CHELSEA HILL NO. 1 SUBDIVISION COPY APPROVED�FOR CONCTRUCTION ISSUED BY____L�,CO, /� fir (CITY OF fZG R-6) DEVLP SERV DEPT B, .,,_,DATE L9!' OPERATIONS DEPT: BY—p&—DAT j6i CITY ENGINEER B e_ DATE_ PG E. CO: BV Lir. i COW . +ELCO.: BY i46 Ct?_i`ATE`� 57ORER CABLE CO.. BYV4�7 �_ N W r4AT CAS co.: BY QQ�_pATE�? FIAT 015T: 8Y_. /%!iI)A'. P L"F SEW AGEr.0 Y; By ✓ A TF._y 11 SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS INDEX TITLE SHT. NO. TITLE SHEET STREET 81 STORM SEWER, PLAN 1,2 OF 5 & PROFILE SANITARY SEWER, PLAN 81 PROFILE 3,4 OF 5 I ."�" WATERWORKS PLAN 5 OF 5 � `I 37 36 35 Fall 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 S. W. CHELSEY LOOP f19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 owc- As .6vvc.T Ny",e -$A"044 OPARKING �� vljpoz yp a/T7' A&Y 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 II CIT7' PARK OWNER: D WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. r _T� 5. W. CHELSEY L 00P 10185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANE p I - NORTH TIGARD, OREGON 97223 f� � I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ° PLAN SCA L, i: : I" = 100' 7 C� ENGINEERS SURVEYOr"% S 3 L7 O x O > 0 V;IIE HARRIS-McMONAGLE ASSOCIATES INC. ` eLVo `f Q HALL 12555 S.W. HALL BOULEVARD TIGARD, OREGON 97223 VICINITY1 MAP 7 IL-v .0 0 ' ;KALE : I " x 600' T.0A l4G,r 1 CHELSEA M1Ll.- ISI':) ] CHELSEY HILA wgl�i " 1 I I I I I� ti"�► I I I I kill I i I I I171I I I ttIli - Jill 1 II I I II t 'I 11I•� I I i�l I I I ► 11 I CII I I III I�I III III SII ��� III 1II �1i ��i illi 1If III IIS SII t�� t11 ��ii1 NOTE: 1F THIS MICROFILMED I --? 3 4 5 _ 6 7 8 A 1 0 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT1Cfv-IT 1S DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. 0¢ 62 9Z Lz Iaz SZ fp z EZ zz li 02 61 es L I 91 91 b I c I 9l_1 11 01 '•--6'.-.�-. 9 t 9 s� b EI--- Z ��11111111�u111lulunLl��l�u�lnul�n1�11nulIl It111�11u11u�lunlnulmtlNu�111111111111NI11111111t11111111�11111111111111111111111N11111�1111111i111tsthnlltl1111ttt�itilltlttl11t11tutIIHl�1WI�1�1:f11111n1111u111uIIIIIIhllluiWlWluu�lull!!l�1ll►ItIul11►I�IIuIIIN JUN 'r;' 24T kw 19� f A B C G ' G I I I I i LEGEND ► WVHEEL CHAIR RAMP UTES COMBINATION STOP 3, STREET ;'ISN y _ .._ I. ALL STRLF-T & STORM SEWER CONSTPUCTION SHALL 5C (� ( CURVE CODE DONE 1N ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF TIGARO STANDARDS. I I G . 25+ 13 END TAPER TWU WEEP HOLES [ HROJGN CURB 5HALL DE PROti1i �ED LOT-. _ PER Lo . � I i MATCNE�IST pVMT NO R N''� _ I 3 , ALL INLETS SHALL HAVE SUMPS . i5 1 I 4. DEVELOPER SHALL IN5TALL STREET LIGHT5 IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY ,gPPVU. P. G _ E . PLAN . 25 ; 63.o5Br GINCuRg ` ! 4. CURVE DATA 5• DEVELOPER 5HALL INSTALL MAIL BOX CLU5TERS T.C. 186 • 92 \ I- -----,- ----�-- --- .___ __ _�_ _---'"- '� !� R L C_ . L. B R G I N ACC ORD A N C E 1M I T H CITY PL) S TA L U E- P T. S T A N O A R D S. (`I) 030 05' GAO.. 500.00 26.91' 25.90' N-02°04'00" - E i 29 2 � �,� 180° � 0 oo" 115. 00' 36 1. 28, 230.00' 5 96*23' 30"I F_ - ' T C `�e6. xa 3h 35 34 33 3 � 3 I q 0 QQ 03, 05 00 500.00' 26. 91' 26.90' 5-02*0,4'00 -E 26 + 38 • �`> PG.R. z. 185'81 i 3. 185. 28 CURVECUBCUVE DATA T.C. 19 - -- 6 4 0+45 P.0 .R, .17 - J C• 18 4. 30 LT 8 RT q 90 OU GO" 25.00 39. 27' • 26+ 80.79 t? MA ,_._.. - 8 63" 45' 26 tS.DDX6.69, 0+00 LOOP , ^ I I 0 . 91. 70 PT. ° 4r31.h I ! 1 G .36° 25' 12�� 160,00 /01. 70' ExIST / Sh • 6't N4031 '30 E 26.01 7r i N - 03 :16 30 -E 3�1•J.9 - TC @-\64 2911, co �520g LET _ ,•, 213 . 1 1 ' 12" 5= 0. 0166 274 22 - 779 P C.R. I r�'_ T.C. 186. 79 A +64 29 PC. I � 5+ 5.x. 66 ('C.R. LT s. w. CHEL5C LOOP T c . I-13-17 Y 1 :3 405. 59 I NLET,5 e. � T.0 IT.C. 168• ,a 1 1. rti 14. 5- I I,E. 16 5. 0 '0 LEFT 2. 18 185 20 20 2 1 22 23 1 ( 1. E . 16 y, c; I RIGHT- ' 2� 6*05 1NUEr 40 610; OVCas1,ZE IAILET ' 19 � � qr---• 15, 1:5 M -_ 2- 7L. I50,�- © Cc C fi� 150.2,6 - �, 2' 2+ 1.E. 14-7.66 6 2' 12 I,E. 146.44 I A -� _ 1 5' �E - 2 R 1 _ "�"•- ? "`�•-10 S.Y H I F> R k P �•� --� �• a ' A f: { i ( 6 412-33 25':-f20% A II I SEI! PARKING LOT DETAIL I I �, f 1-H 15 H r. A I• 0 `r - .. .�' 45' LT. 6 +05- 46 'LT 18 17 16 15 14 1No 13 I �. I I ' - C ! T Y F f� K r. C. 150 . 36 \ T.0 150.26 C. 150.40 '�r 28+G9. t2 P,GR. (A I I. v �, T. I I gI Q t3 5 t 7�. 78 4 5' L T -"- u� T.C. 1 S 6 . 12 ; _ I o� / ---�•- F--- IG ' i�l N(Vd A'{ C. 6_- 148, ti 8 q,5 c T 1. IB�a .7s 114671- 28 PCR �� / 1•G0• � I Yf , TC. 150.80 2. IA4 .95 - 7.C. 1'S 3.45 LT. & ,r ' I1'0 _E � 65 O I P.c. R. � 10 3 A . i .1,- IL,4 .06 Y - 1 i T.C . 151 - 67pI(TYP) A P. IZ + , 2.2r Lodt�'`� 1I •I A1421.08 P. �. , ° 7+ I ! TC. 150 .9f\, ExtST. y1 8 5 . 6 1 N.06'31'36'- E -, 3 3G 3Q' E 32499 . 1 _TC. ;5q.35� / 5+ '� I I I ` I I 5 P. G. R. 6 + .29' 3 5. W. C HE !. 5 '( LOOP � -� w I I I N 11+ 47.90 l: I I I T.C. 1. 1. 2 C 51. 2 29 * 53 12 P.C.R. 3 __ . I \ r - - NG• W�. 9 T C. 184 . 35 �► e%T C•---- 11* 4 7'.9 9 P T. _' / %�B ' '".. ! I. 1gI+ 5�F T.C. 1E32 5�- 9+ 19. 08 INLETS I .W T.C. 151. 67 2. 184 .37 TC . 167 . 93 � I - ' 3. 183.92 I.E . 165 .iO LEFT O rn 1 2 3 4 5 I.E . 165 00 RIGHT fl f 9 { 6 7 I M a 30+23. 72 END CURB TC. 18 1. 2 I - v 30 + 74 END TAPE R I ' I ,r MATCH EXIST PYMT. A T.C. 150. 66 �� ,15.01 `` I z -' i � w J aq J FLAN � gal PLAN � s taw w -6 _ ___._+ 3 o __• -_� 1„ . 2 0' oc e' 17' 4 5' V r�' t 25' 2-51 C.' ' Lu _ ' 7' 17' O 5' 15 t Lu �`� L"6' 55, 5/w �,;_ ._._. --------- - __G' S'5/w Z'6' '`'�-�• w�• � ' 17' S' S _ c� 4�.5 5 51W r o�[r= in 3 CL 8 A. r_. a �� Q S: EXIST 1NG A/C � IO,o29�� I 3,.. fLA � � ,rB „ A/` 6 ExPoSURE ,. �%L 1ST LIFT (THISCONTRA;:,T) 5LOPE PES ��. ✓� � ,A 6"ExPOSURE 5Aw C�i" 6 THICK-- ?) `+ 1 1/ IN t YE CITY aTQ � �w ��-� I 1 (FIN15NE0) ' EOGE l CONC - 4_ _ (FINISkEp� 6 CROW Iz ��+� �- ��W n" ---------__ S E C T { 0 N A A 4 4' THICK CON C.� ''�' ---- ;- ,T SEAL JOINT' i - 20 E NOT H ROCK X PAVIIVG SECTION S 10 wAl K -5TC1 16'CURt3 Zf� 3/4 - o L.E;�EL COURSE 2 , µ' -SIVE KWA K 1 " 6 THRU r)1W 8 I%�Z - 0 BA,SI ROCK570. 16"CUR 1" z 5� v. SAME. A$ CHL- L.SEy I_OUp TYPICAL STREET .SECTIO N 44 "CL . "t3` A/C (T►vo .LFT,)) 3" 3/y"- 0 LEVEL, COURSE HALF STREET 5 E C TI O N (,NO SCALE ) S . W. CHE L SE ) LOOP 12 1%'- O 8A5c ROCA • W. 01MARA 9T. ( NO 5CALE ) PA FSK I NU LOT D ETA I L �'VAVERL. Y CONSTRUCTION CO. SC�.LE , REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN (" = S Q ✓E:�ZTICAL DATUM - CITY OF TIc,F, Ru I, F, . H . HORIZONTAL DATUM - PLAT OF CHEL � Ey HILL � A,FF TRACED 10185 S. W. RIVERWOOD LANE CHELSEY HILL ` JOB NO. s-_ ' �,,.. .... N N TIGARD, OREGON 97223 s CHECKED Harris -McMonagle Associates SHEET REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE J;� I .��i�` ' w L MC STREET ec STORM SEWER f Yri ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION Fa K• t`, DATE 12555 W. HALL BOULEVARD PLAN TIGARD, OREGON 97223 OF 5 i t ' .. . _..- � y .;;- - - ri�+.'.�' a"i _ _•--r.ywY�,hh.-,««.a+ »....+.......: r. .rr+w...a..«a,.u,,.,.1„ ...-, .^. , . �jPI1t�I1IIIIf111111111.1c1�(111 ►1i1`IIrItl�jcllililllll�lit�l�11}1111 {III(III�IIIIII��IIIIII 1�11111�1111t'11IIIIIIII�IIt111t�1111111�111IIIIIII�IcI�;'I'I .Il.ltlllpll�'I'I'I'{'III�I'Ilt�l�ll • r ; .f• ,. r NOTE: IF THIS N ICROF i LMED ►•- "� ! 2 -3__4 5 6 7 9 0 ILO - - I I 12 I DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN j A THIS NOT1CS;'IT 15 DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ----- DRAWING. OE 6Z 8Z L2 9% SZ bZ C2 Z2 12 02 61 @1 L I 91 S I 01 C 1 71 11 01 6 o L 9 S b C i 1011'" 241( �111mlluuluninulu�ll►.0111n11u1r�,ln;:.�ulmtlllul,uilmiLrwle�uhwllull1n11nnlul�lnnlnuln�llnnlnnhu+ltltrlani�liirh111{nnllntinnitru�nrtlrrn�Inlbllrltu�Y�I�lttlnl111u111u11tu111u111u��i »llurlult�w�l�rU111u11I�l�uullnr � _ 24 19921, J � N � t. afi ilytf LT SU ro� O a a N C �m 0 (jo �v WO ro Aye G) Ll � N O� LD Qw � cl ® CITY OF TIGARD, OR. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPT. ��a1O N DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT NO. : _ II. PROJECT NAME: III. DRAWING (TITLE) : dated: TV. PLAT (TITLE) : ---------dated V SITE LOCATION: --- VI. PRINCIPALS: 1 '\ _•`_« (1) DEVELOPER: lo1ss S.W. R��,tlewod►s E 4Zc�- 8729 Address_ Phone No. _... (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: _ Address b Phone No. ____ Bond No. ____. Exp. (3) ENGINEER:_�hk�ti_�''1R N►ON�w<�-�s�Q --' f LM1:S'J S,y,.t. Address M1 Sd�.ya. Phone No. (0'l1-,' 53 Ti4ARa�R. �, — (4) INSPECTOR: Address _.__--- Phone No. -- (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR:_ Address Phone No. _ (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY:_ ------ Add re s s - ­____­ Phone No. ­—­.- Bond o. __—_-___ ____ Bond Exp. 0 (7) SUB-4ONTRACTOR5 02185 din September 3, 1991 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON TO T OM IT MAY CONCERN: ''his is to acknowledge that effective this date, street, sanitary and storm sewer public improvement. facilities installed within the following development. projects are hereby accepted by the City of Tigard, Oregon, for operation and maintenance: 1 . Mallard Lakes SubdivWsion 2 . 108th Avenue Sanitary Sewer 3 . Morning Hill (Lots # 1 - 53) Subdivision 4 . Morning Hill. No. 2 Subdivision 5 . Gallo's Vineyard Subdivision 6 . Dover Landing (Phase No. 2) Subdivision 7 . Ari Green Subdivision 8 . Genesis No. 2 Subdivision 9 . North Dakota Street Sanitary Sewer extension 10 . Morning Hill No. 3 Subdivision 11 . Tigard East Sanitary & Storm Sewer Relocation 12 . Exodus Subdivision 13 . Cotswald No. 3 Subdivision 14 . Swanson's Glen (Phase No. 1) Subdivision 15 . 108th Ave. /Durham Road Improvement 16. 113th Ave. /Durham Road Improvement 17 . Albertson's Sanitary & Storm Sewer Extension 18 . Merestone Subdivision 19 . Clydesdale Sanitary Sewer Extension 20 . Tony' s Place Subdivision 21 . Barbee Court Subdivision 22 . Winterlake Subdivision 23 . Creekside Subdivision Randall R. Wooley, City Vgineer dj/JH:opt-main.ecp 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon Y7223 (503)639-4171 - CITY OF TIGARD ..Tune 14, 1991 OREGON Waverly Construction Co. 31835 SW Country View Lane Wilsonville, OR 97070 Re: Chelsea Hill (No. 1) Subdivision Dear Mr. & Mrs. Waymire: This is to acknowledge that effective June 12, 1991, the public improvement facilities installed within the subdivision improvement project, commonly known as Chelsea Hill No. 1 , are fully accepted by the City of Tigard, Oregon, for operation and maintenance by the City. Further, this is to acknowledge that the City of Tigard, Cregen, has no further interest in, and hereby releases, the projectpersonal surety performance and maintenance bond. Should you have any questions regarding the above project acceptance and assurance release, please contact Mr. john Hagman at 639-4171 . Sincerely, Randall R. Wooley City Engineer .j OR:waver I 13125 SW Hall Blvd.P.O.Box 23347,Tlgard,Oregon 97'23 (503)639-4171 �x 5 I)Wet k VN ZA Pel DATE PRIORITY ..__ M � 6-4-91 E.] URGENT! H WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. FlLE NO� � SOON A8 PO{sISLE 0 31835 S.W. Country View Lane Q n`J, , u NO REPLY NEEDED M WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 t''(Jl\(�(!i _ - �TTENTIOM _BU�AEOT IIJohn Hagman T Enginerring Technician Chelsea Hill (No. 1) 0 City of Tigard O Box 23397 Tigard OR 97223 HAND DELIVERED i M 1 Will you please re-inspect the final two corrections you required on this subdivision befo e acceptance and see if they meet_ your requirements? A r, I SIGNED Roberta Waymire --- .—_ OF REaLr Real r In R c. t V SIGNED: SENDER MAIL RECIPIENT WHITE AND PINK SHEE1 S CITY OF TIGARD OREGON April 11, 1991 Waverly Construction Co. 31835 SW Country View Lane Wilsonville, OR 97070 RE: Chelsea Hill No. 1 Dear Roberta: In regard to my letter dated November 14, 1990, item number three (3) has been satisfactorily repaired. Item number one (1) and item number two (2) have not been corrected yet . Therefore, we cannot act on your recent memorandum requesting final acceptance. Sincerely, John S . Hagman Enr;ineering Technician 'il/.iH!I w, 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O,Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- — November 14, 1990 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON Waverly ConstrLztion Co. 8735 S.W. Curry Drive, # H Wilsonville, OR 97070 RE: Chelsea Hill No. 1 Dear Mr. Waymire: This is sent to inform you that the sanitary sewer mainline, Manhole 1 33 t^ J 34, has been T.V. led and the repair work: has been found to be , ceptable. The contractor needs to correct the problems he created though; they are: 1. The existing ground south of the repair needs to be returned to a 2: 1 slope. 2. The C.M.P. storm drain outfall pipe is damaged; it needs repair and the rip-rap thereat needs to be replaced. 3 . The sidewalk is still broken in front of the first house southeast of the sewer repair; it was damaged by the contractor while unloading equipment. If these minor items are corrected, we can close this project. Sinncerel , John S. Hagman Engineering Technician dj/1-wc-ch.J11 13125 SW Hail Blvd,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ro /7z, /�,' ��e%P 1�'� �� o 10 ki / y rz2 �06-L i MARK PaODLT 1113e" IK..WNMM 01411 laden PHONE TOLLF11H 1*100775.6140 NO CARBON PAPER REQUIRED Type or writs on original—Impression will automatically appear on copies benE III „ . I DATE - ,�' _PRIORITY _ R WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. >ii�,�gQ, �` U :GENT 0 3105 S.W. Country View Lane �J FILE NO "'� SOON AS POSSIBLE M \'ILSONVILLE, OR 97070 (� 1g91 ❑ NO REPLY NEEDED IIIATTENTION II _ Ft LO BU John S. Hagman DJECT Engineering Technician T City of Tigard Chelsea k2j4di Hill. No. 1. O P O Box 23397 Tigard Oft 97223 We wish to request final acceptance of Chelsea Hill No. 1 subdivision. M :i S A G E SIGNED: Roberta Waymire DATE OF REPLY `VIII REPLY TO: —--- — -- 1. v SIGNED: RECIPIFNT: WRITE REPLY. RETURN WHITE TO SENDER. KEEP THIS PINK COPY. �� 'EZIL 4 T" I����''[ / � ' ,11 k_C '-' �l_E14S E 11�)S PECT� �� K't:•v l SF_ ►-^, E I fi. Al 1. *%-W0kK- IS f l S ►.SLOT' MC'l.E'CE /' �v t November 14, 1990 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON Waverly Construction Co. 8735 S.W. Curry Drive I B Wilsonville, OR 97070 RE: Chelsea Hill No. 1 Dear Mr. Waymire: This is sent to inform you that the fanitary sewer mainline, Manhole 0 33 to # 34, has been T.V. led and the repair work has been found to be acceptable. The contractor needs to correct the problems he created though; they are: 1. The existing ground south of the repair needs to be returned to a 2: 1 slope. 2 . The C.M.P. storm drain outfall pipe is damaged; it needs repair and the rip-rap thereat needs to be replaced. 3 . The sidewalk is still broken in front of the first house southeast of the sewer repair; it was damaged by the contractor while unloading equipment. If tt,ese minor items are corrected, we can close this project. Sin.:erei John S. Hagman Engineering Technician dj/1-we-ch.JH 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,R0.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 --- - __ ' J-o �Lv A� el ,/l t rlti /jam--e., (AIV .. Yc _> r ,7-4- ee"e X�7 l • �7� ooO�s-� Lle4C1�,t ll�- -�'. � �•;1_��'�-� Fe vi �90 arALM CITY OF TIGARD 55 �6- 3Y Sewer T.V. Inspection Report �)re �« ! 1 3 5 63 Indicate North Date 1O 'I1- 40 Locatior. OFF �i UAQ C NELSEA �a 0,6,-o W(A 7*<<�/.�r�✓ ' �,y Tape No . /1 v Hs Operator -• Upstream M.H . No . _ ._._ .�� Begins at M.H . No . & goes to M.H . No .� `/ . �c Sanitary,, W/Flow �l' A/Flow_ Flow at start__/ Weath . Cond . U k Storm _ Diam. `� Length_ Type_ Meter Setting ?. C> Upstr.ar M •}► . Condition . - Exit Stab Main Stab �/ <<�%A t� B._.__C p _ FOOTAGE REMARKS TAPE MIN . r�._..-.------- �' �O/L� 1�� �� � J � e � �'^' �� G�/ �_ �1J� ,��ci 10 , i / ,y P � � Y W p RLI ' 0 Mr "John Hagman LLS KENNETH L. WAYMIRE • City of Tigard '• P 0 Box 23397 xSc�i�dAfxfcaayDviorcxl�bx�x Tigard OR 97223 AUG 2 2 19 0 WILSONVILLE, OR. 97079 (503_)_694_-5505 CITY � ---- p� T�GARp 31835 S. W. Country View Ln. S1.l1:1�F.'r�. ._ .. _ . .r Chelsea Hill No . 1 date . 8-20-9U This sewer line currP,ctio.1 has now been done for the second time. Will you pleasrl order tip required TV work so it can be approved? gaierise reply to Roberta W.tymire _ - r RMFOW-4W440 -—-- -----�---- 771 POLY PAK (50 SETS)413440 t«fin#A 0 SEND FARTS t AND:3 PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY 1 186 ; lied" /7/, G <::1 /!7,-S 45-5 1-- e: ,/ _-5-(:)tf Lei . �'..a�;. PWohn Hagman of Tigard UU P O 'Box 23397 D x Scfa�Q[xfcaomv X 1. Tigard OR 97223 AUG 2 1990 WILSONVILLE, OR. 97070 !° R1z.a f, s ea 503c)o694-5505 RCITY OF 71GA } . subject: Chelsea hill No . 1 date: ,. 0-20•-90 'Correction has now been done for the second ti . r p . ,order�� erred TV work so it can be approved? meWill y0 plese reply tc , , ' . --- - —_ - t-- mise — .. ---__ 1 l �r•iCa ;v.,y 'd.{Zf �h. �l r• 1 Ut ' �x ,• t fir••: date: 7 l 1 LY PAW(50 SUMS)' csrbanlles� E D PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REFI' BpPQdlplyl�MCP-11 pelenled 4O/ q WAVE1 .f CONSTRICTION CO. Mr. John Hagman KENNETH L. WAYMIRE City of 'rigard xd`ifa7b�(rfcbar3roc�6dwx.fDx P U Box 23397 WILSONVILLE, OR. 97070 Tigard OR '17222 31 `91 5,05 ^! 31F35 S. W. Country View Ln. Chelsea 11i11 1`b 1 1 R-20-9(1 'Phis sewer line -orrection has now bean done for the second time. �^Iill you please order tt . required 'rV work so it can be approved? fal• �rtu ',ray^ire ► ' FMFORM. 4•W440 rmwhonl etas SEND PARTS 1 AND;1 pOI Y PAK (50 SETS)4P440 F'AHI 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY mom 0 SpeedtPtym MCPID Patented 407 CITY OF TINA RD February 12, 1990 OREGON Waverly Construction Co. Ken Waymire 8735 S. W. Curry Drive No. B Wilsonville, OR 97070 RE: Chelsea Hill No. 1 Dear Mr. Waymire: As requested, this is an update on the status of the uanitary sewer line between manholes 2. 0.33 and 2.9-34 in the above mentioned subdivision. on December 21, 1981 Konradson Const. made another attempt to correct the existing belly in this section of sewer pipe. Thfa TV report made on January 3,1990 indicates there is still a belly in the p:pe of around one to one and one half inches. (copy attached) The City's TV crew first tried to view this line without cleaning, but the amount: of solids collected in the belly covered the camera lens. This pointe out the continued maintenance that would be required if this belly is not corrected before acceptance. The next sectior of sewer pipe downstream was also TV'd to verify if some blockage in that line could be causing a back up into the line in question. However, the downstream line appears to be clean and straight. Attached is an excerpt copy from USA standard specifications (adopted by the City of Tigard) which states the variance from the design grade shall not be greater than one quarter of an inch. The line will be acceptable when this tolerance in met. Sincerely, ,A,4, G,4 Michael Mille, Construction Inspector 13125 SW Hall Blvd ,P 0 Box 23397,Tigard,(.-)regon 97223 (503)639-4171 Engineering Services WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. City of Tigard KENNETH L. WAYMIRE P O Pox 23397 8735 S.W. Curry Drive No. B Tigard OR 97223 WILSONVILLE, OR. 97070 Att: Mr. Pike Mills (503) 694-5505 Chelsea Hill sewt�r correction by Konradson Const. 1-12-90 Will you advise us by letter of the status of the sewer correction done by Konradson Construction on the Chelsea Hill line. If it is not correctly done, will you advise of the amount of tolerance allowed by city engineering requirements, and the amount the line needs to be corrected to. ise reply to signed, Roberta Waymire JAN 13 1990 signed: ,� ��.c 7548 fMFOW.4W440 CS/bOMl1! SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 p(JI-'(PAK(50 SETS)4P440 PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY MWN IF'SPWIPIYS MCP*PN.nNd 407 --� RHEQUEST FOR ACTION CITYOF TWARD � ,• LOCATION: � f C� s , +r' PROBLEM: Q ' _ /!� "c—1 7; �` By:— � .1 Date: jqt FORWARDTO: Administrator __._ Police P.W. OPERATIONS _V Building _ Finance Library _ Recorder Planning Other _— D9partment Head Response: By: ACTT N TAKEN: — 1 la At 64V e D , 6 w BY:— f Date____/ _1[— • ��� , yhtA . � WHITE:Aetum w/reply CANARY.Follow-up PINK Originstot G j t jAr CITY OF TIGAnO Scwcr T.V. Ynsj)octjon Report �! Date• / D Location / -33 (, / Indicate North • 4t . Upstream H.H. No 3' C .9: �. .. Tape No. Oparator '' Ssgina at H.N. No 3 ' 6 P•Oe/ G CO H H ... — ._._ •Ho. 3 ti •. N'/Flcw A/Floe • Flow at start' -jam Sapitary_ Storm Diam. Lea �_ f &th TYPe� Lleath. Coad. Hater setting Upstream N.f{ . ConditionAe S- w.,ti S:-P � • Hain Stab // A, Zl')O g C Exit Stab_ j U FOOTAGE REMARKS TAPE MIN . 99 H A � •k. CJ-7,v-- - --- Yr. John Hagman WAVERO CONSTRUCTION CO. F City of Tigard -OkENNETH L WAYMIRE R P 0 Box 23397 8735 S.W. Curry Drive No. B o Tigard OR 97223 WILSONVILLE, OR. 97070 M I',,03) 694-5505 TO AT 4u he Hill. No 1 subdivision Would you be so kind as to send us a copy of the TV . epoft on the sewer repair on the above subdivision and let us know if it meets with city approval . a I 1 1 r �l e 'Z ,E (S! t C LINT-1 —qTF--'-.-ffl��W� OCT2f; 198, Vmun�brop W wee \ C►+tit1r 1.�r Ff aEOIFOF7 4 (CDn�f[ nnr['nn® BENDPART91 AND TRIP TRIP '���J" ` u1'�lu�[yuuU PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPT POLY PAK(5L ATS)4P440 i My • � i� � l R MOW Er . John Hagman T City of Tigard KENNE111 L. WAYWRE RP to Aux 233��'t 8735 S.W. Curry Drive No. R N T t i�*ar^ci (,F (1722`_' n WitSGNYIILI, 02. 91070 (50.31 6v^4- nn AT -— SUBJECT !"helsea Hill No. 1 allbUivIAlon .Jould you be so kind as to send us a copy of the '1V repot+t on thr+ sewer rpueir on the above subdiviniorl and let us know if it meets with city approval . i --vPLEASE REPLY TCS . . . SIGNED Roherte wa•ymi.ro ` 04494 DATE SIGNED ar '•." �•rte �i. - - - [REOIFO4W44( ` I(� I(�I I(11� SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 TRIP C�I� I[�t(aDUll1JiJ© PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY POLY PAK(50 SETS)4P44C P.1-- ^ REQUEST FOR ACTION cn OF TIGARD LOCATION: _- PROBLEM: _ _ —e �— =---��-�`" -C �l By: 7 �" P�/� 1��_ Date: FORWARD TO: / Administrator - Police —P.W. OPERATIONS I/ Bui!ding Finance --- - �� Library -- Recorder - -_- �� �-_ Planning Other - - Department Head Response. Byl -— --- ACTION TAKEN: W� �Ov.�G� p(o cG�a•,9 e� _ tr0," flco /��O►^T � �Lt /S f-ii-,t TiCc"��tG 6/r SE€ c? f�cc l�c� /iT��cc'tron j2e�or-7-' By Jl( �I�/s C^ _Date T- 2 S"- 8y WHITE:Retum wli:my CANARY:Follow-up PINK:Origlnstor CITY OF TICARD Sewcr T.V. Insj)Cction Report �. Oats 9` Z 5 ' b''�j LocatXon (s �� v Indicate bort Upstream H.H. No . _ 5/ Tape No. L 3 Operator Lwin, Begins at K.H. No. 3 6 goes to H.H. •No. H/Plow A/Flow Flow --' at start Sanitary X Stora Leagth__�r ��L YPea Weath. Coad. Neter Setting�. g' Upstream N.H. Condition ------------ main Stab—._..._A� C__0 Exit Stab POOTACE REHARKS TAPE MIN . ------------ Ae - C17YOF TIFARD September 15, 1989 OREGON Waverly Construction Co. 8735 S.W. Curry Drive NE Wilsonville, OR 97070 RE: Chelsea Hill No. 1 Dear Roberta: Item i2 of our December 30, 1987 letter (copy en, losed) is in the process of being T.V. by the City to endeavor to confirm satisfactory repair. i Items #3 'Z '!4-,are still incomplete. Further, during repair of the sewer addressed by item N2, the contractor damaged the sidewalk just to the west of Lot 10; it needs to be repaired. Acceptance of the project can occur when all of these things are satisfactorily accomplished. Sincerely, John S. Hagman Engineer Technician jr/chelsea.nol Enclosure 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -------- — CITYOF TI6ARD December. 30, 1987 OREGON Waverly Construction Co. 8735 S.W. Curry Dr.. (iB Wilsonville, OR 97070 Attn: Mr. Kenneth Waymire Re: Chelsea Hill No.1 Dear Mr. Waymire: This is sent to inforn, you of deficiencies which need to be corrected to facilitate City final acceptance of said subdivision, to wit: 1) Installation of the final lift of A. ]. pavement. 2) Elimination of a three-inch belly in the eight-inch P.V.C. sanitary sewer line between M.H. A-1 to M.H. A-2 (sta. 1+88 to Sta 2+46) . 3) Submittal, by your engineer, of the certification of construction compliance form (copy enclosed) . 4) Provision of a ramp at the east end of the O'Mara Street sidewalk, to blend into the existing bike/ped path there- along; asphalt would be sufficient. When acting upon items 01, 2 s 4 (above) , pleise inform our Inspector so that we can efficiently close this project. Sincerely, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician kA) enclosure JH/mj 13125 SW Hall Blvd..P.O Box 23397,Tigard.Oregon 97223 (503)639.4171 — — ----------_-J r CITYOF TIGARD [k�Cnlnkx� 1987 �i /�• � 9 OREGON Waverly Constnar_t' rR�o� 8735 S.W. C Dr. #13 Wilson e, bR 97070 A Mr. Kenneth Waymire Re: Chelsea Hill No.1 rx ar Mr. Waymire: This is sent to inform you of deficiencies which need to lx- corrected to facilitate City final acceptance of said subdivision, to wit: Installation of the final lift of A.C. pavement. limination Uf a three-inch lx:.11y in Uie eight-inch Cyt I4 V P.V.C. sanita.y sewer line between M.H. A-1 tn M.H. A-2 1+88 to Sta 2+46) . 3) Sulxnittal, by your engineer, of the certification of constnir-tion r7ompl ianre form (copy enclosed) . N�I npI C 9) ro4 ion-bf a FUrp at the easy end of the 'Mara $trent i e�. 1)y, �,,)Yeri� into the exihting kke/X path thc�rn- R onm Aspr w,c�'3 d Ix, �f'£ic+L.ns/. Wfien acting upon item, #1, 2 a 4 (above) , please inform our Inspector so that we can efficiently close this project. r I ,loin S. Hagman l:r� lin��cring Technicia�i o1w I osu rn 11/m j 5�/ ',�Plw//'- Si g (Va /;,-V4-&-/cl /A �el l✓C° / .f T 9 Blvd P U Box 23391,fig(rrc: 0egon 97223 (503)639-4171 r MR REQUEST FOR ACTION MYOF TWARD LOCATION' PROBLI -1/YJ !`� Z-3 nt�-GZZ1lc By: -721 /f—_Deter - — ©--�— FORWARD TO Administrator _____ Police P.W. OPERATIONS Building ___ . Finance Library Recorder Planning -- Other -- --- Department Head Response: __.._---_- -- --- -. ---- By ACTION TAKEN:/i C 7-L' C*f C - �_ r/f O/► /C' e"Q i r 1 S 7 Ct e S A art C. C"-,1lA00wr or �. r Kc cf°ve. rt o 00/__9�/'ac e W U /2ef2.orT owl By: Azeels ra.-x _Date 9- 1 ED -- - WHITE:Retum wireply CANARY:Follow-up PINK:Orlpinator J CITY OF TICARD ' Sewer Tj . VYnsj)cctio Report s,ec 0�[. P► G c.c eNkic, �L Date_- ( -F1'} Location f Indicate NorC -�� �r�S e�e_c� T� p`F-f- �i l�P �S�Q L o 0�(7 Upstream H.H. No. Tape No . (n�Operator BeZins at K.K. No. 39 b goesGST to H.H. No. s 44 W11`1ow__2L.A/Flow FLov at start L Sanitary_` Storm _Diem. �Leagth12-�rype PI/C Neatb. Coad. i-� lister Setting •ro Upstream H.N. Condition 7— Main St ab�: A _nExit Stab FOOTAGE REMARKS TAPE MIN . P a�T me C e he COP 14,/1 L3 Z c cl A it/ /c C/`C / L ! %2 I / r 3 /HATc�r o 1.S 9 �f/ -3-3 c Q rl CLTY OF TIGAftD Sewer T.V. Inspection Report C ke-tS ec, Hots I �re c�ccc.P -���tc.•� L t Aorth Date, - (2- �'7 Location_�Se," ,ne Upstream M.H . No .-34-Tape No . r Operator Begins at M.H . No . ?j 6 goes tyecT to M.H . No - W/Flow_ A/Flow Flow at start�� r Sanitary Storm Diam. �r� Length_jZ Type Weath . Cond .�T &`odCyy Meter Setting g. `2 Upstream M.H . Condition �poG{/ � n � t� ,004 Ma '.n Stab q,fr3 A B C--D_ Exit Stab ��• y FOOTAGE REMARKS _ TAPE MIN . s-fA rT 0 o r T era-, o a &uA +cr jz et -.x"3 .9 � " �tA� ,•, to r Zli 5-tA N tl � l y f�_ — — John..&_-Hagman __.___�_.. . _ _ WAVER' ' CONSTRUCTION CO. F Engineering Technicis� `"'+KENNETH L. WAYMIRE R 8735 S.W. o City of Tigard Curry Drive No. B M P 0 Box 23397 WILSONVILLE, OR. 97070 Tigard QR g7221 15031 694-5505 TQ AT . .. . ...... We wioh t9 request final acceptance by the City of_ the_.above_ subdivision. . KCS U G 1989 1P of? I ' c, `" 9� 6 �. 1 r , i I w (CITYOFTIGAM OREGON 25 Yeo.7 of Sendce 1961-1986 September 13, 1988 Waverly Construction Co. 8735 SW Curry Drive $B Wilsonville, OR 97070 Attn: Mr. Kenneth Waymire Re: (Chelsea &)Chelsea No. 2 Subdivision(s). Dear Mr. Waymire: This is sent to inquire of you when is it intended to place the asphaltic concrete overlay on streets within said subdivisions? If this work isn't scheduled, please act to do so since it's due and we are rapidly approaching the down side of the year. Sincerely John Hagman Engr. Tech. i 1 rJ 13125 SW Hall Blvd„P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- -- -- -- C I .4 119 vwbN"routlno ttquNt ow MAI ROUTING - REGYEST / please READ To ❑ HANDLE / r ❑ APPROVE and �f ❑ FORWARD ❑ REIURN / 7 ❑ KEEP OR DISCARD ❑ REVIEW WITH ME _ Ottt y1-3 � 2-4 'TELEVISION INSPECTION LOG Tape Start ..eport 0 _ CAL-TOM, Inc. ' 16799 SW 72nd Avenue Tape Stop 3 .� Tape .Z_ Portland, Oregon 97223 (503) 620-6959 Cleaning Report / Cli.entfj��dbtYJ Opera tor& V4&Ar Date_,�,nfZ,!Z Time Location �1�,1 ./f Line Size ^_ Pipe Type 19 Joint Type Depth Manhole Condition's Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation Cull Direction _ WIER READING INFILTRATION 0 B — F TOTAL loN Direction C �+4,�,0 C G Ref F- Photo Ref Photo No, eet Remarks Inf. No. No. Feet Remarks Inf. No. 1 21 222 0 .L _ _ 23 24 2526 4,4L 27 _ 28 _ 29 / 30 _ I. 31 32 // rr� ►' ����� �� 13 33 TT 35 _ 36 _ _ 37TV 39 _ Summary of Line Conditi ns: Codes - Pipe Condition BP - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mark Grady 140V P C - Crack 0 - Obstruction Alignme t_ CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint Joists DP - Dip in Line OS- Off Set __— GC - Grade Change R - Roots H - Shear SC- Service Conn. I - Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint Lineal Feet,,?f .___� Pipe ^ize �� -- Poloroids Reset_ — reu K� $ Z 0 3L/ CITY OF TIGAnD Scwcc• T.V. Inspection Rcport C He /S -Ck "f (I S Z- 1 r ell Indicate North Date_(- 10 - 97 Location ��iScA'Icn I/c /e 4{F a� CN'I'r/SSC �,vJ� 2 Upstream M.H . No . 3 y Tape No ._ _Operator JJe �S �►'� Begins at M.H . No . 3 & goes Epsf to M.H . W/Flow A/Flow Flow at start Sanitary �( Storm Diam. Length TypeVC Weath . Cond . TZC y Meter Setting A.'7 _Upstream M.H . Condition_ A Main Stab-q1. -3-0A —BC D Exit Stab </• 9 G FOOTAGE REMARKS TAPE MIN . 1�e s*v n F-locJ `/2 C?7 3-IL,4 r 7- S it C N Lf 9 + w A t 4 h not ., w le Z .,14 3 Y2- 0 2O m 3 a (4 t+ 3 y ra c� r� Anv� i.� Tiro e� s i �rl CITY OF TIGARD �S Z i3 3 P& Sewer T.V. Inspection Report Qr•e Indi at Forth Date - (2- 8'7 Locat ion r-AT j C C /5-c ct L•aoP Upstream M.H . No . Tape No . 2 Operator �1�,15�1'� Begins at M.H. No . b goes tVeer to M.H . No . 1 N/Flow_ r�—A/Flow Flow at start q1 -S'�anitary Storm Diaro._ _Length�Type Heath. Cond . A/0.,c�y Meter Setting $. � Upstream H.H . Conditi' {( (/Con�"K,Qvcl (° pnd furl Main Stab 443 A B C D Exit Stab y 9 L FOOTAGE REMARKS TAPE MIN . D O H ,d .3� s-t�4�T Pe 17 o r T ere, 0 0 3 V Cv r4 t u- CAJ C4+t-Ir � . � r� .�A� i•, , ter 2- 11 ( -13-D v-c PUT IT IN WRITING WfItten Messeses Save Time and Eliminate Insrs !—. Dore To— Subject en 7-7 AM •LACK CAT /nnM feff0 SI ® 0 i i i CITY OF TIGARD December. 30, 1987 OREGON Waverly Construction Co. 8735 S.W. Curry Dr.. #B Wilsonville, OR 97070 Attn: Mr. Kenneth Waymire Re: Chelsea Hill No.l bear Mr. Waymire: This is sent to inform you of deficiencies which need to be corrected to facilitate City final acceptance of said subdivision, to wit: 1)L/In illa on�f the fi 1 ft of A'C. pavementl 2) Elimination of a three-inch belly in the eight-inch P.V.C. sanitary sewer line between M.H. A•-1 to M.H. A-2 (sta. 1*88 to St:a 2+46) . 3) Submittal, by your engineer, of the certification of constnrction compliance form (copy enclosed) . 4) Provision of a ramp ,at the eask­end of th 'Mara meet sidewalk, to blen int the xist'ing b / pa thrsre- along; aspha�it wVb1d bk s icient':,- -� When acting upon items #1, 2 & 4 (above) , please inform our Inspe,-tor- so that we can efficiently close this project. Sincerely, ti.. John S. Hagman Engineering Technician enclosure JH/mj 13125 SW Hall Blvd„P.O Box 23397 Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ------ . ------------- 71 41 r ) ol I-e ,Zor ef A a C D 9 r as . 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SIC�ALE • sC F SH r. 4. X!!/ -I," J. R . H- I1 s0 North. �j xt�y%i TRACED I0I85 J• W• RIVERWOOD LANEHILL JOB�NO E ,, » \�- H • H. TIGARD, 5 - OREGON 9723 CHELSEY_ FrE`ON 7 ��CHECKED Harris - McMonagle Alssociates R M 'HEFT 2 REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR._-DATE '�9✓, 12+ ti�4�/ ` ,• �r L hC ENGINEERS - SURVFYOR5 `I a S E W E R �/ ....,.-�'� `V REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION FS ll. N�". DATE 12555 S.W. HALL BOULEVARD c 9 1 ,3 d a TIGARD, OREGON! 97223 PROFILE I �1f s C:HEL.5E:F1 f•i r t_L_ I`�I[.1 ]. �" r F= 7 .__. _.�._..� II .�._-.�-� ___. ,, ! I s 1►.to . _, • v - ,--. .. . _ - _ ,...._ r-y..-2 ... - - �s-r.+�i��:-:,, ..._. �..:,.�.ar+�.,.. ..... - _ '. ~__:, ... 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'� .r +--..-vn�•�'�'�••Il�lgp•r• r-� ^3yl/e.•_..._._ r.•. ......._ _^R�"".lam' .., •Wn..* .. r r J .,f • ._ _. A I ! I I i 1` NORTH --- 4 �� TF- MP C. _ SEWER NOTES ' 1% 7 7 I. ALL WORK SHALL SL DONE r0 CITY OF TIGARO / U. S. A. STDS. 7.5 2 . SERVICE LArr-RALE SHALL CXtENL) MIN . of 8 FT INTO LOT. '� , PIPE SHALL QC. CITY APPvD, CONCRETE OR P. V. C. . 4. SERVICE LATF-RAL5 SHALL 13E S " Jr CL)NL OR 4 " IF P. V. C . g 36 35 180 N 1�A2- I 37 � � 1 } J 34 33 32 3 1 30 2Q 12' LT q- 4 I � rr >~Ir. 5. THE CITY SHALL_ BE PROVIDED 7-HE AIR TEST REPORT � D m- (A � 0� -Sr 5rA. 4 • s2. 18 I � �M 5+ �13 M1l A7 -2 { _ h LA i I � � ,� C � � � � 3n MIN . REEL TO REEL VIDEO TAPE /S, a vIUEO REPORT OPP Sj. ST<� G+�►• ZD ►V.T" * N' + „ �, „ u� N oN 15 �h % G7 I I.. OF SAN . 5WR . SYSTEM FOR REVIEW .9 APPROVAL- PRIOR I4 .j - � j I I1 TO ANY HOUSE GUNNE C T' IONS , I , ALL A - LINE MH a C: - G C0VER5 5 H A L L 8E wATE R TIGHT. r— \ � �! �c I __ 5 03*36'30',W _ 36 3. 06' W. CHEL5LA LOOP AZ- . INE 1 1 , o � � „ � J + ; �� . I 2 + 81 MNA - 2 + o,� A2 LINE 7.5 sc ► � 20 21 22 23 24' 25 Z6 17 16 �_ _ � ; 1� C I T Y PAR K 0_ a - ` M I I I I~ m I 18 J. rt 15 , I L4 13 12 100 I2< 4 M 5 , x)6 MI1 ArA rN . N 1 D + �tIPF'. ST. i I I t 21.08 P. C. M T „! + J h J 1 + 31 MN A I - nJ rh f' ON t ST57A. �� / rh I I + 43 MHA - I 1' `4t4 66 i i '3 1. 0 1 p + 00 A I L INE - - —�--- 5 0-3'3 30. 3 75-00' — I A I LINE .�' i5'SAN, INk 7.5'� I Iv, s. W. CHELa- Eh Looe A.� ) I o 1 � , 1 +NO y •. ! K; � + M � 4J4 4. a -4 ?�� r;) -4 I ,hJ4. Q s �--r ►S�SA�V. SwR. ESMT. 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 ! 5 I I 3 I i I I7.� j � I EXIST 6 ,. EXIST. MH 0 .00 A -- LINE I.E. 136. 16 OUT I. E. 136 .:76 IN 4— A r, • .j�T, r REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN SEC �Hr , "_ f- '� R H WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. CHELC i -- SCALE �Y TRACED I0Iv.5r S. W. RIVERWOOD LANE EA ' --- »ll7 E J , JOB NO. , LL l,,..•.. ..,: �� . H TIGARD, OREGON 97223 1, ADOLD NOTL 6 jR H. • L 10.10.95 � 014EGf) CHECKED • SHEET REV. DESCRIPTION H--S—uaf APPR. ATE �� y t>� 4a� 'A/ W Harris - McMonagle A s s o C l a t e S -- ENGINEERS- SLIRVEYORS SANITARY SEWER REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION D R. DATE 12.555 S. 'JJ. HALL BOULEVARD CHELSEA I11:1_.L.. IVU 1 9113185- PLAN TIGAP D, OREGON 9722;1 of 5 4 OF I ! �.....,�.. I � I ♦ 1 • - .w �.� a !+ .. • _ illtrF`IIIIIIfI I 1. 11_11111�ttl jtI'Rlll�jl-I 1I.11wI..Iu'�III IIII111 I1111o1...r1':.111roI ..., � 1x,411r1.1;.'I1111) IIIIIJI IIIIIIIJill1 I 111111(1Ill111 I1111111.,I111I Jill ' -. .. .-. - - , NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED 1 2 35 7 8 9 1 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT1Cra--IT 15 DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRA'ING. - — aE 6Z 9Z LZ 9Z SZ /►Z Ez ZZ IZ OZ 61 131 1.1 91 SI bl F.1 ZI 11 01 -6`• , 9 L 9 S� /----IIs EL.- Z 1124 )( "•�'" ��11IIIIII111111111IIItIII111111I1!ntlllll�Illl�lllllillt1111111nIInIIImllun�utlllllllUI1IIN11,1@@1111111;IIIII�IIIIIII111111111111►1111@I1iN�.1iIllllllllll@1,1111@1Iih1HIHt1�11i111nt1ttulltttllYN�t1111111111111111111t111@ul)1JJJlIWIIll11W�l,uWJ@Illl,Ilwtlul�ll�llun JUNE 9 ..NR�[\IYv..r.. �... - �._.� ,..r.. -w.�.. ..-.. .1R - -�+M.WMMFiN•.--a -. "MI./�T ..1..�'� _ .�--.� ._._...r._ .._. w_. ......_ �.. Fr . ,Wow", :gy$R'((A 4'y '..atT^,n.,+�pe7g1�110YR1JN" 'tYIN CITYCF TI6"ARD June 4 , 1987 OREGON 25 veers or Sen*,& 1961-'19M Kenneth Waymire/Waverly Construction 10185 SW Rivervrood Lane Tigard OR 97224 re : Chelsea Hills 1 & 2 Drainage Dear Ken : As you are aware there is a drainage problem between Chelsea Hills I & 2 . Some of the building lots have been graded so that storm runoff and buildng roof drains exit to the rear of the lots instead of through the curb to the public storm sewer system. This problem needs to be resolved before we finalize your project . Please contact this office as to your plans for correcting this situation and your t irite fra►ne £or completior . /Siinccere. y, R. L. Thompson Site Inspector CC : Harris-McMonagle & Assoc. , 12555 SW Hall, TIgard OR 97223 Ralph Baker, 9223 SW Hill St . , TigFrd OR 97223 RLT/jdo 13125 SW Nn4%d PO.Box 233v7,Tigard,Ore;on 97223 (503)639-4171— —— April 13, 1987 Waverly Construction Co. COREGON TI�ARD Attn: Mr. Kenneth L. Waymire 10185 SW Riverwood Lane Tigard, OR 97223 Service RE: Chelsea Hiil Subdivision 986 Dear Mr. Waymire: This is to acknowledge that as of December 31, 1986 the public _ Improvement project known as Chelsea Hill Subdivision has been conditionally accepted by the City, placing it onto its one year guarantee period, subject to the following: [X1 Completion of incomplete performance items, namely: Installation of the balance of the sidewalks and driveway aprone; installation of the overlay. [X) Correction of known defects, namely: Cleaning of the storm sewer lines; final S,Ealing, landscaping and cleanup of the fill area. [X) Continuation of developers maintenance responsibility ani; correction of any deficiencies which may arise during the guarantee period. To assure the aforesaid, until such time as the project is fully accepted by the Citv operation and mFintenance purposes, the City has taken the following action(s) : [ ) Authorized release of the original. performance assurance. [X) Authorized continuation of the original performance assurance in full force rend effect. [ ) Authorized a reduction of the original performance assurance anti Is holding the balance as a assurance. [ ) Accepted a (reduced) performance assurance. [ 1 Accepted a maintenance assurance. [X1 Other: We anticipate that you will have the project in readiness for final acceptance on or about December 1.987 Should you have any questions regarding any of the above, please contact me at 639-4171 . Sincerely, .John S. Hagman Engineer.in3 Tech. .lil:be11��.1W i 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Uregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ----- - -- - - - MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON Tr . William Monahan April 13, 1987 Director of Community Development FROM: Randy Clar-no Pevelopment Servicer nager�n1 SUBJECT": Vanno Creak Park Acce.as from Chelsea Hill II Subdivision I have prepared this memo to provide aaditional information concerning the potential construction of the above pathway. Specifically, I've addressed the estimated construction cost and construction permit requirements given the pathway' s proximity to floodplain and wetlands . The alignment of the proposed path as illustrated in the submitted April 13, 1987 Council Agenda packet appears to be the most feasible and possibly the least expensive. HUWevQr, this alignment includes the crossing of wetlands as defined by the Division of State Lands and Crops of Engineers . Any alignment seeking direct connection to Chelsea Hills No. 2 will require crossing these wetlands and a special permit from the Division of Shote Lands and the Corps of Engineers . Below I have prepared a cost- estimate assuming approximately 450 feet of 8 foot wide asphalt path including necessary drainage work. It also assumes about an 8() to 100 foot crossing of the wetlands which will require special construction. It does- not include any construction within thr_ plat of Chelsea Hills No. 2 . — Cost Estimate 450 1F of 8 foot wide asphalt path 80---100 1-1- (included in 450 feet) of wetland crossing Item Quantity Unit Price Total 1 . Move in/Clearing & Grubbing $ 150 2 . fxcav+ation Ili0 C $ 5.00 750 3 . 1" - 0" Crushed Rock 150 cy 20.00 3,000 4 , Class 11 Modified Asphalt 450 sy 12.00 5,400 5. Drainage Pipe - 500 G. Seeding and Planting - ----- 500_ SUBTOTAL $10,900 Contingency at 20% 2, 180 TOTAL_ $13,080 MINE -fir.. .....:,:s:.�,...........,...w,.:.,.u. rW..a.:a.u:.w. , . .r.. f Contingency items may include: o Additional structural support as the result of soils study. o Contractor availability — size of project and time of year may limit the number, of contractors available. o Additional drainage construction as result of Corp of Engineers permit. This estimate above also assumes that all engineering and administrative work will be performed by staff. RC: sb/1188W r CITY OF TIGARD OREGON 25 Years of Service 19G1-1986 February 25, 198'T —�� Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Watts 13336 S4v Chelsea Loop Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Recorded Document - Greenway Dedication Dear Mr. & Mrs. Watts: Enclosed, for your files is a copy of the recorded Greenway Dedication (No. 870C3064) . If you have any questions, please do not hesiLdte to contact this offi ;e. Sincerely, a-.� l tom . t ,/.( ��1_rct Catherine Wheatley Deputy Recorder cw Enclosure cc: Randy Clarno, Engineering Department. 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (5,13)639-4171 — -- t 2/Z 3 Cl��lspz Looe our \p vN� y- nor rJ�UCLuE'�kll�,i T�JGJ'td�4!