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Plans (38)
,.. V = 161-5" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, iir - - -- -----A--------- --N1 .1111111111111ENMA,JVJVAh. NI 11111111111111111111111111/ All. 1 11111111111111111 Mr AM.'S= INININNI Illeinr \VIMI '''t-_. 11111111111111 c3 ( ) AL 11 011111111111111 Mr /N. NOI 1111111111111111111111111111/ AA, 11 -----....M111111mr......4e-..........kaam 2? 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ti- 1111111111111 INNINNIMNINIII '4 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' 22 111111.111111111111111.11111111111111111 22 as as 1111111111111130 111111111111111111111111111 c211 11111111111111111111111 11.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 11110111111111.111111 111111.111111 111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 11111111.1111111111111 ININIIIII ----------- - Pi D3 (2) 111.1..........J....-11111 " 1111111111 Al 1111.6111= UJ -o- 13 A.----------/ r.- 111111111111 NIE CONFI' DESIGN CONCEP illiddliall lh-----•---•-------- ___ - ---"' & c, CONFORMS TO DESIGN CONCEPT WITH 14'-? Di Z CONFORMS TO DESIGN CONCEPT REVISIONS AS SHOWN , 0 axsoloRNssN-rooTEDDEsiGN CONCEPT WITH El NON-CONFORMING-REV ,, • __ 254r 0 NONCONFORbAl NGRESUBMIT 1T-3 1/2' 7,S al U DRAWF3 dAS:`,1,,,N WVIU4E,70R GV,ERkL.0NFORMANCE THIS SHOP DRAWING HAS BEEN REVIEWED FOR GENERAL CONFORMANCE VT,4 MS^ON MLE,, 0,,, NID pc,E 1,,,iT pEuE,E T:E, PISPE,LITY FO,C'D,FOR),W;E F. WffH WITH THE DESIGN CONCEPT ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE THE OR.tINK,S SPEQW1C?i0IS M,C AfIC,BLE CODES ALL 0', H,CH HAVE FABRICATORIVEMOR OF RESPONSIBILITY Fog CONFORIMC,'E KTO TiE BY PRKAn OVE ,SSH:RDO.W1i4 DESIGN DRAINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ALL OF*ICH HAVE PRIORITY ----jL----Ale, Fukui OVER THIS SHOP DRAWING. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS. MILBRANDT ARCHITECTS By: Toad LI Date: Se tembell CT ENGINEERING INC ©CopyrigM CompuTrus Inc.2006 BUILDER ISSUE DATE: ABOVE PLAN PROVIDED FOR TRUSS POLYGON NW 07/25/14 PLACEMENT ONLY.REFER TO TRUSS CALCULATIONS AND ENGINEERED STRUCTURAL PROJECT TITLE: REVISION-1: DRAWINGS FOR ALL FURTHER ' r PLAN 3BINFORMATION.BUILDING DESIGNER/ENGINEER OF RECORD RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL NON-TRUSS DRAWN BY: REVISION-2: TO TRUSS CONNECTIONS.BUILDING DESIGNER/ENGINEER OF RECORD TO E-w DE CHECKED BY: REVIEW AND APPROVE OF ALL SIGNS PRIOR TO coNsTRucTioN. SCOMPANY t TRUSS ,,:,: DELIVERY LOCATION: SCALE: REVISION-3: 1/8°=1' All designs are property of-Pacific Lumber and Truss. All designs are null and void if not fabricated by-Pacific Lumber and Truss. MiTek USA, inc. / CompuTrus Software Warnings & General Notes WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown+. 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector.Additional permanent bracing of 1 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication,handling,shipment and installation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPI/WTCA in BCSI,copies of which will be furnished upon request. GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an individual building component.Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2'o.c.and at 10'o.c.respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC)and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown++. 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-corrosive environment, and are for"dry condition"of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss,and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. 10. For basic connector plate designvalues see ESR-1311,ESR-1988(MiTek). 04.T S% -> qtr - v I "Ok 41 w57CIL, ^? rnlfG 6130/15 1111 11111 This design prepared from computer input by PACIFIC LUMBER-BC LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 14'- 2.0" ICOND. 2: Design checked for net(-5 psi) uplift at 24 "oc spacing.( TC: 2x4 KDDF #1&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.15 NOTE:Design assumes moisture content does BC: 2x4 KDDF N18BTR SPACED 24.0" O.C. not exceed 19% at time of manufacture. IC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. LOADING Design conforms to main windforce-resisting BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. LL( 25.0)+OL( 7.0) ON TOP CHORD = 32.0 PSF system and components and cladding criteria. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Wind: 140 mph, h=20.9ft, TCDL=4.2,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, C,CN,CI8,CN16 (Sr no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS(Dir), M,M2OHS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series LL = 25 PSF Ground Snow (Pg) load duration factor=1.6, LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL Truss designed for wind loons in the plane of the truss only. REQUIREMENTS OF IBC 2012 AND IRC 2012 NOT BEING MET. Gable end truss on continuous bearing wall UON. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M-1x2 or equal typical at stud verticals. AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. Refer to CompuTrus gable end detail for complete specifications. 7-01 7-01 1" T I IM-4x4 3 i 12 12 Q 6.00 6,00 M-3x4 4 M-3x4 m o,- --io v o/— -/o 0 1 y I I I 1-06 14-02 1-06 F.9 0 P R 4FeS' JOB NAME : POLYGON PLAN 3-B - Al Scale: 0.5115 �.`�� °l ly/P p - 1-Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1.This design is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual ;92 0 0` E r and Warnings before construction commences. building component.Applicability of design parameters and proper. Truss: Al 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown+, Incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. • the topand bottom chords to be lateral braced at .. 2.Design assumes N 8 3.Additional temporary bracing to insure stebil during construction on 2'o.c.and at 10'o.c.respectively unless braced throughout their length by /`z '� DES. BY: LJ is the responsibility of the erector.Additional permanent bracing ng of continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC)and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 8/21/2014 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3.20 Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown++ //,� 4.No load should be applied to any component until after at bracing and 4.Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. ' OREGON `0 SEQ. : 60353 06 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5.Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-corrosive environment, �l 414 Si, :0 N1)'' design loads be applied to any component. and are for"dry condition"of use. 2. 1y TRANS I D: 406433 5.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 6.Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown.Shim or wedge if !1`' necessary. `✓f 'FOO L V fabrication,handling,shipment and Installation of components. 7.Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. r'f 6.This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 9.Plates shall be located on both faces of truss,and placed so their center IIII I I II IIIA IIII(IIII I IIIIII IIII IIIITPINVTCA in SCSI,copies of which will be furnished upon request. lines coincidev jointcenterI lines. 9.Digitsin nicdtsize off plateo Inches. G MiTek USA,Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.6(1 L)-Z 10.For basic connector plate design values see ESR-1311,ESR-1966(MiTek) EXPIRES:RES'12/31/2015 > I IIIIIIII VIII This design prepared from computer input by PACIFIC LUMBER-BC LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 27'- 0,0" IBC 2012 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DDF/Cq=1.00 IC: 2x4 KDDF #1&BTR; LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.15 1.3=(-805) 265 6.1=(-115) 48 3-7=(0) 305 2x6 KDDF #1&BTR T1 SPACED 24.0" O.C. 2.3=( 0) 0 1.7=(-229) 648 BC: 2x4 KDDF #1&BTR 3-4=(-818) 321 7-4=(-226) 651 WEBS: 2x4 KDDF STAND LOADING 4.5=( 0) 76 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"0C. UON. LL( 25.0)+DL( 7.0) ON TOP CHORD = 32.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"0C. UON. TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REQUIRED BAG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24" OC UON, FOR LL = 25 PSF Ground Snow (Pg) 7'- 5.7" -26/ 28V -48/ 46H 0.00" 0.00yyy9y ( 0) ALL TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED 11'- 4.4" -502/ 793V 0/ OH 141.50" 1.27 KDDF ( 625) BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR A 20 PSF LIMITED STORAGE 25'- 6.0" -196/ 7934 0/ OH 5.50" 1.27 KDDF ( 625) LIVE LOAD AT LOCATION(S) SPECIFIED BY IBC 2012. OVERHANGS: 18.0" 18.0" THE BOTTOM CHORD DEAD LOAD IS A MINIMUM OF 10 PSF. [COND. 2: Oesion checked for net(-5 psf) uplift at 24 "oc spacing.) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 M-1.504 or equal at non-structural MAX LL DEFL = 0.000" @ 11'- 4,0" Allowed = 0.150" vertical members (uon). MAX TL CREEP DEFL = 0.000" @ 11'- 4,0" Allowed = 0.200" Unbalanced live loads have been MAX LL DEFL = 0.013" @ 27'- 0.0" Allowed = 0,150" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.014" @ 27'- 0,0" Allowed = 0.200" considered for this design. MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL = -0.028" @ 21'- 11.3" Allowed = 0,476" Connector plate prefix designators: MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = 0.060' @ 14'- 10,1" Allowed = 0.697" C,CN,C18,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2OHS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series MAX HOAIZ, LL DEFL = -0.007" @ 25'- 0.5" MAX HORIZ, TL DEFL = 0.011" @ 25'- 0.5" Gable end truss on continuous bearing wall. C-1x2.6 or equal typical at stud verticals, not exceed assumes moisture content does Refer to CompuTrus able end detail for not exceed i9� at time of manufacture. complete specifications. Design conforms to main windforce-resisting 12-09 12-09 system and components and cladding criteria. 12-09 IIs 4x4+ 5-08 7-01 '' Wind: 140 mph, h=22.4ft, TCDL=4.2,BCDL=6,0, ASCE 7-10, T T f T (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor=1.6, 2 Truss designed for wind loads M-3x5in the plane of the truss only. M o.-- M-4x6 �N co C. 12 12 0 6.001,-- � Q 6,00 up c, M-3x4+ 4 0 6 1 o M-3x6+(S) M-1.5x3 M-3x4 O y y ). y 7-05 11-00 7-01 J, 1, ) y 1-06 25-06 1-06 to JOB NAME ; POLYGON PLAN 3-B - B1 Scale, Q.247D ,.;sc,„coN �F `.6>0 /411 1 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES,unless otherwise noted: •[� fir, 1.Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1.This design is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an individual = P E Truss: B1 and Warnings before construction commences. building component.Applicability of design parameters and proper ., 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown+, incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. y 3.Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2.Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: LJ is the responsibility of the erector.Additional permanent bracing of 7 o.c.and at 10'o.c.respectively unless braced throughout their length by Po ty P 9 continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC)and/or drywall(BC). r' �Z„ DATE• 8/21/2014 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3.2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown t+ EQN p', 4.No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4.Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. "j� , SEQ. : 6035307 fasteners are complete end at no time should any loads greater than 5.Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, . ii ONS �. design loads be applied to any component. and are for"dry condition"of use. -7 3 �,,. �' ^ TRANS I D: 406433 5.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 6.Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown.Shim or wedge If nI fabrication,handling,shipment and Installation of components. necessary. 'y/��"'h R 1 s t 7.Designlaesassumes adequate ne drainage is f truss, C/-Y 4.b 6.This design is furnished subject to the imitations set forth by 8.Plates shall be located on both faces of truss,and placed so their center IIIIII II IIIIIIII VIII I II IIII IIIIIIII TPI WTCA in BCSI,copies of which will be furnished upon request. git coincideintwith joint acenter lines. 