective Bate : This agreement shall be binding upon Tigard and have as its effective date the date on which this agreement has been approved by the Mayor, Recorder, and City Attorney of Tigard; however , the parties shall comply with their obligations as promised herein upon execution of this agreement by their designated representatives . 13 . Corporate Authorization: Lutz and Titan agree to provide, concurrent with the execution of this agreement , -co Tigard a verified corporate resolution authorizing their designated representative to execute this agreement . Approved as to form: City of Tigard by Richard S . Yugler Attorney for City of Tigard Titan Properties Cure imot I. ami6 by Attorney for Titan Properties Lutz UevelopmerJ�tL Co. somas �iil3iet Attorney for Lutz Development Cu. b -SU{'PLL•MENTAL SUBD1v151UtJ CwjI L1At,Cf. AGPELMLUT ♦(l .� 1 1�♦l +� 1.•l. r•.l •'•, a Is' _ � ♦ j " • ie � � • ��♦ •• \ •s' f � tiles • ii r r 1 .. 1�� i ♦ �. Q r w W : i�;� i �•.' Www-� t � � d $ :) I� �? � . w4-7 d .� iZ .Z� ..� tea. 1 .i•ry•• � � i� . :' It ■ e/ S = e� •M e.Y wa• p i Z � M Ylcy s. 1♦r ���«.� f 1 Z S VIA • 10 t s � I v s e- s ►- a ` t . t' 12 O'AM/!'Wq• M t I �. Z C C : : 4I ' s i Z � e C to I _• U 1► �I ci 1.0 ea s i.0 «a. _ ? O O . S U e•• = � � S o. : tom = ' 1••1 os L= •: •.11*ww :t •1 ` meg►t 3 :-'4 Z . • 7 . Az Z Q � •♦OSS t �3 • .,.. C1 r �� i � t ,� t" t. ♦ uo� • 10 St 0. Z. _.,- � � y, �.e♦ � � '�� ems•-► �r:r,C t� J y0 � •rl• r�/ + • r ✓.rt . PII �:Fs 7j '` 1 � Z t x �� _ _ \ • i , • '• ; 411( ,sl MIRA REL _EN McGAUGHEY YUGLEY & ,,ACK ATI OR N1 N S Al LAV( 1717 N W. HOYT STREFT • K)RTtAND, ORLG,ON 972w) (50:.1242-0909 Michael Rcddcn CeeAnn Callahant Roben J, McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yuglcr David J. Jack •cNtRix,A V(ashinvnn Ban to regon 6 Kuuas Bar October 10, 1.986 Mr. Timothy V. Ramis Attorney at Law 1727 N.W. Hoyt St. Portland, OR 97209 Mr. Thomas S. Hillier Attorney at Law 2300 First Interstate Tower Portland, OR 97201 RF : Colony Creek Estates Gentlemen: Please find enclosed Exhibit "B" to be attached to the Supplemental Sucdi.vision Compliance Agreement. Please have it executed by your clients. I have riot yet received the executed documents from your clients or the bonds and cash and corporate authorizations to be submitted with the Agreement. Should I receive these documents from you, they will be presented to the Mayor on October 20, 1986 , rather than October 13, 1986 . Very truly yours, Richard S. Yugler. RSY/lk Enclosure cc : Mr. Randy Clarno C(DPY MEYER, SEIFER b STEWART, PC PAUL P. ME-'EP ATTORNEYS Al LAW DANIEL J. SE IFEp J JOHN SPENCER 51EWART* 1000 W44.1.0METrC CCNTEF WASHINGTON OFFICE ELIz Aa ETH YEATS 12i S W. SAL.MJ.N STREE1 3300 SEATTLE-FIRST NATION..,. DAVID R. TRACHTENBERGI BANK BUILDING JAN D. 5090L PORTLAND, QE+EGON 97204-.'986 1001 FOU PTH AVENUE SU5AN G. WHITNEY (50,31 42r-0000 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98154-1001 RODNEr R. MILLS 12061 622-2075 MARK L. DELAPP 'ALSO ADMIT46i11$-OM JIVWWN :. . I; CEIVED October 3 , 1986 o=1i�W Kenneth f1. Elliott O'Donnell, Ra-mis, Elliott & Crew Ballow & Wright Building 1727 N.W. Hoyt Portland, Oregon 97209 Re: City of Tigard v. Kutsch Enterprises, et al. , Washington County Circuit Court No. 85-1385C Dear Ken: This will confirm our recent telephone conversation in which I confirmed our settlementof all matters :ori the above referenced file for the total consideration of $40 ,000 , inclusive of all principal , interest, costs and attorneys fees which might otherwise be claimed by the City of Tigard in this matter . I will prepare the appropriate Order of Dismissal with prejudice and without costs as to United Pacific Insurance Company and will also prepare an appropriate Relea-e and Assignment: of all claims by the City of -igard against all other defendants arid third party defendants in the matter and will present the: same to you along with the settlement proceeds upon receipt from our client. Thank you. Very truly yours, 7ME , S 'f r ER & STEWART, P.C. ohn 'pen ei Stewart JSS:pv CLIENT COPY CIT1f OF TIFARD� October 6, 1986 1�. �.. v�tEwn 25 Years of SeMce 1961-1986 Mr. . Richard S. Yugler. Redden McGauhey Yugler & Jack 1727 N.W. Hoyt Street Portland, OR 97209 Re: Colony Creek Estates Dear Mr. . Yugler: Please find enclosed the necessary documents for E::hibit "B" (Street Dedication) . The order of the final document sY,uuld be: 1 . Corporate or Individual - General partnership form fully executed. 2 . Legal Description 3 . Map to accompany legal description. Acceptance of these documents, as indicated on *`1F, bottom of the form, will be completed by staff and the Council (Mayor) . D11e to several public hearings on the October 13, 1986 Agenda, I have had to reschedule this item to the October 20, 1986 Rgerida. Please contact me should yju have any questions. Randy S. Clarno Engineering Services Manager RC/mj 13125 SW Hall Blvd,,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (5013)639-4171 COLONY CREEK STREET DEDICATION A tract of land located in the Northeast quarter of Section 11, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Mcriuian, Washington County, City of Tigard, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Colony Creek Estates, a recorded plat, Washington County Plat records; thence South 890 46' 28" East, 36.41 feet; thence Southwesterly, on a 45 foot radius curve concave to the east (the chord bears South 210 16' 05" West, 32.2.4 feet), a distance of 32.98 feet; thence North 890 43 ' 31" West, 105 feet; thence North 120 36' West 30. 77 feet; thence South 890 46' 28" East, 87 feet to the F -)int of beginning. mj/29 08 BO A� 4i, 71 � _ 4 f� {Q 1fQ7 n �0 40 no0 �Ve N 0 !��' r O N _ `In O a, j .� W N� � t17 � ►'= i 9 I az col OL f c s6 Y ce 09 Z► z► W .._.._ T ZbM,62 91 a0 S ,'► I �'s �� lG a ♦ y I�iVj7 M / IL-Li LI , W �,Az� M 6 96 �y ►' t� M N t Q c) v. cr- 8 In �' 11 In togI[7� V 1 LL %s s K) g t) I` ICQ�� _ » �b 1 d ti 2 P P� 1D tD -0 L21A ry�~� �'� �f'19 '�, h.F 0G r - Z► aL,4z of b 18n0o A33a�1 ' Cliff ,8a A3380 ONNVA ~ iffS�.� I"is �,�, f,+ ►f IA 6Z'68 Of t5 �- Z► �� 16'26 4z a d n� �m ^ In d d pm m ~m CD,rt v vo `'!f cD to u It CN °$ (D to 11� (D CC)N C Clo1 �1 Y ss n at 56 Q Of 96 z a 29 ED � �► ell �► C) N O c, 5Z 6A ,t12 r- - — L ) LC .N 96 R S ►f 96 n �- �. _ �9 I N j0• r N a, wry �. e 8 Io r . g 62 6I�01 1 - AOi m 9916 N 09 L,t - -L- - 3 m V O h I a (7J ? FD in 9 v °_ ♦ M p 1 yj.99 CU ` y 81 N N8 Or M ut n 12 \ i//n ii fr` C) 65 N N ie o J opo i t J J 0 = f L U� J OW C)W u� �H N INDIVIDUAL-GENERAL PARTNERSHIP STREET DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that _ Aohe— rededicate to the Public a perpetual right-of-way for street, road and utilit purposes on, over, across, under, along and within the following described real propert in Washington County, Oregon: To have and to hold the above-described and dedicated rights unto the Publi forever for rhe uses and purposes hereinabove stated. The grantors) hereby covenants that they are the owner(a) in fee simple and th property is free of all liens and encumbrances, they have good and legal right to gran the rights above-described, and they will pay all taxes and assessments due and owing n the property. The &mount paid for this dedication is g IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tho grantor(s) has (have) hereunto set his (her) (their hand(s) and seal(s) th!s day of —(SEAL) _(SEL (SEAL) (SEAL STATE OF OREGON ) gig. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON) 19! Personally appeared t,._ above named _ who executed this instrument And each of them acknowledged to me that this instrumen was executed voluntarily and freely. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires: ` ACCEPTANCE Approved as to form this day of _ _ , 19—_ By: City Attorney - City of Tigard Approved ah to legal descriptinn this day of 19 By: City Engineer - City of Tigard Accepted by the City Council this _J day of , 19 CITY COUNCIL,—c-1-TY OF TTGARD, OREGON By: City Recorder - City of Tigard (7173A) (7-A4) IRPORATION STREET DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that do hereby dedicate to the Public i perpetual right-of-way for street, road and utility purposes on, over, across, under, along and within the following described real property in Washington County, Oregon: To have and to hold the above-described and dedicated rights unto the Public Forever for uses and purposes hereinabove stated. The grantor(s) herebv covenants that they are the owner in fee simple and the property is free of all liens and encumbrances, they have good and legal right to grant their rights above-described, and they will pay all taxes and assessments due and owing on the property. The amount paid for this dedication is g IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation !:as caused this Street Dedication to `,e execur-a by its duty authorized, undersigned officers acting pursuant to resoluti.„ of its Board of Directors. Name of Corporation By: Preaident By: Secretary '-' ;TATE. OF OREGON ) as. )UNTY OF WASHINGTON) 19 Cersonally appeared and he who, each )eing first duly sworn, did say that the former fa -_ president and that the latter is the secretary of — a corporation,-and the seal affixe he ro. �ning Instrument is the corporad to te seal of said corporation and that said nstrumek. was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board If directors; and each of them acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and feed. Official Seal) Notary Public for Oregon --_ My Commission expires: ACCEPTANCE )proved as to form this _ day of By: City Attorney - r!1ty off Tigard-- r. ved �s to legal description this day of i lq Bv: City Engineer - City of Tigard cepted by the City Council this day of 19 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TiGan—, OREGON By: '173A/24A) City ecor er - City ofigar '-84) RE,_ )EN McGAUGHEY YUGLER & J ACK ATTORNEYS AT'LAW 1727 N W. HOYT STREET ♦ PORT1AND. OREGON 97209 (503) 242-0909 Michael Redden CeeAnn Callahant Rohert J. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yugler Reis Wilbanks Hoyt David J. Jack *Chegnn 4 Washington Har% t(hegnn h Kaneu Pan October 1 , 1986 Mr. Randy Clarno c/c the City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. Tiyrrd OR ':7223 P4 7( 1ony Crcey Estates Ur. Mi-. Clarno: Please find enclosed a revised Supplement�_i Subdivision Compliance Agreement that has been modif,.ed in acccrdance with my conversations with Mr. Hillier and Mr . hani_s . I have advised yo.: previously of '-he content of the ongoing neyotiaticcns concerning the terms of this Supplemental Compliance Agreement. Baged upon my discussions with Mr. Hillier an6 Mr. Ramic, I am advised that the terms set forth in this Supplernetttal Subdivision Compliance Agreement are acceptable to their clients, Titan Properties Corp. and Lutz Uevelopmertt Lo. The only add.itionall information that is needed to complete this document is the attLunrient of "exhibit B" which contains all documents re] E tir►a to dedication of the temporary accessway. Also, 1 need to obtain from Mr . Ramis and Mr. Hillier th- aduiess to which roti.ces may be sprit in accordance with page 6 of the Supplemental Subd.ivisior. C,)mpliance Agreement. I understand that this comlliance agreement will be prec,ented to the mayor for signature on October 13, 1986. I assume that the tpr-m-_ wa_11 be acceptable to the mayor . In the meantime, I will fuiward tj Mr. Hillier and Mr. Ramis, concurren* with this, cover 1--TT:�-, the Supplemental Subdivision A ireement fcr signature by Uicir clients; pr(-jvi-3ee3 that they insert the ^zcrmatic)rr, relating to iint_icec and that they ayrtee to initial "er:hib?.t. H", relating to dedication, once it ha3 be��n prov:cde:i. Very trr your^, Richard S. lugler R.:�Y!lk. F t i c 1 c s u r e cc: Mr . 'Timothy Ramis Mt . Tom Hillier SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT This agreement dated this day of 1.986 between the City of Tigard, a municipal corporation organized and existing in the State of Oregon (herein "Tigard" ), Lutz Development Co. , an Oregon Corporation (herein "Lutz" ) and Titan Properties Corporation, an Oregon Corporation (he:ein "Titan" ) . Whereas Tigard and Lutz, in addition to Der-Hart Associates, Inc. (herein "Der-Hart" ) entered into a Sub�i_vision Compliance Agreement on March 13, 1979 with Tigard concerning a subdivision plat known as: COLONY CREEK ESTATES, located in Section 12, Township 2 south, Range 1 west, Willamette Me:-.'.dian, Washington County, Oregon (hereon "Colony Creek Estates" ) - and Whereas Tigard has commenced in action in the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon for the County of Washington entitled: City of Tigard, Oregon, a municipal corporation, Plaintiff vs. Lutz Development Co. and Der-Hart Associates, Inc. , a Joint Venture; and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, a Marylond Corporation, Case Number 85-1601 C, which requests specific performance and damages for breach of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement and seeks reco>>rse on a surety bond issued in favor of Lutz and Der-Hart; and Whereas on March 15, 19bl Titan purchased from Lutz and Der-Hart certain veal property and lots located in Colony Creek Estates, to-wit: Lot numbers 1 , 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 , 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, and 24; and Titan has assumed the obligations of Lutz and Der-Hart pursuant to a land sales contract to perform the Subdivision Compliance 1%greemenL; and Whereas Lutz has commenced an action against Titan, Der- Hart, and others in the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon for the County of. Washington, Case No. 86-0564 C, for spQcific performance of its land sale contract with '"i tan anC, Lutz. NOW THERLFORE in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein, the undersigned parties agree as follows: 1 . Asphaltic Overlay: Titan shall inst..11 and place an asphaltic overlay on all roads and streets within the Colony Creek Estates development, including S .W. Colony Creek Court and S.W. Fanno Creek Drive, as shown on Attachment A to this agreement, which is incorporated herein. (a ) Time: 'Titan shall commence installment of L-he asphaltic overlay no later than November 1 , 1986 and shall complete 1 -SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION C0MPLIANCE AGREEMENT installation of the asphaltic overlay within 5 days of commencing installation of the asphaltic overlay unless the parties mutually agree in writing that the weather has prevented paving work. (b) Costs : All costs, expenses, charges, and fees, including, but not 1Tmited to, all materials, labor, engineering, survey, and transportation costs, and workers ' compensation and liability insurance, shall be paid by Titan, and Tigard small not be responsible for any such costs, expenses, charges, or fees incurred or resulting from the installation of the asphaltic overlay. (c ) Specifications : The asphaltic overlay shall consist of a minimum of one inch ( 1 " ) to one and one-half inch ( 1-1/2" ) class "C" asphaltic concrete which shrill be installed and graded in accordance with public improvement standards and specifications for public works construction as adopted by Tigard. (d) Liquidated Damages : The undersigned parties agree that timely performance of the obligations in this section is a material. term and of the essence to this agreement, that there is great difficulty to prove a specific amount of loss associates with delay in the performance of these obligations; that substantial :inconvenience to the public will result from delay in the performance of these obligations ; that it would be in- convenient and not feasible to obtain an adequate remedy for such delay; and that the parties have mutually considered the amount of harm to Tigard and the public resulting from any such delay which the parties have reasonably anticipated to be in the sum of five hundred dollars ( $5U0. 00) per day. Therefore, in addition to any other remedy for damages for breach of this agreement, Titan agrees to pay Tigaid the sum of five hundred dollars ( $500. 00) as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, for each day of delay from the promised commzncement or completion, or both, relating to the installation of the asphaltic overlay. (e) Not!.ce: Titan shall provide Tigard with written notice of the dates of commencement and of completion of the installation of the as,�haltic overlay. Titan shall provide reasonable notice to property owners in Colony Creek Estates of the dates and time of the inst�lllation of the asphaltic overlay in a manner to minimize the inconvenience of access during the installation . (f ) Approval: Upon receipt of the notice of conunerrcement and completion set forth in 1 (e) , Titan shall determine whether the i installation of the asphaltic overlay has been accomplished to it.s satisfaction and shall provide notice to Titan of its approval or of any deficiencies or required corrections. (g) .Bond: To insure compliance with the provisions of this agreemetit relating to installation of the asphaltic overlay, Titan 2 -SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT tenders herewith to Tigard, concurrent with its execution of this agreement, the following: (i ) a good and sufficient performance bond, cash bond, c,r other security determined by Tigard to be adequate in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ( $15, 000. 00) , the terms of which are expressly incorporated herein, to secure the performance and completion of Titan ' s obligations to install the asphaltic overlay in accordance with the terms of this agreement; (ii ) a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the sum of three thousand dollars ( $3, 000) , the terms of with are expressly incorporated herein, to provide for the correction of any defective work or maintenance or repair becoming apparent or arising within six (b) months after final acceptance by Tigard. Sidewalks and Curbs: Titan shall install and place sidewalks and curbs parallelling the street for the following lots, to wit: Lots 3, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, and 24 of Colony Creek Estates . (a ) Time: Titan shall complete installation of all sidewalks and Curbs identified above within a period of time no later than one ( 1 ) year of the effective of this agreement. (b) Sequence: Titan shall not be required to install sidewalks and curbs in any particular sequence, except that the installation of sidewalks and curbs for the first or initial lot shall coincide and occur it the same time as the installation of the sidewalks and curbs for all lots in Colony Creek Estates that have been developed and lack sidewalks or curbs, including, but not limited to lDt number three (3 ) . (c) Costs: All costs, expenses, charges, or fees, including, but not limited to, all materials, labor, engineering, survey, and transportation costs, or workers ' compensation or liability insurance, shall b,- paid by Titan and Tigard shall not be responsible for any such costs, expenses, charges, or fees incurred or resulting from installation of the sidewalks and curbs pursuant to this agreement . (d ) Specifications : The sidewalks and lots shall be made of only suC materials and shall follow such designs in accordance with the public improvement standards and specifications for public works construction as adopted by Tigard . (e ) Liquidated Damages: The undersigned parties agree that timely installation of sidewalks and curbs in this section is a material term and of the essence to this agreement; that there is great difficulty to prove a specific amount of loss associated with the failure to install sidewalks curbs within the one ( 1 ) year period provided in sec�ion 2 (a ) ; that substantial 3 -SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT inconvenience to the public will resu)-t from delay in the performance of these obligations; that it would be inconvenient and not feasible to obtain an adaquate remedy for any delay ; and that the parties have mutually considered the amount of harm to Tigard and to tho public resulting from any such delay, which is reasonaaly anticipated to be in the sum of $100. 00 per day. Therefore, in addition to any other remedy for damages for breach of this agreement, Titan agrees to pay Tigard the sum of $100. 00 as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, for each day of delay after one (1 ) year from the promised completion of the installation of sidewalks and curbs . (f) Fond: To insure compliance with the provisions of this agreement relating to side walks and curbs, Titan tenders herewith to Tigard, concurrent with its execution of this agreement., a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $4, 500. 00, the terms of which are expressly incorporated herein, -to secure the performance and completion of Titan 's obligations to install sidewalks and curbs . 3 . Temporary Access Way: Lutz shall pa to Ti�ard upon execu low`n of tfiis agreement the sum of $2, 50 .0 and upon � pE,yment of said sum, Titan and Lutz shall be forever discharged of their obligation pursuant to the subdivision compliance agrf,ement to remove the temporary roadway access which is ide. tified on Attachment A as Tract "A" which exists between S.W. Colo.!y Creek Court and S.W. Hall Blvd. 4. fadication: Lutz and Titan, concurrent with their execution of this agreement shall dedicate to Tigard, as set forth in Attachment B, the terms of which are expressly incorporated herein, the temporary roadway access identified above. Upon acceptance of such dedication, Tigard shall assume the obligation to remove the temporary roadway access, at its own cost and expense, and shall retain all rights, control and discretion concerning the time, place, manner and circumstances, for removing the temporary roadway access. 5. Settlement of Lawsuits: Upon payment by Lutz of the sum of $2, 5 IJ� provided f?.ere'in, upon Titan ' c furnishlna the performance, completion, and maintenance bonds as provided herein, ant] upon completion of Titan ' s obligations to install an asphaltic overlay as proiided herein, Tigard shall dismiss Core No. 85-1601 C as against all defendants not in default, with prejudice only to Lutz and without prejudice and reserving all rights as to Lutz ' s succe3sors, agents, sureties, or assignees and without costF , disbursements, or attorneys fees to any party; provided that defendant fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland stipulates to the terms of said dismissal . 6. Building and Occupancy Permits : Upon payment by Lutz of the sum o7 $2, 500-. i'r, upon Titan s fur. nistiing all of the performance, 4 -SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT ILK completion and maintenance bonds, and upon dedication of the temporary accessway, as all provided herein, Tigard shall not withhold issuance of a building permit for Lot 3, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, and 24 on the grounds that Titan, Lutz, or Der-Bart has failed to comply with the subdivision compliance agreement; provided that all other requirements for issuance of a building permit hove been met . In the event that Titan fails or refuses to install sidewalks or curbs for any lot for which a building permit has been issued in Colony Creek Estates, then Tigard may withhold building permits for every remaining lot in Colony Creek Estates. Tigard may further withhold occupancy permits for any or all lots in the e•.ent that sidewalks or curbs have not been installed for such lot for which an occupancy permit iE sought, provided that all other requirements for issuance for an occupancy permit have been met. 7. Acceptance of Improvements : Upon satisfactory completion of the installation of the aspr,altic overlay by Titan, payment of $2, 500 by Lutz, and tender of all maintenance, completion and performance bonds as promised herein, Tigard agrees to tentatively accept all public .improvements in Colony Creek Estates, subject to completion of the instal _ation of the sidewalks and curbs as provided herein. Upon completion of all sidwalks and curbs as provided herein, Tigard will finally accept the public improvements . B. Independant Contractor: It is understood and agreed between the parties twat Titan, and any of its agents, servants, or subcontractors, is and are independant contrators and not an agent, servant , or employee of Tigard. Titan shall be responsible for controlling the manner of performance of its obligations to install the asphaltic overlay and sidewalks and curbs and for the payment of all wages, and withholding of all State and Federal taxes, unemployment insurance and workers ' compjnsation, or other taxes associated with installation of the asp )altic overlay, sidewalks and curbs . 9. Integration Clause: This agreement shall not waive, relinquish, eliminate or replace any rights, remedies or ob) igations previously existing uoler the eubdi.visiorn compliance agreement ; this agreement is supl,l,:rmental to said agreemF7t and shall riot estop any party from enforcing the terms of either the subdivision compliance agreement or this supplemental agreement or both. 1U. Attorneys ' Fees: In the event that any action is brought for enforcement or breach of the teYms of this agreement, Titan, Lutz and its sureties, promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts allowable under this supplemental ayreament as damages for breach and damages for liquidated damages, such sum as the Court shall adjudge as reasonable attorneys ' fees and costs, both in the trial court and appellate court, if any. 5 -SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIV1SIUN CUMPLIANCh AGREEMENT 1.1 . Notices : Any notice required to be made or given under the terms of this agreement shall be delivered to the following address by certified or registered mail : City of Tigard c/o Randy Clarno — 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 9 223 Lutz Development Co. Titan Properties Corp. 12 . Effective Date: This agreement shall be binding upon Tigard and have as its effective date the date on which this agreement has been approved by the Mayor, Recorder, and City Attorney of Tigard; however, the parties shall comply with their obligations as promised herein upon execution of this agreement by their designated representatives . 13. Corporate Authorization: Lutz and Titan agree to provide, concurrent w th the execution of this agreement , to Tigard a verified corporate resolution authorizing their designated representative to execute this agreement. Approved as to form: City of Tigard by _ Richard S. Yugler _ Attorney for City of Tigard Titan Properties Corp _ by _ ---Timothy V. Ramis Attorney for Titan Properties Lutz Development Co. by _ iThomas K. HITTier Attorney for Lutz Development Co. 6 --S U}'i'LL'MENTAI, SUBD1VISIUN COMPLIANCE AGREL•'ML'NT rr, _ I•• Of.its ` • r 3 I,jl �. 1�,1 ♦ I•I!1 1$•I' ,001 d `I' p,11• •11 4 tl I `� ~ r ' n V l •s• C t i � M 1 at a It tL to � u • V s /Al.M-to /.N.VIA a 0 • ,�1 • NK �MK �— / ••a 1 Y. w 1 o•K kn 1� � • '0. r� r� s� S ����•� r IAJ 111.04 %.444 s $.#.I3 its N = /tet*Jr s .1Z = '� •� = r • Rgj- W +-it-ii LL 1 n �? � �` 8 _ r7 Z ` • b r3 X Z U � Mt /.0 ,1.IM^ riQ /.•l,I.IM r �LY � ! C.Us .. .0 1 :z � ♦ tax I K,• , e, Q 3 10 4Lchi owl 7.1{ LI p • rn •Z wOpt e�t�� o • L •• ►- fl- = ,"1 _= ��'.f.— � - 1111 �'11i .I 1 • 0. lb } e 1 • jt I 1. / • •: , -' . t .. ., • ■ _ • . �yD , i'' � 3 moi;, • . ; Imo . i• _ ' � ` � REL-, N MI=GAUGHEY YUGLER .CK A 70RNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET ♦ PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 (503) 242-0009 Michael Redden CeeAnn Callahant Robert J. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yuglcr David J.Jack •UrrKon h Wuhingmn Han t0regon h Kansas Bars September 24 , 1986 i Mr. Randy Clarno City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Lutz Development CO. Dear Mr. Clarno: Please find enclosed a copy of the most recent letter I received from Mr. Hillier. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to con- tact me. Very truly yours, Richard S. Yugler lk Enclosure +GEN, ROBERTS, TREMAINE, KRIEC FaED M AER SCHMEER, O'SCANNLAIN & NEILL G AAv M ANDERSON LAWYERS MICHAELG ALLPORT DODG LAS G BECKMAN 2300 FIRST INTERSTATE TOWER DAVID C.BACA DUANE A.BOSWORTH 11 PATaIr n G BO YLSTON PORTLAND,OREGON 97201 PET[N M.BURRELL DOUGLAS F COURSON PIC HARD M GLICK' TELEPHONE 15031241-2300 MAOY CHAFFIN TIX 7THY W HELTZEL,►.r TELECOPIER 16031 776-0299 CLAUDIA M.COLEMAN" SEAN DONAHUE DAVID J K111Eti EFi,PC HUNTER B.EMERICK*'' MILTON C LANYTDN,P,C. ROD E LEW1S,JR WASHINGTON,D.C.OFFICE DOUGLAS E.DOE fRANK G.NAU$MANN,dR. O CHANCES MAURITj"' SUITE STREET. T/IOMAS S.HILLIER WILLIAM R MILLED JR. 2300 M ON.EEC.N.W. WILL'AM L LARKINS,JR. CHRIS L •�ULLMANN WASHINGTON,D.C.20037 JAMES S.SMITH" JAMES K NF'.� �A 12021 333•E400 PAMELA S.STEBBEDS DIARMAOfEaT D n0'SCA WALTER N.EVANS III JOSEPH M.VANLEUVEN :ONA L11O i O'SCANNLAIH OF COUNSEL TIMOTHY R,VOLPERT NONALD K RAGEN MARK A.WENTZIEN AiC HARD O ROBEaTS HARVEY W ROGERS MICHAEL H 6C NMEER.PC OREGON AND CALKORNIA BARS' VICTOR D STIBOLT OREGON AND WASWNGTON!APS­ ON AND TEXAS BARS' H STE WART TREMAINE,POREG .0 September 23 , 1986 OREGONANONEYORX fARf ' OREGON AND NLrADA BARS'"" OF COUNSEL GEORGE BLACK,JR. RICHARD E KENT WILLIAM A.MARTIN WATSION D ROBERTSON Mr. Richard S. Yugler �+ Redden , McGaughey, 0 ghey, Yugler & Ja17k D c �� I� 1727 N.W. Ho 'L Portland , Oregon 97209 U Re: Lutz Development Co. , et al . , �9P� v. Titan Properties Corporation, et al . Dear Mr . Yugler: Redden McGaughey Yugler & k ' This letter will confirm our conversation cor•oerning the Supplemental Subdivision Compliance Agreement you prepared. Bared on your representation that the City of Tigard fully intends to close the temporary access way from Colony Creek Court to S.W. Hall Boulevard at sr,•,le future time yet undeter- mined , Lutz Development has no objection to paying the City of Tigard $2 , 5G0 immediately in exchange for a discharge of any obligation with re,,Nect to the access way. As we discussed, Lutz Development is interested in severing its obligation regarding Colony Creek Estates as soon as possible . Lutz Development would propose that the agreement be modified so that the lawsuit now pending would be dismissed as to it with prejudice and without costs , disbursements or attorneys ' fees upon the successful completion of the following: ( 1 ) Payment by Lutz Development to the City of Tigard of the sum of $2 , 500 . ( 2 ) Installation by Titan Properties Corporation of the asphaltic overlay on all roads and streets within Colony Creek Estates Development by November 1, 1986 , together with its providing the City a satisfactory maintenance bond in the sum of $3 ,000 for the cori-ection of any defective work or maintenance or repair of raid ovorlay. RAGEN, ROBERTS, TREMAINE, KRIEGER, SCHMEER, O-SCANNLAIN tk NEILL Mr . Richard S. Yugler September 23 , 1986 Page Two ( 3) Receipt by trio City of a satisfactory bond in the sum of $4 ,500 , supplied by Titan Properties Corporation, to ensure inS1d1lation of all sidewalks and curbs on those pruperties as set forth in the draft agreement. I believe these terms adequately describe the contents of our conversation. Please call me if you need to discuss this matter further. Sincerely, RAGEN, TREMAINE, KRIEGER, SCHMEER, O' SCANNLAIN & NEILL Thomas S. Hillier TSH:rjs cc: Mr . Ralph E. Hillier w � e RED_ �N McGAUGHEY YUGLER & CK ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET ♦ PORTLAND. OREGON 97209 (503) 242-0909 Michael Redden CccAnn Callahant Robert J. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yugler David J. Jack "()rrRon do Washrrgion Bars tOregon h Kanim Har, September 17, 1966 mr. Ran•ly Clarno c/o the City of Tigard 13125 S.W. lull Blvd. Ti rd, OR 97223 Dear Mr. Clarno: PleE.oe find encloser] a draft supplemental aubdi vision compl ianc— agreemFnt. Please have this draft reviewer: by the proper authority and ar]vi se if its terms are acceptable tc, the City. copy of this letter is being forwarded to 'fr. . Ramis and Mc. Hil.liti , which encloses a copy of the draft for t,tei r revi.ew•. They have previously been adviser] that I would ; rcu:at.e an unaphrovcd draft for their consideration. TY(ey will ad ise me within the next few days if its terms are acceptable to t.hei, clients . Vee %my our h Ricl.ard S. Yugler RSY/lic f.nr-'lc,r,ure Mr . ".om Hillier s SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT This agreement dated this day of _ 1986 between the City of Tigard, a municipal corporation organized and existing in the State of Oregon (herein "Tigard" ), Lutz Development Co. , an Oregon Corporation (herein "Lutz" ) and Titan Properties Corporation, an Oregon Corporation (herein "Titan" ) . Whereas Tigard and Lutz, ii. F.ddition to Der-Hart Associates, Inc. (herein "Der-Hart" ) entered into a Subdivision Compliance Agreement on March 13, 19 '9 with Tigard concer.ninq a subdivision plat known as: COLONY CFEEK ESTATES, located in Section 12, Township 2 south, Range 1 west, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon (herein "Colony Creek Estates" ) ; and Whereas Tigard has commenced in action in the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon for the County of Washington entitled: City of Tigar-9, Oregon, a municipal corporation, Plaintiff vs. Lutz Development Co. and Der-Hart Associates, Inc. , a Joint Venture; and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, a Maryland Corporation, Case Number 85-1601 C, which requests specific performance and dal:cages for breach of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement and seeks recourse or. 3 surety bond issued in favor cf Lutz and Der-llai t ; and Whereas on March 15, 1981 Titan purchased from Lutz and Der-Hart certain real property and lots located in Colony Creek Estates, to-wit : Lot numbers 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 , 12, 1.3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, and 24; and Titan has assumed the obligations of Lutz and Der-Hart ,- irsuant to a Land sales contract to perform the Subdivisi. .. Compliance Agreement, and Whereas Lutz has commenced an action against Titan, Der- Hart, and others in the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon for the County of Washington, Case No. 8b-0564 C, for specific performance of its land sale contract with Titan and Lutz. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein, the undersigned parties agree as follows: 1 . Agr)haltic Overlay: Titan shall install and place an asphe�tic overlay on all roads and streets within the Colony Creek Estates development, including S.W. Colony Creek Court and S.11. Fanno Creek Drive, as shown on Attachment A to this agreement, which is incorporated herein. (a ) 'Time: Titan shall commence installment of the asphaltic overlay no later than November 1 , 1986 and shall complete I -SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEME'NT installation of the asphaltic overlay within 5 days of commencing installation of the asphaltic overlay. (b) Costs: All costs, expenses, charges, and fees, including, but not limited to, all materials, labor, engineering, survey, and transportation costs, and workers ' compensation and liability insurance, shall be paid by Titan, and Tigard shall not be responsible for any such costs, expenses, charges, or fees incurred or resulting from the installation of the asphaltic overlay. (c) Spec.'.fications : The asphaltic overlay shall consist of a minimum of one inch ( 1" ) to one and one-half inch ( 1-1/2" ) class "C" asphaltic concrete which shall be installed and graded in accordance with public improvement s,_andards and specification:; for public works construction as adopted by Tigard. (d ) Liquidated Damages : The undersigned parties agree that timely performance of the obligations in this section i:, a material term and of the essence to this agreemait; that there is great difficulty to prove a specific amount of loss associated with delay in the performance of these obligations; that su'Ustantial inconvenience to the public will result from delay in the performance of these obligations; that it would be in- convenient and not feasible to obtain an adequate remedy for such delay; and ti,m.t_ the parties have mutually considered the amount of harm to Tigard and the public resulting from any such delay which the parties have reasonably anticipated to 1^_ in the sum of five hundred dollars ( $500. 00) per day. Therefore, in addition to any other remedy for damages for breach of this agreement, Titan agrees to pay Tigard the sum of five hundred dollars ( $500. 00) as liquidated 'amages, and not as a pena'.ty, for each day of delay from the promised commencement or completion, or both, relating to the installation of the asphaltic overlay. (e ) Notice: Titan shall provide Tigard with written notice of thea3 tes of commencement and of completion of the installation of the asphaltic overlay. Titan shall provide reasonable notice to property owners in Colony Creek Estates of the dates and time of the installation of the asphaltic overlay in a manner to minimize the inconvenience of ac-ess during the installation. ( f ) Approval: Upon receipt of the notice of commencement and completion set forth in 1 (e ) , Titan stall determine whether the installation of the asphaltic overlay has been accomplished to its satisfaction and shall provide notice to Titin of its approval or of any deficiencies or required corrections. (g) Fond: To insure compliance with the provisions of this agreement relating to installation of the asphaltic overlay, Titan tenders herewith to Tigard, concurrent with its execution of this agreement, a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the sum of 2 -SUPPLEMENTAL SUL+DIVISIUN COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT 1 r' three thousand dollars ( $3, 000) , the terms of with are expressly incorporated herein, to provide for the correction of any defective work or maintenance or repair becoming apparent or arising within six (6) months after final acceptance by Tigard. 2. . Sidewalks and Curbs : Titan shall install and place all sidewalks and curbs parallelling the street for the following lots, to wit: Lots 3, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, and 24 of Colony Creek Estates . (a ) Time: Titan shall complete installation of all sidewalks and curb isdentified above within a period of time no later than one (1 ) year rf the effective of this agreement. (b) Sequence: Titan shall not be required to install sidewalks and curbs in a:iy particular sequence, except that the installation of sidewalks and curbs for the first or initial lct shall coincide and occur at the same time as the installation of the sidewalks and curbs for all lots in Colony Creek Estates that have been developed and lack sidewalks or curbs, including, but riot limited to lot number three ( 3 ) . (c ) Costs : All costs, expenses, charges, or fees, including, but not limited to, all materials, labor, engineering, survey, and transportation costs, or workers ' compensation or liability insurance, shall be paid by Titan and Tigard shall not be responsible for any such costs, expenses, charges, or fees incurred or resulting from installation of the sidewalks and curbs pursuant to this agreement . (d ) Specificat:L The sidewalks and lots shall be made of only such materia— and shall follow such designs in accordance with the public improvement standards and specifications for public works construction as adopted by Tigard . (e ) Liquidated Damages: The undersigned parties agree that tim-ly installation of sidewalks and curbs in this section is a material term and of the essence to this agreement; that there is great difficulty to prove a specific ariount of loss associated with the failure to install sidewalks curbs within the one (1 ) year period provided in section 2 (a ) ; that substantial. inconvenience to the public will result from delay in the performance of these obligations : that it would be inconvenient and not feasible to obtain an adaquate remedy for any delay; and that the parties have mutually consid_red the amount of harm to Tigard and to the public resulting from any such delay, which is reasonably anticipated to be in the sum of $100. 00 per da}- . Therefore, in addition to any other remedy for damages for breach of this agreement, Titan agrees to pay Tigard the sum of $1001. 00 as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, for each day of delay after one (1 ) year from the promised completion of the installation of sidewalks and curbs - 3 -SUPPL1sMEN'TAL SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT ( f ) Bond: To insure compliance with the provisions of this agreement relating to side walks and curbs, Titan tendefs herewith to Tigard, concurrent with its execution of this agreement, a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $4, 500. 00, the terms of which are expressly incorporated herein, to secure the performance and completion of Titan ' s obligations to install sidewalks and curbs . 3. Temporary A=cess Wim: Lutz shall pay to Tigard upon execution of th-s agreement the sum of $2, 500. 00 and upon payment of saiu sum, Titan and Lutz shall be forever discharged of their oLligation pursuant to the subdivision compliance agreement to remove the temporary roadway access which is identified on Attachment A as Tract "A" which exists between S.W. Colony Creek Court and S.W. Hall Blvd. 4. Dedication: Lutz and Titan, concurrent with their execution of this agreement shall dedicate to Tigard, as set forth in Attachment B, the terms of which are expressly incorporated herein, the temporary roadway access identified above. Upon acceptance of such dedication, Tigard shall assume the obligation to remove the temporary roadway access, at its own cost and expense, and shall retain all rights, control and discretion concerning the time, place, manner and circumstances, for removing the temporary roadway access . 5. Settlement of Lawsuits : Upon payment by Lutz of the sum of $2, 500. 00 as provided herein, upon Titan ' s furnishing the performance, completion, and maintenance bonds as provided herein, and upon completion of Titan ' s obligations to install an asphaltic overlay as provided herein, 'Tigard shall dismiss Case No. 85-1601 C as against all defendants not in default, without prejudice and without costs, riisbursements, or attorneys fees to any party; provided that defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland stipulates to the terms of said dismissal . 6. Buildirg and Occupancy Permits: Upon dismissal of 85-1601 C, as provided herein, Tigard shall not withhold issuance of a building permit for Lot 3, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, and 24 on the grounds that Titan, Lutz, or Der-Hart has failed to comply with the subdivision compliance agreement ; provided that all other requirements for issuance of a building permit have been met . In the event that Titan fails or refuses tc install sidewalks or curbs for any lot for which a building permit has Leen issued in Colony Creek FGtates, then Tigard may withhold building permits for every remaining lot in Colony Creek Estates . Tigard may further withhold occupancy permits for any or all lots in the event tl.at sidewalks or curbs have not been installed for such lot for which an occupancy permit is sought, 1 :)vided that all other requirements for issuance for an occupancy permit have been met . 4 - SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVlSlON CUMPLIANCE AGREEMENT s 7. Acceptance of Improvements: Upon satisfactory completion of the i—nstallation—of the asphaltic overlay by Titan, payment of $2, 500 by Lutz, and tender of all maintenance, completion and performance bonds as promised herein, Tigard agrees to tentatively accept all public improvements in Cclony Creek Estates, subject to completion of the installation of the sidewalks and curbs as provided herein. Upon completion of all sidwalks and curbs as provided herein, Tigard will finally accept the public improvements . B. Independant Contractor: It is understood and agreed between the parties that Titan, and any of its agents, servants, or subcontractors, is and are independant contratirs and net an agent, servant, or employee of Tigard. Titan shall L,- responsible for contr.,lling ,he manner of performance of its obligations to install the asphaltic overlay and sidewalks and curbs and for the paynent of all wages, and withholding of all State and Federal taxes, unemployment insurance and workers ' compensation, or otner taxes associated with instal.iation of the asphaltic overlay, sidewalks and curbs . 9. Integration Clause: This agre^-lent shall not waive, relinquish, eliminate or replace any rights, remedies or obligations previously existing under the subdivision compliance agreement ; this agreement is supplemental to said agreement and shall not estop any party from enforcing the terms of either the subdivision compliance agreement or this supplemental agreement or both. 10. Attorneys ' Fees : in the event that any action is brought for enforcement -o-r'—breach of the terms of this agreement, Titan, Lutz and its sureties, promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts allowable under this supplemental agreement as damages for breach and damages for liquidated damages, such sum as tl�e Court shall adjudge as reasonable attOLieys ' fees and cop's, both in the tri31 court and appellate court, if any. 11 . Notices: Any notice required to be made or given under the terms of this agreement shall be delivered to the following address by certified or registered mail : *y of Tigard c/o RandN Clarno - IJ125 SCJ Hall Blvc: . T., g a r G Il =2i �---- Lutz Development Co. 5 -SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDDIISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT Titan Properties Co~p. 12. Effective Date: This agreement shall be binding upon Tigard and have as its effective date the date on which this agreement has been approved by the Mayor, Recorder, and City Attorney of I Tigard; however, the parties shall comply with their obligations as promised herein upon execution of this agreement by their designated representatives . 13. Corporate Authorization: Lutz and Titan agree to provide, concurrent w:.th the execution of this agreement, to Tigard a verified corporate resolution authorizing their designated representative to execute this agreement . Approved as to form: City of Tigard by_ Richard S. Yugler Attorney for City of Tigarc', Titan Properties Corp by—__ _ Timothy V. Ramis Attorney for Titan Pr.opert:_es Lutz Development Co. --- -- by Thomas K. hillier Attorney for Lutz Development Co. b -SUPPLEMENTAL SUIJD1V1S1UN CUMPLIANCE AGREEMENT j J 1•.•. .� lo.oil o ' K 44 lot 0 1— �►. Y lilt; J •� t,ltl rl•h r �l '1 St fit ^ Z S �•1• x 1. �r l rj`w't r l•11 1l r CL � � II g .1 ,r 81it►�.tr 1•.c M L a r ■ a ! I 3 i i l v V Q D ; ILL Z e •1 : � - al ►-- I = - OA IN in ' ' 7.M"Alk = .1 1 1` kn .\la _ _` iQ .IM a 1�-- $ _ i �• I' JAZ 91-i7.v:LON 44 CG N ILI 4, µ Z p > r 1.•—i •.1—il d. a ,.tt ,.ON • = s i CL b0 12 -7A01i1MC= � � uHl 7:►LrJr rilt�i.lt.MJ■ » ` r gi ; a Y ro i _ w ,.r /l I /t .�_ Z � �It t i o i Z O Vt 1.►t Z V M t •�.O N^ 4 .5 • 1 s�v o 7t r L K [ l0 It lot v � i.A! •1..rw =I 11 c _ 17F !, W S li • , 1 � � .0N s Z Ini s +1.11«a �1 LL �i - -•' J •I e r t Q i Q ,rut = R" 9; • �,`• _ d It t- l.tl c. o M Qp U � +— : rlr �•a•Is• .•.._ISI -- = . ,e - rz /1 V• 1L r-. - 1.11 _ -i. >• : ,It N `1'I V to SW J Cid 6 ! . ► ' 1' a �, �'7 �, . •i ' •. �S • � '� : � 1 ■ ? • , \1 \1 1 � REi AN McGAUGHEY YUGLER b kCK ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET ♦ PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 (50.3) 242-0909 Michael Redden CeeAnn Callahant Robert I. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yuglet David J. Jack '()irgon h Washington Han t0tegou h Kansas Baa September 10, 1986 Mr. Randy Clarnc City of 'Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 RE : Lutz - Titan Settlement Dear Mr. Clarno: Mr. Yugler asked that I forward on to you the enclosed cony of a letter to Thomas hillier dated September 9, 1986 for yosr information and records. Sincerely, Linda Kosel Secretary to Richard Yugler lk Enclosure O'DONNELL, F?;\Mls, ELLIOTT & CREW MARK P. O DONNELL ATTOIRNF_YS AT LAW CANSY OFFIQS TIMOTHY V R BALLOW A WRIGHT BUILDING 161 N GNANT. SUITE 202 KENNETH M ELLIOTTLCANNY. OREGON 47013 STEPHEN f CREW 1727 N.W. HOrT ETNECT (503) 2E6.1144 CHARLES E CORRIGAN• PORTLAND,OREGON 47204 JOSEPH M. SULLIVAN (503) 222.4402 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT KENNETH H. FO% _-.-. MARGARET C. HAND SUSAN I. BOYO PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE SHARON L. WILLIAMS - KATHERINE A FLYNN MARK 0. WHITLOW OF COUNSEL •ALSO ADMIT'.[D 70 PRACTICE IN STATE OF WASHINrTON September 9, 1986 Mr . Thomas S. Hillier Attorney at Law 2300 First Interstate Tower 1300 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97201 Re: Lutz - Titan Settlement Dear Tom: This letter will report on the status of our discussions with the City of Tigard and provide comments on the draft settlement agreement. As you have requested, we are working with the City to resolve the unfinished overlay and other related issues . Mr. Yualer, representing the City, has requested that an agreement with the City be executed by Lutz and Titan simultaneously with the execu- tion of the settlement agreement. I have asked Mr. Yugler to immediately provide us with a draft for review and he has agreed. The City wants the overlay to be immediately completed . Titan is prepared to do this. The City, however , wishes to hold all ` building permits until the overlay is completed , while, we would prefer that permits be released and construction on the homes be undertaken simultaneously with completion of the overlay. We will be suggesting that "he occupancy permit , rather than the building permit, be used as the City' s leverage to ensure place- ment of the overlay . As we have agreed, Titan will 13e responsbile for the costs of constructing the overlay. The settlement agreement should be revised, however, to reflect that Lutz will be responsible for any maintenance bonds or other requirements which gc. beyond the cost of construction. Mr. Thomas S. Hillier September 9 , 1986 Page two Yugler' s proposed agreement will specify that Lutz is responsible for relocation of the temporary access. As I understand it, you are currently negotiating with the City to satisfy your obliga- tions in this regard with a cash payment. Three additional points relate to the settlement agreement . First, in paragraph l .A. , Titan would agree to interest at the judgment rate rather than the 12 percent rate specified in the draft. in the same paragraph, please provide me with your computations which serve as the basis for the $172 , 477 . 