Cityscape 1994-11 MEMO ■ OEM r EO■ ®®®® Vol. XII No. 9 The Official Newsletter of Tigard November 1994 Mayor's Corner What's MSTIP 3? November 8 is Election Day. Citizens In 1986 and again in 1989, Washington house will run from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 will have an opportunity to vote on County voters approved funding for the p.m. many important issues and candidates. Major Streets Transportation Improve- November 14 — Public Services Build- At the state level, Oregonians will be ment Program (MSTIP). The program ing, Cafeteria, 155 N. First, Hillsboro electing anew Governor and Repre- has funded more than 30 major trans- sentatives to the U. S. Congress. There portation improvements, including local November 16 — Tualatin/Durham Sr. are also 20 state-wide measures on the projects such as Durham Road widen- Center, 8513 Tualatin Road,Tualatin and Bull Mountain Road widening ballot. Residents of the Portland area ing November 17 — PGE Auditorium, will decide on a Tri-Met Bond for future and pathways. 14655 SW Old Scholls Ferry Road, light rail construction, and a new Execu- Officials from the county and cities are Beaverton tive Officer for Metro. Closer to home, considering a third edition of MSTIP. Washington County residents will vote This proposal could go to the voters as So put together your own list, then join on a new Chair for the Washington early as May 1995. In order to gain county and city staff at one of the com- County Board of Commissioners. Citi- community input on the types of trans- munity meetings and see how well their zens of Tigard will consider a tax base portation projects that should be preliminary list matches up with yours. measure, candidates for Mayor, and funded, and the scope of the program For more information about MSTIP 3, two Council positions. open houses have been scheduled call 693-4963. Take advantage of the information throughout the county. Each open available on the candidates and issues. And the Winner is... It's Halloween Fun The State and Washington County both produce Voters Pamphlets that detail is- The City of Tigard has again been at Tigard Public Library sues and candidates. Tualatin Valley awarded the Certificate of Achievement Monday, October 31 Community Access (TVCA) is airing the for Excellence in Financial Reporting Video Voters guide which features can- from the Government Finance Officers 7:00 p.m. -8:30 p.m. didates for county and city offices on Association (GFOA). The award was re- (Pre-school through cable channels 2 and 11. For a com- ceived for the 1993 Comprehensive 5th grade) plete listing of times, contact TVCA at Annual Financial Report. Dads, Moms, Boys and Girls! 629-8534. The award is designed to recognize and Participate in your government. Exer- encourage excellence in financial re- Put on your ghoulish gear and head on cise your right to vote on November 8! porting by state and local governments. down to your library for a ghostly good Attainment of the award demonstrates time. We'll have lots of fun making a goodie bag and surprises to go in it. the City's recognition of its obligation to .john Schwartz, Mayor provide easily readable and under- A trick-or-treat adventure through the standable financial information for all library after craft time will top off the funds and financial transactions. evening. Hope to see all you ghosts Turn the Page••• and goblins here. • CITendas for November Ag CI 9 I 1 I 1 I C16LIT Graoorooto Neighborhood-Based � SOUTH TIGARD WEST TIGARD RESIDENTS, PROPERTY AND BUSINESS COMMVNITVI OWNERS!! CITIZENS, BUSINESS AND PROPERTY When: Wednesday, November 29 1994 OWNERS! 7:00 to 9:00 pm When: Tuesday, November 1, 1994 Where: Tigard high School Cafeteria 9:00 - 9:30 p.m. j 9000 SW Durham Road Where: Mary Woodward, i 12325 SW Katherine Street ® Pacific Highway —What's planned for improvements? ■ Parks on Bull Mountain—When & ■ Traffic Flow Improvement Study Update Where? o Durham Road & Hall Blvd ® 99W Options for improvement. Improvements - Status Report ■ Walnut?Murray? What should we call it? s 2040 Plan - What is it? CENTRAL TIGARD EAST TIGARDI PROPERTY AND BUSINESS OWNERS! PROPERTY AND BUSINESS OWNERS! RESIDENTS!! RESIDENTS!! When: Thursday,November 3, 1994 When: Wednesday, November 99 1994 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Where: Fowler Middle School Where: Tigard City Mall 10865 SW Walnut 13125 SW lull Blvd. ® 99W—What are OUR concerns? ® 2040 Plan -What will it mean to Tigard? ■ Updates: Walnut Island, Tree Ordinance; ■ Sidewalks - Let's confirm our priorities. Walnut?Murray? Street Name ■ CSOs—What are they? -2- The below information pertains to Class #G53 through Class #G56.... e)�� Class Location: Larsen Farm Nursery Transportation is provided by: Recreation Round- ��r r; r t \_- Up, Inc. van and will depart from the Tigard c ��-� �.,�- Library at 12:30 p.m. and return approximately ` , 5�3� 6g5"9613 Fee: p$28, includes transportation, instruction, l class supplies and materials. Each participant will create their own personalized fresh green- holiday wreath with dried flowers, i�=��L��(��I-I�t C���11�1 ='V'�)1�I��I l71�rj ?rl Off) ribbons, balls and holiday ornaments. The wreath A)E-11PA AS A H01IDAY GIFT 112 6 CA U21) foundation is made from fir, pine, juniper, cedar Each participant will receive a pre-assembled kit and holly. Bring to class: gloves and clippers. which will include all necessary supplies to G#53 Sat., Dec. 3, 12:30-4 p.m. complete a 15-page, linen book cloth photo G#54 Sat., Dec. 10, 12:30-4 p.m. album. This class will assist you in getting started in organizing family photos and getting them into a creative and safe photo storage. You r1�,11 will receive tips on how to store negatives, Create your own festive holiday centerpiece. The mounting techniques, decorating, recording the centerpiece is great for holiday entertaining and is story behind the picture and to recognize the made from pine, fir, cedar, juniper and holly. It is kinds of materials that may be used to insure long then covered with dried flowers, ribbons, term photo preservation. Participants may choose ornaments and candles of your choice. what size of photo album they would like included G#55 Sat., Dec. 3, 12:30 - 4 p.m. in their photo kit ( 8" x 10" OR 12" x 12"). G#56 Sat., Dec. 10, 12:30 - 4 p.m. Bring to class: photos which you would like to include in your album! A copy sample of the CHIT-WR_hl'S H011DAY IPA (6-1'1 YRS-1 instructor's photo album is on display at the This is a time for children to attend and library, for your viewing. experience social skills while mingling with peers G#50 Mon., 7-9 p.m., Nov. 14 & 21, (2 sess.), in a semi-formal "high tea". Learn social Tigard Senior Center, Instructor: Cathy Shauklas, techniques while enjoying tea, finger sandwiches Fee Options: 152, includes instruction and a and light desserts. Put on your hat and come complete kit with a 8" x 10" album or -$-6-2, dressed for a holiday tea. includes instruction and a complete kit with a 12" Y#60 Sunday, Dec. 4, 2-4 p.m., Tigard Water x 12" photo album. Please specify kit option on Building, 8777 SW Burnham Street, Hostess: your registration form. Theresa Rockwood, Fee: $10, includes a memorable photo. The following three different book designs will be REGISTRATION BEGINS created by each participant: 1) simple signature OCTOBER 24th fold, 2) accordion fold and 3) traditional Japanese fold. These books are great for art projects, posting memorabilia or journal writing. PleasePERSr' NALI ED H01 IDAY CARD% bring to class: paste type glue, pliers, needle and This class is for those individuals who have had ordinary sturdy thread (color of your choice). introduction to Italic Calligraphy. Students will G#51 Tues., 7-10 p.m., Nov. 15, Tigard Senior review the Italic handwriting and refine their Center, Instructor: Chuck Lehman, Fee: $13, fundamental skills to small scale. Students will includes book binding supplies. convert to a one-millimeter pen while addressing and signing holiday cards. Please bring to class: D01JIGH At� Lo-10 '1' p�'1- pen holder and suitable ink, greeting cards and Each participant will create their own dough art envelopes (bring extras for practice). basket. G#52 Tues., 7-10 p.m., Dec. 6, Tigard Senior Y#17 Sat., Nov. 5 and 12, 12-1:30 p.m., Tigard Center, Instructor: Chuck Lehman, Fee: $13, Town Hall, Instr.: Theresa Rockwood, Fee: $10 includes pen tip and guide sheets. I I1\1C01 ,IN r-1TY r)11T1 PT SJrl2 S SAPITAS WORKFC Ir)? I_l-:, YRS 7 Ladies, join the annual shopping spree to the Make holiday gifts and personalized wrapping for outlet stores at the beach. Lunch expense is on family members and pets. One session will focus your own (we usually go to Moe's for seafood). on holiday cooking. G#30 Tues., Nov. 15, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., T#13 Sat., Dec. 3, 10 and 17, 10-11:30 a.m., transportation is provide and departs and returns Tigard Town Hall, Instructor: Theresa Rockwood, to the Tigard Library, Fee: $10 Fee: $15 r_,CUGH ARY CAt10AINAUNTS SAINTAS VIORKSHOP (6-10 YRS.l (-rr)r,r,, .R - 71 YR5.-1 Make holiday gifts and personalized wrapping for Roll, flatten and shape colorful dough into family members and pets. One session will focus precious holiday ornaments. Parent accompanies on holiday cooking. child. Please bring an apron. Y#19A Sat., Dec. 3, 10 and 17, 2:30-4:30 p.m. T#20A Sat., Nov. 19, 2:30-4 p.m., Tigard Town Tigard Town Hall, Instructor: Theresa Rockwood, Hall, Instructor: Theresa Rockwood, Fee: $6 Fee: $15 V HOW TO REGISTER (503) 685-9613 1 . Mail-In Registration: *Begins Monday, October 24, 1994 *Mail your registration form and check to: Recreation Round-Up, Inc., P.O. Box 1268, Tualatin, OR 97062. Checks are payable to: Recreation Round-Up, Inc. 2. Drop-Off Registrations At Tigard Library Circulation Desk: *Begins, Monday, October 24, 1994 GENERAL POLICIES: 1 . You will NOT receive a written confirmation. You will be notified if your class is filled or cancelled. 2. Pre-registration is desired; drop-in registrations are accepted if class space is available. Class fees must be paid prior to class participation. Each class does have a class maximum, so register early. First come, first served! 3. Please plan your schedule carefully; we cannot accept responsibility for changes in your personal schedule. 4. Recreation Round-Up, Inc. reserves the right to cancel a class due to insufficient registrations or causes beyond our control. 5. Requests for a class credit or refund must be placed in writing and received by the Recreation Round-Up, Inc. staff five days prior to the first day of your scheduled class No refunds or credits will be granted after the class begins. A $2 processing fee will be charged against all refunds. A $15 fee will be charged on all returned checks. FALL / HOLIDAY 199-4—CLASS REGISTRATION / CITY OF TIGARD (503) 685-9613 Family Last Name: Home Phone: Parent/Guardian's Name: Work Phone: Address: Apt. City: Zip: CHECKS ARE PAYABLE TO: RECREATION ROUND-UP, INC. CHECK # CASH $ CLASS # CLASS TITLE FEE PARTICIPANT'S NAME 1. 2. 3. Personal Release Statement: I understand that the registered activities and services may have an element of hazard or inherent danger and I take full responsibility for my actions and physical condition. I understand that neither Recreation Round-Up, Inc. or the City of Tigard, nor their agents will assume any liability for clairns arising out of my participation in the Recreation Round-Up, Inc. sponsored classes and activities. I agree that Recreation Round-Up, Inc. and the City of Tigard and their agents are not liable for any claim resulting from the negligence of the Recreation Round-Up, Inc. or its agents. I agree to assume all liability and to hold Recreation Round-Up, Inc. and the City of Tigard and its agents harmless for any personal injury or property damage arising out of my participation in the Recreation Round-Up, Inc. sponsored Program. Participants involved in Recreation Round-Up, Inc. sponsored programs and classes may be photographed and such photographs may be used in publicity. Participant Signature (parent or guardian if participant is under 18 yrs.) Date Return completed form and payment to: Recreation Round-Up, Inc., P.O. Box 1268, Tualatin, OR 97062 HAPPY HOLIDAYS Ideas Wanted! Street Crack Sealing Concerned about traffic congestion on Learn about Tigard's transportation sys- Newly constructed streets are smooth, Tigard's major streets? Have an idea tems study. It will update the City shed water easily and require little about how to improve Tigard's traffic street network plan and street-design maintenance. Over time,though, street flow? Drop by the Open House on Ti- standards. Make suggestions about ar- surfaces become weathered and gard's Transportation System. eas and issues to which we need to pay cracked. When cracks appear, water attention. and ice enter the crevices and acceler- Thursday November 10Need more info? Questions? Call Carol ate deterioration of the street surface. 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Landsman at 639-4171. Tigard City Hall Each summer, the City seals cracked and weathered street surfaces with a liquified asphalt material. This "crack Street Improvements sealing" program is a preventative ac- Construction is nearly completed on ■ Pedestrian improvements on Park tion that minimizes reconstruction re- City street improvement projects for Street and Watkins Avenue. quirements and prolongs the life of our 1994. ■ Pathway extensions along Fanno streets. Projects completed this year included: Creek and Tualatin River. In the summer of 1994, City crews ■ 72nd Avenue intersection at Pa- ■ Winterlake Drive improvements sealed over 17 miles of streets, mostly cific Highway. next to Summerlake Park. in the north part of Tigard. The pro- ■ 121st Avenue bikeway improve- Thank you for your patience during gram, administered by Tigard's Mainte- ments. these construction projects! nance Service Department, targets certain streets each year that need at- ■ Bull Mountain Road shoulder im- tention. In this way, we can systemati- provements. cally and cost effectively maintain our Name The New Street streets to assure they last as long as pos- sible. A new street connection has been constructed between Scholls Ferry Road and 135th Avenue at Walnut Street. (See map below.) At the November meeting, the s you have any questions about se call West CIT will be recommending a name for this new street. If you want to help street maintenance program, please c name this street, join the West CIT discussion on November 1st. The meeting starts the Maintenance Services Department at 7:00 p.m at Mary Woodward School. For additional information, contact the En- gineering Department at 639-4171. DRAT 'The C'City and PGE'depend�owc tizen' oreportsN o, promptlyidenstreet.; ars T (slights that aremd workinggproperly aO ,SS . P g DTIfyou notice a street hghtthat s out i 5 y 4cr �le se re ort�the outae°b callin i s DNS, p � �p� � � g� ,,at 639 417n1 or PGE at 671 P < P tIDEN SENISN ST D W You'willbe asked for the pole num WINOSONG G R A D ober(found on�av aWe oogj e pole, or themtersection where the Dight SW W—T S—ET �' v po £ ' 4 a U , le islocated or eaddress of the nearest building y I r This norma*.,Jcrews re FERN S SW TREE - SW F FIN STREET n t �" - — - s"R pond _ ti . -5 - I Your Questions Answered Many citizens have called in asking What do the codes in the sewer column I live in the Metzger area. Why am I questions about the new combined on my bill mean? getting a bill from Tigard Water? sewer and water bills. The following is a The codes shown on the bill in the Before the combining of sewer and brief explanation of the most often sewer column are "base," "usage" and water bills, the City of Tigard billed all asked questions. "SWM." cutomers in the City for sewer and Why is my bill so him The "base" charge is the flat rate por- storm drainage on a monthly post card bill. The combined bills include water, tion of the sewer bill. The base charge is sewer and storm drainage. Customers charged on a per dwelling unit basis Those customers inside the City but used to get billed monthly for sewer much like the entire sewer bill used to outside the Tigard water service area and storm drainage and bi-monthly for be prior to July 1, 1994. The base still receive their sewer bills from the water. charge is $13.25 per month for a single City. The bills, however, are printed on family residence. Tigard water billing stock and may ap- The water and storm drainage rates are pear as a water bill from the City of Ti- the same as last year. Therefore, if the The "usage" charge portion of the Bard. water charges are higher than you an- sewer bill is based upon your individual ticipated, it could be you used more winter average water usage for the pre- The sewer charges are shown in the water during the meter reading period vious winter average period. This is sewer column and are based on winter than you expected. The sewer portion computed at $.90 per 100 cubic feet of average water consumption data pro- of your bill is now based upon your water in the winter average. vided to Tigard by the Tualatin Valley winter average water usage from last The "SWM" charge is the charge of Water District for each customer. winter. The sewer rates did not in- crease; however, if your winter average $3.00 per-month per-unit for storm This new bi-monthly bill for sewer water use was greater than the system drainage. merely replaces the monthly postcard bill used prior to July 1 1994. wide average, the sewer portion of your All of these charges are pro-rated for bill will be greater than last year. the number of days in your meter read- If you have questions about the new ing period which may vary by several combined water, sewer and storm 77777 IMP7 7 7 ■ s � days in each period. drainage bills, please call the billing of- fice at 639-4171 or 639-1554. Know Your Water Meter Your water meter is the best detective Looking at the meter you will see a red mate how long you usually leave the in your home. It can tell whether you sweep needle. This needle turns like a sprinkler running. This will give you an have a leak, as well as how much water second hand on a clock. Each time it idea of how many gallons of water you various appliances are using. All you goes around, one cubic foot of water use each time you sprinkle. have to do is learn its language. (7.48 gallons) is used. Also the meter Wait for a member of the family to step City of Tigard water customers have has a leak detection device on the face. into the shower and follow the direc- This is a small triangle shaped dial that meters that measure cubic feet of water tions above. You will know how many has no cubic feet value but will detect used. To convert cubic feet of water gallons are used for each shower. into gallons multiply the number shown small flows of water through the meter. on your meter by 7.48. o For leak detection, turn everything off .; carefully so no water is being used any- Cubic hal .2" An example: 004900 cubic feet x 7.48 where in the house, then note the posi- = 36,652 gallons ' ®�4.3 tion of the meter dial. Look at the leak detection triangle for movement. Check Water meters are never reset. To find Now,go do some checking: the meter dial again after 20 minutes. If out how much water you've used in any given period, just subtract the num- Turn on the sprinkler and watch the the triangle or the meter dial hasn't ber of cubic feet used on your last bill meter dial move for 1 minute. Multiply moved, you have a relatively water-tight home. But if it has moved, start check- the number of cubic feet times 60 for from the current meter reading. in the quantity used per hour. Then esti- g hose connections, faucets, and toi- lets. -6- "Auseum Raising" Youth Librarians Make it Saturday, Nmvember 12 — 1 C&C a.m. Good Use of Grant to 3e®® P.M. ��� � et Money Inuard ®louse Aouseum You can be a part of the successful Share some cider and donuts and take The Youth Librarians at Tigard Public Li- opening of Tigard's First Museum! All a peek at the inside of the house for a brary have used grant money to address area residents are invited to bring arti- "before" look . . . come back on De- the needs of children in our commu- facts, furnishings, photographs, clothing, cember 11, for the Museum's Grand nity. "etc." to the Tigard House at the corner Opening and see what's been accom- The Oregon State Library granted_ of 103rd and Canterbury Lane. Histori- plished! $2,060 for the expansion of the Par- cal Society members will be on hand to Sponsored by the Tigard Area Historical ent's Resource collection to include ma- receive your tax deductible donation of terials on Early Childhood Education. and Preservation Association. For more any items you may have of historical information, please call Kathy Davis at Books, videos, and magazines were significance to the Tigard area. the Library, 684-6537. added on child development, as well as Don't know if your items are important? pre-reading and language skills, story Bring them by and let us take a look! telling, and science and math activity books. Dinosaur Fossils In The Library Another $1,225 came from the State Li- Did you see Jurassic Park library through the mu- brary to fund the development of a more than once? Could r✓ seum's outreach program. "Teen Survival Center." This collection your children rattle off The museum also spon- includes non-fiction books and pam- names like Apatosaurus, sors fossil hunting expedi- phlets dealing with a myriad of topics Pteradactyl, and Tricera- tions and field classes. from "How to Make Great Stuff For tops before they could count? If so, the Your Room" to "Bringing Up Parents." exhibit at the Tigard Library is for you! The museum's holdings include the 1 From now until Thanksgiving the library largest collection of fossil whale and will be home to REAL fossils from a 65 marine mammals in the Northwest. million year old Triceratops. The exhibit If public response to our display is en- is on loan from the NW Museum of couraging, we may be able to arrange Natural History. for more exhibits in the future! What is the NW Museum of Natural \ Stop by your library, view some original History? Dr. David Taylor, Executive Di- dinosaur water color paintings by volun- rector, describes the extensive fossil col- teer, Les Hagen, check out a copy of Ju- In a cooperative venture with both Ce- lection as a "Museum Without Walls." rassic Park, and visit our display case to dar Mill and Hillsboro Public Libraries, This year alone, more than 1,000 peo- see the only public showing of dinosaur hundreds of high quality video tapes ple were able to view and handle speci- fossils in the Portland area! will be purchased for use by area LLU mens like the ones on display at the carerol vZ iders. With so many of our young children in a day-care setting, Calling All Authors! youth librarians saw a need to provide In the interest of encouraging and rec- In addition the group has developed an materials that could assist care givers in ognizing local authors, a writers group area in the Library where books and ar- offering a safe, nurturing, and educa- has been organized by the Tigard Public ticles published by local authors are dis- tionally stimulating environment. Library. The purpose of the group is played now. They are also advising the two-fold: to plan events for aspiring librarians on resources on writing that Videos will cover topics such , and child writers and to sponsor special events for need to be added to the Library's col- development, school-readiness, the public, such as author's readings. lection. health and safety issues. The $22,000 required for this project was received as Plans are now being made for a writer's Those interested in further information a grant through the Library Services and workshop to be held in early 1995. should call Jean Lindsay at the Library, Construction Act. Materials will be,se- 684-6537. lected and purchased early in 1995. - 7- Remember to VOTE on November 8th! The City of Tigard's updated Tax Base Measure as it will appear on your ballot is as follows: ESTABLISHES AN UPDATED'TAX BASE FOR THE CITY ■ Prov�densupport`in Fleet and Facility Maintenance` OFTIGARD sand Cust mer Service ■ Maintain�statle funding for other currentcity wide QUESTION Shall ',the City of Tigard be authorized a tax services , ' base of$6,496,000 beginning July 1, 1996? a k The proposed tax base is estimated to result in a taxrate k SUMMARYSmce 1980,the#Gtyhas developed and ue oiler increase from $try77to $2 37. per $;.1,000 of assessed val ,The'City's current tax base is $4,267,990 ,ated within 5 year'financial plays June 30, 1996 is;the ; z w s , endofzthis 5year penod This taz levy is subiect to the limits of section 11 b Article r .r ' XI of the Oregon Constitution and the revenues raised with. Ifsappoved; theproposedtax base will take effect July 1, be:useoggovernmental purposes other than;schools. 40,6111"a"',a114hCity to r oAddFPolice per"sonnelto marntain Approval of this measures wouldnot reduce he property; e Calltand,response investigations tax collections ofwother nonschoo distract units of govern w­Neighborhood Watch and patrol ment available under the provisions of section 11 b, Arttcley a- o Drug and traffic enforcement _Y XI �of the Oregon' Constitution and implementmglegisla, School Resource Officers tion ■, Add full timegang enforcement to Police Services°. ` s The estimatedtax cost for thismeasure is an ESTIMATE ■ Maintain Library Services including ONLY based on thebest information available from the; Senior cifienoutreach programs � �s c66,nty assessor at tke tune of estimate Children's story times acid activities; 'Reference services e Open'7'days a week and4 evenings ML4VAity COl e-VA Ct ;A All meetings at Tigard City Hall — 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, unless noted. The Tigard City Council meetings City Council: Library Board: Intergovernmental are cablecast live at 7:30 pm on November 1*, 15, 22* 2nd Thurs., 7:00 pm Water Board the second and fourth Tuesday of the month on Channel 27. December 13*, 20, 27* Planning Commission: 2nd &4th Wed., 5:30 pm Replays air at 10:00 am on the -6:30 pm unless otherwise 1st Mon. after 1st Sun., 7:30 Tigard Water Bldg. second and fourth Friday and at posted pm 8777 SW Burnham 6:00 pm on the second and *Cableeast Meeting fourth Thursday on Ch. 21. Paid for by: CITY OF TIGARD BULK RATE 13125 SW HALL BLVD. CARRIER ROUTE PRE-SORT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 U.S. POSTAGE PAID CITY OF TIG ® (503) 639-4171 PERMIT 2528 OREGON FAX No. 684-7297 PORTLAND, OR POSTAL CUSTOMER