12438 SW KING GEORGE DRIVE-i �I 4 I • I, IrrIr1 I •. •I li' 1 \ Y 4 1 I Alb INSPECTION NOTICE r City of Tigard Building Department /v" /I• � F 0 [lox 23397 \ Tigard. Oregon 972,3 i� Phone 639-4175 Tjrpe of Ifispection Date Requested .__ �� 'f1y Time A.M.. P.M. Address �L _ � — G Permit #. zl- 4 Own. 4/� Builder __alt" The following Building Cole deficiencies are required to be cor,ected: e.- ✓r A!Ct A i'r'k's�✓���_ i G�� 1/�//�''- G?r Presented to rr*-Approved Inspector _ I_� Disapproved Daie - `ALL ,FOR REINSPECTION 0 Cl YES 1:1 NO R111TCITY®FTIA CITY . . . .. .. a L M E l9 C •-01 9: COMMUNTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT cRMIT #. r *EC90- 01. )4: 13125 SW Hel Blvd. P.O.Boo297,r9ard,orepner2 (N*A1 1 7e D1 ='AEISSUED: 09/19/90 i A1i�F:Si. . ,, 1.4 W KTIA(3 GI::ORGF. DS PARCEL-", P..5110CC184HHi Ie � S SUBDIVISION. ., . . . Kr'n� Ci7+-� 70NING: 1rLA)C;K. ,, . ,, ,. ., . . ,. » LO . . . . . . . . . . . . : CLASS MOF'^WORN.. . :ALT F"I_QOR F URN. . . EvAC1 COOL_F:R(n w TYPE: OF C):'E. . . . :SF (JN IT HEATERS. . e VENT FANS. . . OCCUPANCY GRP. . r R3 VF:.NTS W/O APDL'. Vk:N'T SYS TE11S r STORIES. . .. . . . . . . 140IL[:'FSS/C0MPF;E (:>C)Rl:i HOODS. . . . . . . FUEL.. 'TYPES------ _ V .3 I.P. .. . ,. ; 1. DOME:*G. :ENGIN: .3-15 HP. . . . r CC)Ml*I1._. INCINP AAX INPUT : 14U 1a-30 HI"'. . . . r REPAIR IJI�I:FTSr ""IC;E DAMPERS?. r 30•-50 FIFA. . . . WOODSTOWE'S. .. a 6AS PRESSURE. . . r 504• HI='. . . .. . CLO DRYERS... i•IO. OF UNI'T'S-•--..-••-•..--..--.-. ATF; HANDL-ING Uhl1 ( .3 OTHER UNITS. : I-URN ( 1.00K BTUa <-„ 1.0000 efmr 04S OUT'LA I'S. r 1 URN >w:1.00K BTU: > 10000 C.fm r I�;���ma•rk5 r cEFS GFRAL..D WRIGHT type a1110k.tnt: lav cute-» 'rec^Pt T P4;38 SW KING; GEORGE PAYM $ 1.F,, 80 31.1`4 09/J.9/90 PR11T !G 1.f.,.100 / ! CITY OFt 97224 5PC;T $ 0. 80 / ! V'h(:)ri e• 0: 1)AV1:1) RfJE+I?F::N ROEtEtF:.N OIL.. CO INC;. F'.O. E+OX 1.41: 67 1,ORTLAND OR 972124 0140O _._._.....__._....._._. _,____ w.„. _».....__._.»..._ ._.__._....__._. .__... 1=,haiie #r 503 233--7. ,41 1.6.80 TOTAL ftie'q a. r 1.!364 . _._... _.__ REWIRED INSPFC? ION!3 ---- This permit is Issued subject to the regulatians contained in the F:.11211 Ivis;P ( titin _._ ___ » ..•. ..„W... ?,sird Municipal Code, State of Ore. Specialty Codes and all other _.............. appi cable laws. All work will be done in accordance with apprr'ed plans. This per9it will expire if work is not started within 188 days of issuance, or if work is suspen3ee for more __,_.�.,__ _ _,,•_,__,_, _»,_, ».,__ ___.»._ ..___.._.__ _.„_. than 188 days. E ce'r°m i.•t;i;p e fc►r i.ns;pe+c.,t;:io17 - 639•-•4175 :ITY OF TICjARI) RECEIPT OF RECEIPT NO. a 90-204qW CHLCK AMOUN'r a 16.80 NAME t WRIGHT , G.E, CASH AMOUNT a 0.("") ADDRESS a 1241718 SW KING BEORBE DIR PAYMENT DATr t (.)9/19/ 7(.) SUBDIVISION I NC38 13W K*ING Gf.-' ORUE 3) CITY, OR 9-7224- 124 - PURPOSE OF7 VAYMENT AMQUNr f-"AJr) PURPCIRE or rAYMEN!' AMOUNT PAID HANICOL PE ME 0192' 1.6.00 ST. BUILD PFR 0. 80 TCT lAL. AMOUNT PAIE) 16.80