Cityscape 1991-01 ■.■ Q �I�I11� IZED :3 11111 rinnn F1 FTM ... - ■■■� ■■■ ir C I T Y S C A P Vol. VIII No. 1 The Official Newsletter of Tigard January 1991 The Mayors Corner waY To Go 1991 will be a year full of interesting School financing is another issue Muni issues and challenges for the City facing Tigard's citizens.Although the Council and the citizens of Tigard. City is not directly impacted by the CONGRATULATIONS to the Tigard As always,transportation issues con- ability of schools to fund educational High School Varsity Football team. tinue to be a top priority. The State programs, the quality of education The team shares the State Class 4A Highway Division will make a deci- our children receive impacts our Football Championship with Rose- sion on the I-5/Kruse Way inter- quality of life. burg High School. The Tigers came change this year and will continue to The year of Tigard's30th birthday will from behind in the last two minutes to explore options for improvements to be a time to reflect on how the city has clinch the tie. Pacific Hwy.The City of Portland will grown and changed,and plan for the Tigard beat #1 ranked Ashland to take the lead on a feasibility study to future. make it to the final game. This team extend light rail along Barbur Blvd.to On behalf of the City Council I wish is the first in the history of the school Tigard. you a successful and healthy 1991. to play for the championship. Solid Waste will bean importanttopic - WAY TO GO TIGERS! We're all in the coming year as well. The City ! has adopted a solid waste reduction proud of you plan,(see article inside),and will con- l tinue to work with Washington County and the other cities in the Jerry Edwards, Mayor County to implement a plan to site solid waste facilities. 0. OP 0 1,00, .ft. *� 0 * ® � ®• * Council Meetin9s Move To Tuesday senior Center News Starting in January, the Tigard City Council meetings will be held on Veterans Note: Every Thursday from Folk Dancing — Tuesdays from Tuesday evening. The first meeting 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Bob Winters, 11-12. of 1991 is scheduled for TUESDAY, Veteran Services Officer, is at the JANUARY 15, 1990.After that, regu- Tigard Senior Center to help you (a Woodcarving — Jan. 11, 1:00-3:00 lar City Council meetings will be held veteran or widow of a veteran)receive p.m. the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th TUESDAY of those benefits to which you are Sewing Workshop/Serger—Jan.26, the month. entitled. 9:00-12 noon. In order to accommodate the Coun- Portland Community College is offer- cil meeting on Tuesday,the Planning ing 5 classes this Winter Terms at the Reserve Feb. 9 for Center Volunteer Commission will move to Monday Luncheon hosted by the Kiwani- Senior Center. annes Club of Tigard. evening after January 14, 1991. The Painting with Acrylics&Oils—Start- Planning Commission will hold the ing Jan.7 from 9-11 a.m. Meals on Wheels needs volunteer first meeting in January on Tuesday drivers to take hot lunches to home- the 8th. Yoga—Jan.7 from 10:30-12 noon. bound seniors. You only may volun- Information on items to be consi- Writing Your Life Story — Jan. 8, teer one day per month or you can be dered at City Council and Planning 10:00-12 noon. an on-call backup driver. Commission meetings will continue to be advertised in the Tigard Times. council Adopts low and Moderate Physically Disabled Waste Reduction Income Housing Access Oregon 646-8756,Voice/TDD Plan Resources Bea SW Washington Beaverton, OR 97005 On November 26, 1990, the City is a non-profit organization that offers Council adopted a resolution approv- The City has assembled a list of assistance in locating affordable ing a waste reduction plan for fiscal housing resources available to Tigard and/or accessible housing. year 1990-91. The plan establishes residents with low and moderate y p incomes. The names and phone Shared Housing minimum requirements for local 222-5559 governments and provides that cities numbersin the re indicated organizations Blowlved 335 NW 19th Ave. may work cooperatively