15325 SW KENTON DRIVE Q i H `—15325 6w Kenton Dr. �w w �ws ■ 'edno 1- : '` `ed�• taN T,� C>k 10 co co t 04 C14 0 Cd tc 41 tc %o- .•� AA V4 cis Cd 1.0 I W14 V U 2 O LY) SF ti u cd w LI ?kk 14 �' '.� j# ��,((t...� � :�'f' Wim `"yp� o- "'�v.y,,,ir "'t,�ir�"� M^'.. _Y•.Sf:'t` 'j` :.n., - •sem �r ss! ees wr e� � eer a ■ INSPECTION NOTICE City of Tigard Building Department P O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Phone: 639-4175 Type of Inspection Date Requested�U— L Time A.M. _.P.M. Address 13-32 Permit #------.-__--•- Owner —--- ---- Lot # Builder —_ -- ---- The following Building Code deficiencies ere required to be corrected: TAW ItAk -- - _ - Prf,sented to �Appruved Inspector [_j Disappicived Datef� ��7 „-f— CALL FOR REINSPECTION 0 YES 0 NO INSPECTION NOTICE City of Tiga,d Building Department P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Phone:/6399)-4175 Typo of Inspection Date Reywaster! __.. Time X_ A.M.----P.M. Address - -- xJ .(_) �� Permit1-- 9wner _ Lot Builder .— �. -----. The following Building Code deficiencies are required to be corrected: Presented to �_ TI}-A-P�Proveu Inspector (_� Disapproved Date CALL FOR REINSPECTION ❑ YES ❑ NO or NW��=� CITYr OF TIGTA RD PEPIM111' NO. CIT(OFTWARD DATE ISSUED: 7 V3 89 oxeooM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PRTM. PIMIT .NO . I391.35H 13125 S.W.Poll Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397.Tigard,Oregon 97223,(503)639-4175 Al'..-DREIIS . 15.32.5 SW I<V.-..N*Y'(:)N DVI TAX MAV-1/1-011, 2SI :I PCD SUU : ASHF()PI) (")AI<':i L.'T : Ir.16 1:.:1< I OND IJSI:L* ; 1 (31, SIZE' .. V A I UATTON : A 66 ,d196 SEETRACKS FTION T : 20 fit-:AP : 6.1 WORK ASS : NEW DWEA-I... .UNITS : 1. LEF'T : 5 PIXA.-IT : "")9 LISE STNIt.A..11".: F'AMIL-y NO . BEDROOM) : 3 EXT . WALL. CONST . CON:,, 1' . -'Y,-I::: : VN NO . PAI'l-45 : 3 N: S : E : W OCIOUP .(*..'RP. : P3 Pf"(31' .OPENINGS : (XICUP . I OAD N E: W TOTAL.. )REA: 3.1930 NO. STORIES : IS'' : 10141 MN".'i V : ('.1 V-1PE RET7 HE:1(',4I--I*1* : F20 2ND: 49:1.6 AAE'k) riE.PAR"I PATED; BASEME'.:N'T-? 31411): OCCUP . SEEPAPI? RAn-*.D: MF.-'.:7.Z(*IN]'Nl::.'? BASE.11 I T PA 11014 1 OAD: '(10 GARAGE; 173 F*IPE. SPIPIKI-14? ALAPM7 l`rL.OW((3PM) DETECT7 YK'i FILA T• TYPE GAS I-II)CI" .ALICESS7 ('10PIPAI7 1:4 EE,M A A K S (IF NO. EE11-102 LAST Ar-USSUE- 891.202 M 3'.L L-E:A .JAY 1113::141. 00 0 P . r) . BOX t"3291. pLAN REVI.EW $,10 . 00 W N T]'(.-)A 1:113 DEVI.T. E ISTATE I AX $1.9 .70 OTHER DEVELOPMIE.NT CHARGES C MT I I...E".1.1 .JAY Six,,( s'ranm) $d50 '00 0 %.JAY M11 L.V.14 D(.11l I)F34 SDC I ST'REE'T') $600 . 00 N41(. :90 .00 T 1:) . n . a(I X "13 r.?9 1. P D It 1 R T 1:[3A 1:4 L) 9 t"1t I x P 1.11.:'.P A 11) < $410 . 007 A C PH(INE 11,503) 604--75413 TOTAL $i ,".11.:3.70 T NO . 