Report (9) HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for Job Information Project Name:Southview Lot 33 Contract No.:C16-922 City: Tigard, OR 97224 Project Location: 12030 SW Turnagain Dr Date:2/24/2016 Contractor Information Name of Contractor. Wyatt Fire Protection Address: 9095 SW Burnham St City: Tigard, OR 97223 4 Phone Number: 503-684-2928 E-mail:a.nishihara@wyattfirecom Name of Designer: Ashley Nishihara Authority Having Jurisdiction: City of Tigard Design Remote Area Name Dining and Pantry Remote Area Location Occupancy Classification Density(gpm/ft2) 0.05 Area of Application(ft2) 648 Coverage per Sprinkler(ft2) 324 Number of Calculated Sprinklers 2 In-Rack Demand(gpm) 0 Special Heads Hose Streams(gpm) 0 Total Water Required(inc.Hose Streams)(gpm) 32.4 Required Pressure at Source(psi) 39.7 Type of System Wet Volume-Entire System (gal) 4.2 gal Water Supply Information Date 12/15/2014 Location Highest Hydrant in Development Source Public Water Notes File:W:\SOUTHVIEW\Southview33\SV33 Calc.tyc3 Date 2/24/2016 Copyright©2002-2012 Tyco Fire Protection Products Page 1 Job:Southview Lot 33 Node Labels: Node Reference Pipe Labels: Off Diagram for Design Area : Dining and Pantry P8 n6 8 ,n 0 n5 n3 n11 .,r 3 n2 �.r. n 1 $TG1 File:W:\SOUTHVIEW\Southview 33\SV33 Calc.tyc3 Date 2/24/2016 Copyright©2002-2012 Tyco Fire Protection Products Page 2 Job:Southview Lot 33 Hydraulic Analysis for : Dining and Pantry Calculation Info Calculation Mode Demand Hydraulic Model Hazen-Williams Fluid Name Water @ 60F (15.6C) Fluid Weight, (Ib/ft3) N/A for Hazen-Williams calculation. Fluid Dynamic Viscosity, (Ib•s/ft2) N/A for Hazen-Williams calculation. Water Supply Parameters Supply 1 :srcl Flow(gpm) Pressure(psi) 0 60 4 1230 54 Hoses Inside Hose Flow/Standpipe Demand(gpm) Outside Hose Flow(gpm) Additional Outside Hose Flow(gpm) Other(custom defined) Hose Flow(gpm) Total Hose Flow(gpm) Sprinklers Ovehead Sprinkler Flow(gpm) 32.4 InRack Sprinkler Flow(gpm) 0 Other(custom defined)Sprinkler Flow(gpm) 0 Total Sprinkler Flow(gpm) 32.4 Other Required Margin of Safety(psi) 0 Base of Riser-Pressure(psi) 39.7 Base of Riser-Flow(gpm) 32.4 Demand w/o System Pump(s) N/A File:W:\SOUTHVIEW\Southview 33\SV33 Calc.tyc3 Date 2/24/2016 Copyright©2002-2012 Tyco Fire Protection Products Page 3 Job:Southview Lot 33 Hydraulic Calculations/Fluid Delivery Time Analysis Node Data Node# Type K-Fact. Discharge Coverage Tot. Pres. Req. Pres. Elev Hgroup Open/Closed Overdischarge Density Elev. Pres. Req. Discharge ft2 ft gpm/psiYz gpm 9Pm/ftz Ppsi psigpm srcl Supply 39.7 3 SUPPLY 32.4 0 n1 Node 39 4 NODE -0.4 n2 Node 34.1 5 NODE -0.9 n3 Node 30.7 4 9.5 NODE -2.8 n4 Node 29.3 9.5 NODE -2.8 n5 Node 28.1 9.5 NODE -2.8 n6 Node 21.9 18.5 NODE -6.7 n7 Node 19.1 18.5 NODE -6.7 n8 Node 17.3 18.5 NODE -6.7 n9 Node 13.2 18.5 NODE -6.7 n10 Node 11.9 18.5 NODE -6.7 n11 Node 13.5 9.5 NODE -2.8 n12 Node 11.3 9.5 NODE -2.8 n13 Node 11 9.5 NODE -2.8 n14 Node 11 9.5 NODE -2.8 hl Overhead Sprinkler 4.9 16.2 324 10.9 10.9 9 HEAD Open 0.0 0.05 -2.6 16.2 h2 Overhead Sprinkler 4.9 16.2 324 10.9 10.9 9 HEAD Open 0 0.05 -2.6 16.2 File:W:\SOUTHVIEW\Southview 33\SV33 Calc.tyc3 Date 2/24/2016 Copyright©2002-2012 Tyco Fire Protection Products Page 4 Job name:Southview Lot 33 Sheet number: PIPE INFORMATION Node 1 Elev 1 K-Factor 1 Flow added(q)* Nominal ID Fittings L C Factor total (Pt) Node 2 Elev 2 K-Factor 2 Total flow (Q) Actual ID quantity x (name) = length F Pf per ft elev (Pe) NOTES T frict(Pf) (ft) (gpm/psiYz) (gpm) (in) (ft) (ft) (psi) (psi) h2 9 4.9 16.2 1 lx(BM.90)=5 0.5 150 10.9 n14 9.5 16.2 1.101 5 0.0459 -0.2 5.5 0.3 n14 9.5 0 1 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 6.83 150 11 n12 9.5 16.2 1.101 1 0.0459 0 7.83 0.4 1 n12 9.5 16.2 1 lx(fm.Tee-Run)=1.91 6.08 150 11.3 n11 9.5 32.4 1.101 lx(BM.Tee-Br)=5 6.91 0.1657 0 12.99 2.2 n11 9.5 0 1 1x(BM.90)=5 9 150 13.5 n10 18.5 32.4 1.101 5 0.1657 -3.9 14 2.3 n10 18.5 0 1 lx(BM.Tee-Br)=5 3.08 150 11.9 n9 18.5 32.4 1.101 5 0.1657 0 8.08 1.3 n9 18.5 0 1 1x(fm.Tee-Run)=1.91 17.83 150 13.2 n8 18.5 32.4 1.101 lx(BM.Tee-Br)=5 6.91 0.1657 0 24.74 4.1 n8 18.5 0 1 lx(BM.Tee-Br)=5 5.67 150 17.3 n7 18.5 32.4 1.101 5 0.1657 0 10.67 1.8 n7 18.5 0 1 lx(BM.90)=5 11.83 150 19.1 n6 18.5 32.4 1.101 5 0.1657 0 16.83 2.8 n6 18.5 0 1 lx(BM.Tee-Br)=5 9 150 21.9 n5 9.5 32.4 1.101 5 0.1657 3.9 14 2.3 n5 9.5 0 1 lx(BM.90)=5 2.42 150 28.1 n4 9.5 32.4 1.101 5 0.1657 0 7.42 1.2 n4 9.5 0 1 lx(us.90)=3.82 4.25 150 29.3 n3 9.5 32.4 1.101 3.82 0.1657 0 8.07 1.3 n3 9.5 0 1 lx(coupling)=1.19 4.5 120 30.7 n2 5 32.4 1.087 1.19 0.2666 1.9 5.69 1.5 n2 5 0 1 1 0 34.1 Ames2000B n1 4 32.4 0 0 4.4364 0.4 1 4.4 n1 4 0 1 1 120 39 srcl 3 32.4 1.087 0 0.2666 0.4 1 0.3 hl 9 4.9 16.2 1 lx(BM.90)=5 0.5 150 10.9 - n13 9.5 16.2 1.101 5 0.0459 -0.2• 5.5 0.3 n13 9.5 0 1 lx(BM.Tee-Br)=5 2.5 150 11 n12 9.5 16.2 1.101 5 0.0459 0 7.5 0.3 ©2006 National Fire Protection Association Page 5 Job name:Southview Lot 33 Sheet number PIPE INFORMATION Node 1 Elev 1 K-Factor 1 Flow added(q)* Nominal ID Fittings L C Factor total (Pt) Node 2 Elev 2 K-Factor 2 Total flow (Q) Actual ID quantity x (name) = length F Pf per ft elev (Pe) NOTES T frict(Pf) (ft) (gpm/psi1/2) (gpm) (in) (ft) (ft) (psi) (psi) * Discharge shown for flowing nodes only ©2006 National Fire Protection Association Page 6 HYDRANT FLOW REQUEST FORM PROJECT: Southview ADDRESS: none available CROSS STREET: 120th and Beef Bend Rd Tigard Or FLOW HYDRANT LOCATION: highest hydrant in new development lot 4 STATIC: 60 RESIDUAL: 54 GPM: 1230 @ 20 PSI = 2362 DATED: 12.15.14 MONITOR HYDRANT LOCATION: 12012 Aspen Ridge STATIC: 60 RESIDUAL: 48 GPM: DATED: 12.15.14 WITNESS WITNESSED BY: TITLE: ORGANIZATION: SIGNATURE: