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f r CARNAHAN S ADDITION 70 THE CIT OF TIGARD i LOCATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF THE S. E . 1 /4 OF SEC., 34 , T I Sit R I We WMOCITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON OREGON COUNTY, It'. PAjkK LOT if ®`ACK soL LOT 10 FND It 3- 1/4' 1 Bah 0.18 S. 5/8" 1. R 009W TRACT "A" (0.18' S.) U S.B.T BOOK 3, P-244 SET IN C. S 7771 / 1.00 RESERVE STRIPSET IN C. S. 195? Aff -�D 1%w 4re'i 00' 112.50' 25.00 25.00 _ 57.18' i S 890,.j, 7 35"W 932.05 1/4 COR. • CO. MON. AS _ _ __ _� 139_91 l _ INITIAL COR. REMONUMENTED AS ENTRY 5/8" I R. w/P C / 15 STORM SLWER 8� FND ,?"a 36" G. I P w/ 2" ALUM NO 106 U. S. BT BOOK 3 P-245. SANITARY SEWER ER EASEMENT o Q 7 � ' (PLS 636 ) CAP STAMPED 'BARKER PLS 636" 7516 50. FT o 0 8385 S0. FT a 6 BELOW GROUND SURFACE 589° 37' 35" W 139.60 S 890 37' 35" W 112.87 g co 8 in - ti 5 N , 7551 SO. FT. a o 'n N 7541 SO. FT. W In iO �o in S 890 37' 35" W 139.33 N Q 6' PUBLIC UTILITY a SCALE : I 50 o EASEMENT SURVEYED: MARCH, 1985 o S 89 37 35 W 113.24 0 941 v GoW �PL85I R w P C z 7536 SO, FT. a _� � 6' PUBLIC UTILITY � v EASEMENT S 890 37' 35" W 113.00' - � O o 4 0 ( S 890 37' 35" W 139.05' w 5/8" I. R. W/PC. (PLS 636) 7'566 S0. FT. � N W � I 10 ab N S 890 37' 35" W 113 62' 1 M 7525 S0. FT. m �n N 7.08' ® 15.28' ° �� 7 u I S 89 3T� 35 W 139. 0 in . N 3CY yv 7631 SO. FT �a W � �, ® O � h T in 856 SO F T. a M 1 �"i h $ v I PROPERTY LINE CURVE DATA LEGEND : z S•890 55' 12" W 86.81' ti '" N 89° 51' 28" W 158.59' o ,� © 58.59 N 89° 51' 28"W 100.00' (100') o. $ j„us chord _Bearing Chord N 0 _ TIO 0 Initial Corner N / 5/8' w/PC FND. 5/8" I. R w/P C N Q (PLS 636 ) (PLS 636 ) N 89°51' 28"w Q 125 . 00 ' 120 Q5 ' 27 " N18 ° 12 ' 10 " E 26 , 33 ' 26 . 38 3 m N 89° 55 1z E T9.ss loo 2 125 . 00 ' 110 33 ' 47 " N300 01 ' 47 " E 25 . 18 ' 25 . 23 ' o Set 5/8" by 30" I • R . w/yellow low - a • ,t o ► l0 3 75 00 ' 360 11 ' 05 " N170 43 ' 08 " E 46 58 ' 47 37 ' plastic cap , stamped ' PLS 636 r M "' a I � r o r �� o r " � r � r o I 4 125 . 00 7 00 13 S03 07 42 W 15027 15 . 28 t I g 25 0 ' 2 �' 0 55 ' 2 " 1 0 35 r " 6 ' 6 7 r 0 5/8" by 30" I . R. w/2" Aluminum $ � � 12 _ 5 1 . 0 � 4 S 9 39 W 5 . Oy 5 . 5 r z _ o 6 125 . 00 ' 30 15 ' 10 " S340 11 ' 0 5 N 7 . 10 ' 7 . 10 ' Cap stamped Barker PLS 636 ' s to -a 2 8165 -SO. FT, '�o 7 75 . 00 350 53o 28 S170 51r 56 W 46 . 22 r 46 . 98r be set 3ftepaving of streets . 7506 So. FTo o 0 8 20 . 00 ' 890 46 ' 40 " S440 58 ' 08 " E 28 . 23 ' 31 . 34 ' °i p Set 5/8" by 30" I . k �a/2" Aluminum o N'n N 20 00 ' 900 13 ' 20 " S450 01 ' 52 "W 28 34 ' 31 49 ' 0 i ~ 0 10 125 . 00 ' 120 14 ' 14 " N060 02 ' 19 " E 26 . 65 ' 26 . 70 ' Cap stamped ' Barker PLS 636 ' . o.09 0 w S 890 5 5 12 w 76.82 o O 0 0 Monument Found 3 S 890 55' 12"W 76.81 N a 1 CENTERLINE CURVE DATA Plastic � W ; PC. st c Cap {stamped information) g o v v �. Chord Bearing ChordLength ( ) Bearing b Distance of Record o 'v o 0 0 o r " o r �� r r m 13 0 0 ® 100 . 00 35 53 28 N17 51 56 E 61 . 62 62 . 64 o a, a+ 8354 50. FT. v, Z ti 1 m o � ° z B 100 . 00 ' 360 11 ' 05 " N170 43 ' 08 " E 62 . 11 63 . 15 ' 7506 SO. FT '` O' I z 5/8' 1. R w/P C. (PLS 636 ) ' 31. 31.34' " _ S 89° 51' 28" E 112.00' �� 56.73'-" 5/8" I. R. vv/P. C.C. (PLS 636) CO. MON. - N. W. COR. I AXLE - SET IN C.S 5307 J L. HICKLIN D.L.C. NO. 54 AS REMONUMtrqTF_0 AS ENTRY O � o S. W. ,r1l�RTN DAKOTA Sr � P K. NAIL NO. 108, U. S. B T 800K 3, P-248 ,.� 1 O 1318.68 `� 213.83' 101,82' _ ! r 100.00' DEED a 1 r 173107 � PK, NAIL-1-jr, AIL 315.65' r - - BASE BEARING 3/4" 1 BAR IN MON. BOX N 890 51' 28" W 3465.40' (N 890 51' &S" W 3465.32' ) U.S. B,T. AQ OK -3,,..-PAGE 47 SET IN C. S. 5307 CO. MON - S W. COR. -------- DAVID C. GRAHAM D.L.0 NO. 52 AS REMONUMENTED AS E+4TRY w NO. 107, U. S. &T. BOOK 3, P- 245. 43w O I 1 . .M1Ma4� *wa+gTyFlNl!P+P .M .I-':Yitl .. .. nyvpryyi. SCF:.__ t t I: u.M ^ � 1 � r 1 '�, - r .. M ,�.,......w,,,,r ..., - ♦,r(' ( :f_,. .�. 4.�,.. ,^-f-T"b''Y"Y .r -._` w-..r.-......_. � fan "'•� ....,. � 1 I I I I l 1 I ( 1 I I I I I TIT, Ilr . •� Ir a r �rrler111tlr � t: r � irll � 'r1111 � 11,r �'� 1I1 I '1' �Iliftl � Il I ' I 111 IIIrllIII1111111II1111e111111e1111Ie1eIlrr , l I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 Jill II � Illtllltllli � � � i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IID I I NOTE : 11 THIS MICROFILMED _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE:' IT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. . 17E 62 92 LZ 9? G? 02 CZ 22 I Z 02 61 81 L I` 91-'-- 51 - 1►i f l 21 I I 01 � ff II II l 6 9 t J S b F • �►111111111111�I11111111�1111111I1111111111�11011111111111111111111111111�I11111It1�iiIt1111111I111011111111(1�11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllltill1I1111611 111x1 i 1 !!r� 111 li rtlfitl�IIII�I�11�t111�I�Ii�I111�It�111�1111�)��U,(�Sr1111111111111111111111111iliult�illl�i11�1711�111I�J_►�111111111111►�1�11151111 IAN , C/ RNAHAN ' S 1.0CATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF THE S. E. 1 /4 OF SEC. 34, T I S R I W, WM 1 11 111111111111111111 �� 11111111 11�� CITY I S OF T G RD W k HING10N COUNIITOREGON M � SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: DEDICATION : I , Clarence E. Barker, being first duly sworn, depose and say that I have APPROVALS surveyed and marked with proper monuments the land hereon shown as "CARNAHAN STATE OF OREGON WASHINGTON COUNTY: ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD" , which is described as follows : COUNTY OF WASHINGTON S . S. Approved this Beginning at the Initial Coiner of this subdivision which is a 2-inch by 36-- day of _ 1985 inch galvanized iron pipe set 6 inches below the surface of the ground at a WASHINGTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT � point marking the Northeant corner. of that tract of 'land conveyed to Cecil K. Know all people by These presents that we, Edith M. Carnahan and Carnahan and Edith M. Ca,nahan, by deed recorded May 10, 1945 in Book 243 , Krueger Development Company Pension Plan, Russell A. Krueger, Trusts By Page 463, Deed Records for Washington County, Oregon , which are the owners of the land represented on the annexed map, and more e, 89 37 ' 35" West 932. g � point bears South particularly described in the p � 05 feet from a County Monument nuking the one-quarter accompanying "Surveyor' s Certificate", corner on the East line of Section 34 , Township 1 Soutn , Range 1 West of the and have caused the same to be surveyed and platted into :lots as shown Approved this day of . 1985 Willamette Meridian in said County and State ; thence South 00'°04 ' 43" East on the plat of "CARNAHAN 'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD" end do WASHINGTON COUNTY SURVEYOR along the East line of said Carnahan Tract , 276. 56 feet to the Northeast hereby dedicate all streets and easements as shown hereon , � to the corner of that tract of land conveyed to John D. Darr, et ux, b:y deed recorded public use forever. By December 30, 1974 in Boot'. 1005 , Page 972 , Deed Records ; thence North 89°51 ' 28" West along the North line of said Darr Tract 100.00 feet to the Northwest corner thereof ; thence South 00°04 '48'' East along the West line of said Dorr Krueger Develo�,ment Company Pension Plan Approved this day of � , 1985 Bract , 250 .00 feet to the Southwest corner thereof , paid Southwest_ cornu DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION (COUNTY ASSESSOR) being in the center of S.W. North Dakota Street ; thence Nort;, 8 9°51 ' 28" West >» Washington County, Oregon along the South ling of said Carnahan Tract and the center of said Street , Edith M. Carnahan Russell A. Krueger , Trc18tee 315. 65 feet to the Southwest corner o1: said Carnahan Tract By 03 ' 15" West along the West line of said Tract , 30.00 feet ; thenceeSouth h89 9* 51 ' 28" East 112 .00 feet ; thence North 00004148" West 196 , 10 feet ; thence North 89055 ' 12" East 79.65 feet ; thence Northeasterly along the arc of a Approved this day of 1985 12.5.00 foot radius curve to the right ACKNO�tLEDGEI�IENT: WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS g (the chord of which Sears North 1812 ' 10" East 26. 33 feet) a distance of 26. 38 feet ; thence Souti.-i 89°55 ' 12" West 86.81 feet ; thence North 00003 ' 15" West 272 . 74 feet to a point on the North STATE OF OREGO line of said Carnahan Tract ; thence North 89°37 ' 35" East: along the North line N COUNTY OF WA,SHINGTO« S • S ° of said Carnahan Tract , 302 . 41 feet to the point of beginning and containing Attest this . 109 acres of land, more or less. day of 1985 DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENTS TAXATION , ex officio This certifies that on this day of (COUNTY CLERK) Washington County, Oregon 1985 , before me appeared Edith M. Carnahan to me pe personally known �and By REGISTERED who being duly sworn, did say that she, is the identical person �a PROFESSIONALnamed in the foregoing going instrument and acknowledged tome that she Registered Land Surveyor No. 636 LAND SURVEYOR executed the same freely and voluntarily. Subscribed and sworn to before me OREGON Notary Public for the this day of ��*LAJULY RENCE10.E. BARKER y State of Oregon 1935. 636 ' My Commission expires w STATE OF OREGON A J. BARKER COUNTY OF WASHINGTON S . S . (VOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON I , Director of Assessments b Taxation ex officio (County Clerk) , MY COMMISSION EXPItiES 6-12-87 • do hereby certify that the original plat was received for record on this day of .�� , 19859 STATE OF OREGON at o ' clock �.M, and recorded on Page COUNTY OF WASHINGTON S . S . in Book of Records of Town Plats of said County. APPROVALS ' This certifies that on this day of _ By 1985, before ane appeared Russell A. Krueger , to personally r g . me p Wally known, CITY OF TIGARD who duly sworn, did say that he is the identical person named in the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to -Ae that he executed xecuted the same Approved this day of , 1985 freely .and voluntarily. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR By Approved this day of Notary Public for the State of Oregon , 1985 PLANNING DIRECTOR My Commission expires By (:;F�Imo'I'•I�1 tI F�i 1'1.1 '' �:: , 1► 1t. -• _,....♦ 1 lI l�� �� � 1 �� �I lI 1j lI II ..l .,I...,:,lgyp,.._.4,::.1• _-._.._-._'_f _.._ �� 111 l 111�� 1•w1;�1 i..;',,.1...��1�,r1_11 l 111 i1111l111 lIII i11 , 111l 111 3 5 6 7 9 10 II 12NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ris THIS NOTICE--i— Il iS DE TO DRAW I NGTFIF QUALM OF TFf ORIGINAL QE 60 82 to 92 Sc 047 07 61 SI b l 71 I 01 6 8 l 9S 1 I •_u,4Y.., .. .N-w ..–.. . ►!I�IIII�I111�1111�1111�11�1�1111�11111111 1111111111111111111111011111!111IIfll�ull`1II1�11IIIIIIlil11_IIIIIt�III11:I�1�101eIIiN�R1 II11111 111111 if IIIIifIfifIIIIIfill111111�i11l�Ilillllll�Ntl�l�1��L�I1111111111111�IIIIIIIIIille111 � II 11 1111111101� «, "i::, .WUll�o U1 n116Il�l1I3llN w m e� m n. TCD OD C n M a'. D.WtOO (0- -'D w w0 <- A •a CL G) (D co Cn C1- < Cn y O C) a n, 7 � O� O- � r m T CITYOF TI RD I�REGON Aupust 3, 1988 OR-AK Corporation & Krueger Development Co. 1115 S.W. Park Avenue 0 1003) Portland, OR 97201 Subject: Carnahan's Subdivision Ooar Mr Hobbs and Mr.. Krueger: Enclosed please find a copy of the City Resolution No. 88-70. Section 111 states that the City now accepts the subdivl-fnn's public improvements and, thereby, relieves you of all. respon.sibiity. F-irther, this is sent to you to acknowledge that the City releases all claim(s) to the project assurance ',uarantee; such being specified by Section #2 of said Resolution. Sincerely, 7 Jahn S Hagman Engineering Tech br/6293D C: Krueger Development Co. 1335 SW 66th Avenue 0 402) Portland, OR 97225 Attn: Mr. Russ Krueger En-l . 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23347,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - -- --- ---- w w CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 88-L0 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS CARNAHAN's SUBDIVISION PUBLIC, IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, the City executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated April 8, 1985 with OR--AK Corporation to facilitate installation of public street:, storm and sanitary sewer and streetlighting facilities to City standards and specifi and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met-, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond"; and WHEREAS, Department of Community Development staff verifies that all requirements of the City have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1 : The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvements known as Carnahan' s subdivision public improvements , Section 2: The Tigard City Council hereby authorizes release of the Petitioners guarantee bond. PASSED: This day of %/ 1988. ATTEST: Mayor City of Tigard Deputy City Recorder - City oft Tigard APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Recorder D cn 5892D RESOLUTION NO. 89— �0 Page t - i 1 • �� •ti �u am � :���"��■ rf= � , � = � qui ■► . ■■■ ■■ ► ■�►� NORTH DAKOTA ST MM TIGARD STREET ML 11111 �11�1 I / . 1 111► . ■■n■► � �■� i■ � � � ■ .=.V. ,. ■111 �I ro MINE c��` kAAIL CITY OF' TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: July 25, 1988 DAIE SUBMI-HED: Jul 13 1988 ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Resolution ....... PREVIOUS ACTION: Placed on maintenance accepting Carnahan's subdivision-- guar�!a��r�l�d _SRes__._ #8 ::42 public improve.monts PREPARED 8'( : John an — DEPT HEAD OK CINi ADM N Oki n� REQUESTED BY: 0 Pr t De P, POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY I . Carnahan' s subdivision is located on SW 109th Avenue north of SM North Dakota Street, 2. All public improvements have now been satisfactorily completed and have withstood thu required one year maintenance guarantee period. 3. The Engineerir.g Division certifies that the improvement is now acceptable and that- all requirements have been met. A. Therefore, it is recommended that (in accordance with the terms of t�ip project agreement) the City Council accept the public improvements, namely street, sanitary and storm sewer system and qtreetlighting for City operation and maintenance responsibility and, further, that the Council authorize release of the assurance bond. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None; the (City-Developer) project agreement specified City acceptance upon satisfactory completion of all City requirements. ........................ .......= FISCAL IMPACT I . City assumption of responsibility for operation and maintenance of the Public improvements specified above. SUGGESTEDACTION Pass_the Resolution -titled: "A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUB1.rC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS CAPNAHAN'S SUBDIVISION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. " cn/5M'D CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO, 88.- A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS CARNAHAN'S SUBDIVIS10N PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, the City (?xOcut(!d a Subdivision Compliance Agroomont dated April 8, 1985 with OR--AK Corporation to facilitate installation of public street, storm and sanitary sewer and stroet.lighting facilities to City standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that : "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' i requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for . incl inspection and upon certification by the. Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been mot, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond"; and WHEREAS, Department of Community Development staff verifies that a]]. requirements of the City have been mot . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1 : The Tigard City Council heroby accepts the public improvements known as Carnahan' s subdivision public improvements . Section 2: The Tigard City Council hereby authorizes release of the Petitioners guaranttio bond . 7 _�C PASSED: This day orer 6P T "b ATTEST: _ _._..__...` AIC C - Mayor Ci�t�yf T Deputy City Recur-der City of Tigard APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Recorder D- CnA892D RESOLUTION NO. 08— Page 1. l f.. f►N f `rM —J \ f.ilk - �, :� / z..,.�z.6 Vicinity Map'O" 34135 pM O,.Y.YI•Y� ' ��� .y' ,�• � ' .r M�� Ev li•�•C �. • � O �41.. �- �. � �L t.• •AMr•r• CT G � \ OREENWAY obo ►,• f P rcmwaNTER [f ' T I-14 -TEIMOO ► � M» `oma D D DWhom PL % i I� AfM .-!?It._ p!....... Js. WQAMfA �a o _ Described Area ,• r r" INOT 1 t J 3 't� �W NORTH DAKOTA ST C I .. T [alms[, <]i UMM(11 (AE•f �` L TI CARD STREETEf e» r now[ c FT ARY i r. .Ar.lt.•I[ n . \ (• _ u uaAno.» \ . . � t SUMMJUNIOR s+I IR trrrMINM `I X11 n._j •CMOOL n� PL E.. a f L. WR y 4 t 'cam M CA f/F {f O -+ -N- ..v 1 T-i .Off. Cf Uhl CITY OF' TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: DATE SUBMIT]EO: L ull _ 13, _1988 ISSUE/AGf.--NDA TITLE: Resolution PREVIOUS ACITON: Placed on maintenance — acce�tin � Carnahan's subdivision qyaLnaq—te—e public improvements Haman *unts PREPARED BY: John Han DEPT HEAD OK MY ADMIN OK REQUESTED BY: Community ty Do POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 . Carnahan' s subdivision is located on 'SW 109th Avenue north of SW North Dakota Street. 2 . All public improvements have now been satisfactorily completed and have withstood the required one year maintenance guarantee per-iod. 3 . The Engineering Division certifies that Lhe improvement is now acceptable and Lhat all r-equir•omonts have been met. A. 1her,efor-o, it is recommended that. (in accordance with the ter.1115 of the project agreeinvnL) the City Council accept Lhe public improvements, namely -- street, sanitary and storm sewer, system and str-eptlighting for• City operation and maintenance responsibility arid, further, that the Council authorize release of the assurance bond. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Norte; the (City -Devolopor-) project agreement specified City accopt,ance upon satisfactory completion of all City requirements. FISCAL IMPACT 1 , City assumption or responsibility jr- operation Arid maintenance of the public improvements specified above. SUGGESTED ACTION Pass the Resolution titled: "A RESOLUITON ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMLNTS KNOWN AS CARNAHAN'S SURDIVISION POMTC IMPROVEMENTS, " cn/5992D Will CI-1Y 01' TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. A RES001-ION AC(,(:.P'*11NG PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS CARNAHAN'S SUBDIVISION PIJ131-IC [MPROVVM1--NTG. WHEREAS, the he City executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement di,;kt,-od April 8, 1985 with OR-AK Corporation to facilitate installation of public str-oot, storm and sanitary sewer and streeLlighting facilities to city standards and specifications; and WHLREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accor-dancre with the City' s requirements, Petitioner, shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have boon met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation arid maintenance r•esponsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantoo bund"; and WHEREAS, Department of Community D e v P]; pm.:i n t staff v e r•if i L-.