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CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PERMIT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit#: PF12016-00264 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard OR 97223 503.718.2421 Date Issued: 12/08/2016 Parcel: SEG232 Jurisdiction: Tigard Site address: Subdivision: Lot: Project: Tualatin Valley Water District Project Description: Replace+/- 180 feet of 2"water main with 4"water main on SW 67th Ave, south of SW Oak Street. SEG 232 Owner: FEES Description Date Amount PHONE: Contractor: PHONE: FAX: Applicant: SARAH ALTON 1850 SW 170TH AVE BEAVERTON, OR 97003 PHONE: 503-848-3000 Total $0.00 Please sign below to indicate acceptance of conditions and return a copy with the proposed work schedule along with names and contact information of responsible parties before beginning work. Permittee/Applicant Signature: Not Present Issued By: Special Conditions(See Attached) Note:THIS PERMIT DOES NOT COVER WORK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Conditions for PF12016-00264 Type: Condition Name: Status: Severity: PFI_Utilities 01 -WORK SITE REQUIREMENTS Applied Notice Applicant must comply with all applicable provisions of federal and state law,the Tigard Municipal Code, and the terms of any agreement with the City of Tigard regarding work to be done pursuant to this permit. PFI_Utilities 02-WORK SITE AREA Applied Notice The work area and approach roads shall be maintained in a clean condition, free from obstructions and hazards. The spreading of mud or debris or storage of materials or equipment of any kind upon any public roadway is strictly prohibited and violation shall be cause for immediate cancellation of the permit. The City may at any time order immediate clean-up and suspension of work to accomplish clean-up. PFI_Utilities 03-WORK SITE EROSION CONTROL Applied Notice Prior to starting work, effective and approved erosion control devices must be installed and maintained meeting the Clean Water Services and DEQ requirements. The City may at any time order corrective action and suspension of work to accomplish effective erosion control. PFI_Utilities 04-WORK SITE REPAIRS Applied Notice Disturbed landscaped areas shall be restored or replaced. Existing signs, pavement markings, mailboxes,etc. shall be reinstalled or replaced,with like kind of material. Obtain City approval of restoration work. PFI_Utilities 05-TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS Applied Notice Applicant shall provide traffic control according to the current edition of the"Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices [MUTCD]for Streets and Highways", U.S. Dept. of Transportation, FHWA, current edition,American Traffic Safety Services Association [ATSSA], and Oregon Temporary Traffic Control Handbook[OTTCH]. PFI_Utilities 06-TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Applied Notice Submit a job specific traffic control plan. A copy of the approved traffic control plan shall be readily available at the work area.Traffic control devices, flag persons,etc., shall be in place prior to initiation of construction work and shall be effectively maintained. PFI_Utilities 07-TRAFFIC CONTROL ROAD CLOSURE Applied Notice Public roadway shall not be closed to traffic, at any time,without obtaining written approval from the City Engineer. The applicant is responsible to provide 48 hour advance notice of traffic flow disruptions to affected businesses, residents and area wide Emergency Services: 503-629-0111 (Tigard Police Dept., Tualatin Fire&Rescue)and to 503-962-8140(Tri-Met) and 503-431-2345(Tigard School District)and other service providers impacted by such closure. PFI_Utilities 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL PROPERTY ACCESS Applied Notice Access to existing properties shall be maintained at all times, including normal delivery service and mail service. Obtain City approval of any access closures. PFI_Utilities 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL WORK HOURS Applied Notice Work is permitted in daylight between the hours of 7:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. Mon-Fri unless otherwise authorized by the City. PFI_Utilities 10-TRAFFIC CONTROL LIMITED WORK HOURS Applied Notice Hours of construction work on collector and arterial roads will be limited to 9:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m. unless authorized by the City Engineer. Work will not be permitted on collector and arterial roads between 3:00 p.m.to 9:00 a.m. unless authorized by the City Engineer. PFI_Utilities 11 -TRAFFIC CONTROL MODIFICATION Applied Notice The City reserves the right to add to or modify traffic control requirements as necessary to effectively control traffic and to assure public safety. PFI_Utilities 12-UTILITY NOTIFICATION Applied Notice Oregon law requires following the rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Said rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0100 through OAR 952-001-0080. Copies of said rules may be obtained from the Center by calling 503-246-1987. If you have any question about the rules, contact the Center. NOTE: Damage to utilities shall be corrected at the permit holder's expense. PFI_Utilities 13-UTILITY LOCATION CONFLICT Applied Notice Applicant must verify all existing utilities for both vertical elevation and horizontal location prior to start of work(pothole before digging if necessary). Should conflicts arise and redesign or relocation of facilities be necessary, it shall be done at the applicant's expense. Changes must be approved by the City in advance of work.Applicant shall coordinate the work with affected utility agencies. PFI Utilities 14-TEMPORARY PATCH Applied Notice A temporary hard-surface patch shall be placed on trenches within roadways at the end of each work shift. Obtain advance approval of patching method. No trench shall be left at any time in an un-safe condition. Applicant is responsible for and is liable for hazards or damage resulting from the prosecution of the work. PFI_Utilities 15-REPAIR OF EXISTING FACILITIES Applied Notice Work under this permit shall include repair of existing facilities(roads, ditches, etc.)as may be necessary, as determined by the Inspector, to overcome deterioration or damage which occurred in conjunction with the work authorized by the permit. Corrective work shall be done at the applicant's expense. PFI—Utilities 16-PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Applied Notice Before initiating any construction activity, the applicant shall coordinate with the City's inspector, <Insert Name>at<Insert Phone#>, to establish a preconstruction meeting. PFI—Utilities 17-NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK Applied Notice The applicant shall notify the City's Inspector twenty-four(24)hours prior to commencing work, prior to any staged inspection, and after completing work covered by the permit. PFI_Utilities 18-PERMIT/PLAN ON SITE Applied Notice A copy of the permit including a Certificate of Insurance, and all attachments, and a copy of the approved construction plan and all amendments shall be readily available at the work area. All work shall conform to the permit terms, conditions and provisions and to the City approved permit plans, and approved plan amendments and to the City's standards and specifications and to these General Conditions. Changes to any of these must be approved by the City, in advance of work performance. PFI—Utilities 19-MONUMENT PROTECTION Applied Notice Existing monuments, property corners, and survey markers shall be protected. Replacement shall be at the permit holder's expense. PFI—Utilities 20-EMERGENCY CONTACTS Applied Notice Provide to the City inspector, in writing, the names and 24 hour emergency telephone number of two(2)persons who have authority to resolve problems, take corrective action and, in general,will be responsible in case of any emergency. The applicant shall notify the City Inspector, in writing. of any/all assignment changes. PFI—Utilities 21 -OTHER Applied Notice RECEIVED DEC 06 2016 City of Tigard p CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC WORKS — ENGINEERING PLANNING/ENGINEERING Public Facility Improvement (PFI) Permit TYPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION OF WORK(in the right-of-way) 8 TYPE 1—Franchise Utility Work Check one: 0 Utilities ❑ Sidewalk/driveway approach ❑ Street improvements performed by 1\`WN, PGE Replace+/- 180 ft of 2"water main with 4"water main and/or utility agency. Detailed description: p on SW 67th Ave,south of SW Oak St. ❑ TYPE 2—Sidewalk/Driveway/Sewer Work performed for the purpose of - Sidewalk installation or repair. - Driveway approach installation Property address/location(s): and/or repair r - Sanitary sewer lateral installation and/or main line tap Applicant: Tualatin Valley Water District ❑ TYPE 3—Full scale Development PP Work performed with Land use Address: 1850 SW 170th Ave approval which includes any of City/state: Beaverton,OR Zip: 97003 the following: Phone: 503-848-3000 Email: sarah.alton@tvwd.org - Subdivisions or Partitions Contact name: Sarah Alton Phone: 971-327-6304 - Streetwidening - Mainline installation for Sanitary Contractor: Tualatin Valley Water District sewer, Storm sewer, Tigard water and/or Tigard Water Service area CCB#: Expiration: Address: 1850 SW 170th Ave SUBMITCOMPLETEDAPPLICATIONTO: City/state: Beaverton,OR Zip: 97003 City of Tigard Phone: 503-848-3000 Email: todd.klein@tvwd.org Planning/Engineering 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Contact name: Todd Klein Phone: 503-848-3030 Tigard,OR 97223 Applications for"minor work in right-of-wad' Engineer. Tualatin Valley Water District only may be emailed to: Address: 1850 SW 170th Ave ro rmitsCg�tigatd-ar.gov City/state: Beaverton, OR Zip: 97003 _ 971-327-6304 sarah.alton@tvwd.org 1 Phone: Email: Case No.: Contact name: Sarah Alton Application submittal fee: _ Additional fees: Estimated value of work is required(if over$5,000):$18,000 Application accepted: (within the public right-of-way) By: — ate: QJL01 Is work related to a LAapplication reviewed: ND-USE DECISION? ❑ Yes B No 12/6/16 If so, please specify (1 IJI, SDR, SUB,etc.) case#: By: 616 L,- Date: Applicant notified: Is work related to a BUILDING PERMIT? ❑ Yes 9 No By: Date: k,2,1 - If so,please specify(BUILDING PER-MI'I)case#: 1.\cuRPLN\Mast.m\L&nd u:.appikat(os Rw.09/26/2016 Citv of Tigard - 13125 SW I Iall Blvd. - Tigard,Oregon 97223 - vvww.dgard-or.gov 503-718-2421 - Page 1 of 4 APPLICANTS NOTE: Person specified as"Applicant"shall be designated"Permittee"and shall provide financial assurance for work,if required by the city pursuant to TMC 15.041.140. s With the exception of a utility operating pursuant to a valid franchise with the City of Tigard,when the owner and:he applicant are different people,the applicant must be the purchaser of record or a lessee in poss"!ion with written authorization from the owner or an agent of the owner. The owner(s)must sign this application in the space provided or submit a written authorization with this application. franchised Utilities are not required to obtain the owners signature on the application BY SIGNING BELOW,THE APPLICANTS) SHALL CERTIFY THAT: • The above request does not violate any recorded deed restrictions that may,be attached to or imposed upon the subject r • If the application is granted,the applicant will exercise the rights granted in accordance with the terms and subject to all the conditions and limitations of the approval. • All of the above statements and the statements in any plot plan,attachments,and exhibits transmitted herewith,are true;and the applicants so acknowledge that any permit issued,based on this application,may be revoked if it is found that any such statements are false. • The applicant has read the entire contents of the application,including the policies and criteria,and understands the re uircmcnts for approving or denying the