30 figure. I am sure that it reflects the "splitting the difference" approach which we discussed, but Mr. Bleak has requested the opportunity to review the computation. Finally, Titan is concerned that we are missing the market for the sale of homes and, therefore, requests an adjustment to the performance dates. Instead of December 15 , 1986, March 15, 1987 and June 15, 1987 , the specified dates should be February 15 , 1987 , June 1 , 1987 and August 1 , 1987 . We are anxious to conclude this matter as soon as possible so that Titan can get under construction before the weather changes . Very truly yours, Timothy V. Ramis TVR:mch cc: Mr. Stephen Bleak Mr . Mark Peterman, Esq. bcc: Rick Yugler, Esq. REL :N .McGAUGHEY YUGLER & ' CK ATTORNEYS Al LAW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET ♦ PORTLAND. CREGON 97209 (503) 242-0909 Michael Redden CeeAnn Ca.11ahant Robert J. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yugler David J.Jack *Oregon h WashmRron Bar, tOregoo.4 Kansas Bars September. 2, 1986 Mr. Randy Clarno City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 RE : Tigard v. Lutz Dear. Mr. C.larno: Please find enclosed a copy of the notice of trial and pre- trial. You will notice that the trial has been set for February 12, 199 and the pre-trial has been set for January 26 , 1987. Both of us need to be present at both the trial and pre-trial ; therefore, if you foresee any difficulty in attending either one of these, please contact me immediately. Ir—_,1 truly Ours, Richard S. Yugler CA lk Enclosure • KW _. .. _ I �� � 1.�' � �` -, ENT 1�, Vic•;' E.oF�EN4L'NT ,+ a I IZ' UTILITYt4rILOYn ES►'hT. ,..r.•+■� M 4011 so14 PARIES „�.5-- E�4SEwrenu r ' lea oG � M gig, Z /• �� +�j ` •- _.. - =_- --- - - �,'�aDE.WALK MEANGF_R r 0 2 979 a`.,C,"A.L I t,L:15� r q _. _ I r FEB C EX'1'I�UT'E[D - - , „ SIDEWALK MEQ I �UEI A c., C.UR.LS 2"GC.A�v"G'fi•G, "fi WITHLN 2�W F+k_F.A (�c71 f� �IGES•)'71� 4. 71� WITHIN R/W EAS�.MENI" E�JTIi :71DE5) ��/�'.�I�L_ 2"� y .�• +��"F � "CA.C. � � � � CITY OF TI 1=L 2 A G 0WSHEE) RCX.�tL GRs=✓El_ W_-, i (A-i v i�:A r 3ZF 9 + CITY GARU �� 1 �Gl U 2" �4- Ic'IJGiC�CafZA.I�L iX k4 �" 2`- O"cleu51•-IE.� ?G�r'.K/�RP.�EL_ �J rNir•I YEAk. OF C4411UC11. 2.'--O` c..KUSHE-L,7 FGGC..K/GRp,VEL_ �-� '3 a� �'IZ ' � � TEMPok,AR`L'__ _��SS _Pja`_� SELTI N Sem Pare ar R16Nr T�euTAn�6 AeCI�pT�4iuclE of -r�+t �< AM9op S a 9 + .. MENT T '�'F�IC'AL. 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N —� STREET FINISH GqRAVE _ 5. � rGp _` - —_.._.___•-_-.._.._ ---_.._ --- ------- —--_ ,.._:... - I _ _..�,_._._ __- .Y.. i 132 2 8'G.5 to i 1150. I N I rI I I _ �h v _ I 21 a 4 ._.._ _._.. OHO 5EWE R A 148 _ Io+rL�.► i� . _ LO _ A 144- Z 00 c-ONST o 1 UE vla0 P I I w _ _ E 4 � 9"OUT ! X 1 �T Y 1 - _ _.. _.._.-..�..__.._w_a.�+.+..__.__rr,rw_..r ._�r-r_.tir+_r_w_`.' -.'w ..1 _-•___. ...-_......-_-. _....._,_r.-._._...-. ... _...._+.«_w......w_w_ 13t00 12t00 t00 I .. ._.v:l�7+OC� 9 I I I +_00 5 4<DC 7t G+00 �,tc�0 Its ? 0+00 COLONY u EEK P4 T AT•ES 6 OF' 15 a - � \ �� ;n.r�-•.111 ►... -... .. - � _. �. ,y.•rr _. __ .._,_ y� •. .. 1 1 t�"� ! I I I I Imo) I I 7 r) III IIr III III i( III III 1171171 II r1I III ' ,I? �}t ,y I . �ri 1 1 III I 11(I 1 1 I IF I I E I I°� III 1' �1(I I I I I I i j t1 I I �r I I' I I I I 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 II 12 ' NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED -_--- DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICGS"TT IS DUE TO Pf QUALITY OF TIE ORIGINAL � DRAWING, OE 62 92 LZ 9Z SZ 12 EZ L2 iZ OE 61 01 LI 91 SI b1 EI 21 II 01 6 9 L 9 S 0 E Z I"��" 1 _. �►111unlnulunlunlnull111111u11nl�unulullullllllLluluHlI1111un�ulu�Illnllulr�+Ittlllultnllunlnulu111n111�IItIHt►iw�llnhtn�ll�rn�hrlllntl�nldlllr�1111111A�� r�hu111u111ulluul) u�Wtluu�lull u� � .. U TVA!A 24 1992 r_ �. .� w m ff fr m P'RCUIT CCUKT . STATE OF OREGr;J FOR WASHINGTON C,1UNTY COIJOT HOUSE ( ROOM 200) HILLSPiGRG. OREGON 97124 ( 503 ) 640-3429 SEF' D T0: YUGLER. RICHARD S he N,1910 b lack REDDEN A MCGAUGHEY �18I McGeug Y ,,6 ' 1727 NW HOYT STREET PORTLANDo, OR 97209 DATE OF NOTICE: 6/27/ 86 CASE NUMBER: 85-1601C NOTICE OF : PRETRIAL AND TRIS!, PLEASE BE ADV15EL) THAT: PRE-TRIAL HAS BEEN SET FOR 31 /26/'1997 AT 2: UO PH JURY TRIAL. HAS BEEN SET FOR 02/12/1987 AT 9: 30 AM PLAINTIFF * C1 TY nF TIGARD COUNSEL: YUGLER. RICHARD S V5. DEFENDANT : LUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO. COUNSEL: HILLIER, THOMAS S IMPORTANT : TRIAL ANDiiJR REPORTER FEE MUST BE SUBMITTED TO CLERK AT THE i I ME OF THE TRIAL. PLLASF NUTS THE FOLLOWING COURT RULES: I PRETRIAL APPEARANCES : THE COUNSEL FOR BOTH THE PLAINTIFF AND THE OEFFNOANT AND THEIR RLSPCCTIVE CLIENTS (CLAIM REPRF -, ENIATIVES WITH AUTHORITY WHERE INSURANCE IS INV7LVrD ) ARE REGAREO TC APPEAR ON THE ABUVE PRETRIAL DATE . RFOUESI FOR CONTINUANCESt IN ACCORDANCE WITH UNIFORM TPIAI_ COURT RULE 6.030 REQUESTS TC PU:; Tr'ONE SHAI.L UC 9Y WRITTEN MCTTCN AND AFFIDAVIT . n REL cN McGAUGIUY YUGLER & .CK Al i ORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET ♦ PORTLAND, OREGON 91209 (503) 242-0909 Michael Rrdden CeeAnn Callahant Robert J. Iv,cGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yogler David J. Jack `Oregon h Washing(on Has tO)regon h Kansas Han August 27 , 1986 Mr. Randy C.larno City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Choi Tigard vs. Lutz Development, et al Dear Mr. Clarno: Please find enclosed conies of two letter addressed to Thomas Hillier from 'Timothy Ramis, both of which were left in my office on August 27, 1936 . Please look over these letters and give me a call at your earliest convenience. Very tj�uly yours, Richard S. Yugler lk Enclosure -- - IH c 7 C re"C ,0,-e!Pf aef 19�mwer 7,zi — 1-411? /S ;tVA'f-f"SQA" _,,.V 7�/7/lA.1 T/Tiq/1i S�. E �COlN/�c�K LJ� �J �Tl7`D7y'JGdc, JJ r Sefl�orsao.� Lei f.C. �.�/ate O/DONNELL, RAMIs, ELLI0TT & CREW MARK P. 0.00NNCLL ATTORNEYS AT LAW CANDY eerier TIMOTHY V. RAMI5 BALLOW d WRIGHT BUILDING lel N. GNAN?. 6uoir 202 KENNETHLIi0%ELLIOTT CANDY.ORLGON 97013 STEPHEN F.. CRfN 1727 N.W. HDrTbtR[tT 15031 266.119 CHARLEO E. CORRIGAN• PORTLAND.OREGON 97209 JOSEPH M. SULLIVAN 15431 222.4102 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT KENNETH H. FOX MARGARET C. HAND SUSAN I. DOYD PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFPICE SHARON L. WILLIAMS KATHERINE A. FLYNN MARK D. WHITLOW OF COUNSEL •ALSOADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN STATE OF WASHINGTON August 18 , 1986 Mr. Thomas S. Hillier Attorney at Law AUG 27 1986 2300 First Intcrstate Tower 1300 S.W. Fifth Avenue Redden &1cGau hR Portland, OR 97201 v Yugler Jack Re: Lutz/Titan Dear Tom: As you requested, we have discussed with the City of Tigard the specifics of their demands which, if not satisfied, might jeopardize building permits for the project. Tioard ' s attorney, Mr. Rick Yugler , points out that the complaint identifies three issues: (1) the addi-L.ional lift; the construc- tion of curbs for six lots; and (3) closure of the temporary access and all expenses related thereto. In the settlement agreement, we have agreed to pay the cost of the lift and to assume responsibility for curbs on the six lots. The burden of the expenses related to the closure of the temporary accesss remains with Lutz. The intention of our proposed condition re- lating to availability of building permits is to free Titan from responsibility to perform if building permits are unavailable due to the failure of Lutz to satisfy the City. We feel this is a very reasonable position because closure of the temporary access may include curb construction, asphalt removal, dirt moving or the posting of a bond. Under the settlement agreement, we could not control Lutz ' s performance of these Obligations and, therefore, cannot assume that risk. You may wish to speak directly tD Mr. Yugler, or Randy Clarno in the City' s Engineering Dept. , to further clarify what obligations Lutz may have in order to ensure the availability of building permits. Mr . Yugler has requested that I provide him with an outline of the settlement agreement in order that he may satisfy the City 1 Mr . Thomas S . Hillier August 18, 1986 Page two that progress i.s being made in this matter. I have no objection to such a disclosure, but I indicated to Mr. Yugler that I would not make the information available unless you and Mr. Peterman agreed to the disclosure. Please let me know how you feel in this regard. Very truly yours, Timothy V. Ramis TVR:m c h cc: Mr. . Steven Bleak Mr. Mark Peterman, Esq. O'DONNELL, RAMIS. ELLIOTT Lr2EN' MARM P O DONNELL ATTC)RNEYS Al LAV.' CANS., O►►ICE, TIM-0704Y \' RAMtf 6ALLO V✓ h V✓RIG NT BUILDINGtel N GNAW, SUM 2C2 KENNETH M LLLIOTT CANEY.OREGON 0701: STEPHEN i CREW 1727 N Vs For•START 15051 266.1144 CMARLLS E. CORRIGAN• PORTLAND OREGC'4 67209 JOSEPM M. SULLIVAN tLC31 2..F•A402 AOMINIATRATIVr ASSISTANT KENNETH M iOA MARGARET C MANN, ►LLASE►,E T'-rTO PORTLAND O►fICL SMARM: L V'ILLIAMS KA7MERINE A rLYNN • ALSO ADMITTED'10 PRACTICC COM►TROLL[R IN STATE,Or WASMINO►ON Gu PRISCILLA C V.'Ar' August 12, 1986 �J AUG ".7 1'"; I.r . Thomas S . Hillier Attorney at Law Redden McGaughey Yu91PI & Jack 2300 First Interstate Tower Portland , OR 97201 Re: Lutz Devei12EDent qL. v. Titan Properties Corporation Dear Tom: I have had the opportunity to review with Titan Properties your July 8 , 1986 letter containing additional requirements for settlement of the above case. Titan indicates that it is willing to settle the matter based upon the following: 1 . In addition to the $140 , 000 amount which we previously discussed, Titan will agree to the addition of $13 , 750 repre- senting the payment of taxes, interest and costs of the Benjamin Franklin foreclosure. The addition of this amount will be subject to verification of the calculation , which we understand to be an estimate. Against the $153, 750 total , Titan will receive a credit of $15 OOYin return for assuming the responsibility for placing oil. �j the final lift on the project . The balance will be paid according pvR' to the schedule in your letter, with the exception that the first (r ,fiN) payment will be made on August 20 , 1986 . Titan will pay all profit on each house , or ;5 , 000 , whichever sum is greater , from each sale . �",� 2 . Titan will assume the obligation of making arrangements A� ,.,�Aith the City for the closing of the Hall Street entrance., but it /P �^ will not assume any financial obligations connected with satisfying (�'� the City' s conditions in this regara . Titi-n will assume the l _._ 8 lication of constructing sidewalks in rout cf each of the SKfl� µ) douses that it constructs at the time of construction. 1 3. We agree that interest will accrue at the rate of interest set forth in the contract if Titan exercises the extension described in paragraph, 2 of. my June 20 , 1966 letter . Mr . Thomas S . Hillier '.uqust 12 , 1966 Page two 4 . Titan will stipulate to a judgment in the amount of $153 , 750 less credit for any payment made and less any credits received sur work done to satisfy the city' s conditions . Lutz will not file or record the judgment or execute thereon unless Titan defaults under the agreement. 5 . The shareholders of Titan will personally guarantee the performance of the settlement agreement, with their exposure lirnited to $153 , 750. We understand that the financial statements specified in your e:.rlie.r letter must be produced as a condition of settlement . We would also condition the agreement upon Lutz. ' ability to provide good mari:etable title and receipt of building permits . Please let me know as soon as possible whether this proposal will settle the matter, as Titan is anxious to begin construction and marketing before the season is over . Sincerely, U Timz)ths V . Ramis TVP.:mch cc: Mr . Steven Lleak Mr. 1.1ark Peterman REI EN MCGAUGHEY YUGLER & .SCK AT'LORNEYS AT LAW 1127 N.W. HOYT STREET ♦PCIMAND, OREGON 97209 (503) 242.0909 Michael Redden CeeAnn Callahant Robert J. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yugler David J. Jack *()regnn&Washmgmn Bus tl)regon& KauszBars --4ust 8, 19e6 Fancy Clar:io City of V.aard P.O. F.zox :3397 Tigard, 3r!zoon 97223 RE: r7i.ty of Tigard V. Lutz DevRlopment, et �1 Dear Mr. C.latno: Please find enclosed a Co1)y of Thomas Hilliet• ' s let-er c,f ;%ugust 5, 1986. I will contact you with a trial date as Soon as it is recriived in r,y of� ce, and 'Keep you advised of a.ty otner inr_rmaticn I obtain upon Mr. Hillier' s return. If You Piave a,,y ;uestiana, please give me a call . rY Y Your , Ricnar3 S. Yugler RSY t kc: Eric li.siure mAGEN, ROBERTS, TREMAINE, KRIEGER, FRED M.AEBI SCHMEER, O'SCANNLAIN & NEILL GARY ANDERSON LAWYERS MICHAEL 0.ALLPORT DOUGLAS O.BECKMAN 2300 FIRST INTERSTATE TOWER DAVID C.BACA B DUAN[A, OSW ORTN II PATRICK(:.80YL9 TON PORTLAND,OREGON 97201 PETER M BURPELL DOUGLAS q.COURSON TELEPHONE 17031 241.2300 MARY CHAFFIN R ICHARO M GLICK� CLAUDIA M.COLEMAN TIMOTHY W.HELT2EL.PC. TELECOPIER 17031 7787299 SEAN IA M.COL OAVID J Kglf G[ HUE P"P.C. HUNT ER B.EMERICK'� '� MILTON C.LANKTON,P.C. DONT [.GOE RODNEY E.LEWIS,JR. WASHINGTON,D C.OFFICE FRANK G. 9.GOE NN,JR. D CHARLES MAURI TZ SUITE 800 THOMAS S.HILLIER WILLIAM R MILLER,JR. 2300 M STREET,N.W. WILLIAM L.LARKINS, R. CHRIS L.MULLPIANN WASHINGTON,O.C.20037 JAMB S.SMITH** JAMES K.NEILL.JR, 12021 333-0400 PAMELA 5.STEBBEOS 0OBERT D NEWELL' WALTER H.EVANS III JOSEPH M.VANLEUVEN RONALD ALD XMUID F.ADE ANNLAIN��" OF COUNSEL TIMOTHY R.VOLPERT RONALD%.gAGEN RICHARD 0.gOBEP TS MARK A.WENT71EN HARVEY W ROGER$ D n rl rIf'I r,7 ��r///''����LLL��--r��'oN AND cALFO RNIA e..Pa' MICHAEL H SCHMEER,PC. I`I" IfUI' 'yJ/ Illry= JON AHO WAe NINOTON BARI•• VICTOR 0 STIBOLT ON ANO TEXA!BARS' H.STEWART TREMAINE,FC �1 c ON ANO NEX YOR.SAR! Aug u 3 t S , 1 ON ANO NIYAOA SAKE AUGr 1935 OF COUNSEL GEOROE BLACK,JR. R)CHARD E.KENT 1-/ILLIAM A.MARTIN Redden McGaughey Yugler loalrTSON D.ROBERTSON �,. Richard S. Yugler Redden , McGaughey, Yugler & Ja^k 1727 N. W. Hoyt Portland, Oregon 97209 Re: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development, et al . Dear Mr , Yugler: I have contacted the Washington County Circuit Court and informed them that we have accepted the tender of defense on behalf of the bonding company, thus rendering the cross-claim and third-party claim moot. The clerk has agreed to take the matter to Judge Bonebrake and request that a trial date be obtained. I do note that the case is technically not at issue as the coun- terclaims of the bonding company need a reply. I will. contact you upon my return on August 14, 1986 . Sincerely , RAGEN, ROBERTS, TREMAINE, KRIEGER, SCHMEER,) O' SCANNLAIN1 (&� NEILL Thomas S. Hillier TSH: rjs REQ )EN McGAUGHEY YUGLER 4 ACK ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET ♦PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 (503) 242-0909 Michael Redden CecAnn Callahant Robert j. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yugler David J. Jack •oregon& Washrngron Bars tCMgun h Kansa Nan A--^'j:t 5, 1,986 Randy Cl.arno Cii-y of Tigard P.G. Box 23.JiT l'igarl, Oregon 97223 RE: City cfTigard v. Lutz Cievelo��ment, et al Case c o. b -3Tk31 C De?r '.1r• Clarno: Please find enclosed a ropy of my recent file memorandum .-!hip-% should update you regarding the current status cf the above matter. Please call if you have any questions . Very truly yours, Richard S. Yuglur R.sY:kc MEMORANDUM TO: CITY OF TIGARD FILE FROLM: RSY DATE: AUGUST 4, 1986 RE: TELEPHONE CONVERSATION WITH THOMAS HILLIER On August 4, 1986, I spoke with Thomas Hillier. He informed me that the Lutz-Titan settlement is almost complete. By the end of this week they will have an agreement on numbers and by th<, end of the following week they will have a signed settlement offer. He asked that I postpone insistance on production until they complete their settlement. I agreed to wait until August 14 before pushing onward with discovery. I also informed him that, at the present time, I have no authority to begin settlement negotiations with Lutz or Titan. He informed me that the settlement proposal invisions Titan Development assuming all of the obligations of Lutz Development to complete the subdivision including installation oc curbs on six lots, installation of an asphaltic overlay, and removal of the temporary access way. I indicated that, in the event of .any settlement, an adequate performance and completion bond must be offered as part of the settlement package. On August 14, I will telephone Mr. [sillier or he will telephone me to bring me up to date on the current status . Furthermore, he informed me that Lutz Development Company has accepted the tender of defense from the Bonding Company. Therefore, the cross-claims filed by Fidelity and Deposit are now at issue . I requested that Mr. Eiil '�ier inform the court of this development. Therefore, the entire case is at issue and the court should set the case down for a trial date. :kc 8/5/86 RE! )EN McGAUGHEY YUGLER d ACK ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET • PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 (503) 242-0909 Michael Redden CeeAnn Callahant Robert J. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yugler David J.Jack *Oregon 6 Washington Ban 10regon Kansas Bars Kansas �-,ily 29, 1986 Randy ;,iarno City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard , ore:;on 97Z-'J RE: City of Tigard v. Lut4 Development_, et al 85-'.6011: — Dear Mr. Clarno: Please find enclosed a copy of correspondence received from Mr . Thomas S. Hillier , who represents Lutz Development Company. please find enclosed a copy of an order of Default pertaining tv defer,aant Der-Hart Associates. Also enclosed is a copy Of t: _ answer tiled on behalf of Lutz Development Company by `".r . Hi-' lien and a copy of a complaint filed by Lutz Development Company against Titan Properties CorporatiQ;i. Please give me a call at your earliest convenience to discuss whether the City of Tigard wishes to become involved in the proposed settlement between Titan Properties and Lutz Development. The City may be satisfi-id in this matter if it can obtain a3equate assurances, including performance and � ,tmpletion bonds, as part of the third party settlement between Titan ar+d Lutz Development. yowever , because of the tremendous delay in completinu ti-,a colony creek %state ' s subdivision and the City' s i:.dividuai .acyr:st in assuri^.7 completion of the subdivision, it may be in the City ' s beat interest to continue to vigorous:y pursue ics own case fur rslief. please give me a call at your earliest convenience. Ve,:y tru:y Burs , Richard S. Yugler. ItSY :kc onciosure I li 1 EA THE CIRCUIT COURT AOR THE STATE OF OREGON 2 FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON , 4 CITY OF TIGARD, Oregon, ) 5 a municipal corporation, ) CASE NO. 85-1671 C 6 Plaintiff , ) 7 V. ) g LUTZ DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, ) ORDER OF DEFAULT and DER Ha2T ASSOCIATES , INC. , ) 9 a Joint Venture; and Fidelity ) and Deposit Company of ,Maryland, ) 10 a Maryland Corporation , ) 11 Defendant. ) 12 13 This matter came before the Court on motion of the 14 plaiitiff for an order of default against defendant Der-Har.t 15 Associates , Inc. It appeared to the Court from an examination of 16 the records and files that defendant Der-Hart associates , Inc. was , i 17 duly and regularly served with summons and complaint in the 18 mariner prescribed by law. Defendant, although required to do so 19 by law, has failed to file a response to the complaint. Basad 20 upon the records and files herein, the Court finding generally in 21 favor of plaintiff and against defendant Der-Hart Associates, 22 Inc. , and the Court being fully advised from the premises; now, 23 therefore: 24 25 1.6 Page 1 - ORDER OF DEFAULT HIDDEN MCCAUGHEY VIXLER a JACK 4MANNY4 AT U• ll Y`I I' HnYT• POWLAND.t1111f014 91" IMNI•iN I�1, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ACJUDGED rhac defendant is in 1 daf3ult herein aid such det3ult is hereby entered of record . 3 Dated this day of 1335 . PRESLDING JUDGE :gasnington County Circuit Court �5 t i) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 �0 21 2 23 24 25 26 Paget - OR06R OF DEFAULT 12FDOEN%f0iAU(IHEY Yl W EN 3 JACK �I TnPN[y\kT L%`! I'!'N r NU YT a Pf1OTI,(ND.nNIGON 9'210 n � t1 212 x"19 RAGEN, ROBERTS, TREMAINE, KRIEGEh, FRED M.AEBI SCHMEER, O-SCANNLAIN & NEILL GARY M.ANDERSON LAWYER! MICHAEI,O.ALLPORT DOUGLAS G.BECKMAN 2300 FIRST INTERSTATE TOWER DAVID C.BACA PATRICK G.BOrLSTONDUANE A.BOSWORTH II PORTLAND,OREGON 97201 PETER M.�IURRELL DOUGLAS q COU"ON RICHARD M GLICKTELEPHONE 17031 21.2300 MARY CHAPPiN TIMOTHY W,HELTZEL,PC. TELECOPIER 15031 778-7208 CLAUDIA M.COLEMAN" DAVID J.KWEGER,PC. SEAN DONAHUE MILTON C.LANKTON,PC. HUNTER B.EMERICK`.." RODNEY rLEW S.JR. WASHINGTON,D.C.OFFICE DOUGLAS E.GOE C CHARLES MAORI TZ".WISUITE BTHOMAS S.HILL,SR OO FRANK O.HAUSMANN,JR. LOAM a MILLER.jR. 2700 M STR[ET,N.W. WILLIAM L.L.ARKtNl.JR. JACHRIS L.I 1LLMANN WASHINGTON,O.C.20037 MITH` MES K EILL, R. 12021 3�3-0DAME!S.S 400 PAMELA!.SMITH" OB ROBERT D.NEWELL` DIAq MUID IC'SCANNLAIN" WALTER H,EVANS 111 JOSEPH M.VANLEUVEN . " RONAI.0 K.RAGEN OF COUNSEL TIMOTHY R.VOLPERT RICHARD O.ROBER':S MARK A.WENTZIEN HARVEY'N ROGERS MICHAEL H.SCNMEEq,PC, OREGON AND CALIFORNIA:ARS' VICTOR O STIBOLT OREGON AND WASHINGTON BARS" H 3TEWA RT TREMAINE,PC. OREGON AND TERAS EARS"' OREGON AND NEW YOPK:ARS"" July 24 , 19 86 OREGON AND NEVADA:ARS''"' OF COUNSEL GEORGE BLACK,JR. RICHARD E.KENT WILLIAM A.MARTIN WATSON D.ROBERTSON Mr. Richard SA Yugler Redden , McGaughey, Yugler & Jack 1727 N.W. Hoyt Portland, Oregon 97209 Re: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co. , et al . Dear Mr. Yugler. : Enclosed please find a copy of the Answer we have filed on behalf. of Lutz Development Company in the above referenced matter . As you know, Lutz Development and Der-Hart Associates , Inc. sold the entire subdivision to Titan Properties in March of 1981 . The contract was to be paid in full on June 15, 1982 . Because of market conditions , extensicn3 and deferrals were granted to Titan . However, because of Titan 's failure to per- form, a suit to foreclose Titan ' s intFrest in the property has been filed. A copy of the foreclosure complaint is enclosed, as you requested. I believe we have reached an agreement with Titan regarding set`lement of the lawsuit. Formal documents have not been finalized . In concept, however , Titan has agreed to com- mence construction on two of the remaining jix lots immediately, followed by two others on or before December 15 , 1986 , and com- mence construction on the final two on or before March 15, 1987 . Gf course, as the construction occurs , the sidewalks will be put in placi. Further , it would be appropriate to place the final lift on the road after construction when the development is completes RAGEN, ROBERTS, TREMAINE. KRIEGER, SCHMEER, O'SCANNLAIN & NEILL Mr. Richard S. Yugler July 24 , 1986 Page Two Once the settlement documents are finalized, I will for- ward a copy of the same to you. In the meantime, I would request your indulgence in deferring the need of any defendant to produce the documents you have requested. The documents will not aid in the resolution of the matter, which is our goal at this time. Please let me know your thoughts on this matter as soon as possible . Sincerely, RAGEN, ROBERTS, TREMAINE, KRIEGER, SCHMEER, O'SCANNLAIN & NEILL Thomas S. Hillier TSH: rjs Encs. cc: Mr. Ralph E. Hillier Mr. Mark M. LeCoq Mr. Tintothy V. Ramis I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT T"13 13 A TRUE COPY Of THE CRIGINX Of ATTOMM FOR llvkv1da4t L,.�'z �<_lo�ly►t 1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 2 FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON 3 CITY OF TIGARD, Oregon , ) a municipal corporation, ) 4 ) Plaintiff , ) No. 83-1601 C 5 ) Vs . ) ANSWER 6 ) LUTZ DEVELOPMENT COMPANY; ) 7 DER-HART ASSOCIATES, INC. , ) a Joint Venture; and ) 8 FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY ) OF MARYLAND, a Maryland ) 9 corporation , ) 10 Defendants . ) 11 --- 12 By way of answer to plaintifc ' s complaint , dFfendant 13 Lutz Development Co. , for itself only , admits , denies and alleges 14 as follows : 15 1. 16 Admits the allegations of paragraphs 1 and 2 of plain- 17 tiff ' s complaint. 18 2. 19 Admits the execution of o Subdivision Compliance 20 Agreement as alleged in paragraph 3 of plaintiff ' s comlaint , but 21 denies that its performance was secured by the maintenance bond 22 as alleged therein. 23 3 . Denies the allegations of. paragraphs 4 and 5 of plain- ­5 tiff ' s complaint. 26 Page 1 - ANSWER RAGEN, ROBERTS, TREMAINE,KRIEGER SCHMEER,O SCANNLAiN A NEILL 2100 F,,%l b,rerila4 InwSr Owfland.Orapon 91201 telephone 241 2300 1 4. 2 Admits the issuing of the Continuation Certificate as ) alleged in paragraph 6 of plaintiff ' s complaint. 4 5 . 5 Denies the allegations of paragraphs 7 and 8 of plain- 6 tiff ' s complaint. 1 6 . 8 Admits the Subdivision Compliance Agreement entitles 9 plaintiff t.0 recover its fees and cos :.s but denies that p.lainti£f 10 is entitled to such fees and costs hExein . 11 7 . 12 Denies the allegations in paragraphs 10 and 12 of plain- 13 tiff ' s complaint. 111 8 . 15 Admits the Subdivision Compliance Agr^ement entitles 16 plaintiff to recover its fees a:ld costs but denies that plaintiff 11 is ent. 'J ed to such fees and costs herein . 18 9 . 19 Denies the allegations of paragraphs 15 , 16 , 17 and 18 20 of plaintiff ' s complaint. 21 10 . 22 Admits the Subdivision Compliance Agreement_ entitles 2.1 plaintiff to recover its fees and costs but denies that pLaintiff 2I is entitled to such fees and cr,3sts herein . 2i WHEREFORE, having fully answered plaintiff ' s complaint , h l'rige 2 - ANSWER RAGEN, ROBERTs, 1PEMAINE,KRIEGER,SCHMEER, 3 SCANNLAIN S NEILL uM Fall w ifilmo toaar Portland.Oregon 9)701 T.unhnn•241.P n) a .e I defendant Lutz prays that it be dismissed and that defendant Lutz 2 recover its costs and expenses incurred herein, including reaso- 3 nable attorney fees . 4 RAGEN, ROBERTS, TREMAINE, KRIEGER, S SCHME;ER, O' SCANNL'AIN & NEILL 6 By: _!S1 Thomas S. Hillier , OSB 080264 7 Of Attorneys for Defendant 8 Lutz Development Company 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Wage 3 - ANSWER RAGEN. R08eRT9. •REMAINE.KRIEGER,SCHMEER.O SCANNLAIN d NEILL 1700 F,yt inierelale Tower Portland.Oregon 91201 teuohone 2at7700 I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 2 I hereby certify that I served the foregoing ANSWER on 3 the following attorneys by mailing a certified true copy and 4 depositing the same in the United States mail at Portland, 5 Oregon, contained in a sealed envelope, with postage prepalid ante 6 addressed as follows: 7 Mr . Richard S. Yugler Redden , McGaughey , Yugler & Jack 8 1727 N.W. Hoyt Portland, Oregon 97209 9 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff 10 Mr. Mark M. LeCoq 11 Schwabe , Williamson , Wvatt, Moore & Roberts 12 1600-1800 Pacwest Center 1211 S.W. 5th Avenue 13 Portland , O,:egon 97209-3795 14 Of Attorneys for Defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland 15 16 Dated this k ��C iay of July, 1986 . 17 18 —�!----- —�_ Thomas S. Hillier 19 Of Attorneys for Defendant Lutz Development Ccmpany �t 22 23 14 25 26 Page CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE PAGEN QnAERTS TREMAINE,KRIEGER,SCHMEER,n SCANNLAIN 4 Nf,ILL :ion F-141 Inl"'lel•Tnw*r Pn111&nd.0,09on X7201 Teievhone 241 2300 7/rr^N. 1- 5 1 IN T'HE CIRCUIT COURT :J2 r.i STATS OF OREGOA 2 ?')A T-IL ill NGTGN 3 '.'JTZ DvV::LCPn_h:4'r CO. , ) 4 an Oregon corporation, ) ) S Plaintiff, ) 6 mss. ) COMPLAINT ) TITAN PROPERTIES CORPOA .ON, ) 'Specific Performance 7 an Oregon corporation; ) of Land Sale Contract) D ',R-d.!R'r 8 :)::,L A' Y WILLI: IS; and ) RG:,,ALD G. RISBdRG and ) 9 ;ALLY A. RISI3ERG, ) )�ujnand and wife , ) IO ) Defendants. ) 11 ) 12 P131ntiff3 alle(Je: 13 1. 14 .1991 , Plaintiff and Jef`ndant Dere ?art 15 ::cciate� , Inc. Dar-hart ) entar-al into a written 16 (_,ortr3ct •.pith _'er_ndant Titsn Properties Corporation (defen3snr, 17 Titin ) .indrir tie terms o.' which plai:stiff =Inj jafaniant C�er. -:iart 18 a7reel t0 salt CO del-indant Titan and lefandant Tit-in a1Z=:5j to 19 ourchase from plaintiff•_ and defandant Der-Hart the following real 20 _property: 21 Lot N09. 1 , 4 , 5, 6 , 7 , a, 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15, 16 , 17 , 18 , 19, 20 , 23 , 24 ani 25, COLONY 22 CREEK ESTAT;;S, in tie City of Tigarl, County 23 of �raahington, Stat? of Oregon ] 24 `or the sum of $346 , 500 , -)3ya01e 515 ,00.E r1own and the belancs 25 ;,ziri in in3tallmenty of $19, 500 each on thn late of Lots 1 , 4 ani 16 Page 1 RAGEN,ROBERTS, TRENAINE,KRIEGER,SCHMEER,O SCANNLAIN 6 NEILL 23M Firth Intervtst•To Mor 1700 9 W.'11th Aw"s Pornarld,Oregon 97101 hloohome 241 1700 1 251 and in installments of $16 ,000 each on the aa14 of the 2 remaining 'lots , with the cntira balance of principal and interest 3 due in full on Jun•a 15 , 1982. Interest on the unpaid balance 4 accrues at the rate of 128 per annum from the -sate of the 5 contract, until paid. A copy of the contract 13 attached as 6 Exhioit A and incorporated by this reference. 2 . 8 Imml2diately following the contract, efandant Titan 9 entered into possession of the property and is now in possession 10 thereof . 11 3 . Defendant Titan has 3oll and plaintiff and defendant 13 Der-hart have relsase3 from the ^ontract Luta 1 , 4 , 5, 6 , 7 , 8 , 14 11 , 12 , 14 , 16 , 17 , 18 an.: 25 and claims no interest in 3aii pro- 15 perty. 16 4. 17 On or ibout July 6 ; 1984, defendant Der-Hart a33igned to 18 Pacific Western Bank all of its right to any account receivable 19 and all distrioutions ano other amounts payable directly or 20 indirectly from the proceeds lua under the joint venture betwaea 21 plaintiff and defendant 0-:?r-4art. Defendant Der-Hart claims no 22 intnre3t in the proceeds jug under the contract. 23 5 24 Defendant Titan :ia3 failed to pay tht- valance of prin- 25 cipal and interest due on June 15 , 1982, and i3 in default 26 thereon. Defendant Titan now owes on the contract the :3u,m of page 2 - COMPLAINT RIGEN,ROBERTS, TREMAINE,KRIEGER,9CNMEER,O'9CANNLAIN 3 NEILL 2300 First Int*rfUte Towr t 100 3 W Fifth AY,n� Portland,Orpan 91201 r,lsohons 2412300 1 $104 ,200, together :,ith interest through May 26 , 1986 , in tha sum 2 3f $68 ,130. 43 , ,,jith int` :est continuing to accrue thereafter at 3 _he ratQ of 128 per annum ($34. 26 per diain) , until raid. Time is 4 of thy essence of tho contract. 5 6 . 6 Plaintiff is realy, able and willin3 to carry out its 7 obligations under the contract, and to eX?cuta and to deliver to g Titan 3 3o(d and suffi:ient cased conveying the property 9 in _`?e simple to 1,2iendant Titan in accordance with the t_rnJs of 10 r_ha contract upon -).iy:aant of the full balance of t1ne purchase 11 price , with intsrAst. 12 13 The contras: provides th.3t in the >.,.�nt -action is insti- 14 tugs: to foreclose thn contract or to cnlorca anv provision i5 ,Hereof , the prevailing party i3 int;.tici to recover reasonabl? 16 ittorney fie3 anJ costs. Plaintirf nas bean required to retain 17 the services of an attorney to �,nferce collection and is entitl-ld 18 to its rea3onaale attorney i es. 19 � . 20 DefendanL.s Del. itoy giAiiai,is , Ronald G. Ri.ibarq and Sally 21 A. Risberq claim some right or ij,cere3t in said property by vir- 21 tue of an easement for rawer purposes affectinq the north 12 feet 23 cf Lot 13 in favor of adjoining properties , recorded February 5, 24 1392 , fee no, 82003019 . The interests of said defendants is 25 inferior and Fuoordinate to the interests claimed by plaintiff 26 nerein. Page 3 - C:;MPLAIINT RAGEN,ROBERTS, TREMAINE, KRIEGER. 9CHMEER,O'9CANNLAIN 6 NEILL JJU0 F rql,nllrvtlt•Tower r J00 9 W Ptah Agnuo POWAMd.Orpon 97201 rei*anOne 211 2300 i 9. 2 Plaintiff ha3 no adequate ra:nedy at law. 3 WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays for a judgment and decree as 4 follows: 5 1 . requiring defendant 'ricin to specif ,cally perform 6 the contract, and for such awar,3ia3 judgm.3nt against defendant 7 Titan for, the ium of $104 , 200 , together with intere3t throuq`i May 8 23 , 1986 in th13 3u.r of $od ,130 . 48 , Nita interest continuing =o 9 accrue thereaft•3r ac the rate of 128 per annum ($34. 26 per die-m) , 10 intil pail , sn,l for pl3inti=f ' 3 c03t3 and disbursements incurred 11 herein, incl'i9ing r?3sonable 3ctorney3 ' fees. 12 2 . Requiring olaitntiff to 3eliv?r to t;ie clerk of the 13 court within 2U _1.3y3 of the plat, of the d=^_.3-3, a .-lead r-nvayiz3 14 rots 13 , 15 , 19 , 20 , 23 an,] 24 , Colony Creetc Latates , Wa3hington 15 Co,lnty , to der3nJant Vitan in accord3rice with thi co-itract. 16 3 . If 1e:andant Titan pay; the sam.3 3o1scified in 17 paragraph 1 anov3 wit;iin 30 days of th,3 date of the dacree, or 18 .ritnin sucn other time as the court may affix for such pay^lent, 19 lirecting the cl-ark oc the court to Ii-;our-3e such funis to olain- 20 :iffs and to Ieliv,3r plaintiff ' ; 1.3ed to 3ecanaant Tican. 21 4. If def-�ndanr Titan fails to pay such suins to th.3 22 clerk of the court within the required time, directing the clerK 23 of the court to raturn oiaintiff ' 3 deed to plaintiff and o:,1irinq 24 tlint the properr.y 12scrioed in para,jraph 2 auovq ue gol i in thea 25 m,3nnar provided by OILS 23 . 410 through 23 . 310 , but without the 26 rit3hts of redemption .specified in ORS 23 . 510 through 23 .6U0 , and Page 4 - COMPLatNT RAGEN, ROBERTS,TREMAINE,KRIEGER.9CHMEER,O 9CANNLAIN&NEILL '300 F44t 1wofs1/te fowor 1300 9 W 9111n A.enu* I'MIlAnd.Of"On 47201 14140110111 2419300 e a � 1 further ordering that defendant Titan may redsem said property by 2 b-aging to the sheriff befora the sale th9 sins specified in 3 paragraph 1 above, together with the costs of the sale, and that 4 tha proceads of the sale ba applia3 first to th-a expenses of the 5 331a and .he remainder credited to plaintiff ' s judgment and that 6 if the proca=ds .are not sufficient to satisfy plaintiff ' s 7 judgment, that execution against defendant Titan issue to enforce 8 t.�,z nayment of t!is :3aflclency. 9 5 . Granting plaintiff such other reliaf as the court 10 -J,?ons --quitabla. 11 RAGEN, ROBERTS, TREMAINE, KRIEGER, 3CHMEER, U' 3CANNLAIN 8 NEILL 12 13 8y: Thoma3 3. Hillier, OS3 1180263 14 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Page 3 - r7;MPLA1Nf RAGEN. ROBERTS, TREMAINE, KRIEGER,SCHMEER O'SCANNUIN 6 NEILL 2300 First InIorUaI•roww 1300'W F111h Avenue Von4n4.Orti 9/701 hgonon•241 2300 Poem_me.w–tai 7vm..@ a I .w 'a"lam"a»ti.w or Moles. _ n$v u�L.w 2902Mn+el. -O(RANO.O/I'm led go American Tit:J (�it;urJnee e, anyofOf" GONTMAGT—esAl NTAT! ^ ( O 2 ( 014 I l �I II THIS CONTRACT, Made this.. .15th day of March 19 81 , between 1j .W.tz_pev.elRpment..C.o..,.,....an Oregon Corpo.xation,.. aad Der.-Hart. Associates, aln..Oregon...Corporation. hereinafter called the seller, �5I and Titan. Properties .Corporation an Oregon„Corporation hereinafter called the buyer, h WITNESSETIf: That in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the antler ag,eps to sell unto the buyer and the buyer agrees to purchase from the seller all of the following de- V air rih.d lands and remises situated in « c� p Wash i^g ,on County, state of Oregon _ , to-wit., Lot numbers 1 , 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, and 25, Colony Creek Estates, City of Tigard l I i for the sum of. Three hundred_.for,ty-s ix,thousand, f ive huntdlAd($345,300..00•.�, I hereinafter celled the purchase price, of which $15,000.00 has been paid at the time of the erscuHen hereof, the receipt whereof hereby is acknowledged by the seller; the buyer agrees to pay the betaines of said purchase price to the order of the seller at the times and in the amounts as follows, to-wit: Lot releases are to be at full price, less credit for down payment as provided below, from buyers' first construction draw. ,^release price on Lots 01, 4, and 25 is $19,500.00. All others are $18,000 each. All � I lots to be picked up by 6/15/82. l All of said purchase price may he paid At any time; all of the said deterred payments shell bear in- Brest at the rate of _ let....._ per cent per annum from this date until paid, said interest to he paid a t closing and e ��l1�k(lt1I({(. t the minimum to ular ]CIAIA$AdFB.�tror g pe}•moats shave required. Taxes on said premises for the current fiscal year shall be pro-rated between the parties hereto as of the date of this contract. fh xthe ,.111-ober the 11 �oy��r� A•Inrlbod In/his tenlrpel k rel rm on ml.nuarmn n. I rr.n d buy�a I17"JO I .—.1 l AraoF1L . p•rrrn) In. hnpnm a eommgtla pin prole nrh•r Ibel .y,,lndhnal Ourprin. rho holy.,that,b..nll,l•,1 In pN»..len nl fad l..do nw March 15 -181 ..d mer n.aI.-A IYt»Nlen.r Inn,.1 ill 01-d A-It nal In lelaull orfs IA• leant h.—I rh.Fur••INn,tMl at.11 Hm•e be .ill I..p the to idurl,n Nod pr.1m. mr r A.rr.If.1 nth .nr rrdMd urrr'1hr I.Il.�nhd�rmllrtl/h.rrrlrnm ram,mor bl.»roller rinrrill rrntf'r.rNhot h. rill .np uA nrrml,» Ir» Iromn etMnkI IM all F.m rAV A.roll 117.II t.•»A....It.,IrriM INinlr uM non r^1., 1 l., A by ri 1n dM.M1 y1 Allo any fork p.M open old P•rlY..I rill.r atl r.rrr ,earl,nublir rA.rNl aM munklPal li.m hkl�Aer»Irr.IIN. ,rely mer h.Im t prem-.....II prnmnNp A.Inn IM Yme-1-1 parr th-1-1 h.r.m.Ila.,Aur. that at holy,t re P•ne..he will 1u .M •n UI huedlnN mw e, M,noln a.erM nn Yd Premlw d.im1 In»n,,dlmyr by en I.r1A.efrndM-wafial m an amm,M mf IW-ban 1 m Ala In a mmMn/ mmtunt.a aelid»ferp 1.the..IN,. ..ill In»Mrahl.In IM ullo n AA Inra.»f el InllnarRl In be ddlrnN to the toll..rat.oen»--,.,ad Ne.11 the h—, shalt latl fn Plrelr.M.11 plkl» Palo. .nr tlKA I..$. tett. rater r.nl1. lar N, r A.INr tenor»r ­*loof pay loss haaff bW~nfwl/l •oath brat.Wt. A.11Am ldr tot PIhnr r.r e/Mo Il alhl.x.44.4 n.st ow oerrfnr.ppoll .1 the Ir MnlrKl he Ill,. ?,he YM A•rrih.e p—1—...nor .pMwr .•rnntr»I.ol•me.rpp 'ill-— —,toot a,w•d A.M.br/pd»riohln In mnmM.fnrN A.MI ,.rerAN In rhe xdw MnrfNN•. M1arNN,N r lit a f,n1 saw....te I.bap, 79-6848 8 x%” 79-42932 Ik.-I nder•ne. rn .FkA A•.eA♦ ,. m1A.l nn .hkh TAI unMM Pri-ipl, Mbnee at IMI 1,—k 1 2 31,1 3 1.o o old b mar•. Milk �:.ofeaid1. February, 28 n 81 , feloo"a In rmfalm.nf. 1 nor la» then 1lnter,��t �nl „ h••• In MY •I M rn b•nnme dru nn YM en Intl nr mar/1aMo prempllr al A.Ilme. bun m Y par l'.=- 11" In 1»p uM e+.nrrK1 rr.nrlll.aMll• Irom•'l.laulf: •A uW am 1 the m.allmenf, nn d _,,,•d. a Pad by IAe .aIle,, Inelydo rat»w pre. IPP k 611 MalaIrNpri,r.rwl••, the n•mNtto I-haul$ IM .a11.,.de ndrrp,fho,fh rn -.par re IM .allay IMI earl Arw nl YM imlpllm.n» b ped may pay An m•rpur,M by .ad rnnlr»I nr mn.f In M r P• 01 Yd tarn(,»r.r mn•r1.N le b.nr berom.M ddnd4 fAo bur•. nedif ter.II mm, hN p.M er nl^^..r,e ft.rinrm YM roar-»r n.nn.rNN and IM M1urer•MII M m1111M re ..ped M Aim yaln.l IA. tom f to hr.rme Aue IM Imo•purrhl.a prk•nrtr,uen/In IAT tum,nl IAN rnnlr.rl TA..Her 11r..•lalaM ruAln .lav,Irom rhe dor•A•r»l,he.'I lurnr•A nolo buyer•lido IrNprane. Iurinl lin an Imnunl pool le .rA PureMe•mwr) mer/•flMo fill•i Ind re old nr•mr.a,rn IM,eller nn or Myuenf to IA.'lore n/IbN aNrlrw,M, Yr•end air.pr tM uorU arinlM. p1M...M Ill'hu W',, am rhe,.rrrnrinm•M 1»m•nle now nl r nod,rl InY..M tM rnnrratr rrrerl- N s SNI» Ila .....IMT Mn old((��u Mu n,kr.. 1-111, MTA a.d upon rr+unl aM ennrn tuw.ml.r el-hit•II ant,h..11l 101—•1•rnd.nd rr 1lklrnl dead rnnr.rrnl YM pr•mirrt In Ir.umpN unfn Ill Fur n, M, helot eM anrinl,ul er IM Ino I•rwun�l nrMa,/, 1 IM Aat1 hN•el,npf IM and•»•meal:aM rraflkj.NA.and the rm wrnat 6n,, I.W.IM Intb/k eMr» In •vrpNnl all INn,a,d r••umh,,Inr»treated he the huyer nr augur 1 a•NrmM hr Ma hope, Ind 1= r Cnnllnurd nn rr r.r u 1 ll II wet •ted►atlANr Nall..o,Nle,b,INIn�,101, MrMYI phyY a.d wAl,,Aeru •rota AI air pp'lulbl/ If pnoPf,JAI N.NO11 a6l..wd It 1&..11.N a•.NHar,o..Illr.N 1,a.NnN In,Irl tnrM.In.IaMN�Ad"Nob$•In4w i red Nl11 Poll tawYlr wllb IA,A,,NN b I.loo be nrA&Ay n+., atoll»v.Yl Iw q4 pop.a•,we Igvoet•N„s I.—NI. 130 A,Halla,rn11.a MI-salon.ill boo..$.Ibe Ilea 11 11.-.re.a..,ao.N•#_Ill.*In..Md.wwt.w 114 soo•NN.so,.so. Ilop Ir Ilr.11.r Colony Creek Estates Joint V-ntu e 8925 5W Beaverton Hwy. 11.-If 1�_ _[1FldillellfN '" Portland, Oregon 97225 c ORE60f��o otTA — u, e$ AMR AND Aooata/ Titan Properties Corporations 2201 NE Cornell Road Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 surto$NAM$AND ADD■u$ am rludln$,Iwlw Tal — ,Dk t ld.=� a.l,. se.... Colony Creek EstatesJoint Virrit.11a ."Gant"$use (111811`801 of heeds of said county. r ! 8925 -SW Beaverton Hwy. Portland, OR 97225 witne.+s my hand And seal of NA.rt ADeatu lie County Affixed. YI,111$tAawea I,»tatNN,N M oboolmoss"doll he no N IM lallawbq fllldl$,$. 1 Titan. Properties Corporation. 2101 NE Cornell Road. Rewording Officer Hillsboro# .QA%jj@ 97123 Aid 11 I.r.d..M-d and•9,r.d bow« d parties that time is of the wg.nce of this eontrat.I ,u"the buyer shell fail 10 Irish*the per—to &boss,puled,or oar.l them,Irunetuady w , Id day.al the film.Ilmdd thrrrinr, or fad to ktpP an, Rrpempr.f he,-,-Coro. dIhrn the H., a his p�rr1 wen N+II here the lollawrn/n/hfa: f I) to d«tare this eonbart null end rold, r I I to d.1...the whop umrard prinmpw Aloes of .sold purt'Apw pike«IIA th.mwwsl the'"n al once it,,.ape P+11��able t f^m withdrew sod did and ether dnrumrno. Tram vKrow end/or (4) to 1-1- this mntr t by suit m mull►,end In am of such c"..,.It ,it 1..M f...M ereatd or then oonhn/in favor of the buyer as against the pilot hereunder shall uR«Ir coo"and it. firming and the right to the Poe.."bis of the n,•mnn&bora d,geNbd and eft other right■aequhd by the buyer h.reurid•r shall.evert to and I.sate solder wlfhoue any act el 1. t,r.o,ens other eat el soM"If"to be performed and without&nv right Of the bettor of rrfutn,r«Iarnation me mmpensaion lotminer&pad ria area.,/of the p,rmh."nl-d prnptrty a shnluf.ly,fully&M Parfsotly A$11 this eenfr.cf and such playroom.had lover been mads;end in caw of such default all p.rrn.n.e Melefobre load.en this mnfrrl.,$fn be ,t.i.d by.rid belong to sad ullat at the edrrrd and gm..bf.nm el cad pnml."app/n IM Nme of wxh did-11, AM the field caller,In r."of such d.faull,.hall Ars'he right imrmdfatolr,nr At any elms,thrwfor,to ora"upon the land eAr.soW,wilharf-or oNvee nl 1—,and W.imm.h.e.pn.s".fen rhewnL lagafh« w11h all the rmPmrameeH and abut-M-08 the,...,therein h.lnnging The Aura further a&—that talfars by the"tl«of.n►fim.to require pe,fonnaneo by the buyer of any pmrbivn berm#shall In no q►effort life right h rid. to mlereo IM acme,nm hall an M.r rby sod..Iter of any brooch of any pm s mrf.ion Agreed be held to 6&a weir«of aetce.din &e g brrh Z any such prnrinen,a a a walro e"of the lease,*is"flew#. The true ape.eh,.l ramd«elMn paid ler this /nmler,stated In terms of dollars, 1. g 346500.0Q#fo► -- the -fuel—care- #len mn- Ior,If er Inrlulw other rmperlr or sola/iron m rmml.,,d whkh I�7(rP�e�rs I''he W.'allon (inderafa rhithl. ) In r not m arlbn is Imfltufd m0­0..1Ins this mnnrf ni .-.3 .any rrnrhfnn Areal,IA.losing Paris M sold wit nr arehn&Mees 1.epaar push .math•fn.l murf mer dtrdN rrewr eFfa n ehnrnet•.I...to be.11nwd 16.prrr«Ifng Pares fn said suit or cell..and 1l.n aper.1 re Iden f ear am r1Mgmed er •leer"s,1 —h end must, the Iming P.rry further pram.—to par such cam a the aPpgll&l.&curl shelf Mtudd.r-.—his a the prrnding .....p ..o,mr a lee.In nwh appeal. In Mnrin/ Ihh mnb+el.It r.uM«Mrvrl Ihe, IA. If« r he Aur•,imp h mal.then Peram M•a«paaflan; that It the eromol n rM ih the doer!«pp n.hell he re■en 1,m n e 4 i.rrrd.rhe 0v1111.), rhe--Ii-. M. Irfm &M Ih oral«I,Idu, &nil this /gnerallr cal gremmatkd ,hon/« .Asst he rm.Aeln esumd M kmphd In me&.the P-.i. -h« 1 apP1r su.nr fn mrpnrafrnm and fa IMoussr .. phi. jrwm r still FIM ape in,tr.In the Mn.hr Ip, ere rh eheurref.,ve. mI.y require, —1 nnlr the irnmodlet. Parti.. hent, but their .r.perhre h.r.r. • sole. Aminlelr..ms, r.1 r 4 pr".nt.t1•w, ear,.caws In Inwral ape urgm..well. •IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said parties have executed this instrument in triplicate-;it either of the undrrigned is it rorporafiore, it hes caused its corporate name to be signed and its corporate seal affixed hereto by its officer duly authorized therounto by order of its board of directors. .Lut leuelo mt...Co.... i .. o es,..I.n.c._.....Ronal .i ,Q sst.•....... lir .. 0000. __.. .., .... .. . .. �t.c. ... .�- �0000. . ily�y' � � Ti roto stOr1-1M sun 1M srmMN fT),It.at"oil 1, w1 be 00".As Ont 93 M". I , By: 5TATF. OF OREGON, ) ;TATE of oREGON,coroner of log )as. )a' county of 22 !9A ef _......................_...................._.) Phillip GMullard ................................ ...r f9...__ PnrsanellY ePPe-Arad P . and Penmufty applareld that above#Nerd. Phillip G. Mullard whn, ho/mg early sworn, mach for hlmsl.11 and not one for the nlhor,did gar that th Inn...-it the .._._ ;,m(dant and that the letter is this and arhnnwlmdgmd fha lnr.goind in.Mt- _Pr@9idnnt wil;*BG of Lutz mprrt/n fan s•nlunearr art and it d. he VelOpmeRL CO, a edrrinrestiom, and that this 4001 Alli.md fre the Inr.gnimg ln4frutrsenf is th0 corporals goal of said enroor•fion and that said instrumonf ams tignad and s0siad in his. R.In o rise; half of said corporation by authority of ifs hoard of directors:and eierh nl t 0m • anw deed said rntrum0nt to he its ralumtary act and dead (OFFICIAL SEAf.) � l ';VC Cftt;_ (SEAL) Notary Public for Orsgnm hfetary Publle for Oregon M►commitsian aspfrat My temmdsHdre aspires: 6-14-83 ORS 12.1.11 Ill All latnlm.na mntnrtlna to rnn.r►t"title to any oral pro otty.at■time sumo Iha"it months from Ihp tine that the Ingtretm."t is .scutal and the Patlm coo bound,Mall be aMnnwlolood.In the manner orovldrA her.,k nnwldemrnl of rade, h)th.ennvernr of he title fm he pan• IIs err Ablm�Ii rm atiL or a aororandams that"#.shall be t...rdad be the ronraar not later than 11 it.. afla the Inwrams,"t If a"gled cad th.per. ORS ser NaQ) Vlobtba d OU 11.416 b Punlehabir upon eunrletlnn,her a tine of not inner than 1100. (DESCRIPTION CONTIMIRD) 1 . Seller agrees to give buyer credit for the $15,00 down payment at each lot release, of $600 for each of the first 18 lots. The balance of $4200 will be applied to the last lot. 2. in addition to the sale of the lots as provided for herein, Seller assigns, grants, and conveys all of .its right, title and interest as Declarant under that certain Declaration of cotenants, conditions, reservation of ease- ments, and restrictions, which Declaration was recorded August 6, 1979 as Recorder's Fee No. 79031314, hereinafter "Declaration". It is intended by both Seller and Purchaser that Purchaser will have, from the date of execution of this contract, and so long as Purchaser is not in default under the terms of this contract, all of the powers and obligations of the Declarant as provided for in said "Declaration", and Seller will have no further powers or nbliRations as Declarant under said "Declaration" from the date of execution of this contract. It is also agreed that it is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser to notify any and all governmental agencies as may be required by law that Purchaser will henceforward be responsible as Declarant as provided in said "Declaration". 3. Seller hereby grants full architectural control to buyer. XXI1!IfliT A - Page FORM N. 24—ACKNOW'7DCMiN1—COItPOIATION. frgvtNs.N[29 LAW.-Ill Co . .o..nANo. O.S. S:'ATE OF OREGON, ss. County of Washington On this 22nd day of May 19 81, before me appeared Jeffrey J. Hartlieb snd Jeffrey J. Hartlieb both to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said officer is the President, anr' he, the said officer r the Pres;.dent 96y1W&AX of Der-hart Associates, Inc. the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corpora- tron, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of sa:% Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and Jeffrey J. Hartlieb and Jeffrey J. Hartlieb acknowledge said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed m officielJ se the day a year Jest above written. Notary Public for Oregon. My Commission expires 6-14-83 EXHIBIT A - Page 3 eye FORM No 24—ACKNOWIRDOMRNT—COR/ORATION. s*f VfNf.i'fss LAW-UN,CO ►O►TLANO.ONf, STATE OF OREGL N, S s. County of Washington On this 27th day of May ly 81 before me appeared STEPHEN A. B AK ' and duly sworn, did say that he, the said both to me personally known, who being is the President, and he, the said STEPHEN A. BLEAK is the Secretary of TITAN PROPERTIES CORPORATION the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corp„ra- tion, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporatinrl by authority of its Board of Directors, and STEPHEN A. BLEAK and acknow;edge said instrument'to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, LJwve hereunto set my hand and affixed my official tal the day and ye-a-?,Rst abrrve written. Notary Public for Oregon. hly Commission expires Z_ J EXHIBIT A - Page 4 i FORM Ne, 14—ACKNOWIIDGMIN COI/ORATION. N[[9 LAW ALh.CO O.[, STATE OF OREGON, ss. County of Washington. J On this 27th day of May Iq 81 before me appeared RONALD E. PHA , ar:d duly sworn, did say that he, the said RONALD E. PHAIR both to me personally known, who being is the "resident, and he, the said is the Secretary of RONALD E PHAIR CONSTRUCTION the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument i3 the corporate seal of said Corpora- tion, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and R014ALD E. PHAIR and acKnowledge said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHERF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my o/fici 1 seal the dayd,,Year / st above written. ....... ......t. . I 1_1 Notary Public for Oregon. My Commission expires Z STATE OF OREGON County of washington SS I, Roger Thomason, Director of Records and Elections and Ex-Officio Recorder of Con- veyances for said county, do hereby certify that the within instrument of writing was r—mved and recorded in book of records of said county ROGER TH7MSSEN, Direc.or of Records 6 Elections 60 1981 JUN 19 PM 1: 48 FXHINIT T, - Fago RED.- -N McGAUGHEY YUGLER & ICK ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N W. HOYT STREET ♦ PORTLAND OREGON 97:1r) (503) 242.0909 Alichael Redden Cce,knn Callahan'r Robert J. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yugler David J, Jack •Orepnn&Wuhin`ton Ban t0frjun 6 Kinsu Bus July 11 , 19E6 .'„e Honorable Donald C. Ashmanskas Circuit Court Judge Wast-.ington County Courthouse 150 N. First Street Hillsboro , Oregon 97124 PZ C=tL, of Tigard , Oregon v Cc . and Der-Part_ Associates , Inc . et ai vllasninztoni Cunt_ �Lircuit :ullrt , Case N(l - 85-160i-Cr Dear Judge Asr-nanskas: Please find enclosed an original Order of Cefaulc in the above- captioned Tatter . A copy of the Motion of Default and supporting Affidavit are enclosed for yotr review. The ori:inal "lotion and Affidavit nave been filed with the clerk ' s office. If the Order ;r.eets with your aooroval , wz-..