9750 SW INEZ STREET ow 9750 SW INEZ STREET I I rn N N C H f/1 Ln r- ON CITY OF FIFA R® OREGON 5-23-90 Mr. Jim Corliss 9750 SW Inez St. Tigard, Ore 97224 .ear. Mr. Corliss, ..it the meeting of May 21, 1990, the City Council discussed the issue of whether or not you should be required to pay a sanitary sewer fee as referenced in my letter to you dated January 1, 1990. The Council decided that it was the Cities misteke in not collecting the fee at the time of issuing you the permit, and it is not appropriate to require payment. Please disregard my letter. I regret any inconvenience this may have. caused you. Sincerely Brad Roast Building Official 13125 SW Nall Blvd.,P,O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 – — - -- --- MAN , Note to file: On 5--21-90, the City council discussed the issue regarding Mr. Knebel.'e request reimbursement for sewer construction costs. The Council decided that Mr.. Ynebel should have made his request for an agreement in 1984, before the sewer was constructed. Mr. Knebel'e request was denied. As for whether. Mr. Corliss uhould be charged the "In Lieu of Assessment " fee, the Counc .1 decidel that the City made a mistake in not collecting the fee, and it should be the city's loss. Mr. Corliss will not have to pay the free. MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD To: Mayor and City Council May 11, 1990 1 rrom: Patrick J. Reilly, City Administrator Subject: Request for reimbursement of sewer costs. sue: citizen has made a request tc the City for reimbursement of costs .incurred in extending the public sanitary sewer, and requiring another prov"rty ownEr tc� pay a sewer surcharge for, not participating in the cost of extending the public sewer. The staff has attempted to resolve tho issue between the two owners invclved, with no success. The staff has no authority to effect any refund for sewer extensions. The questioico before the Council are: 1. Should the City reimburse a c-tizen for part of the coot incurred in extending a public sewer, were no previous agreement for payback has been made? �1 2. Should the City force payment of a sewer surcharge on a citizen who wac inadvertently not charged at time of issuance of a permit? History: Mr. Steve Knebel (14535 SW 97th Ave) has requested that he be reimbursed for one-third the cost at a public sewer he was requ_L�" to build in 1984. Please see his attached letter. In flay of 1984, fir. Steve Knebel made a reque. . for a minor land partition t,-) create two residential lots. One lot was contained an existing house, the other was for construction of a new residence. A condition of approval of the partition, was that Mr. Knebel extend the public sanitary sewer 80 feet to serve the new and existing residences. Mr Knebel complied with the condition, divided the lots and constructed the new residence. Mr. Knebel eventually sold the property with the existing house (14525 SW 97th Ave) to Mr. Jim Corliss (9750 Sw Inez St) . Along with the sale of the existing house went the rights of sewer participation for the property. Ir February of 1.988, Mr. Corliss made application to connect his propz-�rty at 9750 SW Inez. St to the public sewer. Because he owned the property at 14525 SW 97th Ave, he granted himself an easement to through that property to connect tc tha available viewer lateral (and transferred participation to the sewer ext s�nsion from that property to his 9750 SW Inez St). The property Et. 14525 SW 97th Ave was to pay the $3000.00 "In Lieu of Assessment" fee when .it connected to the newer at a later date. During the course of excavation tj connect: his home to the sewer., Mr. Corliss found that the property at 14525 SW 97th Ave had already been connected to the sewer, there was however, no