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Y INTERGOVERNMENTAL WATER BOARD Meeting Minutes April 13, 1994 Board Members Present: Chair Peggy Manning; Chair-Elect Bill Scheidench; Lynda Jenkins and George Morgan Board Member Absent: John Schwartz Staff Present: Leslee Gemmill, Mary Gruss, Wayne Lowry, Mike Miller, Liz Newton, Patrick Reilly, Randy Volk and Ed Wegner 1. Call to Order Chair Manning called the meeting to order at 5:38 p.m. 2. Approve March 23, 1994 Meeting Minutes Bill Scheiderich motioned to approve the meeting minutes as submitted and Lynda Jenkins seconded the motion. A voice vote .was taken and the motion. passed unanimously. 3. Continue Discussion on Meeting Procedures Liz Newton, City of Tigard Community Involvement Coordinator, distributed and reviewed the Draft Bylaws. She explained to the Board that the draft is based on the Board's discussion at its last meeting and is organized taking the Intergovernmental Agreement into consideration. Liz Newton pointed out the potential problem if and when the chair-elect resigns his/her position and asked the Board to consider this issue further. The Board discussed briefly Lynda Jenkins' concern regarding voting and a quorum. George Morgan reminded those present that the Intergovernmental Agreement stipulates a quorum shall be-three members and any action of the Board requires three votes excluding abstentions. Pa_r1iamentary Authority-Liz Newton informed the Board that Cathy Wh_eaday,City Recorder, will be attending'a seminar and has agreed to look for appropriate information on Parliamentary Authority forthe Board INT ERGOVERNUMMAL-WATM BOARD,MEEM. NWAIIdU M-APRIL 13 V%-PAGE 1, Conflict of Interest - Liz Newton distributed an "Ethics Guide for Public Officials" and per Lynda Jenkins' suggestion, will include as an addendum to the bylaws. Bill Scheiderich recommended Liz Newton contact League of Oregon Cities and ask for copies of its publication on "Conflict of Interest for Public Officials" for the Board. Chair Manning thanked Liz Newton for her presentation and indicated the Board will take action after the final draft. Patrick Reilly asked the Board to direct any additional comments to Liz Newton this next week. 4. Water Debt Service Levy Wayne Lowry, City of Tigard Finance Director, reviewed for the Board the agreement between the Washington County Assessor's Office and the Department of Revenue regarding the method to be used to levy the final two years of debt service for the Tigard Water District general obligation bonds. According to Wayne Lowry,each jurisdiction will need to levy their share of the debt service requirements for 1994/95 and the fairest way to determine each jurisdiction's share is based on the relationship of 1993/94 assessed values. He explained that the District will have funds from the 1993/94 levy to pay the amount due on July 1, 1994 and the 1994/95 levies by each-jurisdiction will fund,the payments due January 1 and July 1, 1995. The total amount due, using a 94% collection rate is $155,365. _. Wayne,Lowry offered assistance to cities of King City and Durham and Tigard Water District in the preparation of their budget forms and budget process. He also pointed out to those present, as indicated on the memo to Patrick Reilly dated April 7, 1994, each jurisdictions projected 1%water sales rebate. There was discussion on alternatives including paying the debt in full and budget concerns. Staff addressed the Board's questions and Patrick Reilly informed them that a draft budget should be available for review at the next meeting. Bill Scheiderich questioned Patrick.Reilly;..about the budget presentation, asking whether the forthcoming Capital Improvement Plan.master plan is going to dictate any revisions to the Systems Development;Charge;(SDC)? Patrick Reilly responded that it is reasonable to assume that the City would look at SWs subsequent to whatever plan,is adopted =.=f INTE tGOVOUMENTAL WATER-BOARD MMEMGMMUrEs.,.=APRIL 13, 1994-:PAGE Z 1. 5. Review of Water Rules and Regulations Randy Volk reminded the Board that Section 8 of the Intergovernmental Agreement empowers the Intergovernmental Water Board to make a continuing review of the rules and regulations regarding the water system. He informed the Board the Rules and Regulations haven't been updated since November 1992. The Board discussed briefly with staff the purpose of the document. George Morgan suggested to the Board that staff be allowed to review and streamline the contents and create an amended document for the Board to consider. He also expressed his concern for the need for further clarification in the handout in the area of identifying individuals by position for patrons to address questions and concerns to. He then questioned staff regarding the references to cost in the handout and asked if the water department uses any type of modeL - Randy Volk responded that cost may include salary and benefits and use of equipment where appropriate and a cost schedule is used internally. He also informed the Board that four water department employees are registered to attend an AWWA (American Water Works Association) sub-section meeting in Spokane, Washington. Patrick Reilly asked how the neighboring cities inform their customers about water rules and regulations. Bill Scheiderich responded that pertinent information is relayed to customers in a public relations brochure and then talked briefly about Systems Development Charges and the study done in July 1991 on the actual cost of each meter installation. Patrick Reilly repeated to the Board that staff is to prepare a reasonable customer service brochure and put together a design manual of policy issues. George Morgan asked Patrick Reilly if he envisioned these rules and regulations would be formulated as a composite for the City's customers of different services. Patrick Reilly responded that ideally one design manual would be created to be reflective of all the various services offered by the City. The Board recessed from 6:30 - 6:38 p.m. IN I 3LGOVERNN[ENTAL WATER BOARD MEETING MINUTES-APREL 13, 1994-PAGE 3 6. Managing and Purchasing Portland Water Mike Miller, Water Management Analyst, presented to the Board, an overview of water management techniques. He clarified water terms appropriate to the industry like "floating the system", "equalize" and "pealing"• He reviewed for the Board the general guidelines for when peak days and peak hours of usage occur on the Bull Run Supply System. He explained how the water department has experienced the negative impact of floating the system during the summer months and the positive benefit of utilizing the reservoir storage capacity reducing the rate to $0.55 per ccf from Portland for the 199495 fiscal year. Mike Miller continued explaining how the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system enables the water department to gather, control and analyze data (reservoir levels,transfer pump flows, incoming supply flows, etc.) in such a way that the department can improve the way it controls the water system. When -the purchase and installation of the SCADA system is complete, the department will have the ability to set parameters on when and how much water is purchased from Portland. The ability to control the supply from Portland is essential in that the way the department takes water determines the following year's rate. He said there are other software applications available to enhance the information gathered by SCADA. Wonderware Corporation has a Windows based application called In- Touch which allows the user to get a peaking factor of 1.0. Bill Scheiderich asked Mike Miller whether or not he's noticed if the fluctuation of the water level in the reservoirs, has an effect on water quality. Mike Miller responded that the department doesn't experience a problem probably due to the fact that the majority of the water is from Lake Oswego.. He further explained that in the 10 mg reservoir, when Bull Run water is taken, you can't see the bottom of the tank and you can see a dime in the bottom of the tank when filled with Lake Oswego water. Chair Manning complimented Mike Miller on his informative memo and presentation. 7. Non-Agenda Items Director's Report: Ed Wegner reported that the monthly report format is still being worked on and will be available.in two weeks. • 71 meters were installed during the month of March. INTERGOvERNMENTAL wATER BOARD MEETING wwUTES-APREL 13,1994-PAGE 4 In 1968, an addition to Reservoir 3 was constructed and has been leaking at the exterior and so far,the department has been unable to successfully repair it. Murray, Smith and Associates, Inc. has been asked -to evaluate the situation and respond as to the best way to take care of it. • The bid opening is May 3, 1994 for the 17 Transmission Main on the S.W. North Dakota Street improvement. Phase II of the SCADA system was approved for purchase by the Tigard City council. Phase II-A, the purchase of InTouch software,will go to Council in the next few weeks. Next year's Capital Improvement Plan is on target with Phase III of the SCADA purchase. Responding to questions from the Board, staff indicated the entire cost of the SCADA system is $120,000 and the last phase will provide monitoring to :the-reservoirs that currently have no monitoring. Peggy Manning asked about the cost effectiveness of the SCADA system. Randy Volk responded that immediate savings would be seen in overtime. InTouch will allow easy interface between computer and user for better use and will give more updated information on the water system. Mike Miller said the cost savings work out with a peaking factor of 1.0 of$313,000 worth of water versus a pealing factor of 1.3 at $.057 per 100 ccf works out to $364,000. Therefore, the potential cost savings is $51,000. • Ed Wegner updated the Board on the hand-held meter readers stating the employees have been trained and the department started routing and meter reading this month. The employee response has been good. Staff will share the meter readers with the Board at a future meeting. • Tigard Water District awarded the contract to Economic Engineering Services, Inc. (EES) for the division of assets. Preliminary meetings have been held with staff Peggy Manning asked about the final contract amount and Ed Wegner responded that its $20,000. He then informed the Board of an optional task being offered by EES for a GIS Information System. Ed Wegner continued by saying the consultant has been asked to report to the Tigard Water District at it's monthly meeting and George Morgan will report to this Board. George Morgan invited anyone interested in the progress of the project to attend the Tigard Water District meetings. • Director Wegner reported that the transition of the Tigard Water District employees and City of Tigard is going smoothly. He said the Finance Department has relocated. to the waxer building and will soon start the combined sewer and water billing. He continued saying the Operations and Maintenance staff is working well with the City maintenance staff. INTERGOVERNMENTAL WATER BOARD.M MMG M *4UM-APRIL A,1994-PAGE 5 8. Set Next Meeting Agenda • Director's Report • Water Budget Draft Bylaws 9. Adjournment Bill Scheiderich motioned to adjourn the meeting and George Morgan seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. iNTIItGO` IlV»AL WATER BOARD MEE'MGjW4UTES;=APRII.13,1994-,PAGE 6 MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TO: Intergovernmental Water Board Members FROM: Liz Newton, Community Involvement Coordinator DATE: April 15, 1994 SUBJECT: DRAFT Bylaws Attached is a revised copy of the DRAFT IWB Bylaws. The section on Voting and Motions has been clarified to reflect that a majority vote of the Board is necessary to pass motions. I have ordered five copies of the pamphlet on Conflict of Interest from the Oregon Government Standards and Practices Commission. An appropriate reference to that document will be included in the bylaws. In addition, a reference regarding Parliamentary Authority will be added after the City Recorder makes a recommendation. As I pointed out at your meeting on April 13, the Board may want to consider their obligation to appoint a Chair-Elect in the event of a mid-term resignation. The last paragraph on page one of the DRAFT Bylaws require the Board to fill that vacancy at the next available meeting. The Board may want more flexibility if there is only two or three months left of the term. If after discussion, the Board agrees to other modifications, additions, or, deletions, the changes will be made and presented to the Board prior to adoption. If no additional revisions are necessary, staff will present the final version for adoption. INTERGOVERNMENTAL WATER BOARD DRAFT BYLAWS REVISED APRIL 15, 1994 ARTICLE I: Name of Organization Intergovernmental Water Board ARTICLE II: Mission The Cities withdrew from the original District with intent to take a more active role in planning and operating a domestic water supply system for the Southeast Washington County area in order to provide the residents of that area with the highest quality water service at the lowest possible cost. In keeping with that intention, the Parties to this Intergovernmental Agreement commit to working together to provide all of the residents and undeveloped property in the original District with a clean, economical water supply. The Parties further commit to working together and with other agencies and jurisdictions in a cooperative effort to plan for the future long term water supply needs of the area. ARTICLE III: Members The Intergovernmental Water Board (IWB) will consist of five members. Members of the Board will be appointed by the respective governing bodies as follows: Tigard - One Member King City - One Member Durham - One Member District/Unincorporated Area - One Member At Large - One Member selected by a majority vote of the Other Members. ARTICLE IV: Officers The Intergovernmental Water Board shall elect a Chair and Chair-Elect from its' members. Election of the Chair-Elect shall be held the first meeting of each calendar year. The Chair-Elect shall serve one calendar year in that position and become Chair the first meeting of the next calendar year. In the event of a resignation of the Chair, the standing Chair-Elect shall become Chair on the effective date of the resignation of the Chair. The new Chair shall serve the remainder of the vacating Chair's term. The new Chair's one year term shall commence at the first meeting of the next calendar year. In the event of a resignation by the Chair-Elect, an election to fill the unexpired term shall be held at the next available meeting. Duties of the Chair: Presides over the deliberations of the Board. He/She votes on all questions brought before the Board. Has the authority, with consent of Board Members in attendance, to place time limits on visitor comments. Is recognized as the spokesperson for. Board actions and activities. Reviews and approves meeting agendas set by Board prior to the meeting. Duties of the Chair-Elect: Presides over the Board in the absence of the Chair. Preforms other duties assigned to the Chair in the absence of the Chair. ARTICLE V: Meetings: Meetings of the Intergovernmental Water Board shall be held at a regular time and place set by the members. Meetings of the Intergovernmental Water Board are subject to the open meetings law and are open to the public. Only issues covered under ORS 192.660 may be discussed in Executive Session. Quorums: A majority of 3 members shall be considered a quorum to conduct business. Duly appointed Alternates count as Members for purposes of establishing a quorum. In the event that the elected Chair and Chair-Elect are both absent, the Members in attendance shall elect a pro-tem Chair for that meeting. Agendas: At the end of each Board meeting agenda, sufficient time shall be allocated to set the agenda for the next meeting. Agendas shall be reviewed and approved by the Chair prior to mailing. Agendas and supporting material shall be mailed to Board Members one week prior to meetings. Information for last minute agenda items shall be distributed to Board Members at least 48 hours in advance of meetings. Only true emergencies may be brought before the Board without at least 48 hour notice. Meeting Notice: Notice of all Board meetings must be posted at least three days prior to the meeting in the following locations: Tigard City Hall King City City Hall Durham City Hall Tigard Water Building In addition, Notice of all meetings of the Board must be published in the Tigard Times at least three days prior to each meeting. Public Comment: There shall be time set aside on each regular meeting agenda for Visitors to address the Board on any topic related to the Board's duties. Visitors will be asked to limit their comments to five minutes. In addition, the Board may ask for Public comment on specific issues under consideration. The Board reserves the right to place time limits on speakers. Voting and Motions: Each Board Member shall be allowed one vote. Any members may make and second motions. Motions shall be addressed to the Chair. All seconded motions shall be voted on by the Board. The Chair may ask for unanimous consent if the motion is not debated or discussed. A voice vote shall be the usual method of voting. For adoption, motions require a majority vote of the Board Members (3 affirmative votes) . in the event of a tie, any member may ask for reconsideration of the motion. The motion fails if the second vote is a tie. Minutes: Staff shall be assigned to record and transcribe minutes of all Board meetings. Prepared minutes shall be considered "draft" until approved by majority vote of the Board at a regular meeting. The Chair shall sign minutes acknowledging Board approval. Parliamentary Authority: ARTICLE VI: Conflict of Interest ARTICLE VII: Amendments These Bylaws of the Intergovernmental Water Board may be amended at any time by majority vote of the members. r ' MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TO: Intergovernmental Water Board ja FROM: Patrick J. Reilly, City Administrator DATE: April 20, 1994 SUBJECT: Water Budget Attached please find a copy of the draft budget for Water operations, exclusive of detail sheets for Water Administration. The total expenditure summary, however, reflects all Water-related expenditures. During our meeting we would be happy to answer any questions you might have, as well as explain the basis for Water Administration charges. The focus of staffs presentation will be the overview of the Water fund and budget. Per our IGA, a Board responsibility is to review and make recommendations on budget requests. PJRAh attachment h:\Iogin\jo\pjr0420.1 �aTXlt_ �x�C-�a�Tu>2 G Sia rr+mgt2� City Of Tigard,Oregon 0420!94 Program Budget Matrix Proposed 1994/95 Matrix General Sanitary Storm Water Criminal State Gas County Traffic Total Budget Units Fund Sewer Sewer Fund Forfeit Tax Gas Tax imp Fee Expend Police 4,081,590 20,100 4,101,690 Ubrary 1,079,162 1,079,162 Education Services 0 0 Social Services 51,500 51,500 Parks Maintenance 415,607 415,607 Total Community Services 5,627,859 0 0 0 20,100 0 0 0 5,647,959 Administration 32,549 32,549 32,549 32,549 32,549 162,744 Sanitary Sem 317,389 317,389 Storm Sewer 292,240 0 292,240 Street Maintenance 52,767 0 380,479 122,736 555,444 Shops Services 66,254 14,723 14,723 12,269 14,723 122,692 Property Management 122,835 30,709 30,709 20,473 30,709 204,725 Water 0 0 0 2,834,688 0 2,834,688 Total Maintenance Services 221,637 395,370 422,988 2,899,979 0 458,460 122,736 0 4,489,922 Administration 126,120 7,419 7,419 0 7,419 148,377 Building Inspection 510,582 10,863 10,863 0 10,863 543,172 Current Planning 230,983 5,077 5,077 0 12,691 0 253,827 Advance Phvv*V 327246 327,246 Engineering 510,685 34,978 34,978 34,978 34,978 48,970 699,568 Street Lighting 330,000 330,000 Total Development Services 1,705,615 58,337 58,337 34,978 0 385,089 0 59,833 2,302,190 Mayor&City Council 46,308 12,147 4,558 4,558 6,837 1,557 75,964 City Administration 225,550 59,162 22200 22200 33,300 7,585 369,996 Personnel 150,915 23,416 11,708 19,904 23,416 4,800 234,159 Risk Management 135,711 - 42,583 15,979 42,609 23,968 - 5,459 266,309 Finance 76,863 59,813 31,515 21,024 15,768 5,256 0 210,239 Computer Systems 31,766 26,023 13,893 8,689 4,344 2,172 86,888 Accounting 183,480 97,528 33202 78,022 21202 10,601 424,034 Administrative Services 454,347 21,283 21,283 8,080 604,994 Total Policy&Admin 1,304,940 341,955 154,338 205.085 0 128,834 37 431 o 2,172 583 Non Departmental 235,999 50289 19,357 42,585 30,971 7,936 387,137 Total Operating Budget 9,096,050 845,951 655,019 3,182,627 20,100 1,003,353 168,103 59,833 14,999,791 0.6064 0.0564 0.0437 0.2122 0.0013 0.0669 0.0112 0.0040 1.0000 Debt Service 0 0 0 0 2,378,840 General Capital Improv 108,250 20,000 20,000 0 0 20.000 0 0 168,250 Capital Improvements 0 1,500,000 975,000 565,400 0 617,097 0 1,779,167 9.884,214 Contingency 300,000 100,000 100.000 300,000 0 50.000 0 250.000 1,168,000 Equipment Reserves 0 0 0 0 0 Total Budget 9,504,300 2,465,951 1,750.019 4,068,027 20,100 1,690,450 168,103 2,089.000 28,630,342 Total Revenue 12,028,900 3,566;000 2,044,000 6,&5.020 20,100 1,690,000 168 000 2,089,000 35466 070 Projected EFB 1994+95 2.524.600 ._1.100.049 293.981 2 rt36 993 0 (450) (1031 (0) 6,835,728 Proposed 94/95 Revenues 9.028,900 1.420,000 896.000 3,805,020 20,100 1.544,000 150,000 1,071,000 21,088,470 Projected 94195 Beginning Balance 3 Z14(0,0.00 1,148,000 700, 0 146,000 18AW 1.018,000 14 600 Proposed Total Revenue 12028 9003,566,000 Z04Q000 6.505.020 20100 1 690 000 168,000 2,089,000 35 466 070 f � �Or I/OS�Ol D 2170 Water-Cperatio--s 04/18,94 Pay Actual Actual Adopted Proposed % Approved Proposed Acct S Description Code 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994.9.5 Increase 1994-95 1999-96 110014 Total FTE 0 0.00 Om 21.00 15.50 0.00 0.00 50000 Merit Pod 0 0 0 0 5,455 ERR 0 0 50100 Sala' 47 0 6 688,682 508,500 -26% 0 0 50200 SaladesGeneral 5 0 0 66,0.00 0 -100% 0 0 50300 Salaries-police 0 0 0 0 0 ERR 0 0 50400 Regular Part-Tune 0 0 0 0 0 ERR 0 0 50500 Temporary Part-Tune 17 0 0 0 21,156 ERR 0 0 52000.Over6me 0 0 0 30,518 25,0.00 -18% 0 0 53000 Education 0 0 0 0 0 ERR 0 0 53100 L=Wevky 0 0 0 0 0 ERR 0 0 55000 l.nemplaymecd 0 0 0 13.500 560 -96% 0 0 55100 Worlm s Compensation 0 0 0 18.000 69,044 284% 0 0_ 55200 FICA. 0 0 0 58.700 42,848 -27% 0 0 55300 Tri-Met Tax 0 0 0 4,300 3,459 -20% 0 0 56000 Retiremem 0 0 0 68,000 75,454 11% 0 0 56500 Lite insurance 0 0 0 10200 1,513 -85% 0 0 56600 Salary cattirwaian 0 0 0 0 4.339 ERR 0 0 56700 Medical Irumwance 0 0 0 81,800 66,754 -18% 0 0 56800 Denial Insurance 0 0 0 0 10,102 ERR 0 0 56900 Vision Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 ERR 0 0 Total Wages&Benefits 69 0 0 1,039,700 834,184 -20% 0 0 60000 Water Costs 0 0 0 1,454,000 1,545,000 0 0 1,662600 60100 Prolessimal Services 0 0 0 72,500 42,500 -41% 0 25.000 60200 Cmiradual Services 0 0 0 69,200 13,870 BO% 0 10,500 60500 Water Casts-iled 0 0 0 142,000 120,000 0 0 126-900 60600 Water Costs-Sampling 0 0 0 14.000 15,000 0 0 15.000 61000 Rep&lwftb7FacMfies 0 0 0 158.800 114,324 -28% 0 97,124 61100 Rep&Main-Ve**m 0 0 0 21.000 41,500 98% 0 34.700 61200 Rep&MairHa fce Equp 0 0 0 9,600 0 -100% 0 0 61300 Special Dept.Expense 0 0 0 15,000 8,0.00 -4796 0 8.000 61400 Drug EnbmemeM 0 0 0 0 0 ERR 0 0 62000 Office Supplies&Expense 0 0 0 107.200 5,000 -95% 0 5.000 62100 Advertising&Publicity 0 0 0 31,700 600 -98% 0 300 62200 Fees&Licenses 0 0 0 0 2.15b ERR 0 2.200 62300 Dues&Stbsc iprions 0 0 0 12,000 13,619 13% 0 13.619 62400 Travel.Food&LAdguy 0 0 0 6.000 0 -100% 0 0 62500 Edication&Training 0 0 0 19,200 10,300 -46% 0 9.600 63000 Rertfs&Leases 0 0 0 1.200 1,500 25% 0 11500 631001krTdies 0 0 0 33,700 0 -100% 0 0 63200 kamanoe 0 0 0 38.000 0 -100% 0 0 65000 Library Materials 0 0 0 0 0 ERR 0 0 Total ilei&Services 0 0 0 2,205,100 1,933.363 -12% 0 2,010.543 70200 BuidaW&Mpymments 0 0 0 10.000 0 100% 0 0 70300'Veltides 0 0 0 0 0 ERR 0 0 70500 Lbrary Boole 0 0 0 0 0 ERR 0 0 70400 Office F mb"&Equip. 0 0 0 123,700 2.000 -98% 0 0 70600 Operation gMfpnwt 0 0 - 0 167,!W 61.100 -64% 0 .24.000 Total Capps!Outlay 0 0 : 0 '`. 801,200 6%100 79% 0 24.000 Total Budget tJrdl 69 0 0 3.546.000 2830.647 -20% 0 CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 50-5350 ---------------- 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved F[6SummerSEmploye"es e ummer Feld Crew Employees Lparkduty. mployees to do:help ter maintenance an to oyd in Parks to out in mowing a weekend $8.00 per hour for 6 employees for 16 weeks: $30,720 plux 3 00 tax = $8.50 per hour for 6 employees for 16 weeks: $32,640 piux ,0 tax = Ald f a A l .vT_ �n9t x-;14 YYo y N �yie4GL .. Q -. ,.. ;t ;��•.,,.- -gin�.,;:<<:- - ,77 411 CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994195 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 50-5400 /O.a./7O _ s aoaoo 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Overtime Account Office personnel are not included. Not taking into account any changes in well duty and call-out procedures. Week End Well Duty.and.Hofidays: 690 hrs. @ $23.48 16,200 average, 1-1/2 times. All after-hours call-outs and regular worked overtime 8,800 TOTAL 25,000 25,000 3--'i S� CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51.6000 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Water Costs Lake Oswego price increase is not available at this time. *Using the figures of$.58 per hundred cubic foot V100 cu. 1,485,000 1,600,000 ft.) during winter and fall months, and $.63 per hundred cubic foot during summer months from Lake Oswego. FYI 995/96 Base$-59, Peak$-68. **Portland Water at$.548/100 cu.ft and only taking it from 60,000 62,000 Bradley Comers and only taking our minimum of 4%. TOTAL 1,545,000 1,662,000 *FYI 995/96 Lake Oswego Base = $.59/100 cu. ft with April and May @ $.60 Peak = $.68/100 with June @ $.73. **FY1995/96 Portland Minimum purchase of 4%@ $-58/100 cu. ft CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 water Account No.: 51-6340 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form 1994/95 1994/95 1995196 1995196 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Engineers Plans for reservoir off Scholls, pump station and site off Beef 25,000 25,000 Bend Road.(on-going system growth plan review). ------------- ----------- ;r a�000 L( GtaG CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.. 51-6350 70 (.,o loD o 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Consultant fees for Phase 11 final payment 15.000 Consultant fees for Wilamette River study 2.500 CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7415 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Computer Software Software upgrades in FY1995/96 for new releases 1,500 Water program from AWWA 1,000 'Hansen Computer Program network version for 3 stations 4,500 'See 52-7410 Computer programs for Finance/Wayne. Program changes to the combined sewertwater billing, consumption based sewer billing, and misc.software packages to enhance the existing system. Z%' e !GTI 7= zoo oaa �4f� �3�070 /a, oa CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6050 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Water Cost - Electricity Running the wells and pump stations during the summer has an effect on this account. A hot summer would mean running 3 pumps more of the time at Bonita Street,thus increasing power costs. This year we had a wet summer and our costs were lower. Power costs revised 120,000 5% increase in power costs 126,000 CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6060 ;Rj?o 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995196 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Water Samples 15,000 15,000 30 Monthly routine Lead and copper Ph Chlorine res. Yearly well samples Chlorine for wells (new) I Floride Sampling (new) RAl CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6100 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Repair&Maintenance-Water Mains 10,000 10,000 The average cost over the last four years should be sufficient The Blow Off and Valve Maintenance Program will uncover some problems at the blow off s. Includes account nos. 51-6100 and 51-6180. In addition, this year we will combine line item 51-6180 Fire Service line Repair& Maintenance with Water Line Repairs. A0,Liao CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6105 i 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995196 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Repair& Maintenance- Water Main Valves 3,700 This will be the third and fourth years for this line item. The 5,000 program is still new and we haven't devoted a lot of time to the actual repairs. We will continue to locate, measure, and exercise valves, repairing only the ones that need it this year. Second year would Ike to put in more time and material to repair valves. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994195 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6110 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Repair& Maintenance - Reservoirs 5,000 5,000 Painting of tanks, iron railings, roof joint sealing and general cleaning. �1.a0o S�coo CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6115 1994/95 1994/95 1995!96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Repair& Maintenance - Grounds 4,000 3,000 The budget for the past four years shows an average of $5,000. Because the Parks Division will be doing our ground maintenance work, I would like to purchase and plant trees and shrubs-at-reservoir sites in and outside the City, mainly at the High Tor reservoir site and the 10 MG site. Purchase more trees and shrubs to complete landscaping the sites. ;1 I� Also included are the purchases of spring, summer and fail plants around the Water Dept. building. .7 ih+ 1 _ .. - `. _..'•.yip vK±�. r"44�iN3��iv .... CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6120 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Repair& Maintenance - Pumps and Stations 4,000 5,000 The Water Dept needs to start a rebuilding program for those pumps and motors with a tot of hours (with one pump and motor being rebuilt every year for the next 5 years). Average actual spent = $3,800. Pump Maintenance Program- start 1,000 Working off the new software Do physical pump maintenance 2,000 Combine Repair& Maintenance - Emergency Generators 2,000 2,000 51-6125 . 37 ..tic•�- - _ 17- O -7O - &/0,4U-7 CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6130 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995196 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Repair& Maintenance-SCADA&2-Way Radios Replace old censers that were not included in the original 5,000 SCADA installation. 2-Way Radio Repair for the Water Department is included. 5,000 4-Year average is $4,171. r MV -Y CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6140 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995196 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Repair& Maintenance - Buildings This is the combination of line items 51-6140 and 51-6470. 3,500 Canterbury Shop will need roof repair and new gutters in 1994/95. General up-keep to well houses. 2,500 3,000 Heating and air conditioning and general maintenance to Water Dept. Building. - - - .: _;-.,. :fir>.-;..,::-.• Ay .t. a CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6150 1994195 1994/95 1995196 1995196 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Repair& Maintenance- Small Tools & Equipment - (combining 51-6150 and 51-6155) This is the repair of the Water Dept. small pumps, power 3,700 3,700 tools, field equipment Ike jack hammer, chain saws, line locators, etc. Average over the last four years is $3,700. i �1 I ' :',ems_.. - - atit• -+:: _ . CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6160 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Repair& Maintenance-Water Meters 12,500 12,000 Work done during the year on Water Department's meters (all sizes). Four year average in this account is$11,830. aaw CCTV OF HARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6165 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved [Repair&Maintenance-Service Unes 11,000 11,000 The last 4-year average has been$11,000 Work expected to be done in the next two years will be: The continued replacement of 2' galvanized lines with copper pipe as the leaks appear, most of these services are within Icing City. Also repair of damaged service lines throughout the service area caused from excavating within right-of-ways and older copper waterline leaks. VV a oO CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6170 1994/95 1994195 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Repair& Maintenance - Regulators Replacement of faulty pressure regulators at the customers' 3,600 5,000 service line. In 1994/95 fiscal year, all cla-valves need to be cleaned, 17,400 rebuilt, and adjusted in our system. In addition to regulators,we are combining into this line item the Repair& Maintenance of the Bac4dlow Devices, #51-6185. �OGIO SGY o CITY OF TIGARD Budget unit: 2170 Water 1994195 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6190 1994/95 1994195 1995/96 1995196- Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Repair& Maintenance - Fire Hydrants 12,000 12,000 The 4-year average would be $16,500. With the fire hydrant replacement on Beef Bend Road, Durham Road,and the Bull Mountain Road bike path being charged out as capital improvements, this will lower the amount needed. /7 o- 6.-/G. D/L- CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6195 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Repair& Maintenance - Sampling Stations 500 500 This is a new fine item, and we haven't had sampling stations in the ground long enough to start fixing them. They are greatly needed and make the sampling program much easier. :. q,.�.';•S Wil-- i:/�• sy CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Foran Account No.: 51-6730 /s-an6-&16mo 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Janitorial Supplies. Yearly janitorial service with Coverall Services$444.00/month 5,328 5,328 Yearly rag and coverall contract with ARATEX Laundry 5,293 5,293 Service O'Meara Carpet Cleaning, twice a year 750 750 Fleur-0e-Lis Window Cleaning, inside and out, twice a year 500 .500 State Chemical Manufacturing Co., restroom deordorizers 800 800 Shamrock Janitorial Supply 195 195 National Sanitary Supply co., toilet tissue, G--fold towels, trash 800 So0 bags, light bulbs TOTAL 12,924 1 2924 ... . ' .. a. -_ .. .. _ - _ _ teal x,:.:. ..• 3-aJ-iV CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6250 1994/95 1994/95 - 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Small Tools Z500 2'500 Purchase of dally field operations work tools, including wrenchs, shovels, air hoses, small equipment under the$500 asset amount The 4-year average is$5,500. t. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994195 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6720 -03O6,) 1994195 1994195 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Safety This will be a combination of two line items: 51-6720 and 8,000 8,000 51-6735. it will cover all safety programs, training for safety, purchase of safety equipment, and the rain gear, rubber boots, gloves, uniforms. coveralls, hard hats, etc. - r W- Food CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Foran Account No.: 51=6401 is' —,P 70— ln�000c� 1994/95 1994/95 1995196 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Water Dept. - Clerical & Drafting Supplies and Expenses. This line item will combine 51-6401 and 51-6400 to give 5,000 5,000 Water Dept_ some small amount of office supplies. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994195 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6490 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995196 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Advertising Listings in newspapers for bids, RFPs, sales of used 300 300 equipment, etc. Construction of reservoir 300 i 011 4L .41 f 1 , • CITY OF TIGARD _ Budget Unit: 2.1.70 Mater. 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6520 f -,;Yx-6,22:� 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Intergovernmental Water Board OWB)4jW 1,000 1,000 Board meeting supplies including coffee, soft drinks, cookies, name plates, eta ,rte /a -6 pocvko Overtime for Board Secretary 1,150 1,200 3 5Y CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 21.70 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6480 lz ;j6-(moo 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Dues&Subscriptions 7,000 7,000 The Water Dept itself and 5 employees are members of 2,743 2,743 American Water Works Assoc. (AWWA) ($2,742.80). This includes the Northwest Subsection The State of Oregon Certificate of Competency for 12 1,000 1,000 employees, backflow inspectors and testers State Certification for 6 employees is $1,000. Various subscriptions, Tigard Times, Newsweek, Hamelton 376 376 Institute, Oregon Business Journal, etc. = $376.00 Metro BoundaryCommission Dues hryed7e1C -,y- �9— Annual m i dues for_ Northwest H Managment and Amen raining and Develo mduded are expen onthly eon meetings. Nim- /3 6/9 CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6800 1s-Aao-la;*60 1994/95 1994/951995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Employee Training&Travel 3,200 3,200 (combine 51-6800 and 51-6850) 1-1/2% of the Personal budget is$9,160.50. We well stay within that amount 12 Employees to AWWA Short School at Clackamas 450 450 Community College 6 Employees Backflow Inspectors update 150 150 4 Employees Backflow Testers update 100 100 Richard Sattler and Mike Miller continue with their computer 900 900 network classes 4 to 6 employees attend AWWA safety classes: excavation 500 y and confined space Other courses throughout the year 500 500 Clackamas Community College Certification courses at night: 600 600 4 employees Oregon Association for Municipal Records OAMR 700 State conference (Seaside) and membership dues Mileage = 3350 Membmhlp = 40.00 Lodging 4 nights @ 80.00 = 320.00 Meals 4 days @ 30.00 = 120.00 Conference registration = 225.00 - Includes pre-conference training 3-ai-57V CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 21.70 WATER 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6850 /s 1 17o- &0s4t�v 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Seminars, classes, conferences, workshops and training for 3,200 3,200 12 FTFs AWWA Short School Backflow Inspector Update AW WA Safety Classes Certification Schools CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 51-6600 % - of?o-t°-qoe�cp 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Equipment Rentals L of equipment (not available at the Water Dept.) for 1,500 1,500 erations work, including portable welders, space s, lights for night work, pressure pump, etc. -------------- ----------k--� is CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7410 70--7 o 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Office Equipment 'Memory upgrades for 4 computers (needed if the Hansen 2,000 program for water distribution maintenance management software package is purchased). The needs for FY1995/96 are not known at this time. Office Equipment for Finance/Wayne: g 0 High speed printer to print bills and bar codes Bar Code Reader(need this if we get a printer to print bar ,000 codes). Document Scanner 3,500 1.4; CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7420 5--N76-74Yoao 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Major Field Equipment Meter Reader Van 17,500 Water Dept Share of Maintenance yt 4,600 Services Brush Chipper SCADA Equipment (carryover from 1993/94) 50,000 Sampling Stations (Water Quality) 3,000 3,000 Totals Justifications: See attachment x74 CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7100 Budget Justifications for FY1994/95 Account 52-7420 Chipper Justification: The Water Department will share with other Maintenance Services departments in the purchase of a brush chipper. Our portion of the cost is $4,600. The Water Department has trees and shrubs that need to be trimmed around reservoirs and pump stations. The temporary Summer Employees do the trimming around our water meters and produce about a pick-up load of brush every week. Sampling Stations Justification: Water quality is always a high priority and having the ability to take samples directly from the water main gives us a much better and more accurate sample. Water sampling stations have been on the market only a couple of years and the Water Department needs to install them in established subdivision. SCADA Equipment- Phase 3 Justification: The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition(SCADA) system which was purchased in fiscal year 1992-93 has brought most of our system under control of a computer. We need to continue bringing all of the remaining distribution facilities(#4 well and reservoir, 132nd St. pumpstation, Baylor St. reservoirs and the Hunziker St. pump station) into the SCADA system. Having all of the sites monitored will enable us to have better control and have the ability to monitor, transfer water, and manage our distribution network to its highest efficiency. With the increasing growth within our service area, there is a greater demand put on our water resources. Meter Van Justification: This is a right-hand drive Grumman mail truck It has sliding doors for easy entrance and exits. Having the driver/meter reader getting out on the right side puts them right in front of the waxer meter for reading. By reorganizing the meter reading routes, which is already mostly completed, so that the meters are on the right side,the truck is always heading with the flow of traffic. Then the meter reader does not have to walk around the truck or cross the street. This increases the safety for the Water Department employee, and the speed of meter reading The b truck,while not being used as meter is a also small utili a . ;z�.,. ty van:= It „- ' av` . c ?S has a sliding rear door and room for tools:and parts to..repair tumor problems at`the meter : "'=3" This truck will replace thetwo.used ri ndfir_ ght-lia` drive tricks purchased from Tualatin Valley Water District. Budget Acct 52-7420 Justification,page I -a - sy CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7430 Detailed DescriptionR19 U/955 A 994/ 95 1995/S6 1995/96 eq Approved Requested Approved Small Field Equipment Hydratic Tools, 3,500 3.500 Trash pump, cut-off saw, wacker, locators (replacements) One ton utility truck, four meter reading on fine equipment need for operations WIN 4 _: CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7200 Pg. 1 of 3 1994/95 1994195 1995196 1995196 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Pipeline Replacements 103,000 SW Beef Bend Road, Hwy 99W to SW 131st. Replace 2,000 feet of 12" C.I. water main with 12" 0.1. in various locations @ $40/ft. _ $80,000. Relocate, adjust, and update 9 existing fire hydrants: 9 hydrants @ $750 each $6,750. 9 MJxFlg Adapters @ $60 each 540. 9 MJ Holding Spools @ $120 each 1,080. 15 tons drain rock @ $6.20/ton 93. 40 tons 3/4"-0 rock @ $5.30/ton 212• 9 valve boxes @ $501ea 450. CoT tabor& equipment charges 5,875. 16 water services and wagter meters to be adjusted at $400/ea 6,400. Adjust valve boxes 1,427 Justification: Washington County Road Improvement Project •d �,� CITY OF HARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7200 Pg. 2 of 3 /6--16,776-7S7,GO/ 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Pipeline Replacement 16,800 SW Buil Mountain Road Although no pipelines will be replaced, FH and water meter/services replacementtrelocation along SW Bull MountaitrRoad should be capitalized. Relocate and update 3 fire hydrants @ $2,000/ea = $6,000. 12 water services/meters @ $400/ea= $4,800. Adjust valve boxes $500 Adjust 140 ft. of 12"water main @ $38/ft. $5,320 Justification: City of Tigard Bike Path Project CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7200 Pg.3 of 3 1994195 1994195 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved FrCnflict ad -SW Hall to Upper Boones 24,070 200 ft. of 12" D.1., ain w/12" D.I. on Durham Rd o Creek. Due to possible conflict w/new . @ $40/ft. $8,000 H. along Durham doe to widening project 6 hydrants @ $750/ea $4,500. 6 MJxFlg. adapters @ $60/ea 360 6 MJ holding spoons $ $120/ea 720 10 tons drain rock @ $6.20/ton 62. 27 tons 3/4"-0 rock @ $5.30/ton 143.10 6 valve boxe4s @ $50/ea 300. Labor and equipment 3,920. 12 Water services and water meters to be adjusted @ $400/ea $4,800 Adjust valve boxes throughout project $1,190 Justification: Washington County Road Improvement Project A/ Jr CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994195 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7210 -�'27c- 7s/ 4/U 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Meter Replacements No meter replacements are scheduled for FY1994/95 -0- Meter replacement at the old Durham Elementary School 7,000 due to Washington County Road Improvement Project on Durham Road in FY 1995/96 575-LA concrete vault $2,400 3" compound meter $1,300 Valves (2-4" MJxFIg. GV) 300 By Pass 500 4" pipe, 4'x3' reducers, inline valve, 3/4"-0 rock, backfill, and valve boxes 500 Equipment and labor charges +4% inflation $1,700 Justification: Washington County Road Improvement Project. Current location of meter vault will put it within a travel lane when the road improvement project is completed. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7300 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 =Aped Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Meter Installation 75,000 75,000 New meter installations are forecasted at a rate of 500 meters per year. Average installation cost of$150/meter for all sizes. During the first half of FY1993/94, we have spent $34,799.76. Past History: FY1990-91 $53,932 FY1991-92 $37,463 Note: This line item offsets Meter Sales. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7310 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Water Service Installation 71,000 73,200 Water service installation varies due to the number of subdivisions and other developments built during the fiscal year. During the first hall of the 1993-94 fiscal year we have spent$35,633.27. Based on FY1993/94 history, we believe that $71,000 will be spent on this line item. FY1995/96 budget reflects a 3% inflation factor. Note: This line item is offset by Meter Sales. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994195 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7320 /s=4;77b- 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995196 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Regulator Installations -0- Construction of Pressure Reducing Station, installed between 18,000 Pleasant View Phase 1 & 3 on Bull Mountain Justification: Phase 1 of Pleasant View is currently being served from the reservoirs at the summit of Bull Mountain through a pressure reducing station on Bull Mountain Road. Phase 3 of Pleasant View is located east of Phase 1 and is served directly from the reservoirs at the summit. Since the two phases will be interconnected, and more water is needed to supply the west end of the service area, a pressure reducing station is needed to reduce the water pressure from Phase 3 as it enteres Phase 1. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7500 Ro. 1 of 2 15-- A7c- 7S/,G.30 1994/95 1994/95• 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Pipeline Extension SW North Dakota Street, SW 115th Ave. to SW 121st Ave., 58,000 1,450 ft. of 12" D.I. pipe @ $40/ft. Justification: This completes the SW North Dakota Street 12" loop between Scholls Ferry Road and Tiedeman Street. This area of the service area is in need of reinforcement and looping with medium diameter mains. SW Scholls Ferry Road, SW Walnut Street (Castle Hill) to 40,000 Pebble Creek subdivision, 1,000 feet of 12" D.I. pipe @ $40/ft. Justification: This will eliminate two dead ended water mains, and provide a circulation loop. With the high growth in this area, it is important to provide additional fire flows in the area. In addition,the elimination of dead end water mains improves water quality. Total Requirements 98,000 rrl .; t iv Y CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7500 Pg. 2 of 2 is-�a-7o- psi 63c) 1994/95 1994195 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Pipeline Extensions SW Greenburg Road, Hwy 217 east toward Bradley Comer, 219,000 1,600 ft of 24" D.I. pipe at $90/ft. ($144,000); remove 400' of 16" D.I. pipe, replace w/24" D.I. and a 36" bore under Hwy 217 ($60,000), and tie to existing 16" on the east side of Hwy 217 ($15,000). Justification: This is in order to enable us to import more Bull Run water from Portland, because Lake Oswego has limited capacity to serve both its own citizens and ours. The 24" D.I. main project is the second phase of a 3-phase project to parallel the existing 16" water main along SW Greenburg Rd., that will allow higher flow rates to be purchased from Portland to meet the demands of the service area beyond year 2000. An equivalent 30-inch main (16" plus 24") was recommended in the engineering study of 1971. Note: This project may be postponed due to an alternate supply source option. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7510 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Fire Hydrants 2 new Fire Hydrants - Installation @ $1,800/ea 3,600 3,600 Justification: On-going program where the Fire District identifies various locations throughout the service area that are in need of additional fire protection. These locations are within existing developed areas that are in need of additional fire protection. CITY OF TIGARD Budget unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7520 /S-4-.976- 75-/,L),1 O 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Backflow Device installations -0- -0- CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 52-7600 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995196 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Land and Improvements *Harvest timber from 11.04 acre reservoir site, and begin site 178,000 grading and clearing work for new 2.5 MG reservoir south of ScholIs Ferry Road. Construct road bed $70,000 Clearing, grub, and grading 100,000 Soil survey(Geo. Tech.) 5,000 Survey of property for exact location of reservoir 3,000 'Timber harvest should off-set site preparation work. Sale of marketable timber(sale price unknown at this time) (Estimated value $50,000) Hydro seeding for site restoration 10,000 10.,000 Total Requirements 188,000 Reservoir Construction Outline: July 1994: Build road bed into project; Begin timber harvest, after marketable timber removed, clear and grub land for both reservoirs; Proposed 2.5 MG and future 1.0 MG reservoir. Sept. - Dec. 1994: Revise existing plans of 2.5 MG reservoir to comply with new standards. Have soil survey (Geo.Tech.) completed and exact location of reservoir established. Jan. - Feb. 1995: Start-permit process. Feb. 1995: Write specs for reservoir construction.. March 1995: Advertise for bids. May 1995: Award bid. July 1995: Begin construction. January 1996: Reservoir operational. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 19941'95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: SDC & Capital Project Reserve Outlay soc ;ZV - &d;?o- 7s'--r 490 b C 7C -77 .Go0 1994/95 1994195 1995/96 1995196 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Construction of 2.5 MG Reservoir south of Scholls Ferry Rd. 1,300,000 Funding for reservoir project: Capital Projects Reserve $650,000 SDC Reserve Fund $650,000 Justification: Engineering studies of 1986 and 1990 advised that to keep up with growth, the agency must construct a 2,500,000 gallon reservoir in the 410 pressure zone south of Scholls Ferry Road. The agency owns the property for this reservoir. Also, residential development west of the reservoir site has been greater than anticipated, and the growth of the area has created a larger demand for both domestic and fire protection water. Purchase of land (when it becomes available) for pumping 30,000 station on Beef Bend Road at SW 137th Ave. Justification:A small parcel of land is necessary to provide a location for a water pumping station. The pump station will allow us to transfer water from the 410 pressure zone to either the reservoirs at the summit of Bull Mountain or to a future 2.5 million gallon reservoir at elevation 550' on the southern flank of Bull Mountain. ��tl E N U B.S 5 Proposed Budget City of Tigard, Oregon Water General Fund #15 Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Description 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 Metered water sales 3, 201, 300 3, 255, 000 3, 390, 000 Other water sales 4, 000 6, 000 6, 000 Fire service standby chg 27, 000 26, 000 27, 000 Meter installation fees 116, 500 162, 500 162, 500 SDC reimbursement 109, 200 138, 750 138, 750 Sewer billing charge 30, 000 5, 000 5, 000 Total Water Sales 3, 488, 000 3, 593, 250 3, 729, 250 Developers fees-10% overhead 98, 400 64, 000 64, 000 Engineering fees 12, 700 12, 700 Fire service connection 5, 000 5, 000 Line extension rebates 2, 000 2, 000 2, 000 TWD equipment rental 500 500 Total Developer Revenue 100, 400 84, 200 84, 200 Misc fees and charges 5, 000 5, 000 5, 000 Interest income 84, 000 65, 000 65, 000 Rental income 2, 100 2, 600 2, 600 Other revenues 2, 000 2, 820 2, 820 Returned check fee 1, 200 1, 150 1, 150 Recovered expenditures 51, 000 Total Misc Revenue 94, 300 127, 570 76, 570 Total Revenues 3, 682, 700 3, 805, 020 3, 890, 020 Fund balance 2, 000, 000 2, 800, 000 Total Water Fund Revenue 5, 682, 700 6, 605, 020 3, 890, 020 CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.:-49-4000- /3 bona-V1,0.Q�b 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Metered Water Sales 3,255,000 3,390,000 Metered Water Sales are water supply projections with a water loss rate of 3%. FY94-95.XLS Fiscal Year 1994-95 Fiscal Year 1995-96 Water Reve Water Costs Water Reve Water Costs July 5328,648 $178,400 July $341,960 $201,171 Aug. $379,905 $177,963 Aug. $395,830 $200,918 Sept. $356,767 $128,304 Sept. $371,670 $145,253 Oct. 1 $311,180 $115,874 Oct. $324,133 $120,697 Nov. 5289,582 $104,296 Nov. $301,595 $110,495 Dec. $213,506 $91,928 Dec. $213,506 $97,378 Jan. $212,112 $102,888 Jan. $212,111 $108,974 Feb. $187,500 $86,567 Feb. $201,362 $91,744 March $230,157 $106,142 March $239,575 $112,622 April $215,442 $99,336 April $224,227 $107,094 May 0260,048 $116,219 May $273,220 $125,254 June $270,153 $159,495 June $290,811 $178,149 Page 1 FY94-95ALS Chart 5 Water Revenue vs. Water Costs $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 Water Revenue c $200,000 Water Costs $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 > a o aUi a m c ch Fiscal Year 1995-96 Page 1 FY94-95.XLS Chart 2 Water Revenues vs. Water Costs $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 Water Revenue H c S200,000 Water Costs 0 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 SO Q cn O Z o ti co Q Fiscal Year 1994-95 Page 1 CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.:4G-4095- /S-- Z/f16.411 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Water Sales-Other 6,000 6,000 Fire Hydrant Water Sales to developers for Water Dept. Control, etc. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: /S-- �v.D/Z 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Fire Service Standby Charge 26,000 27,000 Revenue from Fire Service Standby Charge based on past history and expected new fire service connections. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 40-4020 /�Q�oe - Sf?ri'oGr� 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Sewer Billing Revenue 5,000 5,000 Possible revenue from billing sewer for King City, Durham, and unincorporated area. Estimated at 2,200 bills/month at $.19/each. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: XM /S-dclno-V#fo.6/3 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Meter Sales , We are forecasting 500 water meter installations for the next two years. Installation recovery is $325.00 for 5/8"x3/4" meters. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 48-4985- /.5 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved SDC Reimbursement 138,750 138,750 To "buy in"to the existing system. 500 meters per year 350 @ $210 $73,500 100 @ $365 $36,500 25 @ $420 $10,500 25 @ $730 $18,250 CITY OF TIGARD Budget unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 40-4101 IS-omo-41V 7.06/ 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Developers Fees - 10% Overhead 64,000 64,000 This item is dependent on the number of housing developments constructed during the fiscal year. This is estimated from 1993-94 6-months activity. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 4e-4"2— r7 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Developers Fees - Engineering Fees 12,700 12,700 This item is dependent on the number of housing developments constructed during the coming fiscal year. This amount is estimated from 1993-94 6-month activity. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.:- 9#- /,r-c�sao 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Developers Fees -TWD Equipment Reimbursement 500 500 Possible rental of TWD equipment. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 404405— �S ocm- 5+ XcO S^ 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 . Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Developers Fees - Fire Service Connection 5,000 5,000 New Fire Service connections are charged a development fee of $1,250. It is anticipated that there will be at least four commercial projects,requiring fire sprinkler systems. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 49 4299 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Line Extension Rebates 2,000 2,000 Recovery of costs from installing water mains by TWD. This is for water fines built between 1984 and the present, to which a connection is made. _.. .._ .. .... _ __:_...._...��._..:a"«G:�.3.i�v;.:.. :. s:,::...,.�.._r_.. ....._....._..-_. -ys:-�.:iv5s.?cte:.:e:,_::_....::::.v:.:_�._..__.doaic}V'+7na.�L� '"Y:> ee'e+:+:=• CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 water 1994195 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: Miscellaneouss�Ryevenue j'-caro-SMD 1994/95 1994195 1995/96 1995196 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Miscellaneous Revenue Timber harvest from 11.04 acre reservoir$50,000 Estimated value 'Trade-ins on 580-0 and 680-K backhoes $25,000 $ ('If the purchase of a new Case 590 backhoe is authorized.) � a ,rT mss' CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: -49-4398 /S-G�-yCf/aaa 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Miscellaneous Income 5,000 5,000 This year there was a lot of damage and requests from developers to adjust and/or relocate existing water facilities. Since these projects are not LID's (Local Improvement District) or State, County, or City projects, the Water Dept. is entitled to reimbursement for work performed. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.X40-4498 /5--4mv- 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Interest Income 65,000 65,000 Interest Income is to become part of Finance. CITY OF TIGARD Budget unit: 2170 water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 49-459 /s=ctoao-117,000 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Penalties for Non-Payment 2,820 2,820 Estimating from the last 6 months, we expect this line item to stay relatively constant. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: 40--45+0-- /_57- 046d-rf' ',062_ 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Returned Check Fees 1,150 1,150 Although the economy is picking up, during the last 6 months we have charged $575.00 in returned check charges. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2.170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No. 86@- /s-�c�0-y79�a 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Sale of Equipment and Land 1,000 -0- With the purchase of a new meter reading van,we can sell the used van from TVWD. No sale of equipment or land is expected during FY 1995/96. CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 Water 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.:-48-4799— 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved Rental Income 2,600 2,600 Lease Income from WCCCA, $500/year. Rental from Tigard/Tualatin School District for bus storage at Canterbury Site, $175/month. 3-a fel CITY OF TIGARD Budget Unit: 2170 WATER - SOG 1994/95 Budget Preparation Form Account No.: +49'- V-Ocae-q7/ .QOd 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 1995/96 Detailed Description Requested Approved Requested Approved SDC Improvement Fund 349,250 349,250 500 Meters per year 350 @ $635 VOA 3"y 100 Ca $635 "¢� 25 @ $1270 259$1270 p c.I1 K T N Q -Poo 4 MARCH 1994 WATER MONTHLY REPORT Revenues/Expenditures: Month of March Year to Date Prior Yr. to Date %of Budget Revenues: Water Sales $216,541.38 $2,596,017.,16 $2,131,107.99 Meter Sales 48,964.16 386,485.93 233,334.12 Developer Fees 00.00 64,437.43 126,047.19 Other Income 8,245.49 89,532.50 93,876.84 Total Revenue $273,751.03 $3,136,473.02 $2,584,366.14 85.2% Expenditures: Personal Services $62,701.00 $624,484.27 $658,628.82 Material Services 115,037.00 1,267,282.84 1,061,504.90 Capital Outlay 14,481.14 182,738.65 267,373.49 Cap. Proj. Res. Fund 00.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 Total Expends. $191,219.14 $2,374,505.76 $2,287,507.21 51.5% SDC Fund: $57,957.00 $492,627.68 $335,489.29 159.9% Meter Installations: 5/8" x 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" Total Durham 0 0 0 0 King City 2 0 0 2 Tigard Water District 35 1 0 36 City of Tigard 24 6 3 33 Total for March 71 Work Accomplished: Durham • Water Division personnel repaired four(4) 3W' water services that were damaged by a private contractor in the process of trenching for power services in the Heron Grove subdivision. King City • Water Division personnel repaired a 2-inch cast iron water main at 12404 SW King George Drive that ruptured. Water Loss was minimal. • Water Division personnel performed meter maintenance within King City in various locations. This work involved raising or lowering of four(4) 5/8" x 3/4" water meters. Tigard Water District • Water Division personnel removed a Fire Department Connection(FDC) standpipe at the High Tor Reservoir on SW High Tor Drive. After removing the standpipe, Water personnel installed a new Mueller fire hydrant. • Water Division personnel raised three(3)water meters that were located in various locations in the District. City of Tigard • Water Division personnel lowered the water level in the old#3 Reservoir and chipped away the gunite covering on the exterior of the reservoir, in various locations, in order to identify the extent of the leaks. It appears that the water leaks are generally located at the seam where the two sections of reservoir come together. Please note that the original volume of the reservoir was 500,000 gallons. In the early 1970's the height of the reservoir was increased to an overflow elevation of 410 feet above sea level. Today,the total volume of the older reservoir is 800,000 gallons. The Water Division will employ a private contractor to fill the cracks with an epoxy compound at high pressure to seal the leaks from the outside. • Water Division personnel replaced three (3) obsolete fire hydrants with new Mueller fire hydrants within the City Limits. • Water Division personnel installed four (4)new water sampling stations in various locations within the City Limits. These water sampling stations are used for collecting the monthly routine water samples that help determine our compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Standards. • Water Division personnel raised and relocated a 2-inch water service for the Maintenance Services Building located on SW Ash Avenue. • Water Division personnel flushed dead end water mains in various locations within the City. • Water Division personnel installed nine 2-inch water services for the Main Street Apartment complex. • Water Division personnel installed a 1-inch water service for the Fanno Creek Village Apartment complex. These Apartments are located on SW Hall Blvd. north of SW McDonald Street. s Water Division personnel installed 25 - 3/4-inch water services and one f- inch water service for the Pebble Creek subdivision located on SW Scholls Ferry Road, north of SW Walnut Street. Water Consumption and Loss: Total 100 cubic feet of water purchased or produced 182,680 ccf Total 100 cubic feet of water sold <130,640 ccf> Amount of water in storage at the end of the month < 20,055 ccf> Amount of water consumed but not yet billed < 26,850 ccf> Water loss 5,135 cef 2.8% Status Report: The City Council of Tigard authorized the Water Division to advertise the 12" Transmission Main Project on SW North Dakota Street. The project will be Advertised April 14 and 15 with a bid opening of May 3rd. Phase 2 of the SCADA system goes before the City Council for approval April 12. Handheld Meter Reading equipment arrived during the first part of March. Training on the equipment was held during the week of April 4. Water Division staff are undergoing a classification review. Parks Department started renovating the landscaping at the Water Building. EES (Economic Engineering Services, Inc.) was awarded the Division of Assets contract by TWD to be completed by June 30, 1994. Coopers and Lybrand, Certified Public Accountants, are currently reviewing the July 1, 1993 to December 31, 1993 budget of the Southeast Washington County Joint Water Agency. Complaint Summary: Citizens are tired of hearing about the joint sewer and water billing system. They just want to know when it will start. Number of calls: 25 to 30 last month. Some questions were raised regarding the way the water bill is calculated. The questions are about both the minimum ccf for the billing period and the dollar amount. The inconsistency is from the information on the backs of the water bills and the way the computer system is setup to apply the minimum. The computer bases its calculations on a 61 day billing period. Number of calls: 5 to 10 last month. Operational Changes: Two Water Division crew members and the Water Division 10 yard dump truck worked with the Street Department on grading SW 74th Avenue. Three Water Division crew members and the Water Division 10 yard dump truck and backhoe helped the one Parks Department crew member work on the renovation of the landscaping at the Water Building. Throughout the month of March there has been a number of office relocations and personnel consolidations in an effort to provide efficiencies of service. An example of this was the consolidation of accounting, finance and customer service departments. These departments are now centrally located in the Water Building. 04/25/94 City Of Tigard, Oregon Water General Fund # 15 1994/95 Budget Summary 91/92 92/93 93/94 94/95 Actual Actual Budget Proposed Administration Wages & Benefits 302,190 Material & Services 260,700 Capital Outlay 36,200 Total Administration 599,090 347,939 Operations Wages & Benefits 737,510 834,184 Material & Services 1,962,400 1,933,363 Capital Outlay 227,200 63,100 Total Operations 2,927,110 2,830,647 Operating Budget 2,760,079 2,757,785 3,526,200 3,178,586 Transfer To CIP 300,000 300,000 Capital Projects 374,092 194,077 477,710 585,400 Contingency 305,000 300,000 Total Expenditures 3,134,171 3,251,862 4,608,910 4,063,986 Total Resources 5,161,940 5,440,273 5,682,700 6,605,020 Total Expenditures 3,134,171 3,251,862 4,608,910 4,063,986 Ending Balance 2,027,769 2,188,411 1,073,790 2,541,034 1994/95 Proposed Budget City of Tigard, Oregon Water General Fund #15 Revenue Details Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Acct# Description 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 446010 Metered water sales 2,492,719 2,684,870 3,201,300 3,255,000 446011 Other water sales 4,750 5,990 4,000 6,000 446012 Fire service standby chg 25,376 25,796 27,000 26,000 446013 Meter installation fees 112,080 342,424 116,500 162,500 448000 SDC reimbursement 122,675 68,551 109,200 138,750 479100 Sewer billing charge 30,000 5,000 Total Water Sales 2,757,600 3,1279631 3,488,000 3,593,250 447001 Developers fees-10% overh( 76,010 181,994 98,400 64,000 447002 Engineering fees 13,610 12,700 447005 Fire service connection 5,000 449088 Line extension rebates 17,613 3,575 2,000 2,000 451000 TWD equipment rental 500 Total Developer Revenue 107,233 185,569 100,400 84,200 451000 Misc fees and charges 8,858 5,000 5,000 470000 Interest income 104,093 93,243 84,000 65,000 472000 Rental income 14,201 4,351 2,100 2,600 478000 Other revenues 28,037 1,710 2,000 2,820 478002 Returned check fee 310 1,200 1,150 479000 Recovered expenditures 125,505 51,000 Total Misc Revenue 281,004 99,304 94,300 127,570 Total Revenues 3,145,837 3,412,504 3,682,700 3,805,020 300000 Beginning Fund balance 2,016,103 2,027,769 2,000,000 2,800,000 Total Water Fund Revenue 5,161,940 5,440,273 5,682,700 6,605,020 City Of Tigard,Oregon Program Budget Matrix Proposed 1994/95 Matrix Water Water CIP Total Budget Units Fund SDC Reserve Water Activit Police 0 Library 0 Education Services 0 Social Services 0 Parks Maintenance 0 Total Community Services 0 0 0 0 Administration 32,549 32,549 Sanitary Sewer 0 Storm Sewer 0 0 Street Maintenance 0 0 Shops Services 12,269 12,269 Property Management 20,473 20,473 Water 2,830,647 2,830,647 Total Maintenance Services 2,895,938 0 0 2,895,938 Administration 0 0 Building Inspection 0 0 Current Planning 0 0 Advance Planning 0 Engineering 34,978 0 34,978 Street Lighting 0 Total Development Services 34,978 0 0 34,978 Mayor&City Council 4,558 4,558 City Administration 22,200 22,200 Personnel 19,904 19,904 Risk Management 42,609 42,609 Finance 21,024 21,024 Computer Systems 8,689 8,689 Accounting 78,022 78,022 Administrative Services 8,080 8,080 Total Policy&Admin 205,085 0 0 205,085 Non Departmental 42,585 42,585 Total Operating Budget 3,178,586 0 0 3,178,586 0.2.120 0.0000 0.0000 Debt Service 0 0 0 General Capital Improv 0 0 Capital Improvements 585,400 1,594,250 648,000 2,827,650 Contingency 300,000 0 0 300,000 Equipment Reserves 0 0 Total Budget 4,063,986 1,594,250 648,000 6,306,236 Total Revenue 6,605,020 1,594,250 648,000 8,847,270 Projected EFB 1994/95 2,541,034 0 0 2,541 034 Proposed 94/95 Revenues 3,805,020 394,250 18,000 4,217,270 Projected 94/95 Beginning Balance 2,800,000 1,200,000 630,000 4,630,000 Proposed Total Revenue 6,605,020 1,594250 648,000 8,847,270 City Of Tigard,Oregon 04/25/94 Program Budget Matrix Proposed 1994%5 Metrix General Sanitary Storm Water Criminal State Gas County Traffic Total Budget Units Fund Sewer Sewer Fund Forfeit Tax Gas Tax Imp Fee Expend Police 4,081,590 20,100 4,101,690 Library 1,079,162 1,079,162 Education Services 0 0 Social Services 51,500 51,500 Parks Maintenance 415,607 415,607 Total Community Services 5.627,859 0 0 0 20,100 0 0 0 5,647,959 Administration 32,549 32,549 32,549 32,549 32,549 162,744 Sanitary Sewer 317,389 317,389 Storrs Sewer 292,240 0 292,240 Street Maintenance 52,767 0 380,479 122,736 555,444 Shops Services 66,254 14,723 14,723 12,269 14,723 122,692 Property Management 122,835 30,709 30,709 20,473 30,709 204,725 Water 0 0 0 2,830 647 0 2,830,647 Total Maintenance Services 221,637 395,370 422,988 2,895,938 0 458,460 122,736 0 4,485,881 Administration 126,120 7,419 7,419 0 7,419 148,377 Building Inspection 510,582 10,863 10,863 0 10,863 543,172 Current Planning 230,983 5,077 5,077 0 12,691 0 253,827 Advance Planning 327246 327,246 Engineering 510,685 34,978 34,978 34,978 34,978 48,970 699,568 Street Lighting 330,000 330,000 Total Development Services 1,705,615 58 337 58,337 34,978 0 385,089 0 59,833 2,302,190 Mayor&City Council 46,308 12,147 4,558 .4,558 6,837 1,557 75,964 City Administration 225,550 59,162 22,200 22,200 33,300 7,585 369,996 Personnel 150,915 23,416 11,708 19,904 23,416 4,800 234,159 Risk Management 135,711 42,583 15,979 42,609 23,968 5,459 266,309 Finance 76,863 59,813 31,515 21,024 15,768 5,256 0 210,239 Computer Systems 31,766 26,023 13,893 8,689 4,344 2,172 86,888 Accounting 183,480 97,528 33,202 78,022 21,202 10,601 424,034 Administrative Services 454,347 21,283 21,283 8,080 504,994 Total Policy&Admin 1,304,940 341,955 154,338 205,085 0 128,834 37,431 0 2,172-,583 Non Departmental 235,999 50,289 19,357 42,585 30,971 7,936 387,137 Total Operating Budget 9,096,050 845,951 655,019 3,178,586 20,100 1,003,353 168,103 59,833 14,995,750 0.6066 0.0564 0.0437 0.2120 0.0013 0.0669 0.0112 0.0040 1.0000 Debt Service 0 0 0 0 2,378,840 General Capital Improv 108,250 20,000 20,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 168250 Capital Improvements 0 1,500,000 975,000 585,400 0 617,097 0 1,779,167 9,884,214 Contingency 300,000 100,000 100,000 300,000 0 50,000 0 250,000 1,168,000 Equipment Reserves 0 0 0 0 0 Total Budget 9,504,300 2,465,951 1,750,019 4,063,986 20,100 1,690,450 168,103 2,089,000 28,626,301 Total Revenue 12X8,900 3,566,000 2 044000 6,605,02D 20100 1,696,000 168,000 2,089,000 35,566,070 Projected EFB 1994/95 2,524,600 1 100 049 293,981 Z541,034 0 (450) (103) (0) 6.939,769 Proposed 94/95 Revenues 9,028,900 1,420,000 896,000 3,805,020 20,100 1,544,060 150,000 1,071,000 21,088,470 Projected 94195 Beginning Balance 3,000.000 2146 000 1,148,000 2 800 000 0 146,000 18,000 1,018,000 14,477,600 Proposed Total Revenue 12,028,900 3,566,000 2 044 000 6,605,020 20,100 1,690,000 168.000 2,089.000 35,566,070 City Of Tigard Water Operations Summary of Full Time Equiv Positions 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 Positions Acting Admin Director 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Superintendent/Operations Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Bookkeeper/Accounting Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Eng Tech III/Senior Mgmt Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Admin Asst/Human Resources Coon 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Customer Accts Rep 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 Office Assistant 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 Draftsperson 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Inspector/Asst Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Backflow & Quality Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Service Crew Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Construction Crew Chief 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Utility Worker III 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Utility Worker II 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 Utility Worker 1 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 Utility Worker 2.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 Total 20.00 22.00 21.00 15.50 Moved to Other Areas Customer Service Reps 2.00 Accounting Supervisor 1.00 Office Assistant 0.50 , Total 3..50 Vacancies Administrator 1.00 Customer Service Rep 1.00 Total 2.00 Grand Total 21.00 VISITORS PLEASE REGISTER Date: q "a 7 14 Meeting: u �/ Name (please print) Do you wish to speak? es or no 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.