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O _;C NO�� •. ` • ' � I w � !. a 4t� �� 714 • tl�hw 1t — '•J�_—t�s�b 1 I ," 1 •� •Af M 0.90111 ',St I '�,a 1 1 1 _ u c. .iia •1n G! a •:E ' - 5w t"'. f) ,11 vd 1, „� .• - -- E SYI , I pow.....�4•v c�19 I undMw \ t R: ( ~ / I 1 wy.n w + �' i+3 R� i ;'�,,ter• -r. I%A w 4 I `EPP� ✓' �p 11?zt s '.W.LNut SW SCH011S 1. I in I' 1 I — + . w • � � M' �• n tw .�tYSL �•. t� F4 C3Nf E I%A E IM mr WASHINGTON CO I VII•�1� ' � aM i S - /I > vw MrM W R l MiN I I cvnv�i"u3y 9w aw 1 ,rJ 3 �,+ Z to I y1.J�, ) � yff• �1 1 1M.Or. O 2 VICINITY MAP 'I WN. mDEVEL PERmC NTURY #1 - HOM ■ ■ —D LL BG GAM,4.le,4".A SHEET INDEX ?'160 S mW. HAZEL FERN ROAD 1 . . . COVER TUALATIN , OREGON 67062 2 . . . MISC . DETAILS 3 . . . SITE PLAN , STREET & FILE: COPY STORM SEWER PLAN APPROV7,09-0-113ATE STRUCTION ISSUED BY � INTERSECTION DETAILS ( OFTIGARD) I • 4.. . SANITARY SEWER& WATER PLA 0.000141 _ DATE �5 STREET PROFILESN INEERIN .��p'j i p r.L �,gC DEVLP SERV DEPT: BY D SAN. SEWER PROFILES INEER A 12HA N DATE s 5 . .. MISC . DETAILS OPERATIONS DEPT': BY l CITY ENGINEER: BY __.DATE Y 1750 SaWn SKYLINE Bk7 �E1t,CT(TS _ P.G.E.CO.. DATE e.�-�-u► rzr� �� s� P zo FI L c F TEL CC); B _____UAfE'�� PORTLAND , OREGON 97221STORER �"CAKE CO.: BV�DAT N.W. NAT GAS CO.: BY AAT6 . 1 ✓ W3 C4 A�IST:�1 B ATE "' '� I;4 Ko 044c,. gi M (f � UNIF SEW AGENCY: BY --DATE_Z BRITTANY Sl:Jl. ARE: NC) 1 OF 7 . lolly �q�r�.,�. _._... ... dr+ r+lrrsmc n,,m.+w�av+w+...9� �Miuwresa .yrr•w. ,.unnav�,s,mwyrr� 1101-ILI" ` I t{ ill�l�Illit�lll{II' Ilj�lllyl�{1+�`.I;iIIIt�l�llllt� ► flll { t�lll�llr�ll �111�1) (llItllll jri,llll�lllllll�lll�lll�llllllllllllllll�llll11�1111111�jfjtlh— I ,�I,Illtlt�tflltll _... , 1 1 1 1 f� 1 I NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 12 7 A ® 10 I I 1 2 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC r-IT IS DUE TO i jl* QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGAE dZ vZ LZ 92 St N►Z C2 ZZ Iz 0z 61 of [1 91 91 110 E I Z I I I 01 S 9 L 9 S E Z I sN►R. ��II�11111Un�Wllun�nnlNii�llUltly411111111{IINIIUIIt���bra�uNlern>�Ilitlll�lUilUlllll�flN�Nlf♦it�t�111t11111{11lt Hilfllfl�1�mll"IlItAf1161`!IU{IIFI�FtM �ullllul{IIIIIIIII�IIII�>! Ill�I11 1111) • JUNE 24 1 92 f PC I 0 6" LO T L O T :l -�Yz------,-r-- 1-- / UTILITY STRIP 2-6' h B,-0„ -- - - - - - 3 - - - - ---- ---- ::. ' �-�- - 2 0' r� {' i {v 517EWi.LK SUPE G0208 _�, • r „ - - 10-d RADIUS ��- : : 1 9' R41VP SLOPE 0. 091' 0, 6' C' CONCRETE JSIDEWALK I � Adr AV AdE AdE AV Lar Add 0101 \P. R.C. RR.L. �6'-6' RADIUS 111 . �A �- - I• I -�'j--'�-��71 6-6„RADIUS "�� i� �= a EjL L' _'� -�I�- P.T. o 5'-0" I� PT 14'-C"-- -- - ( I 14'-C" ---- -ilk I \ MAILBOX CLUSTER 2-0 ' i ''.la ) " " W ;:;.; IS/8X IOGolvan�:e S . He i Y O a od Machine Bolts I P1 With Washers. 2 Bolts Per Roil Per Post. -U„ -- - - --- - 2)4"X 6" Post- Treated And Pointed White CURF _ -� -� ''�l 3) 2"X 9" Cross Roils-Rails To 8e Pointed Block With White f EOUAL SPACING }- 9 I I "MAx _ %Re>lleetori:ed Stripe. 8'-2 ' - ! STREET ! _ 3/4' 0" CRUSHED ROCK LEVELING „� COURSE AS SOIL CONDITION REOIIIRE I. CLUSTER SPACED ALOk% ROADWAY; PREFERABLE c WITH 4 BOXS TO A CLUSTER, ALTERNATELY XNCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH TO STREET BARRICADE PLACED ON EACH SIDE OF THE STREET. BE 3000 PS I AFTER 28 DAYS N.T.S. TYPICAL MAILBOX CLUSTER LOCATION BICYCLE AND WHEELCHAIR RAMPs l,u,� r Al �l-fi2 5 �, r/ti /} r >t 6E_ Sc�i3tiirrz=D N.T.S. ` N.T.S. rt•>`C- F'fLG)Ez,�T- !3Y T7fC` C� r•f- CONSTRUCTION NOTES STREETS AND STORM SEWERS A. GENERAL: D. SANITARY SEWERS: - 1 . ALL STREETS AND STORM SEWERS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER THESE PLANS, THE SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS OF 1 . ALL SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND ALL MATERIALS SHALL, CONFORM WITH THE APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE THE CITY OF TIGARD AND ALL APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATIO14 FOR PUBLIC WORKS SPECIFICATIONS OF THE UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON AFJ�% ~;i� iii iT` DF CONSTRUCTION" OF OREGON CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION, I ;; ,")EDITION, LL ALL BACKFILL IN RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY OF TIGARD SPECIFICATIONS. AM 2. ALL SERVICE LATERALS TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 1/4" PER LINEAR FOOT UNLESS OTHERWISE - 48" MAX -- .•� 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DO ALL THE WORK SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND ALL INCIDENTIAL WORK CONSIDERED J NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT IN AN ACCEPTABLE MANNERSHOWN ON THE PLANS. MINIMUM PIPE DIAMETER SHALL BE 6". 12 ."-°' 3. ALL SANITARY SEWER LINES WILL BE INSPECTED BY T.V. A WRITTEN REPQRT ND REEL TO REEL (SO i 111 p" _ _ _ I 3. THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUB-CONTRACTORS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF ONE (� j SET OF APPROVED CONSTRUCTION 'i,F`!;' M��- ,i, e� ' JAM i TTty T�, =% I T G TY OI- TIC�,AI2r AN AlAir- T� T TG., � Gr.>k , I� r11 JI G✓ _ E. WATERLINES: T./, tr E '/R�V l f�rr' 0 Tr " :1_Y I'/ejoD 1 <") e'OtAt., c6'fIC> til iAfJY etJ ll.�lraf�F. � 1� �- I 2"� 6" , 6' PLANS ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES. °° 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL, PERMITS AND LICENSES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 1 . NOTIFY TIGARD WATER DISTRICT PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. / a", a", 6' 5, THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS IS TAKEN FROM EXISTING PLANS. 2. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.W.W.A. STANDARDS. a a CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL FACILITIES AND NOTIFY ENGINEER IF THEY ARE SIGNIFICANTLY 3. ALL WORK WILL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY TIGARD WATER DISTRICT, " / DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN HEREON. I ' 4• FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY CONSISTS OF 8" MJ X 6" FLG TEE, 6" FLG GATE VALVE, 6" FLG X FLG SPOOL, AND -�-; see note number / CURB B. STREETS PACIFIC STATES FIRE HYDRANT, 5 1/4" MVO, 3-PORT (2 -• 2 1/2" NST HOSE CONNECTIONS, 1 - 4 1/2" PUMPER) , 1 . ALL TREES, BRUSH AND DEBRIS WITHIN LIMITS OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF BY 6" FLG CONNECTIONS, 1 1/2" PENT OPR NUT, OPEN LEFT, COLOR: YELLOW, TRAFFIC MODEL. STREET ,4 << FACEE of cunt✓ THE CONTRACTOR. 5. EACH FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE INSTALLED UPON A PRE-FORMED CONCRETE BLOCK WITH 1 1/2" CUBIC YARDS OF 2. ALL AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STRIPPED. STRIPPING SHALL CONSIST OF REMOVING THE TOPSOIL HUMUS CRUSHED 1 1/2" DRAIN ROCK. TARPAPER WILL BE LAID ON TOP OF DRAIN ROCK TO SEPARATE ROCK FROM EARTH • 26 - AND SOILS NOT SUITABLE FOR COMPACTION (APPROXYMATELY 2 FEET TO SANDY SILT WHICH SHALL BE COMPACTED COVER. a , STREP TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY) , STRIPPED MATERIALS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR ROAD14AY EMBANKMENT. _ 6. ALL CURBS MUST BE Ili PLACE PRIOR TO INSTALLING WATER MAIN. 3. EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM EXCAVATED MATERIAL OR IMPORT MATERIALS ACCEPTABLE TO THE -� ENGINEER AND SHALL BE BROUGHT TO GRADE IN LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED 8" LOOSE MEASURE. EACH LIFT SHALL 7, POURED CONCRETE THRUSTBLOCKS AT LEAST 6 SQUARE FEET OF BEARING SURFACE AT EACH TEE AND BLOW-OFF 15 J., �. BE COMPACTED TO 95% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY AS OBTAINED BY AASHO T-180 COMPACTION TEST. LOCATION. NOTES . 4. ROCK BASE, ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT, CURB AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE 8. 36" OF 3/4" MINUS GRAVEL COVER FOR ALL MAINS. DETAIL SHEET AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE REFERENCED SPECIFICATIONS. I POST SHALL BE SET IN CONCRETE t 26"DEEP 9. WHERE POSSIBLE, WATER PIPELINES S,iALL BE LOCATED AT LEA - '0 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM SANITARY SEWER 2 LUMBER IS TO BE STANDARD OR BETTER GRADE 5. STREET LIGHTS TO BE INSTALLED BY DEVELOPER IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY APPROVED P.G.E. CO. LAYOUT. PIPELINES, AND CROSSINGS SHALL BE MADE WITH A MINIMUM VERiiCAL CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES UNDER THE UTILIZE CEDAR OR PRESSURE TREATED.MATERIALS 3. HEIGHT SHOWN IS U,S.POSTAL SERVICE SPEC 6. TWO (2) WEEPHOLES IN CURB PER LOT REQUIRED. WATER PIPELINE. CROSSINGS OVER SEWER FORCE MAINS OR WHERE LESS THAN 18 INCHES CLEARANCE IS 4. FACE OF BOY TO BE FLUSH W.TH.�S,&OF CURB AVAILABLE, SHALL BE MADE USING A FULL LENGTH OF DUCTILE IRON WATER PIPE CENTERED ON THE CROSSING. 5 MAX. OF 4 MAILBOXES EJENLY SPACED IN WHERE THE 10 FOOT OR 18 INCH CLEARANCES CANNOT BE OBTAINED, THE DISTRICT MAY APPROVE LESS SEPARATION EACH CLUSTER. 7. CONCRETE FOR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE 3000 PSI AT 28 DAYS, 2-4" SLUMP, EXPANSION JOINTS WHEN A WATER PIPELINE MUST CROSS BELOW A SEWER PIPELINE, THE SEWER PIPELINE SHALL BE CAST 1ZON OR SHALL NOT EXCEED 40' SPACING. DUCTILE IRON, WHICH WILL EXTEND 10 FEET EAC;1 WAY FROM THE CROSSING. 8. SIDEWALK, TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT TIME OF BUILDING PERMIT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. TIS E 10. ALL WATER LINES AND FITTIIIGS SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON CEMENT-•LINED CLASS 52 AWWA 0151 . ri'IiVv12 LE > r f Ll�T ;n ,• I �' f` , AGGc! F_V W I'fN T N 1'�+�t✓1� �� TN ,JIT{-- C)�YiIG�1-' i~: vON��r(? �i "('!d IJ 11 . O.S.H.D. BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTS REQUIRED. TYPICAL MAILBOX CLUSTER C. STORM SEWER: G49 ['4 't, l�- II�� � �L",t 12. TIGARD WATER DISTRICT WILL II'STALL ALL COPPER SERVICES PRIOR TO BLACKTOPPING OF STREETS. METERS � 1 . STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE ON THE SIZE NOTED ON THE PLANS. PIPE SHALL BE BELL AND SPIGOT CONCRETE N.T.S. PIPE AND SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-14, CLASS 2 (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS) AND BE OF WILL 8E INSTALLED BY THE DISTRICT UPON INDIVIDUAL REQUEST FOR SAME. SUFFICIENT STRENGTH TO WITHSTAND H-20 LIVE LOAD WITH MINIMUM COVER OF 1/2 FOOT. PIPE JOINTS 13. UPON COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION, CONTRACTOR WILL ADVISE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT OF TOTAL CONSTRUCTION. SHALL BE COVERED WITH TARPAPER. 2. CATCH BASIN AND CURB INLETS SHALL BE OF THE TYPE SHOWN ON THE DETAIL SHEET. 3. INSTALLATION OF THE STORM SEDER SYSTEM SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD PRACTICES. ALL TRENCH BACKFILL IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE 2"-0 COMPACTED CRUSHED ROCK. No DATE REVISION BY ALPHA ENGINEERING INC. DESIGNED AEI DATE APRIL 1984 PROJECT SHEET � • DRAWN DRF SCALE NONE MISCELLANEOUS 1750 SW. SKYLINE BLVD. 2 CHECK NJH PROJECT NO 1227 BRITTANY SQUARE NO III PORTLAND, OREGON 97221 - DETAILS ' - _-_ OF 5 BRITTANY SQUARE NO .�, Ph ( 50� ) Zq] - 14Std APPROVED 2 nF 7 CI.sAMNINt t i � ..� � ea• "r •.. - -w- -, ti..•rdi _ :a.!tiA^.,,�:1.p.,...' w.wsx_r '�".r_ ':` .. -AwrtY-'�s'y�^ r^.g_ -�--„-__� ,�..., � �• --��^^ j' -?'- • .,....,....• ., •....•• r -erg-�..1�----_ �� ~ I '11� I'�III III II;FII���ll jlllll'�II1�11 r1I ( �'r�lllrl�rll�lillllll 111�111IIT fill I�IIIIIIIIII111 IIIIIIIIIIIIII1 111IIIII1Jilllll 17111 10111111111 IIII111I► 1111 w -. _ 1 I 2 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 3. - 4 - 5 6 _ 7 B 0 10 11 12 r'• � DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC6I"2' IS DUE TO -- ' Df QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL .. ,,. RAwING. LZ •Z SZ 12 CZ ZZ 1� ,•�'i !1 -l- 91 L I r 91 !r 101 E I ZII•.� I I of�1 6 • L 9 IS••J�--11P t.. E ZI• •1'•�."'*� d111uIII1IlIlu1111II111I111111thut1111�.1u(Ilullllf�ulll{IpbRI111IN111t11Mt1111�1�n1111HIN1�n11b11♦TIL+IIn1111u11t,1f�tltln 11n�r»tTltnrf11i11MCIanIN1� M61ull4lllmlllulllud)J�J�I�IuuLlu�l�uUlulll>1W���1) '� . �. 3 ,k. r1992 JUNE 4 fz i U � ww or a 0 Na !DY rn _3 . CITYOF TIFARD Sept-.:,Ther 21, 19$7 OREGON 25 Years of Service 1961 198b Century 21 Properties, Inc. 7160 S.W. Hazelfern Rd. Tualatin, OR 97062 Attn: Kawena Cushingham RE: Brittany Square III Subdivision Dear Gentl(- rv�n: In the matter of the fifty nine thousand nine hundred sixty five dollar ($59,965.00) Letter of Commitment between Century 21 Properties Inc. and the City of Tigard, Oregon, and Washington Federal Savings & Loan; this is to serve as official notice to allow said Savings & Loan Association to release to Century 21 Properties Inc. all of the balance of entrusted monies. Sincerely,, Bill Monahan Director of C(xriunity Development cc: Washington Federal Savings & Loan 314 E. Main St. P.O. Box 9 Hillboro, OR 9712.3 5W Nall Blvd,130 Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -— - ---- --- IMF Multrioma.h pourty, OrBgQa To yx� G Date _-- —>LTime. WHIL&7OU WERE OUT M . of _ Phone � � — as- _ .--- T R E Y CALL42 -- —1.�----- _. W RUS Men go • ra 9-71 �3 od - 57 � 8Yt CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON C t4COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF; _ J_�p L�}_Q DATE: SUBMITTED: August 24, 1987 _ ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE-:--' ResolutionPREVIOUS ACTION: _Placed on Maintenance_ Acceptinq_.Brittany Square III _ Guarantee Period on 9/8/87 Res. #86-106 Subdivision public improvements and PREPARED BY: Community Dev._ D@Lpt release_of the bond._Cs _) h�izat� _ `- - DEPT MEAD OK �T CITY ADMIN OK REQUESTED BY : _ POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 . Brittany Square III `Iubdivision is located at the intersection of SW Wi.nterlake Drive and SW Brittany Drive (note the attached map) . 7 . All public improvements have been satisfactorily completed and thi, project: has satisfactorily passed the one year maintenance quarantok, period . 3 . Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council accept, the public improvements, namely -- the street, sanitary and storm sewer systems, for City uperaLion and maintpriance responsibility, and authorize release of the quarantee bond . ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED FISCAL IMPACT __.._......... _.-.._..._...__.._._... SUGGESTED ACTION PASS THE RESOLUTION TITLE: "A resolution accepting public improvements within a subdivision known as Brittany Square III . cs/0679D CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 87-J_L4 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN A SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS BRITTANY SQUARE III. WHEREAS, the City executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated June 7, 1985, with Century 21 Properties, Inc. to facilitate installation of a subdivision to specifieli standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond"; and WHEREAS, Department of Community Development staff verifies that all requirements of the City have been met; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvements known as Brittany Square III public improvements, namely the street, sanitary and storm sewer systems; AND, FURTHER, the City Council hereby authorizes release of the Petitioners guarantee bond. PASSED: This day of .,_, 1987 . r/. f Mayor, City of Tigard ATTEST: City Recorder, City of Tigard R1 1;1)1 I f I Ion N(, 8Y-PC t► C �l I1-7 FR Aov\N 1 V\' \ 1�,��� \ \ Y�c7+�c� \ S �.�ih-\✓.� C_'y�Q1r•T ticr,n \e�S� C.V��.C� 3`` vti�ro�l�✓�eVe-. v\,c)W S de pre-\r \au C�eIoU ttri- i 11J{�.. A�cc.�ti►d.�C� r�e ENTER THE WORLD OF CENTURY 21 PROPERTIES 0 � �s q August 17, 1987 or D Mr. John Hagman OPT City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Brittany Square III Dear Mr. Hagman: This letter is a request for finalization of the Brittany Square III Subdivision. After your final inspection of the Subdivision, please send authorization for release of remaining funds to: Jo Dee Lompac Washingtin Federal Savings Bank. 314 E. Main St. P.O. Box 9 Hillsboro, OR 1071.2.3 Thank you for your assistanCL Very Truly Yours, C.Y.awena Cu ingham Century 21 Properties, Inc. CENTURY 21 PROPERTIE9 • North Coast Plaza • P.O.Box 1409 • 7160 S W.Hazel Fern Rd. • Tualatln,OR 97062 • (503)984-2762 �y Caomata O40u2wb3r, O>FmSo TO— LL—P , . .. Date L Time_. 3 WHILE JOU WERE BOUT Phone----:E hone LEI ?_—�-- TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL e-- RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE OU w pd - 57 , N xi CD o of � ��•,.� � p g1 !� C, a I I n I �1 ujiT ��. � �► � �; � l _ ,-. � �, � •mit :7 t r V J cl LLJ i ' } i CITYN TIOARD OREGON 25 Veors of Service 1961-1986 September 17, 1986 Century 21 Properties 7160 S.W. Hazel Fern Road Tualatin, OR 97062 Subject: Resolution No. 86-106 Conditionally Accepting Public Improvements Known as Brittany Square III Subdivision Public Improvements Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of the above-referenced document for your records. This Resolution was approved at the Regular Meeting of the Tigard City Council on September 8, 1986. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, 0� , 'J . Vv Loreen R. Wilson City Recorder cw/41.68A Enclosure cc: Engineering Dept. 13125 SW Hall Blvd„P.O.Box 2.3397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 (2fTeom F TII ARD September 8, 1986 EGON of SeMce 961-1986 Century 21 Properties, Inc. 7160 S.W. Hazelfern Rd. Tualatin, Oregon 97062 RE: Brittany Square III Subdivision (Letter of Commitment Partial Release) Dear. Gentleman: In the matter of the fifty nine thousand nine hundred sixty five dollar ($59,965 .00) Letter of Commitment, between Century 21 Prop- erties Inc. , and the City of Tigard, Oregon and Washington Federal Savings & Loan; this is to serve as official notice to allow said Washington Federal Savings & Loan to release to Century 21 Properties Inc. , a portion of the deposit entrusted to said Washington Federal Savings & Loan. The amount hereby authorized to be released is Fourty eight thousand one hundred seventy nine dollars ($48, 179 .00) . The amount to remain entrusted to Washington Federal Savings & Loan as a cash performance bond to assure the City that all remaining require- ments of said Subdivision are completed, shall be Eleven thousand seven hundred eighty six dollars ($11,786 .00) . This notice shall not be construed to nullify or alter the terms of the aforesaid Letter. of Commitment in any way; it is merely an auth- orization to release a portion of the entrusted monies . City of Tigard, Oregon By: ^'/_L � _ �, ayor By4-ty __—�-- Rec orderer 13125 SW Hall Blvd,P.O.Box 23397,Tlgard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 C1 I Y OF T.IGARD.-PREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGF NDA Of September 8, 1996 AGENDA IIEM #! DATE GUBMLTVFD: August 26, 1986 PREVIOUS ACI ION: 6--7-86 Council ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Resolution cond acre ted p!:.9j±cL1 Agreement & Bond itionally accepting Brittany Sq_-III PREPARED BY: John S. Hagman Subdv . & authorizi!A.. bond REQUESTED BY: Comm, Dev./Enqr. Serv . r-please. DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: POLICY ISSUE .............. INFORMATION SUMMARY I This subdivision is located at the intersection of S.W. 130th Avenue therewith, southerly of S.W. Scholls Ferry Road . 7 . Construction has proceeded satisfactorily . The developer, Century 21 Properties Inc. , has requested City 'conditional acceptance' of the completed work and has indicated his desire that the City withhold the necessary performance (completion) assurance amounts from the original bond and has asked that any excess withholding be released; the attached resolution provides for doing that. The attached maintenance bond is sufficient, 3 The project Compliance Agreement (Developer-City) allows for the requested action, ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED 1 Pass the resolution placing the existing improvement work an its maintenance period and providing for assurance of continued maintenance and final completion. 2 Do not pass the resolution until all work is completed; but , this is not really a satisfactorily alter-native since the project agreement does allow for the requested action. SUGGESTED ACTION PASS THE RESOLUTION TITLED "A Resolution Conditionally Accepting Public Improvements Known as Brittany Square III Subdivision Public Improvements" . CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 86-_/O L, A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS BRITTANY SQUARE III SUBDIVISION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, the City executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated June 7th, 1985, with Century 21 Properties to facilitate installation of subdivision improvements to specified standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for (conditional) acceptance inspection and, then upon notification by the Department of Community Development that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient guarantee bond, if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, to provide for correction of any incomplete work or any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after conditional acceptance of the public improvements by the City"; and I "Upon receipt of certification from the Department of Community Development that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Guarantee Bond, the City Ceuncil agrees to conditionally accept the public improvement subject to the requirement of (completion of all work and) correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year"; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received, subject to correction of hereinbelow list-d deficiencies; and WHEREAS, Petitioner has indicated a desire to continue the necessary assurance portion of the existing public improvement performance bond in full force and effect to assure that all remaining performance items are installed and has submitted a separato maintenance bond to facilitate release of existing maintenance hold bank monies from said performance bond; NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that : The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the existing public improvements for Brittany Square III Subdivision, subject to: 1) Continuation of $11,786.00 of the pre-existing public improvement performance bond, in full force and effect, to assure final installation of sidewalks, and the itreet overlay. RESOLUTION NO. 86-2��(0 Page 1 2) Correction of ar.., defective work and continued maintenance for a period of one year; a satisfactory maintenance bond having been submitted therefore. AND, also, the Tigard City Council hereby authorizes Mayor and City Recorder to execute a letter providing for release of $48,179.00 of the pre—existing performance bond. r'ASSED: This day of 1986. �Yor, of Tigard ATTEST: �i'� r� /acting City Recorder, City of Tigard mj/5 RE S01 0T ION NO. 86-�(v B R I T T AtJ`d ajQ, NO, Ove. \�•,� � �� �8co, o0 59 %6165 LT C-> > \ % s(a ,oo *A'8 •off �eAaI,-j MEN 0 C IETTC�I_ Oo F Vl QAaS100cTUzZL AAR:�ENG�INEEPRI�NG, C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 6 SURVEYORS DATE SUITE 19T*1750 S.W SKYLINE BLVD. PORTLAND ORECON 97221 J////�'��,,, — --- ---- PHONE:292.9774 or 297.1458 ATTENTION L�.CLC _ / RE WE ARE SENDING YOU ached I Under separate cover via --_-_ the following items: ❑ Shop drawings 1-1 Prints CI Plans 1.1 Samples I ifications ❑ Copy of letter CJ Change order _ � n COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION V � --------------------- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as Checked below: ❑ For approval I I Approved as submitted Resubmit__ copies for approval ❑ For your use I 1 Approved as noted I Submit --copies for distribution requested I I Returned for corrections I I Return . _-_--corrected prints LJ For review and comment I 1 L I FOR BIDS DUE 19 -_ -! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS-- COPY EMARKS--COPY TO _ SIGNED: 'Mc,f+rR 11111 If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Md11C171e7 f_.__.� 1 ENTER THE WORLD OF CENTURY 21 PROPEnTIES August 13, 1986 John S. Hagman Rc : Brittany Square III City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Dear, Mr. Hagman: I am enclosing the maintenance bond for the above referenced subdivision. in regard to ,your letter of 7/22/86 I am informing .you that all underground utilities and streetlights are now installed. City staff can now certify to the city council that the subdivision may be placed onto its maintenance period thus facilitating release of $48,179.00 of the existing performance bond. Sincerely, )U� C\Cenr:v,/ . Polak Vice-president. 21 Properties Inc. JMP/mao CENTURY 21 HOMES . North Coast Plaza • P O Boz 1408 . 7180 S W Hazel Fern Rd • Tualatin,OR 97082 • (503)884-2782 MAINTENANCE BOND BOND NUMBER 1102283 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, CENTURY 21 PROPER'T'IES, INC. as Principal and the 7MEST SURETY_INSURANCE COMPANY � a CORPORATION authorized to transact general surety business in the State Of tZtEIEGON as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF TICARD State of OREGON I'V) in the sum of EIN 'IIiCUSA,iD NINE NUNDRED NINE'lY THREE-W M Dollars 0_11,993.N" _) lawful money of the United States for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGAT'.ON IS SUCH THAT: WHEREAS, the Principal entered into a written contract dated _ with the Obligee forF!l1=k1,Y? SUBDIVISION ( 9.. S) and, WHEREAS, the said_Principal is required to post a bond to protect the said Obligee against the result of faulty material or workmanship for a period of ONL YEAR 9/8/86 to 9/8/87 _ frog, and after the date of acceptance of said work; NOW, THEREFORE, if the said Principal shall for a period of ONE YEAR from and after the acceptance of said work, replace any and all defects arising in said work whether resulting from defective materials or defe7tive workman- ship, then the above obligation t:o be void; otherwise, to remain in full force and effect. SIGNED, SEALED AND DA'T'ED this .13t1i Eng At 19 86 �Cf3J'IURY 1 BY. esi ent AMWE.ST SURETY INSURANCE C(MANY Surety By Attorney-In-FacC � e StrG7�,: f ,� ; 7'`f�. ., i I.� Qi�•►t1� � .T.``e.� a s. f 4 ,,: ���✓1�-� , 3 erv� tit�c'`�t ,�.,� c s��,�. 1 I 4� I ' O CO w I O ( > 4IL/7 0, Q I w 53 100' 34 33 36 2+90vi 67 ' 40 « tv 2' fC'-> ,o 37 66 �Q (jl l VII 77j N n': _ 63 CID n 17' 'Q 38 ,n ' ell LOT LIPES 3964 ' 30 29 280 63 4 23 27 230' 60 1 62 FFANY I 1 61 ` C) 26 T LL N BR IT 10 b .....■ v 20 r& ly, �� C , 1 3 3 INS!-ALL 69 19 �/ 12 TRANS/ TION �•� s o / �' FI T TING ,70 1 8 V,J�qJ �0 3 71 17 8 2' �• � 2 16 ray 710 8 2 13 Q�. a) �P 34 'D 14 w JS D4__3 SOU RE 1O. I 4 X13v \ v ( \\ 36 7 633 11720 10 1 1 12 U 5� •117.30 + ro 32 14 (83) x! 3 M to i� �1 Ua �J 31 w r NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT sw BRITTAN`I 1R sw w+NrElpl. a w 13UT1H Av E� o a o 0 S a n -- UNDERGROUND PHONE PRESSURE RATING i X-RAY ENGR.:_ DATE ITJ�Sco NATER 639—1554 TEST PRESSURE Pm SEWER 6397-41�7J i TEST DURATION XM I N POWER 643-3434 X 313 WELDS a X-RAYED 0 % PHONE 639-1002 DESNGN PAEUME 60 PSIO OTHER 644-3188 M.A.O.P. 57 PSIG NORMAL OPER.PRESS. 30 PSIG INSTRUCTIONS RE PORE INSTALL MAIN 830, e,, (P) INSTALL MAIN �u ABANDON MAIN ABANDON MAIN r 1 YPE COATINGS- TYPF COATINGS �j PIPE PE 2306 P" JOINTS JOINTS . FITTINGS: Q FITTINGS: INSTALLED ANODES: 2 INSTAL L ANODES INS PALLED SERVICE _ �n INSTALL SERV., DATE COMPLETED: Z CREW LEADER. SCALE I in - 100 ft TAx cocc W-51-85 AVAIL.NO 7-102-86 T MAIN RX MEASURED QL____ DATE 09/02/x_ OORRDEER 4-1113 AWN DATE -+ V6- - 8FTWFEN ECMED DATE r SCE RK APPROVED DATE 'SORDERAPPROVEO � DATEADDRESS SW BRITTANY DR SW WINTER LAKE RD & SW 133RD PL COUNTY: CITY T I LARD PLATTED _ PLATTED _ PLAT NO DATE SIGN TOWNSHIP NALLMAP '--DATE SIGN A-42-16 BE 33 181W W-20-29 CITYOF TIIFARD August 1, 1986 OREGON 25 Years of Sen�ice 1961-1986 _"") Portland General Electric Company Re: Streetlighting at Western Division Brittany Square #3 Attn: Ken Snyder Subdivision 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Rd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Dear Ken: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactory and, further, to ac;:nowledge authorization for P.G.E. to energize the five (5) lights therein, under Schedule 91, Option B. Sincerely, Robert L. Thompson Public Works Inspector cc : File City Accountant R.J. Rouse Electric, Inc. RT/mj 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 Portland General Electric Company ----- -- July 30, 1986 John Hagman Public Works City of Tigard PO Box 23397 Tigard OR 97223 Dear John: Streetlighting: Brittany Square #3 The streetlighting proposal for this project calls for 6 - 70 watt/5,,300 lumen high pressure sodium Town and Country fixtures mounted on 6 - lb-foot bronze colored fiberglass poles. A sketch indicating the locations is enclosed. The monthly charge under Schedule 91, Option B (energy and maintenance to luminaires installed and owned by the customer) of the current tariff would be: 6 - 70 W/5,800 L HP5 T b C @ $3.88 each = $23.28/month 6 - 16-ft bronze colored fiberglass poles @ $0.35 each 2.10/month Total Monthly Charge $25,38 John, if this proposal meets with your approval, please return a signed copy of this letter as authorization for PGE to energize the above fixtures. Sincerely, Kenneth L. Snyder Service and Design Consultant Western Region KLS/sa5B15 _ q - 1 l Ito ---�- Enclosure Date of Appruval Signa Bill Code 46156 "Option B" WI".11'I rel)IVIRII 111 I-If)Y1 iW 0III SCholl!i I lily fload III ,IVI`II(III Ih1!IIUI1'I!l100 I,II ',.I' I l DATE July 24, 1986 n URGENT R. J. ROUSE ELECTRIC INC. F1 SOON AS POSSIBLE 16320 SW Parker Rd. FILE No. 2354 [J NO REPLY NEEDED LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 ATTENTION job Thompson ro (503) 635-2824 SuBjEcr L'rlttany Square 113 it. Ci __.of Turd ............ 