Cityscape 1991-05 ■.. i QIIII rinirin:33 n 171 rni ■■ C T Y S C A Vol. IX No. 4 The Official Newsletter of Tigard May 1991 The Mayors Park Projects Update CornerThe Parks staff and contractors • Sand volleyball courts — In- are on schedule with this season's stalled next to the'basketball The impact of Ballot Measure #5 park improvements. Below is a courts. on the state and individual cities summary of projects underway at and counties has been prominent Cook Park, Fanno Creek Park and Genesis/Greenways in the news the last few months. in the Greenways. • Some cities have had to cut ser- Bike path construction—Path vice levels while others are able to Cook Park construction is underway to add staff and retain existing complete connections in the• Riverfront — Weather permit- pathfinder and Genesis neigh- programs. ting, major sitework and grad- borhoods. The City of Tigard is not impacted ing will be completed this immediately. This is because the month. Improvements for han- Fanno Creek non-school tax rates in Tigard are dicapped access and the bike- • Three acres of land have been below the$10er$1,000 assessed path will follow. The fishing p purchased to add to Fanno valuation imposed by Measure#5. platform on the river is in Creek Park. The location of The City is taking a prudent ap- progress. the newly acquired property proach to budgeting however, . Irrigation system — The pump will make it possible to link and existing services will be main- will be upgraded to handle the path system to Main tained. The proposed operating greater flow.The existing irriga- Street. budget would increase by less tion at the ballfields will be im- than 6%over the current year. proved. The existing system at For additional information on the park projects, contact Floyd Peo- pars or Ron Bunch at Floyd P o- As taxpayers, you may not see a the playground and picnic shel- decrease in your tax bill in No- ter will be repaired and new Also,watch future issues 3 CITY- 1. vember. This is because the total lines will be installed as part of SCAPE for updates! CITY- school and non-school tax rates the riverfront improvements. are below the cap imposed by • Restrooms — Plans are to Measure#5. If you have questions demolish the existing rest- about how Measure #5 affects rooms and replace them with a you, call Liz Newton or Wayne new strucure yet this summer. Lowry at City Hall -639-4171. When construction does take The City of Tigard will continue to place, restroom facilities will be �L follow a prudent fiscal policy that west of the ballfieads along the addresses both immediate and river and portable faciliities will long term needs of the citizens. be provided as necessary. • Picnic tables— Concrete slabs r �� have been installed and picnic I 1���� tables mounted on them to / provide permanent picnic sites. _ Jerry Edwards, Mayor Budget Process 1991 Road Improvements UnderwayRoad construction will continue this the inconvenience associated with summer throughout Tigard. The construction. Where possible, plan The City's budget process for the street improvements are intended to to use alternate routes. 1991/92 fiscal year is in full swing. improve safety and to reduce con- Departments have prepared their gestion on our major streets. Major street construction projects budget requests and have submitted scheduled for this summer are them to the City Administrator. From During construction, drivers are re- shown on the map on page inside. departments'requests,the proposed minded to obey construction signing Additional information is listed budget is prepared for submittal to and flaggers. Please plan ahead for below. the Budget Committee along with Map No. Project Funding agency the City Administrator's budget message. The Budget Committee 1 Scholls Ferry Road from Fanno Creek to State & County will then review the budget, making Murray Blvd. (widening and new traffic changes if necessary. Once ap- signals); completion scheduled for 1992. proved by the Budget Committee, the budget will then be considered 2 Greenburg Road from Pacific Hwy. to City by the City Council at a public hear- Cascade Blvd. (turn lanes, sidewalks, street ing. After adoption by the City lighting, drainage) Council, the budget becomes effec- 3 Intersection improvements at 69th Ave. City tive on July 1, 1991. and Pacific Hwy. The Budget Committee consists of 4 Replacement of the Main Street Bridge City the Mayor and City Council over Fanno Creek. members, and five citizens from the community. 5 Traffic signal at Hall Blvd. and State & City All Budget Committee meetings are Burnham Street. open to the public and interested ci- 6 Realignment of Gaarde Street to intersect City & State tizens are encourged to attend. For Pacific Hwy. at McDonald St. information on Budget committee meetings or the budget process,call 7 McDonald Street from Hall Blvd. to 98th City Wayne Lowry at 639-4171. Ave. (regrading to improve sight distance, improved bike/pedestrian facilities, turn lane at Hall); the street will be closed to through traffic during construction. 8 Bonita Road from 83rd Ct. to Fanno City Legislators Host Creek (turn lanes, sidewalks, street lighting); the street will be closed to through traffic Public Town Hall during construction. Meeting 9 Traffic signal at 72nd Ave. and Bonita City Road. On May 29, 1991, State Representa- 10 Sattler Street from 91 st Ave. to 96th City tives Tom Brian, Kelly Clark and Ave. (pavement reconstruction). Randy Miller will hold a joint town hall meeting at 7:15 a.m. in the "40's 11 Bike/pedestrian improvements on 92nd City Section" of the Tualatin Sweetbriar Ave. from the High School to Cook Park. Inn (1-5 at Exit 289). 12 Extension of Durham Rd. to 72nd Ave. County Representatives Brian, Clark and Miller will discuss legislative matters Citywide New subdivisions and other private Developers which affectthe area,including state development is typically required to provide funding of education and efforts be- street improvements along the project ing made to reduce state spending, frontage and on accesses to the development. crime issues and transportation. Street work in conjunction with private development is occurring throughout the City. All residents are invited to attend this no-host breakfast town hall. 1991 Road Improvements O ow*i4O" STREET IMPROVEMENT TAYLORS FERD. INTERSECTION OR BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT l�j�Y ® PROJECT NO. SEE LIST ON PAGE 2 FOR PROJECT DESCRIPTION �y LOCUST ST. C w /Y > c w NORTH DAKOTA ST. a �R N �y. I'S Ld CITY LIMITS WALNUT ST "' h N � C N F- O QP J GAARDE McDONA D BULL O I A O a RD < M O cr O(iM TA I N w ui w gyp- a ATT ER Z J DURHAM RD. gEEF w i The Tigard Public Ubpapy Parents! Kids! Any questions about our Summer So...you think you're smart??? Shake u our summer with Reading Menu? p y Try your luck at Summer Reading! Watch for details coming home MAGNA SMARTA Munch a Bunch of Books! from Tigard Elementary Schools. at the Tigard Public Library. Or call the main chefs,Jody,Kathy, "The Toughest Teen Reading Con- and Terri at the Library-684-6537. test in the Universe!" Ingredients for a grape summer: Open to kids entering grades 7 to Take any child 12 and under, add some good books, a family 12. member or friend to read with,mix Register at the Tigard Public Li- with a few egg-citing performers brary anytime after June 1 St. Earn and you've got a Recipe for points towards FABULOUS Summer Fun! PRIZES by facing EXTRAORDI- NARY challenges and prove the Library.Sign — beginning June 10 at you're SMARTER THAN ANY- Read — alone, or with a family ONE! member or friend. 0440 Details at the library or call Kathy Track—your reading progress by at 684-6537, ext. 280. keeping a record of how many • Lots of stuff to win. No limit on days you spend time reading dur- • II ing the summer. prizes. Sign up today Enjoy—the fruits of your reading by attending special activities and performances throughout the summer. COMPUTER CLASS AND SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS ' MAIL TO TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY,13125 SW HALL BLVD.,TIGARD OR 97223 'Use one form per registrant. MAKE CHECK OUT to City of Tigard,Educ.Serv.Prog. 'Payment must be enclosed with registration. 'We do not send confirmations.You will be notified only if your class is filled or cancelled. Please plan to attend your class as scheduled. MARK YOUR CLASS TIME AND DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR. REGISTRATION FORM NAME: HOME PHONE: WORK PHONE: ADDRESS: APT. NO. CITY: STATE: ZIP: AGE: or GRADE: (if under 18 years old) PARENTS NAMES: EMERGENCY PHONE: Is there any special information we should have concerning your child? Park&Program Session Dates Tuition You may enclose just one check to cover more one registration, if they are made together. Everyone must sign to make registration valid. City of Tigard-Educational Services Programs WAIVER AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT I understand that neither the City of Tigard nor its agents will assume any liability for claims arising out of my participation in the City of Tigard-sponsored Educational services Program. I agree that the City of Tigard and it agents are not liable for any claim resulting from the negligence of the City of Tigard or its agents. I agree to assume all liability and to hold the City of Tigard and its agents harmless for any personal injury or property damage arising out of my participation in the City of Tigard-sponsored Educational Services Program. Signature: Date: (it student is under 18,their parent or legal guardian must sign.) Educational Services Program SUMMER UPDATE H! - Safari Day Camp! f Small Fry Mini-Camp EXTRA ! r'f Spaces are still available in most of the Summer Safari , Adventures and Small Fry Mini-Camps. These programs EXTRA offer day camp activities for children who have completed any grade from K to 5. The one day mini-camps are for preschoolers 3 to 5 years old. Sessions are available in EXTRA t Fanno Creek, Summerlake and Cook Parks. EXTRA ! WE'VE ADDED A WEEK OF CAMP AT METZGER PARK Because of the popularity of these programs, we will be adding an additional - one week session at METZGER PARK. The session will run: FEE: $24/child SAFARI ADVENTURES June 24 to 27 from 9 am to NOON $18/other sibling SMALL FRY - MINI CAMP June 28 from 9:30 am to NOON FEE: $5/ child & adult For additional information on these programs, see the April edition of CityScape (copies available at the Tigard Library) or contact Joy Cooper or Kathy Davis at the Library. Phone 684-6537. w WE HAVE MORE INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER CLASSES 0 As promised, we twisted our instructor's arm and begged to get more computer classes to you -the absolute, total, utter beginner in the world of the silicon chip. This informal introduction to computer function and terminology gets you ready for real hands-on computer use and manual reading. Classes will be kept small and there is NO QUESTION TOO DUMB. General Introduction to Computer Introduction to the Macintosh Computer-we know this is our instructors favorite. He wants prospective and new MAC users to get off on the right foot. He will explain the equipment and Session I. software programs using an illustrated manual he has developed. WHEN: Tuesdays-June 25 to July 16 "Emphasis is on the FUNdamentals". TIME: 7:OOPM to 9:00 PM Session I. WHERE: Library Study Room WHEN: Wednesdays-June 26 to July 17 TIME: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Session II. WHERE: Library Study Room WHEN: Saturdays-June 15 & June 22 TIME: 1:OOPM to 4:OOPM. Session I WHERE: Tigard Town Hall WHEN: Saturdays-June 29 & July 6 TIME: 1:OOPM to 4:OOPM FEE: $10.00 WHERE: Tigard Town Hall FEE: $10.00 • INSTRUCTOR: Ira Friedwald • REGISTER AT THE TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY STARTING June 4th - 6:OOPM community Neighborhoods Making A Difference Calendar Regionai Conference All Meetings at Tigard Civic Center, May 49 1991 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, 7:30 pm City Council:May 7,21' June 11", 18,25* "M 7:30 unless otherwise posted. Library Board:2nd Thurs., 7:00 pm Park Board:3rd Tues., 7:00 pm Planning Comm: 1st Mon after 1st Sun.,7:30 pm NPO#1 &2:2nd Wed., 7:30 pm , NPO#3: 1st Wed., 7:00 pm NPO#4&8:2nd Wed.,7:30 pm NPO#5,6&7:3rd Wed., 7:30 pm Utilities&Franchise Comm: 3rd Mon., 7:00 pm Transportation Advisory Comm: 2nd Thurs., 7:00 pm Economic Development Comm: 3rd Tues.,7:30 am Davidsons' Restaurant The Cities of Tigard,Beaverton,Eugene,Gresham,Lake Oswego,Portland, Columbia Salem and Vancouver USA hosted the first regional conference for neigh- Cable TV borhoods on May 4, 1991 in Beaverton. The focus of the half-day conference was how citizens in neighborhood groups can make a difference in their community by being involved. 118 *The Tigard City Council meetings people from various communities attended and exchanged ideas. are cablecast live at 7:30 pm the second and fourth Tuesday of the month on Channel 27. Replays are shown at 9:00 pm Wednesday follow- ing the Tuesday meeting,and at 6:00 pm the Thursday following the Tues- day meeting on Channel 21. Paid for by CITY OF TIGARD BULK RATE P.O. BOX 23397 CARRIER ROUTE PRE-SORT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 2528 CITYOF TIGARD (503) 639-4171 PORTLAND,OR. OREGON FAX No. 684-7297 POSTAL CUSTOMER