with neigh- in housing are indicated below boring cities. together with a brief overview of the Portland, OR 97209 services they provide.Please contact The adopted resolution designates the organizations for more informa- Emergency Housing Services Washington County as administrator tion on particular programs. TCM Shelter of the first-year plan and authorizes Subsidized Housing 639-0495 the City Administratorto sign an inter- 12230 SW Main St. governmental agreement for coordi- Housing Authority of Washington Tigard,OR 97223 nation with other cities. County Neighborshare in cooperation with 1-648-8511 Tigard Christian Ministries provides Highlights of the Year One Plan are 560 SE Third, P.O. Box 988 emergency shelter for Tigard-area summarized below. Hillsboro, OR 97123 families. Home Ownership Programs Shelter/Domestic Violence Resource Waste Reduction Oregon Housing Agency Center 1-378-4343 office:1-640-5352,crisis:1-654-2288) Tasks - Year 1 1600 State St.,Suite 100 P.O. Box 494 Salem, OR 97310 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Task 1 - Identify revenue sources to Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle Energy Assistance and Weatherization fund programs. 1-206-340-2300 Programs 1501 Fourth Ave. Task2—Im Implement recycling Seattle,WA 98101-1693 Public and investor-owned utilities P Y Y 9 provide low interest loans and grants collection in neighborhoods. Farmers Home Administration for weatherization.These include: (FmHA)Home Ownership Program PGE Task 3 — Prepare and schedule the 1-648-0621 1-800-423-WARM implementation of a recycling con- 220-B,SE 4th Ave. 14725 SW 72nd Ave., tainer collection system. Hillsboro, OR 97124 Tigard, OR 97224) Task 4 — Implement by ordinance, Oregon Department of Northwest Natural Gas resolution or administrative rule an Veterans Affairs 220-2361 institutional purchasing policy. 1-373-2000 220 NW Second Ave. Oregon Veteran's Bldg. Portland, OR 97209 Task 5—Cooperate in reaching other 700 Summer St. NE Oil Heat Institute regional goals as they are developed Salem, OR 97310-1201 1-800-452-8600 in yard debris collection, material P.O.42227, recovery,and other resource activities. Specialized Programs for Disabled Portland, OR 97242 and Elderly The State Department of Energy Task 6 — Hire or designate staff to Mentally Retarded or Developmental 1-378-4040 serve as a waste reduction Disabilities 625 Marion St. NE, coordinator. 1-648-8881 Salem, OR 97310 155 North First offers tax credits to owners of rental Task 7 — All rates are regulated Hillsboro, OR 97124 properties that weatherize their units. through either franchise or license agreement. Task 8—All county/city Mental or Emotional Disturbances Housing Rehabilitation (same as above) Washington CountyOt keolCommunity buildings start office paper recycling Elderly Development(OCD) programs. 1-648-8897 Task 9—Multi-family collection con- The Washington County Area Agency 155 North First, Room 170 tainers are distributed. on Aging (AAA) Hillsboror, OR 97124 684-4616 Task 10—Second year work plan is 1800 East Main, Suite 104 Washington County Area Agency on written and submitted on time. Hillsboro, OR 97123 Aging(AAA) is responsible for the placement of 1-684-0616 For more information,contact Loreen disabled elderly persons inavarietyof 180 East Main, Suite 104 Edin at city hall 639-4171,ext.327. group living environments. Hillsboro, OR 97123 '`' ... WINTER 1991 CLASSES . EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PROGRAM 1tt�a ftppe to brighton'up your winter by prom.ing you,Iiia coma anity,;w�th classes that virllf Inform you and add Measure to your free t!me. {There will be:extra regi§trafon forms and a of this catalog avaiiabie in the library. Help us spread the ward of our classes ..W have some wprtderful s. instructors, _ _. ADULT/TEEN CLASSES ADULT CRAFTS - see DISCIPLINE OF CHILDREN example of crafts at the library. AGES 2 THROUGH 8: ROSE CULTURE & PRUNING THE MOP PUPPY Staying One Step Ahead! Wednesday Feb. 20 Wednesday Jan. 30 7:00 to 9:00 PM Time: 7:00 to 8:00 PM Thursdays Feb. 28, Mar. 7, 