CASCADE AVE. TOYS-R-US STREET I I JM/I reov PROPER Tf.r (044NE 3 ' .1 0 Q 7 L A ND i�-l.4/lair 7 �r 70 10 Wf LAWS,41 II JIIAI 1 -NOTE SOIL BORINGS FOR THIS PROJECT WERE TAKEN SOUTH OF THE ACTUAL BUILDING LOCATION. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSi81LITY TO EMPLOY THE SER- t1 h aQ /,VS. /7 f9 v ti ;'B 9.39' V. ; 7 / VICES OF A REGISTERED OREGON SOILS ENGINEER, DURING THE SOILS RELATED CON- ' Jj t - 7S - 9�- _ I \� STRUCTION OPERATIONS, TO DETEQMINE iF THE ORIGINAL SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION, I DATED APRIL 1981 , PERFORMED BY STS ENGINEERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI,, IS REPRE- 1 SENTATiVE Of T"E CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED AT-THE NEW CONSTRUCTION LOCATION. ANY DESCREPANCIES OR INCONSISTANCIES WITH THE ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATIONS SHALL 8E REPORTED TO CASSIS CORPORATION FOR DESIGN CHANGE CONSIDERATIONS. COST OF r 1 _ THIS SOILS CONSULTATION SHALL 9E PAID FORBYTHE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. I h /,"pep 1 \��+ I V4146-t- LEGAL LAND . DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 L FOR: PORTLAND CHAIN PP.OPi :.Y , Sal Schol1s Ferry Road and SW Casc,Ie /N.. FG G�Gt AFL E V /�'/. 0 0 -,►--..__ - �"'� � " j Blvd. , Washington County, Oregon j w l This Legal Land Description is based on a le" S. Maris P ;- ,_ t Jerry LS Land • /90.x,6' I � SAS II Survey performed in July 1119 and is intended' to describe Parcel 2, � being the South 4.58 acres , more or less ; if the remaining tract of ! I I land owned by Portland Cha-in!I ManufacturingCl'x ►any after the following exCeptions of record. • !� tau I 1 1. Excepting Therefrom th,it portion conveyed to Ralph G. Coan and 1, \ �f Jerottlte S. Bischoff by Warranty [ked recorded October 24, 1966 +j �' C701/ERN,NfEN T SEC T:Oti,. "CrRwE�Q --- --- � 334, 2�'.., � -__._--�-- �>- .. . ., r i n goal+ 619, Page 334, Washing tort County Records , � u S3rc�it/,� MC7N. �E.VEf.Qc ^o.vr�e.vcT�•e 2. Also excepting Therefrom that portion acquired by the State of " a � -•_ \` \•\ i Oregon, by and throh s State Ni � O TG) CC.ir T�G'T /Y.�J.SJ4'iivFj 72? Cc. .� 451 ": Highway Comr,i s s i on,, as contained a in Decree of Condemnaz .ort entered November 3, 1965 in suit 27-735 n in the Circuit Court for Washinqton County, Book 147, Page 83 thrru z LUUP C7 Q \ - 88. ASO 3. Also Excepting Therefrom any portion of said land described in dedication deed to the public for road purposes recorded No 15, � V µ j ( t968 in Book 724, Pa*3e 125, Washington Counter Records. A M . _ {�'- ,��•, / Q� __,- r II Any change, addit�an or de etion of any part of this description ��n will void res onsi Y R bi1 i y, express orisrrpl iej, that JSMm y have _ regarding subject property, • \ �-- Situate i n i.he Southeast Quarter 27 Southwest Quarter 5cI:tion Northwest Quarter Section :15 and the Northeast Quarter Section 34, + i ,/ - - _ ` •�\ Township 1 St.)uth, Range 1 Fest, Willamette Meridian, Washington ,. County, Oregon and Sounded on the west by the Southern Pacific Rail- road ai1-road on the northwest by SW Scholes Ferry Road on the north and east by SW Cascar+e Blvd. . \V /B 9 8 i nn i a t an iron rod with th JSM e9 � cap set at the intersectiorr of easterly right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Railroad and the i � '' North line of said Section 34, N 640 52' S0"W 221.8G'fronl a stone • w ... 1 !- ` I ; monument found at he Northeast Corner of said Section 34, and " '} _ -� �I I' running thence N 190 15' 3( "W on the Easterly 50 ft. right-,of•way dine of said Railroad 180. 52' to an iron rod with JSM cap set; thence N 700 541 446.98' to an iron rod with JSM cap set on the Westerly right-of-way of SW Cascade Blvd. bei SO f'L. from h ® . �. . ._ �. /S 7 �•, t e Wes terl j I right-of-way of Highway 21' ; thence S 190 55' 25"E along the Westerly 1 Ci 1 rte_. --- �I , ► right-of-way of SW Cascade Blvd. , 5U ft. from and parallel to the westerly right-of-way of Highway 217, as monumented 144. 50 ft, to (( 1 �• \, an iron m)d with JSM cap set opposite an iron rod with State Highway cap found at SH 331400 (11O JSM 331+00. 11 (110): thence S 160 06' 40"1 36.37 ft. to an iron rod with JSM tap set opposite an iron rod with y I State Highway cap found at SH 331488. 14 P.S. ( 1 0)/JSM 331#.88. )4 P.S. Wil! j it (110) : thence ort spiral curve ',Chord bears S 16� 50' 40" 234.68 ft. ) ! I 234.69 ft. to in iron roti VIith JSM cap set at the Southeast Car;rer I of said Portland Chain property: thence S 700 44' 30 W 'leaving said ' Cascade Blvd. , 409.03 ft. to an iron rod with JSM cap set on tit* u I `� ;easterly 75 ft. f"M6 C for l inI!'� right-of-way of tte Southern Pacific tyl 1 4 �\ �' � Railroad: thence N 1915' 30"W on said right-of-way 277. 12 ft. to ' j an iron rod with JSM ca set ort the afore said North line of Section I ` / i I , �, .. �>p� V►��E i �B ` �e i a a e { i X: tM>rwe 'N W 52' 50"W 04T sa i d l.i ne 16.50 f t. to the b i rrni , Ai containing 4.58 acres; mora or less., "• i N 07 i ��� C i III __ .--.. --- � , —--�' � --_ •—•��' - .r L /O ' D/tA/w'.�CSB E,4J'EMrEA1 7 E /82.a ' 41 " Ctir"oZ ;. E. 7/.5 ' fe' CMS /,f /J3. 7' -3 a- C/M/r' � - -- �� e_ �-► -- - �p �' �s of � ,�'�fr.w� ? ` Z :. L&---4 y i 414 TERM .�JTR/C T - t ` CMAAIVN my J � ��.t 41T�._,c' �I'��V/""���`�� �_ a E'ASEif-.E/v'T -- __-_..-rte--- -_-Y,�•-��.--•-�-�. -x.. �...- ._ , PAR CT A S CO Vim. my /E• /G®, Z ' 0,0 'CAO"" r/ , --- _ a EX/6r77 4/CAOE �v1 VEw 'A*/it//Lf yE,O O'.t.AOE Ckt" C9 /85 5_ LA ati C2 I y, _ I t :r ..,-�wccr,--"=-.::--'r*__._.....,esrr•�-:. :•na•r.-..„�_._ .-,.-........,.>..>�...,wo►.-«+..w.rr+..saa, aar t :LL,,.:._�ai T� T114- ` 5 r TE 0R.401A,10 /404404./ CAUCADE AVE TOYS-R.-US Of oil I 1110mimm";, MN I I I I I I ) I 1 1 1 I :.,.. ...,...�� ._. r r t I �'.,111111r I r� 1 1 I�YjI l��jlit 111 I�r I�1 i 11 ( f III 111 tel Ill 11 111 11i rel fl tit 111 111 tel III tet 111 iIt III ttr rlr 111 111 Ali rIt rti rIl r1r rlr iti r NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED t""''�� ( _ 2 3 4 5 6 7 A 9 1,01 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC&v TT IS DUE TO Tlf QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. CIE 62 92 LZ 9? SZ *Z EZ ZZ IZ OIIZ 61 91 LI 91 111 iIIt CI ZI 11 0111 d • it 9 SII•... t E Z 1"'in" ►1111u1111u11nrinulunilllr!,ulltll�lu�lul�IulltltllurrlarrlrrultrtrltrubnllllnlullNlul111llunlnrllnnllnllt111��M��1u111u�111Ni1nIinitluHlttll�ntllhuhlNlUId111Inulun111111nn�11ulllih�tl�lullilulwllllu�nI1111I1I�Wln1) ............. . JUNE 24 19 92 i Svlrchf AC) CASSIS 8T. LoLise, NMBQOLJNI 7 NOTE: 41 T SOIL BORINGS FOR THIS PROJECT WERE TAKEN SOUTH OF THE ACTUAL BUILDING N J 7-- X11LOCATION. IT SHALL BE THE CUUTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO EMPLOY THE SER- tiICES OF A REGISTERED OREGON ';OILS ENGINEER, DURING THE SOILS RELATED CON- STRUCTION OPERATIONS, TO DETERMINE IF THE ORIGINAL. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION, �I , \ \ \ * ,87 3� _���'� ��,__ �' / = DATED APRIL 1981 , PERFORMED B" STS ENGINEERS ST. LOUIS , MISSOURI , IS REPRE- -A SENTATIVE OF THE CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED AT THE NEW CONSTRUCTION LOCATION. ei(.0 ANY DESCREPANCIES OR I NCONS I S 'ANC I E S WITH THE ORIGINAL. RECOMMENDATIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO CASSIS CORPORATION FOR DESIGN CHANGE CONSIDERATIONS. COST OF THIS SOILS CONSULTATION SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 3 "01 LEGAL LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 /7' OR S FOR: PORTLAND CHAIN PROPERTY, SW Scholls Ferry Road and SW Cascade 60 Blvd. , Washington County, Oregon ``\ \ ,11 \ \ 11c 441\1 FL O l T ell f _le dp, This Legal Land Description is based on a Jerry S. Mari *, , PLS, Land `, I — - „� I being the South 4. 