7500 SW CRESTVIEW STREET-2 i V 0 F h H y rt C r• m 7500 SW CRESTVIEW DRIVE INS►'ECTION NOTICE City of rigard Building Department kv 12420 S.W. Main St. Tigard,Oregon 9722.3 �L I Phone: 639-4171 �J Type of Inspectionr�__ tate Requested— I 1 L;p ,��- time _____ A-M,� P.M. A,Idress �� �u d (j'� --__-.-- Permit # Owner ._.._..._�--_-- ----•-- - T Loi #— --- Builder__.. I The following Building Code deficiencies are required to be corrected: j Presented to ppr,�eed Ilo'pectov - —__--- — [� Disapproved Da,R ---------- — CALL FOR REINSPFk'TION ` ❑ YES 0 No CITY SOF TIGARD Plumbing Permit Building Depaitment I�Ir Hesidential Tfl Commercial New Installation [ Replace (J Addition ❑ Alteration ] Date )61 "f t ' Licensed Plumber Owner �— Addrnss _ r Job Address '7 5 :� lV C�Ru�s U Phone Applicant - _ CITY BI ISINESS LICENSE REQUIRED i nR ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUB-r:ON rRACi ORS ITEM NO. FEE TOTAL T ITEM NO. FEE TOTAL Fixtures-Traps — 7.50�� Sewer:First 100 ft. ,T� 20.00 - Dishwasher 7.50 Each Addit. 100 ft. 15.00 Garbage Disposal--�--- _v _7.50 u_ Ejector Pump -- —�----_--- __ -_7.50 --- _Water Heater _ _ 7.50 _ Water:First 100 ft. _ _ 20.00 Backflow Preventer 1.50 — Each Addit. 200 ft. Y 15.00 _ Storm&Rain Drain:Firsr 00 ft -! --- 30.00 Each Addit.200 ft. —_ 15.00 - _ L �1 Mobile Home Space _ 25.00 Other(Specify):' - __ Rain Drain-Singly Fam.Dwelling PERMIT FEE Comments: -� -- — Issued By:.,-)�. Receipt No. Applicant ~�4 TCyTALSlgnature 4 tJ r c: P6m , hing Inspection Phoma ne fi3�J-4171