Cityscape 1991-04 11111 rl 171 r1 171 ■■■ 11111 nnnn11111 171 n 1`1 n 00 mm ■ ir L C S C A P E Vol. IX No.3 The Official Newsletter of Tigard April 1991 The Mayor's Mayor and legislators Hold Public Corner Town Hall Meeting April 21st-27th is Volunteer Recogni- Mayor Jerry Edwards will join Senator Paul Phillips and State Representative tion Week. The City of Tigard will Tom Brian for a public town hall meeting in the Council Chambers,Tigard City honor its'volunteers with a dinner on Hall,on Thursday,April 25, 1991,at 7:30 p.m. Each speaker will discuss legisla- Wednesday,April 24th. tive matters affecting Tigard residents,followed by an extensive question and I am proud of our strong volunteer answer period with the public. program in Tigard. The over 220 citi- Senator Phillips and Representative Brian will discuss the state funding of zens who contribute their time and education and efforts being made to reduce state spending,crime issues and energy allow us to expand staff func- tions in the library and police depart- transportation. ment;and by providing special exper- Please plan to attend and let us know your thoughts on these very important tise we depend on Board and Com- issues. mittee volunters to provide the Council with the citizen perspective on a variety of issues from transporta- tion to land use.The Police Reserves are used for special events and patrols Live Cable Coverage — allowing us to maintain regular ser- vice to the community. More than 100City Council Meetings citizens volunteer at the library pro- ro- cessing materials and working on special programs. Starting June 11, Tigard City Council business meetings will be aired LIVE on TVCA Government Access Channel 27 at 7:30 p.m. To all of the volunteers listed by name inside this issue of CITYSCAPE - Taped replays of meetings will continue to be shown on Channel 21. Please THANK YOU - your efforts are very note the viewing schedule: much appreciated!!! Live Coverage—Channel 27 ��� Second & Fourth Tuesday of the the Month: 7:30 p.m. ` Replays—Channel 21 Second & Fourth Wednesday of the Month: 9:00 P.M. Jerry Edwards, Mayor Second & Fourth Thursday of the Month 6:00 p.m. Parks 2. The bridge over the dam spillway areas will receive new play equip- has been set in place. It is due for ment this spring. Excuse our mess!The Parks improve- completion in the spring of 1991. 2. Upgrade and improvements to the ment program is progressing on sche- 3. There will also be tree planting, pedestrian path system is on line dule. In an effort to keep everything shrub plantings and soft trail con- for completion in 1991. on track, the Parks staff has been struction happening this spring and 3. The Park Division's attempt to in- working diligently. Below is a list of summer. stall interpretation signs was met projects completed or in progress at 4. All other projects to be completed with heavy vandalism. We have not Summerlake and Englewood. by the Park Levy are in the design- given up on the idea,but are pursu- ing stage and are on schedule for ing a more vandal-proof system. Summerlake The Englewood area is a unique completion within the three years 1. Play area construction and irriga- outlined. mixture of natural wetlands and tion on the southwest side of the conventional park upland use lake is progressing. This project is Englewood areas. The Parks staff welcomes due to be completed in the spring/ 1. New play equipment has been in- any suggestions for interpretation summer of 1991. stalled in two areas. Two more of this beautiful park site. FOCUS on,m VOLUNTEERS.1 1990 was another banner year for Tigard for assistance received from citizen volunteers.We Economic Development are one of thef inest communities in this state due to service given inclonated hoursbycitizen Committee volunteers.Thereare nearly250 peoplewho volunteer time serving on Boardsand Commit- Jim Corliss tees,acting as Police Reserve,or assist in the Library. In recognition of volunteer week,the Amo DeBernardis names of those who give their time in service to the Tigard community are listed below. Paul Etchemendy THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR A JOB WELL DONE!!! Brian Moore BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Tony Orlandini Ron Pulliam City Council Judy Watson Utility & Franchise John Savory Jerry Edwards, Mayor Chuck Woodard Committee Valerie Johnson Pastor Rob Blakely Rebekah Barrett Carolyn Eadon Steve Clark Mark Irwin NPOs Joe Kasten Jerry Danna Donald Jacobs NPO#1-2 John Schwartz Cliff Epler Gerry McReynolds Edward Duffield Ted Fullmer Tom Sullivan Daniel Gott Planning Commission Paul Hunt Daniel Walsh Mary Manilla Vlasta Barber Robert Santee Eldon Wogen Gareth Ott Harold Boone Sharon TakahashiEugene Sena James Castile Phil Westover Transportation Committee Linda Sexton Judy Fessler Cal Woole James Castile Milton Frye ry James Dusevoir NPO#3 Deane Frye erett Budget Committee John Etzel Martha Bishop Don Moen City Council Members Ron Holland Bev Froude Moore Floyd Bergmann Nancy Newcomb Kent Hansen Brian Dave MoorPtersn George Burgess David Riewald Lou Anne Mortensen Harry Saporta Judy Christensen Joe Schweitz Herman Porter Deborah Hinton Robert Waterman Robert Root Blue Ribbon Task Force Bill Scheiderich Parks& Recreation Board Nancy Smith Pat Biggs Library Board Mariann Bither NPO#4 Audrey Castile Amo DeBernardis Carolyn Defrang Jean Danley John Cook Susan Grossen Suzanne Fern Dick George Amo Debernardis Carl Kostrol Dr. Dan Graham Carl Johnson Beverly Froude Vince Matarresse Jeffrey Hepler Irving Larson Wendi Hawley Linda Monahan Bud Hillman Gordon Martin Todd Mains Martha Resnick Sheldon Scolar Alan Roth Jack Schwab Leslie Wismer Steve Slabaugh Louise Stewart Tigard-Tualatin School District Sets "Our current tax base was approved dent upon state replacement dollars Tigai May 21 Election for New Tax Base when we had nearly 1,500 fewer stu- from the Legislature. dents," he said. "The additional high To provide funds for enrollments Failure to approve the tax base would which have grown by 1,433 students school, middle school, and planned mean substantial cuts in district pro- over the last three years and to cover elementary classrooms will also in- grams and staffing. increased operating costs created by crease ourcosts above our current tax may the new middle school, high school, base amount." Eillbenecessaf the tax necase essary programs still be necessaryto cut programs if the and planned elementary school addi- This election is possible because the state fails to provide adequate re- Tigard-Tualat tions — the Tigard-Tualatin School district's general fund tax rate is cur- placement dollars. Tigard area ch District will ask voters to approve a rently underthe$15 per$1,000tax limit years old on or $42,249,329 tax base at the May 21 allowed by Measure#5. The tax base includes funds to hire 1991, may be r vote-by-mail election. classroom teachers to serve enroll- garten during The updated tax base would result in a ments which have been growing by Round-upss& Because of Ballot Measure #5's tax one-year only tax rate increase of nearly 500 students a year. Tualatin Scho< rate limitations—this may be the last $1.97 per$1,000 of assessed value. It also includes operating funds for time local voteswilihavethechanceto In 1992-93, the property tax rate will Tualatin High School and Hazelbrook Tocomplete& set the level of school funding for the drop by$2.50 per$1,000and will con- Middle School as well as fora planned should bring t Tigard-Tualatin district. ti nue dropping by$2.50a yearoverthe elementary school on Bull Mountain cate and i next four years. and a planned Durham Elementary School prin "Approval of an updated Tax Base is Schoolteachers and especially critical this year,"said Supt. Of the$11.5 million increase in the tax addition. available to a Russ Joki, "because all future state base,approximately$4 million would Construction of the two elementary funding may depend upon the dollar befunded by local property taxes.The school additions would be dependent Parents are amount of our 1991-92 tax base." remaining$7.5 million would bedepen- upon a future bond election. theirchildren Provided by:Tigard/Tualatin School District#23, 13137 SW Pacific Hwy.,Tigard,Oregon 97223 NPO#5 Police Dept. Reserves Maxine Coxley Glenna Larsen Jean Sparks Bill Bieker Res. Sgt. Bob Stimler Katy Cutright* Denise Lee' Sheila Stephens Ormond Doty Res. Ofc. Mike Fisher Geneva Dahl Melissa Lehwe' Fred Strauch Wendi Hawley Res. Ofc. Dan Gill Ruth Daily Thelma Lehman Laura Tatum Craig Hopkins Res. Ofc. Bob Harrison Ginny Denton Sally Lindholm LaDonna Tabayoyon Sharon Takahashi Res. Ofc. Tim Timmins Cory Dillon Jean Lindsay Beth Tarasawa` NOP#6Tracy Earll' Ray Lischner Janis Tyhurst Sue Carver Friends of the Library Ray en Elaine Ellersick Florence Malmstrom Sudie Tommy George&Yvonne Burgery ss Gail Fear Stephen Maracle Doris VanGordon Walter Crow Ter Mary Clinton Pat y & Pete Frye Janet Fujitani Agnes Marble Norma Walters Marjorie Gahan George Marsh Barbara Weierman Marge Davenport Susan Mueller John Dillin, Jr. Verna Randall Paul Geisler JP Martin George White Susan Hill Kasson Jim & Beulah Shields Julia Gonzales' Leona McCoy Reba Wilcox Stephanie Mitchell Erin Griep' Susan Merk Pat Wood Phillip Pasteris Library Volunteers Marjory Haglund Alice Metcalf June Young Judy Watson Betty Allen Karen Hanson Denise Miller Fran Ziegelmayer Diane Wilson Amy Babbitz Sarah Hanson Margaret Miller 'Youth Services Alexander Backardjieva Marily Sue Hartzell Marin Miller Volunteers NPO#7 Sue Hasel More Miller James Blanchard Lina Backardjieva y Lee eslanCunninghamRumiana Backardjieva Kelli Hatfield' Sandra Mintner g Virginia Barber Robyn Hatfield' Donald Mitchell Kathryn Dorsett Shannon Belding' Shari Heitkemper Ora Murphy Bill Gross Trudi Heuser Ione Nielsen Howden den Christina Blair Larry d owchy Jane Blondell Lisa Hoashi' Julie Pasteris' Nancy Robbins Larissa Bradford" Wendy Hoashi*John Perez Megan Bradford' Wendy Hoashi Murl Perry Cal Woolery Gerald Brickey Denise Howarth Don Phillips NPO#8 Yvonne Brod Myrna Hullet Rosemary Piper John Blomgren Yvonne Burgess Meegan Hurt' Nathan Robbins Bob Burness Margo Burgner Colleen Jones Janne Rosecrans Cathy Chase Tiffany Cameron Vernon Jones Barbara Ross Herb Curtis Timothy Carkin' Shannon Kasten Mary Jane Rush Cliff Epler Verda Chadwich Sheilah Kasten Della Russell Marjory Haglund Christopher Chandler' Jason Kelly Kathy Ryser Marilyn Hartzell Janelle Charron` Karen Kittelson' Lisa Sanders Jim Hein Sessica Charron Anna Krauthoefer' Alice Shambaugh Cynthia Iford Tricia Christensen Ann Krupa Shanna Simmons Alice Juve Jeff Clukey' Sheila Kulkarni' Jodi Slabaugh John Nolan Olga Coburn Violet Lamont Erin Smith Joel Stevens Jean Conser Mark Smith "Id Tualatin School News CASINO NIGHT CASINO NIGHT will be held Satur- _ "MEMORY LANE"' day, April 20th in the Tigard High r - ��_`� • Q a The Tigard High School Graduation School gym from 7 PM until mid- - Celebration committee is selling night. CASINO NIGHT features "21" Schools Set April 25th Kindergarten Registration bricks to seniors and alumni for and"craps"tables,Wheel of Fortune dren who will be five tion session. Special open houses MEMORY LANE. Bricks will cost and Roulette. There will also be a before September 1, forstudentsand theirparents will be $25.00 each and will include 25 char- tion. raffle drawing and oral r all gistered for kinder- held in the fall. Round-ups will be acters for name and year of gradua- tion. Casino script will be used for all pecial Kindergarten held at C.F.Tigard,12985 SW Grant; tion. MEMORY LANE will be incor- the games and raffle. Bring your eduled bythe Tigard- Templeton, 9500 SW Murdock; porated with the remodeling of Tigard cash and checkbook for the auction. I District on April 25. Woodward, 12325 SW Katherine; High. This is your chance to buy a CASINO NIGHT proceeds will go to the Tigard High Drug and Alcohol- Phil Lewis,12615 SW 72nd;Metzger, lasting memoryofyourschool yearsat Alcohol- !registration, s 10255 SW 90th; Durham, 8048 SW Tigard High.To orderyour brick,send Free Graduation Celebration.Tickets airchild'sbirthcertifertifi- are available at the door and cost Shaffer Lane. All round-ups will a check for$25.00 and include name nunization record. begin at 7:30 p.m. and year of graduation (maximum of $8.00 per person or $15.00 per cou- pals, kindergarten ,25 characters) to: MEMORY LANEple.Anyone having new items to do- 3ffice staff will be The school district would appreciate nate to the auction can contact John residents help spreading the word PO.BOX23664,Tigard OR97223.For Schwartz at 620-5963. All items wer questions. p inp reag more information call Tom Anderson about kindergarten registration to at 684-3980. donated are tax deductible. Come couraged to leave families who may not see the city on out to CASINO NIGHT— it's fun )me for this registra- newsletter. and for a good cause too!! The Tigard Public Library Output Measures Report for Library — 1990 In our quest to provide service that time. Nevertheless, this is an ongo- library loan service as a welcome responds to the needs of Tigard's ing concern and we will plan ways to additional resource. citizens, the Tigard Public Library have less noise at all times in the Reference transactions continue to conducted its fourth output mea- library. increase steadily and this is an area sures study October 22-27, 1990. A Overall, the public seems satisfied where there has been a concentrat- total of 1,533 usable surveys were with the library and its services. ed effort to upgrade basic reference returned for the four day survey. All Several respondents specifically materials and to staff the reference four of our surveys have been con- stated that they noticed an ongoing desk more hours. ducted in the last whole week of improvement. The staff again re- There are obviously different ways October in accordance with the ceived high marks for knowledge to look at the data from the survey American Library Association's and helpfulness. and numbers show an increase in Output Measures for Public Libraries. Sunday hours received no negative usage and the comments indicated comments. One person thought ten both satisfaction and a desire for As always there were lots of good cents a day was too high for rental improvement. With this positive thoughtful comments from users books, otherwise all comments support from its users,the library is suggesting changes and improve- were favorable. The WILI computer striving to improve the collection ments.There were quite a few con- catalog system continues to garner and provide the service which will cerns expressed regarding exces- more positives than negatives — a give library users increased access. sive noise. There were also many reversal from the first two years of In future issues of CityScape, the comments as to how quiet and con- the survey. There were good com- library staff will address specific ducive to study the library is. It ments on the collection but the comments, concerns, and sugges- seems to depend on whether or not library has received a long list of tions from the October 1990 survey. we are conducting activities in the subject areas which need to be The full Output Measures Report for children's area and how many peo- updated and enlarged. Many com- the library (1987-1990) are available ple happen to be in the libraryat one mented favorably on the inter- at the library for the public to study. REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS ' MAIL TO TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY,13125 SW HALL BLVD.,TIGARD OR 97223 'Use one form per registrant. MAKE CHECK OUT to City of Tigard,Educ.Serv.Prog. 'Payment must be enclosed with registration. 'We do not send confirmations.You will be notified only if your class is filled or cancelled. Please plan to attend your class as scheduled. MARK YOUR CLASS TIME AND DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR. REGISTRATION FORM NAME: HOME PHONE: WORK PHONE: ADDRESS: APT. NO. CITY: STATE: ZIP: AGE: or GRADE: (if under 18 years old) PARENTS NAMES: EMERGENCY PHONE: Is there any special information we should have concerning your child? Park&Program Session Dates Tuition You may enclose just one check to cover more one registration,if they are made together. Everyone must sign to make registration valid. City of Tigard-Educational Services Programs WAIVER AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT I understand that neither the City of Tigard nor its agents will assume any liability for claims arising out of my participation in the City of Tigard-sponsored Educational Services Program. I agree that the City of Tigard and it agents are not liable for any claim resulting from the negligence of the City of Tigard or its agents. I agree to assume all liability and to hold the City of Tigard and its agents harmless for any personal injury or property damage arising out of my participation in the City of Tigard-sponsored Educational Services Program. Signature: Date: i stu nt is un r 1 ,t ev parent or ega guar ian must sign.) SUMMER Safari ADVENTURES by The City of Tigard's Educational Services DAY CAMP IS FOR KIDS WHO HAVE COMPLETED GRADES K THRU 5 i7P EACH SESSION IS MONDAY-THURSDAY FROM 9:00 AM TO NOON FEE: $24 per Child $18 for Siblings in Immediate Family Fanno Creek Park Summerlake Park Cook Park July 8 to July 11 July 22 to July 25 August 5 to August 8 July 15 to July 18 July 29 to August 1 August 12 to August 15 PROGRAM: Each of the two weeks at a park will be a totally different program. The same two programs will be repeated at each park. The children will be divided into age groups, and then rotated through a series of activities each morning,including crafts, playground games and science/natural history. Songs, stories and snack will round out the day. The instructors are all experienced education professionals and there will be 1 adult for every 10 children as well as teenage assistants. n n SMALL FRY MINI-CAMP A MORNING OF OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES FOR PRESCHOOLERS _ ` AND THEIR FAVORITE ADULT AGES: 3 to 5 years FEE: $5.00/child e:•r TIMES: Fridays-9:00 AM to Noon Fanno Creek Park Summerlake Park Cook Park July 12 July 26 August 9 July 19 August 2 August 16 Spend a morning with your child outdoors in our beautiful parks taking part in crafts,games and nature activities and celebrate that special feeling of summertime play. Note to parents for all Programs: • Camp will be held rain or shine under a canopy. • Parents are asked that children be dressed for outdoor comfort and play,wearing sturdy shoes for running and walking. (No sandals or jellies,please). • Sun screens and hats for sunny or overcast days are recommended. • Parents are requested to be on time for the beginning and closing of each day's program • If you make arrangements for your child to walk home or to be picked up by someone other than the parent, we will need a permission note. Registration Information: REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW!! To register, fill out a registration form for each child. Sign the parental release included at the end of the form and enclose the fees for the sessions. One check can cover all of your registrations. If paying for more than one child and one session,a 50% deposit for the total fees are to be made with the registration. The rest of the payment will be due 7 days before session begins. Full refunds will be given if requested ten days before the registered session begins. After that time, refunds will only be given if there is a health or family emergency. Scholarships available-for more info contact Joy Cooper or Kathy Davis at the Tigard Public Library @ 684-6537. REGISTRATION FORM ON NEXT PAGE Community Calendar CREEK CLEAN ' 8Y.. All Meetings at Tigard Civic Center, 0 4 0 U T S 13125 SW Hall Boulevard,7:30 pm � City Council:April 9", 16,23' May 7%28' 7:30 unless otherwise posted. Library Board:2nd Thurs.,7:00 pm Park Board:3rd Tues.,7:00 pm Planning Comm: 1st Mon after 1st Sun.,7:30 pm NPO#1 &2:2nd Wed.,7:30 prn NPO#3: 1st Wed.,7:00 pm NPO#4:2nd Wed.,7:30 pm '1 NPO#5,6,7&8:3rd Wed., 7:30 pmt # .s Utilities&Franchise Comm: 3rd Mon.,7:00 pm Transportation Advisory Comm: 2nd Thurs.,7:00 pm Economic Development Comm: 3rd Tues.,7:30 am Davidsons' Restaurant Giri Scout Week Members of Ti-Tu-Me-Wood Girl signs inform citizens that the creek is Columbia Scouts celebrate Girl Scout Week by monitored by the Scouts and advise Cable TV posting signs along Fanno Creek.The citizens not to litter. signs were made from recycled sign Girl Scout week was celebrated na- materials by the city's street crew.The tionally the week of March 10th-16th. 'The Tigard City Council meetings Photo by Donna Schmidt are cablecast live at 7:30 pm the second and fourth Tuesday of the month on Channel 27. Replays are shown at 9:00 pm Wednesday follow- ing the Tuesday meeting,and at 6:00 pm the Thursday following the Tues- day meeting on Channel 21. Paid for by CITY OF TIGARD BULK RATE P.O. BOX 23397 CARRIER ROUTE PRE-SORT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 U.S.POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 2528 CITY OF TIVA' RD (503) 639-4171 PORTLAND,OR. OREGON FAX No. 684-7297 POSTAL CUSTOMER