Cityscape 1991-09 nnnrf ... 00 QiZ rimrirl nnnnnnnin X111111 ... - .■.■ C T Y S C A-- P --- Vol. IX No. 7 The Official Newsletter of Tigard September 1991 The Mayor's Corner High School Parking Permits For your information Councilor On August 13th, the Tigard City Council approved an ordinance that will Carolyn Eadon will vacate her restrict parking near Tigard High School. The ordinance is the result of a seat on the Tigard City Council as vote by the residents that will be affected by the parking ban. of October 1, 1991. The area near the high school has been the source of numerous complaints, Councilor Eadon worked hard as a by the residents, or problems associated with the high school students park- member of the Council, and com- ing in the residential neighborhood. munity services such as libraries and parks were important to her. The ordinance will prohibit parking in the specified area near the high She became involved as a citizen school on school days from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. unless the vehicle owner volunteer nearly ten years ago in has a permit. The permits are available to the residents at a cost of$10 order to have an impact go a each. A resident may purchase as many permits as they have vehicles neighborhood issue. registered to their address. Guest permits are to be handled on an as needed basis. Permits are only needed for resident's vehicles that are This is meant as a tribute to parked on the street. Signs will be posted in October in the restricted area Councilor Eadon and also as a advising of the parking restrictions. tribute to the dedication of in- dividuals who are interested, con- The parking restrictions will not affect sporting events at the high school cerned and even angry enough to since they are held after the posted hours. The parking restrictions will be get involved in local issues that in effect for one year on a trial basis. No other residential parking restric- impact them, their families, and tions for other areas will be considered until Council reviews the program community. after the one year trial period. I have said many times that the City of Tigard depends on citizen Carolyn Eadon Vacates Council Seat volunteers to make things hap- y pen. Citizens provide input and personal perspectives on single is- Councilor Carolyn Eadon will va- The City Charter precludes the per- sues and as members of ongoing cate her seat on the Tigard City son appointed to serve in the interim Boards and Committees. All of Council effective October 1, 1991. from running for the seat in March. the current members of Council She cites a change in personal The person elected in March will started their involvement with circumstances as the reason for serve the remainder of Councilor local government as volunteers on her decision. Eadon's term which expires Decem- Boards and Committees. Mayor Edwards said he regrets ber 31, 1994. There are countless ways citizens the loss. "I appreciated her can become involved and impact dedication and her thinking the future of their community. All through the issues. She was a it takes is interest and time. I en- hard working member of the courage you to become involved. team and her contributions will be missed." Turn the Page... The City Council is required by /7 Charter to appoint someone to m • Sumerlake Water Quality the vacancy until an election can Probed be held. The next available elec- tion • Recycling Awareness Week is in March 1992. y g Jerry Edwards, Mayor • Library's Storytime Schedule Summerlake Water Quality Probed Newspaper Recycling There have been numerous phone of yards of soil and hauling it from To produce one ton of paper it takes: calls this summer regarding the the site. The lake is approximately • 3,688 pounds of wood water quality in Summerlake. The 10 acres (435,600 square feet) in most common concerns are ad- size. There are other options • 216 pounds of lime dressed below. however, that may be considered: • 360 pounds of salt cake Question: Why is there algae on Drain the lake occasionally 76 pounds of soda ash the lake this year? (every 1 - 3 years) and harvest Answer: There is very little, if any the weeds mechanically or har- . 24,000 gallons of water algae on the lake (pond). The plant vest these mechanically from the . 28 mil BTU's of energy material which is being mistaken water surface with equipment for algae is actually a pond weed built for this purpose. Both of The pollutants created include: that is growing from the bottom of these options, however, would . 84 pounds of air pollutants the lake. This weed also blooms, as not be as costly as a permanent many other weeds do, in the sum- solution but would still be quite • 36 pounds of water pollutants mertime. The reason for the weed an expense. • 176 pounds of solid waste presence is shallow water condi- Remove the weir boards from the tions. dam and let the lake revert back On a national average, it takes ap- Question: Why was this weed to its natural state, as a wetland Proximately southern pine trees not present in years past? stream area. This may or may to make one ton of paper. However, not be acceptable to all residentsin Oregon, the waste from trees and . Answer: Prior to the Tualatin River used newsprint is used to a greater Basin Clean-Up Project, chemicals Ignore the-pond weeds and accept extent than the whole tree itself. were used in the lake to control the the lake for what it is (shallow ir- In fact, while the national average of weeds. This process is no longer ac- rigation pond) with problems newsprint recycled is 30%, in ceptable as it conflicts with the that are inherent with its initial Clean-Up project. The chemicals construction. Oregon the figure is 67%! Even so, Smurfit Newsprint Corporation kill the weeds by shading them out The purpose of this article is to must import still more old (not allowing sunlight into the lake). answer some of the questions the newspaper from other states to The plant dies and causes excess City has received about Summer- supply its Oregon plants. nitrogen from decaying plant lake. If you have more questions or material which in turn causes a for any reason you would like more greater crop of weeds in subsequent information please contact Floyd years. It's a vicious cycle. Peoples, Parks Supervisor at 639- - - Question: What causes other en- 4171, extension 340. I will be happy OV vironmental problems at the to assist in any way possible. lake? The Sed.Bai►ows: Stea10P1heG�euiury! Answer: Feeding the ducks causes ,A,,,•,,,y, unnatural populations; fertilizers OREGON applied to lawns and landscapes RECYCLING around the lake including park land wash into the storm drains. All AWARENESS WEEK storm drains in and around the lake Recycle all newsprint! Your local dump directly into it, any paint, OCTOBER 5- 12, 1991 franchised hauler now recycles gasoline, detergents, house wash or newspaper and provides weekly roof sprays for moss etc., go directly pickup at curbside. Curbside recy- Watch the newspaper for more infor- cling is picked up on the same day into the lake. All of these things mation about the Recycling Day as your regular garbage service. contribute to water quality in the planned at Tigard City Hall on lake. Saturday,October 12, 1991. To prepare your newspapers, please Question: What can be done todo the following: There will be recycling displays and get rid of the weeds and make information as well as recycling ser- . Tie with a string or place in a Summerlake a true lake, not an vice offered by our Tigard area brown grocery sack(or both). irrigation pond (its original pur- franchised haulers: Place at curbside with our other pose)? y Answer: After questioning ar- MILLER'S SANITARY SERVICE recyclable items. If your can is chitects and engineers, the one also at curbside, place the answer that keeps coming up is to PRIDES DISPOSAL recyclable items a short distance make the lake deeper. How do we away from the can so they can be accomplish this? By draining the SCHMIDT'S SANITARY easily distinguished from the lake and removing many thousands SERVICE refuse. City of Tigard FALL 1991 CLASSES -- EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PROGRAM Help us spread the word of our classes. We have some wonderful topics and instructors. Extra copies of this catalog and registration forms are available in the library. Adults Family Activities WASHINGTON COUNTY "NO SCHOOL TODAY" TOURS THANKSGIVING WINERY TOUR Sunday Dec. 1 These are tours for families and kids. EXPLORING PORTLAND BY BUS 11:00 AM to 5:30 PM Dress warmly with comfortable socks & Friday Nov.15 Meet at Tigard City Hall footwear, bring a sack lunch. An adult 9:15 AM to?? Fee:$11.00 per person needs to accompany each family group. Tigard TriMet Transit Center $18.00 per couple (Babies should be in backpacks). Commercial Street Let our rented school bus be your desig- A VISIT WITH THE DINOSAUR'S Fee:$3.00 per child includes bus fare nated driver and come enjoy the Wineries' KIN: Tour of Hart's Reptile World $4.00 per adult Thanksgiving Weekend Open House. Get Friday Nov.8 In Portland there is a wild and crazy place to do some tasting,and take advantage of 9:30 AM to ?? of fascination for children of all ages (in- the wine discounts and gift shops. We'll Meet at Tigard City Hall cluding seniors). Hippo Hardware and stop for a no-host lunch. You must be Fee:$3.00 per person/includes fee Trading Company collects fascinating over 21 years to register, you may be into Reptile World. odds and ends of antique and reproduc- asked for proof of age at the bus. tion house furnishings and hardware. We will car caravan across the Willamette We've arranged for a tour for ages from 3 River on the Canby ferry to Canby and the to??. We'll ride the bus,stop off for a ride Reptile World. There we will get to handle u the US Bank Tower elevator and a have WHEN YOU NEED TO BE HEARD: and pet all sorts of turtles, lizards and high look over Portland. Loran back, Access to Local Government snakes as well as learn about these uni g g Mondays Oct. 14& 21 que creatures. Then we will drive to there is an optional visit to the Children's 7:00 to 8:30 PM Oregon City to take the elevator up to Museum on Barbur Blvd. Tigard Water District Promenade Park. After lunch,if your fami- - Fee:$4.00 ly is still game,there will be an optional visit Do you feel that government doesn't know to the McLoughlin House. or respond to your concerns? Do you NEWS FLASH know who you need to approach, how to INDOOR PLAY PARK FOR PRESCHOOLERS at the Metzger Park Recreation Center to issues on mee find out what going on, how These are get your start January 6th'. Information and registration materials to be in the next'issue of ting agendas. TCityscape. topics to be covered in the first session. In the second session you will learn how to PRESCHOOL ADVENTURES present constructive information to a governmental body, collect data, get tes- LITTLE JOHNNY APPLESEED- A WALK WITH THE BIRDS: A timony and present your cause in a post Friday Oct.4 = t;. Trip to the Audubon Society Wildlife tive way which will contribute to our Refuge on Cornell Rd. Time:10 AM to Noon g community's ability to deal with the issues 1 . Friday Oct.18 surrounding growth and quality of fife. Meet at Tigard City Hall to carpool Y Fee:$4.00/family 9:30 AM to Noon We will car caravan to Oliphant's Or- Meet at Tigard City Hall for directions chards, south of Sherwood to hike Fee:$2.00 per person The Audubon Society Center is a good St through the orchards,pick ourown apples, Y 9 BABYSITTER'S TRAINING s*L `S'D do an apple craft and have some fresh introduction to environmental education Thursdays Oct.10, 17&24 Se�t,Ty apple cider with our snack. You are wel- for all ages. We will walk the gentle trails, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM 6:� come to have lunch at the picnic area and visit their bookstore full of environ- plus,Saturday Oct. 26 afterwards. mental books,games and gifts. 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Bring lunch) Tigard City Hall Ages:12 yrs.or older WHERE IS YOUR CLASS BEING HELD? Fee:$18.00-Materials:$2.00 Tigard Water District Building Expressions Craft and Hobby Shop Completing this class will earn participants 18777 SW Burnham Street 17705 SW Pacific Hwy.-Just Red Cross Certification and a City of at the corner of Hall& Burnham across the Tualatin River Bridge Tigard Babysitter's Certificate. Students toward Sherwood on the right side will complete Basic First Aid Training,CPR of highway. and learn how to deal with the needs of Tigard Senior Center young children, including activities to 8815 SW Omara St.-behind the Tigard City Hall&public Library entertain various-aged kids. Tigard Christian Church. 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard,OR 97223 Adult/Teen Crafts ... See Examples at the Library THE MOP PUPPY FABRIC PAINTING MOTHER & DAUGHTER Tuesday Oct. 15 Wednesdays Nov.6& Nov. 13 JEWELRY MAKING 7:00 to 9:00 PM 7:00 to 9:00 PM Tuesday Nov.5 Tigard Senior Center Tigard Senior Center 7:00 to 9:00 PM Fee:$4.00 Fee:$8.00 Tigard Senior Center Materials:$6.00 Materials:$5.00 Fee:$4.00 single/$2.00 each This sweet puppy will win a favorite spot We will help you make the plunge into additional family member in your home or be a delightful gift. creative fabric painting. You have the Materials:$2.50 each person talent and now is the time! We even have Friends and family come for a session of BEGINNERS STAINED GLASS patterns,so great looking projects can be making bright and light earrings,hair clips Thursdays Oct.3 to Nov.14 as easy as painting-by-numbers. Bring and pendants from FRIENDLY PLASTIC. 7:00 to 9:00 PM (6 sessions) an object or clothing to paint. Suggested minimum age of 8. Tigard Senior Center Fee:$20.00 THE MINI-MOP DOLLS Materials:$10 00 Tuesday Oct.1 — Learn the basics of designing and 7:00 to 9:00 PM ` producing stained glass pieces. You Tigard Senior Center BATHROOM DESIGN will complete a large sun dazzler or Fee:$4.00 Tuesday Oct.8 small window in class. Materials:$6.00 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM These delightful, old-fashioned girls, The Fixture Gallery Computer Classes once you know how, are quick to make Consolidated Supply Co.Showroom INTRO TO COMPUTERS/ADULTS and can give that special touch to your 7337 SW Kable Ln.,Tigard decor or gifts. Off 72nd between Bonita &Carmen (Computers used for demonstration only) Session A VICTORIAN WREATH Fee:$3.50 Tuesdays 7:00 to 8:30 PM Tuesday Oct. 29 Planning to buildTo remodel a Oct.8,15,22&29 7:00 to 9:00 PM bathroom? Look at and d discuss the latest Session B Expression Crafts Shop in fixtures, compare the materials they Ware made of, colors available, and see Wednesdays 7:00 to 8:30 PM Fee:$4.00 Oct.9,16,23&30 Materials:$6.00 how they fit into your bathroom decor. A remodeling designer will discuss options Session C Create a delicate Victorian wreath to and approximate costs of your project. Tuesdays 7:00 to 8:30 PM enjoy in your home or as a gift. Nov.5,12, 19&26 All held at:Tigard Senior Center oT— Childrens Crafts & Classes Fee:$10.00 For the absolute, total, utter beginner AFTER SCHOOL CRAFTS Nov.21 -Thanksgiving Basket who wants to know about computers and Thursday afternoons Grace your Thanksgiving table with a join the "computer age." Terminology turkey basket and make some special and concepts will be explained, even Tigard - Water PM i P how to plug parts together and howtoget Tigard Water District napkins,too. software up and running. Presented in Fee:$2.50 per class For Grades:3 to 6th an easy-going question and answer for- We offer a variety of crafts and easy mat. There is no question 100 DUMB. projects for elementary school children. Oct.10-Can-imals The material costs are included in the A new twist to recycling. Bring a couple INTRO TO THE MAC COMPUTER daily fee. Please register for each in- of pop or similar sized cans and we'll Our instructor wants prospective and dividual class by date and name. Note help you start a can-imal zoo. new MAC users to get off on the right the ages recommended for each class. foot. He will explain the equipment and Oct. 24-A Paper Witch software programs using an illustrated For Grades K to 2nd She's only made of paper, but she's as manual he has developed. "Emphasis Oct.3-Puppet Friends scary as can be. You might make her to is on the FUNdamentals." Make your own puppet - then act out put into your room, but we bet she ends up as a home decoration. Session A stories with your favorite creature. Saturdays Oct.12&19 Nov.14-Thanksgiving Turkey Hot 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Oct.17-Haunting Decorations Pad Tigard Town HallMake a paper ribbon ghost, then A delightful holiday decoration to hold Session B decorate your own pumpkin. your favorite turkey feast. Wednesdays Nov.6,13,20&Dec.4 Nov.7-Leaves are Falling LOOK/N THE NOVEMBER 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM Leaves come in all shapes and sizes. Tigard Senior Center Use Fall's beautiful colors to make a CITYSCAPE FOR SPECIAL HOLIDAY SEASON CLASSES FEE:$10.00 bright collage. AND CHILDREN'S INSTRUCTOR:Ira Friedwald ACTIVITIES. DEVELOPMENTAL MOVEMENT AFTER SCHOOL SCIENCE COMMUNITY YOUTH FOR TOTS (Adult & Child) DIRTY WORK AFOOT PROGRAMS TOT GYMNASTICS Wednesdays Oct.2 to Oct.23 The Contact people for information about Mondays-Sept.30 to Nov.25 4:00 to 5:00 PM the following Tigard area Youth Organizations are: 8 meetings Tigard Water District Tigard Soccer Club Session A: Fee:$8.00 Pat Saporta 684-1243 9:15 to 10:00 AM Materials:$5.00 Nancy Williams 620-6065 Age: 15 to 30 mos. Grades:3 to 6 Tigard-Tualatin-Sherwood Indoor Fee:$30.00(includes adult&child) How did winding rivers make fossils a Soccer Association Session B: million years ago? What is the dif- Susan Simpson 620-8736 10:15 to 11:15 AM ference in a soil recipe that allows bean or Age: 2 to 3 yrs instead of berry plants to grow? You can Tom Nasman 639-0949 Fee:$35 (includes adult&child do experiments that geologists and soil Tigard/Tualatin Babe Ruth Baseball Both Held at:Tigard City Hall scientists do! Dave Isom 639-8998 Instructor:Gail Hjorth Little League Adult and child will share play activities WACKY SCIENCE Tigard-Ruth Dexter 620.0695 aimed at improving your child's coor- Wednesdays Oct.30 to Nov. 20 Tualatin-Kathy Ratliffe 692-3865 dination, strength and confidence using 4:00 to 5:00 PM Boy Scouts of America a variety of interesting equipment. The Tigard Water District Chris Shelby 226-3423 older children (Session B) will do craft Fee:$8.00—Materials:$3.00 Campfire and song activities, which contribute to Grades: K to 2 Jessie Cox 224-7800 development of fine motor movements. It's time for some educational play with Girl Scouts Carol Sousa 692-6418 liquids and mirrors. Two of our sessions SMALL FRY SING-ALONG will be spent comparing the behavior of Y.M.C.A./Westside 294-3345 Wednesday Nov.6 bouncing balls and light in a mirror and Pop Warner Football Tigard City Hall r 'r other mirror tricks. Then we'll spend Ron Shnvner 620-1436 Session A:9:30 to 10:30 AM a : some time exploring some of the weird Ages:3.5 to 5 years properties of liquids including slimy Session B:10:45 to 11:45 AM ooblick. Ages:2 to 3.5 years a d SO YOU WANT TO WRITE Have you dreamed about writing a Fee:$3.00 CHILDREN'S BOOKS! children's book? Now is your chance to Music! Music! Music! Familiar songs, find out what fulfilling that dream really new songs. Jill Briney and her guitar will Tuesday Nov.12 involves. Susan Fletcher, author of lead your child into the world of group 7:00 to 9:00 PM children's fiction (Dragon's Milk),will in- movement and song. Tigard Water District troduce you to the writing and publishing Fee: $5.00 world. REGISTRATION POLICY Registration for classes publicized in this catalog will be accepted no sooner than 6:00 PM, Tuesday, September 24th. At that time in-person registration will begin at the TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY. In-person registrations take priority over mail-in registrations on a daily basis,with registration continuing until class spaces are filled. If you choose to register by mail or to"drop-off'forms at times other than those listed above,remember that classes fill on the basis of"first come-first served".Tuition and materials fees must accompany all completed forms. We do not send out confirmations on registrations received, however, if the class is full,the registration fee will be returned to sender and names will be placed on waiting lists. FEES POLICY: Fees are set to recover the costs of presenting each program. If additional fees are required for materials, a note to this effect will appear in the course description. We will try to keep class fees as reasonable as possible. REFUNDS WILL BE MADE WHEN WE ARE NOTIFIED 24 HOURS BEFORE A CLASS BEGINS OR IF THE CLASS IS CANCELLED. Partial refunds will only be made for multi-session classes immediately after the first class. Refunds may take several weeks to process. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE and CANCELLATIONS: Holidays being observed Fall Term are: Veteran's Day, Nov. 11 and Thanksgiving, Nov. 28& 29. If a class is cancelled due to an emergency of the instructor's,you will be called as soon as possible. It is important that the phone number we have for you is correct. INSURANCE FOR YOU: Be aware that you must provide your own insurance. We welcome and encourage your participation; however, the insurance coverage is each program participant's own responsibility. FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE: Thanks to the time many of our instructors have donated,we are able to provide some financial assistance for individuals needing help in making it possible to attend our programs. If you are interested in applying for this aid, please contact Joy Cooper or Kathy Davis at the Tigard Library, 684-6537 for information. Pre-registration is required. Only with permission of the instructor is same day or on-site registration allowed. MODELLING AS A CAREER DISCIPLINE OF CHILDREN JOHN TIGARD HOUSE Session A AGES 2 THROUGH 8: ORCHARD PRUNING Saturday Nov.2 Wednesdays Oct.2,9&16 Saturday Oct.5 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM 7:00 to 8:30 PM 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon Age:12 to 18 years Tigard Senior Center John Tigard House Meet international model Michael Jen- Fee:$7.00 10310 SW Canterbury Lane nings and the staff of Left Coast Produc- Parenting is a challenge. You must con- Fee:$3.00 tions, a film acting and commercial sider the unique characteristics of each Chuck James will demonstrate how to modeling center. The staff will address child and the needs of the total family in prune and care for trees using the young such topics as Tools of the Trade, making decisions and planning how to trees planted 8 years ago at the Tigard Photos, Auditions, and Physical handle children from day to day. House. He will discuss organic orchard Qualifications. Don't miss out on this ex- Parents get to discuss various child techniques and introduce interested in- citing seminar. guidance techniques using a program dividuals to the work of the Home Or- Session r- Ses i n B developed by the OSU Ext. Service. chard Society. Saturday Nov.16 - ACTING AS A CAREER 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Saturday Nov.9 Ages:6 to 11 years(Must have a 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM PLANNING FOR FINANCIAL parent attending) SUCCESS Tigard City Hall Ages:11 years up Fee:$5.00 Tigard City Hall Thursdays Oct.10,17&24 Fee:$5.00 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Left Coast Productions presents a semi- Tigard Senior Center Awr nar introducing parents of small children cameras,bright lights and big product Fee:$8.00 to the Portland area's modeling market. tioo ns sound appealing? Then come meet The staff will discuss what children need Janice Schott, one of Portland's most Here is a chance to look at your present to get an agent,tools w the trade,type of sought after film acting instructors. She financial position and take control of your work, and the parent's responsibilities. will discuss what it takes to break into the future. Goals will include protecting as- Please bring anon-returnable photo of film acting industry for children and sets and income,investment planning for your child. adults. Janice and her staff will conduct college educations and/or retirement, a live casting session for hands-on ex- minimizing income taxes and estate perience. Bring a non-returnable photo. planning. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PROGRAM REGISTRATION Registration Instructions • MAIL TO TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY, 13125 SW HALL BLVD.,TIGARD,OR 97223. QUESTIONS: Call Joy Cooper at the Library at 684-6537. • Use one form per registrant. •MAKE CHECK OUT to City of Tigard, Educ.Serv. Prog. • Payment must be enclosed with registration. • We do not send confirmations. You will be notified only if your class is filled or cancelled. Please plan to attend your class as scheduled. MARK YOUR CLASS TIME AND DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR. NAME: HOME PHONE: WORK PHONE: ADDRESS: APT. NO. CITY: STATE: ZIP: AGE: or GRADE: (if under 18 yrs.) What classes would you like to see offered next term(winter) CLASS TITLE SESSION NO. TUITION&FEES TOTAL You may enclose one check to cover more than one registration,if they are made together. TOTAL $ Must be signed to make registration valid. City of Tigard-Educational Services Programs-WAIVER AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT I understand that neither the City of Tigard nor its agents will assume any liability for claims arising out of my participation in the City of Tigard-spon- sored Educational Services Program. I agree that the City of Tigard and it agents are not liable for any claim resulting from the negligence of the City of Tigard or its agents. I agree to assume all liability and to hold the City of Tigard and its agents harmless for any personal injury or property damage arising out of my participation in the City of Tigard-sponsored Educational Services Program. Signature: Date: STORYTIME PRESENTS... Interesting Facts on At our Preschool to provide children Reading and Libraries Storytime we explore � � with a group ex- An article in the April 15 issues of the wonder of books `` perience where they US News& World Report highlights through reading stories can develop the basic of these facts: as well as songs, ac- r; cooperative behavior tivities and a craft and how to focus their • The cost of new books, peri- project. In addition to ;• ' attention before enter- odicals and computers is increas- having fun and foster- � ing a more formal ing and budgets are plummeting, ing a love of books, a school environment. yet current proposals by Presi- goal of our program is dent Bush include a 75 percent cut in next year's federal library Preschool Storytime begins October 1. No registration. appropriations. • Approximately 122 million This program is designed for children ages 3-6 and is 45 minutes long adults in the United States used a library in 1990. Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday- 10:30 a.m. The most requested fictional • Our Family Storytime closely resembles the preschool storytime in struc- book last year was The Bourne Ultimatum by Robert Ludlum ture(books, songs, crafts)while offering families an opportunity to share the and the most requested non-fic- magic of books together. All family members are invited - mom, dad, kids, tion book was Wealth Without grandma,grandpa! Risk by Charles Givens. • The most popular reference Family Storytime books were the World Almanac, Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. beginning October 2 unabridged dictionary, en- cyclopedia and the telephone Toddlertime is a book based program for tots ages 24-36 months and their book. parents (or grandparents or other favorite grown-up!). Our 20 minute • In 1989 there were 3,522 program meets once a week for 10 weeks. At each session we will explore a graduates in library science com- basic concept through simple activities, songs, fingerplays, and stories. pared to 5,498 in 1977. Since Toddler Time requires much one-to-one interaction between attending . Local libraries received 81.2% of adult and tot, we ask that only the registered child attend. Sign-up is re- their support from local govern- quired. ment, 8% from the state, 1.4% from the federal government and Sign-up for Toddler Time begins September 9 at the Library. 9.4%from other sources. Program sessions begin on October 1. • In 1990 16% of the adult popula- tion didn't read a single book If you have questions on either program, don't hesitate to call Jody at 684- compared to 8%in 1978. 6537. • Of 1,019 adults surveyed, the average time spent per day read- ing a book for work or school was NEW REFERENCE BOOKH m minutes and for pleasure 23 minutes. Compare that to the time spent watching TV: 2 hours Take the guesswork out of software purchases. Software Reviews On File: and 38 minutes. compiles the reviews of more than 600 of the newest programs from over 300 . And, according to Oregon publications--providing you with over 2,000 reviews each year! Literacy, 24% of the adults in What is included in each monthly issue? Oregon can't read. • 64 pages of condensed reviews of new software programs from numerous Calling All Volunteers! sources • price, publication date and technical specifications for every reviewed Tigard Public Library has a need for product your time, talents, and smiling face • complete coverage of all new computer programs--from computer games to join our family! Please inquire at to personal finance,from educational programs to business programs the Circulation Desk for an applica- tion. • software reviews for all major hardware system including IBM, Macin- Check-In Desk tosh,Radio Shack, Commodore,Apple,Atari and more Book Shelving • a cumulative,A-to-Z index of all programs,hardware,and producer Book & Media Processing Book Mending Community Calendar ._ All meetings at: Tigard City Hallki 13125 SW Hall Boulevard City onncil: Sopt..3A,.3 7 2d; Oct. 8t 15,22-17:30 Pm s othe w sted i ra, Boa�lr :2i} u :�m Park Board: 3rd Tues., 7:00 pm Planning Comm: Rist Mon after 1st Sun.,7:30 pm NPO#1 &112:2nd Wed.,7:30 pm NPO#3&#7:1st Wed.,7:00 pm NPO#4&#8:2nd Wed.,7:30 pm ,aa . NPO#5&#6:3rd Wed.,7:30 pini a � a Solid Waste Advisory Comm:�3rd Mon., 7:00 pm Transportation Advisory Comm: 2nd Thurs.,7:00 pm Economic Development Comm:trd Tues.,7:30 am,Davidsons'Restaurant ' [�Columb ia ��: Cable TV " Channel 21 The Tigard City Council meetings are One of many improvements constructed this summer using voter-approved parks cablecast live at 7:30 pm on the second levy funds, the new playground at Summerlake Park is shown here with some and fourth Tuesday of the month on youngsters taking full advantage of the situation. Channel 27. Replays are shown at 9:00 Other new features include improved landscaping and trails at Summerlake Park, pm Wednesday following the Tuesday and a new playground, new restrooms, and waterfront improvements at Cook Park. meeting, and at 6:00 pm the Thursday We will be trying to wrap things up next summer,so get out and explore your parks; following the Tuesday meeting on Chan- they're better than ever! nel 21. Paid for by BULK RATE CITY OF TIGARD CARRIER ROUTE PRE-SORT P.O. BOX 23397 U.S.POSTAGE PAID TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PERMIT 2528 cinroFn�aRu (503)639-4171 OREGON FAX No. 684-7297 PORTLAND,OR