�!e.�Cl,�i'L <I.rJGL 10185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANE . TIGARD, OREGON 97223 (503) 820-8729 DATE -23-87 r ---- -- DATE ------------ -� T� Randy Clemo Ci�of'Tiga—r3—_ -- REPLY------�� P. 0. Box 23397 1- �- -9722'3--- ---- --- MESSAGE _ There is a small section of Lot 19 . Dover Landing, r�,C that y is requ�� ic?'ed—as Or nnway. ,*M you se -4wtFie�appropriate for , ase . --�Tso, _4" you Ae,IlT me copies_ ie_ a sea -- A c L7- 8ubdivislons lacement on maintenance and firs C1 acceptance, please . SIGNEDFoberta Waymire - - ------ SIGNED - ---- - —— �I MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TO: Randy Clarno February 20, 1937 FROM: Cathy Wheatley SUBJECT: Greerway Dedication - Watts Randy, attached is a copy of the recorded Greenway Dedication from Kenneth & Dorothy Watts. I do not have an address for the Waists to send them a copy. Could you please have that sent over to me. Thanks. ew Attachment cc: Curt Spaan Note: Original to Central Files 0.6D INDIVIDUAL-GENERAL PARTNERSHIP 87003064 GRF.E14WAY DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Kenneth G. Watts and Dorothy A. Watts, husband and wife do hereby dedicate to the Public for Greenway purposes the following described real premises in Washington County, Oregon: Ser, attached Exhibit "A" To have and to hold the shove-described and dedicated rights unto the Public forever for the uses and purposes hereinabove stated. The grantor(s) hereby covenants that they are the owner(s) in fee simple and the property is free of all liens and encumbrances, they have good and legal right to grant the rights above-described, and they will pay all taxes and assessments due and owing on the property. The amount paid for this dedication is $ 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor(s) has (have) hereunto set his (her) (their) hand(s) and seal(s) this day of (SEAL) (SEAL). _(SEAL) (SEAL) STATE, OF ndEIGON ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON) Personally appeared the above named rl h.0 ro hh t Aoa :ft-'s _ who executed this instrument and each of them acknowledged to me that: this instrument wac executed voluntarily and freely. u u'L Notary Public for. Oregon My Commission expires: ACCEPTANCE Approved as to form this f day of be e F M19 . By: — y t9.j_W Attorney - ty of Tigard 1/ /'�� Approved as to legal description this V CjYday of INCL° f Gel- 19T/ . ! , By: .�L. f ` C' Y Ir—l.w ms-- CIfy of Tigard '�iRr•�7i ? l T tior .�ccptcd Ly thL 1 LL:e .�3ri dei ui CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TIGARD,.OREGON (1704A) " det - City of Tigard (7-84) Return original recorded document tot CITY RECORDER CITY Of TICA RD P. O. 13OX 23397 r!(3ARD,0119722-% -3 EXHIBIT "A" A portion of Lot 10, Chelsea Hill, a recorded plat, Washington County Plat Records, located in the Southeast quarter, Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 65054'27" East 74.22 feet; thence South 03036' 30" West 8 .00 feet; thence North 60021'00" West 77.38 feet to the point of beginning. mj20/mj2 C •N-86'23'30"-W I o 0"-W N-8r"23'30''-W v *LAd0.00' Ul :a 90,00' rn +90.00' LA O Oo N-86'23'30"-Vy •N-86"23'30"-.W N-8F�23'30"-W P100". r 90AQ>' � C71 . . �; �� � �Q�Q,�1 �,•,,t N o �6023'3p"-W-_ voil 00 s O N m rn rn N-86'2r3'30'-W ,r f ;r vrni b " 90.00' * 1${ -8923'30'-W 8?D' ou+ r, 90,00" - C opkill �i O N.86423'30"-W IR S 90.00' Nr"I ' w 25' 25 N-86'23!30"-W • o � a+ � S _- N-86 23'30'-W 2 $ to r:b 190,00` ; ; t 90,00' IV z o rN-86023'30"_w 4 z ff.'CD 94.17' a rn v Mgr �,�. 4- m0 D 11 2 uj v. t r t rT �, °� Ir' I r00'6LI•l ' ' se ell 6 m \ 134.95^ 'i C �N N-78�42'SI"_yy _ 138,00' N 84 32'39"- a�3 b. D .1(DW -4o�i � � aem = gmm _ _ no. D ANv 0 . rn Z p� 0 � N � rn 5TATF OF CREOON 38 3 W D D O CI) O county of Washington I,D�na!ej W Msson Director of A99e99ment mid Taxation and F,oNlclo Recorder of con - voyances lot sold county,do hereby certify that the within InsPument of writing was received and recorded In book of records of said county Donald W MA,on, Dl:ector of Assessment and Taxation. Ex ofllclo County Clerk 1987 JAM 19 AM 10. 59 69 :01 WV 61 Mbl'L861 4j010 Aunoo ologl0 x3 'uopexel pue luewssessy to ioloeli0 'uOsew M PIPuOa Alunoo pled Io sp,o00,to Nooq w peplo0ei pue peAieoei sem BU411M to luewnilsw UNI'm 041 le.0�411,eo Ageie4 op'qunoo Oies iol sooueAOA -uo0 to iapiooeu ololUO-x3 Pue uOnPxel nue luewssassy to lolOenO'Uoseyy-M PleuoO'I uo18u14seM to Alunoo Q u O 1+. f-' z fn ` SS { NOE)3HO 10 UVIS O 7 m O Q o CY- a � oc i d � N� OO N �O �� _ _ °Dfn V) (r Q W U V �j�.Jl`�/LJ — ED 9 NN N N fn c a �- 4 cr cr" Q IM r O-('� y� W � M-„66,Z4•bB-N In N ,00'B£I ►� M-«IS,Zb•BL-N ”,;r)co 0 fn Iciry 4-co2 .U bpo� OR.1A0 _rL--3361.2 i `` 0°�QOM r` o fn a. � •6g 5 a w a d 0 ' r\ a \\9S p r4zfV Z O r► ►- ►-O v s, 6l LIb6aD o � W 2 M-.0i,fZ.9B-N Q rn .00'06 00'06 OJ $Cd o aZ M-.Of,fZ•9B-N . ,99 N to W 4J t N 00'06 q O M-«Of,fZ.99-N t Il) 4 f., 4 W NCNcc to o o u_8 .0006in�Od'b9cc M'.OI���Z�9B-k O M-r0�ei�a��99_ .00'06 M--0210•99-N °P4° ~ o po vii o `�' (n O p N b ci -,00'0 a _ W , , '�' ��: � O �,. In `00'09'_ l ti --M-.09,CL.9��NM"w04�4�� o Pn g O v N O fa. O Ill : 'n h .orro6 ,bo'o6 iill�� ,00'd M-•Of,�Z•9A-N, M-.04,fZ,9B-N p; N M-•Of,6Z.99-N. o N S S j In N 0 6 .00'06 .00'06 0 _,_ w _ '00.0c"Fn 0 M� ^ M-«Of,fZ.9B-N^ •' M-„Of fZ. N N 13 O M-«Of,fZ,9B-N. �► . — 10185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANE TIGARJ, OREGON 97223 • (503) 820-8729 DATE - 12-23-86 - — DATE To Mr. Eo) Thompson - ---- REPLY OA�l3ce4l - City of Tigard ` P. 0_Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 MESSAGE - Re. Chelsea Hill and Chelsea Will No. 1_.2 2 subdivisions -----.yerpmhpr ;)I- 1 gAfi ----^.- ----. -We wish to request that tre above subdivisions -tTL-Fut- T thFC marntettattUe bund . --We-will-elec -- — -- -- -to continue the public improvement performance -turld ill fall foxce and -effect thrntmhMule the maintenance period. SIGNED Rob'f to Waymire SIGNE C;rM4 e •_. � r /Vu -' u CURIT L W ATrf- ✓ PocJt5 ` CA s La -r'V. �o"Ai t_ GAS CP f3 As& C xCaJ. BAs. W rALL.ob SrrcRFAez MA�wrJ6s v stc►SS � � ��� . S I DE+�A L.Ks �'- f1 P1Lo�JS +�3N�EtC�1A+2 1'Zr1N�y � • K AILg�1C L' u�STERS S-r"cr u c wrl"G + ' 1DsCAP+QG G E.t�SIZAL G6069-At, 5AF6TY , tl; AI. 0-t.6mua MA1NT". GOND =T 17�-P�t�iL.�-�•�CFrlaf�� FA St'=-..A1F.^/7- 7 Ove rE< ew sir sW fm 10185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANE TIGARD. OREGON 97223 (503) 820-8729 DATE 9-23-86 I DATE `�' Ls• TO R. L. Thomson REPLY_ FUblic Works Director _City of Tiaalrd P. o. Box 23397 , ' 'Ii.p and. OR 9722? A ___ �-. P ('`✓L� L _ MESSAGE iobey'a has auvised us they, have fini8hed r c W c,4 4 the subdivis-ion work you required. Will you check it and It' it satisfactory we will proceed with the 9eedinp,. —Poberta Waymire sIc3NEC. 7 �1�.�•�r L ==XMMME CITYOF TII ARD August 5, 1986 'OREGON 25 Vega of Sen4ce !9161-9986 Waverly Construction Co. 10.185 S.W. Riverwood Lane Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. Ken Waymire Re: Chelsea Hill #1 Dear Mr. Waymire: Please have your contractor complete the clean-up and seeding work within the flood plain (previously staked by your engineer before the contractor started doing any grading and excavating) within your project. Your Corp. of E.. _�neers pJrmit established specific requirements which need to h c followed up on. Also, your contractor needs to clean out all of the silt that washed down last winter and also needs to "dress up" the area within the original flood plain. This needs to be done now, so that the grass will have a chance to establish itself before the rains start this fall . Please let us know when your contractor plans to do this work. Thank you, R.L. Thompson Public Works Inspector cc: Toby Executives Harris & Mcmonagle R. Konradson Cost. RT/mj 13125 SW Hall Blvd,PO.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 CCITYOFTIIFARD ,Tune 23, 1986 N Mce Waverly Construction 10185 SW Riverwood Lane Tigard, OR 97223 ATTENTION: Ken Waymire RE: Chelsea Hills # I Dear Ken: I have made an inspection at your request on the above referenced project and have found these items still need taken care of. I . The silt that has washed down into the flood plain needs to be taken out and then the bank and bottom planted to stop erosion. 2. Mail box cluster installed. 3. Rip Rap the out fall for the storm sewer. 4. Need mylar as builts of all public improvements. 5. All sidewalk and aprons need to be installed. 6. AC overlay placed. When items one thru four have been completed and you provide the City with a Mai.-tenance Bond we then can recommend to the City Council to place your project onto its Maintenance Peri,,d. Thank you, � 7 Robert Thompson Public Works Inspector di 13125 SW Hall Blvd,P 0 Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (5010 639-4171 ir=— CCM C Porth I Electric Company June 16, 1980 ,John Hagman Public Works City of Tigard PO Box 23397 Tigard OR 97223 Dear .John: Streetlighting: Chelsea Hills The streetli.ghting proposal for this project calls for 10 - 7U watt/5,800 lumen high pressure sodium Town and Country fixtures mounted on 10 - lb-foot bronze colored fiberglass poles. A sketch indicating the locations is enclosed. The monthly charge under Schedule 91, Option 8 (energy and maintenance to luminaires installed and owned by the customer) of the current tariff would be: lu - 70 W/5,800 L HPS T and C @ $3.88 each $38.80/month 10 - 16-ft bronze colored fiberglass poles @ $0.35 each 3.50/111onth Total Monthly Charge $42.30 John, if this proposal meets with your approval, please return a signed copy of thie letter as authorization for PGE to energize the above fixtures. Sincr:rely, Glenn Butler _-_!�_P'�' ♦ . .� _ �`_ Streetlighting Consultant Date of Approval :;I';na Ur Western Division GH' ,n8.2B10 „nclosure Bill Code 46156 Option B A. "''Al h')II-A 4 fly H41.0 HI-ilvl`Ilnll 1 CITY OF TIFA RD OREGON June 11, 1986 25 Years of S6,Vlce 1961-1986 Portland General Electric Company Western Division 14655 SW Old Scholls Ferry Road Beaverton, OR 97QO5 ATTENTION; Glen I�utier RE: Chelsea Hills Subdivision Streetlighting This is to acknowledge that she City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactory and, further, to acknowledge authorization fir P.G.E. to energize the ten (10) lights therein, under Schedule 91 , Option B. Sincer�•ly, -7" Robert L. Thompson Engineering Technician CC : File, City- Accountant R. J. Rouse Electric., Inc . dj16 13125 MI Hall Blvd„P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (E03)639 4171 V..� i.�� 4�� �.� L...� L.! �. � Mrd �� L.� L. • , ' r aIWAM/4r F mow. i4 ":.M1i1,'r. i` '•:ri rLNi.iANlf ic�16 a. •� SWAM JIM Mpg MWE FAME =111mly AS BUILT RE V A LINE PROFILE t•� ,� �. �� �r• �ii�i� ts:�ris�• r W �� '�➢s � s '•lam�����`;+s � � s i DESCRIPTION • M�Mie�w,�,,v,�•a�e a�wMw•�uw�erw sir����� ��wM�+wr��r�ww�+�4 NONE INIMMMIN .sININIMIllem INIMININ �---� - -MmimmiN r= INS minim IN INIMMIN IrIMINIMIll mimm ; IMMINEIN INIMININ .fas ��ii�= me MINIMMIll MONO 1011100111 IIIIIIIIIMMMIIIII MIMMINIM INIMMIN • i �,t w w w DA rE 6/2/86 ❑ URGENT R. J. ROUSE ELECTRIC INC. ❑ SOON AS POSSIBLE 16320 SW Parker Rd. FILE NO. 2282 ❑ NO REPLY NEEDED LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 AffENr/ON Bob Thompson 70 (503) 635.2824 sua✓Ecr Chelsea }tills St. Lighting "it of Ti,�ard __......... 12420 S.W. Main 'i'isard,_OR 9722� _._..._.............._...........__---___..__----_..____..... MESSAGE Jt. lighting for the subject job has been completed. Upon your acceptancq, please send a copy of your acceptance to our, office and notify PGE to energize. . I'' r SIGNED :rEPCr DA rE OF REPL Y SIGNED r r PROJECT N^M[ S 7EST DATE ,sJP«.or 7FST CDNpuCTLD BY FRoM IA d) LE rw(O j<:oolIdtl C-0,00038azd1 Time PASS Ll 2 V 1 u lV J J l-,,33 (T.� ,441z�S J„ 41 AR CITY OF 28 10 29 9 —j 30 -_j f. 0 I 0 0 0 _ '� e l 31 12 _j 32 24 13 f < LLJ LL) (n _j 33 -J �))_l 14 UJ uj 0 34 22 2_5 AN 41 L 35 1 ---.- Pt 1h 3620 17 vi c\l 10 37 1__9 �6__ (NICHOL5) W'84 S.W. 0tMlAPA �o CD 0tv co 0 i�, ' n1 04 Or. o - INSTALL TRANS/ T/011 F/TT/NG, NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY ENGiNk:ER�NG DEPARTM8NT 2 J I I U W G 0 O lr__. g a g + UNDERGROUND PHONE PRESSURE.9ATIN0 A XRAY ENr-k DATE WATER 639-1554 rFSTPRFSSU71 Re ` to PSIG SEWER 639-4171 TF-S) DURATION MIN. POWER 643-5454 X31,-' WFLDS&x RAYEU 0 % PHONE 639-1002 DE SIGN PRESSURE 60 PSIG OTHER TIGARD WTR. M.A0P 57 PSIG NORMAL--'FR PRESS 0 PSIG — INSTRUCTIONS REPORT -- -— —--- INSIAII A4AIN INSTAI L MAIN F5 AHANDON MAIN ABANDON MAIN --------`--- nnF vlAnNs TYPE COATINGS, ('(' III PIPE .JOINTS JOINTS _ -FITTINGS _ 117 rlNW, INSTALLED ANODES iN',rnl I nwnur INSTALLED SERVICE _ - - IN:TnLI SFr' OATF COMPLETED CREW LEADER. aCALE 1 "= i0121� TAA CODE W • AVAIL NO WtiRK Mf ASURfD .__ DATE _. __- - _. TRUFR 4 u I)PAWN ��/�J�,BM_ DATE ,,I`�-(�F. �f DACE L` SERVICE AK 1CIIFr,h I A nPR DATE ORDER „ nnnrul�Tu nnTF Z,- ADDRESS W. CHELSEA LOOP RFTWEFN N(1RTH (]F S. W. g911ARA ST. COUNTY CITY t I GARU PLAT TED PLATTED Ix PLAT NO. DATE BION TOWNSHIP WALLMAP DATE BION 11-44-20 SE 2S 1 W W-21-30 ti 10185 S.W RIVERWOOD LANE • TIGARD, OREGON 97223 (503) 820-8729 KENNETH L WAYMIRE March 21 , 1986 Mr . Randy Clarno Engineering Department City of Tigard 127SS S.W. Ash Avenue Tigard , Oregon 97223 Re: Chelsea Hill Dear Mr . Clarno : Builders are applying for building permits in Chelsea Hill As you are aware, the plat has been recorded but the streets are not yet paved . Should the construction of homes in the subdivision cause ally problems to the streets or any other public improvements , as developer , I will take full responsibility and bear all costs• for repairs . Sincerely yours Kenneth L . Waymi President Waverly Construction Co . March 12, 1986 WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Waverly Construction Co. 0185 SW Riverwood Lane Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Chelsey Hill Subdivision Dear Mr. Waymire: This is to verify, per your request that: 1. Each lot"will be situated on a concrete or asphalt qurface road which has right-of-way and improvements, include curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for operation and maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, will have drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned disposal system will be available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required, to be constructed, by the City of Tigard, Oregon are under construction. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard City Council thereinregard compJPtion of the improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's Office. 1 hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/verification required to be submitted to the State Real Estate Divioion by each subdivider. Yours truly, )1.1n S. Hagman Engineering Tech. (JSII:pm/2417P) - 12755 S.W ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 --- "1 CITY OF TI17A RD WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGON .January 31, 1986 Waverly Construction Co. 10185 SW Riverwood Lane Tigard, OR 97223 Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of your Greenway Dedication for Chelsey Hill (Phase 1) park land. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Engineering Division. Sincerely, Loreen R. Wilson City Recorder 1 85A CC: andy Clar.no 1 ��--- ---- 12755 S W ASH P 0 9nX 23397 TIGARD. ORE 3ON 97223 PH 639-417 CORPORA"ION GREENWAY DEDICATION 85049172 KNOW ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that WAV_ERL.Y CONST1,j1rTTON COMPANY. an do herehy dedicate to the Public for Greenway purposes the following described real prrr,.frrs in Washington County, Oregon: See Attached :c have and to hold the above-described and dedicated rights unto the Public fcre,vr for the uses and purposes hereinabove stated. The grantor(s) hereby covenants that they are the owner(s) in fee simple and the Truperty is free of all liens and encumbrances, they have good and legal right to grant the rights above-described, and they will pay all taxes and assessments due and owing on the property. The amount paid for this dedication is IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this dedicarion to be executed by its duly authorized, undersigned officers acting pursuant to resolitr.ion of its board of Directors. WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CODIPANY Name of Corpora on !!__ \\ Corrrate Seal ) By: �t VISIJ Mjre President By _ Secretary ;A-E F OREGON ) as. OF WASHINGTON) Q cl !rsonally appeared Kenna l A. W�vmire and who, each being first duly sworn, did say that the former is tit ;,;,, rrly president and that the latter is the -- __ secretary of Waved. COn&trWction Camr)any a corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and each of them acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary Act am deed. r Notary Puc for Oregon My Commie i 9t, expires: 1 u-l SEAL) ACCEPTANCE rr as to form chis _�-� day of 1Yy Attorti6y City of Tiler-a- AT c AS to legal description this 1`/r any of By:_ City of Tigard o /rcf rC M th! iy't Council that �� da)' Of CITY C UN U, rIT1 OF TIGARD, OREGON /i� City Recorder - City of Tigard XWEMEMOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION Fnr: CHELSEY HILL (PHASE 1 ) Park Land A tract of land in the southeast 1/4 of Section 2 T-2-S , R-1-W, W. M. City of Tigard, Washington'County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of that tract described in deed to Owen F. Snyder in Book 514, Page 354 Washington County Deed Records; thence S-03°36' 30"-W 320.38 feet; thence N-65°54'27"-W 74.22 feet; thence 5-48°00' 32"-W 89.36 feet; thence along a 140.00 foot radius curve with a central angle of 73°15' 31" an arc distance of 179 .00 feet being to the right of the chord which bears N-78°37'14"-W 167.06 f.-t; thence N-62.°27'01"-W 149.70 feet; thence 5-75000'00"-W 90.00 feet; thence N-41"27'26"-E 490.50 feet to a point on the southerly line of that +Tact described in Fee No. 85-000970 to the City of Tigard, thence 5-65°34'08"-E 234.00 feet along said southerly line to the Point of be- (1i nni no. e-ginning. Containing . lE acres . CI:tl� 2� c QD ♦U I ^\� �. ;e "A; 0 til pD� 3 � 3 N I 5 4D N Is r' ' ��. .F:i•vo.oc h � D 'ATE Of OREOOk �Yr^ ,nty of Washington S9 Donald W Mason,Oaector of Assessment taxation and Ex•OHIcio Recorder of Con. Harria•MeMMUCIe Associates,lnc. ",Cas for said county,do hereby certify that .vithin Instrument of Writing Was received I:'S� U•HAL1.NL�'11 -Corded In book of record/of said county. TIGARD,ON GON Donald W. Meson, Oveclor of Assesemont and Taxation, Ex. - Q91clo County Clark NBSOPC 12 PM is 18 , UP A:"F`",Mir,NT ' TAXATION 1 50 N. s I I 1 1.0;R()RO, OREGON TRANSMITTAL NOTICEIre, vtY �- l -✓� TO: ' DATE: Ali kill 7 � /� girt G•-- Z-� --S,/�' =�'� TRAVM1TTED 11FRFW1Tn : A . 1 nVornmt.ir,n ;At 11. E;nr. losure S11RJECT .,� a-�-r-r� -,7z.c,�m-�.e..,.r,cl� c�c�+L-c.,c.a�•�,- o(.¢.e��' ten.- �.c,�-e.-►t� ..,.�� ?�C�ou-�t.�� ��a,c,s.�`a..�.�.c.*.c-c►n, �. �..wvo/1..Q.u�.cQ.o...�n.-oQ.r.:e.a� ��C�c�.r..�.�.r:. �►n.a.�n..<.�.e.�c.e-,ti, A4 A't 4Z� t .� cx toe -ell ,� 1F.PT. or (%n,i3r!.3,3 NT TAXATION 11nne1 r1 W. Magnn, Director CirfOF T1 RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGOP! December 23, 1985 Waverly Construction Co. 10185 SW Riverwood Lane Tigard, OR. 97223 RE: Chelsey Hill Subdivision Enclosed is i copy of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement 6 Eond for the, above mentioned project which was ratified by the Tigard City council on November 25, 1985. If you have any questions, please contact the Tigard Community Development Department at 639-4171. Sincerely, `arc111-3ef� LurPen R. Wilson Recorder 1 r-wi 355HA Enc. CC: Randy Clarno i — --------- 12755 S W ASH PO COX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH 639 4111 --- ro► re wAff �r s h1krris-McMonagle Associates, i,tc. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 12355 S.W. HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 Telephone(503) 639-3153 December 13, 1985 Mr. Bob Thompson City of Tigard P. 0. 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Chelsea Hill Uea r Bob: This is to provide you with a construction update for, Chelsea Hill . Major items of construction complete are the following: Bulk excavating and Street coring Sanitary sewer ( 12/12/85) Installation of the storm sewer is now in progress. S'n ly y urs , J. R. Harris Harris-McMonagle Associate , Inc. JRH:ds CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: November 25, 1985 AGENDA ITEM N: DATE SUBMITTED: November 14, 1985 PREVIOUS ACTION: None ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Chelsey Hill Subdivision Crmpliance A regiment 6 PRFPARED AY: Development Services Dept Performance Bond; authorize Mayor 6 Recorder to execute in City' s REQUESTED BY: John Hagman behalf. DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 . The proposed "Chelsey Hill" subdivision is located north of W Mara Street and west of the Senior Center. The preliminary plat has been approved by th City . 