application. Sarah Alton 11/29/2016 Applicant/Authorized Agent's signature Print name Date SIGNATURES of each owner of the subject property,if required. Owner's signature Print name Date Owner's signature Print name Date Owner's signature Print narne Date PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENT PERMIT Cityof Tigard 13125 SWI TallBlvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • wwwtigard-or.gov 503-718-2421 • Page 2 of 4 SW 67TH AVENUE MAIN REPLACEMENT LEGEND&SYMBOLOGY SHEET INDEX NOTICE TO EXCAVATORSSHEET NO SHEET DESCRIPTION -- --- FACE OF CURB G1 TITLE SHEET AND VICINITY MAP 4<1 ATTENTION:OREGON LAW REOUIES YOU TO - __PA—-_1/1 PROPERTY LINE FOLLOW RUMS ADOPTED BY THE OREGON G_ WATER PLAN --C---G-- CAS LINE SW 67TH AVE-STA 0+00 TO STA 2+50 RULES RE SET FORT IN AR INOSE _4. RULES ARE SET FdI7NWOMm7-BD14818 --SW---Sw-- SIDEWALK D1 STANDARD DETAILS THROUGH OAR 962081-0098 YOU MAY _-3iM--_3TM__ STORM SEWER GJ OBTAIN COPES OF THE RUES BY CALU4G -_SAN_-_SAµ_- SANITARY SEWER D2 STANDARD DETAILS THE GENDER (NOTE:THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR THE --Gry---CAN-- TFIEMSiON/GOLF. SW OAK ST LIT., LDY IgTEKATION CENTERS TO_-_Fp FIBER OPTIC -INC 503.2321987) �_�_PWR_- ELECTRIC POWER W POTENTIAL UNDERGROUND FACILITY - W W - WATER(EXIS'ING) > WATER(NEW; Q Dig j Safslya w K (SECT�� GN me �_�C WE VALVE (EXIST) DIAL 611 m 1-800.332-2344 B GATE VALVE (NEW) ABBREVIATIONS: 6 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS 11}' - � - FARE HYDRANT(EXIST) AC AS�NALi CONCRETE PAVEMEND N WE 1-60 i 9"2184211 EA4313 3FV BLTICRFLY VALVE AFTER HOURS 5862264211 FIRE HYDRANT (NEW) 110 3LCWCFf POE 586256K43 CARV COMBINATION AIR/ ICOMTAST CA +-0OD5761311 COMCAST CARE 586281-7{10 BO BLOW OFF(E%IST) VACJUAI R_LIFF VALVE TVNDWATER 03-W11811 C1R CENTLR VERIZON 1-BOD/611000 5 ---� i BLOWOFF(NEW) DEP' OEPA F"AlL ENT i OF' DETAIL IRJI BUTTERFLY VALVE OSP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DWG DRAWING VICINITY MAP a REDUCER EA EAC EL ELEVATION WMA WATER METER EXIST EXISTING SCALE.'"=40C . FLO FLANGE 4 CART FI FOOT GENERAL NOTES; G GS LINE MCB CATCH BAS-N GV GTE VA_VE 1 UTILITY LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY FROM MARKINGS IN THE FIELD UTLLITIES SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS HYD IMRANI - WERE NOT SURVEYED TO ESTABLISH LOCATION.POTHOLE EXISTING UTILITIES AS NEEDED AHEAD OF CONSTRUCTION TO POWER'OLE MJ M141mim GL JOINT TIFY AND RESOLVE CONFLICTS.COORDINATE WITH ENGINEERING FOR ANY CONFLICTS 0 MIN MI ODD- OREGON DEPARTMENT 2. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDING SANITARY SEWER AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE LATERALS MAY NOT BE SHOWN.CALL FOR UTILITY L„ LIG+T POLE OF -RANSPORTATION - 3 LOCATES AND COORDINATE WITH ALL ADJACENT UTILITY OPERATORS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION S SANOARY SEWER MH SW SIDEWALK SEWER MANHOLE "-=--- 3. ALL APPLICABLE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION AND 0 S11 STORM SEWER ��iG1NgER✓%\ MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT MH STD STANDARD STORM MANHOLE TB THRUSI BLOCK r / 7 y\1, 4. TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PAVEMENT RESTORATION SHALL BE ACCORDING TO CITY OF TIGARD PERMITS. TYP TYPICAL © COMMUNICATION MANHOLE TV TELEVISION 2 5. CORROSION CONTROL SHALL BE INSTALLED PER SPECIFICATIONS ON DRAWINGS.COORDINATE WITH ENGINEERING. W WATER ✓ 0 ...0 ' 6. CLEAN,PRESSURE TEST,AND DISINFECT WATER SYSTEM COMPONENTS PER DISTRICT STANDARDS ID GS VALVE 9 f 1 B, L p/ 7. TRANSFER EXISTING WATER SERVICES TO NEW MAIN AFTER DISINFECTION OF THE NEW WATER PIPE IS COMPLETED AND SSp SAMPLE STA5.10N \FF Y N U 1z'VI 16 APPROVED.ABANDON MAINS AT THE TEE OR AS SPECIFIED ON DRAWINGS.COORDINATE WITH ENGINEERING, RENEWS: 12/31/2016 8. MAINTAIN REQUIRED SPACING FROM SANFFARY SEWER SYSTEM.NEW WATER MAIN SHALL BE 10 FEET OFFSET FROM SANITARY SEWER LINES,OR 5 FEET HORIZONTAL WITH A 1.5 FOOT VERTICAL SEPARATION ABOVE SANFTARY SEWER LINES PER OAR 333-61-050. ONE INCH SW 67TH AVE A.: _12/8/2028 Tualatin Valley Water District MAIN REPLACEMENT E7900 PERMIT SET y �T C12490 �� ^ TITLE SHEET AND VICINITY MAP 1 OF 4 RLI B• cA _ P. I950SM1I701h Ave.P-,,n.,OR9+(m3 (501)642-1511 —1-Ilm G1 n'\ocwv T� Pau eox rMn.epo<.mmi cl. - �. .,.W\EnW-C�op- �2/6/]°I{491 MI-sN1u1 K'O� WATER CONSTRUCTION KEY NOTES Q INSTALL 2" BLOWOFF PER DETAIL 203 ON SHEET 3. i i Q RECONNECT EXISTING SERVICE AND METERS (TYP). 3 Q INSTALL CLASS 52 4" 01 PIPE IN PE BAGS PER DETAIL 2 ON SHEET 3 O CUT AND PLUG TEE TO ABANDON EXISTING 2" GALV AFTER SERVICES HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED. Q TAP EXISTING 8" CI MAIN W/ 8"X4" TAPPING SADDLE PER DETAIL 8 ON SHEET 3. INSTALL 4" GV PER DETAIL 3 ON SHEET 3. 3 3 6680 2 4 I 10470 3 1 W—�--I t 0T +50 1+00 1+50 1+ II t SW 67TH AVE SAN s 3 5 # 5. SEP ION (MIN) Z V1 Q V) N x10445 n 0 la !10465 10485 N3 -s T � � 3 —24:0 laool f IN RENEWS: 12/31/2015 1 _ ONE INCH SW 67TH AVE �Q/e/Y016 Tualatin Valley Water District MAIN REPLACEMENT " E?900 _ c w, C12490 (� SW 67TH AVE STA 0+00 TO STA END 2 OF 4 aE ,n 1850SW1791AW,Pn�aOE97001 (503)44:-1511 i—hvdors " C1 A CU` _ l a uc rE«.� O+ IYY NCM t I lel N �'Y•"'nLSI IiM�wP VCL,D1A�Y'iL.v-P'>VJ�lL•wM AO tMSM4(IAV!1TMOpl[lK SRTgof[NRI[•Cr�w�CSOaPD Srfr[YWro1Y„uI[MNN!CYtlr1MJl+.fvrnVHTnuANKrfwo wMOlnfc!Tr.CuArPRiC.SONSurL3[RngYnFwRFMplCorattvMwawAa1fL n rAaAMnCM S NoC..��J'aCwLAFV-rauSSIwIS�e..NN.:,rWa.R..wUnlnALC✓Kui♦xfvi,h.AcenL:nKfu1oANnYPT(..-YKrL:DSY.LlG LL1aMraaRwaLwLsLYa,[ARI1-��A.,w.�:w^ws:—°eMsnm`.5wi-1izFNsG.m,A/MKM,rAPe➢L;mn,°nIroL„srt�uFlnuEu,sSo aSR:.lRaEt.0iAcLM 1a•L°4InK!�`.f1M1owax,,.olfiuE'nPxRowrlaoJrn.°n.'-u,mw i.YwaiAMmYPYPv Rr: t11 asOA�`x�aIal I.CLMv.�,WYF�n ,I.[,,nI.PKY.._�uCruNAS1PV ur�a+wI�.�nI�_RJrKilLnK�ILr.I M-r,vMrr1IVCc Iw�'nTavlY.H,aD1kP_I1nC^RR1nrs-NY 11CfwnlDl._jA,C r]rS A.+rrS.lY.Y,YO�oroAFL,myn.SJJ�7ll lLLAMTl111-11-1 l_II r-oc•lDi SL7 TAME 1 wPeNwa 1KAI+0nr.rF_.Mwr,Pi IMIDfCVrL^=*,L"E A. (,s n! AtwVYYrnN•a.MiM1KlV`OR WIBlfDivvaEaAA dLaFDK^`RWNnABP.1/LL,IO0 Cc-1YMBEa-AI P� 1��su aa l�IYJI0�i[aStaYToIXrA MQSO/\A•J'R .{ rWP�Y�NA'�CaR�1}'IDSA iRaI,1 E lM1[B,ARSJ.n 55—..1 M¢ L1B - -OV-wkk r1.vDlEHxDJLArtnYmrw YM sS cAn v K rM r fnRAme Nu* oAo va sllw�a rrwiR�DwAaavn v.LK nR .,';`�i.Nm�s Aerie oMw wwul wmen we wr e w JDwls nv nrAL n �vpC sa.a Pvc.OJO]V PIVC 9ACFn lfuCM At 1� SSMv J YAP Aw m[MJl Bl,NG SWE n�Ar nv PpnIRM K upr nAYNIL.AACI N Y fu NWLn YIP D OMPAIP n,EN51OrJ KhRIIEp wEu VAIK Mll K D I,LRu RR'Enol nvlORo fJ Y.Y.�NIYVS rprOPCAM'AS RtiR•CONGPfn NCA SOP al uA,.K SnL -:Otrx W S o[� 1EuvM[ <AQ{'K vp(rC.N.IOV[O Ap rMl Y KMn(K:LPAYVN iPOV Pa[WK JJwi OKu nf.NLE Aw:4aA><V: J Y bAnlEn CArfn 1'2'R4D ro x.t.R�Di!Il Pa'cn...[N[MpN m nAaQl11VD - MJ Gr MTu Al M„1Y u H�'Aw VALK AMI i£f..M ro PME}M �n�YenOti,O rUrnFM.'SAIXII"a� F nSi4 �C� KAfF AS 9rOW ° 1' IX1'%T a i1'YtASs YMf A C V•.0 vY'.T rn l. i rde Kll L rvnM�•T t"urtM. - -� PO K,NYENE IAPF. . 'N2�.r b 5 •.s:vw n�• f KAl P�v.M iT.E inL ASM IR CwN RIS TALC RJI..rum,pnv A DIaARF �r VRLMti A'AFD 9rALLlR YINL eE YJ WR vAtKS vN MS'O-Ara Ld1iR� J,,,4 ARRC ro w Ps,PMon ro IAw,Nc F P0.KMnfM 5[awE w wJrf AS S,gYL t Alq 41ALLIR,Y[M GAJwfn NIe[n SNNL M W 21,T,fnwv vNK3 CGrINAe 'nwl rLIKM r55aA[lE5'vNK FUI PYae v RAOOIJPt AP1V kn Di RID 1L MCM c i RwNx oPEL:uw YJ, ITDA,eRrmns D .... Twla,in\11kr Wela Dielna °"^-'"°"' TIBIRIIn 4011 WBa Uwn[L "rw D„R.wY wINin Velky WBer Diunn PE BAG INSTALL aETr Twla�In Yelkv Wller Ulslnd MmAn 2"STANDAR TYPICAL VALVE LxrJa ry any APPINGSADDL °!T'M1 ems,;, Mornatrn rnraA w[r .— BLOWOFF 203 _ $ — $ «arvc,. uen:oD 2 4'-8"MAINLINE SETTING .r..e.>Y. YY..M.,,..".. Y� ,...,..+Y ..... 2 \Fq C AM1CN� 12/6))s RENEWS OPE Lycp SW 67TH AVE ° 12/6/2010 Tualatin Valley Water District MAIN REPLACEMENT 'FD E7 00 C1249B TD STANDARD DETAILS y ei`0 a of 4TMD Rc� p[SpP-D D. JIA,A F,R K50%1701AAre,B—Im,0R97003 (so3lwz-Isu Ynn PwdN{ nwc vo DI k4:T'Itiln\�' 8 ��--AAss nMN►.O n Off - Sax.t Sfrwl /A W eanwuetwn � r 17SID1,�- EWALK ADJACENT TO CURB 4y: e0._._ —A ORNMQz�. CATCH RA" 6 SIDEWALK AWAY FRdA CURB bW. t.M. TI'LWN� [ W�b1 DIR JI4'—0dTCH IIFT —.PIAN_41EW- 52'Min Tandl ' .` a rsnlMiw:+.^a ¢,� wI elabllsallan s a)1'•r.om.srrts.. u:••u>r+..1.'.c•..v.•..n v._s`. :.[•:r.a^nux[•:.:m•: - nrxc».o[aw nx e.c • �:!/ir••. Al tl— a •u I.>i.e,✓RI.'4.5'.NiYZA:r_wae ai ..u NDl[ xc N M1-...tS M w • §�'i 9 H4 P'ih 4.= _ .Hl::ta..cw.-_u.['I' T-fL[[Olt MSE OlT wO[GR u51 : MhxU Np I. 1 r14G1'r/noSx41 ui _ Krb 4 e.G)ro.. A Ti.r. c...ia CY i� 17 r YiA✓n t Awi3 A E TKR IID SIJOfY. Mre.MSOexv['• vv .n..w'[� 3. .ODI[91ALL E TMIe Cdlm.1111•t111Y11R•Sw.LT fYIA$NM INL£i PROTECTION .. �.ul TYPE 4 Glen Smica �� COITCRETE �— TROICN w. lov.. __ _ SMAUf ZO IrEff MCKi1LL _ _ _ __ 3 jPCIRpf 7 ' 2 19. It��f ib 3:NEW5 12/31/2015 ONE INCH SW 67TH AVE '1"` 12/E/2019 - Tualatin Valley Water District MAIN REPLACEMENT rxWECT MC E7D00 xa ry M;rr C124 DB OxC a 6 ' � � - -a.= o- _•. . .e (\ f i+ STANDARD DE'AILS s�Ecv MO 4 OF 4 E505R'17%A. ,bm,OR9700.; 1S071612.15'.1 w.n,•c nrl nvn """° D2 x:\.x�•.w... en.xre..,�.�.�•...�..Mt_.uae..7eomuo'S.,�.v ,.v,Io��v_,..- ,A an.��cm Clean Water Services File Number CleanWate\/Services 16-004478 Sensitive Area Pre-Screening Site Assessment 1. Jurisdiction: Tigard 2. Property Information (example 1S234AS01400) 3. Owner Information Tax lot ID(s): Name: Sarah Alton Company: Tualatin Valley Water District Address: 1850 SW 170th Ave QB Site Address: City, State,Zip: Beaverton, OR, 97003 City, State, Zip: Tigard, OR, 97223 Phone/Fax: 971-327-6304 Nearest Cross Street: SW 67th Ave & SW Oak St E-Mail: sarah.alton@tvwd.org 4. Development Activity (check aH that apply) 5. Applicant Information ❑ Addition to Single Family Residence(rooms,deck,garage) Name: Sarah Alton ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Minor Land Partition Company: Tualatin Valley Water District ❑ Residential Condominium ❑ Commercial Condominium Address: 1850 SW 170th Ave ❑ Residential Subdivision ❑ Commercial Subdivision Beaverton, OR, 97003 L) Single Lot Commercial LJ Multi Lot Commercial City, State, Zip: Other Water Main Replacement Phone/Fax: 971-327-6304 E-Mail: sarah.alton@tvwd.org 6. Will the project involve any off-site work? ❑Yes 0 No ❑Unknown Location and description of off-site work 7. Additional comments or information that may be needed to understand your project This application does NOT replace Grading and Erosion Control Permits,Connection Permits,Building Permits,Site Development Permits, DEQ 1200-C Permit or other permits as issued by the Department of Environmental Quality, Department of State Lands and/or Department of the Army COE. All required permits and approvals must be obtained and completed under applicable local,state,and federal law. By signing this form,the Owner or Owner's authorized agent or representative,acknowledges and agrees that employees of Clean Water Services have authority to enter the project site at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting project site conditions and gathering information related to the project site. I certify that I am familiarwith the information contained in this document,and to the best of my knowledge and belief,this information is true,complete,and accurate. Print/Type Name Sarah Alton Printrrype Title Engineering Associate Signature Date FOR DISTRICT USE ONLY ❑ Sensitive areas potentially exist on site or within 200'of the site. THE APPLICANT MUST PERFORM A SITE ASSESSMENT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A SERVICE PROVIDER LETTER. If Sensitive Areas exist on the site or within 200 feet on adjacent properties,a Natural Resources Assessment Report may also be required. ❑ Based on review of the submitted materials and best available information Sensitive areas do not appear to exist on site or within 200'of the site.This Sensitive Area Pre-Screening Site Assessment does NOT eliminate the need to evaluate and protect water quality sensitive areas if they are subsequently discovered.This document will serve as your Service Provider letter as required by Resolution and Order 07-20, Section 3.02.1. All required permits and approvals must be obtained and completed under applicable local,State,and federal law. Based on review of the submitted materials and best available information the above referenced project will not significantly impact the existing or potentially sensitive area(s)found near the site.This Sensitive Area Pre-Screening Site Assessment does NOT eliminate the need to evaluate and protect additional water quality sensitive areas if they are subsequently discovered.This document will serve as your Service Provider letter as required by Resolution and Order 07-20,Section 3.02.1. All required permits and approvals must be obtained and completed under applicable local,state and federal law. ❑ This Service Provider Letter is not valid unless CWS approved site plan(s)are attached. ❑ The proposed activity does not meet the definition of development or the lot was platted after 9/9/95 ORS 92.040(2). NO SITE ASSESSMENT OR SERVICE PROVIDER LETTER IS REQUIRED. Reviewed by e � Date 12/8/16 Once complete, email to: SPLReview@cleanwaterservices.org • Fax: (503)6814439 OR mail to: SPL Review, Clean Water Services, 2550 SW Hillsboro Highway, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Revised 2/2015 SW 67TH AVENUE MAIN REPLACEMENT LEGEND h SYMBOLOGY SHEET INDEX NOTICE TO EXCAVATORS ._._ _. - FACE Oi -UR9 SHEET NO SHEET DESCRIPTION �. ATTENTgN CPEGUI LAW REOIFES YOU To G7 TITLE SHEET AND VICINITY MAP --0/L-—-Pn__ PRD=LINTY LINE Ie Fa.DW RULES ATI)N CENTER THOSE _ cl WATER PLAIN �Cc' lffllfYNOTFIUTgNLENTERTH06E -C'---�'-- � LSE RATES ARE SET FORTH IN OAR 962-OMW0 -SY-—-SW-- SIDEWA.K SW 67TH AVE-STA 0+00 TO STA 2-60 I THRwr4OAR a=YOU LAY _-=M--_SIy-_ STORM SEWER Di STANDARD DETAILS OBTAIN OOPES OF TIE RUES BY CALLING TCENTEK --SAN---SAN-- SANITARY SEWER D2 STANDARD DETAILS IE _ SW OAK ST ATE THE TELEPHONE ILITY UT�CFOR THE --CATV-—-CATV-- rE1EV SCN/CABIF R IS S}23219171 FO---TO-_ FBER OPTIC INE - --PWW---PWR-- -LECTRC POWER POTENTIAL UNDERGROUND FAOU-OWNFRS - W W - WA-ER(-XIS-ING) Q 1" %sa� WATER(NEW; 411 K PROJECT AREA co"O gw oa.u� GATE VALVE_ (EXIST) Q DIAL 811 or 1-800.332-2341 m A GATE VALVE (NEW) ABBREVIATIONS: EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS x V ro F,RE HYDRANT(EXIST) NW WTUA.CJS AC AS-HALT CONCREH PAVEMENT U3 of 7-4w 603.2264211 EM4713 3FV B'u 7 IERFLY VALVE AFTER HOURS 50.T726f211 FIRE HYDRAN-(NEW) PGE 1.251,IISItI BO BLCWCFF CENtLRY Nc 1 CARV COMBINATION AIR/ COMCAST CARE 503261-740 B.OW CFF(EXIST) YA"UM RELIEF VANE TVWD WATER 503=5ii 80 VERZON 141NKV1006 CTR CENTER � BLOWOUT(NEIN) DEP' DEPARTMENT - �7I DE" OE FAIL I>ul BUTTERFLY VALVE DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPF DWG DRAWINGVICINITY MAP -L1 REDUCER EA EA[� EL ELEVATION SCA,.E"=HOC WW13 WATER METER EXIST EXISTING - FLO FLANGE GENERAL NOTES: c.NrY G FOOT G GAS LIVE 1 UTILITY LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY FROM MARKINGS IN THE FIELD UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE DRAW NGS B CATCH BASIN GV GATE VA-VE WERE NOT SURVEYED TO ESTABLISH LOCATION POTHOLE EXISTING UTILITIES AS NEEDED AHEAD OF CONSTRUCTION TO HYD MEC-WDRA-M IDENTIFY AND RESOLVE CONFLICTS.COORDINATE WITH ENGINEERING FOR ANY CONFLICTS �( POWER POSE WO MECHANICAL JOINT X/ YW. MINIMUM 2. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDING SANITARY SEWER AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE LATERALS MAY NOT BE SHOWN.CALL FOR UTILITY ODo' OREGON DEPARTMENT LOCATES AND COORDINATE WITH ALL ADJACENT UTILITY OPERATORS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION LIGHT POLE OF MARY SEWER N 3 S SANITARY SEWER --. MA SEWER MMMO.E SW SIDEWALK /h111 �'�•�.;...� 3. ALL APPLICABLE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION AND Q ST STORM SEWER t qGl NBF'���i' MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT M4 STD STANDARD F STORM MANACLE TB THRUST BLOCK Z % 7. / TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PAVEMENT RESTORATION SMALL BE ACCORDING TO CITY OF TIGARD PERMITS ttP TYRGAL 5. CORROSION CONTROL SHALL BE INSTALLED PER SPECIFICATIONS ON DRAWINGS COORDINATE WITH ENGINEERING. 9) COMMUNICATION MANHGLE TV W T TCVIS104 I 2 ER 6, CLEAN,PRESSURE TEST,AND DISINFECT WATER SYSTEM COMPONENTS PER DISTRICT STANDARDS 0 GAS VALVE •N 9 C 19. ' 7. TRANSFER EXISTING WATER SERVICES TO NEW MAIN AFTER DISINFECTION OF THE NEW WATER PIPE IS COMPLETED AND 55❑ SAMPLE STATION APPROVED.ABANDON MAINS AT THE TEE OR AS SPECIFIED ON DRAWINGS COORDINATE WITH 'TH ENGINEERING. --- Z11.1 1 6 RENEWS: 12/31/2016 8. MAINTAIN REQUIRED SPACING FROM SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM.NEW WATER MAIN SHALL BE 10 FEET OFFSET FROM SANITARY SEWER LINES,OR 5 FEET HORIZONTAL WITH A 1.5 FOOT VERTICAL SEPARATION ABOVE SANITARY SEWER LINES PER OAR 333-61-050. ONE 1WC1167TH AVE TIL. 12/6/2016 ., Tualatin Valle Water District N R y MAIN REPLACEMENT W9°°° PERMIT SET - r C124B6 srA 6nn IlI I/Ie r� TITLE SHEET AND VICINITY MAP srrtr7. I OF 4 r, c.H cao Ws 6,. ,/IL/I6 1650SN'17016AYe,R—a.,UR97003 15011642-1511 —1—dad PK N° I/HV11IMV♦ '6 G 1 n:\a nv - T e+u eok I—I--r.,. .a.V1900 C,-1- MI'/7<fi69."W- u,♦... WATER CONSTRUCTION KEY NOTES Q INSTALL 2" BLOWOFF PER DETAIL 203 ON SHEET 3. Q RECONNECT EXfSTING SERVICE AND METERS (TYP). 3 3'1 Q INSTALL CLASS 52 4" DI PIPE IN PE BAGS PER DETAIL 2 ON SHEET 3 a J Q CUT AND PLUG TEE TO ABANDON EXISTING 2" GALV AFTER SERVICES HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED. Q TAP EXISTING 8" CI MAIN W/ 8"X4" TAPPING SADDLE PER DETAIL 8 ON SHEET 3. INSTALL 4" GV PER DETAIL 3 ON SHEET 3. 3 3 6680 2 10470 3 1 r F — W W }00 +50 1+00 1+50AN 1+ SW 67TH AVE 3 5I 5' SEPAR ION - Epp (MIN) Z 7 4 Y 10445 Q a 10465 10485 l � s 37. + N I :ti ls,to o RENEWS12/31/2016 12/°/2016 ONE'""' Tualatin Valle Water District N R 67TH AVE Valley MAIN REPLACEMENT $°°°° C124°6 2 OF 4 �\ it SW 67TH AVE STA 0+00 TO STA END NFv �, �� �.�In^nfi 115osWIMAv,Fla-tg05[97003 (503)642-1511 �W"Org C1 n\al:n:' ;nJ aa+man oo em_n.r'i�e]90°\U°\11.95\F]A!U-1 tfi 9SS NI 5/AfiIN'(Mr G) Q. r 0 0 o) 0 Cik n4v* A 1.F LR PAD YR1LRln U,TIAI IN—tl LVT 10 AWA. mtllAa r A-I-S -1 FMW A 5 1 ._LA mw—1 illft A M-IT(W AT Em iI,w _.A...... Al, -1 11,—.A,— _w IT.4 -MAIlu —I., H..._. ———. —1 1.." .— —Al T. lllf I'll 4 0Mlr 4sI rlv 19aH.11w I— C-gAwlri.WM(Pp 1S AM ..- —1 1—Ill. I'—.A—IAIT T,.Al.1 75.-—;l7.,A LLIt 55 PiPIMf: _._=—L.11� A— lA 4 MIM LL-1 SrPAC.: 2'NAPIER CmwR A 'I Al I I, —ZLIM, FAr WW lIiL 010 A O-L 4 LAI'M A5 :xu4 mrxuw:Mr KL roar AM MIT 'STAND A-U-- wak,ownct J.PE I TwbIm VO.Waki Di9nd 2 )A I CAL P;4APPING SADDL L BLOWOFF SETTING 8 4'-B'L4A]NLINr T C ��,G INSTALL 203 TYPICAL ID .17401 NIEWOD IN E,A 2 �Cj 11,,/z Ir, 9, 9 F ONE INCH SW 67TH AVE Tualatin Valley Water District MAIN REPLACEMENT 979M AIX.le C12496 TVWD STANDARD DETAILS WET'rD 3 or 4 IRSOSWIMA-B. M -IOR97001 (M)b42-1511 Idj DMc YD D1 e .,.reaa.ed --- — orr llta aettNr,. - —t'r-cw ` _ Surfacng Iw1e t 1 u. I Topanl a m r 9use 4u(er1A -T --^ 7 s_ ori SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO CUa" 5 aJ —6q• _— nPrw RB orwN � aqua I ` I •. .. B 6'4h ned 9 6. .6. .�..•.. 1 Ea1nw-401 _—__I. �. plpe ENI 3/a OR MFT e[iN MEW truNed agyregate ti; 5 SIDEWALK AWAY FROMCU _.. --� Nwrrweu Nuaws un,r 1'Min Trento —/ �SSnFAFa 6rnebea M Sal etaDNlxat�on > Mo-n•�9e,av 6wun a eaureJ ,�."'�-.'-"s-'-•:.�r,�7• s. ,. .Rut rat FVE aril Fad,Ecrs wor[c .e eNw tw MrsT 4 ,r..r x.w „ n,w 1111 : �n ro 6E uo.uo soon w.n err +•. ICF_✓.N., aI.ia. c.../w rti 1 y [rn[r 5x[11 E TIIIX dMTm NT:N 5,!1x115,SM,LT[YUsIaN. INLET PROTECTION . TYPE a CkonWiS�Tvica e coNCPFTc �,n �• �� TeolcN ..�. --- STAUC 120 180 �— 3 2 (:0 ttr�ll(, $t*W4 12/31/2016 . Ona INCH SW 67TH AVE .11 12/8/2016 Tualatin Valley Water District MAIN REPLACEMENT I—el x` E'BOO .11Nn C12498 �� �►,� STANDARD DFAILS s ce,No ' OF max' tlT'gxre ,• 'e,[ Ip6/A 1150 SW1701hAve,Pernnm,0R97003 15031E+2-1511 wNvlewdnrg D2 n:\vvt.e a -- _h>1n one Pax mm-•eprcemmr_vt>,etl.e>A'10\C,D\6ry'.� •.. +.. - I1/M/f016 9:S>,N-$A4N141(N