30109 0 R PECEIPT NO. .............................................. This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained In Title 14ITIc;(;jl►I17F:I') INSPECT IONS of the TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning regulations F'O(J 1*:I'N(.; SE.:WE:14 and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and it Is hereby agreed that the work will be done In accordance with the plans and F'OLINDATION WALI PAIN ORA INS specifications and in compliance with all applicable codes and & 0E.Am WAIEP L.INE' ordinances The issuance of this permit does riot waive restrictive 1:1.14 .UNDEPSLAS ll'.1111'y APIP'll- CH/Sw covenants Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city SI AU F'T NAI- business tax permits. This permit will expire and become null and void if work is not started within 180 days.or if work is suspended or 'TOPOLIT Fibardoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has I WAMM:, commenced.It shalt be the responsibility of the permittee to assure F3'.A E.P I AC rn, all required insnections are requested and approved GAS LINE INSUI A TA:(IN ("YVI . H(JAPI) Permit Ignatu� Issued By F.AL.L. F'011 INSPECTION 639-4- 115 SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE S)Ewp.:P PE WMI'T NO. 1.-.4-:891366 C11Yr Cad' TI67A RD (C:ITY 0"TWX .,.�rlD 09100N DA'T'E. 3:51SUED; 7/ 5/89 COMML114ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l:)P1M. l%"M*T'.N0. 891358 11125 S.W.Hal Blvd..P.O.Box 23397.Tigard.Oregon 97223,1503)6394175 1-5325 'SW KEN'FON D14 1.150 NI,JM13L:-'-R: 37'""73 P-51. :L2(:,B 5U13 : ASHF'014) (:)At<!:*) L.T : 1.26 8K : I-AND USE : 1...01' S;I ZE: 12 TWFI: Pill 14ING : 1W WORK CLAMS : NEW USE". l'Yl:)I:;: : 5T.NGI E FAMILY tl:) 01:11nc)14 Wl.th 1111:1. I"LlIevi alrid ci-P tl'%*: Uril.-FJ.ecl liewfipr�agf.i Agc#n:�y . exp:1.r-ei9 U.20 clayli; 41r43ln th*-7, (ULtc-, 1.%1114.4ed . 'Thie totatl aLincit.tol, paid 4:1.11 hivo Tcir-4?e?j.trm(:1 if the 1*iife Ag4wriczy i'lot cil.latl 4:1.11trAe th(--.4 (:).p the Ic1clat:1.01-1 (J-P the ii;iclim %awar- lattioratl.% . 1411 thcA mewer, I.,:; 1-1cit 11:1(.14.tivld P.I.I. the vlive?rl ' r)i,(:)%pjmct 3 Tee7t. iri -11'r-clill thvdilatvkrw'(a g:Lverl . T-p I'l(it #44:1 tl.l(..A at. "'Taq:) iarlcl 5J.0*1 5c"W"I.." Pior,triit iitxici thiv+ Agc)ricy w:01 irimutl:l. iR. .1.Ms I 17 P E 1131.1 1 H r,17 1. 1::'*EX'T'LJPr-' UNITS : 11.NAN'T' 'EMPPOUHMEN1 i DWIZU 1W., UNITS : I NO . (:)I:" H1 DG'Si 1. 111KES M1 I LIEN ..JAY P F.,R111 T 111135 . 00 0 W 13 . U BOX 231-29:11. U)NNEECTIMN CHARGE $1 , 100 . 00 N I T G,A 1*,l D Op I INFI: TAP INSTALL- E R 011-11IFE." C JAY 0 .JAY wri i F,::ri ritjv-or--:A N T BOX c!3291. R TIGAPD A C PI.-IONF: (r-503) 613A 7"5 A.3 T NO , '301.09 TUTAL: Ill 1. 1.Z 0 NO L ..................................................... This permit is issued Subject to the regulations contained in Title 14 REQUTREA.) TN5PF:Cl':F(:)Nt� of the TMC, State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning regulations and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and It is hereby 14M.K.91-4.-7:N agreed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and specifications and Ir compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive covenants Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city business lax permits. This permit will expire and become null and void If work is not started within 180 days.or if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days any time a'Iet work has commenced It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure all required inspections are requested and appruved Permittee nature (".N.A.. FOP INSPECI-TON 639-417".1i Issued By SEPARATE PERMITS PEQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE MFICHAWICAI PI:FNO . : MIE.691 ,56`5 CITY OF TiG�4 RD �ny OF'TWARD DATE:' Vic-ill[JED C' OREGON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PPXM. PM*T' .NO . 13125 S.W.Hall Blvd..P.O.Brix 23397,Tigard.Oregon 91223,(503)6394175 -TON DIA .Fj5 : 153ER5 15W KEN L AK S :1,P6 F.-.!1< TAX MAP/L., 251. J-2CIEl I.-AND Wir-:: LAXT !ii 1ME: NO : NO: :1. A344 FIANDLA <10 WOWK GLAIiiS : NEW t;:AJr.4NA(:.'E'. <100K USE.: TYPIE-E . 45ING1 E. f"AM11-Y 1:1.1111NA(".E 3.00K+ A1.141 1--IANI*.)I-.14 10K TYPE::: VN F'UPNA('.1E E:VAI' A. 00I.-F.il OCCUP .GAP . P,-5 IALZATEP V1'-':N'T' F*AN 13 Vi:N*T VEN'T . ".iY5*TF-'M :. 1:311..,1•'1/(COMP <3HP I-K)OD :1. KZ). 15TOWIES : Z? INCiNFRA11:31MOM OWEN L . UNITI-ii : I HLA/COMP 1-5-301.41P 1NC1N1-*:AA'TOA((*',OM ITUEL. 'FYPE. C.-P(A S Fim-P/COW) 30-1, PEEPAlP UNI*TS MAX . I:NPUT BLIPI/Cl(7MP 1150+114) OHEll FIPE IMPIP157 GASi PIPIN(3 OUTLEI'S HAAAA PRI115 I-Ow P1:41:15s'? RLMARK!i : MILL EA JAY PEAMI'T' $10 .00 W0 $10 . 13 p . PLAN PEWIEW $30 .50 N 'T'.11DAM) (71:4 F,3:X 11.11RES E V"TATL I'AX $ R FFC HE'01.N 0 N T R 41,5 NW R.'33-51' h:11.1.:1.fit b m r 0 (3 97 1.2,3 A PHONE: (503) 6418-4159 'T'OTAL : T REGISITIATION NO . 417P11. 0 R I 'T' NO. This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in title 14 PEKIRLYIPEA) 1Nsr)E:C1J0N5 ('S&Q F- of the TIVIC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning regulations and all other applicable codes and ordinances. and it Is hereby I I N E agreed that the work will be done In accordance with the plans and & BEAM specifications and in compliance with all applicable codes And ROLIGH.—I N ordinances The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive FJ NAL. covenants Contractor and subcnntractors shall have current city business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and void if work Is not started within 180 days,or if work is Suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has commenced It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure all required inspections are requested and approved fermi Signature I.N'3PF::(.-TTON Issued By SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIPED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE -alivAWK LJMB:I'.N(.; PEAM11 PEPWIL'T NO. : PIL-1139.13611 C11YOFTIGARD CITY01FTWARD 1C.,50ED: 7/ ::i/019 041FOON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTNIENT 1::,I":l:M . PMT .N(:) . 893.315- 8 13125 S.W.Had Blvd..P.O.Box 23397.Tlgerd.,)rvgon97223,(503)639-4175 001`3 AD011:411: 1.531,25 Sw KEN*1'(:)N 1:)I:,' TAX MAPILATT 125:1. 