Cityscape 1994-10 p■■■ ■.■ 7m- ■■■ ® ®■■� roak ... ®■■® Vol. XII No. 8 The Official Newsletter of Tigard October 1994 Mayor's Corner Regional Growth Plan Nears Completion Tigard's City Council relies on the par- The December deadline is nearing for public has to say. The Metro Council ticipation of citizens to help make deci- the Metro Council to vote on a "recom- Planning Committee will hold public sions that affect the community. mended alternative," plan for long-term hearings throughout the region during Citizens participate in a variety of ways regional growth management. The rec- October. These meetings will be specifi- including attending public meetings, of- ommended alternative has grown out of cally geared to listening to the public. A fering comments on issues facing the Region 2040, a two-year project to partial schedule is listed below. Council, and volunteering time to city study growth options and learn from programs. One of the most important both the public and technical advisors Metro Planning Committee ways citizens can participate is to serve how the metro area can accommodate Public Hearings on one of the city's Boards or Commit- growth without sacrificing quality of life. tees. ■ Thursday,Oct. 20 6:30 -9:30 pm The public was active in helping to _ Hillsboro High School District Members of the Budget Committee, the shape the Ian for the region. Earlier Libra Board and the Planning Com- p p g Office Board Room, 759 SE Library g this summer, more than 17,000 people Washington, Hillsboro mission make recommendations to City responded to a questionnaire that Council in specific areas. The Budget Metro sent to almost every household ■ Tuesday,Oct. 25 6:30-9:30 pm Committee forwards a city budget to in the region. Those responses will form — Western Portland General Electric the Council for review and adoption part of a decision-making kit that will be Auditorium, 14655 SW Old each spring. The Library Board consid- distributed to the Metro councilors this Scholls Ferry Rd., Beaverton ers issues related to operation of the month. Comments from open houses city's library. The Planning Commission and the Region 2040 hotline will also Metro Council Public Hearing makes decisions on land use issues and be forwarded to the Council. recommendations to the Council on the ■ Monday, November 28 4:00 p.m. city's Comprehensive Plan. See Page 7 Public involvement has been a critical (Deadline for written testimony) of this issue of the CITYSCAPE for more element of Region 2040 so far, and we — Metro Council Chambers, 600 NE information about serving on the Plan- thank you for your efforts.The last word Grand Ave., Portland ning Commission. is not in; however, as the councilors For more information or a complete gear up to make their final decision, schedule, contact the Metro Planning q most cases, there are no special re- they will be listening hard to what the Department 797-1750. uirements for serving on a Board or Committee; just an interest and willing- ness to contribute your time, energy Flu Clinic and ideas. It's a great way to learn Senior Citizens! more about how the City operates and to participate in shaping the commu- Flu shots will be available in October at Turn the page... nity's future. Call Liz Newton at 639- Family Medical Clinic o CIT Agendas for October 4171 for more information. 13200 SW Pacific Highway ® '"gard's First Museum Opens! ® We Need You! Call 639-7671 for more information. John Schwartz, Mayor e I eACCITT Graooroote Neighborhood-Based ALL" SOUTH TIGARD WEST TIGARD RESIDENTS, PROPERTY AND BUSINESS C TY® OWNERS!! CITIZENS, BUSINESS AND PROPERTY eD: Wednesday, October 5, 1994 OWNERS! 7:00 to 9:00 p:aa fin: Tuesday, October 4, 1994 VMere: Tigard High School Cafeteria 9:00 - 9:30 V-nL 9000 SW Durham Road %%e1'e: Mary Woodward, 12325 SW Katherine Street ® Tax Base Measure—What's included? ® Tree Ordinance—What's proposed? ® Regular meeting 7:00-7:30 ® Vater-Where will our future supply ® Candidate's Faire Come and hear City come from? and County Candidates speak on the issues!! 