58 acres ; more or 1(.,ss ; of the remaining tract of Survey performed in July 1979 and is intended to describe Parcel 2, �\' \i I 1 � r-'��3 � '� � \ I I � I , land owned by Portland Chain Manufacturing Company after the fol !owing exceptions of record. UW, I Excepting Therefrom that portion conveyed to Ralph G. Coan and z LU Jerome S, Bischoff by 4arranty Deed recorded October 24, 1966 U in Book 619, Page 334, Washingtorl County Records. �C 7 C,:7 - ' `1 1 1 1. \ ; I I- Also Excepting Therefrom that portion acquired by the State of z COA17f,4CreW�_ rl 0 IQ 72' 77,4C 7- Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, as contained 0 U 0 in Decree of Condemnation entered November 3, 1966 in suit 27-73500 V) W -161in the Circuit Court for Washington County, Book 147, Page 83 thru z LU — < Q 3. Also Excepting Therefrom any portion of said land described in dedication deed to the public for road purposes recorded Nov. 15, 1968 in Book 724, Page 125, Washington County Records . C Any charge addition or deletion of any part of this, description will void any rpspons i hi I i ty, e.xorpcs oi- impl i Pd. rh;?f j1,14 licay hav4 I � / � '` \� 3S\ �\;\ / i � _ � _- -, regarding subject property. < C_ Situate in the Southeast Q.jarter 27, Southwest Quarter Sectiorlo, Northwest Quarter Section 35 and 'he Northeast Quarter Section 34, 78 Township I 5outh , Range I Jest, Willamette Meridian, Washington I r' \ — — _ — — ' -- \ \ ti, 11 County, Oregon and bounded on the west by the Southern Pacific Rail- road on the northwest by SW Scholls Ferry Road on the north and east by SW Cascade Blvd. : `k + ` \ ,� . — _ I \ �\ eas terly r gh t-of-way of the Southern Pal i f i c Ra i I road and the I �� \ II _ li ` \ 1"\,�` North I ine of said Section Lk /77 Beginning at an iron rod with JSM cap set 3t the intersection of 34, N 890 52- 50"W 221.80' from a stone [1A monument found at the Northeast Corner of said Section 34, and running thence N 190 15' 30"W on the Easterly 50 ft. right­of-way line of said Railroad 180. 1;2' to an iron rod with JSM cap set; thence _4 7&—Q IN, ;�J % /00 54'E 446.98' to an iron rod with JSM cap set on the Westerly x right-of-way of SW Cascade Blvd. being 50 ft. frjDw-the Westerly right-of-way of Highway 21"; thence S 190 55' 8"E along the Wester] /67 right-of-way of SW Cascade Blvd. , 50 ft. from and parallel to the y Westerly right-of-way of Highway 217, as monumented 144. 50 ft. to II i an iron rod with JSM cap serod with State Highwa\ t opposite an iron ' I 011 C0cap found at SH 331+00 ( 110)/JSM 331+00. 11 ( IYO) : thence S 160 06' '4 86. 37 f It. to an i ron rod wi th JSM cap set oppOsi to an i ron rod wi th :7, ) State Highway cap found at SH 331+88. 14 P.S. (IAO)/JSM 331+88. 14 P.S, (110) : thence on spiral curve (Chord bears S 16 50' 40"E 234.68 ft. ) 234.69 ft. to :in iron rod Ill JSM cap set at the Southeast Corner of said Portland Chain property: thence S 700 44' 30"W, l eaving sai d Cascade BI vd. , 409.03 ft. to an i ron rod wi th JSM cap set on the ok easterly 75 ft. from center line right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Railroad: thence N 190 15' 30"W on said right-of-way 277. 12 ft. to kJ I i 74 aniron rod with JSM cap set on the afore said North line of Sec tion 34: thence N 890 52' 50"W on said line 26.50 ft. to the beginning, zE. leq. ;Z, containing 4.58 acres ; l or less . 7 dO 1t U i .4e, 6,,V� 77 7� 7 1 7 X83 4 42" 1,E ley 3� CMP n C0 /Z' 432. ea 42 CAIR 7/ 5 4o ,0 r / AA = OTSTi4?/CTC,,IF 7r- 66'f_"�_N DRAWN MY 41l I / --4 R �� �i S C D . I CHECK no By / ;� L F G E � D PF10JECT NO. 5 - 20 OATIE 16 /70 /1, 46", CHP z 5 &HURT 1144UMEmp E GRAD PLA. C Reviskmne Delta / CASCAr)E 0)E @ J'0YS.-P.--LJSI 2 OF 7 <; of allow -T T�i� Xr." aw IT111 1 ff I'll 11111 111(11 111111yjf�lf ill 1111 1.) a 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 NOTE: IF THIS MiCROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE-r-1T 15 DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL Ii DRAWING. E 62 92 a 9Z SZ 1rZ E2 2z 1 a 0z 61 of il 91 ra I hl EI 21 11 01 -6 9 1 9 111, E 2 1 11111611 If I I I IIII I I I I I fill ItIJI14111 I I I 11fill 1 11111 Ill 111111111101111111111111 11111 111111111111 Ill III li" litollii I Ill"fill I I Ili I JUNE 24 1992 F. 111111 1 �"� •1� � 1" F �� �r .a. 7• T �' l tilt '44 a. f • r^ k II . I fl II Y' 1 * ; I r Of 1 ' I � v CIW of MA D WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON May 19, 1983 Cassis Corporation Patricl L. Moore, P.E. 10820 Sunset Office Drive St. Louis, MO. 63127 RE: Storm Drainage Bond Toys 'R' Us, Inc. 10065 Cascade Blvd. Tigard, Oregon Dear Mr. Moore: In reqards to your letter, we find that we willno longer require ToyB R' Us, Inc. to post a bond on the storm drainage ditch at their Tigard site. We feel that they have done all that they can without cooperation from the railroad. However, we would expect Toys 'R' Us Inc., to go along with a storm water L.I.D. if one should come up in the future. 'thank you. ` r' � 'fro- a,-VW /n Robert L. Thompson Engineert6g Service Crew Chief RL'1'/dc -- -- - --•- 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD.OREGON 97223 PH 839.4171 F29 ILGPAM SERVICE CENTLDDLETOWNV VA. 22645A M • s 1 -006109I119 04/29/63 TWX CASSIS STL PLTA 0001 04/29/A3 .JOHN HAGMAN CITY OF T I GARD 12755 S.W. ASH TIGARD9 OREGON 97223 RES STORM DRAINAGE BOND TOYS IRP US, INC. 10065 CASCADE BLVD, TIGARD, OREGON DEAR MR. HAGMAN9 PER OUR DISCUSSION TODAY9 PLEASE INVESIIGAIE IHE blAtUb OF- 1Ht WNU POSTED FOR STOPM DRAINAGE ON THE ABOVE REI-ERENCED NROJE(.I . IHE DATE FOR RETIREMENT OF THE BOND IS APPROACHING. NESPECTFULLY, CASSIS CORPORATION PATRICK L. M0014EO P.E. 10820 SUNSET 017F I CE DRIVE ST. LOUISO MU 63127 (314) 821-1100 TWX 910-760-1472 CCI JULES SHAPIRO -- PJH 0952 EST MGMCOMP MGM N W n Q a ry N TO REPLY BY MAILGRAM MESSAGE, SEE REVFRSE SI[)F (OP WFSIFIIN ANION I( I 1 1 M f F'Ilf)Nf NOMHf FIS t� ROUTING MAIL AIR COURIER CASSIS GROUND CORPORATION OTHER of CASCO Ltd. ry TO: C _ 4Aze DATE: CSD, t.�oK v�33�r REF: ATTN: �, &4 A411 Gentlemen: We are transmitting NOV 8 1982 1 1 herewith 1 I drawings 1 1 under separate cover I 1 other QUANTITY DESCRIPTION REMARKS f /7 --' 0 L1i 1J.('_' I'.t 00 A._� l t �. �e - A v ttnl Action taken: Action Requested: NOTE Review of shop drawings is only for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents.Any action shown is subject to the requirements of the plans and specifications.Contractor is resnonsible tor:dimensions which shall be confirmed and correlated at the job site: fabrication processes and techniques of construction, coordination of his work with that of all other trades and the satisfactory performance of his work. REMARKS: -_/-^4 " ` -'ct f1 ,efY f,-r/.?+4 ,-z . r'�n�it�� dAfi*l 1'a� -r./e 4 n1 C"L' �"'l�a. "t��1•- Yours very truly, CASSIS CORPORATION by 10820 Swtsgt Off icc Drive...St. Louis, Missouri 63127...Phone 13141821 1100...TWX 910-760-1472 Project _ No. CASSIS C–ORPORATION Subject Telephone Log �— By Date i0 •.W Sheet of TO: Person ttAA# Pl"A; Time: From 4•'�� --- Ll Company To Address Incoming 0 Outgoing City,State Phone No. ' A. C. SUBJECT: 6L&J, Uz .Lf f �✓�I,�k4 � K.q �'�� �� �M N � T3rer-9AST Z o+oo — cr.ir'a i©E,41 -- b rl70,F- -- !. /(.9,G' 4. I8.? l_'. art MaiM -r/7A G�c, Ot?e tai ACTION REQUIRED: 114 d4 Copies to: By Nc,� //��"""y L►L 4,-�;..t%E�...�" .1.���re.tt'� G�-�c1 4P.,�s�.�� ,!'t,c�.���c�J • �L-l�.e-a-Pr,�.'t� T'e-ltK.0 Aw-&,f,1.* s ,A) +�- .Q �Lc.�,�" t.�Ge.G�, .ti. �/G G= /d"9.l' ,.UA) �Gr, v t CITVOF TIGARD 'ft&4N0 ON COUWY OREGON 7 J IMPORTANT MESSAGE DA1E� ?s� i,MF 2-:3c-) WHILE _ YOU WERE OUT OF � PHONE No. Area Code Number E��en�ion TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL c' CALLED TO r.EE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO 3EE YOU UkGENT — RETURNED YOUR CALL MESSAGE SIGNED t ML ar r Project et.� NO, C A S S I'S Subject Telephone Lo CORPORATION J P g or c,►sco ua. By Date 10/ f f/Cli Sheet of TO: Person Time: From :.10 ( .- Company To Address Incoming [] Outgoing City,State Phone No. _ A. C. SUBJECT: AAt..G-�..i� Cof 0. ACTION REQUIRED: Copies for By: .w CASSIS CORPORATION of CASCO Ltd. October 12, 1932 City of Tigard Post Office Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention: Mr. Hagman Sir: My Client has informed this office that erosion of the drainage channel along the South property line of their property has reached a critical state in one area. They will, therefore, be repairing this area (approximately 75' in length) by rock stabilization on the north .lope of the channel . The repairs will take place immediately. Respectfully, CASSIS CORPORATION Patrick L. Moore, P.E . PL.M: ;-)Is cc: Jeff Finkel Sanford Bollinger Terry Turner PJH, JGG, File 10820 Sunset Office Drive...St. Louis, Missouri 83121...Phone(314)821-1100...TWX910-700-1472 RECEIVED 1982 CITY OF TIGARD CASSIS CORPORATION or CASCO Ltd. October 4, 1982 Mr. John Hagman City of Tigard Post Office Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Drainage Channel Stabilization TOYS "R" US, INC. 10065 Cascade Blvd. Tigard, Oregon Dear Mr. Hagman, Enclosed please find specifications and a sketch for the enlargement and lining of the drainage channel along the south property line of the above referenced site. This information is being submitted to three local construction firms for pricing. Your expeditious