9.Digits indicate size of plate in inches. MITek USA,Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.6(1 L)-Z 10.For basic connector plate design values see ESR-1311,ESR-1966(MiTek) EXPIRES:12/31/2015 IIIIIIIMil This design prepared from computer input by PACIFIC LUMBER-BC LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 37'- 0.0" IBC 2012 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DDF/Cq=1.00 TC: 2x4 KDDF k18BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.15 1- 2=( 0) 76 2-10=(-391) 2382 3-10=(-285) 195 BC: 2x4 KDDF N18BTR SPACED 24.0" O.C. 2- 3=(-2755) 552 10.11=(-269) 1986 10- 4=( -19) 502 WEBS: 2x4 KDDF STAND 3- 4=(-2496) 522 11.12=(-291) 1965 4-11=(-712) 255 LOADING 4- 5=(-1761) 469 12- 8=(-433) 2352 11- 5=(-246) 1170 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. LL( 25.0)+DL( 7.0) ON TOP CHORD = 32.0 PSF 5- 6=(-1761) 469 11- 6=(-713) 255 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"0C, UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF 6- 7=(-2496) 522 6.12=( -19) 502 TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF 7. 8=(-2755) 552 12- 7=(-285) 195 OVERHANGS: 18.0" 18.0" 8- 9=( 0) 76 LL = 25 PSF Ground Snow (Pg) Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,C18,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR A 20 PSF LIMITED STORAGE BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BAG AREA M,M2OHS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series LIVE LOAD AT LOCATION(S) SPECIFIED BY IBC 2012. LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SO.IN. (SPECIES) THE BOTTOM CHORD DEAD LOAD IS A MINIMUM OF 10 PSF. 0'- 0.0" -279/ 1725V -213/ 213H 5.50° 2,76 KDDF ( 625) 37'. 0.0" -279/ 1725V 0/ OH 5.50' 2.76 KDDF ( 625) 'COND. 2: Design checked for net(-5 psf) uplift at 24 "oc spacing.' VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL = 0.013" @ -1'- 8.0° Allowed = 0.150" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.014" @ -1'- 6.0" Allowed = 0.200' MAX LL DEFL = -0.138" @ 18'- 6.0" Allowed = 1.804' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.279" @ 18'- 6.0" Allowed = 2.406' MAX LL DEFL = 0.013" @ 38'- 6.0" Allowed = 0.150" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.014" @ 38'- 6.0" Allowed = 0.200" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.060" @ 36'- 6.5" 18-06 18-06 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0,099" @ 36'- 6.5" 6-06-05 5-11-13 5-11-13 ' 5-11-13 5-11-13 6-06-05 NOTE:Design assumes moisture content does f T f f f f f not exceed 19% at time of manufacture. 12 12 Design conforms to main windforce-resisting 6.00 M-4x6 Q 6.00 system and components and cladding criteria. 5 4.0" Wind: 140 mph, h=23.8ft, TCDL=4.2,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, M-5x6(S) N% M-5X6(S) load duration factor=1.6 Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS(Dir), ads 3.1 inTruthe ss dplaneeofd fthe or wtruss ind oonly. 0.25, \ 0.25" te M-1.5x3 +f M-1"5x3 (7 M O O o 1 -4 10 11 ,, 12 9 o M-3x6 M-3x4 M-3x8 M-3x4 M-3x6 0 M-3x5(S) 1, ,1 1, 1, ), 9-06-04 8-11-12 8-11-12 9-06-04 y , y y y 20-00 17-00 , , 1-06 37-00 1-06 '0 PROFS. JOB NAME : POLYGON PLAN 3-B - C2 Scala; 0.,596 ��. ,..t.,‘,31 N i0 -57 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES,unless otherwise noted: 4 a C r�r� 1.Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1.This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual 4t' ,9 +P 4. f� Truss: C2 and Warnings before construction commences. building component.Applicability of design parameters and proper4041111. 2.2x4 compression web bradng must be Installed where shown+. Incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. 3.Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction 2 Design assumes the top and bottom chorda to be laterally braced et DES. BY' LJ is the responsibility of the erector.Additional permanent bracing of 2'o.c.and at 10'o.c.respectively unless braced throughout their length by /,�r - imp Po ty P 9 continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC)s and/or drywall(BC). • /�.. DATE: 8/21/2014 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3.2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown++ OREGON �� 4.No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4.Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. q ,}_ `G/ SEQ. : 60353 08 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5.Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-corrosive environment, G. G q y cI' A. design loads be applied to any component. and are for"dry condition"of use. '7 y 4 2, �"�^ TRANS I D: 406433 5.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the e.Design assumes NII bearing at all supports shown.Shim or wedge if {� fabrication,handling,shipment and Installation of components. 7.Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 4 t„4 6.This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8.Plates shall be located on both faces of truss,and placed so their center VIII II II VIII IIII VIII I III IIII 111 II IIII TPINYTCA in BCSI,copies of which v 11 be furnished upon request git coindde with joint center che. 9.Digits indicate size of plate In Inches. MiTek USA,Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.6(1 L)-E 10.For basic connector plate design values see ESR-1311,ESR-1988(MiTek) EXPIRES:12131/2015 This design prepared from computer input by 1111111111This LUMBER-BC TRUSS SPAN 37'- 0.0" 'COND. 2: Design checked for net(-5 psf) uplift at 24 "oc spacing.! LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.15 NOTE:Design assumes moisture content does TC: 2x4 DF N1&BTR; SPACED 24.0" O.C. not exceed 19% at time of manufacture. 2x4 KDDF M16BTR Ti, T4 BC: 2x4 DF Fi&BTB; LOADING Design conforms to main windforce-resisting 2x4 IMF g16BTR B1 LL( 25.0)+DL( 7.0) ON TOP CHORD = 32.0 PSF system and components and cladding criteria. TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Wind: 140 mph, h=23.Bft, TCDL=4.2,BCDL=6,0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS(Dir), Connector plate prefix designators: LL = 25 PSF Ground Snow (Pg) load duration factor=l.6, C,CN,C18,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc Truss designed for wind loads M,M2OHS,M1BHS,M16 = MiTek MT series LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL in the plane of the truss only. REQUIREMENTS OF IBC 2012 AND IRC 2012 NOT BEING MET. Gable end truss on continuous bearing wall UON. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M-1x2 or equal typical at stud verticals. AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. Refer to CompuTrus gable end detail for complete specifications. 18-06 18-06 ,1f 12-04-10 12-04-10 6-01-06 6-01-06 12 IIM-3x4 12 6.00 17 12 6.00 M-3x5(S) M-3x5(5) I 111111111111111 1 Ill III 11111 . 4 ol SII/� ............................_....._..........._....._............_....._.................._........... o2-..__.,__._„__________...._______._._____..__,__.____._._______._.,_,___.55:_._____.....__._____....__._____,,.._.___.___.,,..._______._________ 3x5(S) M-3x4 0 M- 0 M-3x4 y y 20-00 y 17-00 ), y y y 37-00 1-06 1-06C PROF JOB NAME : POLYGON PLAN 3—B - C4 Scale: 0.2219 ��� � � `�'°ter WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES,unless otherwise noted: 92 i 1.Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1.This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an individual and Warnings before construction commences. building component.Applicability of design parameters and proper Truss: C4 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown+. Incorporation of component is the rem sboty of the building designer. 3.Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction 2.Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2'o.c.and at 10'o.c.respectively unless braced throughout their length by +- �- DES. BY: LJ Is the responsibility of the erector.Additional permanent bracing of continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC)end/or d it len(BC). OREGON 40 DATE: 8/21/2014 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3.2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown++ 4.No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4.5.Designation of assumes bussesresponsibility is the o be used f the respective aspe non-corrosive environment, Y h..... SEQ. : 60353 09 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than and gne for"drytrsescondition"are use. 4� � 14 Q� 9 design loads be applied to any component. 6.Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown.Shim or wedge if �y t-�et Qj TRANS I D: 406433 5.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. i'1 i-11 L� fabrication,handling,shipment and Installation of components. 7.Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6.This design Is furnished subject to the!Irritations set forth by 8.Plates shall be located on both faces of truss,and placed so their center I 13 11111 IN 11111 131 11111 VIII 1111 !III TPI WTCA in BCS!,copies of which will be furnished upon request. 9.!ines Digits coincde indiciate with sizejoinplate In center lines.. 10. MiTek USA,Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.6(1 L)-E For basic connector plate design values see ESR-1311,ESR-1988(MiTek) EXPIRES:12/31/2015 1E1111111 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 38'- 6.0" IBC 2012 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DDF/Cq=1.00 IC: 2x4 KDDF M1&BTR; LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.15 1- 2=( 0) 76 8=(-309) 1509 8- 3=( 0) 266 BC: 2x4 KDDF lit&BTR 3-2- 2x6 KDDF R1&BTA T3 SPACED 24.0" O.C. 8- 9-3=(-1796) 544 8- 9=(-311) 1506 9=(-541) 150 4=(-1248) 526 9-10=(-506) 1433 4=(-183) 637 WEBS: 2x4 KDDF STAND LOADING 4- LL( 25.0)+DL( 7.0) ON TOP CHORD = 32.0 PSF 5=( 0) 0 10.11=(-505) 1434 9- 6=(-469) 379 IC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. CON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF 4- 6=(-1226) 475 6.10=( 0) 189 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC, UON. 6.11=(-1706) 635 TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF 13- 7=( -975) 468 NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24" OC UON, FOR LL = 25 PSF Ground Snow (Pg) ALL TOP CHORD4BRA AREAS NOT SHEATHED LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG AREA REQUIREMENTS OF IBC 2012 AND IRC 2012 NOT BEING MET. LOCATIONS REACTIONS125REACTIONS1H SIZE 2Q1 KDDF ( 625) 0'- 0.0" -300/ 1255V -107/ 116H 5.50" 2.01 ( 625) OVERHANGS: 18.0" 18,0" 25'- 0.5" 0/ 855V 0/ OH 143.50" 1.37 KDDF ( 625) BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 37'. 0.0" -618/ 277V 0/ OH 143.50" 0.44 KDDF ( 625) M-1,5x4 or equal at non-structural AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. vertical members (urn). !COND. 2: Design checked for net(-5 psfl uplift at 24 "oc spacing.) Connector plate prefix designators: VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 C 8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc MAX LL DEFL = 0.013" @ •1'- 6.0" Allowed = 0.150" M,M20HS,M18HS, or = MiTek MT series MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.014" @ -1'- 6,0" Allowed = 0.200" M16WHEN A FLAT BOTTOM CHORD GABLE TRUSS SUPPORTED ON TOP OF A BEARING WALL SETS NEXT TO SCISSOR TYPE TRUSS(ES), A MAX LL DEFL = -0.115" @ 12'- 9.0" Allowed = 1.639" MAX TL HINGE TYPE CONNECTION WILL BE CREATED BETWEEN THE TOP PLATE OF THE BEARING WALL AND THE BOTTOM CHORD OF THECREEP DEFL = -0.000" @ 10'- 9.0" Allowed = 0.150" MAXMLL DEFL = 0.00 GABLE TRUSS. THIS IS DUE TO THE LACK OF THE LATERAL BRACING PROVIDED BY RIGID CEILING AT THE HINGE TYPE CONNECTION 0° @ 0'- 0.0" Allowed = 0.150" POINT. THE TRUSS DESIGNER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DESIGN OF THE LATERAL BRACING TO THE HINGE CONNECTION MAX TL CREEP DEFL = 0.000" @ 0'- 0.0" Allowed = 0.200" SITUATION. COMPETENT PROFESSIONAL ADVICE MUST BE OBTAINED RELATIVE TO THE DESIGN OF THE ADEQUATE LATERAL MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.028" @ 25'• 5.6" BRACING TO THE HINGE TYPE CONNECTION. MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.046" @ 25'- 5.6' 18-06 18-06 T NOTE:Design assumes moisture content does 7-08-11 10-09-05 '( not exceed 19% at time of manufacture, 7-05-13 0-10-01 10-02-03 6-09-08 T 5-11-08 T Design conforms to main windforce•resisting 5-09 O-O' -08 1�8-03-08 system and components and cladding criteria. 12 =M-4x4+ M-3x4 12 T Wind: 140 mph, h=23.8ft, TCDL=4.2,BCDL=6,0, ASCE 7-10, 6.00I/ 12 (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS(Dir), o Q 6.00 Q 6,00 load duration factor=1,6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. M-4x6 `� Gable end truss on continuous bearing wall, M-3x5+(S) C-1x2.6 or equal typical at stud verticals. Refer to CompuTrus gable end detail for oM-3X5(S) .� complete specifications. M-3x4 rn 3 0 , co O 0 V co 0ril 8 r9n 11O O M-3x4 M-1.5x3 M-3x8 0.25' M-5x6(S) (S) M-3x5 M-3x4+ ), y y y y ,, , 6-07-12 6-01-04 6-01-04 76-02-04 11-11-08 1-06 37-00 y y 1-os two PRn JOB NAME: POLYGON PLAN 3-B - C15� ` l s'c� Scale: 0.1712 l- WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES,unless otherwise noted: 4- T OPE r 1.Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1.This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an individual Truss: Cl and Warnings before construction commences. building component.Applicability of design parameters and proper 2.204 compression web bracing must be installed where shown+. Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. DES. BY: LJ 3.Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2.Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at is the responsibility of the erector.Additional permanent bracing of 2'o.c.and at 10'o.c.respectively unless braced throughout their length by ♦ Cr DATE: B/21/2014 the overall structure is the responsibility of the buildingdesigner. continuous sheathing such as pywood sheathing(TC)and/or drywall(BC). ,.�� OREGON �t 9 3.2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown++ `V 4.No load should be appied to any component until after all bracing and 4.Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 4 SEQ. : 6035310 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5.Design assumes trusses are to be used In a noncorrosive environment, !" 'T 1 4 ZQ�ty TRANS I D: 406433 design loads be applied to any component. and are for"dry condition"of use. _ 5.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 8.Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown.Shim or wedge if R i y ` fabrication,handMng,shipment and Installation of components. necessary. y;. 6.This design is furnished subject to the Imitations set forth by7.DesignPlates shall be assumes adelocatedquate on oc drainage is provided. a. 111111111111111111111 VTPIM/rCA in BCSI,copies of which will be famished upon request. 8. necoincide with oint center Inness of truss,and placed so their center nn MiTek USA,Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.6 1 L-Z 9.Digits indicate size of plate In inches. EXP(R ES.12/11 v15 ( ) 10.For basic connector plate design values see ESR-1311,ESR-1988(MiTek) This design prepared from computer input by PACIFIC LUMBER-BC IIIIIIIIIIIIII IBC 2012 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRIDDFICq=1.00 TRUSS SPAN 37'- 0.0" 0) 76 MEMBE( FOR) 2333 IDIF/C -297).0 563 LUMBER: SPECIFICATIONS LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.15 12-- 2=(-2730) 534 12.11=1.376) 1959 13. 1=1 196 BC: 2x4 KDDF #1&BTR SPACED 24.0" O.C. 3- 3c(-2738) 12.12=(-267) 1645 1. 4=( -710)-45) 250 BC: 2x4 KDDF STAND; 4- 4=(-2553) 541469 12-13=(.200) 2787 12- 2=( -352) 1302 WEBS: 2x4 KDDF STAND; LOADING 5- 6=(-1708) 506 14- 9=(•867) 4422 122.16_( .676) 464 2x4 KDDF STUD A LL( 25.0)+DL( 7.0) ON TOP CHORD = 32.0 PSF 6- 7=(•1937) 494 13- 7=(.1489) 355 B DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF 7- 7=(•4937) 890 6.13=) -360) 2427 288 TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF 8- 9=(-4655) 999 14- 7=( -154) 355 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. g-tp=( 0) 76 OVERHANGS:C LATERAL SUPPORT1 . <= 12"0 C.18.0" LL = 25 PSF Ground Snow (Pg) 18.0" BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG Connector plate prefix designators: BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR A 20 PSF LIMITED STORAGE = CompuTrus, Inc LIVE LOAD AT LOCATION(S) SPECIFIED BY IBC 2012. BEARING REACTIONS REACTIONSASIZE MIN. (SPECIES)AREA MC,M2OHS, 18HS (or no MiTek prefix) THE BOTTOM CHORD DEAD LOAD IS A MINIMUM OF 10 PSF. O�- O.S^ -279/ 1725V 21 R1 IONS 5.50'I 2.76 KDDF ( IES) M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MT series 37' 0.0" -279/ 1725V 0/ OH 5.50" 2.76 KDDF ( 625) COND. 2: Desifn checked for net -5 rsf urlift at 24 "oc s.acinf. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L1240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL = 0.013' @ -1'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.150" MAX TLMAX CREEP LL DEFL = •0.311" @ 28'- 8.0" Allowed = 1.804" MAX TLMAXELL DEFL = 0.013" @ 38'- 6.0" Allowed = 0.150" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.014" @ 38'- 6.0" Allowed = 0.200" 18-06 5-02-11 18-06 MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.165" @ 36'- 6.5"5-02-03 5-10-02 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.273" @ 36'- 6.5" 5-11-13 2 00 5-05-11 esign assumes moisture content does 7-03-08 12 not not exceed 19% at time of manufacture. 12 M-4X6 ----16.00 Design conforms to main windforce-resisting 6.00 system and components and cladding criteria. 4.0" 5 �( Wind: 140 mph, h=23.8ft, TCDL=4.2,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-1 Dir), 0, M 3x4 (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, M-5x6(S) ratM-5x8(S) load duration factor=l.6, 3 1"' Truss designed for wind loads 0.25" in the plane of the truss only. 0.25" M 1.5x3 + +: M-1.5x3 3 + *:14 ......,. ..,..._Mo 0 3x10M-6X8a _ ° g o 12 13 0 o 1 11 12 M-3x8 M-5x6 o M-3x6 a 3.00 3.00 E . M 5x8(S) 12 12 7-10-08 8-04 9-05-06 9 00 10 2 03 0: 1-06 7-10-08 8-04 1-06 20-09-08 1-06 � >GC�PR Opt s 37-00 1 06 Scale: 0.1596 <'''''07 %..�y JOB NAME: POLYGON PLAN 3-B - C3 '92••PE 1- GENERAL NOTES,unless otherwise noted WARNINGS: building component.Applicability parameters and proper 1.Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1.This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an individual and Warnings before construction commences. incorporation of component is the of designsibhty of the building designer. 2.Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be lateralty braced at length a', r Truss: C3 2.2x4 compression web bredng must be installed where shown+ 2'o.c.and at 10'o.c.respectively unless braced throughout their by ,•/ /,', OREGON�a �(( 3. the responsibilityesp temporaryof theeier ctto insure stability during nt bracingconstrcof continuous sheathing such as plywood sheat led er shown++ PY, DES. BY: 21 Is the erector.Additional permanent designer. 0 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3.2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required �^ 1 4 5.Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-corrosive environment, LJ {�;, DATE: 8/21/2014 4.No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4.Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. V fasteners ares complete end at no time shouts any loads greater than and are for"dry condiYon"of use. C•. ` SEQ. : I D: 411 design loads bes noappcon to any and assut. 6.nDesign assumes full bearing at all supports shown,Shim or wedge if 1 TRANS I D: 406433 5.CompuTrus has control over and assumes no responsibility for the 7 Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. fabrication,handling,shipment and installation of components. 8 Plates shall be located on both faces of truss,and placed so their center 6.This design is furnished subject to the Ill beetions set forth by lines coincide with joint center ones. E)((0(R �'•;12131/2Q1.�J I II 3IIIA111IIIIIIIIIIIIIAIIIA11 MT'iTPI SAnInCJCmrlps of sic will be furnished L)-E request. U Digitsb�snidica^^edo of plate design values see ESR-1311,CSR-1996(MiTek) This design prepared from computer input by LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS PACIFIC LUMBER-BC TC: 2x4 KDDF ti18BTR TRUSS SPAN 17'• 5.5" BC: 2x4 KDDF N188TR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.15 IBC 2012 MAX MEMBER= -173) 4WR3R/)-27.00) WEBS:: 2x4 KDDF STAND SPACED 24,0" 0.C. 2-1. 3=( 1)0) 76 2- 6- 4c(--839) 284 B- 6=( 173) 931 3- 5=(-279) 219 IC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC, UON. LOADING 53-- 4=( -839) 1B8 6=(-218) 931 8- 4=( -44) 469 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. LL( 25.0)+DL( 7.0) ON TOP CHORD = 32.0 PSF 4- 5=( -839) 188 8- 5=(-279) 219 DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF 5- 6=(-1121) 284 OVERHANGS: 18.0" 19,0° TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF 6- 7=( 0) 76 Connector plate prefix designators: LL 25 PSF Ground Snow (pg) C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG AREA M,CN,Cl ,CNIB ) r = MiTek MT series LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL LOCATIONS REACTIONS/ 904V REACTIONS SIZE 1,45 REQUIREMENTS OF IBC 2012 AND IRC 2012 NOT BEING MET. 7'- 0.0" -150/ -91/ 9OH 5.50" 1,45 KDDFE (C 625) BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD, TOP 17 5.5" -150/ 904V 0/ OH 5.50" 1,45 KDDF ( 625) AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. COND. 2: Desi.n checked for net -5 •of u.lift at 24 "oc s"acinl, VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL = 0,013" @ -1'- 6,0" Allowed = 0.150" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.014° @ -1'- 6.0" Allowed = 0.200" MAX LL DEFL = -0.026" @ 8'- 8.8" Allowed = 0.827" MAX LL DEFL = 0.013" @ 18'- 11,5" Allowed = 0.150" MAX IL CREEP DEFL = -0.014" @ 18'- 11.5" Allowed = 0.200" MAX BC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.061" @ 3'- 11,4" Allowed = 0.514" 8-08-12 MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.012" @ 17'• 0.0" 8-08-12 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.020" @ 17'- 0.0" 4-06-12 4-02 4 02 4-06 12 NOTE:Design assumes moisture content does 12 not exceed 19% at time of manufacture, 6.00 M-4x4 12 Design conforms to main windforce-resisting \I6,00 system and components and cladding criteria, 4 Wind: 140 mph, h=21,4ft, TCDL=4.2,BCDL=6,0, ASCE 7-10, 46load durAll ation factorol. 6 Cat. 2, Exp.B, MWFRS(Dir), Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. M-1,5x3 3 M-1.5x3 M O ..i- � ��� C7 O M-3x4 8 - ' M-3x8 M-3x4 O 8-08-12 8-08-12 1-06 17-05-08 1-06 JOB NAME: POLYGON PLAN 3-B - D2 >w 0 PRDFee, WARNINGS: Scale: 0.3117 tr�' r• 1 Truss: D2 1,Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes GENERAL This des design is based only upootherwise the parameters shown and is for an individual �J + 2 S v r and Warnings before construction commences, building component.Applicability of design parameters and proper p cc 411, 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown+. Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. f PL DES. BY: LJ 3,Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2.Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DATE: 8/21/2014 Is the responsibility of the erector.Additional permanent bracing of 2'o.c,and at 10'o.c.respectively unless bracedg throughout their len th by the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 22x Impact hedgingin or lateral suer as g SEQ. : 6035312 4.No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4.Installation oftruss is the responsibility of the hrespective cont actoall(BC). r`;,tre tY. fastener;are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5.Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, `r'` TRANS I D: 406433 design loads be applied to any component. yy� � 5.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are far"dry condition"of use. ts. ((� fabrication,handling,shipment and installation of components, 6.Design assumes full bearing et all supports shown,Shim or wedge if -..1 .i 6.This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by necessary. pp /'6 -7k r 4 2�� t�4 III IIIII III IIIA VIII VIII III TPI/WTCA in BCSI,copies of which will be furnished upon request. 8.lines coincide withiinnt cent er triesrtr esio/t us�s,eand placed so their center `' MiTek USA,Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.6 1 L-E 9•Digits indicate size of plate In Inches. i�� ( ) 10.For basic connector plate design values see ESR-1311,ESR-1988(MiTek) EXPIRES:12/31/2015 This design prepared from computer input by 1E141This LUMBER-BC • TRUSS SPAN 17'- 5.5' ICONS. 