v •,
Pe Oe Sox 1L652
Portland, „regon 97214
City of Tigard
Attn: George Steele, Code ,enforcement Office ,
13125 �.W. Hall Blvd
Tigard, Oregon 97223 +
Gentlemen: R,�: Case #88013-Op 7304 S.W„ Taylors Feery Rd.
We are taking steps to I',ave the debris remov:d from the premises within
the time allotted.. However, we are advised that demolition cannot take place
until the contractor can enter the premises with his heavy equipment. The
ground is too soft at this time. He has agreed ;o remove the dwelling as soon
ns conditions pemnit.
lease a - se if this is not satisfa t.orye
Very truly yours,
::arian L. Benson
P-483 280 994
No INSURANCE ronFLAut rioo,un
NOt WR%'If"0710NAt MJ'!
_ i.^'eB Revnrcg)
S"Fred & Marion Benson
"TO 13bx 14652 �
d P t star,..l,
ilori and OR 9 7214 � t
Cerldted Fee a1
SpPcta!Delivery i'=.,
Resdreled Delivery Feg eturn Recatpt showtnqn
to whom and Date DelrvPred
X Return Racetpt sho...,hn 10 whUm.
Dale and Address al.Mltvery /
� TOTAL f'ostnge an /�I
f�M® Pomr,,�,� , , 4 E
n rr
+SENDER: Ccmplete Item 1 and 2 when edditlrS}RM
and 4. sorv!ces are Oesirdd, r l complete Items 3
Vuur addrtst In the "RET'URN TCS" Space on th aterse side. Failure to do this v.l!'prevent this
card from being rmvrned to yau. Th• retkV
urn rocgr��(IL_provld
> Ufav-9L4d to en ih4 dere of delly•rrvv For eddltlonel }yA•-the 7-allTaw—Ing ei�lc h wave 61e.eCons�it
poet(�eater for foes end check boxes) for eddltlonel sAMce(e)requested.
1. f7C Show to whom delivered,date,and eddrexsee's 04Wress. 2. ❑ Rwtrl-ted I)ellvery
I(E.r!ra charge)1 t(Extra charge)t
3. Artl.ie Adirened to: 4. Article Number
F -03 CI. & Marion L. Benson _P-483 280 994
Pr, BOK 14652 TypeofServics. -
Portland CR 972.14 ❑ Registered C3 Insured
CX(Irtified ❑ CUD
Express Mail
Always obtain signature of addressee
or agent and-PATE DELIVERED.
5. Signature-Addressee 8. Addressee'-,Address(0,V1,Y it
X �� ^L_y_ requested end Jae pa/d,.l
. Signe rcr-=Age-n-t�� --
7. nate of Delivery -- r
PS Form .3811, Mar. 1981 . u.e.aaa. tees-tr�see ,-
Certified # P-483 280 994
Washington County, Orel. C17YOF T16ARD
Case #: 880: 3-C
Address: 7304 SW rayl-ors Ferry Road
Tax Map:_15125 rBo2500
To: Fred 0. and Marion i. Benson To:
Respondent A Y Respondent B
P3 Box 14652
Uor.tland, OR 97214
It has been determined that the following activities or conditions are
Infractions as defined by the Tigard Municipal Code:
14.16.040(b)(6) Dangerous buildl„8s
7. 0.0 ( c d Nuisanci-s affecting the public health
7.40.100(a) Open storage of junk
You may contact me by phone at 639-4171 between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. ,
Mondav through Friday, or by mail at the Tigard Civic Center, 13125 S.W. Hall
Blvd. , PO Box 23397, Tigard, OR 972.23, to informally discuss the possibility
of entering a Voluntary Compliance Agreement. Under this agreement, you would
agree to remedy the alleged infraction within a certain time period and the
City would agree not to file a summons and complaint ag,ainst you during this
If a Voluntary Compliance Agreement is not executel, the following action to
remedy the infraction must be completed by
4:00 PM 218/88 _ Demolition of building
(Time and Date)
and removal of ice boxes
If these remedial actions are not taker and a VoluntaLy Compliance Agreement
has not been entered by the time and date indicated, a uniform summons and
complaint will be issued, and a penal.t-* of 050.00, plus hearing fees, may he
Imposed upon you, pursuant to Tigar:; Municipal. Coy:-.
Code ETO)rcement Officer
George Stee-e - Late: Januar;;, 1988
(PrInt Name i
13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,l;gard,Oregon 97223 (50:;)63?-4171 - - --
Code Enforcement Action Request
Complainant: ✓��a._ ✓7 2 --
Address: ✓ << -
Phone No.: C' � r' _ ';ate Received:
Recolved by:,-:, r 9
8 Tix ___^Open Stora;;e of Junk
a Veg. Noise
t.,aard Dog (Animal)
Sign Filling (Sen.:icive rands)
Location: '-x��`� %,, ll� r - �_ ✓i'� r
Z Tax Lot:
'Fax Map: � � ..._._..----
Action: /- L S=�a !'/ tip ��, - ='41
Ate^. - �,� ✓�.(�c./�er( ._._�yj
Code Ofticer : _ - -'
Ulm W
7. 40 .050
be a breeding place or likely breeding place for rodents,
flies an(' other pests;
(i ) Removal of Carcasses. An animal carcass permitted
to remain on public property -)r to be exnosed on public
property for a period of time longer than i= necessary to
remove or dispose of the carcass.