review and comment are solicited, as our client, Toys "R" Us, Inc. wishes to stabilize this channel prior to winter weather and to inhibit additional erosion to their parking lot. Respectfully, CASSIS CORPORAT ION 94T, �AMjL—� Patrick L. Moore, P.E. PLM: ps cc: Phil LaGala Sanford Bollinger Terry Turner PJH, JGG, File 10820 Sunset Office Drive...St. Louis, Missouri 83127...Phone(314)821-1100...TWX910-780-1472 TOYS "R" US, INC. TIGARD, OREGON CASSIS CORPORATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRAINAGE CHANNEL of CASCO Ltd. STABILIZATION AND EROSION PROTECTION I . The work spec;fied and identified herein below and by the attached sketch drawing shall apply to the drainage channel running along the south property line (in a 10 foot drainage easement) of the Toys "R" Us, Inc. retail store in Tigard, Oregon . The channel is about 410 to 420 feet in length. Contractor shall visit the site to verify and inspect the existing conditions prior to submitting a proposal for this work. 2 . The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits and secure all approvals from building officials having jurisdiction over the work. A copy of the approvals and permits shall be submitted to the Owner prior to start of work. The work shall not commence until the Con- tractor receives written authorization to proceed from the Owner. 3. The work of the Contractor shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following major items: (A) Remove all weeds and vegetation from the channel surfaces to receive the wire mesh and shotcreting. (B) Rearrange the existing rocks and regrade the channel as required to make the channel of uniform cross section. Excavate the north slope of the channel to provide a uniform 1: 1 slope and increase the channel effective area where possible and practical . (C) Remove weeds and vegetation, rearrange rocks, regrade and shape, and apply wire mesh and shotcreting around the east and west ends of the chan- nel as required for slope stabilization and to provide erosion protection around the culvert pipes entering and leaving the channel . (D) Remove all rocks and debris from the culvert pipes at the east and west ends of the channel . 4. All work and materiels shall conform to the latest edition of the ACI Standard, "Recommen- ded Practices for Shotcreting", as applicable. 5. Contractor shall guarantee this work for a period of one (1) year from the date of Owner's acceptance against defects in materials and workmanship, and against failure or deteriora- tion of the work. During the guarantee period, the Contractor shall patch, repair, or re- place work that has spalled off, or cracks vulnerable to further damage due to the action of freezing water. 10820 Sunset Office Drive...St. Louis, Missouri 83127...Phone(314)821-11W.. TWX910-700-1472 Project CASSIS CORPORATION Subject By lj Date Sheet of �'a IzC ,a 5 Go , .E..._. - ,41�t�4I cA rl n rJ cF= To >4- I �.\ W17µ � INFORGI NG rc f 4-�� MIN, TNIGkyhtE�S T-0 (3£ ItiIGIZEAsED oF- OCOXVk � !F�1z:5,A;3%�c'TC5I /Ize ME5�4 TG,N �i�G7'► 01� L oCIle-INS 1r�lE� T' "T0viAW,D 2 , 12 CASSIS CORPORATION VIA CERTIFIED MAIL of 7ASCO Ltd. September 23, 1982 City of Tigard Yost Office Sox 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 ATTENTION: Mr. flagman: Re: TOYS "R" US, INC. Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: As you are aware, we are anxious to assist our Client, TOYS "R" US, in securing a permanent Certificate of Occupancy for the subject store. Apparently your schedule has precluded return of our phone calls. Therefor., we will attempt to summarize the situation with this letter. First, we are actively pursuing a means of stabilizing the drainage channel along the south property line of TOYS "R" US to repair the erosion damage and prevent future erosion. In conjunction with this, we hope to enlarge the effective channel cross section, thereby decreasing flow velocity for the same flow quantity. Any other method of reducing flow velocity would result in a partial back—up in the watershed contributing to this channel. Second, although we appreciate the circumstances downstream of. the TOYS "R" US property, the problem was not created dile to the construction of our Client's store. The TOYS "R" US store site contributes only about 10% of the total flow, and at least half of that was run—off prior to the TOYS "R" US site improvements. Even with the above considerations, we have more than demonstrated good faith acd willingness to help abate the problem. As you know, we cannot perform work on the railroad's right—of.—way without their permission — which was requested but not granted. Unless you have a specific request or can provide direction for reaching a suitable solution, we have no technical remedy left to us. 10820 Sunset Office Drive...St. Louis, Missouri 63127...Phone(314)821-1100...TWX910-780-1472 i i i I J C A S S S City of Tigard, Oregon CORPORATION September 23, 1982 of CASCO Ltd, Page Two We respectfully request from you, or the appropriate City Official, a written reply we can provide to our Client stating the --easons a permanent Certificate of Occupancy cannot be granted and the actions necessary to secure same. Your prompt reply on this matter will be most appreciated. Thank you . Respectfully, CASSIS CORPORATION Patrick L. Moore, P.E. P I,M/bmm cc: Michael P. Miller Phil La Gala Sanford Bollinger Terry Turner PJN I, wr w W RW .AIM CHECK NO. 4 2L9—q � i ❑HOLD DATE 15�--,P- 71, pC RETRET—R,, PDS Fa -3849—A Oct. C M fV 00 M C4 rn K q O 0 tr N W O R1 by +•I U H � 4+ � o44 44 �1 O O 2y ~ N {I V1 by H U 0i H.14 d � 1 �1 [fig6FT '°N •� / 1No � -�� N�ir r� U° � � � ; I OU Toys .. " I(C� - v SI US, INc. 395 WEST PASSAIC STREET ROCHELLE PARK,NJ 07662 A ��- MICHAEL PAUL MILLER CASA Vice Ptploem-Rau Eaws ��� � _ ,�•/�J_ September 1, 1982 41 I ► e,,,c.e i ; g Mr. John S. Hagman, Superintendent �1 Engineering Division City of Tigard 12755 S.W. Ash Tigard, Oregon 97223 3' 19 Re: Toys "R" Us CASSIS CO',P B1C 4 Tigard, Oregon Dear Mr. Hagman: I am writing you this letter after my conversation of August 31, 1982, with Bob Thompson regarding the drainage problem at our store site in Tigard, Oregon. As I related to Mr. Thompson, we have tried everything physi- cally, logically, and legally possible (even though it is not our responsibility) over the past year to resolve the drainage problem, including our of":er at our cost to clean out the existing storm drainage channel on the SP Railroad's right- of-way. The railroad, by its letter of March 19 (copy of which is attached for your reference), has rejected our offer as they have the legal right to do. At this point, we do not see any course of action we can take to resolve this problem which is caused by the runoff of w;;ter onto our property from the higher elevation land owners including the mall and State highway. This situation should not hold up our permanent cer- tificate of occupancy. We will gladly continue to cooperate with you in trying to resolve this situation and suggest that the other land owners should participate in the solution and cost. It is requested, in view of the above, that our permanent cer•- tificate of occupancy be issued. i� 1or— r_*feA.� OR P RTA T MESSAGE FOR_ —� TIME�f�P.M, D _QVA1F._ _.�__� --- W ILE YOU WERE OUT M_ ----x — OF-- � PHONE No. ��—� A,..Code Numhol EAPnsion TEIEiHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT —� RETURNED YOUR CALL MESSAGE - SIGNED - Project as 40) 0.4 . No. CASSIS CORPORATION Subject _Telephone Log By Date S",�y.� Sheet of TO: Person G%� , ) �t Time: From 3tv ,'�j�( �,,,�, Company To Address a- Incoming 0 City, State Outgoing Phone No. SUBJECT: r 7 ACTION REQUIRED: Copies to: ( � c v n N •r•4 r-1 N .� ' 41 O �4 N •,Aw O O &J 44 m O (d 0 m E N •4 O +� E U N (A •-+ ow A u (n.•� O � � Q (A(V u • (A 00 •4 N aj 0 : u U.-+(n(n � rn Z „r V W r. 'i p W vi CL ,j L 16 cc W n +4 N southern Paciffi%. Transportation Company 7 01982 Room..31-N Union Station • 800 Northwest Sixth Avenue Portland,Oregon 97209 L.L.PHI PP! IN IIl•LY L.A.[A[.f[A TO 1111[111NTFNp[NT R.1, NIlL.O A..I.TANT[U,ffINTINOINT March 19, 1982 314 T. ►.RUSSELL A..I.TANT.UPIRINTINO[NT J.w./fROUlO ' A.0"NAL■NpINfIR AP CA [NOIN[lR \1 r�'V 1[ "�N fV} Mr. Patrick Moore A ;! Cassis Corporation MAR 25 1982 Lj 10820 Sunset Office Drive Suite 100 CASSIS CORP. BY:-- St. Y: _St. Louts, Missouri 63127 Dear Mr. Mt,ore: SUBJECTS kroposed Storm Drainage Channel, TOYS "R" US, Tigard Reference your letters of November 24, 1981 and December 17, 1981, on the above subject. We have investigated your proposal for a storm drainage channel or retention pond to be constructed on our Property adjacent to our main track and southerly of the TOYS "R ' US site in Tigard, Oregon. Our investigation shows the length of the channel and its construction would only take care of a portion of the total drainage that falls upon Southern Pacific Trans F, Company right-of-way at the culvert site between TOYS 'R" US and ParGas Company property. The water would still have to dissipate into the brush and trees farther south along our right-of-way and a drainage channel would not take care of this problem. We cannot, at this time, be encumbered with this channel on our property to take care of the drainage ft,:m adjacent property owners and other property in the drainage area. We have made our decision upon the fact that the governing bodies, mainly Washington County and the Citilas i-uvolve4 have not taken care of the development of the total properties in the drainage area involved. Mainly, Washington Square develcpment and the development between Hall Blvd. and Greenburgg Road along Cascade Avenue. At this time we feel our property is taking the brunt of all this water which is dumped onto it. Most of this problem started ir. 1972 when the developers of Washington Square channeled a major portion of their roof and parking lot drainage into these c,alverts and no specific design was developed for the downstream prop8;7ty owners accepting the run off. This problem along with the other development added to the drainage dumping onto our property. We realize that our property adjacent to our main track between the streets mentioned is the lowest elevation except for Fanno Creek itself, bit we feel this does not mean our property sHuld be the dumping grounds for all this water. In years past, Mr. Patrick L. t re Page 2 March 19, 1982 all this area was actually the drainage area and the water meandered and eventually flowed into Ash Creek and through our large trestle near the station of Greton and eventually into Fanno Creek. We would like to see the governing bodies, Washington County of the City of Tigard and the City of Beaverton design and develop a plan for the total drainage area involved. In 1972, when Washington Square was constructed, there was talk of establishing a drainage or LID District for all p:^opoerty owners in the area; but this plan was never finalized. We feel very strongly that it is the responsibility of the governing bodies involved to see that drainage requirements and plans are met when development occurs. We feel this has not been done during development of this area. We would like to see the water---fn the ditch between the TOYS "R" US site and ParGas channel'finder our track, through the property owners land on th*- east y side and into the Fanno Creek draitinge itself, instead o structing the 360' long drainage channel. This could be done by the installation of large culverts at this point, The second plan that we would be in favor of would be to establish a drainage channel from this site, possibly using some of our land and the adjacent owners land and channel the water to Ash Creek and into and through our trestle and i.. ,o Fanno Creek,_ A plan of this nature could be done if a drainage district was formed and the cost absorbed by all property owners. We will have to deny constructing the 360' long drainage channel on our property at this time. Yours truly, cc: Mr. John S. Hagman, Superintendent Engineering Division City of Tigard 12755 S.W. Ash Tigard, OR 97223 Mr. Larry Rice Director of Public Works Administration Building, Room 20i 150 N. First Ave. Hillsboro, OR 9712.3 Mr. H. R. Sandercock Westwood Construction Company 8001 S.W. Johnson Creek Blvd. Portland, OR 97206 DMF/dr kAML ToYs "SI" Us, INC. 395 WEST PASSAIC STREET ROCHELLE PARK,NJ 07662 MICHAP.L RAUL MILLPR VICP PRESIDENT NUL PSTATE September 1, 1982 Mr. John S. Hagman, Superintendent Engineering Division City of Tigard 12755 S.W. Ash Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Toys "R" Us Tigard Oregon Dear Mr. Hagman: I am writing you this letter after my conversation of August 31, 1982, with Bob Thompson regarding the drainage problem at our store site in Tigard, Oregon. As I related to Mr. Thompson, we have tried everything physi- cally, logically, and legally possible (even though it is not our responsibility) over the past year to resolve the drainage problem, including our offer at our cost to clean out the exist .ng storm drainage channel on the SP Railroad'e right- of-way. The railroad, by its letter of March 19 (copy of which is attached for your reference), has rejected our offer as they have the legal right to do. At this point, we do not Rep any course of action we can take to resolve this problem which is caused by the runoff of water onto our property from the higher elevation land owners including the mall and State highway. This situation should not hold up our permanent cer- tificate of occupancy. We will gladly continue to cooperate with you in trying to resolve this situation and suggest that the other land owners should participate in the solution and cost. It is requested, in view of the above, that our permanent cer- tificate of occupancy be issued. t -2- Your prompt attention would be appreciated. Sincerely yours, /fs Attachment cc: Mr. J.C. Alberts, Cassis Corporation Mr. R.A. Engelbert, SP 'Transportation Co. Mr. Larry Rice, Director of Public Works Mr. 11.R. Sanderc.ock, Westwood Construction Co. CASSIS CORPORATION December 17, 1981 Mr. R. A. Engelbert Southern Pacific Transportation Company Room 324 Union Station Portland, Oregon 97209 Re: Proposed Storm Drainage Channel TOYS "R" US, INC. Tigard, Oregon Dear Mr. Engelbert: Please refer to my letter dated November 24, 1981. We have not to this date received any comments from your office. Your expedient review of the documents accompanying that letter would be most appreciated. Respectfully, CASSIS CORPORATION FXOU�A"- PLM/n,js Patrick L. Moore cc: Phil LaGala Rudy Deutsch Joe Ricciardo H. R. Sandercock John S. Hagman NJS File 10020 Sunset Office Drive, Suite 100...St. Louis, Missouri 63127...Phone 13141821-1100...TWX 910-760-1472 U)z U) (n uu December 7, 1,),i 1. 104'.20 '"unser_ i C fir- `r ive ';r.Atte 161) `'t. Louie, ,isnour.i 0'1121 Pe: Toys "''," "a, Ttgard, Ore-M,1 "rar ,r 146ore: This is to acl,�nowlee,!ge race i lot of you, i t t(,r (Iated " ove bbrr 7n, 1.9?1 and to nonftrm that the therein 3teratori avnopsis of our diacullsion it accurate. ]n proposni stahmi,tte:,. therewitto is annraved by the City and, hnaefe�l.2.:', .Pill he well. received by Southern Pacific 'rr.ans-)ortatton ^ompany. Any effort wade to alleviate the oxiati.no Y+rr tnsw�e �,rohle m(s' cnnnot !,e1.p ' .r r: bh an i,-rrovement. tours truly, John ^. ilsr;man "upt. 1.nvr. nivisiun T311,p j r F .wi CASSIS CORPORATION November 30, 1981 Mr. Hagman, You will notice that the enclosed F en, Profile, and Section 1 propose a ditch 363' in length with sloping bottom. Our engineer felt that this would perform better than a ditch 290' - 300' in length with a level bottom. Respectfully, CASSIS CORPORATION Patrick L. Moore PLM/kmb 10820 Sunset Office Drive, Suite 100...St. Louis, iwissouri 63127...Phone 13141821 1100. .TWX 910-760-1472 JProject ? © No, CASSIS FIZO"LGg�:F 6•'7'71 1 CORPORATION Subject t` M G�I�AdI,b �,}"N rN.. BY" JatekWM4J1?M Sheet 0 of j 614)1 is Ufa♦rs —_ — -- � tN ILI H� �c'1f11+'I� - � ' � I • ,(�r-a airtZ z z7+1 \� J fur � x W o Z L d IJ 0 .11 IU. �1 a O W . \\ a: � J " C N I 1 I L ' I J Project &4Z 7-744 No. 01711/0 CASSIS CORPORATION Subject 0721' IAf ,LWN 44/NI.4LC _ ByW!� Date ���� ,.�� Sheet •¢ of KI) �-IelvG (1'71, 70 vs QZ 0. 7 14; �. s sA svC o� � J 7-e r�L 1� e r 1 �Q2 i T'Y P. ave eat s� Project 7;9y 7/ No.v //6 CASSIS CORPORATION Subject �j"d410 ,MAZA)A4 C Byo Date//-,fo Sheet 5of IZe% p - 7, 7 - /9G . D r y •t �t. l 1/xe/C i'� .'� !..