03/02/2016 - Packet M.— p- Completeness Review
for Boards, Commissions
TIGARD and Committee Records
TTAC -Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee
Name of Board, Commission or Committee
March 2, 2016
Date of Meeting
I have verified these documents are a complete copy of the official record.
Joe Patton,Meeting Secretary
Print Name
6�g, of
April 7, 2016
City of Tigard
Transportation Advisory Committee Agenda
MEETING DATE/TIME: March 2, 2016—6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Tigard Library,2nd Floor Conf. Room, 13500 SW Hall Blvd.
1. CALL TO ORDER Kevin 6:30
Welcome and Introductions
3. PUBLIC COMMENT Kevin 6:40
5. RIVER TERRACE UPDATE Susan Shanks 6:55
6. GOALS FOR 2016 Kevin 7:15
7. 2016 PLANNING CALENDAR Kevin 7:35
8. NEXT STEPS RE: SEP Erik/Kevin 7:45
10. LIAISON REPORTS Joe,Yi-Kang 8:05
PBS, Planning Commission
12. ADJOURNMENT Kevin 8:30
Supporting materials/handouts:
February 3,2016 Minutes
Tigard Triangle CAC Volunteer Memo
Planning Calendar
Transportation Project Update
ODOT Draft Oregon Bike and Pedestrian Plan Letter
Uucoming meetings of note:
Wednesday,March 9,6:30 p.m.,City Center Advisory Commission Meeting,Red Rock Conf.Room
Thursday,March 17,5:00 p.m.,Pedestrian Bicycle Subcommittee,Western Bikeworks, 7295 SW Dartmouth Ave
Wednesday,April 6,6:30 p.m.,TTAC Meeting,Tigard Library,2nd Floor Conf. Room
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page I oft
L•\Community Development\Board Committees Commissions\TTAC\2016\03 March\TTACAgenda 20160302.docx
Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2016
Members Present: Timothy Esau (alternate),Benjamin Gooley,Erik Halstead (Vice Chair), Stephanie
McKee, Susan Pfahl (alternate), Don Schmidt,Elise Shearer,Joseph Vasicek, Robert Van Vlack, and Kevin
Watkins (Chair).
Members Absent: Russell Casler,Yi-Kang Hu, Karen Hughart
Staff Present: Buff Brown, Sr.Transportation Planner; Susan Shanks, Sr. Planner; and Joe Patton, Sr.
Administrative Specialist.
Others Present: City Councilor Marc Woodard,TTAC Liaison; Curtis Fisher,PSU MURP team;Harry
Reid,resident;Michele Limas, resident.
Chair Watkins called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. The meeting was held in the Tigard Library, 2nd Floor
Conference Room, at 13500 SW Hall Blvd.
The February 3, 2016 meeting Minutes were approved.
A. Mr. Reid asked about plans for raised bike lanes similar to Seattle. Buff responded that he was not
aware of any plans to implement any. He will address the issue with the PBS. He also asked about
impervious trail surfaces in Tigard. Kevin informed him that Mike is the best person to address the
issue. He then asked about squirrel rope ladders over electrical lines. Councilor Woodard suggested
PRAB was a better forum for this topic.
B. Michele Limas stated she would like to see mass transit in the River Terrace area, especially with new
school construction.
Susan gave a brief overview of the Tigard Triangle and discussed the possible creation of an Urban Renewal
District (URD) for the area. The Washington County long-range planning website shows they are planning
for another crossing over 217. An URD could fund public/private partnerships or needed infrastructure
costs such as trails, sewer connections or road improvements. Tigard received a $145,000 Metro grant to
create an Urban Renewal Plan, Streetscape Design Plan and an educational campaign about Urban Renewal.
The goal is to put the issue on the May 2017 ballot for a vote by all Tigard voters, not just those
residing/owning property in the Triangle. Susan is recruiting volunteers from each City committee to take
part in an ad hoc Citizen Advisory Council to help decide the priority of projects. Elise and Tim
Curtis Fisher gave a brief overview of his role collecting data in the Triangle in conjunction with State of
Place. They will assess the existing streetscape environment and formulate recommendations to get the
highest return on investment. The MURP team will be conducting a community engagement effort for
current Triangle residents and businesses. Citywide public feedback is also being sought and they will share a
link to the online survey.