2 The attached Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond has been submitted by the developer, as is required by the City, to assure completion of installation of all public facilities within the proposed subdivision. 3 . Construction plans are ready to be issued and all required public improvement felt' s have been paid. Issuance of said plans is pending Council action (as is suggested below) . ALTERNATIVES CONVIDERED SUGGESTED ACTION _ Authorize the Mayor and City Recorder to execute the Subdivision Compliance Agreement for Chelsey Hill in behalf of the City; and, also, accept the Performance Bond therefor. (RC'.pm2.6) EL MWLMLIM��� SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT • THIS AGREEMENT dated the day of 19 85 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "CITY", and Waverly Construction Co. Inc. hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, Petitiuner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington Count , a subdivision plat known as _ Che lsey Ili! I , in Section 2 , �Iownship 2. South, Ranh; I Wast _— _ Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifi^ations for ublic Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unifier; Sewerabe r;pecifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision de.elopment; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupar, ,, and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set fcrth. NOW, TNFREFORE, in consideretton of the foregoing premises and the a covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sides:tks and street trees of said subdivision no L- later than two (2) yaars from }2,e date of this agreement, an, Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the atagdard specification adopted by the City of tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of in •tallation conformance, via a registered zivil engineer, to the City prior to City Inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance t-onsideratton. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $22),333.0u a copy whereof hereto attsched by this reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to proceed con .inuinR thereafte., the City may at its option proceed to have the .rock competed and - 1 - a 17 charge the cf-ts hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s sur-.ties and in the event s� 2 be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, s-ich sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City' s attorney' s fens and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (4) Petitio-ier, concurrent the with execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street light'ng facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule H91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) year-, from the date of initial energizing of said ligr.ts. Said amount being $_,_ .027-20 _„ (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections fees.* (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ 488.00 _ (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation ceriformance to the City to notify the City of the readiness for acceptance consideration inspection and upon notification by the Department of Public Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, in the sum of $ 45,066.60 _ to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City . Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the public improvement subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (8) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations : *Project Fee $ 6, 161 .68 Sewer Fee $ 2,251 .64 - - 2 - (a) Norio of the lots of Petitioner' s subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under • authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prier- to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to c occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not. later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract . (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot. between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) is required, shall be planted in pla,.e prior to final. inspection and issuance of occupancy permit, for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the nert following growing season. In any event, all landscaping and trees in all area; shall be planted and in place within the entire subdivision within throe (3) years frr,,m the nate of this subdivision improvement contract. (c) After tentative City acceptance, of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to place an asphaltic concrete Class "d" ove-lay on all roads within the development; placement scheduling to be approve by the City . (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council arid the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on • the approved plat(s) and plan(s) . (e) Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of' Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, thereinregard, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond . ( 10) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at cr prior to the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City . (11) The specific raquirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by tho afocesaid performance bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default. on the part of the Petitioner with vspoc.t. to any requirement. thereof. 3 -. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized • Undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant :o motion of its Council adopted at a meeting theretf duly and regularly held on the _ Z day of � �^_ 19 has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. Waverly Construction Co. Inc. By 4W Ms. By _,_._—_---- THE CITY OF TI:GARD, OREGON By ' ----- -- ----- — ---- Mayor B y —---- Recorder (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) STATE. OF OREGON, County of Washington . Oct. 16 , 19 85 Per:ionally appeared Kenneth L. Waymire who, being duly sworn, dQOf6Cx�10EdXtt«OC1(r7f�C9�(x7�C [X KR f�E did say that fft)( )MgtxsXft he is the president ap,fxk*AIX*VMlt#X4 t NgCWA*CX of Waverly ConstructioIl Company , a corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrumeut is fhe corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in tw- f�;rf()w' of said corporatiory by authority of its !ward of directors; and each of ledg£d�Ilid instrument fn bn its volunta.y act and deed. re �� (OFFICIAL Ret:Uar; PERSONAL SURETY PERFORMANCE BOND R.NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Waverly Construe:.ion Co. Inc . as Principal, and t t- Waymire an as Sureties, are held and firmly bound to e T GARD, OREGON, as Obligee, in the sum of $?7�;� � �� 00 for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Sureties bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, .jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the Principal entered into a certain contract, hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof, with the Obligee, CITY OF TIGARD, dated the day of , 19 85 , known as the Subdivision _ Compliance Agreement for C Fesey Nil—] NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, terms, conditions and agreements of said contract during the original term of said contract, and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the Obligee, with or without notice of to the sureties, and shall also well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, terms, conditions and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications, notice to the Sureties being hereby expressedly waived, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. In the event suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies hereunder the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sum as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees. r� By: .�_�. By: resident, Ke :h W By: By: D� Roberta A . Waymire Principal Sureties STATE OF OREGON ) as. County of Washington ) Kenneth L. Waymire and Roberta A . Waymire being first duly sworn, on oath depose and say; each for himself and not for the others: (1) That I am a resident of the State of Oregon an a freeholder therein; (2) That my net worth over and above all ,just debts, liabilities and exclusive of property exempt from execution is a sum equal to or in excess of the liability expressed in the foregoing bond. en L. gay re n,er a Wjymire Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17 day of October , 19 85 ota P lir for Oregon w SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT • THIS AGREEMENT dated the i day of Uc 1 19 85 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "CITY", and Waverly Construction Co. Inc. hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as Chelsey Hill, in_ Section 2, 'Township 2 South, Nanbe I_West Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications foL Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time herelaafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and egreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and '.o use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance, via a registered O vil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability In the amount of $225,3;3.UU a copy whereof hereto attached by this reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the* work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City mty at its option proceed to have the work competed and 1 i charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the • amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce again-.- the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, io like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City' s attorneSt' s fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any . (4) Petitioner, concurrent the with execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule N91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to eneryize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount being s 1 ,027.20 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections fees.* (6) The City agrees co install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of ®, 488.00 _ (7) At such time as 01 public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within th- •,!adivision have been completed in ac.•ordvn,.a with the City' s requireoprnts, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformatc-' ,o the City to notify the City of the readiness for acceptance conside•- on inspection and upon notification by the . Department of Public Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the petitioner will 4ubmit to the City a good and sufficierf maintenance bond if not already provided with the performance bond, form aF.proveh by the City, in the sum of $ 45,066.60 _ to provide for correction nf any d,:R^ctive work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1 ) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the public improvement subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (8) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City' s Subdivision Ordinanco and the previsions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and '.limitations. *Project Fee $ 6,761 .68 Fewer Fee $ 2 - A B c 190 6 5 Poo, F PAC 4 7 04 175 t No .490 -7-7 W + IEEE 0 IA _015. '..0 I 'Jow coo 001f, op, AV oef: lop 'op-_ App, �000 2— 000f_' ;i0 7 7 01—L OF, — 2 —4 p UA 5w ....... o 4- - Nj 14 01p 0 T 7 !�F 4 135 3— A 3 130 - Z 030 0+ 1+ 10-0 2* S -zb- T _777_�T r 8 Y ' r A/C TT'w - I L - =:]c-_5� (4 - I 4 — " - _�- - `'-P - ___ -­---­­, —_ am_ LA 4 4—- al Id m 001"r-0 mm� OAu r 10 ----------- ------- rwi 130 0+00 1400 24 00 1 3-t00 14+ 00 Pp 00 b+ 00 REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN SC SEE SH -1 . J.R HIWL,j WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. 1*2 5ALE 0 HORIZ. I"= 5 VERT. TRACED 10185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANEJOB NO. N• H CHELSE HILL TIGARD, OREGON 9_7223 5 RE V A - LINE PROrILE P. R H CHECKED Harris - McMonagle Associates SHEET 4 SUB. APPR. DA FNGINEERS - SURVEYORS REV.. DESCRIPTION TE SANITARY SEWER 12 DAT 12555 S.W. HALL BOULEVARD JIM REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION • 9i 13185 -15 CHE[ SEP HILL NO I TIGARD, OREGON 9722PROF ILE OF 5 OF IA� -. t .- .. - - �' r- "- ­_ - m-I I NOTF: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE; .IT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIG..:AL DRAWING. OE 62 92 a 92 SZ b2 C2 22 12 0? 61 @1 il 91 so t'I ci -71 11 01 -6 9 1 9 111111 11111111111111111111 loll III Ili I I JUNE 24 19 92 A C: D ........... 7 H SOA T_ 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 18 27 aim J G� V. 45' M,J. BF 4D P1 —7- rn I 45"m.j, BEND 20 21 1 22 23 2L4 25 26 , _ C0 s - - — 20 2- "x M J. 7 E I- ZI I 8 M. J. 5LEAVE FOR CUT IN 18 17 1 .5 I '4 13 1 - 8 M-J b- F, V. z 1 - 6 W1. J G.V. ------------------- CONSTRUCTION NOTES : TG_ p 1 . NOTIFY TIGARD WATER DISTRICT PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION . 4 2 . ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.W .W .A. STANDARDS , 45om-il BE ND 3 . ALL WORK v,. ILL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY TIGARD WATER DISTRICT . 2 3 4 7 9 4 . THE FIRE I'YDRANT SHALL BE INSTALLED UPON A PRE-FORMED CONCRETE BLOCK WITH 1 1 / 2" CUBIC YARDS OF CRUSHED 1 1/2" DRAIN ROCK. TAR PAPER WILL BE LAID ON TOP OF DRAIN ROCK TO SEPARATE ROCK FROM EARTH COVER. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE "MODERN MUELLER CENTURION , 3- I I A-442 , 6" MJ t 5 1/4" MVO , 3—PORT 2-2112" NST HOSE CONNECTIONS , I — 4112" NST PUMPER, 1112" PENT OPR NUT , OPEN LEFT , COLOR: YELLOW . FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY COJISISTS OF rrLG. 3 TF.E , 6" FLG X MJ GATE VALVE ,, 6" MJ X MJ HULDING SPOOL, ETC. . I 5 . MAINS SHALL 13E TESTED AT 150 PSI FOR 1 HOUR WIT11 A MAXIMUM LOSS OF 5 1151 . STATIC PRESSUR[S=85 PSI . PRESSURE.-REDUCING VALVE WILL BE REQUIRED AT EACH METER LOCATION , IN- STALLED BY TIGARD WATER DISTRICT. ZIE -.:;r Z /V� 6 . TIGARD WATER DISTRICT WILL INSTALL ALL COPPER SERVICES PRIOR TO BLACKTOPPING OF STREETS. METERS WILL BE INSTALLED BY DISTRICT UPON INDIVIDUAL REQUEST FOR SAME . 7 . POURED CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK AT LEAST B SQUARE FEET OF BEA1uNG SU[v_ACE AT EACII TEE , BEND, AND BLOW—OFF LOCATION . SeA-YIC,- 51W,94Z 6,4r-- (6-Y.) oRV.) Y"9&/VZ 8. OREGON STATE HEALTH DEPT, BACTEROLOGICAL TEST OF WATER MAIN REQUIRED. 9 . ALL WATER LINE MAIN PIPE SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON (D . I . CLASS #52 . 2 1&ZO ✓ull 0F1-/953 161V ez 51 4- _5 I-ORIVI TT I i.Xvvl, REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN SEE SHT. WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. SCALE TRACED 10185 S. W. RIVERWOOD LANE CHELSEY HILL JOB NO. N . H . TIGARD, OREGON 9729 CHECKED SHEET 5' REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE J H. Harris - McMonagle Associates REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION DATE ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS WATERWORKS PLAN I LL 12555 S. W. HALL F30ULEVARD NO J TIGARD, OREGON 97223 CHEL.5 OF -5 6 OF' k lop -till IIIpji*PI1'jvj-fjI'jT'pj i'l I'll I I I(I I II IIji j.jIjIII[IIfjIj 11 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8- 9 2 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC&j---1T IS DUE TO -.Ijf QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. Oc 62 92 LZ 9t ej Lp 1p? EZ Zz I z OZ 61 gi it 91 51 v I El a I 11 01 -6 9 1 9 tp E a I 111111111111111111 till!Ill I of 114 Ill till,11111111 Ill �� ­ 24 ]( JUNE 24 1992 (0) Non(, of the lots cif Petitioner' s subjivisior ,,,, 'Ic.scribed may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the Cite and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior- to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling them street for each developed lot proposed to a occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later th,An 3 years from the date of this Subdivision improvement Contract. (b) All, landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between thr: public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) is required, shall be planter' in Place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar- month from October to April of any year, such plant.ngs may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping and trees in all areas shall be planted and in Place within the entire subdivision within three (,` years from the date of this subdivision imprivement contract. (c) After tentative City acceptance of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to plane an asphaltic_ concrete Class "©" overlay on all roads within the development; placement scheduling to be approve by the City . (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, condit�t:ns specified by the zone use classification and, also, on • the approved plats: and plan(s) . (e) Petitioner agrees to prodide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee Period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such timQ as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirnments of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, thereinregard, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond. ( 10) rhe parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed rand filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement; is executed on behalf of the City . ( 11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all Purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part of the Petitioner with respect to any requirement thereof. { IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly author..zed undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to motion of its Council adopted at a megtLgg thereof duly and regul,.rly held on the 9,-Jay of �r — e 19 �,� , has caused this ag-eement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. Waverly Construction Co. Inc. By: THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON By:� •!`r� Lei; or eI. +tP n\ Recorder (Attach Nol;ary Acknowledgement hereto) STATE OF OREGON, County of Washington 7 a9. I I • Oct. 16 19 85 - Persor-.ly Appeared Kenneth-L•. Wayritire Mto who, being duly sworn, &WA)(WMXK4tEUOx XX)jrXM7R9[)CftXV"did say that t y[l�9[]I74fC�1"X�1fx i he is the president a17tAE)E�I9C1C�tll')C ... ... ...... . . ..... ..... .. R%7pjt+xx of Waverly Construction Company , a corporation, and that the seat affixed to the foretoind insfrumeuf is the corporate seal of said corporation ar! that said insfrument was signd and sealed in be- e,f1 of said corporafto��rj by authority of its board of directors; and each of nowled di{sid instrument to 8e its voluntary act and rt^ed. Be re !1y/L /►-- (OFFICIAL Retu ofary Public or Oregon SEAL) My cu.nmission expires 'O 7- If / iuldj 5W Riverwood Lane __ Tikard. OR 97223 _ (0070S) 4 PERSONAL SURETY PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Waverly Construction Co. Inc . as Principal, and MMMeLM L. Waymire an as Sureties, are held and firmly bound t� 'T GARD, OREGON, as Obligee, in the sum of �2?S �� , for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Sureties bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, P J assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the Principal entered into a certain contract, hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof with the Obligee, CITY OF TIGARD, dated the <, day of � ! 19 85 , known as the Subdivision Compliance Agreement for —7773ey H1 NOW, THEREFORE, if. the Principal shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, terms, conditions std agreements of said contract during the original term of said contract, and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the Obligee, with or without notice of to the sureties, and shall also well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, terms, conditions and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications, notice to the Sureties being hereby expressedly waived; then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. In the event suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to reco•,rer under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies hereunder the City, in the Pvent it shall prevail., shall be entitled to recover such sum as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees. r; By: 11,4 ZL By: roes ident Ke h W e By: By: Roberta A . Waym-ire Principal Sureties STATE OF OREGON ) as. County of Washington ) Kenneth L. Waymire anti Roberta A . Waymire being first duly sworn, on oath depose and say; each for himself and not for the others: (1) That I am a resident of the State of Oregon an a freeholder therein; (2) That my net worth over and above all. just debts, liabilities and exclusive of property exempt from execution is a sum equal to or in excess of the liability expressed in the foregoing bond. en L.. ay rQ Roberta aymire Subscrthed and swo-:n to before me this 17 day of October , 19 H�-T-T z . ota P lic for Oregon My Commission 'Expires 1 . 