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C� SW GAARDE_ �\ SW Mc DONALD ST. n r� °' K) `'W INEZ QP 3 Im ` SITE IRA. PROVEPAENTS SW Mu DOCK \PROJECT . SITE L; a Sw SATTLER ROAD N t r QD U) Q) CO cn SW DURHAM ROAD FOR VICINITY MAP I " = 2000 BUTLER TESt. FtikCE U- B IVI ION OWNER = EVELOPER a uel A . otter 7710 S . W . Gentlewoods Drive Tigard , Oregon 9722 ("' APPROVE CONSTRUCTION ISSUED BY DATE�I`b VP (CI F TIGARD) DEVLP SERV DEPT: BY .1=1_ DATE chOPERATIONS DEPT: ?Y � _-"-DATES---1-� ENGIN. EER n � ca n o � n � neer � r or n a 0 CITY ENGINEER: BY-_-A-49.9. DATE ` P.G.E. CO.: BYDATE 8835 S . W. Canyon lane Suite 405 �-, ",_TEL CG.: BYti _DA T - - �- STORER CABLE CO. BY.!�4, -DATE ZZ- Portland Oregon 97225 ( 503 ) 297 - 3721 r- N.W. NAT GAS Co.. B(_7 DAT DIST: Toni- c --;-Z, POE -%IIA- UNIF SEW AGENCY: eft in DAT ,.. ti• �, i. OF 4 IN I F, ~ �� �i i�l�i 1�1�1•Il�ltl tl�f�i��j�il+l�l��li t�'I�rli�1 C� r I ���I�I 1�1�I� ,1�1�1� III�IIIII�I�r�� I�I�I�r III�I�I r�1�IIlIlI1�lI1 III 111 II.I .+I� tl� rll SII I,I III III 11� I11 _ r .. _. __ _ - � _ I NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ ?b I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN -Wet. THIS NOT iGIeY-IT IS DUE TO jif .✓"'"-DRAM ING. —--ti _..�� _-- -- --- - -._...�-. .- -- . "1 4 QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL "�" OE sa 9t LZ 9Z CiZ 02 PZ aZ �z 0� �f 91 L1 91 e1 bI E1 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 S r E Z 1swa"' r dlllllll�lllllllll�lllllllu�111111�111111�111uu11n11111ub11�bI��InpINu�Mula�111n11u11�1?�IIH�tf►111�11nf1�mllrlfl�llf111111�It�IIl11u1111111�Intlnu�ll@Ifln(�ulllil01111ItIn��hn111u11u111n11hlubwl�Wllulllfulllltl�u�llIIIIUr�1�111I11 g JUNE 24 1992 �' Construction Notes A. General 1. • All materials and all construction for work shown on these plans shall conform to the requirements of the City of Tigard, and all applicable sections of "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction" prepared by the Oregon Chapter of 'the American Public ,forks !•.s-sociation, Ig8o Edition. 2. The contractors shall do all the work shown on the drawings and all incidentAil work considered necessary to complete the project in an Iacceptable manner. 3. The contractor and/or subcontractors shall have a minimum of one (1) set of approved construction plans on the job site at all tires during 280 ' the construction phases. 4. The cintractor is to contact the various utility companies (gas, poorer, telephone, eater and TV cable) for location of facilitits before any excavation. mac^oc il:o. av ' �,-77�T�ia ©0 7;V Z9 ' ^. Streets \ \ 1. All trees, brush and debris withilt limits of right of way shall be removed and disposed of by the contractor. O \ 2. All areas of construction shall be stripped. Stripping shall consist of removing the topsoil h . p 9 9 P urlus. Stripped materials shall be disposed of on the site in areas designated by the Engineer. �� 3, Embankments shall be constructed from excavat::d material acceptable to the Engineer and shall be brought to grade in lifts not to exceed 3" 4 '� 5 ` \\6 loose measure. Each lift shall be compacted to 95 percent of ;iaxinu;.. density as obtained by AASHO T-99 compaction test. 270 ' 4. Street base, asphaltic concrete pavement, curb and sidewalk construction shall be as shown on the detail sheet and as outlined in t.ic above mentioned specifications. O C. Storm Sewer 1••\ ��- � \ = � � 1. Storm ;ewer ; � I� . X50. ;G moo. / / - p -)e shall be of the s•'ze noted on the plans. Pipe shall be tongue and groove concrete pipe and shall conform to ,.STM C-14, 290 specification for extra strength concrete pipe. Catch basins shall be of the type shows on the detail sheet. o 2. Installation of the storm sewer system ,,call b.. done according to standard practices. All backfill in public right of way shall be 2"-0 compacted crushed rock. S. W. II N- - - _ -----� D, Sanitary Sewers moinline (ASTM 3034 and 02729) �� 38 ,� Z S T . 1. All saniatry s6wer^construction and all materials shall conform7,,ith applicable sections of the specifications of the City of Tigard and Y the Unifies! Sewerage Agency of Washington County, Oregon. All backfill in public right of way shall comply the the Ci•�y of Tigard standards. 2. All sewer laterals to be 6" P.V.C. pipe. side (ASTM 2751 ) 1 280' i1 E. nater Eines 290' 270 1 1. All water ;in,� construction and all materials shall meet the requirements of the- Tigard Yater District. ,, 2. All pipe shah be ductile cast iron, Class 52, with push-on joints. ATI fittings shall be mechanical joints conforming to ANSI A-21.11. 11,.11 I fittings shall be Class 250. 3. Hydrants shall conform to AWWA C-502 and shall be approved, by the Tigard Water District. 4. All pipe si;all have a minimum of 36" cover 1;reasured fron finished grade. All tees , elbows , and bends and changes in direction of 1.'2 de- grees of gremter shall be securely blocked using 3,000 P.S.I . concrete poured against undisturbed ground as shown on the detatl sheet. 5- All backfill in public right of way shall "be approved granular naterial . 6. U,)on competion of the installation of the way?r system, all lines shall be flushed and disinfected in conformance with the health Division. 7. Notify Tigard Yater District prior to commencing construction. All curbs crust be in place prior to installing water pains. ' 8. All ::ork shall be in accordance with A.W.W.A, standards. Work will be inspected and approved the Tigard ►tater District. 9. Fire hydrants shall be installed upon a pre-forced concrete block with 12" cubic yards of crushed 11" drain rock . Tar paper will be laic' on top of drain rock to separate rock from earth cover. 10. Poured concrf:te thrustblocks of at least 8 square feet of bearing surface at each tee, bend, and blow-off location. 11. 36" of 3/4" minus gravel cover for all mains , except through easement areas. PLAN N 12. All saniatry sewer lines 10' laterally or 3' vertically o f water „ains shall be encased in concrete 6" thick 10' fray+ crossing. 11herr• cro:Js- 111 = 50 ings are necessary, they must be made at approximately 90 with at least 18" seperition below water main. 13. '!sins Shal1' be tested at 150 P.S.I. for I hour with a naxirwn loss of 5 P.S.I. Static pressure - 60 P.S.I. 14. Ail pipe end fittings will be ceminL lined. Pipe will be ductile iron, Class 250. 15. Tigard Yater District will install all copper services prior to blac'xtopping of the streets. 'Meters will be installer' by Vie district t11-an individual request for same. X 16. Upon competion of installation, contractor will advise •!tgard i,ater Pistrict of total construction costa to which 10" will t,e added fo'• Ais- tr;;* inspections , water loss, overhead, administration , sampling, etc. , and 2% for engineering, including "as-built" drawings, intersection EXP. I /2"PRE- ULDED EXPANSION maps, upUdting master map, etc. . JOINT JOINT Fl LER F. Miscellaneous Notes - 81 1. Developer's Engineer shall BETA p • pe g provide an air test report and a video report (along with reel to reel tapes) to the City for re- APRON SLOPE �1'`p . . view and approval prior to connection of any buildings to the sanitary sewer system SIDS A ►., •, {� 5�Jr Z. Street lights shall be installed in accordance with the CIt n • y approved PGE Company layout , by the developer. 3. Mailbox clusters shall be installed in accordance with the City-Postal service approved layout, by the developer. Sidewalks and water meters shall not be installed until said layout has been approved. 3' -�r� 4. One "As-built" mylar shall be provided to the City by the developer's Engineer prior to the City .acceptance of the project. r A FACE OF CURB A '" TECHNICAL / ENGINEERING CORP. 8835 S.W. CANYON LANE APRON SLOPE - 0.0779 , SUITE 405 __ _ � ,•.:r. ,�• PORTLAND, OREGON 97225 T.-C P OF CURB L Y :{` titin. - . 2 • . 5 7 03 297 Z ! .........•'Q 3 I• +T •:,.r-� /."rte I L�. r CLIENT 5' 0' , r .�.': S 1 7 SAMUEL T AM L c, OT ER III - '1 SECTION AA ••tip: 6 1 I. 11 J 1 11 .4•. ':ti•: 1 :'li •V •V•J 7710. . i � n t l SW Ge leer Det Ti IDriveMAX � and 2 1w x 2 _ :• 9 _ 9 .Js 1 •0' D MEN31 0 NS f t. r L` S JJ. PROJECT: 0E J CT. IO 2 I I X � - I I - 20 . . w •+ t'. (�"_.. ..te :. • ,! M n T� L/ r Bi:U1 1✓T Lr,E R .\T E R R A'CEN TECONCRETE 3HA .L HAVE AMIN. 3/n.-� CkUSHERUCK IEVELING � E U? 11.ITY STRIP SE A� SU�LctN, ITI�N REouIRE � SLOPE STRENGTH 0F3000 TiTi9ar� Oregon c n PS AFTER DRAWING TITLE:i YS � SITE PLAN and CONSTRUCTION NOTES0'-6" DRAWN BY ., JVJ - C 020NS10EwALK S40Cc CHF ;KED BY: TL ARAMP SLOPE- 0.091' CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGH 4 SCALE AS SHOWN BE 30Uc) NSI AF-ER 28 OAF RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY BlICYC LE arid vu SEL �I�►t� 'r� �M� -- Ili�1 f JULY, 86 86- 311 N 0 F+UTI_.EF� 1FPP'(-SCE SHEET OF GALE Pg) `;CALF - - - OF 4 •. 1� L SHEET • 1 3 t ,� 1 � I ; • r � ,; � f .. ".' .p. �, sr�.•r--1 rr' - .--nsci•-'-^^.n .. _ d i - �• 1111 ' f 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I t YI • I I - I 1 I 1'-"'I... '„n�n,�': „:rl�..11. .,,... - .1 _. 1 "� 1'� � dY���w�� ur� tVlrfi�'�;-�r+��rw:°r, !I'11I1III'f'I+I+I11+�+1+ 11��1.1�9 �1� 1'Hr�lllll 111r'I' I (111i►Ilr�rlil�ij IIIII,IIIII 111 III 111 I11 111 III 111 III 111 III III �`! 11� III 111 !II III III 111►1 ' I 2 3 4 5 8 7 J8 9 1110 11 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ""�' -- -�'• _ - • DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICWIT IS CLUE TiU IM QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL 1 b '�- RAW I NG. - - ---- ------ --•- 0E ea 9Z a ge SZ 1Z Ei ZZ la OZ 61 81 LI 91 SI bl EI 21 11 JI -6 9 L 9 IS 10 IE--- Z ION& k '� �� I ��lIIu11111u11n1111u111+IIIIfIIllt11111�111111111ullllllt�llltl+frrlrrNlr1IN111N11IIIH�taltlllltlll�II�I�IIIIIIIIItit11i1n�Nt 111t11U+�ilnh!ll�nlllllu�l111111n1t►uhlnhlif�alu1111n1111nI11uI11u1111hHf�lll�Ull�IluWl.illu�lublt ,ul! � - - JUNE 24 19 92 _ -,. .,..._.,.mow ,.-.......-. L ` R y 3 • • rQ n •• • tCL • • wo • 20 CD OL 3 tu cl 6 I i _. 2 5x MW .. CITY OF TINA RD OREGON October 18, 1988. Mr. Samuel. A. Gotter, III 7710 S.W. Gentle Woods Drive Tigard , OR 97223 RE: Butler Terrace Subdivision Assurance Release Gentlemen: In the matter of the nine thousand one hundred sixty dollars ($9,160.00) Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. S-08457 and, also, in the matter of the trn thousand one hundred sixty dollars ( 10,160.00) Time Deposit No. GOTTES335260 between Mr. Samuel A. Gotter, III and United States National Bank of Ore- ,,,on and the City of Tigard , Oregon; this is to serve as a letter of autlloriZation to allow said Bank to release to Mr. Samuel A. Gotter, III all of the deposits entrusted to said hank. Cite o17 Tigard, Oregon City Engin(-P-,- iH:ef/7579D +1,",SW Bali Blvd ,P 0 Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4111 — ---- CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 88-EGINCL_ A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS BUTLER TERRACE SUBDIVISION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. WHE' L,iS, the City executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated October 13, 1986, with Samuel A. r.. 1.L.L to facilitate installation of public street, pathway, sanitary sewer and st-r•eetlighting facilities to City standards land specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "As such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee. bond;" and WHEREAS, Department; of Community Development staff verifies that all requirements of the City have been met:; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1 : The Tigard City Council hereby acce;cs the public improvements known as Butler Jerracp subdivision public improvements. Section 2: The Tigard City Council hereby author•i/es release of the —�_-- - Petitioners guarantee bond. /�,, ^ti PASSED: This /01-�_ day of 'Ct)`, 1988. ATTEST: Mayor - City of Tigard J Deputy Recorder - City of TigWr•d PPRO AS TO FORM: Cat Recorder Date ke/1143D (�f RESOLUTION NO. 88 - 1 Page 1 �_. ._ MOIL CI1Y OF TIGARD, OREGON cs> CL UNqj� AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: o WE E suBmi-FT'LD: September 2 1988 ..)2e r Z� ISSUE/AGENDA Rwg-u-ution PREVIOUS ACTION: accepting Butler Terrace Subdi 'In Ic 11npr vements PREP RED BY: John Hiqqm� P—U§" 0 . - A DEPT 4FAD 01 CITY ADMIN OK REQUESTED BY: i y Dever. Dept. POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 . Butler Terrace Subdivision is located at the west end of SW Inez Street, westerly of SW 93rd Avenue. 2. All public improvements have now been satisfactorily completed and have withstood the required one year maintenance guarantee period. 3 . The Engineering Division certifies that the improvement is now acceptable and that all requirements have been met. 4. Therefore, it is recommended that (in accordar, e with the terms of the project agreement) the City Council accept the public improvements, namely — street, pathway, sanitary sewer system, and streetlighting for City operation and maintenance responsibility, and further, that the Council authorize release of the assurance bond. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None; the (City -Developer) pr-oj,-ct agreement specified City acceptance upon satisfactory completion of all City requirements. FISCALIMPACT 1 . City assumption of responsibility for, operation and maintenance of the Public improvements specified above, SUGGESTED ACTION Pass the Resolution titled: "A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS BUTLER TERRACE SUBDIVISION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. " ke/7143D CITY OF TIGARD, ORE: AGENDA OF C06—NdHAGE�-�D- TTEM SUMMARY tion _DATE r"UBMI-1-1[.I.): September 24 1988 ISSUE/AGENDA ITLE a lu PREVIOUS ACTION: jn3_ 13utler- Tor aCq S_udivi�j pj�b!-tL _5 �._ ji.Lnproveivionts PREPARED BY: Johrl Ila man DEPI HEAD OK C REQUI.S'IED BY: Community Deve K e-1-P-- Dept.. POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 . Butler Ter-r-ace Subdivision is located at the west end or sw inoz Street, westerly of SW 93rd Avenue. 2. Al] public improvements have now been satisfactorily completed and have withstood the r'equir-od one year, maintenance quar-antoo por-iod. 3 . The Engineering Division cer-tifies that. t h rp improvement is now acceptable and that all requirements have bopri met. 4 . Therefore, it is recommended that (in accordance. with the terms of the project agreement) the City Council accept, the public impr-ovements, namely -- street, pathway, sanitary sewer system, and str-eetlighting for- City operation and maintenance r,esponsibili.t.y, and fur-ther, that the Council authorize release of the assurance bond. A L.T E RNAT I V CONSIDERED _ None; Lhe (City -Developer) project agreement specified City acceptance upon satisfactory completion of all City requirements. FISCAL IMPACT CiLy assumption of r-esponsibility for- operation and maintenance of the Public .improvements specified above. SUGGESTED ACTION !!jsy,_th!�._Rgso lut ion titled: "A RESOLUTION ACCEPI-ING PIJBI [C IMPROVEMENTKNOWN AS BO-I t I R S6BDIVf,1-,-1.ON PUBLIC IMPROVE MLN'I S. kQ/7 14 11) /1999 6, P7 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. A RES01.0110N A(;('J:P_11N(.-; PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS BUILER TERRACE SUBDIVISION PUBLIC IMPROV1__M1._.NPi. WHEREAS, Lho City executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated October 13, 1906, with Samuel A. Gotter 11.1. to facilitate installation of public strvoL, pathway, sanitary sewer arid s treet I ight ing facilities to City standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: IlAn such time as all publi' - improvements have been completed in accordance with the C .Ly's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the Cil Ly of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Dopartment of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for- operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond;" and WHEREAS, Department of Community Development staff verifies that all roquiromonLs of the City have been mot; and NOW, -114ERIFORE, BI- ]T RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1 : The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvemonLs known as Butler Terrace subdivision public improvements . Section 2: The Tigard City Council hereby authorizes release of the Petitioners guarantee bond. PASSED: This day of 1908. Al TEST: Mayor City of Tigard Deputy Recorder .- City of Tigard APPROVI 1) AS '10 FORM: City Recorder Date kp/7143D RES01-U I [ON NO. 19 Page I �P C� SW GAARDE r\ SW MC ONALD ST. SW INEZ to s 3 Sw MU DOCK `PROJECT SITELU a sw SATTLER ROAD N C a m 3 � 3 SW DURHAM ROAD to VICINITY MAP 1 - 2000 Aso , I y ire-f o � CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RE: This is to certify (in accordance with T.M.C. 17.08.010(6) , T.M.C. 17.09.120, and T.M.C. 17.09. 160) to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following items) have been installed in compliance with the City's street dedication improvement standards and specifications; and that the following items are complete in accord with the approved plans, special specifications and conditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project, to wit: (Project Engineer's Initials) 1. Sanitary Sewer System T. L . . 