Cityscape 1991-03 r-f 11-1 17111-1 ■■■■ ■.. I ril 1111 LC I Y S C A P E­_�I Vol. IX No. 2 The Official Newsletter of Tigard March 1991 The Mayor's their position with the other partici- Hey KidS!!! Corner pants at their table and all of the issues encouraged people to listen. Tigard's Second Annual FREE Easter On Saturday, February 23rd, I took So,you see,the Fanno Creek Confer- Egg Hunt advantage of the opportunity to parti- ence is not necessarily about the spe- WHEN: 10:00 AM Saturday cipate in the Fourth annual FANNO cific issues being debated.The Fanno March 30th CREEK CONFERENCE. After my Creek Conference is about consider- WHERE: Hopkins Field welcoming remarks, I took my place ing the pros and cons of a question, Fowler Junior High at the "Ariss Blacksmith" table and raising your concerns, debating your participated as a citizen of Tigard,not position, and listening to another Special appearance by the EASTER n elected official. point of view. Most of all though, the BUNNY!!!! as a d o c p g , The theme for the conference was FANNO CREEK CONFERENCE is Children must be 7 years old or "Celebrating 30 years of Tigard Pro- about influencing the future of your younger to participate. Children will gress" in recognition of the city's 30th community. be divided by age. birthday this September. The room If you get a chance to participate in a We are preparing for an even bigger was decorated with models of some future FANNO CREEK CONFER- of Tigard's historic structures made ENCE, take advantage of the oppor- turnout this year!! by 5th and 6th graders at C.F. Tigard tunity. Sponsored by Tigard Promotions Inc. School. As I surveyed the room filled with symbols of Tigard's past and citizens �( of the present debating issues that affect Tigard's future, I was struck by Jerry Edwards, Mayor ,bO • how much progress we have made in involving our citizens. Five years ago there was no Fanno Creek Confer- ence, no opportunity to debate • community issues with fellow citizens and elected officials. %49 The topics for debate this year included: Park Projects Summer — 1991 • Should developers pay a tax assess- ment sufficient to compensate for Several park levy construction pro- equipment and materials to regrade their development's impact on Ti- jects will be going on this summer in and seed the Cook Park Little League gard schools? Tigard Parks. Major improvements ball fields. Finally, a new restroom • Should Tigard pursue Downtown will be made to the Cook Park river- facility will be built to replace the old revitalization based on current land front. This project includes construc- restrooms. zoning? tion of a new boat and trailer parking area, a new picnic area, river access Summer Lake Park is also the site of • Should Tigard have a full time opportunities for the disabled, land- several projects. This spring and Mayor who is paid at a level com- scaping and irrigation, and boat summer,plans are to build pedestrian parable with Mayor's of other cities moorage. Also, 92nd Avenue leading bridges across Summer Creek,install the size of Tigard? from Tigard High School to Cook playground equipment, build tennis • Should Tigard work to limit Metro's Park will be widened for bicycle and and basketball courts, develop picnic authority? pedesterian safety. Additional new areas, and do considerable landscap- equipment is planned for the Cook ing and irrigation. All of the issues brought people to the Park playground and permanent pic- microphone to voice their concerns in nicking and BBQ facilities will be in- Pedestrian and bike path construction the alloted two minutes. All of the stalled. Jim Castile, owner of S & L is also planned late summer early fall, issues persuaded people to debate Landscaping is donating labor and 1991 within Tigard greenway areas. spring Has sopung, Moms Has Men...Too High Library Board The early blooming of daffodils and the Whose responsibility is it to control openings profusion of primroses in front of City noxious vegetation? Hall is one of the benefits of the unusual- It is the responsibility of the property There is an opening on the Tigard Pub- ly warm weather we've been experienc- ownerto control the vegetation growing lic Library Board to fill an unexpired ing this winter. But to the City's Code on his or her property. term that will terminate June 30,1992.At Enforcement Officer the warm weather What can I do if a neighboring property that time the incumbent will be eligible means the City can expect to receive is unsightly or presents a hazard for appointment to two four-year terms. citizen complaints about overgrown because of noxious vegetation? weeds and tall grass earlier in the year g Another vacancy on the Board will Many times it is effective to speak to the occur on June 30, 1991. This appoint- and in a greater number than usual. neighbor ourself or you can report the an 9 Y Y P ment will run through June 1995 and the problem to the Code Enforcement Off i- incumbent will be eligible for reap- In an effort to encourage property cer. He or she will investigate the com- pointment to a second four-year term. owners and residents to take care of plaint. If the complaint is valid, the overgrown vegetation before it be- Officer will contact the property owner The Tigard Library Board is an advisory comes a problem and to reduce the and ask them to cut down or destroy the board to the City Council. The Board number of calls received concerning vegetation in question within a reason- recommends policy for the operation of noxious vegetation, the Code Enforce- able amount of time (usually 10 days). the library and advises on how to meet the needs of the community within the mentOfficerthought it would be helpful What happens if the noxious vegetation resources available. The Board meets to answer some of the most commonly is not cut down or destroyed within the each month on the second Thursday at asked questions concerning noxious agreed upon amount of time? 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall conference vegetation: A citation for a Class 1 Civil Infraction is room. At one meeting during the year issued and the property owner is sum- the Board will meet with the Washington What is noxious vegetation? moned into court.A citation fora Class 1 County Library Advisory Board and with Weeds and grass greater than 10 inches Civil Infraction can result in fines of up the Tigard City Council. in height, poison oak, poison ivy, dead to $250.00 per day for every day the g P Y violation continues to existProspective Board members should be . trees and bushes, blackberry bushes interested in planning forfuture delivery that extend into a public thoroughfare or If you have any other questions, please of library services as well as improving cross a property line,or any vegetation call 639-4171 and ask for the Code En- current service. Tigard is growing and that is a health or fire hazard. forcement Officer. the need for library service is growing Q/fj�. • . •� j even faster.For more information please <J �j call Irene Ertell, Library Director 684- 0 6537 or Amo De Bernardis, Board � iVo Chairman,620-2682. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tell us What You Think Beginning with this issue of CITYSCAPE,we begin a newfeature—TELL US WHAT YOU THINK.In most issues we will give our readers the opportunity to comment on a wide range of topics.This month,the topic is the CITYSCAPE so take a minute to...TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! 1. 1 find the articles and information in the CITYSCAPE useful/helpful interesting/entertaining of little value. Comments 2. The CITYSCAPE is distributed 10 times a year. I think it should come out monthly same as now bimonthly quarterly annually Comments 3. In future issues of CITYSCAPE I would like to see: community events calendar school news sports organization news council action information recycling information Comments Please return your comments to: Liz Newton City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 THANKS for taking a minute to TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! i SPRING 1991 CLASSES EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PROGRAM Help us spread the word of our classes. We have some wonderful topics and instructors. Extra copies of this catalog and