7:30-9:30 ® Natural Resources &Transportation: Citizens Task Force Recommendations An Update. CENTRAL TIGARD EAST TIGARM PROPERTY AND BUSINESS OWNERS! PROPERTY AND BUSINESS OWNERS! RESIDENTS!! RESIDENTS!! M%en: Thursday,October 6, 1994 VMen: Wednesday, October 12, 1994 7:00 to 9:00 p.ne. 9:00 to 9:00 p.nL VMere: Fowler Middle School Where: Tigard City Mall 10865 SW Walnut 13125 SW Hall Blvd. ® Water—Long Term Supply and Billing ® Tax Base Measure—What will voters ® Tax Base Measure: What will it fund? decide? s Tree Ordinance—What will it regulate? ® City Sidewalks—What are our priorities? ® Walnut Island -Let's form a subcommittee to address our concerns! -2 - New Development Doesn't Add Tax Dollars!? Good Deeds Abound! i With all the construction around town, the Governing Body. The second al- Last April the Tigard Public Library had the City must have new taxes coming lows an increase when properties are an overwhelming number of books Jo- in, right? This seems logical, doesn't it? annexed to the City. The third is by nated by the community and its friends Each of those new homes and busi- voter approval of a tax base measure. for the annual spring book sale. When nesses will receive a tax bill next year; the TPL's book sale was finished, there when they pay it, all the governments New Development Lowers were still a number of wonderful books should get their share of new money. Your Share of the Tax Burden that needed eager readers. So the li- This is a common misconception about If new taxes are not produced by con- brary staff and its volunteers reached the Oregon property tax system. struction, where does all the money out to another less fortunate commu- paid by new property owners and busi- nity. The selected group was the Burn- many since it does not work like other The Oregon system is misunderstood by nesses go? side Loaves and Fishes Center. There states' systems. In California, for in- Everyone's share of the total tax is de- were enough books to start a small Ii- stance, Citizens set the tax rates applied termined by the tax rate applied to brary/reading room at this center which to property values. When the market property value. Through construction, serves many elderly homeless people. increases or if there is construction, the the rate applied to all properties is re- Many of the people who now visit and amount of money raised by the rate duced because there is more value over linger at the center are .homeless also goes up. California governments, which to spread the total tax levy. This women who have been especially ap- therefore, receive more money to offset shifts a share of the tax burden to new preciative to have a place where they the cost of providing services to growth properties. The effect of 1993/94 con- can sit and read. areas. struction was to reduce the Tigard tax The library received a wonderful thank base rate by eight cents under what it you letter for its good deed. In part it Voters Decide Tax Dollars would have been without construction. says that now there are people in the Raised Burnside Loaves and Fishes Center who In Oregon, however, voters determine So next time you drive by that new de- can "...dream with Marco Polo, gallop velopment on your way around town, the total amount(tax base) of tax dollars remember that new tax revenues are with Ghengis Khan...shoot it out with that may be raised by a community. not being generated but the new value Billy the Kid, laugh with Erma Bom- The difference between the terms tax added to the tax roles will help to lower beck, join Robin Hood's band or flit base and tax rate is: your share of the total tax burden in the through the centuries via the arts, his- ■ Tax Base is a total amount ap- future. tory, archeology or any mode they wish proved by the voters. to travel." As in all good projects, there are always many helping hands. We ■ Tax Rate is used by the County As- thank and congratulate all the donors of sessor to determine a property books, volunteers who helped during owners' share of the tax base. The the sale and helpers and all the other formula used to calculate the Tax generous people of our community. Rate is: tt Tax Base Divided by Total Amount of Assessed Valuation Tree Ordinance News in the City (or jurisdiction) The tax rate is then applied to the value The Tigard City Council will consider a Tree Ordinance on October 11. This of the individual properties to deter- mine the amount to be paid in property hearing has been rescheduled from � September 27. The ordinance will es- tax that year. tablish regulations and a permit process Oregon law prescribes only three ways , ® for cutting trees. to increase the amount of taxes levied For more information or a copy of the in a community. The first is the author ity to increase the tax levy each year by proposed ordinance, call the Planning 6 percent. This method requires ap- Department at 639-4171. proval of the Budget Committee and -3 - Garbage To Go... Do you have questions about your solid Scrap 2apeer - Place in a grocery bag. zens and haulers for making this pro- waste service? Well you aren't alone. Scrap paper includes: kraft bags (paper gram work! The following article will answer some grocery bags), brochures, junk mail, en- of the most commonly asked questions velopes (with or without windows), pa- How is the City Helping? being asked in Tigard. per egg cartons, paper cores (from The City continues to work with all cit- paper towels), paper labels (from tin ies in the Washington County Coopera- What Size Garbage Cans or cans), greeting cards, white and colored tive Recycling Program. The City has Carts are Available? high grade paper, computer printouts, been actively participating in a metro- Residents living in a single family home file folders, coupons, paperboard, chip- wide, 5-year waste reduction program in Tigard have the option of four differ- board (cereal boxes), and gift wrap. Do to meet the State law mandates and ent sizes of garbage containers (i.e. 20- not include newspaper, corrugated save valuable resources and landfill gallon, 32-gallon, 60-gallon, or cardboard or magazines. space. 90-gallon). The Tigard franchised gar- Yard debris - Includes grass clippings, bage haulers will supply the container leaves, branches (4"or less How Can I Help? for residents to use for garbage. in diameter), shrubs, ■ Recycle as much material as possi- These services are offered for the sarne plants, prunings, weeds, ble - this will allow you to reduce price structure which is the same for all and Christmas trees. Dirt the size of your garbage cart and areas in Tigard. Please call the hauler in and rocks are not ac- save money on your garbage bill- your area for details about costs and cepted at the market. ing too options for service. Service is provided the ■ Place the cart within 5 feet of the same day as garbage every curb - this will allow collection ■ MILLER'S SANITARY SERVICE - other week year-round. with a mechanical assist device on 644-6161 Haulers provide one 60- the garbage truck and will also re- ■ PRIDE DISPOSAL- 625-6177 gallon roll cart for mechanically assisted duce extra service charges, since collection. the driver will not have to walk ■ SCHMIDT'S SANITARY SERVICE - into your yard to collect the cart. 639-2378 What is Happening to Control the Cost of Solid What Can I Recycle in Red Waste Services? Bins at Curbside? The City of Tigard continues to look for s For residents in single family homes (up ways to control the increase of costs for to and including 4-plexes), your hauler solid waste collection (garbage and re- provides two 14-gallon red bins for cycling programs). Haulers are automat- recyclables. Materials collected include ing their collection services to reduce corrugated cardboard and brown paper the amount of time it take to collect ' Place the "extra" bags of material bags, glass bottles and jars, newspaper, materials. Your hauler is also automat- next tthe garbage cart - not on magazines, plastic milk jugs, tin food ing to help reduce the amount of top - tthis will reduce the amount cans, aluminum, scrap metal and motor worker injuries and the cost of workers' of spillage when the automated oil. compensation as a result of injuries. arm picks up the garbage cart to empty it into the truck. Service is provided the same day as gar- bage on a year-round basis. The newest How Many Tons? If you have questions about how you curbside services are scrap paper and During the month of August, 403,300 can reduce your garbage bill, please call yard debris. These new curbside items pounds were recycled. That's about your hauler. I` should be prepared for recycling as fol- 200 tons of yard debris! Thanks to citi- lows: W1 Kl� W1 1617 -4- Water, Water Everywhere? Conservation Taps Each year the City of Tigard receives ■ The City of Lake Oswego Supply Inside Eine over 90% of its water supply from the from the Clackamas River Anyone with a touch tone phone will City of Lake Oswego. Tigard also re- i The City of Portland Supply from soon have instant access to water con- ceives water from the City of Portland the Bull Run River and Columbia servation information — it's as easy as and pumps small amounts of water River Well Fields calling 225-5555, the number for the from its own ground water wells. Lake Oswego owns and operates a river ■ A City of Tigard Treatment Facility Oregonian's Inside Line. water intake on the Clackamas River on the Willamette River above Inquiring minds place 18,000 calls to near the City of Gladstone and a water Wilsonville Inside Line each day and multiple call- treatment facility in the City of West 0 A Regional Treatment Facility on ers can access a topic simultaneously. Linn. the Willamette River above Wil- The Inside Line directory is featured in The present supply capacity of Lake sonville the Sunday Oregonian. Oswego's water supply facilities cannot Among the criteria being used to judge Our conservation messages will be car- keep up with the existing water de- ried under the directory listing Water mands of both cities. In recent years, in- the alternatives is the estimated cost of water, opportunity for City ownership Conservation. Major information cate- cluding 1994, during peak demand gories include outdoor water use, in- water useeriods ' I of a water supply, required improve- p Ti gards water supply y mems, water rights, water quality, and door water use, business and industry, from Lake Oswego has been limited. supply implementation timing. and general information. Callers can re- ceive tips on landscaping, plumbing, The City of Tigard is evaluating seven long-term water supply alternatives to A final recommendation for Tigard's water-sewer bills, as well as information long term water supply is expected by on how industrial customers conserve meet existing demands and provide for the end of October, 1994. For more in- water and what the public thinks about continued growth. formation on this important issue, con- conservation. The alternatives were screened and four tact Ed Wegner at City of Tigard were found to offer Tigard the best op- 639-4171, ext. 396. portunity for a long-term water supply, these include: To hear our messages on The Orego- Water Billing Update nian's Inside Line, call 225-5555 and Most citizens have now received at least The winter average will be calculated use these codes: one bi-monthly combined sewer and each year in July based on the average OUTDOOR water bill. We are now beginning the water consumption between the pre- Before You Landscape . . . . . 3400 bi-monthly cycle of reading meters vious November and April. once again for those customers that re- Water Wise Landscape 3401 ceived combined bills for the first time As a result of these changes, customers Tips and Techniques . . . . . . 3402 in July. This bill will include a full billing can now make one payment every cycle charge for sewer along with the other month instead of making three INDOOR payments for the same period. Water Saving Plumbing . . . . 3405 regular water usage. Keep in mind that two significant If you have any questions about your BUSINESS & INDUSTRY changes took place on July 1, 1994. combined sewer and water bill, please How-to's for Business . . . . . 3407 The water and sewer bills were com- call us at 639-4171 or 639-1554. Success Stories . . . . . . . . . 3408 bined into a single bill for each meter Fm reading period. In addition, the sewer portion of the bill is now calculated Why Conserve? 3411 based upon each customer's winter av- Public Opinion . . . . . . . . 3412 erage water usage. How We Use Water . . . . . . 3414 Community Meetings/Events . . 3415 - 5 - TIGARD TO ®PER! ITS FIRST MUSEUM - kink-off KIDS FALL INTO B®®ICS After almost two decades of planning, the Tigard House will be freshly pa- AT THE LIBRARY! the Tigard Area Historical and Preserva- pered and ready to receive museum ar- tion Association (T.A.H.P.A.) will be tifacts for permanent display. Many opening the John Tigard House as a lo- residents of the Tigard area have items ,r ^�►�„� cal history museum. Located at the cor- collecting dust in basements, barns, and ner of Canterbury Lane and 103rd attics that could become vital compo- Avenue, this little Victorian house nents of the museum collection. served as home to John Tigard and his Here are just some of the things your 'ar, family from -the 1880's through they ',• a museum is seeking: Pre - 1915 head- �i ;. - 1930's. The house has been faithfully board, bedding,area rugs, kitchen im- A ` restored to its original condition by use }: r,,,, of turn-of-the-century photographs and elements, dishes, armoire, victorian �!� N; lamps with shades, a trunk, a settee, y''•� �'�•- L'"`•"'• �': through the memo of direct descen- �1 g memory clothing, washstand, chamber pot, or- dant, Curtis Tigard, who still resides in gan stool tools, yard and farm im le- �•+ fly s the area. ,,,,,i •�-''' �" ments. To get the community into the spirit of things, T.A.H.P.A. has organized several If you have any of these or other items Toddler Time events over the next three months: in reasonably good repair that you A book-based, high-interaction program would be willing to donate to the mu- for tots (ages 24-36. months) and their Saturday, October 1, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.- seum, please bring them to the John Ti- parents. Groups of 2 tots and their Fashion Show and Tea Tasting 1 gard House on Saturday, November 12 grownup meet with 1 librarian once a between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. His- week for six weeks. We'll share books An historic fashion show featuring styles torical Society members will be on hand ' from the Civil War through the turn-of- wired. to evaluate your items and provide you songs, finger plays and activities. Regis- the-century will be held at the Tigard q Sign up begins Water Building at the corner of Burn- with receipts for tax deduction pur- tration is required. 20. Programs start in Oc- ham Street and Hall Blvd. This informa- poses..All items used in the museum tober. will have donation tags attached for dis- tional and entertaining program will be play. Old documents and photographs narrated by Connie Jarrett, a collector Preschool Storytime of fine antique clothing. relating to Tigard History will also be ac- Our book-based program for children cepted. These will either remain in the ages 3-6 includes reading stories, songs Following the display of fashions, Joy museum, or be stored in the Tigard His- and crafts. Fall program starts October Edlund, Master Taster for Stash Tea, will tory Collection at the Public Library. 4. No sign up required. Tuesday and present a program on the history of tea. Sunday, December 11, Noon to 3:00 Thursday 10:30 a.m.; Wednesday Discover how black, green, and oolong p.m. - Grand Opening! . 1:00 P.M. teas are produced; learn the techniques used to evaluate tea quality; and have The John Tigard House Museum will Family Storytime the opportunity to use your new skills as have its first official open day just in This program closely resembles Pre- Joy walks us through a "cupping" - the time for the holidays! Come and see school Storytime and offers families the tea equivalent to a wine tasting! the new display of artifacts and infor- opportunity to share the magic of books The cost will be $7.50 per person or mation and share some cocoa and together. Drop in for some fun stories $12.00 per couple; Children 5-10 years cookies with Historical Society mem- and activities. Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. $3.00 (not recommended for children bers. The museum will continue to be beginning October 5. under age 5). Tickets will be available at opened the second Sunday of each month from noon to 3:00 p.m. Tours Special Fall Programs the door. All proceeds will go to the for school and club groups may be ar- Watch for upcoming information on museum. ranged. special events for Children's Book Saturday, November 12, 10:00 a.m. For more information on any of these Week and holidays. Come to the library 3:00 p.m. -"Museum RaisL " events, please contact Kathy Davis at this fall for details! Here's a chance to become involved in the Library, 684-6537. the museum's success! The interior of -6- Tax Base Ballot Measure Goes to Voters --' On August 30 the Tigard City Council voted to ask Tigard voters to consider a Tax Base _ Measure in November. If adopted, the updated tax base will take effect on July 1, hi,v,'. 1996. The measure as it will appear on the November 8th ballot is as follows: ESTABLIRS�HES AN UPDATED TAX,BASE FzOR THE�CITY ® Pr$ov de<support n"Fleet and Facility 111a ntenance OF TIGARD x and Customer�Service Y Y u, k s x y ■ ; Maintain stab sele funding for other; current city=wide QUESTION Shall the City of Tigard.be author�zetl aJtax rvices x l G abase of$6,496;000 beginning July 1, 19:961 The proposed tax base is estimated to.,result in a tax rate. increase from $1 x. 77 to; $2 37t per $'1 000 of assessed SUMMARY Since X1980,the City has tleveloped and oper a: ' aiMv-Within�5 yea[ financial plans. June 30;.1"996 is_the , value The Cityx.s,current tax base is $4,267,990 Mu end�of this 5 year period This tax levy is subject to�the�limits ofssection 11 b, Article Xl­of the Oregon Constitution an' the revenues raise' approved, th'e pr9pose8 tax base will take effect July 1, be,used for Bove nmental purposes other thanschools ,459&4'nd allow the City�to A _ royal'f this measure would not reduce the ro e ■ AddxPolice ersonnehto maintain pp p p rty ■ Call and response investigations taz collectionsof other nonschool district units of govern k ® Neighborhood Watch and patrol jbenftavailable under`the` provisions of sectp9 11 b, Art cle ® �D g and traffic enforcement Xl of the Oregor%Constitution and implemeritlq legisla ,, ■ !ZS choo1Resource Officers F: tion 2- e Addfull time gang enforcement to Police Sernces ;c z r The estimated tax cost for this:.measure is an ESTIMATE; ■� fVlantainti brary Services including :w�xs h b d h b or' h ` ■ Senior citizen outreach programs ONLY ase on ,t e, est inf oration available from t e x® SChildren's sto times and activities county assessor at the time of,estimate > rya: <®���Reference'services ■ Open7 days a3week Arid 4 evenings.. Want to join In? Tigard's Planning Commission is made such as streets and sidewalks, and mak- interests and background to ensure that up of nine citizens who are appointed ing decisions on land use applications. a variety of views and opinions will be to four year terms by the Tigard City Ti represented. Everyone is encouraged to eligible to apply for Planning Council. The Planning Commission Any resident por Planning Commis-Planning area is. consider applying! We need your input! meets once, sometimes twice, a month l to consider planning issues facing the sion membership. There are no special If participating in decisions that affect education or job requirements to serve our community's future and learning City. The Commission is involved in and the City provides training to assist first hand how land use decisions are long range parks and transportation the Commission Members. The City made interests you, call Liz Newton at planning, recommending projects for capital improvement program funding Council wants the Commission to rep- 639-4171 ext. 308 for more informa- resent the views of all of Tigard's citi- tion. zens. The Council looks at applicants' WE NEED YOU! HELP! HELP! HELP! Four hundred sixty-seven thousand books, magazines, The Library is looking for a special volunteer to listen to tapes and videos—that's the number of items checked out damaged tapes, to repair them if possible or determine that at the Tigard.Public Library between June 30, 1993 and July they need to be replaced. 1, 1994. It takes many hands to check-in and reshelve all of these. Most of this work is done by a faithful crew of volun- This can be done at the Library or at your home and on teers. The Library has 165 volunteers who do 26 different your own time schedule. Contact Jean Lindsay at 684- tasks. Additional volunteers are needed at present, espe- cially for shelving. If you would like to help call Jean Lind- �f ■ say,Volunteer Coordinator at 684-5586. - 7- �lit�°� � (fl o b do' selosovi i NEI ! AL ast o ko ae i v� 111111111 � pp � SLP eady At's (yeah. at Ae Tgoad saevaek (Ndida 13(azook /. YUR®1.*Y, ®CY®RER 15, 1994 10:0010 4t00 8815 ffW HANDMADE CRAFI.f REFREff"MENIff COMMlAVxify GaI e�da � All meetings at Tigard City Hall — 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, unless noted. The Tigard City Council meetings City Council: Library Board: Intergovernmental are cablecast live at 7:30 pm on October 11*, 18, 25* 2nd Thurs., 7:00 pm Water Board the second and fourth Tuesday of November 8*, 15 22* 2nd &4th Wed., 5:30 m the month on Channel 27. Planning Commission: p Replays air at 10:00 am on the -6:30 pm unless otherwise 1st Mon. after 1st Sun., 7:30 Tigard Water Bldg. second and fourth Friday and at posted pm 8777 SW Burnham 6:00 pm on the second and *Cableeast Meeting fourth Thursday on Ch. 21. Paid for by: CITY OF TIGARD [SULK RATE 13125 SW HALL BLVD. CARRIER ROUTE PRE-SORT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 U.S. POSTAGE PAID CITY OF TIGARD (503) 639-4171 PERMIT 2528 OREGON FAX NO. 684-7297 PORTLAND, OR POSTA16 CUSTOMER