12420 ".'d. Main .......... Tip,ard, OR 97223 MESSAGE 3t. li7, htino for the subject job has been completed. .............. Upon your acceptance, please setid a copy of your acceptance to our office and notify PG6 to ener,-.ize. SIGNED REPLY DATE OF REPLY SIGNED m CI f TIGARD July z 2 , 1986 OREGON 25 Years of SeMce 19161-1986 Century 21 Properties , Inc . re : Brittany Square 111 P.O. Box 1408 Tualatin , OR 97062 Dear Mr Polk : This is to acknowledge that city staff will be able to certify to the city council that said subdivision may be placed onto its maintenance period upon completion of installation of the projects underground (power , gas , telco , and cable T. V. ) utilities and its streetlights . Sidewalk and the final A. C. overlay need also be installed but , we can withhold existing set -aside (performance bond) monies therefor . Subsequently , upon installation of said lights and utilities and upon receipt of a maintenance band in the sum of $11 ,993 . 00 we will proceed with said certification action ; that will facilitate release of $48 , 179 . 00 of the existing performance bond . Very truly , John S . flagman Engineering Technician cc/tile JH/mj 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P 0 Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (5n3)639-4171 J 1 ' z7 %A.L C% 1 gok IAO �I -7CC- llC)1,L�<� w `` 1 1 •^ '`, A t�£�+• ^' Al �` v f r\��+�`` �w�`�t�l--e-�i� t�. , b � `-1►ac\ �� 0} 4ozc Ca' e�STi s�c�t e S .� F �f7 60 \ �( c / .•� �YI S J Its►1 41 s�sc� r ./ /�). � �r �� (/ r1 �rd,.r.. ` �� - �f S� ��� ��,� �,��.�,. ref/�,..� �. � ��- j �'G �( �. ,Sjl e./� � G`�u r tom^ �c� - ��'� t ��/ s1i /¢C T L r !'I'Gu.- � ��/mss /� / / / / L „� -s' �,ll NO� J �J �N STG/I .�7 F� 60 Y✓SCG' �1 �. n/o, r� -�.�� s �� cam.���. L�4 �,, , M -�. C l f � �u 'T�1 L✓�� �Gr�ri C� � r tj.�ri. � �C I--f���i S� S�-� �()n /-P� // rM ,� MF' MR I LY P, EPOR ALPHA ENGINEERING, INC, REPORT NO: DATE: Li Ji': JOB NAME: LI 3JOB NO:1``T TIME:- 3 0 WEATHER:_� _at� TEMPERATURE: Sr1 c P WORK PERIOD FROM; TO NUMBER OF PERSONEL; MAJCR EQUIPMNET; -- ACCOUNT OF DAY S WORK; f3E1 �__ _ � - _ REMARKS: INSPECTION BY: `�• �='�K , 46- CITY OF TIGARD yy� NOTICE OF DECISION l` LOT LINF ADJUSTMENT M 3 86 APPLICATION: Request by Century 21 Properties to adjust: 12 lots in Brittany Square 2 and 3 ranging from 4,641 to 8,361 square feet in size into 12 lots ranging between 5,750 to 6, 700 square feet on property zoned R-12 (Residential, 12 units/acre) and located on Winter Lake Drive and Brittany Drive (W(.TM 1S1 33DC, T.L. 10400, 10300, 10200, 10100, 10700, 10600, 1050u, 4400 and WCTM 15.1 33DB, T.L. 4000, 3900, 380, 3700) . DECISION; Notice is hereby given that the Planning Director for the City of Tigard has APPROVED the above described conditions , applications subject to certain The findings and conclusions on which the Director based decision are as noted below. his A. FINDING OF FACT 1 Background This portion of the Winter, Lake/Brittany Square Development was Platted in 1985. Except for the installation of lime of the street improvements, this portion of the subdivision is undeveloped 2 Vicinity Information Other phases of Brittany Square liu to the west &nd south. Summer Lake Park, which is only partially completed, is directly east and undeveloped parcels designated for medium and medium-high density residential development are to the north. 3 Site Informatio, and Pro osat p Description The applicant proposes to make minor adjustments to 12 lots in order to better accommodate the house plans selected by a potential purchaser. The applicant indicates that utility facilities and easements will he unaffected 4 Agency and NPO Comments The Ing'neering Division, P.G,E. , and thc, Tigard Water- District have no o.')jection to the proposal . The Building Inspection Division notes that storm drainage problems hive been evident in th,e area and that adequate means for accommodating water runoff should be provided. No other comments have been received NOT'" OF DMISION M 3 86 nArE t B ANALYSIS AND CONCL..USION The proposal is consistent. with the approval granted for the subdivision. The proposed lots will ail conform with the sire and dimensional requirements of the R--12 zone. The lots will be capable of accommodating homes that can meet the applicable setback standards . C. DECISION The Planning Director approves M 3-86 subject to the following conditions: 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOT',--D, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE ME1 PRIOR TO RECORDING THF LOT I-TN[ ADJUSTMENT WITH WASHINGTON COUNTY. 2. The revised legal descriptions for the new parcels shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director PRIOR TO RECORDING. After approval, the City shall record thea documents and forward a copy to the applicant unless other arrangements are made with the Director. 3 . The cost of relocating any utility lines or facilities shall be borne by the property owner. 4. This approval is valid if exercised within one year of '.he final decision date noted below. D. PROCEDURE 1 Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: XX _ The applicant & owners XX Owners of record within the required distance ^_ XX.-- The affected Neighborhood Planninq Organization XX Affected governmental agencies 2 . Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL BE FINAL. ON June 20, 1986 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. 3 . Appeal : Any party to the decision may appeal this decision in accordance roith Section 18 . 12 . 290(A) and Section 18 .32.370 of the Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal must bp filed with the (31'Y RFCORI)ER within 10 days after notice is given and sent. . T he dead 1 i nE., f or f i i i ng of ars ,tppvt*1 i q l: 30 P.M. _ June 2q1. 1986_.. NOTICE Of DECISION M 3 06 PAGE 2 4 . Quest..ons: Tf you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 12.755 SW Ash, PO Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 9722.3, 639--4171 . PREPARED Y: K e i -' --*DAT4��th S. Liden, Senior Planner/ William A. Monahan, Direc or of Planning & Development DATE APPROVED� (KSL:dj12) No I Ii I ()! f1f I I ,i()N M DA _ Y RE -LR1w. ALPHA ENGINEERING, INC. REPORT N0; DATE:_���� JOB NAME: TIPIE: I O,• _ JOB NO: zl�- WEATHER: TEMPERATURE: r F WORK PERIOD FROM: - TO NUMBER OF PERSONEL: -- MAJOR EQU I PMWET: ----- ACCOUNT OF DAY S WORK:--- �l-►1 `r Tit-���� rvs►� C�lerz� ��T � �� LIDS ---- REMARKS: '_� ------- INSPECTION BY: � A I LYR � pO RT ALPHA ENGINEERING, INC, REPORT N0. DATE; JOB NO: 12--Z-1 JOB NA�1E: T���,r WEATHER: TEMPERATURE: �`' F WORK PERIOD FROM; _ q TO NUMBER OF PERSONEL;_�' MAJOR EQUIPMNET; ACCOUNT OF DAYS WORK; l?r LA r+ REMARKS; a ____per .7n. LA INSPECTION BY; D.-A-1 L Y-----P,-E PORT ALPHA ENGINEERING, INC, REPORT NO: DATE: L��E- , I cl JOB NAME: tTT x�,, Imp E. � JOB NO: Z z TIME; ( z_ WEATHER;_t=� Lo TEMPERATURE: -I f'"`'' F WORK PERIOD FROM: TO NUMBER OF PERSONEL: MAJOR EQUIPMNET: - ACCOUNT OF DAY S WORK:_SLI 1�►,1,c-U�jc-"rl 0 ►�I �i-��_ cfC, TI-4 k"—� �� IJ►. L I r� rfir 3����1 oti �o c- LI r .,►.� �;I Io � = -- :Tl k4 � E REMARKS: INSPECTION BY; DAILY REPORT ALPHA ENGINEERING, INC. REPORT NO: DATE: TIME: 1U ' <n -1 JOB NAME: JOB NO: WEATHER:(L--Lc,ij� crl: TEMPERATURE: c WORK PERIOD FROM: TO NUMBER OF PERSONEL: MAJOR EQUIPMNET: — ACCOUNT OF DAYS WORK:_cri - - -� -r E4ISI-7y-F p 4 I G'E tyC_ l-, < A LfAc-�-�» _�►`7 _�= I''+�- _ H T1 REMARKS: INSPECTION BY: � � w � AILY REPORT ALPHA ENGINEERING, INC. REPORT NO: DATE; JOB NE: 0� e d( JR,9x=-11 JOB NO;J 22 TIME; AM WEATHER: ���� _ � TEMPERATURE:Z8f WORK PERIOD FROM; Tp NUMBER OF PERSONEL: i "1--1•I✓ MAJOR EOU I PMNET:_ I.-4 s I F - �E_��/ b --l5� ACCOUNT OF DAYS WORK;_^ g�_E 1 I s�Ts LTL— $�� - _ r hal LL ri F I_ r"o 1 Fz�' d11T, REMARKS: INSPECTION BY; 4 r v r 1 n c CJ 7 d � Il. -1Q7 LA, �nz � G nu. , zoo Z � z 10 � • ca n � � d � pp� W � Y � _ Li 04 J ct n Ki r 4 • S _ rte'• - - - w �^�••. -`.�,_�^%.,•-iii - y � \ / ,• _ .. __ .. -- r = ._ n u ice' f~• \ r_ L 44) :tli t\-I ®. ,� ,, In LU ' ato a Ei �+ J .�SNOE�S X� Ctt �� ��% 1C''ru.•StiI MS - a ILII L� Z � r lit ` U Sul `n� o tnj 9 i N d a uJ O► '+ r� Y CITY OF TIGARD OREGON COUNCIL_ AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF : 6-24-95 AGENDA ITEM N: DATE SUBMITTED: _ _. 6-12-85PREVIOUS ACTION: --None ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Brittany Square H3 Subdivision Compliance Agreement 6 Performance Band; authorize Mai or PREPARED BY: 6 Recorder to execute in City's behalf _ REQUESTED BY: DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: _ POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1. The proposed "Brittany Square k3" subdivision is located at SW 130th Avenue southerly of SW Scholis Ferry Road. The preliminary plat has been approved by the City . 2 The attached Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Letter of Commitment Performance Bond has been submitted by the developer, as is required by the CitV, to assure completion of installation of all public facilities within the proposed subdivision. 3 . Construction plans are ready to be iasued and all required public improvement fee's have been paid. Issuance of said plans is pending Council action (as is suggested below) . ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED SUGGESTED ACTION Authorize the Mayor and City Recorder to execute the Subdivision Compliance Agreement for Brittany Square M3 in behalf of the City; and, also, accept the Letter of Commitment Performance Bond therefor, (JH:pm/1482P) CITYOF TIFARD June 21, 1985 WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Rett Pratt Safeco Title Co. 2525 S.W. lot Portland, OR 97201 Reference: Brittany Square III Subdivision Dear Rett: This is to verify, per your request, that: 1. Each lot will be situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, include curbs and ..ecessary and adequate drainage structure, together with means for operation and maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, will have drainage structures and fill designed to pievent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned disposal system will be available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commissioc:, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required to be constructed, by the City of Tigard, Oregon, have yet to be constructed. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond (and Maintenance Bond) has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard City Council thereinregard completion of the improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's office. Your truly, <- �i 2�4aVrn ., .L.B. Enjjineering Services Manager (RSC:br/1525P) - 12785 S.W.ASH P.U. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:838.4171 -- CITY OF TIGAM WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON July 19, 1985 Century 21 Properties, Inc. 7160 SW Hazel Fern Road Tualatin, OR 97062 Re: Brittany Square No. 3 Dear Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement for the above referenced subdivision which was recently approved by the Tigard City Council. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact the Tigard Engineering Division. Sinc_ere.lY, 21z 2Q,v� w�-G CJ Loreen Wilson Deputy City Recorder lw/3023A Enc. 12755 S.W. ASH PO BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 9r 223 PH 63J-071 Q ry x�✓ av D, \t s � 7 / '�7?P. ev 67 r-urp-414,,+wiv ray P s,E , co, 66 CTYP1 `A(- b PL4,=rm17 ) Bf o Z 2 k d LU 66 4 Mr 8Z j`¢3 ���/mss ry,,a 'i57k2o 5 0 dc ,( 74..z9 L, 34-,,,0/ A/?- d S$ ---�`- r T # 187,Z�- �,��� \ toil 3 1 4% N 0#0. >- 64 loll .01 so / 401 153 63 62 :- 62GG �X 6 1 \ z �.�/ \��Y /�"�/ ,rte 4'� y.� CEJ t��j�� ��`�j 7'� ,'�"�P GI�� SJ, /,� ,a / ,� �+ l �e �,,� i;�. p Fi��L,��Iy•,`o� '�, i�,- Z^. � � o , S i jai / ` ' 0 4 so r rti _ J oQ i INTERSECTION DETAIL qc 6 All 1 - �• T 22 3 lqc 71Os J 47 '. Al; , �, �� .01 , rr. OF , OF 0.1 ---- ---- - _ - - -- --- - - - --.._.- ----- --------- - .o 2 PLANAf ' Q .� . , '► PiCDPOCjEv 6s�a.fl6r \ �--- M c'TE'►- fig,t y r_F cC"E 0 Q&Oer P PtPC-S IS L-SS 7646&J F%&7' • o. 05" _ BENCHMARK Q 17- E fro 0- P b t'S 1 6 E T 1 Z" c S P 7 5' . o, czo ,a ila , ,\ 13fZ a 5� c o I= .�,c-- ;,•,-.! G oa.I c.��.;-E, ��:..s�/aT r�/..� Z 51 , 4 "7TIJ9 a �• IE 11,1,.'1 S � EXG 6 QCT LOG.�-rEr g .,�,��j oz F>r•G� 01= GVIC PS 35 w'' '77 4F �a � ., I 4 778 . w3' 17D�-'-! 017AJcT,o.�y oF-- P6G Poz-e- 9 9 Cr*. IE raz-99 IJ lE 175.''5 i X i�T Q Q i 1 it 1—yl 1 r, r. t; -- i STORM SEWER PROFILE HOR 1 ' :50' VERT 1 ": 5' t2EM ?va; OLJfFP ,1.15,A,✓ MN 0 N* DATE REVISION BY ALPHA ENGINEERING INC. DESIGNED DRF DATE—APRIL 1985 PROJECT SHEET ��;r►.(,rs�a--�• \ DRAWN DRF SCALE AS SHOWN 1750 SW. SKYLINE BLVD. CHECK NJH PROJECT No 1227 BRITTANY SQUARE NO III STREET & STORM SEWER PLAN 3 \ PORTLAND, OREGON 97221 - — — INTERSECTION DETAIL & SITE PLAN ri1 _ Pti ( SO2 ) 297 - 1458 APPROVED OR 5 .,--. � .. -. ..rlp�,mwv�.+•,...,...-y�!r�+. RlNM"'.�IlKube�,..�,�!•rtcwwwr� MMIM .. .. w�•�r ,pM,: ..0 ,�p�.-pyM, ;7r-+.w^n►.�r'�M71Y�MM�M7-'�r�,�f-=•�.;rap+!M+Ir+":'�"=�= �t I i�-I I �) 1 I`) 111 I I I I rl l III III ( I III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •1`M1 I(I�I�1 1� 1 1 1 1 1 11 III t l l 11 1 1 1 ,���� ����r��M•� �•„- _.� - ,1 �, _ ,f _.. _._. 111 ) I I t 1 ' I I i I � I 1 � 1 III ( I Ili I � I I ! I 1 1 NOTE; IF THIS MICROFILMED ��""'+■ I �',.^,�--,� 2 3 4 5 8 7 9 9 110 11 12 l DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICi-t-'"TT IS DUE TO ] QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ?1 II 01 d_ - - 9 _L 9 S r E Z Isu.r ' DRAWING. OE 8t 9Z L2 97 SZ rZ EZ ZZ I+Z OIt 61 91 11 91 51 b l E I '•-lam--' I--- L' dlllunl1111111nh1uI11uI11N11u11111 Ill�tlttlll{Ihu1111u�,Mlhtgltl�gl�uh1111n11111uHt�Ilflllluhl111111f11lIIIli1t411it�tut�llNhmllinh�ll111llYiltlttlthtn�INtIH11l1IM�lllluululllnuhlnllnlhlllli�lllllU11�11u1Wi1ltultluhtl�I1IH ':>,,t � p JUNE 24 1992 tK' A C:) l -X"7.l X2." IP7 67 -- L•35 �X-r a w- 0k: OP - - ( A a cr 0 'SO "P. • 0 z 130 _T_ uj cc 65 1 -1to I \1 I \j 0- L M °o rtl I C,7 L to, %1j 0Lit, 31 I tL\ 0 ILI I t\1 4 64 </ W4 V\ 0�_ + +IOU 4- r� + + + 00 �11 44 Tj A + Go �N rn "k cc CD 0 + + 0 • 63 —4-—$ o' 41 Z '44 + 47- 011ie) 'A 451 62 K< V1 61 4-C:`0 1-f-coc> �L 4-o 2 "I- �+ + �L- j� ;-��� --�� '�,��� PROFILE SW HOR 1'v:50' VERT 1":5' j d 68 7 co , ell 70 ID d) '_1c 71 A 0 F�4 cr) N tp rl I . (3 \3' O' r\3 ri 0 t 4- 's 4 ,Ir + + F-: 77 Q- -T T PLAN" kj,\ t N ti 0 42, - - `'� 7 '0'75'4 PROFILE SW_.._.BRITTANY ._._SQUARE DRIVE 77- 1,J -�J (E-, 7 HOR 1':50' VERT 1':5' + + -SANITARY SEWER PROFILE HOR I'v:50' VERT 1`1:6' He DATE REVISION BX DISIONID DRF DATE APRIL 1985 PROJECT SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN SHEET ALPHA ENGINEERING INC, DRAWN DRF SCALE AS SHOWN 1 730 SW. SKYLINE BLVD. STREET PROFILES 4 A CPICK NJH PROJECT NO 1227 BRITTANY SQUARE NO III PORTLAND, OREGON 97221 SANITARY SEWER PROFILES Ph ( 503 11 297 1458 APPROVED or, � • � h � _ f ( f ' •' � I �� r�' I .� I i i 1 �-i---I � �� I I `,,,�IY.,�., , :., __ —�.... ,.. ..a._..._. ... .......... ., ..-.,., ._ . --_. ._.' -- --- — � - NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 1 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTLCS-rlT IS DUE TO DRE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL AWING. 6? BE a 12 ve C2 a? la b? al al LI 9" fo 1 91 11 01 -6 9 1 9 c a I 1992 24 A 4"iJUNE CITY OF WARD No. 5394 12755 S.W. ASH P.O.BOX 23397 Date TIGARD,OR 97223 Name G` Address Lot BlocklMap SubdivisionlAddres Permit M's Bldg Plumb Cash Chock �. Sewer Other Other _ Rec By2 - - Acct. No. Description Amount 10.432 Building Permit Fees _-__--- --.- 10431800 Plumbing Permit Fees 10.431 801 Mechanical Permit Fees- 10.230.501 State Bldg. Tax _ 10.433 Plans Check Fee 10.435 Other Licenses & Permits 30.443 Sewer Connection 30-444 Sewer Inspection 24.448 Street Syst. Dev. Charge Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge G 25-449.820 Parks II Syst. Dev. Charge f 31.450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge 10.430 Business Tax _ 10.434 Alarm Permit 10.227 _ Bail -- 10.455- _ __ Fines -TrafflciMisdlParking 10.230- _ CPTA TrafflclMisd/Vic. Asst. _ 10.4.% Indigent Defense 30.448.401 Sewer Service/USA 30.448.402 Sewer ServicelCity _ 31.447 Storm Drainage 40.475 Bancroft Prin. P mt. 40.471 Bancroft Int. P mt. 10.451 Other Charges for Services '' — -- TOTAL C•) DEPT. C. PLEASE TAKE THIS TO THE CASHIERFORA RECEIPT NAMF -- C C' �� ��� Z _� �r� +.«_yi S,►nc DATE: ACCT. M DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-220 Refundable Performance Bond Deposit $ 10-435 Sign Permits _ HOP TU ; 10-436 Public Sewer Plan Check/Inspection Fee 10-436 Public Storm Plan Check/Inspection Fee $ 10-436 _ Street Dedication/Public Improvement Fee S 2. k 10-436 Street Openina Permit $ 10-440 Subdivision Applications. _ S MLP 10--441 Zoning Applications: ZC CPA ZOA PD Misc SCE CU SLP V $ 21-442 Street Light Fee f_ z9 ,�-- 10-451 Document Sales Engrg. Planning Bldg. $ 10-451 Street and Traffic Signs 10-451 _ Land Use Actions/Fees: SDR $ TOTAL s 3 ( 1.045P) A � CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMEN) PUBLIC IMPROVEf.ENT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET Project Title: _��-�. 1 APi�( 1 Impry pe: C,_>u v, Computed 81 : Date: 5 -30 6_ 1 . PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164. 150): A. Improvement cost estimate, less sanitary sewer. . . .$ e1v (Adjusted Cost) B 0.04 x $ 52 % SD _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$^ - — �-4. UO - (Adjusted Cost) 2 SANITARY SEWER MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION FEE (Ord. No. 85 -02) : A. CContraS-t eurehp a pplicable . . . . . ;y" t/ 1eR nF7�1,cW.(aN. no. (agreement name) B. Sewer Improvement cost estimate $ -7 Is Bt>__ (sewer est . ) C. 0.04 x $ �71IS ,ov _ $ 2&4,(_c (sewer estimate) (fee) [or] $100.00 min. , whichever is greater . . . . . . . . .$__Y Z 8 4'Cf' 3 STREETLIGHT FEE (T.M.C. 18 . 164. 130 (x) & 3 .08.010) : A. P.G.E. Schedule No. `1 � Option No. Type of Lamp VA ,P -�-_ Lumens is 5 '-LO LU. ; Type of Pole Height B. $_ 3.It S x 5 = S_ ISI. �s /Mo. (monthly rate) (no. of lights) (monthly rate) (no. of poles) $ 19,t`, 4 2,AC' x 24 months = . .$_ SZy. ZO (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4. TRAFFIC—PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEE (T .M.C. 18. 164 ,030(u) : A. Stop. _ _ _ @ $_.. — = ;� — (number) (each) (subtotal ) B. St Name: @ $ = $ C. Combo: I @ $ D No. Parking: (Mist. )—' — — -- --- ----- F. Sign(s) Total . . . . . . .$ 1c1r' c�c� 5 GRAND TOTAI (FEF'S DUE) ��- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rvc(1ipt No. , Date Paid. Check. Cash 0920P ENTER THE WORLD OF CENTURY 21 PROPERTIES (9 June 8, 1985 John Hagman Engineering Technician City of Tigard 12755 SW Ash Street Post Office Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: Brittany Square No. 3 Dear Mr, Hagman, I am returning an executed Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Letter of Committment for the above referenced subdivision. Along with these agreements, please find our check in the amount of $3,122.80 which represents full payment of all fees due the City in connection with permission to construct the improvements to Brittany Square No. 3. It is my understanding that upon receipt of the enclosed agreements and the permit fees, you are able to request of the Planning Director and the Mayor their signatures on the plat of Brittany Square No. 3. I would appreciate your passing on our request to have the plat signed off as soon as possible. I would also appreciate it if you would let me know by phone when the signed plat is available for pick-up or pass this request on to the appropriate party. We are most anxious to pick the plat up and deliver it to the County Surveyor for checking. Thank you, Vicki Palmer encl. CENTURY 21 PROPERTIES • North Coast t'Iaza • P.O.Box 1408 • 7160 S.W Hazel Fern Rd. • Tualatin,OR 97062 • (603)664-2762 SUBDIVISION 1-:0MM 1AN13 AGRt I M[.N1 THIS A(.,REFMENT dated thej day of 19 85 - between the CITY OF UGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "CITY", and gentmLy 21 Properties, ..-Inc. , an Oregon hereinafter termed "Petitioner" , W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for- approval for f i I i nq in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as AR111-ANY �.3QUAR[, in Section 33, Township _Lbqu h &nge 1.We st, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approvod and adopl;pd the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner' s development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the par-tips desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the ti.me hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing promises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOILOWS-. (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the developmurit, with the intent and purpose to complete all public Improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later- than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth i n said Subdivision ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto, Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance, via a registered civil engineer-, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration, (2) To assure compliance with the City' s requirement!, and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the ,Amount of $ 59,96500 n ( (ir)v lwhprouf hereto attached by this reference made a part hPronf. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail , neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an (orderly and progreqsivir, mariner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties, and such do-fault and failure to proceed continuing thereafter-, the City may at its option proceed to have the work competed and Page 1 sy chargca the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said band to recover, t.ho amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties promise and agree to pay, in addi.ti.on to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the C,-' Ly, both in the Trial. Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Pet i.tinner and/or Pet i.tioner's sureties specific performance of Lhe contract and compliance with the subdivision stndards and ordinances of the City of l i.gard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorney' s fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any . (4) Petitioner, concurrent the with execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street Lighting facilities within the subdivision, accord irig to Portland General Electric Schedule 1#91, Option "B", together with a Further sun, equal. to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years From the date of initial energizing of said lights . Said amount being $_____529.20 _ (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections Fees.* (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic si.gris within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ 1.95.00 (7) At such time as al ] public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of the readiness for acceptance consideration inspection and upon notification by the Department of Public Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, in the sum of $ _ 11,993 .00 _ to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1 ) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City . Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Maintenance Bond, t:ho City Council agrops to tentatively accept the public improvement subject to tho requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period (if one year as hereinabove set forth. (8) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of thv 1:iLy' s Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds it.sulf to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations: *Project Fee $_ 2,114,00 Sewer Fee $ 284.60 Page 2 (a) None of the lots of PetitionLr's subdivi.,+ion as described may be occupied for residential purposes until xn occupancy permit is issued under authority (if the City and no occupanry permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot pr,lposed to a occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that: -ill sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed L'-iroughout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivis.on Improvement Contract. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) is required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot i.n the subdivision. Provided that final. inspection and applicant for occupancy permit: occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until. the next following growing season. In any event, all. landscaping and trees in all, areas shall be planted and in Place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the data of this subdivision improvement contract. (c) After tentative City acceptance of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to place a asphaltic concrete Class 118" overlay on all roads within the development; placement. scheduling to be approve by the City , (d) Compliance with all. terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed From the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the -none use classification arid, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s) . (e) Petitioner agrees to provi.de for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and nrainteriance responsibility, thereinregard, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond. (10) T'he parties hereto hereby adopt: the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part. hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement in executed on behalf of the City . (11 ) Tho specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by tho aforesaid per-for•mance bond and Lhe City shall ba entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part of the:. Petitioner- with respect to any requirement thereof. Page 3 IN WITNE�,S WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the .-� 1-� day of 19�� has caused this agreement to be executed by s Mayor and Recorder. CEN URY 21 PROPERTIES, INC. By By ' THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON By ; May t @y Y . 1 Recorder- (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) FORM No 716—ACKNOWLEDGMENT,CORPORATION (OR9 97.4901. eTeve•n HeSS uw rue c ronT,.r.u.one STATE OF OREGON, re. County of Washington June 1 19 85 Personally appeared _ David, L. Oringdulph who being duly sworn (or affirmed) did say that he is the President (President or other officer or officers) of Century 21...Prpperties, Inc., (Name of corporaroal and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said in- strument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and he acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. Before me: Official Notary Public for Oregon. Seal Afy Commission expires October 27, 1986 Page 4 ar ■r � s � � i F TIER OF COMMITMFN1 (Performance Hand) We have received from Washington Federal Savings & Loan (lending institution) a loan commitment in the amount of $ 59,965.00 to finance the improvements of a subdivision located in the City of Tigard, said subdivision being commonly known as Brittany Square No,3_ This lean commitment is specifically for construction purposes for: 1) public streets, including curbs, base, surfacing, aprons, sidewalks, mailbox clusters and utilities, 2) street lighting 3) sanitary and storm sewers 4) domestic water. All such improvements are to be completed in conformity with City approved construction plans arid the subdivision compliance agreement therpingard . We have agreed that disbursement of the t 59,965.00 will be made in accord with the following schedule upon completion of each, or all , item(s); but not including the hold--back described below. ITEM AMOUNT Street 6 appurtances 29, 140.00 Sanitary Sewer 6 appurtances 7, 115.00 Storm Sewer 6 appurtances 4, 780.00 Water Line 6 appurtances 8,430.00 Street L.ighting 2,900.00 Sidewalks 7,600.00 We have entered into a "Subdivision Compliance Agrpement" whereby we have agreed to install all improvements in accordance with the requirements of the City of Tigard and we are hereby authorizing you to hold the above -stated funds to pay them to us only when the following has been adhered to: That the City of Tigard has provided c:ertificat:ion acknowlpdginc, completion of any or all work pursuant to the above itemized schedule of improvements . Pursuant to the above schedule, 20% of the commitment funds (i .p. , $11,993 .00) will be held back through the normal one year guarantee period or until final City Acceptance of the project takes place or until the City is provided with a separate maintenance bond, effective for said one year period From the date of Council tentative acceptance of tho work, to assure continued freedom from defects, and maintenance, during the guarantee period. Page l ''WO Page 1_ I_Piter of Commitment Concurrent with the final release of these funds, establishment proceedings will be instituted. It is understood and approved by all parties of concern to this letter of commitment that the City of Tigard shall have first claim and priority to the sum of 59,965._00, less disbursements approved by the City of "fi.gard, in the event of any defects)/or- failure(s) to correct such in the construction of the required improvements. It is further understood and agreed that the aforsaid priority of claim is paramount to all parties including the lending institution making the loan and that the lending institution has covenanted and agreed that the sum of $59,965.00 less disbursements approved by ths_ City of Tigard shall be held available to satisfy any aforementioned claim by the City notwithstanding default on loan by borrowing party or termination of loan by lending institution. DATE: _ June 71 1985 Sincerefy Ypurs, Approved and Accepted: Washington Fedetal Savings & Loan (Lending Institution) BY: _ _; (Attach notary information IFORM No. 746—ACKNOWIEOOMINT, COPPORATION 1013 97 4901. eTereNe Neu uw PUN co Pop, i o e STATE OF OREGON, Be. County of Washington -j June 10 19 85 Personally appeared John B. Larsen, _ who being duly sworn (or affirmed)did say that he is the Vice President (President or other ofh.et or ofhcen of Washington Federal Savings & Loan Association (Nome of co,pomimwj and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said in- strument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corpo•ition by authority of its board of directors; and he nc-knowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. Before me: Official Notary Public for Oregon. Seel My Commission expires October 27, 1986 CITYO*MVAP RD June 6, 1985 WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Century 21 Properties 7160 SW Hazelfern Rd. ^^ Tualatin, Oregon 97062 ATTN: Vicky Palmer -- Re : Brittany Square No. 3 Dear Vicky: Enclosed, please find the Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond ( forms) for said project. After signature thereof by the principal(s) and notary and, in the case of the bond form, by the surety, please return both documents for final processing. After City execution and acknowledgment , a copy will be transmitted to you, for your file, by the City Recorder. Subsequently, thereafter, the approved public improvement construction plans can be issued upon receipt of a check, in favor of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in the sum of $ 3, 122.80 ; being the said agreement (therein stated) deposit/fee(s). Yours truly, John S. llagm6 Engineering Techic:i.an JS11:pir 12755 S W ASH PO BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 BRITTANY SQUARE NO. 3 Revised Engineer's Cost Estimate Summary as of June 4, 1985 Streets: $29,140.00 Storm Drain: 4,780.00 Sanitary Sewer: 7,115.00 Water System: 8,430.00 Street Lights: 2,900.00 SCI ,`11'S,ot TOTAL —852 See Attached Attached Sheet for Details Prepared by: Alpha Engineering BRITTANY SQUARE NO. 3 Revised Engineer's Estimate as of June 4, 1985 Streets: 524 Feet of half street improvement; 215 Feet of 34 foot street Excavation: 2 feet by 22 feet by 524 feet = 854 2 feet by 34 feet by 215 feet = 541 1395 C.Y at $2/Yard = $2,790.00 Base Rock: 8 Inches by 34 Feet by 215 feet = 180 at $12/Yard 15 Inches by 22 feet by 524 fMet = 533 t $18/Yard $11,754.00 A.C. : 2 Inches by 34 feet by 215 feet = 812 S.Y. at $3/Yard 3 Inches by 22 feet by 524 feet =1281 S.Y. at $4/Yard 1 Inch Overlay =2093 S.Y. at $2/Yard $11,746.00 f Cur')a: 95U Lineal Feet at $3/Foot 2,850.00 Storm: catch Basins (3) at $300/Each 900.00 315,Feet of 12 Inch Storm Line at $12.32/Foot 3,880.00 Sanitary—Sewer: 255 Lineal Feet of 8 Inch Pipe at $13/Foot 3,315.00 190 Lineal Feet of 4 Inch Pipe at $10/Foot 1,900.00 2 Manholes at $950/Each 1,900.00 Water: 290 Lineal Fpet of 8 Inch U.I. at $13/Foot 3,770.00 395 Lineal Feet of 12 Inch D.I. at $8/Foot 3,160.00 One Fire Hydrant 900.00 One Blow Off 300.00 One Fitting 200.00 Street Lights: 5 Lights (17' P01a") —, -�5hn/Each 2,900.00 M a� ZC) L IC�£;S • alp�,a E-rajvleer�vto) '�►nc, • !?60 9,W. 19) � N. g7Z'Z1 .� f Norw\ RE: Dear t-. pCir m Attached please find ONe copy(s) of a public improvement plan. Said plan needs to be circulated through the thereon noted agencir`s and, subsequently, returned to this office. Very truly, � C w cc: file CITYOF IFARD ..err... JOHN HP.,31MAN Community Development Engineering Technician III r-O BOX 23397 BUANHAM a ASH AVE. TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PHONE:6394171 AV �A _PHA LL IETTCr -1 Oo FTGt�Q�ISOT"TG,�CL�ENGERING, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS A SURVEYORS SUITE 19R•I7D. S W SKYLINE BLVD DATE��b 1S Q�PORTLAND.OREGON 97221 , 1 76 PHONE:2929774 or 287.1458 ATTENTION o 14ifiJ t4A 6(-AAS ,o RE ��. 1Galt� �'atiTIT�— PC T WE ARE SENDING YOUAttaciled I Under separate cover via____ ___the following items: CI Shop drawings Prints f , Plans ❑ Samples I-i Specifications Copy of letter Change order COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION QVA/LB� - THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: XFor approval ❑ Approved as submitted Resubmit -_copies for approval I , For your use ❑ Approved as noted l Submit _ _copies for distribution XAs requested ❑ Returned for corrections I Return.__._-_-corrected prints I For review and comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE _ 19 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: ta It anclusuram aro not a noted, kindly notify at no i CITYOF TI1FARD • P,\ Z WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON J \�-,AC RE: gr��F-a.n.4,, Syu=v-e Des r Attached please find ( 1:" . set(s) of public improvement construction plans; said plan(s) having been provided to the City for preliminary review. Our comments are noted thereon. Please make all necessary revision(s) and. then, submit --�► X, set(s) to this office to commence the "formal" circulation and final review process. Also, attached hereto, please find a handout which further describes the aforesaid circulation and review process. Very truly, cc: file 12755 S W ASH P.O BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH:839-4171 � as A�C�\ ALPHAENGIN EERING, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8 SURVEYORS _ S1 J1il 19. 1 750 S W :SKYLINE BLVD, ror ` PH -- Joe NOZZ-7-- PORT1 AND OREGON 97221 APp�x- ZZ-7 292.9774 or 297-1488 ATTENriOH��"` SAN �,��--- -() TV nE ^ C 40 PC). --------- - _ -- - 7-1 WE ARE SENDING YOU ,<Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ^__-- the following items: ! Shop drawingsPrints LJ Plans I : Samples II Specifications Copy of letter ❑ Change order COPIES DATE NO. _ DESCRIPTION or S7//A AT6-- v jr FMP J---- HESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: X'For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit --copies for approval For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit _ -_ copies for distribution As requested U Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ( For review and comment F-' IJ FOR BIDS DUE __— _. . _ -_-- 19 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US PFMARKS _ lJ_u tt A�6r _ ��(-- —Q v 6S�IOAJ S 0 Ae.. (::�n tn'tf,%Jn -- TO F Fc e,&-_ _ c�R. e(_111111,11LIVI _ CO zC_� T!o�uVm,.AV iGl Ss 1j7.d/V G� /IV FY L _e, -- iAJ uB w o u&Jp� COPY to SIGNED: t 0 .,,. NO.At If enclosures are not of noted, kindly notify u st once. W S) `�\4-) l307►J 0 b I8s,go o+ig,or_ Lij 0 .�. t84,4� O N U uj 0+34.,aS n �o "5v4tat-iTTAI �4 ve— o � W lJ` _ z C 18 G..g 3 r1 D" _ _C+09.01 t Q LO � r i87.Z4 61. 0 �Q ° i N ~ PJ I a+Z-7 ---- ,0 3 (197.73) 187•r-,s p N 0 N _ n43ra,os � 187.aq J s ,�VJ 13 o T SI Iz ALPHA L t' TTI F UQZKOETTUIEL A� ENGINEERINr INC. J CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8 SURVE'fORS SUI TL 19 a 1150 S W SKYLINE HL VD DATE roe No — — PORTLAND.OREGON 97221 �1,_ Z'L PHONE:292.9774 or 297.1488 ATTENTION WE ARE SENDING YOU I�C Attached ❑ Under separate cover via.--------the following items: I ; Shop drawings 'fid Prints ❑ Plans [I Samples I I Specifications CI Copy of letter F] Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: XFor approval I l Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit_ ______copies for approval ❑ For your use I Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment i _ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE _ 19 _ _ I PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS-- COPY EMARKS—COPY TO_ SIGNED: /y-z rl 11 enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us of once. AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY P.O. Box 4500 Woodland Hills, CA 91365-4500 Telephone: (818) 704-1111 A Almw POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY,A CALIFORNIA COR PORATION(Ines hereby make, cnnstilutr And aftllumt Dennis V. Gilbert .is true and Idwlul Attnrneyls' on FArt wtlh hill power and aulhni.ty for and no hehalf of the company as surety, to execute and deliver and dllrx Ihr seal of the rrimt"dnv ihrlrir) 11 d seal r: lellrirfefl, bomloo, undertakings, recognizance.s or other woollen oblogahon% of the nature therenl, e% Irfllnw. Contract, License Permit Court b Miscellaneous Bonds up to X5400, 000. 00 and In bond AMWEST SURETY INSURANEE COMPANY Ihetehy. and all of the act% of said Attorneys in art, pursudnt to the%r we%enl%, are hrrrhv omifird ,uta rtmhonirrl Thi& alipninimmit is nidde under and by authority of the following prnv, %inns of the By Laws r,f the cnmlrAny, wh rh air now 1n lull Coro and eller( Article 111, Section 7 of the By Laws of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY This Power of Attorney is signed Arid so-alyd by rindef and by the authority of the following resolutions anon led by the board of duectrsrs of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly held on December 16. 1975 RESOLVED that the president n ,Inv v rr pfrsrdent, of conjunction with the secretary or any assistant %etre taty,may appoint attorneys in tact no agrnL with authority as defined or limited in the instrument evidencing the appointment in each case, (of anti on behalf of the company to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the com pang In hnnd%. undr,takings, recoq't rances and suretyship ohlrgalions of all kinds, and said officers may remove any such attorney-on fact or agent and revoke ant, power of attorney ltreoiously granted IO sifch person RESOLVED FURTHER that arty hand, underlakutq, recognr,ant.e, or suretyship ohlryatron shall he valid and binding upon the cornl),iny III when signed by Ihr jvvotirderlt or anv vice president and attested and sealed Ill a seal be required) by any secretary or assistant secretdry or toil when signed by Ihr pros tleril no any t, cr prr%-rlent of serre aiv or assistant secretary, and countersigned and sealed (if a seal he regu tell by a duly anther/ed altnney in fact or Agent,or ( re) when duly executed an(I sealed lit a %P& IIP required) by 3M' nr more attorneys in f iCt of agents put scant to and within the limits of the duthn--Is evidenced by the power of attorney issued by the company to such prison or petsnns RESOLVED FURTHER that the %-Q11.111,ire of dity duthoi n-d 31'1171`1 and the seal of the company may be alfired by (accrmile to any powrf of atlninev no rettoltratono Ihe!ool author rrnq the execution and delivery of ant, bond, undertaking rerognsiance Or other %tifely%hip ohlfgahnn% of the company, and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed IN WITNESS WHEREOF AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY has ..fused these presents to be signed by its proper officer, and els corporate seal to be hereunto affixed Ih s-29ti1 day of NOVEMBER 19 84 .s MWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY /' /�J�` Al S EST SlIliF,'1'1' INSURANCE COMI'AN1- P.0. Box 4500 ANN Womfland Ifills, CA 91365-4500 sit Telephone: (818) 704-1111 d POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY,A CALIFORNIA COR PORAT ION clops hereby make• cnninitite and dp4lriinl Dennis V. Gilbert ,is itup and I,rwful Afinrneylst ,n FAr l with lull power Anti authnt ty for an(I on hehalf of the company as surety, to rxprult• and (Iellvpl and affix thr sedl n' the rnrnli,rfty Ilu"rlo ,f d sell i; rerpntptl, bonds, undertakings, recognisances or other Wrrttrn olihi almns m the nAtute Ihrionf n Inllnwt Cuntract, License Permit Court 6 Miscellaneous Bonds up to X5400 , 000 . 00 anti in hind AMWEST SURETY INSURANh COMPANY trierphy, and an of trip acts of said Attorneys-on- art, purstrdnl In their ofv%ertts, air, ho-why tjol.erl Arstl rnnlnmrd Th,� ilipn,fititirrtl is nidde rinrler and by authority of the following pinto tions nl the By Laws rl the enmlr,wv, wit rr. we now in lull fntcr and rllerl Article Ill, Section 7 of the By Laws of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY This Power of Attorney .s signpd anrf %vai,•rl by lart... ,!r ,inoei and try the authority of the following resolut,nrts Joint) terl by the board of darcinis of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly held on December 15, 1975 RESOLVED that the president no any wit litesident, in confunclinn with the secretary or any assistant seise lacy may appoint attorneys in fact of agents with authotily as(lel ped or limited to the instrument evidencing the anpoiniment in each case for and on behdll of the company to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the Com pang In bonds. undprtakings, recogn lances aml suretyship ohl gat ons of all kinds, and said officers may remove any such altorney•rrs fact or agent and rrvoke anv power of atlniney previously granted tri such person RESOLVED FURTHER that my brind widertAk,nq, tr,cogn .ante, or suretyship ohliyaloon shall he valid and binding upon the company III when signed by III'- ptres,drrtt of duv vice pnesufent and attested and sealed 6f a seal be requiredl by any secretary or assistant secretdiv or tri) when srgnerl by Ihr rites dint no ,In,, vice pim-rlent or serrviwv no assistant secretary, and couniersigred and sealed (it a seal be ipawletl) by d duty aulhouled attrnnpy in fact or agent. or (lis) when duty execulyd And sedled fit i std he requited) by on,, or more attorneys in fact or agents put suant to and within the limits of the duthrr is ev denred by tits, powpi of attorney issued by the company to such person or poisons RESOLVED FURTHER that Ihr t.gn,uure of ani, duthoi,,oed of'-ret and the seal of the company may he affixed by facsimile to any powrr of atininry no reri f rionn thotoof arrthrrilrnq the execution and delivety of any bond, undertak nq• recotImlanre no nater suretvshrp nhl,gal Ons of Ihr company and such signature and soal when to used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed IN WITNESS WHEREOF AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY rias rJusrrl their nresenis to he signed by its proper officer•and its corporate seal to hr hereunto affixed this 29th _(jay of NUVEMI3ER ig 84 •'s; �, IIFTYNSURANCE COMPANY - ••. C. and H. Sava d•^' " Ka en Cohen �^ SeafNfy STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - ss On thls22jhfav ofNovember A D . 19-14 personally came before ma Richard H. Savage. And Karen Cohen - to me known In he the ntd,viduils and officers of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COM. PANY,CALIFORNIA whn executed the above instrument and they each acknowledged the execution of the sarne, and being by me duty swan did severally depose and say that tftev ate the said offsets of the corporation aforesaid and that the seat affixed to the shove 1,1sliument 's the seal of the cornorat on, and that said corpntate seat and their signalur•s as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the sial nosti,smenl by the authotity of the board of directors of said corporation. ♦.1 0#000,004 00#4 N•�1��♦ r11iICIAI St AI LEE ANN CROCIFISSO Notary Public Catdnrnix j i # Pnrsrittal Ofnre I„ iSf AL) - - ' los Anjoies County 1_ •�� — My Comrt Exp Mar 18, 1f�Ptt • 0141V °ubLr SI ATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ss rrATlFlr ATF L-1 Lr V Li L1 L1 Lr r. L1 Lj L.r r GLA Cl LIL IR. 'INSUMMERLAKE PARK FIEL S 3N. ASHBURY LN. S.W. FEIRING LN. coi 11 1� „ CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE NO. 80-_.�LL All OP.DINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO AN APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1.970 ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF TIGARD AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE. DATE. (Winter Lake) PLANNING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE INFORMATION: Tax Map 1S1 33D, Tax Lot 300 AND Tax Map lSl 33DC, Tax Lots 100, 300, 400, and 500, Project Address East of 135th Avenue between Schollc Ferry Road and Walnut -' Street, File Numbers ZC 29-79a/ZC 29-79b, Present Zoning Designation Washington County RS-1, Zone changed to City of Tigard R-5 "Single Family Residential" AND _ City of 'Tigard A-12 "Multifamily Residential", Applicant Russell. f rueger/Winter Lake. ViE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Finding that the lands hereinafter described are now classified as Washington County RS-1, and further findings that pursuant to procedures, the abovestated application for a zoning map amendment was presented at a public hearing held by the Tigard Planning Commission on May 20, 1990. ;L;1 persons were afforded an opportunity to be heard at this put)lic hearing and the reaftP.r the Planning Commission filed its report with the City Recorder, a copy hereto attached and by reference made a part of. The Council adopts the f(,llr,cviTlg substantive- findings: A. That this application is in conformance with the R-5 "Single Family Residential" AND P-12 "Multifamily Residential" designation on the NPO 47 Plan whic'-, is a portion of the adopted Tigard Comprehensive Plan, and B. That the proposed zoning is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood as determined by the Tigard Planning Commission. SECTION 2: Therefore, pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 1.8.88 of the Tigard Municipal Code, this request for an amendment to the Zone Map of the City of Tigard is hereby approved subject to provision, of Chapter 18.20 of the Tigard Municipal Code as emnodied in adopted Exhibits "A", 11I3", acid "C" attached and made a part of this Ordinance. Exhibit "A": - Legal Description, Exhibit "D": - Tax Map, Exhibit "C": - Staff Report And further subject to the following conditions: 1. Phase II - 7.0 29-79a (apartments) shall he brought before the Planning Commission at a later date. oF',blrrAt;cc; NO. 80-zip ZC 29-79a/7,C 29-79b 2. Phase I - ZC 29-79b (R--5) shall comply with the requirements of. the Tigard M w-iic.ipal Code, Chapter 17, Land Partition Ordinance. 3. Actual construction on each single family or duplex (attached single family) lot shall be resolved relative to configuration, zero lot line, and setback requirements on the Preliminary Plat Plan, This Plan shall be cleared with the Building Department and Public Wcrks Department prior to consideration of the Final Plat. It shall be clearly noted what is to be constructed on each/every lot in Phase I to avoid differences at the construction stage. Also zero lot line on each/every lot would conflict with requirecrent for easements. 4. A Homeowner's Agreement, if one should be adopted, shall be reviewed by Staff and may be reviewed by the City Council. All Conditions, Covenants and uestrictions (CCR's) shall be submitted to the Staff' for review and comment prior to recording of the Final Plat:. 5. Phase I shall he subject to Site Design Review by Staff prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 6. Nece= :ary right-of-way dedication on 135th Avenue shall be made as directed by the Public Works Director. Half-street improvements to Collector Street Standards shall be made for the full length of frontage on 135th Avenue. These improvements shall be made including the frontage on Tax Lots 200, 300, and 400 on Map 1S1 33DC. A Local Improvement district may be considered for this installation initiated by the developer and supervised by th^ City of Tigard. All con7.tr.ucti,n :n the publir. right-of-any shall be approved by the r_.tty prior to r-omriencement of work. 7. A Variance from the 10,000 square foot requirement for duplexes in a R-5 Zone is hereby granted by the Planning Commission. Minimum duplex lot sizes in this development may not be less than 0,O00 square feet. Refer to Condition #3 above for further. clarification. H. Dedication of 3.4 acres to the City of Tigard shall be made for City Park purposes. A metes and bounds legal description for this property shall be provided at the time of submission of the Final Plat. 9. Emergency vehicle access to the apartment units will be resolved when Phase II is presented to the Planning Commission. 10. Consideration shall be given to Tax Lots 400 and 401 to the east of proposed "A" Street off-site. Temporary driveways or some alternate means of service should be considered. 11. All public local streets shall be fifty (50') foot dedicated rights-of-way with thirty-four (341 ) feet of paved surface. All collector streets shall have sixty (60' ) foot dedicated rights-of--way with paved surface to be 1 determined by the Public Works Director, and sidewalks on both s.ide8 of the street. Actual placement of sidewalks shall be resolved through Site Design Review with the Public Works Director. ORDINANCE 80- Zc 29-79a/ZC 29-79b street entrar , to 135th Averwe. 10. A City of Tigard approved non-remonstrance agreement for stream e!-'" and storm drainage improvements on 135th Avenue, shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and subsequent City Council approval before the final plat is recorded. 11 , A 24—foot wide, 2 inch Class 9 asphaltic concrete overlay bQ placed on'185th Avenue between Scholls��i�ry shall be of boundary of the subdivifion. the overlay , October 30, 1495. Any extension of this deadline must bd`�Cppr!blii�d by the City engineer. The City Engineer shall alse,ikqwe the authority to dfildte this COMMon if the coniti-UCtlon of necestary ib root improvements on 135th Avenue is assured by an + L.I.D. or similar arrangement. ' 1 be modified so that one street acc,ass is enue. The street location shall be aporoved CIV �L L BC_.EJV L� Lir-r � Y �Ar/oTOKLy' l� -oval by the Planning Director and Public c �ic�Nc �,s,err✓� `VY after the construction agreement and an �, prNevS �'�'''�'� accepted by the City, or assurance of he vte' ' 'E cured by ordinance creating said L. I.D. , the 7V s►u1i SYS corded with Washington County . Gtir on lots shall have direct access to 135th Iw�Iyl, Q `' rmitted at this 13r-th Avenue entrance to the er'°r C� �� 9 if exercised within one year of the final f 12. No Occupancy Permits shall be issued until. all conditions placed upon this development by the City of Tigard have been satisfied and inspections verifying this have been carried out by the appropriate department. 13. No minor land partitions shall be made in reference to this project unless formal application is made to the City of Tigard Planning Department and the minor land partition is approved and recorded. 14. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless formal application is made to the appropriate City department and changes are approved by that department. Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings. 15. Grading plans and construction plans on all public rights-of-way shall be- submitted esubmitted and approved by the Public Works Director prior to commencement of work. 16. Public water service and sanitary service shall be installed to this situ prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 17. All existing or proposed utilities shall be placed underground. Street lighting installations shall be approved by the Public Works Director. 18. No D uilding Permit shall be issued until the expiration of the twenty (20) day appeal period from the date of approval. 19. Improvements may be bonded prior to is_ttance of Building Permits;. 20. That street improvements Le constructed to the approval of the Public Works Director prior to the recording of the Final Plat or issuance of a Building Permit. 21. On-site drainage plass for drainage during construction shall. be approved by the Public Works Lgpartment prior to commencement of any construction. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall be effective immediately after its passage by the Council anL3 approval of the Mayor. PASSED: BY nr rug vote of all Council members preset this day of ./„n _ , 1980, after being read too times by number and titfe only. n Recorder - City of Tigar APPI01!FO: By the Mayor this 4q r _ day of �K h_t'._ . 80. Mayor - City of T.Lgard _ ORDINANCE N0. 80-_L ZC 29-79a/7,C 29-79b Wk'nterlake Plan-d Unit Development May 2, 1960 Page -1- APPLICATION This report addresses a request for General Plan approval of the first of two phases of the Winterlake Planned Unit Development, zone changes from Washington County RS-1 to City of Tigard R-5 and A-12, and a preliminary plat. SACYGF OUND The subject property is located on the east side of 135tH Avenue, between Scholls Ferry Road and S.W. Walnut Street. It contains 36.8 acres and is proposed to be developed in accordance with the following table: USE ACREAGE # OF UNITS OF SIS' Single Family, 21.4 127 58.2 Duplex and (SFR 89) Eight-of-way (Duplex 38) Multiple Family 12.0 138 32.6 Park _ 3.4 -0- 9.2 TOTALS 36.8 265 -� _ 100.0 The Winterla.ke Subdivision will contain 108 residential lots. Duplexes will be located on 19 of these lots, and the remaining 89 lots will be developed with single family units. However, some of the single family lots, if not all, will be attach9d in groups of two, with a zero side yard, -,et back on one side. The other side, front and rear yard set backs are proposed to meet the tinimum set back requirements of the R-5 zone. The single family lots generally range from 5,000 to 6,000 square feet in area, and the duplex lots range from 8,000 to 12,000 square feet in area. The R-rel.iminary Development _Plan and Program, along with a zone 4:hange to R- 5 was approved by the Planning Commission on August 21, 1979. Additionally, the zone change to A-12, the preliminary plat, and the development concept of the apartments were approved in principle. The major areas of cor.cern raised by the Planning Commission durin - the review process were emergency access- for the apartments, drainage, and flood plain :issues. The dra.i.nage and flood plain issues were resolved by Sensitive I:inds Special Use Permit, Case File # M-1-80, which was approved by the Planning Commission on February 5, 1990. This application was approved subject to certain conditions. Winterlake Pla—.=ed Unit Development May 2, 1980 ' Pa -2 REASOtdS AND JUSTIFIC.'-%TION FOR PHASING As indicated in the schedule section on page 27 of the attached "Winterlake" re- port, this development was proposed to be constructed in two phases. The single f.an?ly units and duplexes are phase I, and the apartments are phase II. The final building elevati,)ns, site plans and landscape plans are required at the General Plan review stage. However, these detailed plans have not been finaliz- ed for the apartments, and are not ready for Planning Commission review. There- fore, we are requesting a two stage review of this General Plan review applica- tion. The first stage is the information before you, and the second stage will be the detailed plans far the multiple family units. The multiple family site will remain vacant until the second phase of the General Plan review is approved by the Planning Corrunission. However, all of the public streets will be improved the City Park can be improved withoLit any delays. OVERALL CIRCULATION Exhibit "A" shows an overall circulation plan of the Winterlake Subdivision and the general area. The northern stub of Street "A" provides access and street frontage for the future park site. The northern stub of Street "H" provides secondary access for the southern portion of Tax Lot 500. This street stub will allow a p(,t.enti.al future street to either access onto 135th Ayenu" or terrainate as a cul-de-sac. UTILITIES Utility vlans have been prepared and no problems were found with utility capaci- ties, or the ability to provide the full range of utility services. More infor- mation is available in the attached reports and the utility plan. BUILDING DESIGN The duplexes and the single family residential attached and detached units are Propose,] to be compatible with the high quality units within the Morning Hill and Sun-nerlake Subdivisions. This quality will be ensured by appropriate deed testrictions, governed by an architectual review cornm.itt-e,. ;, G�,;.�tj 4f L�y,d ing designs and buil,3ing materials will be used. The units will be earth tones in color with heavy emphasis on natural wool textures. The roofing materials will be a mixture of wood shakes and composition. l Win ter lake Planned Unit Development May 2, 1980 Page -3- V,%RIAN('ES REQUESTF'D Only Lwo variances are requested with this planned unit development application. The first variance is for a zero lot line on one side for. all 89 of the single family residential lots. It is unlikely that all of the lots will develop with zero lit line units, and the exact number and to-ation will. be determined by market conditions. However, there is a need for all of the lots to have zero lot li:ie potential in order to provide good flexability and housing type mixture throughout the subdivision. The second variance is a request to reduce the minimum lot size from 10,000 to 8,000 square feet for the duplex lots. A lot 8,000 square feet in area, is sufficiently large to easily accommodate a variety of duplex house designs. The reduced l)t size can be justified by the provisions of the City Park open space. SENSI? [VE LANr)S PEP,SIT A cap; of the Sensitive Land3 Permit report is attached. This report concluded that no flood plain exists un the subject property, znd that an acceptable age system can be constrl;cted. The following are conditions of ap�,rnvd'_ OF the S2nsifi iva hand oernit; 1. That the question of emergency vehicle access be resolved at the General Plan ar.3 Program Hearing. 2. That site and public drainage construction plans be approved by the Building and Public Works Departments prior to issuance of Building Permits or Bonds. 3. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless formal application ' s made to the appropriate City department anL1 changf.., are approver? by that department. App ration for changes will be made : n wri.ting and shall i.lc.11 de all appl :able drawings. 4. That the r`oposed drainage system shown on then application be added to the General Plan. Th- em-rgency vehicle access was reviewed by the Washington County Rural Fire Jis;tr. ;ct #l . They indicated that the multinle-family develolmert plan was ac- cc except that ouilding group "C", at the northeast corner of the site, must be within 150 feet of a driving surface ',Exhibit "B") . This can be easily acrnrplishe9 by moving the cul-de-sac to the north appr.ox+mately 25 feet, and sep rati►.g tY^ "C ' five-plex into a e-iplex and tri-plex. An appropriate design which meets fire department requiri_ments will be available at the second phase, multiple family portion of this General Plan Review application. t Winterlake r Planned Unit Development M:sy 2, 1980 Page -4- All of the other conditions listed above have or will ba complied with. LANT SCAPING All of the streets will be lined with street trees approximately 30' O.C. They will be a variety of. Maple and Plane trees. A plantitg plan has been prepared to show the approximate location of the trees. PROPOSED-OF-ED RESTRICTIONS The deed restrictions will basically cover the following major points: 1. Zero lot line arrangements prior, during and after construction 2. A design review committee to ensure archite-:tual quality 3. Street tree installation and maintenance 4. Permitted set-backs, uses, and other requirements related to City Codes and ordinances S. Common Driveways 6. Maintenance of buildinyi and the lots SUM.%VVRY The Winterl.ake Planned Unit Development complies with all ordinances, codes and pol?rles of the City of Tigard, and is substantially in compliance with thr_ pre- liminary plans already approved by the Planninr Commission. This development will help satisfy public need for smaller lot sizes and rental dwelling units. It has been designed to take advantage of the future City Park and natural aes- thetic and visual ch-tracter_ of the land. The end result will be the creation of an integral part of an overall, well pl.ann2d new community that will definitely be an asset to the City of Tigard. f � Ryan O'Brien, A.P.A. Urban Planner. BANCROFT, PETERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. rsc 0 I T,L. 200 Ft, 5m �i FUTURE ,,`tet vr `�` � � � ►-- I ,� -• per„ '� �' �"P.; "'.;1 I Wiu(1=w.PK� � N A.PAr-T 1•/1�NT S1T E 01J��u.17� ,yl ter. Gi�'LULATIdN '�-AN - 1" ,}� Page 2 Sincerely, �/ l ' Ken Selby Associate City Planner KSvmc NOTE: This acknowledgement must be signed and returned to the City of Tigard, Lu Il_Lu2T: �i115 a(-K1:UWjOj g_'1^t.I1C Will rr!5111.0 If! no further action on this oruject with regards to issuance of Building Permits or engineering approval. vWg d a1r311dtUrQ, (Owner) Date Signature, (Owner) Date t � CI"�"fir OF �1 I A M P.O. Box 23397 12420 S.W. Main Tigird, Oregon 97223 February 8, 1980 Mx. Russell A. Krueger 4320 SW 110th Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Reference: N.iocellane ous, M 1-80 - 91"ccial Use Permit Dear Mr. Krueger: Please be advised that the Tigard Pl.Limning Commission at their February 5, 1980 meeting, approved your request for a Special Use Permit at the site located at the east side of 135th, 400' north of Morning Hill Drive, 5,400' south of Scholls Ferry Road and adjoining the west side of 130th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 33D, Tax Lots 300, 500, 600, 601, and 602) . This approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. That the question of emergency vehicle access be resolved at the General Plan and Program Hearing. 2. That site and public drainage construction plans be approved by the Building and Public Works Departm^^ts prior to issuance of Building Permits or Bonds. 3. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless formal application is made to the appropriate City department and changes are approved by that department. Application for changes will be made in wi-iting and shall include applicable drawings. 4. That the proposed drainage system shown on this application be added to the General Plan. I` there are additional questions, please call- me at 639-4171. Action of the Planning Commission is final unless notification of appeal to the City Council is filed with the City Recorder within twenty (20) days of the Planning Commission's Action. i l YN y�- 17880 S W Blanton St Aloha Oregon 97005 503/649-8577 DIST. January 24, 1980 Ben'Kendorf - Evans, Ltd. 620 S. W. Fifth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 - Gentlece-n- Re: Fire Department access to buildings in Winter lake Project We feel we can endorse the proposed Winter Lake Project located at S. W. 135th between S. W. Walnut and Scholl_, Ferry Road, with the following exception. The multi-family complex, indicated on the preliminary plat as "C" is too far from the cul -de-sac (i .e. approxi- mately 250 feet to the northern-most corner) for adequate fire equip- ment. access. The minimum distance we would accept is access to all portions of the building not to exceed 150 feet. Oor recommendation would be to relocate the cul-de-sac or provide an access road along the east property line. Very truly yours, WASHINGTON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 Ri, harrl n Aiittc � rnninv- Incriartpr b Fire pre;enlion dc--!s not cosl it pays w � CITY OF TIGARD, OR, DEVELOMENT SERVICES DEPT. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT NO. : L1 Ii. PROJECT NAME: SQ VASE NQl 3 III. DRAWING (TITLE) : `dated: IV. PLAT (TITLE) : V SITE LOCATION: VI. PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER:— "IAzi Address_ f u"A km ,Qt, 6j?0i.2_, Phone No.*f4, (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: Address _ Phone No, Bond No._i Exp. Date__ (3) ENGINEER: A%.vpNA Address &2M hilib 09, 4111LI Phone No. 217.-911+ (4) INSPECTOR: Address Phone No. (5) PRIME CONTRACTO4. Address_ ^_ Phone No. (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY: Address — ------ --- -- - Phone No ------- Hand No. FxP. Date 'I) SUB--CONT-W-'TORS: 07165 dmj I c -''J•'• r+i h Q h • 1.1 N ^ ry •,ILIM •'J q q v 0 C4 z jr 0.5 13 0 lj�Jjjj�Illl1Y11�IIIl�IIII�IIII�II11111jj,�J�l�l,1,�,1„I,I,i,1,1,1,1:�ilililil,�:l:l:l,l,lil�lll,li�:l, I , I i 1 : f�: I i I i I , I , U � SS Y.p �J q .t. p �a � „y 0.0 �: � N •9 � � yy .. J0 � a o � �.� �" �� a �� • � � o �; Y 6 aL` � �� ' �� .; Fro .�d u •a , H H .4*8 uC o•• Q� P � a • (�9 I ✓ hdti r no o '" o L 7 x� ��-, 0 4 • Y6• 't 9 L l i 3 a O Gp w o O _0. • • b7G ��•�� t� o �L � o G � s � ���� 'tl ao D ti u a;i n�� w � �! m v;ate ° ur E, • zi 3 ,' ' •�'.I SW APPENDIX -01 ;�;31i Installation of fire hydrants : •�•V a�� .- (�,I Fire hydrant assembly consists of - $" MJ x 6" Flg tee, 6" Flg x MJ gate valve, 6" MJ x MJ holding f-1161-17116t-1T 04-- WAY — o - RIErIlM OF WAY �17 ti►ay� "Oj spool , and Modern Mueller Centurion fire hydrant, A-442 , - --Z SO - E," MJ , 5,-" MVO, 3-port (2 - 2Y" NST hose connections , _ l 9TAt�r�►RD MANNOL� - 13 011 _ I-1'-D'' - t-1'-O'� '-o" - '�' x �j'' 1 - 4h" NST pumper) , 1�" Pent Opr Nut, open left, color : FWIF�AE � GO��ER � _ yellow. GROUT FIN ISN CYRADE SET F^Ams AN AOWMA 44" CON CRETE EXTENSI01�1 KIMG - �` -0• I 5•��" 2- I ,�'' !8 I"I I N. 'S GRADED UTILITY GFzADE -•IDELJ�►L.K - ' �uSTA.LL AS F`CEQUiRE To t3RIMv I , 'rRtP CTYPIGP.L._) LINE _— - �-- - NtANNcX.E CpVER �- �R4ME Ta � / �2.1le" pE5IGN af�.DE C 1vV►x. 3 RINGS) �„ mwµ • , ,i.�- � ,�` :� .oma�• ; — - .- -•-. "r"_ _ ,! ,,. �� . ��• w/ w� �� ' __ c EC_ENT'R C, MAW�iOLf` Td I 4 \1 Y f P f. 51DEWd.LK I -- $Y c) --I_YPICA TN RUST = RAM-NEK JOINT MATERIAL. COMPACTED sue-BASIL I& etM GLJA5 f� �, ate` �✓ ��.Q'iK .04AT - \/ALVE Qja OR =UAL a I�1�� C1AS5 "�" AfiP1�AL-'f1G cauc. \_.__ 1-- ' \` \ �.N �7 L�.�!C 4 ZTP 499b MANHOLE RISER L', II GLAab "p�� ASPNAL'TIC COArc. - �� STF1'S 2' 3/�1 -o" CAU6WED F0Cl-,j bMAYt=L ( '�1 \ v - 6'1 Z'— O' c.Plt�Si ED ppG t5l C�RM.VEL �J /� f 1A I N IL af ' • b wmcr 'E: L"T INCH OF P1I M'T REQL lrkED UNDIGTUKOEd ' WIT14%M ONE YtA f% C TM PAP -M41',E SUt�FACE. 9N�bOTµ �TIO CAMPACTED GRAUULAR PIPSECnoNOoF FLAWED X ? no _ FSAGKF)LL SECTION SW BRITTANY SQUARE DRIVE IAMat SEwEPS El,t'TE.R5At3GTf9 - SOTT'oM otx_ M 44- FORM A > /_ .. p Fti1JAT ot= atter oR . = r/Or ma ,. ��61 ---T R,6I�r0r-vay �, GONG, A8__ 11MIDI CI► , S�T- AN DARD FIRE N ANT .107 - -• - -+ -o.- -` a y/ UNDI5TUP16ET7 1cART� o ROOF RAIN PRA 1 NS 11���} i �.J li • ` .► v ► �' 12" LAYER CoMI'AGT6fDr SHALL MEET WE ,9� � 6/ 1 ► G-&YEL• C16/411 1/4'9 HOLES I N CURB TWO t�IEEP HOLED dr `` a PER LOT REQU I RED • MIµ, SLOPE 34" ITR FT �J' PROPOSED CONSTRUCYId ' FUTUR CO STRU ION' PARK D �k•-0 Cfu8NE27 P+o�+ LEVE-LIAICT AS �V.. CGNDI T ONS pe-xiv l Tonle _ STANDARD MANHOLE SECTION Ncrm: LxrAkIsioR jOIHT- MAX. SPACINa 601 R'W ~ 40FIS C cxm AT AL.L c44A1J�s IN csn,�N 30, 1 _ 30, USE 3000' IY�f.-' GOING• C 2B AAY j5r%*A;`.:PJb �/ z.5' S1 0.5` 22 ' 1 206 ' - g' STANDARD SIDEWALK SECTION 6" CROW • ---- -- - _ 0.0227 a' t 19 SPACES '"n �'_?' \ R/W 2"BAR 1/2'x2~xS-2-1/2" / 1 (20 BARSJ v2"x2"x2 -I-I/2' �/ 2" CLASS "13" ASPHALTIC, CONCRETE (OVERLAY) -• .,� Wu EtJ SEWER E-!'J?�f� 4 60V E !� N p 50T'TOM OF M14 . F`Rc" A A ( �Q CLASS S ASPHALTIC CO - 1 TT, Z7P__&1%0U T' OPS 4014ce. , ,_' NOTE : 3" 3/4% 0" CRUSHED ROCK/GRAVEL — •+ I N GRADES SHALL NOT EXCEED 10° 12 2 "- 0" CRUSHED ROCK GRAVEL • _ '� B N N CURVES SHALL NOT HAVE LESS THAN 1 20OFT. CENTERLINE RADII. ' INTERSECTION ANGLE SHALL NOT EXCEED A _N , 600, UNLESS THERE IS SPECIAL_ INTERSECTION 3'.3.3W `" 3'_3" ---- ••j DESIGN. ONE INCH OVERLAY REQUIRED WITHIN ONE YEAR. �-- + p%matU I QED 'MAX: t8" ' t�.,rt`;`�C C ..! 1.� �)4• ) = - (2)�-2-�/z'x2-V2"x3/8~x2' 3~ HALF - ECTIOIV \� B 30. PIPS I �WROUGHT IRON OR WELDED STEEL STANDARD MANHOLE i FRAME AND GRATE - SEE OETAL ,� r "- 'STANDARD MANHOLE PLAN > FRAME IN COVER GROUT _ FINISH �{I SEL CITY aF TIGARD >rOR MAX. bt_LDWAf5tE 3' -.i 3,,n' GRADE _ —_.. —_ — 4 CONCRt�E *TENSION RING Tfgf-1�C.H Wi'AT1� INSTALL AS REQUIRED TO BRING TRAVELED RIGHT OF WAY -- MANHOLE COVEP. S FRAME TO (4) I/2x5" STUDS- .'� DESIGN GRADE -MAX, 3 RINGS j 1 • ' �• / SECTION C-C •' •- • _. 4•_0" ,-�-- OR t2 IUAX. `' TNR05T-BLOCK STD. FLAT TOP SLAB _ NATIVE MATL-MALS - 2= �i CRUS>aEp ROCK. CLEAN. — 3'-3-3/a 3'-0" ,� :• - •' • . UNDISTURBED EARTH 3-3/4" nl •' 48' � RAM-NEK JOINT mATERIAL OR 4' • , IN taA9EN�NJT afi>:A OENRlE 1-IaF�D AND GOMPAcTE17 - - _ rF� I EQUAL-ALT. GROUT 4"&C2" DRAIN .�: i I si TILE, WEEP Q •' STD. 48• MANHOLE RISERS �- DRAIN AT e c A " 4` 4 PIPE 4 FITTING SIZE), F :.b: J.. �6~ 4 MIN. t 1 I SUf3GR�.D . 6 2•-IG-3/4'�' 0 6„ '�.• I I .,a� � ' SEE WATER SYSTEM 5HEa-7 1I 0..�, 12~ MAX-- t c V — _j -I h--- ''i 67 I%ft. SU CD 1 •!. .•. • :I 1 /'/ GONIGRF_TE THRUST BLC�GK SCHEDULE t > I - . �, , ' _I2 E TEES VW to t'1[ND 'AV 82LIP CONCRETE III g° G Pr L 5 rr, 2.0 r'r` 1.0 pry, ., . ;'q'• �" Sl1 M F(M I til. r', 6" COMPACTED GRAVEL �. 1/4 - 1/4 �` <o 4 Pf 7j F'f= 2.0 PTO 1.0 "T SELECT G RANULAR MATEWA L �.. a 6,� ,: ► ' /l / 1W FI PI: WN E - 95 9'e COMPACMOM POURED CONCRETE BASE -5 SAC MIX , 2500 P.S.I. Y AT 28 DAYS .0 SECTION A-A SECTION B-8 TH RUST BLOCK AT F IT'I KJ65 — DEr,�I N _ _ CONCRETE TO BE 3000P.5.1. IN 28 DAYS SHALLOW MANHOLE 4 11 fl/L 6 SACK MIX — iL ' fr —g"MIM. 01'1 fl/+ Eli Flu li; OVERSIZE CATCHBASIN 4,y1 ..- iE.•.. '. N . T . S . - Na' DATE REVISION K9 ! ✓ �'� DESIGNED DATE APRIL 1985 PROJECT SHEET STANDARD TRENCH ALPHA ENGINEERING INC. ------- �,_ DRAWN A E ! SCALE NONE 1750 SW. SKYLINE BLVD. - MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS 4 _ PORTLAND. OREGON 97211 CHECK NJH PROJECT NO 1227 BRITTANY SQUARE NO III E+RITTANY 5pIy1 pF PJfl 51 OF , Ph ( 503 ) 292- 97'4 APPROVED OF CIO w. u..,.ay►..�w► ' .., ` ' ..,. =`-.5-..,, ,,.....,.... ... ,....•+••IMCIc,.,n_,:u.w•.+ .,..,.rr•. �1 � .1) ..e .... iYglp.'' '".'*^ti.LRiWM. NTr+I!M".""•.E.'='1"•"". ,..�,.;.,y.r r,.,��. -- _. h+Lh rI11+1`��+I+I+11111 111111 III1+ r, 11 ll11 Jilt(ILI�IIt11l �FI+I+I II11111I1111tI1I1111111I11+1111�1111111IIIIIIIII111111111111111 1111 rI111111i11IIIlIlI111t1It11 �� �` . M1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 9 I�0 I I 1 2 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTII,i -IiT IS DUE TO J1E QUALITY OF TIE ORIGINAL RAWOE dZ 9Z At'` 9# S2 1Z E2 - 82 12 02 61 61 LI 91 if. it EI ZI 11 01 6 9 L 9 S 1 E Z ISol"• 1 I -1_ •--'--yam.-' -I--- L.• ,�11111111111111111111111111111111111111111�111111uI111111I11I11NIMN)Na11nN�M1!lN1�Itdflnit1l11u�11nn1 n 11111!!{lutlNtt11m+11 tttbPtilttitllfH�tttdutt�ntl�tNMN1�I�tllnu)n1111II111111(i tultW�Wul1�111t11Ullllu�tlUItIU1W1�tN1 �. 24 1 92 . . STI l DEDICATION 1 - 1 I�IC�/I�f�"�' • '111111 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; THAT CENTURY 21 PROPERTIES, INC. , ANBRITTAN APPROVALS f / SIDE 2 OF 2 OREGON CORPQRAT I ON, AND RUSSELL A. KRUEGER, AND INDIVIDUAL DO HEREBY • MAKE , ESTABLISH, AND DECLARE THE ANNEXED MAP OF "BRITTANY SQUARE NO. APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF _____ __ 3" AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE TO HE A TRUE CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING DIi'ECTOR- _`-`- 9e5 AND CORRECT PLAT THEREOF, ALL LOTS LINES BEING OF THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN A REPEAT OF A PORTION OF LOT 49 "ASN VALLEY TRACT" AND ALL STREETS AND EASEMENTS OF THE, WIDTHS THEREIN SET FORTH AND DOES HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC AS PUBLICWAYS FOREVER ALL LOCATED IN THE SE 1 /4 OF SECTION 33, / BY 91 STREETS SHOWN ON SAID MAP. T. 1 S. , R. 1 W. , W. M. CITY OF TIGARD, ---------"--"`___-_--------------------________ WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON TRACT H IS HEREBY CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF TIGARD �© APPROVED THIS ___DAY OF _ --- �T'N E cv NZ 11 50' MAY, 1985 CITY OF T I ----------------91985 GARD PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CENTURY 21 PROPERTIES, INC. ALPHA ENGINEERING INC, BY -- ------ --------------------------- —,� ►f-------_— r1750 &W. SKYLINN BLVD. V' ID/L. QRIhIGDULPH PRESIDENT c "`- roRr«No, oRssoM • :: WASHINGTON COUNTY APPROVALS RUSSELL A. KRUEGER Ph c sos a 297 - 1434 U ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF OREGONGON APPROVED THIS __ DEPARTMENT __DAY OF, _ ___ , 198 WASHINGTON COUNTY HEALTH _ � � — SS — COUNTY OF WASHINGTON BY _--------__-------- THIS CERTTFIES THAT ON THIS Li�� DAY OF ___ _ -_-___--r- BEFORE ME THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN� FOR ` ---_ ! 1985, APPROVED T SAID STATE AND HIS ______DAY OF ________-_-, 198__ COUNTY, PERSONALLY APPEARED DAVID L . ORINGDULPH WHO BEING DULY SWORN WASHINGTON COUNTY SURVEYOR SAID THAT HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF CENTURY 21 PROPERTIES, INC, AND THAT • SAID INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED ON BEHALF OF SAID CORPORATION BY AUTHORITY STATE OF OREGON ) BY -------------------------------------------- OF ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS, AND APPEARED RUSSELL A . KRUEGER WHO BEING ) � -. ____ DULY SWORN SAY THAT THEY ARE THE IDENTICAL PERSONS NAMED AND DESCRIBED COUNTY OF WASHINGTON) IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT AND THAT THEIR SIGNATURES AFFIXES► TO SAID APPROVED THIS ___DAY OF ___ I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE COMPARED THE WITHIN PLAT WITH DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT AND TA --, 198 _ NSTRUMENT ARE OF THEIR OWN FLEE ACT AND DEED. ----- - THE ORIGINAL THEREOF, THAT THE SAME IS A FULL, TRUE, AND CORRECT RATION (WASHINGTON COUNTY ASSESSOR) TRANSCRIPT THEREFROM AND THE WHOLE THEREOF, AS THE SAME APPEARS OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK ______--, PAGE THEREOF. �--� BY -------- ------------------------------------------- VICTORIA --------------------------------•------ _VICTORIA A. PALMER NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION APPROVED THIS ______DAY OF EY, OFFICIO COUNTY CLERK ___________, 1�7e__ o -w .. WASHINGT3N COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS My Commission Expires... . SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE BY - I , ROBERT OQUIST,, FIRST BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT I HAVEDEPUTY --------------- CORRECTLY SURVEYED AND MARKED WITH 5/8" X 30" IRON RODS WITH PLASTIC -------------------------------------------- CAPS INSCRIBED "ALPHA ENGINEERING, INC. " , ALL LOT CORNERS, CURVE ---------------------- OINTS9 AND BOUNDARY LINE CHANGES 1N DIRECTION THE LANDS REPRESENTED ON THE THE ANNEXED MAP OF "BRITTANY SQUARE NO. 3" THAT AS THE INITIAL POINT OF SAID SURVEY I DROVE A GALVANIZED IRON PIPE, 2 INCHES IN -------`------------------ DIAMETER, 36 INCHES IN LENGTH, 6 INCHES BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND OVER A 5/8°' IRON ROD TAGGED WITH CAP SCRIBED L. S. 590 AT THE -------------------------------------------- SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 29, "BRITTANY SQUARE" A PLAT OF RECORD, ALL ATT _____ EST THIS DAY OF 198__ BEING LOCATED IN THE S. E. 1 /4 OF SECTION 22, T. 1S. , R. 1W. , W. M. , CITY DIRECTOR OF _ -_' OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON. THENCE FROM SAII�- INITIAL POINT ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION EX-OFFICIO COUNTY CLERK ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID "BRITTANY SQURE" , N 150 00' 18"W, 181 . 12 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A NON- BY TANGENT 175. 00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH THROUGH A, ---------------------- ________________ CENTRAL ANGLE 70 34' 10119 A DISTANCE OF 23. 12 FEET (CHORD BEARS N 71 DEPUTY 12; 37"E, 23. 10 FEET) ; THENCE LEAV I NG SAI D CURVE, N 160 5b' 06"W, 111 . 78 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS TRACING IS A TRUE FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 60, "BRITTANY SQUARE NO. II " 9 AND EXACT COPY OF THE PLAT OF BRITTANY SQUARE NO. ALSO A PLAT OF RECORD; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE, N 74° 23' 37"E, 89. 61 3 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE ALONG, THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID "BRITTANY SQUARE NO. 1111v N 31032` 26"W9 44. 71 FEET; THENCE00000e p STATE OF OREGON ) N 14 13724 "W, 217. 45 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 49 __ 'ASH VALLEY TRACT" , ALSO A PLAT OF RECORD; THENCE` ALONG SAID LINE, _ ----`� ------ P- L• S- 42008 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) N 890 58703"E, 189. 96 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID LINE, S 00 01 ; 57"E, � 150. 00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A 250. 00 I FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED PLAT 'WAS RECEIVED FOR RECORD ON THE _DAY OF 48 51 ' 36" , A DISTANCE OF 213. 19 FEET (CHORD BEARS S- 240 27745"E, ________ _____________, 198AT _ Or CLOCK . M. , AND RECORDED ON PAGE IN BOOK Ob. 79 FEET) TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S 480 53' 33"E, 21 . 11 FEET OFRECORDSA POINT ON THE PROJECTED NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 29, "WINTER AND PLATS OF SAID COUNTY. _"- PLAT RESTRICTION: LAKE" , ALSO A PLAT OF RECORD; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE AND THE MOST DIRE 1= SAID PLAT, S 460 26125"W, 235. 23 FEET, DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION EASTERLY NORTHWEST LINE 0 • A 6. 00 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT SHALL EXIST ALONG ALL LOT LINES ABUTTING EX-OFFICIO COUNTY CLERK THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID LINE, S 590 39709"W, 101 . 82 FEET TO THE PUBLIC STREETS. INITIAL POINT. BY ---------------------------------- ONTAINING 2. 3697 ACRES DEPUTY REG1 . 4 ED P R O F N A L SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS LANDEY0R _DAY OF___� --- 1985. O w . •• .. ..r ROBERT OQUIST LINDA Rr S. H 2008 NOTARY PUBLIC — OREGON My Commission Expires 1 I`ti: I 'VT ON � �::�c�i t..a� �FT,F:: N('..') t� [.�F framom-o ! t� 1 1 1Fil 1 17��, � I 1 II 1 1I > > fill I ,�tIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIII111 IIIIr� � I ! I ( III 111 III III III III 111 1I1 111 111 111 111 �I1 III 111 111 111 1� 1 III ,+ -' � , NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED I 2 3 4 5 7 8 I O I I 12 •t DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN 1 THIS NOTIGE;' 2T IS DUE TO 1.+F QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAW I W;. _ OE 62 92 12 92 S2 v2 Ez 22 12 02 61 91 Ll 91 Sl t I E I Z I i 1 01 6 9 1 9 S --b-----_c 2 131100 .* �f!I�lIII�IIII�IIII�IIII�IIIIIII�I�1111�111�1,111�lltlIIIII�IIII�IiTTlitilflll�lflltl��t1111�11111i111�lillliltl�l{IIIIIII{11�lIfIIIIIII�IIil111iilllli1111�1�itN�I111Iilli`Ii11IIliI�11�lIIt1L�IIIlII111II1I1I1111�111���tl�illl�IIII�IIII�IIIi11111�1111�1111I111111I1i !� .I.11ll I�1 I I�lill - **N -T T T XT V 9A A Q I� SIDE 1 OF 2 ITTANY SQUARE NO . 3 BASIS OF BEARINGS LOT 3 5/8 IIF 5/8"IRF (ON LINE) TRACT B : /,x 60, 5/8'� IRF , S.E.SIVE OTAK 0 , NSTREET PLUG , V8" IRF 'WAI CAP 774.08 20 FII N 89 58 03 E 189.96# !RESERVE STRIP) 334. 93 WAI CAP` 11 A REPLAT OF A PORT I OD'd OF LOT 4, "ASH VALLEY TRACT" �`- eEaRs — '���- 129.96' 3 30 S 12°0►' 36"E, s LOCATED IN THE SE 1 /4 OF SECTION 339 2'. IRF o T . 1S. , R. 1W. , W. M. CITY OF TIGARD, r p 67F O WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON - 612730 0 0 S 890 58' 03 ' W u1 a 1 " 50' MAY , 1985O o 120.975 0 ALPHA, ENGINEERING INC. _ r —f w 51959 0 19- - LOT 4 1750 :w. sKrl1NN rLvo. 3r�J r r,�a1\1r J " N4 S 88043 50 W . PORTLAND, ORIOON 97221 1 R ,b 111. 58 ASH VALLEY TRACT ►A c soy 297 - 1438 REGISTERED �� Q Q PRO FESS10NAL N w V. 5 R !/ E Y O R i .,4 00_ 5,99 6 ` LEGEND L r .�, 23" W 30 30 ° •�`� �� S 81 38 0 5/8� 101. 43 � 0 DENOTES 5/8" BY 3.0" IRON ROD 01-R E U, 0 WITH PLASTIC CAP INSCRIBED JULY 16, 11982 5/gO 64 0- �� / —' ALPHA ENGINEERING., INC. " SET. ROBERT OQUIST IRF _ 591550 �., �� 2008 N �, 1 50 J� 1I of Ilk � 84026 49 W • DENOTES 5/8 IRON ROD S6.8 0 9 � FOUND IN PLACE UNLESSu�� ' OTHERWISE NOTED. 3;1- �' R= 250.00 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS TRACING IS A TRUE .�, Ur 480 51 ' 36 " AND EXACT COPY OF THE PLAT OF BRITTANY SQUARE NO. 3 5�g'IRF - ` r C' �s 5go�.. 6%3 N w L= 213. 19' DENOTES ABOVE SAID MONUMENT TO J,� 6I N , BE PIST MONUMENT IN STREET IN r�`- '' E 18x' 87361 .� C= 206,79 MONUMENT BOX . �� 0 3 31 52.E CB= S 24027' 45 "E R= ;75.00 14 2 1 % p ------------------- oN 3�.�� ,p T P. L. S. #2008 A- ? 34' 10 L = 23.12 ' S/8 �F C= 23-10 ' 4� �N- 62 BASIS OF BEARINGS AND BOUNDARY DETERMINATION _ � ?. ►� � �, � �`� �'� 46410 5a�� ----- -- -------- --- -------- ------------- CB N 71012 3 bl N 890 58703"E, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 49 "ASH VALLEY TRACT" ACCORDING TO P. S. 19597. � Ott 5, 368 0 , b ppp o J �2 24 lip- LOT CURVE DATA 5/81 2�IZ 5 'S0• ''Q.c --- ___.-_ - -- LS 590 00 680D'LOT DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHOR • CHORD BEARING B V - 51•� r�. 7, 480 , Spa° 61 8° 59" 39" 175. 00• 27. 47 27. 44 S 620 55" 42"W TQ D 3 � - 63 820 36" 43" 17. 00' 24. 51 ' 22. 44' S 170 07" 31 "W D -- Qn- 20,0 ° 69 ° ' 7 b5' 75. 47' S 170 11 ' 21 "E RSV E Q- �h •- 63 13 58 58 310. 00 5. OZ 5 345 64 100 09" 55" 310. 00' 5�. 00' 54. 93' S 50 06754"E A5. o ' ° 24. 52' 22. 45' S 80° 15' !5..E Z 61. �' = b0 `��; ? 68 82 37 45 17. 00 o 70 ,y 68 90 57` 11 " 310. 00' 53. 85' 53. 78' S 430 54" 59" E (��I c� Zh 70 5° 36' Sd" 225. 00' 22. 05' 22. 04' N 61° 14' 18"E " ` (> 5,843 71 110 27P50" 225. 00' 45. 02' 44. 94' N 690 15` 47"E _ 71 �' .•' `�2 �° M clams N_ 71748 0 --\C2 �• �0 �. 00 �2 �,�, 3 '�� r r��J�l f :� � Jr-�r� �'• � °r gyp\ r 1 11 \Z0 Og CENTERLINE \ :'� �9 �� STREET CURVE DATA O p�° ,�, :� e DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CHORD HEARING ° �l 16 33 49 200. 00 57. 82 57. 62 S 66° 42' 48"W 310 31P34" 280. 00' 154. 07' 152. 13p S 15° ' 13733"E 47' 44"W r INITIAL POINT NOTE: IRONS DELINEATIVG WINTER 170 20P02" 280. 00' 84. 71 ' 84. 39' S 400 13' 33"E 2 0 G.IP W/FOUND 5/8 I.R. WITHIN LAKE ARE TAGGED ,wl CAP, SCRIBED 480 51 ' 36" 280. 00238. 78' 231 . 61p S 240 27' 45"E CAPPED SAID MONUMENT LS 636. (TYP)W/ Ps_ASTIC CAP ' INSCRIBED ALPHA ENGINEERING INC N .. .e... .. M_ .. ..: . N- , •. MI .r,Ao'. Td V ryF.rnJ .., — ww..--... __«.. w ..+w.r i ••- ,... r - °'' , . 77.�. � i ► .... '� I`` I �+ 1111 i I1�11 �i � 1 I1fN !t1 �1 I�1..n jy.t .`.- �• �.I..w�.I-.�.sI..�.•.�.1_ ..filr�.-•t-� � � II � �.iIr1�� II � ' i..lt rr lI � 1 lI � ...•. i.Yr.f`.a;. '-.'iL'ja,. I ,`r'__,fir.:.': l ... l , i A* I .._.._..I. -, f "'"YY`='!"'" --"^"'+« .n.w._ v..«..,...n..mxr.•ro,+ctPMlrMNr �' ... 2 3 4 5 6 7B 10 11 12 ., NOTE : IF THIS M ICROF 1 LMEU _ _- - -- -- _- - _DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN u: THIS NOT ICI-;"_IT [S DIE TU THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL _ • Imr DRAWING. 0C 62 92 L2 92 S2 b2 E2 22 12 02 61 91 11 91 & 1 b I El 21 11 01 -6 8 1 9 s b E 2 1 ""i'" .. f I I 011111fill IIII III IIIII IIIIII 1��1111III111111111t�L1►t�I1t11111i�uMb�II�II1,(tt1���1IIfill IIt1I11111114101111111111111+11111tl111t�1iltlFltt�ltti� It itU►�tlft�tt�9titit �tf�tttltlN tt�illl{IIII�IJtl�lttt�ttt111 �lI�LU�1t�t �tttt :4%