-ld you please sign it , h3':e your cler,( file it, and t:ivc the enclosed co.= -oriEOrr. =d and returned to me in envelope provided . Thank you for your many courtesies : n tnis matter . Please give me a cal: if thL-re are any glestionL regard' ing tnis matter . Ver.I truly yours, Richard S . Yugler RSY : kc cc : -tandr Clarno, City of Tigard Mark Le Cogr E3q. Phomas K. hilliar , Eng . R EDDr-N MCGAUGHEY YUGLER & j. , K ArrOKNEYS .%r L1W 1'27 N W HOYT STREET • PORTUNU, OREGON 9720 (M.) 212.0909 Michael Redden CccAmi C.allahant Robert J. McGaughev• Srtrhany Watson Richud S. Yugler David J. Jack 'Oregon A W uhmgton Ban 1t)regon ds Kansa Ban .aL1 L1 , L'J9c r Clank, Circuit Court 4ashington County Couctho,isa 145 NE S'3corld :sv-21,1a Hillsooro , 0_sgon 9711-4 RE: City of Tiaard , ')regon v. Lutz =velooment Coi 3Rr�7_'r-13_t �S3�Ci3t23 , I:1C 3.11^.jton co�;ntj L1Ct':lt :0'1Lt Case .13 . Oaar: CL-er;c: Pia3aa find jnclo3ed for filic;g in the above-captioned cas? Motion for Order of Default with supporting affidavit . True copies have been served on all opposing counsel . :nan< you For your many CJurteesies in this mattes . - ety truly yours, Richard S . Yugler RSY: 'Kc Enclosures ,c: Tandy Charm , City or Tigard :13 CK La CoQ, Esq. "-sq . ai.. 1 I-N THE CCRCUiT COURT FOR THE STATE ')e URE:GON 2 FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHI'NGTON 3 CITY OF T IZARD , Oregon, ) 4 a municipal corporation, ) CASE NO. 85-1601 C 5 Plaintiff , ) ) 6 v . ) 7 LU:Z DE'IELOPMENT CO3MPANY, ) MOTION FOR ORDER and CER 'r AOT ASJOCIATE'S , INC. , ) OF DEFAULT g a Joinc v_ntur=:; and Fidelity ) and Deposit Company of ;Maryland, ) 9 a Maryland Corporation , ) t0 Defendant. ) tl — 12 Pursuant to ORCP 63, plaintiff moves _our= 13 for an or3er of deE3'llt and judgment against def-2nd3nt Der-Hart 14 A33oclates , Inc. for failurie to file an answer in the above- 15 r?L=rented action In t.ne time prescribed by i3w. 16 This mo� ion is supported by the att3cned +ffid3vit of 17 Richard S . Yugler , filed herein. 18 POINTS AND AUTHORITIES 19 The attac:ned 3ftidavit demonstrates that the 3bove- 20 captioned case was filed on or about January 4 , 1986 . On or 21 about January 7 , 1936 , service was .-lade Loon defendant Car-Hart 22 Associates , Inc . by serving the Oregon Cornor3tion Commissioner . 13 Exhibit ISA Service Was Curtner made by Serving defendants � �tz 24 CeveloomQnt Co. and Der-H:ir'_ associates, Inc . , as a joint "+ venture, by serving P3mela Laibel , a recepti3n1st in the office f):TRe 1 - 'io,rroN FOR ORDER OF J-FA(JLr REDDEN McGAI 11HEY YT.'(iLf.R !IACK UTI IIINLYa.i IAvi I.11 V* NI)Y1 • VrAtt'ND."OF..4nN 9-?I* 4NI.11� MMp I of 5ayed M. ai,3dek, a re,4istered agent of Lutz Development Co. on 2 J.3nury 6 , 1986 , it 1 : 17 p.m. Exhibit "B" . After service was 3 mala upci the Oregon COr-Poration Commissioner , a certified letter 4 was directed to Jeffrey J . Hartlieb, registered agent for and 3 president of Der-i{art Associates , Inc. and to Maggie smith, 6 secretary of Der-Hatt A3SUC13t_3, Inc. Exhibits "C" and "D" . 7 On or sbQut February 11, 1986 , plaintiff was contacted 8 by James A. Cox, Esquire, who informed plaintiff that he 9 represented defendant Der-Hart Associates, Inc. Mr . Cox later 10 informed plaintiff that he would not be filing an appearance on 11 behalf of defendant Der-Hart Associates , Inc. Exhibit "E" . 12 On or about June 25 , 1936 , a ten day notice of 13 plaintiff ' s intention to default defendant Cep-:dart Associates 14 was sent to `1r . Cox. Exhibit "F" . 15 The attacned affidavit and exhibits amply demonstrate 16 that defendant Der-Hart associates, Inc. has failed to file an answer in the above-referenced action within the time prescribed 18 by law pursuant to ORCP 7 and ORCn 69. 19 Dated ; nis 11th day of July, 1986 . 20 21 /S/ RICHARD YUGLER RICHARD S . YUGLER 22 OSS NO . 80415 23 TRIAL ATTORNEY 24 attorney for Plaintiff Z5 26 Page 2 ,MOTION E'1)R ORDER OF DEFAULT REDDEN Nc1;Al 61IF.Y YI 6LER A(ACK %1TtAs rtki1tt* I'1•'1* 111),T • w)ANAND,- 11tf,0N4'!IW Nn11.Nt 1vN 1 I'.4 CHE CLRCU L i COURT FOR THE 5irATE O1:' OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF ;WASHINGTON I CITY OF TIGARD, Oregon, ) 4 d municipal corpora..ion, ) CA377 N0 . 33-16?L 5 Plaintiff, ) 6 v , ) 7 LUTZ DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, ) AFFIDAVIT IN 3UP2OR► and DER HART ASSOCIATES , INC ) GF lit),IC�i FOR GRDER 8 a Joint 'lenture ; and Fidelity ) OF DEFA"LT and Deposit Company of Maryland , ) 9 a Maryland Corporation, , 10 Defendant. ) it ) STATE OF OREGON 1 12 ) >; COUNTY OF ,`4ULTNOMAH ) 13 ) 14 I , Richard S . Yugler , being duly sworn depose and say 15 under oath, 16 L . I am the attorney for plaintiff in the above- 17 captioned natter and the following is true to the best of my 18 'knowledge , belief , and information. 19 2. On or about January 4 , 1.) 16 , the anove-captioned 20 case was filad in Washington County Circuit Court . At such time, 21 plaintiff a33 represented by Mr . :Can Elliott of the Portland La,a 22 firm of O ' Donnell , Rsmis, E: Liot_t 4 Crew. attached hereto 3s 23 Exhibits "A" tnr7ugn "S" are is 3 true copies of Mr . Elliott ' s 24 fila which indicates -he mann-:!r of service of the summons and 25 c:o,nplaint upon 1 •fana.3nt Cer-Hart Associates, Inc . Exuibit "A" 26 Page 1 - AFFIUAVLC 1N JUPPQRT OF MOTION FOR ORDER I)F DEFAULr RF.DDMN NrI,ALGIIEY YI:(iLFR A IWK 1I T'Io NFv1 4f I_q'IU • w,Nt1A,4D IIEGIV V•Nq ia111•d1 ..N 1 indicates that summons Lnd complaint was served by certified 2 Tail upon the )ra,jon Corporation Commissioner on January 7 , 1986 . 3 Exliinit lndl .:3t?s tn3t summons and complaint were personal Ly { served upon detendint.3 Luta Oavelopment Co. and Dar-Hart 5 Associates , Inc . , 3 j oint ventur-e , by carving Pa,naLa L1ebel , 3 6 recep= .ovist in the offs =e of Sa'y'2d M. Sadak, r=3istered 3-Dent for Lut-' Development Company, on January 6 , L986 , 3t 4 : 37 P .m. S ExhibLt "C" 1ndic_ltas tn3t the slmm0ns and ::)mplaint was sent by 9 certlf1 _d mail to Jeff J . H3rtLieb , president and registered 11) agent for Der-liar *. Associates , Inc . , and upon Maggie .smith, 11 3-e_re_ary for Dz?r-.cart Associates , Inc. 1_' 3 . 07 January 14 , 1986 , Kr . Elliott received a 1-2r-ter 13 from Mr . J3me3 A. Cox indicating that he wculd be reoresenting 14 Der-Hart Associates , Inc. in ::he above-captioned Case and 15 r-.:?quasted that nJ default 'OE! taken without prior not.iCa to ni.n. 16 Exhibit "E" . On February LL , 1986, Mr . Cox indicated th3t he 1 'w01-ILj not be .. Ling an 3poe_(r3n.e tar Der-Hart Associates , Inc . , 1'8 whish was a disolved coroor3tion . Exhibit "E" . On or about June 19 25 , 1986 , I personally mailed to Jams A. Cox 3 letter informing 1O nim th -it unless an appearance w3s made within ten ( 19) days, I 21 would apply to the Circuit Court for default and judgment . 22 Exhi--it "F" . 23 4 . 1 ,,ave received no written response to my letter 24 dated June 24 , 1986 and I have not received a _opy of any answer 25 or other pLeadin3 or 100?3r3nca filed on behalf of defendant Der- e Page 2 - AFF IDA,r r r`J aI.PPORT ';F ;t0':I ;.'J 'OR ORDER OF DEFAULT 14MI)F14 YI(MR 9 t.ACK IIT, wer41 kr 1A • 'V* IIUYT • w iRrL%.D )Nl40141V^21A ,•n11 444 I tilrt associates , Inc . Eurth%_r:nor_ , C nava Per :;oniL !y SUGken ',Jltn :It . Cox by talephone, who hag r`afti ..-med that he not be 3 fiLing in appearance )i behalf of defendant Der-Hart Assoc 13t?3 , { Inc- 5 3 . The attached exhibits demonstrate that defendant 6 Der-H3rt Associates , Inc. 'dere served with a true cccpy of 3u.mmon3 and complaint in accordance with ORCP 7 . Furthermore, the 9 attached i:iatarials demonstrate that de;_r.d.ant Cer-Hart 9 Associates , Inc . has not fiLed an ans.!z.� nor any other appearance 10 herein, although the time provi3ed f.r doing so has expired . 11 6 . Defendant Der-Har_ associates , Inc . was a 12 corporation organized under the laws of tae- State of Oregan and 13 at no time was an individual in the nilit3ry service of the 14 United States, not a minor, nor an incapacitated person. 15 7 . This is an acticn sgainsr. Der-Hart associates , 16 Inc. for specific p-rEor:nance or , in tine alternative , for 'reach 1 of contract whicn alleges zonr.rac_1.;r31 damages in to-a sura of nor. IS less than $30 , 367 . 53 . Plaintiff also all_3es a c13im against 19 defendant Cer-Hart associates , Inc . on a surety bond executed by 20 defendant EijeLity and Caposit Company of "aCyL3nd on behalf of 23 24 25 36 P-1ge 1cFIDAV I 2PORT OE' MU'1•ION rc)R 0R0Ec7 01? OEEAUL'r REDDEN NcCAI:t;HEY YUCLER S.6ACK 11'T1M`�FYi %r u'! 1'!'V* Ito . Pn Ott AND.1.09c,04 9.704 14n 11 111,IMA I [nc. 3nd raquests dama-las in th'e 3'um :lot L-ess tnan 33�J , 367 . 53 . r' lintLtf 31s�3 C3q�1zSt3 its costs, 3 J ,,sbursements, and 3tt7rneV3 faas incurred ll?C?lil . + O•�tad t�:is Llzh 'lay oe JULY, L')3o . i RIChAO 3GL7-R _ ()5 a NO . d X1.116 Attorney for Plaintiff r1 iR :AL A1 T RN EY 9 Subs;.riced and Sworn oaf )re 'le this day of 10 1936 . 11 1? !iO ARY ?USLIC OF OREGON -- 13 Xy Commission Expires 14 1 16 1' 18 19 20 21 22 23 2.4 25 26 Page 1 - AFc IOA'✓[ r [U JUPPOIr OF "WTION FOR )RDF.R of DEFAULT NFr)r-FV ii. ,U OWN V GLFR ♦!U K ur,.a•,F••, .r•.s ,4iN 11:•r.A In the Circuit Ccurt of the S)tate of Oregon for the County of..... 14shing.tqq....... .......... CITYOF TIGARD, OREGON, .................................................... ........................................... ...i�u.n L.c i.p.a I...c.a..r pora ion, ...................!................................................................................................................... corporation ..............................................................................I.................................. ................. ................................ Vs. Plaintiff LUTZDEVE'�OPME114.T..CO.., AND........................................................................................ DER-............ .. . .........di� ... .. .. ............ .......................... PART ASSO TE .......... ...........S . ........................................................... Join`t 7-3nture; and ......................... .......................... SMVIAMNS ..........I......... ................................................. FIDSL 17': A�10 DEPOSIT COMPMV ..........................................................................Op . ­1 I MA.R'_,­_AND, .A...dN...D...c !........................... .. .......... ............................................................................................. ....a...:m.a.rLan.... . or. orat.ion.......... ...................................................................................... Defendant 5 To DER—FART .................................I......*...................................A...'S...S....O.....C.......I...A......T. ..U! ...P. ..I.C.........I................................................... .......................................... .......................................................................................................... ........ ........................................ .... . . c/o Corcoration Commis.sioner . 5 8—12th, J.Eres t *1 .. . .......................... ............................................................................................... .............. ...... ....Salem,...O.R.....973 0............................................ ..............................................................................Defendant........ You are hereby required to appear and defend the complaint filed against you in the .Above entitled action within thirty (30) days from the dare of service of this summons upon you, and in case of your failure to do so, for want thereof, plaintiffs) will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE tO THE DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY1 You must"appar" in this case or the other side will win automati- cally. To "appear" you must file with the court a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The ',motion" or "answer" must been to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days along with Nev required /s/ Kenneth M. Elliott filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the .................. ..... ................................................................... plaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, I11PW4ATW*&OF 0491014 Res-az4r AvToamav proof of service -ipon -6e plaintiff. If you :lave any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. Kenneth M. Elliott ........................................................................................... '"F9 04 PRIM?4AN411t OI MLSIO114?ATT00*41LY STATE OF OREGON; County of ..._..Mt.k11n.QMAh................................................ 1, the undersigned attorney of record for the plaintiff, certify that the foregoing is an exact and complete copy of the original summons in the above in(kit t tion. 4 41d UA J" unl3ii otimplocr -I-A a -f � . �_�11 •-�2 q 11IiiS!!Y Imp P To THE OFFICER OR OTHER pri L 10 copy of this summons, together with "0"1; • 21 m legal entity(jes) to whom at which the Wi or upon a separate similar document A-4. X rx.. 8 J I Post office address it which papers in i:­011 e j ,vl�'"^� IV 0tW_Q—. A � (M' may be served by MAIL It qwCX,;,*m d% 0­ '37t X O'CCMNELL, PAMIS, ELLIOTT S CT . !3 Art-4-11TS WQ PtAlf'ST PIP W Ur 31 oft 0�0 0 ;f 4� "- Airi A'" - A& In the circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of s h i nq t:-D n................... CITY TII OF GAR-Df...P.Fgqp:�If............................................................................................ .. ........... ...... ...... a..(nun.ICLOal.....cororation., .I. ......... ....... ....... ........p..................... .......................................................................................... ..�;q.Fpora..tion,... .........I. ........... ............................................................................................................................. vs. Plaintiff LUTZ CEVELOP�!--- N7 CO ,ND No....9....x.1501.. P.5—160 Ic ...........I................................................................................ .................. 1:;(: . ...................................................I............. ....... . . . ...... . ............................... 7-2nture; and ........................................................................... . SUMWONS .......... ........... ... .... Ir�Li —D DEPOSIT C-�:-!PXNY .................................................. ................................................................................ ..................................................................................... . . ....................E.;.................. a --Lan - --ornora ion. ............................................... ......................................................................... Defendant S To ........ ADEK, REGISTERED AGENT ...SS .... .. ...........I........................................................................................................................ ........... fAYED Co ................ . ........ ...........................................................................................................—............. ...... H.1 way .........3 ......... .............................................................. .. ........................ ............................... ................ Po_'_.., - a.n d ....dk� -)7223 .................................................... . ...............................................................................................................................DeferidartA.... You are hereb'v required to appear and defend the complaint filed against ,-ou in the above entitled action within thirty (JO) days from the date of service of this summons upon you, and in case of your failure to do so, for want thereat, plaintiffs) will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE TO THE DIFE140ANTi READ THUR PAPERS CARIFULLY1 You must "appear" in this case or the other side -ill win automati- cally. To "appear" you muse file with the court a legal paper called a "r motion or " The , -notion" or"answer" must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days 21onif with the required filing fie. It must be irt proper form and have proof of service on the .... ............ ...... . piaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, $1014A fU ME :oR a qui a a 4r AT TO M'it f proof of service upon the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. Kenneth M. Elliott ........................................................................................ rript on P4i-4r 44me or lResicemp jhrrooimay STATE OF OREGON; 53. Countyat .................................................................................. 1, the undersigned attorney of record for the plaintiff, certify that the ' ;r-gurrg is an exact i!-d -orn.olete Copy (-I the original summons in the above ertitled action. ................................................................I......... ............... AfTOMMILT OI 49C040 VZO 0LA14r111P1$1 To THE OFFICER OR OTHER PERSON SERVING THIS SUMMONS You are herebv directed to ierve a true copy of this summons, together with a true copy of the compfaint mentioned therein, upon the irdividual(3) or other legal eritity(ies) to whom or which this summons is directed, and to maA-!, your proof of service on rho reverse hereof or upon a separate similar document .vhich you shall attach hereto. Pest office address at which papers n he above entitled action may be served by mail. 0 CONNELL, IULLIVAN to RAPAIS x- F-14f0i Mo. Ift.-Clecull (31 011flICT COU41 IUMOA004% 1 ' CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON I — p a r i c i a J G t i>rP , hereby certify that I am, and at all times hereinaftdr state+ was a competent person over the age of eighteen years, a resident of the State of Oreuon; and not a party to or Attorney in the within entit!ed action; that the foregoing summons and complaint was delivered to me for service on the day of d a n i i A r• l9 a� duly certified to be true copies by one of the Attorneys for the Plaintiff. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, all search and Service was made within the county of;'T3shin _ton State of Oregon: that said seLsch and service was made as follows as indicated by an Personal ;t _ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, I served said papers on the defendant: Service Lutz Deyalooment Co and Der-Harr Associates Inc a ,Joint Venture b•✓ ser•✓lnqq Pamela Leibel-receptionist in the office of Sayed :1 Sadek R�gistersd �+cc���nt on Januar•_ 5 1996 at 4 : 37om within the said State and County by then and there personally delivering to and leaving with the defendant iust named personally and in person a copy thereof; that said person so served is the identical person named a., defendant in said action. Sub- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, after due and diligent ,,-arch and inquir, I ha%e been unable to Service find the within named defendant: within said State and C,wnty: such service %gas therefore made on said defendant on the -- dav of —_._ . l9 __ . by delivering a copy thereof to: a person over the aqe of 14 ;ears, a person of the abode, at the dwelling house and usual place of abode of ;aid ,Iefendant, within said State and County. Not _ ! '�F_REBY CERTIFY THAT, .after due and diligent search and inquiry I have been uncble Found to find ri- ^�iri named defendant: Only within said State and County, therefore. service -as not made Dated: 1-7-86 Ccrtificanon of `tailing 1 " �� Fy ,, sur,i.-nons and cmm�iatnt 'gas mailed to LI, HERF.B . CFRTIF THAT. s c�rtitied true defendant liter substitute service was made ,tattnd time. tl . and 14e 1:F service. I DATED: ---- ACE MESSENGER SERVICE. INC. 12750 S. W. PACIFIC H'NY., SUITE 1 22 TIGARD. OREGON 07223 (503) 639.0836 CERrIFIC'ATE of SERVICE OF SUtiI`IONS ANO CO`IPLAIN • j cl Calc) 2 1,E, �,co �� ,4r �-r or vr� vuaQ • -----s_--•------ _ ,_..______._._.__..____._ .___ .--.. .._ __. _ � _ - RE►�UVA�L_� Et�•iG' C..:7 JET �<'aP.�aK_1=T - � i . _ _ cc n �V_ tea itep .. AUT t__ET N cc IL 3 "' 1� -. - .. Q -__._... _._._..-.._. _ ......__.._._.. ._. ...... _._._ _ _ .�.....�... ccoo4 _ - y rA►NI►JO - - to�L STORM 5EWEiR MANHCLE 2 DETAI L. ffMNL2 QKA fo-p *p LLj ' =i, _ - ----- � - - - -_ -------_ .. Lu _ __ -- -- Tr ____ _ V � + __. ...—__._. ---- C _ 10 _- OKIC:-�I NA L GROU N p _ . ._____�.__________ ° _ __ __. _._ -- _.�.___.__.�__ _._ __ __ _4 _ -�- _ �.__ _. '�••2'l' _ _ _ - _� FIN ISH�C CaRA_ DE.- -ORIGINAL GkOUND • . N� v SAC C C W O t_:C)l_f."MY CREEK El,TAT'ES 7 OF 15 ..,�atw•'- ;,� !I'I'r���rl'Ir �rl'Irl'�'I' Iri►Lr��l�llllitll r�'t1 rt n rpt (II'11111tiItl11l1111�11 11 r��I���i1�rIII1f1�111��111111�11�1�11��1�1�1� ilililil�lil�}I�I11�1�1���1�1�1�I�I�I�I���Ir�' - F.. 3 :, 5 6 7 NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED = DRAWING 1S LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIQFrr-'IT IS DUE TO ' -✓'DQUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL RAWING. __- - ------- oE ez ez Iz sz sz rz Ez zz Iz 0z e1 91 cl s1 s1 til e1 71 11 01 - 's • t 9 s tr� f z I r�trluulunluiilunliuilni+hu�lul�iiulun�nalr���l�u�h���l��ulf�luburlrurlurrlrrttlarolu11�r1�ilnnlnrl4r»olrrrtlMtritiur11r1�H1�I�tttlttll�ttu�ttfdull�mt�tll� wrluu�rurilul�uul Nytt► JUNE 1992c _ .. +.�'-- •. -T!�•,•-••.--�r.-:,jay,._. .... _ --.�1,.,,.._. ._..r.__.�••�.._., .. �„ +� "'�. ' `.*.�r-•"'�. r"-�'•7 �.rY;l. `.!'"�' y1S' ^i, ,�,_..�. .._�_ _._ _ . - __».w-+.._ t► ... .+A..< Syr t_, a 1� _ ,-.n•'1�R nd I;`,L "''7'7mt'�i;� �� V r� yp" A O'F-Ai5aMEN7 I I ' I ' _ 2�i OF THESE ORED _ ALL TOAPPROVAL ACES T BE _ '� PRIOR •LAS`�"G"A.(, �; tiL'E •NAt_K ME�.hyUE� t I I"C.l1a � G ACG 5 51DEVVALK MEANDER. PLANS FXT RU T EU „ A 1.-- (-i.)Fzb Z C:L..A�"GA L• I 1 . `- "(_ ��(� r, • � 1 PUBLIC WGRKs GCPT, BY - DATF Z`�/4'C�wI�L HEh �UG-1� VEL �`I � 2�GLA "C"A, 'C/W AWEA (BOTH aAM5) NOTE' C A WITHIN R/Wt EASEMENT(�z FH SIDES) / Z U_A�5 GA.G• PLANNING V 2"- O"CIZU5HED R0--*,/69A\/EL- uNK INCH CA/E1ZL.AY IZI✓.© G 2 5/4•--O U9USHE1-) Ro:.l-/CaRAJE! ONE INCA OVERLAY REQ'I✓ C' �/4" ;jwSHED WZC-,r.1C-RA�/EL I ' WITHIN 0NE: Y'EA R G Co' 2•-- O"C.RUt*-IE-D 2CCJC/G,RAVEL_ WITHIN CXJE YEAR 1 8 z"--v' GRUSHEV ROC.KIGIZAVE� '' ?� i ;� BUILDING o�nr. ©v _ ... __. _ _- - DATETEMPORARY L-) v � 3` COUNTY H-ALTH 07PT. O _ DAVE 0 / �� W CITY A N I RAT0,2 BY TYPICAL. 28 5T-RE T tE��TIG �, � /w � DMI 30' EASEMENT - --�_.-_- _ ..� T�' PIC.AL_ _��STf2EET J�_GT 1�.7N 5O' I� .` TIGAItO WATc`F7 U15T. A N T �� W O ISLAND NTS Y DATE C NT J { GENERAL TELrPHONE By DCT,_ C --- -- (.UNSTRU�.%T �TArtDARD =,� ! u s A By oATC �L rr STg.•F�T F3AK.IZIC.ApE. I - _ � N. W. NATURA, GAS r BY-_ - OATIE c . ♦ ! h�4 -A0 Y - P. O. PY- --- _ DATE n I _ DATE I S LA G 1�2r _[STA _ _- 7 ,UF2g DA f r , i { GU�0 VA A (T YR ) � UJR ATA �s o��•�~ OI a 19C. 9 ' , I � C UA1A -0 bTG?to°G7 '!3I` `32' 11 41 "of�+Q�,sDLL 19115 9' nta)z low z4i � ` 04 �A\ ! 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Jam'. -_ p� r� ,� __ __ _ _--.___-__ __ .____-- ____ _____ _.__ Q S L��t� __ � snR - . �'l �IPP Qe•�.Ca _-_ .__ _______-___ _.__ __ -_-_ _- _ _ ._... .- --- _.__. -__ -- _ ��r y. �eta per 0 174 Z _ - 1 JuTm - 04 __-____--_.__-...__� 73 lot, � .___—_..._.._. ..___.�_._. _ Ott._ �s .8�–_ � . _. 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Cot 31 STORM "°3 __ +59 c7 TOP-M 152.3 — _ F:ANN CREEK 0 0+00 2+00 U. U. C01-014'r LREEk" ES-1 RTES I' I '� I• I I � I I I I I I t I�►i�I _f� � �. � - - I. FIN loom .•'-��: ��_: ._ _ , __ _ - _- ;� , ;,, I e I t f'., I I ! III III I I t Illtlll ilt �ilr I 'K III 1lt Il Ill II 111 III III ril III Ill III Ill Ill III Ill 111 l111l111 l111l 111 ill fll 111 III III 111 1tI r l r 1 1 _.. ,� I l l � l l l • _ ." NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED !"■"rW 2-•–T-•-------��--—.--4... 5 6 7 8 9 I(7 1 I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT IMi-1T I5 DUE IT) of SJR QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DAWING• OE 6? 92 LZ 9Z SZ tic EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 91 L1 91 91 bl EI ZI 11 01 6 9 L 9 S r E Z I"�""' a �""' I�IIIuulnnluulunll�nluilhullul�,1an11ul�llltllnduul�st'IIuuIN�rIIbt1111uIIIInHI(�hlnllullu11111nlnlrhllllllrtlrlll{M�inllnlllllnht,ttluttlt►tt�nttluu�ttuluu�t���lnullulluullut�llul� WtJu�u(twlttllnt - JUNE 24 1992A � �: Ca= • IL rsJKI �k a � • b ,\V�CC l c 7 W Cb o� U rim _O Q W �, �, L4z J -� a ri.U J n z n 41 M cn ltl a a,-4 r -� c `T N O Q v U •t'i, �- Z p r7 7 -i cn W a, N O J r_9 a: Q U • Q �� ��l�J '4.�i � NI- W ^J Li �. • � Ln J n rpr W _ \ ` • 1 S4 t 0 C�J n0 0 <0?�. `- �C A 1 1 O'OONNELL. RAMIs, ELLIOTr & CREW MAPK P. O G'rN•,CLL ATTORNEY'3 AT LAW CANS" OrrICR r .^',f I vA+414191 V G.e r sire 102 -ENNCTM M f.LLIJTT BALLOW & 'r'�RIOHT JUILOING CANB, JPU:JN J7J1J 'II EFI-EN F CPCW 1717 N 'N HOYT Srg9rr 11031 240.11410 CHARLES C. CORRIGAN • PORTLAND. OPICGON 0720Y jZSEPM M. SULLI'JAN 17031 2224402 4ornnTll4nvR AUIfT4.+♦ MAPGARET C. HAr10 /LMR sHARaN L. 'NILLIAMS KATHERINE A. PLY-14-14 • ALSO AOrlr!t0 'O 0"ACTIC19 Ir fT�rR 01 .v►9NiV l!pN COfIITROLLff1 PRISCILLA !. WAY January 13 , 1986 CERTIFIED MAIL -' RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, Der-:cart .associates , Inc . Jeffrzy J . Hartlieb, President 8325 S .W. Colony Cree:t Court Tigard , O-R 97223 Re : City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co . , et al , i1asC14 -g1Dn County Cir-uit_Cour~ Ca3e "To . 85-16CIC J?3: Mr . {artlieb : This farm functions as the City Attorney for the City of rigard Oregon, plaintiff in the above-captioned matter . Der-:fart Asso- ciates , Inc . `ias been named as a defendant in this action. Since Der-Hart Associates , Inc . is no longer an active Oregon corporation , the company was served by service of true copies of the .Summons and COmolaint on tine Corporation Commissioner , pursuant to OFiS 57 . 075 ( 3 ) ( a) . The purpose of th '.s letter is to advise you of the service an t:ne Corporation Comriissioner , and to provide you with true conies of the Summons ar.l Ccm')laint in this matter . The true copies of the Summons and Comolain't are enclosed herewith. Sincerely, Kenneth M. Elliott �x . 0 -�� KMF : dd P4 Farm ]800. Feb. I M 0 U 3A.P O. 11"44"14 _ C 4 o 5 CC * Bob Jean, )Tigard and .it � 4 Addressee bySurface Y f f 113 j I O ; � D � � O33 1 T •, r. 1 Ji ,J 0'00NNELL, RO.mis. ELLIOTT St 'CREW MARK P 0 OCNNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW cAN�Y arnCt T'4OTHY gANIS 191 N G�•ANT. SVI,t 202 -ENNETH w �_..'.3TT 9A, L0'A .t 'NRIGHT SUILOING CANS OREION 17131 s TEPHEN P CaEN Ir2T N.'N. HOYT 9T4ttT ,�0�1 24�•Ila7 CHARLES E. C:RRIGAN• PORTLANO, OREGUN A7200 .CSEPH M. 3ULLIVAN 17071 222.4402 Aorl„uTIAArIvt AUItTar.T "MARGARET C. NANO •LtAlt AtPLY TO►OMMANO OVVICE SHARON L. 'NILLIANS KATHE,7INE A. FLYNN • ALSO AOA,IT-E3 'O►A/ACT'Zt r {TATC J/ .v Atr.i VOTON GOM AA70 L1tR PRISCILLA E. WAY January 13 , 1986 CERTIFIED `".AIL - RETURN RECEIPT_REQUESTED�_` Mr . Jeffrey J . Hartli-2b Registered Agent Der-Hart Associates , Inc . 8360 S .'A. Colony Creek Court Tigard , OR 97223 Re : Citf of Ligard v . Lutz D,,,!!velcpment Co . , et al , �4asninaton C,)un:v Circuit_Ccurt Case No . 85- tiO1C Dear Mr . Fartlieb : This firm functions as the City Attorney for the City of Tigard Oregon, plaintiff in the above-captioned matter . Der-Hart Asso - ciates , Inc . has been named as a defeneant in this action. Since! Der-Hart Associates , Inc . is no longer an arrive Oregon corporation, the companr was served by service of true copies of the Summons and Complaint in the Corporation Commissioner , pursuant to ORS 57 . 075 ( 3 ) ( a) . The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the service on the Corporation Commissioner , and to provide you with true copies of the Summons and Complaint in this matter . The true copies of the SiLnmons and Comolaint are enclosed herewith. Sincerely , . � Kenneth M. Elliott KM :d d PS Form 3800. Feb. 1982 • U.S.C).P O. 19"AA8414 7 77 A 7 't 7T 7-I 7n Enclosures ? n � �: � j 0 � I�� > y �3 CC : Bob Jean Tigard Cit' Addr. e-,see by SurE3ce �' ^ ; I i � d , 3 nrJA r, N n 'n 0 0 rL J1 J I J f j I 11 J � I 111 N 7 + - c �•1 -�• '-' 1:11 i IL co F" ru V 0 0 14 ` C OJ � � ? UV V) CZ (n� 0c U r w z C) 0 � C_ rn 2z3d cr0 � Q r, O r; J ¢ nG WL - O mE Qo p O 4 03 Li F H w v w E~ z w �^ E- Of W O 1 .+ 1 ~ O n W Gr nl L W rs W M Q u fu ji Cb r u U r't .G C X h WM 1.1 a.l V J F- (n o =4—) M >,� I W Q , 0x"awo'J' t [ •••I a r4 QS ZW0 -k O g N F- W a —4 I O b ZaOo�oEH O 0 O .. O F- . N r� a W U ca o[ o Z Ln rU jO d � [i a Ln O r '- W r O 1 4 � W W r-, I+. H 1 O':70NNELL, RAM19, ELLIOTT & CREW MARK PATTORNEYS AT LAW cAwtr o►rlet TIMOTHY V 4AM14 1411 N GRANT, suirt ZO2 K. NNETH M ELLI:TT BALLON 3 WRIGHT 9UILOING CAN9Y. 4JREG-N A)O13 ;TEPHEN F. CREW 1)27 N.'N HOTTSTR[tT 17031 2641.1149 CHARLES E. CCRRI3AN• PORTLANO.OREGON 97209 JOSEPH M. SULLIVAN 17031 322.4402 AtrIRIATRATIrt AAtuTANT MARGARET C. HANO PLCAGS R[PLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE SHARON L. WILLIAM! KATHERINe A. FLYNN • AL[O AOVIT'[D f0 ww ACTIO[ IN STATE or .YAANINaTON COYPTROLL{R PRISCIL'A 9. WAY January 13 , 1986 CERTIFIED HAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUEsrED Der-Hart Associates , Inc . Maggie Smith, Secretary 8 North State Street Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Re : City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co . , et al , Washington County Circuit Court Case No . 85-1601C near Ms . Smith: This firm functions as the City Attorney for the City of Tigard Oregon, plaintiff in the above-captioned matter. Der-:'Tart Asso- ciates , Inc, has been named as a defendant in this action. Since Der-Hart Associates , Inc . is no longer an active Oregon corporation, the company was served by service of true copies of the Summons and Comolaint on the Corporation Commissioner, pursuant to ORS 57 . 075 ( 3 ) (a) . The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the service on the Corporation Commissioner , and to provide you with true copies of the St-mmons and Complaint in this matter . The true copies of the Summons and Complaint are enclosed herewith. Sincerely, ' Ex Idi99�l�IV�lt'Ti9ff Kenneth M. ElliottLt Enclosures . CC : Bob Jean, Tigard Addressee by Suzy r � 3.* } P_CEIVED FEB 1 ') 1980 JAMES A. LOX err::gNin, Ar u.v 43'r'r'NNcl L. % aA1Nl3 Aat• Cnot 710-1 r!tea...givt dJ7 .17.,9 .)OI L..Kaf.09 • vogr.. er&ra +ratan LAKE OSWEGO OREGON 37034 February 11 , 1395 Mr. Kenneth M. Elliott Attorney at Law 1727 v.W. Hoyt Street Portland, Oregon 97209 RE: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co. , et al . e4ashington County Circuit Court No. 95-15010 F S D Bond 45032299 Ce3r Mr. Elliott : I have confirmed with John Downs of Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland that the principals of DAr-:cart Associates did not personally guarantee the bond obligations . Therefore, as mentioned in my letter of January 14th, I will not be filing an appearance for the dissolved corporation. On the merits of the case it appears that there are several defenses available both to the surety company and to the original developers. There may be deficiencies in the subdivision, but if so most or all of them should be remedied by the usual regulatory mechanisms of withholding building permits , working with the State under the subdivisior. control statutes , and/or proceeding against the successor developer, Titan Properties . As to the surety company it appears that the bond you are relying on covered different obligations -- it was a maintenance bond, not a performance or completion bond. But regardless of the defenses , it is not worthwhile to incur attorney' s fees defending Der-Hart Associates , Inc. Any judgment against it would be totally uncollectible and unenforceable. ','ery truly yours, JAMES A. COX JAC/ 3 cc: Mr . J,�,ffrpy Hart ILeb Mr. e. Ray Derby Mr . Ralph Hillier Mr . Jonn Downs (Fidelity S Deposit_ Co. ) w M REL,J�N ` cGAUGHEY YUGLER Bc ),yCK NrT0LNEY3 A Lk0 : l' ' N V. HOYr `f ET • P(,'ItTL\:rI), OREGON')7!09 Michie Redden Cee.\nn Callahanr Robert J. McGiughey• Scephany VPatwn RiLhlfd S. Yu3let Cavid J. Jack *Ccr n k VahwVon 3a0 r r-" it 31n "una 25 , L 36 James A. Cox , Esq- 3 `torr-a 3tat'3 Stre-2t L3'.a Oswego , Oragon 9733A RE: City of Tigard r. Lutz CeveLooment Co. , et 31 iv33R1n�tOC1'L unty CC1rcuLt Court Case `io. 3S-Lo3LC Ca x PIeas--� lnd -3;1CLOs PLaint i ESS F i r a t ?eq,jest for ?L']d1Ction . 2L�—ase enter your 3COear3R_a 'lignin 13 days or L 4i LL 30oLy t0 thy - Court COC deC3uIt and ]udgmant . Very truly yours, Rlcnard S . YugLer RSY : kc 'Enclosure Cc. Randy C13rno i EX. •.-artldy that : servad tn3 cora•�,� inq 3 MOTE','I UZ:AUL^► , FFEDaV:r :V 5UPPORT OF :A0TrJN FOR 6,1=35 $ 2:J'•1 : 1C3t Int-ar3ta:-3 ijJ3 3.4 ?1 ,th Aven'13 9 2o:tl3n3 , ::a30n 972iJ1 10 on the ._t;,i 33y or :siy, 1)36 , zy .-►3ilinq to said 3ct �rr,a.s 3 _'Jy -_ontaine.1 -.n 3 3?3la'1 ^ , -3 1 ]0.e , r1: =.1 .^,03_3 a JC?_313 3 n d?731 .3d 11 t.^.? ccat 0f=1J3 3t ?oCt1and , ::?yon, Jn 13 said 33t3 . 14 '�3_�,1 :, . 3 11 :n :13y ]L ij 16 /S/ RICHARD YUGLER 1 X33 W . 3J4ii l�3 C: AttoCneya AJC Plaintiff 19 20 ?1 _3 24 .ci P.tti{e *01*MFNM,�,U.,111lY'rti;Lr.A AIMA ,it M•.r.1 tr,.,Y '!'y r mnt • r• 4rlrp • - llka4i•1 t•:,M �•'41U NN REL,- EN McGAUGHEY YUGLER & 0. ►CK ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET ♦PORTLAND, OREGON 9721P1 (503) 242-0909 Michael Redden CeeAnn Callahant Robert). McGaughey' Stephany Watwn Richard S. Yugler David J. Jack •Orrgon&Washington Bart toregon& Kansas Bun Randy Clarno City of Tigard P.O. Box 23357 Tigar: , Gr.tagon 97223 RL: City of Tigard V. Lute Development , .=t aL Case No. d-,)-1601Ci Dear Mr . C ;.arno: Please find enciosad a copy of defendant ' s answer , counterclaim, ctQss-Cdim, and third party claim. Please note that no ap,peirance has buten made by Lutz Development Company and/or Der— Hart Assouiates. I will be filing a motion for default against these parties ::ithin the next few day3. Also, please not^ the counterclaim for attorneys fees filed by Fidelity and Deposit. As we praviouoly discussed , this claim does not come as a surprise. As I previouslf mentioned, there will be some expcsare cif City of Tiyard until such time as the liability of Fidelity and Deposit is more adequately determined through discovery. I anti=ipate Filing several Rule 21 motions a.;ainst the affirmative defenses and countarciaims of Fidelity and D epoalt. I will ':)e ;orwar.dina to You copies of all pleadings that I expezc :. to file :,it-er Lhi.s weak. Please call if you have any questions . Very I-ru y you s . Ricnard S. Yuyler RSY: kc Enclosures I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 2 FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ;3 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, a ) municipal corporation, ) 4 ) Plaintiff, ) No . 85-1601C 5 ) V. ) ANSWER, COUNTERCLAIM, CROSS- 6 ) CLAIM AND THIRD-PARTY CLAIM LUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO. , and j DER-HART ASSOCIATES, INC. , a ) joint venture; and FIDELITY ) S AND DEPOSIT COMFANY OF MARYLAND, ) a Maryland corporation, ) 9 ) Defendants._,!_.___ ) to ) FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY ) 11 OF MARYLAND, a corporation, ) 1� Third-Party Plaintiff, ) 13 V. ) ) ld LUTZ SERVICE CORPORATION, a ) corporation, ) 15 ) Third-Party Defendant. ) 16 1, Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland answers 18 plaintiff' s FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF as follows: 19 1 20 For lack of information, defendant denies the 21 allegations contained in paragraph 1 . 22 2 . 23 Defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland 24 admits that it is a Maryland corporation qualified to do business 25 in the State of Oregon. The remaining allegations in paragraph 2 26 are denied for lack of information. Page 1 - NNSWER, COUNTERCLAIM, CROSS-CLAIM AND THIRD-PARTY CLAIM SCMWARr :-ILLIAMSON,'` tAif, MOORE 6 Qe 61113 Analnoyl p la w av H 1600-1100,Porwoil Come, 1711 S W f,hh A.'nuR lianland,O•ROon 9'701 1'93 1oIRohan•222 9981 1 3 . Defendant denies the allegations contained in 3 paragraph 3 . 4 4. 5 For lack of information, defendant denies the 6 allegations contained in paragraph 4. 7 5 . S Defendant denies the allegations contained in 9 paragraph 5 . 10 6 . 11 Defendant admits that on or about November 21 , 1964, a 12 Continuation Certificate was issued on Bond No. 6032299 . 13 7 . 14 Defendant denies the allegations contained in 15 paragraph 7 . 16 8 . 17 Defendant denies the allegations contained in is paragraph S . 19 9 . 20 Defendant admits that paragraph 3 of the Subdivision 21 Agreement states that plaintiff is entitled to its reasonable 22 attorney fees, but denies that plaintiff is entitled to its 23 attorney fees in this action. 24 10. 25 Defendant denies the allegations contained in 26 paragraph 10. Page 2 - ANSWER., COUTITERCLAIM, CROSS-CLAIM AND THIRD-PARTY CLAIM SCHWABE 'NIUTAMSCN.WYATt M)OPE L 401E1TS Ana^+v1 at law Su f IA.N1 I01M.Pacaefl Cenyr 1711 S N F.F+A.snae Paoland.O,ogan 979043795 telephone 919.9911 1 Defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland 2 answers plaintiff' s SECCND CLAIM FOR RELIEF as follows : ;3 11 . Plaintiff' s second claim for relief contains no allegations against defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of 6 Maryland and therefore there is nothing to admit or deny. 7 Defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland y answers plaintiff' s THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF as follows: g 12 . 10 Paragraphs 1 through 7 that: are incorporated into the 11 third claim for relief are answered as specified above . 12 13 . 13 Defendant admits that it is the surety on a maintenance 14 bond but denies the remaining allegations contained in 15 paragraph 15 of plaintiff' s complaint . 16 14. 17 Defendant denies that plaintiff has recourse to 18 defendant' s maintenance bond. 19 15. L0 Defendant denies the alleaations contained in 21 paragraph 17 of plaintiff' s complaint. 22 16 . 23 Defendant denies the allegations contained in 24 p=,ragraph 18. 25 17 . 26 Defendant denies that plaintiff is entitled to recover Page 3 - ANSWER, COUNTERCLAIM, CROSS-CLAIM AND THIRD-PARTY CLAIM '-H,%AIF .. '1) 14 'NVATT,MOCIF 6 goofNTS A-:0—yl Oe 11w Su.w 1E00 1800, Car*nl co,p, 12115 'N. F.IIh A,".$ lwll9nd.0,*q"97101.7793 i�bvha��117 991 i I its attorney fees under subsection (3 ) of the Subdivision 2 Compliance :agreement from defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company ;; of Maryland. .1 For defendant Fidelity and Deposit ' s FIRST AFFIRMATIVE 5 DEFENSE, defendant alleges: h 18 . Under the terms of the maintenance bond issued by Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, a condition of any liability of defendant under the bend was that the City of Tigard til inspect and accept the improvements in the subdivision known as 11 Colony Creek Estates. A copy of the bond is attached to this 12 answer as Exhibit A . 13 19 . 1.1 Plaintiff has not made a final inspection and acceptance 15 of the subdivision known as Colony Creek Estates. Thus, a 16 necessary condition to any liability or right of action of 17 plaintiff under the bond has not been met and Fidelity and Deposit Is Company of Maryland has no liability to plaintiff. 19 For defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland' s 20 SECOND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, defendant alleges: 21 20 . 22 The maintenance bond upon which plaintiff has brought 23 its action against defendant only requires that Fidelity and l4 Deposit to indemnify plaintiff for defective materials or 25 workmanship that require maintenance after final inspection and 26 acceptance of the subdivision project by plaintiff. If plaintiff Page 4 - ANSWER, COUNTERCLAIM, CROSS-CLAIM AND THIRD-PARTY CLAIM SCHWACE N111iAMSCN,WWI. MCOOE %c06E415 'Wo'nrvf of lata Su.rs1600.1800 Pat*w Con,*, 1111 S W E.11h A•enuw Parllanddrtpen 91204-7191 foliahze 2229911 q 1 accepted the project, nothing in the project has changed from that date requiri,rg maintenance for reason of defective materials or ,3 workmanship. Any in completion in the project was acc-�ptabLe `-1 -1 plaintiff when it certified the project was complete: and the bond does not require Fidelity and Deposit to complete the project or 6 p-y for the completion . Thus, defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland has no obligation to plaintiff under the N maintenance bond. 9 For defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland' s 10 THIRD AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, defendant alleges: 11 21 . 12 Under the terms of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement 13 attached to plaintiff' s complaint as Exhibit A, the only parties 14 to the contract were Lutz Development Co . , Der.-Hart Associates, 15 Inc . and the City of Tigard. Defendant Fidelity .and Deposit 16 company of Maryland was not a party to the contract and has no 1, liability, including any liability for attorney fees, to plaintiff 1y under the airee:ment. i9 For defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland' s 20 FOURTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, .defendant alleges : 1 22 . 22 As a condition to issuing maintenar,^e bond No. 6032299, 2,3 Fidelity and Depcsit Company required the City of Tigard to 24 represent to Fidelity and Deposit that the subdivision project 25 mown as Colonial Creek Estates was completed and acceptable to 26 plaintif::. Plaintiff made that representation to Fidelity and Pagp 5 - AN!74ER, COUNTERCLAIM, CROSS-CLAIM At1D THIRD-PARTY CLAIM SCHWABE,WI►UAMSON,W/ATT, MOORC 6 RCEERiS Atternoyy it to SmfH I6f70 1900,Pn.weit Confer 1711 S W V11h A.01.e Portlynd G"egon 97704 ))95 reloohene 222 9911 a I Deposit intending Fidelity and Deposit to rely on the represen- t tation and to issue a maintenance bond on the project. 3 23 . Plaintiff' s representation was a material condition to ti issuing the bond. The representation was false when made and 6 plaintiff knew of its falsity. Plaintiff intended Fidelity and 7 Deposit to rely on the false representation and Fidelity and K Deposit did so rely. t'idelity and Deposit issued the bond relying g on plaintiff' s representation that the project was completed. 10 24. I1 Plaintiff' s misrepresentation and Fidelity and Deposit' s 12 reliance on the misrepresentation estoppes plaintiff from now 13 claiming that the project is not finished. Plaintiff may not seek 14 recourse against the maintance bond. 15 For defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland' s 16 EIRST COUNTERCLAIM AGAINST PLAINI:IFF, defendan. alleges : 17 25 . 1R Paragraph 3 of plaintiff' s complaint states that 19 defendant Lutz Development Co . and Ler-Hart Associates, Inc . ' s 20 performance under the Subdivision Compliance Agreement was secured. 21 by a maintenance bond prior to final acceptance by plaintiff. The 22 paragraph also alleges that defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company 23 of. Maryland issued the maintenance bond upon which plaintiff seeks 24 recourse to secure the maintenance of the project prior to final 25 acceptance of the project by plaintiff. 26 Page 6 - ANSWER, COUNTERCLAIM, CROSS-CLAIM AND THIRD-PARTY CLAIM ;Cti.',aBF aill4M5.^,N,WYATT, MOM 6 ROIIRTS A,,.- l qI law U oo$1600 800.It C**Sl Come, 1711 S N RIIh A.0"u0 penlo"d,0,0110"97:04 V95 11100h0"0 222 1111 1 26. The terms of the bond upon which plaintiff bases its 3 allegations against defendant state that the bond is conditioned _1 upon the City of Tigard' s final inspection and acceptance cf the subdivision that is the subject of the Subdivision Compliance 6 Agreement. 27 . The City of Tigard knew at the time it filed this attic,,. q that it had not made a final inspection or acceptance of the X11 subdivision and that the conditions of the bond had not been 11 satisfied. The City of Tigard also knew that defendant Fidelity 12 and Deposit Company of Maryland had no liability to plaintiff. 1,1 28 . 14 After plaintiff brought this action, one of defendant' s 15 attorneys wrote to oa.- of plaintiff' s attorneys on January 15 , IF; 1986 stating that plaintiff was mistakenly suing defendant on a 17 performance bond that Fidelity and Deposit had never issued. 1K Rather, plaintiff had only issued a maintenance bond. A copy of 19 the January 15 , 1986 letter is attached to and by this reference 20 made a part of this answer as Exhibit B. ,,1 29 . 2 2 On or al)out January 30, 1986 another of defendant' s 2;1 lawyers again wrote to plaintiff' s attorneys pointing out the fact 24 that defendant never issued a performance bond upon which 25 plaintiff was seeking judgment. A copy of the January 30, 1986 00, letter is attached to and by this reference made a part of this 7 - ANSWFR, COUNTERCLAIM, CR,DSS-CLAIM Ar1D THIRD-PARTY CLAIM SCMWABf,WILUAMSCN,WVA1T, MOOPE S DrBEPiS Ao,0 ngyj or Lnw •>t IM)0 IB00 P�'Well CAnlsr :11 5 W f fah A,".$ P0,01M O,saam 9-04 3795 iNophome 222 79Bl 1 answer as Exhibit C. 2 30. On or about May 23 , 1986 one of defendant' s Lawyers again wrote to one of plaintiff' s lawyers pointing out that 5 plaintiff was seeking recourse against defendant' s bond, even 6 though plaintiff knew that one of the conoitic:is of the bond had 7 never been satisfied. A copy of the May 23 , 1956 letter is 8 attached to and by this reference made a part of this answer as 9 Exhibit D. lO 31 . 11 Despite defendant ' s requests to be dismissed from this 12 action, plaintiff has failed to dismiss defendant . 1.3 j2 . 14 Plaintiff' s insistence on pressing forward with its 15 claims against Fidelity and Deposit with knowledge of the facts as 16 alleged in this answer entitles defendant to an award of attorney 17 fees under ORS 20. 105 . 18 Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland CROSS-CLAIMS 19 against Lutz Development Co. and Der-Hart Associates, Inc . and 20 alleges a THIRD-PART'i CLAIM against Lutz Service Corporation, as 21 follows : 22 33 . 13 On or about April 11 , 1980, Lutz Development Co . , 24 Der-Hart Associates, Inc . , and Lutz Service Corporation executed 25 in favor of Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland an indemnity 26 for any liability that Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Page 8 - ANSWER, COUNTERCLAIM, CROSS-CLAIM A.1,1D THIRD-PARTY CLAIM SCHWABE, N,IUAMSGN,WYAM MOOOE,S oOBEoiS Arr�rn�rnt lnw Sv rrI�trJ19rM.Potw•t Centst 1 711 5 W F Irh A.—,* Potttond,01048M 97704 7775 Wephdn•121.9981 I may incur under the terms of a Bond No. 6032299 . A copy of the indemnity agreement is attached to this answer as Exhibit E . 3 34. ,; if plaintiff obtains judgment against Fidelity and 5 Deposit Company of Maryland for damages, costs, attorney fees or 6 otherwise, it is entitled to full indemnity from and for judgment against Lutz Development Co . , Der-Hart Associates, Inc . , and Lutz S Service Cr.;rporation. 9 35 . 10 The indemnity agreement provides that Fidelity and 11 Deposit is entitled to its reasonable attorney fees from Lutz 12 Development Co . , Der-Hart Associates, Inc . , and Lutz Service 1;3 Corporation for the necessary fees incurred in any claim or 14 lawsuit brought against the above-mentioned bond. Fidelity and 15 Deposit Com):any of Maryland has incurred and will continue to 16 incur reasonable attorney fees , 17 WHEREFORE, Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland asks 18 f, judgment as follows: 19 1 . For dismissal with prejudice of plaintiff' s claims 20 against Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland and for its costs 21 and attorney fees from plaintiff; 22 2 . For judgment of indemnity, costs and attorney fees 23 against Lutz Development Co . , Der-Hart Associates, Inc . , and Lutz 4 24 Service Corporation for any judgment plaintiff obtains against 25 Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland; and 26 Page 9 - ANSWER, COUNTERCLA?M, CROSS-CLAIM AND THIRD-PART'i CLAIM SrNWA9F W1LLIAMSON,WVAtT, M0061&00114tS Arintneys at Law Swl01 1 000 1 900 Po(WMt Cower 1211 S W f4th A,"Q* pa'Fland,0,0gan 97204 P9S tolophont 2229951 1 3 . For whatever other relief this court deems 2 equitable . 3 DATED this y;� day of .'� I t 1986 . a SCHWABE, WILL2IAMSON, WYATT, MOORE & ROBERTS 5 h � � Mark M. LeCoq, OSB #82312 Trial Attorney Of Attorneys for Defendant Fi-:elity and Deposit Company y of Maryland 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Page 10 - ANSWER, COUNTERCLAIM, CROSS-CLAIM A11D THIRD-PARTY CLAIM SCHWADF,WILLIAMSOH,WYATT,MOORS 1 RODENTS Avomeyf al Low Su.'n 1600 1100,Potwest come, 1211 5 W f4th A.enue Ponland,Orpon 97204•37oS Tzoohane 222.9911 MAINTENANCE BOND ' Bond No. 6032299 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, LUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO. AND DER-HART ASSOCIATES, INC. , A Joint Venture (hereinafter called Principal) , as Principal, and FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a corporation organized and doing business under and Ly virtue of the laws of the State of Maryland, and dul.y licensed for•the purpose of making, guaranteeing or becoming sole surety upon hands or undertakings required or authorized by the laws of the State of Oregon (hereinafter called Surety) , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF TIGARD hereinafter called Obligee, in the just and full sum of THIRTY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY SE%E,' AND 53/100THS Dollars ($30,367.53) lawful money of the United States of Americ&, for the payment' of which, well _ and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves and our and each of our successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, said Principal is required to furnish a bond conditioned to ' guarantee for a period of one year from date of final. inspection and acceptance by the City of Tigard certain improvements in the Subdivision known as Colony Creek Estates located in Tigard, Oregon. NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, that, if Principal shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that Obligf- may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmanship which become apparent during the period of one year from and after then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Principal and said Surety have caused these Presents to be duly signed and sealed this day of 1980. LUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO. AND DER-HART ASSOCIATES, I11C. , _ A Joint Venture By. FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPA27Y OF MARYLAND By: Roger C. Rothrock Attorney-in-fact �4 llt�r3 d- !1 �t SCHWABE,WILLIAMSON,WYATT, MOORE & ROBERTS ATTORNEYS AT LAW SIATFS 1600-1800,PACVrEST CENTER 1211 S. W. PPTH AVr-NUE PORTLAND,OREGON 07204-3793 TELEPHONE(503) 222-9951 cAHLt ADmEss"ROBCAC JAMES D HUZGLI Tntx 131563 (5031 Toe-2013 Tmzcopum (503)796.2900 January 15 , 1986 Kenneth Elliott Attorney at ?yaw 1727 NW Hoyt Street Portland, OR 97209 Re: City of Tigard v. Lutz , et al . Dear Ken: As I told you, our office represents Fidelity and Deposit. I have reviewed the file and it appears clear on the face of the Complaint as well as on the face of our bond that you sued the wrong person. I think if you ' ll check , Fireman' s Fund probably has a bond on the completion of the project and Fidelity and Deposit' s bond only runs to a maintenance bond after the project was completed . The project hasn 't been completed and therefore our bond doesn't kick in yet. If yju disagree, please provide a written explanation as to why you sued my client. If you agree , would you be so kind as to dismiss us out of this lawsuit immediately without prejudice and without costs. Very truly yours , James D. Huegli JDH: lr cc: John Downes EXiP'� ; w � 4" I041NQUI-A nC 74)1111 • THE F1(it N MILL til'll E 111a • 1(11 X)N STIIMAL 31 N N' • laud,WO"Mn SUNMLL "4AHINUTt1N ON1tl 0 PEo PLP9 N.Afll)NAL MINA HIILUIN(i 0 SUITE 0111) • 1413FIFTH 'VENUE 0 1IM10210IM SCHWABE,WILLIAMSON,M"YATT, MOORE & ROBERTS AT ORNIL"AT LAW suras 1000-1600,PAC-WE ST ClNTrJI 1211 S.W. rOFTH AVENUZ PORTLI►ND,OREGON 97204-3795 Tmitrmomz(503) 222-0981 wu ADDRES 5'ROBCAC JAMZS V.HVEGLI TELM< 131563 (808)796.2913 TMZCOPM(303)796.2900 January 30, 1986 Kenneth Elliott Attorney at Law 1727 NW Hoyt Street PorLlanL: , OR 97209 Re: City of Tigard v. Lutz , Fidelity 6 Deposit, et al. Dear Ken: Jim Huegli is out of the office and I wn covering his desk in his absence. Please find enclosed a copy of the Maintenance Bond issued by Fidelity and 1)-nosit and as Jim indicated in his letter to you of Januaz,, 15 , it appears that you have sued the wronc, party as we do not have a performance bond. Please dismiss us from this suit as quickly as possible and confirm that you will not be taking any action against Fidelity & Deposit. If you will still be taking Action against Fidelity and Deposit, please contact me as soon as possible. Very truly yours, Mark M. LeCoq MLC:lr Encl . cc: John Downes w'SSI ONOTON DC )(M? • TMIt 01.01111 MILL SUN 303 / i J00 P"TOMAC ST N w • iioaj w►Nn jo 1 SEATTLE WASHINGTON 961 T1 0 P90"S NATIONAL 6ANV. 61M1L01140 S,7TE 000 0 141S FIFTH AVENUE 0 4ftl Q1 91M SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON, WYATT, MOORE, & ROBERTS ATTORNEY'S AT LAW SUITES I6W 1810,PAC%h EST CENTER 1211 S W FIFTH AS'ENUE PORTLAND.OREGC%972'(3 3795 TELEPHONE 15031 2222 9981 MARK M. LECOQ CABLE ADDRESS, ROBC'AL' OkEGON AND WASHINGTON May 23 , 1986 TELEX 151563 STATE BARS TELECOPIER 1503)796.291x1 Mr. Richard S. Yugler City of Tigard Attorney 1727 NW Hoyt Street Portland, Oregon 97209 Re: City of Tigard •i. Lutz Development Our File No. 27130 40206 Dear Richard: After our telephone conversation I had a chance to review in greacer detail the City of Tigard file . Paragraph 3 states : " [d] efendant Lutz/Der-Hart ' s performance of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement and maintenance of the subdivision prio_ to final acceptance by plaintiff was secured by a maintenance bond , No. 6032299 , issued by defendant Fidelity Deposit [sic] on July 28 , 1984 . " (Emphasis supplied . ) However, the terms of the bond state that it is conditioned upon final inspection and accepts,-!e by the City of Tigard. If the project was not completed, as alleged in the complaint, the condition of the maintenance bond was never satisfied. As I view the case, the City of Tigard should dismiss Fidelity 6 Deposit as soon as possible. After you have a chance to talk with your client next week , -please let me know if Fidelity & Deposit will hp dismissed . I believe that my =lient may ask us to file a motion for summary judgr-kent if Fidel. ty & Deposit is not dismissed. I believe that our client wi' l ask us to seek an award of attorney fees in addition to being d?.smissed from the lawsuit. It seems to me that the City of Tigard' s best recourse is against the performance bond. Very truly yours, MARK M. LeCOQ MLC/shb cc: John Downes E fill X" -F A N A!t111N1it0% 11C )(tint • THE FI 1N H k4111. %1 ITF MV • %t NW • i)"pi WN" UATTLZ N'A!SHINOTUV gel?1 0 PEOPLES NATIIIVIL HANK Ht'ILUINO • SCITE 01111 0 14141 FIFTH AVENUE 0 114011621 Old. r Name of ;W"t_...f.QrX-QQlX..fi,NAQh..........__ APPLICATION FYofl CONTRA(71'OR BID BONI) MADR TO THF. Fidelity and Deposit Company HOME OFFICE OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE,MD.21203 WIT-fnp♦ of Cnnlrart,4rwrlarailonr, Plan& Bond Form --(in ecce Illi Bond,Advertlewment and Imtmrtbm to bi.ldenl,and Appilcanl's Financial9utentenlmust atwmpany We Applimtbn and all Questlom be fully smwend. Lutz Development Co. and Der-Hart Anaociat.er„ Inc., I. full name of Applicant .. .1+ Joinfi_,Venture ..............................Age.............._ (if mrponl4n,alve n.[I,•,-pari?.rtnel 2. Hoxinem addrrss(sure?,city and state)...13925 S, W, Beaverton-Hillsdale H97225 3. If Applicant is t firm,name all partners of firm;if a corporation,name principal officers and directors. p NAl1R AGE -- ._ _• •ADDRR4l_ �.•+v�'-••• r�'�'• � 9ti e ...__--.._._.�_._" .._.._..„....._......„_ _ r.. ............._..._ ...................................... 4 .....__........_......................................,'u.._.1 u........... ..........u..... ............................... ......._.......... _.....r._.._.. • C E 4 Kinds and amounts of bonds requiter];Proposal Bond,1_..._.....................t Contract Bond,/..... _ Lalrnr and Materiol Bond,1..__.._.._„_.._. � ......I Maintenance Bond,S.30...�6.Z�..S.�_._.... p 5.To whole is bond to be given?.__. ity_of Tigard, Oregon IGlve full r,ne ped tdd,nt.11 a rrawpUr,do saw UIMI Address P• 0. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223 6. If bond applied for is Proposal Bond,will it operate as a final fond?............................State date bids to be opened A ) .........................................._......._........................1 19___ ..Approximate amount of bid,1......._................................... '.]hat bids for other contracts have you outstanding? _,.............................................................................................. � ” _....... ............_......_...............t.................................................._.........._...._. .„...r.r........_....„....._r...._......„...... QQ� 1.The■rno-ont of Contrart lar III..........._................_...........................Date aworded....."........„„„„».»...„r._....„..."„„... .C` r (11 enntnn p.ln V pn Kell Of wrunn,10”Wo v"labM t*W el-.~I.~I .. ... A. Nature of Contract (Give concis_dcsc•riptinn of proposed work and locality) ......„,„».r"».._...,.,r...".„.._.,,,,,„,._,_... 9. Name and addrem of Architr:t or Engineer In charge ............ 8 What is his estimate of cas, of work?a..._...__..._............_.._.._..-...Your estimate? tli Other Bidders an above contract including highest and lowest: NAUR ADDRR4! SID ......„ ......»...r.._..".„..„...».....„......r..„......_..„..„ .... ...._.._..... 4.. _... --:... '...... ........."„.. .........:....._?....:...».............._........._..... .................. .... If more than five bids,tabulate them on separate paper and attach to above . t 7'FRM9 OF CONTRACT I 1 Hate work is to be eommenced..__.:„, ._._..__..._......._..I)ete work is to be cont'eted....-.._.._.............._..„._... 12 l',-n;tlty for nnn-rompletion on time ._;._� ,....._.._......Premium for advance completion._.. .._ „ ...... 11 I.there o strike.clause In the contract?.......... _.._:_...r..r.......An arbitration provision?__✓..„...._ 11 Payments,when to be made an 15. Amount of advance psyment,if any=_ .__. _. r r r9fMq—tom.se; ow W.Ay d►o ( z (1)of any breach of the agreemel to any of the paragraphs herein contained;or(J)of a default in discharging much other indebtedness rte liabilities when due;err(1)M Any aadgnment by the underpigned for the benefit of ere tura,or of the appointment,a of any application fm the appointment,Of's receiver a trustee for the undersigned,whether in+olvent or not;or(5)of Any proceeding which deprive+the under+igned of the.1•.a of any of the machinery,I equiyment,plant toMm a material referred to In the following paragraph;or(6)or the undersigned's dvinR, .oseonding,berominR w IuRitivr Ism ustia,or be4nt ennvirted of a felony,if the undersigned he an individual:(a)All the right,title and Interest of the undprso;nel to and to al�arb•conlrags let or to be let in connection with aid mntrmet and in and to all mAchinery,equipment, plant,tont+and matertml+which are now,or may hereafter be,about or upon the mit!of aid work or rlwashpre.for the pttrp rte rherOn(,m ant 1 R a+well matrrtpl+purcha+ed for nr chsrR�ablr to'atch contract,which may be in prrav"of con+truction,or atom,,rl.ewhne,or in tran+. portation to aid site;(b)All the rights of rhe tmdemigned in,and growing to any manner nut nr,sold contract,or any atm+loom,medi6ntion+, testa•of Wrong,craim thereof, i df demaodptwhatssoever which tthhe unit xii resigned manner or or, bond or Paid non n+t bray Aub a any of them: l bo(ref oAlllrractteNAl man,o►soy sermon furnishing or agreeing to furnish of apply labor material,'*upp lin,mmchinpry,tools a other equipment to ro;lne ion with or on account of aid contract;(d)Any and all percentage+retained on account of enid m chimer and any and all pump that n ro be due under said contract at the time of such abandonment,(arfelture or breach,or that thereafter may became due;SIXTH,that liability hereunder shall eatrnd to,end Include,the full amount of any and alt mums paid by the Compan•m settlement or aomPormike of any claims,demand+,suits and judgments upon aid hoed or bonds,rte any of them,on grand faith,under I e belief that It was timbre therefor,whether liable or not am well of of any and all dimburrmentm on account Of eWM,empenmem and atlornevm'Iter,am aforesaid,which may be made under the belief that Ruch wee mcewry,whether necesmary or not;Savitwtn,that in event of payment,settlement res Icon Cat+,dotnAges h rases and Attameyo fees,claims,demand+,suits,and judgments a afm-ni of con tiproro flR statement grind ri rat therof eto liability, iiabiliit,I"y, ■ray officer M the Company,m the voucher or vouchers or Other evidence of much Pa mens,settlement or comPrami•,+hall be prr'ma Jarir eve• If of the(art and extent of the liability of the undrnignel,In any clmim rn mint lierrunder.and In any p110 all matter+nri+InR between the undnaignel and the Cnmpeny•Etouru,to waive,And drip+or do hereby-I ve,Ail rithts to minim any property,including homestead,as exempt from levy,exerutin,ale or nth;;legal prror"a undo the Isw of any state nr stater; rare,that this n ttigstinn shall,in all Ito termor mail age"- ments,be fa the benefit of and plot et any parson or ramparty louring with the Comprtny to rxectrting sold bond nr bond+,or any of them,or @"ruling,at the rrquest of the Company,aid bond nr band+,n any of them,as well am any ramparty or mmpAnin s++uminir rpinsuranre thereupon;TRNTR,that separate salt+may by hmught hereunder as all"of action ptwe,and the brmRing of mull ar the recovery of jurlRmrnt open any aurae of a Ion 11%11,not txeipdke is bAJ the bringin�ol other,lutta.upOpythet.,p o+h of seeinn,hatbae themaudon,or thereafter- uising,ELKVpMTN,that nothing hrrron cnnfolned allafl 10 cnn+idrtl,4 or rnmtrupd to wmtkv dhridt}e,or diminish any right of erne ly which the Company might have d thio tnatntment were not executed,TwcL►Tn,That the Cempmny shall have the right to decline to execute sold brood or bond.,or cony M them,and that tf aid hand shall hire hid or propasml bond and th!Cnmpsmy shall execute the some,the Cnmpsray shall have the rigpht to decline In execute any or all other bond+that may be required In connection whh any award that may b•made under the MnPnal /or which rhe Of a propaal farad Ira given•TVNtthat this a n ement shall be binding upon the under+IgnM and each M them whether wdgning as appliatnt for aid bond nr bon4-T s rx ao indemnlh 1 jointly and levtrally and upon the respective help,atetotttxa,administrators, euceessora Rad as+tgm of the under•igntd,pad shall br 1Rrerafly construed■m egainat the undersigned. Signed,ae1e1 and dated them.»_,"• day or - -..-...._ ..,Io__._ If INDIVIDUAL sign here! - (SRAL) II CO PARTNEPSIIIf, Insert name and all mpartnen t4M heel �! (Name of co-pertnerahlp) (SAL) .............................. (Individually and as n eo.—patterer) (SRAL) Wrtraw+ .......».................................... . •r, "' --.._. 4 (Individually and u a Co-partner) WrTTrRmel...:..._........»:».»»_.._ aniai— (SpAl.► ...�.. y a co-lssrLre) It 15ORIftAtION,Insert name,IrapInt to 1 d ((��n hgrTt` LUT2 bE WP 1) & nb MII_HART Cf"P"IIATR SRAL �1SSQCIAT£9a,INC,t A Joint_tMntute (Mame Of ton) - -» Ai�a�1'Sar►dary m AtNNeaf ry ey�-""'����'—'cp� K�. �r�fdepf --- _ FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARY"Nr) !10 N.Charles Street laltimoe,Maryland 11101 ._._....................................... B ADDITIONAL INDF,MNITY In conoldorstinn M the FIDPI.Irr Amin 1110eretT COM►ANY en MARVLANn.Ito puree 4"rs and am+ippno rxrruting,Of Pracurfng the varcutlnn of the bond m Mends herein applied far,we jointly end mevermlly join in the foregoing agreement;and tlor undpnl�nel,if a corpmptinn,warrants that It Ip financially intern+red in the performance M the obligation which aid Mond or Mend+Applied for pre otsen to arrive,end asserts that It is fully empowered to obligate itwlf hereby. Signed,weird and dated fhim....................._...... I' LUTZ SE CE 0 ION By! ✓ � By$ t, �ornt.... ............ ........_.. . . (�t�'}• C ct ety D T qs to ,t Irt'i„r ............ PAI ItMluesslCo "Cate 5 ttity Irarmnit (Intkmnita) Most Le se►nn.rlwhsd 1-16”Notary Pab1le fir Indemnlrar(s). StAI r,.-- PREGoN........__-_— tnvNTa o..__Wa s h ing t on } On this.._...._..._...lull.......__-. _day at ._......APXil1 ..r,10 80,before mss perwrprally assessed M mss mown tote t�� GI or mernt"48)d therteerRhi or aefotowleiged the timet: the same to tree. Pa p (`s)/,^t�tlh�etmrt>twatksn that aiRaed the loregaing�itAMMO+t end Notary Public- My Cnt"t"I"lnn rephw .,ii 6 , '•��� If Inderrrnitnr V•eetnmr*1lora,a at.t Inert rrrpT of r..nlnt ran of F6@,1 of Pli mjae e �lwltnwg.InR n/flpapa to ..teirerlp ■peero„cram must,arwrmtr n• Ohl* applleatlan, RED. —N McGAUGHEY YUGLER & , .CK ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N W. HOYT STREET ♦ PORTLAND, OREGON ,War) (503) 242.0909 Michael Redden CeeAnn Callahant Robert 1. McGaughey' Stephany Watson Richard S Yugler David J. Jack 'Orrgon .7r TaAmgron Ban t0rrgon k Kansa Ban July 8 , 1)c6 Thomas K. H111 i3r , Esq. 23JO -irst Interstate :ower 13 JO 5r4 Fiftn Avenue PortLand , Ore7on 97201 PE: City. cf Tigar3 , Oregon v. Lutz Devel?omant Co . at al ;vashington County Circuit Court Casa No. 85-L601C Dear :•!r . Hilliar : This will confirm our conversation of July 9 , 1986 regarding the above case. 'iou stated that you will be representing Lutz De•ielopment Company. As I explained , I was prepared to take a default against Lutz Development. I -.+as previously informed that Mr . Huegli and Mr . Le Coq would be representing both Luiz De•ielopment CQmpany and Fidelity and Deposit Company. A ten dal n• jtice of default was previously sent to them. Howe•ier , on July 7 , 1986 , I only received 3n answer filed on behalf Fidelity and Jeposit Company. Hence , I ass.imed Lutz Development Co . would not be maKinq an appearance. Please find enclosed a copy of the Complaint , Answer , and Plaintiff ' s First Request for Production. Since this case was initially filed in J3nu3ry L)86 , I believe thst it not unreasonaole to require an answer to be filed immediately. Tharef3rt- , please take notice that plaintiff will apply to the court for default and default judgment uniess the appearance of Lutz Development Co . is ;Wade by 1uly 24 , 1'396 . Please nota that th-e responsN to Plaintiff ' s First Request for Production is due on Julf 25 , 1386 . You menr_lcned that a complaint has been filed by Lutz Development_ Co. against Titan Property Corporation and Sar-Hart associates for specific performance of an a-3reement concerning the purchase of Colony Creek Estates. You have ayr-2ed to send ane a copy of the pleadings to that action . I intend to bring Titan Properties into the ,3pove case .39 an additional defendant. II Thomas K. Hilliar , Esq. July 8 , 1996 Page -, You also nertioned that you are ocesently negotiating a settlement in the Lutz Devel_op;nent Co . v , Titan Properties case, which would provide for remedying the defects in the Colony Creek Estates subdivision. In light of your potential settlement, you expressed interest in naving the City similarly settle the above lawsuit. Please forwardyour proposal to me and I will make sure tnat your proposal gets attention at the City. However , since the defects in the subdivision have existed for several years, I am not willing to delay the progress of the above-captioned case . I 'look forward to your response and participation in the above :natters . Thank you for your courtesies . Very truly yours, Richard S. Yugler. RSY: kc Enclosures cc : --gaudy Clarno , City of 'rigaru i I RFD. —'N McGAU:JHEY YUGLER & .CK l:ITORNEYS AT LAW r 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET ♦ PORTLAND, OREGON 9720) (503) 242.0909 Micharl Redden CeeAnn Cadahant Robert J McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yugler DAVId J. Jack )mgon h Washmgron Ban t0iegon h Kansa Ban June 15 , 1986 `lark M. Le Coq, Esq. Pacwest Center , 1600-1870 1211 SW Fifth Avenue Portland , Oregon 97204 RG: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co. , et al Wa5nitigton County Circuit Court (:asp No. 95-1601C Cear :1: . Le Coq: Please � iC.: enclosed Plaintiff ' s First Request for Production . Please enter you',: appearance within 10 days or I will apply to the Court for default and judgment. Very truly fours, Richard S . Yugler RSY: Kc Enc_osure cc: 4t-andy Clarno RED— cN htcGAUGHEY YUGLER & I iCK ATTOfiNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREF. ♦ PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 (503) 242.0909 Michael Redden CeeAnn Callahant Robe"J. McGaughey* Stephany Watson Richard S. Yuglet David J. Jack 'Oregon dr Wuhington Ban r-regon h Kuuu Ban June 25 , 1986 --lrc,.ilt Court Washington .:ounty Ct-archouse 145 NE Second Atrenue Hillsboro , Oregon 971:.14 RE: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development co. , et al Washington County Circuit Court Case No. 85-1601C Dear Clerk: Please find �--nclos-:d for filing P13intiff ' s First Request for Production in the above-entitled case. True copies have been served on opposing counsel . Thank you for your courtesies. Very truly yours , Richard S . Yugler RSY: kc Enclosure cc: ."lark LeCoq, Esq. :times A. Cox , Esq. andy Clarno M 1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON L'OR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON 3 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, a ) municipal corporation , ) CASE NO. 35-1601C 4 ) Plaintiff, ) 5 ) V. j LUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO. , and ) PLAINTIFF' S FIRST REQUEST DEP.-HART .ASSOCIATES , INC. , a ) FOR PRODUC'I'I()N joint venture; and FIiDELITY ) R AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF ) MARYLAND, a Maryland ) 9 corporation, j l�) Defendants. ) 1' TO DEFENDANTS AND THEIR ATTORNEYS JAMES D. HUEGLI AND JAMES A. COX: 13 1-4 Plaintiff , pursuant to ORCP 43 , requests that 15 de`endants, and each of them, make available for inspection and lb ccpying , separately in response to ,ach numbered document I- request, all documents which are in their possession, cu- cody, or IA control . If any document is withheld from production in response 19 to this request on the ground that its production is privileged or otherwise unwarranted due to the attorney/client privilege, ZO 21 work product rule, or other legally recognized standard 12 preventing its disclosure to plaintiff! , then please state 23 separately for each document request : 24 (a) The legal basis on which you claim protection 2S against producing it; 20 (h) The date of the document; Page 1 - PLAINTIFF' S FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION REDDEN!NMAUGHEY Yllti1.ER A JACK At?n11MM AT IA* I'7!N♦ 1MYT • WNTI.AWt) ON200N VRJO IIf111t11 iNq 1 (c) The nature of the document (e .g. , letter , 2 ,memorandum, etc. ) ; 3 (d) The full name, job title, and employer (as of the 4 date of the document) for each author of the document; 5 (e) The Full name, job title, and em,)loyer (as of the G date of the document) of each person who, to your knowledge, has seen the document, including any copy thereof; R (q) The number of pages, attachments of appendices of 9 the documents; 10 (h) The present custodian of the document; 11 ( i ) The general subject of the d-)cument. 12 13 DEFINITIONS 14 As used in this document r,_quest , the following terms 15 have the meaning indicated: 16 1 . "Document" or "documents" means all writings, of 17 any kind, including the originals and all non-identical copies, 18 whether different from the original by reason of any notation 19 ►nade on such copies or otherwise, incl,iding without limitation: 20 correspondence; letters; memoranda; notes; diaries; statistics; 21 telegrams; minutes; transcripts; contracts; agreements; reports; 22 studies; checks; statements; rece. pts; returns; summaries; 3 pamphlets; books; perspecti ; inter-office and intra-office 2,4 communications; offers; bid documents, bond, contract (s) of -, indemnity or surety, cc instruction schedules, production records, o construction plans, underwriting criteria , notations of any sort 1',1gr 1 - PLAINTIFF' S FIRST REUUEli'r FOR PRODUCTION REMAN M&ACGHEY YUGLER A TACK AiTO RNEYS AT LAW I'1'M W 110�T • M INTLAND,+NHWN VON (1,)11 141 DVIR 1 of conversations; telephone :aL ,.S , meetings or other ` communications; bulletins; printed matter ; invoices; worksheets; 3 all drafts , alterations , modifications , changes , and ,men&,ients of any of the foregoing; questionnaires ; estimates; opinions; 5 statements; appraisals; graphic and oral representations of any I' kind, including , without limitation, photographs, charts , microfilm, computer software, and electronic recordings , such as R tapes, diskettes, or cassettes oi: any tangible thing , however y produced or reproduced . ) 2 . "All documents" means every document as abova ll defined known to you and ever; such document which can be lacatad 12 or dis,:-)vered by reasonably diligent efforts . i3 3 . "Defendant ," "you, " "your , " or "yourself" refers to 14 each defendant named in this action and shall be deemed to mean 15 each defendant separately, a, well as any or all of the several 16 defendantsointl j y, and each defendant jointly or separately. 17 4 . "Any" or "each" shall be understood to include both 18 "all ," n "any" " all , and "all" .shall be under:; a tood to include ny or each. " 19 5. "Or" shall be understood to include "and" and 20 "and" shall be understood to include "or . " 21 6. "Colony Creek Estates" means that subdivision and 22 propecr_y located in Section 12, Township 2 South, Range L Test , ,3 Willamette Meridan, Washington County, Oregon. �1 7 . "SubdivisiorCompliance Agreement" refers to •c r exhibit "A" to plaintiff ' s complaint; 'o 3 - PLAINTIFF' S FIRS'C REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION REDDEN MCGAUCHEY YI'GLER A)ACK APT IIINCYI 0 I.AW 1'1'N W 110VT • IM)RTI AND.4)6lGO N 9'2(19 1 v111.2J],191q 1 3 . "Bond" shall refer to any performance , maintenance, or other agreement where one person contracts to 3 guarantee , indemnity, or act as a surety for another person . 4 COCUMENT REQUEST'S 5 Within 30 days of the date of this request, please 6 produce at the offices of the undersigned attorneys for inspection and copying, the following requested documents: g 1 . All documents relating to, constituting , or evidencing 9 any joint venture agreement bet.reen or among defendants including 1O but not limited to any and all amendments to such joint venture 11 agreements including but not limited to any agreements rega -ding 12 Colony Creek estates . 13 2 . All documents relating to, constituting , or 1.4 evidencing any joint venture, partnership, agreement, bond, 15 contract of indemnity or surety, or other business and, financial 16 relationship between or among defendants. 1' 3 . All docul, -.s relating to, constituting , or 18 evidencing any and all bonds or contract of indemnity or surety 19 pertaining to or concerning Colony Creek Estates and the 20 Subdivision Compliance Agreement including but not limited to 21 each and every performance bond , maintenance bond , or other bond regarding Colony Creek Estates. 21 4 . All documents relating tut, constituting , or 24 evidencing communications pertaining to negotiation or drafting 25 of the Subdivision Compliance Aqreement . o P:,qe 4 - PLAINTIFF 'S FIRST REQUEST FOR PROUIJCTION REDDEN McOAUGHEY YT'GLFR R JACK ATT'IRNFV%At JAW !•'•N W !1(1YT • "I'M ANC.ORMON VIM iAn1F24J iNn14 w 1 5 . All documents relating to, constituting , or 2 evidencing cimmunications pertaining to defendants ' performance 3 under the subdivision Compliance, Agreement, and under any bond or. # contract for indemnity or surety issued thereunder . 6. all documents relating to, constituting , or 6 evidencing communications pertaining to negotiation or drafting of any bond pertaining to the Colony Creek Estates . s; 7 . All documents relating to, constituting, or 9 evidencing the construction ok or failure to construct sidewalks I() in the development known as Colony Cr--e}: Estates including but 11 not limit-ad to any subcontraf:ts, plans , bids , specifications , or 12 document to or from any non-party. 13 8 . All documents relating to , constituting , or 14 evidencing the construction of or failure to construct asphaltic- 15 concrete overlays on the streets in the subdivision known as 16 Colony Cr(-ek Estates including but not limited to any 17 subcontracts , plans , bids , specification or document to or from 18 any cion-party. 19 9 . .all documents relating to , constituting , or 20 evidencing the ramoval of or failure to remove a temporary access 21 way onto Southwest Hall Boulevard in the development known as 22 Colony Creek Estates including but not limited to any 23 subcontracts, plans , bids, specification or document to or from 24 any non-party . 25 26 Page 5 - PLAINTIFF ' S FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION REDDEN MCC)AI1614EY YVGLER 2!1ACK AMANM Af I_1W 1'2'N 7 NOYT • PORTLAND 01111 ON 9.209 11.12-U Q9119 1 10 . All documents relating to, constituting, or 2 evidencing demands by plaintiff to or among defendants regarding 3 complaiuce with the Subdivision Compliance Agreement. 4 11 . All documents relating to , constituting . or evidencing ttiq cost or expense of constructing sidewalks for each 6 lot in Colony Crook Estates . 7 12 . All documents relating to, constituting , or 8 evidencing the cost or expense in constructing asphaltic-concrete 9 overlays on the streets in Colony CrLek Estates subdivision. 10 13 . All documents rel+sting to, constituting , or 11 evidencing the cost or expense 1.n removing a temporary �cc.ass way 12 onto Southwest Hall Boulevard , 13 14 . All documents relating to, cor: tituting , or 14 evidencing all financial and contractural arrangements between or 15 among defendants and any successor in interest to any defendant 16 including but not limited to Titan Properties. 1-7 15 . All documents relating to, constituting , or 18 evidencing the capitalization of defendant Der-Hart. Associates, 19 Inc , 20 L6 . All documents relating to , constituting , or '1 evidencing the intent of plaintiff and/or defendants under the 22 terms of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement and ar.y bond ' 21 pertaining to such Subdivisioki Compliance Agreement. ,4 /// 25 26 Page 6 - PLAINTIFF ' S FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION REDDEN Mc(;AtJ6MEY YUGLER&IACK 11Tt7RNtY1 AT I.AM 1'77 N• 140YT • PoRmANb,uRt4oN v mq Na1b747 IWWN r 1 17 . All documents relating to, constituting, or 2 evidencing any underwriting criteria, premium paid, or other 3 factor or consideration pertaining to the issuance of any bond .1 pertaining to the Subdivision Complaince Agreement and Colony 5 Creek Estates. 6 Dsted this day of ��)� , 1986 . 8 /S/ RICHARD YUGLCR 9 _ RICHARD S. YUGLER 10 OSB NO. 80416 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff 11 12 13 1-4 15 16 l' 18 19 20 21 22 ' 23 24 25 26 Nge 7 - PLAINTIFF' S EIRS't REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION REDDEN NcUAC(iNF.Y YI'(;LFR A JACK AT-VIKI FYS AT LAW I'll N W NUYT • '�)RTLIND,"PFGWIN 91204 1MI�I)11 x"19 A � I i I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 2 I hereby certify that I served the foregoing 3 PLAINTIFF' S FIRST REQHEST FOR PRODUCTION on: 4 Mark M. Le Coq, Esq. Pacwest Center S Suites 1600-1800 1211 SW Fifth Avenue 6 Port and , Oregon 97204 Jame, A. Cox, Esq. 8 Ncrth State Street 8 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 9 on the 25th day of June, 198F , by mailing to said attorneys a 10 true copy thereof, contained in a sealed envelope, with postage 11 prepaid and deposited in '-he post offi.ce at Portland , Oregon , on 1' said date. 13 Dated this 25th day of June, 1986. 14 15 RICHARD 'r'UGLER RICHARD S . YUGLER 16 USB No. 80416 17 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ?5 '6 I 1'aRe 1 — --ERTIFICATE OF SERVICE REDDEN Md3AUGHEY YUCLER A)ACK Ar.'ORNIYi AT LAW i•2•N W IIOYT • '"RTLANO,UMMON 9'P209 (111 142 KN19 June 3, 1986 Mr, Richard S. Yugl.er 1727 NW Huyt Street Portland, OR 97209 RE : City of -tigard v . Lutz DeveloEnent (Colony Creek Estates No. 1) Mr . Yugler: Please find enclosed copies �f correspondence and other documentation from the City's file on Colony Creek No. 1 . This should bring your file up to date as we discussed on May 20, 1986. .1 have discussed this case with the Director of Community Development and feel ghat, it is :in the City's best interest to vigorously pursue our claims. Please direct copies of all correspondence and status reN:arts to me. Preliminary title searches indicate that both Der-.-Bart Assoc. Inc, and Lutz Development Co. have or had interest in lots located in Colony Creek phases CI, III and IV, which are current developments This may show that both corporations are still solvent. If you desire, we will do further- research in an effort to better establish the relationship between Lutz Development Co. , Der-Hart Assoc. , Inc. and Titan Properties. Please contact me should you have further questions. Sincerely, "-?'�� Randy S. Clarno 'G "' T Engineering Services Flanagan RSC: sb4 /a RAM REDL .N MrGAUGHEY YUGLER & ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET♦ PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 Michael Redden (503) 242.0909 Robert J. McGaughey* CeeAnn Callahant Richard S. Yugler Stephany Watson David J. Jack Reis Wilbanks Hoyt *Oregon h Wuhmgton Ban t0regon h Kansas Nan May 28 , 19'16 an'?y Clarno Cli-.;' luard P.Q. Box 23357 Tigard ; Oregon 97223 RE: Cit--V of Tigard V. Lutz. DeveloN;nent Dear Mr. Clarnu: Plaaae fin.: enclosed a letter dated May 23 , 1986 from Mark Le Coq •aho represents Fidplity and Deposit. They are pressing to be dis^::ss,: 3 Ltvui L.his ,u i t . Wh-n we discussed this case on May '20 , 1 86, you dskcd that I restrain any further action on the file until you had the opportunity to discuss the case at the City with others. At the present time, it is difficult to determine whether the performance bond covers the specific items of non compliance that remain in the Colony Cree:: ' s subdivision. I believe that some discovery is necessary to determine the true intent of the parties . The position ta?.en by cidelity and Deposit zcgirdinq the maintenance bond mdy be correct, but it is impossible to determine this from the bare face of counsel ' s letter . Obviously, the risk of engaging in some discovery at this point is the potential for an award of attorneys fees in favor of Fidelity and Deposit. !lowever, I believe that with additional discovery there may be indeed coverage on the maintenance bond. Please let me know as soon as you have det-rmined whether to authorize me to begin vigorously pursuing these claims. Very truly yours, i1i •hard :i . YugLor ksy : kc RECEIVED MAY 2 7 1980 SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON, WYATT, MOORE. & ROBERTS ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUIrFS INN)-IMM,PACWESTCENTER 121 I S.W.FIFTH AVENUE POR'iLAND.OREGON 97204-3795 TELEPHONE 1011 222-94H] CABLE ADDRESS"ROBCAL MARK M. LECOQ OREGON AND WASHINGTON May 23, 1986 iEI.EX 15150 STATE BARS rELECOPIER (5031 PH)_I"AMI Mr. Richard S. Yugler City of Tigard Attorney 1727 NW Hoyt Street Portland, Oregon 97209 Re: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Our File No. 271.30 407.06 Dear Richard: After our telephone conversation I had a chance to review in greater detail the City of Tigard file. Paragraph 3 states: 11 [d] efendant Lutz/Der-Hart' s performance of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement and maintenance of the subdivision prioL to final acceptance by plaintiff was secured by a maintenance bond, No. 60322.99 , issued by defendant Fidelity Deposit [sic] on July 28 , 1984 . " , (Emphasis supplied. ) Hrwever, the terms of the bond state that it is conditioned upon final inspection and acceptance by the City of Tigard. if the project was not completed, as alleged in the complaint, the condition of the maintenance bond was never satisf' d. As I view the case, the City of Tigard should dismiss Fidelity & Deposit as soon as possible. After you have a chance to talk with your client next week, please let me know if Fidelity & Deposit will be dismissed. I believe that my client ma; ask us to file a motion for summary judgment if Fidelity & Deposit is not dismissed. I believe that our client will ask us to seek an award of attorney fees in addition to being dismissed from the lawsuit. It seems to me that the City of rigard' s best recourse is against the performance bond. Very truly yours, (''1_.'._ -/ - (, (-L I,-- - MARK M. LeCOQ MLC/shh cc: .John Downes \V.At\I IIN'-II IV III JI..17 • II II.1111111\1111 X1111 " 2 • 1'.1111-4111-\I.NI ,I VINV • "JI -,"J,'"IF1 +HArtI.H. %VA9111NI-1-I-N n"171 • 1-1`411'IFti '.A111 W.11 14N'4K 111 11 1-1114 1 • til 11 I{ -..1 6 1&11 1:11-111 6 IJ1.II IQI'IIIHI �.y ~ _r_ , --- �✓L L 25 , �.a ;� r �+�w�.w�www��•r�wwwwwwwvwwi w�.����wr.�..�w .wY��A•rwr w.r ww•�wwwrw�.r�� �.ww � _ . . __-- - Copy k___ _ - __ - - - ___ EA'EMP_14'T *_____. . __ _• i - ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED i I &MIN. PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS _ - PUBLIC�fj� Z R��— - _ - r � � -- - � WORKS uF"r .f. BY - _ c � ' ----- __ PLANNING DEPT. _ .. # I' 51C)EWALK MEANDER _ -EKTRUT .D �GLA�a L°A G l -� N WITHtN ARE.PR(FIJI-Ii `iMt)� 1J�JT"E U�1D� '� c [ WA1 K MEHNGER GUILDING DEPT. BY--_ DA TI! _- w ' �L,�55 G A.�. ' I"UAB"CAC. IIE WITHIN W_/W f EASEMENT-(e4)F f SIpF.`.�) A G, L✓'-IIZ� ! I V6LAS15"GA.G. - - - A I_ R .� �(a A_�5"CIA.L. - - - - 1 /�i �O vRl>SHED P.Qc-►C/c ►\/EL 'Z" '�/q=-C�`GRLJSF'4E1"� Rt7�K�C-�RA✓El ��IE INCH CNEKL.AY Rr=Q'G 2 /•}-;_.�' ..i�USfIEG� f2LCA_/caKf�.VaL \a COUNTY H�nLm or:PT. e6Y_ a:,rE -_-.-- n ci i Io Zu �� ���UEL7 RIX�IC�Ca1�AdEL- (p' '� O"CRUSH RLL.K/faI�AVEL 'rVITHI(V C�N�' `LEAK of C�OUNGIir g�' ZN-G� ��U`JNEL� F�X K/C71�VE'L � 9 ' ��� , CITY Ar�MIN!:i7ftATbR aY r' ---- 4 V r ` T�ENTAT'�E. Au�ETANG� �j DA7~ p TEM P(DRA*R ,�_- AC,�-E JJ �Q SECTION � /� �j 1^/ �/ ,1 (� / F {� TIGARD WA r'.R DIs7. 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LU CREEK _-__ _D _ __-_. ._ _ - 0+00 l t� V-00 • COLONY C;F'F_EF.:: ESTATES 9 OF 1. rji` Pil9 l . 1 1jl 1 111Ir� VIII 1 ►IIII I I III I I II, I I 111I11� III w , ' "* ~ 1 1 I I ! I I 1 I I 1 I 1�I�f l 1'► 1 (' I ( I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 'I I I I ( ( Ii�i�11111 i I �_ I 1 i , I a NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED '2 3 4 IJ 8 7 8 9 I O I I 12 - DRAWII,r, IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICiz-•IT 15 DUE TO } jF1E yUAL1TY OF THF ORIGINAL ____ DRAwING. 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RlX._ �Rf-✓F_t_ ONE I NG1••'1 CV/ IZL ck-Y REGI'U T _V4!L `.Cjc*4 D RCX.Kr-- �0C.�.LJ�-+EU I?La-1'./c�vf=L F' s � 1-�- `� , " l0 2`- D"GRUG.�I-1EL7 f21x�K/GRAVEL WITHIN c�NE YEAR of COUNCIL, E3" 2"-0` GiZU�HEL� RCX K/G�VF_L E_MPCRARY —_�cc,E: 5t) SE:C.TION TENTATIVE Au�FTANGE �� O EASEMENT TYPICAL 2.6 STREET tEC,TION SO R/W TYPICAL 34' STREET 5ECTION 50' R/W � � � Iv r,-) WISLANNTs o • .' GONSTRUC�T STANhARD + w 7 N '5T9E�T $ Iz AVQC.&,pF_ ! Q NN4 _Q lo" PE1ZF PIPE WITH RCjV- A�`''� W G 5EI20IN61 FOR 200F DRAINS v.� Q ; 11 > 1,30 ;. - PI�o�-Ili, / ISL..a.N CU2(�_QArA c .U12� DASA �TYP1 - GU1?F, UATTA �T' YF _ LURK px� A u Q R� 19' R� 7 � - _ - - - � '�✓ 1 CJPb DATA � �,,Q.�45 STO(ZM 1`.'�-I"r`I _ 7\ L- 119.3g' _ L= 19.59' �+s`�STOv- NH'�4 . r s0`2 I F= I�i26le , 50,27' L= 9, 9' 1 O 2°12`I5'O�" I ob 7 �•, 1�1 � ��, w � r✓t3'•I �E.152,6�y� L_-�2oy, 13' < 72 14 C \ °' = a' ;� o` �` c .8.x`5 11- 1617, TEMP m r Ie �! C f I• ;y F.. .�a V OVEIZ c� 3 p ,�. t AZED) _ __. h F'120 N REQ'D i. M ,0 9�. r�,_ �� \ f-- --- ------ - J 7c J __ FT __7 U H '%4J f�. 1 --- �' t ��I�V� �` u� I (F f I J�? , Q ar,•- _ I� \ I+c, N4 _ fi, *'Z / 30• h /, c j - ep + !,�, �� �-� I A5/ 1 tALT- t-_ _ F.E N L� 1 ...1 AHEr �T�I�M_ r_ r., _ , i Ec 1 Cl. +-��,,� - f�� f�5sac -T')f c , C,.vTyt, � i 610 40 667 h0• 'FGeI eO X2..51 TI-trA 7//418Y -3 Z2.d(,� 4) 70 1 ul, v- Z;q TO v 6 77-r.4 Cfliff,; ) 8 1 - -zi o 17�foo) /0'� lilt I pp Pp "title O'DOANELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW MARK P 0 DONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW TIMOTHY V. RAMIS CANEY OFFICE KENNETH M. ELLIOTT BALLOW a WRIGHT BUILDING 161 N. GRANT, SUITE 202 STEPHEN F. CREW 1727 N.W. HOYTSTREET CANBY,OREGON 97013 CHARLES E. CORRIGAN• PORTLAND,OREGON 97209 (803) 2661149 JOSZPH M. SULLIVAN KENNETH H FOX 18031 2224402 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ----- MARGARET C. HAND PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE SHARON L. WILLIAMS •ALSO ADMITTED TO PRACCICE KATHERINE A. FLYNN IN STATE OF WASHINGTON COMPTROLLER PRISCILLA E. WAY April 21, 1986 Mr. Bill Monahan Community Development Director City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Re: City of Tigard v Lutz Development, et al , Washington County Circuit Court No. 85-1601C Dear Bill: I have enclosed copies of the documents which will complete the substitution of Rick )(Licj er as the City of Tigard' s attorney in this case. Rick has agreed to represent the City for a fee of $50 . 00 per hour. By cOPY of this lett--r, I am advising Rick `.hat he should submit monthly billing statements for his work o11 the case to the attention of Ms. Jerri Widner, Finance E rector, City of Tigard, P. O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223 , and that all correspondence concer. ing the case should be directed to your attention, and th, . all telephone calls should be directed to either you or Randy Clarno. As soon as we receive notification from the Court that the substitution has been approved, Rick will begin working on the case. Please call him if you have any questions concerning the case. Please also feel free to call give me a call if you have any questions concerning this transition. s ' nCerelyyours , K et M. Elliott KME:mch Enclosures cc: Richard S. Yugler, Esq . O'DONNELL, RAMIE, ELLIOTi & CREW MARK P O DONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW CANNY OPPICS TIMOTHY V RAMIS GRANT. SUITE 202 N 1 9 KENNETH M. ELLIOTT BALLOW & WRIGHT BUILDING IBI N OREGON 7013 9 --TEPHEN F CREW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET (6p3) 266N 9 CHARLES E CORRIGAN• PORTLAND.OREGON 97209 4 9 JOSEPH M. SULLIVAN (603) 2224402 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT KENNETH H. FOX MARGARET C. HAND PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE SHARON L. WILLIAMS KATHERINE A, FLYNN •A160 ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN STATE OF WASHINGTON COMPTROLLKR PPISCILLA E. WAY April. 21 , 1986 Presiding Court Washington County Circuit Court Washington County Courthousl� 145 N.E. Second Hillsboro, OR 97124 Re: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development, et ai Washington County Circuit Court Case No. 85-1601C Dear Clerk: Please present the enclosed Substitution of Atturne-s for the Court for its review and consideration. Nitice of the proposed substitution has been served on the attorneys for all other parties involved. I have also enclosed verification cards to notify them of the Court ' s decision. If the proposed substitution meets with the Court' s approval , please so indicate on the verification cards and mail them to the addressees indicated. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours, Kenneth M. Elliott KME:mch cc w/enc. : City of Tigard Richard S. Yugler, Esq. James D. Huegli - Attorney for Lutz & Fidelity & Deposit James A. Cox - Attorney for Der-Hast Associates I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 2 FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON 3 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, a ) municipal corporation, ) 4 ) Plaintiff, ) No. 85-1601C 6 ) V. ) SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEYS 6 ) LUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO. , and ) 7 DER-HART ASSOCIATES, INC. , a ) joint venture; and FIDELITY ) 8 AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF ) MARYLAND, a Maryland ) 9 corporation, ) 10 Defendant. ) 11 Plaintiff, City of Tigard, agrees to the substitution of 12 Richard S. Yugler and the firm of Redden McGaughey Yugler & Jack, 13 in the place of Kenneth M. Elliott and the firm of O'Donnell , Ramis, 14 Elliott & Crew as its attorneys of record. 1`r DATED this day of April, 1986 . 16 CITY OF TIGARD 17 18B y: G7 William A. Monahan 19 Community Development Director 20 Richard S. Yugler and the firm of Redden McGaughey Yugler 21 & Jack consent to be substituted as attorneys of record in the place 22 of Kenneth M. Elliott and the firm of O'Donnell , Ramis, Elliott & 23 Crew for plaintiff City of Tigard. 24 DATED this -�-`' day of April , 1986. 25 REDDEN McGAUGHEY YUGLER JACK 26 By: Ric ar S. Yug No. 80416' Page 1 - SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEYS O DONNEII,RAM IS, Ell IOTT d CREW Attorneys at law 1727 N.W.Hoyt Strut Portland,Oregon 97209 15091 222 4102 1 Kenneth M. Elliott and the firm of O'Donnell , Ramis, 2 Elliott & Crew agree to have Richard S. Yugler and the firm of 3 Redden McGaughey Yugler & Jack substituted as the attorneys for 4 plaintiff City of Tigard. 5 DATED this day of April, 1986 . 6 O'DONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW 7 8 By: Aiott,9 th r 1KenneM. ElOSB No. 80217 10 IT IS SO ORDERED. 11 DATED this day of , 1986 . 12 13 14 Circuit Judge 15 SUBMITTED BY: Kenneth M. Elliott, OSB No. 80217 1727 N.W. Hoyt Street 16 Portland, OR 972.09 (503) 222-4402 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Page 2 - SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEYS O-DONNFLL, RAMIS, Ell IOTT 6 CREW Attorneys at law 1777 N.W.Hoyt Street Portland,Oregon 97709 15031 77:-4107 I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 2 FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON 3 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, a ) municipal corporation, ) 4 ) Plaintiff, ) No. 95-1601C 5 ) V. ) SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEYS 6 ) LUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO. , and ) 7 DER-HART ASSOCIATES, INC. , a ) joint venture; and FIDELITY ) 8 AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF ) MARYLAND, a Maryland ) 9 corporation, ) 10 Defendant. ) 11 Plaintiff- , City of Tigard, agrees to the substitution of 12 Richard S. Yugler and the firm of Redden McGaughey Yugler & Jack, 13 in the place of Kenneth M. Elliott and the firm of O'Donnell , Ramis, 14 Elliott & Crew as its attorneys of record. 15 DATED this ��� day of April , 1986 . 16 CITY OF TIGARD 17 18 B y: Wi liam A. Monahan 19 Community Development Director 20 Richard S. Yuglez -ind the firm of Redden McGaughey Yugler 21 & Jack consent to be substituted as attorneys of record in the place 22 of Kenneth M. Elliott and the firm of O'Donnell , Ramis, Elliott & 0 Crew for plaintiff City of Tigard. 24 DATED this day of April , 1986 . 26 REDDEN MaGAUGHEY YUGLER/�& JACK Rt�e" / /26 BY: t -� ��V4 S. Yug er.f'US No. 80416 Page 1 - SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEYS O DNJNELL. RAMIS. ELLIOTT 6 CREW Attomeys at low 1727 N W.Hoyt Shan Portland.Oregon 97209 15031 222."02 a I Kenneth M. Elliott and the firm of O' Donnell , Ramis, 2 Elliott. & Crew agree to have Richard S. Yugler and the firm of 3 Redden McGaughey Yugler & Jack substituted as the attorneys for 4 plaintiff City of Tigard. q 5 DATED this I ( day of April , 1986 . 6 �— O'DONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW 7 8 By: 9 Ke eth M. Elliott, SB tNo. 80217 10 IT IS SO ORDERED. 11 DATED this — day of _ 1986 . 12 13 14 Circuit Judge 15 SUBMITTED BY: Kenneth M. Elliott, OSB No. 80217 1727 N.W. Hoyt Street 16 Portland, OR 97209 (503) 222-4402 17 PLAINTIFF: City of Tigard 18 P. 0. Box 23397 19 Tigard, OR 97233 PLAINTIFF' S NEW COUNSEL: Richard S. Yugler, OSB No. 80416 20 REDDEN McGAUGHEY YUGLER & JACK 1727 N.W. Hoyt Street, Portland, OR 97209 21 (503) 242-0909 22 23 24 25 26 Page 2 - SUBSTITUTION OF A'T'TORNEYS O DONNELL,RAMIS, ELLIOIT&CREW Attorneys of Low 1727 N W. Hoyt Street Portland,Oregon 07209 (507)7224102 CERTIFICATE — TRUE COPY Ihereby certify that the foregoing copy of - _..............................----......................................................................... .................................................................................. is a complete and exact copy of the original. Dated.................................................................. l y. ....... ......................................... ..................•-------------................................ Attorneys)for.............................................................................. ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE Due service of the within ................ ............................................................................................. is hereby accepted on ................................................................. 19........, by receiving a true copy thereof. .......................................................................................................... Attornel(s)for.............................................................................. CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE Personal Icertify that on ............................................................... 19........,1 served the within ........................................................ ....................................................................................................on........................................................................................................... attorneyof record for ....................................................... ................................................................................................................... by personally handing to said attorney a true copy thereof. .......................................................................................................... Attorney(s)for.............................................................................. At Office 1 certify that on................................................................. 19........,I served the within........................................................ .................................................................................................o17 .......................................................................................................... ..........I............................. attorney of record for ................... .......................... .... ..... ....................................................................... by leaving a true copy thereof at said attorney's office with his/her clerk therein, or with a person apparently in chargethereof, at ..... ............................................... ............................................................................................................. Oregon. . ....................................................................................................... Attorneys)for.............................................................................. Melling SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEYS 1 hereby certify that 1 served the toregoing ......................................_........ ..................... . ........... on . Jam-es—D.,.. Hueg kj...Attorney...fer. Defendants Lutz and Fidelity. & Deposit; .lames A. Cox, attorney for Defendant Der=Hart ......... ......... .. ............ ..--- . --.................... ..-........ . ... ......................... Associates ............. .. .. ... .. .. .... ....................................................................................•----..................-----..............------•--..................................... attorneys) of record for ......................................................................... ........................................................................................... on . . ....Wil....2.1.......... ............ .... 19..06., by mailing to said attorney(s) a true copy thereof,certified by me as such, contained in a sealed envelope, with postage paid, addressed to said atforney(s) at said attorneys` last known address to-wit: ....Hueg.li_:.......160.071,8.0.Q._.Pacwe.st....Center; 1211 S...W...... .,__,...•_....Port and_t._..PA...93.4.Q41.._.Coxs-- 301 Lakeside Plaza,.. _8 N. State St. , . .. .............. ,ake.-O.sweSo1...OR. .9TUA.•••• .. ............................................................................................................. .... ........................................... and deposited in the post office at .............Portland_._........ ,,......-„-....._. Oregon, on sai yDated....April...21...................................... 19.16.. ....... ..1 . .. ... ............. �....................... At orney(s)for..... lin ............................................ O'DONNELL, SULLIVAN & RAMIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1747 N.W,Hoyt Street Portland,Oregon 97409 (5071 7121104 kAcrING SHFFT 1/1/80 5 FORM No. 100y*—areveNe.Neee LA*►Ile.CO.,PORTLAND,ORS. w w O'DONNELL, RAMIE, ELLIOTT & CREW MARK P. O DONNEL_ ATTORNEYS AT LAW CANNY orrlcE TIMOTHY V. RAMIS KENNETH M. ELLIOTT BALI OW & WRIGHT BUILDING 181 N. GRANT, SUITE 202 STEPHEII F. r'REW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET CANBY.OREGON 97013 CHARLES E. CORRIGAN• (503) 2661149 PORTLAND,OREGON 97209 JOSEPH M. SULLIVAN (503) 2224402 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT KENNETH H. FOX MARGARET C. HAND PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE SHARON L. WILLIAMS •ALSO ADMITTED TO PRACTICE KATHERINE_ A. FLYNN IN STATE OF WASHINGTON COMPTROLLER PRISCILLA E. WAY April 10, 1986 Mr. Randy Clarno City of Tigard P. O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Re: City of Tigard Colony Creek Estates Dear Randy: I have enclosed a formal Substitution of Attorneys signed by both Rick Yugler and me. Please deliver this to Bill Monahan for his signature and immediately return to me in the enclosed envelope. We can then forward it to the Court and get this case back under- way with Mr. Yugler at the helm. I have never yet received the consent letter, and I would still appreciate receiving that to complete rly file. In the event you have misplaced it of it was lost in the mail or we misplaced it, I have enclosed another letter for Bill ' s signature. Please forward it back to me along with the document for the Court. Thank you for your cooperation. F cerely ours, netFi" M. Elliott t t KME:mch cc w/enc. : Richard S. "ugler, Esq. O'DONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW MARK P O OONNCI L ATTORNEYS AT LAW TIMOTHY V RAMIS CANNY OPncE KENNETH M ELLIOTT BALLOW & WRIGHT BUILDING lel N GRANT. SUITE 2C2 STEPHEN F CREW 1727 N.W. HOYT STREFt CANNY. OREGON 97013 CHARLES E CORRIGAN• 1503) 2661149 PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 JOSEPH M SULLIVAN 15031 222.4402 KF NNETH H FOX ADMINISTRATIVE ANNINYANY —' MARGARET C. HAND PLEAFE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE SHARON L. WILLIAMS •ALSO Aram ITTED TO PRACTICE KATHERINE A. FLYNN IN STATE OF WASHINGTON COMPTROLLER PRISCILL.A E. WAY February 26, 1986 Mr. Randy Clarno City of Tigard P. O. Box 23397 Tigard , OR 97223 Re: City of Tigard - Colony Creek Estates Dear Randy: Confirming our telephone conversations concerning this case, our office has discovered that it has a potential conflict of interest in this case because we represent Titan Properties, a successor-in-interest to the original developer. Although the transfer documents contain no express assumption by Titan of Lutz/Der-Hart' s obligations to construct public improvements, either the developer or surety may file a third p-,rty complaint against Titan and bring them into the lawsuit. We have recommended that Rick Yugler be substituted as trial counsel for the City. Mr. Yugler is a trial attorney and partner in the firm of Redden, McGaughev, Yugler and Jack, who have their offices in our building. Mr. Yugler is ready and willing to take the case, provided that the City consent in writing to his representation. Ar we have previously discussed, Mr. Yugler' s partner, David Jack , represents a bonding company that has received notice from the City of a claim against the surety' s principal on a street opening permit. The principal , Mr. Knebel, has apparently failed to complete installation of a number of reflector buttons on a bikeway at the edge of the street. I understand that Mr. Jack has contacted his client and is attempting to resolve this matter as quickly as possible. The matters are unrelated, except for the fact they both pertain to city enforcement of agreements to construct public improve- ments. Please discuss this case with John Hagman and Bob Thompson at your Friday staff meeting this week. if the City decides it wants Mr. . Yugler to represent it in the Colony Creek case, either you or Bill Monahan should sign and date the consent Mr. Randy Clarno City of Tigard February 26 , 1986 Page two below and return it to me ys soon sletmeknow. Thankyou foi possible. Ifyou w to suggest another attorney , please your cooperation. Sincerely yours, Kenneth M. Elliott KMI::mch Enclosures bcc: Rick Yugler I , �,II i�M DN �wN , duly authorized representative of the City of Tigard, h,-wing read the above disclosure, consent to the sur3tituti.on of Richard S. Yugler as counsel for the City in the case of City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co. , et al , Washington County Circuit Court No. 85-1601C. DATED this �r'�� day of -j4 ; , 1986 . AVhorized Representative City of Tigard MUM Q'DONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW MARK P. O DONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW TIMOTHY V. RAMIS CANEY OFFICE KENNETH M. ELLIOTT SALLOW a( WRIGHT BUILDING 101 N. GRANT, SUITS 202 STEPHEN F. CREW 1727 N.W. H. TSTREr.r CANBY,OREGON 97013 CHARLES E. CORRIGANPORTLAND,OREGON 97209• 15031 266.1149 .JOSEPH M. SULLIVAN 1503) 2224402 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT KENNETH H, FOX -_-- MARGARET C. HAND PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE SHARON L. WILLIAMS •ALSO ADMITTED TO FRAC'ICE KATHERINE A, FLYNN IN_TATE OF WASHINGTON COMPTROLLER PRISCILLA E. WAY February 26, 1986 Mr. Randy Clarno City of Tigard P. O. Box 23397 Tigard , OR 97223 Re: City of Tigard - Colony Creek Estates Dear Randy: Confirming our telephone conversations concerning this case, our office has discovered that it has a potential conflict of interest in this case because we represent Titan Properties, a successor-in--interest to the original developer. Although the transfer documents contain no express assumption by Titan of Lutz/Der-Hart' s obligations to construct puOlic improvements, either the developer or surety may file a third party complaint against Titan and bring them into the lawsuit. We have recommended that Rick Yugler be substituted as trial counsel for the City. Mr. Yugler is a trial attorney and partner in the firm of Redden, McGaughey, Yugler and Jack, who have their offices in our building. Mr. Yugler is ready and willing to take the case, provided that the City consent in writing to his representation. As we have previously discussed, Mr. Yugler' s partner, David Jack , represents a bonding company that has received notice from the City of a claim against the surety ' s principal on a street opening permit. The principal , Mr. Knebel, has apparently failed to complete installation of a number of reflector buttons on a bikeway at the edge of the street . I understand that Mr. Jack has contacted his client and is attempting to resolve this matter as quickly as possible. The matters are unrelated, except for the fact they both pertain to city enforcement of agreements to construct public improve- ments. Please discuss th�.s case with John Hagman and Bob Thompson at your Friday staff meeting this week. If. the City decides it wants Mr. Yugler to represent it in the Colony Creek case, either you or Bill h.onahan should sign and date the consent i Mr. Kandy Clarno City of Tigard February 26, 1986 Page two below and return it to me as soon as possible. If_ you want us to suggest another attorney, please let me know. Thank you for your cooperation. S 'ncere1 yours, K net Lliott KME:mch Enclosures I , Lj ) , I I ,.i-ti3 A Mo,y i ny_, duly authorized representative of the City of Tigard, having read the above disclosure, consent to the substitution of Richard S. Yugler as counsel for the City in the case of City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co. , et al , I Washington County Circuit Court No. 85-1601C. DATED this j day of � /Z� 1986 . A _ orized Representative City of Tigard O'OONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW MARK P O DONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW TIMOTHY V RAMISCANSY or FICE KENNETH M ELLIOTT BALLOW do WRIGHT BUILDING 1N1 N. GRANT. SUITr 702 STEPHEN F CREW 1727 N.W. HOYTSTRrrT CANBY.OREGON 97013 CHARLES E. CORRIGAN• PORTLAND,OREGON 97209 (503) 2661149 JOSEPH M SULLIVAN KrMNETH H rOx (503) 222.4402 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT MARGARET C. HAND PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE SHARON L WILLIAMS •ALSO ADMITTED TO PRACTICE KATI:_I:INF •,. '-',NN IN SATE OF WASHINGTON COMPTROVL&M PRISCILLA E. WAY February 26, 1986 Mr. Randy Clarno City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Re: City of Tigard - Colony Creek Estates Dear Randy: Confirming our telephone conversations concerning this case, our office has discovered that it has a potential conflict of interest in this case because we represent Titan Properties, a successor-in-interest to the original developer. Although the transfer documents contain no express assumption by Titan of Lutz/Der-Hart ' s obligations to construct plablic improvements, either the developer or surety may file a thirn party complaint against Titan and bring them into the lawsuit. We have recommended chat Rick Yugler be substituted as trial counsel for the City. Mr. Yugler is a trial attorney and partner in the firm of Redden, McGaughey, Yugler and Jack, who have their offices in our building. Mr. Yuiler is ready and willing to take Lhe case, provided that the City consent in wr — ing to his representation. As we have previously discussed, Mr. Yugler' s partner, David Jack , represents a bonding company that has received notice from the City of a claim against the surety' s principal on a street opening permit. The principal , Mr. Knebel, ha, apparently fai., ed to complete installation of a number of refle:tor buttons on a ;jikeway at the edge of the street. I understand that Mr. Jack has contacted his client and is attempting to resolve this matter as quickly as possible. The matters are unrelated, except for the fact they both pertain to city enforcement of agreements to construct public improve-- nl, ,.ts. Please discuss this case with ,john Hagman and Bob Thompson at your Friday staff meeting this week. If the City decides it wants Mr. Yugler to represent it in the Colony Creek case, either you or Bill Monahan should sign and date the consent MILMONAAL Mr. Randy Clarno City of Tigard February 26, 1986 Page two below and return it to me as soon as poss.ible. If you want us to suggest another attorney, please let me know. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours, Kenneth M. Elliott KME:mch Enclosures I . L-J 11, hm duly authorized representative of the City of Tigard, hiving read the above disclosure, consent to the substitution of Richard S. Yugler a,, counsel for the City in the case of City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co. , et a! , Washington County Circuit Court No. 85-1601C. DATED this 32cky day of A' P,ZL___, 1986 . AV�triorized Representative City of Tigard r O'C]ONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW PARK P. 0 DONIIELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW CANNY OFFICE TIMOTHY V. RAMIS 13ALLOW 6c WPIGHT BUILDING 181 N. GRANT, SUITE 202 KENNETH M. ELLIOTT CANBY,OREGON 97013 STEPHEN F. CREW 1727 N.W. HOYTSTREET (!503) :661149 CHARLES E. CORRIGAN• PORTLAND,OREGON 97209 JOSEPH M. SULLIVAN (503) 222.4402 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT KFNNETH H. FOX -- MARGARET C. HAND PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE SHARON L. WILLIAMS KATHERINE A. FLYNN • ALSO ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN STATE OF WASHINGTON COMPTROLLER PRISCILLA E. WAY February 26, 1986 Mr. Mark M. LeCoq Attorney at Law 1600-1800 Pacwest Center 1 ?11 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204-3795 Re: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co. , et al, Washington County Circuit Court No. 85-1601C Dear Mark: Our firm has discovered that it has a potential conflict of interest in the above-referenced matter. We will be seeking permission of the court to resign and substitute new counsel for the City of 7 - lard within the next ten days. Under the circumstances, I do not think it is appropr? ate to respond to the merits of the potential defenses raised by your office on behalf of Fidelity & Deposit. I will , of course, forward all. of your correspondence to the new attorney of record, and all parties ,gill be notified of the substitution. Sincerely yours , Kenneth M. Elliott KME:mch cc: City of. Tigard RLECEIVED F E 8 12 1986 JAMES A. COX ATTORNEY AT LAW Q'�'1(I�IWFII 4 RAMIS AREA CODE 503 301 LAKESIDE PLAZA TELEPHONE 6363548 S NORTH STATE STREET LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 February 11, 1986 Mr. Kenneth M . Elliott Attorney at Law 1727 N.W. Hoyt Street Portland, Oregon 972.09 RE: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co. , et al . Washington County Circuit Court No. 85-1601C F & D Bond #6032299 Dear Mr. . Elliott : I have confirmed with John Downs of Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland that the principals of Der-Hart Associates did not personally guarantee the bond obligations. Therefore, as mentioned in my letter of January 14th, I will not be filing an appearance for the dissolved corporation. On the merits of the case it appears that there are several defenses available both to the surety company and to the original developers . There may be deficiencies in the subdivision, but if so most or all of them should be remedied by the usual regulatory mechanisms of withholding building permits , working with the State under the subdivision control statutes, and/or proceeding against +hp successor developer, Titar Properties . As to the surety company it appears that the uond you are relying on covered different obligations -- it was a maintenance bond , not a performance or completion bond. But regardless of the defenses , it is not worthwhile to incur attorney ' s fees defending Der-Hart Associates, Inc. Any judgment against it would be totally uncollectible and unenforceable. Very truly yours, JAMES A. COX JAC/ s cc: Mr. Jeffrey Hartlieb Mr. B. Ray Derby Mr. Ralph Hillier Mr. John Downs (Fidelity & Deposit Co. ) SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON, WYATT, MOORE & ROBERTS F E Q i j�qQC� ATTOR7'-:EYS AT LAW SUITES 1600-1800.PACWEST CENTER O'.DOMNEL'_3 nA.Vis 1211 S.W. PIPTH AVENUE PORTLAND,OREGON 97204-3795 TLLEPHoNE(503) 222.9081 CABLE ADDRESS"ROBCAI:' .JAMES D.HIJEGLI TELF?( 151563 (1503)708-2013 TELEcoPJPJt (503)706 2900 January 30, 1986 Kenneth Elliott Attorney at Law 1727 NW Hoyt Street Portland , OR 97209 Re: City of Tigard v. Lutz , Fidelity & Deposit;, et al . Dear Ken: Jim Huegli is out if the office and I a^1 covering his desk in his absence. Please find enclosed a copy of the Maintenance Bond issued by Fidelity and Deposit and as Jim indicated in his letter to you of January 15, it appears that you have sued the wrong party as we do riot have a performance bond. Please dismiss us from this suit as quickly as possible and confirm that you will not be taking ply action against Fidelity & Deposit. If you will. E. 4-11 be taking action against Fidelity and Deposit, please contact me as soon as possible. Very truly yours , Mark M. LeCoq MLC : lr Encl . cc: John Downes \\\yI IIVIIIV 111 jf%W, • 1111:111111/'1111 X1111 401 • IIw III Iv 1111\1\1 vl \\\ • I_II_I.r.-•II.. �1 .11111- \\.\ti11iW.IIW IIH 171 • i'I111'LFV N.11111\.\I II\V1. 11111111\li • til'I l I' iNMI • 141:111 I11 \\FNI'I- 0 I!,%.1-ll•111•w r7'DONNELL, RAMIE, ELLIOTT & I.REW MARK P. O DONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW CANDY OYFIC[ TIMOTHY V. RAMIE KENNETH M. ELLIOTT BALLOW B( WRIGHT BUILDING 151 N. GRANT, SUITE 202 STEPHEN r. CREW 1727 N . HoYTSTREFT CANBY.OREGON 97013 CHARLES E. CORRIGAN (503) 266.1149 POkTLAN D.OREGON 97209 JOSEPH M. SULLIVAN (503) 222.4402 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT KENNETH H FOX MARGARET C. HAND PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE SHARON L. WILLIAMS . ALSO AI]MITTED TO PRACTICE KATHERINE AFLYNN 14 STATE OF WASHINGTON COMPTROLLER PRISCILLA E. WAY February 3, 1986 Mr. Randy Clarno City cf Tigard P. O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Re: City of Tigard - Lutz Development Co. , et al (Colony Creek Estates) Dear Randy: I have enclosed a copy of a letter to me from the attorney for the surety, Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland. Mr, iiuegli raises an issue which may plague us on many of our bond collec- tion cases and which we will need to address in revising our bond forms and compliance agreements. His argum -nt is that Fidelity, the surety on the maintenance bond, is not liable for actual completion of public improvements, but only for problems with already completed improvemencE that are discovered during the one-year maintenance period. We have support in our subdivision compliance agreement for the contrary position, because subdivisions are routinely put on maintenance once all public_ improvements except sidewalks, curb cuts, street trees and the final AC overlay are completed. However, the surety company' s bond makes no reference to completion of these final improvements, nor does it make any reference to the terms of the subdivision compliance agreement. I will write a letter to Huegli and do everything I can to keep the surety in the case. However, this is a problem that will not go away as long as we continue to accept surety bond forms that vary from project to project and make no reference to the other t.-rms of the agreement between the developer and the City. This also points out the need, more than ever, for our meeting to conduct a comprehensive review of all the forms. I will give you a call within the next week to schedule it. Sincerely yours , K nneth Elliott KME:mch Enclosure RECEIVED SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON, WYATT, MOORE & ROBERTS )�1lJ 1 1 13 6 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Sl(ITPS 1000-1800.PACWEST CENTP_R .. 1211 S. W. I'll'TH AVF,NUE PORTLAND,OREGON 07204-3793 TI:LPPHONE(!',03! 222-9081 CABLE ADDRF55"ROBUM. JAMES D.HUF.GI.I TELEX 151583 (593)TOO-2913 TELPCOPIER (503)790-2900 January 15 , 1986 Kenneth Elliott Attorney at Law 1727 NW Hoyt Street Portland, OR 97209 Re: City of Tigard v. Lutz , et al . Dear Ken: As I told you, our office represents Fidelity and Deposit. I have reviewed the file and it appears clear on the face of the Complaint as well as on the face of our bond that you sued the wrong person. I think if you ' ll check , Fireman' s Fund probably has a bond on the completion of the project and Fidelity and Deposit' s bond only runs to a maintenance bond after the project was completed . The project hasn ' t been completed and therefore our bond doesn't kick in yet. If you disagree, please provide a written explanation as to why you sued my client . If you agree , would you be so kind as to dismiss us out of this law•.4uit immediately without prejudice and without costs. Very truly yours , James D. Huegli JDH: lr CC: John Downes 1VAl111N(l1T)N.f)C' atltltl7 • tHB FI.OIiR MII! al'I I1: all • 101K) OTO111AC S1 N.V • doll t"ii1i p111 48ATTLE WASIMNOT, N(N1171 0 PR)..LF9 NATIONAL HANK 111'11 111NO 0 St11TE 901) 0 1415 PWTH M'F.NI 1E 6 1711(11 tial(11 t1N FILING OR RECORDING OF DOCUMENTS Date: January 16, 1986 Re: City of Ti and v. Lutz Development Co, et a1 , Case No. 85-1601C The following documents are e,ulosed for filing or recording with your office. n_iai nal flu monses anal proofs of service on defendants Lutz navn7 n,Tmpnt Ca and Fi cial i ty and nPbOGi t C�,., of Ma�lland [l Charge our account for fees El Check enclosed to cover fee Clerk of the Court 0°DONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW TO Washington County _rcuit Court 145 N.E. Second ATTORNEYS AT LAW Hillsboro, OR 9%1 2 4 1727 N.W.HOYT STREET PORTLAND,OREGON 07209 L (603)222.4402 City of Tigard OR YO►)R INFORMATION ONLY r \ ' In the ...circui ............ Court of the State of Oregon for the County of. _Washington__... CITY OF TIGARDr....OREGON/..................................................... ..... ...-.. a municipal...corporation.t................................................................... ...... ........................... corporationl...................... ..................................................................................................... Val Plaintiff ND LUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO. , Alyo 85-160iC DER-HART ASSOCIATES, INC. .................................................................................................................................................................... A Joint Venture; and ................................................................. ... SUMMONS ............................................................................................... FIDELITY Al\D DEPOSIT COMPANY .............................I...........................•---................................................................................................-- OF MARYLAND, .................... ...... ................................................................................................................... a Mar lanci...cor oration. '......................I..................................-.................................................................................... Defendant s SAYED M. SA'�DEK, REGISTERED AGENT ro........................... ----........................................................................................................... .... Lutz Development Co. ................. ....-.........-, i...........,........................................................................................................................................ i. .6.5.0...S.4J. Pacific Hicghwax.................................... .............. Io..... ......-.. ............... ............... . . . ................. . ....F'��rtland, OR 97223 ...............Defendant.$..... You are hereby required to appear and defend the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this summons upon yon, and in case of your failure to do so, for want thereof, plaintilf(s) will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! You must "appear" in this case or the other aide will win automati- cally. To "appear' you must file with the court a legalpaper called a �I "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "answer" must be given to the i court clerk or administrator within 30 days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the ' Qplaintiff's attorney or if the plaintiff does nI . have an attorney, SIGNATURE OF ORE,ON RLSIOLNT ATTORNEY proof of service upon the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. Kenneth M. Elliott ............................................................................................ TYPE OR PRINT NAME Or RESIDENT ATTORNEY STATE OF OREGON; County of .. 4 as. ............................................................................ 1, the undersigned attorney of record for the plaintiff, certify that the foregoing is an exact and complete copy of the original summons in the above ertitled action. ... • ........................................................................ ATTORNEY nP RECONO IOR PLAINTIFFISI TO THE OFFICER OR OTHER PERSON SERVING THIS SUMMONS: You are hereby directed to serve n trite copy of this summons, together with a true copy of the complaint mentioned therein, upon the individual(s) or other legal entity(ies) to whom or which this summons is directed, and to make your proof of service on the reverse hereof or upon a separate similar document which you shall attach hereto. r Post office address at which papers in the above entitled action v\ �CW ........................... may be served by mall. At IORNLY ISI AlXTIF-11.1 O'DONNELL, SULLIVAN & RAMIS ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF 1727 N.W Hoyt S'reel Portland,Oregon 97209 1503!222.2202 PAGE 1—SUMMONS FORM No. 190--CIRCUIT OR DISTRICT COURT SUMMONI Or ST a.Ns N.S•u w PUS CU..PORTLAND,oR■ FromKenneth i l l i ott oOr" 1- -RF, fir. -- Papers Casa Title: City of Tigard vs Lutz Development Co an Si(x DA MFOFNA _ Serve: Der-Hari ASsociates Inc a joint ventu FExL --- OS( --- .-.,- Nock ----- (address) Sayed M Sadek-Flciistered Agent INST.onle _— AFF ANOTION 00,11 __- 14050 S'l Pacific Hwy OSC _ _ GUN - LI r. ORDER NOT Of"PO _— OTHIR — Portland Oregon HEARING DATE PERSONAL ON HIM —_HER_-- _ DATE SERVED - 4 : 37pm ps -- - SUBSERVED ON HIM _HER..__ TIME —_ — SERVER �- SERVED CORPORATION ON Pain l ---_- receptionist -_- -- TITLE__r. _ — AUTOS - - -------- ADDRESS SERVED IF PAPERS1.;_•.0�--- DIFFERFNT THAN ABOVE MILEAGE S ----— -- ------ COUNTY SERVED MULTNOMAH fl WASHINGTON EXTRA TIME S --- - CLACKAMAS O OTHER Li FEE ADVANCED S __ - CERTIFICATE: OF SERVICE SPATEF, OF OREGON ) UMINTY OF WASHINCCTON 1 ss' 1 P a tr i c i a J C24-ire , hereby certify that I am,and at all times hereinafter stated was a competent person over the age of eighteen years, a resident of the State of Oregon; and not a party to or Attorney in the within entitled action; that the foregoing summons and complaint was delivered to me for service on the 3 _ day of Iannary duly certified to he true copies byKenny-_th E1 1 ; o t t one of the Attorneys for the Plaintiff. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, all search and service was made within the county of Washington State of Oregon: that said Search and service was made as follows as indicated by an "X.". Personal X I HEREBY CERTIFY THAI. I served said papers on the defendant: Service Lutz Development Co and Der-Hart Associates Inc a Joint Venture by $erving Pamela Leibel-receptionist in the office of. Sayed M Sadek- Registered Agent on January 6 1986 at 4,: 37pm within the said State andUounty by then and(here personally delivering to and leaving with the defendant just named personally and in person a copy thereof; that said person so served is the identical person named as defendant in said action. Sub- _ 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, after due and diligent search and inquiry I have been unablL ,o Service find the within named defendant: within said State and County; such service was therefore made on said defendant on the day of , 19 , by delivering a copy thereof to: a person ovc; the age of 14 years, a person of the abode, at the 4wellmg house and usual place of abode of said defendant, within said State and County. Not _ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT. after due and diligent seat-,h and inquiry I have been unable Found to find the within named defendant: Only within said State and County, therefore, servxe was not made. Dated: 1-7-86 Certification of Mailing HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, a certified true )py �summvns and complaint was mailed to defendant iter substitute service was made stating time, and l e of ervice. DATED: j it 1• t, Signed: -- ACE MESSENGER SERVICE. INC. 12750 S. W. PACIFIC HWY., SUITE 1 .22 TIGARD. OREGON 97223 (503) 639.083G CFR TIFICATE of: SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT In the .....ci.r.cui.t Court of the State of Oregon for the County of.......Wcjjpb.i_n_g0n. ................. CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, .......................I....... ........................ .1...................................................................................................... municipal corporation, ................................................................................................................................. corporation ...............................................................I.................................................................................................... VS. Plaintiff LUTZ DEVELOP ...QQ 85-1601c X,S­ . ......................................................................................... No......................... SOC ..........IN(;............................................................... ...... ..................... Joint­*Ventu'r*@......Apo...................................................................................... SUMMONS ...X�b DEPOSIT...CQ .................. ... ........................................... .... .......................................................... .............. ' NSA Ry;!ANP/............................................................................................................. a**...A.aryland cq:rp .......... ......................... pXAt.i.o.n......................................................................... .. ..... JAMES D. HUEGLI, REGISTERED AGENT Defendants TO......S"iderl.i.ty...&...IDepr09-j:t*...C0Mp6(ffy­,t5*f­NCdriffa..................... ................................................................... yl.c ............. ...... .............1-2-11...S-.-W *5th...Aventra................ ...... ...... -------- .............Par-t-land-,....OR......9,72,04 ....... .............................. ............ .................................. ............... .....Defendant.S..... You are hereby required to appear and defend the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this summons upon you, and in case of your failure to do so, for want thereof, plaintiff(s) will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANTi READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! You must "appear" in this came or the other side will win automati- cally. To "appear" you must file with the court a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or"answer" must be gin to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days along with the everequired .......... filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the . ......... .. ......... plaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, SIGNATURE OF 0PON RESIDENT ATTORNEY proof of service upon the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. KennethM. Elliott .......................­.................................................................. TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF RESIDENT ATTORNEY STATE OF OREGON; Countyof ............................................................................ .. ss. f, the undersigned attorney of record for the plaintiff, certify that the foregoing is an exact and complete copy of the original summons in the above entitled action. ................. ................................... ..................................... At(ORNLY OF RECORD FOR PLAINTIFF(S) TO THE OFFICER OR OTHER PERSON SERVING THIS SUMMONS: You are hereby directed to serve a true copy of this summons, together with a true copy of the com,,Iaint mentioned therein, upon the individual(s) or other legal entity(ies) to whom or which this summons is directed, and to make your proof of service on the reverse hereof or upon a separate similar docurriptit which you shall attach hereto. Post office address at which papers in the above entitled action ... ." may be served by mail. ATTU14NFYIS I R ri O-DONNELL, SULLIVAN & RAMIS ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF 1727 N.W Hoyt Sime Porflond,Oregon 97209 (5031222-4402 PAGE 1—SUMMONS FORM No. 190--CIRCUIT 01 DISTRICT COUNT SUMMONS Of SrkVFNB N162 LAW PUN CO .PORTLAND.ORE. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON I Jeanette Holt. , hereby certify that I am, and at all times hereinafter stated was a competent person over tho age of eighteen years, a resident of the State of Oregon; and not a party to or Attorney in the within enti:led action; that the foregoing summons and complaint --was delivered to me for service on the � January 8 � jay of _ , 19,_ 6 _, duly certified to be true copies by _ Kenneth M. Elliott one of' the Attorneys for the plaintiff. HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, all search and service was made within the county of Multnomah State of Oregon; that said search and service was made as follows as indicated by an "X". Personal _ X I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, I served said papers on the defendant: Fidelity and Service Deposit Company of Maryland a Maryland corporation by serving James D. Huegli-registered agent on January 6 , 1986 at 11 : 30am ti ithin the said State and County by then and there personally delivering to and leaving with the defendant just named personally and in person a copy thereof; that said person so served is the identical person named as defendant in said action. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, after due and diligent search and inquiry I have been unable to Service find the within named defendant: %,ithin said State and County; such service was therefore made on said defendant on the day of _ ly__________ , by delivering it copy thereof to: a person over the age of 14 years, a person of the abode, at the dwelling hou. . and usual place of abode of said defendant, within said State and County. Not _- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, after due and diligent search and inquiry I have been unable Found to find the within named defendant: Only within said State and County, therefore. service was not made. Dated: 1-7-86 Certification of Mailing �_.-. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, it certified true copy of summons and complaint was mailed to defendant after substitute service was made stating time, date, and place of service. DATED: — ---- _ ----� _._ Signed: ---- - - - - ACE MESSENGER SERVICE. INC. 12750 S. W. PACIFIC 1AWY., SUITE 122 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 (503) 639.0836 CERTIFICA1 E OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT- I r _ JAN 1 G JAMES A. COX ATTORNEY AT LAW AREA CODE 503 301 LAKESIDE PLAZA TCI_FPHONE 6333546 S NORTH STATE STREET LAKE OSWEGO OREGON 97034 January 14, 1986 FOR YOUR INFOWATION ONLY Mr. Kenneth M. Elliott Attorney at Law 1727 N.W. Hoyt Street Portland, Oregon 97209 RE: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co. , et al . Washington County Circuit Court No. 85-1601C Dear Mr. Elliott : This will confirm our telephone conversation. I will be representing Der-Hart Associates , Inc. , and if necessary will file an appearance. As you know, Der-Hart is a dissolved corporation. My concern is whether or not Jeffrey Hartlieb and Ray Derby, the former principals in the corporation, executed guarantees in favor of Fidelity and Deposit Company in Maryland. I£ they did not , I will not file an appearance �n behalf of Der-Hart and you may take a default. If personal guarantees were given, I will be tendering the defense to other parties and will , if necessary, appear for Der-fiar. t in the action. Until our position can be clarified , I understand you will not take default without prior written notice to me. Thank you for your cooperation. Verytrulyyours, JMES A. COX C/k1s Enclosure cc: Mr. Jeffrey Hartlieb Mr. B. Ray Derby Mr. Ralph Hillier Mr. James Huegli JAMES A. Cox FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY ATTORNE" AT LAW ARE. CoDr 503 ]OI LAKESIDE PLAZA TEI E"-ONE 635.3546 A NORTH STATE STREET LAKE OSWEGO OREGON 97034 'anuary 14, 1986 „ � 11 Mr . James D. Huegli Attorney at Law 1600-1800 PacWest Center 1211 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland , Oregon 97209 Pr: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development Co. , et al . Washington County Circuit Court No. 85-1601C Dear Jim: I am advised that you represent Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland. I enclose a copy of my letter to Kenneth Elliott which explains my position in the case. Will you please vFrify with your client whether or not Jeffrey Hartlieb ar B. Ray Derby, the principals in Der- Hart Associates, Inc. , sinned any application form, guarantee, or other document which would personally obligate them tc indemnify your client for liability or expense it might sustain under the bond. They do not recall signing anything to that effect , but it was a long time ago end we do not want to trust their memory in that. regard. Very truly yours, JAMES A. CDX JAC/kls Enclosu e�' cc: Pj Kenneth Elliott Mr. Jeffrey Hartlieb Mr . Ralph Hillier Mr. B. Ray Derby MULMWALM��Mw MI RECEIVED SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON, WYATT, MOORE & ROBERI'AJ 11 1966 ATTORNL-YS AT LAW SUITES 1800.1800,PACWEST CENTER n'f�!1nINr1 /{f1gMlu 1211 S.W PiPTH AVENUE. PORTLAND,OREGON 97204-3795 TELEPHONE(503) 222-9981 CABLE vtmESS"ROBCAI. JAMES D.HUEGLi TELEX 151583 (5031796-2913 TELECOPIER (303)796-2000 January 9 , 1986 FOR yon INFORMATION ONLY Kenneth M. Elliott Attorney at Law 1727 NW Hoyt Street Portland, OR 97209 Re: City of Tigard v. Lutz Development, et al . Lear Ken: Our office represents the interests of Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland in this case. Please accept this letter as our request for an extension of time within which to file an appearance. I expect to either tender this matter to Lutz Development Co. for defense , Ken, or to send it out to another counsel for defense as we have in the past represented Lutz . We also do not have a file from our client yet . Thank you for your courtesy. Very truly yours, James D. Huegli JDH:lr. cc: John Downes 1x.11111 N:111 III 11kIt • II IL 1:1 1(4)t 11-.111.1. St 1111: it)j • I11110 W40()MA(:S"1.N.N'. • IJOP imilI1 XI SFA I-i'L.H. WAVIIINtiIUN uK171 • PEOPLE39 NATIONAL HANK N1I11 UW0 0 WITF 91X) 0 W16 FII'-IH A%'FNLIF 0 121811631.0166 TRAN.%11 'TA1, NO'Ci CE FROM: O_'t onne 1 l,- Rsl,^i s . El.l iott & Crew DATE' l_—� 4 1727 N.W. Havt _St_ CASE: City of Tigard - Lutz Case No. 85-16010 Portland, OR 97209 — -- - — T0: ACE Messenger Service DOCUMENTS: Original Summonses and 12750 S. W. Pacific Hwy. Suite 122 2 true copies of Tigard, Oregon 97223 Summons & Complaint for _ 639-0836 2 defendants SERVICE INFORMATION (A11 the information you can give us) Enc]osed are the original Summonses and two certified true copies of Summons and Complaint for each defendant. Please make service cf the true copies on .Tames D. Huegli and Sayed M. Sadek at the address indicated. If substitute or office service is required , please mail the follow-up copy of Summons and Complaint. PLEASE MAKE RETURN OF SERVICE of the original Summonses along with your Certificate of Service to this office, along with proof of mailing if required. Sincerely, Kenneth M. Elliott KME:dd cc : City of Tigard _Ci ACKA?1AS WASIHNGTON X M 111ANOMAH --- ----— EENaER: Complato ft—ems�,2. , Put your address in the••RE's URN To Dpate on the e S@NDEq a nWlsla It&ms i,2.2 iatd 4. reverse ride. Fallure to do this wlll prevent this card from r Put your atldrese In the"RETURN 10"spate on the bab,p returned to you.Tha return Belot t�_��yq��brpyf� f ravers-aide.FalpAre to do this Mill orsvent this Gerd from Y the Hama of the errors dot lvwad to and the date�of beinu returned to you.Tne return twely fee wi I prov(Q2 AVliverlr For•Aditlo available.Consult requested. fv,',i Iptlowlnp wrvlcas eri gu ha name')f the person delivered to and the date of marntr for forf �d end check boxiM) a delivwv. or dltional fen the following sere ess era ? for service(j)roOuted, avellable.L•nsult postmaster for fou and check box(") f• Show to whom,due and address of dellvery. I for rerviceh 1 r"U44ted. 7. Restricted Oellvery, I dhow to whom,data and eddrees of delivery.❑ DIY 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery. d. Article Addressed to: � � 4--- Mr. ,lames rkbery a. Artlel,Adtlremal tos tnterl.and Development r,�,, Mr. John Downes 14050 SW Pacific Hwy Fid(,;.ity & Depoai.t Co. of Maryland Portland, OR 97223 600 108th Avr�., N.1;. , SUi.te 4.39 — is f303lovile, WA 98004 �i. Type of Service, Artiste Number ; U Registered ❑ Insured s f ,• Typo of Savviest: Artlele NumMr ❑ Certiried ❑COD P551 533-7. eglrtertM ❑ Inq:red P551-533-758 j ❑ Fxpress(Mail e'tified ❑COfa Express Mail Always obtain signetuta of addressee 2Lagent sod DATE QF.k VEREC3• Alwaya obtain signature of addressee 01 e 6. Sltfnature—Addressee n1 X S. Si re 17rr G. Signature—Aprnt 9 X') S. • n Apftt r i i r) T ate uelhnry X 7. r *0 of Dolivery S. Addressee's/Ldtlren J i. S. Addressee's AddreNPet11f December 19, 1985 Interland Development Company CITYOF TIIFARD 14050 :i'rJ Pacific Highway WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Portland, OR 97223 ATTENTION: Mr. James W. Ekberg RE: Colony Creek Estates Subdivision Dear Mr, Ekberg: This is sent to notify you, to accordance with the terms of the project Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Bond No. 6032299, that the City of Tigard hereby serves notice that "!0 City will proceed to take legal action if all remaining public improvement work is not complete nrior to expiration of the aforesaid bond. Items which remain to by completed are: 1 . the final lift, of asphaltir. concrete, on all (plat. I) roadways 2. The remaining --oncrete sidewalks, including aprons and curb ramps. 3 . Removal of the temporary accessway onto S.W. Hall Blvd. In consideration of the time o` year, with respect to the w^ather, the City of ligard is willing to enter into a six month extension provided Lutz/Interland and Fidelity and Deposit provides the City with a renewed bond, in form agreeable to the City, prior to expiration of the existing bond (i .e. Dec. 313t, 1985) . But, please be aware that a further delay in completion of remaining work will not be acceptable. Sincerely yours, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician i c: Fidelity 6, Deposit Company of Maryland 600 108th Aveiiue N E. (Suite 439) Bellevue, Washington 94004 ATTN: Mr. John Downes O'Donnell—Ramis 1727 NW Hoyt. Portland, OR 9-2.09 Attn: Mr. 1'.on Ellintt, City Attorney �— — — 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH:6394171 00, Cd I /� /p. �4 �} I C. .. IaiiMWlp4AgYr. �G•`�� .. . ��G,� Gam''': ..� �y yyiG 41 G� ,r--rr.�-,; �-,•• .��`/�' w,�r /l �s,�4�,Z/ Oen 4A 6<4 —ef fib..•-Q 01- A 3 C&O 1 "r_------__- mli nu.ee utFrce OF MARYLAND "IL11.eokr.n,n.71703 For: nintennncn Bond - Col.()ny Cre-pk Subdivi.sgon Continuation Certificate In Consideration of a continuation premium, the Fidelity dnd Depusit Company of Maryiand, Surety upon a certain Bond No. ... .a-)_ dated the.......... day of Ju1.y.._ ....... 19...$��..., covering _,Lutz f'i'- ri,--�tS.pc 1. e�,...�rlG.�.,... s�.?.J t?.t•. . '.C't1tLLZ'�.'. ... ............... .............................. and in favor of.-._.0 -y....o1...'''a.�: i'�.,._ .. ......._. ............... - - - _(!,es hereby continue said bond in force for the further period beginning with theday of 19 ..._ and ending with the 31.s I-, ... ....... ... ..day of..... c ':'�?e. '............ ....... E; Provided: 1---That the liability of th"said Fidelity and Deposit a)mpan,of Maryland under said bond arid all continuations thereof shall not ba cumulative in amounts. 2.—That said bond, as continued hereby, shall bp subject to all its agreements, conditions and limitations. Signed, sealed and dated this.. . 2.1 t day of Pjaue Aber ..19 al-, FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND By .................. 'Pi. Lnrsnn, Attor-nny-in-F--t I l )IZ lt )l 11 i'Ill ► II.c ' Iit )\ I.� )t)h Ill o Fidelity and ,;; osit Company p �' y HOME OFFICE OF MARYLAND aurt.NOR£, .ND jfffij F General Form Statue Inquiry City of Tigard P.O. Box 2339T June 6th 85 Tigard , Or. 97223 19�� L OUR BOND NO. 060 qq n❑ "r CONTRACTOR: Lists Development Co. and Der-Hart Associates , Inc . , A jointVenture DESCRIPTION: Maintenance Bond - Coloney Creek Estates Subdivision in Tigard. , Oregon C.P. $30 ,36T. 53 OWNER: City of Tigard, Oregon 1 O L lJ CONTRACT PRICE J0j68 BOND( Si __._.___,EFFECTIVE DATE_ 7/2g/-- WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHTS OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BONO(S) DESCRIBED ABOVE. WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE. VER R LY OURS. BY �1 1 . IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: S aryl Spaulding APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETIOM OF WORK ( OR FINAL OELIVEkiY) APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE i 2- IF CONTiIALT UNl_UMPLEIL09 PLEASE STATE : APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR AMOUNT GF CONTRACT COMPLLTEO OR DELIVERED 3e, DO YOU KNOW OF UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL? (CHECK) ` YES;�_N0�_ 4� REMARKS. ( IF ANY ) IV OT CQ MPI F �E SIGNATURE �� _J 1/4- I It understood that the information contained herein is furnished ... mats , of routU-y for the confidential use of the surety and is merely an espreanon of 11 opinion It it oleo agreed that in Furnishing this nformation.ri,i nntyor warranty TI TLE of "r-racy or currectne-a is mido end no responsibility a swum-d u s result of reliance by the surety.whether surh information is furnished by ilio„toner or by an arrhitert or engineer as the agent of the owner 1 — � DATE PLEASE RETURN INJUIR1r TO: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND CI151.-HB% .y ""Asrs, Form Status Inqulrr F Irrsl errs i„ br n,hnnird ,n ate 4umperl addr.urd 41 slim,rn.el.Ors i„ h• hrA 91 �S O Fidelity and Deposit Company p f� o HOME OFFICE OF bfARYI.AND BALrIMOPE, .aft) 11:0J cz'T'01 General Form Status inquiry (/1141% City of Tigaid June 6th 85 P.O. Box 2339T 19 Tigard , Or. 9T223 L_ "- OUR BOND NO.-__06032240 _ CONTRACTOR: Iatz Development Co. and Dur-Hart Associates , Inc . , A Joint `feature DESCRIPTION: Maintenance Bond - Coloney Creek Estates Subdivision in Tigard , Oregon C.P. $30 ,36T. 53 OWNER: City of Tigard , Oregon CONTRACT PRICE�p��9 _ BONDS) _ EFFECTIVE DATE 7/28/82 WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHTS OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BOND(S) DESCRIBED ABOVE• WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE. VER1TR LY OURS. BY ( 1 . IF CONTRACT COMPLETED. PLEASE STATE : S eryl Spaulding ` APPROXIMATE OATE OF COMPLETION OF WORK ( OR FINAL I)ELIVEAY) APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE s 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED• PLEASE STATE : APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETED OR DELIVERED 3e DO YOU KNOW OF UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL? (CHECK; YES. NO, 4. REMARKS: ( IF ANY ) )C)1 �_'_� .l.i.r SIGNATURE. opinion It is dao agreed that in furnishing this information,no It is undo ratnod that the information cantsin.d herein u f rnuhed ss a matter of courtesy for the canfrdentcel use of the surety and a merely an espreevinn "f 1 I uarsnt t I TLE_ —e`-'t \ t �1 n c� a ..\ of accuracy or corrn,tness a made and no reaponarbility a assumed so a,result of rehanct by the aurety,whether such informet;on is furnished Iii,rhe owner ,r by an atrhrtert or engineer as the agent of the owner r. OATS � is `'�" 1 9 c- ' PLEASE RETURN INQUIRY 70: FIISLITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND ('3151,-IlEV 7 7n Cee.ral Form Malum Inquiry Federal islet to be submttled m dupl1ic ale Ylamped addressed envelopes to be attached 91 51 Fi&tity and Deposit Company r n U0 31F MI I(", ()E MARYLAND Bnf IItfORF, ofd 11M 1�� General Farm Matteis Inquiry of City of Tigard June 6th 85 P.O. Box 23397 19 Tigard , Or. 97223 OUR BOND NOm, 06012249 I r CONTRACTOR: Lutz Development Co. and Der-Hart Associates , Inc . , A Joint Venture DESCRIPTION: Maintenance Bond - Coloney Creek Estates Subdivision in Tigard , Oregon C.P. $3J ,367. 53 OWNER: City of Tigard , Oregon 0 Mr-3 M V— CONTRACT PRICE 3o'168 BOND( S ) EFFECTIVE DATE_1/28/82 WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHTS OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BON'i(S ) DESCRIBED ABOVE• WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE . VERTR LY OURS• BY 1 . IF CONTRACT COMPLETED. PLEASE STATE : Sheryl Spaulding APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETION OF WORK ( OR FINAL DELIVERY) APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE_„_ FINAL CONTRACT PRICE S 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED• PLEASE STATE : APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETED OR DELIVERED 3. DO YOU KNOW OF UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL? (CHECK) YE5,__N O 4. REMARKSSIF ANY1 ,(t'�`L 7 /f / 'C�'i'• ll (lt c / �' t �' /t• 1iI�` • st is r S v �• t j SIGNATURE t � ` It to understood that the information conl.in«d herein is lurmshrd as a matter 1 of courtesy for the confidrnlial use of the surety and is mer«Iv an rip nasion of TITLE_` l F��� 41 _ opinion It III also■aurd - Ihot In fltrnishina this Infon rmstlon, n auaranl vnr warranty ����— ,, arcuracy or cnrrer luras is male and no rraponeibllily is aammed all a to-oull of rrllance by the surety,whether much information is furnished by the owner or by an , •„f mrrhllrrl of enainerr as Ihr■arnt of lh«awner ( 0' DATE PLEASE RETURN INQUIRY TO: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND C:3151.-RFV >>N (;*natal Form Malum Inyulry Federal Camra to In submitted m duphr air Hlamprd addressed env«Inpra its be, Ulachrd `11 11,541 C" Fidelity and Deposit Company mpany NOME OFFICE OF N A.R`3 LAND HAfTIMORF, AID 21203 Gerwrnl Form Status Inquiry City of Tigard June 6th 85 P.O. Box 2339T --- 19 Tigard , Or. 9T223 OUR BOND NO. 06032299 roto «t CONTRACTOR: Lutz Development Co. and Der- :'art Associates , Inc. , A Joint Venture DESCRIPTION: Maintenance Bond - Coloney Creek Estates Subdivision in Tigard , Oregon C.P. $30,367. 53 OWNER: City of Tigard , Oregon @11MMOMP CONTRACT PRICE 30368 BONDS ) EFFECTIVE DATE T/28/I32 WITHOUT PRE,JDICING YOUR RIGHTS OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BOND(S) DESCRIBED ABOVE, WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVA IL.ABLE o VERY TRULY YOURS. BY 1 . IF CONTRACT COMPLETED. PLEASE STATES Sheryl Spaulding APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETION Or WORK ( OR FINAL DELIVERY) APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE i FINAL CONTRACT PRICE t roto «ural 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED. PLEASE STATE : APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR AMOUNT OF :;ONTRACT COMPLETED IGR DEL IWERED 3. DO YOU KNOW OF UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL? (CH CK) N0 YES. Q 1 4. REMARKS: :(AF ANY ) SIGNATURE It is understood that the information contained herein a furnished as■ matter `y'/ i f of court.ay for the confidentl.l use of the surely and I.merely an expression of TI TLE I� /' C l T 1< opinion It in also agreed that in furnishing this informstion,,.,t guaranty nr warranty of accuracy or correctness is made and no responsibility is assumed as a result of rellance by the surety,whether such information isfurnished by the owner or by an _ architect or engineer as the agent of the owner DATE_ 141 PLEASE RETURN INQUIRY TO: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND II151,—RE% 7;« tlenerel Form Itatus Inquiry- Federal cases to he submitted in duplicate Stamped •ddrssxed envelopes to he attached 81 5541 C Fidelity and Deposit Company RECEIVED NOME OFFICE OF MARYLAND a+r.rr.NnkF. +rn �r1a Ju 1 J IjCi� r General worm Status Inquiry CITY OF TIGARG City of Tigard June 6th 85 P.O. Bos 2339T 19�, Tigard, Or. 9T223 OUR BOND NO. 06032299 FOLD MERE CONTRACTOR: Luta Development Co. and Der-Hart Associates , Inc. , A Jcint Venture DESCRIPTION: Maintenance Bond - Coloney Creek Estates Subdivision in Tigard , Oregon C.P. $30,367. 53 OWNER: City of Tigard. Oregon 2ND REQUEST CONTRACT PRICE 30368 BOND( S) EFFECTIVE DATE T/28/82 WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHTS OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR OOND(S ) DESCRIBED ABOVE* WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH OF THE FOLLOWING, INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE . VERY TRULY YOURS* BY 1 . IF CONTRACT COMPLETED* PLEASE STATE : Sheryl Spaulding APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETION OF WORK ( OR rINAL DELIVERY11 APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE i 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED* PLEASE STATE : APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR OOLLAP,� AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETED OR DELIVERED— 3- 3. DO YOU KNOW OF UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL? (CHECK) YES. NO X - 4. REMARKS: ( IF ANY ) /-// I SIGNATURE it 1*understood that the inform stion contained herein is furnished an s nutter of courts, for the confidential use of the surety end is merely an rtpreeeion err TI TLE - ;�opinion it Is also agreed that in furnishing this info rt ration,no ju eranly or wawa ntN- - of accuracy or correctness is made and no responsibility Is auemed as s result of t reliance by the curet••.whether such Information is furnished by the owner or by an architect it en*iner•r on the agent of the owner / ) r l ! _ DAT E L 19 PLEASE RETURN INQUIRY TO: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND ""151• fth:\ ;H General Form Flatus Inquiry-Federal cues to he submitted I duplicate Ntamped addressed en,*lopes to he attached 91 8511 Fideh v and Deposit ( )mp anv res .+u of r rre OF MARYLAND ij.0 i i it,wi vn irmJ General Form Status Inquire I City of Tigard June 6th 85 P.O. Box 23397 19_,_..__ Tigard , Or. 97223 OUR BOND NO. o6o2294 CONTRACTOR: Lutz Developmeit Co . and Der-Hart Associates , Inc . , A Joint Venture DESCRIPTION: Maintenance E, nd - Coloney Creek Estrtes Subdivision in Tigard , Oregon C.P. $30,367 . 53 OWNER: City of Tigard , Oregon CONTRACT PRICE �n36A 9UND( S) EFFECTIVE DATE 7128/8,, WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHTS OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR $ONO($$ DESCRIBED ASOVE9 WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS 18 NOW AVAILABLE e VER IR YURS• jA OY ZII _ 1e IF CONTRACT COMPLETED• "LEASE STATE: 8 eryl 8pauldin APPROXIMATE OATr OF C )MPLETION OF WORK i OR FINAL F1CLI Yy APFPnXIMATE ACCEPTANCa' DATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE S Fntn Near Ze IF CONTRA'. 1' '-^.rJKPLETED, PLEASE STATE : APPROX . c PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETED OR DELIVERED 3e DO YOU KNOW OF UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATFRIAL? (CHECK) f YES`_NO 4. REMARKS: IF ANY )_ d , SI NATURE J It to understood that the Information contained hsnin to furnished u e mater of courtesy for the cnnfldential use of the surety and ie merely an erpreninn of TI TLE npi nion It is aIso agreed that In furnishing this information,no guars my ni warranty of accuracy or correctness Is made and no responsibility is assumed as a result of reliance by the surety,whether a agent of i,furnished by the owner or by an _� architect or .nginerr the snt oof the owner DATE— i,7 1 912f PLEASE RETURN INQUIRY TO: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT t__CMPANY OF MARYLAND C315L—ftRA' 71N GenanI Form Btatus Inquiry Federal cues to he suhmuted in duplicate Stamped ancreued envelopes to he munched 91 5541 a - AD ��-�--IAN, fA NUZE•� � � NUTIFy uN IFIE-o .--EWERP•UE A6G—N aEFGk�E TAPPINU fNTC FAI�NO LRE.EI�� INT�RG�pT�:l�. Q R v IQ� O Q t t r- ,' (ZZ4 40,34 ST . 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CITYOF 2IGARD OREGON, ........................................................................................... a i:u U9rat on, . .................. co �;ora ion, .............I................................................................................. ........... VS. P1air,tiff 85-1601C ..L...U...TZ. D...E..V...ELOPME. N.T....CO . AND......................................................................................... No......... . ....... .. . .&.... DER—HART ASSOCIATESj.....T.NQ,��........................................................................................ .. .. ......***' .............................................................................................. ....... SUMMONS .. ................. ...... FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT QPMRANY.................................. .............................................. * * , * ; ... 0 .......................................... .................................... .............. ...I............. ................I.................................. a Plarylaqjd...qq:rporation........... ......................... .. ..................................... . ...... Defend-intS JAMES D. HUEGLI, REGISTEhEL) AGENT To.......fi:del-ity-**&,*-repcfS-i-t"'ICOMt5ah.Y'*'O'f­Maty ...... .................. .................................................................................................. ............ 1600-180Q"P�rrwesC...cmt.e.r ...... .. .. .. ........ 12,1- S.-W-..­5th-­;%VerTUa Def e n da n t S ... Port-land,;­,OR......9,7204......­­­­***­­*....... You are hereby required to appear and defend the complaint filed against you in the al)(we entitled action within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this summons upon you, rand in case of your failure to do sc;, hyr want thereof, plaini'41(s) will aPPlj' to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT: READ TMESE PAPERS CAREFULLY1 7f*ou must"appear" in this came or the other side will win automati- cally, To "appear" you must file with the court a legal paper called a ..motion" or "answer." The 'motion" or"answer" must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days alone u�th the required filing fee It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, SIGNATURE Of OR ON RESIL)FNI A71OHNFN proof of service upon the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you ghoul" see an attorney immediately. Kenneth M. Elliott .. .................. .... ....................... ....................................... TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF RX§!O9NT ATTORNEY STATE OF OREGON; Countyof ......Mq1-tPQMAh................................................ 1, the undersigned attorney of record for the plaintiff. cer'ify that the foregoing is an exact and complete copy of the original summons in the above entitled actior: ....../.a./ .Kenneth. ...M. Elliott.................I...._. .. .. .. .. .... .. ATTORNEY or PicoRo FOR PLAINTIFF(S) TO THE OFFI::ER OR OTHER PERSON SERVING THIS SUAIAIONS.- You are hereby directed io serve a frut- copy of this summons, together with a true cop), of the complaint mentioned therein, upon the indivi lual(s) or other legal entity(ies) to whom or which this summons is directed, arid to make your proof of service on the reverse hereof or upon a separate similar document which you shall attach hereto. Po.t office FIddress at which papers In the above entitled futi,n .... may be served b- mail. &.,I,PI O'DONNELL, SULLIVAN & RAMIS AltORNEYS FCV PLAINTIFF 1727 N W Hoyt Miev# Pottlomd,Oregon 97209 15031 222.402 FORM No 19"joculy ON DISTRICT COUNT SUMMONS PACE 1--StIMMCW1 OF %T&VtNg Nr*$I AW PUS Co..PONT&A No.CRa Circuit ' In the Court of the State of Oregon for the County of. ................... CITY01' TIGARDr....OREGONi...................................................................................... .......... ........... a municipal. corporation,....................... ...... ... ...... ..................................................................... corporation. .................................................... ......................................... .... ......................... vs. Plaintiff LUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO. , AND Ivo...-85-16010 ...................................................................................................... DEr—HAF.fi ASSOCIATES, INC. ................. A Joint Venture; and SUMMONS ........................e -....-.......-...................................................................................................................... FIDTI,ITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY ................................................................................................................................. Ma OF MARYLAND, a rxland corporation. Defendant S To...........SAYED M. SADEK, REGISTERED AGENT Lutz Development...Co............................................................................................................................................ I.4.0.5.O...S.W. Pacini.C. ..Hichwa ............................... .............. .... ............... ............................................................... ......-................. POrtlantl� OR 97223 Defendants..... You are hereby required to appear and defend the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this summons upon you, and in case of your failure to do so. for want thereof, plaintiff(s) will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! YoL must "appear" in this case or the other side will win automati- To "appear" you must file with the court a legal paper called a I "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "answer" must be given to the court clerk or adr'nistrator within 30 days along with the required filing fee. It muPt be in grope- form and hnve proof of service on the r plaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, SIGNATURE OF OREGON RLSIOLNT ATTORNE, proof of service upon the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should gee an attorney immediately. Kenneth M. Elliott TYPE OR PRINT NAME OIr RESIDENT ATTORNEY STATE OF OREGON; County of .......Multnomah s. I, the undersigned attorney of record for the plaintiff, certify that the foregoing is an exact and complete copy of the original summons in the above entitled action. /s/ Kenneth M. Elliott .......... ... .. .I._....__ ..............------........................................ ATTOrINEY OF RECORD FOR PLAINTIPPISI TO THE OFFICER OR OTHER PERSON SERVING THIS SUAIAIONS: You are hereby directed to servc, ;T fTT-,- copy of this summons, together with a true copy of the complaint mentioned therein, upon the individual(s) or other legal entity(ies) to whom or which this summons is directed, and to make your proof of service on the reverse hereof or upon a separate similar document which you shall attach hereto. Fast office nddress at which papers in the above entitled action6WLA�-(A A .......... may ire served by mail. AIICANEY .,A,. nynRl O'DONNELL, SULLIVAN & RAMIS ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF 1147 N.W.Hoyt Street Portland,Oregon 97409 15091 777 M07 PAGE 1—SUM1140NI FORM No. 191►--CIRCUIT OR DISTRICT C0JRT SUMMONS OE YTEVe NS NISP LAW PU• CO..PORTLAND.001. In the Cii. cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of ..._ .Waphi.ngt9;j................... CITY OF' TIGARD, OREGON, ................................ ...................................................................... a municipa ............................................................................................................................... .....................................I!.............................................................................................................................. Vs. Plaintiff L...U...T...Z.. DEVELOPMENT EV..E .L..O...PM.. ENTCO.A !�p .......................................... No..-8 5.-. .... . . . .. . .... ............................................. ....DER–HART...ASSOC ........................................................................................ A Joint Venture; and ...... SUMMONS ... ... ... ............................................................................... if� Wb �6m�Kw ­.............................................................................................. ............................... MARYLAND, ... . .. . .................. .......................... a MarvAan co�p ...........11 .................. ...................................................... ....................................... Defendant a To.........!) .R.–HART......A...S...S.O ...C.IATES........I.N,C............................................................................................................................... .. ............. . ............. c/o CaU.P.rat.i.o.ii....Commissioner......... .......................................................................................................... ............... ......... 158-12th Street N.E. ...............�a­1'e'...M........d1k......0..�Yd...................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................Defendant........ You are hereby required to appear -ind defend the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this summons upon you, and in case of your failure to do so, for want thereof, plaintiffs) will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE TO TOE DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLYI You must"appe.r" in this case or the other side will win automati- cally. To "appear" you must file with the court a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or"answer" must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days along with the reuuired /S/ Kenneth M. Elliott filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the ........ ................ ..................................... ............................ plaintiff's attorney or if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, SIGNATURE OF OREGON RESIDENT ATTORNEY proof of service upon the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. Kenneth M. Elliott ............................................................................................ TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF RESIDENT A'ITOPINKY STATE OF OREGON; County of .......Multnomah............................................... 1, the undersigned attorney of record for the plaintiff, certify that the foregoing is an exact and complete copy of the original summons in the above entitled action. ......... .IA/...X.e.n.neth...M,.. E.1.14.0.t.t................... ATTORNEY OF RECORD FOR PLAINTIPF(Si TO THE OFFICER OR OTHER PERSON SERVING THIS SUMMONS: You nre hereby directed to serve true copy of this summons, together with a true copy of the complaint mentioned therein, upon the individual(s) or othrr legal entity(ies) to whom or which this summons is directed, and to make your proof of service on the reverse hereof or upon a separate similar document which you shall attach hereto. Post office address at which papers in the above entitled action ......1.sJ....Kenn.e.t.h...M......El.... .....l.iot...t.................... ....... .... . .. .. nony be served by mail. ATTORNEY IS)PON PILAINTIPFCSI O'DONNE'LL, ,ZAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW AWONEYS cOR PLAINTIFF 1717 N W.Hoyt Street Portland,Oregon 97209 13031222."02 PACE 1—SUMMON! FOAM Me.100-0101?Go 511talet tout?WOJAW OE STEVENS ME$@ LA*PUS.to..PORIPLAW6.(01. 1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 2 FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON 3 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, ) 4 a municipal corporation, ) corporation, ) 6 ) No. 85-1601C Plaintiff , ) G V. ) COMPLAINT ) (Specific Performance, 7 LUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO. , AND ) Breach of Contract , Action DER-HART ASSOCIATES, INC . ) on Surety Bond) A Joint Venture ; and ) FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY ) OF MARYLAND, ) 10 a Maryland corporation, ) ) 11 Defendants . ) 12 Plaintiff , for its FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF against defendants Lutz 13 Development Co . , and Der-Hart Associates , Inc . . and Fidelity and 14 Deposit Company of Maryland, alleges : 1 . 15 16 At all times material herein, plaintiff was and is a municipal 17 corporation organized and operating under the statutes of the State of 18 Oregon. ] 2 . �I 20 At all times material herein, defendants Lutz Development Co . , 21 Inc. and Der-Hart Associates , Inc . , (hereinafter defendant Lutz/Der- 21-1 Hart ) , were both Oregon corporations conducting business as a Joint 23 Venture in Washington County, Oregon. At all times material herein, 24 defendant Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland (hereinafter 25 defendant Fidelity Deposit) was and is a Maryland corporation qualified 26 and doing business in the State of Oregon. Page 1 - COMPLAINT O WI,NrII, PAMIS, FIUOTT 6 CREW AtImr,erf at Low 1727 N W.Hoyt Street Portland,Oregon 97209 15031 222 4107 3 . On or about March 13 , 1979 , defendant Lutz/Der-Hart entered into a 3 Subdivision Compliance Agreement for the development known as Colony 4 Creek Estates located in Washington County, Oregon and within the city 5 limits of the City of Tigard. A copy of said agreement is :attached 6 hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as if fully 7 set forth. Defendant Lutz/Der-Hart ' s performance of the Subdivision 8 Compliance Agreement and maintenance of the subdivision prier to final 9 acceptance by plaintiff was secured by a maintenance bond, No . 6032299 , 10 issued by defendant :Fidelity Deposit on July 28 , 1980 , a copy of which 11 is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by 12 reference . 13 4 . 14 As part of its duties under the Subdivision Compliance Agreement , 15 defendant Lutz/Der-Hart agreed to construct sidewalks for a] 1 lots and 16 asphaltic-concrete overlays on the streets in the subdivision and 17 remove a temporary accessway onto S .W. Hall Blvd. 18 5 . M`1 On October 33 , 1984 , plaintiff mailed written notice to defendant!: 20 Lutz/Der-Hart and Fidelity Deposit advising them that defendant 21 Luta./Der-Hart had failed to complete the imr,rovements in accordance 2`l with the Subdivision Compliance Agreement . Plaintiff ' s l(�t.tc.r stat�t�j 23 that it had previously demanded compliance from these defendants but 24 that the sidewalks , asphaltic-concrete overlays , and removal of the 25 temporary accessway onto S.W. Hall Blvd . had not been completed . 26 Plaintiff ' s letter further advised these defendants that legal action Page 2 - COMPLAINT 0DONNEtI, RAM 15, RtIOfI &CREW Anwneys at low 1)77 N W.Hoyt Sleet Portland,Oregon 97700 1503 7771107 I against the bond and the real property would be commenced if these 2 defendants did not communicate to plaintiff their plans for completion ID 4-1 of the improvements in the subdivision by November 15 , 1984 . Despite 4 such notice, both defendants have failed and refused to perform as 6 demanded by plaintiff . 6 6 . 7 On or about Nnvember 21 , 1984 , defendant Fidelity Deposit issued 8 its Continuation Cert' .Licate, continuing the above-referenced 9 maintenance bond in full force and effect through and including 10 December 31 , 1985 . A copy of the Continuation Certificate is attached 11 hereto as Exhibit "C" and .incorporated by reference herein . 12 7 . 13 On December 19 , 1985 , plaintiff mailed written notice to 14 defendants Lutz/Der-Hart and Fidelity Deposit advising them that 15 defendant Lutz/Der-Hart had failed to complete the improvements 16 referenced in paragraph 4 , supra , and advised the defendants that legal 17 action against the bond would be commenced if the defendants did not 18 complete the work or enter into a six--month extension agreement on or 19 before December 31 , 1985 , the expiration of tha Continuation 20 Certificate . Despite such notice , the defendants have failed and 2] refused to perform as demanded by plaintiff . 23 Plaintiff has performed all obligations on its part to be 24 performed under the Subdivision Compliance Agreement and does hereby 25 demand of defendants , and each of them, their specific performance of 26 said agreement . `i C 3 - COMPLAINT U IX 1NIIf IIPAPAIS. 11IIU1T &(RI W Anomry"of I" 1777 N W.Hoyt Sneat Ponland.0,r9on 91209 1 503) 222 4402 9 . 2 Subsection ( 3) of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement entitles 3 plaintiff to recover its reasonable attorney fees and costs in an 4 action or specific performance of said agreement. Plaintiff has been 5 required to retain the services of an attorney herein and is entitled 6 to recover its reasonable attorney fees and costs . 7 10 . 8 Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law. 9 For its SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF against defendant Lutz/Der-Hart , 10 as an alternative to plaintiff Is First Claim for Relief. , in the event 11 the Court does not order specific performance , plaintiff alleges : 12 11 . 13 Plaintiff realleges paragraphs: 1 through 7 of its First Claim for 14 Relief and incorporates them herein by reference as if fully set 1G forth. 16 12 17 Plaintiff has performed all obligations on its part to be 18 performed under the Subdivision Compliance Agreement . As a direct and 19 foreseeable consequence of the failure of defendant Lutz/Der-Hart to 20 fulfill its obligations under the Subdivision Compliance Agreement , 21 plaintiff has been damaged in the amount of not less than $30 , 367 . 53 , 22 the estimated cost of completing th[, unfinished improvements and 23 maintenance in the subdivision. 24 13 . 25 Subsection ( 3) of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement entitles 26 plaintiff to recover its reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred in Page 4 - COMPT,AINT O WNIJ[IL. PAM IS, 1111WI A CR[W Al l omees aI law 1777 N W.HoH Street Portland,O,egon 97100 SSM)222 4402 1 � ff -�AKMLRMI��B� r 1 an fiction to enforce the Agreement . Plaintiff has been required to 2 retain the services of an attorney herein and is entitled to recover 3 its reasonable attorney fees and costs. 4 For its THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF against defendants Lutz/Der-Hart 6 and Fidelity Deposit , plaintiff alleges : 6 14 . 7 Plaintiff realleges paragraphs 1 through 7 of its First Claim for 8 Relief and incorporates them herein by reference as if fully set 9 forth. 10 15 . 11 Defendant Fidelity Deposit is the surety on the maintenance bond 12 and Continuation Certificate for performance of the Subdivision 13 Compliance Agreement and the maintenance of the subdivision prior to 14 final acceptance by plaintiff . 15 16 . 16 Subsection ( 11 ) o: the Subdivision Compliance Agreement entitles 17 plaintiff to recourse on the surety bond in the event of default on the 18 part of the principal , defendant Lutz/Der-Hart . 19 1-1 . 20 Plaintiff has provided defendants Lutz./Der-Hart and Fidelity 21 Deposit written notice of their failure to perform and of plaintiff 's 22 demand that defendants perform their obligatiar1r. under the Subdi�•J !- ioll 23 Compliance Agreement . Despite plaintiff ' s demand, defendants have 24 failed and refused to so perform. 25 18 . 26 Plaintiff has performed all obligations on its part to be .16 e 5 - COMPLAINT O DONNED, RAM15, HLIOYT L CREW Attorneys of low 1727 N.W.Hoyt Sural Portland,0,e9on 07209 15031 222 4402 I performed under the Subdivision Compliance Agreement . As a direct and l foreseeable consequence of the failure of defendants Lutz/Der-Hart and 3 Fidelity Deposit to perform, plaintiff has been and will be damaged in 4 an amount not less than $30,367 .83, the estimated cost of completing 5 the unfinished improvements and maintenance in the subdivision. 6 19 . 7 Subsection ( 3) of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement entitles 8 plaintiff to recover its reasonable attorney fees and costs in an 9 action to recover on the bond securing defendant Lutz/Der-Hart ' s 10 performance of said agreement , Plaintiff has been required to retain 11 the services of an attorney herein and is entitled to recover its I" reasonable attorney fees and costs. 13 WHEREFORE, plaintiff prayF, for entry of judgment in its favor and 14 against defendants as follows : 15 1 . On plaintiff 's First Claim for Relief , an order that 16 defendants Lutz/Der-Hart and Fidelity Deposit , and each of them, shall 17 specifically perform their obligations under the Subdivision Compliance 18 Agreement , including the completion of the sidewalks and overlays , 19 and removal of the temporary accessway onto S .W. Hall Blvd . , within 20 sixty ( 60) days of the entry of the order and awarding plaintiff its 21 reasonable attorney fees and costs and disbursements incurred herein; 2 . On plaintiff ' s Second Claim for keliel , an order awardin,;: 23 plaintiff damages against defendant Lutz/Der-Hart in an amount of not 24 less than $30 , 367 . 53 , plus plaintiff ' s reasonable attorney fees and 25 costs and disbursements incurred herein; 26 3 . On plaintiff ' s Third Claim for Relief , an order awarding Page 6 - COMPLAINT O[)ONN[ll, RAMIS, M1011 6 CREW Anomeys of low 1777 N.W.Hay[SIr"I Porland,Otegon 07700 1503) 222 1102 A � r I plaintiff damages against defendants Lutz/Der-Ilart and Fidelity Dcpor:it 2 of not less than $30, 367 . 53, plus plaintiff 's reasonable attorney fees 3 and costs and disbursements incurred herein; and 4 4 . For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just 6 and equitable. 6 7 O'DONNELL, RAMIS , ELLIOTT & CREW 8 9 By: /s/ Kenneth M. Elliott KENNETH M. ELLIOTT, OSB #80217 10 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff , City of Tigard 11 TRIAL ATTOz—n:lS 12 Kenneth M. Eiliott , OSB #80217 13 Stephen F. Crew , OSB #78171 14 15 l f, 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 Page 7 COMPLAINT O DONNFIL RAMPS, EEU011 A CREW Anomers of lo. 1777 N.W.Hoyt Snee) Ponlond.O,egon 97209 (50.7)222 4402 Fidelity and Deposit Company p Y NOME 011ICE OF MARYLAND 13AIT1,110RF.,MD.21203 :aintenance Bon(? - Colony Creek�Csta�s :subdivision Continuation Certificate In Consideration of a continuation premium, the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, Surety upon a certain Bond No------_Q31`1)99....... dated the........... 8.th............. day of. ...... u7,y ------ -- -- 19...$Q covering_ quaz_.DevelQp;:�ent:.. 1k. -1 art..An;a_p and in favor of.__... tX 9 .. �.IvY'�1-,...5?renn. ...... ..... . ................................._..... -does hereby continue said bond in force for the further period beginning with the-- ----- . - . --day of --... -- .. ...-------------------------- 19. and ending with the------ 31 r,1-1 day of - r�.eC� ; r - - 19 " - Provided: 1----That the liability of the said Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland under said bond and all continuations thereof shall not be cumulative in amounts. 2—That said bond, as continued hereby shall be subject to all its agreements, conditions and limitations. Signed, sealed and dated this._.. _.._2.1r�_t day of--....AtaYembex:...............19.-51 -- FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND Tim Larson, Att,5r ey-in-Fact Fn1lb— Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND NOW Of at IIAITIMOW MO. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRI;SLNTS: That the FIDELITY ANt) DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a corpora- tion of the State of Maryland, by S. R. MINSKER , Vice-President, and V. F. TOOMEY , Assistant Secretary, in pursuance of authority granted by Article V1, Section 2, of the By-Laws of said Com- pany, which reads as follows: Sec.1.The President,or any Executive Vice-President,or any of the Senior Vice-Presidents or Vice.Presidents specially author- ised so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee,shall have power,by and with the concurrence ul the Secre. tary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries,to appoint Resident Vice-Presidents, Assistant Vice-Presidents and Attorneys-in-Fact as the business of the Company may require,or to authorise any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertakings,recognizances,stipulations,policies,contracts,agreements,deeds,and releases and assignments of judgments,decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,and also all other instruments and documents Which the business of the Com- pany may require,and to affix the seal of the Company thereto. does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Tim Larson of Seattle, Washington... .. nT rue ant lawful agent and Attorney-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal and drliver, for, and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings. .. . . .. . .. .. ... e execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents,shall be as binding upon said Company,as fully and amply,to all intents and purposes,as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers Of the Company at its office in Baltimore, Md., in their own proper persons. The said Assistant Secretary dues hereby certify that the aforegoing is a true copy of Article V!,Section 2,of the By-Laws of said Company,and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice-President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subbcribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seal of the said FIDFLITV AND DLPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this 20th __ day of . ... .... April _ .. A.D. 19 7.9. FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND ripe ATTF:-;T: � C SEAL , B f A)Tistant.Serretasy Vice- esident STATE OF MARYLAND l Is: CITY OF (BALTIMORE f on this 20th day of April A.D. 19 79 before the subscriber, a Notary Public o e State of Maryland,in and for the City of Baltimore,duly commissioned and qualified,came the above-named Vice-President and Assistant Secretary of the FIDUITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY of MARYLAND,to me Irrsooally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument,and they each acknowledged the execution of the same,and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself delwceth and saith,that they are the said officers of the Company aforesaid,and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company,and that the said Corporate Seal and their signatures as such officers were dd(y affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHF.RROF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Oficial Seal,at the City of Baltimore,the day and year first above written. 4I L. y rloTAR►'� —•— Notary Publlr_ Co mission pires..July..1.,...1982 Or ►uslt, „ CERTI FICATE 1,the undersigned,Assis m retary Of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,do hereby certify that the original Power,•I Attorney of which the foregoing is a full,true and correct copy,is in full force and effect on the date of this certificate;and I do further certify that the Vice.President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vice-Presidents spe- cially authorised b}ti'�the Board of Directors to appy int any Attorney-in-Fact as provided in Article VI,Section 2 of the By-Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY Or MARYLAND. This Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly rolled and held on the 16th day of July, 1969. RESOLVLD: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing ulRm a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company, shall be valid and binding upon the Company frith the sarne fon a and effect as though manually affixed." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto subscribed my name and affi ed the corporate seal of the said Company, this ..........�71 St: day of.... NOVP^lbr?r 8 _._.._ ..................... t9.... ... . ... Lit 10Cif-- ' 0 . ...... ArtisbNl S etary 1)It )TLC i 'O\ 1A)()K 1'()f` iii' i'& i ) Fidelity and Deposit Company HOME OFFICE OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE,MD.21203 For . Maintenance Bond - Colony Cr+_e-k—Rebates Subdivision Continuation Certificate In Consideration of a continuation premium, the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, Surety upon a certain Bond No. .....60322�9..__... dated the..........?_8th TulYday of .. .......................19 . 0.- , covering-.•Lutz Development Co. and -------- -----•---- ..... Der-Hart Associates , Inc . , a Joint venture ..................... --------------------- .....-------•---................••--•-------................•-•--................................----- and in favor of......City of Tigard. Oregon ........ ---------...__.........----- --•---......................................................-- . ------ ------ does hereby continue said bond in force for the further period ti h 41'aa��eacitlYik - - - - day of ............... ....... ............... .......19------ --- and ending with the-----. .._'Jst -_ . day of December 19�1t Provided: 1--That the liability of the said Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland under said bond and all continuations thereof shall not be cumulative in amounts. 2—That said bond, as continued hereby, shall be subject to all its agreements, conditions and limitations. Signed, sealed and dated this.... . 19th . day of......Nov.ember.. 19..�!t---- FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT C01APANY OF MARYLAND u�an arek , Attorney-in-Fast FM1b- J f f r ai U rte• cif mmm ref F 9 p f:fA _ to _ P4 m � � N U N �- N E-H rn ON cc m W • m -H0 (ua H O 44 O O p b r•/ y b • ad +) 4O 40 .� ,N • -H ca Q w EH g lu i ° LZ �r AmO'DONNELL 6 RAMIS MARK P O DONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW CARRY OFFICE TIMOTHY V RAMIS 181 N GNANT SUITE 202 KENNETH M ELLIOTT BALLOW 81 WRIGHT BUILDING CANE Y.OREGON 97013 STEPHEN F. CREW 1727 N.W, HOYT STREET (507) 266.1149 KIRKLANDT ROBERTS PORTLAND.OREGON 97209 - -- (503) 222.4402 ADRIANNE J BROCKMAN -- OF COUNSEL PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLr.,JO OFFICE NovQmber 14 , 1984 Mr. John Downes Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland 600 108th Avenue NE Suite 439 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Re: City of Tigard - Lutz Development Co. (Colony Creak Estates Subdivision-Maintenance Bund No. 6032299) Dear Mr. Downes: Confirming our telephone conversation of November 14, 1984, I advised you that the City of Tigard is Telling to enter into a one-year extension with Lutz Development Co. , the principal on the above-referenced bond, for completion of those public improvements remaining unfinished. The City' s agreement is contingent upon Lutz/Interland and Fidelity & Deposit providing the City with a new bond, in a form and amount agreeable to the City, to ensure completion of the unfinished sidc-walks noted in the demand letter of October 31 , 1984, the final asphalt lift on all streets and posting a performance bond for removal of the temporary access road to Hall Blvd. The City is in the process of obtaining an estimate of completion costs and will advise Mr. Ekberg of the required bond amount when the estimate is oLtatned. I have enclosed copies of correspondence pertaininu to this subdivision for your file. Thank you for vnur attention to this matter. - Sincerely yours, O'DONNELL & RAMIS Kenneth M. Elliott KME: js erc. cc: City of Tigard James W. Ekberg CRYOF TIOARD November 5, 1984 WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Interland Development Company 14050 SW Pacific Hwy. Portland, Oregon 972.23 ATTN: Mr. James W. Ekberg RE: Colony Creek Estates Subdivision Dear Ir. Ekberg. In regards to your letter of 10-31-84, the City will. extend the time of completion for Colony Creek Estates for one more year (maximum). You must provide us with a new one year bond covering the cost of completion, with the understanding that if the remaining lots sell before the expiration of the 1. year period, remaining improvements will be completed then. items that need to be completed are Sidewalks, A.C. Overlay and Removal of the Temporary Exit or, to Hall Blvd. Please let us know what you plan to do. Sincerely, R.L. Thompson Public Works Inspector (RLT:cz/0749P) cc : File Kenneth Elliot —• 12755 S.W. ASH P.U. LOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH 639-4171 — - INTERLANDt ' r INVESTMENT CUPPORATION ter, October 31 , 1984 Mr . R. L. Thompson City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Mr. Thompson: I am writing as a result of a recent phone conversation with our insurance agents . It seems there is some concern about the completion of improvements to Phase I of Colony Creek Estates Subdivision. As you know, Phases I , II , and III of this project were purchased from Lutz Development by Titan Properties in March, 1981 . As you also know, Phases lI and III are currently under active development by Titan . A poor market prevented Titan from meeting its Phase I obligation to Lutz Development and has resulted in d_�lays in the completion of the improvements desired by the City of Tigard . We feel that the development of Phases II and III will renew interest in Phase I and that the lots will soon be sold . Only when this happens , will the cash necessary to complete the improvements become available. I would ask that consid:?ration be given to extending the city' s completion demand until the lots in Phase I are sold and Titan Properti -s pays off its obligation to Lutz Development . We are happy to do whatever is necessary to get this accomplished and we await your quick reply. Sincergly, qIn/te/rland De elopment Co. James W. Ekberg Treasurer/Controller JWE:eh cc : Kenneth Elliot c/o O'Donnell , Sullivan 6 Ramis 14050 S W Pacific Highway • Portland,Oregon 97223 0 503/884-1020 • Telex 4742098 I b October 1.9, 1994 Mr. Ken Fl.liott O'Donnell_Ramis 1127 N.W. Hoyt Portland, OR 97209 Dear Mr, 1-]lion, Enclosed, please find the information you requested regarding the subdivision Pl.rAt: uF Coluny Creek Estates. The Frigineeri.ng Section is requesting to file on their Bond to complete certain improvements . The developer of this subdivision hmi 2 years to complete pail i.mprevoments except sidewalks, which they had 3 years for completion. All improvements are well. past due. Those "certain" improvement items that need to be completed are: 1 . Sidewalks -- locations of which are shown on the enclosed map. 2. Final asphalt lift over all s' reets 3 . A Performance Elond for removal of the temporary access road to Hall. Blvd. If you should have any questions, please contact mcg at extension 35. :;inc orp.ly, Randv S. Cla;-no I-nq i noeri ny f3oc t.i.on Manatja_r- (RSC:bs/0727P) Fnc'osur•es Fidelity and Deposit G._npany inl.vt- ,rlrcr: OF MARYLAND vvrl+fnr.r, vn :120.1 Ge-n4wai Forna Statism Inquiry City of Tigard Octoher 2nd 19 _ P.O. Bax 23397 Tigard, Or. 97223 OUR BOND NO* 603222U9 CONTRACTOR: Lutz Development Co. and Der-Hart Assoc. , Inc. A J/V DESCRIPTION: Maintenance Bond •- Colony Creek Estates Subdivision in Tigard, Or. OWNER: r4ty of Tigard CONTRACT PRICE_�70,368 BOND( S ) EFFECTIVE DATE 07-28-01 WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHTS OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BOND(S ) DESCRIBED ABOVE, WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE . VERY TRULY YOURS* BY 1 . IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE : Sheryl Spaulding APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETION OF WORK ( OR FINAL DELIVERY) APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE Z 2. iF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED, PLEASE STATE : APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OROL,LAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETED OR DELIVERED -571'i/ r)-lp 0;1<(' `at f t- -4fZ $yr � �"�S fir' d 3. D9 YOU KNOW OF UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL? (CHECK) YES! NO // 4. REMARKS: ( IF ANY ) 1 na � �• � YD Fd0r@ SIGNAVURE. j; . L 7;?ds� It is understood that the information contained herein is fur-1-hed as a matter f of courtesy for the confidential use of the surety and is merely an,:otession of TI TLE / L opinb,n.it Is al.o agreed that in furnishing this informatinn,no guorentyor warrant of nccuwy or correctness is made and no responsibility 1,assumed as it result of reliance by the surety,whether such Information Is furnisho d by the owner or by nn architect or engine«r as the agent of the owner LATE el PLEASE RETURN INQUIRY tO: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND C315L-HF%' 7 70 GeneralForm Status Inquiry-Federal cues to be submitted in duplicste Stamped addressed envelopes to be attached. fil 5641 Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND HOME OFFICE,BALTIMORE,MD KNOv1 ALL MEN B1THESE PRESENTS:That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,a curporation of the State of Maryland, by C. Me PECO1', .I R. , Vice-President,and C. W. ROBB INS Assistant Secretary,in pursuance of authorit N granted by Article VI,Section 2,of the By-Laws of said Company,which reads as follows: "The Chairman of the Board, or the President,or any Executive Vice-President,or any of the Senior 11re•Preudrnts or Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directorsor by the Exerutive Committee,shall have power,by and with the convurronce of the Secretary or any one of The Assistant Secretaries,to appoint Resident Vice.Presidents.Assistant Vice Presidents and Atlornevs•in•Farl as the business of the Company may require,or to authorize any croon or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bond;,undertakings,recognizances, shpulanoi ns,pulici,A,L.,ntracts,agreements,deeds,end releases and assignments of judgements,decrees,mortgages and instrumenta in the nature of mortgages.... and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." does hereby nominate constitute and appoint Susan Marek of. Bellevue, Washington. . . . . . . . . . rue a,leawful agentarid Attorriev•in•Fact.to make,execute,seal and deliver,for,and on its behalf as surety,and as its art an . deed: any and al 1 bonds and undertakings, each in a penalty not to exceed the sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($250,000). . . . . . . . . . . . . A—nd the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Company,as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes,as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Baltimore, Ntd., in their own proper persons. The said Assistant Secretary does hereby rerlify that the aforegoing is a true ropy of Arlirle VI,Section 2,of the Bylaws of said Companv,and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Vice-President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seal of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this .......14th ... day f _ .......A49:1A c........................... A.D. 19..84.... ATTEST: FIDELITY AtiU DEPOSIT COMPANY OF HYLAND SEAL .... 1. ,IGG . . .................................. 1 Asnstant,Secretary I ire•President STATE OF MARYLAND CITY OF RALTIMIIRE ) .%: On this 14 th day of August A.D. 1984 ,before the subarriher,a Notary Public of the State of Maryland,in and for the(.fly of Rsltimorr,duly commissioned and qualified,came the above-named Vice•Presidenl and Assistant Serrrtary of the f inmTTY ANT) DEPOSIT Cf1MPAN1 nF MARYLANII,to me personally known lobe the individuals and officers described friend who executed the preceding Instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of Ihr same,and being b, •lie duly sworn,severally and each for himself deposeth end sailh,that they are the sod officers of the Company aforesaid,and That ehe seal affixed to the prereding Instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company,and That the said Corporate Seal end their signatuies as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by The suthority slid direction of the said Corpo talon. IN TESTIMONY W111FREOr,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed by Offic.al Seal,at the City of RalNmore,the day and eta first above written. �'fMOtAaY\�1 ,... .. .. t)\ A ....................................�.. ....... E,,►�•,�.e° Notary Public Comm4mon Expir . .. 1 986 •o;�.�,;, �............... t:ERTIFICATE I,the undrrRigned, .Assistant Secretary of the FIDF.IIii A\U DF Po\It I;oNI'A\\ uF VIAR11 A\D.do herebl rPrttf% that the original Power of Atlnrnevofwhich the fnregolnplaafull.trueendcorrectropt,wire(tillforceandeffroonthedate(iftht,certlfu•air and 1,10urtherrrrtikthatthe Virr President who executed the eatd Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vire-Presidents sperially authorized I.,i the Roard of I)io•,t,ets In appoutl any Allorne Y•Im F'acl as ptnvufrd In Article 1l.Section 2 of the,RA laws of the F'1141M AND DF.1'o\It(.oMPAN1 of M1R11 s\U This(;ertifunte me%-he.igord by far.Imllr under and hl suthoriti,of the followingresolution of the Roard of Directors of rhe F IIIFI ITV AND I)EPnclt CoMPAN1 of A1AR1LAmn at a meerinp duly called and hrld on thr 161h day of July, 1969. REsoLA l.0 "That the facsimile nr merhanically reproduced signature of an Assistant Secretary of the Companv,whether made heretofore or hereafter,wherever appearing upon a certified rorF .d any pnwrr of au..rnev Issued by the Company,shall be valid end binding upon the Company with the same tor.,•and effect se,though manual(% affixed" IN TF,IFAto\i W101 Fnt. I have hrreuntu subs.robed ml name,Old affixed the,orporale seal of the said Company,this.....1,9th__.. day 84 .............. . —18u ._. i l.11 ilei cif \r,r ,Ir, 1'01t YM'R PRO'I I',('"1ION LOOK I'(W 1I'E' F&DX1 ,1 ' i R \1.\1Z 1\ fidelity Deposit G, ,,npany� and Dep HOME OFFICE OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE, Mn. n203 A'JG 29 1989 General worm Status Inquiry lily OF "BARD tit' OZ ? �12^ 19�_ PA. Sm 3397 TUard, Oseaa 9M3 OUR BOND N O. 60 @.n n CONTRACTOR: Lutz 1o►elO'powint CO• and D*r-Hirt Ass00•t Ino. a J/V DESCRIPTION: Malat�o�anC• Bond Colony Cr&* Estat" 'SLIbdivison In T169rdo OR O0. OWNER: City of Tlprd L3 CONTRACT PRICE 30*30 BOND( S ) EFFECTIVE DATE 7-29-81 WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHTS OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BOND(S) DESCRIBED ABOVE* WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE . VERY TRULY ! JURS* / BY I � � L '—T I . IF CONTRACT COMPLETED* PLEASE STATE : M•IL&" 8021 APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETION OF WORK ( OR FINAL DELIVERY) APPRDXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE S 2e IF CONTRACT UNCOMPL':TED* PLEASE STATE : ,/ APPROXIMATEPERCENTAGE ORRDELIVEREDRS11'1jAr//'@AMOUNT OF TRACT it Xef� i5' cy CJVea'/,I d--,, 3* DO YOU KNOW OF UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL? (CHECK) t YES. NO 4e REMARKS: ( IF ANY ) -Tf-r <S L Tv f%l�' cu• @s bond. SIGNATURE It is understood that the information contained herein Is furnished as a mater of courtesy for the ronfidealisI use of the surety and is merely an expression of TI TLE opinion It is also agreed that in furrishinll this informat ion.no guaranty or warranty 7 cal accuracy or corrertness ie made and ne responsibility is assumed as a result of reliance by the surety,whether surh information is furnished by the owner or by an architect or enaine.r a the @lent of the owner ( ^ DATE �� P PLEASE RETURN INQUIRY TO: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND ('3151.—imv t IN General Form Nlatus Inquiry-Federal rues to be submitted in duplicate Stamped eddressed envelopes to he elUched SI 5fi�1 Fidelity and Deposit Ccp.n an ��� Iveo- � tY p p Yidor HOME OFFICE OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE, MD. J!:OJ 4RECEIVE TIG D General Form Status Inquiry AUG 2 9 1994 r City of TigardJulYv OF,TIGARD 19 P.O. Box 23397 -"'�`— Tigard, Oregon 97223 OUR BOND NO. 6032299 foto Gael CONTRACTOR: Lutz Development Co. and Der-Hart Assoc. , Inc. a J/V DESCRIPTION: Maint nce Fond - Colon Creek Estates Subdivision in g Ti 8 � OR y Subdivision OWNER: O O D City of Tigard p CONTRACT PRICE 30.368 BOND( S) EFFECTIVE DATE_—28-81� WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHTS OR AFFF_CTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BOND(S ) DESCRIBED ABOVE. WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE . VERY TRULY YOURS. BY - xw,_14�a 4Z& I * IF CONTRACT COMPLETED. PLLASE STATE - APPROXIMATE Sell APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETION OF WORK ( OR FINAL DELIVERY) APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE_ FINAL CONTRACT PRICE i rnr rer 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED. PLEASE STATE : APPROXII(ATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLA OUNT OFONTR'f COMPL(°TED OR DELIVERED 1_ 3e DO YOU KNOW 7F UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL? (CHECK) YES. NL 4. REMARKS: ( IF ANY ) o5r SI G N A T U It a undersroo�I that the information contained herein a furnished u s mater L' ��,i/ may/ 1 of courtesy for r he runfldentisl use of the surety and Is merely ■n Itpresdon of T I TL E J`L7� ✓r'/e �L ;/�J eri opinion It a■brn agreed that in fornishfna this Informetinn,no guar sntyor c srrsntt of arcurary or corrertnese is made and no responsibility Is assumed as a result of relianre h�the surety,whether surh information is furnished by the owner or by aur srrhitert or engineer as the agent of the owner C DATE 19� PLEASE RETURN INGLIRY TO: FIDELITY VND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARO_AN ( 315L—ItEv 7.7A l:►nerai Form Status Inqulry Federal rues to be submitted m duplirate Stamped ,ddreued rnvelnpea to be attarhed SI 5561 Fidelity and Deposit G, tnpan . Y HOME OFFICE OF MARYIAND BALTIMORE, MD. 21203 General Form Status Inquiry City of Tigard July 17, 198LL _ P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97.123 OUR BOND NO. 6032299 CONTRACTOR: Lutz Development Co. and Der-Hart Assoc. , Inc. a J/V DESCRIPTION: Maintenance Bond - Colony Creek Estates Suvdivison in Tigard, OR OWNER: City of Tigard CONTRACT PRICE- 301368 BOND( S ) _EFFECTIVE DATE —28-81 _ WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHTS OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BOND(S ) DESCRIBED ABOVE• WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAIL AF3LE . VERY TRULY YOURS• i i By- Is IF CONTRACT COMPLETED• PLEASE STATE : Melissa Sell, APPROXIMATE DAFE OF COMPLETION OF WORK ( OR FINAL DELIVERY) APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONTRAC' PRICE S 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED* PLEASE STATE : APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DO)„LR AMOUNT PF CONTRACT COMPLETED UP DELIVERED_, 3. DO YOU KNOW OF UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL? (CHECK) Y E S, ._„_,N 0 4e REMARKS: ( IF ANY ) SIGNATURE .L�_ _' It is understood that the Intormetinn cumelnwf harem Is!u•nidled ea a matter of courtesy for the conridenlial use of the surety and in merely an espreaalon of TITLE opinion It Is also aereed that in rurnishing thin lnrormalion,no guarnntyor warranlc ofaccuracy or correctneu is made and no responsibility is sssurnpri as a result of reliance by the surety,whether such information is furnished by the owner or by an architect or engineer to the agent of the owner DATE_ -- - y. 19 PLEASE RETURN INQUIRY TO: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND C3151,–i*:: , 7� General Form Rtatus Inquiry-Federal cues to be submitted In duplicate Stamped addressed envelopes to be attached. RI 5611 sw ..n 1"EgIQYF05 2 9 8 CITY OF 'IIGARU, OREGON CITY OF TIGARD ORDINANCE NO. 83-_2� _ AN OkDINANCL VACATING EASEMENTS ON LOTS IN A PORTION OF COLONY CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISION, A PLAT LUCATED IN THE CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON. Section 1 : The Council finds: 1. Resolution No. 83-101 adopted by the Council on October 17, 1983, initiated proceedings for the vacation of side lot utility easements on lots 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 23 of Colony Creek Estates Subdivision, and shown on the map. 2. The purpose of the vacation is to allow for the construction of a zero lot line building. 3. The vacation is recommended by the City's Development Committee. 4. In accordance with ORS 271. 100, the Council fixed a time and place for the public hearing before the Council ; the Recorder published notice and posted notice in the area proposed to be vacated. 5• The Council. having held a public hearing finds no objections were madc. or filed hereto as provided by ORS 271 . 120. 6. The Council finds that it is in the public interest to approve the petition because no public use or purpose can be served by the easements. Section 2: The City of Tigard ordains is follows : 1 . The utility easements located on the east lot line of lots 12, 17, 19 and 23 and the utility easement located on the west lot line of lotL 13, 16, 18 and 20 of Colony Creek Estates Subdivision as recorded in Book 47, page 19 Washington County Plat records be vazated. 2. The petitioners shall file with the Recorder a document , which has been approved by the City Attorney, accepting the terms and conditions hereof. 3. The Recorder shall , at'. the expense of the petitioners, file with the County Clerk, County Assessor and County Surveyor a certified copy of this ordinance and the acceptance thereof, and any map, plat or other record which may be required by law. This ordinance shall be effective on and after the 31st day after its enactment Ly the City Council and approval by the Mayor. 7 kAL PASSED: By 1.1 vote of all Council members present , after being read by number and title only, this - day of cerr•.,b 1? ► 1983. City Recorder APPROVED: By the Mayor, this 5 h day of E•, h ea ► 1983. 117 r 7 Mayor STATE OF OREGON ) City of Tigard ) 1 , 1.01lv'EN R. WILSOI•i, hereby certify that 1 ami the duly appointed, qualified and actin; Deputy Recorder fur the City of Tik,ard, Oregon. I further vertify that I h"vo Compared the herewith copy of ordinance tio0" __. of the City of Tipard witl, the original in my po�vession aF ru�;tnd�an �f thr official record, of t1w Fitt ni 'ri , rel, and that the t „ hv-v(4,ith ropy is a corr�,cf lranse'ripl of fit( whop of Ordii,ance No. ga`s2. IN W1TNOS WHERLOF 1. leave hereunta yet my hand and the seal of tl. , City t►� 1'i ;;'rd this � day of _ 19Stu ; pal N, e.i t y Itc( order ORDINANCE NO. 83.'2 Page 2 (hH:pt,/1059A) Al V �•'•.��tir�i i ! � r .: .' i. i < V ter K Irt 7.r1.t0. 40 III �.�.R 1.0n. + + ;y; (� o z 1 I >: 4, ►del .>.�} �'ie , Z a t V {U�f ZU Wi A'o�..►ovco=:ozi a ! cA..'4,•Gr.►I1►.1NG aZ,«�.«o c�rHi^3Yg pi:N`► i`f ►v {pUi..1<0 Is C3 la Y IL 1.4,1 41.00 1.11.,ION u r 0 « .11 .1T .• j a III � g 7.61 111.1111ri .,I.ON _1 •� O►1G $ " 1K a ,. � : e e i.11.,I,ON 1� I. N O E 7 V J z y tL ` a o i.u.,Low$ SL a p o F V G r 6 64% ti �I 9I.01i o =1Y o 7.0 11.0Ne In c 9 W +Fi-► r A e s ,o o r � -.► Z CL Glx ` W O > 1.61 41.00 d a o { n e i -•I � V w 0.11.00 174171 I.lt• iJN. r < o cIf " r a ,� rl �* St .11 'si _� E lL Z 1n A o d g ? r� n c 7I 4 n t+ r{u 3 u> r P \ V Z (j 7.G2 91.00 9 n v 1 � i.Gl ,LO N I V = � F c .,� �•. no V ~ a 1011 •� F N 1G s� <I Y 7.GI,I.ONle i Y E = 1W 101/ Lr' � a. 01t1 -^^ • 1 Z A.�j IeNI r s �! .; 7.Gt.M.OM 1.L �u o 4 L L _F r? �, 1.14 41.00 d:) .a W� itat �► 1 r• f Fei SIJ o > 3 l S S Y t{t N1 L v »t W °Le veole►ra� n NIp1Y'Do'°I Ul �` t11 L V 4i t7 r to b; esrtia e � We r. e •, � � �� �ti = r ' v ! r Y .r. I , I Ioe►S � ;r' f.i .1' ii+ �C' �$ L '. 11I Ru ; :ti, i , :. r r r t s s r z r r r z ' k it �� 11 � r� • �7 V� V � ' February 16, 1984 CITY OF TIOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Sharon Busnando Willamette Savings & Loan P.O. Box 22307 Milwaukie, OR 97222 RE: Colony Creek Subdivision This is to verify, per your request that : I 1. Each lot is situated on an asphalt surface road which has right- j of-way and improvements; including curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for operation and mainten- ance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, has drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipally owned disposal system is available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required to be constructed by the City of Tigard, Oregon, have been constructed. 5. A Maintenance Bond has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard City Council regarding completion of improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's Office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/ verification required to be submitted to the State Real Estate Division by each subdivider. Sincerely, Robert L . Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief Public Works Department do -- --- 12755 S W ASH PC BOX 23397 11GAHU, OREGON it ,YA I 11 6.19 •11 t+ •--- ____ . .__ I C6TY®F TIGAPOI ASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON �c It rr C - 1983 ��C �).Sc.uc:3U,, 6e, `170-39 Re: c`��C��% I ! c' �Subdivision Dear This is to verify, per your request that: I. Each lot (is) ( ) situated on a concretL or asphalt surface road which has right-of-w2y and in- prcvempnts, including curbs and necessary and ad- equate draint4ge stri.lc•tures, together with Means for operation anal maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessaU, (has) drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned disposal system (is) (+will be) available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which tweets the requirements of the Fnvironmental Duality Com- mission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision_. 4. Th•� improvements required ,to be constructed byttie City of Tigard, Oregon M!Te Y®t__ -?;mat tads (are und,?r construction) (naV# by t••c �}) S. A Subdivision Complinnce e7rcc,rnint and Parforr_anc,e Bend (and I:aintt�n3nce pond) h::.3 b?.!n e..ecutcd by i -- 12420 S.W. MAIN P.O. BOX "3397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 - _� 1 r Y l thG subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard City Council thereinregard completion of the improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's Office. I hope this letter clarifies the Batter for yota, regarding decucentation/verification required to be submitted to the State Peal Estate Division by each subdivider. Yours truly, r 10 John S. Hagma Supt. Engr. Division Public Works Department City of Tigard, Oregon J:')H/p jr I CITYUF T16ARD WjV;HINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Octuucr 9, 1981 DER-:TART ASSOCIATES 16652 Bryant Road Lake Oswego, OR. 97034 Re: Colony Creek Dcar Sirs: In revi.etaing our files, we find that the i.aintenance Period on the rbovo referenced pruj jct should have ended on July 28, 1981, b,it we find that all tine work has not been completed as yet. Please ^nmplete these items as soon as possible so we can close out this project. and not have to file on your maintenance bond. If you 11.3v^ any questions please contact this office. You rs trul,, R. L. Thompson Engineering Tech. II RLL p j r — 12420 5 W. MAIN P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 FH: 639-4171 Jtme 23, 1981. DER-HART AsSOCIATT'S 16652 ;tyant toad Take Oswego, Ore?nn 97034 RY.: Colony Creek fi'states 'fear Sir: 7n response to vour request, an inspection was conducted of the proposed iniblic improvements in said subdivision for the purpose of determining readiness thereof for City Council final acceptance action. The following listin•-;, as a result of said inspection, Aut:tmrizes item's �4hich remain to be complc-ite,l and/or corrected -prior to such action: 1. All aidewalks and lr.ivetvay aprons need to he installed 2. A 1 (one) inch Class "r" Ar, overlav needs to be hlAcetl on all streets in the project. 3. Ielanri at the east end of ,w r'olony Creek Court needs to be cleaned and landscape,/. 4. Sanitary sewer manhole X17 needs to have the frame warted on 5. .Iona placed 7zith the City for removal of t'le termorrey entrance at the time S11 F'nnno Creek Drive is completeii or stzttd ii, your tone chane. 'Therefore, after ywir action to resolve the nformentioned and after nt.r confirmation (inspection) thereof, we will he able to submit certificstinn of project readiness for final acceptance to Lhe Council. ,ueh certification will initiate for-al Cou:lcil action to 3ccr_pt the work and will, suhsenupr.t.1•;, -permit ra'-ease of the project honl. If you have questions, Please call a. (139-41 1 . Yours truly, t. Thompnoii l'uhlic l;orks In9linctor RLT zP.j r c k Fidelity and Deposit Company BONDING OF KARYLAND INSURANCF Eric R. Sander Suite 1000, Lloyd 500 b,'llding Manager 500 N. E. Multnomah Portland,Oregon W232 F1�C'E�VtU Phone:(503)231-5641 SUN -.91 �,GpKU J%11 0� City of Tigard, Oregon P.O. Pox 2?397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: Pond #60 32 299 - Lutz Development Co. and Der-Hart Associates Inc., a Joint Venture Gentlemen: The above bond, a maintenance bond for Colony Creek Estates in Tigard, Oregon expires on 7-29-91 . Ind appreciate your advice as to the acceptability of this work and informing us of any problems on this subdivision the. ,+ou are aware of at this time. Thank you. Sincerely, Eric. R. Sander Manager ERS:mt Encl . �4 Auruat 8, 1930 Portladd General Electric Company ':entern Division 146.55 SW Old Scholls ferry Road I;eavertonr OR 97005 Attn: Ken Snyder Re: Colony Creek Subdivision 5trectliEhting Dear Ken., This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight in— stallation >_r 5ciid subdivision to be satisfactory and, further, to acknowladg.,e autborizatfon for P.C.F. to ever-,ire the five (5)1&t,hts therein, under Schedule 91, Option "}i". Yours truly, r J. S. °gagman Supt. Engr. Division JSti t r jr ccs City Accountant cc: David Evans & Associates Attnt Rob Cruz �h `a C;TY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 80- '_ld RESOLUT nN OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PIJBLTC ItT ROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN COLONY CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISJON, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, curbs, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, undergtouud utilities and other public facilities ;or the development of subd.+'.vi- .sions; and WHEREAS, the City has required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiences and maintenance for a period of one year. . . ; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received, subject to correction of hereinbelow listed deficiencie,; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has now been received and is subject to t.ie aforesaid maintenance p,riod, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon hereby accepts th•? public rovements constructed within Colony Creek Estates Sub- division, said subd_ ;.on being recorded in Book 47 on Page 19 in Washingeon Co,.nty, Oregon, Plat Records, subject to: 1) Correction of any deficiencies which may arise during the maintenance period. 2) Placement of the one ince Class "C" A.C. overlay. AND FURTHER, subj9ct to the coiditions of obligation of the. aforesaid Maintenance Bond. PASSED: This day of 1980, by the CnunciI of the City of Tigard. _ oe Mayor = CI ty VCT ATT E 5'1': 'C�ILL Cjty Recorder - Cit i+ Tigard �csc��t't�t.r Gd� 'fo v C INSPECTION TIM►Z _ 7FRMl NO, DATE: 7 /11 DATE ISSUED '_L_L_ OWNERS NAME : ADDRESS:�� .Y _� �y_...��J CONTRACTOR : -� YS(d TEST : Air ❑, Water ❑ , Visual it-, Laboratory 0 RESULT: Approved ❑ Disapprovea ED Pending p SKETCH: 7 INSPECTOR DATE COTE !Attach supplemental test data hereto l- 'ITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. - ,/RESRESOLUTION OF THE TIGAA D CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS OLUTION WITHIN �°' SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street sights, u.►rbs s�a,►r sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public 9 fa::ilities for the dev,!Iopment of subdivisions; and 1MEREAS, the City has required the payment of fees. and the execution of a Compliance Agreerient .which• stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification--by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, su'lject to the requirements for correction of deficienc.Les and maintenance for a period Of one year. . . ; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received subject to correction of hereinbelow listed deficiencies; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance L,.nd has now been received and is subject to the aforesaid maintenance period, NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Subdivision, said subdivision being recorci d in Book on Page r in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records, subject to: 1.) Care 1c :X.-A cIIGS day r. e wA. C_e 1 0.7 e-A �\'2 c-wa ei.. AiVn FURTHER, subject to the conditions of obligation of the aforesaid Maintenance Bond. PASSED: This d-y of 19 by the Council of thA City of Tigard. Mayor - City of Of � r Ir f' c Y g a )� ��e w1�, ��'` 1y1 cl'' ' City Recorder -- Cit of Ti and TRAMM ITTA L DATE DAVID EVAf13 ono ASS(XIATES, nc FILE—i - (JL"_ PNOJECT �. i�nx SUBJECT j1Nl' 7(1N. lam, L�Q4"-37Z Z 3 ITEM COPIE!9 DATE DESCRIPTION ❑ AS YOU REQUESTED REMARKS_.�LA�,1 ❑ FJR YOUR iNFORMATION Wk V_11 t ijj ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL c C7 FOR YOUR REVIEW ❑ RETURN REOUESTEQ FROM t. ^ t +� r s • for r INSPECTION TIME *fit% PERMIT NO. : . DATEDATE ISSUED: OWNERS NAME : --------- A D D R E S S : __— CONTRACTOR : �- --- -------- TEST. Air CJ, Water ❑ , Visual l , Laboratory ❑ RESULT: Approved / , Disapproved n , Pending ❑ SKETCH: IN `PECTOR DATE [NOTE : Attach supplemental test data heret] A CITY OF TIVA RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON March 25, 1980 Der-Hart Associates 16652 Bryant Road Lake Oswego, Jregon 97034 Reference: Zone Change 2-78 Colony Creek .Estates, Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: Following a review of the above zone change, I find that Condition #5 has not been met. We do not have any record of Site Design Review for any of the homes being constructed. Prior to they issuance or' another Bui.lclinq Permit, would you please apply for Site Design Review on the application form enclosed. At this time, following an onsite inspection with the Bu'lding Inspector, Fire Marshall, and Public Works Director, I find that there is not adequate ingress/egress spare allowed between driveways and the concrete median. It is understood that "no parking" signs will be placed along both sides of Colony Creek Court, but this will not enrure no parking. If a car is Parked on the street, all traffic is stopred. The major concern is Safety, the landscaped median, reduced right-of-way, and our inability to police this area at all times. The major complaints will be from the prospective purchaser. If they are unable to use the driveways, sales may suffer. You can appreciate my concern. Condition 45 must be met. Site Design Reviewwill. not allow this condition to continue, and therefore, Building Permits will be withheld until the problem is resolved. I can gee no resolution unless the landscaped median is removed along Colony Creek Court. Just to show you that we are not totally blameless it this oversiqht - our Public Works Department will remove the curbing if yo,j will do the asphalt overlay. The Planning Department will do one Site Design Review Report at no additional cost to you covering all lots proposed for development. I fully understand your frustration and I am confident that these troublesome issues can be resolved in an expeditious manner. Yo tru�,y, � ,ldie and /r P ring Director c nc1. 12420 S.W. MAIN P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 `larch 1.3, WO "avid Evans And Ansociatcr,, Inc. 200 5N Market Street quits 110 Portland, OR 97222 �I.ttn: Colony Creek Estates near iloh t Per ycmr regispst For information reanrdins! the amount: necessary tm 1-40- posted -4sposted (or thr nresject maintenance bona; it is 309367.53. Yours truly, .John S. Nn�nnan Sunt. t;nRr. Division .r�,�•:r.ir J Y (Z; DAVID EVAn3 RnD ASSOCIATES, Inc. V O 200 SW MARKET 3TREET • SUITE 110 PORTLAno.oREGOn 97201 503/223-6663 F�ECE��F� 14AR 3 1980 CITY OF TIGARU February 29, 1980 ART008 ,john Hagman, Engineering Department City of Tigard? 12.920 SW Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Colony Creek Estates Dear John: As you probably know, the City has verbally a:,cepted the above referenced project as completed (except for the final lift of. asphalt) . To initiate the maintenance period, as I understand, the owner needs to submit the maintenance bond. To expedite matters, he hos requested a letter stating the bond requirements (amount and percentages) . I would appreciate such a letter at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Very Truly Yours, DAVI►I EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Robert C . Cr z RCC:cc 1 r44po TRAnSM ITTA L DATE =? ,y DAVID EVRCIJ nw HJJCKIRTEJ. nc FILE TO 1,La62^ov PROJECT--.., _r 7✓�� 7/-&dt ! SUBJECT_s ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION - -- -- '�-'"" -' X75 /- - G7 _'U/✓5%ESU rim.../ El AS YOU REOUESTED REMARKS ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL CJ FOR YOUR REVIEW rJ RETURN REOUESTED A Pl �'� T F A 0 M /��A���� f /L,�o,f�7✓,ti/ fy Ny r, W r.� vi c, : � ��, v5 F=.�,F'sMENT `C✓, •4i � EA`.�IJ1Et 1-1 f - 14' 14' 91E5 IT 5'MIN• 2,h`i, 2.5% r 54 ?-. _T , r *.-� I?U-f EG "1-'A 51[.,EWALK MEANGEIz 5'`ar.k WALK- MEf11 ODER R 2L.LA,,.)"CA G, � i"c,l iaSSG -� WITHIN 2/w AREA (BATH SIUES) 1 A ...rF P� I" _l��fi G A r; iE WIT�II1� R W EASEMENT CTF{ SIDF`� - n G"5/4':Y�.i:IJSHEL� ROGK� f�VEL 2'(AA �"G'A•C,. 'r ALL R��.Uj I Z' \ "'CA Coy r-C:�C,RL1aHEV ROL41CWAVEL 2" 3/4--0CV-L)5H� r� RiX.I��CaR�.✓EL ONE INCA-4 CVEKLAY R2EQ'D 2" _Ae_L)c=,HEL) kOC.K�GRf�\/�L -d ��jU ►- 2'- 0"C.2UbHED ZJG-/G,KAVEL WITHIN C'NE YEAR 7F 00JNGIL B" Z'-O` C.iZUbHED RC.GK/GIzAVEL TEM Fro AR rc' �( AC�c",E SS �Q SEC.T ION T E N TaT I V E AL(i E TA N C,E 30' EASEMENT -�ip,i�AL ? STRE E T SECTION 50 K/vv TYPICAL 34 STREET SECTION 50' IZ/W � w/o I SLAN NTcD ~< a: ,? GO+JSTRuc;T� SrA1vpARV_ J �� \�o `bb �`b� �bM „p �-R', �'� ” EfZF PIPE WITH ROOK ���.Fi'� � ? �. t r 6EI�DIN(a FOR RUOF VKAIN�a —`' 14 A v5� F, $ - ..._ �v� Is�da'l;CF NA�LL>13LV1� - - _----- .--- PII 901 r' G U IZ(—DATA �( R• 19' . '" I - T Gu LU VA A T YP 14\= 5007 'SI" / IL'_ J1' / R*3s"'' h�-1? r I GU DA71A 119. 8' .- ; - 9 59' � � w '� G=9:�°00' - 4.1 i -- .• - -. . ._. _. - - I �mrzr�l nM Esc o I l , + .''21:E ; L- 50,E `, L=19•. 9 _ ;� n= 20j2 A.v 15'0,. I G.�. I•E,1�2,Gfo tol.•F z -_ �- ' 2 13' Z 4 I -- L_= oy, d 3 • - TQM P I Nom. n .. , der + r. P., `pD \� c,13.*� I E 151,7 2 I I APR � .. .- 0 p ,3 c -- - Ay �OV _IZ ZEJ� _� � 4 i3� 6 J ' — -- -- -- - 41 a _. _ a fi k, % ` � tIF- _ IKEF�1{ PF-TA I L_ SHEET < 4 In one cc to, U - - �yi c - r orsfy COF-5 L4iNMA - �.. - �-~' ( Ibti' — �2 _ �,- 4 * _ _�Z' ____ VAtZIES �� cu �.JIV 4� v URT 15Lp.IV " ---��5•W. d- _ -' � '�� IZ= 19' �\ .�,,,• I � I � +� o "'c �' � 1 L d 209. 13' - — N!vo IUL 1 \14W yot 0o I � 12 ell2•, � -' ss SIWLC M N DEF:Il} THINJ (EZTNDES16i LC L_A , , 0-{<:)o Z /4" O GIZ USr IED �Oc.K/4 FZAV E L / • ------- --'µ'"ms-- C.[�NSTFZUCIT �THrJL,u'�RQ - <d2''-O' GiZ��►F_D i�-K/G�RPrV�L 1 , -I .. �'.._— -, r_.--•-- �W _ - .._ _!'�L _._ ST1�E ET SEGT I ON SP1 c., 26 --_ /W oc w� o+�oo I+c,� W � 2 � — �too - U TWO WEEP HOLE M LOT iZE-aU1 IRED IN � a W. �„��.,* w�.: •....... o1 — � - -- __ 174 ' �U Sf311�IG - -._. _ r� ALL I NTEP✓E7 `S. IREQ'C7, V -.__ _----_---- - AT s --- -- 3, L L STREET SEyN E CONST IZIJ(,T I O N 30 _ 30,v, #lttt-GZI�t __ �1t�tT'r' AD lJf'�i1Ftt=f�--- — - _ - - ftr77:$ - 4- live _.__ ._. en0�7lo Q 6-0.17 �■ w ._____ _._---_._.___— 1•- --�- '�, — _._.� _—..-- _..____ __..__._ ISO '- - ------ -- - - - - --- -- -- - -_ ___ - - _ Lua+ Lu vr- C�RIGINAt_ GROUND-- .i n - - - - I Cl > - 170 � � 4 \\ rl � -- � --r r ---- _ __ ._ _.- . __ c i ---�+- F11`4151-1 Ce GRADE- 4 FINISH GRADE 41. •_ -- ---- OKIGIN L GROUND �t �l `) - 111 "- 4. _ - � � J � -' 111 � �-- --- - - -- - ---_.. ---•._, ���'r--~`.�...__Tg,,.G s P ---______ ------ -._____ _ __-.--- — - N (00 --A - _ N -- _ 150 - �,� �,•. ___.__.— —_ __._ _. .__..._ _- . _--- . __-___....___._____ __.___._._____ _ _.._..___.___---_.__- -- __.-___ _. ---- __.._.___...—..- - - 55.5.�tlll�#if V rh'`3 T R M I"H ---- _ ---- - -- - _ 2 _ 1,�• 152.c� > �, L _ I < p C :.... w W cl �I I' -__.... _ ---_- - --- - ------ - - -------- � h O V c .� _--'_-_-'-___"--- 1415 152 - lE, S.S CRE EK D 2 COL.OW CREEK` E:S*TA*TES 1.,, OF1 5 - - — I .x m, j . �I i11 i I I S 1 J i �it lit owl, - �, w I, ( 1 1 I I I " IIIIIIIIIlII111 ' Il111IIIIlIIIII � IlII1JII1ili! I11I I :f I ` 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 IIO I I 2 NOTE: !r TN IS MICROFILMED ► '"""•�`-•---� _� _—___� ��'• - ORAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICFn- 11 IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL. L OE 6Z 92 12 9Z SZ ►Z Z2 ZZ 17 OZ 61 BI c1 91 SI bl EI ZI II of 6 9 L 9 - S.• -- b E Z 1""*' • ,�r� ��11lII11111111111111111l111111111!1�111111�1IIIIlIII�IIN11111111uI�1111111�Itu��1111111lIHIINIIl11(JIII11lIIIIIII�tltlllllllll111FIIIllloliFNl�ullllilllllnllnrll[Whit���utllmluull[c1lrll�lnluullulllnllnllllllcbWlHWNuluu�JuWll�llulClu[IIu111IUIn11 JUNE 24 199 .E A 61.16DIV15ION OF ,A PORTION OF LOTS 1 2 09 ACFL65 IN TH6 NORTAV96T OF 12 2 5� 1 WAST W. M . 0 I OF T14ARD T Y • DAV I n E VRn s nnD - COLONY Co F 0 e e K e5TA_,-, T- E '5 � y 'It Dons R S SCLC I R T S I c . OV IL I0f418 4. �8 A C► . y k�GA�E : 1 ' p 100 Of ti i3 �c 2 (Ou4vi D4< '� '� 5Er ON pRNER .�+ ,.... N 89°49'40" F 1/20 ./I''JRA55 6AP LOT N0. R _ o - L GNORD {{ N.W COP. JAMES N I 45.00 -°10°'�I' Sg" 71.10- N g° „E r�r NICK-Le� n.L.G NO. 43 32 26 63.°13 `j N E. COI-. "WIL60N ACRES h, •� 2 I 45.00 47° 39' 27" 31.43 N bh°21' 1011W %.N FD. 0/8" I.R. „� N 1100 4b° 11' 22" 12.62 N 00 31' `70" W 12.2h 1 � �- 1�' : N O.Iti ° 4 1100 Me 00' 00" 23 r16 N 4r1° Ifo' 29" E 21.21 d � '�p' ' 6_89'46'28"E ��; `' 4 E � 03 � ��, ��, N • denote0 found monuments a5 noted . 11 070 `�C°00' 00" 23.h6 N 44° 43'31 ' w 21.21 3� II(o.16 1 25 Cry' ► 0 ' ' • o e, 9e ry 0" r n cI a all bdi 15ion 03h 61 00 6100 7U.00 �8.�8 4 ,.00 43.00 4�i OD 41.00 43.00 43.00 44 00 W 59.00 �c DenOf g t /e x �J I 0 �0 5 f 5u v II 15 il 4b° 11' 22° I 12. 62 N bd° 10' 4-6" E 12.25 �, 1 "' a- � N w �, w �' o •o `� dr c ornery and 5treet CGentrrline, P In N _ _ w �ti �. Duna y a 0 �"�, 12 4100 4h°49' h1" 36.00 N 65' 00' 09" E 3`.05 = 1 �� 1 N _ N �O 1 b o q �Q �� o �,� •�'0 0o N �0_ VV' " ° . 1 � `9 "' a `�• N C] �" N N N, "' N �+ '+� ;� s ``' ►� p� v� - v ""`� ►f� and Ill x 24 Iran 12od5 at Lot Gorner�. 13 i 4h CO 3'I O6 (�I" 26.DO N 7h 31'49" VU Zh 64 1 �,-- p Q '' sD ,9 1 w s y s y �° 3' s p a� „e -N 2W AGO TT Y 1n 14 I 4h 00 �90 I-/' ll" 1 1 � rJ z Q� n Q- a, )L e C, Q °' O ° 2 , ?• °` N A� I. _ �1 PenQ�eS Set 2"x /6" 6cilvanited Iran Pipe at �1e 46.54 N Zq 21 O6 W 44.49 z = 3/ o �� N 10 n N ,� oo •.,.00 1 N P I nidal Point. ° ° 1 , � \0 f z Z 3 :v `� z Z z z a z d 11 4`� 00 58 44' 24' 46.1'/ N 29 58 41 E 44.14 5 e9 4fo .�,' E 1- '1 �� hoo L°2�j 3 ° _ - .� 0 22. 0 (27.00 75.00 0 '� !3 bb 43 JO �F'�.Oo 43.00 03.00 4'..00 28.94 �`4ry.0p 16 45.00 '13 06 I� 26.0'J N 1y0 �4' 00" E 25.64 46.Ih1 81.00 a d_ ► �> 9 , " 1 45,00 46° 20'44" ° 1 o * " 12.62 ° " :� ° 12.62 v D. ��a I. 0.29 N 919 43', I W 36.40 N 64 47' 10* W '15.42 N 89 43 31 W Z49.42 N a9 43 31 W 362.14 -_ -- - -- -: - - - - 24.8'10--____ ___ - -- - - -_ _.__ _ ------ - - .._---- - -- -- --- --------- .---- - --- ---- ---... -� z, 18 lh00 1 411' 22' 11. 62 N6�i° 3 ' h0"W 12.2`' 1 • AGG�S°J 3.b CGOLONY � Gi1EFK c ougT s ...., ... Na9. 43'3I'W A� 143 OPSA;L � N 24 ROO 90000, 001, 23.% N 0" 16' 29" E 21.21 a UTILITY I-ASCMENT 6° � d N 12.62 � 1K T o 42. 00 2b Iii 00 90° OD' 00" 2'1.iib N 44' 0'31" W 21.21 ---�--- " s� z?' 4�' 22.70 1100 65.00 r '11.00 4'1.00 4100 4'x.00 41100 4'� 0 21.62 a• 27iA• titi �� w 2? 4�i.00 61° 47' 28" 48 y'1 N 1Z° `I8'SIJ" E 46.21 4�c1�1 �,, w "�hl N' 6 w ^� ,� �,,, rt ,� 0 ,,, W 36¢a 2bp0 1,h Nov_ t oo�. w '� » V V �1 a- 'lam - ° u I�i.00 4b' II' 22" 12.62 N 660 10' 48"E 12.2�i N � N �' N �1 N N Z lip �,° N a The bearin� N IZ �6 00 W Of the �enterflne of Nall �Ivd. 28 45.00 16° Z'1' y7" 60.00 N 31° 11' 29" W 55.h6 �� 0 1� 2b it 6- .� .� .� � ^'� 1 �� Q (Hwy. 217) a5 5hown on the plat of ";NIL,50N ACRE5" - ��) a ,~` O o up dJ O e °v °� C3 p f• p b! 9 Q G+ �o. n Z z z Z z Z z N s ' wa5 05ed at) bdal5 of bearingt for thio Purvey. z INITIAL POINT ,41j.16 (11.68 z 78.G0 77.00 60.00 21• zy' 0.00 49.00 4ti.00 43.00 43.00 41.00 4•'x.00 44.01 °19.00 , � , ��• I h.4,i 20.41 '1'hb.40 20. 2 N 4 9° 0' t W _ . IFV, �2" I R. •N 0.04 1_ �„ 867.8 FD. '�/4" 1.F. E 0.2h N.E.GOP. LOT' 4 ?V7 N F0.1/2'. 1.P. N 0.0' a 0.36 FD. ti/e" 1 R. Pd. /2 I.P o.40 _ N ! GOR. LOT 1 s Ih.a�i o �' rv.�/4" I.f. f; Z.14 N.�.Gur. Lu 1 ry o - , ` _ 1 X104.13 'GRFENSWAt�D PAf�K" n, �, << ;�; r. FO. �/4" I.F W (1.41 N 12° 36' 00"W 402,8 41.03' ht7 3/4 t.P. S.E.GOR LOT h APPIZOVALO U RV y R �T i IAT P17 O/b" I.R n I A►? O N .e �o n E G 0 ,� -� : _ �, APPROVED TH15 DAY OP -_ ,19178. AI PROVED TINS _ DAY OF I , John Strawbridge , being fire)+ duly E5worn , depose and �y that 1 have (,orrectly Surveyed and market KNOW ALL MEN �y THY.,_ PIZE5ENT5 that Der Nart A55or.iei ie), Inc, and Lutz Development Go., with proper manument5 the lands repreoented or the annexed mop of "COLONY GIxEEK �5TAT55" and at the Oregon Garporatiane , do hereby make ebtabli5h Arid declare the .annexed Plat of ",GJLONY CREEK L"ITY OF TI6AI20 PLANNING 60MM15510N WA5HIi 0TON COUNTY nEPARTM�NT Op PUDLIC N�ALTH Initial Paint I vet- d 2" ASV Galvan1Zed Iron Pipe , Oil below the ground 7urfacr , !did point beers 5 0° 02' 14"G ESTATES" a5 described in the accompanying Surveyors Certificate, a +rue map rind plat thereof, X66 61 feet from the, Nort hwe� corner of thio Jamey H. HV*11kk:n O.I..G. No. 0 ; thence from %aid Initial ,'Dint all late) being of the dimen6ion5 Shawn on said map and the streets and avenues being of the �,p� A ,}, Lay N U"/° �1�' "/(" W 867.84 feet to the �en{erline of 5 W. Nati �1vd. ( formerly 5tdtr, Highway Na. 217); then6e widths thereon eel' forth , and �-eld per-Hart Aws ocia�te-5,Inc. and Said Lutz Development Go. do hereby CHAIRMAN - along Reid r,ente,rl�ne , N i2° 36' 00" W Iyri.20 {-eek to a point on +fits Northerly boundary of the +tori' of land dedlcafe +o the use of the Public a5 r ubhcway5 forever all 5treet5, avenues, and ea5ennents described .n fine deed to icer-Her#' and Aeeociate5, In(,. ) do re�ordea July 7, 1975 under Auditor. dile No. Shawn (or not-ed ) on Said map. 78- ?C'iO4 ; thrnoe along thG Northerly boundary of held Der- Hart tract) � 89° 46' 2t�" � 1�j� lrJ feet to an ApPROV�n TNI _ DG�y oP , Ig78. APPR-OVED TN15 DAY OF ,1918 DER-HART A550ClATES INC. � � LDAP-D OF GOUNTy GOMM15510NEP-5 VII��GTOR D� A5�E55M�NT ANO TAXAT'ON a��gie point m paid boundary ; fihence can+inning along maid boundary N 0° 11' '12 " >; 90.89 fee�� to an angle � � , ��" C " point In c�aid boundary, f hen6'e 6on+inuing along laid boundary 5 690 46' 28" E 760.03 feet` t0 the, North- � �'- �' SIP �,.t,..t WASHINGTON GOUNTy, 011EGON COUNTY A55E55g1z , WASHINGTON Gt1UNTY, QfzEGON easterly earner thereof ; �etd corner being 1n the Weh+ line of paid Niokien D.L G ; theme along paid line, --- --- - -- --- -- - -- i�- - r''`�� 5 0° 02' 14" E 242 96 Fcet to tht; Inifial Point and the paid of beginning . Dernard R. Derby PreSidPnt - -vat Py c. Py - --r - - ----- - - - - -- - PF � E �C`� AL Jif r y ,� ar�'lieb 5eore�ary - r ea5urer TN15 19 l�.N EXACT COPY OF THE L.AMDI):��"vs;�°�; °:M ATTEST: - -------- 01216INAL PLAT OF "COLONY GfLU1d- E9TATE5• --- e � ---- LUTZ D �N'1' CO. - OREGON 10 J„NE ,;, 1711z�GTOR OP 12E GAP-De) AND �LE��TIOIJS JOHN S1RAWBRiDGE �\`� i. ---- ----_-_-------- WASHINGTON COUNTY , OizEGON 1063 • --- --- ---- - - - -------- ----4--_- ---- .- APPF-OVE D Phillip ullard Vice, pre5iden -- - -, � WASHING i�iJN COUNTY SuRVEy012 SUP�SGR1dED TO ANO 5WOP-14 TO IW-ORE W- TN15�?���" nAy ----- i AGKNOiM � EDG �M� NT NO py PU�LIG IN ANP F01z 012L'G N My �GommlS�lon Expires 5TNTE OF OREGON J 5 GOUNT`y OP WA51aINGTDN M 11' REMRMMP-EI V that on this :2?_day of ! •_ .- , 1918 , before me a Notary Public 1n and for AGKNOWI.�n��M �NT paid gtate, and count err)i3 all y a eared er ar - Y � P 1 pp � n d R Derby and Jeffrey ., Nart'Ileb,fio me per oonally known , who bring duly owarn did gay that he Dernard PL. derby io preoldent and that he 5TATe Of OREGON 5 5 Jeffrey J Hartlieb ie) veoretary treaburer of Ver-Hari A5snc1afe5, Inc and than the Deal affixed to COUNTY OF WA6NIN(ATQN the within inotrument ih the off Ictal Beal of Said oorporation and the+ said instrument wa5 5igned and healed �E 1T REMEMD�t�El� that on +1115 0? day of _ ��'"r• 1918 bPfOre me a NotaryPublic In and ,car Said btate and oounierspnally appeared Phalli G. MuIlclyd to mE; On behalf of Sold Corporation by authority of Its p>uard of Director; , and paid ftrnard R. derby and hard -- - ' �' p p Jeffrey H Harflle,b dq acknowledge "aid Instrument 1'a be d free act and deed per"anally known, who being duly sworn did say +het he Phillip G Mullerd wo Vier Preoldent of Lutz. prvelapmen}- Go. and that the sect afF zed •ha within inetrurnenf ie) the offiolal �a1 uF sa.ol oorporafian and that Said Inhfrume.nk' wag Signed and oealed On behalf aF Raid 6arpnratian by authar4v of il-e hoard of Pirectoro,and Said Phillip G Mulldr.l does d4nawlPdge eaid irittrurnent to be a free ac{ and deed. r - NOTARy PUN,1G IN AND hOR OREGON My G0mm155ion f xpireeo: /D .4'- 8/ NOTARY' PUt3LIG IN AND FOR OREGDN My c,omml�adion �XPireo: __ !O - '� fl - I .. 222.2 r _ m i » A _. ' Fri• _ :... . 3 tw AMIN, r r III x111111 111 rlr x11 11r x11 r � r r� i rll r ! .I I I I OF NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED - - + 2 3 '4 5 , _ - 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 •� DRAWI 37 IS LESS CLEAR THAN - THIS NOTICE-,-- IT IS DUE TO TNF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL 'yy-- DRAW IN( OE 62 16e LZ 9Z SZ bZ EZ �z IZ 0Z 61 91 LI 91 S1 bl f I �' I I I 011 6 9 1 9 S b f�__ z_- 1 soils.. �R!1�11rllrrrr�rrrrlrrrr�rrirlr�rr�rlrrr{rrr�llll{I1111111111rrr�r�r�l�isr�ir��l�i����ir{rrr1�11111111111r�I1t1111111�11!Iltllllllill!lIIIIIIIIitltllll��I+1111t1rI111�f�1111ttI111ttIItIr�I111IiitIN1111�1fil�t� rl�rrr�Irr���1111I1111I1111IIW�i1t!(111ltlil�lllli�ll�lll-1111 Ila 't• Irtir am � =_-M�—_A_—_AL .. 'fA1( 1% MP INTENANCT; BOND Bond No. 6032299 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, LUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO. AND DER-HART ASSOCIATES, INC. , A Joint Venture (hereinafter called Principal) , as Principal, and FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a corporation organized and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Maryland, and duly licensed for the purpose of making, guaranteeing or becoming sole surety upon bonds or undertakings required or authorized by the laws of the State of Oregon (hereinafter called Surety) , as Surety, are held and firmly br-�IL-i i,.nto CITY OF TIGARr- hereinafter called Obligee, in the -rust ar`A ill sum of THIRTY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN AND 53/100TIlS DollarE ($30,367.53) lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of whit?i, well and truly to be made, ve hereby bind ourselves and our and each of our successo- , and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by These presents. WHEREAS, said Principal is required to furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee for a period of one year from date of final inspection and acceptance by the City of Tigard certain improvements is the Subdivision known as Colony Creek Estates located in Tigard, Oregon. NOW, T;IEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, that, if Principal shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmanship which become arparent during the period of one year from and after _ then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Principal and said Surety have caused these Presents to be duly signed and sealed this ____day of 1980. LUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO. AND DER-HART A5SOC7A7TES, INC. , A Joint J tore By ; r, FIDELIT If DEPOSIT 'OF b .,YLAUD R , er C. Rothrc)4_1 'Attorney-in-fact r. r klumMmulm �t s.,u r •w j , .•,6. i M«,»e C r�-:�•/0 A.M. 1 relite 3+NAs .wl.w,�l�,.Q ,P �,,,. ..,,."#. 1�.�.rl ti � Tiv►s.�����c Pr�cs«►«,.10� s�.Sv. «� w►�,,.�+M�.•+.a '��- ��T O FQD2 DAVID EVAn-5 MID A330CIATE3, inc. 200 3W MAMT STREET • SUITE 110 • PORTLAnD,OREGOn 07201 • 603/223.6663 December 18 , 1979 ART008 Bob Thompson, Inspector Department of Public Works City of. Tigard 12420 S.W. Main Street Tigard, OR 97223 RE : COLONY CREEK ESTATES Dear Bob: Please consid( : this letter as written confirmation of my verbal request earlier today for a final inspection for City acceptance of the above referenced project. I have received notice from Bones Construction Company that the initial punch list has been completed. rar inspector, Jim Davis, has also reviewd the project. Should you have any questions, please give .tie a call. I would also appreciate nrt.ice from you on a, ceptance so that the final paper work can be processed. Thank you, Bob, for your assistance. Very truly yours , DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC . Robert C. Cr RCC :aw (__._= u r' ►l f1ECN �� Q l CITY OF TIGARD w �y GEnERAL TELEPHOIIE COmPAnY OF THE IIORTHIIIESI, inn. 12460S VVMAIN, P.0 BOX 23116,TIGARD, OREGON 97223 December 17, 1979 (t"IV D DEC 1919N QTV Of TIGMD City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 546-386529 - COLONY CREEK ESTATES ErcZosed for your information and approval are two copies of the above-named job. The purpose of the ,job is to provide underground ant? buried cable facilities for Phase I of Colony Creek Estates and future expansion of Phase II and Phase III. If you have any questions regarding this ,job, please contact Roger Juh Z at. 620-3530. Very truly yours, Jeanne Bryan A&ninistrative Assistant ib enclosures: 2 �j RECEIVED DEC 19 1979 CITY OF TIGARD City of Tigard ! INSPECTION REQUEST for IN, PECTION TIME : o v PERMIT NO- DATE: ! DATE ISSIJED'_-/--/— OWNERS NAME : ADDRESS .- CONTRACTOR ' DDRESS :CONTRACTOR . TEST. Alt [_�, Woter p Visual L7 , Laboratory p RESULT" Approved ❑ , Disapproved 0 , pending G SKETCH' 1—__ INSPECTOR DATE [OTE . Attach supplemental test data ' ereto City of Tigard INSPECTION BEQUEST for INSPECTION TIME :r''^ PERMIT DATE: r�1_c�.LZ�f ATE ISSUED'_ OWNERS NAME : ADDRESS . - _o.Q.L _ CONTRACTOR . _ - TEST:Air [I , Water [j , Visual 11 , Laboratory p RESULT: Approved ❑ , Disapproved [I , Pending [] SKETCH: INSPECTOR DATE [NOTE : Attach supplemental test data heret] z t d ILTRAntsm1TTAL FE�;� Ire FILE DAVID EVAnJ ww A3,4^l'IATE3, rn TO.�',. (�. a '`► PROJECT f�i E' T �:. if�tArTES r1jka-S �x ✓SCJ` — SUBJECT ,11 r�jY OF ` IGARD ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ❑ AS YOU REQUESTED REMARKS ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION El FOR FOR YOUR APPROVALEl FOR FOR YOUR REVIEW -[I RETURN RETURN REQUESTED -- F R 0 M _ -- ---- - --------_-- --- TRAn3mlTTAL DTE. '" 79 DAVID EVAf13 MD AJJOCIATEJ, nc FILES' .00f3 TO . I�4►„ +iAl �M.� turilhtF2'ILIr�(� PROJECT I c)-' - ¢F,r-:r FAQx --- SUBJECT -- -- I ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION r Q r� D �f !".E �/'& D AS YOU REOUESTEf.' REMARKS zl in FOR YOUR INFOR04TION JL 7D Lomc.+--Q,4 ctl' t 1(1.0 I / f' aMt�Ir IA FOR YOUR APPROVAL _1_HAVE y.L' 0cm -Tlin Di \► kc- ()r- tib FOR YOUR REVIEW L1L-09•c�.h(, k-_, ttL:. ikr- S'a) ij�jLu RETURN REOUESTED I�t1Au1 0. `;�Fs� IT nnG .t N�fll !S'Yf10vM _ FROM City of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST for INSPECTION TIME : . �2' Z___ PERMIT NO. ' — DATE: O. ' —DATE: DATE ISSUED:— / OWNERS NAME : -____--�— --- -_- ---- �_ CONTRACTOR : TEST. Air 0, Water L] , Visual jlf , Laboratory [,] RESULT. Approved , Disapproved 17 , Pending Q SKETCH*� i I INSPECTOR DATE CUTE : Attach supplemental teat data heret] August 14, 1979 TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON 12012 SW Canyon Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Attns Casey O'Mally Re: Colony Creek Estntes Dear Sirs: This is to verif7, as per your requeat, that a municipal sanitary sevw-a-,e system, subject to regulation by the City of Tigard and 11nified S-weraae Aiteney of Washington County and the Public Utility Commissioner or nregon, is available to each lot nt the lot line of each lot, meeting tae re- quirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision per this date. Tliope this letter resolveq the nroblem by clarifyinn the matter before the ...?tate Real Estate Division. Yours truly, R. L. Tboiripson En?,. Tech. R'1, pit) 17urlland6encral HeclrirConi ani' w1"cTrnN nivi,1np4 14655>w OLD sr,l,nl t s rrnnv n0A0 BEAVEATON OnrriON 87005 543 5454 Gentlemen: Re: Colony Creek Estates Attached is our prnposaI for providIng unric7greund aIvctric service to the above mentioned subdivision. Our preliminary investigations sul;resl Llint this proposal. is compatible with existing and/or proposed prolecL and utiIiLy construction, however, if there are anv conflicts wtLh your e,:IsLi:rf. or prorosed inzLnll,1tion, please contact me at your convenience In ordet• that 1 the plans may be modified. Very Truly yours, R.N. Reisbeck Job No. �11E 1� Estimator Copies to: 1 Tigard Water District - 639-1554 Mil S.w. Conuncrcial St„ Tigatrl, 01 - '17123 1\1 In: Ilo1,crt 1;nnlre --J—iyity of Tigard - 639-4171 Clly Lngineer. 12420 S.W. Main SL. , lOr. 97223 1 City of Tualatin - 638-6891 City rnrineer 18880 S.W. �80Lh Ave. ,1lualntin, Oe. 07062 Attn: Jnhn Plock C.i L of. Shrrwood - 025-7377 90 N.W. Park Ave. Sherwond, Or. 1 City of Newberg - 538-4712 City Eni;ineer 414 I:, l,it•sL St. Ncwberq, Or. 97132 Attn: Lconnrd 'smith 2 Ynmhi11 County - 472-9371 Rnad Debt.. , County Courthouse McMinnville, Or. 97128 3 Marion County - 588-5036 Clarion ,uttnty O-pt. of public Wrirl;c , Salem, Or. 97301 Attn: Clallrle r.TI I in i 2 Clackamas County - 655-8521 Clacknmis Coty. fnr,ineer OcpL. 901 Alrrtnathy Rd. Oregnn Ci Ly, Or. 97045 AI Ln: I'at 1. Wilsonville - 638-8565 City or. Wilsonville fit. 1 nay /rs WilrrnVille, Or. 97070 Attn: i ,7"�t1w r�r.r •v H,9 2 State Ilighl.-ay - 653-3099 Rir,ITC of Way P.O. Box 02157 Pi ld. , lir. 17202 At t n : Teri ITllos 2 N.W. Natural Gas - 226-4211 111 N.W. danders Portlnnd, Or. 911.01 Attn: D.W. Mills 2 City of Dundee P.O. Box 201 Dundee, Or, 97115 RECEIVED JUL1y1379 ' CITY OF TIGARD � w � TRAnSm1TTAL FILE-Wi n0el pAVID EVRl1J ono RJJGCIRTEJ, rx TO -i® n &Amm PROJECT - 10L4,-j A SUBJECT_ N--..�:,, . I ZC�ZD c.�aAl. MPnw, ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION n � I 1 ❑ AS YOU REQUESTED REMARKS FOR YOUR INFORMATION -------------- ----- FOR YOUR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW ❑ RETURN REQUESTED FROM t � . �r ooe I �i3OoU ' — e ���,c = 1500 Wit- - 25 rn,►+ . (p52°` ) (Z,Opp' )t- 4175 lkcofr, �,5t� ��o►-�Y G�ae,�- ��r� - �- 008 �. ��� ►qac ( �c�u��0�5 �M (� 11�• u, bou p 7- 6-79 Q= GIS 3,000 Zfj = 1.500 (41.75) = 14•33 cn Five Size 12" 10+ '/a 15° e 3.4 6l0 June 26, 1979 t & hS"OCIATM' INC. ;arl•.et Straot, L,.iite 110 1 m i, ;,re:,on 97201 r. . of-,crt olony Creek rotates lease find one copy of the plan which was recently suf3rlittr+i to illliRtrating a tie of the existing; culvert under S.'.!. Mall iiLli the propose-i subdivision storm system at the intersection of %rfve/Colony Creek Court. "ni,! submittal p oponen installation storm line rut does not include a copy of sizing, calculations, ;)rov:ously requested, reflecti.n! the sufficiency thereof.. nCr ^+1r ror~, "anasnlmnnt iturly consultant had previously ndvised tie t I i-wl, culvert prW)ably was necessary there+inder Tull '40111A approtclate receipt of sizing• clarifientione Approval. c th,. ;:vo ,r6.1atlon is subject, to receipt on written ansurnace of :. i iri^nc ,. Yours truly, John S. :,.qr, nn Supt. F.nFr. ')i.viSOtl 4 ';ncl. i #2Z3~`"3 Avroid Ver:-)al l'•1@SSi.ir4C?S (� CITY OF Tlt;ARU To: From : ,u►.,j l4tVlStd� c _ pato: --- - Z-S "-79 A,M,c 1= e-�—.� S�%7- le�Q ?)(D E.A . MEN T EXT fZUT I' CA-ASS'C"A. /q.G• IZU'T EG 2'CA-A`� G" "A•G• L"3/4-0 ,,KUSHEG KCC-K-/�E VEL 6 2`-©"C,RUSHEV R.4/GRAVEL :?SEM F'CEAi-L-- 6cc F=55 R04,.�) SF-.(-,TION 30' EASE M E N T" N r�� _. P�f/F? F OF, If HALL OL-W I S LA --N( ,:.uv-5 G1ATA Ra Irk• L- 11!9 :b6 (.,ON(, P/N t-- -�-- -----�—-- 149 4, .G• .9 �_ ,i. 1.all Ll 1 aw, rl 1 o C.�.►f2 �.TA AVOW Verbal Mossayas A- i CITY Or TIGAJ W Subject:_ � +r.r. < ��• ; Date$_� - /Y " /zy� C..�1�i • -�° i' S./ Y �S �}G G w[ G•1 /h.. C! Trri, �.' a c^ T /iG7.r+o. r AA MLIL TRAn3m 'TTADATE ,�- l�• i4 DAVID EvAns Ano ASSOCIATES, ux FILE—Ati, OM TO y�c�u.t �ai#We►-r PROJECT A , �t-rT a� rl�ja�fl SUBJECT_ - - ,� -- ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTIOSi t L -- --- --- � --OF TIG ' Ar) ❑ AS YOU REQUESTED REMARKS jn4l ► ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION l �� LLT KA+-,; ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL '2 ki lht'Ar--tUAd rAf %:b ir. bt Lj f6-1' �{��{�y�� ,rte_ Cl FOR YOU^ REVIEW :14t.� 111�7�c.�n 11K- �„�iLA LC_. I}sbu. 1d 1 ❑ RETURN REQUESTED ❑ 1 F R 0 M---4 Project: Cokes•y C'reeA ZJ&d+/• F,a s c i e.it Dee, t(,fer.ence : ENOW1 ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we (T) ------- ---- ------- hereinafter termed grantor(s) , in consideration of the sum of a �` to be paid by CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation of Oregonre�natter. termed. the City , hereby grant, bargain, sell. and convey unto the CITY OF TIGARD a perpetual right-of-way and easement as hereinafter described, t_o- gether with a temporary right-of-way and easement to use an additional. area Aer• ainafter tlescri.bed and designated temporary easement., for the .f.olloxing us:.ri and pug p ases : . Perpe t u,-,1. easement: An unencumbered perpetual right-of.-way arid easement: for thF purpose of constructing, reconstructing , operating , maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground Sewer line. and appurtenances , together with the right to remove, as necessary, v-getation, foliage, trees and other obstructions within the easement area, but reserving to the grantors the ti tl.c,. to the lands, subject Lo the easement, and the right. to make such ir;e thereof, except to construr7t buildings , as will not interfere with the uses and purposes r,f 1h(-_' easempnt:; said easement area lie!ng • A strip of land 15. 00 feet- wide situated in the Northwest Cote_ Quarter of Section 12, Township 2. South, Range 1. West of the Willamette Meridian, County of Washington, State of. Oregon, being 7, 50 feet on each Side of: the following t7c'_sc)7i_bed center.-- line. Commencing at the Northwest coiner of said Section 32; the rice, North 89049 ' 40" East: 653 . 30 feet to the Northwest comer of the James H. Hicklin Donation Land Claim No. 43; thence South 0°02 ' 14" East 7. 50 feet along the west line of said Hickli.n D.L.C. to the point of beginning of the centerline herein to be describes?: thence North 88036150" Fast 334. 00 feel= to thj_ terminus of said centerline. 2. Temporary easement.: Together with the temporary right of ingress , egress and and use for sewer construction purposes , of additional lands lying parallel to, along the sides and within feet, when measured at right angles , of the above described per'Tetual easement area, excepting and reserving to grantors the unencumbered enjoyment, use and preservation of all structures present upon the premises . This temporary easement shall terminate upon completion of the sewer construction work , at whic:i time, upon request of the owner, the City will issue a written relerse thereof. i Should it be necessary to cut and remove any brush, trees , or other matter or materials from the easement area, said brush, trees, or other matter and materials shall be removed and disposed of by the City and the City shall leave the easement area in a neat and workmanlike condition. The City agrees that in connection with its use of the perpetual easement area and in inspecting, repairing, maintaining, or replacing said sewer line, the City will leave the premises in a neat and workmanlike condition and as nearly in the pre--existinq state as practicable. The grantors do hereby warrant that they are the owners in fee s.mple and have the right to grant. the above described casements. Witness our hands and seals this ..__.2nd-_ day of May _ -^ - 1.1179 (SEAL) I/ 1 V7 (SEAL) For a consideration, the mortgage .hien on the above dosicri.bed properties is hereby made subordinate to the easements above granted . Dated this _ clay of 1. J� rtgage,e STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss . Cc,unty of Washington ) On this 2nd —_ day of May _ 19. 79 , personally appeared the above named Phillip G. Mullard, Vice-President, Lutz Development and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act arid deed. Before me : j S'CA-LL OF OREGON OREGON ) s, . CORPORATE ACjLN0 1tiLECr''F.;';T �f Clackamas-�_ - ) this 6_ clay of June _ 19 79, before me appeared Bernard Ray Derby � JeffreyJ Hartlieb both to me-- --.-_-_-- and ---_- _—^---_-__-- personally known , who heron i iIy s.�,orn , did say that 'tie, the said _ _ _Bernard Ray Derby is the — _ "resident , and he, the said Jeffrey J . Hartlieb � is the Secretary - Treasurer of DER-HART ASSOCIATES, INC. the within name Corporation, and that the seal affixed 1:o said ins crument is the cor- porate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by -hority of its Board of Directors, and Bernard Ray Derby _ - and _ J _rey J. Hartlieb acknowledged said instrument to be they free act and deed of said Corporation . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hercunto' set my hand and affixed my official sea.]. the day and year last above written. :Yh-L1 Notary Publ My Commission Expires _ 1/23/8. STATE OF OREGON ) � ss. CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDG'NIENT County of_ r ),,-)- Or, this day of - - 9 t„ 1J 7�, before me appeared Pfufj�,f,J ai,d o both to me personally known, who being duly sworn , did Gay that he, the said �,,� is the Vim_ _Pr(.,r4 i dent , and he, the said _ _ _ , _:i.s the Secretary - --- ---- of �--J-- - _—_— --the w i t'i i n named Corporation, and that the seal affi::ed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors , and _J,,&— acknowledged said instrument to be thr, free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTI'dONY SIHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above wrtttGw-. o at ry Fc for Or,,gon -- My Commission Expires _ NWV4 SECTIO - WASHINGT , l� SEE MAP SCA e. ,1 2 I g G0 2S 1 2UO ( NW CORNER JAMES H.HICKLIN DLC NO 43 .95.3, - `_ ---_— if '�� �//i��:✓�� /.W7.%�%%moi i.�f.�Gi'J�.'��i ��1���iY� -• '/9ii%ii%: f 1 12 9Ac. �.. 9 -7R . N 1000I `_r _ . —. 1�1 1100 1101 S 11 7/Ac eV 3 6IAe. I �' r 50 2 I r 7. i .IIAr. I n _—_.r.__._ 642 Os' A 1 200 600 3 � NI h 1` N, E A S r 19 9 B NP 0 792 04' - I , 11/ ( 1301IAA (_ Am",I. L I w 1300 149 Ar 40 Ac a s I '� W 1 7 0 N--•-�S _ . !-16_.5' _4s 1 •A; w3 •. C 0606° or, I-2W 46]17 SW GREcrS.�wRp; _ — --7 LANA /. 92w�, a Ao. I biri tl 1 B 7,9' — / 97 Ac N N090 20'W 1 EA]T 567.04' a " z ]89'44' 800 t 14 2' /,O4At. 314 2S —A - 15001600 J N 7 04A 0 974, 3 n o l 197 cl 801 x N .60Ae. :ac' on ti-1 989°WE _ .. ?16.23 I ": '. 169. 66' 150' n 736 s35. 1 1700 j,2 4 2 2600 c 4+ 27 M1, "!1 ; 03 4c �J ,� �447A 0.40 .#JAR !-IT + ! a 1 01' _ 0 r w _7.00 Ac. f r. C N 2 - W 29 S' fq Z00 334 95' r. r ;1 r , . "1800 , .w 6F;- ----- 7.1 76/ Ac 1 n59 Uj 3� Q .7 4 kAL Q L LL) cn - V � I Ld N o I I Z I I Q 1 c� r I w - cC �_ cz a - �j I I N, V I � Ir `-_ b' I Ld v I � z � � r Jciui Q W \ U h f t 111 t- N O O U) 2 C)c vv,� i Q �e 0 Avoid Verbal Messages A_] CITY OF TIGARIj To: � From:— QU LAt*- S uL,j e c t: _.. g plea C,J tr!/ Date: 1-1-'7 d _ r ` JLC � \ JAL CFS F8107 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY TAX CODE. MAIN SKETCH I _ u IL ¢1IK'r.AL k -,1 EWA k I � c `0 � UNDERGROUND- PHONE PRESSURE RATING&XRAY WATER -'S'-----r- y SEWER TEST PRESSURE_ �.��-J PSIU POWER _ TEST DURATION J 1�r PHONE - WELDS TO BE X RAYED 16 yDESIGN PRESSURE PSID i ! NORMALE PREBS. PSIG A C DATE 4 ENOR I N INSTALL MAIN - L .. FEET Of .L.�: .._ FEET OF / O r ABANDON MAIN _ FEET Of i6ET OF iNPF coATINoB PIPE JOINTS_ r FITTINGS 14i INSTALI SFHVH:F FEET OF_ " INSTALL I ANODES INSTALLED MAIN _ _ fEFT OF HET OF ABANDONEOMAIN _ -__FEFTOi _ _. "; FEET OF \ TYPE COATINGS PIPt _. _. _ JOINTS _ FITTINGS \ I a INSTALLED StRVICE FFFT OF ', INSTALLED ANODES: y \ DATE COMPLFTED --'SIGNED--_—_-_ _.._._._..-- +�_�1 IW PITVADOITIONALINFORMATION ONSKFTtHI �AE�YltA � - MEAW RED_ DATE_..r�_._._ SCALE STAKED —___— DATE SED No U nU C� ORANINy�1_1 �� DATE .� _ _ _y PLATTED _ L0 / • _a 7q fDATE SIGNED CHECKED,-(-.- VCDATE 11 1 _� DATE PLAT ANROVED APR l 3 1919 �-� _ -- - - - WAI LMAP } CITY OF TIGARD I MAIN WORK ORDER NO ;7 � �/�) _ SfRVICE WORK ORDER NO A 1)1)H F 4S kl OUN E YCITY ,_--_ 1 � � ], :• _ _ PLAT NO BEC TO"NS111P RANGE i BONN � N -+— -�- x14025 d rJ 56' CL f_l. 68 iX`Si4l 2 , 0196 3 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 It IQ r1 4120 a�w1�2 i-) 5 1. ui C LO Y CREEK E T,S os 1 U °o 0 t r r r s _ o�oo �. o� I''tw1 rrrrrrr�rrrrrrr rrrr:��rrrr�rrrrrrrrr� I•(w) 1 0� _ S.W. COLONY O CREEK CT. 040 1^ L _ II 13 7_ � 1 r m n 23 -20 Z'-----I zb _0 96 M- vi 24 zJ 22 21 20- t 9 t o 17 1 l_ � qz Nl 1� M O 1 ' cfl 1 . N r J 1 ; A to 4e SJ Alt- el Avoid Verbal Messages ��jj CITY OF TIGARD To: from: Subjer_t:___ 1Oy!