10/25/2000 - Packet Intergovernmental Water Boars! Meeting
Servin Ti ard, King City, Durham and Unincorporated Area
Wednesday, October 25, 2000
5:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
Motion to call meeting to order
Book Copy
2. Roll Call and Introductions
Staff to take roll call
3. Approval of Minutes—September 13,2000
Motion from Board for minute approval
4. Tigard Area Historical Preservation Association—John Annand(I5 minutes)
Site plan presentation on the construction of out building located on property at 10310 SW Canterbury
S. Leak adjustment request—(10 minutes)
Consideration of request for credit on leak—Zuffrea 12125 SW Summer
6. Off Leash Area Request—Mike Miller(10 minutes)
Request for use of Water reservoir property for temporary off leash area.
7. Long Term Water Supply Update—Ed Wegner(10 minutes)
Update on long term water options
8. Informational Items
Items will be discussed briefly if time allows—otherwise printed info will be distributed
■ Ballot title and information regarding Initiative petition#47
■ Portland Water Bureau memo on discontinuance of seasonal supplmentation
■ E mail from Kim Swan and Mark Knudson regarding colored water calls
■ Tigard Times article regarding brown water—October 5`b
■ Tigard Times editorial regarding Tualatin's participation with the Willamette River
9. Public Comments
Call for any comments from public
10. Non Agenda Items
Call for any non-agenda items from Board Members. Next meeting date November 8th
11. Adjournment—Approximate time 7.00 p.m.
Motion for adjournment
• Light dinner will be served at 5:15 p.m.
Executive Session: The Intergovernmental Water Board may go into Executive Session under the provisions of ORS 192.660(1)(d),
(e),(0&(17)to discuss labor relations,real property transactions,current and pending litigation issues and to consider records that are
exempt by law from public inspection. All discussions within this session are confidential;therefore nothing from this meeting may be
disclosed by those present. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend this session,but must not disclose any information
discussed during this session.
Intergovernmental Water Board
Meeting Minutes
September 13 2000
Members Present. Paul Hunt, Norm Penner, Bill Schederich, Patrick Carroll,
and ]an Drangsholt
Staff Present., Ed Wegner and Mike Miller
Visitors., Phil Smith (Murray Smith and Associates), Paul Matthews
(Integrated Utilities Group), and Gretchen Buehner
1. Call to Odder
The regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board was called to order at 5:30
2. Roll Call and Introductions
3. Approval of minutes August 9,2000
Commissioner Norm Penner requested a slight adjustment to the minutes, page 3,
second paragraph from the bottom, to be changed to read: Commissioner Penner
asked if the current wells would be looked at first.
Commissioner Drangsholt motioned to approve the minutes. The motion was voted on
for unanimous approval of the minutes with corrections as indicated above.
4. Long Term Water Supply Update—Ed Wegner
Mr. Wegner introduced Phil Smith of Murray Smith and Associates (MSA) and Paul
Matthews from Integrated Utilities Group (IUG), explaining that they would be talking
about the Portland Wholesale Contract and what is happening with the Clackamas. Mr.
Wegner also would review progress with the Joint Water Commission.
Mr. Wegner reported on two important calendar items.
• October 17— Tigard City Council Workshop
He requested that the board members attend that important workshop and also
meet the new mayor. He will advise them of the time later on.
• Seat:.20-Executive Session with Tualatin Valley Water District
Mayor Jim Griffith, Norm Penner, Mike Miller and Ed Wegner will be attending that
meeting to discuss pricing scenarios with all the wholesale customer representatives.
Intergovernmental Water Board 1 September 13,2000
Portland Wholesale Contract- Mr. Wegner turned the floor over for discussion
about long term water supply alternatives. Paul Matthews (IUG) was hired by the cities
of Tigard,Tualatin, Gresham, Rockwood PUD,TVWD and West Slope to coordinate
negotiations with the Portland Wholesale Contract. Mr. Matthews displayed various
charts as part of his presentation in order to update the board on the progress of
negotiations,the financial impacts, outstanding issues, and the next steps to be taken.
Historically there has been a large amount of volatility in the rate, making it difficult to
operate and budget. One of the objectives of the contract is to reduce the level of
Analysis of what the contract costs might be include the best assumptions. Those
assumptions indicate that the cities will receive a 5% rate increase throughout the rest
of the contract, which is approximately twice the rate of inflation. Factored in is the
projected amount of water that would be purchased based upon the amount of growth
within the service area. It does not assume that water will be acquired from the Joint
Water Commission or somewhere else.
The financial impacts are significant for the City of Portland as well as the wholesale
Oufstandina Issues;
• Diversity of supply—will the Tigard Water System be getting all, part, or none of its
water from the City of Portland? Also, what is happening with Lake Oswego,the
Joint Water Commission, or any other opportunities for water?
• Allocation ofgrowth related costs—Certain parts of the Portland service area may
have significant growth. If this causes the cost of water to go up, we want to make
sure that it is isolated to.those areas causing the cost increases.
• Reliability and Redundancy in the Portland System—those issues need to be
addressed as well.
Portland is a major partner in the process. They have laid out the terms and the ways
of going about it. Initially the negotiations have been separated into two parts,
institutional issues and financial rating issues. As the negotiations progressed, it
became obvious that that would not work because what is done on the institutional side
effects the financial side and vice verse. Institutional covers such things as
conservation, potential ownership of their facilities, and decision'making. A decision-
making partnership will effect how much you pay. Since then, the City of Portland has
moved away from that process and made it one process.
Intergovernmental Water Board 2 September 13,2000
The issues of importance to all the wholesale customers have been identified. Portland
drew up a "straw-man"contract that was missing the pricing section. All the other
elements of the contract were there except that section. Instead they had an additional
document attached that described alternatives that Portland might adopt. It's hard to
make decisions without having the dollars to look at.
IUG is in the process of revising Portland's"straw-man"contract and putting together a
proposed pricing section. The nature of the contract, the obligations as purchasers and
responsibilities as providers of water relate to the pricing and needs to be looked at as a
whole and at the same time.
Mr. Wegner interjected that the commissioners all have copies of Portland's original
"straw-man"agreement and the white paper on pricing.
Paul Matthews continued to report that as consultants they have deleted elements from
the"straw-man"contract and added things they thought were important. The revised
document will be presented on September 20"' and then presented back to the City of
Portland on October 5"'.
IUG has been working on this process for at least 18 months. They produced jointly the
white paper. They have discussed the outstanding issues and categorized them into
broad groups.
5- Capital Improvement Plans
Y Capital Improvement Funding Process
➢ Cost of Service
Y Financial Arrangements
Y Financial Management
> Operations Ownership
Y Other Interesting Items
Mr. Matthews asked if there were questions he could answer.
