CALAWAY HILL SUBDIVISION 1970 400 CALAWAY HILL Subdivision 1970 Cu ' March 19 r 1971 Calaway Bill ':come Owners Assoclatieo. 12750 3".W. ?Rcific iiigIrw y Tigard, Oregon 97223 C Gen tlemem! !� This latter is to i:Ifcr'n you of the CI Is policy rtUarding street lights for subdivisions wi,thft th� ',City. The Cit; requires thnt devoloptOr , inat street light.,; within their subdivision which are ace or maintenance by the Portland General Electric Company. erre strpe�t lights ere to be inntelled at the d�vel t!_ . Me -nd turne3t' mmr tn the City with n Payment into "e fr, t L ting Trust k" and anx) amount to corer the enei1gy coat MA teanance cost for n period of two years. T4e enereq d m p i.ntermnce3 cost for the colonial style wood polom being 05 per month per light. If there Brea vrq gUestions ranCeming inatellati or of street lights within W CiA' of Tigar de please fehl freo to call on me. Sincerelyo Reith C. ThoWson Director of Public Works ICT/rb cc: Mr. L.W. Henville Pcrtlaid General. ' ]ectri c 700 First Street Newberg, Oregon 9713 F l� Y" CA Calaway Home Motors Association 12750 S.W. Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: This le ttor to to confirm W conversation with fir. ii ' , listing the sewer cotuiectim charges and ewer lana chaa�rgvs for t property' to be known ou tie Chla way I-li,ll >ubdir kion. 5I''�!'.f V r+�I�'.JrM0r' M 075 per Uwblliag writ U. Q.A. flat@ 70-12 ' c1 per dwelling =11 C inance 3 Tf)',' t5AL t Per dwe-111W, tact+-t Please note Vie followino,: 1. Thin doev tint i.nclw% Vif- permit fe v 2. Trost this or Hvge Kill. izicr F,tF:: tri per et ,, fincul yerarl 3. That tiw 1 5Q c!Axp dap a Ly CA a 0-43 is applicable for as period of 10 ye+a�rs trrm as a�a�te o rcit�pticn, 'k^tnt+c+r ?C, 1970. MOO per d unit U.S.A. RLte Order 70-12 .s,�.cc -vr ltt- Uyiiion ASre�at d tted Febru:nr^,; 9e 1371 TOTAL $3. 75 per The sewer service ewe $3.35 per dwelling emit if thaat Ares+ to be known ee the Calaway le not witnl_n the -'i.ty .-t the time of corwwction. if ancteaatiam is solo to the City pr.nr to c°onnertim, t.fee a,ewer nervi cae cfwrgea will. be MOO per dwellin4, unit. Siao�re],y• Keit!-< <'. Thompson T-Arectcr o+. Public forks KCT:rb cc-. L'Onified Ile+r+e.rnge Agency '4r. Fred Anderson 376 N. :.incol n Street City Attorney Nillsba-,ro, Oregon 97123 SUHUIVISION t Il t CONI IN I 5.1g_fQ_ SEE ALSO LEFT SIDE _ RICHT SIDE - Assessor' s Map --_._Mapt,!PrvIiminmry Plat Not. iticat,iun LeyaI Uesc:ripLion/Deed Surrounding Pruperty Notice ____Letter of Authorization Affidavit of Mailing '`Copies of Correspondence with Applicant __Agency/NPO Notice Public Input Affidavit of Publication _Agency/NPO Comments Articles/Notices from TT _.,Staff Report(s)–Dates) -,--Application/Narrative __Minutes of Meetings Final Action Notice Planning Commission–Date City Council–Date _ __ Resolution No. Date Ordinance No. Date — Correspondence After Approval SUMMARY Approved Denied No of Lots v_ No. of Phases _ Special Setbacks Mat Recording Name Book/Page No. 6 Date Additional Phases Recorded (Date) (Donk/Page No. ) (Date) (Hook/Paye No , Kl /bjs(0616P)