2. Storm Sewer System 3. General Utility Systems: Domestic Water Electric Power — TZ– A/ Gas L ' Telephone l L Cable T.V. 7-L Streetlighting 4. Street System: Subgrade L Base 7 Surfacing. . .Base Lift Final Lift Sidewalks - 7 L Aprons b Ramps !� Curb r L 5. Monumentation System -T Certified this 15f day of198 By: (Project Engineer) RE '7--?445- Firm: �¢SFirm: fnr�/Ar��,�re�or� 97225 (01335) t'503) 297- 371?—_` .:.::. ...,y., ::d.ennLaWa.6tia'n,.H wr.:u.�.� ,.i ,n.,:i. .,rni�:i,:..,.. ram+w.....4 ii,;ui�w.:,n+�ninV.u;.Ytievnl,:iY�ia.NIt�IM1NrnrllaYNW'nWWwiarNidiicl�Y/11AF*�m::Wrk'•An,wJlxs+K;.+c^a�Yuti6huawnlmY+n�axanb�.�IhR'WµdiEuVuai,Y;lYe�9lnWvW'r:.uui: sater Residential* Acreage*e• Investment g REALTORS, INC. 12995 S W PACIFIC HIGHWAY* PO BOX 23023• TIGARD,OREGON 97223• (1-503)639.1111 September 20, 1.988 John Hagman City of Tigard 1312.5 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Butler Terrace Dear Sir: We have completed. all the repairs and submitted the "as builts" for Butler Terrace . We would like to submit the subdivision for final acceptance as the year pecfartc'. �'�`"''^` ' period has been completed also. Sinceraly, Sam Dotter. SAG:ps REALTO �- CITY OF T1IFARD August 24, 1987 OREGON 25 Veors of Service 1961-1986 Mr. Samuel A. Gotter III 7710 S.W. Gentle Woods Dr. Tigard, OR 97223 R1;: Butler Terrace (Inez Street) Subdivision Dear Mr. Gotter: This is sent to inquire of you, how soon will the remaining improvements be installed? Items needing your attention prior. to December 20th, 1987 are: 1) Installation of the balance of concrete sidewalks (Lot #4 and the south side of Inez St.) ; G� 0. 2) Installation of the pathway and steel barrier posts; \) Installation of the asphaltic concrete overlay; 6� 7 4) Installation of centerline monumentation; CfQ 5) Installa+ fon of two wheelchair ramps; 6) Removal and replacement of a damaged four foot long section of wr concrete curb at Street Station 0 + 02 left; 7) Sukmi.ttal of one as-built mylar drawing, from your engineer. Please provide us with a written schedule of your intended work c-cmnencement and work completion dates, for the aforsaid, within the next two weeks. It is strongly rec cmnended that all of the work be finished no later than December 1st., 1987. Sincerely, [/John S. Hagman Engineering Technician JH/m ova ��� /LL,G / /�/�S �er►q L�H T/ t•J!ic� N Z�''��� e_Jr" i' INSPECTION NOTICE City of Tigard Building Departmen P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Phone: 639-4175 Type of Inspection Alp Date Requested_ 6� " /9 Time_AcA.M. P.M. Address U,704,0& `-------- Owner_ � Lot # Builder The following Building Code deficiencies are required to be corrected: e" 10 it w�. Y�e�se cko t�..s _rA Presented to _ rf--�� -- LJ Approved Inspector [4-wpproved Date _ _ � .�D • r� CALL ,FORR 'INSPECTION r� rES ❑ NO � �U6 IKEWAY AND PEDESTRIAN WAY EASEN RECEIVE JUL 1 5 1988 KNoU ALL *24 BY THESE PRESENTS: That Tigard School District, grantor, fOr the con- sideration of $ p , and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is ackjowledged does hereby give, grant and convey unto the City of Tigard, a municipal corporation of Washington County, State of Oregon and unto its assigns, forever; an easee-nt over, across and under the following described lands and real property, to-wit: SEE ATTACHED for a bicycle way and pedestrian way, which may be used by pedestrians and non-motorized mechanical means of transportation, such as bicycles and for no other purposes, and for said purposes to place, construct, operate, replace, maintain, inspect, reconstruct and install necessary improvements, and the right to enter upon such premises for said purposes. The Grantee shall have the right. at any time to enter upon the above described real property for the purposes hereinabove mentioned, and in connection therewith may remove any trees, shrubs or brush necessary or convenient to accomplish said purposes. The Grantors, their heirs, successors, assigns of representatives shall not construct or maintain any building or other structures upon the above described real property. The Grantors do hereby reserve the right to utilize the said area for all private lawful purposes which do not unreasonably interfere with or are not inconsistent_ with the uses thereof by the grantee and the public for the purposes herein stated. It is expressly understood that this easement does not convey any right, title or interest except those expressly staged in this easement, nor otherwise prevent Grantors from the full use and dominion hereover; provided, however, that such use shall not interfere with the uses and purposes of the intent of the easement. In consideration of the premises, Grantee agrees that if said Grantee, 'its successors or assigns should cause said easement to be vacated, the rights of the Grantee in the above-described easement will be forfeited and shall immediately revert to the Grantors, their successors and assigns in the case of such event. IN WITNESS WtF ToF, the undersigned has caused this easement to be executed by ,its duly authorized, undersigned officers acting pursuant to resolution of its School Brand. Tigard Sc is c By: t f IN MTIMQdY WHEMW, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this19 f,57�day of Z_4 � r-21- Notary c for Oregon (Notarial Seal) My Commission Expires: y a Approved as to legal description this day of 19 By: Title: Approved this day of , 19 DEPARTMENT OF 03MMNITY DEVELOPMENT By: Tit If-: TECHNICAL ENGINEERING �oK -7/, e CORPORATION 8835 S.W. CANYON LANE SUITE 405 PORTLAND. OREGON 97228 15031 297 . 3721 dcstr�P�o+� 1� o� rC lr�� 4 l*4e' July 5 , 1988 (ho rush+j Sidewalk Easement BUTLER TERRACE L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N That portion of land located in the Northwest quarter of Section 11, Tovr►ship 1 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, and being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1, BUTLER TERRACE, a recorded plat, Washington County Plat Records ; thence North 06046' 52" East on the West line of said Lot 1, 20.00 feet; thence South 89052 '02" West approximately 125 .0 feet to the East right-of-way line of S.W. 97th Avenue (Co:.rnty Road 1982) ; thence Southerly on said East right-of-way line on a non- tangent 502 .46 foot radius curve concave to the West 20.00 feet to the true point of beginning of this description: ' thence continuing along said East right-of-way line of S.W. 97th Avenue on a 502 .46 foot radius curve concave to the West 15 . 00 feet ; thence North 44039'40" East , 21. 14 feet to the South line of a Pedestrian/Bikeway Easement described in Exhibit "B" of Document No 87015236 , Washington County; thence South 89052 '02" West along the South line of said Easement , 15 . 00 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing 112 square feet , more or less . i LTorni, L. .AMO:RG 9/J ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING ELM y `; u "rte•� /�o/ .,f7 ,ot. - - — rc_.W/*oo .os wc. Sl,pe- � O Gene �iKIPz144 `" � CCI:: ICAL ' L'i 'I:7C' Cc;"•, 'r,'•, t` X815 C,-,n;on Ln . '►�».:j JV "ortland , 3 a'�'f ; ' TO , M 14-E M S,3-nm Tt-P-ZKQZ GXPt Rk.S bN_ T Zo T N (NEXT wEb) So z Kk%t 14N\YE -to C-Awse tT -tp F,E 'CZE1J�t�Eb _JL✓.� �"- l_' 0 / !/t Qv-L,� ,�.,... `j ,7 �� f� �� � S t.�`yL C-E.-. . ... ... ......... . ..... .... CITYOF TI Aw RD OREGON June 3, 1988 Mr. Samuel A. Gotter III 99+0 S.H. 0011tter. Wi gard GR ^742 RE: Butler Terrace Subdivision Dear Mr. Gotter: Please have your engineer prepare a legal description and map for that portion of the pathway which encroaches upon school property (near S.W. 97th Avenue). The description and mai, needs to be attached to the enclosed easement form. After its signed by the school district please submit it to me for review and recording. Sincerely, /j— -0V ' - - VJohn S. Hagman Engineering Technician l�e ) C lei" ,�•f V'j>'Xy -5"*w C/Pp h}41-t �d3/1'.�0 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,RO.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 'e TIGARD PUBLIC SCHOOLS,DISTRICT 23J Administration Office 13137 S.W. Pacific Highway Tigard,Oregon 97223 Area Code(503)620-1620 May 18,1988 To whom it may concern This !eater is written to inform all concerned that the Tigard School District has no objections to the new bike pith being installed neat to Twality Junior High School being partially placed on district property. Sincerely, Bud Hillman Director of Operations Poet-it"routing reaueet pod?064 ROUTING - REQUEST Please, I READ To�� c CJ HANDLE APPROVE of 1 and FORWARD C7 RETURN rao �j �„�G{jA_ HnCl KEEP OR DISCARD Zr p�,.� =`�,ar L_l REVIEW WITH ME / ��� OSA Date�_ S b^ _ From 1 ►, o v g � Q —MZ c� a 1 i ` G+ WLs7W AAbeA a " Pa Hc4A94 U) UZaC>a OCE-' � �j o z N IL u a L ti• lr- I � 1� --+L J►- r. �. a .Q W ? � •1 cclz � � � I 3 A d W i.6 MS 1 V , IL 0 Pi la v . wlaJGT' I � 1 �AiM�'G� _- I ".`----,I� __�- * .. �:iS�rv!�!H7 M M/ltd •�Y �_.rJSSNla� '-- 2.► ! i Y•�" fd�. .�j/s ��setld _ . ! 07 Sloe CiI .SCI"JIC.',?, 1;:;C1►JrCI:IIJC' CGF._". ��r`�G r 8835 Can7c,n Ln. r (� 0 V � h � . O L IT LAJ i Q U .� t � � hl ITS Q � i h N i it 90 I � { Z +� Y t 1 = viW fl w _ J w o � N 1, O O Y W • a W a a W 4 7, IC J J to 41 J r z d4 - i m m c7 TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINTS a I TO BE PROVIDED AT EACH POINT OF " m 0 TANGENCY OF THE CURB d AT OTHER LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED TO LIMIT THE SPACING TO A MAXIMUM OF 20 FT U 2 MATERIAL TO BE PRE - MOLDED NON - EXTRUDED MATERIAL WITH A MINIMUM ~ THICKNESS OF 1/2" . a Q Q 0 0 TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION JOINT a � z I SPACING TO LIE NOT MORE THAN 10 FT Q 2 DEPTH OF THE JOINT SHALL BE AT v �— LEAST ONE FOURTH OF THE CROSS SECTIONAL AREA : 0 r CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH +� N h 1 TO BE 3000 P S I AFTER 28 DAYS . N n w J W > Y W N — 6 3/4"r / EDGE :�.a :° A a 4 0 P c) Oq Q. 4 C) a '4 Q ;q 40 o. . e. n • .Q '. 4 C' 0400 0404 INSPECTION NOTICE City of Tigard Building Department P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Phone: 639-4175 Type of Inspectionlv) �jmoi' ___ ----- ----------- Date Requested ;L—�7!— Time_ A.M. Address _ n 010 Permit Owner . �r V� Lot BuilderThe following Building Code deficiencies are required to be corrected: V� aec. . ----- _- v Poet>It"routing request ped ISM -- - - ROUTING - RE/QUEST Please READ To — — HANDLE i -/e1,Ver !/L� mum/ —. _ — ❑ APPROVE �.,T/���, /�!/ rhl1.l; •r enr4 --- ❑ FORWARD — r / — -- ❑ RETURN i/L'y,. o t �'� ------- ❑ KEEP OR DISCARD /P/+►O� ` ���4e, — ❑ REVIEW WITH ME , - — Date —, d-- From -•'� �e /l Presented to Approved Inspector 1oved Date CALL FOR RE ECTION a 0 NO 4/4 spoke he w,ll �,�.k •N� /caw, .....,.,.... . ._ _�. . 'yam F't.._ •rY ,7 . c +. ,:?*: ' 'V '���r•. . t" '•u '••1':1'':r.?:S':'4�,n!t rm..�..r!•"..w. w�....... '.���� I We t3 QN, iw Ll I \ Z Ir t ' r 03 � 1 J y I Nku� < < I w � d � � •ti � i. �� --i• .r}�I V r. � � � IS tt y' 3A V 4416 MS-- M' I y♦ V y/ V { I 1 I e, Ott i li •- c.ems. � i 3 I (� I � 9 O � v C L h - 2 ............................... SI;l 11:11 uj 14 N $. 4 � seck I N LLJ LLJ -(LLJ "•/ j _ I I Y!Y� � rl rf ' lov- mal ^ 1 inn� ti 19 foe ti 4? O N1 NA -3 I$1 C) Vj141 i i J1M1rdSY r41/n O —�aT - rwvlM�T,r� d►ng I UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON International Banking Division P.O. Box 4412,Portland, Oregon 972013 DATE .December 3., 1987_ Telex No,: 360540 USNO INTL PTL Advised by Airmail , Cable Addran. UNITSANK ISSUING BANK'S NUMBER 5-08457 (Amendment No. 1), AMENDMENT TO IRRCIIUEABLE ,�TANDRY LETTER OF CREDIT BENEF.It;IARY .i; APPLICANT City vl= ,`fj ar! Samuel A. Dotter 'III 211,25 BauleVard 7710 S.W. Gentle Woods Drive Ti '012Qi . Tigard, Oregon 97223 • I1. 7 WE N&VBN AMM,,TPE--CAPTIONED IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CRtVIt AS FOLLOWS: DretEts :must now be drawn nOgotlated and presented at this 00to"m before June ' O r 198T7 ALL CORRESPONLIWBANK CRAM, ARE FOR THE ACCOUNT OF THE Rf�E"—CIM11.1 I • I !.I I' ALL OTf tR Tt*5 AND CONN11ONS REMAIN UNCHANGED. , THB AMMMt IS 7'p HE CONSIDERED AS PART OF .THE ADOVE,MENTI0NED.CREDIT, AND MUST BE ATTACiiEQ >HERETO. - YOURS VERY TRULY, - I it I l' .e 11 w 'MG' ! AUTHORIZED (A'f1�'!R '! �� /r � ' � ' 'I• •. ' til i., 'I I'�, ! . . T'i5 I'I nr`�sy �� .I;' t.r�IIZ !ZNty�Iwz ''h:l�jhltll�IlllU l�L1lINI I'l Il+I�l .lZZ z ! IrIJ-:!d ISI I! I�! ,lu !•I hl Id`N. hJ -{ I ht PI 'h.-I I' 1•I• ! r _77�"x�7? �7�27ZL72•-Z'Z77z777� ' Z' 77 7�I, ,! , ,. i,1! ,tIhI1,IPdhll•!I:I JhllItll•!�;!PJP•INIIPI�U7!%'Z .! I+JI • U,•+34 7 7/8n `� C � ��9_ 1►111 � � ��� -- 4 30 71 ��� S1 ztGc'r z � K ..j, wA1 yAZI,%\ VIA �0 j awt Cal 5'spy 1A.)�1, '`P„��il ✓0 � ( v1zscr.. ) 1 Kswoawr+nux ® CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TO: Donald Moen, President November 25, 1987 Tigard Planning Commission FROM: Tom :ian, Mayor-vim SUBJECT: Butler Terrace The City Council on November 23 voted to overturn the Commission action of October 6, 1987 which eliminated the requirement that a sidewalk be constructed on the south side of Inez Street with a sidewalk extension between the cul-de-sac and 97th Avenue. The reasons for the Council action were as follows: 1.) Maximum Access - The connection is the only pedestrian connection between the Pinebrook area of 92nd and 97th. Council is concerned that deadends within the transportation system be discouraged. The Council desires to retain the connection for pedestrian and bike traffic. The design of the pathway should be Completed with an attempt to minimize 1 danger for pedestrians and the inevitable bicycles and skateboards. 2) Safety - The alternative, which would lead into the School District parking lot, would create a liability concern by encouraging pedestrians, bicycles and skateboards to enter into a parking area. The Council. directed the staff to work to achieve the beat design to reduce hazards at the cul-de-sac and the sloping area near 97th. We sincerely appreciate the Commission's comments on this matter, which have resulted in a safer, more us.t'Jle pedestrian access than originally contemplated. br/1A85►� CI MYOF TIFAM OREGON November 23, 1987 25 Veors of SeMce 1961.1986 Mr. Samuel A. Gotter, III 7710 S.W. Gentle Woods Dr. Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Butler Terrace Subdivision Dear Mr. Gotter: This is sent to conf.iim rmy understanding of your fathers telephone call late friday afternoon: Written acknowledgement from U.S. National Bank of Oregon, that drafts may be drawn upon 5-08457 for an additional six month period (until June 20, 1988) , will be provided to this office by December 2, 1987. Sincerely, 1 )Cohn Hagman Engineering Technician UH/mj 13125 SW Hall Bl,,d.,F.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- ---— ISE RI I T. uLW e-1- cp. c I � aVaV • 4.e.� LV1�� ��aV\�e 1 e tc� fir.e— C*\ v\ `�c_r c�r w► v� e I�c��n tl 11v t I , T�.-' lA`:� \ t'�✓'. �>�r C'.vv��fit- �. h� 1 9'�� 7 , 3�[:��n.l VV\ew10_ OLO- MPS GrALLa- Jr v.o'C �r, t'�� enc �pL \AChc\'A'rPc1 xa-A- c1 . 1 1 1' C I I/j p W\e t14a c z 1 l F_Q1 K-eAA `- x .. �\e_ w►�\ VN C,7 JO 77-7pw1 11 \V, V1.V\• \\ \N\C•ll"(l 7� l(\ '3v 1 K�•o ren In�..�1 c.� r, �L__ �l.,(t•f e".,�-- 1�?-i r'cam. `�-"' ` K dr / r « / C-:I"/7"J�' ✓ / �/f �?y�f?T76'� 4i.�/// �S'.HNG7 O`C CIN OF TIGA RD OREGON November 10, 1987 Mr. Samuel A. Cotter. , I.II 7710 SW Gentle Woods Drive Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Butler Terrace Subdivision Dear Mr. Gotter: This is sent to inform you the performance bond (irrevocable standby letter of credit) for said project expires on Sunday, December 20, 1.987 and that prior to that date all outstanding work must be completed; said work being, installation of the pathway, sidewalks and aprons and asphaltic concrete overlay. Inclement weather is now of concern. I am aware that the City Council intends to make final determination on November 23, 1987, whether the Planning Commission's October 23, 1987 decision (Final Order No. 87-12) will stand. I have been advised by our City Attorney that hecause of the short time frame between the Council's decision and the expiration of your bond, we may require written acknowledgment from US National lank of Oregon that drafts may be drawn upon S-08457 for an additional six month period (until June 20, 198 . Please_ contact me within ten (10) days tn discuss extension of your bond. Sincerely, Iv John S. Hagman Engineering Technician III cs/1782D 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- 0 C. DECISION Based upon the firid ings and conclusions above, the PIannirig Commission approves the amendment to Conditions 8 and 9 of Final Order 86-15 PC subject to the following conditions: 1 . The sidewalk shall not be installed along the south side of the lne7 Stroe t cul-de-sac or between 97th Avenue and Inoz Street (Exhibit "A") . 2.. The southern sidewalk shall terminate at the school parking lot. Tigard School District permission shall be obtained prior to construction. 