2: Design checked for nett-5 psf) uplift at 24 'oc spacing.) TCMBER SPECIFICATIONS LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.15 NOTE:Design assumes moisture content does TC: 2x4 KDDF k18BTR TR SPACED 24.0' O,C. not exceed 19% at time of manufacture. BC: 2x4 KDDF SUPPORT <= LOADING Design conforms to main windforce-resisting TC LATERAL <= 12'0C. UON. LL( 25.0)+DL( 7.0) ON TOP CHORD = 32.0 PSF system and components and cladding criteria. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Wind: 140 mph, h=21.4ft, TCDL=4.2,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, Connector plate prefix designators:= Com (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat,2, Exp.B, MWFRS(Dir), C M,M2OHS,M1818 M(or16 = MiTek prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc LL = 25 PSF Ground Snow (Pg) load duration factor=1.6, M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MT series Truss designed for wind loads LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL in the plane of the truss only. REQUIREMENTS OF IBC 2012 AND IRC 2012 NOT BEING MET. Gable end truss on continuous bearing wall UON. M-1x2 or equal typical at stud verticals. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR tSPAC LION LOAD. TOP Refer to CompuTrus gable end detail for AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. complete specifications. 8-08-12 8-08-12 l' T 12 12 i1M-4x4 D 6.00 6.00 I/ 3 III 4 CO �o co ->o o� ' 0 0 1 M-3x4 M-3x4 y y 1-06 b y 17-05-08 1-06 t0PR Opts JOB NAME : POLYGON PLAN 3-B - D1 Scale: 0,4363 141111- `°1rr WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES,unless otherwise noted: c9G®OPE 1.Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1.This building design cois baseponend Aponly of parameterson the design shown an dd is proper for an individual Truss: D1 and Warnings before construction commences.2incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. .2x4 compression web bradng must be Installed where shown+, 2.Design assumes the top and bottom chards to be laterally braced at ;e+r 3.Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability dudng construction 2'o.c.and at 10'o.c.respectively unless braced throughout their length by .*' DES. BY: LJ is the responsibility of the erector.Additional permanent bracing of cont mous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC)end/or drywall(C). �� �� �t, CC DATE: 8/21/2014 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3.2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing reof quired where shown++ W 4.No load should bem applied to any component until after all bracing and 4.Installation of truss is the 5.Design assumes trusses are to beused Inta non-corrosive environment, 4 'ir �' 1 4 2,Q� ^i- SEQ. : 6035313 fasteners are complete end at no time shouldany loads greater than and are for"dry condition"of use. M design loads has noopcon to any over aassut 6.Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown.Shim or wedge if 4 f TRANS I D: 406433 5.CompuTrus control and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. b fabrication,handling,shipment and installation of components. 7.Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6.This design is furnished subject to the Sntitations set forth by 8.Platesrs shall bee located twit ncboah r faces of truss,and placed so their center ill IN 1111111111111111111111111111111 T CA in nc,/ copies of which will bar 7.6.6(1 uponL)-E request 9 Digits Indicate size of plate In inches. EXPIRES:12/31/2015 MiTek USA,IBC./Co of s Software furnished L)-E 10.For basic connector plate design values see ESR-1311,ESR-1988(MiTek) IIIIIIII�IIIII PACIFIC LUMBER BC LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS LU: 2x4 KDDF #1&BTR TRUSS SPAN 11'- 6.0" BC: 2x4 KDDF #1&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1,15 IBC. 2012 MAX MEMBER 9 146 47-2=)-496) 80 WEBS: 2x4 KDDF STAND SPACED 24,0" 0.C. 2-3=(-282).3=( -5) 1088 7-8=( -99) 4 2.8=(-406) 180 8-5=(-129) 497 8-3=(-100) 351 IC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"0C. UON. LOADING 5.6=(-320) 106 8.3= BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. LL( 25.0)+DL( 7.0) ON TOP CHORD = 32.0 PSF 4.5=( 622) 171 8-4 =( 0-314) 143 229 DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF OVERHANGS: 0.0" 18.0" TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF HANplate prefix0designators: LL = 25 PSF Ground Snow (Pg) BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BAG AREA ConnectorConncopla18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc LOCATIONS0'- 0.0" -56/REAC74776V -156/NS 72H 5.50" 0.76N KDDFP(C625) M,M2OHS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 11'- 6,0" -127/ 680V 0/ OH 5,50" 1.09 KDDF ( 625) REQUIREMENTS OF IBC 2012 AND IRC 2012 NOT BEING MET, BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR tOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP ICOND. 2: Design checked for net(-5 psf) uplift at 24 "oc spacing.] AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. 2-09-04 8-08-12 MAX LAL DEFLECTION01 LIMITS: - 0.0" llowe180 T � MAX LL DEFL = -0.010" @ 7'• 0.0" Allowed = 0.529" MAX LL DEFL = 0.013" @ 13'- 0.0" Allowed = 0.150" 0-05-08 2-03-12 4-02 4-06-12 MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.014' @ 13'- 0.0" Allowed = 0.200" 12 ( MAX BC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.079" @ 7'- 2.8" Allowed = 0.514" 6.00 12 MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004" @ 11'- 0.5" Q 6.00 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.005" @ 11'- 0.5" M 4x4 NOTE:Design assumes moisture content does not exceed 19% at time of manufacture. 4.0" 3 I Design conforms to main windforce-resisting system and components and cladding criteria. M-3x4 Wind: 140 mph, h=21.4ft, TCDL=4,2,BCOL=6,0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat,2, Exp.B, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor=l.6, 1 0 M1.5x3 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only, a M Gana r> k 8 M-1.5x3 M-3x8 M-3x4 2-09-04 8-08-12 y 11-06 y 1-06 JOB NAME : POLYGON PLAN 3-B - D3 v,t0 PRO, Scale: 0.3840 �ZlTj� WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES,unless otherwise noted: (T 1.Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1.This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an individual •-4.: l-s C- Truss: D3 and Warnings before construction commences. building component.Applicability of design parameters and prope /t L { 2.2u4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown+, incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. DES. BY LJ 3.Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction 2.Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at is the responsibility of the erector.Additional permanent bracing of 2'o.c.and at 10'o.c.respectively unless braced throughout their length by ��II DATE: 8/21/2014 the overall structure is the responsibility of the buildingdesigner, continuous sheathing such as plywood required sheathing(TC)and/or drywall(BC), r+r r�rr +1 A w+"^" h. ere sho 4.No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing end 4.Install.2a ation nact boftruss Is the responsior lateral bility f the espective contractor. TRANSSEQ. : 6035314 fasteners are complete end at no time should any beds greater than 5.Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-corrosive environment, OREGON I D: 406433 design loads be applied to any component, and are for"dry condition"of use. t> ' 5.CompuTrus has no control over end assumes no responsibility for the 6.Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown.Shim or wedge if 'CJ y' 1 4 Za� b.,"+� fabrication,handling,shipment and installation of components. necessary. p t I IIIIII 1111111111110 VIII VIII IIII IIII 6 This design is furnished subject to the FMfurns set forth by B DesignPlates shall be locateds adequate drainage truss,and placed so their center i. T In SCSI,copies of which will be furnished upon request. lines shallcoincie with Joint center Ines. MiTek USA,Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.6(10-E 9.Digits Indicate size of plate in inches. 10.For basic connector plate design values see ESR-1311,ESR-1988(MiTek) EXPIRES:12/31/2015 ' 1111 11 This design prepared from computer input by PACIFIC LUMBER-BC LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 2'- 0.0" IBC 2012 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DDF/Cq=1.00 TC: 2x4 KDDF #1&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.15 1.2= ( ) 0 BC: 2x4 ODE k1&BTR SPACED 24.0" O.C. 2-3=(-66� 15 2-4=0 IC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. LOADING BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC, UON. LL( 25.0)+DL( 7.0) ON TOP CHORD = 32.0 PSF BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG AREA DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ,IN. (SPECIES) OVERHANGS: 18.0" 0.0" TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF 0'- 0.0" -110/ 429V -7/ 54H 5,50" 0.69 KDDF ( 625) Connector plate prefix designators: 1'- 9.2" •70/ 39V 0/ OH 5.50" 0.06 KDDF ( 625) (orprefix) = CompuTrus, Inc LL = 25 PSF Ground Snow (Pg) 2'- 0,0" .20/ 43V 0/ OH 1.50" 0.07 KDOF ( 625) ConnectorCp1a of rdesx M,M2OHS,MIBHS,M16 = MiTek MT series 12 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL [COND. 2: Design checked for net(-5 psfl uplift at 24 "oc spacin0.[ 6,00� REQUIREMENTS OF IBC 2012 AND IRC 2012 NOT BEING MET. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP MAX LL DEFL = 0.013" @ -1'- 6,0" Allowed = 0.150" AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.014" @ -1'- 6.0" Allowed = 0.200" MAX BC PANEL LL DEFL = 0.002" @ 1'• 0.1" Allowed = 0.050" MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = 0.002" @ 1'- 0.2" Allowed = 0,148" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0,000" @ 1'- 11.2" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.000" @ 1'- 11.2" NOTE:Design assumes moisture content does not exceed 1996 at time of manufacture. Design conforms to main windforce-resisting system and components and cladding criteria. 1011111111 Wind: 140 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=4.2,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, Mo (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor=1.6, (:) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. 0 O •c O o� 2a 4017- 111 -/ r_ M-3x4 y y y 1-06 2-00 (PROVIDE FULL BEARING:Jts:2,4,31 JOB NAME : POLYGON PLAN 3-6 - El 4?' 6:0. PR(1,c 6, Scale: 0.9632 cJ //( Jryp� �� WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES,unless otherwise noted: f / ! ! .�y 1.Builder and rection contractor should be advised of all General Notes f.This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual - ''<92`.P E. rTruss: E 1 and Warnings before construction commences. building component.Applicability of design parameters and proper 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown+. Incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. , 3.Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2.Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: LJ Is the responsibility of the erector.Additional permanent bracing of 2'o.c.and at 10'o.c.respectively unless braced throughout their length by ✓ '. the overall structure Is the responsibility of the buildingdesigner. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC)and/or drywall(BC). ,r„r+r`. i DATE: 8/21/2014 P tY g 3.2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown++ f/ CC 4.No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4.Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. '3! OREGON HCl SEQ. : 6035315 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5.Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non-corrosive environment, yv, N.b." As TRANS I D: 406433 design loads be applied to any component and are for"dry condition"of use. /may j 44 5.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 6,Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown.Shim or wedge if ' t� fabrication,handling,shipment and installation of components. necessary. 1 7.Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6.This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8.Plates shall be located on both faces of truss,and placed so their center lin s IIIIII II II VIII(III VIII I III VIII(III III MiTek USA,Inc./CompuTrus SoftwI/WTCA in BCSI,copies of which are 7.6.6(1 L)E request. 10.For basic con ectoroplate design values see ESR-1311,ESR-1988 de with jint center lines. 9,Digits indicate size of plate in inches. (MiTek) EXPIRES:12/31/2015