BOND PARK NO. 1 SUBDIVISION CU --- p lZO PO 45 rr,0 A U) 0 Q 1(1. C-1 1`4 �. 04 �1. GNU, rj c) r -Z co V LT. r a 01 aincl-I I UA + + RT - > P r.,F• CURS %9 Bill + 4- to ul + to 6c . T10 L) aE: © .n x -x j a) 4) 0 A 0 - 1 0 tr So C) + Uj d1j LU it' 140 + C4 ul + _j C4 e-, 14 k" I too +.00) 4 +- 00 00 (4 +00 1 + 00 2. + 00 5 +- 00 4 f-00 15 *00 10 0C PIZOFiLi� �)- W . 797H AV Ei P �ZOFILE : �&. W- 7 (vTH AVe , 5CALE ; I" EV H. lot 61 V. = =l� - - SL A 6CA L.E 1 150 14 , 1 6 ' V. > I C I I T Y A P- 0 ...... 0 4�) 17,71 - (M1- to STREET CONSTRUCTION NOTES: to - 'r- 6* c 25 lZT. ' 4" CONSTRUCTION SHALT, CONFORM WITH THE CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC WORKS DEPAPTM.Efrr, O.S.H.D. AND A.P.W.A. ORE + r .7 lzj�- 1-T + I- CHAPTER SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAILS. + Cr_. A5PH 0ONC., (OVERLAY) + LU Ln -i I --- ------ TOP 0� C-L)Izb '81C' ASPM. (.0ill CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND LICENSES BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 11 U) Z " ­--- 7---.-, -" I "I it tu 2" b/4 0" WiL. lZO(A CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTILITIES BEFORE STARTIW., CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL RELOCATE ANY IN CONFLICT WITH ca, e0ex THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. 3 �E CT 10N EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ON1jY` AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY roNTRAcmR. ADDITIONAL b0tsl D 57. j UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MAY EXIST. OD->o L F. LU - 24-1 j j a M. I ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST GRADES OR ALIGNMENT TO ACCOMODATE UTILITIES OR EXISTING DRAINAGE 0'0! -LU + 2D 145 WAYS AS REQUIRED. 2-4 ......... SL CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF TREES , STUMPS . FENCE, BRUSH, ROOTS AND OTHER MATERIAL IN THE ROAD -!�� WAY AND WIfERE INDICATED ON THE PLAN. MATERIAL SHALL HE DISPOSED OF IN SUCH A WAY AS TO MEET LOCAL REG- T� 2 il L IT_ *4 5 t 86 15 OVI: I ULATIONS. EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIAL TO BE DISPOSED OF AS DIRECIMD BY OWNER. VEGETATION AND TOP SOIL ST. SECTION_, SHALL BE STRIPPED FROM FILL AREA"- PRIOR TO FILLING. 1.E. Q l4q,+2 -` '79 TH RIM EL. 1153,69 3 5y SIDEWALKS SHOWN ON STREET SECTION ARE NOT PART OF THIS CONTRACT. THEY WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PART GF THV it-t- 14b --f �H 0 + '69 LOT IMPROVEMENTS. I. E. OUT 14JIlli n246 9z I m F 155. $5 -14 -19-(A7 J CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE 7)!PE OF EQUIPMENT AND METHOD TO USE TO ji%CHIEVE REQUIRED COMPACTION. SUBSEQUENT WCT-E-- -. VIPE BEDS IN(i T10 er: 3/4" -0" I.E. CWT 158-40 SETTLEMENT OF THE FINISHED SURFACE wi,rHiN THE 14ARRANTY PERIOD SHALL BE PROMPTLY REPAIRED 13Y THE CONTRACT RIM EL- 141 02 'ReTH C>T, -�C-CTION AT NO EXPENSE TO THE OWNER. ANC BA(-KFILL T*0 ii5r= "AF?S PLIZ APWA DIV. = I SU 1 L P* 24 14-ATEIRIALS 1F SOFT SPCYr!; WTq%i1N MRF RO-knWAY SHALL FIF, Rr!.',AOVRD TO THE DEPTH REQUIRED TO PRCVTDE A FIRM FOU 1i 0.0io j,/ 140 SL C4) ATTON AND SHALL BE REPLACED WITH CRUSHED ROCK. + 0 0 6 + 00 4 + 1 + 00 1.6. 54 -46--ff p 5"r Q C- E r C- GT I N 6 1-C-1. OUT 1*39 so �1911 L.F- 240 U�P THE ENTIRE SUBGRADE SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED AT THE LOWEOT MCISTURE CONTENT AT WHICH A HANDFUL OF PrZOF 11- - BON D =-)T. VOM EL.. 144 K N ill 0.004, THE SOIL CAN BE MOLDED BY A FIRM CLOSING OF THE HJUv-D. 04-00 OUTFALA� t0' H 1 51 • CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER WHIN suBGRADING IS COMPLETED AND 24 HOURS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ROC 4 + 85L' END PAV I N.C, BASE MATERIAL AND 24 HOURS PRIOR TO FINAL PAVING FOR INSPECTION OF THE WORK. END PAVINO TAPER 4 + R-5 '°• ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT BE DESIGNED FROM A JOB MIX FORMULA APPROVED BY THE O.S.H.D. FOR14ATZRIALS ­ ( �- � I 7APE-Z TO CUT bAWk TO iWSTA" 7A r F.IZ USED. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE "NGINEER WITH CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FROM ASPHALT PAVEMENT PLANT. .4 1 �pbLL END CURE 14- L-Xi-: TiNG PAVING, 2 TA 9 E I,' TO E Y,I roT I F4 4 + ewu cow-b THE ENGINEER HAS NOT BEEN RETAINED OR C014PENSATED TO PROVIDE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REVIEW SERVICES RE- bEG04 PAVING TAFEIR E G i N F c,"."i, LATING TO THE CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY PRECAUTIONS OR TO MEANS , METHODS, TECHNIQUES , SEQUENCE OR PROCEDURES i zo 0- REQUIRED FOR THE CONrYT-ACTOR TO PERFORM HIS WORK. to, P/W av� 13t WA t b I Y--*J 1� -30 PAV. I-Fl. 00 1 7 8 4.,4:� STORM SEWER CONSTRUC'1"IOA NOTES: pry 44 ISTINGr NA �TDNIE 121m F,V. ��o 44 Co 3+ 510 Fil GRAVEL PA V E M E IN 7 lo, IT5. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS T40 CONFORM TO 1980 EDITION OREGON CHAPTER AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION (APWA) 0 AND CITY OF TIGARD STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. ALL REFERENCES TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SHALL MEAN 5+ 6 > lh p T. - a Tk P < i - - - I I - 27 ' PAY. CITY OF' TIGARD SPECIFICATIONS. -19 141-5. to -- lot W5 �-b ze CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND LICENSES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 0 + P.T 2 1 P �ZAP UETAIL- 15 'Ar- ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE C-14 CLASS II NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE WIIM- (XYr RUBBER GASKETS. POW e 12- rtXt`5TIW& 12' -'- MP POLO: WT. 6. W 2�6- • ALL C014CRETE MANHOLES SW'v%(NT ON THE PLANS ARE 48" MINIMUM DIAMETER AND CONFORM TO CITY OF TISARD STANDARD c-:xisnqt,j 6WALE To DE 6kADCO 0 -00 OUTFALL 'Zif A DRAWING NO. 73-A-301.. MAtaiOLE FRAME AND COVERS SHALL BE AS PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING NO. 73-A- 6 rO Dil '110 )&JLET 16 4, 5 ki 2AP P1912 PeTAIL CATCH BASINS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING NO. 70-A-402. T"7 rob PUV-r- CONE ON ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION SHALL CONFORM TO APWA DIVISIO14 THREE, SECTION 301 . 1.01 AND SHALL BE UNCLASSIFIED. W vy -err- 0 091) ST, 6LOTTrat, -(k - --- - - ALL EXCESS MATERIAL FRCP! THE TRENCH EXCAVATION SHALL BE DISPOSED OF ON SITE. 0 5UC-H THAI' '2) OVE&R. WILL 6 C, C Al; • 12) -4 IN rH Ave *%qjJU*7bA.) oc, v V"q Z44 I AGsA1N$T THEE W'j 1,Lnr.TEc, Co4� v I PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE AS PER APVA 011ITSION THREE, SECTION 30i. 2.0,2 AND SHALL BE 3/4"-0 CRUSHED ROCK. ,GIGT-rr Jill, is -- I I t'Llas Llwe I + Jill 0 +3(0 111;voy C,U fl- TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS A PER APWA DIVISION THREE. SECTION 301 . 2.04 ON ALL SEWER LINES OUTSIDE j wISLOT-Ir aTa 6W 7 4- - - I --I-- V) ST. STA. THE PUBLIC RIGHTS 179d 79TH AYE. 5 4-8P.,1- _�kal P.T. 5 0 1r At'fi-T. - 6FF- PETAIL 191T. -OF-WAY OR OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS. TRENCH 3ACKFILLSHALL BE CLASS B PER APWA DIVISION (0 t 2.51- F,L', PT. 5T, GTA it + 51b, A. �*§b ;Z 15 H*M LOGk. THREE, SECTION 301. 2.04B IN ALL PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY OR PAVED AREAS IN THE PROTECT. C1.6 V. c.-)T TYPE 1)" DIT(,H Ilill 145' 'ZT SrxLl DETAIL R", ✓ X� rt 141.00 14715 3.1 ,15TORt-i !kTA.. '7+12- > r P TRENCH BACK.FILL COMPACTION SHALL BE A.5 PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301.3.0 P!M EL. 144 43 3 +070 N CONTRACTORTO DETERMINE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT AM MET1100 To USE To ACHIM THE RE- ,5T 5'rA .9+2.9 t I Lx �4 I.e. OUT 151.0c Z10 11Q Ll 13 1, 1'3" PINE QUIRED COMPACTION. 0� CIM EL. ! 15HOULDE14 SHALL BE A-, 6X 113T ja I R V E DAT A PAVEMENT RESURFACING WHERE REQUIRED SHALL CONFORM TO DIVISION THREE, SECTION -F-KI5,r, FH 309 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. &WADEO 5UC.H THAT '/,z PT, POW. ►�VLE 1 LENGTH 12AMUS VGLTA CHO" BEALIgr? t 6XIBT WATLA2 VAt.4L- 5Ui2.FAC,E P%�AIWAGji ON 1"3 5 S7 I ' I 5S.161 23)' 9150 A' SO" , -'9-651H.470 I'3' 14'11 ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST GRADES OR ALIGNMENT TO ACCONW)DATE OTHER fox WEST SIDE OF 6W. IRTA 2.+ 64 t*- F.C, MAILF x UTILITIES AS REQUIRED. AVE. DRAINS TO Z,ITCA 19- FN- 1 14.64 1 20, 1!�! So' UAW HAV'406'44- F. 1611d -;- 1,30 F INLET. 5 31, 511 zo CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTILITIES BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL RZLOC J= E 4 �1- 53' 2.0 ANY IN CONFLICT WITH THE PPOPOSED CONSTRUCT101,1. EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS Sk 44 U" 25,22-1 s."* 05' 410 W. EXI15TI.W(:r 11f •­., ARE AYPROXIMATE ONLY AM HWT BE VIMIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. AMITIOMLL UMMME"M 2,: 1 PAVINCr - ovite vvi POWE9. VoLG 6 141 +4 2�"..jm EWr) FAIVIN"I TAP91Z 5T -- UTILITIES MAY OCIST. 5701zm TA 1�611 110 I Wirw ANC.44ok (0 2,5.00, zv E)f -10-0 4'0 41 24.y Hj5:0 4v"re., I 5ANirA92-r N U6EC, UNIFIED 56W6x'AC7lE AGENCY DAT L.7 255 . I t8c be(IIN ;LoAPWAy TA F E 9� 58', 14.87 46 I WATEIZ -';`1' L FAVII46P TAPER- I-AFelL TO PLA W ....... 1% 4. I(- e)(ISTIN�p PAVING 15GALE : Ill INSTALL WVALFA- PE-1. TY Or. 1"icjAk-[) UkAwifill4r.7 W0.FOR A PPROVALS ONLY Y13 1t=, ,A COLINTY a BOND PARK " © ,�� "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION " pt. of Public Works a DRAY. IIQNE)R�W CHECKED VCW-AL 7cl oj�Bllv ROAD AND STORM SEWER ------ COMPASS CORPORATION MR. KENNETH L. WAYMIRE -ire- SCALE A$ SHOWN %454ff45 14P�WVlld- 4e-,-7W4 AUG. 1983 WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION AdOMPROVEMENTS - 114111Plm-ev'-=�I�ve..112- 1�#,* 6564 5 E LAKE ROAD 603),?'2 4652 wO- -ro DATE NO. REVISION LFIL.E83 - 1961 - 1262 MILWAUKIE,OREGON 972212 (SO 3)fir')'!W. )93 11903 BROADACRES N.E. , HUBBARD, OR 981 - 6770 PLAN AND PROFILES 3 BOND PAPV NO I IT -..w I liplipplitlIfIll 111111 111111111111o11 I Jill 1111 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED IMP. DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC6-, -IT IS DUE TO -,TW- QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING, 0E 6z 9z I z 9Z r.z 11P Z EZ ZZ Z OZ 61 91 L1 91 1 t,I EI 21 11 of -6 9 9 S 11P E 2 011 Ill I I Ill I I I I I If I I I I I I I 111"111111111 lill')AIIIII l"Ill 111111111mll I"111"Iml 11111411 1,1111111116ftIf 111111111111111111111111111411"1 Jill 11"11111 If I Illiflifitl loll I I 111nIIluIII111 1W11 1111 JUNE 24 92 'mopp- Woo ,*U 6' ,,A Ll ­j k 72 41 FA�L 71 -:2-:tl CIRCULATION C; opy 11 m opf 4 PaIOR TO APPROY �-NUUNZiLD 4AL OF THESE PLANS 06 0 Cf C" C PUBLIC V/041Ks DePT, 0 ID A T E -/-# t 3 dw 9f 1 ,> P 12 0 R)6 e r11 Q. I I-ANNIi�c oFpy, 7 W DATE. n I r 7 to 5 t- t4i 0�) > W 'r BUILDING DC-:F)-r, o 0 GI (T LT 3 I 1-2,4 10 ,41 COUNTY HURL-1'11 M!PT, CY­­---­. th + 0. 3 0A.I- + CITY A0;'1:?!Ac;'rRATr)Ij T" IDA Iwo ILI I jot.) 1�0 -) - q + '40' 12r. 't OW TIGARo vvT-rcn DIST. 4 13Y > L + + 0 (f) .-9 (�)U) GENER TIZI 'PHONIZ to OyLde TO -�-�Z- DA1 i.: ul Ll U S A CIA T F. 3 d) IL N. W. N URA GAS my DATE. -6�3 t ti 146 54 B�o I fA L kc, By, ct). DATE. tV - 7-ir-7 > -7= , 11 OATIE. -7-7-533 T, cr L LI & Ci>; + 140 + _j low + -i S.W. lj(Jk1iAM U.,; 14b I to() 00 1 + 00 2+ 00 5 00 4 1-00 15 +00 40 + uoo . b. W . 79 TH AV e T t: PQ0F1L1- - 5, W. 7 (0 TP, AVE , I E� V. 5,C A L E 50' H 5(-A L E- 60 ' 8 .11 1 " - 5 ' V III > z 1, a� L.- I VICI �� 17Y MAP -20 k-4 LD 17 a t(I STREET CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 31 v - - ---- - * kT + t- + 401 CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM WITH THE CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, O.S.H.D. , AND A.P.W.A. OREGO It 5 19 IS) IBJ Lu CHAPTER SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAILS. + C' 'C' A5PI4. GONG. (MCIZILAY) (:Iu lzb CIONX, CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL PF:�'UIRED PERMITS AND LICENSES BEFORE. STARTING CONF,IRUCTION. TOF OF > z" 5j+ -0 CrL, WCK CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTILITIES BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL RELOCATE ANY IN CONFLICT WITH 8" 1/- 0 12" (3 Z $1 EXISTING 'TT LITY LOCRZIONS �1;11OWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. ADDITIONAL TIME PROPOSED CONSTRUCTTON. 42 L.F 24 60 W D 57. SE CT ION 0 >. ulp UNDERGROUND UFTI[LITIES MAY FXrST. IOL L.r-. 24. 01 '/F + Lu J J ENGINEER RESERVES THE 1AIGI-rl' "0 ADJUST GRADES OR ALIGNMENT TO ACCOMODATE UTILITIES OR EXISTING DRAINAGE 00! . !Z, 0 uj + WAYS AS REQUIRED. 160 -- 5 0 T- (0 1.p. 24 it 7 a E-.Q -T SL = 0.0115 or/ cic-p CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE A� DISPOSE OF TREES, STUMPS, FENCE , BRUSH, ROOTS AND OTHER MATERIAL IN THE ROAri- + S&O X WAY AND WHERE INDICATED Off. NE PLAN. MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN SUCH A WAY AS TO MEET LOCAL REG- 114 15C 6 W 5 t 86 04 ULATIONS. EXCESS EXCAVATT. 'MATERIAL TO BE DISPOSED OF AS DIRECTED BY OWNER. VEGETATION AM TOP SOIL I.S. OUT 160.43 -1-t. --W-'I X�T 4:1 14 79TH ST 5C C.r 10 N SHALL BE STRIPPED FROM F11 AREAS PRIOR TO FILLING. RIM EL. - 055.31 I.E. •OUr 49.7 1- -- -- 3+ 69 SIDEWALKS SHOWN ON STREET "rTON ARE NOT PART OF THIS CONTRACT. THEY 11ILL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF 1415 '311 0, 1146 LOT IMPROVEMENTS. I.E. OUT 14(p.42) + �9 4T x 4" Av A I t RIM 1'L. j55. *AEP `F I.E. OUT 158.40 CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE ' I-' rQUIPMENT AND METHOD TO USE TO ACHIEVE REQUIRED COMPACTION. SUBSEQUENT qoT E To be 344', -0,, SETTLEMENT` OF THE FINIQI�­ VACE WITHIN THE WARRANTY PERIOD SHALL BE PROMPTLY REPAIRED BY THE CONTRAC P-Im EL 14(cO2. AND 'tiPC- bA,'-KFILL TO bEr '10TH ST, AT NO uAPkAjA I-IV T I ---- L!----I ­-­��-­- EXPENSE TO THE OVII So LF - - ­ -r - Mel-11 R-EQUIR"13 TO PRO"TME FIRM F01.", L ------------ 241, SOFT 5. A.9.A i0li 1*j iL ROArA;AY SW-LL BE REMC,'v LID I TO 'f'llt-, LJ . IL A W.L 44160 W 14- 19 CCP �44� 140 ND SHALL R ()If, x/p ATION'A E REPLACED WITH CRUSHED ROCK. 7 -0c 6 + 00 4 4, 00 2� + o!­; 0c) i.e. 'R T- E T- ON S I.S. OLIT 139 80 '�9 L-F. 24" Ar THE ENTIPE' SUBGRADE SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED AT THF LOWEST MOISTURE CONTENT AT WHICH A HANDFUL OF k1M EL. 44.130 roL- 0.004 F/p THE SOIL CAN BE MOLDED BY A FIRM CLOSING OF THE HAND. SGALE . 1 " 50' H.� 0+00 CUTFALL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER WHEN SUBGRADrNG IS COMPLETED AND 24 HOURS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ROC 4 + 85L' END PAVING BASE MATERIAL A-tM 24 HOURS PRIOR TO FINAL PAVING FOR INSPECTION OF THE WORK. TA re rk 1Z 4 + 0-5a END PAVING PEIL ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT TO BE DESIGNED FROM A JOB MIX FORMULA APPROVED BY THE O.S.H.D. FOR MATERIALS I TAPER ro CUT BANK TO INSTALL. USED. CONTRACTM TO PROVIDE ENGINEER WITH CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FROM ASPHALT PAVEME11T PLANT. 4 - (o?:LL L-ND cups k L-Xi-�TING PAVING III TAPER TO EY45T�4G -`­' 4 + lobe ENO curze THE ENGINEER HAS NOT BEEN RETAINED OR COMPENSATED TO PROVIDE DESIGN AND CCASTRUCTION REVIEW SERVICES RE- ­ --a7` IZOAD W AY ?,EG54 PAV" BEGIN PAVING TA?eq IO 0 .(:1 LATING TO THE CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY PRECAUTIONS OR TO MEANS , METHODS, TECHNIQUES , S1 UENCE OR PROCEDURES REQUIRED FOR TILE CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM HIS WORK. 30' PAV. V-DGIR 50, st/W 7 q 4 4 EDCvEi IVT MIN STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION NOTES I M E L. 14. S14 I ST"Ne NA -.5TONE EXISTING 3+ G;Z AV 1%L PAVEMENT 4 1415 4 B ALL WORK AND MATERIALS TO CONFORM TLI 1980 EDITI�A OREGON CHAPTER AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION (APWA) I I��-j R 3 2. 45' Iz I W AND CITY OF TIGARD STANDARDS AND SPeCIFICATIONS. ALL REFERENCES TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SHALL MEAN -T! PAV. CITY OF TIGARD SPECIFICATIONS. P r c� �g LL 1145, Polo I I -A�F, EM5T I N& 3t3 0 + 101 CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND LICENSES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. /.2 Pr QIP GSA F' eTAiL- LX115T I wri 121, ,.IMP ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE C-14 CLASS II NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE WITHOUT RUBBER GASKETS. POW e IL 5T STA . S+r POLO- 6. r, 46' W T 6. KE ALL CONCRETE MANHOLES SHOWN ON THE PL.NNS ARE 48" MINIMUM DIAMETER AND CONFORM TO CITY Of' TIGARD STANDARD 19 Otuc) (DUTFALL. 0-!tR�g- I 154,95 -I- DRAWING NO. 73-A-101 . MANJrJOLE FRAME AND COVERS SHALL BE AS PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAIsING NO. 73-A- IZI P IZAP -j- (6). Lo+ c4 PER DETAIL CATCH BASINS ARE TO HE CONSTRUCTED PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING NO. 70-A-402. * '-55 PLAGG GONE ON sT. .........L......... T W D -15.001 14,6 F�' 4- V �1111 U7 0 1- 00 BOND ST. 5UcH THAT 6L0TTeD ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION SHALL CONFORM TO APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301.1.01 AND SHALL BE UNCLASSIFIED. - COVrrk WILL bE 3POSED OF ON SITE. 72 37- �R�f . . T ALL EXCESS MATERIAL FROM THE TRENCH EXCAVATION SHALL BE DI. - 75 +0 7�o TN AVE, I 11 // I T �-, 'A I PIPE BEDDING SHALL HE AS PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301. 2.02 AND SHALL HE 3/4"-0 CRUSHED ROCK. G.W. - - Ll A I AGAINST THE W 0 + V �19 LI WE 3 2t) 0 Bit *Ivpy 5T STA 0+913, TRENCH BACKFILL SKXLL ME CLASS A PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301 . 2.04 ON ALL SEWER LINES OUTSIDE (,Pz ST WIL11-llpliitll 14 14­72- , I I Dl� ST, STA _7 3 + 17-9�TTN-AVE. - P.T. + 5Q Lo 4.�'QT. - Slip PETAIL VIT THE PUBLIC RIG11TS-OF-WVj OR OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS. rRENCII BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS B PER APWA DIVISION P,c'. 6T. STA -5 + 155, /2 PT. t) 1 + 19 4-85 THRES, SECTION 301.2,048 IN ALL PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY OR PAVED AREAS IN THE PROJECT. -rT.I.E DIT( 1415' ZT - srE OF-TAIL RT. cl.6. 8 OT, tTA. 0+-68 1144.90 W 7+281-1 Ierr 1NLET I.E "!UT TRENCH BACKFILL CO-IPACTION SHALL BE AS PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301. 3.0 sT. to t �5 1 '0.j.-,17 Eq P rL J C L L. 14 4 4*b 5 +ol Or STA 5+04- CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE TYPE OF EQUIP�IENT AND METHOD TO USE TO ACHIEVE THE RE- I;n, ur EK 151". 24 14-6. 116" PINE QUIRED COMP HOUSE 6 It 1i Ai TION. .I ENT RESURFACING WHERE REQUIRED SHALL CONFORM TO DIVISION THREE, SECTION SHOULGE14 6HALL &6 / 1�6 C A POW, POLE i rL 1z v E DATA 309 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. C4ADED 5JCH THAT 0 LUN GTs4 12,,DWS GOLTA CRORD 6;�P�uw PAVEMENT SURFACE DIZAiWAGE ON t vr JL EXIST WATER VALVL- 16C. 6T I ' I BS IS' 20' 9#j* 21-6,51 N,4T` i31l4*;j ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST GRADES OR ALIGMENT TO ACCOWIODATE OTHLR WSi,T 9IU6 OF 6W. 7qT9 KA!LOOJ( UTILITIES AS REQUIRED. 84 t4 19" F I Z 1. 21.5s 201 10" %I.q(o' N.4Z"4(#1 -- 4v En AVE. D�LAIN5 T6 :�rrcj,4 If) 7- -j7 INLET. a S1, 511 zo, 10, 1b, 5 5.44-W" Is" E. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE XXL UTILITIES BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION AND SHELL RELOC E I ANY IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROMSED, CONSTRUCTION. EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS S 4 $1. 53' 2 81' 44' Z�" 21�4.2' $46" 05' 47'W. .0 POWCMIL VOLE Z: I PAVING 11- .A0 44'.11" 244! W 87"SV46ormi ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. ADDITIONAL UNDER END PAviw� r0ee ST -------- UTILITIES MAY EXIST. rof4m rAPIirt rO KI 215-00' . 79" 7-41tMo c.A �ANITAr4� 6LE RcAvWAy 'rA P E 1Z FAY I W(w USED UNIFIED 56wi�iZAGE AGENCY I)ATOr-I FRI E 6 1 N � m N WA-rr,,R I Z5.56- 2.551 40 447 N it I-+60 4VINGP TAPE-fe PLA t� 41 2 : 1 TAPE-.9. T6 li I j iq EXISTING PAVING INSTALL. WHEEL LHAIV. �ZAMPt: PER CIRCU! ATION Copy !V %- CA" Or- 71(7Aki) D;ZAWik(-, NO. I P A' 3 FOR APPROVALS ONLY II BOND PARK " .��� W�� "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION " .�_ DRAV "ONEORGW ICHECKED COMPASS CORPORATION ' MR. KENNETH L. WAYMIRE ROAD AND STOKM SEWER 2 SCALE AS SHOWN ATE AUG. 1983 • ENGINEERING - SI!RVFYMG PLANNING WAV ERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. IMPROVEMENTS DAU I F v I S 0 N FILE (:564 51 LAKE ROAD (W3)222-4852 3 ammmum� 83 . 1961 - 1262 1 MILWAUKIE,ORFOON 97222 (M3053-9093 11903 BROADACRES N.E., HUBBARD , OR 981 - 6770 PLAN AND PROFILES PnND F,AF;.-[. wn i 2 OF 12 VOW U.4110ft w. T- IYKI 1 . - Al 11111F [ijill I I I'll Jill 'qljlt� jfl1I NOTE: I F TH IS M ICRor I I-MED 2 3 4 5 r) 7 8 9 0 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE; 11 15 DUE TO THF QUALIT'e or THF ORIGINAL =77 16 DRAWING. 62 92 1? 92 92 fP2 up 22 1z oz 51 91 L 91 si t,I c 1 21 11 01 9 1 9 IF E 2 1 ...... iITNE 24 1992 -ML-.. 6 J, Aj "U 4R ' "V t Ir 4 + Till, ;y. • e Cirf W TIFA RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON October 19. 198 Sproul Excavating Company, Inc. 13305 S.W. Tualatin Sherwood Road Sherwood, Oregon 97140 RE: ""ond Park I Sanitary Sewer Dear Mr. Sproul; I have talked with Mr. Waymire and told him that the slump in the sanitary sewer line from station Ot00 to station Ot33 would have to be repaired before we would be able to accept it. He was going to pass this information on to you. When do you plan to make this repair? Please let me know when you get ready to start. Thank you, R. L. Thompson (RLT!os/0727P) Enclosure cc: file b y 12755 S.W.ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:839-4171 .� CITY OF TI67ARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON September 12, 1985 Waverly Construction Company 11903 Broadacres, N.E. Hubbard, Oregon 97032 Re: Bond Park 1 Subdivision Gentlemen: The Tigard City Council, at their meeting of 8/19/85, approved Resolution No. 85-66 which accepted the public improvements constructed within the above noted subdivision. A copy is enclosed for your files. ' If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Engineering Division at 639-4171. Sincerely, Loreen Wilson City Recorder !w/3192A Enc. 'SCC: Randy Clarno, Engineering Div. t — --- 12755 S W ASH P 0 BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH 639 4171 --J CITY OF TIGARD RESOLUTION NO. 84- RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTLNG THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN BOND PARK I SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, curbs, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivision; and WHEREAS, the City has required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Departmc-nt of Public Works that all. requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, su.,ject. to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. . . . ; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received, subject to correction of hereinbelow listed deficiencies; and WHEREAS, the subdivider has indicated a desire to retain the eubdtvisiun performance bond in full force and effect throughout the aforesaid maintenance period, in lieu of submitting a separate maintenance bond, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard , Oregon hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Bond Park 1 Subd,vislon, said subdivision being recorded in Book 56 on Page 11 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Recocus, subject to: I . Sidewalks need to be completed. 2. Streets need to be cleaned. 3. Catch basins need to be cleaned out. 4. A.C. Overlay on all streets. 5. Mylar copy of Plat. 6. Damaged curbs replaced. 7. Continuation of the subdivision performance bond. PASSED: This �= day of 19 d [ by file Councli of the C'ty of Tigard. ATTEST: 7 City of Tigard — (� City Recorder - Cit of Tigard I'I I Y OI 1 I(--,ART), OREGON RI ',OI Ill ION NO. 85 RFSOLUIION OF THE lIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING fHE PUBJ.IC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTED WITHIN POND PARK I. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the City further requi-ed the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One-Year, Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. . ."; and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received; and WHEREAS, the required performance bond (Personal Surety Performance Bond in amount of $1.58,434.50) has remained in full force and effect throughout the normally required maintenance period of one year, NOW, THEREFORE, 9E IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: The City of Tigard, Oregon hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Bond Park II Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 56 on Page 11 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records. AND FURTHER, the City Council herewith authorizes release of the aforesaid bond. PASSED: This LqT h day of 1995. MSyor - City of Tigard ATTEST: Deputy City Record- - City of Tigard (pm/17O7P) RESOLUTION NO. 85- CITY OF- TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 85-_L�i RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD "ITY COI'ACIL. ACCEPTING THE PiinLTC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN BOND DARK I. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, strceL lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the City further required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department. of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One-Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. . ."; and WHEREAS, said Certificati-n has now been received; and WHEREAS, the required pe, formance bond (Personal Surety Performance Bond in amount of $158,434 ,50) has remained in full force and effect throughout the normally required maintenance period of one year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: The City of Tigard, Oregon hereby ac,:Ppts the public improvements constructed within Bond Park II Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 56 on Page 11 in Washington Country, Oregon, Plat Records AND FURTHER, the City Council herewith authorizes release of the aforesaid bond. PASSFFI This day of .- 1985. aL Mayor City of Tigard ---^TT AT-TEST: eputy City Recorder - City of Tigard (pm/1702P) RES01..U1 ION No. 85- » s f TIGARD ci VICINITY D.C. I - �. ./...oma. tt •� T{.i c[ ft �' • "u �r�re ter.. ,1 c c [wSw II t• lgfi°rrr t `4,,/ "I� ct. .'+1f�• r� � � �]L9 rVl •� t 4� X11 - 1+- L• 1491 _ .� I t.. [ IY E lj� �• � WK � � - I I it tti B � �{.{♦tt .,St J .+od _ �ailviilii't: �i I I� me SJ I. • it trly. r $ ru cr d i I Pro 61 al. I I , - t�,r..rll t" /ur.r •M, •. V 1 1 10185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANE • TIGARD. OREGON 97224 . (503) 820-8729 DATE 7-16_85 �-- - DATE ------ ------_— O Pr. Bcb Thompson —r C i Ey T61 -TFga RE12LY _ ---_ --- - -- ------ - ----- -P. 0. Box 7.3397 agar RP: Boni Park subdivision MESSAGE —__ Upon initial subdivision acceptance, we would --TiT�e our presensu v sion on� d -- -- - - itt�Tl3Pf�P �S�TicTr1. Roberta Waymire SIGNED _ -- SIGNED .-- -- TELEVISION INSPECTION LOG Tape Start ,�":`� ort CAL-TOM, Inc. 16799; SW 72nd Avenue Tape Stop/ Tape / Portland, Oregon 97223 (503) 620-6959 Cleaning Report / Clienti..: Operat%;�, %- 1 -/.',� Date Time Location � �/' / '�zL�'1 •�_._ Line Size Pipe Typ%' Joint Type Depth Manhole Condition,'s 2/ '�_ - / ,�► 1 Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation ull Direction[-: WIER READING INFILTRATION A E TOTAL r c / t: B F — low Direction C_ C G r D H Ref Feet Remarks Inf . Photo Ref Photol N . Fee[ Remarks No._ No. No. Inf . No. "j, -� 21 2 22 l _ 23 _ 24 2 5 ,. Y LC 26 7 17 28 29 31 � _= 1 e� J.7le I 2 IT.:, �- G _ _ 33 --- TY 34 35 _ _ _ 36 1 37 1 38 39 2 0- Summary of Line Conditions: Codas - Pipe Condition t4,j B1' - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mrark Grade : ,`��[> _--- C - Crack 0 - Obstruction AligtvAent4iiriy �. `.'C'_ ,T , - C1' - Collapsed Pipe 0.1- Open Joint Jot is S ;' ✓ Dt' - Dip in Line OS- Off Set GC - Grade Change R - Roots - -- -- H - Shear SC'- Service Conn . I Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint Lineal Feet Pipe Site Poloroids Reset HIN( 11,1%, 11 .11\1)ON 8c BECK faN 16195 ATTORNEYS AT LAW PHIL H RINGLE.JR. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION .705 WEST ARLINGTON STREET TCLEPHONE G5'�,-0879 ROBERT D.MERNDON AREA CODE `_�03 MOON E`F J Bcc GLAOSTONE,OREGON 97027 P.O.BOR [4 r, January 14, 1985 Sproul Excavating Company, Inc . 15880 S.W. 7,4th Tigard , Oz¢gon 97223 Re : Sewer Easement Granted by John Schwartz Dear Sirs : Please be advised that this office has been retained by Mr . John Schwartz in regard to that sewer easement granted to the City of Tigard under easement dated August 29, 1993 . As you %, e advised by letter of March 5, 1984, from Mr . John Watts, Attorney at Law on behalf of Mr . Schwartz, certain damage occurred to the Schwartz ' property during the excavation by your company. I understand that you have failed to respond in any manner to Mr . Watts ' letter of March 5, 1984.. It has been brought to my attention that you were authorized to remove one cedar tree during the excavation, but actually removed one additional large cedar tree . The value of this additional tree has been estimated Co be between $500 and $2.000. Further, you have failed to place in the ditch, as previously represented and agreed, the rip rap rock an(] as such, the erosion that the rock was intended to prevent has started . It. has further been brought to my attention that not only were the sewer tees not marked as required , but also there is some speculation that the sewer tees were never installed pursuant to your agreement . Mr . Schwartz further advises me that in the process of connecting the sewer line you ordered out a septic pumping company tn PUMP Out. his septic tank . You failed to pay the $95 .00 that was required for this service and as such Mr . Schwartz has incurred additionally $95 .00 over and above what was originally agreed . Mr . Schwartz did enter into an agreement with you as consideration for the granting of the easement to the City of Tigard . As that agreement has been violated, there appears to he no consideration that would justify and support the easement granted by Mr . Schwartz. It does riot appear to be a valid easement and as such your construction constituted a trespass and damage to Mr . Schwartz ' property. It is Mr . Schwartz ' intent that tris matter be resolved at this time or that appropriate litigation br instituted so that it can be completed without further difficulties . Demand is hereby made that within fifteen ( 15 ) days from the date of this letter that you comply with the agreement dated May 19, 1983, between you and Mr . Schwartz; and identified as consideration for the easement granted to the City of Tigard . Specifically, the rip rap rock is to be placed in the ditch in an appropriate manner and in total satisfaction and conformity with the previous requirements . Secondly, you pay to Mr . Schwartz, through this office, the sum of $95 .00 as reimbursement for the pumping out of his septic tank. Thirdly, that you not only mark, but ve;-ify that the sewer tees were installed . And lastly, that you pay into this office the sum of $750. 00 as compensation to Mr . Schwartz for the unauthorized removal of the tree not contemplated by the agreement dated May 19, 1983 . Should you fail to comply with this request, Mr . Schwartz has authorized me to institute the appropriate litigation . At that time not only will the amounts hereinabove identified be recovered, but also Mr . Schwartz ' attorney fees and court costs . Also, please be advised that the unauthorized removal of the large cedar tree does entitle Mr. Schwartz to not only double, but possible triple damages pursuant to the Oregon Revised Statutes. Your immediate attention to this matter is necessary. Very truly yours, RINGLE, HERNDON & BECK, P.C. Rodney J . Beck RJB/pjw cc: M . and Mrs . John Schwartz ity of Tigard Mr . Kenneth L. Waym:.re (Waverly Construction Company) ms November 27, 1984 CITY OF TIMM WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Mr. Kenneth L. Waymire Waverly Construction Co. 10185 SW Riverwood Lane Tigard, Oregon 97224 RE: Bond Park Subdivision Dear Ken, In response to your request an inspection was conducted on the proposed public improvements in said subdivision for the purpose of determining its readiness for City Council final acceptance. The following listing, is the result of said inspection: I. All sidewalks and driveway aprons nerd to be installed. 2. All damaged curbs need to be replaced. 3. A.C. overlay on all streets. 