-. that all requirements of the City have boon met; anal NOW, 1HERE-FORE, BE 11 RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that. . Sect-ion 1 : The Tigard City Council h(.r,(?by accepts the public impr-ovemorits known at, Car-nahan' s subdivision public improvements . Section 2: The Tigard City Council heroby authorizes release of the Petitioners guarantee bond. PASSED: This (Jay of 1988. ....................... - AI TEST: Mayor -- City of 1-igar-d CityRecorder - City—o—f--Tigard- APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Recor-dvr- Date cri/5892D RESOLU*T ION NO. 88 - Page I � v 9 r. K Tigord, Oregon I� ASI � A MRa � • � r f • , .�Win, i Iii •_�I ' r r•A1IIL � ��I KJ.OrA � , � • all r •• 11Y1 �I,T . k� [I ,� f 1 V/C/N/T Y mA P Ace J 72 s 10 ,�''•� aryl � � ��.- ftl',,,� d 14, Ile- 'rr-e- r f d 0 vim LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 1 July 1988 City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. John Hagman, Engineering Technician Re : CARNAHAN'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD Dear Mr. Hagman: Enclose) for your information and permanent records please find a "Certificate of Compliance " for CARNAHAN' S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF' TIGARD. All of the improvements listed on the certificate have been completed. This completes the work on this project by this firm. Should your office need any further information, please feel free to give me a call . Thank you. Since' ely yours, ` GII�-C�.lMcl �t 4. J lC '►" L onard A. Rydel 1, P. E. , P.L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated OR-AK Corporation Krueger Development Company 5 D CITY OF TIGARD PLANNED DEV�'_OPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND S10RM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS a SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE RE, C'ARNAHAN' S ADDTTTON This is to certify (in accordance with M.C. 17.09.160 and M.C. 11.09.120) to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following item(s) have been installed in compliance with the City's subdivision improvement standards and specifications; and that the following items are complete in accord with the approved plans, special specifications and conditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project, to wit: (Project Engineer's Initlals) ,J 1 . Sanitary Sewer System 7. Storm Sewerage System 3. General Utility Systems: Domestic Water. Electrical Power Gas Telephone Cable T.V. Streetlighting 4 . Street System: Subgrade Base Surfacing. . .Base Lift: Final Lift: _ Sidewalks Aprons 6 Ramps Curb 5 . Monumentation System F . Pathway System L-- certified this ] rt day of ,July 1988 BY: 8' (Project Engineer) OREGON h %q FIRM: Leonard A. Rydell,_ P.E. . F.L.S. :gkb A. k,V 601 Pinehurst Drive (00705) Newberg, Oregon _ 97132 ass � OR-AK CORPORATION OREGON-ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO. 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034-1599 503-635-4551 CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR GORDON HOBBS OR-AK CORPORATION HOMEBUILDERS DEVELOPHENI CORPORATION As soon as you know your new address, moll this cord to all the people, businesses,and publications who send you mall. For publications,tape an old address label over name and old address sections and complete new address. Your Pant.'Typo—Leet Name F-1 Name M.OdW ln.lui Nan" NO•M Sheet Apt F-te 1po e0, Lt A No AwN(k" No No 13050 SW Forest Meadows W y 0 CnyBtete "P Code Lake Oswego IOR 7084: No■od St,", Apt,'Su-tf P O Ito. An No1 Ruth au. No N. 1511 SW Park Ave ,x11003 Z Gly !tate ZIPCode PortlandR T?_Q1 _ Bgnalun he.addmsa.o mutt AC Wo I No PI acyl Sion y Nero Dau �./-Ik- PS Form 3576,Apr 1986 PfCFIVFABefutoto.etordthe ebo-e newedd.Uebo,'%Whome 01othee i -k> ,muss k, w,O-mv.Lis' k. ;.Mc) "tR , -? .� pr�T1� C C/tT`TR.hC1c_ �AN1Afa�� '� t`-�Iv���GRAI►vAG�- BLC1Ck�41-) �> �Nt4�Nl"'1.'"Rra► C,�'TI�IC!A�''f101� �2 /LLIr 1NpRa��N�N�'S . CP �u�l�acz:, 1\Z5 L,> M��r,.�`tM�'cl�T1a�.1 C � E�•x•►�'� C.�'r�F . 'r�>�Fo�.E� uT jLoM.*b- * - 1) ��l eer LAjM % ( Lo•r+� ► , ' 49� L,) 3 ) Am- Tt-- ,,'T Cz'r'o1ZT \ W'P-e FWg_ L :> Co�►�E PAS f:t RMS TAW , `,jeLO. �E�C2�YA1JCaCS Tu� NN ` 111��t_r2T�c,ti1 ( *,A-I A-Z ) G�.1 C.-c�l.r.C:T �C�f-' Z Ab��'c�c>u►��_ �����,'t�14 r!'rS -1� LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 18 :-ebruary 1988 (503) 538-5700 City of 'Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. John Hagman, Engineering Technician III Re : "Certification of Compliance" Dear Mr. Hagman: Enclosed for your information and use please please find a "Certification of Compliance" for CARNAHAN' S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD, COTSWAI,D MEADOWS and COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 showing the status of the projects to date. Please note that the sidewalks and centerline monumentation have not been completed on all three projects and some sanitary discrepancies remain on COTSWALD MEADOWS NO. 2 . I have contacted OR-AK Corporation and Krueger Development Company regarding the items to be completed. Should your office nPid any further information, please give me a call. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Leonard A. Rydell , P.E. , P.L.S. LAR/j encl : as stated OR-AK Corporation Krueger Development Company PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RE: CARNAHAN' ADDITION This is to certify (in accordance with T.M.C. 17.08.010(6), T.M.C. 17.09. 120, and T.M.C. 17.09. 160) to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following item(s) have been installed in compliance with the City's street dedication improvement stan.lards and specifications; and that the following items are complete in accora with the approved plans, special specifications anti conditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project , to wit : (Project Engineer' s Initials) 1. Sanitary Sewer System . 1. Storm Sewer System 3. General Utility Systems : Domestic Water Electric Power Gas Telephone Cable T.V. Streetlighting 4. Street System: Subgrade Base Surfacing. . .Base Lift _ Final Lift AMC Sidewalks A 01 Aprons b Ramps !AM- Curb 5. Monumentation System Certified this le' day of 98 . by f) Az�ALI 'A D-V�JP 6 1 3b 1 !'rujett Engineer OREGON1y -J Firm: e1'D —N 1WEfF—, b � l�0 , � V,*,.t b E a V f- 5 .113 Z (U133S) C25 11��� October 6, 1987 GON of Service -1986 r OR-AK Corporation 13050 SW Forest Meadow Way Lake Oswego, OR 97034 RE: Carnahans Subdivision Dear Mr, Hobbs: This is sent to update your September LB, 1987 "status of public improvements (for City.acceptance) letter". One item still needs to be corrected, namely; the aldewalk at 11125 SW 109th Avenue. The concrete froze and is falling apart . Lastly, in accordance with item N1 of the project compliance agreement, certification of public improvements installation conformance must be submitted to this office by your engineer. I've enclosed a copy of the certification form to assist therewith. Sincerely, .John S. Hagman Engineering Technician III ca/1211D rr/file Enrlosure 13125 SW Nall Blvci,P.O Box 23397,11gord,Oregon 97223 (503)639 4171 - - -- � C 41 - — z LI � J I � �' .J 21 � I 1-12 }v i CO v � , oe �Li 1 •7 F I ;F LA ` t'9 ,Sk• ! O6 V 1 J IVA I a _ , ; 0 40.. . ,� .. �. a t �.- L- �� /� ��-- /!�/ ` G' �' NGL_`I C4� C•l.G,. CJ'OC4 / /+�� � �l ( � (-t,�Qom(/C �� ��� �U �c./( ..� f0 u /, �4 f P 7 C�� ' / --� / c,� t���''Z��ii(Q C�sn,a,� C s✓t C.r s r� 4,. December 31, 1986 Steve Young Somers, Grave 6 Co. , Inc. 9800 S.W. Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy. Suite 202 Beaverton OR 97005 Dear Steve: Please accept this letter as authorization to journal 1500 shares of May Department Stores from account # 03-75720-1-3, Russell Krueger-Tigard Carnahans Addition Performance Guarantee Margery F. Crist , Guarantor to the account of Russell A. Krueger ARI Green Performance Bond Account Margery F. Crist , Guarantor # 03-50132-1-8. There is a stock power enclosed. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, V �kq �(M"Lk� )I Krueger r'gery,4 ia ji Ae 7 s / r Wises �� • /p II •CD i •U � •Lf1 . •N I n [t,]r'1 * Ix * V .�co * O * L * > O * i * u-. * t j F * q N * n (Ld * -7 0 * a �� o * Z * O Lf) -k > (N 4( ^ i " N 4c N fc J —4 r14 * C I 4-4 CD .Z * w N u1 i •L * co 1 * 1. M C7 W O * Ln v 0 —7y -kF G F to * m z u n O.] * o W UA o i u7 U m * L14 r+] u * O E- a * a Ca O * vl E-• Q) F * < Vl ro r4 aU �F, W ro t >+O I * q c: c,)re. o * z F z x Ux I 4t C4 W ai u a 0 [L ( a D 0y it Cil v U E-i > w w En 4 w t v * W 14 N • HO .pa, * 4131 3 . 1 " .W Ic q « p O �gqgC7 � •>+ a z 4t U w O Wm �t%4 0 U > t>a t • U �t a u o m .7;i * u) C r, 6'w x * G7 o o vlx w h.C7 * F va +t a u 4 +� a•t W 4 0 * U * E-• oc uc° N Ql a u a m pr C) •¢ C N Gl U) * * n v w �v * z * W OU z * u u p o ao 014 I x a oa v u 41 U r4 .-4 * U>• * Q x a o v W o * .r C.. * m v o c m N C + u r r c cn N Lf) H n. v W N rr f` G u O i 1 O N V7 44 n r•) n tM H I4 --e M 0 4_-R - c:;4 X Cotl2cnattllot2 OREGON ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY LAKE OSWEGO. OREGON 97034 503.635-4551 September 18, 1986 Randy Clarno P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Carnahans Addition Dear Randy, The three items left to complete on the above subdivision are as follows: '- Move the mailbox cluster. . 1'he US Postal service has agreed move the cluster immediately. Mike '(rygier at 294-2380 is the Supervisor. r11 / Q- 84�%e A0,"V% C-►A �t\1 sL�CI III ?s 5u) 2. Replace a portion of sidewalkithat froze before curing. Don Morrissete Builders, Inc. was the builder and has agreed to replace the sidewalk. 3. Complete the sidewalk for Lot 12. This is about 115 feet of sidewalk. The lot has been sold to a builder who agrees to construes, the- sidewalk by December 1 , 1986, cue request that the rZaintence borid% be reduced enough to cover the above items and that Fie time period be extended tr December 31 , 1986. Yours truly, Ol� /!7G✓�r,C'Sas1 ..' Gordon Hobbs, President cc: Russ Krueger v 2 -3i-8 . � l NOTICE OF THE FIGHT TO LIEN WA. ANG:REtiD THIS NOTICF.PROTECT YOURSELF FROM P..IN(;ANY CONTRA('rOR OR SUPPLIER TWICE FOR THE SAME.SERVICE. To, City of Tigard _ c oaft ncTy arno P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 This is to inform you that Eagle-Elsner, Inc. EABOR and _ hasbeguntoprovidc —_ Equipment Rental & Asphaltic Paving ordered by_.__.____ Mr. Gordon Hobbs / Or-Ak Corporation for use on, or to be used in, the construction,alteration or repair of the improvement now occupying or being erected upon the property described as follows,of which you are the owner or reputed owner,contract purchaser or lease holder. The property is located at, S.W. 109 Avenue & North Dakota Street in Tigard Lots 1-13, -- , Carnahan's Addition To The City of _ Tigard, in Sec. 34, Twp. 1 S. , Rge. 1 W. , W.M. County of — Washington _state of Oregon THIS IS NOT A LIEN. It is a notice sent to you for your protection in compliance with the construction lien laws. It Is NO REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OR CREDIT STANDING OF EITHER YOURSELF OR YOUR CONTRACTOR. Even if you or your mortgage lender have made full payment to the contractor who ordered these materials or services,your property may still be subject to a lien unlet s tlif supplier providing this notice is in tact paid. A lien may he claimed for all materials,labor and it rvices furnished after it date that is 1 days before this notice wu mailed to you,not including Saturdays,Sundays and of ter holidays as defined in ORS 117,010.No further notice of this or any subsequent delivery of materials or services to yc i is neccessary IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under the law,those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property,This claim is known as a construction Ifen. If your contractor fail+to pay subcontractan,material suppliers at laborers or neglects to make other legalls re qutred payments,the people who are owed money can look to your property for payment,even It you have paid your contractor In full. The lass states that all people hired by a contractor to provide you with materials,labor or services must give you a nonce of the right to lien to let you know what they have provided, WAYS TO PROTECT YOURSELF ARE: —RECOGNIZIF that this notice of deliver)of materials,labor or services may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplying a notice of the right to hen hase been paid. —LEARN more abou the lien laws and the meaning of this notice by contacting the Builders Board,on attorney or the firm sending this notice. --A°K for a statement of the labor.materials,or services provided to your property from each party that sends you ■notice of the right to lien. --WNFN PAYING your contractor lot materials,labor or service*you may make checks payable Jointly to the contractor and the firm furnishing materials,labor or services for which you have received a notice of the right to lien. —OR use one of the methods suggested by the"Information Notice to Owners."If you have not received such n notice,contact the Builders Board. -GET EVIDFNCF that all firms from whom you have received a notice of the right to lien have been paid or have waived the right to claim a lien against your property. —CONSULT an attorney,it proressfonai escww company or your mortgage lender. If you have any questions concerning this notice,please feel free to contact us for any information which you may require r This notice has been sent to you by:. ('splint Rullding Drairm Nervier Co. r P.O.No%IJ45 s Portland,Oregon 97213 A( p telephone:242459 Jobs 4378 Mailed On July 25 19 _86 reetlnwo f ,J3339 kg (25 OF TIG�RD July 18, 1986 REGON ars or Sen4ce 1961-1986 Or-Ak :;orporation re : Carr.ahans Subdivision 13050 SW Forrest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Attn : Gorden Hobbs Dear Gorden , There is still some items that need to be completed in the above reference project before we can recommend to the city council to accept the public improvement within and to release your bonds . They are : 1 . Complete the sidewalk for lot # 12 . 2 . Move the mailbox cluster to a location where the sidewalk can bubble out to allow a 5 foot sidewalk behind the mail- box cluster. 3 . Have the sidewalk replaced at 11125 SW 109th Ave . (The conc -ete froze and is now starting to fall apart . ) When these items have been completed we will recommend to the � itN council to accept your project . Thank you, R . L. Thompson Public Works Inspector cc : Russ Krueger RT/m j I 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: AGENDA ITEM #: DATE SUBMITTED: July 3, 1986 PREVIOUS ACUON: Council approved the ISSUE/AGENDA Tin.E: Carnahan' s Subdivision Com pli nce Agreement and Addition Subdivision Extension Conditionally accepted the project Agreement_Authorize Citv__.Execution JFg_j_ PREPARED BY: ...John REQUESTED BY: Community Development DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 . The Council conditionally accepted the public improvement work performed within Carnahan' s Addition Subdivision (by Resolution #85-42); -;,A i d project is located north of SW North Dakota Street and west of SW 106th Avenue. 2 . '0a i d "conditional acceptance" meaning: final acceptance subject to completion of (certain) incomplete items and, also, continued maintenance of completed items. 3 . Now, though progress is being made, whereas all of the conditions have yet to be met, it is necessary to extend the previously executed Agreement to assure full and final performance of all work , 4. Subsequently, the developer has requested City accepl.,An( v of the proposed Extension Agreement; City staff endorses Council acknowledgment thereof ALTEMAT V S CONSIDERED SUGGESTED ACTION Authorize Mayor arid Deputy Recorder to execute the Extension Agreement for Carnahan' s Addition Subdivision, in behalf of the city . J11 4b/di12 EXTENSION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the 10th day of June, 1986, between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregon, (hereinafter the "City" ) , OR-AK Corporation and Russell A . Krueger, (hereinafter "Developer" ) , Margery F. Krueger, (hereinafter "Depositor" ) , and Somers, Grove & Co. , Inc . , (hereinafter "Trustee" ) , is for they purpose of fulfilling the requirements of that certain Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated April 8 , 1985 between the City and Developer; WHEREAS, the Tigard City Council , by Resolution No. 85-42 , dated June 24 , 1935 , accepted the public improvements constructed within Carnahan' s Addition Subdivision , subject to certain speci- fied conditions , including completion of all sidewalks and driveway aprons , completion of AC overlay on all streets , installation of mail box cluster, preparation of an as.-built mylar construction drawing of all public improvements within the subdivision and posting of a Maintenance Bond agreement to guarantee completion of these items as well as correction of any defects that arise during the term of the bond; WHEREAS, Developer executed in fulfillment of the Maintenance Bond an Agreement with Depositor and Trustee on a trust deposit in the amount of $18 , 697 . 35 , dated June 11 , 1985 ; WHEREAS, Developer , Depositor and Trustee executed a substi tute agreement dated January 8 , 1986, substituting 500 shares of May Department Stores stuck as security for the original cash deposit of $18 , 697 . 50 ; WHEREAS, all of the conditions of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement have not yet been met and it is necessary to extend the January 8 , 1986 Agreement to secure performance of said condi tions ; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by the Depositor and the Trustee that the January 8, 1986 Agreement and all terms thereof shall remain in full force and effect for an additional ninety ( 90) days from June 10, 1986 through and including September 6 , 1986 except that the stock deposit shall be reduced to _�_Lr shares . A copy of said Agreement and a copy of the Subdivision Compliance 1 EXTENSION AGREEMENT Agreement are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Signed and dated at Beaverton, Oregon this 10th day of June, 1986 . Sign ure of Depositor) ` UX Q,y� --------------- Address _Route-11_92x-792_____ ___ Beaverton,_Or 97007 Signaturel%of City of Tigard_________________ Address P. 0. Box 23397 M Tigardt._Oreg_n 97223_ Signature of Trustee SOMERS , GROVE & CO. , By Stepjlen A. You Authorized Rep sentative Address_. �C�_,SCc '_ nN�1�L�S l��ld►:_�k' Y nuc Signature of Developer OR-AK Corporation B Gordon Hobbs, President Address C / . c ' ------- - - 2 - EXTENSION AGREEMENT .. SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the Tt h day of 410Rr / 19 85 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "CITY", and OR-AK Corporation herelnafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as CARNAHAN'S ADDITION in Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 West Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage shecifiratfons for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision., and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties , IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1 ) P-?titi.,ner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement , and Petitioner is hereby bcund to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Depa+•tment and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of instdllation conformance, via a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspectton of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $86,343.00 a copy whereof hereto atte,ched by thin reference made a part hereof; or petitioner shall complete all public :mprovemente, to the City's Satisfaction, prior to the City allowing Mat recording. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to prucre•d w!th the work it, an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within rile time limits, upon t•!n (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed find barge the costs hereof against Petitioner and PetILIon(-r ' b c.urctIea, and In the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof . In the event such action be brought , Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable , such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may , at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event , in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court , if any. (4) Petitioner, concurrent the with execution hereof , has deposited Witt, the City an amount e,itimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according o Portland General Electric Schedule P91 , Option "B" , together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy t thertIEV dateth street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) yea rs of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount beit.g $ 413.76 _• (5) The C4ty agrees to snake and provide periodic and final inspec tions• which in the City's interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections fees. (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs: within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount nt $241.30 (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with th- City 's requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of inst. llatJon conformance" to the City to notify the City of the readiness for acceptance consideration inspection and upon notification by the Department of Public Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, in the sum of $ 17,268.60 to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becom!.ng apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the public improvement subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (8) That in addition to )r supplementary of the requireme-.cs of t 11 City's Subdiviaion Ordinance end the provisions hereof , Pet ,tIoner hinds Itself to conform to tLe following requirements, scheduling and limite►tions: *Ptuject Fee $ 2,744.00 Sewer Fee $ 710.00 (a) None of the lots of Petitioner ' s subdivlt,ion Aa dec.crIbed may 1,e occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is Issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to a occupied , is Installed as a part of the development ; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract . (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) is required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of ant• year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event , all landscaping and trees in all areas shall be planted and in place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision Improvement contract . (c) After tentative City acceptance of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to place a one (1) inch asphal.tic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads within the development ; placement scheduling to be approve by the City. (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditiins specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s) . (e) Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met , the Council agrees to accept sai" improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, thereinregard, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond. (10) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof , and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City. (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the City shat; be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part of the Petitioner with respect r any requirement thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, petitioner acting by and through ith duly suthorl.� � undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its board of Directors har. caused this agreement to be executed , and the City acting pursuant t resolution of i,ts Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the �'t<< day of e��,t. .( 19_�, has caused thi f: agreement to be executed by—it—sl'HS—yor and Recorder. OR K Corporation (/ By THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON B}. - Mayor Gl� i- Recorder 'f AJ E C)1' UH t;(JOK' ) ss . CORPORATE ACKNOWI,I'l)(•k'i N I' t)ullty of n t 1, 1s p?� clay of Jgi(ArG>!r.__ 19$s , before me appeared eprdLl?l Lu-Li I me personally known , Ow ll orn did s,ay that he , the said �t ont P r c• - i d e n t , ;gi1-J1P—-1.h .irl _ __-- - i 136a c--- —09-'OL J&j-19vil-a 4 1 o yt till, l,;, l thin 7 lI_ _.�� t�, �;a iri i Ii�ls'11rnr•t�t. 1.;► .l._.__ �_.. ::m e d Corporation , a ud__-2 IZI-t- -L ..�*c- r- �� Fa�-e - e j or ratitm , and that the said i nstrttment was s 1 j',1W i M'd s (•:i 1 c•ci i i; ehalf of ,aid Corporation by authority of its Board of I)irectors , and acknowledged said instrutne•nt to 11c• the irve act 'Ind cic•e-ci aid Curpc rpt iott. • IN TESTPM)NY 11HERLOP . I ll;lve ht•rc•unto hand and al fixed my official seal tttt• { yc•;tt• last ahove wrI t ten 0 7v `�- ary ubl is for (wel;on (, My Commission Expi ru:; qr AGREKKENI WITH DEPOSITOR ATib TRUSTEE ON 5A%'1h1G5 ACCOU11'T5 OR DEPOSITS This agreement is for the purpose of f-llfilling the requirements of Compliance Agreement dated b_11_85 between the City of Tigard and OR-AF: & KRUEGER PLVELOPMENT and is entered into by the Depositor W%RGERY F . KRUE.GER and SOMERS, GROVE 6 CO. , INC. . Trustee . The undo-diigned depositor and trustee do hereby assign the right to the City of Tig.+rd to determine at Its discretion the payment of all funds or securities held by SOMF RS, GROVE 6 CO. ACCT N 03-50140 as trustee In the amount of in Savings Account No. nra or Deposit Pio. _die or Time Deposit No. 11/1+ in the _ in accordance with and for the purpose of Bonding, street improvements deacril ,-d in the above stated ComplIRnCe Agreement . It is understood and agreed that the _ 5omrrs , Grove o Co. , Inc . _ will hold such funds or securities in the amount of 500 shs MAY PF.luntil ar. authorization or direction for payment is received from the City of Tlfnrd Rile that the City of Tigard has the right to withdraw Prinicipal Fundi with CitN of Tigard signature onl,•, in the event of Non-Performauce. A11 fund deposits shall be renewable at maturity and at ratce and teruF in effect at the t'me of renewal , and all interest shall be paid to or accrues al. directed by the Depositor notwithstanding anything contained herein to tht contrary. That the account is to remain open until such time a1~ all PuFlt� Improvements are Completed and accepted by the City of Tigard. Signed and dated at BEAVERT011 Oregon. This Ht}1 day of JANUARY � 19 Fit, Signa urs of�Depositor -XtillQto Address- Rc,u�e 1-� box 79� BEAVERTON OR 97007 Signature of City/ of Tigard 71 Address r , (1,r,� "1_ ACCEPTANCE The undersigned hereby accepts the funds or secu:lties depokite•d in thr amount 5"0 s11s MAY DEPTfhis 8th _ day of _Jan'- pry 19 fit, and hereby acknovledgen receipt- of the — Account or the Certificate for Deposit No. nen _ or certifies that there—is no P-iasbook issued for thin account. It fs further agreed that nafd &cceurjt will he held for the uses and purposes above stated until authortrstioo fn1 disrositiou to arantrd by the city of 7lRard. SUITE 702,9800 S.W. BEAVERTON-14ILLSDALE HIOHWA', BEAVERTON.OREGON 9700.5 TELEPHONE(.50])646-1494 �n Somers, Grove & Cas., Inop. �IIGV�SQllIlnS'niiQ s��nnn°n4e�s MEMBER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION SECURITIES DEALERS SECURITIES INVESTOR PROTECTION CORPORATION .July 1, 1986 Mr. John Hagman, Engineer Division City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. P.O. Box 23391 Tigaid OR 97223 Re: Carnahans Addition Performance Guarantee Dated 6-10-86 Dear Mr. Hagman: At the present time, there are 500 shares of May Department Stores pledged for this account, with a total value of $41,312.50. Please don't hesitate to call if you have any questions. Sincerely, f: 6 1 1 Stephen A. Young Vice President SAY/jl � a LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 (503) 538-5700 11 June 1986 City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. Bob Thompson, Public Works Inspector Re : CARNAHAN'S ADDITION - City of Tigard Dear Mr. Thompson: Gordon Hobbs called me today regarding the submission of the "As-Builts" for CARNAHAN'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD. They were delivered to the City of Tigard on 24 July 1985 . A copy of the cover letter is enclosed. Should you need additional copies, please contact this firm. Thank you. SincerEly yours, Leonard A. Rydel 1, F. E. , P.L. S. LAR/j encl : ar stated OR-AK Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENT,' • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS a SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES lel' 4r. A4Mef,-J -7� /7/Es 41; e I _...__. ..,.. . .,.� .......... .9,/e June 11 , 1986 a�w"��{�o•sen�( copy of Extension Agreement for Carnahan' s Addition, which I gave to Gordon Hobbs on June 10, 1986 , for signing by the three other parties and delivery to the City for the City' s signature. Please forward to me a copy of the fully executed agreement once you have it. Thank you. KME:mch S ncerely, Enclos e -J/�-r•Air�i��/���r, /�/BirJe a��iirnrn�r��n �ece�/�"ea��Ji«e. (� Mlf'ott Mr. Robert L. Thompson K nnet rM. Public works Inspector O'DONNELL, RAMIS, ELL1017 & CREW TO City of Tigard ATTORNEYS AT LAW P. 0. Box 23397 1727 N.W.HUYT STREET PORTLAND,OREGON 97209 Tigard, OR 97223 (603)222-4402 EXTENSION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the 10th day of June, 1986, between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregon, (hereinafter the "City" ) , OR-AK Corporation and Russell A. Krueger, (hereinafter "Developer" ) , Margery F. Krueger, (hereinafter "Depositor" ) , and Somers , Grove & Co. , Inc. , (hereinafter "Trustee" ) , is for the purpoee of fulfilling the requirements of that certain Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated April 8, 1985 between the City and Developer; WHEREAS, the Tigard City Council , by Resolution No. 85-42, dated June 24 , 1985 , accepted the public improvements constructed I within Carnahan' s Addition Subdivision, subject to certain speci- fied conditions, including completion of all sidewalks and driveway aprons , completion of AC overlay on all streets , installation of mail box cluster, preparation of an as-built mylar construction drawing of all public improvements within the subdivision and posting of a Maintenance Bond agreement to guarantee completion of these items as well as correction of any defects that arise during the term of the bond; WHEREAS, Developer executed in fulfillment of the Maintenance Bond an Agreement with Depositor and Trustee on a trust deposit in the amount of $18 , 697 . 35 , dated Jun,:! 11 , 1985 ; WHEREAS, Developer, Depositor and Trustee executed a substi- tute agreement dated January 8 , 1986 , substituting 500 shares of May Department Stores stock as security for the original cash deposit of $18 , 697 . 50; WHEREAS, all of the conditions of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement have not yet been met and it is necessary to extend `_he January 9 , 1986 Agreement to secure performance of said condi- tions ; NOW, THEREFORE , it is hereby agreed b;� the Depositor and the Trustee that the January 8 , 1986 Agreement and all terms thereof shall. remain in full force and effect for an additional ninety ( 90) days from June 10, 1986 through. and including September 8, 1986 except that the stock deposit shall be reduced to ir,(J shares. A copy of said Agreement and a copy of the Subdivision Compliance 1 - EXTENSION AGREEMENT Agreement are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference . Signed and dated at Beaverton, Oregon this 10th day of June, 1986 . Signature of Address Route 1 , Bax 792 Beaverton, Or 97007y____�_ Signature of City of Tigard- __________________ Address P. 0. Box 23397_ Oregon 97223 Signature of Trustee SOMERS , GROVE & CO . , B y` -------- ---- - Stephen A. Young Authorized Representative ------------- Signature of Developer OR-AK Corporation By: Gordon Hobbs , President Address — 2 - EXTENSION AGREEMENT SUY,I)IVIS:ON M-WLIANCL AGREFYIEN, THIS AGREEMENT dated the —1 Flday� y of 19 85 between the CITY Of T:GARL, a municipality of Oregon,�hr�lnaiLer termed the "CITY", and OR-AY Corporation Y hereinafter termed "petitioner" . W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, petitioner has applied to the City for approval for fi.ling in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as CARNAHAN'S ADDITION in Section 34 , Township 1 South, R_anRe 1 West Willamette Meridian, kashington County,^Oregon; and WHEREAP:, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public W)rks construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy ar.d use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed wlthin the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development , with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this r,greemen'_, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision dinance and star'drds as set forth in i S `i lsion or as may be other-wise approved the Cit specification adopted by y of t 8ord by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow each designs as may be required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance, via a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof , Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $86,343.00 _ a copy whereof hereto attached by this reference made a part hereof ; or petitioner shall complete all public improvements, to the City's Satisfaction, prior to the City allowing plat recording. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed and charge the costs hereof sEainrt i'etltioner and Petftloner ' b suretles and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the Fimount thereof . In the event such action be brought , Petitioner and Petitloner's sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable , such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may , at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (4) Petitioner, concurrent the with execution hereof , has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule 091 , Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy t the date ize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years lnitial energizing of said lights. Said amount being s 413.76 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which iii the City's interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections fees. (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of oL`-3 .30 (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been comp3eted in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of the readiness for acceptance consideration inspection and upon notification by the Department of rubl:lc Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond if not riready provided with the performance bond, form approved �,y the City, in the sum of $ 17,268._60 to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been met, and a one Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the public improvement subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for A period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (8) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitati:.ns: *Project Fee :_2,744.00 Sewer Fee s 710.00 (a) None of the lots of P'etitioner' s subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street - for each developed lot proposed to a occupied , Is installed as a part of the development ; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. (b) All lzndscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) is required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping and trees In all areas shall be planted and in place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract. (c) After tentative C. acceptance of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to place a one k1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C overlay on all roads within the development; placement scheduling to be approve by the City. (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s). (e) Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have b, !n met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, therefnregard, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond. (10) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof. , ani Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City. (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for a. 1 purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the City shall be entitled to r-coarse thereto in the evF-nt of default on the part of the Petitioner with respect to any requirement thereof. CARNAHAN'S ADDITIO1 RD THE CITY OF TFIDE COPY, IGARD - , t APPROVED FC.) CONSTRUCTION—-] WATER AND SANITARY EWER IMPROVEMENTS ISSUED BY DATE :�' zO���`� (CI GARS) � - - - -=_- Tigord, Oregon , Scale: 1"=50' _ _ City of Tigard, Washy � ►gton county, Oregon y J� DEVLP SERV DEPT: BY DATES OPERATIONS DEPT: BY � DATE.3'Za•4 �LEC 3 � ....-..... 0 V oo 43 �_ ---- - - - - i CITY ENGINEER: BY_ ✓ DATE 3'It u 5 I '"►' S " r : . Pv�`S► J ( lO f PG-E CO.: BY_✓_-DArE_3 !'►'y I ♦[_._ _ _ 4T 9' CO f'l_ -�---—DATE 3'�'$s ,� �. + rrs--�14r ;< .arnandn esi en -- (� C@ STORER CP;'!C.; uY UAfF 3r15�8 LEGE - I I N.W. NAT GAS CC.: BY- �/ DAZE_ 1Ct-1 �. M1 _ Existing Sanitary Sewer CO No. B- I '-- Proposed Sanitary Sewer W/t'� DISI BY DATE 3•r+'� �, L __J ,.,.. - _.�_.._ _` "'i * , .. . _ C� . Proposed Sewer Lateral -- W— w— Exi utiag Water Line UNIF SEW AGENCY: BY ci _DATE 3' * �� L�H D "' -151 utility - Tv L FIRE w► 3= vlaw T Y MA P 25 ' + I " Easement "'-'---' Pro oseu Water Cine ' 6' UTILITY ' ^'ccess / I (RLMO F ) �,,, v, p Scale / _/600 { 4 v f -----p Proposed Water Meter `1 EASEMENT - _ M,N. / I --p -D- Existing Storm Drain 2 I � Existing Pavement All �_ �_ i _ 3 5'I �L LINE N E B -- -- C� r � �� � - - Existing Curb Install 6x6x6 M.,t , o�zs Tee w/2-6 " G.V. /\ " - 611 D. I . MN -.4 --------._.�..— --- -1 b Y + + " + -0 -- \ 12 — MH1 _ 13. -6 UTILITY �., 6.. 3 I T- — - , G'EVELOPER: - ' EASEMENT Fi Install �x6x6 M -... .-.. --"T. =- - --7 - .- OR Corporation 1� M.J. Tee w/6" d +"' < - , Q instal 6 " G.V. w/tamped D/(I�� /�.$.6U/GT /LIYLI�X 01C A#44 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way S� G.V. and1FTydr�tlt 11 `� _ E'lanye a c] 2 " Blowoff w/ l Water Meter Box. 1. " c,.V. ,_ c Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 / LINE A S I I dy o�vEeoP��s EN4aP, /ry Phone: (503) 635-4551 l Remove Tret _ / As Necessary -� EN61NEER JAI1 ' I t. Leonard A. Ryde:Ll , P. E. , P.L. S. • R' I 601 Pinehurst Drive -- --- �- I I Newberg, Oregon 97132 Pl:one: (503 ) 538-5700 L If SUBDIVISION PLAT BOUNDARY i�•j — I I - J �---- _ _� I GIN� 151 u t i 1 Easement _ el Uf2EGON 1 ' �-- Remove Trees - ---� ,... .