� 'rbc �► pie " /V 171) J >/0,2 -A J 74, pis v /a ;7- 40 A IZ 7.2 , 44 > 14:10A) 4 eo /• !v � CASSIS CORPORATION November 24, 1981 Mr. R. A. Engelbert Southern Pacific Transportation Co. Room 324 Union Station Portland, Oregon 97209 Re: Proposed Storm Drainage Channel TOYS "R" US, INC. Tigard, Oregon Dear Mr. Engelbert, On Thursday, November 19, 1981, I spoke by telephone with Mr. Johnston in reference to cutting a channel in your right-of-way at the request of the City )P Tigard. Enclosed please find a letter to Mr. John Hagman with the City, a Location Map, Plan, and Profile defining the proposed work. I hope that these documents meet with your approval. Please transmit any comments to this office, Respectfully, CASSIS CORPORATION Patrick L. Moore P LM/kb Enclosure cc: Phil LaGala Rudy Deutsch Joe Ricciardo H.R. Sandercock NJS File 10820 Sunset Office Drive, Suite 100...St. Louis, Missouri 61127 .Phor P (314)1321 1100 TWX 110 700 1472 7 �I L[XIE ST,i� C //'' Noel oil o __ F-11 7r, TOYS R US SITE I sti s ILAW", vi to its. —C. V I I I f dchar, LOCUw, F .......... I lig_ r � a L. ) / � tt• �i sw =1 K LON -004 17 ITIVI AWTA (PVT) s ft MORT. DANOTA AT FAM.tn • ON I IV A 14 I LS s w IN LFPNj sw MCA A Tail .1. PL IT .400 CT IT so PAR SW ANN ST 11 'jtL IT ZAP 0001. It II • CANST s di 1* 6111 *A'.AS S FUN" 4 IP4" GR M, oftim 11 All C' IT T ki SIc*mouq p Lu ff. ) '�-fw I sw o. ORA All--/ HkL 1111 Cy A PL 6 CMI#1 44A"Of ------ i0s CkK9 CT 40 J VIAWJtW LANE rp sw zi If. .,I �j `A-- r JPVTJ .j C IN NORT F If I 17 . 'a 00 A. --w (J O I � a 0-4 i - --- 2 7 26 1 la, 70 ��� .• �� S \ 1�T: G,M.el.p OR \ \ \ \ C x , • �\ �\ ,. `� l \ PAVE 0 `A. \ ,� 1.R. 30y EL.I93 201 r7t�T L F P'44 PAU FICi — f s�71GN Ca K.o.W. \� ' PLA X '�° � � � 1823 NORTH i �ECE1 VE0 1981 —� CASSIS CITY OF TIGgRD CORPORATION November 20, 1981 Mr. John S. Hayman Superintendent - Engineering Division City of Tigard 12755 Southwest Ash Tigard, oregon 97223 Re: TOYS "R" US, INC. Tigard, Oregon Dear !X. Hagman, On Thursday, November .19, 1981, Mr. Rudy Deutsch of TOYS "R" US, INC. , Mr. H.R. Sandercock of Westwood Construction, and I met with you and Mr. Bob Landis in an attempt to resolve storm drainage problems associated with the water shed encompassing the TOYS "R" US properties. Following is a synopsis of what we perceive to be your requests at this meeting. A channel is to be excavated from the south end of the existing storm pipes located immediately west of the southwest corner of the TOYS "k" US property. The channel is to be 290'-300' in length; the bottom at elevation 197.7' (your datum) and 168.6' (U.S.G.S. datum); the sides sloped adequately to prevent caving; ano the width to be such that the channel will accommodate the aggregate capacity of the two existing storm drainage pipes. This channel would, in your opinion, alleviate a heavy siltation problem in one of the existing drainage pipes until such time that the City of Tigard elects to initiate a more comprehensive storm drainage plan for the area under consideration. At your request, a Location Map, Plan and Profile are submitted for your approval. They are concurrently being submitted to Mr. R. A. Enyelbert with Southern Pacific Transportation Co. for approval since the work involved is within the railroad right-of-way. To reiterate my request of Mr. Ed Walden on a telegram date October 15, 1981, we ask your assistance in obtaining approval from the railroad. We are also pursuing a proposal from Westwood Construction Company for gunnite stabilization of the rip-rap in the ditch along the south TOYS "R" US property line. It was our understandingat the meetingh referenced herein are made, TYS" R" US would btain a permanent improvements of Uccupancy, and any future improvements would be made through an L.I.D. or other program nut currently in existence. 10820 Sunset Office Drive, Suite 100...St. Louis, Missouri 63127...Phone(314)821-1100...TWX 910-760-1472 a City of Tigard CASSIS November 20, 1981 CORPORATION Page Two Although I realize that we have interests in common i.e. my client's property must be protected from damage caused by .inaoequate storm orainage, the fact remains that: the majority of storm water originates off of my client's property, and therefore, 1 object, in principle, to withholding a Certificate of Occupancy penainc the resolution of a costly problem of which the source is primarily off' site. Your expeditious review of the enclosed documents would be most appreciated. if we have misconstruea any of your requests, please notify this office immediately. Respectfully, CASSIS CORPORATION Patrick L. Niourc, PE PLM/kmb cc: Pail LaGala Rudy Deutsch Joe Ricciardo H.R. Sandercock NJS File 0 YS *A0'*US ®R \� NATIONAL OFFICES: 395 WEST PASSAIC STREET, ROCHELLE PARK, NJ 07662 r GEOFFREY October 21, 1981 Mr. Ed Walden, Building Official 12420 S.W. Nkin Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Walden: Enclused is performance bond #K0 06 90612 of the Insrrance Company of North America, relative to the drainage ditch excavation at our Tigard location. We trust this is satisfactory. Very truly yours, apiro Insurance Manager /bd Enclosure Ilk tr0 0 "' 1,? V IT � w n j Ali r� V LIN o 0 �l. It 11 I C7 v I 1 m I o r I �^ i I z+45 t r •� j� M IT) I t INKINSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Bond No. KO 06 90 61 2 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we Toys "R" Us ::nc, as prin- cipal and Insurance Company of North America a cor.poratiDn of the State of Pennsylvania and licensed to do business in the State of Oregon , as Surety in consideration of the issusance of a permit are hereby held and firmly bound unto the City of Tigard , Oregon as Obligee in the just and full sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3 , 000. ) to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and successors , indivi- dually and/or jointly, firmly by these presents: WHEREAS, the principal has made application to the Obligee for a permit or license relative to the excavation or redefinition of an existing drainage ditch at the principal ' s new store at 10065 S. W. Cascade Blvd , 'Tigard , Oregon. NOW THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the City of Tigard , Oregon shall issue to the above bounden principal the said permit or license, duly applied for , and said principal shall faithfully and honestly perform the work in accordance with the laws of the City of Tigard , then this Obligation to be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. SIGNED and sealed this 19th day of October_ 19 81 Toys "R" Us Inc. By• jA Insurance Company of North America Ri.cT harr Tete , Attorney-In-Fact. Ceunter*slgned Sri 4ICengPd RPsIdent Agent �7 I STATE OF . . . . . . New York COUNTY OF . , , , New York On this 19th day of dC LObe r 19 81 ,before me personally appeared Richard Tui to tome known who,bbeing by me duly sworn,did depose and say. That he resides in Staten Island New YOrk ;that hu is Attorney in-Fact of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF Nna TH AMERICA,the corporation described in and which oxeculod for for„yomg instrument that he knows the corporate seal of the said Corporation;that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate sfgal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation;and that he signed his name thereto as A!torney in Fact by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation,and the deponent saith further that the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of Now York has, pursuant to Sr,ction 321 of the Insurance Law of the State of New York, issued to the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA his certificate that said Company is qualified to become and be accepted as surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings and other obligations or guarantees, as provided in the Insurance Law of the State of New York and all laws amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto,and Gn+i arch certificate has not been revoked;and that the assets of said Company,unencumbered and debts and liabilities of every nature whatsoever,by Eight Hundred Thirty Three Million Dollars($833,000,C00) NOTAk)' PU'P JC, Stcte of New York Witness my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid Na 24.014695122 Qual.ficd in Kms County 'Sean ommission�Expires,{Jiurch 30, 1913 COPY OF RESOLUTION �1 '�-"�E-'� BE IT REMEMBERED, that at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA,duly called and held at the of free of the Company,in the City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania,on the 28th day of May, 1975,a quorum being present,the follow. ing Resolution was duly adopted• "RESOI VED,pursuant to Articles 3.6 and 5 1 of the By-Laws,the following Rules shall govern the execution for the Company of bonds,undertak• mgs,recodnizances,contracts and other writings in the nature thereof (I i 1 hat Iho President,or any Vice-President. Assistant Vice President, Resident Vice-President or Attorney-in-Fact, may execute for and in behalf of the Company any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, contracts and other writings in the nature thereof, the same to be attested when• necrissary by the Secretary,an Assistant Secretary or a