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-400 BROOKWAY Subdivision 1969 ti ITI'MOFJ I UDUM TOt Bob Fill FROM: Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Sewer Connections in the Drookway Subdivision ?ATE: November 27, 1970 Bob: Sewer permits shcul.d riot be issued to thos ots in the Brockway Subdivision which are serviced_ h the Chw)aberlain Sewer Extension, until tie Gita►- a received the easements for that line and satctory air teats have beer. perforated. . asked JGUn to .inform you when these requi • been complied with. Re tfully, Xe C. Thompson Direolor of Public Works Keg/rb ,/� November 20, 1970 !"x. J.R. Paterson 12700 C.W. Pacific Highway I Tlgard,, Oregon 97223 4 Dear Mr, Paterson: i J In accoreance with the Brockway Subdivislvr ',,. --e Agreement dated September 28, 19700 oertificaliu..: hereby given that all requirements vision Dta vew avant have been met. Upon receipt of the taaititenancA(1�ond a avol�nt of $32gOOO.00 providing for corr�ec , © detective work or maintenance beecoming a a r arising within a period of one Te►ave afte�r- t said bond, City C(Anwi.l has agreed to a pt p c vomenta in the Broolo.way .`ubdivision. eroly► Keith C. Thompson ` Director of Public Worke KCT/rb \ ? cc: Safeco 1nL .r%noe Compere General Insurance Company of America 520 S.W. Sixth Avenue Portlando Oregan 972N ATTWs Mr. Ross D. Webb Ootaber No 1970 TrransamericA Title Insurance Company 12415 S. W. Main Street -- Tigard, Oregon 97223 Atteantion& Bruce Ute Dear Mr. Ritchie: This lai:tez is to confirm mY conversaati.on with you of October 14, 1970, c000eraing the provisions of an agree- ment recorded in 729. Page 693, Washington County which were subje the fright of the City of Tigard to designate a 30- t roadwayLie deade�d to the City or dedicat,Rd to the ' lie at � oh time as the plat. Hidden creek, it proposed ubdivi• 1in Washington County, be recorded. =`f The prlbloeed Plea if Hidd"r Creek was changed in name to T.trookQepj Subclividlion. 'rho City, rather than designate a 30-fock� roadway, accepted the title to Tract A of the nrookw�y Subdivision, which allowed for a 15-foot pathway from S. W. 124th. Sincerely, Keith c:. Thompson Director of Public Narks KCT/jp Octotcr 14 , 1.970 1301j . Franxlin Federal Sav3.ng3 & Loan Assn. SO S.W. stark Porl:laurl, Oregon Attention: Ar. Leon Brune au Rte: Lot 58 Brookwav Sulx siort In The C TirTard dC S.W. 17.4 t Pr rty Ow (t by T.A. Paterson H ty Co , nr_ . lap ]. T%t:. Lot 5900 23--74 Gain tlerion: This in to coIltirm a A3rot)xw Sub 1.visiott hats met all requirements of the 'ity etr►d ! e City q.19 ttc% l,ienq against tilts aljove property. t:ly, Doris Harti,; \ City Recorder dh ��eptemrxer 29, 1970 Mr. J. A. Paterson 12700 S. N. Pncific Highway Tigard, Oreqon 97223 [)oar Mr. Paterson: Thr, city Council. at its me* day even , September 28th, reviewed your reques de it ore-half of the street lighting cost for two-y period as established in our contractual agre t for pliancA of the sub- (y division requirements in F.�'obkway Subdivision. Appro- �0 val was granted to accept chec . in the amount e . $270. as deposit in the :00iisway StroOt Lighting Trust, Account. it is understood 4 "this latter Chat the remainder of the deposit to complbte the total two-year required lightinq costs will be dev6sited witth the City on or before Jzuivary 30, 1971. The Counoil also accep+-ad the revised deed for tracts A and H. Submission of tha maintenance Lund will complete the subdivision rerluirearw►nts. Sincerely, Stephen M. Telfer city Administrah,-•r •1'r/j' Contract for Directory Rental Service CUSTOMER'S COPY j rLuhIMA ,0P0LIIA USTHOLOERS Oto(TORV "�� PUBLICATIONS352 S. E. HAWTHORNE AIVD. 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This written agreement can. tot ns the entire and only agreement between the parties, and there are merged herein all prior and collateral representa- tions, promtses and conditions in connection with the subject me Rer hereof and any representation,promise, luarants* or condition not incorporated herein shall not be binding upon either party. This agreement supersedes and it in lieu of all pre-existing agreements or arrangemenfs between the parkas relating to the ■ublect matter thereof. No waiver, change,renewal,extension,discharge or termination of this agreement shall bt bindingy on the parties unless in writing, signed br an authorized official of Cole's, end the subscriber, and cannot be of clod orally or ottierwist then as provided herein. 13. If this is on order placed in advance for o directory to be published in the future, and it the delivery of the directory is delayed, the service dates will be chanted to commence with the date of actual delivery of the directory to the +cab• +cribtr and will extend for twelve months thetealtet. a r � , Mr. Lee Hull Portland General 2104tsio !Route 1, Box 20A Newberg, 4cregon 971.32 gear Mit. Rall: \ Authorisatio i ire the lights in the Brookwaf gau . Milli for these street lights will be Cit-X of nd, your account 01864-380800. -A--_ This letter is also, ta' � ion of trig, proposed at. light tI'A most nd: ,of Lot 20 of said Arrookway Subdilvin Situerely, Xe i th C. Thompson Director of Public WbrVs 4: .11 Allan tates4M �. lrssLMr r �r u, isz® Nr. Allan Paterson 12700 S. W. Pacific Highway ` Tigard, Oregon 9""-'23 r*ar Mr. Patereeprt: Portland General Electric and the cavity ,Q I- livision a�rd made an inspection of the lights in the Br6okway July 10, 1970. wring the inspection, it wa � at the qlass installed on somas of the fixtur4s is th b is simplai it can be aF the lights would be permitted to shine in the iden ather than on the streets. Correction of accomplished by merely rota a light fixture 900 or changing of the pari Qf lass plates. Also noted was the absence of '(i at S. W, Brook gourt and at the end of a subd ' sio , Since the light n 9 and 20 will sufficiently light up the end the str , authorisation is hereby th given to delete th4'; a northwestceorner of Lot 20. , the lid 4K the intersection of S. We Brook Court /. W. 134th should be Installed. Authori tion as esult of the° above mentioned inspection has Lee iven to/ 8 to energize they 9 lights within the subdivis / Sincerely, Keith c. Thompson director of Public Wbrk XCT/ip cc: Lse Hall, PON March 31, 1970 Mr. J. T . Paterson 12700 S. W. Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Allen: This letter is to confirm my conygryou last week concerning the Brookway Subdivision. Sidewalks for tna arookway Su may be four (4) feat in width. The Sidewalk uld adjacent to the property line with a slope r� 1/4 i per foot to the top of the curb. Concrete f the dewalks should be 3000 psi wit): a thickness of , inches. The driveways should be instolled,, ikccording to the re- quirements scat fortV/in the aeninc \,6rdinanee for width and location. The Oncrete trt the driveways should also be 3000 psi with a rinimum thickness of Rix (G) inches. If you have any furthar queationn concerning sidewalks or driveway installation, please feel free to cull. Sincerely, Keith C. Thompson Director of Public works KCT/bas Iarca 31, '1-10 Mr. F+ato Per.rine Portland General Electric 12259 S. W. Amin Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Pete: Thin letter is to confirm my convers4tion u on :`'ilar:i► 3U, 1?70, regarding thu street lights • B3cookway Subdivision. , The City has Prepared a eontr-h for r. Paterson regarding improvwnents in the Brookway Subdiv on. Tentatively, the improveamsnt included eleven (11) street lightn in pha^e one as iitopusesd by Ft.r. Leet Hall of Portland General Electric. AuLhori&dt.ton is h'irlwy, giv at this times for said street litihts to be instal'ln,l. Eno zing for said stye of lights should not be mado ilntil a jc, t inspection is made by Portland General Electric: an( , �hS City of Tigard to de-;ar- 'dine they acceptance.,, If t11ob is acceptal.-le to 1,)ot`,, authorization to enA lights will be give-ti 1) .he City rif Tigar.(i. 1 .� 51ncerrly, Keith C. Thompson Diroctor of Public Works KCl'/bns cc: Lee iia l l , J. A. Patertion A 141 r PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY YAMHILL DIVISION 700 First Street Newberq. Oregon 97132 March 30, 1970 RECEIVED J. A. Paterson Realty 12700 S. W. Pacific Highway CITY OF TICARD T13ard, Oregon 97223 scar Pat: As a result of our convcrsatioa yostarday concerning tho proposed str sot 4-lat installation in nrookway su'odivioioz Z am able to provide you With the following data: The posts used are of 1=1nated wood, tapered, and 19 tact in Ion-th. They are to be oat four Sect in the gzo=d and the holes back-filled with 3/4" minus roctc. The wire in the po,tt•s shall he 010 LTi'. Tare is a slot near the base of the pole from waich tae circuit will emarga and about four feet of wire should be turned up ar.d attached above grouad level so we can locate it when connections are rinds. 'Lha remainin; specificatioxlaatch the installation in 3;sllwood subdiviuica c.1iich adjoins your development. Luminaires Are General Elcatrie To= a..d Ccu=rye Catalogue CC721 C405 t,-pc TC 100 for 175 watt 240 volt crcrcury vapors. Lazps are 173: wat General Electric mercu_l vapors, cn,,:alouua OU175 039.22. Photo control for each unit is Gencral Electric's 105 volt to 235 volt C402 G300. x.at ma know a few days in anvaaco and locations CO.- tiara Urcm cloven will bu ctw:cu. ictal connection to the units will await city inr,action and to energize. Very truly yoi:rs, Peto Pe_rina Tigard District DL=n ;cr c: Keith Thompson, City Engineer City of Tigard Oregon i March 13, 1970 fr. Jim Harris Towill Engineers 1750 S. W. Skyline Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97221 Dear Jim: In reviewing our records, we find -sra ve not received a copy of the revised sanitary so plan on the Brockway Subdivirion. Since this project has L)e omple it would be appreciated if you would d us opia showing the As-Builts location�i of .+a arv , or in the above mentioned subdivision. Sin sly, eith C. Thompson Aroutor of. Public Works KCT/bn I I I February 26, 1970 0. A. Paterson Company, Inc. 1.2700 S. W. Pacific Highway '�Iiy xd, Oregon 97223 Res Brookway Subdivisio mar Ms. Paterson: This letter is to confirm our Wave csation 0 e�bruaty 25, 1970 in regard to i.mprov4"nts Of the Hrookway Subdivision. Please refer to letterwhite Thompson sent you oil December 10, 1969, whish sta'1 r findings. Since than date, several ,DOW 00Rdit have occurred. A. Soles have duped long curbs H. tavmwnt break imq eip c. Appearance or water standing in low areas D. Curb breakthrough not properly patched X would like to meet with you and your contractor at your earliest convenience to -,:; over these areas. Very truly yours, A. A. "Nick" Hiebert Superintendent, Public Nbrkea K. F. Jawheen b Co. December 15, 1961) ,,Ir. Allen Paterson 12700 S. W. Pacific highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Allen: I would like to apologize for the tone of my etter last weak as it wa:; not intended to fix blame entirely u you for the prob- lems in the Hrookway Subdivision. As you ar ware, the City of Tigard has only recently entered into the jo pf inspecting sub- divisions. Since this is new and sine _ther re no standard procedures adopted such as with the ding code for inspections, many of the inspection procedures orms, permits and etc are not available. ThisFX it very licult for you as a developer and the City, ke the linesof communications open oto that both parties wil w is going on. The inspection fee which the qO eets, being 1 and 1/2 per- cent of the cost of the projectp" the same type of 4ee collected for a building permit 4►nd plan a?il ing fee. As you pointer] out, this fee is much hig It than tine caa a with the building fees. However, I would likoto pointy put the reason the cost of inspections are much higher are cause thinspections are not only visual 1,ut alwo we have sample a alysis. , n your sul)division, for example, we have taken tests 6rii gradu4t on of asphalt, observatiot, of air testa for t} sanitary. snd several visual inspections. It is also the C 'e intention u leave the sanitary sewer line ingpecxed with teles ion prio to the end of the one year maintenance guar- antee. I the futur it iR anticipated that the City will take soil test or desi purposes, graduation samples of ha c�e rock and cse, cpf V6rete samples of ^ur1) and possil>ly doing the air and te144vtQiin i b addition to the inspection after one year. If you have any further questions, regardincr the City's inspection of subdivisions, I will he glad to nit down and discuss them with y�.,u at any time as it is our intention to make these insT-Pections for your protection as well as the protection of the future owners of the homes which are being built. Sincerely, Keith C. Thompson .,hector of Public works KCT`bns December. 10, 1969 ;4r. Allen Paterson 12760 S. W. i;ucilficy Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dean Allen: Thi:i lutlei i:s to confirm my c•�nvershtion wit. ou on necortbe.r 1st and 3rd, 1969, concerning improve:nenta of the I no way Subdivision. No requesi:s sere `=or 9til -brise, I')drP or. q until after the compietivai of tor'.. a rect+alt, i _ s i-,l imp • 1,� for the City to say what the conditions v. or to pav or under what condition,► too pavin r .;az r1r)n,3. r,, ar?v from the rer4ults that we receives:; from ti-.c te�it: pe I:1IIet.t I .],.o lort' t alPeting Labs and the appeazaiice -f t:te ritr , I ulte concerned about the work done, in t'i ice �.-Lf divi 0 On . The appeara„ce of t.i:c� �:t t l:,�a in:; �� r�nor. The asphalt did not meet thn (Iti.c0..1 lined by your permit. The base or sukh-bass wer. , apparent incorroc:ill shapec, . rolling job done on tyre t %-1,i:i ,si(' r. arld they 1 eft r�)11 i.rng marks and did not acquir.r_ ne-ce• , ary come, tion :�eir►n1 a miniinum of 929. In Lrne7�,al., r �+�,k i Ein ' • itonc�d uy v;Ayi.ncl the street work performed t: �t:s ��i_ � ctc�r; . ' � xesults of thr.? samples taken and : ted u-✓ Nortl,we-Mt as nho.:n t'elow alon'l with the quired ipjft ificationg: G lq" SNA 1:5 --�' Sarple ")S iD County Specific. _..� . _ _.ic. ' _a_ti.on Clams _ . -_.- .,.•._._:3 "b" Modified Sieve Size Results S S acif _ Passing 3/4" 1001 1JOS 3/4" - 1/2" 1 . N 2'i- 46 14-23 1j2" - 1/4" 14 . 3 12J-4u ] .-23 1/4" - #lo 12.5 17-35 17-35 #10 - #40 22.2 11-20 #40 - #200 7.8 5-17 s i! Passing 02:11) 5. 3 3-7 3-7 Bitumen Conte- ' 4.5 - 6.5 5-7 Page 2 Allen Paterson 12/1.0/69 Samples Compaction Required A 64.8% 92% 13 90.76 92% Having reviewed this matter carefully, it is my recommendation that an overlay be put on this street varying in thickness from 1/2 inch at the curb to 1 1/2 inches on the center line. This is recommended for two reasons : 1.. the additional strength given to the street- surface and 2. the possibility of improving the wearing :surface. T do not feel this is the only posmibility and therefore open to other suggestions. Sincerely, Keith C. Thompson Director of is orsk December 10, 1.169 �r. J. A. Paterson Paterscn realty Co. 12700 S. V. .Pacific highway Tiyard, Omeyon ')7223 ,�,e :;rook ay :lui.Aivision !ear :r. Pater.4on . _ on aovmmt.or 12tin, 196.x, a ,.au,)division agreed q&4 for- warded to you. ,yea of Viis date 2 ave not r4qoiv(xl ttie required oontract r_onds and d a It is therefore necessary �nfoa�y ou and the contractors working on the buries with thea ivisi.on that occupancy certificates will not be ias d iii the reequi.rementg re- questedin any preV10W/t� er hp a been made. Your moperation learin4,�►p title matter would c» yreaatly appreeciatod and i! OU have y further questions, please feel free to call me. �--- i ncoree 1 y, Keith C. Tiimpson Director of Pui+lic works CC. gar. vanc4i Lee r►r. .John Law"! ilot) !fill Decembox 2, 1%9 Mr. Larry Rempt Washington County Courthouse Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Dear Larry, At Kr. Allan Paterson's request, 1 v&-- to confirm the fact that the ®rookway Subdivision is adt nt to city sewer laterals. ConnectiA# ,the said orals in this subdivision is not allow60. bee as of the recent order by the Department of,A� Viro gal Quality. Application for septic tank should be applied for and processed throu h yo par. me tnt and the city building departatent�-aw via y arranged. Sincerely. Keith C. Thompson Director of Public Works RCT/iP ami All at NORTHWEST WEST TIESTI[NG LABORATORIES 4115 N. MISSISSIPPI AVENUE PORTLAND 17. OREGON WELDING C/RTI►ICATION MATERIALS INSPECTION L TEA/•ArINO CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION :'"'TOTI 13 ON' T/..TING REEjVVE),IOLOOY CNSMICAL ANALreI• November 28, 1969 DEC CITY OF TIGARD City of Tigard City Hall 12420 S.W. Wn Street Tiagard, Oregon Attention: Mr. Beryl Rich Gentlemen: Subject: Tests performed on one asphaltic concrete sample submitted on November 25, 1969. Report: Gradation Analysis: 0.S.H. D. Sample Specifications Sieve Size Results, % Class 11 C", ...Passing 3/4" 100.0 14 100.0 ` 1/211 _ 1/411 14. 3 19-33 1/411 _ # 10 42.6 24-36 # 10 - # 40 22.2 16-26 # 40 - # 200 7.8 5-19 Passing # 200 5.3 3-7 Bitumen Content 6.0 5-7 Respectfully submitted, ORT-KYVV ST TESTING LABORATORIES Paul Irish Cert. No. 101036 November 12, 1969 3r. J. A. Paterson Paterson Realty Co. , Inc. 1270U S. til. Pacific Highway Tigard, '!regon 97223 Dear Mr. Paterson; Mncl.o3ead in a revised sul)divisicrn contract r the 1>rookway Subdivision. The City Council at its red{ul meeting, !tonday, November 10, 196'►, approved the new form as spared ,�y our City Attorney. Please note the fol.lowinq c)ianges: 1. Tho :. end r.howuld be a e ,.Mroty and in t!u: amrun:;. of ;63,500.0 2. L'oncurrent .Pith t!i xCc n of Uie potitioner, The City receive a ance bond in the amount of $31,75(). 09ec effective upon the accep- tance of ti Si o y the City. 3. ':An !petit: ner deho, t with the City, an amount estimated rjual to a rental and maintenance of four etre lt??ttt for a period of two years. relvean ma being $1,188. 00 to cover the 22 = Glinen Nnr.rur-y vapor street lights. If ;►ou 1it tions regarding) tris r�attar, Blease feel free to '\� Sincercl} , Keith C. Thompso:a Director of Public H?o•.ks KCT/bno Knoll JAMES R. HARRIS Consulting Engineer 8905 S.W. Commercial Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Telephone: (503) 639.7705 August 15, 1969 Mr. Keith Thompson Director of Public Woiks P. 0. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Keith: This is to confirm the estimated construction costs for sanitary sewers and streets in Brookway subdivision, phase 1. Total estimated cost for sanitary sewers is $16,':�(0.00 and for street improvements $25,486.00 for a combined total cost of $41,556. Very truly yours-') James A. larrl,�V-1 JRH/oo -1 - `,Y 1 . O� S r rl'I�c �3ey DECLARATION OF COVENANT WITH RESPECT TO NON-OCCUPANCY OF CERTAIN LOTS WITHIN "BROOKWAY", A DULY RECORDED SUBDIVISION IN WASHINrITON COUNTY, OREGON WHEREAS, the undersigned as Owners of Lots 21 to 5,4, inclu- sive, of "BROOKWAY" subdivision, recorded in Rook 28, page 1, Record of Plats of Washington County, Oregon, desire to defer the Installa- tion of public improvements, including streets and sidewalks, for an indefinite period .in the future; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard, pursuant to its Subdivision Ordinance desires that this covenant be executed by the undersigned Owners for the purpose of recording, same in the Deed Records of Wash- ington County, Oregon, thereby to give notice to prospective pur- chasers of any of said lots that the same may not be occupied until all public improvements required incident to the development of said subdivision have been constructed or installed, and other re- quirements of the ordinances of the City of Tigard be fulfilled; NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, in consideration of the authorization of the City of Tigerd of a moratorium on the inntalla- tion of said public improvements for an indefinite period, do hereby execute this Covenant n_ ursuant to the foregoing premises and do hereby declare: (1) That the undersigned is (are) the owners of Lots 21 to 514, inclusive, "BROCKWAY" e3 recorded in Book 28, page 1, Plat Records of Washington County, Oregon. (2) That there is hereby impreised upon each of said lots a covenant and restriction running with the land, for the time being, that none of said lots shall be occupied for residential purposes until the ordi- nances of the City of Tigard with respect to in- stallation of streets, sidewalks and other public Improvements receive full compliance, or that said compliance be the subject of other or further agreement between the City and the undersigned, or that a waiver of such requirements be furnished the undersigned in writing. (3) That the City of Tigard, in consideration of the fcr•.agoinrr restrictions, does hereby agree to exe- cut?a in recordable: form a good and sufficient acknowledgment and satisfaction in fulfillment of the foregoinR requirements upon request of the undersigned Owners at such time an the public im- provements required of the Owners have been fully completed and the requirements of the City of 't'lgard fulfilled, and the City further agrees in the premises to issue occupancy permits upon request of the undersigned at such time as the requirements hereof have been met. (14) The undersigned Owners acknowledge that this cov- enant and restriction shell top recorded in the i Deed REcords of Washington County, Oregon, at the expense of the undersigned forthe purpose of giving notice of the requirements hereof to all successor parties having any interest in the above described premises. IN WITNESS WHERNOF, the undersigned Owners have executed this Covenant and Restriction this Ut',da,y of L , 1970. � a _ STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of Washington ) On th-stAay of F ( , 1970 personally appeared the above named GOODEL an� d LYN GOODELL and acknowledged the foregoing, instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me: _r y+ NotaryPUblic for Orftong' / My Commission expires: