Cityscape 1991-06/07 ..■ r Q ■�■ L -C I T Y S C A P E Vol. IX No. 5 The Official Newsletter of Tigard June/July 1991 The Mayor's CornerSaturday, September 7th will be event, a complete list of activities Mark your calendars for Sep- "Growing Up In Tigard" Day.The will appear in the CITYSCAPE. In day will begin with a parade from order to make this truly a com- tember 6, 7, and 8!! Those are the Tigard Marketplace to Main Street munity celebration,we want to in- dates the Tigard community will and end with a street dance on volve everyone in the community! be celebrating 30 years as an in- Main Street. In addition, it is open- How would you like to celebrate corporated city!! The city was ac- ing day of soccer season at Cook Tigard's 30th? If you have ideas or tually incorporated on September Park. Families and children will be want to participate, PLEASE 11, 1961 by a citizens vote. the focus. CALL LIZ NEWTON AT 6394171, Friday,September 6th will be"D - On 308. ing Business in Tigard" Day. On On Sunday,September 8th,activi- ties will feature the Library, City that day the focus will be on busi- nesses in Tigard and their contri- butions to the community. As plans are finalized for this Jerry Edwards, Mayor Open House on Western Bypass *� study The Oregon Department of Transportation will hold two open houses to present information and The City of Tigard, in cooperation with the Tigard School District receive feedback on a range of and Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue, once again presents: possible strategies to address north-south and circumferential travel in Washington County: Old Fashioned 4th of July Celebration Thursday, July 4, 1991 July 8 PM ��TH�` Tigard High School %�TM�, Public Services BuildingV-1 tet*L�,155 North First Avenue k A �Hillsboroy�� � �� July 17 4-8 PM The 4th of July event is held at Tigard High School. Gates open at 6 pm, Tigard High School Cafeteria fireworks at dusk. For the enjoyment and safety of all concerned, please 9000 SW Durham Road remember: this is an ALCOHOL FREE event and personal fireworks are Tigard not permitted on the grounds. If you have any questions, please call Debie Garner or Marian McDonald at 235-5881. DARE Kids Graduate Tigard City On May 22, eighty six students from mately eight hundred students. Council Live the sixth grade at Charles F. Tigard Wendy's and Kentucky Fried Starting this month, TVCA's cover- grade school graduated from the na- Chicken are corporate sponsors of age of Tigard City Council meetings tional DARE program. the program in Tigard. Each student will be cablecast live over Govern- The DARE program is a positive pro- receives DAREt-shirt upon gradua- ment Access Channel 27. The live gram in which a uniformed police of- tion. Any other civic groups, busi- cablecasts will take place on the sec- ficer cooperates with the students to nesses or citizens who would like to and and fourth Tuesdays of each educate the students in self-esteem contribute to the program may con- month beginning at 7:30 p.m. and and methods of drug abuse resist- tact Officer Rick Peterson at running 'gavel to gavel' for the full ance and education. Tigard's pro- 639-6168. length of every meeting. The regular gram is taught by Tigard Police Offi- The DARE program provides a uni- schedule of Tigard meeting replays cers Rick Peterson and Greg Heaton. que opportunity for the police de- on Channel 21 will not be affected by Officer Peterson said that next year partment, the schools and the the live coverage. the program will be expanded to in- community to work together to edu- clude all of Tigard's sixth grade cate the students and to prevent drug students and will graduate approxi- abuse. In-Ground FAT-` _@._ _ r— __0Landscape - Sprinkler Systems Property owners—did you know that Recreational Vehicle Voters Approve a plumbing permit is required to in- stall an in-ground landscape sprink- lerStorage Restriction Tigard/Tualatin system? The permit is for the backflow device that must be in- Under Review School TaX Base stalled to protect your drinking water from contamination. For more infor- Residents of the Rolling Hills subdivi- Request mation please contact the City Build- sion will meet with Neighborhood ing Department at 639-4171. Planning Organization (NPO) #5 in The Tigard/Tualatin School District June to discuss amending the Com- received approval from the voters at munity Development Code. Under the polls on May21stforan increased �+ the current ordinance,storage of rec- tax base. The request was approved St. Anthony's reational vehicles, boats, trailers and by a 55% margin. campers is prohibited in the front Property owners in the district will see Donates Money For yard in all residential zones. an increase of$1.97 per$1,000 to the The intent of the original ordinance $15 cap allowed under Measure #5 City Parks!!1 was to control visual obstructions for the 91/92 school year.As required The St. Anthony's School Parents and address neighborhood asthetics. under Measure #5, the tax rate for schools will drop to$12.50 in 1992. Association donated $250 to benefit The Rolling Hills residents will pro- Tigard's park system. The funds are pose that recreational vehicle storage The increased tax base will fund op- proceeds from the annual St. An- be permitted in the front yards under erations for the new Tualatin High thony's auction held to benefit the certain conditions. School, Hazelbrook Middle School school.The Association also donated and costs associated with population funds to St. Vincent DePaul and After review by all of the Neighbor- growth. Neighborshare. hood Planning Associations and the Parks Crew Chief Floyd Peoples planning staff,the issue will go before y p es ac- the Planning Commission and the = cepted the donation on behalf of the City Council. It is anticipated that city on June 10th at St.Anthony's.He those public hearings will occur in is pleased that the Parents Associa- August. tion chose the parks as a recipient for funds and promises to put the money For more information on the pro- to to good use! posed changes or meetings on this _ issue, contact Liz Newton or the }- cam_ THANKS again to the St. Anthony's Planning Department at 639-4171. —- School Parents Association! The Tigard PUD11C Ubpapy Questions and comments received by Tigard Library customers: memoriais Honoring The Library Responds! Library Friends Comment: I received an orange Response: We try to keep up with bookmark from my English teacher.It the current Sci-Fi including newly re- Presented listed books for Teen Impact Book leased paperbacks — let us know if List October: Mystery & Suspense specific titles or authors are lacking. The Tigard Friends of the Library have co-sponsored by the Tigard Public We will consider a magazine of that presented a beautiful fruit and plant pat- Library and Powell's Books for Kids type in July. terned rug to go in the Children's De- and out of five books that I was look- partment.This is to recognize and honor ing for I only found one. Comment: Please try to get more Beulah Shields'service as a library volun- Disney movies for kids. teer and an officer of the Friends. Many Response: The program you are admirers,big and little,have commented referring to is the Teen Impact New- Response: Tigard Public Library on the rug's beautiful colors,patterns,and sletter project.Every month a reading has a complete set of all the Disney soft,comfy feel. list of recommended books is distrib- movies that have been made available The Tigard Branch of the American As- uted through the library to the Junior on video.For some of the more recent sociation of University Women (AAUW) High and High Schools in the Tigard/ releases(such as The Little Mermaid) have presented the library with a large, Tualatin district.Students may read a the library owns a many as three cop- freestanding globe in memory of Jeanne book from the list,write a book review ies!It is not always easy to find a copy Fore, AAUW member and library volun- expressing their opinion and have it of a given Disney film checked in — teer and friend. The AAUW has also printed in the Teen Impact Newslet- especially on peak demand Friday planted a flowering dogwood in Fanno ter!This has turned out to be a popu- and Saturday nights, but keep trying Creek Park in Jeanne's memory. lar program,and the books listed are and we will keep adding more mate- Jeanne and Beulah were special people often checked out.We are adding ex- rial as the budget allows. To see and dear friends and we know library us- tra copies of Teen Impact titles at the which films Tigard has in its collec- ers will enjoy using the gifts given in their library and Powell's Books for Kids tion, check the complete list located memories. Thank you Tigard Friends of often has inexpensive, used copies in a blue binder on top of the video the Library and American Association of available for purchase. shelves. University Women. Comment: Need to have CD's! We will be printing additional re- Response: Since the survey was spouses in upcoming issues of CITY- taken in October 1990,the library has SCAPE. We care what you think. Value line begun to purchase CD's. Check the shelves beyond the videos and before When it comes to investment advice and the first window. Business Resource guidance,TRY VALUE LINE. Comment: Would like to see greaterQ What is the Value Line Investment Sur- audio collection—even a rental ser- survey Completed vey?The Value Line Investment Survey is vice for good audio titles. an independent,weekly,investment advi- Thanks businesses!! sory service which lists 1700 stocks (al- Response: We are continuing to phabetically)at their most recent prices, build our Books-On-Tape collection. The library would like to thank all the with their current rankings for Timeli- We usually order about 100+ titles Tigard businesses who took the time ness'"and Safety" each Jul These items are too ex- and trouble to answer our business Section & Opinion y• gives Value Line's pensive ($48.00 and up) to put in a questionnaire.The results have been opinion of the business prospect, the rental collection. A Rental Collecton tabulated and copies are now avail- stock market outlook, and the advisable must be self-supporting and it would able in the library at the index table investment strategy. be necessary to charge$3.00 a day to and the reference desk for your con- Ratings and Reports contains full-page even start to pay for itself! No one venience. The information you gave reports on each of 1700 stocks. would want to pay that much to rent a us will be helpful as we work to im- rove the Service. A Su��mma��rr'' includes vital financial infor- f title that would take days to listen to. P matioon 700 stocks to guide your in- Comment More Sci-Fi! Get Game Please ask forthe Business Resource vestment decisions and full-page reports Survey, May 22, 1991. on each of 130 stocks currently under Pro magazine or video games and review. computer entertainment. Ask for Value Line at the Circulation Desk. I Value Line is a reference book and must be used in the Library. Community Calendar r a All Meetings at Tigard Civic Center, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard,7:30 pm b City Council:June 11', 18,25' July 9% 16,23' 7:30 unless otherwise posted. Library Board:2nd Thurs.,7:00 pm Park Board:3rd Tues., 7:00 pm Planning Comm: 1st Mon after 1st Sun.,7:30 pm NPO#1 &2:2nd Wed.,7:30 pm4 NPO#3&7: 1st Wed.,7:00 p.m. NPO#4&8: 2nd Wed.,7:30 p.m. NPO#5&5:3rd Wed.,7:30 p.m. Utilities&Franchise Comm: 3rd Mon., 7:00 pm Transportation Advisory Comm: 2nd Thurs., 7:00 pm Economic Development Comm: 3rd Tues.,7:30 am Davidsons'Restaurant Members of the Mayor's Special Student Transportation Task Force mark the installation of a traffic signal at 92nd and Durham Road on June 4,1991. Columbia The students began lobbying for improvements on Durham in 1989 after Cable TV 9 Y� 9 P the death of fellow Twality classmate Adam Speight in 1989.They dedica- ted the crosswalk and signal to the memory of Adam Speight. 'The Tigard City Council meetings are cablecast live at 7:30 pm the second and fourth Tuesday of the month on Channel 27. Replays are shown at 9:00 pm Wednesday follow- ing the Tuesday meeting,and at 6:00 pm the Thursday following the Tues- day meeting on Channel 21. Paid for by CITY OF TIGARD BULK RATE P.O. BOX 23397 CARRIER ROUTE PRE-SORT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 2528 CITYOF TIOARD (503) 639-4171 PORTLAND,OR. OREGON FAX No. 684-7297 POSTAL CUSTOMER