10185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANE • TIGARD, OREGON 97223 (503) 820-8729 •'• 'E'�,/ 'D DATE _ 10-23-95 DATE: .I TO PM. Bob Thompson City of Tigard -- REPLY _-_-_ P. U, Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 - - - -- ---- -- - L. - —----- - - J MESSAQE __ -_�__-- Enclosed is the deed for the first parcel of Parkland on Would you send us an executed copy with City signs urea wen s accepter for our ft ---- please. tA 0 S� Roberta Waymire SIGNED SIGNED y ems, I%AA4L V6%eVhkO �fh 1�K1Q► �tiekt ����s �� wo� v►ects MEMORANDUM CA.V( OF I IGARD, OREGON 10 Randy Clari-io June 26, 1.985 [ROM: Fronk Currie SUBJECT; Shadow Park Development 1 . What McMonagle? :s pointing our has nothing to do with this subdivision. The recor , here is incomplete as to the discussion. The Planning Commission locjkod at the ovprl.ay program for O'Mara and because of pressure from citizens on the south side, requested that it be put on that side with the overlay of O'Mara. Our plan is to have bike paths on both sides wherever possible. With this understanding, the improvement plans for O'Mara were approved with the understanding that the bike lane would be. required on the north side from Edgewood on the east to Frewing on the west, and that the overlay would do the east and west ends and the subdivision would do the middle complete. Our plan is to also have the bike path on the uphill side for traffic and to be continuous wherever possible. 2. As I recall our conversation, we were going to require the curbs all the wa-., throuyh because this was not presented as a phased development until. after the conditions were placed. our goal in this case is consistency for the public, and I think we should stick with the conditions as approved and require the bike path to be built all the way and a bond for the curb. ',FAC:br/1544P) A A�-, ' If -� v a� •l ter- '�� ff�y�-�.S - fis�,� d. Ci !?�lfr'�. !�. �- G� /�i�fylE'/�'I!✓�'`-' G'L� �'-��-� l��s�s-r.�+(.�"� ,may a74 �.- / ,LT if r �lyJ P� C��� 2/ 1 7-c ---- / 1 CITYOF TIFARD WASHINGTON C(XItM,OREGON lZS55 S.W, N�1\ �b\vd. TioJ�r� `Or. 9"1zZ3 k .: C1��1se� Nc1l S�bd;J�siov� Dear Mb, u�rt�S F.ncl.osed, please find the Compliance Agreement and Performance bond (forms) for said project. After signature thereof by the principal(s) and notary and, in the case of the bond form, by the surety, please return both documents for final. processing. After City execution and acknowledgment , a copy will be transmitted to you, for your file, by the City Recorder. Subsequently, thereafter, the approved public improvement construction plans can be issued upon receipt of a check, in favor of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in the sum of $ 10 15Z8,15 Z ; being the said agreement (therein stated) deposit/fee(s). Yours truly, John S. Hagman - JSH:pjr t s 12755 S.W. ASH P.O.BOX 2"01 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:6394171 � rr SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the day of 19as "CITY",, and the CITY OF ���� n"Nt*trut� ©N Oregon,- hereinafter termed the hereinafter termed "Petitioner". l.G W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washingto County, a subdivision plat kno as C.N E°f 11. �L Zt--- Willamette Meridian, Washington Count , Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of sold subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance, via a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith Lo the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $ ZZS '3"3'3, D0 a copy whereof hereto attached by this reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and PAtitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed and - 1 - charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the • amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s sureties specif,c performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City' s attorney' s fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any . (4) Petitioner, concurrent the with execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights , Said amount being $___,I Ir or,"),ZQ -- (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest ar-e desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections fees.* (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of the readinAss for acceptance consideration inspection and upon notification by the . Department of Public Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, in the sum of $,_ to provide for correction of any defective work or mainten nce becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after- tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. Upon receipt of certification by t; ! Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the public improvement subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (e) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations: *Project Fee $ "�(i► Sewer Fee $_ 2 "- (a) None of the lots of Petitioner' s subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy per,.nit is issued under • authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed ].at proposed to v occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be, installed throughout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. (b) All landscaping trees on that, portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) is required, shall. be planted in place prior to final. inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the siibdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant tar occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from 0C4.0 r b.,r to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping and trees in all. areas shall. be planted and in place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract., (c) After tentative City acceptance of the public imprcivomonts, the Petitioner agrees to place an asphaltic concrete Class "B" overlay on all roads within the development; placement scheduling to be approve by the City . (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretaror said subdivision development by the Council. and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on • the approved plat(s) and plan(s) . (e) Petit'ioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during tho guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, thereinregard, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond . (1.0) the parties hereto hereby adopt the farm of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City . (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of thin obligation spcur-ed by the aforesaid performance bond and the City shall, be entitled to recolirsp thereto in the event of default an the pert of the Potitionpr with respect to any requirement thereof. 3 IN WI:T'NFSS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Director's has caused th. s agreement to be executed, and t'he City acting pursuant to motion of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the day of _ _ , 19_ has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. BY By — THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON By '... __..... A__W Mayor By : — Recorder (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Return signed copy to: _W?wLV-%k � l s1A. (00705) 4 I SVZ�1V l��QJL_ PERFORMANCE BOND ® - Bond No. _ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we t_l %7att�aN Ht. as Principal, and _ _-~� a corporation duly authorized to conduct a general surety business in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $_ 'S43113.00 , lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which we, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our- successor's and assigns firmly by these present. 1HE CONDITIONS OF `PHIS BOND AND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the t Princip al s are _lubb -SUN LQN N4t1 1k�OMa►It.��M tA__" % �ML�S1.Il�i�J� located' in the City of Tigard, Oregon, and have entered into a S"AWAS� __ Compliance Agreement with respect to timely development and improvement thereof, a copy of said Agreement is attached hereto, and by reference made a part hereof; and NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faith"ully and truly observe and comply with all terms of the Agreement and Rhall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said Agreement and under all ordinances, regulations and conditions of thrr Obligee applicable to said development and improvement, and shall promptly make payments to all . persons supplying labor or materia] for any of the work provided by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecutioned against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. In the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies hereunder, the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney' s fees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this band to be executed this day of 19_�_ 46 rincipal B --lea—��— seal By : (A tree copy of the Power of Attorney must be attached to the original of Surety this bond . ) Attorney-in-Fact (0927P) CITYOFTIrARD No. 81. 84 12755 S.W. ASH P.O.BOX 23397 Date TIGARD,OR 97223 Address Lot Block/Map SubdivislonlAddress - _ Permit M's Bldg, Plumb sh Check Other _ Other Rec. By -- Acct No. — Description - Amount 10.432 Building Permit Fees 31.600 Plumbing Permit Fees 10-431.601 Mechanical Permit Fees 10.230.501 State Bldg. Tax - 10.433_ Plans Check Fee _ 30 443 _ Sewer Connection - 30.444 Sewer Inspection _ "- 51.448 __ _Street Syst. Dev Char a___._.__ _'____ �- 52.449-610 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge 52 449 620 Parks II Syst. Dev. Charge --- 31.450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge _ - 10.430 Business Tax_ 10.434 -- Alarm Permit _ _ ---_- 10.227 10.455- Fines re}ticlMisd'FTa.•kmg 10-230 Asst - -_ 10 466 in igent Defense 30.122.401 Sewer ServicelUSA --- - _ 30.122.402 Sewer ServlcelCity 30% .-- --_- 123 ----- Sewer SevlcelCity Maint. 30-112 Unmatched 31.124 Storm Drainage_---__----- ' 40-4 5 ancro t Prin. Pymt. 0-471 Bancro t Int. ymt. 21-4 ' 2 7 1r 10-TA-LAV, '� CUSTOMER r�+ wr ssl sw s PLEASE TAKE THIS TO THE CASHIER FOR A RECEIPT NAME ��J ��� (� _ "�S GATE; _ ......�0- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DESCRI � ACCT. M _._...��_ --_.. - -_--------------- - 10-220 Refundable Performance Bond Deposit 10-435 Sign Permits HOP TU _ $ 10-436 "public Sewer Plan Check/InspertioT n"rt'LL�--� $ 2�Z S I,404 10-436 Public Storm Plan Check/Inspection Fee 10-436 Street DedicatiortfPublic Improvement Fee $__ �"7 ��• (v8 i 10-436 10-440 Subdivision Applications: S MI-P -- I 10-441 Zoning Applications : ZC CPA ZOA PD Misc SCE CU SLP V . 21-442 — L`Street Light Fee $____ _ 1 G Z-7.Zo _ 10-451 Document Sales: Enqrq. _Planning Bldg. 10 451 _ Street and_Traffic Si- qns --, 10-451 Land Use Actions/Fees: SDR TOTAL $__ �• 5Z (1045P) a 1 'WR CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET Project Title: _ (,,h el�� � �{��`, Imprv. Type: All , Computed By: Date: 1. PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T.M.C. 18, 164. 150) : A. Improvement cost estimate, less sanitary sewer. . . .$ h,", CA (Adjusted Cost) B. 0.04 x 4 Z ` _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$___------ (Ad-- justed Cost) 2. SANITARY SEWER MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION FEE (Ord. No. 85--02) : A. Contract surcharge applicable . . . . yes, no. (agreement naine)�� B. Sewer Improvement cost estimate $ �L- 2-5I (sewer est. ) C. 0.04 x $ ,7� ,?.�I � , _ _ $ _ 'Z -r, � (,4 — (sewer estimate) (fee) [or) $100.00 min. , whichever is greater . . . . . . . . .$ Zy'Z SI • �'� 3 STREEIL.GHT FEE (T.M.C. 18 . 164. 130 (x) & 3 .08.010) : A. P.G.E. Schedule No. ll Option No, Type of Lamp _�.F, Lumens/Watts ':iS:o0 , Type of Pole _ l ash, Height _ B. $_ _ x If _ _ $ 39 3� /mo. (monthly rate) (no. of lights) L 5t (monthly rate) (no. of poles) $ 3`I .�` + �,'`- x 24 months = . .$ I,L)2-7, ZC (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4. TRAFFIC-PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164.030(u) : A. Stop: @ $---- ` $___ (number) (each) (subtotal) B. St. Name: @ $ _ $ C. Combo: r @ $ 1°1 ra+c - S 3'1(, , D. No. Parking: @ (Mist. ) F. @ $ = s Sign(s) Toted. . . . . . .: 5. GRII.nID TOTAL (FEE'S DUE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s _10 2,S e. Receipt No. , _- Date Paid: Check cash _ #� 0420P Harris-McMonagle Asso, tes, Inc. ������ 0 ENGINEERS-SURYEYOk„� ,y,, 8905 S.W.COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD,OREGON 97223 OTE JOB NO Telephone 15031 439.3453 �� l 4?11 ENT'ON TO /_/zll �C -1 GENTLEMEN WE ARE SENMNG YOU - Attached Under separate cover via _ the following items: Shop drawings Prints 4'Plans Samples C Specifications Copy of letter C Change order f COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION --- _ _ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED ns checked below. _For approval G Approved as submitted Resubmit------copies for approval l,.- ror your use 0 Approvea d. noted C Submit.—_-copies for distribution f As requested 0 Returned for corrections [ Return-_--corrected prints C For review and comment ❑ — _, __.__ C; FOR BIDS DUE _ 19 C: PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS_I _ -- COPY TO— _ r SIGNED: It encloeuwee ere not n natal. Mfndly noNty us of once -Y CONSTRUCTION CO. RIVERWOOD LANE REGON 97223 RS - SURVEYORS IS- McMONAGLE ASSOCIATES INC. .W. HALL BOULEVARD ), OREGON 97223 l.. Y BYC� Ll�tc J9 CHELSEY HILL '.n W;..YwA'Aibil•M1ij'.W'!Yrt+YY.tiM..�lwY:ItWMWW.�yVppW:tK'W'VIYWYWOSIYW/.k Vs:WtlkWWKiYYIMU.�It M4'1:•:.-" uwfo Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 87123 503 648-8621 October 2, 1985 CITY OF TIGARD PO BOX 23'97 TIGARD OR 97223 Gentlemen: SUBJECT: CHELSEY HILL The construction plans on the above-referenced pro;jr,ct have been approved by the Unified Sewerage Agency. If you have any questions , please do not he..A. ,ate tO call . Sincerely , Terry Chamberlin Design Engineer TC:•jb Enc. 72 41111 riarris-McMonagle Associates, rnc. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 12355 S.W. HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 Telephone(503) 639.3453 September 27, 1985 Mr. John flagman City of Tigard Engineering Department 12755 S. W. Ash St. Tigard, OR 972?3 Re: Chelsea Hi i-i Dear John: Enclosed is a copy of our detailed estimate for the primary construction items in Chelsea Hill . The following is a summary of these costs together with estimated costs for other items of work necessary to complete the project. Streets $79,064.00 Sanitary Sewer 56,291 .00 Storm drainage 16,113.00 Water system _ 27,500.00 Sub-Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $178,968.00 Sidewalks 14,500 s.f. @ $1 .25 18,125.00 Street lights ,3,;r6. @ $700.00 7,700.00 "7'00a'u0 P.G.E. trenching $ transformer pads 6,500.00 Street signs 2 ea. @ $60.00 120.00 Asphalt overlay 'i30 ton @ $34.00 _ 14,620.00 _ Grand Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *226,033.00 A '42 S.,331_; Sincerely, J. Harris Harris-McMonagle Associates , Inc. JRH:ds Harris-McMonagle ARS ►tes, Inc. ENGINEERS.SURVSURVEYORS LIE U Ir ttm OF CT R brZ,K n. ETT TZP, 8905 S.W.COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD,OREGON 91223 DATE Telephone(503)639.3455 _— ATTENT O TO Sent— GENTLEMEN: -- - — - - WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached Under separate cover via _ _ the following items: i, Shop drawings E. Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples LI Specifications C Copy of letter ❑ Change order [; _ ~ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION r - — ��=--eG•Q'r'-� - i i THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checkid below: For approval Approved as submitted ; Resubmit cnpips, fnr app,nv;,i �i dor your use ❑ Approved as noted Submit copies ff,r distribution L: As requested ❑ Returned for corrections C; Return_--corrected prints 1 For review and comment ❑ .-- -_-- ------.-- - --�--- —..-_ _---__---___— C! FOR BIDS DUE 19.._ _ — [-; PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS - COPY t0 SIONE If enclosures are net as noted. hrndly fit- et •. PC-2 PROJECT. Chelsq Hill TITLE: 8 i+ P r ey, e-1 UNIT UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE COST TOTAL STREETS: 1 . Clearing & grubbing lump sum 2. Excavation, embankment, site grading lump sum zp�r; ✓O Z�'3''', �'% 3. Curb 2,900 l .f. 4. Rock & paving - Chelsey Loop 4,690 s.y. r -7 4L 777.45 O'Mara 284 s .y. /A./„%; le G 5. Concrete sidevalk - (Park area) ,42 s .f. "O.w "Oy 6. A/C walk - (PErk area) _.,.sem `'�RAF- 900 s.f. ._ 1,. "•-�% TJTAL STREETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 79 STORM SEWER: 1 . 12-inch concrete pipe 716 I .f. 2. Inlets - std. 4 e a. 3. Inlets - oversize 2 ea. ¢-Z574--c 4. Granular backfill 260 c.y. 047 • Or' TOTAL STORM SEWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SANITARY SEWER: I . 8-inch pipe 1 ,545 1 .f. 2. Service lateral pipe 1 ,310 l .f. r 3. Tees 33 ea. r'C 4. Manholes 6 ea. ,v►r �c�±c'>G' 5. Temporary cleanout 1 ea. e- 6. 6. Pipe zone material 2,855 1 .f. ,f��" ��, �� 7. Rock backfill 2 ,050 c.y. TOTAL SANITARY SEWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PC-3 PROJECT : Chelse.6;Hill TITLE: Bid Proposal ITEM _ DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT MEASURE COST TOTAL WATERWORKS : 1 . 6-inch D. I . P. 1 ,250 l .f. 2. 8" x 6" tee M.J. 2 ea. z2,�.0ODiG4 3. 6" bends J. J. 4 ea. 1.,99-0,7 4. butterfly valves M. J . w/ box 2 ea. ',G'�' _9GG�CG 5. 6" gate valves M. J . w/ box 3 ea. 6. Fire hydrant assembly 3 ea. 7. Rock backfill 325 c.y. _�_4' 8. Remove & replace A/C. paving 18 S .Y. ? . Cut into existing 8" line inc. cleave 2 ea. TOTAL WATERWORKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUMMARY STREETS . . . SA141TARY SEWER . . STORM SEWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11�_1�L..��___�1 WATERWORKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAND TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $�� By: Gari'b McMo , nagle Date: f,� f:Nf;IVf_F.11S-til'11PF1flR� 9' c3 12555!�.W.JJAIJ,BLVD. TIGARD,OREGON 97213 Address Phone: ._vision of State Lands Permit No. RF 4215 1445 State Street (( jj'� P it Type— —]e ova i I I Salem, OR 97310 O l � 11 Tway Fanno Creek Phone: 378-30S9 � County Wdshington County- 37&- 380S ounty378- 3805 JILL 22 010'5 Expiration Date July la, 1986 _ CITY OF TIGARD C"VIkGPRRETRTIES IS AUTHORIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORS 541.605 TO S41 .69S TO PERFORM THE OPERATIONS DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED DRAWING SUBJECT TO "JiE SPECIAL CONDJ TIONS LISTED ON ATTAR MEN A AND TO THE FOLWWIWj GENERAL CONIDITIONT,.- 1. This permit does not authorize trespass on the lands of others. The permit holder shall obtain all necessary access permits or rights-of-way before entering lands owned by another. 2. This permit (toes not authorize any work that is not in compliance with local zonipg or other local , state, or federal regulation pertaining to the operations aut.hurizeki by this permit. Ilse permiL h,)ider is responsible for obtaining the necessary approvals and permits before proceeding under this permit. 3. All work done tinder this permit must comply with Oregon Administrative Rules , Chapter 340; Standards of Quality for Public Waters of Oregon. Specific water quality provisions for this project are set forth on Attachment A. 4. Violations of the terms and conditions of this permit are subject to administrative and/oral action which may result in revocation of the permit or damages. The permit liolder is responsible for the activities of all contractors or other operators inval.ved in work done at the site or under this permit. S. A copy of the permit shail be available at the work site whenever operations authorized by the permit are being conducted. 6. Employees of the Division of State Lands and all duly authorized representatives of the Director shall be permitted access to the project area at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting work performed under this permit. 