records of a permit issued to connect the house. Mr. Corliss requested that the City allow him to connect both houses to the same sever lateral, along with him paying for the permit for 14525 SW 97t1' Ave. The City approved the connection and Mr. Corliss paid the permit fees for connection of both houses (however the "In lieu of Assessment " fee- was inadvertently not chargee.) . It would seem that Mr. Kriebel would have recovered dome of his costs when he sold the prop ,.:-y at 14525 SW 97th Ave, because the property would have had greater value with sewer available to it. His being required to extend the public sewer did however, result in the benefit to Mr. corlies's property at (9750 SW Inez). Alternative "A": 1. Deny Mr. Knebel's a request. 2. Approve Mr. Knebel's request, refunding to h:m 1/3 the (-,at of construction. 3. Refund to Mr. Kriebel 1/6 the cost of the sewer. Mr. Kriebel bhould be entitled to recover a maximum of 2/3 the cost of the sewer. Since Mr. Kriebel sold the lot with the existing house (14525 SW 97th Ave) he would presumably would have included in the selling price 1/2 of his cost- for the sewer, thus he han recovered 1/2 of the cost as of thin date. The 1/6 refund would therefore provide Mr. Kriebel with a total recovery of 2/3 the cost. Alternative "B": 1. Take no action to require Mr. Corliss to pay any further sower surcharge fees. 2. Require Mr. Corliss to pay the $3000 "in Lieu of Assessment" fee, n.a prescri.bei by City Ordinance. 3. Require Yr. Corliss to ',ay an "In Lieu of Assessment" fee equal to 1/6 the cost of the sewer. tach property would then have been assessed art equal share of the cost. Mr. T.nebel has submitted copies of bills for the work. Tt.9 total of the appropriate charges to be considered is $8,97.2.00. A 1/3 refund would total $2,974.00 A 1/6 refund would total $1,478.00 I Gk'JRL.16 RE Q• j I I I i N ofZTH I I I-1 S.5 to .5 �a►'`-'I 7 r la !I 1 4`S%Z C 5 G,/ 4 i -r++ KtJr:-=.P.�L Rr .,s Exr 5T1 ►Ja} RES C•�'�RL_155 HT F EL AV-fW'c9t r_tti� rc I ' r O L4 t I ��"�NL^• T n 14C",A I='r'�vt-iZ f"1 A V r CCITT'OF T' v"A RD OREGON 1--16-90 \ Mr. Jim Corliss 9750 SW Inez Tigard, ore 97224 Dear Mr. Corlies, Or February 4, 1988, a permit was issued to you to cor.ik,ct your above property to the public sanitarl sewer system. It has been drought to my attention that your property was not. correctly charged for the permit. Apparen':ly you were not charged a $3000.00 aasessment (which is roquired for a,-y p-operty that has not participates' iu the construction of a public sewer) . I must- inform you that thi-i assessment must be paid. You may pay the assessment in one of three ways: o In one payment of $3000.00 t3 the City of Tigard. o You may make request to the 2ity to pay the sum off over a period of time. o You may pay an amount to the individual who originally constructed the sewer, which is agreed upon by both parties, and provide a receipt of i such payment. 1 regret any inconvenience this may cause you, and ask that you make the applicable payment an soon as possible. if you have any questions, please call me at 639-4171. Sinop ly �-- Brad Roast Buildinq Official. 13125 SW Mall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- — -- R&E-WINXI I P11-111113ING PERMI'T 1*.)EPM3:*I* M3. : PL-8811.50 �'�OFTIGARD 1� PID (C�l TY Of LTWA PD DA11: 15SUED: 6/1.0/68 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ORIGON P' I11MJ)M*r .NO. 8831417 13125 S.W.Hall Blvd..P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223,(603)16394175 J0191 ADI)PE:SS : 9750 !iiW ]:Nl:-.Z 5,11, TAX MAP/1-01' 2S:1.11.31:):1.01 51JI-3: L.T : BK : LAND LIQ IE -. LUT STZF..:. ITEM: NO: NO WORK CLASS : ALTERATION WA*TER CLLSE'T TRAP tJSI:-- TYPE*.: i!-)TNGI.A;-'. FAMLY URINAL. BI(F"LOW PRVNI'A CONS'T .1'YPE' ' LAVONAI'LlAY TRAP 1*441MEW 'TUB 1511-10WEP GMEASE: 'TRAPS D15HWASHEA (r.;APE.IA-li UISPOSAI NO . S11:11RIE S WASKENC., MACKME: DWELL . UNI'T'S : I LAUNDRY *TRAY BLDGv. D04A1N ( D10) FLOOW 13IVIA3.114 S1NK SEWEA (F1,11 WAI'EP FIE'A'TE)i F,"(OAM/PAIN (FT UTHRP 1. PEMAI:Wi : plbq . tri cciririec.!t ].:i.111% J J.IM PE.RMIT, $15 0 97,50 %;w irioz tint W N t A.9 lit 1-(1 131" 9722"i 1::-.l:X'TLJWES E -11 A11 TAX 7 5 M-R)NE'. (503) 639 9630 S 01,14F,44 C DENNI'S PONAL.101 0 1:4 D 1-11 UME)IN(a N T J.390ONW RD R I-)c)r t I lit 1-1 d 97229 A C PHONE: ("50'.3) 297--74122 'T 1:11 AL T NO. /W257 C) R F&JAHAP'T NO . P.M This permit is Issued subject to the regulations contained In Title 14 RE 01.11 TNSPFa.;IJONS of the 1 MC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes.zoning regulations and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and it is hereby agreed that the work will be done in accordancr with the plans and specifications and in compliance with all app,icable codes and ordinances The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive covenants Contractor an,.' subcontractors shall have current city business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and void If work is not stL,rted within 180 days,or if work Is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has commenced. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure all required I ions are r 7 uested and ved re 'es Pe rTlittee Sigrinaire CA! L. FOP :I.N 41: (-IJON 639—A41-75 Issued By SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE MIEWER PERM11, C11YOFTIGACI �AV PERMI'T NO . SE8801447 OREGON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1-)A,I,E: F 13125 S.W.Hall Blvd..P.O.Box 23397,Tigard.Oregon 97223.(503)6394175 PRIM. PM'T .NO SE301AI SW INka s'r USA NUMSER: 3/49'U JOH A1.11".1114ESS : 9*7,TI0 I'(1X NAI-'11-01 PS11.1.11301,01 -ANI) USE: 'J'WP: it; PNG : W GI 015LI : Al. VEWAI'TON USE TYPr-.: : r5ING',LF F"AMIL-Y o ;it 1.1 j;)J.:1 L;lit II I. lit�l V 11016.W I'Ll W:ji,11 iiii1tJ Gewer-ago Agency . 'T'he perm It expir-CM 1.20 ddLYS from the date.- 1-11ii,61-10(i The totill. w:! :I.'1 he +(:tr1+lrlJt.iA)d :141 Lhe P"I'lvit- The dmelil 11LIA, gutit.i - ti-ie? of 0-101 1.ocilttion of the 'flide., Walwel" 111111,401"M1111 - If th'm me"Jef" llLt 1, :1 t'l Q tit 1, d g.1 vell e :1.n lit t jit,1. e r iii I i at p r 0 lit F)"C:t 3 T va(.11 1, :1. at.1.1 dir-ootionut from the. qj.ven . :I:+ not %;u :11-ooffito(JI , tll&. %hilLIT w:1.11 .1.n fli A.lit.1. in ill 1.IF,*.I,lit 0 IN51,61I.A.. TyF.lE:' : BUILDING Sr-.;:Wi-.'P APE-,*.A: IlWr-.*..*I. I TWO UNI'T'S: 1. I r.)1 1:41 5 JI 111.55 (10 IV, 9f.150 taw :1.1101Z m (:'0N0E(.1':Ij0N (:HAP(*X $1.500 . 00 i i :1 N%'I Al I. N '1141" to E 1:1 w 1,0 cit PHONE". (503) 6.,1.59-9630 C 0 N E R C 0 N T R A C T 00 0 NO This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained In Title 14 of the TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning regulations D I NS11"llin'.11.11 T QN!') and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and it is hereby PokAJ I 1:N agreed that the work will be done In accordance with the plans and ('111 IF:1-1011 specifications and in compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances The Issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive covenants Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and void it work is not started within 180 days.or It work is suspended or abandoned tcr a p3riod of 180 days any time after work has commenced h shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure all required inspections are requested and approved illiseptic, fill. rrr�tt el Sign'&U/ Sued By SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVi