10417 SW TITAN LANE A i 11 I i 10417 SW TITAN LANE -• BUILDINGPERM1CIWOFTIFA� FEFTMI.T NO. Fl.1E92 f3i C17yorT6ARo COMMUNII•Y DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0111140" 6/:L:3/(39 13125 S.W Hall Blvd..P.O.Box 23381.Tigard.Oregon 97223 (503)639-4115 I'aPT M . PKT.N1. 89U285 r-IJDPI:::S S : 1.0A1.7 SW TT TAN LN TAX MFhp/I...C:T i?S 1. :I.4BB :1.1.700 SUB: SWAN:a(1NS; GLEN I...'1' : !'.i(:) BK LAND USE ; P1.i' I._01' SIZE:: VALUATION: * :')S>,i?E)tB SE:'T'BAt':F,S FRONT: 20 P Ali: 6 WORK (:I.ASS : NEW DWE::I...L .UNTTS : 1. I.„E:F l': 9 Wl',HT' : i.13 USE. TYPE: Si:I:NC;I...E: FAMTI...Y NO BEDROOMS : 3 F,::XT . WALL. CONST : (NJNST. T'YF)E: : VN NO. BATHS : :3 N: S: E: W OUCUI::,.(;)FTP. : F43 PROT .OPE'NINGS : ((NNJIP.I...OAD N: S : E: W ; TOTAL.. 0SAEA 1.2f:19 N( . STOPIES : r 1.ST : 70:3 ROOF (7,0NST : C 1:71FIE. PET'? HE:I(.,*TT : PO 2ND: 586 ARI::A SEPAW? PA'TEr) BASEMENT”? 3RD: JCC LIP. SE:",PAR7 RA'rEU: ME:Z7ANINE'7 E)ASr M'T' I L..(1OP I...OAD: 41() GAPAG:l:' : 400 RE SiPPKI-FI7 ALANM7 FLOW(('.,PM) DETF.--T T 7 YES 'TYPE: GAG ITC)CFr.A.;(:rE.!yti'7- — -- COPA7 V'I.„AN ("HECK BY: r•:1.t —- MLKMAFTKS : PE:I:55LIE: OF: NO. 901 63 3 LAS'T' REISSUL: 891.1.A0 oE)L„E:AK M()r:1;rtiPJ PE PMI'T N $;31. 3 . 00 P(:) BOX 6835 PI...AM R1=:VIE::W +aA:0 . 00 E ALOHA (.if+ F'tFIIa: I)EPT R 51'ATE T'AX R .:.1 . 6!:i O T'HE`P C --- 1J1-:VE:L„()PME:NT C,HAAGE:.!:; : O F31„.EAI< MC)FI(;AIV sl)(w( ST OPM) *230 . 00 N 'I'1:TAN PRCIF)r';i-rrF:S INC: . 11h00 . 1>0 C ALOHA OP 9700'7 603S� F>FT1.pA:r47 < $4,I0 . 00> T PHONF.. (503) 664-•-6606 OR I RE:C;:I:Si'TRA-T-T0N NO. :305!'38 PI CIE 11,T' NO. l Lgq llo 5'' This permit Is issued subject to the regulations contained in ritle 14 W..__.......„ _....._... .._......_..____.._... of the TMC. State of Oregiln Specialty Codes.zoning regulations 1iFftll] FTk q INSPE(:'T'IUNli and all Other applicable codes and ordinance;, and it is hereby agreed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and r•UL)T 7 N(:, SE:WE:R specifications and In compliance with all appil"Ile codes and r"(:)UNDAT I ON WALL. PAIN DPA.T.NS ordinarlcr.- Thi ir.suance of this perm!does not waive reatrictivi POS I & PEAM WA'T*F'P L..TNE_ covenant 1. Contractor and subcontractors shall have current cil PLH . UNDEPSL_A6 CI"1'Y AF)PR('H/SW business :ax permits. This permit will expire and become null arid til AE3 void if work is not starved within 180 days,or if work Is suspended or FINi1l_ abandoned for a period o' 180 days any tima after wur4 hs� PL_F3. T'(:)P('OT commenced. It shall be the raspons'bility Of the permittee to assure FRAMING all required inspections are requested and approved FIRE::PL..A(M. GAS LINE INSULATION C,Yp. Bt:)ARE) Permittee Slq tore Issued By r SEPARATE r•ERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE 119F lllw_ ,FwAr� CEWEP 1 CN7Y CSF TIFARD PERMIT NO. : SF-.:01.�11304 CrTYOFTvAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Ono-ON DATL ISSUED: 6/13/89 .L 13125 S.W.Hall Blvd P O.Box 23397,Fiqnrrl Orqon 47223 (503)639 4115 PPIM. PMT .NO. 8 9 12 B 5 J0113 ADDRESS : 1.041,7 sw i,J:TAN LN USA NUMBER: :3.753!5 MAP/L(TT ;?.SJ. tABB 11.700 SUB: t'-iiWAN5UW- (',I J-N L.T :58 BK : LAND USE : P12 L.O*T SIZE � sEc.,TTON: 14 TWP : 2% 14N(., : J.w ,,JOPK NEW k.,**!.'* TYPE : SiNGLE FAMIL.Y "tie lit ma:wur,t iagir,eem tcl w:i.t h lit I I and regi.ilatJ.ciriiii, a 41 t h e U ri J.f J.e.►cI 5ewcar-atge Age?ricy . The I:)*.,ir.mit IRO chiLk qm +I-am the (latte :Lwilt.te.(J . T h e t a t a 1. akincit.trit r)aJ,cl wi.3.1 1:)e J.-r the The AC.le?iiey claets riat (P-tai arltec, thc� accllr-awy (J-P thct lacal,i.nrl 0-F the.- mi.de tbewcir, 1at(or,alt5 . I f I.heft iii ewer- i ii; ri(:)t II:cin.ted at the 131 vlorl , the ler, "thall. pl.'aspect 3 -F e CA-1, J.1.1 1&7.:1. d:1.1-t...:I,.*L --n ii; f I-a in t, i lit t at I I C., a g J.V e 1.1 . 3:-P ria-t, s(:1 1.13( aL t ei(JI , thea 1 n is t al 1.e i, !I;H ilk]..1. I)q-11--chill'o4:1 at "'Tap muld S:i,cle Se.1wer", Per*m:i.t atria the A4Iv.,11.1 4 w:i.,I.:I. a Iater,a.]. . INSTALL. TYPE: : BUT I DING SEWEP IMPIii'.PVTOUS A14EA i IXTUPE UNITS TE.NAN'T IMPNOVEMIi-KNT DWEI L.I NG, LIN I T S I ML.)A(,.,AN PE3 EMIT $ 5 . 00 0 [ii-LEAK W PO rK)X 6835 GONNF.:(,'T:: ON CHARGE $1 , 100 .00 N E Al 11)F 4 A 01'1 LINE TAP INSTALL . R OTHEP G II- LEAK MOP('..'PAN 0 N TITAN PROPFIFATII-E-4i IN(: . R T PC)PC) BOX 6835 A Al OHA OR 97007 6835 .1--6606 C r)FIL)NE 1 .503) 66Z T 0 PE-GISTPATION NO. 30,55t3 TOTAI 1. 1. "'.s w) PE(7,E.TP-T NO . IC, This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in Title 14 of t'ne TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes. zoning regulations REQUIRE CJ INSPF-iXTIONS an(J all other applicable codes and ordinances, and it Is hereby POUG11-4--IN egret d that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and it,ial ions and In compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive covenants. Contractor and subcontractors shall have cu rent city business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and void if work Is not started within 180 dayq,or it work Is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has commenced It shall be the responsibility of the permidee to assure all required Inspections are requested and approved. Permittee ,,,.lure FOP :INSPECTION 639--417'i l4sued By LCALt:- SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN C CRIBED ABOVE do loo� PLUMBI.NGPEPMI:*T CITY OF TI67A RD PEAMIT NO . : PL.B91302 6 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT !N:PAR1*I AENT DATF: ISSUED: /1.3/09 13125 S.W. rd Hall Blvd..P O.Box 23397 Tigard,Oregon 9�7223.(503)C39-4175 P1111M. PMT .NO . 69:11.P13 5 J013 ADDRESS : 104117 15W TITAN L.N TAX MAP/L.01' 251 'L ABB 11700 SUB: SWANSUNS GL1*.*:N I T : 58 RK : I AND USE: pie LATT SIZU-.' : ITEM: NO : NO WORK C',I-ASS : NEW WATER CLOSET 3 TPAP USE TYPIP:' : UATNAI BKF--[-(]W PAV N*T*P CONST . I'yr.)I:;: ; VN LAVOPATOPY 3 'rPAP PPIME P OCCUP .G11P. : kl:; TUB SI-IOWI:.:A P GRE AGE: 'T'RAPS D1SHWA%*'.'A :1. GAW-91AGU: O:I:Sl:"(3cjAl 1. NO . STORTES : 2 WASH]W1 MACHT.WK J. UNITS : 1. LAUNDPY TPAY 13LI*)(; . Dr4AIN IDTA FL-0014 DPAXN SINK I SFWE:P (FT) WATER FlEATErl 1. ';;1U,")M/PA1N (F-11' OTHEP R 1-*.-,'M A P K S FEE*5 0 1811-1-KAK MOP('.-sAN PEPMT W PO BOX 6035 N On FIX1,L)PES E R S TVATE 'Y*AX OTHIZ-Al C WAT*T!� KEN 0 N KF*.:N WAT'. S PLUMOTNU RT 1:)cl R3 OX 2094M i A t-igis.-LI-cl 97; T%, PHOW". 4.503) 68A 6,26 0 RE'GIS"I'PATION NO . 50a'7E) T(TTAL : 1111139. 113 PIE-CEIPT NO. Thi mit Is is!ued Subject to the regulations contained In Title 14 of It fAC, State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning regulations REQUIRED INS" and ail u!her applicable codes and ordinances, find it is hereby PLO.UNDEPSLAB agreed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and POST & WEAM specifications and In compliance with all applicable codes and WATEP LIM:' ordinances The issuance of this permit does not waive rettrictive covenants Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city PI 1:4.TOPOUT business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and PAIN MAINS void it w,)rk is not started within 180 days.or If work is Suspended or FTNAL abandoned for a period of 180 day: any time after work has commenced.It^hall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure all required inspections are requested drid approved Permittee CALL FOP I.NSPEC-TION 639 /11175, Issued By - SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE R,) ME1J*lA*"1 U'Al- VIEPMIA C'TYOFTIGrA FIEPHIT NO . : ME*(: 91'30.3 C111YOFTWAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0111100" DOTE ISSUED : 6/13 69 13125 S.W Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223.(503)639-4175 C—�' P 1:4 1:M. PMT .NO 8 9.1.P.8 JOB ADDRESS : 104117 SW TITAN LN TAX MAI:)/I..(:)*Y' 2L-*)1 IABD 3.1*700 SUB : !:iWANSONS I AND USE : Pik! I OT SIZE: 11 NO: NO: WORK CLASS : NEW FHNAU.: (1001( 1 AIF HANDLR <10 USE' TYPE : SINGLE-' FAMILY '* t.JPNA(,E: 100K+ AIR HANDLP 10K C*01451' . TYPE: VN F*U)OR FLIPIN11ACE EVAP.GOOLEP OCCUP. GPP. : 143 I-Ir-EA .-"P Vli-**Nl' FAN VENT Vt-'.:Nl' . SYSTEM 131-11/COMP (31.4p HOOD NO . STORIES : E-2 BLP/COMP 3-1.51-11P INCA'NERATOR(DOM I)WqL L .UNI'T'S 1. 01-p/COM11'.) 15-301-11:1 INC 3:NEPATOP(CO11 "ll.-JEL. TYPE (*.,'A S i Ell A/COMP 30, 501-1() PE'PATR UNITS MAX . INPUT' BLA/COMP 50+HP 1::*IPE DMPP!:,7 PIPIN(.2, C)LITLETS 1 11+111A.-I f.)RESSI? LOW 1-11:11'ESN7 PEMAPKS : 0 011 EAK M(3r4(.-,AN T $.60 .00 W P0 Elt."X 6835 PLAN REVIEW $1.0 . 13 N F A I OHA (In 1-1 XTURE"S $30 .30 TAX $2. 03 DTHEP 0 N BE L HEATING I:N('.,. R T 15"550SE PIAZZA AVE: A Cl-ACI(AMAS ()14 9701 !) C 1:"HONE 11503) 243-110,el T 0 l*4E('.,J's*rPw*I0N NO . 41,17 TOTAL : RI 1•11ECIE-Jr,'T' NO. Thl;permit Is Issued subject to the regulations contained it, I itle 14 of the TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes, toning ropulatlons PEQUIVIED INSPECTIONS and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and it Is hereby C'4AS LINE agreed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and PW;T a EWAM specifications and in compliance with all applicable codes and P(:)LJGH-- JN ordinances The Issuance of this permit does not waive reatric,ive covenants Contractor and subcontractors Phall have Current city VJ NAI business tax permits. This permit will expire and become null and void if work Is not started within 180 days,or if work Is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has commenced It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to ROSUre all required inspections are requested and approved. Permittee i q,a Issued By 'ALL FOR INSPECTION 639-411 n.s SEPARATE PERMITS RE '.)UIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE CITY OF TSCA PLAN CIIECK APPLIC(�TIONp ancxrraan PLAN CHECK /1 ((,2 a J COMMUNITY DEVELCPMENT DEPARTMENT PERMIT y ,�' r»2ssw.►i.aaf.e-e.o.(tow u79r,n9«e,o4rjr•s9rm•(sw)6r»lrS �� DATE ISSUED JOB ADDRESS: /U!/ `/_J• /�� iAx MAPA-OT SUB: — LOT: 1 ,�r�_---- LAND USE: VALUATION: OWNER SPECIAL NOTES NAME: r' REISSUE OF: _ ADDRESS: 1 r �' LAST REISSUE: �,�Z-)4 - Fl_OOD PLAIN/ SENSITIVE LAND: PHONE• " (v APPROVALS REQUIRED CONTRACTOR NAME: I//�'� ) / l i I L.� c'! — ENGINES►•`NG: ------ - ADDRESS: f FIRE DEPT Ge OTHER: PHONE- _ - -� ITEMS REQUIRED LIST/SUBCONTRACTORS: ARCIVEA'GINEER DUS TAX: NAME: CALCULATIONS: —_ ADDRESS: — TRUSS DETAILS: — PARKING PLAN: LANDSCAPE PLAN PHONE: ---- - OTHER: J -- COMMENTS%��'�"X - - _— Jam__— ------- — ------ PERMIT y ACCT # DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT PD. BAL. DUL C 10-432 00 B,Alding Permit Fees 10-431 00 Plumbing Permit Fees 10-431 01 Mechanical Permit Fees 10--230 01 State Building Tax (5%) �l•a/ Building Plumbing Mech 1C►-433 00 Plans Check Fee ► �� _ 10.13 Building - Plumbing _-- Meeh ' 30-707 00 Sewer Connection 30-444 00 Sewer Inspection 51-448 00 Street System Dew Charge (SOC) 52-•449 00 Parks System Dew Charge (POC) 31-450 00 Sturm Drainage Syst I)ev Chrg (SSDC) Jl� 10-230 09 TRFO 10-730 06 Washington Cour►Ly fire N1 (95X) _- 10-220 00 Amar-L/Wedgewood 10TA1. '29J /�/ 2�7. 3�L�y APPLICANT SIGNATURE � G Received By. ��� _ Date Received: �; G;_'O J _ cn/3587P/1811 �—