(j) ;Maintenance on Private Property of a Dangerous
Build";.ng . A "dangerous building" is one or more of the
(1) A structure that, for the want of pro�--,r
repairs or by reason of age and dilapidated condition , by
reason of poorly installed electrical_ wiring or equipment ,
defective chimney, defective gas connection, defective
heating apparatus, or for .:any other cause or reason, is
especially liable to fire , and that is so situated or
occupied as to endanger any other building or property or
human life;
(b) A structure containing ceinbustible or e.{plosive
material, rubbish, rags, waste . oils, gasoline or flammable
substance of any kind, especially ' fable to cause fire or
danger to the safety of the build Liq, premises , or to human
7. /U•oy� (c)<1, ? --*(c) A structure that is kept or maintained or is in
a filthy or unsanitary condition, especially liable to cause
the spread of contagious or infectious disease or diseases;
-0 (d) A structure in such weak or weakened condition,
or dilapidated or deteriorated condition as to endanger any
person or property by reason of probability of partial or
entire collapse. (Ord. 86-39 §1 (Exhibit A) , 1986 ; Ord.
86-20 §4 (Exhibit C (4) ) 1986) .
7 . 40 .050 Noxious_ vegetation. (a) The term "noxious
vegetation" does not include vegetation that constitutes an
agricultural crop, unless that vegetation is a health hazard,
a fire hazard or a traffic hazard, and it is vegetation
within the meaning of subsectic,, (b) of this section.
(b) The term "noxious vegetation" includes:
(1) Weeds more than ten inches high;
(2) Grass more than ten inches high and cot within
the exception stated i.n subsection (a) of this section;
(3) Poison oak, poison ivy, or similar vegetation;
(4 ) Dead trees , dead bushes . stumps and any other
thing likely to cause fire;
(5) Blackberry bushes that extend into a public
thoroughfare or across a property line;
(6) Vegetation that is a hea th hazard;
(7) Vegetation that is a health hazard because it
impairs the view of a public thoroughfare or otherwise make's
use of the thoroughfare hazardous .
86 (Tigard
7. 40 .070--7 . 40 . 100
7.40.070 Streets and sidewalks . The owner or respon-
sible party shall keep a public street and/or sicewalk abut-
ting their property free from earth, rock and oth!r debris
and other objects that may obstruct or render the street or
sijewalk unsafe for its intended use. (Ord. 86 -20 54 (Exhib..t
C (5) ( 2) (c) ) , 1986) .
7 . 40 .080 Vehicles not to drop material on streets .
The owner or operator of any vehicle engaged in the transpor-
tation of excava`_ion or const.r.iiction materials shall be
responsible for keeping the public streets and sidewalks
free from such materials, inc.' - iing but riot limited to, earth,
rock and other debris that may obstruct or render the street
or siva-walk unsafe for its intended use . (Ord. 86-20 §4
(Exhi:. C (5) (2) (d) ) , 1986) .
7 . ,j .090 Greenway maintenance . (a) The owner or re-
sponsible party shall be responsible for the maintenance of
the propert-, subiect to an easement to the city or to the
public for greer.way purposes . Except as otherwise provided
by this section and Sections 7 . 4() .050 through 7 . 40 . 120; the
standards for maintenance shall be as follows?
(1) The land shall remain in its natural topographic
condition. No private structures , culverts, excavations or
fills shall be constructed within the easement area unless
authorized by the city engineer based on a finding of need
in order to protect the property or the public health, safety
or welfare.
(2) No tre-2 over five feet in height shall be re-
moved un-_ess authorized by the planning director based on a
finning that the tree constitutes a nuisance or a hazard.
(3) Grass shall be kept cut to a height not exceed-
ing ten inchcq , except when some natural ccnditior prevents
(b) In situations where the approval authority a-tab-
lishec different standards o_ additional standards, the
standards shall be in writing and shall be recorded. No
person shall be found in violation of this section of the
code unless the person has been given actual or constructive
notice of the standards prior to the time the violation
occurred. (Ord. 86- 7.0 §4 (Exhibit C (5) ( 3) ) , 1996) .
7 . 40 .100 Open storage of junk. No person or respon-
sible party shall deposit, store , maintain or keep on any
real property, except in a fully enclosed storage facility,
building or garbage receptacle, any of the following:
(a) An icebox or refrigerator , or sim: '.ar container,
which seals essentially airtight , without first removing the
(b) Inoperable , partially dismantled automobiles ,
trucks , bus , trailer or other vehicle equipment or parts
thereof in a state of disrepair, for more than ten days as
87 (Tigard 8/ 15/R6)
14 . 16 . 060
(b) Compliance .