�,.. �......-•r- .�,... --,�.».. - -- ---,� As Necessary M No. I s Q. ` ' 1 !( � �i 40 l 4 ...... -�I......r err► .�. .NNW& � Drawn B y: � �� 12 March 1985 W. O. N o. ::502 - -- - r - _ --- - 10 T9 T-8--- GENERAL : LJM� i . All street, water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage - � improvements to be constructed in accordance with the Standards of the City of Tigard, the Tigard 4later District and the Unified Sewerage Agency. Improvements will be 1 inspected during construction for the purpose of 1 L� IL-j— I T--- acceptance. q acceptance. 2. Contractor to obtain applicable construction permit£ and ,� I notify appropriate agencies prior to construction of all I I + I �� 0 0 ---V---- - -- -- �- — - --- 200 improvements. _-- ----- -__-_-- -_- _- -. � - -- M M 3. Extreme care shall be taken to preserve existing I ^� + Pt1 KIM= improvements, vegetation aid survey monuments. NJ � ,� N + 0 WATER SYSTEM: N 17► 10 �' ASK LL RIM= SEWS � ExI>TIr�� RIM ^ / �►� � v R SYSTEM � � 6 Y 1003 ,+ rt GRbJNp� �^ G U i90 0 �� � / R° � � 1 . All work shall be in accordance with A.W.W,A. standards. - - -- -- ---- - __ ________�_. 190 " " 1 . Sewer pipe and fittings to be PVC gravity sewer pipe J � • 2. Fire hydrant assembly consists of 6 MJ x Flanged tete, 6 v cj _ o -, l'-conforming to ASTM D-3034 , SDR 35 w?.th rubber ring type 5 �. 5 z Flange by M.J. gate valve, 6 " M.J. x M.J. spool ( if FINISH joints. Joints to conform to ASTM D-3212. � � � Z � P V6MENf � cIE B'our � necessary) , and Modern Mueller Centurion fire hydrant, 2. Sewer mains to be airtested following trench backfill and c v 5-1/4" MVO, 3-port (two 2-1/2"' NST hose connections, one compaction. / / 4-1/2 " pumper) , 6 " Flg connections, 1-1/2" pentagon GAF / operating nut, open left, color : yellow. �A I.E. 6" IN 21M = 3 . All pipe and fittings to be cement lined ductile iro►I' U iZIM= k"�" � is 4 . Poured concrete thrustblocks at least 8 feet square of �l {ez63 aoc� y j/ r� �• �T Iez 63� ,?ncK >3A,cFI�L o bearing surface at each tee, bend and blow-off location. / / /- 18489 IE e' out- 5. 36 " of 3/�4 minus gravel cover required for all mains, 180 � w �_�'`aRounoir� 1 � _ sPSG �� 6 . All sanitary sewer lines 10 ' laterally or 3 ' vertically180 of water main shall be encased in concrete 6 " thick 10 ' - _ _ __- __- from crossing. Where crossings are necessary, they nust K - - be made at approximately 900 with at least 18" separation 13A K.FILL \�1 below water line. RIM= 7 . Fire hydrants shall be ins .alled u on a RSM- y t p pre-formed concrete block with 1-1/2 cubic yards of crushed 1-1/2 " 1,'' '� , 5� � ROCK. � �� E. B" IN I.E B" OUTJ drain rock. Tar paper will be laid on top of drain rank -" s^cKFI� %� �` 1-7(v, I l�ro of 1-7 G,7-1 to separate rock from earth cover. _ o IE. b" 0ur 14 L F I-1(0.01 8 . All curbs to be in place prior to installing avatar plain. � P," Svc G �,-- 9 . Mains shall be tested at 150 psi for one hour at 1.10 r,si. s= o4q, 10 . Individual pressure-reducing valves will be required at I �4 each meter location at owner ' s expense. 170 Tigard11 . Water District bacteriological tests required. I��--�.,�N- _ 170 12 . Tigard Water District will install copper servicef, to I�9 08 each lot if scheduling permits. � _ I E A•�°`'T NE E3 I.E. 168.89 ac-r I.E:. 8" IN cale : Horiz : 1 " = 500 I X8.82 5 LINE A Vert : 1 " - Scale . Hor z , 1 " _ X70 ' VeI. 1 " = 5 ' C::F-lfc NAI-I.iI\I" G OF 16u 0 00 1+PO 2 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 0 00 160 ft 1 7 T- _.. .. wwiA0400-: 11 liwrr _ . AR 14 1985 ' 11 1 1 I I III l t I V.(.1 I I, I...,...I 1 1 1 I ` �Ilr�l�llllf�I�I111���11�Ir11,�1 I I I I I I�Ij IItI �r IIII�IIIrI�rLI 11lI III�IIIIIIIlf�tllll�lllllll�ll I I I I I ! I I I I I ( I I I I I ! I I I I , I I ( I I I I ; " ) ► 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ I'0 _ I I 12 I NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED T-- _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ----� THIS NOT I�j- If 15 DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL � n .. DRAWING. _`..._� _ �_.._._._. -- _ --- - - -------- _ ---- — OE 82 92 LZ 92 S2 tit EZ 2Z 12 O2 61 91 11 9I SI bl F.I 21 II 01 16 9 L 9 S � E 2 1""►"" J ' , r►``�~ ��Illuuluullu111uIIIIrllnnlnul111�un�llnlllH�tu1111u1uuI11�iIr,n��nIIIl11N1111111111�1,lullnullnllnlrlllll�Ilt1�1r11N111111 111111InIIItill"III 1nIIluIIIId11n11111lIIIIIIII{�YII!��1111111h 11111111n111111�Iw11lWlill�ull�llu�F�Uu111F1�11�1�1111i1u1 _ �J24 1992 , .'�,,r�iw'A`d."�{�,""roJF`�' ,agtv�. , r,.,.,,�y,I,rrW�Fll'�'!r��+i•uq,a1+'r-rw�r '�'"4'�t•T.''M !!M�RMd ,tr:m^r, -_ _ .,.yn ■ 1 CARNAHAN'S ADDITION FO THE CITY OF TIGARD STREET ANDSTORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Scak 1 =50, ____ ________ -_ City Of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon Tigard, or gon I `� Ta a ��"� �� �•"� .�: � ;, • 1 I GENERAL: • `�i�r V � 1 . All street, water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage improvements to be constructed in accordance with the 4 Standards of the City of Tigard, the Tigard Water District l.f and the Unified Sewerage Ardency. Improvements will be CARNANAN inspected during construction for the purpose of 7 , U RESIDENCE - - - I acceptance. � LEGEND.- 2._ Contractor to obtain applicable construction hermits and notify y appropriate agencies prior to construction of all r -j�'•'"_-, `i •1' '. •� �.,; "�• Subdivision _ -s --5- Existing Sanitary Sewer p i 1 improvements. ,!,..a.. Plat t3oundary l -__A�_ 3 . Extreme care shall be taken to preserve existing r ��.�I •, "" �` "'I c J Existing I --w--w- Existing Water Line improvements, vegetation and survey monuments. Culvert 4 I -- � - v-- hxisti.ng Storm Drain (Remove) ;;► R= 25.00' 251 4 d 90'13' 20" Access 15' UTILITY Proposed Storm Drain ' �. L= 39. 37 - CURB Proposed Pavement `� �.PP,..�tec� �' C.,�• Co' � V/C/�N/TY _MAP EASEMENT ��� Sc le /600 G I :1 = 111.00' - - - - Existing Curb 1nr>t.zll..- I TOC. = X'2.77' e ,,, ,; _ N:.: = 201 .74' 6' UTILITY v = 35 53' 2d I Proposed Curb STREET CONSTRUCT/ON: �+ I - -,LASEMENT L = 73.29'/ Drainage Direction C F•, I'��,. 1 TOC LO0�0'_ 2- _ 1 . All roadway excavation, fill construction, subgrade y CL 11 aggregate g, prime coats and � 1 Install 12" '� prepartion, a re ate base, surfacing,ul ----� -----� R - $3.� u/ TEMPORARY EMERGENCY paving will be done in accordance with the Ureyon. 1984 Stubou t We P g .may 3 ,� �- C = 360 ' 05" " , TURN AROUND (k,C> hc_m�,ve Tree; -- --- r - ___ , �� .r.� st Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. E;s fdc�F_:»ark, ' 9 �� '^ oc' L =`52.4 4 - - 5 --��-- S- 2. Roadway area within street right-of-ways to be cleared of - -- w --- w�" - - Install Catch Basin all surface vegetation including trees, stumps, brush, C.) . No. 2 roots, weeds, grasses and debris and grubbed to remove all x ►, Tom_ . 12 - T �- - S -- _ - stall Standard stumps, roots, buried vegetative matter and debris to a DEVELOPER: � '2A = 200.86' CUR St et Barricade depth of 5-inches below grade. Waste materials to be TOC 201.01 '---w �'`=a --� R 1 . 01 eserve Strip disposed of on site as diregted by Engineer. OR-AK Corporation CURB R = 183,00 11, _ to Cit of Tigard 3 . Roadway to be rough graded to match existing topography 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way = 135 53' 8 --- IR _ �, prior to installation of underground utilities. Lake Oswego, Oregon 97.034 L = 51.99 CURB - T8Tns 11 Catch Basin 4 . Fine p y prior to placement of 1R 2500' 1 10 _ - 7 -- - grade and compact roadways 3 A = 89046' 40" , R = 1'x7.00' 6 UTILITY Install 3 Lk C.B. o. 1 rock. Proof roll streets to 95% of maximum density as per Phone: (503) 635-4551 L - 39. 17' I � �6 11 05 EA EMr NT 12" Conc S= . O s the AASHO T-180 test method, scarify and sprinkle with 1 73.89' 15' U ILI -- -- water on subgrade if necessary to achieve above • compaction. O I EASEM NT 1, �: 5 . Second lift of asphalt shall be placed following build-out -U I Remove 'Trees of 75% of the residential lots or as directed by the City ENG/NEER: Construct ( of Tigard. Sweep, flush and clean pavement before As Net+�� applying tack coat and second lift of asphalt. Leonard A. RydDri, P. E. , P.L. S. �i :1. Taper (- I . .------• PP Yin 9 Install 2 0 L. 601 Pinehurst Drive --- --- - �1 2 12" Conc. S=2.. $ I I Newberg, Oregon 97132 c 'i �_.�-- -L- I __ I �� Phone: (503) 538-5700 • STORM DRAINAGE CONSTRUCT/ON: -` Subdivision I F ]- . Storm sewers to be C-14, Class 2 concrete pipe with rubber J1 f ] 1 1 , L -� - P ------- Plat Boundary �- p --I � � Y `.;r;�.. . I, I I gaskets. 15.' Uti14 l ty 11 12 13 I - - --- - - do Easement ----- - ,l_._ ,•_ • I � ' •, Insta11 12" Stu6Uut to So t} I � nstall 4iorm • ^I NOTE : Pour m n h 01 c a JS'.. - ° and place fra a and !_ _ _- '7 -1- - T-- -T- ` lid to miss f t�rr.e 10 9 $ 7 C,IN& O �I curb extensio _ I I 18518 �- • v In Q N I L .� ✓ I U EGON St 22. • Q 4C�I^ 0 h J v rj al vI L I - l3'ltD+�s 210 -- ham M _ �. Z.J 11 1 Drawn By: %C� 12 March 1985 W. O. No. 8502 V N h Qfzf I. �J ul �C z 3 3 tw 20752- �_ �� RIM- LEFT R/[n/ _Z05.71� GROUND NORTH F W 2 V V O N J Z04 -7 5 V) J ��, p� m N �. wr o _ j nor � �p E9CAVATE Sx p� 5 = Z27in �O D111-c" AS 'Z�� _ Zo3 77J� ` 9�� C, � r J NCCESSA�`f \., 10• -�..Z OV.77 v I.E. .Z . OC " TI Z03.Z� / Lo2.74 .. __ _ ( `Z r Li�rJ -- - 3S - - - _ ZoI n7! 7_ -/'5 7 34 200 - - -- ------ ,' RF.M O v E I 1 O•' OUT ��.. C `� `701.>1 �_ v �` , - -- � -- ---- - - --- -- - --- - --- ____- ----- ---- 1 \ Zo1. 14 c �i99Z7 D KIM- 2007/ Z00.70 I91G.63 -I ---- - --- - y� CULVERT ) / / �• I�j7 58n f l q I \ r. I Na EXISTING - 19703 Se -`094/e�\ \ N n J I E 8 C'l� F_V Is7 1NG I E I Z" FJUT30-1 TcjM ' 106 41 t�ROUNE> G�auN[> `� {N, N I 6� �XiS C',Ivct4 I ro.51 _ �_LL=Fr- 2/W Rlc f[T R/W 17674 71r,.47 ml EXCAVATE cJ d' D I TG H A0_ 80' V.C . NECESSARY -3 2 t1 ST/I . QI. = I+40 1Y I ) I�jFq ] v1 ELEV. PI .=Z04.ZV!) '� 11<90 .---- I 100, �. _Ci .0 190 - -- STA. r.1. = I +4o EXISTING - W ELEV. P.I. = 197.50 I I _ I I ` I�FT Raw O 80' V.C. I I GROUNC? STA. P1 .= 3+00 11g6G41 IN _ I I \ + v V L O ELEV. P. I. =ZOZ.Z5 J Ro P�pSp 1\ ouT RIM. I �z I.E. Inl IR6 70 IBT 63 \ \ o O 185.09 S.W. NORTH DAK STEET ,� IRI ^¢ ,,Z. CONI \ Z R:1M3 L F' RIM I E Du't� n 102 C:�S I B 4.89 �a�. E X I ST I N G S' 1.0'/. Q iCc7lE Hoy1i; ] " 11) ' IO0, �/.L` �3,� 130 `./1 It : 1 " = _- STA. P1. = 3+00 I pit.4L / IE If' STUB001 180 -- \3R\ \ \ FUTURE AnD - IC>C.�' V,C. \ I I [I's 4t1 �E*41 ST IN ,� c It�toS 1 L E ;N 4+00 RIM, `/ 1Z` CONC W. 109TH AVE UE �LFv PI = Ib'T 7o I.E IM C1.E. �T 1,s.1 6Lzo% . rO cam- IIE,BA5 1,o os I,� 3l8 17(e.Z1 12 r l 1111 calci : Iiociz : 1 " - 511 ' 1`1(o.bl 21 �.F STORM DRAIN PROFILE Vert : 1 " = 5 ' LE. 12'" CONC �+� ;'Cil �. �,1?r �. " iOT. OUT IlZ i7 I(e'• I.E. IV IN I,Z '70 170 0 UO 1 00 2 00 3 0 4 00 5 00 0-+00 1 }00 2 00 3 00 4 00 JO0 6 00 172 3, 0 0-- I.E.17 1%" Ou-I- 1+00 2 00 3+00 170 _._ � __ �. ,- _ ....,..���s:- .._ .. ,,.,,.. .....,,,• ......����„ ,.. . ..,M,,.,, .�p�..«s; ,+w-.syn �n _.-1 •+aur. .. . ,fiww..--..........._. ., � �. _ _....._. 16'�I ( 1~ 11 'I � � 1 _�l�.l, �1 I I 1 11I11111It�111�1� (111 I� 11fltli'Iltll) 1{11111!VIII'�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111IIIIIIIII111{IIIIIIY{11�{III{IIIIII11111{11111111 �� � . .� 1 �■,,...,;______ I +� 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 I9_ NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICfr1-'17 15 DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. OE 62 82 LZ 9Z S2 ►Z f? ZZ 13 02 61 91 11 91 SI ,I EI 21 II 01 6 0 L 4 s � EI--- '•' rr111LIIIIf11111111111IIli lu1n1111N11111�111111111I111111uI11u11uulmllun�+u Ill Ill Ii11tI11I1tfiIIIIlI111llnnlull�fY�IM11l1ltll1u111n111uIIInIItIuII1ll1NW1�uIuu�1u11111tllu11111111t1I�{�Ilntl '°' 1 . . 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and throcgh its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its board of Directors has caused this, agreement t.o be executed, and the amity acting pursuant to resolution of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held or the y of [� _ 19 has caused this da agrec=e,it to be executed by its ii r and Recorder. OR- K Corporation By: / ►-��� By: THE �CIITY OF /TIGARRD�, OREGON By: �o GAG payor77 / Recorder TE OF OREGON ) ' - ) ss. CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGiM .NT my of_L ),dSkL this.201� day o: �(Ar before me appeared &a--dAn-- bbs. LiLLU4 t.o me person ] ]v known , a-he heinr du1 .% )rr , did sav that he , the said _ is th- P r ti d e n t , a-4d- h__e___L t� id of - Q -1d +1-Q L the w i t h i n Tied Corporation , 2nd iht =t=he=—.2 I� ';�Xed—tQ-s$-i.d in-'tr,�R_inot ; e , and that the said instrument was signed and scaled in alf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors , and a --knowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed (if d Corporation . IN 'TESTIMMY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ::ix hand and affixed my official sea] t.be day and yc ,3r last above written . F` t ar} F`ubl J c or Oregon rr My Commission Expires_ -/ AGREEMENT WITH DEPU5ITOR A.U'D TRUSTEE ON SAt;INGS ACCOUNTS Ok DEPOSITS This agreement Is for the purpose of f•llfilling the requirements of Comp?.lance Agreement dated 6-11-OS between the City of Tigard and OR-AY, 6 KRUEGER DEVE1.0111-iFNI and is e,.tered Into by the Depositor MARGERY F. KRUEGER and SOMFR.., GROVE 6 CO., INC. Trustee. The undersigned depositor and trustee do her,.by assign the right to the City of Tigard to determine at its dtscretion the payment of all funds or securities held by SOMERS, GROVE 6 CO. n%CT l' 03-50140 as trustee in the amount of in Savings Account No. rl,e or Deposit No. n/a or Time Deposit No. nia in the in accordance with and for the purpose of Bonding street Improvements described in the above stated Compliance Agreement. It is understood and agreed that the Sorw-rs, Grove 6 Co, Inc. will hold such funds or securities in the amount of 500 shs MAY OElUntil an autllnrir.ation or direction for payment is received from the City of Tigard and that the City of Tigard has the right to withdraw Prinlcipal Funds with City of Tigard signature only, in the event of Non-Performance. All fund deposits shall be renewable at maturity and at rates and terns in effect at the time of renewal, and all interest shall be paid to or accrued as directed by the Depositor notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrare. That the acc,runt Is to remain open until such time as all Public Improvements are comrine_u r,nd accepted by the City of Tigard. Signed and dated at BAVFRT01' Oregon. This 8th — day of .JANUARY � lq 86 Signa re of Depusitorh � , Addtess_ RoutV 1. Bcy, 79) BEAVERTON OR 97007 Signature of City of Tigard r Address �)�, r{ -� ' i�i'7 0011, ACCEPTANCE The undersigned hereby accepts the funds or securities deposited in the amount 500 shs MAY DEVIthis 8th __day of .lanuat.v 19 86 , and hereby sr_knnvlydges receipt of the Account No.7 3-50Ta,1— or the Certificate for Deposit No. n/a ; or certifies that there In no Passbook Issued for thin account. It is further agreed that said account will he held for the uses and purposes Above stated until authorization for disposition is granted by the Ci Gy of Tigard. Authorized Signature �� !• taN (I444P) 0 1-8-86 Value of $32,000 This aFrecment replaces thr aYrrement, dated 6-11-85, substituting 500 shares 11ay r)epartment Stores for the original cash deposit of $18,697.50, which will he reltatied. r Al May 27, 1986 Mr Gordon Hobbs C ; AK Corporation 13050 SW Forest Meadows Way lake Oswego, OR 97034 RE Carnahan Subdivision Dear Mr Hobbs : this' is sent to remind you that in accordance with the terms of our development agreement and City of Tigard Resolution #85-42, completion of the aforesaid subdivision development project needs to be accomplished prior to .lune 24, 1986. Outstanding items are: 1 Completion of sidewalks and aprons . 2 Completion of AC overlay on all streets . 3 Mailbox cluster install correctly . 4 As—built mylar of all construction within project. Prior to June 6, 1986, please provide us with a schedule indicating when this work will be completed. Your early attention to this matter would be appreciated and, further, is necessary so we will not need to file on your Maintenance Bond Sinceroly, 'y]/ Robert. 1 . Thompson/ Public Works Inspector (R11 cn/2547P) l i le City Attorney Russell Kruogor :omc-r s, Grove & Co. , Inc. AGREEMENT WITH DEPOSITOR AND TRUSTEE ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OR DEPOSITS This agreement Is for the purpose of f-t,lfilling the requirements of Compliance Agreement dated 6_11-!35 between the City of Tigard and 'W-Ah 6 KRUEGER DEVEI.,01111ENTand is entered into by the Depositor MARGERY F. KRUEGER and SONER�, GkOVE 6 CO., 1NU. Trustee. The undersigned depositor and trustee do hereby assign the sight to the City of Tigard to determine at its discretion the payment of all funds or securities helrl by 5011FRS, GRovi, h CO. At'r,'I' 0 U1-50140 ae trustee in the amoui.t of in Savings Account No. 11,•1 or Deposit No. 111.1 or Time Deposit No. 1 in the in accordance with and for the purpose of Bonding street improvements described in the above stated Compliance Agreement. It is understood and agreed that the Suntots, Gloylt 6 Cu. `In1 . will hold such funds or securities in the amount of ,Op sh•a '9AY II.Wtltll an authorization or direction for payment is received from the City of Tigard and that the City of Tigard has the right to withdraw Prinicipal Funds with City of Tigard signature only, in the event of Non-Performance. All fund deposits shall be renewable at maturity and at rates and terms in effect at the time of renewal, and all interest shall be paid to or accrued as directed by the Depositor notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary. That the account is to remain open until such time as all Public Improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Tigard. Signed sod dated at REAVERTON , Oregor. This 4t1, day of JANUARY 19 Signa re of Depositor) 'Aw4:1f Address aU_U , I .liux i92 BLAVERTOIJ Rt 9i0ol Signature of City of TigardL1.C '� Address i . -'r,'7 I ACCEPTANCE The undersigned hereby accepts the funds or securities deposited in they amount 500 shs SRA'i 01.11Ilfhis Ht 11 day of _ .Ranuar% , 19 +{t) and hereby acknowledges receipt of the AccountIIT�T- or the Certificate for Deposit No. = or certifies that there is no Passbook Issued for this sccouet. It is further agreed that said account will be held for the uses and purposes above stated until authorization for disposition In granted by the City of Tigard. C l l Authorized Signature_�) (1444P) `t * 1-8-86 value of $32,000 This agreement replaces the agreement, dat d 6-I1-85, substituting 500 shAres May Department Stores for the original cash deposit of $18,691.500 which will h1• released. December 30, 1985 Dear Mayor and City Council of Tigard Tigard City Hall Tigard OR 97223 This letter is a request to allow substitution of May Department Stores stocl- for the cash deposit on the Carnahans Addition performance guarantee with the City of Tigard. Presently you have' on deposit 2500 shares of May Department Stores stock worth $153,750.00 covering the Cotswald Meadow Subdivision performance quarantee in the amount of $65,982.00. T would like to have an appropriate number of shares representing the excees coverage on the one account transfered to the second account . I appreciate your consideration. ours very truly, �&"Qu Russ Krueger RK/jl { SUITE 202,9900 S.W. BEAVERTON-HILLSDALE HIGHWAY BEAVERTON,OREGON 97001 TELEPHONE(303)60.1191 oa %MfIrs, '19r®ve & CO., Inv. Invrstmen4 .lse."r, rifirs MEMBER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION SECURITIES DEALERS SECURITIES INVESTOR PROTECTION CORPORATION December 30, 1985 To Whom It May Concern May Department Stores is an A+ rated stock, listed on the New York Stock Exchange. This company is in good financial condition and has paid dividends continuously since 1911 . At the present price of $61/share, May is selling at 11 times earnings of $5.17/share. Sincerely, r! +L ram Stephen 1A. Young, Vi a President SAY/jl REQUEST FOR ACTION ` . CITY OF 7WARD , ;., . CARNP�t�AN 5 �v8b�� 15►C�1 INsThLLE1 MRP u FORWARD (U Administral�_�r Building t �'7,-�� ; Library planning pr:G,ririrnent Hoa[t He;(�t�rtse V 11( )rJ TAI, ( N Forwarded to County P.W. State Hwy Dow By r, (: W1i17o:OrS�naS�c. ANARY: To Dept. Head 10/811 4x- November November 12, 1985 Edith Carnahan 10985 SW North Dakota Street 'Tigard, OR 97223 Edith; I 'm writing per your request regarding future street improvements on SW North Dakota Street. During our phone conversation on November 5, 1985 you expressed concerns about being included in a street Local. Improvement District to improve SW North Dakota should one be formed. Current City policy is that if you have improved the street in front of your property to ultimate City standards through the development process, which you have, you will not be included in an L.I .D. to improve the same road. Please contact me should you have further questions. Randy S. Cl.arno Engineering Services Manager RSC:pm/2.1.26P CITYOF TIFAIM October 29, 1985 WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Portland General Electric Company Western Division Attention: Teresa Cornett 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Rd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Reference: Streetl.ighting at Carnahan's Subdivision Dear Ms. Cornett: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the s� reetl:ght installatin in said subdivision to be satisfactory and, further, to acknowledge authorization for P.G.E. to energize the four (4) lights therein, under Schedule 91, Option B. Sincerely, Robert L. Thompson Public Works Inspector (RLT:br/2061P) cc: File City Accountant 12765 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:838-4171 CI1Y4* TIIFARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON c,v\ a�` ��n�erv��\ y-oxdv. ave•: -atA ,o,.n S�`oc��v�s�cH \A. b J e deme. cpe_r e_4r Dcro�� w��tn -a%A c�v e e v�,r'w� ��w e�c�v� ► e. d e�.,�\u0�ti w.a -t\& qa•� � Ofe uH /� Ce h` -G17.17�� .urv,Nvl�S J �1 1 S ,c, e_ci. V-e-SoL e-16 e.ct 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - Land Surveyor 24 July 1985 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 ( City of Tigard 503) 538-5700 12420 S. W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. Frank Currie, Director of Public Works Re : CARNAHAN'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD Deor Mr. Currie: Enclosed for your information and permanent records please find Xerox AS-BUILT mylars of the Street, Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Improvement Plans for the subdivision improvements constructed during the spring of 1985 for CARNAHAN'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD, a 13 lot residential subdivision located in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. Please note that these plans have been updated with "AS-CONSTRUCTED" information supplied by the contractor, Charles M. Schmidt Excavating, Inc. Two items remain to be completed. One is the second lift of paving and the other is the centerline monumentation that will be done following the paving. To the beat of my information, knowledge and belief , the subdivision improvements as shown on the AS-BUILT drawings except as noted above have been constructed, completed and tested as far as practicable in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Tioard Water Department, the Unified Sewerage Agency and the City of Tigard. Should your 'office need any further information, please contact this firm. Your assistance and that of your staff' s on this project has been greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Leonard A. Rydell, P.E. , P.L.S. LAR/j encl : as stated OR-AK Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS 9 SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES CITY OF TIFAPD WASHINGTON COUNTY. OREGON .July 19, 1985 OR-Ah Corporation 13050 SW Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Re: Carnahans Addition Dear Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of Resolution No. 85-42 which accepts tl,e public Improvements within the above referenced Subdivision which was recently approved by the Tigard City Council. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact the Tigard Engineering Division. Sincerely, cxj Loreen Wilson Deputy City Recorder lw/3023A Enc. 12755 S W ASH PO BOX 23397 TIGARD. OREGON 97223 PH 639-4171 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 85-y.1 RESOLUTION OF 1HE TTGARD CIT'`. COUNCIE ACCEPTING THC PUBLIC IMPROVE:.MEN1S CONSTRUCTkD WITHIN CARNAHANS ADDITION SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIFD CONDIIIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install. streets, sidewalks, st.reet lights, curbs, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the City has required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that : "Upon receipt of vertification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiences and maintenance for a period of one year. , , "; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received, subject. to correction of hereinbelow listed deficiencies; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has now been received and is subject to the aforesaid maintenance_ period, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Carnahans Addition Subdivision subject to the following conditions : 1 • Completion of all sidewalks and driveway aprons . 2. Completion of all power, telephone, gas, and TV cable installation. 3 . As-built const:ruction drawings of all improvements shall be provided to Engineering. 4. Completion of AC overlay on SW 108th Avenue and SW North Dakota Street. 13 Mail box cluster installation completed . 6 . TV report and video tape of sanitary sewer mainline shall be submitted to Engineering. PASSED: This ..l'!�_ day of 1985. "flbyor ATTEST: City of Tigard Deputy City Recorder - City of Tigard RESOLUTION NO. 85--- d_/ AGREEMENT WITH DEPOSITOR AND TRUSTEE ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OR DEPOSITS This agreemen'c is for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated 4-8•-85 between the City of Tigard and Or-Ak Corporation and is entered into by the Depositor Russell A. Krueger and Somers, Grove & Co., Inc Trustee. The undersigned depositor and trustee do hereby assign the right to the City of Tigard to determine at its discretion the payment of all funds or securities held by Somers, Grove & Co., Inc. Account 0 24798 es trustee in the amount of Sin Savings Account No. or Deposit No. or Time Deposit No, in the in accordance with and for the purpose of Bonding street improvements described in the above stated Compliance Agreement. It 1s understood and agreed that the Sumers. Grove�o. Inc_. will hold such funds or securities in the amount of18.5 697,35 until an authorization or direction for payment is received from the City of Tigard and that the City of Tigard has the right to withdraw Pr.nicipal Funds with City of Tigard signature only, in the event of Non-Performance. All fund deposits shall be renewable at maturity and at rates and terms in effect at the time of renewal, and all interest shall be paid to or accr,•c& as directed by the Depositor notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary. That the account is to remain open until such time as all Public Improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Tigard. Signed and dated at lieavertim Oregon. This 11 day of Jung 19 85 ig attire of Depositor Address 15i; S.W Barber Blvd Y-1 Por l and UR 9720L Signature of Citty,,of Tigard Address ACCEPTANCE The undersigned hereby accepts the funds or securities deposited In the amount of S18.091.35 this Iltf day of June , 19Nand hereby acknowledges receipt of the Passbook. Savings Account No. or the Certificate for Deposit No. or certifies that' there in no Passbook issued for this account. It is further agreed that said account will be held for the uses ane purposes abovo stated until authorization for disposition is granted by the City of Tigard. Account # 24798 Russell A. Krueger - figard Carnandn'9 Addition _.- Performance Guarantee Authorized Signature_� (1444P) REr.Eiv - DATE June 26, 298 5 ) URGENT R. .1. ROUSE ELECTRIC INC. eD I I SOON AS POSSIBLE 16320 SW Parker Rd. FILE NO. 1978 I I NO REPLY NEEDED LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 ATTENTION Bob Thompson��GAr?o TO (503) 635-2824 sue✓Ecr Carnahan' s Addition City of Tigard __....._.._..._.._,._.....____ 12420 S.W. Main Tigard, OR 97223 MESSAGE 3t. Lighting for the subject job has been completed. Upon your acceptance, please send a copy cr your acceptance to our office, and notity PGE to energize . SIGNED$(._ZL ✓ ,t / REPLY DATE OF REPLY ^ / CL-1� �-6 SIGNED 'lr CITY OF 'TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENCA OF: June 24, 1985 AGENDA ITEM #: DATE SUBMITTED: June 17, 1985 PREVIOUS ACTION: Acceptance of ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Placing Subdivision Compliance Agreenent Carnahans Addition onto Maintenance PREPARED BY: Randy Clarno Period REQUESTED BY: Engineering 6 Developer DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: _ POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY Carnahans Addition is a 13 lot subdivision located north of SW North Dakota Street and west of SW 1.06th Avenue. Completion of the public improvements is sufficient enough to place the project onto its one year Maintenance Period. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED SUGGESTED ACTION Engineering recommends that Council accept: the public improvements, subject to the specified conditions, and place the project onto the one year Maintenance Period. lw/1506P KW f CITY of TIFAM WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON June 24, 1.985 Or-Ak Corporation Mr. Gordon Hobbs 13050 SW Forest Meadow Way Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 RE: Carnahans Addition Subdivision Dear Mr. Hobbs: Recently there has been some question as to the extent of your responsibility, involving public improvements, with regard to the existing driveway on SW North Dakota Street. Normally, at a minimum, you are required to improve all of that land within the public right-of-way. In this particular case there is approximately 4 1/2 feet behind the driveway apron still within the right-of-way that will require a hard surface. There also is significant grade difference between the back if the sidewalk/apron and the natural ground/existing driveway. You are responsible for the backfill support behind the sidewalk and providing a smooth transition into the driveway. By smooth transition, I mean that cars should not bottom-out when going over the approach and into the driveway. 1. strongly urge you to see that the above mentioned improvements are completed at the earliest possible date as the residence with this existing driveway is dependent on them. Please contact me if you should have any questions. Sinc ely, < 0/, / � /i GC�y Ra dy S. Clarno, P.L.S. Engineering Section Manager (RSC:cz/1535P) cc: Edith Carnahan 10985 SW North Dakota Tigard, Oregon 97223 12755 S.W.ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 r: 00I-4171 June 14, 1985 CITY OF TINA RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Gordon Hobbs OR-AK CORPORATION 13050 SW Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR 97034 RE: CARNAHAN SUBDIVISION S 1-85 Dear Mr. Hobbs: This is to verify, per your request that: 1. Each lot will be situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, include curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means fot operation and maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, will. have drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned disposal system will be available to each lot at the lot line at each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required, to be constrIucted, by the City of. Tigard, Oregon are under construction. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond (and Maintenance Bond) has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard Council thereinregard completion of the improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's Office. I hop? this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documeni.ation/verification required to be submitted to the State Real Estate Divisian by each subdivider. Sincerely, t Ra y S. Cls no, P.L.S. Engineering Section Manager (kSC:dmj/0220S) 12755 S.W. ASH P O. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH.639-4171 AGREEMENT WITI EPOSITOR AND TRUSTEE ON SAVING. CCOUNTS OR DEPOSITS This agreement is for the purpose of fillfilling the requirements of ;subdivision Compliance Agreement dated 4-8_85 between the City of Tigard and Or-Ak Corporation and in entered Into by the Depositor Russell A. Kruoper and Somers, Grove & Co., Inc Trustee. The undersigned depositor and trustee do hereby assign the right to the City of Tigard to determine at its discretion the payment of all funds or securities held by Somers, Grove & Co., Inc. Account 0 24798 as trustee in the amount of , in Savings Account No. Deposit No. or Time Deposit No. or the in in accordance with and for the purpose of Bonding street improvements described in the above stated Agreement. Compliance It is understood and agreed that the Somers. Grovel Co., Inc. will hold such funds or securities in the amount of 518 697_35 until an authorization or direction for payment is received from the City of Tigard and that the City of Tigsrd has the right to withdraw Prinicipol Funds with City of Tigard signature o.ly, in the event of Non-Performance. All fund deposits shall be renewable at maturity and at raLez and terms in effect of the time of renewal, and all interest shall be raid to or accrued as directec by the Depositor notwithe tending anything contained herein to the contrarl . That the account is to remain open until such time as all Public Improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Tigard. Signed and dated at Beaverton Oregon. This 11 day of Pune lg 85 ig stuns of Depositor Addressgl S W Barber 81vd Y-1 �orttans OR 97x(11 Signature of City of Tigard �7 i Address ACCEPTANCE The undersigned hereby accepts the funds or securities deposited in the amount of al 35 this 11th day of .lune g hereby acknowl• gee receipt of the Passbook Sa'v n-gs Account No. ' 19 5 ' end or the Certificate for Deposit No. ere is no Passbook issued for this account. It fs urtherragreedithaties tsaidtaccount will be held for the uses end purposes above stated until authorization for diapositfon to granted by the City 3f Tigard. Account 11 24798 Russell A. Krueger - Tigard Carnahnn's Addition Performance Guarantee Authorized Sipantur._ (1444P) J I M I L 1V1 L . COURT'S CONSTRUCTION INC. P. 0. Box 5644 SSS' mt OREGON 9l7- 9 ogre 6443 /,�4. ay.c7,61. �70�5' TERMS: 1 PLEA9E DETAC.1 AND RFTIIRN WITH YOUR REMITTANCE DATE I INVOICE NUMBER/DESCRIPTION I CHARGES I C;RMTS I BALANCE / NCE FORWARD 10 O PAY LAST AMrwNT COURT'S CONSTRUCTION INC. JT IN THIS COI UMN 1 o On b M O n It o toN o to f J Q p M r) 1n rel N N N - N • N • • C n i O8 C8 q n pli $ In oO • O OOon N N p O O u J N O O O r Y g O O O O O O n .0 In N O Y N lo N f �1 7 n n ♦ rn - - O F T'lf J T7TTT'T P111111111111111 In I"Iqllq;lllllllflll 11 O O OO O O p p �' �D b ♦ A N n O O O O C N _ d O O p O O O W v ri p p e f, d w f M O = W a Q x a � < u • •I. O : Y 2 O s Z O Z V) c J p O O O O O O M N N W op o 'n cr 1— dIlll�tIIIIIlI11LIIIIIIIIIIlI111111III I111111IIIItl��hYh6hldllll�Illil�l�lll�Illllll�Iil�I I!I i. I.I AlII I ! Q J a � a Ir W } W 1— N O b Q n VO OD cli h --cm N z0 v)0 O O ` u Q 1 r.1 V O ry Y� w n oU Ui U O 0 Q ~ z OC W z J O O O a U f W O C .n a O U) U) O z Z a W lil w a o w w U f o n U O ' w w a N W W r J W u O O 7 N a z z z J o cn U N ►- Q � I N o w H I■i Q ' Q a M M M M N N N T n N O _ O I III I I I I 1111111 1 1 FN b p O p �! O• Oy i1f N s O M b O O O • r r. n v M ^ H N ^_ n M O w _ N N O O O U J N 0 O O I • Y Y + 8 O O O O O O O O LL n n r M N O h T M N M N O z O F � J ° ° 0 0 O O O O O O 01 U n O to ♦ M N O Fn p O O O O O O W Q CL ° a U. 7: �l � U O Y O � • 2 z F- o O 10 g ° o ° o ° ° °o VMW N N n �' YIIIIIIII�IIIIIIII�IIIIIIiII�111111111�111I1111��)�J�jl(I�I�I��Illlllllhllllllll�lllllllll�llll I� ' I�I I I I I I I I I I I i ly�� Q J � a a ir W F- 4J [ui cr N U ccZ N 4x IZ m o U w U O Q F W Z p O W Z _I Z U a O N N O O o y Q: ~ O ' w o W w a i� r' Z h I ` W W — CL � p w _ w J uj 3 Q U W w Q to S N T U W F J H (7 Q W U O O Zr z ,` �. Z � d w o v F � lJ 0 0 W - -� N a IN o O rD A n � �• M I1 M 1�1 N N N La N vN• A N Oe O p 0 „ n N eMm O N N - O O M u .i N d O O ■ Y O O O O O O y Y O b f n N O n -o A N O n In f M N O J O O u n O O O O O O O O n A ap n rp ro f A N „ A m n b h f M W O O O O r M. C a Q oc co 0 CD O Y 0 V e Z Z F- O p p O O O O O O O In O O O A N n n o a �" dllu�lulllul�utlluunulluuluullllullultl�LYli IhLhlillllllllli�lllllllll�,llllll Illli i I,I,I l�l l l l l l l l l � i l l l i I 1 1 i t 'Q J Q. W '- w 1— N o N u N 90 Q u p Or {\ rn r o '11 I t r o �! O U w V O N d D O O z UJ Z N zo �o I-- O N v w U w ► o N w O N W O Z 7 r. N W ' F� ►" Y to O p Z W w c] w _ w W U � ~ O O J W CL Q N H \ l n (r w W Z Z O W ~ to r �) J ._- rn t' .� a P �p Ml O f Q a n n n ri N N N O 1D N p O r J N v p O D n O b 0 0! - O O C •p v r h Fri O 0� �r �O f ~ In 2 N N A - N N - n O u J N v O 11111 11111fil III O ' M Y 0 LL O O O O p ,n 1# n N p Y O n f N n 1f1 r M7 N O F J 0 O O o o o o O O O p A 00 r- �p io r n0- o a d ti d n r m N - o p o o o 6 o a W X Q 0 a IL a r � a (D u O O .�. c O Y Q Z z F- O c J p O O O O O O O n O W n O V n N N _. - � F' �llI�IW�IIII�IW�lltllllll�lllllllll�lllllllll tl�liilil�lilJi�il�lililil�l�i�l��ililil�l�iili I� I�L��i I i I i I i 1 i � i I i Ih I cr W W 1- U) >- . ► J cr O !7 a .r �� co W V �� �► 2 o o N r \ I1 W W�"1 U O cn \ � zZ W Z a F ~ O ~ `� • O v Q V ,V w F- O - U W O v~j U) .} O Z cr W W W {� �Wn W W U n � U 0 J w CIL Q !n a U LLI 2 ) Q O Z JAI ~ N W N a rn W Q H 0 1 r CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: April 8, 1985 AGENDA ITEM #: _ DATE SUBMITTED: March 25, 1985 PREVIOUS ACTION: None ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Subdivision Compliance Agreement - Carnahan's Addition - Authorize City PREPARED BY: John Hagman, (Eng. ) Execution, _ REQUESTED BY: Development Services DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: INFORMATION SUMMARY •"lin' '`.M� �.. 