BELLWOOD NO. 1 SUBDIVISION gR 1 2 t Za EXTEND 3Tn'RM DRAINAGE 3 '� S 6 �., 7 OUTFALL 80'x' TO CREEK � 1N DEDICATED EIASEMEN't A �\ N J 21 'J8"E S.W. 125'" AVE. N 0 4x'20"E ,, ' 5*00. C- -- \ ,� a�' ; --- �..R%.a °Nq`GRAT� - 2J9. 7 N-a - ,Y -Ira ov 6 a o a, °� v m C.6. o._=---� / \ tOG EXTEND r + co �r Q R% TOAafGRATE 2J .67 `� ` S ORM DRAINAGE OUTFALL To CREEK IN \ O d 601 v ` DEDICATEC EASEMENT ' I s NorE : UN SEE 54TZ FOR CONTlhILWION � - 4F PL/'.N � PRM LE FOR EAA 1'>�wvRK W UNDER THIS CONTRACT, } e, ` 15 16 17 -� cl. �� C^ 8. Top orC. TE-20/.45 9c + I s m 1 a 62 81 \ I + 6� RAD. PT - --- `\ co"oop 37 ! w ,," \� 14tj !` 1 - r I, s v \ \ Srp 1 1 L Q I Ccp lr +r on Iti I S GP f I ' n `> a m 1 0 � BROOKWAY 2. 0 h i �' j' C m N , "=+-"' -� /; STREET IMPROVEMENTS .� C13. 0+40 h f , � s : TOP OF GRArE-206. O i � O / /" / � \, P.c e7 �;oo IE -203.70 PLAN & PROFILE o.. y 01, JAMES R. HARRIS 5 \ 10 N 1 34 40 S. W I,24'" )?AVE - - --�- \ a��,dt�0 CONSULTING ENGINEER f TI G A RD, OREGON SCALE •-1 5 SHOWN'u CHECKED BY s1 R H OREGON W�! .� SCALE 1�-5J' TOP OPGRATE- 208.74 '� �9���', 1 ' a�,� DATE 7 14 JOB Ne, sl3- lo.l l —�— 1 E- 205. 70 v1 S FZ. 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I' > i c 5W rr.ti A1.._ { x —_—_ - - --- j 2 "1,2'x �� ANGLE IRON 1 W 1 Q � y < p I i 1 ti 4 � C GQ 4 14 0 6' 610 II naay o _PLAN A SECT►oN A -A _ �RC,HT E L ���,qT; ON 7_7 -r_____ _T_ i C I ' _ I , 1 I I I - - _ _ ./ __- _ - • _ - _ J. _. I - 7 JQ: . I T I I II 1 Q Y I = 0 V .._ W _ 1- .. _ ..__ - - -- - __ _. .__ _._ .�.._ - - __ :_.--_ N I -_. _ D — __ - _ C;i - 2 41 CIO m 0 .0 ru i - - o--- AJ I X - m - - - I - I I i -- - - ---- _-- --- _ - ---- - -__-_•_ _..___ � ---_ . .':Y_ ----_--1• �ht�-- . �- ._ • B R 0 0 KWAY - - -- -._ XXi - - PLAN PROFILE s oPE o E ori o STREETIMPROVEME S JAMES CON S U LTI N G ENGINEER ER_ OREGON SHOWN _ �- 7 0 -•_. - --. .�.. - _.... — HOWN _ DATE - ` JOB N O. fJµ S HEC _ - _ 14) DRAWN BY�.t�.. SHEET _. OF —.2— /Yt 60 ?.. GAAONAT8 .! -A • A .9 .D 3.113OR4-OA 19 r 3TAJ9 #1U N• "TMIIN OMA 710/M—MUJJ8V '10UM41JDA,,1AP ^*OUI .Loon NO a i .. 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JUNE 24 1992 ,. .'• - .+r.+.......—. .__�►--._' �'•_n""•�l�s�F _ �i1MR^... -7�r�v._ ._ _. r- vh/..-- - ..-... t: +`h 4y �pk�! y r5 't•I J w 1 1) i 71 10 "FITT' '4 4. � 5K 1;4w �;W, iq 1 31, 43 pd^ r Slt � n a� d (D c N w � o �4 i1M .. .... . ...... ,oCK ,►u reoj Q F t-Tgc.K o.,.,i MLAlw-(O Cc, r/gk.L:) .Two (r,,75 r-orL 1)wijg owe. crura iia =� ''ill A, 7k :vAWOW-1r tji*,' -8 el Ap,,% jq..*ZCr rjggZ`� WAqLjC AppVut POT c PG,Q(-E r0ir-z) 4L4 50 AiSr'D iT- f4 PIZo*P%J A-/D CIAI� 'BRLOv4t u�)F— gr C6r,- 41K) 1.27 vveX'c-,s 4)..JD UZ/1011F 7" G v le )zi OW 1 IV jl:) 0 Ao Vol jR. =•l��. �,r�L�C� �L.5C1, la ,< /2 w0v4 K g,1z QV- L;r 47— 1-2450 g 3 . /.1 Cto v 427 Avpk'c-*Q C 2 A c �� �1; AV BAD C-%HAP2 7/-try AI'LT- C� 'A�►cEt�� (v-t 1r=tV 4.,VL) I�"J Y_c)K�. /w' I-I,4•� e+ ,/ /a. ® vv Q .O rU �+EJv C.?pw R(tip X,4E 7Z- i f i i I i f J 1 + 4 !¢S The Travelers ocr 2c 1s� , �cNrEut rbe� tt�� � . '. Of PGAn '" r 1 1 gra Hall City of Tiff"m JW BAArMM BMUU, INC _ ...---- awWtlor•dN Cwdrerh �iat►aLa1]aL1m-�t.�1d�,1�,_iw w:.:�o.r.c.rw�.:+ - -- -------- n.....rr..._. - ._-_. -.1ard —. lMecffwDew— r,,p,•p,awJ„�raw right a-NOtWI ew IIeb11Np e.der MM be.N•)dour7Md ebew,v.+eo1/dppeMeNo w/I of dr k*wobkg bvbnoofto•Y Now e.eMW. Very belt veep% vire HrricAq I IF C*rpA( �r.,ru rhp pi AqN IAIf. App'.b.r.dare r"_'4rk Hr. '*is App..•1r.M.eu•pr my dHl. anal IF C()NTRACT UNCOMRfTlD,MfASf 5IAM Appr.A/.r.N p......g.w dWlnr a• l nN Hunner!•or.pl.lod w d.Nww.d.-.____..._.._ _ _ .-_- 7 t� rz k—.of wr onpoid bills ler 1.1m.r or•rdeaeI(CIM14M • n.rNer nN.,�)__._. p+e��-M�._�e..s.__,�L�►�_��.cbL��L����f .� .*A►�,....... ✓.r. 'ALd �t nILA11 IIPWH o1NfNIM1Af Of IM nfouNY TO T I T t A Y E l E A S I N 0 E A NI T T (0 N I A N CFNFIAI FtlfM S1A,tlS IN041tF UTen' ATTN , Dct1T1 Sr�r.7ped nddrv�gNNl dMYeF[�e►�b>.rlforhed Ii rle.d caws to IM pubnoWild in durdicals, 7D• •V 1' dNG , :77 NrtV fA, .M.a.r..•A pa�nAr.r� wruc�N grog , N � y OWN H Ai y V v\ ro H w o ro H �1 1� Y r x April 12, 1971 s i J. W. Brayson Builder, Inc. 7603 S.E. Powell Blvd. Portland , Oregon 97206 Rye: Duplexes or'- �ite 15 through Bell000d bdivi.9ion, C Of Tigard i Dear Mr. Brayson: Under Ordinanca 8-67 the Behid0, 3ubdiviaion was approved I an a plannod regidenti�--44Lvelo nt combining ningle fa.mi. y Jwellingo, duplexee �dQd"Ra a l�t►i:ents. Lot3 1 ), 16, 1'., 1 19 :nd � , were a„p roved as du�.l.ex sites ad jcin.r_r- the dedi ted park tea. Please co not eopt/act this offic.-• if you have any furtti4qu btiona Mmcigi�ninw th- nuhdivision. Sincerely Ruy Raw-'i 1 a City Placner RR: fs • r - - -, , e a.. April 7, 1971 J. W. Brayson Builder, lnc. 7603 S.E. Powell Blvd . Portland , Ore;won 97206 ' Re: Availabilit3N'of sewer ''�((ice in Beiltiwood Sub�i`� vi Sion i Dear Mr. Brayson: This letter is to inform ou th \ wer service is available t,, all lots within tiie end S 1 ivision through Laron Heirhts Interceptor, The sewer hook-up fe per lot �uld be $40J :o the City of •ard and $15J t TiL n Heigh Interceptor, Inc. Plear,e feel gee to cofti,M_' 'is oi'fice if you have any 1 further juq6tions c^nnp-ning Vie ratter. Since rely, Ray Rangila City Planner RR :fs I M0LMLMF-ARL2L�WW-AL=X&M0ULM� I January 26, 11171 4 . W. Braysc.n Builder, Inc. 7603 S.E. Powell Blvd. ,Portland, Oregon 97276 r I , Re: Be{Ywoed--84'bd i v i s i o n, City of Tigt Dear Mr. Brayson: Mr. Jim Harris requested my< Vorific:r'tton titrit Bellwood S::bdivision was approved as &, planliea residential develop- ::,ent with two garden apartment M-tes. Lot 26, the parcelquest r.ee. The r.axi,num allowable t Bidentia Aensity within this parcel can be computed t"y ultiplyinK 2.5 (acreage) by 1� (dwellini, unite pF=r c-ogs ac�_ Therjfore, the total residential den-aity within lot 9, may n T exceed 33 f?ar:lt-n apartments. P.eaee :dad fr•,t� to contact this office if you have any qu--Ati nriA 'cl-,ncerni01 tree matter. Sinceraiyo 1 r , Ray Rani7lla City Plan er HR: f f at'a 2i y.t CITY OF TIGARD P O. Box 23667 +2120 S. W. Main ligand.Oregon 97223 Lecembir 1, 197+, T.+ •• + :`: -c :;^u thr t the %ty of '*ir,,)rd + no moir,tene l,-o mr!c::rt7-ry to the 3ellt.orrl .;ub- { ;y^ur bond nuzber 1544042 �ypiring 9, '97. rc . . :cr -idr-i­ in t1;,, ,v sub— �,, ci,: ,,rjr' a i ^ of e r-ubdi-iision '4r-lysor, 9t::l(ler, Inc. •c itThompc,-)n irec v, of Publ!c ' cr}-.,, 3ui1dl ,r, tnr. 4 4, 'lw.t a. r i SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the 9th day of October, 19(9 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and J. W. BRAYSON, BUILDER, INC. , hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a subdivisi:,n plat known as BELLWOOD SUBDIVISION located in Section 4, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires j the subdivider to install streets, sidewalks, streets lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, undergound utilities and other public facilities for the development and requires the payment of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted certain standard specifications prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in petitioner's development are incomplete, but the peti- tioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and uss of property in the subdivision and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospect- ive purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth, NOW, THER2FORE, in consideration of the foreqoing premises and the covenants ,and agreements to be kept and performed by the petitioner and his surety, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Petitioner shall proceed with the development with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements in said sub- division as herein provided, and petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in raid Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specifications adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Depart- ment, and to use only such mate•:ial and to fol)ow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. 2. To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, the petitioner tenders herewith �o the City a performance bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $ 7,000_00 , a copy whereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part thereof. 3. That in the event the petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion withir the time limited, upon ten days notice by the City to the petitioner and petitioner's surety, and such &�tault and f%-: lure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work completed and to charge the costs thereof against the petitioner and petitioner's surety and in the event the same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action oe brought petitioner and petitioner's surety promise and aqree to par, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum aJ the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the petitioner and/or petitioner's surety specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorneys fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. 4. Concurrent with the execution hereof, petitioner has ten- dered to the City a good and sufficient maintenancce bond in form approved by the City in the sum of $ 35,000.00 to provide for cor- rection of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one year after final acceptance of the subdivision and its improvements by the City. 5. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has de- posited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and mainte- nance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric schedule 091, option B, together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street liqhting facilities within said subdivision from the date of initial energizing of said lights to Jure 30, 1971. 6. Th., City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections as in the City's judqment are necessary to assure compli- ance herewith, in consideration whereof the petitioner has paid pre- scribed inspection fees. 7. The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision. 8. At such time as all public improvements except side- walks and streets trees within the said subdivision have been com- pleted in accordance with the City's requirements, the petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon the certification by the Department of Public Works that all require- ments of the City have been met, the City aqrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficien- cies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. 9. That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's subdivision ordinance and the provisions hereof, peti- tioner binds himself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations: (a) None of the lots in petitioner's sutxiivision as above referenced may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occu- pancy permit shall be issued prior to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development, provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed through- out the entire subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract. -2- C (b) All landscaping trees on that. portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) as required by the planned unit development conditions, shall be planted and in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and application for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event all landscap- ing trees in all areas shall be planted and in place within the ent:.re t subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision t, improvement contract. (c) The footpath and walkway from S. W. 128th Avenue to Tract B as shown on the plat of Bellwood shall be completed in ac- cordance with specifications not later than. May 31, 1970, and in like manner the walkway between Lots 59 and 60 shall be completed by May 31, 1970. i (d) The installation of playground equipmer.c required by the City to be installed by the petitioner in Tract B as shown on the plat of Bellwuod to be assured by cashier's check in the sum of $1500. delivered by the petitioner to the City as a cash oond as to be held by the City until such time as the said equipment has L,:en installed by the petitioner it in the event the petitioner shall fail to com- plete the said '.,ilallation not later than May 31, 1970 the City at i its option may pry 'pare and install said equipment and ;harge the same against the Laic. deposit, the overplus, if any, to be repaid to the petitioner. 10. The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the G aforesaid performance bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part of the petitioner with respect to any requirement thereof. 1.1. If any section sentence, clause, or phrase of this agree- ment is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections of this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the petitioner has executed this agree- ment, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council aCopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the ' day of lli , , 19_L__ , has caused this agreement to 6 executed by its Mayor and Recorder. J. W. BRAYSON, BUILDER, INC. By CITY OF TIGARD , / By '' Mayor B?' Recorder -3- STATE OF OREGON ) )&s. County of Multnomah ) March 20, 1970 Personally appeared J. W. BRAYSON, who being duly sworn, did say that he is President of J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER, INC. , the within-named corporation, and that the seal affixed to the fore- going instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors: and tie ac- knowledged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Before me: Not ry Public for Oregon My/Commission Expires: 1/16/73 .J t y THE TF�,AVELER� � • THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY (T CHANGE RIDER 15tt4043 J. W. BNAYSON, BUILDER, INC. 12-9-69 CITY OF TIGARD .. , Yat-rs•.a r•,,,,u tzrnrssr€areunr- -- -- s * . s 165.00 -YAW.ir- 2! h,.-1 t,-mw f"rm it part,d the above descrils`d Irrrnd. Ir ,, •i I ,1,• dd,l,.mnl„r n-turn premium+hown ubetve the surety hereby giveio its consent it) RSDUOS THE PENALTY OF NE BOND FROM $18,000.00 to $71000.00. t �. n. ,wurta,l, Iudnllt} .,f the surety fur uny r,•ie nr nwre, losers uccurrine rrtior to the effective date of $1d'000.00 ,nr for any.nu•„rr,•I,`.a .„ccuning nRrr srdd dote exceed-$71��00 .11111 the surply's Irandlt> br rwuulnttve. iZ —9—G9 iYU,mh dm, reurl PNl:TRAVELERS INDEW '' TIMPANI' t}� �lol tI r I,• S JO1. mr k . r ullm.. , .. � r . .r.. ._.......- _..'w�1►f-". r q+�l�p�r �,.. ;16> -vn�-:., per,.,x,k e e a s i i 1 6 r , � � n I � 0•. Z h� fvi oa ul 1 � �� � o a 4 f 4 t , DG719 ■: JU 15WW i The Traveler.ks Indemnity Company Harford, Connecticut (A STOCK (:OYPANY) pEMMIAACE BD® M" ALL MEN B7 THES9 YRaSSM: -'Mt we, J. M. BRAYSON' BAIL XRR, IN(:. as Principal, and THE TRAVEIBRS iNDEKKM COMPANY' as Smrity, are held and finLiy bout unto City of Tigard, Oregon, as Obliges, in the sus of RMRTM THOUSAND AND WO/*100 ($',8,000.00) Do13A", for the pansnt of which, well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety hind themselves, their heirs, erstcutors, administratorr successors and assigns, jointly and severally, fy11L1l by these presents. WHFMAS, the said Principal ham petitioned the city of Tigard to perviit progressi-e occupancy and use of property in the subdivision prior to completion of sidewalks. Now, TFIMFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, that, if the Principal shall complete tt,e sidewalks and othor specific requiresasnts of paragraph 9 of Subdivision Compliance Agreemrent, then this obligction shall be void, otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect, Signed, Sealmd and Dated the 9th day of December, 1969. J. K. BRAYSOA, BUIIDRR, 7N0. ,THE IFR i.MlS14IITY COIIPa➢R Aeaa Ii. Petitt, Attorneyzn-Pwt i . I EES,�eE�a lSln4�2 s; ,i � � ��'• The Travelers Indemnity Company Hv rtford, Connecticut (A STOCK COMPANY) MA$)ENAWE BOND KW W ALL KEN BT TBESE PF=NTS: That we, J. W. BRATSON, BUELAZR, INC. as Principal, and THE TRAVELERS MDEWTY COMPANY, as Surety, are hold and firmly bound unto CITT OF TMARD, Orel-n, as Obli4es, in the sus of. TENT FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/lDO ($35,000.00) DOLLARS, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly ani severally, firmly by these presents. WKWAS, the said Principal has laid out and cons.