12(:33 5L)18: -F OAK IFRK : I AND U1.3"EE : I*T'EF ri NO : NO: W(:)Rt< GLA!EOS : NE:W WATER Cl 'TIPAP SINGI E FAM:11-1 Y UP1NAL B01-061 l::,PVN'T'l:l CONST .TYPE' , ')N LAVOPATORY ZI 144AP PPTIMILA:4 SHOWEW a (1l14EASE D',:SHIJASHE'A J. G"PARDACAE D15POSAL 1. NO . STOWIES : P. WASHING MACMINE: DWELL.UNITS : 1. LAUNI)PY TRAY 1 B1 DG . DRAIN ( 1)1a, Fj 00P I)PAIN !SINK 1. SEWER (F**T') WATE-11 1-11FA111:14 J. S'TOPM/PAIN (FT 110111 1 F14 I A Y PEPM]. $147 ."50 0 IN P . 43 , ROX N I*T.(*..APr.) (')P FIX11MIMIii, E STATE TAX R 5 OTHEP C WA1'T".1 I<EK N 0 KEN WA 1 ':, 1:)LA.JMH1N(.*; N T ICI R A C VMIINE. (503) 684 6626 T NO. 50111:117113 0 A PECEIP'T' NO This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained In Title 14 HEQUJRI=D 1:N5iPr-.:J"*Y"((:)NS of the TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning regulations F11 B .UNDLASLAB and all other applicable codes and ordinances. and t Is hereby agreed that the work will be done In accordance witri the plans and POST. & HE AM specifications and In compliance with all applicable ccdes and WAI'I;-'P I I NE ordinances The issuance of this permit does not waiverostrictive PLAR . TOPOU-T covenants Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city t4A3*N DPATW.) business lax permits This permit will expire and become null and void it work Is not started within 180 days.or if work is suspended or P-INAL. abandoned for a perijd of 180 days any time after work has commenced. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure all requited inspections are requested and approved PermittilitI15,01gristure :ol-1 IN51PIEUTTON 639-4175 Issued By SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE Id i CITYOFTIGrARDPLAN CHECK APPLICATION CnYOFtleAem PLAN CHECK M _ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PERMIT N 13125S.W."MBlvd,P.O.Box 23397,T19ard,OmVon97223.(503)639-4175 DATE ISSUED JOB ADDRESS. % .? 5 411 L d - ' _ -- i AX MAP/LOT S - Q_ Cl/_3_!_--- SUB: ' / G''l�t%s_.. amLOT: /.—L LAND ISL: —�!; r,/S-t<• —__.._�_ OWNER VALUATION: SPECIAL NOTES NAME: I' , REISSUE OF: ly 7 Z ADDRESS: LAST REISSUE: l .� FLOOD PLAIN/ _ SENSITIVE LAND: _ --_-- PHONE: /,,k S � .— APPROVALS REQUIRED CONTRACTOR PLANNING: NAME: ENGINEERING: ADDRESS: V FIRE DEPT OTHER: PHONE: ITEMS REQUIRED LIST/SUBCONTRACTORS: ARCH/ENGINEER BUS TAX: NAME: CALCULATIONS: ADDRESS: TRUSS DETAILS: — PARKING PLAN: _ LANDSCAPE PLAN: PHONE: w OTHER: _ COMMENTS: PERMIT N ACCT N DESCRIPTION PMOUNT AMOUNT PD. DAL. DUE 10-432 00 Building Permit Fees ' y'. _ ��_ _ s: 6( _ 10-431 00 Plurbing Permit Fees _L�_L?` ,�y��5!' 10-431 01 Mechanical Permit Fees _�.� •� 10-230 01 State Building Tax (5%) Building (• ? �� Plumbing ____ Mech _ "),c 3 10-433 00 Plans .heck fee SO.13 _A) % „z Building — Plumbing Mech -- ��l N*41 30-202 00 Sewer Connection 30-444 00 Sewer Inspection 51--440 00 Street System Dev Charge (SIIC) 52-449 00 Packs System Dev Charge (PD(:) �Sci _ .2 4'- 31-450 00 Storm Drainage Syst Dev Chrg (SSUC) 10-230 09 TRFD 10-230 05 Washington County Fire N1 (91.)X) 10-220 00 Amar•t/Wedgewood - TO'l At RTC N APPLICANT SIGNATURE Received By: __-- ___��_ _�� DAto Received: