8345 SW COLONY CREEK COURT w+w.'.rsr rrw....u.+.,...wwr -__.._�_-...........,....x........n.wr�rr.w.w...w...,,.....�.....—.«-r+..�..n....+........,.w...«.,.........»,......,..,. �..,..-�.,.... E 8345 SW Colon► Creek Court MECHANICAL. PERMIT CITY OF 1 I GA R® DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PERMIT#: 1EC2000-00446 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 DATE ISSUED 11/13/2000 PARCEL: 2S1 12BB-0 1200 SITE ADDRESS: 08345 SW COLONY CREEK CT SUBDIV13ION: COLONY CREEK ESTATES ZONING: R-7 BLOCK: LOT: 008 JURISDICTION: TIG CLASS OF WORK: ALT FLOOR FURN: EVAP COOLERS: TYPE OF USE: SF UNIT HEATERS: VENT FANS: OCCUPANCY GRP: R3 VENTS W/O APPL: VENT SYSTEMS: STORIES: BOILERS/COMPRESSORS HOODS: FUEL TYPES — 0 - 3 HP: DOMES. INCIN: LPG — 3 • 15 HP: C(,)MML INCIN: MAX INPUT: BTU 15 -30 HP: REPAIR UNITS: FIRE DAMPERS?: 30 - 50 HP: WOODSTOVES: GAS PRESSURE: 50 + HP: CLO DRYERS: FURN < 100K BTU: __AIR HANDLINGUNITS _ OTHER UNITS: 1 FURN >=100K BTU: <= 10000 cfm:, VAS OUTLETS: 1 > 10000 cfm: Remarks- Installation of gas fireplace unit and gas piping. Owner: ------- --- FEES i-- ------ 1 _ — --..__—_ — -- -=---- _-- CLOUTIER, JEAN NE Type By Date Amount Receipt 8345 SW COLONY CREEK CT PRM1 CTR 11/13/20( $72.50 2720000-- T1G,yRD, OR 97223 5PCT CTR 11/13/20( $5.80 2720000(10C Phone- l� Total $78.30 -- —. Contractor: L UDEMAN'S FIREPLACE + PATIO 12675 SW BEAVERDAM RD BEAVERTO OR 97005-2129 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Gas Line Insp Phone:646-)t09 Mechanical Insp Reg#: LIC 51469 Fina! Inspection This permit is issu�>d subject "r the regulations contained in Oie Tigard Municipal Code, State of Ore Specialty Codes and all other applicable laws All work will be done in accordance with approved plans. This permit will expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance, or if work is suspended for more than 180 days ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted in the Oregon Utility Notification Center Those rules are set forth in OAR 952. 00',-0010 through OAR 952-001-0080. You may obtt pies of these rules or direct questions to OUNC by calling (503)246-9189. Issur, f3y.-I `� < Permittee Signature: LT'AJ .Af��r �,�.,� ,, , /�. e.. Ca!I (503) 639-4175 by 7:00 P.M. for inspections needed the next busines3 day Mechanical Per snit Application -r,,E1V EL Date received: // / let Permit no'.: E P 2 yf/ City of Tigard R:_ Address. Pro)ecdapp!.nc.: Expire date: i'il'yof7igarA 13125 S',u Hall Iilvd,'I'igard,OR 97223 n�, ------ Phone: (503) 639-4171 Wetssucd: •,tri ,� 1 ___- By: Receipt no.: Fax: (503) 598-1960 Payment Case file no.: _ Pa w DC�ct n -- -- Y type: Land use approval: r.U11011T1 Building,permit no.: 1 &2 family dwelling or accessory U Commercial/industrial U Multi-family U Tenant impmvemcnt U New construction Addition/alteration/replacement U Other: I KM 1 Job address: o t Y 1itel-k L C r Indicate equipment quantities in boxes below. Indicate the dollar Bldg.no.: - Suite no.: value of all mechanical materials,equipment,labor,overhead, Tax map/tax lot/account no.: profit. Value$ _ Loo: BlockI Subdivision: *See check:lis! for imnurtant application information and Project name: _ iurisdictio;l s fee sch(;ole for residential permit fcr�. City/county: 7 �, 1`( � ZIP: Description and location of work on premises: _L6- 'C-T- lcil.