4. We will need a release form signed by both Mr. John Schwarts and Mr. Harvey Knauss stating that they are satisfied with the way the easement has been cleaned up and that they do not hold the City of Tigard responsible for any clean up or replanting. 5. A TV vido on the section of sanitary sewer line which had been repaired near U.S.A. 's main line. When these five (5) items have been completed we then can recommend to the City Council to accept all of the public improvements within your project. Sincerely, R. L. Thompson Public Works Inspector RLT:dmj/0811P — 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD. OREGON 97223 PFI.639-4171 w w w CITY OF TIGARD Sewwer�wT.V. Inspection Report /f�.��' Yv �Cpb"hS�KG'�la h 1,v7d a 0 q 4"a&.-/ C.•,ti �?' L�. �*��• indicate North Date /—,2 U— y Location_See7Le,,, k-n a�tr 411ra&- /' Upstream M.H . No . Tape No . Operator ,71— TG}7, Begins at N.H . No .- __ 6 goes_—i to M.H . No . .2 W/Flow A/Flow P---_ Flow at start l j�, —5anitary �— Storm Diam. g _Length __Type 0, 1, Weath . Cond .rlcar Meter SettingUpstream M.H . Condition__ Main Stab A B C D Exit Stab FOOTAGE REMARKS TAPE MIN . 5h d W(?�-e >^ S�ar►d 1 n ><e- 0 9,•, 5 d e, G l71 O 1 3 m,b j f SAS I'�w6 .�/` 0.2 ;0ev J J_� I MRAILMILi CITY OF TIGARD SSewer ,yT.V. Inspect,lon Report C p- S y''r w G */d ri d•I., d r.9 ti T Z .Sive w / i'a-Vo.-C?�, el► 1 .Z++ � Indicate North Date -,;?D- rY Location Upstream M.H . No . _Tape No ._ _Operator — jv-,,, Begins at M.N . No . 6 goes to M.H . Nc . 3 W/Flow A/Flow Flow at start -9' Sanitary_ 4- Storm Diam. __Length Type Z, Weath. Cond .C'/e; r Meter Setting p Upstream M.N . Condition Main Stab A_`B C D _Exit Stab_ FOOTAGE REMARKS TAPE MIN . CI`ry OF TIGARD Sewer T.V. Inspection Rt-port Na w e&,, 4150 a Pte,. �( A Sys ry w C o-vi S G v .TY,t Indicate North Date —oZ.0 $"' Location Upstream M.H . No . Tape No . Operator. /-- Triy,, Begins at N.H . No . Iq_ b goes to M .H . No . 3 " 1"'low 4-- A/Flow Flow at start -&- Sanitary �- Storm —Liam. g �r Length SIS 1 Type p , Wearh . Cond .C/eo v Mer-' r Setting4/, 0 upstream M.H . Condition Main Stab A 8 C D Exit Stab F00 AGE REMARKS TAPE MIN . --— -— 72/ra Y. r t ,12 p V 60 I- TG' W ------ w��l� CITY OF TIGARD S,,-//xer T.V. Inspection Report0 �l/ GW Cf!'Y1S7�rwCf/0 � S,Or• H � COr1� �d �'"�� Indicate North Date 20 - V'y Location Upstream M.H . No . Tape No . Operator Begins at M.H . No . b goes to M.H . No . L�__ W/Flow_ A/Flow Flow at start -t,:P— Sanitary i--- _ Storm Diam. I' Length 3, , / TyreL'o-n t Weath . Cond .0/e,7 ,. Meter Setting 41, 0 Upstream M.H . Condition Main Stab__—A B C___D Exit Stab — FOOTAGE REMARKS TAPE MIN . o h�•,-b o9G a71-- 0300 3 a t 0900 at 0300 _ 2o3 — .7y-,;- - ffab a t 0900 Z4 9- a t 0300 �� 3 •�-6 a t a3va Td 7&, ---- ��Q CITY OF TIGARU /Sewer T.V. Inspection Report /Yew bo.rr41 0 /� 7 SfJrDv / Csf.-I COQ 1Y1 Indicate North Date Location _ Upstream M.H . No . Tape No . �Operator �ai — TGA Begins at H.N . No . 6 goes to M .H . No . W/Flow A/Flow Flow at start _Sanitary 6' Storm Diem. _ —Length_ 1 , ,y Type, ., Weath . Cond . 0/aaY Meter Setting44, 0 Upstream M.H . Condition Main Stab A B C D Exit Stab FOOTAGE REMARKS TAPE MIN . 13 H, b - 7 w h a 7L 0 9 00 G - w6 a? 1` _ O 3Go 4 tya. b lly wb ) 3 / ,H b- 0360 _ tfwb a t a3oo _� __ Ly �- -g-- =�8 �- Tc, Ati _ September 1:3, 1984 Mr. Connie Sproul CP 19 1984 Sproul Excavating Company 15880 S.W. 79th St. Tigard, OR 97224 Re: Sewer Connection and Related Wore Dear Sir: On August 10, 1984, you contacted me regarding the sewer connection of my residency. As you indicated you were prepared to start the clean-up and sewer connections to my property. At that tiRie I informed ,you I was leaving the following day for Colorado and would obtain the required permit the first of the following week. As I was not able to return by that date my flew flew home on Monday the 20th of September in order to obtain and have the sewer permit available for you. My wife called and left messages several times and you never returned the calls. After my return I stopped at your residence, Tuesday, August 28, 1984, approximately 7:15 p.m. enroute to a meeting I was to attend, and inquired as to the status of the sewer connection and why my wife' s calls were not returned and the fact you had stated the work was to be done the previous week. At that time you informed me that you had received her messages, but did riot feel that returning her calls were necessary and you would be starting the project that week or the following week at the latest. This would have been the 3rd of September. As of today's date, September 13, 1984 I have not heard from you nor has any work started. Connie, since you had initially approached me regarding a sewer easement you have not kept your given word nor have you honored the written easement agreement. I can truly say had I known the least bit of knowledge of the trouble and frustrations you have given me, not to mention the false statements you h: ve told not only me, but some of my neighbors, and the Tigard City staff, I would have never given an easement to the sewer. I have had to contact my attorney already in the past after which he wrote you a letter reydr-ding the damages and trees that mere cut down without authorization and you have not responded to that letter as of this date. I can only say I am not impressed with you as a neignbor nor as a business man. As I am going to be charged for sewer services effective the 21st of September, 1984 as per the permit agreement, I can expect you to be responsible for the fees and any other charges if the permit expires before the connection is made. Finally, to go back and refresh your memory to some of things that have transpired since the initial contact by you I would like to point out a few key statements you have made to not only me, but other people involved. Page 2 I I. The gees that were on the property to be developed were only to be removed to accommodate the dwelling units 1n order to keep that a secluded and basically wooded area. I did not find out until after the easement had been given and upon noticing the clear cut logging operation that was taking place that you had no intentions of keeping this. Further, upon reviewing your bill of sale to Ken Waverly, it was stated on the bill of sale that the property was being sold with the condition you were able to maintain and log the trees off of the property. This was a completely false and intentional statement made to me and some of my neighbors in order to sway me into giving you this easement. 2. When you started the easement construction you did not follow the plans submitted to me as to the sewer line going down the drainage ditch with a manhole approximately 2/3' s of the way down and angl ig over to the existing Unified Sewer Agency manhole connection to the main line just opposite Fanno Creek. Instead you took a direct line cut through the bank and in fact removed one Cedar tree, not to mention others, that you were specifcally not to remove. Upon contacting you and talking with you about this subject you indicated you had no alternative, but to pay me for the damage which then generated the letter previously mentioned from my attorney. At that time the reason you gave me for following the path you did was because 11r. Schreiner who owns the adjacent property to the east refused to give you a sewer easement so in order to connect up to the 11SA you had to cut down the bank, remove the trees and mike a direct line to the Unified Sewer Agency line and install a nanhole at that point. As you indicated the need for this was to reduce your cost of putting in one additional manhole. 3. At the time of your construction of the sewer easement yoL neglected to connect both my residence and the residence c ` Harvey Knauss' s property to the sewer. At that time the r ason given was the adverse weather and as soon as the weather h eke you would be back in to finish the project. This past sur �r we have• had almost record-breaking weeks of no rain and a , we are approaching winter you have not started this connecti,>r at this time. 4. You were to leave the area of the excavation back to it: ),rt ,ral state which included riprocking the bottom of the draina�i � d tch to prevent erosion and seeding or whatever was necessary to leave it in that state. Because this was not done, this is also in violation of the sewer easement agreement and the conditions set forth by the City of Tigard. ®11 FM i Page„ i 5. You were to install 3 tees for myself and I am under the under- standing 3 tees for the Knauss' s proper'V. You approached me to stake out the locations I wanted the tees put in which I did. However, during your construction the stakes that I had put ! in had been removed and there are no iron stakes indicating the tee locations as per the sewer easement. With this I do not know where the tee connections are, if indeed any were put into the line. 6. During construction along my side of the property for the half street improvement on 76th, several times you removed my mailbox without authorizatio-i and did not reinstall it properly to the point I received a l !tter from the Pest Office stating if the mailbox was not put in and at the proper height they would discontinue my mail s?rvice until such time as it was installed properly. You finally did replace the mailbox, however, not to the same height that it was originally at. Also on my property is a row of standing Ever- green-type trees which during the construction of the road you bested lower limbs out of the trees which are hanging, left debris along the fence line, took out a corner post and weakened my fence. As of this date this has not been taken care of and I have also contacted the City of Tigard, specifically Frank Curry, about this situation. I totally expect the condition there to be the same as it was prior to your project. Previous to that I was able to mow the roadside in order to keep the grass and weeds down. Connie, this letter is to notify you that I will certainly bring suit against you, Ken Waverly and possibly the City of Tigard since they were the recipient of the easement regarding all conditions as set forth in the easement that have not been adhered to. I will certainly be expecting a reply. Thank you. Sincerely, John Schwartz 15900 S.W. 76th Tigard, Oregon 97224 cc: Harvey Knauss Ker Waverly City of Tigard Public Works Dept. c/o Frank Curry s r PQ o TbC i ;.�_,1;, � '1✓r:r �C � DATE � cy SAf-J. SE41Er At,< 11257: �!� -1'i/ _'1 i�5-BNrL� r►�ed - CURB , . I Pa�J ea it � TFL . I i CA IRL& G A5 STrC 6GT' � r3ps& G YCAV. FlAsb WSTALL, AAI, 14" LIFT P.0 . Z"o utF.r SiAKFAU. t�AcW^fat $ARR�CAp65 S I ve w A uKs. — A PRWs N�•d s.� WKEc-L"AsR �?AHPs -"- M AILIR6K C.LUsrEKS (t STfGETtaCrfTCNG L.A"W5 0-A Ff Q G G&ME-elif, D 2At*1AG6 G6FJSOEAt, 5AFETY (1511-1nL C(.6AAJUP MAINT. 13oa1D O`FL.AT eWdi £-Asr--NfbM" t,0,,t Si C. PRsi.r.a,.f 0'TN tK 0 GGl/CZlQEI4� �CJ(1I'Ldla��l.�Zf'L rri Q% 10185 S.W. RIVERWOOD LANE TIGARD, OREGON 97123 (503) 520-8729 DATE 8-i 5-Q4- --_. BATE --- - f City of Tigard ro - Pvbil -wuris- _.. .. REPLY _ - -- 1. 0. Box 23397 Att: Mt . Bob Thomoson MESSAGE— Re- ESSAGE —Re: Bond Park I subdivision We would like Lo request that the city accept - the subdtvtutan-far—the-year mairwnance—p ri d ---- --- --to hegin, with the exception of the laitt bla k- tag-averiay: --- - - - -- We will elect to keep in force the present bar d-fur the Title year--rwimtenarlr_e period-. ,IGNED, �_�� Kenneth Waymire SIGNED 10185 S W. RIVERWOOD LANE TIGARD, OREGON 97223 (503) 820-8729 DATE 6-22-84 _ DATE F R. L. Thompson TO U1U-Y oT ifi'gard.... -- -- REPLY -- --- P, o. Box 23397 _-Tl gam,-Qit--'97223— L -9722?-L - -J - - - - MESSAGE Re: your letter of 6-21-64 We have received your letter on the easement -te r i t�ry��a�>< lat�cal s:--RB yr3u know, - are not a signatory on these easements, but w�_wilT-caltM"tca--e--tlY-k5--problem Sproul Ct n Y611--"M-Ug C—Opi" rtfie - Bond Park sever line, along with any corrections? r- , ---------- - -- vvaymi SIGNED - - -------- SIUNEL _----- CITY OF TIOA RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON June 21 , 1984 I Kenneth Waymire Waverly Construction 10185 SW Riverwood Tigard, OR 977.23 RE: Bond Park Dear Ken: This is in regards to the sanitary sewer 13terals that were to be installed off the main sanitary sewer line that ran through Mr. Knauss's and Mr. Schwartz's property where you obtained the sanitary sewer easements. We are wondering when you are planning to do this work? Also, Mr. Schwartz has asked us to have you dean up the limbs and trim the trees along SW 76th Avenge that was damaged during the construction. Mr. Schwartz stated that he could not mow the grass there any more. Please let me know when you will be doing this work. I am enclosing a copy of the signed agreement. Thank you, R. L. Thompson Public Work Inspector RLT:pjr cc: Connie Sproul Enclosures 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23391 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 �■r CIW C* TlfA' M WASHINGTON CCIUNTY,OREGON April 5, 1984 Gordon Utter Portland General Electric Co. Western Division 14655 SW Old Scholls FerryRd Beaverton, OR 9700, RE: Bond Park I Dear Gordon: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactory and further, to authorize PGE Co. to energize the 5 units therein via Schedule No. 91 , Option "B". Sincerely, f"a 0, R. L. Thompson Engineering Services Crew Chief RLT/dc c(.: Finance Director R.J. Rouse Electric,Inc. -- 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 DATE ?/27/84 o URGENT R. J. ROUSE ELECTRIC INC. 0 SOON AS POSSIBLE 16320 SW Parker Rd. FILE NO. 1592 0 NO REPLY NEEDED LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 ArrENr/ON Bob Thorrnipsonn (503) 635.2824 SUBJECT 11 �Park ,.-ity of Tiaard ............ - . -1 .................. 12420 3.W. Main-----.-,..----.... ........... Ti tyard, 0,-, 97223 MESSAGE 't. I A�,-htim- for the subject job has been completed . Upon your acceptance, please send a copy of your acceptance and notice to energize to our office. Ai SIGNED el� REPLY DATE OF REPLY 11- 3 - 41-1- t-ii;s4r3 CA) t.3 o�b 5TVw_-T- WS—, ?'�LLeL) ACC6kj>ip1S_ 7-bA1PPf2tVL'D FLAAJ, 4. -r-,o r.AJ5-r,4z.(_ [--I G NT" ON/ 7e14 o4 t4rt- • '61WN —7 5 FAJ,51zd-1 Xr-- J,,J WE A.) 47�# 41r.W_ 15 /AJ57AL4.&.JD. SIGNED EL AILIM 1 ) j� TEU1.LEVISION INSPECTIOU1. ( ti Tape Start Report (;AL-TOM, Inc. �I � 16799 SW 72nd Avenue I` Tape Stop _ Tape Portland, Oregon 97223 (503) 620-6959 Cleaning Report I Client�Jy%��'� Operato ' Z Date!/ ,� Time Location li��iZi /fy-rch' _ Line Size Pipe Type !G. Joint Type Depth Manhole Condition's ^ate Cleaned Result of Cleaning ae:ooZ Ad Flow Depth Ground Wafer Elevation ull Direct'on WIER READING INFILTR2iTION A F. TOTAL % B F low Direction C G D H Ref Feet Remarks Photo Reif Photo No. Inf. No. No. Feet Remarks Inf . No. 1 21 2 - 22 i 23 24 25 26 -7- 27� bs _ 28 29 -- i 30rT 31 — 1� 32 --- 33 34 35 1 36 37 11F 38- I-V 8 - -— 2-0 — _ 140 - —-- -- -- Summary of Line Conditions: Codes - Pipe Condit on 9TC�,� BP - Broken Pipe 1M-Infiltration Mark Grade�1f��L�'^,� �� C - Crack k 0 - Obstruction Alig*nent CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ-- Open Joint Joi.,ts DP - Dip in Line OS- Off Set CC - Gradp Change R - Roots H shear SC- Service Conn. I - Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint Lineal Feetrj ~ ' Pipe Size Pc.Ioroids _ Reset TELEVISION INSPECTION U Tape Start -� Report I _jpl, _ CAL-TOM, Inc. 16799 SW 72nd Avenue Tape Stop Tape -- Tape # Portland, Oregon 97223 ' (503) 620-6959 Cleaning Report Client Opera toeh y'� J! 7 . Date�Jy Time ' Location �`-'7 Line Size - _ Pipe Type ` Joint Type_ Depth_ Manhole Condition's Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation ull Direct on WTER READING INFILTRATION A _ E _ TOTAL B _ F low Direction C G D H Ref Feet Remarks Photo Ref Photo No. - Inf. No. No, Feet Remarks Inf No. l _ 21 Z Z 2 -- - -- 23 - 4 24 f--` 26 27 — -- _ - 28 - -- 29 30 -' 31 -- 1 33 - _— -14- 37 4 37 - --- _� 0 - 4 0 �-- - Summary of Linr: Conditions: Codes Pipe Conditionc __ BP - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mark Grade �^ — C - Crack 0 - Obstruction Alig _ CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint Joi.,ts "'7' - DP - Dip in Line OS- Off Set GC - irade Change R - Roots H - Shear SC- Service Conn. I - Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint Lineal Feet � '' Pipe Size �` Poloroida Reset w w TEl :VISION INSPECTION L� Tape Start Report N _ CAL-TOM, In!. 16799 EW 72nd Avei.ue Tape Stop Tape Portland, Oregon 97223 (503) 620-6959 Citaning Report / C11ent`_ll>>i1�711 Operato Date/� Time Location 7 6- Line Line Size ` Pipe Type 4� Joint Type _ Depth Manhole Condition's D. tL Clea�ied Result of Cleaning zt-L"C-r� f Flow Depth ---` Ground Water Elevation ul'. Direct on — WIER READING - INFILTRATIOM - A E TOTAL B --- F cl ��llow Direction C G D H — Ref Feet RemarkPhoto Ref Photo No, Inf . Feet Remarks 1 I _ 21 �- 2 27 23 - — - - - 24-------- 255 _ 26 _ 7 --- 27 29 IF 31 R - - --- 33+-- - -- 37 1 -- -3i, — - - - 39 20 39 — Summary Ane ConVons: Codes - Pipe Condition,_ BP - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mark Gtade /yx77''���� i <. - Crack 0 - Obstrcrcti:,r Alignmpfit -Ls�a/,' ��i��c CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint Joi.1ts DP - Dip in Lime OS- Off Set - -_! - GC - Grade Change R -• Roots H - Shear SC-• Fervice Conn. I - infiltration. TJ- Typical Joint lineal Feet Pipe Size _ _` Poloroids Reset---- I eset-_ - TELEVISION INSPECTION LC Tape Start Report CAL-'TOM, Inc. 16799 SW 72nd Avenue Tape Stop ) Tape i Portland, Oregon 97223 (503) 620-6959 Cleaning Report i Client Operator&. J _ Dated Time Location - Line Size Pipe Type0lf Joint Type Depth i Manhole Condition's Date Cleaned _ Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground WaLer Elevation O�low ll Direction WIER READING INFILTRATION A E TOTAL B F Direction�— C — G — D H Ref Photo Ref Photo No, No. No,Feet Remarks Inf. Feet Remarks Inf. No. 21 7 � 22 — — -- 23 25 26 27 28 29 9 --- 30 I y _ 32 — 3314 v 34 _ Ty- 35 — _ 36 1 — 37 38 39 0 40 Summary of Line Conditi ns: Codes - Pipe Conditiun BP - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mark Grade_ r — C - Crack O - Obstruction Alignme t — CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint Joi. ts fly '_ DP - Dip in Line OS- .)Ef Set �2 GC - Grade Change R - Roots H - Shear SC- Service Conr. I - Infiltration T-1- Typical Joint Lineal Feet—� _`7_" Pipe Site _ Poloc°o ids`—_ — Reser. ___�_ TELEVISION INSPECTION L00 ;ape Start ;ort CAL-TOM, Inc. 16799 SW 72nd Avenue Tape Stop n✓,7 Tape # Portland, Oregon 97223 Cleaning Report # (503) 620-6959 Client Y%�/J/ _ OperatoQ,/, ' ; Date li-,� Time _ Location Line Size — Pipe Type Joint Type Depth Manhole Condition's T Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning —f� �Z Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation ull Direct on L=am WIER READING INFILTRATION A _ E — TOTAL B _ F low Direction[ —] C G — 7Y ! D H Ref Feet Remarks Inf, Photo Ref Feet Remarks Photo No. No. No. Inf . No. 1 1121 2 — 22 —'— 3 23 Y _ 25 7 `, 27 - � _ 28 29 r _ 31 _ 32 _ _ 33 _ � _ 34 IT 3517 37 T 3h 1 38ry _ 39 _ —__�— _4 0 Summary of Line Conditions: Codes - Pipe Condition _ BP - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mark Gradc C - Crack 0 - Obstruction Alignme t — —` CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint JoL,ts DP - Dip in Line OS- Off Set / GC - Grade Change R - Roots _ H - Shear Si- Service Conn. — 1 - Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint Lineal Feet Pipe Site Po?ovoids_ Reset — "Pao tSE CQ" -IA5L�� SfMj. SEuJE�C Aid "C�s�______ 'ri/ 5-f3N cr -- :sr. z�LJE.c. C URIT W AM2• PoLe it CARL& Co A5 i -e EGT I f3Rsi c xcA�. I AAfd, WSTALL. A C y 't•al' L I FT P.0 . ZNo UtFT S�r<FA� MA�cw�s y i cis - Pi A RR 1 CP►pE 5 S1vEutiAucs -►- APRorJs WHeetft-mask �A�1PS M A1LSeX C�„t�STERS S-r"e r 1 4 C.wrl .IG � L AD'fCAPfaJG GE-t1S4ZA1, DRAr&lAG6 r,sN6RAc, $AFF"rY f:IfJA1.. CLEAAIuP MAINT. 13OND /PLAT K!� f AT-W r E;+FL-k4 W AY ZMA16S 07'H FQ February 8, 1984 CITYOF TIRD Mr. Kenneth L . Waymire WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Waverly Construction Co. 11903 Broadi cres N.E. Hubbard, OR 97032 RE: Bond Park Subdivision Dear Ken: In response to your request, an inspection was conducted of the proposed public improvements in said subdivsion for ;he purpose of determining its readiness for City Council tentative acceptarre action. The following listing, as a result of said inspection, summarizes items which remain to be completed and/or corrected prior to such action: 1. Submit a reel to reel video tape and a written report on the sanitary sewer lines. 2. Submit as-built mylar 3. Submit a Maintenance Bond for 20% of Performance Bond. Further, though it is recognized that additions and deletion; will occur (throughout the one year maintenance guarantee period) , the following lis` summarizes it?ms noted to date which remain to be completed and/or corrected prior to City final acceptance: I 4. One inch Class "C" AC overlay placed on all streets , 5. All sidewalks and driveway aprons installed , 6. All mailbn.ves need to be installed , 7. All streetlights need to be installed , 8. All landscaping and cleanup needs to be completed. We find we will be able to certify project readiness for tentative acceptance, to the Council , Nno n items number one (1 ) through three (3) , above are complete. Since the approp-iate maintenance bond options and final work completion deadlines were p -viously addressed in the project compliance agreement, I won' t elaborate lereon. Sincerely, - jl� _ R. L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chie.` 12755 S W ASH Po PDX 23397 TIUARD, ORE3ON 97223 PH 839-4171 _—__ CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTION (P.W,) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: UT_,Ji,_7,_E ONLY clearly marked APPROVED PLANS, plan r.e\'isions, change orders, specifications, etc. ; I. SANITARY SEWER: (A) Commenced inntal' ,ti-n. . . .. .. . .. . . . . ... . . .... C] (P) Completed inst-)d ation. . . ...... . . .... .... ..... p / �~ 1) :,s-built field notes filed,.. .. , a) Cr,-y "nn* to engineer„ ❑ ! ! ?) k -built field notes received. . . ,... . p ! a) Filed in project folder, . ,, . , ,, Cj (C) Inspected and Tested. . , . . . ., . . .. ❑ / 1 1) Test nomonogrephs filed. . ❑ (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . .. . . . .,., . , C3 I I, STORM SEll ER (A) Commenced in�-ta:llation.. . .. . . .. . . Cl (B) Completed installation, . . . . . , . . . (j / !� 1) As-built: field notes fil.,ed....... .. .. U (C) Inspected. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . I . ... .. ❑{ / / (D) Tentati,,ely accented by City, , , ,, , , , , , ,, ,, , , p �i III. CURB: (A) Commenced install tion.. . . .... .. ... . ..... .. . . ❑ / i- 1) Bench Mrrks set... ..... . . .. . . . . . . .. .. l] 2) Bench Mark locations filed. . ❑ (B) Comoletnd installation.. .... ❑ / ' (C) Inspected. , . O ' / (D) Tentatively accopted by City. .... . . .... . . . . ,, ❑ / / IV. STREET: (A) Commenced Grading. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. l) Sub-grn(?p ins-acted, , . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . ❑ a) Test data filed. . ... ... . . . . .. O b) Tentatively accepted by City, ❑ (A) Commenced rocking. . . . .. . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . .... . n ❑ 1) Sub se inspected. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. a) Test data filed. . . . . . . . . . ., . p b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ / (C) Commenced Paving.. ❑ 1) Paving inspected, ,, , . . . . . .. . .. (i �/ a) Test data filed. . ,. ❑ b) Tentntively accepted by City, ❑ (D) Street tentatively accepted by City. ,. ... , ... ❑ V, ['A"* I NG LOT* (A) Commenced grading. . . . 1) Sub-g.radp in�pect.ed. ❑ / / n) Test data filed.. ,.,., , . , , , , , ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City, ❑ / / (B) CommpncPd RocYing. . . . . . . . 1) Sub-base inspected.,. .,, . ,. . .. . . . . . . . 7) Te4t d:it-i file,]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ - b) Tentatively t-c-ep.ed by City. 0 / ' i CITY QF TIIFARD January 27, 1984 WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Sproul Excavating Co. , Inc. 15880 S.W. 79Lh Street Tigard, OR 972.23 RE: Bond Park Dear Mr. Sproul & Mr. Waymire: With regard for yolr request to r,.ive this office authorize the issuance of i building permits in Bond Park Subdivision prior to placement of asphalt on the partially constructed roadway, we must inform you that we cannot do so. Though you have offered an assurance to repair subsequent damage to the sub-base and sub-grade, we are concerred that 'evi,ence of damage' would not show up until long after such assurance wore thin. Since Mr. Waymire has indicated that the base lift of asphaltic pavement is intended to be placed on the roadbed within two weeks, we feel the risk in allowing permit issuance to occur is not warranted. Sincerely, 5�-fA � ohn S. Hagman Supt. Enqr. Div. .'SH/dc 12755 C-W. ASH RO BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 972.23 P1 6394171 — — r I I ( z',:cc) q SPROUL EXCAVATING COMPANY, INC. 15880 S.W. 79TH ST. -TIGARD, OREGON 97223 - (503) 620-5646 January 25, 1984 Mr. John Hageman City Engineer City Hall Tigard, OR 97223 Subject: Bond Park Subgiade Dear Sir: Mr. Ken Waymire of Waverly Construction Co and I have discusses the possible need for construction vehicles to use Bond Street, between S. W. 79th and 76th streets, prior to paving. We have agreed +-hat if this is necessary and the subgrade is disturbed and ,seeds extra repair to meet city standards, Sproul Excavating and Waverly Construction will be responsible for such repair. This should allow the City to proceed with the issuing of building permits to start construction urior to paving. Very truly yours, SPROUL EXCAVATTIN 'COMPANY, INC. L t rte. ? -7� Conrad Sproul j resident CAS/es ✓ c_q ' �•o r � tn w � - � j - -, _, -- - , - � - ; -- vLL'i N rJ 7 to z 'I O a o ! a i I L7 dcc f— cr } LLJ Q r' s -1 o It I o z o C) z I r Q o rJ N 00 r ul + F r LO z o — -- - - - -- M -- - U a i 3 pp tnj t r^ M v F `r' 0 6 PA f) 'T -t a it ` e.., ML mMAMMRAL�� ,January 17, 1984 k .Kenneth Waymire CITYOFTIFARD .Waverly Construction WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON .10185 S.W. Riverwood Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Bond Park Subdivision Dear Ken: This is to verify, per your request that: 1. Each lot is situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, includes curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for operation and maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, has drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipally owned disposal system is available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requiremenL. of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to Serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required to be constructed tv the City of Tigard, Oregon have been constructed. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreei.ient and ?erformance Bond (and Maintenance Bond) has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard City Council regarding completion of the improvements; said documents are on file in -he City of Tigard Recorder's Office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you regarding documentation/verification required to be submitted to the State Real Estate Division by each subdivider. Yourst truly, Y__ R.L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief (RLT:pm/0019S) 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREu0N 97223 PH 639-4171 WASHINGMM ODUNTY )EPAMMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 PERMIT TO OCCUPY OR PERFORM OPERATIONS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF'-WAY OF COUNTY AND DEDICATED ROADS Date / S" f?4- CITY OF 1�GARD Permit No. 4'7 7 Name of Conpany/Agen-_y _ ('r rV p� ,�! c^ifj ff2jo . Address Z 5 S .�LES , . S-H o Phone E• 7 - C-17; �-' `o '. rswz W The Washin11111,gton is hereby granted permission by . ngton (;ounty P is Wor4ZJ3 Department to perform thefollowing operations within rights-of-way under Washington County's jurisdiction. Types of operation and location are as follows: Type of Cut: ,¢�I c 0-r e Address of Cut: PERMIT The appropriate General Provisions contained in "Washington County, Depar'13 of Public Works, Rules and Regulations for Pole Line, Buried Cable, Pipe Line and of miu- celianeous operations and/or facility permits" F;g Supp' -vmented and modified by the Standards in effect and the following Special Provisions, shall apply to this permit, and by this reference, are made a part hereof. It shall be the obligation of the applicant to obtain said Standards and Rules and Regulations from the Department of Public Works and to determine which of the various provisions are applicr.ble before comnencemant of work under this permit. SPECIAL PROy1SIO4S This permit is issued by the Public Works Department subject to the terms and pro- visions contained herein and/or attached hereto. 'dASHINGM COUNTY DEPARIMM OF PUBLIC WORKS River !M lsboro, Oregon 97123 By P 07-013-81 �C�.I�cr -�<C7 6 f�1 `�tW � k L_ INN51U.J LAT. " E" , A11DENDUM TO "BOND PARK '' FOR DALE 5C1HFOR APPROVALS ONLY 7925 5.W• puRJiAH AM RD "�' TIGARD) 00. "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION" RUCTION" COMPASS CORPORATIONi - ENGINEERING-SURVEYING-PI JINNIN6 10,536 APPROVED ,-r 6564 S L LAKE ROAD 1�Jfl$H1i� 1 MILWAUKIE,OREGON 91222 TELF_PHONE 653.9093 GON i�,t. of Public Work. JOB NO. 65- `Q 13 ` -� �Y . �°' O � GG )N13 was` y-=— -Date s� n I(oo — -- ---- --- - -- 1s00 70P OF EA15T• PAv IN6 155 – - — -- - 155 3+ (#( C.Q. 1�_O.L. 1.F_. 151.02 LAT. "E" I ;33 END EXIST._8" S.P. Z I•E. C-ALL'O. 146,14 150 _ _.._ 8 LF, g• S. P. SL s p 0070 4 +- 00 3 +-00 2 too F120FIL.E 5f;ALE 1"= 60' N., 1"= 6' V. 1+33 Appipt IND of B" /cSP AS cbwr2T-. Br LD �� SP 3 ROUT EXCAVATING A Z u LAT. "E L EDGE OF a , — N10 �� 1 +- 19 END OF 8" C.S.P. &1ISTIN6 WEMENT �• METE AS 0651(i-�GD FOR • " ,,, a I t N u BOND PAILK' 5' __�r--5.W. -79 r N AVE E. - — — CO. _ E.ot-. SCA L E : 1 " ' S0' NOTE : ALL COWSTRUCTION 6HALL CONFMH TO C..TY OF TIC+ARD 6TD. '6 AND SUBJECT 1D ALL WWCT. Nor" ► SPK. 'S SHOWN ON "BOND PARK" CONST, D0.AWIN6j DATED Au6usT I 196S. ALL SPACES fAUST [7 I F'f IGR 7Q Afaf'�;;;','AL. ;:), �'I _•.a�. f=':..,1wS iPUftt.' I CfYi i i N. w A L r. �t1Gt9•,C1Z Q�B3 T. R. F D. DY DA I;-_ l L;RGULATION COPY i I ADDLNDUM TO WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. , INC ' S BOND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BOND PARK SUB- DIVISION, CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON Waverly Construction Co. , Ir.c hereby ii!,71udes and incorporates in its indemnity bond to the City of Tigard, Oregon on the construction of Bond park Subdivision . the installation by Sproul. Excavating Ccmpany, Inc. of a sanitary sewer line commencing at Bord Park Subdivision on 79th Street and continuinc; south to the north edge of Durham Street. The estimated cost of the installation of the sanitary sewer line is $5 , 000 . 00. WAVERLY CONST:RUC'I'ION CO. , INC. By • en Waymire/ Pkesident Dated: December 22 , 1983 . 7 _ OQIC�. rjo GNG PROF05ECJ I OQ,� WENG. ti cab y�y + Cs12A L E' I r w Cr O oil AL1 O �, ' 3 e000 bU I- ____��___ - c� --- - ty ' - _ --_ + _..._ __ � � Wim, �....�_ __..._.,.__. I(D� (1 j N en w + + _ fJ' zo 6 ­ Top or I __ . ___._--__•._._. ..- --___----__ -:_-__ ----__---_ - __--___-_ _ ____.- --- -------__ _ . , _ .4 _ _.._-._ ------•--------- _ -____ __ ___ _-•---___ __.___-•-_ . _. ------- ---- SSSS-__ ,4_ - V c,�•. c. G �i =' r ' ~' .w botJILA GLC 0 - C W V + win Lu ___. ___..____._____ ___._.____ -_- - -•--_..__ ____ .r___. ---._ _ ..__._._._____ -- --- --- __----__.___.-_ ..-----_--____._ Ci►u + i SIT i ` UO 4 + 00 1 + 00 2+ 00 3 1 00 4 r 00 5 +00 uc; � l PIZOF + LE 5. 4 T" TH AVE , !I _ .'AiJfl12R3fJS.TSF.'ALMIL•.•''_'Ll.�T.�4v.Cf•.C. _. ..-ti.'.-._ :..,: .. -- y:'S7:Yii-4'FCY:T:1' :._t:3'.-..v.'i...:f.:'4i_...._ P Q O F I i,.... 5• 'rd• 7 i� •rk AV E: , SCALE; f" 60' H Vo _ �P V SGA LE : i " 50 N.19 d - � w N _ r I�'l I T ' 7 ..w._______. .-__1----_-- A � t _...-, 20 .._.._...._SSSS ...__. _.___.. -LC}' W.T. _.__. _ . r C 0 .14 r _ T eTi - ._._ `�'� _ � � _ IT " I? -----�' M1\� STREET CONSTRUCTION NOTES: cJ _ 0 0294 _ 25 RT. r�'� - _f4" CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM WITH THE CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, O.S.H.D. , AND A.P.W.A. OREGO Sl m u, U W .�•W CHAPTER SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAILS. n \�, I" CL. 'G' A5PH. GONG. (OVECLAY) + __._.__ < U... BG ASPH. GOND. COIITN.ACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND LICENSES BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION. ___-. ,�- .... , --1'(JF LSF GU Rb •J 2 „ -. �• w ...:----- --SSSS._. > 4, �► I SG ---- -------- 2.25 a ~' - - __ �__ M - _.__. .___--____._.____- ,I r✓.F `„ !4" -O" �'�' C.K CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTILITIES BEFORE STAR'T'ING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL RELOCATE ANY IN CONFLICT WITH nRtENO. � J 1 8 L 0 GR' ROr�C THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. C�. 9 .r o z �• _ - $ 9 BON D 5T, 5E CT I ON `-- � -- '`• `' �.� I r- r EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. ADDITIONAL > UNDERGROUNDIES MAY EXIST. I Z7 L F. » w + ,1� C: Ott UTILITIES L I T { Gc .� W o I ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGIrr TO ADJUST GRADES OR ALIGNMENT TO ACCOMODATE UTILITIES OR EXISTING DRAINAGE O tL + Ip A _ r _ _. - WAY.) AS REQUIRED. ---- -5L Q c1152F O�,P -�__� ` . CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF TREES , STUMPS , FENCE, BRUSH, ROOTS AND OTHER MATERIAL IN THE ROAD 150.co'i - I WAS' AND WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLAN. MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN SUCH A WAY AS TO MEET LOCAL REG- -,1_-Or/j: NH 6._:r_515 ULATIONS . EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIAL TO BE DISPOSED OF l DIRECTED BY OWNER. VEGETATIOII AND TOP SOIL 1•E• IA) 14�. - - \ -__ ^ , 5°�° 79 TH 5T. �EGT!O(J SHALL AF S'T'RIPPED FROM PILL ?1R1A5 PRIOR TO FILLING. (.E, oar 149,�2 -� _. ---- -...�_...r 14� Sy L4.0 SIDEWALKS SHOWN ON STREET I',CTTON ARE NOT PART OF THIS CONTRACT. THEY WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF' TH 1410,x., -�; l+.�^ ?� C. htiI 0 + 39 - ---- `� -� - �1---. -t- s LOT IMPROVEMENTS. l E. OUT 14L.43 2 QIM EL 15°�. $5 ~'`-- �F - '� t•l;. ! I' ?� 5- I i CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT AND METHOD TO USE TO ACHIEVE REQUIRED COMPACTION. SUBSEQUENT NATE ; ANE Er6CUI 6A TO �E �f4" -0" �''� _ ' 1•I• OUT 18.4(o SETTLEMENT OF THE FINISHED ':URFACE WITHIN THE WARRANTY PERIOD SHALL BE PROMPTLY REPAIRED BY THF. CON'T'RACT I i�N; ; iGE � � itF1LL TO LE ( - I _..__� RIM GL. 14•b�� _ �,r �' CCTI(?�v A N EXPENSE TO .. WNI:.1 . 'F+' �r k APWA G�V '�' �`''-••�._,_•_ 80_- ._ 's,_.. : . - - -_- . ----•--- T O E THF O � ; . (o-rH 40 . - __-__-- _�_ t�( it l9 SL= Z4�� O�,p _t�}141� MATFRIALS IN SOOT ^:POTS WITHIN TTIF. RC.,V) AY SYLAI.L f1F REMOVED TO THE DEPTH REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A FTP.M FOU. - --.. .._._.-..__ �_.-.1 '.�.__. r1 G+0 0 + e 5 } ? 2 t r "� _ _ .._ _ _ _ ____ ___`0,(}IS k/F t�� - ATION AND SILNLL BE REPLACED WITH ('RUSHED ROCK. , T o0 2 I• I N 140.Oc I • -__ 5 T"i2 T E CT 10 J .E. 007 I� F 24• UP -� << ___ __ r._:_ _:.:. -� _ - ___ ENTIRE SUBGRADE SHALL, IIF THOROUGHLY COMPACTED AT THE LOWEST MOISTURE CONTENT AT WHICH A HANDFUL OF 980 p, k i M ? 144.50 39 L. THE 6i« O.CO(o F/p ✓ `� U N.T. 5. THE SOIL CAN BE MOLDED BY A FIRM CLOSING OF THE HAND. SCALE; 1 50' H•; j " _ �' V O+OU Ou_TFALi- Lt�c CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGIiv'EER WHEN SUBGRADING IS COMPLETED AND 24 HOURS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ROC � " ' �-TE• I vDle c' BASE MATERIAL AND 24 HOURS PRIOR TO FINAL PAVING FOR INSPECTION OF THE WORK. 4 + 8. LINO PAViNr; 1 4 + 85 L ENC PAVING 'REEK ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT TO BE DESIGNED FROM A JOB MIX FORMULA APPROVED BY THE O.S.H.D. FOR MATERIALS 1 TAPER TC GUT BANK TO INSTALL, I i._ TAPER USED. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ENGINEER WITH CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FROM ASPHALT PAVEMEI?T PLANT. EhC .:.uRP� � � EKl�TING PAVINS 2 � ! TAPi:R TO E)tIST�NG -" bE61N PAV NG, tAPEC ( rcGADWAY 4 + ,6310 ENG Ct_1Rt3 THE ENGINEER HAS NOT BEEN RETAINED OR COMPENSATED TO PROVIDE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REVIEW SERVICES RE- i _ BEGI FAvING TAPtrR - F4' LATING TO THE CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY PRECAUTIONS OR TO MEANS , METHODS, TECHNIUUES , SEQUENCE OR PROCEDURES I' 50' Kjhi 1 (�. 2C) Ia ,h= REQUIRED FOR THE CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM HIS WORK. Gee. 5T, °�T A 3 t el 8 1 1 SU' VAV. I.E. OUT' +4 •4~� I I EDGE I'. M,N r LOGEt ( 7 8 O STORA!I SEWER CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 10 �O RIM 6l. �A4o �\ �X ►STING• lo' � i �A r hF ._.. EKISTINC, I 3+ 31 - P,C'. 6RAVeL VAVEMENT - 10 �- 4 145.43 1 ALL WORK AND MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO 1980 EDITION OREGON CHAPTER AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION (APWA) I >i 1 45 RIW I' AND CITY OF TIGARD STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. ALL REFERENCES TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SHALL MEAN �7� 1/45. �� - �` { 2.7 ' PAV. ,, = CITY OF TIGARD SPIECIFICATIONS. 1510 (o, - 5y'e '�4�:%...' I �� 0 + �� 8� IST i i0 55 CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND LICENSES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. POWER I ,I PT' _ - --r _121P QAP DETAIL POLI: 1 (' �~155. 8C 141,;.'13 ` * ;� EXISTINU 12" GMP --- - __-` ---� ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE C-14 CLASS II NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE WITHOUT RUBBER GASKETS. Ex1,7;N S��F\LE To 6E GRADED I / 6t Iq �O �.'� , w Qb ) I ~�r- tar' {� , • .._ ALL CONCRETE:' MAt*IOLES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE 48" MINIMUM DIAMETER AND CONFORM TO CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD :a:.2iilz'RS' . - �.�, . _ \.0 ,P00 OUTFALL _ GQaN ro InlLET -., o � 154.95 ___---:-,--�----- - [- DRAWING NO. 73-A-301. MANHOLE FRAME. ANT) COVERS SHALL BE AS PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING .N0.73-A- 6 - - _�-- ,�- --- - I I2 I F RAP .1' -- `. b - , I , r PEk ORTAIL CATCH BASINS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING NO. 70-A-402. 5' _�__ , __ n' ff Y,: ► 5• -"! - T PLACE c.ONE ON M{ (O 7 - ' W -*-- . r` c 5UcH THAT SLOTT�u ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION SHALL CONFORM TO APWA. DIVISION THREE SECTION 301.1.01 A14D SHALL BE UNCLASSIFIED "�1 2. 'l , k -.�0 + OO _BONG 5T. { .�- aT•t -_= '!- +q5 7�t'N AVE IfPLA GOVEtt WILL. 6E ALL EXCESS MATERIAL F'RC7M l'HE TRENCH EXCAVATION SHALL BE DISPOSED OF ON SITE. � J AGAINST THE w, W 3lorrev C0v R T � PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE AS PER APWA DIVISION THREE SECTION 301. 2.02 AND SHALL BE 3/4-­0 CRUSHED ROCK vJ "`� __r___-_- T- I ;11c.� PG, 3+25 4 "��a9_ :. ,;' 0+ 11I� PT. rr I ►'M 0 r3Ww 'tt�rDv .t1Re L.�NEc 600 ST ( fi FM w�sl�i? p k 5T~ SIA. O+g� i4�j _ 7 -"� -` ! i TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS A PER APWA DIVISION THREE , SECTIO_d 301 . 2.04 ON ALL SEhElt LINES OUTSIDE \ i } 5T. 5TA ,14.41 RT KKiE, ( 1'� qH \____5+PE �rJ,T. r ,6000 ,g.f RT. - 9Et^ DETAIL VT THF. PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY OR OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS. TRENCEi BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS B PER APWA DIVISION f ./ �6 25 - C G• 5T. STA c + 5?, '�2 PT._. _ j� , Nt:M _i1�ht N�-I 5 + I� 5 +85 THREE, SECTION 301. 2.04B IN ALL PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-•WAY OR PAVED AREAS IN THE PROJECT. n,I L „ D" DITCH INLET 155.1 145' 2'T 666 RETAIL RT, C.-b. k aT• GTA. G+80 t41. 90 ".a:.=_ ,a.•..,.. 3��: s <� : �-�� l'E. (10T' 14-%.00 I N T 5, TRENCH BACKFILL COMPACTION SHALL BE AS PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301. 3.0 I > 5L9�to I a.IM EL.. 144,4•t5 3+0'70 c. �n i 1� sPQL1-E 3T 9TA 9�2� ExILr Z4 I,E, CUT 15!.00 1415,4(o 1, CONTRACTOR TO DETE14MINE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT AND METHOD TO USE TO ACHIEVE THE RE- 16' LI- I' Ih _ HaUs6 «HIM EL. 1�-?,.�' I ��k `� L � I'3" PINI✓ QUIRE COMPACTION. � �' J 1 -"_-- - _-� --'�- PAVEMENT RESURFACING WHERE REQUIRED .SHALL COINFORM TO DIVISION THREE, SECTION RX��r I� I _ cu Rv�_ UAT A _ _ ,kADED EK �aHAI .. 81's ' .,' "` I RXIc,T• F.FI LEN61'H RADIUS -OGI.TA GHL�iLT� NEARINV- 309 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. vRADhQ SJL.H THAT � ' l2 Yr tom, 14 F v�. I, �r I SURFA�,E DR.AI NAVE ON j I,` `7 -__ L�� G L I [_D I I I I ti I I Et<i yT I ` 6X I " WATER VALVI; - - _ ° C__ _. e x.NGINEF:R RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST GRADES OR ALIGNMENT TO ACCOMMODATE OTHER SIL-F. �F ..W. 74rM I .� _t _ _S3.z5_ ,20 95 . 14 . �0 29.:5 N._4i 11' 14"W. w _ `- UTILITIES AS REQUIRED. Q T. .. ,' I Z+ 8 _ >✓. I i I ►-►A. i•�oX ` I , 191, F I _ 2 29.59'. ..f7_ ° 4.5' bC1` 210 Alo'_ NAA_4(.' 44," E. AVE. DRAINS ,G . 1 GH ► I \� --�� - _ _ _ _ _ _ IrvLET. ►� __ I _J. �______,•Y.-1 -_ f 3 31. 51 ' -20' ` 15 ' 34' 28.35' 5,44*t4' 15" E. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTILITIES BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL RELOC E { I 1 �. OG bEGtN ;URS r� 4 a1. 33 20 89 4•�} 2io 25_.22' x,.45° 05' 47"W, ANY IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHO CX19TIr�ic� 2�}USS �E�I' GU 4 [GNU FAVI - TAPGt2 a I-- -' -T -"o -:" ARE APPr.OXIMATE ONLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. ADDITIONAL UNDF.RGROUN 2: I PaVIN , 5 i,(o.42 I'1 _ ¢ h _. 'z9 ' Zv.4i N. 67 3245E UTILITIES MAY EXIST. ENC PAVING T4 y PoWEI: ` ,��.E _______._. SEWED -.- __.r____ � _._ - SSSS________ ... WITH AAIB-NL7k ST STOkM rAPIak TO 1 o „ o , „ _ GAa�E M 55 SANITAky SEWER i 6 ���ItJ f'Av! c 25.00 300 4 41a29 24,�� N: 44 �,, , I �8 1:(PI ( n ' ,NAPE RDADrwa A-4---- - �-- 4'i 2.5•58' . 265 , 44' 2.9 23. 58' N.87°32' 46"t �i I r ��v:; � , ac,t � . �, iW N 65 T'APik I 2 I TAPIR TO �_J l__.A'1 Fz Y r r Pic k GY!g1'iNIV f'AVINtr ' 1NsTALL. WHEEL-_ CHAIR IZAMPS Pek. (" CITY OF T16AkD DkAwINC1 NO, ?w 'A- `Z''.►lo r,�� __• 3 FOR Allra"PROVALS ONLY II II `�,. � kY 13 � �;�� BOND PARK • "NOT FCR CONSTRUCT-ION111 N ^_u -- - oriAwNMMM DE810NEDRGW CHECKED " COMPASS CORPORATION MR. KENNETH L. WAYMIRE ROAD AND STORM SEWER SCALE AS SHOWN JDATE AUG. 1983 ENBINEERINI; SURVEYMIG PLANNING W AV E R l_Y CONSTRUCTION CO. IMPROVEMENTS �CLi3�7'✓7'drn2 �►•`�1►'•_�����'iC - tl'i6a•; E LAKE ROAf) DAte ND• I I V 1 S 1 0 N FILE 83 - 1961 - 1262 MILWAUKIF.OREGON 97222 (50312221852 11903 BROADACRES N.E., H U BBA RD , OR 981 - 6770 PLAN AND PROF I LES 3 (503)853 9093 . BOND F�'ARI-%. MCI 1 n;w. 7 (IF 17 :1. _-yM..,,.. M . -3i ..'. ..+••.J• ". fY1I�r+r.��`-.."Yi:MRL::.re.M�UPWMI.F� _ � .�'�• _ t*M- -7..�1 "�` SSSS,-.ro.w•w+_ ._..«_. _., ._. . •.. JOIL ill( I I.`..r�•. '��...,. �,...._';�_:_._ _. ,. tr"""'�"�y_+v;+".. -...,.•.,..,�.._.,t...,._.__._...._,.�„-.--_-._.� _.__.�.-a.,;. ,._.._•SSSS.anrr+rww++.m..... - -. t I I I ItI I I 1 (�II{)�1�r rrlr ( �III�IIr�I�iIIIt((I II(111111((r��(111�IIIIIIr�III,1I111I1III111I111II{IIIIII111II(tI((rIIIII111(I 11111(1I�r1}1(I ,, """' ;..,`K.M"".»..-......,,.ns.,»...M...W....., ,y...,„ ,,..«AlTV I I • NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED Ir - - 2 `� 4 5 6 7 _ e DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR MAN THIS NOT ICG--IT IS DUE 'M Pf QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL. OE dZ 9? 12 9Z SZ fZ E2 ZZ IZ OZ 61 811 LI 91 Til VI EI ZI II 01 d 9 1 9, S 1�� E 2 1met; y r'" trll)f11111111111111111111UlIIHfhlllllll�j.111(1111i1111hu11111IIr11161uht�1Y111��11��111�1111�I�n111n1r�1111t1nri11IMN !} 1�r�ra+Rrrnl+rrrhrtlnultrtdurrIrrrx�Il�rrinulunlu111rurlrur wlluIu� ' - �..�. JUTE 24 1992 ' -,.. ,,,�,.., .. -...:;r".yR„+ trI•� ,. . _._SSSS _... _ SSSS . _.. .. -F 00 6XISI-ING GROUND FIN ►5 N c `_. ---- C- 1130 MI _ ' /t\�\W�^� ' -- -- - 1,55 ``'-. •7 `ems C-�R A D&• ( - (,M 3+ 33 LAT. G I-E. ruT 143. 15a bh 15 I 5 150 ��,- _ - ._._ -.- _ - RIM FL. - 0 CSF, OUTS' S v I - R. 5 +45" PLUG F.O.L.- �� _ .�f�p I INH 0 * QO LAT. D F I - GSN 5 �0.012 - _ 4 LArrxrr'A 14U 14 - t. 1-rI b _ MH 3 r 95 LAT. JC3 _ Z �I N 5.-147 ( ----3 /R _ 145 Y: B L F. 8 5P _ � -- _ "1 0+ 00 T SL- p.r 26r F/r I LE IN W I T ;. IN `lS� " 1 I,E, O u'r E 147.4-1 z--_.� I.E. IN W. 1".71) PIPE 86DDING 13/4"-0" G.R• - W 0+00 LAT.I.E. OUT ►3hA� E:X 15T I N G RIM EL IR`' ?4 I PIPE 6AcfcF►L.L CLA55 "(3" _.� 33� NN 5 + q5' LAT. ,A' --- - RIM EL. 14ro•� 5 1, � CsR•OUND PEk APWA "''---- --L� GSP I-g� E�--INR W.T + OC �„ + vor) t o✓ - --- Q.O�yC _- - LE, OUT N. 1%.00 0 �} r 00 'b + 00 2 + 00 -- --.�, y fl i M 6 14G. Z6 1 1 II n -� 61 -m �oREGoW 13 - _ �.,`.- - I�o 2 0 F= L A T E _ .A l_ Co, DV)P" NH 3 +/O;' LAT. A} NN 0+ 00 LAT, B SCALE : 1 " 5' VEQT., 1 " = 50' H09-, II I.E. OIIT 12t,.'i0 RIM E.L 1415 49 I I LLA55 50 RIP RAP �•;•u t - ______.___ _ .-_ __ . 150 12�---- - --_. =::,-- TO w�; c�AcEu --- 125 II�O cIN15NEU GLADE 1 { .�� `'�- AFTER. - FINI5IIEG �QApE -�'''�r�l I(e0 i- __Y___ _____._- -FINISHED GRO,DE -' , �I�O 3.W BON►TA __ Pi PE eeoDINv W4"-0'` CA PIPE BEPGINo �• \� I �� ._ �ONgTRU�T• �► 11 Ex ►5T GND. i I I EX1ST. GNU.- , s ;XI3T GNG. BAC.KFt�L 0LA6`� 'B' af4"-G" G� - '`� I / PEiL AFWA { Or1LKFILL C.LA5S ACr 1- I ------- ___. PER APWA �CS _ `a " u I _ w r� _, __.__.-------..-- • ---- ------+ - --______..__._� Q LAT, D C + 84 I'WG E.G.L. *U + .p + " _ __..----__. _ _ 165 s S #^4b L 4 r 3 `�0 S.. �• 9/ z IZO 155 b+Vp LAT "C." 155 p44 0f00 LAT. „E„ _ cn ui LATE12 A L. " ! `� `` �'' jR v(�NGRETIr w 1 E 1►Z 1�T V NH 0+00 LAT. „D" S.W. _------- ENCASEMENT (� +d LAT "G" LE n _ 0� 141.DO _ i�' 0 F LE :..-.._. _ �.. T -� A L. �� A n- � ` G+ 2C TO r I.E. I N 5. 147. L7 - _ �� .► QI =�__ .. :F_ _ Ot 5b 1•E. IN W. 141,47 I.f i N. I�?.7�'f # t- 16 PLUG E.C. �/ - 51TE __. _ w _. x - _ _ LE. 0U1 E. 14'i.�#? E 1 N 5 I4?. G7 .0 LATERAL ,, E „ �. I.E. I N w. 14�7.L7 -- _ 1410 SGALE 1" = 5' VER1'.t 1" - g0' NORIZ. 11 i15 150 - J�1�£ - Ib0 r I'Ef 1¢g. 50 _ it - * °1 E. OUT E 147.47 I �0 0 L.F. B' CSF B 1 + 45 PLIII f S.c:.L. v� 4�L x Q,OIto7 F/� `,F• t3 I LATERAL "D" .L'Ii _Q + oro LAT. I.E. 161 00.- I1 L.F "G5P S -O.Gc70 l� LE, ►ts 111. BO � 4' -G LR• (-`' PIPE bEDD i NG / " ^5 I.1-. OUT 111.uo PtPR. 13AaF►L.L ILL., „B" VIPE BE DJ► G /4'' - J" GGZ ` 1 10 , C _ ft V_ a P SIA _ PIPE C•A"E I GL• n g,, --- 1=1PE BEDDING !`4"_ G" GR i ,4_ -__-.----____ i.. Ia};, __------ PER APWA - 145 PIPE BACKFIt_L GLA55 " (6" f I 0+ DO LA f� A 0 + 00 I + (JU 2 + �C' 0 + 00 1 +- 00 2 t 00 F>:rl APWA I IIJSTALL TAP INTO PMAP � ILE � LATE G2AL " � " _ Pt2OIF I - ��T C��_ " - - � I N TE R GE PT 0I: 5 E tai E:k - --m-•---- -_--_ - ..__...._.__ -._..._. _._ .....__ T - N. SCALE 1 " - 5' VEtZT. 1"r 50' 400. 5GALE ; I" : 5 ' VEIZT. i" 9 �' H012- 1:!), OR. S. 130 oRE - - -� 13G i tj _ I.E. IN 111 .50 1 AAlaj•T,�TARY SEWER. NOTES: rAZLH 111 0+00 LAT. '6'= 2 + 00 1 +-00 ALL WORK A'`7D MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO 1980 EDITION OREGON _► _____.+ to _ _._""T_.�. _-, s CHAPTER AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION (APWA) AND THS 1•E. IN ►b6.20 i UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY USA STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. I.E. OUT 12.L.40 U IF (USA) RIM EL.. 145.4fa a M-I 0 4.00 -- - CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND LICENSES PRIOR 0 +-00 >) tQ0 ( TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 1Z I _�__ PLUG E.O.L. R GI�EFK CA05SI G To t" I , ,� LAT. "6 APPROA. LIMITS gE q,P RAF�E.O / CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY COMPASS CORPORATION AND CITY 48 HOURS S" LATEIZAI " E ' I ( � jOF i00 YEAtc #-rEfL BEFORE STARTING CONS'T'RUCTION OR 24 HOURS BEFORE RESUMING LAT P- Z L I� - �� FLOOD FLAlTJ BALD=1� r.� www AFTER SHU'rDOww'NS , EXCEPT' FOR NORMAL RESUMPTION OF WORT( -_-. - -- z - •-- -__-_--. r FOLLOWING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAY.'. CORMACTOR SHALL , 8" IrAT'tERAL. "A" / �__--- EXIST I N;, 5GALE 1 ' = 5 VEIZT. 5 1 i z 5<:' M•j G� ( ` /. I� I � --�� J -''" NOTIFY COMPASS CORPORATION OF ANY SHUTL'O++d.`:S SOA TO EL IM- 1 INATE 51MECESSARY INSPECTION TIME. TH,L SIDE SEWERS SHALL 4 7 P� t0 I I I �RAv��G =_ ..L _ 2 �•'� /'r --"- ! '7 \ EXTEND THROUGH THE UTILITY EASEMENT AND 02'fE FULL OF PIPE E B E- +. I I / _---•'" � � BENLI_�l�ITED TC MAXIMUM:-OF-WTWELVELS TOTALNSHEZGHTION �s SI'L4LL F I �� N _ N a �► L�" GLV 1 \ l I + 4. PLUG ErL d 01- 00 TAT' I NTT I ALL CONCRETE SEWER PIPE SHALL BE ASTM C-14 CLASS 2 NON-REIN- LAT. I o N N N + a I ) I I �.�s� _--� -'"-� E,<15T4NG DoH FE FORCED CONCRETE PIPE WITH RUBBER GASKETS. ri ri ,r. � vi r' - - i ALL. P ISTD RLi ED AREA$ -e�Fgl• METEROAND CONFORM TONCRETE SUSAOSTAN'DARDS.PLANS ARE 48 MINIMUM DIA- ALL GU R6-- t x i i S i N DE'o P" O 5 A N I A RY SEvJ E R B" LATERAL " tJ '' vi I r -`-T�=- = - _ R UT'E TO Sri ALL CL.EANOUTS SHOWN ON THE PLAN'S ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER SEEDED AND �'��_ \ + x I a a z, ;5T - ' �• 3+ +!07 L00 AT rH; __ V1 A STAKED JUTE NETTING PLACED USA STANDARDS. �, ��� - c (_ r'VEQ Dt5TURekD AREAS IN 100 ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION SNAIL CONFORM TO APWA DIVISION THREE, r - , J.W C% N Q ..T. 15 _.- _ _ YEAR FLOOD PLA1 N AI�iu UNCLASSIFIED. 8" S� �►t -Ol;r - 5 T. vd __ __ _ SECTION 301. 1.01 SHALL BE SIFIED. ALL EXCESS MAT- "�/ �' - _ a -� �• - -- - - _ry -- �- I i �MI 3 } #5 L r. 'A" ''W`yy:r ERIAL FROM THE TRFNCH EXCAVATION SHALT BE DISPOSED OF ON SITE. - 7 I M-# PTFE BEDDING SHAL.�. BE AS PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 'LU 301.2.02 AND SHALL BE 3/4"-Q CRLJSHED ROCK. I-4+ + LAT.;,A° ! 'C%.�. ._ �i /�� �LM-1 3+ 3_�.ATG_.'0r"�H/.-- <, ' p1`� `' I.tI ALL SEWER LINES ARE TO �T M-1 C +OG LAT. ,,D,- z to ,, , BE AIR TE.� ED PER DIVISION THREE , SECTION TFENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS A PER APWA DIVISION TIME SEC NH C�t00 LAT. "E" I- h, 303. 3.16 OF THE STANDARD SPI'CIFLCrzTIONS. ALL MAKtHOLES THAT RE- TION 301. 2.04 ON ALL SEWER LINES OUTSIDE PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY "� J _ { QUIRE HYDROSTATIC TESTING SHALL BE TESTED IN ACCCADANCE WITH ! j ---•• s o vi u •n ,n c, � TRENt•• M OR OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS. H BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS B DIVISION TMZEE , SECTION 303. 3.15 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. PER APWA DIVISION THREE SECTION 301. 2.048 IN ALL PUBLIC RICi�lTffi OF-WAY OR PAVED AREAS IN THE PROJECT. g LATEF.AL A _I µ011E I r I _ I __ ___ ALL BUILDING SERVICE STIPBOUTS TO BE A MINIMUM OF LENGTHS OF 71: `i' -� OL,{@ "' PIPLAAND TO BE MARKED WITH A 2" x 4" FOR FUTURE LOCATION. TRENCH BA�:i(F'ILY. COMPACTION SHALL BE AS PER APWA DIVISION 'l�IHiEE gr 8" LATERAL " E " 'I� '�f i I s b I_ATEQAL. I 1,v5Ta FPaopty. 3.07. CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE TYPE OF EQUIPWNT - I ' tri PA'JLMENT FTESURF!`.CING WHERE REQUIRED SHALL CO!riF'ORM To DIVISION SECTION 301. {+ { THREE, SECTION 309 OF T'A'E STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. AND METHOD '*O USE TO ACHIEVE THE REQUIRED COMPACTION. CONTRACTOR .,HALL PREPARE A PRINT FOR THE ENGINEER SHOWING AS- t I LCL 21 2.0 1��► 1 I 1-r 1(p I5 Il} ( ' ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST GRADES OR ALIGNMENT c f. `TO ACCOMPMATis' OTIIFJ-1 UTILI7-TES AS REQUIRED. CONSTRUCTED DATA. - f CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UT1L,ITII S BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUC- SUBSEQUENT SETTLEMENT OF THE FINISHED SURFACE WITHIN THF. VfjUtANTY +- 16 PLUG, E.O.L„ I I � i TION AAI SHALL RELOCATE ANY .IN CONFLICT WIT•t. `I' � , PERIOD SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE A RESULT OF IMPROPER COKPAO'PION U o_ >r.0.� HE. PknI O FD AND SHALL BE PROMPTLY REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ZXVENSE 'AT n ,� CONSTRUrTION. EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXI- PLAN4 I I L�� __ MATT: ONLY .� MU. T• HF: VERtFIF�D BY CONTRACTOR TO THE C1WPIk:R. r ADD1'f IONAL _1. I UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MAY EXIST. UUEL' UNIFIEO SEWEk-AGE AGEN;.r DATUM ;CA LG . " - 50 ' 1 ` 9A N I TA MTY 4611 C.�I N p '%s T srokm 5EWlR M` FOR APPROVALS ONLY - --.___. � H•5. 15AN�ARY Acuse SERgIt...E "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONBOND PAR K" c -=T^- -- - - p11ANrNMMM1...... EDRGW CHECKED rr COMPASS CORPORATION MR. KENNETH L. WAYMIRE SANITARY SEWER �r° 2 /� B A ��T� H.�• Ldv6Tji'J SCALE As sHowr� _ DATE AUG. 1983 ENY*ERm - SURVEYING - Irl_AMI#IOlwi WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. IMPROVEMENTS cAn NG. ��n' aIv IION FILE 93 - 1861 - 1262 MI64 S F LAKE ROAD LWAUKIF OREGON 9722,' (503)222-465211903 BROADACRES N.E., HUSBARD, OR , 981 --6770 PLAN AND PROFILES 3 (50318., BONN) I Ell 'I I,If" I N,nst 4 OF 12 TIP . .: "ii , wti, •« _.:_.._..-- . ...P `fa ' P. ..N.r.Tf„ .i .+w .•..w+ o�...r+u.+.-. .. r A ..-- - I'�1 1111 IIIIIII 111111► ►Illy 11111 11111�� TfilI 1 III 111 I11III III III f)I III 111 111 tll III III III 111 III Til III 1(I( I I I II 11 ( ( I ) 1 I 1 1 ( 1 •) NOTE., I F THIS M ICROF I I_MED I• I -�-«-- ' 2 3 4 5 -^_ 6 7 8 9 10 ! ! 12 DRA'lING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ITA-r-TT IS DUE TO r �- - QUALITY OF TW, ORIGINAL f DRAWING. - OE 6Z BE /7 9Z SZ tiZ cap - Z� 12 OZ 61 91 LI 91 SI bl F1 21 II CI 6 9 L 9 S 0 E Z 1��' r,,r''"" ,�IIIlI1111ulIunllulllulln;nlutlttl�lUtuulltll�lltullutl�urllRu4nn11u1111ttth�tlf11t1d11111111tt�tIIIIHtll1111{qf}�I �tW�lU+hitikmllnlhrtfilu1�11u�r111�111i1 lllultullllululllliull t 111111111�W!>tll1J>1lulllullh111 24 DUNE 1992 "•a�..,w,h.. -�•,,•._..a.+y�..,...... ... _.. .pw••- --• r._.. ____ . .:t.. ....._ •--- „'1f•__, . .. .... ...,,,.......r,.«,it;,,� ..,y,t„„ _ .. ..r _ M . .,.... ... - , ,.. -.�7�- .7,,, sr .ss ■a N 4 COMPASS CORPORATION W [ ENGINEERING - SURVEYING -- PLANNING 6564 S.E. LAKE ROAD (603) 6539093 MILWAIJKIE, OREGON 97222 December 13 , 1983 Yr. Bob Thomason C�'ty of Tigard 12755 S. W. Tush Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Bone: Park Sewer Addendum Dear Mr. Thompson: ins requested by you, we have completed and enclosed trree ( 3 ) copies of an 8h" x 11" addendum to the Bond Park sewer plan. As discussed, this eliminates the double drop manhole at Station 3+67, Lateral "A" and places a single drop manhole at Station 3+42 , Lateral "A" . If you have any questions or require add:tional information, p1Pase contact our office. Sincerely yours, ,z;;-,-.k& R. Gregg Weston, P.F. itr;ly:%,mik Enclosure cC: Mr. Kenneth Waymire CC: Mr. Connie Sproul A � � Eri � ur'7 TO FiN151�1rL GFtw� C�C� N D P A Q 1- if (C-X!ST. GROUND 5AN ITAZY SEWER. PLAr , ''OR6C+ON DROL" - _ _ _e___. 145 FCR KENNETH L. WAYMlr-S 144 8+15 LAT. A : WAVECLLY co. NIS C+CC LAT (, 1190: EROACA�,i`E5 N.E. I.E IN 5, 138.70 1.6. IN W 1cf HUEeACC,, Or, 9St - !o'170 i.6, CUT 130.00 RIM 141<.2b 140 NOTEALL CDNSTIZULTION SHALL CONFOCM I TO CITY OF TIGARD STD'S. ANP SUBJECT TO ALL CONST. NOTfS � SPFC-'°- SHC.WNj 25 L F. 6 G5P DN " SAND PARK" CGN51'. DIZAWINC75 GATED l 5L = O,C28F F/F AJGUST 1943. WH 3+C-7 LAT-. A = COMPASS CORPORATION NN 0 +00 LA,T. 8 ENGINEERING-SURVEYING-PLANNING I.E. I r1I E E-"I",= 0564 S E LAKE ROAD E. CJ', ;?t G': MILWAUKIE,OREGON 91222 kl N1 145.49 TELEPHONE 6539093 ____.-- __-•- - P a+4:. LAT. A JOB NG. 83 -19111 12b2 I.E• IN 134 :.9 IF- OUT 1`2,5.R4 WM 141. 5 t - __— -- I l5 -- --- -- - 140 4 + 00 LAT 3 + 00 FINI°NEi 6RAD�- LA T E A L " A " EXIST. G2DUND', / i (r — ,, - 0+ 94 PLUG �_a E,C..L Z LATEwAL E 141.00 LATECAL"G" 130 a NH 3442 LAT. "A FR�/ M-o O+CO LAT. "e" u~i — h4-1 +{07 LCT " A " NH 9+ lc7 LAT. "A" I'L5 _ BGNi 5T. �, �Pr E,— G4•oo I.E. 114 1T �o ^ —_ I.E. OUT 1'e1- C, Ne ,ORE�O�J hCc,1r ' PIM E: . IWE, 4�, _7 a "A" N � NH D+CC LAT. "C' Lu T E k A L. 8 �LATEt�AL_,_,G° • ry , P L A 50' N F,AtERA.L A"/ 3 :GALE' I �� N a,. December 8, 1983 CITYOF TIFARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Ron Aase Administration Bldg. 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, OR 97123 RE: Street Opening Permit for S.W. 79th Avenue Dear Ron: We, the City of Tigard, will assume responsibility for inspection of this project in accordance with the approved plans and specifications on file at Tigard City Hall Engineering Department. Please issue us a street opening permit to allow the contractor to pro- ceed with work in S.W. 79th Avenue (Bond Park) . Bond Park is bonded with the City for all improvements. Thank you, R. L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief RLT/dc i 12755 S.W. ASH PO BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:839-4171 -- k• IL M WASh1NG'TUN COUNTY DEPAF<= OF PUBLIC WORKS REC�I��D H=SBORO, OREGON 97123 is , PERMIT TO OCCUPY OR PERFORM OPERATIONS ] WITHIN THE RIGFIT-OF-WAY OF COUN'T'Y AND DEDICATED ROADS Y of TIGA80 Date 2- (, Permit No. C?L—, ( Name of. Company/Agency Cr- 7 Address j 2. 7 s 4,,x / .9/.'y 7Z_ z . Phone G'/TW o F %/4.4 (a 6 is hereby granted permission by e Washington County c Works Department to perform the following operations within rights-of-way under Washington County's ,jurisdiction. Types of operation and location are as follows: Type of Cut: ?' iC I F' i✓i��c-1 r iJ — Address of Cut /0 PERMIT PELT The appropriate General Provisions contained in "Washingtor. County, Department of Public Works, Ruler and Regulations for Pole Line, Buried Cable, Pipe Line and mis- cellaneous operations and/or facility permits" as supplemented and rmdified by the Standards in effect and the following Special Provisions, shall app.ly to this permit, and by this reference, are made a part hereof. It shall be the obligation of the applicant to obtain said Standards and Rules and Regulations from the Department of Public Works and to determine which of the various provisions are applicable before commencement of work under this permit. This permit is issued by the Public Works Depar`ment subject to the terns and pre- visions contained herein and/or attached hereto. WASHINGTON COUN'T'Y DEPARIMWr OF PUBLIC WORKS 2470 S.1?. River Rd. , Ilil ls'aoro, Oregon 97123 fly L b #Q CQ LA,(T ! WASHINGTON COUNTY ' ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS December 2 , 1983 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS WES MYLLENBECK, Charman ROOM 201 BONNIE L. HAYS, Vice Chauman (5U31648-8886 EVA M KILLPACK JOHN E MEEK LUCILLE WARREN City of Tigard P .O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention: Bob Thompsc—n Re: S .W. 79th Avenue (Bond Park) Dear Bob: Enclosed is one (1) copy of the approved plans for S .W. 79th Avenue (Bond Park) . Approval is subject to comments in RED. The approval of these plans by the Public Works Department means that we have to the best of our ability re,riewed the plans for compliance to County published standards and specifications while also incorporating the Department policies. This approval does not supersede those standards and specifications, unless specifically varied by the County. The develoter ' s engineer is responsible to see that all the constructioi, meets County standards and specifications. This approval does not relieve any legal conditions which have been placed on this project. I need a letter from you stating that the City will assume the responsibility for the inspection of this project in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. We will issue a utility p .rmit to the City; based on your letter and request that we vil_1 waive the fee and the bond for the City in this cage. If you have any questions on the permit, please call Sam P-;,vell at 648-8845 . Yours vexy truly, Ron Aase Project Review Engineer RA:hs Enclosure cc: Gregg reston Compass Corporation 6564 S .E. Lake Road Milwaukie , Oregon 97222 un tyrrul r,Irl,,i�lurttll rrrr/rl , , , q November 22, 1983 .First American Title Co. CirfOF T11FA .310 S.W. 4th WAS41NGTON COUNTY.OREGON .Portland, OR 97206 Re: Bond Park Subdivision Dear Roger LeCair: This is to verify, per your request that: 1. Each lot will be situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, include curbs and necessary and adequate drainage ettuctures, together with means for operation anc, maintenance, u%ich meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, will have drainage structures and fill deaignt:d to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality r ned disposal system will be available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required, to be conptructed, by the City of Tigard, Oregon hale: yet to be constructed. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond (and Maintenance Bond) has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard City Council thereinregard completion of the improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's Office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/verification required to be submitted to the State Real Estate Division by each ,subdivider. Yours truly, e. R.L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief (RLI'i pm/0019S) 12755 S.W ASN PO BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PN 639-4171 � r, SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the 1"7 161�j day of. 19 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Uregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T It WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as BOND PARK, Located in SPC'tlon 11, Township 2 South. Ransja 1 west, _ Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development ; and WHEREAS. the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said e ;L .iivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement , and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. (2) 1'o assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $_1L8_,434.()(_) a copy whereof hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work .in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limil.s, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work completed and charge the coots thereof. against Petitioner and Pet;tioner's sureties and in the #!vent same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount therecf. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and 1 Petitioner's sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court , if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Ciurt, if any. (4) Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule X91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount being $ 1,042.80 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City's interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections fees.* (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ 146.50 (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the C4.ty of the readiness for inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Workr that the requirements of the City have been met , the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond if not -lready provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, in the sum of $ 31,686.90 to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1 ) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. Upon receipt of certification by th;�i L•.partment of Public Works, that all requirements have been met, and a Onc Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the p,iblic improvements subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (8) That in addition to or supplemer :ry cf the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance and the pr,:v cions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations: *Project Fee $ 4,508. 14 Sewer Fee $ 240.00 -2- LUMMIL 1 (a) None of the lots of Petitioner's subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) as required, shall be planted and in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping and trees in all areas shall be planted and in place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract. (c) After tentative City acceptance of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads within the development; placement scheduling to be approved by the City. (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plans(s). (e) Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, thereinregard, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond. (10) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City. (11) The specific r( quirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the Cit; shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part of the Petitioner with respect to any requirement thereof. -3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council a o ted t a meet' thereof duly and regularly held on the IS day of , 19 , has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. Waverly Construction Co. Inc. By: CJ THE CITY OF TIGAR.D, OREGON By: Mayor By:_ ruc� Recorder -4- STATE OF OREGON County of Clackamas ) ss. -� On this I� --�" day of ,19� before me appeared Kenneth L. Wa ymire and ko}�ert_g A Waymi ra nown, w�io ein both to me is the g u Y sw()1! is say t at e, t e sai personally ______President, andshe, the said Roberta A. Kenneth L. Waymire is the Secretary Waymire the within named Cor oration-*d• for at t e sea --- the corporate seal of said Corporation, and thatathexsaid instrument signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation b �o id lentrum— s is Directors , and Kenneth L. Wa p Has acknowledged said in4trument to e t e y authority of its Board of and Roberta A. Wa mire ree act an cee o sai p Cor oration. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year laWwritten. Not y uregonMy C mmissies Z SfATE OF OREGON .- �/ � County of S S. On this ,� _ day of w _ 19 a'� before me appeared and _ dJor�� Yr/.tt __ _ + t'otl� to 9C PL'rsonally l nown who, being duly sworn, did say that he, the said__��/ - - -__is the Mayor, a•,d she, the said is the Recorder of the CITY OF 'rIGARD, a municipal corporation and the said A. and / .,cknt­eledged the said instru•iiont to be the free act and deed of said municipal Corpor.il i'. '•:. r', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this day and year in this my certificate first written. NotaryPu�or Oregon M-ALMO.7_.-- -- My Commissiun Expires: . j , PERSONAL SURETY PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we,_ wa_ver1ly Inc., an Oregon corporation as Pr.nc pa. , and Kenneth L, w as Sureties, are a an rm y oun to e fi�OA t � GON, as Obligee, in the Elm of $ 1ss- , for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, the safPrincipal and Sureties bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the Principal entered into a certain contract, hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof, with the Obligee, CITY OF TIGARD, dated the day of October , 19_,U, known as the Subdivision 2 mpliance Agreement for7ge—proposed Subdivision Bond Park NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, terms, conditions and agreements of said contract during the original term of said contract, and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the Obligee, with or without notice to Vie sureties, and shall also well and truly per- form and fulfill all the undertakings, terms, conditions and agree- ments of any and all duly authorized modifications of said contract that may be made hereafter, notice of which modifications to the Sureties being hereby expressedly waived, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue,. In the event suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies hereunder the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sum as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney"s fees. By: k'aoerly Construction Co. Inc. By: By: BY: President Y Roberta A. Waymire Principal Sureties STATE OF OREGON(IQ acraoVLC. as" ) County of Weghington We, Kenneth L. Waymire And Roberta A. Waymire being first duly sworn, on cath depose and say; eac�or himself and not .for the others: (1) That I am a resident of the State of Oregon and a freeholder therein; (2) That my net worth over and above all just debts, liabilities and exclusive of property exempt from execution is a sum equal to or in excess of the liability expressed in the foregoing bond. he Roberta A. Waymire Subscribed and sworn to before me this ) day of&b� October 1983 QJ o aryt c or Oregon Forw No. 1971-2 r1, �nmm��.ion Fxpirea: 2 �U w w w I .44 k November. 2, 1983 cirfC* TWA RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Waverly Construction Co. 11903 Broadacres Road NE Hubbard, OR 970332 Attn: Kenneth Waymire RE: BOND PARK Dear Sir: i It has been brought to our attention that your contractor worked Saturday, October 29, 1983, installing 24 inch storm sewer pipe within your project, Bond Park, without .inspection. The City requires that a city inspector be engaged on-site for any Saturday, Sunday, cr hnliday when a contractor is doing underground work. As an alter- native, we are amenable to the developer utilizing a registered civil engineer in such capacity, provided the engineer will, in writing, certify to the City that all material and workmanship was done to the City's standards and speci- fications, in conformance with the approved project plan. Since a city inspector was not engaged, we cannot accept the work, nor the project unless such alternative certification is furnished. Thank you, R. L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief CC! Sproul Excavatinq Compass Engineering v-nneth Waymire RLT/dc I I i --- --------- 12755 S W ASH PO. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 a � CITY OF TIGAPD, OREGON COU0CIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY —ENDA OF: AGENDA ITEM h: DATE SUBMITTED: 10/28/83 PREVIOUS ACTION: None ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Acceptance of ,ince Agreement and Bond for REQUESTED BY: The Developer.- and Bond Park Subdivision Public Works Department DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: �� CITY ADMINISTRATOR: INFORMATION SUMMARY Bond Park Subdivision is located north of S.W. Durham Road between S.W. 79th Ave. and S.W. 76th Ave. The preliminary plat has beer approved by the Planning Commis- sion. There will be 24 homes built in this phase. The developer has been requiree by the ^ity to build a street connecting S.W. 79th Ave. 6 S.W. 76th Ave. Staff has reviewed the project construction plans and finds them to 1-e satisfactory and further, all required fees have been paid. The Developer has signed 6 submitted tht, attached Compliance Agreement and Cash Bond Escrow Agreement. Upon Council acceptande of said Agr ,ement and Bond, staff will issue the approved construction pland and, subsequently, construction of the .project can commence. ! !n!!!!Y-!!f!!!-!!!!!!! ti!!!..!..!C.! ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Deny arlowinq the Developer to proceed with th- (?evF,lnpment . !!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lrwlr!!!!!!!.......WOMM!!s!!lar:.!!l.ienva.coenciv SUGGESTED ACTION sr ,,tf r--ommends that the City Council accept the Compliance Agreement and the Pot formance Bond for BOND PARK SUBDIVISION and authorize the Mayor and Recorder to axe ut - samp in behalf of the city. a / SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the day of _ 19 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY hereinafter termed "Petitioner". WI T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as BOND PARK, Located in _ Section 11. Township 2 South: Rangy 1 we-qt� Willamette Meridian, Washington --ounty, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development ; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required And -completed within the time hereinafter set. forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT 1S HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards tis set tor.th in said Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $ 1581t134.0o a copy whereof hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the tim^ limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable; such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties specific performance of th:, contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and • ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as W and for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (4) Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount being $ 1,042.80 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City 's interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections fees.* (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ 146.50 (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for inspection and upon certification by the Dep.srtment of Public Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintEnance bond if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, in the sum of $ 31,6£36.90_ to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been met, and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the public improvements subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (8) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations: *Project Fee $ 4,50H. 14 Sewer Fee $ 240.00 -2- (a) None of the lots of Petitioner's subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling t►le str,et for each developed lot proposr:d to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subd .vision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than 3 Years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the Public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) as required, shall be planted and in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping and trees in all areas shall be planted and in Place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract. (c) After tentative City acceptance of the public improvements, the Petitioner agrees to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads within the development:; placement scheduling to be approved by the City. (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the none use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plans(s). (e) Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, thereinregard, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond. (10) The pareies hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner• agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City. (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part of the Petitioner with respect to any requirement thereof. -3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officer,, pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council ajdopted at a meet' g thereof duly and regularly held ._ on the `Uday of 19 , has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. Waverly Construction Co. Inc. By: 01 c4j By: THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON By:: Mayor By. ek*-it4 Recorder- I A'I'E i)F OREGO/1..N,, ) ss . w' County of •--.f:L.C����t `�e,� ) On this7T`-,_day of ti� 19 Y-V before me appeared d�, - -- - and d/orv�%,4/ 'L� personally known who, being duly sworn, did say that iie, the said__ the Mayor, and she, the said ��r_c.�.�yeri.►��.� __ _ _ is the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation and the saiddpu.�_7_ asf7r�2_ �..._._— and .i(-kno-,Aedg+ed the said instriwir•nt to be the free act and deed of seid municipal corporit 1"'0F, T. have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this day and year in this my certificate first written. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: FATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Clackamas `) On this day of ortnhpr '19 b( "ore me appeared _ Kenneth L. Waymire and Roberta A_ Waumirp both to me personally known, who einem qui my sworn, di say that e, -the sai .Kenneth L. Waymire is the President, andshe, the said Roberta A. Waymire is the Secretary of the within named Corporation, an that the�sea a i t-o 'id instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Beard of Directors , and Kenneth L. Waymire and Roberta A. Waymire acknowledged said instrument to be the-nee act anT ee of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and ye4in bo�p written. No t i yr Oregon. My C mpires_ 2 ���R PERSONAL SURETY PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we,_ Wa1lr14 co Inc, , an Oregon Corporation _ _ as Principal,— and Xt nneth L. W s--- as Sureties, are a an rm y oun to the C TTG.ARl�EREGON, as Obligee, in the sum of $ 15s• 5�, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, tFia said Principal and Sureties bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, ,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents„ The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the Principal entered into a certain contract, hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof, with the Obligee, CITY OF TIGARD, dated the day of October , 19__,U, known as the SubdivisionnCompliance AgreemeETTSr TFe proposed Subdivision 7aond Park NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, terms, conditions and agreements of said contract during the original term of said contract, and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the Obligee, with or without notice to the sureties, and shall also well and truly per- form and fulfill all the undertakings, terms, conditions and agree- ments of any and all duly authorized modifications of said contract that may be made hereafter, notice of which modifications to the Sureties being hereby expressedly waived, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue, In the event suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce s9id contra,,.t or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies hereunder the City, In the event it shall prAvail, shall be entitled to recover such sum as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorneys fees, By: kAverly�C,�oFnstruction Co. Inc. By: By: a,.�,il�J (�a ��t� By: President jJ By:_ By: Poherta A. Waymire Principal Sureties STATE OF ORFGON QQ acr6YV,(C-(,- as County of Wes}ingt8n We, Krnneth L. Waymire and Roberta A. Waymire being first duly sworn,on oar. depose And say; each or mss and not for the others: (1) Th_1 I am a resident of thF State of Oregon and a freeholder therein; (2) That my net worth over and abo ,e all just debts, liabilities and exclusive of property exempt from execution is a sum equal to or in ex^ess of the liability expressed in the foregoing bond, J� .. ytp,F�`; Roberta A. Waymire Subscribed end sworn to before me this l day of October `-� 1993 XjYAA 7177 o ary or Oregon p( Form No. 1971-2 Tion F.xplre,: 2 / FIELD!OBSERVATION REPORT PROJECT NAME: WEATHER: „e3rv/��.1 c /c✓ ! Co ' ARRIVED PROJECT: �� 4-p DEPARTFD PROJECT: / 3 L COMMENTS: e.1' /I��C� ' -�p 9 1701'i1 %ii 44J LIP 47/�y� �lJrlC� Q/7� 7e1 Vl� TtiG Gv.� .Sfrv��ivr� 4ee a(. T�7G//'��/f' /1 f d 7-17 G rylrlVi��h e J7CTw � 7icse ><w0 s i-Cct! 110-109f .� 4�1u' c76c'�.T �i4/{ /xi SGr✓�c.� �Qr4.1s w �+-e n s ✓l �✓hrrl y grri do c', T� wee d / f^e �.�re�►'!Qr/ ✓��iG� �a,�! ���Si,,S �✓q.s mv7/ yPyr�rc7a� 4na'i-cvi��,,,�c� 44e wo r Ai- /n v ra 9re5.5 eova rri) Gr He Pim Q„al 44 re 110!0 �C 7rto"C4�-e 10,1/) rrlO�WAOY . f1� aa, ocT•t 7'n/s 1'l T/�e! /�/r� /S �. d¢ 4ll��t 4✓e C;A*74f e5"4-17 a✓c r-4- S9 �1�r44y Or/ T/t G: ,1'�jrrr7 J�ef-�✓PPn ��.� � / NUMBER OF' MEN AND LIST OF MAJOR EQUIPMENT ON JOB: i Date I Inspector Cly--- --_ I RECEIVED f 1983 COMPASS CORPORATIOWof TIGARD r - ENGINEERING - SURVEYING - PLANNING 6564 S.E. LAKE ROAD (503) 653-9093 S MILWAUKIE, OREGON 97222 ,,..11 �' 0� YJ October 24, 1983GJO �f•%5 �0 ��' �p Mr. Bob Thompson City of Tigard 12755 S. W. Ash Tigard , OR 97223 Re: Bond Park Subdivision Sanitary Seaver Dear Mr. Thompson: This letter is in reponse to a question raised by Mr. Connie Sproul of Sproul Excavating regarding pipe material_ Mr. Sproul requested that he be allowed to use PVC pipe instead of concrete from Station 0+00 to 3+67 on Lateral "A" . We contacted Mr. Bob Cruz at the Unified Sewerage Agency and clecked on their experience with the use of PVC on their systems. Mr. Cruz indicated that they have no problem with PVC pipe as long as it meets the manufacturers specifications and is in- stalled properly. We see no problem with the use of PVC pipe on this portion of the project as long as the same specifications are f.ell.owed re- lative to bedding ,and backfill as called out for concrete pipe. The PVC line will be required to pass air tests and have water tight connections made at manholes. All other aspects of the sewer design should remain as shown on the conptruction plans. If you have any questions or require additional information, Please contact our office. Sincerely yours, ;w:.::> -�& 49&0�0. R. Gregg Weston, P.F. RGW:wmk cc: Mr. Kenneth Waymire cc: Mr. Connie Sproul 1 CITY OF TIGARD DEVELOPMENT DEPOSIT FEE C;0t,1 'UTNf1ON at'trt�T _._ ---- "— __ PROJECT N0, _. PROJECT NAME (1) PROJECT FEE (City ord. Gla-48, Sec. 10, Par. A ), a)T'otal eatimoted Improvement cost . . ... 14 (i) Less can, sewer estconst, cost. .. ti Adjusted improvement (?_) SEWER FEE ( U.S.A. res. 70-12,Sec.9, Par."B"): o)Seyfer pion check fee E3 Inspection fee , y _ 1) ;� l0.0o x1d Coro (no, of lots) . . ; � N • 7) IOO.Oo min. 0 - b) • •• I b) Permit foe a connection charge paid• • • • •• ••. •• ••• • • ••(] 1 cl Sevier district contract surcharge paid�........... I� (district name (3) STREC'r LIGHTING FEE a) P.G.E. lighting schedule no. b) Mthly rote option. ...... no. type of!ight__I lumens - X (mthlyrate) (no.of lights) type of poleDet?Vt`� or n o� 1 — -- (mthly rate) (no of lights) r lyr. = 12mth's !su61o'a1) 2yr = 24mthb �(suDlctal) (no.atntths)'.... . . •• •. . • . . ��_ (4) SIGN FEE (item 4-100611018M) (persiq") (no.olelgn) STOP X RESTRICT. OCCUPANCY - --X STREET SIGN X COMB.STOP/ST.NAME l ,Z; X NO PARKING13 -- —X r ' x = (mlael.ty�" J V�misel. type) � X �..��. . . . /�L• 5 REMPT 140 DAT E PAID �� r -� ! 937.44 shock �,i� RAND TOTAL. �: :,::•_ �'.:� ra511 mcney order d 18t►erf:'ewer,straot,ur s,s:�d' 'ttou � A r � CITY OF TIGARD—12420 S.W.MAIN—TIGARD,OREGON 97223 RECEIPT DATE: AMOUNT -- ---DOLLARS NAME: CASH: - --ADDRESS:-- Al ---— M.O.: _ FOR: r OF ACCT. r PERMITS SURCHARGE AMOUNT SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 S BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 MECHANICAL PERMIT 05-332 _ BUILDING PERMIT 05-333 SEWER CONNECTION 40-36.1 SEWER INSPECTION 40-365 _ SYSTEM DEV.CHARGE 25-366 _ PARK DEV.CHARGE #1 30-367 PARK DEV. CHARGE #2 30-368 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS 05-362 4a,� % T<S RECEIVEC BY: PERMIT NUMBERS A8110NED: - - Number Amount Number Amount NumMt Amount RECEIPT N 15 5 3 0 1 1903 BROADACRES N.E. • HUBBARD, OREGON 97032 • 981.6770. 981-6668 KENNk:TH L. WAYMIRE Sept. 27, 1983 BOND PARK SUBDIVISION Additional cost items: street lights 10 @ 700,00 total cost: $7,000. 00 sidewalks 1,090 lin. ft. @ 4.25 4,632.50 underground elec. 550 lin. ft. @ 2.75 1,512.50 PGE surcharge (refundable) 24 lots @ 140, 00 3,360. 00 street trees 50 @ 20.00 1 ,000. 00 total X17,505.50 1 -i4-- Prepared by: ANDERSON. DITTMAN F_'< ANDERSON / ATTORNEYS AT LAW TIGARCJ PROFESSIGNAL CENTER / BS65 S. W. CENTER STREET P. O. BOX 23006, TIGARD. OREGON 97223 603 - 630-1121 FRED. A. ANDERSON DERRYCK H. DITTMAN ROGER F. ANDERSON September 22, 1983 Conrad Sproul and Ethelyn Sproul Sproul Excavating Company, Inc. 15880 SW 79th Tigard, OR 97223 Although the following described documents are delivered to you in form executed by and on behalf of Knauss Chevrolet Company, same ate being delivered to you on the express condition that the easement as granted will be of no force or effect for any purpose whatever unless and until you have returned to Knauss Chevrolet Company, a copy of the agreement between Knauss Chevrolet Company and Sprouls and Sproul Excavating Company, Inc. , as a con- dition precedent to obtaining the signatures of the mayor and city recorder of the City • ' Tigard: (1) Agreement between Knauss Chevrolet Company and Sproul; (2) Sewer Easement instrument including acceptance by the City, de- scription and easement conditions. (3) Consent and Subordination Agreements signed by each of Far West Federal Bank, S.B. , and U.S. Creditcorp. The foregoing presumes that all conditions and provi3ions of the within documents are acceptable to you as stated. You have every right and reason to seek independent legal counsel before signing each of them, if desired. Very truly yours, ANDERSON, DITTMAN 6 ANDERSON Ande son FAA:sr Enclosures AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this ;)?_ day of �, r�,`r� 1983, between KNAUSS CHEVROLET COMPANY, an Oregon corporation, hereinafter termed "Knauss", CONRAD SPROUL and ETIIELYN SPROUL, and SPROUL EXCAVATING COMPANY, INC., an Oregon corporation, hereinafter collectively termed "Sproul", is formalized for the purpose of recording the conditions and agreement applicable to the granting by Knauss to the City of Tigard, a municipal corporation, certain perpetual and temporary easement rights for the construction of a sewer line over, across and within those certain lands of Knauss as described on the at- tached Exhibit A by thin reference made a part hereof, and :or that purpose it is hereby further stated: 1. The sewer line to be constrjcted within the easement area lands as described in Exhibit A will provide sewer service to Knauss lands as de- scribed on Exhibit A, to lands lying easterly as well as southerly of said easement area owned by others, including Jahn G. Schwartz et ux, and lands being acquired by Waverly Construction Company, an Oreg corporation, from Sproul. 2. Sproul hereby agrees to conform to and comply with the easement con- ditions forming a part of said sewer easement grant as set t,.,th on Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, and t..,t Sproul shall save, hold harmless and indemnify Knauss for and from any failure on the part. of Sproul to conform to and comply with said conditions and requirements. 3. Sproul further agrees that In connection with the construction of said sewer line within the easement area to perform the following within the Knauss ownership, including: (a) Connect the present residential structure on said Knau.:s lands to said sewer line in the usual and customary materials and methods. (b) Sproul shall include in the construction of said sewer line, not less than three stub outs or sewer tees at points designated by Knauss for the use and benefit of Knauss reminder lands. (c) Knauss shall pay all connection charges with respect to the pre- sent residential structure, or with respect to anv future permits issued for additional facilities, 4. Sproul agrees to deliver a recordable copy of said sewer easement to the City of Tigard for acceptance and cause same to be recorded in the Deed Records of Waahindton Cuunly, Oregon, and deliver an accepted copy to Knauss prior to nmlHrtalMlug anv wets within ilia Knauss lands authorinul iuiuunder. IN WIINKNM WIII:NI,oN, Ilia partial herato he a t their hand I.11)V dny and yuar firWt abuVe wrltlwn, KNAUSS COF.V140LIT CleiPANC By I �ll _.. �l/Li.G.a.L Imo(L✓E;». Y� 7'ltlet� ,y.i ��� III' (SU ,?UCAVA MI'ANV INC. T it it i STATE OF ORIiGON ) County of Washington On tbis)sday ofSCoir.,kr , 1983 before me appeared Come' �- wh" bPinR duly sworn did Wny that is the President of Sproul Excavating Covipany, Inc. and tint meld instrumunt wmm signed and sealed !n behalf of Wald eurpurst.lon by authority of its Board of Directors, and�fjC _ a knowled#ed said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation_ Tn testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hnnd and affixed my uff_ic1A1 seal the day and yenr last above written Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires 7/�a/py , w w t w Alt SPACES MUST 6E ENDORSED D. PR!-%'R TO APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS �7 C� C7 �, PUM IC wortKS DEPT. BY _ _ _ DATE_ C PLAN J t;G D;:f'T. DY. - DATE DENT. DY.._.._ _ -- ---.__. DATE m"ft! Tm RV GI r1' f,DM1'Il1'S'rFiATp17 r)1'._G_.. _ L__.-�—_A. DATE—.___ -_- TI.'.I'rD YJ,:TER Ulfi?. D '.. 1 _OSI-LIA': DATE U GENERAL TELEPHONE l�. VV Dr !- f1i U S A - r ATE.. NIL.-- RC - - C N Y1. NATU 11 V I� ybnTE P. G. E z T 1 _-- ' T. R. F. D. rt' T1I � r _— `'�` _ DATE P• h At gul ;10N C*"OPY AL:. SPACES MUST 3E ENDORSED PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. BY___._� _ _._.- DATC_-_—____ DATE COUtITY H''•' ,H C)7PT. C;Y. DATE DA ;D V.• r DI;r GY Grijrr ,i=- _fi' tr� US A i t i EIY ._ W/ DATE' ' t c h I'PIF' C1TYY N W. N./1T-ur OftkGU T H. F. D. f� 'f �� ;+ __— DATE_ t � •,� �• � FLrcm wTTrJ YYI-.11.. LI'J !f, AP;F AFPP Gr_NERnr_ iE LC ItU(+ �Y�_�_ _-.--- D..' r_.__..__�___ _... DITIONAL �.nJU�T GRIDl 1 I -- ° - -- DRATNAr3C? my Post OR TF ` R F' ;Drl� t.v a SATE --- IN THE ROAD PLAN. ru, REC;- t.RIAL 'f0 E ;N t - TOP SOIL AS FT ION TO r t"T W'. (IN AAF. NTvr PART OF' TH'S CONTRACT. TJlEY WILL 1W, CONSTRIr'TED AF PART or T1lF• FUUIPMENT AND METHOD !15 USE To WIIIEVF: RP,vIIIRFD COMPACTION. SIJP.sEQlPENT Ar;? wT"'NIN THE 1rAPJL* ft PFP:I. I SRALL HF. PROMPTLY REPAIRED 19'1 THE CON'l'RACT 1 THE ROADWAY SHALL BF REMOVED TO THE DEPTH FtEourp U TO PROVIDE A F IRM irOU"4 'II CRUSHED ROCK. OROUGHLY COMPAC,rED AT 'T°ITF LOWEST MOISTURE CONTENT AT WHICH A HANDFUL OF M CLOSING OF THE HAND. INEER ll*-"N SUBGR.ADING IS COMPLETED AND 24 HOURS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ROC R TO FINAL PAVING FOR INSPECTION OF THE WORK. BE DESIGNED FROM A JOA MIX FORMULA APPROVED BY THE O.S.H.D. FOP MATERIALS GINEER WITH CERTIFICATE OF' COMPLIANCE FROM ASPHALT PAVEME11T PLANT. NED OR COMPENSATED TO PROVIDE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REVIEW SERVICES RF.- TY PRECAUTIONS OR TO MEANS , METHODS, TECHNIQUES , SEQUENCE OR PROCEDURES PERFORM HIS WORK. RM TO 1980 EDITION OREGON CtiAPTFR AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION (APWA) D SPECIFICATIONS. ALL REFERENCES TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SHALL MEAN ED PERMITS AND LICE:NSF:S PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. -14 CLASS II NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE WITHOUT W-BBER GASKETS. THE PLANS APF 48" MINIMUM DIAMETER AND CONIF014M TO t;ITY OF TIGARD STANDARL) FRAME, ANT) COVERS SHALL BE AS PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING N0. 7 3-A 6 'PED PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING NO. 70-A-402. ,FORM TO APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301. 1.01 AND SHALL BE UNCLASSIFIED. ENCH LXCAVATION SHALL BE D.ISPOSrD OF ON SITE. lVJA DIVISION ""REE , SECTION 301. 2.02 AND SHALT. BE 3/4"-0 CRUSHED ROCK. A PER APWA DIVISION TIIREE , SECTION 301 . 2.04 ON ALL SEWER LINE:; OUTSID : 'SIUE OF PAVED /JREAS. TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS B PER APWA DIVISION PUBLIC kIGEiTS-OF-WAY OR PAVED AREAS IN THE PROJECT. BACKFILL COMPACTION SHALL BE A:; PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301 . .3 .07 1CTOR TO DETEi:MINE: TYPE or EQUIPMENT AND MYn'HOD TO USE: TO ACHI.FVE THE RE- ) COP&ACTION. ;NT RESURFACING WHERE REQUIRED SHALL CONFORM TO DIVISION THREE , SECTION THE SrANVARU SPECIFICATIONS. EER RESERVE. THF; RI(_;H'I' TC, ADJUST GRADES OR ALIGNME.AT TO ACCOMMOuA".'E OTHER TIES AS REQUIR&D. :�,CTUR 'I`O LOCATE ALL UTILITIES BEFORE STARTING; CONSTRUCTION ANL) SHALL RELOCAPE N CONF L'A CT WITH THE PROPOSE•:U CONSTRUCIPTON. EXISTING UTILITY 141CAT I ONS SHG) .PFROXlWfflE ONLY ANN MUST BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR . ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND TICS MAY EXIST. BOND SARK, ROAD AND STORM 5EWER 1 IMPROVEMENTS `�`�� PLAN AND PROFILES Pr(_,ict Parcel No. Legal Description Linear Feet SEWER. EASEMENT NAME OF GRANTOR(S) : John G. Schwartz ADDRESS : 15900 S .W. 76th , Tigard , Oregon 97223 GRANTOR, owner of the property described herein , does hereby grant , convey and warrant unto the CITY OF TIGARD , a municipal corporation of Oregon, GRANTEE, the right to lay down , construct and perpetually main- tain a sewer through, under and along the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein . This grant of easement shall run with the lane] and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs , successors , and assigns . This grant is made upon the conditions attached hereto , marked Exhibit "B" and by this reference incorporated herein . Any temporary easement granted hereby is automatically extinguished upon acceptance of the completed sewer in the adjacent permanent easement . No structure shall be erected upon said easement without the written consent of the GRANTEE. hereto The consideration for this grant is set forth in Exhibit "B" attached / IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the GRANTOR named above has hereunto set his hand (s) and seal this _jg day of _ XKkYAug, 1983 (GRANTOR) (GRANTOR) NOT`_1.IZE DOCUMENT BELOW _TA'L'E OF (OREGON ) • ) Ss . County c f Date _ -c3n1 , 1983 Personally appeared the above named GRANTOR (S) John G. Schwartz _ and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act_and deed. Notary Public for Ore on My 'ommission expires _ My a^mm�ssic expi;ns 1-'t 4-�S ACCEPTANCE The City above named hereby accepts the fore-oi.ng grants and agrees to comply with each ard every term and condition thereof . . CITY OF TIGARD Xt" Mayl�or,''' City Recorder r STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of 1j4KA11 � - y ) �, �' tfon this r� day of p7�ernbe, . 19 �, before me apreared W 1-41 � � and Purl S tact r114 both to me personally known who, being duly sworn , did 6 y that , the said �,{�l /hL,, �, ��/,�2 is the Mayor, and , the said pprIs U/it- is the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGAPD, a municipal corp ration , and the said Z,r 1 and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free act a d deed of said municipal corp ration . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this the day and year in this my certificate fir-' written . tt��iH�n.� _ �/• Gtary Public for Orego :Ay Commission expires : -Zy/- - EXHIBIT "A" A strip of land, 15.00 feet wide, in Lot 8, Durham Acres, a plat of record in the southwest-quarter of Section 12, T. 2 S. , R. 1 W. , W.M. , Washington County, Oregon, described as lying south of and adjoining the northerly line of that parcel of land descr.:bed in deed to John G. Schwartz, recorded October 29, 1982 under Washington County Recorder's Fee No. 82028245. INCLUDING a temrorary construction easement, 30.00 feet wide, adjoining the southerly aide of the foregoing described easement. EXHIBIT "B" AGREE--' ,ENT PET'.'JITMF :'Fi'OUL L"CAVj,M'G CO'7ANY, I',C . .SND J H'P" G . SC�itl��„Tz THIS r;G<< ''H"FYT is for construction of the sel-;er easement along the ncrth property line of property owned by John G. Cch,,rartz at 1,1900 S. W. 76th, Tigard, 0” 47223. It is agreed by Sproul Excavating Company, Inc . (Sproul ) that the construction of the sever shall be as to minimize the damage to the natural surroundings. No trees larger than 4" in diameter at the base are to be damaged or removed with the exception of one cedar tree located approximately one-half the distann.; to each corner of the property line points. All brush cut during the construction shall be removed from the property. Rip rap rock shall be placed at -the bottom of the ditch to assure no erosion will. occur in the future due to run off of the storm drain. 'proul agrees to connect the residence of John G. Schwartz on the property to the sewer line at no cost with the exception of the hook-lip fee to the Unified Sewage Agency. It is also agreed that at no cost to John G. Schvartz three additional sewer tees will be installed in the sewer line at the locations designated by John G. Schwartz and marked with iron stakes. John C . Sch��,artz agrees to pay l: u 3verly Construction the bm of ;1C .0C and grant said easement as his contribution to the se­,er line construction. The parties hereto have set their hands the day and y ar preceding their signatures. Dated:� -9 :7 _ ` hn Sc wartz SPRn 'EXCAVATIi:G Cr)"PAir'Y, INC . Dated: By Conrad A. Spz•/ 1 , President • r CONSENT AND SUBORDINATION AGREr'"MF.NT The undersigned, h-ving a security interest in the real property of Knauss Chevrolet Company, an Oregon corporation, as described on the attached Exhibit "A!', hereby consents to the granting to the City of Tigard, a munici- pality of the S ate of Oregon, of a certain perpetual, as well as temporary easement, for sewer purposes on, over and across said premises, in accordance with the provisions set forth on the proposed easement document hereto attached marked Exhibit "R" and by this reference made a part hereof, and the undersigned does hereby subordinate all security rightF and interests described in said in- strument to the rights granted to the City of Tigard, as set forth in said sewer easement document. DATED: j��,�jr� 20 1983. U.S. CREDITCORV, an Oregon corporation, 9340 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale highway, Beaverton, Oregon 97005 By: Title: STATE. OF OREGON ) ss. County of ` _) The foregoing instrument_ was acknowledged before me this day of s 1983 by � ��. J,�_ of c r - U.S.- Creditcorp, an Oregon corporation, on behalf of the corpo anon. _ _ 2L --- NCajr-y ublic for Oregon Ply Commission Expires:, 1 - CONSEN9 AND SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT CONSENT AND SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT The undersigned, having a security interest in the real property of Knauss Chevrolet Company, an Oregon corporation, as described on the attached Exhibit "A", hereby consents to the granting to the City of Tigard, a munici- pality of the State of Oregon, of a certain perpetual, as well as temporary easement, for sewer purposes on, over and across said premises, in accordance with the provisions set forth on the proposed easement document hereto attached marked Exhibit "X" and by this reference made a part hereof, and the undersifned does hL-reby si,')ordinate all security rights and interests des_ribed in said in- strument to the rights granted to the City of Tigati. as set forth in said sewer easement document. DATED: September 20 1983. PORTLAND FFhERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN , ASSOCIATION OF PORTLAND, an Oregon corporation Now known as FAR WEST FEDERAL BANK, S.B. By"_ " Fhy lis A. Prysocl� � Title: Vice President STATE OF OREGON ) County of Multnomah ) ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 20th day of _September , 1983, by Phyllis A. Prysock Vice Present _ of FAR WLST' FEDERAL. BANK, S.R. , an Oregon corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public for0 egon My Commission Expires-__.___00_9_ 9'/ 1 - CONSENT AND SUBORDINATION AGREFdIENT ■or s 9. No vehicular access to the property outside of established roads and ways will be permitted without the written consent of the grantor. Grantor will be notified 24 hours prior to authorizing construction on property for ditch- ing and pipe installation or other purposes. 10. No assessments for general benefits from the construction of said sewer line within grantor's ownership shall be made now or in the future in connection with the development of grantor's adj^cent lands, provided that the pre- described charges for connection and service as required by ordinance or regulation shall be applicable to grantor's lands in any event. 11. The conditions, covenants and requirements hereof shall. be construed as covenants running with the land, and shall be and remain binding to the con- tractors for the protection of grantor, grantor's heirs, successors and assigns herein, the owners of the lands afloining the easterly boundary of grant3r's lands, devisees, personal representatives, executors and assigns, forever. INITIALS: Grantors _� /� Grantee �_� 'L;(1,IBIT "A" TRACT I Permanent sewer easement from Knauss Chevrolet Company, an Oregon corporation, to the City of Tigard, within the following area: A portion of Lots 8 and 9, DURHAM ACRES, in the City of Tigard, Washington County, State of Oregon, according to the duly recorded plat and map thereof In the SW 1/4 of Section 12, T. 2S. , R. 1 W. , W.M.: Beginning at the Southwesterlymost corner of that certain tract of land including a portion of Lot 8, and all of Lot 9, DURIUIM ACRES, as described in deed from Milton A. Odegard and Sharette A. Odeeard, husband and wife, to Knauss Chevrolet Company, as recorded in Book 754 Page 344, Records of. Washington County, Oregon; thence North- easterly along the Southerly .line of said land described in said deed to the North- easterlymosr corner of. Lot R, DURHAM ACRES; thence North along the Easterly line of Lot 9, DURHAM ACRES, 20 feet to a point; thence Southwesterly to the said point of beginning. SUBJECT TO the exceptions, terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and by this reference made a part hereof. including easements and conditions set forth on the attached Exhibit B. TRACT II TOGETHER WITH a temporary construction easement lying Southerly of the line as drawn parallel to and 30 feet Northerly of, when measured at rig. t angles, from the above described permanent easement area, and extending from the W_,st line of the lands owned by Knauss Chevrolet Company to the East line thereof, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, and all. rights with respect to said temporary ease- ment shall be extinguished and terminate upon completion and installation of a sewer witnin the abcve easement area and acceptance thereof by grantee herein, and in any event r,ct later than May 1, 1984 INK EXHIBIT "is" EASEMENT CONDITIONS 1. The grantee and its contractor shall. confine all operations to the designated areas and . bserve all conditions and requirements hereof. 2. The grantee And its contractor will make any necessary preliminary explora- tions to determine the location of any obstructions which may interfere with the construction of the sewer line, including those arising under pre- existing easements. 3. Grantee shall require the contractor to excavate and pile the top soil sepa- rately f?om the subsol.2 , and conduct the work in a manner that will replace original conditions to the utmost extent practicable, with the intent that the contractor shall leave the surface and soil in substantially the same Condit:'on as before the work was undertaken. 4. When sewer construction is across land on which livestock may be grazing, temporary fencing shall be erected along any open trenches to prevent live- stock from getting into the trench. Whenever it becomes necessary to cross an existing fence line, erection of fences and barricades shall be made so that livestock are not prevented access to the water courses which they normally use for drinking. 5. During the time that the work is in progress, the contractor shall maintain the site in a neat and orderly condition. All loose gravel, rocks, residual concrete, and all loose foreign substances, all refuse, broken pipe, excess gravel or other foreign material, cribbing, etc. , shall be removed as soon as practicable. Should the work not be maintained in a satisfactory con- dition, the grantee shall caust, the work to stop until the clean-up portion of the work has been done to the satisfaction of tire owner. No excess dirt or topsoil shall be removed from grantor's lands for use elsewhere or for off-premises disposal. Upon completion of he initial construction, all trenches and excavations shall be promptly refilled and topsoil , sod or other natural gro,rth replaced. Loose fill material placed in trenches shall be compacted and settled, and filled and refilled, as necessary to re- establish the original topography, as often as necessary, and subject to final inspection by the grantor for compliance with these requirements at the expiration of one year after completion of all. work on grantor's property. 6. Irrigation and drainage systems, if any, shall be maintained operable during construction and replaced in substantially the same good, useable condition as existed at commencement of construction. Temporary construction ensememts, if any, will be automatically extinguished upon acceptan^e by the grantee of the completed sewer, not later than _Ma 1, 1984 8. Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless grantor, successors and assigns from all claims, liabilities, cost and expense, for loss of or damage to property and for injuries to or death of persons arising out of construction, recon.,-ruction, maintenance of sewer or related use of easements. ACCEPTANCE The City above named hereby accepts the foregoing grants and agrees to comply with each and every term and condition thereof . CITY OF TIGARD Mayor City Recorder STATE. OF OREGON ) ss . County of "L p ) 7n this dayof 19 19 before me appeared /� (�6u,� - 6 Isl"-0 _ anci �rls k _ both to me pers3nal.ly known who, being duly sworn , did ay that said 1,4j _9",_ C.t1 1-'J'0 A2 is the Mayor , and , the said rIS 116V [' , is the Recorder of the CpITY OF TIGARD , ^a municipal corportion , and the sa.'_d �/dam` ,(j/S�io)o _ and �L� acknowledged the said instrument to be the free act 41d deed of said municipal corporation . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF , I have hereuntc set my hand and affixed my official - eal , this the day and year in this my certificate first written . No ary Public for Oreg n My Commission expires : �y'- — Farcel No. Legal Description ---`�`"- Linear Feet. SEWER 'rASEMENT NAME OF GRANTOR (S) : ---Knauss Chevrolet Company--- ADDRESS : ] 1©80 xwy_ . miciard nrnT r_o7223 GRANTOR, owner of the property described herein , does hereby grant , convey and warrant unto the CITY OF TIGARD , a municipal corporation of Oregon , GRANTEE, the right to lay down , construct and perpetually main- tain a sewer i.hrough , under and along the property described on Exhibit " A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein . This grant of easement shall run witn the land and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto , their heirs , successors , and assigns . This grant is rade upon the conditions attached heret,zo , marked Exhibit "B" and by this reference incorporated herein . Any temporary easement granted hereby is automatically extinguished upon acceptance of the completed sewer in the adjacent permanent easement . No structure shall be erected upon said easement without the written consent of the GRANTEE. The consideration for this grant includes the easement rights hereby granted set ,it on Ex. A, and terms and conditions set forth on Exhibit B. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the GRANTOR named above has hereunto set ltS hands ) and seal this 1/'�/ day of September _ 1983 . KNAUSS Chevrolet Company_ (GRANTOf ) J/ Title: -- STATE OF OREGON > ) sS. County of Washington ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this v day of September, 1983, by /Z �l��c �+ �tC�� of Knauss Ch ,vrolet Company, an Oregon corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public for Orege 011 My Commission Expires: EXHIBIT X i *% RECFIVED uofp CITY OF TIGARD Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 503 648-8621 September 20 , 1983 City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard , Oregon 97293 Gentlemen : SUBJECT: BOND DARK The construction plans on the above-referenced project have been approves , by the Unified Sewerage Agency. If you have ar.y quc;st ions , please do not hesitate to ca.l i , Sincerely, se� Terry Charribe.;lin Der i yr Engineer TC:jb Eric. 72. 41311 r Imbialated total area"haJ t/3 s •'�•�''�•�•••••� / ! l� ' 2 /a A 1Ne flrpa0 C.coss *0 plug ec Cap (Straddle Block pee' detail) ---- — --------T -- - ---- ----_ _. FIRE HYDRANT I i 'r r. Al g` FLG,. GONNEC 5•01. bONITA _- ` /.r y ` ' f4I`DEWALrC a h r u Q�'a ...0 .. A ►- a r r band P1t.tgQsd Cross 'Pea 11-t co* culls /FINISH GRADE r" o� 5w C)jP_AAM 1w j 1. Concrete thrust blocking to be POUred agaInst undisturbed earta'i. y 2. Beep caw_s•stQ t»lssr of joint ertd accessories. 1 ). Yf ft9t r',--vm anWON STRENGTH M!K ' r p1e)tts required bstac•l.ng acees at fitting shalt be as indicated VALVE2S4(, 0 S 1 !� BOx � � I j_ 3 !slew° edJustxtd if nOCesaaXY, to oonfom to the toot pressur!(s) and allowable ].0 SQ FT Of I kiloD��-- sedl >taacinq sura(es) stated !ft the s,voclal speciticatl.ons. rE A/'3 N 4 AREA I l 4. Bswr'inq arewr and spwisl blockinq detalr sham an glans take precedence mwDRAIN I _� betw&" @►teas stnJ blocking details ahem an Ude standard detail. 6„ v I P + - CONC. THRUST 1112"- 0 DRAIN •�' � v . � BLOCK � ilea Mrs D'�BaM !�s ROCK &i or plugged plugg" is* tlCapCross on � .S&bow lend Swirl IND LESS TNA +�',� • �• � � — - 1 2 r° A00VE N : • '. s.. . . �►: .�, -- G I N I T=Y - M A -- 0 DRAIN HOLE ) ` �' ' PiAY VALVE 1 N . T Li Soo LID . MAIN L INE 8 I's 5.3 7.6 5.4 2.V 115 1 VARIES , TEE dr Soft 41 OUTLET 5.9 .4 4 �. 4 COKCRETE OR SOLID ROCK FLANIGE0 12 1 227 LASE 2. 25 S. F BEARING - AREA ^^ TYPICAL EIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION wRTF. LINE CONSTRUCT ION NOTES rV 7 2< N. T S. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE TIGIIRD WATER DISTRICT STAND- ARDS, THE OREGON STATE HEALTH DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE RULES CHAPTER. 333 , THE A.W.W.A. AND THE A.P.W.A. STANDARDS. Above bearing areas based an teat pressure at 150 p.s.i. mind an allam0le sail baarLng stress of 2'000 pom4W per squire foot• ft cysts bsakiK arses ow different test ALL WORK WILL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY TIGA.RD WATER DISTRICT. prsssurss etlld wAl bearIJV atrsases, use the fbIlOwift egals4 en: Beerietq Acm (lest CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY UTILITIES BEFORE. STARTING CONSTRUCTION A.YD SHALL pnasuce/1SO)stf00(;/seLl bseriaq atrttsa)x(t�b1e �►alute). COORDINATE WATER LINE CONSTRUCTION WITH OTHER FACILITIES AND UTILITIES. THRUST BLOCKING 0ETAIL,° CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL CONSTRUCT THE WATER LINE TO AVOID CONFLICT WITH THE EXISTING UTILITIES. PIPELINE SHALL BE CLAS 52 TYTON JOINT CEMENT MORTAR LINED DUCTILE IRON { PIPE WHICH SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C110 , C111 , 0150, AND C151. N GATE VALVES SHALL BE XGVA C500 WITH NUN-RISING STEMS. VALVES SHALL OPEN — ---- 2-INCH OPERATING NUT. LEF"; AND Ei�,VE 2-I, ' { { I > I Q I LA �J _ FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY CONSISTS OF 6" MJ x 6" FLG TEE, 6" FLG GATE VALVE, I } SCALE; I"= r70' FLG x FLG SPOOL, IF NECESSARY, AND PACIFIC STATES .FIRE HYDRANT, 5�" MVO, $ { ! ! 3-PORT ( 2 - 2�" HST HOSE CONNECTIONS, 1 - 41," PUMPER) , 6" FLG CONNECTIONS, WI i I LI I -lh" EENT OPR NUT, OPEN LEFT, COLOR: YELLOW, 'TRAFFIC MODEL. > 1 .S 5 I I 8 `� Iia I I 11I i Q EACH FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE INSTALLED UPON A PRE-FORMED CONCRETE BLOCK WITH 11 CUBIC YARDS OF CRUSHED 1h," DRAIN ROCK. TAR PAPER WILL BE LAID ON TOP OF DRAIN ROCK TO SEPARATE ROCK FROM EARTH COVER. IT9 ---�--- I POURED CONCRETETFIRUSTBLCCKS AT LEAST 8 SQUARE FEET OF BEARING SURFACEAT EACH TEE , BEND, AND FIRE HYnPAN'T LOCATIONS. .�� ---- ---- _ -__.__...--^.._ - -- -- ;�U-- I mo . x G' M j. ve I 36" OF 3/4" MINUS GRAVEL COVER FOR ALL MAIATS IN STREETS AATl� DRIVEWAYS. UT IN s„ kip" MJ { ___ .� ._--- (p" IP. (GLA��' 52 (0' I . N N, J vV. _ -_ ►o' g . 1vt.J. �" SOLID SLEi;EVI' �, _ - - OTHERWISE, 36 OF EARTH COVER. TEE 8 M.1 BFv - _ - wle" 7nLlD SLEti1/F _ ..___._ _._. C ,. - -r-- _.______ \� ALL SANITARY SEWER LINES 10 ' LATERALLY OR 3 ' VERTICALLY OF WATER MAINS SHALL -- -- -^�'�—!~ 1� BE ENCASED IN CONCRETE 6" THICK 101FROM CROSSING. WHERE CROSSINGS ARE ln'' MJ (i.V. FIRE NECESSARY, THEY MUST BE MADE AT APPROXIMATELY 90° WITH AT LEAST 18" SEP- EX IBT a" G.I P I I HYCUAN 1' ! ARAT.T O N BELOW WATER MAIN. WATER MAIN FIREN Rp.l+l-( I AS EMBL'T � _.. EXI15TiwAc- 8" D I N A',SE3ML ( iIT' W^TI;R ►nc.t�., MAINS SHALL BE TESTED AT 150 PSI FOR 1 HOUR. STATIC PRESSURE a 95 PSI. ALL MAINS SHALL BE CLEANED AND FLUSHED WITH POTABLE WATER PRIOR TO DIS- 24 23 22 21 20 19 I 18 17 Ili IS 14 I% ( , - INFECTION AND BACTERIOLOGICAL TES'T'ING. OREGON STATE HEALTH DIVISION BACTERIOLOGICAL TEST SAMPLE WILL BE: TAKEN BY TIGARD WATER DISTRICT . PIPELINE SHALL BE: TESTED AT 150 PSI AND HELD AT THAT PRESSURE FOR 2 HOURS. IT SHALL BE THOROUGHLY DISINFECTED AND FLUSHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.W.W.A. STANDARDS I 1 { I C 601. i I ALL CURBS MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO INSTALLING WATER MAINS. TWD WILL INSTALL ALL COPPER S,IERVICES PRIOR TO SLACKTOPPING OF STREETS. METERS WILL BE INSTALLED BY THE DISTRICT UPON INDIVIDUAL REQUEST FOR SAME. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS WILL BE CEMENT-- LINED. nAAT'>~RIAX LIST I lie 2.4.ant j t i 6" TJDI Pipe (Class 52 ) 665 Feet 8" NJ D. F V. 2 Each 6" XY x 6" Mil Tele 2 Each 8" MJ SOLID SLEEVE (L.F) 4 Each ;ti%j I N p';;" •� � 6" MLT Bate Valve !tach Flue Hydrant l►asaerrbly 2 Mach FOR APPROVALS ONLY `;G "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION " II BO �1D PARK " 2� w oc� "-' DRAWN M M M DESIt]NEO R G W CHECKED • COMPASS CORPORATION M R. KENNETH L. W AY M I R E 1U - 10- 3 I REVISED PE TIGARD W TER DIST. SCALE AS SHOWN OATEAUG. 19:33 .' c [ (MEERING — SURMING — PIUNNINB WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. WATER IMPROVEMENTS PLAN �— W-T--� �� t3884 S.E LAKE ROAD 503)2224852 DATE PIC a I v 1 3 1 0 N Fll 83- 1961 - 1262 MII_WAUKIE.OREGON 97222 1,503)853,9093 11903 BROADACRES N.E., HUBBARD, OR 981 - 6770FIOND PAM:. 140 1 . I _ •. ,..w1 ,, ,..:..'.� ...a rs +ru,rw^Y:+)y,. --_ r cC .!•�..r.•�,'.,. ,q�Kl�tn tsI� ltlnl..�.{lI't1'l•�l".�...l."alrra.:l'_ �1�,,1.1 oIII'.'I•`�1,�.I •.lli•l�...r,i 11�.�t.1t.1. 1 I...tR.l-. ^s..+:. II � .;r l- tn,.. _.... .. iillllllll�lltllltlll I111 ..ll_.1111.) ._ tlll(ttI111I111 1111t1,�►..I�tlt.l..tw.l..l,y ,, tl' I�It�I IrI �1tll ) II�II1I11tIrllI(Illtll�l11 I'+I 1 , I ( NOTE: IF THIS M IMFILMED 2 3 4 .�5 .�._6 2 8 9 10 If 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICTiT-17 IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL _ r DRAWING, pE 62 02 LZ 9Z SZ V2 EZ ZZ !C OZ 61 91 L I 91 GI 41- CI 7.�1 -I I 01 6 0 L 9 S'••�� ti IE-- 2 1 1 ►1111U1111111111111111111111t1111I111t1111�1I11�111111111�1111IIi11INHI11MIlt AI�tI1tINI1�E111�11>�NIIIIIIIIfl�ti1111�II11�p11�11f1�IFtfW,IN1�ItftllMlnt111t111tlfyl►IIt�{HIIt1I111I11111111111111�111111111111111Ullllllllll1111lllllllllllllUWI�IIIN1 _ JUNE 24 1 92 ,.«. - •'. .�... -. _ _ -.�-+...r ._...-- -...-. ....ti .,..,,,.>.....•�-...rte--_ ti „'�1Yr• _�,..�,,. -T�11�,..rr *,.-- ....ar++� ..-_ .,,,�,,.r•y�, .,y-_ .�_.., ,..... ,,.,r, ,-.. ""L�MIaMIIlOIk111..�'+ . .w i r J W 0IR I(�. GNU r d rA i7i , c a I t.. ry R A L E 0 pt r, ¢j N p, K p-• p u) ,5 l;' I�. GUP FILE COPY 2CI .I Z y CI I /16y/v �Y►A�1 t7 •!G"" l �''�` / LT, c'» `f p�] CAILu o - + ,,Ca `------- ----- - ,� ,)� ALL SPACES MUST ENDORSED v u; - E ' + + w ul �'¢ --- -- ��G - - _ _ PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF TTI SF�LANS_ . --- -- I -1 0 M W rOP OF + ' +r��� / • x.31' `3 Q �- �►l PUBLIC WOF+KS DEPT. B DATE ---•--- ._V_ . lJ '� PLANNING DEPT L I)ATlr � it OV I BUILDING _.__,___._. ------.__ 15 X46 .___ `� ________._._. �_.._ , COUN CITY ADMIN I rr °, _ Lj a� Al= N ><� C) TIGARD W F3 D 1 F3 DATE.—GENERAL O 8 DA E E• W `' 1• E Fi v� T n _ + 4-1 in W 3 3 Cj + J �— -- ...__..__.._...__.. —— - ►,1'7 U S A 4p ,ri , -- DATE_— ) N ill I SW GN.W. NATUR ! - - ... DATE__ B �_.�__.. DATE— T. R. R. D j` `i'� DAT 14 h �__ _. _ ______ _-- ---_.___.. — _.___.... ---_-- __ —_.... _ ._.._ .__ 14� 6V.Y 2 +-OG _ tp0 4- t UO 5 * v(� tUv + � I _ t oo �. +� vo 3 �- vo � 1- 00 � +ou - �FIL� COPY, � �to� _ c= S. � J . 79TH AV PkOF I LE 5. W. I (o -TH A`V i A E - r l H.I 1 V. _._; 5cALG : I " = 50 ' H .., 1 " 5 V. i - r N I I` 2° - --- zo ---- _ - TlLE0P`�.. o �, - - - ___.__ _ -- ____� _-_._ _._.. ___.-__.. -_ _. s -�' caw ..__ _-._ ON�IRUC ION NOTES r .y r. = "' I 2� G_T � U ti'�� =o°. . �y-- STREET _ T. ---- + 2r,; ' I_T ! � W '�" CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM WTTI1 THE CI':'Y OF TIGARD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, O.S.Fi,U. , AND A. I'.�'• .A. OktGU to > �i w 1 `�w �� " '�`""'-- CHAPTER S PEC I F ILAT I ONS AND S'I'ANIA&D DE rA I LS. + ' in�iu lU I GLI C. ASPH. GOND,. (OVEaLAY) , � ' +-� � „ j ►r ►tl - - "" "" -- - _ fC+f' CF GU[Zb �' J �2" G.. '®JG' ASPH. cpuC. COt�TRACTOF TO OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PEIU4ITS AND LICENSES BE;FORF STARTING CONSTRUCTION. - C' k CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTI L IT I FS BEFORE: STARTING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL RELOCATE ANY IN CONFLICT WITH ___. oR,U• �Nc. 9 THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION D 5T SE C.7101�1 EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE AP I OXIMATE ONLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. ADDITIONAL , � - UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MAY EXIST. .L.= G.01 F/F - I U J L.F. " ,--- '.\ 4, O L.� � "t -- ''j•= 00( rF f��� _���'` - a ow " W I } 10 20' ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST GRADES OR ALIGNMENT TO ACCOMODATE. UTiLITiES OR EXISTING DRAINAGE ,�_ 15 r; -T WAYS AS REQUIRED. L Ir _-`� - - - '�' ' CONTRACTOR SHALT. REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF TREES, STUMPS , FENCE, BRUSH, ROOTS AND OTHER MATERIAL IN THE ROAD i _ ?f�i � PH fo * Calc _ - _ o.n 11:. F� - �.` \ - U WAY AND INHERE INDICATED ON THE PLAN. MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN SUCH A WAY AS TO MEET LOCAL REG- I E. 0!1r t5°.43 - ' - 8 -- ----_ ,�� ULATIONS. EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIAL TO BE DISPOSED OF AS DIRECTED BY OWNER. VEGETATION AND TOP SOIL RIM E�_. I65 39 `- I.E. OUT" 14149.�. --_�__ �.-- -- --_ _`�+ 6`� �� 2 \` _ - �- R`' "�'S -79T .?T. 5Eo TION_ SHALL BE STRTF'PF.0 FROM FILL AREAS PRIOR TO FILLING. 15 . 'S� --- 4th L.R �� ______- _._ _ - -- „} SIDEWALKS SHOWN ON STREET SECTION ARE NOT PART OF THIS CONTRACT. THEY WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF 14 5 •-cam THf - l.E, OUT 14(o 4$ �'�'. 02� �F� - _- _ J M-t 0 + 39 -`� - -- -�- LOT IMPROVEMENTS. [:INE EL 15.d '�-- /F `` ' IIr. IETI b+ - 1 L.41 CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT AND METHOD TO USE TO ACHIEVE REQUIRED COMPACTION. SUBSEQUENT NO"1 it : NIPS oG+IJ<'a TO EE 7/4" -r° . `� 12i.-i WT 138.40SETTLEMENT OF THE FINISHED SURFAiZE WITHIN THE WARRANTY PERIOD S F ' ANC: PIPE eAr.KFILL TO EE ~-- R-iM t.:. 14Ip02, i . HALL B . PROMPTLY REPAIRED BY THE CONTRAC . ;'ER APWA DIV D.T' 8U Io FI _T:r�..S T�U aY - AT NO EXPENSE TO THE Ci'.'rN$R. 71.a &4 L MATERIALS T,, vCc mop,;.,. clr. .T.t•�r .�y,,*,, SH!­,L gr n �-- LS & � 7, MMI! REMOVED TO THE D)• PTH REQUIRED TO PROVIDE IDE FIRM F()[ PJ1 7 '} V l/ iCJ + 0 L: 5 + 0 1 + n L1 2 ' �.r 1� � �� • . C,�L , ! n I 4 .. + 0,� + !)0 i.E. IN 140 00 /F 1 E � �,r ! (�� ATION AND SHALL BE REPLACEE'D WITH CRUSHED ROCK. P �C. 'J _ r.. .. _ r,_ •�- I.E. OUT I?,a g° L r --s-.�- -�•..r-...;....�,:.:..�.:� ,--.�:.;::.._..��-�_-�--�•-�-•-_..-..__-__.--- .-- I I.-.r_ D } RIM EL. X44.60 F. t4 C,cf' THE ENTIRE SUBGRAUE SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED AT THE LOWEST MOIST[1RF. CONTENT AT WHICH A HANDFUL OF - -n _ 6L= 0,('04 F/p --�' N•T•5• THE SOIL, CAN BE MOLDED BY A FIRM CLOSING OF THE HAND. ., �... ... ._ ..�-_:,_ra•._ a: _..+-•c a—rte-: _.a.,_1.�m-�.. '_:..:.m_sss__ Q+00___0_U_TF I..I. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER WHEN SUBGRADING IS COMPLETED AND 24 HOURS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ROC �I _. . I � I$110,011111- ,u BASE MATERIAL AND 2�1 HOUR._ FRIOR TO FINAL PAVING FOR INSPECTION OF T}IE WORK 4 + END ;AVINv Ic TA, - I �} t Qin - ENG F AV INv r I _ APCR _ ASPHALTIC CONCRETE: PAVEMENT 740 BE DESIGNED FROM A JOB MIX FORMULA APPROVED BY THE O.S.H.D. FOR MATERIALS • ' TAF�E�. I-t.^, CUT E',ANK TU INSTALL I ' USED. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ENGTNEER WITH CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FROM ASPHALT PAVEMEF7T PLANT. 5tvc :J1:L� r EX ; . ' I NCS FAV.N,y 2 I TAO>:R n E)(lcAiWG h + b3'` ENG Ct1R6 �E4.� IN Pav I1T"a rA1 Ei2- ��4 _ P.uADWA) ! _ _ THE ENGINEER HAS NOT BEEN RETAINED OR COMPENSATED TO PROVIDE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REVIEW SERVICES RE- ttiE G i►�-PAV I N sa 7AtP E R �,;�' ? LATING TO THE CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY PRECAUTIONS OR TO MEANS , METHODS, TECHNIQUES , SEQUENCE Flet PROCED RES 10 REQUIRED FOR THE CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM HIS WORK. Ito 1 0.13. t, 5T. %TA. 5 t i N ►Av. c ---- - 1 '7 ca I.B. Our t4 .a2 '-` EDOB 12" MIN. E . a E __• (_ i 1 1 ` l STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION NOTES: NG >�- fi' ` I 1 121M 3t 81e P. �` EX15T[Nv T`;o T3�, DIA TnNr _ .._ }'A�'FMEN` �' • —Ip' ( 2 �. 1415.4?) W1 1 GRAVf�L ALL WORK AND MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO 1980 EDITION ORii;GON CHAPTEI, AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION (APWA) P.T ; '/a PT. >1 r •- b I 1 I ( � -- 45 RIw 1• AND CITY OF TIGARD STANDARDS AND SF�tCIFICATIONS. ALL REFERENCES TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SHALL MEAN I - 145, pro I -.-_ 2i FAV. T CITY OF TIGARD SPECIFICATIONS. !2 3 ►5938 4" , I 0 + 36 99 F-' � � ± `- ID 5� CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND LICENSES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. %IxR I 12AP CJETA I� r[�riEk. .r '-iw59+�'`. ' 145. 73_' ` I ' EXISTING, t2" GMP - - P SLB r'.a~ 4,5 T �, _ __ �� ��� \ N T 9. ALL STORM SEWER PIPE; SHALL, BE C-14 CLASS II NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE WITHOUT RUBBER GASKETS. r �'-'- Pu �~ 5� 51 OtOG Gt1TFALL. �;" ALL CONCRETE MANHOLES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE 48" MINIMUM DIAMETER AND CONFORM TO CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD ' ---r-� �-T _..- _..G�.:...._. _ � •==ate _ - .,»..�. .�: •� - _-->�., .�, . , A e 21 QAP � �+-- DRAWING NO. 73-A-301. MANHOLE FRAME. AND COVERS SHALL BE AS PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING NO. 73-A- 6 4i `� s �,__� �oec- a 5' ► .,t_.� PH (o+6(o - , Cl �., 1-f'. ! t i PS12 DETAIL c„ r _._ 1r'.ic I �_ - ...---•+ -- *� ; -- - - , 7 �-T. _. ..,� _ . _.__,� 5,� CATCH BASINS ARE TO BE CON.:IKUCI`ED PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING NO. 70-A-402. 4T S•YA. Po + 6� 1=A � t �-__ __�,.�_, v ;rlF� f�7 ...,. W 326,t7Q PLAG� GONE ON Mi �'S .,--- I L .7� 7 w - W -r Q i- ©(J BOND 5T. = 5UGH THAT SLOT p ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION SHALL CONFORM TO APWA DIVISION THREE SECTION _ 01. 1.01 AND SHALT, 8E UNCLASSIFIED 10`1 +45 7(o TH AVE. I GOVEQ WILL bt» ALL EXCESS MATERIAL FROM THE TRENCH EXCAVATION SHALL. BE DISPOSED OF "JN SITE. -I;.-' W _ '_.�„_'�:�- T 1 _._.�.. w;:i l.n rTE�� cav Ji -�`- �F-I � I A isA I N 5T r W E -_� - �` ` t`H .a / i7 / ,.URg LINE PTFE AEDDING SHALL BE AS PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301. 2. 02 AND SHALL BE 3/4"-(I CRUSHED ROCK. 6 r ro?.7c� �o N c sr I ' 2 - ►%H fit' 3 5 7 A� *­K?a A _0 +37 P.T. - I ' ��.W 0 +3q Ft '0�`y __ I , GUJcf3 ^ o� T 0145,72 ; 3T, STA 0407gqj,14.h1'GT. I TRENCH BACKFILL S.;-bXLL BE CLASS A PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301. ?. .04 ON ALL SEINER LINES OUTSIDE '3 + f i 1� 'j!TK A I °' i� �.-._. =: `� .�/ PT. 3 f 6�_t; A-t► SRT. - SEE DETAIL «T ,*,r-, , \6 + 'L 5 - F - ( t �' , I G THE PUBLIC R IGHI S OF-WAY CIt OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS. TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS B PER APWA DIVISION $T. STA e + 6?) , G,t3. ETA. L+ 8>� /,z �' I MLOCk. .� I + 19 GJ X85 THREE, SECTION 301. 2.04E IN ALL PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY OR PAVED AREAS IN THE PFtCIJECT. TYrE I' D” U1TGN INLET I 155, 145 faT -- _..___ _ ?y lb HE ___� _ .:. - S-OF 1V 56E „rrAlL R'r. �I�(e.aD I� �` t.`.: '',LIT 1 2.Ot: I N T 5 ---�`�G✓ t u ` ,G��•- f'' r• 5T_Aj �'3_T� � 'nt EL. 144 4''. 5 +01 % Pc. ( �ry I ---17" SPRU4E TRENCH BACKFILL COMPACTION SH.•.LL BE AS PER .APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301. 3.0' 1r. STA 5+04- v Ex15.r. Z4 I.E. - - I Jl G( I--4-0, 2-�---- ICl 1 I CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT AND METHOD TO USE TO ACHIEVE THE RE- I L1 1 h ` Nou�,E I I , 1'b" PINE (aUIRE:D COMPACTION. �1 lay x ;iI�II . I�� 1 SHOULCtirk r�H.AL'. 8E I ~ I 6>l15 10 ! . CURVE DATA _ _ PAVEMENT RESURFACING WHERE REQUIRED SHALL CONFOR14 TO DIVISION THREE SEC'i'TON ( W. rc k -CxIsT. F H -" (PkADEC SJi:H THAT 1 b! I/2 PT' �. � 1 ,L�) �� 14 P I c LEN6TN RADIUS peLT'A OHO. [) HE1RtNG 309 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. I SURIFA1,E UG.AINA6E ON ) 3 _.-_ -- I Ir'' ` j i .. I IoX19T WArEa VAt.Nk _ _. _. - Ex14+ I 1 33,25 20' 95" I4' 3q" 29.65 ' N,4'I° 13' l4"►N• LNGINEER RESERVES THE. RIGHT TO ADJUST GRADES OR ALIGNMENT TO ACCOMMODATE UT'HER. WEST <I GE. ::F 5.W, 79 TH ! 7. + '!� r..w. __ AVE. Dt"..A:N 3 T° %.1 T -- �`_._____._ I ( ►�A 11 r.•n: � _.___ _ _ __._. _ -- C , ' 1 j' I b�� 1 I I I I 1911 PIR _2 29.59' 20 ' 840 !45' 30" 21.91o' N.A2'4b'41n• E. IZ I L I!'I E:S AS REQUIRED. INLET. � ) _1.._.__ _____�__ I —_L ._._ _._ I I t _._..__ -----L_. 3 -311 ,511.— 20' 10` 15 $4" Z8.35 ' 5.44'W 13" !r. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTILITIES BEFORE: STARTING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL RELOC E LX'- ',14'� I + OG _��GIN GURL 4~ 51. W __10' 89' 4�4' 2to" 21x.2" ' c ANY IN CONFLICT WI`T'H THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHO "uR6' L Z: 1 FAJIN I KND PAVING 7�fZ -o I 45 03_47 NI, AllE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED .BY CONTRACTOR. ADDITIONAL U11DERGROUN Ek ,-N c•,,; _ ___ ST __ .. _ �`09_t1 5EWB T 1 f 4- 41. 2� Z�AI N. 87 3245E r. t;Ni- PAv Nay TAP POWGr' S 1.lo4'L 3-1;1 U1 [CITIES MAY EXIST. r �1 AW,:�iuk k ANE12 TO I - ~ - I+8 E IN F'AVIN6 6 't5:00� _3Q0' ° '}(off 2911 24• ' USLL ED �6 CAfb,.lt -- SS 5AN1rAkY SEWER EXibt`1NC, ,58 2B3 �t} _ V _.. �.'1`i_ N•8'103� 43 E _ UN �FI wE:k.Ave A��EN�I DATUM. + Pf @EDEN _ - _..__.._.,'� , I (- � ( � A � y,� _____._. v,/A r k.{�• �t7 A U W A Y TA F E�, 4 29 'T.,�, 56 N.87 3�' 4R"� Pr11Vl NG r AI'FS12 1 2 ' I TApE.k rC, _ I {_.. - 12AMF3 PEIZ rcple 'I Br ,,�rlrJG c,A•� I*,;: �,..aLE � � 5r�' ,�• �`• '� � � 1nISTA1_L wMI�FL cHAlca �.. - � L,I TY O F- T1 6A k V DRAW I N:7 N O. 7 -A - ,Z.614 - FOR APPROVAL$ ONLY 11 �� BOND PARK " NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION " DRAWNMMM oEslalvEDRGw CHECKED • COMPASS CORPORATION MR. KENNETH L. WAYM : RE ROAD AND STORM SEWER --; �,� --' „4 H - `` SCALE AS SHOWN DATE AUG. 196 3 ENGINEERING - SURVEYING - PLANNIIIIG �.�••..j — -- – --- WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. IMPROVEMENTS OCT 101 OAT! NO.y E v I S I O N MIL AILIS.ELAKE ROAD I503I222 4657 PLAN AND PROFILES 3 FILE 83 - 19f1 - 1262 MILWA,UKIE.OF1EC30N9722? 1503)6539041:1 11903 BROADACRES N.E., HUBBARD , OR 961 - 6770 ha 0 ] .,�vna �..�.�.-...r.....�.a.l - _��.. � • ,�` .« .. . - +w`rY�!'!'EM""""'wi••nm..,r 1 �f�ear_.,...�•1,11 ��, ,•• �. . .. f:,wWY=iL^^'_.,.,y,.«.-rY,..- - �,j..,e,,,.ri ...._ ..._. .. _» � +11iYd � � I I' I�ZI l l I I 111 III 111 11 6�1 �� 111 'I�'1 111 I(f 111 � �1 I I�'I III I I f III III I I I I h I(I III f�� 1 1( III III III Ell 111 r E 1 11 1 1(1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r)1 III 111 III 1(r �1 I I IST ._ -- ••^•-^•--� �� _ 1 5 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TIO III 12 N07F: IF CHIS MICF.OFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE; 11 IS DUE FO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL p URAWIIJG. OE 62 92 LZ 92 SZ 0,2 EZ 22 IZ OZ 61 81 LI 91 SI t,I E 1 21 11 01 —_6 9 L 9-- S - b 1, EII -- 7_ I"■�"' I � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIu1HW�=u11111171u111llluulullllull►IlUlm, I NIIIIIIIInnI1In11uIIInllnnhlnillly�,lulGullu.r�Illllunlm111mlwl�uuluul►lultnllu�Ilnulnu111+11ntllllllllullntlllnli►�uall ltIlintllr111tlltluu�ll[t,tullluulllul _ JUNE 24 T- ---- ----_ y,, - - I� i1 tWE W1 W K COMPASS CORPORATION ENGINEERING - SURVEYING - PLANNING 6564 S.E. LAKE ROAD (503) 653-9093 MI!_.WAUKIE. OREGON 97222 September 16, 1983 City of Tigard 12755 S. W. Ash Tigard, Oregon 9722.3 Attn: Mr. Bob Thompson Re: Bond Park Subdivision Improvement Plans Dear Mr. Thompson: Enclosed please find nine (9) sets of the street , storm sewer , sanitary sewer and wr,ter distribution system im- provement plans. These plans are for your review and distribution to the governing agencies. We will arrange to pick up the stamped plans from you and distribute them to the various agencies. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact our office. Sincerely yours , R. Gregg Weston, P.E. RGW:wmk Enclosures cc: Mr. Kenneth Waymire Parcel No. Legal Description Linear Feet SEWER EASEMENT } 14 010 3 0 13 1 NAME OF GRANTOR (S) : John G. Schwartz ADDRESS: 15900 S .W. 76th , Tigard , Oregon 97223 GRANTJR, owner of the property described herein , does hereby grant , convey and warrant unto the CITY OF TIGARD , a municipal corporation of Oregon , GRANTEE, the right to 1?f down , construct and perpetually main- tain a sewer through , under and along the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein . This grant of easement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs , successors , and assigns. This grant is made upon the conditions attached hereto , marked Exhibit ''B" and by this reference incorporated herein . Any temporary easement granted hereby is automatically extinguished upon acceptance of the completed sewer in the adjacent permanr.nt easement . No structure shall be erected upon said easement without the written consent of the GRANTEE. hereto The consideration for this grant is set forth in Exhibit "B" attached_. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR named above has hereunto set his hand (s) and seal this AXI day of StKkyAuO. 1983 (&RNTOR) (GRANTOR) (GRANTOR) NOTARIZE DOCUMENT BELOW n-A'I E Di/010 R E G 0 N ) County'• f �J^) LIC :, D a t e 19 B3 •�� �•"V kf onally appeared the above named GRANTOR(S) _ John G. Schwartz _ and acknowledged the foregoing instrument :o be is voluntary act and deed. Notary Public for. Ore on / My Commission expires : _ My commissicn expires 1-14-85 ACCEPTANCE The City above named hereby accepts the foregoing grants and agrees to comply with each and every term and condition thereof . CITY OF TIGARD /7 I Mayor City Recorder STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of Onff thisday of � � tjfr. , 19 �, before me appeared Wl�tJur J"- !]It/acn and both to me personally' known who, being duly sworn , did shLy that , the said 14JI /hI, n is the Mayor, and the sairl _ is the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal e corp ration , and the said and _ res I �Qr / �a acknowledged the said instrument to be the free act ajhd deed of said municipal corporation . TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my ,"6'4f�ci4X' ',,seal , this the day and year in this my certificate first written . .:; 00P ?- y 'A tory Public for Orego My Commission expires : - c� A EXHIBIT "A" A strip of land, 15.00 feet wide, in Lot B. Durham Acres, a plat of record in the southwest-quarter of Section 12 , T. 2 S. , R. 1 W. , W.M. , Washington County, Oregon, described as lying south of and adjoining the northerly line of that parcel of land described in deed to John G. Schwartz, recorded October 29, 1982 under Washington County Recorder' s Fee No. 82028245. INCLUDING a temporary construction easement, 30.00 feet wide, adjoining the southerly aide of the foregoing described easement. M I STATE OF OREGON County of Washington SS I,Donald IN,Mason,Dlrecfor of Assessment and Taxation'And Ex-Officlo Recorder of Con- veyances for sald county,do hereby certify that the within instrument of writing was recpired and recorded in book of records of said county Donafd W. Mason, Direc ror of Assessment and Taxation, Ex- Officio Chief Deputy Clerk 1904JgN 25 AM 10: 51 Ll L::HI3IT Fitt11 1 ^lJ r 1 I�.r G . T11I7) i s for construction of the se••:er easement ^lonf* the north property line of property o�.ned by John G . 7ch�,artz at 15900 S. 76th , Tigard, Gi; 97223. It .is agreed by Sproul Excavatin(, Company, Inc . ("proul ) that the construction of the sewer shall be as to minimize the damage to the natural surroundings . No trees larger than 4" in diameter at the base ale to be damaged or removed with the exception of one cedar tree located approximately one-half the distance to each corner of the property line points. All brush cut luring the construction shall be removed from the property. Rip rap rock shall be placed at the bottom of the ditch to assure no erosion will occur in the future due to run off of the storm drain. Sproul agrees to connect the resiaence of John G. Schwartz on the property to the sewer line at no cost with the Cxception of the hook-up fee to the Unified Sewage Agency. It is also agreed that at no cost to John G. Schwartz three additional sewer tees v,ill be installed in the sewer line at the locations designated by John G. Sch%,artz and marked with iron stakes. John C. Schwartz agrees to pay Waverly Construction th.: sum of :',;10 .0C and gran, said easement as his contribution to the seller line construction. The parties hereto have set t;nn r hands e day and y ar preceding their si�,natures. / Dated:—Is—"/ 7- � _ Schwartz SPR �L`I'sXCAVATING COrIPANY, INC . v' Dated: Ay ,-j Conrad A. Spro 1 , President UFA t 5.5 SUBDIVISION 'io.83 PD Bond Park NPO # 5 i o A request for a preliminary and general plan review of on approved 24 lots subdivision on 3.76 acres. I o Associate Planner Newton made staff's recommendation for approval with conditions. o Applicant - Ken Wayt—'re, 1 :903 Broadacres NE, Hv�''...rd, Or, had no comments but was available for questions. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o No one appeared to speak. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION o Commissioner Owens questioned what the zoning is on the property to the south of the proposed development ; staff responded A-12 o Commissioner Moen question•!d why we didn't remain with the 5 ft. and if we didn't would it cause a problem; Staft responded chat the building code only requires 3 feet. o Commissioner Christen moved and Commissioner Moen seconded to approve S 5-83 PD with reduced setbacks as requested by the applicant with the exception that setbacks from the garages to right-of-ways shall be 20 feet. De!iy tb request for deletion of sidewalks on the nortL side of SW Bond St. Motion carried unanimou ;ly y Commissioners present. 6. OTHER BUSINESS o Discussion regarding the Planning Commission making new finding when they to not agree with staff's recommendation. 7. Adjourned 10:30 P.M. Diane M. Jelderks, Secretary ATTEST: Francis Tepedino, President PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 19, 1983 Page 6 STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.5 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 19, 1983 - 7:30 P.M. TIGARD SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING BOARD ROOM 13137 S.W. PACIFIC HWY. , TIGARD, OREGON A. FINDING OF FACT CASE: S 5-83PD Bond Park NPO #5 1,,,,A ( ( , , I REQUEST: For a an approved .24 1 t COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Medium Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: A-12 RECOMMENDATION: Based on information submitted by the applicant, Comprehensive Plan Policies, Staff's review of applicable Municipal Code Provisions and field investigation, Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary and General Plan with conditions. APPLICANT: Waverly Construction Co. OWNER: Conrad b Ethelyn Sproul 11903 Broadacres N.E. 15880 S.W. 79th ' Hubbard, Oregon 97032 Tigard, Oregon 97223 S'TE LOCATION: 15880 S.W. 79th Ave. , (Wash. Co. Tax itap 2S1 12C lots 800 6 2000) NPO COMMENT: NPO #5 has not responded in writing to this application request. PUBLIC NOTICE MAILED: 18 notices were mailed. No written comments had been received at the writing of this report . VICINITY INFORMATION: The surrounding area is develoued as large lot single family residential. The Comprehensive Plan Designation is medium and the zoning designation is A-12. SITE INFORMATION: There is an existing home on the site with a detached garage. The site is wooded with large fir trees and slopes to the north-northeast. w w B. APPLICABLE LAND USh POLICIES AND STAFF ANALYSIS COMPREHENSIVE PIAN POLICIES: (2.711)THE CITY SHALL MAINTAIN AN ONGOING CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM AND SHALL ASSURE THAT CITIZENS WILL BE PROVIDED AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE INVOLVED IN ALL PHASES OF THE PLANNING PROCESS. All owners of record within 250 feet of this site received notice of the hearing in the mail. A public notice was printed in the Tigard Times on July 7, 1983. In addition, NPO #5 was notified of the application. 2.1.3 THE CITY SHALL ENSURE THAT INFORMATION ON LAND USE PLANNING ISSUES IS AVAILABLE IN AN UNDERSTANDABLE FORM FOR ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS. All interested parties are given 10 days at a minimum to comment on land use planning issues and are encouraged to do su. In addition, the planning staff is available to answer specific concerns or questions individuals may have concerning a land use application. 6. 1.1 THE CITY SHALL PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR DIVERSITY OF HOUSING DENSITIES AND RESIDENTIAL TYPES AT VARIOUS PRICE AND RENT LEVELS. The subdivision of this property will provide 23 single family residential building lots. The smaller lots will provide an opportunity for home ownership to a wider section of the citizenry. 6.4.1 THE CITY SHALL DESIGNATE RESIDENTIAL "DEVELOPING AREAS," (WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED AS "ESTABLISHED AREAS") ON THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP, AND ENCOURAGE FLEXIBLE AND EFFICIENT DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THESE AREAS. The applicant is proposing to develop the subdivision as a Planned Deevelopment with reduced setbacks and sidewalks on one side of S.W. Bond Street. Ibis will allow him to keep construction costs down which should keep the price of the lots within reach of most interested buyers. 7.1.2 THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE AS A PRECONDITION TO DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL THAT: a. DEVELOPMENT COINCIDE WITH THE AVAILABILITY OF ADEQUATE SERVICE CAPACITY INCLUDING: 1. PUBLIC WATER; 2. PUBLIC SEWER (NEW DEVELOPMENT ON SEPTIC TANKS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE CITY); AND 3. STORM DRAINAGE. b. THE FACILITIES ARE: I. CAPABLE OF ADEQUATELY SERVING ALL INTERVENING PROPERTIES AND THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT; AND 2. DESIGNED TO CITY STANDARDS. STAFF REPORT S 5-83PD Page 2 c. ALL NEW DEVELOPMENT UTILITIES TO BE PLACED UNDERGROUND. The applicant is proposing to install public facilities in accordance with planning policies and City ordinances. 7.4.4 THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE THAT ALL NEW DEVELOPMENT BE CONNECTED TO A SANITARY SEWER SERVICE. The applicant is proposing to connect to the Fanno Creek interceptor sewer line. 7.6.1 THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE AS A PRECONDITION TO DEVELOPMENT THAT: a. THE DEVELOPMENT BE SERVED BY A WATER SYSTEM HAVING ADEQUATE. WATER PRESSURE FOR FIRE PROTECTION PURPOSES; b. THE DEVELOPMENT SHALL NOT REDUCE THE WATER PRESSURE IN THE AREA BELOW A LEVEL ADEQUATE FOR FIRE PROTECTION PURPOSES; AND c. THE APPLICABLE FIRE DISTRICT REVIEW ALL APPLICATIONS. The Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District has been notified of the project, but has not submitted any written comments. 8. 1.3 THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE AS A PRECONDITION T'0 DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL THAT: a. DEVELOPMENT ABUT A PUBLICLY DEDICATED STREET OR HAVF. ADEQUATE ACCESS APPROVED BY THE APPROPRIATE APPROVAL AUTHORITY; b. STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY BE DEDICATED WHERE THE STREET IS SUBSTANDARD IN WIDTH; c. THE DEVELOPER COMMIT TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STREETS, CURBS AND SIDEWALKS TO THE CITY STANDARDS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT; d. INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPERS PARTICIPATE IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF EXISTING STREETS, CURBS AND SIDEWALKS TO THE EXTENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT'S IMPACTS; e. TRANSIT STOPS, BUS TURNOUT LANES AND SHELTERS BE PROVIDED WHEN THE PROPOSED USE IS OF A TYPE WHICH GENERATES TRANSIT RIDERSHIP; f. PARKING SPACES BE SET ASIDE AND MARKED FOR CARS OPERATED BY DISABLED PERSONS AND THAT THE SPACES BE LOCATED AS CLOSE.. AS POSSIBLE TO THE ENTRANCE DESIGNED FOR DISABLED PERSONS; AND g. LAND BE DEDICATLI TO IMPLEMENT THE BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ADOPTED PLAN. The applicant is proposing to improve S.W. 76th and S.W. 79th Streets to approved City standards. S.W. Bond Street will be constructed to City standards. STAFF' REPORT S 5-83PD Page 3 � v 12.1.1 THE CITY SHALL PROVIDE FOR HOUSING DENSITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH: a. THE APPLICABLE PLAN POLICIES. b. THE APPLICABLE LOCATIONAL CRITERIA. c. THE APPLICABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE PROVISIONS. The density proposed in the development conforms to those set in the newly adopted Comprehensive Plan policies, plan map and interim zoning map. TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE PROVISIONS 18.36.040 Action and findings. (a) The Planning Commission, at a public hearing, may recommend approval of the planned development district and the general development plan and report with or without modifications or conditions, or may deny the application. A decision to approve a planned development district_ shall be based upon the following findings: (1) That the proposed development is in substantial conformance with the comprehensive plan for the city; (2) That exceptions from the standards of the underlying strict are warranted by the design and amenities incorporated in the development plan and report; (3) That the proposal is in harmony with the surrounding area or its potential future use; (4) That the approval will have a beneficial effect on the area which could not be achieved under other zoning districts; (5) That each and every proposed deviation or variance from standards, specifications and requirements prescribed by this title, and in particular with respect to such deviations or variance from the standard specification and requirements of Title 11 of this code, are fully justified and that the public health, safety and welfare and general environmental considerations will be best served by approval thereof. (Ord. 81-19 Section 1 (part), 1981 ; Ord. 80-94 Section 1 (part) , 1980). 18.56. 140 Permitted uses--Reaidenti.al districts. For residential districts, the following uses are permitted in a planned development district : (1) Housing concepts may include, but are not limited to, single-family residence, duplexes, row houses, townhouses, cluster units, or multiple family dwellings; (2) Related commercial uses which are designed exclusively to serve the development , of which they are a part , when approved by the planning commission. (Ord. 80-914 Section 1 (part) , 1980). STAFF REPORT S 5-83 PD Page 4 18.24.030 Setback requirements. Except as may otherwise be provided in Section 18. 12.100, the setbacks for uses in the A-12 lune shall be: (1) The front yard setback shall be a minimum of twenty feet; (2) The side yard shall be a minimum of ten feet ; (3) The rear yard shall be ten feet; (4) On corner lots the setback shall be twenty feet on any side facing a street other than an alley; (5) Where building are grouped as one project on one tract of land, the minimum distance between two builaing at any given point shall not be less than the sum of the required side yard setbacks computed separately for each building at that point. (Ord. 80-90 Section 1 (part), 1980). 17.09.040 Sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of each street constructed in accordance with standards adopted by the city. Sidewalks may be located, as determined by the Planning Director with advice of the City Engineer, either adjacent to the property line or adjacent to the curhline. Whenever sidewalks are located adjacent to the curbline, provisions for installation of mailbox clusters shall be made at intervals terealong, without decreasing the width of the sidewalk section. No variance from sidewalk installations shall be permitted. (Ord. 79-96 Exhibit A (part), 1979). The applicant 's proposed development conforms to all applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies. It is staff's opinion that the 4 foot side yard setbacks, and 15 foot front yard setbacks are warranted, however, a 20 foot setback shall be maintained between the right of way and the garages. The reduced setback will allow average size single family homes to be constructed on smaller lots. The applicant has not presentee convincing arguments for deletion of the sidewalk on the noith side of SW bond Street. > ,) D. STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION U l After reviewing the information su;)mitted by the applicant, the applicable planning policies and code provis;ons and conducting a field investigation staff recommends approval of the 4 foot side yard and 15 foot front yard setacks with 20 feet to all garages. Staff recommends denial of the requeaL rr delete the sidewalks on SW Bond Street. Staff finds that the setback reduction request meets the requirements set forth in section 18.56.040 of the Tigard Municipal Code. STAFF REPORT S 5-83PD Page 5 E. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Should the Planning Commission decide to adopt the staff's recommendation the following motion may be made: "Move to approve the reduced setbacks as requested by the applicant with the exception that setbacks from garages to right-of-ways shall be 20 feet. Deny the request for deletion of sidewalks on the north side if SW Bond Street." PREPA#tb BY: li-zabp-ftfi A. New on APPROVED BY: William A. Monahan Associate Planner Director of Planning and Development NOTE: Should the Planning Commission pass a motion other than thar recommended by the staff, findings shall be adopted with the motion. STAMP REPOR'" S 5-83PD Page 6 .o, r Public Testimony on Article V - SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS • Director of Planning and Development submitted a letter from Geoff Petrie requesting a "statutory way of necessity" be incorporated into the Community Development Code. Kevin Hanway, Home Builders addressed section 18.92.020(A)(1) , (4) and 18. 156.080 per letter submitted. RECESS 8:55 P.M R(:CONVENE 9: 10 Y.M. Public Testimony on Article VI - SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW • No public ti.stimony Public Testimony on Article VII - DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION • Director of Planning and Development Monahan submitted the letter from Martha Bishop which applied to this section. Public Testimony on Article VIII - LAND DIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS • Herman Porter, NPO # 3 representative, requested that on Page VIII-22, under Minor Collector, Moving Lanes the number Fe change from 2-3 to just 2 moving lanes. Also requested a criteria for exception to development of existing streets should be incorporated into the code. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED: • President Tepedino requested staff to review all public input , then walk the Planning Commission through the document at the next meeting 5.2 SUBDIVISION S 5-83 Bond Park NPO # 5 Request for a 24 lot subdivision on 3. 76 acres, consisting of 23 lots and one existing house. Also, appr-)val of a Sensitive Land Permit to allow for construction of a sewer line within the 100-year floodplain • Asscciate Planner Newton rade staff's recommendation for approval with conditions. i • Ken Waymire, 11.903 Broadacres N.E. , Hubbard, Or. 97032, hr-i no additional comments, but was available to answer questions. PUBLIC TESTIMONY • No one appeared to speak. PLANNING COMMiSS1UN MINUTES - July 12, 1983 Page 3 i 1 PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION • Commissioner Owens was concerned there would b. an erosion problem. Associate Planner Newton stated the last condition addresses that problem. • Associate Planner Newton requested that condition number seven be deleted, as the applicant had change his application since that condition had been written. • Commissioner Edin questioned it there is adequate buffering. He also requested clarification of the zoning of surrounding properties. IDiscussion followed. • Commissioner Moen moved and Commissioner Edin seconded to approve Sublivision S 5-83 with a change from duplexes to single family dwellings per staff 's findings and recommendations and removing condition number seven. 5.3 SUBDIVISION S 6-83 Sunnyside Estates NPO # 6 A request by the Robert Randall Company for approval of a 22 lot subdivision on 3.46 acres with a mini.mum lot size of 5,000 square feet. • Associate Planner Newton made staff's recommendation for approval with conditions. • John Gibbon, 9500 SW Barbur Blvd. , representing Robert. Randall Company explained that they had incorporated all the recommendation of the Planning Commission and redesigned the subdivision to accommodate the 22 lots which had been approved by the City Council . PUBLIC TESTIMOhf • Tom McGuire, 9975 SW Sattler, objected to the addition of another lot since the Planning Commission had already approved a 21 lot subdivision. CROSS EXAMINATION AND REBU77AL • Commissioner Moen questioned if the turn-around is going to be permanent or temporary as noted on the drawing. Mr. Gibbon responded that it would be permanent as requested by the Planning Commission. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND Ac'1ION • Commissioner Moen requested a copy ,3f the previous submitted subdivision proposal. Commissioners reviewed designs. • Commissioners Moen, Owens and Vanderwood did not like the flag lots. • Commissioner Christen felt the applicant hcid addressed all the issues and the subdivision should be approved. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 12, 1983 Page 4 .r J�'A' • ,-i�.. .r ? ,J 1� , .I,{ry��f. %1. ,, ¢'T.. ;, n/� Y ...",t STAFF RE AGENDA TICARD`P NG COMMISSION JULY °3 - 7:30 P.M. TIGARD .'SCHb 'L•; DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION BUILDVIC' ROOM 13137 .'SFIC HWY., TIGARD, OREGON A. FIND N[; F4ACT 'r CASA• -83 Bond Park NPO #5 •� ' .:fir. RRQ EST For. a 24 lot subdivision on 3.76 acres, consisting',of 23 lots,' and one existing house. Also, approval of a Sensitive Land' Permit to allfc- construction of a sewer line.' within the ;N , 007year floodplain. VE,iPT.AN DESIGW..TION: • Medium Density Residential .-c ZONi SIGNATION: A-12tt �x` RECO AT!ON: Based, on information submitted by the applicant; ., Comprehensive Plan Policies and Staff'a plan review',"' ''d field investigation, staff recommends approval ',of^ 8 3-83. Wverly`a u )ar ngt�ictioa,Co. OWNER: Conrad, 6 Ethel Sproul w ' jL } N; � r ni1 r 1588 , 9t Ave.; J(Wash._L-CO.xaxjt $ 5as' h Nli.c� o o. I espoq e 'sto ls-app n req ee PTIBVI TICE MAILED: 18 notices wei.e mailed. Two written comments were ;a received. The concerns were, briefly, that duplex X units.'are not appropriate in the area and—that if At'�, the requesb% wereo approved, some sort • of -'buf ring"��! • .,.�� i`shouldb' Ie`tla11'ed r• ' OP.MATION:•{!he surroundin ' ' lar a„�.is,,developed,' as r to single'•;"fam3�y���es�d'on�ial. '�;Th'e 'Comp a ens ~ -Sal , '�' Designation. �s�jrme�ii�inrsnd"ttie :.zoninghd" " gna ti n p x ', A-12.+5'r r9 .' •,� . #%i4.,! ,.w r. al•., f4�es s EI TION: There is an existing home on the site with a detached garage. The, site is:,wooded w:l-h large fit', treeej)and•• ' slopes to the north-northeast. 1 ' ' r�i L:. p. •' ••' t .. .Lr'. . 4`.hly.�/i,+Y �,d, l.Y� I 11° 1 11rI moll • • `Y+M B. APPLICABLE LAND USE POLICIES AND STAFF ANALYSIS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES: i 2.1,1 THE CITY SHALL MAINTAIN AN ONGOING CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM AND SHALL ASSURE THAT CITIZENS WILL BE PROVIDED AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE INVOLVED IN ALL PHASES OF THE PLANNING PROCESS. j All owners of recoil within 250 feet of this site received;notice of the hearing in the mail. A public notice was printe(i.-in" the Tigard Times-on June 30, 1983. In addition, NPO #5 was notified of the application. 2.1.3 THE CITY SHALL ENSURE THAT INFORMATION ON LAND USE PLANNING ISSUES IS AVAILABLE IN AN UNDERSTANDABLE FORM FOR ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS. All interested parties are given 10 days at a minimum to comment on land use planning issues and are encouraged to do so. the plauni1g 41;staffk oXs;. available ..to ,)a ewer specific;,'oncern@In ��'o�,6i4, questions 0d!viduals'may have concerning a landuse applicmtion 3.2.1 THE CITY SHAL.L,'PROHIl'� T ANY LAND FORM ALTERATIONS OR DEVELOPMENT,1IN-` THE 100-YEAR+'FLOODPLAIN WHICH WOULD RESULT IN ANY RISE IN ELEVATION OF THE 1004EAR,FLOODPLAIN. 3.2.2 THE CITY SHALL M `.�• a. ,PROHIBIT��` .ANDAFORMERATIONS AND DEVELOPMP�NT i > IN THE FLOODWAY-- ,' . . E WED • SEER N T yCI� •vE �FtOHIBITERI�TIOna R,DEVELOPMEN'LNM SAO P r' bUTSID ER SrFL00DWAY•«E]CC[:P1�,A�+-FOLLOWS F TIONS r SIL •.ALLOWED f� iI p ENHANC. THE FUNCTION OF THE"ZERO-FOOT R[SE' FLOOL)WAY. 3.2.3 WHERE LAND.,FORM ALTERATIONS ANT, DEVELOPMENT ARE ALLOWED WITHIN THE •}10'0-YEpAcRQ,/FLOODPLAIN' OUTSIDE VIE ZERO-FOOT RISE FLOODWAY, THE CITY SHAUa. 4i= .�"STREANFLOW 'CAPACITY 'IF" THE ZERO-FOOT' '.RIS EP.FLL D�A{� .B , '�•MAINTAINED. A!,, � j' �t '''bo NCINEE�DRAWING3`` �rl1ND DOCUMENTATION SHOWING THAT-, 110 'DETRIMENTAL UPS IMAM OR DOWNSTREAM' CHANGES IN `THB�DP N � AREA, 'AND:"THAT T14 CRITERIA' SET FORTH IN THE SENSITIVE SECTIOWOF THE CODE- HAVE PEEN, MET (See FIS September 1971). The City Engineer has reviewed"fhq, applicant'sro s f p posial rand find"s;�•,�• that the installation of the sewer'line will not raise' the''�100-year floodplain 'elevation. In addition, the City Engineer finds that•, the strea:nf.low capacity of the zero-foot rise floodway will be maintained.'.: " � dt` 1 I •l.t. • STAFF REPORT-S 5-83-Page 2 .:: '�'�' a yrw?],�i� .`I Y� �i��s1 )- ~;{.a '�'.}L:3 1 M1�r�} � •'^�Al y�'•+, `� '�",- I�yr'It,f q'�1,.} tA' .})r y,l�°.+11��{, „"1r . r�"{i:�s 6.1.1 THE CITY SHALL PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR DIVERSITY OF HOUSING DENSITIES AND RESIDENTIAL TYPES AT VARIOUS PRICE AND RENT LEVELS. The subdivision of this property will provide 22 additional duplex units and one triplex. 7.1.2 THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE AS A PRECONDITION TO DEVELOPMENT, APPROVAL THAT: N ' a. DEVELOPMENT COINCIDE WITH,r= AVAILABILITY OF ADEQUATE SERVICE CAPACITY INCLUDING.- 1. NCLUDING:1. PUBLIC WATER; 2. PUBLIC SEWER (NEW DEVELOPMENT ON SEPTIC TANKS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE CITY); AND 3. STORM DRAINAGE. , b. THE FACILITIES ARE: •. 1. CAPABLE OF AD)rQq ATELY ;SEI{VING ALL INTERVENING PROPERTIES AND THE PROPOSED,DEVELOPMENi 'm 2. DESIGNED TO CI xSTANDARDSy' G, c. ALL NEW DEVELOPMENT;.UTILITIES;TO BE PLACED UNDERGROUND. The applicant is +,,,prop6singp�',to install public facilities in accordance with plannihi, tic es and City ordinances. 4 3'H$,�f,1C TTY HAW,, IA ` NNE .D } 4• $xid?� wERC cant; e r to. ,r..ConneCt to,K^the�,+ Fann e ►a, p�J4 L'P, iAiicept .. '_ � } y_j�p�L. i 1�nI. 1 I ,• ..,� illi. } ' ._�t lG yX T, M7 6CIiTY:$ j'Ii ,itEQ ITIJN,TO DEVEI.OPMENrTHAT a. THE DEVELOPMENT B9. SERVE D'-BY A WATER SYSTEM HAVING ADEQUATE WATER PRESSURE FOR,FIRE PROTECTION PURPOSES; b. THE DEVELOPMENT SHALT;'f NOWT' DUCE ,THE WATER PRESSURE T IN THE AREA BELOW A,LEVEL.AD,, A` p RE'.PROTECTION PURPOSES;a APID c. THE APPLICABLE.F IS REVIEW,ALL APPLICATIONS. = The Tualatin- Rura14j4FL; Ction District has been i.noifAlt, the project; but ha 0, ou 'id any written comments. .a •':'�`� 8.1.3 THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE AS�'Ai PRECONDITION TO DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL THAT: a.G•�`,"��:: • �� a. DEVELOPMENT ABUT A PUBUCLYC!DEDICAT'ED STREET OR HAVE ADEQUATE ACCESS APPROVED BY THE'APPROPRIATE APPROVAL AUTHORITY; b. STREET RICHT-OF-WAY BZj,DED CATER WHERE THE STREET IS SUBSTANDARD IN WIDTH; STAFF REPORT-S 5-83-Page 3 KW c. THE DEVELOPER COMMIT TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STREETS, CURBS AND SIDEWALKS TO THE CITY STANDARDS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT; d. INDIVIDUAL rEVELOPERS PARTICIPLTE IN THE IMPROVEMENT:•OF EXISTING STREETS, CURBS AND SIDEWALKS TO THE EXTENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT'S IMPACTS; i r' .. 1 e. TRANSIT STOPS, BUS TU:iNOUT LANLS AND SHELTERS_ BE -P ED WHEN ; THE PROPOSED USE IS OF A TYPE WHICH GENERATES TRANSI ERSHIP; f. PARKING SPACES BE SET ASIDE AND MARKED FOR .CARS +RATED BY DISABLED PERSONS AND THAT THE SPACES BE ]OCATEDx CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE ENTRANCE DESIGNED FOR DISABLED PERS0118 J�IdD g. LAND BE DEDICATED TO IMPLEMENT THE BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN;OORRIDOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ADOPTED PLAN. The applicant is proposing to improve S.W. 76,.h =and', W. 79th Streets to approved City standards. S.W. ISond+ ;!St, s'! ill be constructed to City standards. 12.1.1 THA. CITY SHALL PROVIDE FOR HOUSING DENSITIES IN ACCORDANCE ,WITH: a. THE APPLICABLE PLAN POLICIES. , b. THE APPLICABLE LOCATIONAL CRITERIA. c. THE APPLICABLZ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE PROVISIONS..,,,, The density proposed in the development:'conforms`, to set in r •the'^,newly adopted-.Comprehensive,�� ] d to '• :, ,w•,c- ,..r.•�oadopted zoning Amp• rte ' 12.5.1 �ITY FOR TtCTQNy OF IES Z IDT i A MANNERrWHICH ACCORDS WITH:. �. , ..r. a. THE'APPLICABLE POLICIES IN THIS PLAN; b. THE LOCATIONAL CRITERIA APPLICABLE TO THE SCALE'AND STANDARDS OF THE USE. 1. SITE CHARACTERISTICS (a) THE USE SHALL BE ALLOWED PROVIDED: (1) THE UNIQUE NATURAL FEATURES IF t.,;ANyI AN BE INCORPORATED INTO -T'HE,IDESIGN 'OF _THSi CILYTIES:; OR ARRANGEMENT OF LAND USES. ' qtr The applicant's proposal conforms to, all app laming policies and locational criteria. `` C. TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE PROVISIONS SUBDIVISION ' ; '4 17.16.100 Tentative Approval. Within sixty days of the date of submission of the preliminaxy; plat the Planning Commission will review the plan reports of the agenci� Mpted in Section 17.16.090 +nd may give tentative approval of the preliminary plat as submitted or may modify the plat or, if disapproved, shall express the Planning Commission's disapproval and reasons therefor. orr.oc saT ;a No tentative plan for a proposed subdivision and no tentative plan for a major partition shall be approved unless: 1. Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the plate of subdivision maps or major partition already approved for adjoining property as to width, general direction and in all other respects, unless the City determines it to be in the public interest to modify the street or road pattern. 2. Streets and roads held foruse are rivate clearly indicated on the P Y tentative plan and all reservations or restrictions relating to such private roads and streets are set forth thereon. 3. The tentative plan complies with the Comprehensive Plan and applicable zoning regulations of the City then in effect. 4. No tentative plat of a subdivision or map of a major partition shall r be approved unless there will exist adequate quantity and quality of water and an adequate sewage disposal system to support the proposed use of the land described in the proposed plat. SENSITIVE LANDS 18.57.010 Statement of Intent. Sensitive lands are lands potentially unsuitable for development because of location within the one-hundred-year floodplain, within a natural drainageway, or on steep slopes. Sensitive land areas are designated as OU W,n der.,ito.,,give-„,rec,recognition to. the need to protect the , ublic• a h4,' , a�ety an welfare;y af� the" comm�anity�`'t i'rougti the '`ie ti liifoni'aland'1 . r �.. �'contYol': ofl lands • within"Srfloodplains, drainageways, and steeply-sloping ?land.yareas,•}, and to thereb ;r=itigate potential financial burdens- ariihilt ; from'' , flood' damage loi and to preserve natural drainageways,� ;from s ` ,.''• �• encroaching:,uses:,which threaten: to affect adversely the propertyr rights of `h the ociti enry of the community,' public `safety, and the .public health vby natural conditions arising from upstream or downstream flood levels. City actions under this chapter will recognize the rights of riparian owners to be free to act on the part of the City, its commissions, representatives and agents, and landowners and occupiers. The floodplain district has for its purpose the preservation of natural water storage areas within the floodplain district by discouraging' -or prohibiting incompatible uses. (Ord. 79-73 Section 1 (part); 1979: ,Ord. 1" 79-46 Section 1 part 1979 Ord, 74-50A Section 1 (part), 1974). 18,57.020 Definitions. ,4 In this chapter the following words and phrased shall be construed to have the specific meanings assigned to them as follows : W "Floodplain" means the relatively flat area or lowlands adjoining the channel of a river, stream, watercourse or other body of water which has been or may be covered by floodwater within the area of applicability defined by the floodplain district. 14 STAFF REPORT-S 5-83-Page 5 s101 (7) "Floodplain district" means those areas within the city of Tigard inundated by the one-hundred-year regulatory flood. 18.57.040 Uses and Activities Allowed with a Special Use Permit. The following uses and activities are allowed only by special use permit granted by he Planning Commission and based on the standards set forth in Section 18.57.060: (2) Within the floodplain/greenways only: (A) Any temporary structure which by its nature cannot be readily removed from the floodplain area during periods of flooding, and which would irpede or interfere with the flow of the floodwaters within the disLrict; (B) Any changes in the topography or terrain which would change the flow of waters during flooding periods, or which would increase the flood hazard or alter the director or velocity of the floodwater flow. (Ord. 79-73 Section 1 (part), 1979: Ord. 79-46 Section 1 (part), 1979: Ord. 74-50A Section 1 (part), 1974). 18.57.060 Special Use Permits. In accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in Chapter 18.84 of this Code, an application for a special use permit filed as by said chapter stated may be approved or denied by the Hearings Officer following a pubic hearing. All applications. for special use permits shall be supported by the following :information to enable the Planning Commission to determine whether the proposed use is located in the floodplain or drainageways district and if so, whether the proposal, if approved, will conform to the purposes and guidelines as set forth in this chapter. (1) Floodplain: (A) Pland drawn to scale, submitted in triplicate as prepared by a registered professional engineer with experience in hydraulic and geohydrologic engineering and processes, showing the nature, location, of existing and proposed structures located upon the site, existing and proposed areas to be filled or otherwise modified, and the relationship of these to the location of the stream channel, and proposed methods for controlling erosion. (B) Any documentation, photographs, water marks, and similar evidence offered in support of the claim that the site or area in question lies above high water as defined by the regulatory flood. STAFF REPORT-S 5-83-Page 6 r It is the opinion of the City Engineer that the applicant's proposal to construct a sewer line across Fanno Creek and through the 100-year floodplain will not change the flow of water during flooding periods or increase the flood hazard or alter the direction or velocity of the floodwater. flow. "_lie applicant has submitted sufficient information to reach a decision on this request. 18.57.070 Standards. (a) Application for a special use permit in floodplain areas shall be granted or denied in accordance with the following standards: (1) No structure, fill, excavation, storage or other use shall. be permitted which alone or in combination with existing or proposed uses would reduce the capacity of the floodplain area or raise either the flood surface elevation or flow rates, or adversely affect flow direction on upstream or downstream properties, or create a present or foreseeable hazard to public health, safety and general welfare. (2) The applicant must obtain the permit required by the state of Oregon under ORS Chapter 541 for removal or filling of waterways, or demonstrate that the provisions of this statute do not apply. The applicant's narrative (attached) addresses standards required for action on a Sensitive Lands Permit to allow fill and excavation within the 100-year floodplain and the zero-foot floodway. The City Engineer has reviewed the applicant's narrative and finds that the proposal will not adversely impact runoff, ground stability, water quality, groundwater level, flow rates, or flooding. The City Engineer, however, does have concerns regarding the applicant's proposal for erosion control. Staff has recommended conditions to be attached to the approval of the request which would address those concerns. D. STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENCATION SUBDIVISION After reviewing the proposed plat and conducting a field investigation, staff recommends approval of S 5-83. Staff finds that the proposed development conforms to applicable Comprehensive Plan policies, Tigard Municipal Code provisions, Interim Zoning Hep and Comprehensive Plan Map designations. SENSITIVE LANDS PERMIT After review of the technical data submitted by the applicant, it is the opinion of the City Engineer and planning staff that the proposal will not adversely impact runoff, ground stability, water quality, groundwater levels, flow rates, or flooding. Further, it is staff's opinion that the applicant's proposal does not violate the intent of the Sensitive Land Ordinance. STAFF REPORT-S 5-83-Page 7 .wr Staff further recommends that the following conditions be attached to approval of S 5-83. 1. The applicant shall apply for and obtain Site Design Review approval prior to issuance of any Building Permits. 2. Plans for public facilities to be installed in public rights--of-way shall be reviewed and approved by the appropriate utility dietrict. All permits required for installation of public facilities in the public right-of-way shall be obtained prior to construction. All public streets shall be constructed to approved city standards. Public sewer lines shall be extended to the project boundaries in all directions. 3. Ali public improvemrits shall be bonded for 100% of the cost thereof or constructed prior to issuance of any Building Permits. 4. The final subdivision plat shall be recorded with Washington County prior to the issuance of any Building Permits. 5. No changes or modifications shall be made to approved plans without written approval from the appropriate City department. 6. o Building Permits shall be issued until 14 days after Planning Commission approval. 7. Access to all flag lots shall be ten feet wide for each lot. In addition, a hard surface common driveway shall be installed for access to the two lots. An access and maintenance agreement shall be recorded with the deeds for lots sharing common driveways. 8. Upon completion of construction of the sewer line rip rap and nettings shall be used on trench repair to restore and stabilise the channel and prevent erosion. Specific plans for the trench repair shall he approved by the City's Engineering Division. P XtN" A A --,zz— PAAD BY: Elizabeth Newton APPROVED BY: William A. Monahan Hasociate Alanner Director of Planning and Development pm(0103P) STAFF REPORT-S 5-83-Page 8 SPROUL EXCAVATING COMPANY, INC. 15880 S.W. 79TH ST. - TIGARD, OREGON 97223 -(503)620-5646 June 15, 1983 Mr. Ken trJaymire Pre.si.dent 'laverly Construction 11903 Broadacres P'. E. Hubbard, I)regon Dear Yen: This will serve to establi,�h construction costs for. Bond Fark O)ub-division as per revi.r>ed plans dated June 3, 1983. ( 1 ) 'street Construction t52 ,378.00 i; . j+sphalt B. Rock C . Curb (2 ) `'ani.tary ;'ewer 45►731 .cc ( 3) ;toren ewer 28,320 .(,0 (u ) water 14,�C'C .GO Total 4 ,929.c These prices are based upon manholes and fire hydrant c uantit.i eas shcvm on the pl ono. Pianholes are bid at '1 000 .C(' each and fire hy(Irant^ pit ''1 ,4(!0 .(.0 each . tiny deletions or nd(.Iition:, out(; be c ,lculated accorc;- ingly. Yours truly, �- C � Conrad i; . /f T) 1 re;,-dent SFR')UL EXCfAVATINU Co . , INC . Cil 5/ne SENA F-Q L.I NI " EXTC-N S 10H _ LAT. -' E" AVDENpU M TO "BOND PARK " — FOR DALE scHOEWE F®R APPROVALS ONLY 7923 5.W• pu2HAM RD TIC,ARO) OIL "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION" COMPASS CORPORATION 1.4 et i., ENGINEERING-SURVEYING-PLANNING �' 10,538�� 6564 S E.LAKE ROAD MILWAUKIE,OREGON 97222 TELEPHO..IE 653.9093 GOwr JOB No. 83- 9 ✓�'d v 13. FSG WES i 1(00 --- — - - 1100 70F OF EXIST PAV IN6 LE. 151.02 LAT. "E" I +I$ END EXIST 8" C5.P. $ I.E. GAL-C'D. 146.W 15� t 00 3 }��F d' S. P. GIL 2 too —— PROF I LE 5C.A Lra 1"= 60' H•� I": 5' v. ; I I 14,33 A►PROs. CND OF d" CSP AS CONST. BY SPILOt1L Etc AV/1TiN6 ?3 Z a LAT. EDGE- OF , � N Nz0 �� I + IB END o P" C.S.P. 6KIST INf. ►AvEMENT 'i!4 -a 1 w o 1xN Mel' �,a �' As DGS (vN6D FOR 'BOND PARK" --- ._��_•_J _ _---- - I — -- C) ' 0 1 0 5.W. 79 1'H AV E . oe - -- -------- — —..._- C 0. F-0 L. 1 a r PLAN w s 9C A L L : [� a No7E , ALL CONSTRUCTION 6HALL rONFORM TO CITY OF TIOARD GM'S AND SUIR IF,-.T 1C ALL CONST. I HUM � SPK.'S SHOW4 OW IWND . PARK" CONST, DAANJINErS DAT*D AUGUST i 196S. *" CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON +w + _ �y���Is-•_- DEVELOFDIENT PROJECT ';ENERAL INFORKATION SHEET I. PROJECT No. : _- - I I. PROJECT NAME s I1. DRAWING (TITLE) s ___.__.._..---__ .�__�__. dated: �_ ------•---_-___• IV. PLAT (TITLE) s _ dated:___-.__-__.. V. SITE '.00ATION: VI. PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER: - l�•�A�1 R�-Y .Q1��TTR ' 10_►J�1 1CCN LZ T rs.' 11903 6rasdst+crs�. A1.fc'., -�------� Phone No. #tio•17ii (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY s J-_ Address Phone No. B- Cnd Iv'o. ^_.»..__.__._. Exp. Date..-/-/--. -._ (3) E:NGINEERt to.mmvto p-ropo.-I vog _�_------- -- --.._.. 656 S.G.- 04-t itis, zzs-4(OSZ Address._M��y,1. �.�R� 97t?Z_ • Phnnm No. 4e$.3.-10.4L3 (4) INSPECTOR: Phone (5) PRIME CONTFACTORs - _-._. _...._.__.. ._.__... _.. .. ..... ._...__..�_--- r^hone No._-- -- _• -.-- (6) CONI P.ACTORS SUPEIIY AGENCY t- _ _. _ ._. .. ...__ _ _• Addiese Phone No.. . __. ... Bond No.. Exp. Date_ (7) o�mep t Gam. moo, 22_z- 3� 5I 310 Sk) yk � rf/and 11 1 VIA �(j n (t G l^ k �/r� 1.s r� / ' �� 1'1 N m -- 1 7-777 II I to I I I SII � tv I 00 (la I \ 1 - a w \_n I o I o LI 3 J iI: G r 1�I, 111 tiLnU� {� r� Ill r°' , 1a li O � fi ll IVO L r b IJ 'r#41 5 P, � I 2 t,� 4 5TT-T 6 r 11 a `11 L 2 21 18 19 i 10 II t2 . . ........................................I I � �9 17 16 15 14 13 3 I M.A. a" -RC E -7 Z.o i A I(00 i r ►v i r 1+ i _ _ _ __ _.__ ___ 150 Y I I NH3+ 13 LAT. G i,g IIT 1'414 o _ OUT _ _ ` st 3 7.4 6.T I)c..M RJ U C ' _ _ G t ao LAT. SL -6LAL A' _Tir N .._. NN r 95 1,AT. A i t.F f I G I � I.E l N S. 17•�7 --�.._".�` ' - Mm C.-l-t O- LATP.+r 1 s c e F►� ; I.E: I N w 147.�? '- _ I b I N w. 1-6;, G I I E OTE14� 47Is/4" -D"! PIPE E E G D I N G � . - H 00 LAT, G' ,t+ R M I.GOUTIb(..C , � Pin 6A CIL r- L.L. CLAS$ "b" 33. NH 3 r3f LAT' A , M EL 14 Ito `�Rt uNc. ( ! i IEr: APwq - R c I i, :tT_�__i3�.'f�_ _. 140 u + 0n g + (`(_ + � � .2 t }.�/j - ! CL. t4(o 25 13C: P ;� O F I L. L A E,p �H G + GC; LAI. c I 6GALe I " = r,�' VEkr r ' _ r�;, ►�C.�. G.M ^F- 1.44i .49 , _ I .. ..._� �T,Err 1 � I- a Il• i /// FfPtr l��Gi .N + X14" Ci Q PtPt- rt „CiNu Zc 1 A N m.c T F)NIf t0i:G aLA D I I- FINr. I� ,.L �t�tl1DE �.w. 80NITA 'LAe.1 /4 r x I�T. UN p. t..--� I ! 7 4'i.►. AV WA i LAC.1C►-i.... C4A EXIST. C�N� 1 1 w I } rr I T 4 + !.• _ _ I ZG 15� M-i Q GO LAT q 1-":: WN4lCETF M{ 10 +{r3 LAT_'. L - Q+UC) t.AT-. E t a - ' ( ti'N 0{0C _ .w- 4ITr<HA�� LAT, D" _ T I C 2L` T o A -- 14`1 �7 � 1 ?if �'f r c. * I E IN ~ I +- Ift� r Lac S. L . _ 5 I T. I 11,0 S�At_t 1 " Virt<1 . I ' - HC;kIL . I OUT E, 14'1 -T7 I �4 LATE-RAL �E-.eIN VtE: 5= 11 ' f II'� lhC7 �L►1.._1 ". E. �11�1 W. 47.L'1 14F. bt �------------..`.___ ..__._ _._. ..__. I,S. UT E 147. � __ 4' _ PLUG E: C�,L. I. . R I Nl ;_c_>.14 5L = G.C I(o 7 F/p _--�"` 8 t;' LAT E:nA L._ "Do' _ - '-lG �F _ LAT_ _.r.._ "` c -F I,) II UO 1t �.F. G5P at_=O.G!' (_J ! � I,E. IIs4 it I. ec PIPE 1EI�DDiWG �-/4" -q" LR Ilr --- I.E OUT- II {1(00 { 10 14� ! _QIP @Ac4Fl4.L C.1.. «B" ✓IF~E E9EUF)1 (� '���" n��' +. E _ ..___ 145 -- -- - ER 11�bN �F' - - - 14b �.-- - - D bA C- I ' FI s E. .Ac k F us.�� t. U+ oL) LAT. Q 0 * 00 1 ,' OC) 2. +00 0 4. OU - --- _ 1 t o 0 c>;a i��►,� i itJ�SrAL� TAP INTO P�20F LE ."_ . LAT _ pa_ 0� : �-ATP_ _�_.AL. �� -- ► �+ T_Y _ .M �' Ec I"TINlJ E I L P I C� r� F L 5GALa i - vEk.T " ,-,)0: . -� dRFt wJ - - I:� I _ —,.._ 1.E'. 167. ,4 pJG N q F.. 5 A i.E i , d 6 GST, I , =. I (t. 11 � l.ar ►N Ill 50 SANITARY GE'h1:+�? IJOTFS: �r1Z ' .1' ! is IN t- - ', Lo '! ALL �tiORK AND MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO 1980 EDITION OREGON 0I)t iii 30 I CHAPTER t:MEJ• ICAJ+1 PUBLIC FORKS ASSOCIATION (APWA) AND THE f I"NT s � ''��' `�� I I UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY (USA) STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL, REQUIRED PERMI'T'S AND LICENSFS PRIOR \� TO TARTING CONSTRUCTION. E I 0 *• 64 PLUG, E.D.L. C,REt=K :.Ro. •tNC; t~.. r--- - _._._r. __..._ - -- _-,� _— A F E kc'>< . t.I M l t) a $" LATERA(_ " B " LAT B _. t2 P G,gF'�'FL --r CONTRACTOR: SHALL NOTIFY COMPASS CORPORATION AND CITY 48 HOURS -GGF IGb YEAR FTrrRI BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION OR 24 HOURS BEFORE RESUMING L 1 FLoc � I ALKF►-�., ._ .__...._ WORK AFTER SHUTDOWNS , EXCEPT FOR NORMAL RESUMPTION OF WORK r f C I -Y I ` G,' $ LATEkAL ".A" ;-'"!' " `I'l' �_____. - -� �_ ` !:Kl;r,NO FOLLOWING SATURDAYS , SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAYS. CONTRACTOR SHALL -'''e s� y---` NOTIFY COMPASS CORPORATION OF ANY SHUTDOWNS SO AS TO ELIM-- �" � N1-ER�E:PTCL EX18T►Nv INATE UNNECESSARY INSPECTION TIME. THE SIDE SEWERS SHALL EXTEND THROUGH THF UTILITY EASEMEN^' AND ONE FULL OF PIPE BE- 5 YOND THE EASEMENT RIGHT-UF-WAY. MANHOLE EXTENSION RINGS SHALL 1 •�j �► N N BE LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM OF TWEL! INCHES TO'T'AL HEIGHT. _ I •1 .. � , �.I. , E.C.L-• � �, N N - yi` `' ( -- 1.1 c,.,F ..- ,,. ----�-- _- %1T Q + VO TAF INTO \ ALL CONCRETE SEWER PIPF. SHALL BE ASTM C-14 CLASS 2 NON-REIN- IV <%i FIPE `\ FORCED CONCRETE PIPE WITH RUBBER GASKETS. N r� \ k'� i CO;JCRE'!'E MANHOLES SHOWN ON THF. PLA21S ARE 48" MINIMUM DIA- ALL r z x a ALL 17 1. i 0kee -G AREAS - 'OQF-c.;ot�1 Dfc'oP" `ALONG ANITr1R7 tiw�nlCR METER AND CONFORM TO USA STA`1DARD5 . s l # I ,5T (v7 LAT q , k'OIJT-E TC fyE e E r DE D ANC: ALL C LEANOUTS SHOT,,] ON I S ;.ATE. K.,\L L 1 v) � e,4 ---" _.,.__ _. ._ r TN_ PLAI,c, ARE. TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER I + '� T EC U A TAND RDS__-- � � AKEL� JUTE Nlr* iNG FL c ST- 5DIVISION THREE, W OPAI A ALL> CTIO NCH EXCAVATION SHALL C014FORM 301 1 1 PNll SriALL BF UTNCLASTOF PDA` � ' 0 - IE ALL EXCESS MAT ERIAL FROM '^HE TRENCH EXC'AVAT_ON SHALL BE DISPOSED OF ON SITE. ,r _.. - _ - = M-1 C + 0 t.p, ry. _ �� 7`, PIPF. BEDDING SHALL BE AS PEE? Al�>n'A DIVISION THREE , SECTION r 1 (n +4 - ; A T. A„ ,4•,� "1-"-_ t SHALL BE f.0 D ROCK. 7, a n i n TALL 3/4"-0 C SHE O�K ff M m NIS _ + _ LAT. c i } x EP LL SHALL PER APWA DIVISION THREE SEC _ � �' .� �� � � t""-�""`_ '-'�'- ' - � C, � � '� ALL SEWER LINES ARE TO BE AIR TESTED PER DIVISION THREE, SECTION TR JCH BACKFILL BE CLASS A 303. , 16 OF THF. STANDARD SPI'CIFICATIONS. ALL MANHOLES THAI' RE- TION 301 . 2. 04 ON ALL SEWER LINES OUTSIDE PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY + I + �' 1 7 QUIF . IrDROSTATIC TESTING SHALL BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH OR OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS. TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CI.AfSS B IE.1 ( � + * _ Z y ��- -- 1 DIV7 'ION THREE , SECTION .,03. 3. 15 OF' THE :iTANDARD SPECIFICATION£ . PER APWA DIV-SIGN THREE.; , SECTION 301. 2.04B IN ALL PUBLIC RIGHTS- " �� J ALL :iUILDING SERVICE £TUBOUTS TO BE A MINIMUM OF LENGTHS OF OF-WAY OR PAVED AREAS IN THE PROJECT. LATE12Al. � _— __ . ► I� 1 s= j' ` z --_-- - ;" PIPEnAIvT) TO BF. MARI:ED t�ITH A 2" x 4" FOR FUTURE LOCATION. c ( --� $" �ATERAI. ��� y 3 INTI, PR.>i>EW-TY TRENCH BACKFILL COMPACTION SHALL BE A.. PER APWA DIVISION THREE , PAVEMENT RESURFACING hr�iERF: REQUIRED SEi�'1LL CONFOkN, TO DIVISION SEC= soulatied total acres 2/3 A 215 A Tee Plugged Cross res plug, or Cap (Straddle ALIx* par detail) - I �j✓ ` FINE HYDRANT _ 6M FLG. GONNEC 5.W. 6GN ITA 4. SIDEWALK JL bend Plugged Cross Toe �- I CONC CURB FINISH GRADE MOTSi: � Concrete thrust bloc'LL to be poured against undisturbed earth. 2' e�• , t7 w oUR►+A M W 1. ( • .CEJ , :. Keep conand concrete clew aE joint axssac+ri.es. CONC 9LOCA MIN STRENGTH r_ VALVE � ,� S. it rmt showy an plans required bearing ar.,as at fittisn *hall be as indicated MAX I / I w� below, adjusted it' necessary, to cfinlot9 tt+ the test pr"oure(s) and allowable ZSOu P S 1 90x � I r E `'� � g Fla 1.0 S0 FY Of ( Gv�� sadl bearing stresn(w) stated in the spGe al wF acificatiaw. BEAAIMG AREA 4. Bearing arras &M special blodLUV deta8a shown an plana bice pr•ecederree wee DRAIN bavlag arras and blocking details shmm an tMA standard detail. _ 6 G.I,R ` 'r _k -- CONC. THRUST 1 1112"- 0 DRAIN a ' BLOCK ' 'itis,llye► 90"lend � ROCK fttting Plug or Plugged Plugged Ilk` - ftee Cap Cross On 4 bard 8en� sand 1 NO LESS THAN l 'a • � f '� , ( ► � S � • A �' , ] . 6' ABOVE � �: -- --U� . I. DRAIN HOLE ) ' 4 1.0 1.4 ,.9 1.4 1.0 foATE VAl11E MAIN LMIE �° VARIES 8 9.8 5.3 7.6 5.4 Z. 1.5 1F.E 6' $IUEOUTLET 10 5.9 J.4 11,8 0.4 4 1 COPtCRETE OR SOLID ROCK FLANGED 12 111.5 2.0 17 1 4 1.11 BASE 2.25 S F. BEARING 4 6 AREA oi�'.o 3e. a 6 TYPICAL Ft RE FI!'QRANT INSTALLATION WATER LINE CONSTRUCTION :VOTES: �p N. T. S. ALL WORK A. MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH TFiE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT STAND- ARDS, THE OREGON STATE HEALTH DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE RULES CHAPTER 333 , 1gTb s THE A.W.W.A. AND THE A, P.W.A. STANDARDS. Above bearing arses based an tact prassure of 130 p.s.i. and an fllilarAble &oil bear-!AV ALL WORK WILL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY TIGARD WATER DISTRICT. stress of 2.000 powAs per square foot. 'its Maputo beams areas liar differtat best pressures and gaol bearing stresses, use the forllewinq equ tdont !Dewing Area • (test CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY UTILITIES BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL Prassvlre/150)x(2000/sad.l bearlAq stlresa)x(ftble Value). COORDINATE WATER LINE CONSTRUC`T'ION WITH OTHER FACILITIES AND UTILITIES. T F+ RUSTBLOCK I N GDETAILS CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL CONSTRUCT THE WI,TER LINE TO AVOID CON'F'LICT WITH THE EXISTING UTILITIES. NTS PIPELINE SHALL BE CLASS 52 TYTON JOINT CEMENT MORTAR LINED DUCTILE IRON I , I PIPE WHICH SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C110, C111 , C15G , Jum C151. i I I GATE VALVEL SHALL BE AWWaA 0500 WITH NON-RISING STEMS. VALVES SHALL OPEN T_ 1 LF'F"►' AI+J11 HAVE 2-INCH OPERATING NUT. X I Q I, L FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY CONSISTS OF 6" MJ x 6" FLG TEE, 6" FLG GATE VALVE , 1 ! F} FLG x FLG SPOOL, IF NECESSARY, AND PACIFIC STATES FIRE HYDRANT, 5;j" MVO, I 114 3-PCRT ( 2 - 2S" HST HOSE CONNECTTONS, 1 - 4�" PUMPER) , 6" FLG CONNECTIONS , J ^ Uj '1�" PENS' OPR NUT, OPEN LEFT, COLOR: YELLOW, TRAFFIC MODEL. j Z ( EACH FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE INSTALLED UPON A PRE-FORMED CONCRETE BLOCK WITH fl 1h CUBIC YARDS OF CRUSHED 1h" DRAIN ROCK. TAR PAPER WILL BE LAID ON TOP OF DRAIN ROCR TO SEPARATE ROCK FROM EARTH COVER. cr POURED CONCRETE THRUSTBLOCKS AT LEAST 8 SQUARE FEET OF BEARING SURFACE AT -i� EACH TEE, BEND, AND FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS. \___ z� �- _r ___�____'_Y `^�• 5`-___ ______._ _ ----__�_ ---'o,. __.�_r.---_._ - ____.__ ___ __ _ ,Cu- lu y, x rc` Nt.;. '!EE 36" OF 3/411 MINUS GRAVEL COVER FOR ALL MAINS IN STREETS AND DRIVEWAYS. .� g . nn.J 8.F �. W' e.., 50LID 6LE:Er.VE OTHERWISE, 36" OF EARTH COVER. M J (o . w7v SOLA', �,.! F v* -�' - --- - w - - r - — ` --- - ---- ---- ------r------.._ _-._.__ �_ -._ ALL SkNITARY SEWER LINES 1C LATERALLY OR 31 VERTICALLY OF WATER MAINS SHALL - � - -------- �� HE ENCASED IN CONCRETE 6" THICK 101FRON CROSSING. WHERE CROSSINGS ARE FIRE I� , C0 Mme' ` V �' ' NECESSARY, THEY MUST BE MADE AT APPROXIMATELY 900 WITH AT LEAST 18" SEP- EXIST. b" 1,:,14'' I H GGk4N' i ARATION BELOW WATER MAIN. WATFIZ MAIN ( FIRF_ H DRi.N'r t, I A';"�fxML ' I W^7Lf2 N1AltJ � I MAINS SHALL BE TESTED AT 150 PSI FOR 1 HOUR, STATIC PRESSURE - 95 PSI. 1 ALL MAINS SHALL BE CLEANED AND FLUSHED WITH POTABLE WATER PRIOR TO DZS- ¢ I C4 23 2�:. I 2l 2O 19 IS , I'J I(o I I�� I�. I�� - 16 INFECTION AND BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING. OREGON STATE HEALTH DIVISION J BACTERIOLOGICAL TEST SAMPLE WILL BE TAKEN BY TIGARD WATEP DISTRICT. PIPELINE SHALL BE TESTED AT 150 PSI AND HELD AT THAT PRESSURE FOR 2 HOURS. IT SHALL BE THOROUGHLY DISINFECTED AND FLUSHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.W.W.A. STANDARDS C 601. I ALL CURBS MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO INSTALLING WATER MAINS . TWD WILL INSTALL ALL COPPER SERVICES PRIOR TO BLACKTOPPING OF STREETS. METERS WILL BE INSTALLED BY THE DISTRICT UPON INDIVIDUAL REQUEST FOR SAME. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS WILL 5E 'F_-NILNT LINED. MAPRIAL LIST ntMOM Ruartit I ` 6" TJDI Pipe (Class 52 ) 665 Peet 8" MJ 8. F. V. 2 Each 8" MLT x 6" MLT Tee 2 Each d" MJ SOLID SLVEVE (L P) 4 Each 6" ML.* Gate Valve 11 Each Fire Hydrant Assembly 2 Each FOR APPROVALS ONLY ` V/. u �•V J 11 "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION " BOND PARK " DRAWN M M M DESIGNED R G W CHECKED COMPASS C HCl R P IO R AT I GN MR . KENNETH L. W AY M I R E OCT 101983 3 to - Io g3 1 REVISED QE92 TIGARD WATEP 015 . SCALE AS SHOWN A�DAT�EAUG. EIIIQINEERING - SURVEYING - PLANNING WAVERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. WATER IMPROVEMENTS PLAN 6584 S.E.LAKE ROAD 503)222-4652 -�R ! V I S I O N FILE 83 - 1961 1262 MILWAUKIE,OREGON 97222 (506539M3 11903 BROADACRES N.E., HUBBARD, OR 981 - 67 BOND F'NF'k: NE.1I room 8OF 12 V «�����I I F� 1(I I I I I I I I I i I III 1111 I fr I� 11�I�'1 I I 1 1 11 � I I'r I I I l r�l I 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 f l I I I 1(1 1 1 1 - -. , �'�"^'--:----a.....,--,.------�-,•--.. 7Alll��ww..,,,.... '1111 ---�, , 1 ` ,. I ( � � ' ( I � I 1 [ I I I � f I I I I � I I I I t I I I I I I ' I I ( i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111I111111111111I1'III1111111IIIi1lillli11111 _....,, .. �� �. ___._ ' ,�..� � ,` ' ( NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I �.-.2 3 4 5 6 7 _ 8 g IQ I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICfi -IT IS DUE 'TO JHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ► „ ­.JHE _------ OE dz Be tz 9z SZ t,z Ez zz is 02 61 61 l i 91 51 b l E I #I 11 01 6 9 L 9 S r E N!I 111111111I1111ilUlIu11'111IIII111111�JII�Ulllnllllitllll�►I�NIIuulhltlMf111N11Hlill;ln�iulliltliiulu}Ihn111n11tftF�INtII/t1�tlNIinllllnknrlllulHullnLiuufnuhl�MM�1MY�1Y�InIlu111ullnnlnlllunllw�ii u�uuL�u�wl!luulriullut�wuluir _ _ JUNE 24 1992 19 '11`11 p - -r-- •sa�........�.�-- %V ..s... .,�.,,— vu Faol oy�t> er �. O w C-1. G N G r r u .� r 1 f I GZADro--, C,F215. (GNU. d �t .. Z CID Win m O O , 111 1(40 �'� - __ - *III c ___ � ,L, 6V `� _ LT• o v �3 _y - T'GP GF ;1J1. a� w 1 toI W w TOP 0G - _ C U R B G - - - -- - 4 -- -- --- > �`��- O _ v.W. $ON I I A RL. w L� 74�- IV ? 7Lij Lu 12 w +•UO 4•+ UO gtOC � +0O1 + u4 2 + UO 3t UO �} r006 *OU �+OIOw (DTN V. 5GA LE cm 50 w � ' TY MAP _.__ __ _..17 ' •�-- 1-7Y------------ ` C TI _=9�.-. -���.----- --7 __-f-_ ____. - �__._ NSTR[►�' ON NOTES:STREET O2 fZ T Q`' ---- __ -__-_- y ti s0.04 CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM WITH THE CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, O.S.H.D. , AND A.P.W.A. OREGO � CHAPTER SPECIFICATIONS AM STANDARD DETAILS. � I" CL. 'C' A5PH GONG. (OVELLAY) CO[�'PRA T R U REtOF' OF 4L)lZb a- ) 1 `` � � C O rU OBTA.IN ALS: R ', I D FERMPIS AND LICENSES Bl�FORE: STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 3 � 2j14BpG ,APKf•�KOIvG0. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTILITIES BEFORE: STARTING CO-iti'STRUCTION AND SHALL RELOCA'I'E ANY IN CONFLICT WITH - UGtI�, GND V_ _. o Z IC 8 2 u :Q. iZ" THE PROPQSED COhISTNUC'TIUN. 60I` D 57, � c,TI oN EXISTING UTILITY LOC:.TIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMr ONLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. ADDITIONAL : .«_�-�_ UP7DERGROUND UTILITTC;S MAY TaXIS'I'. �L7 L.F. ct1 W ► C?� GI S THF, RICOI�'I' TO UST GR+ C� . ADES OR AL.GNMENT© <' - - WAYSNASRREC:UTR S • TO Ar_COMODATE UTILITIES OR EXISTING DRAINAGE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF TREES , STUMPS , FENCE, BRUSH, ROOTS AND OTHER MATERIAL IN THE ReADWAY AND k'HERE INDICATED ON T.AE PLAN. MATERIAL SHALL BF. DISPOSED OF IN SUCH A WAY AS TO MEET LOCAL REG- 55 _I�•i 5 t 85 15ULATIONS. EXCESS EXCAVATED PIATERIAL TO BE DISPOSED OF AS DIRECTED BY OWNER. VEGETATION AND TOP SOIL I.E OUT79� ST. 5G CT 10 H SHALL I3£ STRIPPED FROM FILL AREAS PRIOR TO FILLING. kIM EL. 157, 39 -- - 3+ 59 _ -� _ _ <� `` - �, 17' io' �, SIDEWALKS SHOWN ON STREET SECTION ARE NOT PART OF THIS cw,,rRACT. THEY N'ILL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF T ,I.E. DUT 14X.43 '�� r2 �-FLOT IMPROVEMENTS. PIPE ,EDL1Nf, TO CE oi4" _p„ - I.E. UUT Ib8.40CONTRACTOR TO DE,'ZRMINE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT AND METHOD TO JSE TO ACHIEVE REQUIRED COMPACTION. SUBS�EUUENT APIC t tF>r t✓A�,.KFIL.L TO tE RIM r:;.. 141co2, SETTLEMENT OF TELE FINISHED SURFACF WITHIN THE WARRANTY PERIOD SHALL BE PROMPTLY REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACT_, .��- WOTH ST. 5 r=c r t v t4 AT NO EXPENSE TO THF OS' NER. PSR APwA D:V jIz � `'� ._ 80 C.P. - G •-- ---..._ MATERIALS IN SOI`T S CSTS Sti'ITiiis�i THE N.UAI�iNd1Y SFU�LL BE RLMOVED TO 'NII DEPTH RE:QUIREL) TO FR.OVIDE A FIRM FOU t5 } (�U 1NH Ir19 - - - - L", 0.01 F GN 14i� � F r.0 + U,.� 2 + Jn i,E jN 14p.0cP. K G T C- G'7" I ON 6 ATION AND SHALL, BE REPLACED WITH CRUSHED ROCK. 1.�. OUT 139 60 "4" (-a � �' �__-_W-: _ - ..__ . _ .. ..:s.,_ ���..��.:.:f-fs::::1-_.�--x:.�...�-=-•.�::.. P �c 0 F i L O {� �,} �7. � L•F �/ THE ENTIRE SUBGRADE SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED AT 'rFIF LOWEST MOISTURE CONTENT AT WHICH A PANUFUL OF t21M Ems. 144,50 6L: O.Cob �/F .- \ N.T•5. THE SOIL CAN BE MOLDED BY A FIRM CLOSING OF THE HAND. H•, I " = 4 0+00 OUTFALL kcQ CONTRAC'T'OR S14ALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER. WHEN SUBGRALING IS COMPLETED AND 24 HOURS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ROC Prik D _ BAST. MATERIAL AND 24 HOURS PRIOR TQ FINAL PAVING FOR INSPECTION OF THE WORK. 7A Yom_ _--- _- `� 4 + 561-0 w ENE) PAVIN(', _ ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT TO BE DESIGNED FROM A X '2 I TAPER To GUT 13ANk. TO INSTALL. JOB MI FORMULA APPROVED BY THE O.S.H.D. FOR MATERIALS USED. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ENGINEER WITH CERTIFICII'rE OF COMPLIANCE FROM ASPHALT PAVEMENT PLANT. 4`•�= I:Nr vUl � tr � I FX•>TINU PAVtN�o 2 � � TAPER TO EX15T,NG 4 + b3'= ENG ('U12(G atN PAS iNv TA6ER ` i - f_ ft0A0WAY i _ .- THE ENGINEER HAS NOT BEEN RETAINED OFt COMPENSATED TO PROVIDE. DESIGN ADM CONSTRUCTION REVIF,W SERVICES RE- I-tGIF, VAVINCT TAPEQ "'r R� LAZING TO THE CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY PRECAUTIONS OR TO MEANS , METHODS, TECHNIQUES , SEQUENCE OR PROCEDURES Ip REQUIRED FOR THE CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM HIS WORK. I N - - 3a, I AfV• I-. 05T. �.rlA 3 +� Bl b I �D E Y F=Gt;� I I 9 1tJ UT' 14 4., I I V 1"' MIN. STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION NOTES: f~x15TING '' Its (A tIM 5L. 144y EXiE, IN;i �'- I�, � _ _ i AV Fr MEyT -- 10' �" + 81 P,G. T ro' 3 piA STOh ryRgv�L a„ ► I 2 1415. 4 1 W� It, ALL WORK AND MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO .1980 EDITION OREGON CHAPTER AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION (APWA) I,ci L I I 45' R j w I 3 * 5 ts, pT ; '/2. Pr. >' i i' AND CITY OF TIGARD STANDARDS AND SPLCIFICATIONS. ALL REFERENCES TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SHALL MEAN t t 15 - - ; °'t 14 A,. (o!o ,�I I 27PAV. CITY OF TIGARD SPECIFICATIONS. EX I'S1"I N v � � � 12 r r 1 � r 51'a rt y . .. � - ® - _ , 55 .� __ _ _ ," ,p c + 3(o P•T 1 - 10 C, CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND LICENSES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. oowek a. f / --- _`\ 121 , QA ► DETAIL .---"'" , r•I 155. 8r I 14��.73 ~� I - EX15TINCr ALL STORM SEWER PIPE; SHALL BE C-14 LASS II NON-REINI'CRCED CONCRETE PIPE WITHOUT RUBBER GAS;K S. P,.','L� •--_..__.�_ --. ..._ - E x I Sr,N,: 5w"\1!= To Gi?l�lXO h 6 t I�! 20 J LTJ T`E _L_._ __- _ _. T S, LAN 51. � �it l5' N ALL CONCRETE MANHOLES SHOWN ON THE P + _ I 1 V *0U OUTF-AIS ARE 48" MINIMUM DIAMETER AND CONFORM TO C TY OF TIGARD STANDARD 773 DRA,,., To I►,IL.ET - a I' f 154,15 LARAWING NO. 73-A-301. MAI`1HOLE% E'RAME AND COVERS SHALL BE ?1S PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING NO. 73_A- 6 r Q � . ..�.__.�•--- :9.t!'' b � , -.. ---- RIP R A F 1 325.+70' PE tA11. CATCH BASINS ARE TO BE CONSTRUC'T'ED PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING NO. 70-A.-402. 6' --+r`- ' �7 - , w--� Pu►GF GOtJE ON M•{ -��► _ , , .I F•., `� 2 7�_ y �J _ ' -� T -� 0 + Up BONG 51'. = 5UGH THAT SLOTTt-u ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION SHALL CONFORM TO APWA DIVISION THREE SECTION 301. 1.01 AND SHALL BE: UNCLASSIFIED. v �) _ '�' T j�-�= - 3\) x ' ? -45 74r TH AVE•. I LOVER WILL 6E. ALL EXCESS MATERIAL FROM THE TRENCH EXCAVATION SHALL BE DISPOSED OF ON SITE. ?� �, H► � - -_-` "�` � M4{ w�SLoTTED io++ R 1h� ..� I Ai,A rN6'r THE PG. 3+ 250 1 • 23 IT � ' �i # ` '.,1125 LINE. PIPE BEDDING SHALL HE AS PER APWA DIVTSlON THREE, SECTION 301 . 2.02 AND SHALL HE 3/4"-U CRUSHED ROCK. 1 0 + 37 - F•T, I I TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS A P r(o1 - r7.OND ��t' I� tM wlS�rrr D GW R 1 8S,, -145 72 � Eli. STA +p .�,IGt7". PER APWA DIVISION THREE , SECTION 3nl. 2.04 ON ALL SEWER LINES OUTSIDE 3 AVE: I r h 25gy RG `� _ +E� - J3''�� FT. t 60�� r4.�. �T. 5EE DETAIL K7 .Iw 7 THE PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY Ok OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS. 'TRENCH 13ACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS B PER APWA DIVISION \' ' �T. �T" = } �3' 8 t, - I 15 ' r1EMi_04k S 1 + 19 Cj + 8`.. THREE, SECTION 301. 2.048 IN ALL PUBLIC RIGH'T'S-OF-WAY OR PAVED AREAS IN THE PROJECT. �,"E „ L .. 1.' T:N INt_I:T , 155.;2 145' rcT f>&E n6TArl. Q-. �I1�1.1T rT2.OL* --- 3 613 i , 1 2 pT. .�,TD1 ,�tit .- -r+1 Z _••__ + 1 r r L'. f' Sf. _5T _5 + 5 g2 / cfj; I - N T.S. ,. �-Y 1 - ,4[� jA.._ _ _ G.iM F-L. 14.4.415 O? - f'� (V ;TA ?;+`9 Yv J Er i5* `� - + i 17" SP�U�l: TRENCH BACKFILL COMPACTION SHALL BE AS PER AIWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301 . 3.0 1y' 0 ( \ I.C. GU1 _ X51 GO 14 . ,_(o I f c+ CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT AND METHOD TO USE TO ACHIEVE THE RE- E I I !"c"', E',NE QUIRED COMPACTION. 1h No�I:,L �Ir`'I L 53.E � H a L.. 13>r ~ G U R V E� DAT T q__.._.�.______.__ T t Q i T ` L--T-�-J I 61(1 r-T � 10 I - � �-' FAVEMEN'L` RESURFACING WHERE REQU IREC� SHALL CONFORM TO DIVISION THREE, SECTION __.. T_ -_"- 309 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. EL _.,.M kaT r_ � �. '/2 p.- ,• .� ' - e ForY. HOLE 1 r -'tcl(I:," F.Id _�.._._ .-._. _ GN00.D 613ARING _ y'li»i A.,r -` r-,A 1J 4�s Oh I ! L ( Z 17 (`� ! 1 I IC 'T l I l.EN6TH iIADIrJ9 D6LTA _ ` __.__ ( _ , SX 1;r WA7-EQ VALVA 1!�l.15' - 20' 95� 1 JC'' 29155 ' N.47 13 14 W luNCT _ NEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST GRADES OR ALIGNMENT TO ACCOMMODATE OTHER 1\ 74'vE .: h TTN `. - 1 EXIST 1 o i � Z. �� MA1�Ido}! ` .,y t� Ca ti . _: .., I �,, ` 1`.. "1 I ( I ! 1 I I�,� Floc 2 29.59' ZO -G 45' '6C, Vollo' HAVgl.'4V_p. IJTII,IT'IE5 AS REQUIRED. - - I I t . 3 31. 51 ' 20 ' 15' 34_" 28.35' 5.44°W' 13" 6• COWPRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTILITIES BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL RELOC E • :,� a _.�' �� -.�'- E(41N _,,urc� a a1, 33' 20' 8a` 44' x4►" 2f��22' x.460 0,' 41"r(. _ -- _ c ANY IN COWLICT WITH THE PROPOSED CONSTRUC'T'ION EXISTING UTILITY LO.,ATIONS SHO POW t•. + E 2,: l PAV I N i - -• RN D rA V I N G T P[a Ll • i -'- o N" ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUN �. -actk r A _ SI- - 5TQ[• M G.FWi' 15. I�a.42 - !_1 4 4b 29 Zo.41 45 :k TAFEL• TO i _. N. �? 32 E �____ t 6 6 IN F'A TNG 25.00' 300 ' •4°_ 4!a ' 2�" 2,t}, ' r UTILITIES MAY EXIST _ T � w R N �� �� N.8 3z v I J L. i'i IV Jd T' r�- RvAUWA TAPEk -. ._ ' 83qIO' 70 U7E. UNIFIEU SEWER E ACyEr `.S SAN ITAk. E fl 15T l �I,� _..__ ---- 5 A v �,i M w . 4 Er 1.. , _• 1 (.it �' ' ei• L7 L:7.-58' N.G1 �� T.�"G � `. L l.• \ t __ t I TAFrm 'G I - _ 3� F E)t'5. Ilvy IPA� +, , 5 AL.E � ' to'- INSTALL W14G-P, CHAR? kAMV5 PEG: ir ' ., GITY Or- T16A�:U DI:AW INS, NO. GL0/ { •. FOR APPROVALS ONLY 1{ C-- BOND PARK " Yom, "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - -- Da;AwNMMM DESIGNED IRGW ICMFCKED COMPASS CORPORATION Mit. KENNETH L. WAYMIRE ROAD AND STORM SEWER SCALE AS SHOWN DATE A < <" E I ,��Y, , .� r_ o. �, _ _ _ AyG. 3_ EN81111EERIM, - SURVE 1'IIYG - PLANNlN6 W�'�V E R L Y CONSTRUCTION C C). IMPROVEMENTS QV DATt NO. A E V I S 1 O N '1%4 S E LAKE ROAD 15031222 1952 H FILE 83 - 19t;1 - +262 MILWAUKIF OREGON 91222 (503)6519091 1190:; BROADACRES N. E. , HUBBARD , OR 981 - 6770 PLAN AND PROFILES 3 EiOND PARR. NO 1 • 1lop _ ..'�'� �-- .� I --�---'ar-�•,.. � ( i ..-. 11IIC'�' illllrllOil l{111 111 1111'II yj� (+ 'I1 I'{II111� 1 (rlll �Ilj'1�111�1111111�11111j IIIIllllllll1II111111fI11111111111111111111111I111{l1111111iIIIi111f1111111111I111111111111111 •-- �,� . _ _,.-� _, .J - �, ,, ( _ c___„_ -,_� 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1'U I I 12 NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED ---- ---�.- _,� - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICG;-IT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORICINAL DRAWING. ----- OE 6 92 Lt 92 92 VZ EZ ZZ IZ 02 61 131 LI 91 Sl 41 El 21 11 01 a 9 1 9 S r E 2 101.0•" �►11111111111111111{IIIIl1111111111H11{1111111111111111111{It'�1�,•t11111111uItu1ili411111111I1IIIIIIII�III�HIIIIIII�IIIIINII{IIIIIIIIIiIlil�liltli�lii111111�11tt�1?lflllil�tlU�ili1�IIII�IN1�1111I11HlIIIUIIIIlI111111111�1111� ;�1�11��If11 JUNE 24 1992 ` ,.,. �.. _. ....._ ,,,.„�...,.� , . �.-..ra,►r-.�``,.was:•-:. .,. .: ... . .�+.�'rA�Iiq:y__.fa+ _ _ _ ,1,��,�, . '_.. . .,'.. >.. r., .1.-„ i" 4.iai'yf 412' , '' T*�.` �• C,Sr7� ., - , -. U.S.A. - D.EQ, C,,O_�_ d 10. I PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS f - - -- ---- 1 J� PUeLIC WORKS DEPT. BY DATE ►n a. - _ I b5 15 5 - - -- rl. z c q OR ICy. GNV pGQAUE` IwU ORIt.7 d p u a-° �k PLANNING DEPT. LlY_- _ DATE. - - - - -- U q W \� Z f VJ ��.CJ" Sl .1 } fT c�IL DUILDING D::PT. BY_ _ _----_-.- DATI!.- -- (1 0 `t1 1 11 O + t L.T. .. C.. d 0 ,41 t<1 COUNTY HEALTH D"PT. �1'- --- _ DATE.----- •t• ,._ _�,.. _._ - _...___ -- _ pp' 4 + 1 CITY ADMINI^Tf'ATpR GY O r cJ `v ly ; , -...._- ------ �. _ _.. .__ _ -- _ ---- I lou I�G - - -- _. - -_ y _-.__ _ DATE_._- _ Nw .{9 + �,(7 k _-__ __-._.._ 410w rJ TIGARD WATER DIST. E+Y_--�-__--- DATE__. rQ P OF LU ct1 .s `� u1 i + + .-1 0 w )`o to t)W .1- -� G NER L TELEPHONE: DY DATE Tor 4� ►� �� -- o n LQ i� ' A BY Or,TG_ I1 4 -_ .._ ._,..,•..- �._ ..- - URAL GAS DATE._ ►55 ----------------- - - _ - - --- --- ---._ __.__ ---_ _ _ - ---__._------.. __ _. .___ � I�,�, 14�� _ -____ ____ _ - ----- "' ---- -----------.__ ._._��__--- _ -- �� _- _ -_ - ,qF• .w N � T BY ' _5 aO I LCL 1, t•- •"'- .. C) ,I, I x T R. d d� By--- DATE____._..._ W LDI h ► F I I �� 1 h 0 - _-----------_ -- ------ - ---- O y W 3 f 140 -. _ _ - --- + � w - -- -- ___� -- 14c, UI I I 5 w. UUKH ` w 5 IT Fir r- la I 1---__- - -- 135 -I too 2 r©[) ..___ _------- ------- + OL + 00 UO 4 1•QO} jt + 1 + 6 +00 to J Pl2_0F TLE '�• W 79 THAV E ._. PROF I LE ' 5. W. 7 (o , N AUS • SCALE I,I s 50' H.) �„ _ 61 v. 9.:,,.�....:..Q.�,�.. -� i 5CA L G V L q � �� �`+ _ . ._.-.-______ STP_EET CONSTRUCTION NOTES: T} + - �I _ -L1-___�_ g �4" CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM WITH THE CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, O.S.H.D. , AND A.P.W.A. ORlE©O Aru, CHAPTER SPECIFICATIONS 1NSI ANUARL DETAILS. wv � ►" Ct_, 'C' ASPM. cANc..ASPM. co►a�.(OvE.aL_AY) - ,OP OF CURB+ 2. u., CONTRAC.' ,� UR TO OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND LICENSES BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION. ,� *':1• � � ..___._.-- _ _ , �------___ _,,,_,�.' a \ 6Jc . LD 166 --?°f ti 5 '�. " r+ _..___._ _ 1 7 . _ ___ 'I 165 s/4"-' 0° �K• Rc'�rc CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALI, UTILITIES BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL RELOCATE ANY IN CONFLICT WITH _ 71� - oar r �� 9 8 2"-0" �R. Izo1.x THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. 42 L.F, ' " I �' - �` - ^� it - (>v t Pew D ST 6E GT I Oi�I EXISTIIPTG UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTO}� . ADDITIONAL C•�F' IUr ----- U�, --- UMERGR04M UTILITIES MA: EXIST. 1`w �` 01 /F ` g LF. " %cp + W + � I ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST GRADES OR ALIGNMFtiT 1-0 ACCOMODATE UTILITIES OR EXISTING DRAINAGE': i�51? - --- __._� -_ " f --- ----- - WAYS AS REQUIRED. U 15 G .- r- -__._� -----r------ 4 C. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE: AND DISPOSE OF TREES , STUMPS . FENCE, BRUSH, ROOTS AND OTHER MATERIAL IN THE ROAD I•E, I61, 0 t+M h 81c �L- �C'�l� WAY AND %''HERE INDICATED ON THE PLAID. MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN SUCH A WAY AS TO MEUT LOCAL REG- I 1N 1 1,50. _ _ 5 t B5 _ 4 ULATIONS. EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIAL TO BE DISPOSED OF AS DIRECTED BY OWNER. VEGETATIO14 A14D TOP SOIL E OUT 190.43 -l.E. {17� 14�. �j%' 79TH ST. `.7EGTl01J SHALL BE STRIPPED FROM ^ILL AREAS .PRIOR TO FILLING. � _"�, � _ _ ----- -_ . L• _. I.E. OUT 141.22 - - _ _ 145 ___-_ __._____._.._ . .....'�t 59 _ 24tI \ -. __.__ - _.17' __ _ _ !o' _ - SIDEWALKS SHOWN ON STREET SECTION ARE NCYf NART OF THIS CONTRACT THEY WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF ,c I M `�. f 5 3 3q __-__-- _ ._-. S L.ti: _____-- _ ---• 145 �.=-- ___---- __ `'� �--. ____..s p O 2¢" �� ` n ; ` -{T� - LOT IMPROVEMENTS. ` 1.E. OUT 141x.43 F 39 _ , C 11.1 EL, 155. 6F, .,fo8 V, 1.�. 5 159.4 - i �l ' Ncrc-: PIPE �rEDU1NG TO 6E �/ " - �'�� - I•E. t]lIT 13B.4C ( L� CONTRACTOR 7'O DETERMINE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT AND METHOD TO USE: 'I .iChIEVE REQUIRED COMPACTION. SUBSEQUENT 4 0 -` _ SETTLEMENT OF THE FINISHED SURFACE WITHIN THE WARRANTY PERIOD SUALL BE PROMPTLY REPAIRED BY THE CONTR ANC PIPE LAC K F I l L TO E � RIM EL 14b GZ '76TH ST. 51-C-T►ON AT NO EXPENSE TO THE OWNEF. C.LASS 'b' PER APWA DIV Il '3() �- :-- .---,- - � 14C, L- - _ 1 1 8U 1 F 24,r MATERIALS IN SOFT SPOTS WII'H7)\I THE ROADWAY SHALL BF. REMOVED TO TBI: DTPTH REQUIRED To PROVIDE A FIRM FO 7 t G 0 d +- 0 C,� � - � I + 19 5L• 0•pI b ��' 40 � + G U 4 + Ad 3 t 00 2 + U O I:1�. I N tq©.D� �' •--��'� �\ 5~�Q G .� J C- CT I O N (J` ATION AND SHALL BE REPLACrI:I.) wITh CRUSHED ROCK. �- p, I,E, OUT 139.8C - _-�-r _ _ __. P � � r i 1--� r V� � � ��. RIM EL., 1x4.60 � L.R. L`�" C.---P .. _ .�.-_ <_ -_�,:.�..:_---�: x------ T� ENTI E Stl'BGRADE SHALL BE THOROUGHLY C'OMi/ACTED AT THE LOWER''' MOISTURE CONTL�2a'I' AT WHICH A HANDFUL OF R W." :_: :::�„K . ,.- --�, �.._.- �..,- .r�w__--- 6L- 0.004 F/p ---'' N.T. 1b. THE SOIL CAN BE MOL.DFD BY A FIR1'�1 CLOSING OF THE HAND. gGA L>� : 1 " 5© N•) 1 = g' d 0+00 CiuTFAI.L _ err, CONTRACTOR. SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER WHEN SUBGRADING IS COMPLETED AND 24 HOURS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ROC 4 + 8311 END PAVING I (� 151x.OD ` ,o BASE MATERIAL AND 24 HOURS PRIOR TO FINAL PAVING FOR INSPECTION OF THE WORK. T'APE12 ��. ; I 4 + 136 - ENG PA TNG - ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT TO 13E DESIGNED FROM A JOB MIX FORMULA APPROVED BY THE O.S.H.D. Fl7R MATERIALS 2 : 1 TAPER TO CUT 0ANk TO INSTAW- TApE12 USED. CONTRACTOR TO PROV'I,DE EW."jINEER WIT) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FROM ASPHALT PAVEM 111 FL"". 4 tt ( 3�� E_Nd CURE �r I �x t��r1Ni9 PAYING 2 TAPER TC irXIST1N6 % 4 + 63� EN,• rUkg _ THE ENGINEER I-WS NOT BEEN RETAINED OR COMPENSATED TO PROVIDE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REVIEW SERVICES RE- beGi17 PAV^& TAPER , I - rZOADWA`t ' BEGi _ PAVINI, TAPER R'=' '> EATING TO THE CONTRACTOR S SAFETY PRECAUTIONS OR TO MEANS , METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCE OR PROCEDURES ' I 1 12- T I 20 10 REQUIRED FOR THE CON'T'RACTOR TO PERFORM HIS WORK. -5U' R�W L.5.A' 3? ,WA. + 161 �� a -30' FAV. I 1.6. our 1414S -� EDGE 4 17" MIN. EDGE 1 ' (p 7 C) � 'J t21M OL. '' ` > X19TINGF ,c.' hIq STONE ST�PI�; SEWER C0t3STRUC'1'ICaN NOTES: --- + PAVErME NT - -+p' 2 4 ta�84 ! Gt2AVfsL ALL WORK AND MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO 1980 EDITION OREGON CHAPTER AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION (APWA ►,a °" � I I 45 RAW 1- AND CITY OF TIGARD STANDARDS AND SI,lrCIFICATSONS. ALL REFERENCES TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SNALI. MEAN I� l 3+ 5 ?� Rr. 1 I _�/,� Pr. _ �I Z7r PAV. -r, CITY OF TIGARD SPECIFICATIONS. 6gJL 11� 3'� ,pt ,, , q iU CON?'RACTOIt TO OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND LICENSES PRICJR TO S'T'ARTING CONSTRUCTION. Ex15T1Nr� I�� iY ►�+_ ±59 - _ � .�. X) �; I 0 + .10 -� P.-r. I -,� IP I2AP CJETAIL_ POL Ek * l55. 13C �r 5rA 3-��"t'�,_ i4C, r3 LX15TIwv 1'L" ,MP ALL STORM FFWER PIPE SHALL BE C-14 CLASS IZ NON-REINFORCED COWRETE PIPE WITHOUT Rc1MER GASXE',"5 POLE!r i �.a <<, GU 14.5 ' K T. 1_- - N.T. E7. . „ � b Iq F:G 5 I �--- - 2.5' 1 �, _ ALL CObk,RETI: MANHOLES S>FIOWN ON THE PLANS ARE 48 MINIMUM DIAMETER AND CONFORM TO Cl2'St' OF TIGARD STANDARD 1 154, 5 I -__ �.. _ ` U+00 OUTFALL _ i,'�_ DRAWING NO. 73-A-301. MANHOLE FRAME AND COVERS SHALL BE AS PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING NO.73-A- b k I P R A P �• -� 4b t' "- FER DkTAIL _ CATCH BASINS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED PER CITY OF TIGARD STANDARD DRAWING NO. 70-A-402. -- A' ' � p W $25.00; ---�SS PLA(-P- GONE ON tr{-1 -3T. SMA. lu +531 - y2"3 - , b �! - __ ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION SHALL CONFORM TO APWA DIVISION THREE SECTION 301. I 01 AND SHALL BE UNCLASSIFIED. T ... 14.:;x,' ttT -- - -_---.-w�' 1 � , �.. U t tU. B�ONG.._5r. _�_. SUtH THAT SLOTT�'L �1 � j rz 7o > r - _ -- _ 3 x 1 covElz w LL �F. ALL EXCESS MATERIAL FROM TFiE TRENCH EXCA.ATION SHALL BE DISPOSED OF ON SITE. I _ 55 ..r- _ � �� x _, *4 7(p TH AVS � et.- TI- ~- �'�' --" '_ i -• � ,--I �, ! � gr,AINSr THF "- � TI Wl - - T1 H.{ W61-Or-TED Co„-ggq '"-`-' 1 \ PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE AS PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 301. 2.02 AND SHALL BE 3/40-0 CRUSHED ROCK. PG 3 + '-" } . Z3 �F ' > ; 0+ 3717 PT �� ' I \ p t39�+ yrl �,p Mae uNts Z .. .___ __ _._ tt°21V BOND 7t",i 1 �__ -- ICN W�SLO r D ^- la :1.1�E� - ..---__ 5T 5'tA. p+��`�`�` 145.7'1. l r ) I 5"• 5TA bi0 Wi4.61 T. TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS A PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTION 30.1.2.(J4 ON ALL SEWER LINES OUTSIDE • i?' - rN AVE. �` I /� 9 5+85 -_moo/ F.T. 3t 50°�' N4•` �P.T - Stitt. Pe'rAI� u.T .ry _- 1 THE PUBLIC RIGHTS'-OF-WAY OR OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS. TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS B PER APWA DIVISION / , +�25 P G' 5T. 5TA F + 53, ,' '/2 Iy Z5" 14Eh1,LO<,W, �a ( + !9 + 5 +a5 THREE SECTION 301.2 048 11N ALL PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY OR Pk VED AREAS IN THE PROJECT -r'yf'E " D„ DITCH INLET '...,',L� 915 ZT. - 6RE DETAIL R" .�. .T. 5TA. U+g6 -- IMx,90 3:i I , �If1� I.E- CUT 1 Z.QC' N•T.S. TRENCII BACKFILL COMPACTION SHALL BE AS PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTIOK 301. 3.0 7+28'!.I ,et t \ ,-------- eg cn� l 17 SPQULE F. ---�'¢�---i , �+ T C•P�• 5�yT q• .-b + _ R.I M E L. 14.4.4,b 3 +s�7 - P.c,J cV CONTR.ACTOR TO DETERMINE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT AND METHOD TO USE TO AC'HI SVIE THE RE- LT ♦ ' Fix 167.. 24 1.6, Our, 15-00 14 E7 Itn !� i Is" PINII QUIRED COMPACTION. /v lQ ` HOUSE RIM EL. f_ � 3' 13 ( ,, I 5HOULOSIZ SHALL BE ' I 1 I=XI5T 10 I _ CU ZVE ms_ A JP'AVLM.ENT RESURFACING WHERE REQUIRED SHALL CONFORM TO DIVISION `I'IIREE, SIRCTION GRADED OUCH THAT I EX 1 ar F H - 309 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. �- 1/2 FT' �' ` � I I�. Ff'w.: PALE I � _. LENGTH I14ADIUS DELTA C•NORD 8fiAFVWG 9UFCFAc,E DRAiWAGE ON I � ~ -- t: .> � �- �, I � v I•� 1 :� I ( i 1G � � � E X 19T w A T"F.R. V%1 J L _.. � ° , �, , 7 -- -- � E>tlST, � 1 33.25 ZO 95 Iq 9C 29.E5 N.4?° 13' t4°W. $NGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUFiT GRADES OR ALIGINF"N1T TO .gCC0119P1ODJ►TE OTtiI6R WEST SIDE OF 5•W. 7gtlt � \�. z+ bg4=F I I �tAtteu� � � �` 1 1 0 � ° i � " 1�'ILITIES AS REQUIRED. AVE. '�► ! - " 19" F I u 2 24.54 20 94 4g 30 2.6.14 N.4Z_4(. Oto F. INLET. btiAlNg TO CItC.N I1r `r tf) IIi5.91 i _- I I I` 1 �S 31. 'x!' 20' t14° Ib ' $4" 28.35'' 5,4�°u(o' 13°_E. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALA, V?ILTTI9S DEF'CRE STAR'T'ING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL I 4 + OG 6EUIN_ r,0145 31, a3' 24' 9' 44' UP" 8.22 ' 546° W 47"W. 'ANY IN CONFLICT WITH TN l���U C�ON'STRUCTION. EXIMMG UTILITY LOCJATZ"s Z+oo 8ti G 1 N I, 6, Ex 15T t N G _ ( 1 E N a rA d'i N G T p E - 4_ ..� .- e &RE APPROXIMATl� ONLY AM 11�iIIIM'i' = VSKIFZXD BY COiNTRAICTOR. ADDITIONAL END PAVING TA POWEcc POLEz _ ;-,- -.-- 5TOt2 2: I RPAV 5 2brr2 o ►._ " o-- ii!i'TL;fTI1CS MAY 1CKIt3"!'. wIT+, �1Wt:i{t?R M SEWER tAf�S I � 31'1 � 44 2�,_ 2,rrAl N�87 32_46 _.._ � I " 1 7 23.5 283 4 - b 49 2 " k.e 32 4�' 6 2�.ov a0 4 40o 29 24. 9- �i 45 ti A51.E ---5 , 5ANITAGCY SEWER &1tt6T'INt, i _t3F �1aJ ,s'•AVIN __ • j-, u . USC:U UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY DAA UM , 1_*eo f5E[iIW.•_�_� L..a fV - - w ______ WAT-E:K ROADWAY TAPER _ _� _ -_ ---•---- '�'` o,'"NN�`(c PAVING TI1PEk I 2 • I rAPEA TO .-- �_ _ �/ EXISTING PA`IING $GALE 1 " 50' w iF INSTAwL WNISXL. CHAIR kAMf'5 PES AeP HVf_!► U.S.A. .. CQE3v :ArY DF •TIGAr2U vkAw N& NO. � APPF'OV Y' N1 Tl D.E.Q.Y • 'T 1� -A - L3 so I UNIFIE j;, -- l.l'VL1-al-i t1 i ca E N 1 IL II ` ...,,,..,.......,,._.. xn.•. . ,-�^.._ -,,,.. x. .....,.,.,_• BY � "'Of 13. FOR APPROVALS ONLYARKAPPROVED AS NO-rEn "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION " BNIFI�sEwER Gf�C C ,U "2^s` DRAWN M M-�DESIONED R(i W CHECKED • COMPASS CORPORATION � M R. KENNETH L. I IBON ROAD AND STORM SEWER W E R 'J D RK I - �'- ----s ------- - SCAEE AS SHOWN DATE AUG. 19193 . c ENGINEERING - MIRV'EYHMG - PIANIYNIIf WAV E R LY CON S1fIMPROVEMENTS fAevwn- 40 � D TI 0EVIS10N MIL `' � LA"ER 'U `5031:'27 4652 9n93 11903 BROADACRES N.E. HU06toMv _.�.�181 - 67't0 PLAN AND PROFILES FILE 83 -- 1x61 - 1262 MILWAUKIE,©REC3UN A7?2? ►�11311)Fi1 yr)93 � , 'Vh DOND PARK NO I 1.t':1 0 F" t 2 ! � +4' .. .. � H+-. •.4.... � .. � .- -. ... r..,.�.��= rv_:+ c_•=.,'3fi�• __-'-'---__-_-, ,.-_ _ _._^ _"^'"'^'" ^T_�,'�_'�_.0=„"_��� ��I � _. -.: • a PIM P III 1 111 1;1 111* IsIll 11 1#I 11! I'(I III 1�1�11 I 1 111 III Ilf IIS III II III Ill Il! fll III III III III Ilt III 111 111 111 111 111 Ill TIII�I1 111 111 111 I ► I I III """"`"" °'""""""'"°"" , - � I I r 1 # I I ( I ( I j 1 � i 1 � I . >♦ I I { I � I I I ) I I I I I ( I .I I i J 1 1 t I 1 .� ----...,�,-.-- .�r•rylrlll� J � � 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED • *- 1 .- .r-.-..?--...�.�.. 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 TIO I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE; IT IS DUE TO ' rt* QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL 1 -DRAW TNG. - _ _ --- of: 62 82 LZ 92 sz bz t z Zz Iz Oz 61 91 LI 91 til *I E I to 11 01 6 9 � 9, s � 'Ez-- ►1II1I1111I11�uuluu�uHln11111n111111111lIIIt11111ullnubs►II11wiml�au1nU111111t111N1I1I1N1III11i11n�u1111I1tIt111#�Itill III 1IIIttIl/itI1111II1lIIIliLIII11IiI11I1111I{IIIIIiif111uu1n11l1u1I1111I11I1I UIItt!ltiUVll�IW�L�IIIIII - 24 ' JUNE � � 92 ' h�''f?"r'1i:'.' ^t _...` ��` . ,k>�'7- "�•"�`�'jpf�:f"""d�"�N�$i t'�^.,.,.�. r.:. _ Via, ��; 7'�r�^„ ,� r,Yrr1r: ac '�..;!Y �.... ,•.rt.. •.e:e•- r n , •^.,1'.;`,tj+�.t e,.. .v� - .r ....,.,--r"y.../�k+ r ISG � l %X19riN( GkOUND 5(L -.._. / I: µ L, FIN 15NEG _� W +39 LAT. C 1�" l 0 - ------ -- 145 15O +.E. aur 143.20 f � cf 8 cS , v l our 24 " 5TO R M p �,s f I ' NH (ct(i'3 °� 4S PLUG E.O.L �,„_ --. - �p ' NFI 0 + 00 LAT. D E _8 GSF gL= C 14 WH bt95 .�8 L.F. 8" G5P 140 141 145 j,E. IINrS'^14 145 A+ ( ? LAT. C 1 SL= 0.0266* F/F I.E. IN W N 6 (47.(.7 l3F.TC j I.E. OUT E. 147.4'1 I PIPE BEADING 3/4"-O" r.r4• ---�'' NH 0+ 00 LAT. .' I 1.6. IN W I'�4.•1t� RIM -L. 145 9a LAT. A ! arE. OUT I'ir,GO o `, 60UND1 NG Pi Pro PACkF1u. GL^SS '�Br, - -�-� .,333Iti_._3 t q'�r - ' I� -� PER APWA _�. -.�. g l,t�. i R" t M EL 4ry 25 CtR -.-._. .. L.F 1p + 0O 140 f--------- S�'_•• S p - I.E. iIJ Nl. i 34.20 4 .3 2 �, o0 - �2i� �, I.E. o,sr N, 13;o 00 6 + 00 r * 00 r 00 Cj + OG r 00 + 00 R iM EL. 144v 25 .3n LATEZAL. S + LAT. A F M'1 0 + OC LAT. B ' SCALE t" 5' VERT., I'1 = 50' HOW., I.E. DUI' 12.1o.JD RIM E.L 145 44 !�0 f- _ _ -- _.__- -._ _ ____ __ ._ I�,p 12 ,`` � .. C►..Aon: 50 ARIP RAP -.� Tfi N1s C_SG - IN16NlL' vRAD6 I AFTER. I oU -__ PIPE BEDv►N& "-0" GR PIPE t3EDOING )d • FIN15MEfJ arZADE ILO FtNI H5 ED GRADE ' S.W 9aNITti tACKFILL C-LASi '5• 3/4'i_G" LR •;\' \ Ct�N�6TfiJc.T '� ai I Ex15T. JND. - ---=--� �t(13T. &MD. k w � � ,� �+ A I r EXIST. CND. CE APWA 6AtK.FI..L C.1..ASS A .�i• ►�- �_ I ,� N Ir'' I -•r-..____ - - ---- I PE R APW A CSA T ' 146 1? -- - , ,.. - ���. S 0 o NH O+DID LAT "D" _ r- C + 84 F LUG C"' E.C.L. 4 +O G 3 t OC ,`�,4q - 120 i 5 M-1 0+00 LAT, "@ u_ --- 15 5 +UO LAT. „ ----- 15 5 N s , LATERAL " 15" �..`/� fi WNUZETE _ ( ►` _b_+b3 LAT. U' NN 0 T. E - I. _ r d , E W 0+00 LAT. "0" Y S.W. L URHA \_ ENC.AyEMENT u. 1. I�i'4 . � ------�P �C F I L E : L A j_ IZ A L.. " A n O F 20 TO I.E, IN 5. 14? �7 I. +GS) LAT, "C' \ �.0 ++ '__ _�_. _. `" _ I.E. OUT E. 14? 4"1 I.E. IN S. 147. �'T - 11- 16 PLUG E.G.L. CJ ITE ` ' y 140 ___.�__� _., -.____. 140 SCALE : 1 5 VEt<T., 1 ir0' NOR12. II (.E. IN W. 147.(,7 LATERAL "E " 1Ib �.�� � c, - - 1�.11i_U5'�. - 1,�ay --- ---- I8U I.E. OUT E 147.47 _ ►.>r. Imo.�0 ___ I�� I -� (o s p.C I Io /F 13 G'S 5L.0 LATI`QA L U CTU f E.G.L ---- P�+ I �.� + O6 LAS- _�.. t� I.E. I�0 _�1 P, L•F• G5P 5L=0.000 /r- ! I.e. IN 111. 90 ' PIPE beLlolwcl ''t/4" -G" LIZ VIF'E fe3EUL► G 3/ � 136 I.E. OUT I I.L(' ! PIPE E,AUF)LL Li_• +g° I I -.--- -- - 1 I U 145 (-.. PE �iPYiA-- -_ PIPE bAc KF I :.L• „6., _- PIPE f5E0DING g�4"- U" GR- 0 +- U() + 00 ---- --- 145 -- PER APWA -- --- - 146 PIPE BACKFILL :LASS '' (6" O+ OU LAT A ('� i 2 +00 0 + OU 1 r 00 2.+ 00 GER Ai•YJA 1 Etfe,T NG foo t �TA LL TAP INTO O F I L.E �-_A I E kA �.- D �► P1-20F I LF_ ' LA-T- EtZA L '1 if = U ! N IT Y M P 0 INrERCFI'1'G12 SErJER _ _--••�-_._.�.._ .__-•---_:_� 13 00FA40.� --� too I.E. 107. 24 SGA�1.E 1 " S 9' g6RT., I"� x1 ROIt, SCALE I" - 5 ' VERT, I " � 50' Hop. N. T. S. _- log, I.E. I N I I►. �o D0.C)r✓ iv;A 0 t 00 LAT• 'i:'= 2 +- 00 14-00 •t• U(} ' .�_. I'`.• iN 1bE 20 ALL WORK A1D MATEP.IALS TO CONFORM TO 1980 EDITION OREGON I.E. OUT 12to.1a 1 CHAPTER AMF,R ICAr: PUBLIC WORKS A550C IAT ION (APWA) AM THE I M Ek_ 145.4fo UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY (USA) STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 125 -- I I'25 I' 'I-.04'OI0 .L E CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMI'T'S AND LICENSI-.S PRIOR 0 +QCT I *00 TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. P �%{- i l_ _ + j 0 + 84 PLUG_ E.O.'.__-_ ,. LRkEK C-RC!S51NG�T. g LATEfZAt_ f?. AP>: vwx . L !MIT CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIIY COMPASS CORPORATION AND CITY 48 HOURS • - - Bc 21f i.AVPED LAT - k A L It,-OF Ia0 Y'EA k APQ $EFf:RE STARTING CONSTRUCTION OR 24 HOURS BEFORE RESUMING FLOOD PLAIN BA�1L `l AL WORX AFTER SHUTDOWNS, EXCEPT FOR NORMAL RESUMPTION OF WORK A $" LATEkAL "A" �T, ~ , _-� ,v _EX+S I'1 NG FOLLOWING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAYS. CONTRACTOR SHALL SCALE 1 " - 5' VECT If _-- NOTIFY COMPASS CORPORATION OF ANY SHUTDOWNS SO AS TO EL'IM- ' ' V G,0• HC k j I I Z ? ! EX015T t ItG � � f_ ,�_ 1 NTERGE;�TC r. INATE UNNECESSARY INSPECTION TIME. THE SIDE SEWERS SHALL 4 7 a (U I I I L I, GRAVEL �' EXTEND THROUGH THE UTILITY EASEMENT AND ONE FUI,.L OF PIPE BE- • .a� K, •� II I,� _, / YOND THE EASEMENT RIGHT-OF-MAY. MANHOLE EXTENSION RINGS SHALL In N N N N 1 N 1% CLta.T BF LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM OF TWELVE INCHES TOTAL HEIGHT. 1 + 45 Yr_U G E.C.L. � N -••�- �' '~ -� 12' CLP � � 1 �a L A' as i� N ' ai d' e- o`• I I ''�� -'�- p t UO TAP INTO ALL CONCRETE SETAT.R PIPE SHAT'.:. SE ASTM C-14 CLASS 2 NON-REIN- 0 �y N N + ± I a I' E X 15T I N G Ica" rips �` ; �` FORCED CONCRETE PIPE WITH RUBBEF GASKETS. N � + b I 1I 6 -^`'� ICURB•- 41 �� nm _ - - cP� T ' - ALL CONCRETE MANHOLES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE 48" MINIMUM DIA- _ ,n 1 Y _ _ = N� -� ALL, D15TUR81~D A2EAS F,� METER AND CONFORM TO USA STANDARDS. I.ATEL'AL, ++ p •• II ,1-i ,n = i = _L-- vRF�,oN PROF"" ALOH6 SANIT•AR.�( +FvJEQ I _ v -- -- = ROUTE TD Bfs '�EkOi G� AND ALL CLEANOUTS SHOWN ON THE PLA14S ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER 4 -W-'- A STAKED JUTE Nr.1' 040 FLA:,6U USA STANDARDS. --- -- - ____ '! 0�O� IAT `6'• I � _ ^ • _. OVEiZ Pt5TUR8EC AREAS IN 100 G jU - 5.1N �U N D = T YIzAR Fi.DOb PLAInI AL:', TRENCH EXCAVATION SHALL CONFORM TO APWA DIVISION THREE, W RW ��• _ ._ W I - - - � SECTION 301. 1.01 AND SHALL BE UNCLASSIFIED. ALL EXCESS MAT- -\ ---'- �""� -- - r - B;RTAL FROG+! THE TRFNC;H EXCAVATION SHALL HE DISPOSED OF 0.' SITE. _ .� + Ott aT PIPE REDDING SHALT. 13F. AS PER APWA DIVISION THREE, SECTIO21 LAT..a „ .,.'' / +�I in h n M '�\ �1 / �1 I w "- 3ol. a.02 AND SHAT.., a>� 3, a o GUSHED 1{aC�c. M1 0 r OG LAT. "C" `�I �� , I m m M-1 3 t 33 LA►T. C �� c�_ _ Q ALL SRWEP LINES ARE TO BE AIR TESTED PEP. DIVISION ION TTr IZE, SECTION TRENCH HACkFILL SHALL HE CLASS A PER APWA DIVISION THREE SEC- #_0+00 LAT. "E„ li 1 K` ± `+ `+� 303. 3. 16 OF THE $'1:�-`\'DARD 9PI c !CATIONS. ALL KXMiOLE THAT RE- 2 � � _1 TION 301. �.04 ON ALL SEWER LINES OUTSIDE PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY QUIRE HYDROSTATiC TESTING 9HAI HE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH OR OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS. TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS B / "' l- -�LA-j��K -.--- DIVISION :i'HItEE SECTION 303. 3 5 OF THE STANDARD SPECIF'ICATION'S x i -3 PER APWA DIVISION THREE , SEC'TION 301. 2.048 IN ALL PUBLIC RIGHTS- HO11Sb f ! I t•- 8L A -� A,L,L AUILDT:�IG SERVI( P.' STUBOUTS 1'0 HE A MINIMUI!+! OF 1 LE1.VC3THS OF OF-WAY OR PAVED AREAS IN THE PRWF.CT. [B" LATERAL r� C r, ,)j +,�� -r i -x I i x -_,, ------ ----- �_ _..�/ :URS 1 PIP$ AND TO BE MARFED WITH A 2" x 4" FOR FUTURE LOCATION. TRENCH BACKFILL C MP&c- ;^"_s AT U R A L - J I 1� t 11'rt0�W:•rY I O SHALL BE A5 PER APWA DIVISION THREE, Ui PAVEMENT RE.�URFACI.:r WHE:-.E REQUIRED SHALL CONFORM To DIVISION SECTION 301. 3.07. CONTRACT`JR "'n DETERMINE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT _ - T� I THREE, SECTION 30% OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. AND METHOD TO USE TO ACHIEVE THE PLZQUIRED COMPACTION. � 23 ''1. � 1 �� I �-(� � ►9 18 ��� I � � 14 � i �, I 4� 1 ENGINEER REZ RVES Tim RIGHT TO ADJUST GRADES OR AL,IGNMF.NT CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE A PRINT FOR 1.sE ENGINEER SHOWING AS- i I I TO ACCOMMODATE OTHRR UTILITIES AS REQUIRED. CONSTRUCTED DATA. I * I PLUG E.D.L, I CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTILITIES !BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUC- SUBSEQUENT S£TTLFMENT OF THE FINISHED SUR'FhCE WITHIN THE *"ANTY ! I ) TION AND SIRALL, RELIX:ATE AN`, IN CONFLICT WI'I'I, 'PRE P PERiOP SHALL BE CONS?-RED TO BE A RESULT OF IMPROPER COMPAC.'TION AT E„ I 5 +45 F LJ c L ROPO- D AI4D SHALL BE PROMPTLY REP,,IRED BY THE EONTRACTM AT NO EXPENSE I I f LA "All - - - CONSTRUCTION. EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHO'RN ARE APPROXI- TO THE OWNER. /1 MATT: ONLY AND MU. T BF. VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. ADDITIONAL L U r f 1-1 I q E -�. 1 . i AT 11 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MAY EXIST. E' Cy - �;: I �i . ,• .`---._ '3G A L G 1 = 50 ' / D p�f l fS SAN ITAc:Y SEW Fit ,C,r'iN"`�. �• -- �,T •--- STDkNi `'E.V+dFk: /�, P,V,t� •FOR APPROVALS ONLY W �ATt= � it I I off "NOT FOR CONSTRI.ICTION " BOND PARK -• LO pru►yttNMMM DESIONEDRGW CHECKED COMPASS; CORPORATION MR. KENNETH L. WAYMIRE SANITARY SEWER 2 Z AaslAay N�• �'l1s SCALE AS SHOWN DATE AUG. 1983 iN01NEERING - SURME�lNG - PLANNING t - Y� ,4VERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. IMPROVEMENTS GATE -- NG. ��7y m E V S I O N FILE 83 - 1961 - 1262 sRs.s E TAKE ROAD (5031222.4651 _s iAILWAUKIf OREGON 9'1222 (503)653-9093 11913 BROADACRES N. E., HUBBARD, OR, 981 - 6770 PL , N AND PROFILES 3 E�O�IU F='AF'k:: NO 1 I. I. OF 12 1 .,..a.,..r, :..,w:. ..,-•u,;1- � : *•'�+'� r1ar.........�.r.�.w.. ipY' •w,,.qy,.. �,..;'.;,.,ea.W..a,..o. ,,...--• � . � ,�.,;. .. ate, r. .,..,.,.y�,,.. + -A.....,,-r 1-Y- -�. .,.-.: -_ --�4�-arlialillB. � ., 1 I iI 111111�1�lll11111111 II�F11��11111 1 01 111IIt 1111 M f+If � ��III�IIfllli�+l+I+) +III111`II+IIIII111111+IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIII111I1 III 11111111111 111Iflilillil11 1IIIII111111111 � - t 4 r I + NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED 2 .+----.-.... 3 � -- 4 5 6 _ 7 8 (IO 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS) CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE IT 15 DUE TO yj}f QUALITY OF 'fHE ORIGINAL DRAWINGAE 62 92 L2 92 SZ f2 EZ Z.2 18 62 61 of L I 91 S I b 1 E 1 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 S r E +tf1i111111111I111111111IIIIIIIHIIl1111111�II111F11I111f111111111t11111I11g1111�1111111IHIf1HIlI11G�t111I1111�11!fI111111111I1Ntlltlt�{Illlil��lin11f11�nnHittllltlhttf�tlllllnll�Ituhfn�ullnluHllu11111111HIIr1nII1l11kN11111u11�Jlullllllllu�llll11uN1111b111 _ JUN4E 24 1992 yp­ ..._,. ._. __ _..,....,,,,... _. - ------,.wive__ ... .. ,•:... .,. '.. .. ..,n.t .:.,, .,,„ ,r.. d , .,,' i ! .. , ,, r •.MS`:r +, do F� ,�' , -aa - `.r r, tabula t*d t0ta j .ti-as --� -- 2/3A 41.e rlupgeA cames Myr► Plug or cap Straddle alc+dc par A.tai.,j) i `A az FIRE HYORANT 6' FLG. GONNE.c . S.W 6GNITA11= A _--___�° 1l A SIDEWALK __ p y T 7 i �( Bandl Ilium Cross see � � C 0 M C CURS --- " ` FIN 1 Sh GRADE4 1101'GS c i 3 ' ; �� ! 1. C wr wte thrust blackiq to be pouroa against tsldisturb.e earth. a 5W U 0 RN A M 2. Keep QW=rete clear aE joint and accesscuries. coMc BLOCK 3. V Hot 0hoo, Ott, MIN STRENGTH IMAX VALVE . plans required beating a,reret •z fitting shall be as iz>,dlc'ated � � be10w, a�dJust4d it Mcesse2500 P S 1 dOx I �- �ary, to onfosm to the test pressure(s) er4 a►�llowftble Sail beerbg sttr"4(ea) stated in the spaniel sped.ticaticm. 3.IA 50 FT OFOGAA 1 N G AREA • ftrea., alttd spsdal bladd.sq detetot a vmr, an piwo take precedwas 0.nr be�'1ep areas ttlM bl.odcir>p details showy an tAi,•s stardara detail. b• t.' iJ.Y.F. ri yYff - CONC. THRUST 1- 5 1112"- 0 DRAIN •.� Airy BLOCK Q� 'vee.M9le, !0•land lire _. ROCK ri tting Flug ar 1PiM99" plugged ZW else Cap Cross Ot>t •tend Ikm A &mind s s • M• + , 1 1� r' l �['- (NO LESS THAN 6 f \� ' �� �;�, V { C I N I � I�'1 A f 1 2 i` ABOVE t o ' �• .! ! ^t S. 4 .4 . - DRAIN HOLE ) ' �' ' • � iAlfE VALVE N. r. O M41FI IMIIE B l 6 5.4 2. VARIES I E E 6' $106 ! 44 4 4 ?, cOKGnETE OR SOLID ROCK OUTLET Q BASE 2.25 S. F BEARING FL AIKE AREA 0,02 s a TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION WATER 6xN>E CONSTRUCTION NOT25: 24 $4.0 26.2 '73.6 6.8 T :' ALL WORK. AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT STAND- ARDS, THE OREGON STATE HEALTH DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE RULES CHAPTEP 333 , 141IMt THE A.W.W.A. AND THE A.P.W.A STANDARDS. Afire bercinq areas basad mi test pressure e[ 1517 p.s.i. WA an shamble sail baaring stress of 21,000 PWA40 PW square boat. lb ewovate bsakirg arew OW mwaxeeit test ALL WORK WILL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY TIGARD WATER DISTRICT. lrsssu v& sed sadl bearlM stresses, Mete tbg lbllo>yda>g apjetian: raarbV Amar • (test pressureA1S0)7ct2046/80LI bearbw strs"Wtable value). ZONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY UTILITIES BEFORE STARTING CONS:`RUCTION AND SHALL COORDINATE WATER LINE CONSTRUCTION WITH OTHER FACILITIES AND UTILITIES. THRUST BLOCK IN G _ DETAILS CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL CONSTRUc"T THE WATER LINE TU AVOID CONFLICT WITH THE EXISTING UTILITIES. M. T. S. i PIPELINE SHALL 3E CLASS 52 TYTON JOINT CEMENT MOP'T':%R LINED DUCTILE IRON PIPE WHICH SHALL ^ONFCRM TO .ASTM C110 , C111 , C150, AND C151. GATE VALUES SHALL $E; Aw'WA C5G'0 WITH NON-RISING STEMS. VALVES SHALL OPEN ------------- — — LEFT AND HAVE 2-INCH OPERATING NUT. T � I ! V P_ L A ISI FIRE FY'DRANT ASSEMBLY CONSISTS OF 6 MJ x6" FLG EE, 5FLG GATE VALVE , I-ZALF_: 1 "s A5C' �. FLG x FLG SPOOL, IF NECESSARY, AND PACIFIC STATES FIRE HYDRANT, 5j" MVO, r 3-POP.T 2 �- 2 " HST HOSE CONNECTIONS , 1 " �9 ( � - 4� PUMPER) , 6 FLG CONNECTIONS, > 1 5 79 I �- -1�" PENT OPR NUT, OPEN LEFT, COLOR: YELLOW, •I'RAFF IC MOJEL.. � J I I ' �- 1 1 > EACH FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE INSTALLED UPON A PRE-FORMED CONCRETE BLOCK WITH CUBIC YARDS OF CRUSHED lhm DRAIN ROCK. TAR PAPER WILL BE LAID ON TOP OF DRAINROCK TO SEPARATE ROCK FROM EARTH COVER. POURED CONCRETE THRUS'rBLOCKS AT LEAST 8 SQUARE FEET OF BEARING SURFACE AT EACH TEE, BEND, AND FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS. _ -__-_-_ -J•�__.__- �,_._________ _- _ _.._ _---__-_--_-_____ - _--_-� -- ' �GuT I E 9 G' M j. T>rE � 3C" OF 3/4" MINUS GRAVEL COVER FOR ALL MAINS IN STREETS AND DRIVEWAYS. _- OTHERWISE, 36" OF EARTH COVER. CUT IN S' K d" MJ I -_-- 8 .J B F V B SOLIt3 SLE VE . :=z .,. tea - �r z_�_�� BFV i ro _.._. . . _ _:z = wl®• SOLID SLE6V6 ----- -- -------�--- -- ---T------- ------ --�� ALL SANITFi'Y SEWER LINES 10' LATERALLY OR 3 ' VERT IC%►LLY OF WATER MAINS SHALL = I BE ENCASED !N CONCRETE 6" THICK 10'FROM CROSSING. ./HERE CROSSINGS ARE M. r,.�. Rw41Jr NECESSARY, TF!EY MUST BE MADE AT APPROXIMATELY 90° WITH AT LEAST 18" SEP- Fax 113T. NY T. f� ' I I 1 I ARATION BELOW WATER ,AIN. WATER MQ FIRE N�(p RAW'1 i A��ENiQL( - - -EX1'�TI►iC. !!S" D.I.P. `(D A,tSF.M$Lf WA-T[-,)Z MAth► MAINS SHALL BE TESTED AT ISO PSI FOR 1 HOUR. STATIC PRESSURE . 95 PSI. ALL MAINS SHALL BE CLEANED AND FLUSHED WITH POTABLE WATER PRIOR TO DIS- 24 23 22 21 20 I I'-1 IS 17 i I�.• I IS 14 1'6 15 , INFECTION AND BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING, OREGON STATE HEALTH DIVISION BACTERIOLOGICAL TEST SAMPLE WILL HE TAKEN BY TIGARD WATER DISTRICT. PIPELINE 15' I I I I SHALL BE TESTED AT 150 PSI AND HELD AT THAT PRESSURE FOR 2 HOURS. IT SHALL I I � BE THOROUGHLY DISINFECTED AND FLUSHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.W.W.A. STANDARDS i C 601. i _---- . ---------1 _-_-------�- -__ ------�___�--- — — -----_-_--_-�_- i-- ------------ ------_-� ALL CURBS MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO INSTALLING WATER MAINS. TWD WILL INSTALL ALL COPPER SERVICES PRIOR TO BLACKTOPPING OF STREETS. METERS WILL BE INSTALLED BY THE DISTRICT UPON INDIVIDUAL REQUEST FOR SAME. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS WILL. BE CEMENT- LINED. f MATERIAL LISW I z1ontity 6" TJDI Pipe (Claes 52) 665 Beet I 6" 14J D. F V. 2 Each 8" MJ x 6" MJ Tee 2 Each \`� 1 H( 6 I MJ SOLID S', EVE (L ?) 4 Each 6" MJ Gate Valve S tach 1 Fire Hydrant Assembly 2 Each c� FOR APPROVALS ONLY11 "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION " BOND PARK " - � _- —_----- ------- �r DaAwN M M M DESIGNED R G W CHl;CKEO �j O 1111 PA S S C O R P O F#AT I C?N MR. KENNETH L. W AY M I R E �,� 3 10 - 10- 83 1 REVISED PEQ- TIrARD - TER D151. I'cALEAS SHOWN DATE AUG. 1983 - SURVEYING PtJIMAIt' O W '`VERLY CONSTRUCTION CO. WATER IMPROVEMENTS PLAN OATI NO. - I I V 1 t 1 O N6564 B.E.LAKE ROAD (503)2224052 FILE 83 - 1961 - 1262 MILWAUKIE,OREGON 97222 (503)6539093 11903 BROADACRES N.E., HUBBARD, OR 981 - 6770 t?' OF 1.2 - .... .... .._ -.r.e'w'.1a.w'..1.1a�4fr.�r/d''_s.,- _v:.yf:.:...... ....Ir.�yQiabu.':e'. �,s�•M• •_- :m'yr..W`1/+ a.IYP.. ` - r-- • .. .. 1 r •.r ._a _y. - .:rF•r. ..__-.r. .. ..- ._ ._.__.,. mow. lrll �II III III III 1�1 II` IIF II SIII III Ill +til 1� 111 II 'FII 1�1 r�1 II III ! III III Ilr III III 1{1 III I11 III III 111 III 111 III 111 I T Ilr IIt 111 III 111 III 11111 _ 1 1 ( I I I I � 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICW)FILMED `" I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIUrr-11 IS DUE TO SIM QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING, nE 62 9Z a9Z SZ *,z EZ ZZ 12 OZ 61 BI LI 91 o1' I fl 11 01 d 0 L 9 S b E Z I«r►sr I 1 I • � ��IIIl11111111I111111111I111111111I11111111�1111J111{IIIIIItulltubullnulrntll/ldulllMuluNNfldllnllurl1l11{IIHI!lnlltft�ilnlNlfi�llJIIIIIIIIIf1�11N{Iilrl,�lllllllllrllllli{ {IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!111111111�llW1U11111�1�llllllll�llhlllp11111 JUKE 24 1992 -:sd► --------e•...n...r..,...��..r.rw!— _ ,;.r- - i�.�.e-1•..�.•�,,..�.,'�+.....-..----.�....�..._ �. . �,.-- ----. ,`.._....•._ ,.._ -'7.�-+-fr ,,.._ � r:::.,..,nw,4�ii,"r ., ,