-acted certain a water lines, streets ind sewers within the subdivision of record in City of Tigard, {1' Oregon known as Bellwood R WHEREAS, ',he said Pr4ncipal has applied to the Obligee to accept and establish all streets as shown on said plat, as city streets and in connection therewith has promised and obligated itself to maintain said water lines,streete and sewers and to correct any defects in said water lines, streets and sewers for a period of one year following acceptance by the City; Now, 'rHW..FOFF, the condition of this obligation is such, that, if the Principal shall maintain said water lines, streets and sewers and correct t�ny defects in said water 1 nes, streets and sewers for a period of one year followii.g acceptance Uy the City, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, it shall remain ir, hull ford and effect. J.1BRATSON, Au1)!)ESR, INC. z Tla IBES INP aPFQ M C01VAR l Dean R. Petitt, Attorney-in-Fact y. i August 21, 1969 t1r. Je�rr.E;� R. Ke�t`1' is iq Co mercJ41 3tr( of Tit,ard, Oregon 914,223 Dear J lin l This Is to officially notify you that your rt.rluF ,t to con -trust 4 fest nldevralks io the Bpllaood Plan ied Kee- Om t'-&l 3ubdlvlslon was a pivvccl by the and ZonlrtG CommlAelon on AWunt aO, 1969. If you have an:r quaOtions pertalrnlimF to tliv- mattor, nlcape fecl fron to oalle alne6rely, Molly 14. Vied City -lanner 1:' wtfs wow Aust 20, 1969 Mr. James R. Harris Consulting tegineor 9905 S.W. eosswercial Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Jin, Thank you for your letter regarding you: alien desire to dhange the sidewalk widths is the Bellwood S11b� inion frole 5 feet to 4 foot. j . We have reviewed the sabjeot of amen" conditioaAl mess with City Attorney Fred Anderevi . It is-)!saki`s opinion Ghat the process involved depends upon 'pKar of the proposed aa»ndrnt. Specifically. the al qK changing the widths of a sidewalk approved by a pr=one p residential oosdi- tional use is, is our opinion, 4 ho a minor change., We are therefore going to ask tis I� and Zoning oarelission to consider the subject byalb�ilr� its eventing llednsedaY eve- ning, August 20th. lf��A"* Fltq Zoning Commission congers, we will forward a wri r at on to that effect to the City Council for its idwati by a motion on Rbnday evening, August 25th. It night be od! 7& ^ dkikl•VIN attend both meetings, if passible, to answer quPritione stwu ld they arise. We have recistly been ! by Jos Chamberlain whether or mat he ervuld procerd immmdily with the construction of a sewer line to serve his progb"d IVOslopmewt around his bows. As you will recall from your proviova fiork, the line serving that area east be aimed sufficiently to handle flows fraw the drainage basin south of Walnut Street up into 8111 MD•ntaLn. Originally, you had plans on a 10' sewer line. Joe. as usual, is in a big harry and does not feel he wants to be barderwWaith the extra cost of a 10' line. He there- fore r as came up with a ochomis that sounds like it might have scam merit. Me would like to build an S' line up the one side of the lake near- set his home and, at a later data, build a second 8' line serving . ...-_ _ - Mees �, Marvin the easterly o w --w of t! s, labs,, Ibm" two linen old altiaatoly conceal saww"bere south of the lake, Pceea■nably also south of Valmt Street. Obvicusiy, at Ww month end Of the lake, these two •• limes serape also haw to vsnmeat into a 10- or ill-Mach lino prior to esptyiag into t w =lotiag trwk #ureas latessan`o paroperty. 111vrs mW Ont, id�.Joe i• doaiaroaa o! ��ca�oesding with this project, run will kom to have ooylete 0 img plain fore linen. Mess will have M b♦ e wMitted to the m�►irom■iemtal Orality �ntaml Crise"m b*gWm the oomstruation ntarta. P100" lot me know It J" coetaata Yen regarding tkis pnrroposal. Sinoerel yours, � I • i !+alter strator •ter/jP '•��, eat mmi th C. 4t cwpson City Snginear Rai ly tri ed City Planner CQ i r JAMES R. HARRIS CunsultiM Engineer 8905 S.W. Commercial Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Telephone: 15031 639 7705 August 13, 1969 RECEIVED . ? ! 196 CITY OF TIPRn Mr. Steven Telfer City Administrator P. 0. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 9722-3 Dear Steve Under the Feesent Tigard subdivision code the required sidewalk width In Bellwow subdivision is 5 feet. A 5 foot wide sidewalk and a 34 foot wide street with 6 inch think curbs leaves a 4 foot wide planting strip between the curb and sidewalk. The narrow 21 foot strip slakes it very difficult for utility installation behind the curb and also for planting of the required trees along the streets. On behalf of my client, J. W. Brayson, I request that the City consider reducing the required width of sidewalk in Bellwood to 4 feet. This would create a 34 foot wide planting strip which would benefit both the tree planting and utility installation. Very truly yqurs, James R. Barris JRR/Oo OREGON STATE SANITARY AUTHORITY STATE OFFICE BUILDING 1400 8 W 5TH AVENUE PORTLAND. OREGON 97201 O April 17, 1969 Harris and Griffin Consulting Engineers 8905 S. W. Commercial St. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: S - Tigard Gentlemen: We have received and reviewed plans for the proposed construction of sanitary sewers in & 11wood Subdivision in the city of 'Tigard. "Field joints" in concrete pipe are most unreliable and should be avoided as a matter of practice. A standard wye or tee should be installed or connection made. to a manhole wherever possible. Thib project is approved subject to attached provisions ar><i ratification by the Oregon State Board of Health and State Sanitary Authority. Also, the system must receive the approval of the city of Tigard }prior to construction. We are returning one set of plans and specifications bearing our stamp of provisi, 1al approval. Very truly yours, Harold E. Milliken Assistant Chief sanitary Engineer PDC:ch E:nnc. L <c : City g of Tigard cc : Washington County H alth Dept. cr_: Portland Dintrict Office CvJ � � U 1. Construction of the proposed sewers shall be in strict conformance to said approved plans and specifications. No changes or deviations shall be made without the prior written approval of the Sanitary Authority. 2. The installation of said sewers shall comply fully with the regu- lations of the State Board of Health and State Sanitary Authority regarding the relative location or separation of water and sewer lines, which include the requirements for 18 inches of vertical clearanc` at water, and sewer crossings with the water line located above the sewer and 10 feet of horizontal separation for parallel runs unless cast iron pipe with watertight joints is used in each instance. 3. The construction of said sewers shall be under the supervision of and shall be thoroughly inspected by the design engineer or his authorized representative who at the completion of the project shall certify in writing to the Authority that such construction was in- spected by him and found to comply with the above requirements. 4. Construction of the house or building sewers which are to be con- nected to said sewers shall be of the same quality and meet the same requirements with regard to materials, watertightness and location and shall conform to the state and local plumbing codes and restrictions. 5. No roof, surface, foundation, footing, or other ground water drain lines shall be connected to said sewer system. 111111'Tlill,ITT I I IT 111177771 1 M ITIG O 11 U b X E- 8 R 8 8 ! 8 9 tl Q p F + 0 x 5 ,O of � r.i N - � O n O d d O O W H K I � x � d I� G 11 I d I m w V •.--ice _- - � �v n e .. Q N H I � y aa�� •� N �� .9 o i a . I � � .c V a °fin ° •1� w �i� eiE .yNyu E oo I � N � ?o C 00 N J O 0 C Y a a 7 , Y 1i N U C d a N a u H Ny�y 4 �'1 G, �'O M�^•C� �(+� d � . t � �a`r p J a wl p�p.�. i ja nLn Ig,a ° N n�� p M w I Ar"A oa n [ti7 a`�iYiS M , �yv � y.rT 7 $ y.' v^3sau pioUU9 N � yy �yy �,� � a ■p c w S 9.rap.. �, ua i ..: �oiri•�� � .Q �ui �udgtiao � oCi.»ri �"'9� N �U A L i c I � IIIIi cp 1- L y"/rrCJG' �t'Y[��FG�' ,/Id��JT• /�'�,ic.'c=1� �f C�/'•�_ _. � - -- - i I � I VP I i I r%' �'��•' i �-' rrc`` /�<<,"t�' LrCvw.,rt► d �N iM/e i fr,II i I I ONO �. 4L g fG0 Goy _ 0T $t e�fcc v ii Tr! �n.cO . ... .. -_ SRE reg —!!rc_..OL •n+�w�>�..+�.�.�e.,. .. . __ �_ ff _.. __._: _.: :M� _... . - --I , . -. --- - - - _ - . j _. .. _ - _. -- _ -_ _. _. _ _ .. _.� .� . __ _ __. _. _ .. _ _._. _ _ .... - - � �1�' � 7 I �i � y h .�� � o i, ° � U � � � � � A �v � V y: � } •1 � �J �. ' i � 1 I i re,+ � � �, - �_�__ .__ _---�_.._.t _, __ ..... _ _. _. ._ �_ _._�_ . v � �. ��_. ��__ � ,T r _ � ;, ..�..._ _..._ , 1 �' __a. .. .._._ I ,__ ..,._�..... �j � � 4 � � l`� � I j �r I I '1 � y '�� �, � � '� �; i � t � I 16 1 eZ N 1 ._._ /�O iE__�d .�.LG.Q.I�f/fr► aro LC? 0f 04 V"4 4 lee I J. AO ___.__•/�.��tl✓ /A�.rk4�� NCrH.__- _L_a".lt ._L�L�`_Af�C6" i I �LY-414/ .S T (.q L 1 e ,o.�✓c p� i UIJUU Ll CC, 11:71 Q . 1 ,8.s• fs• /fL f/�,i or o o o /g OIL .� _7 _ ._... .._ •�--•- --off-__ ry._-� �f ly xr !r1MVstM�N.,111-i l,p: 1 { I r,, i iS ..-Art -_-- I I I i .I? Z .t 00 �_ s .. II J. — r cJ G � � c r , 1 ✓H F; � .1 �, Ire �, � ' � 1 , � 1 �1 llil , �l� f .+ ;?ill t I i I ��Il � � % 114 � � III „t{ ' �t I, �{ � -+-' - �� 'T� ii� �i I � . }� i 1 �; � , , , If i l �$ r t '� � r � � � � , . 1 { Frr � SPECIFICATIONS FOR B E L L W C 0D SANITARY SEWER /-7I ARTS -- -- --- _TITLE h.:• BYE_ Itf,'�1F;t!1 rR1r '1P!1T n^ 16 HARRIS 6 GRIFFIN Civil F;.gineering& Planning 13906 S W Commercial street Tigard Oregon 97223 SPECT ICATIONS FOR BELL MOD S.',NITARY SZ4M T IGAIM 9 WASHINGTON COUNTY, OR=N HARMS - GRIFFIN Civil En,inoering & Planning $905 3.W. Comurcial Street Tigard, Oregon SPLCIFT,,ATIONS BE1IL-700D St-JITARY SE`dZR. TABLE OF 0114TENTS Page SECTION 1 GENERAL CO,0ITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GCI-GO15 SECTION 2 GaIERAL SPECIFICATIONS-SZ4ER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sewer 1-Sewer 9 STAN'DARD D,TAILS-S>rinTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sewer 9 SECTION 3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SP-1-SP-2 SECTION 4 NZASUFWIENT AND PAYI0, 4T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GENERAL CONDITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1-01- Definitions GC-1 1-02- Correlation and Intei.t of Documents GC-2 1-03- Conformity to Plans and Specifications GC-2 1-04- Status of the Enginecr GC-2 1-05- Detail Drawings and instructions GC-2 1-06- Copies Furnished GC-2 1-07- Ownership of Drawin9v GC-2 1-08- Omissions and Disc )o*ncies GC-3 1-09- Order of Completio GC-3 1-10- Materials, Facilities and Workmen GC-3 1-11- Payment of Prevailing Wages GC-3 1-12- Materials and Equipment Furnished by Owner GC-4 1-13- Material and Equipment GC-4 1-14- Determination of "As Equal" GC-4 1-15- Royalties and Patents rr-4 1-16- Surveys, Permits, Laws and Regulations GC-4 1-17- Points and Instructions CC-5 1-18- Protection of Work and Property GC-5 1-19- Replacing Improvements GC-5 1-20- Inspection GC-5 1-21- Access CC-6 1-22- Superintendence and Supervision GC-6 1-23- Changes in the Work GC-6 1-24- Changes in Work GC-7 1-25- Final Inspection and Acceptance GC-8 1-26- Claims for Extra Cost GC-8 1-27- Deductions for Uncorrected Work GC-8 1-28- Delays and Extension of Time GC-8 1-29- Correction of Work Before Final Payment GC-9 1-30- Defects and Their Remedies GC-9 1-31- Suspension of Work G-C-10 1-32- The Owner's Right t) do Work GC-10 1-33- The Owner's Right to Terminate Contract GC-10 1-34- Contractor's Right to Stop Work or Terminate Contract GC-11 1-35- Removal of Equipment GC-11 1-36-• Use of Completed Portions GC-11 1-37- Payments Withheld GC-11 1-38- Workmen's Compensation Insurance GC-12 1-39- Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance GC-12 1-40- Certificates of Insurance GC-12 1-41- Performance Bond GC-12 1-42- Indeminity GC-12 1-43- Existing Utilities -,r Obstructions GC-12 1-44 Damages GC-13 1-45- Liens GC-13 1-46- Assignr..!?nt GC-13 1-47- Separate Contracts GC-13 1-48- Right of Various Interests GC-14 1-49- Subcontracts GC-14 1-50- Arbitration GC-14 1-711- Lands for Work GC-14 1-52- Sanitation GC-14 1-53- Clean-Up GC-15 s I GC-1. SECTION 1 GFNERAL CONDITIONS 1 -01-Definitions The followiyig terms shall be defined and interpreted as follows: 1-01 . 1-"Contras• "This Contract": The particular contract executed by the _ ractor and the Owner, of which these General Conditions, arc integral parts. 1-01.2-"Contract Documents": This Contract shall be composed of the followin,z component parts and all approved revisions thereto: 1. 1�;reement 2. range Orders 3, addenda 4. Monsurc-ruent and Payment 5, Special Provisions 6. Plans 7. General Conditions 8. Standard Specifications 9. Standard Details 10. Information for Bidders 11 , Proposal 12. Performance Bond In the ?vent of any conflicting, provisions or requirements between the component parts of thiF Contract, the component parts shall take precedence In the order established in Paragraph 1-01 .2. 1-01 .3-"Owner": :'he entity for whom the work is being done as set forth In the A�,reement. 1-01 .4-"Engineer": The consulting engineer retained by the Owner, acting either directly or through his duly authorizers asststants or Inspectors acting within the scope of the particular duties assigned to him. 1-01 .5-"Contractor": The Person, firm or corporation to whom this Contract is awarded by the Owner and who is a party thereto. 1-01 .6-"Suh-Contractor": Any person, firm or corps•-ation other than an employee of the Contractor, supplying for and under agreement, either with the Contractor or any Sub-Contractor of the Contractor, labor or materials, or both at the site of the project in connection witE chis contract. I I r 44 *000000, 50 lie or Ir ct 't ' X43 4 4 r5 49 42 � � 4 � � 0� I A, 596I ' 60 62 I r58 ' �,_ _ �iri'Qghi -- -K7 � _ ' ` ,F� _. '♦ _ 65 —' -`— � r 66 4 3 <"�575 15 56 52 3 7 67 12 IAJ 53 - 16 kp 66 54 > 65 2 55 )?' ,—q of 0 71 W �r�-- 72, 17 r 9 10 73 r r — a 18 Ul 20 21 w E� -- - 22 _ r.. ' 23 24 �D 41 t 5 I ly- , U 40 TRACT 6 38 ; 37 36 — 27 z u 39 , 26 _ 35 tee~ - I.. V,V. � C""�♦J Pf'..�`�E.� ' �„ ' 28 -- 30 31 32 3433 33 1 16 UTI !1 T'Y X all OEM My GATE NO. REVISION 8 CONSTRUCTION CARTER, BRINDLE & A PROVED FOR Ssoco �� TIGPD CONSULTING ENGINEERS CITY A 1204 OREGON BANK BLDG. PORTLAND. OREGON DATE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT h Y • T1 FF WATER PROJECT �� �GtNgP 2 . . ._ .. . . : '� DE LLWOOD a. one" 4 , ���.� .) I�,If:j ;i DESltaNEO E .\/V. C`_. APPROVED BY ��,. H E r.. r....c.. _ , DRAWNt3, l_ M. SCALE a t QC7 —OF CHECKED DATE '5-$,-Q,!9 FILEM10 ... .-p' v . .IMM+ 6 mr , -. ` y .. t � •. `'► Ifte • + ��—� � �. .7ia1R' .. '� '. ♦ ..,.. ,' +,wwyp .•�—....._ . _ r �M'# M. !'�1•_?• .. _ ..,w M,N .7ei W ^ ,';IArytnie,. . - ,. - .- - .. . ,.., n...__.._...,—. ., .., firrlr � � � � I I i 1 I 1 , I _�11 �'II �I�_ 1 + Ii r11��1 1 ►� i � tlt rt I 1 s'lll�tltlll 111 11r ill r� r Int 111 Ill rlr 111 rlr rl � r1r i1r � 1 � iIr r1 � t11 �jr rlr r11 r11 r1 � �� � X11 ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 .� NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED ----r-- - -- 10 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN .� TH_S NOT ICA-V"2T IS DUE TO _ THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. _ - — --- --- ----_ OE �� 02 12 92 S2 b2 E2 22 12 OZ of 91 Ll 91 S I b --- I E I z l 11 01 S • 1 9 S to E 2 1 '°a'a'" - �Rlrlurrll�ll�����I1�iIlI�I�I�le�t���I�II���111urttlrrrrlr��rl��ul,�Illlil�ltlittu,�lirlr�Irlrlurrlll�ttttftttt{tl!tltt1111t11111t1�tllt�#!IN Iib11H#I+IIt#�t�l#111 Irrrrlllrllrrulllllltlt#�1.11111��1i111�111Wl�IlU�ul Ifl 1111 :„! 44A �1u w 1318"IRON ROD FND 33 34 N F COR SEC 4, T-2S,R-IW 4 3 - 2g� - „1 23� _ 171 171 INITIAL POINT---\M N88°17'40"W 238.75' `" -�. �. -r- --;�-, , �' Slope Is 0.022 A 2-11 Class "B"Asphaltic Concrete 136 79 107 00 ,q �• "� KI-1 • ` 41 C. qv - Tf-"�1'.L7-'-�'r 1` 35 „ 3 4 2111 3/4 -0 oae• o4 I 6 °+• ' i i SW 128 th AVE. N 36 9 4047 � 'e SW 127th AVE. ep00 SW KAREN ST. 79 94' 411 3 N79°1914 W.N 33 10' O ^ si5 , se 3e' N m 37 " �Q Nee °17'40"w cy 26.98' 13 62' ° 13.x232 N 119 s6' Is 9T ,� -- - - r. � � Nes°17'4o"w =' W g � "f 11000, n 38 " " Q Nee-I7'40"w 28' 25' »_N e \$ 117 ° Nss°ri4o"w 31 el' $ to 8 94°p 47'40„w 29 4740„IT w : 61.61 io.00 o l 1p f 31 e z ,3s oo '370• 01 °?J-,�� /00.00' W " N 110.00 p63 0 -. +'oo 69 1p000 ; ti o a Nei�n'io'w N w`"_ O Q ,oaf h o 40 6' 39 w z � � Q Q h o v. 64 ?.4 0° ^ 41 ^'ro GC-2 s 1-01.7-"Project": The structure or improvement to re constructed in whole or in part through the performance of the Contract. 1-01.8-"X,;orkll: The furnishings of labor or materinis, or both, equipment, t:•aneportation and other facilities necessary to complete the Contract. 1-02-Correlation and Intent of Documents The Contract Documents are complimentary and what is call _d for by any one shall be binding as if called for by all. 1-03-Conformity -LO—Plans and Specifications All work shall be done in strict conformity to the plans and specifications and to the e%act line and grades as fixed by the Engineer, and with such instructions as shall, from time to time, be given by the Engineer. 1-04-Status of the Fn neer All work under the Contract shall be carried out tinder the direction of the Engineer. He shall have authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to insure the proper execution of the contract. tie ahall Also have authority to reject all work and materials which do not conform to the contract, and to decide questions which arise in the execution of the wnrk. All such decisions of the Engineer shall be final and binding on Owner and Contractor, except in cases where disputed time and/or financial consider- ations are involved which, if no agreement- in regard thereto is reached, sha!1 be subject to determination by a court of competent jurisdiction unless otherwise settled by compromise or arbitration. 1-03-Detail Drawings and Instructions fhe Engineer shall furnish, with reasonable promptness, additional instructions, by drawings or otherwLie, necessary for the proper execution of the work. All such drawings and instructions shall be consistent with the Contract Documents, trice developments thereof, and reasoeiably inferable therefrom. 1-06-Copies Furnished The Contractor will be furnished three copies of Plans and Specifications and shall keep at least one copy of the same constantly accessible on the job. 1-07-Ownership of Drawings All drawings, specifications and copies thereof prepared or furnished by the Engineer are his property. They are not to be used on other work and, with ti- excertion of the signed Contract set, are to be returned to him on request ;ii the completion of the work. CC-3 1-08- (emissions and Discrepancies Minor items of work or material omi' ted from the original plans or specification, but clearly ir.ferabie from the info-mntion presented and which are called for by accepted good practice, shall be provided and/n- performed by the Contractor as part of his original. bid. Tf the Contractor, in the course of *he work, finds any discrepancy between the drawings and the physical conditions of the locality, or any errors or omissions in drawings or in the layout as given by points and instructions, it shall be his duty to inform the Engineer immediately in writing, and the Engineer shall promptly verify the same. Any work done after such discovery until authorized, will be done at the Contractor's risk. 1-09- Order cf Completion The Contractor shall submit for approval, at such times as may be requested by the Engineer, schedules which shall show the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work with dates at which the Contractor will start the several parts of the work and estimated dates of completion of the several parts. 1-10- Materials Facilities and Wotkmen Unless otherwise stipulated, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, water, tools, equipment, light, priwer, transportation and other facilities necessary for the execution and completion of the w •rk. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and both workmanship and materials shall he of the best quality commonly used. The Contractor shall , if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials. The Contractor shill at all times enforce strict discipline and gooc: order among his emplovees, znd shall not employ on the work any unfit person or anyone not skilled in the work assigned to him. Employees or agents of the Contractor who, in the opinion of the Engineer, may impair the quality of t'le construction, shall forthwith be discharged by the Contractor upon the written request of the Engineer. Neither party shall employ or hire any employee of the other p-cty without the written consent of the other party. I-]]- Payment of Prevailing W7Aes 11ie Contractor shall p^y prevailtng wages to workmen, laborers and mechanics, ns provided in Chapter 63, Laws of 1945, place of the work. GC-4 1-12- Materials and i:quipment Furnished by Owner The Contractor shall receive, inspect and accept all Owner-furnished items subject only to hidden defects, and shall be entitled to damages for such defects only to the extent that such damages are recoverable by the Owner against the supplier. 1-13- Material and Equipment The Contractor shall file a material anj equipment list with the Engineer prior to the beginning of construction and within ten (10) days after the execution cif the contract. This list shall include the quantity, manufacturer, and model number, if applicable, of ma'erial and equipment to be installed under the Contract. This list will be checked by the Engineer as to conformity with the plans and specifications. 1-14- Determination of "As Equal" The Engineer shall be the sole judge in the question of "os equal" of any supplies or material furnished by the Contractor. 1-15- Royalties and Patents The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees. He shall defend all suits or claims for infringements of any patent rights and shall save the Owner harmless from loss on account thereof, except that the Owner shall be responsible for all such loss when a particular process or the product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is specified, but if the Contractor has information that the process or article specified is an infringement of a patent he shall be responsible for such loss unless he promptly gives such information to the Engineer. 1-16- Surveys, Permits Iaws end ReQulatioi,s The Owner shall furnish all surveys unless otherwise specified. Permits, permission under franchises, licenses and bonds of a temporary nature necessary for the prosecution of the work and inspection fees in connection therewith shall be secured and paid for by the Contractor. Franchises and easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities shall be secured and paid for by the Owner, unless otherwise specified. The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations bearing on the conduct of the work as drawn and specified. If the Contractor observes that the drawings and specifications are at variance therewith, he shall promptly notify the Engineer in writing, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the Contract for changes in the work. If the Contractor performs any work contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and without written notice to the Owner, he shall bear all costs arising therefrom. GC-5 1-17- Points and Instructions The Contractor shall provide reasonable and necessary opportunities and facilities for setting points and making measurements. }ie shall not proceed until he has made timely demand upon the Engineer for, and has received from him, such points and instructions as may be necessary as the work progresses. The work shall be done in strict conformity with such points and instructions. The Contractor shall carefully preserve bench marks,reference points and stakes, and in case of destruction, he shall be charged with the resulting expense and shall be responsible for any mistakes that may be caused by their absence or disturbance. 1-18- Protection of Work and Property The Contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all his work from damage and shall protect the Owner's property from injury or loss arising in connection with this contract. He shall make good any such damage, injury or loss, except such as may be directly due to errors in the Contract Documents or caused by agents or employees of the Owner. He shall adequately protect adjacent property as provided by law and the Contract Documents. He shall provide and maintain all passage ways, guard fences, lights and other facilities for protection required by public authority or local conditions. The Contractor shall bear the risk of loss or damage for all finished or partially finished work until the entire Contract is completed and accepted by the Owner. 1-19- Replacing Improvements Whenever it is necessary in the course of construction to remove or disturb culverts, driveways, roadways, pipe lines or other existing improvements, they shall be replaced to a condition equal to that existing before they were so removed or disturbed. If it is necessary to trench through lawns, the sod shall be removed before trenching and replaced after backfilling. ••20- Inspection The Engineer and his representatives shall at all times have accegs to the work wherever it is in preparation or progress and the Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and for inspection. The Contractor shall make reasonable tests of the work at the Contractor's expense upon the Engineer's request. GC-6 If the specifications, the Engineer's instructions, laws, ordinances or any public authority require any work to be specially tested or approved, the Contractor shall sive the Engineer timely notice of its readiness for inspection, and if the inspection is by another authority than the Engineer, of the date fixed for such inspection. by the Engineer shall be promptly made and, where practicable, at the source of supply. If any work should be covered up without approval or consent of the Engineer, it must, if required by the Engineer, be uncoverec for examination at the Contractor's expense. After approval, a re-examin tion of questioned work may be ordered by the Engineer and if so ordered ne work must be uncovered by the Contractor. If such work be found in accordance with the Contract Documents the Owner shall pay the cast of re-examination and replacement. If such work be found not in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall pay such cost, unless lie shall show the defect in the work was caused by another Contractor and, in th•,t event, the Owner shall pay such cost. 1-21- Access Bridging shall be provided across private driveways and roadways during the period that trenches must be open, in such a manner as not to constitute a hazard to the people who use them. All construction operations shall be conducted in such manner as to interfere as little as possible with the normal procedure of traffic , 1-22- Superintendence and Supervision The Contractor shall keep on his work during its progress a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to the Engineer. The superintendent shall not be changed except with the consent of the Engineer, unless the superintendent proves to be unsatisfactory to the Contractor and ceases to he in his employ. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence and all directions given to the superintendent shall be as binding as though given to the Contractor. Instructions to the Contractor shall be confirmed in writing upon his request in each case. The Contractor shall give efficient supervision to the work, using his best skill and attention. 1-23- Changes in the Work The Owner, without invalidating the Contract, may order extra work or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from the work, the Contract Sum being adjusted accordingly. All such work shall be executed under the conditions of the original Contract, except that any claim for extension of time caused thereby shall be adjusted. GC-7 In giving instructions, the Engineer shall have authority to make minor changes in the work, not inconsistent with the purposes of the work. Except in any emergency endangering life or property, no extra work or change shall he made unless in pursuance of a written order by the Engineer, and no claim for an addition to the Contract Sum shall be valid unless so ordered. The value of any such extra work or change shall be determined in one or more of the following ways: 1-23.1 - By estimate and agreement on a lump sum. 1-23. y unit prices named In the Contract or subsequently agreed upon. 1-23.3- If, for any reason, method (1-23. 1) or (1-23.2) cannot be agreed upon, such work will be paid for the actual cost of labor, payroll taxes, material, equipment rental and field supervision required, with the addition of fifteen per cent (15%) to cover profit, overhead, use of small tools, taxes, insurance, bookkeeping and all other incidental costs. In such cases, the Contractor shall keep and present in such form as the Engineer may direct, a correct account_ of such costs, together with supporting time cards and vouchers. In any case, the Engineer shall certify to the amount due to the Contractor. Pending final determination of value, payments on account of changes shall be made on the Engineer's estimate. 1-24- Changes in Work The Owner reserves the right to make such alterations in the plans or in the quantities of work as may be considered necessary. Such alterations shall be in writing by the Engineer and shall not be considered as a waiver of any conditions of the Contract nor invalidate any of the provisions thereof, provided, however, that the execution of a supplemental agreement acceptable to both parties of the Contract shall be necessary before any alteration is made which involves (1) an extension or shortening of the length of the project by more than twenty-five per cent (25%), (2) an increase or decrease of more than 25% of the total cost of the work calculated from the original proposal quantities and the unit Contract prices, (3) an increase or decrease of more than twenty five per cent (25%) in the giantity of any one major Contract item, or (4) a change in the nature of the design or in the type of construction which materially increases or decreases the cost of the performance of the work. For conditions (3) and (4) ,above, a major item is defined as any item, unless otherwise indicated on the plans or designated in the special. provisions, the Contract price for which amounts to ten per cent (10%) or more of the total Contract price as determined by the original proposed quantities and the unit contract prices. When an alteration requires the execution of a supplemental writing, such writing shall be signed by both parties before any work on the alterations Is started. Alterations involving an increase of more than twenty five per cent (25%) in the net of any one minor Contract item will not require a supplemental writing. GC-8 1-25- Final Inspection and Acceptance All material and completed work are subject to final. inspection by the Engineer before acceptance by the Clymer. The Engineer shall have the right to subject all machinery and equipment and work to such tests as, in his opinion, will assist in determining whether the Contract has been faithfully performed. 1-26- Claims for Extra Cost If the Contractor claims that the cost of construction under the Contract has been increased through instructions, by drawings or otherwise, after the Contract has been made, he shall give the Engineer written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the receipt of si.ich instruction, and in any event before proceeding to execute the work, except in emergency endangering life or property, and the procedure shall then be as provided for changes in the work. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. No claims for extra cost or damages shall he made by the Contractor for work stoppage or delays caused by any governmental agency or for any cause beyond the control of the Owner. Delays in delivery of Owner-furnished materials or equipment shall not be cause for claims for extra cost or damages by the Contractor, except as can be recovered directly from the material or equipment supplier. 1-27- Deductions for Uncorrected Work If the Engineer deems it inexpedient to correct work injured or done not in accordance with the Contract, an equitable deduction from the Contract price shall be made therefor. 1-28- Delays and Extension of Time If the Contractor be delayed at any time in the progress of the work by any ac_t or neglect of the Owner or his employees, or by changes ordered in the work, or by strikes, lockouts, fire, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties, or any causes beyond the Contractor's control , or by delay authorized by the Engineer pending arbitration, or by any cause which the Engineer shall decide to justify the delay, then the time of completion will he extended for such reasonable time as the Engineer may decide. Time for completion specified has taken into consideration the possibility of delay and work interruption resulting from interruption by other Contractors. No additional compensation will he granted or extension of time allowed because of such interruption or delay. Delays in furnishing of equipment by the Owner shall not constitute a breach of performance by the Owner so as to relieve the Contractor from strict performance within the time fixed for performance and/or as extended by thL Engineer. CC-9 When it has been determined that the Contractor is entitled to an extension of time, the amount of the extension shall be only to compensate for direct delays and shall be based upon the Contractor' s energetically pursuing the work at a rate not less than that which would have been necessary to complete the basic contract on time. In determining the amount of extenAon the Engineer will consider that the Contractor is applying effort simul- taneously on the several parts of the job to the maximum amount practicable. No such extension will be made for delay occurring more than seven days becnre claim therefor is made in writing to the Engineer. . In the case of a continuing cause of delay only one claim is necessary. If no schedule or agreement stating the dates upon which drawings shall be furnished is made, than r.o claim for delay shall be allowed on account of failure to furnish drawings until two weeks after demand for such drawings and not then, unless suci claim be reasonable. This paragraph does not proclude the recovery of damages for delay by either party under other provisions in the Contract Document. 1-29- Correction of Work Before Final Payment The Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all materials, condemned by the Engineer as failing to conform to the Contract, whether incorporated in the work or not, and the Contractor shall promptly replace and re-execute his own work in accordance with the Contract and without txpense to the Owner and shall hear the expense of making good all work of other contractors destroyed or damaged by stich removal or replacement. If the Contractor does not remove such condemned work and materials within a reasonable time, fixed by written notices, the Owner may remove them and may store the material at the expenpe of the Contractor. If. the Contractor does not pay the expense of such removal within ten (10) days' time thereafter, the Owner may, upon ten (10) days' written notice, sell such materials at auction or at a private sale and shall account for the net proceeds th, reof, after deducting all costs and expenses that should have been borne by the Contractor, or at Owner's option the cost of such removal and storage may be deducted from any fiords due the Contractor. 1-30- Defects and Their Remedies It is agreed that if the work or any part thereof shall be deemed by the Engineer as not in conformity with the specifications, the Cortractr.r shall forthwith rebuild or otherwise remedy such work so teat it shall be in fill accordance with this Contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for correcting all defects in workmanship and material appearing within one year after completion of this Contract. ilie Contractgr shall start work to remedy such defects within seven (7) days of notice of discovery thereof by Owner and shall complete such work within a reasonable time. In emergencies where damage may result from delay or where loss of service mAy result, such corrections may be made by the Owner in which CC-10 case the cost shall be borne by the Contractor. In the event that the Contractor does not accomplish corrections at the time specified, the work will be otherwise accomplished and the cost of same shall be paid by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for any expenses incurred by the Owner resulting from defects in the Contractor's work, including actual damages, cost of materials and labor extended by Owner in making emergency repairs, and cost of engineering, inspection and supervision by Owner or Engineer. 1-31- Suspension of Work The Owner may at any time suspend the work, or any pant thereof, by giving notice to the Contractor in writing. The work shall be resumed by the Contractor within ten (10) days after the date fixed in the written notice from the Owner to the Contractor so to do. The Owner shall reimburse the Contractor for expense incurred by the Contractor in connection with the work under this Contract as a result of such suspension. 1-32- The Owner' s Right to do Work If the Contractor should neglect to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform any provision of this Contract, the Owner, after three (3) days' written notice to the Contractor, may, without prejudice to any other remedy he may have, make good such defiLiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due the Contractor. 1-33- The Owner's Right to Terminate Contract If the Contractor should be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he sha 'd make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency, or if he should persistently or repeatedly refuse or should fail to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials, or if he should fr.il to make prompt payment to sub- contractors or for material or labor, of persistently disregard laws, ordinances or the instructions of. the Engi.ieer, or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of the Contract, then the Owner, upon the certi;tcate of the Engineer that sufficient cause exists to justify such action. ..d, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving tt, t_`)ntractor three (3) days' written notice, may terminate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the premises and of all materials thereon and finish the work by whatever method he may deem expedient . In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the wc;rk is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract price shall exceed the expense of finishing the work, including compensation for additional managerial and administrative services, such excess shall be paiA. to the Contractor. If such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. L GC-11 1-34- Contractor's Right to Stop Work or Terminate Co _act If the work should be stopped under an order of any court, or other public authority, for a period of three months through no act or fault of the Contractor or of anyone employed by him, or if payments due under this Contract are unreasonably delayed, then the Contractor may, upon seven (7) days' written notice to the Owner and the Engineer, stop work or terminate this Contract and recover from the Owner payment for all work executed and any loss sustained upon any plant or materials rind reasonable profit and damages. 1-35- Removal of Equi.pmerat In the case of termination of this Contract before completion from any cause whatever, the Contractor, if notified to do so by the Owner. , shall promptly remove any part or all of his equipment and supplies from the property of the Owner, failing which the Owner shall have the right to remove such equipment and supplies at the expense of the Contractor. 1-36- Use of Completed Portions The Owner shall have the right to take possession of and use any completed or partially completed portions of the work, notwithstanding that the time may not have expired for completing the entire work. Such taking possession and use shall not be deemed any acceptance of any work not completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1-37- Payments Withheld Notwithstanding the issuance of any certificate, the Owner may withold any payment or portion of payment or recover any payments theretofore made, to such extent as may be necessary to protect himself from loss on account of (a) Defective work not reT,iedied. (b) Claims filed or rea,jonable cause to believe that valid claims will he filFd. (c) Failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to subcontractors, or for material or lal.nr. (d) A reasonable doubt that the Contract can be completed for the balance then unpaid . (e) Liquidated Damages or other claims against Contractor by Owner. When the cause for withholding Ills been removed, payment shall be made for the amounts so withheld, 1 CC-12 1-38- Workmen's Compensation Insurance In addition to such other insurance that may be required under this Contract, the Contractor shall provide adequate Workmen's compensation insurance for all employees employed under this Contract on the project who may come within the protection of Workmen's Compensation laws and shall provide, where practicable, cmployer's general liability insurance. 1-39- Public Liability and Propertv Damage Insurance The Contractor shall carry public liability and properdy damage insurance covering all work under this Contract, including that done by sub-contractors. This insurance shall name the Owner and Engineer as coinsured and shall be primary coverage with any insurance carried by the Owner and Engineer classified as additional coverage. 1-39.1- Limits - Unless specified otherwise, insurance limits shdll be in an amount not less than the following: Bodily Injury, each person, $100,000.00, each accident $300,000.00; Property Damage, each accident, $20,000, aggregate $50,000. 1-40- Certificates of Insurance Certificates of said insurance shall he filed with the Owner if he so requires. 1-41- Performance Bcnd The Contractor shall furnish a surety bond or bonds covering the faithful performance of the Contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder. The bond shall be in the full amount- of the Contract and shall be upon the form of bond set forth herein. The surety shall be a firm listed as acceptable as surety on Federal Bonds. 1-42- Indeminity The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the OFmer from and against all losses and claims, demands, payments, suits, actions, recoveries and judgments of every nature and description brought or recovered against the Owner, by reason of any act or omission of the said Contractor, his agents or employees, in the execution of the work or in the guarding of it. 1-43- Existing Utilities or Obstructions Existing utilities and obstructions are shown on the drawings if known to the Engineer. Such information was obtained from old drawings and verbally from persons connected with the particular utility. Such infor- mation is not guaranteed but is made available to the Contractor for what- ever value it may have. Incompleteness or errors in this information shall not be the cause for any claim for extra payment under this Contract nor shall it relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for repairing any damage he may cause to these utilities. CC-13 1-44- Damages Any claim for damages against the Owner arising out of the performance of this Contract shall be made in writing to the Owner, within a reasonable time of the discovery of such damage, and in no event later than the time of approval by Owner of final payment except as expressly stipula'ed other- wise. Contractor, upon making application for final payment, sha1L be deemed to have waived his right to claim for any other damages than known or thereafter discovered unless such claims for final payment includ>s notice of additional claim and fully describes the alleged damage. 1-45- Liens Neither the final payment nor any part of the retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor, if so requested, shall deliver to the owner a complete release of all liens arising out of this Contract, or receipts in full in lieu thereof and, if required it either case, an affidavit that so far as he has knowledge or information the release and receipts include al'" labor and materials for which a lien could be filed; but the Contractor r iv, if any subcontractor refuses to furnish a release or receipt in full, furnish a bond satisfactory to the Engineer to indemnify the O-,mer against any lien. If any lien remains unsatisfied after all payments are made, the Contractor shall reimburse to the Owner all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such a lien, including all cost and reasonable attorney's fee. 1-46- Assignment Neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contract or sublet it as a whole without the written consent of the other, nor shall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to become due to him hereunder without the previous written consent of the Engineer. 1-47- Separate Contracts The owner reserves the right to perform work with his own forces or to let other contracts in connection with this work. The Contractor shall afford the owner and other contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their work, and shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs. If any part of the Contractor's work depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any other contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and promptly report in writing to the Engineer any defects in such work which render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. His failure so to inspect and report shall constitute an acceptance of the other contractor's work as fit and pr,)per for the reception of his work, except as to defects which may develop in the other (ontractor's work after the execution of his work. To insure the proper execution of his subsequent work, the Contractor shall measure work already in place and shall report at once to the Engineer any discrepancy between the executed work and the drawings. GC-14 1-4$- Right of Various Interests Wherever work being done by the Owner'; employees or agents or by othor contractors is contiguous to work covered by this Contract, the respective rights of the various interests involved shall be established by the Engineer to secure the completion of the various portions of the work in general harmonv. 