�/T Est.date of completion/inspection: - Fee(ea.) Total DescriptionQty. Res.od Res.only Tenant improvement or change of use: Is existing space heated or conditioned?U Yet U Too Air handling unit — CFM Is existing space insulated?0 Yet U No Air con iuonmg(site p an require ) teration Ul ex sung H VAU system of cr compressors -- Business name:ul r)&1'S F ,� g State boiler permit no.: i s —Tons THF / HAddess )J � t LU mo Citampers/ uctsrno a etecrs tate:0Q ZIP Teal — Pit (sne p an require ) fhone6e{3 yt?r Fax j y ,3 E. Gill"1 rep ace rumac 75umer - CCB no.: R 3 Z� Including ductwork/vent liner U'�es U No City/metro lie.no.: r- nsta replac re ocate ,eaterspe -susn ,e -'-- wall,or floor mounted Name(please print): ent for u t-rp iance o;hcr than urnace e err on: Name: A �-- LUL A Chillers tip +-- Chillers - Flp Address:_ S F r Com lessors - Crty: _ State: Z!p• -' ronmem ex rine an rent allow Appliance vent Phone: Fax: E-mail• ryer ex,T-east — - 3, vex T.s. Ile en azmn! ` Name: 1? J hood fire suppression system _ . ►1 fl r= 1. D Cc{ ti ¢ (- Exhaust tan with single duct(bath fans) Mailings fr- _� Cl U N`9 C.�u c Sa x oust system apart from ratoi A�C— City: t 1 6°}Imo. i'� StatC: Zip: c'i , Fuel P pT rng and distribution oe up to out ets) E-mail: fy*•: LFZU b G - _ NG -- p i! una averou -'ue piping eac cts XNEW Proce"piping(shemaicequired, Name: Number of outlets t Ad ss - 7SiTi-erllsWin-piianceor ju-Ipment:- Decorauvefi lace ty: State: ZIP: nsen -type Phone: A F : E-trail: 'Wio5ltoveTl let Applicant's si Date: (�Itrer t Name (print): Neu all Junutknoro Cee{M credit cxtb, lie me call ImisdkNon fx Mone jf1fMaWiOa. Yeo -- PCRrlll fee....... .............$ ya O Visa U MuterCard Notice:This permit application Minimum fee................$ cradle mrd numb":._.,. expires if a permit is not obtained _ ------- -- ----LL__ Plan review(at — 96) $ Esptn•r within 180 days after it has hecn -r��� - Name of- Ido u shovm nn c said - accepted as complete. State surcharge(8%)....$ =-�_ ------ --- _ TOTAL .......................$ S CartlM�ld"rlaotture—^— -Amnum aala,l-r(WEY'oM) MECHANICAL PERMIT PEES COMMERCIAL FEE SCHEDULE: 1 &2 FAMILY DWELLING FEE SCHEDULE: TU­TA L VALUATION: FEE: __ -1 Description - 116 Tota 1$1.2 to S5,000.0U_ - Minimum fee$12.50 __ fable 1A Mechanical Code _ Amt 55,001.00 to$10,000.00 $72 50 for the first 55,000.00 and 1) Furnace to 1311 BTU $1.52 for each additional$100.00 or Includingducts&vents fraction thereof,to and Including 2) Fumace 100,000 BTU+ $10000.00x- includ!n�duds&ven310,001.011to$25,00(.00 $148.50 for the first 510,000.00 and 3) Floor Fumace$1.54 for each additional$100.00 Ur including vent fraction thereof,to and Including 4) .Suspended heater,wall heater$25,000.00._ ___ _ or fl;or mounted heater525,001.00 to 550,000.00 $37950 f 5) Vent not included in appliance permit$1.QS for each additional$100.00 or _ __ fraction thereof,to and Including 6) Repair units - $50,000.00. _ 12 5 550,001.00 and up $742.00 for the Frst$50,00019 and Check all that apply: Boller Heat Air $1.20 for each additional 5100.00 or For Items 7-11,nee or Pump Cond _. fraction titereot. - ^f footnotes below. _ Comb• •• 7)<3HP;absorb unit - -� ` -- aa3iJMED vALUA i tOiyS PER APPLIANCE: to 100K DTII 14.00 - 8)3-15 HP,absorb "�� VEAmf','t unit 100k to 500k BTU Description: __ Ot Amo it 25.60 Furnace to 100,000 BTU,inclndnt0 9)15-30 HP;absorb - - ducts 3 vents unii.5.1 mil BTU _ 35.00 Furnace>900,000 BTLI including 10)30-50 HP;absorb - -- duds&vents nit 1-1.75 mill BTLI 52.20 Fi fufurnace includin vent 1 )>50HP:absoro Suspended heaterwall heater or i nit>1,75 mil BTU 87.20 floor mounted heater_ f12)Alr handling unit to1(A00 CFMVent not Includedinapplicance 10.00 ermit _ __ 13)Air handling unit 10,000 CFM+ReQalr wilts i _805 17.70 <3 hp;absorb.unit, -- -- 955 ---- 14)Non-portable evaporate cooler to 110%10%BTU 10.00 3-1�htip;absorb.unit, -?700 -- 15)Vent fan connected to a single dud - 101k to 500k BTU 6 80 15-30 hp;absorb.unit,501 k to 1 2,1110 - 16)Ventilation systern not Included In mil.BTU _ �T - appliances permit 10.00 30-50 hp;absorb.unit, _ 3,400 17)Hood served by mechanirxl exhaust _ 1-1.75 mil.BTLI _ _ 10.OU >:i0 hp;absorb.unit --- g-72g 18)f)omesffc incinerators -- - >1,75 mil.BTU __ 17.40 Air handling unit to 10,000 dm 656_ U5E - 19)Commerdat�r Industrial type inrinerator Alr handlinngunit>1U,000 cfin --� _ _-x_,170 69.95 Non- evaporate cooler _ 856 20)Other units,Including wood stoves -'-- _Vent tan cixineded to a singe duct_ 44g _ _ _ _ 70 0 0,Gro Vent system not included in -856 -- 21)Gas piping one to four outlets !PP liance mit ��_ �-�-`---- 22)More than 4-per outlet(each) Hood served h nlechanlcal10--r 656Domestic incirierator _ j 170 _ 1.00 Commercial or industriallnd - 4 590 Minimum pew ri Fee$72.50Other unit.Including wood s - - 85G _--- $ SCJinserts,etc. 8%;state Surcharge Gas piping t4 outlets - --360 $ Each additional outlet - -- 5y 83 2 .Flan ReviewFee(of subtotal) 5 _ Required for ALL commordal permits only _ TOTAL COMMERCIAL - s T()TAL RESIDENTIAL PERMITFFE: S VALUATION: Qt�!4LrflP44SI4��And F144: -- 1 InsperAlons outside rf nornal business hours(minimum charge-two hoi•rs) $72 50 per hour 2. Inerections for wi no fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge-half tour) $72 50 per hour 9 Additional plan review roy4ulred oy changes additions or revisions to plans(minimurr chnrpe!,ne-half hour)$72.50 per hour "State Contractor Boiier Certification required for units>20011%BTU. ~Resldential A/C requlras Site plan showing placement of unit. I'W9ts\f04rtulmech-fees.doc 1()111;00 8ti�1.