Cityscape 1994-08 ssa uo ®®®® Vol. XII No. 6 The Official Newsletter of Tigard August 1994 The Mayor's Corner Are You Interested???... Goodbye! Good Luck!! On June 21 the City Council met with ... in serving on City Council? City Administrator Patrick Reilly has the Facilitators for the City's four Citi Elections for Mayor, and Council Po- resigned his position with the City ef- zen Involvement Teams (CITs). I fective August 19. He has accepted a want to publicly thank those hard vemb #3 and #4 will be held on No- position with the Archdiocese of Port- working individuals who volunteer land in Oregon. Mr. Reilly was Ti- their time to facilitate the monthly CIT Mayor is Monday, August 8 at osi- gard's City Administrator for 5-1/2 meetings. The Facilitators communi- p.m. Deadline for both Council Posi- years. Cate ideas to the Council about ways �� 's Monday, August 29 at 4:00 to make the CIT program a continued p.m. At their meeting on July 12, the City Council appointed Bill Monahan as in- success. Caution! Petitions must be circulated terim City Administrator. Bill Mona- and 125 valid signatures obtained During our discussion with the Facili- han will serve until a new tators, it became clear that the CITs prior to the deadline. Don't wait! If Administrator is chosen. The selec- want to take action on issues and you have questions or would like tion process is underway and a new see results! The CITs were created to more information, please call Cathy Administrator should be appointed provide a forum for citizens to get in- Wheatley, City Recorder at 639-4171 by the end of the year. volved in the issues of importance to ext. 309. them. Once the CIT has identified a concern and come to a consensus More on Your Water/Sewer Billing Charges on a plan of action as a group, the July 1 is finally here. And All sewer customers were Council encourages the CIT mem that means changes on billed through June 30 on the tiers to bring their ideas and recom most utility bills for custom flat rate method on the mendations to Council meetings. ers within the Ci ty. Starting monthly postcard bills. The To those of you that have been at- July 1, all customers within new bills sent out in July and tending CIT meetings, your participa- the City served by Tigard August will include water us- tion is appreciated and I encourage water will receive a single age for the meter reading pe- you to take on issues that are of im- bill that will include water, riod and sewer and storm portance to you. If you haven't at- sewer and storm charges for charges prorated from July 1 tended a CIT meeting yet, I urge you the water meter reading period. Cus- through the end of the meter reading to get involved. You may find your tomers previously received a sepa- period. Bills thereafter will include a fellow citizens share your concerns rate sewer and storm bill on a full period of all three charges. and interests! monthly basis. For questions related to these Also starting July 1, all customers on changes in utility bills call 639-1554 the public sewer system will see a or 639-4171. change in the way sewer service is charged. The traditional flat rate per month of $20.50 will be replaced by Turn the Page... a new billing method which includes a fixed charge of $13.25 per month ® CIT Agendas for August and a variable charge of $.90 per • Recycling News You Can Use 100 cubic feet of water used during . Water Wisely John Schwartz,Mayor the winter period. 9 Save That Tree? 1 ., I � ° ® JJ9 01 C11 Graoprooto Neighborhood-Based ,f� SOUTH TIGARD WEST TIGARD Everyone's Invited COMMUNITY1 RESIDENTS, PROPERTY AND BUSINESS CITIZENS, BUSINESS AND PROPERTY OWNEM! OWNERS! When: Wednaesday, August 39 1994 When: Tuesday, August 2 7:00 to 9:00 yarn 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. Where: Tigard High School Cafeteria Where: Town Hall at Tigard City 9000 SW Durhamm Road Hull - 13125 SW Hall Blvd. NOTE: Change in location!! ® What can WE do to improve Hall Blvd? 11 Turning improvements ® Forest study and proposed land Q Sidewalks and bikepaths on street acquisitions and greenway ® The Transportation Rule—What does it mean? CENTRAL TIGARD EAST TIGARDI RESIDENTS, PROPERTY AND BUSINESS PROPERTY AND BUSINESS OWNERS! OWNERS!! RESIDENTS!! When: Thursday, August 49 1994 When: Wedanesday,August 10, 1994 7:00 to 9:00 P.m. . 7:00 to 9:00 P.m. Where: Tigard City Hall Where: Tigard City Hall 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 13125 SW Hall Blvd. ® Walnut island Annexation -What's ® Tigard Triangle—What's the Planning Planned? Commission's recommendation? What's d Transportation improvements the next step? o Sewer 13 Zoning -what does it mean? - 2- Water Wisely With the abundant rainfall we have in matic shutoff. For large areas, impact rooted lawn which is more water-effi- the Pacific Northwest, it is sometimes sprinklers are more water-efficient be- cient and drought-tolerant. difficult to understand why we need cause they throw large drops of to conserve water. Population water slowly and evenly. Don't water rl growth and the increasing costs re- the driveway or sidewalk — use a d.l (' quired for maintaining water quality sprinkler that can be adjusted to fit A , mean we must use water wisely. odd-shaped areas. You can cut your summer water con- sumption and still maintain an attrac tive landscape and garden. plants' roots, so it is not absorbed. Water runs off if it is applied faster Use drip irrigation or soaker hoses for The greatest waste of water is water- than it can be absorbed by the soil, gardens and shrubs. Drip systems ing too much, too often. An automat- so water slowly and evenly. apply water directly to plant roots, re is watering system with a rain gauge Established lawn needs only about 1 ducing waste from evaporation or will shut down the system when it rains. Adjust your water schedule to inch of water per week unless the runoff. take advantage of rains or cool tem- weather is hot and dry. Generally, I Check with your local water provider peratures. inch of water will moisten soil 6 regarding irrigation installation per- inches down. Watering thoroughly, mits and backflow protection. j For areas watered by hoses and but infrequently, produces a deep sprinklers, use a timer with an auto- I� 1 Hello From The Desk of Crime Prevention... Tigard Citizens' Vision Just to let you know, the Crime Prevention Tip Over the last four months, two Neighborhood Watchs� ' � - Summer weather finds groups of Tigard citizens have been Hot line is now back in windows open for fresh meeting to discuss their vision for Ti- I service. information is air and better ventilation. gard's future and to propose goals in j available between the This is an Open Invitation the areas of transportation and nate hours of 8:00 a.m and o for Boris the Burglar to ral resources. These volunteers from 1 1:00 p.m. Call 639- sneak into your home the city's Citizen Involvement Teams 6168 and ask for the and "go shopping." (CITs) responded to a request from Neighborhood Watch When windows are open, city staff to examine city policies and Hot Line. put a dowel rod in the window track develop their own vision of the city's Are you interested in starting up a that will allow the window to stand future. Neighborhood Watch group in your open approximately 3 to 4 inches The citizen group on natural re- neighborhood? If so, call the Tigard and prevent unwanted visitors. Help sources and the citizen group on Police Department at 639-6168 and take a bite out of crime. transportation developed proposed ask for Officer Kelley Jennings. He wgoals and policies which they pre- ill be happy to get you started! sented to a joint meeting of the Ti- gard City Council and the Planning Commission. These documents are The Tigard City Council is currently Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Your in- the starting point for a city-wide dis- reviewing a tree ordinance that pro- put is encouraged! Please call the cussion of Tigard's values and goals poses to regulate tree cutting through Planning Department at 639-4171 for that will provide input in a review of a permit process. more information and to confirm the City's comprehensive plan. This meeting dates. discussion will beheld at the CITs The Council will discuss the pro- and at informal meetings of the Plan- posed ordinance at a public meeting on August 2 at the Senior Center, ring Commission. 8815 SW O'Mara. The meeting is If you would like copies of proposed open to the public but no public testi- policy statements on either natural re- mony will be taken. sources or transportation, call Patty Lunsford at 639-4171. If you would A public hearing on the tree ordi- like further information, call Carol nance is tentatively scheduled for Landsman at the same number. August 23 at 7:30 p.m. at Tigard City - 3- Every Little Body Listen To Your ECHO! Needs Shots Beginning this month, a new phone served items for another family mem- messaging system will notify Tigard ber, you can save yourself a trip You know that your child needs Library patrons that their reserved home by bringing that person's li- shots to get into school. But remem- items are in or that they have over- brary card with you. ber that your younger children need due fines. Called ECHO, the system shots too! The Washington County is expected to save over $40,000 in � calling to renew overdue items Health Department provides shots at postage countywide and benefit pa- orr tto o inquire about reserved items, patrons must have the correct card low cost. You don't need an ap- trons by alerting them more quickly ointment. number for that transaction. P to overdue fines and when reserved Protect your baby. Begin shots at items are in. Patrons can pay fines If you have lost your card, please re- birth or age 2 months. Don't put it under $5.00 or renew Tigard Library port it to us immediately. Until then, off - even babies with colds can get items at any of the eleven Washing- you are responsible for any charges their shots. Shots only take a few ton County libraries. that might accrue on your card, minutes but protect your baby for a To protect patron confidentiality, the In this day of electronic transactions, lifetime. Bring your children in today! Tigard Public Library will implement a library card is as valuable as an the following requirements beginning autornatic teller card. By improving September l: our methods, we can provide better Patrons must have the correct card service and better protection for you for the person who has reserved li- and your family. brary items. If you are picking up re- Volunteers Needed at the Senior Center Where? Drive Meals on Wheels • substitute Help in the kitchen from 1 1:00 for vacationing regular a.m. to 1:00 p.m. one ■ United.Methodist Church drivers day a week. ■ 9845 5W Walnut Place Sell cookies and milk Volunteer as Advocate and let people know in the new Where? about the Center at he o Washington County new Tigard Farmers' "Call to Action" Team. ■ 2nd Thursday of the month Market Loaves &Fishes Be better informed, ■ 9:00-11:00 am & booth. yg, contact the decision Write the Center makers and encourage 1:00-3:00 pm newsletter or other folks to do the maintain the mailing list same. No TB skin test available. on the computer Work and/or shop in Questions? Call Washington County our gift shop, Dept. of Health at 648-8881. "Tigard Treasures." CALL THE SENIOR CENTER AT 620-4613 FOR MORE INFORMATION! Come on and Volunteer with Me Matthew Jumago, a 4th grader at help a public facility, you must make the Library. Now every Tuesday at Mary Woodward School, is an enthu- sure you have the tirne. Now volun- 3:30 to 4:30 you'll find me at the Li- siastic Tigard Public Library volun- teering may sound interesting but brary and see what I do." Malt Jumago. teer. When assigned to make a where can you volunteer? A good Additional volunteers can find a place persuasive speech for his class, he place where I do volunteer work is at the Library. Especially needed at chose to talk about 'volunteering.' the public library. Being a place for the publicit always needs helpPresent are: shelvers, shelf-readers, "I believe that volunteering is an im , . and persons to search for lost books. portant part of our society. You may Finally, where do you go once you Contact Jean Lindsay at 684-5886. think that only adults can volunteer, want to find out even more about but anyone can. volunteering is fun, volunteering? I went to Mrs. Lindsay, but if you make a commitment to the person in charge of volunteers at - 4- Recycling Service The City of Tigard offers a wide selection of recycling options for recycling. Magazines - Tie with twine or place ® ® in a grocery bag. Magazines have a e ' e a e glossy over and all inside pages are • The State law requires the generator glossy. Glossy catalogues are ac- The Tigard City Council took action to of recyclable material to prepare recy- cepted. Do not include newspaper add more curbside recycling services clables to meet the recycling market or scrap paper. for residential customers. For that standards. If the haulers take a load Plastic milk Jugs - Remove lids and reason it seemed like a good time to of cardboard to the market and there wash out all milk residue. Flatten review what services are available to is any material other than cardboard and tie together with twine or place Tigard residents. in the load, the market will reject the in a grocery bag. whole truck load. That truck load will Residents living in a single family then have to go to the landfill. Since Tin food cans - Empty and wash out home in Tigard have the option of no one wants to see this happen, the all food. Remove paper labels, re- four different sizes of garbage con- haulers have been asked to ensure move tops and bottoms and flatten. tainers (e.g., 20-gallon, 32-gallon, that material has been properly pre- (Cans with rounded bottoms do not 60-gallon, or 90-gallon). The Tigard pared BEFORE it is collected. need to be flattened.) Tin food and franchised garbage haulers will sup- beverage containers only, please. (A ply the container for residents to use refrigerator magnet X111 stick to tin.) for garbage. ® a Aluminum - wash off all food. Sepa- Residents living in apartments (a 5- rate from other metals. Food trays, plex or more) will have dumpsters For residents in single family homes foil and cans are accepted. (A refrig- provided at sites situated throughout (up to and including 4-plexes), your erator magnet will not stick to alumi- the complex. hauler provides a 14-gallon red bin num.) for recyclables. Between July 1 and Since the City enters into franchise September 30, each resident will re- Scrap metal - Scrap metal in manage- agreements with each solid waste ceive a second red bin with the addi- able amounts, less than 30" long, no hauler, they will offer the same types tion of scrap paper to the items more than 40 lbs., and free of plastic, of services. These services are of- collected at curbside. rubber or other materials. fered with a pricing structure which is the same for all areas in Tigard. Service is provided same day as gar- Motor oil- Pour used motor oil into an Please call the hauler e your area for bage on a year-round basis. Haulers unbreakable, leak-proof plastic or details about costs and options for provide manual collection. metal container. Milk jugs with service. screw-on lids are best. Snap on lids cannot be accepted because they do MILLER'S SANITARY SERVICE - 644- not seal tightly. 6161. This area includes the North ° end of Tigard from 135th along 0 0 • Scholls Ferry Road and through C''orruy,ated cardboard &brown paper ® Washington Square and the Metzger i Flatten and tie a manageable area. amount with twine. Corrugated card- Residents living in a multi-family g le PRIDE DISPOSAL - 625.6177. Pride complex (5plex or more) can recycle board has a wavy layer between two materials - the area(s) provided le serves the central part of Tigard from thinner layers. your complex manager. Your solid Bull Mountain, between North Dakota Street and McDonald Street, up Glass bottles & jars - Empty and waste hauler offers the following -5 wash out all food. Remove lids and services: cific Highway to 15 and down 1-5 15 sort by color - green, brown and past Bonita Road. Corrugated cardboard&brown paper clear. Labels do not need to be re- bags; glass bottles & jars; newspa- SCHMIDT'S SANITARY SERVICE moved. No light bulbs, window per; tin food cans; plastic milk jugs. 639-2378 On the south side of the glass, mirrors, cookware or drinking City, Schmidt's serves residents be- glasses can be accepted. tween Pacific Highway along the top Newspaoer - Tie with twine or place of Little Bull Mountain down to the in a grocery bag. Do not include Tualatin River and over to Fanno magazines or scrap paper. Creek. - 5- e , Ira Saturday I5 Sunday, flugust 20 and 21. 1994 t Co-5ponsored by: City of Tigard and Tigard Area Chamber of Commerce Activities: (all located on Main 5treet except where noted) THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: » Piayland Carnival Show, Inc. SATURDAY: a Children's games » Craft Booths a Talent Show » GI Joe Demonstration a Art Show and Sale » Flea Market a Bingo ' » Country Music/Dance a Fort Vancouver Demo » Beer Garden a Horseshoe Tourney I Beauty Pageant for the Physically Challenged » City Surplus Auction(comer of Hall&Burnham) Farmers Market(Comer of Commercial&Hall) Spm Swatke to Kih aud.Pawda .. Ck2dtex!6 9.D. CWUL6 Wa PWAgulok a"Fixgenpkiata. $1.00 Spa moi 6y Zia&&at"$130 Eaotax,P44eaeWwb 100 8K Run For Mora Information call the Chamber at 639-1656 3 Mile Walk CC)MMLAV1ify CalevAd CW All meetings at Tigard City Hall — 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, unless noted. The Tigard City Council City Council: Library Board: Intergovernmental meetings are cablecast flue at August 2 at Sr. Center, 2nd Thurs., 7:00 pm Water Board 7:30 pm on the second and 881 5 SW O'Mara fourth Tuesday of the monthnd Water ad Planning 2nd&4th Wed., 5:30 prn August 9*, 1 6, 23* Tigard on Channel 27. Replays air at September 1 3*, 20, 27* Commission: 8 77 SW Butnh� i o:oo am on the second and 1 st Mon. after'1 st Sun., fourth Friday and at 6:00 pm -6:3oprn unless 7:30 pm on the second and fourth Otherwise posted Thursday on Ch. 21. *Cablecast Meettng Paid for by: CITY OF TIGARD BULK RATE 13125 SW HALL BLVD. CARRIER ROUTE PRE-SORT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 U.S.POSTAGE PAID CITY OF TIGARD (503) 639-4171 PERMIT 2528 OREGON FAX No. 684-7297 PORTLAND,OR POSTAL CUSTOMER