• !C � nate:_ _ �1a�� Mow t-cce�vcc� �qb (%� W-c16 &%4.C, P 7 4,��w►pie'! . . . 7w w�. c.�•.� Q r-o s..fs � �K.r-aro.►+��,�. `tS..c. C a�•�•t�.� J� Gentlemen: We hereby authorize and direct you to hold from the proceeds of our Construction loan no. 6451-1, dated February 13, 1979, in the amount of $312,000.00, the sum of $151.,837.65 to be held pursuant to the following instructions: We have this date entered into an Agreement with the City of Tigard to warrant all the public improvements'wi.thiri the subdivision known as Colony Creek Estates, located 4.n Washington County, Oregon and that by the terms of such Agreement, all said improvements are to be warranted pursuant to the provision of the City of Tigard Sul-.Iivision Ordinance and according to standards and specifications for Public Works construction by A.P.W.A. Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewage Specifications, and said Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A", is hereby made a part of these instructions; and in the event we fail to comply with any or ali of the terms .and conditions thereof, you are hereby authorized and directed to Pay to the City of Tigard such sum, within the limits of the amount held as d( termined by the City Engineer that is necessary to repair construction, or finish repairing construction, any or all of said defective improvements from the above mentioned sum being held under this Agreement. Provided further, however, that in the event all of said improvements are found to he free of defect or any defects are corrected at the end of the one year period, a certificate of compliance is signed by the City of Tigard Department of. Public Works and that said improvements are in accordance with the standards and provisions of the attached Agreement and in accordance with the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance, then in that event-, you are further instructed to release said sum or any balance remaining therein to our account. The City of Tigard shall have first claim and priority to the said sum of. I $151,837.65, in the event of any defect and failure to correct such defects in the construction of said improvements by Lutz Development Co. and Der Hart Associates, Inc. , DBA Colony Creek Estates. It is understood and approved by all parties of concern to thi,, letter of commitment that the City of Tigard shall have first claim and priority to the said sum of $151,837.65, in the event of any defect and failure to correct such defects in the construction of said improvements. It is further understood and agreed that the aforesaid priority of claim is paramount to all parties including the lendi.ng institution making the loan and that said lending institution has covenanted and agreed that said sum $151,837.65 shall be held available to satisfy any aforemen- tioned claim by City notwithstanding default on loan by borrowing party or termina- tion of loan by lending institution. Ic is und :rstood and approved that by all parties of concern to this letter that., is t!i? event it is Zecessary for the City of TI-gard to institute a legal pro- ceEding to enforce the rights of the City of. Tigard pursuant to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall recover, in addition to any sum found by a court to be due to the City, such attorneys' fees as the court may adjudge to be reasonable to in such suit or action or appeal thereof. Sincerely yours, APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: By: Lutz 'velopment Co. Benj: Franklin Savings d Loan _ By President ( dnding nstitution) —"�— By: Der-Hart Associates, Inc, B y '�'�+ Secretary Rv (Title) ir� ' GcmIl etncr: We hereby authorise and direct you to bold from the proc•:cecls of out- Construction loan no. _645_1-1A� dated Februa_ ry 13,__1979 in Uic amount of12�QQ�.Q9__ , the sum of: to be held pursuant to the following instructions: We have this date entered into an Agreement: with the City of. Tigard to warrant all the public improvements within the subdivision known as Colony Creek Estates , located in Washington County, Oregon and that by the terms of such Agreement, all said improvements are to bn warranted pursuant to the provision of the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance and according to standards and specifications for Public Works construction by A.P.W.A. Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewage Specifications, and said Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked as '--•:hihit "A", is hereby made a Tart of these instructions; and in the event we fail to comply with any or all of thi terms and conditions thereof, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the City of 'Tigard such sum, with- in the limits of the amount held as determined by the City Engineer that is neces- sary to repair construction, or finish repairing construction, any or all of said defective improvements from the abovc mentioned stun being held under this Agreement. Provided further, however, that in the event all of said improvements are found to be free of defect or any defects are corrected at the end of the one year period, a certificate of compliance is signed by the City of Tigard Department of Public Works and that said improvements are in accordance with the standards and provisions of the attac!ied Agreement and in accordance with the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance, then in that event, you are further instructed to release said sum or any balance remaining therein to our account. The County shall have first claim and priority to the said sum of $151 ,837 . 65 , in the event of any defect and failure to correct such defects in the construction of said improvements by _ Colony Cr eek Estates It is understood and approved by all parties of concern to this letter of commitment that the City of Tigard shall have fi t claim and pr.iortty to the said sum of $151, 837 . 65 , in the event of any defect and failure to correct such defects in the construction of said improvements. It is further understood and agreed that the aforesaid priority of claim is paramount to all parties including the lending institution making the loan and that said lending institution has covenanted and agreed that said sum $151 837.65 _ shall be held available to satisfy any aforementioned claim by City notwithstanding default on loan by borrowing party or termination of loan by lending institution. APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: Sincerely yours, Colony Creek Estates By: Lutz Develo m n Co . ' President (Lending Institution) [,� c _ By : Der-Hart As ociaf--es Inc. By",,;7 _ ' President (TI 3 t ( PIS'-P-S-Sec. 10/73 WAMLANT ESCROW FMI GEARIN, LANDIS & AEBI LAWYERS nr^�`' (� nf] 1516 GEORGIA-PACIFIC BUILDING nn `,`.) n ,IfJ f ' rro PORTLAND. OREGON 07204 ���fff l� u U L D TELEPHONE 15031 224-6632 JOHN GORDON GEARIN APR 0 2 1979 DAVID C.LAN D.5 FRED M AECI JOE D.BAILEY JEFFREY M MATCHELOR CITY OF T'IGARD FRANK q.P J9CATgCATO JOHN C_�'ERCER -MMES M.CALLAHAN March 29, 1979 Mr. John Hagman Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re : Colony Creek Estates Gear John: I am enclosing a copy of the letter I have sent to the officer at Benjamin Franklin who is handling the Lutz/Der-Hart matter. I am also enclosing the agreements submitted to me along with the questioned agreement. If they don' t get back to you, or if when they get back to you you still have questions about the form of agreement they submit , please get in ith me. Very truly yours , Joe D. Bailey JDB:pb Enclosures (2) GF_ARIN, LANDIS & AE:Bi L^WYERS 1516 GEORGIA-PACIFIC BUILDING I11' Q. �� (� PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 j I I` JOHN ODRDON OEARIN TELEPHONE(503122A-6532 �J DAVID C.IAN DIS APR 0 2 1979 FRED M.AEeI JOE D.19AILEY JEf TREY M.rATCHELOR CITY OF TIGARD FRANK A.MCSCATO March 29, 1979 JOHN C.MERCE" JAMES M.CALLAHAN Benjamin Franklin Savings & Loan Association One Southwest Columbia Portland, Oregon 97258 Attention: Donald H. McIntyre Re : Colony Creek Estates (Tigard) Dear Mr. McIntyre: I represent the City of Tigard as its city attorney. John Hagman has given me your March 15 letter, the proposed subdivision compliance agreement , and a form identified as a 1lwarrant escrow form" signed by you, Art Lutz , and a representative of Der-Hart Associates , Inc. In order for this agreement to function .in place of the bond ordinarily required under our procedures we will have to have the following changes : i. The agreement will have to indicate that Lutz Development Company and Der-Hart Associates , Inc. , and not Colony Creek Estates , are the parties. 2. The reference to "the County" must be removed, as that paragraph and the paragraph that follows recite conflicting rights , and there is no apparent reason for a reference to the county in the document. 3. The agreement will have to provide that in the event. it is necessary for the city to file a legal proceeding to enforce the rights of the city pursuant to either the subdivision compliance agreement or the subject agreement the city' s legal costs would be added to any sum found by a court to be due to the city under the tt�rms of either of the documents. Benjamin Franklin Savings & Loan Association Attn: Donald H. McIntyre March 29 , 1979 Page 2 With the changes I have identified the type of agreement admitted would be acceptable to the city in place of the bond ordinarily required by the city in these circumstances. Very truly yours , Joe D. Bailey JDB:pb Enclosure cc: Mr. John Ilagman C)ciSo, t 1 � l (. r It ^�.'k t'. `1 O yQ IA Y Y C.�t4.e-IA V—C V t I,,%^ I KIS C"t�. S4C—e ?..> eel) s LA.)%�e I C�t.�.•a:c J-- e.Sw- cS� 4.p«_, t �•. •� � 1...1 c+. g Pe_r..t�.1 t 1.,�. e-,.� aryl N S� 5 UT I L.I TY P-Nse IAET)T •• Wee �`^-�"�-�-� � • �C�.E.SS � t171 LirY E1�r�E.�1F.7.�T �1,-�.-. Ake- ORES Q UD IA J, s k�c 3 U w t o►-#�.a c� L J Z.S � t �-do� � . ��. .d. Vf.L� �r I w w �.,♦ N �a�1'Yfi .Lf.1 1 '1.� 1v►��+�d YC.Sn`v� t�n.E_ w�2 EX oY - e_ M UO&CI �>••VC,t"v..t • c'S��r-3.1v�. •a�� t.�.���c.l�, C_Y'G�S��' � •t..l.vL�C-h tea'.Vu . M�1 1979 8741 do; -278 dr;s follow r�8] WEDNESDAY m F .� v .ti.C�.O,rr�+�Gct�r �2.*�.-1-.E•✓ (�. .A.-+.-6+'t w'+/...-..� > ` / N .. �i7 C C�I)y [:�-�/4�C E� 'j A j.Cl RhiYl T0.i4'L[ � ��-/-rt� • S 4.tip W+4'l."k w.!•�� D�j�co.t .-Lv� c.Ctr•... -a•�8iS'G o �o., /r�•P.. l!I' d.+-I �S /G u �<<� �f: rQ.vK .'l C..��C.��... .s/..� �u.�t�/ / //ALii- �u�-�t•-f Ov'� (... /Q <r•c.,( �t� - .7.�_�! W wL�^^rt _R-r�-R- ..�4 KI/ d�� a k�/�i a ti•�dn-.J/: i✓U�,p9�t.! ✓n S��(• Jour CU 40) 6a1dr1Ci.r V._ .$.,-�17a� i.t, 3�rrnJi 't eel .n4S �1�1J-aK �![.I� �rLO► _a.v�.�� ��1��..•-i v//(�v�. �ter-v iL �.fl��.�s•,Ee.�.M. C�i (�n�A1s��^^' ' t1/�r f cV �tn-Cr �...-t� �'ae/o� 7IJ•..,,//���t Fa i�a.r.-.1 s' (//�-i .ya..��iJ /���- (�� A4 .11=•• -�-�/ /y�t� O[1< GYM .Ss•G-G! �_N�r Yil ^!. L�..✓4�A.(�t.r�y ad�[rlr-+•rte .I.+.✓{� r{ryt.�.y �'"/--Z,� +t. ,�.(�,[r-.•v� Civ.c�. �t � -lst�.,,-t 't� •aa.'� f''I�.et � / CG�L►Llbet.G[� rl"C�✓N' �I •'�/�-�.rt,t'ff�,,.y [ v'" v-.-+ e��^''L' . / , �t,Aa.l 1d, iX, C 0 , �D �dt 41 -^� �l� tvs c TLr.^y �ia✓ `�yy� / �,,.�;/. r,•. f/s,yl,C� •�f. C� G 9so .1�� -s.� ./ C,l, .ff,Y�I,,H� c�E/.'.•a .�r � is �r...( ��' �. �c�Qs•[� �Q,�.�i t;r' ,�v .e...t��i, G f.S-Z' S 4�/��i..�,L.� i J', 6.--/' -...e. •�.�r`�.�r —Ls-�.,Fc�.�1 �!.[ �-r.p.,..:Z°v-vr,.. �� �Gti�.•- � t°•�t :ifs-i[� /off �.iu .�r...r�C -.�O �.1�ldr/S .c!/�'/.[� ry �[(tJ/d �V in a .1•s•a��r.,, "i Y o�i�/��.� sn -44 ✓�-L..t C C.r-•.� C�....�a� ...5«.+,v.r-c�i dit,�t C..C.it �.Q� �,.�'• ^,[--a.�.. �dr �Ct 2'l�J t�(,. ' �,�t/ � -[C! � t�C ��+• -�-- Gs..-.�..•..� /f�t/�iY/tea/. � c;I.-.... ,(-'� � „l ��u ti .S-Cir*^• �i .....,�. ...� r�r�^a^--�^ f1)4-[C( �LI•x-r�•r/ W �r..�A�ti✓''1►.,- �.� .-wti...� --«n.•rI,�f•tt•f . �7fl �V�C.��� Ci '7000 U (r. Avoid Vernal Messages A-1 1 CITY OF TIGARD t , fu : ac- 1&Z From :__ ,�.�► v�k3_� - - -- _.__�—._ St ;rcr. a�Tz aOCM� - Date: �' ':��.t•'.r�"'�C. C. �-�C�~�3}'` �11�•, ��r �r.'y✓0 ... c� P Vol I n S dr L,,,, r-' t or P CITY OF TIGARD DEVELOPMENT DEMS01T FEE COMPUTATION SHEET PROJECT NAME 0-9L.DQE �'ZLLY.. E��PROJECT NO. O PROJECT FEE (,ity Ord. G(3-48, Sec, 10, Par."A"):1 0)Total estimated improvement coat . . .. . S b) Less oan. sewer est const cost. ........ . Adjusted imptovemantV cost . ......... ... . _ - suhtotol) �� — C) .0I5x --'_. . . . . . (�} SEW FR FEE (U.S.A. res. 70-12, Sec.9, Pa r. e +): a)Sewer plan check fee 0 inspection tee , 1) Ih 10.00 . . . . r;ZX• CorJ (no• of lots) - 2) 100.00 min. 43 -.. b) Permit foe Q connection charge paid. . . . .p c) Sevier district contract surcharge paid .••••• -�' (district (3) STRr(_•r LIGHTING CEE : �( a) PG.E. lig+ting schedule no b) Mthly rate option. ...... . no ItYpeof!ighf I lumens -� tj 15.85 thl role) _ _ = ------ .,,J.�, I (mthly rote) (no of lights) type of pole qi4rer`'a1°�r (" ZS x -- G (mth'y rote) (no of poles ) lyr. = 12mth•s - 2y-24mt� I'1.25 x 2.4 S 4 14� ra (subtclut) (no.of friths) (4. SIGN FEE (item "initnllnfinn) (per sign) (ro of sign) SroP —_`--- X - RESTRICT, OCCUPANCY ______X STREET SIGN X 11 COMB.STOP/S T.N.Alit ?�3��xNO PARKING ------x •' mtscl ,,PIT -- xraft 'miscl tYDe) -- I �o — RECEIPT N0 DATE PAID 7 check Ilk2 54`) .3p GRAND TOTAL; -z� -� •o cash [ l money order G7 In.iert:sewer,street,+Jr s.:kd` '310n '70 . 5, C7 F E D E R A L S A'.' I N G S AN O L O A N A S S C I A T 1 N PD RT LAND, OREGON DONALD N.MCINTYNE O[N�a V.C[.4tolo[Nr 8[N.) Fa ANXLIN PLA=A ❑N[3 W COL o'. Pua rLAN�.Oa[uoN 9'7258 ISO31 248.1250 March 15, 1979 The City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Attn: John Haggman Re: COLONY CREEK ESTATES Gentlemc-: You have questioned my authority to be a signer on behalf of the Benj . Frank' in Federal Savings and Loan Association cf Portland, Oregol, which is a part of the subdivision cimpliance agreement. For your rFcrmation, the Board cf Directors of this q- ,tl Ion has authorized me to act in behalf of the Ass�:iation for all matters related to real estate lending including actions such as signing tht aforementioned letter. If you have any questions , call me. Very truly yours, Don McIntyre Sr. Vice President DM:mds ATTEST: J *—Sef-�-, H' lyn Asst. Secretary G � r r \ ' MFS 1 l � I. `\\ \ ` 1 1`l � � \ ( � �` r I \ - � � \a` ,�" '' ' •fry. � ++ , � � I t1 � �1 I 4 '+'' � \ ,k'\ '\ i. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\�� J \ 1 � � it �' � i \ \ � I , \ � i � � \ `� \ 1 \ �\ • \ � \ 7 � "r ' ,,, 1 ! �. v• Mr.-^ �� .� �__' +... ` ' , ''. - 1. 1 � "? r \ ,.1 :., L( �. •1 ! ri` ,, ,rb. \ \ \ l \ \ \ \ ` \ \ ` � JV .,� �.y • \\\ \ '\ \��\� y C� \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ , n a r{ 1 IN LL ,'fir 4,4 \ \ f �I•� � ' � � -� ...1 ,� ti � 9 . � _ � � �\• � a� _��_ ��..,._ �� oN --•,` • t 1�� `� \ � \ �\ '\, ply., � \ � \ �\ \ `;` \ ` \ � I «� + f l I , r. �, t �.. N'� �;�f � �'_ i ,�Y? - 1f_Y•� _rr•.,..'� � e� _ rt,(� � 1 ` �\ `\' ilr. ` 1 \ � \ '1 ��.. '"�i' 'hf � ,\ \ f•. •.t 4. CL L lool S \ \ IN 41-1 `vim•--�•' /. !. ?' + —"-- --- - --.,_ � / _—. � I , \ � / tom- / - Q 1. \ \` \ .. -- ._ _ .._ �„• � � / / f f� � � ! 'll,i / � '1 / i /� I I li+ -Yr _,,..�_ t / / I ( / 1 �� :_._ . �--. I , ( \ `\ �1� '� ` �. � •� \ �l• ` �\ �,.t.'' � \ \ \ _ •y ,e ) n 1H _ - + : t[ Oel go Si kie �` '.�'+/ � S J I �' � r . - % 3 J^ �—_ � � , j � r1 � !, ..f' • ' • ��! {. ,.. \ ,(!�/ �'r � 1i•i ♦�. s •' , � � r,•pr`�4'i��t� �• '•.• �`•\.�✓' -,,� .." P �. � W) / I �� j % � ... '1.Jt.. � / _ -,'�. , -j , ;i .. ,�,/,,,.Jry ; I � , 4 \ \ \ r� \ \ / � / • ' - (�� ./ l 4 1•` .,-.,.\ �.I �/' • ; � , [,J i y r , �•,_, 1. 'r �• 1 f 1 ,� \ ` \ 1 '�` � \� 1,1 \ \ \ \ •tiJ' t r •t.r-�' '•�:�1'� / �� �i ,'M i � \ --•"i- "` 'h � i.�. �r � � - 1 ' ___. . ... .,._ �.� _ \ � I L l �C , M CL 49 4.4 J9 LL 100 _I �•_ aus+li _ —t � '+ : � !1 � 1 � \ {v A� \ .1_ �X) .�\ � � ��� rT /' �.J�'J1 i I I ML I Y 1 ' -- - . _ -- -- ,. `1�`_ ;}. `Sti � ;� `•• � -�_-. - 1 � _ --- "'', Kms; � � � ` � I t-• L., r I ✓� 1 ` \ ` "r .. �.. w,., r. �`\ .,""_ —•-•fit'_.10, - ll \ 1 r •1 � � I I 1 ` � 1 � ` I t \ . •�I f , I ( j .. .. ► 1 •'� .may � �/ X4,1 l ^� y._ tA •,y Ope / •' .. '` 1 r 1 1 �I '•''•"I I"rte--_ �"• _ OLL ' � of ��/ "''"' .�.�--�''` • ...,-•--' " "� N IA J LL LL •• ii N 0a: .n u u J W . — - • W � � 3 � SIJ C� W H 0 0 Q o Q � 11 ! LOLONl C:F'EEt 1 TALES i VIF t i ���1��11�1�1��►Cf,11��il���l ( I�1'r1 (I rl ( (111�111�� �II1111 Il���l���lr�n �I �i�r�r���r�ij���I��1�i�iI�III�I��il�li��l1�� 1111 f�11��i1�11(il��i���iri�iil ,. 0 4F N 51 _ a, ,;ar 1 1 i 1 1 I1p C!TY OF TIGARr--12420 S.W.MAIN-TIGARD,OREGON 97223 RECEIPT 3 ".'. o?5 J — ---"- _--� �'�-" '� --AMOUNTS DAT cn DOLLARS CASH:- --- - NAME' CHECK' ADDRESS._ ° `��' �.�-•/ M O.: _ - ♦ OF FOR: ACCT. # PERMI'SAM _ SURCHARGE _ OUNT --- 64 QO-3 SEWER BILLINGS -- ` BUSINESS LICLNSE 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 S 1 � V� _ MECHANICAL PERM;T 05-332 - - BUILDING PERMIT 05-333 —- SEWER GC;,AECTION 40-363 �\ 1 SEWER INSPECTION 40-365 SYSTEM DEV.CHARGE 25-366 PARK DEV.CHARGE#1 a-W , - _ PARK DFV.CHARGE *2 30-368 ZO ING ADJUSTMENTS 05-362 -. YL W XT-36.? - ISD, v i TOTALS S y !; RECEIVED BY: ----- �Ij� PERMIT NUMfER ASSIGNED: Amount Number Amouid ! Number _Amount _ I Number_ —-----— ----- $ — I RECEIPT 0 2321 � a / DATE �'1�_'4 _ onvo EvAn3 nno A3300RTO, TR ITTA L FILE ALC QL5 T0. 10"N tij,,,- f- i �►��i�.► �� PROJECT .n &x 2355.1 SUBJECT_ Y 97ZZ3 ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION � - C.I1.OW - �. �y�np.►JLE �bt10 ❑ A-, .'OLI REOUESTED REMARKS FOR YOUR INFORMATION _- C� FOR YOUR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW ❑ RETURN REOUESTED F FI 0 M - "a-1 �,(IZ e SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCF AGREEMERC THIS AGREEMENT da :ed the 13 day of _ yil 19ja_ between- the CITme_ntY Co TI aAnDOil nl c all, i T eAn hereinaftEr termed the "City", and Linz._,DeyPlop- t_ r-Hart ce.,ni flr_oa (]rPgpnCo_rporaL - A-1-0-int venture dba . Colony Creek Estateshereinafter toned "Petitioner". ;d I T N E S S E T Il WHEREAS. Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known a- COLONY _CREED ESTATES Iocattd in Section 12, Township 2 South, Ranue 1 West. _ — Willamette. Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; an(' WHEREAS; the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider to install. —reets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground ctiliti s and other public facilities for the development and require:., the payment of WHEREAS, t1he City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public WorF - construction by APWA. Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sFwers preparEd by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREA,;, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in petiti,,:wl devtlr}r--nt are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit proE;rf- cxcupanny and use of property in the subdivision. and the parties desire, hereby ro :t--;tcct the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots !Ti said su`�c'1•. 's-'on by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will instaliei required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and aF ee:-c .r � t,j he kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGF.EED A;, FOLLOWS; (1 ) Fetitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs ds may be required to conform thereto. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $ 151,837.65 a copy whereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. ( 3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10 days' notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the CLtv may at .its' option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner and Petitiuner 's sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the evert such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties pro7ice and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing a.uf atl.nwable, such sum as the. -t shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs 1r.,-orred by the City, both !n the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the r! tv 7`nv nt its' option, brim r-c,_eedings to enfor; P a against the Petitioner and/or , r f pion.0+-' 9 sureties specifi.: cerformance of the contract and compliance with the subdi . i lu„ standards ar.l ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like• manneL , th, City shall be ertitied to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasorable Ns an,i for the City's attorney's fees snd cost:;, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (-�.' Petitions, concurrent with the execution hereat, laa deposited with the City an amou-,t to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the ::tLetA light`: _ ta. :-,. `iia within RYRZZI0]4XZXSZ the subdivisilvi, according to Portland General Electric Schedules #91, Option B, together with a further sum equal to the estimated coat of provicinS elc:tr c.al energy to ever,ize the street lighting facilities for a period of two t; ) veer: fr:)^ the date o'' iritial energizing of said lights. Said amount being S, 414.00 , (5i The City agrees to rraKe and provide periodic and final inspecti.nn�- whic.tt in the City's irtc; cst are desi.rablE to e.surc compliance herewtthl in consideration whereof the Pct r -e- er has paid prescribed inspection feet. * ( The Cit,- agrees to install street identifica! io% and t . ' ric slo.o; wtthin th>- said gut -!i� isirn, in consideration of payment in the amount of � 150.50 ( ' At su b t ;me as all pubic !• provements r _vpt s!dewaIk ; and street 1.re . within the _u1,div1<io-1 have been cor:pleted in accordance with the City's requirerna,nts, Petitioner shall nctifv the City of the readiness for final inspection and upa'7 eertifi_aric.-t by the Department of Public Works that al] rkquirements of the Cit), h;ovt a beer) met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenuccr bond, if not & !ready provided with the performance bond, form approved by the Citv in the sum of $gn,gb7` A to provide for corr. .ctior of anv defective work or maintenance becoming afi,-irFnt ro arising within one (1) year after final acceptan:e of the public. improvements by the City. (8) Upon receipt of certif!catic-i by the Depart-,f tit of Public Works that al 1 requirements have been net and a One Year Maintenar.cU Bond, the City Council aerer to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for cor.rectior. of deficiencies and r-aintEnance for a period of one year a:. hcreinahove .et forth. (°) That in addition to or suppler.er-tary of the requirements of the Citv's Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner hinds itself to confarrrt to the follcwIr g requirements, scheduling and limitations: (a) Nore of the Lots of Petitioner's subOivlsion as described may be- occupied fr:r residential purposes until an occupancy per-;.it is isn,ued under authority of thi City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the atom tante of the st.hdiVJ5Iorl and to the ti-e' that thr, sidewalk palrallei nt; the strc.rt. for each dfvelc,i,ed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as regcired by the plars and subdivision code• shall bf, irstalled thrcught said suhdivtei;r not l Contract, ater than 3 years fro- the date of this Subdivision ir^provrrretu,. * Prosect Fee $_1,704.80 Sewer Fef- 5 280.00 -2- (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curl) (parking area) as required, shallbe plantrd an-' in r.. :.ace prior to final inspe•^tion and issuance of occupancy permit for Each such lot in the sub3iviAiotl. Provided that final Inspection and applicant for occupancy per.init occurs ti,ithin an-- calendar month fr,r, Oct-ober to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next fo'lowing growing seas(r . to any event all landsca in;; shall be plartod and .in place w: t!rin the entire subdivision withintthreerees l(3)lyearsafrna. the date of this subdivision improvement. contract. (c) Within one (1.) year of acceptance of the public inpr.overients the pe ' tioner agneas to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads within_ the devElopment. (d) Cur.pl_ance with all teras and pruvisionjs specific(l theretufot saiu suudivl =i,)-, develupment by the Council and the Planning Comnrl.sslot, of the City of Tigard, 0regon, inregard to variances allowed from the sutdi4islon ordinance, conditions specified !,y the zone use classification and, alsu, on the approved Plat(s) and plan(s). (1.0) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attdcbFd and by reference made a part hercol , and petitioner agreeii to cause to have said bund executed and filed with the City concurrently with they execution of this agreement at or pr. c;r to the tine this agreement t3 exccuted an behalf of the City, (11) The spec itIc requirements of Paragraph n ltereof ,hall f ,; all purpc s� .; h� included as apart of the obligation secured by tht afortsaid perlurtnatrcc: bond anti the City ;:hall he entitled to recourse thereto in tilt, event of cl•-fauit ort the part ui the Petitioner with rt -pect to ar.y requirerucn� tht_reot . IN WITNESs WHEREOF, Petitioncr ,-c nti , by And thrrPugh tts dull authorized under- signed cff!rFrs pursuant: to resolutic.n of itBoard of I)ircctor; had caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolutit,tt of its Council. adopted at a neeting thereof duly and regularly held on the day of Mayor and RE:cordet . =y„7_4_____, has caused thl s agreemaut to be executed by its' Colony Creek Estates By : Lutz D vel PM o By: Der-Hart Aps:�)aes I By : / Pres. By. (Pres.) By -- (Sec ) By: (Sec.THE rl Oc IRD, OREGON By, By. RryorJer —_ ---- - � A County of Washington ) On this _L_ day of h7 a.�,n�� 1979, before me appeared and _� ,� JPa,iRy both to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that h2 , the said Arthur A . Lutz is the President , and he, the said E . D. Perry is the Secretary Treasurer - of _Lutz Development Cc . __ the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors , and Arthur A . Lutz ai,d E . D. Perry acknowledged said instrument to be t;, free act and deed of said Corporation. '�,�''-� '•;; IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day % J'cAJ,,,�';, and year'last above written. 05 Notary Public or Oregon My Commission Expires /1 �(, ls�/ State of OREGON CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT County of_ Washington •_� On this day of _ 41,)a , _ 19 � 9 , before me appeared and _ both to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he , the said Bernard R. Derby is the _ President , and he , the said Jeffery Hartlieb is the Secretary Treasurer of Der-Hart Associates , Inc . the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors , and Bernard R . _ Derby and Jeffery Hartlieb acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the d.-iv and year last above r tt Notary u is or Uregon My Commission Expires /oZ ) ( ' (F ( Gen tlemcr: We hereby authorize and direct you to [told from the proceeds of our Construct[on loan no. 645. 1-1 _ , dated February_13, 1979 , in the amount of 5312,._09Q..QQ �_ _._ , tl.r. sun, ut -��,._$3Z.5� to be held pursuant to the following instructions: We have: this date entered into an Agreement with the City of 'Tigard to warrant all the public i;nprovea•.euf.s within t:he subdivision known as Colony__ Creek_Estates _ located in Was`,int;ton County, oregon and that by the erns tof such Apr.eement, al.l. said improvements are to be warranted pursustt to the provision of the City of. Tigard Subd.lvis.iun Ordinanr.e;.atld according to standards and specifications for Public Warks construction by A.r`: .A. Oregon Chapter nd the Unified Sewage Specifications, and said Agreement, a �opy of which is a,t ched hereto, marked as Exhibit "A", is hereby made a part of thYese instructions; avid i in the event we fail to comply with any or all of the terinss -and conditions tht:reof, you are hereby authorized and directed to Tay to the City of 'Tigard such sum, with- in the limits oft the amount held as determilked by the City Engineer that is nece.,.- sary to repair construction, or finish repainting construction, any or all of said defective Improvements from the above mentioned stun being held under this Agreement. Provided further, however, that in the event all of said improvements are found to be free of defect or any defects are corrected at the end of thn one year period, a certificate of compliance is signed by the City of 7ttgard Department of Public. Works and that said improvements are in accordance with the standards and provisions of the attached Agreement and in accordance with the City of Tigard Subdivision ordinance,, tt n in that event, you are further instructed to release said sum or any balance remaining therein to our account. The County sha 1 have first claim and priority to the said sum of $151 , 837 . 65 , .in the event of any defect and failure to correct such defects in the construction of said improvenrent-s by --Colony Creek EstateA_ It is understood and approved by all parties of 'concern to this letter of commitment that the City of Tigard zhall have first claim and priority to the said sum of $151, 817 . 65 , in the event of any defect and failuro to r_nt rect such defects in the construction of said improvements. It is further understood and agreed that the aforesaid priority of claim in paramount to all parties including the lending institution making the loan and that said lending institution has covenanted and agreed that said sum -$151,8 3 .65 shall be held available to satisfy any aforementioned claim by City notwithstanding default on loan by borrowing party or termination of loan h� lending institution. AF'PROVD AMU ACCEPTED: Sincerely yours, Colony Creek Estate By: Lui<z D ve o m Co . By President --� (Lending lttAtitution) By: Der-Hart Associates, Inc . YY > � X �—_ B President c PW-P-S--Sec. 10/73 WARRANT ESCROW FORM r�.vr,i�t Vcri,al :lessa'fes A-1 J - From : irk. C 1 t". �ZR.� 5U. Date: PWN 41 e-SL va pv"..,V. ( k�-Jkt s"c.4 o, • It / � �4 b1tc. i." roe- A01"e-40L f WIK54Le10.14 tel`-► P P ;7 y J �pw1�►�t e S S /o'"h Ow e- e- y•fnr mp r. :,v Im 1919 f1SrY11TTAL DATE Z-27_19 Sam DAVID EVsn ono ASSOCIATES, xx Cin 0 FILE ,AIZT NA TO, MAN :4A41AAIA PROJECT Cf-ML A — :,-T� oQ�f Il ,a - - -- — — — _ ox_ Z351' 7 _ SUBJECT_ 6At VA1LANLa-. Tc,P.Yg "oma -- ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ❑ AS YOU REQUESTED REMARKS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL Cl FOR YOUR REVIEW ❑ RETURN REQUESTED FROM P NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY 121 N.W.H ANDERS S I RFET I'ORTIAN D,ORIGON97209 ISM)226•41II Date Fee a ary 7.7 1979 David Evans & Associates 200 S.W. Market Street Portland, OR 972.01. Attention: Robert C. Cruz This information is furnished in response to your request for a committment for natural gas service to your proposed subdivision located at Colony Creak Estates - 28 I.,ots S.W. Hall Bl.yu. & Colony Creek Court Tigard, Oregon Northwest Nat,lral Gas Company will provide natural gas service for normal domestic use in the above-described subdivision and such service wiIl he available at the lot line of each lot therein at or prior to `:.e time of sale or lease thereof. Northwest `:at.iral Gas Cempony ope.:ates under the jurisdiction and subject to '-he Rules and Regulations of the Public Utility commis- sioner of Oregon. Service is provided pursuant to the Tariff (rates, rules and regulations) of the Company on file with the PUC. Such Tari:`f is subject to change as provided by law. The Company installs, owns and maintains a.11 facilities up to and including the meter pur- suant to the provisions of such Tariff. Facilities beyond the meter are the resi-onsibi lity of builder or owner. i Copies of its rates, rules and rea_ulations and additional information may bei obtained by contacting the Cumpany. i Respectfully, i C lv, J. W. Carroll ;•!anager, .Market Planning �IIIRALMRA =jjpmjxm� TRAn3miTTAL DATE z-2- 74 FILE DRVID EVRf13 Ano RSJOCIRTES, WK. S TO-- Q I �II�`�►� PROJECT C--O R j LYAF.a` C%ZEAVC-, L�}- -Or- -----____-- -- —._. SUBJECT.— ITEM COPIES DATE � DESCRIPTION JQ G2 � L FEB ojjM--IR -- -- - - - - ---- CITY QF__T1GARD - -- ❑ AS YOU REQUESTED REMARKS ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW ❑ RETURN REQUESTED FROM I _ —( ZOL __ Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 503 648-8621 .January 31 , 1979 City of Tigard P.O. Box 23997 Tigard, OR 97223 Gentlemen: SUBJECT : COLONY CREEK ESTATES (City of Tigard) Enclosed for your file are two sets of the construction plans on the above-referenced project_ which nave been approved by this Agency and the Department of. Environ- mental Quality . Very truly yours , Engineering Division � b Enclosures � � r INSPL. .rION AND CERTIFICATION Department of Environmental Quality 1234 S. W. Morrison Street Portland, OR. 97205 Attention: Water Quality Division Sewerage Works Construction Section Gentlemen: Project Name Project Location I was the design engineer on the above-referenced project and did inspect the construction and found it to comply with the plans arid specifications as approved by the Department of Enviroiunental Quality. Supplemental inspections were made by Very truly yours, Design Engineer's Signature Date cc: • Send copy to appropriate sewer system owner. I I DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATER QUALITY DIVISION STANDARD PROVISIONS for APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS involving SANITARY SEWERS 1. ADHERENCE TO PIANS/PLAN APPROVAL Construction of the proposed sewers shall be in strict conformance to said approved plans and specifications. No changes or deviations shall be made without the prior written approval of the Department of Environmental Quality. 2. INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION (See reverse side) The construction of said sewers shall he under the supervision of and shall be thoroughly inspected by the design engineer or his authorized representative wno at the ccnnpletion of the project shall certify in writing to the Department that such construction was inspected by him and found to comply with the above requirements. 3. TESTING Unless specifically ^pproved otherwise, all sewer lines shall pass an approved exfi.itration test using either air or water prior to construction completion. 4. WATER/SEWER SEPARATION All water and sewer lines shall be rela ively separated. At cros- sings, water lines shall be at least 18 inches above sewer lines or cast iron pipe with water-tight joints shall be used for the sewer line 9 feet each side of the water lines. Parallel water and sewer lines shall be separated 10 feet with the water line at least 18 inches above the sewer line, or cast iron pipe with water-tight joints shall be used in each case. 5. BUILDING SEWERS Construction of the house or building sewers which are to be connected to said sewers shall be of the same quality and meet the same requirements with regard to materials, watertightness and location and shall conform to the state and local plumbing codes and restrictions. 6. INFLOW No roof, surface, foundation, footing, or other groundwater dra.Ln lines shall be connected to said sewer system. 8. 19. 76 WQD ^' L-1 L-1-4.j iL,_1. 1_10_11_1 I Li -1 UO , r r tl L i J n TR DATE I2 -- -' � 74 AnSI 'TTA lEl- DFlVID EVAf15 nno HSJOCIFTE9, ux FILE_"Ir-208 TO • JOUN 4-tAfrK_duPROJECT (]J!_[) 4 c �*✓ ��Tl11iz� r>nX 1. 55"1 SUBJECT �nu52Et1CTIU� � �nnArF ITEM COPIFiS DATE DESCRIPTION "r_.. D AS )IDU REQUESTED REMARKS ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW RETURN REQUESTED L� FROM__� ,OF)GVT" C L'U:, File: ART008 i COLONY CREEK ESTATES Bid Schedule Schedule "A" - Streets Total 1 .`Cleazing, grubbing and stripping of roadway and offsite disposal of debris Lump Sum $_?, S.o' oa 2 . Grading and subgrade preparation of roadway Lump Sum $ �Z avy 3 . Base Rock , 2"-0" crushed rock , 6" ccr -; i..cted depth, 4 , 026 S. Y. C $ /5� S.Y. $'g, X55,90 4 . Base Rock, 3/4"-0" crushed rock , 2" compacted depth, 4 , 026 S.Y. @ $ - 8` S.Y. $ 3 �laa. �c 5 . A.C . Pavement, Class "C" compacted depth, 4 , 026 S.Y. @ $ Y`�• �� S. Y. $1O, nGj' n 6 . A.C . Pavement, Class "C" , 1" compacted depth, required one year later 4 , 026 S.Y. @ $ /. SU S. $ 7. 1b 7. Standard concrete curb, 2 , 433 L. F. @ $ L.F. $ 60,`�' 8 . Asphalt bike path, 8 ' wide, including rock sub-base, 336 S.F. @ $ �� S.F. $ /V79. �D 9. .: ndard street barricades 2 Ea. @ $ ° _Ea. $ / I TOTAL SCHEDUEL "A" $. 7 I - I I� f ERMFEIMERALM i Schedule "B" - Storm Sewers 1 • Storm sewer Total pipe, incl . exca. , conc. pipe, gran, bedding and gran, backfill aI 12" 160 L.F. @ $_ F. 471 � 471 L.F. @ $ ` L.F. pi 2. Storm sewer gran. bedding incl . exca. , conc. pipe, aI 18" g and native backfill I155 L.F. @ ; �G 3 . Standard catch basin, _'_L.F. $--�Lf- 4 Ea. @ $�_Ea. • Standard manhole, $___2 ` 3 Ea. @ $ gtTU' Ea. `'4 . Special manhole, - ---_—_ p TOTAL SCHEDULE ,1 I ' i I Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewers Total I . Sanitary sewer pipe, incl, exca. , conc. pipe, gran. bedding, and gran, backfill , a) 6" 791 L.F. @ $__ �—L.F. $ l�, DSS/ r b) 8 " 875 L.F. @ $ L.F. $ 2 . Sanitary sewer pipe, incl , exca. , conc. pipe, gran, bedding, and native backfill a) 6" 13 J .F. @ $ L.F. $ �c y/, b " J 8 652 L.F. A $ �jS-��1,.r'. $ 3 . c:.andard manhole, 4 Ea. @ _Ea. $_3Cfcc, - 4 . Outside drop conn. at exis _ing a manhole, 1 EC - @ $ Ea. 5 . Standard clean-outs 2 Ea . @ $ eevO Ea. $ IAO 6 . Concrete tees, 8" x 66' , 26 Ea. @ $ Or'del Ea. 7 . Manholes stub-outs, 6" , 2 Ea. @ $ �U� Ea. $ I 00' - Plugs, 6" , 28 Ea. @ $ d� Ea. $ TOTAL SCHEDULE "C" r f ILAML I Schedule "D" - Water Total I1 . Ductile iron pipe, Class 52 (incl. exca. , pipe, fittings and backfill) o a) 8" with gran. bkfl . 670 L.F. @ $ L.F. F b) 6" with gran. bkf1 . 395 L.F. @ $ // L.F. $_q 3yr Ic) 6" with native bkfl. 45 L.F. @ $ �' L.F. $ 2 . Fire hydrant assemblies (incl. 6" gate valve, I tee, :pix" pipe, exca. , backfill , and hydrant, a and appurtenances) 2 Ea. @ $_ �__Ea. $__��G�7, 3 . Gate valves, M.J. with valve boxes er I a) 8" 4 Ea. @ $ 01� Ea. $_ 1206 n b) 6 2 Ea. @ $_ Ea. $— Q-- I4 . Blowoffs, 6"x 2" , incl . meter box and appurtenances, 1 Ea. @ $ f��LZ __Ea. $-- G 5 . Bore across S.W. Hall Blvd. (incl . pipe, labor, conn. to existing line, etc. ) Lump Sum 6 . Miscellaneous Fittings I a) 8" x 8" cross 1 Ea. @ $-_. _Ea b) 8" x 61' reducer, 1 Ea. 0 $`Irr Ea. $__—ZOp. _ c) 22 1/2° bend 3 Ea. @ $ I► U Ea. $ 330 I d) 45° bend 2 Ea. @ $ IIC' —Ea. TOTAL SCHEDULE "D" $_r ,- b-S I J �Z S pu0 I -24 -79 Q "6o0 z97. s4 '5 4.+ 9;-S-7 -*- -7+s,. ?,(- 0 `O+cmc of -7-3.-34- 1'5 7-3.-34-I`7uo 19.S9 C4 76, 3� 4-18 .zs, sb.z-� Z-0 I.0� S"" ZO ? 55L. at ,tnu-, , 349 , 1 '% +. V6 IS� �� 3? .�S TRDATE f�n3m ITTA L FILE-fill (M6pRVID EVRf1J rw�o�RSSOCIRTEJ, W RECEIVED J N 17 1979 ' I CITY OF TIGARD TO �c}++�.t 44bd,mAyJel i4lWetoPROJECT- ol -Sr �'Cl� o�_G3557 SUBJECT 'orx-ry -nom kiia ifs LIL�u., ��ori I'LL -- — - ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION -- -- - ❑ AS YOU REQUESTED REMARKS_.-,- ' - ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION ;n6 _ p �TF 1 'LA" wp Z �,�f;p��r A j ❑ FOR YOUR 4PPROVAL IH*T ►NE Eg-LDrAjE ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW VLA(-.c th'i u'q - ���_ cru_ Vic- ktrN Jap p� ❑ RETURN REQUESTED ,tT AL*C--1V .ALE 1 Mv-,M D .A+►c LgLhtnitivy�1 e3ivE NM- A, -ALL- �4 FROM U.f Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 RECEIVED 503 848-8621 .IAN 1 u 1,3 9 January 197� CITY OF TIGARD Oregon State Departmr.at of Environmental Quality P .O. Box 1760 Portland, Oregon 97207 Gentlemen : SUBJECT: 4OUT ,,.' i INuUSTItIAL Mt<r. 'iA1'L� Enclosed please fine two colrt€s of the plans for the sanitary .sewers Lo be installed in the above-referenced project . Please review and return all copies to the Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County, 150 North First Avenue , Hillsboro , Oregon. We would appreciate your approval on these plans as soon as possible . Very truly yours , Engineering Division jb Enclosures CC : Engineer (City of Tibaru) &/ PLANT ii'tiaw BASIN 11'asL -MR.J - M O O , DAVID EvAn.5 nnD A330CI ATES, inc. 200 3W MPRMT STREET • SUITE 110 - PORTLAnD,OREGOn 97201 • f,03/223.W3 December 21 , 1978 File: ART008 DECEIVED UL C 2 a 1978 John Hagman, Engineering Department CITY 01 TIGARD City of Tigard P.O. Box 2355'7 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Colony Creek Estates Dear John: We have received your letter informing us of a possible align- ment problem with S.'a. Fanno Creek Drive in the above referenced project. I have discussed this item with both Ken Selby of your planning department and Jeff Hartlieb, the owner. As I under- stand, the preliminary plat has city approval . The construc- tion drawings are, of course, based on this approval . As men- tioned yesterday to Ken, both Jeff and I will be available to meet with the city at your convenience next week so this pro- blem can be resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you, John, for inf,arming me of this problem. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, ' 60 a N DAV1D EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ,n�i 1 OA sA^ N4 Robert C . Cruz � P cc: - Ken Selby, City of T q,ard Jeff Hartlieb, Der-Hart Associates , Inc. RCC :gs II it r 1 RJR i ooll PA c lip vt" herbal s yes s A. CITY OF TI�ARD To: P.11 4vo Subjecr : Date: C- 4.,e- CITY OF 'TIGARD, OREGON SUBDIVISION DEVF.LOPWNT PRre.7 r.CT (P.W.) Procedure Check Li!;t 1. FILE INITIATED............................. <„ .. . . .. (1) Supplementary sheets attached.. _ ., . ..^ • II, SUBMISSION I)F t (1) Pending Planning Commission (2) Approved t o.)tatively by Cww�A,, ,,Q .• , •, �tQ _ / / III. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS e (1) Plan Check rommsncedl ............ .... ........ • frf (a) Revisions required..... , ••• (b) Stamped, approved for construction, . . . , (2) Utility Co, plans received.,.. , .. ,.••••• 0 (3) Itnprovotnent cost estimate received... . ., . . . IV. EXECI)TI(ON OF PROJECT DOCUMFNTS: (1) Contract documents drawn; (a) compliance Agrermont signed. ,.......... 1] (b) Performance Bond signed................ O --1 (2) Permits & Licensee acquired.................... ❑ (3) Fa:](:mnnta obtained 6 r®corded...1•..+••.••••••= CJ� t (4) Deposits made........ V. SltBM1f;9ION OF FINAL PLATt (1) Rev]rW for conformance commencedl :......•...... ❑ ,_..l (a) Revisions required....•,,......•......• ❑ (b) Approved A signed by Comm. Chairman— ❑ i (C) RedublAttNd to Couumiuuion, . .. ........•• ❑ f Rera,No, Approved. ..... . .... .......1.. ` I (2) Appruved and recorded by County Surveyor....... ❑ (3) Address's assigned. ........+..........0.6.... ❑ VI. COMMENCEMENT uF CONSTRUCTION................• '.0....•••+ ❑ _.� l- Noto Inspection Pheets and construction/ Inspection chr:rk list (attached) for yrogrrgs. V11 . F114AL 114SPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION.......•••.••. • •• , tJ /. (1) p4Lnding correction of deficiencies.... .- 17 (2) Not acceptable, rungtruction dr.ficic,nt.,. .. .... u (3) All construction it ms acceptable.... ... . . ... .. U VIII. F.XE(.UT10N OF FINAL PROJECT UOCUMENTSr (1) M+intenance Bond signed................. 1] /... �. . (2) As-built drawing received............ r3 (3) Final report to Council 0 ❑ ]X. Clrl COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS. ......... O MAIN,rL'NANCE BOND EXPIFPS: (. _. TR��1Sf� ITT�1L DATE 1i.�O/"�j/�f/� DAVID EVAn3 Ano A330CIATE3. nc FILE i TOD ��m����1J �'�/ PROJECT_1�1 / PiK SU&ECT ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ----- ----- — -- lz--A-�� 40,,A s s` AS YOU REQUESTED REMARKS / _— ke Itlr El FOR YOUR INFORMATION M'FOR YOUR APPROVAL FOR YOUR REVIEW V ❑ RETURN REQUESTED i6 oq11L !/�f�/1Jh� FROM CITY OF TIGARb P.O. Box 23397 12420 S.W. Main, Tigard, Oregon 972_ !�F June 30, 15 ?OF 178 9Ja Iyer-Hart Associates 16652 Bryant Road Lake Oswego , OR 97034 RE : ZC 2-78 GPntlemen : Enclosed is a copy o Ordinance No. 78-40 whiA was approved by the Tigard City Council at their rep'ular me*-tfng of June 26, 1978 . Your request was approved with the -following conditions as set forth in the enclosed ordinance: 34" 1 . That th spine road be developed on a 50 foot right-of- way with '` feet of pavement with a 5 foot wide planter strip and 5 foot wide meandering sidewalks to be pro- vided on 15 foot easements . 2 . East and west cul-de-sac streets be developed with a 28 foot pavemegI_-sur.-f ce, 5 foot meandering sidewalks and a minimum of O f� cul -de-sac radius ; with landscape islands t-cr e provided within the cul-de-sac streets -7 ( islands subject to design review and fire lepartment 7 approval ) . 3 . An 8 foot wide asphalt bike path be provided within -zhe 20 foot easement along the south property line of lot 14 . 4 . That the following conditions shall apply to the temporary access point between the west end of the cul-de-sac street and Hall Blvd. a. A 30 foot wide public easement for, utility and traf- fic purposes shall be proviu.:d. b . A 24 foot wide asphalt surface shall be provided within this easement area as a temporary access to Hall Blvd. This access shall have a 20 foot radius at its inter- sect-on with Hall. Blvd. to accommodate turning mriv.—ments. C . Closure of this temporary access shall occur when con- struction of the spine road to either Hall Blvd. (at } O'Mara St.ceet) or Bonita [toad is completed; this j i US 1 I 1 ;� _._.._,......•,_.._.. .�....,,........,.,,,..,mom Page- 2 ,:t 7m Der-Hart Associates .Tune 3o , 1978 closure will require removal of the 24 foot pavement section connecting the cul-de-sac to Hall Blvd. •and the "lift" of asphalt over the curb. The area between the cul-de-sac and Hall Blvd , will be land- scaped wits sight screening plant materials and a landscape plan approved prior to final plat record- ing . The cost of closure (all improvements re- quired above) will be borne by the developer and a bend filed with the City in an amount twice the estimated cost of carrying out the above-stated changes. 5 . That all building permits be subject to design review. If you have any questions regarding this matter , please feel free to contact me or the Planning Department . Sincerely, /Doris Har i City Recorder ,7 Dli/pJr Enc . NOTE : The following acknowledgment must be received by the City of Tigard within fourteen ( 14) days of your receipt of this letter . Failure to return this acknowledgment may result in action b,i the City of Tigard. I hereby acknowledge this letter documenting the action of the Tigard City Council . 1 have received and read this letter and I agree to the decision here documented and to abide by any terms and/or con- ditions attached . cc : Raymond & Connie Young Sig a r ,� / ,,• cc Bill Svendsen nate wl ro I m4 -I . # � n L,.iTY OF TIGA6 c P.O. Box 23397 1420 S.W. Main, Tigard, Oregon 97223 March 31 , 1978 Der-Hart Associates 16652 S .W. Brayant Road Lake Oswego., OR 97034 Re: ZC 2-78 Gentlemen: Please be advised`.that the Tigard Planning Commission at their regular meeting ot%Ma.rch 21 , 1978 , approved your request for pre- liminary plan and program review of a residential plannod develop- ment and zone map amendment from R-7 to R-7 PD on a 2 .20 acre parcel at 14070 S .W. Hall Blvd. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Tax Lot 1000) . This approval is subject to the following conditions : 1 . That the alignment of the spine road be revised so that the properties to the north and south are not adversely affected. 3� 2. That th �spine road be developed on a 50-toot right--of- way with :X fe t, f pavement with meandering sidewalks to be provided on -f yt easements . v 3 . That a half street improvement on a 24-foot wide pavement and meandering sidewalk be provided along the south property line serving all lots within the development ; and that a half cul-de-sac with a 40-toot radius be provided between lots 13 and 14 and 1 and 2 at the east and west ends of the half street ; and that landscape islands be provided within the cul-de--sac!-, at such time as the remaining portion of the street is developed on the adjacent parcel. . 4 . That a temporary access (on a 24-foot wide surface) be pro- vided on to H 11 Blvd. through the western cul-de-sac and that the app acant submit for general. plan approval a program specifying how this temporary access will be closed at such time &s the spine road is connected. / 5. That a )ikepaLh be provided � loth' 14 for access to the greenway . 6 . That lot 5 be revise , to accommodate the necessary setback: requirements . 7 . That the west property line of lot 1 be relocated to provide a minimum 15 feet from the rear yard setback for the existing house and guest house. 8. Lots 3 and 4 be single family detached lots and have minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet . 9 . That lots 4 and 5 have a '',o-foot setback along the spine .road frontage. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office at 539-4171 . Sincerely , r John Laws Associate Planner JL/bkm Note : The following acknowledgment must be .received by the City of. Tigard within fourteen ( 14) days of your receipt of this letter . Failure to return this acknowledgment may result in action by the City of Tigard. 1 hereby acknowledge this letter documenting the action of the Tigard Planning Commission . I have received and read this letter. Sigrtat Late ; i� ! Please be ,` vised that conditions subject to staff approval must be satisfied prior to issuance of building permits . cc : Bill Svendsen cc : Raymond Young 1 , Myo -- 7 ...._. Co iA A CA 92CA.."Ib"Ce etc t' Avoid Verbal Messages A_1 CITY OF TIGARD To: ,-ytt-�,l From: �K l CD t� i Subject: A % l ? E '�_ s,TY}Ti _ Date:_ 2.-7� l� �� S IUc � k'C�7alc' L c'I- L r.(✓r= ���t�z,�7'S SS7A7c-Z-.7 IYIL .S cic7 S d,U CrDiCL4%C� 1�, ,Lk�. . 0/Z0/Z �',L''. T.1 ,��u, SN��/�1 � y �' S'Tt'i°ia� ,��` ��� � 7Z li7aScr7�► 'z 7) (Pa-)Y 017 "HAS,-5 cF- C,-,WW/.[ � (66;nr e"-14) f'c.4T *P_ dW fr A 1 Grp ` 1' �4e' o� I C rry OF T IGARD, OPrGG DEVELOP-VENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET 1. PROJECT No. : ..----�/►-,--_--_---- I I. PROJECT NAME: ___��D�__�-R��._��SAT���-_---- �__------- --• III. DRAWING \'TIT1,E) _- ---- _ ---•--__-__.�_____--dated : _ �_�_�_.__ ____ IV. PLAT (TITLE) �____ _��____..�___�_ _-• V. SITE LOCATION: VI. PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPF-,R: Address Phone No. GZQ�5�5_S_. DEVELOPER '�_..�NS_Z�__r .v_�J4•��'NlZ_ _- -• Address Phone No. r 1� ( 3) ENGINEER: OIL R ' OIL-�_ ------- - _ - Address �M.►t \1Q__-- -. _. .. ___ -. Phone No.213'`6`_3 ---lbr��awd► fir, °11'zal (4) INSPECTOR:­­­­­... — Address Phone No. (5) PRIME CCNTP,RCTOR: Address___.._ _ . . _ Phone No.-__ _ (6) cera RAC rom suprTY ACElkn Addiass --- ---._ Phsne 'to._ _ _ ._ .._• Bond No..­_____ _____­_____, Exp. Date----L�-__---. (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS : - - -- - -- _ �_._ �.. _ .____ ____-_ _,_-..__._� ..�..�•