3. All other conditions of Final Order 66-15 PC shall remain in effect. It is further ordered that the applicant be notified of the entry of this order. PASSED: This _ day of October, 1987, by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Bonnie Owens, Vice President Tigard Planning Commission is/1465D JTL�C� '`L,V'P*C1;: Mcv<) i1�to'E37 J ` �r,•,�l e�eJ 1 FINAL ORDER NO. 87 - 12 PC - PAGE 3 ' G F N � t l Lu « � Q h LO 0 t' 1- M�44� IL Ift'W%IL MLWAWIL-1 h6 r 9I - g 40 Wi r• OG a tI H y 0 I n p . • • I iC'Yil � w od WIC QQ � rayon � `•a W I n ol a: ; « N _ M n N O r �„ 0 l V � �W 3 3496iw 40 M fV L � V • Aq I 1' C] O V) 1 N,04.104 rl) 4� I ►i rI J1Mt4 04- �M•.S T 1 + l:•cuRvc i•Clol 0 I � a « 41 ~ • N • ' , _ w r• I ► r �+ s n N= r (• � �f u \t0010- � '��Q r�Ll� 4 VC 11u-u1Q4t�r� IA7t'-7�1 �7 � 1A1 Ur 1 a"_ vSer —A-60-- K Sc � v III=lllslll I�Ir• __ —_ --•_— - --- J /'— . cuss #CA' 1-D�� Lit. �tVc.1t C.Otm-&e. 2 280 - crushed roof' on xi, o, ,/ <o nr�ac�vd sub9 raa/e � � � � � � / � Fin Grade Cly rl A C PATH DETAIL _ - ---- , �V NO SCALE -- -�- 270 1 ° I EXisl '5r,41701- z'' ep i Jfoo C.I�� v Exist. AG s/r f /w/ fy ¢s CI �oa`!r✓ay I� v/-o� eo/ ,ocdfio `' water ser✓i e5 Proposed ai/ box F.rist260 1 a I(fj.piC.7 c/usf2r /O alron Gr - _ -- — (2.� 3 dia. tarr;er _�o• I ?lo% GO tl Slee; poles rX>" high 1 fit �o r+�o r • �0 1 u LjJ5, I 2' 1 "V _- IIIcy -- -— --- -- _ - -- ----- - - - -- -- -- ---- ---- - -- - EXidf• rrwater ' _ S. W. I N EZ S T - 230 - -- --- _ -- --- - — --- - - - - ----- -- -- -- - - �i'r- ��'-- fir-:- � FxIsf._ fire _ - ZD Y' MN /t0,2 dranf - 1 ♦ 00 0 + 00 1 ♦ 00 2 + 00 Ej�isf MN O t OD Q W MN 3 f /o / �� �� �a// city std. Cancre% - Begin sa ny sewer I Q E• O L �/>l ramp lSee sh• / of S . ) const r on - Line A <� a "' ! t ;' �J' •, , in rd"GfD%.Orl rafCe -_/ e S. W. 1 N E Z STREET a p cOnSfI it 50 HOF?�� . exis/. G' wafer. i In S,�y/ I r�ti`� �.� � 111 = 5 ' VERT . /nJfa// 6yale valve. Mi7f,e Goy low 280 H PLAN 1 = 50 .� y it � �► � finish grade 270 ---- - _ - / / / / r 21 � EASEMENT AREAS TRAVELED R/GH T S Of IdAY TRENCH WIDTH ------ -- ' MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE AT NATIVE MATERIALS ��"/ CLEAN, I2'-0" CRUSHED ROCK, --- I - — - 6 ABOVE TOP OF PIPEI' � • DENSE, MARD AND COMPACTED. 260 PIPE SIZE TRENCH WIDTH ' d « E, 0" IO " to 2• 12• 2a 6 i SELECT GRANULAR MATERAL /,--ZF72O��"•� TECHNICAL 1421 S" - " I 1N PIPE ZONE- 95% COMPACTION ENGINEERING CORP. 1!S" --- " 60 883T4CAN ON LANE 2 10 2E0 000 00 2 + 00 3 + 00 PORTLAND , OREGON 97225 16" 34 0" ;; (503) 297 - 3721 is 34" � -" CLIENT -- ---- -- -- - _ O PIPE SAMUEL A. DOTTER, III ><u" �I dr ' ZONE LINE A - SANITARY SEWER PROFILE 1710 SW Gentlervoods Drive tigard r I 1 - 50 ' HOR . I !I" 3' 6" • D/2 f I " = 5# VERT PROJECT : — --- ---- 24" N BUTLER TERRACE Tigard Oregon DRAWING TITLE. so So 4• 8" STREET PLAN and PROFILES SANITARY SEWER and WATER SYSTEMS DRAWN 8Y J DJ • S 0" CHECKED BY: TLA 42" 6' d" ��' - STANDARD TRENCH l ,r SCALE AS SHOWN - - - - - — r `7 JULY , 85 I 86- 311 HU71_.F_. I.F.F� oI,E. ,;�__.Ae��/ SHEET OF emu s�� ' '^ ......_.r+.•w,.w.,...... +MWF ..,�p,•..rr ..y„kM.Nn, ..•.., ,.,, 9"'�7"' ... .Ali• w•-e. •._-:..,.nK,,,.. ,r,.:,.:,mw..:.:.,._-... .o,w,.n,,, . �y,e•:.•e..r..wr.— ,..:'"�X.1SR7+tem.7r -ax:a..w•rawr.+r��pll�lr+e,+ •,..... ,a, .. ....+., -,w,. ..w...rv►„MMS►+..•-. •--.... •i; a . _ • ... ,. � 7,.�•«,...� .,r ,. .._. ,�R) ( � I I � �t r1 I I I 1 1�1 1 I I III 1 I 1 w._...,�,�....,,�,,.,,.,,.,..• ..............•._.,..w. , . :...,, (' I 1 1 1 r1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ►••1 I � � I I I I I I. 1 .1 1 I � ( r i 1 I I � � I � � 1' � I [ I � f) ( I I I 1 t t I 1 I I ( I 1 I r I I I 1 � I I t I (l 11 I I I III It► 1 1 III .”" , � `' . `_ - - _u 1 t NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I ■�- �?--ir-• 3 r 4 - 5 6 7 Q Q 10 11 12 - r ,,"' DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN •r► THIS NOTI, IT IS DRE TO elf QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. QE 6z 9z a 9Z SZ 1rz EZ ZZ 13 OZ 61 BI !.I 91 SI bI EI ZI I1 OI d S 1 9 S r f 2 INNIS" – ,-� �MI�l1111nI1�uulun�nnll►1I�nu1ul�,Illlllutttltllnl'Iullu11�11111nn�1IIN1�MIlIiINHlulttil�hltlll�l�lf111nllilll�llM1�HIItl�lililu}ItIfi41FNI�Ylulttu{llitllut�ullr�ttM1i111�111��M�IIn11n1�1u11nu�uullWlidlfll:IIUIUULIII!ll�lu�ftllllulAl�l�ttN - - JUNE 24 1992 -- `.�,.°—,-- .,f,A�i .n7tt" w. ...........—•--.......... ...__.._ ,.... , _ .... .n- •��� 11� •r..—_--. "R _ J ,11 71"Im, 4' -. ,...,,. 5, t�17 '��:r1r;Ii°N, l >." - _ _ - rr••_. . .. .o - ' � y V STANDARD MH. FRAME s COVER -� FINISH GRADE SET FRAME S1 ENS 50' R/ K' IN MORTAR-• _ =GROUT �• = IT"MAX -- - UCHIS �/ OF 25' — 25' - TABULAIUD TOTAL AMA / I *• 4"CONCRETE EXTENSION I \ $� 17' ._ 17 '— T ' ,�• _ /I Ir RING INSTALL AS kEOUIRED I TO BRING MH. COVER B �� )� 5,�.�. ks.l. : �. . FRAME TO DESIGN ORAOE. dWNU'A'w I — � ■ rw yLY0OD ONd(Mar 3 ren$$ ) s" CROWN PACE Of SOL" (ECCENTRIC 0 0 4 MH TOP _ �✓ \� 12 'MIN • . RAM - NEK JOINT - 4" TEE PLUGOSD CROWwyE PLUG OZ CAP -� - } , • I , MATERIAL OR EOUAL \ I / I �48' R/w I ( / ICLASS "C" ASPHALTIC COhICRETE (OVERLAY; •• \ 2 CLASS" ®/CM ASPHALTIC CONCRETE lov . mi 12"�aAX I �. 2" 3/4"- 0" CRUSHED ROCK/GRA'#EL � _ �1 STEPS --'*1 NOTE . g" 2" - O" CRUSHED ROCK/ GRAVEL W — GRADES SHALL NOT EXCEED 12% ON aMHO RISER COMPACTED GRANULAR LOCAL STREET; a -�-- -- • c -� BACKFILL NOTE CURVES SHALL NOT HAVE LESS THAN 18EIIfD P'i.1AGED CROSS • V ° OIOO FT CENTERLINE RADII ON LOCAL STREET Pu CK;3D TEE 2' MAX • I ° • o UNDISTURBED I INLETS - OUTLETS AS •IFOU RED, u ° 00 0 000•0 EARTH INTERSECTION ANGLES SHALL NOT EXCEED • Z WHEN SEWER ENTERS A A 60° UNLESS THERE IS SPECIAL iNTE.•SECTION INV TO 11IV',�• J� o p o� BOTTOM OF MH TORN A , �v 0 u FILLET OF GROUT OR CONC DESIGN I)tr SI_orE " c o• As INDICATED. ONE INCH OVERLAY REQUIRED WITHIN ONE YEAR. ,r 11YE • c EE, , am TEE 0. MAKE SURFACE SMOOTH a PITTING pj,(� OF PLUGGED PLL)Gt3ED •� e • FORM GROOVED INVERT $j'f,)R �p O O • p/ TO DIRECTION Of FLOW CAP CC1ii w ON EM 4i l IC 2:7� � 2* S� _✓ A a " ° TYPICA 1 STREET SECTION I D � • � . I �Delc�. ,• p� j �Jo�. I•. . • u o eo 0 0 • e 12 LAYER COMPACTED I b . , • � oeoo 000v 6 2. 1 3.0 4. 3 3.0 1.6 1.0 0 D 0 GRAVEL (3/4"- I/4") 6'-0" MIN 6 2.4 2 PROPERTY LINE 12 8. 5 12.0 17.0 1 .0 6.6 .4 14 11. 5 . ° 6 Z13 /fis 19.0 21.6 STANDARD MANHOLE CO CREfE SIDEWALK ; . ; ; . . UTILITY' TRIP THRUST 1►L©CKINS DETAILS 12'MAX. FACE OF CURB I I STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME S COVER --7 / SET FRAME -•-l• I I � 4 � 2 �_aM FINISH GRADE IN MOTAR f_L_ t i _ _ I GROUT 4" CONCRETE EXTENSION `I I `_ _ _aSCALE •f-a— SLOPE O.J2083 RING \ I / MAKE SURFACE OF �� o 4 v 1: 'i' \ - — T P �0 OF CURB ELE'�.;T� ! GROUT FILLET SMOOT), --•--m_ &FORM GROOVED IN- Ct9lE STREET Sl1AFACE 10" VERT TO DIRECT:GNOf FLOW3/4'-' 0" CRUSHED ROCK LEVELING COURSE� I 1 I", 2'RAM-NEK JOINT , ��•' 40 `•I MATERi:,I uR I AS SOIL CONDI FIONS REQUIRE , ST'0 49"° •� EQUAL ® 9L . I MN RISERS �' • 5 bD�.w1G'C 0 e E 1►JSTi4 77.7 of 12"MAX. NOTE BEGIN SLOPE AT CURB RISE I/4" `PER FOOT TOWARD <I NOTE PROPERTY LINE . `--- I"/rt SLOPE •. - I d FL6. >< M J. QV. 1, 4' CONCRETE EXTENSION RING EXPANSION JOINT MAX f WITH VALVE BOX I __ _ __ • ':'i. INSTALL AS REOUIRED TO BRING SPACING - 40 FT ( OR AT COVER (! EXTENSION I e ` MANHOLE COVER 6 FRAME TO ALL CHANGES IN SECTION), A DESIGN ORADE.(MAX. 3 RING), CONC BREAKING STRENGTH TO PAIN ° 0 12" LAYER COMPACTED 2 INLETS/OUTLETS AS REO BE 3000 PS I AFTER 28 DAYS o u u 0 v 0� u o ' • , GRAVEL( 3/4 1/4 ) E'0" MIN. SIDEWALK DETAILS s, Q�O�QOCONCRETE M.J. x FLO. TEE-'" STANDARD SHALLOW MANHOLE O J BLOCK / �- --- 19 -- -' y 24" - YIIIL 4 cu. FT. CRUShEO ROCK d~ -'' " r HOLDING 3POOL rr ( Field Measure ) f, AROUND BASE FOR DRAINAGE STANDARD CAST IRON -�(,r- - FRAME a COVER ZZZ 4- FINISHED GRADE --- -- -- —t-- -•- -- i. 2 MIN.74 16 y �_-__._ .. 24" GROUT 1 r ;MIN.. STANDARD FIRE HYDRANT 6„ TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINTS 1 t 1 TECHNICAL COMPACTED FILL? '•: • 1 I •.' .• 3/4"r I TO BE PROVIDED AT EACH POINT OF / _,I ' 1 I • ENGINEERING CORP . EDGE TANGENCY OF THE CURB 3► AT OTHER 8835 S.W. CANYON LANE LOCATIONS AS . REQUIRED TO LIMIT THE SUITE 403 SPACING TO A MAXIMUM OF 20 FT PORTLAND, OREGON 97225 .4 9'' a 2 MATERIAL TO BE PRE- MOLDED NON - - •a • - (503)297 - 372 1 in 'ip 4•o p EXTRUDED MATERIAL WITH A MINIMUM 450 BEND I / \�.-�/ - STANDARD o o " CLILNT. 4 v THICKNESS OF 1/2 SAMUEL A. GOTTER, III CATCH BASIN - - - - - • I e d TRANSVERSE C 7710 SW Gentlewoods Drive Tigard WYE BRANCH � -?f6" MIN 2,500 PSI � ,�. �' • ,' 4 CONTRACTION JOINT CONC., ALL SIDES. 4` P I SPACING TO BE NOT MORE THAN 10 FT — -- PROJECT: Q �4•� o 2 DEPTH OF THE JOINT SHALL BE AT BUTLER TERRACE ` Dao C n a LEAST ONE FOURTH OF THE CROSS - Tigard Oregon 40 A ' 4 •a . 4 SECTIONAL AREA - — -- -- I , PROVIDE A SECURELY INSTALL o s DRAWING TITLE .' n 1 I PLUG WITH RUBBER RING GASKET O n p 1 U Oa � •v `� STANDARD DETAILS - - - -t - - - - - - - - - - - 1. I• �� I 4'' p4oa o n °Q° e.a. CONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH i a I TO BE 3000 P S I AFTER 28 DAYS DRAWN By . CHECKED 8Y . — g"------- My f r: t�I e 2> weebholes %^ �---------curb per per Got SCALE : — �tiryr�'i STANDARD CLEANOUT STANDARD CONCRETE CURB �' � �-----BUTLER T F RSR ACE ►. � - ! SHEET OF 4 0 ' 4 3 1 Y: 1 — ...'•'.'.•-...-----T-- _._..-_ _u _..�,.•.---•rsa. • .,.—•.-...• •.... ��. ►'..^'4 „nom" -""r,��,..�5' .s..r.s►.,.li�A,• +� ••,•. :s w .,n• wrs:, _ _ 1 � ••�l � ,r, s w . ,... b- � ..._. .Y..�� � I. 7�'; ' �'.`...K� _. .-. .-.. .:..'T•••.-'`i. r• "" -r �.' "fi, �� _— r - _ .. I 7 -. 11 lil I iilll 111111 I /h �lli �'�r�lll�l�lltll� ITT I�Ilt�llt lll`II Iltllllllll�rl It) I{Ifllll�lllllllllllllll�lllllll�lll'lllllll�111,r1111111111III1�1)IIIII�III . ___...._. ,.,.�,,.,.�.,.. , _ . -. _ _ c J I i - ;i;_,w,,� J,,,•„�,,,�,� 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 MOTE; I f THIS MICROFILMED - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIDi•T-11 IS DUE TO •` QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. pE 6Z 9Z LZ 9t 92 or Et ._2Z. I8 Ot 61 _ 91 LI 91 Ill 1►1 CI ZI 11 01 Y • • L • S Ir E 7 t o•a"• � --��:�, ' , ,.••- �NI�IaI11nIullllulluul�Mll111slal�aalurrlasr'111alatl�IrN�+111a11«�Iw11ai�I�I�11rt�t�dtrrllrlrrla+lharlrrrllat�l��wrlAl+�ntlrttrl►rtrhtu�tlydtla�Ittthtl�tt�h�luallallanllullrnlhw�Il�Iu�uuluu�w��uu�Ilullul�Il�ll� - - i U NEt', 24 .11. 9 9 .2 . ......-•.._...,.&�...<. ,1 .�,.. --... -•....-•..,.-..-.-. __ - -- , _...•L.._. —, •..-. -.. V,I�i►;..,. - --•--• _.,....ops- ,d,.�, ...,,.,..• .--.�...... ._ _...w_,._..�...___-._ -...._,..._. ......_.._•,••ti- s. ..,�,...._ _ _.__.._.-., rrr� •. �1R�.�".; • . ' 4 - _ —,. CITY OF TIIFA rD August 24, 1987 OREGON 25 Veors of Service 1961-1986 Mr. Samuel A. Got.ter III 7710 S.W. Gentle Woods Dr. Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Butler Terrace (Inez Street) Subdivision Dear Mr. Cotter: This is sent to inquire of you, how soon will the reining improvements be installed? Items needing your attention prior to December 20th, 1987 are: 1) Installation of the balance of concrete sidewalks (Lot #4 and the south side of Inez St.) ; 2) Installation of the pathway and steel barrier posts; 3) Installation of the asphaltic concrete overlay; 4) Installation of centerline monumentation; 5) Installation of two wheelchair ramps; 6) h-qnoval and replacement of a damaged four foot long section of coj,crete curb at Street Station 0 + 02 .left; 7) Submittal of one a6-built mylar drawing, from your engineer. Please provide us with a written schedule of your intended work ccxrmencement and work completion dates, for the aforsaid, within the next two weeks. It is strongly reccnTnended that all of the work N, finished no later than December 1st, 1987. Sincerely, t John S. Hagrran Engineering Tec,-mician ,T1i/m j t3125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O Box 23397, Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 i /57 'Er- Tac, 64tuc-- t RLUtc.W 'VATt . � !�l•'1�� T �!�l!7%l< <S�`G-��1 7'`�!+-E' .Sl�_ l<7,•l�yi-�!' //l-'2'�CX-r.._ � /�"/�.e-c"-F �f iflu.r'Sa�� ` f�s-�.. !,•� r'�. !J.'/�r dL _J � i � z�ls 7 w r August 13, 1987 C11rfC*ISA OREGON Willamette Cable TV 25 Years of Seance 1961-1966/ l,'7-00 SW Brigadoon Court taverton, OR 97005 RE: "Butler Terrace" (Inez Street) Subdivision Dear Hr:,. Street: This is sent to acknowledge approval of the proposed installation of cable facilities in accordance with the layout submitted to us on August 13, 1987 (copy enclosed) and in accordance with the terms of your annual street opening permit/franchise agreement. One condition is imposed, namely cable installation work must be completed prior to the developer's placement of the final one inch lift of asphaltic concrete pavement on SW Inez Street . Please contact him (hr. Samuel Cotter, #639. 11.11) to facilitate scheduling of your work. Yours truly, l John S. Hagman Engineering Technician cn/0475D cc/file Encl. 13125 SW Hall Blvd.PO Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - - --- Y1j��y�.1 AAA wmcin"e C A B L E T V CABLE CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION b PERMIT —�J---L-�. ^- Lel TY 1. Applicant Willamette Cable 1•V. __._._.__—_ 2. Address 14200--.E6i,—BrigadQQn Ct. Beaverton, OR 97005 3. Telephone 644-3188 4. Contact Person �K Cwt 5. Contractor 6. Addr-ess P. CD 7. Telephone S 1 ' 8. Contact Person 9. Location street,subdivision,etc. ) C_1 j (L-17 City Use Only 10. Map Number Lj -- - --_-- - App. Date: 11. Starting Date - Z _ �� -_ Permit Feel 12. Permit let ion Date _10 Permit #: Fbotage 13. Aerial: Urx.l_e_rground.: 7 Z Lc Date Issued: Size of Opening I 14. Width: -Doth: Signature of Applicant Date 1C'�e.A, z tt►.� 14200 Southwest Brigadoon t'ourt Beaverton,Oregon 97005 • (503)644-3188 / � -_ �'.1 C � '�l •� r•. •tea z� 1 se 3 � HI@r'MS IU B r ISA r�I W4 1 � Ns r rA CD r � • il -�;- � r I Iv. NI � 891 r jw N 3 V IS L6 ✓ rr [� • h Itti� v rQ `tiCi .S�r� � • 19 r � r � r r � I LII hGI Y„ ;f _ --Y --- -- wl •�1' - Y u LA J b Lr P-D in or `- 1r- tP, u � u ,.,, � 1 Aix ~ ~� m r) 17 // L� � a� �1 i• lL,It ro r � 1 i j •, � I � r m ceJ„ '.r rr • ' r or 1 f ��• Ian i 'r 1 '10 w +. SCJ N �LI�\C�r �Tf2.t'tace GA&ec.v S�Czt�S o {��S �•t 0 r-C� -�.ssNre cc�vHp e- �c+� c• C. t'� �,pt�c5 l5-S-1 1,4-4 5 SAe cf J.re s JITIGARD PUBLIC SCHOOLS,DISTRICT 23J Adminlstratlon Offlc� 13137 S.W. Pacific Highway Tigard,Oregon 97223 Area Code(503(620-1620 August 6, 1987 Mr. Randy Clarno City of Tigard 13125 S . W. Hall Blvd. P. O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Randy: Please consider this letter as an official request from the Tigard School District to have the City of Tigard canc-el its. plans to have a bike path constructed between S .W. 97th Avenue and 'Inez Street . This property borders the Twelitv Junior High School site, we see no need for the path , mid also have safety and liability converns if such a pnth were to be installed. We appreciate your consideration of this request. If' "-()Il have questions or need further infortbation , please crit ! either Bud Hillman or me at 620- 1620 . Sincerely, Larry c;. Hibbard Assistant Superintendent CC Mr. Sam Gott.er I _ J Y r r �req��te� c�ev e co ev- Svt�p+^���t C d a %-ctrc, `1k Ae.L O'2\� �`C)C-XTF-A 00- Av`P_ r\orvv s%Ae Jvkee C-k r 1l V C-ore s cp� L."V A -.3 r e -2 ! J CV,e 47 *4,0"I► be /ic. o►- l /171--�. Cff0F 11VARD April 2, 1987 OREGON 25 Years of SeMce 1961-1986 Mr. Sam Gotter III Sam Gotter Construction 7710 SW Gentle Woods Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Butler Terrace (S 8-86) Mr. Gotter: We have received your March 23, 1987 letter requesting amendments to the sidewalk and bikepath requirements. Your request to delete the bikepath ., requirement: must be heard by the Planning Commission as they were the appro Al ' authority setting this requirement. (Condition No-8 of Final Order 86-15 attached). Please contact Reith Liden, Senior Planner, to schedule this request before Planning Commission. The Community Development Director is the approval authority on your request to modify the sidewalk on the south side of SW Inez Street (condition No. 9) . However, it must be clear that the Tigard School District is in agreement with your proposal. Please have the proper approval authority with the School District send me a letter consistent with your request and I will expedite a decision. Please contact me should you have any questions. Sincerely, ? Randy S. Clarno Development Services Manager SC:bs1110W c Keith Liden 13125 SW Hall BWv PA,Box 23397.Tlgarcl,Oregon 972'223 (603)639-A171-- ---- AA„OQ, Sf.00 S ' '001,93 , iuD .3 S - d 1 �Z/1 PUA m ao N o� i AA N 0 S,f►.00 S '.1010 ISI /. '— '� °O ub0 9£1 { M Z SZ �Z i v cn 2 t oa 15 Z.9N1 !0 V puj 13 p � _ H1210N 1i0� Ql3H N - u w = O r� W _ 3 w2 "v ►• rn a. N N� OO � a nWWwi O 0 E a cv O ? v u 0 a LL It U Cr o0 Qi y r til n o n l N'A v,OjC)a 7 OD i C 'L � _ ;" a C (7 u h • Q W U 00 <T1.0 u v M„ BS LOoOON ; 1 Q v = r, rt O 3 cv0' N Sb Oct 4 Wu►'_ m~ ¢ O • ap i+ !+ OD (/� Z j m .ri ,(Uj ri ti Q 0 na ,m,� o3 A H O 0� CID fn LU w O 0 ^ rn A 2 in W� o 0 Ln 10 f— ar a� v a 3 z� W -j w xl o O M 95,10o00N 1 jO ii ?o y N w _ ,Z£ b£1 ; 'n i z N Q '� VI In C J M O K) It 344 Z O W • Ln� � it m ~ � � �D i0 O W v = o c� I CO o u- z o Z IIt a)l C W Z • (� N W O O W N Pl N w I� Wuu3 � q ° v7 �� I2auwCot M„9g, LOo00 N �� O U 2uj ¢ ” o _ 16 601 z� N ' "► o W " W on O� ; atOQ O � 2 W M1 C7 I ' = O► Zt'_ j W V z J Z F Q ► w M 10 � `� on ox wNi0 " a z tD (+ t 2 OCL. W ► W SIC' � A k ►` O ' ri a' a Ln � uj a., itWm 61 r-) 4 � : r, o a 420w ~ �`ton w on v_'mQ ° oU, LL +0a� uoom -jNprt ►. m � 2GIt :o0Wr, i < v o2 : � ; m W� Q r OOr to in WOE t Q. N a U ' 0OWQ,onm~ a � o a z It n. _ yo- p � WWV "\p c, a03 � oo o► Wi �IaC •�' 01 �_ in � � (t; R V W � -� � a 44 1AJ o K -gat ,„ to� w r IT) Wa 06 for 0 PLfV , t. ` , W _ .n w D WN w 4 0_0_Z9 J It 0 aW r) ro)[I.IVA 1M86090060N ' of 181 a 01 r crrrZ -o• o3�a �,:Z''.ZS,6BN b ° V r vcs M /,4,4 mid 013H 1 6Z 9ZI f;P kf,t ec),ego61RS ' $14 18a0 4 Pik K 3Ab (4616 M 5 - ,c�jr6lj lv£ jo1 out" on �n M ; N �1�aisn a , ;, N1yC aH -JO N � do a1�1io,) •__ k -�„IHN � R .S AO vi ' M„0!,FA,►ON 1NUND DNn l azon mQ. pu z � r t �n via !� (() �. T. i 1. _ �111D 0 W Q1 r J M I w F J • 3Jr8b'li i5 � N J o E u O a A,,OC, C*•00 S 00'� H z O W -3 H q M„ 0c fIV .00 S ►0 lot M .� w cxH cn w x 0 cr EF- C) w 3 cU v ti h t ti • o, z x 0 v o v v x O H F- to O + Ml CI- 0. z c w H 41 Ln A O %6.- b4' r+ Uq U r3 a w , Q _ UJ kn on F � , 1 1 ua w r•� Z W C y O 0 0 r� t• 1. 4 wc,� OY n on -n w on 0 .c- 3„Be ,9 1.00 N Y F. oo a CL A Do Mar r r, ,�:�, 1987 A4AR 2 3 CITY �>OF M C t cof f igard TIGA 131.P5 SW Hall Blvd . RD f i ci ar d , Of:' 97323 Re: Bike path and sidewalks i.n Butler Terrace Doar Sa.rsy: After meeting with the owners cof lots 1 6 Kltler• Terrace. three of the owners of the car Lginal Inec homc�?s . Mrs. Dinha•t ( TL 1.401 ) and Bud Hilllman of the school district , a r..ansensus of opinion has been reached regarding the btk:e path --ind sidewalks. None of the people we spoke with want the bike path installed and cite the following concerns: 1 . The bike path as proposed would intersect with SW 97th at -the crest of the hill mal• inq it very �p � 12 et C difficult f6l" approaching traffic to see a bike in �� time to stop safely. 2. Traffic on SW 97th is very fast and the entrance to the bike path is difficult to see which would only compound the problem ofstopping in time to avoid an acc ident . 3. the orade coming down the bike path will make it very hard to control spiced and avc, id tr affic r_oming Lip the path. At the bottom the b0:e would have to mate a sharp turn onto the sidewalk or shoot onto SW Inez . The parents are concerned that barricades or speed slowing obstacles would be dangerous for c-Lit. of control bikes. � . There is also doubt that the bike path would be used when there already exists a path between SW Inez and the parkinq lot of the school . Last May a child coming out of the school driveway was hit by a car . This happened at a point farther dawn the hill and more visible than where the bi� (r path would be located . h_ . Bikes will scion be able to use SW View Terrace to rioss from the 93rd Area to 97th .a% plans for ciwvelopment are being worked cin now. Page two In view of the Above coi-ic-erns we w(:,t-oj.(j lii,--e to make the following proposal : Delete the bike path. The contractor will pt,tt a 5 fc,cit conri-ete sidewalk: from the Inez Sidewalk to the parking lot of the schocil with a rump to the street whirr-e the liew street meett, the cold . rhF-.A sc.ho(--,l disty ict and the (-ontractc:oi- would I ik:e to delete the Sidewalk -from the snt,.tth ccorrjr-q of I Butler Terrace to the proposed crosuiciver .. The grade fall from the street to the qr-tjr.,c,,j pr-cop ..1-- ty line is P shown in the attached drawing. As the f'3. 11 necessary for the Sidewalk would extend well onto the sc"hcocil property, ElUd Hillman is roncerned about erosion and the safety/liability issue with a steep grade next to a public: sidewalk. The school district would seed and maintain this small strip of land just as they have been c1coing in the past . The contractor will Supply any diFT' needed at his a,.:pense. It seems that this is one of those rare times that everyone is in agreement . As the developer and a resident ( I am buying Lot 2) 1 thinle that this is a well thought Out , Safe and practical GOlUtiC-1-1. We would apprpr- i A te VOL11- app) oval Sincerely/, Sam (3';--tter Sam am Gc.t4;c:?i- ConstrUC:ticin S(3/vq Enc: I JAL � j I PJ 26Ld M 'S i LULJ Ln 01) � T 1 - -- - - i I � J � J O A Ln CL � Sf / 10 _ o s ,�, 1�, ti h 4 � b - r 1 GuRB IV s SrREE r F000 1 r.. 3'T n C Sch1OOL PPOPCATY lo' t, TLvd • �cu•�lEsiVrs fiG E �iPE,��'vTzt� r�, - SB�v> I 31 TO 7-154E" C/Ty /� /YfgiNTL7Vn .[�ONI.� -- /r�•fE �7�.SiT�GOTTE�G 33SZLG ti 7r /�/�9TL'h/ E X Ai,eiV rroN 1>IrF` l4/A✓/�C S 2ACJ7 Ta T7'• R�'r�►eDE�P( /�:+� Fi+L�) • �R'�s�it/�4 L C.�.Sfd l .SiT (VI/10 00eeC7y7 )1?4AS AAUJ �tJ6SEt����illTG y QEt- l .Aek-zlEw3E--'t> CI .'QF TIFAM ® EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST This form is a multi—use form. Where appropriate receipts most be attached. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple documentatiu. to form. VENDOR NO: l DATE: be-i_ PAYABLE TO: Mt-, k. (;Ale r. X Requested by: ---- -7-710 _S— r3 crrzz ........................................w..................................... r MISCELLANEOUS (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, memberships, etc. ) : Date Description Account No. Amount 9�1l�0, °-`, t 1 'r4e .I.........................................4.................................._ GENERAL HEAL EXPENSE: Date Description Amount Account Number to be charged: Total _ ...ww................................w.........wwww.....w........w............. MILEAGE: Date Description: (Include end/start readings and total miles) Amount ccount Number: Total miles x f. 20 wwwwwwwww.........w........................w...w.ww.ww..w..............w.....■ R OPRIATION BALANCE: AS OF: Signature w 11'MTJVALS (if $25.00 or under may be reimbursed through petty cash) : +. (UP AO 1500.00)Section Manager Purch. Agent w (1$00.01—:5,000.00)Dept . Head/Purch. Agent Tom UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON jo.International Bankir `ivisionP. O. Box 4412, Por--nd, Oregon 97206 Telex No.: 360540 USNB INTL PTL IRREVOCABLESTANDBY OF CREDIT Cable Address: UNITBANK City of Tigard DATE Decemlwr IF 1986 131^S S.W. Nall Boulevard ' E Tigard, Oregon 97,'. '3 NUMBER S• 48457 L r. AMOUNT USD9,160.00 b GENTLEMEN: 0 We herebv authorize you to draw z on UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON,PORI LAND,OR I s;()N for account of Sawa) A. r entor l I I TT710�of S.W. fientle Woods Drive up to an aggregate etttbg Oregon 97?23 E Nine Thousand One hundred Sixty U.S. Dollars at aiiabic by you:,;raft at SIGHT accompanied by the following documents E An Officially signed statagim"t from the benPficiary stating- "We certify that street iXPr0VMW'nts nn th• "Butlt�r Terrane Suth ?ivision" have not been COMPleted by SaMU*l A. Piotter III." e L y r- P a Drafts must be drawn,negotiated and presented at this office on or befor� ` Qecrr zo, 1987 \ Each draft must state that It Is"Drawn under United States Nasional Bank of Oregon,Portland,Oregon 7 Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No.C. 08457 We hereby engage with you that drafts drawn and/or documents presented under and In compliance rvith the terms of this Irrevocable Standby Letter 0 of Credit will be duly honored upon presentation to us. n UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON Authorlteej Blpnature 16.3963 :I/61 ESR oFFlCic� Vlee F r -c,Irjf 2 7 COPY _--- Loftik o!0edit Mas, 15'6 r December 15, 1986 -%0 "'A 1. hereby assign all right, title, and interest in Time Deposit #GOTTES335260 issued December 15, 1.986 maturing December 15, 1987 in the face amount of $10,160.00, to the City of Tigard. This assignment is set aside as a mai.ntainenc:e bond for Butler Terra.-e. I hereby acknowledge this assignment will remain in effect until a written release is received by the issuing bank. Samuel A. Gotter III December 15, 1986 We hereby acknowledge this assignment. TY and Branch U. National Tk of Oregon V _ Assistant Manager 1 ' - . r •ti, NAME Tigard - _(,(AJNT f4O GOTTES335260 10,160.00 BR. NO 036 RECEIVED OF Samuel A. Gutter ATFF 5. 75 - For deposit under the terms of the Time II I ISSUE DATE 12-15_86 De IOsi1 Account Agreement for the acc DEPOSITOR OPTIONS DATE 12-15_87 I+tATURITY ppTION: pmt number indicated above X AUTOMATIC AENEWu TIONS - INIEREST PAI'MENT: SINGCE MATURITY IMT. PYMT.FREI). INTERF, '--' MATURED FUNDS PYMT, MONTHLY r) SIM IS W►K�{►rLNc CASHIER S CHECK J CHECK OUARTERLY h 0A N 1( S DEPOSIT TO bLl ADD i0 PRINCIPAL f 1 SEMIANNUAL rx U C r, CHECKING SAYINGS ��ANNUALLY 15 1� 86 MONEY MKT DEPOSIT T0: (XI AT MATUgITy O eA CNECKINQ I I MINOS MONEY MKT d DAIL 36#TCI) J ---•_._ ��_ n QUARTERLY ACCT Np IR __ All Items are received for purposes of collection and aUMt•redits for Items are ^ - o_...._. a 10,160.00 ti 5)y uW � provisional and accepted cpplect to the provisions of the Unllorm C / aT►mercial Code a 1 000, 0\41 121ltsrf� i I CITY OFT16ARD No. 18786 � ` 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD P O BOX 23397 Date_ 1IGARD, OR 97223 - Name Address Lot Block/MapSubdivision/Address Permit Ws Bldg. Plumb Cash Check S,3wer Other Other Rec. By Acct. No. Description Amount -� 10.432 Building Permit Fees f 10.431.600 Plumbing Permit Fees _ 10.431.601 Mecha.iical Permit Fees r 10.230.501 State Bldg. Tax _ 10.433 Plans Check Fee _ 30.443 Sewer Connection _ 30-444 Sewer Inspection + 51-448 Street Syst, Dev. Charge 7kpJ) r ' 52.449.610 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge ^� 52.449.620 Parks II Syst. Dev. Charge t 31.450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge 10.430 Businens Tax OU 10.434 Alava Permit _ _ Pee 10.227 Bail 10.455- Fines - TrafficlMisdlParking s�1pr 10-230- CPTA TrafficfMisdlVic. Asst. r`G~ 10.456 Indigent Defense 30.122.401 Sewer Service/USA 30.122.402 Sewer Service/City 30% 3 •123 Sewer SevicelCity Maint. 30.125 Unm� Fled '_ 31.124 Stdlainage — �I 40-475 Bancro , in. Pymt. A 40.471 Bancroft Int. Pyrnt. D /v CUSTOMER i pr G �� 4 SGC?.Ccs 74 �,. �i�,eL.L5r> pr 1 y4A �c t ' U. 144' �^ Q 14.363 •C P n (74) • C L 2'(w)'73 n Q 7' 014413 U 4' (77) 14410 (A (3 (W) 8T u3i 9 (74) .14413 �r v (w) ea 1 •r o ppb 7' 2 3 4 6 i C J 014423 T (78) UT LER TER ACE 101' n 1443313. �jl P 6*33 1-1/4'(P) S.W. n I NEZ 2•cw) ST. -j �^ 4 Q (MURDOCK) SN". 11 i Int :� D 1986 CITY pF TICARD F-6110(2 5M 9745-885) NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY E: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT S N EZ ST W W 6 G Yj W O C o Q O a o i u 3 O ; O To! 5' 8 . 17 — — UNDERGROUND PHONE _- —_—PRESSURE RATING A X-RAY --- ENOR - DATE -� NATER 639-4171 TEST TESTRRESSURE 100 PSq SEWER 4639-4 171 TEST DURATION 301 M I N POWER 643-5454 X 313 WELDS&X-RAYED C % 0 PHONE 238-3393/639-1008 DESIGN PRESSURE 660 Pw N OTHER "4-3186 M.A.O.P. 57 PSW NORMAL OPER,PRESS. 30 Pw •)4430 INSTRUCTTGNS REPORT (76) W` - INSTALL MAIN ..„77$ 318 1 1/+ ~ (P 1 INSTALL MAIN� 2' ABANDON MAIN ABANDON MAIN TYPE COARNGB: TYPE COATINGS: P1PF. PE 2306 PIPE. _--- b Ic JOINTS. JOINTS. — FITTINGS FITTINGS: INSTALLED ANODES: n INSTALL ANODES: I AI 0 INSTALLED SERVICE. -� INSTALL SERV.. DATE COMPLETED 4!-� �� CREW LEADER: r �1 SCALE 1 1n - 10x0 ft TAX CODE N-23-74 AVAIL.NO.: 1 1-51-86 nppn'sc MAIN MFASURED i[LTT - DATE .---lJUE0/86 OROF 4-1113 row, DATE �L- DATE AIJRAL116D/ITE � SERVICF WORK ���� J�1 A—/ ORDEP APPgUvFD /V-7W - DAM �11DRF SW INEZ 9T TOB 1021 11(1wIFN BW '9300 AVE COUNTY CITY T IGARD PLATTED .. PI AT TE_D-_ PIAT 140 DATE SIGN SIGN NW 11 26 1W M-21-30 NE It 281W TECHNICAL ENGINEERING e CORPORATION 9535 S.W. CANYON LANE SUITE 405 PORTLAND, OREGON 97229 15031 297. 3721 December 2 , 1986 John Hagman City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 .� / �0�`'� + •� '� Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re : BUTLER TERRACE Dear. Mr. Hagman, 1 •:��SL'l I The following items have been completed at the above referenceO subdivision: 1 . Street construction including rock , curbs and A.C. paving (One lift only) . 2 . Sanitary sewers and laterals . 3 . Water system and services . 4. Street lights . 5 . Utility trenching and installation of P.G.E. , G.T.E. , and C.T.V. These items were periodically inspected by this office and construction appeared to comply with the City of Tigard standards . If you have any questions regarding this matter, feel free to contact me . Very truly yours , TE HNICAL ENGINEERING CORP. Nomas L. Amberg, P.� 4, ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYINO December 8, 1986 C'TYOF TWAND OREGON 25 Veors of Service 1961-1986 Portland General Electric Co, Western Division 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Rd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Mr. Ken Snyder RE: Butler Terrace Subdivision Streetlighti.ng Dear Ken, This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactory and, further, to acknowledge authorization for P.G. E. to energize the two (2) lights therein, under Schedule 91, Option "B" . Sincerely, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician cc: file cc: City Accountant cc: R.J. Rouse Elect.. Inc. 16320 S.W. Parker Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — �bZ Date: December 4, 1986 Certified # P253 292 529 CITY OF TIG/tRL C1TYOF T'��� Washington County, Oregon NOTICE OF INFRACTION OREGON 75 Veers o/SsrWoe 1961-1486 To: Sam Gotter III Case : 211 Respondent RE: W(,TM 1S1-11BA, TL 1400 1/995 SW Pacific Highway a.k.a. : Butler Terrace Tigard OR 97223 It has been determined that the following activity or condition is an infraction as defined by Tigard Municipal Code: Tree rutting wirhntir Ai,rmir_- Community Development Code Chanter 18.150_ Alan in vinlarinn of (antinion 11 of the Planning Commission final order #96-15PC whirh apprnued Rnr1nr Torras. Subdivision(case OS 8-861V9-86)- You -861V9-86)You may contact me by phone at 639-4171 between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. , Monday through Friday, or by mail at the Tigard Civic Center, 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. , PO Box 23397, Tigard, OR 97223, to informally discuss the possibility of entering a Voluntary Compliance Agreement. Under this agreement, you would agree to remedy the alleged infraction within a certain time period and the City would agree not to file a summons and complaint against you during this period. If a Voluntary Compliance Agreement is not executed, the following action to remedy the infre.e13on must be completed by prior to recording thr: final plat: Plan and guarantee fol; the _reAjgLL2eit (Time and date) of the trees tha` were remived• If this remedial action is not taken and a Voluntary Compliance Agreement has not been entered by the time and date indicated a uniform summons and complaint. will be issued, and a penalty of $__ nfa , plus hearing fees, may be imposed upon you, pursuant to Tigard Municipal Code. CITY OF TIG I/ By: Azez' Code Enforcement Officer Senior Planner Keith Liden (Print Name) - rn166 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397 Tigard, r n 97223 (503)639-4171 November 26, 1986 ,CITY(*TIVARD -fo T RAS OREGON m 25 veors of SeMce — 1961.1986 OVIYNA\_ Mr. 5amue1 A. Gotter III Tnj lc--- 7710 7710 SW Gentlewoods Drive �� �. Tigard, OR 97224 • RE: Butler. Terrace Subdivision Dear Mr. Gotten: This i , to verify, per your request that: 1. Each lot is situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, include curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means cor operation and maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, will have drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned disposal system will be available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in t..e subdivision. 4. The improvements required, to be constructed, by the City of Tigard, Oregon are under construction. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard thereinregard completion of the improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's Office. I hope this letter cl&rifiea the matter for you, regarding documentation/verification required to be submitted to the State Real Estate Di vi s t on by each suh4tvider. Yours truly, John S. H.sgman Engineering Technician .TH:b92714P 13V') )w I,i w 1 lvd,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ----- Q DAp 'dov. 24, 19"6 ❑ URGENT R. J. ROUSE ELECTRIC �""^.. ❑ SOON AS POSSIBLE 10320 5W Parkp► Rd. FILE NO. j ❑NO REPLY NEEDED LAKE OSWT-GO, OREGON 97034 � I ATTENTION Bob `7'1'IOmpeorl TO (503)635-2824 susjEcr -kigtler Terrace Jt. JAPhtina, 'ity of `t'irrard i . sox 23397 40 Fi ward, cart 97223 MESSAGE 3t. lighting, for the subject job has been completed. Ipon your acceptance, please !3end a copy of your acceptance to our office and notify t13E to energy-ize. 40SIGNED REPLY DA rE OF REPLY •'�' �/ } .. SIGNED I CITY Off' TI1FARD OREGON 25 Years of Service 1961-1986 � October 23, 1986 Mr. Samuel A. Gotter III 7710 S. W. Gentlewoods Drive Tigard, OR 97224 Subject: Subdivision Compliance Agreement Butler T ar_e Dear otter: OV11- � Enclosed please find a certified copy of the above-captioned agreement which was approved and signed at the Tigard City Council meeting of October 13, 1986. If you need any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Loreen R.. Wilson Acting City Recorder cw/4270 Enclosure cc: Randy Clarno w/cert. copy Bill Qullla.d w/orginnl agreement 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- - - ---- ---- SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGRV EMENT THIS AGREEMEWT dated the day ofy-r __. } between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of State of Oregon, hereinafter- termed ereinaftertermed the "CITY", and Samuel A. Gotter III hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as Butler Terrace in Section 11, Township 2 South, Range 1 West Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction by Oregon Chapter APWA, for street, storm drain, structure and related work, and Unified Sewerage Agency Standards and Specifications, for sanitary sewer construction, prepared by , professional engineers, for sutr,idision public improvement development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements to be constructed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, and Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots 'in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing promises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with development, with the intent airi purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision riot later than two (2) years from the Ante of this agreement, and Petitioner agrees to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specifications of the City of Tigard, to comply with all terms and provisions specified thereinregard this improvement by the Concil and Planing Commission of the City of Tigard. Oregon, or as may be specified by the Community Development Department and to use only such material and t" follcra such designs as may be required by or approved by said Department. Petitioner shall provide certification of installation ennformance and one as-built mylar, both stamp—d by a registered civil engine.. , to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City conditional and final acceptancp consideration. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner will tender, on request, to the City ; .surety bond apprtwrki by the City, with liability in the amount of $ SO 900.00 or in an amount equal to the cost of incomplete performance vorTt p Ns t -normally required maintenance amount prior to recording of the subdivision plAt. 1 ! ! 1r (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progr6ssive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed and charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s Sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover- the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner' s Sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s Sureties specific per*ormance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner-, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City' s attorney' s fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any . (4) Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, shall deposit with the City an amount estimated to equal poles and luminar• maintenance fees , for street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights . Said amount being $_____ 226.08 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the. City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, ill consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay prescribed inspections fe-P9 s (6) The City agrees to instal.] street identificar4c•:. traffic signs within said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount. of $ n/a (7) At such time as all. public improvements except. :,idewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City ' s requiremer,�s, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for conditional acceptance inspection and, then, upon notification by the Department. of Community Development that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient guMrantee bond if not. already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City to provide for correction of any incomplete work or any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year aftor conditional acceptance of the public improvements by the City . (8) Upon receipt of certification from the Department of Community Development that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Guar,antec Bond, the C .ty Council agrees to conditionally accept. the public_ improvemen subject to the r•equir-ement of completion of all work and correction o doficien:iPs and maintenance for a period of one year, (9) chat in addition to or supplementary of the requirements 0 the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the r; ovisions hereof, PPt.it.iotwr I,1 lid. it9Plf to conform to the following requ.rempnts , scheduling and limit...tc� *Project Fee s 1,540.00.__ sewer Fee 49-1.00 - 2 (a) None of the lots of Petitioner' s subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy pc-mit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior- to conditional acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks a!i required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than three (3) years from the date of this Subdivision Compliance Agreement. (b) All landscaping tress on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area), if required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each su( h lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and application for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of anv year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing sua-wr, ?n any event, all required landscaping and trees in all areas shall be pl,,rnh,d and in place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from it date of this subdivisi(.n improvement contract. (c) After conditional City acceptance of the public improvemonts, the Petitioner agrees to place an asphaltic concrete overlay on ;All ro,+ds within the development; placement scheduling to be approved by the City. (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Counr:il and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the Lone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s) . (e) Petitioner agrees to correct any defective work and to rwrfutm any maintenance, upon notification by the City, arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (10) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of -omnunity Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond . (11) The parties hereto, hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is herkto at'.ached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitionar agrees to cause t , have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior ti, the time thil agreement is executed on behalf rf the City . Petitioner further agree% to maintain said bond in full force and effect until otherwise a-ithorized by tho City in writing. (12) the specific. requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for +II purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the afiir wi.A id performaru a bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto rn the event of default on the part of the Petitioner with resper t to any r—oqu i rem1•nl thereof t LN W1INI.SS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Director's has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City a1.1-ing pursuant to motion of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the 7-._ day of 0_-r ,b ,-___, 19 (� -, has causod this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. Samuel A. Gotter III B y' Tf% CfTY Of 11GAR0, OREGON i» Mayor 9 Q By: STATE OF OREGON ) Recorder as. County of Washington ) BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this / _ 1y of Vii,,, 19 �+ , before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and For the State of Oregon, personally appeared the within-named �t1µ(,TEL_ q 6„n rree 17= who is (are) known to me to be the identical individual(s) described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he (she) (they) executed the same freely and voluntarily. !; IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this /(1 d-'day of �, r .11��� , 19 Q, - Notary Public for Oregon (NOTARIAL SEAL) My Commission Expires: Tigard OR 97224 STATE OF ORFGON ) County of Washington ) City of Tigard ) I, LOREEN R. WILSON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I. am the duly appointed, qualified and Acting Recorder of tier city of Tigard, Oregon. I further certify that 1 have compared the Herewith copy with the original in my possession as custodian of the official records of the City of Tigard, and that the therewith copy is a true and complete copy thereof, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Tigard this 23rd day of October 19 86 Acting City Recorder -- a TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 8835 S.W. CANYON LANE SUITE 405 PORTLAND, OREGON 97225 15031 297 - 3721 October 1 , 1986 Bob Thompson City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Butler Terrace Dear Mr. Thompson: As of this date, the sanitary sewer and the standard curbs have been installed or constructed for this project. I have made periodic inspections of the site during these phases of constriction. It is anticipated that the water system will be installed within the next few days. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, iti'ftlmkv,l ilp" X�'.. Thomas L. Amberg, P.E. TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION ENGINEERIN3 PLANNING SURVEYING G. Ll j 2 � M jEcT NAMa 'u 7ESt 04TE ?EST CONDUCTEo BY FROM /A O1 LE TN(I) 0011 C-0,0003089,41 C=0.0003082,41 71111E PASS �I u „2b � I CITY OF TIGARD,_ OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA 'ITEM S1IMMARY AGENDA OF; DATE SUBMITTED: ;eptember 12 _1986 TSSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Butler Terrace PREVIOUS ACTION: None Subd. Compl • Agrmnt, Auth, Mayor & Recorder to exec, in "Cit_y' s Behalf" PREPARED BY: Development Services Dept DEPT HEAD OK _ CITY ADMIN OK� REQUESTED BY; John Hagman POLICY ISS'lE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1) The proposed "Butler Terrace" subdivision is located at the end of S.W. Inez. Street westerly of S.W, 93rd Avenue. 2) The attached Subdivision Compliance Agreement has boon submitted by the developer (Mr, Samuel A. Gotter III) as is required by the City to assure installation of all improvements. 3) The developer- intends to install all improvements prior, to recording the X11.E subdivision plat; subsequently, a performance bond has not been submitted. Verbiage in said Agreement provides for the City to aquir•e said bond in the �- event such should become necessary . 4) Construction plans ar(, ready to issue and all required public improvement Fees have been paid . ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERS=D 1 ) Require that the plat be recorded immediately and that a performance bond be provided to the City for the necessary assurance amount:, to protect potential purchasers of lots therein. (This is not, really a good alternative since the City has already stated that the developer has up to one year to record said plat. ) FISCAL IMPACT SUGGESTED_ACTION Authorize the Mayor, and City Recorder to nxecut:e the Subdivision Compliance Agreement for- Butler Tzrrace Subdivision in behalf of tho City . mj/14 SUBDIVISION COMPLIANIX AGRCE.MfNT / THIS AGREEMENT dated the day of _ 19 i 1 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of State of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "CITY", and Samuol A. t;ott(-r l l f hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as Butler Terrace in Section 1 1 , T,Avnshil_) 2 South, Range 1 West Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction by Oregon Chapter APWA, for street, storm drain, structure and related work, and Unified Sewerage Agency Standards and Specifications, for sanitary sewer construction, prepared by professional engineers, for subdivision public improvement development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements to be constructed in Petitioner' s development are incomplete, and Petiti mer has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the f. jblic interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and it. sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1 ) Petitioner shall proceed with development., with the intent aiKi purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner agrees to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specifications of the City of Tigard, to comply with all terms and provisions specified thereinregard this improvement by the Concil and Planning Commission of the City of T►g,Ard, Oregon, or as may be specified by the Comminity Development Department and to u.e only such material and to follow such designs as may bA required by or approved by said Departmert Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance and one as--built mylar, both stamped by a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspe( t ►on (►f Petitioners improvement work for City condIiional and final al: ( eptws, v consideration (Z) To assure compliance with the Cit,,'s ►eyuIrenuantx and the provi�zikills hereof, Petitioner will tender, on request , to the (;icy surety bond appiovi J by the Cit- with liability in the amount of $ 50,800.00 01 in nn a111110l'Ilt equal to L„e cost of incomplete performance wor' p vs t e norma IIv rvgiiiri maintenance amount prior to recording of the subdivision plat 1 (3) In the event that Petitioner- shall fail , neglect. or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner- to assure completion within the t.imr limits, upon ten (1.0) days notice by the City to Petit.ioner Arid Petitioner' s sureties, and such default and failures to proceed continui-ig thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed and charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s Sureties and in the event same he riot. paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner' s Sureties prumi.se and agree to pay, in addition tc) the amiltint.s accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable ;as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against, the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s Sur•et.i.es spo( ific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standAr•ds ,and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like mariner-, the City shall bn entitlesd to recover such sum as the court shall AdjUdr]A- re,vcuri.ablo .+As and fur the City' s attorney' s fees Arid costs, both in Lhv Ir i.+1 CAuir t ,aAAd Appellate Court, if Any. (A) Petitioner , concurrent with the execution hereof , shiAlI dope- it with the City an amount estimated to equal polo And luminar• malnten-Anr,e Voos , for street lighting facilities within the subdivision, accor-dino'I to Pittl-+nd General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", together- with a further sun, oijo-al to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to enPr-gire the -;Lr-vet lighting facilities for a periid of two (2) years from the dAIv of initial energizing of said 1 i.ghts . Saij amount being $____.