7. Any permit holder who objects to the conditions of this permit may request e hearing from the Director, in writing , within 10 days of the date this permit w;i5 issued. NOTICE: If removal is from state-owned submerged and submersible land, the app, icont must comply with leasing and royalty provisions of ORS 274.530. I£ the project involves creation of new lands by filling on state-owned submerged or submersible lands, you must comply with ORS 1.74.905 - 274.940. This permit (toes not relieve the permittee of an obligation to secure appropriate leases from the Division of State lands, to conduct activities on state-owned submerged or submersible lands. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in civil or criminal liability. For more information about these requirements , please contact the Division of State Lands, Waterway Leasing Office, 378- 3805. Ed Zajonc, Director Oregon Division of State lands Aut uze S nature^ Dl ssuwc16. — J • JOIN A?PLICATION FO? ?c'?n47J, I C.S. AiZSY CJR'S G? E:;GI IFS STATE OF OR: C,ON, DIVISIO:; OF STATE L4:7DS / :?�►�l5 Depor:cr.t of the Arm permits for proposed work to or olfactie; e2vigable water, of the Cnl:ed Sta;ea, the d:suurea o,` dyed;ed or fi11 v tarial into those voters, and the t;aeaporC of dredged ruter!al for Lhe purpose of e­Ping it Into ocean vaters are authorized by Sect LOO 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899• Section 40: o' the Clasp -•Acer Act of 1977, sod Section 103 of L•.e Hat•ioe Proteettoo Research and Sanett:arles Act of 1972, resps.clveL!, ---A�7---pc -�I:s for Lhat pert of those project activities which Includes the roovel or fill !n CF.r �7t .oof y. Crepon of rock. Frsysi, alit, and clay are su[horized ; erZ y the $rota oC Oragora rods[ O.R_S. 6C5 Co 541.E95---TT"iS5 A_ U ?LIIION :Z LL !�_, RZ irglfIR.c`L!;•$ OF W;8 ACEKCIS, Corps of _ gloaero o Cn 0 Sate Of Oregon o V � C V �: ro o C.ce received o Cat. retelved M_a 0I P1vrr anno Creek 1'11• 4. 2 .,��,- F'anno Creek $ec:tae SE s Section 2 , 2 South Range 1 West-- Town.hlp 8 June 15 Lacus tcd Coapletiou Est_r+ted Star:ir4 De:• OI TTO'eCt D -• of Project Sept. 15 APFL: ''`'� Century 21 Properties, Inc . A�01='D APS" — A;-;rr OTAK,—Inc. Attn : Michael Fain, P . E. Add;ass _P . 0. BO:{ 1408 Address P.O. BOX 13 79 u�.yc�a�aca.Tuaiatin, Oregon 97062 C!=7. ata -- C,d• Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Area Ara& Phone: vo-k rofla1 A2 ea Area i-- - _ Prone: rk L0.3 635-3618x,-, r l S;:,?tz:;o?, James M. Polak �Vr 684-2762 pie Atea� rhoo.: Work �— C`_, =•'• I?)-,; P,n,,^ N. side S .W. Omara Street A►?Llu•rr Ed Rett, Palaske �DDR_-Ss ; Mi . W. of S . W. Hall Blvd. Address City, County, State Zip Cade Tigard,Washington Co. Orec Clty, State, — — 1or '.tp Cudr �.7pT•t, Aasessor'e P_eorda-- �an� Qt-o gon S'"owM en Y&p 2S 1 �� Ta: lad .4 4Q�L_50CL— L� 244-1292 Hz--& of hnane: Work ?teArea e ( / / > su5d1N_.tcn N A Lot N/A Sln_kr) A In order to eedit• tha P"':esot" of this rpoLtca:iun, Ltia folloii ` �uc'lad:c:too nover the propnsod proj.cr, has beew contacted: cicT and/or county depot-eat. nth--h !as lo,al Naas of Dep•r"int; City of Tigard Engineering Dept. ,Attn:Fr.ank Curri•2, Aedre,ar 12755 S .W. Ash Street, P.O. Box 23397 1' E - Phone NL her: �5B�) 71 A?p9OVAL: OR :t;71-TGI:IODtS applied for or •Lrudy obtataed C-ca other • encies ct•7, area) for any of the proposed proJacta daserl, ad in this appliea:Sora; (?ederal, late n ca:r, •cote, county. Tssutne Is mer Tvoe of Aeoroval Ident!!teation ! Date of Aeoltestton Data of Ao�rovsl City of Tigard Sensitive lands Shadow Park April 15, 1985 In process Perm;.t (S 7-•84, 71 T-V JUN 1 U I�oa APR 3 0 '�� 1.-? Fo r-i 353 1 1, cam. t;s0 t h�VLQI�N F ,:T 1 J.-Eo I ncl�su:s 1 STATE LANDS REGULATORY FUNC11l,NS Du. Mrs any ajency dented approval for the a-tivity described herein mr for any other aetivlty d!reerly rols:ed to It' Yes i}a do IL yes, please explain to RC.arka. A_`JOI.IUNC PROPERrY 0.1 TH: WATMAY: Civa nares, addreaaes, and phone nu-here of owners and/or occupant a, Map 2S 1 2DB, Tax Lot 101 - City of Tigard, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, OR 97223 (Greenway) Map 2S 1 2DB, Tax Lot 600 -, City of Tigard, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard,OR 97223 lap 2S 1 2DB, Tax Lot 200-Pacific Frontier Wood Market, 9500Senior SW Ba bur Blvd•Ptld OR tap 2S 1 2DB, Tax Lot 201-J.A.Atwood Corp- , 33 SW 3rd Ave. ,Portland, OR., 97210 PLEASE EMAIN IN DETAIL your plana to restore the area to its natural eoneit:ion. i 2. All disturbed areas compacted prior to October, lst shall be hydro seeded an fertili ::ed and spread evenly over the site between September 1 and October 1 . Fertilizer composition to be 22-16-8 . 1 All disturbed areas not graded and compacted prior to October lst shall be seed with 200 lbs/acre of Highway Mix and spread with a hay mulct layer to ;" th' 0 IKFOF?4A7I0-4 FOR FILL CR R=."DvAL: FILL w,LL 1,Y0 LVL 285 cubic yards annually. and 285 cubic yards for the total project. El P:prae Q Pack C3 Ccavel Sand El Silt C3 Clay Organic X Asphalt P_?74AL WILL INVOLVE 285 cubic yards annually, and 285-_ euble yards for the total project. Pock Cravel Send ED Silt Clay rSSCRIEE 1Y DE:AIL :1! M?CS ED A^:vI:Y---its primary purpose ar.d seronda-y purpose, if any,---lncendrd use (p.I!vs•t, p•_blie, c—r.rciel)--- ype of structures and use---type of vessels cuing fcctl(ty___facil::lea for handling v u type ;es-•- of corrveyerce and manner of extraction of arty fill or re--oval---the quanclty and co-apesltion of, and the sourct and disposal sites for a-y f'_11 or reavaL. (If addl_lor-ol ~para is Deeded, use Plain sheet of paper.) Proposed use is for public street and appurtenant utilities for serving a new single family residential s1Ibdillision. Extension through the flood plain allow better fire and emergency vehicle access as well as serving direct access to future park property with parking and access to f.loodway for maintenance. The structures shall be buried gravity sewers connecting to an existing system with in the floodplain and public, asphalt paved public street and parking facilitie! Use of facilities will be by automobile, truck, bus, maintenance vehicles , bicycle and pedestrian (Public traffic) . Removal of excavated material will be by grader and scraper ( approx. 285 cu. yds. and will be disposed of on an up- land site. Applicat!an is hereby nada for a pac3it or permits to autbortce the activities deac;ibed herein. I certify that 1 am fanillar with tea lnfom.ation contained in this spplLcatton, and that, to the best of ey knowledge and ballet, suC` iofor'a• nn :s true. coagiate, and accurate. I further certify tNrt I possess the authority to undertake the prvpos,d activitlee. vice President cen�urT21 Properties Slgnlrtura of APPILeant or Authocired Agent s I rc. IS CSC 1001 p-ovides In part: ".Tiatce-, to any Danner with!. the Jurtadlcttrm of any dspartYent , of 0a United Staten kno..[nstly and vtlllully fal st_'ies a r.&ee 2121 fact or rtikes any false aratrrvrnt or , any Cil:a docuLent •lull be Ctned not rare than $10.000 cr (r_prtooned not more then Civa years. or both•`, W-T. = 1 'Z,'2;1. LOI2.Z"C"�, to" V ��;•,-.��� Ah Lyre 1 y ,., .:�:::.�`,;,,,...7tr:'�•"'. `�.�1/rM`-. (111t't� r• .' .•' '�%':+CGrl,;�el�..�.!� .,may. .. `�CTl .�� i'' ��t:.ir ��yy -'lt.11.� }-�'�s •iia, .e'M�•'1 L.'. ,+ -•��.,:.�..�' r#�'. ��%`,� •a-/+�,.oFL./' r" 3i' ��, ••: is 'ti ��, {�.e! m -7, o� 7►'; � �� [} N • J�. i 'y� a, F., .1 ��a�� .K>^� s r'� a•^ ? �'c-`" � �- �� •� 'R�' - -}•- +y .lam•-a� � 1 ��• .^•J ti Rx �.9e• r 1N..P•• 7�'�!�Ic .� aes ,`.+•+'{7t 4 � A Lt two �y,}�. R Frnr!. GIT-( S'r�,_-:•T Np.r TAX FUTUr-E Flu5LiG (PC�FySENi'LY UtilDtrti' �� (crr�Or all- ExI�-T - . oN UFl4t1D �t � (ND�'�� Tor' Zc,_`i Ca�..ce-- E - �- I o� 'Y R Flop r i r, I LIM 3Y �11 VE r'Y a- '( — �,`\ to �'c��"►E!L c _ L t-4 Z_ FLA-"LAG f 0. jz ._7ca=oc PFa, oVt;�\ c Io'x 24') ESS ,.' r c SEv MJ r,�.��� FA F-°w N StW�a YF'-OPo`snL r _ ACS.{M�'(' �• .. E xC�YbTI o 1.� �, «t ..f'Jf-}e.- _/ '� �'..r.s h 4•? �_ of_j/.1 1E�L�u� �F'�h �'4/11AD'L,C'� �S�C �Ir "_'f�$^ - ��'� �•b�i`" may„ '• �^t•,,���."�s1\ �����':_""��iyO�;1����j �' • `G(7 _ .. _. •.•• .' 3•r6�'[.r`��*•''E'" �y; �Vd'' `\��,f��'tT7��-'- .•r . ...K��•i._�ti��r ?y�'� ! - \• 4i i' ~F:' 4 ��. .��1 'Jam. •, �.CJ •.t!1''r�. ''4 `.�.ry+i .1 R O)I r / ' t'awl.-.�5.��'SI'M«.4=nwr:T.,-'s��>h:l+a>t4ikr•>��'7y�"..�'�y-L•GL'� r _V A ✓� �O m / �cr -LGA IST lI 3� �r PCCDrcInEDPUfL(C se-i IF, r-nhwo c4ZESK. F-I V E f2 M 1 _ ran Zoo Nt�R: Il,1 GI _ T`f LIF-�I Tri�TI CSD PUP-rosE P�CL.IG�t-Ec.T PISFt�I�J��°•f'WEFv �Uh1T`l � Wb541I►JUTc�� STATt— ctzF��a+� G;�ru� : NAT. f-.�0.^.ETIG VERrIGaL D,�,TIUM � Ig�3 A'F�L14:tilT: (iE{JruFY 'lrr�oc wC FAc, F?o4T�cF` CT.t_, 1 E�(1 �It.(G ACJaGENT FP-off oK1WER-S: CAT'C: AP�•1L 22�19Pxo 'c , ,, 1 -TA,ATwctipcorP CT,L.:ar I I .; �. ,�•: ;- , . ;�;art:,. _ t'a :•+4' vF 79 r�`.+�_+?ly 't y'�"2��v fi t+•Y rT �rur .r'^`.iC• !tv-t .r y,' a'...r•�1' f' '^at.1.- lte+1(�i�^"e+` < ►cJfi, *<:SrTM ' -+ - ;F L .i E71,'••�y a.,,•Ja '�,•., cR �- � �r� G 'yrty�iMt� l+�''-+` _ ,$s•�� �� '�nd'�_4L'i"�r�l! 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PRQi osEo PUMIC Sr Er•Pa l►�� �' IN � FAi•J.ND_G�EEK-1• �IJEiz I•!fl . d.;� .I - . NF.�►�,��'�{I,l GCT"( LIMITS 'Y'1GOZ-D , . �uNT'f���lkiasNluC�TcN.I � . i ~t: owf l c�dr,allTURY 21 OM?nEs li-1G. oFZ - •„ ,y. a. �.n•tl- _ - - � J' ,•sem w s s ATTACHMENT A Spacial Conditions for Material Removal/Fill Permit No. 4215 1 . This permit authorizes the removal of up to 285 cubic yards of silt and the placement of up to 285 cubic yards of material in Section 2, T2S, R1W ;ranno Creek, mile 4.2) in conjunction with street construction project as outlined in the attached permit application, map and drawings. 2. Turbidity increase shall be limited to 10% increase above background as measured 100 feet below project. 3. Waste materials and spoils shall he placed above the hinkline. 4. ThFre shall he no removal or filling in the permit area between 0L tuner i5 and May 31 . 5. The stream shall not be diverted from the natural ted. 6. Only clean, erosion resistant rock from an upland source shall be used as fill material . I. Areas of rtreambank disturbance shall be seeded or planted with grass and/or ieqL.nes. 8. Removal of existing woody vegetation shall be minimal. 9• The Division of State Lands retains the authority to temporarily halt or mocliiy the project in case of excessive turbidity or damage to natural resources. July 18, 1985 CI1Y OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL. ORDER - BY HEARINGS OFFICER 1 . Concerning Case Number(s) : ___�31, 3. 85 2. Name of Owner: Century 21 Pronerries, Inc_ 3. Name of Applicant: Same Address PO Box 1408 City_Tualatin State OR r Zip 97012 4. Location of Property: Address--north side of o'r4ara Street NUM 2S1 203 lots 400 & 500) Legal Description see above 5. Nature of Application: Request to allow the construction of a street within the 100 year flood p win and regrade two acres of over slope on property zoned R-12 (PD) and 4 .5 111) 6. Action: _ Approval as requested Approval with conditions Denial 7. Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: XX The applicant 6 owners Owners of record within the required distance - ' The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization XX Affected governmental agencies 8 . Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL BE FINAL ON July S, I).15 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. The adopted findings of fact, decision, and statement of condition can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 1275'] SW Ash, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223 . 9 A� a 1: Any party to the decision may appeal this decisi(-:. in accordance with 18 . 32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 which provide, that a written appeal may be filed within 10 days after notice is give , and sent. The deadli(ie for filing of an appeal is 4: 30 P.M. 3:00 P'i J,ily 5, 1995 10. uestions: Tf you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Dopartmont, 639 -4171 . 0257P BEFORE THE HEARINGS OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF TIGARD IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) FOR A SENSITIVE LANDS PERMIT TO ) No. ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STREET) WITHIN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ) SL 3-85 AND TO REGRADE TWO ACRES OF OVER ) 25% SLOPE ON PROPERTY 'ZONED R•-1.2 ; ) Century 21 Properties, Inc, ) applicant. ) The above-entitled matter, came before the Hearings Officer at the regularly scheduled meeting of June 6, 1985 , at the Durham Waste Treatment Plant, in Tigard, Oregon; and The applicants requested a sensitive lands permit to allow the construction of a street within the 100 year flood plain and to r.egrade two acres of over 25% slope on property zoned R-12 (PD) and R-4 . 5 (PD) , property located on the north side of O'Mara Street, more specifically described as Tax 400 and 500, Map 2S1-2DB, City of Tigard, County of Washington, State of Oregon; and The Hearings Officer conducted a public hearing on June 6 , 1985, at which time testimony, evidence and the Planning Department Staff Report were received; and The Hearings Officer adopts `he findings of fact and conclusions contained in the: Staff keport, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" and incorporated by reference herein; NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that SL 3-85 is approved subject to the following conditions: Page 1 - SL 3-85 1. Constructicn plans for all public improvements and treatment of floodplain and other sensitive areas shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. Theze plans shall be consistent with the recommendation contained in the April 24 , 1985 soils report prepared by John McDonald Engineering. 2. Permits shall be obtained from the U.S . Army Corps of Engineers and Division of State Lands, if necessary. 3. If not exercised within one year from the approval date, this approval shall expire. DA'T'ED this,_ 1'' day of June, 1985. HEAR I NGS-OFF�CER APPROVED•✓ i ,TH MASON f Paqe 2 - SL 3-85 STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 2, 1 Thursday, June 6, 1985 7:00 P.M. TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FOWLER JUNIOR NIGH SCHOOL -- LGI 10865 S.W. WALNUT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 A. FACTS 1. . General Information CASE: Sensitive lands Permit SL 3-85 REQUEST: Approval to allow the construction of a street within the 100 year flood plain and regrade two acres of o%tPr 25% slope on property zoned R-12 (PD) (Residential, 12 units/acre) and R-4.5 (PD) (Residential, 4 .5 units/acre Planned DevPlopment) and located on the north side of O'Mara Street (WCTM 2S1 2DB, Tax Lots 400 and 500) . APPLICANT: Century 21 Properties, Inc. OWNER: Same P.O. Box 1408 Tualatin, OR 97062 2. Background In May, 1985, the Planning Commission granted preliminary plat. approval for a 67 lot single family residential developmr.nt (S 7•-84) . On April 16, 1985, the Commission granted a si.x month extension to the approval until November 7, 1985. A Sensitive Lands Fermit was listHd as a condition of approval. 3 . Vicinity Information Single family residential development lies to the west and on the south side of O'Mara Street. This area, including the western section of the subject property (T. L. 400), is designated for Low Density Residential development in the Plan and is zoned R -4.5. The area north of O'Mara Street, including the eastern portion of the property (T.L. 500), is deaignatPd Central Business District in thr Plan. Within this area, the Open Space �l.an designation applies to Fanno Creek flood plain. As allowed in the Plan and Code, T.L. 500 of the subject property and the parcels to the east and northwest are zoned R--12 (PD) . STAFF REPORT - SENSITIVE LANDS PERMIT SL 3-85 -- PAGE 1 4. Site Information The property is presently vacant except for one house and the applicant proposes to develop the parcel as shown on the preliminary plat. A grading plan indicates where landform alterations are proposed. In addition to the street within the flood plain which will be constructed at the existing grade, two small, acres that have slopes over 25% and the drainage Swale will be modified according to the grading plan. 1'he applicant has submitted supporting informat,.on related to drainage, sc,il preparation, erosion control, and flood plain protection. 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the following comments : a. The applicant' s assessment of the sensitive areas and the proposed solutions are appropriate. b. Construction plans for, all public improvements and treatment of floodplain and other sensitive areas shall be reviewed and approved by the city Engineer. These plans shall be consistent with the recommendations of the soils report dated April 24, 1985 by John McDonald Engineering. The Building Inspection Division has no objection to the proposal. . 8. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant review criteria in this case are Policies 3 . 1 . 1 , 3 . 2. 1., 3 .2. 2 and 1 7 . 3 in the Tigard Comprehensive Plan and Chapter 18 . d4 of the Community Development Codn- . The Plan policies will be met through the application of the relevant sections of Chapter 10,84 of the Code. Section 18 ,84 .040 (a) of the Code contains the following criteria for reviewing a `sensitive Lands proposal. within the 100 year floodplain: 1. . Land form alterations shall preserve or enhance the floodplain storage function and maintenance of the zero-foot rise floodway shall not result in any narrowing of the floodway boundary . 2. The lard form alteration cr development within the 1.00--year floodplain shall be allowed only in an area designated as commercial or industrial on the Comprehaosive Plan Land Use Map; 3 . The land form alteration or development is not located within the floodway; 4 . The land form alteration or development will not result in any increase in the elevation of the zero--foot rise floodway; STAF'f REPORT SENSL 1 1Vf LANDS PERMIT S1 3-85 - PAGf 2 5. The land form alteration or development plan includes a pedestri.an/bicycle pathway in accordance with the adopted pedestrian/bicycle pathway plan; 6. The plans for the pedestrian/bicycle pathway indicate that no pathway will be below the elevation of an average annual flood. The staff finds the proposal. to be consistent with the above criteria for the reasons below: 1 . The property is designated Central Business District in the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed street is outside of the floodway . 3 . The street improvement will not result in the placement of additional material in the flood plain and the integrity of the Zero foot rise floodway shall be maintained. 4. The applicant has met the obligation for a pedestrian/bicycle pa,h by participating with the City on the Lower Fanno Creek Park Improvement Project. Section 18, 84 .040 (b) of the Code contains the following criteria for reviewing a Sensitive Lands proposal on steep slopes: 1 . The extent and nature of the proposed land form alteration or development will. not create site disturbances to an extent greater, than that required for the uses; 2. The proposed land form alteration or development will not result in erosion, stream sedimentation, ground instability, or other adverse on--site and off—site effects or hazards to life or property . 3 . The structures are appropriately sited and designed to ensure structural stability and proper drainage of foundation and crawl. space areas for development: with any of the following soil conditions : Wet/high water table; high shrink--swell capability; compressible/organic; and shallow depth—to—bedrock; and 4, Where natural vegetation has been removed due to land form alteration or development, the areas not covered by structures or iRaerviot.is surfaces will be replanted t.> prevent erosion in accordance with Section 18. 100 (LANDSCAPING AND SCREC.NING) , The Engineering Division has reviewed the plans submitted by the applicant and determined that the proposal is consistent with the above criteria. STAFF REPORT - SENSITIVE LANDS PERMIT St. 3- 85 - PAGE 3 3 . RECOMMENDATION Based on the information presented above, the Planning staff recommends approval of SL 3--85 subject to the following criteria: 1. Construction plans for all public improvements and treatment of flomJplain and other sensitive areas shall be reviewed and approved by the City EngineAr. These plans shall be consistent with the recommendation contained in the April 24, 1985 soils report prepared by John McDonald Engineering. 2. Permits shall be obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Division of State Lands, if necessary . 3 . If not exersized within one year from the approval date, this approval shall expire. PREPARE BY: Keith Li. en AP ROVED BY: William A. Monahan Associate Planner Director of Community Development (KSI_:cz/1443P) 1 STAFF REPORT SF NSI1 IVF I.ANOS PERMIT St 3- 99) - PAGF 4 R8QUESTS FOR COMMENTSS.�5 TO: /YL%% DATE: May 9_ 19SS FROM: Tigard Planning Depac ent RE: Request for Sensitive Lands Permit approval to allow the construction of a street within the 900 year flood plain on property zoned R-12 (PD) (Residential, 12 units/acre) Located on the north side of SW O'Mara St. (WCTM 2S1 2DB lots 400 6 500 Attached is the Site Plan and applicant's statement for your review. From information supplied by various departments and agencies and from other information available to our staff, a report and recommendation will be prepared and a decision will be rendered on the proposal in the near future. If you :wish to -omment on this application, we need your comments by 20th , 19 85 You may use the space provided below or attach a separate letter to return your comments. If you are unable to respond by the above date, please phone the staff contact noted below with your comments and confirm your comments in writing as soon as possible , If you have any questions regarding this matter, contact the Tigard Planning Department, P.O. Box 23397, Burnham and Ash Ave. , Tigard, OR 97223. Phone: 639-4171. STAFF CONTACT: Keith Liden PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS THAT APPLY: We have reviewed the proposal and have no 3bjec.tions to it. Please contact of our office. Please refer to the enclosed letter. Written comments: -�� Xi Name of Person Commentine. Phone No. (KSL:pm/0356P) �`l1Ii�1LAGl� wl a>t DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PORTLAND DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS P o eox ?vie POfiTlANO.OREGON 97209 7901 Reply to Attention of June 5, 1985 Operations Di;,ision (NPPOP-R-1) Subject: 071-OYA-4-005830 (Fenno Creek - Road Fill) Century 21 Properties, Inc. ATTN: James M. Polak P.O. Box 1408 Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Dear Mr. Polak: This is in response to your request for a Department of the Army Permit to construct a road within the 100-year flood plain adjacent to Fanuo Creek, Mile 4.2, at Tualatin, Oregon. Based on the information provided, your proposed work is authorized under the nationwide permit described below provided ;ou comply with the following Regional Condition and that the enclosed Nationwide Conditions and Management Practices (Enclosure 1) are met. Nationwide permit 33 CFR 330.5(a)(14) and authorizes minor road cro8sing fills including all attendant features both temporary and permanent that are part of a single and complete project for crossing of a non-tidal waterbody, provided that the crossing i3 culverted, bridged or otherwise designed to prevent the restriction of and to withstand expected high flows, and provided further that discharges into any wetlands adjacent to the waterbody do not extend beyond 100 feet on either side of the ordinary high water mark of that waterbody. A "minor road crossing fill" is defined as a crossing that involves the discharge of less than 200 cubic yards of fill material below the plane of ordinary high water. In addition to meeting the Nationwide Permit Conditions and Management Practices, the following Regional Condition(s) must be met: "That these activities shall receive permits, where required, under Oregon's Removal/Fill Law and appropriate local authorizations." Your application, drawings and photographs (Enclosure 2) are being returned to you. If you have any questions, contact Run Marg, Permit Coordinator, Regulatory Branch, at the above address or telephone (503) 221-6995. Sincerely, .�.� G./9 ; 7 A. e Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosures NATIONWIPE PERMIT CONDITIONS AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 33 CFR 330.5(b) CONDITIONS. Tire following special conditions must be followed in order for the ostionwide permits to be valid: (1) That any discharge of dredged or fill material will not occur in the proximity of a public water supply intake; (2) That any discharge of dredged or fill material will not occur in .areas of concentrated shellfish production unless the discharge is directly related to ■ shellfish harvesting activity au!lrorized by 33 CPR 330.5(a)(4); (3) .That the activity will not jeopardize a threatened or endangered species as identified under the Endangered Species Act, or destroy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. In the case of Federal agencies, it is the agency's responsibility to review its activities to determine if the action "may affect" any listed species or critical habitat. If so, the Federal agency must consult with the Fish and Wildlife Service and/or National Marine Fisheries Service; (4) That the activity will not significantly disrupt the movement of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody (unless they primary purpose of the fill is to impound water); (5) That any discharge of dredged or :ill material will consist of suitable material free from toxic pollutants (See Section 307 of the Clean Water Act) in toxic amounts; (6) That any structure or fill authorized will be properly maintained; (7) That the activity will not occur in a component of the National Wild Scenic River System; and (8) That the activity will not cause an unacceptable interference with navigation. (9) That the Beet Management Practices listed in Section 330.6 below should be followed to the maximum extent practicable. 33 CPR 330.6 Management Practices. The following management practices should be followed, to the maximum extent practicable, in the discharge of dredged or fill material under nationwide permits in order to minimize the adverse effects of theme discharges on the aquatic environment. failure to comply with these practices may be cause for the District Engineer to recommend or the Division Engineer to take discretionary authority to regulate the activity on an individus.l or regional basis pursuant to 31 CPR 330.8. (1) Discharge@ of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States shall be avoidel, or minimized through the use of other practical .it-natives. (2) Discharges in spawning areas during spawning Bensons shall be avoided. (3) Discharges shell not restrict or impede the movement of aquatic species indigenous to the waters, or the passage of normal or P.xpected high flows, or cause the relocation of the water (unless the primary purpose of the fill is to imfound waters). (4) I' a discharge creates an impoundment of water, adverse impacts on the aquatic i ,tem caused by the accelerated pasesge of water and/or the restriction of its flow, shall be minimized. (5) Discharges in wetlsnd areas shall be avoided. (6) Heavy equipment working in wetlands shall be placed on mats. (1) Discharges into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl shall be avoided. (8) All temporsry ri11s shell be removed in their entirety. JAN 85 �. Division of State Lands VICTOR ATIVEH 1445 STATE STREET, SALEM, OREGON 97310 PHONE 378-3805 oarr«.qM May 31 , 1985 OREGON STATE LAND BOARD VICTOR ATIYEH Mr. Michael Fain., P. E. Governor OTAK , Incorporated BARBARA ROBERTS P• 0• BOX 1379 SxrelaryulState Lake Oswego, OR 97034 BILI RUTHERFORD StateTreelurer Re : Corps of Engineers Public Notice No. 071-OYA-4-005830 Dear Mr. Fain: As a follow-up to oar telephone conversation of May 28 , 1985, the Division of State Lands has determined a state fill permit will not by required for work contemplated adjacent to Fanno Creek in Tigard, Oregon. The project should be accomplished as designed in your April 22, 1985 drawing without encroachment upon the banks of Fanno Creek . If we can be of further assistance, please contact us. Sincerely, O'C'ex William L. Parks Staff Biologist WLP/cg 0001f cc : century 21 Properties , Inc. Ron Marg, Corps of E►tgineers May 31,, 1985 Cert.ury 21 Properties, Inc. WASHINGIONCOUNTY,OREGON Mr. James M. Polak, Vice President North Coast Plaza P.O. Box 1408 7160 SW Hazel Fern Road Tualatin, OR 97062 RE: Shadow Park Subdivision Dear Mr. Polak: I'm writing in regards to your request for relief of the required half—street improvements on SW O'mara Street in front of Phase 1.I as part of Phase I construction. I first want to point out that when Century 21 properties came in for their pre—application conference on this project it was agreed that these improvements were going to be installed and required. Also at this time the current interim improvements on SW O'mara Street were being constructed and design changes were made in anticipation of this half—street improvement. The key factor being the bike path. The current edge of pavement on this side is 12 to 15 feet from centerline with the ultimete width being 20 feet (Minor Collector, Standard). The concern was that adding the additional width to accommodate the bike Lane without the curb might pose a structural problem to the road when the curb was added later. We will delete the requirement for curb and sidewalk in front of Phase II for Phase I construction. However, the bike path connection must be made requiring an additional 6 feet of asphalt on the north side. A saw--cut 1 foot inside the existing edge of pavement will be required. When Phase II construction takes place completing the curb and sidewalk, a similar saw—cut will also be required. Please contact me if you should have an lu,_atlona. Sincerely, Ra dy S. C rn6;- P.L.S. Fngineering Services Manager (RSC:bs/1429P) cc Keith l.iden John Hrgman 12755 S.W ASH P.O BOX 23397 TIPARD, OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 i ENTER THE WORLD OF CENTURY 21 PROPERTIES May 3, 1985 Randy Clarno Engineering Section Manager City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 972.23 RE: Shadow Park Subdivision Dear Mr. Clarno: As you may know, we are hoping to develop Phase One of Shadow Park this summer (37 lots) . We have just concluded our cost summary for the pro- ject in anticipation of loan submittal next week. We &re not happy with the numbers we have come up with and we are concerned about our competi- tive stance in bringing the project on line this year. A significant cost factor concerns the ' street improvement along O'Mara including sidewalk and streetl : I-s . Since we are phasing this project it seems fair to require us to Improve O'Mara only along the Phase I boundary. Last year an asrlalt over lay was done and the street looks to be �n great shape. If we wets P -- required to improve Phase II portion f O'Mara until we improved ,,,e II 1,)ts, the savings would amount to 35,000 or $950 per lot in Please I , a substantial savings. The appraised value of Phase I and the lender 's attitude about having Phase II costs allocated in the Phase I loan will make it that much more difficult for us to justify proceeding with this projoct. Any consideration on this issue by the City of Tigard would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Jame M. Polak Vice,-President Century 21 Properties, Inc. CENTURY 21 PROPERTIES • North Coast Plaza • P.O Box 1408 • 7180 S.W.Hazel Fern Rd. • TUciatln,OR 97082 • (5031884-2782 s A B C d00- NORTH / -'r F6, 15 F,G_18S F�6. If34tD F6. lao-S_ F6• ) 76.7i/I FG /73. 0 / ! G. 16a..y G? 156, G \\ C,k .186.0 GR./86.0 GP. 186.6 GR. 042.0 GR /79 .0 IS 159. o 29 37 35 35 34 3 32 31 F6. 1ss. s �•, j (TOP QF BANK L INE ToP OF BANK LINE Ore . 14,-'.5 `~ FG 185.2 F6. 182-0 F.G. 17R 4 FG• 174.,E r.G, 170.6 F•G. 16E-_ FG. 162.6 f:6. 15 913 FG 156.5 CR 185. Z\ - -- --- - 5 W. C HE L 5E A_\ LOOP ~� _ - 2 7 �" �• ! ( �� -__ t-•-•--_�.��... � /�.'nwi�,�+Cil�, t�LVF'DIC'?!.J l.E� �• l 0•0-91.20 _ I 1 + y►. 20 1 + 91. 20_ / 2+ 41. 20 2 t 97. 20 " 3153.20 _4*05.20 i •x1.09 /'4,0- \ F.G. 155.0 I T.C. 183.73 T�.16 T.0 176.4E! T.C. 172.7$ j'. /Ad.Zy- TG. 4.4 C.160 6S ��• I - - --� T •03. 9 -1+63 5'A 2.D3.S ��L.�3 y`� .3-t ri 1 T,c ! 2.5a t7 T•C. 75.56C ►71.81- . .1 f7.1 -- _T.C.163.72 -_ "t 158• F.G. 15 'E3 (lti 1 %%, 18 2.6 F(, 180.0 F6. 176 Z FG 172.5 Fu, 168.8 ( FG. /1-4.2 F6. 159 .6 \ CX - T.C. _0 i7 \ f 01 19 20 21 22 23 I 24 25 26 1\ \ ITC 150, 26 � 5 osz s �•. C17Y PARK F.G• 184.0 FG. 182 0 _F.G" 178.2 F(,, 174•$ F6.170.8 F,G. 146-Z FG. 160.6_ 6*12.33 G R• 18 3.5 GR. 18 2 5 1-R 180.2 GR. 1 R� .6 1 GR. 172GR 159.5 Tz 40.67 N _ I T.L I-5s-'s 0, .G, ►79, FG, i79.0 FG. 175.6 F•6 �172`.`3� F.6.165.8_ F 6. 16 4.8 F.6, 160.1 T-4. 153-29 i l I I S W. CHELSEA LOOP -1-4 -7 7•,92, .,ti4' F6 /541-CI 1 3 98 rc. 1s9.3s . yµ Ip .0 1 /r r t•C. ►7&. 71 TG 176.2 1 LC.1740-96 T•c. 1TI.46 */ fC. I64•bb Int /160.96 •i37.4 F.G. 179.8f/ FG.17f FG.175 6� fl.172. .�.G-L6A•E� 6. 165 F. 11-1.6 % FG• Ise• 2 ELI56.4_ l __& GR. 146 .0 I TOP OF SANK LINE \\I L4 1 1 2 :3 5 1 G 7 8 9 10 3- 3 I � 1 F��. 18r.6 FG_ 180. 2, FG 177.0 / .17 F.G 17�J 4-/ FG 1�07•0/ t G. LS3.5 �� F6. 160-Z FG. i5u.4 ,�~�F.G. 153.0 GFi $solo 6A 179.0 GP. 177. 16 GR.175.0 6R•17 /•4 T k. 169.5 G K• 164.5 G R. 163.0 G1?r 147. 5 VR. 146.5 W Z_ 2 UL LEGEND W, �j 'n o Z F. G. F1N. GRADE AT LOT CGRNER • GR, = EXIST. GROUND ELEV. -i h �{ SOOf'T. cR�DE TOP OFA � � , � TOP F LOT E U��, IES I� Q R 1C S B A K 6 $r 17 17 8 6 ° 5�-O P -----�jv, �� __.. Lu AL_._._ Lj ,4-. SLOPE 1 „ PER F SLOPc A"PEA F1 3 -+- - ------------ I � 5 51w CUR CURB B 5 5 / W TYPICAL LOT 8. STREET GRACING SECTION 4 ( NO SGA L E ) r� I � DESIGN WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION COG CHELSEA SCALE moo , REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: TRr ED 10185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANE JOB NO. HILL TIGARD, OREGON 97223 s CHECK&D 1r�b+ `� Harris - McMonagle Associates ShIEET .' 12. AT N,9 � ,, \ F.NGII�EFRS • SURVEYORS SITE GRADING REV. DESCRIPTION SUB-1 ;PPR. DATE . REFER TO $RACING FOR LATEST REVISION t�, N�`l�'f D TE 12555 S.W. HALL BOULEVARD 'G�\�y TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PLAN OF C;HEL E)LA HILL. NO i. --- �. + ,,��„. r ....�..�.. -@-- �,,,y�•� �;w yrs �,: e•'�Y �,bR.t.i} _... ____r,'. .,o,'. _. , �, •li'llr illllt 1111tI 1111111 t►111i11 II Ilil� 1111111r�111 ' 1111 Ilt'lrl 111111 , 1111111 1111r�t Illlllr 1111111 1111111 1111111 11111111111111 i111/111111111t II►Illllt!111►►I � � L � ` low ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 9 10 I I 2 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED - - - --- -- --" - •'"-'�1�► DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT10Ee; 2T IS DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ! DRAW ING• OE 62 P,e LZ 92 SZ VZ E2 ZZ-1Z OZ 61 131 Ll 91 So 1-1 Cl 21 I I 01 6 9 L 9 9 �r b EI-- Z I"•"" 11111111Ill loll 'fill IIuinnl�t111u1�1111Gull�ulluulnuluu�l�ul�wluullli111n1i11nlutlllnl{11111nn1nill IIl11I111111111IIui' lunInlIll If11uti111Ju1111111ntlltlllllllltulllUtl ulllnlunl��hluluullWIHII11Ullutlbltll�IlIInIIl111h1)I�tW11111 I� � %. a 124 1 JUNE 24i. 1 9 ,Q ,. .... - •, -_+�+�^, - - .. �..�•....�.� -.ter.•••--•._�.�..._,...-��.._....-.. ��y-_ • JOHN McD0NALD ENGINEERING SOILS-CIVIL-GFOTECHNICAL Ground-Pene!ranng RADAR 10116 S.E. STANLEY AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97222 (503) 774.003 April 24, 1985 OTAK, Inc. 17355 SW Boones Ferry Road Lake Oswego, Oregon 47034 Gentlemen: SHADOW PARK SUBDIVISION A geotechnical reconnai.sance has been made at Shadow Park Sub- division, which is located between SW Omara Street and Fanno Creek in Tigard. The site contains about 20 acres. It is fairly level near Omara Street and then slopes downward to the north until the flood plain of Fanno Creek is reached, where it becomes a flat, open mea- dow. There is a central swale area that contains two manmade ponds and a ravine with a creek along the west edge. The published geologic maps of the area show the sil.e to have Willamette Silt on it. This material was dP-osited during large scale floods during the breakup of the last gla period. 'lig;, qC,S Soil Survey of Washington County, Oregon shows three soils on the site. To the north, in the flood plain area, is McBee Silty Clay Loam. The part of the site to be developed contains Quatama Loam, and the ravine area along tho west edge contains Aloha Silt Loam. McBee has a seasonal perched water table, has no erosion tendencies, and has severe restrictions on buildings because of flooding. Quatama has a seasonal perched water Lable, moderate erosion tendencies, and moderate restrictions on buildings because of low strength. Aloha has a seasonal perched water table. slight erusiun tendencies, and moderate restrictions on buildings because of low strength. Development application submittals have to deal with and show on drawings the areas of high seasonal water table, severe soil ero- sion potential, and severe weak foundation soils. The entire site han the high seasonal water table, but there are no areas of either severe soil erosion potential or severe weak foundation soils. In terms of ground stability, no current or past landslide topography was seen, and the slopes are really rather gentle. Large fir trees are present -na they are all growing vertically from the 2. ground, which is an indication of how long the site has been in a quiescent state of stability. The grove of alders in the ravine along the west edge cf the site are leaning and growing in every direction, but this is characteristic c,f this type of tree and do-s not indicate unstable soil. Ditches had been cut to drain the two ponds and the ditch sides showed silt soil only. Even though the ponds had been drained, water continues to seep out of the slopes around the ponds to continue the flow in the ditches. All of the slope area was exam- ined to see if other seepage or spring areas were present and all of the rest of the soil was dry on the surface. In the creek in the ravine some limited spots of laterzl seepage from the ravine slopes were seen. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The con-inued seepage into the pond areas has over the years beta responsible for the formation of the swale as the individual soil grains have been loosened and removed. Tf attempts are made to merely fill the ponds with compacted fine-grained soils the ground- water flow will de-stabilize the soils. It is recommended that after removing the organics and muck from the ponds that a layer of clean sand at least one foot thick be placed over the pond surface and Ove: all visible seepage surfaces. A perfr.rated collection pipe, protected by filter fabric, is to be placed at the low point of the sand layer to collect all the free water and lead it to the storm drain for disposal. The s-asonal permed water table is caused by rainwater rinsing the fines and clay particles downward in the soil to the point where the upper soil can accommodate the water flowing parallel to the ground surface. The fines and clay particles then accumulate and waterproof the lower soil. During development this waterproof layer is dug up for street construction. and house foundations, and here will be filled over and compacted and distorted. After development, most of the water that would have gone into the soil will run off the surface and be handled by the storm drainage system. In my opinion, the present seasonal perched water table will be broken up and de- stroyed by development and will present no problem-- to the streets and houses. Nevertheless, house foundations should all have foun- dation drains that incorporate filter fabric to insure their longev- ity. After the topsoil has been stripped from areas to be filled, the ground is to be inspected and approved by the soils engineer before fil!.ing is started. Earth fills are to be started at the w w w w w 3. bottom and brought up in level layers. Dumping of soils on the slopes and compacting up and down the slopes is not to be permitted. Struc- tural fill soils are to be compacted to at least 95% of the density achieved in the laboratory using ASTM D698 procedure. Very truly yours, PROFF � 5657 OREGON �0 Y �9(b K MC �. e. o Commiitsioner Butler agreed to add to his motion. Commi:;sioner Peterson seconded. Motioi carried unanimously. 5.3 SUBDIVISION S 7-84 VARIANCE V 7-84 Century 21 Properties/SHADOW PARK-NPO #I A request for preliminary subdivision plat approval of a 67 lot developmert and a variance to the yard requirements of the R-12 (Residential , 12 units/acre) zone to allow a 5 foot side yard and a 15 foot year yard where 10 and 20 f^.et respectively are required. The property is located at 9125 SW O'Mara Street, Tigard (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2Sl 2DB T,ix Lots 400 and 500) . Associate Planner Liden reviewed the applicant's proposal and letters submitted by Paul Johnson, Phil Edin and Willene Ettestad. He explained that a sensitive land permit wo�.ld be required as a condition of approval. NPO COMMENTS - J B Bishop speaking as an individual mL-nber of NPO #1 supported staff's recommendation. He stated they wanted access to the park APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION - Mike Fain, Century 21 Properties, Inc. , responded to the Sensitive Land issues. He was concerned about J B Bishop's comment regarding access to the park. His understanding from the recent NPO $1 meeting was that they wanted the access closed. He reviews-d the traffic circulation, and addressed concerns which had been raised at the previous hearing. He agreed to the conditions placed by staff as long as condition one didn' t include both the bikepath and sidewalks., PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Larry Saub, Burnham Ct . and Hill 9t. - stated he had attended 14110 11is meeting. It was the consensus of the NPO and individuals present to eliminate the park ecceas. u Willene Ettestad, 9130 SW O'Mara, would like bikepath on south side of the street. Gloria Johnson, 9700 SW HiII , was concerned about the park access which would increase trallic prohlems in the residentiai area. t;KOSS EXAM AND REBU'T'TAL o Discussion regarding moving bikepath and the affect it would have. o Staff's commented that the Public Works Director preferred having bikepath on the north side. Discussion followed. u Butler questioned City 's policy regarding dedicating open apace areas. Discussion followed. o Lengthy discussion regarding alignment of the streets. PAGE 4 - PLANNING. COMMISSION MINUIES - APKI1 11, 1984 =. v PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION: o Commissioner Fyre concerned with access to park. Supported bikepath on south side of street. o Consensus was for bikepath to be constructed on the south side of the street. o Commissioner Moen wanted to see Lake Street finished off. He felt Hill Street needed access to the park and that iL should be well lighted and paved. This access also should be dedicated to the City. Lengthy discussion followed. o Commissioner Butler moved to approve S 7-83 and V 7-84 modifying condition number One by deleting bike lane and adding bikepath to be constructed on the south side of the street. Modifying condition number 5 to include pedestrian access between lots 54 and 55, and dedicating designated floodplain to the City as park. Also adding the following conditions: 11. Parking spaces shall be provided on the horseshoe. 12. No structures shall be built in the designated floodplain. 13. Open Space adjacent to 56-65 (Western Revine) shall be incorporated into these lots with deed restrictions to leave as open space in natural state for buffering. 14. Finish off end of Lake Street. 15. Access area to be well lighted. 16. Site barrier should be installed to Planning Director's approval at southern end of the property. o Commissioner Moen seconded. M^rion failed, Commissioners Owens, Fyre and Peter-on voting no. o Commissioner Butler moved for approval of S 1-83 and V 7-84 with the following conditiona - l. Standard minor collector half-street improvements including sidewalks, curbs, and street lights shall be provided along the O'Mara Street frontage. A pedestrian bikepath will be constructed on south side of O'Mara. 2. Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a registered civil engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the City's Engineering Division for review. 3. Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Division has issued approved public improvement plans (the Division will require posting of a 100% performance bond) , the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight deposit. Also, the execution of a street opening permit or construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement plans. PAGE 5 - PLANNING COMMISSION MINU'T'ES - APRIL 17, 1984 oil a• at 4. An additional 10 feet of right-of-way shall be dedicated along the O'Mara Street frontage to increase the right-of-way width from centerline to 30 feet. 5. The undeveloped portion of the pr..perty that is within the 100-year floodplain, shall be designated as floodplain and dedicated to the City as park. 6. A Sensitive Lands Permit shall be obtained prior to submission of the final plat. 7. The setback restrictions of the R-7 zone shall apply to the portion of the development which is zoned R-12 (PD) . 8. The subdivision shall contain maximum of 67 lots. U. Necessary survey work shall comply with the following: a. Vertical Datum shall be City of Tigard (N.G.S. 1929) • All existing and established (temporary) bench marks in the vicinity of the project shall be shown on the construction drawing. b. Compliance of 18. 160.160 (all) with the following exceptions: 18. 160. 160 A. 2 Capped 5/8" X 30" Iron Rods on surface of final lift will be acceptable. NOTE 18. 160. 160 B. 1 City of Tigard Primary Control Surveys (CS. # 19,947 b 20, 223) Local-Ground coordinates exist for all stations. State plane coordinates not required. City can make transformation given local coordinates. c . Compliance of 18. 100. 190 (B) d. All storm and Sanitary lines shall be placed in positions that DO NOT interfere with centerline monumentation. 10. This approval is valid ,for the period of one ye.r from the final decision date. 11 . "fen parking spaces shall be provided on the horseshoe. 12. No structures shall be constructed in designated floodplain. l3. Open Space adjacent to 56-65 (Western Revine) shall be incorporated into these lots with deed restriction to leave open space in natural state for buffering. I'At.h. o - PLANNING; COMMISSION MINUSES - APkIL 17, 1984 14. Finish off end of Lake Street. 15. Site barrer should be installed to Planning Director's approval at southern end of property. 16. Eliminate 25' easement between 54 and 55, and install drainage underground. n Commissioner Peterson seconded. Motion carried.. Commissioner Owens and lioen voting No. 5.4 'LONE CHANGE ZC 6-84 HISTORIC OVERLAY DESIGNATIONS Associate Planner Newton made staff's recommendation to assign Historic Designation to the requested properties. She stated the owners were notified and no one had objected. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o No one appeared to speak. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION 0 Commissioner Owens moved for approval of ZC 6-84. Commissioner Butler seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5.5 CPA 3-84 FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY Associate Planner Newton revie,+ed two alternative methods to address this issue. Discussion followed. o Staff recommended redrawing lines as proposed in alternative number two. PUBLIC TESTIMONY 0 No one appCLred to speak. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION o Discussion followed regarding redrawing the line. u Commissioner Owens moved to forward recomniendati011 of approval tot alternative number two to City Council . Commissioner Fyre seconded. Motion carried unanimously. SHADOW PARK - SENSITIVE LANDS PERMIT APPLICATION RUM= VE The subject site is a conditionally approved subdivision (S7-84) lying within the city limits of Tigard, its location identified by way of vicinity map on the enclosed preliminary plat . SHADOW PARK is proposed as a standard, single family residential subdivision . Lots vary in size from approximately 4500 to over 10 ,000 square feet . The northerly portion of the development is in the Fanno Creek Flood Plain and is to be dedicated as park land to the City of Tigard . These boundaries are as designated on the approved preliminary plat . The park land will be incorporated in the public green:aay west of S. W. Hall Blvd . A minor drainage course exists adjacent to the northwest boundary of the site. Although originally designated as open space and proposed to be dedicated to the city, Planning Commission action directed that this area be incorporated within adjacent proposed lots . This will be modified on the final plat of Phase I and further, the open space area will be noted on the plat with an appropriate deed and/or plat restriction noting that the open space is to be left in its natural state for buffering . .There are, as shown on the approved preliminary plat , two areas formerly utilized as ponds (man-made) , which have beer, abandoned . It is not known whether they were used in the past for irrigation of an old orchard on the site or for other purposes . As indicated on the plat , these areas are within or immediately adjacent to proposed public right-of-way. It is proposed that both ponds be cleaned of trapped sediment and filled with engineered structural embankment to more closely approximate the ground contours as existed prior to their construction . Included with this application is an approved preliminary plat (Site Plan) indicating the following: 1 . Vicinity map 2 . Streets, access points, existing utility locations , easements (as known) 3. Site size and dimensions 4 . Contou: lines , indicating drainage courses and patterns 5 . Floodpl )in areas 6 . Slopes in excess of 258 7 . Ma-,or tree locations 8 . Existing structures on the site ( removal of all proposed) Also included is a preliminary grading and .landscape plan . The grading plan includes the location and extent to which major grading will occur, in3icating new contour lines . New slope ratios generally do not exceed 208 (5H: IV) . Slope stabilization proposals shall be as hereinafter specified . With regard to the Approval Standards for the $sensitive Lands Permit Application, we submit the following: l A. Work within the floodplain will be limited to sanitary sewer construction north of and immediately adjacent to the floodplain line (surveyed 1984 by Burton Engineering) and a minor amount of roadway (with appurtenant utilities) within Phase I . Ten parking spaces adjacent to the park boundary will also be included as directed by the Planning Commission . It is proposed that construction activity for sanitary sewer within the floodplain will be the minimum necessary and that the ground surface shall be left to as near its original condition and grade as is practical , in a manner similar to previous and adjacent sewer construction. It is proposed that work in the floodplain, relevant to street and parking construction be accomplished such that finish street and parking grades will be at existing grades . Because there will be no net .land form alteration, there will be no increase in the elevation of the "zero-foot" rise floodway. Accordingly, there will be no narrowing of the floodway boundary. It should be noted that the construction proposed within the floodplain is actually in the flood fringe (water storage) rather than the floodway (conveyance) and thus the floodplain storage function is preserved . The applicant for this permit was a co-applicant with the City of Tigard for a Sensitive Lands Permit involving the construction of trails, picnic tables, benches, a foot bridge, an interpretive center and channel overflow facilities within the same floodplain in July 1984 . Development proposed in the floodplain is strictly roadway and appurtenant utilities that are necessary to serve the properties . The continuous roadway, while being an efficient access for fire and other emergency vehicles , serves also as a point of access for pedestrian traffic to the greenway park in the floodplain . If only community recreation use and maintenance of the floodway were considered, the proposal would fall under an outright permitted use in accordance with the City of Tigard 's "SENSITIVE LANDS APPROVAL PROCESS" , Sections I .B. 3 and I .B.6 . B. ;UQVQ.__2 -3t e Existing slope areas greater than 25% are as indicated on the approved preliminary plat . Except for a minor area within the drainage course adjacent to the northwest boundary, the other two areas are located on the high side of and appear to be a result of old excavation for the drained and abandoned ponds previously noted. The applicant proposes that the latter areas will be graded to more closely approximate what would appear to be the original contours with the resulting slopes ranging from approximately 78 to 15% . Grading would be accomplished by a combination of excavation and engineered structural fill (see grading plan) , thus, 2Q =iz_ .3`UgtLQn Q f r o adw ay�. tLLL1i_Lea or s t r_tic t o r e 8_wQu,Lsd��s�u�_Qn e_xre_Pd_ina 258. The steeper areas within the aforementioned drainage way would be left in their natural state . It is proposed that these areas would be protected and preserved through the use of deed and/or plat -estrict ..ons, as set forth by condition of the preliminary plat approval . Where natural vegetation has been removed through grading in areas not affected by the landscaping requirements and that are not to be occupied by structures, such areas shall be replanted as set forth below to prevent erosion after construction activities are completed . Topsoil removed from the surface in preparation for grading ar'3 construction is to be stored on or near the sites and protected from erosi�a while grading operations are underway, and such storage shall not be located where it would cause suffocation of root systems of trees intended to be preserved. After completion of such grading, the topsoil is to be restored to exposed cut and fill embankments or building pads to provide a suitable base for seeding and planting . Proposed methods of revegetation include hydromulching or the planting of rye grass, barley or other seed with equivalent germination rates, as hereinafter specified . In surmnary, the proposal, as it relates to steep slopes is the minimum necessary for the required use; will in fact , result in less severe slopes; will not result in erosion, stream sedimentation, ground instability or other adverse on-site and off-site effects or hazards to life or property; the street and utility improvements are appropriately sited and shall be designed to ensure structural stability and proper drainage of foundation and crawl spaces ( in accordance with a soils report and recommendations; and dis.:urbed areas will be replanted in accordance with Section 18 ..1.00 (Landscaping and Screening) . C. Qra_jIIa-_q_Q_5jdy q Drainage ways within the si'_e were observed during the spring of 1984 . There was no evidence of surface flow at that time, indicating that the drainage ways did not have year round water flow. It is proposed that the lower end of the northwest drainage way be culverted at the road crossing and the embankment protected on the upstream by rip-rap. The culvert will be extended northeasterly between lots 54 and 55 to the Fanno Creek floodplain . It was a condition of approval by the Planning Commission that the area between lots 54 and 55 be culverted in order to restrict public access to the floodplain . All culvert outfalls within the drainage way shall be rip-rapped to prevent scour and erosion . The culvert will be sized to accommodate flow in accordance with the adopted 1981 Master Drainage Plan as prepared by CH2M-Hill . In summary, the proposal as it relates to drainage ways is the miA mum necessary for the proposed use; will not result in erosion, stream sedimentation, ground instability or other adverse on-site or off-site effects or hazards to life or property; will maintain the required flow of the drainage ways; and areas within the drainage way disturbed but not covered by impervious surfaces or structures will be replanted to prevent erosion in accordance with Section 18 .100 (Landscaping and Screening) . An inspection of the site reveals no areas of unstable ground (areas of slumping, earth slides or movement) . The applicant has retained a registered soils engineer to examine the site. A soils reconnaissance report has been issued addressing the character of soils encountered, their stability during and after construction; recommendations to maintain their stability and addressing methods of mitigating problems due to high water table. The soils reconnaissance report is attached hereto and by reference made a part of this application . With regard to the grading plan, the type of proposed plantings within the sensitive areas is strictly limited to seeding as follows: Erosion Control Measures for Disturbed Areas: 1. 10.1 disturbed slopes greater than 3: 1 that are graded and compacted prior to October lst shall be hydroseeded using the following specifications: A. Seeding shall not be done during windy weather or when the ground is frozen, excessively wet or otherwise untillable. B. Seed may be sown by the following method: Hydroseeding which utilizes water as the carrying agent , and maintains continuous agitation through paddle blades . It shall have an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend and mix into a homogeneous slurry of the specified amount of seed and water or other material . Distribution and discharge lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic discharge spray nozzles which will provide a uniform distribution of the slurry. C. Grass shall be seeded at the rate of not less than one }jundred thirty (130) pounds per acre. Seed mix shall be: State Highway Roadside Seeding Mix . D. Fertilizer shall be applied at the rate of 300 pounds per acre and shall have the following composition: Nitrogen - 22% Phosphoric Acid - 16R Soluable Potash - 8% E. Wood cellulose fiber shall be used and applied at the rate of one and one half (1-1/2) tons per acre. F. The exact time for seeding will be determined by actual weather conditions . The normal satisfactory period for seeding shall be considered between March 1 to June 1 and September 1 to October 1 unless otherwise authorized by the Owner except that Contactor may perform seeding operations from June 1 to September 1 provided that he waters the new grass to the satisfaction of the Owner . G. When delays in operations carry the work beyond the most favorable planting season, or when weather conditions are such that satisfactory results are not likely to be obtained for any stage of the seeding operations, the Contractor will stop the work and it shall be resumed only when the desired results are likely to be obtained . If operations extend past October 1, alternate hay placement and spring seeding shall be substituted. h . The Contractor shall protect all seeded areas fr.oin erosion until final inspection and acceptance has been made. Areas damaged by erosion shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own expense. 2 . All disturbed areas with slopes less than 3: 1 graded and compacted prior to October lst shall be seeded with the same seed and fertilizer mix used in hydroseeding and spread evenly over the site between September 1 and October 1 . All disturbed areas not graded and compacted prior to October lst shall be seeded with 200 lbs/acre of Highway Mix and spread with a hay mulch layer 1/4" to 1/2" thick . Erosion control protection shall be considered complete and successful when a grass mat has been established . Additional Temporary Erosion Control: Additional temporary Erosion Control Measures during construction will include: 1 . Hale bales will be placed at the toe of the fill slopes when necessary to control erosion and to prevent silt from washing onto adjoining property, or into existing drainage ways . 2. Temporary ditches will be constructed as necessary to assure drainage is channeled to the facilities being provided . 3 . Hay bales and "Mirafi" 1405 fabric will be used at all inlets to the storm drain system. This will control silt prior to rocking and paving of streets. �or �ho-� o � � � L � h ��ia f oo I� s w w 1 / L3736 35 34 33 37- 31 30 29 _ li. W. CHELSEA �—Oop 1� 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 C 3 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 II 1> 5. W. CHELSEA LO./)P ; ' 1 1 1 1 I 2 3 Lf 5 6 7 8 i PLA N SCS. !E = I�1 = 100, i HARRIS - MCM ONAGLim ASSOQIATIMS �A01lfT=It1-�O■A70R1 OMLA=Kim IJ 0 RT!i 28 27 -- PARKING CITY PARK ; 9 10 CHELSEA HIL i 3614 MN I 35 7 34 33 32 31 N14 14 Alb'S 4� te �J o 42-6 MH A2-2 °'in in *%In y� d OPP. ST sr - of91. 20 P.T �n �~ � N ' N .15 TOP 18 2.7 6 A/B l.! . 175.2 5*Ale _ I S 0336 30•W 36 4 An S. W. 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A2 LINE STOP 142. 39 A18 2— /.E. 137. 54 A10 CITY PARK 01 Iry _z J �D - - Ti Ioa 6. o7 Na -- �z < 7. 6 5 A/8 --J I I MH AI- INO 5T 5TA. h I - .66 \ / I �;'0A/# A I I 0+ '�O AF1 L INF' 3 00 12 j6_E� TOP 142 06 AIR 196 . 91 ^/a q 7'saN. wR �7.5' NZ tl �c� 1 1n C' r1ii 7 (� 15� SAN. swR. ESMt. 8 9 � r , , I -- .-- OF TIGARD 2755 S.W. ASH O. BOX 23397 ARD, OR. 97223 Michael Fain 17355 SW Boones Ferry Rd. Lake Oswego, Or 97045 I James Polak Century 21 Properties PO Box 1403 Tualatin, Oregon 97306 i 1 A 1