1. "Carnahan's Addition" '134 a thirteen lot subdivision, proposed to be constructed north of SW North Dakota Street and west of SW 106th Avenue (i .e. west of an next to Black Bu11`Subdivision) . 2. The preliminary plat has been 'approved by the City; public improvemcant construction plans have been submitted by the developer and are approvable; all public improvement fees have been paid. 3. The developer is proposing to fully install all required public improvements and, then, record the plat. This is an -acceptable alternative to providing a performance bond. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED . _ SUGGESTED ACTION Authorize the Mayor and City Recorder to execute the Subdivision Compliance Agreement for "Carnahan's Addition", in behalf of the City, with the condition that the subdivision plat not lie executed-recorded until such time as all public improvements are installed to the City' s satisfaction. 1175P dmj ear "ORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Cost A,,.eement For Residential Line Extet. _one In Advance of Service to Ultimate Users Applicant C Date �/2/� �. �' Project Name Job No. Project Location UG Div Billing Address rr R— '�� i ,i1 For Office Use Only L 1k K1r- C-;nyJ F , ci �c39 Line Extension cost '�J_ 1. The Applicant must advance the line extension cost or provide a third-party credit guarantee before construction of the line extension. 2. The line extension cost does Qeinclude trenching coats. (circle one) 3. A part of the line extension cost is refundable bosed on the connection of permanent loads to the line extension. a. Line extension cost $ ,i b. Applicant responsibility $ c. Total. amount subject to refund $f: 7 145 d. Estimated total number of permanent customers /.3 e. Refund amount (c/d] $ ! Y/cSeJ /Customer Thi rty credit guarantee (if able) f. Author rate of retu % g. Carrying cos c ) $ h. Amount of jya me + g] $ 4. The amount of the refund due to the Applicant will be calculated not more often than annually upon request. If within the first year after completion of the line extension 75% of the total expected load has been connected, the total amount subject to refund shall be refunded to the Applicant. If less than 75% cf the total expected load has been connected, refunds shall. be made annually and shall be determined by multiplying the amount of permanent load connected during the year times the per unit refund on Line 3 (e) above. Total refunds will not exceed the total amount subject to refund. Any portion of the advance remaining after 10 years shall be retained by PGE. 5. Where a third—party credit guarantee is accepted by PGE, no money will be required from the Guarantor if at least 75% of the permanent load has been connected within one year after the line extension has been installed. If less than 732 has been connected, the Guarantor shall immediately pay the amount of the guarantee less refunds calculated in accordance with Section 4 above. Subsequent refunds will be made as if the Applicant had made a cash advance. 6. The Applicant has no ownership rights in the line extension materials or easements. 7. The terms of this Agreement are subject to change if advance payment or third—party credit guarantee is not received within 60 days of the date of this Agreement, if the line extension is not completed within six months of the date of this Agreement, or if there are any changes in construction design. 8. PGE is not obligated to begin construction before advance payment or guarantee is received. Applicant 's Signature Telephone �� r ltle r1�I PCE Representative Telephone 71 Distribution: ite, CFS File; canary, Billing Copy; p+.nk, Job Copy; goldenrod, Customer. SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the i t day of d , 19 85 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "CITY", and OR-AK Corporation hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as CARNAHAN'S ADDITION in Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 West _ Willamette Mcriu;-n, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approved .1nd adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by &PWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed with.it, the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance, via a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Fetitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $86,343.00 a copy whereof hereto attached by this reference made a part hereof; or petitioner shall complete all public improvements, to the City's Satisfaction, prior to the City allowing plat recording. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed and A4 RMT charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bting proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like mariner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Courc, if any. (4) Petitioner, concurrent the with execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount being $ 413.76 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City's interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections fees.* (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $24..30 (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of the readiness for acceptance consideration inspection and upon notification by the Department of Public Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, in the sum of $ 17,268.60 to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the public improvement subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (8) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations: *Project Fee $ 2,744.00 Sewer Fee $ 710.00 LMMRAKLM�� 0 (a) None of the lots of Petitioner's subdivision as described may be occupied ftr residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to a occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than :3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area; is required, shall be planted in place prior to final. inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occilrs within any calendar month from Octo"er to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping and trees in all areas shall be planted and in place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract. (c) After tentative City acceptance of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads within the development; placement scheduling to be approve by the City. (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the Ppproved plat(s) and plan(s). (e) Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective wo,K and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's req! irements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, thereintegard, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond. (10) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, ropy whereof is hereto attached and by reverence made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement is execui:ed on behalf of the City. (11 ) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purpores be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part of the Petitioner with respect to any requirement thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of is Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on theday of �,�,,,,111� ( , 19 /s �, has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. OR-&K Corporation By: By: THE CITY OF TIcARD, OREGON By: Mayor / Recorder STATE OF OREGON ) c. . CORPORATE ACKNOWLEIKIVENT County of Wksh1_h� On this day of ��arG , - - , ] 9�5 before me ap} eared 4� _ _tkD bs__ mld- _ ._ LcO4 to rno personally known , who hei.ng dull• sworn , did may that he, the said - gor ori 1s th Pident , a-PAL__hp_, the Caid ics the O-_-.PtgX4- — - -___of 1�71�+�O_YL the within narned Corporation, and 11121 — rprrra-t+rm , and that the said instrument was signed and scaled in hchalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board cif Directors , and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act: ind def,d (if said Corporation. IN 'rESTIUONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set. hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written .� S P b] c orregon My Commission Expires_f-74� CITYOF TIMP& April 1, 1985 WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON OR-AK Corporation Mr. Gordon Hobbs, President 13050 SW Forest Meadows Way Lake Oswego, OR 970— Reference: Permanent, Storm Drain and Sanitary Sewer Easement from John Dorr for Carnahan's Addition Dear Gordon: The City Attorney has informed me that the consideration stated on this easement should he "0" Dollars, paid by the City. Any compensation to Mr. Dorr for this easement should be contained in a separate agreement. There are two •gays we can resolve this problem; one being to strike the consideration and gave Mr. Dorr initial this on the original document. The other being to re-execute the complete form. I have enclosed a blank form in case you choose the latter option. Please submit the original. document when completed. If you should have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, �2 ndy Be larno, P.L.S. Engineering Qtrvices Manager Encl. (RSC:br/1149P) �- 1"755 S.W. ASH F.O BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON :3 PH 639-4171 -- --- CITYOF TI1FARD No. 3389 r 12755 S.W. ASH P.O.BOX 23397 Date TIGARD• OR 97223 Name Address 1� Lot BlocklMap Subdivlsionl�4ddre�s - -- , ..a i—1 (• I V Permit #Is Bldg. Plurnb Cash Check I ✓ I Sewer Other _ Other Rec. i Acct. No. Description Amount 10.432 Building Permit Fees 10.431.600 Plumbing Permit Fees 10.431.601 Mechanical Permit Fees 10.230.501 State Bldg. Tax_ 10.433 _ Plans Check r•ee _ 10.435 Other Licenses & Permits _ 30-443 Sewer_Connection J _ 30.444 Sewer Inspection ` 24-446 Street Syst. Dev. Charge 25.449.610 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge _ 25.449.620 Parks II Syst. Dev. Charge _ 31.450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge 10.430 _ Business Tax 10-434 Alarm Permit 10.227 _ Ball _ 10.455 Fines - TrafliclMlsdlParking 10.230- _ CPTA TrafficlMisdlVic_Asst_ 10.456 Indigent Defense 30.446.401 Sewer Service/USA 30.446.402 Sewer Service/City k 31.447 Storm Drainage [ 40-475 Bancroft Prin, y t. 40.471 Bancroft Int. Pymt. /04161 A Other Che +)r8ervtcEB I!.,:,U ., TOTAL 1 - ----- - 71 DEPT. at Y a rigord, Oregon ' _ A• ,;. e 4 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONylawTY MAP ISSUED BY----. DATE--__-_-- Scale l =1600 DEVLP;ERV DEPT: CY. __._DATE__,_, OPERATIONS DEPT: CITY ENGINES'!.- P G E.CO.: C �'� _ ATE DEVELOPER: .�., OR-AK Corporation �,l G TrE Co. it��_�i� BATE_3"=�y._. 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows way /irarr Q Lake Oswo9o, Oregon 07034 STORER CABLE CO.: DY .!.DATEPhone: (503) 635-4551 N W NAr GAS CO.: BY _DATE DIST: 9% �/_DATE- _. f1 ENG/NEER. � S ',eon�at:d A. Rydell, P. E. , P.L. J. UNI' SEW AGENCY EjY _DATE 601. I w,!hUrst Drive ._.�_ Newbery, Oregon 97132 Phone : (503) 538-5700 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FEE COMPUTATION SHEE1 Project Title: L_A4chlALP�►.1 %U)Sb\J. Impry Type: Oct\J Computed By: Date: 3-/R.7 e, -- 1 . PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T.M,C. 18. 164 . 150) : A. Improvement cost. estimate, less sanitary sewer. . . .$ (o 65 9� .~ (Adjusted Cost) B 0.04 x $__ (a��j 76 , c $__ _.Z?44 , — (Adjusted Cost) 2. SANITARY SEWER MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION FEE (Ord. No. 85-02) : A. Contract surcharge applicable . . . . . yes, no. (agreement name)T B. Sewer Improvement cost estimate $ l7 �4 S" .4.. 7 (sewer est. ) (sewer estimate) (fee) , [or] $100.00 min. , whichever is greater . . . . . . . . .$ 7/0 3 . STREETLIGHT FEE (1- .M.C. 18 . 164. 130 (x) & 3 .08.010) : A. P.G.E. Schedule No. `�� , Opt.ion N(,. lype of Lamp HIP 5. Lumens/Watts 70 Type of Pole Height ^ H . $ _3 4 _ x $ %S, ��= /Mo. (monthly rate) (no. of lights) s__-47 x 4- - $ /mo. (monthly rate) (no. of ples) 7� $� /:�, .34' + x 24 months = . .$— 4/3 ,+ (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4. TRAFFIC-PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEI-.. (T .M.C. 18. 164 .030(u) : A. Stop: @ $_— $_ — (number) (each) (subtotal) B. St . Name: @ S = $ C. Combo: —_ @ $� 75- 25 = $� 7S, ZS 4,0 0. No. Parking: 3c)Z @ $_— = s &( (Misc. ) p Sign(s) Total. . . . . . .$ Z41. 30 5. GRAND TOTAL (FEE'S DUE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$� 4__._. 0 C1. 066 Receipt. No. : Date Paid: ;heck Cash 0470P RECelveo CITY Of TIGARD Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hilleboro, Oregon 97123 503 648-8621 March 18, 1985 CITY OF TIGARD PO BOX 23397 TIGARD OR 97223 Gentlemen : SUBJECT: CARNAiIAN' S ADDITIPN ''he construction plans on the above-referenced project have been approved by the Unified Sewerage Agency. if you have any questions , please do not hesitate to cull . Sincerely , Terry Chamberlin Design Engineer. TC:jb Enc. 72--4B11 r V t Tigoro, Oregon " ' 1wo"'_, rr _7 . U.S.A. D.E.O. COPY vlawTY MAF Srok ! 1600' APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION Jr-D BY— -_DATA (CITY OF TIGARD) APPnOVED A l SLP SERV DEFT: BY UNIFIEDSEWERA;Er GATT rY RATIONS DI•Pr; BY __DATE _ DE(/ELOPER: F NGINFE^: EY__ _DATE_ OR-AR Corporation 13050 S.W. Forest Meadows Way CO.: DYw_ DATE Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Phone: (503) 639-4551 ----TEL CO.: E Y ._._DA'L'E__ LEONARD A. RYDELL, P'.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 14 March 1985 (503) 538-5700 City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn : Mr. John Hagman Re : CARNAHAN' S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD Dear Mr. Hagman: Enclosed as requested please find three additional sets of the construction plans for the "Str.eet, Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Improvementrs" to t:he proposed 13 lot subdivision CARNAHAN' S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD, Washington County, Oregon. As discussed over the telephone, P1r. Gordon Hobbs will pick up your circulation set: and copies for the Unified Sewerage Agency from your front desk and walk them around to the appropriate agencies. As also discussed, it is the developer ' s intention to construct the improvements and then record the plat . Therefore , construction can start following payment of the permit fees and completion of the subdivision compliance agreement. I thank you very much for your prompt response on this ,project. Sincerely yours, Leonard A. Rydell, P. E. , P. L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc: OR-AK Corporation PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS o SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.I.S. Consulting Civil Engineer - land Surveyor 13 March 1985 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 City of Tigard (503) 538-5700 12420 S. W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Mr. Frank Currie, Director of Public Works Re : CARNAHAN' S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD Dear Mr. Currie: Enclosed for your review and approval please find three sets of the construction plans for the "Street, Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Improvements " to the proposed 13 lot subdivision CARNP.HAN ' S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TICIARD, Washington County, Oregon. Enclosed also is a copy of the coordinate sheet showing lot dimensions and a copy of a Bid Item Schedule with the estimated construction cost. These plans have been submitted to Portland General Electric, General Telephone, the Tigard Water District, Northwest Natural Gas , and Storer Cable Communications for their use. The contractor for the subdivision improvements is anticipated to be Charles M. Schmidt Excavating out of Newberg, Oregon. Enclosed also is one set of drainage calculations for the project for a check of the sizing of the 12-inch line along S. W . North Dakota Street . The drainage area , time of concentration , rainfall intensity and runoff coefficient data are shown on the exhibits which result in a projected flow of 4 . 14 cfs which is less than the pipe capacity of 5 . 06 cfs. Using the longer run to the west end of the drainage area to figure the time of concentration would reduce the projected flows, but I made an assumption that the times would be roughly equal due to flow down the ditch would be faster than ovei:land flow. Should you have any recommended changes, questions or need -iny further information regarding the project, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. oinc rely yours, I, onard A. Ryde 1, P. . , P.L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc: OR-AK Corporation PLANNLU UEVELUPINENTS • RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WATER, SANITARY ,EWER AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LAND SURVEYS, 9 SOLAR-CONSERVATION HOMES F _ LEONARD A. RYDELL, P.E., P.L.S. Consulting Civil Engineer Land Surve or 13 March 1985 _ y 601 PINEHURST DRIVE, NEWBERG, OREGON 97132 Tigard Water District (503) 538-5700 8841 S. w. Commercial Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn : Mr. Robert E. Santee, P. E. Re : CARNAHAN'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD Dear Mr. Santee : Enclosed please find two sets of the construction plans for the "Street, Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Improvements" to the proposed 13 lot subdivision CARNAHAN' S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD, Washington County, Oregon. Enclosed also is one copy of the coordinate worksheet showing lot sizes and dimensions. These plans have been submitted to Portland General Electric, General Telephone, the City of Tigard, Northwest Natural Gas and Storer Cable Communications . Construction of the improvements may begin in two weeks following City of Tigard approval and your approval. Charles M. Schmidt Excavating of Newberg will be the contractor. Pl-ase review the plans and mark up one set with recommended changes or corrections and return them to this firm. As previously understood, you will submit the plans to the Health Division for their review and approval if required. Should you require any additional utility easements for water service, please notify me as soon as possible so that the easements can be drawn on the plat prior to recording. Should You have any questions or should you need any further information, please feel free to give me or the developer , OR-AK Corportation (Gordon Hobbs, President, Phone: 635-4551) a call. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. 'Thank you. Sin�grely yours, Leonard A. Rydell, P. . r P.L. S. LAR/j encl : as stated cc : OR-AK Corporation CitY1L''ANAa- k4LOPMENTS . kESIDEI4IIt,L SULSUIV1510rJ5 -ATFR, SANITARY SEW2R AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS LANU SURVEYS • SOLAR-CONSEkVATION HUrv1ES -4t r- OL�rllo*�, I �, CITY OF TIGARD - Washington County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER - BY PLANNING COMMISSION I . Concerning Case Number(s): S 1-85 2. Name of Owner: Edith Carnahan 3. of Applicant : OR-AK Corporation Address 13050 SW Forest Meadows Way City Lake Oswe$pate ORZip 97034 4. Location of Property: Address 10985 SW North Dakota Street Tax Map and Lot No(s). ISI 3408 lot 200 5. Nature of Application:_Request to divide a 2.97 acre parcel into 13 lots ranging from 7,500 to 8,400 square feet. 6. Action: Approval as requjsted X Approval with conditions Denial 7. Nitice: Notice was published In the newspaper, poste at City Hall and mailed to: XX The applicant 6 owners XX Owners of record within the required distance XX The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization XX Affected governmental agencies 8. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL BE FINAL ON 3 ` a- .Sr UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. qThe adopted findings of fact, decision, and statement of condition can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 12755 SW Ash, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Appeal : Any party to the decision may appeal, this decision in accordance with 18.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 10 days after notice is given and sent. 1 The deadline for filing of an appeal is 3:dQ♦7r n, 3-��-�5�� 10. Questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, 639-4111. (0257P) CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO. 85-_Q3 PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS, WHICH APPROVES A PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION (S 1-85) REQUESTED BY EDITH CARNAHAN. The Tigard Planning Commission reviewed the above application at a public hearing on March 5, 1985. The Commission based its decision on the facts, findings, and conclusions noted below: A. FACTS 1. Gene-al Information CASE: Subdivision S 1-85 REQUEST: To divide a 2.97 acre parcel into 1.3 lots ranging from 7,500 to 8,400 square feet. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre) APPLICANT: OR-AK Corporation OWNER: Edith Carnahan 13050 SW Forest Meadow Way 10985 SW North Dakota Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Tigard, Oregon 97223 LOCATION: 10985 SW North Dakota St. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34DB, Tax Lot 200). 2. Background The City recently approved a lot line adjustment which involved the subject property and the parcel to the north (M 7-84) . The plot plan submitted reflects the new parcel configure.ion. 3. Vicinity Information All of the surrounding properties are also zoned R-4.5. Black Bull Park Subdivision is situated immediately to the northwest . Except for this development, the surrounding properties can be characterized as small acreage homesites. North Dakota Streets designated as a minor collector and will provide access to the development from the south. 4. Site Information and Proposal Description The west side of the property contains a residence and one small farm building. The applicant proposes to create a 13 lot development with one 0.92 acre parcel which will include the existing buildings. Access will be provided by one local street extending north from North Dakota Street. This street will dead end, leaving the opportunity for future extension to the northern property. FINAL ORDER NO. 85-0; PC - S 1-85 - PAGE 1 The remnant parcel will include a 25 foot wide access strip to the subdivision street. It is intended that this parcel will be divided in the future and the 25 foot access will meet City standards. Half street improvements for the subdivision along North Dakota Street will include the remnant parcel frontage. 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engine•-•ring Division has the following comments: a. Additional right-of-way should be dedicated along the entire North Dakota frontage to provide a 30 foot right-of-way width from centerline. b. The sanitary s :wer mainline shall be extended westerly across a 15 foot sanitary favid storm drainage easement Phall also be provided. Easements shall be executed on City forms. c. Bike/wheelchalr ramps shall be installed at intersections and mail clusters shall be installed along SW 109th Avenue. Furtht , all public construction work shall conform to the City's standards. d . Two sanitary sewer service laterals and a concrete driveway apron shall be installed to the west right-of-way line of SW 109th to provide future service at the twenty-five foot wide tract between Lot # 2 and # 3. e. A temporary turnaround shall be installed at the terminus of SW 109th Avenue in a configuration acceptable to the City and Fire District. All necessary construction and documentation required by the City and Fire District shall be completed prior to issuance of any building occupancy permits, On streeL parking may be restricted at the City's discretion. f. The pavement taper at the west end of SW North Dakota Street shall be increased to five to one and standard traffic warning devices shall be installed. g. The sanitary sewer mainline shall be extended westerly across the north line of Lot 6 to the plat boundary. A 15 foot sanitary and storm drainag- easement shall also be provided. This requirement is due to the limited options available to the properties to the west for obtaining a sewer connection. The Washington Fire District No. 1 has the following comments: a. The street width should be a minimum of 20 feet . b. All streets over 150 feet in length need to have Ln all weather cul-de-sac or hammerhead turnary una. C. Fire hydrants should be installed no more than 500 feet from all buildings. Nn other written comments have been received. FINAL ORDER NO. 85-a_ PC - S 1-85 - PAGE 2 3 rA NDA RD DE rA IL S Cl r Y OF RGA RD Woshington County, Oregon STANDARD MH. ' FRAME 8 COVER--\ c--FINISH GRADE - EASEMENT AREAS TRAVELED FLIGHTS Of WAY STEPS ET FRAME `N MORTAR GROUT': /— IT"MAX. TRENCH WIDTH ^ I 12 MAx, MAXI MUM PERM IS S I BLE \ -__ ' ' AT NATIVE ___ •, .�;,, 4'�CONCRETE EXTENSION � �_ _ +� I � MATERIALS �� ! 2"-0" CRUSHED RING INSTALL AS REOUfRED r ' '� I 6 ABOVE TOP GF PIPE ROCK, CLEAN, TO BRING MH. COVER S J� FRAME TO DESIGN GRADE. + DENSE , HARD AND COMPACTED. / \ PIPE SIZE TRENCH WIDTH 6 �+- (Tor. 3 rings ) �� !~ STANDARD MANHOLI' �� ECCENTRIC 01 I I - I -► I \ FRAME 8 COVER- . ,{- " ' " MH. TOP--a. ." 2 0 r I 1 _ - - � - - / / ' \ SET FRAME 8 ■- 2' 0" I ► 12 'MIN. �.• � ------ �_ t - � RAM -NEK JOINT � FINISH GRADE IN MOTAR - ^1 �• • �` MATERIAL OR EQUAL I -"-- - � I I GROUT— - 4" CONCRETE EXTENSION fo G " 'V_ RIND \ �I I ' � MAKE SURFACE OF I? 26I SELECT GRANULAR MATERAL 4 8 •. I GROUT FILLET SMOOTH ' ! �, ., • / �„ ►•, • . , r– aFORM GROOVED IN- _ _— 11 f 0 '!,' �•' :.', ''",,} \ ♦ I VERT TO DIRECTION I IN PIPE ZONE- 95% COMPACTION I2 MAX l \ „•;►, .. I i OF FLOW 4 „ 2 8 ? --� _ RAM-NEK JOINT IS " 2' 10'� : �[.• ■';tiSTEPS • � 48" : MATERIAL OR � ' ` :T6 — mST'D 48° r, d EQUAL ; aMH. RISER COMPACfEO GRANULAR ST'D 49 ° :h '� .•�- Q T r D o BACKFILL NOTE MR RISERS T + • f8„ 3, 4„ I PIPE a' C) 0 000G D UNDI5TURBED I INLETS- OUTLETS AS REQUIRED, �: Ic"MAX. �� ZONE 2 MAX - 20" 3, 6" EARTH 2 WHEN SEWER ENTERS ABOVE ,,: INV.TO t V. p o o0 0 BOTTOM OF MH FORM A a 1; NOTE : ►' Of o U FILLET OF GROUT OR CONC. �:' Of! SLOPE A _ 21 " 3, 6„ ;' � I D/2 .� i ft. SLOaE ,�v r b poo AS INDICATED. _ h I. 4"CONCRETE EXTENSION RING INSTALL .AS REQUIRED TO BRING i,� ---.-- - �- -_ MAKE SURFACE SMOOTH S �' '0 1 4„ „ e FORK GROOVED INVERT 2 3 IO '• 4 MIN. or D/4 IF ;. ); a •' A , o I� / o b! TO C:RC.., iON OF FLOW :d ` _ MANHOLE COVER 8 FRAME TO AT DESIGN 3 0). 27" 4' 2" GRADE.(MAX. RING). _- !2' LAYER COMPACTED 0 ° v Jv o J• va �+ u o GRAVEL.( 3/4"- I/4" ) 2. INLETS/OUTLETS AS REO. 3Q" 4' 6" °oaor . a ooze°ro• o' $ �ro•rxo, . e � — 0 • o 12 LAYER COMPACTED � a � b:°e �° ° o o a p p o o D O p o GRAVEL (3/4"- I/4") u r o 6'-0" MIN. 6'0" MIN. 33'� --_ 4' 10 ' 36" 5' 0„ STANDARD MANHOLE STANDARD SHALLOW MANHOLE 42" 5' b" 48" 6' 0" STANDARD TRENCH NOTCH LID FOR LIFTING HOOK . 2 -8 T 16 BARS - 2" O.C. WROUGHT IRON OR WELDED FRAME AND GRATE-SEE � y B DETAIL --, IC, BARS•1/2'r �� 2 sc.edge A ------ -- -- I A+� flat bars I cu M Ali Ct �� '� % -- -- J �O -- -o i-- -- 1\I i I- - - - -- --' - 2'-9-7/8" - - GUTTER LINE -••- Ct I I 0 MAX. PIPE III ' I III ..SSIZE 18'� STANDARD CAST IRON io o I C C ��/ FRAME a COVER FINISHED GRADE , 8 l C2)-2-1/'L`x 2-1/f'x 3/8"l -._' �' ��r .� ,;� \ 2"MIN. PLAN VIEW GROUT i ." I ;' 6N i I •MIN. I I I I 3/4" I , COMPACTED FILLS :;, I i '• ' '. 'BOLT COVER 8 FRAME TO BE MACHINED 2ea.3end / � I. I i . �• ` i TO A TRUE BEARING ALL AROUND. SECTION C-C 3 -4-4/2' 2'- 9-7/8"--1 I I < NORMAL. 4 I I , 9 5--- _ ; 45° BEND I – 2 - I" - ---- I 1 " I I /4" 4x12�� ORA1N �'. * '� • � __., . p:: ' ----- --- In IL �� TILE-WEEP •••••.I � u ► •�• WYE BRANCH •'. � - r ..• „ CID lY d , -���-6 MIN 2,500 P S 1. Iowa DRAIN AT a n^,w x r t''v. CONC. ALL SIDES . 111- SUE-GRADE `� CD ~ �' ,•r _LLQ 2 •° – -- -f '+ •-- ' /' -t ' r- ..__.`__ 1'- 10" - -- _- .- -- :;:: .o• .'• ' • : 3.:. :; „ PROVIDE a SECURELY INSTALL T 8 MIN _ _ _ _ _--- '� -�- a n - I PLUG WITH RUE38ER RING GASKET. 2'-4 '1 61-11-3/4'16 i� p� . .v � � ' . SECTION A-A SECTION 8-8 ----- - ----- 2'-0k2" _--_..- ------------ ►- CONCRETE TO BF '000 PS 1 -• 28 DAYS- 6 SACK MIX - --- - - 2'- 7" _— DE VEL OPER: ENG/NEER OR-AK Corl.oration Leonard A. Rydell, P. L;. , P. L. S. .• { i �� " 13050 b:W. Forest Mcadow�s P!a} 601 Pinehurst Drive Lake Oaweyc, Oregon 97034 Newberg, Oregon 97132 STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME & COVER STANDARD CATCH BASIN STANDARD CLEAN O ' U"E�" �►!�VT Phone : (503 ) 535-4551 Phone : (503 ) 538-5700 ��a 1 ,lN� �`• CARNAHAN' S Sheet of 2 5 I im, low Now—, _=«ll��r■ �.....,... .�,. _ MAR �, �-• ._._ <:.,. � � I .-._� � I I I I � I ,l ( I I � t � I I I Imo'"'.- .--` ( .. _ (_ ._._._._._. I' r1•� III I�IIII Itl III {1 11l Ij•I- III 1�1, 1{r Ilr rIl t O ( �'( I{I r r I I I I I 1 r I I I r I I ( I I r 1 rIl ({I r{I III III III III ill r{I ill fll I{I lil I{I ttl 111 Irl •" ,. ` ._ ` � -..-,,,. ,_ I _.._. � :•�` I I I L I I � � I I l � i l l I S I I I I I I i I I I I I I i I I i_ . ._ _ 2 3 4 _ 5 8 7 8 9 10 II 12 NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT I(i-;'"IT IS DILE TO i" � QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL 'DRAW ING. OE A2 92 12 92 52 hZ E2 Z2 IZ 0$_ 61 91 LI 91 21' ♦I EI z I1 01 6 0 L 9 Si r E �1111inlllulllnlllullunlu111nulul�(tmGrlt�ntrluu111uh111hu,1111r1�nluulinlllwhll(Irnllnulrrnlrmllnllrulllullllnit�un�lt►l�llrtllnllllultlu�nitllnl�u111u11�ntIl�llulunllnllunlunlllnhw�iu�uttbtu�w1111u�t1ullltl�It11b1' - JUNE ' 4 .1992 r - �''��n+ae. _�w----- ---- - �•-- ,-�a.-•ra.- ..,�,__ tom_.__ _ .. SrANbARCI DErAILS 1 Cl r Y OF TIGA RD Washington County, Oregon I PROPERTY LINE - TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINTS CONCRETE SIDEWALK 1 TO BE PROVIDED AT EACH POINT OF 3/4"r TANGENCY OF THE CURB ® AT OTHER EDGE LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED TO LIMIT 'THE / SPACING TO A MAXIMUM OF 20 FT. UTILITY STRIP 2 MATERIAL TO BE PRE- MOLDED NON- -� Q 4.. EXISTING EXTRUDED MATERIAL WITH A MINIMUM .4-p iD •. 2. FACE OF CURB THICKNESS OF 1/2 . �' o ;�' : D Flex 1''oT �- NOTE : BEGIN SLOPE AT CURB; RISE 1/4" PER FOOT TOWARD PROPERTY LINE . A a' -EXPANSION JOINT MAX. SPACINF -40 FT. (OR AT ALL CHANGES IN Sb TION) . TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION JOINT •• • ` ® 0 ?2' • • CONCRETE. BREAKING STRENGTH -10 BE 3f+)0 P.S . I . AFTEP 2H DAYS. ••;•• , 4 �-4.' D to R Mr R W L SPACING TO BE NOT MORE THAN 10 FT •. . o . 'o S -0 142-6$18 P p •a . . 2. DEPTH OF THE JOINT SHALL BE AT .4 �,,• '. 4 . LEAST ONE FOURTH OF THE CROSS - 40 4 . o • , 4 • 4IE 2 SECTIONAL AREA . q40 C a BLEND A/C TO MATCH a 4 C) I I EXIST. PVMT. a C/L _ _ •••� SLOPE = 0.02083 1 � CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH a � ° 4 •°'• � � v � 4• �,r gmausc : .. 4. :.Q.'.• V.. :•; e 4 '.:V.' A' '4 TOP OF CURB ELEVATION o4oJo a a a ------- EXIST PVMT. �� 1. TO BE 3000 P. S 1. AFTER 28 DAYS . j ' 3/4'--0CRUSHED ROCK LEVELING COURSE 3" CLASS 314N—Ow CRUSHED ROCK"11*AC SCALE : 1 • 2 9„ 3" " AS SOIL CONDITIONS REQUIRE i2" 2"-0" CRUSHED ROCK 57ANDARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK STANDARD CURB STANDARD CURB AND 310EWALK REQ. COLLEC TLIR HALF STREET IMPROVEMENT 30' MAX.- --- . . _ �— :.•. J. :• •:,:. �;:y�� UTILITY STRIP CONCRETE CONCRETE h > • 50' R/ W SIDEWALK CONCRETE APRON SIDEWALK �� '+,:�'x $.tDEW.g1.,ICrl 5 -0 25 ' 25, Z \ ri:•.... . �? iC•7i?•. \'t fF - \ r .? — — — T —__ _ , o `W, : 5, 4 5. 3. SIDEWALK SLOPE \ l �•- �� 0 � FACE OF CURS L0 P RAMP Z 0.0 917 02 NOTE: 6EGIN SLOPE AT CURB; RISE 1J4" PER FOOT TOWARD PROFERT't LINE . x �''• J►� CONTRACTION JOINT AT ALL CHANGES IN SECTION. ti"''Y`•'y: { CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH TO BE 3000 P.S. I . AFTER 28 NAYS. W •.tea•' t �►. TYPICAL •--•---�--VARIES P,T. z a A /W (� R/W v a �: ROLLED F- ;:?? :z. .;y:'' L I CLASS ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (OVERLAY) CURB-- 6 APRON � CLASS" 4 B*ASPHALTIC CONCRETE \ " SIDE- �,-VARIES o '.� Q �it•:;:;::.. Yy \ _ WALK / 23/4"- 0" CRUSHED ROCK/GRAVEL _ -.rte-- SLOPE 0.02083 0w :}: ���;f '� TOP OF CURB e, p'la p s e. o ►�� c.,�;. o o n• .D e -�--- -- TOP OF CURB ELEVATION — ,` ar. DOTE. 9 2 - 0 CRUSHED ROCK/ GRAVEL o o, o I i "`n �' -' P� . x GRADES SHALL NOT EXCEED !•2% ON o• ,• ( -- 5-O LOCAL STREET; I �• ., , I CURVES SHALL NOT HAVE LESS THAN �L � t � i�.•.. -ant 3/4"- O" CRUSHED ROCK LEVELING COURSE I00FTCENTERLINE RADII ON LOCAL STREET. t INTERSECTION ANGLES SHALL NOT EXCEED 10;z, AS SOl1_ "ONDITIONS REQUIRE. STREET ,,'�,•; '',t+► '' "" 600, UNLESS THERE IS SPECIAL INTERSECTIONt k ` „ DESIGN. `': : A: 3/4 -O CRUSHED ROCK LEVELING ONE INCH OVERLAY REQUIRED WITHIN ONE YEAR. CONCRETE APRON & CONCRETE SIDEWALK0-4 COURSE AS SOIL CONDITION REQUIRE c� CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH TO LOCAL oTREET SECTION 50e BE 3000 PSI AFTER 28 DAYS BICYCLE & WHEELCHAIR RAMP r'r-- X PRE-MOULDED EXPANSION ---- -- - - 32' -o" ---- -- - - - JOINT FILLER EXP. JOINT 5• 0^6.. 1 --- — --- 8� SIDE W LK I� �-z I APRON SLOPE 0-10, G AV AWl . -- ,.` q I GRbvn/� _ _ PAM AAMM: ON ;�• , ! 3 3 � ,A %\ 1po� 9 �c•t C� '� e ,� DEVELOPER A .0 A �I v�" ,7,`W-A 1Q� JC � ) OR-AK Corporation 1) 5/6"X 10"Golvonixe Sq. Head Mo chine So Its - - �, } With Washers. 2 Bolts Per. Rall Per Poet. _p'_4" - S Lake eOswWyo,yorest neac � Y Ore(joi034 2)4"X 6" Poet-Treated And Painted White FACE OF CURB - ` Dt�lr' A Phone : (503) 635-455]. 3) 2"x a" Cross Ralle-Rall, To Be Painted Block With White NOTE: CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MIN. BREAKING STRENGTH Of 3000 P.�. I . AFTER Aetlecton:ed Stripe. 28 DAYS, APRON SLOPE =0.0729 2 , p .� -T-C - - - -- — -� TOP OF CURB ELEV. ENG/NEER 1 �� .9 STREET BARRICADE ,..�.:r;o;::�;; , � z-�'�o ¢"•�"'`' :r••^-�*'f•a .�t� Leonard A. Ry dell, P. L. r P. T , 601 Pinehurst Drive Newberg, Oregon 97132 • SECTION A-A LIS„ 1' = 2DIMENSIONS (ft,) X 10 12.1_14 1 16 18 20 ' �� A• �y RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY Shut 42 of 2 7 OF 7 fir....+.. r._.,y n ,... t w ,w�,.. ►�jrs,a . _...... .- r..—. .......� w. Pi I ARI 4 1 ... ..,, ... .,, x I fel � IIt l�t 'IIt It �II '1,•I• tl ji�i I,I Ijl' Ihl'�Ii�ii ' (ill Ilrlr� flilii Ijlllll 111�n 1111111 11111'11 1111111 1111111 II11�11 1111111 IIII�ti111111,1 IIIIIIfII�I'III r 1 "'�` 1 .. _ �h ,i`i`i � i � I � I I I I I I . � I f' 1 I I I 1 I I I .� � I • NO1E: IF THIS MICROFILMED b \ 2 3 5 8 7 B 9 10 11 14? I + DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT I.GF•r--IT IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL -” I OE 62 6Z LZ BE S2 bZ EZ ZZ TZ 02 of of !1 91 SIbI EI Z II 01 6 6 L 9 S b E Z I"•�*" ��ltlunluIII III III it1llnlllu111111lnullnlltt.ttltluI1111 > 11111111111till it III Iillifillilldilillliiiiiiiilum6m6mLmlImhIiilllulmllll�illiu lulllubul lllllll)luhuillwbnl - 1JUNv 24 1992 ......"'��— _-.. .,.. ... ,.'+��IMr•+'.- ...... .—•.r—�..r:r+ -- .-- .-_:�,,..._.— .:.r._.. .. _ � ,,•�'I�Mfllri.o,�ii::.la.r!e�", - -i''. ► . .. ..- _ _ - ..... • .. .f1 ....... .. .- .. «. _ -.mow•-....ter- �.. ,� ... :i .. 1 B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2, and 10; Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies 2.1..1. and 8.1.3; and Chapter 18.50 and 18.160 of the Community Development Code. The Planning Commission concludes the the proposal is consistent the the appiicable Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines based upon the following findings: a. Statewide Planning Goal 11 1 is met because the City has adopted a Citizens Involvement program including review of all development applications by the Neighborhood Planning Organization (NPO). In addition, all public notices requirements were met. I b. Statewide Planning Goal ll 2 is met becauve the City applied all applicable Statewide Planning Goals, City Comprehensive Plan Policies and Development Code requirem.- is to the application. C . Coal 11 10 is satisfied becat!se the proposal will provide for housing as contemplated by the City Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Staff has determined that the proposal as submitted, or with minor modifications, is consistent with the relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan based upon the findings doted below: a. Plan Policy 2.1.1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning OrganizaLton and surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant 's proposal. b. Plan Policy 8.1.3 will be satisfied if the plat is modified as suggested by the Engine .gag Division to include a combination of permanent roadway easements, right-of-way dedication, and street improvements. The Planning Commission has determined that the proposal is consistent with the relevant portions of the Community Development code based upon the findings noted below: a. Chapter 18.50 of the Code Is satisfied because the proposal meets ail of rhe requirements of the R-4.5 zone. b. Chalker 18.160 of the Code can be satisfied because the applicant will be able to meet all of the standards for public improvements. C. DF.CISICN Based upon the above findings and conclusions, the Planning Commission approves S 1-85 subject to the following conditions: 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL, BE MET PRIOR TO RECORDING THE FIW. PLAT. FINAL ORDER NO. 85-_jgj_ PC - 3 t-85 - PACE 3 s 2. Standard half-street improvement including sidewalks, curbs, streetlights, driveway aprons, storm drainage and utilities (delete inapplicable items) shall be installed along the SW North Dakota Street frontage. Said improvements along SW North Dakota Street shall be built to minor collector standards and conform to the alignment of the centerline of said street. 3. Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plA'1s and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Section for approval. 4. Sanitary sewer plan-profile details shall be provided as part of the public improvement plans. Said plans shall include a sewer line as described in A. 5. g. above. 5. Construction of proposed public irprovements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans. The Section will require posting of a 100% P,.rturmance Bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign Installation/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of a street op-ninp_ p,:rmit or construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approve public improvement plans. SEE THE ENCLOSED HANDOUT GIVING MORE SPECIFIC INFORMATION REGARDING FEE SCHEDULES, BONDING, AN" AGREEMENTS. 6. A one (1' ) foot reserve strip granted to the "City of Tigard" s%all be provided at the terminus of SW 109th Avenue. 7. Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the Public along the SW North Dakota Street frontage to Increase the right-of-way to 30 feet from centerline. The description for said dedication shall be tied to the existing right-of--way centerline as established by Washington County Surveyor. The dedication document shall be on City form and approved by the Engineering Section. DEDICATION FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE ENCLOSED. 8. Street Centerline Monumentation 1. In accordance with ORS 92-060 subsection (2), the centerline of all street and roadway right-of-ways shall be monumented before the City shall accept a street improvement . 2. All centerline monuments shall be placed in a monument box conf )rming to City standards, and the top of all monument boxes shall be set a. design finish grade of said street or roadway. FINAL ORDER NO. 85- PC - S 1-85 - PAGE 4 �r a� 3. The following centerline monuments shall. be set: a. All centerline-centerline intersections. Intersecttotis created with "collector" or other existing streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street has been established by or for the City; b. Center of all cul-de-sacs; C. Curve points. Points of intersection (P.I.) when their position falls inside the limits of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (B.C. and E.C.). d. All sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with centerline monumentation. 9. A turnaround shall be provided at the end of 109th Avenue which is in conformance with accepted City and Washington County Fire District- No. 1 standards. 10. After review and approval by the Planning Director and Public Works Director, the final plat shall be recorded with Washington County. 11. This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final decision date. It is further ordered that the applicant be notifier of the entry of this order. PASSED: This #2 Vk day of t� 1985, by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard. A. Donald Moer, President Tigard Planning Commission (1057P/dmj) FINAL ORDER NO. 85-6C PC - S 1-85 - PAGE 5 MIN DID ITEM SCHEDULE The unit prices hereinafter written are submitted with the clear understanding that the actual measured quantities may vary some what from the estimate and that payment will be based on the unit price of each item. D11, Item Quantity Unit Price Total WATER SYSTEM TM ROV 'MENTS 1 , 6 " Water Main 559 fPzt $ .40 2. 6 " Gate Valves 4 each $—+00,00 $1,000 .00 3 . Fire Hydrants 1 each $ 1 Z GG•00 $ I'Z,00.o0 4 . Fittings 636 lbs $ -Z-'7 $ 1 _pp 5 . Blowoff 1 each $ 400.00 $ 40(O.Op 6 . Rock Backfill 260 cu.yd. $_ Sub Total - Water System $ IZO '10.40 SANITARY SEWER TMPROVEM,NTS 7 . 8 " Sewer Main 682 feet $ dao(; $ (M: �Z0, 00 8 . 4 " Sewer Laterals 445 feet $_ 7.00 $ 3115. 00 9 . Sewer Manholes 4 each $ cD75.00 $ 300.00 10. Cleanouts 1 each $ 4.00.00 $ 400.00 11 . Rock Backfill 520 cu.yd. $ 6. 75 $ 35►O,Ln{j Sub Total - Sanitary Sewer STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 12. 12" Storm Drain 584 feet $ IJ.50 _ 554Q,Op 13 . Manholes 1 each $4OQ&00 $ 900,00 14 . Catch Basins 3 each $ 40Q .00 $L�ZOp,00 CARNAHAN',4 rD IT�jPDUI.P - _on ' d Page 2 of 2 114, Item OLUAnIlly Unit Price Total 15. Rock Backfill 120 cu.yd. $ G•'l5 $_$ 0.00 Total - Drainage Improvements $ 8,45a-Co STRE PT IMEIlCME.M .NTS 16 . Excavation 1640 cu.yd. Lump Sum $ GCo00-co 17 . 16 " Curbs 1280 feet $ 4.00 $ s17 mo. 00 I 18. Rock 1200 cu.yd. $ 10.60 $_ IZ 6W.00 19. class "B" Asphalt 320 tons $ 3Z.00 $ ;of 7-40. 20. Pavement Pr.eparai.l_ )r. 2880 sq.yd. Lump Sum $ SOD-CO 21 . Class "10' Asphal`. 190 tons $ 5z.00 Total - Street Construction $41440.00 U14DERCRO�ND UTrLITrF S 22 . Conduit 400 feet $ 1•"�5 � $_�� C)p_ 23 . Trenching 800 feet $--L. ZO $ -) a00 24 . Rock Backfill 40 cu.yd. $ G.25 $ Z'10.00 25. Transformer Pads 2 each $ 35C-CO ,,��pQ.00 Total - Underground Utilities $ Zi(,30.00 PR01 IJjL%jA2,j Water System $_I t�07 O . 40� Sewer System 45. 00 Drainage System $ g,¢5e•OQ Street Construction $_ 411 ¢40.00 Underground Utilities $ Z , (low.(00 TOTAL $_ Q)2034 �S.4U 2`, STR�'ETL.14 S iooa E (4.) 1000 .00 $ 6 343.40 STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.3 TUESDAY, March 5, 1985 - 7:30 PM TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - LGI 10865 S.W. WALNUT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 A. FACTS 1. General Information CASE: Subdivision S 1-85 REQUEST: To divide a 2.Q- acre parcel into 13 lots ranging from 7,500 to 8,400 square feet . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre) APPLICANT: OR-AK Corporation OWNER: Edith Carnahan 13050 SW Forest Meadow Way 10985 SW North Dakota Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Tigard, Oregon 97223 LOCATION: 10985 SW North Dakota St. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34DB, Tax Lot 200). 2. Background The City recently approved a lot line adjustment which involved the subject property and the parcel to the north (M 7-84). The plot plan submitted reflects the parcel configuration. 3. Vicinity Information All of the surrounding properties are also zoned R-4.5. Black Bull Park Subdivision is situated immediately to the northwest . Except for this development, the surrounding properties can be characterized as small acreage homesites. North Dakota Street is designated as a minor collector and will provide access to the development from the south. 4. Site Information and Proposal Deecription The west side of the property contains a residence and one small farm building. The applicant proposes to create a 13 lot development with one 0.92 acre parcel which will include the existing buildings. Access will be provided by one local street extending north from North Dakota Street. This street will dead end, leaving the opportunity for future extension to the northern property. STAFF REPORT - S 1-85 - PAGE 1 0 The remnant parcel will include a 25 foot wide access strip to the subdivision street. It is intended that this parcel will be divided in the future and the 1.5 foot access will meet City standards. Half street improvements for the subdivision along North Dakota Street will include the remanent parcel frontage. 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engiaecring Division has the following comments: a. Additional right-of-way should be dedicated along the entire North Dakota frontage to provide a 30 foot right-of-way width from centerline. b. The sanitary sewer mainline shall be extended westerly across a 15 foot sanitary and storm drainage easement shall also be provided. Easements shall be executed on City forms. C. Bike/wheelchair ramps shall be installed at intersections and mailbox clusters shall be installed along SW 109th Avenue. Further, all public construction work shall conform to the City's standards. d. Two sanitary sewer service laterals and a concrete driveway apron shall. be installed to the west right-of-way line of SW 109th to provide future service at the twenty-five foot wide tract between Lot # 2 and # 3. e. A temporary turnaround shall be installed at the terminus of SW 1C9th Avenue in a configuration acceptable to the City and Fire District. All necessary construction and documentation required by the City and Fire District shall be completed prior to issuance of any building occupancy permits. On street parking may be restricted at the City's discretion. f. The pavement taper at the west end of SW North Dakota Street shall be increased to five to one and standard traffic warning devices shall be installed. g. The sanitary sewer mainline shall be extended westerly across the north line of Lot 6 to the plat boundary. A 15 foot sanitary and strom drainage easement shall also be provided. This requirement is due to the limited options available to the properties to the west for obtaining a sewer connection. The Washington Fire District No. 1 has the following comments: a. The street width should be a minimum of. 20 feet. b. All streets over 150 feet in length need to have an all weather cul-de-sac or hammerhead turnaround. C. Fire hydrants should be installed no more than 500 feet from all buildings. No other written comments have been received. STAFF REPORT - S 1-85 - PACE 2 B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2, and 10; Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies 2.1.1 and 8.1.3; and Chapter 18.50 and 18.160 of the Community Development Code. The Planning Staff concludes thr, the proposal is consistent the the applicable Statewide Planning Coals and Guidelines based upon the following findings: a. Statewide Planning Goal U 1 is met because the City has adopted a Citizens Involvement program including review of all development applications by the Neighborhood Planning Organization (NPO). In addition, all public notices requirements were met. b. Statewide Planning Goal # 2 is met because the City applied all applicable Statewide Planning Goals, City Comprehensive Plan Policies and Development Code requirements to the application. C. Goal # 10 is satisfied because the proposal will provide for housing as contemplated by the City Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Staff has determined that the proposal as submitted, or with minor modifications, is consistent with the relevant portions of the Comprehene`ve Plan based upon the findings noted below: a. Plan Policy 2.1.1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning Organization and surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant's proposal. b. Plan Policy 8.1.3 will be satisfied if the plat is modified as suggested by the Engineering Division to include a combination of permanent roadway easements, right-of-way dedication, and stret improvements. The Planning Staff has determined that the proposal is consistent with the relevant portions of the Community DevelutEjent code based upon the findings noted below: a. Chapter 18.50 of the Code is satisfied because the proposal meets all of the requirements of the R-4.5 zone. b. Chapter 18.160 of the Code can be satisfied because the applicant w.!l be able to meet all of the standards for public improvements. C. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings and conclusions, the Planning Staff recommends approval of S 1-85 subject to the following conditions: 1 • UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS. STAFF REPORT - S 1-85 - PAGE 3 1 • 2. Standard half-street improvement including sidewalks, curbs, streetlights, driveway aprons, storm drainage and utilities (delete inapplicable items) shall be installed along the SW North Dakota Street frontage. Said improvements along SW North Dakota Street shall be built to minor collector standards and conform to the alignment of the centerline of said street. 3. Seven (7) set of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Section for approval. 4. Sanitary sewer plan-profile details shall be provided as part of the public improvement plans. Said plans shall include a sewer line as described in A. 5. g. above. 5. Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans. The Section will require posting of a 100% Performance Bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of a street opening permit or construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approve public improvement plans. SEE THE ENCLOSED HANDOUT GIVING MORE SPECIFIC INFORMATION REGARDING FEE SCHEDULES, BONDING, AND AGREEMENTS. 6. A one (P ) foot reserve strip granted to the "City of Tigard" shall be provided at tue terminus of SW 109th Avenue. 7. Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the Public along the SW North Dakota Street frontage to increase the right-of-way to 30 feet from centerline. The description for said dedication shall be tied to the existing right-of-way centerline as established by Washington County Surveyor. The dedication document shall be on City form and approved by the Engineering Section. DEDICATION FOR14S AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE ENCLOSED. 8. Street Centerline Monumentation 1. In accordance with ORS 92-060 subsection (2), the centerline of all street and roadway right_-of-ways shall be monumented before the City shall accept a ;;treet improvement . 2. All centerline monuments shall be placed in a monument box conforming to City standards, and the top of all monument boxes shall be set at design finish grade of said street or roadway. STAFF REPORT - S 1-85 - PAGE 4 3. The following centerline monuments shall be set: a. All centerline-centerline intersections. Intersections created with "collector" or other existing streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street has been established by or for the City; b. Center of all cul-ale-sacs; C. Curve points. Points of intersection (P.I.) when their position falls inside the limits of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (B.C. and E.C.) . d. All sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfer with centerline monumentation. 9. After review and approval by the Planning Director and Public Works Director, the final plat shall be recorded with Washington County. 10. This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final decision date. PREPARE B eith Liden APPROVED BY: William A. Monahan Associate Planner Director of Planning b Development (1057P/dmj) STAFF REPORT - S 1-85 - PAGE 5 MV40 to NEtU 'fo Rit�►tME�1t. •• WIb9'N 'TO 0�.� r'Iet�noVm UT�L,i T Y LOCI�!'IOIV # �V�i.dl��w� Wo K� stltt�T . CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION N0. 85— 'fir RESOLUTION Of THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS 'CONSTRUCTED WITHIN CARNAHANS ADDITION SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, curbs, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for "he development of subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the City has required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of vertification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiences and maintenance for a period of one year. . ."; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received, subject to correction of 4 her6inbelow listed deficiencies; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond h^s now been received and is subject to the aforesaid maintenance period, 104 . THEREFORE, BE , I RESOLVED that the Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public imps-649ments constructed within Carnahans Addition Subdivision subject to the following conditions: Cgsplatlon of all sidewalks and driveway aprons. y _ ,Completion of all power, telephone, gas. and TV table installation. 'As—built construction drawings of all improvements 0r to Engineering. shall be provided Completion of AC overlay on QW 108th Avenue and SW North Dakotan �• '' " > Mail box cluster installmtidn poi1ieted. 6. TV r4port and video tape of "unitary ewer mainline shall be submitted to Enginearing. , PASSED: This � Clay of a .�. , 1989. •... r J ATTEST: Mayor, —'City O Q Deputy City Rt orddr City Dr IrIII&M OREGON ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO. 13050 SW FOREST MEADOWS WAY LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 503-635-4551 JOHN HAGMt)N ENGINEERING DIVISION P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD. OREGON 97223 DEAR JOHN, ENCLOSED YOU W:LL FIND A COPY OF THE EASEMENT FOR THE 13 LOT SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS CARNAHAN'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD. PLEASE REVIEW THE EASEMENT AND ADVISE IF ANY CHANGES WILL BE REQUIRED. THANK YOU. YOURS TRULY, GORDON HOBBS. PRESIDENT 7r_,< low/ .Oel oe /,or? i w S�O�/ 17F:VF[•�)!'!tt'N`I' I'ItlAIECT I . PRC17 ECT No I I . !'RO.TFCT NAME: I T I , I7ftAW i NG IV, 111-JAT (TI'1'I,E) V. SITE LOCATION: _ VI. PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER: 4,14,FOI'I.1R Masi6v#%Ws Add res �QY , Phone �o4SS1_. A�.:4 (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: Phone No.M-- I � �1 !� Bend No . - - – _— Exp. Date _ / \` h c' F R• LDV% 0 a , !� S N ee. , (Oct P(%kgL\ MM%k Ori " r Address.� 1�111r �C�_�. �, Fhone ho. 'T (4) INSPECTOR:___,___ tPhone No. , Address__._..__ .._ .-- _ - - I (S) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Address Fhone No. (6) coar,RAc'roRs SURA 1'Y AG�:IJt_'Y : Addi css _ ._ _ �• Ph.ne `•n. Bond No. _ _ Exp. Date i (7) SUES-CONTRACTORS : I - 3 S1' O T— U\ O ul O O O U\O O O O U\ O U% 0 0 0 0 U\ O Ul O Ul �- 00 C� U\ 00 M N M M Ql U\00 \A N �D r`1 M N Cn M N M X- > U n O O O d O d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d 0 0 O O p p _ O Ol 00 >p mo v C '-' U'\ 0 O O U O Ul U\ O p O O U-\ UN O O O U\ C-4 Ln O U\ C) V) 1 CO W U1 �D 00 N N al U\00 U\ N ID M M— N U\ M M LAJ o! 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U Figure E-3 Time of Concentration by Ragan and Durull 100 0.50 1 oos too Loo 600 W Z 0.50 —500 Z J JCb 400 Z 'A 100 Z 0.01 300 Z �c Q— —0.5 H p LOG p W 0.10 n W 150 LL F- Ot W � 1 S v C Ob LL x 0.02 1�- Z loo 05 W J 'C o• z LL Zo.on z 3 03 G SO QLn f 0 Dt 4 1 S 0.04 0.015 6 e Gas ZO 0.010 10 a0b EXAMPLE O.Y3 L" n° L - 400 FEET tC 6 °"y 5 0.3 n = 0.015 L° lenj7A ►n {net .1 ■ 5.6 INCH/HOUR n r1= Han,nf'J eolryr ci<ht ti - 0.01 5 = Chavnel s1"Pe to- 5.5 MINUTES Z� =CirY1C o�cahcehl`rdtion l = ra;n{.l( cntenr%fir in rnchts�/��vr SURFACE ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENTS Manning s IWO Smooth Pavements Asphalt 0.016 Concrete 0.014 Bare Packed Soil Free of Stone 0. 10 Poor Grass .over or Moderately Rough Bare Soil 0.30 Average Grass Cover 0.40 Dense Grass Cover 0.B0 x r 2zo 223.9 ,1 xj t 30.02 221 MHO 234.4 cl _ 22o -- I 2/0 y 11 209.5 x �'- ; , r \ ft TREES r.. `J I I a r I ► VJ I c 1 _ _�,��_ - --g,11► DAKOTA I II p c c II ; I c X 2178 x-- x Ix Ix J 4 � 1 MM 0 N 0) 00 O O O 0 O 0 O O i � O p O Q COORDINATE SFiEET I its 11 i 11 N1 s 03 - 27wARNADDITION _ C ANAN S TO TSI CITY CSF � N _ 0 i Scale. l =� 30s00WashingtonCounty C 07 3600 360 0 co 00 �//�� I,, Go v/ Ilrv) Si`r°E LI�6 e �. •- � � N00 - 04 -48)N'_ 100 . 10 , �' ^ - - 0-0 - I 272. 74 ' LO 19 801 �J8 70' v� `� % 4t'' �'`�i 7Z. 6.3 X16 vI--, -d, v'� Z' ) E;6 iOlC?' 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" S190 35 ' 391111 56 . 09 ' 56 . 57 ' 86 6 . 125 . 00 ' 30 15 ' 10 " S34 ° 11 ' 05low 7 . 10 ' 7 . 10 ' � 7 . 75 . 00 ' 350 53 ' 28 S170 51 ' 56 "W 46 . 22 ' 46 . 98 ' i I I G . 20 . 00 ' 890 46 ' 40 " S44 ° 58 ' 08 " E 28 . 23 ' 31 . 34 ' 9 . 20 . 00 ' 900 1. 3 ' 20 " S450 01 ' 52 "w 28 . 34 ' 31 . 49 ' 10 . 125 . 00 ' 120 14 ' 14 " N060 02 ' 19 "E 26 . 65 ' 26 . 70 ' SURVEYO Clarence Bark t , P• L . S . CENTERLINE DA'ilj� 4145 SilvertonRoad N . Ee Salem, Oregon 97303 42 0 .. l;�ius 1k J Dca� I 4200 Prione 3 ) 588 8000 A. 100 . 00 ' 35 53 ' 28 1\1170 51 ' 56 " E 61 . 62 ' 62 . 64 ' 5 . 100 . 00 ' 360 11 ' 05 " N170 431 08 " E 62 . 11 ' 63 . 1,:) ' i ENGINEER : I i Leonard A . Rydell , P. E. , PeLe8' . ! j 601 Pinehurst Drive Newberg , Oreg n 97132 Phone : ( 503 ) 38-'5700 Ora to N �3� 00 O O O C? ( O 0 CD C o o C ✓��ed c .� �6� 14 X985 e� W.O. No. 8502 ^. : . PRINTED MAR 13 1985 ,A.w �: - :, � ., ...,,«w.1Ah. 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