__ 226.08 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compl i;anr.e herewith, it, consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay prescribed inspm..t. iuns fees M (6) 1he City agrees to install street ident ification Ariel LraffiA AtIri!, within said subdivision, in consideration of pAymeri1. in I,ho amounI of $ n/a (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street Lr-ops within the subdivision have been completed in accordanA.e with Lhe A'tty ' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "cert.ificate of inst�+I 1,at tilt, conformance" to the City to notify Lhe City of readiness fur e.onditi nal acceptance inspection and, then, upon notification by the Ilepart.ment of Community Development that the requirements of the City have been 111et., the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and suffir ient quar-antoe bond if riot already provided with the performance bond, form appr•ovod by the Ci1v to provide for correction of any incomplete work or any defective wiltk tic maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year r#fter condo '--I acceptance of the public improvements by the City . (8) Upon receipt of certification from the Department of Community Deweloprnent. that all requirements have boon met., and a Orw Year tltA,4r ,411tee nand, the Pity Count. i1 agr-pos to condit.iunally ac, oW I ho puhI it I ml,tAtvo"It"It subject to the requirement of comp]et.iorl of a I work Anil , it A ASA t Ain, tit deficiencies and maintenance for a period V one year. (9) That in addition tet or supplement.ery of Lhe roquirvim-til ,, -1 1tit, Cit:Y' s Subdivision Or-dinan(.o „Arid 010, Prov i4iunv het I'll( , Dill it 1I.If 1,11"f• itself to conform I f I the fol kiwi rug r•equi cement -; , sc hvdA.AI Aral grid IAtit it ,at 1,,i *Project Foe $ 1,540-.UU-- Sower Too 492.UU (a) None of the lots of Petitionar' s subdivision ,Is described clay Ill' occupied for residential purposes unLi l an occupancy por-mi t i s issued tinder authority of the City arid no occupancy permit. shall bo is,aurad prior Lo conditional acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that Lhe sidow,.Alk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that. all sidewalks A-. required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than three (3) years frim tho date of this Subdiuisitlr, Compliance Agreement. (b) All Landscaping trees on that portion of c,ach lot bet.wcv n 014, public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) , if required, shall be plant.od in place prior to final inspection arid issuance of occupancy pormit. fur each kith lot in the subdivision. Provided that final insper_t.ion arid applic.Ul.ion lilt occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October Lt., April of ,.Ally year, such plantings may he deferred until the next following tjrowinq so,a-111 In any event, all required landscaping and trees in all arra,, shall be Ill-.Aot"d arid in plar_e within the entire subdivision within throe (3) years from Ihr data of this subdivision improvement. contract , (c) After conditional City arcepLanco of Lhe publi, Imps,%vvituorlt ,; . the Petitioner agrees to place an asphaltic. concrete ovorlay ren ,+II within the development; placement scht!duling to be approved by tho Cily (d) Compliance with all terms arid provisions spec i f ird thcrl't lif or said subdivision development by the I;ounc:il and the Planning commission of the City of ligard, Oregon, in regard to variances ;allowed from thr subdivision, ordinance, conditions specified by the zone usca classification .and, al .o. kin the approved plat(s) and plat(s) . (e) Pot.i.tioner agrees to r_orrect, any drfectivv work oild t„ p- lol m any maintenance, upon notification by the City, arising during the gti,u ,+nior period as hereirtabove set forth. (10) At such time as all public improvements have br-t-n Lonrl,lt'tod Int accordance with thb City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify thl, Pity of readiness for final inspection and upon certific:atiort by tht, 11rlr"at tmolit of Community Development that all requiremcents of the City have been nnot , Iho Council agrees to accept said impr-ovements fur operation and m,.AI rrt rtl,ul� t responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantt,e bund (11) the parties hereto hereby adopt the form of porfor-martco build opill whereof is heroto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Pet I I I1,1not agrees to cause to have said bond executed arid f i 1 cad wi th tho Ci I y concurrently with the execution of this agreement at. or prior Ill Lhe limn 06% agreement is executed on behalf of the City . Petitioner ft.Irthor ,attrrr•, (- maintain said bond in full force and offoct until otherwise author i,d by It- City in writing (1?) the speLif it requirements of Paragraph y ht rt l ; 1,.A11 tilt +I I purposes bo irtt.ludod a-j a parr of tho obligation socurml by tho ,+141ri,+0 performance bond arid the City shall be entitled tct rocourvt, 01411400 Irl IhI' evortl of defdull ort the part of Oil- Not,it.iorter with rosprl( t Ill ,.Arty rr-ktlttrrnrrilt thereof 3 IN WIINI`i}i W14FRL:Of , Petitioner- act.iny by and Lhrouyti iLs duly ,kut.hfjri;rad undersigned off'i.cer•s pursuant L(i re solut.iori of iLs Nnard of 1)irot t(irs has (_aused this agreement to be executed, and 0w City ar.1.irig pursu.arit. to nail ior, of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the day of 19 has (.aw;itd Lhis agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder-, Samuel A. Gotter III 9y ' 1 Nf C f 1 Y Of 11(;Ak*O, ORf GON BY Mayer BY ! _ (Attach Nr.Aary Acknowledgement hereto) Return signed copy to: Samuel A. Gotter III 1710 SW Gentlewoode Drive Tigard OR 97224 4 KM, O 9- �1-8V W/ O N ba,yr+� CQ '•Q F 1 � •�'I� �`yN 1N WL 1, 1610. �,1 CWOF TIOARD No. 16483 12755 S.W. ASH P O.BOX 23397 tate TIGARD,OR 97223 Name Address Lot BlocklMap SubdivisionlAddress ' Permit if's Bldg. Plumb Cash Check ✓ Sewer — Other er Rec. By Acct. No. Description Amount 10432_ Buildin Permit Fees 10.431.600 Plumbin Permit Fees — 10-431.601_ Mechanical Permit Fees -- 10.230-501 State BId�LTax Y — -- 10-433 Plans Check Fee 30-443 Sewer Connection _-- 30-444 _ Sewer Inspection _ 51-448 Street Syst. Dev. Charge 52-449.610 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge 52 439 620 Parks II Syst. Dev. Charge 31-450 Storm_Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge 1Bu 0-430 siness Tax _ 10.434 Alarm Permit 10.227 Bail 10.455• Fines-TrafficiMisdlParkIng 10-230- CPTA Traffic/MisdIVIC. Asst. 10.456 Indigent Defense _ — 30.122.401 Sewer ServicelUSA 30 122.402 Sewer Service/City 30% 30 123 Sewer RevicelCity Maint. 30.125 llnrnatched 31.124 Storm Drainage _ 40-476-- Banco t rin. ymt. 40.471 Bancroft Int. Pymt. r 7 L air pro*+ T7 , � ��sS'LS DEPT. 1 �, ff 46 PLEASE I AKE' THIS TO 1-14U. CASHIER FOR A RVU. I P I DATE 'A MW —------ AMOUNT A'CT. N 10-220 Refundable Performance Bond Deposit 10-435 Sign. !je rT Lit HOP TU Public sewer Plan Check/Inspection Fee Z 10-436 aubjjjc..Storm_Ljar� Check Insptctjqn__Fee.--- 00 10-4�36 IIE��Public Improvement Fee 10-436 Street Opening Permit 10-440 subdivision Applications: S MLP 10-441 Zoning Applications: ZC CPA ZOA PO Misc SCE CU SLP V $ 21 -442 Street Light Fee $ 10-451 Document Sales: Engrg. Plannin Bldg. $ 10-451 Street and Tr: 10-451 Land Use_Lcl_ions/FQQS' To TAL $ -z (1045P) September 5, 1986 CITYCWTKA Mr. Samuel A. Gotter 71z OREGON SW Gentlew66ds Drive Tigard OR 97224 25 Yeors of Service 19161-1486 Re: Butler Terrace Subdivision Dear Mr. Gotter: I Enclosed, please find the Compliance Agreement and Performance Bund ( iotms) for said project. After signature thereof by the principal(s) and notaiN and, in the case of the bond form, by the surety, please return butte documents for final processing. V-ter City execution and acknowledgi"Cilt , .1 copy will be transmitted to you, for ;your file, by the City Recorder. Subsequently, thereafter, the approved public improvement construction p1mis can be issued upon receipt: of a check, in favor of the City of Tigard, Ore, un. in the sum of $ 2,258.0E ; being the said agreement (therein Ntatei) deposit/fee(s). Yours truly, 7-- ohn S. Hagma Engineering Technician .TSH:pjr 13125 SW Hall V,/d,P.O,Box 23397,T)9ard,Oregon 97223 (503)639.4171 -- ..rte SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE. AGREEMENT r THIS AGREEI'IENT dated the day of 19__ ( j 1 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of State of Oregon, he,^einafter termed the and Scunuei A. Gott.er III hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as Butler Terrace _ in Section 11, Township 2 South, Range 1 West Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction by Oregon Chapter APWA, for street, storm drain, structure ,and related work, and Unified Sewerage Agency Standards and Specifications, for sanitary sewer construction, prepared by professional engineers, for subdivision p•iblic improvement development; and WHEREAS, Oe public improvements to be constructed in Petitioner' s develolment are incomplete, and Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legb.11y enforceable assurances that public improvements will be installed as required and ( completed within the ti.me hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed bj the Petiti'ner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOCLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with development, with the intent And purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner agrees to comply with all subdivision standards as setforth in the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specification] of the City of Tigard, to comply with all terms and provisions specified ther-einregard this improvement by the Concil and Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, or as may be specified by the Community Developaent Department and to use only suc material and to follow such designs as may b.' required by or approvrid by said Department Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance and one as-built mylar, both stamped by a registered civil engineer, to the laity prior to City inspection of Petitioners improvement work for City cond►tional and final *cc Won, v consideration (2) 'ro assure compliance with the Cit,,'s requirements and the hrrvis-ions hereof, Petitioner will tender, on request , to the City .; surety bond apptovvd by the City, with liability in the amount of $ 50,80000 or in an amount equal to the cost of incomplete performance work p1Vs the normally required maintenance amount prior to recording of the Rubdivision plat . WINNIA ! ! (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail., neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner Lo assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties, and such default and failures to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed and charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s Sureties and in the event same be not paic , to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such ?action be brought, Petitioner ,,end Petitioner's Sureties promise and afire:_! to pay, in addition to the amru.mt.s accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasor,ah h- is attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court -rid Appellate C.nurt, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s sureties specific performance of the: contract and compl.fiance with the subdivision standards a,xi ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner-, the, City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall Adji,dgo reasonably, as and for the City' s attorney' s fees and costs, both in tho Trial Court 'kild Appellate Court, if any . (4) Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, shall dvpo , ,t with the City an amount estimated to equal polls and luminar mainteri,Anco Foos, for street Lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Por-tlard General Electric. Schedule N91, Option "D" , together with a further sum vgl-al to the estimated cost of pr-oviding electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights . Said amount being (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, Ill consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay prescribed insper.tions fops M (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic •, i_tns within said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ n/a (7) At such timc, as all public improvements except sidewalks and -Ort,vt trees within the subdivision have boon completed in accordance with tho (My ' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "cert ificatp of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for cond1tional acceptance inspection and, then, upon notification by the Department of Community Development that the requirements of the City have been milt, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient guarantee bond if riot already provided with the performance bond, form approvr_d by the t:ity to provide for correction of any incomplete work or any defective wank o^ maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year aftor rc-riditiorial acceptance of the public, improvements by the City . (8) Upon receipt of certification from the Departmo nt. of Community Development that all requirements have. been met, and a One Year Guar,antoel Rand, the City Council agrees to conditionally accept, the puhl it imp►uvolilvnt subject to the requirement of completion of all work and cu rrO t ,1n, of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year, (9) That. in ,addition to or Supplementary of the roLquiremont i the, City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Flo t11.ioiim l iildI it.spIf to conform to the following r-equirement.s, scheduIitiq and Iimit.r+t IIulI *Project Fee $1,540 00---_- Sower F e p $ 491 OQ---- 2 (a) None of the lots of Petitioner' s subdivision as described may bo occupied for residential purposes until. an occupancy permit is issued urnder authority of the city and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to conditional acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for tach developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks a!i required by the plans and subdivision rode shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later th«n three (3) years from the date of this Subdivision Compliance Agreement (b) All landscaping trees or that, portion of each lot between thc, public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) , if required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Pr,vided that final inspection and application for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of ariv yea, , such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing soa."m In any event, all required landscaping and trees in all areas shall bc. pl„Uil od ano in place within the entire subdivision within th,r•ee (3) years from 014, date, of this subdivision improvement contract. . (c) After conditional City acceptance of the public impruvvriorit , , the Petitioner agrees to place an asphaltic coocrete overlay on all r",+d., within the development; placement scheduling to t,, approved by the City . (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretufur said subdivision development by the council and the Planning Commission of tho City of 1-igard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from thu subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s) . (e) Petitioner agrees to correct any dofective work and to five, fur m any maintenance, upon notification by the City, arising durirn,] the guaranlov period as hereinabove set forth. (10) At. such t:irne as all public improvements have been c.omplvtod In accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify l.he City of readiness for final in3pect.ion and upon certification by the flepartment of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the, Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintonmicr responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond (11) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached arid by reference made a part hereof, and Pet.itionor agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the, Pity concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior (.rr the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City . Petitioner- further a►groc—+ to maintain said bond in full force and effect until otherwise authorised by th , City in writing (19) 1hr. specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for ,dII puroosos be included as a part of the obligation securv!d by the ,-Afor414•,A►d performance bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto to lhc, event of default on the part of the Petitioner with respect to any rcc�uirc�mc i�l thereof 3 - IN W1INESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to motion Of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the _ day of 0 19 has causod this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. Samuel A. Gotter III Ely'•--- —___.._. _ _._.__--- By 1Hf CI i Y of I l(;(,Rl), oRl i;nN Mayor By'--- (Attach Notary kcknowlodgoment hereto) Recorder Return signed copy to Samuel A. Gotter III 7710 SW Gentlewoods Drive Tigard OR 97224 (Ooms) 4 Subdivision PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRI_SENTS, thatHM. Samuel A. Cotter-rrr as Principal, and _i _ — a corporation duly authorized to conduct. a general surety business in tho St..te of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $_50,800 , lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which we, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly 4ncl severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these present TitE CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, LhaL the Principals are constructing and plattirig a subdivision kno rn_,U_Bu _J:errare___- . located in the City cif Tigard, Oregon, and have entarod into a Subdivision Compliance Agreement with respect to timely development and improvement thereof, a copy of -paid Agroemont is ALt.achod hereto, and by reference made a part hereof; and NOW, THEREFORE, the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observQ and comply with all terms of the Agreement and shall well and truly perfo -m all matters and thing? undertaken to be performed under said Agreemunt and under all ordinances, regulations and onnitions of the Obligee applicable to Said development and improvement, and shall promptly make payments to All persons supplying labor or material for any of the work provided by s,+id agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosncutionod against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect . In the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligep her,runder t- enforce said contract or to recover under, Lhe terms of Lhis band, in Hdd►t lur) to all other rights and remedies hereunder , the City, in the event it yhM11 prevail , shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ':he parties hereto have caused this b(.)rwJ to be executed this _— day of _ _ 19 _ Samuel A. Gotter III -- Principal By : Y' (A true copy of the Power of Attorney hist be attached to the original of �Suroty this bend ) �le.le�o�r Attorney in Fact ro�o a.�S (0971P) �fcT r 1 Or i,p CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FEE `COMPUTATION ShEEI Project Title: 'tA\eV �e'lorzkce Imprv. pe: C J _ Computed By: _ Date 1 . PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T.M.C. 119, 164. 