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March 2, 21110
Susan distributed a handout that included naps of the River Terrace area and a cross section drawing of
Itis cr'Terrace Blvd. She gave a brief o ven•iew of the progress and plans,including neighborhood parks and
the River'1'errace"i'rail. "There are improvements Planned at 150"' Avenue, at both the Beef Bend and Bull
Nlountain intersections. She stated 'Tigard is still pushing for a signal light at the intersection of Scholls Derry
h the"I ualat n I fills Parks and Recreation District to discuss
and River Terrace Blvd. She twill be meeting wit
shared street crossing concerns. Buff noted there is another intersection planuied west of the Roy Rogers
intersection that inight create a crossing hazard for high school students. Susan invited'I"i'AC to play a rale
in helping to bush for safe pedestriati/bicvclist crossings. Kevin suggested that the Pedestrian Bicyclist
Subcommittee take the primary rale ttitli'l-T AC involvement as well. Buff and Susan noted their continuing
efforts for safer crossings. A meeting is Planned with the Beaverton Safe Routes To School liaison and
Susan will invite Ben, doe,and Kevin.
6. GOALS FOR 2016
Kcvin reviewed the previously suggested goals and noted other initiatives (SRTS,Complete Streets and
Tigard's u`alkabi]itti goal) could include traffic calmiiag measures. '1`herc was a suggestion to add monitoring
of Council action on additional transportation funding.The consensus was to shove forward with the
proposed goals.
Kevin reviewed the proposed Planning Calendar and noted that there is room for additional topics if
requested bV Members or :Alternates
l`:rik neared that Triplet announced some service enhancernents since the last'I`i'AC meeting and released
their final Sl:P report. I le will compile a list of priorities and question::,with input from'I-F AC members,to
present to Tom Mills ("1'rill'Iet) during his presentation at the next'I'i".AC meeting.
"111e updates were included in the agenda packet.
10. LIAISON REPORTS—PBS, Planning Commission
A, joe briefly reviewed the letter written to give input on the draft Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plant.
Buff noted ODOT complimented the feedback.
B. There has not beers a Planning; Coininission meeting since the last'lT,AC meeting.
Elise reported the three ava\- stop at Scoffnis and Main is nm,,--active.
Chair Watkins adjourned the mrcting at 8:30 pm.
Joe ton,1'F AC Me ting Secretaij,
.ATTEST: Kevin Watkins, Chair
Page 2 of 2
City of Tigard
To: Transportation Advisory Committee
From: Susan P Shanks, Senior Planner (susans e,tigard-or.gov or 503-718-2454)
Re: Tigard Triangle Citizen Advisory Council (Urban Renewal Plan)
Date: February 18, 2016
The City of Tigard successfully competed for a Community Planning and Development Grant
(CPDG) from Metro in November 2015. The $145,000 grant award will be used to build upon
and implement the Tigard Triangle Strategic Plan (TTSP), a long range redevelopment plan
adopted by the city in March 2015.
The TTSP envisions a diverse mix
of uses, improved connectivity for a��5Nae"�a�
dad ao
all travel modes, and an enjoyable
walking environment. Various
implementation strategies were Portland
identified in the TTSP and several
will be undertaken by the city with
these grant funds, including
development of a Streetscape off`°
Design Plan and an Urban
Renewal Plan. Development of an d'`andf Me oP5
Urban Renewal Plan is necessary m 4
prior to the creation of an urban Map Key s 9
renewal district which throu h 'PrimaryStu ea Lake OS F,
f � g =Secondary
Study Area � 8°SKr°se Wa
tax increment financing,would K- y Y
provide the Triangle with a long-
term funding source for completing infrastructure projects and undertaking public-private
development projects, similar to what has occurred in downtown.
Since the creation of an urban renewal district requires citywide voter approval, the city will
be convening an ad hoc Citizen Advisory Council (CAC) to guide the development of the
Urban Renewal Plan. In order to ensure broad representation, we are asking each of the
city's standing committees to send one representative to serve on the CAC. We are grateful
for your current service to the city and appreciate your consideration of this request. We
anticipate convening the CAC in May 2016 on a monthly basis for approximately 6 months.
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TTA 2016 Planning 31212o16
Month / Date Actions/Main Points
January 6 Sidewalk gaps program; Complete Streets overview; Year-end review
February 3 (Draft) OR Bike & Ped Plan; Funding overview; Elections
March 2 Tigard Triangle & River Terrace Updates; Goalsetting
April 6 Traffic calming proposal; FY18-23 Project plans
May 4 SW Corridor update (Metro); SW Service Enhancement Plan (TriMet)
June 1 Traffic calming proposal; FY18-23 Project plans
August 3 FY18 CIP planning ; Traffic calming proposal
September 7 FY18 CIP planning; Council meeting preparations
October 5 FY18 CIP presentation; Council meeting preparations (Oct TBD)
November 2 FY18 CIP prioritization; FY16 project/budget review
December 7 (Tentatively CANCELLED)
Transportation Project Update — February 24, 2016
Walnut Street (Tiedeman to 116th and intersection with 135th)
Road construction starts in early March along Walnut Street (between 116th and Tiedeman). Trees have
already been removed. This project will add sidewalks, bike lanes, a center turn lane, and underground
utilities along Walnut Street from Tiedeman Ave to 116th Ave, and install a traffic signal in place of the all-way-
stop at the intersection of Walnut St with 135th Ave. Construction work is scheduled through May 2017, with
a three-week closure in July/August 2016 to replace the culvert west of the Fowler tennis courts. A 'meet-the-
contractor' open house will be held the evening of March 3ra
Main Street/Scoffins Street Intersection All-Way-Stop
This work is to improve safety, walkability, and traffic flow by converting the Main St/Scoffins St intersection
to all-way-stop traffic control. In the initial test phase tentatively starting Tuesday, March 1st, stop signs will
be installed and the signal operated in red-flash mode so the intersection will function as an all-way-stop. If
after a few months the intersection is indeed functioning better as an all-way-stop, the signal will be removed.
Bonita Road (Fanno Creek to I - 5)
Starting in March, the contractor will be working on a water pipeline connection located on Bonita Road, near
Fanno Creek, next to the Bonita Villa Apartments. During construction, both eastbound and westbound travel
on Bonita Road will be maintained, but delays are likely during the morning and evening rush hours.
Ross Street/8111 Avenue Developments
Three private developments are under construction in the Ross/81St area: a) a large senior living center on the
northeast corner of Ross and Hall which has opened new street connections of 83rd Ave with Matthew Park
and Ross Street; b) a subdivision on the southwest corner of Ross and 81St; and c) a subdivision on the east
side of 81St, each making half-street improvements along their street frontages.
Barrows Rd (154th to Roshak)
Clean Water Services, in conjunction with the cities of Tigard and Beaverton, is constructing a new 24" sewer
line under Barrows Road (between 154th Ave and Roshak Rd). Work includes construction of a new pipe in the
roadway, with flaggers directing traffic and possible delays. Construction is scheduled through April 2016.
River Terrace
River Terrace developments are in progress. Earthwork and grading has begun on a 137-lot subdivision, a 215-
lot subdivision (both west of Roy Rogers Road just south of Scholls Ferry Road), and an 82-lot subdivision (west
of 150th Avenue south of Bull Mountain Road). Crews are building a sewer line under and making half-street
improvements along 150th Ave. If you have any questions, please contact Mike White at 503-718-2464.
95th Ave (north of Greenburg Rd) and North Dakota St (East of Greenburg Rd) Sidewalks
The city has opened bids to construct new sidewalks along 95th Ave north of Greenburg Rd and North Dakota
St east of Greenburg Rd. This will build 'missing link' sidewalks along two key neighborhood entrances
connecting residents to the rest of the city's sidewalks and nearby transit lines. Construction is planned from
mid-March through May.
85th Ave (South of Durham Rd)
A contractor for Clean Water Services (CWS) has paved 85th Ave (the extension of Hall Blvd) south of Durham
Rd. CWS is shortening the public portion of 85th Ave to reduce traffic through its wastewater treatment plant
area. Walking and cycling access to the Cook Park trails will be maintained.
Dartmouth Street (69th Ave to 70th Ave)
A developer will be striping and completing finish work on the newly-widened south side of Dartmouth Street
from 69th Ave to 70th Ave, in conjunction with the Red Rock Center development.
Durham Road and Upper Boones Ferry Road Signal Coordination
The city, county, and state are beginning design of an updated signal coordination system for all of the traffic
signals along Durham Road and Upper Boones Ferry Road from the Durham Rd / Hwy 99W intersection
through the Upper Boones Ferry Rd / Interstate 5/ Carman Dr interchange. Contact Mike McCarthy at
mikem@tigard-or.gov or 503-718-2462 with any questions, ideas, or concerns.
Transportation Project Update — March 3, 2016
Bonita Road (Fanno Creek to I - 5)
Starting next week, the contractor will be working on a water pipeline connection located on Bonita Road,
near Fanno Creek, next to the Bonita Villa Apartments. During construction (for a couple of weeks), both
eastbound and westbound travel on Bonita Road will be maintained, but delays are likely during the morning
and evening rush hours.
Main Street/Scoffins Street Intersection All-Way-Stop
The intersection of Main Street with Scoffins Street has been converted to all-way-stop traffic control. This
should improve safety, walkability, and traffic flow. In this initial test phase the signal is operating in red-flash
mode so the intersection functions as an all-way-stop. If after a few months the intersection is indeed
functioning better as an all-way-stop, the signal will be removed.
Walnut Street (Tiedeman to 116' and intersection with 13511)
Road construction starts in March along Walnut Street (between 116th and Tiedeman). Trees have already
been removed. This project will add sidewalks, bike lanes, a center turn lane, and underground utilities along
Walnut Street from Tiedeman Ave to 116th Ave, and install a traffic signal in place of the all-way-stop at the
intersection of Walnut St with 135th Ave. Construction work is scheduled through May 2017, with a three-
week closure in July/August 2016 to replace the culvert west of the Fowler tennis courts. A 'meet-the-
contractor' open house will be held the evening of March 3rd from 5 to 7pm at St. Anthony's School.
Ross Street/8151 Avenue Developments
Three private developments are under construction in the Ross/811t area: a) a large senior living center on the
northeast corner of Ross and Hall which has opened new street connections of 83rd Ave with Matthew Park
and Ross Street; b) a subdivision on the southwest corner of Ross and 81St; and c) a subdivision on the east
side of 81st, each making half-street improvements along their street frontages.
Barrows Rd (154th to Roshak)
Clean Water Services, in conjunction with the cities of Tigard and Beaverton, is constructing a new 24" sewer
line under Barrows Road (between 154th Ave and Roshak Rd). Work includes construction of a new pipe in the
roadway, with flaggers directing traffic and possible delays. Construction is scheduled through April 2016.
River Terrace
River Terrace developments are in progress. Earthwork and grading has begun on a 137-lot subdivision, a 215-
lot subdivision (both west of Roy Rogers Road just south of Scholls Ferry Road), and an 82-lot subdivision (west
of 1501h Avenue south of Bull Mountain Road). Crews are building a sewer line under and making half-street
improvements along 150th Ave. If you have any questions, please contact Mike White at 503-718-2464.
95th Ave (north of Greenburg Rd) and North Dakota St (East of Greenburg Rd) Sidewalks
The city has opened bids to construct new sidewalks along 951h Ave north of Greenburg Rd and North Dakota
St east of Greenburg Rd. This will build 'missing link' sidewalks along two key neighborhood entrances
connecting residents to the rest of the city's sidewalks and nearby transit lines. Construction is planned from
mid-March through May.
85th Ave (South of Durham Rd)
A contractor for Clean Water Services (CWS) has paved 85th Ave (the extension of Hall Blvd) south of Durham
Rd. CWS is shortening the public portion of 851h Ave to reduce traffic through its wastewater treatment plant
area. Walking and cycling access to the Cook Park trails will be maintained.
Durham Road and Upper Boones Ferry Road Signal Coordination
The city, county, and state are beginning design of an updated signal coordination system for all of the traffic
signals along Durham Road and Upper Boones Ferry Road from the Durham Rd / Hwy 99W intersection
through the Upper Boones Ferry Rd / Interstate 5 /Carman Dr interchange. Contact Mike McCarthy at
mikem@tigard-or.gov or 503-718-2462 with any questions, ideas, or concerns.
City of Tigard
February 17,2016
Oregon Transportation Commission
355 Capitol Street NE, MS #11
Salem, OR 97301
Re: Draft Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
Dear Commissioners,
Whiting as members of the Tigard Pedestrian and Bicyclist Subcommittee (PBS),subcommittee of the
Tigard'Transportation Advisory Committee (i'I'AC),would like to thank you for seeking our input into the
comprehensive Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. We are eager to share our insight into a plan that will
help shape the next several decades of multirnodal transportation in the State of Oregon, and we are
honored to represent the voice of pedestrians and bicyclists across the state.
The plan as presented addresses many of our committee's ongoing concerns,and,we commend ODOT for
laying out a strategy that aims to snake our state's transportation system both safe and efficient for all users.
For your consideration we would also like to outline a few areas where we feel there is room for
improvernent before the plan is finalized.
Unequivocal language needs to be adopted throughout the plan that safety is the number one priority. It
is commendable that Goal 1 in the plan is safety, but too frequently wording vdthin this goal and
elsewhere leaves open the possibility that other priorities (freight,etc.) can compete with safety. Creating
safe streets for people walking and biking requires narrower travel lanes, slower vehicle speeds,more
physical protection, more sidewalks and bike lanes, and effective education and encouragement of all
members of the public. Nowhere in the plan is the primacy of safety made clear and translated directly
into policy.
Clear commitment to transportation equity is needed throughout the plan to ensure people of color,low
income communities,and those who cannot or do not drive a vehicle have access to safe walking and
hiking infrastructure.The plan language should clearly show our state's commitment to surpass the
minimum acceptable standard and create truly equitable outcomes for all Oregon residents.
Certain portions of the plan imply a location bias—that only urban and suburban residents care about
cycling. Rural residents cycle for recreation and transportation,and cycling networks that connect urban
areas through rural landscapes are an important part of a true transportation network, Urban cyclists use
13125 SW Hall Blvd. e Tigard, Oregon 97223 * 543.639.4171
TTY Relay: 503.684.2772 0 vrww.tigard-or.gov
their bikes for transportation and recreation in urban areas as well. If cycling is to be seed as a true equal
partner in Oregon's transportation network,we cannot focus solely on specific types of cycling,just as
we do net discriminate between q-pes of car trips.
The state should promote intercity and interstate bicycle transportation, and one program is through the
planning and implementation of the U.S. Bicycle Route System. In several places the plan talks about
policies of others that could be leveraged,which highlights a glat-ing deficiency in Oregon's overall
implementation strategy for the development and support of cycling. The State of Oregon has been
disinterested in participation in the United States Bicycle Route System initiative,yet this is a key
framework that the state can use to leverage others' experience and expertise,while demonstrating that
we are serious about cycling as an equal partner in our transportation network. Participation in the
USERS by a certain date should be a plan goal.
We would prefer to see statements noting That successful implementation of plan goals will require a
focused coordination effort across agency and jurisdictional boundaries. 'This implementation will
actively engage all applicable sectors —private industry; NGOs;and local, state and federal government
to incorporate pedestrian and bicycle-friendly policies throughout protect planning, design and
i_tnplementation phases.
The City of Tigard has recently approved a 70-year strategic plan,with a vision to become the most walkable
community in the Pacific Northwest where people of all ages and abilities enjoy healthy and interconnected
lives. We are thrilled that the implementation of the Oregon pedestrian and Bike plan,with our noted
changes,will help ensure that this vision can become a reality. This is a huge step forward for Oregon, and
we would like to thank you again for yotir dedication to bringing about a safer, equitable multimodal
transportation network for all Oregonians.
Thank you again for the oppvrtunin,to contribute to this plan.
Devin Watkins
T'YAC Chair
Cc: Mayor John L. Cook
Marty Wine, City Manager
Denny Asher, Community Development Director
Buff Brown,'Senior Transportation PIanner
Special thanks for contributions to:
Joy=ce Casey, PISS Vice-Chair
Joe Vasicek, PBS member
Steve Boughton, PBS member