Greenfield Drive & 130th Avenue Storm Pipe Repair CITY OF TIGARD �Cl TAYLOR'S FERRY OREGON N PLANS FOR PROJECT FERNOR RY GREENFIELD DRIVE & 130TH PLACE !y M �Gr STREET �./ N Storm Pipe Repair WROWS Q _z \ Bt/G( yDl/NTggy RD m STREET MCDONALD SONITA R m Project Limits y z B�D RD. O� DURHAM N TO BE SUPPLEMENTED BY THE CITY OF TIGARD DESIGN STANDARDS DATED JULY 16, 1998 �rtN �Pi� Project Location=* �E�RP�E VICINITY MAP INDEX OF SHEETS NAME TITLE 1 Ll Layout Ae 2 Pi Profile 5� °' 3 EC1 Erosion Control N h � s Cr- 0 Construction Access WOODSHIRE LN Z Project a W Location s� L N Construction W� Q Access PAp�Fs �G w 11,09{1 �j r c � OREGON �0 111 ✓�'�Y 17, �°��, s- LOCATION MAPS 0 �n ATTENTION:Oregon taw requires you to follow rules N. e w adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR taro copies of through OAR RECORD EgPRM. 12/31/ 952-001-0090 You may obtain copies of the rules 6y E calling the center. (Note: the telephone number for the DRAWNG y� Oregon Utility Notification Center is (503) 232-1987). y ATTENTION'Notify NW natural at (503)220-2415 when rFAX EERM DIVISION excavating within 5' of an existing high pressure gas Greg N. Berry, P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER C WORKS DEPARTMENT $d main. V S.W. HALL BLVD. 4 1 , OREGON 97223 $2 BID DATE 503-639-4171 q e CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 503-624-0752 /!� 2011-04023 9GARD-OR.GOV a / i-800-332-2$44 PROJECT NUMBER Morningsta / Install 150 LFf \ / Sediment Fence Y\ Ser DeEtail C 1 on /\ / 1 �, Verizon FiberCA \ Tax Map & Lot No. 1 1 Conduit \ 2SI04DD02900 \ 1 �~ \ Owner.- City of Tigard \ 1 Ms 11 Inlet Protection, 0 Type per Detail on Sheet (TYP) _ 1 Gas Line / for Area Drai in \ o h 1 3�hase—PSE \ io or Di ` N +� j _Pr ory Wire p� Replace ' II`ICI � tion, r. � .� � � �e�ary Pavement Restoration - Section: .y pe Detail o 17 77 L 3 Level 2 HMAC " eet E p) , �\ 0 ' S—O. 1.322 Dense per Section 00745 y 1 50 2+ 0 2+ 0 3 0 3+50 + 0 4+5¢-- on 8" Aggregate Base per Install 130 LFf x O I Replace exist Section 00640, 2008 Sediment Fence per i7 30" inlet culvert Oregon Standard Detail on Sheet EC E ist 30 18" HDPE � Specifications I Q \ Confine work on Estimated Quantities.- Existing 10' P —15 Tons HMAC Wide Asphalt private property z xisting f0' f —31 CY Aggregate Base Pothwa Wide Asphalt Pathway Y to permited \' 30'x20' work area cSDMH 4D-62 Q� \ i\ Tax Map & Lot No. (60 10 Control Structure o SDMH 4D-61 �\\ 2SI04DDOJOOO „ 1 rm at L�I�e A \ \ . \ Owner: City of Tigard Entry Str ct re4+42.18 SD forerm TiSlip o a 'S nate Proposed i8" �'- a at Structure 0.D. HDPE by f Lining � Protect Sign. S3 Slip Lining Method. To be installed Install 180 LFf Install 342 LFf by city Sediment Fence / per De#ail on f Tax lot 2S104DC05800 Sheet EC1 Q\ 6 13950 SW Alpine Way ,vorE `pt PR4�F W �( 1. Damage to Asphalt Access Areas to be S G1 Repaired per the Pavement Restoration o GR Section. See This Sheet. 4r 4v 11,090 2. Resurface Disturbed Areas with Seed Mix and Straw. Seed Mix to be Dwarf Grass Mix OREGON N (Including the following): G N Install Inlet Protection, — Dwarf Perennial Ryegross, 809 by Weight. x°o Type 5 per Detail on — Creeping Red Fescue, 209 by Weight. FQ N 0 heet EC1 (Typ) — Application Rate: 100 lbs. min. per Acre EXPIRES: 12/31/ Revisions and Addendum* ENGINEERING DIVISION GREENFIELD DRIVE & 130TH PLACE SHEET Description Date No. By� SCALE: 1„ 40, PUBLIC WORK* DEPARTMENT Ll � = v 13125 S.W. HELL BLVD. 1 VOICED, OREGON 97223 Storm Drain Repair of VOICE 503-639-4171 2° 40' 20' 0 40' FAX.' 503-624-0752 RECOK) QB6$ 3 s e ' I! WWW.FIG4RD-OR.GOV DRAWING CLE N a� DESIGN:RCW DRAWN:GB CHECK: GB PROJECT NO: 2011-9402J a y 0 V t 0663 43 30 42 20 SDMH 4D-62 (6010 Control Structure) 4+42.18 SD Line A Rim: 403.06 41 10 IN (6" Exist): 398.00 N, TFL, IN (18" Exist): 394.00 CC f EL , c iz"w IN (12" Exist): 392.50 of fipe p p OUT (18" O.D. HDPE, NE, New): 392.18 L� (Seal Gap Between Existing 30" CPP and 18' O.D. HDPE With Grout) 40 n r,, 0� 72'SS Q i D ' 39 390 NOTE.- 1. Depth and Location of SDMH 4D-61 underground utilities shown 1+00 SD Line A 38 380 on profile are approximated. o Rim: 368.92 13' Fill The Gap Betwee �i In (18" O.D. HDPE, SW): 346.92 x (Seal Gop Between Existing 30" 5 The 30" CPP & The 2. Exist grade at pipe CPP and 18" O.D. HDPE with Grout). HDPE With- centerline is approximated 18"wTerminate Slip Line at Structure 7� foon CLSM using LIDAR point cloud wLF 1a. 0Q•. � data. 4 37 t 't So 370 3 The Pipe Length Represents E s tail 7 a The Horizontal Length. The Pipe Length Needs To Be P Adjusted For The Steep a Slope. 36 - 380 4 See Sht. L 1 For Storm & a$ Erosion Control Plan Support Grout to Prevent V CLSM Leakage 5. See Bid Documents for Screen Shot Photos. 35 350 21 PR��Cs pw w 11,090 r NV i 3 340 oREcoN 0+75 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 4+75FECOFID a663 3 'DFiAWWCi E]CPIRE5: 12/31/ Revlelons and Addendume ENGINEERING DIVISION GREENFIELD DRIVE & 130TH PLACE SHEST Description Date No. By PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1" = 40 v 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. 2 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 OF c' VOICE. 503-639-4171 Storm Drain Repair 3 e 40' 20' !J 40' b FAX.�77GARO-OR.GOV 2 a� ILE N DESIGN:RCW DRAWN:GB CHECK: GB PROJECT NO: 2011—94023 Layout 0663 Standard Erosion Control Notes For Sites Less Than One Acre: !!Iter Fabric Use Stitched Loops 60" Oak Posts Material Over 2"x 2" Posts Angle Both Ends Of 10' On CenteOJ4 " X 75" /Filter Fabric Fence To vy Duty 1. During periods of rainfall and runoff, daily inspections of the erosion sediment controls r Assure Soil Is les and discharge outfalls must be provided by someone knowledgeable and experienced in :""`. Filter Fabric dtl__ Trapped 48" Orangeea) the principles, installation, and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls. " Material - ;° : SyntheticOrange 2. Construction activities must avoid or minimize excavation and creation of bare ground c. 36" Wide Ro!! a Fabric Fencehetic Interlock and Attach 2 - from October 1 through May 31 each year. \, % �: i�r/ � ic Fence 3. During wet weather period, temporary stabilization of the site must occur at the end of 2'x 2 Pasts At Splices6" Max. Sacro �weach work day. T 4. Sediment controls must be installed and maintained on all down gradient sides of the Front View Side View construction site at all times during construction. They must remain in place until ORANGE FENCE permanent vegetation or other permanent covering of exposed soil is established. NOTES SEDIMENT NTS 5. All active inlets must have sediment controls installed and maintained at all times 1. Sediment fencing consists of a geotextile fabric usually 36" in FENCE during construction. Unless otherwise approved, a surface mounted and attachable, width with regular spaced pockets of supporting posts. i x2 x3' Wooden Stakes u-shaped filter bag is required for all curb inlet catch basins. SPACING ON 2. Sediment fence must be trenched at least 6" into the ground. � (2 per bag) 6. Significant amounts of sediment which leaves the site must be cleaned up within 24 The use of a ditch witch" or other mechanical means is helpful. SLOPES hours and placed back on the site and stabilized or properly disposed. The cause of J. Sediment fence must be stretched tight between the posts. Do Slope -Spacing g a a the sediment release must be found and prevented from causing a recurrence of the 300 ft - m °i 0 not allow The fence to sag or break away from the fence posts. < 109' o a discharge within the same 24 hours. Any in-stream clean up of sediment shall be 150 ft ao a 3" performed according to the Oregon Department of State Lands required time frame. 5. More that one row of sediment fence may be required. Fencing < 159' •- � 7. Sediment must not be intentionally washed into storm sewers, drainage ways, or water should be Located no more than 100' from the upper edge of a < 209 100 ft SECTION VIEW bodies. disturbed area. Space silt Fencing in rows no greater than 100' < 307 50 ft NOTES 8. Sediment must be removed from behind all sediment control measures when it has 6. Sediment fences are effective only in sheet flow conditions and < 509 25 ft 1. Embed Bio-bags 3" Below Ground should not be Installed across streams or other concentrated > 509* 25 ft* Surface. Shove! reached a height of one-third the barrier height, and prior to the control measures Gate for,, ontour Fit removal. flows # stockpile slope To Ground "'a•a=-.:.>:? �' - 9. Cleaning of all structures with sumps must occur when the sediment retention capacity SEDIMENT FENCE 2. Drive Stakes Minimum"� ''nfo Ground has been reduced by fifty percent and at completion of project. NTS Surface 10. Any use of toxic or other hazardous materials must include proper storage, application, BIO-BAG_ SED[MENT BARRIER and disposal. May Be Used Short TermCatch Basin Grate NTS 11. The permittee must properly manage hazardous wastes, used oils, contaminated soil, with Utility Work And with concrete waste, sanitary waste, liquid waste, or other toxic substances discovered or Phasing Of Development ' ` generated during construction. 12. The application rate of fertilizers used to reestablish vegetation must follow Suspension o� manufacturer's recommendations. Nutrient releases from fertilizers to surface waters Fly Flew Cords/Rods must be minimized. Time release fertilizers should be used and care should be made Catch Qom Q�g Q in application of fertilizers within any water way riparian zone. Basin 14. Prior to any land disturbing activities, the boundaries of the clearing limits, vegetated Filter Sack y buffers, and any sensitive areas shown on this plan shall be clearly delineated in the PQ�� 77�6y field, unless otherwise approved. No disturbance is permitted beyond the clearing limits. S Q The contractor must maintain the delineation for the duration of the project. Note: 60" Vegetated corridors to be delineated with orange construction fence or approved equal. ¢ g 9 Pp 4 Insert Sack Front ' 15. Prior to any land disturbing activities, the BMPs (Best Management Practices) that must Catch Basin Area Drain ' Min Radius be installed are gravel construction entrance, perimeter sediment control, and inlet 25 bprotection. These bmp's must be maintained for the duration of the project. FiOW Subgrade Reinforcement <Z g 16. If vegetative seed mixes are specified, seeding must take place no later than Rebar For Geotextile �55� aSeptember 1st; the type and percentages of seed in the mix are as identified on plans tar Catch Bag Removal1D'=12" Min• Depthor as specified by the design engineer.17. Watertight trucks must be used to transport saturated soils from the construction site. (0) Basin 2x2"K4" *20' Min. For Single Family And Duplex Residential An approved equivalent is to drain the soil on site at a designated location using Rubber Blocks appropriate BMPs; soil must be drained sufficiently for minimal spillage. Expansion GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION w 18. All pumping of sediment laden water must be discharged over an undisturbed, Overtop Bags Storm p Pipe Restraint preferably vegetated area, and through a sediment control bmp (i.e. Filter bag). 6" MIn. (typ) ENTRANCE Filter Sack 19. The ESC plan must be kept onsite. All measures shown on the plan must be installed Plan Section NTS w properly to ensure that sediment laden water does not enter a surface water system, Ditch Inlet ha Insert Sack Side View h roadway, or other properties. Notes o Q 20. The ESC measures shown on this plan are the minimum requirements for anticipated 1. Additional Measures Must Be Considered N site conditions. During the construction period, these measures shall be upgraded as Depending On Soil Type. needed to maintain compliance with all regulations. 2. Bio-filter Bags Should Be Staked Where Recessed curb inlet must be blocked when 21. Written ESC logs are suggested to be maintained onsite and available to district Applicable Using (2) 1 x2" Wooden Stakes using filter fabric inlet sacks size of filter inspectors upon request. Or Approved Equal Per Bag. fabric inlet sacks to be determined by OREGON 1114 22. In areas subject to wind erosion, appropriate BMPs must be used which may include J. When Using 30" Bio-bags To Protect A manufacturer. x the application of fine water spraying, plastic sheeting, mulching, or other approved Catch Basin You Must Have 4 Bags And measures. They Shall Be Overlapped By 6". FILTER FABRIC INLET e� 23. All exposed soils must be covered during wet weather period. BIO-FILTER BAGS TEMPORARY_ PROTECTION 3 NTS NTS DRAWN4 EXPUM: 12/31/ Revisions and Addendum GREENFIELD DRIVE & 130TH PLACE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SHEET Description Date No. By ENGINEERINGDIVISION EC PUBLIC OR >" 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. 3 77G4RD, OREGON 97223 OF VOICE. 503-639-4171 Storm Drain Repair 3 $ FAX. 503-624-0752 Www.77c4RD-oR.Gov ILE N DESIGN:XXX DRAWN:XXX CHECK: XXX PROJECT NO: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Erosion Control