150): A. Improvenent cost estimate, o0 less sanitary sewer . . . .$ .3500 cc)B B. 0.04 x $ -36. SCO _ _ . . . . �`- (Ad u� sled Cost) 2. SANITARY SEhER MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION FEE (Ord. No. 854)2) - A. 5-02) -A. Contract surcharge applicable . . . yes, no. (agreement name) B. Sewer Improvement cost estimate $ _ IZ, 300, (sewer est . ) C. 0.04 x $ /7 300, �'n = co (sewer estimate) (fee) [or] $100,00 min. , whichever is greater . . . . . . • . .5 *9��-_.�. 3 . STREETLIGHT FEE (T. ,M.0 18. 164. 130 (x) & 3 .08.010) : A. P.G.E. Schadule No. _�/ Option No. Type of Lamp ,tf,f�5, Watts Type of Pole Height _1f1z� (monthly rate) (no. of lights) 5_ x.39 4 x Z (monthly rate) (no. of Notes) $ � + ©. 7e x 24 months = 5 Z Zt.-, (subtotal IT (Subtotal poles) 4. TRAFFIC—PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEC (T,M.C. 18. 164 .030(u) : A. Stop: @s— (number) (each) (•ubtotal) B. St. Name —" — @ $ C. Combo: -- @ $----- 0. No. Parking:___ @ r F Sign(s) Total 5 /V, /Q, 5 GRAND TOTAL (FEE'S out ) . 5_ �27-56. Roc"ipt No WA �3 Date. Paid clV& ec 3 0920P T"k!K- Sl.��. P+c-1.A�vMJT `K' sh1� Y'P�JEZ`'� • ���--dPE.R.S lHper�s�lolJ 'tN4�x' �1-1\.� 01JE s�'DE O� � & '��'L''�"` ►�.���e N� � s���>/�`K S moo►�T W►•n...�S ►� R��\tz�b v��,�S sic.���c��� -� y off, ■s �r 1�1► � et .w TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 8835 S.W. CANYON LANE SUITE 605 PORTLAND, OREGON 97225 15031 297 - 3721 September 2, 1936 BUTLER TERRACE Engineer's Lstimate 1. Street Construction 1".0-lb ovt�w. $ 26,000.00 2. Sanitary sewer Construction 12,300.00 3. Water System 4,700.00 4. Sidewalks 1 ,300.00 = Z• j �� 5. A.C. Pathway 1 ,500.00 • � 6. Street Lights (2) 1 ,400.00 7. Utility trenching ( P.G.E. , G.T.E. , C.T.V. ) °1,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 3_.48,2404;1@► „ Sof sCo. ENGINEFAING PLANNING SURVEYING �I 0 z LL U ° w Q ry � o I I `IJ i y �? m m m m m LL m LAJ CL Z z •L ♦D Uua a t11 w , G " w a LL a l CL CD 0 0 OREGON 25 Years of SeMce 'ErC-N HiC= / 1961-1986 97zz5 PE Dear T,„y Attached please find ep"a copy(s) of a public improvement plan. Said plan needs to be circulated through the below noted agencies for review acknowledgement and, subsequently, returned to this office. Very truly/, John S. Hagma Engineering Technician (JSH: sb45) /N PGE Company /'7 Northwest Natural (;as Co. 14655 SW Old Schools Ferry Rd . 220 N.W. Second Avenue Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 97209 SEE: Jim Johnston, 643-5454 SEE . Ron Polui , 276- 4211 'f General Telephone Co �+�Tigard Water District 12460 SW Plain Street 8841 SW Cominercial Street Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 SEE: Donna Donaldson, 620-0373 SEE: Bob Santee, 639-1554 / / Metzger Water District / '7 Tualatin Rural Fire Protection Uist 6501 SW Taylors Ferry Road 8455 SW Elligson Road Portland, OR 97219 P.O. Box 12.7 SEE- Jesse Lowman, 245-3331 Tualatin, OR 97062 SEE: Gene Birchpll , 607 2601 131125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (,503)639-4171 ------.-- -- -- — / Fire District. No 1 / y Storer- Cable 20665 SW Blanton 14200 SW Brigadoon Court Aloha, OR 97062 Beaverton, OR 97005 SEE: Bert Parker, 649-8577 SEE: K. J. Street, 644 -3188 /r'! Tigard Post Office State Highway Division 715 NW Hoyt 2131 SW Srholls Ferry Road P.O. Box 3047 Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 97208--97608 SEE: Lee Gunderson, 7.29--5002 SEE: Mike Kr•ygier, 294---2380 (JSH: sb45) /ylSc�7 !e':d 5 r, i.7c/ 04- -7/4< o>l rl�.17s �•�,�� .a� 'r/ 41 '4'r �fc- /mac', ���7sh�n q•�o�-+ �e.�u.y;f r �e^e.i�7`�i e'�uSF'_ //7 /Yi�/sbG��C'� .J ,J 1� • Tec�nv,:c�� �►noS:v,c�r���J Core • 8£33115 5.LO C�wvpv� �.zJHe (S405 � • r Ck 711a , Ofr 1�ZZ5 tiN�% My, 'ToKA Aw�6ercj RE: BUTT ER Ott V&M SB'bV. Dear Tam Attached please find ov%e- set(s) of public improvement construction plans; said plan(s) having been provided to the City for preliminary review. Onr comments are noted thereon. Please make all necessary revislon(s) and, then, submit '.� x set(s) to this office to commence the "formal" circulation and final review process. Also, attached hereto, please find a handout which further describes the aforesaid circulation and rcv'.ew process. Very truly, c( : file l '1 I I 1 4 1 � I l p N m N O in � N N IIht%) Olt vv L 1 IIS I I I c 01 � ���,----,�- ISI ► � '� I c `I lyl Yr J 1� _ I C I1 N I C it �. d %S � 11 Z 1 W I� t � •' �-, I N IZ :Y ff /� ' M n1 WPM .. .f. ja ,`• .r,� 1.4 AA Alit- s N Owl lot-- ►. W V c ' All4m" � J T' M MW' O rt r / 1 4" 16 � _ lam• CL 41 f r ,t N e r r.• Im i7 u1 �+• N C 4t C � C V Iw o Q JLAJ 40 13 4J 44B VI ' OL w 4; ti A N w ++� 6 .- N 0 O A 1p. v 41 S- Cr ti _ y • V Q41 4 �e 1 O L w t!. Nr C ^ U r N /� 1 a� C p u+ +� LLL r*+� H �n ? w to �•- �� N � Q u A C I I x a o in s•+ 0 v . ►- I .. € . aj ' 1 O s s of `J O ~ ► N N •� 3 w r y3 1 J L ■li �1 t � � s � ,�, y°w 3:: z�, � t. G• o ` r � '�'�'�,� �h nr � :+ '`t�hi•��' yCiMtk''', ,Jty►•.Y. to a►f � � M�., �" � , x i 1 f; ,r77• �!�! ,F f�•SS'R�� �, , .i F" �r � 1C .P . ' 'a �4t:fit }.it �.• t ��„`. �" t hr° t} 1•4r:'. ,, .1' � .4� Vic. '.- S ,�r. .tr dr ' T .t �.'� �.a�� ,�y 4r• VfT "1111 .y iy' 1, f �` r 1,`�►�,�"�� �,� t' ;P aRr: IN 4W tit 40 Ar cn .46 h ry ITf a NY R l4 y F f yl`•� ,,j .. ,, � iM.i� '' C4 �✓• t51 �y j" '1 'q C! 4f LOj w 1v s� r V �, sr ra b 4� v ' 4,1at ..b H, b Ir 65 Al 4J 06 u u fir• �' w M f-' g H +� d• �. a r r^„ �' 41 v, to 41 in c Lo on V. Adt _ Ij ,y w4 r sr M v ;etc aT .`� ul �e 2/ ^ 9ITY OF TIGARUJ'oor�. Washington County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER BY PLANNING, COMMISSION I. Concerning Case Number(s) : S 8-86 and V 9-86 2. Name of Owner: Samuel A. Gotter III 3. Name of Applicant: Same Address 7710 SW Gentlewoods Dr. _City Tigard, State OR Zip 97224 4 . Location of Property; Address Between the western end of Inoz Street and SW 97th Tax Nap and Lot No(s) . 231 11BA lot 1400 5. Nature of Application: Request to divide a 1 .37 acre parcel into 6 lots with a minimum size of 7,500 sq. ft. and to allow a cul—de—sac of 600 ft. in lennth where a maximum of 400 ft. -i-s required. 6 . Action: __, Approval as requested X'{ Approval with ..onditions Der :a 1. 7. Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: XN The applicant b owners XX Owners of record within the required distance XX The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization riX Affected governmental agencies .'1< ;:;1UN .",HAL(, BE, FINAL ON June 10, 1986_ UNLESS AN APPEAL 1S FILED. findings of fact, decision, and stat-ement. of condition can be 1'l:rnrt inr Depart r otit, 'I'i y,;)rl i 1 y Hn l j , 1 +1:' :M H.►1 1 , + Tigard, Oregon AVry I-T t.y to thr decisiotr may appeal thin, derisiort in accordance with )j1 I AI :,;11 lloct 6)tl 1t'. . t; 4 I which Iff ,lt. ido..: t.tlat Ki'It I , titIt, II Iffy' itr i li•it i ' , i .I'� I '.f-lo i i I f 1 i I 1 tq', +tl u j jn , . it to I , blur 1:1 I?`;U t1 nr, ti)nr>; 1f you have atty quest suns, pl•„+r:. c:►1l t.T1r City ct Cit PI itnninj, Depart.nretlt., G39 4111 r CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER Nb. 86- /f PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FINDLNGS AND CONCLUSIONS WHICH APPROJ',C, AN APPLICATION FOR A GOBDIVISION (S 8- 86) AND VARIANCE (V 9--86) REQUESTED BY SAMt,EL GOTTER. The Tigard Planning Commission reviewed the above application at a public hearing on May 20, 1986 . The Commission based its decision on the facts, findings, and conclusions noted belaw: A ( ACTS 1 . General Information CASE: Sub d i v i s i on S 8--86 & Variance V 9--86 R[WLIEST : to divide a 1 .37 acre parcel into 6 lots with a minimum size of' 7,500 square feet and to allow a cul-de—sac of 600 feet in length where a maximum length of 400 feet is required , COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION Low Density Residential ZONING D[SIGNATION R--4.5 (Residential 4 .5 units/acre) APPLICANT: Samuel A. Gotter III OWNER: Fame 771.0 SW Gent.lewoods Dr . Tigard, OR 97224 LOCATION: Between the western end of Inez Strcvt arid 97th Avenue (WCTM 251 118A, T.L. 1400) 2. Background A similar proposal to create a ;tu; r I ,t on tho subje( i proprwrty was denied by Planning Commission „n M.tr( h n, 1 )ttr) (^ 2 $36/V 1 Nft) . 3 Vicinity Information IIit, area on the east, side of 97th Avenue is !„rtrtd R 4- i, And it,, ludes similar '111411 acroa(jn parcels I.o 1ttt;, nor-th, sintllt.e 1 lily rosidcncw on 8,000 to 17 ,(►C10 square foot lois to the e«rtit and lwal ity Junior Iliyh `;c.hool to thc, 'it,uth. Thr land on the wast skirt of 471h Avnnua .is zoriod P -3 (Posidential, 3 .5 Units/acre) and it consists of a rnmbiniatinn nf* small rncreogc+ tracts wnd single family residences. 4 Sita Information grid Prtti,o,.rol Ut,, t r ito i,,rt I- propnrt,y 13 r.Intil,Vl'1„1u,t4 0111i , n„ (f1 t. III11111, 1 I,dl ,_10 t.tPOt, r141-l' 1110 t”,;tern property 1inr, it is tt;vvrrd with rjr,aass ai,d is garden arei,i the toe rain slopes down gradually frttm wr4l. to vatrt . A ton foot wido strip provides the only frontage oti 97th Avenue and the 4t,ulhrta^.tern cornu of the It trt nl ahuLs the terminus nF Trtrt `;t r•t�nt i ,�,• iii i �, , (t r. i , t , The applicant proposes to extend Inez Street, form a 600 foot long cul-de-sac, and create six lots 'foV- single family residences . A portion of the street extension will utilize art existing 40 foot wide street right-of--way which lies between the subject property and the junior, high school. The remaining right of way will be vacated. 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the following comments: a. The eight foot wide pedestrian-bike path should be installed from the proposed cul-de-sac to 97th Avenue. A twenty foot wide public right-of-way should be reserved for the path or a public easement should be created. b. Thp applicant should be responsible for initiating procedures for vacating any remaining portions of the Inez Street right--of--way. C . Due to the amount of school age children needing safe access, the absence of a sidewalk on the sruth side of lnez is nut recommended unless an appropriate alternative can be developed with the school district. The Building Inspection Division indicates that the method for providing sanitary and storm sewer facilities should be clarified. NPO p6 has no objections to the proposal , the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District has no objection to the request . No other comments have been received. B. F INO ING 1 AND cONau!3IONG The ro I ,kleotO ( ti for I o ;n this cuss are l igiird Comprehens i vt' PI Sri p(/l i c ies 1 . 1 . 1 , 6 , t a , 1 , 1 . I . 13 1 , I.4.4, 8 . 1 . 1 , 8. l . 3, iArid 8.4 1 Barri Chapters 18.'10, 18 .92, 1H . 11)0, 19 . 1.60, and 18 . 164 of the Community Development Code. (ho Pliarin.ita(3 t;ttlllllli!;`iI(+n concludes thAt tho proposal is consistent with the rc 1 ev(+rlt. por I inn!, (if t ho cr(nlir•ohr,ns i ve Plan based upe(rl the findings notod 1 ow: a. Policy I . 1 is !;at.i-3fjod bpcauso thu Neighborh(iod PIanning -Orgnmi/,d iori and surrounding property owners were givr?n notice of the hear,irig arid rut opportunity to comment on the app Iicant ' s pr-opo seI . F, I(,(I i v 6 . 1 4 19 11 ,! I'll" ,.4(ivc± I_ho sirig Io imiii I� I (, idrml i.(I (1(,ktoItli(Int,n1: I 1111-.y 1. III10 W I i 1! '.li( ( IL;r.(l 1 (`r' 0f t.tll ! "r'1;1 l.bl . Jw'd .411"1" I(u I it v / 1 2, 1, 3 1 , oa id 1.4.4 aro stat k-i fi( d hoc kause adoqurat.e water, !.c+w(9 , storm driain(+yo facilities arp ivailnble to thc, devolopment Tho opplic,int ialgo iridirdvs thatthosp facilities will bt provided wilhitl tho subdivision as roquirod by the City standards I IWO III R I � I'i; 11 1111 (. V ) I( I(r i„ d. Policy 9.1.1 is satisfied because the proposed cul-de-sac will provide for a safe and efficcient transportation system by providing a terminus of this portion of Inez Street which meet City and Fire District standards, except for cul-de-sac length which is discussed below. In order to provide adequate access to the residential area north of the school, the City has followed a policy of havinq Inez, View Terrace or Mountain View extended west to 97th Avenue when development occurs. From a traffic circulation standpoint, at least one of these streets should connect with 97th Avenue. The applicant has provided justification for a cul-pie-sac on Inez Street which is based primarily upon two factors, First, there is a short, but relatively steep slope immediately east of 97th Avenue which would require a significant amount of cut and fill, The .extension or View Terrace or Mountain View would riot face this difficulty. Also, a preliminary plat approval, which has since expired, included an extension of Mountain View to 97th. Second, an intersection of Inez and 97th would occur in close proximity to a main driveway for the junior high school which would result in a traffic safety hazard. e Policy 8 . 1 , 3 will be satisfied when the zonditions L•f approval relating to street improvements ari completed. f. Policy 8,4. 1 calls for the provision of safe and convenient bicycle and pedestrian ac :ess to all portions of the city A bicycle/pedestrian lane is in place on the west side of 97th Avenue and eventually such a facility will be in place on the east side as well. The bicycle/pedestrian path shown on the plat is consistent with this policy and is appropriate given the significant amount of bicycle and pedestrian traffic generated by Twality Junior High School and Templeton Elementary School. the Planning Commission concludes that lhr proposal is consistent with the relevant portions of the Community 1)r.vn1opmc1rit Code based upon t:he f i rid i nil a noted be.l nw 1 Chapter's 1.8.50 (R- 4.5 zone) ,arid 18 92 ([Density cumputtit.ion!; tar'r satisfied bacauscn (!ach lot rompl.ies with thr minimum lot. ize standard of 7,500 square feat , 2 . 1,h,apt4_r 18. 150 (irvii Romoval.) i'k3giilre3 tlr,at l:il.y 1111,)r•0rr,al lilt rst grant ed before any t1`009 with N trunk d i anw•t(`r „f 6 i rri hr , Some of the t r-ees .aL the raster n nrrd r)f 1.I'll, pro,)vrt y w i l i need i it be removed but is exf)ectod that the ii rx imum number of will be retained for buffering purposes. < Ur,,, ,1, , 1 tt r C lF jltit vi.j,,r, ��,_,t,rlivi •, ir,rrl is sat.is;firl in, lur! it,�{ cnnl,,rn . li r fnl I„wirrcj crit ,-r iia f it '.t' �,ril in'.7 a vat i urc ,' to llrt maximum Icnalh of lhr, cul de secc (400 felt.) , A. Thore arcs special circumstanrf?s ur r'cinditions affot-t my Lh , property which card unu:uF,.tl and peculiar to the land as compared tr, other lands similarly sii,�iat , d; b. The variance is necessary for the proper design or function of the subdivision. ' C. The granting of the variance will not be dotrimer,tal to thew public health, safety and welfare or injurious to the rights of other owners of property; and d. The variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right because of an extraordinary hardship which would result from strict compliance with the regulation of this ordinance, Wh,-; Penrose Terrace subdivision was developed, it was apparently :r.cerid et; that Inez Street would be extended into the subject property, possibly to 97th Avenue. The length of Inez Street from its intersection with 93rd Avenue and the subject property is 330 feet. The proposed 600 foot long cul—de--sac is necessary to provide proper access to the subdivision. A street connection to 97th Avenue is a second alternative which is not as desirable because of the relatively steep grade adjacent to 97th Avenue and the closi, proximity to a d, iveway i-o the south which serves the junior h.;h school . The subdivision would probably function properly with either a cul-de-sac or through street, but for the reasons noted abo% e, a cul-tie-sac is preferable. Also, appropriate emergency access con be provided. The varianco will riot be detrimental in any way and the additional length over required 400 foot standard containr: in Section 18 , 164,030(k) is justified. 4, Chapter 18. 164 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards) is satisfied except fur Section 18. 164.030(k) which is tho subject: of the variance proposal noted above and the 600 foot length is appropriate, In summary, 0w proposal subdivision will he consistent with r it, policies arid standards if modifiod as discussed .abowo It i essantial that the developer work closoly with tie Tigiard `;f.-hi,ul District to pr-ovide appropriate bicycle and pedes-.rian ctinnor:t. imis between the school and adjoining neighborii-,od . +, ASS R CVA•A&--bvG • U1:CIS LON Ha9eJ upon the firnd:irig it, and curry Iio,it�i! ral."Vo, IIit, I'J(annirig 1;1111W111i approves 6 8--P6 and V 9- 86 subject to the following rraridit:iorrs : 1 . UNLESS OCTA RWP;[ NO]1 It, AI I CONI II l ION,, II01 I R1 Mi 1 Ilk,1("' Ir! RFCORMW Ill' 1 TRIM hI nr . St andiar'd s rr,ot iinl.!r!ivi•j,wnts i!n 1ur1 tli!4 ir.+::e, (.,avr !ti!t n1 , s ids ! ,; I curbs, rtamps, s i i virl.l irghts, drlvowiay aprons, Ooi in drainclgo !o utilities shall hr, ii!st,allod alr,rrrg the proha5ed rt„u1!.,. o Said improvemorrt -, tch.all Leo huiIt to city lor•al stroot staridwd?i .+nil conform to th(. ;al ignmrr!I nf exist inq adjaront imK,r!.rvr.morit !, ! "V U r!I f 1 14 NO V V Ih !� v J Hr All / 3 . Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by aRegist.ered Professional Civil Engineer-, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Frigineering Section for approval . 4. Sanitary sewer, domestic water, and storm sewer system plan-profile details shall be provided as part of the public improvement plans. 5. Construction of proposed public improvements shall riot commence until after 0,(� Engineering Section has issued approved puhlic improvement plans . The Sections will require posting of a 100 , Performance bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee Also, the execution of a construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of Approved public improvement plans . SEE THE ENCLOSED HANDOUT G1:VING MORE SPECIFIC INFORMATION REGARDIN!: FEE SCHEDULES BONDING AND AGRFEMPNTS. 6. Street Centerline Monumentation a. In accordance with ORS 92 .060 subsection (2), the centerlines of all street and roadway rights.-of-way shall be monumented before the City shall accept a street improvement. b. All centerline monuments shall be placed in a monument box conforming to City standards, and the top of all monument boxes shall be set at design finish grade of said street or roadway . C. The following centerline monuments shall be set: 1) All centerline-•centerline intersection, Intersections croated with "collector" or other existing streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment of said "collector" or othor street has been established by or for- the City; 7) Canter of a] ] cul do .acs; 3) Curun points, point:;, of intc•rs,ec:ti ,n (P . 1 , ) when their position falls inside the of tho pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (H C. and E.C. ) . All .,initor y l4nd tit Urrll ltm-o( 1f,n', h,,11 hi' pliaced in posit.i,-ns that dorn,t. itil ,Ir f. t w11.h crint:erline morrutilord,a t _ 8 An 8 foot wide bir yc 1a/pedestrian path, ar!d ,i ( ,mmponying 20 coot wide hubl it ri,)hi ,,t i, ay „r n,asomc+nt, h,al l ho it. I ,-,l lyd botl.wnn the tend r,f the i i.t 'ii �,� .��ni !i 1, ' tiand,a 1.t1(' o - dt ,'rn ;� „iilly i7)uI u P sidew,+Jk ,hall he inst,illvd along 1hn r., t i,l, I liw/ lotrvvt which mor!Is City st.,indards . to lieu %,f this -wdllitm, ,an ,alterl).at.e mot hod of t.t'rmiriatirig the., I,xisting s,ulth,.-n iclo,.,.alk , which is ,accnptr4hlo I ,, the l igal'd Srhoo1 1)istri, t , h, i{'I:�r„tr r1 by the 111i1� ,1{"1111 I" •t, I',' t 10. The unused portion of the existing Inez ;street right—of—way shall be vacated and said vacation shall be initiated by the applicant. See tort-on Wilson at City Hall. for further information. 11 . A tree cutting permit shall be obtained prior to the removal of any trees with a trunk diameter of 6 inches or greater. 12 . After review and approval by the Planning Director and City Engineer, the Final Plat shall be recorded with Washington County . 13 . This approval. is valid if exercised within one year of the final decision date noted below. It is further ordered that the applicant [w notified of the entry of this order. PASSED; This day of May, 1986 by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard. A. Donald Moen, President- Tigard Planning Commission (2563P) l I CITY OF TIGARD - Washington County, Oregon _ `►G� NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER - BY PLANNING COMMI6SION 1. Concerning Case Number(s): S 2-86 V 1-86 \� 2. Name of Owner: Elizabeth Butler, 13080 SW Howard Dr. Tigard 3. Name of Applicant: Samuel A. Gotter III Address 7710 SW Gentlewoods Drive City Tigard State OR Zip 97224 4. Loca ion of Property: Addr ss Between the westerL end of Inez and 97th Avenue. (On Inez) Tax p and Lot No(s). 2S1 IIBA lot 1400 5. Nat re of Applicetio To divide a 1 .37 acre parcel into 7 lots with a minimum s ze of 7,500 sq. ft. and to allow a cul.-de-sac of 600 feet in engl w ere a maximum lengtVlof 4UO feet is required. 6. Act on: Approval a requested Approval nditions Denial 7. Not ce: Notice wbs P lashed in t e newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to. / XX The,/applicant b own)es ere of record wit in the required distance XX a affected Neighb rhood Planning Organization XX fected government 1 agencies vt Final Decision: "THE DECISION LL BE FINAL ON April 4, 198 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. The adopted f ndings of fact, dZtiotice nd statement of condition can be obta ed from the Planning Depigard City Hall., 12755 SW Asti, P.O."" .O. ox 23397, Tigard, Oregon 9. Appeal : Any party t the deciston mayis decision i acc rdance with 18.32.290(A) d Section 18.32. provides tha a writ en appeal may be filed wi In 10 days afts given and ent. The deadline for fi Ing of an Appeal is 2:30 PM Ap it 4, 1986 10. (uestions : If you `Dave any questions, pleas call the City (it igard Planning 1?3epartment , 639-4171 . / rr gat �t I M CITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER - BY PLANNING COMMISSION I. Concerning Case Number(s): S 2-86 V 1-86 2. Name of Owner: Elizabeth Butler, 13080 SW Howard Dr. Tigard 3. Name of Applicant: Samuel A. Gotter III Address 7710 SW Gentlewoods Drive City Tigard State OR Zip 97224 4. Loca ion of Property: Addr as Between the westerR' end of Inez and 97th Avenue. (On Inez) Tax p and Lot No(s)., 2S1 I113A lot 1400 i 5. Nat re of Applicatio To divide a 1.37 acre parcel into 7 lots with a minimum sze of 7, 00 sq. ft. and to a ow a cu - e-sac of 600 feet in length w ere a maximum lengtg/of 400 feet is required. 6. Action: /Approval a requested Approval r►�__ c�nnditions Denial 7. Not ce: Notice w6s p lished in 4e newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: XX The applicant b owne s O:Ws of record wit ' I the required distance XX Tile affected Neightyyritood Planning Organization XX Ofected government,Al agencies Final Decision : / �QHE DECISION Ll. BE FINAL ON April 4 , 198 _UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. The adopted f ndings of fact, decision, nd statement of condition can be obta�ed from the Planning Department Tigard City Hall, 12755 SW Ash, P.O. i�Ox 23397, Tigard, Oregon 9722.3 9. AppeP_l . Am party t)� the decision may peal this decision i acc rdnnce with 1P. 32.290(A) d Section 18.32. 0 which provides tha a writ en appeal may be filed wi in 10 days aft notice is given and ent . The deadline for fi ing of an dppeal is 2:30 Ptd Ap it 4 , 1986 10. Questions: If you Lave any questions, pleas call the City of igard Planning Wpartment , 639-4111 . (0 2 5 i P) CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION F731AL_ ORDER NO. 86•- 07 PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FI'VCf.NGS AND CONCLUSIONS WHICH DENIES AN APLICATION FOR A SUBDIVISION (S 2-86) AND VARIANCE (V 1-86) REQUESTED BY ELIZABETH BUTLER. The Tigard' Planning Commission reviewed the above apFlication at a public hearing on March 4, 1986. The Commission based its decision on the facts, findings, and conclusions noted below: A. FACTS 1. General Information CASE: Subdivision S 2-86 & Varianco V 1-86 REQUEST: To divide a 1 .37 acre parcel. into 7 lots with a minimum size of 7,500 square feet and to allow it cul-tie-sac of 600 -eat in length where a maximum length of 400 feet is required. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R- 4 .5 (Residential 4 .5 units/acre) APPLICANT: Samuel A. Gutter III OWNER: Elizabeth Butler 7710 SW Gent_lewoods Dr 13080 SW Howard Dr . Tigard, OR 97224 Tigard, OR 97223 LOCATION: Between the western end of Inez. Street and 97th Avenue (WCTM 2S1 11BA, T.L. 1400) 2. Background No previous land use proposals have been reviewed by the City regarding the subject property . 3 . Vicinity Information the area on the east side of 97th Avenue is zoncd R--4 .5 and includes similar small acreage parcels to the north, single family residences on 8,000 to 1.2,000 square foot lots to the east and lwality Junior High School to the south. The land on the west side of 97th Avenue is zoned R--3 .5 (Residential , 3 .5 units/acre) and it. consists of a combin'Ation of small acreage t.rac.t.s and single family residences . 4. Site Information and Proposal Description 1-ho properly is undeveloped and except for a number of large trees near the eastern property line, it is covered with grass and a garden area. The terrain slopes down gradually from west to east. A ten foot wide strip provides the only frontage an 97th Avenue and the southeastern corner of the parcel. abuts the ter•minuv of Tnet Street. . FINAI ORDIR 06 07 PC (S 2 86 S V 1-86) PAGI I �r wr The a,jplicant proposes to extend Inez Street, form a 600 foot long cul .:e-sac, and create seven lots for single family residences. A portion of the street extension will utilize an existing 40 foot wide street right--of-way which lies between the subject property and the junior high school. The remaining right-of-way will be vacated. The ten foot wide access strip is intended to be combined with adjacent properties and not be made a part of the plat. . A 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the following comments: a. NPO #6 should be allowed to comment regarding the design question of a cul-de-sac vs. a through street for Inez as well as View Terrace and Mountain View to the north. b. An eight foot wide pedestrian-bike path should be installed from the proposed cul-de -sac to 97th Avenue. A twenty foot wide public right-of-way should be reserved for the path or a public easement should be created. C. The applicant should be responsible for Initiating procedures for vacating any remaining portions of the Inez Street right -of--way. d . Due to the amount school age children needing safe access, the absence of a sidewalk on the sough side of Inez_ is not recommended unless an appropriate alternative can be developed with the school district. The Building Inspection Division indicates that the method for providing sanitary sewer should be clarified. NPU /#6 has no objections to the proposal, but indicates that input from the Tigard School District and Surrounding proppr•ty owners should be taken into account. The Tigard School District has no objection to the proposal., provided the cul--de-sac does not encroach upon the school property and sufficient room is maintained for sidewalks and greenway . i The Tualatin Rural Fire Protpr_tion District has no objection to the request. No other commpnts have b an received H FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies 2. 1 . 1 , 6.3 . 3, 7. 1 .2, 7.3 . 1, 7. 4.4, 8. 1 . 1, 8 . 1 . 3, and 8 . 4 . 1 and Chapters 18 .50, 18.92, 18 . 150, 18 . 160, and 18 . 164 of the Community Development Code. Thp planning Commission (oncludes that the proposal is only partially ( ons stent with the relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan based upw, t hr f i nd i n(I s noted ho l raw I INAI ORDI R 06 07 PC ! 11h 6 V 1 86) PAIR 2 a. Policy 2.1. 1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning Organization and surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant' s proposal. b. Policy 6.3 .3 is not met because the single family residential development is not compatible with the' character of this "established -area" . The proposed lot sizes are smaller than those in the adjacent subdivision which average approximately 10,000 square feet. C. Policy 7. 1.2, 7.3 . 1., and 7.4 .4 are satisfied because adequate water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities are available to the development. The applicant also indicates that ;:hese facilities will be provided within the subdivision as required by the City standards . d. Policy 8 . 1 . 1 is not satisfied because the proposed cul--de--sac will exceed the maximum allowable length of 400 feet. e. Policy 8. 1 . 3 could be satisfied when the conditions of approval relating to street improvements are completed. f. Policy 8 .4 . 1 calls for the provision of safe and convenient bicycle and pedestrian access to all portions of the City. A bicycle/pedestrian lane is in place on the west side of 97th Avenue and eventually such a facility will be in place on the east side as well A bicycle/pedestrian path as suggested by the Engineering Division would be consistent with this policy sand would appear appropriate given the significant amount of bicycle and pedestrian traffic generated by Twality Junior Nigh School and Templeton Elementary School . The Planning Commission concludes that the proposal. is not totally consistent with the relevant portions of the Community Development Code based upon the findings noted below: 1 . Chapter 18.50 (R-4 .5 zone) is satisfied . 2. Chapter 18 .92 (Density Computations) n(A because the lots comply with the 7,500 square foot standard 3 . Chapter 18 . 150 (Tree Removal) requires that City approval must. be granted before any trees with a trunk djameter of 6 inches or greater. Some of the trees at the eastern end of the property will need to be removed but. is expected that. the maximum number of trees will be retained for buffering purposes . 4 . Chapter 1.8 . 1.60 (Land Division-Subdivision) is not satisfied because Section 18. 160. 120 which contains the following criteria I.-or granting a variance to the maximum length of a cul-de-sac (400 fe(3t) . f 1NAI oRfA R 06- - v7 PC �S 2-86 6 V 1-86) - PAGU 1 a. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property which are unusual and peculiar to the land as compared to other lands similarly situated; b. The variance is necessary for the proper design or function of the subdivision; C, The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to the rights of other owners of property; and d. The variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right because of an extraordinary hardship which would result from strict compliance with the regulations of this ordinance. When Penrose Terrace subdivision was developed, it was apparently intended that Inez Street -,jould be extended into the subject property, possibly to 97th Avenue. The length of Inez Street from its intersection with 93rd Avenue and the subject property is 330 feet. The proposed 600 foot long cul-de-sac is excessive and does not appear to be necessary. A street connectie-n to 97th Avenue is an alternative which is not as desirable be-ause of the relatively steep grade adjacent to 97th Avenue and the close proximity to a driveway to the south which serves the junior high school. However, a street connection to the north has not been evaluated . 5. Chapter 18. 164 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards) is satisfied with the excepti.-;n of the 600 foot length which is inappropriate. C. DECISION Based upon the findings, and conclusions above, the Planning Commission denies S 2-86/V 1--86. It is further ordered that the applicant be notified of the entry of this order. f� PASSED: This -90 day of March, 1986, by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard. A. Donald Moon, President Tigard Planning Commission (K S L_:pm40) FINAL QRDF:Ft 96- _Q2 PC (S 2- 86 6 V 1 06) - PAGI 4 s o� BUTLER TERRACE �. Schedule of Prices Job No. 86-311 SCHEDULE A - STREET CONSTRUCTION Item No. Est. Quantity Description Unit Price Total Price it 1500 C.Y. Excavation b Embank- ment. S-_ Y .2� S 2,371" ° 2t 350 C.Y. Base Rock (2"-0) and Leveling Course (3/4"-0)`L/ ;t 12511 S.Y. 3" AC Surfacing, ( 2 Lifts ) b'sG r i 9 1 585 L.F. Standard Concrete Curb 7 TOTAL in place measure SCHEDULE A - STREET CONSTRUCTION - n SCHE;.ULE C - SANITARY SEWERS SCHEDULE 0 - 'WATER SYSTEM 5 TOTAL Fliileboro, C3 ;?712# BUTLER TEPP.ACE Schedule of Prices Job No. 86-311 SCHEDULE C - SANITARY SEWERS Item No. Est. Quantity Description Unit Price Total Price -r 1 310 L.F. Furnish and install 8" P.V.C. $ plastic sewer pipe complete including all excavation, rock backfill and testing. 2 135 L.F. Furnish and install 4" P.V.C. $ plastic pipe complete including all excavation, rock backfill and testing. 3 C,C L.F. Furnish and install 4" P.V.C. plastic pipe complete including i all excavation native backfill and testing. I j 4 2 ea. Furnish and install manhole $1;t -9 complete including standard frame and cover. 5 4 ea. Furnish and install 8" x 4" $ z $ tees. TOTAL $L� A BUTLER TERRACE Schedule of Prices Job No. tib-311 SCHEDULE D - WATER SYSTEM Item No. Est. Quantity Description Unit Price Total Price 1 26i L.F. 6" ductile iron pipe com- plete including all fit- tings and other appurtances. All excavation, backfill , testing and disinfection. Ste_ S '!/ ��• 2 1 Each 5" gate valve complete S �,? 5 $ 3 3 1 Each 2" blowoff unit complete TOTAL S 5 CITY OF TIGARD, OR. DE`VELOMENT SERVICES DEPT. � )A',/ . DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL. INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT NO. : II. PROJECT NAME: �VE-ti' ~T t k c�" cJt��A III. DRAWING (TITLE) : __. IV PLAT (TITLE) : -- --- - dated: V SITE LOCATION: VI PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER: 1rv��� �, �•lG�� �1^ Address q-IZ Phone No. lt.t-- (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY Address__ _ Phone No.�__` Bond No. Exp. Date (3) ENGINEER:�TE'�nv�tc Address r�\ter DrL a► z.z5 Phone No (4) INSPECTOR: Address Phone No (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Address Phone No (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AI;f.NCY . Address Phony No. Bond No Exp Date ! / ( I) SUR CONT'2AC1 OR', dmf