( 1 ) Upon an order to vacate and the posting of an
unsafe building notice , no person shall remain in or enter
any building which has been so posted, except that entry may
be made to repair. , demolish or remove such building under
permit .
( 2) No per3on shall remove or deface any such
notice after it is posted until the required repa -rs ,
demolition or removal have been comple:.ed and a certificate
of occupancy issued pursuant to the provisions of the
building code ordinance , codified in Chapter 14 . 04 of this
code . (Ord . 86-53 §5 (Exhibit D 56) , 1586 )
14 . 16 . 060 -)latiori--Civil infraction . Eve -y building
or part o77_61. ng determined by the building official to
be a dangerous ding is a Class 1 infraction and is sub-
ject to the provisions of the .ivil infractions ordinance ,
codified in Chapter 1 . 16 of this code . (Ord . 86-53 55
(Exhibit D 53) , 1986)
179-1 (Tigard - 15 87)
14 . 16 . 050
�y�6.oybC6) or structure is structurally sound and does not present a
fire hazard, and (c) the building or structure has presented
or is likely to present a danger to individuals who may en-
ter the building or structure even though they are unauthor-
ized to do so , the order shall require that the building or
structure be recused agcinst unauthorized entry by mean:
which may include but are not limited to the boarding ui.) of
doors and windows .
(4 ) If, after a building or structure is secured
pursuant tc Section 14 . 16 . 040 (b) ( 3) , the building official
determines that such security measures are rendered inef-
fective b,,., repeated vandalism or otherw.i;e , and if the
building official has thereby determined that th^ building
or structure must be demolished, the order shall be in ac.-
cordnace w � Sections 14 . 16 . 040 (b) (5) -nd 14 . 16 . 040 (b) (6) .
,(L /1If the building official has determined that
the building or structure must be demolished , the order
shall_ require that the building be vacate' within such time
as the building o:::ficial shall determine i:; reasonable from
the date of the order; that all. required permits be secured
from the date of the order, and that the demolition he com-
pleted within such time as the building official shall de-
termine is reasonable .
(C6) Statements advising that if any required repair
or demolition work (without vacation also being required) is
not commenced within the time specific:' , the building offi-
cial will order the building vacated and posted to prevent
further occupancy until the work is completed , •-.nd may pro-
ceed to cause the worx to be done an:' charge the costs there-
of against the property or its owners . (Oral . 87-18 591 , 2 ,
3 , 1997 ;. Ord . 86-53 55 (Exhibit h 55 ) , ' 986 )
14 . 16 . 050 Notice of un_afe occupancy. (a) Posting
Notice . In conjunction with =n order to vacate , a notice
shall be posted at or upon each exit of the building and
shall be in substantially the following form:
It i,: a violation of the Civil Infractions
Ordinance to occupy this building or to
remove or deface this notice
Building L:ficial
City of Tigard
179 (Tigard 7,115/9 , )
14 . 16. 070
14 . 16.070 Violation--Abatement--Penalty. (a) Abate-
ment. A dangerous building may be abated in the manner
prodded by the civil infractions ordinance , codified in
Chapter 1 . 16 of this code .
(b) Penalty.
(1) Each violation of a separate provision of this
chapter shall constitute a separate Class 1 infraction , and
each day that a violation of this chapter is committed or
permitted to continue shall constitute a se arate Class 1 �
(2) A finding of a violation of this chapter and
imposition of a civil penalty pursuant to the civil
infractions ordinan^.e (Chapter 1 . 16 of this code) shall not
relieve the responsible party of the duty to abate the
violation. A civil. penalty imposed pursuant to this section
is in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedies
available to the city.
(3) If a provision of this chapter is violated by a
firm or corporation, the officer or officers, or person or
persons responsible for the violation shall be subject to
the penalties imposed by this section. (Ord. 86-53
55 (Exhibit D §7) , 1986)
Chapter 14 . 20
14 . 20 . 010 'itle.
14 . 20 .020 Definitions.
14 . 20. 030 Permit required.
14 .0 .040 Permit application--Fee.
1.4 . 20 . 050 Permit application---Distribution and
14 .20 . 060 Utility installation protection.
14 .20.070 Performance ond.
14 . 20 . 080 Permit issuance conditions.
14 . 20. 090 Permit contents.
14 . 20 . 100 Permit revocation.
14 . 20 . 110 Liability.
14 . 20. 120 Protection of streets and property.
14 . 20. 130 Project to continue uninterrupted.
14 . 20. 140 Cleanup.
14 . 20. 150 State highway use.
14 .20 . 160 Violation--Penalty.
180 (Tigard 11 / 15/8(i)