Resident Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company affixed thereto;and that the Presi• stent or any visa President may appoint and authorize Resident Vice P-;.sidonts, Resident Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys in-Fact to so execute or arrest to the execution of all such writings on behalf of the Company rind to affix the seal of the Company thereto. r2t Any such writing executed in accordance with these Rules shall be as binding upon the Company in any case though signed by the President and ittesled by the Secretary (3) The signature of the President or a Vice President and the seal c f the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted pur- suant to this Resolution,and the signature of a certifying officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any certificate of any such power,and any such power of cortifir.ate bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company (4) Such Resident Officers and Attorneys-in Fact shall have authority to certify or verify copies of this Resolution, the By-Laws of the Company,and any affidavit 3r record of the Company necessary to the discharge of their duties (5) The passage of this Resolution does not revoke any earlier authority granted by Resolution of the Board of Directors on June 9, 1953" Financial Statement December 31,IM Admitted Assets Liabilities Cash in Office and Banks $ 96,091,157 Unpaid Claims and Claim Expense $1,821,839,048 Government Bonds)amortized values) $ 435,823.817 Unearned Premiums 5 660,642,391 Miscellaneous Bonds(amortized values) $1,522,819,347 Reserve for Taxes and Expenses $ 53,879,527 Stocks Imarket value) $ 981,108,485 Other Liabilities S 168,000,585 Accrued Interest $ 42.975,968 Funds Held by Company under Real Estate S 9,305,235 Reinsurance Treeiies S 24,578,936 Premiums in Course of Collection S 317,363.148' Reinsurance in Non Admitted Companies $ 22,014,993 Funds Held by Ceding Reinsurers. $ 22,115,017 Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable. 5 72,484,164 All Other Assets $ 228,627,484 Capital Paid In 5 56,785,545 Surplus Paid In.. $ 137,100,213 Unassigned Surplus $ 639,510,916$ 833,396,674 $3.656,836,318 $3,656,836,318 i'Excl s no hen 90 days duP i G� OF 4,0 I y RICHARD TUITE t, in F I of the INSURANCE CUMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA at NEW YORK, NEW YORK b in till force and effect as of the date hereof,that said appointment was made under and by authority of the foregoing ri as been compared by me with the original thereof as recorded in the minute book of said Company and is a true a tppr i in full force and effect,and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the financial condition of the said I v hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said cOrpOretiJn this, 19th ♦ ♦ ♦ � ett�A, � ry Secretary 83.15!llill inU S.A POWER OF ATTORNEY 140354 INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA PHILADELPHIA, PA. Know all men by these presents: That INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a corporation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having its principal office in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pursuant to the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on May 2b, 1975, to wit: "RESOLVED,pursuant to Articles 3.6 and 5.1 of the By-Laws,the following Rules shall govern the execution for the Company of bonds,undertakings,recognizances,contracts and other writings in the nature thereof: (1) That the President, or any Vice-President, Assistant Vice-President, Resident Vice-President or Attorney-in-Fact, may execute for and in behalf of the Company any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, contracts and other writings in the Mature thereof, the same to be attested when necessary by the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary or a Resident Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company affixed thereto; and that the President or any Vice-President may appoint and authonze Resident Vice-Presidents, Resiclent Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys-in-Fact to so execute or attest to Iho execution of all such writings on behalf of the Company and to affix the seal of the Company thereto. (2) Any such writing executed in accordance with these Rules shall be as binding upon the Company in any case as though signed by the President and attested by the Secretary. (3) 1he signature of the President or a Vice-President and the seal of the Company may ho affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted pursuant to this Resolution, and the signature of a certifying officer and Ilw w,il oI the Company may be affixed by im sunk, to any certificate of any such power,and any such power or certificate bearing such Iacsimile signature and seal shall be valid and Finding on the Compani. (4) such Resident Officers end Attorneys-in-Fact shall have authority to certify or verify copies of this Resolution, the By-Laws of the Company,and any affidavit or record of the Company necessary to the discharge of their duties. (5) The passage of this Resolution does not revoke any earlier authority granted by Resolution of the Board of Directors on June 9, 1953." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint RICHARD TUITE, CHARLES D'ANDREA, WILLIAM L. LEW, BENNO FRIEDMAN and NATALIE REINGOLD, all of the City of New York, State of New York each individually If there he more than one named, its true and lawful attorney-in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver on its behalf, and as its act and deed any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, contracts and other writings in the nature thereof. And the execution of such writings in pursuance of these presents, shall he as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its principal office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said .... _. MICHAEL B. FODOR , Vice-President, has hereunto subscribed his name and affixed the corporate seal of the said INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA this .........10thday of ......... ... 19 November 80 ................ ...... ............. ................. IN URANCE OMA Y I[& NORTH ERICA (SEAL) IV i MIC AEL B. FODOR Vice-Pr (dent STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK ss. On this _ 10th day of .. November A. D. 14 80.... before e, a Notary Public of the STATE OF ILLINOIS in and for the County of COOK came . . ...... I......._MICHAEL B. .FODOR............ .._ . _ .__. , Vice-President of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA to me personally known to be the individual ,Incl Officer who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged that he executed the same; that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of said Company; that the said corporate seal and his signature were duly affixed by the authority and direction of the said corporation, and that Resolution, adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company, referred to In the preceding instrument,is now in force. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixe my official seal at the City of CHICAGO the day and year first above written. (SEAL) DAWN STRAWBRIDGF Notary Pu " `,.s My commission expires 5/28/84 r' I' the undersigned, doklomt Secretary of INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, do hereby certify that Theo nal POWER OF ATTORNEY, of which the foregoing is a full, true and (orrect copy, is in full force and effect. In witness whereof, I hdfe h hreunto subscribed my namhC � Secretary,dpd affixed the corporate seal j:n hq�Corporation, this..................... ...................... day of ............. .. 19................. (SEAL) .......... � ... Secre............. ....... AM)✓'S S. WYLLI R1G?p11Sttary HS ,5579 Ptd. in U.S.A. 'f :i I f' lt� h 1, • +i! FRANK w York,' Of New f a r• � '�AILS�iA •"t cn�I.^,c. Cr;VIE�t �IID)LETCw'4' VA. ?254' 1 -016920J2S3002 10/15/31 f4A CA33I3 3TL r'TLA "r—'e"ar - Py1S EJ NALDEN PHONE: 503—u3y-4l11 jr,l nc15p 0v s CITY OF f I3A,�J 1240 S. H . 1AIA II3ARD, Cr�EauV 97223 .I RE: TCYS ";i US, I tice PES CUR T LLPHO'vE. JISCUSSIO,,; IO)AY 4E AaRErL- TU PUrISUL N rtr � Li. II TO THE SIORr U,zAI dA, P;iGPLE "I JUE IO I .V.3UFFICIL,� l jrAlNf,�E OF OUR PRCPEqIY I . NE tiAILHGE ) RI:iHI-OF-',SAY . W7 *ILL AITE"IPT TO 3RTAIN RIGHT-UF-ENTRY U,4N THF. .RAlLkoAu r'HLe' tilY , E'XCAVAfE AND REDEFINE THE EAISTI .V ) )II: H fG SJ ^, i tXTt.VT THAI ifUrt,'1 'WATER F1.0dS IC IHE SOUTH . WE WILL AIIE Ir' I f�, ACCG 7r'LI3K IH13 *L;HK 'WITHIN 90 JAYS FRGI IHE i)AT:: GV PHIS IELEjiAI Pr- JJl4 SUCdi r%I)HI 'JF cNIr3Y IS jlAVIEDF;,G''1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC riAlLriUAJ . 4'r vILL NLSG r'C31 A °CVD IN THE AlOUNT OF 1.3,000 JLLLAr13 dITri I..ir- CI fY LF II3Ar is TO ENSU it,_ I;HI '7 *C.ii( IS ACCuAPLIS;ir,j. 40 SINCE [�:'. SIC;AM JrlAI gAUt: PiGSLG 1 AT I»Ur- 13 PRIAA,RILY JUE fG .31C.�A MATER EAST ANJ NORTH LF UUri 31rr- Av) IV VILA OF N-4 FACE NAI LU1-i CLIL\if , rLYS "R" 03, INC. , HAS ALRrA,JY :.XPL ��r_j III G, �Cu IN LI,�I .q.a AN EXI SII N3 DITCH TC IHE SGUTH OF I itl rt PRLPr..i [Y , ,vc +SK YUUrt A13331STANCE IV G3iAIYIV3 CGOP�.rtAN3,41 FriG:'1 3LUf~',,14 PACIFIC HAILkLA., --= PATRICK L. 1UOfiE TAX y10- 750-1472 CCs P. LAIAL4 H. .i . SA;IDERCUCK 174'- 13:1 7413:'1 cc 1? 1311 c - 10 REPLY BY MAILGRAM, SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR WESTERN UNION'S TOLL FREE PHONE NUMBERS L4 5 W 5?k oc:D CCAs-'a, Cc 4 •71? — 1 y 71 N. �� ; ��•', .` , ` ��4 In �� e,��. 'slJB.Nt�2 � , � 1�r :- ry f2i�R•T� .i JQ11°.IQ.f;lp 1 N 4 A 73 It 11111- zoo 111"3o ` . . _ � -_ �.—� "�:-:" - -- -��--�--�•-'�-' �;.mss, -.. - ......�.. VrMH GOADE _!/ D,rcw If4AOS S- API'RCA •ol PoNvs i O ' r t.�qT�Q —""/ w►rN Di►3f2/t 04;TL4pT *wo% W L&'r �rNt�S V S JCS Ho,l+d N"ii w,�r4RlK� l�B2 2 �`-�e% �, /✓��+r t C.��r, ( � Tai r2l —//DO .FJ � %acKFA jT :' 1 L, r• If 1rv—o' . .. 0 a +r Loc �� Q�t� + wJ J \ voys-ows A 6EORREV R. G. DEUTSCH 395 WEST PASSAIC STREET ROCHELLE PARK,NJ 07662 (2011845.93« H. R. "Sandy Sandercock Project Manager 503/777.1471 8001 S.F Johnson Creek Blvd Por land,Oregon 97206 Req (5031668-6274 Patrick L. Moore, P.E. CASSIS 10820 Sunset Office Dr. CORPORA-r10N St.Louie,M063127 (314)821-1100 Gunste Services GG56.17 S.W, Cheltenham I)n., Portland. Oregon 97201 Licensed& Rnnded 245-6721 John Nari7,np Geoc Curtiss 245-6721 662-4404 CASSIS CORPORATION May 19, 1981 Mr. Aldie Howard P ;ann i ng U i rector City of Tigard (� 12420 S.W. Main ��� Post 0 f f ice Box 23397 �� �i�C�-�'yl ,�// Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Proposed TOYS "R" US, INC 00 Scholls Ferry Rd. and Cascade Blvd. Site Design Review �� Dear Mr. Howard, 1 ��� � �, 1 Enclosed for your review are revised Site Plans , Landscaping and Building Elevations for the propo-ed Toys "R" Us facility. The revisions include: 1) Moving Moving the structure to the west from its previous location. 2) Moving the loading dock to the north. 3) Modifications to the parking lot . Calculations for storm drainage are not included since drainage criteria remain unchai.ged. Respectfully, CASSIS CORPORATION Patrick L. Moore PLM/kmb Enclosure cc: Frank Currie liz Newton Phil LaGala Bob Bilello Joe Ricciardo File 10820 Sunsot Office Orive, 'SVite 100. ,St. Louis, Missouri 63127...Phone 13141821-1100...TWX 910-760-1471 r CASSIS CORPORATION April 25, 1981 Mr. Aldie Howard Planning Director City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Post Office Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Proposed TOYS "R" US, INC. Scholls Ferry Rd. and Cascade Blvd. Dear Mr. Howard: Enclosed are 1) Site Design Review Application, 2) Site Plans showing proposed grading and landscaping, 3) Building Elevations and 4) other documents this office considers appropriate. By copy of this letter l am requesting a Preliminary Design Review meeting at your earliest convenience. (A meeting in the near future would be appreciated. ) As a result of a conversation on February 13, 1981, with Frank Currie, Public Works Director, we have enclosed figures on storm drainage for his review. Respectfully, CASSIS CORPORATION �4f" Patrick L. Moore PL M;kmb Enclosure cc: Frank Currle (w/enc. ) Liz Newton Phil LoGela Bob Bilello Joe Ricclardo 10820 Sunset Office Drive, Suite 100...St. Louis, Missouri 83127 ..Phone 13141821-1100...TWX 910-780-147' Project �"- ZL� T/�A4 � No._hll�p CASSIS CORPORATION' Subject 7'l��N1 11VA4 46 By 072;0 Date !f/�3 Sheet / of Ac, FL Orr .��►.�D f'.4 TT�,t2 N S r Te-(S - A - u 5, I N G . i T4-'A L P2CP�F�TY 58 'AC z Es Exl STC i DITCH `cG FLOW Gow'r, ISuTIO►J S vI-rGH TO E ,)clsTiN4V"GULvEv-TS 4B" GUl,varz.TS ArzrA ai (� $• 7 GFS AREA Q1 , a 4. S Gr5 !C EY PLAN _ J CASSIS Project / 7Za 7/6 4No. a '/�[� CORPORATION Subject —5r-99M 2:�RA IAJ .6 4 By Date . ,/;Pj/ Sheet 2 of ?j 7 (�s o C•s! J 70D ( 141/4► ) k 70a) ✓f/ = " H4 , 76 � Yom, 73�_`j' 7� 7 Z./s IF J Yle- , li /f'! 2 • � ' S 7-0 71JO L) 00,,off / L'� • G'�S 707-41, ,rL-Ci J: RAINFALL INTENSITY IN INCHES PER HOUR 0 Q v N f u T ) I I c � � O.A 1 I'} N � z � r '< 3 cj+ Z 6 c C (� ojj m c i � l R � / C (9 { 7 f1 �� `G IN r a U Q 5.1 ga a s t 1-Q D-7 I P d h f -O • N U C 7 �N Q 1 � `g' L 1 t p to �u N L 7 F � � u Z 'N O C In S C Pry L as V ~ V- _ n t .a _ I I I 1 1.� o v ec r a i 4 o� .d Ci o 0 o s d bnoH 213d S3HJNI NI kLISN31N1 Ttd-iNldd JORGENS CONSTRUCT/ON CO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 9145 S.E. SIXTH AVEMUE COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL PORTLAND, ORE"I 97202 AREA CODE 503 233-5075 Ocl.ober 23, 1979 Pargas of Portland 10075 S.W. Cascade Avenue P.O. Box 23501 Portland, uregon 97223 Re: Drainage Ditch Repair Attn: Bill Ford Dear Sir: We would like to summarize the various options which we have discussed with you by telephone regarding the above referenced work. The existing ditch has undermined the blacktop and fence in solve areas and needs to be rerouted. The first option is to install approximately 150 lineal foot of reinforced con- crete retaining wall in the damaged area. This wall would then be backfilled and the fence and paving restored. This would repair the existing damage, but we feel it would not be a final answer to the problem. Our budget for the above outlined work is $16,000.00. A second option is to instill a CLIlvert the full length of your property. This would need to be a 54-inch culvert. We would propose a 54"-14 guage corrugated steel culvert which would be backfilled with IS-inch rock. The paving and fence would then be reinstalled per original specification. Our budget for this work is $28,259.00. A third option is to pave the ditch and bank with asphalt paving. The finished ditch would vary in depth and width. It. would, however, be approximately 10 feet wide at the top and 3 feet wide at the bottom with sloped sides ai 1� to 1 slope. Our budget for tris is $38,000.00. 1 should be noted that none of the above options include any work on the upstream or downstream end of your property. The area upstream along Cascade Avenue is Washington County property and would require design and engineering by them. The downstream flow would go onto Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way and would require design and engineerinj by them. It should be further noted that either- the ditch being paved or the culvert being a Pargas of Portland October 23 1 1979 Page 2 of Two insta'iled would require access and use of the adjoining property, In reviewing this project we have found the following information which may be of use to you: There is, on file in the Was)ington County Department of Public Works, Drainage Department, a set of engineered drawings showing a paved ditch along this area. These drawings were prepared by John Grahm, Architect of Seattle, Washington, and are dated October 4, 1972, job #10711 , The drainage department has given us the following calculations on which we based our budgets. i The ditch drains approximately 131 acres and would have a flow of 192 C.F.S. . ! If we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact us. Yours very truly, JORGENS CONSTRUCTION CO. .61 Howard Green HG:ls IJ�aG �1P*pE? 4>ITCM X ' Sew � //c / 22- z 9Zz S / _ v>A�E Q •s.ai�GAE • 1' 2 2 I 3 / P J �N 183 " �� Zr = II / dret� v IC IG (• 1 , ?Z ` b i 649.150 WATER LAWS least damage to the lands the ditch passes IMPROVEMENT OF through, or to designate the location, charac- WATERCOURSES OR DRAINS ter and extent of the work to be done in WEST OF",►SCADES straightening the bed or building up the 649.310 Alternative nature of law; banks of the stream, and shall at the same application restricted to west of Cascades. time assess the damages sustained by the ORS 549.320 to 549.400 shall not be construed person owning the land. to interfere with or to prevent the right or 649.150 Considering benefits in as- power to construct drainage ditches under any other statute of this state, and shall apply sassing damages. In assessing damages, the only to that portion of the state lying west of commissioners shall take into consideration the Cascade Mountains. all benefits which will accrue to the lands from the work contemplated. 549.320 Petition by landowners to drain lands or improve drains. Whenever 549.160 Report of commissioners to 60 percent or more of the owners of land con- county court; payment to landowner; tiguous to and crossed by some watercourse or recording report; construction of im- drain desire to have such lands drained or provement.The commissioners, or a majority such natural course or drain straightened, of them, shall make a report to the county altered, widened or deepened, they may peti- court at the next regular session thereof, tion the county court of the county in which stating the location of the ditch or other work the land is situated for such improvenuffit, contemplated, the name of the person entitled describing all property affected thereby and to damage,and the amount, if any is assessed. giving the names of the owners thereof. Upon If the county court is satisfied that the report the filing of the petition the county court shall is just, and after payment by the applicant for ascertain whether 60 percent or more of the the right of way of all costs of locating such owners of land affected have ail-ned the peti- ditch or other work, and the damages, if any tion, and if so, shall make a finding to that are assessed, the court shall cause the same to effect. be recorded. The applicant then may proceed 549.330 Survey of work; plats, plans; to make such ditch, or do such work of estimates of cost; assessment of damages; ®' straightening the stream or building up or hearing and determination by county straightening the banks thereof, doing as court. The county court shall direct the coun- little damage to the land it passes through as ty surveyor, or county engineer if the county possible. employs a registered professional engineer, to 649.170 Appeal to circuit court from make a survey of the work contemplated to be done and prepare plats, plans, profiles and assessment of damages. Any person ag- estimates of cost of the work to be done, and grieved by the assessment of damages may shall assess the damage sustained by any appeal within 20 days to the circuit court. person owning any land affected by such improvement, taking into consideration all 549.180 Bringing additional water benefits which will accrue from the work into ditch without payment of compensa- contemplated to be done to the land.The coun- tion prohibited; civil liability. No per-son ty surveyor,or county engineer,shall file with shall tap or bring additional water into any the county clerk his plats, plans, profiles, drainage district or drainage district ditch estimates of cost, and assessment of damages. already dug without paying a reasonable Not less than 30 nor more than 60 days after compensation therefor and securing the writ- the county surveyor, or county engineer, has ten permission of district officials. The crimi- filed his data with the county clerk, the coun- nal penalty for violation of this section shall ty court shall hold a hearing,of which at]Past not relieve the defendant from civil liability 10 OWy's' ~,shall be given to all landown- for damages. ers affected, and to the authority which main- taritis any hil�hw,i} and to the owners of any 549.190 Other rights protected. ORS railroad or tramway through which or der 549.110 to 549.180 shall not be construed so as which any conduit is to be constnWW, by to interfere with the rights of companies or publishing the same once a week for two suc- individuals for mining, manufacturing, or cessive weeks in a newspaper of general circa- watering towns or cities. lation in the county. At the hearing the coun- 488 1 ---.------DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL GENERALLY 549.3c9r ty court shall hear evidence in support of the 549.370 Maintenance of work; inspec- �, petition and in support of any protest or objec- tion; notice to landowners; when work tion thereto, and afLcr consideration shall rrdered; assessment of cost. At least one determine whether it is to the interest and member of the county court in the fall of each benefit of the land affected and conducive to year shall inspect the improvements con- the public welfare to grant the petition for the structed tinder the provisions of ORS 549.31.0 improvement. (Amended by 1965 c.287 411 to 549.400, for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not they have been properly main- 549.340 Construction; functions of tained and are in a good and serviceable con- county surveyor or county engineer; per. dition. If it is found that, the works are not formance by landowner. If the county court properly maintained or are not in a good and authorizes the improvement, it shall be done serviceable condition either in whole or in under the direction and supervision of the part, the county court shall give notice in county surveyor, or the county engineer, who writing to the owner of land upon which it. shall set all necessary grade stakes and bench was found that the works are not properly marks. The owner of any of the lands through maintained or are not in a goal and services- which or on which any portion of the improve, ble condition, which notice shall set forth the ment is to be constructed may himself, at his necessary work to be done and the time of own expense, perform such construction work beginning and completion of the same. In the under the supervision of the county surveyor, event the owner fails to comply with the Con- or the county engineer. If the owner does not ditions set forl.h in the notice, the county court elect to do such work, it shall be done by the shall order the necessary work to Ix, done and county under the direction and supervision of assess the cost against the land upon which the rjunty surveyor, or the county engineer. the work was done in the manner provided in ;A ,:nded by 1965 c.287 421 ORS 549.350. 549.350 Report as to work done; as- ess y to 9.380 i mprovem nt; condem ation; l sessment of costs; entry on tax rolls; col- prior payment of compensation unneces- 1\ lection. On the completion of the work by the sary. Whenever a coun(;y court finds it neces- county the county surveyor, or the county sary, in order to carry rut any of the purposes engineer, shall make and file with the county mentioned in ORS 549.310 to 549.370, to clerk a report showing in detail the work done condemn, acquire or appropriate any land, on each parcel of land separately owned, the prolmrty or right of any nture, it shallo s names of the owners, and the amount of costa declare its intention by resolution spread on to each such parcel of land,which cost shall be the records of the court., setting out the neces- assessed against the lands by the county court sit.y that exists. If it is unable to agree with in the same manner as other taxes and assess- the owner for the purchase of such land, prop- ments for county purposes, and shall be cerci er•ty or right, the district attorney for the fied to the county assessor..: d entered on the county, upon request of the county court, shall tax rolls and collected in the same manner as commence and prosecute in any court of com- other county taxes. (Amended by 1965 c.287 431 petent jurisdiction, in the name of the county, any necessary suit, action or proceeding for 549.360 Extension of work across or the condemnation of such land, property on under highway or railroad; duty as to right, for such public use. The procedure in construction and maintenance; cost. The such suit, action or proceeding shall be, as far drainage work may be extended across or Its applicable, the procedure provided by Inw under any highway and may also be carried for the condemnation of lands or rights of way under or through any railroad or tramway. by public or quasi-public corporations for The authority which maintains the highway public use or for corporate purposes; provided, through which the conduit crosses shall con- rrothing in this section Ahall be construed Lo struct and maintain the same in good co-rdi. require the county to make or lender compen- tinn and repair, free from obstruction, at its sation prior to the condemnation and taking own expense. The owner of the railroad or possession of such land, property or right.. tramway under or through which the conduit 549.390 Appeal from order nuthoriz- is to hP constructed shall construct and main ing work or assessing damages. Any person tain the same in good condition, and repair, aggrieved by any order pursuant to the provi t'� a from obstruction,at its own expense. 459 _._,_..,...-...w . _.. ,_..,..,. .._.._.__�..... .... 'rLil�` 4z; �4v