1-4c- Subcontracts The Contractor shall, at least five (5) days prior to start of a subcontractor's work, notify the Engineer in writing of the name of sub- contractor proposed for the work and shall not employ any that the Engineer may object to as incompetent or unfit. The Contractor agrees that he is fully responsible to the Owner for the Acts and Omissions of his subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them, as well as for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by him. Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relation between any subcontractor and the Owner. 1-50- Arbitration If the parties hereto agree to settle any dispute hereunder by ar,._tration, such arbitration shall be carried out under the rules and procedures of the laws of the place of the work, The ntractor shall not cause a delay of the work because of the pendency of .oftration proceedings, except with the written permission of the Engineer, and then only until, the arbitrators shall have �n opportunity to determine whether or not the work shall continue until they decide the matters in dispute. The Engineer shall not be deemed a par,y La the dispute. He is given the right to appear t•efore the arbitrators to explain the basis of his decision and give such evidence as they may require. 1-51- I:ands for Work The Owner shall provide the lands upon which the work tinder this Contract is to he done, except that the Contractor shall provide land required for the erection of temporary construction facilities and storage of his material, together with right of access to same. 1-52- Sanitation Necessary sanitation :onveniences for the use of workmen on the j( b, properly secluded from public observation, shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor. CC-15 1-53- Clean-Up The Contractor shall at all times during progress of the work E•eep the constriction area clean and orderly. Upon completion, the site of all work areas and equipment and material storage areas shall be restored to substantially their original condition. All miscellaneous debris, rock, etc. , resulting from the work shall be removed and disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Owner. a� ss we GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SEWER TABLE OF CONTENTS P� 2-01 - Sewer Pire Sewer-1 2-02 - Manholes Sewer-1 2-03 - Concrete Sewer-2 2-04 - Bedding Gravel Sewer-2 2-05 - Select Backfill 3ewer-2 2-05 - Timbering Sewer-2 2-07 - Tn nch Excavation Sewer-2 2-08 - Timbering and Sheeting Sewer-3 2-09 - Pipe Bedd.L„e Sewer-3 2-10 - Tunneling Sewer-4 2-11 - Highway and Railway Crossings Sewer-L 2-12 - Grade Hoards, Lines, Poles and Plumb Bobs Sewer-4 2-13 - Traffic Maintenance and Protection 2-” - Pir- Laying Sewer-5 Sewer-5 2-15 - Alignment Tolerance Sewer-5 2-lb - Joints Sewer-6 2-17 - Joints for Force Maine Sewer-6 2-18 - Backfill Sewer-6 2-19 - Side Severe Sewer-7 2-20 - Manholes Sewer-7 2-21 - Flushin;; and Testing Sewer-9 Standard Sewer Details Sewer-9 Sewe r-1 SECTION 2 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SEWER MATERIALS 2-01-Sewer Pipe Sewer i:ipe shall be of the type designated on the plans and in the Special Provisions. The pipe manuf.actu.rer's technical literature, tables of dinensicnal tolerances and plant certification that pipe furnished meets the rewired sper. 'fications shall be provided to the Engineer if so requested. 2-('1.1-Concrete Pipe Plain cc•icrete sewer pipe shall conform to ATM Specifications C-lL for extra strengtli non-reinforced concrete rawer pipe. Reinforced concrete pipe shall conform to ASTM Specifications C-76. Rubber gaskets shall conform to ASTM C-443. 2-01.2-Clay Pipe Clay sewer pipe shall conform to ASTM C-278. Compression gasktits shall conform to ASTM C-425. 2-1-11.3-Asbestos Cement Pipe Asbestos cement, sewer pipe shall conform to ASTM C-423. Pipe class shall be as specified on the plans or as directed bl, the Engineer. 2-,�l.b-Cast Iron Fipe Cast iron pipe shall conform tc ASA A21.b nr A21.8 of the class and type specified. Pipe shall have manufacturer's thin cement lining generally conforming to ASA 21.4 except as to thickness. 1-')2-Nar holes �itandard precast manholes shall be used unless otherwise specified, and shall. conform t,, A.3.T.M. Specification C478. Manholes shall be of the form and dims. sion shown on the Standard Details. Sewer-2 2-02.1-Frames and Covers Manhole frames and covers shall be extra heavy type for standard paving, sim.7.lar and equal to Valley Iron and Steel Co. Manhole Frame Pattern No. 105 with I'lanhole Cover Pattern No. 10.` with or.e lifting hole only in the edge of the cover. Water tight manholes, when specified, shall be similar and equal to Valley Iron and Steel Co. water tight frame and cover Pattern No. 100. 2-:)2.2- Base The base slab for all manholes shall be concrete with a compressive strength of 3000 psi at 28 days. Channels through the mar.hcle shall be made to conform accurately to sewer grade, and shall be brcught smoothly together 40 flow lines direLted toward outlet pipes. Rouph, uneven surfaces which could catch and hold sewage solids will not be accepted. 2-03-Concrete 3eddin�, and e,icasement concrete shall be Portland cemsnt concrete ccntainink; not less than aix (b) racks of cement per cubic yard. Sand, gravel and water proportions to be as directed by the Engineer. All concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength cf not lees than 3000 psi at 2P days. 2-3-Bedding Gravel bedding gravel to be used shall be of a type and gradation to provide a solid compact bedding in the trench. Bedding gravel within 3 inches of the pine shall pass a 3/4 inch mesh and shall contain only negligible amounts of material finer than #3n sieve. 2-OF-SelPct Backfill Backfill gravel shall be 100 per cent 311 diarieter or less and may be bank run which has passed through a 311 screen, provided the binder content is not more than 20 per cent and provided there is a reasonable Erading from fine tc oarse. 2-Chi-Ti.mbQring Timbering; and sheeting, when required, shall be of Standard Grade Douglas Fir, except where special conditions require better material. The material may be unsurfaced. CONSTRUCTION 2- 17-Trencr, Excavation Trenches shall be exca• ated to the line and grade designated by the ingir,eer. Except f-r unusual circumstances where approved by the Engineer, the trerch sioes shall be excavated vertically and the trench width shall be ex,-avetsd Sewer-3 ,;nly to such width as is necessary for adequate working space. The maximum trench width at the top of the pipe shall be 30 inches for pipe up to and including 12 inch inside diameter and the outside diameter of the pipe barrel plus 1:) inches for pipe larger than 12 inch inside diameter Where higher st.renL;th pipe or special bedding is required because of excess trench width, it shall be furnished without, expense to the Owner. The top width cf the trench shall not exceed the outside diameter of the pipe plus 36 incht;s. The trench shall be kept free from water until ,jointing has been completed. Surface water shall be diverted so as not to enter the trench. The Contractor shall maintain sufficient pumping equipment on the job to insure that these provisions are carried out. There shall be no boilin'. or quick: condition permitted in bottom of trench. If a quick condition has occurred, the trench shall be overcut to undisturbed material and filled to sewer grade with free draining foundation gravel as shown on Standard details. Trenching operations shall not proceed more than 200 feet l., advance of iV+) la;-ing excert with written approval (-,f the Engineer. When trenching operations cut through concrete pavement, the pavement shall be removed to width of l" inches greater than the top widtr, of the trench. The concrete shall be cut, on a straight line and shall be beveled so that the cat will be approximately 1 inch wider at the top than at the bottom. 2-08 .- limbering and Sheeting The Contractor shall provide and install timbering and sheeting as necessary to protect. workmen, the work and existing utilities and other properties. All timbering, and sheeting above the pipe shall be removed prior to back- filling. Sheeting below the top of the pipe may he cut off and left in ;,lace. 3emoval of timbering ahall be accomplished in such a manner that there will be no damage to the work or to the other properties. All +,imbering and sheeting shall be to the Contractor's design and the cost of the work shall be included in the bid price of trenching and backfilling. 2-N-fire Bedding File b«:ddin€ shall be accomplished as sh-wn in the Standard Detail. Unless otherwise specified or required by the Fngineer, EJ-pe shall be bedded as shown for Ordinary Bedding. Where the material at the bottom of the trench is unstable, the matter shall be br-)ught to the attention of the Engineer. The unstf,blo material shall be removed to the extent directed by the Engineer and backfilled with foundation eravel, bedding gravel, and/or bedding concre' e. Boulders, rocks, roots and other obstr,ictions shall be entirely removed ,-r cut, out to the full width of the trench and to a depth 7 inches below the ripe. The trench shall be backfilled and compacted to grade with select bedding gravel. In solid rock the trench shall be excavated ) inches below the pipe bottom and harkfilled as provided above. Sewer-L The bottom of the trench shall be finished with hand tools to provide uniform bearing along the barrel of the pipe and to provide suitable holes to fit the pipe bells. ''henever the trench is excavated below the depth required, it shall be backfilled with bedding gravel and compacted as required by the Engineer. -10-Tunneling Tunneling may be ordered by the Engineer under pavements or otherwise. The Contractor may tunnel in lieu of trenching for deep cuts. Kxcept where authorized by the Engineer, such tunneling; shall be not longer than 21) feet between shafts. Tunnels stall be not less than 4 feet high and 2 feet wade and not less than 1 foot wider than the outside diameter of the pipe. Tunnels shall be backfilled with materials acceptable to the Engineer and backfill shall be mechanically compacted. Subsequent low pressure grouting may be required. 2-11- Highway and .iai.lway Crossings The Contractor may use any method which provides satisfactory results and is acceptable to the Governmental or private agency having control of the road or track and to the Engineer. provided that the Contractor restores the croosing to its original condition. Normally, these crossings .require -rhe placing of steel, cast iron or concrete pipe casing by ,jacking; or tunneling and laying; the sewer line within the casing. 2-12-Grade Hoards, Lines, Poles and Flumb bobs The Contractor shall furnish materials and srect grade boards, and targets and transfer the Lines and grades thereto for excavation or for laying pipe and shall furnish lines, measuring poles and plumb bobs. Grade boards shall not be less than 1 x 3 S1S1E and shall be adequately supported. The distance from the grade wire to the invert or the sewer shall be measured by a pole, which shall be straight grained, planed pole, fitted with an iron shoe extending at loast. ?' inches fr(-,g* the pole at the lower end, and clearly marked at intervals of one foot. A plumb bob shall be used to check the line of the pipe. both grade and line shall be checked fur each length of pipe laid, excelt at tunnels or through ,jacked casings where adequate methods shall. be used to carry forward the line and grade. grades shall be carried by means of taut grade wire supported on firmly set batter boards at intervals of not more than 31) feet. :dot less than b batter boards setfrom grade hubs shall be used at one time. 'trade shall bs constantly checked and in event that, batter boards do not, line up , work shall be Mopped until the situation is corrected. The Contractor shall replece all. monuments, riPht-of-way markers, property stakes, etc. , that are removed or disturbed, to the satisfaction of the agency or individual c,:ncerned , Sewer-5 2-13-Traffic Maintenance and Protection The Contractor shall conduct his operations so as to minimize interference with automotive and pedestrian traffic. Soft shoulders shall be plainly marked so as to warn motorists. On important traffic streets, the Engineer may require the construction of two-way bridges of approved construction. Where detours are built, they shall be graded and maintained to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Streets where construction has been completed or is in progress shall be graded and maintained to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Detours for foot traffic shall not be more than one block in length, and shall be Provided with adequate handrails, all at the Contractor's expense. All work shall be carried on with due regard for the safety and convenience of the public. Open trenches shall be provided with barricades that can be seen at a reasonable distance, and at night shall be adequately lighted. Bridges for either behicles or pedestrians shall be indicated by lights. Adequate lighted signs for detours and construction in progress shall be provided. Safety instructions from the gngineer shall be strictly observed, but, following of such instructions shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility or liability. 2-14-Pipe Laying The sewer pipe shall be laid in accordance with the plan an,' specifications. Each pipe shall be laid with bells upgrade with the invert of the pipe to the alignment and grade shown on the plans. Care shall be exercised to insure close concentric ,joints and a smooth invert. Open ends of pipe or fittings shall he temporarily blocked when laying is not in progress. Adjustment to the line and grade shall be done by scraping Away of filling in and tamping material under the body of the pipe. Adjustment to line and grade by wedging and blocking shall nott permitted. The pipe shall be lowered into the trench by means of ropes, tripod, crane or any other suitable mans. The pipe shall not, be dropped or Landlet. r,)ughly. The pipe shall be checked for cracks and defects pr{-)r to use, and any defective pipe laid aside. ',,lyes and standing connections shall be installed at such locations as are shown on the plans or otherwise directed by the Engineer. 2-15-Alignment Tolerance The maximum tolerance from true line and grade shall be as follows: a. Maximum deviation from true line and grade shall be 0.031 feet, for pipe to 19 inch inside dia-nter, and 0.021 feet per foot inside diameter, with a maximum of 0.062 feet, for pipe larger than 18 inch insile diameter. r Sewer-� b. No adverse grade in any pipe length will be permitted. c. The difference in deviation from true line and grade between any two successive joints shall not exceed 1/3 of the amounts specified above. 2-15-Joints Joints shall not be covered until examined and approved by the Engineer. Only pipe layers with experience with the type of gasket shall be allowed to lay the pipe. The Engineer may demand proof of such experience before pipe laying may begin or be continued. Joint material shall be used in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Pipe handling after the gasket has been affixed shall be carefuily controlled to avoid bumping the gasket, and thus knocking it out of position or loading it with dirt or other foreign material. Any gasket so disturbed shall be removed and replaced, cleaned and re-lubricated, if required, before the Joint is attempted. Care shall be taken to properly center the pipe prior to ,jointing. During insertion of the tongi.e or spigot, the pipe shall be partially supported by hand sling or crane a; required to minimize lateral pressure on the gasket, and to maintain cone-.atricity until the gasket is properly positioned. Pipe deflection and straightening shall be held to a very minimum once the ,joint, is home to prevent, creep -f the ,joint. sufficient pressure shall be applied in making the joint to assure that the ,joint, is home as defined in the standard installation instructions provided by the pipe manufacturer. Sufficient restraint shall be applied to the line to assure the ,joints once home are held, by ta%, .ing fill material under and alongsi9e the pipe. At the end of the day's work, the las( pipe shall be blocked in such a manner as may be required to prevent creep daring down time. 2-17-Joints for Force 'Mains Joints shall be made up as recommended by the pipe manufacturer for the particular ,joint specified. Blocking shall be installed at changes in direction and in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Encasement of pipe shall he as directed by the Engi; r. 2-19-Bnckfill Joints shall not be covered until approved by the Engineer. Backfilling under, around and abovR the pipe shall be accomplished as shown in Standard Detail. All, material within O inches of the wipe shall be select material hand placed with no large stones, roots or other Large objects. The material shyll be hand tamped or water settled, as directed by the Engineer. w Sewer-7 then granular material is used as backfill, compaction around the pipe may be accomplished by water settling, provided that circumstances are such that the pipe will not be disturbed by flotation. The remaining granular backfill shall be water settled unless otherwise ordered. Where possible, the trench shall be partially filled with water and the backfill material dumped into the water. ',,There trench is too pervious for filling, the backfill material shall be thoroughly saturated with a fire hose stream while being placed. Whe:•e the material excavated from the trench is clay or other impervious soil, the compaction around the pipe shall be by hand tamping. The remainder of the backfill shall be placed damp at as near optimum moisture content as Possible. Care shall be taken to remove and divert water from the trench which would make the backfill material plastic. The material shall be placed in layers approximately 1 foot thick and shall be spread and walked by workmen in the trench to avoiri air pockets and to provide some compaction. 'There trench is under the traffic lanes o1' streets or roads or under sidewalks, parking areas or other locations which are to be surfaced or which cjrry automobile traffic, the backfill material shall be compacted in 5 inch layers by hand or mechanical compaction. The backfill material shall he free from rubbish, weeds, other organic material or stones weighing more than SC pounds. Where directed by the &ngineer, the top two feet of the backfill shall be placed dr-, and rolled with a tractor or truck. Suitable allowance shall be made for subgrade or surfacing material where ordered. The Contractor shall remedy without additional compensation, any defects that vppear in the backfill prior to final acceptance of the wor'r. 2-19-Side Sewers 'Where applic�ible, all specifications contained herein for sewer materials and construction shall be held to apFl,y to side sewers. Side sewers shall be constructed where shorn, or where directed by the Engineer. &cept where immediate connection is made by the property owner the side sewer shall. be sealed at the property line with a stopper using the same ,joint as the main sewer. Slope of side sewers shall not exceed two feet vertical to one foot horizontal and grade shall not be less than two per cent, (24) . Side sewers shall not be installed as vertical risers. Where chance in slope is larger tha.A 2 inches per foot, standard 1/8 bends shall be used. 2-2'-Manholes Manholes shall be constructed as shown in Standard Detail for standard manholes and drop manholes. Manholes shall be of precast reinforced concrete. Sewer-9 The manhole base slab shall he placed on firm soil. If the foundation material is inadeauate, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer. The Engineer may direct the use of foundation gravel or bedding concrete under the normal base. All ,joints and connections to manholes shall be made with cement mortar or other approved ,jointirp, material and shall be water tight. Joints and connections shall be finished on interior and exterior of manhole. 2-21-Flushing and Testing Tests for water tightness shall he made by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer. At the option of the Engineer, test'-ng may be by infiltration or by leakage from a filled sewer. Infiltration shall be measured with the trench material saturated with water where practicable. The leakage test shall be made by plugging the outlets of the 1.n4er manhole and filling the sewer to the upper invert at the upper manhole. Care must be exercised so as not. to subject the pipe to excessive hydrostatic pressure. The leakage or infiltration between any two manholes shall not exceed 500 gallons per day nor inch or diameter per mile of sewer. All lines shall be flushed clean prior to their acceptance. Flushing shall he done with a traveling plug and large volumes of water. Contractor shall furnish water for flushing and testing. 4" Ccocrc+B biOn1-.ole GodEr' RE.p� ,.,- N�rdef valley Iro., 4 S4ee1 Co. rVH.C.....e. All joir,�e o� pru+aah 7, 2 F4�err, No.105 Cove. No.1O(o Iv1gnl�oles t0 be�rciu+ S+an�grd ire SCctEOr, One- -(ao4 rEny se+ t r place wE+�, 17 --- — —� 6g5 t pour � A : �N1a�e rEa I Corm. red t. ` a. e a • •;, �—Ya Bend 340e.- Clo.ns ❑ ConG • ..• • •' �Gr�Ecul Ripe +, a SPA-.e Size as 1✓1u , E. SECTIUN_A.-A_ SF_GTION 8-5 S-r-A.NDA.S2 MAN OL-E DROP MAWHOLE PIPE BEED011.1Cm GLA,SS-S 4 altc4 Sa,_k�P%d E Get haplTre r-k To +c r,4 8o44ow of O<rSEj y c� 4,. �,. .. 1 Pipe 4 sell Trt"JA Dor"on\ Qr'C0 1-1ARY 5PFLIAL, BtiDD11.lC� BEODIrJy BEOoIt,IG-+ �►.► ROCK _--- '3eltc� dc.ckG,ll Cencrr�e MAk.ral C—,P"4rj re f'Cwryj�f�'10N � 1� C d // •� Ca/tGvc1 y.. BEIUDING IN CONGFZETE YIELDIWG Gia�-.PUNO ENCASEMEI.IT --- - -� HARP-15 GRIFFiq S5TAN1DARD DETAI LSEwEK ENGINEERS TIGARO , J2� l� out ;:"PEC LyL PROVISIONS TABLE 02 CONTENTS Ua�L 3-01- Location SP-1 3-02- Definitions SP-1 -03- Control of Work SP-1 3-04- Scope of Work �p_1 3-05- Subsurface Conditions SP-1 3-06- Select Backfill SP-2 3-07- Plans SP-2 3-03- Guarantee SP-2 SP-1 SECT G,1 3 SPBC Z P tiOVISIG; S This sowar pro-act is in Bol-2-ood at app;o; ,.ntely the 12700 Llock of S.W. Lalnut Stroat in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Gragon. 3-02-,efiritions ""Omer": Brayson and Griffin "Zngineera": Harris-Griffin, or their autr.orizod representative. "City«. City of Tigard, ,lashinatoa County, Oregon 3-03-Control of ;'ark All work under this contract shall be executed in a manner satisfactory to the Enoinoer and the City. ine work will not be considered eo;;:ploto until accepted by both the Engineer and the City. 3-04-Scopo of fork The work to be done under these specifications and plans which accompany them consists of the construction of sanitary seirura, r:anholes, and such appurtenant facilities and work as indicated and requi rod. The contractor will oe roquim-d to furnish all labor, materials and �quipmr3nt necessary for construction of the systems as indicated on the plans and stated heroin and to furnish all r.dscellaneous item,; required to complete the work. 3-05-Subsurface Conditions Adverse soil conditions may be encountered at somw locations. The extent of such adverse conditions is not known, but the design has been prepared with the intent of effecting; a serer that will be as shallow as is practicable and yet accomplish the objectives of the project. The con- tractor should recognize that those considerations can allow little if any adjustment of depth to avoid difficult excavation. 3-06-Select Backfill Backfill of the top three feet of all excavation shall be with select � xteriui in the following portions of the project: C-Line- from station 7+60 to station 15+ 69 E-Line- from station 04-00 to station 4 +94 Select backfill material must be a granular material acceptable to the engineer and the City. Excess :.:aterial from excavation shall be disposed of in the disposal area indicated in the vicinity m: p, sheet 1, or as directed by the engineer. 3-07-Plans The plans for this pro.'ect consist of two (,`) sheets which bear the followin.; specific titles: Sheet No. Title 1 of 2 BELLWOOD SANITARY SEwzR PL,,,1i 2 or 2 BELLWOOD SANITARY SEWER PROFILE 3-08-Guarantee Whether or not there appears here or elsewhere herein specific reference to guarantees of all items of material, equipment, and workman;lip,, they nevertheless shall be so guaranteed against mechanical, structural, or other defects for which the contractoris responsible that may develop or b::come evident whthin a period of one year from and after acceptance of the work by the owner. Such guarantees shall include cure of backfilling trenches or at structures should the fill settle to such extent as to require refilling or resurfacing roadway surfaces to restore the original or intended condition or grade. This guarantee shall be understood to imply prompt attention to any remedy of such defects as those mentioned above if and as they occur after the contractor shall have received written notice of their existence. If the defect is of such nature as to demand immediate repair, the owner shall have the right to make them and the cost thereof shall be borne by the contractor. To support the above guarantees the contractorts performance bond shall remain in full force and effect for oiie year following the acceptance of the project by the owner. The bond shall be executed by a surety company authorized to do business within the State of Oregon and it shall be subject to the approval of the attorney for the owner. In addition to the above requirements, the contractor shall make his own determination as to the amoui.t of the maintenance bond which will be required by any corporation or agency granting a permit for work to be done under these plans and specifications. Such bonds shall be in addition to that required by the owner as indicated above. MEA"TREMENT AND PAYMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 4-01- Payment M&P-1 4-01.1-Furnish and Install Concrete Sewer Pipe M4(P-i 4-01.2-Manholes W-1 4-01.3-Cleanouts WP-2 4-01.4-Pipe Fittings M&P-2 4-01.5-Bedding Material Mph-2 4-01.6-Select Backfill MP-2 r r ® AR s► M&P-? SECTION 4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Li-�'1-Payment for P.11 work ;aider +hit Contract shall be mace as follows; 4-01.1-Furnish and Install Concreti Sewer Pipe Includiig Trench cavat own ana a—cTcf I . Includes trench excavation, ba^*fill a,,d the furnishing all mower pipe, materials and work necessary to lav a complete sewer line, !And testing the pipe. Payment will be made for footage ac',:ually laid as measured along, the ground from center to center of mt:nholes or to limits of Contract. Tees and pipe fittings will be paid for -order other bid items but aro also included in the lineal feet of sewer pipe paid for under this item. Thes(3 items shall include pay,nent for excavation of all materials of whatever nature encountered, except solid rock. Boulders over 1/2 cubic yard will be paid for ac solid rock. Tt is )t expected that solid rock will be encountered, and if it is encountered, it will be ruaid for as an extra. These items shall include the cost of sheeting, bracing and dewatering, if necessary, and excavation for manholes and drainage structures. The cost of hauling away any excess material shall be included in this item. The cost of cleari,_a for installation of pipeline is also included. These items include the cost of removing and replacing fences, mail boxes, pole3 and posts of all types, trees and shrubs, and rocks ries; trenching through pa%ed struts, lawn arra and driveways; furnishing and placing of gravel and crushed rock on road shouleers to restore surface to original condition; tunneling under walkways less than 5 feet, in width and restoration of all other surfaces not included in urlt bid prices. These its^us include the cost of restoration of driveways and roadway asphalt surfaces in accordance with County requirements. 4-01.2- Manholes Frice includes 2urnishirib all. materials and constructing st9nda rl nuinhol_es as a!jown on the Standard Details. W-2 4.01.3- Cleanouts Price includes furnishing all materials and constructing stand&:-:1 cleanouts as shown on the Standard Details. 4.01.4-Pipe Fittings Payment for providing and installing pip, e fittings for services is in addition to the prices per lineal moot of pine. The exact number and type will be determined in the tie16. The costs of furnishing and irstalling plugs as necessary to seal the line at locations for side sewers and hot.se sewwr� are included in t►!ase i tsms. 4-01.5-,edding Material Includes turaishing and placing budding gravel and/or foundation gravel in accordance wit?. Standard Details. Bedding ,7r3vel required by unauthorized excavation below the required trench depth or excavation of trench width greater than thirty inches (30") will not be paid for. 4-01.6-Select Backfill The unit price per cubic yard includes all cosh ;o furnish and Place select backfill in accordance with these specifications. The contractor will provide to the Engineer delivery slips for materials delivered under this item. CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON * L,c ,; DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I, PROJECT No. : II. PROJECT NAME: l3E-LLl.s✓oo© 5k 912i utsfQW - Phosrs Ill. DRAWING (TITLE) s gei(. .wd S1ree� .IP2-1 dated: J,,, It, PLAT (TITLE) s KLLL.WGaDb dated:++I V. SITE LOCATION- N, e.�` Lt.A�I!u7 57. �e{wet.i VI. PRINCIPALS: ���� (I) DEVELOPER: J, 1AI, [;t � .ic.+ 4?.e:.1�G'-j4(ef Address Po trek �c 35-fl (71.wPhone No. —T' (7) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: 7'rv,%/ rs J�+�ea,.i.�.. c-, Addreeq ]p7 SuJy_ .)-AL Tc,. St, Phone No._, Bond No.__ I3-44,p43,,_, , Exp. Date_�/�[_____. (3) ENGINEER: —,- 1111 , _1, Gr; .,. Address1-cot s j Phone No._— (4) INSPECTOR AddressPhone Nc (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Addrr-sn Phone No. (0) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY: Addrps" ---- ---- • Phone No. Bond :'o.---—__ —___._.__.__---• ExF. DA to _ (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS: di✓ ,ort * Inmprt: Strppt, Sewer or CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON �,;JBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IP.W.) Procedure check List I. FILE INITIATED.... ... [3 (1) Supplementary sheets attached.., . . .. . . ,... ..,.. ❑ II. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT% (1) Pr:jdinq Plan ing Commission actiora�._,..'..,... ❑ (2) Approved tentatively by Commission.. .... ....... III. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS.. (1) Plan Cht-rk commencedr.... ....... .... ... ...... (a) Reviki.ons required..... ....... ... ...... p Ib) Stflmped, approved for construction.. . . . Q' i5;/4I? (2) Utility Co. pinns rec9i.ved. ... p. (3) tmprovement cost estimata received......,. .. . . . p IV. EXECUTION OF PROJECT M)CU,iF:NTS: (1) Contract documents drawn; (d) Compliance Agreement signed. . ,... ...... 2, o' 1 (b) Performance Bond signed......... . . .. ... ❑ (2) Permits s Licenses acquired.. .. . .. .... ...... f.3 (3) Easemrsnt.r+ obtained 6 recorded. ... . . . . .. ........ tj 14) Depoait.s made..., ........... . . . . . . . p V. SUBMISSION OF FINAL PLAT (1) Review for conformance commencedr .............. (�' 21 (a) Pi-vivions required..................... p (b) Approved tv signed by Comm. Chairman.... M (c) Poo-ibmitted to Commission.............. p r Res.No. Approved.... -­......:7:: (2) Apprt,ved and recorded by County Surveyor....... ar 82_7P c 3) Address's ansigned. .. . ........... . ......... ... . VT. COMMENCIPMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. .... ........................ Note InFipection sheets and construction/ Inspection check list (attached) for progress. VIL. FINAL INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION...... .. .... ............. (1) Pending correction of deficiencies............. (� (2) Not acceptable, construction deficient.,......... p (3) All construction items acceptable.............. j VIII. EXECUTION OF FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENTS; (l) M+intenalice Bond signed........................ (2 9/mac (2) As.-built drawing received............. [a— (3) final report to Council issued. . ............... p IX. CIiY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJUCT IMPROVEMENTS.......... MAINTENANCE BJND Exprn i, !?l,'� '7v Septem' 6, 1968 To: Tigard City Council From: Tiylyd Planning and Zoning Commission Subject: A request for a change from S-R (Washington County SuburLan Residential) to R-7 (Planned Residential ) on a 50 acre property in the vicinity of SW Walnut and 130th by Brayson and Griffin , applicant owners. Planning and Zoning _Commission Action: The Commission unanimously approved the zone change with the conditional use for Planned Residential Development with the following conditions : 1. that the preliminary plat dated August, 1.968,, be accented with the exception t.l.at the lots shown as 28 through 34 be developed as garden apartments instead of the area labeled lot 21., 2 . that the public access to the park be guaranteed"to the City on the existing road easterly along the subdivision to S.W. Walnut Street until such time that this road is improved , At this time public access shall be made by the developer,, meeting the approval. of the City Staff. 3 . that the park -land be donated to the City shown on the preliminary plat, but also including lot 21 , 4. that the park land be cleared of brush by the de- velopers and the area in the vicinity of l.ot 21 be leveled during development of the surrounding lots and graded as shown in the attached City plan for improvement by the developer dated August 15 1968 5. that improvements be made to the park as shown in the City ' s plans dated August 15 . 1968 . Playground equ?.pment meeting city approval to be installed by the developer and his c:,st not to exceed $1, 500 6 . that the public walkways be lighted with low wattage lamps and paved 6 feet in width with concrete and planted 2 feet on each side with low-growing shrub- bery--plans for both to be approved by the City Staff 7 . that the major arterials in the development ( 128th and 127th) be planted with trees (one per lot . 0-j" caliper, Cleveland Norway Maple or equivalent) alone the entire length within the development., Fl. that the street right-of-way be improved to City standards as dei. .gnated in the sub-division ordinancF, including asphalt, curbs , sidewalkzi, street lights and underground utilities , with exception that toe cul-de-sac street width may be 28 feet - the entire length within the development,, 8. ,...at the street right-of-way je improved to City stand,,,:rds as designated in the sub-division ordinance including asphalt, curbs, sidewalks, street lights, and underground utilities, with exception that the cul-de-sac street width may by 28 feet.. 9. that Phase III of the development will be oper: for review as to density prior to improvement of the area ^ Emily tidied Planner b now :a RK Aogvat 26, 1948 7 `l M=• 0-2. Griffen P.O. box 23578 �J Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Griffent This is to officially notify you that your request for a sone change-conditional use from Washington Ccsnty �- F-R -o R-7-Planned Residential, was approved a , ti Planning & Zoning Commission on August 20, 1960, with the following -onditiones I 1) That the prelininkry plat dated August, 1%8 be accepted with the exception that the ' cts shown as 20 through 34 be developed as garden apartment* instead of the area lab,-led lot 21. 2) That public access to therk be pa Qu3ranteed to the City on the existing road easterly a],.[ ; the sub-division to S.W. Walnut street until eve', tiara that this read is improved. At ;,his t '.me public f access shall be evade by the Q8velopvr, meeting the j+ approval of the City staff. 3) That the perk land be donated to the City as whown on the preliminary plat, but also including .got 21. 4) That the park land be cleared of brush by the developers and th* aroa in the vicinity of lot 21 be leveled during developsrent of the surzoundiny .lots and! ,railed as shown in the attached City polan'a fo:: improremant by the developer dated August 15, 1%8. 5) That inWoveaent a be grade to the park a• shown in the City's plans dated August i5, 1468. Playground equiPMMIL meeting City approval to be installed by the developer nad his cost not to exceed $1, 500. Page 1 . . . . i h: lu t ft9e 2. . . . . i) That the public walkways be lighted with low wattage lamps and paved 6 feet in width with concrete wad Planted 2 feet oa each side with low-growing shrumery-- plans for both to be zppxoved by the City Staff. 7) That the mJOL arterial• in the development (128th and 127th) be planted with trees (one per lot, A" caliper, cleveland Norway Maple or equivalent) `1along the entire length within the development 8) That the street rLrsi-of-way be LxVcoved standards as deli to City ordinance ineludi�asp►balt#curbs dsidew l�ks, r street lights, and uAdfirground utilities, with exception that the rii-de-sac rtreet width my be 29ft. 9) That Ph r 3e III of the betelerssnt will. be open pen for review as to densi ty prior to ivaprovsment of the area. The Tigard City Council well set the date for tbiir publiz hearing on the sone change. You will lie nO"4Led of this dat.e. �1 If you have any questions concerning this matter, J� please feel fre4- to call. Sincerely 1f Emily Nied Planning Adodnistrator NNM/i eo I I o � y I V ' M 1 ti V 4 Q ` U , o, h - Y� l9 Ih i i t 4" ? 43 44 5 + 47 1 48 4' 7 , � � � t G.7,F 4 ENCJ /G'� r�•I /MJD'k'D V'�I.9k x117" __._.. ~```_----_.__ •' 41 - � c� +30 ,g � /,v C.�/��C3� h �-•� Ism�.� 59 f'/ ��.. . T- ' `^�'`5 G �•'� ' \ J (}� ' / - --- ,f o •.;•.._._G /8- Z 3•!s s� J ' tJ „ + .�e�.S.Qr� /V O/ "S7 ZU"E T m 2 a 5.0.7 — — _ T * - /Z �� `.a t �'J -_ -- _-- ---- --•. -"_.-- `Q; CJS//.49 SW _ '947.F -y-Ort.=o _ _.. �u�, 1� ` G 13 24/0.3 d -_ _- _..___.—. -- 1 ' C V /. i ---_.-_.__. -— r �• �'.__ r. 0+-..t.SD 251. 9 ' I 1 51 ,•: r--� r to -V 0 ............. Z' 23zloo 34,o 6w, -` SO TB5 I � 1 ____.__.�_ ..__ --__ `l �� '� pG-•/ 24.49 _ �. •''�/ D ��, ��, � 4 T' -239,t9 6 L� 67 I.58.05 G/3 I h s a �;, ,�• � � 54 ,5,5 � ,�� .cam -•___ .. w o N '� �y, h ` To Grotc 234,2 �a TwpGroie X32.85 Y x ' � 11-J [I O z i I s 31.4 ` _ 6) c z - vJi a a s`. L ( '•1 __ `�` � �C'/ate; .- - � �7 ,7-,yZY�r„Q-`� f7' _ _ 235-�T �... - �" 'r �,�Z �. `` - 233 3S I � G r- 4 /,U� sE Z / 7 1 is HARR BELLV� 00D j3 ,— �a _ _.. _ � _..._-_ _____.____.__- _ __.. _---_-__ -r•-:�r-��40•_.1�2z���____________-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ �o ' � , - --- __ I GRIFFIN NDTE --��_._ F L fi � 1� P RAJ F � �L tD /2," C5G' /occr�iw�s b d >f��.,�.,r,�d 0 ti R _ qF') '�fE N G I N E E R I N G � & P LA '�+ PLANNING ou7`/Fi// SCA!_E ....._` 5p' _ -- 1 _ . ver Z.D `• ' `---- __ 1 „s, `rk f ;f�'/ 8905 S. W. COMMERCIAL ST. I r., o, p. tr. G r.e rig (, ,_'Aq,• TIGARD. OREGON 97223 r_r+r. 't r,' b J. ��. 1-t . 5►,6[ � 3 ! 41, . _ _ a. _ �I� p ' A - _ - --- - - -- -- --- - - - - — - - --- - _ — ----- - \Q - -- --- - --_ - __ — 10 _ +� a W i I - _ - �. -_• --_ -- -�It — _- - - --- - - - _ -- - 4 r AN _ - _ _ - .L_�_ _ E�. .-- - Q 4:;L4 LA _ _ s• ___-_ -_ _ .- _-___ _ _ _._. W _ _ _ PS-0 I a -- ---- __ - -- - c _-__ __! _ -� -__. z ✓1a _ TAT ___ __-. _ _. ___ ___.__ _ __..._.. ... _ __ _ _ t.�__.. __.. __41 L) a z _ ram^' w I - � N UJI 4. mto r --- �} --.. _ -.- .__.. -- - -- -- - - o -- _. _—_ - 'At 44 _ -- _ --_- -- - -- Z z _ _ a _ - 1 1 � - mM N — . M. -> 7 66 i _ - 1 _ - TH too I PLATE 1 PLAN-PROFILE o. P. A. a R r STANDARD 100'. MAO AGrrM00F VtLLUM•-MADS AND PRINTEn IN u v EUGENE DIETZOF•N CO. r n 1.2 s a,...,�a•�'� '. • ( F I�!'t I;IIII�'IiII'I,'lll'�FI'I}I'jyjfJli !`illlltlt! I�lft 1 X11 I f1 �1��1�1i1) 111111111111f� Illill�llilllllt�llll1111111lIIII111lIllllltllllll111lrllllllltf1I111l11111�flltl *r 1 Ilk2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN 4 THIS NOT ICErr-IT IS DUE TO ' ^ .� QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ..q._ DRAWING. QE 6Z 92 LZ 92 92 1r2 f.Z 22 la OZ 61 AI I I 91 91 !►I EI 21 C i 01 A 9 L 9� S' 1A c 2 ``�- �� I I i � I I +fin � I � I IIIIIlIIIII1111lffff11f1f1111W�I1Wlul�uu�lluUllfultullYWlnN . t�ftluulun nullln uully+ nIIItIt tff4ftf luflnul~uilua uulu� !IluNINI1�tN1 1t1�tfItI1111l11�1 IIII�IIIIIMfflfflflfllt u+!Ittn nfiltlrtltfn�tlfll►fllflffltt111unINl�f►�illlli� ,� JUNE 24 199 �.. - - __... ..._. .._... ._ .�.►_Y�Y•.+�^- �• -f+s.-.._._...�r�. ..py,�.. - ._ it� _ ..w•i. _ __..._ ...,.,.. ....+�{..r....::..+�L{c+u'M1JIk .a9xW. ......t.,q,.y,. ,.:.w!y._�4a�,..:..,_....__..,... ,.... r.. __.... 7c� 11 --I_ �,� 'off stir e��_�Z S.4'a tl•' `" �`"`�r.f`: G� #-1 .� ,ca �`` :`// CeVO . .1Z-7r" l,yf', �1�.�r�C7" Q T,� �r,7/ 2' 4.14 41 yT -- � 37 6 W V � i W r. Lo rl l l .yre5 -3J7aW.►� c irks Q `, ` -Tp 6rrafg L/3,44 zap - a 6 /E G� yr w 1267h' ,��E I i'L�� of c'ur.5 !ar,%e.S c)"hhr_r I,v/s ( 29 [" r7o l�d I �INT. ., • 08.341 � -J W -- -- _ N NOS `4zozo'E L�'9/3 : N 3�O - � 14 HARRIS •u Tur�6 �e L//.?G J6 £3 �y - 20 . T6 � �. L _ �, y 7Z .,L 5TREET I MPROVEMENT� _ �h , �,::aPRorf GRIFFIN N <<4 �G I N �' I I PLAN PR(37 ( LE5 F'T3ty3.47 ENGINEERING 0. �8 ; ` I t" L/-•'�(� '� ���' t ; /h,i{ P L A N N , N G ...�._.-.. SCALE AS ..HO W%V DATE 740'io 1 It �6 1 - _ -- - __.__-.._ DRAWN B _ - J08 No. i 7� i 7 ) 8 I 97 TIGARD, T CHECKED BY J,nC/�' SHEET 3 dF 3 LE FR _ c1 EL 7 --- _ -- _ - - R — _J� Ns 1A kt — _ _ T _ _ n _ µ . ck ---.__ - -- - y - - - - -- - -- -- - -- — -- -- - - -- __ —_ _-- -- -�_ -- - 1.. 41y, ci --- -- -� — - - - F - -- - _ ( r --_ _ -- --- _ _ -- w oW z Z•30 4. 3 ' _ C IK Wtw. w Y V 11 -S_Q. r LC7/.5. V _..._ ___.. �. _ _ _ - _ - -149 /,E f Z Z - G Z _ _ ------- 7 . __ _ _ _ — -- - _� - Is- - __ T 3 _ r1 A E I _L_L__L_1A2Q_ .4 4-cro Z �,L*-: PLATE 1 PLAN-PROFILE O. P. R. 6 R. E. STANDARD -` 100% RAG AOtrROOR VtLLUM--MA01t AND PRINTED IN U. f A. EUGENE DIET2GEN CO. BELL..WOOD IVU I. -- ---- - _ -- U 0 F= ] 1 -.- _ .......,;.%.:#�F�r{fwi+�i;KjAI�'i,�„ MM ( 124 :.«„..•,��...._..pps.. -i ' �►! tli�►Fi'il►Itt� ili jl `111�� I+ �, t 11M �1� ► , '{CI►1�11t�11 t�t�l) IIt�11� ili�f)I i�r�i�t tlr�tit r1t�►l� ililili il►lili rlilili ilt+�l► ►l111 1 ill11111il►I►►e 1 3 4 5 _. 7 8 A 10 11 I NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �' ``"r'�- -'��""'� - '—' DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICS-IT IS PUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL -� �., RAWING. - _ ... _ _..._. - ._..,_ .. - OE At oZ tt at St in £i Zt lz Ot !;t 94 LI 1i1 !11 til Cl 21 tI 01 d 0 L fi, s r t: i t MmIsw "�- •,,..-'�'�. ��t►luNlN►►I►►rIII�N►Iu��1►���1+N►►IN�tNIu►th►t+INNI►N�IN�►h�u�„„�►htt►lN►►I,►Nb►ghtultutlunlmtlltl rnhntltmhlttblldlntllttlhtll�t►II�InI++NI►N►I►NtlNttlmlllul( uu�lu�wlWullt�ll JUNE 24 1992 _. ._....u• ,,,. _...L..,�. _. __.__..,....._ _....._«s 1r.-w.� - .. �w.!� i .�-- ' -- W•-__._. - __ � _. .lir. r l.^ _ ._W...._ .. _ -. _7 r, 4z I .4-3 ¢ 7 �� o 0p I 00600 �'SU•Un � • N -3 r t 7. /9 CL E"ANOUT zz ----_ w'• ;2 8 f h /A ✓E 5 11.98 00 - Zi -- I� '149t�8.00 o 4- o s / / •f- s N� = �� Z37. / j 0 ' o t90.Oour c L EAA/O Ur AE 114 O IB .D Do /{ If A- / 214/2.00 �..`•0.006/O L 30.00 O,•_ ___ +o _ .5 2 /E2 29./.9 Q O t 00 LAT. A -1 A Tf RAI A - / t 4 r zz a -, -3 I 57.3 of j 2 N i j 8 lE 204-. ¢.3 pp LIAIZ I U I,F 2 01,33 ----- ib .33--- / 9 ib +,,� O f OD / f 00 2 f 00 3:A.Ov EX/ST//VG Mit 0 00 A -L//✓E - - /✓t-/ B - i _2510 � U ! o �' C'O/V/VECT1G/v"S ry BE' -- -- SCALE / • = 5 0. 4 U/VL ESS O T/•/E�'lN1 S E � ' 6 .2 33•vs i f 23J. 70 v�l>O / 1100 OtIJD /BOO L �1 TE.�A A - / L A TERA L. B - Z 260 ---- -- -- --- ----- ---- - _ - - - - -- --....... __ __-_. + ^1 G I '� Q N i i Q m I V I� - SCALE' ; VERT /'' = /o I HORd l - SO' a �0 . e ----- J------ ---- ---- - _ -_ -- vE' I� e0 t 1 D•00600 Z -Asv 00COP 4 2 50 R1 0._ . �• r 8 it 250. b _.. - -- -- -- --- O -{ � �� /E 243.SO /E 5•DO N/1Y. /h'AL Gfi'OU/V� ,�.Ob R.F If/_S/ON_f.- //y our Z3o /E 2-3.3.OS i -..._._ ._ ,_.... _.. ,___ __._. _ _. . __. -_.__,_ - - - _ _ ____ --•-- -- --- _. -- 0 -29- 68 - s 77,4. D/- /Nl`'/ .4 2 CNAi1%fit EU' F"�OiV 3 � ¢h' ;70 f 'r� 7 i 9 - 3 � OD I I 57-4 7/,. A/ /Vj5 OF' M•! ,4- 3 N /-�4,4N -O t ON no S/-98) t >� oHARRIS L V� 0 0Cow � �``���' '•�°�' SANITARY SEWER G RIFFS N ENGINEERING PLAN a PRO FILE /f X09.35' PLANNING `4jy1' I SCALE : AS SHOWN DATE 10 - 19- 68 0+00 �fa0 21400 3 000 ¢1100 _T t-00 6 / 00 71' 00 6 �' oU dy a /0 00 _..__. . ... ._ . -- . ._ Ti c a R , OREGON CHECKED BY D L.G. SHEET I OF 1 DRAWN BY J R H JOB NO 68 - 01- 02 D E BF_L..LWOOD NO J. 7 :1F 12 1, l���11111�1> 1111'1111 11�. -- 1 NOTE: 1F THIS MICROFILMED `-- - - I Z - - - 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR TI-IA14 ---- .. THIS NOTICTrf-TT IS DUE 10 _D* QUALITY OF THE ORIGMAL -_ DRAWING. —._-_ __ ------ i t 62 92 a 92 S2 t►2 b � ' Is 0$ •f BI LI 91 91 hl E:I ZI 11 01 - 9 L 9 L I► E ,#111111diIII IIIIIUulnnl1:nli'111n1411111IIII"dil �AAM11,alhtpw11Ni11NU�1111�111Glfei l1111►1111141IN{N,i4tom1hll�111rIB u111uI1111uI11�111u1111� 19111t1Uu llllul►lullul�l�lblll JUNE 19 92 0,,r e7,K16 7-//4--) .........." V 56X" 9 41 -/a lo-v 58 -7 MA-1 C-3 s-ew Z, 4 53 7-0 -r/6,4,t'L) Co. 1511-(0 9 00 4)1 A!!�lVZ7 V) L / 9 V� 1VH c 6:1 70 /✓H CS Az+48� / 7 00 V /c I /\.I IT Y MAP /' C)c) Z In a -,*9 5"oc, 73 ZZ 24 (V I /',LL 7`I PE 5H,,;`,LL TO SPEC , C-14 EXTRA CSTFF-F-NG-rH KIOK) - RE�W- sEVvE.FZ- PIpa . Z. Z E304RD5 SHALL BE PLACE-0 AT THE END FHF- END cDF 41-L !SF-WE;Z I-Al-E.RLALS AlsJr-1 51-IALL 37 EXTEK10 AT LE,gS-r 3 FEET AWVE. NATUI`:AL 39 3(� Cm7Z 1 00 AJ 0 - WITH -THE vVO P 0 ' 6 EWER" PAiNTED Ow -rv--iE.W - 7 C3 Z. ALI, cl-rRp"E7--'5 SHOWN I Q BELLVVOOD ARF- 2 �R E15 E Wr L Y I-)KI I M r='RO V ED 4. SI:VVE:iZ LX\-TEPFAk- 70 1-0'r 51 VVILL E51S CON,'-,TFe-L)(-T-E ID 3\f VIAXKI►J6m A 8`X4 40;h 0 1 90,00 FIELD JOIQI- 70 ZWO ki ' --- -7 L A-4 r4 S,71 LIS 34 33 I;? c 44 WeS S I \ w 7-50 1 Lo4p. 53 HARRIS BELLWOOD G 0% RIFFIN SANITARY SEWER ENGINEERING PLAN a PLANNING SCA 1" 50' DATE FEB. 17, 1969 PELLWOOD NO I DRAWN 8YD. L.G. JOB NO 6801 . 12 8 OF 12 8905 S� W. COMMERCIAL ST —----- TIGARD OREGON 97223 CHECKED BY J. R. H. SHEET OF 2 war, IIO II 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS MOTIVAI-IT IS DUE TO 11 K QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL t)RAW ING. 'LZ 91" 42 *Lp CLP Z? 12 0? 61 91 11 91 91 41 E 1 21 11 01 8 99 S r E 2 400000� I I I oil 1 1111111119 � '� 124 i U .NA- 1 E 24 1 9.2 RJF POP lolop 2 60 0 ) I TOP C O. TOP NH 00, � roP 9 f"i�v�� /�f�� ._,r.�,EE,�` _ - �- _ 2 3 z 9f S _ o 02 _ _ -- U S p TOP M-/ V Tole *?/ I ro 20-93-5 r ' I O 2 / 0 - iE 206.57 0. 0/34 _L 250•D /E 20/.SU /_90 _ 1 I /90 4100 / *00 2 f 00 .311-00 t t 0!3 S too 60-00 7f OC e311 00 -9 t 00 /010-00 // t 00 Ile 70.00 13000 /4100 /S t 00 /6100 /1/Z_ S . v1/• l 2 6 A V E• .5 W .� t-L L cOl1Rr r ! z4a 24.__ TOR AFV 230 Z30 ! Q rv� /YATUh,A L � Xr V I I t, TDA' *H rOP 0A CL�/RB ( v TD,a ,. w 11, 38 :o' TOP Nf� 22d z4O - _2s�' 2¢D _ oS -- - --- -- _--------- ---- - ----- - - - - - ! t . 2ya 00 . 0-70 - _ /�_ X30 _ Z/2.3, 230 p. 0040 L /6 9. ¢ 8- -0,0040 L- 13c 6 6 -- - i /E 206. S 7 ! I 226 6 7 i /E ,27. 35 !E 22 7. 89 OUT /f 229.64' 001 _ ---- -- - - .. - ---- -- Zoo ! 220 ! 2 X8.89 /N O +UO l *00 2 1 0 0 3 foo 01.00 / t OU Zf00 3 100 4 100 L //VL � 1�r I~ d ,.,.`� � HARRIS B E L L W O O Q GRIFFIN SANITARY SEWER PROFILE ENGINEER ING PLANNING - V -- 5COaLE Hor 1 50' Ver. I "• 1�0' DATE FEB. 171,_L969 I'll._I ILII II !!' iIII I DRAWN BY _ ---.--R---, J08 NO _ 681 .12 W COMMERCIAL kj )IIGARD OREGON 97223 T CHECKED BY D. L. G• __ SHE1T Z Of Z - +....,WOb-.nen,..w.,.�rwa.«•.rwmy...Ow.�... .,.. f t ~ 1�1�t'� �1�I�Fi��'I�1�!'l�l�l�'i�i►II�'��tl�l �'►����II�I� ��I�ifilr � �r(II��111111 IIII�II Illlilili Ilfllllll�Ilil�ll��I�,11�,�1�1�1���1�I ���III���I��i11�rI�I�I���I�III���I�I��I�II� .__... __ _____ � �• r _-..._,.-M... ;�..;.. _.., � , � , .-•,-•.•;t°��';�;"�':f�.r.: °_' �.� � . ,w�� ,�y;,,w;. NOTE: IF THIS M ICROF I LME D -- 2 — 3 4 5 d 7 9 9 10 I I 1 2 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIV"-IT IS DUE TO �.•�T_FE QUALITY OF THF. ORIGINAL DRAWING. - ------ ----_____ - _._ .. __9 _s___ of 6z a? Lz ez sz fz EZ zz It 0? 61 81 LI 91 V 1I EI zl II 01 -6 e L 9 s Ir E z I"'►'" - -� _ ��IIIunIunlluilnulu��l��nl�uilnl��Illuulllallml��u1���+I��N{ �IwiII�I1N�I�4�u1�IImr111�IhIullullhn�ua;llnF>711nhnrinn�Itttl��t�Ima�Irt�lu��,uIIlIIu111ulnnbwuu�ul�ulluu��luliul�j�gh�i� _ 124 )( JUNE X 04 x. 992 - � �-...._.-..�._..._ .. - ..i:M.1Fw1i�•.FF^. '^_ .�+I r+ _.�. ,�.._.. ....._ ��...__ _.._ --_ ... .�"'_ � - vo+ .mf ..-. � ., �. .O�.r................. .. � '. ..... � ..:....- _s _. .- .. - _ ..-• 1►►. h•� s � F 1318"IRON ROL) FND. 33 .34 N E COR SEC 4, T-2S,R-IW 4 3 IN I I L' N. E. SECTION WASHINGTON COUNTY . 0 R t G 0 N1 INITIAL. POINT, 0 75' SCALE: I"- inn' OCTOn[-f? , 966 1 N8836 17*40"W ?38 75 102 0 Co � /W I c--E IL 61-11,7--s Zoo , 35 ICA 34 PC Z ,7e,,.Oo Z.,,C,,WE1y /4f (\j 36 0, 42' !o 1w 'ER ,4 p Ole 0 4. 33 14-W. 08 zs, C) 37 s d141, N a's WT' A A/L7 C-,ffNE*kAL a 1's62''. -•13 62' 18 7 119 56_15.1— 32 6y N&-B�TF40"W CC • In 110 00, Z 7— in 38 N -WWSC 1-7 --'4-C)-"w to 25' 2 N88017'40"W 131.61' 8 0 9400 ? 0 0 1 4 loi.,47�0,, i7-6 -id oa�- 31 .0 3; () -0, a V. 000, 11000, z 13300, 515Z 15 al 5lj 0000, N&Sc'17'40"w 0 0 4100, 0 a 0w' z 63 01`_ 10000, 40 39 .7 30 p 73 64 41 cy 1500 1 61 7 1 4900' t`U a6 65 47.90; •...,...... Py 7is 94' 26 O #V?70�7, 7� , 6 0 c1l: --T 00' C14 11K 28 i? 48-69 1.100- SS C) la 00 30 Ic\j 14'55 -R 7000 / ".9j -N87C �; 3k .1 ? 01 % 'p, Q) po 7,40'. "bo '00p c 24 'n -C, 28 29 "w) ?7 to n In 0, 61 1 fQ, �66 1�,Ooc- 13, r-q14 33' 0 8000. 78_94'� j 7433' 3? 9- 62 -jiZ '22"C N89026'46"E 148 66' pn al, '01 vp -8- 100 40" /Oo 00, N a 7 -0 ,6 27 22 E 60 Ih 67 8 0 Q ol cb 23 �n 40 00,WA 9 9 100 N07*5 J1 25"N 37 W 00 0, '4OW- O w In 0 W ul 68 •%n 59 / uj Re 'o o-, OI 111 110 Ck a Nli C.. 69 074 46 zi 26 U) -!pq o 0, k In '21 7 10000, .4 /00. \33 N 4" 39/ 40"'w 91 1 0 156 rQS Cc ov 20 & Ln 0 0 _20 /,t. .0 N 1 0'o o., .0,., '"i-7' I^ 40 w 3. "Zoo 00 .-0 AS 0 E, Jt A 19 53 '5 \05. 0, N87028'-' 00 50 130.OU' I -, 10 W)VR�-28' )SW5E) 6 1q, IN 'ti cp -ov?--.�0.0-52, IrN\ mop 52 151 50 � x ,O \ r. 4c �' � AO In .500 6 /B - TRACT "B" 83-3.3' 8C'4?' 81 64' Ai .00, 80 42' N87046'5e`w 5 'L, 4. �! /v 0 lo S87028',;O'E 6000 49 w 17 cy 15 W) 16 00 48 cy ro 190 oo�--.- 100-00' 8002940 W t3790' 70.00, 1-0 bb'- , --- - . il.-.1 i�.�--- , . 51 N8800 19 19pop 3019c) ---------- in 002 w c) N88100 940" 0 47 -33-47 %n a S 87026'00"E, 466.87 14 wj :w tu 12 46 wi 13 wi 121\1 IOU 00" 04 A6- good t. 10 S88002'40*1 2 vo 45 N 84 gp' 8-8 9600, 2,377 t! P (\j V r 6 -44 In vi k; P, - II Lu lco Od l0000, I " I • rj 588'02'40"C * I 7 t, In cy In NOTE. co z \ ALL SIDE AND REAR LOT LINES TO HAVE A 43 5FT UTILITY EASEMENT. 100 00' Nee oo?,4o w 860 . 7 —oo N87°Iz3'3u"w N 4 3 2 '$'cj .104 L .1,/1.. "J L N WAII-EP 4.!I IE. CIO' f 7 7 03' G`A,� e� -0 4, —S 87°2 1'.30"E 46�! 03' C, 0. S. W. WALNUT ST CO RL' NO 494 )r SAID SURVEY I PROVE 4 GALVANIZED IRON PIPE 36 INCHES LONG 2 INCHES IN f)14METt.*R, 6 INCHES BELOW THE GROUND, SAID INITIAL POINT BEING LC�' R-IW,W,M , THENCE FROM 541D INITIAL POINT ! RAN N 80017'40"W, 238 75 FT. , 'rhEN(,E SI..'c'I2'.2O"W, 327,68FT. THENCE N 71-047'40"W, 100C)OFT THENCE 5 I?0.V20"W, 252 OOFT. , THENCE S 3014'134,90-49FT. , THENCE S 6040*54"E 86 50FT " HENCE S 26017'40"E, 264OOFT. -, THENCE 5 63042*2(Y'N, 105 001, THENCE 5 3050'40"E ,85 63 FT THENCE S 87028'40"E,80-42FT ; THENCE 510'57'20"W, 63 90FT. TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LANE OF S W WALNUT St* 462 03FT , THENCE NiO26'4611, 446.90FT, THENCE S87026'0O"E,466.87FT ------ TO 4 POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAVE! ST I. N17 OFSFcrION 4 , 1264 53FT. To THE POINT OF.BEGINNING. r, 59B5(,Rf8LD AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME 7 -.1969 FOR OREGON NOTARY l'Uf3!.IC iN ANTI r MY COMMISSION EXPIRES -17 BELL. WOOD NO I 10 OF 1.2 r A A z I i. -zt. www milli" I 10 11 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED J - ----------- -"b. A DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIQ6-r-TT IS DUE TO _Df QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. c 6z 9? Lt 9Z r.L7 I EZ 412 a 67! 61 81 Ll 91 11 fo I cl of 11 ol 6 9 'L 9 S E &saw JUNE 24 1992 fo 1318"IRON ROD FND. 33 34 ) BELLWOOD O N E COR. SEC 4, T-2S,R-IW 4 3 I IN THE N. E. 1/4 SECTION 4, T-2S,R-IW.,W,M. s cO N WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON INITIAL POINT-gym o 11 � SCALE I 100 OCTOBER ,1968 N88°17'40W 238.75' V) 136 75' 102 00 r y� /35 0 34 O o a� �� I (0 o. s : �o 79 N)y'01-36 4042' meq ,lv u 3 914 W-A oe y � 121�� ,I IQ' � uC\J 12205 p� �\7°, 88 3e' I! .40 37 � 13.62' I 0 13.62'32 n/ _. 119 58' 15.9 •ro � I^ Ne8°17'40"W W q 12200 „ 11000. b 38 i c' Q N88°17'40"W 1° 12235 m 25' 25' g 2230 $ N 770 �, N88°17'40"W 131.61' IG S 19400 -71-17'40,, Zg`� N77°4740„w 61.61 70:00 W r0 f? 31 �^ S iia 00 37G. p, ��q 0?.23� IOD.pp ,^o° w N 1 N 110.00' O 63 41 r,'.�"6g. 100 0o -n'a 12256 'c v NOS 0" o w 00 10000 0° 3 ^-y ,°° °_ 3 ,, 12250 ° a c 40 o r 39 a z to o v. 64 '��� 0 4/aD N in ° a U) ,o 30n o p y 8 12260 N ^ ti `° z 0 v I C�bO �4 O ^ 7� h 150 to N N i 49.49 . 30.o(CJJ1 Q�••k' CENTER LINE CURVE DATA 3 0 't'��' ` 61 40;, 65 , ^ `' 0 56 94' 261 61 1T \p� A?`�!• ry 12268 � 73.31' �- 10 �, b00' .177047' h' 4900' \ 62 // 0 12335 ° N770+y.0"w aO.pOC 4p"� N 18 22' Ne8°17'40"W ID d=28°15' T:90.00 L=176.34' R=35765' 0 12300 �► 00• 79.26' ' �y�\ w N LYN 30.2 69 26.96 50.00 N ♦ 024 ?1' b' 55 10 75 00 l0?, ��� N87 24 65 E R 7p ^ ?.3 TQ`�0 00 91 0 0 co3 0 ® d=14°34'23" T=45.73' L-90.97' R=357.65' ° N 707�7 gyd y° 5 yo _ 1 12 285 rn 0 2oay• a -off '^ q IOo v P \N Oa.°°• I cD ,w f� _ (° q N q n N rn 0 /6 s7' $ w "� $ 24 `" q ° N o 0 27 a 4 "' 28 N • 29 $ to © d=13°40'37" T=42.89' L=8537' R=357.65' ° �/ tae?'= 3 h: Moo N g M ° q I- 2 - 1319266 Q 4 N 12303. 2 a �5 0;n 3,o - on o F- i; ^ ' y N 8 12300 4D A=79°45' T=12J.00' L=199.95' R=14385' L ?o• 12350 e; J o I`oe ^N 7/ y 1 z o I N 3 `` N7 00 O �/ w 80.00' z re.94' _74 33' 74 33' _ o , , z 7047+0 N' h 77°47 OI N77°+' = �J d= 90 T=130.Od L=204.20 R-130.00 try ch r ryl W p b"W 100,0p, N (� 40,W /p0 3? q 62 05 22 E N86°�E Nag°15'46"E IIe 3,6' �. 60 12400/ N/ p a , a N86 27 d=15°44'58" T=70.00' L=139.12' R=506.10' o Obi _0 N87°53'25'1117',?' : 1244567 $ 8 1233c ='Q e° 23 1??9 0 M --�i011' O0' ^ 70 g 12320 q0 0 d=5014'58" T=40.00' L=79.94' R=872.56 wALK AYA9 N770.0 9.89• N i W- N87°52rZa"W 7 37 W 00.00• ' N77o1��00 W I U ° w N77o+7 40"w (IS 5g 12450 0 1254568 40 W 1 h Q 12395 b W to, Ir LOT CURVE DATA �� 1404 4� E N :" ° cm s ill 22 N7 o r a 9 12360 26 M N '0 - 100• �h00 0 1.00'83, N 7704 j+� W 73 In LOT DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARINGo9p� o a oo o 4 89020'50" 20.00' 31.19' 2812' N42043'05"W -p� \`�c ° 120.00' �y a 2/ 0 N7jo47 12�U0 q 6 9C° 10.00' 15.7(' 14.14' N46057'20'E �6� rybo' 3,100• N 40 w w6.74' 83,00 _ oo' 7 32°01'12" 15.00' 13.62' 13.16' S6200204"E 000. 46'16'10" 50.00' 40.38' 39.29' S59009'33"£ o�.� 6° ti o N77°47• o • ° �� 1 ry ti • N 12445 40 8 43000'32" 50.00' 37.53 36.66 N76012'06" ► ` h _w 9 48019'37" 50.00' 42.17 40.93' N30032'J1.5'E 1 S'� eo'' ^ a S$ ? 10000' w 10 5,1°19'4." 50-00 47.41 45.65' N20 47'39.5"W �� �3 6 z u, , 11 40007'43" 50.00' 35.02' 34.31' N68001'23.5"W �- 5 --- 10100' j $ $ N 12 51°58'37" 50.00' 45.36' 4382' S65055'26.5"W o °� N77 17 0 20 - _ 52°01'12" 15.00' 13.62' 13.16' S65°56'M' W 01D 11�,�"5°� 4O W °' 12450 g cm 13 90° 10.00' 15.71' 14.14' N43002'40"W ►� 54 12475$ N'1y ` 15 CO25, 382.65' 42.85' 42.83' N 1°15'10"W "� o►�fM4 ry` ':> 1pO 00' Z 96025' 20.00' 33.66' 29.82' N43044'50"E �� ►1 60o?"0/ q �y ^'77047+0 W 4004.'49" 168.65' 12.01' 12.01' N89054'55.5"E ,2011 a� 3aJ.w icy 16 20023'02" 168.65' 60.00' 39.68' N77°41'GJ"E 17 20°23'02" 168.65' 60.00' 59.68' N57017'58"E N87o28'40"WN82`28'O3"w;; ,3 05 0� ,�^Z� y\ , 53 e l /9 M o 18 30°34'33" 168.65' 90.00' 88.93' N31°49'10.5"E 13000' 60 /9' o°o 1 ? i'' 12500 °1N /9 4°19'34" 168.65' 12.73' 12.73' N/4°22'07"E W 13^00 c ; t,-c1;t_ 12530 �\� ��� 12555 ;, 10 100. 24 90° 10.00' 15.71' 14.14' N 57°12'20"E - : a c 1 ��N 52 4s' xry Ni66°oZ'A4 5056'39" 531.10' 55.10' 55.07' N80045'59.5'4 n S a ,•r ��- w 25 7033'06" '331.10' 70.00' 69.95 N87°30'52"W' 03 � � `0 "° s. � �, �'� o° 26 2°l5 13" 531.10' 20.89' 20.89' N87°34'58.5"E to GD i ^ ss / 28 3017'29" 847.56' 48.69' 48.68' N88°06'06.5"E M 1253 M 6300 12600 / w " " O $89016'24.5"Ecn 90.42' 81.64' r 83.33' oo' 8 • TRACT B 29 1057'29' 847.56' 28.96' 28.96' •JB•- -- �, Ns7°4e 54�w �'( 33, 3°09'32 89756' 49.45' 49.48 N89°52'26"W 80.42 ° a 1 n r. 0 0 ° `J s eu 02'00"E 124.49' cp -o c - 5 E t° 93 09'32" 10.00' 16.26' 14.53' N 44 52'26"W S87 28'40"E a 7 -'� a wr• ° 32 52001'12" 15.00' 13.62' 13.16' N27042'56"E O1 g $•w JJO�s'' 2 N 49 o 12650 �° /�,j / .3-� EQu' 30°5511" 30.00' 26.98' 26.66' N38015'56.5"E 0 �� - 70.51 12. AG, N 4 33 52041'09" 50.00' 45.98' 44.37' N3°32'13.5"W 12555 0 is , 7� A Sir 34 46014'34" 50.00' 40.35' 39.27' N53000'05"W _ 96.17' " ti sir z� ! I 35 46°18'47" 5C.06 40.42' 39.32' 580°43'14.5"W NS7046'33"w N N w ° No\r 17 .c 36 46°53_'05" 50.00' 40.91' 39.78' S34007'18.5"W g v N '-�\-P 37 60°59 38" 50.00' 53.23' 50•'75' S 19°49'03"E 8 N 15 a n 16 52001'12" 15.00' 13.62' 13.16' S24°18'16"E o 48 39 84045'02" 10.00' 14.79' 13.48' S44004'51"W 12585 "'> 25 25 2 12580 z 40 6046'51" 481.10' 56.94' 56.90' S89°30'475"W 100.00' n 41 8058'07" 48110 75.31' 75.23' N82016'43.5"W nas°024eW 100.00 137.90' 70.00' 900 10.00' 15.71' 14.14' N32047'40"W ' a Nee002 307.90/-� 42 90039'10" 2000,. 31.64' 28.44' N47016'55"E o g g �80.p0 �4°4527"E 206.37' N88 024o"W W. 75.00 48 4°28'42" 332.65' 26.00' 25.99' N0017'01"W 47 N $ 33.37 466.87' 49 14°3826" 332.65' 83.00' 84.77' N9°50'.35"►M 12605 8 14 8 S87°26'00"E, 466.87' 50 9°0752" 332 65' 53.01' 52.96' N21°43'44"W a) ^ oc 51 8039'38" 382.65' 37.84' 57.78' S21°57'51"E � 1oa0u' j 12600 � o 70°24'38" 20.00' 24.58' 23.06' S52050'21"E � ° Q _ 100.00' w 2 11 P r 52 40004'50" 118.65' 83,00' 81.32' N 71054'55"E Q $ 0 12 n = n 5h `� e / 53 39040'10" 118.65' 82.15' 80.52' N32°02'25"E ti 46 g o `" ti 1 ti i - 55 900 10.00' 15.71' 14.14' N32-147'40"W "' 13 ri e ,oN N z \`1' 2029'23" 155.00' 6.74' 6.73' N76032'58.5"W 12625 q 56 18051'08" 155 00' 51.00' 50.77' N65052'43"W _100.00' - 12650 ' z 57 1903529'' 155.00' 53.00' 52.74' N46039'24.5"W , 90.00' 77' ti 10 �! 58 19°13'18" 155.00' 52.00' 51.76' N27015'01"W $ $ w' ,r: p,' ± 12735 / 59 19046'35" 155.00' 53.50' 53•'23' N7045'04.5"W 'n n c 968°02'40"E 2Gaoo' �s�, WALKWAY 3°41'38" 155.00' 0.99' 9.99' N 3059'02"E ^ 45 ^ - - ------ 84.92' 7 60 6022'29" 155.00' 17.25' 1724' N9°0l'C5•S'E 3 12655 a 5',N/, NMARlE CT. �Ns .103°3747 UN h 61 52°0172" 15.00' 13.62' 13.16' N13°48'16' W p _ 'moo' Z �y' y� 12730 6 19°20'17" 50.00' 16.87' 1679' N 30°(.8'43.5"W N 2177 ►ti 62 50059'30" 50.00' 44.50' 43.04' N5001'10"E ^ t ^ ��*O3e �}. S :3 53°28'36" 50.00' 46.67' 44.99' N57015'12.5"E o 8 8 CO6 N $ e? s�5 �y ;I 4 4 a ri n o 5 �{ F,4 48°40'04" 50.00' 40.73' 39.61' S 7204028"E U) ^ ^ N 12700 ^ - r` W s W ►� 0;.5 46u45'21" 50.00' 40.80 39.68' S25 57'45.5'E 12705 o 65 66048'37" 5000' 58.30' 55.06' S 30049'13.5"W 10a 00. 100.06 w a •Q R s• �! 52°01'12" 16.00' 13.62' 13.16' 938°12'56"W -- ae1°02'40"e N 7 ^ h o s• 57 2043'42" 105.00' 5.00' 5.00' 310050'29"W o 8 x 12730 -�, n a °_ 8 4`y N NOTE Fib 84°32'36" 105.00' 15493' 141.26' S32047'4p"E '? g ye n 5 1e z o in 43 Z ALL SIDE AND REAR LOT LINES TO HAVE A 69 2°4342" 105.00' 5.00' 5.00' 576°25'49'E " ^ z/' Si T. UTILITY EASEMENT. 9;10 1000' 15.71' 1414' N57012'20"E 120`.' ' 100.00' _. 100.0' 7000' 141 04' -IVoe•02 40 W -sQ09 75,00- N470 5.00- 75.00' Ne7°23'30"W 42 (' (i o 4 r $' 3 $ 2 I 1n c M Fn i o O 12755 12760 N Z w r; N N Z --} 71.77 6► `ri 65.14' - b 75.00' 75.00' 7203' SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE : 587°23'30"E 462.03' --- 1, JAMES R HARRIS , FIRST BEING DULY SWORN,DEPOSE AND SA;' ----- S_W. WALNUT -ST CO RD.NO.494 CHAT I HAVE CORRECTLY SURVEYED AND MARKED WITH 518"X30" -- ----- - -_ IRON RODS ALL LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS,CURVE POINTS AND BOUNDARY LINE CHANGES IN DIREGTION, THE LAND REPRESENTED IN THE ANNEXED MAP OF "BELLWOOD "AND AT THE INITIAL POINT OF SAID SURVEY I DROVE A GALVANIZED IRON PIPE 36 INCHES LONG , 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER, 6 INCHES BELOW THE GROUND, SAID INITIAL POINT BEING LOCATED S 1.42'20"W, 302..00FT. FROM THE NE CORNER OF SECTION 4, T-2S, R-IW,W.M ; THENCE FROM SAID INITIAL POINT I RAN N&8°17'40"W, 238.75 FT. ; THENCE S12°12'20"W, 32768FT ; THENCE N77°47'40"W. ICIU.0OFT ; THENCE 58°22'29"W,69.31F1' ; THENCE N 77°47'40"W,370•JOFT. ; THENCE S 12'12'20"W, 252.00FT. , THENCE S 3°14'13'!W,90.49FT. , THENCE S 6°40'.54"E, 86.50FT. , THENCE S 26°17'40"r 264 0OFT. - THENCE S 63°42'20"W 105 UOFT. (HENCE N82'28'03 'W, 60.19FT ; THENCF N87.28'40"W, 130.00FT. ; THENCE S 3°58'40"E,85.63 FT , THENCE S 87°28'40"E,80.42FT. ; THENCE S1057'20"W, 63790' T. TO APOINT ON THE NOR7H LINE OF 5 W ► 'ALN JT ST (HENCE S 87.23'30"E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF S.W. WALNUT ST. 462.03FT. ; THENCE NI°26`40"E,446.90FT; THENCE S87°26'00"E,466.87FT - TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SEG TION 4, T-2S,R-IW ,W M. ; THENCE NI-42'20"E At ONG SAID EAST LINE OF SECTION 4, 1264.53FT. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. s� SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME cr'���tr1g�� J1v' THIS-,L--- ---DAY ,J 6 nr7r_uo'� k- 12 :vl NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR OREGON q'l1Fs R Pti�'. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES F.tEI_..L...WOOD NO 1. 1 1. 0 F� I ., .t... 1�!.�� ,r.�..n� '�Y�11�+w,••• -.--....� .[ �r.. ... -, - .. .. ._.�r..��!M�-.Y ��' a^..�` (1 n0- 'w�,' L.�.- �...,. - .- ... _..r ...... _ _ -• �.. - �� Y �i tjrli riilIJill if ►1il� �t� I'M I�i111 lilljlji jITFT7 1 1 1ij Itltjtl 11r�t1l�i�rll ill�t11It111r1tI11tlt1t11111t11 II�I111I111I��1 tlt1��1I111�111I111lllllltllltl r t I ,� . 10 11 12 _NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ` THIS NOT ICE•:-IT IS DUE TO + �* j}lE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL t � ° "•DRAWING. - _-. ._.. - __._.__�______._._.._____.____. ___ -. _ ---_---_-- , OE sz 8Z lz 9Z Sz V? Ct LL It OZ 61 BI LI 91 51 trt EI al 11 01 6 9 L 9 s� I E1 z t"""' . . __ y- ''"�� �''� �r1l�unhut�unllnl�uulllil�nnlnt�,lntluultnrinn�uulu+ll�Ilwla,»r�nlnr,t�rnrlun�tt�tur�ltltlttlt�mtittlt�nrtirin�lutl lurlut1�11rtltl�t�llNliltllttll►tt1t111111uIIINII� �tu11tu1�1tu1u11�t1ulllllwmliwl111Lllluul�llll�It1111111�iW�iltt � _JUNE 4 09 92 -m" 'tool 60 Sc (64 &3 i (a (ol X0 0 ........ .5 W a zj r..d-, ,rAF r. sg -:54 -7 ' 7 z -7 - S7 -� A i I N Z$ -7 -76t I) -\ 7 4) 4-e- D 13 r •I � 1 Z4, ��� rrl V1�lL L S fa,C.9�E � , } .� �� �+ Q � _ i eo +ori � _ ,X. Z. 14-4 Ilk 39 -I- 7 49 9 -7 er ie 97 W P7VIV -410 ri 't 1�p.1 ................. V NIS, 157- JOS"" ,. ............. (3) .......... .. toe I > 14-4 S1 IS4 ) 'JI ly V 4 1Q, "0") \ 1-7 3334 0 (n 4 3 I SIB SITE ).3 -p SIN WALNUT ST. be inaHnalited so Sawil-b E4m,4 c%j k V�- (f) VICINITY MAP F N, 4 5 BELLWOOD PARK JAMES W. BRAYSON a Q. B. GRIFFIN 0 PRELIMINARY PLAT OWNERS 15 DEVELOPERS 16 P. O. BOX 23587 TIGARD , OREGON IN NE 1 /4 SEC. 4 T. 2 S. v RA WvWM. HARRIS a GRIFFIN CIVIL ENGINEERINGu; r it 13015 SW PACIFIC HWY. SCALE 1"zI00' AUG . 1968 TIGARD , ORE. wo" It"f 1`1141 I'll prij 1l11 11 111111111ITITT Tj 2 3 4 5 6 7 a NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICFr--17 IS MIE TO _THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING, 6c 6z ez a gi, sz oz E2 22 la 02 61 81 it 91 51 tp I EI 21 11 01 -6 9 1 9 S 111, c Al 111"4111111 if JUNE j 24 1992 —11110w. 04" 7 0