registration forms are available in the library. ADULT/TEEN CLASSES RHODODENDRONS IN BLOOM OREGON FOR THE CURIOUS Saturday Apr. 20 Wednesday Apr. 10 SIGN UP FOR CLASSES 1:00 to 5:00 PM 7:00 to 8:30 PM MARCH 26TH 6:00 PM or Tigard City Hall Tigard Town Hall Fee:$10.00 Fee: $3.50 SOON AFTER Oh! To enjoy the best of Spring - Meet Author Ralph Friedman WHY? So the class you want isn't full stroll the Crystal Springs Well-known for his books on the un- or canceled due to insufficient Rhododendron Society Gardens usual places and fascinating secret registrations. HE WHO amidst the firs and ponds and feed nooks hidden throughout our HESITATES MAY FIND A CAN- the soul. To feed the body we'll stop countryside here in Oregon. We will CELED CLASS! REGISTER for dessert at Krogan's Original get to spend an evening with a man NOW! Strudel House and tour Schondeck- who has written several books on en Coffee Roasters next door. We traveling about Oregon. He has a O DoN T will travel by school bus. The cost of new book, In Search of Western FoR6ET dessert is included in the fee. Oregon-copies will be available for sale& autograph. INTRODUCTION TO `((' COMPUTERS FOR ADULTS Tuesdays EXPLORING TIGARD HISTORY Session 1 Thursdays May 16 to June 6 Apr. 2,9, 16 & 23 7:00 to 8:30 PM Session 2 Tigard Senior Center May 7, 14, 21 & 28 jo Fee: $4.00 7:00 to 8:30 PM � J ry :3et Room The City of Tigard will be 30 years old this Fall. As a village it dates Libra Fee: Library Quiback to the arrival of Wilson Tigard and his family in 1852. How did This class is for those who are com-.00 we get from there to 1991? What events occurred that shaped the These beginners, but want to know city as we know it now? Let explore these events together. Who . about computers and join the "com- do the street names refer to What are the origins of the older puter age.' Terminology and con- buildings about town, especially on Main Street? We will be using cepts will be explained,even how to resources from the Washington County Historical Museum, talking plug parts together and how to get with long time citizens of the area, and doing research together to software up and running. All of this better understand our City called Tigard. in an easy-going question and answer format withlent of demonstrations. p y BACK YARD VEGETABLE GARDENING Thursday Apr. 18 7:00 to 9:00 PM WHERE IS YOUR CLASS BEING HELD? Tigard Water District Tigard Water District Building Expressions Craft and Hobby Shop Fee:$4.00 8777 SW Burnham Street 17705 SW Pacific Hwy. -Just [at the corner of Hall & Burnham across the Tualatin River Bridge With the California water supply low toward Sherwood on the right side and the promised high cost of of highway. produce in the future, folks are talk- ing of renewing or starting gardens this summer. Here's the chance to Tigard Senior Center Tigard Town Hall & Public Library learn to do it right and enjoy the 8815 SW Omara St. - behind the 13125 SW Hall Blvd. benefits of your labor. Tigard Christian Church. Tigard, OR 97223 i ADULT CRAFTS - see Spring Field Trips AFTER SCHOOL CRAFTS example of crafts at the library. THE MINI-MOP DOLLS For all field trip classes Thursday afternoons Wednesday Apr. 3 Travel will be by individual's autos. 4:00-5:00 PM 7:00 to 9:00 PM Carpools may be arranged at class. Tigard Water District Tigard Senior Center Fee:$2.50 per class Fee:$4.00 THE SPRING WILDFLOWERS OF OREGON This is a variety of crafts and easy Materials:$6.00 projects for elementary school If you already have a large mop ddll, Tuesday Evenings children. The material costs are in- you really have to make this Apr. 16, 23 & May 7, 14, 21 Eluded in the daily fee. Please, adorable baby-sized doll to comple- Time: 7:00 to 8:00 PM register for each individual class by ment her. Tigard Senior Center date and name. Note the ages THE MOP PUPPY Field trips: Saturdays �bM°• recommended for each class. Wednesday Apr. 17 Apr.27 to May 25 %f 7:00 to 9:00 PM Time: 9:00 to 12 noon For Grades K to 2nd Fee: $18.00 Tigard Senior Center Wildflower enthusiasts! Here's a Apr.4 -To Fly a Kite Fee:$4.00 great opportunity to add to your You will learn to make a kite and fly Materials:$6.00 knowledge by learning the scientific it in the wind. This sweet puppy will win a favorite methods of wildflower identification. spot in your home or be a delightful Learn how flowers are grouped in Apr. 18- Surprise Clown gift for a friend or grandchild. families by important identification Puppets characteristics. Your instructor will Play hide and seek with the cheerful PAPER RiSSON VEGGIES help you discover when and where slick puppet you make yourself. Wednesday May 1 to search for peak bloom. May 2- Mom's Day Gift 7:00 to 9:00 PM FAMILIAR BIRDS OF THE Make mom a pretty set of coasters Tigard Senior Center PACIFIC NORTHWEST to give her on her special day. Fee:$4.00 Thursday May 9 May 16- Indian Crafts Day Materials: $4.50 7:00 to 9:00 PM You get to make something Indian Make fruits and vegetables using Tigard Water District to wear and to decorate your room paper ribbon materials and arrange Field trip: Saturday May 11 with in the spirit of our native them on a fiber broom for a delightful home decoration. Time: to be arranged in class Americans. Fee: $9.00 VICTORIAN WREATH An experienced Audubon leader Wednesday May 15 from Olympia, Washington will as- For Grades:3 to 6th 7:00 to 9:00 PM sist you in learning important field Apr. 11 - In the Sky With Kites Expressions Craft Shop marks and best times and places for Make your own kite and if the Fee: $4.00 bird watching. The field trip will be to one of several possible sitesweather permits, we hope to fly it , Materials: $6.00 too. Create a delicate Victorian wreath to depending on where the birds are! enjoy in your home or as a gift. INDIAN PLANT LORE: Apr. 25- Greet Spring with a WISDOM FOR TODAY'S Basket of Flowers MOTHER AND DAUGHTER OUTDOORSPERSON There is an old tradition of secretly JEWELRY MAKING Thursdays Apr. 4, 11 & 18 making a basket of flowers for your Wednesday May 8 7:00 to 8:30 PM best friend and giving it to them 7:00 to 9:00 PMTigard Water District without them knowing. Tigard Senior Center Field trip: Saturday Apr. 13 Learn to weave a basket of paper Fee:$4.00 per person 9:00 to 12:00 noon rope and make some simple flowers $6.00 mom &daughter Fee: $11.50 for your May basket. Materials:$4.50 Many of the plants we consider May 9 - Stenciled Mom's Day Gift For Mom's Day, get together for a "weeds" have a rich and varied his- Learn how to stencil designs on session of making the bright, light, tory of use by Native Americans. fabric then stencil your Mom a gift for friendly plastic earrings, brooches, Learn the identification and use of Mother's Day. and pendants. Fun for all ages. these plants, the stories and myths behind their names and the times May - Indian Crafts and and locations for seasonal viewing. Decoration tion Make a model of a totem pole learn- ing what a pole means and make a laced leather craft. NO SCHOOL TODAY TOUR WACKY SCIENCE THE SCIENTIFIC KID Wednesdays May 8 to May 29 Fridays Apr. 5 to May 3,except • This tour is for families and kids. 4:00- 5:00 PM Apr. 12 • No sandals or open-toed shoes Tigard Water District 10:00 to 11:00 AM allowed. Fee: $8.00 Tigard Water District • Bring a sack lunch. Materials:$3.00 Fee:$8.00 Grades: K to 2 Materials:$3.00 PORTLAND ADVENTURES Instructor: Joy Cooper Instructor:Joy Cooper Tour the Main Post Office Do you know what earth science is? Ages: 3 to 5 years Friday Apr. 12 There is a lot to learn about this old Scientists are often described as 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM earth of ours. How about starting to curious kids, who have just gotten learn more this spring? A little bigger. These classes are designed Tri-Met Transit Center- weather forecasting, a bit of rock to develop that curiosity in your pre- Commercial Street lore and some sunny day ecology. schooler. We will be play-learning Fee: $7.00 per child bus fare about the world of science by doing Included. DEVELOPMENTAL MOVEMENT simple experiments. By using com- Have you ever wondered how the FOR TOTS (Adult & Child) mon household materials, we will letter you mailed gets to the address Tot Gymnastics make items which demonstrate a on the letter. Come with us and see Mondays- Apr. 1 to May 20 scientific principle. all of the machinery and computers 8 classes PARENTS:You arewelcometo stay that make possible a modern Postal y Distribution Center. Most of the mail Session I: during the classes, but be warned leaving and delivered in the entire 9:15 - 10:00 AM you will be put to work helping with state of Oregon goes through here. Age: 15 to 30 mos. the activities. After our brown bag lunch we will Session ii: , head for the Oregon History 10:15 - 11:00 AM Museum on the Park blocks to see Age: 2 to 3 yrs the covered wagon and Oregon In- Town Hall Mtg. Room dian homes. Children under 10 Fee: $30.00 (includes adult&child) must be accompanied by an adult. Instructor: Gail Hjorth ' Adult and child will share play ac- tivities aimed at improving your - `` child's coordination, strength and confidence using a variety of inter- "-`✓ esting equipment. REGISTRATION POLICY Registration for classes publicized in this catalog will be accepted no sooner than 6:00 PM, Tuesday, March 26, and will continue as class space allows. In-person registration will begin at the TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY between the hours of 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm March 26th. In-person registrations take priority over mail-in registrations on a daily basis. If you choose to register by mail or to "drop-off'forms at times other than those listed above, remember that classes fill on the basis of"first come - first served". Tuition and materials fees must accompany all completed mail-in forms. We do not send out confirmations on registrations received,however, if the class is full,the registration fee will be returned to sender and names will be placed on waiting lists. FEES POLICY: Fees are set to recover the costs of presenting each program. If additional fees are required for materials, a note to this effect will appear in the course description. We will try to keep class fees as reasonable as possible. REFUNDS WILL BE MADE WHEN WE ARE NOTIFIED 24 HOURS BEFORE A CLASS BEGINS OR IF THE CLASS IS CANCELLED. Partial refunds will only be made for multi-session classes immediately after the first class. Refunds may take several weeks to process. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE and CANCELLATIONS: Holiday being observed Spring Term is: Memorial Day, May 27. If a class is cancelled due to an emergency of the instructor's, you will be called as soon as possible. It is important that the phone number we have for you is correct. INSURANCE FOR YOU: Be aware that you must provide your own insurance. We welcome and encourage your participation; however, the insurance coverage is each program participants own responsibility. FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE: Thanks to the time many of our instructors have donated,we are able to provide some financial assistance for individuals needing help in making it possible to attend our programs. If you are interested in applying for this aid lease contact Jo )oper or Kathy Davis at the Ti and Library for information. AFTER SCHOOL SCIENCE PARENTS <;I<< '> 1Allill [I' ''�ir UTC Wednesdays Apr. 3 to May 1 ::<::::::::PROGRAtyt DISCIPLINE OF CHILDREN 4:00-5:00 PM AGES 2 THROUGH 8: � #;���Prmatron a..... the fq.auitirrg Trgard area Youth argat+tza Tigard Water Distr. Bldg. Staying One Step Ahead! I fiic n X. ......:::::.:::......:..::.::::..........:,;......_.. Fee:$9.00 Wednesdays Apr 17 to May 8� Tigad�o`xe`Cttskl Materials:$5.00 PaiSapo. . sa84=f243 7:00-8:30 PM r _:.:...:::....:.::::;..::.;.:.:;<.;:;:.:::.....:.:.:::::;.::::.:: niaricy<w�tam Grades: 3 to 6 Tigard Senior Center g 17oard-'ruafatin riKocd:i}BcvrSancar Instructor: Evelyn Pratt, an Fee: $8.00 Assaciauan_ _ <z»r<z':':'.><> :.-:::.;.;...:.....:; OMSI & OES Instructor 1iri:.$m :::;: <::;:::;::;::;:::>:<'<<<':»:<;63e 4632 Materials: $1.00 I In the Spring we are aware of the Parenting is a challenge because 839 oga9 Earth awakening. Let's learn more the needs of children aged 2 through about the earth and the blanket of air 'tigard#trea ASA GftCaFast P1tcCx3ofthall 8 change constantly as they grow. aadyardela:::;:<: > :<::<;« around her. We'll become weather Parents must consider the unique ue watchers and make some weather Ttga aTUAllNA,p Babel tftl3asebatt station equipment. We'll do some abilities of each child in making Dative fsoer>t .:................ .... 8998 decisions and geology and investigate rocks and planning for the dis- Littre League fossils. If we get a good day, a na- cipline of the children. During these Tigard patty Thomas 62b-tA65 ture walk is in order. four sessions, parents will discuss Tualatin-Kathy Ratliffe 692-3865 various child guidance techniques in Boy Scouts of America small groups facilitated by volun- Lane Stumme 226 3423 teers from the OSU Extension Ser- campfire C/ vice. Sue Tufley 224.7800 Girl Scouts lop Carol Sousa 692-6418 Y.M.C.A.IWestside 294.3345 o� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PROGRAM REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS - Registration Begins: Mar. 26, 6:00 PM MAIL OR BRING IN TO ED. SERVICES.,TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY, 13125 SW HALL BLVD.,TIGARD OR 97223 Use one form per registrant. ' MAKE CHECK OUT to City of Tigard, Educ.Serv. Prog. Payment must be enclosed with registration. We do not send confirmations. You will be notified only if your class is filled or canceled. Please plait to attend your class as scheduled. MARK YOUR CLASS AN AT N OUR CALENDAR. REGISTRATION FORM NAME: HOME PHONE: WORK PHONE.- ADDRESS: HONE:ADDRESS: APT. NO. CITY: STATE: ZIP: AGE: and GRADE: (if under 18 years old) CLASS TITLE Session Fees Cost Materials Total TOTAL You may enclose just one check to cover more one registration, if they are made together. Everyone must sign to make registration valid. City of Tigard- Educational Services Programs WAIVER AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT I understand that neither the City of Tigard nor its agents will assume any liability for claims arising out of my participation in the City of Tigard-sponsored Educational Services Program. I agree that the City of Tigard and it agents are not liable for any claim resulting from the negligence of the City of Tigard or its agents. I agree to assume all liability and to hold the City of Tigard and its agents harmless for any personal injury or property damage arising out of my participation in the City of Tigard-sponsored Educational Services Program. Signature: Date: (if student is under 18,their parent or legal guardian must sign_) The Tigard PUD11C library Important Financial Aid Resources at Tigard library Income Tax Help How to Find Out About Flnancla/ Directory of Financial Aids for Available Aid.A Guide to Over 700 Directories Women, 1991-1992 Confused about your taxes?Having Listing Scholarships, Fellowships, troublefiguring and filing?Chances Loans, Grants,Awards, and Intern- Published biennially since 1977,this are that you can be helped at the ships. is the only comprehensive and cur- Tigard Public Library. rent source of information on finan- A record$21 billion in financial aid is cial aid programs for and about Our Tax Aide Volunteer is ready to currently available to undergradu- women. It has become the standard help you complete your federal and ate students,graduate students,and in the field. Over 1,600 references state income tax returns. It is abso- researchers. Yet, according to the and cross-references to scholar- lutely FREE! National Scholarship Research Ser- ships, fellowships, loans, grants, vice, nearly $7 billion in scholar- awards, and internships designed Help is available every Friday ships,fellowships,grants,and loans primarily or exclusively for women through April 15. Call the library, has gone unclaimed each year be-, are included. 684-6537, to make an appointment. cause financial aid seekers did not By Gail Ann Schlachter. know how to locate these programs. By Gail Ann Schlachter. Directory of Financial Aids for _-- Minorities, 1989-1990 Financial Aid for the Disabled and Your guide to millions of dollars set Their Families, 1990-1991 aside just for Black Americans, His- panic Americans, Native Ameri- This is the first comprehensive list- cans, and Asian Americans. The ing of the hundreds of scholarships, 1989-90 edition contains nearly Help Wanted fellowships,loans,grants-in-aid and 2,100 references and cross-refer- awards established primarily for ences to scholarships, fellowships, The Tigard Public Library is better America's largest minority: the 43 grants,loans,awards/prizes,and in- able serve the public because of million disabled and their children ternships available only to ethnic the services vices provided by volunteers or parents. All disabilities are minorities. according to George Anne Miller, covered, including visul impair- By Gail Ann Schlachter with Senior Librarian. ments, hearing impairments, devel- Sandra E. Goldstein. Last year, 132 volunteers contribut- opmental disabilities, learning dis- ed 6,162 hours of work, which the abilities and multiple disabilities. library budget translated into By Gail Ann Schlachter and Financial Aid for Research, Study, $33,000 in saved wages, not includ- R. David Weber. Travel,and Other Activities Abroad, ing the cost of benefits paid- 1990-1991 employees would have required. This new directory is your one-stop While a strong and loyal corps of Financial Aid for Veterans, Military source for descriptions of over 1,700 volunteers is at work each week, Personnel, and Their Dependents, financial aid opportunties open to there are still some openings for 1990-1991 Americans interested in research, specific jobs. Particularly needed at study, travel, professional, or other the present time are persons to pre- Veterans, military personnel, and activities abroad. From the Aegean pare newly acquired books for the their dependents, (spouses, chil- Islands to Zimbabwe, the directory shelves. More volunteers can also dren,grandchildren,and dependent will help Americans tap into the bil- be used for reshelving books, book parents) make up more than one lions of dollars available for interna- check-in and cataloguing donated third of America's population today. tional activities. The listings cover books. Each year, public and private agen- every major field of study or interest, cies set aside nearly $1 billion in are tenable in practically every Volunteers are asked to give amin- financial aid for these groups. Now, country in the world,are sponsored imum of two hours a week. for the first time, a directory has by nearly 550 different private and For further information,or to volun- been prepared that identifies the public organizations and agencies, teer,leave your name and telephone scholarships, fellowships, loans, and are open to all segments of the number at the circulation desk of grants-in-aid, awards, and intern- population, from high school stu- the library. ships designed exclusively for dents to professionals and post- military-related personnel. doctorates. By Gail Ann Schlachter and By Gail Ann Schlacter and R. David Weber. R. David Weber Community ' 4th Annual Calendar �����- Fan ioCreek Con_fere_nce All Meetings at Tigard Civic Center, - 13125 SW Hall Boulevard,7:30 pm City Council: March 12', 19, 26' Celebrating 30 years of Tigard Progress April 9% 16,23' 7:30 unless otherwise posted. Library Board:2nd Thurs., 7:00 pm Park Board:3rd Tues., 7:00 pm Planning Comm: 1st Mon after 1st i Sun., 7:30 pm NPO#1 &2:2nd Wed.,7:30 pm _ NPO#3:1st Wed., 7:00 pm NPO#4:2nd Wed.,7:30 pm NPO#5,6,7&8:3rd Wed., 7:30 pm Utilities& Franchise Comm: +. 3rd Mon., 7:00 pm Transportation Advisory Comm: 2nd Thurs., 7:00 pm +� Economic Development Comm: 3rd Tues.,7:30 am Davidsons'Restaurant Columbia Cable TV Channel 21 'The Tigard City Council meetings are cablecast at 9:00 pm Wednesday Saturday,February 23,was the day of the fourth annual FANNO CREEK CONFER- following the Tuesday meeting, and ENCE.Citizens,including local elected officials,had the opportunity to express their at 6:00 pm the Thursday following the views on four community issues. The conference is organized and presented by Tuesday meeting. volunteers.Thanks to all of them who made this community event possible. Paid for by CITY OF TIGARD BULK RATE P.O. BOX 23397 CARRIER ROUTE PRE-SORT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 2528 CITY OF TIFAM (503) 639-4171 PORTLAND,OR. OREGON FAX No. 684-7297 POSTAL CUSTOMER