Commissioner Schederich asked what a performance measure relative to a purchase of
water would be. Mr. Matthews explained that as the contract is-now structured,
Portland incurs cost and sends out a bill. It is a cost plus mentality. IUG wants the
contract to contain an incentive measure for them to manage.their cost with a self-
correcting component.
Commissioner Schederich asked about a rationale for the peaking factor. Commissioner
Carroll stated it should not be allowed. Mr. Matthews stated that all the wholesale
customers agree that the peaking factor is ridiculous and they will not allow it to be in
the contract. He continued to say that the way Portland is dealing with the peaking
factor is not consistent with what the American Waterworks Association sets out as the
standard principals of cost service. There will be enough specificity in the contract so
that Portland cannot add methods that are punitive. Wholesale customers that exceed
the water they sign up for will pay for the additional water, but will not be penalized. It
will be cost based, not penalty based.
Intergovernmental Water Board 3 September 13,2000
Mr. Matthews stated they were concerned with peaceful negotiations. Negotiations on a
staff level are different than dealing with the Portland City Council. The political reality
is that they have numerous other concerns to deal with besides the water situation. It
is important to get them involved in the early stages. Before we can get into the
detailed negotiation we need to get this before the City of Portland's political process.
The City of Portland has a desire to negotiate separately with each entity. Administering
separate contracts will be difficult to do. We feel that together we will represent more
leverage in the negotiations.
The financial modeling and cost service modeling need to be done. The negotiations
need to mature so amounts can be plugged in to see what the costs will be. The City of
Portland has their Infrastructure Master Plan process going on, which should be finalized
within the next few weeks. Mr. Wegner added that they have invited the wholesale
customers to meet with them the first week in October to review in detail what the next
ten years will look like.
Mr. Matthews stated the importance of being realistic. Ultimately the dealings will come
together if there is enough in common with the city and their wholesale customers.
Commissioner Schederich asked if there was a timetable for the negotiations. Mr.
Matthews indicated,his frustration in setting a timetable. There have been many delays
from Portland in presenting the"straw-man"contract. Mr. Wegner indicated that
Portland did put off getting it for a long time, but within two weeks of getting it out they
Were calling for input from the wholesale customers. The wholesale customers have
remained united and have not rushed or let any one group influence them. He also
impressed the importance of doing the political homework. How they played the
Willamette issue could be how they play the contract in the long.run. We need to be
Joint Water Commission - Mr. Ed Wegner reviewed the progress with the JWC.
The last meeting was in July. At that meeting,the following recommendations were
• Authorization of a short-term water resource through the end of 2000 at a very low
cost. Long-term negotiations continue.
■ Direct the staff to develop an IGA for Tigard to become a participant and then a
partner with a built-in termination in an additional source of water could not be
developed. Buy-backs would be available. Key negotiation points would be
reviewed at the next quarterly meeting on October 13, 2000.
• Staff was directed to move forward on research and planning for the development of
an additional raw water source. This involves the JWC,Tigard Water Service Area,
USA, Lake Oswego Corp. and the irrigators. They will be looking at raising Scoggins
Intergovernmental Water Board 4 September 13,2000
Mr. Wegner said all three long-term water options are being pursued. After the first of
the year it is hoped that all three options will be far enough along that we will be able to
have some kind of idea of what a structured contract orIGA with any one of them
would be with the costs associated with it. At that time Iwe will be able to decide which
way to go with each option.
South Fork— Clackamas River Water- Mr. Phil Smith reported on the
Clackamas River source. Numerous staff meetings with the entities have taken place to
discuss the structure of setting up. Their goal is to develop a Memorandum of
Understanding among the four parties as to what direction to go and what principals to
operate under. The fundamental principle of Nmess to all entities is included in the
MOU. The group is anxious to move forward with an Intergovernmental Agreement.
The draft IGA should be in final form the end of January 2000. It is anticipated that
adoption by all parries will be by the end of March 2000.
There is another political leaders meeting scheduled for October 21st. Clackamas Co.
Water Commission has already accepted the MOU before it's final editing.
Commissioner Hunt asked if they were getting closer to a consensus of opinion as to the
cost of water rights. Mr. Smith indicated that this still is the big hurtle. Some are still
Mr. Smith indicated there is still concern with acquiring engineering studies that address
the fish issue and habitat issues. The scientific engineering approaches will evaluate
river flow, hydraulics, and the impact on flows and habitat. Dealing with biological
beings does not make it an exact science, but it gets answers that regulators can
negotiate with.
The existing assets are at a 50/50 split between West Linn and the City of Lake Oswego.
South Fork currently has 20-mgd capacity. Between the two cities they use between
12-13 mgd. The rest goes to Clackamas River Water on a surplus water basis.
S. In forma tion/Items
Mr. Mike Miller distributed the following informational items:
■ Portland Summer Supply
■ Clute Property
■ Water Quality Concerns
■ Citizen's interested in Bull Run newsletter
■ Oregon Environmental Council Report
■ Oregonian article dated 8-9-2000
He also briefly mentioned the issue of ASR(Aquifer Storage Recovery). The process to
get the RFP out is underway. Two ASR projects are being considered. Tying in with
one of Beaverton's wells is an option. Also being considered is looking at Tigard's
existing four wells. Geologic structure evaluations are needed to determine if they can
be used. The geologic evaluation will cost between $90,000 - $100,000.
Intergovernmental Water Board S September 13,2000
Commissioner Drangsholt asked about the Clute property neighbors. Mr. Miller indicated
the hearings officer denied the appeal. He has not heard if they will being taking the
appeal further.
6. Public Comments
7. Non Agenda Items
Commissioner Penner passed out a copy of the TWD Newsletter and talked briefly about
the responses to the survey included in the newsletter. He also mentioned the draft of
the IGA that has been distributed to the Cities of Durham and IGng City for their review.
S. Adjournment
The next meeting for the IWB is scheduled for October 25'h.
Commissioner Pat Carroll motioned for adjournment and Commissioner Bill Schederich
seconded the motion.
Intergovernmental Water Board 6 September 13,2000
October 9, 2000
Michelle Zuffrea
12125 SW Summer Street
Tigard, OR 97223
RE: Account# 117689
Dear Ms. Zuffrea:
Your letter addressed to Mr. Prosser dated September 18, 2000 was forwarded to our office. The
policy to request a credit for leak is to initially contact the Utility Billing Division, which you
have done. The next step with that process in requesting additional relief is to appear before the
Intergovernmental Water Board.
The next meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board is set for October 25'at 5:30 p.m. This
meeting is held in the Water auditorium located at 8777 SW Burnham, Tigard.
If you are interested in being placed on the agenda or have further questions,please contact me at
639-4171, extension 339.
Kathy Katz
Executive Assistant
13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223(503)639-4171 TDD(503)684-2772
September 18, 2000
City of Tigard
Utility Department
PO Box 230000
Tigard, OR 97281-1999
Attn: Craig Prosser
RE: 12125 SW Summer St., Tigard
Greg&Michelle Zuffrea
Dear Mr. Prosser:
On June 18, 2000, we discovered we had a broken water line outside our home. We were first
notified of the problem by the Utility Department when they noticed a dramatic increase in our
usage compared to the previous billing period. During this time, my husband was working seven
days a week and we were not doing any watering outside. We have had the problem fixed (see
attached invoice from American Star Plumbing)and subsequently requested an adjustment on our
water bill for the water that had been pouring into the ground and was not being used by us. The
adjustment came to $9.18 although our billing for this period of time was $210.76.
We would like to request a waiver of any amounts associated with this leak since it was beyond
our control. It would be very difficult for us to try and pay this amount off even over time as we
had to charge the cost of the plumbing repair($3,375)to our Visa card since it was not covered
by our homeowners insurance. We would be willing to request this adjustment at your next board
meeting if you could give us some advance notice when that will occur.
Thank you for your attention to this matter:
Michelle Zuffrea
(503) 579-3412
503-774-4645 Clackamas Co.
603-238-1919 Multnomah Co. JOB NAME BILLING NAME(IF DIFFERENT)
603-244-6611 Washington Co.
Fax 503-774-0155
Toll Free 1-877-99STAR9 ADDRESS ADDRF
P.O. BOX 66183 2/Z
• -- �
�? / —
�t- Z2 dT ... d
AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH PROPOSED WORK.I,the undersigned,am owner/authorized representative/tenant of the premises at Subtotal
which the work mentioned above is to be done, I hereby authorize you to perform said work,and to use such labor and material as you deem advisable,
I agree to pay you,reasonable attorney fee's court costs,and collection costs,whether or not legal action is taken against me,to collect on this invoice, Tax
on billing,accounts,balances shall be paid within 30 days from date of service.Unpaid balances shall be subject to service charge of 1A%per month Total alp
and a$35.00 per month late fee. I also r pay reasonable bank costs if
�my check falls to clear.
I hereby authorize you to proceed p ve ofk at the price of$ �C.n ��� ACCEPTANCE OF WORK PERFOR!1n
ED.A. service and
materials rendered am installad in the above work
mentioned,to have been completeda ` manner. 1 spree
tat the amount set fourth on this coact in the pace labeled
AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE X DATE [�— 2� d� 'TOTAL to be the total and complete charge. t agree to pay you AAt4
reasonable Attorney feea'court compind collection costs. it tr or
CC# Authorized Code Expiration Data not legal.actiotaken aga a
rr le on aria Invoice. I
acknowledge that I have r rete a legible copy of this
1 hereby state that above work has been performed in a workmanlike manner and to Van# Dispatch Arrival Departure contract and have read a and statement required on
applicable building codes. Time Time Time contract on reverse aid
Service Tq n ,# �/
UTILITY BILLING *** ************** * PO BOX 230000
(503)639-4171 or TIGARD,OREGON 97281-1999
�.��.... (503)639-1554 ***URGENT NOTICE***
*************** ****** KEEP THIS PORTION
12125 SW SUMMER ST CUSTOMER NO. 017689-000
FROM 0584/2000 TO 07/24/2000
OF4'. 1'aRIP p0 1
209 324 115 1.32 WATER CHARGE 151.80
FERV 000
W, —M
ER�II E RIP�'Cl.Q , Ate_._ wSiWN. AMC1
16 1.05 SEWER BASE CHARGE 30.60
AIG(lRFHIFN.Gfi 210.76
• '- 19435
' 0.00
t we .00
ALAMOUNT D.0 x 405.11
___ ___ More information on reverse side
The City of Tigard Utility Department has a policy of issuing partial credits.for leaks that are
-paired in a timely manner. Generally,we expect leaks to be repaired within ten days of
scovery. Credits are based on your average usage for the same period in previous years.
This average is deducted from the total consumption used during the time of the leak. The
excess usage is charged at the wholesale rate of water,with the difference between wholesale
and resale cost deducted from the utility account as the Credit for Leak
Please describe the specific circumstances of your request:
Date leak found:, Date leak repaired:
Account#: LO<69- 000 �e� uc 1p NS
'.ocation of Service: S lA--m-yy\D- .. 5�
Customer Name: 1"1 i 2 L-k-C4 V
Mailing Address:
Street address City State Zip Phone
Q$1.32 $1.30 $1.53 $1.27 $1.63 - $1.23
Previous years usage: _ I =
#periods used
SZ 115 _
15 - 5� - x ¢ .
Average Leak Period Leak ccf Markup Cre+dit.Adjustment
Q � I
Total Credit:$ -`• $ Date Issued: ` Z 6C:1 Issued By:
CITW OF TIGARD Utility Billing Printed: 10/19/00 16:06
--` Account History List
Account Number: 017689 000 Reference Number 0901524 Account Status:Active
Customer Name: ZUFFREA, MICHELLE Owner Name: ZUFFREA, MICHELLE Connect Date:03/19/1999
Customer Address:12125 SW SUMMER ST Service Address: 12125 SW SUMMER ST Final Date: ?
***********"**Account Balance*************
Balance Due: 383.08 Water Sewer SWM Penalty Misc SurCh Sery 7 Sery 8
233.46 128.57 21.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
**************Account History
Date Type Amount Water Sewer SWM Penalty Misc SurChrq Sery 7 Sery 8
10/04/2000 Balance 383.08 233.46 128.57 21,05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10/04/2000 Billing 97.15 36.06 52.83 8.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
09/22/2000 Payment 110.00 44.46 56.02 9.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
09/12/2000 Adjustment -9.18 -9.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
08/02/2000 Balance 405.11 251.04 131.76 22.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
08/02/2000 Billing 210.76 155.36 47.40 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
05/31/2000 Balance 194.35 95.68 84.36 14.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
05/31/2000 Billing 1.33.82 74.84 50.46 8.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
05/04/2000 Payment 100.00 32.28 57.97 9.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
04/20/2000 Payment 175.00 66.72 92.62 15.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
03/29/2000 Balance 335.53 119.84 184.49 31.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
03/29/2000 Billing 75.50 26.00 42.29 7.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
02/02/2000 Balance 260.03 93.84 142.20 23.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
02/02/2000 Billing 85.66 27.32 49.95 8.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
12/01/1999 Balance 174.37 66.52 92.25 15.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
12/01/1999 Billing 70.91 22.04 41.79 7.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
11/30/1999 Payment 129.91 72.20 49.45 8.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10/06/1999 Balance 233.37 116.68 99.91 16.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10/06/1999 Billing 103.46 44.48 50.46 8.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
08/04/1999 Balance 129.91 72.20 49.45 8.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
08/04/1999 Billing 129.91 72.20 49.45 8.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
07/20/1999 Payment 81.07 23.36 49.45 8.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
06/08/1999 Payment 6.50 3.56 2.55 0.39 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00 0.00
06/02/1999 Balance 81.07 23.36 49.45 8.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
06/02/1999 Billing 81.07 23.36 49.45 8.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
03/31/1999 Balance 6.50 3.56 2.55 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
03/31/1999 Billing 6.50 3.56 2.55 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Page 1
CITY OF TIGARD Utility Billing Printed: 10/19/00 16:06
"User: sheryl Account History List
Account Number: 017689 000 Reference Number 0901524 Account Status:Active
Customer Name: ZUFFREA, MICHELLE Owner Name: ZUFFREA, MICHELLE Connect Date: 03/19/1999
Customer Address:12125 SW SUMMER ST Service Address: 12125 SW SUMMER ST Final Date:?
**************Account Balance*************
Balance Due: 383.08 Water Sewer SWM Penalty Misc SurChrg Sery 7 Sery 8
233.46 128.57 21.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Account History**************
Date Type Amount Water Sewer SWM Penalty Misc SurChrq Sery 7 Sery 8
************** Meter Information **************
Route Number: 0009 Sequence Number: 1240 Serial Number: 1504
Read Dt Readimt Consumption
09/25/00 000000348 000000024
07/24/00 000000324 000000115
05/24/00 000000209 000000054
03/20/00 000000155 000000017
01/25100 000000138 000000018
11/22/99 000000120 000000014
09/29/99 000000106 000000031
07/26/99 000000075 000000052
05/24/99 000000023 000000015
03/22/99 000000008 000000000
03/19/99 000000008 000000003
01/26/99 000000005 000000005
Page 2
Proposed Do
Off-Leash Area
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..Ayi 4 4N
New A
� � P
T. ; N o 50 100 150 Feet
>— --,+ ....-ter:-•�.r+r.• 1.._100 teat
City of Tigard
information on this map is for general location orgy and
should be verified with the Development Servioes Diviisioi
,, ,u 13125 SW Hell Blvd
/I EW D 4 ht 5a��g rd orr.us
Community Development Plot date:Oct 25,2000;C1magic\MAGIC03.AF
October 17, 2000
Chris Uber,,
Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc.
* Tigard, South Fork Water Board, and North
Clackamas County Water Commission have
* Lake Oswego scheduled to sign 10/ 17/00
* West Linn and Oregon City scheduled to
sign soon
�k Department of Environmental Quality,
Oregon Water Resources Department, and
National Marine Fisheries Service
*No negative comments; need to be involved
in planning
* Complex Water Right Extension and
transfer issues
* Unknowns
— Impact of Endangered Species Act on existing
water rights
— Allocation of existing water rights for Tigard
from other participants
ak Governance - how will governing body be
*Purchase of existing facilities - valuation and
* Definition of ownership and capacity
* Cost Equity and allocation
* Draft by January 31 , 2000
* All parties to sign Intergovernmental
Agreement by March 31 , 2001
* Phase II - Engineering & Environmental
studies (Present to end of 2001 )
* Financial - Fall 2001
* Final design, permitting, & construction
2 1 /2 years (June 2004)
* Phasing opportunities exist that benefit Tigard
Joe Thompson,
Director of Water Utilities
* Hillsboro
* Beaverton
* Forest Grove
* Tualatin Valley Water District
* Plant capacity
* Raw water source
Current capital improvement projects
APPROVED 7/14/00
�k Sale of short term water to Tigard
* Develop Intergovernmental Agreement
"buy in"
* Pursue additional raw water source
* Cost allocation study - existing members
* Draft Intergovernmental Agreement with
Ed Wegner, Public Works Director
Mike Miller, Utility Manager
* Portland "Strawman"
* Wholesale group made presentation to
Portland 10/5/00
* No negative impacts to our customers
*Equity - Party incurs costs - assumes financial
* Encourage regional conservation while
maintaining flexibility to implement most
effective, best management practices locally
* Predictable rates
* Cost containment - provides financial
incentive for Portland to manage costs
* Preserves opportunity for equity investment
in future joint projects
* Predictable supply that allows regional
* Agreement based on cost not penalties
* Regional o timization and coo eration
P p
* An agreement that is easy to administer
* Contract must be legally defensible
* There will be no negative impacts to retail
customers (no major or significant rate
* The contract will be _fair. and equitableas it
relates to growth (includes: growth pays for
growth, those who benefit pay, and
adherence to cost of service principles)
* There will be no sale of existing City of
Portland assets
* We will encourage Best Management
* Conservation must be addressed (efficient
water use)
* Parties will not be opposed to regional
* We want financial predictability for our
wholesale customers
* There needs to be ease of administration
(costs containment; clarity/simplicity)
�k The contract -must, be legally defensible
Estimated Cost of Portland Contracts
Over 30 Years
c 100
Total Cost$666.2 Million
* Current contract is based on vendor/customer
* New contract could be based on collaborative
�k Two pricing proposals
— Revised status quo
— Nominated supply with secondary market
Mike Miller,
Utility Manager
* Filtration on Bull Run
* Infrastructure Master Plan
* Portland takes wholesale groups comments
to Portland Council at end of 2000
�k Negotiations after January 1 , X001
Phil Smith,
Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc.
*All three options offer potential for
long-term water supply for Tigard
* None of the .options currently have available
excess capacity for Tigard' s long-term
needs and all systems will need to be
�k Current uncertainties
No certainty that any option will:
meet Tigard's entire long-term needs
Be implemented at a reasonable cost
Be implemented within reasonable time
* Tigard needs to continue exploring these
potential options
* Periodically evaluate options
TO: Intergovernmental Water Board Members
FROM: John Roy, Property Manager
RE: Reservoir Property Usage
DATE: October 20, 2000
This request is on behalf of the City of Tigard and a citizens committee formed to
work on resolution of establishing a temporary dog off leash area.
For approximately 18 months the City had a designated dog off leash area at the
Riverwood Greenway adjacent to Cook Park. This area was established in an
attempt to discourage citizens from walking their dogs off leash in Cook Park, as
well as an attempt to keep the dogs out of the sensitive wetland area that is
adjacent to the park. I found that even though we had the off leash area, we did
not see a reduction of dogs running off leash in the park, nor did pet owners keep
their dogs out of the sensitive wetland area. There were also concerns regarding
the potential impact from the location of the pilot area within a floodway, the
proximity of the Tualatin River, as well as other regulatory concerns. For these
reasons the pilot area was closed. As a result, a group of pet owners in the
community expressed their desire to have the City provide them with an area
where their pets could be allowed to exercise and socialize with other dogs.
As a result of this desire, a committee of citizens and City staff was formed to
address the issue. Since there is a lack of available unused City property or
parkland adequate for the purpose of an off leash area, the committee had to
look outside the box to resolve it's need. The City currently has a '/< acre vacant
lot next to the Public Works yard on SW Ash Avenue, that Council approved to
be converted to a temporary dog off leash area. This area is much to small to
adequately serve the needs of the whole community, so we are striving to locate
another temporary dog off leash area while we continue to pursue a permanent
dog park site.
We are looking at all City properties, as well as those owned by other agencies,
such as Unified Sewerage Agency, Bonneville Power Administration, Washington
County, and the Tigard Water Service Area. The committee is also looking at the
private sector for a possible land donation.
IWB/ola request October 20, 2000
Page 1
I would like to request on behalf of this Committee, approval from the
Intergovernmental Water Board for the use of the 10 million-gallon water
reservoir site at the intersection of 125th and Bull Mountain Road as a temporary
dog off leash area. If the board grants approval the City would still be required to
go through the land use hearing process, which would include notification and
input from the surrounding property owners.
It is important to note that if approval is given, the intent is to protect the reservoir
site from possible contamination related to the intended use. This proposal
would include the installation of a 6-foot high chain link fence around the pump
station, electrical control panel, and the tank stairway located on the northwest
end of the site. This would deny access to any one other that maintenance
crews to that area through the existing small entry gate. In addition, the 6-foot
high chain link fencing would also be installed around the reservoir itself so that
there is no access to the top of the reservoir from the surrounding ground area.
The ground area around the tank is the portion of the property that we are
requesting the use of as a temporary off leash dog area. This site is completely
fenced and provides adequate screening from the surrounding residences as
well as parking on Bull Mountain Rd. and on 125th. The City would ultimately be
responsible for the maintenance of the site as well as a commitment from the
committee and the citizens that they represent to be responsible pet guardians
and to help maintain the site.
With communities being required to plan on more infill development and less
boundary expansion, smaller lots with small yards are becoming more common
place. This situation creates the need for more parkland, open space, and more
diverse utilization of that land. Unfortunately, by National Park standards, Tigard
is park deficient. Therefore, we are attempting to be creative and find ways to
make what property is available more multi purpose.
At a later date, the City or the committee may want to appear before the Board to
request the use of the another property on SW 150th Ave., south of Bull Mountain
Road as a dog park. Until the time that this property is developed, it may be well
suited for this purpose, and with some forethought and advanced planning, could
still be used for this purpose after the reservoir is built.
On behalf of myself, the City, and the Dog Park Committee (who are also Tigard
Water Service Area customers), I would sincerely appreciate your consideration
of the value of this request to the community. Please feel free to contact me if
you have any questions regarding this proposal or if the Board would like myself
or the Dog Park Committee to appear at a future Board Meeting to address any
issues or concerns that the Board may have.
IWB/ola request October 20, 2000
Page 2
October 17, 2000
Michael Rosenberger, Administrator
Bureau of Water Works
City of Portland CITY OF TIGARD
1120 SW 5th Avenue OREGON
Portland, Oregon 97204-1926
Re: Recent Water Coloration Problems
Dear Mr. Rosenberger:
Between September 23 through October 16, 2000, the City of Tigard has received over 42
complaints directly linked to the recent water coloration issues with the Bull Run.
Please remember that until 1996, Tigard purchased the majority of its water supplies from the
City of Lake Oswego and 100% of it from Lake Oswego during the Fall and Winter months.
Therefore it only has been during the last few years that our customers have experienced water
coloration due to a non-filtered supply source.
After explaining the current situation with the Bull Run, a number of the customers are satisfied
with our response. However, now that we are beginning the fourth week of colored water, our
customers are indicating that they are paying for clean clear water and not "dirty brown" water.
That the water color situation is totally unacceptable and they are unwilling to pay their water
Unfortunately, we have to agree. The City of Tigard is paying for high quality water, and that
water should not only be able to meet Safe Drinking water standards, but should also be
aesthetically pleasing.
Tigard does have the ability to purchase water from other sources during this time of colored
water. Part of the supply can be purchased from the Joint Water Commission via the City of
Beaverton and from the City of Lake Oswego. The only thing that is hampering our efforts is the
minimum purchase agreement.
Therefore we respectively request that the minimum purchase provisions of the contract be
suspended during this period of colored water, so that our customers can receive filtered water
from alternate sources.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of our proposal
William Monahan Ed Wegner
City Manager Director of Public Works
CC: Commissioner Erik Sten
Mayor Vera Katz
Tigard City Council
13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503)639-4171 TDD (503)684-2772
Measure 93 Page 1 of 1
The Office of the Secretary of State has received an amended ballot title from the Supreme Court for
initiative petition #47, proposing a constitutional amendment, for the General Election of November
7, 2000.
The amended ballot title is as follows:
RESULT OF "YES" VOTE: "Yes" vote means voters approve taxes, fees by certain
approval percentage; may repeal recent increases.
RESULT OF "NO" VOTE: "No" vote retains current rules for approving, increasing
taxes, fees; maintains previously approved taxes, fees.
SUMMARY: Amends Constitution. Currently voters approve taxes by majority vote;
not all new, increased taxes, fees require voter approval. Measure requires voter approval
after November 7, 2000 of most new, increased taxes, fees by same percentage of voters
passing this measure. Requires repeal and refund of certain recent tax, fee increases
unless voters approve increase. Exempts some charges, bonded indebtedness, public
safety levies from new approval requirement. Public vote not required in limited
circumstances. Establishes standards for taxpayer challenge,judicial review of tax
measures. Other changes.
Chief Petitioner(s): Bill Sizemore, 16140 SE 82nd Drive, Clackamas, OR 97015 and Becky Miller,
16140 SE 82nd Dr, Clackamas, OR 97015.
http://www.sos.state.or.us/elections/nov72000/measures/47abt.htm 08/07/2000
�y I rill 1� Pi1 57 ML4svr4. �3
Be it enacted by the) maple otE 'lther $tafe of'Ohegon:
The Constitution of the State of Oregon is amended by creating a new, Section 32a in Article L which section shall read:
Section 32a. People's right to approve all taxes.The purpose of this 2000 Amendment is to ensure that new taxes and tax
increases,which further deprive citizens of income and property,are hereafter directly approved by the people. Therefore,except
as provided in Section 6 of Article IX,any new tax,fee,or charge,or increase in an existing tax,fee,or charge,shall require
approval by the people,as follows:
(1)(a) No new tax,fee,or charge shall be imposed,assessed or levied,and no existing tax,fee or charge shall be increased by the
state or any local government or taxing district,unless the new tax,fee,or charge,or increase thereof is first approved in an
election held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November of an even numbered year,or any other election held on a
date which the state legislative assembly has designated as an annual election date on which measures may be placed on the
statewide ballot by initiative petition,and the new tax,fee,or charge,or increase thereof,is approved by not less than the
percentage of participating voters who voted"Yes"on this 2000 Amendment. For purposes of this section and subject to
subsection(5)of this section,the following shall require only approval by a majority of those voting in the election: (i)a measure
to renew an expiring tax levy,which levy solely funds police,fire,or 911 emergency services,the rate or amount of which levy is
not greater than the rate or amount of the expiring levy,and(ii)a measure to increase the state motor vehicle fuel tax.
(b)The ballot title and official voters pamphlet explanatory statement for a measure to adopt a new tax,fee,or charge;to approve
a bond measure;or to increase an existing tax,fee,or charge,shall begin with the words: A"Yes"vote on this measure is a vote
to increase taxes. The question submitted to voters also shall clearly describe the proposed new tax,fee,or charge,or increase
thereof,if the measure is a bond measure,a projection of the total cost of the bond,including interest thereon;and revenue the
measure would produce annually.
(c)Nothing in this section shall affect taxes levied for the repayment of bonded indebtedness approved by voters in an election
held prior to Nov.7,2000,or the issuance of refunding bonds to pay such bonded indebtedness. This section does not require
voter approval for the issuance of,or the levy of taxes to pay,bonds issued to repay bonds issued prior to the effective date of this
section or issued in conformance with this section.
(2)For purposes of this section,any elimination,limitation,or reduction of a tax exemption,credit,deduction,exclusion,or cost-
of-living indexing shall be considered a tax increase.
(3)The following revenues shall not be considered new or increased taxes,fees,or charges for the purposes of this section: user
fees charged by Peoples'Utility Districts or port districts;mass transit fares;college or university tuition and fees;incurred
charges and assessments for local improvements as defined by Article XI Section 1 lb of this Constitution;increases in charges for
government products and services solely to pass through increased costs of wholesale inputs that are not government employee
labor costs,or otherwise under the charging government's control;fines or forfeitures for violation of law;lottery revenue;fees
paid to official business and trade associations by those engaged in that business or occupation;earnings from interest,
investments,donations,or asset sales;and fees or charges for products or services which may be legally obtained from a
reasonably available source other than government,provided that the new or increased fee or charge for the product or service is
not greater than the average private sector charge for the same product or service in the same market.
(4)(a)If in the two years previous to the effective date of this section,an existing tax,fee,or charge was increased more than three
pe=nt(31/a),or a new tax,fee,or charge was adopted or first imposed,the increase in the existing tax,fee,or charge,to the extent
it exceeded a throe percent increase,and any new tax,fee,or charge,shall be either repealed or submitted to the voters for approval
at the next election,if the new or inatased tax,fee or charge was not approved by at least the percentage of voters required in
paragraph(a)of subsection(1)of this section. If a new tax fee or charge was imposed,or an existing tax,fee,or charge increased
in the two years previous to the effective date of this section,and the new tax,fee,or charge or increase in an existing tax,fee,or
charge,was not approved in conformance with this section,and not approved by voters at the next election,the amount of the new
tax,fee,or charge or excessive increase collected shall be refunded to the payer. Taxes to pay voter approved bonded
indebtedness,and taxes,foes,and charges listed in subsection(3)of this section are exempt from the requirements of this
paragraph(a)of this subsection(4).
(b)Provided that the amount of a fee or charge does not exceed the actual cost of providing the product or service,the following
fees and charges may be increased at a rate not greater than the rate of inflation since the effective date of this section,without a
public vote: (i)charges and fees in effect on or before December 6, 1998;(ii)charges and fees first adopted or first effective after
December 6, 1998,if adopted in accordance with this section.
(S)Nothing in this section shall be construeu as nullifying the requirement-in Section 11 of Article M of this Constitution that
elections for property tax measures,which are voted on in an election held on a date other than the general election,achieve not
less than fifty percent(50%)voter participation to be valid
(6)(a)This section shall not require a vote of the people when increases in government revenue occur solely due to a change in
federal tax law, increases in income,or other changes in the circumstances of individual taxpayers. Nothing in this section shall be
construed as authorizing an increase in the tax on a property tax in an amount greater than allowed under Article XI of this
(b)If,after the effective date of this section,a government temporarily suspends or voluntarily lowers a tax,fee,or charge;the tax,
fee or charge may be increased later,without a public vote,to the rate or amount it would have been under this section had the
suspension or reduction not occurred.
(7)(a) Subject to Section la of Article 1X,the Legislative Assembly and Governor may override this section and call for a special
election date other than the date(s)set forth in subsection(1)of this section,or may enact by law particular taxes,or authorize
particular local taxes,fees,or charges without a vote of the People if such taxes arc approved by a three-fourths vote in each house
and signed into law by the Governor. Any tax authorized or enacted by such action shall be designated for a specific purpose and
shall be in effect no longer than twelve months. Any tax,fee,or charge imposed under this subsection shall be subject to
(b)Subject to Section la of Article IX of this Constitution,if a local Emergency is declared by the Governor,the affected city,
county,or local taxing district may override this section for a period not exceeding twelve months,if. (i)the override is approved
by not less than a three-fourths vote of the members of the local governing body,and(ii)the continuation of the tax for any
remainder of the twelve months is approved by voters voting in an election held within ninety(90)days of the date the emergency
is declared,and otherwise adopted in conformance with this section.
(8) The public shall be given reasonable opportunity to comment on the proposed ballot title for any measure to create a new tax,
fee,or charge or increase an existing tax,fee,or charge. The ballot title may be challenged in court;and shall be rejected if it is
biased,inaccurate,not easily understood,or does not comply with paragraph(b)of subsection(1)of this section.
(9)A government that levies taxes,fees,or charges in violation of this Section 32a shall refund the amount of any tax,fee,or
charge collected in violation of this section,plus interest,to taxpayers in the twelve months following the determination of
violation. Interest paid shall be computed as the cost of living change plus six percent per year,compounded for the period from
collection of the tax,fee,or charge to payment of the refunds. If the cost of issuing the refund is more than twenty percent(20%)
of the amount of the refund,a credit may be issued to the appropriate taxpayers.
(10) Because governments have at times been creative at redefining terms,or otherwise creating new funding mechanisms in
order to circumvent limitations placed upon them by the people,the legislature,in implementing this section,and the courts in
interpreting it,shall apply the strictest scrutiny to any new or renamed government funding mechanism;and shall require in every
reasonable circumstance voter approval as required in this section for new or increased taxes,fees,or charges,regardless of the
creativity used by the government in designing or naming the funding mechanism Under this section,certificates of participation
and all such funding mechanisms shall be subject to the same limitations and requirements as a bond measure.
(11)Any Oregon taxpayer affected by a new or increased tax,fee,or charge or bond issue subject to this Section 32a has standing
to challenge it,and/or the election authorizing its imposition,by court action commenced in any county in which the taxing entity
is located. If the election is held,a tax,fee,or charge is imposed,or a bond is approved,in material violation of this section or any
implementing legislation,the court shall declare the tax,fee,charge or bond void Such an action shall be commenced within
ninety(90)days after the earlier of(i)the date on which the election approving the tax,fee,charge or bond is held;or(ii)the date
on which the tax,fee,or charge is first imposed or the bond is approved for issue. The court shall award reasonable attorney fees
and costs to the prevailing taxpayer,or if the action is found to be frivolous,to a prevailing government party.
(12)If any phrase,clause,or part of this Amendment is invalidated by a court of competent jurisdiction,the remaining phrases,
clauses,and parts shall remain in full force and effect. If any provision of this Amendment is found to violate or infringe upon a
right of any person or group under the U.S.Constitution,the provision shall remain in full force and effect for all other persons or
groups for which no infringement has been found
31:'15 d0 , ',P/13�03S
O�411Sl3N 'IIHd
LS h Wd 01 M 66,
FROM :PORTLAND LITER BUREAU 903 e23 6133 2000.09-16 13:32 #729 P.01/01
Erik Sten,Commissioner
CITY OF Michael F Rosenberger,Administrator
o i 1120 S.W. 5th Avenue
PORTLAND OREGON Portland, Oregon 97204
For More Information, Contact:
Ross Walker, 503 823.7500
September 18, 2000
The City of Portland Bureau of Water Works is no longer drawing supplemental
summer water supplies from the Columbia Southshore wellfield.
On August 9, the City started drawing about 30 million gallons a day
(approximately a 20% mix of well water to Bull Run watery from the wells. This
was one of two additional supply options to help stretch the City's water storage
through the peak summer season. In addition to 30 million gallons a day from the
wells, the City released 800 million gallons from Bull Run Lake between August
16 and September 11.
"Summer is our period of peak demand, of course," acknowledged Michael
Rosenberger,Water Bureau Administrator, "and this has been a dry summer. In
addition to normal peak use, we also have a commitment to release water into
the lower Bull Run River during the summer and into the fall to benefit juvenile
steelhead and adult Chinook salmon. Using the wells and Bull Run Lake gives us
flexibility to meet multiple demands and maintain high water quality."
'We expect the reservoirs to start refilling in October," noted Rosenberger, 'and if
they don't, we can always turn the wells back on to augment supply. Given
current weather predictions, we feel comfortable saving our rate-payers the
additional pumping costs."
Because the City has blended water currently in storage, it will be two to five
days before the system is back to 100% Bull Run water.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Page 1 of 1
Kim - Have you been getting any colored water complaints? I have not heard any complaints lately.
From the attachment, it looks like the Bull Run is starting to show some color due to the rain over the weekend;
how Portland has been drawing water from the impoundments and the fact that the reservoirs have a large
amount of exposed shore line.
Keep me updated as to any complaints regarding water color.
Page 1 of 1
It appears that we have been getting a higher than normal number of calls
this week from customers complaining about colored water(the classic color
calls - discolored water in white porcelain fixtures, typically in large
volumes such as bathtubs).
It appears this may be due to an elevated color level in the Bull Run
reservoirs (although this conclusion is not fully supported by our daily
color measurements at the Bull Run Headworks). We are confident the color
is not associated with groundwater operations. We experienced slightly
elevated turbidity from Bull Run on Monday and Tuesday of this week, when
the turbidity got up to about 1 NTU as a result of the rain over the weekend
as well as our reservoir operations. This elevated turbidity continues to
decline and is now about 0.8 NTU. The color of the raw water has been and
continues to be less than 5 color units, which is actually a little better
than normal for this time of year.
It is not unusual for the color and turbidity from Bull Run to be slightly
elevated at this time of year since the reservoirs are drawn down and they
are more subject to wind and wave action. We are evaluating our reservoir
operations to ensure we are providing the best water quality available.
We will continue to monitor the situation- including continuous turbidity
monitoring and daily color measurements at the Bull Run Headworks. We will
let you know if we identify any changes in the situation- in the mean time,
don't be surprised by colored water calls from customers.
file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW)00003.HTM 9/18/00
Page 1 of 2
Hi, Kim.
Unfortunately, yes, we are continuing to experience colored water. We have
determined that it is due to naturally occurring color from the Bull Run
system and - since we are an unfiltered system - there is little we can do
to improve the situation at this time. We continue to evaluate options for
changing intake levels and reservoir operations although these efforts
appear to offer little hope for improvement for now. In terms of historic
levels we are now at color levels that are typical for this time of year.
The good news is that it doesn't appear to be getting any worse. The bad
news is that based on previous years and current forecasts, we could
continue to experience this condition for another few weeks. We should see
a significant improvement once refill of the reservoirs occurs, hopefully by
sometime in mid-October.
The couple of customers I have talked with seemed to appreciate hearing that
this was the result of having an unfiltered system and adding a filter plant
could cost in the neighborhood of$150 million, and we are currently
evaluating that option since we realize this is a concern of many of our
customers. I have also made a point of reinforcing the fact that this is
just an aesthetic (appearance) issue and that the water continues to meet
state and federal standards for safe drinking water.
Hope this helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: Kim Swan [mailto:KIMS@ci.tigard.or.us]
Sent: lu
To: mwa er ci.poan .onus
Cc: aconway@ci.tigard.or.us; Mike Miller
Subject: Re: Colored Water
Hi Mark,
I just thought that I would let you know that I have been fielding a lot of
"brown water" calls this week and last week. Are you guys still getting
lots of call?
Kimberly Swan
City of Tigard
Water Quality& Conservation
Program Coordinator
639-4171 ext. 346
file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00002.HTM 9/22/00
Page 2 of 2
>>> "Knudson, Mark" <mknudson@water.ci.portland.or.us> 09/14/00 04:05PM>>>
It appears that we have been getting a higher than normal number of calls
this week from customers complaining about colored water(the classic color
calls - discolored water in white porcelain fixtures, typically in large
volumes such as bathtubs).
It appears this may be due to an elevated color level in the Bull Run
reservoirs (although this conclusion is not fully supported by our daily
color measurements at the Bull Run Headworks). We are confident the color
is not associated with groundwater operations. We experienced slightly
elevated turbidity from Bull Run on Monday and Tuesday of this week, when
the turbidity got up to about 1 NTU as a result of the rain over the weekend
as well as our reservoir operations. This elevated turbidity continues to
decline and is now about 0.8 NTU. The color of the raw water has been and
continues to be less than 5 color units, which is actually a little better
than normal for this time of year.
It is not unusual for the color and turbidity from Bull Run to be slightly
elevated at this time of year since the reservoirs are drawn down and they
are more subject to wind and wave action. We are evaluating our reservoir
operations to ensure we are providing the best water quality available.
We will continue to monitor the situation- including continuous turbidity
monitoring and daily color measurements at the Bull Run Headworks. We will
let you know if we identify any changes in the situation- in the mean time,
don't be surprised by colored water calls from customers.
file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00002.HTM 9/22/00
October 17, 2000
Michael Rosenberger, Administrator
Bureau of Water Works a,
City of Portland CITY OF TIGARD
1120 SW 5 1 Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97204-1926 OREGON
Re: Recent Water Coloration Problems
Dear Mr. Rosenberger:
Between September 23 through October 16, 2000, the City of Tigard has received over 42
complaints directly linked to the recent water coloration issues with the Bull Run.
Please remember that until 1996, Tigard purchased the majority of its water supplies from the
City of Lake Oswego and 100% of it from Lake Oswego during the Fall and Winter months.
Therefore it only has been during the last few years that our customers have experienced water
coloration due to a non-filtered supply source.
After explaining the current situation with the Bull Run, a number of the customers are satisfied
with our response. However, now that we are beginning the fourth week of colored water, our
customers are indicating that they are paying for clean clear water and not "dirty brown" water.
That the water color situation is totally unacceptable and they are unwilling to pay their water
Unfortunately, we have to agree. The City of Tigard is paying for high quality water, and that
water should not only be able to meet Safe Drinking water standards, but should also be
aesthetically pleasing.
Tigard does have the ability to purchase water from other sources during this time of colored
water. Part of the supply can be purchased from the Joint Water Commission via the City of
Beaverton and from the City of Lake Oswego. The only thing that is hampering our efforts is the
minimum purchase agreement.
Therefore we respectively request that the minimum purchase provisions of the contract be
suspended during this period of colored water, so that our customers can receive filtered water
from alternate sources.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of our proposal
William Monahan Ed Wegner
City Manager Director of Public Works
CC: Commissioner Erik Sten
Mayor Vera Katz
Tigard City Council
13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503)639-4171 TDD (503)684-2772
rf 0
v 0
Tualatin must work ,
together on water
Last May. 73 percent of Tualatin
voters rejected spending$5.5 for a
pipeline to bring Willamette River
water from the proposed
Wilsonville Treaty-gent Plant into
The Tualatin City Council pre- mind with regard to the many other
ferred to disregard this vote by its more viable alternatives, such as
citizens and to continue to donate the Clackamas River,the city of
up to$9,000 per year to the Portland plan, or the use of Aquifer
Willamette River Supply agency Storage and Recovery), where Bull
which promotes the use of Run water could be stored under-
Willamette River water. Tualatin ground for future use.
Citizens for Safe Water urged in We will need a lot of signatures
writing to discontinue its member- to put this on the ballot— 1,500 to
ship in this Willamette Agency, but 1,600 or so.Tualatin Citizens for
to no avail. Safe Water can use all the support
The city's chief engineer,at a they can get,plus help in carrying,
previous meeting, indicated that signing petitions, or by any other
they could discontinue membership means, such as donations,to pre-
and rejoin at any time in the future, vent this flight to Willamette River
thus saving the annual fee.Their water.
new argument is that they may lose Contact Stephanie Ryan,chief
any future water rights if they don't co-petitioner for the new initiative,
maintain membership. Actually,this 503-691-8464.
is more likely an obligation of the Let's work together for the right
Tualatin Valley Water District than to vote on the Willamette water
the city of Tualatin to obtain and/or issue.
hold water rights. GENE MCLEAN
Obviously, the intent to stay Tualatin
with the Willamette is clear,and the
only way Tualatin can protect itself
is to amend the City Charter(the
rules that guide them), which would
require a vote of the people via the
initiative process before the city can
substitute Willamette River water
for our own pure Bull Run water.
The city council has had a closed
Yuk !
Brown > syn
Low water levels are appar-
ently behind the rash of calls
from residents about water
that isn't clear
Of The Times ---
TIGARp — Water that appears water: Condition called 'a
clear by the glassful looks disgust-
ing when local residents fill a bath- very common phenomenon'
tub or sink, especially if the tub or
sink is white porcelain — at least 0 Continued from Page Al fill up, but as that problem gets
that's what people are saying to city resolved, a new one is on the way.
officials. "This is a very common phenom- As leaves fall into the Clackamas
Tigard has received a large vol- enon at this time of year, and River and the Bull Run reservoir
ume of calls from people complain- because the Bull Run supply is system, they will tum the water
ing about the way the water looks unfiltered,there is little we can do at more golden. Also, rain filtering
and wondering if it is safe to drink this point to eliminate the problem," through leaves on the ground adds
and use, according to Kimberly Knudsen said. "This condition will further coloration.
Swan, the city's water quality and continue until we have refill of the While this poses no health haz-
conservation program manager. reservoirs in the watershed,which is ards, the condition discolors tap
"I've had a couple of dozen calls currently predicted to occur within water, especially noticeable in large
in the last couple weeks," Swan said the next couple of weeks. quantities.
Tuesday. "I had two or three just "In the meantime, we are contin- "This year, there have been a lot
this morning,two or three yesterday uing to monitor the situation and more calls about this discolored
and 10 or 12 last week. The discol- make operational adjustments to the water than in previous years," Swan
ored water has been appearing all reservoirs in attempt to minimize said. "Most people have been pretty
over town, and sometimes it goes the severity of the problem.The lat- understanding. We emphasize that
away and then comes back. There's est measurements indicate condi- Portland's water quality is still very
not a whole lot we can do" tions are improving." high. It's great water,but this is one
The problem is that the city of Adding a filtration plant to the of the things you experience without
Tigard purchases its water from Bull Run system would eliminate filtration.
Portland's Bull Run system, and at the problem, but with a price tag of "Only a couple of times have I
this time of year,a low water level is around $150 million, ratepayers had to go to people's homes with a
responsible for the colored water. might prefer to see cloudy water test kit to show them that their water
The water level in Portland's instead of a presumed rate hike in is fine. We keep reminding people
Bull Run reservoirs 1 and 2 is low their water bills. that we a solely a distribution sys-
due to high summertime use, and "We are currently evaluating that tem. We buy treated water and move
water that refills the system must option since we realize this is a con- it around.There's really not a whole
travel further along creek beds, cem of many of our customers," lot we can do"
picking up more sediment along the Knudsen said. For more information, call Swan
way. Rain might bring relief from or Mike Miller, city utilities manag-
"While understandably discon- brown water as the two reservoirs er, (503) 639-4171.
certing, the color only impacts the
appearance of the water," said Mark
Knudson, Portland's water quality
and treatment manager, in a memo
to Swan. "Our water remains safe to
drink. The water continues to meet
all state and federal standards for
safe drinking water."
However, the water is below the
secondary — or aesthetic — stan-
dard for color, according to
Knudsen. The standard for color is
15 color units, and the color of Bull
Run water is about 10 color units,as
compared to 5 color units in August.
0 See WATER, Page A2
DATE: October 25. 2000
MEETING: Intergovernmental Water Board Meeting
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