14 and Senior Center 7:00 to 9:00 PM Tigard Senior Center Tigard Fee: $4.00 Tigard Town Hall Conference Fee: $3.00 Materials: $6.00 Room Elton Payton, member of the Fee: $4.00 American Rose Society and Tigard's This adorable puppy will win a consulting Rosarian will help you favorite spot in your home or be a Parentingisachallengebecausethe g p gift for a friend or needs of children aged 2 - 8 change learn how to select and care for your deli g g constantly as they grow. Parents roses. He will discuss all kinds of grandchild. must consider the unique abilities of roses including miniatures. There VALENTINE PAPER RIBBON each child in making decisions and will be a drawing for a rose related DOLL planning for the discipline of the prize after class. Wednesday Feb. 6 children. Duringthese three ses- ToKsmos'��� � � 7:00 to 9:00 PM sions, parents will discuss various SIGN UP FOR CLASSES-JAN 15th Tigard Senior Center child guidance techniques in small 6:00 PM or SOON AFTER 0 va Fee: $4.00 groups facilitated by volunteers from A Materials: $4.50 the OSU Extension Service. Op WHY? So, the class that you want isn't A A full before you get around to signing up X Learn how to do a romantic version A or canceled due to lack of interest-when fir' of the corn husk style doll in Valen- NEWPORT, OREGON A on the day of the class, we have enough VG tine colors. inquiries to have held the class. DRIED FLORAL WREATH 4 SEAFOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL - ,�,,g$ g� �ggo;gg� �� Wednesday Feb. 20 Saturday Feb. 23 PARENTING YOUR PRE-TEEN 7:00 to 9:00 PM Tigardd45 Civic Ce to 6CPMPARENTING Thursdays Jan. 31� Expression Crafts Shop Tigard • � Fee: $22.00 per person Feb. 7, 21 & 28 Fee: $4.00 deluxe Time: 7:00 to 8:30 PM Materials: $6.00 $4per couple Tigard Water District Create a delicate Victorian wreath to Let our deluxe coach do the driving Fee: $7:00 enjoy in your home or as a gift. for you while you relax with friends Instructor: Dr. Linda Ladd, OSU on the way to one of the best seafood Extension Service SCULPTURED PAPER FLOWERS feeds in the country. Enjoy the Making the transition from childhood Wednesday Mar. 13 music, crafts, Oregon wines and fine to young adulthood can be difficult 7:00 to 9:00 PM foods. Cost includes entrance fee - on parents. Join Dr. Linda Ladd, Tigard Senior Center you buy the Food &Crafts. OSU Parenting Education Agent, to Fee: $4.00 discuss values, responsibility, dis- Materials: $4.50 cipline and communication in the Put together a cheerful spring bou- pre-teen years. quet you make of wire and paper . . : z flowers. WHERE IS YOUR CLASS BEING HELD? PREPARING FOR A NATURAL Tigard Water District Building Expressions Craft and Hobby Shop DISASTER 8777 SW Burnham Street 17705 SW Pacific Hwy. -Just Thursday Mar. 7 [at the corner of Hall & Burnham across the Tualatin River Bridge 7:00 to 9:00 PM toward Sherwood on the right side Tigard Water District of highway. Fee: $4.00 Are you and your family prepared to Tigard Senior Center Tigard Town Hall & Public cope with an earthquake, flood, or 9 Library major ice storm? A Red Cross rep. Tigard SW Omara St. - behind the 13125 SW Hall Blvd. will explain what you need to do to Tigard Christian Church. Tigard, OR 97223 survive a natural crisis. CHILDREN'S CLASSES AFTER SCHOOL SCIENCE COLLEGE FINANCING for the Wednesdays Jan. 23 to Feb. 13 Non-Traditional Student AFTER SCHOOL CRAFTS 4:00 to 5:00 PM i Tuesday Jan. 22 auif Thursday afternoons Tigard Water Distr. Bldg. 7:00 to 8:00 PM $PSS 4:00 to 5:00 PM Fee: $8.00 Tigard Senior Center Tigard Water District Materials: $5.00 Fee: $3.00 Fee: $2.50 per class Grades: 3 to 6 If you are considering going to col- This is a variety of crafts and easy Instructor: Joy Cooper 19 lege after working for awhile or want projects for elementary school Do you know the difference between to go for your graduate degree, children. The materials costs are soap or detergent? How strong is Linda Powell,financial assistance of- included in the daily fee. Please, your hair? What happens if you ficer from Lewis and Clark College register for each individual class by bleach a hair? Bring a sample of will explain what help is available and date and name. Note the ages your Mom's detergent and we'll how to go about getting it. recommended for each class. compare brands to see which is best. Shampoos and toothpaste are in for some testing too. This time we NEW DIRECTIONS IN YOUR For Ages 5 yrs. to 2nd grade. are doing CHEMISTRY. HOME: Interior Decorating Jan. 24- Feed the Birds Offered three different times for your Build a bird feeder to fill with bird WACKY SCIENCE convenience. seed. Make your own feathered Wednesdays Feb. 20 to Mar. 13 Thursday Jan. 24 or friend to take home. 4:00 to 5:00 PM Wednesday Feb. 6 Feb. 7-Valentine's Day Gift Tigard Water District 7:00 to 9:00 PM Make a Valentine for a special some- Fee: $8.00 Tigard Senior Center Materials: $3.00 one. or Saturday Mar. 2 Grades: K to 2 10:00 to 12:00 noon Feb. 21 - Silly Bean Bags Instructor: Joy Cooper Town Hall Conf. Room Toss and catch! Your days will be Come into my kitchen says the Fee: $4.00 filled with fun once you've made chemist to you junior scientists. We Time to brighten u our home with these bean bags. are going learn some pretty amazing g p y things about the foods we eat and new fabrics, paint and accessories? Mar. 7-Veggie-N-Fruit Cards other chemicals we find around the Trying to get that 'together' look? Design your own special writing house. Come and safely find out Bring color samples, your ideas and paper using handy fruit and veggies. more about things we use daily. have Lynn help you achieve your goal. 0 For Grades: 3 to 6th COMMUNITY YOUTH LIBRARY FOR GROWNUPS Jan. 31 - Owl Notepad Holder PROGRAMS Be sure that Mom gets our meS- The Contact people for information about Mondays Jan. 28, Feb. 4 & 11 g y the following Tigard area Youth Organiza- 7:00 to 8:00 PM sage with this Wise Old Owl notepad tions are: Library Study Room holder. Tigard Soccer Club Fee: Free Pat Saporta 684-1243 Feb. 14-Valentine's Day Stuff Nancy Williams 620-6065 Sign up for 1 or all sessions. Celebrate Valentine's Day making Tigard-Tualatin-Sherwood Indoor Soccer Remember Dewey? Improve your something special for your favorite Association library skills. The class is geared to Valentine. Jim Smith 639-4632 the adult that"learned all that stuff in or school once, but......" Each dasswill Feb. 28 - Wood Design Pins Tom Nasman 639-0949 focus on specific needs. Learn how Decorate your winter wear with Tigard Area ASA Girls Fast Pitch Softball to operate the WILI automated card these bright colored pins you make Sandy Sardella 692-3363 file! Lots of hands-on and individual and decorate yourself. Tigard/Tualatin Babe Ruth Baseball help. "Dumb questions"welcome! Dave Isom 639-8998 Mar. 14 - Painted Flower Little League Jan. 28- Library Use for the Planters Tigard-Greg Bruce 620-8669 General Reader Decorate a flower pot to brighten Tualatin-Nancy Snodgrass 692-1638 Feb. 4- Library Use for Research your day. We might even plant some Boy Scouts of America Feb. 11 - Libra Ufseeds for you to grow at home. Lane Stumme 226-3423 Library Campfire Business Sue Tulley 224-7800 i Girl Scouts I Carol Sousa 692-6418 Y.M.C.A./Westside 294-3345 NO SCHOOL TODAY TOURS ICE SKATING learn to develop manipulative skills, For all tours: Monday Feb. 18 make simple decisions and interact •Dress warmly 8:00 to with their adult and the group. You'll ri-M • Wear comfortable socks and foot- Leave Tri-Met Y Station have lots of fun and WE'LL CLEAN wear on Commercial St., Tigard. UP. •Bring a sack lunch Pick up @Tigard Library. Fee: $12.00/child DISCOVERING PORTLAND — Children under 10 must be ac- Friday Jan. 25 companied by an adult. Maxi- 9:40 to 2:30 PM mum age 13. Tri-Met Transit Center on ,,m School's out today! Let's go to Commercial Street Clackamas Town Center's special Fee: 6.00 per family skating party which includes a les- Bus Fare: adults-$2.20 ea. son, ice painting, sleigh ride, hot Students-$1.10 ea. chocolate & cookies. We'll ride Tri- Met together, eat sack lunches at DEVELOPMENTAL MOVEMENT Children under 6 free with adult Clackamas Town Center and tour FOR TOTS (Adult & Child) Kids!! Grab your favorite adult and Portland on our way home. Accom- Tot Gymnastics join us on a bus and rail tour of panying adults pay their own way. Mondays Jan. 28 to Mar. 11 Portland. We will wander about (except Feb. 18) 6 classes town and see Pioneer Square, Skid- more Fountain, ride Max out to see CRAFTS & PLAY FOR TOTS Session I: the new Convention Center and (for adult and child) 9:30 to 10:15 AM Lloyd Center. Discover how "user Age: 15 to 30 mos. friendly" our mass transit system is! Session Children must have an adult escort Wednesdays Jan. 23 to Feb. 13 Session II: and parents may feel free to bring the 10:00 to 10:45 PM 10:30 to 11:15 AM little ones. A backpack is best for the Age: 2 to 3 yrs very young. Include bus fares with Session II registration fee and we can get dis- Wednesdays Feb. 20 to Mar. 13 Town Hall Meeting Room count tickets. 10:00 to 10:45 PM Fee: $24.00 (includes adult/child) Age: 24 to 36 months Instructor: Gail Hjorth Hall 6 Room Adult and child will share play ac- Town tivities aimed at improving your Fee: Hall parent/child Simple craft projects and other ac- child's coordination, strength and confidence designed to help your child confidence using a variety of inter esting equipment. REGISTRATION POLICY Registration for classes publicized in this catalog will be accepted no sooner than 6:00 PM. Tuesday, January 15, and will continue as class space allows. In-person registration will begin at the TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY between the hours of 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm January 15th only. In-person registrations take priority over mail-in registrations on a daily basis. If you choose to register by mail or to"drop-off"forms at times other than those listed above, remember that classes fill on the basis of"first come -first served". Tuition and materials fees must accompany all completed mail-in forms. We do not send out confirmations on registrations received, however, if the class is full,the registration fee will be returned to sender and names will be placed on waiting lists. FEES POLICY: Fees are set to recover the costs of presenting each program. If additional fees are required for materials, a note to this effect will appear in the course description. We will try to keep class fees as reasonable as possible. REFUNDS WILL BE MADE WHEN WE ARE NOTIFIED 24 HOURS BEFORE A CLASS BEGINS OR IF THE CLASS IS CANCELLED. Partial refunds will only be made for multi-session classes immediately after the first class. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE and CANCELLATIONS: Holidays being observed Winter Term are: Martin Luther King Day, Jan 21, and Presidents Day, Feb. 18. If a class is cancelled due to an emergency of the instructor's, you will be called as soon as possible. It is important that the phone number we have for you is correct. INSURANCE FOR YOU:Be aware that you must provide your own insurance. We welcome and encourage your participation; however, the insurance coverage is each program participants own responsibility. FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE: Thanks to the time many of our instructors have donated,we are able to provide some financial assistance for individuals needing help in making it possible to attend our programs. If you are interested in applying for this aid lease contact Jo COODer or Kathv Davis at the Ti and Library for information. GREAT PARTIES KIDS SENIOR CENTER SPECIALS Wednesday March 6 7:00 to 8:30 PM Classes are held at the Senior MASTERING YOUR FINANCIAL Tigard Senior Center Center during the day for the con- FUTUREI Fee: $3.50 venience of our senior citizens. Thursdays Feb. 14, 21, 28, How to give your child a birthday Everyone(senior or not)is welcome Mar. 7, 14 party to be remembered. Themes to sign up for these classes. Time: 1:00 to 3:00 PM will be suggested and ideas shared Tigard Senior Center on how to put together a party that Fee: $3.00 per class or is fun and easy on you. Some can SELECTING ASSISTED LIVING be quickly put together; others are FACILITIES $9.00 for series elaborate and creative. Discussion An enjoyable, practical financial focuses on what is appropriate for Tuesday Jan. 29 primer. Topics include: the age of your children so that 1:00 to 2:30 PM everyone has a good time, including Tigard Senior Center Feb. 14: S & L/ Banking Crisis you. Fee: $3.50 Feb. 21: Investments made If a parent or a friend finds it difficult easy: risks and rewards to live without assistance, how do Feb. 28: Financial Planning: Tax you go about finding the best solu- Reduction tion to providing them with good Mar. 7: Will and Estate quality care? A discharge planner Administration: Trusts from Meridian Park Hos ital will hel ` r you look at the options available in Mar. 14: Long Term Health Care/Fraud: Protect Yourself. the Tigard area. Presented by Security Pacific Bank. Sign up for one or more classes by o date or entire session. .i EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PROGRAM REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS - Registration Begins: Jan 15, 6:00 PM *MAIL OR BRING IN TO TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY, 13125 SW HALL BLVD.,TIGARD OR 97223 *Use one form per registrant. *MAKE CHECK OUT to City of Tigard,Educ.Serv.Prog. *Payment must be enclosed with registration. *We do not send confirmations.You will be notified onl if your class is filled or canceled. Please plan to attend your class as scheduled. MARK YOUR CLASS TIME AND DATE N YOUR CALENDA REGISTRATION FORM NAME: HOME PHONE: WORK PHONE: ADDRESS: APT. NO. CITY: STATE: ZIP: AGE: and GRADE: (if under 18 years old) CLASS TITLE Session Fees Cost Materials Total TOTAL You may enclose just one check to cover more one registration, if they are made together. Everyone must sign to make registration valid. City of Tigard-Educational Services Programs WAIVER AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT I understand that neither the City of Tigard nor its agents will assume any liability for claims arising out of my participation in the City of Tigard-spon- sored Educational Services Program. I agree that the City of Tigard and it agents are not liable for any claim resulting from the negligence of the City of Tigard or its agents. I agree to assume all liability and to hold the City of Tigard and its agents harmless for any personal injury or property damage arising out of my participation in the City of Tigard-sponsored Educational Services Program. Signature: Date: The Tigard Public Library commerciai Drivers NEW Magazines Preschool Fair License Test Buzzworm (environmental magazine) Parents!!! Computer Buyers Guide and The Oregon Department of Motor Handbook Representatives of more than a dozen Vehicles has issued a set of six audio Printers Buyers Guide and Handbook local preschools will be gathered in ONE cassette tapes called The Passing Lane: PLACE to answer parent's questions on A Guide to the Commerical Drivers Desktop Publishing and Office Auto- License Test, call number 629.2 PAS. mation Buyers Guide&Handbook curriculum and educational philosophy and discuss the many different services These are recordings of the Interstate Consumer Reports each has to offer. 700 Show on WLW Radio hosted by Cooking Light Bozo and narrated by Dale Sommers. Fin Gardening Saturday,January 26, 1991 from 2:00 to eaeg Anyone interested in obtaining a com- 4:00 p.m.at City of Tigard Town Hall. mercial drivers license should listen to Fins and Feathers these tapes.Even if one has no interest in The Futrist Supervised activities for children while this type of license it might be a good parents browse. idea to listen to them.Some of the sug- Harvard Business Review gestions in vehicle safety areas pertinent In Health Sponsored by the Tigard Public Library to automobiles as they are for trucks and Youth Services Department. For more buses. Knowing what the road hazards inCider information contact Jody Westerman at are for trucks can also improve an auto- Issues in Science and Technology 684-6537. mobile driver's performance. Being a Merlyns Pen good trucker requires skill,good obser- vation and constant monitoring of the vehicles condition. Oregon Genealogical Society Quarterly People Discover Das y y Portland Life&Business 1991 Road &Track's Exotic Cars s Utne Reader January 5 Alcoholics Vanity Fair Anonymous Victoria February 2 Tigard and Tualatin Video Rating guide Stamp Club Welcome Home(for working mothers) These programs held from 12:30 m.- Whole Earth Review P 9 p 3:30 p.m.at the Tigard Library. Washington-Oregon Game&Fish i II To Donate Wisely, ASK some Questions These days American are more likely to donate Where can I get more information about charitable organizations? money to environmental groups,says Nathan Contact your state attorney general's office or a local Better Busi- ��\ Weber, editor of Giving U.S.A., an annual ness Bureau. For more information, contact the Philanthropic reporton philantropy.Religious organiza- Advisory Service of the Council of Better Business Bureaus Inc., tions are also a strong draw, receiving 4200 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22203; 703-276-0100; or the almost half of charitable donations. National Charities Information Bureau, 19 Union Square West, The Philanthropic Advisory Service New York, NY 10003;212-929-6300. Or,check at Tigard Library (PAS) of the Council of Better for Outside Magazine's rating of environmental groups titled"in- Business Bureaus suggests asking side the Environmental Groups: Who They Are, What They Do, several questions before giving: How Well They Do It,A Consumer's Guide To Green Giving."This What percentage of the organiza- guide is kept in the Consumer Information section. — I tion's funds are used for programs Related titles are:Shopping For A Better World,A Quick and Easy and activities? Guide To Socially Responsible Supermarket Shopping by The PAS recommends donating to charities that use at least 50 percent Council on Economic Priorities;How To Make The World A Better of contributions on programs described in solicitations and no Place:A Beginner's Guide to Doing Good by Jeffrey Hollender; more than 50 percent for administrative and fund-raising costs. and State Of The World 1990(and previous years)by Worldwatch Is my contribution tax deductible? Institute. An organization that is tax exempt,meaning it doesn't have to pay taxes, doesn't necessarily qualify for tax-deductible status. For confirmation of the organization's tax-deductible status,request a copy of its Letter of Determination. Community Tis The Season Calendar All Meetings at Tigard Civic Center, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard,7:30 pm City Council: February 12', 19,26' January 15',22,29' 7:30 unless otherwise posted. Library Board:2nd Thurs., 7:00 pm Parks Board:3rd Tues.,7:00 pm Planning Comm: 1 st Tues.after 1 st ' Mon.,7:30 pm r► NPO#1 &2:2nd Wed.,7:30 pm k NPO#3: 1st Wed.,7:00 pm lil NPO#4:2nd Wed.,7:30 pm NPO#5,6,7&8:3rd Wed.,7:30 pm Utilities&Franchise Comm:3rd Mon.,7:00 pm wn Transportation Advisory Comm:2nd Thurs., 7:00 pm Economic Development Comm: 3rd Tues.,7:30 am Davidsons' Restaurant The City of Tigard ushered in the holiday season with the annual tree lighting at City Hall on Friday,December 7,1990.The tree lighting is an annual event sponsored by Columbia the City of Tigard and the Tigard Chamber of Commerce. Cable TV Entertainment was provided by the Fowler Junior High Chamber Choir and the Channel 21 Toyland Players. Santa Claus made a special appearance to assist Mayor Edwards with the tree 'The Tigard City Council meetings lighting.The refreshments were donated byseveral Tigard businesses whose contri- are cablecast at 9:00 pm Wednesday butions were graciously acknowledged by Tigard Chamber President,Todd Mains. following themeeting,and at The tree lights will be on through New Years Day. 6:00 pm the Thurs d$ following the Monday meeting. Paid for by CITY OF TIGARD BULK RATE P.O. BOX 23397 CARRIER ROUTE PRE-SORT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 2528 CITYOF TIGARD (503) 639-4171 PORTLAND,OR. OREGON FAX No. 684-7297 POSTAL CUSTOMER